Power Plant Chemistry: Cooling Water System

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Power Plant Chemistry

Cooling Water System

Prepared By : -
Mineral Deposit Microbiological
Umar Farooq Analysis Analysis Analysis
Chemist “ A” SEC
MSC ( Chemistry ) MBA ( Marketing )
[email protected]
[email protected]
Shoaiba Jeddah Saudi Arabia
Cooling Water System

 Table of Content

 Cooling Water System

 The Cooling Tower

 Fundamental of cooling by Evaporation

 Problem in cooling water system

 Corrosion and its types

Cooling water system
 The term cooling water is applied where water is circulated through
an equipment to absorb and carry away heat. Cooling water system
divided into two parts.
1. Primary Cooling Water System
2. Secondary Cooling Water System .
 Primary Cooling Water System
a) Once through type
b) Open re circulating system
 Once through type.
In once through type system water is passed in
heat exchanger equipment and cooling water is then discharged to
waste is an open cycle . This type of cooling system is adopted only
when cold fresh water available in abundance and also at a low cost
. The source of once through cooling water may be revere and
cannel water or sea water.
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Once through type.
The cost involved for providing cooling water is that of
pumping only since there is no chance of evaporation . The
concentration dissolved solid in outlet and inlet remains practically
the same.
Deposits in the form of scale and corrosion products may
develop in line and heat exchanger equipment due to heat absorbed
by cooling water and initial low pH of cooling .because of the large
volume of water used in once through cooling system , prior
softening of cooling water is not required.
The most common method to inhibit scale is the use of
an ant nucleating agent ( prevent crystal growth and increase
solubility of hardness producing salts in water ) such as ploy
phosphates, tannins' , lignin's , starches and poly acryl ate. The use
of poly phosphates also prevents corrosion of the lines and heat
exchanging equipment and thus minimizing deposit due to
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Open re circulating system
The use of recirculating system in which cooling
tower, spray pond or cooling pond serve to remove heat, has been very
economical with respect to water requirement.
In place where fresh cold water is short recirculating system in the
only method for cooling . After circulation through the heat exchanger
equipment , water is cooled in cooling tower. This cooling effect is produced
by evaporation of a portion of circulating water because concentrated.
The evaporated must be reproduced by make up water.
The circulating water becomes more concentrated than the make up water
due to evaporation loss. Cycle of concentration is the term employed to
indicate degree of concentration of the circulating water as completed to
make up water.
For example two cycle of concentration indicates the
concentration of circulating water is twice of the concentration of make up
water . Some water of the cooling tower is also lost due to wind age or drift
loss. Which is the loss of fine droplets of water carried away by circulating
air. the amount of the wind age loss depends upon design of the cooling
towers. The typical wind age loss based on the rate of circulation.
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Secondary cooling water system
Closed cooling water system.
 This system also known as “Secondary cooling water system” It is used for
the cooling of a number of power station equipments and its self warmed.
The warmed cooling water is passed through exchanger , where it gives its
heat to primary cooling water which is enter cooled in cooling tower or
derived to waste. Since it is closed system, there is no loss of cooling water
due to evaporation or drainage.
 The water once filled in the system can be used again and again. Make up
water is required due to loss of cooling water from gland packing of pumps,
which is essential for lubrication of the pumps, in closed cooling water
system treated water ( soft , clarified or demineralization water ) is used as
coolant. The use of soft or demineralization water eliminates any changes of
cooling in the pipe line.

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Secondary cooling water system
Corrosion of the pipe line is controlled by
treating the water with chromate , tennis, nitrate etc. these
chromates forms a protecting coating on the metal surface and act
as a barriers between metal and oxygen present in the water . The
solubility of oxygen gas decreases with increases in temperature on
the other hand oxygen is more corrosive at higher temperature as
compared to low temperature since in a closed cooling system,
There is no way for oxygen to get out , severe corrosion of metal
may take place at elevated temperature.
The metal used for construction of
modern engines, compressor and cooling system include cost iron,
steel, copper alloys' and aluminum corrosion due to galvanic action
may be takes place which is controlled by Cathodic protection.

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Important terms relating to evaporation cooling

 Cooling Tower : A cooling tower is a semi enclosed device for

evaporation cooling of water by contact with air both dry bulb and
wet bulb temperature are very important in evaluating the
performance of tower.
 Cooling Range : Cooling range is the difference in temperature
between hot water entering the cooling tower and cold water leaving
the cooling tower.
 Approach : Approach is the difference between temperature of cold
water leaving cooling tower and wet bulb temperature of
surrounding area.
 Pumping Head :The minimum pressure required to lift water from
basin to the top of the tower and face it into water distribution
system. Pumping head is equal to static head plus friction loss and
pressure drop through the distribution system.

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Important terms relating to
evaporation cooling

 Drift : Drift is the water lost as mist or fog droplets . These droplets
are entrance by the circulating air flow and discharge to atmosphere
. Drift is independent of water by evaporation and can be reduced to
minimum by good design.
 Blow Down: It is continuous or intermittent discharge to waste small
amount of circulating water. evaporation in tower increases its
dissolved solid concentration blow down removes solid
concentration .
 Cycle of Concentration : It is equal to the ratio of chloride is
circulating water to chloride in make up water.

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Fundamental of Cooling Evaporation
 Evaporation : A change of state from liquid to gas is called
evaporation . It can takes place at any temperature . Some
molecules in liquid are escaped into gas. Phase and evaporation
takes place. Because these molecule are with higher kinetic energy.
Evaporation result in cooling of the liquid.
 Evaporation Cooling: Cooling water is used at a plant for
condensing . Steam and for products and equipment cooling.
Cooling tower is the unit operation that provides cooling water
recovery thus decreasing water and power requirement , water is
cooled in a cooling tower by evaporation . The driving force for this
phenomenon relates to the difference between the hot influence
water temperature and the wet bulb of surrounding air.
 Latent Heat of Evaporation : As the liquid change to vapors heat is
consumed called as latent heat of vaporization . When it about 1000
btu/pond water evaporation . This heat is taken mainly from water
lowers its temperature.
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Fundamental of Cooling Evaporation
Sensible Heat : It is defined as the heat that changes temperature also
part of cooling picture. because when water is warmer then air ,
there is some tendency for air to cool the water . Air become hotter it
gain sensible heat . Water is cooled as sensible heat is transferred
to air.
About 75% to 95 % of the total heat is removed by
evaporation ( Latent heat ) and 25% by sensible heat transfer.

Temperature Dry Bulb :Temperature of a gas or gas mixture ( air )

indicated by an accurate thermometer.

Temperature Wet Bulb : Temperature at which a liquid by evaporating

into air bring the air to saturation adiabatically at some temperature.

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Fundamental of Cooling Evaporation

Relative Humidity :
Ratio of mole fraction of water vapors present in air to
mole fraction of water vapors present in saturated air at the same
temperature and pressure.
Relative humidity of air can be determined from a
psychometric chart . When both dry wet bulb temperature are known
. Drier the air. Greater will be the difference between dry and wet
bulb temperature and when relative humidity of air is 100% wet bulb
temperature is equal to dry bulb temperature for any lower humidity
some water evaporates to cool the bulb giving a lower wet bulb

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Open Evaporation System
1. Cooling Pounds.
2. Spray Ponds
3. Cooling towers.
Cooling Pounds
Water to be cooled is introduced
into pound is called to cool gradually by
natural evaporation , radiation , convention
to a suitable temperature for re use . Since Cooling pond for a power plant in
the method of cooling is slow , large amount Grant County, West Virginia.
of cooling water and consequently large (
amount ) pound are needed to meet the
normal cooling demands.
Spray Pounds.
These are cooling pounds in
which there is provision for spraying the
warm water by means of pipe and nozzles
or motor drive spry modules . The cooling
rate is faster and size of pounds is smaller
as compared to cooling pounds.
Spray Pounds for waste water
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Cooling Towers
Natural draft cooling tower
The water to be cooled is pumped
to the tope of the tower and sprayed
over the tower by mean of nozzle to
increase the surface area of water.
which is further increased by placing
packing in the tower which breaks up
the water droplets more completed
and increases cooling efficiency . The
amount of air entering the cooling
tower is controlled by inlet air on its
side walls, which also helps to prevent
water losses.
As the water falls
through the tower it comes in contact
with the air and evaporates cooled
water is collected in the basin and is
pumped back to the plant for reuse.

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Mechanical Draft Cooling towers
Forced draft :
In which air is forced into the tower by
means of a blower.
Induced draft :
In which air is pulled into the
tower by means of a fan located at its
top. This design further divided into
counter flow and cross flow type.
Induced draft ( counter flow) cooling tower
In counter flow design air is
pulled into the tower its base by the air
inlet louvers and comes in contact with
the flowing water from the top of tower
. Drift eliminators are located at the top
just before the fans to prevent wind
age losses. In this design the coldest
water contacts with driest air and the
warmest water contact with more
humid air.
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Mechanical Draft Cooling towers
Induced draft ( cross flow) cooling
tower .
 In cross flow design the air is
pulled along the side of the
tower by the air inlet louver. So
that the air is introduced
perpendicularly to the flowing
water. The drift eliminators' are
placed in the middle of the
tower, because air enters at
90° angle to water flowing as
compares to 180° in counter
flow design , hence here is
less resistance to air flow and
fans power consumption is
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Specifics Design
Advantage and Disadvantage of Cross flow and counter flow cooling tower's

Crossflow Counterflow
 Lower energy consumption  Efficient use of air

 Easy maintenance/de-scale  Better tower performance

 More variations of water flow  Longer ranges
 Reduced drift  Finer droplet size from
 Lower operating costs spray heads

Accelerated algae growth Higher pump head needs


 

 Possible orifice clogging  Increased operating costs

 Larger footprint  Difficult to clean/de-scale
 Possible icing on louvers  More piping needed
in colder climates  High inlet velocities may
suck in trash and dirt

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Cooling Towers
Dry cooling tower.
 In place where there is actual shortage of
water and temperature remains very low
through the year, dry cooling towers have
been used for condensing of steam. In this
system the hot condensate from the hot
well is passed through a series of air
cooled spiral tube which resemble like car
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Langeler Saturation Index
Major portion of condensate is pumped to
the Cooling tower . While a small portion is routed into
main steam water cycle. The cooled condensate from
the dry cooling tower is pumped back into the condenser
in the form of s pray, where it mixes directly with steam
coming from the turbine and is condensed
The saturation index I◦ is given by expression
I◦ = pH – pHs
Where pH is actual
pHs= pCa+ pAlk + C
Where pCa is log factor of the calcium hardness expressed
in ppm as CaCo3
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Langeler Saturation Index
 pAlk: is log factor of M.alkalinity expressed in ppm as CaCo3 .
 C : is log factor of the total solid in ppm at the temperature of water

Case # 1 when I is zero i.e. pH is equal to pHs , a saturation
equilibrium exist and there is no scale formation and corrosion
attack is minimized.

Case # 2 : when I is positive i.e. , when pH is grater, than pHs , a
condition of super saturation of CaCo3 exist with respect to alkalinity
and total solid content at existing temperature and scale deposits.

Case # 3 : when I is negative i.e. , when pH is less than pHs, the
equilibrium is unbalanced in the deposited direction . Corrosion of
metal will occur and scale previously formed will be dissolved.

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Problem in Cooling water system
Scale Control :
Cooling water may contain carbonates , Chlorides
and sulphate of Ca and Mg as well as salts of Na and dissolved
gases like CO2 and O2 . The tendency of a cooling water to form
scale or cause corrosion depends upon the balance of there
Scale is formed by heating of bicarbonate hardiness
or by increasing in an alkalinity .
Ca( HCO3) 2 CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O
Ca( HCO3) 2 + NaOH CaCO3 + NaCO3 + H2O
From equation # 1 it is clear that bicarbonate are
converted into insoluble carbonate and CO2 and if the reaction is
reversed carbonates and CO2 Combine to form soluble carbonates.

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Problem in Cooling water system
This shows that keeping the
carbonates in the dissolved form will make the
water less corrosive because dissolved CO2 is
greatly reduced .exactly at equilibrium , various
form of CO2 ( Free CO2, Carbonates and
bicarbonates ) are so balanced that they cause
no scale formation and corrosion .
This layer of scale acts as a
protective layer against corrosion . But thick
layer of scale binders in heat transfer.
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Problem in Cooling water system
Corrosion Control:
The contact air with water passing over a
cooling tower make the cooling water rich in O2 causing
severs corrosion problem . The air may also contain
gases like SO2,H2S and NH3.If there is industrial area
around there corrosive gases will further enhance
corrosion problem.
Presence of chlorides and sulphates in
increased concentration arising from continuous
recirculation of cooling water enhance the corrosion rate
and make corrosion control difficult by corrosion
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Problem in Cooling water system
Corrosion problem also arise due
to galvanic action , if the metals , Example of
such corrosion is observed in heat exchangers ,
where steel tubes are used along with admiralty.
Sand and dust may be blown into
the open recirculation water besides loose fibers
from cooling tower wood . Sludge and slime may
collect in the tower pumps, deposits of all these
contamination on metallic surface give rise to O2
concentration and result in severs localized
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CaCO3 Protective Scale
 The Method of treatment has been discussed
under langelier saturation Index.
Mechanical De aeration .
 Since O2 must be removed from the entire
volume of circulating water to avoid corrosion . It
is not possible practically for economic reason ,
In some small cooling towers system ,
vacuumed de aeration of cooling water is

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Corrosion Inhibitors
 The corrosion inhibitor are chemicals that reduce and in some cases
almost stop corrosion of the metals when used in the cooling water.
Most frequently used corrosion inhibitors are poly phosphates,
Chromates, Tannins, Lignin's, and Starch, other corrosion inhibitors
like Nitrites, Silicates and Amines are less frequently used, These
act as a barrier between metal surface and acid . It dose not allow
an acid ( H2SO4 ) to attack metal surface. An anodic inhibitor
restrains the anodic corrosion reaction.
Fe= Fe + 2e-
 Examples of anodic inhibitors are , Sodium chromate, Potassium
chromate ,Nitrite, Phosphate and hydroxide.
 Example of Cathodic inhibitors are salt of Zinc and Nickel , such as
Hydroxide , Oxides and Carbonates, which are sparingly soluble in
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Slime and there Prevention
The word slime is
used vaguely and all fouling except corrosion and
scale is usually called slime. However in many
cases slime occur to gather with corrosion and
Slime is caused buy the adhesion
and accumulation of soft muddy material which is
formed by mixing “micro Organism” like
bacteria ,fungi ,algae , etc. which grow by utilizing
the dissolved nutrients in water with inorganic
matter like mud sand and dirt.
As a result slime causes not only
a drop in thermal efficiency of exchanger and
deterioration of water flow but also cause local
corrosion in the equipment and piping.

Prevention :
Application of slime control agents or chemical such as
chlorine ,phenolic and ammonium compounds. A heat exchanger in a steam power
 Side stream filtration
station contaminated with macro
 Improve of heat exchanger operating conditions.

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Water treatment plays vital role in Cooling
Tower Operation
Cooling tower maintenance can not run
high unless the water is treated to prevent corrosion , biological
growth , deposits and to protect the cooling tower wood from
chemical attack .
Ca( HCO3)2 normally present in all raw water breaks
down to form relatively in soluble CaCO3 . Scale is the most
common type of water form deposit cooling system. The langelier
index measure tendency of CaCO3 to precipitate under given
condition of Calcium hardness ,alkalinity ,pH , Temperature , TDS ,
A Positive index mean tendency water to deposit scale while
negative index tends to dissolve scale therefore causing corrosion.
Chemical treatment with H2SO4 Keep scale
forming salt of calcium and magnesium in soluble form by lowering
pH of circulating water chemical inhibitors are then need to check
corrosion surface active chemicals or chelating agents.

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Water treatment plays vital role in Cooling
Tower Operation
Such as sodium hexa meta
phosphate prevent crystal growth and there fore scale formation
.They increase solubility range of scale forming salt. For controlled
scale treatment . Adjust composition of water so as a thin in
previous layer of CaCO3 Scale deposits on the surface of
circulating water system .
Scale must be thin enough to prevent any
corrosion but not thick enough to effect overall heat transfer.
Microbiological growth like slime and algae retard cooling , drop
plant efficiency and rise cost of cooling system maintenance.
Mechanical cleaning in the best way to get rid of accumulated
growth. But to keep slime and algae from getting into bigger masses
use chemicals such as chlorine , phenolic and ammonium
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