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Tank Bottom Design (Pre Design) Page 2 of 2

API 650 12th Edition

Eqpt: Oil palm tank Bottom Design

1 Design Conditions
2 90 T [ºC] - Design Temperature
4 1.000 G [-] - Specific gravity
5 3.0 CAr [mm] - Roof Corrosion Allow.
6 3.0 CAb [mm] - Bottom Corrosion Allow.

7 Dimensions:
8 8.240 D [m] - inside diameter
10 10.700 H [m] - total tank height
11 8 t1 [mm] - thickness of the first shell course

12 Material and Conditions:

13 SUS304 Shell first course material
14 186 S [MPa] - actual stress @ first shell course
15 SUS304 Roof plate material
16 SUS304 Bottom plate material
17 SUS304 Annular bottom plate material

18 Minimum Thicknesses (Tr I Tb): section 5.10 - 5.4 Bottom

19 tr [mm] = minimum corroded thickness ~~ ( - 5.4.1) = 6
20 t [mm] = tr + CAr I tr + CAb ~~ uncorroded thickness = 9.0
21 ut [mm] = Mill under tolerance ~~ section = 0.25
22 Tr [mm] = Selected thickness = 10
23 Check Tr I Tb = Tr - ut >= t I Tb - ut >= t Ok

29 Annular bottom plate requirement & thickness: section 5.5

20 I Shell first course plate material group~~ see table 4.4.a
31 NO Annular bottom plate requirement~~ see section 5.5.1
32 tr [mm] = required minimum corroded thickness ~~ see section 5.1.a = 9
33 t [mm] = tr + CAb ~~ uncorroded thickness = 12.0
34 ut [mm] = Mill under tolerance ~~ section = 0.00
35 Ta [mm] = Selected thickness 12
36 Check Ta = Ta - ut >= t 12 >= 12 = Ok

37 Annular bottom plate width: section 5.5.2

38 Wa [mm] = Max(Wa1;Wa2)~~ see section 5.5.2 = 790
39 Wa1 [mm] = 600mm + t1 + 50mm ~~ sections 5.5.2 + 5.4.2 = 660
40 Wa2 [mm] = 215 * Ta / (H * G) ~~ see section 5.5.2 = 790

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