Griddatareport-Gi Blimbing Mal

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Gridding Report
Mon Mar 04 14:54:04 2019
Elapsed time for gridding: 0.01 seconds

Data Source
Source Data File Name: C:\Users\Yehezkiel Ardo\Desktop\GI BLIMBING MAL.xlsx (sheet
X Column: A
Y Column: B
Z Column: C

Data Counts
Active Data: 51

Original Data: 51
Excluded Data: 0
Deleted Duplicates: 0
Retained Duplicates: 0
Artificial Data: 0
Superseded Data: 0

Exclusion Filtering
Exclusion Filter String: Not In Use

Duplicate Filtering
Duplicate Points to Keep: First
X Duplicate Tolerance: 3.6E-009
Y Duplicate Tolerance: 3.7E-009

No duplicate data were found.

Breakline Filtering
Breakline Filtering: Not In Use

Data Counts
Active Data: 51

Univariate Statistics


Count: 51 51 51

1%%-tile: -7.958404 112.625779 448

5%%-tile: -7.956767 112.629263 450
10%%-tile: -7.955542 112.633576 450
25%%-tile: -7.951453 112.640997 459
50%%-tile: -7.943896 112.648615 463
75%%-tile: -7.936154 112.654415 476
90%%-tile: -7.932196 112.656756 484
95%%-tile: -7.929544 112.657059 489
99%%-tile: -7.928647 112.657373 491

Minimum: -7.958404 112.625779 448

Maximum: -7.928125 112.657577 493

Mean: -7.94363770588 112.647196059 466.823529412

Median: -7.943896 112.648615 463
Geometric Mean: N/A 112.647195707 466.657015656
Harmonic Mean: N/A 112.647195356 466.49171622
Root Mean Square: 7.94364246982 112.64719641 466.991203679
Trim Mean (10%%): -7.94399630435 112.64740787 465.97826087
Interquartile Mean: -7.94412242308 112.648702346 464.961538462
Midrange: -7.9432645 112.641678 470.5
Winsorized Mean: -7.94379011765 112.64757449 466.274509804
TriMean: -7.94384975 112.6481605 465.25

Variance: 7.71996945318e-005 8.07319938965e-005 159.708235294

Standard Deviation: 0.00878633567147 0.00898509843555 12.6375723655
Interquartile Range: 0.015299 0.013418 17
Range: 0.030279 0.031798 45
Mean Difference: 0.0102241568627 0.0100645788235 14.3921568627
Median Abs. Deviation: 0.007742 0.00670099999999 11
Average Abs. Deviation: 0.00752935294118 0.00752576470588 10.3333333333
Quartile Dispersion: N/A 5.95573601827e-005 0.0181818181818
Relative Mean Diff.: N/A 8.93460217001e-005 0.0308299731183

Standard Error: 0.00123033308523 0.00125816543923 1.76961408939

Coef. of Variation: N/A 7.97631787555e-005 0.0270714125774
Skewness: 0.0832552395733 -0.694213213276 0.41666140232
Kurtosis: 1.79283076124 2.32103510571 2.03807982732

Sum: -405.125523 5745.006999 23808

Sum Absolute: 405.125523 5745.006999 23808
Sum Squares: 3218.1742401 647158.933812 11122120
Mean Square: 63.1014556883 12689.3908591 218080.784314

Inter-Variable Covariance
X: 7.7199695e-005 -9.4982402e-006 0.066890933
Y: -9.4982402e-006 8.0731994e-005 -0.094554349
Z: 0.066890933 -0.094554349 159.70824

Inter-Variable Correlation
X: 1.000 -0.120 0.602
Y: -0.120 1.000 -0.833
Z: 0.602 -0.833 1.000

Inter-Variable Rank Correlation

X: 1.000 -0.025 0.665
Y: -0.025 1.000 -0.677
Z: 0.665 -0.677 1.000

Principal Component Analysis

X: 0.829461267162 0.829461267162 -0.558564079455
Y: 0.558564236233 0.558564236233 0.829461056039
Z: -1.67102290818e-005 -1.67102290818e-005 0.829461056039

Lambda: 159.708319291 6.94559452603e-005 4.47930893988e-006


Planar Regression: Z = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters
Parameter Value: 732.976476338 -1084.97707746 128508.948668
Standard Error: 47.0649282175 46.0237871225 5152.85362011

Inter-Parameter Correlations
A: 1.000 0.120 -0.048
B: 0.120 1.000 -0.997
C: -0.048 -0.997 1.000

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F
Regression: 2 7580.93910058 3790.46955029
Residual: 48 404.472664123 8.42651383589
Total: 50 7985.41176471

Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 0.949348552581

Nearest Neighbor Statistics

Separation |Delta Z|
1%%-tile: 0.000144958614781 0
5%%-tile: 0.000291331426388 0
10%%-tile: 0.00030500163934 0
25%%-tile: 0.00045526365987 0
50%%-tile: 0.00210280003805 1
75%%-tile: 0.00292105494642 3
90%%-tile: 0.00463813087353 7
95%%-tile: 0.0049640004029 7
99%%-tile: 0.0053533290577 8

Minimum: 0.000144958614781 0
Maximum: 0.00572357798934 8

Mean: 0.00197414563537 2.1568627451

Median: 0.00210280003805 1
Geometric Mean: 0.00118274715071 N/A
Harmonic Mean: 0.000672929989576 N/A
Root Mean Square: 0.00260388269668 3.26598632371
Trim Mean (10%%): 0.00183025201275 1.89130434783
Interquartile Mean: 0.00153135495166 1.26923076923
Midrange: 0.00293426830206 4
Winsorized Mean: 0.00192975410554 2.11764705882
TriMean: 0.0018954796706 1.25

Variance: 2.94061319056e-006 6.13490196078

Standard Deviation: 0.00171482162062 2.47687342446
Interquartile Range: 0.00246579128655 3
Range: 0.00557861937456 8
Mean Difference: 0.00190380239868 2.61176470588
Median Abs. Deviation: 0.00164483934104 1
Average Abs. Deviation: 0.00148992035851 1.78431372549
Quartile Dispersion: 0.730319491163 N/A
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.964367757157 1.21090909091

Standard Error: 0.000240123056302 0.346831652693

Coef. of Variation: 0.86863987636 1.1483685877
Skewness: 0.57886902085 1.05482622755
Kurtosis: 1.96225347197 2.7891661289

Sum: 0.100681427404 110

Sum Absolute: 0.100681427404 110
Sum Squares: 0.00034579046 544
Mean Square: 6.78020509804e-006 10.6666666667

Complete Spatial Randomness

Lambda: 52969.8621986
Clark and Evans: 0.908706438571
Skellam: 115.085794132

Gridding Rules
Gridding Method: Kriging
Kriging Type: Point

Polynomial Drift Order: 0

Kriging std. deviation grid: no

Semi-Variogram Model
Component Type: Linear
Anisotropy Angle: 0
Anisotropy Ratio: 1
Variogram Slope: 1

Search Parameters
No Search (use all data): true

Output Grid
Grid File Name: C:\Users\Yehezkiel Ardo\Desktop\GI BLIMBING MAL.grd
Grid Size: 100 rows x 95 columns
Total Nodes: 9500
Filled Nodes: 9500
Blanked Nodes: 0
Blank Value: 1.70141E+038

Grid Geometry

X Minimum: -7.958404
X Maximum: -7.928125
X Spacing: 0.0003221170212766

Y Minimum: 112.625779
Y Maximum: 112.657577
Y Spacing: 0.00032119191919201

Univariate Grid Statistics

Count: 9500

1%%-tile: 449.16372227
5%%-tile: 452.417232154
10%%-tile: 457.067902085
25%%-tile: 463.250108928
50%%-tile: 473.057281945
75%%-tile: 482.769532354
90%%-tile: 490.110516682
95%%-tile: 492.114573602
99%%-tile: 493.497252084

Minimum: 448.097284863
Maximum: 494.21544943

Mean: 472.967898597
Median: 473.061458409
Geometric Mean: 472.812172507
Harmonic Mean: 472.65621705
Root Mean Square: 473.123345272
Trim Mean (10%%): 473.116260193
Interquartile Mean: 473.00583048
Midrange: 471.156367147
Winsorized Mean: 473.218909363
TriMean: 473.033551293

Variance: 147.082220763
Standard Deviation: 12.1277459061
Interquartile Range: 19.5194234257
Range: 46.118164567
Mean Difference: 13.9710887312
Median Abs. Deviation: 9.75600711385
Average Abs. Deviation: 10.3123107044
Quartile Dispersion: 0.0206332115888
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.029539190234

Standard Error: 0.124428047592

Coef. of Variation: 0.0256417950184
Skewness: -0.066269805429
Kurtosis: 2.01011359248

Sum: 4493195.03667
Sum Absolute: 4493195.03667
Sum Squares: 2126534148.5
Mean Square: 223845.699842

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