Site Selection
Site Selection
Site Selection
Site selection:
Technical site selection criteria
and information needs
Dr. Gabriela von Goerne, Geologist Abu Dhabi, 2011 September 07-08
• Information needs
• Timelines
Goal of a site selection process is to find a suitable geological site for CO2
Suit able: Permanent, safe retention of the foreseen amounts of CO2 (and
displaced brine) in deep geological formations - without impact on human, health,
environment, and climate.
Process t o be comparat ive: Use of internationally standardized methodologies,
Approval schemes, Best Practice (esp. important in cases of trans-boundary
Operat or Public
Construct Long-term
Screening Characterization Injection Closure Post Closure
Pilot Injection Stewardship
1 2 3 4
Site selection actually starts with a need / a will to reduce climate-related emissions
– CO2
CO2- intensive facility (e.g. steel, cement, refinery, natural gas processing, ammonia
coal-fired power plant), look for
Energy efficiency
Renewable energy
• Site characterisation
• (Site construction)
→ Assess opportunities for storage sites within a region and produce a short-list of
sites that, based on a first evaluation of existing data, are promissing to serve as a
safe storage site.
- The reservoir rock must be capped by one, better more tight, low
permeable cap rocks (multibarrier system)
1. Ranking of sites
Characterisation steps
1: Data Collection (incl. Baseline monitoring)
- Geology, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrology, geomechanics -
2: Building a three-dimensional static geological earth model
3: Characterisation of the storage dynamic behaviour
4. Sensitivity characterisation, uncertainties, risk assessment (RA),
environmental impact assessment (EIA)
Questions to be answered:
Are there potential leakage pathways?
How large will the influenced area be? (CO2 plume, pressure built-up)
Could CO2 and/or displaced brine move upward into drinking water horizons? Impact
How will the system behave in the future (injection / post injection)?
Source: Pollak, M., Wilson, E. (2009): Risk goverrnance for geological storage of CO2 under the clean development mechanism. Climate Policy, 9, 71-87)