Phy Topc 7 F4
Phy Topc 7 F4
Phy Topc 7 F4
Introduction to Astronomy
The Concept of Astronomy
Explain the concept of astronomy
Astronomy is a branch of science which deals with the study of
origin,evolution, composition, distance and the motion of all bodies
and scattered matter in the universe.
Universe is the totality of space and time together with matter and
Astronomers are the people who deals astronomy.
Solar System
Difference between a Star and a Planet
Distinguish between a star and a planet
The solar system is made up of the sun and the celestial objects
bound to it by gravity.These objects include the eight planets and
their known moons and billions of small bodies that include
asteroids,comets,meteoroids and interplanetary dust.
Appear to be moving from east to west. Planets move around the sun from west to
Their temperatures are usually very high Their temperature depends on their distanc
Very big in size but they appear small because they are very far away Very small in size as compared to stars.
The Concept of Constellation
Explain the concept of constellation
Constellation is a group of stars that form a definite shape or
pattern when viewed from the earth.
Constellations are usually named after mythological characters,
people, animals and things. There are about 88 known
constellations. The various constellations are visible during a
particular period of the year.
The Constellation
Identify constellation
Activity 1
In a group of five, draw any five constellations on a Manila paper.
Types of tides
There are two types of tides:
Spring tides
They occur during the full moon and the new moon. During this
time, the earth,the sun and the moon are in a line. The gravitational
forces of the moon and the sun both contribute to the tides.
At these times, the high tides are very high and the low tides are
very low. These are known as spring high tines and spring low tides
Spring tides are especially strong tides.Proxigen spring tide is a rare
unusually high tide. It occurs when the moon is both unusually close
to the earth (at its closest perigee, called the proxigee) and in the
new moon phase(when the moon is between the earth and the sun).
The proxigen spring spring tide occurs at most once every 1.5 years.
Neap tide
When the sun and the moon are not aligned, the gravitational forces
cancel each other out, and the tides are not very high or very low.
These are called neap tides.
They occur during quarter moons. During this time, the gravitational
forces of the moon and the sun are perpendicular to one another
(with respect to the earth).
This causes the bulges to cancel each other. The result is a smaller
difference between high and low tide and is known as a neap tide.
Neap tides are especially weak tides.
READ TOPIC 7: Geophysics