Power Plant Chemistry: Cooling Water System
Power Plant Chemistry: Cooling Water System
Power Plant Chemistry: Cooling Water System
Prepared By : -
Mineral Deposit Microbiological
Umar Farooq Analysis Analysis Analysis
Chemist “ A” SEC
MSC ( Chemistry ) MBA ( Marketing )
[email protected]
[email protected]
Shoaiba Jeddah Saudi Arabia
Cooling Water System
Table of Content
Drift : Drift is the water lost as mist or fog droplets . These droplets
are entrance by the circulating air flow and discharge to atmosphere
. Drift is independent of water by evaporation and can be reduced to
minimum by good design.
Blow Down: It is continuous or intermittent discharge to waste small
amount of circulating water. evaporation in tower increases its
dissolved solid concentration blow down removes solid
concentration .
Cycle of Concentration : It is equal to the ratio of chloride is
circulating water to chloride in make up water.
Relative Humidity :
Ratio of mole fraction of water vapors present in air to
mole fraction of water vapors present in saturated air at the same
temperature and pressure.
Relative humidity of air can be determined from a
psychometric chart . When both dry wet bulb temperature are known
. Drier the air. Greater will be the difference between dry and wet
bulb temperature and when relative humidity of air is 100% wet bulb
temperature is equal to dry bulb temperature for any lower humidity
some water evaporates to cool the bulb giving a lower wet bulb
Crossflow Counterflow
Lower energy consumption Efficient use of air
Prevention :
Application of slime control agents or chemical such as
chlorine ,phenolic and ammonium compounds. A heat exchanger in a steam power
Side stream filtration
station contaminated with macro
Improve of heat exchanger operating conditions.