Bovine Postparturient Hemoglobinuria: Review of The Literature
Bovine Postparturient Hemoglobinuria: Review of The Literature
Bovine Postparturient Hemoglobinuria: Review of The Literature
In addition to studies implicating a cies) produced clinical signs of PPH 19 gators. However, it is also possible that
copper-molybdenum imbalance, days after the third calving (40). Signs the syndrome in New Zealand repre-
Heinz bodies have been found consist- of phosphorus deficiency such as stiff sents a separate disease entity.
ently in the erythrocytes of New Zea- gait, creaking joints and chewing on In summary, PPH in North Ameri-
land cattle with PPH. Surveys indicate foreign objects were noted during the ca is typified by acute intravascular
that: a) the incidence of Heinz bodies is last 18 months of the study. A de- hemolysis, hemoglobinuria, anemia,
greater in PPH affected herds (29), b) creased erythrocyte count and hypo- and hypophosphatemia. Postpartum,
the prevalence of Heinz body anemia phosphatemia were reported in four high-producing dairy cows in their
is greater than the incidence of clinical cows which were fed a ration of sugar third to sixth lactation are most com-
hemoglobinuria (34) and c) the sever- beet leaves (6). Signs consistent with monly affected. Dietary phosphorus
ity of Heinz body anemia seems to PPH were observed in three of the four deficiency and/or rations containing
correlate with the degree of hypocu- cows. While able to duplicate the clini- cruciferous plants or beet products are
premia (35). Mechanisms for Heinz cal signs of PPH, these investigators suspected etiologies. The diagnosis of
body formation as a result of copper were unable to make definite conclu- PPH can be made on the basis of the
deficiency are speculative. Heinz sions because the number of test ani- history, clinical and laboratory find-
bodies are formed when irreversible mals was inadequate and control ani- ings and after eliminating other causes
oxidation causes precipitation of den- mals were not included. of intravascular hemolysis. The
atured hemoglobin. Superoxide dis- pathogenesis of red cell destruction is
mutase, a copper metalloenzyme, is CONCLUSIONS unknown. Recent reports in human
part of the erythrocyte's protective The papers from New Zealand are the beings and laboratory animals asso-
mechanism against oxidant stress. A most recently published material on ciating severe hypophosphatemia with
copper deficiency would likely depress PPH. The features of the disease in hemolytic anemia and with abnormal-
superoxide dismutase activity, com- New Zealand present a definite contrast ities in red cell metabolism suggest that
promise the erythrocyte's potential to to the syndrome observed in North a similar mechanism may be involved
withstand oxidative injury and cause America (Table II). Postparturient in PPH (41).
Heinz body formation (38). hemoglobinuria in New Zealand is a
Urinalysis can be helpful in the herd problem usually affecting younger ACKNOWLEDGM ENTS
diagnosis of PPH. Hemoglobinuria is cows. Copper deficiency and Heinz The authors wish to acknowledge the
the most remarkable clinical sign of body anemia, as features of PPH, have support of the Medical Research
PPH. Microscopic examination ofthe not been reported elsewhere. It is possi- Council of Canada, The Alberta Agri-
urine sediment is imperative to differ- ble that the Heinz bodies and the cultural Research Trust, Agriculture
entiate hematuria from hemoglobin- copper-deficient status of affected cows Canada and the Saskatchewan
uria. Ketones, bilirubin and protein have been overlooked by other investi- Department of Agriculture.
can be expected in the urine depending
on the course of the disease.
Most authors have reported very TABLE II
low levels of serum phosphorus (0.4- COMPARATIVE FEATURES OF PPH IN NORTH AMERICA
1.5 mg/dL) during the hemolytic cri- AND NEW ZEALAND
sis. In affected herds, lactating but
clinically normal cows have been North America New Zealand
moderately hypophosphatemic (2-3 Incidence sporadic herd problem: up to 40%
mg/ dL); nonlactating cows usually incidence
have normal serum phosphorus con- mortality: 10-50% mortality: occasional
centrations (14). Serum calcium con- Occurrence high-producing, adult younger cows
centration is usually normal and total cows
1st and 2nd lactation
3rd-6th lactation
bilirubin levels parallel the intensity of 24 weeks postpartum 2-4 weeks postpartum
clinical icterus (2,19). winter housing ryegrass pasture
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