BMC Pedia
BMC Pedia
BMC Pedia
If with incomplete immunization or unkown immunization status; or patient is ≤6 D5 0.3 NaCl 1st hr 1/4 1st hr PLRS;
mos. 6-8 hrs PLRS; next 5-7 hr 2/3
Ampicillin 100 mkday in 4 divided doses next 5-7 hr 3/4 D5 0.3 NSS
<15 kg: D5IMB
>15 kg: D5NM
MICROset: <10 kg; ≤ 60 microdrops
MACROdrops: > 10kg or > 60 microdrops; divided by 4, yun yung magiging
16kg with MILD Dehydration
If 8 hrs hydration :
[(16) (30)] ÷ 8 hrs]= 60cc/hr; Order: start D5 0.3NaCl 500 cc x 60cc/hr for 8 hrs
Date and Time > Please admit to NEURO WARD Date and Time > Please admit to RESPI WARD Date and Time > Please admit to ISO-B1 or ADOL
PR: under the service of Dr. Cruda/Dr. BP: under the service of Dr. Angeles/Dr. BP: P50: WARD under the service of Dr.
RR: (Neuro rotator na resident) PR: (Respi rotator na resident) PR: P95: (Consultant In-Charge) /Dr.(Respi
T: > Secure consent for admission and RR: > Secure consent for admission and RR: rotator na resident)
O2 sat: management T: management T: D_ of illness > Secure consent for admission and
Wt: > Diet: NPO O2 sat: > Diet: NPO for 4 hrs then refer O2 sat: D_ afebrile management
> IVF: Assess degree of dehydration, Wt: > IVF: Assess degree of dehydration, Wt: > Diet: DAT except dark colored food
Physical Exam then refer then refer > (5) IVF: PLR 1L x __ gtts/min for 2
> Diagnostics: Physical Exam > Diagnostics: Physical Exam hrs then refer
A> Complex Febrile Convulsion CBC with PC 6 hrs. CBC with APC > Diagnostics:
Na,K,Cl, Ca post-ictal A> PCAP-C CXR-APL view A> DFS with Warning Signs CBC with APC OD
P > Admission CXR-APL view > Meds: > Meds:
UA P > Admission (100,000) Penicillin G __units TIV Q6 P > Admission Paracetamol syrup or tablet Q4 PRN
For LP ( ) ANST for T≥37.8
> Meds: OR (1) Ranitidine __ mg TIV Q8 PRN for
(100) Ceftriaxone __ mg TIV Q12 ( ) (100) Ampicillin __mg TIV Q6 abdominal pain
ANST Salbutamol neb Q4 > VS Q4
Paracetamol 100 mg TIV Q4 PRN for Zinc syrup __ mL OD > I&O Q shift
T≥37.8 Cetirizine syrup __ mL OD > Refer
Diazepam __ TIV PRN for seizure Paracetamol syrup or tablet Q4 PRN
episodes for T≥37.8 Resident’s trodat/PGI __
> May hook to O2 via nasal cannula > VS Q4
2-3 lpm PRN for seizure > I&O Q shift
> VS Q4 > Refer
> I&O Q shift
> Refer Resident’s trodat/PGI __
Resident’s trodat/PGI __