Course Structure
Y Theory - 4 Credits
Core Course 1
Analytic Geometry 2D, Higher
UCCMATH 101 Assignment - 1 Credit
Algebra & Trigonometry
Tutorial - 1 Credit
Theory - 4 Credits
Core Course 2 UCCMATH 102
Differential Calculus & Vector
Assignment - 1 Credit
Tutorial - 1 Credit
Ability Enhancement
UAECC 101 5cience/(English/M L/Regional
Compulsory Course 1
I Theory - 2 Credit
Languages Commu nication)
Theory - 4 Credits
Generic Elective 1 UGEMATH 101
Differential Calculus & coordinate Assignment - 1 Credit
Geometry 2D Tutorial - 1 Credit
Theory - 4 Credits
Core Course 3 UCCMATH 203
Assignment - 1 Credit
Analysis I
Tutorial - I Credit
Theory - 4 Credits
lntegral Calculus & Analytic
v Core Course 4 UCCMATH 204
Geometry 3D
Assignment - 1 Credit
Tutorial - 1 Credit
UAECC 202 Science/(English/M lLlRegional
Compulsory Course 2 Theory - 2 Credits
Languages Communication)
Theory - 4 Credits
lntegral Calculus, Vector Calculus & Assignment - 1 Credit
Generic Elective 2 U GEMATH 2O2
Trigonometry Tutorial - 1 Credit
Theory - 4 Credits
Core Course 5 UCCMATH 305 Theory of Real Functions
Assignment - 1 Credit
Tutorial - 1 €redit
Core Course 6
Theory - 4 Credits
UCCMATH 305 Group Theory & Matrices
Assignment - 1 Credit
Tutorial - 1 Credit
Theory - 4 Credits
Core Course 7 UCCMATH 307 Differential Equations
Assignment - 1 Credit
I Tutorial - 1 Credit
Skill Enhancement Theory - 1 Credits
USECMATH 301 Logic and Sets
Course L Assignmentfiutorial - 1
Generic Elective 3 UGEMATH 303 Theory - 4 Credits
Real Analysis l, Group Theory &
--) Assisnment - 1 Credit
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Theory - 4 Credits
Core Course 8 UCCMATH 408 Analysis ll Assignment - 1 Credit
Tutorial - 1 Credit
Theory - 4 Credits
Core Course 9 UCCMATH 409 Mechanics I Assignment - 1 Credit
Tutorial - 1 Credit
Theory - 4 Credits
Core Course 10 UCCMATH 410 Ring Theory Assignment - 1 Credit
Tutorial - 1 Credit
Skill Enhancement
Theory - 1 Credit
Course 2
USECMATH 402 Graph Theory Assignment/Tutorial - 1
Theory - 4 Credits
Real Analysis ll, Complex Variable,
Generic Elective 3 UGEMATH 404 Assignment - 1 Credit
Set Theory & Matrices
Tutorial - 1 Credit
Core Course 11 UCCMATH 51]. Analysis lll {Metric Space & Theory - 4 Credits
Complex Analysis) Assignment - l Credit
Tutorial - 1 Credit
Discipline Specific UDSEMATH 502 Probability & statistics Or Boolean Theory - 4 Credits
Elective 2 Algebra & Automata Theory Or Assignment - 1 Credit
Special Functions Tutorial - 1 Credit
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Tutorial - 1 Credit
Max. Marks
Semester lll
Max. Marks
Paper Code credits
UCCMATH 305 6 70 30
UCCMATH 306 6 70 30
UCCMATH 307 6 70 30
USECMATH 301 2 50
S emester V
Max. Marks
Paper Code credits
UCCMATH 408 6 70 30
UCCMATH 409 6 70 30
UCCMATH 410 5 70 30
USECMATH 402 2 50
Semester V
Max. Marks
Paper Code credits
UCCMATH 511 6 70 30
UCCMATH 512 6 70 30
UDSEMATH 501 6 70 30
t{ \b
UDSEMATH 502 5 70 30
6 100
(For General Students)
Semester Vl
Max. Marks
Paper Code credits
UCCMATH 613 6 70 30
UCCMATH 614 6 70 30
UDSEMATH 603 6 70 30
UDSEMATH 604 6 70 30
Note: For Core or Discipline Specific Courses having practical the breaks up of
marks will be as follows:
Univ. Exam - 50, Practical (Univ.Examl - 25, and Mid Sem. Exam - 25.
Paper Code: UCCMATH 101
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. Question 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 10 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidates will be required to answer any 7 out of these 10 questions; each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group. Questions may contain two
parts of equal marks.
Equations of Chord of contact, Pole and Polar, Pair of tangents, in reference to general
equation of conic. Axes, centre, director circle, in reference to general equation of conic.
Polar equation of conic.
(2 Questions)
Books Recommended:
1". Analytical Geometry & Vector Analysis - B. K. Kar, Books & Allied Co., Kolkata
2. dnalytical Geometry of two dimension - Askwith
3. Coordinate Geometry - S L LoneY.
Nrne questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. Question 1
will be compulsory, consiiting of 10 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidates will be required to answer any 7 out of these 10 questions; each
question will be of 2 meks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group. Question may contain two
parts of equal marks.
Tangent and normal, curvature. Asymptotes. Maxima and Minima of functions of two
variables, Lagrange's multipliers. (2 euestions)
Product of three and four vectors, work done, moment of a vector about a point and a line.
(2 Questions)
Scalar and vector point functions, differentiation of a vector function of scalar variables.
Gradient, Divergence and Curl, second order operators in Cartesian coordinate system.
(2 Questions)
Books Recommended :
Paper Code: UCCMATH 203
Analysis I
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. Question 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 10 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidates will be required to answer any 7 out of these 10 questions; each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group. Question may contain two
parts of equal marks.
Axioms of least upper bound and greatest lower bound in R. The completeness
property of R, Archimedean property, density of rational and irrational numbers in R.
Neighbourhoods and limit point of a set, open and closed sets, isolated points,
Bolzano - Weierstrass theorem for sets (Statement only). (2 Questions)-a
Books Recommended :
.)-\ t.
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. Question 1
will be compulsory, consisting of L0 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidates will be required to answer any 7 out of these 10 questions; each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group. Question may contain two
parts of equal marks.
Point of inflexion, double point, curve tracing. Length of plane curye, area bounded
by plane curves. Volume and surface area of solid of revolution.
(2 Questions)
Angle between two straight lines, equation of planes and straight lines, shortest
distance between two lines. (l Question)
Sphere. (l Question)
Books Recommended :
questions. Question 1
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5
will be compulsory, consisting of 10 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
questions; each
uniformly. candidates will be required to answer any 7 out of these 10
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group' Question may
contain two
parts of equal marks.
Derivability: Derivability, relationship with continuity, Rolle's theorem, Lagrange's
Cauchy Mean value theorem, Taylor's theorem, Maclaurin's theorem, remainder
after n
Books Recommended:
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Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. Question 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 10 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidates will be required to answer any 7 out of these 10 questions; each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group. Question may contain two
parts of equal marks.
Groups: Definitions, Preliminary results, equivalent definitions, Subgroups, Cyclic Group and
its subgroups, Cosets of a subgroup in a group, Lagrange's Theorem and it's applications.
(2 Questions)
Books Recommended:
1. John B. Fraleigh, A First Course in Abstroct Algebra, Tth Ed., Pearson, 2002.
2. Joseph A. Gallian, Contemporary Abstract Algebra,4th Ed., Narosa Publishing House, New
Delhit, 1999.
3. Topics in Algebra : I N Herstein.
4. Basic Abstract Algebra: P B Bhattacharya, Cambridge Univ. Press.
5. Matrices - Shanti Narayan.
6. Matrices - A R Vashishtha.
Nrne questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. Question 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 10 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
questions; each
uniformly. candidates will be required to answer any 7 out of these 10
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group. Questions may
contain two
parts of equal marks.
Differential equation of first order but not of first degree, clairaut's form, singular solutions.
Differential equations with constant coefficients'
(l Question)
Orthogonal trajectories and its simple application in geometrical and mechanical
(t Question)
parameter and
Linear differential equations of second order by method of variation of
Books Recommended
Five questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 3 questions. Question 1 will
be compulsory, consisting of 6 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidates will be required to answer any 5 out of these 6 questions; each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 4 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 2 questions selecting at least one from each group. Questions may contain two
parts of equal marks.
Statements, truth value of a statement, truth tables, negation, conjunction and disjunction.
Conditional and Biconditionalstatements.Converse, inverse and contrapositive
propositions.Tautologies and contradictions.Equivalent statements and law of duality.
(2 Questions)
Sets, subsets, Set operations and the laws of set theory and Venn diagrams.Examples of
finite and infinite sets.Finite sets and counting principle. Empty set, properties of empty set.
Power set of a set. (2 Questions)
Books Recommended:
of variables' (l Question)
Change of order of integration and change
volume integral, Green's theorem in R2'
Vector integration: Line integral, surface integral,
Stoke 's theorem, Gauss Divergence theorem'
(3 Questions)
Books Recommended :
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics - B S
2. Elements of Real Analysis - Shanti Narayan
& M D Raisinghania'
3. Mathematical Analysis-J N Sharma &ARVashishtha'
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Mechanics I
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. Question 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 10 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidates will be required to answdr any 7 out of these 10 questions; each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group. Questions may contain two
parts of equal marks.
Books Recommended:
3. Mechanics -Singh & Sen, Bharti Bhawan Publications.
Ring: Definition and examples, commutative ring, ring with unity, unit in a ring, Matrix ring,
Boolean ring, Ring of continuous functions. Direct product of rings, properties of rings,
subrings. (l question)
Nilpotent element, idempotent element , zero divisors, integral domain, division ring and
field. Characteristic of a ring. (1 euestion)
ldeal, ideal generated by a subset of a ring, simple ring, factor rings, operations on ideals,
prime and maximal ideals. (2 Questions)
Ring homomorphisms, properties of ring homomorphisms, lsomorphism theorems l, ll and
lll, field of quotients. (l Question)
Polynomial rings over commutative rings, division algorithm and consequences, principal
ideal domains, factorization of polynomials, reducibility tests, irreducibility tests,
Eisenstein's criterion. (3 Questions)
Books Recommended:
1.. John B- Fraleigh, A First course in Abstroct Algebra, Tth Ed., pearson, 2002.
2. Joseph A- Gallian, Contemporory Abstract Algebro,4th Ed., Narosa publishing House, New Delhi,
3. c Musili, lntroduction to Rings and Moduleg 2nd edition, Narosa publishing House.
4. Modern Algebra - I N Herstein
Five questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 3 questions. Question l will
be compulsory, consisting of 6 short answer type questions covering the entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidate will be required to answer any 5 out of these 5 questions; each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 4 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 2 questions selecting at least one from each group. Questions may contain two
parts of equal marks.
Definition, examples and basic properties of graphs, pseudo graphs, complete graphs, bi-
partite graphs, isomorphism of graphs, paths and circuits. (2 Questions)
Eulerian circuits, Hamiltonian cycles, the adjacency matrix, weighted graph, travelling
salesman's problem, shortest path, Dijkstra's algorithm. (2 Questions)
Books Recommended:
1. B.A. Davey and H.A. Priestley, lntroduction to Lattices and Order, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1990.
Edgar G. Goodaire and Michael M. Parmenter, Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory,
2nd Edition, Pearson Education (singapore) P. Ltd., lndian Reprint 2003.
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. Question 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 10 short answer type questions covering the entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidate will be required to answer any 7 out of these 10 questions; each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group. Questions may contain two
parts of equal marks.
Metric spaces: Definition and examples of metric spaces. Sequences in metric space, Cauchy
sequence, complete metric space. (l euestion)
Open and closed balls, neighborhood, open set, interior of a set. Limit point of a set, closed
set. (l Question)
Diameter of a set, Cantor's theorem. Subspaces, dense sets, perfect sets. Baire's Category
theorern. (1 euestion)
Books Recommended:
l. lntroduction to Topology - G F Simmons.
2. Metric Spaces - P K Jain & Khalil Ahmad.
3. Complex variable - Churchil and Brown
I ,
Books Recommended:
L. LinearAlgebra - K Hoffman & R Kunze.
2. HigherAlgebra -S K Mapa.
3. Linear Algebra - A R Vashishtha.
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Credits: 6, Full Marks: 70, Time: 3 Hours
Nrne questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. euestion 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 10 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidates will be required to answer any 7 out of these 10 questions; each
question will be. of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group. Questions may contain two
parts of equal marks.
Divisibility and primes, H.C.F., Euclid's Algorithm, unique factorization, perfect numbers.
(1 Question)
Residue class, complete and reduced residue system, congruences and their properties,
Fermat's theorem, Wilson's theorem. (1 euestion)
Books Recommended:
1. NumberTheory- G H Hardy & E M Wright.
1. Number Theory- S G Telang.
2. Number Theory - Harikisan
Credits: 6, Full Marks: 70, Time: 3 Hours
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. Question 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 10 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidates will be required to answer any 7 out of these 10 questions; each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group. Questions may contain two
parts of equal marks.
Portfolio Optimization
Financial markets. Investment objectives. Measures of return and risk. Types of risks. Risk
free assets. Mutual funds. Portfolio of assets. Expected risk and return of portfolio.
(2 Questions)
Diversification. Mean-variance portfolio optimization- the Markowitz model and the two-
fund theorem, risk-free assets and one fund theorem, efficient frontier. Portfolios with short
sales. Capital market theory. (3 Questions)
Capital assets pricing model- the capital market line, beta of an asset, beta of a portfolio,
security market line. Index tracking optimization models. Portfolio performance evaluation
measures. (3 Questions)
Books Recommended:
l. F. K. Reilly, Keith C. Brown, Investment Analysis and Portftlio Management,l0thEd.,
South-Western Publishers, 201 l.
2. H.M. Markowitz, Mean-Variance Analysis in Portfolio Choice and Capital Markets,
[]lackwell, New York, 1987.
i. M.J. Best, Portfolio Optimization, Chapman
and Hall, CRC Press, 2010.
4. D.C. Luenberger,lnvestment Science,2nd Ed., Oxford University Press, 2013.
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. Question 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 10 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidates will be required to answer any 7 out of these 10 questions; each
t qudstion will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group. Questions may contain two
parts of equal marks.
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Moment of a force about a point and an axis, couple and couple moment, Moment of a couple
about a line, resultant of a force system, distributed force system, free body diagram, free
body involving interior sections, generalequations of equilibrium, two point equivalent
loading, problems arising from structures, static indeterminacy. ( 2 euestions)
Laws of Coulomb friction, application to simple and complex surface contact friction
problems, transmission of power through belts, screw jack, wedge, first moment of an area
and the centroid, other centers, Theorem of Pappus-Guldinus, second moments and the
product of area of a plane are4 transfer theorems, relation betrveen second moments and
products of area, polar moment of area, principalaxes. (3 Questions)
Conservative force field, conservation for mechanical energy, work energy equation, kinetic
energy and work kinetic energy expression based on center of mass, moment of momentum
equation fora single parlicle and a system of particles, translation and rotation of rigid
bodies, Chasles' theorem. general relationship between time derivatives of a vector for
different references, relationship between velocities of a particle for different references,
acceleration of particle for different references. (3 Questions)
Books Recommended:
l. LH. Shames and G. Krishna Mohan Rao, Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics,
- (4tn Ed.), Dorling Kindersley (lndia) Pvt. LtJ. (Pearson Education), Derhi, z00g:
2. R.C. Hibbeler and Ashok Gupta, Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamr'cs, I lth Ed.,
Dorling Kindersley (lndia) Pvt. Ltd. (Pearson Education), Delhi.
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. euestion 1
will be compulsory, consisting of l-0 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. CandidateS will be required to answer any 7 out of these 10 questions; each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group. Questions may contain two
parts of equal marks.
Books Recommended:
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. Question 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 10 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidates will be required to answer any 7 out of these 10 questions; each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group. Questions may contain two
parts of equal marks.
Definition, examples and basic properties of ordered sets, maps between ordered sets, duality
principle, lattices as ordered sets, lattices as algebraic structures, sublattices, products and
homomorphisms. (2 Questions)
Definition, examples and properties of rnodular and distributive lattices, Boolean algebras,
Boolean polynomials. minimal forms of Boolean polynomials, Quinn-McCluskey method,
Karnaugh diagrams, switching circuits and applications of switching circuits.
(2 Questions)
Introduction: Alphabets, strings, and languages. Finite Automata and Regular Languages:
deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata, regular expressions, regular languages
and their relationship with finite automata, pumping lemma and closure properties of regular
languages. ( I Question)
Context Free Crammars and Pushdown Automata: Context free grammars (CFG), parse trees,
ambiguities in grammars and languages, pushdown automaton (PDA) and the language
accepted by PDA, deterministic PDA, Non- deterministic PDA, properties of context free
languages; normal forms, pumping lemma, closure properties, decision properties.
(l Question)
'l'uring Machines: Turing machine as a moddl of computation, programming with a Turing
machine, variants of Turing machine and their equivalence
Undecidability: Recursively enumerable and recursive languages, undecidable problems
Turing machines: halting problem, Post Correspondence Problem, and undecidability
problems about CFGs. (2 Questions)
Books Recommended
l. B A. Davey and H. A. Priestley, Introduction to Lattices and Order, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1990.
2. Edgar G. Coodaire and Michael M. Parmenter, Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory,
(2nd Ed.), Pearson Education (Singapore) P.Ltd., lndian Reprint 2003.
3. Rudolf Lidl and G0nter Prlz, Applied Ab.stract Algebra,2nd Ed., Undergraduate Texts in
Mathematics, Springer (SIE), Indian reprint, 2004.
4. J. E. Hopcroft, R. Motwaniand J. D. Ullman, Introduction to Automata'Theory,
Languages, and Computation, Znd Ed., Addison-Wesley, 2001.
5. H.R. Lewis, C.H. Papadimitriou, C. Papadimitriou, Elements of the Theory of
Computation, 2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall, NJ, 1997.
6. J.A. Anderson, Automata Theory with Modern Applications, Cambridge University Press,
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. Question 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 10 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidates will be required to answer ariy 7 out of these 10 questions; each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will'be required to
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group. Questions may contain two
parts of egual marks.
Series Solution: Ordinary point, singular point(regular), general methods and forms
of series solution (lndicial equation -
Frobenius method) [ N.B.: Results of analysis
regarding validity of series solution are taken to be grantedl. (1 Question)
Bessel's equation: Solution, recurrence formula for Jr(x), Generating function for
Books Recommended :
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Mechanics ll
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. Question 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 10 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidates will be required to answer any 7 out of these 10 questions; each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group. Questions may contain two
parts of equal marks.
Condition of equilibrium of forces in three dimension. Central axis, Wrench, Pitch, Null lines.
(l Question)
Stable equilibrium, energy test of stability (problems involving one variable only).
(1" Question)
Motion of a particle under a central force, differential equations of central orbit in both
polar and pedal co-ordinates. (l question)
Newton's law of gravitation, planetary orbits, Keplar's laws of motion. (l question)
Motion of a projectile under gravity in a non-resisting medium. (l question)
Motion of mass centre and motion relative to mass centre, D' Alembert's principle. Two
dimensionalmotion of a rigid body, compound pendulum. (l Question)
Books Recommended :
2. Statics - Goyal & Gupta
4. Dynamics - RK Gupta & DC Agarwal
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Numerical Analysis
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. Question 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 10 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidate will be required to answer any 7 out of these 10 questions, each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group. Question may contain two
parts of equal marks.
Calculus of finite difference: The operators A,V,E, factorialnotation, their properties and
inter-relation between them, Fundamental theorem of difference calculus, divided
differences. (l Question)
lnterpolation: Newton's forward and backward difference interpolation formula, Lagrange's
interpolation formula, centraldifference interpolation, Gauss's forward, backward and
central difference interpolation formula. (2 questions)
Books Recommended :
Books Recommended:
1' Mokhtar S. Bazaraa, John J. Jarvis and Hanif D. Sherali; Linear progromming
ond Network
Flows,2nd Ed.,John Wiley and Sons, lndia, 2004
2- F.S. Hillier and G.J. Lieberman, tntroduction to Operations Research, gth
Ed., Tata McGraw
Hill, Singapore,2009.
3. Hamdy A- Taha, operations Research, An lntroduction, Sth Ed., prentice-Hall
lndia, 2006.
4. G. Hadley, Lineor programming, Narosa publishing House, New
Delhi, 2002.
5. Operations Research - S D Sharma.
6. Linear Programming problems - R K Gupta.
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Theory of Equations
Credits: 6, Full Marks: 70, Time: 3 Hours
Nrne questions will be set. candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. euestion 1
will be compulsory, consisting of L0 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidates willbe required to answer any 7 out of these 10 questions; each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group. Questions may contain two
parts of equal marks.
General properties of polynomials, graphical representation of a polynomial, maximum and
minimum values of a polynomial, general properties of equations, Descarte's rule of sign,
Relation between the roots and the coefficients of equations. (2 Questions)
Symmetric functions of roots, their applications and Newton's theorem on the sums of
powers of the roots, transformation of equations, discriminant and nature of roots,
Cardon's solution of cubic equations. (3 questions)
Books Recommended:
1. W.S. Burnside and A.W. Panton, The Theory of Equations, Dublin University Press, 1954.
2. C. C. MacDuffee, Theory of Equations, John Wiley & Sons lnc., 1954.
2. Theory of Equations - talji Prasad.
Paper Code: DSEMATH 603 C
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Bio-Mathematics -6 'orr,li .i
Credits: 6, Full Marks: 70, Time: 3 Hours
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. euestion 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 10 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidates will be required to answer any 7 out of these 10 questions; each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group. Question may contain two
parts of equal marks.
Mathematical Biology and the modeling process: an overview. Continuous models: Malthus
model, logistic growth, Allee effect, Gompertz growth, Michaelis-Menten Kinetics, Holling
type growth, Bacterial groMh in a Chemostat, Harvesting a single natural population, Prey
predator systems and Lotka Volterra equations, Populations in competitions, Epidemic
Models (SI, SIR,SIRS, SIC), Activator-lnhibitor system, lnsect Outbreak Model: Spruce
Budworm, Numerical solution of the models and its graphical representation. Qualitative
analysis of continuous models: Steady state solutions, stability and linearization, multiple
species communities and Routh-Hurwitz Criteria, Phase plane methods and qualitative
solutions, bifurcations and limit cycles with examples in the context of biological scenario.
Spatial Models: One species rnodel with diffusion, Two species model with diffusion,
Conditions for diffusive instability, Spreading colonies of microorganisms, Blood flow in
circulatory system, Travelling wave solutions, Spread of genes in a population.
( 5 Questions)
Discrete Models: Overview of difference equations, steady state solution and linear stability
analysis, Introduction to Discrete Models, Linear Models, Growth models, Decay models,
Drug Delivery Problem, Discrete Prey-Predator models, Density dependent growth models
with harvesting, Host-Parasitoid systems (Nicholson-Bailey model), Numerical solution of
the models and its graphical representation. Case Studies: Optimal exploitation models,
Models irr Cenetics, Stage Structure Models, Age Structure Models.
(3 Questions)
Books Recommended:
l. L.E. Keshet, Mathematical Models in Biologt, SIAM, 1988.
2. J. D. Murray, Mathematical Biologt, Springer, 1993.
3. Y.C. Fung, Biomechanics, Springer-Verlag, 1990.
4. F. Brauer, P.v.D. Driessche and J. wu, Mathematical Epidemiologr, Springer,2008.
5. M. Kot, Elements of Mathematical Ecologt, Cambridge University Press,200l.
Fluid Mechanics
Nature and properties of fruid pressure, pressure
of heavy riquids. (l Question)
Equilibrium of fluids under given system of forces.
(l Question)
Centre of pressure.
(l Question)
Thrust on plane and curved surfaces.
(2 Questions)
Fluid Motion : Lagrangian and Eulerian methods.
Equation of continuity in different forms.
Euler,s equation of motion for perfect fruid. Bernourti,s
theorem. (3 questions)
Book Recommended :
1. Hydrostatics - M Rahman
2. Hydrostatics - J p Sinha
3. Hydrodynamics - Shanti Swaroop
4. Hydrodynamics - M D Raisinghania
Mathematical Modelting
Credits:6, Full Marks: 70, Time: 3 Hours
Power series solution of a differential equation about an ordinary point, solution about a
regular singular point, Bessel's equation and Legendre's equation. (2 Questions)
Laplace transform and inverse transform, application to initial value problem up to second
order. (2 Questions)
Monte Carlo Simulation Modeling: simulating deterministic behavior (area under a curve,
volume under a surface), Generating Random Numbers: middle square method, linear
congruence. (2 Questions)
Books Recommended
l. Tyn Myint-tJ and Lokenath Debnath, Linear Partial Dffirential Equation for Scientists
Engineers, Springer, Indian reprint, 2006.
2. Frank R. Ciordano, Maurice D. Weir and William P. Fox, A Firsi in Mathematical
Modeling, Thomson Learning, London and New York, 2003.
Paper Code: UDSEMATH 504 C
Differential Geometry
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. Question 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 10 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidate will be required to answer any 7 out of these 10 questions, each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required
1 r i-
answer any 4 questions selecting at least one from each group. Question may contain two
parts of equal marks.
Theory of Space Curves: Space curves, Planer curves, Curvature, torsion and Serret-Frenet
formulae. Osculating circles, Osculating circles and spheres. Existence of space curves.
Evolutes and involutes of curves. (l question)
Theory of Surfaces: Parametric curves on surfaces. Direction coefficients. First and second
Fundamental forms. Principal and Gaussian curvatures. Lines of curvature, Euler's theorem.
Rodrigue's formula, Conjugate and Asymptotic lines. (2 questions)
Developables: Developable associated with space curves and curveson surfaces, Minimal
surfaces. (l Question)
Books Recommended
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. Question 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 12 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidate will be required to answer any 10 out of these 12 questions, each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 5 questions selecting at least one from each group. Question may contain two
parts of equal marks.
Tangent and Normal, their equations in the. Cartesian form, parametric form. Angle
between two curves. Length of tangent, normal, sub tangent, subnormal in Cartesian forms.
partial Differentiation, Euler's theorem. Curvature. Asymptotes. Maxima and Minima of
functions of two variables. (3 Questions)
Change of rectangular axes, Rotation and Shifting of origin. Transformation of the general equation
ofthe second degree. Conditions for the general equation of second degree to represent a
parabola, ellipse and hyperbola. Equations of the tangent and normal to a given curve using
calculus. Polar equation. (3 Questions)
Books Recommended:
1. Differential Calculus: A Das Gupta & S B Prasad.
2. Differential Calculus: Lalji Prasad'
3. Coordinate Geometry: A Das Gupta. *{+
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Evaluation of definite integrals, reduction formulae, curve tracing, length and area, Surface
area and volume of solids of revolution. (2 Questions)
Scalar and Vector point functions, vector function of scalar variables, Continuity of a vector
function. Differentiation of a vector with respect to the scalar variable "t". Differentiation of
a vector function. Derivatives of a sum of vectors, derivatives of a product of vectors (both
scalar and vector products). (2 question)
Gradient, Divergence and curl and second order vector differential operators in Cartesian
coordinates systems. (1 question)
Books Recommended;
L. lntegral Calculus: Dasgupta & Prasad.
2. integral Calculus: Lalji Prasad.
3. Vector Calculus: Dasgupta & Prasad.
4. Vector calculus: Lalji Prasad.
5. Trigonometry : DasguPta & Prasad.
6. Trigonometry: lalji Prasad.
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. Question 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 12 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidate will be required to answer any 10 out of these 12 questions, each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 5 questions selecting at least one from each group. Question may contain two
parts of equal marks.
convergence of a sequence.
(l Question)
Binary operations, Notion of group, Abelian group and non-Abelian group with examples.
Uniqueness of identity element and inverse elements in a group, different ways of defining a
group, concept of Subgroup and cyclic group, Cosets, Lagrange's theorem.
(2 questions)
Differential equations of first order and higher degree, Clairaut's form, singular solution,
orthogonal trajectories. (l Questions)
Linear Equation with constant co-efficients, Homogenous linear equations with variable
coefficients. Simultaneous equation + =+ =$ and total differential equation
Books Recommended:
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. Question 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 12 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidate will be required to answer any 10 out of these 12 questions, each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 5 questions selecting at least one from each group. Question may contain two
parts of equal marks.
lndexed family of sets, Generalised set of operations & Demorgan laws, Set mapping.
Countable and uncountable sets, partition of a set, equivalence relation and related
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fundamental theorem of partition. Partial order relation and relate concepts of u.b., 1.b.,
inf., sup, maximal element, minimal element and lattice (definition and examples only).
(2 Questions)
Matrices, operations on matrices, matrix algebra, kinds of matrices, Transpose, adjoint and
inverse of a matrix, solution of system of linear equations.
(2 Questions)
Books recommended:
1. RealAnalysis: Shanti Narayan & M D Raisinghania.
2. RealAnalysis: Lalji Prasad.
3. Complex Variables: J N Sharma.
4. Set Theory: K K jha.
5. Matrices: A R Vashishtha.
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. euestion 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 12 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidate will be required to answer any 10 out of these 12 questions, each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 5 questions selecting at least one from each gioup. Question may contain two
parts of equal marks.
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Numerical integration: General quadrature formula, Simpson's one-third and three -eighth
rule; Weddle's rule. (2 Questions)
Books Recommended :
1. Numerical Analysis - J B Scarborough.
2. Numerical methods - B S Grewal.
2. Numerical Analysis - G S Mallik
3. Numerical Analysis - G Shankar Rao, New Age lnt. publishers.
Nrne questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. euestion 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 12 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidate will be required to answer any 10 out of these 12 questions, each
question will. be of 2 marks: Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 5 questions selecting at least one from each group. Question may contain two
parts of equal marks.
1' Robert V' Hogg, Joseph w. McKean and Allen T. craig, rntroduction to
Statistics,Pearson Education, Asia, 2007.
2' lrwin Miller and Marylees Milter, John E. Freund, Mathematicalstatistics
Applications, 7th Ed., pearson Education, Asia, 2006.
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Books Recommended:
L. Mokhtar S. Bazaraa, John J. Jarvis and Hanif D. Sherali, Linear Progromming and Network
Flows,2nd Ed., John Wiley and Sons, lndia, 2004.
2. F.S. Hillier and G.J. Lieberman, tntroduction to Operations Reseorch, 9th Ed., Tata McGraw
Hill, Singapore, 2009.
3. Hamdy A. Taha, Operations Research, An lntroduction, 8th Ed., Prentice-Hall lndia, 2006.
4. G. Hadley, Linear Programming, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2002.
5. Operations Research - S D Sharma.
6. Linear Programming Problems - R K Gupta.
Theory of Equations
Nine questions will be set. Candidates will be required to answer 5 questions. Question 1
will be compulsory, consisting of 12 short answer type questions covering entire syllabus
uniformly. Candidate will be required to answer any 10 out of these 12 questions, each
question will be of 2 marks. Out of the remaining 8 questions, candidates will be required to
answer any 5 questions selecting at least one from each group. Question may contain two
parts of equal marks.
Symmetric functions of roots, their applications and Newton's theorem on the sums of
powers of the roots, transformation of equations, discriminant and nature of roots,
Cardon's solution of cubic equations. (3 Question)
Conditions for reality of the roots of an equation and biquadratic. Solution of numerical
equations. (2 Questions)
Books Recommended:
1. W.S. Burnside and A.W. Panton, The Theory of Equotions, Dublin University Prbss, 1954.
2. C. C. MacDuffee, Theory of Equations, John Wiley & Sons lnc., 1954.
3. Theory of Equations - Lalji Prasad.
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