Report Mam Canda - Lariba

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Chapter I Guiding Principles in Classroom Management

“Classroom Management is not teaching; it is necessary condition to teaching”

Principle in Classroom Management

1. Consistent, proactive discipline is the crux of effective classroom management.

- “Prevention is better than cure” if we are proactive in our approach to discipline we prevent
unnecessary disciplinary problems from cropping up.

2. Establish routines for all daily task and needs.

- Collection of assignments, passing of papers and presentation of experiments saves a lot of time and

3. Orchestrate smooth transitions and continuity of momentum throughout the day.

- every instructional moment is made use of wisely

4. Strike a balance between variety and challenge in students activities

- a variety of student activities will ensure that students multiple intelligences and varied learning style
are considered in the conduct of student activities

5. As classroom manager, be aware of all actions and activities in the classroom.

- “Have eyes on the back of your heads” be aware of what is happening in the classroom.

6. Resolve minor inattention and disruption before they become major disruptions
- We have not to wait until our class is out of control
- Respond to inappropriate behavior promptly

7. Reinforce positive behavior

- Be generous to genuine praise
- It is our way of appreciating and recognizing hard work and good behavior

8. Treat minor disturbance calmly

- Do not make a mountain out of a mole
Let us not make a fuss about it

9. Work out a physical arrangement of chairs that facilitates an interactive teaching-learning process
- Come up with a physical arrangement that allows maximum interactions

10. Make good use of every instructional moment. Minimize discipline time to maximize instructional time.


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