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BACKGROUND: In the wake of the financial reforms undertaken by the Government of India
based on the Narasimham Committee Report I and II, Prudential Norms for the advances portfolio
of the banks and Financial Institutionswere introduced by Reserve Bank of India in Phased
manner w.e.f. 1/4/92 to address the credit monitoring process being adopted and pursued by the
banks and financial institutions. The norm for NPA classification initially stipulated the
delinquency period of 4 quarters (non-recovery of interest/instalment up to 4 quarters) and the
same was progressively reduced to 90 days w.e.f.31.03.2004.
To strengthen further the recovery of dues by banks and financial institutions, Government of
India promulgated The Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993 and
The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest
Act, 2002.
The policy of income recognition should be objective and based on record of recovery
rather than on any subjectiveconsiderations.
Interest on advances against term deposits, NSCs, IVPs, KVPs and Life policies may be
taken to income account on the due date, provided adequate margin is available in the
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Income from non-performing assets is not recognized on accrual basis but is booked as
income only when it is actually realized.This will apply to Government guaranteed
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Fees/Commission and any similar income earned by banks on NPA a/c should not be
recognized until it is actuallyrealized.
Charges/Expenses/Insurance etc on NPA Borrowal account should not be debited to the
account unless recovered. The same needs to be recorded in the memoranda account after
charging to Bank‟srevenue.
On an account turning NPA, the interest already charged and not collected is to be
reversed by debiting Profit and Loss account at the end of quarter/half year/year, and
further application of interest is to be stopped. However, accrued interest is to be recorded
in a Memoranda account.
Fees, Commission and similar income that have accrued should cease to accrue in current
period and should be reversed with respect to past period, ifuncollected.
Interest on advance guaranteed by Central Government irrespective of itsassets
classification status is not to be taken to income account unless theinterest has been
Fees and commission earned by Bank as a result of renegotiations orre-scheduling of
outstanding debts should be recognized on an accrual basisover the period of time covered
by the re-negotiated or rescheduledextensions ofcredit.
In PNB the unrealized interest in the accounts classified as NPA is credited in the account itself
by debiting Profit & Loss Account with the particulars: “Unrecovered Interest reversed and
recorded in Memoranda A/c”. Existing DI/SI of each NPA/PA a/c has been credited back to the
concerned NPA/PA account and simultaneously accounted for as Recorded Interest in the
2 Cash Credits and i) If the account remains out of order for a period of more
Overdrafts than 90 days.
Conditions for treating the account as out of order:
(a) The outstanding balance remains continuously in excess
of the sanctioned limit/drawing power.
(b) Though the outstanding balance is less than the
sanctioned limit/drawing power but there are no credits
continuously for
90 days as on the date of balance sheet or credits are not
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enough to cover the interest debited during the same period
(i) The outstanding in the account based on drawing power
calculated from stock statements older than three months,
would be deemed as irregular. A working capital borrowal
account will become NPA if such irregular drawings are
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are recorded beforethe through genuine sources (and not by sanction of additional
balance sheet date. facilities or transfer of funds between accounts) the accounts
need not be treated as NPAWhere the account indicates
inherent weakness on the basis of the data available, the
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account should be deemed as a NPA. In other genuine cases,
the banks must furnish satisfactory evidence to the Statutory
Auditors/Inspecting Officers about the manner of
regularization of the account to eliminate doubts on their
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performing status.
10 Overdue Amount due to the bank under any credit facility is overdue,
if it is not paid on the due date fixed by the bank.
2 Asset Classification a) Standard Credit Card Account: Credit Card account willbe
standard account so long as the cardholder pays the MAD amount
by the due date.
b) Substandard Credit Card Account: The account which has
remained NPA for a period less than or equal to 12 months shall be
a sub standardaccount.
c) Loss Credit Card Account: Loss credit card accounts will be
one where the account has remained NPA for more than 12
When a credit card account is classified as NPA, all other credit
facilities in similar capacity granted to the cardholder will be
treated as NPA, as NPA classification is done borrower wise.
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crore orless;
(ii) Term loans, for business purposes, secured or otherwise, the original sanctioned amount
whereof Rs. 1 Crore or less. This shall include agricultureloans.
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Note: The limits at (i) and (ii) above are mutually exclusive limits applicable to respective
category of loans.
Deferment of down grade of a standard account to NPA for any reason during November 1, 2016
to December 31, 2016, by 90 days from the date of such downgrade in the above mentioned
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categories (i &ii) of accounts is permitted. The above relaxation will only defer classification of
an existing standard asset as substandard& will not impact migration of an account across sub-
categories ofNPA.
In continuation of the same, RBI vide letter No: RBI/2017-18/186 DBR. No.
BP.BC.108/21.04.048/2017-18 dated 06.06.18 has informed that having regards to the input credit
linkages and ancillary affiliations, it has now been decided to temporarily allow banks and
NBFCs to classify their exposure, as per the 180 days past due criterion, to all MSMEs, including
those not registered under GST, as a standard asset, subject to the followingconditions:
1. The aggregate exposure, including non-fund based facilities, of banks and NBFCs to the
borrower does not exceed Rs 250 million (Rs 25.00 crores) as on May 31,2018
3. The payments due from the borrower as on September 1, 2017 and falling due thereafter up to
December 31, 2018 were/are paid not later than 180 days from their original duedate.
General Guidelines:
1. Branches should, classify an account as NPA only if the interest charged during any
quarter is not serviced fully within 90 days from the end of thequarter.
2. All the facilities granted to a borrower /investments in securities issued by the
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borrower will have to be treated as NPA and not a particular facility/ investment
or part thereof which has become NPA. If the amount in default of any borrower is
outstanding in default account i.e. LC-default account/ LG-default account / DPG
default account/ Co-accepted bills default account, the balance outstanding in that
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be classified as NPA/NPI if one of them becomes NPA. There are a few exceptions
for this asunder:
a. Commonality of a Collateral Security has no role in determining the Asset
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as overdue from the first quarter onwards. Such loans/advances should be classified
as NPA only when there is default in payment of interest on due date ofpayment.7.
7. In respect of consortium advances, each bank may classify the borrowal accounts
according to its own record of recovery and other aspects having a bearing on the
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recoverability of the advances, as in the case of multiple bankingarrangements.
8. Agriculture Advance: A loan granted for short duration crops will be treated as NPA
if the instalment of principal or interest thereon remains overdue for two crop
seasons. A loan granted for long duration crops will be treated as NPA if the
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instalment of principal or interest thereon remains overdue for one crop season. Long
duration crops are those where crop season is longer than one year and the crops
which are not long duration crops will be treated as short duration crops. The crop
season for each crop which means the period up to harvesting of the crops raised,
9. KCC would be deemed NPA if it remains out of order for a period of two crop/one
crop season (as the case may be). A KCC account will be treated as out of order if:
a) There are no credits in the account continuously for two crop seasons/one crop
season (as the case may be) as on the date of balancesheet
institution on taking over such assets should make provisions treating the account as
NPA from the actual date of it becoming NPA even though the account was not in its
books as on thatdate.
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bankscoveringexportofgoodstocountriesforwhichtheECGC‟scoverisavailable. EXIM
Bank has introduced a guarantee-cum-refinance programme whereby, in the event of
default, EXIM Bank will pay the guaranteed amount to the bank within a period of 30
days from the day the bank invokes the guarantee after the exporter has filed claim
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with ECGC. To the extent payment has been received from the EXIM Bank, the
advance may not be treated as a non-performing asset for asset classification and
17. In case of bank finance given for industrial projects or for agricultural plantations,
etc. where moratorium is available for payment of interest, payment of interest
becomes „due' only after the moratorium or gestation period isover.
18.In case of EXPORT PROJECT FINANCE, where the lending bank is able to
establish through documentary evidence that the importer has cleared the dues in full
by depositing the amount in the bank abroad before it turned into NPA in the books
ofthebank,buttheimporter‟scountryisnotallowingthefundstoberemitteddueto political
or other reasons, the asset classification may be made after a period of one year from
the date the amount was deposited by the importer in the bankabroad.
19. The net lease rentals (finance charge) on the leased asset accrued and credited to
income account before the asset became non-performing, and remaining unrealized,
should be reversed or provided for in the current accounting period. The term „net
lease rentals' would mean the amount of finance charge taken to the credit of P&L
account and would be worked out as gross lease rentals adjusted by amount of
statutory depreciation and lease equalization a/c.
20Advances to Staff members, under staff welfare Scheme In respect of Housing/Car
loans or similar advances granted to staffmembers where interest is payable after
recovery of principal, interest neednot be considered as `overdue' from the first
quarter onwards. Suchloans/advances should be classified as NPA only when there is
default inrepayment of installment of principal or payment of interest on due date
(i) Kisan Credit Card Schemes aim at providing adequate and timely credit support
from the banking system under a single window to the farmers for their cultivation
& other needs as indicatedbelow:
a) To meet the short term credit requirements for cultivation ofcrops
b) Post harvestexpenses
c) Produce Marketingloan
d) Consumption requirements of farmerhousehold
e) Working capital for maintenance of farm assets and activities allied to
agriculture, likedairy
Animals, inland fishery etc.
f) Investment credit requirement for agriculture and allied activities like pump sets,
sprayers, dairy animalsetc.
(While the aggregate of components a) to e) above forms the short term credit limit
portion, the aggregate of components under f) forms the long term credit limit portion.)
(ii) Kisan Card Cash Credit limits are being sanctioned and opened in CBS under
scheme code – CCAKC and all the operative guidelines for opening of these
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guidelines in the system have to be meticulouslyfollowed.
(iii) RBI has prescribed that “the repayment period may be fixed by banks as per the
anticipated harvesting and marketing period for the crops for which a loan has been
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granted and the extant prudential norms for income recognition, asset-classification
and provisioning will continue to apply for loans granted under revised KCC
(iv) Income Recognition & Asset Classification (IRAC) Norms as prescribed by RBI
are being circulated by HO Recovery Division interalia explaining applicability of
IRAC norms to the Agriculture Advances asfollows:
“A loan granted for short duration crops will be treated as NPA, if the installment of
principal or interest thereon remains overdue for two crop seasons. A loan granted
for long duration crops will be treated as NPA, if the installment of principal or
interest thereon remains overdue for one crop season. For the purpose of these
guidelines, “long duration” crops would be crops with crop season longer than one
year and crops, which are not “long duration” crops would be treated as “short
duration” crops. The crop season for each crop, which means the period up to
harvesting of the crops raised, would be as determined by the State Level Bankers‟
Committee in each State. Depending upon the duration of crops raised by an
agriculturist, the above NPA norms would also be made applicable to agricultural
term loans availed of by him. The above norms should be made applicable to all
direct agricultural advances as listed below:”
(v) Thus, the KCC facility being essentially in the nature of Cash Credit
accommodation for agricultural purposes, the prudential norms as applicable to
Cash Credit facilities would apply to the KCC accounts in other words, theKisan
(vi) The following relaxations in assets classification norms in credit facilities granted
to borrowers affected by Cyclones or other natural calamities in District &Block
Notified by State Government areavailable:
sanctioning of fresh short-term loan subject to guidelines issued by PS & LB HO.
Such cases of conversion or re-schedulement, the term loan as well as fresh short-
term loan may be treated as current dues and need not be classified as NPA. The
asset classification of these loans would thereafter be governed by the revised terms
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& conditions and would be treated as NPA if interest and/or instalment of principal
remains overdue for two crop seasons for short duration crops and for one crop
season for long duration crops. For the purpose of these guidelines, “long duration”
crops would be crops with crop season longer than one year and crops which are not
long duration would be treated as “short duration”crops.)
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(vii) The norms prescribed under para iv above are also applicable to all direct
1.1 Finance to individual farmers (including self help group (SHGs) or Joint
Liability Group (JLGs), i.e. groups of individual farmers provided banks
maintain disaggregated data on such finance) for agriculture.
1.1.1 Short term loans for raising crops, i.e. for crop loans. This will
include traditional / non-traditional plantations and horticulture
1.1.2 Advances uptoRs.50 lac against pledge / hypothecation of
agricultural produce (including warehouse receipts) for a
farmers were given crop loan for raising the produce or not.
1.1.3 Working capital and term loans for financing production and
investment requirements for agriculture.
1.1.4 Loanstosmallandmarginalfarmersforpurchaseoflandfor
agriculture purpose.
1.1.5 Loans to distressed farmers indebted to non-institutional lenders
against appropriate collateral or group security.
1.1.6 Loans granted for pre-harvest and post-harvest activities such as
spraying, weeding harvesting, grading, sorting, processing and
transporting undertaken by individuals, SHGs andcooperatives
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Interest income in respect of restructured accounts classified as 'standard assets' will be recognized
on accrual basis and that in respect of the accounts classified as 'non-performing assets' will be
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restructured accounts classified as non-performing assets, the income, if any, generated bythese
instruments may be recognized only on cash basis.
1) Income from non-performing assets is not recognised on accrual basis but is booked
as income only when it is actually realized. Branches should not charge and take to
income account interest on any NPA. This will apply to Govt. guaranteed accounts
also. For this purpose simultaneous transfer of account to General Ledger Head: NPA is a
pre-requisite. Interest realized on NPAs may be taken to income provided the credits in the
account are not out of fresh/additional credit facilities sanctioned to the borrower
2) Branchesshouldnottaketoincomeanyfees/commissionandanysimilarincomeonnon-
account should not be debited to the Borrower‟s accountunlessrecovered, the same need
to be recorded in the Memoranda Account after charging toBank‟s
3) Interest on advances against term deposits, NSCs, IVPs, KVPs and Life Policies should be
taken to income account on the due date, provided adequate margin is available in the
4) When a credit facility is classified for the first time as NPA the interest accrued & credited
to the income account in the past periods, which has not been realized should be ascertained and
same should be reversed and should be credited back in the respective account itself atthe
ii) Any existing concession in service charges will stand automatically withdrawn on change
in asset classification of an account from standard to sub-standard, except in accounts in
CDR/Restructuring where the concession in service charges is part of the rehabilitation
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iii) HOCAC-II and above shall exercise full powers for giving concessions in NPA accounts
keeping in view the recovery prospect and possibility of up gradation ofaccount.
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Following are the revised guidelines for appropriation of recovery in NPA Accounts
Important Note
Operative guidelines in respect of transferring the accounts to NPA category in the GL/SGL
Heads, up-dation/maintenance of Heads, Due Date Defaults, Memoranda Registers, generation of
Reports through CBS are stipulated in the Recovery Division Circulars issued from time time on
IRACP norms, latest being Recovery Division Circular no. 06/2017 dated 17.01.2017.
Debits in Cash Credit - NPA account with tagging facility can be allowed dependent upon extent
of tagging permitted by appropriate authority. The proceeds received through tagging
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arrangement would also be utilized in the following order ofpriority:
Take out finance is the product emerging in the context of the funding of long-term infrastructure
projects. Under this arrangement, the institution/ the bank financing infrastructure projects will
have an arrangement with any financial institution for transferring to the latter the outstanding in
respect of such financing in their books on a pre-determined basis .If an asset has become NPA
before taking over by another institution, the lending institution in whose books at present the
asset is outstanding should treat it NPA for all purposes irrespective of the fact that it ultimately is
to be taken over by another institution. When the asset is actually taken over, the lending
institution should reverse the provisions earlier made in its books, whereas the taking over
institution, should make provision from the actual date the asset became NPA and not from the
date of taking over of theasset.
for 12 monthssuch an asset will (i) On Unsecured Portion: 100% of
havewell defined credit unsecuredportion,
weaknesses with the added (ii) On Secured Portion: On tangible
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characteristic that the weaknesses security-
make collection or liquidation in Up to one year 25%
full, on the basis of currently >One to three year40%
known facts, conditions and > 3years100%
values, highly questionable and Provision is to be made on outstanding net
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improbable. of DI.
3 Loss asset A loss asset is one where loss has 100% of theOutstanding.
been identified by the bank or
internal or external auditors or the
RBI Inspectors but the amount
has not been written off,wholly.
Realisable value of security as
assessed by bank‟s approved
valuer / RBI is less than 10% of
outstanding in the a/c then a/c
straightaway classified as loss
Provision on Standard Accounts on Global Loan Portfolio basis
1 STANDARD ON 1) Direct Agriculture & SME -0.25%
ACCCOUNT GLOBAL 2) Commercial Real Estate (CRE) –1%
(Other than LOAN 3) CommercialRealEstate–ResidentialHousing(CRE-RH)*–
(i) Banks will hold provision against the restructured advances as per the extant provisioning
norms. (ii) Restructured accounts classified as standard advances will attract a higher
provision (as prescribed from time to time) in the first two years from the date of
restructuring. In cases of moratorium on payment of interest/principal after restructuring,
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such advances will attract the prescribed higher provision for the period covering moratorium
and two yearsthereafter.
(iii) Restructured accounts classified as non-performing assets, when upgraded to standard
category will attract a provision of 5% in the first year from the date of upgradation.
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(iv) The above-mentioned higher provision on restructured standard advances (2.75 per cent as
prescribed vide circular dated November 26, 2012) would increase to 5 per cent in respect of
new restructured standard accounts (flow) with effect from June 1, 2013 and increase in a
phased manner for the stock of restructured standard accounts as on May 31, 2013 as under:
i)3.50% - with effect from March 31, 2014 (spread over the four quarters of 2013-14)
ii)4.25% - with effect from March 31, 2015 (spread over the four quarters of 2014-15)
iii)5.00%- with effect from March 31, 2016 (spread over the four quarters of 2015-16)
1) Reduction in the rate of interest and /or reschedulement of the repayment of principal
amount, as part of the restructuring, will result in diminution in the fair value of the advance.
Such diminution in value is an economic loss for the bank and will have impact on the
bank‟smarketvalueofequity.Itis,therefore,necessary for banks to measure such
diminution in the fair value of the advance and make provisions for it by debit to Profit &
Loss Account. Such provision should be held in addition to the provisions as per existing
Provisioning norms, and in an account distinct from that for normalprovisions.
2)For this purpose, the erosion in the fair value of the advance should be computed as the
difference between the fair value of the loan before and after restructuring Fair value of the
loan before restructuring will be computed as the present value of cash flows representingthe
interest at the existing rate charged on the advance before restructuring and the principal,
discounted at a rate equal to the bank‟s BPLR as on the date of restructuring plus the
appropriate term premium and credit risk premium for the borrower category on the dateof
Term Loan) would be computed as per actual cash flows and taking the term premium in the
discount factor as applicable for the maturity of the respective term loan components.
5) In the event any security is taken in lieu of the diminution in the fair value of the advance, it
should be valued at Rs. 1/- till maturity of the security. This will ensure that the effect of
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charging off the economic sacrifice to the Profit & Loss account is notnegated.
6) The diminution in the fair value may be re-computed on each balance sheet date till
satisfactory completion of all repayment obligations and full repayment of the outstanding in
the account, so as to capture the changes in the fair value on account of changes in BPLR,
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term premium and the credit category of the borrower. Consequently, banks may provide for
the shortfall in provision or reverse the amount of excess provision held in the distinct
7)If due to lack of expertise/ appropriate infrastructure, a bank finds it difficult to ensure
computation of diminution in the fair value of advances extended by small/rural branches, as
an alternative to the methodology prescribed above for computing the amount of diminution
in the fair value, banks will have the option of notionally computing the amount of
diminution in the fair value and providing therefore, at five percent of the total exposure, in
respect of all restructured accounts where the total dues to bank(s) are less than rupees one
8) The total provisions required against an account (normal provisions plus provisions in lieu of
diminution in the fair value of the advance) are capped at 100% of the outstanding debt
1) Asset classification norms: A part of the outstanding principal amount can be converted
into debt or equity instruments as part of restructuring. The debt / equity instruments so
created will be classified in the same asset classification category in which the restructured
advance has been classified. Further movement in the asset classification of these
instruments would also be determined based on the subsequent asset classification of the
1) Asset classification norms The FITL / debt or equity instrument created by conversion of
unpaid interest will be classified in the same asset classification category in which the
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restructured advance has been classified. Further movement in the asset classification of
FITL / debt or equity instruments would also be determined based on the subsequent asset
classification of the restructuredadvance.
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2) Income recognitionnorms
a) The income, if any, generated by these instruments may be recognised on accrual basis, if
these instruments are classified as 'standard', and on cash basis in the cases where these have
of equity, on the date of such upgradation, not exceeding the amount of interest converted
d) Only on repayment in case of FITL or sale / redemption proceeds of the debt / equity
instruments, the amount received will be recognized in the P&L Account, while
simultaneously reducing the balance in the "Sundry Liabilities Account (Interest
e) It is learnt that banks have not uniformly adhered to these instructions. It is reiterated that
whenever the unrealized interest income of a loan is converted into FITL / Debt or equity
instrument, banks must have a corresponding credit in an account styled as "Sundry
Liabilities Account (InterestCapitalization).
3) Valuation & Provisioning norms Valuation and provisioning norms would be as per above
guidelines. The depreciation, if any, on valuation may be charged to the Sundry Liabilities
(Interest Capitalization)Account.
equity should be done only in the case of
3) Acquisition of equity shares / convertible
bonds / convertible debentures in companies
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by way of conversion of debt / overdue
interest can be done without seeking prior
approval from RBI, even if by such
acquisition the prudential capital market
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to be implemented in a time bound manner.
All restructuring packages under
CDR/JLF/Consortium/MBA arrangement
should be implemented within 90 days from
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the date of approval. Other restructuring
packages should be implemented within 120
days from the date of receipt of application
by thebank.
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The above provisions will be applicable from
the date of restructuring till the revised DCCO
or 2 years from the date of restructuring,
whichever is later.
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Accounts", information relating to number and amount of advances restructured, and the
amount of diminution in the fair value of the restructured advances. The information on
advances restructured under CDR Mechanism, SME Debt Restructuring Mechanism and
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other categories is required to be disclosed separately. Total amount outstanding in all the
accounts / facilities of borrowers whose accounts have been restructured along with the
restructured part or facility must be disclosed. This means even if only one of the facilities /
accounts of a borrower has been restructured, the bank should also disclose the entire
outstanding amount pertaining to all the facilities / accounts of that particular borrower.
Reserve for Exchange Rate Fluctuations Account (RERFA)
When exchange rate movements of Indian rupee turn adverse, the outstanding amount of foreign currency
denominated loan (where actual disbursement was made in Indian Rupee) which becomesoverdue goes up
correspondingly, with its attendant implications of provisioning requirements. Such assets should not
normally be revalued. In case such assets need to be revalued as per requirement of accounting practices or
for any other requirement, the following procedure may be adopted:
The loss on revaluation of assets has to be booked in the bank's Profit & LossAccount.
Besides the provisioning requirement as per Asset Classification, banks should treat the full amount of
the Revaluation Gain relating to the corresponding assets, if any, on account of Foreign Exchange
Fluctuation as provision against the particularassets.
With effect from 31 March 2003, banks are to make provisions on the net funded country exposures as per
the following schedule:
Risk category ECGC Classification Provisioning Requirement (per cent)
Insignificant A1 0.25
Low A2 0.25
Moderate B1 5
1) For treating an irregular account as NPA some branches wrongly mention the date as at the
end of financial year i.e. 31st March. For example, in case an account becomes out of order or
irregular from 26.01.2013, it shall be treated as NPA as on 26.04.2013, in case default persists.
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The date of NPA in this account will be 26.04.2013 (and not30.06.2013).
2) Surplus security available in one facility of an account should be considered in another facility
of the same borrower where there isshortfall.
3) Net means of borrowers and guarantors are not to be included assecurity.
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4) In all accounts identified as NPAs including Govt. guaranteed accounts under standard assets,
the unrealized interest (earlier termed as Derecognized Interest) and future interest is tobe
recorded only. Recorded Interest should be calculated, checked and recorded under
authentication of the concerned official. Further, in NPA accounts (except where operations
are allowed under tagging arrangement & accounts covered under Credit Guarantee scheme)
expenses like Insurance Premium, Stamp Duty, Legal Expenses, Emoluments paid to
theGodown Keeper or such other expenses incurred for safeguarding the interest of the
bank should not be debited to the concerned NPA account. Instead, such expenses should be
charged to revenue and recorded in the NPA Memoranda Account. The same may be claimed by
the branch from the borrower at the time of filing the suit or entering into Negotiated Settlement.
If recovered, the same may be taken to revenue at the time of actual recovery. In NPA Accounts
where operations are allowed as per the tagging arrangement by the competent authority, such
charges are to be recovered in addition totagging.
5) Whenever any payment through cheque is collected in any NPA account, except where
operation is being allowed, the credit entry pertaining to such payment should only be credited
after realizationof the cheque. (Till realization, such credit be kept in „Sundry‟account). Collection
of any cheque /Transfer Instruments in NPA accounts is strictlyprohibited.
6) Updation and maintenance of GL Head„NPA‟:
a) All NPAs as per LADDER (including fresh slippages) must be simultaneously
marked NPA in CBS. Advances classified NPAs by Auditors through MOCs should
also be marked NPAs in CBS promptly. Thereafter the same shall be transferred to
appropriate Sub code of GL Head“NPA”
b) The „Due Date Defaults‟ in advances attract 90 days NPA norms as per
Heads as under:
64100LC-Defaults : NPA-DL76100
64110DPG-Defaults : NPA-TL76120
64120LG-Defaults : NPA-DL76100
64130 CO-Accepted Bills-Default : NPA-TL 76120
To enhance the soundness of individual banks and the stability of the financial sector, RBI has has
asked the banks to augment their provisioning cushions (consisting of specific provisions against
NPAs as well as floating provisions) and ensure that their total provisioning coverage ratio,
including floating provisions, is not less than 70 per cent by 30.09.2010. Also, the PCR is to be
disclosed in the Notes to Accounts to the Balance Sheet.
Particular Amount in Rs. Cr.
1 Gross NPAs plus technical / prudential write-off.
2. Specific Provisions held including provisions for diminution in
fair value of the restructured accounts classified as NPAs plus
technical / prudential write-off.
3. Floating Provisions for Advances (only to the extent they are not
used as Tier II Capital).
4. DICGC / ECGC claims received and held pending adjustment.
5. Part payment received and kept in Suspense account or any other
similar account
6. Total (2 to 5)
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7. Provision Coverage Ratio [( Row 6/ Row 1) * 100%)]
marked depletion in security and there is no business activity
or at a very low level, such accounts must be kept under
constant monitoring and marked for
restructuring/rehabilitation and/or transferring toNPA
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Papers to be vetted by Bank‟s approved advocate to ensure Day 15th
validity of mortgage/bank‟s charge on securities, if the latest
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The above dates are to be meticulously complied with and deviation must carry prior
approval of the Circle Head and in case of LCBs by the Zonal Manager. Similarly prior
permission of the Circle Head (other than LCB branches) and Zonal Manager (for LCBs)
must be taken for deferring or delaying realization of financial secured assets e.g FDR,
Cash Margin, LIC Policy, Pledged shares etc.
Where Bank is having security by way of pledge of shares, steps for invocation of pledge / sale of
pledged shares need to be taken immediately upon classification of account as NPA to expedite
recovery of Bank‟s dues. Keeping in view the above, all field functionaries are advised as under:
10. In case our Bank is sole lender, the steps for invocation of pledge / sale of pledged shares be
initiated immediately, and in all eventuality, not later than a week from the classification of
/20 402
the account asNPA.
11. In case of consortium accounts where our Bank is leader, the consortium meeting be
immediately called after slipping of account to NPA to initiate steps to invoke pledge of
shares / sale of pledgedshares.
/03 41
12. In case of consortium accounts where PNB is not the lead bank, the lead bank be requested
to call consortium meeting immediately upon classification of such account as NPA for
initiating steps to invoke pledge of shares / sale of pledgedshares.
13. The steps initiated for invocation of pledge / sale of pledged shares be taken to logical end
without timegaps.
b)Identity and authority of persons authorized to represent Bank for follow up and recovery of
dues would be made known at the first instance. The bank staff or any person authorized to
represent the bank in collection of dues or/ and security repossession will identify himself /
herself and display the authority letter issued by bank uponrequest.
/20 402
c) Bank would respectprivacy.
d) All written and verbal communication will be in simple business language and bank will
adopt civil manners for interaction withborrowers.
e)Normally bank‟s representative will contact between 0700 hrs and 1900 hrs unless the special
/03 41
g)Bank will documents the efforts made for recovery of dues and copy of communication send
to you will be kept on record.
h)All assistance will be given to resolve disputes or differences regarding dues in a mutually
acceptable and in an orderlymanner.
i)Inappropriate occasions such as bereavement in the family or such other calamitous occasions
will be avoided for making calls/ visits to collectdues.
4) Notice
While written communications, telephonic reminders or visits by the Bank‟s representatives to
borrower‟splaceorresidencewillbeusedasloanfollowupmeasures,theBankwillnotinitiateany legal or
other recovery measures including repossession of the security without giving due notice in writing.
The notice shall be given by Registered Post with Acknowledgement Due. Any genuine difficulties
expressed/disputes raised by you will be considered. Where the Bank has reasons to
under law for recovery / repossession of security.
5) Repossession of Security
Repossession of security is aimed at recovery of dues and not to deprive of the property. The
recovery process through repossession of security will involve repossession, valuation of security
and realization of security through appropriate means. All these would be carried out in a fair and
transparent manner. Repossession will be done only after issuing the notice as detailed above. Due
process of law will be followed while taking repossession of the property. The Bank will take all
reasonable care for ensuring the safety and security of the property after taking custody, in the
ordinary course of the business and necessary cost will be charged to you.
the repossession of security, the Bank may consider handing over the property after receiving the
installments in arrears.
If the amounts are repaid, either as stipulated by the Bank or dues settled as agreed to by the Bank,
possession of seized assets will be handed back to you/person concerned within 7 days after date of
/20 402
permission from competent authority of the Bank or court/DRT concerned if recovery proceedings
are filed and pending before such forums.
8) Engagement of Recovery Agents
The Bank may utilize the services of Recovery Agents for collection of dues and repossession
/03 41
of securities. Recovery Agents will be appointed as per regulatory guidelines issued in this
regard. In thisrespect:
(a) ThenameandaddressofalltheRecoveryAgentsontheBank‟sapprovedpanelwillbeplaced
restructuring involves three basic steps asunder:
i. Timely identification of theproblem
ii. Realistic assessment of the business potentials and cashflows
iii. Aligning the capital structure and debt servicing obligations to realistically projectedcash
/20 402
Guidelines issued by the HO:IRMD from time to time be meticulously followed in respect of
4) In respect of cases referred to BIFR, more efforts have to be made towards improvingcontrols
/03 41
and preventing further deterioration of assets charged to the Bank because legal action for
recovery/regularization can‟t be taken in isolation without formulating a rehabilitative
restructuring/one time settlement scheme as common approach (in case of consortium advances)
classification status of the account after restructuring /
rescheduling /renegotiation.
Frauds and malfeasance will continue to remainineligible
Banks may review the reasons for classification of the
/20 402
borrowers as wilful defaulters, especially in old cases
where the manner of classification of a borrower as a wilful
defaulter was not transparent, and satisfy itself that the
borrower is in a position to rectify the wilful default. The
/03 41
principal) / (Maximum amount ofloan).
4 Process While a restructuring proposal is under consideration, the
usual asset classification norms would continue toapply.
Normally, restructuring cannot take place unless alteration /
/20 402
changes in the original loan agreement are made with the
formal consent / application of the debtor. However, the
process of restructuring can be initiated by the bank in
deserving cases subject to customer agreeing to the terms
/03 41
5 Asset Classification Restructuring of advances can take place in the following
Norms – General stages:
repayment period much beyond the retirement age or the
revenue generating capacity of the borrower. Therefore, it is
advised that
(i) While extending repayment period in respect of housing
/20 402
loans to keep the EMI unchanged, branches should satisfy
themselves about therevenue generation / repaying capacity of
the borrower during the entire repayment period including the
extended repaymentperiod.
/03 41
2) Any additional finance may be treated as 'standard asset' during the specified period under the
approved restructuring package. However, in the case of accounts where the pre-restructuring
facilities were classified as 'sub-standard' and 'doubtful', interest income on the additional finance
should be recognized only on cash basis. If the restructured asset does not qualify for upgradation
at the end of the above specified period, the additional finance shall be placed in the same asset
classification category as the restructureddebt.
3) If a restructured asset, which is a standard asset on restructuring is subjected to restructuring on
a subsequent occasion, it should be classified as substandard. If the restructured asset is a sub-
standard or a doubtful asset and is subjected to restructuring, on a subsequent occasion, its asset
classification will be reckoned from the date when it became NPA on the firstoccasion.
Background: In order to help banks and FIs to resolve the NPAs, the Govt. of India promulgated
Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest
(SARFAESI) Ordinance, 2002 on 21.06.2002, which was later replaced by Act 54 of 2002.
It has 42 sections divided into VI chapters. The act is applicable to whole of India including J&K.
Supreme Court vide its judgment dated 8.04.2004, in the case of M/s. Mardia Chemicals Ltd. &
others Vs Union of India & Others, upheld the validity of the Act except subsection 2 of the
Section 17 of the Act (deposit of 75% of the amount claimed with DRT along with the
application), which was declared ultra virus of Article 14 of the Constitution of India and directed
the Govt. of India to make certain amendments/modifications in the Act. As a result, the
Enforcement of Security Interest and Recovery of Debts (ESI & RD) Laws (Amendment) Act
2004 came into force w.e.f. 11.11.04
Delegation of Powers To initiate action under SARFAESI Act (RD Cir. 31/2017)
To enable field functionaries to avail provisions of the Act the Board in its meeting held on
26.06.2012, vide Resolution No. 36, approved following revised guidelines: “Incumbents In-
charge of the branches including LCBs, irrespective of the Scale shall have full powers
/20 402
irrespective of amount of loan outstanding, to permit for initiation of SARFAESI Action….”
Salient provisions of the act are as under:-
/03 41
1) Powers to the secured creditor: Any secured creditor having security interest by way of
Mortgage, Charge, Hypothecation and assignment (not by lien/pledge) may exercise powers
under the Law to take possession of secured assets (U/s 13-4), appoint a person to manage the
secured assets, require any person who has acquired secured assets, to pay to the secured creditor
and if a secured creditor is a Securitization Company, it can exercise power of takeover of
management of business ofborrower
2) Conditions for exercising powers under the act: Such power can be exercisedprovided:
The Asset is classified as NPA as per RBInorms
When an account becomes NPA, Authorized Officer can issue notice to the
borrower /guarantor / mortgagor (all referred to as borrower in the Act), who has
created interest in secured assets, under section 13(2) of the SARFAESI Act
demanding him/her/them to discharge in full the liabilities within 60 days from
the date ofnotice.
In case borrower is avoiding service of the notice, the service shall be effected by affixing a copy
of the demand notice on the outer door or some other conspicuous part of the house or building in
which the borrower ordinarily resides or carries on business and also by publishing the contents of
/20 402
the demand notice in two leading newspapers, one in vernacular language, having sufficient
circulation in that locality.
On issue of such a notice, if the borrower/guarantor raises objections by way of representation
/03 41
under section 13 (3A), bank has to give explanation/suitable reply within 15 days from the date of
receipt of the objections / representation.
In consortium accountsconsent of 60% of the secured creditors (in BIFR reference consent of
3/4th of secured creditors) needs to be taken before taking possession/other measures u/s 13(4) of
SARFAESI Act. Such action shall be binding on all secured creditors including those who have
not given consent in favour. Where PNB is the Leader, such consent for the joint action under the
Act shall be sought from all the members avoiding any delay on this count. For this purpose, the
branches need not make any reference to the Circle Head/FGM/HO to take approval of
giving/seeking consent.
In other cases, where the mortgaged IP is being used for agriculture purpose, recovery
proceedings be initiated by filing suit in DRT/Court, as the case may be, and the property in
question be got attached and sold through the DRT/Court.
/20 402
1) Minimum Notice Period: A minimum 30 days‟ noticebe given to the owner after taking
possession by the authorized officer and the eventual sale of both movable and immovable
properties. In a recently concluded case, Supreme Court held that it is left at the discretion of the
/03 41
Authorized Officer to take or not to take the physical possession of the immovable property
before effecting the sale as per Rule 9 framed under theact.
2) Designated official: The authorized officer has to be an officer in the Rank of the Chief
Manager of a Public Sector Bank or such other person authorized as such by the board of
Directors of theBank.
3) Mode of sale: After taking possession, lender can sell the asset throughpublic
auction/obtaining quotation/inviting tenders or by private treaty. If it is by public auction/tender, it
should be backed by public notice in two newspapers out of which in vernacular language having
4) Reserve Price: Reserve price would be arrived at after making proper valuation. For movable
assets authorized officer will take estimated value & for immovable assets, authorized officer will
obtain valuation from board approved valuer. Sale below the reserve price can be done only if
both borrower and lender agree except when there is a natural decay or cost of possession
may exceed the saleprice.
5) Confirmation of Sale: Sale will be confirmed after deposit of 25% by the highest bidder,
balance will be paid within 15 days of confirmation ofsale.
(a) By obtaining quotations from parties dealing in secured assets or otherwise interested in
buying the securedassets
(b) By inviting tenders frompublic
(c) By holding public auctionor
(d) By privatetreaty
Out of the above mentioned modes, it has been noted that the most transparent and effective
method of sale of the secured assets is by holding Public Auction or by inviting Tenders
Until Sep, 2012, the Bank had been following the traditional method of holding Auctions
manually. However, such auctions were always prone to the deliberate and planned impact
of the cartel formation, resulting in lower price fetching. Later on as advised by the
Ministry of Finance, auctions (under SARFAESI Act as well as DRT auctions) were being
conducted through e-auction mode.
The Management Committee (MC) vide its resolution dated 02.02.2015 directed that all E-
Auctions (i.e. under SARFAESI Act and DRT) will be conducted in-house by the Circles from
01.04.2015 onwards.
Accordingly, w.e.f. 01.04.2015, e-auctions (under SARFAESI Act and DRT auctions) are being
conducted on the PNB Portal/website 2 The guidelines for conducting e-
auctions (under SARFAESI Act and DRT auctions), in house were circulated vide Recovery
Division Circular no. 29/2015 dated 02.11.2015.
/20 402
As per sastra division cir no 55/2018 dt 14-12-18 few amendments have been by the government
called security interest (enforcement ) amendment rules 2018. The amendments are as under :
If the sale of such secured assets is being effected by either inviting tenders from the
/03 41
public or by holding public auction, the secured creditor shall cause a public notice in the
Form given in Appendix II-A to be published in two leading newspapers, including one in
vernacular language, having wide circulation in that locality
A new para has been inserted as Rule 6 {sub rule(4)} of “The Security Interest
(Enforcement) Rule, 2002 which deals with uploading of terms and conditions of sale of
movable secured assets on the web site of secured creditor, which states as under: “(4) The
Authorized officer shall upload the detailed terms and conditions of the sale of movable
secured assets on the web-site of the secured creditor, which shall include, (a) Details
about the borrower and secured creditor: (b) Complete description of movable secured
assets to be sold with identification marks or numbers, if any, on them; (c) Reserve price
of the movable secured assets, if any, and the time and manner of payment; (d) Time and
place of public auction or the time after which sale by any other mode shall be completed;
(e) Deposit of earnest money as may be stipulated by the secured creditor; (f) Any other
terms or conditions which the authorized officer considers it necessary for a purchaser to
know the nature and value of movable secured assets.”
The existing para of the provision of Rule 8 {sub rule(6)} of “The Security Interest
(Enforcement) Rule, 2002”, which deals with Sale of Immovable Secured Assets has been
modified as under - Provided that if the sale of such secured assets is being effected by
either inviting tenders from the public or by holding public auction, the secured creditor
shall cause a public notice in the Form given in Appendix IV-A to be published in two
leading newspapers, including one in vernacular language, having wide circulation in that
The existing para of the provision of Rule 8 {sub rule(7)} of “The Security Interest
(Enforcement) Rule, 2002”, which deals with Sale of Immovable Secured Assets has also
been modified as under----Every notice of sale shall be affixed on a conspicuous part of
the immovable property and the authorized officer, shall upload the detailed terms and
conditions of the sale, on the website of the secured creditor, which shall include: (a) The
Description of the immovable property to be sold, including the details of the
encumbrances known to the secured creditor; (b)The secured debt for recovery of which
property is to be sold; (c)Reserve price of the immovable secured assets below which
property may not be sold; (d)Time and place of public auction or the time after which sale
by any other mode shall be completed; (e)Deposit of money as may be stipulated by the
secured creditor; (f) Any other terms and conditions, which the authorized officer
considers it necessary for a purchaser to know the nature and value of the property.
Based on the above changes , the Sample Sale Notice as given in Annexure I-C of
SASTRA Division Circular No 29/2015 dated 02.11.2015 has been amended as per the
provisions of Annexure IV-A and is enclosed for reference (cir no.55/2018 sastra
division). The sample sale notices have been bifurcated in four parts: 1. Sample Sale
notice for Uploading on Website (For E-auction of Immovable Properties) - Annexure IC.
2. Sample Sale notice for Uploading on Website (For E-auction of Movable Properties) -
Annexure ID. 3. Sample Sale notice for Publication in Newspapers (For E-auction of
Immovable Properties) - Annexure IE. 4. Sample Sale notice for Publication in
Newspapers (For E-auction of Movable Properties) - Annexure IF.
Further operational amendments for conducting e-auctions
Rule 9 (2) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules provides as under: “The sale shall be
/20 402
confirmed in favour of the purchaser who has offered the highest sale price in his bid or tender or
quotation or offer to the authorized officer and shall be subject to confirmation by the secured
creditor; Provided that no sale under this rule shall be confirmed, if the amount offered by sale
price is less than the reserve price specified under sub-rule (5) of Rule 9. Provided further, that if
/03 41
the authorized officer fails to obtain a price higher than the reserve price, he may, with the
consent of the borrower and the secured creditor effect the sale at suchprice.
Keeping the above provisions in view, Law Division, HO has opined that though technically, a
bidder can start bidding at the reserve price, however, as the sale at reserve price can be effected
with the consent of the borrower only, the first bidding should start for any amount higher than
the reserve price. The minimum incremental amount, if any stipulated, is to be made applicable
for subsequent bids only after firstbid.
In the past the Authorized Officer (AO) was not given access to the e-auction due to which he had
to be present in the Circle Office during the e-auction. Now Nodal officer of the Circle office will
create the User ID of the Authorized Officer (AO), thus providing him access to the e-auction to
view the proceedings.
All offices including LCBs/ARMBs will get their e-auctions conducted through their respective
Circle Offices only.
Mode of sale of secured assets-Recovery Division circular 29/2015 dated 02.11.2015 and 33/2015
dtd. 27.11.2015
All auctions in the case of properties, which are being sold in municipal areas, would be through
e-auction as preferred mode.
Auctions may be conducted manually where:
The book outstanding in the account is less than Rs. 5 lacs OR Value of the property being
placed for sale is less than Rs. 5 lacs.
In case of properties in rural areas, where the response is not adequate or for any other
reason, if the Tribunal (in case of auctions under DRT) deems it necessary, such method
may be adopted as the Tribunal considers appropriate, for sale of the property of the
In case of auctions under SARFAESI Act also, in case of properties in rural areas, where
the response is not adequate or for any other reason, the Circle Head on recommendations
of the Authorized Officer may decide the mode of sale (e-auction/manualauction/tenders).
In all cases where in the past (irrespective of the time period / gap), e-auction attempt has
failed at-least once and it is contemplated that instead of e-auction mode, other modes of
sale may be a better option, Circle Head on recommendations of the Authorized Officer,
/20 402
may decide the mode of sale (e-auction/manualauction/tenders).
In all those cases where manual auction mode has been adopted due to any of the reasons
mentioned above, the decision will be taken by the Circle Head on recommendations of
/03 41
the AuthorizedOfficer.
Further, in all such cases, reasons for adopting the manual mode be recorded, kept on
record and informed to the Head Office Recovery Division, as the information is also
required to be submitted to the Ministry of Finance on quarterlybasis.
Timeline For
Actions Under SARFAESI Act Initiating Steps
An account becomes NPA
Prepare SI-2 (SARFAESI Manual). Get administrative sanction for
Recall and taking SARFAESI Action, which lies with Incumbent Incharge
irrespective of scale.
Proof of sending notices, (Postal
Receipts, Notices received back
(without opening /tearing them),
AD Cards, POD, and
/20 402
publications in the newspapers
etc. be kept onrecords.)
/03 41
Supporting agency to make pre possession survey and submit report. The
report be examined as to what precautions and steps need to be taken for
possession. If everything is found in order, Authorized Officer to proceed
for further action. In Consortium Accounts consent of 60% of the secured
Possession Day (Movables) Possession Day (Immovables)
/20 402
1) Take possession of 1) Take Possession of immovable On 79th/ 81st
movables. property by delivering Possession Day Publication
2) Prepare Panchnama form SI - Notice (Form-SI-10- SARFAESI by
7A/7B/7C/7D (SARFAESI Manual) to the borrower. 82nd/84th Day
/03 41
· Obtain Valuation Report from Board Approved Valuer
· (No need to wait for actual possession of immovable securedassets)
/20 402
byborrower application by
If there is resistance in delivering actual possession:
· Filing of application before DM/CMM for taking possession u/s14 90th/ 92 Day
/03 41
issued by the recovery Division.· If sale is by inviting tenders, as soon as publication is made in
the newspaper, keep ready theTender Form (SI-25) along with Annexure of Terms &Conditions
which is to be submitted bythe Tenderer/Bidder duly signed with EMD in a sealed cover
accompanying a covering letter –Form-SI-26.Check up that there is no stay granted by
/20 402
DRT/Court/High Court. Court ordersreceived at any stage are to be honoured.
Highest Bidder is required to make declared as successfulbidder.
initial deposit of 25% immediately Initial deposit : The successful
of the bid /sale amount after Highest Bidder is required to make
adjusting the EMD. Balance 75% is initial deposit of 25% immediately
/20 402
to be paid within 15days. of the bid /sale amount after
E-Auction adjusting the EMD. Balance 75%
Please refer to Recovery Division is to be paid within 15days.
Circulars issued from time to time.
/03 41
Get Bio-data of the Highest Get Bio-data of the Highest Balance 75%
Bidder‟s per format SI-20. Bidder as per format SI-20. amount by136th/
/20 402
/03 41
SARFAESI Action – Initiation of action against all secured assets viz. movable as well as
immovable properties & need for taking physical possession of secured assets.
As per the definition provided under Section 2 (t) of SARFAESI Act, the term „property‟, inter
alia, includes immovable property, movable property as well as book debts. As such SARFAESI
/20 402
action has to be initiated in all the NPA accounts including those where eligible secured assets are
available in the form of hypothecated movable properties and book debts only.
Take physical possession of maximum eligible properties because it is easy to sell the properties
which are under physical possession of bank, and moreover, properties under physical possession
/03 41
of bank fetch better price also. As such, all field functionaries are again advised as under:
All possible efforts be made to take eligible properties under physical possession ofbank.
Applications before DM / CMM for taking physical possession need to be filed only in those
cases where Authorized Officer / branch has exhausted all other means to take physical
In all those cases where there are chances of resistance / hindrance from borrower / mortgagor,
applications be filed before DM / CMM for taking physical possession immediately after
(Cir 49/2017 )Public Sale Notices- Important Details For Publication and Uploading
Hon‟ble Ms. Justice Hima Kohli & Hon‟ble Ms. Justice Deepa Sharma of High Court Delhi,
inRajesh Gems & Jewels (P) Ltd vs. India Overseas Bank through their judgement dated
20.09.2017 advisedthat:
“In the larger public interest, henceforth Banks to ensure that the public notices issuedfor
auctioning of immovable properties under SARFAESI Act, contain all the relevant details and
state whether the same is freehold or leasehold, give its measurement, location etc. including
other details for it, to attract as many bidspossible.”
Strategies For Successful Sale Process Under SARFAESI Act
Under the SARFAESI Act when we go for sale of secured assets, the aim is to secure maximum price
/20 402
for the assets to be sold. Over a period of time it has become a proven fact that the most transparent
and effective methods of sale of the secured assets are: Public Auction and Inviting Tenders
However, experience has revealed that in large number of cases the sale efforts are thwarted on
account of non-receipt of bids or buyers offering sale price not commensurate with the Market
/03 41
Value/Reserve Price. In pursuit of free, fair and transparent auctions Ministry of Finance directed the
Banks to adopt the Electronic medium for conducting auctions also known by the name “E-Auctions”.
However, to improve the success rate of even e-auctions, we need to initiate certain steps, which are
given below:
1. Valuation of securedassets
Valuation Report relied upon should normally be not more than a year old. Branch Incumbent, besides
relying upon the Valuation Report submitted by the Valuer(s), as per extant guidelines, should involve
him/herself in the process and make discreet enquiries from the Property Dealers/Real Estate
Agents/Residents of that area etc. so that a fair assessment may be made, before fixing the Reserve
2. Fixation of ReservePrice
A realistic Reserve Price will always improve the chances of successful sale process. Reserve Price
needs to be fixed by taking into cognizance, various factors e.g location of the property, multiple
tenancy, IPs not demarcated, various Government obligations/litigations/attachments etc.
In the current scenario, publicity plays a vital role to make an E-Auction a successful event. Publicity
can be bifurcated mainly into two parts:
As per statutory/regulatoryguidelines
1. Sale advertisement to be published compulsorily in 2 newspapers, of which one must be in
2. 30 days Notice to be issued to the borrower/mortgagor/guarantor, Sale Notice is also required
to be affixed on the conspicuous part of theproperty.
1. Display in the notice boards & ATM cabins of all branches in theCircle.
2. Besides the 2 newspaper ads, it can be published in some additional Newspapers, having good
circulation in that particulararea.
3. Scrolling/Running Strips can be displayed on the Local Cable TV/Other TV Channels for
some period say aweek/fortnight/month.
4. Hand Bills/Pamphlets can be circulated through NewspaperVendors.
5. In cases of sale of properties with high Reserve Price (1 crore & above), pamphlets/brochures
containing description and photos of the property (wherever possible) can also be considered
6. In all advertisements & publicity materials the positive features of the properties, like posh
locality, proximity to markets/schools/station/airport/ other civic amenities etc may be
mentioned clearly to attract potentialbidders.
7. A database of the prospective Valuable Customers/Real Estate Agents/Property Dealers etc.
may be prepared and kept hand for future sale transactions also. In case of any fresh sale
process, E-Mails/Invitation letters may be sent to such prospectivebuyers.
8. Spot Inspection of the property should be arranged and Enquiries by the Prospective Buyers
must be attended to properly, correctly andhonestly.
/20 402
9. Facelift of the Properties- before opening the property to spot inspection, wherever possible,
efforts must be made for giving them a face lift by spending a nominal amount and taking
help of the labour for whitewash, removal of weeds/grass, cleaning the premisesetc.
10. Actual /Physical vis-à-vis Symbolic Possession- In case Bank has actual/physical possession
/03 41
such Agencies may be utilized as these agencies can play pivotal roles through their
professional approach & localcontacts.
of sale be recorded and conveyed to the highest bidder. The steps needs to be taken immediately
but within 15 days from the date of Auction for getting the sale confirmed from the secured
creditor i.e. Committee of Officers and confirmation be conveyed to the highest bidder.
Confirmation by the „Authorized Officer‟ and confirmation by the secured creditor are
necessary only in respect of sale of immovable assets. Sale of immovable property is to be got
confirmed (Form SI-22 of SARFAESI Manual) by the Authorized Officer from the Secured
Creditor. In terms of SARFAESI Rules, 2002 {Rule 9(6)}:
“On confirmation of sale by the secured creditor (Committee of Officers) and if the terms of
payment have been complied with, the Authorized Officer exercising the power of sale shall
issue a ―Certificate of Sale‖ of the immovable property in favor of the purchaser.” (Form SI-17
of the SARFAESI Manual)‖
If it is found by the Committee of Officers that sale is not to be confirmed, the reasons for not
confirming the sale be recorded in the minutes of the meeting and should be immediately
conveyed to the purchaser and initial deposit be returned.
S.No. Particulars Committee to sale Members of committee
1 For branches other COCESI ( Circle office 1.Circle Head (Chairperson)
/20 402
than LCBs committee for 2.Second in command at CO
enforcement ofsecurity 3.Chief/Sr. Manager of Recovery
interest 4.Sr.Manager/Manager Law
2 For LCBs Committee of LCB for 1.Head of the LCB
/03 41
Mandatory provisions of the SARFAESI Act read with Rules are complied with meticulously and
all concerned are requested to ensure that-
a) WhilepublishingtheSaleNoticesanduploadingthemattheE-Auctionsites/Bank‟swebsite
/Govt website ( etc., there is no variation in the nomenclature used and regarding
confirmation of sale, it is invariably mentioned that “Sale would be subject to confirmation by the
secured creditor”.
b) However, where in a particular account, there are both movable and immovable assets and
common procedure is adopted for sale thereof then it must be ensured to incorporate in the sale
proclamation/Public Notices/ advertisements in the newspapers etc. that “Sale is to be confirmed
by the SecuredCreditor”.
Supreme Court in its Judgment in the case of J.Rajiv Subramaniyan & Anr.Vs.Pandiyas and Ors.
Decided on 14.3.2014, held that sale by any other method in terms of Rule 8(8) of SARFAESI
Rules other than public auction or tender shall be on such terms as may be settled between the
parties in writing. According to the Court, the parties mean the borrower (mortgagor),
purchaser and the bank. Thus ―Extension in the time period (i.e beyond 15 days, as
specified in Rule 9(4) of the SARFAESIAct), for depositing of the balance amount be
permitted onlywhen:
(ii) Consent is given by the borrower/mortgagor for doingso.
/20 402
Board in its meeting held on 08/09.05.12 vide Resolution No. 11 and the same are given below
for meticulouscompliance:
1. Alternative of private treaty should generally be resorted to only when the other more
transparent methods of obtaining quotations/inviting tenders or public auction etc. have not been
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2. Minimum number of attempts of sale of immovable secured assets through other more
transparent methods, depending upon the assessed value/reserve price fixed for the secured assets
is givenbelow:
One such attempt is prescribed for assets with a value up to Rs.1 crore.
Two such attempts are prescribed for assets with a value more than Rs.1 crore. However, the
alternative of private treaty may be considered without resorting to other methods if all the dues
of the bank/banks in the case are fullyrecovered.
Further, where dues of the bank(s) are not being fully recovered and the amount recoverable
through sale in private treaty is less than the assessed value/reserve price, the approval of one
level above the authority competent to enter into private treaty should be invariably be obtained.
As per Bank‟s extant guidelines Circle Heads have full powers for initiation of SARFAESI
action. However, LCBs (Large Corporate Branches) seek permission from the concernedFGM.
Latest Supreme Court Judgement on Sale through Private Treaty Supreme Court has given
decision in respect of the “Sale Through Private Treaty”, in case of J. Rajiv Subramaniyan & Anr.
Vs. Pandiyas & Ors., decided on 14.03.14, that: “In case of sale of property under Private Treaty,
consent of the mortgagor, bank and the proposed purchasers are required. The Secured Creditor
should ensure that the borrower was clearly put on notice of the date and time, by which, either
the sale or transfer will be effected, in order to provide the required opportunity to the borrower to
take all possible steps for retrieving hisproperty.”
In view of the above, it must be ensured that while going for sale of property (ies) through Private
Treaty, consent of the mortgagor, bank & the proposed purchaser is invariably taken.
This issue has been taken care by the following important judgement given by the Supreme Court.
In the case of Mathew Varghese Vs. M. Amritha Kumar & Ors, the Supreme Court in its order
dated 10.02.2014 held that: “Once the sale does not take place pursuant to the Notice issued under
Rule 8 and 9 (The Security Interest Enforcement Rules, 2002), read along-with Section 13(8) of
the SARFAESI Act, for which entire blame cannot be thrown on the borrower, it is imperative
that for effecting the sale, the procedure prescribed in the Act will have to be followed afresh, as
the notice issued earlier wouldlapse.”
In view of the above judgment, it is to be ensured that after failure/cancellation of sale process,
which may be through any of the four modes prescribed under the SARFAESI Act i.e
Auctions/Tenders/Quotations/Private Treaty, before making another attempt the whole procedure
is to be started afresh e.g issue of 30 days‟ notice to the borrower, publication in the two
newspapers etc. as if the sale process has been started for the first time.
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1) Appeal to DRT: The borrower may appeal to DRT without depositing any amount. Such
appeal has to be preferred within 45 days (U/s 17) from the date on which such measures had
been taken. The appeal can be made only if secured creditor takes possession of the securities or
any other action U/s 13(4) and not merely on notice U/s 13(2). Since the act has not given any
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limit for filing appeal before DRT, therefore appeal can be made even for amounts below
Rs.10 lac. The court fee as applicable for filing suit before DRT in general cases, shall be
2) Appeal to DRAT: The borrower has to deposit 50% of the amount decreed by the DRT or
claimed by the secured creditor, whichever is less, before making application at the 2nd stage i.e.
DRAT. DRAT, however, may reduce it to 25%.This appeal should be made within 30 days (U/s
18) from the date of receipt of orders of DRT.
3) Time Limit: It has also been made mandatory that the DRTs would dispose of the cases within
60 days & may extend the period upto 4 months after recording the reasons in writing else any
party may move to DRAT which may direct DRT for expeditiousdisposal.
4) Provisions for J & K: In the state of Jammu & Kashmir the borrower may move to the court
of District Judge and against his order to the High Court after depositing 50% of the amount
decreed by the District Judge which has power to reduce this amount to25%.
RD CIR 9/2014dt.25.02.2014 :- “Issue notices u/s 13(2) and 13(4) of SARFAESI Act separately
for the securities situated outside the State of J&K and separately for the securities situated in the
state of J&K”
2) Penalty: Contravention or non-compliance may attract fine which may extend to Rs.5000/- for
every day ofdefault.
3) Additional Fine: U/s 28, if Securitization/Reconstruction company or any of its officers fail
to comply with the directions given by Reserve Bank, they can be fined upto an amount of Rs.5
lac and in case of continuing offence they can be charged with additional fine of Rs.10000/- for
every day during which the offencecontinues.
1) Cases under BIFR/SICA: Protection under SICA is not available once a secured creditor
takes action under this act. In case any reference is pending before BIFR/SICA, it will abate and
SARFAESI willprevail.
2) Action under Civil Courts: U/s 37, the remedy available under this act is in addition to all
remedies available under any other law. Hence creditor can proceed under this act even in the
matters which are under consideration by any Court Of Law.or sub-judice. However, if the
competent court has already passed any order, bank can proceed under this act only after taking
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prior permission from the court of competentjurisdiction.
3) Cases already pending before DRT: In Transcore V/s Union of India and IOB, Supreme
Court has decided that even if proceedings are pending with DRT, the bank can proceed against
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Our Bank has also advised as under: - (Cir 31/2017 dated 30/06/2017)
(i) In the cases where huge stakes of the bank are involved or it is apprehended that
borrower/mortgagor may file appeal against SARFAESI action of the Bank, CAVEAT
Application be filed in theDRT/DRAT/Court.
(ii) Proper reply/applications are filed in the DRTs/DRATs/Courts for vacation of
stay/preponement of next dates of hearingsetc.
(iii) Bank Officials and the dealing Counsel should invariably attend the hearing of the
SARFAESI appeal in the DRTs so as to ensure that SARFAESI appeals are disposed off
within 4 months and no stay orders remainoperative.
For listing of Auction Notices on their website, the Company may be paid Rs. 800/- per
account/borrower, inclusive of service Tax. In addition to this, Company shall also
upload the same Auction Notice in vernacular language without any extra cost. In caseof
Auctions, new dates of auction shall be intimated to M/s Foreclosure India. However,no
further charges shall be payable. Further, on sale of listed properties, no commissionetc.
shall be payable to the Company.
Procedure for uploading Auction Notices at (RD 02/2015 dt.
09.01.2015)For uploading the Auction Notice at, no extra information is
required from the Circle Offices. The Auction Notice published/to be published in the
newspapers, in the PDF format fulfills the requirement.
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manner. Therefore, now onwards all the Auction Notices will be uploaded on the Bank‟s
website centrally by the HO: MASD and not by Recovery Division. Instead of sending these
/03 41
Auction Notices to Recovery Division, Head Office, New Delhi, Circles Offices will ssend
copy of auction Notice published in the Newspapers to MASD, HO in PDF Format at
following e-mail IDs (No Hard Copy) and only its copy be endorsed to Recovery Division,
For uploading the Auction Notices at, the required information is given in
the Annexure-II-Summarized Information. Circle Offices may seek the required information
from the concerned branch for uploading the Notice.
Circles will also upload the Auction Notices for the Large Corporate Branches and Large
Corporate Branches (LCBs) will get their Auction Notices uploaded through the respective
Circle Offices.
Executive Incharge, Recovery Section at the Circle Offices will be responsible for
uploading of the Auction Notices at the Government website of the
Branches of the Circle and of the Large Corporate Branch also located in theirarea.
1. Auction Notice should be invariably placed on the Bank‟s and Govt. of India
websites for at-least 30 days inadvance.
2. Branches will send details of the Auction Notice(s) to its Circle Office (soft as
well as hard copy) and Circle Offices for placing the Auction Notices on the
Government website verifying the facts and
completeness of requisiteinformation.
3. Circle Office will maintain a record of such Auction Notices and allot/mark
serial number starting from 1 (year-wise) e.g for 2014 the first Auction Notice
sent to Recovery Division shall bear serial number 1. Similarly in 2015 it will
again start from 1 and soon.
4. All other guidelines for enforcing the Security Interest under SARFAESI Act
have to be complied with,meticulously.
5. Regarding creation of User IDs information on the prescribed format (RAD
02/2015) besubmitted to recovery division HO NewDelhi.
New Features at E-auction portal of the bank (RD 08/2017 dated 02.02.2017)
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1) Location wise (State & District) Search of properties : Earlier properties put to auction
could by searched by prospective buyers based on auction reference number / auction date /
asset type / account name / circle but now it can also be searched on State andDistrict
name wise to enable buyer to locate the property specific location wise.
/03 41
chances of sale. As such New features have been added in the portal to facilitate the
prospective buyers to view the image(s) of the properties along with their prominent
features. To view the images and prominent features of a property the prospective buyers
may click the „ View Property Image‟ button at the home page.
Company under liquidation, notice U/s 13(2) of SARFAESI act is to be served on to the
official liquidator and if no response is received, bank to obtain leave of the Company Court
under section 537 of Companies Act to take measure under section 13(4) of the SARFAESIact.
services of the Office anywhere in the country, are required by any other Circle Office who
Supporting has not engaged that Supporting Agency, the proposals duly recommended
Agents out of the by the Branch Incumbent may be submitted to their Circle Head (in case of
geographical LCB, to their FGM) for consideration. Circle Head (for LCBs, FGM will
/20 402
jurisdiction accord approval) may accord approval in such cases, purely on merits and
genuineness of the problem e.g the property/security is located at different
place/centre and/or non availability of services of Agencies in a particular
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However, in such cases it is essential that the other Circle Office (who had
not engaged the Supporting Agency, originally) also gets the prescribed
Validity of panel The panel of Supporting Agencies will remain valid till the time revised/up-
dated list is placed on the Bank‟s website, preferably on yearly basis.
Payment of fees Annexure II and III of the circular and are all inclusive of taxes whatsoever
may be payable. The Fee Structure given in the Annexure does not cover
the charges for Seizure of Vehicles including Tractors‖, for which there
is separate Policy approved by the Board
For obtaining assistance from DM / Chief metropolitan magistrate for
taking over possession of securities the fees shall be paid in twostages:
a) 50% at the beginning on moving theapplication
b) Balance 50% after obtaining possession of securedassets.
As per revised guidelines vide Circular no 43/2017 Recovery Division –
i) In case the Property Dealer/ Real Estate Agency , Who although is
not working as Supporting Agency , on behalf of the Bank,but
iii) In case the Supporting Agency itself utilizes services of a Property
Dealer/ Real Estate Agency at their own, who brings a buyer for a
Property/ any other secured asset put on sale by the Bank, then
commission to the dealer/ agency will be paid by the Supporting
/20 402
Agency, as per their own arrangement, and no additional
commission of 1% shall be paid by theBank.
Further, Commission to the Property Dealer/ Real Estate Agency
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The buyer shall be brought before last date of submission of
services of the Supporting Agencies are utilized by the Circle Offices
for expeditious resolution ofNPAs.
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DEFAULTER BORROWERS (RD(SASTRA) Cir no 33/2018 dated 29.06.2018, no
changes from RD cir no 15/2017 dt 31.03.17)
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It has been observed that a sizeable amount of NPAs under the segment of below Rs.10 lac is
locked up in vehicle loans particularly Tractor advances. Besides, a large number of vehicle /
tractor loans are running irregular and are likely to slip to NPAs, if immediate corrective
action is not taken.
For dealing with delinquency / irregularity arising on account of natural calamities (floods,
droughts etc) and consequently inadequate income generation, the bank has a well laid down
system of reschedulement / restructuring / rephasement. However, in cases of deliberate
default, at times effective recovery measures need to be taken so as to enforce our security
interests including seizure of tractors, cars, trucks and other vehicles, taking physical
possession and realizing its value by sale for credit to the borrower‟s loan account as per the
covenants of the contract / provisions of law.
Based on the feedback received from the field and/or experience gained in implementing
the Policies, there are no issues warranting any changes/modifications in the existing
policy. Thus, Board in its meeting held on 14.05.2018, vide Resolution no. 12 approved to
continue with the existing Policy for the year 2018-2019 also.
As per terms of various agreements- like Priority Sector TL Agreement PNB 639 (Para 7) ,
Letter of Hypothecation- PNB 504 (penultimate para) and Hypothecation Agreement PNB-
1041 ( Para 10) the bank has a right to demand, have possession of and sell charged securities
in case of default by borrower.
In the interest of Natural justice, it is considered necessary that Bank should not initiate any
1. Issue of firstnotice
In addition to the usual / normal recovery reminders / notices / efforts, a 15 days‟ notice
calling upon the borrower to remedy the default shall be given (with copy to guarantor/s) in
writing in local vernacular language. The notice shall state that in the event of failure on the part
of the borrower / guarantor to do so within the prescribed time, the bank shall be entitled to seize
the vehicle and proceed for selling it to recover its dues as per terms of the loan agreements and
in consonance with the law.
2. Secondnotice
In case the default persists, another possession-cum-sale notice of 10 days shall be given to
Borrower/Guarantor in writing in local vernacular language intimating the date of taking over
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possession of the vehicle/tractor and conveying bank‟s intention of selling it to recover its
dues on a date to be specified in the notice.
3. The borrower shall be at liberty to repay bank‟s dues on any day before the date
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fixed for sale and get back possession of his vehicle. In such an eventuality
further action of sale shall bestopped.
9. After seizure of the vehicle, prompt and quick steps shall be taken to dispose off /
sell the vehicle but in any case not exceeding 60 days from the date of seizure,
failing which the vehicle / tractor may be restored back to the borrower.
The following fee structure has been approved for Seizure & Disposal agents
S.No. Service rendered Fee payable
A Seizure and transporting the vehicle Maximum Rs.3000/- per vehicle (Cars,
to a nearby godown & Trucks etc.),
Maximum Rs.4000/- per vehicle for Tractors
B Acting as custodian of vehicle / Maximum Rs.125/- per day for a maximum
Storage Charges period of 60 days during which either the
possession is to be restored to the borrower or
the vehicle is sold.
C Sale of vehicle 5% of amount realized.
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D Recovery without seizure of 5% of amount recovered
(4) Sale proceeds net of these expenses shall be credited to the borrower‟s account. If there is
surplus, the same shall be remitted to the borrower(s) and in case of deficit, further
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Integrated Risk Management Division vide its circular dated 36/2013 dated 25.03.2013 had issued
guidelines w.r.t “Policy on Joint Lending Arrangement (JLA)” wherein under points16.4 -
Financing outside the Consortium” and 16.5, it is mentioned that:
“In the case of borrowers enjoying credit limits from one bank and/or from a JLA/ Multiple
lenders, as the case may be, no other bank shall extend any additional banking facility, or extend
bill limits, guarantees/ acceptances, letters of credit, etc., without concurrence of existing single
bank/ consortium/multiple bankers.
In the case of borrowers enjoying credit limits under multiple banking arrangement/consortium,
no other bank shall open current account (or any other form of transacting account) without the
concurrence of the existing lenders/consortium. In case any bank opens such account without
consent/NOC from the existing lenders, there shall be a regulatory provision of penalty on such
In the Board meeting held on 27.09.2018, Board has desired that opening of accounts by
Borrowers from outside the consortium be prohibited and if any account is opened by Non-
consortium Banks without obtaining „No Objection Certificate (NOC)‟ from Consortiumlenders
then action be taken against such deviating banks. Board felt that Non-consortium Banks
The Director General,
The Central Economic Intelligence Bureau, 6th Floor, B Wing, Janpath Bhawan,
As per guidelines issued by Ministry of Finance, banks have been asked to seek report from CEIB
in case an account turns into NPA which shall be provided by the bureau within one week after
receiving such a request from the bank. Accordingly, the details of the NPA borrower are:
Particulars Details
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/03 41
You are requested to furnish the report on the above borrower within the specified period at
following address (Address of Zonal Office):
Thanking You.
Yours Faithfully
Bank‟s extant Policy on Recovery & Management of NPAs was approved by the Board in its
meeting held on 02.11.2017. The ways & strategies to improve the NPA Management as well as
the terms of Compromise/ Negotiated settlements, Write off/ Waiver of Legal Action / Appeal
etc. were elaborated in the said policy and were circulated vide Recovery Division Circular
No.45/2017 dated 28.11.2017.
1. Two Special OTS Schemes for resolution of NPA accounts were launched during the previous
financial year. These schemes were in force up to 31.03.2018 and got tremendous response from
2. In order to reduce the mounting NPA accounts in the mid segment categories, a new
“Special Scheme for one time Settlement” for NPA accounts with balance outstanding up to Rs.
25 Crores, as on 31.03.2018 was approved by the Board in its meeting held on 15.06.2018 vide
Resolution No. 30. The scheme shall be applicable to all such accounts, except NPA Accounts of
up to Rs.10.00 lacs under Agriculture Loan Category which shall continue to be covered under
the existing policy of one timesettlement/compromise.
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4. The scheme will remain in force up to31-03-2019 as per sastra div cir no. 2/2019 dt 01-01-19
1. Nomenclature: Special Scheme for One Time Settlement of NPAs for accounts with
outstanding up to Rs.25.00Crores.
2. SalientFeatures:
a) This is a non-discretionary and non-discriminatoryScheme.
b) The scheme shall be valid up to31.03.2019
c) The scheme shall be applicable to accounts categorized as NPAs, on or before 31.03.2018 (Post
3. EligibilityCriteria:
i. All NPA accounts, which are under Sub-Standard, Doubtful- I, Doubtful-II, Doubtful III and
Loss category with ledger outstanding (also termed as balance) up to Rs.25.00 Crores as on
31.03.2018 shall be eligible under this Special Scheme for One Time Settlement of NPAs.
However, NPA Accounts of up to Rs.10.00 lacs, under Agriculture Credit Category are covered
under the existing scheme, therefore, kept out of the thisscheme.
ii. Cases pending before Courts / DRTs will be eligible. However, consent terms with default
clause will have to be filed before presiding officer of Court/ DRT for obtaining consentdecree.
iii. Cases where Bank has initiated the action under Securitization and Reconstruction of
Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act (SARFAESI-2002) will beeligible.
v. Eligible accounts referred for Revenue Recovery action under State Recovery Laws will be
eligible, subject to requisite charges, if any payable, being recovered separately and remitted to
the StateAuthorities.
vi. The scheme shall not be applicable for those NPA accounts, where bank has already entered
into a compromise/settlement. However, in case such approved OTS/Compromises have already
been declared failed, prior to 31.03.18, attempts may be made for resolution of the eligible
accounts under this specialscheme.
4. Exceptions
(i) Cases reported as fraud/Criminal ActionCases.
(ii) Borrowers declared as willfuldefaulters.
(iii) Central Govt. /State Govt. guaranteedaccounts.
(iv) Units under rehabilitation/restructuring (Alreadyapproved)
(v) Cases referred to NCLT under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code,2016
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(vi) Accounts identified as Quick Mortality cases after the1st April2017.
(vii) Loan against Gold/Jewellery and other liquid securities e.g. LIC/NSCs/KVPsetc.
(viii) Agriculture Advances with balance outstanding up to Rs.10.00lacs.
(ix) StaffAccounts
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5. Applicability of theScheme
The schemes will remain in vogue till 31st December 2018, as a onetime measure.
6. SanctioningAuthority
All eligible cases, satisfying the eligibility criteria mentioned above, Sanctioning authority will
be asunder: Category (Ledger outstanding as on 31.03.2018) Sanctioning Authority
1. Upto 20 lacs *Branch Head up to Scale III on
12 Category as on 31.03.2018 OTS amount for Secured Portion OTS amount for
(Primary + Collateral Security) Unsecured Portion
1 Sub Standard 100% 80%
2 DB-I 90 70
3 DB-II 80 60
4 DB-III 70 50
5 Loss 50 50
7.1 Example:
Balance Outstanding ason 31.03.2018: 4,00,00,000
Category of account as on 31.03.2018 : DB II
Expenses incurred on suit filing, Insurance,
Security Guards etc. since NPA: 30,00,000
Recovery after 01.04.2018:10,00,000
Value of Security (Primary+ Collateral):3,40,00,000
In the above case: Secured Portion is: 3,40,00,000 Unsecured portion is: Rs.80,00,000
(Outstanding + Expenses since NPA – Recovery since 01.04.2018) – Value of Security)
Hence OTS amount shall be : 80% of 3,40,00,000 + 60% of 80,00,000 i.e. 2,72,00,000+
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48,00,000 = 3,20,00,000
7.2 In respect of NPA accounts where claims under CGTMSE Scheme have been received and
credited to the account (refer Recovery Division Circular no. 32/2013 dated 06.07.13), the
credit/entry of CGTMSE claim received, be ignored i.e. the credit received on account of
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CGTMSE claim received, be added back to the ledger outstanding while computing the OTS
7.3 Legal expenses, Insurance Charges and other expenses incurred by the bank be added to the
outstanding balance in the account for the purpose of calculation of settlement of the account
under the OTS Scheme. However, DI/SI/RI is not required to be added for the purpose of
calculation of OTSamount.
7.4 During the period, this Special OTS policy remains in force, the existing OTS Policy of the
Bank will also continue to be applicable on all theaccounts.
7.5 All other guidelines as contained in the extant general OTS/Compromise etc. policy will
continue to be applicable to this Special OTS scheme also viz. claiming Revenue Loss, Post
Facto scrutiny etc. as applicable in othercases.
7.6 A model format for approval of cases under Special OTS Scheme is given at Annexure II.
The format may be amended as per the requirements on case to casebasis.
The basis of valuation of securities shall be as under in case of Special OTS Scheme:
8.1 Market Value of the Securities is to be considered at the time of assessment of the value of
security under Special OTS Scheme. Further, it should be ensured that the valuation reports are
analyzed and self-assessment is adequately made about the genuineness of the Market Valueof
8.2 Arriving at realistic value of securities is an important aspect in considering an OTS. It is thus
necessary that, for the purpose of OTS under the Special OTS Policy, especially in respect of the
IPs having market value up to Rs.5.00 Crores, the valuation report should be as recent as possible
but not more than 1 year old. Further, wherever properties are valued at above Rs.5crore,
minimum two independent latest Valuation Reports (not more than six months old) from Bank‟s
approved valuers‟ beobtained.
8.3 The valuation assessed by the approved valuer shall be verified and vetted by the Bank
officials after due cognizance of the above guidelines as under, depending upon the outstanding
balance in theaccount:
of Chief Manager.
More than Rs. 5.00 crores Valuation to be verified/vetted by 2 officials of the Bank
independently, one of the officials must not be below the rank
of ChiefManager.
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Further additional vetting shall be done by two Circle Office
officials independently, one of whom should not be less than
the rank of Chief Manager.
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Officials verifying/vetting the valuation given by the approved valuers only shall submit their
report on the Performa as per appendix III of L &A Circular no. 58/2016 dated 05.08.2016.
8.4 In case of Plant & Machinery, only Realizable Value (as mentioned in the Book on
instructions on loans) should be taken into consideration after taking cognizance of brand
name/make of Plant & Machinery/Year of installation/Original cost/Depreciation/Current
physical conditions/technical changes and obsolescence/present industry scenario and future
8.5 Valuation of stocks be done by personal inspection by the branch officials and the report of
the branch official should not be more than one month old. Further, the valuations be
corroborated with the last stock statements, wherever available, submitted by theborrower.
9. Terms of Payment:
(i) 10% of the settlement amount in respect of accounts having balance outstanding above Rs.1.00
Crores and 25% of the settlement amount in case of balance outstanding upto Rs.1.00 Crores to
bedepositedupfront,maximumwithinaweek‟stimeaftersubmittingtheOTSofferinwritingby the
borrower. Sanction Letter be given to the borrower apprising further terms and conditions, only
after appropriation of the above upfront amount in the NPAaccount.
(ii) Remaining balance to be paid maximum within 90 days from the date of Sanction Letter given
to the borrower. The sanctioning authority, may consider extending this period beyond 90 days on
merits of individual case. However, there shall be no extension beyond 180 days from the date of
conveying the sanction. Further, interest at rate of MCLR (for one year) be charged from thedate
(iii) The Post-dated cheques coinciding with the dates of payment for the remaining amount of
OTS amount be obtained, while conveying thesanction.
10. OtherStipulations
10.1 In case Bank has filed a suit against the borrower/obtained a Decree, Bank‟s satisfaction of
its claim may be got recorded only after closure/settlement of accountcompletely.
10.2 Wherever the borrower/guarantor/co-borrower/any other affected party has filed a counter-
claim/case against the Bank, the Special Scheme will be applicable only subject to withdrawal of
10.3 In all those cases, where OTS is approved and CGTMSE claim has been received and
credited in the borrowal account, CGTMSE be informed, in terms of the extant guidelines.
Recoveries made in the account from the borrower be remitted to CGTMSE as per the extant
10.4 In those cases wherein insurance claim or any other claim on third parties is received after
the settlement of the account under the Special OTS Scheme, the amount of sacrifice be
appropriated from the claim amount and the remaining amount, if any, be credited to the
10.5 Staff accountability aspects, if any, should have been examined and put up to the appropriate
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authority before entertaining the OTS proposal, as required, as per extant guidelines. However, no
proposal should be declined if staff accountability has not beeninitiated.
10.6 In case of OTS is being enforced with the efforts of Supporting/Recovery/Enforcement
agency, the bank shall pay the respective commission to the agency as in the case of other
/03 41
11. Deviations
The policy will be non-discriminatory and non-discretionary in nature and no deviations will be
permitted up to Zonal Office level. In case of any deviation, the specific case be referred to
Recovery Division, with recommendation of ZOCAC. The HOCAC-II shall be the competent
authority to permit the deviation, if any, for the specific reference.
12.1 By ZOs/CircleOffices
(i) Prepare strategy for follow-up and timely guidance/support to thebranches.
(ii) Convene meetings of the branches, starting with the thrust branches immediately (not later
than a week‟s time), emphasizing the need, salient features of the scheme and formulation of
result oriented strategies with the time line.
(iii) Meeting of Recovery Agencies and Resolution Agents for bringing eligible cases for
negotiation for settlement through compromise and make efforts for maximizing the cash
recoveries during the period ofscheme.
(iv) Guide and monitor the progress on day to day basis by calling for the required information
along-with the details of recoveries made in each individualaccount.
12.2 ByBranches
(i) Prepare the list of eligible accounts (maximum within 7 days).
a. To immediately arrange staff meeting in order to motivate and appraise the details of scheme to
all staff members.
13.1 Letters as per AnnexureIII (Draft Letter), to be translated in local language, wherever
required, be sent to all the eligible borrowers/co-borrowers/guarantors, within aweek.
13.2 Banners & posters be affixed at conspicuous places of the area so as to catch attention of the
13.3 The branch to ensure personal meetings with each borrower, negotiate for settlement through
compromise and make efforts for maximizing the cash recoveries during the period ofscheme.
their respective ZOs, who in turn shall closely monitor the progress of each Circle under their
jurisdiction and shall submit circle-wise progress within 7 days from the close of the fortnight to
Head Office: Recovery Division through email : [email protected], as per AnnexureIV.
/20 402
In continuation of the above scheme, SASTRA division has come out with a draft letter to be sent
to all eligible borrowers under DB-III & LOSS category (where no OTS has been approved under
Special Scheme and General OTS Scheme).
The draft letter may be found in SASTRA division circular no. 45/2018.
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2.1 The OTS Portal has been made live and a link “Online OTS” is provided on Non-CBS
Application Home Page. The OTS application is accessible through
(1) Accessibility
(2) User Types
(3) OTS Proposal Entry
(4) OTSProposals
(5) View SubmittedOTS
(6) ApprovedOTS
(7) SearchOTS
(8) Role of Branch Checker, Branch Approver, Circle Maker, Circle Checker, CircleApprover,
/20 402
Zonal Maker, Zonal Checker, Zonal Approver, HO Maker, HO Checker and HOApprover
2.3 User ID / password for ZO Users is to be created by SASTRA Division, HO who will in turn
create User ID/password for Circle user. User ID / password for Branches is to be created by
/03 41
respective Circle Users. Zonal Maker and Checker can also create User ID / password for other
officials of Circle Office as per need. Similarly, Circle Checker and Approver can make add and
edit Branch users in the system. For Large Corporate Branches (LCBs), Users can be created
2.4 Transfer of Users to any location within the same Circle can be updated in the application by
Circle User by changing the “SOL ID / Name” field appropriately. Transfer of Users to any
location can be updated by AdminUser.
Role of User can be allocated by changing the “User Level” field under Edit User link.
2.5 For making entry in the Portal, Branch Maker has to login and go to the link “OTS
Proposal Entry”. Using this link Branch maker can enter the new OTS proposal. This will include
entry into five pages and complete OTS proposal will be entered into thesystem.
ii). Circle users are also required to keep track of number of proposals that have been entered by
Branches in the portal and to ensure that proposals are entered with fulldetails.
iii). When a proposal is approved by competent authority and marked as approved in the portal,
any payment/recovery made in the account in CBS is reflected automatically in the portal. Circle
users are to ensure that amount wise follow-up for approved OTS cases for branches under their
purview isdone.
iv). Circle office approver and checker also are nodal officers for adding/editing/unlocking branch
users in the system along with Resetting password for Branch users in thesystem.
3.4 ZO Level:
i) For proposals which are under ZOCAC Power, subsequent to verification of the proposals by
Circle checker, the proposal will come under Zonal office purview. The Zone Approver will be
the Zonal Vertical Head who will approve the proposal on the portal, after the same has been
approved byZOCAC.
/20 402
ii). Zonal office users are also required to keep track of number of proposals that have been
entered by Branches/Circles in the portal and to ensure that proposals are entered with fulldetails
iii). When a proposal is approved by competent authority and marked as approved in the portal,
/03 41
any payment/recovery made in the account in CBS is reflected automatically in the portal. Zonal
office users are to ensure that amount wise follow-up for approved OTS cases for branches/circles
under their purview isdone.
Name of theOfficial:
Sol ID ofZO:
However,As per Sastra Div Cir no 10/2019 , keeping in view the quantum
of NPA accounts in the Bank and the detailed information which is required to be fed
into the portal, it has been decided that the minimum threshold limit for the portal be
fixed at Rs 25.00 lacs i.e. OTS in NPA accounts above Rs 25.00 lacs, irrespective
of the sanctioning authority, be invariably entered and processed through the
/20 402
A complete user manual for the above online portal is given in the circular as mentioned
above, kindly refer the same.
/03 41
CENTRAL REGISTRY:-Central Govt. has set up a Central Registry. After its set up,
particulars of every transaction of creation of security interest be filed within 30 days of creation.
Any modification be also filed.The Company is a Government Company with a shareholdingof
51% by the Central Government .Select Public Sector Banks , National Housing Bank are also
shareholders of theCompany.
Help Desk.
* CERSAI has set up help desk at New Delhi for trouble shooting both in technical and functional
areas through telephone (Nos. 011 26176847, 011-26176855, 011-26176856) and email (email
[email protected]).
* web based Helpdesk system w.e.f. 01.12.2011 and the same can be accessed
at internet.
/20 402
/03 41
DRTs were established in 1993 under “Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial
Institutions Act 1993”, on recommendations of Narsimham Committee. The act came into effect
on 25th June 1993 and extends to whole of India except J & K. It contains 37 sections spread over
Composition: DRT is headed by Presiding Officer (appointed by Central Govt). The Presiding
Officer will hold office for a period of 5 years or until he attains the age of 62 years, whichever is
earlier. It does not go with CPC, but act on the principal of natural justice.
Recovery Officer: Once the claim is upheld, DRT issues a certificate to the Recovery Officer
who has various powers in execution such as attachment, arrest and may also require debtor to
declare on affidavit his assets and liabilities. Appeal against order of recovery officer to DRT can
be made within 30 days from the date oforder.
Amount: It deals with cases of Rs.10 lac& above (Central Govt. can reduce the amount to Rs.1
lac). All the accounts of a borrower can be combined and one application can be made.
“A notification issued by DFS, MoF, pertaining to enhancement of limits upto Rs.20 lacs has
/20 402
been published by SASTRA division 44/2018 dt 04.10.2018but Hon’ble Rajasthan High Courrt
Bench at Jaipur has issued a Stay Notice on the notification till further notification.”
Nature of Debts covered: All lawful debts (not time barred by limitation), which have arisen
/03 41
during ordinary course of business of Banks/FIs, are eligible to be filed. Cases relating to
misappropriation of any amount of a bank by an employee are not covered.
Civil Imprisonment:The tribunal can issue orders of attachment and can also order for detention
of the defendant for a term not exceeding 3 months.
Time Frame: of 6 months from the date of application has been stipulated for decision in a case..
whichever is earlier.
Appeal: (i) Appeal against DRT is to be filed to Appellate Tribunal within 45 days of receipt of
order. (ii) The Appellate Tribunal should dispose of the appeal within a period of 6 months from
the date of appeal. (iii) Appeal to be made after depositing 75 % of amount due as determined by
the Tribunal (DRT). DRAT may wave/relax this condition on merits.
Disposal of Cases by DRTs – Non production of original documents in the cases, which are
being investigated by outside Agencies
Law Division vide its Circular No. 07/Law/2013 dated 23.01.2013 has issued the guidelines to the
effect that in respect of seizure / production of document during investigation of case in terms of
Section 91 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, when any Officer Incharge of a Police Station
considers that the production of any document is necessary for the purpose of any investigation,
enquiry of a case, such officer can issue a written order to the person in whose possession such
Guidelines for filing & follow-up of Recovery cases before Civil Courts/ DRTs – Ref Law Div
Cir. No. 03/2014 dated 30.01.2014,
Monitoring of DRT/DRAT matters- DRT Portal on CBS Screen- Ref : Rec Div Cir 46/2013 dt
Category of accounts: All NPA accounts both suit filed and non suit filed
Amount ceiling: Eligible category of accounts with outstanding up to & inclusive of Rs.20 lac
(increased from Rs.5 lac), without any cut-off date. For coverage under Lok Adalat, the
claimamount should not exceed Rs. 20lac.
Banks may also participate in Lok Adalats organized by DRT/DRAT for settlement in accounts
where outstanding are above Rs.20lac.
Policies: Lok Adalat cases are examined by the Compromise Committee formed at various levels
/20 402
to arrive at a “range” within which compromise can be considered in a given case and the
decision regarding waiver can be considered by competent authority keeping in view the sacrifice
involved in thesettlement.
Payment: The down payment of the compromise amount is preferred. On merits of the case,
/03 41
monthly/quarterly installments (maximum upto 2 years) may be agreed with the default clause
providing for the failure of the compromise in case of non deposit of OTS amount as per the
terms ofaward.
Interest: Future interest may be agreed to as per General Guidelines for settlement of NPAs
through Negotiated settlement.
Benefits: (i) No court fee is involved. (ii) If no settlement is arrived, parties may go/continue with
legal proceeding.
Legal status: Its decrees have legal status and are binding on both the parties, however, decree
being in nature of „consent decree‟, no appeal against the decree is allowed. If no settlement is
arrived at, the parties can continue with court proceedings, if already initiated.
Limitation clause: Pendency of matters with the Lok Adalat does not save limitation; therefore
care must be taken for filing suits with civil courts within the limitation period, if need be.
INSOLVENCY AND BANKRUPTCY CODE (IBC 2016) (RD 09/2017) and (RD 42/2017-
The captioned Act has come into force and functional regulations made effective from 01.12.2016
and National Company Law Tribunals (NCLTs) have been bestowed with the powers to act as the
adjudicating authority for corporate persons. Operational guidelines have been issued by Law
Division circular no. 2/2017 dated 19.01.2017.
IRPs duty IRPs mean Interim resolution professionals and RPs mean Resolution
professional. IRPs are required to perform the following duties:
i) If the unit is running, to run the unit as going concern with the help of
/20 402
available Management of the Company and committee ofcreditors.
ii) Prepare a scheme for resolution in consultation with the committee of
Payment of Fee For the Liquidator rates have been prescribed in the IBC 2016
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5. HOCAC-II Above 1 Crore (full powers)
Panel of A List of Insolvency Professional is available on the website of„Insolvency
insolvency & Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) Dealing official may visit
professionals and ->Services provider ->Insolvency Professionals -
/20 402
authority for >Registered IPs
allocation of Till the time a panel of Insolvency professionals is prepared ZMs may
account engage IRPs from the list after having interaction with them.
/03 41
(IRPs) & OTHER IMPORTANT MATTERS: There have been a lot of queries received from the
field for setting up of some criteria for selection of Insolvency Resolution Professionals. Further,
for successful implementation of the Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, several decisions need to be
taken by the IRPs, for which necessary mandate is being sought from the Bank within a very short
span of time. Therefore, the guidelines related to process of empanelment of Insolvency
Resolution Professionals (IRPs), for giving mandate, revised fee structure etc. were approved by
the Board in its meeting held on 27.09.2017, vide Resolution 47.
Process of empanelment of Insolvency Resolution Professionals (IRPs)
1. Advertisement:Head Office Recovery Division shall get the advertisement
5. The applicant IRP should be registered with Insolvency & Bankruptcy Board of
India (IBBI) at the time of submission of the application to the bank. The
individual IRP should have necessary acumen as specified herein and have
/20 402
Besides having registration with IBBI, preference shall be given to the IRPs having
5 years of relevant experience in handling matters relating to rehabilitation of
companies, which may include Corporate Debt Restructuring/ Strategic Debt
Restructuring Scheme or Arrangement under Sections 319 to 394 of the
/03 41
Companies Act, 1956/ winding up of companies, BIFR cases under Sick Industrial
Companies (Special provisions) Act/ financial restructuring / change in
management of companies. The applicants shall provide valid documents in
support of their claim of experience e.g work orders, copies of the agreements,
assignment of task letters etc. Since IRP will be already registered with IBBI, in
addition to Insolvency & bankruptcy Code 2016, he/she should be well versed with
the Companies Act 2013. It will be desirable that IRPhas:
Appropriate support system of professionals, consultants and advisors to
complete the Corporate Insolvency resolution in the manner, prescribed under the
Having resources to appoint lawyers, valuers, industry experts, accountants and
other experts as per the expertise required e.g. ITsolutions;
Capacity to organize and arrange the interim management of the debtor and
operations as a goingconcern;
Capacity to secure, protect & preserve the assets of the debtor to protect the
underlying value of the enterprise / debtorcompany.
The IRP to be ready to abide by the Bank‟s terms and conditions as to fees, charges
The IRP, who seeks to be empanelled by the Bank, should not have a conflict of
The IRP if empanelled with the bank shall undertake that he/she shall not
appear/advise or represent interest, adverse to the Bank‟s interests.
consent for functionaries as per the guidelines issued by MSME Division and IRMD from
approval of time to time. The Committee of Creditors is required to seek approval of any
Resolution Plan action including Resolution Plan if 75% of the Financial Creditors approve.
/20 402
action by the Committee of Creditors including Resolution Plan.
Over a period of time it has been observed that while enforcing the Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code,
several actions need to be initiated by the IRPs on the basis of decisions taken by the Committee of
Creditors which are not only crucial in nature but are time bound e.g. to provide interim finance for
ongoing operations of the Corporate Debtor etc. These decisions have wider financial implications,
/03 41
involving huge amount involved. In L & A Circular no. 40/2016 dated 01.06.16 issued by
Integrated Risk Management Division (IRMD) powers have been entrusted to the different
committees based on the aggregate exposure. On the similar lines, for NCLT cases, in
consortium/multiple banking accounts and even in cases where PNB is Sole Creditor, same powers
except powers to pay fees and other expenses to IRPs, may be entrusted to different committees,
based on the exposure in the accounts. The powers for NCLT cases, in line with those mentioned at
Para A of the said L&A Circular are reiteratedbelow:
Powers for approval of mandate in NCLT cases, in case of Joint Lender Forum and
Mandate beyond ZMCAC to be obtained from Head Office through GM (Recovery), if recovery
angle is involved and through GM (Credit), if credit angle is there. In other than NPA accounts, the
domain GM Credit will present the case.
Although, keeping in view the aggregate exposure in the account, the mandate falls within the
powers of the authorities mentioned above but there are instances where sanction of resolution plan
of the same does not fall within their powers due to amount
of sacrifice / haircut, powers for sanction of which have been conveyed at para 3.2 of Recovery
Division Circular 56/2018 dtd 24-12-2018
ZMCAC Rs. 5.00 crore
HOCAC-I Rs. 10.00crore
HOCAC-II Rs. 20.00crore
HOCAC-III FullPowers
/20 402
It has been further clarified that at the time of approving any resolution plan & giving mandate
accordingly, powers will be exercised by higher of the two authorities as mentioned in the above
/03 41
However, as per SASTRA division circular no. 38/2018, with the formation of the Stressed
Asset Management Vertical in the bank, the proposals related to resolution in NPA accounts
along with proposals for mandate in NCLT cases are routed to the resolution vertical at
(Credit) if credit angle is there. In other than Non-NPA accounts, mandate to be obtained
NPA accounts, the domain GM (Credit) will from Head Office through GM (Credit) of
presentthecase respectiveZone
All the Zonal Offices are also requested to create a cell on the similar lines at
their level to keep a track on the NCLT Cases in view of the specific
timelines fixed for their resolution.
Performa for proposal for giving mandate for accepting/non accepting Resolution
Planreceived through NCLT proceedings in NPA Account. (SASTRA div Cir 36
A revised format for proposal for giving mandate for accepting / non accepting Resolution Plan
/20 402
received through NCLT proceedings in NPA accounts has been devised as below:
* The proposal should be on A-4 size paper with Arial 12font.
* Name of the borrower should be in Capital BoldLetters.
* The alignment of the figures given in the table form should be rightaligned.
/03 41
Balance Outstanding as on
Provision as on
PNB Total
Amount of claim lodged with NCLT by:
(To be prepared in not more than 2 pages as running matter in small paras, as per the following broad
parameters as a gist to Mandate Proposal. The following are indicative. Only relevant items are to be
covered and reported)
1. Present Proposalisfor
2. Borrower/Group/ Main Promoter/Since when dealingwithPNB.
3. Year of Establishment/ Location of Regd./ CorporateOffice/Plants.
4. Activity of Borrower with Capacity,ifany.
5. Reasons for Impairment of theAccount.
6. Brief highlight of CIRP proceedings in the account including details of RP, Legal Counsels,
Process Advisor etc. Details of Claim filed by the Financial Creditors, Operational Creditors,
CIRP Cost, Employee & Workmen Dues etc tobeinformed.
7. Findings of Forensic Audit Report/ Transaction Audit Reportinbrief.
8. ResolutionPlan:
Brief overview of theResolutionApplicant
Brief contours of the Resolution Plan including Sources of Funds to be infused and itsuses
including details of any other terms and conditions oftheplan.
9. Compliance of the Resolution Plan with i) Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code and its SubSections
/20 402
including Sec 29A ii) CIRP Regulations iii)ProcessDocument.
10. Comments of effects of Resolution Plan including Conditions, Prayers & Reliefs sought bythe
11. Any othermaterialfacts.
/03 41
Balance Outstanding as on
Provision as on
PNB Total
Amount of claim lodged with NCLT by:
Amount of Net claim admitted as on date of voting
for Resolution Plan
Liquidation Value
Fair Value
Amount offered by Resolution Applicant to Financial
NPV of amount offered to Financial Creditors
- As per NetClaimAdmitted
- As perBookOutstanding
Impact on P&L
Proposal for approval for acceptance/ Non acceptance of the Highest Evaluated Compliant Resolution Plan
submitted by (Name of Resolution Applicant) for (Name of Corporate Debtor) under the Corporate
Insolvency Resolution Process (“CIRP”) under Insolvency & Bankruptcy
/20 402
Code(IBC),2016,leadingtoUpfrontCashRecoveryofRs. crore (being our share of the overall
UpfrontCashRecoveryofRs. crore to Financial Creditors) including all
associated approvals and conditions for implementation of the Resolution Plan including but not limited to
approvals as per SECTION A onthisNote
/03 41
Approval for:
/20 402
i) Acceptance/ Non-Acceptance of repayment amount of Rs.crore against total claimed &
admittedamountofRs. croreason and total duesofRs.
crore ason and additional details asunder:
/03 41
1 Ledger Outstanding as on
2 Admitted Claim
B.1. BorrowerProfile:
Group Name
Address of Regd./ Corporate Registered Office:
Corporate Office:
Whether the names of the
Company/directors appear in
CICs/RBI’s defaulters/ Willful
defaulters list
/20 402
Name of the associate
concerns and their bankers
including their Asset
/03 41
B.2. BriefFinancials:
31.3. 31.3. 31.03.
S.No. Particulars
Audited Audited Audited
1. Gross Sales
2. % growth
3. Profit before tax
4. Profit after tax
5. Operating Profit/Loss
Corporate Debtor:
Name of Valuer Date of Fair Value Liquidation Value
/20 402
B.5. Position of Legal actionsinitiated:
/03 41
- BriefsummaryofagendaexecutedbytheCoCinallitsmeetings.
- Details of Transaction Audit carried out on the Corporate Debtor
under Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP). Details of
/20 402
Forensic Audit carried out on the Company, if any to
/03 41
-Managerial competence and technical abilities,
Key managerial personnel, track record in
implementing turnaround of stressed assets,
/20 402
B.3 Standing of the Bidder/Group in sector/External
Rating/ Adherence to financial discipline/record
of regulatory compliance/ Whether NPA,
including group companies, < 12 months
/03 41
Corporate Debtor post Resolution)
/20 402
Estimated timeline for Closure of (Indicative timelines for various approvals like
Resolution as per Resolution Plan approval from Competition Commission of India,
RBI etc and final payment to be informed)
/03 41
Business Plan Summary (Plan of the Resolution Applicant for revival of the
Corporate Debtor to be informed)
Comment on Operational
Efficiency, Future Sales
Arrangements, Raw Material
Any other Key Considerations of
the Resolution Plan
(The implementation of the Resolution Plan may be subject to completion of certain events like
approval from Competition Commission of India, RBI, NCLT etc (unless the same are waived by
the Resolution Applicant or exempted by the relevant Governmental Authority)
Details of Effective date for implementation of the Resolution Plan, Closing Date etc to be
informed. Mechanism & Timelines for supervision and implementation of the Resolution Plan
(like Monitoring Agency or Steering Committee) and various Regulatory approvals required be
/20 402
(Comments on the Compliance of the Resolution Plan with Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, CIRP
Regulations and Process Document be informed)
(Comments on possible impact of the Resolution Plan on any of the Allied/ Associates/ Group
companies be informed)
recommendations of BH/CH/ZM for acceptance/ non-acceptanceof the
HighestEvaluatedCompliantResolutionPlan(H1ResolutionPlan)submittedby (NameofRA)for
(Name of Corporate Debtor) under the Corporate
InsolvencyResolution Process(CIRP)under
/20 402
RecoveryofRs. crore(beingourshareoftheoverallUpfrontCashRecoveryof
Rs. croretoFinancialCreditors)withasacrificeofRs. crore in
/03 41
A. PrimarySecurity:
B. CollateralSecurity:
C. Personal/CorporateGuarantee:
(Brief justification and merits based on which evaluation was carried out for the
Qualitative parameters of the Evaluation matrix be informed)
Details of Net Claim Admitted & Lender wise allocation of Cash recovery as on
date of voting for Approval/ Non approval of Resolution Plan:
/20 402
Details of Forensic Audit/ Transaction Audit:
/03 41
(End of Performa)
and all the lenders that are a party to the ICA shall be in compliance with the RBI circulars and all other
applicable laws and guidelines.
Subsequent to execution of ICA, Operating Guidelines were framed and circulated by the Indian
/20 402
Association (IBA) on 19.10.2018 for: (i) Discharge of roles and responsibilities of the Lead Lender
and in
Relation to the Resolution Process under the ICA for resolution of stressed assets (ii) Functioning of
Overseeing Committee
/03 41
under the ICA for resolution of stressed assets Accordingly, policy guidelines on the ICA for
resolution of
stressed assets in the economy have been prepared. These operating guidelines should be read together
with the provisions of the ICA and the Operating Guidelines for Discharge of Roles and
Responsibilities of the Lead
Lender and in relation to the Resolution Process.
The framework for the Bank for Resolution of Stressed Assets under “Project Shashakt” is divided into two
set of Operating Guidelines as under: a. Operating Guidelines for Discharge of Roles and Responsibilities
of the Lead Lender(Annexure I in sastra div cir no 7/2019) b. Operating Guidelines for functioning of
Overseeing Committee under ICA(Annexure II in sastra div cir no 7/2019). The ICA is referred as
ANNEXURE III in the cir no 7/2019 of SASTRA DIV.
. In case of Consortium/ Multiple banking arrangements which consist of Banks/ FIs etc which are not
signatories to the Intercreditor Agreement, decision to refer accounts for resolution under “Project
Shashakt” may be considered by the lenders in the Consortium/ Multiple Banking arrangement on a case to
case basis. In accounts where Punjab National Bank (PNB) is the “Lead Lender” as defined in the
Intercreditor Agreement, appointment of “Independent Entity” and others including consultants, Valuers,
Legal Advisors etc. to be made out of respective panel available with the Bank unless otherwise suggested/
decided by “Majority Lenders”. All other guidelines w.r.t. to Bank‟s Policy & Framework for Resolution
of Stressed Assets including powers to approve Resolution Plans for stressed assets shall be governed by the
provisions as set forth in L&A Circular 49/2018 dated June 6, 2018.
For all types of expenses required for recovery purpose (including NCLT), in absence of
any guidelines, matters are referred to Head Office, due to which on occasions, decision is
delayed and bank‟s interest thus jeopardized. Matter was placed to the Board and the
following guidelines have been approved in its meeting held on 27.09.2017 vide
Resolution no.12:
In recovery matters including NCLT cases, for all types of expenses (excluding
Financial powers for Law Matters) for which there are no separate existing guidelines,
which may include the above mentioned cases also, the powers will be vested with the
different authorities, as given below:
designated in an account in other than LCBs.
/20 402
/03 41
*ExpenseswhicharenotcoveredunderanyoftheBank‟sextantpoliciesissuedbydifferent HO
divisions from time totime.
Proper record of such expenses be maintained, which will be part of the memoranda dues
and thus will be recoverable from the borrower and in case of recoveries similar treatment
will be applicable as is, in other types of expenditure.
New Expenditure Head:Since the expenditure so incurred/required to be incurred is not of
normal routine, a new Expenditure SGL Head- “Miscellaneous Expenditure-Recovery
Related Expenses” will be opened in the CBS. For this matter is being taken up with the IT
Division through Finance Division and till the time, said head is opened, branches may debit
Miscellaneous Expenses not specified elsewhere (HO Power). However, it must be ensured
that a proper record of such expenses is maintained at the branch/circle/zonal level, as the
case may be, so that after opening the said new head, the expenses are debited to that head, to
have a true and transparent picture of suchexpenses.
In all those cases which fall under the powers of COCAC or ZOCAC, recommendations of
the Authorized Officer (Branch Head, in case of LCB) must be invariably taken, giving full
justification of the expenditure. Cases being referred to Head Office will be duly
/20 402
recommended by theZOCAC.
Once, approval has been given by the competent authority, payment will be made by the
concerned branch/office having that particular account, in which action has been initiated
under SARFAESI Act and no further permission will be required for payment.
/03 41
The case will be referred to the higher authority i.e Authorized Officer to Circle Head,
Branch Head of LCB to Zonal Manager, COCAC to Zonal Manager and ZOCAC to Head
Office, only when the powers vested with them have been exhausted.
In cases of diversion in NCLT referred accounts, efforts must be made to recover the amount
besides initiation of action against the malafide borrowersinvariably.
The amendment mandates that the request for resolution plans shall require the
resolution applicant, in case its resolution plan is approved by the committee of
creditors, to provide a performance security. Performance security means security of
such nature, value, duration and source, as may be approved by the committee of
creditors, having regard to the nature of resolution plan and business of the corporate
/20 402
/03 41
It helps in swiftly realizing as much of total dues as possible
depending upon valuation of underlying security interest.
It reduces expenditure on NPA maintenance.
It sends signals that the Bank is serious in resolution of NPAs.
/20 402
It helps in creating an active and vibrant market for NPA/
Restructured debt papers.
To develop a healthy secondary market for NPAs/NPIs.
Factors in favour of a) Realization of assets is expected over a longerperiod.
/03 41
sale process and final approval of sale by MC etc. will continue
to prevail, on merits of thecase.
List of Financial Assets which can be sold to
SCs/RCs Banks/FIs/NBFCs
/20 402
1) A NPA, including a non- A financial asset, including
Performingbond/debenture. assets under multiple/
2) Standard Asset,where: consortium banking
(a) The asset is underconsortium arrangements, would be eligible
/03 41
/20 402
/03 41
advances for sale the date of sale. This is equally applicable to standalone/bilateral sale
NPAs in respect of which OTS is already concluded and is under
/20 402
NPAs where restructuring is already approved and is under
NPAs where DICGC/ECGC claim has already been received,
should normally be avoided forSale.
/03 41
Head Office Settlement Advisory Committee(HOSAC):
HOSAC consists of (i) one retired High Court Judge, (ii)
one eminent/ reputed person (iii) three General Managers,
out of which General Manager (Recovery Division) is the
/20 402
Member Convener. The two General Managers (other than
GM/RD), are nominated by the Chairman & Managing
Director/MD & CEO for a period of six months by
rotation. However, in case of OTS/Write off/Settlement of
/03 41
Withdrawal of The powers for withdrawal of the account due to any reason, e.g
accounts from the non-availability of the latest valuation report, OTS/Compromise
Sale Process- Offer received from the borrower/co-borrower, any
Authority &Criteria regulatory/legal requirement/restriction etc. from sale process are
vested with ED/CMD. In case obligant(s) and co obligant(s) come
forwards, for OTS, before finalization of sale process by the
proposed buyer(s), the concerned account may be withdrawn from
the sale process considering account specific merits,provided:
a) The minimum offer of OTS shall be as under:
WhereOutstandingis Percentage
UptoRs.10 lacs 115% of Reserved price
More than 10 lacs upto50 lacs 110% of ReservedPrice
More than50lacs 105% of ReservedPrice
b) The party deposits 50% cash as upfront money immediately and
remaining within 3 months of approval of OTS.
Sale Consideration In case of sale of financial assets to the SCs/RCs, minimum cash
for the Financial component will be 15% of the sale price and rest 85% in the form of
Assets Sold to Security Receipts/Bonds etc.
SCs/RCs (only)
Bond & Debentures The Bank may receive cash or bonds or debentures as sale
consideration for the financial assets sold toSecuritization
Companies/ Reconstruction Companies. The SCs/RCs can issue
bonds or debentures or other similar security to the Bank on agreed
terms and conditions [Section 5(1)(a) of SARFAESI Act 2002].
The securities (bonds and debentures) offered by Securitization
Company/ Reconstruction Company as sale consideration should
satisfy the guidelines issued by RBIpresently
(i) The securities must not have a term in excess of sixyears.
(ii)The securities must carry a rate of interest which is not lower
than 1.5% above the Bank Rate in force at the time of issue.
assets transferred.
(iv) The securities must provide for part or full prepayment in the
event the SCs/RCs sells the asset securing the security before
the maturity date of thesecurity.
(v) The commitment of the SC/RC to redeem the securities must
be unconditional and not linked to realization of theassets.
(vi) Whenever the security is transferred to any other party, notice
/20 402
of transfer should be issued to theSC/RC.
Validity Period of SRs
In terms of RBI guidelines SRs are redeemable within 5 years which
can be extended upto 8 years with the approval of the Boards of
/03 41
In case of sale by way of SRs, the expected yield for SRs to be in the
range of 5-10% p.a.
Sale Sale to other Banks/FIs/NBFCs etc, will be made only on cash
Considerationf basis. The entire sale consideration should be received upfront and
or the Financial theassetcanbetakenoutofthebooksofthesellingBankonlyon
Assets Sold to Other receipt of the entire sale consideration. Under no circumstances
mandatory for theBank.
Fixation of Reserve Important aspects associated with fixation of Reserve Price
Price The Reserve Price for each account placed for the sale, in which
/20 402
prospective buyers (ARCs/Banks/FIs etc.) have evinced interest,
will be declared before hand, at the time of sending invitation to
them to submit bids. For this, the HOASC will finalize the Reserve
Price based on the recommendations received from FGMOASC. In
/03 41
those accounts where no interest has been shown by the buyers, the
Reserve Price will not bedisclosed.
Separate Reserve Price may be fixed for offers receivedon
Price fixed in both the cases, the offer at 100% cash basis will be
Where 50% (by value) or more, Banks/FIs have already
sold/assigned their share in a financial asset to any
ARCs/Banks/NBFCs etc., the Reserve Price at which the Other
Banks have sold their shares to the ARCs, may be considered as an
Indicative Price, wherever the information is available,which
however shall not be binding on our Bank to sell our share.
Discount rate used by banks in the valuation exercise shall be spelt
out in the policy. This may be either cost of equity or average cost of
funds or opportunity cost or some other relevant rate, subject toa
floor of the contracted interest rate and penalty (i.e minimum
discount), if any. Keeping in view the present structure of Base Rate
(9.60%) and penal interest rate (2% to 3%), Board approved to
apply a flat discount of 15% on Net Present Realizable Value
(NPRV), may be considered while arriving at the Reserve Price
recommended for withdrawl from the saleprocess.
In case the value of immovable property tobe mortgaged/ charged
isRs.5 crore & above, branches shall get valuation of such IPs
done from minimum two valuers on the Bank‟s approved
/20 402
panel. In addition to this criterion two independent valuation
reports will also be obtained in case of exposures (FB+NFB) of
Rs.50 crores and above.
/03 41
mortgage/charge approved valuer of the
iii) More than 1 year stay Bank)
against SARFAESI action
and/or SARFAESI action 10%
/20 402
initiated and IPs put to
auction but auction failed
as no biddercame
iv) IPs not demarcated / 10%
/03 41
recoverable dues (as per general guidelines of compromise) for
considering OTS/Compromise in NPAs. Same procedure shall be
adopted in calculation of recoverable dues for considering
/20 402
The COASC shall fix the Reserve Price as per the latest present
realizable value of available security net of cost of realization, as
per Annexure-NPRV and recommend to the ZOASC,which
will review it and further recommend to the HOASC, for
/03 41
2015 on IRAC norms, provides that in the case of consortium / multiple banking
arrangements, if 75% (by value of amount outstanding) of the banks / FIs decide to accept
the offer, the remaining banks / FIs will be obligated to accept the offer.
/20 402
RD 21/2009 dtd.26/12/2009 read with RD 16/2017 dated 01.04.2017In certain viable cases,
operations may be allowed in NPA accounts with a view to upgrade the accounts by
/03 41
appropriating a certain part of the credits in the accounts (i.e. tagging a part of credit) for
regularization of the overdues/irregularities and allowing the borrower to utilize the balance
amounts for operating activities.
Tagging of 15% and above may be sanctioned by Incumbents Incharge, and 10% to less
than 15% by Circle Head, for credit facilities sanctioned by any authority. If tagging is to
be fixed at less than 10%, the sanctioning authority is Zonal Manager.
number) allocated to each Recovery Agent to get optimum results. In case
Agents be allocated accounts from nearby branches.
Empanel- Recovery Agencies shall be empanelled for the entire District or Cluster
/20 402
ment of ofDistricts. Only agencies (companies, corporations, firms,
Recovery NBFCs etc.) with sufficient means/ resources/ field experience will be
Agencies considered for empanelment. Factors such as past experience, financial
soundness, business reputation, standards of performance, market
/03 41
feedback and external factors e.g. political, social, legal & economic
environment should also be kept into consideration while empanelling
the recoveryagencies.
be adhered to, wherever required, by the RecoveryAgency.
Supreme Court has cautioned the Banks against use of coercive methods
for recovery of loans and in the other case on the same issue State
Consumer Forum of New Delhi has given stern warning to Banks that if
/20 402
any complaint is received against any Bank alleging use of force by
recovery agents, the punishment of minimum one month imprisonment
shall be imposed under section 27 of the Consumer Protection Act 1986.
The branch should inform the borrower the details of Recovery Agency
/03 41
A/cs withO/s A/cs with O/s above
upto Rs.1 lac Rs.1 lac
Upto 3 years 7.5% 5%
3 years upto 5 years 10% 7.5%
Beyond 5 years 15% 10%
/20 402
EMPLOYEES AS RESOLUTION AGENT (RD Cir. 15/2018 dated 04.05.2018)
Bank has decided to empanel SC/RC, Other Firms / companies, Retired Bank employees to
act as resolution agents for resolving NPAs .The guidelines are as under:
/03 41
and having Object Clause of Cost Accountantand / the last 5 years of their
Memorandum of or honorably service in the Head
Association permitting them retiredSenior Office Recovery
to act as Resolution Agent for Executives of the Division/ Recovery
the bank. Banks (not less than Sections at Zonal
DGM/GM) with Office/Circle and/or in
minimum 3 years ARMBs, there will be
experience in the a cooling period of 2
resolution of NPAs. years between the
Firms/Companies not retirement date of the
having 3 PNB retired employees
years‟expe and date of their
riencebut engagement as
havingprofessionals ResolutionAgent.
with Condition-2
minimum 3
experience in
/20 402
/03 41
applications Division shall invite General Managers Division of concerned
applications from SCs/RCs. shall invite Circle office shall
applications from invite applications
Firms / Companies from the honorably
/20 402
(other than SCs/Rcs) retired bank employees
(including Voluntarily
Competent ED for empanelment as FGM, After Upto Circle Head
/03 41
Above 5 Domain
crores* ED of lacs
the Zone Above
Scale Circle
/20 402
Rs.10 lacs VI & Head
upto above
/03 41
*For allocation of above Rs. 5 crore accounts to ARCs, Zonal Manager will be the recommending
Since basic purpose for framing this policy is to get maximum recoveries in big borrowal NPA
accounts, besides ARCs, eligible NPA accounts with balance outstanding of more than
Rs. 5 crore may be allocated to the Other Firms also.
However, to have better control and monitoring at the corporate level, for
allocation of Rs. 5 crore & above Doubtful & Loss accounts to the ARCs/Other
Firms, the permission will be granted by the domain ED handling recovery of that
particular Zone.
While submitting recommendations to the HO: Recovery Division, Zonal Managers will
also submit latest position of the accounts and reasons for allocating the accounts to
Resolution Agents and efforts made at the Branch, Circle & Zonal level for resolution of the
NPA account.
Limit forA Resolution Agent The Resolution Agent A Resolution Officer shall be
number ofshall be initially shall be allocated allocated maximum 50
Accounts to beallocated 25 to 50 maximum 100 accounts and based on their
allocated toaccounts for accounts and based on performance, number of
the Resolutionresolution and it their performance they accounts may beincreased
Agents. may be subsequently shall be entitled to get by the Allocating Authority
allocated more more accounts for subject to the performance of
accounts based on resolution subject to the Resolution Agent.
theirperformance. ceiling of 50 accounts at
However, in case of a time.
eligible Retail Loan
NPAs under
/20 402
portfolio basis, the
limit will be
restricted to 50
accounts per Circle
/03 41
at a time, a
maximum of 400
NPA accounts will
be allocated under
Retail Loan Scheme
on portfolio basis to
a single SC/RC, in
addition to eligible
accounts with
of Rs. 1 crore &
Period of Maximum period for resolution of allocated accounts shall be 12 months if
resolution of Resolution Agent fails, accounts will be taken back. However, same can be
accounts (common extended upto 24 months by Field General Manager on merits of the
for case, keeping in view the steps taken by the Agent forrecovery.
Commission Fixed Component.
2 Cases with No 6% of recovery in excess of
distress Incentive 90% of the principal
value of tangible
/20 402
security between
to 90% of
/03 41
3 Cases with 7% of any recovery
value of tangible
security less than
of principal
4 Cases without 10% of any recovery
Note.A consolidated commission of 10% of recovery shall be payable to the SCs/RCs for
resolution of Retail Loans under NPAs entrusted to them on portfolio basis.
The above ceilings must be immediately brought to the notice of the SCs/RCs and Other
Firms/Companies who are already working as Resolution Agents of the Bank, by the Zonal
Offices by way of registered letters and mails and a proper record must be maintained to avoid
any complaints in the future. For the fresh Resolution Agents, revised agreement be gotsigned.
sion Outstanding If the Age of NPA is If Age of NPA is more than 3
up to 3 Years years.
Up to Rs. 1 Lac 8% 10%
Above Rs. 1 lac to 7% 9%
Rs. 50 Lac
Above Rs. 50 Lac to 1 6% 8%
Above Rs.1 core upto 5% 6%
Rs.5 crore (Max Rs.15 lacs) (Max Rs.15 lacs)
/20 402
The above mentioned rates payable to all categories of Resolution Agents are all
inclusive of taxes whatsoever may beapplicable.
For resolution /recovery of accounts expenses on conveyance/travelling, salary to staff
/03 41
employed by the Resolution Agent/fee paid to the Supporting Agency for taking
possession/ other out of pocket expenses shall be borne by the Resolution Agents.
However, Insurance charges, Security/Valuation charges after taking the possession
vide their letter ITD/CBS dated 11.05.2011 that commission payable to the Resolution
Agents, be debited to SGL Code 1142710-Payment to Resolution Agents, already
opened and replicated to allSols.
Incumbent Incharge of the branch will be the competent authority to finalize the
bill/claim submitted by the Resolution Agents and its payment, based on their record
of recoveries and as per the Bank‟s extant guidelines. In case of any dispute, Circle
Head may take the final decision, considering facts of the case and for LCBs the
concerned FGM shall be the competent authority for settlement ofdisputes
Ensure that the agents engaged in the recovery process carry outverification of the
antecedents of their employees, (police verification) Further, re-verification of antecedents
should be resorted to at an interval of 2years.
In case Resolution Agents desire for Power of Attorney from Bank to act on behalf of the
Bank for the resolution of the account, they may be provided as per format- Annexure-
POA enclosed as perCircular.
Keeping in view the provisions of the RTI Act, salient features of the Policy e.g criteria
for empanelment, experience, fees/commission etc. may be placed on the Bank‟s Website
for the convenience of the ResolutionAgents.
Resolution Agent shall ensure that while acting as Resolution Agent, they do notgive rise
to any pecuniary liability to bank otherwise they shall be held liable for theiraction.
/20 402
Bank has right to withdraw any financial asset allocated to the ResolutionAgent
without assigning any reason subject to approval of Field GeneralManager.
/03 41
Bank has right to terminate the empanelment of Resolution Agent at any time without
assigning any reason subject to approval of Field General Manager for SCs/RCs/Other
Firms/PNB Retired Employees based on the inputs/information provided by the Circle
The recovery effected by the Resolution Agent shall be deposited with the branch
concerned immediately and a statement of account of the recovery duly certified by the
Branch Incumbent for all 3 categories i.e SCs/RCs, Other Firms and PNB Retired
The object clause of SC/RC/Company (under category of Other Firms) is to permit to act
as Resolution Agent for bank/banks.
The branch should inform the borrower, details of the Resolution Agent whileforwarding
default cases to the Resolution Agents, for which they may use Annexure-10.of the
circular. Further, since in some of the cases, the borrower might not have received the
details about the Resolution Agents due to refusal/non-availability /avoidance andto
ensure identification, it would be appropriate if the agent also carries a copy of the notice
and the authorization letter from the bank along with the identity card issued to him by the
bank and the agency firm/company. Further, where the Resolution Agent is changed
during the recovery process the borrower should be notified the change of Agent and new
Resolution Agent should carry the notice and the authorization letter along-with his
Involvement of Resolution Agents during negotiations with borrowers
Branches/Circles should generally involve the Resolution Agents to participate during
settlement discussions with the borrowers. In fact, presence of Resolution Agents who are
/20 402
responsible for follow-up with the borrowers is beneficial for settlement through
negotiations and can result into higher settlement. This facilitates to integrate the efforts of
the Resolution Agents and Bank officials and avoids any communicationgap.
Circle Heads to ensure that:
/03 41
Police verification Reports of the antecedents of their employees, which may include pre-
employment police verification, as a matter of abundant caution areavailable in the
Circle Office records. Further, re-verification of antecedents should be resorted to at an
interval of 2years.
It has been brought to the notice that branches, while providing the requisite
information pertaining to allotted NPA accounts to the Resolution Agents, also part with
the documents e.g the file, mortgage deeds etc., which may jeopardize the bank‟sinterest.
It must be ensured that parting of documents to Resolution Agents is not permitted under
utilizing normal channels like CIBIL/internet/local enquiries and
which may be considered necessary by the Bank for recovery ofthe
Accounts allocation NPA accounts under any category i.e. Sub-Standard, Doubtful and Loss
/20 402
category (whether non-suit filed, suit filed or decreed) in which engagement
of detective is deemed appropriate as per requirement.
Competent authority ZM will be the competent authority to engage any Detective Agency
for engagement In case in a particular account,branch requires services of Detective
/03 41
to take final decision in the matter, for the branches other than LCBs and
for LCBs, Zonal Manager will continue to be the competent authority,
looking into the exigencies and merits of the case.
Competent authority Once an Agency has been engaged, Circle Head (ZM in case of LCBs) will
for assignment of be the competent authority to assign any task to the Detective Agencies,
/20 402
/03 41
In case the Detective Agency fails to trace the property Maximum fee of Rs.7000/- per
In exceptional circumstances, keeping in view complexities of the case, in case Detective Agencies
brings to the notice of the Circle Head/ZM(in case of LCBs) (as the case may be) beforehand, any
/20 402
special efforts/expenses required, the Circle Head/ZM (in case of LCBs) may consider sanction of
maximum of 25% extra fees/reimbursement of expenses.
All the above rates are inclusive of the taxes.
Expenditure Head for The fees will be paid by the branches to the debit of Expenditure:
/03 41
Please refer SASTRA Division Cir no 49/2018 dt. 26.11.2018 for All – India
Circle-Wise list of Approved:-
1. RecoveryAgencies
2. ResolutionAgents
3. Supporting Agencies
4. DetectiveAgencies
1) As per the guidelines contained in Finance Division circular NO. 16/2017 and 19/2017
Vendor Payments have been segregated into three categories:
(i) Vendors/Suppliers registered under GST and having GSTIN (GSTIdentification
(ii) Composite Vendors, registered under Composite Scheme with annual turnoverof
upto Rs. 75lacs.
(iii) UnregisteredVendors
2) In case of unregistered vendors, GST is to be paid by the Bank under Reverse Charge i.e
the receiver of the services is liable to pay tax instead of seller/provider of services.
Certain services mentioned in Annexure-III of Finance Division circular 16/2017, where
payments made even to a registered vendor are also covered under Reverse Charge. Out
of the various such type of services mentioned in Annexure-III, „Services
provided by Recovery Agents‟, are relevant for our division. Thus, in case of any
payments made to the Recovery Agents, onus of deduction of GST lies with theBank.
3) Recovery Division is the nodal division for framing policies of the following outsourcing
agencies whose services are utilized for the recoverypurpose:
(a) RecoveryAgencies
(b) ResolutionAgents
/20 402
(c) SupportingAgencies
(d) DetectiveAgencies
Although in the said Finance Division Circular only “Recovery Agent Services” has been
mentioned, however since services of all the above mentioned agencies are utilized for
/03 41
recovery purpose in NPA accounts, it is considered as implied that the GST guidelines
will be applicable for the fees/commission paid to all the fouragencies.
4) As per guidelines in vogue for all the above mentioned agencies, the fees are all inclusive
of all types of taxes and are paid to debit of Expenditure-Outsourcing of financial services-
Code no. 11427.In fact, before introduction of the concept of GST, the payment of fees to
the agencies was made after deducting the Service Tax, as per Finance Division
guidelines. Thus, in the similar manner now the fees will be payable after deduction of
GST, as stipulated in the Finance Division Circulars. To facilitate the field staff for
payment of fees Branches may refer to the example of transaction in thecircular.
Applicability The cardinal principle will be to “name & shame” the defaulting
borrowers without saying a word but through more visibility.The
concept will be implemented on Pan India basis, covering all districts,
depending upon location of the borrower‟s
office/shop/residence/factory/business activity location etc.
Nature of work The employees selected to implement Mission Gandhigiri will be
provided with bags and a Jeep/Car etc. by the Circle Office, carrying
banners with Bank‟s name & Logo (on maroon background with
yellow paint) in vogue . On banner following words are to be painted:
―PNB Recovery Team- Bank on wheels to recover bad
loans‖Employees in the recovery team, will wear sleeveless jackets in
maroon color with PNB Logo in yellow color and slogan ―PNB
Recovery Team‖ which will be supplied directly by the Corporate
Communication Division to the Circles.
Each employee will be carrying placards with following slogans which
may be translated into vernacular language as per the requirement.
―Repay PNB loan to secure a peaceful sleep at night‖
―PNB Ka Karz Chukayen, Samaj Mein Izzat Payen‖
/20 402
The employees will sit/stand with placards silently in front of the
office/shop/factory/business location of the borrower. Duration and
periodicity of the silent dhrana will be decided by the Circle Head,
depending upon the requirement and results achieved
/03 41
/20 402
/03 41
was availed of, nor are the funds available with the unit in the form of other
(d) Unauthorized Disposal of Charged Assets - The unit has defaulted in
meeting its payment / repayment obligations to the lender and has also
/20 402
disposed off or removed the movable fixed assets or immovable property
given by him or it for the purpose of securing a term loan without the
knowledge of the bank/lender.
/03 41
Willful Detailed workflow chart for declaring a borrower as willful defaulter may be
defaulters – followed (SASTRA DIV Cir No 22/2015 dated 01.09.2015)
Diversion and „Diversion of funds‟ would be construed to include any one of the undernoted
siphoning of occurrences:
funds (a) Utilisation of short-term working capital funds for long-term purposes
not in conformity with the terms ofsanction;
(b) Deploying borrowed funds for purposes / activities or creation of assets
other than those for which the loan wassanctioned;
involvement of the person proposed to be a willful defaulter in the events of
Willful Default.
Such persons may be:
(i) Borrowers
/20 402
(ii) Entrepreneurs
(iii) Karta ofHUF
(iv) Promoters of Company
(v) Directors of Company, (when the account becameNPA).
/03 41
(vi) PresentDirectors
(vii) NomineeDirectors
(viii) IndependentDirectors
Group, the Bank should consider the track record of the individual company,
with reference to its repayment performance to itslenders.
c) Individual Guarantors - In case of individual Guarantors, the events of
willful default on their part need to be identified on account of which the
Guarantor is to be reckoned as willful defaulters. It be identified asto:-
(i) Whether the guarantors having capacity/means to repay the dues of the
bank but not paying dues of the Bank despite recall of the Loan anddemand
for payment has been made upon theguarantors.
(ii) Whether the guarantors have been transferring their assets so thatBank
may not be able to recover itsdues?
(iii) Whether guarantors are beneficiary of „siphoning / diversion of funds‟, or
are party to the fraudulenttransactions?
to submit the prescribed proposal (as per Annexure-II) within 5-6 days to Circle
Office along with recommendations supported by requisite evidence/ documents.
Such proposals after due examination by Circle Head through FGMO be
forwarded to HO along with recommendation for placing it before Committee on
/20 402
Willful Defaulters headed by ED. The correspondence exchanged will form an
integral part of the Annexure II.
Penal In order to prevent the access to the capital markets by the willful
Measures defaulters, a copy of the list of willful defaulters (non-suit filed
/03 41
These are debarred from Institutional finance from SCBs/FIs/ NBFCs
for floating new ventures for a period of 5years.
Branch may initiate criminal proceedings against such
The borrower should thereafter be suitably advised about the proposal
to classify him as willful defaulter along with the reasons thereof. The
borrower concerned should be provided reasonable time (say 15 days)
for making representation against such decision, if he so desires, to a
/20 402
Grievance Redressal Committee headed by the Chairman and
Managing Director and consisting of two other seniorofficials.
On receipt of any representation within the stipulated period of 15
days, the same may be sent to HO for consideration of the Grievance
/03 41
The branch concerned is advised to inform the borrower of bank‟s
intention to identify him as willful defaulter on a draft letter under
Registered AD and provide him 30 days time to rectify thedefault.
A final declaration of the borrower as willful defaulter would be made
after a view is taken by the Grievance Redressal Committee on the
representation and the borrower would be suitably advised inthe
Review As per RBI guidelines Review Committee headed by the ManagingDirector
Committee & CEO should also give hearing to the borrower if he represents that he has
wrongly been declared as Willful defaulter. Accordingly, Bank has
constituted Review Committee, consisting of:
(i) Managing Director &CEO
(ii) Two Independent Directors of the Bank
(i) GM (RecoveryDiv.)
Publication of photographs of the willful defaulters:( SASTRA DIV CIRCULAR NO. 17/2018
dt. 11.05.18)
The policy on Publication of photographs of the willful defaulters was earlier placed to the Board
in its meeting held on 05.11.2015 and was approved vide Resolution No. 6. While approving, the
/20 402
Board advised that photographs of wilful defaulters with outstanding of Rs.25 lacs & above be
only published.
Law Division vide their letter dated 20.03.2018 has interalia opined, as under:
/03 41
“In view of the guidelines issued by RBI, Bank can publish photographs of Wilful Defaulters in
all states after formulating a policy to that end with the approval of the Board of Directors in
has not recorded his objection to the same in the Minutes,or,
2. The willful default had taken place with his consent orconnivance.
/20 402
/03 41
account his/her/their readiness to enter into compromise for repayment of the
2) Age and status of the advance outstanding in the account. Death of
the borrower(s)/partner(s)/guarantor(s) during the course of the
/20 402
account(s) with the Bank; materially affecting the affairs of the
3) Availability of primary and/or collateral securities other attachable
security and realizable value of thesecurity
/03 41
Norms for permitting Recover maximum possible dues through compromise route. Ensure
sacrifice/waiver that compromise decisions are taken judiciously and in the best
interest of the Bank in a professional and transparent manner.
Approach for considering waiver sacrifice/loss on compromise can be
in the following order based on merits and attendant circumstance of
each individual case:
1) Waiver of penalinterest
2) Waiver of the effect of compounding the interest by applying
3)Waiver of whole or part of simpleinterest
4) Waiver of part ofprincipaldues outstanding in bank‟s books
keeping in view the facts and circumstances of thecase
Eligibility criteria All Borrowal/Loan accounts identified as NPA in terms of extant
RBI guidelines outstanding as at the end of last quarter shall be
eligible for considering under these Policy guidelines for
compromise/negotiated settlement/one time settlement and/or
Calculation of Recoverable Outstanding amount as on date of transfer to Protested
dues Account/Health Code 5/NPA should be treated as the Principal
calculated on PLR (at that time Base Rate Mechanism was not in
operations) operating as on the date of working out the compromise
up to Rs. 10 lacs (including KCC but excluding Tractor Loans)
recoverable dues shall be calculated with interest @6% simple from
the date of classification of the account asNPA.
3)Recoverable dues being only a Notional concept and purely an
/20 402
internal exercise, the calculations shall be kept strictly
the borrower.
Valuation of Securities 1) Proper distinction has to be made between Market Value and
/03 41
Validity and periodicity of 1) Accounts involving book outstanding of upto Rs. 2 crore, the
valuation report valuation report should be as recent as possible but not more
than 1 yearold.
2) where book outstanding and/or Value of Securities is more than
Rs. 2 crore, valuation of property(ies) and other details should
not be more than 6 monthsold
3) wherever properties are valued at Rs. 5 crore or above, minimum
two independent latest Valuation Reports from Bank‟s Board
approved valuers shall beobtained.
Above mentioned periodicity for valuation reports is meant only in
case of OTS/Compromise/Write off cases and in other NPA
accounts, the valuation will continue to be done as per the
Valuation Policy framed by HO: IRMD from time to time
through L & A Circulars.
Variation in valuation report While considering an OTS/Compromise etc. proposal:
(i) In case the difference in valuation is less than 15%, the average
of last sanction of the limits. (v)Market value of the secured assets
to be released at the time of making request for release of secured
assets. (vi) Market value of the secured assets to be released as per
/20 402
the last valuation.
In case of plant and machinery, minimum amount of money to be
received against release of secured assets will be higher of the
following two: (i) Depreciated value of plant and machinery as
/03 41
audited balance sheet will be the one filed with ROC/ Income Tax
Department. (ii) Market Value as per valuation report obtained from
Bank‟s Board approved valuer.The periodicity of valuation report
in this case should be as per guidelines given below:
Accounts involving book outstanding of upto Rs. 2
OTS Amount payment and as such would not require calculation of net present
value of OTS amount.
2) Where OTS amount is to be paid along-with the interest @Base
Rate, from the date of conveying OTS - OTSAmount
/20 402
3) Where the OTS amount is to be recovered without interest or at a
rate lower than the Base Rate-
Net Present Value (NPV) shall be calculated by deducting the
difference in the interest component, calculated as per Base Rate and
/03 41
as per the rate of interest as per the OTS sanction, from the approved
OTS amount i.e NPV= Approved OTS amount Less {Intt. @Base
Rate (-) Intt. @OTS sanctioned Rate}
Net Present realizable value Present Market Value of the charged securities net of cost of
of security realisation discounted appropriately for the attendant factors affecting
its realisability shall be called Net Present Realisable Value of
Market value of the charge securities (Excl- Plant & Machinary)net
of cost of realization shall be discounted asunder:
arriving at the NPRV as hitherto fore.
Minimum Indicative OTS Minimum indicative OTS amount will Minimum Indicative
Amount be arrived at as under: Situation OTS Amount
1. Where NPRV > Recoverable Dues Recoverable Dues.
/20 402
2. Where NPRV < Recoverable Dues NPRV of the securities
but more than Book Outstanding
3. Where NPRV < less than Book NPRV of the securities
/03 41
OTS/Write Off in willful Bank‟s commercial decision to accept OTS offer/recovery ofentire
default / Borrowal frauds/ outstanding amount shall have no bearing whatsoever on the
Criminal action cases ongoing criminal cases/investigation being carried out by the
CBI/Police and the same shall proceed as perlaw.
is lesser than HOCAC-II
NPRV/Book outstanding
More than 150 lacs upto Higher thanNPRV/Book HOCAC-II
Rs.300 lacs O/s (whichever ishigher)
/20 402
is lesser than HOCAC-III
More than Rs.300 lacs Higher thanNPRV/Book HOCAC-III
upto Rs 500 lacs O/s (whichever ishigher)
/03 41
released from their liability towards bank. Therefore, write off of wilful
defaulters/fraud cases/cases where bank or other outside agencies like
police/CBI have initiated investigations/criminal action and such
investigations/criminal actions are yet to be concluded may be
considered at the level given above in thetable.
OTS / Write Off in StaffOTS/ Write off proposals in accounts where an existing or ex-staff is
accounts a borrower/guarantor shall be considered by an authority not below
the level of COCAC subject to delegated powers. This clause will not be
applicable in case credit facilities were sanctioned, where staff has
become a borrower/guarantor/co-obligant,
afterretirement/resignation from the services of the Bank.
OTS Backed by Accounts backed by Govt. Guarantees shall not be eligible to be
Government Guarantee considered for Negotiated Settlement / Write off.
OTS THROUGH DEBT- If the bank deems it fit to go in for the offer looking to utility of the
ASSET SWAP concerned property for bank‟s use or otherwise, then a combined
OTS Offer Upfront Upfront Amount
Amount difficult to provide
prescribed upfront
/20 402
Upto Rs. 10 lacs 20% NIL
Rs. 10 lacs to Rs. 50 15% Rs. 0.50 lacs
Rs. 50 lacs to Rs. 100 10% Rs. 1.00 lacs
/03 41
Rs. 100 lacs to 500 10% Rs. 5.00 lacs
the preceding financial year/ half-year and 100% provision there against
has beenmade.
ii). Borrowal accounts, in Doubtful Category, where no security is
available but the same have been classified as Doubtful Assets merely
/20 402
because DICGC/ ECGC claim isavailable.
1) The accounts where write off is approved by the competentauthority,
notional balance of Rs.100/- shall be left in the account to pursue likely
recovery over a period oftime.
/03 41
2) Final view to write off the residual amount of Rs.100/- may be taken at
the level of the authority competent to sanction the write off as per
present policy for original written off amount, after three years of such
OTS/Write Off in Credit Non performing credit cards OTS/ Write off will be consider by the
Card separate policy.
Rejection • Any proposal submitted by the branch can be rejected byan
authority one step higher than the authority competent to approve
the proposal. ( but should be put up in max 15 days to the
• Any proposal submitted by the branch can be rejected by an
authority one step higher than the authority competent to approve
the proposal. Accordingly, competent authority should refer the
case for rejection to his next higher authority, giving reasons
thereof. However, proposals falling under the powers of HOCAC
Level III and above may be rejected at the level of HOCACLevel
III itself, as hither-tofore.
Failure of OTS In case of obligants‟ failure to pay the OTS amount as per scheduleof
payment, the OTS should be declared as failed with the priorapproval
Non-borrowal fraud cases / Cases of Theft and Dacoity
These cases will be considered for write off by FPIS, HO by the appropriate authority. For all
/20 402
cases of loss of cash in theft/dacoity/robbery etc. and non-borrowal Fraud and non-borrowal other
Impaired Assets,
Delegation of Powers.
• Level ofAuthority HOCAC (Amt. in lac)
/03 41
• Level-IHOCAC---------- 50.00
• Level–IIHOCAC--------- 75.00
• Level–IIIHOCAC---------
• MC---------------------------- FULL
The above powers to approve sacrifice in Non Borrowal Impaired Assets shall be exercised by the
respective authorities, if duly recommended by the Committee constituted.
Eligibility Borrowal NPA accounts, which were written off earlier duly
approved by the competent authority, whether by leaving a balance of
Rs.100/ - or not, shall be eligible to be considered for OTS under
these specialguidelines.
Recoverable dues Net Outstanding prior to Write off i.e. the book outstanding
(exclusive of Suspended Interest/ De-recognized Interest) as on the
relevant/ material date shall be the relevantamount.
Minimum indicative A comprehensive view on the capacity of the borrower(s)/
Amount Guarantor(s) shall have to be taken. Since these cases were already
written off by competent authority in the past in terms of bank‟s laid
down policy on „write off‟, whatever maximum can be recovered
through negotiations
Sacrifice/Waiver Sacrifice/ waiver in such cases shall be calculated as the „Difference
between Recoverable Dues and the Compromise amount‟.
Payment of settlement The amount of settlement arrived at in above cases, should preferably
amount be paid in lump sum. Cases where the borrower is unable to pay the
The powers to approve sacrifice in OTS/negotiated settlements being debit to bank revenue
/waiver of RI/ PI /Legal and other expenses & waiver of legal action in terms of recoverable
duesare as under:The powers stands revised as per sastra div cir no 45/2017 and is the sameas
per sastra div cir no 56/2018.
Committeeheadedby ExistingPowers RevisedPowers
/20 402
ChiefMgr, ARMB Rs. 8lacs Rs. 15lacs
AGM,ARMB Rs. 25lacs Rs. 40lacs
DGM,ARMB Rs. 40lacs Rs. 80lacs
COCAC-I headedbyAGM Rs. 25lacs Rs. 50lacs
/03 41
carry recommendations of the respective ZOCACs. (Including for ARMBs and LCBs)
and COCAC. Further for proposals under ZOCAC sanctioning powers, proposals
beingsubmitted to the Zonal Office for approvalmust be routed through CO and must
invariably carry recommendations of therespective COCACs (including forARMBs)
At Branch level Including Large Corporate Branches (LCBs)Powers to approve sacrifice
on entering OTS/negotiated settlement are as under
Committee headed by Existing Powers Revised Powers
Branch Manager Scale-I Rs. 0.25 lacs Rs. 0.50 *lacs
Branch Manager Scale-II Rs. 0.50 lacs Rs. 1.00 *lacs
Branch Manager Scale-III Rs. 1.00 lacs Rs. 2.00 *lacs
** Sacrifice involving Debit to Revenue maximum upto the provision held in the account
as on last quarter can also be considered besides the sacrifice on account of Waiver of
RI/PI/legal & other expenses within the above delegated powers. Cases beyond these
powers shall be considered by the respective competent authorities at CO/HO level.
1) In HOCC-B, besides GM (SASTRA) as convener, there are two other GMs as members of the
committee. For considering the proposals, out of the two other GMs, at-least one GM must be
present in the meeting.
2) In case any nominated General Manager is on leave OR away on duty on the date of the
meeting of HOCCB/HOSAC, then the meeting will be attended by the General Manager(s)
whose name is given as the Alternate Arrangement for the nominated GM, as per the Office
Order of Alternate Arrangement of GMs. For this purpose the office order in force on the day
/20 402
of the meeting will be referred to.
OTHER IMPORTANT GUIDELINES (L&A cir 50/2018 dated 14-06-18 Read with
SASTRA DIV.Circular 56/2018 )
/03 41
i) Wherever the Incumbent feels that realizable value of IPs is significantly lower than the
one on bank‟s record in accounts with aggregate limits/ outstanding ofRs.10 lakhs&
i) As regards borrowal accounts having aggregate limit of Rs. 1 crore & above,valuation of
immovable properties charged/mortgaged to the Bank be got donefrom approved valuer
once in three years.However, where the value of immovable property to be mortgaged/
charged isRs.5 crore & above, branches shall get valuation of such IPs done
fromminimum two valuers on the Bank‟s approvedpanel.
ii) Over a period of time it has been noted that, in some NPA accounts periodicalvaluation of
IPs available as secured assets with the Bank, in the names ofborrowers and/or guarantors
is not got done, in terms of the ―Policy on valuationof Properties‖ which is a matter of
serious concern. It is imperative to notethat such lapses have adverse bearing on Bank‟s
performance parameters e.gprofitability, CRARetc.
v) RBI teams and Statutory Auditors also donot entertain the old valuationreports, as
result of which higher provision rates are advised bythem.
vi) In absence of latest valuation report, which should not be normally morethan 1 year
/20 402
old, as per Bank‟s guidelines for fixation of Reserve Pricefor a sale process, non-
realistic Reserve Price is fixed, which is the mainreason for failure of saleprocess.
Note: Thus, it is clarified that, the criteria for valuation of properties (bothborrower‟s and/or
/03 41
guarantors) in existing accounts, circulated throughcirculars by HO: IRMD also holds good
for NPA accounts except where OTS/Sale to ARCs proposals/Sale under SARFAESI Act
are underconsideration/processing, for which separate guidelines have beenprovided.
Thus it must be ensured that the periodicity stipulated by HO:IRMD isstrictly adhered to
and proper record of latest valuation reports is alsomaintained for verification by the
Auditors/RBI teams.
In case of NPA accounts, where OTS proposals (Circular no. 5/2016)/Sale toARCs (Circular
no. 3/2016)/ Sale proposals under SARFAESI Act (Circularno. 31/2017) are under
consideration/processing, the guidelines stipulatedin the Recovery Division Circulars be
adhered to.
Annexure -IV
Policy for Write off/Settlement of Non Performing Investments (NPIs)
1.1 Treasury invests in SLR securities as well as Non-SLR securities of different entities as
a part of investments within the framework of Investment Policy and in conformity with
the guidelines issued by RBI/FIMMDA. SLR securities are Government securities and
other approved securities issued by Central Government/State Government/Municipal
corporations, PSUs and FIs which are eligible for maintenance of the SLR.
1.2 Non SLR investment portfolio includes all other investments of the bank except those
qualify for SLR purposes. It primarily includes Bonds/Debentures, Equity (ordinary &
preference), Mutual Funds, CDs and CPs.
1.3 However within the investment portfolio some investments turn into non-performing
category on default by the issuer and non availability of financial statements/quotes in
the market in terms of RBI guidelines.
1.4 The valuation, classification and provisioning norms prescribed by RBI, as applicable to
non performing investment assets (NPI) will only be applicable.
The category of the investments along with their eligibility for write off will be as under:
2.1 Non-SLR - Debentures, Bonds &
Commercial Paper –
i) Investment categorized as NPI and
classified as loss assets in the books of
the bank and
ii) Issuer Company is under liquidation
or already liquidated OR its name has
been struck off from registrar of the
iii) All recourses for recovery have been
(All the above condition are to be satisfied
for considering writing off the NPI
2.2 Non – SLR – Equity /Preference Shares
i) Investment categorized as NPI and
classified as loss assets in the books of
the bank and
ii) The company is under liquidation or
already liquidated OR its name has been struck off from registrar of the companies
/20 402
and(All the above conditions are to be satisfied for considering writing off the NPI)
2.3 Investment in Securities backed by Govt. Guarantee
Generally investment in securities guaranteed by Central / State Govt. which qualifies
for SLR purpose or otherwise shall not be eligible for write off. It would be proper to
initiate legal action in such cases. However, in exceptional circumstances write off
/03 41
2.4 Investment in Security Receipts issued by the trusts floated by Securitisation
Companies/Reconstruction Companies
The Security receipts issued by the trusts floated by Securitisation Companies/
Reconstruction Companies would be eligible for write off on closure of its trusts and
there is no chance of any recovery. These cases would be considered by competent
authority. The amount outstanding in the books at the time of closure of the Trust be
adjusted by obtaining the outstanding amount from HO: Finance Division from the
provision held for the purpose.
3.1 Debentures & Bonds - Principal outstanding + unrealized interest at Base Rate or
coupon/contracted rate whichever is lower up to the date of maturity.
3.2 Equity Shares: Acquisition cost
3.3 Preference shares (Cumulative) - Principal outstanding + unrealized cumulative
dividend upto the date of maturity.
3.4 Preference shares (Non-Cumulative) - Principal outstanding + dividend declared but
not realized.
3.5 Commercial Paper – Face value of the commercial paper
Powers to Book Losses in respect of Share, Debenture and Bonds etc. as per
applicable investment policy of the Bank, whichever is higher.
(Rs. in lacs)
Level of Authority
Level- I
Level -II
Level -III
Power to approve
35.00 150.00 200.00 FULL
4.1 All the proposals for write off would be placed by the Treasury Division for
consideration of the respective authorities through HOSAC.
4.2 The authority who had earlier sanctioned the particular investment shall not recommend
and/or participate as a member of any committee constituted for the write off/settlement
proposals. Another officer authorized to work in his/her absence as per office
arrangement shall be substituted in his/her place.
5. Other General Guidelines regarding compilation/presentation of proposal, reporting of
approvals/rejections/post-facto scrutiny and monitoring as stipulated in General
Guidelines (Annexure-A) shall mutatis-mutandis form part of these guidelines also.
/20 402
/03 41
Loan accounts of below Rs. 10 lac In other branches, Branch Head jointly with the
Incharge of Loans Department.
wherever posted (Loan Officer Incharge wherever
Concurrent Auditor is not posted)
Channel to settle doubts in Asset Classification
Level seeking clarification Authority to settle the Maximum Time period
/20 402
Branch Heads of Branches other AGM/ CM of respective Within 48 hours of reference
than ELBs/ VLBs Circles received.
Branch Heads of ELBs/VLBs/MCB Circle Head of Within 3 days of reference
/03 41
by ZM
Suit filed & Decreed A/cs Recoveries in NPA Accounts (irrespective of the mode /
status / stage of recovery actions), henceforth shall be
OTS/Compromise cases appropriated in the following order of priority:
i) Expenditure/Out of Pocket Expenses incurred for
NPA where recovery is under Recovery, including under SARFAESI action (earlier
SARFAESI Act recorded in MemorandumDues;
ii) Principal irregularities i.e. NPA outstanding in the
Other NPAs account gets up-graded / adjusted, whichever isearlier;
iii) Thereafter towards interestirregularities/accrued
page 74) of Recovery Division Circular No. 45/2017 dated 28.11.2017:
Category of NPA Monitoring authority Periodicity
NPAs with outstanding balance of more than MD & CEO As and when*
/20 402
Rs. 15.00 crore (amended)
NPAs with outstanding balance of more than ED As and when*
Rs. 5.00 crore, up to Rs.15.00 crore (amended)
NPAs with outstanding balance of more than GM Recovery As and when*
/03 41
enhancement/ additional/bridge loan facilities granted
Current means of the borrowers & guarantorsetc.
/20 402
2 Reason for NPA Business reasons like
Whether circumstances beyond control e.g slow down
Closure of business activity withreasons
/03 41
thepast and in the future are not mentioned. Whether any
joint action is being proposed by the consortiumleader?
9 Passport impounding & Mention the action initiated for passport impounding and
/20 402
declaration of willful defaulter for declaration of Wilful Defaulter or the reasons for not
initiating such deterrent actions against the defaulting
10 Critical Amount due (CADU) Mention the Critical Amount Due (CADU) in the account.
/03 41
11 Allied concern and family Details of allied concerns or family loan accounts must not
Loan account be missed as such details provide an opportunity to take a
holistic view for resolution of the group as a whole.
12 Lodgement of FIR In case party has disposed off the securities without
depositing the sale proceeds in the account, position of
filing the FIR be informed.
13 Engagement of detective Mention utilization of services of Detective Agencies,
agency especially in those cases where the whereabouts of the
borrowers/guarantors are not known/certain and/or there
On classifying an account as NPA Branch Managers to immediately visit and verify the primary
and collateral securities and thereafter regularly at irregular intervals so that the same are not
diluted/disposed off/alienated by the obligants. The following guidelines have been laid down:
i) Branch Head should ensure that title deeds of the charged IPs are intact and mortgage
continues to be legallyenforceable.
ii) All NPA accounts be distributed among branch officials for verification of
primary/collateral securities and proper record be maintained. The verification in respect
of IPs charged to the Bank is to be done through independent discreet enquiries/market
report as well and strict compliance of Bank guidelines is to be ensured. At the time of
verification of securities, the obligants are also to be followed up for
regularization/upgradation/adjustment through negotiatedsettlement.
iii) In case any dilution/short fall in the securities is noticed, immediate action is taken and
iv) The public at large is also informed about charge on the assets of the obligants through
brief pressadvertisement.
v) Details of other attachable assets of the obligants are also required to be
ascertained/verifiedandplaced on bank‟s recordwith thehelp of DetectiveAgencies etc..
/20 402
There may be some cases where securities mortgaged to bank are situated at places other than
where the unit was situated/where the advance was made. On account becoming NPA/closure of
unit, the obligants might also shift where the assets are situated. Further, the DRT suit may be
being pursued at centre other than where the account is being maintained. There may also be other
/03 41
situations, which warrant inter-circle transfer of accounts for their effective monitoring and follow
up with obligants for recovery.
Such cases shall be referred to HO for seeking approval for transfer of the NPA accounts to other
Circles with proper justification and reasons of transfer. At Head Office, General Manager, Recovery
Division shall be the competent authority to allow such Inter Circle transfer of NPA accounts in
similar situations, Circle Heads may allow transfer of such NPA accounts within the Circle and in
case of accounts of LCB, Zonal Manager will take decision. However, Inter-Circle transfers
within the same Zone may be done by the Zonal Manager
1) NPA accounts of Rs. 10 lacs & above of all the branches at the Centre of ARMB and NPA
accounts of Rs. 50 lacs & above in the entire Circle should be promptly transferred to
ARMB immediately after the “cooling period (3 months)” is over and/or a final call for
initiating recovery action has been taken on finding it non viable for up-
gradation/rehabilitation or rehabilitation package is declared failed. However, accounts
covered under CGTMSE Guarantee Cover shall not be transferred to ARMBs. The branch
where such NPA accounts exist, the same shall lodge claim for Guarantee Cover with
CGFT and shall make all efforts for resolution of accounts, till its logicalconclusion.
2) Files and other record be handed over by branch to ARMB in person by dealingofficial.
3) Guidelines for ControllingOffice:
i) The fresh slippage accounts be dealt with on priority basis as there is a good scope
for their resolution through upgradation by recovering overdueamount.
Recovery of CADUamount
By allowing operations through taggingarrangement
All efforts should be made to take a final and conclusive view within a period of 3 months of
“cooling period” and if after exhausting all these measures, a final view emerges to recall the
advance and initiate Recovery measures, the account shall be transferred to ARMB.
/20 402
Depending upon the balance outstanding in the account following are the competent authority for
permitting transfer of account to ARMBs
Balance O/S in NPA a/c Competent authority Recommending Authority
/03 41
submit Recommendations to
Above 5 crores upto 50 crores Zonal Manager Circle Head
Above 50 crores Head Office (GM Recovery) Zonal Manager
While submitting recommendations to the competent authority, it must be ensured that the
recovery actions initiated along-with the dates and their outcome, are mentioned in the Proposal,
for example:
Action initiated under SARFAESI Act (issue of notices under Section 13(2), position of
possession taken, efforts for sale of secured assetsetc.)
Filing ofsuit
Impounding ofpassport
Examining the Wilful Defaulter‟saspect
Any details or any proposal for restructuring, tagging, SDR etc. underconsideration.
(i) To launch well planned and sustainable Recovery Campaigns. The RMSs and MRMSs should
not be conducted merely as a ritual/formality without doing an effective spade work. Proactive
action in this regard will ensure good turnout in the Shivirs with resolution of NPAs up to the
(ii) Such Shivirs maty be organized preferably with cluster of 9-10 branches on a Non-Public
Working Day(NPWD).
(iii) Circle Heads need to set targets for themselves and motivate their Branch Incumbents to
make all possible efforts to adhere to the benchmarks for number of borrowers attending the
camp, cash recoveries and OTSproposals.
(iv) Effectiveness of the RMSs/MRMSs should be reflected through numbers of NPA accounts
resolved and amount recovered, instead by number of shivirsorganized.
During Special Recovery Campaigns launched by the Head Office, Circle Offices are advised to
organize Mega Rin Mukti Shivirs (MRMSs) for which following parameters have been laid
S.No. Benchmarks Per MRMS Number / Amount
1 Minimum borrowers 200
2 Overall Cash Recoveries including in the written off A/Cs Rs. 50 lacs
/20 402
and OTS approved cases
3 Cash Recovery in written-off accounts (out of 2 above) Rs. 2 lacs
4 OTS Proposals (Amount O/s in the NPA A/Cs) Rs.150 lacs
/03 41
Important Note
(i) All such Shivirs where the above mentioned criteria remain unfulfilled, do not qualify for the
Mega Rin MuktiShivirs.
(ii) During the Rin Mukti Shivirs and Mega Rin Mukti Shivirs progress made in respect of NPA
accounts with balance outstanding of upto Rs. 10 lacs only, will be accounted, for performance
assessment. Although Circle Heads may resolve high value NPA accounts during such Shivirs but
It is observed that such interim reliefs are generally not sought while filing the suit and even
thereafter applications for obtaining interim reliefs are generally not filed and/or if filed/included
in the plaint are not properly agitated/contested/pursued. The detailed relevant provisions of
hypothecation /pledge/bookdebts agreementetc. are giveninthe SASTRA DIVCir.12/2011 dated
Staff Incentive Scheme to boost recovery of NPAs is also in place. The Circles are required to
advocate for the same by highlighting its benefits for the entire field staff. Even, the staff at
Circles including the Circle Head can get the financial benefit if their own job profile of
monitoring and motivating the staff is done with full concentration and they own the job of
Recovery & Resolution of NPAs. As per Govt. of India guidelines, in case Net NPA level of the
Bank exceeds 3%, no incentive is payable to its employees. Thus applicability of this policy is
dependent on this principle.
Wilful Defaulter
There are several NPA cases where the borrower has the capacity to repay the loan but does not
come forward due to malafied intention. In such cases the borrower resorts to siphoning off the
funds, disposal of Banks secured assets without depositing the amount in the loan account and
other unethical practices. When reconciliatory efforts fail to produce the desired results, efforts
/20 402
may be made to declare such eligible defaulters as Wilful Defaulters. Branches may refer to
Circulars/Circular Letters issued by the HO: Recovery Division from time to time (latest circular
being 22/2015 dated 31.08.15).
/03 41
In a number of loan accounts, the promoters / guarantors / other persons, pledge shares of
substantial value held by them either in the borrower company or in any other company, in favour
of Bank as collateral security. Pledged shares being easily saleable liquid security should be
enforced at first instance after classification of account as NPA. However, it is observed that
pledge of shares is not invoked immediately after classification of account as NPA. Such non-
invocation of pledge in time, not only results in uncalled for delays in recovery of bank‟s dues,
but also results in loss to Bank as value of pledged shares often falls drastically with the passage
of time on account of various reasons such as adverse changes in the net worth position of the
companies / loss of reputation consequent to NPA tag etc.
1) Pledged shares are either in physical form or in dematerialized form. The detailed
procedure for invocation of pledge of shares in both the forms has been providedunder
Annexure 8 to Loans & Advances Circular No. 66/2014 dated 16.06.2014. Recovery Division has
also issued guidelines in respect vide Circular no. 23/2016 dated 26.05.2016. The applicable
instructions contained in above circular, as modified from time to time, be meticulously followed.
2) Further, in case the pledged shares are of a listed company, the same are to be sold
Mumbai, may be taken. In case the pledged shares are ofunlisted company/ies, Bank may
proceed for sale of pledged shares by inviting quotations from public through news papers /
Bank‟swebsiteetc..Beforesaleofpledgedshares,anotice of invocation of pledge
In case of consortium accounts where PNB is not the lead bank, the lead bank be
requested to call consortium meeting immediately upon classification of such accountas
NPA for initiating steps to invoke pledge of shares / sale of pledgedshares.
/20 402
The steps initiated for invocation of pledge / sale of pledged shares be taken to logical end
without timegaps.
/03 41
5) As pointed out above, delay in invoking pledge of shares / sale of pledged sharesin
time may result in loss to Bank, and for any unreasonable delay, the erring officials
will be answerable. The Inspectors while inspecting the branches / Circle Heads and
other inspecting officials during their branch visits, shall view and point out this aspect
Stock Audit of Large Borrowal Accounts in NPA Category (SASTRA DIV Cir No. 03/2013
Detailed guidelines in respect of Stock Audit of Large Borrowal Accounts are as under:
(i). Annual stock audit should be got compulsorily done in respect of all borrowers enjoying fund
based and working capital limits of Rs. 5 crore and above from ourbank.
(ii). In case of borrowers enjoying fund based working capital limits less than Rs. 5 crore, stock
modalities of stock audit, prior concurrence of the concerned Circle Head beobtained.
(iii). In cases where the borrower is enjoying working capital limits (fund based) of less than Rs. 5
crore from our Bank and Rs. 20 crore and above in aggregate from the banking system, thematter
(v). In case of Consortium/Multiple Financing, where the borrower is enjoying working capital
limits (fund based) of less than Rs.5 crore from our Bank and Rs.20 crore and above in aggregate
from the banking system, branches should take up with lead bank/major share-holder banks in
multiple banking arrangement for getting the stock auditconducted.
In respect of consortium advances, where we are the leader, the stock audit may be got conducted
with the consent of the member banks and in cases where we are not the leader, we may take up
the matter with the Lead Bank for getting the stock audited of the borrowal account. The final
decision regarding stock audit in the account shall, however, be based on the consensus amongst
the member banks.
It has been observed that despite above guidelines, Circle Offices are neither getting the Stock
Audit done in NPA accounts nor the position of Primary Security in the shape of hypothecation of
Stocks/Book Debts is getting monitored/controlled in the Post NPA stage of the account; which
interalia facilitates the borrower to dispose off the hypothecated securities without
routing/depositing their sale proceeds in the account, resultantly adversely affecting the
/20 402
recovery/up-gradation efforts due to dilution of the securities at the time of enforcement either
through SARFAESI / Court / otherwise.
/03 41
It isfurther clarified that calculation of Drawing Poweras„Nil‟in terms of sanction does not
necessarily mean that value of the Hypothecated Security too can be treated as „Nil‟. Field is
advised to take a careful note of incorporating the correct/reliable value of security of
Once Head Office permits to conduct the forensic audit in an account, final allocation of task to a
particular forensic auditor, will be done by the respective ZO.
Eligible cases where Forensic Audit is not being conducted
1) For RFAs with exposure of Rs. 50 crore & above, if Zonal Office decides not to conduct
forensic audit, a report be sent along-with the justificationsto:
/20 402
(i) Head Office Recovery Division for NPAaccounts
(ii) Head Office CRMD/FRMD for non-NPAaccounts
/03 41
2) For all such cases which have although been recommended by the Zonal Office Committee But not
agreed by the Head Office Committee, shall be placed to the MD &CEO/ED.
Monitoring of progress
Zonal Offices will submit following reports on quarterly basis to Head Office Recovery Division:
(i) Progress report of all the Forensic Audit conducted cases, i.e permitted by
ZO/HO/MD & CEO, as perAnnexure-2.
(ii) Details of Red Flagged NPA Accounts with exposure of Rs. 50 crores & above,where
Zonal Office has decided Not to conduct Forensic Audit, as per Annexure-3
meeting, in case of emergent circumstances, to avoid delays.
Competent Authority for empanelment of Forensic Auditors will be the Executive Director
/20 402
Incharge of Recovery Division, who will consider & allow empanelment of Forensic Auditors
upon recommendations of the HO Committee of GMs.
Fulfillment of criteria & Issue of Empanelment letters
/03 41
ZOs must ensure that before issuing the letter of empanelment, all criteria mentioned in the
FRMD Circular are fulfilled (refer FRMD circular 12/2017), for example:
Certification of CFE (Certified Fraud Examiner) or FAFP (Forensic Audit & fraud
Empanelment with RBI for Bank auditsetc.
Proven track record of conducting a number of Forensic & Investigative audits and
Firm should preferably have at-least 5 years‟ experience of doing statutory or internal
audit of organizationof
(i) Listed companiesor
(ii) Unlisted companies having a paid-up share capital of Rs. 10 crores or moreor
(iii) All companies (private and public) which do not meet the threshold mentioned above
but have public borrowings from banks/financial institutions or public deposits of more
than Rs. 50croresetc.
Further, the corresponding supporting documents/papers must be kept in Bank‟s record.
Zonal Offices to ensure to issue letter of empanelment to all the respective approved Forensic
Auditors mentioned in the Annexure, only after completion of proper documentation as
mentioned in FRMD Circular no. 12/2017 dated 31.03.2017. At the time of issuing appointment
letter, ZOs must ensure to mention fee/remuneration structure, scope of work, time line for
submission of reports etc. so as to avoid any complaints/conflicts at a laterstage.
outside their geographical jurisdiction, copy of the agreement signed by that Firm with the
other ZO (which have empanelled that Firm), be kept in their records also. Further,
before assigning the job, such ZOs must ensure to obtain a confirmation from all the
other ZOs who have empanelled that Firm, about number of accounts allocated, so that
/20 402
the required condition of not more than 2 accounts, is complied with. After assigning an
account to that Firm, it will be responsibility of that ZO (who had not empanelled the Firm)
to inform all the ZOs, who have empanelled that Firm, about assignment of account, so that
/03 41
According to SASTRA DIVCircular 39/2017: IBA vide their letter no. C&I-II/FA/3449 dated
28.08.17 has sent a list of 75 firms empanelled with them, comprising of:
(i) 36 firms selected for frauds upto an exposure of Rs. 50Crore
Out of the firms empanelled by the IBA, some are already empanelled with our Bank and the
details are available in the circular 18/2017 of the Recovery Division. Further, it must be noted
that criteria based on the exposure (of upto and above Rs. 50 Crore) are stipulated by IBA and not
by the Bank. So, while selecting Forensic Auditors, decision be taken based on own analysis and
reputation of the Firms. . In view of the above facts, if required, services of the Forensic Auditors
which are available in the IBA list but are not available in the Bank‟s empanelled list, may be
utilized purely on merits, however priority should be given to the panel already approved by our
Bank. While assigning any task to such IBA empanelled Forensic Auditors, which are not in
Bank‟sempanelled,itmustbeensuredthatrestoftheextantguidelinesstipulatedbyHO:FRMD &
Recovery Division e.g. procedure for assigning the task, payment of fees, review of performance,
period for submission of reports etc. will continue to prevail, for which while sending them the
invitation, our Bank‟s terms and conditions be duly informed to them. Further, segregation of
firms, depending upon the exposure (given above) will be applicable to only those firms which
are in IBA list but not in Bank‟slist.
Please refer latest SASTRA Div. circular 54/2018dt.10.12.2018for LIST OF IBA
/20 402
/03 41
Bank has been filing Original Applications (OA) in Debt Recovery Tribunals (DRTs) wherever its
dues are Rs.10 lac and above and Civil suits in the Civil Courts where the dues are less than Rs.10
lacs. A number of decrees remain unexecuted due to inability of the bank to provide attachable
assets of the Judgment Debtors. As per Wealth Tax Act, every individual, Hindu Undivided Family
and Company whose net wealth exceeds the maximum amount (presently Rs.30 lacs), is liable to
file Wealth Tax Return. Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue (Central Board of Direct
Taxes) after examining the position has clarified that information on the assets of loan defaulters to
enable recovery of loans by Public Sector Bank (PSB) from such defaulters is in public interest and
if application is made in the prescribed format, to the Chief Commissioner or Commission,
information asked for can be provided.
Recalcitrant borrower from Public Sector Banks & excercises in camouflage, leading to loss of
valuable resources of the honest public
(SASTRA DIVCIRCULAR NO. 27/2018 dt.06.06.2018)
/20 402
1. RBI vide its Notification no. RBI/DBS/2016-17/28 dated 01.07.16 (updated on 03.07.17) has
enumerated guidelines (under Consortium loans or Multiple Banking arrangement) to classify any
/03 41
2. Department has come across instances where the Banks have chosen to lift the red flagging of
an account for the reason that the Forensic Audit into the Account was inconclusive due to non-
cooperation of the borrower. Such a decision appears to provide a perverse incentive to the
borrower to not cooperate with ForensicAudit.
3. Under these circumstances where the borrowers do not share information with the Auditors and
the Forensic Audit Reports remain inconclusive, the JLF, based on such inconclusive reports,
defer the declaration of the account as Fraud or otherwise, which ultimately defeats the very
purpose and content of RBIcircular.
4. Such instances of inconclusive Forensic Audit Reports, resulting from uncooperative borrower,
necessitate taking suitable action in such cases to ensure that Bank‟s interest is not jeopardized.
Banks may keep this aspect in view while deciding suchcases
In view of the above, all the field functionaries are advised to keep the advisory issued by
the Ministry in mind while dealing with Forensic Audit Reports ofborrowers.
to time (latest being SASTRA DIV24/2017 dated 08.05.2017)
The revised Fee Structure (including SARFEASI), both, for Immovable Properties and Plant
& Machineryis appended:
/20 402
Upto Rs. 20 lacs 1000/- 1500/-
/03 41
Over Rs. 20 lacs to Rs. 50 lacs Rs.1500+ 0.05% of amount above Rs. 20 lacs 2500/-
Over Rs. 50 lacs to Rs. 1 cr Rs.2500+ 0.05% of amount above Rs. 50 lacs 4500/-
Over Rs.1 cr to Rs. 5 cr Rs.4500+ 0.005% of amount above Rs. 1 cr 9000/-
securities), in exceptional circumstances, shall also exercise discretionary powers for payment of
fees to valuers beyond Rs.25,000/- subject to a maximum of Rs. 50,000/-. Circle Heads/
Incumbents Incharge of LCBs shall exercise these powers strictly on merits of each case keeping
in view the quantum of work involved.
It is pertinent to mention that the above fee structure which was previously applicable for
immovable properties only, will now be applicable for both, Immovable Properties and
Plant &Machinery.
Please refer SASTRA DIVISION CIRCULAR NO. 53/2018 dt.10.12.18 for BLACKLISTING
In compliance of parameters laid down by Ministry of Finance, Bank has created Specialized
Stressed Asset Management Verticals (SAMVs) for focused recovery efforts through the
dedicated and motivated teams. The guidelines relating to the scope, roles and responsibilities of
the Vertical along with that of the staff deployed for the functioning of the vertical were
circulated vide Recovery Division Circular No.23/2018 dated 23.05.18.The guidelines for
felicitation for outstanding performers were to be submittedseparately.
Recognizing the fact that a motivated and charged workforce can deliver better results, proposed
broad guidelines on Rewarding &Recognizing outstanding performers are given in the circular.
Additional role of SAMV persons by giving them SV users in CBS by circle offices through
/20 402
application name as “SAMV-SV Users”.The user would generate data validation report
under PNBREP/PNBRPT and modifying necessary details at account level for asset classification,
repayment and moratorium periods and filling correct security details.Menus in finacle available
shall be a)Customer account Inquiry,b)Change context service outlet,c)Customer Account
/03 41
by SV user shall be authorized by another official.For further details please refer to SASTRA DIV
cir no 4/2019.
The cir also speaks about work of SAMV staff 1)Field visit 2)Actions under SARFAESI,U/S
138 of NI act,Lodging of FIRS,RECOVERY SUIT WITH drt/nclt,initiate process of willful defaulter,
restructuring etc.3)Task assigned by branch/Circle vertical head,4)Should know all the
All information related to NPA accounts is extrapolated from the CBS system, including inputs
required for the LADDER, which further facilitates to generate various statements, including
quarterly closing returns based on which, asset classification and provisioning requirements, as
per RBI‟s guidelines, are complied with. During finalization of the Bank‟s balance Sheet on
quarterly basis, NPA provisioning vouchers are passed in the books of accounts of the bank,
having direct bearing on profitability of theBank.
Observations made by RBI & ACB
“Value of security is not up-dated in the system periodically, especially in NPA accounts.”
Importance of up-dation of data in the system
In a loan account, non-updation of stock statement‟s date may result in slippage to NPA
category due to non-financialparameters.
/20 402
/03 41
There will be wrong classification of accounts and thus the financial results of the Bank
will not depict a transparent and true picture and attract unwarranted observations from the
RBI, SEBI, Investors and general public at large, aswell.
As such account-wise data should be up-dated in the CBS, especially in NPA accounts, periodically,
in all thebranches
Some accounts during the life time of loans and advances becomes irregular because of various
reasons and are required to be monitored closely. Based on the guidelines of Reserve Bank of
India and SAMD HO New Delhi these accounts are identified as NPA. Focused and continuous
attention is required for the remaining period of the account till its closure.
The NPA accounts can be closed in one of the following ways:
/20 402
1) Through Recovery 1)SARFAESI 1) Compromise/
2) Through 2)Suit filed /Decree / Executionof OTS
Restructuring Decree 2) WriteOff
3) Compromise
/03 41
NPA are to be categorized in separate GL/SGL heads to have instant data related to fresh addition
/ reduction and NPA Level as on any date.
Non Borrowal Impaired Other than Loss of Cash External Fraud 86100 63120
Assets (Weekly code
57117, Office a/c
/20 402
Non Borrowal Impaired Non-borrowal impaired _ others 86100 63120
Assets (Weekly code
57117, Office a/c
/03 41
Main Classification:
01 - PerformingAsset
02 - Non- PerformingAsset
Sub Classification:
001 - Standard Asset
002 - Sub-standard Asset
003 - Doubtful Asset
004 - Loss Asset
A menu option NPADET (six sub menu options) has been customized to capture additional data
required for these reports
User is required to feed data related to all NPA accounts marked in the CBS system using the
menu option „NPAD‟.
This data is required to generate the following:
1. Memoranda of dues(RI).
To create the memoranda records user is required to follow the steps given below:
i) Generate report through menu option PNBRPT 28/3 (Report to know the list of
to be entered through menu option „ NPAD‟)
ii) Feed all the relevant fields through the menu option (NPAD).
/20 402
FUNCTION CODE Options are available at key
/03 41
ENTITY TYPE user to input „AC‟-Account in this field
User has to give valid account no. of sixteen digits. Customer
id will be populated on press of key F4.
DI/SI REVERESED DI/SI reversed and credited in the account as per revised
/APPROPRIATED guidelines or appropriated during write off be given in this
RI Unrecovered interest amount up to the last accrual date(last
interest applied upto NPA date), This date has been made
available in report(PNBRPT-28/3). RI will be calculated by
the system after this date
DICGC/CGFT Claim received amount/appropriated at the time of write off be
given here.
EXTENT OF Extent of Amount of guarantee availableto
GOVT.GUARANTEE secure the outstanding amount in the account from
NET MEANS OF Amount of net means of guarantor as per latest
IP OF GUARANTOR Value of IPs available as part of net means of guarantor
CONSORTIUM Name of banks/FIs if applicable
EXPOSURE IN LOANS Amount of loans at exposure in the account
SHARE ON SECURITY percentage of share on security available
INCOME BOOKED to be discussed with SAMD
CDR flg?: Appropriate value is „Y‟or „N‟(value „Y‟is to be given if
account hasbeen restructured as per extent guidelines on
corporate debt restructuring issued from time totime.
/20 402
TECH WRITE OFF DATE Date of technical write off be given in this field if available
(list of technically writen off account is available with HO
TECH WRITE OFF AMT Amount written off in such accounts be given in this field.
/03 41
Though these fields are not mandatory, but (0.00) may be entered if nothing is to be reported
against these fields instead of leaving blank. Values fed in this fields will populate in the
relevant fields at screen in menu option “COWO”. The details of other fields which shall be
Menu Option =SARF
FUNCTION CODE Options are available at key
ACCOUNT NAME USER TO put account name here
ELIGIBLE FOR Whether account is eligible for Sarfaesi Action put Y/N
Date of eligibility Mention here date when account is eligible for Sarfaesi action
DATE OF NOTICE 13(2) Give here date of notice issued under Sarfaesi act section 13(2)
DATE OF NOTICE 13(4) Give here date of notice issued under Sarfaesi act section 13(4)
DATE OF POCESSION GIVE date when possession of security taken
NATURE OF SESCURITY Give here nature of security
DATE OF SECURITY Put here date when security was sold
SECURITY SALE Sold amount of security
APPROACHED FOR Whether customer approached for compromise?
COMPROMISE Whether compromise has been settled or not?
OTS Recovery amount If compromise settled give here OTS Recovery amount
Other Recovery Amount If recovered other the OTS give amount here
NPA Account sale date IF NPA account sold give date of sale here
SC/RC/OTHER Put here to whom NPA Account has been sold
NPA A/c SALE AMOUNT Give here Sale Amount of NPA
LATEST STATUS Give here present status of the account which be modified time
to time
DI REVERSED DI reversed amount put here
ECGC CLAIM Status of ECGC Claim be given
/20 402
NRR Balance Give here net recoverable amount
PROVISION HELD Put here provision amount
/03 41
The guidelines for creation of write off kitty are applicable to both existing written off accounts
(not close in the system) and accounts which will be written off after the cut off date
THE ACCOUNT AFTERWRITE OFF ) Out of all theNPA accounts,entered through NPAD,
data related to written off accountsare to befed.
/20 402
Apprch for Comp? Value „Y‟be given if party has approached for compromise or
else value „N‟ be given in this field
Mode of Settlement : User has to select one of the modes of settlement available
on F1key. „LA‟for Lok Adalat, „RA‟for recovery agencies,
/03 41
installment and the date should be fed after expiring of the earlier
Amt Payable Due date The amount of compromise due on thedate mentioned inthe
previous field
Fresh Dr. to Bkrevenue As mentioned in OTS Proposal
Waiver Int Exp (RI) As mentioned in OTS Proposal
Set off DI/SI Amount As mentioned in OTS Proposal
Income to be Booked In case compromise amount is more than the ledger
outstanding the surplus credit transferred to income amount be
given in this field
Set off of provision As mentioned in OTS Proposal
Compro failed If compromise is failed reasons in brief be given in the next three
User is required to feed recovery upto 31.03.2010 in all NPA accounts through menu option
RCYM as the recovery details of all NPA accounts may not be available in the CBS system due
to migration of account through different legacy systems. The recovery details can be entered
through the menu option in consolidated form in single entry with date of recovery as
31.03.2010.The records of recovery after 31.03.2010 will be taken into report from the CBS
This menu option is to be used for handling recovery received in written of accounts.
The fields are explained here under :
FUNCTION CODE User to select function code „A‟ (ADD)
ACCOUNT NUMBER The valid account no. of sixteen digits be given, for which
details are required to be entered
/20 402
ACCOUNT NAME The name will populate on press of key F4 after giving account
number in the previous field.
WO/Compr Recvry? Validvalueis„W‟forrecoveryinwrittenoffaccounts,„C‟forOTSapprov
edin writtenoff accountsand „N‟forall otherNPA
/03 41
NOTE: Verification of records entered through RCYM is not required. User is required to enter
details through menu option NPAD and COWO for the accounts written off even after the
31.03.2010 but recovery details in such accounts will not be required to be entered by the user
through menu option RCYM.
FUNCTION CODE Options are available at key F1. Add/Modify/Inquiry/Delete/
Undelete/ Cancel/Verify)
ACCOUNT NUMBER The valid account no. of sixteen digits be given, for which
details are required to be entered
ACCOUNT NAME The name will populate on press of key F4 after giving account
FUNCTION CODE Options are available at key F1. Add/Modify/ Inquiry/
Delete/Undelete /Cancel/Verify)
ACCOUNT NUMBER The valid account no. of sixteen digits be given, for which
details are required to be entered
ACCOUNT NAME The name will populate on press of key F4 after giving account
number in the previous field.
SECTOR Give here Sector as RBI loan classification
Method of lending Give here method of lending whether consortium etc.
CONSORTIUM DETAIL Put here maximum 70 character name of bank etc.
MRTP/GROUP Give here details of Group etc.
/20 402
1. Report on NPA a/c not transferred to NPA GLHEAD
2. Report on RI Calculation and MemorandaDues
3. Report of NPA Accounts details not entered inNPAD
/03 41
Account Number Valid account number is one which has been rescheduled in CBS i.e.
the Schedule No. in E-details is other than 01. In CBS it is
through RSAM
Repay Start Date This date need not be entered as the system will automatically pick
up the same from E-details of the account
Restruct Reason Suitable codes from the list should be filled in
Deleted? This field is not accessible. It only populates the status of deletion of
a particular record
Multiple Records This field is not accessible.
/20 402
Date of Restructure This should be the date on which account is rephrased / rescheduled
in the system
Remarks This is a free t ext column to be filled with any relevant information
pertaining to the account
/03 41
CDR Flag This flag should be Y for the a/cs restructured under CDR
mechanism where multiple banks are involved. For MSME
relevant for all those customers where diminishing fair value (DFV)
or provisioin on account of sacrifice is required to be calculated. As
per extant guidelines, DFV is computed for customers withexposure
Rs.1 Cr. And above.
Exit CDR This flag is by default shown as N and relevant for only those
accounts where CDR flag I Y. Whenever, restructured fails and the
customer is downgraded to NPA, this flag is required to be updated
this flag can be Y only for NPA accounts.
MODIFICATION IN RSAM MENU VIA MSME CIR 13/2019 – For data maintenance of restructured accounts
under MSME inn RSAM menu “M” - MSME field has been added. Previous restructuring in MSME done as per
MSME cir 40/2016 too, has too , is to be entered using RSAM menu.
MSME Cir no 12/2019 dt 27..02.2019 – inclusion of food and agro processing units for restructuring , upto
sanctioned limits of Rs.100 crores per borrower registered as MSME and falling under the ambit of one time
restructuring scheme of RBI for MSME dated 01.01.2019 , as notified by our bank via MSME cir 03/2019 dt
14.01.2019 and 11/2019 dt 27.02.2019
1. C- Capturing of Charges: - Charges debited to office accounts (expenditure Account)
with respect to NPA Account can becaptured.
2. W- Waiver of Charges: - In case of OTC/Write –off, charges made for the NPA account
/20 402
may required to be waived. The same can be done for the already captured charges (partof
3. R- Recovery of Charges: - System will check credits made in NPA Account from the last
recovery date and create transaction, for outstanding charge amount or recovery made in
/03 41
the account whichever is lower, debit the Loan Account and credit the expenditure head
which ever has been debitedearlier.
Users are required to capture charges incurred for recovery of NPA account debited to
expenditure head directly. Capturing of charges should be made separately of each loan account
vis-à-vis expenditure account. Branch users are required to run menu option for „C‟ option for
capturing of charges as and when incurred and debited to expenditureaccount.
Branch users are required to recover the charges on recovery in the NPA account. For the
convenience of the user, PNBRPT-28/7 report has been customized which will show all the NPA
accounts wherever recovery has been received and appropriation of recovery for the charges made
in the expenditure account has not been done.
There can be following 5 valid Function Codes A – Add I - Inquire M – Modify D – Delete V –
Field Inputs
Function Code A- Add, M-Modify, V-Verify, D-Delete, I-
Loan Account 16 digit Account number of the customer
Total Amount Due Auto Populated on the basis of existing data
Total Charges
Total Waiver
Total Recovery
/20 402
/03 41
M – Modify (Unverified record can be modified, after Verification modification not allowed)
V – Verify - Verification should be done with user other than the one who has Added/Modified.
Verification is must after any of the operation (Add/Modify)
I – inquiry (Input Account Number, only Status like total charges, waiver, Recovery and total
amount due is displayed in Inquiry, for details reports are also available)
D – Delete ( Only unverified record can be deleted)
/20 402
A – Add (For type – W - Waiver details for a NPA Account, Waiver amount should be less than
the outstanding amount)
I – inquiry (Input Account Number, afterwaiver)
/03 41
V – Verify - Verification should be done with user other than the one who has Added/Modified.
Verification is must after any of the operation (Add/Modify)
On verification Transaction is created debiting customer account and crediting Expenditure head
which was debited earlier for the charges (as per the details added in C-option of NPACHRG
2 SAMD_REC2 Weekly reduction of existing NPAs amt wise
3 SAMD_REC3 Weekly reduction out of fresh slippage in last FY
4 SAMD_REC4 Weekly reduction out of fresh slippage in last FY
/20 402
amt wise breakup
5 SAMD_REC5 Weekly reduction out of fresh slippage since last YE
6 SAMD_REC6 Weekly reduction out of fresh slippage since last YE
amt wise breakup
/03 41
securitization/Reconstruction companies/other
Banks/Fis/NBFCs during the Qtr.
12 RBI_M1 Details of borrowal accounts with working capital
limit of Rs.10 crore and above from the entire
banking system
13 SAMD_M2 Details of Primary/ Collateral security -
14 SAMD_TWO Position of HO indentified accounts
15 SAMD_LOSS Review of loss assets for the half year ended with
the outstanding of Rs. 10 lac and above
16 SAMD_RLEST Statement of NPA under Real Estate
17 Fresh slippage 5 crore and above during the prev.
18 SAMD_REUP1 Recovery/ Up gradation of Rs. 1 Crore.
19 SAMD_OTSWO OTS approved in write off accounts for the qtr.
/20 402
/03 41
Bank has a right of lien/set-off of amounts deposited by the party in any account towards their
overdue loan liabilities, Head Office: IT Division has already customized reports and placed
under DAYRPT 24/11 & DAYRPT 24/11A and PNBRPT 28/8, PNBRPT 28/8A & PNBRPT
28/8B.Further a menu option ―MARKLIEN‖ has been customised for marking lien in operative
account of NPA borrowers. Operative instructions to mark and unmark lien are annexed.
This command can be run at any time of the day. 3. In this process certain possible scenarios are
visualised for which the Branch head may take the followingsteps:
(i) Account has been marked NPA due to Non Financial reasons.
(ii) In NPA account overdue amount has recovered but account has not been upgraded.
Compliance/Action Required (if any) Branch Manager has to take call and modify/vacatelien.
(i) An NPA A/c having multiple operative accounts (in multiplesols),
(ii) For a customer multiple NPA account and single/multiple operativeaccounts.
Compliance/Action Required (if any)
The lien equivalent to the value of outstanding in all NPAs of the borrower will be marked in
every operative account (SF/CA), in all sols of the party. Therefore, the branch head has to take
steps to recover the entire memoranda dues and vacate lien on remaining amount, if any.
3) Scenario-3 Outstanding of NPA does not include DI, RI, Chargesetc.
/20 402
Compliance/Action Required, if any
The lien will be marked to the extent of total NPA outstanding (Ledger outstanding).
4) Scenario-4 Loan account is NPA but in operative account transaction is allowed.
Compliance/Action Required (if any)
/03 41
The lien will be got marked in the operative account to the extent of principal outstanding of NPA
for the time being and branch head has to take the call to vacate lien after examining the basis on
which operations are being allowed.
branch head will have to examine such cases and act according to the directions of thecourt.
7)Scenario-7 There may be cases where tagging is allowed in NPA account. Compliance/Action
Required (if any) Branch Manager has to take call and modify/vacate lien. 8)Scenario-8 There
may be cases of OTS/Compromise settlement cases.
Compliance/Action Required (if any) Branch Manager to see that lien is marked to the extent of
the overdue OTS amount and not for the entire OTS amount. In case of any other scenario
observed apart from the aforesaid, Branch Manager has to take call and modify/vacate lien.
Branch Heads are advised to run the command and generate DAYRPT 24/11A & PNBRPT 28/8B
statement and cross check the errors, if any and whatever adjustments are required as per above
scenario to recover the amount/vacate the lien be taken today itself to avoid objections/complaints
from the party. They have the authority to modify/vacate the lien on case to case basis.
Effect on operation of bank accounts of Companies struck off from the Register of
Indian Banks‟ Association (IBA) vide their communication no. CI/RoC dated 10.08.17 has
informed that Government of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide their letter dated
01.08.17 has apprised that, Registrar of Companies (ROCs) under the said Ministry has struck
off the names of 1.62 lac companies as of 12.07.2017. The ROCs have published notices in the
Official Gazette under Section 248(5) of the Companies Act 2013 and consequently these
companies stand dissolved. Under Section 248(5) of the Companies Act 2013, at the expiry of
the time mentioned in the notice, the Registrar may, unless cause to the contrary is shown by
the company, strike off its name from the register of companies, and shall publish notice
thereof in the Official Gazette, and on the publication in the Official Gazette of this notice, the
company shall standdissolved.
2. The ROC-wise list of such companies dissolved is available on the website of Ministry at the
following link:
3. Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has further advisedthat:
“Banks need to ensure that any Debit from Or Credit to the accounts belonging to these
companies is made only for the purposes prescribed under Section 250 of the Act. Section 250
of the Companies Act permits operations in the account of such companies for realizing the
/20 402
amount due to the company and for payment or discharge of the liabilities and obligations of
the company. Banks shall put in place a system to ensure that the above mentioned
transactions are allowed only after the Bank officials /designated bank officers are satisfied
that the nature of transaction is for the purposes mentioned above to a duly identified
/03 41
4. In view of the above developments, all Branch Heads must ensure to visit the above
mentioned site to check whether any companywhose name has been struck off is(are) having
NPA account(s) in the branch and in such an eventuality, if there is credit balance in the
company‟s current account, the same can be appropriated towards discharge of liability of the
company to the Bank. Branches should exercise right of set off from such account towards
adjustment of NPAliability.
In other words debit from or credit to, be made only for the purpose of realizing the amount
due to the companies and for the payment of discharge of the liabilities or obligations of the
4.1 In case of such transactions, only Branch Head will be empowered to permit the
transactions and in case he/she is on leave/duty, the second man in command of the branch
shall permitdebits/credits.
However, in case of LCBs/ELBs, Branch Incumbent or any other officer, not below the rank of
Scale-IV, designated by the Branch Incumbent of the LCB/ELB, will permit such transactions.
The bureau was set up with an intention of creating a body which would coordinate & strengthen
the intelligence gathering activities as well as investigative efforts of all agencies which enforce
economic laws. Accordingly, the following functions have been entrusted to the Bureau:
a. To collect intelligence and information regarding aspects of the black economy which require
close watch and investigation. Also, keeping in view the scene of economic offences, the Bureau
is required to collect information and provide periodical and special reports to the concerned
b. To keep a watch on different aspects of economic offences and the emergence of new types of
such offences. The Bureau was made responsible for evolving counter - measures required for
effectively dealing with existing and new types of economicoffences;
c. To act as the nodal agency for cooperation and coordination at the international level with other
customs , drugs, law enforcement and other agencies in the area of economicoffences....
d. For implementation of the COFEPOSA(i.e. Conservation of Foreign Exchange & Prevention of
Smuggling Activities Act, 1971 which provides for preventive detention of persons involved in
/20 402
smuggling and foreign exchange rackets under certain specifiedcircumstances)
e. To act as a Secretariat of the Economic Intelligence Council which acts as the apex body to
ensure full co-ordination among the various Agencies including Central Bureau of Investigation,
/03 41
IRMD (Credit Policy Section) vide circular no 89/2017 dated 10.10.17 advised credit division to
seek report from CEIB on any prospective borrower at the time of pre-sanction stage for
proposals coming under the power of HOCAC-I & above (at present exceeding Rs 50.00crores).
It is further stated that “While banks should Endeavour to seek a report from CEIB on any
prospective borrower at the time of pre-sanction stage, in case an account turns NPA, the bank
shall be required to seek a report on the borrower from CEIB. Report would be furnished within a
As per the sastra div .cir. no 58/2018 dt 28/12/18 any up gradation in NPA accounts should be
through CBS ID of Branch Incumbent. Subsequently, we have been informed by ITD, HO that
menu option available to branches for upgrading/downgrading the account i.e. UPGDWNAC has
now been enabled for incumbent user only i.e. work class 100. The menu option would require no
further verification by any other user once incumbent runs the same.
/20 402
/03 41