Computer Fundamentals Select One Option

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Computer Fundamentals

Select One Option

Time Remaining (minutes):

1 The branch that deals with systematic application of the principles of computer science

computer engineering

software engineering

IT engineering

None of these options

2 Which of these keys belong to QWERTY keyboard

Numeric Keypad

Arrow Keys

Alphanumeric Keys

All of these options

3 A sub program that performs an action but returns no value





4 The input interfaces transforms the data into _________code




5 The ENIAC was the first_________

Electronic computer

Digital computer

Fastest computer

None of these options

6 All are valid for Asynchronous transmission EXCEPT

It does not require local storage

Transmission is often start-stop transmission

Each block is framed by header and trailer info

Suited to many Keyboard type terminal

7 Which of these is an electronic card.

Magnetic Strip Card

Smart Card

ATM Card

Punch Card
8 The shortcoming of Mark 1 computer is ___________

It is very slow

Very complex indesign and huge in size


It is very slow and also very complex indesign and huge in size

9 Different types of user interfaces include

System calls

Command language

Job control language

All of these options

10 ______refers to the way in which the nodes of a network are linked together




None of these options

11 A small program which can invade a computer system by attaching itself to a legitimate
program then encrypts the system.



None of these options

12 Set of commands not supported by tape Controller are




None of these options

13 The Atanasoff-Berry used ________for internal logic and _________ for storage

vaccum tube, capacitor

capacitor, vacuum tube

transistor, capacitor

capacitor, transistor

14 The decimal equivalent of 1011 is





15 In the first generation machines, Instructions were written in__________

Machine language

Assembly language
Machine language and Assembly language

High level language

16 _______ is not a network type





17 Portable computers which are mainly used by people who need computing wherever they go
is known as__________




None of these options

18 _________system allows data to flow simultaneously in both directions


Full Duplex

Half Duplex

None of these options

19 ________is a standard format for distribution and interchange of digital in both computer
based and consumer based electronic devices.




Disk Pack

20 The connectivity channel between CPU and Memory is________


Cache Memory

Control Unit

None of these options

21 The principle task of a command language is:

To initiate execution of programs

To access the system functions

To cause an interrupt

None of these options

22 A register is used to store data & instructions and is a part of_________



Control Unit
None of these options

23 The configuration of Mainframe system does consist of the following component


Host processor

Storage device

All of these options

24 The output device ideal for Engineers , Architects, .City planners etc to generate high
precision ,hard copy graphic output of widely varying size is___________




None of these options

Fundamentals of Programming

Select One Option

Time Remaining (minutes):

25 Machine language has two part format the first part is__________ and the second part is




26 Advantages of using flow charts is

Effective Analysis

Efficient Coding

Time consuming

Effective Analysis and Efficient Coding

27 The following statement is valid in context with sub-programming:

It is a program written so that it can be used without rewriting.

Also Known as Functions

May be Intrinsic or Programmer Written

All of these options

28 Extract symbol represents

Process that arranges set of items in sequence

Process that separates set of items from a given set of items

Process that combines set of items in single set.

None of these options

Program errors are known as ________



All of these options

To cancel the answer given by you first press the 'Reset'

30 The flow lines are represented by the symbol of





31 _________ is a point at which the debugger stops during program execution and awaits a
further command.

Memory Dump

Watch point

Break point

None of these options

32 The method of locating and correcting logic errors is_________

Memory dump

Hand simulation

Memory dump and Hand simulation


33 The file organization method that can be used with magnetic tape storage is:


Indexed Sequential

None of these options

34 A language which allows instructions to be represented by letters (i.e abbrevation) is_______

Machine language

Assembly Language

Scientific Language

Programming language

35 _________is needed that translates additional statements into a sequence of statements of

standard Language before the program can be compiled by a standard language compiler.





OO Programming Concepts

Select One Option

Time Remaining (minutes):

36 Polymorphism is done by

Function overloading
Operator overloading

Function overloading and Operator overloading

None of these options

To cancel the answer

37 Is it possible for a member function of a class to activate another member function of the
same class?


Yes, but only public member functions.

Yes, but only private member functions.

Yes, both public and private member functions can be activated within another member

38 Encapsulation is

Information hiding

Data Binding

Information hiding and Data Binding

None of these options

39 In object oriented concept an object is defined as

Instance of class

Objects are variable of class type

Object maps real world entities.

All of these options

40 Which are the main three features of OOP language?

Data Encapsulation, Inheritance & Exception handling

Inheritance, Polymorphism & Exception handling

Data Encapsulation, Inheritance & Polymorphism

Overloading, Inheritance & Polymorphism

41 The ability to send a common message to different classes and for each subclass object to
respond to the message in a manner appropriate to its own properties is called





42 Which of the following is true about abstract data type.

Object of an abstract class type can`t be created.

We can derive classes from these abstract classes

Object of an abstract class type can`t be created and We can derive classes from these
abstract classes

None of these options

43 Object Oriented Technology`s use of _________ facilitates the reuse of the code and
architecture and its __________ feature provides systems with stability, as a small change in
requirements does not require massive changes in the system:

Encapsulation; inheritance

Inheritance; polymorphism
Inheritance; encapsulation

Polymorphism; abstraction

To cancel the answer given by you first press the 'Reset' button and then 'Submit'.
44 Maintaining the state of an object is called____.




None of these options

45 Method overloading is _________

Overloading different member function of a class

A feature in which member function with same name and different signature.

Overloading without argument pasing.

None of these options

46 Which of the following are class relationships?

is-a relationship.

Part-of relationship.

Use-a relationship.

All of these options.

47 Encapsulation is used to.…

Make the program run faster

Reveal as LITTLE as possible about the inner workings of the interface.

Reveal as MUCH as possible about the inner workings of the interface

Reveal as MUCH as possible all the outer workings of the interface.

48 Which of the following programming techniques focuses on the data structures?



Object Oriented


49 Class Dog contains two methods pantrate:int and pant:void,

Class barkingdog is a subclass of class Dog and contains method barkfrequency :int and
Class YodelingDog is a subclass of of Class Dog and contains method yodel:void
Class LhasaApso is a sublcalss of class barkingDog contains method guards:void
Class Basenji is a subclass of class YodelingDog and contains method hunts:void
Which common method or behaviour is inherited by class Basenji and class LhasaApso





50 In object orientated programming a class of objects can _____________ properties from

another class of objects




Programming in C

Select One Option

Time Remaining (minutes):

51 In C one statement can declare

Only one variable

Two variable

10 variables

any number of variables

52 How can I print a `%` character in a printf format string? I tried \%, but it didn`t work.

Try \%

Try %%

Try $%

None of these options

53 The format string of printf() function can contain:

characters, conversion specifications and escape sequences

character, integers and floats

strings, integers and escape sequences

inverted commas, percentage sign and backslash character

54 Consider the following statements.

i.Multiplication associates left to right
ii.Division associates left to right
iii.Unary Minus associates right to left
iv.subtraction associates left to right

All are true

only i and ii are true

all are false

only iii and iv are true

55 What is the output of the following program?

#include <stdio.h>
void main()
char c=-127;
unsigned char u=-127;
printf("\n c=%d u= %d", c, u);

c= 127 u=127

c=-127 u=127

c=127 u=128

None of these options

56 Which is incorrect variable name




57 A character variable can at a time store

1 character

8 characters

254 characters

None of these options

58 Which of the following is not a valid identifier?




None of these options

59 The code to multiply int a = 1000, b = 1000; is

long int c = a * b;

long int c = (long int)a * b;

(long int)(a * b);

None of these options

60 In b = 6.6 /a +(2*a +(3*c) / a *d) / (2/n); which operation will be performed first?

6.6 / a



61 What is the value of k after execution of the following program?
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
int k = 8;
printf("\n %d",k);





62 The value of the expression 3 ^ 2 & ~ 1 is :

63 In b = 6.6 /a +(2*a +(3*c) / a *d) / (2/n); which operation will be performed first?

6.6 / a




64 Read the program carefully.

void main()
int index = 3, x=100;
printf("%d ",x,index--);
index --;
The printf() statement prints :

3 100 2 101 1 102


compilation error

100 100 100

To cancel the answer given by you first press the

65 What is the output of the following program
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
while (1)
if (printf("%d",printf("%d")))

Compile time error

Goes into an infinite loop

Garbage values

None of these options

To cancel the answer given by you first press the 'Reset' button and then
66 The statement which prints out the values 1 to 10 on separate lines, is

for( count = 1; count <= 10; count = count + 1) printf("%d\n", count);

for( count = 1; count < 10; count = count + 1) printf("%d\n", count);

for( count = 0; count <= 9; count = count + 1) printf("%d ", count);

for( count = 1; count <> 10; count = count + 1) printf("%d\n", count);

67 The Switch statement is used to

Switch between functions in a program

Switch from one variable to another variable

Choose from multiple possibilities which may arise due to different values of a single variable

Use switching variables

68 The statement which sums all values between 10 and 100 into a variable called total is,
assuming that total has NOT been initialized to zero.

for( a = 10; a <= 100; a = a + 1) total = total + a;

for( a = 10; a < 100; a = a + 1, total = 0) total = total + a;

for( a = 10; a <= 100, total = 0; a = a + 1) total = total + a;

for( a = 10, total = 0; a <= 100; a = a + 1) total = total + a;

69 Formal parameters to a function cannot be declared as static because….

Arguments are always passed on the stack to support recursion

Arguments are always passed on the heap

False statement

None of these options

70 Sending a copy of data to a program module is called _____.

Passing a reference

Passing a value


71 What is the output of the following code?

int a,b;
return (a= (a==b));
int process(), func();
printf("The value of process is %d", process(func,3,6));
process (int (*pf) (), int val1, int val2)
return((*pf) (val1,val2));


Garbage value

The value of process is 0

Null Value

72 What is the output of the following code?

# include<stdio.h>
# define a 10
void foo()
#undef a
#define a 50



73 If int arr[3][3][3] is a three dimensional array of integers, which of the following refers to the
arr[2][3][1] element in the array?





74 To delete a dynamically allocated array named `a`, the correct statement is

delete a;

delete a[0];

delete []a;

delete [0]a;

75 Which of the following statement is false about pointers?

The ++ and -- operators can be used with pointer variables

An integer may be added and subtracted from a pointer variable

A pointer may be added to another pointer.

A pointer may be subtracted from another pointer.

76 void main()
int i=100,j=10,k;
int *p=&j;
The output of the above code is :



None of the above

77 Consider the program segment given below:

1. #include<stdio.h>
2. int y;
3. void main()
4. {
5. int x,*px,**ppx;
6. x=10;
7. y=1000;
8. px=&x;
9. ppx=&px;
10. f3(ppx);
11. printf("%d",*px);
12. }
13. f3(int **pp)
14. {
15. *pp = &y;
16. printf("%d",**pp);
17. }
The printf() at line 11 prints the value :




78 #include"stdio.h"
int *p1,i=25;
void *p2;
The output of the above code is :

Program will not compile


Garbage value

Address of I

To cancel the answer given by you first press the

79 An entire structure or union variable can be assigned to another structure or union variable if

The two variables have the same composition.

The two variables are of same type.

Assignment of one structure or union variable to another is not possible.

None of these options

80 Stack can be represented using


Arrays or linked list

Only linked list

None of the above

81 A list of data items usually words or bytes with the accessing restriction that elements can be
added or removed at one end of the list, is known as



Linked list


82 A list of data items usually words or bytes with the accessing restriction that elements can be
added or removed at one end of the list, is known as



Linked list


83 When queues are created

Are initially empty

Are initialized to zero

Are considered full

None of the above

84 Which is true of priority queue

It allows taking out of only oldest item

It allows taking out of only latest item

It allows taking out of oldest item and also the latest item

None of these options

85 A linear list, in which elements can be added or removed at either end but not in the middle,
is known as





86 Consider a linked list of n elements. What is the time taken to insert an element pointer ?




O(n log2n)

87 What Is a Binary Heap Priority Queue?

binary heap priority queue simply is a priority queue internally using a binary heap to store its

binary heap priority queue simply is a binary tree internally using a binary heap to store its

binary heap priority queue simply is a simple queue internally using a binary tree to store its

All of these options

88 What is the worst case time required to search a given element in a sorted linked list of
length n?



O(n log2n).

89 What kind of list is best to answer questions such as "What is the item at position n?"

Lists implemented with an array.

Doubly-linked lists.

Singly-linked lists.

Doubly-linked or singly-linked lists are equally best

90 What would be the output of the following program?

#include <stdio.h>




None of these options

91 On opening a file for reading which of the following activities are performed:

The disk is searched for existence of the file

The file is brought into memory

A pointer is set up which points to the first character in the file

All of these options

92 What is the output of the following code ?

void main()
char *xyz;
xyz = (char *) malloc(100);
/*Assume that malloc returns non-NULL value*/
xyz= "C-DAC";
strcat(xyz, "Exam");




Compile Time Error

To cancel the answer given by you first press the 'Reset' button and
93 What is the output of the following program?
#define str(x)#x
#define Xstr(x)str(x)
#define oper multiply
void main()
char *opername=Xstr(oper);




94 Which of following statements are true?
i.The standard input device is stdin
ii.stdin is a predefined stream automatically opened when the program is started.

both are true

both are false

i is true and ii is false

ii is true and i is false

95 What will happen if you try to put so many values into an array when you initialize it that the
size of the array is exceeded?


Possible system malfunction

Error message from the compiler

Other data may be overwritten

96 What will this code fragment do?

char *answer;
printf("Type something:\n");
printf("You typed \"%s\"\n", answer);

prints the string read in answer

prints “something”

gives compilation error

prints some strange value

97 What is the output of the following code?

void main()
int a = 20;
printf("%d",a + `F`);




garbage value

98 Write a for loop which will read five characters (use scanf) and deposit them into the
character based array words, beginning at element 0.

for( loop = 0; loop < 5; loop++ )scanf(

for( loop = 0; loop <= 5; loop++ )scanf(

for( loop = 0; loop < 4; loop++ )scanf(

None of these options

99 What is the output of the following program code

void abc(int a[])
char a[5];




None of these options

100 What is the output of the following program code
void main()
char ***p="Hello";
compilation error
none of the above

compilation error

English Language Ability

Select One Option

Time Remaining (minutes):

Directions:- The given pair of words contains a specific relationship to each other. Select the best
pair of choices which expresses the same relationship as the given.

101 ODE : POEM ::

character : novel

brick: building

ballad : song

street : intersection

Directions:- Sentence Completion

102 It may be useful to think of character in fiction as a function of two ________ impulses: the
impulse to individualize and the impulse to __________.

analogous humanize

disparate aggrandize

divergent typify

comparable delineate

Directions:- The given pair of words contains a specific relationship to each other. Select the best
pair of choices which expresses the same relationship as the given.


Maintain : satisfaction

Astonish : wonder

Soothe : concern

Lion : tame

Directions:- The given pair of words contains a specific relationship to each other. Select the best
pair of choices which expresses the same relationship as the given.


itinerary : trip

signal : light

tenant : premises

volume : library
Directions:- The given pair of words contains a specific relationship to each other. Select the best
pair of choices which expresses the same relationship as the given.

105 Imitation : Individuality ::

determination : success

recklessness : courage

vanity : conformity

debauchery : morality

Directions:- The given pair of words contains a specific relationship to each other. Select the best
pair of choices which expresses the same relationship as the given.


remiss : duty

cogent :argument

easy : hard

careful : position

To cancel the answer given by you first press the 'Reset' button and then 'Submit'.
Directions:- Choose the best word, which is most opposite in the meaning to the given word.





Directions:- Choose the best word, which is most opposite in the meaning to the given word.

108 FETTER :





Directions:- Pick out the best choice which can complete the incomplete stem correctly and

109 Although he is reputed for making very candid statements, _________

his today`s speech was not fairly audible

his promises had always been realistic

his speech was very interesting

his today`s statements were very ambiguous

Directions:- Sentence Correction

110 They must either choose the plans we proposed or the ones approved by the preceding

must either choose the plans we proposed

either must choose the plans we proposed

must choose either plans we proposed

either have to choose the plans we proposed

Directions:- Sentence Correction

111 The young reporter went out on many routine assignments until his ability of grasp essentials
was proved

Until his ability to grasp essentials was proved

Until his ability to grasp essential was proved

Until his ability to grasp essential was proven

Until he proved his ability to grasp essentials

Directions:- The given pair of words contains a specific relationship to each other. Select the best
pair of choices which expresses the same relationship as the given.


apathy : caring

pity : strong

immorality : wrong

frequency : known

Directions:- Sentence Correction

113 If the car would have been moved on time, we would not have received the ticket.

If the car would have been moved on time,

If the car could have been moved on time,

If the car had been moved on time,

If the car were moved on time,

Directions:- Choose the best word, which is most opposite in the meaning to the given word.






To cancel the answer given by you first press the 'Reset' button and
Directions:- The given pair of words contains a specific relationship to each other. Select the best
pair of choices which expresses the same relationship as the given.


redundant : wordy

saturn : venus

heavenly : starry

wolf : sly

Critical Reasoning
Select One Option

Time Remaining (minutes):

116 The movement to ownership by unions is the latest step in the progression from
management ownership. Employee ownership to employee ownership can save depressed
and losing companies. All the following statements, if true provide support for the claim
above EXCEPT

Employee-owned companies generally have higher productive

Employee participation in mangaement raises morale

Employee union owner drives up salaries and wages

Employee union ownership enable worker to share in the profits.

117 Monopoly is characterized by an absence of or decline in competition. The ABC company

realizes that its operations are in competitive industries. Which of the following conclusions
may be inferred from the above?

ABC`s market is not monopolistic.

Monopoly is defined as one seller in a market.

The ABC company has no domestic competitors

The ABC company is publicly owned

Directions:- In each of the following questions are given some statements followed by conclusions
that can be drawn from them choose the conclusion which appeals to you to be the
most correct

118 A is the sister of D.Dis the brother of B but B is not the brother of A therefore B is a girl


probbaly true

probably false

119 During 1985, advertising expenditures on canned food products increased by 20%, while
canned food consumption rose by 25%.Each of the following, if true, could help explain the
increase in food consumption except:

Advertising effectiveness increased.

Canned food prices decreased relative to substitutes.

Canned food products are available in more stores.

Can opener production doubled.

120 Looking at a potrait, A said "her mother`s only son is my cousin`s father". My cousin is the
daughter of my maternal uncle who has an only sister. whose potrait was "A" looking at?

A`s Uncle

A`s sister

A`s grandmohter

A`s mother

Directions:- Which of the following can be best inferred from the passage?

121 In winning its bitter,protracted battle to acquire Blue industries, Inc., Bell industries has
fulfilled its goal to lessen its reliance on tobacco holdings, while the $5.2 billion deal may
spur more takeover activity in the insurance, analysts said.

Blue Industries is in the tobacco industry.

Belle Industries is in the insurance business

Blue Industries is in the insurance business.

More divestment takes place in the tobacco

122 An employment questionnaire asks the prospective employee, "If XYZ company hires you,
will you continue to use drug?" The prospective employee may not wish to indicate "yes" or
"no" because

1. a simple "yes" or "no" answer could indict the applicant.

2. The question contains an implication to which the applicant may not wish to lend

3. The question presents a moral judgment.

1 only

2 only

1 and 2 only

2 and 3 only

123 In a game, exactly six inverted cups stand side by side in a straight line, and each has
exactly one ball hidden under it. The cups are numbered consecutively 1 through 6. Each of
the balls is painted a single solid color. The colors of the balls are green, magenta, orange,
purple, red, and yellow. The balls have been hidden under the cups in a manner that
conforms to the following conditions:

The purple ball must be hidden under a lower-numbered cup than the orange ball.

The red ball must be hidden under a cup immediately adjacent to the cup under which the
magenta ball is hidden.

The green ball must be hidden under cup 5.

Which of the following could be the colors of the balls under the cups, in order from 1
through 6?

Green, yellow, magenta, red, purple, orange

Magenta, green, purple, red, orange, yellow

Magenta, red, purple, yellow, green, orange

Orange, yellow, red, magenta, green, purple

Directions:- In a group there are five students coded as P Q R S T.Q and R are intelligent in
mathematics and geology. P and R are intelligent in mathematics and hindi. Q and S
are intelligent in psychology and buddhist studies.T is intelligent in buddhist studies
hindi and psychology

124 whi is intelligent in psychology,hindi and buddhist studies

Directions:- In a group there are five students coded as P Q R S T.Q and R are intelligent in
mathematics and geology. P and R are intelligent in mathematics and hindi. Q and S
are intelligent in psychology and buddhist studies.T is intelligent in buddhist studies
hindi and psychology

125 who is intelligent in psychology, geology and buddhist studies

Directions:- The following questions are based on the following situations. Asha, Babli, Charn,
Deepti, Eira, Farha are cousins. No two cousins are of the same age , but all have birth
days on the same date in that year.The youngest is 17 years old and the oldest is Eira
is 22.Farha is somewhere between Babli and Deepti in age.Asha is older than Babli.
charn is older than Deepti.

126 which of the following must be true if exactly two of the cousins are between charan and
farha in age?

Asha is between Farha and Deepti in age

Babli is younger than Deepti

Babli is 17 years old

Farha is 18 years old

Directions:- For each of these questions, select the best of the answer choices given.

The local race track is a square with four turns. In order to measure a racer`s
performance, four timers - Aaron, Bill, Chad, Derek - are positioned around the track as
follows :

Each timer is positioned between two turns.

No two timers are between the same two turns.

The starting post is also considered the fourth turn.

Aaron is adjacent to the third turn.

Derek is adjacent to the fourth turn.

Aaron is not adjacent to the fourth turn.

127 The timers can be around the racetrack in which of the following order, begining after the first
turn ?

Aaron / Chad / Derek / Bill

Chad or Bill / Aaron / Bill or Chad/ Derek

Aaron / Derek / Bill / Chad

Chad / Bill / Derek /Aaron

To cancel the answer given by you first press the 'Reset' button and then 'Submit'.


128 In the closing days of the civil War, President Abraham Lincoln was planning to graciously
welcome the defeated confederate states back into the Union. After Lincoln was
assassinated, however, the "Radical Republicans" in Congress imposed martial law in the
South, creating resentment that caused problems well into this century. Had Lincoln lived,
the history of regional conflict in 20th century America would have been considerably
different. All of the following assumptions underline the argument above EXCEPT
The imposition of martial law in the South was primarily responsible for the resentment felt in
the South

Had he lived, lincoln would have treated hte defeated South as he had planned

Lincoln would have been able to prevent the Radical Republicans in Congress from
imposing martial law in the South

Factors other than the imposition of martial law in the South affected the history of regional
conflicts in 20th century America

129 During 1985, advertising expensing expenditure on canned food products increased by 20
percent, while canned food consumption rose by 25 percent. Each of the following, if true,
could help explain the increase in food consumption except

Advertising effectiveness increased

Canned food price decreased relative to substitutes

Canned food products were avaible in more stores

Canned opener production doubled

130 Farmers in the North have observed that heavy frost is usually preceded by a full moon.
They are convinced that the full moon somehow generates the frost. Which of the following,
if true, would weaken the farmers convection?
The temperature must fall below 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit) for frost to

Absence of a cloud cover cools the ground which causes frost.

Farmers are superstitious.

No one has proven that the moon causes frost.

Directions:- For each of these questions, select the best of the answer choices given.

The local race track is a square with four turns. In order to measure a racer`s
performance, four timers - Aaron, Bill, Chad, Derek - are positioned around the track as
follows :
Each timer is positioned between two turns.

No two timers are between the same two turns.

The starting post is also considered the fourth turn.

Aaron is adjacent to the third turn.

Derek is adjacent to the fourth turn.

Aaron is not adjacent to the fourth turn.

131 If one of the timers nearest Chad is Derek, which of the following cannot be true ?

Bill is adjacent to the fourth turn

Chad is adjacent to the first turn

Chad is adjacent to the fourth turn

Derek is adjacent to the first turn

Directions:- In each of the following questions are given some statements followed by conclusions
that can be drawn from them choose the conclusion which appeals to you to be the
most correct

132 Ravi is the younger than sachin sachin is younger than tarun therefore ravi is the youngest
among them



cannot say

probably true

Mathematical Problems

Select One Option

Time Remaining (minutes):

133 If a/x - b/y = c and xy = 1/c, then bx =

1 – ay


ay + 1

ay – 1

134 On the number line shown, which point corresponds to the number 2.27?

135 Exactly three years before the year in which Anna was born, the year was 1980-x. In terms
of x, on Anna`s twentieth birthday, the year will be

1977 + x

1997 + x

2003 - x

2003 + x
136 Tickets for a particular concert cost Rs.5 each if purchased in advance and Rs.7 each if
bought at the box office on the day of the concert. For this particular concert, 1,200 tickets
were sold and the receipts were Rs.6,700. How many tickets were bought at the box office
on the day of the concert?





137 A sum of money amounts to Rs. 826 in 3 years. If the rate of interest be raised by 50 per
cent it amounts to Rs. 889 in the same time. Find the sum.





138 Ashok bought a T.V. with 20% discount on the labeled price. He made a profit of Rs.800 by
selling it at Rs. 16800. What was the labeled price?

Rs. 18000

Rs. 20800

Rs. 24000

Rs. 20000

139 A person makes a journey of 72 kms. He rides a cycle at 12kms/hr. After going a certain
distance, the cycle is punctured and he walks the remaining distance at 4 1/2 kms/hr. Find
when the cycle is punctured if the total time for the journey is 8 1/2 hrs.

50 kms
52 kms

54 kms

56 kms

140 A tap can fill a cistern in 8 hrs and another can empty it in 16 hrs. If both the taps are open
simultaneously, the time (in hrs) to fill the tank is




141 A tap can fill a cistern in 8 hrs and another can empty it in 16 hrs. If both the taps are open
simultaneously, the time (in hrs) to fill the tank is




142 If the ratio of the areas of two circles is 4 : 9, the ratio of their circumferences is




143 1/6 of a stick is cut off and then 1/4 of what remain is cut. If the length of the remaining stick
is 2.5 metres the length of the original stick was:

6 mtrs

4 mtrs

3 mtrs

8 mtrs

144 If m = 121 - 5 k is divisible by 3, which of the following may be true?

1. m is odd

2. m is even

3. k is divisible by 3

1 only

2 only

2 and 3 only

1 and 2 only

145 If a man travels at 30 km/hr, then he reaches his destination late by 10 minutes, but if he
travels at 42 km/hr, then he reaches 10 minutes earlier. Therefore, the distance traveled by
him is

36 km

35 km

40 km

45 km
146 One wall being made entirely of bricks is 40% built. If we need 1,200 more bricks to
complete the wall, how many bricks will the wall have ?





147 Harvey paid $400 for a used car that travels 28 miles per gallon on the highway and 20 miles
per gallon in the city. If he drove twice as many highway miles as city miles last month while
using 34 gallons of gasoline, how many miles did he drive altogether?





148 If a certain chemical costs Rs.50 for 30 gallons, then how many gallons of the chemical can
be purchased for Rs.625?





149 The price of jute has been reduced by 20%. If the reduced price is Rs. 800 per quintal, the
original price per quintal was




150 A piece of wood weighing 10 ounces is found to have a weight of 8 ounces after drying. The
moisture content was





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