Sports Development Plan EXAMPLE TEMPLATE PDF
Sports Development Plan EXAMPLE TEMPLATE PDF
Sports Development Plan EXAMPLE TEMPLATE PDF
Heading: Marketing
Objective: To develop a range of marketing initiatives, aimed at increasing the profile
and public awareness of the club
Objective Process Key Lead Timescale Finance
Partners Person Inc Exp
3.1 Enhancement N/A Marketing Year N/A Cost of new
of the club • To update the Officer 1 board?
notice board information sheets Stationary
on the board Photo’s
• To include new Cost??
• To update the
board on a
monthly basis
3.2 Development of Local Marketing Year N/A £300
portfolio of • To employ a photographer Officer 1 for
high quality local photographer photographer
photographs to produce the
3.3 To ensure Local Press Marketing Year N/A N/A
regular articles • Contact local Officer 1
are included in press
the local • To include 6
papers articles per year
Sports Development Plan - EXAMPLE