Senior High School: La Paz National High School La Paz, Iloilo City
Senior High School: La Paz National High School La Paz, Iloilo City
Senior High School: La Paz National High School La Paz, Iloilo City
The researchers would like to extend their sincerest gratitude for making this
study a success:
(Names of Researchers and members by writing Family name, first name and
middle initial), (Title of the Study), ” Unpublished Senior High School Research Paper,
La Paz National High School, La Paz, Iloilo City, March 2018.
(Must be justified)
La Paz National High School
La Paz, Iloilo City
Theoretical Framework
La Paz National High School
La Paz, Iloilo City
Data-Gathering Instruments
Electronic Gadgets
Data-Collection Procedure
Data-Analysis Procedure
Summary of Findings
A Questionnaire
E Transcripts of Interviews
Table Page
La Paz National High School
La Paz, Iloilo City
Chapter 1
This chapter consists of five (5) parts: (1) Background of the Study, (2)
Statement of the Problem, (3) Significance of the Study, (4) Definition of Terms,
Part One, Background of the Study, presents the rationale for choosing
the problem.
Part Two, Statement of the Problem, states the main purpose of the study
Part Three, Significance of the Study, cites the benefits that people may
Part Five, Delimitation of the Study, specifies the scope and coverage of
the investigation.
La Paz National High School
La Paz, Iloilo City
Chapter 1
Poor sanitation, water scarcity, inferior water quality and inappropriate hygiene
behavior are disastrous. Those conditions are also detrimental to the health of school-
aged children, who spend long hours in schools. The physical environment and
cleanliness of a school facility can significantly affect the health and well-being of
children (Mooijman, 2013).
This study aimed to determine the practices of SHS student’s towards the
implementation of SBM WinS program in school for SY 2018-2019.
2. What are the school based management WinS practices commonly performed by
students in school?
3. What are the benefits of performing School Based Management WinS practices?
4. What are the challenges encountered by SHS students in the implementation of SBM
WinS in school.
STUDENTS’ .The result of this study is to help the students to be aware about
the SBM WinS implementation in school. It can also help them to be more hygienic in
terms 0f maintaining cleanliness within themselves and the school, as well as the SBM
WinS implementation.
SCHOOL .This study can help the school to further improve and enhance the
implementation of their SBM WinS program, likewise the practices to be developed by
SHS learners along with it.
FUTURE RESEARCHERS .This study can help the future researchers to get
useful and relevant ideas about this topic. It can also serve as empirical basis or baseline
data on research studies along with this topic in the near future.
Definition of Terms
For the purpose of clarity and better understanding, important terms used in this
study were given definition conceptually and operationally.
In this study, Students refers to the SHS learners enrolled at La Paz National
High School and at the same time the respondents of this study.
La Paz National High School
La Paz, Iloilo City
This research focus only on assessing the practices of SHS learners towards the
researchesr will utilize phenomenology research design in order to attain the purpose of
this study. Phenomenology research focuses on experiences, event and occurrence with
disregard or minimum regard for the external and physical reality (Remeyni, Williams
This study will include ten (10) identified senior high school student of La Paz
National High School. The respondents will be purposively selected by the researchers.
The data gathering instrument that will be used in the study is the researcher made
Students’ personal answers regarding their knowledge and ideas about school
based management was the main focus of this study, but it may also vary depending on
the students insights. After the researchers had collected all the data through the use of
La Paz National High School
La Paz, Iloilo City
questionnaire as the primary source of the information, the researchers gathered data
Chapter 2
the present study and is divided to five (5) parts: (1) Related Literature, (2) Related
Studies, (3) Theoretical Framework, (4) Conceptual Framework, and (5) Summary.
Part One, Related Literature discusses about Department Order and Enumerated
Part Two, Related Studies discusses about overview of SBM Wins, Good and Bad
Part Three, Theoretical Framework, explains the flow theory that supports this
Part Four, Conceptual Framework, shows the analyzed ideas of the researchers
Part Five, Summary, presents a summary of the related literature and studies
La Paz National High School
La Paz, Iloilo City
Related Literature
Department Order
SBM WinS wash refers to the organization in which it involves water, sanitation
and hygiene. It is when every school has to practice so that students will follow and
apply it to their everyday lives. According to the DO 10, s. 2016, this can be ensuring
correct knowledge and understanding among learners of effective hygiene and
sanitation (Luistro, 2016). It will also help to improve hygiene and sanitation practices
among learners to enable them to develop life-long positive sanitation behaviors. In the
Philippines there are so many Filipinos who are not practicing proper hand sanitation
and it leads to many diseases like diarrhea, abdominal pain and intestinal parasites. So
to help address this problem, the DepEd (Department of Education) has been
conducting semiannual de-worming for all learners in every school. Briones (2016), also
stated that in the law of DO No. 56, s. 2009 which is “Immediate Construction of Water
and Hand Washing Facilities in All Schools for the Prevention of Influenza A (H1NI)”,
the division shall ensure the availability of running water and provide soap in every
schools for the students to stay clean and secure their good health.
Hand washing
Water helps maintain organ health and allows the blood to maintain the
consistency it requires to flow freely and transport oxygen and nutrients to every cell of
the body. For that many schools are providing water that is already filtered through
class collections, since tap water is not that clean for children or students to consume.
But SBM Wins encourage learners to bring their own drinking water to save money from
paying and to assure their own safety.
Tooth brushing
Behind every smiles there’s teeth .Similar to the group of hand washing is
the tooth brushing, children or students been practicing this so that they can have a
clean and a healthy teeth. It is conducted either daily or selected days after meals or
another scheduled time. Brushing ones teeth can help prevent tooth decay that can lead
La Paz National High School
La Paz, Iloilo City
to some dental cavities and to avoid gum disease. Maintaining good oral hygiene, of
which brushing is an important component, because it can help save money by avoiding
visits to dentist (Robert, 2018).
Cleanliness is both the abstract state of being clean and free from germs and
dirt, and the habit of achieving and maintaining that state. Cleanliness is often achieved
through cleaning. Maintaining a clean environment is for the health of all humans, as
their health completely depends on the atmosphere, we must maintain the cleanliness of
our bodies, homes, school, surroundings and environment to have a good health. A bad
environment is solely responsible for spoiling the health of the people around. Dirt and
disease go together (Hayath and Goteti, 2017).
Related Studies
SBM was defined by D. Conley (1991) "as activities that change fundamental
assumptions, practices and relationships, both within the organization and between the
organization and the outside world in ways that lead to varied and improved learning
outcomes for essentially all students"
The goal of SBM has become associated with a broad effort to improve the
overall quality of education. This effort will come about "through changes not only in
curriculum and instruction but also in school organization and governance, roles 24 and
relationships, beliefs and understandings" (Prestine & Bowen, 1993, p. 298). SBM Wins
in school aims to improve the health and learning performance of school-aged children
by reducing the incidence of water and sanitation related diseases. Every child friendly
school requires appropriate water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) initiatives that keep
the school environment clean and free of smells and inhibits the transmission of harmful
bacteria, viruses and parasites.
La Paz National High School
La Paz, Iloilo City
One personal benefit of good hygiene is having better health. Keeping your body
clean helps prevent illness and infection from bacteria or viruses. For example , the
simple acts of washing your hands regularly is an effective way to keep germs from
spreading maintaining good hygiene also helps you have better self esteem and
building a better relationship.
Poor sanitation, water scarcity, inferior water quality and inappropriate hygiene
behavior are disastrous. Not practicing of hygienic habits can lead to some minor side
effects like increased susceptibility to illness and diseases such as abdominal pain,
La Paz National High School
La Paz, Iloilo City
distention, amoeba and diarrhea for not engaging in de worming. Practicing SMB Wins is
very essential for it may result to lack of confidence and being alone (
Theoretical Framework
The hygiene and sanitation theory lays emphasis on cleanliness and the absence
of germs. This also extends to the facilities which enable hygiene to be achieved.
Paradigm shift is being used in this theoretical approach to include other key
stakeholders to the industry namely suppliers, clientele and even general visitors.
Perhaps if the hygiene and sanitation has to be meaningful, it must cast the net widely.
School based management wins is already spreading all over the countries in the world
including Philippines and under DO 10, s.2016, this project is being implemented in
some schools (
on health through the spread of organic and inorganic chemicals that are harmful to
health. SBM Wins provide safe drinking water, improved sanitation facilities and hygiene
education that help the development of healthy behavior for life. The hallmark of any
hospitality industry revolves about standards and safe drinking water is the core of this.
The provision of safe drinking water and the effective removal of bodily waste are vital
Hand washing
De-worming Tooth
Menstrual WASH (SBM)
Hygiene Bring Drinking
Management Water in
Cleaning and
Figure1. Show the practices of School Based Management WinS, Wash in School
(SBM WinS) in La Paz National High School. Practices like proper hand washing, de
La Paz National High School
La Paz, Iloilo City
worming, tooth brushing, bringing drinking water in school and menstrual hygiene
management are being implemented and performed in order to maintain one’s health,
while cleaning and maintenance is for everyone’s benefits. All of these practices are
very essential and practiced by senior high school students of La Paz National High
School Based Management WinS (SBM Wins) is an strategic approach that helps
fulfill children’s right to health , education and participation and has been widely
recognized for its significant contributions in education . SBM wins also promotes and
safe water and basic sanitation services in school Due to DO 10,s. 2016 SBM Wins was
implemented in some school in the Philippines including La Paz national high school.
The SBM Wins has various practices that is being performed by Senior High
School learner and those are hand washing, de worming , tooth brushing , bringing own
drinking water , menstrual hygiene management and cleaning and maintaining the
facilities of the school. A good practice follows benefits, either in a good or bad it may
seem to be. The good effects of SBM Wins practices are keeping a healthy body,
prevent diseases and infections, better self esteem and build better relationship. While
La Paz National High School
La Paz, Iloilo City
the bad effects are lack of confidence, acquiring diseases like diarrhea, amoeba, and
Chapter 3
This chapter is divided into five (5) parts: (1) Purpose of the Study and Research
Part One, Purpose of the Study and Research Design, restates the purposes of
the study and describes the research design used in the study.
Part Two, Participants, includes a detailed description of the participants and the
method of selection.
Part Five, Data-Analysis Procedure, presents the procedures used to analyze the
La Paz National High School
La Paz, Iloilo City
This study aims to determine the practices of Senior High School students
towards implementation of SBM WinS program at La Paz National High School SY 2018-
the researchers to describe the current situation while phenomenology was concerned
with the study of personal or firsthand experiences from the perspective of every
The basis for selecting the participants’ in this study on the extent of their ideas
and knowledge about SBM Wins. A total of 10 participants will be selected coming from
the 10 combined sections from the grade 11 and 12 in La Paz National High School. The
La Paz National High School
La Paz, Iloilo City
respondents of this study were composed of five (5) identified student from Grade 11
and five (5) students from Grade 12. The respondents were purposively selected in this
GRADE 11 5 50%
GRADE 12 5 50%
TOTAL 10 100%
Data-gathering Instruments
identified respondents’ from of Senior High School, Grade 11 and Grade 12.
Camera .Used for documentation and will serve as evidences that the
The researchers made questionnaire was constructed after the research proposal
was approved by the research teacher. This instrument was then validated by the
research teacher herself. After the validation, permission to conduct the study was
secured via letters to the principal of the school, class advisers of senior high school and
to the students, asking permission for their involvement as respondents’ of this study
likewise, of ideas and knowledge about SBM WinS practices in school. After which, the
researchers secured the consent of participation from the respondents via letters and
schedule the date for the conduct of the study. This study will be conducted at La Paz
National High School with the use of mobile phone cameras as an instrument for
La Paz National High School
La Paz, Iloilo City
The gathered data of this study was tabulated and analyzed by the researchers
using the following simple statistical measures below such as the frequency and rank.
Rank .The rank was used to determine the top most answer of the respondents.
Transcription .It was used to put into writing the written responses of the
Theme analysis .This was used to consolidate the transcribed data and to look
Chapter 4
This chapter presents the findings to the specific research questions of the study
which centers on the study habits of the respondents and is divided into two (2) parts:
Part One, Results, shows the findings of the study which are summarized
through tables.
Part Two, Discussions, presents the analysis of results as seen in the tables.
La Paz National High School
La Paz, Iloilo City
Research Question 1: (What are the study habits of Grade 10 students with high
academic performance?)
Chapter 5
This chapter consists of three (3) parts: (1) Summary of Findings, (2)
Part One, Summary of Findings, shows the summary of the results of the study.
Part Two, Conclusions, gives the conclusions based on the findings of the study.
Summary of Findings
The following is a summary of the findings of the study based on the results:
Purpose: This study intended to determine the suicidal tendencies of victims of bullying
Signature: _____________
Instructions: Please specify the needed information in each of the following questions by
writing your answer (s) on the space provided. You may use any language either
1. When you have been bullied, why the thoughts of committing suicide came to your
La Paz National High School
La Paz, Iloilo City
What kind of bullying is the main reason for you to commit suicide?
3. In your attempt of suicide due to bullying, what ways did you plan/think to end your
4. After the attempt of suicide, what are the changes that happened in your life?
In Physical: