Notice: Oificer... .. Dev - Block, P0
Notice: Oificer... .. Dev - Block, P0
Notice: Oificer... .. Dev - Block, P0
(:ft. )
Government of west Bengal
Offi ce of Project Olfi cer-curn-District Welfare Olllcer
Backward Classes Welfare
Ultar Dinajpur : Raiganj.
(Ph.No,o]5:] 2,+6026i e-mail lD:[email protected])
lnvllng a \,Va k, nl|tervie\,! for the posts of Additiona lnspector. Backward Classes lvellare & Tribal Deveopmenl to
be posted at dllferent Sub-D vrsion / Blocks as per vacancy of Uttar Dinajpur diskict on contract!al bas s lor a perlod of 0l (one)
,!ear from among lhe ret red Government Emp oyees Date of \!a k n ntervew s 21.02.2019 al lrlu t purpose ltleeUng Ha
Appir.aton along with Bl0 DATA are nviled from willinq Retired Govt. Emplovees not below the rank of
lnspector / Extension Officer / Head Clerk / U.D. Clerk of Govt. of West Benqal who have not crossed 64 vears of aqe as
on 01.02.2019.
Applcation s lo be slrbm lled to the oifice of the unders gned wlth n 20.02.2019 by hand or by post.
He r She must reporlforthe ntervlew at east 30 minutes ahead ofthe sched! ed tlme.
Backward clatsds Welfare,
tlttar Dinajpur Rarganj
1"2) Ihe Sub D vsonal o{ficer. Ra ganl/ sampur. Drst Uitar Dinalpur.
3lThe Dlstrct l,'lanager \i\/ B.S C.&S T Dev.&Fin Corporaton Uttar D naipur
1 3 ct nfo rmation and C! ltura off cer. Lltial D naipul s hereby req uested to ta ke necessary
) The D str steps for w de
pub ctybypublshingthenotice n "Uttarbanga Sambad ".
14lTheD.l0 NlCUtiarDinapurwtharequesttopeaseupoadthematterndstrictwebste
15) CA 10 Distrct l,,lag strate. Uttar Dinajpur
PO' P,S.
PO. P,S,
B StatePPO No.
(Se f altesled Xerox copy io be aitached)
10 (a) Coniact No