Biochemical Tests For Identification of Bacteria PDF
Biochemical Tests For Identification of Bacteria PDF
Biochemical Tests For Identification of Bacteria PDF
Escherichia + + - -
Enterobacter - - + +
Klebsiella - - + +
Salmonella - + - +
Proteus + + - +
Urease test:
• Principle: It is used for the detection of proteus and to differentiate
these organisms from other enteric species. It may also be used for
any species of bacteria that is able to hydrolize urea. The organisms
able to hydrolize urea, produce ammonia and thus alkalinity due to
which media become red/pink..
• Method:
Inoculate heavily a slant of a Christensens’s urea agar and incubate at
37 °C, examine after 4 hours and daily for 5 days.
• Red colour : Urea positive
Oxidase test:
• Principle: There are a number of oxidases which can utilize oxygen
directly. They contain copper or iron as a part of their molecule. The
ability to produce this enzyme is characteristic of only a few bacteria
e.g. Neisseria and Pseudomonas. All the enterobacteria are negative
for oxidase test.
• Method (Plate method):
Culture grown on a agar plate is covered with the oxidase reagent(1%
para-amino-dimethyl-aniline-monochloride) and after one to two
minutes, excess reagent is poured off (the test can also be performed
on a filter paper).
• In a positive case, within a few minutes, the colonies change to
pink, red and gradually turn to black.
Gelatin liquefaction test :
• Principle: Gelatin is a protein which is liquefied by gelatinase
enzyme produced some bacteria. Liquefied gelatine can not form a
gel. This criteria helps in identification of certain bacteria.
• Method:
Culture is inoculated to gelatine stab medium and incubated for 48
hours along with the uninoculated control. The tubes are placed in a
refrigerator till the medium of uninoculated tube solidifies.
• If the gelatine does not solidify, it indicates a positive test.
Nitrate reduction test:
• Principle: This test determines the reduction of nitrate to nitrite, ammonia or
free nitrogen . Presence of nitrite in the culture medium is considered as positive.
In the absce of nitrite , it is difficult to say whether nitrate reduction has taken
place or not. This can be ascertained by testing for the presence of unreduced
nitrate by adding powdered zinc to the culture medium.
• Method:
To 5ml nitrate broth culture, 1ml each of nitrate reduction test solution A
(Sulphanilic acid –acetic acid mixture) and solution B (alpha naphthylamine –
acetic acid mixture) is added and the tube shaken.
• Red colour indicates a positive test i.e., presence of nitrite .
• If red colour does not develop then on addition of zinc powder of pink
colour develops then it indicates negative test till absence of pink colour
indicates positive test i.e., nitrite has been reduced beyond nitrite to
ammonia or free nitrogen.
Sugar fermentation test:
• Principle: Most of the bacteria have got enzymes which act on
carbohydrates and produce organic acids and gas. A bacterial species can
act on certain sugars which helps in their identification. In this way various
carbohydrates like glucose, lactose, maltose, mannitol, xylose, arabinose,
dulcitol etc. are used in differentiation of various species within a genus.
• Method:
0.5-1gm of respective sugar sdded in 100ml of peptone water and pH
indicator is added (Andrade’s indicator) to find out acid production. To find
out gas production, durham’s tube is kept at the bottom of the tube 2-3
drops of liquid culture is added in sugar medium and the inoculated sugar
tubes are kept in incubator for 24 hours and examined up to 7 days.
• Acid production is seen by production of yellow colour. Gas production, gas
bubbles in durham’s tube.
Motility tests: