The World Managers
The World Managers
The World Managers
The men who run the global corporations are the first in history
with the organization, technology, money, and ideology to make
a credible try at managing the world as an integrated unit. The
global visionary of earlier days was either a self-deceiver or a
mystic. When Alexander the Great wept by the riverbank because
there were no more worlds to conquer, his distress rested on
nothing more substantial than the ignorance of his mapmaker.
As the boundaries of the known world expanded, a succession of
kings, generals, and assorted strong men tried to establish
of ever more colossal scale, but none succeeded in making a last
ing public reality out of private fantasies. The Napoleonic
Hitler's Thousand Year Reich, the British Empire, and the Pax
Americana left their traces, but none managed to create anything
approaching a global organization for administering the planet
that could last even a generation. The world, it seems, cannot be
run by military occupation, though the dream persists.
And in the end they must answer the 1970's version of the
same question that has confronted every new elite aspiring to
political leadership and social management: by what right do a
self-selected group of druggists, biscuit makers, and computer
designers become the architects of the new world? To establish
their political legitimacy, the aspiring World Managers must be
able to demonstrate that the maximization of global profits is
compatible with human survival.
For more than three years we have been trying to answer these
questions for ourselves. We have examined the claims of the
World Managers in their writings, in their own commissioned
studies, and in numerous personal interviews with some of the
leading corporate executives in the United States and Europe.
We have also looked closely at the case against them. We have
benefited from the explosion of academic analysis on what has,
lately, become a fashionable topic of university study. We 'have
studied both their financial, political, and diplomatic
and some of their plans for our collective future.