Data and Information Visualization Methods, and Interactive Mechanisms: A Survey

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 34– No.1, November 2011

Data and Information Visualization Methods, and

Interactive Mechanisms: A Survey
Muzammil Khan Sarwar Shah Khan
Department of Computer Science, Quaid-i-Azam Department of Computer Science, Hazara
University, Islamabad, Pakistan University, Mansehra KPK, Pakistan

ABSTRACT extracting of valuable knowledge from the collected or available

With availability of enough visualization techniques it can be information is a big problem.
very confusing to know what and when should be appropriate Visualization methods are considered to be very important
technique to use in order to convey maximum possible for the users’ because it provides mental models of the
understanding. The basic purpose of visual representation is to information [1]. Visualization techniques make huge and
efficiently interpret what is insight, as easy as possible. Different complex information intelligible. Information visualization is a
available visualization techniques are use for different situation
which convey different level of understanding. This document is visual user interface that provides insight of information to the
guide for the young researchers who wants to start work in user [3]. The basic purpose of visualization is to create
visualization. The purpose of this piece of document is to collect interactive visual representations of the information that exploit
all visualization techniques with their brief introduction. This human’s perceptual and cognitive capabilities of problem
paper deals with many definitions and aspects of visualization, solving [2]. The goal of visualization is that the user can easily
how visualization take place i.e. different steps of visualization understand and interpret huge and complex set of information.
process, problems that are confront in visualization,
There are a lot of issues in visualization, to tackle these issues
categorization of visualization techniques on the bases of
distinct perspective, typically known common data and many fields should be considered. Human Computer Interaction
information visualization techniques, basic interactive methods is one of the major fields, which make things easy to use and
for visualization their advantages and disadvantages, easy to understand and interpret. All usability issues are
interactivity process, and the scope of visualization up to some important to think about in order to fully achieving the visual
extent in different field of research. representation objectives.
The main objective of this document is to provide the basic
General Terms knowledge about visualization for young minds want to work in
Visualization, Visualization techniques, Challenges, Interactive
visualization. First part of this document describe basic
definitions of visualization and six step process of visualization,
Keywords second part describe the challenges or problems confront by
visualization and categories found in literature. Then in third
Visualization Categorization, Visualization Challenges, Data
part of the document briefly describe Data and Information
Visualization, Information Visualization, Visualization
visualization methods with examples. Second last part give the
Interactivity techniques that are use for visualization and the
1. INTRODUCTION major steps that are involve in visualization interactivity. Last
The information is now the essential part of human life, which section describes scope of visualization in few fields and field of
research that requires urgent step of action.
encourage new ways to think and evolve new advancement.
Huge amount of information or data are generated from different 2. VISUALIZATION
sources, these information are of diverse types and stored in Visualization is a mental image or a visual representation of an
various format. For example, the individual go through personal object or scene or person or abstraction that is similar to visual
information i.e. email, chat, schedules, news etc, students access perception [10]. Visualization has many definition but the most
countless digital libraries for educational purposes [1]. Even referred one, which is found in literature is “the use of
from all discipline of life a lot of data being generated, access, computer-supported, interactive, visual representations of data to
and use for individual, collective benefits. Because of such amplify cognition”, where cognition means the power of human
versatility of information heave significant issues that how to perception or in simple words the acquisition or use of
represent these information in more useful manner that the user knowledge [6] [7]. Visualization is a graphical representation
can use it efficiently. The main issue is how represent these that best conveys the complicated ideas clearly, precisely, and
massive data in order to understand and extract knowledge from efficiently. These graphical depictions are easily understood and
stored data or information, which is a ubiquitous task. In simple interpret effectively [8] [6]. The main goal of Visualization is to
words, the collection of information is no longer a problem but find out what insight. Visualization is the transformation of
Symbolic representation to geometric representation. The goal

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 34– No.1, November 2011

of visualization is to analyze, explore, discover, illustrate, and also use it. Visual perception knowledge and cognitive
communicate information in well understandable form. aspects make it very easy to design an effective
Visualization is use to present huge amount of information visualization [2]. These factors are the common practice of
coherently, compactly, from different viewpoints, and provides Human Computer Interaction.
several levels of details [65]. Visualization evaluation is using in 6. After creating usable visualization interface, the last step is
parallel and it is use to determine how closely the visualization to evaluate the created visual form. Evaluation is equally
goal is achieved. In evaluation there are many dimensions to important, to find out whether the visualization method has
observe, involving Usability evaluation, how much visualization effectiveness or not, the goal is achieved or not. The
technique is effective, accurate, robust, efficacy, and easy to use challenges confront visualization evaluation is proposed by
etc [1]. The visualization is a powerful tool that can be use for Plaisant [12].
different cognitive processes like exploratory, analytical and The usability evaluation were developed for graphical user
descriptive [9]. interface and adapted and extended for information visualization
interfaces. Alfredo et al, categorize evaluation methods into two
2.1 Process of Visualization
The approach of designing well disciplined visualization the broad categories i.e. analytical evaluation and empirical
process can be divided into different steps. The literature [11] evaluation. Analytical evaluation includes expert reviews and
“Chittaro, 2006” contains a list of six different steps i.e. cognitive walkthrough. Empirical evaluation includes controlled
mapping, selection, presentation, interactivity, usability, and experiments, questionnaires, interviews and focus groups.
evaluation, which identifies major activities involving Discovery of usability problems and guide lines for modification
visualization, to aim precise and error less design. The following during system development is the part of analytic evaluation.
subsection explains briefly these six activities: Discovery of usability problems and modification suggestions
1. First step of visualization process is known is Mapping. after actual implementation or prototype is the part of empirical
Mapping means how to visualize information or how to evaluation [7].
encode information into visual form. In mapping data or 2.2 Challenges in Visualization
information transform into graphical form under The creation or production of a perfect visualization method is a
assumption of visual features. Good mapping produce big challenge in order to fulfill all the requirement of users.
accurate visual representation, and can achieve when there Visualization is suffering through many problems. In this
is accurate relationship between data objects and visual perspective Chaomei Chen introduce a very comprehensive
objects to be describe. (For this purpose a well define document with the title “Top 10 Unsolved Information
algorithm is used). Visualization Problems” [15]. When someone wants to produce
2. Second step of visualization process is called Selection. as effective visualization technique, he/she should try to
Selection means to select data among those data which is consider all the discussed aspects. Usability issues are critical
available according to the given task or job. Selection of issues for visualization, which means how to make it easy to use
data is directly dependant on the aim to get through visual and efficient. The visualization should offer enough information
graphics or pictorial representation. This task in the process and satisfied user. Understanding elementary perceptual–
is the most important task, because the selection of wrong cognitive tasks is the basic step regarding information
data misleads the user to take crucial decisions and suffer visualization engineering, providing it according to human
through huge loss (financial, time etc), should avoid the perception capability. Requires Prior knowledge about method,
inclusion of unnecessary data. how to operate and use it, it should make it more generic, means
3. Third phase of the process is Presentation. In visualization the users have common understanding about techniques.
perspective presentation means how to manage, organize Education and Training is requires for the researchers and
information in the available space on the screen effectively. practitioners to share the basic principles and skills about
After intuitive mapping, clear and precise selection of data information visualization methods. The lack of Intrinsic quality
items it is really important to present it in more meaningful measures means there is no common evaluation and selection
and understandable form. mechanism plus the unavailability of bench marks undermine
4. Forth step of visualization process is called Interactivity. advances in visualization methods. One of the long lasting
Interactivity means what are the provided facilities to problem is Scalability, how to manage huge visualization in
organize, explore, and rearrange the visualization. User available space, example [16] [15]. Researchers are much focus
friendly interactivity enables a user to best explore, on scalability problem in data streams, which is explain by
understand, and interpret the data or information, which Wong et al, 2003 [17]. Scalability is one of the big problems in
improve their exploration capabilities. mobile devices environment, because the available screen is
5. Human factors are fifth visualization feature to be much smaller than computer screens. To make insight of data
considered. Human factor involve to two broad categories, visually appealing in visualization is important, to understand
usability, and accessibility factors. The visualization is easy insights of data with aesthetics scenes. Aesthetic mode of an
to use for the end user and people with special need should image is very difficult to maintain and a big challenge for

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 34– No.1, November 2011

visualization engineers. Aesthetic is a philosophical theory deals frame, e.g. Cartoon, Rich picture, Knowledge map, and
with the beauty and taste [18], to make picture or image pretty. Learning map etc [14] [66].
Information visualization changes over time, means there is This document is focus on two visualization categories
dynamism in visualization. Auto shifting of Structure to Data Visualization and Information Visualization. These
dynamic paradigm is remains a challenge for engineers. This methods are alternatively use plus very important and contain
paradigm shift is comprehensively discussed by C Chen [19]. useful and informative techniques. These methods become more
Visual thinking, reasoning, and analytics make information important when the data is massive and need to analyze and
visualization more powerful to determine cause and its effect or represent it in meaningful form, which is easy to understand and
Causality. The last one is Knowledge domain visualization, interpret.
based on the previous nine problems. These problems categories
as, the first three problems are based on user perspective, next 3. VISUALIZATION METHODS
four are technical challenges and last three are handled on A number of visualization techniques have been developed in
disciplinary level. Chris Johnson point out top Scientific last few years due to representation of huge massive information
Visualization Research problems, this document and to analyze it. These techniques has many features like
comprehensively discussed the challenges faced by scientific interactivity, usability, interface features etc, which make them
visualization methods [20]. easy to use and beneficial as discussed. These methods have
evaluation mechanism to achieve the goal of visualization as
2.3 Categorization of Visualization Methods
Visualization techniques or methods are categorized differently briefly discussed. In this survey the focus are on conventional
by different authors. There is three categories of visualization Data and information visualization techniques.
i.e. information visualization, software visualization, and 3.1 Data Visualization
Scientific visualization. Scientific visualization helps to Data visualization is the study of representing data in some
understand physical phenomena in data, mathematical models, systematic form, including attributes and variables for the unit of
in isosurfaces, volume rendering, and glyphs etc. Software information [21]. Information visualization, scientific
visualization helps people to learn the use of computer visualization, information graphics and statistical graphics are
software, program visualization helps programmers to handle closely related to data visualization. There are many
complex software, and similarly algorithm animation support, conventional data visualization techniques which are focused in
encourage, and motivate student to learn the computation this document because these techniques have generic features
capability of an algorithm. Information visualization is “the and common understanding. These data presentation should be
depiction of information using spatial or graphical beautiful, elegant, descriptive, and interpretable in order to
representations to facilitate comparison, pattern recognition, convey message to the reader effectively [22]. There are new
change detection, and other cognitive skills by making use of developed fascinating methods are introducing, but modern
visual system”. In periodic table of visualization six main approaches have its own implementation problems and no
categories are mentioned, i.e. Data visualization visually commonality, so difficult to adopt. Data visualization represents
represents quantitative data with or without axes in schematic or data in the way that simplifies data interpretation and its
diagrammatic forms e.g. Table, Line chart, Pie chart, Histogram, relationship [30].
and Scatter plot etc. Information visualization is an interactive In the following section we going to discuss few known
interface of data to increase cognition or perception ability. conventional data visualization techniques and give its example
Transform data into a changeable image, through which users in order to get initial idea about the technique.
can interact during manipulation, e.g. Data map, Tree map, 3.1.1 Table
Clustering, Semantic network, Time line, and Venn/ Euler Table is the simple, easy to understand, and easy to interpret
diagram etc. Concept visualizations are methods use to data representation technique. Table is a structured format,
elaborate ideas, plan, concepts, and analyze it easily, e.g. organized by rows and columns that convey relationships, is one
Mindmap, Layer chart, Concentric circle, Decision tree, Pert of the most common definitions. Row has different synonyms
chart etc. Strategic visualization is a systematic approach in like record, tuple, vector etc. Column has common synonyms
which an organization visually represent it strategies of like field, parameter, attribute, property etc. Rows represent
development, formulation, communication, implementation, and variables and columns represent records with the set of values.
some time its analysis, e.g. Organizational chart, Strategy map, Sometimes this arrangement can be altered, means columns
Failure tree, and Portfolio diagram etc. Metaphor visualization represent variable and rows represent records. The entries may
organizes and structure information graphically. They convey or may not be in ordered, it depends on the data and its attributes
insight of information through key characteristics of metaphor [6] [25]. According to Fink a table is the arrangement of data in
that is employed, e.g. Metro map, Story template, Funnel, and rows and in columns. The role of table is essential part in
Tree etc. Compound visualization is the complementary use of research and in data analysis. It has significant in fields like print
different graphic representation formats in one single schema or media, computer software, conveying concepts or ideas, and
many other fields. The table conventions and basic terminology

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 34– No.1, November 2011

is depends on the context it has been used. Table has different

varieties, flexibility, structure, notations, representation, and use
[26] [27]. For example, the following table shows collected data
for an experiment with three measurable units.

Fig 3: Doughnut Pie Chart

Multi-level Pie, Radial tree, or Ring chart is another

variation of pie chart. This sort of chart is most of the time use
for hierarchical data, illustrate by concentric circles. The centre
Fig 1: Shows Simple Table circle represents the root or parent segment of the hierarchy and
the upper or outer circles represent the child or down side data
Hoffman introduce a new term for table as “Table
of the hierarchy [31] [32].
Visualization”. Table visualization is the representation of data
in the form of table or data in table. Row is mention with the
word “Dimension”, which represent independent variable in
record or tuple. Whereas the column is refer as the dependent
variable called with word “Variates” [29]. It has multi
applications and uses in almost all fields.

3.1.2 Pie Chart

A pie chart is also called circle graph. Pie chart circle is divided
into number of sectors, each circle describe a proportion in a
whole quantity [34] Spence (2005)]. The pie chart control is use
to determines the size of data wedge as compare to other data Fig 4: Exploding Pie Chart
wedges. In pie chart a wedge represents the part of data that has
Pie chart visualization is effective in some cases e.g. comparing
common feature or characteristics. Wedges can be labeled to
a segment of pie chart to the rest of the segments of the pie
identify different data points. Most of the time is shown in
chart, but it is difficult to compare different pie charts and
percentage. There are two common variations i.e. Doughnut
different section of different pie charts among each other [32].
charts and Exploding pie charts. Doughnut charts are similar to
Color usability make it easier to understand and interpret,
standard pie charts except they have hollow center. While in
different color should use for different slice or segment.
Exploding charts wedges or segment or sector can be extracted
from the rest of the wedges. These sectors or wedges provide
good interactions [30] [32].

Fig 2: Standard Pie Chart

Fig 5: Multi-Level Pie Chart

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 34– No.1, November 2011

The figure shows two level breakdowns, first level illustrate

passengers and crew of the plan and the second level explain the
gender in each portion of the first level. Multi level chart can be
extend up to reasonable number of levels.

3.1.3 Bar Chart

One of the most commonly use data visualization method is bar
chart, it is also called Bar Graph. In some literature bar chart is
mention as column chart. Bar chart is most of the time use for
discrete data not for continuous data. Bar Chart control has been
use to represent data in horizontal bars, the vertical length of the
Fig 8: Floating Bar Chart
bar represent the values. Bar chart is use to represent a single
data series and related data points are group in one series. For
example monthly salaries, it can be mutli bar graph i.e.
percentage increase per month as shown in the following figures

Fig 9: High Low Open Close Bar Chart

Different colors of the bar make it more visible and

understandable. The need is to introduce some standard
Fig 6: Single Bar Chart interactive mechanism for such type of visualization.
3.1.4 Histogram
Histogram is common and vital technique use in statistics and
data analysis, was first introduce by Karl Pearson, and is a
graphical representation which represents the distribution of
data. It is use for the distribution of continuous data [34]. A
histogram is the fall of specific items in class of variable, which
consist of consecutive, non overlapping horizontal slabs. These
slabs are mostly of the same size and adjacent, these may be of
different size as well [35]. As shown in the following figures.

Fig 7: Multi Bar Chart

Another alternative of horizontal bar chart is vertical bar chart,

which is use in the same way as horizontal bar chart.

Floating column chart or High Low Open Close chart is another

type of bar chart. In floating bar chart represent the low bound
and high bound of the bar unlike simple bar chart where there is
only high limit of the bar, as shown in figure 8. Candlestick
Chart is another type of bar chart, in which top and bottom
vertical line represents the low and high values, while the filled Fig 10: Histogram
box represent the range of opening and closing values [30], as
shown in figure 9. 3.1.5 Line Chart
Line chart is common well known graph in many fields, also
label as line graph. It is a graph which is use to display
information in connected points. These points are connected

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 34– No.1, November 2011

through continuous or straight line. Line graph is the extension

of Scatter plot. Data points can be represented by icons or
symbols, or can also draw simple line without icons [30] [36].
The line chart is often used to visualize a trend in data over time
interval, means it use to show tendency in the data set and
illustrate the data behavior with the passage of time or over a
specific interval of time [37].

Fig 14: Area Chart

There are many form of Area chart or line graph, depends on the
data points to be plot, for example; Step area chart, Curve area
chart while segmented area chart is default area chart as shown
in the following figure.

Fig 11: Simple Line Chart

Fig 15: Multi Series Area Chart

3.1.7 Scatter Plot

Fig 12: Line Chart with symbolic Data Point Scatter Plot is also known as plot, plot chart, scatter chart,
scattergram, scatter diagram or scatter graph. Scatter plot is
There are many form or Variations of line chart or line graph, graphical display of set of data in Cartesian coordinate, shows
depends on the data points to be plot, for example; Step line the relationship between two variables, one variable represent
chart, Reverse step line chart, vertical segment line chart, horizontal distance (independent variable) and second variable
Horizontal segment line chart, Curve line chart [30]. vertical distance (dependent variable) of data point from the
3.1.6 Area Chart coordinate axis [40]. Scatter plot shows the how strong the
Area chart is also called area graph, use to display quantitative relationship are between the variables, and determines whether
data graphically. Area chart control is use represent data in their exit any outlier in the data or not. It is use to look how the
bounded area. The bounded area is based on the line graph, the data is dispersed [41]. Example of plot is shown in the following
line is generated and the area below is shaded with colors, figure.
different texture and hatching, which produce area graph [30] as
shown in the following figures 13 and 14.

Fig 16: Scatter Plot

Fig 13: Line Graph

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 34– No.1, November 2011

Scatter plot is useful to determine trend in the data and identify

outliers easily. Outlier is an observation or data item which
behaves differently from other members of the data set.
3.1.8 Bubble Chart
Plotted bubbles in bubble chart are defined by three different
numeric parameters. These three numeric values represent data
point i.e. one value determines its position along x-axis, one
along y-axis, and third value represent the size of the bubble in
the chart [30]. In bubble chart a bubble is differentiated from
other bubbles in term of its size and in term of its position. As
shown in the following figures 18 and 19.
Fig 19: Multiple Data Series or Combination of Charts

3.2 Information Visualization

Information visualization is a research domain that concentrates
on the use of visualization methods to assist people
understanding data and evaluate or analyze data. Information
visualization is the transmission of abstract data through the use
of interactive visual interfaces. It enforces human visual
cognition, to enable the user to get knowledge about the internal
structure of the data, causal relationship, and dependences in it
[Keim et al., 2006]. Information visualization is emerge field
Fig 17: Single Series Bubble Chart from several fields like Human Computer Interaction, Graphics,
Psychology, and Computer Sciences etc. Its involvement is
highly appreciated in scientific research, data mining, financial
data analysis, product control studies, market analysis, and
manufacture control studies etc [23]. According to Tomas et al
information visualization is the “Visual representations and
interaction techniques take advantage of the human eye’s broad
bandwidth pathway into the mind to allow users to see, explore,
and understand large amounts of information at once.
Information visualization focused on the creation of approaches
for conveying abstract information in intuitive ways” [23].
According to Robert et al, “Information Visualization deals with
data that is usually abstract, high-dimensional, and structured in
Fig 18: Multi Series Bubble Chart
a complex way” [53].
In the following section we going to discuss few known
A bubble chart is actually the variation of Scatter Plot, in which
conventional data visualization techniques and give its example
a data point is represented with a dot and in bubble chart dot is
in order to get initial idea about the technique.
replaced with a bubble. It can be done if we have set of data
points which contain three values for each data item [38].
3.2.1 Parallel Coordinates
According to Berman bubble graph can be useful in project Parallel coordinates is a visualization technique used to plot
management for the comparison of risk and success, where three individual data elements across many dimensions. Each
values are net present value, probability of success and overall dimension related to a vertical axis and each data object is
cost represent the size of the bubble [39]. displayed as a series of connected points along the
3.1.9 Multiple Data Series dimensions/axes [42]. Most standard visualization methods like
The combination of more than one charts can be use together to line chart, bubble chart etc, fail to visualize multidimensional
achieve some big purpose. Different data visualization data. Parallel coordinate is very crucial when to display
techniques can be embedded into one chart control. A mix of multidimensional data. Thousands of dimensions can be
column or bar chart control with line chart control over it shows elaborate by this technique, parallel coordinates and few
trend of data series, as shown in the figure bellow [30]. examples are discussed by Stephen Few [43]. As shown in the
Similarly different graph can be combining to create one graph. following figure 20.
For example one can consider any combination from Area
Series, Bar Series, Bubble Series, Candlestick Series, Line
Series, and Plot Series etc [30].

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 34– No.1, November 2011

Fig 20: Parallel Coordinates

Alfred Inselberg wrote a comprehensive book about parallel intensity of the defined attribute [46], as shown in the above
coordinates, he mention the geometry of multidimensional figures.
visual data and its application in different fields, specially how 3.2.3 Entity Relationship Diagram
parallel coordinates help one to recognize pattern in multiple set Entity relationship diagram is constructed through Entity
of huge data [44]. Relationship Modeling mechanism. Entity relationship modeling
3.2.2 Tree Map is an abstract and conceptual data representation technique use
Tree map is also known as tree mapping. In information in software engineering. It is basically a database modeling
visualization, tree mapping is a technique is use to display methodology which is used to generate conceptual schema,
hierarchical data in the form of nested or layered rectangles [45]. semantic schema, and most of the time it is use to create
Tree map is use to visualize hierarchical structures. Tree map relational database schema for a system. ER diagrams or ERDs
facilitate users to compare nodes and sub nodes at various depth are use as short form for entity relationship diagrams. Most of
and help to recognize patterns and expected results. Many data the time top-down approach is use to design a ER diagrams. Key
sets has hierarchical characteristics, the objects are categorize elements of ER diagram are Entity; may be an object or concept
into different categories, subcategories and so on. The following about which information is need to be store, Relationship; means
figure show tree map. how two or more than two entities share information, and
Attributes; is any unique characteristic of an entity [47]. As
shown in the following example.

Fig 21: Tree Map

Each data object or item in data set is represented by a rectangle,

which have different sizes recording user defined attributes or
user defined properties. Color of each rectangle reflects the
Fig 22: Hospital ERD

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 34– No.1, November 2011

Many other ERD’s elements exits like strong entity, weak entity, 3.2.5 Flow Chart
key attribute, multivalued attribute, derived attribute, A flow chart or flow graph is graphical representation or
relationship and cardinality, all these elements are represented symbolic representation of steps involve in a process. As there
with different symbols or notations [48]. are different steps in a process represent different symbols. The
3.2.4 Cone Tree flow chart is use to show the flow sequence of data, flow of
Cone tree is another technique to display hierarchical data such direction and control flow in a process using arrows. Different
as organizational body etc in three dimensions. The branches symbols that has been use in the flow chart are, process,
grow in the form of cone. Three dimensional cone trees supports alternative process, delay, preparation, arrows, start, terminator,
more nodes as compare to two dimensional cone trees [50]. decision, and connector etc [54] [55]. The following figure is an
According to Andy & Bruce cone tree is an attractive interactive example of flow chart.
three dimensional visualization technique use to represent
hierarchical data effectively utilize the available screen and
human perceptual system. They describe the design,
implementation, and evaluation of animated 3D cone tree. When
a level is added in 3D cone tree system an inverted cone is
created at bottom side. They further evaluate the cone system
and provide the usability study of the tree interfaces [49].
3.2.5 Time Line
Timeline is also termed sometime as chronology, because a
timeline is a graphical representation of chronological sequence
of events draw along straight line to enable users to understand
the relationship between different events easily. The timeline
may present in tabular, yearly paragraph or some other forms
[51]. Simply timeline is an image or pictorial representation that
shows the list of events that happened in the past or events that
are the part of history. It may be of two types, i.e. linear timeline
and comparative timeline. Linear timeline is an order of events
that occurred in specific period of time, it can be represented as
horizontally or vertically. Comparative timeline is two sets of
events that occurred at a place or a set of events that occurred at
two different places that may or may not be compared but can Fig 234: Flow Chart
deduce for some sort of knowledge [52]. Figure 23 shows
example of timeline.

Fig 243: Technology Advancement Time Line

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 34– No.1, November 2011

3.2.6 Data Flow Diagram

Data flow diagram is shortening by DFD. DFD is important to
find out how the data is process in a system, it is use to describe
how the data or information is transform by the system. In other
words DFD shows how the data is processed, how it is stored,
and discover how the information flows through the processes.
DFD is a graphical representation of data flow through the
system, and model its process aspects. It is use to visualize data
processing, having different level. DFD of level 0 create
overview of the overall system and DFD of level 1 elaborate
each process of the system and provide detail view [55] [56],
level 2 elaborate it further. DFD example is given bellow.

Fig 26: Examples of Venn Diagram

All comparative sets are the members of big set called universal
set. Universal set is the set of objects or items under
consideration. As Venn diagrams shows all logically possible
relationships between two or more sets, so it is very helpful in
many discipline. For examples this sort of diagram is used in
scientific and engineering presentation, theoretical mathematics,
probability, logic, statistics, linguistics and computer science
and its application etc. Ruskey and Watson introduce a detail
survey of Venn diagram [57].
3.2.8 Semantic Network
Fig 25: Data Flow Diagram
A semantic network is a graphical representation of logical
DFD illustrate what kind of input is required by the system and relationship between different concepts. Semantic network
what type of output is generated by the system. What is the input generate directed graph, the combination of nodes or vertices,
of each module and where the data come from, where it is stored edges or arcs, and label over each edge. Nodes represent the
and for whom it will be the input. The DFD does not show any individual or any concept and the relationship is represented by
thing about the operational sequence, for this purpose flow chart edge or arc, which is denoted by the label on the arc. More than
has been used. Different notations are used for DFD, i.e. for one edge contains the same label [58]. Semantic network is
process, input, output, file or database and flow etc. based on human cognition, and used to convey ideas about set of
objects or concepts. Semantic network is knowledge
3.2.7 Venn Diagram representation schemes that involve nodes and links, produce
Venn diagrams are introduced by John Venn in 1880. Venn directed graph containing nodes, links (arrows) and label on the
diagrams are use to explain the relationship between two or links, which shows the relation between concepts or objects
many sets, that’s why it is also called set diagram. It specified [59]. Semantic networks understandable knowledge of set of
the relationship between objects of different sets. This means concepts that are related to each other. As shown by the
that to determine the common characteristics in objects, following figure number 27.
represented by upside-down letter U, called intersection and
determined which characteristics or not common, represented by There are many advanced information visualization techniques
X’, called complement, total collection of items or objects, are mentioned, e.g. Tablelens technique, TableLens, Node-link
represented by letter U, called union in set theory [51]. Here are diagram etc.
few examples in figure 26, one of then shows the interaction of
Greek, Latin, and Russian alphabet.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 34– No.1, November 2011

When the contents required maximizing in size for detail view

zoom in technique is use, and when adjust to smaller size done
with zoom out technique. This technique is more useful for
mobile device because the screen size is very limited as compare
to the content to be display. The zoomable user interface
provides more productive interactions.
Different strategies have been introduced to produce
broader view of information, and for navigation via it. These
navigation supports broader view and detail view of the entire
4.2 Zoom + Pan
Zoomable visual interface starts with the overview and then
enable the users to zoom in to achieve the level of detail up to
some extent in information of interest. Zoomed visual interface
Fig 27: Semantic Network can be pan across the rest of the interface without zooming out
the interface. Alternatively the interface can zoom in, zoom out
4. INTERACTIVITY to return to the overview, and again zoom in to another portion
The users are interested in the abstract data about which they of detail, and pan zoom in state and in zoom out state. Two
have desire to understand, the user don’t have sufficient pre advantages of this strategy are; it uses the screen efficiently and
knowledge about that data. Hence for the exploration, analysis, provides unlimited scalability. It has two very costly
and for the representation of data or information visualization disadvantages i.e. when zoom in it loses overview and
interactive techniques are exceptionally momentous. The navigation is slower.
challenge in information visualization is to provide data visually
4.3 Overview + Detail
in order to the user effectively understand the information for This technique uses multiple views at the same time, i.e. display
which the user is looking for, for this purpose provide an overview and of detail view. This view indicates the location
interaction mechanism that make is possible to manipulate of detail view within the information space or in the overview.
visualization effectively and effortlessly as probable [53]. Users Such a technique commonly found in maps and in image or
can interact with interfaces or visualization in different ways by picture browsing software e.g. SeeSoft [60]. For 2D images
means of mouse over, single click, double click, or can add zooming ratio is 30:1 between overview and detail view,
multiple interactive options by mouse right button click. There considering usability limits for navigations to achieve the desire
are many interactive techniques available to interact with charts details. For 3D view, Worlds in Miniature [61] provides a small
or graphical representation to understand the drill down details. 3D overview map attached to a virtual glove to help orient users
Card et al introduce the interactive mechanism of visualization within the world shows in the following figure.
in 1999. This mechanism describes human interaction in
different phases as shown in the following diagram.

Fig 28: Interactive Mechanism

Fig 29: Overview + Detail
4.1 Zoom in and Zoom out or Zooming
Sometimes user interfaces needs to bring it closer in order to This interactive technique conserves overview to prevent
view of contents clear or in details. The content display of user disorientation in the detail view, but endures visual discontinuity
interface must not be each user’s choice, so required fair scaling between overview and detail view. This technique carry
techniques which enable user to make it according to their wish. advantages are; the overview is stable and presents multiple
In computing, zooming user interface or zoomable user interface overview or foci or chained views or scalable views. While
“ZUI” in graphical environment, enable user to change the scale visual disconnect between views i.e. back and forth views and
of viewed area of interfaces up to different level of details. views compete for screen space.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 34– No.1, November 2011

4.4 Focus + Context or Fish Eye use discus by Wills [Wills, 1996], such as pointing at individual
This strategy expands or makes it bigger or enlarges a focus area entities or pointing to group of entities, etc. Second: users can
directly within the overall view or overview context. The focus select data entities indirectly, for example, XmdvTool [Ward,
area is magnified to present the detail information for that 1994] enables users to make selections in tabular data in parallel
portion of information space. The user and easily navigates by coordinates by specifying range criteria on data attributes.
just sliding the focus across the overview to explore details of
other parts. To keep context and keep space for the expanded 2. Linking
focus region the surrounding overview partially pushed back by Linking and brushing are the most common form of linking.
warping the overview. This is why this technique is also known Linking is useful to relate information among multiple views.
as fisheye view [62] or distortion-oriented [63] displays. The Information can be mapped differently to different views to
following figures shows the focus + context strategy. reveal or expose different perspectives (viewpoint) or different
portions of the information. On the bases of selection criteria the
user can select entities in one structure, which then shows the
distribution the selected entities in another structure.

Fig 30: Focus + Context or Fish Eye

Fig 31: Interactive brushing and linking between histogram
The main advantage of this strategy is it keeps its context when
plots (top) and geographic map (bottom) of dataset.
focus, means it keeps view of non-focus area, while distortion
and unstable overview are the main disadvantages. [1][30][64]
3. Filtering
Steps for Interactive Visualization Strategies Filtering enables users to dynamically adjust amount of
information to display, means to decrease or increase
Interaction strategies support further scalability and complexity information quantity that need to display, and focus on
of visual information. There are some major steps that should be information of interest. For this purpose need some dynamic
considered for interaction strategy in every visualization design. query values to manipulate, in this regard visual widgets can
These steps are briefly explain in the following section play vital role e.g. slider can be use in different ranges, field box
can be use to put attribute value in specified range etc. these
1. Selecting widgets enables one from the current query parameters and
One of the most important and fundamental requirements in enables to quickly adjust query parameters and instantaneously
visualization is interactive selection of data entities or subset or view filtered results in the visualization in real time.
part of whole data or whole data set, that is of interest to the
user. This is useful to view detail information about the selected 4. Rearranging or Remapping
entities, highlight entities that are covered or hidden, cluster As a single mapping or plotting visual form of information may
entities that are related and extracting entities that may be use in be not enough, so the users must empower to customize
future. mapping among many maps. To enable users to customize maps
There are two probable conditions through which users can by its own choice provide the way to better understand the
specify selections. First: users can select data entities directly, information. As the spatial layout is the most important visual
visualization should enable the users to select entities directly. mapping, rearranging the spatial layout of the information is the
For the selection of data entities variety of techniques has been most effective for producing different insights i.e. TableLens

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 34– No.1, November 2011

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[49].Andy Cockburn and Bruce McKenzie, (2000). “An 7. AUTHORS PROFILE
evaluation of cone trees”. In People and Computers XIV:
Muzammil Khan received BS (Computer Science) degree
British Computer Society Conference on Human Computer
Interaction, pages 425–436. Springer Verlag, 2000 with “Gold Medal” from University of Malakand, Pakistan
[50].Usability First: in 2009, and currently doing MPhil in Computer Science
[51].Search CIO Mid market: http://searchcio- session 2010-12 from Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad,, Pakistan. His research interests in Human Computer Interaction regarding usability and readability, Data Mining
diagram on Mobile devices, Visualization, Mobile Visualization.


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