Oic Engine Oic Ew c15

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for seafarers
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A Publication of the MARINA STCW Office

OIC - EW: COMPETENCE 15 - Monitor compliance with legislative requirements
No. Questions Choice A Choice B Choice C Choice D

1 A kind of passage where the freedom of navigation was Transit Survey Innocent Pilotage
exercised solely for the expeditions travel as provided in the
"United Nation Convention Law of the Sea".

2 A load line for a MODU is assigned by the: Minerals Management Department of Energy Corps of Engineers a recognized
Service classification society
approved by the Coast

3 A vessel is in compliance with federal regulations regarding the holding all sewage treating sewage in an pumping the sewage all of the above
discharge of sewage by: onboard approved system ashore to an approved

4 Aboard tankers, the term Category “A” Machinery Space internal combustion one or more oil fired internal combustion all of the above
means any space including trunks and ducts to that space machinery used for boilers or oil fuel units machinery used for
containing: main propulsion purposes other than
main propulsion where
the total collective
power is at least 500
brake horsepower
5 According to 46 CFR Part 199, on a cargo vessel, fire and boat 5% 10% 25% 40%
drills must be held within 24 hours of leaving port if the
percentage of the crew replaced is more than.

6 According to Coast Guard Regulations (46 CFR), a single steel 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years
hull cargo vessel operating exclusively in freshwater, shall be
dry-docked, or hauled out, at intervals not to exceed:
7 According to Coast Guard Regulations (46 CFR), each fire one length of fire hose a spanner wrench a hose rack or other all of the above
hydrant must have at least. with an approved device for stowing
nozzle hose

8 All amendments of the STCW convention shall be referred to International Shipping World Maritime Maritime Safety International Labour
what body of the organization? Federation University Committee Organization

9 All inspections and repair to be done during dry docking are in Rules of the Grade steel certificate Rules of the shipyard Rules of S.M.E. code
accordance with the______________. classification society

10 All mariners, in accordance to 46 CFR’s,directly involved in a 2 hours 12 hours 24 hours 32 hours

“Serious Marine Incident” are required to submit a urine
specimen for screening of dangerous drug use within.

11 An abandoned vessel in the high seas was found to be Insurance Company Classification society Coast guard Port authorities
classed. Where will the owner file a claim for recovery of his

12 As per 46 CFR Part 61, which of the following machinery Forced draft fan Induced draft fan Fuel oil transfer pump All of the above
remote control shutdowns is/are required to be tested during
each regular inspection for certification?
13 As per Coast Guard Regulations (46 CFR Part 58), a power 6 knots 7 knots 9 knots 12 knots
driven auxiliary steering gear for a vessel capable of a 12 knot
service speed, must be able to meet the rudder movement
requirements at which of the minimum vessel speeds listed

14 As per Coast Guard Regulations (46 CFR), pump room steam or air actuated power blowers natural ventilators all of the above
ventilation on a U.S. flag tanker may be accomplished by: gas ejectors

15 As per the ISM Code, in matters of safety and pollution individuals at all levels top management management level designated person
prevention, the commitment, competence, attitudes and officers ashore
motivation should be the main concern of _____

16 As provided in the 73/78 MARPOL conventions, what do you Deep tank Wing tank Slop tank Sludge tank
call the tank constructed adjacent to the shell plating of tanker

17 As stipulated in the Coast Guard Regulations (46 CFR), which Hydraulic structural On hydraulic type A separate auxiliary All of the above.
of the following statements is correct regarding the steering rudder stops are steering gears, a means of steering is
apparatus requirements for a vessel over 250 feet in length? mandatory. suitable arrangement not required where the
of check valves in the main gear is of the
main piping system dual power hydraulic
may be considered as type, having two
a means of steadying independent pumps
the rudder. and connections.

18 Based on Coast Guard Regulations (33 CFR), a “suspension Captain of the Port Officer-In-Charge, District Commander all of the above
order” to suspend oil transfer operations can be withdrawn by Marine Inspection
the appropriate:
19 Carrying out of boiler inspection for Philippine flag vessel is Class surveyors Bureau of Customs Marina P.C.G
done by __________.

20 Coast Guard Regulations 46 CFR, stipulate that in addition to actions to be taken by the order to abandon the duties assigned to all of the above
emergency signals, muster lists must specify: persons on board the vessel different members of
when each signal is the crew

21 During remuneration among ship owner, master and the Law of ship owner Law of master's Law of savaging Law of ship's registry
salvaging vessel, what law to be followed? nationality vessel

22 For each passenger vessel, according to 46 CFRs Part 199, 1 2 3 4

normally operating above 32 degrees north latitude, the
minimum number of immersion suits to be carried for each
lifeboat is at least.

23 How many miles is the economic zone of a coastal state? 100 200 300 150

24 How many nautical miles is the breadth of territorial sea of 12 24 50 100

coastal state?
25 IMO was established to adopt legislation while the signatory implementation seafarers deployment deregulation training
governments are responsible for its _________.

26 In accordance to 46 CFR, a cargo hatch fluid-power operating continuous operation a safety interlock the guaranteed safe a slow and controlled
system is considered to be fail-safe if a component failure will of the system producing a regulated and efficient operation release of the loading
result in: shutdown of the of the system at all so as not to endanger
system times personnel

27 In accordance to 46 CFR’s, a fixed foam system aboard a tank 3 minutes 7 minutes 12 minutes 15 minutes
vessel constructed in 1968, must be designed to supply foam
for a minimum of:

28 In accordance to Coast Guard Regulations (46 CFR), on a 50 psi 75 psi 125 psi the pump relief valve
freight vessel, each fire pump must be capable of supplying the setting
two highest outlets simultaneously, at a Pitot tube pressure of:

29 In accordance with Coast Guard Regulations (33 CFR), each 3% 5% 7% 10%

pressure gage used in fuel transfer operations must be
calibrated to indicate pressure within what percent of the actual

30 In accordance with Coast Guard Regulations (46 CFR), what 1 2 3 4

quantity of B-II extinguishers would be required in an oil fired
boiler space on a 25,000 gross ton cargo vessel in which no
sand, soda impregnated sawdust, or other approved dry
materials are provided?
31 In reference to Federal Regulations, a confined or enclosed 13.50% 15.50% 17.50% 19.50%
space that is being prepared for crew members to enter,
should be tested and designated “NOT SAFE FOR
WORKERS” if the oxygen content of the atmosphere in the
compartment is LESS than:

32 In reference to the Coast Guard Pollution Prevention each part of the the discharge each scupper or drain all of the above
Regulations (33 CFR), no person may transfer oil to or from a transfer system not containment is in place in a discharge
vessel unless: necessary for the containment system is
transfer operation is closed
securely blanked or
shut off

33 Is the service of pilot necessary for docking and undocking of Required Not required Mandatory and It depends to the
vessels within Phils. Ports? required master

34 It is the UN Convention that govern the basic principle of 1958 Convention of 1973 MARPOL 1978 STCW 1986 UN Convention
vessel nationality and is called __________. the high seas Convention Convention on registration of ship

35 QMS requires that the documents should be _________. controlled accessible printed read

36 Responsible to ensure that all records required by regulations Officer - in - charge, Owner Engineer Fire man
are retained onboard a vessel involved in casualty is the: Marine Inspection
37 Safety Construction Certificates, Safety Equipment 1974 SOLAS 1972 COLREG 1978 MARPOL 1966 Loadline
Certificates, Safety Radio Telegraphy Certificates, International Convention Convention Convention Convention
Loadline Certificates are statutory certificates issued to vessel
under which convention?

38 Special machinery surveys must be carried out at prescribed 1 year 5 years 2.5 years 6 years
intervals of ________ years.

39 The certificate which has the shortest validity is the derrating radiotelegraphy radiotelephony inoculation

40 The construction of vessel made of steel should have a grade rules of the rules of the shipyard grade steel certificate rules of S.M.E. code
in accordance with the ____________. classification society

41 The construction of vessel of hull made of steel should have a Rules of the Rules of shipyard Grade steel certificate Rules of S.M.E.C.
grade in accordance with the ______. classification society

42 The derrating certificate’s maximum months of validity is 6 4 12 9

43 The documents containing particulars relating to the terms of Contract of Notice of Readiness Shipping Articles Assignment Clause
agreement between the master of the vessel and the crew are Affreightment
called _________.

44 The Exclusive Economic Zone extends from the baseline of 53 miles 100 miles 200 miles 300 miles
territorial sea of the United States seaward.

45 The Federal Water Pollution Control Act requires the person in 5 years 3 years 2 years 1 year
charge of a vessel to immediately notify the Coast Guard as
soon as he/she knows of any oil discharge. Failure to notify the
Coast Guard can lead to a monetary and imprisonment up to:

46 The International Convention that gave immunity to hospital Hague Convention SOLAS Convention MARPOL Convention Mariners Convention
ships in time of war, and formulates rules the settlement of
international disputes is the ________..

47 The International Loadline Certificate shall be issued to vessel whose country vessel surveyed and only ships registered in vessel built by an
__________. is a signatory to the covered by convention the Philippines accredited shipyard

48 The location used for loading or anchoring situated partly of roadstead breakwater economic anchorage area
territorial sea of a coastal state is called its ___________.
49 The most important of all UN treaties dealing maritime safety is SOLAS IMO IMCO GMDSS
the ____________.

50 The necessary precautions that the port health authority must Quarantine Control of sewage All crew must be All of the above
take for a newly arrived ship coming from an infected area. system vaccinated

51 The objectives of the international safety management code to I and II I and III II and III I, II and III
be learned by all crew onboard are _______: I - safety of life
and property II - safe vessel operation III - safe and clean

52 The offences that the master can repatriate a crew immediately Sleeping while on duty Smuggling taxable Possession of All of these
as stipulated in the POEA contract. times pornographic materials

53 The vessel committed an accident while passing channel The pilot The master Ports authority Master of the other
under pilotage. Who is liable for claims? vessel

54 This is issued to master, officers and ratings who meet the Dispensation Certificate Provision Endorsement
requirements, qualifications and examination in accordance to
the STCW convention and is called __________.
55 To be in compliance with U.S. Federal Ballast Water Prior to discharging Retain ballast water on Prior to entering U.S. All of the above
Management regulations, which of the following procedures ballast water in U.S. board the vessel. waters, use any Coast
may be followed by an ocean vessel entering U.S. waters waters, the vessel Guard approved
returning from an international voyage? must perform a alternative
complete ballast water environmentally sound
exchange in an area method of BWM.
no less than 200
nautical miles from any

56 To ensure that QMS is suitable, adequate and effective, senior internal management review provision of resources quality policy
staff should carry out _______. communication

57 Under 46 CFR, all mariners directly involved in a “Serious 2 hours following the 4 hours following the 6 hours following the 8 hours following the
Marine Incident” are prohibited from consuming alcohol until incident incident incident incident
alcohol testing has been performed for.

58 Under Coast Guard Regulations (46 CFR), a power driven 7 knots 10 knots 15 knots 20 knots
auxiliary steering gear for a vessel capable of a 20 knot service
speed, must be capable of producing a specific range of
rudder movement at which of the minimum speeds listed

59 Under the ISM Code, what is an identifiable deviation that Near miss Major non-conformity Incident report Observation
poses a serious threat to the safety of personnel or a serious
risk to the environment that requires immediate corrective
action and includes the lack of effective and systematic
60 What accident situation on a vessel, according to 46 CFR, An injury to a crew Damage to property in A discharge of 10,000 All of the above
would be considered by the Coast Guard as a “Serious Marine member which renders excess of $100,000. gallons or more of oil
Incident”? that person unfit to into navigable waters
perform routine vessel of the U.S.
duties and requires
professional medical

61 What channel made by the vessel in a coastal state intended Innocent Pilotage Direct Free pratique
for loading or discharging?

62 What do you call a State which has consented to be bound by Contracting State Negotiating State Third State Party
the treaty whether or not the treaty has entered into force?

63 What does it means "to monitor and measure processes and Act Plan Check Do
product against policies, objectives and requirements for the
product and report the results"?

64 What is a government agency of the State which has been Port State National Maritime Flag State Coastal State
vested by the State by virtue of laws to administer maritime- Administration Administration Administration Administration
related affairs as well as enforce relevant maritime (MARINA)

65 What is an agreement among States which are Parties to International International Law International International Treaty
subject convention? Regulation Convention
66 What is an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea of Extensive Economic Entry to Economic Exclusive Economic Exclusive Territorial
the State, which is extended up to 200 nautical miles from the Zone Zone Zone Waters
baseline from which the breadth of territorial sea is measured?

67 What is an enforcement by the national administration of the Port State Flag State Coastal State Administration
relevant provisions of international maritime conventions on implementation implementation Implementation implementation
foreign ships visiting its ports?

68 What is P & I Insurance? Total Cargo Loss Basically a Third Party Life Insurance Accident Insurance
Insurance Liability Insurance

69 What is the objective evaluation of all facts, opinions, Incident Requirements Incident Conclusion Incident Investigation Incident
statements, physical evidence and related information, as well Recommendation
as defined action steps to reduce the possibility of recurrence?

70 What is traditionally considered as an agreement between a A contract of passage Bill of lading Notice of readiness Dispatch advice
passenger and a maritime carrier by which the latter
undertakes, for a fare, to carry a passenger by sea?

71 What law concerns legal relationship between individuals or Primary law International law Maritime law Public law
groups of individuals such as corporations, companies and its
primary purpose being the protection of individuals interests?
72 What organization which supervises the construction of Classification society flag state administration port state control
vessels & during her lifetime sets rules and standard to
maintain vessels seaworthiness?

73 What Philippine government agency is the implementing arm MARINA PCG DOTC PPA
of STCW regarding flag registration is concerned?

74 What should the Master do if a surveyor or Lawyer acting for The Master should The Master should The Master should The Master should
the interest of the cargo request access to the vessel? contact P & I NOT allow him access allow him restricted allow him access to
correspondent and to the vessel. access to the vessel. the vessel and no
wait for advise. further action is

75 What would be the maximum time delay period allowed for a 5 seconds 10 seconds 15 seconds 20 seconds
ships steering system to reach a 15 degree right rudder helm
order from midships, before an alarm condition will be

76 What would be the minimum distance from any shoreline that a 12 nautical miles 50 nautical miles 100 nautical miles 200 nautical miles
vessel must be located before it is permitted to perform a
complete ballast water exchange to be in compliance with U.S.
Federal Ballast Water Management Regulations?

77 When estimating the cost of collision damage to a tank vessel Cost to off-load the Cost to gas-free the Cost to dry-dock the All of the above
after a marine accident, which of the following should NOT be current cargo cargo tanks vessel
included in the repair cost estimate in accordance to 46 CFR?
78 When is the passage of any ship in any territorial seas When the passage is When the passage is When the passage is When the passage is
considered as Innocent Passage as defined under UNCLOS? NOT within 12 nautical NOT involving calling NOT prejudicial to the done by a ship of a
miles from the shore in a port within the peace, good order, or Flag State which is a
line. territorial seas of the security of the coastal Party to the UNLCOS.
coastal State. State.

79 When the vessel is under bareboat charter and the vessel Insurance company The owners The agent The charterer
sustained damages, which of the following will account for the

80 Which of the following agencies of the United Nations tasked ILO IMO UNCTAD MARINA
to develop international legislation concerning safety & marine
pollution prevention?

81 Which of the following can be issued by an administration in Certificate Dispensation Provision Resolution
exceptional necessity to fill a vacant post in short period?

82 Which of the following denotes a voyage from a country to National voyage Interglobal voyage International voyage Domestic voyage
which the present Convention applies to a port outside such

83 Which of the following has the authority to approve if there are Charterer Administration Ship owner Management company
alterations to be made on the structure or equipment of the
vessel after it has been previously surveyed and certificated?
84 Which of the following has the rights to maintain a register of Port State Flag State Coastal State Administration
ships and assume jurisdiction under its domestic law over each
ship flying its flag and its masters, officers and crew?

85 Which of the following is considered the objective evaluation of Incident Requirements Incident Conclusion Incident Investigation Incident
all facts, opinions, statements, physical evidence to reduce Recommendation
the possibility of recurrence?

86 Which of the following is often considered to be the “branch of Maritime law International law Shipping law Admiralty law
jurisprudence that governs ships and shipping?

87 Which of the following is the primary reasons why shipowners To save taxes and To avoid ITF To avoid local and To avoid oppressive
opted to register ships in open registry? crew costs interdiction national unionism national rules and

88 Which of the following is the reason why separation bulkhead Class requirement To maintain integrity of Use as safety factor in Conditionally required
need to be watertight ? the hull case of collision by class

89 Which of the following marine insurance policy covers when Hull Cargo Protection and None of these choices
damages occurred during collision with another vessel? Indemnity
90 Which of the following maybe done by a coastal State for the Interdiction in the Confiscate the foreign Fire upon the foreign Board the foreign ship
purpose of ascertaining that the State laws relating to management of the ship and its cargo ship
exploitation and conservation of marine resources within its foreign ship
EEZ are not violated?

91 Which of the following premium is fixed? Premium for a vessel Premium for a vessel Premium for a vessel Premium for the vessel
entered for the entered for the entered for the entered for both
charterer's account is shipper's account is Owner's account is Owners and charterer
fixed fixed fixed

92 Which of the following protection risks are covered by P & I ? Liabilities relating to Liabilities relating to Relating to wreck Damage to each own
death, personnel death of a person and removals and pollution ship
injury, wreck removal injury
and pollution

93 Which of the following shall mean the State which has Administration Party Port State Flag State
consented to be bound by the treaty and for which the treaty is
in force as defined by the United Nations Convention on the
Law of Treaties?

94 Which of the pressure vessels listed is required under Coast Tubular heat Hydraulic Air receivers with no Bulk storage tanks for
Guard Regulations (46 CFR) to be hydrostatically tested once exchangers accumulators manholes or other refrigerated liquefied
every three year period? inspection openings CO2

95 While undocking vessel damages was sustained by vessel. File a marine protest Sue the pilot Refer to ports authority Sue the tug master
Initially what procedure is to be carried out?
96 Who is responsible for vessel’s formalities ? Ships agent Owners Port authority Customs

97 Who is responsible to take measures to ensure that there are Administration Port state control classification society flag state
no unreasonable radiation or other nuclear hazards at sea or in
port, to the crew, passenger or public waterways or food or
waster resources in accordance to regulation on radiation

98 Who is the entity authorized by the International law to board Quarantine Immigration Customs Pilot
the vessel first upon arrival from other country?

99 Who is the person assigned/authorized by law to board any Marine surveyor Port state control Ships agent Port authority
vessel to conduct survey or inspection for control, safety & officer
over-all condition of ship?

100 Who will determine the extent of the vessel’s damage during P & I club Class surveyor Insurance company Underwriters
collision for claims ?

101 With reference to U.S. Coast Guard Regulations (46 CFR), a 1 3/4 gallon foam 12 gallon foam 15 pound CO2 fire 35 pound CO2 fire
10 pound dry chemical extinguisher is equivalent to a: extinguisher extinguisher

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