Bo105 Rotor Tests

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The document discusses the development and testing of the BO 105 rigid rotor helicopter. Some of the key objectives in developing the BO 105 included having a five-seat capacity, high power reserves, twin engine capability, and improved manueverability.

The specific design objectives of the BO 105 helicopter included having a five seats capability for military or civil operations, high power reserves to ensure high useful load in high temperatures and altitudes, twin engine capability if penalties were acceptable, and fuselage accommodations for loading of two standard litters plus a medical attendant inside the fuselage.

Some of the advantages of using a rigid rotor system for the BO 105 included simplier hovering compared to conventional rotor systems, static and dynamic stability was satisfactory, high control power, pitch and roll damping, and potential for instrument flight.



Emil F. Weiland
Chief of Helicopter Development
Bolkow GmbH
Ottobrunn, Germany

Abstract objectives:
A helicopter layout study made by 881- - Five seats capability for military or
kow in 1962 resulted in the definition civil operations.
, of the twin engined five seater helicop-
ter BO 105 using a four bladed rigid ro-
- High power reserves in order to ensure
high useful load under high ambient
temperatures and altitudes.
1 The specific properties of the fiber-
glass material (high elasticity, low - Twin engine capability,if the resulting
specific weight, high fatigue strength penalties are acceptable.
capability) have been found to be very
important to meet the design objectives. - Improved maneuvrability.

Due to a license and cooperation - Fuselage accommodations for loading of

agreement with the French Sud-Aviation two standard litters plus medical at-
I Company the three bladed version of the tendant inside the fuselage.
rotor was flight tested on an Alouette I1
helicopter. The flight test program start- - Low maintenance. No grease lubrication,
ed in Spring 1966. The handling qualities minimum of lubricants and oil level
proved to be excellent, the stresses were sight gages. Integrated subsystems
well below the permissible and the vibra- (i.e. hydraulic system, engine and
tion level was low after the proper tuning transmission lube system, electrical
of the rotor blades. system) if possible.

The BO 105 which is a light utility

helicopter uses two different types of
- Potential to develop a version for in-
strument flight.
engines. The Allison 250-Cl8 free tur-
bine engine and the MAN 6022 fixed shaft The first rigid rotor research work
engine. started in 1962 based on experiences which
were made during an earlier research work
The first flight of the BO 105 took done on a single bladed rotor using an all
place in Febr. 1967. The handling qua- fiberglass rotorblade. In 1963 the first
lities were as expected. In particular wind tunnel tests with the new ricid rotor
the hovering of the aircraft is simpler system were made, followed by the design
than with conventional rotor systems. and construction of a full scale rigid
Static and dynamic stability was satis- rotor. The rotor was flight tested on an
factory. Alouette I1 Helicopter.

BO 105 and Rigid Rotor The Bolkow Rigid Rotor System

Development Program and History
General Characteristics
Two parallel programs for the BO 105 The Bolkow rigid rotor system can be
development and the first one from a defined as a rotor using a rotorhub be-
serie of research programs concerning the ing practically infinitely with all-
rigid rotor system were started in 1962.
(See Fig. 1) The BO 105 development ac-
tually started in 1964 after completion
fiberglass rotorblades cantilever mounted
to the rotorhub feathering hinge. (see
Fig. 2) For control purposes collective
of a Light Helicopter Design Study (1963) and cyclic pitch is used in an identical
This was primarily necessary because of way as with fully articulated rotors.
the fact, that no German Military Require-
ment (RFP) for a light helicopter existed.
The study resulted then in a specification The dynamic characteristics of a heli-
for the Five Seeter Light Utility Heli- copter using a rigid rotor.system, i.e.
copter BO 105 with the following main high control power, pitch and roll damping
and dynamic stability are primarily defined
by the natural frequency of the firat flap-
Presented at the 24th Annual National wise bending mode of the rotorblade li2.
Forum of the American Helicopter Society, his value fixes a flapping hinge offset
May 1968. of an equivalent articulated rotor having
I the same dynamic characteristicsj. In the
Bolkow system this value is tuned to 1.1
to 1.15 cycles per rotor rev. by mat-
ching the hub diameter and the blade's
30 ft Rotor; Ground and Flight Tests
After successful1 conclusion of the
18 ft diameter rotor program which was
stiffness distribution in the root area. the initial step, the Bolkow Company re-
A second important layout parameter is ceived a further research contract from
the natural frequency of the first in- the government to continue the work by
plane blade bending mode which is be- the realisation of a full scale rotor for
low one cycle per rev. for the system ground and flight testing.
described. In order to get a low ampli-
fication factor for the inplane bending While for the 18 ft rotorblade a
loads, the natural frequency of this room temperature cured resin system was
mode should be as low as possible. Theo- used, the fiberglass technique was devel-
retically an amplification factor well oped during the 30 ft rotor research work
below one can be achieved by using this to the application of a high temperature
supercritical system. In order to avoid cured resin system using heated metal
ground and air resonance problems, there moulds for blade production. The blade
exists a lower limit for the first in- spar is built up by unidirectional glass
plane natural frequency which was found rovings which are impregnated with the
for helicopters of the BO -.105-class to resin during the lamination operation in
, be in the range of .65 to .70 cycles per a special impregnating machine. Each ro-
rev. For the actually achieved system, ving strand is running from the blade's
a value of .70 to .85 was found to be a tip to the root end and then back to the
good compromise. blade tip thereby forming a loop which
carries the metal root attachment. The
Layout design studies proved that in blade spar is C-shaped. (See Fig. 5 ) The
order to realise the above defined rigid trailing edge part is filled with a foam
rotor, a blade with low stiffness and core. The blade's skin which was placed
therefore low stresses and high fatigue into the mould and impregnated first, is
strength capability will be needed to made from woven glass cloth built up in a
achieve a high blade life. It proved to diagonal pattern to get a sufficiently
be possible to meet this requirement by high torsional stiffness. In order to have
using an all-fiberglass rotorblade, be- a CG location slightly before the quarter
cause of the specific properties of the chord line, a balance mass (lead rod) is
fiber-glass material which is used for located in the spar near the leading edge.
the blade structure. Comparing the weight The blade is laminated in two parts in a
specific values of fiberglass with alu- lower and upper mould which are hsated
minum, stainless steel and titanium after closing and then the whole blade is
alloy (see Fig. 31, the fiberglass offers cured in one cycle. The erosion protection
the highest fatigue strength by having strip is then bonded to the blade's lead-
the lowest stiffness per weight. ing edge.

Whirltower and Wind Tunnel Tests According to the contract, the 30 ft

diameter experimental rotor was built in
In order to prove the feasibility of a three bladed and in a four bladed ver-
the rotor system and to back up the ana- sion. For both versions the identical
lytical work, a three bladed 18 ft dia- blades were used. In order to have as
meter rotor was built. A whirl test pro- many identical parts for the head as pos-
gram was proposed to measure the rotor's sible, the stub arms were bolted to a
frequency spectrum and stresses. For this central hubbody having either three or
reason the rotorshaft, hub and blades four attachments. (See Fig. 6) The cen-
were equipped with strain gages and the trifugal forces are carried by a strap
test stand was installed on a six com- retention system made from stainless steel
ponent balance for measuring the rotor- laminations. The shear forces and moments
forces and moments. Tests were carried are carried by oil lubricated roller bear-
out over e wide range of r.p.m., cyclic ings. All hub parts are built in steel.
and collective pitch. After completion The rotor blades as well as the hub com-
of these tests the rotor was wind tunnel ponents were fatigue tested and then the
tested within a tip speed range from four-bladed version was installed to a
about 600 to 750 fps with a rotor angle whirl test stand (See Fig. 7) During the
of attack from minus 8 to plus 12 degrees. whirl test ~articularly stresses in the
(See Fig. 4 ) The rotor system worked rotor and rbtormast and their distribut-
satisfactorily within the whole range of ion were measured over the collective and
advance ratios from zero to about .35 cyclic pitch range. A very important part
(140 knots) which was the limit speed of was the tuning of the rotorblade's natural
the tunnel. frequencies. During the initial runs, the
first inplane natural frequency proved to
be higher than calculated and hence too
near to the first harmonic. The natural
frequency of this mode could be reduced
by matching the blade's stiffness near
the root end. This was achieved by re-
Max. continuous (Std.S.L.)
Take off (6000 ft 9 5 O ~ ) . .. ..
270 hp
208 hp
MAN 6022-A3; fixed shaft turbine engine
ducing the chord of the blade (removing
the trailing edge part) in this area. Take off (Std.S.L.) . . . ..
375 hp
Figure 8 shows the two blade designs.
In the foreground is the reduced stiff-
ness blade which in accordance to fatigue
Max. continuous (Std.S.L.)
Take off (6000 ft 9 5 0 ~ ) ..
300 hp
250 hp
test results has also an improved and -
Allison 250-C14 free turbine engine
simplified root attachment. Following the
license and cooperation agreement with Take off (Std. S.L.) . . . ..
370 hp
Sud Aviation the three blade version of
the rotor was installed to an Alouette I1
helicopter after installation of the test
Max. continuous (Std.S.L.1
Take off (6000 ft 95°F) . .,
326 hp
253 hp
equipment and adaptation of the rotor's Dimensions
pitch linkage. The flight test program
1 started in spring 1966 and was finished -
Overall length 27 ft 8.7 in
at the end of the same year. It was carr-
l ied out at Sud Aviation's test facilities
at Marignane near Marseille by cooperation
Overall height
(main rotor hub) . . ..
8 ft 7.3 in
of Sud Aviation and Bolkow personnel.(See -
Width (landing gear) 7 ft in

. . . .. . ..
Fig. 9) Because of the fact that the
rigid rotor's geometry was near to the
Alouette's articulated rotor, comparisons
Rotor diameter
32 ft 1.8 in
could be made between the two versions.
Already the first flights proved that
No. of seats .... 5

the natural frequency of the rotor blade's Weight and Performance

second flapwise mode which was near to
3 per rev. was causing high vibrations -
Basic empty weight ... .
2360 lbs
particularly in the transition range. The
blades were then tuned by adding a 5 lbs -
Design gross weight - .-
4409 lbs
tuning mass at approx. .5 radius. The
vibrations were then practically within
(overload gross weight) .
5070 lbs
the same level as for the standard Alou-
ette. The results of the tests can be -
Take off weight = design gross weight;
cruise flight with 1015 lbs of fuel
summarized as follows:
(normal tank capacity) cruising in sea-
- The entire flight envelope of the basic level
Alouette I1 could be covered without range .......... 320 n.m.
I -
overstressing at any flight conditions.
The handling qualities proved to be ex-
payload (one ~ i l o t ) ...815 lbs
cruise flight with 883 lbs of fuel
cellent over a wide range of experiment- cruising in sea level
a1 control input ratios (tests were made
range .......... 275 n.m.
I from about .6 to 1.1 times that of the
Alouette 11). payload (one pilot) ... 947 lbs
- Stick forces proved to be low enough to
fly the helicopter up to Vmax with
- weight;
Take off weight alternate gross
fuel load 2000 lbs cruising
servocontrol off. in 6500 ft
range .......... 710 n. m.
The Alouette I1 is still flying and
has accumulated about 500 hours of the ..
payload (one pilot) *. 380 lbs
planned 1500 hours endurance flight pro- * for ferrying, mission can be flown
gram (up to 1st of march 1968). with two pilots
- Vne (design gross weight) 135 kts
BO 105 Technical Definition
and Description - Cruise speed . . . . . . . 124 kts
- Hovering ceiling O.G.E.(MAN) 11500 ft
General Characteristics - Max. rate of climb . . . . . 2060 fpm
(max. continuous)
Engines. Allison and MAN engines can
I be installed alternatively. One of the most important decisions
during the layout was whether to install
- Allison 250-~18free turbine engine one or two turbines. Comparative studies
I Take off (Std. S.L.) .. . 317 hp based on engines being offered by the
manufacturers came to the result, that Tail Rotor Drive. The tail rotor shaft
the advantages of a twin engine capabili- is driven by one bevel gear stage placed
ty will be high enough to accept the between the mixing and the epicyclic gear.
penalties in weight, price and maintenance The rotor brake is installed at the tail
which were found to be surprisingly small rotor drive pad. The single piece tail ro-
(approx. 10 % in engine price.and 5 % in tor drive shaft is carried above the tail-
drive system weight). boom in rubber mounted bearings (subcriti-
cal system) and drives into the intermidi-
A three view drawing of the BO 105 is ate gearbox. A short drive shaft is locat-
given in Fig. 10. In order to achieve a ed between the intermediate aearbox and
low A.U.W. and small overall dimensions the tailrotor gearbox. All ciutches are
a disc loading in the range of about 5 flexible (Bendix-Type)
.. and flanged
- to the
to 6 lbs/sqft was found to be an optimum shaft-ends.
compromise. A four bladed rigid rotor
having a diameter of 32 ft 1.8 in result- Power Plants
ed. In order to get good accommodations
forbaggage and litter installation, the Two types of turbine engines were se-
fuselage was designed with a baggage com- lected which can be installed alternative-
partment below the transmission compart- ly.
ment directly behind the pilot's and
passenger's cabin (see Fig. 11) being Allison 250. The Allison 250-~18mod-
accessible from the cabin as well as from
the rearloading doors. The tailrotor was
el havine
. -
a take off ratina of -717
. sho is
currently installed in the helicopter.
placed comparably high above the ground Because the engine has a free power tur-
on the tip of the vertical fin in order bine, no clutch is needed. The n1 gover-
to achieve a good accessibility to the ner control is done mechanically by cable
rear doors and to avoid tail rotor dama- (Teleflex). The nII governer setting as
ge during landings on uneven ground or well as the load sharing is done with
when using a floatation gear. electrical actuators operated by a beep
switch placed on the pilot's collective
Airframe (see Fig. 12) stick. Because the transmission is de-
signed for a 375 hp engine (MAN) later on
The structural part is a semimonoco- the model 250-C14 can be installed, which
que riveted aluminum design. The cabin will give the helicopter higher perfor-
and baggage compartment floors are bond- mance capability, particularly in high
ed aluminum sandwich panels. Also the altitude and high ambient temperature
ventral panel of the fuselage is a sand- missions.
wich design. The non structural parts,
such as rear doors, engine fairings, front MAN 6022. The development of this en-
and aft fuselage shells are laminated gine which is installed in the second pro-
fiberglass. The engine compartment is totype is also supported by the BMWi. The
shielded by a titanium-firewall. The land- turbine which is shown in Fig. 15 is a
ing gear is of the skid type with bend- single or fixed shaft engine using a two
ing tubes without dampers. stage centrifugal compressor and a three
stage axial turbine. A gearbox mounted in
Transmission System front of the engine reduces the turbine's
43000 rpm to 6000 rpm. The gearbox case
The drive system which is shown in contains also the auxiliary drive pads
Fig. 13 contains the two turbines locat- for the governer, starter-generator, oil-
ed side by side and parallel to the rotor pump etc. A torquemeter is installed in
plane driving with shafts via sprag type the gearbox, measuring the axial thrust of
overrunning clutches into the main gear a helical gear thereby giving an electro/
box. pneumatical signal for the torquemeter in-
dicator and for the load sharing system.
Main Gearbox (see Fig. 14). The For load sharing, the torque signais are
main gearbox which is designed in coopera- balanced against each other, thereby ad-
tion with the gearbox manufacturer Zahn- justing the governer setting of both en- ,
radfabrik Friedrichshafen (Z.F.) has three gines in order to obtain equal power from
stages. The fii-st stage (one for each en- each engine. The load sharing may also be
gine) is a 900 bevel gear. The second sta- done manually by the pilot after disengag-
ge, which is the mixing stage, is a spur ing the automatic load sharing system. For
gear type. The last stage is an epicyclic speed droop compensation there is an au-
gear with five planets. The output of the tomatic trim unit which measures the ro-
epicyclic stage is splined to the lower tor's rpm and adjusts the engine's nII
end of the rotor shaft. Output splines governer setting. This unit can also be
for the auxiliary units are placed later- disengaged and manual operation is pos-
ally on both sides of the gearbox. sible.
The centrifugal clutch which is mount- bearings are dry teflon bearings. There
ed on the engine's output shaft engages is no lubrication or greasing in the
automatically on a speed being about tailrotor. The tailrotorblades are bond-
15 % higher than the ground idling speed. ed metal aluminium and are foam filled
Hence the engines can be started with the (Polyvinylchloride).
rotor stopped. The turbine has a take off
power of 375 hp under standard sealevel
conditions. Under the U.S. Army Hot Day Control System
condition (6000 ft. 950F) the take off
power is still 250 hp. The cyclic and collective control
system uses push pull rods (see Fig. 21).
In order to have the access from the
Rotorsystem passenger cabin to the cargo compartment
free from obstructions, the rotor control
The rotorsystem is a four bladed ri- linkage is placed on the left hand side
gid system having a diameter of 32 ft. of the fuselage. A hydraulic servo control
The blade chord is 10.6 in giving a soli- system is used for the collective, lateral
ty of 7 %. Fig. 16 shows the rotor in- and longitudinal input. All three actuat-
stallation. ors as well as the oil reservoir, filters,
valves, pressure transmitter are install-
Rotorhub. In the BO 105 rotorhub, ed in a single block as an integrated
titanium (TiA16V4) is used as a primary package which can be assembled as a whole
material. Only two different titanium unit and installed in the helicopter's
dieforgings are needed one for the star transmission compartment at the left hand
shaped center part (see Fig. 17) which of the main gearbox. The hydraulic sy-
includes also the pitch housing, and one stem which is not duplicated uses a
for the pitch arms which carry the blade variable flow pump flanged to the main
root attachments. The centrifugal forces gearbox on the left side. Between the
are carried by a criss-crossed strap re- actuator package and the swashplate is
tention system made from titanium lami- the mixing linkage. The tailrotor con-
nations. Each pitch housing contains two trol system uses also push pull rods,
roller bearings which are oil lubricated but no boost system. The control rods
by a central oil reservoir installed on are located on the right hand side of
top of the rotorhub. The pitch horns are the fuselage and inside the tail boom.
made in aluminium and bolted to the pitch
arms. The rotorhub is flange mounted to
the rotorshaft by 12 preloaded titanium Fuel and Oil System
To insure the full safety of the twin
~ o t e l a d e ,The rotorblade is a modif- turbine installation. there
is an indeoen-
ied and improved version of the blade for dent fuel system for'each engine. ~ l e = I
! the 30 ft DIA-~otor.NO tuning masses are trical boost oumos are installed
~ ~ ---- ~- ~ - in
- ~-~ the
needed for frequency tuning. For erosion fuel tank, whichcis a bladder type tank.
protection atitaniumallo~strip is bond- installed below the cargo compartment
ed at the outer portion of the blade floor with its CG near the helicopter's
(.6R to tip). For the inboard section CG.
polyurethane is used.(See Fig. 18)
The lubrication systems for the two
The frequency tuning of the rotor is turbines and for the main gear box are
given in Fig. 19, which shows the natural separated and independent. The oil coolers
frequenoies of the first two uncoupled include a mechanically driven fan instal-
modes. The blade has a nearly constant led at the right hand side of the gear-
mass distribution, constant chord and box.
constant thickness ratio with a symmetric-
al airfoil section (NASA 0012 modif.), Electrical System
The electrical system (28 V.D.C.)
I Tailrotor contains two engine mounted generators
having 3,5 kVA each and a batterie having
The tailrotor is of two bladed teeter- a capacity of 26 Ah.
ing semi rigid type (see Fig. 20). The Basic Performance Characteristics
centrifugal forces are carried by a
single strap retention system which cross- Fig. 22 shows the "power required"
es the rotorhub. The rotorhub has a built curves for various aircraft weights as
in delta three hinge of 45O. The flapping well as the "power available" for the
hinge bearings as well as the pitch change different alternate engines MAN 6022
Allison 250C14 and 250-~18for standard specimen are shown in Fig. 25, where the
sealevel conditions. The curve indicated S-N curve is plotted showing the limits
4409 lbs is the design gross weight, the for various values of survival probability.
5070 lbs curve shows the alternate gross To cover the full range of ambient temp
weight of the BO 105 production version. peratures, additional low and high tem-
perature tests were made. Tests with aged
The climb speed for various aircraft specimens are still running. Based on the
weights when using the MAN turbine is results currently available and on ear-
plotted versus speed in Fig. 23 for twin lier blade tests it can be stated that
andsingle engine operation under stand- the fiberglass blade will be able to with-
ard sealevel conditions using maximum stand all practical environmental con-
continious power. ditions.

The range versus speed is plotted The full scale blade tests included:
in Fib. 24 for the design gross weight The blade inboard and root section with
using the normal fuel tank cpacity (883 attachment was submitted to chordwise,
lbs of fuel) and for the ferry mission, flapwise alternate bending preloaded
taking off with the 5070 lbs alternate by simulated centrifugal force (see
gross weight, using an auxiliary fuel Fig. 26). Tests were made under alter-
tank. The fuel load is then about 20001bs. nate combined bending loads up to
This mission can be flown with two pilots. 3500 ft-lbs where the blade life was
The curves in Fig. 24 are plotted for the still in the range of 2 million cycles.
MAN turbine. Values for the Allison en- It was also observed that the crack
gine are also indicated for the speed propagation rate is very low.
which gives the optimum range.
Fatinue and Subsystem Testing
- The blade outboard section was tested
- - - resonance test benches in fla~wise

bending (see Fig. 27). In this machine

In order to get the required safety the blade is suspended on soft springs
for the prototype flight testing and to and its first free-free mode is excited
achieve the desired reliability of the by an excenter. The amplitude is con-
components, many fatigue and subsystem trolled by the stroke of the excenter
tests were made. and by its rpm. The tests were made with
an alternatinn elongation, at the anti-
node of , 8-in which is similar
to an f 1000 in alternating bending
Rotor whirl tests with the BO 105 ro- stress of approx. 48000 psi. Usually
tor were made and are still continued on the first cracks were detected in these
a special test bench, similar to the tests after about 1.5 to 2 million
rigid rotor whirl test stand. The test cycles.
stand includes the complete dynamic sy-
stem of the helicopter such as engines,
transmission system, rotor and the con-
- Additional tests were made under alter-
nating torsional moments corresponding
trol system. The tests are made under to about ten times the measured flight
overload conditions as well as according loads resulting in a blade life of
to MIL-T-8679. 3 to 4 million cycles before the first
crack appeared.
Rotorblade. According to the fact,
that the utilisation of fiberglass for a
rotorblade is relatively new, extensive
- Special tests were also made for the
erosion protection and with simulated
fatigue tests were made in this field. strokes by lightning.
The blade fatigue tests can be divided
in two sections, specimen tests and Rotorhub. For the rotorhub parts
full scale tests. two various types of fatigue tests were
done :
Primarily two types of specimens
were used. A relative short specimen
which was tested under alternate bending
- The rotorhub central part with the
pitch housing was tested under alter-
having a high shear to tension stress nate bending loads up to about 6000
ratio to prove the interlaminar shear ft.lbs. Fig. 28 shows the test in-
strength and a longer specimen (see Fig. stallation where the loads were in-
25) having a lower shear to tension duced by hydraulic actuators.
stress ratio in order to produce glass
failures, which was also tested under
alternate bending. In order to get com-
- The criss-crossed strap retention sy-
stem was tested with simulated centri-
parable results with the full scale tests, fugal preload under alternating tor-
all specimens were cut from full scale sional deflect,ions up to + 14 degrees
blades. The test results for the long in the full range of steady torsional
I deflection.

- under
The pitch change bearings were tested
Flexible couplings for the drive shafts
Centrifugal clutch (for MAN turbine)
alternating bending loads in
the pitch houding with cyclic pitch
Tail rotor drive system .
The tail
rotor drive shaft was tested under ben-
change. ding loads due to the flexibility of the
- nate
The pitch arms were tested under
bending and a S-N curve was
tailboom with deflections twice the max.
deflection of the tailboom under maneuver-
ing loads. The intermediate and the tail-
tained. rotor gearbox were tested by the manufac-
- Aconnection
special test was made with the flange
rotorhub to rotormast under
turer on a test stand and during the tail
rotor overload tests.
alternate bending with bending moments
up to 11000 ft/lbs.
Various test installations were used:
A special problem which had to be
- MAN single test stand for endurance
' solved was to avoid fretting corrosion
on the titanium-steel interfaces. The
problem could be solved by chrome- or
testing and preflight tests.

MAN twin test stand (see Fig. 32) where

in some cases silver plating the steel
parts. In the case of the flange connec- two engines were installed side by side
tion a silver plated shim was found to be driving via centrifugal clutches and
the best solution to avoid fretting cor- overrunning clutches into a mixing gear-
rosion. box. A rotating mass with an electrical
I brake was installed to simulate rotor
Control System inertia and rotor power. This test in-
stallation was particularly used to
The complete control system including test the dual engine governing system
swashplate, pitch linkage, mixing unit such as response to rapid changes in
and mechanical control system was en- power required and under simulated fai-
durance tested under overload on a special lure of one engine. The engine gover-
subsystem test bench (see Fig. 29). The ning system proved to have excellent
test installation also included the com- dynamic characteristics. In particular
plete hydraulic servo control system. Col- rapid collective pitch deflections could
lective and cyclic stick were operated be simulated without significantdroop in
mechanically. The pitch link loads were rpm. The 50 hr preflight .qualification
simulated by a spring system. The pro- test was finished in November 1967.
gram included tests with servo control off
Additional tests were made with the con- Ground and Flight Testing
trol system components, particularly those
above the servo actuators and with ac- Test Program
tuators themselves by the manufacturer
and by Bolkow.. The test skedule for the prototypes
Vl; V2 and V3 is shown in Fig. 33.
The tailrotor was endurance tested on It was planned to use the prototype V1 for
a tail rotor test stand under ~ v e r l o a d con
dition. In addition the tail rotor blades
- the initial flight testing of the new
subsystems such as control and transmis-
and hub were fatigue tested by alternat- sion system utilising an articulated ro-
ing bending. tor for extra safety in the flight test
II Transmission

Main Kearbox. A closed circuit bench

Unfortunately this helicopter w(rs heavi-
ly damaged by ground resonance with the
articulated rotor during impedance tests
was built up at the manufacturers plant in Sept. 66.
to test the main gearbox. Fig. 30 shows
this equipment schematically, it includ- In view of the fact that in the mean-
es also hydraulic actuators to simulate time significant flight test results with
the rotorshaft bending moments. The main the rigid rotor on the Alouette were avail-
gearbox was spectrum tested, .according able, the V2 was assembled with the rigid
to MIL-T-8679 and under overload con- rotor as planned. The first flight of the
ditions. The installation is shown in BO 105 V2 equipped with Allison engines
Fig. 31. took place in Febr. 1967 (see Fig. 34).
In the first Elight test phase (111 flights,

I' Special tests were made additionally with

- rotorshafts (alternate bending)
49 flight hours) the experimental steel ro-
torhub was installed. After covering the
BO 105 flight envelope the production
I' - Overrunning clutches version titanium head was installed in
Nov. 1967. 100 hrs of flight testing - Hovering O.G.E. in altitudes up to
were completed in March 1968. 9800 ft.
The prototype V3 which is equipped
with the MAN turbines started tie down
- Weight from 3400 to 4000 lbs.
tests in Aug. 1967. These ground runs - Max. Airspeed in 5000 ft was 135 kts
were' particularly aimed to test the en- in 13000 ft was 120 kts.
gine governing system on the helicopter.
First flight was in December 1967. Cur- - Load factor in steady state turns
rently ground runs are made according n = 2 up to 115 kts (altitude 3000 ft).
to MIL-T-8679 and FAR 27.
- CG range from 8.3 in forward to 2 in aft.
Test Results
Horizontal flights, maneuvres, climbs,
After finishing the preflight ground autorotations and single engine flights
tests according to MIL and FAR require- were made within this envelope. It also
ments and the impedance tests to prove, included flights with simulation of en-
that the helicopter is free of ground re- gine- and hydraulic servo control failures.
sonance the actual flight test program
Loads and Stress Levels. The stresses
Test Equipment. In order to get as in the blades, hub and rotormast proved
much information as possible in a mini- to be as low as expected inside the whole
mum of time with the required safety a flight envelope and being only a fraction
telemetric equipment was used. The para- of the permissible values. For an example
meters being of primary importance in- the blade's flapwise bending moments in
cluding the conversation with the pilot the most critical root end section are
were recorded in the ground station con- plotted versus speed in Fig. 35.
tinuously by tape during the entire
flight. The most critical values can be Fig. 36 gives the alternate pitch
followed directly on a 10-channel os- link loads versus speed. From a minimum
cilloscope. The board instrumentation value at an airspeed of about 60 kts
includes also a magnetic tape, operated there is only a slight increase with
during the whole flight, a luminoscript speed. There is no indication of stall
recorder controllable by the pilot and flutter in the whole speed range. Compar-
the telemetric transmitter. In order to ed to other helicopters with fully arti-
reduce slip ring losses a rotating am- culated rotors of the same weight class,
plifier package is installed on top of there is no significant difference in the
the rotor head. In total there are: level of the pitch link forces.

31 Straingage stations on the rotor- Handling ~ u a l i t i e s ~According

. to
blades for flapwise and lagwise oilot rooorts. the handlinn oualities
bending and torsion. proved tb be bxcellent. 1tUtook only a
very short time for the pilots to get
12 Straingage stations on the rotorhub familiar with the helicopter's response
and mast. characteristics. There was no tendency
to overcontrol the helicopter. In parti-
15 Parameters are indicated in the con- cular the hovering of the aircraft is
trol system including straingages simpler than with conventional helicopt-
and potentiometers. ers. The highmanoeuvring capability due
to the high control power is shown in
25 Measuring points for stresses, de- Fig. 37 for lateral and in Fig. 38 for
flections, control values, accelerat- longitudinal step control inputs. They
ions etc. on the fuselage, tailrotor, indicate the low time constant and high
gearbox and power plant. damping for roll and pitch motions. For
lateral control the response is faster
The equipment includes also a gyro due to the lower inertia of the heli-
platform, 8 accelerometers at various copter for roll.
fuselage stations and straingages on
the tail rotor. The stick forces without hydraulic
boost were acceptable.
Flight Envelope. The test flights
of the Drototvoe V2 covered the follow-
ing flight envelope. (Up to 1st of March
The control and governing of the two
engines caused n o problems.
Vibrations. All pilots who have flown
- Altitude in forward flight up to the helico~terpointed out the remarkably
13000 ft. low vibration level of the helicopter. The
v e r t i c a l v i b r a t i o n amplitude i n t h e J u n e 1968
c a b i n i s p l o t t e d v e r s u s s p e e d i n F i g . 39
which g i v e s a comparison between t h e 5. 61ock1, H.; S t e p a n , A . , BO 105 V2-
B0 105 w i t h t h e p r o d u c t i o n t y p e t i t a n i - F l u g v e r s u c h e , A b s c h n i t t I. 0-200 km/h
um hub a s w e l l a s t h e BO 105 w i t h t h e Bolkow P 3 - P r u f n i e d e r s c h r i f t N r . 110
e x p e r i m e n t a l s t e e l head u s i n g a 3 l b s
b l a d e t u n i n g mass a t .58 R and t h e R i g i d 6. T e l e k i , A . ; GlSckl, H . ,
Rotor A l o u e t t e I1 u s i n g a 5 l b s b l a d e F l u g v e r s u c h e vom 18.9.-13.10
t u n i n g mass a t .5 R. The c u r v e s i n d i - Bolkow P 3 - P r i i f n i e d e r s c h r i f t Nr. 157
c a t e t h e improvement which was a c h i e v e d
d u r i n g t h e development program. 7. T e l e k i , A.; G l o c k l , H . , BO 105 V2-
Flug- und Bodenversuche m i t T i t a n -
There was no d a n g e r w i t h ground o r r o t o r k o p f (1. A b s c h n i t t 9.11.67 -
f l i g h t resonance. 2 8 . 2 . 6 8 ) , Bolkow P 3 - P r u f n i e d e r s c h r i f t
N r . 172
Concluding Remarks

A f t e r s u c c e s s f u l c o n c l u s i o n of t h e
f i r s t s t e p of t h e BO. 105 development p r o -
gram, t h e f l i g h t t e s t a c t i v i t y i s con-
t i n u e d and w i l l b e e x t e n d e d .

The p r o d u c t i o n o f t h e BO 105 i s c u r -
r e n t l y under p r e p a r a t i o n and t h e f i r s t
two p r e p r o d u c t i o n a i r c r a f t w i l l s t a r t
f l i g h t t e s t i n g s t i l l t h i s y e a r . The t y p e
c e r t i f i c a t i o n i s s k e d u l e d f o r end of

F u t u r e p l a n s i n c l u d e r e s e a r c h work t o
i n c r e a s e t h e p o t e n t i a l o f t h e Bolkow
R i g i d Rotor i n s p e e d a s w e l l a s i n g r o s s

Special e f f o r t s a r e running t o devel-

op a n a l l w e a t h e r v e r s i o n of t h e BO 105.
T h i s i n c l u d e s t h e equipment o f t h e f i b e r -
g l a s s r o t o r b l a d e w i t h an e l e c t r i c a l de-
i c i n g s y s t e m and f l i g h t t e s t i n g of an
e l e c t r o n i c a l g y r o s t a b i l i s i n g system.
According t o c a l c u l a t i o n s and a i m u l a t i o n
t e s t s i t i s e x p e c t e d t h a t t h e h i g h con-
t r o l p o w e r and i n h e r e n t damping of t h e
r i g i d r o t o r w i l l give excellent r e s u l t s .


1. R e i c h e r t , G . . F l u g e i g e n s c h a f t e n b e i
Hubschraubern m i t e l a s t i s c h ange-
schlossenen R o t o r b l a t t e r n , Jahrbuch
1963 d e r WGLR

2. R e i c h e r t , G . , Flugmechanische Beson-
d e r h e i t e n d e s g e l e n k l o s e n Hubschrau-
b e r r o t o r s . J a h r b u c h 1965 d e r WGLR

3. R e i c h e r t , G ; O e l k e r , P., H a n d l i n g
Q u a l i t i e s w i t h t h e Bolkow R i ~ i dR o t o r
System, p a p e r p r e s e n t e d a t t h e 2 4 t h
Annual N a t i o n a l Forum of t h e American
H e l i c o p t e r S o c i e t y . May 1968

4 . Greune
~~-~ Ch.: . Wazelt.
~~- F.:~ --. S~ t e-a
ra--n . -A.
- -

Power and Speed C o n t r o l f o r P a r a l l e l

O p e r a t i o n of two S i n g l e - S h a f t Gas
Turbines i n a H e l i c o p t e r Application,
p r e s e n t e d a t t h e AGARD P r o p u l s i o n and
E n e r g e t i c P a n e l ' s 31 s t Meeting,

m ~ : ;zEcv
z .'ELk, ,ZF;En
rn-~ wwcm
""RM.L I cm., F.,,W6
," . d
BD 10s AND RIGID ROTOR DEVELOPMEW H l s r n w "8"' "8 -as c-I
V" -8 % ,%< w 8" w
1 80 #S, RG,O m -w
=-. .,.,.
". ,-
, l l .L,rm.
..s,r.,-o 8,

I 1 / I 1 1 1
....,. *.... .-:--- ..... "".-"-.'.'
,..<<SM ,LC.- ".om.- lLYIIUI( ..mot 10.1 ( 102 sum I+,= 8w.w

"w,r. .", /*..,l,n


.- -....... ,"*-"....-A.,.
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ur. L"":?,. -:""",..".* =-"

Glal ,s* 80. I.B.01) aram -9 .9m

-. .- ,.".",-."..
..-.*. "
Fic.3 Comparison of Material

Fig.1 RO 105 Development Mistor


Fig.4 18 ft Diameter Rigid Ilotor-

Wind T u n n e l T e s t i n g

Fig.:! Balkow Itigid Rotor System

Fig.5 Design o f Fiberglass


I Fig.6 30 ft Diameter Rigid Rotor-
Experimental Hub
Fig.9 Rigid Rotor Alouette I1

Fig.7 3 0 ft Uiarneter Rigid Hotor- Fig. 10 UO 105 T h r e e View Tlraxuing

Whirl Test


Fig.8 Fiberglass Rotorblades w i t h Fig.11 Litter Installation

different Inplane Stiffness
Fi(l.15 MAN 6022 Turbine Engine
Fig.12 Airframe


Fie. 13 ])rive System

"C-t' .
Fig.16 Titanium Rotorhead o n BO 105

Fig.17 Titanium Rotorhead-

Fig. 14 blain Gearbox
Fig.18 U O 1 0 5 ilotorblade-Root Part Fig.21 C o n t r o l System



50 ,DO

Fig.22 Power R e q u i r e d V e r s u s S p e e d

Pig.19 Natural Frequencies o f t h e

DO 1 0 5 ) t o t o r

Fig.27 R a t e o f Climb v e r s u s > p e e d


M 100 '~.j

Fig.27 R o t o r b l a d e F a t i g u e T e s t Bench
F i . 24 llange v e r s u s S p e e d - Resonance - Dending



lo. 503 106

",, YYYBCll

Fic.28 Titanium llotorhub -

Fatigue Test

Fig.25 S-N Curves f o r t h e R o t o r b l a d e

Fiberglass >laterial

Fig.26 R o t o r b l a d e F a t i g u e T e s t Uench
- Combined B e n d i n g
Fis.29 C o ~ ~ t r oSly s t e m T e s t Rench

IPi,;. 30 ;,laill (;carDox T e s t Uerlcll
( s c l ~ r ? n l a t i c n) l


, -.--

33 ; .do 10;
~ i ~ Ground a n d I ) l i c h t
T e s t Pr0i:ramrn
I;. ..,
,L r,. - 4
! ,,z.e-

1; >.*:a

/Ii 4 '
i21 ' . ii
I! /
11 ..
; .,"j
i ;'

I F . H a i n r:e;~rbox jn t h e T e s t Bcnch

iI Fig.34 1 0 5 V 2 F l i C h t Test




O o
80 103 V 2 TITaNIUM HUB 17-1 PITCH RL\TC


2 I[%]

Fig. 35 Rotorblade Bending Moment Fig. 38 Longitudinal Control

versus Speed Response



[*mml [*in1


0.1- 0.004


25 I0 75 i00 [W]

50 $00 150 rbo [krnrnl

Fig. 36 Rotor Pitch L i n k Load Fig. 39 Vertical Vibrations


- 1.1
Iinl 80105 Y Z TITnHIUU HUB




r $IS]

Fig. 37 Lateral Control Response

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