Education Intelligence Meta Analysis 07nov17

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How much does education improve intelligence? A meta-analysis

Stuart J. Ritchie1,2* & Elliot M. Tucker-Drob3,4

Department of Psychology, The University of Edinburgh
Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology, The University of Edinburgh
Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin
Population Research Center, University of Texas at Austin


*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]



Intelligence test scores and educational duration are positively correlated. This correlation
can be interpreted in two ways: students with greater propensity for intelligence go on to
complete more education, or a longer education increases intelligence. We meta-analysed
three categories of quasi-experimental studies of educational effects on intelligence: those
estimating education-intelligence associations after controlling for earlier intelligence, those
using compulsory schooling policy changes as instrumental variables, and those using
regression-discontinuity designs on school-entry age cutoffs. Across 142 effect sizes from 42
datasets involving over 600,000 participants, we found consistent evidence for beneficial
effects of education on cognitive abilities, of approximately 1 to 5 IQ points for an additional
year of education. Moderator analyses indicated that the effects persisted across the lifespan,
and were present on all broad categories of cognitive ability studied. Education appears to be
the most consistent, robust, and durable method yet to be identified for raising intelligence.


There is considerable interest in environmental factors that might improve the cognitive skills
measured by intelligence tests, and for good reason: these skills are linked not just to higher
educational attainment, but to superior performance at work (Kuncel & Hezlett, 2010;
Schmidt, Oh, & Shaffer, 2016), better physical and mental health (Gale et al., 2010; Wrulich
et al., 2014), and greater longevity (Calvin et al., 2017). The current meta-analysis focuses on
a potential intelligence-boosting factor that is routinely experienced by children and young
adults throughout the world: education. We address the question of whether increases in
normal-range educational duration after early childhood have positive effects on a student’s
later intelligence.

On its face, the positive correlation between intelligence test scores and years of completed
education (Strenze, 2007) might suggest that the experience of prolonged education has a
beneficial effect on intelligence. However, the association could also result from a selection
process, whereby more intelligent children progress further in education (Deary & Johnson,
2010). Indeed, there is ample evidence that pervasive selection processes operate in the
intelligence-education association: longitudinal studies demonstrate the predictive power of
early intelligence test scores for later educational attainment (Deary et al., 2007; Roth et al.,
2015). The existence of selection processes does not necessarily gainsay any causal effects of
education, but does create an endogeneity problem that renders causal hypotheses difficult to
test in observational data. In recent years, however, researchers have increasingly capitalized
on a number of sophisticated study designs that circumvent the endogeneity problem, testing
the causal hypothesis that more education leads to higher intelligence. This unique class of
studies serves as the basis for the current meta-analysis.

In a seminal review of the effects of educational duration on intelligence, Ceci (1991)

adduced evidence from a wide variety of research designs, including studies of intermittent
school attendance, studies of the “summer slide” (the drop in children’s cognitive
performance during summer vacation), and studies using “regression discontinuity” methods
to separate schooling effects from age effects. Ceci’s conclusion was that “schooling emerges
as an extremely important source of variance” in intelligence test scores (p.719). However,
this and several newer reviews (Deary & Johnson, 2010; Gustaffson, 2001; Snow, 1996;
Winship & Korenman, 1997) are all exclusively narrative. In recent years, several high-
quality studies investigating educational effects on intelligence have been published, but
there continues to be no overall quantitative synthesis of this work. We report the first such

We analysed results from the three most prominent quasi-experimental methods for testing
the effects of education on intelligence. Each method implements a different approach to
minimize effects stemming from selection processes. Full meta-analytic inclusion criteria are
reported below, but first we describe each of the three designs, providing a canonical
example of each.

The first research design, which we label “Control Prior Intelligence”, is a longitudinal study
where cognitive testing data is collected before and after variation in the duration of
education. This allows the relation between education and the second test to be adjusted for
by each participant’s earlier ability level. An example of this design is the study by Clouston
et al. (2012), who analysed data from three large US and UK cohort studies, all of which had
both an adolescent and a midlife cognitive test. Results indicated that completing a university
education was linked to higher midlife cognitive ability, above and beyond adolescent

The second design, “Policy Change,” relies on changes in educational duration that are, by all
accounts, exogenous to the characteristics of the individuals. An example of this design is the
study by Brinch & Galloway (2012), who used large-scale data from a 1960s educational
reform in Norway. This reform increased compulsory education by two years; critically, it
was staggered across municipalities in the country. This allowed the researchers to estimate
the effect of an additional year of school on a later intelligence test, taken by males at entry to
military service as part of Norway’s universal military draft. Under the assumption that the
policy change only affected intelligence via increasing years of schooling, the authors used
an instrumental variables analysis to estimate the effect of one year of schooling on
intelligence at approximately 3.7 points on a standard IQ scale (mean = 100, SD = 15 in the

The third design takes advantage of a “School Age Cutoff”. These studies use regression
discontinuity analysis to leverage the fact that school districts implement a date-of-birth
cutoff for school entry. The first study to use this method was by Baltes and Reinert (1969),
but the most highly-cited example is by Cahan and Cohen (1989) who, in a sample of over
12,000 children across three grades of the Israeli school system (aged approximately 10-12
years), found that schooling exerted positive effects on all of twelve tests covering a variety
of cognitive domains. These educational effects were around twice the effect of a year of age.
The strict assumptions of this method are sometimes not fully met (Cliffordson, 2010);
methodological issues are discussed in more detail below.

After synthesizing the evidence within and across these three research designs, we addressed
two further questions. First, which factors moderate the effect of education on intelligence?
Perhaps most importantly, we examined the moderator of age at the outcome test, thus asking
whether any educational effects are subject to decline or “fadeout” with increasing age.
Second, to what extent is there publication bias in this literature, such that the meta-analytic
effects might be biased by a disproportionate number of positive results?


Inclusion Criteria, Literature Search, and Quality Control

We included data from published papers as well as books, preprints, working papers,
dissertations, and theses, so long as they met the meta-analytic inclusion criteria. The criteria
were as follows. First, the outcome cognitive measure(s) had to be objective (not, e.g.,
subjective teacher ratings) and continuous (not, e.g., categorical indicators such as the
presence of Mild Cognitive Impairment). Second, variation in education had to be after age 6
(that is, the meta-analysis was not focused on interventions such as preschool, but instead on
variation later in the educational process). Third, the population under study had to be
generally healthy and neurotypical. We thus did not include studies that focused specifically
on samples of patients with dementia, individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, or
other such selected groups.

Fourth, studies had to fit into one of the three study design types described above. That is,
they had to either (a) use earlier cognitive test scores as a control variable in a model
predicting cognitive test scores after some variation in educational duration (Control Prior
Intelligence); (b) use data from a ‘natural experiment’ that specifically affected educational
duration prior to the outcome cognitive test or tests (Policy Change); or (c) use a regression
discontinuity design to analyse cognitive test scores from individuals born either side of a
cutoff date for school entry (School Age Cutoff).

We began by searching Google Scholar for articles that had cited Ceci’s (1991) review on the
effects of education on intelligence, then searching through the references within each of
those studies. Next, we ran searches of APA PsychINFO, Google Scholar, and the ProQuest
Dissertations and Theses online database, using search terms related to the three study design
types in our inclusion criteria. These terms included combinations of general terms related to
the broad topic—intelligence, cognitive ability, cognition, mental ability, IQ, achievement,
ability, reasoning, fluid intelligence, general intelligence, education(al), school(ing)—with
specific terms related to the study designs, such as return(s) to education/school(ing),
influence/effect(s) of education/school(ing), regression discontinuity, instrumental variables,
two-stage least squares, difference-in-difference, natural experiment, and quasi-
experiment(al). Having selected the relevant studies from these searches and removed
duplicates, we then searched the references within each report to find any additional studies
of interest. Finally, we emailed authors of multiple studies to request any unpublished
preprints or working papers that we had not already found. A flow diagram of the overall
literature search process is shown in Figure S1 in the Supplementary Materials.

After arriving at a set of studies that fit the inclusion criteria, we closely examined each
report and removed any studies that we deemed not to fit our quality criterion. No studies
were excluded for the Control Prior Intelligence design. One study was excluded for the
Policy Change design (Huang & Zhao, 2013), as we judged it to have a potentially
confounded instrument (exposure to the 1959-61 Great Famine in China). See Table S1 in the

Supplementary Materials for a brief description of the design of each included Policy Change
study, along with other relevant details. For the School Age Cutoff design, we excluded five
studies because they did not explicitly report dealing with threats to the validity of the
regression-discontinuity analysis related to selection or non-compliance with the cutoff age.
We detail the inclusion criteria and quality control for the School Age Cutoff design in the
Supplementary Materials.

We also produced one new analysis for inclusion in the meta-analysis, using data from a
large longitudinal study to which we had access (the British Cohort Study), where the critical
Control Prior Intelligence analysis had not—to our knowledge—previously been performed.
Full details of this analysis are available in the Supplementary Materials.

When multiple results were available for a single dataset, we coded all relevant cognitive
outcomes. However, where multiple estimates from different analyses of the same cognitive
outcomes within a dataset were available, we used the following criteria to select the estimate
for meta-analysis. First, for papers using an instrumental variables approach where an
alternative ordinary least squares regression analysis was also available, we always took the
estimates from the instrumental variables analysis (although we also recorded the ordinary
least squares regression estimates in our data spreadsheet). Second, to reduce heterogeneity
due to between-study differences in what covariates were included, we took the analysis that
adjusted for the fewest number of covariates. Of the effect sizes that remained after fulfilling
the first two criteria, we took the estimate that involved the largest sample size. The precise
sources (table, section, or paragraph) for each estimate are described in notes in the master
data spreadsheet, available on the Open Science Framework page for this study. Note that for
two of the studies (Ritchie et al., 2012, 2015), we had the data from the cohorts available, and
re-calculated the estimates to remove one of the covariates (see data spreadsheet).

A full list of all studies included in the final meta-analysis is shown in Table S4 in the
Supplementary Materials.

Statistical Analysis

Calculating effect sizes. We rescaled each effect size into the number of IQ point units, on the
standard IQ scale (mean = 100, SD = 15), associated with one additional year of education.
We also made the corresponding correction to the standard error associated with each
rescaled effect size. For example, we multiplied z-score per-year effect sizes by 15, and we
divided unstandardized per-year effect sizes by the associated standard deviation of the
cognitive test before multiplying them by 15 (effect size calculations are described in the
master data spreadsheet). For two studies (Plassman et al., 1995; Tonkin, 1999), we
recalculated the effect size using structural equation modelling of the correlation matrix
provided in the report (see Supplementary Materials). Where effect size recalculation was not
possible from the data provided in the original reports—for example, because of missing
standard errors or the effect size being in units other than years of education—we contacted
the authors to request further information.

Meta-analytic structural equation models. To produce the main estimates, we used random-
effects meta-analytic structural equation modelling, as described by Cheung (2008). This
approach is mathematically equivalent to conventional random-effects meta-analytic
approaches, but has the added advantage of being able to capitalize on special features of
structural equation modelling software, such as the correction of standard errors for non-
independence of observations. We estimated these models using Mplus v7.2 (Muthén &
Muthén, 1998-2014).

Many studies reported effect sizes for more than one cognitive test outcome. For instance,
they might have reported effects on a test of memory and a test of executive function. We
included effect sizes for all outcomes in our meta-analytic models, weighting each estimate
by the reciprocal of the number of effect sizes provided from each study. Additionally, using
the TYPE=COMPLEX and the CLUSTER functions in Mplus, we employed a sandwich
estimator to correct standard errors for dependencies associated with the clustering of effect
sizes within studies.

Moderators. We used the tau (τ) statistic, an estimate of the standard deviation of the true
meta-analytic effect, as an index of heterogeneity. To attempt to explain any heterogeneity,
we tested a somewhat different set of moderators for each of the three study designs, as
appropriate given their methodological differences. For all three designs, we tested the
moderators of the age at the outcome test and the outcome test category (classified in two
different ways, as described below). For both the Control Prior Intelligence and the Policy
Change designs, we tested the moderators of participant age at the early (control) test or at
the policy change (for the Control Prior Intelligence design, we also tested the moderator of
the gap between the two tests, though this was heavily related to the age at outcome test), and
of whether the study was male-only or mixed-sex (several studies in these designs relied on
military draft data, and were thus restricted to male participants; note that this variable is
confounded with the representativeness of the study, since, aside from their single-sex nature,
military draft studies will tend to include a more representative sample of the population than
others). Where we combined all three study designs, we tested whether design was a

We classified outcome tests in two ways. The first was into the broad intelligence subtype:
fluid intelligence (gf; tests that assessed skills such as reasoning, memory, processing speed,
and other tasks that could be completed without outside knowledge from the world);
crystallized intelligence (gc; tests that assessed skills such as vocabulary and general
knowledge); and general intelligence (g; tests that assessed a mixture of fluid and crystallized
skills). The second classification method was to highlight tests that might be considered
“achievement” measures. To do this, we classified every test that would likely have involved
content that was directly taught at school (including reading, arithmetic, and science tests) as
“achievement”, and the remaining tests, which generally involved IQ-type measures (ranging
from processing speed to reasoning to vocabulary), as “other” tests.

Publication bias tests. We used four separate methods to assess the degree of publication bias
in the dataset. First, we tested whether the effect sizes were larger in peer-reviewed,
published studies versus unpublished studies (for example, PhD dissertations or non-peer-
reviewed books). If unpublished studies have significantly smaller effect sizes, this may
indicate publication bias.

Second, we produced funnel plots, visually inspecting them and testing their symmetry using
Egger’s test. Significant funnel plot asymmetry (where, for example, low-precision studies
with small effects were systematically missing) was taken as a potential indication of
publication bias in the data.

Third, we used ‘p-curve’ (Simonsohn, Simmons, & Nelson, 2015) to assess the evidential
value of the dataset using just the significant p-values. A left-skewed p-curve (with more p-
values near the alpha level, in this case .05), indicates possible publication bias and/or so-
called ‘p-hacking’ (use of questionable research practices, such as the ad hoc exclusion of
participants or inclusion of covariates, in order to turn a non-significant study into a
significant one) in the dataset. Conversely, a right-skewed p-curve indicates evidential value.
The shape of the curve is tested using both a binomial test (for the proportion of values where
p < .025) and a continuous test, which produces “pp-values” (the probability of finding a p-
value as or more extreme as the observed p-value under the null hypothesis), and combines
them to produce a z-score using Stouffer’s method. We used the online p-curve app
( to compute the analyses.

Fourth, we used the Precision Effect Test-Precision Effect Estimate with Standard Errors
technique (PET-PEESE; Stanley & Doucouliagos, 2014). The method first uses a weighted
meta-regression of the effect sizes on the standard errors, using the intercept of this
regression—which estimates a hypothetical “perfect” study with full precision, and thus a
standard error of zero—as the corrected “true” meta-analytic estimate (called the PET
estimate). However, Stanley & Doucouliagos (2014) advised that, where the PET estimate
was significantly different from zero, a less biased estimate can be produced by using the
variance instead of the standard errors. The intercept of this regression is the PEESE
estimate. We followed this conditional logic in our PET-PEESE analysis.

References for all of the analysis software are provided in the Supplementary Materials.


The selection process resulted in a final meta-analytic dataset including 142 effect sizes from
42 datasets, analysed in 28 studies. The total sample size across all three designs was
615,812. See Table 1 for a breakdown of study characteristics by study design. Figure S2
shows forest plots for each design.

Table 1. Descriptive statistics for each study design.

Design Control Prior Policy School Age
Intelligence Change Cutoff
k studies 7 11 10
k datasets 10 12 20
k Effect sizes 26 30 86
Total n participants 51,645 456,963 107,204
Mean age at early test in years (SD) 12.35 (2.90) - -
Mean time-lag between tests in years (SD) 53.17 (15.47) - -
Mean age at policy change in years (SD) - 14.80 (2.59) -
Mean age at outcome test in years (SD) 63.48 (18.80) 47.92 (19.39) 10.36 (1.60)
n outcome test category (g:gf:gc) 5:20:1 2:23:5 3:67:16
n achievement tests (achievement:other) 1:25 7:23 38:48
Male-only estimates (male only:mixed sex) 2:24 8:22 0:86
Publication status (published:unpublished) 22:4 20:10 64:22
Note: To give an estimate of the total n from studies with multiple effect sizes with different ns, sample sizes
were averaged across effect sizes within each dataset and rounded to the nearest integer. g = general
intelligence; gf = general fluid intelligence; gc = general crystallized intelligence. “Unpublished” refers to any
study not published in a peer-reviewed journal.

Overall meta-analytic estimates

In three separate unconditional random-effects meta-analytic models (one for each study
design), we estimated the effect of one additional year of education on cognitive outcomes.
For all three study designs, there was a significant effect of one additional year of education.
For Control Prior Intelligence, the effect was 1.197 IQ points (SE = 0.203, p = 3.84×10-09);
for Policy Change, it was 2.056 IQ points (SE = 0.583, p = 4.23×10-04); and for School Age
Cutoff, it was 5.229 IQ points (SE = 0.530, p = 6.33×10-23). An overall model including all
estimates from all three designs found an average effect size of 3.394 IQ points for one year
of education (SE = 0.503, p = 1.55×10-11).

The overall model, considering all study designs simultaneously and including study design
as a nominal moderator variable, found that the estimate for School Age Cutoff was
significantly larger than that for Control Prior Intelligence (SE = 0.564, p = 1.98×10-13) and
for Policy Change (SE = 0.790, p = 5.34×10-05). There was no significant difference between
the estimates for Control Prior Intelligence and Policy Change (SE = 0.608, p = 0.116).

Heterogeneity and moderator analyses

There was significant heterogeneity in the unconditional meta-analyses from all three designs
(Control Prior Intelligence τ = 0.721, SE = 0.250, p = .004; Policy Change τ = 1.552, SE =

0.144, p = 3.40×10-27; School Age Cutoff τ = 1.896, SE = 0.226, p = 5.38×10-17). This was
also the case for the overall model including all the data and modelled study design as a
nominal moderator (τ = 2.353, SE = 0.272, p = 5.72×10-18). We explored which moderators
might explain the heterogeneity within each of the three study designs. Descriptive statistics
for each moderator are shown in Table 1.

Age at early test and time-lag between tests. For the Control Prior Intelligence design, we
tested whether the age at which the participants had taken the initial (control) cognitive test,
or the gap between this early test and the outcome test, moderated the effect size. The age at
the early test, which did not vary substantially (see Table 1), was unrelated to the effect size
(–0.024 IQ points per year, SE = 0.064, p = .706). For the youngest early-test age (10 years),
the meta-regression model indicated that the effect size of one additional year of education
was 1.243 IQ points; for the oldest (16 years), the effect size was 1.099 IQ points.
Conversely, the time-lag between the tests was a significant moderator of the effect size (–
0.031 IQ points per year, SE = 0.015, p = .033). This meta-regression indicated that at the
smallest age gap (5 years), the effect size was 2.398 IQ points, whereas for the largest age
gap (72.44 years), the effect size was a substantially smaller 0.317 IQ points. Note that this
age gap is almost fully confounded with the age at the outcome test (correlation r = .988),
assessed as a moderator below.

Age at intervention. For the Policy Change design, we tested whether age at which the
educational policy change produced an increment in compulsory schooling moderated the
intervention effect. This was not the case: the effect size increased by a non-significant 0.038
IQ points per year of age at the intervention (SE = 0.228, p = .867). The meta-regression
model implied that at the youngest intervention age (7.5 years), the effect size was 1.765 IQ
points, and at the oldest (19 years) it was 2.204 IQ points.

Age at outcome test. Figure 1 shows the effect sizes in the first two study designs as a
function of the participants’ mean age at the outcome test. For the Control Prior Intelligence
studies, outcome age was a significant moderator: the effect size of education declined by –
0.026 IQ points per year of age (SE = 0.012, p = .029). At the youngest age (18 years) the
effect size of an additional year of education was 2.154 IQ points, whereas at the oldest age
(83 years) the effect size was 0.485 IQ points. This effect was smaller but still significant if
the largest effect size (>3 IQ points for an additional year) was excluded (–0.011 IQ points
per year of age, SE = 0.005, p = .018). There was no significant moderating effect of age at
outcome for the Policy Change studies (0.014 IQ points per year, SE = 0.022, p = .543): the
effect at the youngest age (18 years; 1.690 IQ points) was not significantly different to the
effect at the oldest age (71 years; 2.413 IQ points). There was comparatively little variation in
the age at the outcome test for the School Age Cutoff design (SD = 1.6 years; see Table 1);
there was no significant age moderation effect (–0.027 points per year, SE = 0.399, p = .947).

Figure 1. Effect of one additional year of education as a function of age at the outcome test, for Control Prior
Intelligence and Policy Change study designs. Bubble size is proportional to the inverse variance for each
estimate (larger bubbles = more precise studies). Estimates in these illustrations differ slightly from the final
meta-regression estimate, which accounted for clustering. Shaded area around the regression line represents the
95% confidence interval.

Outcome test category. Splitting the outcome cognitive tests into three broad categories—
general (g), fluid (gf), and crystallized (gc) intelligence—we tested whether the category
moderated effect sizes. For the Control Prior Intelligence design, there were stronger
educational impacts on tests of g (1.876 IQ points, SE = 0.467, p = 5.94×10-05) than on gf
(0.836 points, SE = 0.097, p = .152), and the difference between g and gf was significant
(1.039 points, SE = 0.496, p = .036). There was only one outcome test of gc for the Control
Prior Intelligence design (1.893 points, SE = .348, p = 5.34×10-08), so we did not include it in
the moderator comparison here. For the Policy Change design, there were significant effects
for both g (2.314 IQ points, SE = 0.869, p = .008) and gf (2.272 points, SE = 0.765, p = .003),
but not gc (1.012 points, SE =1.125, p = .368); however, the effects on the three different
categories were not significantly different from one another (all difference p-values > .35).
Finally, for the School Age Cutoff design, there were significant effects of a year of
education on g (6.534 points, SE = 2.433, p = .007), gf (5.104 points, SE = 0.621, p =
2.05×10-16), and gc (5.428 points, SE = 0.170, p = 1.04×10-223); there were, however, no
significant differences between effect sizes across outcome types (difference p-values > .5).

We then split the outcome tests into “achievement” tests versus “other” tests. There was only
one achievement test in the Control Prior Intelligence design, so we did not run this analysis.
For Policy Change, there was no significant difference in the educational effect on the 7
achievement tests (2.760 IQ points, SE = 0.968, p = .004) versus the 23 other tests (1.784
points, SE = 0.553, p = .001; difference SE = 1.011, p = .334). However, for School Age
Cutoff, which had the largest proportion of achievement tests (38 of the 86 tests were classed
as achievement tests), achievement tests showed a substantially and significantly larger
educational effect (6.231 points, SE = 0.339, p = 2.85×10-75) than other tests (3.839 points,
SE = 0.412, p = 1.11×10-20; difference SE = 0.371, p = 1.19×10-10).

Male-only studies. We tested whether studies that only included male participants showed a
differential educational effect. This was not the case for Control Prior Intelligence (effect for
the 2 male-only estimates: 2.261 IQ points, SE = 0.897, p = .012; effect for 24 mixed-sex
estimates: 1.027 IQ points, SE = 0.110, p = 6.79×10-21; difference SE = .905, p = .173), or for
Policy Change (effect for the 8 male-only estimates: 1.683 IQ points, SE = 0.507, p = .001;
effect for 22 mixed-sex estimates: 2.215 IQ points, SE = 0.788, p = .005; difference SE =
.941, p = .572). There were no male-only School Age Cutoff studies.

Multiple moderators. Table 2 shows the results from each study design after the inclusion of
multiple moderators. We included as many moderators as possible for each design, though
chose to include the “achievement” categorisation of the outcome test for the School Age
Cutoff design (instead of the alternative categorisation involving g, gf, and gc, which we used
for the other designs) since it had such a substantial effect in the single-moderator model.
Including multiple moderators reduced the τ-statistic—to a larger degree for the Control Prior
Intelligence design than for the others—though significant heterogeneity remained in all
cases. The moderators that were individually-significant (for example, age in the Control
Prior Intelligence design, or achievement tests in the School Age Cutoff design) were also
significant in the multiple-moderator model, indicating that their effects were incremental of
the other moderators that we included.

Table 2. Simultaneous multiple-moderator analyses for each study design. Values are estimates (in IQ point
units), with standard errors in parentheses.
Design Control Prior Policy Change School Age
Intelligence Cutoff
Intercept 2.079 (0.665)** –1.068 (4.429) 2.603 (4.426)
Early test age –0.011 (0.026) - -
Age at intervention - 0.137 (0.220) -
Outcome test age –0.020 (0.005)*** 0.023 (0.048) 0.111 (0.416)
Outcome test category (g vs. gf/gc) –0.689 (0.234)*** –1.479 (1.045) -
Outcome test category (achievement vs. other) - - 2.471 (0.524)***
Male-only 0.874 (0.258)** –0.644 (1.766) -
τ 0.305 (0.056) *** 1.454 (0.206)*** 1.740 (0.310)***
Change in τ 0.416 0.098 0.156
Note. *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001. The change in the τ-statistic refers to that from the unconditional models, as
reported above.

Publication bias tests

Publication status. As an initial test of publication bias, we tested whether the effect sizes
were larger in studies published in peer-reviewed journals compared to those that were either
unpublished or published elsewhere. For Control Prior Intelligence, there were 4 published
versus 22 unpublished estimates; there was no significant difference in their effect sizes (the
effect was 0.036 points larger in published studies, SE =.343, p = .915). For Policy Change
studies, for which there were 20 published and 10 unpublished estimates, the effect size was
significantly larger in unpublished studies, though there were still significant effects within
each set of studies (published effect = 1.515 points, SE = 0.615, p = .014; unpublished effect
= 3.330 points, SE = .379, p = 1.69×10-18; difference SE = .743, p = .015). For School Age
Cutoff studies, there was no significant difference between published and unpublished studies
(for which there were 64 and 22 estimates, respectively; difference = 0.509 points higher in
published studies, SE = 0.689, p = .460).

Funnel plots. Funnel plots for the three study designs are shown in Figure 2. Note that, for
the School Age Cutoff design, 42 of the 86 standard errors were reported as approximate or
as averages; since they were inexact, we used them in the estimates of the meta-analytic
effects above but did not use them to estimate the funnel plots (or for the PET-PEESE
analysis below). Egger’s test of funnel plot asymmetry found no evidence of funnel plot
asymmetry for any of the designs (Control Prior Intelligence z = –1.378, p = .168; Policy
Change z = –0.486, p = .627; School Age Cutoff z = 0.941, p = .347). However, only the
funnel for Control Prior Intelligence displayed an approximately funnel-like shape. See
Figure S3 in the Supplementary Materials for a funnel plots including studies from all three
designs, one using the raw effect sizes and using effect sizes residualised for the moderators
shown in Table 2.

Figure 2. Funnel plots for each study design. Note that 42 of the total 86 standard errors reported approximately
or as averages in the original studies were not included for the “School Age Cutoff” design.

p-curve. Next, we used p-curve to examine the distribution of study p-values. The p-curves
are shown in Figure 3. For the Control Prior Intelligence design, the binomial test for a right-
skewed p-curve was significant, indicating evidential value (p = .0007); this was also the
case for the continuous test (full p-curve z = –18.50, p = 2.06×10-76; half p-curve z = –19.19,

p = 4.49×10-82). For the ‘Quasi-Experimental’ design, the binomial test was significant (p =
.0461), as was the continuous test (full p-curve z = –15.59, p = 8.51×10-55; half p-curve z = –
17.64, p = 1.21×10-69). For School Age Cutoff studies, all three tests were significant
(binomial test p < .0001; continuous test full p-curve z = –43.72, p ≈ 0.00; half p-curve z = –
42.61, p ≈ 0.00). For all three designs, p-curve estimated the statistical power of the tests
included in the was 99%. Thus, overall p-curve indicated that all three designs provided
evidential value; there was no evidence for publication bias or ‘p-hacking’ in the studies with
statistically significant results (full output from the p-curve app is available on the Open
Science Framework page for the present study).

Figure 3. p-curves illustrating the distribution of significant p-values for each study design.

PET-PEESE. Finally, we used PET-PEESE to obtain an estimate of the effect size for each
study design in a hypothetical study with perfect precision. For all three designs, the PET
estimate (intercept) was significant, so we went on to use the PEESE estimate of the
intercept, which represents the predicted effect sizes under a counterfactual of no publication
bias (Control Prior Intelligence PET estimate = 1.034 IQ points per year, SE = 0.153, p =
5.45×10-07; PEESE estimate = 1.091 points, SE = 0.117, p = 1.76×10-09; Policy Change PET
estimate = 1.286 points, SE = 0.153, p = 3.69×10-09; PEESE estimate = 1.371 IQ points, SE =
0.142, p = 2.08×10-10; School Age Cutoff PET estimate = 3.299, SE = 1.166, p = .007;
PEESE estimate = 4.244, SE = 0.718, p = 5.26×10-07). Note that only the exact standard
errors (i.e. not those reported as approximate or averages, as noted for the funnel plots above)
were used for the PET-PEESE analysis. For all three designs, the PEESE test indicated effect
sizes that were slightly smaller than in the original estimate, but still statistically significant.
Graphs of the PET-PEESE estimates for each design are shown in Figure S4 in the
Supplementary Materials.

Overall, four different publication bias tests broadly indicated minimal systematic bias in the
results: where there was an unexpected result—unpublished studies producing larger
estimates for the Policy Change design—this was in the opposite direction to what would be
expected under publication bias.


In a meta-analysis of three quasi-experimental research designs, we found highly consistent

evidence that longer educational duration is associated with increased intelligence test scores.
Each of the three designs implemented a different approach for limiting endogeneity
confounds resulting from selection processes, where individuals with a propensity toward
higher intelligence tend to complete more years of education. Thus, the results support the
hypothesis that education has a causal effect on intelligence test scores. The effect of one
additional year of education—contingent on study design, inclusion of moderators, and
publication bias correction—was estimated at approximately 1 to 5 standardised IQ points.

Each research design had its own strengths and weaknesses. The Control Prior Intelligence
design produced precise, long-range estimates of the educational effect, and took into account
the full range of educational variation. However, this approach did not employ a specific
instrument for introducing differences in educational duration, and instead capitalized on
naturally-occurring variation, which is itself multi-determined. Moreover, because the early
and outcome tests were rarely identical (and because the early ability tests likely contained
measurement error), the control for pre-existing ability levels was likely only partial.

The Policy Change design produced causal estimates across very large, population-based
datasets. However, estimates from this approach were relatively imprecise, as is typical of
instrumental variable analyses. Furthermore, because the policies used as instruments
typically only increased educational duration for the subset of individuals who would have
otherwise have attended school at the pre-existing minimum compulsory level, this design
should be interpreted as producing a “Local Average Treatment Effect” that might not
generalize across the full educational range (Morgan & Winship, 2015).

The School Age Cutoff design produced the largest number of estimates across a wide range
of cognitive abilities, but was restricted to comparisons across adjacent school years. In this
design, the critical causal estimate is based on comparing test scores in a given grade to a
counterfactual formed by extrapolating within-grade age trends beyond the cutoff dates. This
approach is powerful, but the key assumption—that the age trend extrapolates—is difficult to
test. Moreover, although this approach produced notably large effect size estimates, we did
not identify any School Age Cutoff studies that tested whether these effects persisted into
adulthood. These estimates should thus be regarded with caution.

The finding of educational effects on intelligence raises a number of important questions that
we could not fully address with our data. First, are the effects on intelligence additive across
multiple years of education? We might expect the marginal cognitive benefits of education to
diminish with increasing educational duration, such that the education-intelligence function
eventually reaches a plateau. Unfortunately, we are not aware of any studies that have
directly addressed this question using a rigorous quasi-experimental method.

Second, are there individual differences in the magnitude of the educational effect? One
possibility is the “Matthew Effect” (Stanovich, 1986), whereby children at greater initial
cognitive (or socioeconomic) advantage benefit more from additional education than those at
lower advantage. Another possibility is that education acts as an “equalizer”, such that those
at lower levels of initial advantage benefit most (Downey, von Hippel, & Broh, 2004).
Indeed, some evidence of an equalizing effect was reported in a single study by Hansen,
Heckman, & Mullen (2004).

Third, why were the effects obtained from the Control Prior Intelligence and Policy Change
Designs—which generally came from increases in educational duration that were not
explicitly targeted cognitive interventions—still apparent in later life, when effects from
targeted educational interventions, such as pre-school, have tended to show “fade-out” into
early adulthood (Protzko, 2015; Bailey et al., 2017)? Even in the Control Prior Intelligence
design, where the effects showed a decline across time (Figure 1), estimates remained
statistically significant into the eighth and ninth decades of life. One intriguing possibility is
that, unlike targeted interventions, increases in educational attainment have lasting influences
on a range of downstream social processes that help to maintain the initial cognitive benefits.

Fourth, which cognitive abilities were impacted? It is important to consider whether specific
skills—those described as “malleable but peripheral” by Bailey et al. (2017, p.15)—or
general abilities—such as the general, “g” factor of intelligence—have been improved
(Jensen, 1989; Protzko, 2017). The vast majority of the studies in our meta-analysis
considered specific tests, and not a latent g-factor, so we could not reliably address this
question. In our analyses with test category as a moderator, we generally found educational
effects on all broad categories measured. However, further studies are needed to assess
educational effects on both specific and general cognitive variables, directly comparing
between the two (e.g. Ritchie et al., 2015).

Finally, what are the underlying psychological mechanisms of the educational effect on
intelligence? Ceci (1991) outlined a number of promising pathways, including the teaching of
material directly relevant to the tests, the training of thinking styles such as abstract
reasoning, and the instilling of concentration and self-control. Studies that attempt to pin
down the proximal educational processes that might, in part, drive the effect (such as reading;
Ritchie, Bates, & Plomin, 2015; Stanovich, 1993; though see Watkins & Styck, 2017), those
that focus on the differences between the educational effect on specific subtests (e.g. Ritchie
et al., 2012), and those that address effects of variation in the quality, not just the quantity, of
education (e.g. Allensworth, Moore, Sartain, & de la Torre, 2015; Becker et al., 2012; Finn et
al., 2014; Gustaffson, 2001) are all promising ways to progress toward clarifying mechanism.

The results reported here indicate strong, consistent evidence for effects of education on
intelligence. Although the effects—on the order of a few IQ points for a year of education—
might be considered small, at the societal level they are potentially of great consequence. A
crucial next step will be to uncover the mechanisms of these educational effects on
intelligence, in order to inform educational policy and practice.

Author Contributions

Both authors developed the study concept. S. J. Ritchie performed the literature search and
the initial data coding, then both authors performed quality control on the studies to be
included in the meta-analysis, and agreed on the final dataset. E. M. Tucker-Drob developed
the framework for the Mplus syntax, and wrote the baseline Mplus scripts (for the meta-
analytic models), which were adapted for these analyses by S. J. Ritchie. S. J. Ritchie wrote
the R analysis scripts (for the publication bias tests and figures), which were adapted for the
multi-moderator figure by E. M. Tucker-Drob. Both authors interpreted the analyses, drafted
the manuscript, and approved the final version for submission.


We are grateful to Sorel Cahan, Sean Clouston, Neil Davies, James Gambrell, Emma
Gorman, Dua Jabr, Daniel Kämhofer, and Ben Southwood for their assistance in finding
manuscripts, locating effect size estimates, and providing additional information on relevant
datasets. We thank the Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, for the British
Cohort Study data, and the UK Data Service for making them available. These bodies are not
responsible for our analysis or interpretation. E. M. Tucker-Drob’s contribution was
supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) research grant R01HD083613. The
Population Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin is supported by NIH grant

Open Practices

All meta-analytic data, and all codebooks and analysis scripts (for Mplus and R) are freely
available at the study’s associated page on the Open Science Framework: These data and scripts are described in the Supplementary Materials.
The study was not formally pre-registered.


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