Sports Development Plan EXAMPLE TEMPLATE PDF

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Sports Development Plan – EXAMPLE

Heading: Marketing
Objective: To develop a range of marketing initiatives, aimed at increasing the profile
and public awareness of the club
Objective Process Key Lead Timescale Finance
Partners Person Inc Exp
3.1 Enhancement N/A Marketing Year N/A Cost of new
of the club • To update the Officer 1 board?
notice board information sheets Stationary
on the board Photo’s
• To include new Cost??
• To update the
board on a
monthly basis
3.2 Development of Local Marketing Year N/A £300
portfolio of • To employ a photographer Officer 1 for
high quality local photographer photographer
photographs to produce the
3.3 To ensure Local Press Marketing Year N/A N/A
regular articles • Contact local Officer 1
are included in press
the local • To include 6
papers articles per year
Sports Development Plan - EXAMPLE

Heading: Coaching, Training and Support

Aim: To develop a coaching, training and support programme for all club coaches, administrators,
officals and other
Objective Process Key Lead Timescale Finance
Partners Person Inc Exp
1.1 To increase the NGB Coaching Year N/A Cost of
number of qualified • 5 people to attend a Sports Co- 1 courses
coaches level 1 course Dev ordinator
• 2 people to attend a Local
level 2 course NGB Rep
• 1 person to attend a
level 3 course

1.2 To increase the NGB Coaching Year N/A Cost of

number of qualified • 6 people to attend Sports Co- 1 courses
officials level 1 referees course Dev ordinator
• 2 people to attend Local
level 2 referees course NGB Rep
1.3 To increase the NGB Coaching Year N/A Cost of
number of people • 10 members to attend Sports Co- 1 courses
attending generic Child Protection Dev ordinator
training Training Local
• 6 people to attend a NGB Rep
Disability Awareness
course etc etc
Sports Development Plan - EXAMPLE
Heading: Current and Future Use
Aim: To increase membership at the club and widen the membership base
Objective Process Key Lead Person Timescale Finance
Partners Inc Exp
2.1 To increase the • Offer suitable NGB Coaching Year N/A Cost of
number of coaching courses Sports Dev Co-ordinator 1 of courses
women • Allow training in Local NGB And plan
involved in administrative Rep Committee
coaching, or duties to be made Sports
administration available to them Coach UK
at the club • Advertise for
more women to
join the club
2.1 To organise a Local NGB Womens Year N/A Refreshments
number of • To organise a Rep Development 1 Advertising
taster days for “Come and Try it Sports Dev Officer
women to day” Community
attract new • Advertise day at Groups
members to appropriate
the club venues to attract
2.2 To increase the Local Club Year N/A Refreshments
membership of • To offer x Disability Committee 2 Advertising
people with number of taster Rep Disability Dev.
disabilities sessions for Sports Dev Officer?
people with Local NGB
disabilities Rep
Sports Development Plan


Objective Process Key Partners Lead Person Timescale Finance

Inc Exp
Sports Development Plan


Objective Process Key Partners Lead Person Timescale Finance

Inc Exp
Sports Development Plan


Objective Process Key Partners Lead Person Timescale Finance

Inc Exp

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