Organization Behavior Book: Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge, Seventeenth Edition, Pearson

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Organization Behavior

Book: Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge, seventeenth Edition, Pearson.

Assignment 1 10%: Slide:

Teory Psychodiagnostic, Humanistic and Behaviorism

Assigment 2 10%: Essay, Choose 1 for topics in below:

1. What is OB?
2. Diversity in Organisation.
3. Attitude and job satisfaction
4. Emotion and Mood
5. Personality and Values
6. Perception and Individual decision making
7. Motivation: Concepts and Aplication.

Assignment 3 (Group) 20% : Teory, Interview and Present HR or Staff in Organization related with

1. Foundation of group behavior.

2. Understanding work teams.
3. Communication
4. Leadership
5. Power and Politic
6. Conflict and negotiation
7. Foundation of organization structure
8. Organizational Culture
9. Human Resources Policies and practices
10. Organizational change and stress management.

Prepared by:

Dr. Fonny Huatgalung

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