2019 Intake and Output Measurement

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Intake and output Measurement:

1. Measuring Fluid Intake and Output

2. Objectives

>Discuss measuring fluid intake and output according to its

> Measurement of volume

> Significance

>Discuss the clinical dos and donts on measuring intake and output correctly.

3. Intake and Output

>Defines as the measurement and recording of all fluid intake and output during a 24 – hour period provides
important data about the client's fluid and electrolyte balance.

>Unit of measurement of intake and output is mL (milliliter).

To measure fluid intake, nurses convert household measures such as glass, cup, or soupbowl to metric units.

>Gauge fluid balance and give valuable information about your patient's condition.

4. Remember!


>Oral fluids<br />Ice chips<br />Foods that are tend to become liquid at room temperature <br />Tube
feedings<br />Parenteral fluids<br />Intravenous medications<br />Catheter or tube irrigants<br />

5. Output<br />Remember!<br />Urine<br />Vomitus and liquid feces<br />Tube drainage<br />Wound
drainage and draining fistulas<br />

6. Measurement of Volume<br />1 tablespoon (tbsp) = 15 milliliters(ml)<br />3 teaspoons(tsp) = 15

milliliters(ml)<br />1 cup(C) = 240 milliliters(ml)<br />8 ounces(oz) = 240 milliliters(ml)<br />1 teaspoon(tsp) =
5 milliliters(ml)<br />1 cup(C) = 8 ounces(oz)<br />16 ounces(oz) = 1 pound(lb)<br />1 ounce (oz) =
30milliliters(ml)<br />

7. Significance of Measuring Intake and Output <br />Inform<br />Required<br />Explain<br />Emphasize<br

8. Clinical Do's and Dont's<br />

9. DO<br />Identify whether your patient has undergone surgery or if he has a medical condition or takes
medication that can affect fluid intake or loss.<br />Measure and record all intake and output. If you delegate
this task, make sure you know the totals and the fluid sources.<br />At least every 8 hours, record the type
and amount of all fluids he's received and describe the route as oral, parenteral, rectal, or by enteric tube.<br

10. DO<br />Record ice chips as fluid at approximately half their volume.<br />Record the type and amount
of all fluids the patient has lost and the route. Describe them as urine, liquid stool, vomitus, tube drainage
and any fluid aspirated from a body cavity.<br />If irrigating a nasogastric or another tube or the bladder,
measure the amount instilled and subtract it from total output.<br />

11. DO<br />For an accurate measurement, keep toilet paper out of your patient's urine.<br />Measure
drainage in a calibrated container. Observe it eye level and take the reading at the bottom of the
meniscus.<br />Evaluate patterns and values outside the normal range, keeping in mind the typical 24 – hour
intake and output.<br />

12. DO<br />When looking at 8 – hour urine output, ask how many times the patient voided, to identify
problems. <br />Regard intake and output holistically because age, diagnosis, medical problem, and type of
surgical procedure can affect the amounts. Evaluate trends over 24 to 48 hours.<br />

13. DON’TS<br />Don't delegate the task of recording intake and output until you're sure the person who's
going to do it understands its importance.<br />Don't assess output by amount only. Consider color, color
changes, and odor too.<br />Don't use the same graduated container for more than one patient.<br />

14. Thank you!<br />

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