5-6-Lawyer S Coursebook CHT
5-6-Lawyer S Coursebook CHT
5-6-Lawyer S Coursebook CHT
Exercise 2
Read the information below. It is about starting a claim in the civil court. Decide if the statements under it
are true or false.
Starting a claim in the civil court Why might a claimant start a claim? There are a lot
When you are in dispute with another person of reasons, for example:
sometimes it is necessary to start a claim in the
l someone refuses to pay you money that they
civil court. We sometimes call this process ‘filing a
owe to you
claim’ or ‘issuing a claim’. Lawyers also say,
‘starting proceedings’. We do not use the verb ‘to l someone does a job for you, but they do it
prosecute’ in civil law because that verb is only badly – we call this bad workmanship
used in criminal law. In England most civil claims l something that you paid for is not supplied to you
are filed in the County Court. There are over 200
l something that you bought is not working properly.
County Courts in England and Wales. Most cities
and large towns have a County Court.
The claimant has to pay a sum of money, called a
The person who starts the claim is called the court fee, for the court to issue proceedings. In the
claimant in the UK. This person was called the claim form, the claimant must state the amount of
plaintiff until 1999, when there were new court his or her claim and request the defendant to pay
rules in England to make everything easier for all of the legal costs of the case.
people to understand. However, in the USA the
Sometimes people talk about ‘the small claims
claimant is still called the plaintiff. In both England
court’. They really mean the special procedure that
and the USA the other party is called the defendant.
exists at the County Court for small claims. A small
A claim form is the document that a claimant uses claim is a claim for a maximum amount of £5000.
to start legal action against the defendant.
c There are more than 200 County Courts in England and Wales. True False
d The word ‘plaintiff’ is not used in England any more but it is used True False
in the USA.
f There is a special court in a separate building for making small claims. True False
Help desk
to be in dispute – to have a serious legal costs – the court fees and payment for the
disagreement with another person. lawyer who is acting for you.
a party to a court case – the claimant or the a procedure – a decided way of doing
defendant. something.
to owe money to someone – to have to pay to prosecute – to take legal action against
someone for something that they have done for someone in the criminal court.
you or given to you.
Exercise 3
Here are some important expressions which lawyers use when they talk about starting a claim in the civil
court. Complete the sentences by matching the first half of each sentence with the correct ending.
(*) To issue a claim means to… …confirm that you have received the claim and
to say what you will do next.
a To pay a fee means to… …start a claim in the civil court.
Exercise 4
Here are the steps in which a claim goes through the County Court. Fill the gaps with a word from Exercise 3.
b The claimant will have to pay a _______________. The amount depends on the amount of money that
the claimant is claiming.
c The court or the claimant’s solicitor _______________ the claim upon the defendant. This means that
they send it to the defendant’s address and make sure that the defendant receives it.
d The defendant has 14 days from the day he or she receives the claim to _______________ to it. The
defendant can admit the claim, which means to agree that the claim is right, and pay the money that
the claimant wants, or the defendant can defend the claim.
e If the defendant decides to defend the claim, a judge will _______________ the case in the County Court.
f The judge will give his or her judgment. The judge will _______________ in favour of the claimant or
the defendant.
g The parties must follow the terms of the _______________ that the judge makes and they must make
sure that they obey any instructions about time limits.
h If the order says that the defendant must pay money to the claimant then the claimant can use the
services of a _______________ to collect that money if the defendant does not pay.