Lesson Plan-CE1016 - Structural Design - Steel Academic Year 2015-16 (Semester Commencing in June 2015)
Lesson Plan-CE1016 - Structural Design - Steel Academic Year 2015-16 (Semester Commencing in June 2015)
Lesson Plan-CE1016 - Structural Design - Steel Academic Year 2015-16 (Semester Commencing in June 2015)
Instructional Objectives
Instructional Instructional objectives (IO)
objectives no.
1 To learn the properties of steel sections and design basics and codal provisions- Design of connections
2 To design steel members subjected to tension and compression
3 Design steps involved in beams, built up beams and design of gantry girder
4 Design of elements of roof truss, joints, etc.-use of hand books in steel roof truss design
5 To design light gauge steel sections
Student Outcome
Student outcome Student Outcome (SO)
a an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
c an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints
such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and
e an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Mapping of Instructional Objectives (IOs) with Student Outcomes (SOs)
Student Outcomes
Instructional objectives a c e
1.To learn the properties of steel sections and design basics and codal provisions -
Design of connections
2. To design steel members subjected to tension and compression
3. Design steps involved in beams, built-up beams and design of gantry girder
4. Design of elements of roof truss, joints, etc.-Use of hand books in steel roof truss
5. To design light gauge steel sections
5. Pin connections - lap and butt joints – truss joint 3 1 a,c,e 1,3,8,9
19. Use of Rolled steel sections and pipes for roof trusses 3 4 a,c,e 1,2,3,4,5,7,9
21. Local and post buckling of thin element- light gauge 2 5 a,c,e 2,3,4,5,6,7,9
steel compression members
22. Tension members 3 5 a,c,e 2,3,4,5,6,7,9
Model Examination
Total hours 60
The faculty members handling the course may conduct surprise test according to their convenience. However a
question paper in hard copy as well as key shall be made available for the surprise test. The process shall be same
as that of cycle tests.
1. Subramanian .N, “Design of Steel Structures”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2008.
2. Ramchandra .S, VirendraGhelot, “Design of Steel of Structures”, Volume 1, Scientific Publishers, 2009, New
3. Duggal .S.K, “Limit State Design of Steel Structures”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1st
Edn., 2010
4. Ramamrutham .S. & Narayanan .R, “Design of Steel Structures”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi 1997
5. Vazirani .V.N and Ratwani .M.M, “Steel Structures”, Khanna Publications New Delhi, 1992.
6. Arya. A.S. & Ajmani. J.L., “Design of Steel Structures”, Nemchand& Bros., Roorkee.(U.P) 3rd Edn. 1986.
7. Dayarathnam .P, “Design of Steel Structures”, Wheelers Publishing Co. Ltd., 2nd Edn. 1996
8. Kazimi. S. M. A. and Jindal. R. S., “Design of Steel Structures”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
– 1988.
9. IS CODES : IS 800, IS 801, IS 811 AND SP6(1) (Steel & Light gauge sections).
Course Coordinators
Dr.S.Senthil Selvan