Problems ITYM2017
Problems ITYM2017
Problems ITYM2017
Notation 1
1. Numbers from Strings 1
2. Monotonous Functions 2
3. Dense Analytic Curves 2
4. Partitions of Regular Polygons 3
5. Coin Toss Function 4
6. Rooks on Graphs 4
7. Weighted Sums of Distances 5
8. A Communication Network 6
9. An Approximation Problem 7
10. Kinds of Convexity 7
N = {1, 2, 3, . . .} set of natural numbers (positive integers)
Zn = {0, 1, . . . , n − 1} ring of residue classes modulo n
Z, Q, R, C sets of integer, rational, real and complex numbers
R+ set of positive real numbers
Fq finite field of size q = pk
M ⊗N mean-product of two functions M and N
gcd(x1 , . . . , xn ) greatest common divisor of x1 , . . . , xn
P [.] and E [.] probability and expectation
det(A) or |A| determinant of a matrix A
|x| absolute value of x
#M or |M | cardinality of a set M
sup f (x) supremum of a set {f (x) | x ∈ M }
1. Four fours:
a) What is the largest number we can form with 4 fours by using only the four standard
arithmetic operations? (You are allowed to concatenate several fours to obtain, for
example, 44.)
b) What is the smallest positive number?
c) How many numbers can be formed ?
Date: April 3, 2017.
2. Five fives:
a) Investigate this question for 5 fives if the additional (fifth) operation of exponentiation
(ab ) is allowed.
b) Try another “fifth operation” instead.
3. In this question we consider the number of symbols in the expression we evaluate. For
example, the string “(4 + 4) ∗ (4 + 4)” uses 11 characters and evaluates to 64.
a) Using the digits 0 to 9, the 4 operations and brackets, what is the largest number using
n symbols?
b) If we allow variables and assignment statements like “a = 32, b = 77, a ∗ b ∗ b”, what
is the largest number that can be obtained by evaluating the string with 10; 15 and
20 symbols? Try to generalise. We assume here that statements may involve only 4
arithmetic operations and possibly assignments. Different statements are separated by
comma (which also counts as a symbol!), and the final result is the evaluated value of
the last statement in the string.
c) If we allow one-argument function exp, what will be the result?
4. Define the “value” of a string of n symbols as logd (eval(string)), where d = #{string} is the
number of different symbols used. What is the largest possible value of a string with 5, 10, 15
2. Monotonous Functions
Denote by f (x), g(x), h(x) some real-valued functions defined for all x ∈ R such that:
f (x)g(x) = h(x) for all x ∈ R. (1)
1. Do there exist strictly increasing functions f (x) and g(x) satisfying (1), if h(x) = x is the
identical function? Do such functions f (x) and g(x) exist, if in addition they are:
a) continuous for all x ∈ R?
b) differentiable (twice differentiable, infinitely differentiable) for all x ∈ R?
c) entire, that is represented as a sum of the power series converging for all x ∈ R?
d) discontinuous at a fixed finite set of points on the line?
e) discontinuous at a fixed countable set of points on the line?
Describe all possibilities for exp(L). Recall that the complex exponential exp(z) is defined for
z = x + iy as:
z n /n! = exp(x) exp(iy) = exp(x)(cos y + i sin y).
exp(z) =
2. Describe all possibilities for exp(exp(L)). In particular, state necessary and sufficient con-
ditions for when this is dense in C.
3. Show that exp(exp(exp(L))) is always dense in C unless a, b are exceptional. What are these
4. Are there analogous results for maps of the form cos(z), or exp(z) + c, or a cos(z) + bsin(z),
or some other map?
5. Can you find similar results in three or more dimensions?
1. Let n ≥ 1 be an integer. We consider the following equation, where n, a, b and c are positive
an + bn = nc .
a) Solve the equation for n = 2.
b) Solve the equation when n is a prime number.
c) Study the solutions of the equation when n is not prime.
2. Let n ≥ 3 be an integer and let Pn be the regular polygon with n sides inscribed in the
unit circle and whose vertices are the n complex roots of unity. Fix an integer k ≥ 3. A
k-angulation of Pn is a collection of diagonals of Pn that may intersect only at their endpoints
and such that every face has degree k (a degree of a face is the number of diagonals or sides of
Pn that surround the face). For k ≥ 3, let Zn be the number of k-angulations of Pn .
(3) (3)
a) Find a formula for Zn . How does Zn behave for large n?
(3) (3)
b) For k ≥ 4, express Zn . How does Zn behave for large n?
3. Let An be a k-angulation of Pn chosen randomly among all k-angulations of Pn . Let
(k) (k)
χ(An ) be the length of the longest diagonal of An . Find a; b > 0 such that:
n ) > a) → 1; P(χ(A(3)
n ) < b) → 1,
as n tends to infinity.
4. Does there exist a function f : R → R such that for every 0 ≤ u ≤ v we have:
Z v
P(u ≤ χ(A(3)
n ) ≤ v) → f (x)dx
as n tens to infinity?
(3) (k)
5. Investigate questions 3 and 4 when An is replaced by χ(An ).
6. Investigate question 3, 4 and 5, when χ(An ) is replaced by the largest area of all faces in
An .
b) the arc length of the graph of Fp (x)n on the interval [0; 1].
5. Let p 6= 1/2. Denote by fp (x) the derivative of Fp (x) (at points x where it exists).
a) Show that fp (x) does not exist if x is of the form a/2k , a; k ∈ N.
b) For a fixed p, describe the behaviour of the derivative fp (x): for which x ∈ R does it
exist (or is infinite) and at which points it does not exist? How to find its value?
c) Find all x ∈ R in which the derivative exists (and is not infinite) for all p.
6. Suggest and investigate generalisations. For example, one can define a similar function in
k-number system, if instead of 2 outcomes (0 and 1) we have k outcomes (0, 1, . . . , k − 1), with
probabilities p0 , p1 , . . . , pk−1 .
6. Rooks on Graphs
1. Consider an m by n grid:
C1 C2 C3 C4
B1 B2 B3 B4
A1 A2 A3 A4
a) Place a rook on the lower left corner of this grid. In how many ways can the rook reach
the upper right corner if in a single step it may move one edge up or one edge to the
right, but not down or left? For example, the rock can move A1−A2−B2−B3−B4−C4
in the grid above.
b) Now suppose the rook can move in each of the four directions. In how many ways it can
reach the upper left corner (A1 and C1 in the grid in the picture), if at the beginning it
is placed on the lower left corner and the rook can’t go through an edge more than once?
An example of a valid path is A1 − A2 − A3 − A4 − B4 − C4 − C3 − C2 − B2 − B1 − C1
in the grid above. Start with small m = 2, 3, 4, . . .
c) Find the number of rook paths, which do not pass through the same edge more than
once and join the opposite vertices of the grid (A1 and C4 in the grid on the picture).
Start with the case when the grid is square (m = n) and some small value of m.
3. Now instead of a grid we will generalise the problem by looking at a graph G(V ; E) without
loops or multiple edges.
a) Find the number of cycles of length t in a complete graph G = Kn with n vertices (the
vertices can be repeated but the edges can not).
b) For which n does there exist a cycle which covers all edges of the complete graph Kn ?
(Each edge is used exactly once.)
5. Suppose again that G = Kn is the complete graph with n vertices. Start at an arbitrary
vertex and start moving along the graph with equal probability. Give upper and lower bound
for the probability of the event that the path forms a cycle of length t without repeating edges.
a) Find all triples (λ, µ, ν), λ + µ + ν 6= 0 (and the respective attainable points X) for
which f (X) has a minimum, and those for which it has a maximum.
b) Answer the above question in the cases when λ + µ + ν = 0.
6. Now instead of the triangle consider a tetrahedron and quadruples (λ1 ; λ2 ; λ3 ; λ4 ) of real
numbers with non-zero sum. Similarly, we can define a function
f (X) = λ1 d21 + λ2 d22 + λ3 d23 + λ4 d24 ,
where di are the distances from a point X in space to the planes containing the faces of the
tetrahedron A1 A2 A3 A4 . Find all quadruples (and the respective attainable points X) for which
f (X) has a minimum, and those for which it has a maximum.
7. Similarly, consider an n-dimensional simplex and an analogously defined function (with
squared distances) for points in n-dimensional space.
8. A Communication Network
Consider the communication network consisting of nodes and communication channels be-
tween some of the nodes. Two nodes can communicate either via the direct channel between
them (if any), or via any other channels connecting these nodes. The network is called valid, if
any two nodes are able to exchange messages.
There is some secret information split between nodes in such a way that each node contains
a part of the secret not known to any other node in the network. Any node N can broadcast
a message. In this case all its information (its initial part of the secret and all secret parts
received from other nodes up to this moment) becomes known to all nodes connected with N
via the direct channel. The minimal number of such messages in order for all nodes to obtain
the entire secret (i.e. the secrets from all other nodes) is called a secret connectivity number or
just a secret number of the network.
We can model such communication network by a graph G, where vertices of G correspond to
nodes and edges of G become direct communication channels. A valid communication network
corresponds to a connected simple graph G.
Denote by s(G) the secret connectivity number of the corresponding network. For example,
if G = P4 is a simple chain with vertices {v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 } and edges {v1 v2 , v2 v3 , v3 v4 }, then
s(G) = 5, and one of the optimal sequences of messages is {v1 , v4 , v3 , v2 , v3 }.
1. Find s(G) for the following graphs:
a) the complete graph Kn ;
b) the simple cycle graph Cn (i.e. the graph represented by a regular n-gon);
c) the simple chain Pn ;
d) the complete k-partite graph Kn1 ,n2 ,...,nk ;
e) the graph of a three-dimensional cube;
f) the Petersen graph.
2. Let T be an arbitrary connected tree with n vertices. Find s(T ) and describe an algorithm
generating an optimal sequence of messages.
3. Consider the case of a connected unicyclic graph, that is a connected graph with a single
4. Consider the graph Gm,n of the m by n grid (see Problem 6).
5. Try to relate s(G) or at least estimates for s(G) with other known numeric invariants of
9. An Approximation Problem