STD 133
STD 133
STD 133
Prepared by
OISD publications are prepared for use in the oil and gas
industry under Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. These
are the property of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas and
shall not be reproduced or copied and loaned or exhibited to
others without written consent from OISD.
The Oil Industry in India is nearly one hundred years old. Due to various
collaboration agreements, a variety of international codes, standards and
practices have been in vogue. Standardisation in design philosophies and
operating and maintenance practices at a national level was hardly in existence.
This, coupled with feed back from some serious accidents that occurred in the
recent past in India and abroad, emphasised the need for the industry to review
the existing state of art in designing, operating and maintaining oil and gas
With this in view, the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, in 1986,
constituted a Safety Council assisted by Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD),
staffed from within the industry, in formulating and implementing a series of self-
regulatory measures aimed at removing obsolescence, standardising and
upgrading the existing standards to ensure safer operations. Accordingly, OISD
constituted a number of Functional Committees of experts nominated from the
industry to draw up standards and guidelines on various subjects.
The Coordintor,
Committee on “Inspection of Static Equipment,
7 Floor, ‘New Delhi House’
27, Barakhamba Road
New Delhi – 110 001
This standard in no way supercedes the statutory regulations of CCE,
Factory Inspectorate or any other Government Body which must be followed as
List of Members
Name Designation & Position in
Organisation Committee
1. Sh. R.K. Sabharwal CMNM-IOC (R&P) Leader
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Scope
12.0 Documentations
13.0 References
Annexure I
Inspection Check List for Fired Heater in Service
Annexure II
Heater Data Sheet (1-5)
xv) Where brick lining is used, the laying xx) Checking the specifications and
of brick lining should be as per suitability of safety.
recommended procedure.
xxi) Checking the verticality of stack.
xvi) Ensuring that all refractory work is
free of voids/cracks/bulges valves, if xxii) Ensuring that the refractory drying
any, provided in the system. out operation is carried out as per
specifications. Check that during
xvii) Checking the quality of insulation the drying out operation, the heater
material and weather proofing. casing and stack temperatures are
within permissible limits.
xviii) Ensuring that all painting jobs are
done after adequate surface xxiii) Inspecting the refractory lining and
preparation and the paints meet the tubes after the drying out operation.
Plant :
Service :
Coil I/L & O/L Press :
Hydro Pressure I/L & O/L temp :
Fluid Flow Rate :
Heat Duty :
Max. Heat flux :
Max. Allowable skin Temp. :
Max. Allowable Skin Temp. :
Radiant section
Min/Max. allowable flue gas temp :
in stack
Max. Temp. of casing :
Furnace Type :
Draft :
Air pre-heater type :
Stack type :
Purchase order No. :
Manufacturer :
Serial No. :
Drawing Nos. :
Erection Contractor :
Contractor’s Inspector :
Company Inspector :
The following shall be the checks required prior to commissioning:
Action Check Mark Remarks
1. Check if all as built drawings and design calculations
are received for records.
2. Check if all test reports of materials, welding,
Radiography, stress relieving etc. are received
for records.
3. Check if tubes, supports and connections are
installed in accordance with drawings.
4. Check external surface of tubes for deposits
5. Ensure that coils are free of foreign matters
6. Check proper allowance for expansion of tubes.
7. Check if all skin temperature points are installed
and reading accurately.
8. Inspect all weld joints visually.
9. Carry out thickness survey of tubes for records.
10. Check all tubes are placed full seating on their
11. Check if adequate provision is given in lining
for thermal expansion.
12. Check burner alignments.
13. Check operability of air registers dampers, oil
guns, pilot burners etc.
14. Check steam tracing to avoid oil congealing in
pressure gauge/switch lead lines etc.
15. Check ease of operation for gun changing
16. Check operability of explosion doors.
17. Check and inspect peep doors and their field
of view.
18. Check accessibility of all furnace parts.
19. Check headers boxes for tightness
20. Check and inspect air preheaters
21. Ensure rotary APH rotates freely and
provision for expansion is provided.
22. Check and inspect ducting and ensure
adequate provision is given for expansion.
23. Inspect duct lining and insulation
24. Test the heater tubes and connected piping
25. Check and inspect general completion of various
sections of heaters.
26. Ensure that all construction equipment,
scaffolding etc. are removed.
27. Check if refractory lining is dried out by
approved procedure.
28. Inspect refractory lining after drying out
29. Apply a pressure test for furnace and
ducting and check leakage.
30. Check operability of soot blowers.
31. Check steam supply to header boxes, furnace,
soot blowers and coils.
32. Check that all relief valves are set at the
correct pressures.
33. Check and inspect structure and all their
load bearing welding.
34. Ensure all railings, gratings and floor plates
are safe.
35. Check external painting of all structurals.
36. Check the general cleanliness inside and
outside the heater prior to commissioning
vi) The lining of the furnace shall be ix) The oxygen level in the flue gas
checked for cracks and spalling. shall be monitored to avoid
Hot sports observed on the furnace excessive oxidation of the tubes or
casing will also indicate deterioration after burning in the convection and
of the lining. air preheater sections.
vii) Breeching and ducts shall be x) Check for any flue gas leakage from
visually inspected for any signs of the furnace and flue gas passage
external oxidation/paint failure which ways.
may be as a result of overheating of
the metal after the internal refractory xi) Check for any leakage of oil from
lining has failed. rolled end headers and plugs.
viii) The heater operating data shall be xii) Check the operability of soot
monitored and compared with the blowers.
design conditions to spot any
abnormal operating conditions so
xiii) Visual inspection shall be made of iii) The tubes shall be visually checked
all load carrying structural steel for excessive sagging or bowing and
members to check any usual the cause ascertained. Moderate
conditions such as deflection, sagging or bowing of radiant tubes
bending, corrosion which might are quite common and the same is
result in substantial weakening of not considered serious unless it
the structurals and the cause may affects the mechanical cleaning or
be determined. jam and wedge against other tubes.
Tubes sagged/bowed by more than
xiv) The stacks shall be externally 1.5 times outside diameter of the
inspected for cracks on the shells of tube should be replaced.
concrete/brick stacks and hot spots
and external corrosion of steel iv) The tubes shall be visually
stacks. Check, if any unusual inspected to locate bulging, burning
vibration of the stack exists. or scaling, cracking or splitting etc.
All the above types of deterioration
xv) Temperature of flue gas down are due to high tube metal
stream of APH shall be monitored to temperature and are observed only
prevent dew point corrosion . at the fire side of the tubes.
Excessive scaling indicates loss of
xvi) Casing shall be checked for hot thickness and the decision to
spots/perforations . replace the tube may be considered
based on the rate of thickness loss,
xvii) Floor casing/burner housings shall life of tube, anticipated length of
be checked for warping/bulging next run etc. Diametral creep upto
. 5% on tube is allowed.
xviii) Expansion joints on flue gas/air v) The tubes shall be examined for
ducting shall be inspected for leaks external corrosion and mechanical
. damage. The points resting on the
tube supports/guides are prone to
xix) Insulated APH casing and air mechanical wear and localised
ducting shall be periodically corrosion. If the construction of the
inspected (after opening pockets of radiant tubes do not permit visual
insulation) for detection of external inspection at the refractory side of
corrosion . the tubes, tubes removed for
replacement may be used as
10.2 PLANNED SHUTDOWN samples to study the refractory side
INSPECTION corrosion rates.
10.2.1 Inspection of Radiant and Shock vi) Leaking rolls and plugs shall be
Tubes visually checked. The external
surface of the fitting body and
a) Visual Inspection holding members shall be examined
for cracking, distortion and
i) The nature of external deposits on mechanical wear. The plug or U-
the tubes shall be checked prior to bend seat in the fitting shall be
cleaning. Sulfur compounds on examined for enlargement, out of
external deposits may lead to roundness, width of seat and
external corrosion during down time. damage to the seating surface.
ii) On heaters with fittings of the vii) When welded coil are used all weld
removable U-bend or plug type, the joints should be inspected carefully.
tubes shall be visually checked Visual inspection may be
internally for the nature and the supplemented by dye penetrant,
thickness of internal deposits. On magnetic particle and radiographic
welded coils, the coke thickness inspection as the condition may
shall be determined by radiography warrant.
at selected locations.
viii) Any welding on the tube such as i) Ultrasonic thickness readings of the
skin points and tube spacers etc. tubes shall be taken at four or more
shall be carefully examined for predetermined locations along the
cracks. Welds of dissimilar length/height of the tube. At each
metallurgy on the tubes are location, tube thickness is measured
particularly prone to cracking due to at 3-4 spots along the circumference
thermal fatigue if subjected to flame and the same are recorded. Typical
impingement. tube thickness data entry forms with
locations of gauging points are
ix) Internal visual inspection of the shown in Fig. 6 & 7. The previous
tubes with plug type fitting shall be thickness readings at the
carried out by holding light at one corresponding locations may be
end and viewing from the other. compared with the present thickness
This will reveal deteriorations such and the corrosion rate and
as pitting type corrosion, erosion remaining life of each tube
thinning of tube ends, mechanical determined. The locations to be
damage caused by cutters etc. gauged shall include areas closest
to the flame, downstream of each
x) Where severe internal corrosion is weld joint, adjacent to tube supports,
anticipated it is recommended to return bends of welded coils, and
split open representative tubes portion of tube inside the header.
which are removed for some other
reason and make a thorough ii) Further, the minimum thickness of
internal survey to determine the the tubes shall be determined at the
corrosion rates of tubes at various following areas:
geographic locations of the heater.
Internal deposits, where present, a) Excessively oxidised areas
shall be scrap cleaned and the b) Bulged locations
tubes examined to locate pitting c) At locations of hot spots as recorded
underneath. Return bends and from onstream inspection.
downstream locations of weld joints
shall be checked for erosion and c) Other Type of Examinations
streamlined pitting type attack.
i) Hardness Testing: Spot checking of
xi) After mechanical cleaning of the hardness of tubes at selected areas
tubes, all tubes shall be internally may reveal metallurgical changes
inspected for coke deposit and to such as carburisation,
the extent possible, mechanical decarburisation and hardening of
damages. Similarly external tubes at external surface.
inspection of the tubes shall be
carried out after steam air decoking ii) O.D. Measurements: Outside
to determine any deterioration on diameter measurements on tubes
tubes due to overheating. shall be carried out at
predetermined locations and the
xii) In heaters having stainless steel readings compared with those of
tubes arrangements shall be made previous inspection to check minor
for passivation before exposing it to bulges, creep and external thickness
atmosphere. loss.
xiii) If stainless steel tubes have been iii) Metallurgical examination: Heater
used in inlet ends of heater tubes (to tubes exposed to high temperatures
mitigate severe corrosion at inlet undergo metallurgical changes that
ends) Radiography or critical are detrimental to tube life. Most
thickness survey shall be carried out metallurgical tests are destructive
to detect any grooving taking place hence metallurgical examination of
downstream of S.S. sleeve. discarded heater tubes which are
suspected to have been exposed to
b) Determination of Tube Wall high temperatures often throw light
Thickness on the condition of the other existing
tubes. However, with spot
metallographic equipments, it is An improperly operated steam air
possible to detect most metallurgical decocking process may cause
deteriorations such as grain growth, damage to the tubulars. The
hardening, decarburisation etc. of following shall be observed carefully
tubes in service also. during steam air decoking:
iv) The expansion joints on refractory ii) The operability of the soot blower
lining shall be free of debris and free shall be checked. The position of
of expand. spray nozzles should be such that
they do not cause direct
v) The burner throats shall be impingement on the tubes. Check
examined for coke build up, cracks, the gland packing for leakage and
breakage etc. evidence of warpage. The steam
shut off valve also shall be checked
for leakage.
ix) Refractory lining inside APH shall be
iii) Soot blower relief valves shall be inspected for spalling/cracks .
revisioned as per OISD Standard
132. x) Casing shall be visually and
ultrasonically examined, for
iv) Soot Blower impingement corrosion due to condensed flue gas
plates/liner plates shall be checked NOTE1
products .
for erosion/corrosion .
10.2.15 Inspection of Direct Fired Heaters
10.2.14 Air preheaters
The inspection of direct fired
i) The rotating element of rotary air heaters, as far as the burners and
preheaters shall be removed and refractory lining are concerned, is
the air and flue gas compartments similar to that for a tubular heater.
shall be inspected for any type of
deterioration. The external, cylindrical
casing of some of the direct fired
ii) Rotary and circumferential seals heaters may be designed to
shall be inspected for corrosion. withstand internal pressure. Such
units should be treated as a
iii) Deposits on the rotary elements pressure vessel and inspected
shall be cleaned by water washing according to OISD Standard 128.
or any mechanical means. They
shall be inspected for corrosion or 10.2.16 Inspection of Stacks
mechanical damage.
i) The foundation and anchor bolts of
iv) Dust collectors shall be inspected the stacks shall be examined for
for leakage corrosion and erosion. deterioration.
v) In tubular type of air preheaters, ii) Stacks are prone to after burning
fouling of tube at the flue gas side due to carryover of unburnt fuel.
causes high fire box pressure. This may be indicated by localised
Cleaning of the tubes may be overheating of plates of steel stacks,
carried out by water washing or air and cracking of the outer shells of
blowing, or mechanical means. concrete/brick stacks. Thorough
Water washing of APH tubes made external visual inspection of the
of cast iron should be avoided when stacks will reveal such conditions.
the tubes are hot as it will cause Concrete stacks may also develop
cracking of the tubes due to thermal cracks due to expansion of
shocks. corrosion products of the steel
reinforcements. Such conditions
vi) The tubes and the casing shall be need repair depending on their
inspected for corrosion/mechanical seriousness.
damage. The casing and covers
shall be checked for buckling due to iii) The internal lining of all stacks shall
after burns. The tightness of be inspected for cracks, wear and
packing between air and flue gas for structural soundness by using
side shall be checked. Bosun’s chair or scaffolding.
vii) It shall be ensured that the wash iv) A close inspection of welds of flue
water from air preheater does not gas stacks shall be carried out to
cause damage to the lining and locate preferential acidic corrosion
casing plates of the ducts and air and stress corrosion cracking.
v) Ultrasonic thickness survey of steel
viii) APH casing shall be inspected for stacks shall be carried out.
signs of external corrosion, after Thickness survey adjacent to the
pockets of insulation are removed at ladders will usually suffice for stacks
the selected locations . with ladders. For stacks without
ladders, thickness survey may be
done by using painters 11.1 Tubes & Fittings
trolley/scaffolding. During the first
major maintenance/inspection i) Damaged tubes with rolled in fittings
outage of the heater, thickness shall be fully replaced. After
survey of steel stacks shall be removal of the damaged tube, the
carried out. Subsequent thickness fitting shall be inspected for damage
survey shall be done at least in such as nicks, cuts and out of
every alternative shutdown or based roundness of the tube seat. The
on the expected corrosion rate, a clearance between the replacement
safe frequency of inspection may be tube OD and tube sheet I.D. of the
decided. The remaining thickness header shall be checked to
shall be compared with the pre- ascertain whether the same is within
established minimum allowable the permissible limits. The
thickness and repairs carried out as expansion given on tube I.D. also
necessary. shall be checked to ensure
adequacy of leak proof joint.
vi) The stiffening rings, lugs, wind
breakers, ladders and landing on the ii) Depending on the extent of damage,
stacks shall be thoroughly inspected the rolled headers shall be either
for corrosion. replaced or repaired. Small cracks
and isolated deep pitting on the
vii) The caps on brick and concrete headers may be weld repaired. In
stacks shall be checked for any alloy steel fittings, the weld heat
deterioration. Failure of the caps input should be limited to avoid
may cause loose bricks to fall down. stress relieving of the header.
viii) The stack painters trolley cable and iii) In coils of welded construction, while
damper operating wire ropes shall the damaged section of the tube
be inspected for corrosion and alone would require replacement, it
mechanical damage before each would be a good practice to replace
usage. the tube from weld joint to weld joint.
In such cases, it shall be ensured
ix) Guy lines of guyed stacks shall be that no weld joint be located at
visually inspected for corrosion and areas prone to flame impingement.
weakening of the strands. As far as possible, the root of the
Binoculars may be used to inspect welds should be flush with ID of the
the guy wires. These wires should tube to avoid coke formation at
be greased in every shutdown. The downstream of the excess weld
stack and bottom connections of guy metal. Use of TIG welding for the
wires are particularly prone to root run is preferable. In case of
service corrosion. Alloy Steel tubes, radiography shall
be taken after stress relieving
x) Lightning rods and their grounding wherever applicable. Hardness
cables shall be inspected visually to checks shall be done on the welds
ensure that they are not broken and and HAZ of alloy steel tubes. Stress
that electrical continuity exists. relieving procedures/cycle shall be
reviewed and set up shall be
11.0 METHODS OF REPAIRS examined . A details procedure
AND INSPECTION DURING for inspection of welding is covered
in OISD Standard 128 on pressure
Repairs/replacements of damaged
11.2 Furnace and stacks
heater parts are carried out to
ensure that the heater is in fit
Repairing of furnace settings, ducts
condition for uninterrupted service
and stacks involve routine repairs or
until the next planned shutdown of
replacement depending on the
the unit. Method of repairs and
condition of the individual part.
inspection requirements during
Refractory repairs shall be inspected
repairs are given hereunder:
with respect to materials being used,
method of mixing etc. Replacement record tube history and thickness
works of casing shall be inspected reading of box type heater, vertical
with respect to materials being used, heater and convection section tubes
set ups etc . respectively. Sheet 5 of Annexure II
is a sketch showing replacement
12.0 DOCUMENTATION history of tube supports of box type
Forecasting the future repairs to any
part of the heater is based on the iv) A reference card indicating work to
past history, present condition, the be carried out during shutdown of
design and operating parameters. the heater based on previous
Therefore, maintenance of accurate inspection data and onstream
information regarding each fired inspection shall also be maintained.
heater is very important. The
records to be maintained shall be in 13.0 REFERENCES
general consist of the following:
i) API Guide for inspection of refinery
i) A heater data sheet covering the equipment chapter II conditions
design, operating and the causing deterioration and failures.
constructional aspects of the heater.
(See for example Anneuxre II, Sheet ii) API guide for inspection or refinery
I) equipment chapter V preparation of
Equipment for safe Entry and Work.
ii) A history card showing the
shutdown period of the heater and iii) API Guide for inspection of Refinery
the reason for shutdown. Equipment Chapter IX ‘Fired
Heaters & Stacks’.
iii) A detailed inspection report
indicating inspection finding, work iv) API RP-530 Recommended
carried out and forecast for next Practices for Calculation of Heater
shutdown. Information such as Tube Thickness in Petroleum
history of individual tubes, thickness Refineries’.
readings on tubes, tube support
replacement history etc. shall be v) API RP 573 -INSPECTION OF
presented in the form of tables and FIRED HEATERS AND STACKS
sketches. Annexure II, sheets 2, 3
& 4 show typical forms used to
Fig. 1 a Box Type Heaters
Fig 1 b Box Type Heaters
(A) Radiant Section
(i) Visual Inspection prior to cleaning
(ii) Visual Inspection after cleaning
(iii) Hammer Testing
(iv) Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging
(v) Radiography
(vi) Metallography
(vii) Visual Inspection for Roll/Plug Leaks
(viii) Visual/Ultrasonic Inspection of fittings.
B. Convection Section
(A) Tubulars
(i) Correct tube removed?
(ii) Inspection of new replacement tubes
(iii) Inspection of headers/clearances
(iv) Inspection of tube expansion
(v) Inspection welding
(vi) Roll plug leaks
General Information
Supplied by : Service :
Project No. : Max. Operating Pressure :
In use from :