Aunt Helen's House

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The story is about a boy named Ninoy who has trouble reading and writing in English but is embarrassed to tell anyone. His teacher notices his struggle and offers to help him practice everyday.

Ninoy cannot read and write English, which embarrasses him.

The teacher notices that Ninoy cannot read the class story.

I'm going to tell you about my Aunt Helen's house.

It's not her main house,

that's in the city. No, this house is by the lake. There was a small town by the
lake called Miller's Ford, but all the people moved away when the fishing and
mining stopped about sixty years ago. But the houses stayed, of course. My
Aunt Helen uses that house as a vacation home and she goes there for a few
weeks every year to relax.
But staying in that house isn't a relaxing experience. I think the house is
haunted! I think there's a ghost there from many many years ago. Helen says
I'm silly and that I've got an over-active imagination. But there are many
things that happen in that house that cannot be easily explained.
One day, shortly after getting up, I went to find my Aunt Helen to say "good
morning" and I heard her talking in a room that she usually never uses. I think
it used to be the nursery of the house when Miller's Ford was a busy town in
the 19th Century. I listened at the door and could hear Helen reading
something out, or perhaps she was dictating a letter. I couldn't hear any other
person in the room with her so it wasn't a normal conversation. I didn't want
to disturb my aunt, so I went back downstairs and went to make breakfast in
the kitchen, which I ate on the porch that overlooked the lake. It was a
beautiful sunny morning. Half an hour later, I heard my aunt's car arriving. She
had been to the local store to buy some bread and milk. I couldn't believe it!
"What are you looking so shocked for?" she asked me.
"I thought you were in the old nursery, working on your letters, Auntie," I
"I never go in that room," she said. "I haven't been in that room for fifteen
A few other things like that happened over the next few visits I made to that
house and I grew to dislike it very much. Then, one day in my local library, I
found a story in an old newspaper with the title "The Constant Babysitter".
The story was that a baby had died in one of the houses by the lake at Miller's
Ford and the babysitter was blamed, a woman of 37 who was a family friend
and had offered to look after the baby. But she spent all her time in the
kitchen writing her letters and didn't know that someone had climbed in the
baby's window and taken her. The baby was never found. The woman killed
herself through depression after the baby's disappearance and local people
then said her ghost stayed very close to where the baby was left by the
parents - in the nursery.
I never went back to that house, despite my Aunt Helen's many invitations.
ESL INT: Aunt Helen’s House Talkin English Tutor: António Lawrence Lópes

1. a huge room

2. it’s a secret.

3. to feel embarrassed

4. it’s a problem
ESL INT: Aunt Helen’s House Talkin English Tutor: António Lawrence Lópes
5. to get sick.

6. doesn't even remember

7. letters of the alphabet

8. to find out

9. to notice something

10. not able to read

11. to feel it’s difficult

12. to listens to someone

13. to practice together

14. to work hard

15. To do it on time

1. How old is Ninoy?
He is nine.
2. What is Ninoy’s house like?
Ninoy lives in a big house.
3. What is Ninoy’s room like?
He has a huge room.
4. What does Ninoy have?
Ninoy has lot of toys and many friends.
5. What is Ninoy’s secret?
He cannot read and write English.
6. How does Ninoy feel about his secret?
He feels embarrassed.
7. What would be the problem if no one know about Ninoy’s secret?
If nobody know about his secret then no one can help him.
8. How does Ninoy’s teacher find out about his secret?
She notices that he cannot read the story.
ESL INT: Aunt Helen’s House Talkin English Tutor: António Lawrence Lópes
9. What does the teacher to when she notices that he can’t read the story?
She call him after class and asks him to tell the truth about his secret.
10. Does Ninoy tell his teacher the truth?
Yes he does.
11. What truth does Ninoy tell his teacher?
He tells his teacher that he feels English is difficult.
12. What does the teacher advice Ninoy?
The teacher tells him that he needs more practice.
13. How does the teacher want to help Ninoy?
The teacher wants to practice English together with him
14. When does Ninoy practice his English with his teacher?
He practices every day after class.
15. Does Ninoy work hard in learning English?
Yes he does.
16. What happens to Ninoy’s performance in English as he practices every day?
He becomes good in reading and writing. He even starts reading story books.
17. Give 5 things you can do to improve your English?
(Variable answers)
18. Why do you want to learn English?
(Variable answers)
19. Name two of your best English story books?
(Variable answers)
20. How many languages can you speak and what other languages would you like to
(Variable answers)

ESL INT: Aunt Helen’s House Talkin English Tutor: António Lawrence Lópes
English Name: ______________________ Date: ___________________
RLEE03: Ninoy’s Secret Talkin English Tutor: António Lawrence Lópes

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