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Atmospheric Pitting Corrosion of

Stainless Steel

Haval Bashar Mohammed Ali

A thesis submitted to the University of Birmingham for


School of Metallurgy and Materials

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

University of Birmingham
January 2016
University of Birmingham Research Archive
e-theses repository

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Atmospheric pitting corrosion of austenitic stainless steels 304L and 316L under

droplets of MgCl2 have been studied under conditions of relevance to long-term

storage of nuclear waste containers using automated deposition of arrays of


The effect of microstructure on the morphology of atmospheric corrosion pits in

304L stainless steel plate was investigated. The presence of retained delta

ferrite was found to influence the morphology of pits. Ferrite bands were

preferentially attacked, and pits were found to have layered attack morphology

dependent on the rolling direction and plane of the metal surface. Solution

annealing of stainless steel resulted in ferrite reduction and formation of faceted


Pits can grow with an initial shallow dish, which may propagate via “earring” or

small satellite pits. The size and morphology were seen to vary with exposure

humidity, chloride deposition density and distance from the droplet edge.

Pits propagated readily above chloride densities of ~10-4 µg/cm2, depending on

alloy and exposure time. Below this value much smaller pits were observed due

to a discontinuous solution layer.

The formation of secondary spreading and micro-droplet formation was

observed for MgCl2 droplets on stainless steel when pits form close to or at the

droplet edge. Small pits developed beneath these micro-droplets at lower


This work provides a basis to make recommendations for long-term storage

conditions of intermediate level nuclear waste (ILW) in order to minimise the risk

of pitting corrosion.

Dedicated to

Peshmerga of Kurdistan, those who fight terrorism on behalf of the whole world

and help to keep us safe …

Kurds everywhere as they wonder landless around the globe …

All the Kurdish martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the sake of a bit of Freedom


I would like to show my gratitude for the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)
for sponsoring me in the most intense economic crises it faces nowadays to do
my PhD in Birmingham University which is one of the top universities in the UK.

I would like to express my gratitude and sincere thanks to my supervisor

Professor Alison Davenport for her everlasting support, guidance, criticism and
motivations during the period of my study. It was my great fortune to have her
as my supervisor.

I would also like to especially thank my co-supervisor, Professor Moataz

Attallah for his kindness and bright ideas, especially for the microstructure
related work. And without his financial support, this PhD project would take
longer to finish.

I would like to thank Professor Paul Bowen whose support has been very
evident in helping me and my family.

I express my gratitude to Cem Örnek at the University of Manchester for the

insightful discussions and help with EBSD measurements.

I also highly acknowledge the help from Steven and Angus for their priceless
suggestions, comments and support.

I would like to thank and name individually all my colleagues in the corrosion
group who have been there for sharing ideas and discussions: Majid, Ali, April,
Weichen, Andrew, Fei, Rowena, Georgia, Sarah, Sophie and George.

Last but not the least; I would like to especially thank my wife Noor and my
daughter Norjan for their endless support, love and patience along my study.
Endless thanks to my lovely parents, brothers and sisters for their
encouragement over a growing number of years.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 1

2 Literature Review ........................................................................................ 3

2.1 Stainless steels ...................................................................................... 3

2.2 Ferrite and martensite formation in stainless steels ............................... 4

2.3 Formation of inclusions in steel .............................................................. 6

2.4 Methods for delta ferrite determination in stainless steels .................... 11

2.5 Effect of solution treatment on microstructure ...................................... 11

2.6 Effects of the presence of delta ferrite on stainless steels ................... 13

2.7 Preferential dissolution of ferrite and austenite .................................... 14

2.8 Pitting corrosion of stainless steels ...................................................... 16

2.8.1 Pit initiation ................................................................................... 17

2.8.2 Pit Growth (propagation) .............................................................. 20

2.8.3 Pit Morphology.............................................................................. 23

2.9 Atmospheric corrosion of stainless steel .............................................. 26

2.10 Atmospheric pitting corrosion of stainless steel .................................... 27

2.10.1 Pit initiation under atmospheric conditions ................................... 27

2.10.2 Effect of RH .................................................................................. 30

2.10.3 Effect of Chloride Deposition Density (CDD) ................................ 37

2.10.4 Effect of droplet Size .................................................................... 41

2.10.5 Effect of salt composition .............................................................. 41

2.10.6 Effect of microstructure ................................................................. 43

2.11 Methods of deposition of salts for lab-based atmospheric corrosion

experiments.......................................................................................... 45

2.11.1 Deposition of Salt Droplets ........................................................... 46

2.11.2 Deposition of Salt Particles ........................................................... 47

2.12 Overview of conditions within intermediate level nuclear waste container

stores ................................................................................................... 48

2.13 Secondary spreading and micro-droplet formation............................... 50

2.14 Synchrotron X-ray Techniques ............................................................. 56

2.14.1 Principles of X-ray Tomography ................................................... 56

2.14.2 Use of X-ray Tomography in Corrosion Research ........................ 58

2.15 Summary .............................................................................................. 59

3 Experimental Method ................................................................................ 61

3.1 Materials............................................................................................... 61

3.2 Solution annealing treatment................................................................ 61

3.3 Sample preparation for lab-based droplet experiments ........................ 62

3.4 Sample preparation for synchrotron experiments ................................. 62

3.5 Microstructural characterisation ........................................................... 63

3.6 Ferrite detection and measurements .................................................... 63

3.6.1 XRD .............................................................................................. 63

3.6.2 Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) ....................................... 64

3.6.3 Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) ....................................... 65

3.6.4 Predictive diagrams ...................................................................... 66

3.7 Atmospheric Corrosion Tests ............................................................... 67

3.7.1 Salt solutions ................................................................................ 68

3.7.2 Droplet deposition methods .......................................................... 68

3.7.3 Controlling of relative humidity and temperature .......................... 70

3.7.4 Time-lapse tests ........................................................................... 71

3.7.5 Synchrotron microtomography corrosion tests ............................. 72

3.8 Measurements ..................................................................................... 73

3.8.1 Distance from the shallow dish and/or pit centre to the droplet edge

..................................................................................................... 73

3.8.2 Measurement of shallow dish region, active region and total pit

diameter ....................................................................................... 74

3.8.3 Pit depth measurements ............................................................... 77

4 Effect of microstructure on the morphology of atmospheric corrosion pits in

304L stainless steel .................................................................................. 78

4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................... 78

4.2 Results ................................................................................................. 78

4.2.1 Microstructure ............................................................................... 78

4.2.2 Effect of three plate orientations on pit morphology...................... 85

4.2.3 Tomography results ...................................................................... 91

4.2.4 Effect of elongated inclusions on pit morphology ......................... 92

4.2.5 Effect of solution annealing on the microstructure and pit

morphology .................................................................................. 95

4.3 Discussion .......................................................................................... 100

4.3.1 Pit initiation sites in stainless steels and the dependence of pit

shape on inclusion shape ........................................................... 100

4.3.2 Observation of ferrite and martensite in austenitic stainless steels

................................................................................................... 102

4.3.3 Effect of ferrite on pit morphology ............................................... 105

4.3.4 Effect of annealing on the ferrite content of 304L stainless steel 109

4.3.5 Effect of annealing on pit morphology ........................................ 110

4.4 Conclusion ......................................................................................... 111

5 Effect of relative humidity on atmospheric pitting corrosion of Type 304L

and 316L austenitic stainless steels ....................................................... 112

5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 112

5.2 Results ............................................................................................... 113

5.2.1 Time-dependence of growth of pits ............................................ 113

5.2.2 Pit covers .................................................................................... 115

5.2.3 Effect of the pit position on the diameter of the shallow dish for

304L and 316L stainless steel .................................................... 117

5.2.4 Effect of pit position on pit diameter and depth for 316L stainless

steel at 48% RH ......................................................................... 133

5.2.5 Effect of pit position on pit diameter and depth for 304L stainless

steel at 56% RH ......................................................................... 136

5.2.6 Atmospheric pitting corrosion behaviour of 316L stainless steel at

56% RH ...................................................................................... 145

5.3 Discussion .......................................................................................... 150

5.3.1 Morphology of pits at 48% RH and below ................................... 150

5.3.2 Morphology of pits at 56% RH and above .................................. 153

5.3.3 Effect of pit position on pit depth and diameter ........................... 155

5.3.4 The critical relative humidity for atmospheric pitting corrosion ... 156

5.3.5 Effect of microstructure ............................................................... 158

5.4 Conclusions........................................................................................ 160

6 Effect of droplet diameter and chloride deposition density on atmospheric

pitting corrosion of Type 304L and 316L austenitic stainless steels ....... 162

6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 162

6.2 Results ............................................................................................... 163

6.2.1 Effect of droplet diameter on pit diameter ................................... 163

6.2.2 Effect of salt deposition density on atmospheric pitting corrosion168

6.3 Secondary spreading and micro-droplet formation............................. 184

6.4 Discussion .......................................................................................... 189

6.4.1 Effect of droplet diameter on pit diameter ................................... 189

6.4.2 Effect of chloride deposition density on pit growth ...................... 190

6.4.3 Threshold CDD for pitting ........................................................... 192

6.4.4 Secondary spreading and micro-droplet formation ..................... 195

6.4.5 Effect of microstructure ............................................................... 202

6.5 Conclusions........................................................................................ 203

7 General Discussion ................................................................................. 205

7.1 Effect of microstructure ...................................................................... 205

7.2 Chloride deposition density (CDD) threshold for pitting ...................... 206

7.3 Influence of relative humidity and chloride deposition density on pit

morphology ........................................................................................ 208

7.4 Effect of droplet diameter ................................................................... 209

7.5 Effect of pit location within the droplet ................................................ 210

7.6 Deposition technique .......................................................................... 211

8 Future work ............................................................................................. 212

8.1 Study the effect of crystallographic orientation (texture) .................... 212

8.2 Study the effect of sample position on the morphology of corrosion pits


8.3 Effect of deposit chemistry on atmospheric pitting corrosion of stainless

steel ................................................................................................... 215

8.4 Investigating wet-dry cycling exposure ............................................... 215

9 Appendices ............................................................................................. 217

9.1 Appendix 1: mill certificates of materials used.................................... 217

9.2 Appendix 2, data logger diagrams ...................................................... 220

10 References.............................................................................................. 222

1 Introduction

Stainless steels are widely used Cr-rich Fe alloys developed to be resistant to

corrosion. The high Cr content gives good resistance against general corrosion,

but these alloys are often vulnerable to localised corrosion due to

heterogeneities in the microstructure. Salt-rich aerosols can deposit on stainless

steel surfaces, which can then draw in moisture during normal fluctuations in

environmental humidity. This can create droplets of highly concentrated salt

solutions on the steel surface, which can lead to atmospheric corrosion.

This corrosion is of particular interest to the nuclear industry, as intermediate

level waste (ILW) is currently stored in stainless steel containers above ground

with no immediate plans for final disposal. Aerosol deposition over decades can

result in significant salt concentrations on the surface of waste containers.

Although no significant corrosion damage has been seen to date, there is

concern that this may lead to pitting corrosion, which could in turn develop into

stress corrosion cracking, causing structural failure when moving the


The initiation and propagation of pitting corrosion has been widely studied in full

immersion conditions e.g. [1-3], but limited work has been done on atmospheric

conditions. It is known, however, that the rate of atmospheric corrosion can be

affected by variations in relative humidity (RH) [4-17], salt density [6, 15, 17-20],

salt type [7, 15-17], droplet area [4, 21-23], temperature [15-17, 24, 25] and

microstructure [24-29].

Atmospheric corrosion experiments can be simulated using several methods.

Deposition of droplets of MgCl2 solutions on stainless steel surfaces is a useful

way to make a systematic study of atmospheric corrosion since MgCl2 is a

constituent of seawater and marine aerosols that has a low deliquescence

point, so it remains in solution at low RH values where the solution is

concentrated enough to cause pitting.

In this study, droplets of MgCl2 solutions are deposited on sheets of 304L and

316L stainless steels to investigate the influence of different factors on the

propagation and morphology of atmospheric corrosion pits. Key factors are the

effect of residual ferrite on pit morphology, the critical chloride density below

which pits do not propagate, and the critical relative humidity above which pits

cannot develop. This information will provide underpinning knowledge to inform

the operators of nuclear waste stores of safe conditions of operation.

2 Literature Review

2.1 Stainless steels

According to the microstructure, stainless steels are divided into four main

groups: austenitic, ferritic, martensitic, and duplex which contain both austenite

and ferrite. Stainless steels possess strong passivity due to their chromium

content. However, they are susceptible to localized corrosion, such as pitting

corrosion and intergranular corrosion in the existence of chloride or other

aggressive ions [30-32]. Generally, stainless steels contain 11-30 wt.-% Cr, and

~1-25 wt.-% Ni, and other alloying elements such as Mn, Mo, N. The reason

behind adding chromium Cr is to form an ultra-thin (nm thick) protective

chromium oxide film (passive film) to protect the metal from corrosion [3], while

adding Ni as an austenite stabiliser is to improve formability [31]. The addition of

2.0 - 3.0 wt.-% Mo improves the corrosion resistance of austenitic steels and

imparts hot strength characteristics [33]. The low-carbon grades, 304L and

316L, are usually selected for the application of intermediate level nuclear

waste containers in order to avoid intergranular attack and intergranular stress

corrosion cracking [34]. Normally, austenitic stainless steels are processed in

such way to obtain a primarily austenite microstructure. Based on the balance

of ferrite-stabilising elements to austenite-stabilizing elements, the cast

microstructure is either fully austenitic or a mixture of austenite and residual

ferrite (Figure 2-1) [35]. The mechanism by which the residual delta ferrite forms

will be described in the next section.

Figure 2-1 Microstructure of Type 304 stainless steel; fully austenitic (left) and mixture
of austenite and residual delta ferrite stringers (right) [35].

2.2 Ferrite and martensite formation in stainless steels

In austenitic stainless steels, the formation of delta ferrite is described in terms

of the solidification process [36-38]. They exhibit four solidification modes based

on compositions and cooling rates; primary austenite, primary delta-ferrite,

primary austenite followed by eutectic ferrite and primary delta-ferrite followed

by austenite [37, 39-41]. Type 304L has a primary delta-ferrite phase, followed

by a ferrite-austenite phase region exhibiting partial peritectic and eutectic

reactions. A single austenite phase field exists at room temperature, as shown

in (Figure 2-2). However, under more rapid solidification conditions, ferrite can

be retained as a minor phase in the matrix of austenitic stainless steels [42] due

to the segregation of ferrite stabilising elements, mainly chromium, during the

solidification and thermo-mechanical processes such as cold rolling and hot

rolling [35]. Retained ferrite usually present in relatively low fraction volume (2-


Figure 2-2 Fe-Cr-Ni equilibrium ternary diagram for constant-Fe section (70%
Fe) [43].

Unstable austenitic stainless steels such us 304L and 316L stainless steels are

also susceptible to martensitic transformation by plastic deformation process

(cold work deformation) [44-46]. Two types of martensite may form; martensite ϵ

(hcp, paramagnetic) and α′ (bcc, ferromagnetic). The latter is known as strain-

induced martensite. The sequence of transformation is reported to be γ→ϵ→α′

by some authors [44, 46-48]. However, direct transformation γ→ α′ through

dislocation reactions was also found to be possible [49]. Nucleation of strain-

induced martensite (α′) occurs heterogeneously at intersections of martensite

(ϵ) bands or unilaterally compressed regions such as twin or grain boundaries


2.3 Formation of inclusions in steel

It is generally agreed that inclusion formation takes place during solidification of

steel. Based on their chemistry, inclusions can be classified into two types:

oxide inclusions (composed of multi-element oxide phases) and MnS inclusions

(which usually have both oxide and MnS phases together). Figure 2-3 shows

typical examples of these inclusions.

Figure 2-3 SEM images of different types of inclusions, (a) an oxide phase
without MnS in clean 304 stainless steel; (b) an oxide phase surrounded by
MnS in standard commercial 304 stainless steel; and (c) primarily MnS in
standard 304 stainless steel [50].

MnS inclusions are difficult to avoid in the steel-making process. As an impurity,

sulphur is added to the steel by ore and coke supplies to improve the

machinability of steel [51]. However, sulphur is one of the most detrimental

impurities remaining in the crude steel. If sulphur remains unalloyed after the

bulk has solidified, hot shortness can take place during hot working processes

(such as rolling) after casting. Considerable efforts have been directed towards

removal of sulphur from the melt, particularly in the iron-making stage.

Desulphurisation (sulphur removal) can be achieved through slag-metal

reactions. This is commonly carried out by addition of CaO, which reacts with S

and forms CaS (which floats off as a buoyant slag) and O. Elements such as

Mg, Al, Na and rare earth elements can also be used.

Desulphurisation does not remove all of the sulphur from the melt, and sufficient

sulphur may still remain such that precipitation at grain boundaries may still lead

to “hot shortening”. In order to further prevent hot shortening, Mn is added to the

steel [52]. Added Mn to the steel can react with S to form MnS inclusions, which

are generally not associated with grain boundaries.

Deng et al. [53] proposed a possible mechanism for the formation of multi-

element oxide inclusions (Figure 2-4) based on results calculated using

Factsage software that were consistent with experiment results. They proposed

that during solidification, inclusions of high melting point, such as Al2O3 and

CaS, can work as nucleation sites for MnS. TiOx, SiO2, MnO, Al2O3, and

sulphide inclusions, such as MnS, can precipitate during cooling of the melt. As

the temperature decreases, MnS precipitates on inclusions either around the

oxide core encasing it, or it precipitates in embedded form with the oxide

inclusion. Once the MnS phase is formed, Mn in steel matrix will diffuse into the

inclusion boundary, forming a Mn-depletion zone (MDZ) adjacent to the


A further decrease in temperature leads to solidification of the remaining liquid

to form inclusions such as TiOx+SiO2 and (Mn-Si-Al)Ox.

Figure 2-4 The mechanism of the evolution of complex inclusions during
solidification [53].

Holappa et al. [54] and Lind [55] described a simplified system for inclusion

formation based on the presence of four components: Al, Ca, O, and S. They

derived ten key reactions governing the inclusion formation and transformation.

Calcium treatment is widely used to modify the shape, composition and size of

the inclusions [54-56]. Figure 2-5 shows the change in inclusion morphology

and composition after Ca-treatment.

Figure 2-5 Schematic presentation of the development of inclusion shape after
Ca- treatment of steel, figure reference is cited in reference [55].

Figure 2-6 schematically demonstrate the formation of inclusions in a non-

treated with Ca steel (left) and in a Ca-treated steel (right).

Figure 2-6 Schematic illustration of the effect of Ca-treatment on inclusions in
steel, figure reference is cited in reference [55].

According to the morphology, as classified by Sims and Dahle [57], there are

three specific types of sulphides which can be found in steels: (1) randomly

dispersed globular sulphides (Type I), (2) elongated sulphides (Type II), and (3)

angular sulphides (Type III).

2.4 Methods for delta ferrite determination in stainless steels

The δ-ferrite content can be determined either by predictive methods or

experimental methods. The well-recognized predictive methods are Schaeffler

diagram [58], DeLong diagram [59], and WRC-1992 diagram [60, 61], which

require data of the chemical composition of the weld metal. Although these

diagrams are primarily intended for use in welds, it has been reported that they

can be used to estimate the ferrite content of a base metal, weld consumable or

a weld metal and the microstructure of stainless steels [62, 63]. Experimental

methods which require taking real measurements involve magnetic

measurements (e.g. Magne-Gage magnetic balance, Fischer Feritscope

equipment and Magnetometer with Sample Vibration (VSM)[64]), X-Ray

Diffraction [45, 65]., Electrochemical determination, EDX [36] and quantitative

metallographic determination. The scope, advantages and limitations of the

predictive methods and currently used measurement techniques can be found

in [63, 66].

2.5 Effect of solution treatment on microstructure

Solution annealing treatments were observed to be useful to eliminate and or

reduce the presence of delta ferrite from austenitic stainless steels [36, 42, 67,

68]. Rho et al. [42] found that the amount of delta-ferrite (measured by

ferritescope) in 304L stainless steel is decreased from 0.99% to 0.23% after the

solution treatment conducted at 1050°C for about 25 minutes (Figure 2-7). It

was also observed that, based on the selected annealing temperature and time,

significant grain growth is usually associated with solution annealing process.

Figure 2-7 Optical micrographs of 304L stainless steel (a) as-received with
narrow strips of delta ferrite in black parallel to the rolling direction; and (b)
solution-treated at 1050 °C for 1 h then water quenched. The etchant solution
was made from mixing of two solutions in equal amounts, solution one
(methanol 100 ml, nitric acid 25 ml and hydrochloric acid 25 ml) and solution
two (distilled water 100 ml and sodium pyrosulphate 1.5 g). The sample was
immersed for 5–60 s at room temperature in the mixed etchant solution. The d-
ferrite turns black [42].

The delta ferrite volume fraction was observed to decrease with increasing the

exposure temperature [67, 68] and time [67]. Kim et al. [67] studied the

dissolution kinetics of delta ferrite in 304 stainless steel samples and found that

it is a function of annealing temperature and time. Figure 2-8 shows that the

delta ferrite volume fraction decreases with increasing annealing temperature

and time [67]. They claimed that a rapid dissolution was observed at the early

stage of dissolution but came under diffusion control at the normal stage without

reporting any data between 0 and 50 s. They attributed the rapid dissolution of

delta ferrite to the large difference in Cr concentration between delta ferrite and

austenite phases.

Figure 2-8 Change in delta ferrite fraction with annealing (dissolution)
temperature and time for 304 stainless steel [67].

Toor [69], found that the corrosion rate decreased with increasing annealing

temperature from 1030 °C/120 minutes to 1050 °C/30 minutes. This

improvement in corrosion resistance was attributed to the dissolution of harmful

inclusions and homogenization of the microstructure at 1050 °C.

2.6 Effects of the presence of delta ferrite on stainless steels

In general, austenitic stainless steels have good ductility and toughness and

exhibit significant elongation during tensile loading. However, the presence of δ-

ferrite in relatively low fraction volume (2-5%) in the microstructure of cast alloy

can reduce the ductility and the toughness [35]. The presence of such small

amount of ferrite is regarded as beneficial in fully austenitic stainless steels

because ferrite phase improves hot workability [70-73]. However, it has been

reported that this retained delta ferrite has detrimental effects on pitting

corrosion resistance for fully immersed stainless steels [74, 75]. These effects

were explained in terms of; segregation of impurities such as sulphur and

phosphorus along the austenite/ferrite interface [74, 76], the formation of Cr-

depleted zone [76-78], the lower pitting resistance equivalent number (PREN) of

austenite compared to ferrite phase [78-80], and low concentration of Cr and

Mo in austenite phase [70]. In general, austenitic stainless steels were found

not to be as readily embrittled by hydrogen as ferritic materials [25, 81, 82].

2.7 Preferential dissolution of ferrite and austenite

It has been reported that different electrochemical behaviours arise from the

difference in the chemical composition of delta ferrite and austenite phases [83,

84]; the active, active-passive transition curve of the alloy shifts to more

negative potentials due to the high chromium and low nickel contents [84].

Lo et al. [83] studied the influence of the H2SO4/HCl composition on the

selective dissolution behaviour and found two distinct peaks in the active-to-

passive transition region in the potentiodynamic polarization curves of 2205

duplex stainless steel. The higher anodic peak was associated with the

preferential dissolution of austenite while that for ferrite at lower potential

(Figure 2-9) [83].

Figure 2-9 (a) Potentiodynamic polarization curves of 2205 duplex stainless
steels (DSS) operated in the H2SO4/HCl solutions with different compositions at
ambient temperature; (b) contributions of ferrite (α) and austenite (γ) phases on
the anodic current density at active-to-passive potentials [83].

Recently, in an atmospheric corrosion study on as received grade 2205 duplex

stainless steel, Örnek et al. [82] found that the formation of different failure

morphologies is a function of location within the droplet containing a mixture of

FeCl3:MgCl2 after exposure at 50°C and 30% RH for long term exposure (368

days); with attack of both phases at the anodic center but the austenite at the

periphery of the droplet and the ferrite between the center and the droplet

periphery. They attributed this to the local variations of electrochemical

potentials beneath the droplet.

2.8 Pitting corrosion of stainless steels

Stainless steels are protected from corrosion by a naturally formed passive film

on the surface. In the presence of chloride ions, however, stainless steels are

susceptible to localised corrosion such us pitting corrosion which is one of the

most destructive forms of corrosion [85-87]. For stainless steels, it is widely

accepted that pits initiate at inclusions such us MnS inclusions. It is generally

agreed that pitting is autocatalytic, self-generating process.

Figure 2-10 shows the electrochemical mechanism of pitting corrosion in steel

in neutral chloride solution [88]. The mechanism can be described as follows: at

the pit site (anodic dissolution reaction takes place), the metal will dissolve and

produce metal ions, and then metal ions will react with the water to form an

acidic environment within the pit (pH will decrease inside the pit) which will

promote further growth of the pit. Consequently, oxygen will be depleted inside

the pit. Chloride anions will diffuse into the pit to maintain the charge balance.

The oxygen reduction reaction will take place outside the pit (cathodic area).

The rust (corrosion product) will be precipitated. Usually, hydrogen bubbles well

generate during pitting corrosion.

Figure 2-10 Schematic diagram of the electrochemical mechanism of pitting
corrosion in steel in neutral chloride solution [88].

In the following sections, the pit initiation, propagation and pit morphology are

discussed in detail.

2.8.1 Pit initiation

There are numerous theories of pit initiation on stainless steel concentrating on

passive film breaking, penetration and adsorption [1]. However, it is widely

accepted that pits initiate preferentially at inclusions, notably at MnS inclusions

[1, 51, 88-90] in commercial stainless steels. It has also been observed that

other types of inclusions such as multi-element (Cr, Mn, Al, Ti, V) oxides and

mixtures of sulphides and oxides can cause pit initiation [50, 91-93]. It has been

reported that when both MnS and multi-element oxide inclusions exist together,

pitting is generally not associated with the multi-element oxide inclusions but is

related with MnS inclusions [92, 94, 95].

In addition to inclusion, other features for example delta ferrite, alpha prime and

sigma phase may also enhance pitting corrosion [85]. Figure 2-11 schematically

shows most of these features.

Figure 2-11 Schematic diagram of different metallurgical variables influencing

the passivity of stainless steels [96].

Different researches have proposed different reactions for the dissolution of

MnS inclusions [88, 89, 97-99]. Eklund [89] proposed that MnS inclusions can

dissolve and led to the formation of aqueous sulphide (H2S), sulphur (S) and

sulphate (SO42-). Castle and Ke also reported the formation of the elemental

sulphure (S). The formation of elemental sulphur (S), sulphate (SO42-) and

sulphide (H2S) has also been reported by Wranglen [88]. Both Lott [98] and

Web and Alkire [99-101] suggest that the MnS dissolution products can be

thiosulphate (S2O32-) which has been reported to enhance Cl- induced pitting

corrosion for types 304 and 316L [102, 103].

Figure 2-12 illustrates schematically the initiation of pitting corrosion at the site

of an MnS inclusion on stainless steel based on the observation of Castle and

Ke [97]. They proposed the following reactions for MnS dissolution in neutral

chloride solutions:

MnS + 3H2O = Mn2+ + HSO3- + 5H+ + 6e- Equation 2-1

HSO3- + 5H+ + 4e- = S + 3H2O Equation 2-2

A local acidic solution will form by the oxidation of MnS to HSO 3-. Then Sulphur

will precipitate by the reaction cathode at the cathode (Equation 2-2).

Figure 2-12 Schematic representation of pit initiation at an MnS inclusion site

suggest by Castle and Ke [97].

It has been reported that initial attack on the metal close to the inclusion can

take place due to the lower pH associated with inclusion dissolution process

[88, 89]. It has also been reported that the formation of sulphur layer can

prevent the passivation of the metal and decrease the strength of metal-metal

bonds. Hence, increase the dissolution rate of metal [104, 105].

The geometrical shape [7, 18, 90, 99, 100, 106-108], size [51, 91-93, 109],

composition [50, 90, 109-113] and distribution [50] of inclusions have been

reported to significantly influence pit initiation (the onset of pitting) and growth

on stainless steels. It has been proven that to cause stable pitting a critical size

of inclusions is needed [92, 109]. Both the geometry and the orientation of

inclusions were found to play a prevalent role in the pit initiation and further

developments of pitting on stainless steels. Webb et al. [106] have studied the

effect of MnS inclusion geometry and depth on pits and reported that narrow yet

deep inclusions led to pits, but large yet shallow inclusions did not. The

presence of extended needle-shaped inclusions parallel to the rolling direction

[95] in commercial stainless steels was attributed to the rolling process during

casting process.

2.8.2 Pit Growth (propagation)

Many researchers have investigated the growth of pits [2, 114-118]. It is

generally accepted that inside a pit, a concentrated acidic chloride solution will

develop that prevents the formation of the passive oxide film and allows

continued dissolution.

As mentioned above, when pitting corrosion initiates, metal ions (Mn+) such as

Fe2+ are generated by the dissolution of stainless steels (equation 2-3).

M → Mn+ + ne- Equation 2-3

These metal ions (Mn+) increase the acidity inside the pit through the hydrolysis

reaction (equation 2-4) which produces H+.

Mn+ + H2O ⇌ MOH(n-1)+ +H+ Equation 2-4

To balance the electrical charge of positive metal ions inside the pit, negative

Cl- ions which are small and have high diffusivity, move into the pit [1, 88] as

shown in Figure 2-10. Therefore the concentration of metal ions [Mn+] from

dissolution of metal inside the pit controls the acidity inside the pit. When the

concentration of metal ions increases, the acidity inside the pit increases and

this favours dissolution over passivation, thus when the rate of metal ions

production inside a pit is higher than the rate of metal ions escape from inside

the pit, the pit will be stable [116, 118, 119].

After a while, the O2 inside the pit will be consumed in cathodic reactions and

there will be the shortage of O2 inside of the pit. However, the area outside of

the pit has relatively good access to O2 compared to inside the pit, and the

anodic reaction can continue inside the pit after the O2 shortage while cathodic

reactions continue outside the pit. Thus inside the pit will be a net anode and

the outside of the pit will be a net cathode [119].

It has been reported that the rate of metal dissolution in a pit decreases linearly

with the reciprocal of the pit depth. This indicates that the current density of the

pit is self-regulated by migration or diffusion effects [120].

Isaacs et al. [121] reported from 1D artificial pit electrode studies that a resistive

layer forms on the electrode interface. This layer self regulates its thickness as

the potential is varied. They reported that because of the existence of this layer,

the current is not dependent of potential, and showed that the diffusion rate of

positive metal ions from the layer is the same as the moving rate of the metal

ions through this layer to pit solution.

In order to study diffusion effects in artificial pits, Tester and Isaacs [122] used

the Nernst-Einstein equation (Equation 2-5) for expressing the anodic current

density i assuming that convection is not significant:

𝑖 𝜕𝐶 𝑛𝐹 𝜕𝛷
= −𝐷 [ +𝐶 𝐷 ] Equation 2-5
𝑛𝐹 𝜕𝑥 𝑅𝑇 𝜕𝑥

where 𝛷 is the potential drop, n is the average valance of metal ions, F and R

are Faraday and gas constant, respectively. C is the concentration of metal

ions, D is the diffusion coefficient of dissolved metal ions, T is the absolute

temperature, 𝑥 is the pit depth.

When the potential drop (𝛷 ) is insignificant and can be ignored, for diffusion-

limited current density the above equation can be shown as:

𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑚 = Equation 2-6

Where 𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑚 is the diffusion-limited current density, and ΔC is the metal ions

concentration difference between the resistive layer and the pit mouth.

Ghahari et al. [123] have studied 2D pits growing at 0.005, 0.01, 0.1 and 1 M

NaCl solutions under current and potential control using in situ synchrotron X-

ray radiography. Their results revealed that the pit depth is under diffusion

control and the pit width is under activation control [123].

2.8.3 Pit Morphology

Pitting corrosion can be seen in different forms such as narrow deep, wide

shallow, hemispherical (elliptical), subsurface or undercutting, and

microstructural orientation related pits as shown in Figure 2-13.

Figure 2-13 A schematic diagram of the various shapes of pits shown in cross-
section [124].

The morphology of pits is a function of several parameters, such us metal

structure, environment, and experimental conditions [110]. On both austenitic

stainless steels and ferritic chromium steels, the formations of flat-walled pits

were evident only at potentials near to pit nucleation potentials [110, 125, 126].

Schwenk [125] reported the formation of “regularly etched pits, mostly hexagons

and squares” (Figure 2-14) on 18Cr-10Ni stainless steel in solutions containing

Cl- at low applied potentials (with low current density within pits). His analyses

of the etch pits lead to the conclusion that the pit bounding planes belong to the

type {111} having the lowest dissolution rate (the most closely packed crystal

plane in the case of austenite). However, at higher applied potentials, both

hemispherical and isotropic pits with polished or dull interiors have been evident

to form. Schwenk also established that pits in their initial state are of

hemispherical form covered with a thin and porous layer of metal. He found that

the edges of the pits were almost, but not always, circular. Under hollowing and

elongated areal pits were also reported by Schwenk.

Figure 2-14 regularly etch pits morphology formed in 18Cr-10Ni solution
annealed 1300 °C then water quenched steel surface [125].

Janik-Czachor and Szklarska-Smialowska [126] also reported anisotropic

dissolution of the 16Cr-Fe alloy in solutions containing CI- ions near the pitting

potential (also called as breakdown potential) resulting in formation of regular

etch pits ( polyhedrons flat walled pits) formed of most closely packed {110} and

less closely packed {100} crystal planes.

Similar observations were also made by Pickering and Frankenthal [127, 128],

they reported that pits are initially crystallographic in stainless steel and iron.

However, they found a mixture of crystallographic etch and hemispherical pits at

higher potentials (more noble). They observed two types of pits: (1)

crystallographic pits not associated with inclusions and (2) covered pits which

initiate at inclusions. The latter type was found to propagate radially underneath

the metal surface away from the inclusion and finally penetrate the surface from

underneath forming the lace-like structure and an often faceted interior.

2.9 Atmospheric corrosion of stainless steel

In marine environments marine aerosols, which consist of small particles (0.1-

20 µm diameter range), can be produced by the bubbles that generate from

ocean waves [129]. Such aerosols then are carried by coastal wind patterns

and can be deposited on the metal surfaces. Later, these hygroscopic salt

particles will absorb moisture from the environment when the relative humidity

reaches a critical rate and form deliquescent salt droplets or thin electrolyte

layers. When such droplets become aggressive enough because of change of

temperature and RH they can greatly quicken the localised corrosion of metals

[129]. Also, because of the presence of thin or discontinuous layers of solution,

there can be easy access of oxygen to the surface. However, the chloride

deposition rate can be influenced by the design and location therefore changes

in chloride deposition rates are expected [130]. Besides, topography of land and

the intensity and direction of predominant winds can play a vital role in

variations of the composition of aerosols [131].

Although localised corrosion of stainless steel in fully immersed conditions has

been widely studied, there remains insufficient information regarding

atmospheric pitting corrosion of stainless steel [2].

2.10 Atmospheric pitting corrosion of stainless steel

Atmospheric pitting corrosion of stainless steel has been investigated by a

number of authors under natural exposure conditions time [132, 133], under salt

droplets [4-6, 15, 21, 22, 134-139], and under other conditions e.g. inkjet tests

[22, 140].

There are several exposure factors which could affect the atmospheric pitting

corrosion of stainless steels, for example microstructure, chloride deposition

level and relative humidity etc. The effect of these factors will be explored in

more detail in the following sections.

2.10.1 Pit initiation under atmospheric conditions

Some researchers have proposed mechanisms for the formation of atmospheric

corrosion pits based on the laboratory experimental results under droplets

containing chloride ions [4, 5, 21]. It is widely accepted that MnS inclusions are

the most common sites for pit initiation in stainless steels under atmospheric

conditions [4, 5]. Figure 2-15 shows a schematic diagram of pitting corrosion

mechanism at a MnS inclusion under atmospheric conditions on stainless steel

suggested by Tsutsumi et al. [4]. Hastuty et al. [5] have proposed a similar

mechanism for Type 430 stainless steel under MgCl2 droplets.

Figure 2-15 Schematic drawing of pit initiation and growth under atmospheric
conditions [4].

The pit morphology under atmospheric conditions was investigated by several

researchers [4, 6, 8, 18, 21]. Tsutsumi et al. [4] investigated the pitting corrosion

of Type 304 stainless steel under droplets of MgCl2 solution for a certain time in

controlled relative humidity and at fixed temperature. They reported the

formation of a shallow type pit with always at least one small hole (~10-30 µm

diameter) in the centre of the corroded area (Figure 2-16), which proposed to be

the remnant of a MnS inclusion dissolved out. Consistent with the work of

Tsutsumi, Hastuty et al. [8] also reported the shallow type pit morphology using

a similar method to characterise the atmospheric pitting corrosion of 430

stainless steel.

Figure 2-16 Laser-microphotograph and depth profile of pitting corrosion under a
MgCl2 droplet of 12 mm diameter 1.9 µm thickness exposed at 35% RH [4].

Maier and Frankel [21] also reported a shallow dish pit morphology while

investigating the pitting corrosion of 304 stainless steel under electrolyte

droplets of MgCl2 using a Scanning Kelvin Probe (SKP). All of the above

mentioned researchers proposed the formation of a shallow dish pit type with a

small hole in the centre of the pit which assumed to be the initiation site. The

shallow dish was found to propagate in the lateral direction at the early stage of

initial attack. However, Maier and Frankel [21] further reported that after a

certain time the pit stopped growing in the lateral direction but continued to

propagate inside the shallow dish in a specific region leading formation of an

“ear-shaped” pit as shown in Figure 2-17. The active region was considered to

be the white dashed region of the pit as shown in Figure 2-17.

Figure 2-17 Ear-shaped pit formed on 304 stainless steel under MgCl2 droplet
in atmospheric conditions[21].

Recently, Street et al. [6] observed a similar morphology under MgCl2 droplet on

304L stainless steel. They named it as “spiral pit”. More details about this

morphology and other morphologies obtained by Street will be given in Section


Under atmospheric conditions, regularly etched pits were not observed on

solution annealed 304L and 316L austenitic stainless steels.

2.10.2 Effect of RH

Among the exposure environmental factors, RH is very important because it

determines the concentration of the solution droplets and/or electrolyte layers.

As the RH is decreased, the chloride concentration in the solution droplet

increases, increasing the probability of occurrence of pitting corrosion [4].

Figure 2-18 shows the relationship between the solution concentration (M) of

MgCl2 and (a) RH (%), (b) electrical conductivity (mhom-1), and (c) self-

diffusivity of Fe2+ (m2 s-1) in MgCl2 solutions at 30 °C, calculated by OLI

Analyzer 9, shown in Street’s work [6]. If RH is lower, droplet height is lower,

solution concentration is higher, resistivity is high and the rate of diffusion of

[Fe2+] is lower.

Figure 2-18 Relationship between the solution concentration (M) of MgCl2 and
(a) RH (%); (b) electrical conductivity (mhom-1); and (c) self-diffusivity of Fe2+
(m2 s-1) in MgCl2 solutions at 30 °C. OLI Analyzer 9 used to calculate these
parameters. Humidities investigated in Street’s work are marked in (a) [6].

A number of studies were carried out to investigate the critical RH for pit

initiation either by simply droplet deposition technique [4, 5] or by monitoring the

potential or current [21, 141, 142].

Tsutsumi et al. [4] investigated the probability of pitting corrosion of 304

stainless steel beneath MgCl2 droplets in lab and reported that the critical

relative humidity for occurrence of pitting corrosion lies between 65% RH and

75% RH.

The critical RH for pit initiation was found to be related with the surface finish of

the material. The finer the surface finish, the lower the critical RH. For a study of

304 stainless steel with surface finish of 1000 grit carried out by Tsutsumi et al.

[141], the critical RH for pit initiation was found to be ~70% RH at 300 K. While,

with a surface finish of 2000 grit for 304 stainless steel, Nishikata et al. [142]

found that the critical chloride concentration for pit initiation was 7.5 M

(corresponding to 55% RH) at 300 K using a similar experimental method used

by Tsutsumi. In a recent work, by Nishikata’s group [9], on 304 stainless steel

with final polish surface (0.25 µm diamond suspension), the critical RH was

found to be within the range of 47%-58% RH and the critical chloride

concentration [CL-]pit for onset of pitting of 304 stainless steel under MgCl2

droplets was in the range of 7.1to 8.4 M at 298 K. The critical chloride

concentration for onset of pitting has been reported by some other researchers

[4, 9, 143, 144] . In a work by Matsumi et al. [143] an electrochemical method

was used to record the corrosion potential beneath an electrolyte layer on 304

stainless steel. They reported that there is a threshold chloride concentration of

~6 M below which pits cannot initiate.

Cyclic RH fluctuation experiments were conducted by a number of researchers

[7-14]. In such experiments, it is widely accepted that pits will repassivate during

wetting stage (from low RH to high RH), while during the drying stage (from high

RH to low RH) new pits can initiate and grow. Recently Nam et al. [9] have

investigated pit initiation and repassivation of two types of stainless steels,

austenitic (SS304) and ferritic (SS430) stainless steels during the wet-dry

cycles beneath MgCl2 droplets. They reported that at 298 K, for SS304, the

RHpit was obtained to be in the range of 58%–47% while that for SS430 was

obtained to be in the range of 68%–48%. They also reported that both RHpit and

RHrep vary with varying temperature. Significant increase in both of them was

obtained as the temperature increased from 283 K to 313 K.

Chen et al. [10] reported that more meta-stable pitting occurred on the surface

of mild steel samples in the wet cycles than that in the dry cycles. Also, the

metastable pits were uniformly dispersed in wet cycles while locally distributed

in dry cycles. Hastuty et al. [8] investigated the pitting corrosion of 430 stainless

steel in drying process of chloride solution layer and concluded that pitting

corrosion take place at higher chloride concentration as the drying rate


Yadav et al. [11] investigated the corrosion behaviour of galvanized steel under

wet–dry cyclic conditions at different drying periods using electrochemical

impedance technique and reported that the corrosion is accelerated in the early

stage of cycling but decreased after a number of cycles, returning to a similar

rate as that found in the initial cycle.

RH was found to influence the pit morphology. Street et al. [6] have investigated

the effect of RH on pit morphology and reported that at lower exposure RH

values (33% and 38%) satellite pits can form ( Figure 2-19(a, b)), while at higher

RH values (38%- 48%), spiral pits can form (Figure 2-19(c-d)). Both these pit

morphologies had a shallow dish region. Satellite pits were seen to be located

toward the edge of the droplet while spiral pits were seen to be located toward

the centre of the droplet. At 56% RH, However, pits were seen to have a

circular morphology with no shallow dish region (Figure 2-19(f)). It was

proposed that this variation in pit morphology is due to the difference in IR drop,

solution diffusivity and conductivity. Street et al. [6] also reported that the

diameter of the shallow dish region varies with the distance from the droplet

edge, with larger diameters seen towards the centre of the droplet while smaller

diameters seen towards the edge of the droplet (Figure 2-20). No significant

variation in the average shallow dish diameters was observed at examined RH

values (Figure 2-20).

Figure 2-19 Typical examples of pit morphologies grown beneath MgCl2
droplets with initial chloride deposition density (CDD) of 750 µg/cm2 after
exposure at constants RH values, shown in the figure, for 1 day at 30 ºC; (a)
and (b) satellite pits; (b-d) spiral pits; (f) circular pit [6].

Figure 2-20 Shallow dish equivalent diameter versus the distance from the
droplet edge for pits grown under MgCl2 droplets with initial chloride deposition
density of 750 µg/cm2 on 304L stainless steel after 1 day of exposure at 30 °C

2.10.3 Effect of Chloride Deposition Density (CDD)

For a fixed droplet area and at controlled exposure RH, any change in the salt

deposition level will lead to a change in the height of the droplet because the

salt concentration of the droplet is determined by the exposure RH. As a result

of that both the diffusion rate and resistance of the droplet can be different.

It has been reported that the electrolyte layer morphology can be affected by

the salt deposition density [18-20] under fixed exposure RH. Figure 2-21 are

vertical sections of X-ray tomograms of MgCl2 electrolyte layer morphologies as

a function of CDD (indicated in Figure 2-21) on 304 stainless steel pin samples

after exposure at fixed RH (45%) and 21±1°C, shown in Mi’s work [18]. She

reported the formation of a non-uniform (discontinuous) electrolyte layer

beneath MgCl2 droplets of ≤100 µg/cm2, while at higher deposition levels (400–

4000 µg/cm2), a uniform continuous layer was confirmed. The estimated

solution height from Mi’s X-ray microtomography experiments shows that the

electrolyte layer height is increasing with increasing the salt deposition density

at fixed RH and temperature (Figure 2-21).The estimated electrolyte height for

4000, 2000, 1000, and 400 µg/cm2 was 260, 120, 60, and 25 µm respectively.

For the lower depositing values (10, 20 and 100 µg/cm2), the electrolyte layers

were difficult to be measured because it was not clearly seen. For pitting

corrosion to take place, Mi found that a lower chloride deposition density within

the range of 10-20 µg/cm2 is required for pit initiation.

Figure 2-21 Vertical tomography sections of MgCl2 salt solution morphologies
as a function of CDD on 304 stainless steel (2 mm pins) at 21±1 °C and 45%
RH [18].

Albores-Silva et al. [19] also reported that the continuity of the droplet was

interrupted at lower CDD values. They have seen the formation of ring-like

droplet morphology (Figure 2-22) under MgCl2 solution with a CDD of 10 µg/cm2

up to 50 µg/cm2 on 316L stainless steel after exposure for 12 weeks. It was

proposed that the interruption of film continuity was due to the droplet shrinking

while reaching equilibrium. Albores-Silva further reported that they observed

superficial pitting within the range of 10-25 µg/cm2 at 30 °C.

Figure 2-22 General appearance of MgCl2 droplets with a CDD of 1000, 100,
and 10 µg/cm2 on 316L stainless steel following exposure for 12 weeks (left)
and chlorine EDX elemental mapping after equilibrium was reached (right) [20].

The chloride threshold issue is very important as, in the presence of stresses,

pits can develop atmospheric-induced chloride stress corrosion cracking

(AISCC) [15, 19, 20, 145]. Albores-Silva et al. [19] and Padovani et al. [20] have

reported that the lower threshold for the occurrence of AISCC is above 10 and

25 µg/cm2 at 50 and 30 °C respectively at ~30% RH under MgCl2 droplets on

316L stainless steel. Figure 2-23 shows the chloride deposition density and the

temperature needed for the AISCC to take place under MgCl2 droplets on 316L

stainless steel at ~30% RH [20].

Figure 2-23 The influence of temperature and the chloride deposition density on
the occurrence of AISCC on 316L stainless steel under MgCl2 droplets at
~30% RH. Tests carried out at 30 °C and 50 °C were exposed for 12 weeks
while the exposure time for tests performed at room temperature (22 °C) was 52

Padovani et al. [20] further reported that at higher RH (60% RH), there was

need to higher chloride deposition densities for AISCC to take place at 50 °C,

while at 30 °C, AISCC was not seen up to very high CDD values

(>10,000 µg/cm2).

2.10.4 Effect of droplet Size

Maier and Frankel [21] reported that under small droplets, pits initiated more

rapidly than under large ones in 33-34%RH due to faster evaporation rate and

high increase in the chloride concentration of the droplet. A large droplet,

however, can include more pitting initiation sites such as MnS inclusions.

Therefore, Maier and Frankel found that the probability of occurrence of pitting

corrosion was higher under a large droplet than under a small droplet at lower

chloride concentrations (high RH). They attributed this to the presence of more

susceptible defects within a large droplet than in a small droplet. Tsutsumi et al.

[4] concluded that the probability of occurrence of pitting corrosion decreased

with decreasing droplet diameter and thickness, which was attributed to the fact

that the smaller exposed area can provide a less cathodic current. Similarly,

Wang et al. [23] found that as the droplet size increases the susceptibility of

stainless steel to localised corrosion increase as well. They suggested that the

increase of cathodic area and the three-phase boundary could be the reason of

this trend. Also, Mi et al. [22] found that the pit diameter increases with

increasing droplet diameter under constant RH. They attributed this to the lower

solution resistance for thicker droplets.

2.10.5 Effect of salt composition

Near coastal areas the atmospheric environments contain relatively high levels

of chloride. However, in such environments NaCl (75% DRH) is the major

chloride component while MgCl2 is present in lower amounts. However, MgCl2

has a lower deliquescence point (33% DRH) [130] so at relatively low relative

humidity, droplets remain with a higher chloride concentration, and present

conditions for electrochemical attack. Studies carried out so far about

atmospheric corrosion of stainless steels have examined the influence of pure

MgCl2 [4, 5, 15, 21, 139, 146] pure NaCl [15, 23, 129, 146, 147] and artificial

sea water [4, 5]. Just recently, however, Guo [7] investigate the effect of mixed

salts droplets, containing of NaCl and MgCl2, on localized corrosion behaviour

of stainless steel. Therefore, there is need for more investigation to be carried

out using mixed salts.

Prosek and his co-workers [15] studied the corrosion resistance of eight

stainless steel grades, including type 304 and 316L, under manually deposited

salt solutions of pure MgCl2, CaCl2, and NaCl as a function of temperature (20-

50˚C) and RH (15-70%). They reported that both 304 and 316L were prone to

pitting in the presence of MgCl2 and CaCl2 at 20˚C and higher and at relative

humidity of 30% and 50% while at low ~15% RH and 30˚C they were

susceptible to SCC. However, no pits where observed under pure NaCl at 40˚C

and at 30, 50, or 70% RH.

Tsutsumi et al. [144] monitored the occurrence of pitting corrosion of stainless

steels samples in both marine and rural atmospheric environments and

concluded that pitting corrosion on 304 stainless steel only occur under a

relative humidity range from 35% to 75% in marine environments. In a later

study by Tsutsumi et al. [4], they studied the probability for pitting corrosion to

occur on 304 stainless steel under MgCl2 droplets in lab and reported that the

critical relative humidity for occurrence of pitting corrosion lies between 55% RH

and 75% RH corresponding to (8.5 M) and (4.9 M) chloride solution

respectively. This range is in agreement with exposure experiments carried out

in marine aerosol conditions [144].

2.10.6 Effect of microstructure

As mentioned previously, the presence of small amount of retained delta ferrite

in austenitic stainless steels can significantly influence pitting corrosion. In a

recent work published by Davenport et al. [26] on 304L stainless steel plate, the

morphology of atmospheric corrosion pits was found to be influenced by the

presence of retained delta ferrite, with the formation of circular layered pit

morphology on top surface of the plate and horizontal stripes on the end grain

and side grain of the plate. This layered morphology was attributed to the

preferential attack of ferrite phase.

In addition to residual delta ferrite, it is well agreed that pits in stainless steels

often initiate at inclusions under atmospheric conditions [4-6, 21]. It has been

reported that elongated inclusions play an important role in pit initiation and

propagation in austenitic stainless steels [7, 18]. Figure 2-24, from Mi’s work,

shows the growth of a pit with time on 304 stainless steel beneath a MgCl2

droplet. After 3 hours of exposure at constant RH and temperature, there is no

sign of pits, however, only a pre-existing defect parallel to the rolling direction.

After 17 hours, a pit was found at the site of the defect. The pit was found to

grow both radially and vertically with time. It was proposed that the propagation

of the pit down bottom was due to the pre-existing defect (probably a narrow

cavity formed during fabrication of material or an elongated inclusion).

Figure 2-24 Time-dependent pit growth imaged with X-ray microtomography of
a pit on 304 stainless steel pin (2 mm diameter) beneath a droplet of MgCl2 of
CDD ~1000 µg/cm2 after exposure at 45% RH and 21±1 °C; top images are
horizontal sections and bottom images are vertical sections [18].

Similarly, Guo [7] found an elongated deep fissure growing together with the pit

(Figure 2-25) on a 304L stainless steel pin sample machined parallel to the

rolling direction while studying the effect of wet-dry cycling on pitting corrosion

under MgCl2 droplets using X-ray microtomography technique. It was proposed

that the deep fissure attack was because of the presence of elongated

inclusions or ferrite bands in the alloy. It is important to bear in mind that the

plate used in Guo’s work and the current work is from the same supplier.

Figure 2-25 Horizontal and vertical sections of a tomogram of a 304L stainless
steel pin sample beneath an MgCl2 droplet (CDD ~1000 µg/cm2) after wet-dry
cycling exposure at 21±1 ºC. Cyclic exposure conditions are indicated in the
figure [7].

2.11 Methods of deposition of salts for lab-based atmospheric

corrosion experiments

In the literature, both indoor and outdoor exposure tests were carried out to

study atmospheric pitting corrosion. In outdoor experiments, samples usually

can be placed at specialized positions to be exposed to marine environments

for a period of time [132, 133]. Aerosols salt particles present in the

environment can deposit on the sample surfaces and then leads to atmospheric

pitting corrosion. However, in indoor lab experiments a controlled amount of

concentrated solution of salts in shape of droplets [4-6, 15, 21, 22, 134-139] or

salts particles [129, 148-152] can be deposited on the metal surfaces for

investigations. Therefore, such experiments are more common in the literature.

2.11.1 Deposition of Salt Droplets

Droplets of aqueous salt solution can be deposited on samples by several


(1) The use of a micropipette or a fine tube to deposit a controlled volume of

salt solution of a known concentration to the metal surface. This method is the

most common one in lab based experiments [4, 5, 18, 21, 136-138].

(2) Spraying of salt solutions on samples in a shielded environment. In this

method the particle size, the distribution and the mass of salt can be controlled

by controlling the spray nozzle dimensions, the spraying time, and the settling

time (the time to keep the samples in the shielded environment after spraying)


(3) Inkjet printing technique can be used to deposit patterns of salt solutions

prior to atmospheric corrosion tests [22, 140].

(4) Recently a Multiprobe II liquid handling technique is used to deposit arrays

of droplets on sample surfaces [6]. It uses a peristaltic pump to drive a high-

precision hydraulic system for deposition of arrays of solutions down to 0.5 µl,

particularly for applications in biosciences.

In the present study, it is shown that Multiprobe II liquid handling system can be

used to deposit well-defined salt solution droplets of different size and

concentrations on sample surfaces, allowing more systematic investigations of

the influences of salt density and droplet diameter on atmospheric pitting


2.11.2 Deposition of Salt Particles

Salt particles can be deposited on metal surfaces by several methods, such us

using a probe for selecting salt particles with a chosen size then putting them on

metal surfaces [148]; Dissolving the salt in ethanol then depositing drops of that

solution on the sample surface and keeping them to dry out forming clusters of

salt particles [150, 151, 154]; exposing the sample to a salt fog produced by an

ultrasonic humidifier [129]. In the above methods the sample is kept in a humid

environment in order to allow the salt crystals to deliquesce and form droplets.

In addition to droplet deposition methods, in the literature, a variety of electro-

chemical techniques were also used to study atmospheric pitting corrosion in

laboratory conditions such as Kelvin Probe (KP) [21, 155-159], Scanning Kelvin

Probe Force Microscopy (SKPFM) e.g.[27, 28, 82], coplanar-electrode methods

[13, 14, 141, 142, 146, 160, 161], Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

(EIS) measurements [13, 161].

2.12 Overview of conditions within intermediate level nuclear

waste container stores

Figure 2-26 shows the air temperature and RH monitored in waste stores of

intermediate level waste containers during two years. According to the

atmospheric conditions, the RH was found to fluctuate between 30% and 90%,

while the temperature changes between 0 and 50 °C [162] over a two year


Figure 2-27 is a collection of micrographs showing the appearance of different

surfaces of prototype 304L stainless steel container after exposure to an inland,

indoor atmosphere (Culham/Harwell warehouses) for ~10 years [163]. A higher

degree of corrosion was observed on the container base (including welds) than

on the other surfaces (centre images). However, very small pits observed on

horizontal ledges of the container (right hand images) but extensive rusting was

observed on areas of embedded iron or carbon steel (left hand images) [163].

Swab samples collected from different locations at the storages showed the

presence of a variety of cations (e.g. calcium, potassium, and sodium) and

anions (e.g. chloride, nitrate, and sulphate) [163]. The concentrations of such

ions deposited onto the container surfaces were found to be a function of the

surface orientation. For example, small amount of chloride ion was found on

vertical and overhanging surfaces but a greatest amount of such ion was found

on horizontal surfaces [162, 163].

Figure 2-26 The external air RH and temperature observed in the 4 meter box
program for two years (from Nov. 2000 to Nov. 2002) [162].

Figure 2-27 Condition of 304L prototype container after ~10 years of storage
within an inland warehouse in Culham, UK. (left) region of embedded iron;
(centre) bottom of container, which was exposed to road-salts during transport
(CDD of some measurements >100 µg/cm2); (right) horizontal ledge (CDD
~10 µg/cm2)[163].

2.13 Secondary spreading and micro-droplet formation

One phenomenon of interest which can take place during the course of

atmospheric corrosion is the secondary spreading and micro-droplets formation.

Secondary spreading can be defined as the formation of an ultra-thin layer of

moisture or concentrated region of micro-droplets around the edge of the

primary droplet [164]. Micro-droplets are a precursor to the formation of

secondary spreading region [164]. With time, the gradual merging of micro-

droplets results in the formation of secondary spreading region. The

phenomenon of micro-droplet formation is linked firmly to the atmospheric

corrosion process [156, 165]. The secondary spreading and micro-droplet

phenomena have been investigated for several materials including stainless

steel and under different salts solutions including MgCl2 by many researchers

[136, 151, 156, 165, 166].

It has been reported that the main driving force for the formation of micro-

droplets is the corrosion current established by the potential gradient between

the centre of the main-droplet and its periphery [129, 151, 156]. Development of

potential difference is probably because of the tendency of droplets to form an

anodic region within the droplet and a cathodic region at the edge. The cathodic

reaction takes place at the edge of the droplet due to differential aeration, with

easy access of oxygen at edge compared to the droplet centre. Oxygen

reduction reactions result in increase in pH due to generation of OH-. The

increase in negative charge draws in cations present in solution in order to

preserve charge balance. The mechanism of micro-droplets formation has been

established for stainless steel [136, 156] and for aluminium [167, 168] under

NaCl droplets.

According to both Zhang et al. [151] and Tsuru et al. [136], there are three steps

for the formation of secondary spreading: firstly the formation of a thin “invisible”

electrolyte layer that contains clusters of water molecules on active sites such

as surface defects and protuberant sites. Secondly, such water clusters work as

the reaction sites for the cathodic oxygen reduction reaction. Finally, migration

of cations from the main droplet into peripheral region leads to the formation of

micro-droplets. Figure 2-28 schematically shows these stages for a case of a

main droplet of NaCl on a carbon steel sample [136, 151].

Figure 2-28 The mechanism of micro-droplets formation proposed by Zhang et
al. [151]. The formation of micro-droplets was considered to take place in the
following three main stages: (a) formation of a thin water film with clusters of
water molecules; (b) synergistic action of the oxygen reduction and the water
molecule adsorption; and (c) migration of cations and formation of micro-

There are various variables that influence formation of micro-droplets, such as

oxygen, RH, different combinations of salts and alloys, cathodic polarization

[136, 151, 156, 164-166, 169]. The effects of these variables showed that the

formation of microdroplets is very linked to the atmospheric corrosion process.

In a study of AA2024 under NaCl droplets, du Plessis [164] observed extensive

formation of micro–droplets and secondary spreading at 85% and 90%, while

little spreading at 75% but no spreading for RHs lower than 75%. Tsuru et al.

[136] reported that the secondary spreading area is greater at 90% RH than that

at 65% RH beneath droplets of NaCl solutions deposited on carbon steel.

Both Tsuru et al. [136] and Zhang et al. [151] reported that secondary spreading

and microdroplet formation cannot develop under MgCl2 droplets on stainless

steel. They suggested that the secondary separating might be blocked by the

formation of relatively insoluble magnesium hydroxides Mg(OH)2 at the edge of

the main droplet.

For aluminium alloys, it has been shown that when a pit is formed at the edge of

the main droplet, secondary spreading can take place close to the pit [166-168].

Morton and Frankel [167] studied the corrosion behaviour of AA7075‐T6 under

chloride droplets and compared it to that in bulk solutions. Figure 2-29 shows

the corrosion of AA7075‐T6 under a droplet with 0.03 mM Ce3+ ions in a

3.5 wt% NaCl solution after exposure for 20 hours at an equilibrium humidity of

85%. A secondary droplet can be seen at the left of the main droplet (Figure

2-29(b)). The SKP line-scan shows that the advancing edge of the secondary

droplet was at highest potential relative to both the secondary droplet and the

remaining area of the main droplet, indicating this site and a wide area

surrounding it acted as a cathodic region to support the attack. The area under

the secondary droplet was at a lower potential relative to the entire main

droplet, indicating the site of the “anodic half reaction” [167]. The area of the

secondary droplet, marked as “1” in Figure 2-29, was covered with large

amounts of corrosion products. A region of “elevated potential” relative to both

the secondary droplet and the remaining area of the initial droplet was found

between the secondary droplet and the arc of discoloration. The potential

decreases as scan goes away from the secondary droplet to the main droplet,

until reaching an “intermediate potential” far away from the secondary droplet


Li et al. [168], found that secondary droplets formed close to a pit at the edge of

the MgCl2 solution droplets on Al–Mg–Si alloy exposed at 33% and 75%

controlled relative humidity (RH) are associated with filiform‐like attack.

However, there have been no reports to date showing secondary droplets on

stainless steels under MgCl2 solution droplets.

Figure 2-29 (a) Scanning Kelvin probe (SKP) line-scan profiles for potential and
height of a droplet test with 0.03 mM cerous ions and 3.5 wt% NaCl after
20 hours of exposure at 85% RH by the use of open beakers of saturated KCl.
(b) optical image of the droplet upon completion of the test. The arrow indicates
the direction and location of the SKP line-scan. Corresponding sites (1, 2, and
3) are labelled numerically.

It has been reported that the secondary spreading area increases with

increasing exposure time and their growth take place at the early stages of the

exposure very rapidly with time [136, 156, 164, 166-168].

The shape of secondary spreading covering area was observed to be

influenced by the superficial grinding marks. Both Bian et al. [166] and Zhang et

al. [165] reported that the covering area of micro-droplets developed outwards

in a semi-circle or oval shape. They linked this with the direction of the polishing


2.14 Synchrotron X-ray Techniques

2.14.1 Principles of X-ray Tomography

Figure 2-30 shows the structure of a common synchrotron facility which

generally consists of four main components: injection system (The electron gun

and linear accelerator “linac”), the booster synchrotron ring, the storage ring and

the beamlines [170]. The electron gun produces the electrons which then are

accelerated up to very high speeds through three series of accelerators. First

the electrons accelerate by a linear accelerator before entering into the booster

ring. Electrons are accelerated again in the straight sections of the booster ring

and then bent around the curved sections via bending magnets (electrons travel

at nearly the speed of light at this stage). Thereafter, the electrons are released

into the storage ring (to be accelerated for the third time) which is actually a

polygon with bending magnets at the corners. Insertion devices found in third

generation synchrotrons, allow electrons to be “wiggled” across of magnets with

alternating poles. This causes electrons to change direction, giving of energy in

the form of X-rays. Finally, the X-rays enter the beamline, where they are

collimated and refined. The two types of X-ray source used for tomography are

laboratory micro-focus X-ray tubes and synchrotron radiation [170-173]. Time

dependent in situ experiments can be conducted using synchrotron radiation

facilities because of the significantly high flux (resulting in a shorter acquisition

time for the experiments) compared to laboratory micro-focus X-ray tubes.

Figure 2-30 Schematic diagram of a synchrotron X-ray facility [174].

Figure 2-31 shows the setup of in situ synchrotron X-ray tomography. A series

of radiographs is collected as the sample is rotated through 180°, and these are

then reconstructed to give a 3D tomogram. For each radiograph, the intensity of

the monochromatic X-ray beam is attenuated by absorption in the sample

according to the electron density, which in turn is relates to mass density.

Figure 2-31 Schematic diagram illustrating data collection of a synchrotron X-
ray microtomography experiments [164].

2.14.2 Use of X-ray Tomography in Corrosion Research

Synchrotron X-ray microtomography has been used to study the localised

corrosion such us pitting corrosion and intergranular stress corrosion cracking

on austenitic stainless steel [7, 18, 107, 175-177], aluminium [164, 178-180],

magnesium [181] alloys. Synchrotron X-ray microtomography is a promising

method to evaluate pitting corrosion in wet environment because it is a non-

destructive technique for 3D analysis of microstructure and the resolution is on

the micro-meter length scale [123, 175, 178-181]. For atmospheric corrosion

studies on austenitic stainless steel, Ghahari [107, 175] investigated pitting

corrosion using a capillary cell with electrochemical control on 304 stainless

steel pin. Mi [18] studied the effect of chloride deposition density and time

dependent pit growth on SS304 pin samples under MgCl2 droplets. Guo [7]

performed in situ X-ray microtomographic tests to study the influence of RH

fluctuations and the effect of mixed salts on SS304 stainless steel pins. She

also monitored the pit growth with time on such samples. More recently, Burnett

et al. [177] introduced the concept of “correlative tomography” which involve

using multiple techniques together to study the same three dimensional (3D)

region of interest which was hidden beneath the sample surface. In their work,

they investigated the interaction between different forms of localised corrosion

mechanisms, namely intergranular corrosion and pitting corrosion in the NaCl

solution in austenitic stainless steel sample with solution annealed condition.

They reported that intergranular corrosion can nucleate within a pit.

The effect of beam damage, however, has been reported by a number of

researchers [7, 18, 182, 183]. Both Mi and Guo have reported that a greater

number of pits were observed in tomography tests than that formed in lab-

based tests.

2.15 Summary

Austenitic stainless steels are susceptible to atmospheric pitting corrosion due

to deliquescence of salt particles on their surface. This is a concern in the long-

term storage of nuclear waste in stainless steel containers. Although the

mechanism of localised corrosion of stainless steel under full immersion

conditions is extensively investigated, there has been relatively little work

published on pitting corrosion of stainless steel under atmospheric conditions.

Studies of atmospheric pitting corrosion of austenitic stainless steels carried out

so far have not been focusing on the effect of microstructure, especially the

effect retained delta ferrite. Besides, none of the previous investigations have

studied such effect on the three plate orientations. Therefore there was need to

investigate the effect of delta ferrite on pit propagation on all plate planes. Lab-

based experiments carried out to study such effect cannot show the undercut

attack in 3D. Therefore, synchrotron X-ray microtomography was used for this


Since in realistic conditions the deposited salt particles (which can form different

droplet sizes) may vary, it is essential to study a wide range of droplet

diameters. Besides, as the final chloride concentration of the solution is

governed by the exposure relative humidity. It is important to study a wide range

of RH values and chloride concentrations to achieve a better understanding of

the pitting behaviour under these conditions.

The phenomenon of secondary spreading and micro-droplets formation has

already been investigated and reported by many researchers for several

materials under different salts. However, the formation of micro-droplet on

stainless steel under MgCl2 droplets was not reported previously. In the present

work, such micro-droplets were observed and briefly investigated using time-

lapse imaging.

Robotic deposition technique is determined to be a suitable method to deposit

arrays of droplets on stainless steel to study atmospheric corrosion.

3 Experimental Method

3.1 Materials

Austenitic stainless steel sheet of grades 304L and 316L was obtained from

Aperam-France and Acerinox, respectively. The thickness of the 304L and 316L

sheets was 3 mm and 6 mm, respectively. The alloys were cold-rolled, solution

treated at 1040-1100 ºC followed by forced air cooling by the manufacturer and

denoted as “as-received”. Table 3-1 shows the foundry specification of

composition of the both materials as taken from the mill certificates (Appendix


Table 3-1 Foundry specification of composition of the both alloys used in this

(wt%) Cr Ni Mn S Mo C Si N P Fe
18- 8-
304L 2 0.015 - 0.03 0.75 0.1 0.045 Bal.
19.5 10.5
316L 10-13 2 0.015 2-2.5 0.03 1 0.11 0.045 Bal.

3.2 Solution annealing treatment

A solution annealing treatment was carried out for 304L stainless steel samples

sealed in a silica glass tube that had been evacuated and backfilled with Ar gas.

The samples were annealed for 1 hour at 1050±5 °C and water quenched.

3.3 Sample preparation for lab-based droplet experiments

304L sheet was cut using a Buehler Isomet 4000 SiC blade into 20-25 mm

squares and mounted in bakelite. Pieces of plate were orientated to expose LT

plane (top surface) and LS plane (side grain) and ST plane (end grain) surfaces

(Figure 3-1). For studies of effect of RH, droplet diameter, and CDD, samples

were cut in larger sections. The 304L plate was cut into 25 mm x 70 mm

samples and 316L plate was cut into 25 mm x 60 mm samples. The top surface

of the plate was then ground using 800 grit SiC paper and then ultrasonically

cleaned in deionised (DI) water (18 MΩ cm) for 10-15 minutes. An empty

squeeze plastic bottle was used to blow air on samples to dry them. The

samples were then kept in a covered container in ambient conditions for 24

hours to allow the passive film to thicken.

3.4 Sample preparation for synchrotron experiments

For synchrotron experiments, 2 mm pins were machined from the middle of the

plate with their axis parallel to the rolling direction (Figure 3-1). Then pin

samples were ground to 800 grit using SiC papers, washed with deionised (DI)

water and methanol afterwards.

Figure 3-1 Plate planes and the orientation of machined pin samples with
respect to the plate.

3.5 Microstructural characterisation

304L samples were ground and polished to a mirror finish using oxide polishing

suspensions (OPS) (Struers) and etched with Kalling’s 2 reagent (5 g CuCl2,

100 ml HCl, 100 ml ethanol) for 5 s at lab temperature (~22 °C). SEM JEOL

6060, Phillips XL-30, and JEOL 7000 machines were used for pit and material

characterisation. These machines were equipped with energy dispersive X-ray

(EDX) systems and INCA analysis software for elemental analysis. EDX

measurements were carried out using an accelerating voltage of 20.0 keV at 10

mm working distance. SEM micrographs were also taken at this working


3.6 Ferrite detection and measurements

3.6.1 XRD

X-ray diffraction analysis was carried out on a Bruker D8- Advanced

diffractometer using monochromatic CuKα radiation (λ = 1.54056 Å) with an

accelerating voltage of 40 kV and current 40 mA, angular range 20°-100°, to

detect the presence of delta ferrite on the LT plane (top surface) of the base

alloy of 304L stainless steel.

3.6.2 Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM)

A Lakeshore Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) shown in Figure 3-2 was

used to detect the presence of delta ferrite in the as-received and solution

annealed 304L stainless steel alloy by measuring the magnetic hysteresis loop.

Before the measurements, the VSM was calibrated with a standard sample of

known saturation magnetization (a sphere of pure Ni). Each stainless steel

sample was a ~3 mm cubes (~0.19 g) that was attached to the end of the

sample rod that was fixed to vibrating unit.

Figure 3-2 Lakeshore vibrating sample magnetometer and close up of pick up


3.6.3 Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)

Samples for EBSD measurements were mounted in Bakelite and polished

through successive grades of SiC paper to 4000 grit using the minimum

polishing time at each grade. They were then successively polished using

diamond suspensions: Diapro Dac3 (3 µm), DP-suspension A (1 µm) and

colloidal silica suspension (0.25 µm) for 5 minutes each. EBSD was used to

quantify crystallographic phases and grain sizes using an FEI Quanta 650 SEM

connected with a Nordlys EBSD detector from Oxford Instruments with AZtec

Version 2.2 acquisition software. An area of 150 x 131 µm2 was scanned with

an acquisition step size of 0.2 μm and with an accelerating voltage of 20 kV.

The indexing rate was typically close to 99%. Data post processing was carried

out with Oxford Instruments HKL Channel 5 software. The phase database

used in this study (Table 3-2) was included in AZtec software. For successful

phase identification at least eight Kikuchi bands were selected.

Table 3-2 Ferrite and austenite crystallographic geometry parameters for EBSD
phase identification given by HKL database.

The grain size distribution was determined by the mean linear intercept method

using 50 lines in vertical and horizontal directions (excluding twin grain

boundaries). The average grain size was found to be 9±6 µm (Figure 3-3).

Figure 3-3 The grain size distribution determined by the mean linear intercept
method as the mean of vertical and horizontal directions (Excluding twin grain
boundaries) for 316L stainless steel sample (LT plane).

3.6.4 Predictive diagrams

A free online tool (MIG WELD GmbH International) [184] was used to predict

the ferrite content using a Schaeffler diagram, a DeLong diagram, and a WRC-

1992 diagram. These diagrams depend on the chemical composition of the

alloy. By entering the cast analysis (Appendix 1) and minimum and maximum

alloy specification, the Cr-equivalent (Creq) and the Ni-equivalent (Nieq) were

calculated and shown in a diagram. Each diagram has its own Creq and Nieq


3.7 Atmospheric Corrosion Tests

A summary of the atmospheric corrosion tests and conditions investigated in

this study is shown in Table 3-3. Tests were performed to investigate the effect

of microstructure, relative humidity (RH), chloride deposition density (CDD) and

droplet diameter on pitting corrosion behaviour. Tests were performed by

depositing water droplets containing MgCl2 onto the surface of each specimen

used. All corrosion tests were performed on specimens with 800-grit surface

finish. The exposure time was from 1 day to 6 weeks. Further detailed test

conditions can be taken from Table 3-3.

Information about salt solutions, droplet deposition methods, control of relative

humidity and temperature, time-lapse and synchrotron microtomography

corrosion tests are given in the following sections.

Table 3-3 Atmospheric corrosion test conditions.

After exposure, the samples were photographed and droplets were individually

photographed and then the samples were rinsed with deionised water. The

corrosion products were removed by immersing the samples in dilute nitric acid

(2.9 M HNO3) for 1 hour at lab temperature. The diluted HNO3 was made by

mixing 200 ml HNO3 (65%, Sigma-Aldrich) with DI water to obtain a 1000 ml


3.7.1 Salt solutions

Solutions for atmospheric corrosion tests were made up from MgCl2.6H2O

(Fisher Scientific) and de-ionised water (18 MΩ cm).

3.7.2 Droplet deposition methods

Droplets were deposited manually from a Eppendrof Research plus

micropipette with ±0.03 µl error in volume. The typical time of deposition of 10

droplets was within 2 minutes. Figure 3-4 shows a schematic of droplets

deposited onto three plate planes. Droplets were also deposited by a

MultiPROBE II Ex robotic liquid handling system (Figure 3-5) which

automatically mixed the solutions prior to deposition.

Note that the droplets were deposited at ambient RH and Temperature, which

ranged from (44±6%, 25±1 °C) in the summer to (35±5%, 22±0.7 °C) in the

winter. The full array of 70 droplets was deposited within 8 -10 minutes.

The amount of chloride deposited was known from the volume and

concentration of the droplet, the average area of as-deposited droplets was

determined using FIJI/ImageJ image processing software [185]. For tests which

required deposition of different CDD values. Solutions were automatically mixed

via serial dilution with DI water of a stock magnesium chloride solution. The

system was programed to wash the pipette tip after each deposition set.

Figure 3-4 Micropipette salt solution deposition on 304L stainless steel (a) LS
and ST plane; (b) LT plane.

Figure 3-5 MultiPROBE II Ex robotic liquid handling system.

3.7.3 Controlling of relative humidity and temperature

The relative humidity of tests carried out in desiccators was maintained by using

saturated salt solutions according to ASTM E104-02 [186] as shown in Table

3-4. The desiccators were then placed in a temperature controlled chamber

HT135 (TAS Ltd) at 30±1 °C.

Other tests were conducted in an ECO135 atmospheric chamber (TAS Ltd) at

30±1 °C and at a fixed humidity between 35-75% RH.

In all experiments, RH and temperature was monitored using RH/TEMP data

loggers (EL-USB-2-LCD, Lascar Electronics) was kept inside to verify the

environment RH and temperature. Typical examples of the monitored RH and

temperature for the experiments carried out in desiccators (RH was controlled

by the saturated salts) and the controlled atmospheric chamber are shown in

Appendix 2.

Table 3-4 Saturated salts used for RH control according to ASTM E104-02


Effective Temperature
RH (%) Salt Type
33 MgCl2.6H2O 5 – 80

43 K2CO3 5 – 30

56 NaBr 5 – 80

70 KI 5 – 80

75 NaCl 5 – 80

3.7.4 Time-lapse tests

A Leica DMLM optical microscope equipped with Micro-Manager version 1.4.22

software was used to carry out time-lapse tests. Two time-lapse tests were

carried out in this work. One was used to monitor the pit growth, while the other

was used to monitor the formation of micro-droplets and secondary spreading.

Both were conducted in ambient laboratory conditions. Replicate tests were

performed when test conditions were not sustained, such as out of focus of

images during the time-lapse.

3.7.5 Synchrotron microtomography corrosion tests

2 mm pin stainless steel samples were used for in situ X-ray microtomography

tests, with the top surface ground to 800 grit, and then washed with DI water

and methanol. ~1.1 µL droplets of 0.4 M MgCl2 were deposited on the end of

pins. Figure 3-6 shows a schematic illustration of the design of the cell used for

this type of tests. The design of the sample cell was set up by covering the base

side of the 2 mm pin stainless steel sample with a short section of silicon tube of

2 mm internal diameter, then wrapped with some parafilm for better sealing.

Then a longer silicon tube section of 4 mm inner diameter was used to cover

the cell. The humidity inside the sample cell was controlled by inserting a piece

of filter paper soaked with a saturated salt solution (mentioned in Section 1-8)

into the silicone tube. Then an aluminium cap was used to seal the cell. An

extra seal with Parafilm was performed to the top of the sample cell for effective

sealing. The experiments were conducted at 21±1°C.

The tests were performed at Beamline I12 at Diamond Light Source. The

energy of the beam and the pixel size were 70 keV and ~1.8 µm, respectively.

During a 180° rotation for each sample, 1800 projections were collected. An

algorithm (filtered back projection) was used to reconstruct the projections. The

exposure time was typically 1 s per projection and for each sample the full scan

takes 40–45 min. In order to make 3D rendered images, Avizo software was

used [26].

Figure 3-6 Schematic diagram of cell used for in situ X-ray tomography
experiments using 2 mm diameter 304L stainless steel pin.

3.8 Measurements

3.8.1 Distance from the shallow dish and/or pit centre to the droplet edge

The distance from approximately the centre of the shallow dish region to the

nearest edge of droplet was determined by drawing a straight line using

“straight line” tool in FIJI/ImageJ software [185] (Figure 3-7). For pits where no

shallow dish region was present, a line was drawn from the centre of the pit to

the nearest droplet edge. The uncertainty in such manual measurement was

typically ±5 µm. In general terms the errors were determined from the standard

deviations of 5 measurements.

Figure 3-7 Measurement of the distance from the shallow dish region observed
during pitting. Pit was grown under MgCl2 droplet (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter
with ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition) on 304L stainless steel surface (LT
plane) after 1 week exposure at 33% RH and 30 °C.

3.8.2 Measurement of shallow dish region, active region and total pit


A Leica DMLM optical microscope equipped with a Leica DFC 420 digital

camera of maximum 5 mega pixel resolutions was used for optical microscopy.

For pits that showed a “shallow dish region”, the diameter of the shallow region

was determined, by considering that the shallow dish region was circular, by

drawing an circle (using the “oval” tool in FIJI/ImageJ software) around the

remaining dish region after pitting corrosion test (Figure 3-8). The area of the

drawn circle was measured directly from FIJI/ImageJ software. The equivalent

diameter of the circle was obtained from the area of the circle using the

(Equation 3-2). The uncertainty in the area of the shallow dish measurement

was ±64 µm2. Consequently, the uncertainty in the equivalent diameter of the

shallow dish was ±0.4 µm. The standard deviations are from 5 measurements.

𝑑=√ Equation 3-2

Where 𝑑 is the diameter and 𝐴 is the shallow dish area measured.

Figure 3-8 Measurement of the shallow dish region observed during pitting. The
pit was grown under MgCl2 droplet (~2.5 mm diameter with ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD
at deposition) on 304L stainless steel surface (LT plane) after 1 day exposure at
33% RH and 30 °C.

Pits that did not show a shallow dish region and had only circular morphology

(e.g. at ≥ 56% RH for 304L and ≥ 48% RH for 316L), the pit mouth area (total pit

area) was selected and measured using the semi-automatic “wand” tool

combined with the “Freehand selections” tool in FIJI/ImageJ software. Then the

equivalent pit diameter was obtained from (Equation 3-2) based on the

assumption that the selected region was circular.

Figure 3-9 shows the methodology for selecting the active region and the total

pit area. The active area is defined as the deep region of the pit outlined in red.

The total pit area is defined as the area as outlined in yellow. The equivalent

diameters of these measurements were calculated by considering the selected

area as a circle. The uncertainty in the active area and the total pit area

measurements was ±300 µm2 and ±15 µm2 respectively. Consequently, the

uncertainty in the equivalent diameter of the active region of pit and the total pit

area was ±2.1 µm and ±0.1 µm respectively. The standard deviations are from 5


Figure 3-9 Technique used for measuring the active region and the total pit
area. The pit was grown under a MgCl2 droplet (~2.5 mm diameter with
~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition) on 304L stainless steel (LT plane) after 1 day
exposure at 43% RH and 30 °C.

3.8.3 Pit depth measurements

A Leica DMLM optical microscope with fine focus resolution of 1 µm was used

to characterize the pit size for lab-based experiments. The pits depth was

measured using the fine focus method [124], where the pit depth was estimated

as the difference between optical focus on the surface of sample and the optical

focus on the base of the pit (the lowest observable point). The uncertainty in pit

depth measurements was found to be ±2 µm (based on 5 measurements). The

maximum depth within a pit was considered to be the pit depth.

4 Effect of microstructure on the morphology of

atmospheric corrosion pits in 304L stainless steel

4.1 Introduction

It is widely accepted that small quantities of residual ferrite can be found in “fully

austenitic” stainless steels such as 304L and 316L [36, 42, 68, 70, 187, 188].

However, its effect on pitting corrosion has not been studied under atmospheric

conditions. From studies of duplex stainless steel, it is known that ferrite is

attacked in preference to austenite under atmospheric corrosion conditions [24].

In this work, the effect of residual ferrite on atmospheric pitting corrosion of

304L is investigated on three plate orientations. In addition, the effect of solution

annealing is also outlined. Both MnS and mixed oxide inclusions were


4.2 Results

4.2.1 Microstructure

The ST plane of the 304 stainless steel plate has a microstructure that is

predominantly composed of equiaxed grains (Figure 4-1(a)), which have been

confirmed by electron back-scatter diffraction (EBSD) to be austenite (Figure

4-1(b)). Bands can be seen parallel to the surface of the plate (in the plane of

the rolling direction). In the EBSD map (Figure 4-1(b)), it can be seen that these

elongated features are red, indicating that they are ferritic (point 1). However,

there are other regions that appear to have a ferritic structure that are not

parallel to the plate surface, such as point (2 and 3) in Figure 4-1(b). These

regions are not obviously distinct on the SEM image, and might possibly be

deformation-induced martensite. The total area fraction of ferrite and martensite

phases determined by EBSD makes up ~6% of the steel.

The presence of ferritic phases in the microstructure was confirmed by X-ray

diffraction (XRD) (Figure 4-2). There are strong austenite peaks and one

smaller peak that correlates with the ferrite (110) peak. The presence of ferrite

was also confirmed by vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) measurements.

Figure 4-3 shows the hysteresis loops, magnetisation as a function of applied

magnetic field, for 304L samples before and after solution annealing. It was

found that the alloy behaves in a soft magnetic manner in the presence of a

magnetic field, consistent with the presence of the ferrite phase. After solution

annealing, however, it is evident that there is a significant reduction in the

magnetisation, which indicates that the ferrite content is lower.

Figure 4-1 304L stainless steel, ST plane, rolling direction normal to the page
(a) SEM image showing the microstructure; (b) EBSD of ST plane.

Figure 4-2 XRD pattern of LT plane of 304L stainless steel

Figure 4-3 Hysteresis loops of 304L stainless steel obtained by VSM: base
material shown in solid red and solution annealed shown in dashed red.

A Schaeffler diagram (Figure 4-4), a DeLong diagram (Figure 4-5), and a WRC-

1992 diagram (Figure 4-6) were used to predict the ferrite content [184]. The

predicted volume fraction of ferrite content was 12%, 6.2% and 8% from the

Schaeffler diagram, DeLong diagram and WRC-1992, respectively. The

methodology for obtaining these diagrams is described in Section 3.6.4.

Figure 4-4 Schaeffler diagram showing the predicted prevalence of austenite
(A), ferrite (F) and martensite (M); the blue point represents the theoretical
ferrite content of the 304L alloy used in this work using the procedure described
in Section 3.6.4; the red box outlines the range of standard analysis based on
composition range.

Figure 4-5 DeLong diagram showing the predicted prevalence of austenite (A),
ferrite (F) and martensite (M) as a function of composition; the blue point
represents the analysis of ferrite content of the 304L alloy used in this work
using the procedure described in Section 3.6.4, the red box outlines the range
of standard analysis .

Figure 4-6 WRC-1992 diagram shows the predicted prevalence of austenite (A),
ferrite (F) and martensite (M) as a function of alloy composition; the blue point
represents the analysis of ferrite content of the 304L alloy used in this work
using the procedure described in Section 3.6.4, the red box outlines the range
of standard analysis.

Figure 4-7 shows SEM images of the three plate orientations (LT, LS and ST) of

304L stainless steel after 5 s etching with Kalling's 2 reagent following polishing.

The bands along the rolling direction were preferentially dissolved. These bands

correlate with ferrite bands, as observed in Figure 4-1. Wider bands were

revealed on the LT plane (Figure 4-7(a)). Coarse equiaxed austenite grains

were observed in all plate orientations.

Figure 4-7 SEM images of the microstructure of the LT, LS and ST planes of
304L stainless steel plate after 5 s etching with Kalling’s 2 reagent.

4.2.2 Effect of three plate orientations on pit morphology

The effect of plate orientation on pit morphology was investigated for 304L

stainless steel. Two sets of specimens were tested; one set was exposed for

1 week while the other one exposed for 6 weeks. The exposure RH was 33, 43,

or 56% for both sets. Droplets of MgCl2 (~2 mm equivalent diameter,

~1000 µg/cm2 CDD) were deposited manually onto the three plate planes (LT,

LS, and ST) using a micropipette. At least 10 droplets were deposited on the LS

and ST planes while 12-20 droplets were deposited on LT plane (see Figure

3-4). Summary of the results of the pitting behaviour of these tests is given in

Table 4-3.

Figure 4-8 SEM images of pits grown on 304L stainless steel plate (LT, LS, and
ST planes) under droplets of MgCl2 (chloride deposition density, CDD, of
~1000 µg/cm2), 30 °C, after 1 week of exposure at 33±2% ,43±2%, 56±2% RH.
The corrosion products were removed by immersing the samples in dilute nitric
acid (2.9 M HNO3) for 1 hour at room temperature.

Figure 4-8 shows the SEM images of pit morphologies on the three plate

orientations at 33±2%, 43±2%, and 56±2% RH. The LT plane (top surface of

the plate) shows layered attack morphology. Both LS and ST planes show a

striped morphology of elongated strands of undissolved metal parallel to the

rolling direction. This was consistent at all exposure RHs. However, the effect of

RH on pitting is not considered in this chapter.

Figure 4-9(a) shows a droplet of MgCl2 solution on the LS plane that has been

corroding for 6 weeks. Figure 4-9(b) shows the surface following removal of the

droplet and washing in deionised water. The primary pit is elongated in the

rolling direction. Figure 4-9(c) shows the sample after sectioning through the pit

along the line indicated in Figure 4-9(b), and Figure 4-9(d) shows an SEM

image of the sectioned sample following cleaning in dilute nitric acid at room

temperature for 1 hour and polishing with OPS. The section on the left side

(ST), shows narrow fissures of attack deep into the surface, and the pit surface

on the right side (LS) shows bands of attack in the pit surface. Figure 4-9(e)

shows an SEM image of the fissures in the ST plane, and (Figure 4-9(f)) shows

a higher resolution image of the tip of a fissure. The tip of the lower fissure is

located in a band of narrow grains that was confirmed by EDX mapping (Figure

4-9(g)) to be delta ferrite, as it shows higher levels of Cr and lower levels of Ni

than the adjacent austenite grains. Table 4-1 shows the chemical compositions

of ferrite and austenite phases obtained by EDX analysis. The average

elemental composition of both phases were measured for Fe, Cr, Ni, Si, Mn and

S content in weight percent. 5 point scans were measured over the centre of the

ferrite band at different regions, and a similar number of scans were measured

over an austenite region. The average chromium and nickel content of ferrite

phase was 24±1% and 4±0.5% respectively, while that for austenite phase was

19%±0.5 and 8±0.4% respectively.

Figure 4-9 304L plate (LS) with a droplet of MgCl2 (CDD ~1000 µg/cm2); (a) after 6
weeks at 33±2% RH, 30 °C; (b) washed with DI water (c) section of pit; (d) SEM of
sectioned sample, tilted (45°), showing both end grain (ST) and side grain (LS) sides of
the pit; (e) polished with OPS end grain side (ST); (f) magnified part of (e); (g) EDX
maps of region outlined in (f). The rolling direction (RD) is indicated.

Table 4-1 The average elemental composition with standard deviation of ferrite
and austenite phases in weight percent (wt.-%) for 304L stainless steel, ST

Weight % Cr Ni Mn S Si Fe

Ferrite phase 24±1.0 4±0.5 1.5±0.17 0.2±0.01 0.6±0.04 balance

Austenite phase 19±0.5 8±0.4 1.7±0.10 0.1±0.05 0.5±0.04 balance

Figure 4-10(a) shows a droplet of MgCl2 solution on 304L stainless steel (LS

plane) that has been corroding for 6 weeks at 30 °C and 33±2% RH. A single

pitting site had developed at the edge of the droplet (Figure 4-10(a)). After being

washed (Figure 4-10(b)), the pit was lightly polished to a mirror finish (Figure

4-10(c)) to allow the microstructure to be resolved (Figure 4-10(d)). Propagation

along the pit surface was seen to follow narrow grains (Figure 4-10(e)) that

were higher in Cr and lower in Ni than the adjacent austenite (Figure 4-10(f)),

confirming that they are ferritic.

Figure 4-10 (a) a 304L stainless steel plate, LS plane, with a droplet of MgCl2 on
its surface (CDD ~1000 µg/cm2) after 6 weeks of exposure at 33±2% RH and
30 °C; (b) SEM image of pit following gentle washing with deionised water; (c)
following gentle polishing with OPS; (d) magnified region of (c); (e) magnified
region of (d); and (f) EDX line scan through the ferrite band shown in (e).

An SEM image of a pit grown for 1 week at 56±2% RH at 30 °C on the LT plane

is shown (Figure 4-11). The layered attack is clear from the surface (Figure

4-11(a)), with corrosion not only propagating down into the plate but also

parallel to the rolling direction. After focused ion beam (FIB) milling adjacent to

the pit mouth (Figure 4-11(b)), it is clear that dissolution parallel to the rolling

direction occurs under the metal surface in a planar morphology consistent with

attack on the ferrite bands. The walls of the pit also show this preferential


Figure 4-11 (a) SEM image of a pit grown on 304L stainless steel plate, LT
plane, with a droplet of MgCl2 (CDD ~1000 µg/cm2), after 1 week of exposure at
30 °C, 56±2% RH; (b) after FIB milling, sample tilted at 52°.

4.2.3 Tomography results

In-situ X-ray tomography of a 304L pin (2 mm diameter) corroding at 59% RH

after 32 hours is shown in Figure 4-12(a). Segmentation of the pit surface

(shown in red) again shows propagation of the pit along the rolling direction

(Figure 4-12(b and c). An SEM image of the pit surface after 79 hours (Figure

4-12(d) shows that the grinding direction on the surface of the pin is

perpendicular to the microstructure.

In total, six tomography pin samples were examined, two samples at each

exposure RH (33, 43, and 56% RH). It should be noted that there were always

multiple pits per droplet ‘’sample’’ (a greater number of pits per droplet

compared with lab-based tests). This was attributed to the effect of beam

damage, which has been reported previously [7, 18, 182, 183, 189].

Figure 4-12 In situ X-ray tomogram of a stainless steel pin, ST plane, exposed
to an MgCl2 droplet (CDD ~1000 µg/cm2) at 21±1°C and 59% RH for 32 hours;
(a) horizontal section of the tomogram with the surface of the pit shown in red
(segmentation using Avizo); (b) top and (c) side 3D view of the pit; (d) SEM
image after 79 hours.

4.2.4 Effect of elongated inclusions on pit morphology

In Figure 4-13(a) (LS plane), an elongated inclusion can be seen along the

ferrite bands parallel to the rolling direction of 304L base material. Figure

4-13(b) shows an elongated pit on the same plane formed under a droplet of

MgCl2 (chloride deposition density of 1000 µg/cm2), after 1 week of exposure at

33±2% RH and 30 °C. Such elongated pits were also observed at 43±2% and

56±2% RH (see Table 4-3). The inclusions on three plate planes were

characterised with EDX for the alloy used for these experiments, and found to

be either MnS or mixed oxides. SEM and EDX maps of MnS and a mixed

oxides inclusion are shown in Figure 4-14 and Figure 4-15, respectively. EDX

analysis was carried out to determine the chemical composition of these

inclusions, a typical example of each type and the chemical composition of the

base metal is given in Table 4-2.

Figure 4-13 (a) 304L base material, LS plane; (b) an elongated pit on LS plane
formed under a droplet of MgCl2 (chloride deposition density ~1000 µg/cm2),
after 1 week of exposure at 33±2% RH and 30 °C. Following removal of
corrosion products by immersing the sample in dilute nitric acid (2.9 M HNO 3)
for 1 hour at room temperature.

Figure 4-14 SEM and EDX maps of an MnS inclusion on a mirror polished 304L
stainless steel sample (LS plane); the arrows indicate the location of a ferrite

Figure 4-15 SEM and EDX maps of a mixed oxide inclusion on a mirror
polished 304L stainless steel sample (LS plane).

Table 4-2 The chemical composition of typical MnS and mixed oxide inclusion
observed in 304L stainless steel detected with EDX.

Weight % O Mg Al Si S Ca Ti Cr Ni Mn Fe
0 0 0 0.2 8.3 0 0 16.3 5.0 19.4 balance
18.7 4.7 4.3 11.9 0.1 11.5 0.9 10.7 2.8 2.00 balance
0 0 0 0.6 0.1 0 0 18.6 8.2 1.9 balance

4.2.5 Effect of solution annealing on the microstructure and pit


The 304L plate was solution treated at 1050 °C for 1 hour before quenching in

water. Figure 4-16 and Figure 4-17 shows the microstructure of 304L stainless

steel (LS plane) that has been etched with Kalling’s 2 reagent for 5 s. It can be

seen that there is no preferential attack of ferrite bands, suggesting that the

ferrite has transformed to austenite. It can also be seen that only certain grains

have been attacked. Furthermore, Figure 4-17(b) shows that the annealing twin

is free from the attack. It suggests that the attack is related to the

crystallographic orientation.

Figure 4-18(a) shows a pit from an atmospheric corrosion test on the LT plane

(top surface) of the plate without heat treatment, and Figure 4-18(b) shows a pit

on the plate after heat treatment. Figure 4-18(a) shows the layered morphology

usually seen for the plate resulting from attack on the ferrite phase (see e.g.

Figure 4-11). In contrast, Figure 4-18(b) shows a pit on the solution-treated

plate, which shows faceted crystallographic attack with no sign of layers. The

difference in pit morphology is even more striking on the LS plane (Figure 4-19).

The layered attack is seen for the as-received plate, whereas crystallographic

facets are again seen following heat treatment. This suggests that the heat

treatment has greatly decreased the amount of residual ferrite in the plate. This

has been confirmed by VSM (Figure 4-3).

Figure 4-16 (a) Microstructure of the solution annealed 304L stainless steel
plate (LS plane) after 5 s etching with Kalling’s 2; (b) single grain with
preferential attack.

Figure 4-17 (a) Microstructure of the solution annealed 304L stainless steel
plate (LS plane) after 5 s etching with Kalling’s 2; (b) A grain with preferential
attack with annealing twin unattacked.

Figure 4-18 SEM images of pits on 304L stainless steel plate (LT plane); (a)
base material; (b) solution annealed at 1050 °C for 1 hour followed by water
quenching. Pits grown on 304L stainless steel plate under droplets of MgCl2
with a chloride deposition density of ~1000 µg/cm2, for 1 week at 43±2% RH
and 30 °C.

Figure 4-19 SEM images of pits on 304L stainless steel plate (LS plane); (a) as
received; (b) solution annealed at 1050 °C for 1 hour followed by water
quenching. Pits grown on 304L stainless steel plate under droplets of MgCl2
with a chloride deposition density of ~1000 µg/cm2, for 1 week at 43±2% RH
and 30 °C.

Table 4-3 summarises the results of the corrosion tests carried out in this

section on the different plate orientations of 304L stainless steel. The pit

morphologies and the number of droplets pitted at each exposure RH and time

are presented. It can be seen that the faceted pit morphology (marked with red)

was associated with the solution annealed material. A layered pit morphology

(marked with blue) was found on the LT plane of the steel while a striped pit

morphology was observed on the LS and ST planes. Elongated pits (marked

with violet) were usually observed on both LS and ST planes but more often on

LS plane. Details of the test conditions can be taken from Table 4-3. The ratio

x/y in the table represents the number of droplets with pits/total number of

droplets investigated. In total, 274 droplets were investigated in this section, 261

of them were pitted.

Table 4-3 Summary of the results of pitting behaviour on the three plate
orientations of 304L stainless steel under MgCl2 droplets (~2 mm equivalent
diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition) at different exposure time and RH.

Number of
Exposure Material Pit
RH (%) Orientation droplets
time condition morphology
LT As-received 14/16 Layered
9 Striped
33% LS As-received 11/12
2 Elongated
10 Striped
ST As-received 12/12
2 Elongated
As-received 26/30 Layered
20/20 Facet pits
1 week 6 Striped
43% As-received 12/12
LS 6 Elongated
9/14 Facet pits
ST As-received 12/12 Striped
LT As-received 16/16 Layered
56% LS As-received 12/12 Striped
ST As-received 12/12 Striped
LT As-received 12/12 Layered
33% 5 Striped
LS As-received 10/10
5 Elongated
ST As-received 10/10 Striped
LT As-received 12/12 Layered
6 weeks 43% 9 Striped
LS As-received 11/11
2 Elongated
ST As-received 11/11 Striped
LT As-received 12/12 Layered
7 Striped
56% LS As-received 11/12
4 Elongated
ST As-received 10/10 Striped
32 hours 33% ST (pin) As-received 2/2 Striped
Tomography 43% ST (pin) As-received 2/2 Striped
pin samples 56% ST (pin) As-received 2/2 Striped

4.3 Discussion

4.3.1 Pit initiation sites in stainless steels and the dependence of pit

shape on inclusion shape

In the 304L plate used in the current work, extended inclusions (10-20 µm in

length) of both MnS and mixed oxides (Figure 4-14 and Figure 4-15,

respectively) were observed parallel to the rolling direction. Highly elongated

pits (~150 µm in length) (Figure 4-13(b)) developed under MgCl2 droplets of

chloride deposition density ~1000 µg/cm2 at 33±2% RH. It is likely that these

inclusions are the initiation sites for these very long pits.

Pit initiation in austenitic stainless steels under full immersion conditions is

usually associated with inclusions such us MnS as described in Section 2.8.1.

In atmospheric corrosion studies, researchers also usually attribute pit initiation

to MnS inclusions [4-6, 18, 21]. Li and Hihara [129], however, found evidence

that slag based inclusions under relatively large NaCl droplets can initiate


Commercial stainless steels are usually subjected to hot-rolling or cold-rolling

during the casting process before component-making. During such processes,

inclusions e.g. MnS can be deformed to extended needle-shaped inclusions

parallel to the rolling direction [95]. The alloy used in the current work is cold

rolled. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect the formation of elongated

inclusions (Figure 4-13(a)).

Some authors have reported the initiation and growth of pits along the extended

needle shaped inclusions [7, 18, 95, 107, 190]. Mi [18] investigated pitting

corrosion on the end of a SS304 rod under MgCl2 droplets using X-ray

microtomography technique and found that a deep pit can develop with time

along a pre-existing defect, probably a MnS inclusion. Chiba et al. [190]

investigated real-time observation of pit initiation at MnS inclusion in type 304

stainless steel in NaCl solutions and found that a pit can grow deeply into the

steel matrix beneath the inclusion resulting in the formation of a large occluded


The rod used in Chiba et al.’s work was cut into coupons parallel to the rolling

direction (i.e. inclusions will be parallel to the rolling direction). The pre-existing

defect (probably a MnS inclusion) observed in Mi’s work was also parallel to the

rolling direction. The elongated pit morphology shown in Figure 4-13(b) was

observed on the side grain of the plate (elongated inclusions will be parallel to

the rolling direction and perpendicular to the grain of the plate). Therefore, it is

reasonable to suggest that the formation of elongated pits can be attributed to

the presence of elongated inclusions.

It has been reported that pit initiation can take place at the delta ferrite

(δ)/austenite (γ) interface in stainless steel alloys [43, 74, 77]. Tomashov et al.

[77] suggested that the susceptibility of the delta ferrite/austenite interface in

18Cr-14Ni stainless steel is because of the chromium depletion (which occurs

during non-equilibrium solidification) assuming that a more imperfect protective

oxide film would form over the interface, resulting in a more susceptible portion

of the surface for pit initiation. Manning et al. [43, 74], however, disproved the

presence of chromium depletion region using Scanning Transmission Electron

Microscopy (STEM) on Type 304L stainless steel. They suggested that

segregation of impurities such as sulphur and/or phosphorus to the boundary

increases the dissolution tendency of protective film over the δ/γ interface. In

addition, S might tend to inhibit the repassivation kinetics at the δ/γ interface.

In the present study, it can be seen that elongated inclusions (MnS and mixed

oxide inclusions) were found to be aligned with the residual delta ferrite

stringers (Figure 4-13a and figure 4-14), which might had a direct role in pit

initiation and propagation.

4.3.2 Observation of ferrite and martensite in austenitic stainless steels

Delta ferrite δ (bcc, ferromagnetic), martensite ϵ (hcp, paramagnetic) and strain-

induced martensite α′ (bcc, ferromagnetic) can be seen in metastable steels

e.g. 304L and 316L [35, 36, 42, 44, 67, 68, 70, 187, 191-194].

In fully austenitic stainless steels, the presence of residual delta ferrite (2-5%)

as a secondary phase has been confirmed by a number of researchers [42, 67,

68, 70]. The formation of delta ferrite in austenitic stainless steels has been

described in terms of the solidification process (Section 2.2). However, during

non-equilibrium solidification processes delta ferrite is retained as a secondary

phase in a matrix of austenite [36, 70, 187].

Ferrite stringers can form as a result of the segregation of ferrite stabilising

elements (particularly chromium) during solidification and thermo-mechanical

processes such as cold rolling and hot rolling. Consequently, ferrite stringers

are usually aligned along the rolling direction [35, 191]. The alloy used in this

work was cold-rolled and solution treated at 1040-1100 °C followed by forced air

cooling. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect the formation of residual delta

ferrite in the form of stringers (bands).

In austenitic stainless steels, the cold working process can lead to the formation

of strain (deformation) induced martensite α' (bcc) [192]. It has been reported

that deformation-induced martensite preferentially nucleates at twin boundaries

and grain boundaries [44, 193]. In this work, the occurrence of non-austenitic

phase along the twin boundaries (Figure 4-1(b region 2)) and as equiaxed

grains (Figure 4-1(b region 3)), which are not orientated along the rolling

direction, suggest the possible formation of stress-induced martensite. This has

been observed previously in similar alloys [194]. The trace presence of this

strain-induced martensite is most likely caused by surface grinding and cold

working [194].

The amount of ferrite predicted from the 304L alloy used in this research is

estimated via predictive methods; the Schaeffler diagram (Figure 4-4), DeLong

diagram (Figure 4-5), WRC diagram suggested 12%, 6.2% and 8%

respectively. However, these diagrams are limited in their accuracy by specific

considerations in the formation of retained ferrite. These diagrams depend on

accurate measurements of the chemical composition of the alloy [66].

Moreover, these diagrams do not consider the effect of the cooling rate upon

solidification of the residual delta ferrite. The Schaeffler diagram has not been

verified as accurate for 304L but is known to be valid for a wide range of other

austenitic stainless steels [63].

EBSD was used to quantify the presence of ferrite experimentally. In this

technique, it is not possible to distinguish between delta ferrite (bcc) and strain-

induced martensite α′ (bcc) so their volumes are combined. The volume fraction

of the combined ferrite-martensite phases obtained using EBSD (~6%)

correlates with the amount obtained from DeLong diagram within a reasonable

error for techniques used.

XRD can be used to detect and quantify delta ferrite and both martensite

phases. However, XRD has limitations in use that include a minimum volume

needed to achieve sufficient signal (quoted as 5% vol [45, 65]). XRD is also

sensitive to orientation effects [195]. The small peak of delta ferrite observed in

XRD results (Figure 4-2) shows at least 5% volume of delta ferrite.

It has been reported that VSM can be successfully used to determine the

amount of residual ferrite in stainless steel alloys [64], as well as stress induced

martensite [45, 192]. However, the accuracy of VSM method depends on the

presence of nonmagnetic phases and the availability of standard samples.

Moreover, if more than one ferromagnetic phase is present in the sample the

result obtained will be the combination of both phases. Another limitation is

making identical (in weight) samples for comparisons. In addition, in this work,

due to system limitations it was not possible to completely saturate the samples

(i.e. it was not possible to reach the linear parts of magnetisation) to obtain the

saturation magnetisation (which is proportional to the volume percent of the

ferromagnetic phase and can be obtained from intercepting the linear parts of

magnetisation curves back to the zero applied field). Hence, the amount of

residual ferrite was not quantified. However, Figure 4-3 shows that there is a

decrease in magnetisation after annealing which suggests a decrease in ferrite


Since strain- induced martensite α′ (bcc), and residual delta ferrite (bcc) are

very similar in 304L stainless steel, certainly in terms of XRD and magnetic

measurements, it is not be possible to distinguish between them. The only way

to separate them is to identify the regions of ferrite/martensite from

metallography, then do EDX in the SEM. If there are regions of delta ferrite they

should have lower Ni content (significantly different) than austenite and strain

induced martensite. An EDX map (Figure 4-9) and line scan (Figure 4-10)

across the elongated micro grains successfully showed Cr-enriched and Ni-

depleted regions, indicating the presence of ferrite.

4.3.3 Effect of ferrite on pit morphology

Figure 4-8 show that the morphology of corrosion pits was affected by the

orientation of residual delta ferrite in the plate. Layered attack morphology was

observed on LT plane, which appears as circular layers on the top surface of

the plate. A striped morphology, however, was observed on both LS and ST

planes, which appears as horizontal sheets parallel to the rolling direction. In all

cases, the ferrite was preferentially attacked, as can be seen, for example, in

figures 4.9(f) and 4.10(e).

As mentioned previously, pits generally initiate at inclusions, most commonly

MnS inclusions, for stainless steel. However, pit initiation can also take place at

the delta ferrite (δ)/austenite (γ) interface in Type 304L [43, 74] and 18Cr-14Ni

stainless steels [77]. In this work, it seems the growth of atmospheric corrosion

pits takes place preferentially in the residual delta ferrite. The sheets of

undissolved austenite inside the pit might act as a barrier for diffusion of ions

therefore the attack could appear to be more crevice corrosion attack.

In terms of pitting theory, there will be slight differences in the continued

corrosion on LT and the LS/ST planes, caused by the preferential dissolution of

delta ferrite inside the pit. To propagate, pits require the diffusion of metal ions

away from the corroding surface to be less than the generation of metal ions

[118]. In a relatively broad pitting surface, such as on the LT plane, the required

area requiring a sufficiently high current density to maintain a salt layer is much

higher than that inside the crevices of a LS/ST plane pit. As such, the cathodic

current needed to be drawn on the LT plane is higher. This would cause these

pits to be less stable in boundary conditions, such as concentration dilution in

higher RH. Pits on the LS/ST planes would require much less total cathodic

current to be drawn to keep the pit alive as only the narrow region in between

the remaining austenite ridges would need to remain active which has a

significantly lower surface area.

Figure 4-9 and Figure 4-10 clearly show that ferrite bands have been

preferentially attacked on both the LS and ST planes, giving a layered

morphology to the pit. Pitting on the LT plane (top surface of the plate) showed

a circular layered structure. FIB milling next to a pit on the LT plane showed that

attack undercut the surface and propagated along the ferrite bands (Figure

4-11). From the tomography results (Figure 4-12), it is evident that attack on the

ST plane after 32 hours also shows propagation parallel to the plate surface

and thus parallel to the ferrite bands. This is confirmed by SEM after the

experiment. Overall, the orientation of residual ferrite in the plate strongly

influenced the morphology of atmospheric pits.

Prosek et al. [15, 16] studied the corrosion resistance of eight stainless steel

grades, including type 304 and 316L austenitic stainless steels, under salt

solutions of pure MgCl2, CaCl2, and NaCl as a function of temperature (20-50˚C)

and RH (15-70%). They reported that, for duplex stainless steels exposed to

different conditions, the corroded phase was ferrite, which contained more Cr

(identified by the use of Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. However, they

didn’t give information about austenitic stainless steels type 304 and 316L.

In duplex stainless steels under chloride deposits in atmospheric conditions, it is

often observed that one phase, either ferrite or austenite, corrodes preferentially

[15, 16, 24, 25, 27-29]. This depends on the exposure conditions and material

composition. Lothongkum et al. [196] reported that the phase sensitivity to

localised corrosion in aerated NaCl solution is a function of the concentration of

nitrogen (N), which is one of the strongest austenite stabilizers, in highly alloyed

duplex stainless steels. They found that the corroded phase in the tested

stainless steels with nitrogen alloying was ferrite while those without nitrogen

alloying were austenite. They attributed this to the higher dissolved nitrogen in

austenite phase than in ferrite phase which might increase the pitting resistance

equivalent number (PRE) of austenite to be higher than that of ferrite (although

ferrite had a higher chromium content than austenite).

Based on this work and the results of the energy dispersive X-ray (EDX)

analysis (Figure 4-8, 9, 10), it can be seen that the ferritic phase was

preferentially attacked in all exposure conditions to which the 304L stainless

steel was exposed. Based on the cast analysis given in mill certificate (see

Appendix 1), the 304L stainless steel had 0.072 wt. % nitrogen, therefore it is

possible nitrogen had the similar effect shown in Lothongkum’s work [196]. It

was not possible to detect the nitrogen content of either phase using the EDX

analysis. Therefore, the pitting resistance equivalent number (PREN) of ferrite

and austenite were not obtained. The PREN of the phases is a function of the

concentrations of alloying elements present in the phase therefore it can vary

significantly if there are any differences in phase’s compositions [197].

Örnek et al. [24] studied atmospherically-induced corrosion (AIC) of two grades

of duplex stainless steels, 2205 and 2507, under MgCl2 salt deposits exposed

to 80 °C and 40% RH for 7 days. They found that ferrite is more susceptible to

corrosion than austenite in the as-received microstructures of both grades. They

also found that heat treatment (at 750 °C for 3 hours followed by water

quenching) led to selective attack of ferrite and ferrite/austenite interfaces in

Grade 2205, while in Grade 2507, mainly primary and secondary austenite was


Donohoe et al. [75] found up to 2% ferrite in an austenitic stainless steel and

observed a striped morphology during pitting corrosion of austenitic stainless

steel under full immersion condition and attributed it to preferential attack of

austenite, leaving ferrite unattacked.

The active-passive transition behaviour between austenite and ferrite occurs in

a narrow range of potentials (Figure 2-9), with the active peak for ferrite being

slightly lower in potential for that of austenite [83], so it is possible that small

changes in potential can change the active phase under particular conditions. It

should be noted that Donohoe et al. [75] were conducting experiments in full

immersion conditions instead of the atmospheric conditions in the current work,

so a shift in local potential can lead to the preferential dissolution of ferrite

instead of austenite in this study.

More recently, Örnek et al. [82] found that corrosion attack of ferrite and

austenite is a function of location within the droplet on grade 2205 duplex

stainless steel under droplets containing a mixture of FeCl3:MgCl2 after

exposure to 50°C and 30% RH for approximately one year. At the centre of the

droplet, both phases were found to be attacked while at the rim of the droplet,

austenite was found to be attacked. In between of these two regions, ferrite was

found to be attacked. They discussed this observation in light of possible local

variations of electrochemical potentials under the droplet. In this work, however,

the preferential attack of ferrite was not a function of pit location within the

droplet, for example in Figure 4-9 the pit is near the centre of the droplet and in

Figure 4-10 the pit is at the edge of the droplet. This difference in results might

be due to the different material and experiment conditions such as salt solution

(mixture of FeCl3:MgCl2) used in Örnek’s study [82].

4.3.4 Effect of annealing on the ferrite content of 304L stainless steel

A number of researchers have reported that solution annealing treatments are

successful in reducing or eliminating retained ferrite in austenitic stainless steels

[36, 42, 67, 68]. This is consistent with the results obtained in the present work.

The preferential attack of ferrite bands seen in Figure 4-7(b) was not observed

after the solution annealing treatment (Figure 4-16 and Figure 4-17). Although

the volume fraction of ferrite was not quantified after solution annealing, VSM

results (Figure 4-3), also indicate a significant reduction in ferrite content in this


4.3.5 Effect of annealing on pit morphology

To my knowledge, this is the first study to examine the effect of solution

annealing on pit morphology on different plate orientations of austenitic

stainless steel in atmospheric condition environments. Figure 4-18 and Figure

4-19 shows that following solution annealing of the stainless steel at 1050 °C for

1 hour, the layered morphology ordinarily present in these pits is no longer

observed. Instead a faceted pit has formed. This implies that solution annealing

resulted in different pit morphology.

In full immersion condition, faceted pits have been previously reported on both

austenitic stainless steels and ferritic chromium steels [110, 125, 126]. Schwenk

[125] found regularly etched pits, mostly hexagons and squares (Figure 2-14),

on 18Cr-10Ni stainless steel surface (which has been solution annealed at

1300 °C, duration not given, followed by water quenching) in solutions

containing Cl- at low applied potentials. Based on the examination of the etch

pits Schwenk [125] reported that pit bounding planes belong to the type {111},

having the lowest dissolution rate (the most closely packed crystal plane in the

case of austenite).

In this study, it was not possible to confirm the crystallographic orientation of the

pit facets. Based on Schwenk’s observation, however, It is possible that the

planes of the flat-walled pit to be belong to the {111} close-packed crystal

planes of austenite. Further research is required to confirm this.

4.4 Conclusion

The effect of microstructure on atmospheric pitting corrosion of 304L stainless

steel under MgCl2 salt droplets at 30 °C has been investigated.

1. Atmospheric pitting corrosion of 304L austenitic stainless steel is strongly

affected by the presence of residual delta ferrite. Ferrite bands were

preferentially attacked on both LS and ST planes and corrosion

continued to propagate down the ferrite bands. On the LT plane, pits

propagated downwards into the steel, but also parallel to the rolling

direction along the ferrite bands. This has been shown using FIB.

2. Solution annealing of stainless steel to remove the residual ferrite leads

to equiaxed etched faceted pits. The facets may be {111} planes. Such

planes are most densely packed for the austenite.

3. Pits can take on an elongated shape. This is attributed to the presence of

elongated MnS and mixed oxide inclusions banded along the rolling

5 Effect of relative humidity on atmospheric pitting

corrosion of Type 304L and 316L austenitic stainless


5.1 Introduction

The atmospheric pitting corrosion of stainless steel under Cl- rich droplets is

known to be influenced by the relative humidity (Section 2.10.2). The

concentration of the solutions that form on the metal surface depends on the

relative humidity to which the deposits are exposed [6, 141].

Pit morphologies have been found to be affected by relative humidity [6] and

microstructure [18, 26]. It is important to obtain large data sets in order to draw

convincing conclusions of the most significant factors affecting atmospheric

pitting corrosion of commercial alloys. In this study and some recently published

studies [6, 134, 135, 198], large data sets were obtained.

The work presented in this chapter will explore the effect of relative humidity on

the pit morphology of atmospheric pitting corrosion of 304L and 316L austenitic

stainless steels. The effect of pit position as well as the exposure time on the pit

size is also investigated. The formation of micro-droplets surrounding pits

formed at or close to the droplet edge will be described in Section 6.4.4.

The plates were used “as received” (see Appendix 1) and did not go through

any additional solution treatments.

5.2 Results

5.2.1 Time-dependence of growth of pits

Figure 5-1 Time sequence of optical images of a pit grown under a MgCl2
droplet (~1000 µg/cm2 CDD) on 304L stainless steel (LT plane) in ambient
conditions (RH 37±3%, temperature 24±2 °C).

Figure 5-1 shows a sequence of micrographs of a pit growing in a droplet of

~1000 µg/cm2 CDD MgCl2 in ambient conditions (RH 37±3, temp 24±2 °C) on

304L. 10 minutes after droplet deposition, shallow dish-like attack is observed

with a deeper hole in the centre (Figure 5-1(a)). The shallow attack continues to

grow radially for another hour (Figure 5-1(b)), with the shallow dish region

showing crystallographic attack of the underlying microstructure, but is still

shallow enough to show work-hardening effects from grinding. The shallow dish

region stops growing radially after 1 hour. Instead, both “ear-shaped” attack [21]

into one edge of the shallow dish and localised “satellite” pitting [6] outside the

dish begin simultaneously (Figure 5-1(c)). Both ear-shaped attack, which

produces an “earing” morphology (Street et al. [6] call them “spiral” pits), and

satellite attack continue to grow at the same time (Figure 5-1(d) and (e)). After

15 hours, the earing attack has ceased to operate and the earing morphology

does not change with continued pitting (Figure 5-1(f)). However, the satellite

attack does continue to grow until the end of the experiment at 46 hours.

The shallow dish diameter was measured by using the FIJI/ImageJ software,

the procedure was detailed in Section 3.8.2. No significant change was

observed in the shallow dish diameter after the first hour of exposure. After

1 hour (Figure 5-1(b)), the shallow dish diameter was found to be about 117 µm.

After 46 hours (Figure 5-1(f)) it was found to be 120 µm. This is consistent with

the results observed by Street et al. [6], who carried out the time-lapse

measurements on the same material and plane at RH of 33% with a CDD of

~750 µg/cm2) . They reported that the shallow dish diameter had stopped

increasing after 2 hours of exposure, but further etching was seen. Street

carried out the. They also observed that the diameter of the shallow dishes

increased as the distance from the droplet edge increased [6].

A large number of shallow dishes were measured in this study at different RH

values and at 1 day or 1 week of exposure (See Table 5-4 ) on both 304L and

316L. This will be shown in the following sections.

5.2.2 Pit covers

Figure 5-2(a) shows satellite pitting attack found on 304L after 1 day at 35% RH

under a MgCl2 droplet with a CDD of ~1000 µg/cm2. The shallow dish is

surrounded by several satellite pits at different distances (Figure 5-2 b and c).

Each of these pits was found to have a cover as shown in the SEM image

(Figure 5-2(c)). The cover was found to have grinding marks that matched with

those on the metal surface Figure 5-2(d). Three pit covers were analysed with

EDX and found to be enriched in Cr, Mn, S, O and Cl. Table 5-1 shows the

chemical compositions of typical pit covers formed on 304L and 316L. Similar

pit covers were also found on pits after 1 week exposure at 45% RH.

In tomography experiments, pits were also observed to have covers. From the

vertical section in Figure 5-3, it can be seen that there is a bright line just above

the pit, consistent with the presence of a high density cover. The pit was

observed on 304L pin sample under MgCl2 droplet of CDD ~1000 µg/cm2 after

exposure at 45% RH for 31 hours at 21±1 ºC.

Figure 5-2 Satellite pitting attack found under a droplet of MgCl2 of CDD
~1000 µg/cm2 on 304L stainless steel (LT plane) after 1 day exposure at 35%
RH and 30 °C; (a) after washing with DI water; (b) magnified section of (a); (c)
SEM image of selected region of (b) showing the shallow dish region and the
satellite pits with caps; and (d) magnified image of a satellite pit showing the pit

Table 5-1 typical EDX analysis of pit typical covers observed on 304L and 316L
after 1 day exposure at 35% RH and 30 °C.

Figure 5-3 X-ray tomographic horizontal and vertical sections of a pit found on a
304L pin (2 mm diameter, ST plane) under an MgCl2 droplet (CDD
~1000 µg/cm2) after exposure at 45% RH for 31 hours at 21±1 ºC.

5.2.3 Effect of the pit position on the diameter of the shallow dish for

304L and 316L stainless steel

Pits appeared to initiate randomly within a droplet, with no clear preference

towards the centre or edge of the droplet. However, close inspection showed

that the diameter of the shallow dish region depends on the distance of the pit

from the edge of the droplet. The technique used to measure the shallow dish

diameter is described in Section 3.8.2.

117 Effect of the pit position on the diameter of the shallow dish for

304L stainless steel at 35% RH

Figure 5-4 Macro photo of 304L plate surface (LT plane) deposited with arrays
of MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter with ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at
deposition), after 1 day exposure at 35% RH and 30 °C.

Figure 5-4 shows a 304L stainless steel plate after pitting at 35% RH for 1 day

under droplets of MgCl2 with ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD. 66 out of 70 droplets pitted.

25 out of 66 pits were seen to be associated with micro-droplets. 19 pits

showed an earing morphology and 47 pits showed satellite pitting as described

in [6]. Typical examples of these morphologies are shown in Figure 5-5. In all

cases attack appears to start with a shallow dish region that develops into

deeper attack at the dish’s edge. The satellite morphology is generally found for

pits close to the droplet edge, and shows several small pits that mostly develop

around the perimeter of the shallow dish region, with some small pits initiating

inside the shallow dish and some far away in a few instances. The earing

morphology is generally found for pits closer to the centre of the droplet, and

always shows an ear-shaped attack at one side of the shallow dish with no

appearance of any small pits around or close to the perimeter of the dish region.

Figure 5-5 Typical pit morphologies formed on 304L stainless steel (LT plane)
under MgCl2 droplets (of ~2.5 mm equivalent diameter with ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD
at deposition), after 1 day exposure at 35% RH and 30 °C; (a) near the droplet
edge; (b) near the droplet centre.

Propagation of satellite pits were often seen to be influenced by the local crystal

structure and orientation. Figure 5-6 shows pits that have both earing attack and

satellite pits, and it is the satellite pits that have crystallographic facets.

Figure 5-6 Typical pit morphologies of satellite and earing pits affected by the
local crystal structure of 304L stainless steel (LT plane) under MgCl2 droplets of
equivalent diameter of ~2.5 mm with ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition after 1
day exposure at 35% RH and at 30 °C.

Figure 5-7 shows an array of droplets on 304L following 1 week exposure at

35% RH at ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD. All 70 droplets pitted. 21 of the pits were found

to be associated with micro-droplets. SEM of the pits (Figure 5-8) show that the

satellite pits continued to grow over one week compared to 1 day exposure

(Figure 5-5). Where more than one satellite pit continued to grow, these were

often similar in size. Earing morphology was also observed along with deeper

attack. The continued material loss after 1 week meant that in 13 out of 70

cases, the shallow dish region was heavily attacked and was not possible to

measure (Figure 5-9).

Figure 5-7 Macro photo of 304L plate surface (LT plane) with arrays of MgCl2
droplets of ~2.5 mm equivalent diameter with ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition,
after 1 week exposure at 35% RH and 30 °C.

Figure 5-8 Typical pit morphologies formed on 304L stainless steel (LT plane)
under MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter with ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at
deposition), after 1 week exposure at 35% RH and 30 °C; (a) near the droplet
edge; (b) near the droplet centre.

Figure 5-9 Typical pit morphology formed on 304L stainless steel (LT plane)
under MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter with ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at
deposition), after 1 week exposure at 35% RH and 30 °C; (a) droplet with a pit
near the droplet edge; (b) SEM of pit with heavily attacked shallow dish region.

The position of the initiation site inside the droplet affects the morphology that

develops during corrosion. Figure 5-10 shows that the occurrence of satellite

pitting morphology is increased when pits initiate towards the edge of the

droplets, and earing morphology is more common towards the centre of the

droplets for both 1 day (Figure 5-5) and 1 week (Figure 5-8) exposure tests. The

size of the shallow dish region is also affected, and is usually smaller towards

the edge of the droplet and larger towards the centre for both 1 day and 1 week

exposure tests. Where the shallow dish could be seen after 1 week exposure, it

was of a similar size to those seen after 1 day of exposure (Figure 5-10),

confirms the idea that the shallow dishes stop growing at an early stage


Figure 5-10 Shallow dish equivalent diameter versus the distance from the
droplet edge in MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2
CDD at deposition) on 304L (LT plane) exposed at 35% RH and 30 °C. 1 day
exposure is marked with red circles and squares while 1 week exposure is
marked with black circles and squares. The equivalent diameter is calculated as
the diameter of a circle with the same area as the dish.

123 Effect of the pit position on the diameter of the shallow dish for

316L stainless steel at 35% RH

Figure 5-11 Macro photo of 316L plate surface (LT plane) after 1 week
exposure at 35% RH and 30 °C under MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent
diameter, CDD of ~1000 µg/cm2 at deposition); plate has been washed with DI

Figure 5-11 shows a 316L plate after exposure for droplets of MgCl2 with a CDD

of ~1000 µg/cm2 at 35% RH after 1 week. 52 out of 65 droplets pitted, with 30

pits showing earing morphology (usually formed towards the centre of the

droplet) and 22 pits showing satellite pitting formed towards the edge of the

droplet. Typical examples of both these morphologies are shown in Figure 5-12.

The satellite morphology shows an attack at one edge of the shallow dish

region in addition to the formation of small pits at the perimeter of the dish

region. In some cases the small pits were found at a distance close to the dish

region. While the earing morphology only shows an ear-shaped attack at one

edge of the shallow dish region.

As described above for 304L at the same RH, the shallow dishes have the trend

of formation of smaller diameters towards the edge of the droplet and larger

diameters towards the centre of the droplet. The shallow dishes were

approximately of similar diameter (100±30 µm) to those seen on 304L

(110±30 µm) after 1 week of exposure at 35% RH (Figure 5-13).

Among the total number of pits (52 pits), 24 of them were found to be

associated with micro-droplets.

Figure 5-12 Typical pit morphology formed on 316L plate (LT plane) at 35% RH
under MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter with ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at
deposition), after 1 week exposure at 30 °C; (a) near the droplet edge; (b) near
the droplet centre.

Figure 5-13 Shallow dish equivalent diameter as a function of distance from the
droplet edge for MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2
CDD at deposition) on 304L and 316L (LT plane) exposed at 30 °C and
35% RH for 1 week. The equivalent diameter is calculated as the diameter of a
circle with the same area as the dish.

126 Effect of the pit position on the diameter of the shallow dish for

304L stainless steel at 45% RH

Figure 5-14 Macro photo of 304L plate surface (LT plane) with arrays of MgCl2
droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition) after
1 day exposure at 45% RH and 30 °C.

Figure 5-14 shows results of pitting 304L stainless steel at 45% RH after 1 day

for droplets of MgCl2 with ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD. 74 out of 75 droplets pitted. 36

out of 74 pits were found to be associated with micro-droplets. Some of the

droplets appear to have crystallised, but this happened during photography after

the experiment was completed. The monitored lab RH was 25% therefore it is

expected MgCl2 salt will crystallise because the deliquescence relative humidity

(DRH) of MgCl2 is 33% below this value the salt will crystallise. 39 of the pits

showed earing morphology and 35 showed satellite morphology. Typical

examples of these morphologies are shown in Figure 5-15. As described in the

previous sections, a similar trend was observed between pit position and

morphology as at 35% RH, with more ear-shaped pits occurring towards the

centre of the droplets, and more satellite pits occurring towards the edge

(Figure 5-16). Shallow dish regions were also larger towards the centre of


Figure 5-15 Typical pit morphologies formed on 304L stainless steel (LT plane)
under MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at
deposition), after 1 day exposure at 45% RH and at 30 °C; (a) near the droplet
edge; (b) near the droplet centre.

Figure 5-16 The shallow dish equivalent diameter versus the distance from the
droplet edge in MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000µg/cm2
CDD at deposition) on 304L (LT plane) after 1 day of exposure at 45% RH at
30 °C. The equivalent diameter is calculated as the diameter of a circle with the
same area as the dish. Effect of pit position on the diameter of the shallow dish for 304L

stainless steel at 48% RH

Figure 5-17 shows results of pitting 304L stainless steel at 48% RH after 1 day

for droplets of MgCl2 with ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD. 64 out of 75 droplets pitted, with

all droplets containing only one main pit. 25 out of 64 pits were found to be

associated with micro-droplets. Pits were observed having earing morphology

(Figure 5-18), satellite pits were not observed. A small hole can be seen in the

centre of the shallow dish region (Figure 5-18(a)), which is possibly the cavity

that developed from the dissolving of an inclusion during the pit initiation

process. Pits formed at the droplet edge were usually with one side significantly

more attacked (Figure 5-19), leaving a small trace of the shallow dish. The trend

in shallow dish region diameter is similar to that seen at 35% and 45% RH, with

larger diameters towards the centre of the droplet (Figure 5-20).

Figure 5-17 Macro photo of 304L plate surface (LT plane),after washing with DI
water, with MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD
at deposition) after 1 day exposure at 48% RH and 30 °C.

Figure 5-18 Typical pit morphology formed on 304L (LT plane) under MgCl2
droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition), after
1 day exposure at 48% RH at 30 °C; (a) near the droplet edge; (b) near the
droplet centre.

Figure 5-19 Typical pit morphology, at the droplet edge, formed on 304L (LT
plane) under MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2
CDD at deposition), after 1 day exposure at 48% RH at 30 °C; (a) optical image
of the droplet after washing with DI water; (b) SEM of pit.

Figure 5-20 Shallow dish equivalent diameter versus the distance from the
droplet edge in MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, CDD of
~1000 µg/cm2 at deposition) on 304L stainless steel (LT plane) after 1 day of
exposure at 48% RH at 30 °C. The equivalent diameter is calculated as the
diameter of a circle with the same area as the dish.

Table 5-2 summarises the results of the average shallow dish diameters as a

function RH and exposure time. It can be seen that the shallow dish diameter

does not change with RH and exposure time, and alloy type when comparing

304L and 316L after 1 week of exposure. For 316L at 35% RH after 1 day

exposure experiment (not presented), 16 out of 20 droplets pitted. This it is not

considered for making comparison to those formed on 304L at 35% RH after

1 day exposure.

Table 5-2 average diameters with standard deviations of shallow dish diameters
formed on 304L and 316L (LT plane) under MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent
diameter, CDD of ~1000 µg/cm2 at deposition) after exposure at 30 °C. The
equivalent diameter is calculated as the diameter of a circle with the same area
as the dish.

Exposure No. of measured Ave. shallow dish

RH (%) Alloy
time shallow dishes diameter (µm)

35 1 day 304L 66 120±30

35 1 week 304L 57 110±30

35 1 week 316L 52 100±30

45 1 day 304L 74 120±30

48 1 day 304L 64 110±20

5.2.4 Effect of pit position on pit diameter and depth for 316L stainless

steel at 48% RH

Figure 5-21 shows results of pitting 316L stainless steel, LT plane, at 48% RH

after 1 day exposure for droplets of MgCl2 with ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD. 60 out of 65

droplets pitted and in all cases, only one main pit was observed. 19 out of 60

pits were found to be associated with micro-droplets. Pits were circular in

morphology with a rough interior with no obvious shallow dish (Figure 5-22).

Only two droplets had pits that seemed to be growing along the rolling direction

(Figure 5-23), suggesting that there might be a susceptibility to microstructural

features, probably elongated inclusions, present at the alloy surface.

Figure 5-21 Macro photo of 316L plate surface (LT plane) with arrays of MgCl2
droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition) after
1 day exposure at 48% RH and 30 °C.

Figure 5-22 Typical pit morphology formed on 316L (LT plane) at 48% RH
under MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at
deposition) after 1 day exposure at 30 °C; (a) near the droplet edge; (b) near
the droplet centre.

Figure 5-23 Morphology of a pit growing along the rolling direction on 316L (LT
plane) surface under MgCl2 droplet (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000
µg/cm2 CDD at deposition), after 1 day exposure at 48% RH at 30 °C; (a)
optical image of droplet; (b) SEM of the pit.

Figure 5-24 shows the pit diameter and depth as a function of distance for pits

formed on 316L stainless steel at 48% RH after 1 day exposure at 30 °C under

MgCl2 droplets of ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD. As found under other conditions,

relatively larger diameters are found towards the centre of the droplet. Pits close

to the edge (<200 µm from the droplet edge) had an average pit diameter of

80±6 µm while pits >200 µm from the droplet edge had an average diameter of

90±8 µm. The equivalent pit diameter was obtained from Equation 3-2 based on

the assumption that the pit mouth area is circular; the procedure was detailed in

Section 3.8.2. Pit depth, with an average of 45±10 µm, was invariant with

distance. The fine focus method used to measure the pits depth was described

in Section 3.8.3.

Figure 5-24 Equivalent pit diameter and depth as a function of distance for pits
shown in Figure 5-21 formed on 316L stainless steel (LT plane) in MgCl2
droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition)
following exposure at 48% RH for 1 day at 30 °C.

5.2.5 Effect of pit position on pit diameter and depth for 304L stainless

steel at 56% RH

Comparisons were made between pitting at 56% RH after 1 day (Figure 5-25)

and 1 week (Figure 5-26) for droplets of MgCl2 with ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD. After

1 day, 66 out of 70 droplets pitted. 21out of 66 pits were found to be associated

with micro-droplets. After 1 week, 57 out of 60 pitted. 30 out of 57 pits were

found to be associated with micro-droplets. No shallow dish region was

observed in any of the pits in either data set. Pits showed neither earing nor

satellite morphologies. They instead showed circular pit morphology after both 1

day (Figure 5-27) and 1 week exposure (Figure 5-28).

Figure 5-25 Macro photo of 304L plate surface (LT plane) deposited with arrays
of MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at
deposition), after 1 day exposure at 56% RH and 30 °C.

Figure 5-26 Macro photo of 304L plate surface (LT plane) deposited with arrays
of MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at
deposition), after 1 week exposure at 56% RH and 30 °C.

Figure 5-27 shows pit morphologies formed on 304L at 56% RH after 1 day

exposure. The pit morphology was affected by the position of pits in the droplet.

Pits near the centre of the droplet (Figure 5-27(a)) and near to the droplet edge

(Figure 5-27(b)) showed a hemispherical attack with approximately the same pit

mouth diameter. Pits formed at the edge of the droplet had larger pit mouths

than those grown towards the centre. 15 out of 70 pits occurred at the edge of

the droplet, with 14 growing fully inside the droplet showing a deep attack into

the pit towards the droplet centre (e.g. Figure 5-27(c)). Only 1 pit found to be

bisected by the droplet (Figure 5-27(d)).

Figure 5-27 Typical pit morphologies formed on 304L (LT plane) in MgCl2
droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition), after
1 day exposure at 56% RH at 30 °C; (a) near the droplet centre; (b) near the
droplet edge; (c) at the droplet edge; (d) bisected by droplet edge.

After 1 week at 56% RH, the position of the pits in the droplet affects the

morphology which can be categorised in 4 ways (Figure 5-28). Pits near the

centre of the droplet (Figure 5-28 (a)) shows a deep, hemispherical attack into

the metal. When pits occur closer to the edge (Figure 5-28 (b)) the attack

appears to be less hemispherical and more layered, although the mouth of the

pit is approximately the same size as that for pits found at the centre.

11 out of 60 pits occurred at the edge of the droplet, with 6 growing fully inside

the droplet (Figure 5-28 (c)) and 5 pits being bisected by the droplet (Figure

5-28 (d)). Pits at the edge of the droplet have larger pit mouths than those

grown towards the centre (Figure 5-29). When the pit grows fully in the droplet,

the deep attack into the pit always occurs towards the droplet centre (Figure

5-28 (c)). However, when pit is bisected by the droplet edge, 3 out of 5 were

seen to have deep pitting in the part of the pit that has a very thin solution layer,

outside the bulk of the droplet (Figure 5-28 (d)). This was not clear for the other

2 pits.

Figure 5-28 Typical pit morphologies formed on 304L (LT plane) in MgCl2
droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition), after
1 week exposure at 56% RH at 30 °C; (a) near the droplet centre; (b) near the
droplet edge; (c) at the droplet edge; (d) bisected by droplet edge.

The pit mouth diameter was generally larger at the edge of the droplet than

towards the centre in both one day and one week experiments (Figure 5-29),

with an average diameter of 89±15 µm for one day and 98±12 µm for one week.

There was no significant change in pit diameter when initiation occurred further

than 200 µm from the edge of the droplet in both 1 day (65±6 µm) and 1 week

(68±7 µm) experiments. The procedure used to measure the pits diameter was

detailed in Section 3.8.2.

Although there was very little variation in pit diameter between 1 day and 1

week experiments, there was significant variation in pit depth (Figure 5-30).

Within 200 µm of the droplet edge, the average pit depth after 1 day was

50±9 µm and after 1 week was 75±11 µm. For pits >200 µm from the droplet

edge, the average depth was 47±8 µm after one day and 61±9 µm after 1 week

(Table 5-3). The fine focus method was used to measure the pits depth as

described in Section 3.8.3.

Figure 5-29 Equivalent pit diameter as a function of pit position for pits shown in
Figure 5-25 and Figure 5-26, formed on 304L stainless steel (LT plane)
deposited with arrays of MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000
µg/cm2 CDD at deposition) following exposure at 56% RH and 30 °C for 1 day
(red circles) and 1 week (black squares). The equivalent diameter is calculated
as the diameter of a circle with the same area as the pit mouth.

Figure 5-30 The pit depth as a function of pit position for pits shown in Figure
5-25 and Figure 5-26, formed on 304L stainless steel (LT plane) deposited with
arrays of MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at
deposition), following exposure at 56% RH and 30 °C for 1 day (black
diamonds) and 1 week (red squares).

Table 5-3 The pit diameter and depth as a function of exposure time and
distance from the droplet edge. Pits formed on 304L stainless steel (LT plane)
under MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at
deposition), following exposure at 30 °C.

Exposure Distance from the

RH (%) Pit diameter (µm) Pit depth (µm)
time droplet edge (µm)

<200 89±15 50±9

1 day
>200 65±6 47±8
<200 98±12 75±11
1 week
>200 68±7 61±9

At 56% RH, it was often found that more than one pitting site was present under

a droplet. Examples of these are shown in (Figure 5-31). For droplets containing

two or more pits after 1 week exposure (lower row images in Figure 5-31) the

rust deposited by the smaller pits, which tended to initiate at the edge of the

droplet, overlays the rust formed by the larger pit, however the rust from the

smaller pits is not affected by the rust from the larger pit, suggesting that the

smaller pit(s) occurred after the main pit had stopped producing rust. Therefore

it can be proposed that these pits occurred consecutively not concurrently.

Figure 5-31 Typical examples of droplets containing 1 pit, 2 pits, and 3 or more
pits at 56% RH, 30 °C of ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD MgCl2 droplets on 304L stainless
steel (LT plane) after exposure for 1 day (upper optical images) and 1 week
(lower optical images).

Figure 5-32 shows the number of droplets containing no pits, 1 pit, 2 pits, and 3

or more for both 1 day and 1 week exposure at 56% RH. After 1 day, 4 out of 70

(6%) droplets had no pit, 27 out of 70 (39%) droplets had only one pit, while 36

out of 70 (51%) droplets had 2 pitting sites, and 3 (4%) droplets had 3 or more.

After 1 week, the number of droplets with a single pitting site was much lower,

with 9 out of 60 (15%) droplets having only one pit, 20 (33%) droplets having 2

pitting sites and 28 (47%) droplets having 3 or more pitting sites, 3 out of 70

(5%) droplets had no pit.

Figure 5-32 Number of pits per droplet of MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm diameter,
~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition) for pits shown in Figure 5-25 and Figure 5-26
on 304L stainless steel plate, following exposure at 56% RH and 30 °C for 1
day (in blue) and 1 week (in brown).

5.2.6 Atmospheric pitting corrosion behaviour of 316L stainless steel at

56% RH

Pitting of 316L stainless steel at 56% RH after 1 day and 1 week exposure are

shown in (Figure 5-33) and (Figure 5-34) respectively, under droplets of MgCl2

with ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD. After 1 day, only 2 out of 65 droplets pitted (1 circular

pit and 1 elongated pit) while after 1 week, 9 out of 60 droplets pitted (all

circular). 7 out of 9 pits were found to be associated with micro-droplets.

Circular pits with a rough interior with possible grain facets morphology that

correlates with the grain size of the alloy shown in Figure 3-3, without any

obvious shallow dish region, were observed after both 1 day and 1 week

exposure (Figure 5-35). It can be seen that there is a significant increase in pit

diameter; it is 60 µm (it is only one measurement therefore it is not possible to

give a range of accuracy) for 1 day but 110±10 µm for 1 week exposure. The pit

depth was 75±5 µm after 1 week. Single pits per droplet were observed after 1

day of exposure while after 1 week both single pit and multiple pits (2, 3 or

more) were observed. The effect of pit position on pit diameter and depth is not

considered in these two data sets because of the small number of pitted

droplets compared with those formed on 304L at the same RH. However,

examination of individual optical micro images showed that most of the pits

formed close to the droplet edge.

Figure 5-33 Macro photo of 316L (LT plane) with MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm
equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition), following exposure at
56% RH for 1 day at 30 °C; pitted droplets are selected with dashed square.

Figure 5-34 Macro photo of 316L plate surface (LT plane) with MgCl2 droplets
(~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition), following
exposure at 56% RH for 1 week at 30 °C.

Figure 5-35 Typical pit morphologies formed on 316L stainless steel (LT plane)
under MgCl2 droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at
deposition), after exposure at 56% RH and 30 °C; (a) after 1 day; (b) after 1
week. Atmospheric pitting corrosion behaviour of 304L and 316L

stainless steel at 65% RH and above

304L and 316L plates were exposed to 65% RH for 1 day for droplets of MgCl 2

with ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD. Figure 5-36 shows results for 304L, where 7 out of 75

droplets pitted. All droplets contained only one main pit. All pits show a circular

pitting morphology and all pits were bisected by the edge of the droplet with an

average pit diameter of 100±20 µm. All pits were found to be associated with

micro-droplets. At this RH, no pits were found on the 316L plate. At 70% RH

and above there was also no pitting for either 304L or 316L. Table 5-4

summarises the results of the tests carried out on both 304L and 316L stainless

steel at the two exposure times at all RH values used in the present work.

Figure 5-36 (a) macro photo of 304L plate surface (LT plane) with MgCl2
droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition), after
1 day exposure at 65% RH and 30 °C; (b) optical microscope images of pits
position relative to droplet edge; (c) SEM of pits.

Table 5-4 Summary of the results of the pitting behaviour at different RH and
exposure time for 304L and 316L stainless steels (LT plane)under MgCl2
droplets (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition). The
pit morphologies and the number of droplets pitted also the number of pits
associated with micro-droplets (shown in red) at each RH and exposure time for
both materials are presented.

5.3 Discussion

5.3.1 Morphology of pits at 48% RH and below

At RH 48% and below, a shallow dish region is observed in corrosion pits in

both 304L and 316L stainless steels (Figure 5-5, Figure 5-8, Figure 5-12, Figure

5-15, Figure 5-18), which has been previously reported [5, 6, 14, 21]. This is the

initial stage of attack, confirmed by time-lapse images (Figure 5-1). Once the

shallow dish has reached its full size, radial growth stops and other forms of

attack continue. Street et al. [6] suggest that this region is caused by passive

current dissolution due to the high passive current densities sustained in highly

concentrated MgCl2 solutions: the volume of material loss in the shallow dish

region is approximately equivalent to that lost by passive current in these

concentrations, which is known to be elevated by up to two orders of magnitude

at high concentrations of MgCl2, as shown in Mi’s work [18].

Maier and Frankel [21] proposed that the dish “radial” type of attack is caused

by the adsorption of sulphur species on the oxide layer. Hastuty et al. [5] have

also proposed a mechanism of growth of the shallow dish region where

hydrolysis caused by metal cation release drives growth radially away from the

sulphur-rich initiation site. This growth continues until current density is so low

the surface passivates. Recently, however, Street et al. [6] suggested that the

presence of sulphur species could not be the only controlling factor based on

the observation of the variation of the shallow dish diameter with distance from

the edge of the droplet.

In agreement with Street’s observation, the diameter of the shallow dish region

is found to be affected by position of the pit inside the droplet, with diameters

being generally smaller towards the edge and larger towards the centre of the

droplet. This is the case for 35% RH (Figure 5-10 and Figure 5-13), 45% RH

(Figure 5-16) and 48% RH (Figure 5-20), and there is no significant difference in

shallow dish diameter at these different RH values (Table 5-2). As in Street’s

work, this was attributed to the IR drop increase towards the edge of the

droplet, reducing passive current at the initiation site which results in smaller

dish sizes.

In an experiment on the effect of droplet diameter on pit diameter described in

Section 6.2.1, it was found that the shallow dish diameter as well as the pit

diameter was increased with increasing the droplet diameter. As the area of

electrolyte coverage affects the available cathodic area (with larger droplets

having more cathodic area, and so more available cathodic current) this

supports the idea that growth size of the shallow dish is strongly influenced by

cathodic area.

At 35% and 45% RH, two pit morphologies dominated after 1 day: “satellite”

pits, with several small pits surrounding the shallow dish region, and “earing”

pits, with increased growth of part of the shallow dish region, which may over

time extend beyond it. At 48% RH, only earing pits were seen for 304L (Figure

5-18), while for 316L almost circular pits were seen (Figure 5-22). Satellite

pitting is more common at the edge of droplets suggesting that it is influenced

by the thickness of the droplet above the pit, which influences both the

interfacial potential (through decreased IR drop with greater droplet thickness)

and the rate of diffusion of ions away from the pit. Low diffusion allows metal

ions to concentrate at initiation site, stabilising it and promoting satellite pitting.

This agrees with observations that less satellite pitting occurs at higher RH,

where solution droplet thicknesses are larger and diffusivity is higher [6].

Satellite pits are covered with caps (Figure 5-2) enriched in Cr, Mn, S, O and Cl.

This observation is in agreement with previously reported findings [6, 7]. No

significant differences are seen between the chemical composition (EDX

analysis) of pit covers obtained on 304L and 316L (Table 5-1). Pit covers are

also observed in tomography experiments (Figure 5-3), with a bright line just

above the pit, suggesting the metallic composition of the pit cover. Similar pit

covers were reported previously by Guo [7] on 304L stainless steel under MgCl2

droplets (CDD ~1000 µg/cm2) after wet-dry cycling exposure test examined in

tomography at 21±1 ºC.

The earing pits seen at 35%-48% RH were formed by ear-shaped attack into

the shallow dish region, as described by Maier and Frankel [21]. They attribute

this to the gradual passivation of the shallow dish region, concentrating current

in a smaller area. This earing attack is also seen to occur in the current work on

pits with satellite morphologies but is significantly smaller (Figure 5-1). This

indicates that both the satellite pitting and the earing attack start at the same

time (see time-lapse in Figure 5-1), with the satellite pitting eventually

dominating at lower RH values. It should be noted that Maier and Frankel did

not see satellite pitting although they used an RH of 33–34%, which may be due

to the different surface grinding (4000 grit instead of 800 grit). Preliminary

unpublished work carried out in the current project suggests that satellite pits

may not form on mirror-polished surfaces. This would remove occluded initiation

sites, allowing the earing mechanism to continue into the metal and form pits

with earing morphologies.

5.3.2 Morphology of pits at 56% RH and above

For 304L exposed at 56% RH for 1 day (Figure 5-27) and 1 week exposure

(Figure 5-28) and 316L exposed to the same RH and exposure times (Figure

5-35), circular pits with no shallow dish region were observed, with radial growth

of the pit proportional to growth into the metal, resulting in smaller diameter pits.

This is in agreement with Street et al. [6], who suggested that shallow dish

regions could be caused by passive current dissolution (Figure 5-37 [18]). It can

be determined that at concentrations between 0.5 and 3 M MgCl2 (equivalent to

95% RH and 65% RH respectively), there is little change in passive current

density, with the only major difference being a reduction in breakdown potential

as concentration increases. Above 3 M MgCl2, the trend in reduction of

breakdown potential continues, but the passive current density begins to

change dramatically, increasing by a factor of 100 times between 3 M and 5 M

MgCl2 (equivalent to 65% RH and 33% RH respectively). Street et al.[6]

suggested that the change in morphology at 56% RH (corresponding to 3.7 M

MgCl2) could be a result of reducing passive current density at low

concentrations, helped by decreased IR drop due to increase droplet thickness

which allows breakdown potential to be achieved more easily.

Figure 5-37 Current against potential polarisation curves for 250 µm diameter
304 stainless steel wires in MgCl2 solutions with concentrations of: (a) 0.05–
3 M; and (b) 3–5 M. The potential sweep rate was 0.2 mV s-1 [18].

The circular morphology is also seen at 65% RH (Figure 5-36) for 304L, with all

the pits forming at the droplet edge (bisected by the droplet edge). A possible

mechanism for this could be due to the concentrations needed for initiation to

occur. Recent work by Nam et al. [9] show that MgCl2 droplets on 304L require

a minimum concentration to initiate, giving a range of 47%-58% RH for pit

initiation at 298 K. Pitting never occurred above 60% RH in those experiments

under the droplets. In the current work pitting was also seen to rely on chloride

concentration. The critical humidity, however, was found to be between 65%

and 70% RH for 304L. The difference between this work and that of Nam et al.

is likely due to the conditions of exposure. Whereas the current work used a

fixed humidity for 1 day exposure and 800 grit surface finish, Nam et al.

exposed samples (with a final polish surface of 0.25 µm diamond suspension)

to dynamic humidity environment, with the humidity changed at a rate of 5% RH

per hour between 95% and 45% RH.

When pitting occurs in 65% RH in the present work, initiation may be occurring

just outside the edge of the droplet, under monolayers of water. These very thin

layers would limit diffusion away from initiation sites and allow aggressive

solution pH to be generated by hydrolysis of metal cations releasing H+ ions.

Also, the initiation at the edge allows access to a strong cathodic region

supplied by the droplet, driving the corrosion process. As such, these pits look

“bisected” by the droplet edge, as pit growth can continue radially from the

initiation site. This explains the relative rarity of these pitting events (7 out of 75)

as specific conditions would need to be met for this to occur i.e. a susceptible

inclusion just outside the droplet area.

5.3.3 Effect of pit position on pit depth and diameter

In the present study, for the pits found on 304L at 56% RH, it is clearly observed

that the diameter and depth of pits formed at or close to the droplet edge were

greater than those of pits close to the droplet centre (Figure 5-29) and (Figure

5-30). This can be attributed to the presence of a three phase boundary, where

there is particularly easy access of oxygen for the cathodic reaction [23, 199-

201]. Morton and Frankel [167] found that large pits only occurred at or very

close to the droplet edge in droplets deposited on aluminium. They carried out

experiments on aluminium under 3.5 wt.% NaCl droplets (6 µl in volume, 3-4mm

diameter) with and without inhibitors and exposed at 85% RH (using saturated

KCl) for 20 hours. Morton and Frankel proposed that preferential pitting

generated close to the droplet edge will result in the formation of an acidic zone

that develops more pit initiation and growth for aluminium. A similar mechanism

was also proposed by Li et al. [168] for aluminium.

Pits formed at the droplet edge were always surrounded by secondary droplets

(this is shown in Section 6.4.4), and it is more likely that the area covered by the

secondary droplets acted as a cathodic region to support the pitting attack

therefore wider and deeper pits were seen. Using SKP, Morton and Frankel

[167] observed that the outer edge of the secondary droplet and a wide area

surrounding it acts as a cathodic region to support the pitting attack on


While the pit depth increases between one day and one week, pit mouth

diameter does not (Table 5-3). This can be attributed to pit depth being under

diffusion control [123].

At lower RH values, pits had complex morphologies (satellite and

earing).Therefore, it was difficult to measure pit depth and diameter. Although

only circular pits were found at 48% RH for 316L (Figure 5-24), pits were found

to be smaller in diameter close to the droplet edge than those formed towards

the centre. This is likely to be associated to the increased IR drop under thinner

solution layers found at the edge of the droplets [107].

5.3.4 The critical relative humidity for atmospheric pitting corrosion

The RH determines the concentration of the salt droplets and/or electrolyte

layers since the water activity in the air and water phases is equal at equilibrium

[6]. As the RH is higher, the chloride concentration becomes lower in the

droplet, leading to a decrease in the probability of occurrence of pitting

corrosion [4].

For 304L, The critical relative humidity for occurrence of atmospheric pitting

corrosion lies between 65% RH and 70% RH corresponding to ~3 M and 2.9 M

MgCl2 solution, respectively. Pits were observed up to 65% RH (Figure 5-36).

Pits were not observed at 70% RH and higher (Table 5-4), while for 316L, pits

were observed up to 56% RH (Figure 5-35), but were not observed at 65% RH

and higher (Table 5-4 ). The findings for 304L are in agreement with the results

of Tsutsumi et al. [4], who studied the probability of occurrence of pitting

corrosion of 304 stainless steel beneath droplets of MgCl2 solution and reported

that the critical relative humidity for occurrence of pitting corrosion lies between

55% RH and 75% RH corresponding to 4.25 M and 2.45 M MgCl2 solution

respectively. Specifically, they reported that pitting corrosion progressed only

when the magnesium chloride concentration exceeded 3 M (RH <65%).

For 316L, the critical relative humidity obtained in this study was in the range of

56%–65% RH at 30 °C, which is in agreement with that found recently by

Padovani et al. [20]. These authors found pitting in MgCl2 solution droplets up to

an RH of 50% to 60% for 316L.

Passive current density is also affected by changes in RH and solution

concentration (Figure 5-37). For 304L, it has been shown that in de-aerated full

immersion studies [18] that passive current increases by an order of magnitude

in highly concentrated solutions of MgCl2 (Figure 5-37) that translate to

humidities close to deliquescence. Near saturation, passive current densities of

0.01 mA/cm2 were observed.

5.3.5 Effect of microstructure

It is important to bear in mind that all the experiments carried out in this chapter

were performed on as received 304L and 316L alloys surface (LT plane). Pits

were often seen to be influenced by the local crystal structure. Pits were often

seen to have a small hole in the centre of the shallow dish region e.g. (Figure

5-1) and (Figure 5-18(a)), which is possibly the cavity that developed from the

dissolving of an inclusion (most commonly MnS inclusions) during the pit

initiation process. This is in agreement with the observation of Tsutsumi et al.

[4], Hastuty et al. [8], and Street et al. [6].

Pits can initiate and propagate along pre-existing defects, such as elongated

inclusions [7, 18]. Figure 5-23 shows a pit grown on the alloy surface parallel to

the rolling direction of the alloy. This is most likely to be corrosion attack along

an elongated inclusion [7, 18], as mentioned previously in Section 2.10.6.

However, it might also be due to a surface defect present at the alloy surface. In

this chapter, among all the investigated pits, elongated pits were only observed

in three cases (i.e. 3 out of 527).

Pits can also propagate along residual delta ferrite [26]. Pits with layered

morphology were observed on the alloy surface of 304L (e.g. Fig.5-8 and 5-36).

This was due to the preferential attack of ferrite phase, as described previously

in Chapter 4.

Crystallographic facets were also observed in pits for the as received 304L

stainless steel (e.g. Figure 5-6). This is most likely due to the dissolution of

specific crystal plane(s) of the exposed surface. As mentioned previously, the

unattacked flat walls might be belong to the {111} close-packed crystal planes

of austenite, which was observed by Schwenk [125]. Possible grain facets

morphology was also observed on 316L stainless steel exposed for both 1 day,

and 1 week exposure (Figure 5-35). The facet size of a given grain correlates

with the grain sizes of the alloy shown in Figure 3-3.

Under full immersion conditions, the effect of crystallographic orientation on the

pitting corrosion has been investigated by a number of researchers [202-207]. It

was found that the dissolution depth, after a given time, depends on the crystal

plane of the exposed surface. Under atmospheric conditions, however, there

are no specific studies of such effect.

5.4 Conclusions

1. The morphology of atmospheric corrosion pits on 304L and 316L

stainless steel under MgCl2 droplets is a sensitive function of RH. At RH

values ≤48%, in each droplet, the first corrosion attack is in the form of a

crystallographically-etched shallow dish. The diameter of these shallow

dishes generally increases as the distance from droplet edge increases.

At lower RH values (35% and 45%), the shallow dishes develop small

satellite pits. Such pits are covered with caps enriched in Cr, Mn, S, O

and Cl. At 48% RH, for 304L only earing pit morphologies were observed

(no satellite pits were seen) as a result of continuous attack into the

shallow region while for 316L circular pits were observed. Shallow dishes

were not observed at ≥56% RH for 304L but for 316L were not observed

at ≥48% RH, and instead circular, deeper and rougher pits were seen.

2. For both 35% RH and 45% RH, a greater number of pits towards the

centre of the droplet, where the droplet height is higher, form an earing

attack while pits nearby the droplet edge, where the droplet height is low,

show satellite pits. Deeper ear-shaped attack is more likely at higher RH

values since less concentrated solutions have higher ionic conductivity

and diffusivity in addition to a greater droplet height leading to a lower IR

drop between the cathodic and anodic regions.

3. For 304L at 56% RH, the diameter and depth of pits formed at or nearby

the droplet edge was greater than that of pits close to the droplet centre.

This can be explained by the influence of three phase boundary where

there is particularly easy access of oxygen for the cathodic reaction.

4. Pit size significantly increased with increasing exposure time, while the

shallow dish diameter, after reaching a certain size, does not change

with increasing exposure time and RH, and was in same range for both


5. For 304L, pits were observed up to ~65% RH (pits were not observed at

70% RH and higher), while for 316L, pit were observed up to ~56% RH,

but were not observed at ~65% RH and higher.

6 Effect of droplet diameter and chloride deposition

density on atmospheric pitting corrosion of Type

304L and 316L austenitic stainless steels

6.1 Introduction

Both the size and deposition density of salt deposits can affect the corrosion

rate and pit morphologies on stainless steel samples as described in Sections

2.10.4 and 2.10.3. The salt concentration of such deposits is determined by the

relative humidity to which they are exposed [6, 141]. The two most common

methods of salt deposition on the metal surfaces for lab exposure experiments

involve either deposition of clusters of salt particles [129, 148-152] or deposition

of droplets of concentrated salt solutions by a micro-pipette [4, 5, 15, 21, 22,

134-139]. In such methods, it is not easy to establish well-defined and

reproducible droplet arrays on metal surfaces. In the present study and in

recent work [6], it is shown that an automatic deposition system can be used to

deposit salt solution droplets of defined size and concentration on sample

surfaces, allowing more systematic investigation of the influence of droplet

diameter and chloride deposition density on atmospheric pitting corrosion.

Secondary spreading and micro-droplet formation have been investigated for

different salt solutions and materials as described in Section 2.13. However, the

formation of secondary spreading and micro-droplet formation has not been

observed for MgCl2 droplets on stainless steel. In this work, these have been

investigated for MgCl2 droplets at different RH values.

6.2 Results

6.2.1 Effect of droplet diameter on pit diameter

The effect of droplet diameter on pit diameter was investigated for both 304L

and 316L austenitic stainless steels; the results for each will be described

separately in this section.

Figure 6-1 shows as deposited arrays of MgCl2 droplets of the same chloride

deposition density (~1000 µg/cm2) on a 304L stainless steel plate surface.

Droplets were deposited with a range of volumes, 1 µl to 4 µl, giving a range of

droplet diameters from 1.9 mm to 3.3 mm, respectively. Constant chloride

deposition density was achieved by depositing solutions of different

concentrations. This method of deposition was designed to study the effect of

droplet diameter, for fixed chloride deposition density, on pit diameter and


Figure 6-1 Macrograph image of a 304L stainless steel plate surface (LT plane)
with as-deposited arrays of MgCl2 salt solution droplets of constant CDD
(~1000 µg/cm2) with various droplet diameters (“Dia”) and the correspond
droplet volumes (“Vol.”)

Figure 6-2 (a) a 304L stainless steel plate surface (LT plane) deposited with
arrays of MgCl2 droplets of fixed CDD (~1000 µg/cm2) shown in (Figure 6-1)
following exposure at 43% RH and 30 °C for 1 week; (b) typical droplets after
washing with DI water; (c) micrographs of pits shown in (b); (d) SEM images of
pits shown in (c).

Figure 6-2 (a) shows the macrograph of the 304L stainless steel plate surface

deposited with arrays of MgCl2 droplets shown in Figure 6-1 following exposure

at 43% RH and 30 °C for 1 week. It can be seen from the macrograph that the

droplets are still present and evidence of rust can be seen in all droplets. A

single pit per droplet can be observed. Only one droplet of the ~2.2 mm

diameter set contained an elongated pit that had grown along the rolling

direction of the alloy (not shown); all other pits were circular. The rust (corrosion

products) was washed away with deionised (DI) water (Figure 6-2 (b)) to

observe the pit morphologies shown in the lower optical micrographs (c). The

SEM images show more clearly that all the pits observed had a shallow dish-

shaped region with one side significantly more attacked (Figure 6-2 (d)).

In total, 38 out of 70 pits were seen to be associated with micro-droplet

formation which will be discussed in section 6.3.

Figure 6-3 shows an array of droplets designed to study the influence of droplet

diameter on both pit diameter and depth for deposits of constant chloride

deposition density (~1000 µg/cm2) on 316L stainless steel. In each row,

droplets were deposited with a range of volumes from 1 µl to 4 µl, giving a

range of initial droplet diameters from 2.0 mm to 3.1 mm respectively.

Figure 6-3 Macrograph image of a 316L stainless steel plate surface (LT plane)
deposited with arrays of MgCl2 droplets of same chloride deposition density
(~1000 µg/cm2) with various droplet diameters.

Figure 6-4 (a) a macrograph of the 316L stainless steel plate surface (LT plane)
deposited with arrays of MgCl2 droplets of fixed CDD (~1000 µg/cm2) shown in
Figure 6-3 following exposure at 43% RH and 30 °C for 1 week; (b) typical
droplets after washing with DI water; (c) micrographs of pits shown in (b);
(d) SEM images of pits shown in (c).

Figure 6-4 (a) shows the macrograph of the 316L stainless steel plate surface

deposited with arrays of MgCl2 droplets of fixed CDD (~1000 µg/cm2) shown in

Figure 6-3 following exposure at 43% RH and 30 °C for 1 week. It can be seen

from the macrograph that droplets are still visible and evidence of rust can be

seen in all pitted droplets, which contained only one main pit. A significant

number of droplets did not show any sign of corrosion, in contrast to the results

for 304L stainless steel, where all droplets pitted. To reveal the pit morphologies

shown in Figure 6-4 (c), the rust was washed away with deionised water (Figure

6-4 (b)). In all pits, a shallow dish-shaped region with one side significantly more

attacked was observed more clearly with SEM images (Figure 6-4 (d)). In some

cases no shallow dish region can be observed, this may be because the entire

region has been deeply attacked after 1 week of exposure.

The number of pits associated with micro-droplets was found to be 37 out of 55

pits. This will be described in section 6.3.

Figure 6-5 shows the relationship between the equivalent pit diameter (active

region only, as described in Section 3.8.2) and the deposited droplet diameter

for both 304L and 316L stainless steels. It can be seen that the pit diameter

increases with increasing droplet diameter approximately linearly for a fixed

chloride deposition density for both 304L and 316L stainless steels. It is also

evident that pits with larger diameters are formed on 304L than those that

formed on 316L stainless steel. The pit depth in 304L and 316L did not vary

greatly with droplet diameter, and appeared to be of a similar scale in both

alloys. The variation in pit depth in 316L appeared to be greater than the

variation in 304L. The fine focus method used to measure the pits depth and the

uncertainty in the measurements was described in Section 3.8.3.

Figure 6-5 The equivalent pit diameter (active region without the shallow dish)
as a function of the droplet diameter for pits shown in Figure 6-2 and Figure 6-4;
the plates were deposited with arrays of MgCl2 droplets of fixed CDD
(~1000 µg/cm2) and exposed at 43% RH and 30 °C for 1 week. 304L is shown
in red circles and 316L is shown with blue squares, and solid symbols represent
pit diameter whereas open symbols represent pit depth.

6.2.2 Effect of salt deposition density on atmospheric pitting corrosion

The effect of chloride deposition density (CDD) for fixed droplet diameter on pit

diameter and depth was investigated for both 304L and 316L austenitic

stainless steels. The effect of droplet diameter and exposure time on pitting

behaviour was also investigated for 304L austenitic stainless steel.

Figure 6-6 shows an array of droplets on 304L stainless steel designed to study

the influence of chloride deposition density on pit size for droplets of constant

deposition area. In each column, droplets were deposited with a constant

volume of 2 µl (giving initial deposition diameter of ~2.5 mm) and varying

solution concentration, from 3.7 M to 185 µM MgCl2. This gave a range of CDD

values from ~10000 to 0.5 µg/cm2, respectively, calculated upon deposition.

Figure 6-6 Macrograph image of a 304L stainless steel plate surface (LT plane)
deposited with arrays of MgCl2 droplets of fixed deposition diameter (~2.5 mm)
with different CDDs ranging from ~0.5 to 10000 µg/cm2. The droplet marked
with red star had two droplets superimposed.

Figure 6-7 A 304L stainless steel plate surface (LT plane) deposited with arrays
of MgCl2 droplets of fixed deposition diameter (~2.5 mm) with different CDDs
ranging from ~0.5 to 10000 µg/cm2, as shown in Figure 6-6 following exposure
at 43% RH and 30 °C for 1 day. The droplet marked with a red star had two
droplets superimposed.

Following exposure at 43% RH and 30 °C for 1 day, (Figure 6-7), droplets with

CDDs of 0.5 and 1 µg/cm2 did not pit after 1 day exposure. 5 out of 6 of the

droplets with a CDD of 5 µg/cm2 pitted, and 4 out of 6 of the droplets with a

CDD of 10 µg/cm2 pitted. Both sets droplets with CDDs of 5 and 10 µg/cm2

showed a “ring-like” shape after 1 day exposure, with the central hole being

bigger in the 5 µg/cm2 set (Figure 6-8). For CDD values ranging from 50

to10000 µg/cm2, all droplets pitted. Droplets with a CDD of 10000 µg/cm2 had

spread significantly after 1 day of exposure.

Figure 6-8 Typical examples of MgCl2 droplets of fixed deposition diameter
(~2.5 mm) with different CDDs ranging from ~0.5 to 10000 µg/cm2 on the 304L
stainless steel plate surface (LT plane), shown in Figure 6-7 following exposure
at 43% RH and 30 °C for 1 day.

Figure 6-9 shows pit morphologies obtained at different chloride deposition

levels. Pits that grew at 10000 µg/cm2 CDD were round and deep with an

average diameter of 85±10 µm. In most cases this totally consumed any

shallow dish region, if indeed there was one. Pitting attack at a CDD of

5000 µg/cm2 was deep and followed the approximate boundary of the shallow

dish region. In the CDD range from 1000 to 50 µg/cm2, an earing morphology

was observed, with attack into the metal on one side of the shallow dish region.

At CDD values of 1 and 0.5 µg/cm2, there was a faint pattern of rust but no

obvious pits were observed.

At CDD of 10 and 5 µg/cm2, pitting was seen but pits were irregular in shape

and could not easily be described in terms of having a “shallow dish region”. At

5 µg/cm2, usually a single cluster of very small (<5 µm in diameter) pits was


At a CDD of 10000 µg/cm2, one instance of a shallow dish region was seen that

had been heavily attacked by the continuing corrosion but had an apparent

diameter of less than 50 µm. The rest of the pits, 5 out of 6, didn’t show any

sign for the shallow dish and had a hemispherical pit shape. The shallow dish

regions in droplets with a CDD of 5000 µg/cm2 had an average diameter of

110±20 µm, which is much larger than for those with a CDD of 10000 µg/cm2,

and the shallow dish diameters were reduced for a CDD of 5 µg/cm2.

Figure 6-9 Typical pit morphologies of pits grown under MgCl2 droplets of fixed
deposition diameter (~2.5 mm) with different CDDs ranging from ~0.5 to
10000 µg/cm2 on the 304L stainless steel plate surface (LT plane), as shown in
Figure 6-7 following exposure at 43% RH and 30 °C for 1 day.

The total pit diameter, active region diameter (as defined in Section 3.8.2), and

pit depth, for a fixed deposition area, is plotted against the initial chloride

deposition density in Figure 6-10. The results show that the diameter of the

active region increases with increasing CDD up to 1000 µg/cm2.

At a CDD of 10000 µg/cm2 there is a high amount of scatter. Similarly, the total

pit diameter increases with increasing CDD up to 1000 µg/cm2, after which the

high amount of scatter makes determining a trend difficult. The pit depth initially

increases rapidly as the CDD increases from 5 to 50 µg/cm2, but for CDD

values >50 µg/cm2, there appears to be a slight decrease in depth.

Figure 6-10 Pit size as a function of CDD for pits grown under MgCl2 droplets of
fixed deposition diameter (~2.5 mm) on 304L stainless steel plate (LT plane)
following exposure at 43% RH and 30 °C for 1 day. The total pit diameter and
active region diameter are defined in Section 3.8.2).

Figure 6-11 shows the results obtained for 304L following 1 week exposure at

45% RH under MgCl2 droplets of fixed deposition diameter of ~3.3 mm. Almost

all droplets pitted. A single pit per droplet was observed at CDDs of 10 and

8 µg/cm2, while at ≤6 µg/cm2 both single pits and multiple pits were observed. At

deposition levels of ≤4 µg/cm2, droplets showed a “ring-like” shape, with the

central hole increasing with decreasing CDD. Pit morphologies are shown in

Figure 6-12; it can be seen that with decreasing CDD the pits become smaller,

reaching a point where it appears that clusters of small pits formed.

At deposition levels of 10 to 2 µg/cm2, pits were generally seen with a shallow

dish with attacked region while at deposition levels ≤1 µg/cm2, pits were

associated with clusters of very small pits.

Figure 6-11 A 304L stainless steel plate surface (LT plane) deposited with
arrays of MgCl2 droplets of fixed deposition diameter (~3.3 mm) but with
different CDDs ranging from ~10 to 0.1 µg/cm2 following exposure at 45% RH
and 30 °C for 1 week.

Figure 6-12 Typical morphologies of pits grown under MgCl2 droplets of fixed
deposition diameter (~3.3 mm) but with different CDDs ranging from ~10 to
0.1 µg/cm2 on 304L stainless steel plate surface (LT plane) shown in Figure
6-11 following exposure at 45% RH and 30 °C for 1 week.

Figure 6-13 (upper image) shows the results obtained for 304L following 1 week

exposure at 45% RH under MgCl2 droplets with a fixed deposition diameter of

~2.5 mm. The electrolyte layer was found to be discontinuous. Although there

was a faint pattern of rust at CDD values of 0.1 and 0.2 µg/cm2, no obvious pits

were observed. Pits were observed at CDD values of 0.5-10 µg/cm2. Single pits

per droplet were not the only case observed; pits were associated with very

small pits (<5 µm in diameter) that often appear in clusters at lower deposition

levels such as 0.5 µm/cm2 (Figure 6-14). Morphologies of the largest diameter

pits are shown in Figure 6-13 (lower SEM images). Figure 6-15(a) shows a

typical example of a cluster of very small pits seen under an MgCl2 droplet with

a CDD of 0.5 µg/cm2 at deposition on 304L stainless steel after exposure at

43% RH and 30 °C for 1 week. Figure 6-15(b) shows an SEM image at the

same magnification of an area site of 130x120 µm2 of 304L stainless steel (LT

plane) final polished with OPS, which contains seven inclusions of ≤2 µm in

diameter. Two types of inclusions were observed: MnS inclusions and mixed

oxide inclusions. Table 6-1 shows the chemical composition of typical examples

of these two types of inclusions determined with EDX.

Figure 6-13 Typical morphologies of pits grown under MgCl2 droplets of fixed
deposition diameter (~2.5 mm) with different CDDs ranging from ~10 to
0.1 µg/cm2 on 304L stainless steel plate surface (LT plane) following exposure
at 43% RH and 30 °C for 1 week.

Figure 6-14 Typical example of MgCl2 droplet of diameter (~2.5 mm) with a
CDD of 0.5 µg/cm2 (at deposition) on 304L stainless steel plate (LT plane),
following exposure at 43% RH and 30 °C for 1 week. Multiple pits grown under
the interrupted electrolyte layer.

Figure 6-15 (a) Typical example of a cluster of very small pits shown in Figure
6-14, observed under an MgCl2 droplet of diameter (~2.5 mm) with a CDD of
0.5 µg/cm2 (at deposition) on 304L stainless steel plate surface (LT plane),
following exposure at 43% RH and 30 °C for 1 week; (b) an SEM image at the
same magnification of an area of 130x120 µm2 of 304L stainless steel (LT
plane, surface is final polished with OPS) showing the distribution of inclusions:
1-4 were MnS inclusions while 5-7 were mixed oxide inclusions.

Table 6-1 The chemical composition of typical MnS and a mixed oxide inclusion
observed in 304L stainless steel (LT plane) detected with EDX.

Weight % O Al Si S Ti Cr Ni Mn Fe
0 0 0.3 5.2 0 17 7.0 8.7 balance
mixed oxide
7.3 2.4 0.2 0.5 3.4 25 4.1 13 balance

Figure 6-16 A 316L stainless steel plate surface (LT plane) deposited with
arrays of MgCl2 droplets of fixed deposition diameter (~2.5 mm) with different
CDDs ranging from ~0.5-10000 µg/cm2 following exposure at 43% RH and
30 °C for 1 day.

Figure 6-16 shows the results obtained for 316L following exposure at 43% RH

and 30 °C for 1 day. Compared to 304L exposed to the same conditions, fewer

droplets were pitted. Similar to 304L stainless steel, pits were not observed

under droplets of CDD of 0.5 and 1 µg/cm2 after 24 hours. The 5 µg/cm2

droplets show a faint pattern of rust, but with no clear evidence of pitting. Similar

to 304L stainless steel, both sets of droplets with a CDD of 5 and 10 µg/cm2

showed a “ring-like” shape, with the central hole being bigger in the 5 µg/cm2

set (Figure 6-17). For droplets with a CDD of 10 to 1000 µg/cm2 not all the

droplets pitted, but all of the droplets with a CDD of 5000 and 10000 µg/cm2 did

pit. Droplets under the largest CDD had spread significantly after 1 day, similar

to that shown on 304L.

The pit morphologies obtained under different CDD values are shown in Figure

6-18. No shallow dish regions were observed at 10000 µg/cm2 CDD; pits were

circular in shape, with an average diameter of 110±15 µm. In the CDD range of

5000 to 500 µg/cm2, pits with a shallow dish region were seen with an area of

deeper attack into the metal surface on one side. In the CDD range of 100 to

10 µg/cm2, pits were approximately circular with no clear trace of a shallow dish.

The shallow dish diameters were reduced as CDD was reduced to 5 µg/cm2


Figure 6-17 Typical examples of MgCl2 droplets of fixed deposition diameter

(~2.5 mm) with different CDDs ranging from ~0.5 to 10000 µg/cm2 on the 316L
stainless steel plate surface (LT plane) shown in Figure 6-16 following exposure
at 43% RH and 30 °C for 1 day.

Figure 6-18 Typical morphologies of pits grown under MgCl2 droplets of fixed
deposition diameter (~2.5 mm) with different CDDs ranging from ~0.5 to
10000 µg/cm2 on the 316L stainless steel plate surface (LT plane) shown in
Figure 6-16 following exposure at 43% RH and 30 °C for 1 day.

Among all the pitted droplets, only one droplet of the1000 µg/cm2 set contained

an elongated pit that had grown along the rolling direction of the alloy (Figure


Figure 6-19 Morphology of a pit grown along the rolling direction on 316L, LT
plane, under MgCl2 droplet (~2.5 mm equivalent diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD
at deposition), after 1 day exposure at 43% RH and 30 °C; (a) optical image of
the droplet; (b) optical image of the pit after washing with DI water.

Figure 6-20 shows the pit diameter (total pit diameter and active region

diameter) and pit depth as a function of CDD for a fixed droplet area (volume). It

can be seen that the total pit diameter increases with increasing CDD with the

value at 5000 µm/cm2 being within a high range of scatter which might be

attributed to the thicker droplet in this set of droplets, as they did not show

significant spreading (Figure 6-16 and Figure 6-17(b)). Similarly, the active

region diameter increases with increasing CDD up to 500 µm/cm2, then shows a

high amount of scatter for 1000 and 5000 µm/cm2 before increasing at

10000 µm/cm2. For pit depth, the trend was similar to that observed for 304L:

there is a rapid increase in pit depth at the beginning with increasing CDD, then

no clear trend after 50 µm/cm2.

Figure 6-20 The equivalent diameters of the active region and the total pit, and
the pit depth as a function of the CDD for pits formed in MgCl2 deposits of fixed
deposition diameter (~2.5 mm) on 316L stainless steel (LT plane) shown in
Figure 6-16 following exposure at 45% RH and 30 °C for 1 day.

Table 6-2 shows that for 2.5 mm diameter droplets exposed for 1 day at

45% RH, pitting is observed down to a CDD of 10 µg/cm2 for both 304L and

316L stainless steel, although fewer droplets pit for 316L compared with 304L.

At a CDD of 5 µg/cm2, 304L shows pitting, whereas 316L shows signs of rust

staining but no obvious pits. No pits were observed at CDDs of 1 or 0.5 µg/cm 2

for either 304L or 316L under these conditions.

For ~2.5 mm diameter droplets on 304L exposed at CDD values of 1 and

0.5 µg/cm2, no pits were observed after 1 day of exposure, but pits were

observed after 1 week of exposure (Figure 6-13), indicating a lower CDD

threshold after a longer exposure time. For the 1 week exposures, pitting was

not observed at CD values of 0.2 and 0.1 µg/cm2. However, larger droplets

(~3.3 mm diameter) did show pitting even at a CDD value of 0.1 µg/cm2 (Figure

6-12). The table also include the number of pits associated with micro-droplets.

Table 6-2 summary of observations of the pitting corrosion behaviour of 304L

and 316L stainless steels (LT plane) under MgCl2 droplets at different CDDs for
fixed deposition diameters (~2.5 mm) and (~3.3 mm) at two exposure times: (a)
after 1 day; (b) after 1 week at 45% RH. The ratio (x/y in black) in the table
represents the number of droplets out of the total number of droplets
investigated which show the indicated corrosion behaviour following exposure.

6.3 Secondary spreading and micro-droplet formation

Secondary spreading and microdroplet formation is described in Section 2.13.

Figure 6-21 shows the formation of micro-droplets on 304L stainless steel

following exposure at 56% RH and 30 °C for 1 day. Micro-droplets were

observed only when the pit initiated close or at the droplet edge. It can be seen

that individual micro-droplets are hemispherical and/or circular in shape.

Figure 6-21 Typical example of micro-droplet formation near a pit grown under a
MgCl2 droplet (~2.5 mm diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition) on 304L
stainless steel (LT plane) after 1 day exposure at 56% RH and 30 °C; (a)
droplet with pit at right edge; (b) magnified section of (a) showing the pit and
micro-droplet region; and (c) magnified sections of (b), showing the distribution
of micro-droplets.

Figure 6-22 shows the time-lapse results of atmospheric pitting corrosion of

316L stainless steel (ST plane) in ambient conditions (45±3% RH and

temperature 24±2 °C) for 48 hours under a droplet of MgCl2 with a CDD of

~1000 µg/cm2. It can be seen that as the pit mouth grows with time, the size of

the micro-droplet region increases. Close inspection showed that the size of

micro-droplets also increased with time. The micro-droplet region grew

outwards in a semicircle or oval shape near the pit following the grinding marks.

Figure 6-22 Time-lapse of a pit grown under an MgCl2 droplet of ~2.5 mm

diameter of CDD ~1000 µg/cm2 at deposition on 316L stainless steel (ST plane)
in ambient conditions (45±3% RH, and temperature 24±2 °C).

A corroded droplet on 304L (LT plane) after 1 day exposure at 35% RH with a

pitting site developed near the droplet edge is shown in Figure 6-23 (a).

Formation of micro-pits (≤8 µm in diameter) under micro-droplets in the

secondary spreading area can be seen in Figure 6-23(b). The distribution of

these micro-pits is shown in Figure 6-23 (c), with bigger micro-pits (≤7 µm in

diameter) formed close to the pit (which formed at the primary droplet edge)

than those formed at the advancing edge of micro-droplet region (≤2 µm in

diameter). Figure 6-24 shows the formation of the similar features on 316L

exposed for 1 week at 35% RH.

Figure 6-23 Typical example of micro-droplet formation nearby a pit grown

under a MgCl2 droplet (~2.5 mm diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition) on
304L stainless steel (LT plane) after 1 day exposure at 35% RH and 30 °C; (a)
droplet with a pit near the edge; (b) SEM image showing the pit and micro-pits
after washing with DI water; and (c) magnified sections of (b), showing the
distribution of micro-pits.

Figure 6-24 Typical example of small pits formed under micro-droplets close to
the droplet edge. The pit was grown under a MgCl2 droplet (~2.5 mm diameter,
~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition) on 316L stainless steel (LT plane) after 1
week exposure at 35% RH and 30 °C; the sample is washed with DI water.

A macroscopic view of a droplet on 304L stainless steel after 1 day exposure at

65% RH is shown in Figure 6-25 (a). The secondary micro-droplets are clearly

seen at the bottom right edge Figure 6-25 (b). Also visible is formation of hemi-

spherical shape micro-droplets in a semi-circle or oval area close to the pit.

Larger micro-droplets formed close to the pit. However, Figure 6-25 (c) and (d)

show no evidence of micro-pit formation under the micro-droplets.

Figure 6-25 Typical example of micro-droplet formation near a pit grown under a
MgCl2 droplet (~2.5 mm diameter, ~1000 µg/cm2 CDD at deposition) on 304L
stainless steel (LT plane) after 1 day exposure at ~65% RH and 30 °C; (a)
droplet with pit at the droplet edge; (b) magnified section of (a) showing the pit
and micro-droplets distribution around the pit; (c) SEM image after washing with
DI water; (d) magnified section of (c), showing no evidence of micro-pits.

6.4 Discussion

6.4.1 Effect of droplet diameter on pit diameter

In Figure 6-5, it is evident that the pit diameter increases with increasing droplet

diameter for both 304L and 316L stainless steels (for a fixed chloride deposition

density and relative humidity), which is in agreement with the idea that the pit

growth rate increases with the available cathodic current; the larger the cathodic

area the more the cathodic current [4, 22, 23, 147, 199, 208, 209]. The

dominant cathodic reaction in atmospheric corrosion is generally agreed to be

the oxygen reduction reaction. The increase in droplet area gives area for the

cathodic reaction to take place. Pit growth in these droplets is considered to be

"cathodically limited" [147], so increasing the amount of cathode will increase

the overall corrosion rate.

This agrees with the previous investigation of atmospheric corrosion of 304

stainless steel foils by Mi [18, 22] who reported that the pit diameter was found

to increase when the original salt deposit diameter was increased for a fixed

chloride deposition density (172±25 µg/cm2) for a range of deposits (0.5 mm to

2.8 mm) after exposure at 45% RH and 300 K for 24 hours. Mi attributed this to

the idea of cathodic limitation of the pit current.

There was no significant change in pit depth with droplet area, or alloy type, for

a fixed exposure time (Figure 6-5). This is consistent with the idea that metal

dissolution under the salt layer at the bottom of the pit is under diffusion control.

This agrees with Ghahari [107], who reported that dissolution rate at the bottom

of 2D pits grown under full immersion conditions in dilute solutions is constant.

He attributed this to the presence of a salt layer, which regulates the interfacial

potential, consistent with previous work, e.g. [121, 122, 210, 211]. Recently, the

presence of salt layer at the bottom of the pit was confirmed by using X-ray

diffraction measurements [123].

In Figure 6-5, it is also evident that slightly wider pits form on 304L compared

with those that form on 316L. The sides of the pit are not considered to have a

salt layer, as they are closer to the mouth of the pit where the solution is more

dilute as metal ions can escape into the bulk solution. As such, the pit sides are

under activation control and can experience much more materials loss. The

decrease in active dissolution rate for 316L compared with 304L [212] would

result in a lower current density on the pit walls and therefor a smaller pit mouth


6.4.2 Effect of chloride deposition density on pit growth

Figure 6-10 and Figure 6-20 for 304L and 316L, respectively, show that, in

general, for the same initial deposition area and constant relative humidity, the

pit diameter increases with increasing the chloride deposition density (amount

of salt deposition). This finding is consistent with Mi’s [18] observation of pit

diameter increasing with increasing chloride deposition density. Mi investigated

the effect of chloride deposition density on pit size (volume) under constant

relative humidity and temperature in both lab based tests and in X-ray

microtomography experiments under droplets of MgCl2 solution on 304

stainless steel foil and stainless steel pins exposed to lab temperature and

45% RH for 24 hours.

The estimated electrolyte height obtained from Mi's X-ray microtomography

experiments (Figure 2-21) shows that the electrolyte layer height increases with

increasing salt deposition density at controlled RH and controlled droplet area

and temperature. The droplets morphologies observed in (Figure 6-8) and

(Figure 6-17) suggests that this is the case in the present study as well. Since

the droplets are deposited with same initial deposited area, changes in the

amount of salt deposition will result in changes of the droplet height for

measurements at fixed temperature and relative humidity exposure

environments, because the droplet concentration is controlled by the relative


There are two possible influences that can result from the droplet height: the

droplet height can have a straightforward influence on the diffusion pathway

length of oxygen (the cathodic reactant) from the atmosphere [21]; as the

diffusion path increases, the oxygen reduction reaction rate will decrease,

predicting the formation of smaller pits. A thicker electrolyte, on the other hand,

can lead to a lower approach resistance between the pit and the cathodic area,

resulting in a higher pit current density, and anticipating that larger pits would

form [5, 18, 22, 147]. The observation of larger pits with higher CDD values

indicates that the ohmic effect dominates.

The pit depth as a function of CDD for 1 day exposure (Figure 6-10 and Figure

6-20) shows approximately the same trend and depth range in both 304L and

316L stainless steel. As described above, the growth of pits is controlled by the

diffusion of metal ions from the bottom of the pit, which will not be greatly

affected by the droplet height.

6.4.3 Threshold CDD for pitting

Pits propagate at CDDs of 10 µg/cm2 and above with diameters >30 µm, and

increase in diameter with increasing CDD, as described above. However, at

lower deposition levels (<10 µg/cm2), much smaller pits are formed (<30 µm). At

lower CDD values, ring-like droplet morphologies where observed e.g. for 1 day

exposure of constant droplet diameter of ~2.5 mm for both 304L (Figure 6-8)

and 316L (Figure 6-17), at 10 and 5 µg/cm2, with the central hole being larger in

the 5 µg/cm2 deposition level. Ring-like droplet shapes were also observed after

1 week exposure with a larger fixed deposition diameter of ~3.3 mm (Figure

6-11) at deposition levels starting from 4 µg/cm2 and lower, with the central hole

increasing with decreasing deposition level. A similar ring-like droplet

morphology is previously seen by Albores-Silva et al. [19] and Padovani et

al.[20] under MgCl2 solution of 10 µg/cm2 up to 50 µg/cm2 on 316L stainless

steel (Figure 2-22). They described the appearance as “multiple droplets with

anodic and cathodic domains”. These authors attributed the discontinuity of the

film to the shrinkage of the droplet while it is reaching equilibrium with the

environment. The reason for the observed ring-like droplet morphology at

relatively higher deposition levels (up to 50 µg/cm2) in the Albores-Silva study

compared to that obtained in the present study may be related to the fact that in

their study, relatively larger droplets of MgCl2 of 5.5 to 6.5 mm in diameter

(estimated measure after exposure) were used.

A possible reason for the formation of ring-like droplet morphology might be

that the easy oxygen access at the thinner parts of the droplets, i.e. at the edge,

creates a preference for cathodic reactions to occur there. This chemical

change around the perimeter of the droplet, by increasing OH- concentration,

may change the interfacial energy between the passive film and the solution

and allow a reduced contact angle to occur at very low CDDs. Products with low

solubility, such as Mg(OH)2 or MgCO3 (where Mg ions react with atmospheric

CO2), may also form around the edge of the droplet due to the change in pH,

pinning the perimeter of the droplet as solution volume reduces.

It was also observed that at lower deposition levels (<10 µg/cm2) e.g. 5 µg/cm2

(Figure 6-9), ≤1 µg/cm2 (Figure 6-12), and 0.5 µg/cm2 (Figure 6-14) pits were

found to be associated with small clusters of very small pits. Figure 6-15(b)

shows typical inclusions size of ≤2 µm in diameter, the smallest pits at the

lowest CDD is about the same as the inclusions, consistent with inclusion

dissolution, and at slightly higher CDDs the pits are slightly larger, so the pits

have grown a bit. This was attributed to the fact that once a pit initiated and start

to grow an acidic region will develop around it [88, 97, 99]. It is possible that the

acidic region will dissolve nearby inclusions.

The presence of enough volume of electrolyte solution, which enables the

transport of ionic species, can play an important role in pitting corrosion [4, 5,

18-20, 22, 214]. Tomashov [214] described the effect of water film thickness on

the atmospheric corrosion rate, and reported that this can have a maximum

influence at certain film thickness.

For atmospheric pitting corrosion to occur, it has been reported that there is a

lower threshold of chloride deposition density of 10-25 µg/cm2 [19, 20, 163, 215]

. However, in the present work pits were observed at lower CDDs (Table 6-2)

and the CDD threshold was seen to be affected by the initial deposition area

(droplet diameter) and exposure time. This might be because, in the present

study, higher resolution SEM characterisation identifies small sites of corrosion

attack, on the order of 10 µm and below. The main difference between CDD

thresholds identified in the current work compared with previous work might

come from what is defined “a pit”. For example, Albores-Silva et al. [19]

reported that they observed pitting at 10 µg/cm2 droplets at 30 °C and 50 °C

after 12 weeks of exposure at ~30% RH under MgCl2 droplets on 316L stainless

steel. However, no images of pits are shown and the minimum pit size recorded

is not stated. Later, based on the same results of Albores-Silva, Padovani et al.

[20] reported that, pit depths were in the range of 10-20 µm for lower chloride

deposition densities, while for higher deposition densities they reported that the

pit depth was in the range of 20-70 µm. However, Padovani reported the

maximum pit diameter to be ~90 µm for the pits observed at 10 and 25 µg/cm2.

In the present work, looking at Figure 6-10 and Figure 6-20, we get a threshold

of 10 µg/cm2 if we define a pit as being >30 µm in diameter and >10 µm deep.

6.4.4 Secondary spreading and micro-droplet formation

The formation of micro-droplets and their growth which led to the formation of

secondary spreading region have described in Section 2.13. In the present

work, significant secondary spreading and micro-droplet formation was

observed, where the preferential pitting initiated close to droplet edge on both

304L and 316L stainless steels under droplets of MgCl2 at different fixed RH

values at 30 °C. Researchers who carried out experiments under the same

conditions presented in this work (MgCl2 salt solution, 45% RH and ~30 °C) on

304L stainless steel plate [7] and 304L stainless steel foil [18, 22] have not seen

microdroplets; this could be due to the lower magnification images used in their

studies or the pit location within the droplet since in the present work micro-

droplets were only observed when the pit initiated at or close to the droplet


Previous researchers have investigated secondary spreading and micro-

droplets formation using droplets and/or deliquescence of salt particles over a

range of salts (e.g. NaCl, KCl, and MgCl2,...etc.) on different materials such as

carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminium, copper and zinc. However, secondary

spreading was not observed on stainless steel under any of the examined salt

solutions including MgCl2 [136, 151, 156, 165, 166]. Tsuru et al. [136] and

Zhang et al. [151] attributed the prevention of formation and expansion of the

secondary spreading zone and the micro-droplets to the precipitation of

magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2, which is relatively insoluble, towards the

periphery of the main droplet: this diminishes the concentration of OH- and

increases the ionic strength at the edge of the main droplet (Figure 6-26).

Bian et al. [166] reported that no obvious micro-droplet formation was seen on

the stainless steel surface under KCl droplets. They attributed this to the very

weak corrosion activity on the surface of stainless steel.

Figure 6-26 Illustration of mechanism of the secondary spreading area

expansion for: (a) NaCl; and (b) MgCl2 salt solutions [136].

In the present work, the location of the micro-droplet region is found to be

around pits initiated at or close to the droplet edge (≤ 250 µm from the droplet

adge). However, not all the pits formed in this range showed the formation of

micro-droplet. It was almost but not always. The reason for why some pits in

this range did not show micro-droplet formation is still unknown. Some previous

researchers also reported that secondary micro-droplets formed around the pit

initiated close to the droplet edge on carbon steel [166] and aluminium [167,


In this study it is also observed that the micro-droplets region grew outwards in

a semi-circle or oval shape; this agrees with the shape previously reported by

some researchers [165, 166]. Bian et al. [166] attributed the oval shape to the

superficial grinding marks on carbon steel. Similarly, Zhang et al. [165] reported

that the boundary of the elliptic area covered with micro-droplets spread faster

in parallel orientation with respect to the polishing direction on carbon steel.

This effect is confirmed by the time-lapse carried out in the present work (Figure


Figure 6-22 shows that the size of the micro-droplet region and the size of

individual droplets increase with increasing pit size over time. This indicates that

the spreading process of micro-droplets is linked with the diffusion of cations

(e.g. Mg+2) in the primary droplet towards the spreading region. This finding is

consistent with the findings of previous authors who investigated the secondary

spreading with time [136, 156, 164, 166-168].

The hemispherical morphology of individual micro-droplets is similar to those

previously reported to form under NaCl and other salts on carbon steel [136,

156, 166], aluminium [164, 166, 167], zinc [216], magnesium alloys [217], and

copper [136, 156, 218].

Figure 6-23 shows the formation of many micro-pits under micro-droplet region

which formed close to the pit initiated near to the main droplet edge. This

observation was not reported previously for atmospheric pitting corrosion of

stainless steel under MgCl2 droplets or other salts. For the study of the

aluminium alloy AA7075‐T6 under NaCl droplets, Morton and Frankel [167]

proposed a mechanism for the formation and growth of these secondary

droplets (Figure 6-27). They proposed that the anode (preferential pitting site)

close to the main droplet edge can form an acidic zone that develops further pit

initiation and growth. The growth of the secondary droplet is driven by the

generation of ions from the anodic region at the edge of the droplet, which can

absorb water from the atmosphere. Morton and Frankel also reported that the

surface area under these micro-droplets undergoes serious corrosion attack,

generating many small pits throughout the wetted surface area. The mechanism

proposed by Morton and Frankel is similar to the mechanism considered for the

formation of secondary droplets with filiform corrosion reported by Li et al. [168]

for Al–Mg–Si alloy under droplets of MgCl2 solution. Thus, in the present work,

the formation of micro-pits under micro-droplets is attributed to the formation of

an acidic zone that develops further pit initiation and growth. Such micro-pits

were not observed under micro-droplets at high RH values (>56% RH) but they

were observed at 56% RH and below for both 304L and 316L stainless steels.

This might be due to the less concentrated (more dilute) conditions at high RH

values and aggressive conditions at low RH.

Figure 6-27 A Schematic representation of secondary droplet phenomenon of
AA7075-T6 under NaCl droplet salt solution. Region 1 represents the pit
initiation site (anode) within the main droplet associated with many small pits
where the secondary spreading takes place. Region 3 represents the main
supporting cathodic area surrounding the anode. Region 2 is covered with
corrosion products. The dotted arrows represent the ion transport between
these two regions. Region 4 represents the main part of the droplet [167].

Based on the previous mechanisms proposed for the formation of micro-

droplets and secondary spreading area by Tsuru et al. [136] for MgCl2 and NaCl

(Figure 6-26), Zhang [156] for NaCl (Figure 2-28) , and Morton and Frankel

[167] for a pit at the edge of the droplet under NaCl salt solution on aluminium

(Figure 6-27), a mechanism can be proposed for the formation of such features

under MgCl2 salt solution for a pit initiated at or close to the edge of the original

droplet on stainless steel as follows:

It is assumed that a very thin water layer will form around the original droplet

because of the presence of highly humid environment. Once a pit initiates next

to or at the edge of the droplet, an acidic zone will develop and act as a local

anode. When preferential sites act as cathodes on the monolayer, this will form

water clusters as the concentration of ions increases. The oxygen reduction

reactions that occur on the water clusters would create a charge imbalance,

driving cations (e.g. Mg+2) towards them and forming microdroplets. Over time,

coalescence of micro-droplets will lead to the formation of an electrolyte layer

which is known to be the secondary spreading region. Figure 6-28 shows a

demonstration of this mechanism for the case of pit initiated at/close to the main

droplet edge of MgCl2 on stainless steel.

Figure 6-28 Schematic representation of secondary spreading and micro-

droplet formation on stainless steel for a pit at or close to the droplet edge under
MgCl2 salt solution. Incorporating the mechanisms proposed by Morton and
Frankel [167], Zhang et al. [156] and Tsuru et al. [136].

The observed mechanism of the formation of micro-droplets and secondary

spreading area under MgCl2 on stainless steel is consistent with the previous

mechanisms proposed for the formation of micro-droplets and secondary

spreading area in terms of cations being drawn towards OH- at the edge of

droplets. However, the formation of insoluble Mg species that prevent the

migration of cations is unlikely, as this mechanism appeared to work on when

using MgCl2 droplets.

The explanation given by Morton and Frankel [167] for the formation of multiple

pits under the secondary spreading region in Al alloy may be the correct

explanation for the formation of multiple pits under the secondary spreading

region in austenitic stainless steels investigated in this study. They states that

the local acidic region that is resulted from the cation hydrolysis promotes

further pit initiation and growth (Figure 2-29 and Figure 6-27). It has been

reported that separate corrosion cells can form in single micro-droplet(s) and

cause corrosion [19]. Albores-Silva et al. [19], reported that when the continuity

of the salt film is interrupted, this would lead to the formation of multiple droplets

with anodic and cathodic domains and this can transfer the corrosion under a

large corrosion cell into multiple small ones.

Microdroplets are formed by the migration of ions across monolayers of water

on the surface outside the border of the main droplet, According to both Zhang

et al. [151] (Figure 2-28) and Tsuru et al. [136] (Figure 6-26). This circuit will

have a very high IR drop due to the thinness of the ionic pathway. As the

microdroplets grown, it becomes easier for cathodic regions to complete a

circuit with anodes that develop locally rather than crossing the monolayer

towards the main droplet. As such, dissolution can occur under microdroplets.

In this work, pitting under microdroplets is not seen in high RH conditions, such

as observed at 65% RH. This could be because at this RH there are more

monolayers [219] to allow a stronger ionic connection between the microdroplet

and the anode in the main droplet. At 35% RH, however, the ionic pathway can

be reduced to a single monolayer, making it charge transfer difficult.

6.4.5 Effect of microstructure

As described in chapter 4, secondary crystallographic phases such as delta

ferrite can effect on pit initiation and/or propagation. Pits with layered attack

morphology were observed on 304L stainless steel (e.g. Figure 6-2 and Figure

6-25). This was attributed to the preferential attack (propagation) along ferrite

bands. Pits with rough interior were observed on 316L with no layered attack.

This might be because of the presence of centreline segregation (ferrite bands)

in the middle of the plate.

On the other hand, it is well agreed that inclusions such as MnS [1, 51, 88-90]

and mixed oxide inclusions [50, 91-93] can play a vital role in pitting corrosion in

stainless steels. For 304L stainless steel (LT plane), in the present study, pits

were often found to be associated with small clusters of very small pits

especially at lower deposition levels (<10 µg/cm2) e.g. 5 µg/cm2 (Figure 6-9),

≤1 µg/cm2 (Figure 6-12), and 0.5 µg/cm2 (Figure 6-14)).The typical inclusions

size, on LT plane, was of ≤2 µm in diameter (Figure 6-15(b)). At the lowest

CDD, the smallest pits are about the same as the inclusions. At slightly higher

CDDs the pits were slightly larger, so the pits have grown a bit (consistent with

inclusion dissolution (see Figure 2-10 [88], Figure 2-12 [97], and Figure 2-15

[4])). It is widely accepted that once a pit initiated and start to grow an acidic

region will develop around it [88, 97, 99]. It is well agreed that the acidic region

will dissolve nearby inclusions. Therefore, the formation of small pits was

attributed to the inclusion dissolution.

Among all the droplets investigated in this section (328 droplets), only one

droplet had an elongated pit that seemed to be growing along the rolling

direction (Figure 6-19), which was attributed to the susceptibility to the

microstructural features, most commonly elongated inclusions, present at the

alloy surface.

6.5 Conclusions

1. For atmospheric pitting corrosion of both 304L and 316L stainless steels

at constant chloride deposition density (CDD), the pit diameter increases

with increasing droplet diameter. This is attributed to an increase in

effective cathode area, which causes an increase in potential. However,

there is no significant change in pit depth with droplet diameter, which is

consistent with the view that this is under diffusion control. For the same

chloride deposition density, slightly wider pits formed on 304L than on

316L, but there is no significant difference in pit depth.

2. For both 304L and 316L stainless steels, for a fixed droplet area at 45%

RH, the active pit diameter (as distinct from the initial shallow dish area)

for a 1-day corrosion test shows a relatively small increase with CDD

values ranging from 50-10000 µg/cm2.

3. At a CDD of 10 µg/cm2 and below, the active pit diameter is far smaller

owing to a limited solution volume. A discontinuous droplet layer is

observed at such low CDDs. As the CDD is decreased, pits become

smaller, reaching a point where it appears that an inclusion has

dissolved, but the corrosion does not spread. For 304L, this “threshold”

is lower for longer times and larger droplets, and the threshold is higher

for 316L compared with 304L.

4. Micro-droplets were observed on 304L and 316L stainless steel under

MgCl2 salt droplets when preferential pitting occurred, almost but not

always, at or close to the droplet edge (≤ 250 µm). As the pit mouth grew

with time, the covering region and size of micro-droplets increased.

Micro-droplets can lead to the formation of micro-pits in the spreading

area (micro-pits were observed at 56% RH and below but not observed

at 65% RH and above). This is attributed to the formation of an acidic

zone that develops further pit initiation and growth. No secondary

spreading was observed in droplets that did not pit.

7 General Discussion

7.1 Effect of microstructure

Work on different plate orientations has confirmed that atmospheric localised

corrosion of stainless steel will take place preferentially along delta ferrite bands

parallel to the surface of the plate. This is probably due to the difference in the

chemical composition of the ferrite phase with respect to the austenite phase

(the matrix). Such effects have been observed in atmospheric corrosion of

duplex stainless steels. The alloy plate used in the present work is typical of that

used in radioactive waste containers, which have a minimum wall thickness of

2.3 mm [20]. A key concern for these containers is the development of

atmospherically-induced stress corrosion cracking (AISCC) over long term

exposures. The fissures formed when ferrite undergoes preferential corrosion

are very narrow (typically <1 µm), so if stress were to be applied perpendicular

to the fissures, then cracking could be a significant risk owing to the high stress

intensity. However, this risk is low because in such containers the residual

stresses will be parallel to the plate surface [26]. Furthermore, when pitting

corrosion develops on the plate surface, the pits spread laterally parallel to the

surface, which could decrease the risk of AISCC.

The development of intermetallic phases e.g. MnS and mixed oxides inclusions

which are also aligned along the rolling direction can leads to the formation of

elongated pits. The use of a clean grade of Type 304 stainless steel alloys,

which are processed with the intent of having fewer and smaller inclusions [50],

is recommended.

Solution annealing of samples has shown that residual delta ferrite can be

eliminated or reduced from the alloy. As a result the pit morphology has

changed from irregular to equiaxed etched pits. Knowledge of the ferrite content

is important to accurately predict corrosion propagation on the ILW containers

and to better develop new containers that avoid the existence of these phases,

for example by better processing (e.g. more thorough solution treatment). Such

extra processing steps, however, may raise the cost of the containers, and so

should be judged against their expected service lifetime.

It has been observed that plate thickness might have a role in influencing the pit

morphology. On LT plane of 304L stainless steel (3 mm plate) always a layered

attack morphology is observed while on 316L stainless steel (6 mm plate) on

the same plane e.g. Figure 5-35 no layered attack was observed and instead

the pit interior was rough and correlated with the grain size of the alloy. It is

speculated that this is due to the presence of less centreline segregation at the

edge of the 316L stainless steel plate compared to 304L. This could be an

important consideration when selecting materials for nuclear waste storages as

thinner plates are more susceptible to this defect.

7.2 Chloride deposition density (CDD) threshold for pitting

A chloride deposition density of 10 µg/cm2 has been identified as a “safe” value

to prevent the formation of pits that could develop into AISCC over long time-

periods [15, 19, 20, 163, 215].

In the present work, pits have been observed at CDDs as low as 0.1 µg/cm2.

However, these are small, formed in clusters and were similar in size to

inclusions, likely to represent dissolution of inclusions. It is unlikely that such

small pits will develop into AISCC.

It has been possible to say that in general the pit diameter increases with

increasing chloride deposition density (Figure 6-10 and Figure 6-20). Note that

there is a substantial increase in pit size above 10 µg/cm2 for experiments

which lasted for 1 day.

Padovani et al. [20] reported that, pit depths were in the range of 10-20 µm on

316L after 12 weeks for “lower” chloride deposition densities (unspecified, but

assumed to be approximately 10-100 µg/cm2 CDD) , while for higher deposition

densities they reported that the pit depth was in the range of 20-70 µm. These

results match with those found here after only 1 day exposure. Although the

exposure conditions were somewhat different (~33% RH for Padovani,

~43% RH for the tests discussed here), suggesting that pit depth does not

develop substantially after the first 24 hour of growth. However, Padovani

reported the maximum pit diameter to be ~90 µm for the pits observed at 10

and 25 µg/cm2, contrasting to values of ~30 µm found in this work. This

suggests that the pits are still developing laterally, if not increasing in depth.

Padovani et al. [20] suggested that the reasons for the existence of thresholds

for the chloride deposition density required to assist pitting corrosion are linked

to the nature of the electrolyte (uniform or discontinuous) formed at different

deposition densities. In the present work, ring-like droplet morphologies were

observed at lower CDD values (Figure 6-8 and Figure 6-17). Padovani and

Albores-Silva, also show this ring like formation at low CDDs. These

observations are consistent with the idea that the 10 µg/cm 2 threshold is the

point at which the electrolyte becomes discontinuous. A discontinuous

electrolyte cannot provide enough cathode areas to support pit propagation that

could lead to AISCC.

Obtaining safe conditions for above-ground storages of intermediate level

nuclear waste is one of the objectives of the current study. Although in the

present study the threshold of chloride deposition density was even lower

compared to that obtained in literature 10-25 µg/cm2 [19, 20, 163, 215], the

results supports the recommendation that chloride deposition density on the

surface of containers should be monitored to ensure that only low

concentrations are present, controlled by the use of air filters in storage areas.

7.3 Influence of relative humidity and chloride deposition

density on pit morphology

It has been determined that susceptibility to atmospheric pitting corrosion is

influenced by relative humidity and the initial chloride deposition density.

This work has confirmed that the pit morphology is a function of RH. At lower

RH values, satellite and earing pits (both had shallow dish region) were

observed while at higher RH values only circular pits were observed (with no

shallow dish region). The formation of shallow dish has been attributed to the

passive current dissolution. It has been demonstrated that the diameter of the

shallow dishes is a function of the distance from the edge of the droplet and it is

not a function of RH or time. Preliminary evidence suggests that growth size of

the shallow dish is most strongly influenced by cathodic area. It has also been

observed that a greater number of earing pits formed toward the centre of the

droplet while satellite pits formed toward the droplet edge. This morphology

difference has been attributed to the changes in the IR drop, and differences in

solution diffusivity and conductivity, which are linked with RH. It has been

determined that the critical RH for the occurrence of atmospheric pitting

corrosion is in the range of 65%–70% RH for 304L stainless steel while that for

316L is in the range of 56%–65% RH at 30 °C.

It has been possible to say that in general the pit diameter increases with

increasing chloride deposition density. This might be related with a lower ohmic

drop between the pit and the droplet layer. It has also been observed that

localised pitting corrosion can take place on stainless steels with extremely low

levels of chloride depositions on a metal surface during exposure at 45% RH at

30 °C. Definite of CDD threshold has been determined for both 304L and 316L

stainless steels. It has been shown that this threshold is higher for 316L

compared with 304L. And for 304L the threshold is lower for longer times and

larger droplets. It is important to be aware about this effect for storage

conditions of intermediate level nuclear waste and keep the chloride deposition

levels limited.

7.4 Effect of droplet diameter

By investigating large arrays of droplets it has been observed that the pit

diameter increases with increasing droplet diameter during atmospheric

exposure of both 304L and 316L stainless steels beneath MgCl2 droplets at

45% RH and 30 °C. This has been attributed to an increase in the effective

cathode area, which can cause an increase in potential. However, it has been

observed that there is no significant change in pit depth, which indicates that

this is under diffusion control. It has also been observed that slightly wider pits

formed on 304L than on 316L; however, no significant difference in pit depth

was seen. These effects have been observed under full immersion

electrochemistry [123], but not previously verified under atmospheric conditions.

7.5 Effect of pit location within the droplet

Although previous work has made comments regarding the position of pits

within a droplet [6, 23, 82, 199, 220], this work has measured the effect of the

pit location within a droplet on its morphology. It has been demonstrated that

pits that form close and/or at the droplet edge have a bigger size. This has been

attributed to three effects: (1) the effect of a three phase boundary, where there

is particularly easy access of oxygen for the cathodic reaction, (2) the formation

of an acidic zone that develop more pit initiation and growth, and (3) the

formation of secondary spread zone which increases the covered wetted area

and acts as a cathodic region to support the pitting attack. Experiments on

stainless steel samples have shown that secondary spreading processes take

place when pits form close and/or at the droplet edge, a process which has

previously been unreported under MgCl2 droplets. This occurs very rapidly and

significantly at the early stages of atmospheric exposure of stainless steel

beneath MgCl2 droplets. Consequently this increases the size of the potential

cathodic region.

7.6 Deposition technique

The results show that automated robotic droplet deposition is a successful

method to obtain consistent results on the pit growth under atmospheric

conditions. Salt droplets can be deposited in arrays with controlled volumes and

concentrations. In this work large arrays of droplets were used (up to 75) in

order to obtain statistically significant results. The technique can be further

modified to deposit mixed salts in combinatorial arrays. Realistic deposits in

stores contain many different chemical species, so it will permit exploration of

different ratios of inhibiting species e.g. sulphates and nitrates.

8 Future work

8.1 Study the effect of crystallographic orientation (texture)

In the current work, the results showed that the faceted pits (flat walled pits) can

form under atmospheric conditions. According to Schwenk’s work [125], it is

possible that pit bounding planes are belong to {111} crystal planes of austenite

which have the lowest dissolution rate. However, preferential attacked planes

were not known. The effect of crystallographic orientation on the pitting

corrosion has been investigated under full immersion conditions [202-207].

However, there are no specific studies of this effect under atmospheric

conditions. The results of this study suggest that crystallographic orientation

plays an important role in localized corrosion. Thus this effect needs further


8.2 Study the effect of sample position on the morphology of

corrosion pits

Containers have vertical sides and upward facing and downward facing

horizontal surfaces [163, 221]. It is known that pit morphology is influenced by

surface orientation under full immersion conditions [75, 222]. The effect of

sample position (Figure 8-1) on the shape and the kinetics of pit growth in

austenitic stainless steel (18Cr-l2Ni-2Mo-Ti) have been investigated under

potentiostatic conditions by Mankowski and Szklarska-Smialowska [222]. They

reported that pits grew faster into the metal in the case of covered pits facing

downwards (type 1) than that facing upwards (type 2), However, an

intermediate rate were reported in the case of pits growing on a vertical mode

(type 3). Figure 8-1 shows the assumed distribution of salt layer (dotted areas)

in pits growing in three different modes. Donohoe et al. (Figure 8-2(a)) showed

a pit on a section of the internal surface of an 18Cr‑8Ni‑1Ti stainless steel tank

used in a nuclear waste cooling water system. When looking at the cross-

section of this pit (Figure 8-2(b)) it was observed that the pit propagated

vertically up the tank wall without penetrating the other side of the metal. This

was attributed to variation in alloy composition in the centre of the steel plate.

However, under atmospheric conditions such effect has not been investigated.

SEM, FIB and synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography can be correlated together

to study this effect. It is expected that dissolution will follow structural features

(microstructural orientation).

Figure 8-1 distribution of salt layer (dotted areas) in pits growing in three
different modes; downward mode (Type 1); upward mode (Type 2); and vertical
mode (type 3)[222].

Figure 8-2 Localized corrosion of 18Cr‑8Ni‑1Ti stainless steel tank used in a
nuclear waste cooling water system; (a) a pit on a section of the internal surface
; (b) a cross-sectional view of pit shown in (a). The symbol “E” in both figures
represents the approximate position of the pit mouth (''exit hole''). The plate
thickness was nominally ~4.8 mm. This figure adapted from [75].

8.3 Effect of deposit chemistry on atmospheric pitting

corrosion of stainless steel

In real atmospheric conditions aerosols contain a mixture of salts, including,

Ca2+, Cl-, Mg2+, SO42-, K+, PO43-, NH4+, NO3-, Na+ [223]. Surveys within nuclear

waste stores have shown sulphate (SO42−) and nitrate (NO3−) [163]. These are

known to be corrosion inhibitors [224, 225]. Many studies to date on

atmospheric corrosion of stainless steels have examined the influence of pure

MgCl2 [4, 5, 15, 21, 139, 146], pure NaCl [15, 23, 129, 146, 147], CaCl2 [16] and

artificial sea water [4, 5], whereas, only few of them investigate the effect of

other mixed salts [7]. In the present work, all the experiments have been

performed under MgCl2 salt solution droplets. Atmospheric pitting corrosion test

could be planned on the same materials under mixed salt solution droplets at

different ratios using automated solution deposition system as it allows both

precise mixing of different salt systems, and reproducible deposition


8.4 Investigating wet-dry cycling exposure

Both lab based experiments and synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography tests in

the current work were performed under constant relative humidity while in real

atmospheric conditions fluctuation in relative humidity (wet-dry cycling) is more


Although some previous studies have investigated the effect of wet-dry cycling

for different materials [7-14], there is need for more detailed work to study this

effect under atmospheric corrosion conditions on stainless steels in particular

for safe ILW storage conditions.

9 Appendices

9.1 Appendix 1: mill certificates of materials used

Figure 9-1 and Figure 9-2 give the mill certificates provided by the

manufacturers of the stainless steel plates used in the work presented in this


9.2 Appendix 2, data logger diagrams

Figure 9-3 Monitored RH and temperature of controlled chamber for 1 day of


Figure 9-4 Monitored RH and temperature of saturate salts, given in table 1-3,
for 1 week of exposure.

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