Tulis Jawapan Yang Sesuai Bagi Setiap Gambar Di Ruang Yang Disediakan

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Section B

( 30 marks )
Question 21
Write a suitable response for each picture in the space provided.
Tulis jawapan yang sesuai bagi setiap gambar di ruang yang disediakan.






( 2 marks)






(2 marks)






(2 marks)
Question 22
Read the notice below and answer the questions that follow.

Stay safe, be street smart, and here are some tips for you

1. Make your whereabouts known.

Always let your parents know where you are at all times. Tell them
where you are going, whom you will be wuth and when you are
coming home.
2. Stay with a friend or in a group.
Whether going to school, to the playground or to the shop, it is best
to bring a friend or two, the more the better. There is safety in
numbers. Bad people will think twice before attacking a group of
3. Avoid places that are not safe.
4. Stay away from isolated areas such as back alleys, abondoned
buildings and the woods. If you are attacked while being in such

Write True or False in the space provided.

( a ) Open the door to strangers. ____________

( b ) Keep your window open when you are not at home. ____________

( 2 marks )

Write your answer in the space provided.

( c ) Why should we turn down the volume on the home telephone before we





( d ) Why do you think tools or ladders should not be left outside the house ?



( e ) Think other ways we can keep our home safe ?




Question 23

Read the information in the table and answer the questions that follow.

Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.

( a ) Sharmini and her family are celebrating Deepavali. She will serve ______
to the guests.
b Kuih bakul
( 1 mark )

( b ) People can watch a beauty contest during _____________________

Chinese New Year
Hari Gawai

( 1 mark )

( c ) Match the phrase in List A to the suitable phrase in List B. One has been
done for you.
List A List B

Cinese New Year is celebrated at harvest festival.

A reunion dinner is held
21 January and 20 February.
Lemang and rendang will be served
during the Hari Raya open house.
Hari Gawai marks the end
on the eve of Chinese New Year
( 2 marks )

Write your answer in the space provided.

( d ) List two things people usually do to celebrate festivals.

(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
( 2 marks )

( e ) How can festive celebrations help bring communities together ?



( 2 marks )

Question 24 and 25

Study the blog post and read the dialogue given. Then, answer the questions
that follow.
Question 24

Tick (√ ) the correct answer.

( a ) What is newspaper article about ?

Scientists found signs of life on Mars

Scientists found water on Mars
Scientists discovered a new planet
( 1 mark )

( b ) The liquid water drips down certain Martian slopes during ________

( 1 mark )

Question 25

Write your answer in the space provided.

( a ) What is an alternative name to Mars ?




( 2 marks )

( b ) Why did Alif father say, “ It’s sad that we have to look for alternative

places for our future generations”?




( 2 marks )

( c ) Scientist are looking for water on Mars. Do you agree ? Give your reason.




( 2 marks )

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