Spec BPI Karaikudi

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Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No.

400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 & 145 kV Post Insulators


This technical specification covers the requirements of design, manufacture, testing at works,
packing and dispatch of 420 kV and 145 kV Insulators to site.

This section covers the scope and quantities of 420 kV & 145 kV Insulators. The Specific
Technical Requirements for the above item as specified by the customer (POWERGRID) are
given in Section-2. The offered equipment shall also comply with the General Technical
Requirements for the project as detailed under section-3 of this specification.

In case of any discrepancies between the requirements mentioned under Section-1/Section-2 and
those specified in the Section-3, the specifications given under Section-1/Section-2 shall prevail
and shall be treated as binding requirements.

The equipment is required for the following project:


Name of the Project : 400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu
and Abhishekpatty substation


All equipments shall perform satisfactorily under various other electrical, electromechanical and
meteorological conditions of the site of installation.

All equipment shall be able to withstand all external and internal mechanical, thermal and
electromechanical forces due to various factors like wind load, temperature variation, ice
& snow, (wherever applicable) short circuit etc for the equipment.

The equipment shall also comply with the following:

a) To facilitate erection of equipment, all items to be assembled at site shall be “match

Equipments and system shall be designed to meet the following major technical parameters as
brought out hereunder.

Technical Parameters 420kV 145kV
1 Type Solid core
2 Voltage class (kV) 420 145
3 Impulse withstand voltage (dry & wet) (kVp) ± 1425 ±650
Switching surge withstand voltage (dry and
4 ± 1050 NA
wet) (kVp)
Power frequency withstand voltage (dry &
5 680 275
wet) (kVrms)

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Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 & 145 kV Post Insulators

Max. RIV at specified 50-Hz phase to ground 500μV at 500μV at

voltage in kV 305kV (rms) 92kV (rms)
7 Min. Corona extinction voltage (kV rms) 320 105
8 Total min. cantilever strength (kg) 800/1000 600
9 Total min. breaking strength (kg) 1000 720
10 Minimum torsional moment As per IEC 60273
11 Total height of insulator (mm)
3650 1500
12 Top (mm)
Bottom (mm) 325/300* 254
No. of bolts
Top 4 4
Bottom 8 8
Diameter of bolt holes (mm)
Top M16 M16
Bottom dia 18 18
15 Pollution level as per IEC-815 Heavy (III)
16 Min. total creepage distance (mm) 10500/13020** 3625/4495**
Insulator shall also meet requirement of IEC-60815 for 420kV system as
applicable having long and short sheds.

1) For insulators for isolators- bottom PCD 325mm and for bus post insulators-bottom
PCD 300mm
2) ** 25mm/kV for Karaikudi, Pagular & Abhishekpatty station and 31mm/kV for
Kalivanthapattu station.

PCD details for 420 kV Insulator: (For Isolator)

Top PCD = 127 mm

No. of holes = 4 x M16
Bottom PCD = 325 mm
No. of holes = 8 x 18 dia

PCD details for 145 kV Insulator: (For Isolator)

Top PCD = 127 mm

No. of holes = 4 x M16
Bottom PCD = 254 mm
No. of holes = 8 x 18 dia

Insulators shall also meet requirement of IEC-60815 for 420 kV and 145 kV
systems, as applicable having alternate long & short sheds. Insulator shall be
type and routine tested as per IEC-60168.


Page 2 of 4
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 & 145 kV Post Insulators

1.3.1 Main Items

Sl. Karaikud Abhishek
Description Unit Pugalur thapatt
No i -patty
420 kV,8kN Solid Core Post
Insulators as Bus Post
1 Nos. 20 20 20 07
Insulator complete in all
respects (with corona ring)
420 kV,8kN Solid Core Post
Insulators as Support Post
2 Insulator for wave traps Nos. 24 24 24 06
complete in all respects
(without corona ring)
420 kV,10kN Solid Core
Post Insulators as Support
3 Post Insulator for Isolators Nos. 144 162 162 54
complete in all respects
(without corona ring)
145 kV, 6kN Solid Core Post
Insulators as Bus Post
4 Insulator complete in all Nos. ---- 02 02 ----
145 kV,6kN Solid Core Post
Insulators as Support Post
5 Nos. ---- 06 06 ----
Insulator for Isolators
complete in all respects
Mandatory Spares (listed in
6 Lot 1 1 1 1
clause 1.3.2)

Post insulator shall be supplied complete with Hot Dip Galvanised hardware for inter unit
joining and fixing to structure (both top & bottom).

The overall qty. of post insulator may vary +/- 30%.

1.3.2 Mandatory Spares

Sl. Kalivan- Abhishek-

Description Unit Karaikudi Pugalur
No thapattu patty

1. 420 kV,10kN Solid Core

Post Insulators as Set 6 6 6 6
Support Post Insulator

Page 3 of 4
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 & 145 kV Post Insulators

for Isolators complete in

all respects (without
corona ring)


Bidder shall submit valid type test reports (as per relevant IEC/IS Standard) for approval. The
type test reports submitted shall be of tests conducted within last 10 years prior to the date of bid
opening i.e. 17.05.13. The bidder should have conducted type test on identical or similar
equipment/ components to those offered. In case type test reports are found to be technically
unacceptable to BHEL/PGCIL, the type test shall be conducted without cost and delivery
implication to BHEL.


Bidder to follow valid PGCIL approved Quality Plan as per PGCIL procedure. In case the bidder
don’t have PGCIL approved QP, it will be the bidder’s responsibility to get its QP approved
directly from the ultimate customer.

1.5 NOTE:-

Following additional requirements shall be met for Kalivanthapattu substation extension:

1) All switchgears/ equipments, insulator strings, bushings, BPIs shall be designed for
minimum creepage distance of 31mm/kV instead of 25mm/kV for other three stations.
2) The rate of zinc coating for galvanized lattice and pipe structures (excluding foundation
bolts and fasteners) shall not be less than 900gm/sq. m instead of 610gm/sq. m for other
three stations.
3) Outdoor atmosphere around the substation is highly polluted coupled with coastal
pollution. Suitable paint and corresponding primers etc. as recommended by paint
manufacturer shall be used to withstand the outdoor atmospheric condition.
4) Kalivanthapattu substation falls under high wind zone and basic wind speed shall be
considered as 50m/sec.

1.6 Project title block:-

Project: 400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur,
Kalivanthapattu and Abhishekpatty substation
NOA no.: CC-CS/380-SR2/SS-2049/3/G4/NOA-I/4713 dated
Work order no. 83002


Page 4 of 4
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 & 145 kV Post Insulators




This section covers the standard technical specification for Bus Post Insulator.


The post insulators shall conform in general to latest IS: 2544, IEC-60168, IEC-60273
and IEC-60815.


2.3.1 Post type insulators shall consist of a porcelain part permanently secured in a metal
base to be mounted on the supporting structures. They shall be capable of being
mounted upright. They shall be designed to withstand any shocks to which they may
be subjected to by the operation of the associated equipment. Only solid core
insulators will be acceptable.

2.3.2 Porcelain used shall be homogeneous, free from lamination, cavities and other flaws or
imperfections that might affect the mechanical or dielectric quality and shall be
thoroughly verified, tough and impervious to moisture.

2.3.3 Glazing of the porcelain shall be of uniform brown in color, free from blisters, burrs
and other similar defects.

2.3.4 The insulator shall have alternate long and short sheds with aerodynamic profile, The
shed profile shall also meet the requirements of IEC-815 for the specified pollution

2.3.5 When operating at rated voltage there shall be no electric discharge between conductor
and insulators which would cause corrosion or injury to conductors or insulators by the
formation of substance produced by chemical action.

2.3.6 The design of the insulators shall be such that stresses due to expansion and
contraction in any part of the insulators shall not lead to deterioration.

2.3.7 All ferrous parts shall be hot dip galvanized in accordance with the latest edition of IS:
2633, IS: 2629 & IS: 4579. The zinc used for galvanizing shall be grade Zn 99.95 as
per IS: 209. The Zinc coating shall be uniform, adherent smooth, reasonably bright,
continuous and free from imperfections such as flux ash, rust stains bulky white

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Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 & 145 kV Post Insulators

deposits and blisters. The metal parts shall not produce any noise generating corona
under the operating conditions.
2.3.8 a) Every bolt shall be provided with a steel washer under the nut so that part of
the threaded portion of the bolts is within the thickness of the parts bolted

b) Flat washer shall be circular of a diameter 2.5 times that of bolt and of suitable
thickness. Where bolts heads/nuts bear upon the beveled surfaces they shall be
provided with square tapered washers of suitable thickness to afford a seating
square with the axis of the bolt.

c) All bolts and nuts shall be of steel with well formed hexagonal heads forged
from the solid and shall be hot dip galvanized. The nuts shall be good fit on the
bolts and two clear threads shall show through the nut when it has been finally
tightened up.

Bidder shall make available data on all the essential features of design including the
method of assembly of shells and metals parts, number of shells per insulator, the
manner in which mechanical stresses are transmitted through shells to adjacent parts,
provision for meeting expansion stresses, results of corona and thermal shock tests,
recommended working strength and any special design or arrangement employed to
increase life under service conditions.

2.3 Tests
The post insulators shall be subject to type, acceptance, sample and routine tests as per
IS: 2544 and IEC-168

2.3.1 Type test reports shall be furnished for the following type tests for approval and
a) Power frequency withstand test (dry & wet)
b) Lighting impulse test (dry)
c) Switching Impulse test (wet) (for 420 kV insulator only)
d) Test for deflection under load
e) Test for mechanical strength
f) Measurement of RIV (dry) and Corona extinction voltage test (dry). The test
procedure for same is given in Appendix-1
However, bidder shall also indicate the test charge for conducting these tests in the
offer, in case the owner desires to get these tests carried out.

2.3.2 In addition to acceptance/sample/routine tests as per IS: 2544 and IEC-168, the
following tests shall also be carried out.
a) Ultrasonic test as an acceptance test
b) Soundness test, metallurgical tests and magnetic test on MCI caps and pedestal
tests as acceptance test.

Section - 2 Page 2 of 5
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 & 145 kV Post Insulators

c) All hot dip galvanized components shall be subject to check for uniformity of
thickness and weight of zinc coating on sample basis.
d) The bending test shall be carried out at 50% minimum failing loads in four
directions as a routine test and at 100% minimum failing load in four directions
as an acceptance test.
e) Acceptance norms for visual defects allowed at site and also at works shall be
agreed in the quality plan


Section - 2 Page 3 of 5
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 & 145 kV Post Insulators



1.0 General:
Unless otherwise stipulated, all equipment together with its associated connectors, where
applicable, shall be tested for external corona both by observing the voltage level for the
extinction of visible corona under failing power frequency voltage and by measurement of
radio interference voltage (RIV).

2.0 Test Levels:

The test voltage levels for measurement of external RIV and for corona extinction voltage are
listed under the relevant clauses of the specification.

3.0 Test Methods for RIV:

3.1 RIV tests shall be made according to measuring circuit as per CISPR Publication 16-1(1993)
Part -1. The measuring circuit shall preferably be tuned to frequency within 10% of 0.5 MHz
but other frequencies in the range of 0.5 MHz to 2 MHz may be used, the measuring frequency
being recorded. The results shall be in microvolts.

3.2 Alternatively, RIV tests shall be in accordance with NEMA standard Publication No. 107-
1964, except otherwise noted herein.

3.3 Temporary additional external corona shielding may be provided in measurement of RIV.
Only standard fittings of identical type supplied with the equipment and a simulation of the
connections as used in the actual installation will be permitted within 3.5 meters of terminals.

3.4 Ambient noise shall be measured before and after each series of tests to ensure that there is no
variation in ambient noise level. If variation is present, the lowest ambient noise level will
form basis for the measurements. RIV levels shall be measured at increasing and decreasing
voltages of 85%, 100%, 115% and 130% of the specified RIV test voltage for all equipment
unless otherwise specified. The specified RIV test voltage for 400 kV and 220 kV is listed in
Section -1/ Section -2 of the specification together with maximum permissible RIV level in

3.5 The measuring instruments shall be as per CISPR recommendation or equivalent device so
long as it has been used by other testing authorities.

3.6 The RIV measurement may be made with a noise meter. A calibration procedure of the
frequency to which noise meter shall be tuned shall establish the ratio of voltage at the high
voltage terminal to voltage read by noises meter.

4.0 Test Methods Visible Corona

The purpose of this test is to determine the corona extinction voltage of apparatus, connectors
etc. The test shall be carried out in the same manner as RIV test described above with the
exception that RIV measurements are not required during test and a search technique shall be
used near the onset and extinction voltages, when the test voltage is raised and lowered to
determine their precise values. The test voltage shall be raised to 130% of RIV test voltage and
maintained for five minutes. The voltage will then be decreased slowly until visible corona

Section - 2 Page 4 of 5
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 & 145 kV Post Insulators

disappears. The procedure shall be repeated at least four times with corona inception and
extinction voltage recorded each time. The corona extinction voltage for purpose of
determining compliance with the specification shall be the lowest of the four values at which
visible corona (negative or positive polarity) disappears. Photographs with laboratory in
complete darkness shall be taken under test conditions, at all voltage steps i.e. 85%, 100%,
115% and 130%. Additional photographs shall be taken at corona inception and extinction
voltages. At least two views shall The photographed in each case using Panchromatic film
with an ASA daylight rating of 400 with an exposure of two minutes at a lens aperture of f/5.6
or equivalent. The photographic process shall be such that prints are available for inspection
and comparison with conditions as determined from direct observation. Photographs shall be
taken from above and below the level of connector so as to show corona on bushing, insulators
and all parts of energised connectors. The photographs shall be framed such that test object
essentially, fills the frame with no cut-off.

The test shall be recorded on each photograph. Additional photographs shall be taken from
each camera position with lights on to show the relative position of test object to facilitate
precise corona location from the photographic evidence.

In addition to photographs of the test object, at least four photographs shall be taken of the
complete test assembly showing relative positions of all the test equipment and test objects.
These four photographs shall be taken from four points equally spaced around the test
arrangement to show its features from all sides. Drawings of the laboratory and test set up
locations shall be provided to indicate camera positions and angles. The precise location of
camera shall be approved by Purchaser's inspector, after determining the best camera locations
by that energisation of test object at a voltage which results in corona.

The test to determine the visible corona extinction voltage need not be carried out
simultaneously with test to determine RIV levels.

However, both tests shall be carried out with the same test set up and as little time duration
between tests as possible. No modification on treatment of the sample between tests will be
allowed. Simultaneous RIV and visible corona extinction voltage testing may be permitted at
the discretion of Purchaser's inspector if, in his opinion, it will not prejudice other test.

5.0 Test Records:

In addition to the information previously mentioned and the requirements specified as per
CISPR or NEMA 107-1964 the following data shall be included in test report:
a) Background noise before and after test.
b) Detailed procedure of application of test voltage.
c) Measurements of RIV levels expressed in microvolts at each level.
d) Results and observations with regard to location and type of interference sources
detected at each step.
e) Test voltage shall be recorded when measured RIV passes through 100 microvolts in
each direction.
Onset and extinction of visual corona for each of the four tests required shall be recorded.

Section - 2 Page 5 of 5
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators




Particular Details
a) Customer Power Grid Corporation of India Limited

b) Project Title 400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur,

Kalivanthapattu and Abhishekpatty substation

c) Site Karaikudi Pugalur Kalivanthap Abhishekp

attu atty
d) Name of state Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu

e) Nearest rail head Karaikudi Pugalur Chennai Tirunelveli


a) Altitude above sea Less than Less than Less than Less than
level 1000m 1000m 1000m 1000m
b) Ambient air temp.
50°C 50°C 50°C 50°C
c) Special corrosion Yes
conditions No No See note No
d) Snow fall Nil Nil Nil Nil
e) Seismic zone As per IS 1893
f) Wind zone As per IS 875 (also see note below)
g) Pollution Severity High High Very High High
Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution
level level level level
(25mm/kV) (25mm/kV) (31mm/kV) (25mm/kV)

Following additional requirements shall be met for Kalivanthapattu substion
1) All switchgears/ equipments, insulator strings, bushings, BPIs shall be designed for
minimum creepage distance of 31mm/kV instead of 25mm/kV for other three
2) The rate of zinc coating for galvanized lattice and pipe structures (excluding
foundation bolts and fasteners) shall not be less than 900gm/sq. m instead of
610gm/sq. m for other three stations.
3) Outdoor atmosphere around the substation is highly polluted coupled with coastal
pollution. Suitable paint and corresponding primers etc. as recommended by paint
manufacturer shall be used to withstand the outdoor atmospheric condition.
4) Kalivanthapattu substation falls under high wind zone and basic wind speed shall
Section 3 Page 1 of 23
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

be considered as 50m/sec.


This Chapter covers Technical Requirements and requirements of auxiliary items.

a) Equipment furnished shall be complete in every respect with all mountings,

fittings, fixtures and standard accessories normally provided with such
equipment and/or needed for erection, completion and safe operation of the
equipment as required by applicable codes unless included in the list of

b) Material and components not specifically stated in this specification but

which are necessary for satisfactory operation of the equipment and
accessories specified in this specification shall be deemed to be included
unless specifically excluded and shall be supplied at no extra cost.

c) Whenever a material or article is specified or described by the name of a

particular brand, manufacturer or vendor, the specific name mentioned shall
be understood as establishing type, function and quality and not as limiting

d) In case any Deviation Schedule, Bid Proposal Sheet, Schedule of Data

Requirements (DRS), test reports or any other document/information are
not furnished along-with the bid, the bid is liable to be rejected. Unless
brought out clearly, the Bid will be deemed to conform to the specification
scrupulously. All deviations from the specification shall be clearly brought
out in the respective deviation schedule.

e) Auxiliary supplies as described below would be available at site.

Normal Variation in Frequency Phase/W Neutral

Voltage Voltage in HZ ire connection
415V + 10% 50 + 5% 3/4 Wire Solidly Earthed.
240V + 10% 50 + 5% 1/2 Wire Solidly Earthed.
220V 190V to 240V DC - Isolated 2 wire
110V 95V to 120V DC - Isolated 2 wire
48V _ DC _ 2 wire
system (+)

NOTE: Combined variation of frequency and voltage shall be limited to

+10 %.

f) The Bidder shall clearly indicate in the bid, the specific standards in
Section 3 Page 2 of 23
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

accordance with which the works will be carried out.

g) The equipment must be new, of highest grade, the best quality of their
kind, to best engineering practice and latest state of art, and in accordance
with purpose for which they are intended and ensure satisfactory
performance throughout the service life.

h) All similar parts of the equipment shall be made to gauge and shall be
interchangeable with and shall be made of same materials and
workmanship as the corresponding parts of the equipment. Where
feasible, common components, units shall be employed in different pieces
of equipment in order to optimize the spare part stock-up and utilization.

i) The requirement regarding external RIV as specified for equipment shall

include the terminal fittings and the equipment shall have been tested
preferably with fittings, if any.

j) All drawings, schedules, annexures appended to this specification shall

form part of the specification.


a) The equipment furnished under this specification shall perform all its
functions and operate satisfactorily without showing undue strain, restrike

b) The equipment shall be able to withstand forces due to wind load, short
circuit, system over voltages, fluctuations, frequency variations etc., all
forces considered together.


a) The support structures should be hot dip galvanised with minimum 610
gram/m2 net of zinc.

b) The design calculations taking into account the environmental conditions of

the substations shall be furnished for sizing of the structures.


a) The equipment to be furnished under this specification shall conform to

latest issue with all amendments of standard specified under respective
Chapters of this Specification. The Bidder shall note that standards
mentioned in the specification are not mutually exclusive or complete in
themselves, but intended to compliment each other. The Contractor shall
also note that list of standards presented in this specification is not
complete. Whenever necessary the list of standards shall be considered
in conjunction with specific IS/IEC. When the specific requirements

Section 3 Page 3 of 23
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

stipulated in the specifications exceed or differ than those required by the

applicable standards, the stipulation of the specification shall take

b) Other internationally accepted standards which ensure equivalent or

better performance than that specified in the standards referred shall also
be accepted.

c) In case governing standards for the equipment is different from IS or

IEC, the salient points of difference shall be clearly brought out in
additional information schedule alongwith English language version of
standard or relevant extract of the same. The equipment conforming to
standards other than IS/IEC shall be subject to Employer’s approval.


5.1 The furnishing of engineering data by the Contractor shall be in accordance with
the Schedule for each set of equipment as specified in this Technical
Specification and the data furnished under the Schedule of Data Requirements
(DRS). The review of these data by the Employer will cover only general
conformance of the data to the specifications and documents, interfaces with the
equipment provided under the specifications, external connections and of the
dimensions which might affect overall layout. This review by the Employer may
not indicate a thorough review of all dimensions, quantities and details of the
equipment, materials, any devices or items indicated or the accuracy of the
information submitted. This review and/or approval by the Employer shall not be
considered by the Contractor, as limiting any of his responsibilities and liabilities
for mistakes and deviations from the requirements, specified under these
specifications and documents.

5.2 All engineering data submitted by the Contractor after final process including
review and approval by the Employer shall form part of the Contract Document
and the entire works performed under these specifications shall be performed in
strict conformity, unless otherwise explicitly requested by the Employer in Writing.

5.3 The equipment offered shall also comply to the following:-

a) To facilitate erection of equipment, all items to be assembled at site shall be

“match marked”.

b) The reports for all type tests and additional type tests as per technical
specification shall be furnished by the Contractor alongwith equipment /
material drawings. The type tests conducted earlier should have either been
conducted in accredited laboratory (accredited based on ISO / IEC Guide 25
/ 17025 or EN 45001 by the national accredition body of the country where
laboratory is located ) or witnessed by the representative(s) of
POWERGRID or Utility. The test reports submitted shall be of the tests
conducted within last 5 (five) years prior to the date of bid opening. In case
the test reports are of the test conducted earlier than 5 (five) years prior to
Section 3 Page 4 of 23
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

the date of bid opening, the contractor shall repeat these test(s) at no extra
cost to the purchaser.
In the event of any discrepancy in the test reports i.e. any test report
not acceptable due to any design / manufacturing changes (including
substitution of components) or due to non-compliance with the requirement
stipulated in the Technical Specification or any/all additional type tests not
carried out, same shall be carried out without any additional cost implication
to the Purchaser.
c) The Purchaser intends to repeat the type tests and additional type tests on
Capacitors for which test charges shall be payable as per provision of
contract. The price of conducting type tests and additional type tests shall
be included in Bid price and break up of these shall be given in the relevant
schedule of Bid Proposal Sheets. These Type test charges would be
considered in bid evaluation. In case Bidder does not indicate charges for
any of the type tests or does not mention the name of any test in the price
schedules, it will be presumed that the particular test has been offered free
of charge. Further, in case any Bidder indicates that he shall not carry out a
particular test, his offer shall be considered incomplete and shall be liable to
be rejected.

d) Four (4) copies of all test reports shall be submitted for approval before
shipment of equipment. The reports shall indicate clearly the standard
values specified for each test, to facilitate checking of the test reports. Six
(6) bound copies of test reports shall be submitted after approval of test

e) Six (6) copies of documentation of test certificate/ test result alongwith

the relevant drawing (wherever applicable) from the raw material stage to
final stage as per approved Quality Plan (QP) will be furnished by supplier
for each and every equipment immediately after shipment of equipment.

f) 1 RTF and 8 copies of all drawings for each substation plus 6 copies and
one RTF of each drawing for corporate office shall be furnished after
approval of drgs. 6 copies of instruction/operation manuals for each
substation and corporate centre shall also be furnished after approval of

g) The following program shall be followed for approval of drawings/manuals :

i. Initial comments/approval by Employer within 4 (four) weeks of

receipt of drawings.

ii. Resubmission of drawings/manuals within 4 (four) weeks of

comments (including both ways postal time).

iii. Approval of drawings/manuals within 3 weeks of receipt of

resubmission. Within 21 days of approval, stipulated number of

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Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

copies and reproducibles in case of drgs shall be furnished by


NOTE : The contractor may please note that all resubmissions must
incorporate all comments given in the prior submission by the
Employer failing which the submission of documents is likely to be

h) Six (6) No. of copies of drawings, Schedule of Data Requirements

(DRS) and other documents shall be sent for approval. First submission
shall be made within 4 weeks of LOA.

i) All exposed ferrous parts shall be hot dip galvanised as per IS : 2633 & IS :

j) All current making and breaking contact surfaces shall preferably be silver

k) The equipment name plate/ wiring diagram plate should preferably be of

stainless steel. In case of aluminium it should be atleast 2 mm thick. The
inscription on the name plate/wiring diagram plate shall be engraved and
no punching shall be accepted except for equipment Sr. No. and year of

l) Each drawing submitted by the Contractor shall be clearly marked with the
name of the Employer, the unit designation, the specifications title, the
specification number and the name of the Project. If standard catalogue
pages are submitted, the applicable items shall be indicated therein. All
titles, notings, markings and writings on the drawing shall be in English.
All the dimensions should be in metric units.

m) Further work by the Contractor shall be in strict accordance with these

drawings and no deviation shall be permitted without the written approval
of the Employer, if so required.

n) All manufacturing and fabrication work in connection with the equipment

prior to the approval of the drawings shall be at the Contractor’s risk.
The Contractor may make any changes in the design which are necessary
to make the equipment conform to the provisions and intent of the Contract
and such changes will again be subject to approval by the Employer.
Approval of Contractor’s drawing of work by the engineering shall not
relieve the contractor of any of his responsibilities and liabilities under
the Contract.


Sl. Description of parameter 400kV 132kV


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400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

1 System Operating Voltage 400kV 132kV

2 Max. operating Voltage of the 420kV 145kV
system (rms)
3 Rated Frequency 50Hz 50Hz
4 No. of Phases 3 3
5 Rated Insulation level
i) Full wave impulse withstand 1550Vp 650kVp
voltage(1.2/50 microsec)
ii) Switching impulse withstand 1050kVp
voltage (250/2500 microsec)
Dry and wet
iii) One minute power frequency 630 275
dry withstand voltage (rms)
6 Corona extinction voltage 320kV 105
7 Max. Radio interference 1000microvolts 500 micro volt
voltage for frequency between
0.5Mhz and 2 MHz at 266kV
rms for 400kV and 156kV rms
for 220kV system
8 Minimum creepage distance 10500mm 3625mm
9 Min Clearance
i) Phase to phase 4000mm (for 1300mm
4200mm (for
ii) Phase to Earth 3500mm 1300mm
iii) Sectional clearance 6500mm 4000mm
10 Rated short circuit current for 1 40kA 40kA
sec duration
11 System neutral earthing Effectively Effectively
earthed earthed


6.1 The Employer or the Contractor may propose changes in the specification of the
equipment or quality thereof and if the parties agree upon any such changes,
the specification shall be modified accordingly.

6.2 The Bidder should however note that changes proposed by him will have to be
supported with applicable type test reports.

6.3 If any such agreed change is such that it affects the price and schedule of
completion, the parties shall agree in writing as to the extent of any change in
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Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

the price and/or schedule of completion before the Contractor proceeds with the
change. Following such agreement, the provision thereof, shall be deemed to
have been amended accordingly.


7.1 To ensure that the equipment and services under the scope of this Contract
whether manufactured or performed within the Contractor’s Works or at his Sub-
contractor’s premises or at the Employer’s site or at any other place of Work are in
accordance with the specifications, the Contractor shall adopt suitable quality
assurance programme to control such activities at all points necessary. Such
programme shall be outlined by the Contractor and shall be finally accepted by
the Employer after discussions before the award of Contract. A quality
assurance programme of the contractor shall generally cover the following :

a) His organisation structure for the management and implementation of the

proposed quality assurance programme.

b) System for Document and Data Control.

c) Qualification and Experience data of Bidder’s key personnel.

d) The procedure for purchases of materials, parts components and

selection of sub-contractor’s services including vendor analysis, source
inspection, incoming raw material inspection, verification of material
purchases etc.

e) System for shop manufacturing and site erection controls including

process controls and fabrication and assembly control.

f) System for Control of non-conforming products including Deviation

Dispositioning, if any and system for corrective and preventive actions
based on the feed back received from the Customers and also internally
documented system for Customer complaints.

g) Inspection and test procedure both for manufacture and field activities.

h) System for Control of calibration of testing and measuring equipment and

the indication of calibration status on the instruments.

i) System for indication and appraisal of inspection status.

j) System of Internal Quality Audits and Management review and initiation of

corrective and Preventive actions based on the above.

k) System for authorising release of manufactured product to the Employer.

l) System for maintenance of records.

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Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

m) System for handling storage and delivery.

n) A quality plan detailing out the specific quality control measures and
procedure adopted for controlling the quality characteristics relevant to
each item of equipment furnished and /or service rendered.

o) System for various field activities i.e. unloading, receipt at site, proper
storage, erection, testing and commissioning of various equipment and
maintenance of records”. In this regard, the Employer has already prepared
Standard Field Quality Plan for Switchyard Civil Works Document Code No.
CC/QA&I/SFQP/SS/03/970905/Rev.1 which is required to be followed for
associated civil works. Field Quality Plan pertaining to receipt, storage,
erection, testing and commissioning shall be mutually discussed and agreed
upon before placement of order.
The Employer or his duly authorised representative reserves the right to
carry out quality audit and quality surveillance of the system and
procedure of the Contractor/his vendor’s quality management and control

7.2 Quality Assurance Documents

The Contractor shall be required to submit the following Quality Assurance


i) All Non-Destructive Examination procedures, stress relief and weld repair

procedure actually used during fabrication, and reports including
radiography interpretation reports.

ii) Welder and welding operator qualification certificates.

iii) Welder’s identification list, listing welder’s and welding operator’s

qualification procedure and welding identification symbols.

iv) Raw Material test reports on components as specified by the specification

and/or agreed to in the quality plan.

v) The manufacturing Quality Plan indicating Customer Inspection Points

(CIPs) at various stages of manufacturing as mutually agreed upon, and
methods used to verify that the inspection and testing points in the
quality plan were performed satisfactorily.

vi) Stress relief time temperature charts.

vii) Factory test results for testing required as per applicable

codes/mutually agreed quality plan/standard referred in the

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400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

viii) Stress relief time temperature charts/oil impregnation time temperature



8.1 The Employer, his duly authorised representative and/or outside inspection
agency acting on behalf of the Employer shall have at all reasonable times
access to the Contractor’s premises or Works and shall have the power at all
reasonable times to inspect and examine the materials and workmanship of the
Works during its manufacture or erection and if part of the Works is being
manufactured or assembled at other premises or works, the Contractor shall
obtain for the Employer and for his duly authorised representative permission to
inspect as if the works were manufactured or assembled on the Contractor’s own
premises or works. The equipment if found unsatisfactory as to workmanship or
material is liable to be rejected.

8.2 The Employer reserves the right to witness any or all type, acceptance and
routine tests specified for which at least 30 days notice in advance shall be given
by the Contractor. Contractor shall ensure before giving notice for type test
that all drawings and quality plans have been got approved. The equipment shall
be dispatched to site only after approval of Routine and Acceptance test
results and Issuance of Dispatch Clearance in writing by the Employer.

8.3 The Contractor shall give the Employer/Inspector Twenty one (21) days written
notice of any material being ready for testing far each stage of testing as identified
in the approved quality plan as customer inspection point. Such tests shall be to
the Contractor’s account except for the expenses of the Inspector. The
Employer/inspector, unless witnessing of the tests is waived, will attend such
tests within Twenty one (21) days of the date of which the equipment is notified
as being ready for test/inspection, failing which the Contractor may proceed with
the test which shall be deemed to have been made in the Inspector’s presence and
he shall forthwith forward to the Inspector six copies of tests, duly certified.

8.4 The Employer or Inspector shall, within Twenty (21) days from the date of
inspection as defined herein give notice in writing to the Contractor, of any
objection to any drawings and all or any equipment and workmanship which in
his opinion is not in accordance with the Contract. The Contractor shall give
due consideration to such objections and shall either make the modifications that
may be necessary to meet the said objections or shall confirm in writing to the
Employer/Inspector giving reasons therein, that no modifications are necessary to
comply with the Contract.

8.5 When the factory tests have been completed at the Contractor’s or Sub-
Contractor’s works, the Employer/Inspector shall issue a certificate to this effect
within fifteen (15) days after completion of tests but if the tests are not witnessed
by the Employer/Inspector, the certificate shall be issued within fifteen (15) days
of receipt of the Contractor’s Test certificate by the Employer/Inspector.
Failure of the Employer/Inspector to issue such a certificate shall not prevent the
Contractor from proceeding with the Works. The completion of these tests or the
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Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

issue of the certificate shall not bind the Employer to accept the equipment should,
it, on further tests after erection, be found not to comply with the Contract.

8.6 In all cases where the Contract provides for tests whether at the premises or
works of the Contractor or of any Sub- Contractor, the Contractor except where
otherwise specified shall provide free of charge such items as labour, materials,
electricity, fuel, water, stores, apparatus and instruments as may be reasonably
demanded by the Employer/Inspector or his authorised representative to carry
out effectively such tests of the equipment in accordance with the Contract and
shall give facilities to the Employer/Inspector or to his authorised representative
to accomplish testing.

8.7 The inspection and acceptance by Employer and issue of Inspection Certificate
thereon shall in no way limit the liabilities and responsibilities of the Contractor in
respect of the agreed quality assurance programme forming a part of the
Contract, or if such equipment is found to be defective at a later stage.

8.8 Material Inspection clearance certificate (MICC) shall be issued by the Employer
after inspection of the equipment. Employer may waive off the presence of
Employer’s inspecting engineer. In that case test will be carried out as per
approved QP and test certificate will be furnished by the supplier for approval.
MICC will be issued only after review and approval of the test reports.

8.9 The Employer will have the right of having at his own expenses any other test(s)
of reasonable nature carried out at Contractor’s premises or at site or in any other
place in addition of aforesaid type and routine tests, to satisfy that the material
comply with the specification.

8.10 The Employer reserves the right for getting any field tests conducted on the
completely assembled equipment at site.


a) To eliminate delays and avoid disputes and litigation it is agreed between

the parties to the Contract that all matters and questions shall be
referred to the Engineer and without prejudice to the provision of Section
GCC, the contractor shall proceed to comply with the Engineer’s decision.

b) The work shall be performed under the direction and supervision of the
Engineer. The scope of the duties of the Engineer, pursuant to the
contract, will include but not be limited to the following :

i) Interpretation of all the terms and conditions of these documents and

specifications ;

ii) Review and interpretation of all the Contractor’s drawings,

engineering data etc. ;

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Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

iii) Witness or authorise his representative to witness tests and trial

either at the manufacturer’s works or at site, or at any place where
work is performed under the Contract ;

iv) Inspect, accept or reject any equipment, material and work under
the Contract ;

v) Issue certificate of acceptance and/or progressive payment and

final payment certificates ;

vi) Review and suggest modifications and improvements in completion

schedules from time to time ; and

vii) Supervise the quality Assurance programme implementation at all

stages of the Works.

10.0 TESTS

10.1 Charging

a) On completion of erection of the equipment and before charging, each

item of the equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned and then inspected
jointly by the Engineer and the Contractor for correctness and completeness
of installation and acceptability for charging, leading to initial pre-
commissioning tests at Site. The list of pre-commissioning tests to be
performed are given in Chapte-TST and shall be included in the
Contractor’s quality assurance programme.

The pre-commissioning checks for various Switchyard Equipment shall be

in line with the Pre-Commissioning checklist, Document code no.
OS/T&C/BAY/95 (Rev. 0). Further, as regards to pre-commissioning
checks for Series Capacitors and the overall system including Series
Capacitor and other equipment, protection etc., shall be mutually
discussed and agreed upon.

b) The Contractor’s commissioning engineers, specially identified as far as

possible, shall be responsible for carrying out all the pre-commissioning
tests. On completion of inspection and checking and after the pre-
commissioning tests are satisfactorily over, the complete equipment
shall be placed on Initial Operation during which period the complete
equipment shall be operated integral with sub- systems and supporting
equipment as a complete substation.
10.2 Commissioning Tests

a) The available instrumentation and control equipment will be used during

such tests and the Engineer will calibrate, all such measuring equipment
and devices as far as practicable. However, unmeasurable parameters

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Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

shall be taken into account in a reasonable manner by the Engineer, for

the requirement of these tests.

b) Any special equipment, tools and tackles required for the successful
completion of the Commissioning Tests shall be provided by the
Contractor, free of cost.

c) The specific tests to be conducted on equipment have been brought out

in the Chapter-TST.

10.3 Test Codes

The provisions outlines in the IS & IEC codes or other international and Indian
approved equivalents shall generally be used as a guide for all the above test
procedures unless otherwise specified in the Technical Specifications.


a) In accordance with the specific installation instructions as shown on

manufacturer’s drawings or as directed by the Employer or his
representative, the Contractor shall unload, store, erect, install, wire, test
and place into commercial use all the electrical equipment included in
the contract. Equipment shall be installed in a neat, workmanlike manner
so that it is level, plumb, square and properly aligned and oriented.
Commercial use of switchyard equipment means completion of all site
tests specified and energisation at rated voltage.

b) Contractor may engage manufacturer’s Engineers to supervise the

unloading, transportation to site, storing, testing and commissioning of the
various equipment being procured by them separately. Contractor shall
unload, transport, store, erect, test and commission the equipment as per
instructions of the manufacturer’s supervisory Engineer(s) and shall
extend full cooperation to them.

c) In case of any doubt/misunderstanding as to the correct interpretation of

manufacturer’s drawings or instructions, necessary clarifications shall be
obtained from the Employer. Contractor shall be held responsible for any
damage to the equipment consequent to not following manufacturer’s
drawings/instructions correctly.

d) Where assemblies are supplied in more than one section, Contractor

shall make all necessary mechanical and electrical connections between
sections including the connection between buses. Contractor shall
also do necessary adjustments/alignments necessary for proper
operation of circuit breakers, isolators and their operating mechanisms.
All components shall be protected against damage during unloading,
transportation, storage, installation, testing and commissioning. Any

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Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

equipment damaged due to negligence or carelessness or otherwise shall

be replaced by the Contractor at his own expense.

e) The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the equipment/material until

the same is handed over to the Employer in an operating condition after
commissioning. Con tractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of
the equipment/material while in storage as well as after erection until taken
over by Employer, as well as protection of the same against theft,
element of nature, corrosion, damages etc.

f) Where material/equipment is unloaded by Employer before the Contractor

arrives at site or even when he is at site, Employer by right can hand over
the same to Contractor and there upon it will be the responsibility of
Contractor to store the material in an orderly and proper manner.

g) Contractor shall be responsible for the proper storage and maintenance

of all materials/equipment entrusted to him. He shall take all required steps
to carry out frequent inspection of material/equipment stored as well as
erected until the same is taken over by the Employer.

h) The words ‘erection’ and ‘installation’ used in the specification are


i) Exposed live parts shall be placed high enough above ground to meet
the requirements of electrical and other statutory safety codes.

j) Clearances and spacings shall be provided as per relevant IS.

Bidder shall confirm in their technical offer that all clearances and spacing
as stated above will invariably be provided. Even though phase to earth
clearance under normal conditions will be as above at certain points
where there can be bird faults (i.e. a bird sitting on the earthed metal part
coming in contact with the HT terminal) adequate clearance as required
shall be provided between the HT terminal and nearest grounded metal


Upon successful completion of all the tests to be performed at Site on equipment

furnished and erected by the Contractor, the Engineer shall issue to the contractor
a taking over certificate as a proof of the final acceptance of the equipment. such
certificate shall not unreasonably be withheld nor will the Engineer delay the
issuance thereof on account of minor omissions or defects which do not affect
the commercial operation and/or cause any serious risk to the equipment. Such
certificate shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations which
otherwise survive, by the terms and conditions of the Contract after issuance of
such certificate.

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Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

All coated surfaces shall be protected against abrasion, impact, discoloration and
any other damages. All exposed threaded portions shall be suitably protected
with protecting device. All ends of equipment connections shall be properly
sealed with suitable devices to protect them from damage. The parts which are
likely to get rusted, due to exposure to weather should also be properly treated
and protected in a suitable manner.


14.1 All exposed metallic surfaces subject to corrosion shall be protected by shop
application of suitable coatings. All surfaces which will not be easily accessible
after the shop assembly, shall beforehand be treated and protected for the life
of the equipment. All surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of all mill scale, oxide
and other coatings and prepared in the shop. The surfaces that are to be finish
painted after installation or require corrosion protection until installation, shall be
shop painted with at least two coats of primer. Transformers and other
electrical equipment, if included shall be shop finished with one or more coats of
primer and two coats of high grade resistance enamel. The finished colours
shall be selected and specified by the Employer at a later date.

14.2 Shop primer for all steel surfaces which will be exposed to operating temperature
below 95 deg.C. shall be selected by the Contractor, after obtaining specific
approval of the Employer regarding the quality of primer proposed to be applied.
Special high temperature primer shall be used on surfaces exposed to
temperatures higher than 95 deg.C. and such primers shall also be subject to the
approval of the Employer.

14.3 All other steel surfaces which are not to be painted shall be coated with suitable
dust preventive compound subject to the approval of the Employer.


Suitable guards shall be provided for protection of personnel on all exposed

rotating and/or moving machine parts. All such guards with necessary spares and
accessories shall be designed for easy installation and removal for
maintenance purpose.


The Contractor shall be responsible for the selection and design of appropriate
equipment to provide the best coordinated performance of the entire system. The
basic design requirements are detailed out in this Technical Specification. The
design of various components, sub-assemblies and assemblies shall be so done
so that it facilitates easy field assembly and maintenance. All the rotating
components shall be so selected that the natural frequency of the complete unit is
not critical at or close to the operating range of the unit.


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Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

The Contractor will be called upon to attend design co-ordination meetings with
the Employer, other Contractor’s and the Consultants of the Employer during
the period of Contract. The Contractor shall attend such meetings at his own
cost at New Delhi or at mutually agreed venue as and when required and fully
cooperate with such persons and agencies involved during those discussions.


The post insulators shall conform in general to latest IS:2544, IEC-168 and IEC-


18.1 Post type insulators shall consist of a porcelain part permanently secured in a metal
base to be mounted on the supporting structures. They shall be capable of being
mounted upright. They shall be designed to withstand any shocks to which they
may be subjected to by the operation of the associated equipment. Only solid core
insulators will be acceptable.

18.2 Porcelain used shall be homogeneous, free from lamination, cavities and other
flaws or imperfections that might affect the mechanical or dielectric quality and shall
be thoroughly vitrified, tough and impervious to moisture.

18.3 Glazing of the porcelain shall be of uniform brown in colour, free from blisters, burrs
and other similar defects.

18.4 The insulator shall have alternate long and short sheds with aerodynamic profile.
The shed profile shall also meet the requirements of IEC-815 for the specified
pollution level.

18.5 When operating at normal rated voltage there shall be no electric discharge
between conductor and insulators which would cause corrosion or injury to
conductors or insulators by the formation of substance produced by chemical

18.6 The design of the insulators shall be such that stresses due to expansion and
contraction in any part of the insulator shall not lead to deterioration.

18.7 All ferrous parts shall be hot dip galvanised in accordance with the latest edition of
IS:2633 and IS :4579. The zinc used for galvanising shall be grade Zn 99.95 as
per IS:209. The zinc coating shall be uniform, adherent, smooth, reasonably bright,
continuous and free from imperfections such as flux, ash, rust stains, bulky white
deposits and blisters. The metal parts shall not produce any noise generating
corona under the operating conditions.

18.8 If corona extinction voltage is to be achieved with the help of corona ring or any
other similar device, the same shall be deemed to be included in the scope of the

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and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators


18.9 Tests

The post insulators shall be subject to type, acceptance, sample and routine tests
as per IS:2544 and IEC-168.


a) Type : Solid Core

b) Voltage class (kV) : 420

c) Dry & wet one minute power : 680

frequency withstand voltage
(kV rms)

d) Dry lightning impulse withstand : +1425

voltage (kVp)

e) Wet switching surge withstand : +1050

voltage (kVp)

f) Max. radio interference voltage : 1000

(in microvolts) at voltage of
305 KVrms between phase to ground

g) Corona extinction voltage (kV rms) 320 (Min.)

h) Total minimum cantilever strength 800


i) Minimum torsional moment As per IEC-273

j) Total height of insulator (mm) 3650

k) Pollution level as per IEC-815 Heavy (III)

l) Minimum total creepage distance 10500

for heavy pollution (mm)



a) Bushings shall be manufactured and tested in accordance with IS : 2099

& IEC : 137 while hollow column insulators shall be manufactured and
tested in accordance with IEC:233/IS: 5621/IEC:61264, as applicable. The

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Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

support insulators shall be manufactured and tested as per

IS:2544/IEC:168 and IS:2099/IEC:273. The insulators shall also conform to
IEC:815 as applicable.

b) Support insulators, bushings and hollow column insulators shall be

manufactured from high quality porcelain. Porcelain used shall be
homogeneous, free from laminations, cavities and other flaws or
imperfections that might affect the mechanical or dielectric quality and
shall be thoroughly vitrified tough and impervious to moisture.

c) Glazing of the porcelain shall be uniform brown in colour, free from blisters,
burrs and similar other defects.

d) Support insulators/bushings/hollow column insulators shall be designed to

have ample insulation, mechanical strength and rigidity for the conditions
under which they will be used.

e) When operating at normal rated voltage there shall be no electric discharge

between the conductors and bushing which would cause corrosion or
injury to conductors, insulators or supports by the formation of substances
produced by chemical action. No radio interference shall be caused by
the insulators/bushings when operating at the normal rated voltage.

f) Bushing porcelain shall be robust and capable of withstanding the internal

pressures likely to occur in service. The design and location of clamps and
the shape and the strength of the porcelain flange securing the bushing to
the tank shall be such that there is no risk of fracture. All portions of the
assembled porcelain enclosures and supports other than gaskets, which
may in any way be exposed to the atmosphere shall be composed of
completely non hygroscopic material such as metal or glazed porcelain.

g) All iron parts shall be hot dip galvanised and all joints shall be air tight.
Surface of joints shall be trued up porcelain parts by grinding and metal
parts by machining. Insulator/bushing design shall be such as to ensure a
uniform compressive pressure on the joints.

h) TESTS :

In accordance with the requirements stipulated, bushings, hollow

column insulators and support insulators shall conform to type tests and
shall be subjected to routine tests in accordance with IS : 2099 & IS : 2544.
i) Parameters of bushings/Hollow column insulators/support insulators :

a) Rated Voltage : 420 kV*

b) Impulse withstand : ± 1425 kVp*

voltage (Dry & Wet)

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Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

c) Switching surge withstand : ± 1050 kVp*

voltage(Dry & Wet)

d) Power frequency with- : 630 kVrms*

stand voltage

e) Total creepage : 25mm/kV*


f) Pollution level : Class-III : Heavy

(as per IEC-71)

g) Insulator shall also meet requirement of IEC - 815, as applicable, having

alternate long & short sheds.

NOTE : * The equipment rating is only indicative. Appropriate rating equipment

may be supplied if so required in view of the series capacitor

a) All types of boxes, cabinet/panels shall generally conform to IS : 5039, IS

: 8623, IEC : 439, as applicable and the clauses given below :

b) Control cabinet/panels, junction boxes, Marshaling box & terminal boxes

shall be sheet steel/Al. enclosed and shall be dust, water and vermin
proof. Sheet steel used shall be at least 2.0 mm thick cold rolled/2.5 mm
hot rolled. The box shall be properly braced to prevent wobbling. There
shall be sufficient reinforcement to provide level surfaces, resistance to
vibrations and rigidity during transportation and installation. In case of Al.
enclosed box the thickness of Al. shall be such that it provides adequate
rigidity and long life as comparable with sheet steel of specified thickness.

c) The enclosures of all outdoor type control cabinets/panel, junction boxes,

terminal box & marshaling boxes shall provide a degree of protection of not
less than IP 55 as per IS : 13947 and the same for indoor type enclosures
shall be IP 31 as per IS : 13947and one control cabinet/panel, junction box,
terminal box & marshaling box of each type shall be tested for the same, if
the type test reports submitted are not to the satisfaction of the owner.

d) Control cabinet/panels, junction boxes, marshaling box & terminal box shall
be provided with padlocking arrangements.

e) All doors, removable covers and plates shall be gasketed all around with
neoprene gaskets. The neoprene gasket shall be tested in the presence
of Employer’s representative.

Section 3 Page 19 of 23
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

f) All sheet steel work shall be degreased, pickled, phosphated and then
applied with two coats of zinc chromate primer and two coats of finishing
synthetic enamel paint. The colour of finishing paint shall be light
admiralty grey in accordance with shade No. 697 of IS : 5 outside and
inside shall be glossy white.

g) All terminal boxes, control cabinet/panels, junction boxes & marshaling

boxes shall be designed for the entry of cable from bottom by means of
weather proof and dust-proof connections. Boxes and cabinet/panels shall
be so designed with generous clearances to avoid interference between
the wiring entering from below and any terminal blocks or accessories
mounted within the box or cabinet/panel. Suitable cable gland plate
on the base of the box shall be provided for this purpose. Necessary
number of cable glands of suitable sizes shall be supplied and fitted on this
gland plate. This removable gasketted gland plate shall have provision
for spare glands to be used in future. The glands shall project at least 25
mm above the gland plate to prevent the entry of moisture in the cable
crutch. The roof of the outdoor cabinet/panels/boxes shall preferably
be of sloping design to prevent stagnation of water.

h) Suitable heaters shall be provided in the cabinet/panel, junction boxes

& marshaling boxes to prevent condensation. Heaters shall maintain
cubicle temperature approximately 10oC above the outside air
temperature. The heaters shall be suitable for 240 V AC supply voltage.
On-off switch and fuse for this shall be provided.

i) Terminal Block :

All internal wiring to be connected to the external equipment shall terminate

on terminal blocks, preferably vertically mounted on the side of
cabinet/panel, junction box, terminal box and marshaling box.

The terminal blocks shall be made of moulded, non-inflammable

thermosetting plastic. The material of terminal block moulding shall not
deteriorate because of varied conditions of heat, cold, humidity, dryness, etc.
that would be anticipated at the location where the equipment is proposed
to be installed.

The terminal shall be such that maximum contact area is achieved when
a cable is terminated. The terminal shall have a locking characteristic to
prevent cable from escaping from the terminal clamp unless it is done
intentionally. The terminal blocks shall be non- disconnecting stud type
equivalent to Elmex type CAT - M4/CST.

The terminal blocks shall be of extensible design.

The terminal blocks shall have locking arrangement to prevent its escape
from the mounting rails.

Section 3 Page 20 of 23
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

The terminal blocks shall be of 650 V grade and shall be rated to carry
continuously the maximum current that is expected to be carried by the
The terminal blocks used for CT circuits shall be fully enclosed with
removable covers of transparent, non-deteriorating type plastic material.
Insulting barriers shall be provided between the terminal blocks. These
barriers shall not hinder the operator from carrying out the wiring without
removing the barriers.
The terminals shall be provided with the marking tags for wiring
All boxes shall be provided with 20 % spare terminals unless otherwise
j) There shall be a minimum clearance of 250 mm between the first row of
terminal block and the cable gland plate or side of the box. Also the
clearance between two rows of terminal blocks or side of the box shall be a
minimum of 150 mm.

k) The arrangements shall be in such a manner so that it is possible to safely

connect or disconnect terminals on live circuits and replace fuse links
when the cabinet/panel is live. Cabinet/panel wiring should be suitable
for 60oC as the space heaters will keep the temperature 10oC higher than
the ambient.

l) Wiring :

All wiring shall be carried out with 650 V grade, stranded copper wires. The
minimum size of the stranded conductor used for internal wiring shall be as
follows :
i)All circuits except CT circuits – 1.5/ sq.mm (depending on the
device current rating)

ii) CT circuits- 4sq mm; minimum no. of strands shall be 3 per conductor.

iii) Wrapping wires shall be used for electronic rack connection.

All internal wiring shall be securely supported, neatly arranged readily

accessible and connected to equipment terminals and terminal blocks.

Wire terminations shall be made with solderless crimping type of tinned

copper lugs which firmly grip the conductor and insulation. Insulated
sleeves shall be provided at all the wire terminations. Engraved core
identification plastic ferrules marked to correspond with the wiring diagram
shall be fitted at both ends of each wire. Ferrules shall fit tightly on the
wires and shall not fall off when the wire is disconnected from terminal

All wires directly connected to trip circuit breaker shall be distinguished by

Section 3 Page 21 of 23
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

the addition of a red coloured unlettered ferrule. Number 6 & 9 shall not
be included for ferrule purposes.

All terminals including spare terminals of auxiliary equipment shall be wired

upto terminal blocks. Each equipment shall have its own central control
cabinet in which all contacts including spare contacts from all poles shall
be wired out.

A 240V, single phase, 50 Hz, 15 amp AC plug and socket shall be

provided in the cabinet/panel with ON-OFF switch for connection of hand
lamps. Plug and socket shall be of industrial grade.

For illumination of Control cabinet/panel a 20 Watts Fluorescent

Tube/Incandescent Lamp shall be provided.

All control switches shall be of rotary switch type or push button type and
toggle/piano switches shall not be accepted.

In accordance with the requirements stipulated under this Chapter control

cabinet/panels, junction boxes, terminal boxes & marshaling boxes shall
conform to type tests and shall be subjected to routine tests in
accordance with IS : 5039. In addition to the type tests, verification of
the degree of protection as per IS : 13947, shall be conducted, if the type
test reports submitted by the Contractor are not to the satisfaction of the
owner. After protection degree tests on control cabinet/panel, power
frequency voltage of 2.0 kV rms for 1 minute shall be applied for checking
insulation resistance and functional test shall also be conducted.

m) Earthing :

Positive earthing of the cabinet/panel shall be ensured by providing two

separate earthing pads. The earth wire shall be terminated on to the
earthing pad and secured by the use of star or self etching washers.
Earthing of hinged door shall be done by using a separate earth wire.

19.3 MOTORS :

Motors shall be “Squirrel Cage” three phase induction motors of sufficient

size capable of satisfactory operation for the application and duty as
required for the driven equipment and shall conform to type tests and
shall be subjected to routine tests as per applicable standards. The
motors shall be of approved make.


The Terminal Connectors of all types shall meet the following


Section 3 Page 22 of 23
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 and 145kV Post Insulators

a) Terminal connectors shall be manufactured and tested as per IS:


b) All castings shall be free from blow holes, surface blisters, cracks
and cavities. All sharp edges and corners shall be blurred and rounded

c) No part of a clamp shall be less than 10 mm thick.

d) All ferrous parts shall be hot dip galvanised conforming to IS: 2633.

e) For bimetallic connectors, copper alloy liner of minimum thickness of

2 mm shall be provided.

f) Flexible connectors shall be made from tinned copper/ aluminium

sheets or cables.

g) All current carrying parts shall be designed and manufactured to

have minimum contact resistance.

h) Connectors shall be designed to be corona free in accordance with

the requirements stipulated in IS: 5561.

i) All test/checks on terminal connectors shall be as per IS: 5561.


The type test reports or the following tests on auxiliary switch shall be
furnished :

a) Electrical endurance test - A minimum of 2000 operations for 2A

DC with a time constant greater than or equal to 20 milliseconds with a
subsequent examination of mV drop/visual defects/temperature rise test.

b) Mechanical endurance test - A minimum of 1,00,000 operations

with a subsequent checking of contact pressure test/visual examination.

c) Heat run test on contacts.

d) IR/HV test etc.


Section 3 Page 23 of 23
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 & 145 kV Post Insulators



Sl. Parameters
1. Type
2. Voltage class (kV)
3. Dry and wet one minute power frequency
withstand voltage (kVp)
4. Dry lightning impulse withstand voltage (kVp)
5. Wet switching surge withstand voltage (kVp)
6. Max. RIV (in μV) at specified 50-Hz phase
to ground voltage in kV
7. Min. Corona extinction voltage (kV rms)
8. Total min. cantilever strength (kg)
9. Minimum torsional moment
10. Total height of insulator (mm)
11. P.C.D
a. Top (mm)
b. Bottom (mm)
12. No. of bolts
a. Top
b. Bottom
13. Diameter of bolt holes
a. Top (mm)
b. Bottom (mm)
14. Pollution level as per IEC-815
15. Min. total creepage distance (mm)
16. Hardware (Inter unit)
17. Hardware (for fixing to structure)
18. Applicable standard

NOTE: Bidder to submit GTP in separate sheet for each voltage class of Post Insulators.

Page 1 of 1
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
Technical Specification for POST INSULATOR


Bidder shall list below all technical deviation clause wise w.r.t. tender specifications:

S.No. Page No. Clause No. Deviation Reason / Justification

Any deviation not specifically brought out in this section shall not be admissible for any
commercial implication at later stage. Except to the technical deviations listed in this schedule,
bidder’s offer shall be considered in full compliance to the tender specifications
irrespective of any such deviation indicated / taken elsewhere in the submitted offer.

Date: Tenderer’s Stamp & Signature

Page 1 of 1
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 & 145 kV Post Insulators



Put a tick mark on ‘YES’ if the specified requirement is met, or put a tick mark on ‘NO’
if the specified requirement is not met and give comments in the remark column.


Sl. No. Parameters Data (420 kV) Yes/No Remark

1. Type Solid core YES/NO
2. Voltage class (kV) 420 YES/NO
3. Dry and wet one minute power 680 YES/NO
frequency withstand voltage (kVp)
4. Dry lightning impulse withstand voltage ± 1425 ± 1550 YES/NO
5. Wet switching surge withstand voltage ± 1050 ± 1175 YES/NO
6. Max. RIV (in μV) at specified 50-Hz 500 at 305kV (rms) YES/NO
phase to ground voltage in kV
7. Min. Corona extinction voltage (kV rms) 320 YES/NO
8. Total min. cantilever strength (kg) 1000/800 YES/NO
9. Minimum torsional moment As per IEC 273 YES/NO
10. Total height of insulator (mm) 3650 YES/NO
11. P.C.D
a. Top (mm) 127 YES/NO
b. Bottom (mm) 325/300 YES/NO
12. No. of bolts
a. Top 4 YES/NO
b. Bottom 8 YES/NO
13. Diameter of bolt holes
a. Top (mm) M16 YES/NO
b. Bottom (mm) 18 YES/NO
14. Pollution level as per IEC-815 Heavy (III) YES/NO
15. Min. total creepage distance (mm) 10500/13020 YES/NO
16. Hardware (Inter unit) YES/NO
17. Hardware (for fixing to structure) YES/NO
18. Applicable standard IS:2544, IEC 168 & YES/NO

Page 1 of 4
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 & 145 kV Post Insulators


Whether Type test reports of the tests conducted earlier (not more than ___ years
earlier) on similar material submitted. YES/NO

If type test report submitted, indicate report number.

If the valid type test reports are not available with the bidder then the following
tests shall be conducted by the bidder free of cost YES/NO


A Type tests
1. Power frequency withstand test (dry & wet)
2. Lighting impulse test (dry)
3. Switching Impulse test (wet)
4. Test for deflection under load
5. Test for mechanical strength
6. Measurement of RIV (dry) and Corona
extinction voltage test (dry).

Page 2 of 4
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 & 145 kV Post Insulators


Put a tick mark on ‘YES’ if the specified requirement is met, or put a tick mark on ‘NO’
if the specified requirement is not met and give comments in the remark column.

S. No. Description Data (145 kV) YES/NO Remarks

1. Type Solid core YES/NO
2. Voltage class (kV) 145 YES/NO
3. Dry and wet one minute power 275 YES/NO
frequency withstand voltage (kVp)
4. Dry lightning impulse withstand ± 650 YES/NO
voltage (kVp)
5. Wet switching surge withstand NA YES/NO
voltage (kVp)
6. Max. RIV (in μV) at specified 50- NA YES/NO
Hz phase to ground voltage in kV
7. Min. Corona extinction voltage 105 YES/NO
(kV rms)
8. Total min. cantilever strength (kg) 600 YES/NO
9. Minimum torsional moment As per IEC YES/NO
10. Total height of insulator (mm) 1500 1220 YES/NO
11. P.C.D
a. Top (mm) 127 YES/NO
b. Bottom (mm) 127 254 YES/NO
12. No. of bolts
a. Top 4 YES/NO
b. Bottom 4 YES/NO
13. Diameter of bolt holes
a. Top (mm) M16 YES/NO
b. Bottom (mm) M16 YES/NO
14. Pollution level as per IEC-815 Heavy (III) YES/NO
15. Min. total creepage distance (mm) 3625/4495 YES/NO
16. Hardware (Inter unit)
17. Hardware (for fixing to structure)
18. Applicable standard IS:2544, IEC YES/NO
168 & 815

Page 3 of 4
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Doc No. TB-362-316-014
400kV Bay extension at Karaikudi, Pugalur, Kalivanthapattu Rev. 00
and Abhishekpatty substation
Technical Specification for 420 & 145 kV Post Insulators


Whether Type test reports of the tests conducted earlier (not more than ___years
earlier) on similar material submitted. YES/NO

If type test report submitted, indicate report number.

If the valid type test reports are not available with the bidder then the following
tests shall be conducted by the bidder free of cost YES/NO


A Type tests
1. Power frequency withstand test (dry & wet)
2. Lighting impulse test (dry)
3. Test for deflection under load
4. Test for mechanical strength
5. Measurement of RIV (dry) and Corona
extinction voltage test (dry).

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