3GP - A1 Genderbread Person by Sam Killermann
3GP - A1 Genderbread Person by Sam Killermann
3GP - A1 Genderbread Person by Sam Killermann
Last Edited March 27, 2015
Using two continuums for each The schema used here to map out gender (the “-ness”
element (the “-ness” approach), model) allows individuals to plot where they identify
instead of having a scale from F-
along both continua to represent varying degrees of
to-M, allows a person to
demonstrate that they embody
alignment with the traditional binary elements of each
more of one aspect of gender aspect of gender, resulting in infinite possibilities of
without that meaning they are “gender” for a person.
less of the complement (i.e.,
expressing gender masculinely, Also, I strongly condone and recommend people to plot
like wearing a beard, doesn’t ranges along the continua, instead of just points, to
make a feminine expression, like depict how their gender might vary (as a result of
wearing tight-fitting clothing,
different social situations, stimulations, or other
less feminine).
Last Edited March 27, 2015
Last Edited March 27, 2015
0—Exclusively Heterosexual
6—Exclusively Homosexual
Last Edited March 27, 2015