254th American Chemical Society National Meeting Expo

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254th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition

Chemistry’s Impact
Global Economy

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Washington, DC Mobile App or
access the Digital Meeting Program
Satellite Registration
Onsite Program Purchase & Pickup

Prefer a Printed Onsite Program?

Saturday August 19 3-6 PM
Sunday August 20 7:30 AM - 7:30 PM
Monday August 21 7:30 AM - 9 PM
Tuesday August 22 7:30 AM - 5 PM
(Hours subject to change according to traffic flow)
Registration & Program Purchase & Pickup available at the
Walter E. Washignton Convention Center during the standard schedule.
Credit cards, debit cards, checks and cash accepted.
In support of the ACS’s sustainability efforts, we encourage our meeting
attendees to download the ACS Washington, DC mobile app or access the
ACS Washington, DC Digital Meeting Program with Author Index.
254th American Chemical Society
National Meeting & Exposition
TABLE OF CONTENTS • Grand Hyatt, Tiber Creek A: 202-637-4768
• JW Marriott Dirksen Room: 202-626-2542
ACS President’s Welcome .............................................. 4
• Marriott Marquis, Supreme Court: 202-842-1901
Thematic Organizer’s Welcome ....................................... 5 • Renaissance, Meeting Planner Office A: 202-962-4396
General Meeting Information • The Westin Washington DC City Center: 202-249-1700, Ext. 5644
• Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Salons c: 202-249-4001
• Registration ............................................................. 14 • Washington Marriott @ Metro Center, London I: 202-661-8929
• Accommodations ..................................................... 15
• Travel & Transportation ............................................. 19 INFORMATION CONTACTS
• Attendee Registration, WEW Convention Center, Salons G/H/I:
• Member Services ..................................................... 20 202-249-4011
• On-Site Arrangements .............................................. 20 • Career Fair Welcome Desk, WEW Convention Center, Halls A/B:
Governance & Business Meetings 202-249-4016

• Board of Directors & Council Meetings ...................... 26 • Exhibitor & Recruiter Registration Desk, WEW Convention Center, Salons
G/H/I: 202-249-4013
• Division Officers & Councilor Caucus Meetings .......... 26 • Finance Office, WEW Convention Center, Salon E: 202-249-4010
• Governance Committee Meetings & Agenda ............... 26 • Host Local Section Booth, WEW Convention Center, Salon B: 202-249-
• Division Meetings & Social Events ............................ 30 4018
• Housing Assistance, WEW Convention Center, Salon B: 202-249-4012
Social & Educational Events
• Member Services, WEW Convention Center, Salons G/H/I: 202-249-4017
• Presidential Event .................................................... 34 • Press Center, WEW Convention, Room 154A: 202-249-4007
• Student & teacher activities ..................................... 34 • Shuttle Desk, WEW Convention Center, L Street: 202-249-4019
• Ticketed Events ....................................................... 35 • Society Program Office, Marriott Marquis, Capitol: 202-824-1904
• Workshops .............................................................. 36 • Governance Office, Marriott Marquis, Archives: 202-824-1902

• ACS Career Navigator ............................................... 38 ACS OFFICERS

• ACS Career Fair ....................................................... 39 Allison A. Campbell, President
• ACS Short Courses .................................................. 40 Peter K. Dorhout, President Elect

• Leadership Development System Course Offerings ..... 40 Donna J. Nelson, Immediate Past President
Pat N. Confalone, Chair, Board of Directors
• Exposition ............................................................... 41 Thomas M. Connelly, Executive Director & CEO
Technical Program Summary Flint H. Lewis, Secretary & General Counsel
• Speaker Instructions ................................................ 42 Brian A. Bernstein, Treasurer & CFO

• Abstracts & Preprints ............................................... 43 American Chemical Society

• Technical Program Summary ..................................... 47 1155 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036
Full Technical Program Tel: 800-227-5558 (US only) or 202-872-4600
Fax: 202-872-4615 Email: [email protected] Website
• How to Read the Technical Program .......................... 70
• Index of Organizing Groups ....................................... 71 The American Chemical Society is a self-governed individual membership
organization of members at all degree levels and in all fields of chemistry. The
• Technical Program (Listing of Papers) ........................ 72 Society provides a broad range of opportunities for peer interaction and career
Exposition development, regardless of professional or scientific interests. The programs and
activities conducted by ACS today are the products of a tradition of excellence in
• Exposition Highlights .............................................. 268 meeting member needs that dates from the Society’s founding in 1876.
• Exposition Floor Plan .............................................. 283 This On-site Meeting Program is published by the American Chemical Society as
a service to its attendees. Information contained herein is subject to change
Attendee Resources
without notice. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, ACS makes no
• Acknowledgements & warranties, expressed or implied, related to the information. For the official
Thank You to Our Volunteers ................................... 437 technical program for the 254th National Meeting & Exposition, refer to www.acs/
WDC2017. All Washington, DC photos in this program are courtesy of the
• Official ACS Properties & Shuttles Schedule Washington Convention Center and Visitors Bureau.
(Addresses, Phone Numbers & Map) ....................... 438
• ACS Volunteer/National Meeting
Attendee Conduct Policy ......................................... 440

The use of any device to capture images (e.g., cameras and camera phones) or sound
(e.g., tape and digital recorders) or stream, upload or rebroadcast speakers or presentations
is strictly prohibited at all official ACS meetings and events without express written consent
from the ACS.

The American Chemical Society continues to be a sustainability leader within the meeting and events community
with most recently being the co-winner of the 2016 UFI Sustainable Development Award, 2016 RISE Award finalists,
and the 2014 Trade Show Executive’s Gold 100 Award as the show with the Most Commendable Green Initiatives.
ACS and the Greener Meetings Program have also been showcased in Convene Magazine’s August 2015 annual
Best in Show issue for the “Best CSR Initiatives” and awarded the 2011 and 2012 PCMA Capital Chapter Green
Leader Award.
Efforts of our sustainability practices are briefly noted below. These changes not only support a greener meeting
but also improve your meeting experience.

Condensed Onsite Program book with enhancing the mobile application and digital options
Decreased print-run of the Onsite Program book due to digital and mobile applications
Moved to using recycled paper for the Onsite Program Book
Reformatted National Meeting website based on viewer analytics
Free WiFi inside public areas at the Convention Center and many contracted hotels
Established partnership with American Forests to offset carbon missions
Audited contracted hotels on their sustainability efforts
Partnered with Convention Center to source local foods for designated events
Increased usage of digital signage
Partnered with vendors that engaged in sustainability practices
Increased attendee engagement through the Greener Meetings Challenge
Adjusted meeting room temperature to 70 F for energy conservation

Thank you for your support in making ACS a leader in

sustainability. Further information can be found at:
www.acs.org/greenermeetings. There, you will find the
ACS 2016 Sustainability Report including information
on how to join the Greener Meetings Pledge.
254th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition

Where to Find/
Meeting Information

Annoucements & Changes


Digital Meeting Program

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tweet using #acsDC



Download the free mobile app at www.acs.org/meetingapp

(Standard text rates apply)


Welcome to Washington and the

254th ACS National Meeting

W elcome to Washington, DC, the Nation’s

capital and the site of the 254th ACS
National Meeting. It is my pleasure to join all of
On Monday afternoon, Prashant Jain from the
University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign will
present the Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader
you in this bustling metropolis. in Chemistry Lecture on Turning Photons into
Chemical Bonds. Following his presentation,
“Chemistry’s Impact on the Global Economy” Joanna Aizenberg of Harvard University will
will be the theme of this meeting. Twenty-nine give the Fred Kavli Innovations in Chemistry
technical divisions and five committees are Lecture on Multifunctionality of liquid-filled
programming, including over 1,035 half-day nanostructured materials: From encryption to
oral sessions and 146 poster sessions. More anti-fouling (Washington Convention Center,
than 9,370 papers and 2,720 posters will Ballroom A&B).
be presented at the meeting. My Presidential
symposia will focus on areas of significant Many education-focused programs for high
importance: advocacy and communications, the Allison A. Campbell school teachers, undergraduate and graduate
chemistry of our planet, and the safe practice of ACS President students, postdocs, and chemical profes-
science. sionals will be offered. For job seekers and
employers, the career fair will provide opportunities for on-site
On Sunday afternoon, in conjunction with the Royal Society of interviews, one-on-one career assistance, and career-related
Chemistry, Science Communications: The Art of Developing workshops. The exposition will feature more than 250 compa-
a Clear Message will help members share stories on how to nies showcasing services, instruments, books, and lab equip-
positively and effectively communicate chemistry. It will also ment in more than 300 booths.
include an opportunity for audience members to develop and
practice an elevator pitch on their chemical research (Marriott My personal thanks go to our hosts at the Chemical Society
Marquis, Liberty Salon M). All-day on Monday, Building a Safety of Washington, and the divisional program chairs and sympo-
Culture Across the Chemistry Enterprise will feature top-down sium chairs responsible for organizing the technical sessions.
approaches in the morning session, followed by grassroots I know this will be a tremendously successful meeting, and I
efforts in the afternoon (Marriott Marquis, Marquis Salon 1/2). thank you all for your contributions.
Understanding the Chemistry of our Planet will be a highlight
symposium all-day Tuesday, showcasing renowned research-
ers discussing the transforming power of chemistry that is
ubiquitous to life on Earth. Scientists will present their innova-
tive research on chemistry’s role in our Earth System and the
human impacts to the chemistry of our environment (Wash-
ington Convention Center, Room 145A). The nine President
Recommended symposia focus on issues of sustainability,
highlighting up-and-coming graduate researchers, and celebrat- Allison A. Campbell
ing diverse practitioners of chemistry. ACS President


Welcome Message from Nancy B. Jackson,

Washington Thematic Chair

T he Fall 2017 ACS National Meeting will be

held August 20–24 in our nation’s capital,
Washington, DC. The theme is Chemistry’s Im-
The technical program constructed by ACS
Technical Divisions includes many symposia
that will touch on Chemistry’s Impact on the
pact on the Global Economy. Global Economy. Divisions and committees
with symposia supporting the theme include
Chemists from around the world were invited COLL, CATL, PHYS, ENVR, ENFL, I&EC, CHAS,
to showcase the future of chemistry and its AGFD, SCHB, YCC, AGRO, CINF, PROF, SOCED
impact on the economy. Included subtopics and YCC. Washington, DC is an important
include energy, chemical waste, feeding the place to have the Chemistry’s Impact on the
world, vaccination, clean water, environment, Global economy. I hope that you can make it
global collaboration, and preventing the use of to these important talks.
chemicals in war.
The program for the meeting and other
Sunday, August 20, the plenary session will Nancy B. Jackson information is available online at www.acs.
inaugurate the meeting theme with an invited Thematic Chair org/wdc2017.
lecture from Professor Joe DeSimone of Carbon,
Inc., the University of North Carolina at Chapel I am very grateful to the members of the local
Hill and North Carolina State University. Prof. DeSimone will section, the program chairs of the divisions and committees
discuss an economically competitive advancement in additive listed above, the thematic symposia chairs, and the ACS staff
manufacturing. There will be a question and comments period for their essential help in making the theme of this meeting
immediately following. cogent and coordinated. I look forward to meeting you in the
District of Columbia!
On Monday, August 21, the Kavli Foundation Lecture Series
will feature the Emerging Leader in Chemistry Lecture by
Dr. Prashant K. Jain titled “Turning photons into chemical
bonds” and will highlight a bold venture into artificial photo-
synthesis accomplished through nanostructured catalysts
engineered for trapping photons. The Innovations in Chemistry
Lecture by Prof. Joanna Aizenberg of Harvard University is
titled “Multifunctionality of liquid-filled nanostructured materi-
als: From encryption to anti-fouling” and will highlight two new
classes of materials that show the emergence of unprece-
dented properties and unique behaviors due to the entrapment Nancy B. Jackson
of a liquid into a structured solid. Thematic Chair




Sunday, August 20, 2017

Noon - 1:00 p.m.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center - Ballroom
Doors open at 11:45 a.m.

Sandwiches and soft drinks while supplies last

American Chemical Society

ACS Board of Directors

John E. Adams Christina C. Bodurow Allison A. Campbell William F. Carroll, Jr.

District V District II President Director-At-Large

Pat N. Confalone Thomas Connelly, Jr. Peter K. Dorhout Rigoberto Hernandez

District III Executive Director & CEO President-Elect District IV

Paul W. Jagodzinski Lee H. Latimer Ingrid Montes Donna J. Nelson

District VI Director-At-Large Director-At-Large Immediate Past President

Laura E. Pence Dorothy J. Phillips Barbara A. Sawrey Kathleen M. Schulz

District I Director-At-Large Director-At-Large Director-At-Large

Photo: Peter Cutts Photography

Allison A. Campbell, Ph.D.

SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 2017 TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2017 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Federal Funders Town Hall Meeting
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM (Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and
Presidential Outreach Event: Exploring Our Understanding the Chemistry of Our Planet Cosponsored by PRES)
World Through Chemistry (Cosponsored by BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CINF, COLL, Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Ballroom C
Cosponsored by CCA CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC, INOR, ORGN, SCHB & YCC, the Chemical
American Chemical Society Sciences Roundtable [CSR], and the Society for Science at User 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
1155 16th Street, NW Research Facilities [SSURF]) Speed Coaching with Federal Funders
Washington, DC 20036 Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Room 145A (Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and
Cosponsored PRES)
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
SUNDAY, AUGUST 20, 2017 The World of Funding Opportunities
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Ballroom C

1:00 PM - 4:30 PM in Chemistry 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Science Communications: The Art of (Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and LGBTQ+ Presidential Reception
Cosponsored by PRES and ACS President-Elect Peter K. Dorhout) (Cosponsored by ACS President-Elect Peter K. Dorhout, BIOL,
Developing a Clear Message: A Joint
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Ballroom C BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CINF, CMA, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC,
Symposium with the Royal Society of GEOC, INOR, NOGLSTP, ORGN, PA&PR, PROF, SCC & YCC)
Chemistry 11:30 AM - 3:00 PM W Hotel, Altitude Room (Roof Level)
ACS Town Hall: National Academies’ Frontiers
of Materials Research Decadal Survey A very special thank you to our financial sponsors ACS President-
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC; Liberty Salon M
(Sponsored by The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Elect Peter K. Dorhout, CARB, CEI, CEPA, CONC, PA&PR, BIOL, CMA,
and Medicine and Cosponsored by PRES and ACS President-Elect CPRC & SCC
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Peter K. Dorhout)
The Road Less Traveled: Career Opportunities
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC; George Washington
in the Government Sector
University Room
(Sponsored by YCC and Cosponsored by PRES and PROF)
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC; Union Station
Presidential Workshop: ACS Chemistry on the ACS Pharma Leaders: Working Together to Earle B. Barnes Award for Leadership in
Hill Advocacy Workshop Make a Difference Chemical Research Management Symposium
[INVITATION ONLY] (Sponsored by MPPG and Cosponsored by PRES) in Honor of Laurie Locascio: Why Not Me?
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Room 147B Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Room 146C Changing the Face of Leadership in Science
(Sponsored by ANYL and Cosponsored by PRES)
Advancing Graduate Education: Opportunities
MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 2017 & Challenges  
Grand Hyatt Washington, Constitution Ballroom E

(Sponsored by CHED and Cosponsored by PRES) Journey to Mars: Materials, Energy & Life
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Grand Hyatt Washington, Independence Ballroom C Sciences
Chemistry in an Evolving Political Climate:
Research Priorities and Career Pathways in (Sponsored by POLY and Cosponsored by PRES & MPPG)
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Research, Marriott Marquis Washington, DC; Shaw and
Public Policy
Innovation & Commercialization  Independence Salon D/E
(Sponsored by YCC and Cosponsored by PRES, BIOL, CARB, CCPA,
(Sponsored by ENFL and Cosponsored by PRES, ENVR, MPPG, SCHB
& WCC) Ladies in Waiting for Nobel Prizes: Overlooked
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Room 141 Accomplishments of Women Chemists 
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC; Chinatown
(Sponsored by HIST and Cosponsored by PRES & PROF)
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Grand Hyatt Washington, Declaration A/B
Building a Safety Culture Across the Developing Chemistries for Improved Global
Chemistry Enterprise Health Sustaining Water Resources: Environmental
(Cosponsored by BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS, (Sponsored by CHED and Cosponsored by PRES, ANYL, BIOT, and Economic Impact
Tech Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Sciences,
& YCC) I&EC)
Department of Chemistry, College of Science, and the
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC; Marquis Salon 1/2 Department of Materials Science and Engineering; BASF; Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Room 203A/B
and Accounts of Chemical Research, ACS Biomaterials
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Science & Engineering, ACS Chemical Biology, ACS Infectious Transformative Research & Excellence in
Working in the Public Sector: Running for Diseases, ACS Macro Letters, ACS Synthetic Biology,
Biochemistry, Bioconjugate Chemistry, Biomacromolecules, Education [TREE] Award Symposium
Elected Office The Journal of Organic Chemistry, Journal of Medicinal (Sponsored by COMSCI and Cosponsored by PRES, BIOL,
(Sponsored by SCHB and Cosponsored by PRES, BIOL, CARB, CCPA, Chemistry, Macromolecules, ACS Central Science, and Acta COLL, COMP, ENFL, INOR & PHYS)
CEI, CELL, CEPA, CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, ETHX & YCC) Biomaterialia) Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Room 155
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC; Magnolia Grand Hyatt Washington, Independence Ballroom D/E

Be Part of a


with ACS

Guinness World RecordsTM Official Attempt with Help ACS break the Guinness World Records title
Dr. David Sedlak for the world’s Largest chemistry lesson at the 254th ACS
“Healthy, Tasty, or Toxic: A Chemist’s View National Meeting & Exposition. All you have to do is attend
of Drinking Water”
a short lecture by Dr. David Sedlak, Editor-in-Chief of
10 a.m., Monday, August 21, 2017 Environmental Science & Technology and Environmental
Washington Convention Center
Ballroom A/B. Science & Technology Letters. All attendees will get a
free exclusive t-shirt, but space is limited, so visit the ACS
Publications booth to learn more about attending this
unique event.
ACS Invites You

Exposition & Career Fair

Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Expo/A/B,
Sunday, August 20 through Tuesday, August 22
Sunday, 6 to 8:30 PM, Monday and Tuesday, 9AM to 5 PM

Visit companies that will showcase services, instruments, books, computer hardware,
scientific software, and an array of chromatographic, lab, and safety equipment
Participate in demonstrations and discuss your specific needs and interests
Join us at the ACS Booth in the middle of the exposition floor where ACS staff units
will present the many benefits, services, products, and merchandise offered by ACS
Visit the revamped ACS Career Fair where you’ll meet recruiters from top employers like
KAUST, ORAU and many more
Create an online profile and upload your résumé to our database where recruiters can
schedule in-person interviews
Network with potential employers and drop-off your résumé
Attend Career Pathways Workshop, and meet with ACS Career Consultants

Attendee Welcome Reception - Sunday, 6:00 - 8:30 PM

Relax and enjoy an Afternoon Break - Monday, 1:00 - 3:00 PM &
Meet the ACS President Elect Candidates Monday; Tuesday, 3:00 - 5:00 PM
Access the Exhibitor Directory at www.acs.org/wdc2017

Poster Sessions
Sunday, Poster Sessions, 6 - 8:00 PM Monday, Poster Session, 2 - 4:00 PM
Division of Colloid & Surface Chemistry Division of Energy and Fuel
Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry
Division of Small Chemical Businesses
ge ne ral information

GENERAL registration changes. Attendees can

modify their existing registration or
MEETING generate a receipt from the registra-
tion website by following the instruc-
BA dGE s
All attendees are required to wear
INFORMATION tions in their confirmation message. their badges for all technical sessions,
poster sessions, and other official
Attendees can also contact the ACS
National Meeting Registration Center meeting events. Our badge holders
Your meeting registration entitles
are recyclable and biodegradable.
you to a range of programming, includ- or update their registration on-site at
Please discard appropriately.
ing scientific sessions, invited symposia, ACS Attendee Registration. Bring your
poster sessions, special lectures and confirmation and/or badge credentials
events, award presentations, workshops, with you to the meeting for faster pro- Fee
and the exposition. Interact with chemi- CATeGORy by JuN. 29 JuN. 30
cal scientists from around the world by registration methods. All registrants MeMbeRS
participating in social events, networking will receive a confirmation via the origi- ACS member or $445 $535
opportunities, exhibitor sessions, and society affiliate
nal method of registration.
educational activities, with many events Emeritus or retired 225 270
internet. Register online at www.acs. member
offered at no additional charge. Certain
org/dc2017 until Aug. 24. A valid credit 50-year member No fee No fee
workshops, short courses, and ticketed
card is required to register online, and Unemployed member No fee No fee
events require a separate entry fee, as (Dues waiver required)
online registrations are real-time trans-
indicated in this program. Precollege teacher 110 110
actions. Graduate student 225 225
telephone. Call the ACS National Meet- Undergraduate 110 110
ing Registration Center at (800) 251- One-day registrant 225 270
REGIsTRATION 8629 (U.S./Canada only) or (508) 743-
0192 (international), Monday through NONMeMbeRS
All attendees, including speakers Chemical scientist $780 $935
Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM EDT.
and poster presenters, must register Visitor: Nonchemical 445 535
for the meeting to participate in the Fax/mail. Submit the registration form scientist or chemical
technical sessions. Sponsored speak- (page 82) via fax by Aug. 24 at (508) technician
ers should contact their symposium 743-9604, or mail it to ACS Registration, Precollege teacher 110 110
c/o CDS, 107 Waterhouse Rd., Bourne, Graduate student 445 445
organizer or division program chair to
MA 02532. Undergraduate 225 225
clarify the terms of their invitation and
One-day registrant 445 535
to determine who will complete the on-site. Register during the meeting at Guest of registranta 45 45
speaker’s registration. Attendees must ACS Attendee Registration at standard
display their badge at all times for registration rates. ACS Attendee Reg- eXPOSITION-ONLy
admission to all official ACS sessions istration will be open at the Walter E. VISITORS
and events. Washington Convention Center, Salons Adult, exposition only $60 $60
early registration. U.S. residents who G/H/I, on Saturday, 3 to 6 PM; Sunday, Student, exposition only 30 30
register by July 10 will receive their 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM; Monday, 7:30 a Registration is restricted to a spouse or family
badge credentials by mail before the AM to 9 PM; Tuesday, 7:30 AM to 5 member of registered attendee having no affiliation
with the field of chemical science and who is not
meeting. International registrants (this PM; Wednesday, 7:30 AM to 4 PM; and eligible to become an ACS member. Only one guest
includes Canada and Mexico) must Thursday, 7:30 AM to 1 PM. registration is allowed per registering attendee, and the
pick up their badge credentials at ACS registration paYments. Registra-
guest registration must be completed and paid by the
registering attendee at time of original registration.
Attendee Registration. tion fees can be paid by check, money
standard & on-site registration. order, credit card (American Express, registration assistanCe. The ACS
Attendees who register after July 10 Discover, MasterCard, or VISA), or bank National Meeting Registration Center
must pick up their badge credentials wire transfer. Make checks payable in will be available from 9 AM to 5 PM EDT
on-site. U.S. dollars to the American Chemical by telephone, fax, mail, or e-mail. Ser-
Society, and include a completed reg- vice representatives can be reached at
istration form with each payment. Reg- (800) 251-8629 (U.S./Canada only) or
istration fees should not be combined
(508) 743-0192 (international), by fax
with any other payment (such as mem-
MEET I N G I N F O O N T H E W E B at (508) 743-9604, by e-mail at acs@
bership dues). Purchase orders and
xpressreg.net, or by mail at ACS Regis-
Registration, housing, technical training requests are not accepted. For
wire transfer payments, contact the ACS tration, c/o CDS, 107 Waterhouse Rd.,
programming, special events, Bourne, MA 02532.
participating exhibitors, and other
Finance Department at (202) 872-6106
or e-mail [email protected]. registra- registration cancellations/refunds.
meeting details are available at www.
tion forms received without payment All cancellations and refund requests
will not be processed. must be submitted in writing by July 31

ge ne ral information

to guarantee the registrant a full refund through ACS Member Services at (800)
less a $50 administrative fee. Refund 333-9511 (U.S./Canada only) or (614) TIPs FOR A sAFE sTAY IN
requests made after July 31 will not 447-3776 (international) or by e-mail at WAsHINGTON, dc
be honored. Your registration badge [email protected]. ■ Be aware of you surroundings at all
credentials and a copy of your registra- press/media registration. Reg- times.
tion confirmation must be attached istration is complimentary for creden- ■ Don’t wear your meeting badge out-

to your request. All refunds will be tialed members of the news media side the convention center or hotels.
issued via the original payment method, who are approved by the ACS Office of
■ Don’t wear fancy jewelry or carry ex-

and refunds will be processed within pensive technology in plain sight.

Communications (restricted to report-
30 days after the meeting. Send your ers and editors working full-time for
■ Carry your briefcase, tote bag, purse,

request to ACS Registration Cancella- or laptop carrier close to your body.

print or broadcast news). Press badges
tion, c/o CDS, 107 Waterhouse Rd., ■ Don’t leave valuables in your hotel
may be picked up with valid media
Bourne, MA 02532, or fax it to (508) room. Get a hotel safe-deposit box.
credentials from the Press Room at
743-9604 (save your fax confirmation ■ Walk in open and well-lit areas at night.
the Walter E. Washington Convention
sheet). ■ Travel in groups. Don’t be a loner, par-
Center. For more information, visit
social event ticket cancellations/ ticularly in the evening.
www.acs.org/pressroom. ■ Use common sense. If someone or
refunds. Social event cancellations
expo-onlY admission. All meeting someplace looks suspicious, report
received by July 31 entitle the registrant
attendees with a valid badge receive it and/or avoid it.
to a full refund. Refund requests made
complimentary admittance into the ■ If an emergency occurs during a meet-
after July 31 will not be honored. Event
exposition as part of their registration. ing event, refer to detailed instructions
tickets and a copy of your registration placed by ACS staff inside each meet-
confirmation must be attached to your Individuals who want to visit the exposi-
tion without registering for the meeting’s ing room to follow in case of emer-
request. gencies. Report emergencies to the
technical sessions can register for an
abstract cancellations/refunds. nearest security guard or to any ACS
expo-only adult badge for $60 or $30 for Operations Office during the meeting.
Abstract USB flash drives (thumb students with school identification. Reg- ■ If an emergency occurs outside an
drives) and their shipping costs are ister online or in person at ACS Attendee
nonrefundable. ACS event, contact police or emer-
Registration. gency assistance by dialing 911 or
member registration. You must seeking assistance from the facility
exhibitor registration. Exhibi-
enter a valid ACS membership number where the emergency has occurred.
tor registration is handled exclusively
during registration to register as a ■ Should a catastrophic event occur
through ACS National Expositions at
member and receive your ACS member while the meeting is under way, fol-
discount on registration fees. Your low safety and security instructions
registration options will automatically Career Fair emploYer registra- issued by the facility where you are
appear in accordance with your cur- tion. ACS Career Fair employer regis- located at the time of the event.
rent membership status in the ACS tration is handled exclusively through
membership database. Your ACS mem- ACS Careers at www.acs.org/careers.
bership number can be found on your late housing. Some hotels may have
ACS membership card or your Chemi- rooms available after July 24. A listing
cal & Engineering News address label. AccOMMOdATIONs of these hotels will be posted on the
Address questions about your member- ACS meeting website at www.acs.org/
ship status to ACS Member Services ACS has contracted a wide selection of dc2017.
at (800) 333-9511 (U.S./Canada only) hotel rooms with competitive rates for on-site housing. An on-site housing
or (614) 447-3776 (international) or by the national meeting in Washington, D.C. desk will be available during the meet-
e-mail at [email protected]. ConferenceDirect is the official housing ing in the Attendee Resource Center at
nonmember registration. Save services provider. ACS does not endorse the Walter E. Washington Convention
money on discounted registration fees booking hotel reservations through any Center, Salon B, to assist with last-min-
by joining ACS. You can join ACS now other source. Reserve your hotel room ute housing changes or needs.
through the online ACS membership directly through ConferenceDirect by July reserVation methods. All regis-
application at www.acs.org/join or by 24. A listing of official hotels with their trants will receive confirmation for reser-
contacting ACS Member Services and guaranteed ACS rates and amenities vations made directly through Conferen-
then registering for the meeting at your is on page 68. All attendees who make ceDirect. Review this document carefully
member rate. To receive your meeting reservations through ConferenceDirect for accuracy. Each confirmation contains
discount, you must join the society will receive complimentary internet a unique number that is proof of your
before you register for the meeting. access in their rooms and are automati- reservation through ConferenceDirect.
New memberships or questions about cally entered in the ACS Housing Draw- We strongly recommend that you bring
membership status should be handled ing (see ad on page 72 for details). your confirmation to the meeting. If you

greener meetings
ge neral information

lose or do not receive your confirmation, CheCK paYment poliCY. Checks Reservation modifications and cancel-
you can obtain another copy online or may include the first night’s room rate lations can be made with the housing
by contacting ConferenceDirect. You will plus tax to hold the reservation or the bureau through July 24. After this date,
not receive a separate confirmation from expected full amount for all rooms for you will need to contact your hotel
the hotel. Published ACS rates apply to all nights. When sending check(s) for directly to make any new reservations,
hotel stays between Aug. 16 and Aug. multiple rooms, please list the names modifications, or cancellations. Cancel-
and acknowledgment numbers cor- lations must be made at least 72 hours
26. To extend your stay beyond these
responding to each reservation that before the scheduled date of arrival at
dates, you must reserve additional the hotel for refund of one night’s room
nights directly through the hotel. the check applies to. When paying by
check, remember to bring a credit card and tax deposit.
internet. Reserve online at www.acs. or cash to the hotel to cover incidental In addition to this cancellation policy,
org/dc2017. Online reservations charges to the room(s). the housing services provider, Conferen-
require a valid credit card (American ceDirect, will charge a $25 cancellation
received by July 14. Make all checks
Express, Discover, MasterCard, or VISA), fee for any cancellations made on or
payable to ACS/ConferenceDirect and after July 25. Should you cancel, this
and a confirmation will be sent directly
mail to 5600 Seventy-Seven Center Dr., charge will appear on your credit card
to your e-mail address.
Suite 240, Charlotte, NC 28217. statement as “ConferenceDirect LLC.”
telephone. Call ConferenceDirect at
July 14 through July 28. Make all aCCommodations For guests
(844) 293-7040 (U.S./Canada only) or checks payable to the hotel, and mail with disabilities. If you require spe-
(704) 837-4855 (international), Monday them directly to the hotel where your cial hotel accommodations because of
through Friday, 8:30 AM to 9 PM EDT. reservation is being held. Be sure to a disability, please indicate your require-
Telephone reservations require a valid include “ACS” and your ConferenceDi- ments when you make your reservation.
credit card (American Express, Discover, rect acknowledgment number on the Be sure to reconfirm any special room
MasterCard, or VISA), and you will check, and attach your acknowledg- arrangements directly with your hotel
receive an acknowledgment by e-mail ment/invoice indicating the names after July 25.
within 24 hours. corresponding to each reservation. suites. Send your suite requests by
Fax/mail. Fax the ACS Housing Form Until the hotel has received your check, e-mail to acshousing@conferencedirect.
(page 70 and available online) to (704) make sure you have guaranteed your com (subject: ACS Suite Request).
927-1439, or mail it to Conference- reservation(s) with a credit card. Please They will attempt to find you a suite at
Direct, 5600 Seventy-Seven Center make sure you have sent your check an official ACS property that fits your
Dr., Suite 240, Charlotte, NC 28217. directly to the hotel by July 28 to allow needs.
time for processing. eConomiCal alternatiVes. The fol-
Checks should be made payable to
ACS/ConferenceDirect in the amount of reserVations, Changes & Can- lowing hotels are not part of the official
one night’s room and tax. Cellation poliCY. Hotel reserva- ACS housing block but may be of inter-
tions can be guaranteed by credit card est to attendees on a restricted budget.
Housing forms will be processed on Make your reservations directly with
(American Express, Discover, Master-
a first-come, first-served basis and Card, or VISA), check, or money order. these hotels, and ask for the listed ACS
require 10 to 14 days to be confirmed. Make checks payable in U.S. dollars rate. Properties are not included on the
If your requested hotel is no longer to ACS/ConferenceDirect, and include ACS shuttle route; therefore, daily trans-
available, we will attempt to honor your a completed ACS Housing Form with portation costs are the responsibility of
indicated preference according to cost each mailed payment. Housing fees the attendee.
and location. should not be combined with any other holiday inn washington d.C.–Central/
payment (such as registration or mem- white house, 1501 Rhode Island Ave.
bership dues). Reservations received N.W. $169 per night, single/double
without payment will not be processed. occupancy
TH A N K YO U Although a valid credit card or check (202) 483-2000
The society thanks the many vol- deposit for one night’s room and tax hotel rl washington d.C., 1823 L St.
unteers of the Chemical Society of is required to confirm a reservation, a N.W. $165 per night, single/double
Washington who are contributing to payment will not be charged by Confer- occupancy
the 254th ACS National Meeting & enceDirect. Hotels may elect to charge (202) 223-4320
Exposition by participating as division a deposit of one night’s room and tax Keep Your meeting Costs aFFord-
officers or program chairs, sympo- to your credit card before your arrival. If able. Attendee support of the official
sium organizers, session or award paying by credit card, the payment will hotels allows ACS to use meeting
presiders, oral and poster presenters, be reflected on your credit card state- space at a discount and to keep regis-
short course or workshop instructors, ment as early as July 25 or soon after. tration fees to a minimum. Stay in an
career consultants, and society gov- All hotel rooms are subject to 14.5% official hotel whenever possible, and
ernance members. room and occupancy tax (subject to reserve your hotel room through Confer-
change without notice). enceDirect at www.acs.org/dc2017.

ge ne ral information

i pledge to
ACS GREENER MEETINGS • Take advantage of linen reuse initiatives ONSITE PROGRAM BOOK
at my hotel, turn off the lights when NO LONGER FREE
The ACS Department of Meetings & away from my room, and participate in
Expositions Services and the Committee any incentive programs for declining Copies of the on-site program book
on Meetings & Expositions are com- housekeeping service during my stay. will be available for $10 until July
mitted to greener meetings. For each 10 through the online registration
national meeting, we collaborate with • Responsibly dispose of recyclable
process. The standard fee of $20
the destination city, the convention cen- materials (paper, plastic, glass, alu-
will apply after July 10. In response
ter, and our hotel and vendor partners to minum) in the Walter E. Washington
to numerous requests, the author
Convention Center and hotels.
reduce our environmental footprint and index will be included in the printed
raise the bar for industry sustainability • Use the meeting mobile app and program booklet. Satellite registra-
practices. digital program instead of the printed tion and on-site program purchase/
on-site program. pickup locations will be located at
Interested in learning more about how
we’re leading the way? Go to www.acs. • Enjoy the city, burn calories, and the Walter E. Washington Convention
org/greenermeetings to read about our reduce my carbon footprint by walking Center, Salons G/H/I, and at the Mar-
greener meeting initiatives and access to and from my hotel. riott Marquis Washington DC. Credit
our annual Event Sustainability Report. • Use the ACS carbon-offset shuttle cards, debit cards, and checks will be
service provided by TMS when walk- accepted at these locations.
Here is how ACS is committed to In support of ACS’s sustainability
greener meetings: ing is not an option.
efforts, we encourage our meet-
• ACS seeks sustainable convention • Bring a reusable water bottle to avoid ing attendees to download the ACS
center venues to track energy, waste, the cost and waste associated with Washington mobile application or
and water data for each meeting. disposable, petroleum-based plastic access the ACS Washington digital
water bottles. meeting program with author index in
• ACS offsets staff and event emis-
sions in partnership with American Suggestions? Send them to the ACS August. These digital options will pro-
Forests (7,545 trees planted in Committee on Meetings & Expositions at vide quick access to the full technical
2016) and shuttle emissions in greener [email protected]. program, along with special features
partnership with Transportation so that you can easily build your
Management Services (TMS) and schedule.
Carbonfund.org. In 2016, ACS and its TRAvEL &
partners indirectly offset 3,270 met- TRANSPORTATION
ric tons of CO2.
• ACS engages hotel partners to survey transportation disCounts. ACS
and collect information on sustain- has negotiated special travel discounts hertz.com; (800) 654-2240
ability initiatives and perform on-site with the following partners. To get the Discount code: 02UZ0016
walkthroughs of hotel room block best rates and avoid service fees, it is
properties to encourage hotels to recommended to make reservations airport ground transporta-
increase and validate sustainability online (except for Amtrak). tion. Ronald Reagan Washington
efforts. These sustainability initia- airlines: National Airport is located across the
tives are provided to meeting attend- delta Potomac River in Virginia and is the
ees through the Hotel Sustainability closest airport to D.C. It is accessible
Green Grid, published on the ACS delta.com/meeting; (800) 328-1111
Discount code: NMPBR via its own Metro stop on the Blue and
housing page.
Yellow Lines. To catch a taxi, look for
• ACS collaborates with catering part- united airlines
the official taxi stand outside baggage
ners to bring local, seasonal, and sus- united.com; (800) 426-1122
tainable food items to food and bever- claim. A ride into downtown D.C. will
Discount code: ZXME244449
age functions during the meeting. cost $15–$20.
taKe the aCs greener meetings Washington Dulles International Airport
plegde. In 2016, 13,842 meeting amtrak is 26 miles from D.C. in suburban Vir-
attendees took the Greener Meetings (800) 872-7245 ginia. Taxi stands are located outside
Pledge. At the 253rd National Meeting Discount code: X91C-958 the main terminal at Doors 2 and 6. A
& Exposition in San Francisco, 2,897 (phone reservations only)
ride into D.C. will cost $60–$68. Wash-
attendees donated $1.00 toward
Car rental: ington Flyer also offers a Silver Line
American Forests tree planting. Take the
Greener Meetings Pledge during registra- aVis Express Bus that stops at the Wiehle-
tion, and donate to American Forests to avis.com; (800) 331-1600 Reston East Metro station about 15
offset your emissions! Discount code: B923099 minutes away. Silver Line Express Bus

ge neral information

fare is $5 one way. Purchase tickets work and the ACS Facebook page. Fol- directions throughout the building, and
inside the airport at Arrival Door 4. low ACS national meetings on Twitter. pay phones on each level of the facility
Please visit bit.ly/2s9qhSQ for more Read, comment on, and share C&EN’s with a telecommunications device with
information. coverage of ACS meetings. functions for those with hearing impair-
Baltimore-Washington International attendee national meeting ments. More information is available at
(BWI) Thurgood Marshall Airport is a bit e-newsletter. Receive official www.acs.org/dc2017.
further out, in Baltimore. BWI is acces- updates on ACS national meetings, ACS is dedicated to ensuring that no
sible via an Amtrak or MARC train route including locations, registration and
individual with a disability is excluded,
that stops at D.C.’s Union Station. A accommodation dates, information and
denied services, segregated, or other-
reserved seat on the train will cost up discounts, resources, and event details.
You can sign up and manage your sub- wise treated differently because of the
to $30. Please visit bit.ly/1GuPKrv for absence of auxiliary aids and services
more information. scriptions with your free ACS ID. Sub-
scribe at www.emailpref.acs.org. identified in the Americans with Disabili-
traVeling to meeting Venues. ties Act. If you require special accom-
The Walter E. Washington Convention business Center. The Capital Busi-
ness Center, located in the main lobby modations to participate in the meet-
Center is located at 801 Mt. Vernon Pl. ing, communicate your needs to ACS
of the Walter E. Washington Conven-
N.W. Meeting Services by e-mail at national-
tion Center, offers an array of business
parking. Most hotels have parking services and products tailored to meet [email protected], by fax at (202) 872-
facilities, and visitors can find conve- your needs. The center ships and 6128, or by phone at (202) 872-6111
nient street or garage parking with apps receives packages under 150 lb and by July 10 to allow enough time to fulfill
such as ParkWhiz or SpotHero. provides faxing, copying, printing, and your request. Keep in mind that ACS
metrorail. The Walter E. Washington notary services as well as computer may not be able to accommodate last-
Convention Center has a dedicated and internet stations. minute requests.
Metro station serviced by the Yellow member insuranCe program. Do If you have an emergency or need
and Green Lines. Metro operates from you need help determining the right immediate assistance during the meet-
5 AM to midnight on weekdays and amount of financial protection for you ing, contact any ACS Operations Office.
from 7 AM to midnight on weekends. and your loved ones? Are you confused
about how to plan for your family’s assistanCe. Our greeters will be posi-
aCs shuttle. Complimentary shuttle tioned throughout the meeting and can
service will be provided between the financial future? Do you have student
debt or a mortgage? Visit the ACS help you navigate the on-site program,
Walter E. Washington Convention Cen- find a particular session or room, and
Member Insurance kiosk at the ACS
ter and official ACS hotels, with the answer questions. Lost-and-found items
exposition booth 1037 and learn how
exception of hotels within walking dis-
we can help you protect the elements at the convention center should be
you’ve built your life around with plans directed to the ACS Operations Office
including Life & Health Insurance, Inter- located in Salon C. Messages left at
national Term Life, Auto & Homeowners the ACS Operations Office will be con-
ACS MEMBER SERvICES Plus, Disability Income, Long-Term Care, veyed to attendees via the Meeting Mail
Professional Liability, and more. system, but ACS cannot accept respon-
aCs member serViCes. ACS staff If you are a chemistry educator, visit us sibility for the delivery of any messages,
can assist you on-site with joining ACS, for a complimentary, 15-minute consul- mail, or packages.
renewing memberships, adjusting mem- tation about Chemical Educators’ Legal
ber records, and answering general attendee badges. Attendees and
Liability and learn how this policy pro-
membership questions. ACS members guests must be registered and display
vides the unique coverage necessary
receive discounted rates when register- for you. Schedule your complimentary their badges at all times to be admit-
ing for the meeting. consultation at haysconsult.setmore. ted to all official ACS sessions and
ACS Member Services is located in com. events.
Salons G/H/I near attendee registra- To learn more about the insurance plans attendee messaging/meeting
tion in the Walter E. Washington Con- available to you, visit www.acs.org/insur- mail. After registering for the meeting,
vention Center and is open Saturday, ance. you will be assigned a temporary elec-
Aug. 19, 3 to 6 PM; Sunday, Aug. 20, tronic mailbox to exchange personal
7:30 AM to 7:30 PM; Monday, Aug. 21, messages with other registered attend-
7:30 AM to 9 PM; Tuesday, Aug. 22, ees via Meeting Mail. Meeting Mail will
7:30 AM to 5 PM; Wednesday, Aug. 23,
be available before, during, and after
7:30 AM to 4 PM; and Thursday, Aug.
the meeting at www.acs.org/dc2017.
24, 7:30 AM to 1 PM. ada-Compliant meeting. The Walter Use the Meeting Mail terminals located
online soCial networKing E. Washington Convention Center pro- in the convention center. Telephone
tools. Start discussions and connect vides service ramps to entrances and messages left at the ACS Information
with other attendees at the ACS Net- elevated areas, braille instructions and Booths will be conveyed to attendees

ge neral information

via the electronic message center, but host loCal seCtion. ACS gratefully through Thursday at the Walter E.
the society cannot accept responsibility acknowledges the cooperation and Washington Convention Center, Salons
for the delivery of any messages. No assistance of the Chemical Society of G/H/I. Items left beyond published
one will be paged in meeting rooms. Washington and its members in han- hours of operation will be turned over to
audio taping, photographY & dling local arrangements. Volunteers building security at the end of each day.
Videotaping. The use of any device to have planned many interesting activi-
meeting oFFiCes. The following ACS
capture images (e.g., cameras, camera ties; the Host Local Section booth will
offices will be located in the convention
phones) or sound (e.g., tape, digital be located in the Walter E. Washington
rebroadcast) of speakers or presenta- Convention Center L St. South Lobby.
attendee registration: Salons G/H/I
tions is strictly prohibited at all ACS international registrants. Many
meetings and events without express international visitors are required to hold Career Fair: Halls A/B
written consent from ACS. a visa before being admitted to the U.S. exhibitor registration: Salons G/H/I
Child Care. Camp ACS will be avail- because of security measures in place
exposition: Halls A/B
able to all meeting attendees free of at airports and other border crossings.
All visa applicants are advised to apply Finance office: Salon E
charge from 7 AM to 6 PM on Sunday,
Aug. 20, through Thursday, Aug. 24. for their visa in their home country as host local section Center: L St. South
At Camp ACS, children two (and potty soon as possible. Detailed information Lobby
trained) to 16 years of age can par- for international attendees can be found
member services: Salons G/H/I
ticipate in age-appropriate activities, at www.acs.org/dc2017.
press Center: Room 154A
including arts and crafts and active internet & Computer serViCes.
games, while you enjoy the meeting. Use our electronic communication ser- shuttle desk: L St.
To ensure your child’s participation, vices before, during, and after the meet- The following offices are located at the
register online by July 29 at www.acs. ing. Once you get to the meeting, you identified properties:
org/dc2017. For your child’s safety, can access your e-mail and the internet
operations offices: Walter E. Wash-
the location of Camp ACS will not be as well as your personal Meeting Mail
communicated until your registration is mailbox from Meeting Mail terminals, ington Convention Center, Grand Hyatt
confirmed. On-site registration will be which will be located throughout the Washington, JW Marriott Washington
accepted on a space-available basis. convention center. DC, Marriott Marquis Washington DC,
Washington Marriott at Metro Center,
eleCtroniC deViCes. As a courtesy literature & produCt distribu-
Renaissance Washington DC Down-
to other meeting attendees, electronic tion. Promotions, posters, and litera-
town, The Westin Washington DC City
devices must be operated in silent/ ture distribution by attendees, exhibitors,
vibrate mode within technical or educa- or other groups during the meeting must Center.
tional sessions. Cell phone conversations be done within their own contracted governance office: Marriott Marquis
are not permitted in meeting rooms. meeting space or exhibit booth and not Washington DC
emergenCies during aCs meeting in public meeting space, with the excep- society programs: Marriott Marquis
eVents. ACS will place detailed instruc- tion of designated marketing opportuni- Washington DC
tions inside each meeting room to be ties. No one is authorized to place any
promotional items in public meeting mothers room. For your convenience
used if an emergency occurs during an and privacy, ACS will provide a room for
ACS meeting event. These instructions space except the ACS Operations Office
at a given location. Items left in violation nursing mothers at the convention cen-
will revolve around following the estab- ter. Please see the Operations Office,
lished emergency guidelines of the facil- of this policy will be removed and dis-
carded. Literature distribution at specific Salon C, for access to the room.
ity where the emergency occurs. Report
emergencies to the nearest security division tables is under the control of smoKing. ACS policy prohibits smok-
guard or to any ACS Operations Office that division, and permission must be ing in all rooms during ACS functions
during the meeting. Should a cata- secured from the division before placing at the convention center and official
strophic event occur, attendees should any items on its table. hotels. Additionally, the convention cen-
follow safety and security instructions luggage & Coat CheCK. A luggage ter and many of the official hotels are
issued by the facility where they are and coat check station will be avail- designated as smoke-free environments
located at the time of the event. able during registration hours Sunday at all times.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017
JW Marriott, Washington, D.C.

8pm Poster Session & Reception

Capitol Ballroom

9pm Ceremony
Grand Ballroom

10pm After Party

Capitol Ballroom


Independence Salons D-H

7:30 - 9:00 PM
Featuring live entertainment, refreshments, and gifts to celebrate the 30th anniversary of


254th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition

Free Exhibitor-Sponsored Workshops

Exhibiting companies will host FREE educational sessions for attendees that will:
Introduce new products and services
Highlight innovative applications for existing instrumentation
Build skills with specific tools and techniques
Please visit: www.acs.org/DC2017 to register for exhibitor workshops

Sunday, August 20 Tuesday, August 22

Discoveries Using Flow - Drug Development and Beyond Mass Spectrometry for Chemists Direct Analysis of TLC Plates,
ThalesNano Nanotechnology Inc., 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM Solids and Gases
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Advion, 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Room 103A Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A,
Workshop Room 4

Monday, August 21
Registration (12:30 – 12:45 PM); Workshop 1(12:45-1:45 PM):
Illuminating your Insights with Wiley Spectra Libraries
Chromatographers, Join the Mass Movement Towards Mass Spectrometry!;
Wiley, 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Workshop 2 (1:45-2:45 PM): Selecting the Correct Column for Better
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Exhibit Hall B,
Workshop Room 1
Thermo Fisher Scientific, 12:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Exhibit Hall B, Workshop Room 2
30-Minute Workflow Innovations
Agilent Technologies, 9:30 AM -12:00 PM Research in Germany Science Lunch
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Exhibit Hall B, Research In Germany, 12:30 PM - 3:00PM
Workshop Room 2 Walter E. Washington Convention Center,
Exhibit Hall A, Workshop Room 4
Teaching Laboratory Safety in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum
Flinn Scientific , 9:30 AM -12:00 PM Rapid Materials Identification and Reverse Engineering using
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Raman Spectroscopy
Room 103A Bruker, 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Exhibit Hall B,
Benchtop NMR: Applications in Industry and Academia
Workshop Room 1
Magritek, Inc., 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Exhibit Hall B, Accelerating Organic Synthesis Without Microwaves
Workshop Room 2 Anton Parr, 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Walter E. Washington Convention Center,
NMR as a quantitative method and what can NMR do for the chemist? Room 103A
Bruker, 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Walter E. Washington Convention Center,
Wednesday, August 23
Structure-Based Drug Design and Ligand Modification
Room 103A
Chemical Computing Group, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Walter E. Washington Convention Center,
Room 103A

Exposition Highlights Division Poster Sessions

Sunday, Poster Sessions, 6 - 8:30 PM
• Meet over 250 exhibitors & recruiters
Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry
• Attendee Welcome Reception - Sunday, 6 to 8:30 PM Division of Small Chemical Business
•Meet the ACS President-Elect Candidates while enjoying an Monday, Poster Session, 2 - 4:00 PM
Division of Energy and Fuels
afternoon break - Monday, 1 to 3 PM
• Afternoon Break -Tuesday, 3 to 5 PM
Walter E. Washington Convention Center , Halls A/B , Sunday - 6:00 - 8:30 PM, Monday & Tuesday - 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
gov e rna nc e & bus ines s meetings


MANY MEMBERS PARTICIPATE in meet- members to become actively involved in with the ACS Committee on Committees
ings concerning the business of the ACS at the national level. If you are an to discuss your desire to volunteer for
Society, technical divisions, and gover- ACS member interested in volunteering a committee assignment. If you wish
nance committees in conjunction with for a governance committee, contact to volunteer for a specific technical divi-
the meeting. On the following pages you the Office of the Secretary by email at sion or local section, contact the officers
will find a listing of the open meetings [email protected] or by phone 202-872- listed at www.acs.org to explore your
scheduled for Washington, D.C. ACS 4461. Someone will put you in contact specific interests.
encourages its members to get active
in governance at all levels in order to
contribute their vision to the direction of AC S C OU NC I L
the Society. You can share ideas and ACS COUNCIL. The ACS Council meeting will begin at 8 AM, Wednesday, Aug. 23, at
insights into the Society and the chemi-
the Marriott Marquis Washington DC Hotel. The meeting will be preceded by a conti-
cal profession, network with peers, and
nental breakfast for councilors beginning at 7 AM. Councilors are asked to check in
catch up with friends through these
beginning at 7 AM and proceed to the breakfast area, keeping in mind that the meet-
volunteer connections. With nearly thirty
ing starts promptly at 8 AM. Space will be available for ACS members and nonmem-
national governance committees and
bers to observe the Council in action. We hope that many will take advantage of this
leadership opportunities in technical
divisions and local sections to choose opportunity to learn firsthand of the society’s operation. Alternate Councilors and
from, there are many opportunities for division and local section officers are particularly urged to attend.

xxxx. xxxx

gov e rna nc e & bus ines s meetings


these groups would be at the invitation
of the chair. Only committee members
district i Councilor Caucus
Tuesday, Aug. 22, 5:30 – 7:00 PM
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC GOvERNANCE &
For the complete list of committee
meetings and agendas, please consult
www.acs.org/wdc2017. district ii Councilor Caucus
Sunday, Aug. 19, 6:00 – 7:00 PM Budget & Finance
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Joseph A. Heppert, chair; [email protected]
Marquis Ballroom Salon 10 Open Session
Board & council district iii Councilor Caucus
Saturday, Aug. 19, 8 to 10:30 AM Marriott
Marquis Washington DC
meetings Sunday, Aug. 19, 6:00 – 7:00 PM 1. Report of the Chair
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC 2. Report of the Treasurer & CFO:
a. 2017 Probable Financial Performance
aCs board of directors. The ACS Board Marquis Ballroom Salon 12 3. Reports from the B&F Subcommittees:
of Directors meeting, open to members district iV Councilor Caucus a. Communications
who wish to participate, will be held in b. Program Funding Requests
Sunday, Aug. 19, 6:00 – 7:00 PM c. Program Review
the Walter E. Washington Convention Marriott Marquis Washington, DC d. Financial Impacts of Constitution & Bylaw
Center from 11:45 AM to 1 PM Marquis Ballroom Salon 13 Amendments
on Sunday, Aug. 20. district V Councilor Caucus
Chemical Safety
aCs Council. The ACS Council meeting Sunday, Aug. 19, 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Elizabeth M. Howson, chair; [email protected]
will begin at 8 AM, Wednesday, Aug. 23, Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Marquis Ballroom Salon 14 Open Executive Session
at the Marriott Marquis Washington DC Saturday, Aug. 19, 8:15 to 9:45 PM Marriott
Hotel. The meeting will be preceded district Vi Councilor Caucus Marquis Washington DC and
by a continental breakfast for council- Sunday, Aug. 19, 6:00 – 7:00 PM Monday, Aug. 21, 7 to 8:30 AM Marriott Marquis
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Washington DC
ors beginning at 7 AM. Councilors are 1. Welcome
asked to check in beginning at 7 AM Marquis Ballroom Salon 15 2. Minutes of April 3, 2017 Meeting
and proceed to the breakfast area, division officers/Councilors Caucus 3. Reports of Chair/Staff Liaison
4. Report of Subcommittees and Task Forces:
keeping in mind that the meeting starts Tuesday, Aug. 22, 4:00 – 6:00 PM 5. New and Old Business
promptly at 8 AM. Space will be avail- Walter E. Washington Convention
able for ACS members and nonmem- Center 204C Chemistry & Public Affairs
bers to observe the council in action. Raymond E. Forslund, chair; reforslund@
We hope that many will take advantage me.com
of this opportunity to learn firsthand of COMMITTEE AGENdA Open Session
the society’s operation. Alternate coun- Saturday, Aug. 19, 3 to 4:30 PM Marriott
cilors and division and local section offi- the Committee on Committees Marquis Washington DC
cers are particularly urged to attend. has clarified three types of committee 1. Reports from the Subcommittees:
a) Member Advocacy
meetings: b) Public Policy
c) Fellowships
open. May be attended by any ACS 2. Committee Liaison Reports
member. At these sessions, members 3. Public Comment
are encouraged to voice concerns, 4. Closing Comments
C O U N C I L PO L I C Y issue compliments, offer suggestions,
CO M M I T T EE Chemists with Disabilities
and express interest in or raise ques-
The Council Policy Committee will open tions about matters over which the John J. Johnston, chair; USDA-FSIS, 2150
the floor during its meeting at 11:30 AM committee has purview. The assump- Centre Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80526-8116
on Tuesday, Aug. 22, to councilors who tion is that participation is welcomed Open Executive Session
would like to raise issues of concern and will be orderly and courteous. Only Sunday, Aug. 20, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Marriott
Marquis Washington DC
that affect them and/or their local sec- committee members can vote. 1. Welcome
tions or divisions. For further informa- 2. Chair Report
executive. Attendance and participa- a. Update of CWD Activities/Events, and
tion, contact Mary Carroll, vice chair of tion are limited to officially appointed/ Collaborative Opportunities
CPC, at [email protected]. For more commit- elected committee members, associ- b. Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Group Report
c. Minutes from Spring 2017
tee meeting details and agendas, please ates, advisers, consultants, staff liai- 3. Strategic Planning Group Updates
consult the meeting website at www.acs. sons, and the appointed Committee 4. Discussion on Awards and Travel Grants
on Committees liaison. Liaisons from 5. CWD Poster Project
org or the on-site program distributed 6. ACS Fellows Program
other groups and ex officio and elected 7. CWD Visibility (Social Media)
during the meeting.
councilors may attend; participation by 8. Other Action Items from San Diego Meeting

gov e rna nc e & bus ines s meetings

9. Staff Report Open Meeting 1. K-12 science topics, including ChemCom,

10. Future Event and Programming Planning Monday, Aug. 21, 8 AM to noon Marriott Marquis ChemMatters, the American Association of Chemistry
11. Subcommittee Progress Reports Washington DC Teachers, High School Chemistry Clubs, Chemistry
12. Reports of Liaisons to/from other committees Olympiad, Science Coaches, ACS-Hach programs, and
1. Welcome
13. Ongoing Business teacher professional development
2. Approval of Minutes from San Francisco, April 3,
14. New Business 2. College/university topics, including undergraduate
programs, graduate and postdoctoral education,
3. Chair’s Report Chemistry in Context, faculty development, general
Committees 4. Reports from Subcommittee Chairs chemistry performance expectations, and ChemIDP
a. Safety
Wayne E. Jones Jr., chair; Department of Items 1-2 open to all Councilors with prior
b. Strategic Investment and Awards
Chemistry, Binghamton University, SUNY, approval of the Chair
b. Public Policy
4400 Vestal Pkwy. East, Binghamton, NY c. CA Relations Open Session
13902-6000 d. CA Member Value Monday, Aug. 21, 3 to 4 PM Marriott Marquis
5. Staff liaison report Washington DC
Open Meeting
6. New Business 1. Review of Executive Session
Monday, Aug. 21, 1:30 to 2:15 PM Marriott
Marquis Washington DC 2. Items from the floor
1. Welcome Council Policy
2. Minutes of April 3-4, 2017 Mary K. Carroll, vice chair; [email protected] Environmental Improvement
3. Reports of chair/staff liaison
4. Reports of Subcommittees and Task Forces on: Open Executive Session Anthony (Tony) Noce, chair; [email protected]
a. Committee System and Structure Tuesday, Aug. 22, 9:30 AM to noon Marriott Breakfast/Open Session
b. Diversity Marquis Washington DC Monday, Aug. 21, 7:45 to 9 AM Renaissance
c. Leadership Development 1. Committee and Officer Reports Washington DC
d. Review of the Society Committee Bylaws 2. Report of CPC vice-chair 1. Review of the Saturday-Sunday CEI Executive Session
5. Topics from floor 3. Reports of Subcommittees on: 2. Preview of CEI activities in Washington, DC
a. Petitions, Constitution & Bylaws 3. Preview of 2017 policy statement development
b. Long-Range Planning
Community Activities 4. Schedule of business sessions, spring 2018
(climate, regulatory decision making)
4. Discussion of proposal to rename the committee
Michael B. McGinnis, chair; dean, College of 5. Review of Council agenda 5. Open discussion period  
Science & Mathematics, Norwich University, 158 6. Open forum 11:30 AM
Harmon Dr., Northfield, VT 05663; outreach@ 7. Old and new business
acs.org Ethics
Closed Executive Session Divisional Activities Keith Vitense, chair; Physical Science De-
partment, Cameron University, 2800 West Gore
Sunday, Aug. 20, 10 AM to noon Marriott Rodney M. Bennett, chair; rodbennettdac@gmail.
Marquis Washington DC Blvd., Lawton, OK 73505-6320
1. Welcome Open Executive Session
2. Minutes of April 2, 2017
Open Session
Sunday, Aug. 20, 9 AM to 4:30 PM Marriott
3. Reports of Chair/Staff Liaison Sunday, Aug. 20, 8 AM to noon Marquis Washington DC
4. Report of Subcommittees and Task Forces: Marriott Marquis Washington DC 1. Welcome & Introductions
a. Tools and Training 1. Welcome 2. Approval of Minutes from San Francisco Meeting
b. Volunteer Engagement & Recognition 2. Minutes from 253rd ACS National Meeting in San 3. Review of Committee on Ethics Charge
c. Program Development & Promotion Francisco, CA 4. Chair/Staff Liaison Reports
5. Liaison Reports 3. DAC Chair’s Report 5. Liaison Reports
6. Topics from the Floor 4. Subcommittee Reports 6. Subcommittee Progress Reports
5. Allocation Formula Proposals for Possible 2018
CCA/LSAC Joint Open Session Update
7. Committee Discussion
Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2 to 3:30 PM Marriott Marquis 8. Subcommittee Working Sessions
Washington DC 9. Programming
Economic & Professional Affairs 10. Old Business /New Business/ Action Items
11. Adjourn
Constitution & Bylaws Rick Ewing, chair; [email protected]
James C. Carver, chair; the Carver Law Firm, Executive Session
International Activities
451 Florida St., Suite 750, Baton Rouge, LA Saturday, Aug. 19, 8 AM to 3 PM JW Marriott
Washington DC Ellene Tratras Contis, chair; c/o ACS Office of
70801; [email protected] 1. Opening Remarks International Activities, 1155 16th St. N.W.,
Executive Session 2. Subcommittee Meetings Washington, DC 20036
Sunday, Aug. 20, 10 to 11:30 AM and 1:45 to 3. Staff/Guest Reports
Open Session
4:30 PM Open Session Saturday, Aug. 19, 1 to 3 PM Marriott Marquis
Marriott Marquis Washington DC Saturday, Aug. 19, 3 to 5:30 PM JW Marriott Washington DC
1. Petition for Election of Committee Chairs Washington DC 1. Welcome
2. Petition on the Composition of Society Committees 1. Subcommittee Reports 2. Minutes of Spring 2017 IAC Meeting
3. Model bylaws: minor editorial changes a. Public Policy 3. Reports of Chair/Staff Liaison
4. Bulletin 5 status b. Events, Volunteers and Employment Services 4. Report of Subcommittees:
5. Reports from liaisons and status of unit bylaws c. Marketing and Research a. Subcommittee on Africa and the Americas
6. Other business d. Standards and Ethics b. Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East
Open Meeting 2. Reports from Liaisons to and from CEPA c. Subcommittee on Asia/Pacific Rim
Sunday, Aug. 20, 1:30 to 1:45 PM Marriott 3. Ongoing Business/New Business 5. New Business
Marquis Washington DC
Open forum to discuss bylaws, petitions, and Education Local Section Activities
other issues that may arise Diane Krone, chair; [email protected] Jason Ritchie, chair; Department of Chemistry &
Executive Session Biochemistry, the University of Mississippi, 222
Corporation Associates Friday, Aug. 19, 1 to 5:30 PM Marriott Marquis Coulter Hall, University, MS
Diane Grob Schmidt, chair; [email protected] Washington DC 38677; [email protected]

gov e rna nc e & bus ines s meetings

Open Executive Session

Sunday, Aug. 20, 8 AM to noon Marriott Marquis Nomenclature, Terminology & Symbols Public Relations & Communications
Washington DC Michael D. Mosher, chair; University of Northern Jennifer Maclachlan, chair; PID Analyzers,
1. Report of chair, subcommittee chairs, staff liaison Colorado; [email protected] 2 Washington Cir., Sandwich, MA 02563;
2. Review of petitions for Council consideration
3. Reports of committee liaisons Open Session [email protected]
Monday, Aug. 21, 2 to 5 PM Marriott Marquis Open Executive Session
LSAC/CCA Joint Open Session Washington DC
Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2 to 3:30 PM Marriott Marquis Tuesday, Aug. 22, 8 AM to 1 PM Marriott
1. Review minutes from 2017 Spring National Meeting Marquis Washington DC
Washington DC 2. Chair/Staff Liaison reports
1. Report from the LSAC and Committee on 1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks
3. Subcommittee Reports
Community Activities (CCA) Executive Sessions 2. Presentation on the diversity of ACS committees
a. Communication/Outreach
2. Interactive session: questions, answers, and best 3. Approval of Minutes of February 25-26 Meeting
b. Education
c. Liaison 4. Subcommittee Break-Out Session and Reports:
d. Long Range Planning a. Awards
b. Chemistry Ambassadors
Meetings & Expositions 4. IUPAC Reports
c. Local Section and Division Communications
5. Braille Chemical Symbols Update
Kevin J. Edgar, chair; M&[email protected] 6. New Business Support
Open Meeting d. Communications Technology
5. Liaison Reports—CCPA, LSAC, CCA, IAC, DAC
Sunday, Aug. 20, 7:30 to 10 AM Walter E. Nominations & Elections 6. Old Business
Washington Convention Center
Les W. McQuire, chair; [email protected] 7. New Business
1. Welcome
2. Minutes from Philadelphia 8. Helen Free Award Address
Open Executive Session
3. Chair’s Report
Monday, Aug. 21, 11:30 AM to noon Marriott
4. Subcommittee Reports
Marquis Washington DC Publications
a. Expositions
b. Technical Programming 1. Report of the Executive Session Nicole S. Sampson, chair; Department of
c. Regional Meetings 2. Vote 2020 Task Force Chemistry, Stony Brook University, 100
3. Topics from floor
Closed Executive Session Nicolls Rd., Stony Brook, NY 11794-3400
Sunday, Aug. 20, 10 AM to noon Closed Executive Session
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Patents & Related Matters
Friday, Aug. 18, 1 to 4:30 PM Walter E.
1. Operations Subcommittee & Financial Report Sadiq Shah, chair; [email protected] Washington Convention Center
2. Staff Liaison Report Open Session
3. New Business Open Meeting
Saturday, Aug. 19, 9 AM to 4 PM Marriott Friday, Aug. 18, 4:30 to 5 PM Walter E.
Marquis Washington DC Washington Convention Center
Membership Affairs 1. Legislation & Regulation Subcommittee.
1. Updates from ACS Publications Division
Margaret J. Schooler, chair; 5 Alexander Ct., 2. Education and Outreach Subcommittee.
2. Open Discussion
3. Awards Subcommittee.
Hockessin, DE 19707
4. Executive Session
Closed Executive Session Science
Sunday, Aug. 20, 7:15 AM to 3 PM Marriott
Marquis Washington DC Professional Training Mark C. Cesa, chair; [email protected]
1. Welcome Thomas J. Wenzel, chair; Department of Open Session
2. Approval of minutes (San Francisco, April 2, 2017) Chemistry, Bates College, 2 Andrews Rd., Saturday, Aug. 19, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Marriott
3. Staff Liaison Report Lewiston, ME 04240; [email protected] Marquis Washington DC
4. Overview of Strategic Planning Retreat 1. Welcome
recommendations Open Meeting
2. Approval of Minutes
5. Subcommittee reports Sunday, Aug. 20, 4 to 5 PM JW Marriott
3. Reports of Chair/Staff Liaison
a. Recruitment and Admissions Washington DC
4. Report of Subcommittees:
b. Categories and Dues 1. Applying for ACS approval
c. Retention, Benefits and Services a. Science and Technology,
2. Results of CPT surveys
6. Other committee business b. Awards,
a. online instruction and virtual labs
b. international experiences for chemistry majors c. Public Policy and Communication
Open Session 5. Subcommittee Breakouts
3. Annual reports of chemistry degrees
Sunday, Aug. 20, 3 to 4 PM Marriott Marquis 4. Feedback on 2015 ACS Guidelines 6. Subcommittee Reports from Breakouts
Washington DC
5. Topics from floor
Senior Chemists
Minority Affairs Project SEED Thomas R. Beattie, chair; [email protected]
Madeleine Jacobs, chair; madeleine.s.jacobs@ Anna G. Cavinato, chair; Department of
gmail.com Open Executive Session
Chemistry, Eastern Oregon University, 1 Monday, Aug. 21, 8 AM to 1 PM Marriott
Closed Executive Session University Blvd., LaGrande, OR 97850-2807 Marquis Washington DC
Sunday, Aug. 20, 8 AM to 12:30 PM Marriott Closed Executive Session 1. Welcome and Introductions
Marquis Washington DC 2. Minutes from July 2017 Meeting
1. Opening Remarks/Chair Report Saturday, Aug. 19, 10:30 AM to 5 PM Marriott
Marquis Washington DC 3. Reports of Chair/Staff Liaison
2. Staff Report 4. Report of Subcommittees:
3. Spring Meeting Minutes 1. Subcommittee meetings 10:30 AM – 12:00 Noon
2. Minutes of April 1, 2017 a. Newsletter of Senior Chemists
4. Subcommittee Meetings
3. Reports of Chair/Staff Liaison b. Programming for Senior Chemists
Open Session 4. Report of Subcommittees: c. Consulting and Mentoring
Sunday, Aug. 20, 12:30 to 2 PM Marriott 5. Old and new business d. SCC Group on the ACS Network
Marquis Washington DC e. ACS Local Section Subcommittee
1. Subcommittee Reports Open Session f. Community Education Subcommittee
2. Discussions of Petitions Sunday, Aug. 20, 8 to 9 AM Marriott Marquis g. ACS Fellows Nomination Subcommittee
4. Strategic Planning Retreat Washington DC h. ChemLuminary Awards 2017
5. Open Discussion 1. Report from executive session 5. Senior Chemists Breakfast in Washington, DC
6. Adjourn 2. Topics from the floor 6. Open Discussion/General Information

gov e rna nc e & bus ines s meetings

Closed Session
Technician Affairs Women Chemists Saturday, Aug. 19, 8 AM to 3 PM Marriott
Kara M. Allen, chair; [email protected] Laura Sremaniak, chair; [email protected] Marquis Washington DC
Closed Executive Session Executive Session 1. Welcome
Saturday, Aug. 19, 8 AM to 5 PM Marriott 2. Approval of Spring 2017 Minutes
Sunday, Aug. 20, 8 AM to 2 PM Marriott Marquis Marquis Washington DC 3. Chair Report
Washington DC 6. Welcome 4. Staff Report
7. Review of Spring Action Items & Minutes 5. Breakout Sessions
Open Executive Session 8. Reports of Chair/Staff Liaison
Sunday, Aug. 20, 2 to 2:30 PM Marriott Marquis 9. Strategic Planning Open Session
Washington DC 10. Subcommittee Meetings Saturday, Aug. 19, 3 to 5 PM Marriott Marquis
11. Reports of Subcommittees and Task Forces: Washington DC
1. Welcome and Introductions
a. Awards & Recognition 1. Subcommittee Reports
2. Review of San Francisco Minutes, April 2, 2017 b. Communications & Technology
a. Communications
3. Reports of Chair/Staff Liaison c. Professional Development
d. Programs & Events b. Governance Interface and Outreach
4. Report of Subcommittees and Task Forces:
12. New Business c. Membership Engagement
a. Professional Development Subcommittee 2. Liaison Reports
b. Highlight Accomplishments Subcommittee 3. Petitions (CLOSED)
c. Communications Subcommittee Younger Chemists 4. New Business
5. Topics from floor/Meeting Feedback/Wrap-up Natalie A. LaFranzo, chair; 5. Visitors
6. Open Executive Session [email protected] 6. Adjourn

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gov e rna nce & bus ines s meetings


Division of Agricultural & Food Chemmistry — AGFD
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Special Topics Meeting (CLOSED) Sunday, August 20 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
(WEWCC), East Overlook
Poster Session Sunday, August 20 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM WEWCC, Hall C
Future Program Meeting Monday, August 21 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM WEWCC, West Overlook
Executive Committee Meeting - (CLOSED) Monday, August 21 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM WEWCC, West Overlook
Business Meeting Tuesday, August 22 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM WEWCC, Room 146 C

Division of Agrochemistry — AGRO

Renaissance Washington, DC Penn
Business Meeting Sunday, August 20 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Renaissance Washington DC, Meeting
Graduate Student Luncheon Monday, August 21 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
Room 12
Renaissance Washington DC
Sterling Hendricks Reception Tuesday, August 22 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Congressional, Ballroom C
Renaissance Washington DC
Blues-N-Brews Tuesday, August 22 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM
Congressional, Ballroom C
Renaissance Washington DC,
Awards Social Wednesday, August 23 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Congressional Ballroom C

Division of Analytic Chemistry — ANYL

Executive Committee Meeting Sunday, August 20 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Renwick Room
Grand Hyatt Washington, Farragut
Division Reception - (TICKETED EVENT) Tuesday, August 22 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Square/Lafayette Park Rooms

Division of Biological Chemistry — BIOL

Gordon Hammes Award Lecture Reception Sunday, August 20 5:45PM - 6:45 PM WEWCC, Room 145 B
Poster Session Tuesday, August 22 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM WEWCC, Hall E

Division of Business Development & Management — BMGT

“Ted”-talk With Bill Carroll Reception Monday, August 21 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Marriott Marquis, Tulip Room

Division of Chemistry & Law — CHAL

Awards & Networking Lunch - (TICKETED EVENT) Monday, August 21 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Corduroy Restaurant, 1122 9th Street, NW
CHAL Reception Monday, August 21 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Finnegan, LLP, 901 New York Avenue

Division of Chemical Health & Safety — CHAS

Labatory Waste Management Workshop Friday, August 18 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM WEWCC, Rooms 208 A/B
The Laboratory Safety - Advance Concept Workshop Friday, August 18 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM WEWCC, Room 209 A
How to be an Effective Chemical Hygiene Officer Workshop Saturday, August 19 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM WEWCC, Rooms 208 A/B
Reactive Chemical Management for Laboratories & Pilot
Saturday, August 19 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM WEWCC, Room 209 A
Plants Workshop
Executive Committee Breakfast Sunday, August 20 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM WEWCC, Room 146 C

gov e rna nc e & bus ines s meetings

Division of Chemical Education — CHED

CHED Finance Committee Meeting - (CLOSED) Friday, August 18 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM WEWCC, Room 102 B
Exams Institute Board of Trustees Saturday, August 19 7:30 AM - 12:00 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Bulfinch Room
Journal of Chemical Education Board of Publication
Saturday, August 19 7:30 AM - 12:00 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Declaration A
General Chemistry Second Term Exams 2017 - (CLOSED) Saturday, August 19 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Cabin John Room
General Chemistry First Term Exams, 2018 - (CLOSED) Saturday, August 19 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Burnham Room
Diagnostic of Undergraduate Chemical Knowledge (DUCK)
Saturday, August 19 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Penn Quarter B
2017 Exams - (CLOSED)
Organic Chemistry Exams 2018 - (CLOSED) Saturday, August 19 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Roosevelt Room
Physical Chemistry Exams 2019 - (CLOSED) Saturday, August 19 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Grand Hyatt Washington,Latrobe Room
General Chemistry Exams 2019 - (CLOSED) Saturday, August 19 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Wilson Room
Biochemistry Exams 2017 - (CLOSED) Saturday, August 19 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Penn Quarter A
Program Committee Meeting Saturday, August 19 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Declaration B
Executive Committee Meeting Saturday, August 19 1:00 PM - 5:30 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Studio I&II
Grand Hyatt Washington, Washington
New Member Committee Meeting Saturday, August 19 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
International Activities Committee Meeting Sunday, August 20 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Grand Hyatt Washington, Renwick Room
Assessment Workshops I&II, 2017 - (CLOSED) Sunday, August 20 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Banneker Room
General Chemistry First Term Exams, 2018 - (CLOSED) Sunday, August 20 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Burnham Room
Physical Chemistry Exams, 2019 - (CLOSED) Sunday, August 20 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Latrobe Room
Organic Chemistry Exams, 2017 - (CLOSED) Sunday, August 20 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Bulfinch Room
General Chemistry Exams, 2019 - (CLOSED) Sunday, August 20 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Wilson Room
High School/College Interface Luncheon Grand Hyatt Washington, Independence
Sunday, August 20 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Regional Meeting Committee Sunday, August 20 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Renwick Room
Grand Hyatt Washington, Washington
Long Range Planning Committee Sunday, August 20 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Social Reception Sunday, August 20 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM WEWCC, Room 207 A
Assessment Workshops III&IV - (CLOSED) Monday, August 21 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Banneker Room

Division of Chemical Information — CINF

Awards Committee Meeting (CLOSED) Saturday, August 19 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Arlington Room
Grand Hyatt Washington, Constitution
Education Committee Meeting (CLOSED) Saturday, August 19 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Ballroom E
Grand Hyatt Washington, Constitution
Program/Executive Committee Meeting (CLOSED) Saturday, August 19 12:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Ballroom B
Chemical Structure Association (CSAT) Meeting (CLOSED) Saturday, August 19 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Franklin Square
Grand Hyatt Washington, Farragut
Welcome Recption and Poster Session Sunday, August 20 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Square/Lafayette Park Rooms
Grand Hyatt Washington, Constitution
Divisionv Luncheon - (TICKETED EVENT) Tuesday, August 22 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Ballroom B
Herman Skolnik Awards Reception Honoring David Winkler Tuesday, August 22 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Grand Hyatt Independence Ballroom A

Division of Colloid & Surface Chemistry — COLL

Program & Executive Committee Meeting (CLOSED) Saturday, August 19 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM WEWCC, Room 102 A
Poster Session/Social Hour Sunday, August 20 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM WEWCC, Halls A&B
Renaissance Washington DC, Mt. Vernon
Division Luncheon (TICKETED) Tuesday, August 22 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Square A

gov e rna nce & bus ines s meetings

Division of Computers in Chemistry — COMP

Grand Hyatt Washington, Constitution
Programming Executive Committee Meetings Saturday, August 19 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Ballroom A
Poster Session Tuesday, August, 22 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM WEWCC, Hall C

Division of Energy & Fuel — ENFL

Energy and Fuels Program Meeting Sunday, August 20 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM WEWCC, Room 160
ENFL Executive Meeting Sunday, August 20 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM WEWCC, Room 148
Energy and Fuel Business Meeting & Social w/Posters Monday, August 21 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM WEWCC, Ballroom C
ENFL - Dinner (TICKETED) Tuesday, August 22 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM Acadiana 901 New York Avenue

Division of Environmental Chemistry — ENvR

Renaissance Washington DC, Mt. Vernon
Program Planning Committee Meeting Sunday, August 20 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Square A
Renaissance Washington DC, Mt. Vernon
Long Range Planning Committee Sunday, August 20 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Square A
Renaissance Washington DC, Mt. Vernon
Business Meeting Sunday, August 20 7:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Square A
Renaissance Washington DC, Mt. Vernon
Executive Committee Meeting Sunday, August 20 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Square A
Renaissance Washington DC, Meeting
Funders’ Town Hall Tuesday, August 22 4:40 PM - 5:30 PM
Room 12
Division Reception (TICKETED EVENT) Tuesday, August 22 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Pennsylvania 6 DC, 1350 I Street, NW
Division Dinner Wednesdy, August 23 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Pennsylvania 6 DC, 1350 I Street, NW

Division of Geochemistry — GEOC

Executive Committee Meeting (CLOSED) Sunday, August 20 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Grand Hyatt Washington, Potamac Room

Division of History of Chemistry — HIST

Grand Hyatt Washington, Constitution
Business Meeting Sunday, August 20 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Ballroom C
Grand Hyatt Washington, Lincoln
Executive Committee Meeting (CLOSED) Sunday, August 20 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Grand Hyatt Washington, Constitution
“No Belles” Theatre Performace Tuesday, August 22 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Ballroom B

Division of Industrial & Engineering Chemitry — I&EC

I&EC Subdivision, Steering & Programming Meeting Grand Hyatt Washington, Constitution
Saturday, August 19 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
(CLOSED) Ballroom C

Division of Medicinal Chemistry — MEDI

Executive Committee Meeting (CLOSED) Sunday, August 20 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM WEWCC, Room 145 A
Business Meeting Sunday, August 20 5:30 PM -6:30 PM WEWCC, Room 145 A
General Poster Session Sunday, August 20 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM WEWCC, Hall E
Long Range Planning Committee (CLOSED) Monday, August 21 5:30 PM - 10:30 PM WEWCC, Room 145 A
Hall of Fame Tuesday, August 22 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM WEWCC, Rooms 150 A/B
MEDI & ORGN General Poster Session Wednesday, August 23 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM WEWCC, Hall E

gov e rna nce & bus ines s meetings

Division of Organic Chemistry — ORGN

Executive Committee Meeting (CLOSED) Sunday, August 20 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM WEWCC, Room 202 B
COPE Award Lunch (CLOSED) Tuesday, August 22 11:45 AM - 12:55 PM WEWCC, Rooms 203 A/B

Division of Physical Science — PHYS

Undergraduate Symposium Sunday, August 20 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM WEWCC, Room 149 B
Executive Committee Meeting (CLOSED) Sunday, August 20 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM WEWCC, East Overlook
Division Poster Session Wednesday, August 23 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM WEWCC, Hall D

Division of Polymeric Materials — PMSE

Membership Desk Sunday, August 20 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Liberty Foyer
Executive Committee Meeting (CLOSED) Sunday, August 20 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM Marriott Marquis, Shaw/LeDroit Park
Membership Desk Monday, August 21 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Liberty Foyer
Business Meeting and PMSE/POLY Coordination Monday, August 21 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Marriott Marquis, L’Enfant Plaza
Membership Desk Tuesday, August 22 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Liberty Foyer
Membership Desk Wednesday, August 23 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Liberty Foyer
Membership Desk Thursday, August 24 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Liberty Foyer

Division of Polymer Chemistry — POLY

Membership Desk Sunday, August 20 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Marquis Foyer
Board Meeting Sunday, August 20 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Independence Salon E
International Committee Meeting (CLOSED) Sunday, August 20 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Gallaudet U
Workshop Committee (CLOSED) Sunday, August 20 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Gallaudet U
Stategic & Long Range Planning Meeting (CLOSED) Sunday, August 20 4:00 PM -5:30 PM Marriott Marquis, Gallaudet U
Membership Desk Monday, August 21 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Marquis Foyer
Financial/Executive Planning Meeting (CLOSED) Monday, August 21 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Gallery Place
Membership Desk Tuesday, August 22 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Marquis Foyer
POLY/IPEC Meeting (CLOSED) Tuesday, August 22 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Gallery Place
Membership Committee Meeting Tuesday, August 22 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Gallery Place
Programming Coffee Hour Tuesday, August 22 1:00PM - 2:00 PM Marriott Marquis, LeDroit Park
Biomacromolecules Meeting on Polymers at the Interface
Tuesday, August 22 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Tulip Room
with Biology (CLOSED)
Membership Desk Wednesday, August 23 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Marquis Foyer
POLY/PMSE Award Lecture & Reception Wednesday, August 23 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Marquis Salon 6
Membership Desk Thursday, August 24 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Marquis Foyer

Division of Professional Relations — PROF

Grand Hyatt Washington, Roosevelt/
Executive Committee/Open Meeting Tuesday, August 22 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Cabin John/Arlington Rooms

Division of Small Chemical Business — SCHB

Executive Committee Saturday, August 19 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Liberty Salon N

Division of Chemical Toxicology — TOXI

Executive Committee Saturday, August 19 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM Marriott Marquis, Liberty Salon M
General Poster Session Dinner Tuesday, August 22 6:30 PM - 10:30 PM WEWCC, Ballroom C

socia l & educ ational events

SOCIAL & “Understanding the Chemistry of Our

Planet” will be a highlight symposium
Mostafa El-Sayed from the Georgia
Institute of Technology will present “The
EdUCATIONAL all day Tuesday, showcasing renowned
researchers discussing the transform-
Many Great Advantages of Gold Photo-
Thermal Therapy of Cancer.”
EvENTS ing power of chemistry that is ubiqui-
tous to life on Earth. Scientists will Sunday, Aug. 20
present their innovative research on
chemistry’s role in our Earth system undergraduate hospitality Center,
PRESIdENTIAL and humans’ impact to the chemistry 8:30 AM to 5 PM
of our environment. The National Sci-
EvENTS ence Foundation’s Division of Chemistry
symposium: impact of outreach on
the Future of Chemistry (cosponsored
aCs president allison a. Camp- is organizing an all-day event to talk
by YCC, PROF, and CPRC), 9 to 10:30
bell welcomes attendees to the 254th with members, “The World of Funding
Opportunities in Chemistry: A Fed- AM
ACS National Meeting. The presidential
eral Funders Town Hall,” and “Speed graduate school reality Check,
and cosponsored symposia will focus on
Coaching with Federal Funders.” In the part i: getting in (cosponsored by
areas of significant importance: advo-
afternoon, the National Academies of YCC),10:30 to 11:45 AM
cacy and communication, the chemistry
Sciences, Engineering & Medicine is
of our planet, and the safe practice of graduate school reality Check, part
hosting a town hall discussion seek-
science. ii: You’re in—now what? (cosponsored
ing community input for a study on the
Under the presidential theme of science future of materials research. “Frontiers by YCC), 11:45 AM to 1 PM
advocacy, President Campbell is host- of Materials Research: A Decadal Sur-
networking basics for students
ing an invitation-only ACS Chemistry on vey” will look at defining the frontiers of
the Hill Advocacy Workshop on Sunday (cosponsored by YCC and PROF), 1 to
materials research, ranging from tradi-
morning, Aug. 20. The workshop will tional materials science and engineer- 2:30 PM
provide younger chemists with practical ing to condensed-matter physics. Later undergraduate research orals 1:30 to
advice on engaging with Congress, as that evening, the Presidential LGBTQ+ 3:30 PM
well as hands-on training opportuni- Reception is sure to be a great event
ties via interactive role-playing. Later with more than 20 committees and divi- networking social with graduate
that afternoon, in conjunction with the sions cosponsoring. school recruiters, 2 to 5 PM
Royal Society of Chemistry, “Science Nine president-recommended sympo- aCs on Campus networking happy
Communications: The Art of Developing sia focus on issues of sustainability, hour: make Connections and advance
a Clear Message” will help members highlighting up-and-coming graduate Your Career (sponsored by ACS on
share stories on how to positively and researchers and celebrating diverse Campus), 5:30 to 8:30 PM
effectively communicate chemistry. It practitioners of chemistry. Details of
will also include an opportunity for audi- these presidential events and other rec-
Monday, Aug. 21
ence members to develop and practice ommended symposia can be found at
an elevator pitch on their chemical www.acs.org/dc2017. undergraduate hospitality Center,
research. Also on Sunday, “The Road 8:30 to 10 AM
Less Traveled: Career Opportunities in
the Job hunt: dos and don’ts of
the Government Sector,” organized by STUdENT & TEACHER applying and interviewing, 9 to 10:30
the Younger Chemists Committee, will ACTIvITIES am
provide career advice to those looking to
expand outside industrial or academic Education-focused programs and spe- Caffeination station (cosponsored by
career pathways. cialty activities are being held for under- YCC and PROF), 10:30 to 11:30 Am
On Monday, the all-day presidential graduate students, graduate students
eminent scientist lecture & luncheon
symposium “Building a Safety Culture and postdoctoral scholars, and high
with dr. mostafa a. el-sayed, georgia
across the Chemistry Enterprise” will school teachers. Explore these opportu-
institute of technology (cosponsored
feature a top-down approach in the nities in depth at www.acs.org/dc2017.
by CATL and POLY), noon to 1:30 Pm
morning session, followed by grass- undergraduate program. A vibrant
roots efforts in the afternoon. On the program designed especially for under- undergraduate research poster
public policy front, the Division of Small graduate students has been planned by session (cosponsored by CHED, AGFD,
Chemical Businesses is organizing the the Society Committee on Education’s ENVR, INOR, MEDI, PHYS, POLY, GEOC,
“Working in the Public Sector: Running Undergraduate Programs Advisory Board. and BIOT), 2 to 4 Pm
for Elected Office” symposium, and the This educational and career-oriented student speed networking with
Younger Chemists Committee is hosting program includes technical symposia Chemistry professionals, 4 to 5:15 Pm
a symposium on “Chemistry in an Evolv- and workshops on essential skills for
ing Political Climate: Research Priorities employment in chemistry and success sci-mix/successful student Chapter
& Career Pathways in Public Policy.” in graduate school. Eminent scientist posters, 8 to 10 PM

socia l & educ ational events

graduate & postdoctoral scholars

Monday, Aug. 21 Monday, Aug. 21
program. The Graduate & Postdoctoral
Scholars Office, with support from the materials that impact our daily lives YCC (Younger Chemists Committee)
Graduate Education Advisory Board, & the global economy: bring practical member insurance 5K Fun run/
provides and promotes programs and applications into the Chemistry se-04/$30 (regular)/se-05/$15
resources for graduate students and Classroom, 1:30 to 5 PM (student)
postdoctoral scholars. For more information, visit www.acs. 6:45 to 8 AM, Walter E. Washington
org/chemistryteacherprogram, or con-
Convention Center
Sunday, Aug. 20 tact the Office of High School Chemis-
try at [email protected] or (800) 227- wCC (women Chemists Committee)
Chemidp: planning for Your Career, 5558 ext. 2105. women in the Chemical enterprise
11:15 AM to 1 PM breakfast/se-06/$40 (regular)/
Faculty & postdoc afternoon se-07/$20 (student)
networking Coffee break, 4 to 6 PM TICKETEd EvENTS 7:30 to 9 AM, Marriott Marquis Wash-
ington DC, Independence E
Monday, Aug. 21 A variety of social and special events
will be held by event organizers dur- aCs women Chemists of Color
student speed networking with ing the meeting. Event participation is networking event/se-08/no charge
Chemistry professionals, 4 to 5:15 PM open to all interested registrants. View
10 to 11:30 AM, Marriott Marquis
an updated listing of social and special
graduate & postdoctoral scholars Washington DC, Scarlet Oak
events, including event locations, at
reception, 7 to 8:30 PM
www.acs.org/dc2017. Committee on minority affairs
academic employment initiative (aei), The following social events require a luncheon/se-09/$50 (regular)/
8 to 10 PM ticket, which can be purchased through se-10/$25 (student)
For more information about these events Attendee Registration. Tickets will 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, Marriott Marquis
and other ACS programs offered to grad- remain on sale until the evening before
Washington DC, Independence A–D
uate students and postdocs, visit www. the event, if available. All tickets are
acs.org/grad or contact the ACS Gradu- sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Chal (Chemistry & the law division)
ate & Postdoctoral Scholars Office at Cancellations or refund requests must award & networking lunch/
be made by July 31. No tickets will be se-11/$40
[email protected] or at (800) 227-5558,
refunded after that date.
ext. 4588. Noon to 1:30 PM, Acadiana, 901
high sChool ChemistrY teaCher
New York Avenue, N.W.
Sunday, Aug. 20
program. The Division of Chemi- undergraduate eminent scientist
Ched (division of Chemical
cal Education and the ACS Education education) high school-College lecture & luncheon/se-12/$35
Division are sponsoring the Chemis- interface luncheon/se-01/$45 (Ticket included at no charge with
try Teacher Program. It will include
(Ticket included at no charge with high undergraduate registration.)
presentations on current pedagogies,
school teacher registration.) Noon to 1:30 PM, Grand Hyatt Washing-
resources, and activities. The High
School-College Interface Luncheon Noon to 1 PM, Grand Hyatt Washington, ton, Independence Ballroom A
will bring together educators from all Independence D/E
CaCs (Chinese-american Chemical
grade levels with the goal of facilitating iaC (Committee on international society) dinner/se-13/$40
an exchange of ideas and networking activities) networking globally:
among teachers and professors. Debo- diplomacy & science/se-02/no
6:30 to 9:30 PM, Tony Cheng’s Seafood
rah Blum, the author of “The Poisoner’s charge Restaurant, 619 H St. N.W.
Handbook,” will present after the lun- 4 to 5:30 PM, Marriott Marquis Washing- YCC Finding balance between work
cheon. ton DC & life mixer for Younger Chemists/
High school and middle school teach- iaC international welcome
se-16/no charge
ers can register for the program directly reception/se-03/no charge 7 to 8 PM, Baby Wale, 1124 9th St.
through Attendee Registration as a pre- N.W.
(International registrants only.)
college teacher; the special registration
fee includes program materials, lunch, 5:30 to 7:30 PM, Marriott Marquis aCs graduate & postdoctoral
access to the full ACS meeting, and Washington DC, Independence D–H scholars reception/se-15/no charge
entry to the exposition. heroes of Chemistry awards/ (All graduate students should receive
se-14/$130 a ticket with registration. Postdocs
Sunday, Aug. 20 (Black tie event.) are invited to attend.)
Chemistry teacher program, 8:30 AM 6:30 to 10 PM, JW Marriott Washington 7 to 8:30 PM, Walter E. Washington
to 4:30 PM DC, Grand Ballroom Convention Center, Ballroom C

socia l & educ ational events

Division of Chemical Health & Safety Cannabis extraction. Saturday, Aug.

Tuesday, Aug. 22 (CHAS)-sponsored workshop fees 19, 8 AM to noon. Walter E. Washington
senior Chemists Committee (unless otherwise indicated). CHAS Convention Center. CHAS and CANN
breakfast/se-17/$20 member: full registration $375/early (Cannabis Chemistry Subdivision)
7:30 to 9:30 AM, Marriott Marquis registration $300; non-CHAS member: present a Cannabis Extraction
Washington DC, Independence E–H full registration $425/early registration workshop, which is a comprehensive
$350. Early registration ends June 26. review of current methodologies and
C&en master Class with phil baran & iKa K–12 science teachers who are Ameri- best practices in the extraction and
10:00 to 1:00 PM, Washington Conven- can Association of Chemistry Teacher processing of cannabis. Participants
tion Center, Ballroom A/B members: $99. Need-based scholar- will learn the latest developments
ships are available for K–12 science in extraction technologies, how to
CinF (Chemical information division) teachers; contact scholarships@ comply with regulations, and how to
luncheon/se-18/$30 labsafetyinstitute.org. operate safely. The workshop will have
Noon to 1:30 PM, Grand Hyatt Washing- extensive opportunity for questions with
registration is required for all Chas
ton, Constitution Ballroom B follow-up by phone and e-mail.
workshops. register online at dchas.
Coll (division of Colloid & surface org/workshop-registration-page. Cannabis analysis. Saturday, Aug. 19,
Chemistry) luncheon/se-19/$45 1:30 to 5 PM. Walter E. Washington
laboratory safety: advanced
Noon to 1:30 PM, Renaissance Washing- Concepts. Friday, Aug. 18, 8 AM to 5
Convention Center. CHAS and CANN
ton DC Downtown, Mt. Vernon Square A PM. Walter E. Washington Convention present a Cannabis Analysis workshop,
Center. The Laboratory Safety which is a comprehensive review
wCC luncheon/se-20/$50 of current testing requirements,
Institute will present a new course
(regular)/se-21/$25 (student) methodologies, and best practices in
that is designed to meet the needs
Noon to 1:30 PM, Marriott Marquis of scientists and science educators the analysis of cannabis and cannabis-
Washington DC, Independence E–H wanting to learn more about laboratory infused products. Participants will learn
safety. Laboratory Safety: Beyond the how to overcome testing challenges,
anYl (division of analytical how to comply with standards, and how
Fundamentals continues where LSI’s
Chemistry) reception/se-22/$25 to operate safely. The workshop will
introductory course (Laboratory Safety
(regular)/se-23/$5 (student) have extensive opportunity for questions
Workshop) leaves off and explores
5 to 7 PM, Grand Hyatt Washington, new areas in lab safety. There is an with follow-up by phone and email.
Lafayette Park emphasis on simple and inexpensive reactive Chemical management for
enVr (division of environmental steps to create more effective lab safety laboratories & pilot plants. Saturday,
Chemistry) reception/se-25/$20 programs and grow the culture of lab Aug. 19, 8 AM to 5 PM. Walter E.
safety. The workshop will have extensive Washington Convention Center.
6:30 to 8:30 PM, Pennsylvania 6, 1350 opportunity for questions with follow-up Chemical reactivity hazards contribute
I St. N.W. by phone and e-mail. This includes a to a significant number of incidents
enFl (division of energy & Fuels) one-hour conference call to help with in laboratories and pilot plants. This
awards dinner/se-24/$60 implementation of course concepts. workshop will provide participants
6:30 to 9 PM, Acadiana, 901 New York Course participants are encouraged to with the knowledge and skill to screen
Ave. N.W. submit in advance five questions or top- processes for potential hazards,
ics they wish to be sure are covered in recognize when reactive hazards are
Journey to mars reception/$60 the course: [email protected]. present, and implement appropriate
(member)/$110 (nonmember)/$10 controls to reduce the risk of an
laboratory waste management.
(student) incident associated with the hazards.
Friday, Aug. 18, 8 AM to 5 PM. Walter Workshop attendees will review case
6:30 to 10:30 PM, National Air & Space E. Washington Convention Center.
Museum studiesof actual incidents and do
CHAS offers the Laboratory Waste screening examples to understand the
enVr dinner/se-26/$60 Management workshop to assist screening and recognition process.
participants with the various regulatory Group discussions of control methods
7:30 to 9 PM, Pennsylvania 6, 1350 I requirements that apply to laboratories
St. N.W. will allow participants to share their
that generate hazardous waste, as well
experiences and to evaluate methods
as to provide insight into the options
for controlling reactivity risks.
for on-site management and off-site
WORKSHOPS disposal. Focus will include discussion how to be a more effective Chemical
on recycling and reclamation hygiene officer. Saturday, Aug. 19,
The following workshops require a techniques, economical handling 8 AM to 5 PM. Walter E. Washington
separate registration process and/or of wastes, and liability issues. Convention Center. CHAS offers the
entry fee to participate in the event, as The workshop will have extensive How to Be a More Effective Chemical
indicated in this listing. Participation is opportunity for questions with follow-up Hygiene Officer (CHO) workshop to
open to all interested registrants. by phone and e-mail. provide participants with a detailed

254th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition

Chemistry’s Impact
Global Economy
socia l & educ ational events

analysis of the CHO position and to document. The methods outlined in use of effective negotiating styles and
prepare for the CHO certification exam. this document are designed to address help define patterns of negotiations
Participants receive a clear perspective operations in research laboratory when choice and stress are factors.
on safety issues in the laboratory, settings, which are less defined Development of supporting data,
focusing on what the CHO does and how and more changeable than those options, and packaging solutions are
to do it better. The workshop covers the in teaching settings. The workshop examined relative to the case studies.
content areas of the certification exam, focuses on the Job Hazard Analysis
including a sample test in the same and Control Banding tools, which
format as the real one. Whether you are are appropriate for most laboratory
a new CHO or an “old” one, you will find research at the undergraduate
something to put to real use in this fast- level. Examples of Lessons Learned
paced presentation. The workshop will programs in the research setting will
have extensive opportunity for questions also be reviewed.
with follow-up by phone and e-mail.
Career launch & acceleration for
using aCs resources to teach lab postdoctoral associates/CoaCh-
safety. Saturday, Aug. 19, Walter E. the-CoaChes training. Saturday,
Washington Convention Center. Over the Aug. 19, 8 AM to 5 PM. Renaissance
past few years, ACS has released several Washington DC Downtown. Sponsored
important new resources and updated by COACh. Learn how to assimilate
others to support teaching laboratory fundamentals of responsible negotiation
safety at a variety of academic levels, and communication skills. Attendees
from secondary school to undergraduate will examine the Best Alternative to
and research settings. They are built a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)
around the RAMP paradigm supported concept as a tool to prepare and build
by the ACS Committee on Professional confidence and will learn communication
Training guidelines. styles that are effective for women, ACS CAREER
This two-part workshop will discuss
how ACS publications can be used to
how to project confidence, and how to
use powerful rather than weak words. NAvIGATOR
support chemical safety education and Discussions will focus on making the
best impression in the job interview aCs Career navigator is your home
a promote a proactive safety culture in
these settings. Each module, which has process, succeeding in the negotiating for career services, leadership
separate but complementary content, stage, and securing an academic development, professional education,
can be taken individually for an early appointment that will position you for and market intelligence resources.
registration price of $175 ($99 for career success. This workshop will We offer comprehensive and easily
AACT members), or both can be taken be held concurrently with the COACh- identified tools to help you achieve
for $350 ($198 for AACT members). the-COAChes workshop. Preregister at your career goals by landing a new job,
coach.uoregon.edu. Registration is free; finding a new career path, comparing
part 1: aCs safety tools for travel assistance is available. For more your salary, and viewing current trends
secondary school and undergraduate information, contact Priscilla Lewis at in the chemistry enterprise to make
labs. 8 AM to noon. This module will [email protected] or (541) 346-0116. more informed decisions.
use a variety of tools available from
CoaChing strong women in Opportunities abound at the ACS
ACS to cover topics such as recognizing
negotiation and leadership. Saturday, national meeting in Washington, D.C., for
hazards, assessing basic risks,
Aug. 19, 8 AM to 5 PM. Renaissance career development. Take advantage of
understanding the Globally Harmonized
Washington DC Downtown. Build the resources and tools the ACS Career
System of Classification and Labeling,
understanding of mutual-interest-based Navigator offers to help you succeed in
selecting personal protective
negotiations and problem solving, useful the global scientific enterprise. Are you
equipment, engineering controls, and
skills in both individual and leadership ready to get started? Refresh your skills
safely managing and storing chemicals
contexts. The content will focus on and branch into new areas of emerging
and chemical waste. The information
understanding the other parties’ science and advanced applications
presented in this module is appropriate
interests as well as negotiating for with an ACS Short Course. Take an ACS
for secondary school teachers
what you need to be successful. Skills Leadership Development System course
(including those who are preservice) as
taught include how to enhance personal to gain skills that can be immediately
well as undergraduate faculty.
presence with verbal and nonverbal use, applied in school or on the job. If you
part 2: aCs safety tools for how to develop options that enhance are an ACS member, stop by the ACS
Chemistry majors and research the chance of reaching an agreement, Career Fair in the Walter E. Washington
laboratories. 1:30 to 5 PM. In 2016, and how to lead groups using these Convention Center and speak to a
ACS released an updated web version skills. Participants will evaluate their personal career consultant or get a
of its “Identifying and Evaluating personal conflict-resolution styles using professional head shot taken. In short,
Hazards in Research Laboratories” case studies. The cases reinforce the whatever your career goals, the ACS

socia l & educ ational events

Career Navigator is here to help you bring a copy of your résumé or CV to all Careers in industrial Chemistry:
achieve and exceed them. We’ll see you appointments. All one-on-one on-site identifying Your role in the industrial
in Washington, D.C. career consulting sessions will take Value Chain, 1 to 3 PM
place in the Résumé Review/Mock
setting Yourself up for success in an
Interview area in the ACS Career Fair.
interview, 1 to 3 PM
ACS CAREER FAIR Sign-up begins at 9 AM on Sunday, Aug.
20, on a first-come, first-served basis. Finding Yourself: identifying a Career
Job seekers, are you looking to jump- that matches Your strengths and
Career and professional development
start your job search or enhance your Values, 1 to 4 PM
workshops. Our career-related
professional development? workshops on varying topics will help making the most of Your interview:
employers, are you looking to hire you with everything from improving your outshine the Competition, 3:30 to
scientists and engineers? Then you résumé to optimizing job performance 5:30 PM
need to attend the ACS Career Fair, to acing an interview. Workshop times résumé development: marketing Your
open Sunday–Wednesday, Aug. 20–23, are subject to change. Please consult brand for an industrial Chemistry
9 AM to 5 PM. The career fair is the the online workshop schedule at www. position, 3:30 to 5:30 PM
place where the best talent and the acs.org/careers for locations.
best employers in chemistry meet. networking: how to get started, 4:30
Sunday, Aug. 20 to 5:30 PM
The ACS Career Fair provides on-site
activities for job seekers to help them new technologies to Find Jobs and
Tuesday, Aug. 22
reach their career goals. ACS will help manage Your Career, 9:30 to 11 AM
you prepare for your next career move Careers in industrial Chemistry:
Chemidp: planning for Your Career, identifying Your role in the industrial
by providing resources that make it
possible to map out your personal job 11:15 AM to 1 PM Value Chain, 8 to 10 AM
search strategy, strengthen your résumé, Careers in industrial Chemistry: setting Yourself up for success in an
and build your interview skills, all with identifying Your role in the industrial interview, 8 to 10 AM
the support of career consultants. Value Chain, 1 to 3 PM
During the career fair, ACS members can Finding Yourself: identifying a Career
take full advantage of the following: setting Yourself up for success in an that matches Your strengths and
interview, 1 to 3 PM Values, 8 to 11 AM
• Networking opportunities
Finding Yourself: identifying a Career making the most of Your interview:
• Résumé reviews that matches Your strengths and outshine the Competition, 10:30 AM
• One-on-one career consulting Values, 1 to 4 PM to 12:30 PM
• Interview practice and skills building making the most of Your interview: networking: how to get started,
outshine the Competition, 3:30 to 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
• More than 30 career-related 5:30 PM
workshops résumé development: marketing Your
résumé development: marketing Your brand for an industrial Chemistry
• Keynote speakers presented live and brand for an industrial Chemistry position, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
via webcast position, 3:30 to 5:30 PM
the higher-ed landscape, 1 to 3 PM
• Live, on-site interviews on request networking: how to get started, 4:30
to 5:30 PM opportunities for Chemists in the
Not an ACS member? You are welcome Federal government, 1 to 3 PM
to network and engage with employers
on the expo floor. Monday, Aug. 21 Foreign national scientist obtaining
a Job in the u.s., 1:30 to 3 PM
please note: We cannot guarantee Finding Your market, defining Your
that you will secure interviews at the business, 8 to 10 AM writing excellent proposals, 3:30 to
ACS Career Fair. Interviewing is strictly 5 PM
the higher-ed landscape, 8 to 10 AM
contingent on the availability of positions how to Find and apply for a
and the credentials and qualifications opportunities for Chemists in the
Chemistry position in the Federal
that employers are seeking. Federal government, 8 to 10 AM
government, 3:30 to 5:30 PM
one-on-one career consulting. higher ed: presenting Yourself, 10:30
higher ed: presenting Yourself, 3:30
Individual, 30-minute appointments AM to 12:30 PM
to 5:30 PM
with career consultants are available
how to Find and apply for a
on-site and online. These consults
Chemistry position in the Federal Wednesday, Aug. 23
can help you strengthen your résumé,
government, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
improve your interviewing skills, and Careers in industrial Chemistry:
design a job search or comprehensive Your sales, marketing & Financing identifying Your role in the industrial
professional growth strategy. Please plan, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM Value Chain, 8 to 10 AM

socia l & educ ational events

setting Yourself up for success in an Employers will receive an e-mail organiC/phYsiCal ChemistrY
interview, 8 to 10 AM confirmation and must visit the ACS
1-d & 2-d nmr spectroscopy: structure
Career Fair Information Booth to pick up
Finding Yourself: identifying a Career determination of small-molecule
their blue badge. For more information,
that matches Your strengths and organic Compounds, Aug. 22–23
please visit www.acs.org/careerfair. You
Values, 8 to 11 AM can also contact Heather McNeill at by dispersions in liquids: suspensions,
making the most of Your interview: phone (202) 452-8918 or by e-mail at emulsions & Foams, Aug. 21–22
outshine the Competition, 10:30 AM [email protected].
organic synthesis: methods &
to 12:30 PM strategies for the 21st-Century
résumé development: marketing Your Chemist, Aug. 19–20
brand for an industrial Chemistry
position, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM EdUCATION SHORT
COURSES polymeric Coatings, Aug. 19–20
networking: how to get started,
polymer science & technology, Aug.
11:30 AM to 12:30 The following short courses, 19–20
specifically designed to improve
employers: Find the talent you need at
the skills and marketability of proFessional deVelopment
the aCs Career Fair. Leading employers
chemical scientists and technicians, effective technical writing, Aug. 19–20
around the world trust and depend on
are offered in conjunction with the
ACS to provide them with the talent project management for technical
national meeting. ACS member, early
they need to innovate and excel. At professionals, Aug. 19–20
registration, and group discount
our last event, approximately 1,000 rates are available. A course fee and
global job seekers—from recent grads write Your own patent applications,
registration separate from the national Aug. 20
to seasoned professionals—met with meeting are required. For more
recruiters seeking to fill positions in all information on ACS Short Courses, to Chemistry for nonchemists: the
facets of chemistry, pharmaceuticals, obtain pricing details, or to view a full basics, language & Function of
and biotechnology. course catalog, visit www.proed.acs. Chemistry, Aug. 22–23
The ACS Careers Jobs Database org. If you have questions, call (202) regulatorY/enVironmental
can help manage your employer 872-4508, fax (202) 872-6336, or
e-mail [email protected]. Quality management of the
account, post jobs, search for qualified
laboratory, Aug. 20
candidates, and schedule career fair analYtiCal
interviews. Moreover, participating in intellectual property strategies for
the ACS Career Fair enables you to essentials of modern hplC/uhplC 1: technical professionals, Aug. 20
Fundamentals & applications,
accomplish the following: methods development, Validation
Aug. 19
• Connect with top talent via on-site procedures & regulatory Compliance
analysis & interpretation of mass issues, Aug. 19–20
spectral data, Aug. 19–20
• Screen candidates, and make write Your own patent applications,
essentials of modern hplC/uhplC 2: Aug. 20
appointments in advance.
practice, operation, troubleshooting
• Find the personnel your company & method development, Aug. 20 highlights of Fda and other cgmp
needs to thrive, from entry- to regulations, Aug. 21
1-d & 2-d nmr spectroscopy: structure
executive-level positions. determination of small-molecule
• Meet qualified candidates informally organic Compounds, Aug. 22–23
via networking forums. biologiCal/pharmaCeutiCal/ dEvELOPMENT SYSTEM
• Extend your presence for 30 days mediCinal ChemistrY COURSE OFFERINGS
after the career fair via the ACS jobs application of pharmacokinetics &
database. safety pharmacology for Chemists in Whether you are a manager,
drug development, Aug. 19–20 experienced professional, or new
Looking for a more traditional career member of the workforce, we invite
fair experience? Employers can Computers/statistiCs/ you to attend an ACS Leadership
purchase booth space inside the engineering Development System course held at
exposition hall, enabling your company the ACS national meeting. The following
to maximize its ability to showcase Chemical engineering for Chemists,
four-hour facilitated courses refundable
products and services and connect with Aug. 19–20
deposit of $50 each (refunded after
job seekers. Employers can sign up experimental design for productivity attendance) for ACS members and
for the ACS Career Fair Recruiters Row and Quality in research & $300 each for nonmembers. Register
package online at www.acs.org/careers. development, Aug. 19–21 for these courses when you register for

socia l & educ ational events

the meeting. For more information and the tools and skills to do this effectively. online exposition. The online exposition
full course descriptions, visit www.acs. This course will teach a proven, is a component within the exhibitor
org/leadershipdevelopment. systematic process to generate ideas. directory that enables attendees to view
You will learn your innovation style and videos, press releases, brochures, and
Collaborating across boundaries.
how to stimulate innovative thinking flyers of participating exhibitors. Access
Sunday, Aug. 20, 1 to 5 PM. Do among team members and colleagues.
you work with people from other the online exposition at www.acs.org/
departments or from other countries? leading without authority. Tuesday, dc2017 to learn more about exhibiting
As the world becomes more Aug. 22, 1 to 5 PM. Whether in a lab, companies and to download product
complex, the ability to reach across in the office, in the classroom, or on a information.
boundaries to work on projects volunteer committee, you will likely find Free exhibitor workshops. Exhibitors
and share information is critical to yourself leading others without formal will host free workshops on the
organizational success. It’s a matter or “positional” authority and need to be exposition floor and in private rooms
not just of communication but also able to influence them to accomplish inside the convention center. These
of genuine collaboration—working the project. This four-hour, interactive
workshops will introduce new products
in partnership to achieve common workshop provides practical tools to
and services, build skills with specific
goals, create innovative solutions, and help you gain cooperation and engage
tools and techniques, and highlight
share expertise. Learn strategies and others in accomplishing the project and
innovative applications that may
tools to be more effective in leading team goals.
improve your productivity. Exhibitor
collaborative efforts, and gain practical workshop registration will be available
skills that you can apply immediately at www.acs.org/dc2017 on June 16.
in the lab, at school, in the office, or at ExPOSITION
ACS. special events. Join us for several ACS
see what’s new inside the division poster sessions on the expo
leading change. Monday, Aug. 21, 8
exposition. Visit the ACS National floor. Don’t forget to visit us on Sunday
AM to 12 PM. If you are involved in Exposition at the Walter E. Washington from 6 to 8:30 PM for the Attendee
shifting team priorities, changing the Convention Center, Halls A & B, from Welcome Reception. Have an afternoon
direction of a project, or reconfiguring Sunday, Aug. 20, through Tuesday, Aug. break while meeting the ACS president-
teams, understanding how people react 22. The show hours will be Sunday, 6 elect candidates inside the exposition
to change and how to help yourself and to 8:30 PM, and Monday and Tuesday, on Monday from 1 to 3 PM. Take
others effectively deal with the changes 9 AM to 5 PM. another afternoon break on Tuesday
is a key to increasing your professional
success. This four-hour course Companies will showcase services, from 3 to 5 PM and visit the exhibitors
provides you with a stepwise process instruments, books, computer before the exposition closes.
to lead change and guide others more hardware, scientific software, and internet & technology. Use free
effectively through the change process. an array of chromatographic, lab, internet access and leave messages
and safety equipment. Technical for one another at the Meeting Mail
strategic planning. Monday, Aug. 21, personnel will be available to give
1 to 5 PM. Gain understanding of the terminals located throughout the
demonstrations, answer questions,
structure and contents of a strategic plan meeting and inside the exposition.
and discuss your specific needs and
as well as the impact that strategy has on Also enjoy free Wi-Fi service at the
interests. Join us at the ACS booth
your work and an organization’s success. convention center.
in the middle of the exposition floor,
You will learn how to become a “partner where ACS staff units will present the admission requirements & expo-only
in planning” with other leaders as you many benefits, services, products, and registration. Exposition admission is
develop a plan for your unit that aligns merchandise offered by ACS. complimentary for all national meeting
with the executive-level strategic goals. registrants; however, you are required
Visit the revamped ACS Career Fair
Fostering innovation. Tuesday, Aug. inside the Exposition where you’ll to wear your badge. Individuals who
22, 8 AM to noon. Keeping pace in meet recruiters from top employers. want to visit the exhibits without
an environment of constant change Create an online profile and upload registering for the technical component
requires innovation. Whether you your résumé to our database, where of the national meeting can obtain an
are part of a nonprofit, business, or recruiters can schedule in-person expo-only badge for $60. Students
academic environment, the ability to interviews with you. While at the career with school identification can obtain an
contribute to the creation of new ideas, fair, network with potential employers expo-only badge for $30. Registration
new processes, and new approaches is and drop off your résumé, attend Career can be handled online, by mail, or in
a key to success. Coming up with new Pathways workshops, and meet with person at ACS Attendee Registration at
ideas is challenging, and few of us have ACS career consultants. the convention center.

P ro gram s ummary

SPEAKER INSTRUCTIONS • Screen (16:9 screens) dell laptops:

• lighted podium XPS 2 in 1 Touch Screen
no reCording please.
• podium microphone or lapel Inspiron 4K HD Touch Screen
The use of any device to capture images microphone
(e.g., cameras and camera phones) or Inspiron Touch Screen AMD A8-Series
sound (e.g., tape and digital recorders) or • laser pointer Inspiron Intel Core i5
stream, upload or rebroadcast speakers laptop ConneCtiVitY inFormation samsung laptops:
or presentations is strictly prohibited at all ACS will provide a “standard Hdmi Galaxy
official ACS meetings and events without cable” in all meeting rooms. therefore, it Pro Touch Screen Chromebook
the express written consent from the ACS. is imperative for speakers to supply their
own mac or windows-based laptop com- Chromebook Plus Touch Screen
All speakers must register and pay the
appropriate registration fee to present puter’s dongle/adaptor to connect to the lenoVo laptops:
and attend during the meeting. Invited “standard Hdmi cable”. If unsure of the Yoga 720 i5
speakers should contact their sympo- correct adaptor, the laptop connectivity Yoga 900s
sium organizer or division program chair specifications can be found on the com-
Yoga 910 Intel Core i7
to clarify terms of their invitation. puter manufacturer’s website. 
Some of the ThinkPad Laptops
poster session guidelines Mac laptops will need a “dongle” to con-
nect to the HDMI cable.  From the Apple Miix 510
• All materials must be confined to:
Website – the type of dongle/adaptor IdeaPad 100
- Convention Center: 4’ high by 8’ wide required to connect to our HDMI cable: aCer laptops:
display board
• macbook air - HDMI audio and video Aspire R
- Hotels: 4’ high by 6’ wide display board output using third-party Mini Display- Switch Alpha 12
• Authors must mount their poster dur- Port to HDMI Adapter (sold separately)
ing the one hour before the scheduled Swift 7
• macbook - HDMI video output using
session start. alienware laptops
USB-C Digital AV Multiport Adapter
• Poster numbers supplied by ACS will (sold separately) Alienware R3
be in the upper corner of each poster • macbook Pro – Thunderbolt 3 digital Alienware R2
board. This number corresponds with video output; Native DisplayPort out- asus laptop:
the number assigned to each poster put over USB-C; HDMI and Thunderbolt Touch Screen Laptops
in the technical program. 2 output supported using adapters Not all Zenbooks
• Pushpins will be available at the (sold separately)
poster session. Flip C302CA
The most popular windows-based lap-
• Authors must remain with their post- ROG
tops (not exclusively limited to these
ers for the duration of their scheduled models) without an HDMI connection CYbertron laptops:
session, as indicated in the technical port are listed below. An adaptor will be Titan
program. required to connect these computers to Tesseract
• All posters must remain up until the the HDMI cable: Projection Presentation Technology is the
session ends; they must be removed hp laptops: audio visual provider and they will have
within one hour. ACS cannot assume EliteBook Folio G1 Notebook technicians available to assist speakers
responsibility for materials beyond with connecting their adaptors to the
these time limits. EliteBook 745 G4 Notebook
HDMI cable.  However, due to the increas-
sCi-mix poster session guidelines
EliteBook 840 G3 Notebook ing number of different windows-based
Sci-Mix presenters may begin poster EliteBook 820 G3 Notebook laptop and Mac laptop adaptors required,
setup at 7:15 PM. Each presenter may be EliteBook 850 G3 Notebook Projection may not able to accommodate
accompanied by one assistant only, and EliteBook 850 G4 Notebook last minute adaptor requests on site.
both people are required to arrive together speaKer readY rooms
Chromebook 13 G1
when entering the hall. After exiting, pre- As a presenter, you may use the speaker
Probook 650 G2 Notebook
senters will not be permitted to reenter ready rooms to preview your presenta-
the hall until the session begins at 8 PM. Spectre 13 – v151nr tion and ensure capability with the LCD
oral presentation guidelines miCrosoFt laptops: projectors. We strongly recommend
Surface Pro 4 that all presenters come to the speaker
aCs proVisions
ready room the day before their presen-
Each technical session meeting room Surface Pro
tation. The hours of operation are
will be equipped with the following: Surface Book 3–5 PM Saturday and 7 AM–6 PM
• LCD projector Surface Laptop Sunday through Thursday.

P ro gram s ummary

ABSTRACTS & PREPRINTS through ACS Attendee Registration Office of Society Services, 1155 16th
either online before July 10 or on-site St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036;
online teChniCal program. The in Washington, DC from August 20 -24.
online technical program for the 254th 800-227-5558. Abstracts USB flash
The ACS member fee is $65 each; drives and their shipping costs are
ACS National Meeting is now avail- the non-member fee is $90 each.
able at www.acs.org/WDC17 . You can Attendees can pick up their abstracts nonrefundable.
search by divisions or committees, on-site at ACS Attendee Registration at graphiCal abstraCts. Graphical
symposia, speakers, or keywords from the Walter E. Washington Convention abstracts from the polymer chemistry
abstracts as well as presidential events Center. You can have a USB flash drive
and the multidisciplinary them of “Chem- division may be ordered directly from
shipped to you if you place your order the division. You can purchase them by
istry’s Impact on a Global Economy.”
before July 10, pay an $8.00 post-
abstraCts (usb Flash driVe). age fee per item, and provide a valid emailing Kathy Mitchern ([email protected])
Abstracts of all scientific sessions street address within the U.S. If you or inquiring about these products at the
at the meeting can be purchased in are not attending the meeting, you can hospitality table from the division near
USB flash drive (thumb drive) format purchase abstracts only from the ACS their meeting rooms.

254th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition

Chemistry’s Impact
Global Economy

Kavli Foundation Lecture Series


August 20 -24, 2017

Washington, DC

Undergraduate Program
Hospitality Center Hospitality Center
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:30 – 10:00 a.m.
Independence Ballroom A, Grand Hyatt Washington Independence Ballroom A, Grand Hyatt Washington

Symposium: Making an Impact on Public

The Job Hunt: Do’s and Don’ts of Applying and
Perceptions of Chemistry through Outreach
9:00 – 10:40 a.m. 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Constitution Ballroom B, Grand Hyatt Washington
Farragut Square/Lafayette Park, Grand Hyatt Washington
Cosponsored by YCC, CPRC, & PROF
Caffeination Station
Grad School Reality Check, Part 1:
10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Getting In Independence Ballroom A, Grand Hyatt Washington
10:30 – 11:45 a.m. Cosponsored by YCC & PROF
Farragut Square/Lafayette Park, Grand Hyatt Washington
Cosponsored by YCC Eminent Scientist Luncheon and Lecture,
All events are sponsored or
featuring Dr. Mostafa A. El-Sayed,
cosponsored by the Grad School Reality Check Part 2:
Society Committee on Georgia Institute of Technology,
You’re in, Now What?
Education Undergraduate The Many Great Advantages of
11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Programs Advisory Board. Gold Photothermal Therapy of Cancer
Farragut Square/Lafayette Park, Grand Hyatt Washington
CHAIR: Cosponsored by YCC 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
Michael R. Adams, Independence Ballroom A, Grand Hyatt Washington
Xavier University of Networking Basics for Students Cosponsored by CATL and POLY
Louisiana, New Orleans 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Farragut Square/Lafayette Park, Grand Hyatt Washington Undergraduate Research Poster Session
Cosponsored by by PROF and YCC 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Amina K. El-Ashmawy,
Hall D, Walter. E. Washington Convention Center
Collin College, McKinney, TX Undergraduate Research Orals
1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Student Speed Networking with
Independence Ballroom B, Grand Hyatt Washington Chemistry Professionals
4:00 – 5:15 p.m.
Networking Social with Grad School Recruiters Hall C, Walter. E. Washington Convention Center
2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Hall C, Walter. E. Washington Convention Center The Fred Kavli Foundation Innovation in
Chemistry Lecture
ACS on Campus Networking Happy Hour:
5:15 – 6:30 p.m.
Make Connections and Advance your Career Ballroom D/E, Walter. E. Washington Convention Center
5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St., NW, Washington, DC 20001 Sci-Mix/Successful Student Chapters
Sponsored by ACS on Campus 8:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Hall D/E, Walter E. Washington Convention Center

Times and events subject to change. To view the latest program updates, visit acs.org/UndergradMeetingInfo
P ro gram s ummary


presidential events PRES multidisciplinary program planning MPPG
group (continued)
A. Campbell, Program Chair N. Jackson, Program Chair
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC/ Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th
Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th Sustaining Water Resources: Environmental A
Science Communications: The Art of P & Economic Impact **
Developing a Clear Message **
2017 C&EN Talented 12 ** A
Building a Safety Culture across the D
Chemistry Enterprise ** The Fred Kavli Innovations in Chemistry P
Understanding the Chemistry of Our Planet D Lecture
** The Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in P
Advancing Graduate Education: D Chemistry Lecture
Opportunities & Challenges * (CHED)
The Road Less Traveled: Career ACS Pharma Leaders: Working Together to P
P Make a Difference **
Opportunities in the Government Sector *
(YCC) Nano Commercialization: Views from the P
Sustaining Water Resources: Environmental A Front
& Economic Impact * (MPPG) ChemRxiv: Publishing in the Age of Preprint A
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Research, D D Servers: A Joint CSR-ACS Symposium
Innovation & Commercialization * (ENFL)
Chemistry in an Evolving Political Climate: Merck Research Award Symposium * (WCC) A
Research Priorities & Career Pathways in Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Research, D D
Public Policy * (YCC) Innovation & Commercialization * (ENFL)
Working in the Public Sector: Running for P Journey to Mars: Materials, Energy & Life DE D
Elected Office * (SCHB) Sciences * (POLY)
ACS Pharma Leaders: Working Together to P
Make a Difference * (MPPG) Monitoring Water Quality & Infrastructure to P E
Transformative Research & Excellence in Prevent Future Flints * (ENVR)
Education Award * (COMSCI) Economic Impact of Environmental Health DE
Ladies in Waiting for Nobel Prizes: D Research: A Case Study of the NIEHS
Overlooked Accomplishments of Women Superfund Research Program * (ENVR)
Chemists * (HIST)
GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders of D
Giants—Developing Chemistries for
Improved Global Health *(CHED) academic employment initiative A E I
Journey to Mars: Materials, Energy & Life DE D
Sciences * (POLY) C. Kuniyoshi, N. Bakowski, Program Chairs
Earle B. Barnes Award for Leadership in Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th
Chemical Research Management: Symposium P
in Honor of Laurie E. Locascio * (ANYL) Academic Employment Initiative E

multidisciplinary program planning MPPG

N. Jackson, Program Chair *Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;
located with primary organizer.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th **Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.
Chemistry's Impact on the Global Economy P CIGE: Chemistry’s Impact on the Global Economy
Plenary Session A = AM AE = AM/EVE D = AM/PM DE = AM/PM/EVE

P ro gram s ummary

division of agricultural & Food AGFD division of agrochemicals AGRO

B. Guthrie, Program Chair S. Jackson, Program Chair
Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown S M Tu W Th
From Fermentation to Fume Hood: The D A Advances in Residue Analytical Methods: A
Chemistry of Wine CIGE Innovation, Current Status & Future
Food Additives & Packaging D D Prospects **
Link between Dietary Inputs, Stressors & the D Mechanistic Modeling & Effectiveness A
Gut Microbiome: Military Perspective of Buffer Strips for Pesticide Regulatory
Entrepreneurs in the Agriculture & Food P
Industries ** Risk Assessment & Beyond: Innovative A
Approaches to Meet FIFRA & ESA
General Posters E Consultation Needs
Food Safety & Labeling: Food & Flavor D D Roles of Natural Products for Biorational D A
Regulations, Progress & Challenges in the Pesticides in Agriculture
Pursuit to Serve the Consumer **
Environmental Fate, Transport & Modeling of P A
Impact of Carbonyl & Glycative Stress on D Agriculturally Related Chemicals **
Diabetic & Aging-Related Diseases **
Pesticides, Pollinator Health & Agricultural P A
General Papers P D Sustainability
Sci-Mix E Veterinary Drugs: Research, Residues & P A
Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry A Regulations
Best Paper Award & Young Scientist Award Agrochemical Formulations ** P
Symposium **
Managing Pesticide Use & Use Data D A
Advancing Analytical Methods in Food D D
Forensics & Authentication ** Advances in Insecticide Mode of Action, P D
Chemistry & Resistance
Advances in Flavor Analysis ** D
Atmospheric Fate & Transport of Agricultural P D
AGFD Award Symposium in Honor of Ronald P Emissions **
E. Wrolstad
2,4-D Human Exposure Data: Lessons from P
Food-Borne Toxicants: Formation, Analysis & D A Decades of Study **
Toxicology CIGE
Fate & Metabolism of Agrochemicals: Early P
Natural Alternatives to Artificial Food D Career Scientist
Sci-Mix E
Nanoscale Sensing in Foods & Other Complex D
Media ** Application of Spatial Technologies to A
Advance Exposure Modeling & Risk
Analysis of Nutrients & Bioactive P Assessments **
Compounds in Foods & Dietary Supplements:
Methodologies & Challenges for Databases Sterling Hendricks Memorial Lecture Award A
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased D D D D D Pesticide Registration, Monitoring & D
Materials & Biocatalysis * (POLY) Enforcement
Recent Advances towards the D Advanced Techniques for Isolation, P
Bioeconomy * (CELL) Identification & Quantitation of Ag-Pharma-
Relevant Compounds from Biological
Preparing for Employment in a Global P Samples
Workforce * (IAC)
Tiered Testing for Pollinator Protection: P
Undergraduate Research Posters * (CHED) P Experiences in Design, Implementation &
Biological Targets of Botanical Supplements P Interpretation
* (TOXI)

P ro gram s ummary

division of agrochemicals AGRO division of agrochemicals AGRO

(continued) (continued)
S. Jackson, Program Chair S. Jackson, Program Chair
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown S M Tu W Th Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown S M Tu W Th
Emerging Mass Spectrometry Trends A Nanoscale Sensing in Foods & Other Complex D
in Support of Agricultural Research & Media * (AGFD)
Analytical, Environmental & Regulatory A
Challenges with Legalized Cannabis ** division of analytical Chemistry ANYL
Biorational Control of Medical & Veterinary D D
Pests K. Phinney, L. Baker, Program Chairs
AGRO Memorial Symposium: Remembering D Grand Hyatt Washington S M Tu W Th
Bob Krieger & Richard Allen
Advances in Spectroscopy Applied to A
Developing Pesticide Environmental Risk D Biological & Materials Chemistry
Assessment Approaches **
Analytical Toxicology in the 21st Century ** A
Communicating Pesticide Science to the P D
Public CIGE Pigments, Coatings & Paper A
Advances in Analysis of Agriculturally P Nanotechnology & Single-Cell Analysis in D D
Important Chemicals Biology & Medicine **
Environmental Fate of Agrochemicals P New Approaches to Teaching: Strategies, D
Instrumentation, Standards **
Good Laboratory Practices for the P
Agrochemical Professional ** Analytical Chemistry in the Context of P D
Cultural Heritage **
Pesticide Use & Regulatory Issues P
Bispecific Antibody Therapeutics P
Assessing Human & Ecosystem Health Risks P
of Agrochemicals Oxidative Stress & Antioxidants: P
Measurement Tools & Analytical Challenges
Discoveries in the Chemistry of Pest Control P **
Pollinators, Pesticides & Risk Assessment P Analytical Techniques Used to Address E D D
Species Habitat Determination & Chemical A FDA Regulatory Questions & Challenges
Exposure Routes & Timing Analytical Division Poster Session E
Synthesis & Chemistry of Agrochemicals ** D Advances in Electrochemistry D
Current Regulatory & Scientific Landscape of P Self-Assembly & Noncovalent D
Mixture Toxicity & Risk Assessment Interactions: The Fundamental Science of
Ecological & Human Health Impacts of D A E Supramolecular Materials **
Emerging Environmental Contaminants * Sci-Mix E
ANYL Division Award Symposium A
Measurements & Methods in Environmental D E
Nanotechnology * (ENVR) Characterization of Macromolecules & A
Nanoparticles by Hyphenated Separation
Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry A Approaches
Best Paper Award & Young Scientist Award
Symposium * (AGFD)
Changes in Chemical Risk Assessment DE A
under Amended TSCA: Approaches &
Implementation * (ENVR) *Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;
Advances in Environmental Analytical E A located with primary organizer.
Methods for EPA Compliance Reporting & **Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.
Exposure Risk Assessment * (ENVR)
CIGE: Chemistry’s Impact on the Global Economy

P ro gram s ummary

division of analytical Chemistry ANYL division of analytical Chemistry ANYL

(continued) (continued)
K. Phinney, L. Baker, Program Chairs K. Phinney, L. Baker, Program Chairs
Grand Hyatt Washington S M Tu W Th Grand Hyatt Washington S M Tu W Th
Developments in ICP/MS: Advancing D GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders of D
Environmental & Clinical Analyses Giants—Developing Chemistries for
Nanotechnology: Fabrication, Applications & D Improved Global Health * (CHED)
Impact Advances in Flavor Analysis * (AGFD) D
Advances in Multidimensional Separations P Journey to Mars: Materials, Energy & Life DE D
Earle B. Barnes Award for Leadership P Sciences * (POLY)
in Chemical Research Management: Advanced Mass Spectrometric Techniques in P
Symposium in Honor of Laurie E. Locascio ** Toxicology * (TOXI)
Advances in Analytical Forensic Chemistry & A Chemistry in the Age of Cheap Computing * A
Toxicology ** (CHED)
Decentralized Medicine: Diagnostics in the A Nanoscale Sensing in Foods & Other Complex D
21st Century Media * (AGFD)
Graduate Fellows Symposium A
Instrumentation & Methods to Characterize D
Nanomaterials Critical to the Global
division of biochemical technology BIOT
M. O’Malley, V. Roy, Program Chairs
Nanopores, Nanopipettes & Nanocapillaries D
as Tools for Analytical Chemistry Located with Primary Sponsor S M Tu W Th

Label-Free Assay of Oncogenic Biomolecules P D Recombinant Type Materials * (PMSE) D D

(mRNA, microRNA, Aptamers & Proteins) Undergraduate Research Posters * (CHED) P
Advances in Separations P
Chemical Tools to Quantify the Tumor P
Advances in Nanosensors & Terahertz: A division of biological Chemistry BIOL
Current Applications & Future Direction for
the 21st Century L. Hedstrom, S. Kelley, Program Chairs
New Separation Technologies That Advance A Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th
& Support Bioanalyses Repligen Award for the Chemistry of A
Recent Advances in Stationary Phase Design A Biological Processes
in Liquid Chromatography Gordon Hammes Award Lecture P
Advances & Applications of Imaging Mass P Mitochondrial Chemical Biology P
Eli Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry A
Advances in Mass Spectrometry P
Early-Career Investigators in Biological P P
Measurements & Methods in Environmental D E Chemistry **
Nanotechnology * (ENVR)
Midcareer Investigators in Biological P A
Undergraduate Research Posters * (CHED) P Chemistry
Trace Organic Contaminants (TrOCs) A E Sci-Mix E
in Aquatic Systems: Advancements in
Monitoring & Remediation * (ENVR) Pfizer Award in Enzyme Chemistry A
Advancing Analytical Methods in Food D D Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Fellow P P D
Forensics & Authentication * (AGFD) Symposium **

P ro gram s ummary

division of biological Chemistry BIOL division of business development B M GT

(continued) & management
L. Hedstrom, S. Kelley, Program Chairs J. Cohen, Program Chair
Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S M Tu W Th
Current Topics in Biochemistry E Chemical Angel Network: Chemists Investing P
ACS Infectious Diseases Young Investigators A in Chemical Companies **
Award Symposium ** Fostering a Quality Culture in Research & A
Chemical Biology of Infectious Disease P Development **
Merck Research Award Symposium * (WCC) A Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Research, D D
Innovation & Commercialization * (ENFL)
Experimental & Computational Advances D D P A
in Understanding Enzyme Specificity & Building a Safety Culture across the D
Promiscuity * (PHYS) Chemistry Enterprise * (PRES)
Nanotechnology & Single-Cell Analysis in D D How to Get Your First Industrial Job * (YCC) A
Biology & Medicine * (ANYL) GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders of D
Science Communications: The Art of P Giants—Developing Chemistries for
Developing a Clear Message * (PRES) Improved Global Health * (CHED)
Many Colors of Copper * (INOR) D DE D Understanding the Chemistry of Our Planet D
* (PRES)
Impact of Carbonyl & Glycative Stress on D
Diabetic & Aging-Related Diseases * (AGFD) Journey to Mars: Materials, Energy & Life DE D
Sciences * (POLY)
Building a Safety Culture across the D
Chemistry Enterprise * (PRES)
Chemistry in an Evolving Political Climate: D
Research Priorities & Career Pathways in
Public Policy * (YCC) division of Carbohydrate CARB
Undergraduate Research Posters * (CHED) P
N. Snyder, Program Chair
Transformative Research & Excellence in P
Education Award * (COMSCI) Grand Hyatt Washington S M Tu W Th

Trace Organic Contaminants (TrOCs) A E Glycomimetics as Antibiotic-Sparing D

in Aquatic Systems: Advancements in Therapeutics for Infectious Disease **
Monitoring & Remediation * (ENVR) Carbohydrate-Based Vaccines & D
Informatics & Chemical Biology: Identifying A Adjuvants **
Targets & Biological Pathways * (CINF) General Posters E
Cross-Link DNA Repair * (TOXI) A Derek Horton Award in Industrial A
Understanding the Chemistry of Our Planet D Carbohydrate Chemistry
* (PRES) Frontiers in Carbohydrate Synthesis ** P
Memorial Symposium Honoring Justine Roth: P Sci-Mix E
Oxygen & Isotope Effects in Mechanisms, Advances in Glycan Structure & D D
from Enzymes to Small Molecules * (INOR) Dynamics **
Impact of Materials, Surface Chemistry DE D Recent Advances towards the D
& Modifications on Biofilm Formation in Bioeconomy * (CELL)
Environmental Remediation & Engineering
Applications * (ENVR)
*Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;
located with primary organizer.
**Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.

CIGE: Chemistry’s Impact on the Global Economy


P ro gram s ummary

division of Carbohydrate CARB division of Catalysis science & C AT L

Chemistry (continued) technology (continued)
N. Snyder, Program Chair K. Ramasamy, Program Chair
Grand Hyatt Washington S M Tu W Th Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th
Science Communications: The Art of P Vehicle Emission Control Catalysis: New Era, P D
Developing a Clear Message * (PRES) New Challenges & New Solutions ** CIGE
Sustainable Design of Polymers from A Nanoporous Materials for Catalysis in Global P D
Xylochemicals * (CELL) Economy CIGE
Building a Safety Culture across the D Advances in Carbon Dioxide Utilization ** P D
Chemistry Enterprise * (PRES) General Catalysis E A
Chemistry in an Evolving Political Climate: D Energy & Fuels Storch Award in Fuel Science: D D
Research Priorities & Career Pathways in Symposium in Honor of Umit S. Ozkan *
Public Policy * (YCC) (ENFL)
Understanding the Chemistry of Our Planet D Electrochemical Technologies for Water D E
* (PRES) Purification * (ENVR)
Environmental Applications of Liquid-Phase P A E
Catalysis for Green Chemical Processes of
division of Catalysis science & C AT L Renewable Materials * (ENVR)
technology Nano-Enabled Water Treatment P D E
K. Ramasamy, Program Chair Technologies: Applications &
Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th Implications * (ENVR)
Catalytic Transformation of Renewable Plant D A A Heterogeneous Catalysis for Environmental P E
Biomass to Enhance Global Economy ** CIGE & Energy Applications * (ENVR)
Mixed-Metal-Oxide Catalysis D A Eminent Scientist Lecture * (SOCED) P
Cooperative Catalysis at Surfaces & D D A Intellectual Property Considerations When P
Interfaces: Impact on Chemistry & Energy Entering into a Joint Venture * (CHAL)
Frontiers ** CIGE Green Chemistry & the Environment * DE
Metal-Support Interactions in Catalysis: D D A (ENVR)
Modeling, Characterization & Design
Advanced Electrocatalysis for Energy D D
Conversion & Storage CIGE
Catalysis at the Subnanometer Scale D
division of Cellulose & CELL
renewable materials
2017 ACS Catalysis Lectureship for the A
Advancement of Catalytic Science
M. Roman, Program Chair
Emerging Catalytic Processes for Methane P A
Conversion ** CIGE Grand Hyatt Washington S M Tu W Th
Advances in Computational Catalysis CIGE P D D Recent Advances towards the D
2016 ACS Catalysis Lectureship for the P Bioeconomy **
Advancement of Catalytic Science: Honoring General Posters E
Matthias Beller
Sustainable Design of Polymers from A
Sci-Mix E Xylochemicals **
Multimodal Characterization of D D Sci-Mix E
Functional Energy Materials **
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased D D D D D
New Paradigm for Catalyst Design: From D D Materials & Biocatalysis * (POLY)
Enzymatic Function to Functional Mimics

P ro gram s ummary

division of Cellulose & CELL division of Chemical education CHED

renewable materials (continued)
(continued) D. Wicht, B. Rios McKee, I. Levy, Program Chairs
M. Roman, Program Chair Grand Hyatt Washington S M Tu W Th
Grand Hyatt Washington S M Tu W Th Using Computational Methods to Teach D
Carbohydrate-Based Vaccines & Adjuvants D Chemical Principles
* (CARB) Engaging Undergraduates with Raman P
Science Communications: The Art of P Spectroscopy
Developing a Clear Message * (PRES) Materials That Impact Our Daily Lives P
Building a Safety Culture across the D & the Global Economy: Bring Practical
Chemistry Enterprise * (PRES) Applications into the Chemistry
Classroom **
Chemistry in an Evolving Political D
Climate: Research Priorities & Career Undergraduate Research Posters ** P
Pathways in Public Policy * (YCC) Successful Student Chapters E
Frontiers in Carbohydrate Synthesis * P Sci-Mix E
Increasing Retention of Underrepresented A
Advances in Glycan Structure & D D Students in Chemistry **
Dynamics * (CARB)
Innovations in Undergraduate A
GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders of D Biochemistry Education
Giants—Developing Chemistries for
Improved Global Health * (CHED) GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders of D
Giants: Developing Chemistries for
Understanding the Chemistry of Our D Improved Global Health **
Planet * (PRES)
Advances in E-Learning P
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased E
Materials & Biocatalysis * (POLY) Metacognition in Chemistry Education: P
Connecting Research & Practice **
Advances in Lignin: Chemicals, Polymers A
& Materials * (POLY) Green Chemistry: Theory & Practice ** A
Integration of STEM & the Liberal Arts A
Games & Active Learning Techniques to P
division of Chemical education CHED Help Students Understand Chemistry
Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry P
D. Wicht, B. Rios McKee, I. Levy, Program Chairs Learning (POGIL)
Grand Hyatt Washington S M Tu W Th Assessment Instruments for the ACS- A
Accredited Degree Program
Research in Chemistry Education A
Chemistry in the Age of Cheap A
Advancing Graduate Education: D Computing **
Opportunities & Challenges **
Citizens First! ** A
High School Program ** D
Undergraduate Research Papers ** P
General Posters E
General Papers A D *Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;
Putting CER into Practice: Using D located with primary organizer.
**Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.
Chemistry Education Research to Inform
Teaching Strategies CIGE: Chemistry’s Impact on the Global Economy

P ro gram s ummary

division of Chemical education CHED division of Chemical information CINF

D. Wicht, B. Rios McKee, I. Levy, Program Chairs E. Alvaro, Program Chair
Washington Marriott at Metro Center S M Tu W Th
Grand Hyatt Washington S M Tu W Th
Open Structures: Current Issues & Future D
New Approaches to Teaching: Strategies, D Plans
Instrumentation, Standards * (ANYL)
What Do Synthetic Chemists Want from D
The Nons: Non-Tenure-Track Faculty in a P Their Reaction Systems? **
Changing Academic Landscape * (WCC)
CINF Scholarships for Scientific Excellence: E
Collaborating for Success: Professional D Student Poster Competition
Skills Development for Undergraduates, Government(-Funded) Chemical Databases D D
Graduates & Postdocs * (CINF) & Open Chemistry
Chemistry in an Evolving Political D Collaborating for Success: Professional Skills D
Climate: Research Priorities & Career Development for Undergraduates, Graduates
Pathways in Public Policy * (YCC) & Postdocs ** CIGE
Chemistry & Culture: How Native P Sci-Mix E
American Chemists Impact Their Informatics & Chemical Biology: Identifying A
Community * (CMA) Targets & Biological Pathways **
Fostering a Quality Culture in Research & A Markush 360: Current & Future of Generic A
Development * (BMGT) Structures in Chemical Patent Creation,
Search & Analysis
Herman Skolnik Award Symposium P
division of Chemical health & CHAS Why Open Data? Effective Use Cases & P
safety Exemplars for Open Data & Citizen Science
D. Decker, J. Pickel, F. Wood-Black, Program Chairs
Drug Discovery: Cheminformatic Approaches D
Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th **
Soft Skills in Training & Interactions ** P General Papers A
Division of Chemical Health & Safety P Science Communications: The Art of P
Awards ** Developing a Clear Message * (PRES)
Cannabis Processing: Innovations & Legal P Building a Safety Culture across the D
Protections ** Chemistry Enterprise * (PRES)
Sci-Mix E Chemistry in an Evolving Political Climate: D
Chemophobia: Communicating Chemistry A Research Priorities & Career Pathways in
** Public Policy * (YCC)
Building a Safety Culture across the P A Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry A
Chemical Enterprise * (PRES) Best Paper Award & Young Scientist Award
Symposium * (AGFD)
Emerging Trends in Research Operations ** D
Understanding the Chemistry of Our Planet D
Building a Safety Culture across the D * (PRES)
Chemistry Enterprise **
Drug Design * (COMP) D A
Analytical, Environmental & Regulatory A
Challenges with Legalized Cannabis *

P ro gram s ummary

division of Chemical toxicology TOXI division of Chemistry & the law CHAL
T. Spratt, Program Chair K. Bianco, J. Kennedy, Program Chairs
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S M Tu W Th Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th
Chemical Research in Toxicology Young A Ecological & Human Health Impacts of D A E
Investigators Award Emerging Environmental Contaminants *
Founders' Award P (ENVR)
TOXI Young Investigators ** A Changes in Chemical Risk Assessment DE A
under Amended TSCA: Approaches &
Biological Targets of Botanical Supplements P Implementation * (ENVR)
Advances in Environmental Analytical E A
Sci-Mix E Methods for EPA Compliance Reporting &
Cross-Link DNA Repair ** A Exposure Risk Assessment * (ENVR)
Toxicological Considerations in Antibody- P
Drug Conjugate Design & Development **
General Posters E division of Colloid & surface COLL
Keynote Lecture E Chemistry
R. Nagarajan, Program Chair
General Papers A
Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th
Advanced Mass Spectrometric Techniques in P
Toxicology ** Responsive, Programmable Assembly of D A A A
Active Colloids for Functional Materials CIGE
Analytical Toxicology in the 21st Century * A
(ANYL) Basic Research in Colloids, Surfactants & D D A D A
Nanomaterials CIGE
Advances in Analytical Forensic Chemistry & A
Toxicology * (ANYL) Colloidal Metal & Semiconductor D D A D
Nanostructures: Theory, Synthesis &
Application CIGE
Emulsions, Foams & Dispersions: Symposium D D
division of Chemistry & the law CHAL in Honor of Dominique Langevin at 70 CIGE
K. Bianco, J. Kennedy, Program Chairs
Self-Assembly of Synthetic & Biological D D
Surfactants: Translating Fundamentals to
Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th Applications CIGE
Strengthening Your Patent Rights in Light of P Nanotheranostics for Cancer Applications D
Recent Federal Circuit Court Decisions
Noble-Metal Nanoparticles for Bioimaging, D
Recent Developments Regarding Post-Grant A Sensing & Actuation CIGE
Challenges at the U.S. Patent & Trademark
Office Fundamental Research in Colloids, Surfaces E
& Nanomaterials CIGE
Intellectual Property Considerations When P
Entering into a Joint Venture ** Targeted Nanosystems for Therapeutic D A D A
Applications: New Concepts, Dynamic
Sci-Mix E Properties, Efficiency & Toxicity
Patent Specification Requirements: What's A
in Common & What's Different in the U.S.,
Europe & Southeastern Asia? **
Beyond the Bench: Careers in Intellectual P
Property ** *Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;
The Many Faces of CHAL: Where Chemistry D located with primary organizer.
Meets the Law **Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.

CIGE: Chemistry’s Impact on the Global Economy


P ro gram s ummary

division of Colloid & surface COLL division of Computers in COMP

Chemistry (continued) Chemistry
R. Nagarajan, Program Chair H. Woodcock, J. Shen, M. Feig, Program Chairs
Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th Washington Marriott at Metro Center S M Tu W Th
Photoresponsive Nanoparticles: From D A D A ACS COMP Symposium in Honor of Peter D A
Fundamentals of Excitation to Applications Pulay **
Sci-Mix E Extending Accuracy & Scales with Emerging D D D
In Situ Investigation of Energy Systems Using A D A Computing Architectures & Algorithms **
Ambient-Pressure X-Ray Photoelectron Molecular Recognition: Revealing the Effects D D D
Spectroscopy Associated with Receptor-Ligand Binding **
Bioconjugate Chemistry Lecturer Award A Computational Studies of Water D
Symposium Modeling & Measuring Protein-Ligand D A
Langmuir Lectures, Nano Letters Award P Kinetics & Residence Times
Lecture, ACS Materials & Interfaces Award Emerging Technologies in Computational P
Lecture Chemistry
Frontier of the Interface of Materials & D A Sci-Mix E
Biology: Click Chemistry Approaches to Bio-
Inspired Materials CIGE New Directions in Conformational Sampling A
Multimodal Imaging with Colloids D A
Material Science P D A
Nanotechnology & Single-Cell Analysis in D D
Biology & Medicine * (ANYL) Quantum Mechanics P D A
Oxidative Stress & Antioxidants: P Computational Studies of Membranes & P D
Measurement Tools & Analytical Challenges Membrane-Bound Systems **
* (ANYL) Chemical Computing Group Graduate E
Science Communications: The Art of P Student Travel Awards
Developing a Clear Message * (PRES) Poster Session E
Self-Assembly & Noncovalent Interactions: D NVIDIA GPU Award E
The Fundamental Science of Supramolecular
OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty Award E
Materials * (ANYL)
Wiley Computers in Chemistry Outstanding E
Building a Safety Culture across the D
Postdoc Award
Chemistry Enterprise * (PRES)
Drug Design ** D A
Chemistry in an Evolving Political Climate: D
Research Priorities & Career Pathways in Molecular Mechanics ** D A
Public Policy * (YCC) Merck Research Award Symposium * (WCC) A
Transformative Research & Excellence in P Electronic Structure Methods for Complex D D D
Education Award * (COMSCI) Chemical Systems * (PHYS)
GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders of D Experimental & Computational Advances D D P A
Giants—Developing Chemistries for in Understanding Enzyme Specificity &
Improved Global Health * (CHED) Promiscuity * (PHYS)
Understanding the Chemistry of Our Planet D What Do Synthetic Chemists Want from D
* (PRES) Their Reaction Systems? * (CINF)
Journey to Mars: Materials, Energy & Life DE D Undergraduate Research Posters * (CHED) P
Sciences * (POLY)
Transformative Research & Excellence in P
Nanoscale Sensing in Foods & Other Complex D Education Award * (COMSCI)
Media * (AGFD)

P ro gram s ummary

division of Computers in COMP division of energy & Fuels ENFL

Chemistry (continued) (continued)
H. Woodcock, J. Shen, M. Feig, Program Chairs D. Heldebrant, Program Chair
Washington Marriott at Metro Center S M Tu W Th Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th
Drug Discovery: Cheminformatic Approaches D Recent Advances towards the D
* (CINF) Bioeconomy * (CELL)
Environmental Applications of Liquid-Phase P A E
Catalysis for Green Chemical Processes of
division of energy & Fuels ENFL Renewable Materials * (ENVR)
Emerging Catalytic Processes for Methane P A
D. Heldebrant, Program Chair Conversion * (CATL)
Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th Transformative Research & Excellence in P
Education Award * (COMSCI)
Energy & Fuels Joint Award for Excellence A
in Publication Intellectual Property Considerations When P
Entering into a Joint Venture * (CHAL)
Solar Energy & Solar Cells D A
Multimodal Characterization of Functional D D
Advanced Nanomaterials Catalysts for D D D Energy Materials * (CATL)
Sustainable Energy & Fuels
Vehicle Emission Control Catalysis: New P D
Carbon Management: Advances in D D Era, New Challenges & New Solutions *
Carbon Efficiency, Capture, Conversion, (CATL)
Utilization & Storage
Advances in Carbon Dioxide Utilization * P D
Energy & Fuels Storch Award in Fuel Science: D D (CATL)
Symposium in Honor of Umit S. Ozkan ** CIGE
Ammonia Economy ** D
Innovative Chemistry & Materials for
Electrochemical Energy Storage
P D D D A division of environmental ENVR
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Research, D D J. Goldfarb, Program Chair
Innovation & Commercialization **
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown S M Tu W Th
Advances in Chemistry of Energy & Fuels P D D A
Environmental, Social & Economic Impacts A E
Two-Dimensional Materials for Energy & P D D A of Aged/Transformed Nanomaterial-Enabled
Fuels Consumer Products
Sci-Mix E Ecological & Human Health Impacts of D A E
Innovative Chemistry & Electrocatalysis for D D Emerging Environmental Contaminants **
Low-Carbon Energy & Fuels: Discovery to Iron & Manganese Oxides: Their Formation, D A E
Application Structure, Reactivity & Applications
Advanced Chemical Technology for Oil & D A Electrochemical Technologies for Water D E
Gas Exploration & Production Purification **
5th International Symposium on Mesoporous D Surface Chemistry of Biochar & Its D E
Zeolites ** Applications in Environmental & Related
Catalytic Transformation of Renewable D A A Systems
Plant Biomass to Enhance Global
Economy * (CATL)
Cooperative Catalysis at Surfaces & D D A
*Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;
Interfaces: Impact on Chemistry & Energy located with primary organizer.
Frontiers * (CATL) **Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.

CIGE: Chemistry’s Impact on the Global Economy


P ro gram s ummary

division of environmental ENVR division of environmental ENVR

Chemistry (continued) Chemistry (continued)
J. Goldfarb, Program Chair J. Goldfarb, Program Chair
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown S M Tu W Th Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown S M Tu W Th
Environmental Applications of Liquid-Phase P A E Green Chemistry & the Environment ** DE
Catalysis for Green Chemical Processes of Advances in Environmental Analytical E A
Renewable Materials ** Methods for EPA Compliance Reporting &
Advances in Chemical Oxidation for Water & D E Exposure Risk Assessment **
Wastewater Treatment Systems General Posters E
Measurements & Methods in Environmental D E Advances in Residue Analytical Methods: A
Nanotechnology ** Innovation, Current Status & Future
Nano-Enabled Water Treatment P D E Prospects * (AGRO)
Technologies: Applications & Implications ** Recent Advances towards the D
Advances & Challenges in Separation & P E Bioeconomy * (CELL)
Mixing of Salts for the Sustainable Production Environmental Fate, Transport & P A
of Food, Energy & Water Modeling of Agriculturally Related
Heterogeneous Catalysis for Environmental P E Chemicals * (AGRO)
& Energy Applications ** Agrochemical Formulations * (AGRO) P
Sci-Mix E Sustaining Water Resources: A
Science & Perception of Climate Change ** A E Environmental & Economic Impact *
Trace Organic Contaminants (TrOCs) A E (MPPG)
in Aquatic Systems: Advancements in Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Research, D D
Monitoring & Remediation ** Innovation & Commercialization * (ENFL)
Multiphase Environmental Chemistry of D DE D Atmospheric Fate & Transport of P D
Aerosols Agricultural Emissions * (AGRO)
Advances & Challenges at the Food-Energy- D E Undergraduate Research Posters * (CHED) P
Water Nexus ** 2,4-D Human Exposure Data: Lessons from P
Fate, Transport & Remediation of P E Decades of Study * (AGRO)
Radionuclides in the Environment Application of Spatial Technologies to A
Monitoring Water Quality & Infrastructure to P E Advance Exposure Modeling & Risk
Prevent Future Flints ** Assessments * (AGRO)
C. Ellen Gonter Environmental Graduate P Journey to Mars: Materials, Energy & Life DE D
Student Award Sciences * (POLY)
Environmental Justice: The Role & Impact of A Vehicle Emission Control Catalysis: New Era, P D
Diversity on Environmental Stewardship ** New Challenges & New Solutions * (CATL)
Advances in Carbon Dioxide Utilization * P D
Changes in Chemical Risk Assessment DE A (CATL)
under Amended TSCA: Approaches & Green Chemistry: Theory & Practice *(CHED) A
Implementation **
Developing Pesticide Environmental Risk D
Impact of Materials, Surface Chemistry DE D Assessment Approaches * (AGRO)
& Modifications on Biofilm Formation in
Environmental Remediation & Engineering Good Laboratory Practices for the P
Applications ** Agrochemical Professional * (AGRO)
Economic Impact of Environmental Health DE Nanoscale Sensing in Foods & Other Complex D
Research: A Case Study of the NIEHS Media * (AGFD)
Superfund Research Program **

P ro gram s ummary

division of Fluorine Chemistry FLUO division of industrial & engineering I&EC

N. Vasdev, Program Chair C. Abney, Program Chair
Located with Primary Sponsor S M Tu W Th Grand Hyatt Washington S M Tu W Th
Journey to Mars: Materials, Energy & Life DE D Structural & Supramolecular Aspects of P D
Sciences * (POLY) Metal Ion Separations **
Sci-Mix E
General Papers D A
division of geochemistry G EO C General Posters E
Ammonia Economy * (ENFL) D
W. Burgos, Program Chair
Science Communications: The Art of P
Grand Hyatt Washington S M Tu W Th Developing a Clear Message * (PRES)
Engineered Nanomaterials in the P Sustaining Water Resources: Environmental A
Environment: Fate, Behavior & Effects & Economic Impact * (MPPG)
Water Chemistry Associated with Energy A Building a Safety Culture across the D
Production & Extraction Chemistry Enterprise * (PRES)
Sci-Mix E Understanding the Chemistry of Our Planet D
General Geochemistry AE * (PRES)
Sustaining Water Resources: Environmental A 5th International Symposium on Mesoporous D
& Economic Impact * (MPPG) Zeolites * (ENFL)
Chemistry in an Evolving Political Climate: D
Research Priorities & Career Pathways in
Public Policy * (YCC) division of inorganic Chemistry INOR
Understanding the Chemistry of Our Planet D
* (PRES) N. Radu, S. Koch, Program Chairs
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown S M Tu W Th
division of the history of HIST Organometallic Chemistry AE AE D A
Chemistry Chemistry of Materials AE PE A A
S. Rasmussen, Program Chair Environmental & Energy-Related Inorganic AE A
Grand Hyatt Washington S M Tu W Th Chemistry
HIST Tutorial & General Papers P P Personal & Global Energy Conversion in D D
Chemistry & Biology
History as Outreach: Celebrating the ACS A
Landmarks Program's 25th Anniversary Electronic Structure Contributions to DE A
Function: From Metals in Biology to Materials
Sci-Mix E Science
Ladies in Waiting for Nobel Prizes: D Fundamental Aspects of Metal Organic DE D D
Overlooked Accomplishments of Women Framework Catalysis
Chemists **
Inorganic Nanoscience Award P
Analytical Chemistry in the Context of P D
Cultural Heritage * (ANYL)

*Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;

located with primary organizer.
**Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.

CIGE: Chemistry’s Impact on the Global Economy


P ro gram s ummary

division of inorganic Chemistry INOR division of inorganic Chemistry INOR

(continued) (continued)
N. Radu, S. Koch, Program Chairs N. Radu, S. Koch, Program Chairs
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown S M Tu W Th Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown S M Tu W Th
Organometallics Distinguished Author P Nonconventional Building Blocks in DE D A
Symposium in Honor of Alexander Miller Conjugated Materials: Innovative Designs &
Triplet Excited State in Inorganic Chemistry PE D New Applications * (POLY)
Center for Enabling New Technologies E D DE Chemistry Past Curium * (NUCL) P D
through Catalysis: Transforming Catalysis Nanoscale Sensing in Foods & Other Complex D
through Collaboration Media * (AGFD)
Coordination Chemistry E D PE D
Bioinorganic Chemistry E A A A
Inorganic Catalysts E A P division of medicinal Chemistry MEDI
Inorganic Spectroscopy E A
A. Stamford, Program Chair
Inorganic Chemistry Lectureship A
Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th
Many Colors of Copper ** D DE D
Treatment of Chronic Neuropathic Pain A
Inorganic Young Investigator Awards P
General Orals D P P
Sci-Mix E
Biophysical Methods in Drug Discovery P
Chemistry of Materials Lectureship & Best A
Paper Award General Posters E E
Electrochemistry AE Insights on Medicinal Chemistry from A
Hardcore Practitioners
Memorial Symposium Honoring Justine Roth: P
Oxygen & Isotope Effects in Mechanisms, Addiction: The Unmet Medical Need of the A
from Enzymes to Small Molecules ** 21st Century
Lanthanide & Actinide Chemistry PE P Encoded Technologies for Lead P
Generation, Successes & Challenges
Main Group Chemistry E D
Off Targets No More: CYP450 Enzymes as P
Nanoscience E P A Drug Discovery Targets
Solid-State Inorganic Chemistry E Sci-Mix E
What Do Synthetic Chemists Want from D Award Symposium A
Their Reaction Systems? * (CINF)
Recent Advances in the Treatment of HIV-1 A
Science Communications: The Art of P Infection & Approaches to a Cure
Developing a Clear Message * (PRES)
Recent Advancements & Therapeutic P
Materials Science in Nuclear Waste Disposal D A Opportunities in Muscarinic Receptors
* (NUCL)
Unusual Protein-Ligand Interactions in the A
Building a Safety Culture across the D Design of Novel Pharmaceuticals
Chemistry Enterprise * (PRES)
First-Time Disclosure of Clinical Candidates D
Undergraduate Research Posters * (CHED) P
Merck Research Award Symposium * (WCC) A
Transformative Research & Excellence in P
Education Award * (COMSCI) What Do Synthetic Chemists Want from D
Their Reaction Systems? * (CINF)
Understanding the Chemistry of Our Planet D
* (PRES) Glycomimetics as Antibiotic-Sparing D
Therapeutics for Infectious Disease * (CARB)

P ro gram s ummary

division of medicinal Chemistry MEDI division of organic Chemistry O RG N

(continued) (continued)
A. Stamford, Program Chair R. Broene, S. Silverman, Program Chairs
Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th
Undergraduate Research Posters * (CHED) P Asymmetric Reactions & Syntheses E P D A
Informatics & Chemical Biology: Identifying A Peptides, Proteins & Amino Acids E A
Targets & Biological Pathways * (CINF) Metal-Mediated Reactions & Syntheses E P A
Innovations in Health Care in the Global D CH Activation E P A
Economy * (SCHB)
Organometallics Distinguished Author Award A
Toxicological Considerations in Antibody- P
Drug Conjugate Design & Development * Modern Chemistry of the Amide Bond A
(TOXI) Robert Burns Woodward Centennial D
Cross-Electrophile Coupling P
division of nuclear Chemistry & NUCL Tetrahedron Prize for Creativity in Organic P
technology Chemistry Symposium
J. Terry, Program Chair Sci-Mix E
Grand Hyatt Washington S M Tu W Th Process Chemistry: New Developments in A
General Topics in Radiochemistry D Pharmaceutical Process Development (IV)
Materials Science in Nuclear Waste Disposal D A Arthur C. Cope Award Symposium D
** Young Academic Investigator Symposium D
Chemistry Past Curium ** P D Using Organic Chemistry to Illuminate P
Nuclear Forensics E D Biological Systems
Structural & Supramolecular Aspects of P D Molecular Recognition & Self-Assembly E D A
Metal Ion Separations * (I&EC) Materials, Devices & Switches E P A
Chemistry of Fullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes E
& Graphene
division of organic Chemistry O RG N Nanomaterials E
Alfred Bader Award in Bioinorganic or A
R. Broene, S. Silverman, Program Chairs Bioorganic Chemistry: Symposium in Honor
Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th of Kim D. Janda
Flow Chemistry & Continuous Processes A E Technical Achievements in Organic D
Catalysis & Computation A
From Bioinspired to Biocompatible Material D
Biologically Related Molecules & Processes D A E Design for Organic Electronics
New Reactions & Methodology D D D E Total Synthesis of Complex Molecules PE A
Heterocycles & Aromatics D E Photoredox Chemistry E
Young Investigator Symposium D
JOC OL Lectureship P
Small Splash, Big Waves: Research at P
Primarily Undergraduate Institutions
*Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;
Physical Organic Chemistry: Calculations, E D located with primary organizer.
Mechanisms, Photochemistry & High-Energy **Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.
CIGE: Chemistry’s Impact on the Global Economy

P ro gram s ummary

division of organic Chemistry O RG N division of physical Chemistry PHYS

(continued) (continued)
R. Broene, S. Silverman, Program Chairs G. Engel, Program Chair
Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th
Chemistry of Fullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes, A Membrane Proteins: Structure, Activity & D D D
Nanomaterials & Graphene Drug Development
Merck Research Award Symposium * (WCC) A PHYS Poster Session E
What Do Synthetic Chemists Want from D ACS COMP Symposium in Honor of Peter D A
Their Reaction Systems? * (CINF) Pulay * (COMP)
Science Communications: The Art of P Extending Accuracy & Scales with Emerging D D D
Developing a Clear Message * (PRES) Computing Architectures & Algorithms *
Building a Safety Culture across the D (COMP)
Chemistry Enterprise * (PRES) Molecular Recognition: Revealing the Effects D D D
Understanding the Chemistry of Our Planet D Associated with Receptor-Ligand Binding *
Synthesis & Chemistry of Agrochemicals * D Nanotechnology & Single-Cell Analysis in D D
(AGRO) Biology & Medicine * (ANYL)
Transformative Research & Excellence in P
Education Award * (COMSCI)
Computational Studies of Membranes & P D
division of physical Chemistry PHYS Membrane-Bound Systems * (COMP)
Molecular Mechanics * (COMP) D A
J. Shea, Program Chair
Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th
Spectroscopic & Computational Insights
into Solid-Liquid Interfaces for Energy
D D A A division of polymer Chemistry P O LY
Conversion CIGE
T. White, C. Lipscomb, T. Epps, Program Chairs
Molecules in Space: Linking the Interstellar D D D D A
Medium to (Exo)Planets Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S M Tu W Th
Theoretical Models of Chemical Bonding D D D D A Mark Young Scholar Award in Honor of Garret A
& Reactivity Spanning the Periodic Table: Miyake
A Symposium in Honor of Roald Hoffmann Federally Funded Research D A
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased D D DE D D
Electronic Structure Methods for Complex D D D Materials & Biocatalysis **
Chemical Systems **
8th Symposium on Controlled Radical D D DE D A
Experimental & Computational Advances D D P A Polymerization
in Understanding Enzyme Specificity &
Metallo-Supramolecular & Metal-Containing D D DE D
Promiscuity **
Polymers **
PHYS Awards Symposium D D P D
Advances in Wettability & Adhesion D D E
Liquid Theory: Symposium in Honor of Ben D D
Polymer Mechanochemistry ** D D E
Widom CIGE
Materials at the Food-Energy-Water Nexus: D E
Sci-Mix E
Polymers for Soils to Sensors
Physical Chemistry Research at D D A
Charles Overberger Award P
Undergraduate Institutions
Young Industrial Polymer Science Award in A
Gaseous Ion Chemistry & Surface Reactions D D A
Honor of Jamie Garcia

P ro gram s ummary

division of polymer Chemistry P O LY division of polymer Chemistry P O LY

(continued) (continued)
T. White, C. Lipscomb, T. Epps, Program Chairs T. White, C. Lipscomb, T. Epps, Program Chairs
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S M Tu W Th Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S M Tu W Th
Biomacromolecules-Macromolecules Young A Polymers for Aerospace Applications: D
Investigator Award Celebrating the Lifetime Contributions of
General Topics: New Synthesis & P DE D D Charles Lee * (PMSE)
Characterization of Polymers
Plastic Packaging Science: Reducing Food P
Waste to Improving Recyclability division of polymeric materials: PMSE
Macromolecules: The Next 50 Years P
science & engineering
C. Snyder, B. Olsen, X. Jia, M. Becker, A. Norman,
Sci-Mix E
Program Chairs
DSM Science & Technology Award A
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S M Tu W Th
Polymers at the Interface with Biology D
Eastman Chemical Student Award in Applied A
Nonconventional Building Blocks in DE D A Polymer Science
Conjugated Materials: Innovative Designs &
New Applications ** Polyphosphazenes in Biomedicine, D A
Engineering & Pioneering Synthesis **
Journey to Mars: Materials, Energy & Life DE D
Sciences ** Gels & Other Soft Amorphous Solids D D D A
Mark Scholars Award in Honor of Christopher P Synthesis, Self-Assembly & Applications of D D D A
Bowman Peptides & Polypeptides
Shape-Shifting Polymeric Systems ** E D D Dynamic Chemistry in Polymer Materials D D D D
Mark Senior Scholar Award in Honor of James A Simulations of Polymeric Materials: D D
Hedrick Molecular- to Macroscale
Herman F. Mark Award in Honor of Edward P Materials for Patterning in Two & Three D P
Samulski Dimensions
POLY/PMSE Plenary E 1-D Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Assembly, D
Properties & Applications
Henkel Award for Outstanding Graduate A
Research in Polymer Chemistry ** Journal of Polymer Science Award: P
Symposium in Honor of Luis Campos
Advances in Lignin: Chemicals, Polymers & A
Materials ** Recombinant Type Materials ** D D
Polyphosphazenes in Biomedicine, D A Roy W. Tess Award: Symposium in Honor of D
Engineering & Pioneering Synthesis * Stuart Croll
(PMSE) Sci-Mix E
Sustainable Design of Polymers from A Biomaterials Science & Translational D D
Xylochemicals * (CELL) Medicine
Materials That Impact Our Daily Lives & the P Polyelectrolyte Coacervates, Precipitates & D D
Global Economy: Bring Practical Applications Multilayers
into the Chemistry Classroom * (CHED) Memorial Symposium in Honor of Les D
Undergraduate Research Posters * (CHED) P Sperling
Eminent Scientist Lecture * (SOCED) P
GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: D *Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;
Developing Chemistries for Improved Global located with primary organizer.
Health * (CHED) **Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.

Joint PMSE/POLY Poster Session * (PMSE) E CIGE: Chemistry’s Impact on the Global Economy

P ro gram s ummary

division of polymeric materials: PMSE division of professional relations PROF

science & engineering (continued) (continued)
C. Snyder, B. Olsen, X. Jia, M. Becker, A. Norman, R. Libby, Program Chair
Program Chairs Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S M Tu W Th
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S M Tu W Th Merck Research Award Symposium * (WCC) A
Joint PMSE/POLY Poster Session ** E Space Chemistry: How It Helps Space A
General Papers/New Concepts in Polymeric D A Exploration * (YCC)
Materials Making an Impact on Public Perceptions of A
Polymers for Aerospace Applications: D Chemistry through Outreach * (SOCED)
Celebrating the Lifetime Contributions of Preparing for Employment in a Global P
Charles Lee ** Workforce * (IAC)
Merck Research Award Symposium * (WCC) A The Road Less Traveled: Career P
Metallo-Supramolecular & Metal-Containing D D DE D Opportunities in the Government Sector *
Polymers * (POLY) (YCC)
Polymer Mechanochemistry * (POLY) D D E The Nons: Non-Tenure-Track Faculty in a P
Changing Academic Landscape * (WCC)
Sustainable Design of Polymers from A
Xylochemicals * (CELL) Science Communications: The Art of P
Developing a Clear Message * (PRES)
Materials That Impact Our Daily Lives P
& the Global Economy: Bring Practical Chemical Angel Network: Chemists Investing P
Applications into the Chemistry Classroom * in Chemical Companies * (BMGT)
(CHED) Chemical Entrepreneurs' Impact on the E
Undergraduate Research Posters * (CHED) P Global Economy * (SCHB)
Nonconventional Building Blocks in DE D A Social Media for Science Advocacy in Public A
Conjugated Materials: Innovative Designs & Policy * (SCHB)
New Applications * (POLY) Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Research, D D
Journey to Mars: Materials, Energy & Life DE D Innovation & Commercialization * (ENFL)
Sciences * (POLY) Food Safety & Labeling: Food & Flavor D D
Shape-Shifting Polymeric Systems * (POLY) E D D Regulations, Progress & Challenges in the
Pursuit to Serve the Consumer * (AGFD)
Henkel Award for Outstanding Graduate A
Research in Polymer Chemistry * (POLY) Collaborating for Success: Professional Skills D
Development for Undergraduates, Graduates
& Postdocs * (CINF)
Building a Safety Culture across the D
division of professional relations PROF Chemistry Enterprise * (PRES)
Early-Career Investigators in Biological P P
R. Libby, Program Chair Chemistry * (BIOL)
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S M Tu W Th Chemistry & Culture: How Native American P
Ten Years & Counting: PROF's Professional A Chemists Impact Their Community * (CMA)
Subdivisions ** How to Get Your First Industrial Job * (YCC) A
How Volunteering with ACS Can Boost P Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry A
Your Professional Development Skills ** Best Paper Award & Young Scientist Award
Investing in the Future: Mentoring A Symposium * (AGFD)
Underrepresented Students in Chemistry

Chemists of Courage P

P ro gram s ummary

division of professional relations PROF division of small Chemical SCHB

(continued) businesses (continued)
R. Libby, Program Chair J. Sabol, Program Chair
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S M Tu W Th Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S M Tu W Th
Ladies in Waiting for Nobel Prizes: D Working in the Public Sector: Running for P
Overlooked Accomplishments of Women Elected Office **
Chemists * (HIST) Sci-Mix E
Innovations in Health Care in the Global D Innovations in Health Care in the Global D
Economy * (SCHB) Economy ** CIGE
Building a Safety Culture across the Chemical P A Cannabis in the Global Economy CIGE P
Enterprise * (CHAS)
Entrepreneurs in the Agriculture & Food P
Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Fellow P P D Industries * (AGFD)
Symposium * (BIOL)
Science Communications: The Art of P
The European Research Council's Funding P Developing a Clear Message * (PRES)
Opportunities to Make Scientists' Dreams
Come True * (YCC) Chemical Angel Network: Chemists Investing P
in Chemical Companies * (BMGT)
Beyond the Bench: Careers in Intellectual P
Property * (CHAL) Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Research, D D
Innovation & Commercialization * (ENFL)
ACS Infectious Diseases Young Investigators A
Award Symposium * (BIOL) Building a Safety Culture across the D
Chemistry Enterprise * (PRES)
Fostering a Quality Culture in Research & A
Development * (BMGT) Chemistry in an Evolving Political Climate: D
Research Priorities & Career Pathways in
Public Policy * (YCC)
Intellectual Property Considerations When P
rubber division RUBB Entering into a Joint Venture * (CHAL)
Patent Specification Requirements: What's A
W. M. Stahl, Program Chair in Common & What's Different in the U.S.,
Located with Primary Sponsor S M Tu W Th Europe & Southeastern Asia? * (CHAL)
Materials That Impact Our Daily Lives & the P Understanding the Chemistry of Our Planet D
Global Economy: Bring Practical Applications * (PRES)
into the Chemistry Classroom * (CHED) Journey to Mars: Materials, Energy & Life DE D
Sciences * (POLY)
Beyond the Bench: Careers in Intellectual P
Property * (CHAL)
division of small Chemical SCHB
businesses Fostering a Quality Culture in Research & A
J. Sabol, Program Chair Development * (BMGT)

Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S M Tu W Th

Chemical Intellectual Property Protection & P
Enforcement in the Global Economy ** CIGE
Chemical Entrepreneurs' Impact on the E
Global Economy ** CIGE
Social Media for Science Advocacy in Public A *Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;
Policy ** CIGE located with primary organizer.
**Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.

CIGE: Chemistry’s Impact on the Global Economy


P ro gram s ummary

Committee on Chemical safety C C S Committee on divisional activities D A C

R. Bennett, Program Chair
E. Howson, Program Chair
Located with Primary Sponsor S M Tu W Th
Located with Primary Sponsor S M Tu W Th
Science Communications: The Art of P
Soft Skills in Training & Interactions * P Developing a Clear Message * (PRES)
Building a Safety Culture across the D
Division of Chemical Health & Safety Awards P Chemistry Enterprise * (PRES)
* (CHAS)
Chemistry in an Evolving Political Climate: D
Building a Safety Culture across the D Research Priorities & Career Pathways in
Chemistry Enterprise * (PRES) Public Policy * (YCC)
Cannabis Processing: Innovations & Legal P Understanding the Chemistry of Our Planet D
Protections * (CHAS) * (PRES)
Chemophobia: Communicating Chemistry * A
Building a Safety Culture across the Chemical P A Committee on economic & C E PA
Enterprise * (CHAS) professional affairs
Emerging Trends in Research Operations * D R. Ewing, Program Chair
Located with Primary Sponsor S M Tu W Th
Science Communications: The Art of P
Developing a Clear Message * (PRES)
Committee on Chemistry & public C C PA Building a Safety Culture across the D
Chemistry Enterprise * (PRES)
R. Forslund, Program Chair
Chemistry in an Evolving Political Climate: D
Located with Primary Sponsor S M Tu W Th Research Priorities & Career Pathways in
Social Media for Science Advocacy in Public A Public Policy * (YCC)
Policy * (SCHB) Understanding the Chemistry of Our Planet D
Chemistry in an Evolving Political Climate: D * (PRES)
Research Priorities & Career Pathways in
Public Policy * (YCC)
Working in the Public Sector: Running for P
Elected Office * (SCHB)
Committee on environmental C E I
C. Middlecamp, Program Chair
Located with Primary Sponsor S M Tu W Th
Committee on Chemists with C W D
disabilities Electrochemical Technologies for Water D E
L. Hoffman, Program Chair Purification * (ENVR)
Located with Primary Sponsor S M Tu W Th
Science Communications: The Art of P
Developing a Clear Message * (PRES)
Ten Years & Counting: PROF's Professional A
Subdivisions * (PROF) Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Research, D D
Innovation & Commercialization * (ENFL)
Building a Safety Culture across the D
Chemistry Enterprise * (PRES)
Chemistry in an Evolving Political Climate: D
Research Priorities & Career Pathways in
Public Policy * (YCC)
Undergraduate Research Posters * (CHED) P

P ro gram s ummary

Committee on environmental C E I Committee on minority affairs C M A

improvement (continued)
C. Middlecamp, Program Chair J. Sarquis, Program Chair
Located with Primary Sponsor S M Tu W Th Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S M Tu W Th
Science & Perception of Climate Change * A E Chemistry & Culture: How Native American P
(ENVR) Chemists Impact Their Community **
Advances & Challenges at the Food-Energy- D E Environmental Justice: The Role & Impact A
Water Nexus * (ENVR) of Diversity on Environmental Stewardship *
Understanding the Chemistry of Our Planet D (ENVR)
* (PRES)
Monitoring Water Quality & Infrastructure to P E
Prevent Future Flints * (ENVR) Committee on patents & related CPRM
Green Chemistry: Theory & Practice * A matters
(CHED) S. Shah, Program Chair
Environmental Justice: The Role & Impact A Located with Primary Sponsor S M Tu W Th
of Diversity on Environmental Stewardship *
(ENVR) Chemical Intellectual Property Protection & P
Enforcement in the Global Economy * (SCHB)
Changes in Chemical Risk Assessment DE A
under Amended TSCA: Approaches &
Implementation * (ENVR)
Green Chemistry & the Environment * DE
Committee on professional C P T
T. Wenzel, Program Chair
Citizens First! * (CHED) A
Located with Primary Sponsor S M Tu W Th
The Nons: Non-Tenure-Track Faculty in a P
Changing Academic Landscape * (WCC)
Committee on ethics ETHX
K. Vitense, Program Chair
Located with Primary Sponsor S M Tu W Th
Committee on public relations & CPRC
Building a Safety Culture across the D J. Maclachlan, Program Chair
Chemistry Enterprise * (PRES)
Located with Primary Sponsor S M Tu W Th
Making an Impact on Public Perceptions of A
Chemistry through Outreach * (SOCED)
international activities Committee I A C Science Communications: The Art of P
E. Tratras Contis, Program Chair Developing a Clear Message * (PRES)
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S M Tu W Th Social Media For Science Advocacy in Public A
Preparing for Employment in a Global P Policy * (SCHB)
Workforce ** CIGE
Chemistry in an Evolving Political Climate: D
Research Priorities & Career Pathways in
Public Policy * (YCC)
*Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;
located with primary organizer.
**Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.

CIGE: Chemistry’s Impact on the Global Economy


P ro gram s ummary

Committee on public relations & CPRC society Committee on education SOCED

Communications (continued)
J. Maclachlan, Program Chair A. El-Ashmawy, Program Chair
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S M Tu W Th Grand Hyatt Washington S M Tu W Th
2017 C&EN Talented 12 * (MPPG) A Making an Impact on Public Perceptions of A
Building a Safety Culture across the D Chemistry through Outreach ** CIGE
Chemistry Enterprise * (PRES) Eminent Scientist Lecture ** P
Chemistry in an Evolving Political Climate: D High School Program * (CHED) D
Research Priorities & Career Pathways in Undergraduate Research Papers * (CHED) P
Public Policy * (YCC)
The Nons: Non-Tenure-Track Faculty in a P
Working in the Public Sector: Running for P Changing Academic Landscape * (WCC)
Elected Office * (SCHB)
Undergraduate Research Posters * (CHED) P
Understanding the Chemistry of Our Planet D
* (PRES)

women Chemists Committee W C C

Committee on science COMSCI
R. Cole, Program Chair
M. Cesa, Program Chair Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S M Tu W Th
Walter E. Washington Convention Center S M Tu W Th Merck Research Award Symposium ** A
Transformative Research & Excellence in P The Nons: Non-Tenure-Track Faculty in a P
Education Award ** Changing Academic Landscape **
Sustaining Water Resources: Environmental A Ten Years & Counting: PROF's Professional A
& Economic Impact * (MPPG) Subdivisions * (PROF)
Chemistry in an Evolving Political Climate: D Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Research, D D
Research Priorities & Career Pathways in Innovation & Commercialization * (ENFL)
Public Policy * (YCC)
How to Get Your First Industrial Job * (YCC) A
Ladies in Waiting for Nobel Prizes: D
Overlooked Accomplishments of Women
Chemists * (HIST)
Committee on technician affairs C T A
C. Libby, Program Chair
Located with Primary Sponsor S M Tu W Th
Younger Chemists Committee Y C C
Science Communications: The Art of P
Developing a Clear Message * (PRES) D. Williams, Program Chair
Building a Safety Culture across the D Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S M Tu W Th
Chemistry Enterprise * (PRES) Space Chemistry: How It Helps Space A
Exploration **
The Road Less Traveled: Career P
Opportunities in the Government Sector **
Chemistry in an Evolving Political Climate: D
Research Priorities & Career Pathways in
Public Policy ** CIGE
How to Get Your First Industrial Job ** A

P ro gram s ummary

Younger Chemists Committee Y C C Younger Chemists Committee Y C C

(continued) (continued)
D. Williams, Program Chair D. Williams, Program Chair
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S M Tu W Th Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S M Tu W Th
The European Research Council's Funding P Understanding the Chemistry of Our D
Opportunities to Make Scientists' Dreams Planet * (PRES)
Come True ** CIGE Journey to Mars: Materials, Energy & Life DE D
Making an Impact on Public Perceptions of A Sciences * (POLY)
Chemistry through Outreach * (SOCED) Beyond the Bench: Careers in Intellectual P
Science Communications: The Art of P Property * (CHAL)
Developing a Clear Message * (PRES)
TOXI Young Investigators * (TOXI) A
*Cosponsored symposium with primary organizer shown in parentheses;
Collaborating for Success: Professional D located with primary organizer.
Skills Development for Undergraduates, **Primary organizer of a cosponsored symposium.
Graduates & Postdocs * (CINF)
Building a Safety Culture across the D CIGE: Chemistry’s Impact on the Global Economy
Chemistry Enterprise * (PRES) E = EVE DE = AM/PM/EVE PE = PM/EVE
How Volunteering with the ACS Can Boost P
Your Professional Development Skills *


ACS Pharma Leaders: Working Together GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Journey to Mars: Materials, Energy &
to Make a Diference Developing Chemistries for Improved Life Sciences
(Sponsored by MPPG and Cosponsored by PRES) Global Health (Sponsored by POLY and Cosponsored by PRES & MPPG)
(Sponsored by CHED and Cosponsored by PRES, ANYL, BIOT,
Advancing Graduate Education: BMGT, CARB, CELL, COLL, GEAB, MEDI, and POLY; Virginia Ladies in Waiting for Nobel Prizes:
Opportunities & Challenges   Tech Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Sciences, Overlooked Accomplishments of
(Sponsored by CHED and Cosponsored by PRES) Department of Chemistry, College of Science, and the Women Chemists 
Department of Materials Science and Engineering; BASF; and
(Sponsored by HIST and Cosponsored by PRES & PROF)
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Accounts of Chemical Research, ACS Biomaterials Science &
Engineering, ACS Chemical Biology, ACS Infectious Diseases,
Research, Innovation & Commercialization  ACS Macro Letters, ACS Synthetic Biology, Biochemistry, Sustaining Water Resources:
(Sponsored by ENFL and Cosponsored by PRES, ENVR, MPPG, SCHB Bioconjugate Chemistry, Biomacromolecules, The Journal Environmental and Economic Impact
& WCC) of Organic Chemistry, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, (Sponsored by MPPG and Cosponsored by PRES, ENVR,
Macromolecules, ACS Central Science, and Acta Biomaterialia) GEOC & I&EC)
Earle B. Barnes Award for Leadership in
Chemical Research Management Symposium Transformative Research & Excellence in
in Honor of Laurie Locascio: Why Not Me? Education [TREE] Award Symposium
Changing the Face of Leadership in Science (Sponsored by COMSCI and Cosponsored by PRES, BIOL,
(Sponsored by ANYL and Cosponsored by PRES)


How to Read the Technical Program

1. Times represent
Search for the start of oral
the Division— presentations and
listed in numbers represent
alphabetical poster numbers.
3. 2.
Locate Locate
the the day
name 5.
4. the venue
and room for
Locate each session
the time or
poster #

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship

TWENTY-SEVEN OF THE SOCIETY'S tech- Each organizing group's programming August 21, from 8:00 to 10:00 PM
nical divisions and five committees are is detailed on the following pages. at Walter E. Washington Convention
hosting original technical programming Nearly 4,000 chemical professionals Center, Halls D/E More than 800 note-
during the meeting. More than 9,000 and students are expected to attend worthy poster presentations, networking
papers have been accepted for this the ever-popular Sci-Mix Interdivisional with colleagues, and light refreshments
meeting. Poster Session & Mixer on Monday, make up this enjoyable event.

Organizing Group Acronym Page Organizing Group Acronym Page

Presidential Events PRES TECH-72 Organic Chemistry ORGN TECH-206
Multidisciplinary Program Physical Chemistry PHYS TECH-219
Planning Group MPPG TECH-73 Polymer Chemistry POLY TECH-230
Academic Employment Initiative AEI TECH-74 Polymeric Materials Science
and Engineering PMSE TECH-245
Professional Relations PROF TECH-258
Agricultural & Food Chemistry AGFD TECH-75
Rubber RUBB TECH-260
Agrochemicals AGRO TECH-81
Small Chemical Businesses SCHB TECH-260
Analytical Chemistry ANYL TECH-90
Biochemical Technology BIOT TECH-99 COMMITTEE PROGRAMMING (In order of appearance)
Biological Chemistry BIOL TECH-99 Committee on Chemical Safety CCS TECH-261
Business Development Committee on Chemical Safety CCPA TECH-262
and Management BMGT TECH-103 Chemists with Disabilities CWD TECH-262
Carbohydrate Chemistry CARB TECH-104 Committee on Divisional Activities DAC TECH-262
Catalysis Science and Technology CATL TECH-106 Committee on Economic
Cellulose and Renewable Materials CELL TECH-116 and Professional Affairs CEPA TECH-262
Chemical Education CHED TECH-118 Committee on Environmental
Improvement CEI TECH-262
Chemical Health & Safety CHAS TECH-126
Committee on Ethics ETHX TECH-263
Chemical Information CINF TECH-127
International Activities Committee IAC TECH-263
Chemical Toxicology TOXI TECH-130
Committee on Minority Affairs CMA TECH-264
Chemistry and the Law CHAL TECH-132
Committee on Patents &
Colloid and Surface Chemistry COLL TECH-133
Related Matters CPRM TECH-264
Computers in Chemistry COMP TECH-145
Committee on Professional Training CPT TECH-264
Energy and Fuels ENFL TECH-153
Committee on Public Relations &
Environmental Chemistry ENVR TECH-163 Communications CPRC TECH-264
Fluorine Chemistry FLUO TECH-175 Committee on Science COMSCI TECH-264
Geochemistry GEOC TECH-176 Committee on Technician Affairs CTA TECH-265
History of Chemistry HIST TECH-177 Society Committee on Education SOCED TECH-265
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry I&EC TECH-177 Women Chemists Committee WCC TECH-265
Inorganic Chemistry INOR TECH-179 Younger Chemists Committee YCC TECH-266
Medicinal Chemistry MEDI TECH-197

9:10 PRES 6. Safety goggles aren’t Chemistry in an Evolving Political TUESDAY AFTERNOON
PRES just for nerds. T.F. George Climate: Research Priorities &
Career Pathways in Public Policy
9:40 PRES 7. Changing the federal over- Section A
Presidential Events sight model of Department of Energy
National Laboratories. J. McBrearty
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by
BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI, CELL, CEPA, Walter E. Washington Convention Center
A. Campbell, Program Chair CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC, Room 145A
10:10 PRES 8. Are you prepared DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB
for a journey? K.B. Jeskie Understanding the Chemistry
Transformative Research & of Our Planet
10:40 Panel Discussion.
SUNDAY MORNING Excellence in Education Award
Human Impacts to our Planet
Chemistry in an Evolving Political Sponsored by COMSCI, Cosponsored by BIOL,
Advancing Graduate Education: Cosponsored by BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI,
Climate: Research Priorities & COLL, COMP, ENFL, INOR, PHYS and PRES
Opportunities & Challenges CELL, CEPA, CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC,
Career Pathways in Public Policy ACS Pharma Leaders: Working GEOC, I&EC, INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by PRES
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by Together to Make a Difference A. Campbell, Organizer
Sponsored by MPPG, Cosponsored by PRES
CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC, 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
SUNDAY AFTERNOON Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: 1:45 PRES 20. Plastics in the ocean: Are
Sustaining Water Resources: Research, Innovation & there solutions to this global envi-
Section A Environmental & Economic Impact Commercialization ronmental problem? R. Thompson
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Sponsored by MPPG, Cosponsored by Challenges & Opportunities 2:15 PRES 21. Soil carbon dynamics and
Liberty Ballroom Salon M COMSCI‡, ENVR, GEOC, I&EC and PRES Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored the global climate change. R. Lal
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: 2:45 PRES 22. Understanding bio-
Science Communications: The Art PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC
Research, Innovation & sphere-atmosphere chemical exchange
of Developing a Clear Message in a changing world. A. Guenther
Cosponsored by BIOL, CARB, CEI, CELL,
CEPA, CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, I&EC, Current State & Future Path 3:15 PRES 23. Learning from a large
TUESDAY MORNING anthropogenic perturbation: A case study
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored of coupled chemistry and microbiology
Financially supported by Royal Section A following the Deepwater Horizon oil
Society of Chemistry PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC
spill in the Gulf of Mexico. S. Joye
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
S. Morrissey, M. Saffell, Organizers Room 145A 3:45 PRES 24. Rebuilding planetary
J. L. Maclachlan, Presiding
balance by improving the chemis-
MONDAY AFTERNOON Understanding the Chemistry try of life processes. R. Ferrieri
1:15 Introductory Remarks. of Our Planet 4:15 PRES 25. Biogeochemical
1:25 PRES 1. Secrets of the great science
Section A Transformations at Interfaces: The Role
Chemistry’s Role in our Earth System
communicators: The Grady-Stack Marriott Marquis Washington, DC of Chemistry in Predicting the Fate
Cosponsored by BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI,
Award for Interpreting Chemistry for Marquis Ballroom Salons 1/2 of Trace Metals and Contaminants in
the Public Award Address. T. Hager Environmental Systems. E.M. Pierce
2:10 PRES 2. Positive chemistry com- Building a Safety Culture Across
munication. J. Holman, S. Morrissey the Chemistry Enterprise A. Campbell, Organizer GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders
of Giants: Developing Chemistries
2:50 PRES 3. Essentials for an ele- Grassroots Approaches to 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
for Improved Global Health
vator pitch that introduces your Developing a Safety Culture 8:45 PRES 15. Bold sustainability as
science to everyone. N. Milanovich Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by ANYL,
Cosponsored by BIOL, BMGT, CARB, breakthrough opportunity. A. Steffan
3:20 PRES 4. Science communication CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS, CINF,
COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC, 9:15 PRES 16. Molecular clues to
practicum. A. Campbell, S. Morrissey past climates. K. Freeman Ladies in Waiting for Nobel Prizes:
INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC Overlooked Accomplishments
9:45 PRES 17. Organic aerosol in of Women Chemists
The Road Less Traveled: A. Campbell, Organizer
a changing world. C. Heald
Career Opportunities in the Sponsored by HIST, Cosponsored
1:00 Introductory Remarks. 10:15 PRES 18. Land-atmosphere
Government Sector by PRES, PROF and WCC‡
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored 1:10 PRES 12. Improving safety in the interactions, and the long term impacts
chemical enterprise through trans- of climate change. L. R. Leung Earle B. Barnes Award for
by PRES and PROF
parent sharing of best safety prac- Leadership in Chemical Research
10:45 PRES 19. Soil microbial ecology,
Advancing Graduate Education: tices: The Dow Laboratory Safety Management: Symposium in
ecosystem science and global
Opportunities & Challenges Academy delivers safety informa- honor of Laurie E. Locascio
biogeochemistry. B. Hungate
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by PRES tion to all. M.E. Jones, L. Seilor Why Not Me? Changing the Face
1:40 PRES 13. Back to [safety] basics Ladies in Waiting for Nobel Prizes: of Leadership in Science
at Northwestern. M. Blayney Overlooked Accomplishments Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored by PRES
of Women Chemists
MONDAY MORNING 2:10 PRES 10. Building a safety mindset:
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals:
An undergraduate’s perspective on chem- Sponsored by HIST, Cosponsored
ical safety in academia. N.K. Fredstrom by PRES, PROF and WCC‡ Research, Innovation &
Section A Commercialization
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC 2:40 PRES 11. Implementation of
enhanced science classroom safety GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders Innovating in Biomass Conversion:
Marquis Ballroom Salons 1/2 Factors for Success
standards and chemical hygiene plans of Giants: Developing Chemistries
Building a Safety Culture Across at the high school level. B.J. Kennedy for Improved Global Health Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by ANYL, by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG,
the Chemistry Enterprise 3:10 PRES 9. VPP-past successes and
future challenges. D. Kalinowski
Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts
to Developing a Safety Culture 3:40 PRES 14. The Joint Safety Team: Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Journey to Mars: Materials,
A researcher-led initiative for improv- Research, Innovation & Energy & Life Sciences
Cosponsored by BIOL, BMGT, CARB,
CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS, CINF, ing academic safety clture. C. Gee Commercialization Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC, 4:10 Panel Discussion. ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡,
From Research to Scale-Up PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
A. Campbell, Organizer Working in the Public Sector: by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG,
Running for Elected Office PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
Sponsored by SCHB, Cosponsored
8:40 PRES 5. The Chemical Safety by CCPA, CPRC and PRES Journey to Mars: Materials,
Energy & Life Sciences Journey to Mars: Materials,
Board: Safety is good business
Energy & Life Sciences
and good policy. V. Sutherland Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


WEDNESDAY MORNING 9:40 MPPG 5. California water 1:20 MPPG 15. Building block forum: 8:00 MPPG 23. ChemRxiv: The
resiliency in an energy constrained A cost-effective business model to chemistry community’s preprint
Journey to Mars: Materials, and uncertain climate future. enhance access to diverse monomers server. J. Milne, D.P. Henderson
Energy & Life Sciences S. Hubbard, P.S. Nico, A. Jones, and templates. R.D. Connell, M.T.
8:30 MPPG 25. Perspectives from arXiv,
C. Varadharajan, R. Kostecki, R. Ramesh Clark, C. Davie, D. Finsinger, D. McLeod,
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by bioRxiv, engrXiv and funders of research:
L. Meerpoel, A. Vasudevan, M. Willis
ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, 10:10 Intermission. Panel discussion. A. Aspuru-Guzik,
PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ 1:45 MPPG 16. Collaborations in S. Schmid, D. Berg, N. Thakur, C. Strasser
10:25 MPPG 6. Comprehensive
chemistry: More informative science
approach to water challenges: 9:30 MPPG 24. Perspectives from
through better tool compounds.
The case of Israel. N. Barak journal editors: Panel discussion.
A. Vasudevan, K.B. Goodman, B. Sherborne
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 11:10 MPPG 7. Overcoming implementation
P.S. Weiss, A.B. McCoy, L.L. Kiessling
2:10 MPPG 17. Pre-competitive
barriers for nanotechnology in drinking 10:30 MPPG 26. Perspectives from
Journey to Mars: Materials, collaborations and co-operation for
water treatment. P.K. Westerhoff academia: Panel discussion.
Energy & Life Sciences computer aided drug design.
A. Aspuru-Guzik, A.M. Spokoyny,
11:40 MPPG 8. Need for remediating J.M. Jansen, D.A. Loughney, E.S. Manas,
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by M.R. Shirts, D.G. Blackmond
water and the role of ion-selec- V. Shanmugasundaram, B. Sherborne
tive polymers. S. Alexandratos 11:30 Discussion.
PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ 2:35 MPPG 18. Pre-competitive
12:10 Concluding Remarks. collaborations and co-operation for
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals:
structural biology. S. Williams,
L. Shewchuk, P. Charbonneau, P. Orth
Research, Innovation &
Section B Commercialization
MPPG Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Room 146C
3:00 MPPG 19. Partnering with pharma
to impact neglected diseases From Research to Scale-Up
around the world. P. Warner Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
Multidisciplinary 2017 C&EN Talented 12 3:30 MPPG 20. Case study: Pharma

Program Planning Cosponsored by CPRC assisted drug discovery and develop-


Group B. Campos Seijo, L. Jarvis, L. K. Wolf,

ment for neglected diseases. D. Kempf

N. Jackson, Program Chair Organizers, Presiding TUESDAY AFTERNOON

Section C
8:00 MPPG 9. 2017 C&EN
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals:
Talented 12. L.K. Wolf
Ballrooms A/B Research, Innovation &
SUNDAY MORNING Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Commercialization
The Kavli Foundation Emerging
Research, Innovation & Leader in Chemistry Lecture Innovating in Biomass Conversion:
Merck Research Award Symposium
Commercialization Factors for Success
Sponsored by WCC, Cosponsored by BIOL, A. Campbell, Organizer, Presiding
COMP, MEDI, MPPG, ORGN, PMSE and PROF Current State & Future Path Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
4:00 Introductory Remarks. by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG,
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
4:05 MPPG 22. Turning photons into
PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC chemical bonds. P.K. Jain
SUNDAY AFTERNOON Monitoring Water Quality &
4:55 Q&A. Infrastructure to Prevent Future Flints
Section A Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Ballrooms A/B Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Section A
Ballrooms A/B
Chemistry’s Impact on the Global Walter E. Washington Convention Center TUESDAY EVENING
Economy Plenary Session Rooms 203A/B The Fred Kavli Innovations
in Chemistry Lecture Journey to Mars: Materials,
N. B. Jackson, Organizer, Presiding
Nano Commercialization: Energy & Life Sciences
T. Connelly, Presiding A. Campbell, Organizer, Presiding
Views from the Front Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by MPPG
3:00 MPPG 1. Chemistry’s Impact on 5:15 Introductory Remarks.
P. Alivisatos, L. E. Fernandez, P. S. Weiss,
the Global Economy. C. Kahle Organizers, Presiding 5:20 MPPG 21. Multifunctionality of liq-
uid-filled nanostructured materials: From
3:50 Q&A. 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
encryption to anti-fouling. J. Aizenberg
4:00 MPPG 2. Digital light synthesis 1:40 MPPG 10. The roles of nanoscience
to drive additive manufacturing: 6:10 Q&A. Economic Impact of Environmental
and nanotechnology in identifying
Convergence of hardware, software and Health Research: A Case Study of the
opportunities for major advances,
molecular science. J.M. DeSimone Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: NIEHS Superfund Research Program
intellectual property, and entrepre-
neurship across fields. P.S. Weiss Research, Innovation & Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG
4:50 Q&A. Commercialization
5:00 Discussion. 2:10 MPPG 11. Entrepreneurship in
the field of nanoscience and nan- Challenges & Opportunities
otechnology. P. Alivisatos Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON
MONDAY MORNING 2:40 MPPG 12. Commercializing
PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC Economic Impact of Environmental
technologies from the Halas labo-
ratory and elsewhere. N.J. Halas
Health Research: A Case Study of the
Section A NIEHS Superfund Research Program
3:10 MPPG 13. Exploring the path
Walter E. Washington Convention Center TUESDAY MORNING Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG
from lab to fab. C.G. Willson
Rooms 203A/B

Section B Section A
Sustaining Water Resources: The use of any device to capture
Environmental & Economic Impact Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Cosponsored by COMSCI‡, ENVR, Room 146C
Room 147B images (e.g., cameras and camera
ChemRxiv: Publishing in the
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
ACS Pharma Leaders: Working
H. L. Taft, Organizer, Presiding
Together to Make a Difference Age of Preprint Servers. A digital recorders) or to stream,
8:30 Introductory Remarks. H. Taft.
Joint CSR-ACS Symposium upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Cosponsored by PRES
8:40 MPPG 3. Thirst for power:
C. Peishoff, W. B. Young, Organizers
D. G. Blackmond, A. Sberegaeva, Organizers presentations is strictly prohibited
Energy, water and human sur- M. M. Kirchhoff, Organizer, Presiding
vival. M.E. Webber, F.T. Davidson P. R. Kym, Organizer, Presiding
at all official ACS meetings and
T. Fryberger, Presiding
9:10 MPPG 4. Energy-water 1:00 MPPG 14. ACS Pharma Leaders:
events without express written
nexus at DOE. D. Bauer Working together to make a differ- consent from ACS.
ence. P.R. Kym, C. Peishoff, W.B. Young

WEDNESDAY EVENING AEI 9.MAMBA: Hydrogen bond AEI 30. Predicting solvent-water AEI 49.Nanomaterial synthesis using
organized beta-strand peptidomi- partitioning of charged organic atomic layer deposition.
Economic Impact of Environmental metics. J.W. Meisel, A. Hamilton species using quantum-chemically S. Patwardhan, G.C. Schatz
Health Research: A Case Study of the estimated Abraham pp-LFER solute
AEI 10. Incorporation of synthetic, toe-hold AEI 50. Synthesis and characteriza-
NIEHS Superfund Research Program parameters. C. Davis, D.M. Di Toro
based gene circuits for the development tion of homoleptic copper (I) thiolate
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by MPPG of electrochemical sensors for rapid AEI 31. Elucidating mechanisms of complexes. J.K. Pratt, P.P. Power
disease diagnostics. S.J. Smith, S.O. Kelley toxicity of nanoparticles exposed
Monitoring Water Quality & AEI 51. Withdrawn.
to various environmental factors.
Infrastructure to Prevent Future Flints AEI 11. Molecular Yoga: The juxtaposi-
N.M. Dissanayake, S.O. Obare AEI 52. Sequential chemistry study
tion of rational design and synthetic
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored of well-isolated and characterized
molecular evolution to create new, AEI 32. Preparation of chloram-
by CEI and MPPG quantum dots using batch and
useful molecules. G. Wiedman inated concentrated drinking water
continuous flow platforms. Y. Shen
for disinfection by-product mix-
AEI 12.Derivatization of halopyridines for
tures research. A.R. Kennicutt, P. AEI 53. Molecular to mesoscale: Identifying
covalent enzyme inhibition. A. Tuley,
Rossman, J.G. Pressman, D. Wahman atomic-level structural features of nano-
J. Swartzel, S. Patel, S. Sadrameli, W. Fast
AEI AEI 13. Rationally designed nanoscale
AEI 33. Investigating sources, fates,
and biological effects of emerging
crystalline manganese oxides critical to
understanding electrochemistry. P. Smith,
catalysts for green transforma- A.C. Marschilok, K.J. Takeuchi, E.S. Takeuchi
Academic tions to form commodity chemi-
cals. H.A. Al- Zubaidi, S.O. Obare
organic contaminants using inno-
vative passive monitoring tools and AEI 54. DNA damage recognition mediated
Employment Initiative AEI 14.Sulfur interactions with bimetallic
integrative measures of toxicity. C.A.
McDonough, C.P. Higgins, R. Lohmann
by repair proteins carrying [4Fe4S]
clusters and understanding proton-cou-
C. Kuniyoshi and N. Bakowski, Pd/Pt catalysts. M.S. Wilburn, W.S. Epling pled electron transfer processes using a
Program Chairs AEI 34. Coupled microbial electroly-
lipid-modified electrochemical platform.
AEI 15. Maleic acid and aluminum chloride sis cell-forward osmosis system for
E. Tse, A. Gewirth, T.B. Rauchfuss, J.K. Barton
catalyzed conversion of glucose to sustainable wastewater treatment and
5-(Hydroxymethyl) furfural and levulinic resource recovery. M. Qin, Z. He AEI 55.High-valent organometallic nickel
MONDAY EVENING acid in aqueous media. x. zhang
AEI 35. Removal of trace organic
complexes mediated C-H bond activation
and bond formation reactions. W. Zhou
AEI 16. Metal organic framework- contaminants and estrogenic activity
Section A modified graphene-based catalyst in six full-scale integrated fixed-film AEI 56. From high valent Iron nitrides
for oxygen reduction reaction. activated sludge (IFAS) wastewater to catalytically relevant low valent
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
S. Zhuang, B. Nunna, E. Lee treatment plants. M. Shreve, R. Brennan homoleptic iron alkyl complexes.
Halls D/E
S.B. Munoz, M.L. Neidig, J.M. Smith
AEI 17. Using LEGOs to help students AEI 36. Quantitative SERS enabled by
Academic Employment Initiative understand kinetics and equilib- surface plasmon enhanced elastic AEI 57. Cancer immunotherapy, cell
rium concepts. J. Xian, D.B. King scattering. H. Wei, W. Leng, P.J. Vikesland imaging and drug delivery from
C. Kuniyoshi, Organizer
self-assembled structure. J. Lee
AEI 18. Nanoscale engineering for funda- AEI 37. Water-solute permselectiv-
8:00 - 10:00 mental biophysical studies and biomed- AEI 58. Development of azole anti-
ity limits of biomimetic desalination
AEI 1.Identification of antimicrobial ical applications. S. De Silva Indrasekara membranes. J.R. Werber, M. Elimelech fungal analogues to treat Hedgehog
peptide from soy protein. N. Xiang, dependent cancers. K.A. Teske, J.R.
AEI 19. Potential of mean force for insertion AEI 38. Alkylation of benzene with
Y. Lyu, X. Zhu, A. Bhunia, G. Narsimhan Pace, A.M. DeBerardinis, M.K. Hadden
of antimicrobial peptide melittin into a ethylene in the presence of zeolite
AEI 2.Fluorescamine-based screening of pore in mixed DOPC/DOPG lipid bilayer catalyst: Mathematical modelling of AEI 59. Imparting intrinsic floures-
protein-protein interfaces. J. Ashby by molecular dynamics simulation. reactor. E. Khlebnikova, E. Ivashkina, cence as an approach towards rapid
Y. Lyu, N. Xiang, X. Zhu, G. Narsimhan I. Dolganova, I. Dolganov, S. Koshkin inhibitor screening and mechanistic
AEI 3. Label-free optical biomo-
evaluation of tuberculosis shikimate
lecular sensing using single wall AEI 20. Withdrawn. AEI 39. Hydroxylamine oxidoreduc-
kinase. R. Fuanta, D.C. Goodwin
carbon nanotubes. J. Dong AEI 21. Photoinduced single nano- tase activities and bacterial ammonia
oxidation pathways. J.D. Caranto Towards a modular approach to
AEI 60.
AEI 4. Effect of solution viscosity on crystal study of hybrid semiconduct-
Eumelanin oligomer synthesis. A.H.
multi-electron transfer from repeated ing nanomaterials. P.K. Routh AEI 40.Diiron complexes with new
Aebly, J. Levy, B. Steger, J.M. Belitsky
collisions of a single Ag nanoparticle AEI 22. Metal nanoparticle decorated proton-relay ligand platforms. M.R.
on a Au electrode. D.A. Robinson, Carlson, T.W. Chapp, R. Gilbert- AEI 61. Exploring the scope of Lewis
meso-graphene oxide compos-
Y. Liu, M.A. Edwards, H.S. White Wilson, J. Mitra, T.B. Rauchfuss acid-catalyzed triplet energy transfer:
ites as theranostics. S. Sharma,
[2+2] photocycloaddition and beyond.
AEI 5. Designing food analysis L. Chen, V.H. Pham, J.H. Dickerson, AEI 41. Planar chiral, redox active and
M.E. Daub, H. Keita, E. Sherbrook, T.P. Yoon
experiments for the promotion of critical M.A. Barish, R. Tannenbaum strongly Lewis acidic organoboranes
thinking in the instrumental analysis and organoalanes: Isolation, structural AEI 62. Design, synthesis, and evalua-
AEI 23. Design of crystalline
laboratory. O. Sathoud, K.S. Booksh, characterization and diverse catalysis. tion of N-phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate
heterosurfaces for direct nucleation
J.L. Hilsenbeck-Fajardo, D. Kraiter, C. Maunz J. Chen, F. Jaekle, E.Y. Chen, J.R. Norton derivatives as putative human ATCase
of active pharmaceutical ingredients.
inhibitors. M. Doud, C. Wolf, K. Ponsart
AEI 6.Novel characterization of block T.K. Wijethunga, J. Stojakovic, AEI 42. The secondary building unit as
copolymer and biopolymer matri- F. Baftizadeh, A.S. Myerson, B.L. Trout metalloligand: Structural and mecha- AEI 63. Dual-light control of nanomachines
ces using fluorescence micros- nistic insight into catalysis at metal-or- that integrate motor and modulator
AEI 24. Developing and applying
copy methods. K. Tran Ba ganic framework nodes. R. Comito subunits. J.T. Foy, Q. Li, A. Goujon, J.
computational approaches in ear-
Collard, G. Fuks, E. Moulin, O. Schiffman,
AEI 7.Microfluidic magnetic bead ly-stage drug discovery. T.E. Balius AEI 43.Low temperature growth of ZrSe2/
D. Dattlier, D. Funeriu, N. Giuseppone
ELISA streamlined with pneu- AEI 25. Power of exact using conditions HfSe2 thin film and nanostructured
matic valves. Y. Yang, Y. Zeng complex metal chalcogenide MnSb2Se4. AEI 64. Synthesis and characterization of
to develop density functionals.
H. Djieutedjeu, B.S. Guiton, M. Thomas, Y. Lei functionalized heterocyclic compounds:
AEI 8.Developing new tools for the study D.S. Ranasinghe, J.T. Margraf, R.J. Bartlett
1,10-phenanthrolines and oxazoles. S.
of O-GlcNAc transferase in disease. AEI 26. Deep learning vs Zika virus: At the AEI 44. Withdrawn.
Jianrattanasawat, D.L. Sellers, E. Schoffers
S.E. Martin, D.Y. Duveau, J. Janetzko, crossroads of computational chemis- AEI 45. Unprecedented chromium-ligand
Z.W. Tan, F.A. Moss, H. Itkonen, P. Sliz, AEI 65. Water-soluble cavitands:
try, systems biology, data mining and multiple bonding and oxidative group
M.B. Lazarus, C.J. Thomas, S. Walker Applications in anion recogni-
computer science. N. Sizochenko transfer reactions supported by a
tion and protein inhibition. J.H.
AEI 27. Pushing nonlinear spectroscopy macrocyclic N-heterocyclic tetracarbene.
Jordan, C.L. Gibb, B.C. Gibb
to its limit: Theoretical upper bounds for G. Elpitiya, D.M. Jenkins, B. Malbrecht
AEI 66. Synthesis of skeleton of bro-
second harmonic generation in molecules AEI 46. Gold (I) sulfide nano-
mophycolide A and D asymmetric
and materials. L. Tan, A.M. Rappe structures obtained via cation
homocrotylation of aldehydes rapid
AEI 28. Computational study of ketohepty- exchange of copper sulfides. E.A.
total synthesis of ciprofloxacin hydro-
Technical program information lperoxy radical atmospheric decom- Hernandez-Pagan, J. Macdonald
chloride in continuous flow. H. Lin
known at press time. position and combustion. A.C. Davis AEI 47. Withdrawn.
AEI 67. Toward the origin of small chemical
The official technical program for AEI 29. Microbial effect of iron from hema- AEI 48.Rhodium-cyanine fluorescent shift differences in diastereotopic X-CH2D
tite into seawater mediated via anthraqui- probes for detection and signaling of groups. O. Ogba, S. Elliott, D. Kolin, L.J.
the 254th ACS National Meeting none-2,7-disulfonate. A. Aneksampant mismatches in DNA. A. Nano, J.K. Barton Brown, S. Cevallos, M. Levitt, D.J. O’Leary
is available at www.acs.org/

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


AEI 68. Unprecedented reversible 10:55 AGFD 6. Development of carotenoids 11:00 AGFD 19. Grape proanthocyanidin-
Buchner ring expansions by photo-
chemically accessible triplet reactivity
AGFD and C13-norisoprenoids in Vitis vinifera
L. Cv. Pinot noir grapes. F. Yuan, M.C. Qian
induced bloom of gut microbe
Akkermansia muciniphila precedes intes-
from a singlet DAC. T.A. Perera
AEI 69. Total synthesis of citreoviranol.
Division of 11:20 AGFD 7. Assessing smoke taint
risk based on the composition of
tinal gene expression changes associated
with metabolic resilience. L. Zhang, R.N.
R. Quach, D.P. Furkert, M. Brimble Agricultural & Food smoke exposed grape berries and
Carmody, H. Kalariya, K. Moskal, P. Kuhn,
P.J. Turnbaugh, I. Raskin, D. Roopchand
AEI 70. Introducing undergradu- Chemistry the resulting wines. T.S. Collins
11:35 AGFD 20. Influence of prebi-
ate researchers to organic elec- B. Guthrie, Program Chair
Section B otic fibers on gut microbiome and
tronics. J.A. Schneider
implications for mineral absorption and
AEI 71. 1-Hydrosilatrane: A chiral Lewis OTHER SYMPOSIA OF INTEREST: Walter E. Washington Convention Center bone health. M. de Souza, L. Spence, K.
base activated reducing agent for Analytical Techniques Used to Address Room 144C Karnik, K. Canene-Adams, C.M. Weaver
the asymmetric reduction of prochi- FDA Regulatory Questions &
ral ketones to alcohols. S. Varjosaari, Challenges (see ANYL, Sun, Mon, Tue) Food Additives & Packaging Recent Advances towards
V. Skrypai, T.M. Gilbert, M.J. Adler the Bioeconomy
Advances in Analytical Forensic Emerging Trends in Food
AEI 72. Withdrawn. Chemistry & Toxicology (see ANYL, Wed) Ingredient Chemistry Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored by
AEI 73. Withdrawn. Oxidative Stress & Antioxidants: AGFD, CARB, ENFL and ENVR
D. L. Doell, R. Shah, Organizers
Measurement Tools & Analytical
AEI 74. Computing nuclear quantum Challenges (see ANYL, Sun) L. T. Cureton, V. Komolprasert, Organizers, Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased
effects with the nuclear electronic Presiding Materials & Biocatalysis
Informatics & Chemical Biology:
orbital approach. K. Brorsen
Identifying Targets & Biological 8:00 Introductory Remarks. Biobased Materials:
AEI 75. Revealing the dynamics that control Pathways (see CINF, Tue) Industrial Perspectives
8:05 AGFD 8. Stability of fish oil in
protein and biomolecule activity using Chemophobia: Communicating Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored
cross-linked alginate microcap-
FTIR and ultrafast 2DIR spectros- Chemistry (see CHAS, Tue) by AGFD, CELL and PMSE
sules prepared by spray-drying.
copy in combination with molecular
Advanced Techniques for Isolation, S.A. Strobel, B.M. Arbaugh, K.A.
dynamics simulations. S.C. Edington
Identification & Quantitation of Ag/ Hudnall, H.B. Scher, N. Nitin, T. Jeoh
AEI 76. Wide-field super-resolution Pharma Relevant Compounds from
infrared microscopy for aquatic Biological Samples (see AGRO, Tue) 8:30 AGFD 9. Bioparticle-Based pesticide SUNDAY AFTERNOON
pollutant examination. B. Jones degradation using enzyme immobiliza-
SOCIAL EVENTS: tion. P. Pourtaheri, A. Shakeel, Z. Davis, S. Section A
AEI 77. Photochemical dynamics AGFD Awards Banquet, 5:30 PM: Tue Zomorodi, J. Frank, M. Kester, S. Moshasha
for intramolecular singlet fission in Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Poster Session & Reception, 5:00 PM: Sun 8:55 AGFD 10. Hydrogenation of Room 144B
covalently-bound pentacene dimers.
Z. Lin, H. Iwasaki, T.A. Van Voorhis
soybean oil without trans-fatty acids
BUSINESS MEETINGS: using high voltage atmospheric cold From Fermentation to Fume
AEI 78. Crystal orientation dependence of AGFD Special Topics Meeting plasma (HVACP). K. Keener, X. Yepez Hood: The Chemistry of Wine
heterogeneous nucleation at the Cu-Pb (closed), 12:00 PM: Sun
9:20 AGFD 11. Spectroscopic portable Polyphenolics & Wine
solid-liquid interface. P. Palafox, B. Laird
Future Programs Meeting, 12:00 PM: Mon devices and chemometric analysis for Macromolecules
AEI 79. Withdrawn. Executive Committee Meeting, table-top sweetener quantitation. B.J. Yakes
Financially supported by E&J Gallo,
AEI 80. Revealing the excitonic and 5:00 PM: Mon 9:45 Intermission. Constellation Brands, Agilent Technologies
structural properties of light-harvesting Business Meeting, 12:00 PM: Tue
10:00 AGFD 12. MCPD- and glycidyl-esters
molecular assemblies through electron- G. L. Sacks, Organizer
in palm oil: Mechanisms of formation
ic-vibrational spectroscopy. C.C. Rich D. L. Capone, Organizer, Presiding
and opportunities for effective mitiga-
AEI 81. Leveraging a computational SUNDAY MORNING tion. B.D. Craft, F. Destaillats, K. Nagy 1:30 AGFD 21. Tannin reacts with SO2
chemistry app-store for both teaching
10:25 AGFD 13. Acrylamide in food: during aging, yielding newly discovered
and researching chemistry. R. Richard Section A Formation, analysis and expo- flavan-3-ol sulfonates in wine. A.L.
AEI 82. Engineering the molecular sure assessment. L. Jackson Waterhouse, L. Ma, B. Addison, A.A. Watrelot
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
interactions for biomedical appli-
Room 144B 10:50 AGFD 14. Assessment of dietary 1:55 AGFD 22. Mechanism of anthocyanin
cations. H. Acar, M.V. Tirrell
exposure to 4-methylimidazole (4-MEI) extraction during red wine fermentation.
AEI 83. Synthetic polymers with uncon- From Fermentation to Fume for the U.S. population based on A. Oberholster, C. Medina Plaza, J. Beaver,
ventional architectures for energy Hood: The Chemistry of Wine quantitative data from foods containing L.A. Lerno, R. Ponangi, T. Blair, D.E. Block
storage. P. Cao, A.P. Sokolov, T. Saito Financially supported by E&J Gallo, caramel color. D. Folmer, D.L. Doell, 2:20 AGFD 23. High resolution mass
AEI 84. Self-softening shape memory Constellation Brands, Agilent Technologies H. Lee, G.O. Noonan, S.E. Carberry spectrometry approaches to charac-
polymers as a substrate for bio- 11:15 AGFD 15. Optimization in the pro- terize wine polyphenols. V. Cheynier
D. L. Capone, Organizer
electronic devices. M. Ecker duction of caramel colors. C. Llewellyn 2:45 AGFD 24. Cap on red wine macro-
G. L. Sacks, Organizer, Presiding
AEI 85. Withdrawn. 11:40 Concluding Remarks. molecules? Updates on how winemak-
8:30 AGFD 1. Characterising the chemical ing interventions influence tannin and
AEI 86. Harnessing the power
and sensory properties of Australian polysaccharide composition in Shiraz
of post-translational modifica- Section C
rosé wines. J. Wang, D.L. Capone, J.M. wines. K. Bindon, S. Kassara, C. Curtin, S.
tions for materials science and
Gambetta, K.L. Wilkinson, D.W. Jeffery Walter E. Washington Convention Center Li, J. Hixson, B. Teng, K. Wilkinson, P. Smith
engineering. D. Mozhdehi
Room 149A
8:55 AGFD 2. Relating chemical 3:10 Intermission.
AEI 87. Withdrawn.
measurements of wine to olfac-
AEI 88. Complex fluids and anisotro- tory perceptions. T.E. Acree
Link between Dietary Inputs,
pic liquids for intelligent molecular Stressors & the Gut Microbiome:
9:20 AGFD 3. Investigations of aroma Military Perspective
engineering and material design:
compounds and sensory profiles affected
Structure-rheology-property J. Karl, J. W. Soares, Organizers
by the addition of grape leaves or
relationships. M.S. Sadati
stalks in a red wine fermentation. D.L. S. Arcidiacono, K. Racicot, Presiding
AEI 89. Withdrawn. Capone, A. Barker, W. Pearson, L. Francis
8:30 Introductory Remarks. The use of any device to capture
Programming self-assem-
AEI 90.
bly and function at multiple scales
9:45 AGFD 4. Aromatic complexity of two
8:35 AGFD 16. Military-relevant stressors, images (e.g., cameras and camera
premium wines revealed by gas chro-
with nucleic acids. J. Vieregg matography combined to olfactometry diet, and the gut microbiome. J. Karl phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
AEI 91. Three-dimensional responsive soft and mass spectrometry. S. Carlin, R. 9:10 AGFD 17. Microbial endocrinology digital recorders) or to stream,
micro/nano-structures for biomedical and Magri, C. Lotti, U. Vrhovsek, F. Mattivi as a mechanism governing the interplay
electronic applications. W. Xu, D.H. Gracias between diet, stress and the microbiome upload or rebroadcast speakers or
10:10 Intermission.
10:30 AGFD 5. Aroma-migration during
on host health and behavior. M. Lyte presentations is strictly prohibited
the bottling of wine - combining a 9:55 Intermission. at all official ACS meetings and
sensory and analytical approach.
U. Fischer, J. Vestner, H. Schmarr, M. Mathes
10:15 AGFD 18. Bacterial metabo- events without express written
lism of carbohydrates, dietary fiber
and gut health. B. Hamaker consent from ACS.

3:30 AGFD 25. Structural studies on 4:15 AGFD 35. Development of a HPLC/ SUNDAY EVENING AGFD 61. Characterisation of bioac-
three Vitis vinifera thaumatin-like PDA method for quantitative analysis tive grape and wine metabolites
proteins and their hazing potential of food components without the need through a combined organic, ana-
Section A
in white wines. M. Marangon, S.C. for analytical standards. lytical and computational approach.
Van Sluyter, E.J. Waters, R.I. Menz Y. Nishizaki, N. Sugimoto, K. Sato Walter E. Washington Convention Center S. Tan, D. Barker, B. Fedrizzi
Hall C
3:55 AGFD 26. Soluble cell wall polysac- 4:40 Concluding Remarks. AGFD 62. Withdrawn.
charides and their relationship with wine
General Posters AGFD 63.Assessing the stability of lutein in
mouthfeel and taste. H. Chong, M.T. Section C model food systems supplemented with
Cleary, N. Dokoozlian, C. Ford, G. Fincher B. D. Guthrie, Organizer
spinach powder. K. Kensil, K.R. Conca
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
4:20 AGFD 27. Integrated approach to 5:00 - 7:00
Room 149A AGFD 64. Comparative metabolite
managing alcohol levels in wine while profiling of Solanum lycopersicum
AGFD 45. Spectroscopic and time-
maintaining quality and style. R. Ristic,
Link between Dietary Inputs, dependent density functional theory leaves exposed to herbivore damage
O. Schelezki, A. Hranilovic, S. Li, D. Pham,
Stressors & the Gut Microbiome: investigation of the photophysical and the phytohormone jasmonic
D. Wollan, K. Bindon, P. Boss, V. Stockdale,
Military Perspective properties of zearalenone and its acid. M. Cohen, J. Smith, A.E. Witter
D.W. Jeffery, V. Jiranek, K. Wilkinson
analogs. M. Appell, W. Bosma AGFD 65. Utilization of crop residue
S. Arcidiacono, K. Racicot, Organizers
AGFD 46. Evaluation of antioxidant and processing factor compilations for
Section B J. Karl, J. W. Soares, Organizers, Presiding
anticancer activities of Psidium guajava human safety assessment residue data
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 1:30 Introductory Remarks. component kamepferol. J. Su, H. Hu, P. Wu strategy development. C.K. Kingston
Room 144C
1:35 AGFD 36. In vitro fermentation to AGFD 47. Isoquercitrin induced metabolism AGFD 66. Further characterization of
understand healthy and stressed gut disorders in cancer cells by activat- IBU calculators using additional OG
Food Additives & Packaging worts. N.O. Flynn, J. Welbaum
microbiome metabolism. ing the AMP-activated protein kinase
Analytical Challenges in S. Arcidiacono, L. Doherty, I. Pantoja- pathway. J. Su, P. Wu, R. Zhang AGFD 67. Formation of savory flavors
Food Chemistry Feliciano, K. Kensil, K. Racicot, J.W. Soares
AGFD 48. Study on the antioxidant, through reaction flavor system
D. L. Doell, R. Shah, Organizers 2:10 AGFD 37. Human gut microbiota bacteriostatic and antitumor acitivities in the enzymatic hydrolysate of
modulation by prebiotics. G. Gibson of chili seed oil. Y. Wang, soy sauce residue and defat-
L. T. Cureton, V. Komolprasert, Organizers,
B. Liu, X. Wen, M. Li, K. Wang, Y. Ni ted soybean. Y. Cha, W. Wang
Presiding 2:55 Intermission.
AGFD 49. Measuring the value of AGFD 68. Laboratory kitchen sink:
1:00 Introductory Remarks. 3:15 AGFD 38. The effect of sleep on the
prebiotic fibers on gut health via Determining appropriate internal
host metabolome. F. Vargas, C. Depner,
1:05 AGFD 28. Determination of seven innovative gut model. S.E. Butler, standards for HS-SPME-GC-MS
A.G. Peña, R. Knight, K. Wright, P.C. Dorrestein
certified color additives in food products M. de Souza, A. Hoffman, L. Spence, K. volatile profiling in plant mapping
marketed in the United States. 3:50 AGFD 39. FitBiomics: Understanding Karnik, K. Canene-Adams, M. Marzorati populations using post hoc evaluations.
E. Miranda-Bermudez, B. Petigara Harp elite microbiomes for performance and E.A. Burzynski, B.I. Reisch, G.L. Sacks
AGFD 50. Modeling the human gut
recovery applications. J. Scheiman
1:30 AGFD 29. Development of a specifica- microbiome through in vitro fermenta- AGFD 69. Production of seasoning
tion method to determine unreacted raw 4:25 Concluding Remarks. tion. L. Doherty, I. Pantoja-Feliciano, S. flavors in the hydrolysate of soy
materials, products of side reactions, and Arcidiacono, K. Kensil, K. Racicot, J. Soares sauce residue using reaction flavor
subsidiary colors in color additives using Section D technology. Y. Cha, W. Wang
AGFD 51. Validation of size exclusion
high-performance liquid chromatography. Atmospheric cold plasma
Walter E. Washington Convention Center separation following in-vitro digestion to AGFD 70.
C. Tatebe, H. Kubota, A. Tada, K. Sato causing chemical and physical changes
Room 149B simulate absorption. K.R. Conca, K. Kensil
1:55 AGFD 30. Determination of color on ginseng surface increasing yield of
AGFD 52. Inhibitory effect of adlay
adulteration of green table olives by Entrepreneurs in the Agriculture ginsenosides extraction. R. Wang, Y. Ting
oil nanoemulsion on melanin pro-
copper salts. B. Petigara Harp, & Food Industries Cold Plasma pretreatment
duction in B16F10 melanoma cells AGFD 71.
P. Delmonte, P. Gray, P.F. Scholl, T. Todorov modified the chemical properties of grape
Cosponsored by SCHB‡ and zebrafish. H. Yin Ting, Y. Ting
2:20 AGFD 31. Arsenic speciation surface: Enhancing the drying rate and
K. Goodner, J. E. Sabol, Organizers, Presiding
AGFD 53. Non-thermal plasma
method development for various final raisin quality. C. Huang, J. Wu, Y. Ting
enhanced germination and higher
food matrices. K. Laurvick 1:30 Introductory Remarks. Protein-based food models devel-
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) AGFD 72.
2:45 Intermission. concentration in brown rice. P. Chou, oped to assess formulations for losses in
1:45 AGFD 40. Withdrawn.
S. Shen, J. Wu, K. Cheng, Y. Ting amino acids due to protein crosslinking
3:00 AGFD 32. Novel method for the 2:15 AGFD 41. Inventor or entrepreneur... during storage. K.R. Conca, K. Kensil
simultaneous determination of 14 Did you know there was a differ- AGFD 54. Nano-delivery system for
sweeteners of regulatory interest bioactive ingredients using dif- AGFD 73. Increasing the solubility of meat
ence? K.M. Bazemore, R.A. Bazemore
using UHPLC-MS/MS. R. Shah ferent methods: Structure and and bone meal protein for potential
2:45 AGFD 42. Gallery of rogues: How release behaviors. S. Wenbei flocculant applications. R.M. Marsico
3:25 AGFD 33. Method development I found myself as a part of craft
and validation for the composition of AGFD 55. Evaluation of estrogenic activity AGFD 74. Mechanistic studies of protein
distilling’s vanguard. M. Strickland
galactooligosaccharides. of the novel bisphenol-A alternative, four tyrosine kinase activation by heavy
L. Chen, L. Liu, K. Laurvick, W. Wang 3:15 AGFD 43. Grow your own - bisguaiacol-F compounds. metal ions. Y. Ahmadibeni, S. Guha
for fun and profit. J. Sabol Y. Peng, C. Wu, K. Reno, M. Guo
3:50 AGFD 34. Development and AGFD 75. Separation of iron from egg
validation of an LC-MS/MS method 3:45 AGFD 44. Chickpea Institute: AGFD 56. Sample preparation and yolk by aqueous extraction of phosvitin
for the determination of sulfite in food Engaging stakeholders in the agricul- analysis of di- and tetra-brominated or ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
and beverages. K. Carlos, L. Dejager ture and food industries. J. Sum C18 triacylglycerides (TAG-Br2 and (EDTA) treatment. J. Ren, J. Wu
4:15 Panel Discussion. TAG-Br4) in various rat tissues. AGFD 76. Risk assessment of food
K. Woodling, G. Gamboa da Costa additives and packaging. H.E.
Recent Advances towards
the Bioeconomy AGFD 57.Metabolomic analysis of Dover, M.P. Holsapple, S.E. Selke
commercial cranberry supplements. AGFD 77. Analysis of flame retar-
Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored by
J. Turbitt, C.C. Neto, K. Colson dants: A survey of food contact
AGFD 58. Mechanistic analysis of arylal- materials. R. Paseiro Cerrato, L.K.
Preparing for Employment kylamine N-acyltransferases in Tribolium Ackerman, L. Dejager, T. Begley
in a Global Workforce castaneum: A possible target to control AGFD 78. Effects of high pressure process-
Sponsored by IAC, Cosponsored crop destruction caused by the red ing on chemical migration in PET. Y.S.
by AGFD and PROF flour beetle. B. O’Flynn, D.J. Merkler Song, J.L. Koontz, Y. Zhou, K. Pillai, J. Ding
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased AGFD 59. Metabolomic analysis and varia-
Technical program information tion in phytochemical composition among
AGFD 79. Fatty acids contents and
Materials & Biocatalysis expanded uncertainty of infant
known at press time. North American cranberry cultivars. ­formulas by gas chromatography.
Developments in Biocatalysts L. Xue, A. Milstead, K. Colson, C.C. Neto
The official technical program for Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored
D. Seo, J. Hwang, S. Kim, B. Kim, J. Lee
AGFD 60. Comparison of dissipation
the 254th ACS National Meeting by AGFD, CELL and PMSE ratio between metconazole and
is available at www.acs.org/ myclobutanil in dropwort. S. Hong,
J. Hwang, S. Lee, S. Kwak, M. Kang,
WDC2017 J. Kang, J. Ryu, K. Kyung, J. Kim

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


AGFD 80. Contents of macro- and 9:45 AGFD 94. Global lipidomics profiling Section C 11:20 AGFD 119. Trapping of acrolein
micro-minerals in infant formulas by of grapes identifies lipidomics signatures by dietary flavonoids. Q. Huang, Y.
ICP-OES and ICP-MS. D. Seo, J. Hwang, discriminating between grape genotypes. Walter E. Washington Convention Center Zhu, P. Wang, S. Zhang, L. Lv, S. Sang
S. Kim, J. Park, H. Lee, B. Kim, J. Lee V. Shulaev, K. Zaman, M. Ghaste, G. Chitarrini,
Room 144C
11:45 Concluding Remarks.
S. Grando, M. Stefanini, U. Vrhovsek, F. Mattivi
AGFD 81. LC-MS analysis of antioxidant Food Safety & Labeling: Food & Flavor
polymer additives exposed to low 10:10 Intermission. Regulations, Progress & Challenges Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased
dose gamma irradiation. M.D. Celiz, in the Pursuit to Serve the Consumer Materials & Biocatalysis
10:30 AGFD 95. Varietal thiols origins
K.M. Morehouse, L. Dejager, T. Begley
in wine: A review on their liberation Food & Flavor Regulations, Chemical Catalytic Routes
AGFD 82. Acidity adjustments, tar- mechanisms from the precursors present Accurate Labeling to Biobased Materials
trate formation, and oxidative in grapes and musts. R. Schneider
Cosponsored by PROF Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored
stability of wines treated with cation
10:55 AGFD 96. Rethinking re-stinking: by AGFD, CELL and PMSE
exchange resins. V. Laurie, F. Ponce, O. Burleson, M. Guentert, L. Jackson,
A critical evaluation of hypotheses
C. Adriazola, Y. Mirabal-Gallardo Organizers
for formation of sulfurous off aromas
AGFD 83. Preparation of amorphous during wine storage. G.L. Sacks, D. K. Weerasinghe, Organizer, Presiding
starch using ultra high pressure and G. Kreitman, R. Elias, D.W. Jeffery MONDAY AFTERNOON
ethanol process and observation of C. Frey, Presiding
11:20 AGFD 97. Potential strategies for
internal structure. J. Lee, B. Kim, M. Baik 8:30 Introductory Remarks. Section A
preventing copper mediated reductive
AGFD 84. Converting used tea leaf into aroma in post-bottle wines. 8:45 AGFD 107. New nutrition Walter E. Washington Convention Center
active antimicrobial films using elec- L. Vernarelli, G. Kreitman, R. Elias facts panel. K. Wingfield Room 149A
trospinning method. R. Peng, Y. Ting
9:15 AGFD 108. Total and individual General Papers
AGFD 85. Investigation of antibiotic sus- Section B sugar content of top contributors of
ceptibility, class 1 integron and biofilm Walter E. Washington Convention Center commercially processed foods with B. D. Guthrie, Organizer
formation ability on Salmonella spp., added sugars in the U.S. Y. Li, J. Ahuja
Room 149B H. Ma, Presiding
Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus
aureus from various foods in South 9:45 AGFD 109. FDA’s added sugars 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
Food Additives & Packaging labeling regulation – the not so
China. J. Su, W. Wang, H. Hu 1:35 AGFD 120. High yield/quality of
Global Challenges to Regulating sweet treat. B. Silverglade
AGFD 86. Use of chemical ontology in the net proteins, lipids, and antioxidants
Food Packaging 10:15 Intermission. extracted through fractionation/one
evaluation of food ingredients and pack-
aging at the FDA. D.M. Schmit, T. Page L. T. Cureton, D. L. Doell, R. Shah, Organizers 10:30 AGFD 110. P-GMO and organic food step chemical method. T. Chavez-Gil
AGFD 87. US FDA’s food additive V. Komolprasert, Organizer, Presiding effects on animal metabolic health. F.M. 1:55 AGFD 121. Withdrawn.
knowledgebase and cheminformatics Assadi-Porter, E. Selen-Alpergin, W. Porter
L. Cureton, Presiding 2:15 AGFD 122. Concurrent production
platform: Chemical evaluation and risk 11:00 AGFD 111. How the food chem- of plant protein- and carbohydrate-
estimation system. P. Volarath, L. Holt, 8:00 Introductory Remarks. icals codex evolves to ensure the enriched fractions by a dry
T. Deng, M. Garg, D. Mehta, K. Arvidson 8:05 AGFD 98. Comparison of the safety of the food supply. C. Frey triboelectrification-based approach.
AGFD 88. Using sniff olfactom- major regulatory systems for food 11:30 AGFD 112. What’s natural and S. Tabtabaei, A.R. Rajabzadeh, R.L. Legge
etry to measure olfactory contact materials. D. Hill clean label? D.K. Weerasinghe 2:35 AGFD 123. Withdrawn.
latency. C. Albietz, T.E. Acree 8:30 AGFD 99. Unpacking food pack-
2:55 Intermission.
AGFD 89. Using sniff olfactometry to study aging controversies. E. Greenberg Section D
Sauvignon Blanc odorant interac- 3:15 AGFD 124. Extracellular substances
8:55 AGFD 100. Are the color additives in Walter E. Washington Convention Center
tions. X. Zheng, C. Maxe, T.E. Acree from biofilms produced in pure and mixed
your inks or coatings in compliance with Room 144B culture under conditions mimetic food
AGFD 90. Eriocitrin attenuates high- food contact regulations? N.H. Mady
processing. L. Deschenes, N. Guertin, T.
fat diet induced disturbances in 9:20 AGFD 101. Use of recycled plastics for Impact of Carbonyl & Glycative Stress Ells, T. Savard, M. Elliot, C. Lapointe, D. Chabot
C57BL/6J mice. P.S. Ferreira, M. food packaging in Thailand. C. Pattanakul on Diabetic & Aging Related Diseases
Nery, J.A. Manthey, T.B. Cesar 3:35 AGFD 125. Effect of pressure and
9:45 AGFD 102. Safer food packaging: Cosponsored by BIOL
temperature on the stability of ascorbic
What we have learned and where C. Ho, S. Sang, Organizers acid in citrus fruit juices. M.C. Azih
we have come. M. Cheeseman
MONDAY MORNING L. Lv, Presiding 3:55 AGFD 126. Studies on the oxidative
10:10 Intermission. stability of cashew nut (Anarcardium
8:30 Introductory Remarks. occidentale) oil. M.C. Azih
Section A 10:25 AGFD 103. Using analytical tools
to assess compliance with the purity 8:35 AGFD 113. Reactive carbonlyl 4:15 AGFD 127. Comparison of
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
requirements in global food- species from the oxidation of omega-3 analytical methods for protein level
Room 149A
contact regulations. P.N. Coneski and omega-6 fatty acids and method determination in foods. M.C. Azih
for their intervention. C. Ho, Y. Wang
From Fermentation to Fume 10:50 AGFD 104. Using national biomoni- 4:35 AGFD 128. Mathematical model
Hood: The Chemistry of Wine toring data to understand the contribution 9:00 AGFD 114. Phenolic-type reactive of methanethiol generation and
of dietary sources to human expo- carbonyl scavengers as inhibitors degradation in anaerobic che-
Authentication, Omics Approach against the formation of advanced
sures of phthalates, bisphenol A, and mostats. D. Zhang, Z. Wang
& Sulfur-Compounds glycation end products (AGEs) and
polyfluoroalkyl substances. A.R. Zota
Financially supported by E&J Gallo, AGEs-induced endothelial cell apoptosis
Constellation Brands, Agilent Technologies 11:15 AGFD 105. Estimation of parti- and inflammation. M. Wang, Q. Zhou
tion coefficients between polyole-
G. L. Sacks, Organizer fins and water, and food simulants 9:25 AGFD 115. Essential structural require-
using the vapor pressure index ments and additive effects for dietary
D. L. Capone, Organizer, Presiding
method. L.L. Baner, O. Piringer polyphenols to scavenge methylglyoxal.
8:30 AGFD 91. Metabolomics tools for the Y. Zhu, Q. Huang, P. Wang, L. Lv, S. Sang
11:35 AGFD 106. Performance eval-
analysis of non-volatile polyphenols in 9:50 AGFD 116. Influence of quercetin
uation for the analytical methods
grapes, wine and humans. M. Herderich, and its methylglyoxal adducts on the
of metals in food contact materi-
V. Hysenaj, J. Fernandes, C. Stockley, N. Lloyd formation of a-dicarbonyl compounds in
als. Y. Abe, M. Mutsuga, K. Sato
8:55 AGFD 92. Chemo-diversity in mono-
11:55 Concluding Remarks.
lysine and glucose model system. L. Lv The use of any device to capture
terpene enantiomers from Riesling wines
from different regions and wine styles.
10:15 Intermission. images (e.g., cameras and camera
10:30 AGFD 117. Withdrawn.
M. Song, M.C. Qian, C. Fuentes, E. Tomasino phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
10:55 AGFD 118. Studies on inhibition
9:20 AGFD 93. Regional chemical char-
mechanism of advanced glycation end
digital recorders) or to stream,
acteristics of Sangiovese wines from
Italy and California. V. Canuti, S. Frost, products by resveratrol in intermediate upload or rebroadcast speakers or
moisture protein-Sugar Foods. Z. Sheng,
L.A. Lerno, J. Zweigenbaum, S.E. Ebeler
B. Ai, L. Zheng, X. Zheng, F. Tang, Z. Xu
presentations is strictly prohibited
at all official ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

Section B O. Burleson, L. Jackson, D. K. Weerasinghe, Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased L. Jackson, A. E. Mitchell, L. L. Yu, Organizers,
Organizers Materials & Biocatalysis Presiding
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Room 149B M. Guentert, Organizer, Presiding New Reaction Strategies & Materials 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
C. Harman, Presiding Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored 8:35 AGFD 156. Frontiers in food forensics
Food Additives & Packaging by AGFD, CELL and PMSE and authentication. A.E. Mitchell
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
Emerging Trends in Food Packaging Undergraduate Research Posters 9:05 AGFD 157. Food defense: Defining
1:10 AGFD 138. Flavors with modifying
L. T. Cureton, D. L. Doell, R. Shah, Organizers properties (FMP). M.A. Guentert food system disruptions. A. Kircher
Agricultural & Food Chemistry
V. Komolprasert, Organizer, Presiding 1:40 AGFD 139. FEMA Expert Panel 9:35 AGFD 158. Spectroscopy based
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored
safety evaluation of flavorings with by AGFD and SOCED methods for detection of food
L. Cureton, Presiding
modifying properties-focus on sensory adulteration. X. Lu, B. Rasco
1:00 Introductory Remarks. testing approaches. C. Harman 10:05 AGFD 159. Non-targeted
1:05 AGFD 129. Overview of bever- methods for characterization of
age packaging innovations enabled
2:10 AGFD 140. US regulatory authority MONDAY EVENING foods and botanicals. J. Harnly
to use flavor ingredients – flavor and
by effective regulatory clear- food labeling implications. J. Drake 10:35 Intermission.
ances. S.L. Mosley, J.C. Huang Section A
2:40 Intermission. 10:50 AGFD 160. Standardization of
1:30 AGFD 130. Developing active Walter E. Washington Convention Center
2:55 AGFD 141. Recent advances in the non-targeted methods for food adul-
surfaces through the implementation Halls D/E
authenticity control of natural flavor teration prevention. Z. Xie, J. Moore
of nanotechnology. M. Rubino
ingredients. M. Stuertz, J. Kiefl, T. Geißler, Sci-Mix 11:20 AGFD 161. Fingerprinting and
1:55 AGFD 131. Active packaging using K. Geißler, J.P. Ley, G.E. Krammer metabolomics applications in food/
regenerated cellulose and hydroxy- B. D. Guthrie, Organizer
3:25 AGFD 142. Identifying the misla- botanical authentication and quality
propyl amylopectin for fresh food 8:00 - 10:00 evaluation. J. Sun, P. Chen
products. V. Finkenstadt, J. Xu beling of natural food products with
carbon-14 testing. F. Goren, J. Garside 49, 55-59, 66, 68, 73, 78, 86-88, 11:50 AGFD 162. HPLC fingerprint-
2:20 AGFD 132. Halloysite nanotube/ 104, 118. See previous listings. ing for authentication of Berberis
polyethylene nanocomposites as species. N. Kaushik, D. Bharadwaj
multifunctional active food packaging Section D 182, 204, 208, 231, 236, 251,
materials. C. Tas, B. Alkan, M. Baysal, F.C. Walter E. Washington Convention Center 273-276. See subsequent listings.
Cebeci, S. Unal, Y.Z. Menceloglu, H. Unal Room 144B
Section C
2:45 Intermission. Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Impact of Carbonyl & Glycative Stress TUESDAY MORNING Room 144C
3:00 AGFD 133. Direct chemical character- on Diabetic & Aging Related Diseases
ization of retail food packaging & prints. Food Safety & Labeling: Food & Flavor
Cosponsored by BIOL Section A
L.K. Ackerman, K. Bentayeb, M. Lago Regulations, Progress & Challenges
C. Ho, L. Lv, Organizers Walter E. Washington Convention Center
3:25 AGFD 134. Oxygen and moisture in the Pursuit to Serve the Consumer
Room 144B
barrier from polyelectrolyte-based S. Sang, Presiding Food Safety, Food Processing,
nanocoatings on polymeric pack-
1:30 Introductory Remarks. Journal of Agricultural & Food Validation of Labeling
aging film. J.C. Grunlan
Chemistry Best Paper Award & Cosponsored by PROF
3:50 AGFD 135. High-resolution mass 1:35 AGFD 143. Dietary genistein amelio-
Young Scientist Award Symposium
spectromety as a sophiscated technique rates high-fat plus methylglyoxal-induced O. Burleson, M. Guentert, D. K. Weerasinghe,
advanced glycation end products forma- Cosponsored by AGRO, CINF and PROF
for screening non-intentionally added Organizers
substances (NIAS) eluted from tion in mice. Y. Zhao, P. Wang, S. Sang K. D. Deibler, Organizer, Presiding L. Jackson, Organizer, Presiding
polyetheylene terephthalate 2:00 AGFD 144. Analysis of glyox-
bottle. A. Yamamoto, T. Murakami, 8:00 Introductory Remarks. J. Canavan, Presiding
al-induced DNA and protein damage
E. Kishi, M. Shizuma, A. Ozaki in blood of diabetic patients by 8:10 AGFD 150. Carbonyl-trapping 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
4:15 AGFD 136. Reactive extrusion mass spectrometry. H.C. Chen ability of phenolic compounds: An
additional protective role of phenolic 8:40 AGFD 163. Ohmic heating and its
of polylactic acid/cellulose nano- 2:25 AGFD 145. Transketolase suppresses advantages for clean labeling.
composite films: Crystallization and compounds against the broadcast-
glycolaldehyde/glyoxal mediated forma- S. Sastry, T. Pyatkovskyy, C. Samaranayake
thermo-mechanical studies. V. Katiyar ing of the lipid oxidative damage
tion of advanced glycation endprod-
in foods. R. Zamora, F.J. Hidalgo 9:10 AGFD 164. Limited survey of
4:35 AGFD 137. Influence of ligand ucts. M.A. Glomb, A. Klaus, C. Henning
8:50 Intermission. dark chocolate and bakery prod-
chemistry on antimicrobial synergy 2:50 AGFD 146. Targeted profiling: ucts for undeclared milk. B. Bedford,
of solid support bound metal chelators Quantitative analysis of multiple 9:05 AGFD 151. Developing novel Y. Yu, X. Wang, L. Jackson
against acidophilic thermoduric reactive carbonyl species in biolog- chemical imaging approaches in
bacteria. J. Herskovitz, R.W. Worobo, ical samples. P. Wang, S. Sang agriculture using mass spectrometry. 9:40 AGFD 165. Applications of isothermal
J.M. Goddard S. Annangudi, J.R. Gilbert, S. Wilson calorimetry for food safety. L. Wadsö
3:15 Intermission.
4:55 Concluding Remarks. 9:35 AGFD 152. Controlling phys- 10:10 Intermission.
3:30 AGFD 147. Inhibitory effect of black
ical properties of β-lactoglobulin 10:25 AGFD 166. FSMA and the current
tea theaflavins on advanced glycation
Section C microgels to enhance emulsion good manufacturing practice, hazard
end product formation in the fruc-
stabilization. O.G. Jones analysis, and risk-based preventive
Walter E. Washington Convention Center tose-induced protein system. Y. Wang,
T. Hsiao, S. Li, M. Pan, C. Ho, C.Y. Lo 10:05 AGFD 153. Desired flavor-active controls for human food rule. L. Hsu
Room 144C
and undesired food-borne toxicants 10:55 AGFD 167. FSIS food regulatory
3:55 AGFD 148. Tetrahydroisoquinoline
Food Safety & Labeling: Food & Flavor in our food: How food chemists can and labeling overview. J. Canavan
derivatives by reaction of dopamine
Regulations, Progress & Challenges help to produce healthier foods with
with methylglyoxal: Potential neuro-
good sensory attributes. M. Granvogl
in the Pursuit to Serve the Consumer toxins associated with Parkinson’s Section D
disease. W. Wu, Y. Zhao, C. Ho, S. Sang 10:35 Intermission.
Food & Flavor Regulations, Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Accurate Labeling 4:20 AGFD 149. Neuroprotective effects 10:50 AGFD 154. Dietary intake of oxidized Room 149B
Cosponsored by PROF of anthocyanin-enriched extracts of lipids exacerbates colon inflammation
common edible berries are mediated by and colon cancer through activation of Advances in Flavor Analysis
their antioxidant and carbonyl trapping Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). G. Zhang
Cosponsored by ANYL
capacities. H. Ma, S. Johnson, N. DaSilva, 11:20 AGFD 155. Construction of the next
W. Liu, S.M. Meschwitz, J. Dain, N.P. Seeram generation platforms to monitor food M. C. Qian, C. T. Shao, Organizers, Presiding
4:45 Concluding Remarks. contamination and food fraud. X. Lu
Technical program information 8:30 Introductory Remarks.

known at press time. Biological Targets of Section B

8:35 AGFD 168. From chemosen-
sory codes to unified flavor quan-
The official technical program for Botanical Supplements
Walter E. Washington Convention Center titation. T. Hofmann, A. Dunkel
Sponsored by TOXI, Cosponsored by AGFD
the 254th ACS National Meeting Room 149A 8:55 AGFD 169. Using data tools and data
is available at www.acs.org/ visualization to interpret multifactorial
Advancing Analytical Methods in flavour datasets. A.J. Taylor, D.S. Mottram
WDC2017 Food Forensics & Authentication
Cosponsored by ANYL

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


9:15 AGFD 170. Efficient aroma analysis Section B Section D 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
through non-targeted pre-screen-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Walter E. Washington Convention Center 8:35 AGFD 203. Mitigation of the for-
ing followed by detailed analysis
Room 149A Room 149B mation of acrylamide in foods – what
using on-line MS and GC-EI/APCI-
has been achieved? D.S. Mottram,
MS. J. Hatakeyama, A.J. Taylor
Advancing Analytical Methods in Advances in Flavor Analysis N. Halford, S.J. Powers, A. Curtis
9:35 AGFD 171. Rapid, sensitive, and Food Forensics & Authentication Cosponsored by ANYL 9:05 AGFD 204. Acrylamide levels in chips
spatially resolved measurements of
Cosponsored by ANYL made from vegetables other than pota-
trace volatiles using sorbent meshes M. C. Qian, C. T. Shao, Organizers, Presiding toes. S. Elmore, F. Xu, M. Oruna-Concha
and high-resolution ambient ion- L. Jackson, A. E. Mitchell, L. L. Yu, Organizers,
ization mass spectrometry. G.L. 1:30 Introductory Remarks. 9:35 AGFD 205. Reducing the acryl-
Sacks, J.A. Jastrzembski, M.Y. Bee 1:35 AGFD 194. Application of gas amide-forming potential of wheat, rye
1:00 AGFD 182. Manuka honey and potato: Variety selection, genetic
9:55 AGFD 172. Targeting taste-ac- chromatography: Vacuum ultraviolet
authentication via fingerprinting and improvement and crop manage-
tive peptides in foods by new spectroscopy to flavor and fragrance
statistics. N. Beitlich, K. Speer ment. N. Halford, S. Raffan, T. Curtis
approaches in peptidome analysis. analysis. K. Schug, I.C. Santos, C.
K. Sebald, A. Dunkel, T. Hofmann 1:30 AGFD 183. Novel approaches in Qiu, J. Schenk, M. Bernart, J. Smuts 10:05 Intermission.
high-resolution UHPLC-MS based
10:15 Intermission. 1:55 AGFD 195. Two-dimensional 10:25 AGFD 206. Withdrawn.
metabolomics for analysis of food
GC-MS/olfactometry to study chiral
10:30 AGFD 173. Streamlined approach for authenticity. A. Dunkel, T. Hofmann 10:55 AGFD 207. Analysis and occur-
terpene alcohol aroma contribution and
the determination of aroma components 2:00 AGFD 184. Non-targeted finger- stability. M.C. Qian, F. He, Y.L. Qian rence of MCPD and glycidyl esters
of aged liquors. W. Zhu, K.R. Cadwallader prints for detecting milk quality and in infant formula and other complex
2:15 AGFD 196. Quantitation of potent food matrices. J. Leigh, S. MacMahon
10:50 AGFD 174. Determination of chlo- safety. W. Lu, B. Gao, L. Du, L.L. Yu
polyfunctional thiols and their enan-
rophenols in starch and starch based tiomers in wine using HPLC-MS/ 11:25 Concluding Remarks.
2:30 AGFD 185. Application of a novel
snacks by solid phase microextraction FT-NIR and PLS1 methodology to the MS after derivatization. D.L. Capone,
with in situ derivatization and gas rapid prediction of authenticity of extra L. Chen, L. Francis, D.W. Jeffery Section B
chromatography coupled to tandem virgin olive oil products. M.M. Mossoba
mass spectrometry. C.T. Shao, V.A. Elder 2:35 AGFD 197. Characterization of Walter E. Washington Convention Center
3:00 Intermission. volatile sulfur compounds in different Room 144C
11:10 AGFD 175. Sensomics approach flavor types of Chinese liquor by gas
applied to flavor and taste studies in 3:15 AGFD 186. SPME-GC-ToF-MS
techniques applied to identifying
chromatography-pulsed flame photo- Advancing Analytical Methods in
yellow tamarillo (Solanum betaceum) fruit. metric detection. S. Chen, S. Sha, Y. Xu Food Forensics & Authentication
J. García-Chacón, L. Prieto, C. Osorio Roa potential product taints. M.J. Morello
2:55 Intermission. Cosponsored by ANYL
11:30 AGFD 176. Analysis of organic 3:45 AGFD 187. Food forensics
volatile aroma compounds in douzhi investigation combining micros- 3:10 AGFD 198. Applying fuzzy-set logic L. Jackson, Organizer
and tentative characterization of the copy and spectroscopy. J. Dong, analysis to relationships between
A. E. Mitchell, L. L. Yu, Organizers, Presiding
key odorants by odor activity value. V. St.Jeor, A. Lape, T. Lindgren flavor chemistry and sensory per-
Y. Liu, J. Huang, Y. Zhang, Z. Miao ception: A case of red fruit aromas 8:30 AGFD 208. Tracing quinone
4:15 AGFD 188. Selected food foren-
in wine. E. Tomasino, A. Tomasino reactions in wine using C-13 labeling
11:50 Concluding Remarks. sic techniques to evaluate food
authenticity and adulteration. S.D. 3:30 AGFD 199. Elucidation of off-flavors and QToF MS. L. Ma, A.L. Waterhouse,
Bhandari, M. Germani, Z. Xie in canola and olive oils. M. Granvogl, C. Bueschl, R. Schuhmacher
Sterling Hendricks Memorial
K. Matheis, P.H. Schieberle, A. Neugebauer 9:00 AGFD 209. Elemental profiling to
Lecture Award
Section C 3:50 AGFD 200. Novel flavor ingredient establish authenticity of grapes and
Sponsored by AGRO, Cosponsored by AGFD‡ wines. C. Tanabe, J. Godshaw, R. Boulton,
discovery by cutting edge instrumental
Walter E. Washington Convention Center S.E. Ebeler, H. Hopfer, J. Nelson
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased Room 144C
analysis and sensory evaluation. X. Du
Materials & Biocatalysis 4:10 AGFD 201. Characterization of the 9:30 AGFD 210. No standards? No
Food Safety & Labeling: Food & Flavor key aroma compounds in Chinese problem! A standard-less isotope
Green Biocatalytic Transformations
Regulations, Progress & Challenges high-grade green tea beverage (Camellia dilution speciation method to quantify
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored adulteration of green table olives with
by AGFD, CELL and PMSE in the Pursuit to Serve the Consumer Sinensis) and studies on changes in
tea leaves induced by the traditional copper compounds. P.J. Gray, T. Todorov,
Food Safety, Food Processing, manufacturing. M. Flaig, P.H. Schieberle B. Petigara Harp, P. Delmonte, P.F. Scholl
Validation of Labeling
4:30 AGFD 202. Optimization of 10:00 Intermission.
reaction flavor for sweet-brown top- 10:15 AGFD 211. Forensic DNA-
M. Guentert, L. Jackson, D. K. Weerasinghe, notes. L. Paravisini, D.G. Peterson based species identification tools for
Section A Organizers hazards assessment, investigation of
4:50 Concluding Remarks.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center seafood-related illness, and detec-
O. Burleson, Organizer, Presiding
Room 144B tion of seafood fraud. J. Deeds
I. Labuda, Presiding
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased
Materials & Biocatalysis 10:45 AGFD 212. Identification of strain
AGFD Award Symposium in honor 1:00 Introductory Remarks. specific bacterial proteins and protein
of Dr. Ronald E. Wrolstad Polysaccharide-Based Materials
1:10 AGFD 189. Food safety interventions toxins by top-down and bottom-up mass
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored spectrometry. M. McFarland, S. Chen,
N. P. Seeram, Organizer, Presiding research at the eastern regional research
by AGFD, CELL and PMSE D. Andrzejewski, S. Tallent, T.R. Croley
center: Innovative sanitizers, natural
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
antimicrobials and nonthermal processing
1:35 AGFD 177. Colorful world of anthocy- technologies. J.B. Gurtler, B.A. Niemira
anins: Learning from nature. M. Giusti
1:40 AGFD 190. Pesticide detection in TUESDAY EVENING
2:10 AGFD 178. pH-Differential method organic and non-organic foods and
applied to the color assessment of antho- flavors. I. Labuda, X. Zhang, L. Heller Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased
cyanin-rich extracts and microencapsu- Materials & Biocatalysis
2:10 AGFD 191. Mitigation of food
lates from Pouroma cecropiifolia Mart. Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored
fraud using the USP Food Fraud
fruit. J. Barrios, A. Morales, C. Osorio Roa by AGFD, CELL and PMSE
Mitigation Guidance and Food
2:45 AGFD 179. Authentication of food Fraud Database 2.0. J. Balson The use of any device to capture
ingredients by vibrational spectroscopy:
Moving out of the lab. L. Rodriguez-Saona
2:40 Intermission.
WEDNESDAY MORNING images (e.g., cameras and camera
3:20 Intermission.
2:55 AGFD 192. Reasons for proper label- phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
ling to promote the safety of thermally
3:35 AGFD 180. Understanding
Section A digital recorders) or to stream,
processed fluid products. J. Miles
anthocyanin: Researcher and edu-
3:25 AGFD 193. Traceability and authentic-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center upload or rebroadcast speakers or
cator Dr. Ron Wrolstad. J. Lee Room 144B
ity in food products: Contribution of NMR presentations is strictly prohibited
4:10 AGFD 181. Rewards of antho- for intramolecular isotope measurements.
cyanin research. R. Wrolstad G. Remaud, V. Silvestre, R.J. Robins, S. Akoka
Food-Borne Toxicants: Formation, at all official ACS meetings and
Analysis & Toxicology
4:45 Concluding Remarks. 3:55 Concluding Remarks. events without express written
M. Granvogl, S. MacMahon, Organizers,
Presiding consent from ACS.

11:15 AGFD 213. Effects of adulteration 2:05 AGFD 221. Simultaneous Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased 11:15 AGFD 245. Identification of
technique on the NIR detection of formation of undesired food-borne Materials & Biocatalysis amino acid structural determinants
melamine in milk powder. P.F. Scholl, toxicants and desired aroma- for activating mechanisms of gastric
Plant Oils & Ferulate-Based Materials
M. Bergana, B.J. Yakes, Z. Xie, S. Zbylut, active compounds. M. Granvogl acid secretion. V. Stoeger, K. Liszt, B.
G. Downey, M.M. Mossoba, J.E. Jablonski, Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored Lieder, M. Zopun, M. Wendelin, J. Hans,
2:35 Intermission. by AGFD, CELL and PMSE
S. Karunathilaka, L.K. Ackerman, R.L. J.P. Ley, G.E. Krammer, V. Somoza
Magaletta, S. Holroyd, M. Buehler, J. Qin, W. 2:55 AGFD 222. Alleviation chronic
11:35 AGFD 246. Structural determi-
Hurst, J. LaPointe, D. Roberts, C. Zrybko, A. cadmium stress toxicity in
nants of fatty acid uptake inhibition in
Mackey, J. Holton, G. Israelson, A. Payne, albino rats using some domes-
tic plants. E. Shaker, S. Mnaa
THURSDAY MORNING differentiated Caco-2 cells. B. Lieder,
B. Gao, M. Kim, K. Chao, J. Moore
J. Hans, K. Geissler, F. Hentschel, J.P. Ley
3:25 AGFD 223. Analysis of arsenolipids Section A 11:55 AGFD 247. Withdrawn.
Section C in seafood. S. Conklin, M.M. Wolle
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 3:55 Concluding Remarks. Room 144B Section C
Room 149A
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Section B Food-Borne Toxicants: Formation,
Natural Alternatives to Room 149A
Analysis & Toxicology
Artificial Food Additives Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Room 144C M. Granvogl, S. MacMahon, Organizers, Nanoscale Sensing in Foods
K. R. Cadwallader, F. Shahidi, Organizers, Presiding & Other Complex Media
Presiding Advancing Analytical Methods in
8:30 Introductory Remarks. Cosponsored by AGRO, ANYL,
8:30 AGFD 214. Flavors and flavorings in a Food Forensics & Authentication COLL, ENVR and INOR
clean label environment. K.R. Cadwallader Cosponsored by ANYL 8:35 AGFD 234. Fit-for-Purpose
methods for mycotoxin analy- T. V. Duncan, B. Park, Y. Wang, Organizers
9:00 AGFD 215. Clean label antioxi- L. Jackson, Organizer sis using LC-MS. K. Zhang
dants in food application. F. Shahidi R. G. Weiner, Organizer, Presiding
A. E. Mitchell, L. L. Yu, Organizers, Presiding 9:05 AGFD 235. Thermal reactions
9:30 AGFD 216. Converting phy- 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
and the formation of degradation
to-compounds to multifunctional 1:30 AGFD 224. Detecting and distinguish-
products of T2 and HT2 toxin during 8:35 AGFD 248. In Situ and real-time
food ingredients. R.T. Toledo ing among covalent and non-covalent
processing of oats. H. Schmidt, M. monitoring of pesticide translo-
differences in proteins: Shiga toxins and
10:00 Intermission. Schulz, S. Becker, B. Cramer, H. Humpf cation and persistence in tomato
prions. C.J. Silva, M.L. Erickson-Beltran
plants by surface enhanced Raman
10:15 AGFD 217. Chemistry and challenges 9:35 Intermission.
2:00 AGFD 225. Use of a novel xMAP spectroscopy. T. Yang, L. He
in using natural sourced colors exempt food allergen detection assay to 9:55 AGFD 236. Development of a
from FDA certification. M. Goldschmidt 9:00 AGFD 249. Surface plasmon
detect food allergens. E.A. Garber single kernel assay for aflatoxin
resonance imaging for label-free
10:45 AGFD 218. Carotenoids contamination in maize. D.L. Sparks,
2:30 AGFD 226. Presence of unde- detection of foodborne pathogens
and natural and functional food A.E. Brown, C.X. Reid, X. Shan
clared allergens in food: A and toxins. J. Chen, B. Park
colorants. K. Miyashita multi-allergen approach by mass 10:25 AGFD 237. Identification and
9:25 AGFD 250. Improving the robust-
11:15 AGFD 219. Stabilization of spectrometry. C.H. Parker determination of potential migrants
ness of plasmonic nanoparticles for
anthocyanins with food pigment in food contact materials. R. Paseiro
3:00 Intermission. sensing in complex media. A.J. Haes
potential and their insulin sensitizing Cerrato, L.K. Ackerman, L. Dejager, T. Begley
effect in adipocytes under inflamma- 3:15 AGFD 227. Development and 9:50 AGFD 251. Nanomaterials-based
10:55 Concluding Remarks.
tory status. E. Demejia, D. Luna-Vital validation of a hepatotoxicity prediction biosensor system for rapid detection of
model using cultured clone-9 cells. Salmonella Typhimurium in poultry supply
L. Jie, W. Lu, X. Sun, C. Zou, L.L. Yu Section B chains. Y. Li, J. Lin, J. Wang, M. Liao
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased
Materials & Biocatalysis 3:45 AGFD 228. Novel tool for in Walter E. Washington Convention Center 10:15 Intermission.
vitro toxicity screening of foods Room 144C
Biobased Thermosetting Resins 10:30 AGFD 252. Applications of near
using biosensor-expressing human
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored General Papers infrared fluorescent single walled
kidney cells. M. Mossoba, S. Vohra,
by AGFD, CELL and PMSE carbon nanotube sensors to food
E. Bigley III, Z. Keltner, P. Wiesenfeld B. D. Guthrie, Organizer and agriculture security. M. Strano
4:15 AGFD 229. Withdrawn. H. Ma, Presiding 10:55 AGFD 253. Active botulinum
4:45 Concluding Remarks. neurotoxin serotypes A and B detection
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
and differentiation by FRET-based
8:35 AGFD 238. Cabbage inhibits nitrate sensor. Y. Wang, H.C. Fry, I. Medintz,
Section A Section C
reduction in other vegetables. J. Huang G.E. Skinner, K.M. Schill, T.V. Duncan
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Walter E. Washington Convention Center
8:55 AGFD 239. Cholesterol-lowering activ- 11:20 AGFD 254. Bionanotechnology:
Room 144B Room 149A
ity of short-chain fatty acids in hypercho- Sensing from simple solutions to
lesterolemia hamsters. Y. Zhao, Z. Chen complex outcomes for food safety. S.
Food-Borne Toxicants: Formation, Natural Alternatives to
9:15 AGFD 240. Cholesterol analogs Neethirajan, X. Weng, S. Ahmed, J. Jang
Analysis & Toxicology Artificial Food Additives
with a branched side chain but not a
M. Granvogl, S. MacMahon, Organizers, K. R. Cadwallader, F. Shahidi, straight chain possess a cholester- Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased
Presiding Organizers, Presiding ol-lowering activity. H. Zhu, Z. Chen Materials & Biocatalysis
1:30 Introductory Remarks. 1:00 AGFD 230. Antimicrobial activ- 9:35 AGFD 241. Flame retardant Therapeutics & Opto-Electronics
ity of sophorolipids against food- 2,2′,4,4′-Tetrabromodiphenyl ether
1:35 AGFD 220. Lipid hydroperoxides and Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored
borne pathogenic bacteria. X. Fan, enhances the expression of corti-
the either promoting or inhibitory role of by AGFD, CELL and PMSE
X. Zhang, R. Ashby, D. Solaiman cotropin-releasing hormone in the
phenolic compounds in 2-amino-1-meth-
1:30 AGFD 231. 3,6-Anhydro-L- placental cell model JEG-3. Y. Tan
yl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP)
formation. F.J. Hidalgo, R. Zamora galactose as a new natural anticario- 9:55 AGFD 242. Resveratrol and
genic sugar. E. Yun, A. Lee, K. Kim piceatannol inhibit alpha-gluco-
2:00 Intermission. sidase in mice. A.J. Zhang, A.M.
Rimando, C.S. Mizuno, S. Mathews Section A
2:15 AGFD 232. Formation and mass
10:15 Intermission. Walter E. Washington Convention Center
spectrometric identification of acetal-
Room 144B
dehyde-catalyzed condensation of red 10:35 AGFD 243. Oral delivery of
radish (Raphanus sativus) anthocy- phytochemicals by edible nano- Analysis of Nutrients & Bioactive
Technical program information anins and catechin. N.B. Stebbins, encapsulation vehicles. J. Xiao Compounds in Foods & Dietary
L. Howard, R. Prior, C. Brownmiller
known at press time. 10:55 AGFD 244. Identification of Supplements: Methodologies
2:45 AGFD 233. Oxidative stability of & Challenges for Databases
The official technical program for fish oil-in-water emulsions stabilized
Interleukin 8-reducing lead com-
pounds based on SAR studies on
the 254th ACS National Meeting by protein-polyscharide complexes. food-derived dihydrochalcones and
S. Savarala, Organizers
M. Krempel, K. Griffin, H. Khouryieh P. Pehrsson, X.Wu Organizers, Presiding
is available at www.acs.org/ related compounds in human gingival
fibroblasts. K. Schueller, J. Hans, S. 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
WDC2017 Pfeiffer, J. Walker, J.P. Ley, V. Somoza

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


1:35 AGFD 255. Analytical methods and 4:55 AGFD 270. Ultra-sensitive enzyme SUNDAY MORNING 10:55 AGRO 13. Vegetated ditches as
data for the USDA food composition immunoassays for the determination a best management practice to filter
databases, and process for evaluating of imidaclothiz using phage- pesticides, sediment, and other constit-
Section A
laboratory data quality. P. Pehrsson displayed peptide. Y. Ding, X. Hua uents from agricultural and urban runoff
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown water. W.M. Williams, J. Trask, D. Denton
1:55 AGFD 256. New developments in 5:15 Concluding Remarks.
Mount Vernon Square B
the analyses of bioactive compounds 11:20 AGRO 14. Evaluation and modeling
in foods for developing special interest Section C of pesticides removal efficacy in golf
Roles of Natural Products for
databases. X. Wu, D. Haytowitz, P. Pehrsson courses. O. Perez-Ovilla, R. Munoz-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Biorational Pesticides in Agriculture
Carpena, P. Rice, L.L. McConnell, T. Xu
2:15 AGFD 257. Challenges in research
Room 149A J. J. Beck, C. Rering, Organizers
on phytochemicals: Avoiding some 11:45 AGRO 15. Mechanistic modeling
potential pitfalls. B.C. Sorkin, D.C. Hopp S. O. Duke, Organizer, Presiding of the influence of a shallow water
Nanoscale Sensing in Foods
table on surface low, sediment and
2:35 Intermission. & Other Complex Media 8:25 Introductory Remarks.
pesticide transport through vegeta-
2:50 AGFD 258. Analytically based Cosponsored by ANYL, COLL, ENVR and INOR 8:30 AGRO 1. Role of the IR-4 Project in tive filter strips. R. Munoz-Carpena,
estimates of ingredient content the regulatory approval of biopesticides C. Lauvernet, N. Carluer, G. Fox
T. V. Duncan, B. Park, R. G. Weiner, Organizers
in dietary supplements: Dietary for use in specialty crop protection.
Y. Wang, Organizer, Presiding 12:10 Concluding Remarks.
Supplement Ingredient Database, J. Baron, M.P. Braverman, D. Kunkel
release 4. K. Andrews
1:30 Introductory Remarks. 8:55 AGRO 2. Encapsulation of
Section C
3:10 AGFD 259. Botanical initiative for essential oils into nanoparticles to
1:35 AGFD 271. Three dimensional plas-
the Dietary Supplement Ingredient be used as environmentally-friendly Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
monic hot spot for label-free sensing of
Database (DSID): Interlaboratory trial to alternative pesticides. S. Kim Meeting Rooms 13/14
food toxin. P.C. Ray, S.J. Jones, A. Pramanik
assess methods for catechins in green
9:20 AGRO 3. Uptake and transloca-
tea dietary supplements. S. Savarala 2:00 AGFD 272. Real-time detection of Risk Assessment & Beyond:
tion of tritium labeled thymol in citrus
heavy metals and bacteria in water Innovative Approaches to Meet
3:30 AGFD 260. NIST Tools for analy- plants. C. Wong, J.R. Coats, V.C. Albright
using a graphene-based field-effect FIFRA & ESA Consultation Needs
sis of foods & dietary supplements:
transistor sensing platform. J. Chen 9:45 AGRO 4. Interaction of silver
Ensuring quality in nutrient databases. D. D. Campbell, J. Crossland, G. Hall, L. Honey,
nano particles embedded in
M.M. Phillips, C. Rimmer, L. Wood 2:25 AGFD 273. DNAzyme- and DNA Organizers
Ocimum tenuiflorum phytols against
aptamer-based nanosensors for on-site
Xanthomonas species. M. Bapat B. McGaughey, Organizer, Presiding
and real-time detection in food safety
Section B
and quality. Y. Lu, J. Zhang, T. Lan 10:10 Intermission. C. Rossmeisl, Presiding
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
2:50 AGFD 274. Easy-to-use, portable and 10:30 AGRO 5. Endophytes as source 8:25 Introductory Remarks.
Room 144C
inexpensive nano-engineered sensors for of natural pesticide. N. Kaushik
8:30 AGRO 16. Reducing pesticide
assessing food quality and safety.
General Papers 10:55 AGRO 6. Can resistance inducers exposure to threatened and endan-
E. Andreescu, A. Othman, K. Kirk, F. Mustafa
and plant growth regulators be used to gered species. C. Tortorici
B. D. Guthrie, Organizer
3:15 Intermission. control phytoplasma diseases? A case
8:55 AGRO 17. Addressing highly
H. Ma, Presiding study of woody plants. W. Schweigkofler
3:30 AGFD 275. Exploiting bio-mag- specialized FIFRA uses in the
1:30 Introductory Remarks. netic properties for a simple and 11:20 AGRO 7. Fenpicoxamid: A natural endangered species act consul-
rapid label-free extraction and product-based active ingredient tation process: Necessity is the
1:35 AGFD 261. Study starch content
concentration of pathogens from for disease control. K.G. Meyer, J. mother of invention. C. Layne
and a variety of physical characteristics
complex matrices. E.C. Alocilja Owen, C. Yao, K. Myung, G. Kemmitt, A.
of rice (Oryza sativa L.). K.A. Omer 9:20 AGRO 18. Piloting a net-conser-
Leader, D. Young, N. Wang, P. Johnson
3:55 AGFD 276. Withdrawn. vation benefit approach for pesticide
1:55 AGFD 262. Novel swollenin from
11:45 Concluding Remarks. registrations under the Endangered
Talaromyces leycettanus JCM12802 with 4:20 AGFD 277. Electrochemical conver-
broad substrate specificity and synergis- sion of magnetic nanoparticles Species Act. D.D. Campbell
tic action with a cellulase on avicel deg- with multiple interfacial effects for bio- Section B 9:45 AGRO 19. Decision framework
radation. Y. Wang, F. Zheng, T. Tu, H. Luo sensing of avian influenza virus. Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown for assessing pesticide effects to
2:15 AGFD 263. Isomelezitose pro-
Y. Fu, Q. Zhang, L. Li, Q. Xie, S. Yao, Y. Li
Meeting Room 2 endangered species through miti-
duction from sucrose via glucan- gation actions. N. Gard, C. Menzie,
sucrases. G.L. Cote, C.D. Skory Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased Mechanistic Modeling & Effectiveness N.J. Snyder, M. Kern, A.C. Barefoot
Materials & Biocatalysis of Buffer Strips for Pesticide 10:10 Intermission.
2:35 AGFD 264. Sensory and chem-
ical characterization of Cabernet Applications of Biobased Materials Regulatory Frameworks 10:30 AGRO 20. Mitigation and the ESA
Sauvignon wines from Chinese Loess Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored D. R. Jones, O. Perez-Ovilla, Organizers, pesticide national consultation process.
Plateau. K. Tang, Y. Ma, Y. Xu by AGFD, CELL and PMSE Presiding P. Ashfield, K. Bissell, L. Laniawe, A. Raabe
2:55 AGFD 265. Effect of mixing 8:25 Introductory Remarks. 10:55 AGRO 21. Making better environ-
intensity on hydrolysis of rice straw mental impact decisions using Virginia’s
8:30 AGRO 8. Use of buffers and
and its consequence on methane Natural Heritage Data Explorer. J. Bulluck
vegetated filter strips in risk man-
production in anaerobic digestion.
M. Kim, B. Kim, Y. Choi, K. Nam
AGRO agement of pesticides. R.D. Jones 11:20 AGRO 22. National invasive
species management: Protecting
8:55 AGRO 9. Effect of the formulation
3:15 Intermission.
3:35 AGFD 266. Effect of caffeine
Division of of vegetative filter strips pesticide
ESA listed species in infested
ecosystems. J. Crossland
concentration on the break-down of Agrochemicals residue degradation on environmen-
tal exposure assessments. A.M.
starch into sugars by a-amylase. N. S. Jackson, Program Chair Ritter, R. Munoz-Carpena, G. Fox, O.
Rajan, S. Koellner, V.T. Calabrese, A. Khan Perez-Ovilla, I. Rodea-Palomares
3:55 AGFD 267. Tuning of complex SOCIAL EVENTS: 9:20 AGRO 10. Experimental testing of a
natural products’ properties used in Social Hour, 6:00 PM: Wed new algorithm for analysis of vegetative
flavors and fragrances by enzymatic filter strips with shallow water table
Sterling Hendricks Reception,
treatment. H. Bouges, S. Antoniotti 1:00 PM: Tue effects. G. Fox, R. Munoz-Carpena, R. Purvis
4:15 AGFD 268. Probing the role of
The use of any device to capture
CEI Open Breakfast Meeting (Cosponsored 9:45 Intermission.
cation-π interaction in the thermo- with AGRO/ENVR), 7:45 AM: Mon
10:05 AGRO 11. Variability in buffer
images (e.g., cameras and camera
tolerance and catalytic performance
of endo-polygalacturonases. T.
Graduate Student Luncheon, effectiveness based on VFSMOD phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
11:45 AM: Mon simulations in a probabilistic expo-
Tu, Y. Li, Y. Wang, B. Yao, H. Luo
sure assessment. M. Winchell, L.
digital recorders) or to stream,
Blues-N-Brews, 5:15 PM: Tue
4:35 AGFD 269. Development of a green Padilla, Z. Tang, M. Whitfield Aslund upload or rebroadcast speakers or
alternative procedure for simulta- BUSINESS MEETINGS:
neous separation and quantifica- 10:30 AGRO 12. Meta-regression presentations is strictly prohibited
Business Meeting, 5:00 PM: Sun model for predicting pesticide
tion of phytochemicals. Y. Yang,
removal efficacy of buffer strips. H.
at all official ACS meetings and
S. Hong, D. Wei, P. Lin, M. Wei
Chen, M. Grieneisen, M. Zhang events without express written
consent from ACS.

11:45 AGRO 23. Facilitating volun- SUNDAY AFTERNOON 3:30 AGRO 41. Case-study to evaluate the 1:30 AGRO 52. Assessing the potential
tary conservation on private lands: representativeness of public groundwater impact of a tall oil based surfactant
Partnerships and Endangered Species monitoring data to assess the potential blend on estrogenic, androgenic and
Section A
Act predictability. M.R. Martin, D. for leaching to groundwater. V. Houck, aromatase endpoints in a fish endo-
Flynn, G. Hall, R. Gooch, J. Fritscher Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown T.L. Negley, A. Newcombe, R. Morris crine screening assay. S.L. Levine
Mount Vernon Square B
12:10 Concluding Remarks. 3:55 AGRO 42. Identification of dominant 1:55 AGRO 53. Role of a multiactive
factors influencing PRZM5 refined bio-organic substance on protec-
Roles of Natural Products for
Section D leaching predictions. J. Stryker, L. Padilla, tion and yield of rice crop in south-
Biorational Pesticides in Agriculture
N. Peranginangin, X. Hu, M. Winchell ern India. S. Pathare, M. Bapat
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown J. J. Beck, S. O. Duke, C. Rering, Organizers
4:20 Concluding Remarks. 2:20 AGRO 54. Toxicology data sup-
Meeting Room 15
C. Rering, Presiding porting inert tolerance exemptions:
Section C Approaches to testing surfactants
Advances in Residue Analytical 1:25 Introductory Remarks.
appropriately to inform human health
Methods: Innovation, Current Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
1:30 AGRO 31. New opportunities for risk assessment. D. Saltmiras
Status & Future Prospects controlling parasitic weeds with Meeting Rooms 13/14
Cosponsored by ENVR 2:45 Intermission.
chemistry from antagonistic plants.
Financially supported by Golden T. Hooper, Z.R. Khan, C. Midega, J.A. Pickett Veterinary Drugs: Research, 3:05 AGRO 55. Regulatory per-
Pacific Laboratories Residues & Regulations spectives on surfactant analytical
1:55 AGRO 32. Probing the mode of
methods. R. Hill, H. Adusumilli
action of the phytotoxin t-chalcone Residues Analysis
S. Perez, E. A. Schoenau, Organizers
with RNAseq. S.O. Duke, 3:30 AGRO 56. Novel nanostructured
Financially supported by Bryant Christie
T. Geng, R. Hill, M. Saha, Organizers, Presiding C. Díaz-Tielas, E. Grãna, A. Sánchez- pesticide delivery technology to
X. Zhou, Presiding Moreiras, M.J. Reigosa, Z. Pan S. J. Lehotay, Organizer, Presiding enhance leaf/cuticle penetration and
to decrease environmental loading.
2:20 AGRO 33. Metabolites produced 1:00 Introductory Remarks.
8:25 Introductory Remarks. E. Manek, R.V. Jones, F. Darvas
by foliar pathogens for buffelgrass
8:30 AGRO 24. Proof of concept: Cost 1:05 AGRO 43. Rapid, simple, and effective 3:55 AGRO 57. Structured surfactants
biocontrol in the Sonoran Desert.
savings start with method design cleanup of bovine liver samples prior to as rheology modifiers for electrolyte
M. Masi, S.E. Meyer, S. Clement,
not development. E.A. Schoenau UPLC-MS/MS multiresidue veterinary systems. K. Buchek, E. Shaw, E. Weber
M. Cristofaro, A. Cimmino, A. Evidente
drugs analysis. M.S. Young, K. Tran
8:55 AGRO 25. Adapting LC-MS/MS 2:45 Intermission. 4:20 AGRO 58. Building sustainability into
methodology for soy allergen determi- 1:30 AGRO 44. Ion mobility-mass the development of florpyrauxifen-ben-
3:05 AGRO 34. Secondary metabo- spectrometry as an innovative strategy
nation using different mass spectrom- zyl herbicide formulations. D.G. Wujek,
lites from plant pathogenic fungi as to investigate the steroids profile (NIA
eters and other variables. L. Sheng J. Atkinson, D. Grandcolas, D. Hopkins
potential herbicides. K.M. Meepagala, Finalist). M. Hernández-Mesa, A. Escourrou,
9:20 AGRO 26. Endogenous soybean B.M. Clausen, R.D. Johnson, S.O. Duke F. Monteau, G. Dervilly-Pinel, B. Le Bizec 4:45 Concluding Remarks.
allergen levels are less affected by
3:30 AGRO 35. Insect antifeedant activity 1:55 AGRO 45. Improving the throughput
transgenesis than by traditional
and preparation of dihydrobenzofurans of drug residue analysis using vibrational Section E
breeding. R. Herman, B.J. Fast, R. Hill
from Cyperus spp. M. Morimoto shaking technology. M. Danaher Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
9:45 AGRO 27. QuEChERS-based
3:55 AGRO 36. Host plant-based 2:20 AGRO 46. Brazil food control Meeting Room 16
approach to FDA Pesticide Analytical
semiochemicals for attracting the challenges II – avermectin residues
Manual (PAM) to fulfill the EPA
leaffooted bug, an insect pest of crisis in Brazil: A reliable method Pesticides, Pollinator Health &
requirement for Office of Prevention,
California agriculture commodities. for the simultaneous detection of 5 Agricultural Sustainability
Pesticides and Toxic Substances
J.J. Beck, J.N. Chuong, W. Gee, L.W. Cheng avermectins in bovine muscle using
Residue Chemistry Test Guidelines M. Feken, T. Steeger, Organizers
OPPTS 860.1360. S. Perez, R. Perez, 4:20 Concluding Remarks. LC-MS/MS with electronspray ioniza-
tion. A.M. Montes Nino, R.H. Granja J. R. Purdy, J. M. Van Emon, Organizers,
N. Tarkalanov, Y. Park, J. Adams Presiding
10:10 Intermission. Section B 2:45 Intermission.
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
10:30 AGRO 28. Benefits of using radio- Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 3:05 AGRO 47. Orbitrap or Time-
of-flight? A. Kaufmann 1:05 AGRO 59. Honey bee colony-
labeled test materials for developing Meeting Room 2
level food requirements and sup-
residue analytical methods. P. Cassidy 3:30 AGRO 48. Application of a plemental feeding: A review in
Environmental Fate, Transport screening method for drug residues
10:55 AGRO 29. Residue anal- support of dietary exposure assess-
ysis of bee-related matrices:
& Modeling of Agriculturally- in fish, shrimp, and eel using liquid ment. J.R. Purdy, S. Rodney
Challenges and techniques. R.S. Related Chemicals chromatography high resolution mass
spectrometry. S. Turnipseed, 1:30 AGRO 60. Honey bee nectar foragers
Andrews, R.F. Gooding, J.E. Jones Cosponsored by ENVR
J. Storey, I. Wu, W. Andersen, J. Lohne feeding themselves and the colony: A
11:20 AGRO 30. Improvements to M. Barrett, J. Gan, S. H. Jackson, M. T. review in support of dietary exposure
high-throughput determination of neonic- 3:55 AGRO 49. Development of a simple assessment. S. Rodney, J.R. Purdy
Shamim, T. Xu, Organizers
otinoid insecticides including differential and rapid extraction method for the
L. Padilla, Z. Tang, Organizers, Presiding determination of resorcyclic acid 1:55 AGRO 61. Workshop on pesticide
ion mobility spectrometry (DMS) in
lactones, stilbenes and trenbolone in exposure assessment paradigm for
various pollinator matrices. J. Warnick 1:25 Introductory Remarks.
liver tissues with enzymatic diges- non-Apis bees. R. Singh, S. Hinarejos
11:45 Discussion. 1:30 AGRO 37. Fate of organophosphate tion. C. Akre, B. Shurmer, T. Chambers 2:20 AGRO 62. Guttation water as a
pesticides in wetlands receiving agricul-
4:20 AGRO 50. Analytical challenges and potential pesticide exposure route to
Ecological & Human Health tural drainage. C. Sahin, M. Karpuzcu
honey bees: A review of recent literature.
developments for methods required
Impacts of Emerging 1:55 AGRO 38. Improving the exposure A. Schmolke, B. Kearns, B. O’Neill
to support regulatory require-
Environmental Contaminants assessment of plant protection products ments. P. Martos, C. Wroblewski 2:45 Intermission.
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored in chronic chironomid toxicity tests by
by AGRO and CHAL determining depth-related sediment and 4:45 Concluding Remarks. 3:05 AGRO 63. Measured pesticide
pore-water concentrations. P. Dalkmann, levels in nectar and pollen: The
A. Dorn, K. Hammel, D. Faber, E. Hellpointner Section D real news about dietary exposure
of honey bees. V.J. Kramer
2:20 Intermission. Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
Meeting Room 15 3:30 AGRO 64. Measuring and mitigating
2:40 AGRO 39. Reliable estimation
abrasion of treated corn seed coatings
of abiotic hydrolysis formation
Agrochemical Formulations as a route of insecticide exposure for
and decline parameters across pH
honey bees. R. Johnson, D. Sponsler, C. Lin
and temperature for pesticide risk Cosponsored by ENVR‡
Technical program information assessment. S. Wente, K. Pluntke 3:55 AGRO 65. Characterizing chronic
R. Acosta Amado, M. Meredith, S. Pilotek,
known at press time. 3:05 AGRO 40. Validation of a high S. Sumulong, R. Totten, Organizers
toxicity to honey bee colonies with a
colony feeding study design. A. Olmstead
The official technical program for throughput screening assay for the deter-
H. Adusumilli, L. Riter, Organizers, Presiding
mination of pesticide soil adsorption. 4:20 AGRO 66. Imidacloprid: A case
the 254th ACS National Meeting K. Lynn, C. Brown, H. Wang, M. Hastings, 1:00 Introductory Remarks. study in the application of a regulatory
is available at www.acs.org/ B. Zercher, R. Gantzer, R. Rasoulpour
1:05 AGRO 51. Development of environ-
framework in assessing pesticide risks
to bees. J. Housenger, K. Sappington
WDC2017 mentally benign agricultural adjuvants
4:45 Discussion.
at Evonik. R. Stiltoner, J.A. Heuser, C.A.
Poffenberger, R. Haensel, A. Singer

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


Ecological & Human Health 9:20 AGRO 77. Tracer studies in 11:45 AGRO 90. Detection of acetyl- 9:45 AGRO 102. Use of a colony simulation
Impacts of Emerging headwater watersheds in the Midwestern transferase modification of amino- model for assessing pesticide impacts
Environmental Contaminants U.S. to characterize stream flow glycoside in bacteria using ultra-high to honey bees. K. Garber, G. DeGrandi-
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored dynamics. G. Goodwin, D. Perkins, performance liquid chromatograph-mass Hoffman, T. Purucker, B. Curry, A. Kanarek
by AGRO and CHAL M. Cox, L. Carver, J. Trask, S.M. Chen spectrometry. J.J. Perez
10:10 Intermission.
9:45 AGRO 78. Nitrate fluxes are 12:10 Concluding Remarks.
10:30 AGRO 103. Using an adverse
strongly correlated with fluxes of the
outcome pathway network to describe
metolachlor metabolite, MESA. C.P.
MONDAY MORNING Rice, G. McCarty, C.J. Hapeman
Section D the weight of evidence linking nicotinic
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown acetylcholine receptor activation to
Section A 10:10 Intermission. honey bee colony failure. C. LaLone
Meeting Room 15
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 10:30 AGRO 79. Withdrawn. 10:55 AGRO 104. Chemical interven-
Mount Vernon Square B 10:55 AGRO 80. Long-term trends in pes-
Managing Pesticide Use & Use Data tions to reduce honey bee interaction
with food sources. N.R. Larson, U.R.
ticide concentrations and loads in Lake M. A. Robertson, K. Steinmann, Organizers
Roles of Natural Products for Bernier, J.R. Bloomquist, T.D. Anderson
Erie tributaries. S. Biswas, L. Johnson, A.R.
M. Zhang, Organizer, Presiding
Biorational Pesticides in Agriculture Roerdink, K. Krieger, J. Kramer, E. Ewing 11:20 AGRO 105. State Managed
8:25 Introductory Remarks. Pollinator Protection Plans (MP3s):
S. O. Duke, C. Rering, Organizers 11:20 AGRO 81. Application of the SWAT
8:30 AGRO 91. Overview of the California Common sense solutions to
J. J. Beck, Organizer, Presiding model and high-resolution monitoring
Pesticide Use Reports database. complex challenges. D. Hoskins
data for the identification of herbicide
8:25 Introductory Remarks. source areas in a high agricultural inten- K. Steinmann, M. Zhang, M. Robertson 11:45 AGRO 106. Systemic insecti-
8:30 AGRO 67. Host plant and micro- sity catchment. H. Rathjens, M. Winchell, 8:55 AGRO 92. Pesticide Use Reports cide risk assessment for pollinators
bial volatiles as powerful new R. Sur, D. Baets, F. Krebs, D. Lembrich
(PUR) data has enabled hundreds in ornamental horticulture crops.
tools to manage tortricid pests of R.S. Cowles, C. Palmer, J.A. Bethke, J.
11:45 AGRO 82. High tier spray drift of academic and medical research
horticultural crops. A. Knight Chong, B.D. Eitzer, D. Potter, D. Smitley
evaluation for ground applications. studies. M. Grieneisen, M. Zhang
8:55 AGRO 68. Do volatiles produced Z. Tang, T. Xu, K. Qin, P.N. Coody
9:20 AGRO 93. Employing pesticide 12:10 Concluding Remarks.
by nectar-dwelling microbes affect 12:10 Concluding Remarks. use data to evaluate the impact of
honey bee preferences? (NIA Finalist). integrated pest management programs Ecological & Human Health
C. Rering, J.J. Beck, R. Vannette in Arizona and California. J.J. Farrar, Impacts of Emerging
Section C Environmental Contaminants
A. Crump, A.J. Fournier, P.C. Ellsworth
9:20 AGRO 69. Attraction of sterile male
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis 9:45 AGRO 94. Estimating outdoor
Meeting Rooms 13/14 by AGRO and CHAL
capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae), to tea tree residential and urban pesticide use
oil. N. Tabanca, J. Niogret, N.D. Epsky from the California Pesticide Use Measurements & Methods in
Veterinary Drugs: Research,
9:45 AGRO 70. Understanding interactions Reporting database. W.M. Williams, Environmental Nanotechnology
Residues & Regulations
C. Hoogeweg, Y. Luo, K.D. Moran
between Drosophila suzukii and it yeast Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
microbes: Implications for larval fitness Regulatory & Antimicrobial 10:10 Intermission. by AGRO and ANYL
and development. M. Lewis, K. Hamby Resistance Matters
10:30 AGRO 95. Using the California
Financially supported by Bryant Christie
10:10 Intermission. School Pesticide Use Report database
to faciliate the adoption of effective least
10:30 AGRO 71. Semiochemicals as S. J. Lehotay, Organizer, Presiding MONDAY AFTERNOON
biorational tools in the management toxic pest management practices at
8:25 Introductory Remarks. schools sites statewide. E. Denemark
of root knot nematodes. B. Torto Section A
8:30 AGRO 83. Unique watershed-level 10:55 AGRO 96. Using pesticide use
10:55 AGRO 72. Kairomonal approach assessments for a veterinary medicinal Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
to monitor the population of the cocoa reporting databases to provide comments
product (Revalor-XR) containing tren- on regulatory processes and policies. A. Mount Vernon Square B
pod borer, Conopomorpha cram- bolone acetate and 17β-estradiol. Crump, J.J. Farrar, A.J. Fournier, P.C. Ellsworth
erella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), Q. Ma, J. Staveley, J. Ma, C. Celly, G. Scheef Advances in Insecticide Mode of
a major pest of cocoa in Asia. J. 11:20 AGRO 97. PURwebGIS: simplifying Action, Chemistry & Resistance
Niogret, H. Alborn, N. Tabanca, k. Ingram, 8:55 AGRO 84. Developments in EU a large agro-environmental spatio-tem-
S. Lambert, P.E. Kendra, N.D. Epsky legislation: Validation and new food and porial dataset for quick assessment and New Chemistry
animal health regulations. S. Sterk, M.H. decision making. M. Zhang, C. DeMars
11:20 AGRO 73. Method to improve the Financially supported by DuPont Crop Protection
Blokland, B.J. Berendsen, L.A. van Ginkel
detection of volatile compounds in 11:45 AGRO 98. Economic and pest J. M. Clark, Organizer
insects using headspace solid-Phase 9:20 AGRO 85. USDA/FSIS explor- management analysis of proposed
microextraction (HS-SPME). J. Chen atory pilot project to enhance data pesticide regulations. J. Steggall J. A. Ottea, D. M. Soderlund, Presiding
collection for antimicrobials used
11:45 AGRO 74. Conflicting data 12:10 Concluding Remarks. 1:05 Introductory Remarks.
in food animals via the NARMS
on the value of sesquiterpene cecal sampling program. P. Basu 1:30 AGRO 107. Mechanisms of
lactones for defense against sun- Section E synergism for increased insecti-
flower insect pests. J. Prasifka 9:45 AGRO 86. Enhancing antibiotic
cidal action. J.R. Bloomquist
stewardship: Antibiotic administration Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
12:10 Concluding Remarks. route impacts swine intestinal microbiota 1:55 AGRO 108. Characterizing potassium
Meeting Room 16
and resistance gene diversity. C. Loving transport pathways as novel targets
Section B 10:10 Intermission. Pesticides, Pollinator Health & for insecticide design. D. Swale
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Agricultural Sustainability 2:20 AGRO 109. Specific modes of action
10:30 AGRO 87. Effect of biological
Meeting Room 2 J. R. Purdy, J. M. Van Emon, Organizers can facilitate rational approaches to
treatment of manure on the con-
overcoming resistance to chemical
centration of antibiotic residues and M. Feken, T. Steeger, Organizers, Presiding
Environmental Fate, Transport insect control agents. J.A. Pickett
tetracycline resistance genes. T. Van den
& Modeling of Agriculturally- Meersche, G. Rasschaert, E. Van Coillie, F. 8:25 Introductory Remarks.
Related Chemicals Haesebrouck, M. Heyndrickx, E. Daeseleire 8:30 AGRO 99. Evaluating the impacts
Cosponsored by ENVR 10:55 AGRO 88. Assessing dairy of pesticides on pollination as an
ecosystem service: A synopsis
M. Barrett, J. Gan, S. H. Jackson, M. T. manure management strategies for
of the IPBES report. J. Pettis The use of any device to capture
Shamim, T. Xu, Organizers removal of antimicrobials and spread
of antimicrobial resistant genes. 8:55 AGRO 100. Assessing effects images (e.g., cameras and camera
L. Padilla, Z. Tang, Organizers, Presiding J. Hurst, L. Sassoubre, D.S. Aga of pesticides on bee immune phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
8:25 Introductory Remarks. 11:20 AGRO 89. Monitoring the quantity system. D. Lehmann
and persistence of tetracycline resistance
digital recorders) or to stream,
8:30 AGRO 75. Revisions to PRZM5.0 9:20 AGRO 101. ATP-sensitive inwardly
runoff methods and erosion algorithms genes in swine waste over a period of rectifying potassium channel regulation of upload or rebroadcast speakers or
to reflect current rainfall intensity 100 days. M. Couch, A. Abdulrheem, C. viral infections in honey bees. S. O’Neal, presentations is strictly prohibited
patterns. T.L. Estes, K.L. Armbrust Cruse, C. Fulllington, E.D. Conte, S. Antle, D. Swale, J.R. Bloomquist, T.D. Anderson
J.H. Loughrin, R. Parekh, A. Getahun at all official ACS meetings and
8:55 AGRO 76. Field study to determine
runoff and deposition of an herbicide in events without express written
pasture conditions. L. Carver, J. Trask, consent from ACS.
N.J. Snyder, C. Mucha Hirata, A.C. Barefoot

2:45 AGRO 110. Developing RNA 1:55 AGRO 119. Epidemiology 2:20 AGRO 131. Metabolism and residues 9:30 AGRO 139. Synergism between pyre-
interference as a pest manage- and public health protection: of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid throids and neonicotinoids on insect cho-
ment tool for western corn root- The 2,4-D story. C. Burns in DAS-40278-9 maize (Zea mays) linergic synaptic transmission. S. Thany
worm: Identifying opportunities transformed with Aryloxyalkanoate
2:20 AGRO 120. History, use and regulation 9:55 Intermission.
and potential risks. B. Siegfried Dioxygenase-1 gene. X. Zhou, S.L.
of 2,4-D. K.D. Racke, S. McMaster
Rotondaro, M. Ma, Y. Adelfinskaya, J. 10:15 AGRO 140. Mode of action
3:10 Intermission.
2:45 AGRO 121. Critical and systematic Balcer, B.M. Wendelburg, A.L. Latham characterization of the novel plant-
3:30 AGRO 111. Lessons learned in the evaluation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic parasitic nematicide, fluazaindolizine.
2:45 AGRO 132. Assessing seasonal off-
search for mosquitocidal AChE inhibitors acid (2,4-D) exposure data: Quality and D. Cordova, I. Kang, J. Andreassi, E. Benner,
field transport of understudied agricultural
having both target selectivity and resis- generalizability for human assessments. F. Partridge, D. Sattelle, J. Desaeger, T.
chemicals to Midwest streams: The nitro-
tance-breaking properties. J.S. Lakind, C.J. Burns, D.Q. Naiman, C. Thoden, M. Rivera, S. Gutteridge, G.P. Lahm
gen stabilizer compound, nitrapyrin, and
P.R. Carlier, J.R. Bloomquist, J. Li, M. Totrov O’Mahony, G. Vilone, A.J. Burns, J.S. Naiman
three dichloroacetamide herbicide safen- 10:40 AGRO 141. Afidopyropen: New and
3:55 AGRO 112. Discovery of novel 3:10 Intermission. ers. E.E. Woodward, M.L. Hladik, D.W. Kolpin potent modulator of insect TRP channels.
topical and spatial repellents for use A. Nesterov, R. Kandasamy, D. London, L.
3:30 AGRO 122. 2,4-D Human exposure 3:10 Intermission.
against mosquitoes. U.R. Bernier Stam, W. von Deyn, X. Zhao, V.L. Salgado
data: Harmonisation of published data. G.
3:30 AGRO 133. Aerobic soil degradation
4:20 Discussion. Vilone, J.S. Lakind, C.J. Burns, C. O’Mahony 11:05 AGRO 142. Selective actions of
of 14C-meptyldinocap and identifica-
isoxazoline antagonists and mac-
3:55 AGRO 123. Ensuring harmonized and tion of major metabolites. J.A. Taylor,
Section B rolide activators on ligand-gated
comparable laboratory measurements J. Balcer, M. Jung, K. Lynn, A.L. Latham
chloride channels. Y. Ozoe
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown to improve public health. H. Vesper
3:55 AGRO 134. Concentration methods
11:30 Concluding Remarks.
Meeting Room 2 4:20 Panel Discussion. of aquatic or soil/sediment samples
5:00 Concluding Remarks. in preparation for chromatographic
Atmospheric Fate & Transport analyses. M. Lee, M.A. Ponte Section A
of Agricultural Emissions Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
Section D 4:20 AGRO 135. Characterizing the surface
Cosponsored by ENVR‡ abiotic degradation products of UK-2A. Mount Vernon Square B
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Q. Xiong, K. Myung, C. Yao, P. Graupner,
R. Li, Organizer Meeting Room 15 Y.A. Adelfinskaya, J.F. Daeuble, Sterling Hendricks Memorial
S. Grant, G. Rothman, Organizers, Presiding S.T. Meyer, Z. Buchan, N. Wang, K.G. Meyer Lecture Award
Managing Pesticide Use & Use Data Cosponsored by AGFD‡
1:50 Introductory Remarks. 4:45 AGRO 136. Novel in vitro method
M. A. Robertson, M. Zhang, Organizers for metabolite identification from
1:55 AGRO 113. Development of an applied Financially supported by US
orchard air blast sprayer pesticide depo- K. Steinmann, Organizer, Presiding fertile hen egg. Y. Yuan, V. Gaddamidi Department of Agriculture
sition model. H. Thistle, M. Teske, M. Willett 1:50 Introductory Remarks. 5:10 Discussion.
S. O. Duke, K. Kaplan, Organizers, Presiding
2:20 AGRO 114. Simple 1st principle 1:55 AGRO 124. California pesticide use
Measurements & Methods in 11:45 Introductory Remarks.
approach for predicting the evaporation trend in agriculture in the last twenty
and spray drift (ground applications) of Environmental Nanotechnology 11:55 AGRO 143. New opportuni-
five years. M. Zhang, H. Chen, M.
atomized liquid droplets. S. Cryer, A. Altieri Grieneisen, K. Steinmann, M.A. Robertson Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored ties for sustainable food produc-
by AGRO and ANYL tion from the chemical science
2:45 AGRO 115. Volatile organic compound 2:20 AGRO 125. Efficacy of different of agriculture. J.A. Pickett
emissions from poultry houses. Q. strategies for the reduction of pesticide
Yao, C.J. Hapeman, H. Li, M.D. Buser, J. risk in agriculture: Inferences from The 12:45 Discussion.
Wanjura, G. Holt, P. Downey, A. Torrents California Pesticide Use Reports (PUR) MONDAY EVENING
3:10 Intermission. from 1993 to 2014. L. Epstein, M. Zhang Section B
3:25 AGRO 116. Modeling dispersion 2:45 AGRO 126. Index method to Section A Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
of dust emissions from pesticide evaluate growers’ pesticide use for Walter E. Washington Convention Center Meeting Room 2
treated seeds during agricultural seed identification of effective on-farm Halls D/E
planting operations. pest management strategies: A case Atmospheric Fate & Transport
S. Ghosh, S. Grant, K. Crist, F. Rice study of winegrape in Madera County, Sci-Mix of Agricultural Emissions
California. Z. Qin, M. Zhang, B. Xu, W. Li
3:50 AGRO 117. Significant impact of S. H. Jackson, Organizer Cosponsored by ENVR‡
biomass burning on PM2.5 concen- 3:10 Intermission.
8:00 - 10:00 G. Rothman, Organizer
trations in a Rocky Mountain valley: 3:30 AGRO 127. Botanical pesticide
Results of multiple source appor- 278, 283, 285, 288, 290, 293-295, 297- S. Grant, R. Li, Organizers, Presiding
registration and use in California.
tionment models. R. Li, W. Zhang, M. Grieneisen, M.B. Isman 298, 300, 302-308, 321, 323-324, 328,
8:10 Introductory Remarks.
R. Hardy, R. Kotchenruther, T. Ward 332, 335, 337-340, 343-349, 356, 360-
3:55 AGRO 128. Spatial re-allocation 361, 363, 365. See subsequent listings. 8:15 AGRO 144. Estimating expo-
4:15 AGRO 118. Withdrawn. of pesticide use data in agricultural sure from volatile and semi-volatile
4:40 Panel Discussion. and urban settings. C. Hoogeweg, R. pesticides. C. Peck, G. Rothman, S.
Vamshi, W.M. Williams, M.J. Cheplick Shelat, C. Smith, F. Khan, J. Dawson
Section C 4:20 AGRO 129. Predicting illness rates 8:40 AGRO 145. Developments in the
from pesticide use data: The promise Section A evaluation of airborne exposures to
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
and challenges of geoinformatics. pesticides. D.A. Sullivan, R.D. Sullivan,
Meeting Rooms 13/14 Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
L. Graham, G. Wroblicky, M. Zeiss D.J. Hlinka
Mount Vernon Square B
2,4-D Human Exposure Data: 4:45 Concluding Remarks. 9:05 AGRO 146. Measurement methods
Lessons from Decades of Study Advances in Insecticide Mode of for volatile pesticides and impact
Cosponsored by ENVR Section E Action, Chemistry & Resistance on risk assessment. G. Rothman,
C. Peck, F. Khan, M.T. Shamim
J. S. Lakind, Organizer Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Mode of Action
Meeting Room 16 9:30 AGRO 147. Predicting pesticide
C. J. Burns, K. D. Racke, Organizers, Presiding Financially supported by DuPont Crop Protection volatility through coupled above/below
Fate & Metabolism of Agrochemicals: J. M. Clark, Organizer ground multiphysics modeling. M.
1:50 Introductory Remarks.
Early Career Scientist Mao, S. Cryer, A. Altieri, P.L. Havens
T. Anderson, J. G. Scott, Presiding
Y. Ding, S. Grant, F. Jia, M. Ma, Organizers, 9:55 Intermisssion.
8:35 Introductory Remarks.
Presiding 10:15 AGRO 148. Recent history
8:40 AGRO 137. Canonical and non- of fumigant and semi-volatile
Technical program information 1:50 Introductory Remarks.
canonical binding sites of neonicotinoids bystander risk assessment and
known at press time. 1:55 AGRO 130. Practical challenges when determining their selective actions on use of PERFUM. R. Reiss
conducting guideline soil adsorption insect nicotinic acetylcholine recep-
The official technical program for batch equilibrium studies with low mobil- tors. M. Ihara, D. Sattelle, K. Matsuda
10:40 AGRO 149. Simulating emissions of
1,3-dichloropropene after soil fumigation
the 254th ACS National Meeting ity compounds. T. Siyoum, M.A. Ponte
9:05 AGRO 138. Muscarinic acetyl- under several field-management condi-
is available at www.acs.org/ choline receptors as a target for tions. S.R. Yates, D. Ashworth, Q. Zhang
mosquitocide development. A.D.
WDC2017 Gross, P.R. Carlier, J.R. Bloomquist

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


11:05 AGRO 150. SOFEA3 modeling of 9:30 AGRO 161. Methodology for 2:20 AGRO 171. Mechanisms of insec- 2:20 AGRO 184. Unforeseen challenges
1,3-Dichloropropene concentrations prioritizing pesticides for surface ticide resistance in Bemisia tabaci of pollinator toxicity test matrices. S.
in ambient air. I. Van Wesenbeeck water monitoring in agricultural and with special reference to acetyl-CoA Long, J. Staveley, B.M. Polakoff, R. Coler,
urban areas of California. Y. Luo carboxylase inhibitors. R. Nauen J. Hoberg, M. Patnaude, K. Rathjen
11:30 Concluding Remarks.
9:55 Intermission. 2:45 AGRO 172. Pesticides, pollinators, 2:45 AGRO 185. Overcoming the
Section C and parasites: Protecting bees with challanges of Tier 1 guideline
10:15 AGRO 162. Applications of
comparative toxicology. T.D. Anderson studies for pollinators. H. Krueger
California’s Pesticide Use Reporting
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
Database in water quality investi- 3:10 Intermission. 3:10 Intermission.
Meeting Rooms 13/14
gations. J. Domagalski, J. Orlando
3:30 AGRO 173. Two novel house fly 3:30 AGRO 186. Validation of the
Application of Spatial Technologies 10:40 AGRO 163. Spatio-temporal Vssc mutations, D600N and T929I, 22-day honey bee larval toxicity,
to Advance Exposure Modeling analyses of pesticide use on walnuts give rise to new insecticide resistance repeated (chronic) exposure study
& Risk Assessments and potential risks to surface water alleles. H. Sun, S. Kasai, J.G. Scott design. D. Schmehl, J. Ellis, S.L. Clark
Cosponsored by ENVR in California. H. Chen, M. Zhang
3:55 AGRO 174. Molecular basis of 3:55 AGRO 187. Complications associ-
11:05 AGRO 164. Improving operational pyrethroid repellency. K. Dong ated with establishing reliable brood
P. L. Havens, C. Hoogeweg, N. Thurman,
aquatic plant management in the termination rates in tier II honey bee
Organizers, Presiding 4:20 AGRO 175. Identification and interac-
California Sacramento-San Joaquin tunnel studies. J. Louque, L. Brewer
tion of multiple genes resulting in DDT
8:10 Introductory remarks. delta resource. D. Bubenheim
resistance in the 91-R strain of Drosophila 4:20 AGRO 188. Vital role of hive manage-
8:15 AGRO 151. Expanding the capacity 11:30 Concluding Remarks. melanogaster by RNAi approaches. J.M. ment in honey bee tier II studies. M. Hill
and scope of the spatial aquatic model Clark, J.H. Kim, K.S. Yoon, J. Moreau, J. Zina
4:45 AGRO 189. Withdrawn.
(SAM) for pesticides. N. Thurman, J. Section E 4:45 Concluding Remarks.
Hook, S. Thawley, K. Pluntke, R. Shamblen, 5:10 Discussion.
G. Rothman, J. Carleton, C. Koper, D. Young Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
Meeting Room 16 Section B Section D
8:40 AGRO 152. Development of spatially
explicit groundwater scenarios for use in Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
Pesticide Registration, Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
EPA’s Pesticide Exposure Assessments. Meeting Room 2
Monitoring & Enforcement Meeting Room 15
R.F. Bohaty, D. Young, M. Ruhman,
J.C. Hook, S. Lennartz, P. Villanueva
Financially supported by Bryant Christie Atmospheric Fate & Transport Advanced Techniques for Isolation,
of Agricultural Emissions Identification & Quantitation of
9:05 AGRO 153. Use of topographic G. Farnsworth, H. B. Irrig, J. J. Johnston, C.
and hydrographic spatial datasets in Terry, Organizers Cosponsored by ENVR‡ Ag/Pharma Relevant Compounds
determining watershed areas in static J. R. Purdy, J. M. Van Emon, Presiding S. Grant, Organizer
from Biological Samples
water body exposure modeling. L. Financially supported by JAFC (Journal
Padilla, N. Peranginangin, X. Hu, M. Winchell 8:35 Introductory Remarks. R. Li, G. Rothman, Organizers, Presiding
of Ag & Food Chemistry)
9:30 AGRO 154. Soil sustainability: 8:40 AGRO 165. Pesticide residues in 1:50 Introductory Remarks.
J.A Taylor, Y. Yuan, Organizers, Presiding
Tthe reality of erosion reduction foods: An overview of registration toler-
1:55 AGRO 176. Significant impact of
practices by farmers and the impact ance setting at the U.S. EPA. D. Hrdy 1:25 Introductory Remarks.
atmospheric emissions and transport of
to estimated environmental concen- 9:10 AGRO 166. IR-4 Project: Faciliating the pesticides on water resources. R. Li 1:30 AGRO 190. Identification and quanti-
trations in a risk assessment. A.M. registration of crop protection products tation of naturally-occuring carcinogens,
Ritter, D.A. Desmarteau, P. Hendley 2:20 AGRO 177. Assessing pesticide
for specialty crops. J. Baron, D. Kunkel aristolochic acids, in raw ag commodities
wet depostion risks in agricultural
9:55 Intermission. 9:35 AGRO 167. USDA FSIS Policy watersheds. T.L. Potter, A. Coffin and soil: Identification and estimation
guiding pesticides domestic and of novel exposure pathway (2017 JAFC
10:15 AGRO 155. Considerations of 2:45 AGRO 178. Higher tier framework
imported products. M.M. O’Keefe Award address). W. Chan, N.M. Pavlovic
input parameter quality in water- for determining appropriate buffer
shed models. N. Thurman, J. Hook, 9:55 Intermission. distance to non-target plants. J.W. 2:20 AGRO 191. Achiral and chiral analysis
K. Pluntke, S. Thawley, R. Shamblen, G. Perine, T.M. Ledson, R.A. Brain of pharmaceutical compounds/metabo-
Rothman, J. Carleton, C. Koper, D. Young 10:15 AGRO 168. U.S. National Residue lites using SFC-MS and 2D LC-SFC-MS.
Program. R. Kishore, R. Duverna, L. Bluhm 3:10 Intermission. G. Li, L. Zang, Y. Yang, S. Joseph, C.
10:40 AGRO 156. Novel application
10:45 AGRO 169. USDA’s Pesticide Data 3:30 AGRO 179. Modeling of herbicide Venkatramani, M. Al-Sayah, M. Goel, J. Girotti
of the SWAT model toward nutrient
management decision-making and Program: A national residue monitor- vapor phase uptake and injury to target 2:45 AGRO 192. Innovative approaches to
user-oriented access and assessment ing program. D. Haynes, S. Abubeker plants. Y. Zhang, S. Cryer, L. Acharya sample clean-up, chromatography and
through a web interface. A. Jacobson, 11:10 Discussion. 3:55 AGRO 180. Withdrawn. mass spectrometry for metabolite iden-
D. Perkins, R. Gali, C. Moloney, C. Wade tification in support of agrochemical and
4:20 AGRO 181. Impact of water stress pharmaceutical development. J. O’Neill
11:05 AGRO 157. Using web-based Journal of Agricultural & Food on dicamba dissipation in suscepti-
technologies to inform stakehold- Chemistry Best Paper Award & ble soybean. C.D. Willett, E.M. Grantz, 3:10 Intermission.
ers - CoPST. C. Hoogeweg, R. Young Scientist Award Symposium M.N. Thompson, J.K. Norsworthy 3:30 AGRO 193. Purification and iden-
Breuer, D. Denton, W.M. Williams Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored tification of conjugated agrochemical
4:45 Panel Discussion.
11:30 Concluding Remarks. by AGRO, CINF and PROF metabolites from biological matrices.
M.A. Jalal, T. Nguyen, T. Lee, A.F. Rose,
Section C S.V. Bondarenko, G. Kirk, S.H. Jackson
Section D
TUESDAY AFTERNOON Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Meeting Rooms 13/14
Meeting Room 15
Section A Tiered Testing for Pollinator
Managing Pesticide Use & Use Data Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Protection: Experiences in Design,
K. Steinmann, M. Zhang, Organizers Mount Vernon Square B Implementation & Interpretation
M. A. Robertson, Organizer, Presiding Financially supported by SynTech Research
Advances in Insecticide Mode of
8:10 Introductory Remarks. Action, Chemistry & Resistance R. C. Biever, M. Echeverria, M. A. Maks,
8:15 AGRO 158. Walking the California Resistance The use of any device to capture
county lines with pesticides on B. L. Bret, Organizer, Presiding
the mind: A tale of two cities. A.
Financially supported by DuPont Crop Protection images (e.g., cameras and camera
1:25 Introductory Remarks.
Pitchford, M. Nash, Y. Yuan, F. Ayivi, J. M. Clark, Organizer phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
1:30 AGRO 182. Development of tiered
M. Ensminger, Y. Luo, D. Denton A. D. Gross, D. R. Swale, Presiding
testing guidelines for pollinator digital recorders) or to stream,
8:40 AGRO 159. Seasonality in pesticide
signals in California’s urban water-
1:50 Introductory Remarks. protection. M. Echeverria, A. Pease upload or rebroadcast speakers or
sheds. D. Wang, M. Ensminger, R. 1:55 AGRO 170. Breaking the resis- 1:55 AGRO 183. Challenges and presentations is strictly prohibited
Budd, N. Singhasemanon, K.S. Goh tance cycle, challenges and successes with tiered testing for
opportunities. J. Hemingway pollinator protection in a regulatory at all official ACS meetings and
9:05 AGRO 160. Comparing efficacy
of herbicides and surfactants in
framework. C. Hart, B. Martinovic- events without express written
Barrett, N. Lauro, N. McKenzie, W. Hou
water hyacinth management. D. consent from ACS.
Bubenheim, J. Madsen, G. Kyser

3:55 AGRO 194. Fast and efficient UPLC 8:30 AGRO 203. Mosquitocidal activity 8:05 AGRO 216. Ecological risk assess- 10:55 AGRO 229. Development and use
method development for metabolite and physiological actions of matrine, a ment of nano-enabled pesticides of UHPLC-HRMS, MS/MS libraries, and
isolation and identification. M. Ma, J. plant natural product insecticide. Y. Li, (nanopesticides): Considerations for compound databases for screening
McFadden, P. Graupner, Y.A. Adelfinskaya, S. Jiang, J. Taylor-Wells, J.R. Bloomquist regulatory evaluation. R.S. Kookana chemical residues and contaminants
K. Lynn, J.A. Taylor, J.R. Gilbert, L. in foods. J.W. Wong, J. Wittenberg, K.
8:55 AGRO 204. Glutamate recep- 8:30 AGRO 217. Influence of multiple
Buchholz, A.L. Latham, R. Rasoulpour Simon, K. Zhang, D. Hayward, H. Park, Z.
tor-cation channel: A target of chemical and non-chemical stress-
Jia, R. Carlson, J. Wang, J.S. Chang
4:20 AGRO 195. Employing microbial naturally occurring compounds. A.D. ors on benthic communities in a
biocatalysts to deliver scalable amounts Gross, R. Islam, J.R. Bloomquist mid-west agricultural stream. L.W. 11:20 AGRO 230. Screening and quan-
of metabolites for identification and Hall, W. Killen, R. Anderson, R. Alden titative analyses for cannabis samples
9:20 Intermission.
biological evaluation. L. Evans using LC-MS/MS. P.C. Winkler
8:55 AGRO 218. Bioavailability as a
9:40 AGRO 205. Molecular and nano-
4:45 AGRO 196. Characterization of fat measure of risk; utilizing carbona- 11:45 Concluding Remarks.
scale approaches to biorational control
soluble metabolites of agrochemicals ceous material to reduce organochlo-
of mosquito vectors. L. Bartholomay,
in biological matrices. J. LaMar rine pesticide bioavailability in field Section E
P.M. Airs, Y. Phanse, K. Olson, B. Beaty
conditions. M. Anderson, A. Torrents,
5:10 Concluding Remarks.
10:05 AGRO 206. Overcoming insec- C.J. Hapeman, R. Chaney, L.L. McConnell, Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
ticide resistance: Inhibiting ABC C. Green, R.E. Plummer, T. LaChance Meeting Room 16
Section E transporters as a means of increasing
9:20 AGRO 219. Application of
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown insecticide efficacy. T.D. Anderson AGRO Memorial Symposium:
kinetic modeling to predict the fate
Meeting Room 16 10:30 AGRO 207. Various strategies
Remembering Bob Krieger
of bound residue degradation in
utilizing attractant toxic sugar baits in & Richard Allen
soil. M. Zhang, S. Whiting, B. Clark
Pesticide Registration, population managent for mosquitoes, Financially supported by Stone Environmental
9:45 Intermission.
Monitoring & Enforcement biting midges and tabanids. D. Kline
K. Gohre, T. S. Ramanarayanan, E. A.
Financially supported by Bryant Christie 10:05 AGRO 220. Case study on
10:55 Concluding Remarks. Schoenau, J. N. Seiber, Organizers
estimating potential human health
G. Farnsworth, C. Terry, Organizers pesticide concentrations in drinking M. M. Dyk, G. C. Miller, Organizers, Presiding
Section B water from the use of benzobicyclon
H. B. Irrig, J. J. Johnston, Organizers, Presiding 8:00 Introductory Remark.
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown on rice in California. K.E. White, J.
1:50 Introductory Remarks. Carleton, J. Hetrick, K. Milians, G. Orrick, 8:05 AGRO 231. Understanding human
Meeting Room 2
C. Peck, A. Shelby, N. Thurman, D. Young biomonitoring data in a health risk
1:55 AGRO 197. FDA’s Pesticide residue
Analytical, Environmental & assessment context. R.A. Becker
monitoring and enforcement. C. Liang 10:30 AGRO 221. Characterization of
Regulatory Challenges with drinking water intake watersheds and 8:30 AGRO 232. Urinary dialkyl phos-
2:20 AGRO 198. Overview of the
Codex Committee on Pesticide
Legalized Cannabis associated community water systems phates as biomarkers of hazard and
Cosponsored by CHAS‡ vulnerable to pesticide contamina- exposure: A review. A. Chukwudebe
Residues (CCPR): What it is and
what it does. D.J. Miller tion. R.F. Bohaty, J. Hetrick, D. Spatz 8:55 AGRO 233. Contribution of hand
K. L. Armbrust, G. C. Miller, Organizers,
10:55 AGRO 222. New data for old: exposures to total pesticide expo-
2:45 AGRO 199. Same data, differ- Presiding
What does screening assess- sures of barehanded and gloved
ent outcome? A comparison of
8:00 Introductory Remarks. ment mean for older pesticides in hand harvesters. G. Sankaran, J.
pesticide residue evaluations by
registration review? A pyrethroid Ross, D.A. Eastmond, R.I. Krieger
EPA and JMPR. M. Doherty 8:05 AGRO 208. Withdrawn.
example. P. Hendley, J. Giddings, R. 9:20 AGRO 234. Are the assumption of
3:10 Intermission. 8:30 AGRO 209. Regulating pesticides Jones, S.H. Jackson, R. Underwood
genericness and the use of surrogate
3:30 AGRO 200. USDA Food Safety and on cannabis in California. J. Townzen
11:20 AGRO 223. Risk mitigation and chemicals in worker exposure and risk
Inspection Service (FSIS) equiva- 8:55 AGRO 210. Regulating medical environmental risk assessment. R. assessment valid? M.E. Krolski, C. Lunchick
lence of foreign food safety systems cannabis cultivation as agriculture. Sur, M. McCoole, Z. Tang, A. Nikolakis
9:45 Intermission.
for pesticides. S.R. Edwards J. Marcu, K. Nevedal, S. Sherer
11:45 Concluding Remarks. 10:05 AGRO 235. Risk assessment of
3:55 AGRO 201. Pesticide MRLs 9:20 AGRO 211. Time for a proac-
incidental non-dietary exposure based
and trade. J. Chao tive approach to protecting public
Section D on studies of surface reside transfer of
4:20 Panel Discussion. health and consumer safety in the
boric acid & DOT from treated residential
cannabis industry. L. Engelking Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
surfaces. C. Bernard, M. Manning
Meeting Room 15
9:45 Intermission.
10:30 AGRO 236. Surrogating biomonitor-
WEDNESDAY MORNING 10:05 AGRO 212. Pesticide residues Emerging Mass Spectrometry ing data: Case study of pyrethroids in pet
in Cannabis: Pesticide exposure Trends in Support of Agricultural spot-on products. J.H. Driver, J.H. Ross
Section A risk assessment. P. Reibach Research & Development 10:55 AGRO 237. Validating EPA’s Standard
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 10:30 AGRO 213. New research on Financially supported by BASF Operating Procedures for residential
Mount Vernon Square B tobacco and e-cigs: Lessons for exposure to insecticide-impregnated pet
cannabis. S.M. Lomnicki, F. Hasan J. Balcer, P. Reibach, Organizers, Presiding collars. J. Ross, J.E. Chambers, J. Driver
Biorational Control of Medical 10:55 AGRO 214. Cannabis concentrates 8:00 Introductory Remarks. 11:20 AGRO 238. Minimizing expo-
& Veterinary Pests 101: Basic extraction and post- sure to volatile pesticides. J.N.
8:05 AGRO 224. Applications of
Novel Tools & Targets extraction processing techniques. T. Vu proteomics, metabolomics, and Seiber, G.C. Miller, J.E. Woodrow

J. M. Clark, A. D. Gross, Organizers 11:20 AGRO 215. Representative immunoassays in agricultural and 11:45 Concluding Remarks.
and random cannabis sampling, environmental chemistry. Q.X. Li
J. R. Coats, E. Norris, Organizers, Presiding
sampler quality systems, and 8:55 AGRO 225. High resolution
8:00 Introductory Remarks. demonstration of competency in mass spectrometry applications in WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON
sampler protocols. K. Watson the identification of environmental
8:05 AGRO 202. Phytochemical
synergists: Natural plant oils as 11:45 Concluding Remarks. metabolites to support the discovery Section A
synergists for diverse pyrethroids. E. and development of new agricul-
tural products. Y.A. Adelfinskaya Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
Norris, M. Archevald-Cansobre, A.D. Section C Mount Vernon Square B
Gross, L. Bartholomay, J.R. Coats 9:20 AGRO 226. Cold metabolism: HRAM
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown mass spectrometry support for the early
Meeting Rooms 13/14 Biorational Control of Medical
phases of insecticide discovery. J.C. Guo
& Veterinary Pests
Developing Pesticide Environmental 9:45 Intermission.
Bringing New Products to Market
Risk Assessment Approaches
Technical program information 10:05 AGRO 227. Automated strategy
J. M. Clark, J. R. Coats, Organizers
Cosponsored by ENVR for targeted and untargeted metabolite
known at press time. identification in xenobiotic metabolism. A. D. Gross, E. Norris, Organizers, Presiding
R. Morris, N. Peranginangin, Organizers,
The official technical program for Presiding
R. Lee, V. Lashin, A. Paramonov, A. Sakharov
2:25 Introductory Remarks.
the 254th ACS National Meeting 8:00 Introductory Remarks.
10:30 AGRO 228. Beyond accurate mass,
2:30 AGRO 239. Products for global
workflows for small molecule structure
is available at www.acs.org/ elucidation in agricultural research.
vector control: putting the rational
into biorational. D. Strickman
WDC2017 S.A. Baumann, S. Tong, I. Blazenović

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


2:55 AGRO 240. Behavior manipulation 2:30 AGRO 253. Expanding the tiered Section E AGRO 280. Higer in vitro hepatic clearance
of vectors of disease. A. Mafra Neto, approach for drift exposures to non-target of bifenthrin in children versus adults.
E. Keogh, T. Dekker, G. Batista, L. Mboera, plants. J.W. Perine, R.A. Brain, T.M. Ledson Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown A. Chadrasekaran, K. Kassahun, G.C.
E. Kemibala, P. Kija, S. Singh, W. Foster,
Meeting Room 16 Nallani, L. Shen, Z. Liu, S.F. El-Naggar
2:55 AGRO 254. Withdrawn.
G. White, J. Saroli, R. Silva, M. Shahbazi,
AGRO Memorial Symposium: AGRO 281. Effects of mixtures of
C.R. Bernardi, W. Urrutia, R. Borges, G. 3:20 AGRO 255. Consideration of using
Remembering Bob Krieger dicamba and glyphosate on nontarget
Martinez, B. Avalos, L. Mafra, K. Spencer bias factors and other methods to
& Richard Allen plants. D. Olszyk, T. Pfleeger, E. Lee, M.
estimate potential maximum con-
3:20 AGRO 241. Development of Blakeley-Smith, T. Shiroyama, M. Plocher
centrations in monitoring data. J. M. M. Dyk, K. Gohre, G. C. Miller, E. A.
deltamethrin for mosquito control.
Aldworth, P. Mosquin, W. Chen Schoenau, J. N. Seiber, Organizers AGRO 282. Two study designs and
M.E. Krolski, K. Vandock, J. Brill
data types used to determine mixture
3:45 Intermission. T. S. Ramanarayanan, T. Xu, Organizers,
3:45 Intermission. ecological toxicity of crop protection
4:05 AGRO 256. Current status of Presiding herbicide products. T. Jones-Jefferson,
4:05 AGRO 242. Novel pest control
regulations involving environmental 2:00 Introductory Remarks. P. Valverde, K. Ralston-Hooper
technologies: Utilizing behavioural
risk assessment in Brazil. A. Cione
assays for the development of push-pull 2:05 AGRO 268. Richard Allen, valued AGRO 283. Toxicity impacts of dicloran
strategies against Ae. aegypti. U. Gordon 4:30 AGRO 257. Comparison of surface colleague and scientist: Aldicarb potable exposed to UV-light on zebrafish. L.
water pesticide environmental risk well monitoring study. R. Jones, P.N. Basirico, E. Vebrosky, K.L. Armbrust
4:30 AGRO 243. Future public health
assessment tools in U.S. and China. Coody, Z. Tang, D.G. Dyer, I.D. Kelly, T. Xu, K.
vector control: Bringing new prod- AGRO 284. Using population models to
D. Mao, W. Chen, M.J. Cheplick Repprecht, D. Netzband, C. Lam, M. Cole
ucts to market. R. Vaidyanathan gain insights into direct and indirect
4:55 AGRO 258. Global use of field 2:30 AGRO 269. Past present and effects of pesticides on listed fish
4:55 AGRO 244. Bringing new prod-
trials based on ecoregion similarities: future of environmental research on populations. A. Schmolke, B. Kearns,
ucts to market: Collaborative efforts
Southside (Southern vs. Northern crop protection products. I.D. Kelly V. Forbes, M. Kern, K. Kapo, C. Moloney,
leading to innovative solutions
Hemisphere). B. Gottesburen, A.C. Barefoot, H. Ochoa-Acuna
in vector control. N. Hamon 2:55 AGRO 270. Determination of adduct
R. Gangaraju, M.T. Shamim
formation between human serum albumin AGRO 285. Use of bias factors and
5:20 Concluding Remarks.
5:20 AGRO 259. Global use of field and organophosphates using MALDI- other methods to assess potential
trials based on ecoregion similarities: TOF/TOF and LC-Q/TOF. Q.X. Li, S. Chu maximum annual concentrations of
Section B Comparison of data from New Zealand surface water monitoring data. P.
and Chile vs. Europe. B. Gottesburen, H. 3:20 AGRO 271. Summary of the Mosquin, J. Aldworth, W. Chen
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown fate and behavior of mandestrobin
Bayer, K. Platz, B. Erzgraeber, F. Donaldson,
Meeting Room 2 in the environment. K. Gohre, J.C. AGRO 286. Quantification of surface water
J. Goulet Fortin, A. Fischer, F. Kroeger
Aston, J.J. Maurer, J. Whitby, T. Nguyen, monitoring data using an integrative
Communicating Pesticide 5:45 Concluding Remarks. M.A. Jalal, S.H. Jackson, R. Allen spatial and temporal analysis approach.
Science to the Public J. Hetrick, C. Peck, J.C. Hook, R.F. Bohaty
3:45 Intermission.
P. A. Brindle, C. Tiu, Organizers Section D AGRO 287. Inductive habitat modeling as
4:05 AGRO 272. What is tREP and how a tool to predict listed aquatic species’
H. B. Irrig, Organizer, Presiding Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown does it impact risk assessment?
Meeting Room 15 occurence in the absence of critical
2:00 Introductory Remarks. A PWC sensitivity analysis. J.G. habitat. B. Kearns, J. Amos, S. Kay
Whitby, K. Gohre, S.H. Jackson
2:05 AGRO 245. Advocacy for science Good Laboratory Practices for AGRO 288. Applying the source to outcome
with non-scientists. L.H. Latimer the Agrochemical Professional 4:30 AGRO 273. Fate and transport studies approach for exposure, hazard and risk
of a pre-emergent herbicide in tiled fields evaluation of an irritant aerosol. S. Flack,
2:30 AGRO 246. Using evidence-based Cosponsored by ENVR
of the upper midwest. T. Xu, R. Jones, D. P. Hinderliter, T.M. Ledson, A.Z. Szarka, K.
practices to address lay theories about Netzband, D.R. Gabbert, C. Hassinger, M.
C. Lee, P. M. Maldonado, K. Watson, Lichti-Kaiser, T.S. Ramanarayanan, D. Wolf
chemicals: Tapping guidance from the Veal, S. Blanchfield, P.N. Coody, B. Hoppie
Organizers, Presiding
National Academy of Science. K. Rowan AGRO 289. Case study on evaluat-
2:00 Introductory Remarks. 4:55 AGRO 274. Evaluation of model ing ecological risk from the use of
2:55 AGRO 247. Starting the science simulation of pesticide transport through
conversation through humor and 2:05 AGRO 260. EPA good labo- pesticides on rice. K.E. White, J.
subsurface tile drains. M. Winchell, Z. Hetrick, G. Orrick, C. Peck, M. Ruhman,
community. G. O’Sullivan ratory compliance. D. Myers Tang, H. Rathjens, J. Stryker, L. Padilla, T. Xu
A. Shelby, N. Thurman, D. Young
3:20 AGRO 248. What’s the 2:30 AGRO 261. Office of Pesticide 5:20 AGRO 275. Higher tier assessment
hazard in risk? R. Mitkus Programs processing of GLP AGRO 290. Innovative approaches for
options in drinking water assessments. R. assessing risk to wildlife from the use of
3:45 Intermission. inspection referrals and evaluation Jones, R. Freedlander, P.L. Havens, W. Chen,
of GLP non compliance. D.D. Rice a veterinary medicinal product in cattle.
N. Peranginangin, S.H. Jackson, K.S. Henry
4:05 AGRO 249. Communicating J. Staveley, J. Nusz, J. Thiry, G. Scheef
pesticide food safety issues 2:55 AGRO 262. Real world exam- 5:45 Concluding Remarks.
to the public. C.K. Winter ples of what not to do. C. Lee
Section G
4:30 AGRO 250. Communicating science 3:20 AGRO 263. How person- Section F Walter E. Washington Convention Center
to the public at the National Pesticide nel can make or break your EPA
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Hall D
Information Center. J.J. Jenkins, GLP study. P.M. Maldonado
Hall D
A. Leytem, A. Hallman, B. Hanson 3:45 Intermission. Pollinators, Pesticides &
4:55 AGRO 251. Changing the GMO con- 4:05 AGRO 264. Conduct of method vali- Assessing Human & Ecosystem Risk Assessment
versation one person at a time. A. Hood dations and independent laboratory veri- Health Risks of Agrochemicals R. C. Biever, B. L. Bret, M. Echeverria, M. A.
5:20 Panel Discussion. fications. L. Sanghani, N.A. Khan, M. Ansari D. D. Campbell, J. Crossland, G. Hall, L. Honey, Maks, Organizers
4:30 AGRO 265. Auditing field aerial B. McGaughey, Organizers
12:00 - 2:00
Section C drift studies and field volatility 12:00 - 2:00
studies using Good Laboratory AGRO 291. Pollinator protection label
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Practices (GLPs). K. Watson AGRO 276. Improved ESA imple- language. A. McCaskill, I.D. Kelly, L. Bowers
Meeting Rooms 13/14 mentation through species dis-
4:55 AGRO 266. Practical application tribution modeling. R. Smyth
Developing Pesticide Environmental of OECD document 17: Application
of GLP principles to computer- AGRO 277. Invasive species and bio-
Risk Assessment Approaches diversity: Combining information to
ized systems. J.A. Franchetti
Cosponsored by ENVR
5:20 AGRO 267. Using the gover-
prioritize management projects. J. Dean The use of any device to capture
R. Morris, N. Peranginangin, Organizers, nance risk and compliance model to AGRO 278. Natural variability of images (e.g., cameras and camera
Presiding ensure implementation of computer- allergen levels in conventional soy-
ized systems that meets regulators beans: Assessing variation across phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
2:00 Introductory Remarks.
expectations. J.A. Franchetti North and South America from digital recorders) or to stream,
2:05 AGRO 252. Evaluation of drift potential five production years. T. Geng
of higher order tank mix combinations.
5:45 Discussion. upload or rebroadcast speakers or
AGRO 279. Effects of different pro-
T. Orr, A. Schapaugh, N. Pai, T. Bhakta
tective measures on body exposure presentations is strictly prohibited
levels of chlorothalonil applicators in at all official ACS meetings and
cucumber greenhouses. A. Xuehua
events without express written
consent from ACS.

AGRO 292. What is the honey bee AGRO 307. Physiological characteriza- AGRO 324. Patterns of fumigant use AGRO 340. Novel ionisation technique
(Apis mellifera) RT25 and what does tion of inward rectifying potassium in California grapes. D. Downie enhances sensitivity & lowers matrix
it mean? C. Wendel, R. Baris (Kir) channels in the insect nervous AGRO 325. Roles of national associations in effects in the UPLC-MS/MS analysis of
systems. R. Chen, D.R. Swale state and federal regulatory cooperation: a range of crop protection chemicals &
AGRO 293. Novel analytical determination
Implications for future cannabis policy. their metabolites. M. Jones, P. Hancock
of active ingredient concentration in AGRO 308. Mode-of-action studies
royal jelly and sucrose diet solutions. of a novel ligand-gated chloride K.L. Armbrust, E. Vebrosky, L. Basirico AGRO 341. Simultaneous determination
F. McGuinness, K. Rathjen, A. Fauser, A. channel antagonist insecticide, AGRO 326. Withdrawn. of 68 pesticides in tobacco by GC-MS/
Clarke, M. Kelly, J. Hoberg, P. Reibach fluxametamide. M. Asahi, T. Kagami, MS using multi-walled carbon nanotubes
K. Nakahira, M. Kobayashi, Y. Ozoe AGRO 327. Challenges for U.S. crop pro- as a reversed dispersive solid phase
AGRO 294. ATP-sensitive inwardly rectifying tection labeling specialists in today’s reg- extraction sorbent. L. Chen, H. Cui, L.
potassium channel modulators alter AGRO 309. Withdrawn. ulatory environment. K. Shears, N. Algarin Zhao, Y. Qin, M. Fan, Y. Jia, L. Pan, H. Liu
cardiac function in honey bees. S. O’Neal,
AGRO 310. Comparative behavioral AGRO 328. Evolving roles and reg-
D. Swale, J.R. Bloomquist, T.D. Anderson AGRO 342. Streamlined analysis of >150
responses of Aedes aegypti, Aedes ulatory obligations for distributors veterinary drugs including aminogly-
AGRO 295. Seasonality and acetone albopictus and Culex quequinfasciatus and retailers in the agrochemi- cosides in egg, meat, liver, and kidney
solvent effects on the success of in-vitro to plants base repellent of vetiver com- cal value chain. S. Sumulong samples by ultrahigh performance
honey bee larval studies. M.H. Huang, pounds. J. Nararak, T. Chareonviriyaphap
liquid chromatography: Tandem mass
S. Oberrauch, A. Kling, E. Verge, J. Eckert
AGRO 311. Differential transcription Section J spectrometry. S.J. Lehotay, A.R. Lightfield
AGRO 296. Industry perspective profiles of Plutella xylostella following
Walter E. Washington Convention Center AGRO 343. Analysis of veterinary drug res-
on tiered testing for pollinator sublethal treatment of five different
Hall D idues in imported and domestic crawfish
protection. R. Brinkmeyer insecticides. Y. Gao, K. Kim, S. Lee
using liquid chromatography time-of-flight
AGRO 297. Withdrawn. AGRO 312. RNAi validation of detoxification Advances in Analysis of mass spectrometry. E. Wall, K.L. Armbrust
genes involved in ivermectin tolerance Agriculturally-Important Chemicals
AGRO 298. Challenges and achievements AGRO 344. Determination of phenol
in Drosophila melanogaster. J. Kim, J.
in the conduct of the chronic oral toxicity residues in agricultural surface water by
Moreau, Y. Ali, P. Razo, K.S. Yoon, J.M. Clark S. Perez, M. Saha, Organizers
test with the adult honey bee. J. Leonard dispersive solid-phase extraction coupled
AGRO 313. Antifungal and herbicide 12:00 - 2:00 with HPLC. T. Boontongto, R. Burakham
AGRO 299. 21-Day chronic larval toxicity
activities of fungi from continental
test guidance and acute oral toxicity AGRO 329. Identification of new metab- AGRO 345. Mass spectrometry based
Antarctica. V. Godinho, V. Gonçalves, C.
test guidelines for honeybees (Apis olites of a pesticide in an anaerobic detection of vitellogenin peptides as
Carvalho, I. Santiago, H. Moraes, G. Vitoreli,
mellifera). T. Steeger, N. Al-Tall aquatic metabolism study. J. Ferguson, biomarker of fish exposure to estro-
C. Cantrell, D. Wedge, S. Duke, L. Rosa
K.M. Campbell, P. Halarnkar, J.T. Cole genic compounds in aquatic environ-
AGRO 300. Assessment of pesti-
AGRO 314. New pesticidal diterpenoids ments. P. He, E. Matich, L. Yonkos, A.
cide risks on honey bee colonies AGRO 330. Isolation and identification
from Vellozia gigantea (Velloziaceae), Friedman, G. Atilla-Gokcumen, D.S. Aga
in higher tier studies. C. Berg of a complex insecticide metabolic
an endemic neotropical plant living
profile in laying hens. J.A. Taylor,
AGRO 301. Modeling the exposure in the endangered Brazilian biome
of honey bees to seed treatment
J. Balcer, P. Edwards, A.L. Latham Section K
Rupestrian Grasslands. M. Ferreira,
insecticides during corn planting. D. C.L. Cantrell, S.O. Duke, A. Ali, L. Rosa AGRO 331. Identification of trifluoroacetic Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Sponsler, M. Wransky, R. Johnson acid as polar metabolite from pesticides Hall D
AGRO 315. Functionality of a maize
containing a trifluoromethyl (CF3)
AGRO 302. Risk assessment of foliar chitnase potentially inivolved in ear
moiety using 14C tracer technology. K. Environmental Fate of Agrochemicals
insecticides commonly used in corn and rot pathogen resistance. P. Dowd,
Ahn, Y. Choy, T. Fleischmann, D. Dohn
soybean production on monarch butterfly T.A. Naumann, N.P. Price, E.T. Johnson S. H. Jackson, L. Padilla, Z. Tang, Organizers
(Danaus plexippus) larvae. N. Krishnan, K. AGRO 332. Isolation, characterization
AGRO 316. MycoSymbiosis: Antifungal 12:00 - 2:00
Bidne, R. Hellmich, J.R. Coats, S. Bradbury and identification of metabolites of
activity against phytopathogenic fungi
non-labeled, stable isotope labeled, and AGRO 346. Transformation of 2,4-D
produced by endophytic fungi associated
Section H radioactive compounds using various herbicides in simulated leaf
with medicinal plants from Brazil and
analytical techniques and strategies. surface systems. L. Su, N. Dai
Walter E. Washington Convention Center United States. C. Carvalho, A.F. Silva-
A. Mutlib, L. Shen, K. Kassahun, X. Huang
Hall D Hughes, D.E. Wedge, C.L. Cantrell, Z. Pan, AGRO 347. Prediction of air pollutants
R.M. Moraes, S.S. Amorim, X. Wang, N. AGRO 333. Identification and character- emission from poultry houses by a
Techen, N. Tabanca, S.C. Queiroz, L. Rosa ization of a polar metabolite produced modified Gaussian plume model. Z.
Discoveries in the Chemistry
from a FMC herbicide administered to Yang, Q. Yao, M.D. Buser, C.J. Hapeman,
of Pest Control AGRO 317. Influence of polymeric surfac-
Sprague-Dawley rats. L. Shen, X. Huang, J. Alfieri, H. Li, P. Downey, A. Torrents
J. J. Beck, S. O. Duke, C. Rering, Organizers tant structure and physical-chemical
A. Mutlib, G.C. Nallani, A. Chadrasekaran, H. Li
properties on the physical stability of an AGRO 348. Evaluation of ammonia
12:00 - 2:00 oil in water emulsion type agrochemical AGRO 334. Transformation rate of insecti- air-surface exchange at the field
formulation. R. Acosta Amado, G. Powels cide spirotetramat to its metabolites in scale: Integration of soil and stomatal
AGRO 303. Plant essential oils are
perilla leaves. J. Kang, J. Hwang, S. Lee, emission potential parameterizations in
capable of enhancing diverse synthetic AGRO 318. Withdrawn.
S. Kwak, M. Kang, J. Ryu, S. Hong, J. Kim a modelling approach. N. Lichiheb, L.
pyrethroids against susceptible
AGRO 319. Environmental fate studies Myles, E. Personne, M. Heuer, M. Buban
and resistant mosquito strains. E. AGRO 335. Highly sensitive and selective
with C-POEA. M.R. Shepard,
Norris, M. Archevald-Cansobre, A.D. detections of fumigants on paper based AGRO 349. Spatial and temporal pat-
M.L. Kurtzweil, S.L. Levine
Gross, L. Bartholomay, J.R. Coats colorimetric sensors. P. Tang, G. Sun terns of coarse and fine particulate
AGRO 320. Identification of metabolites matter in the Unites States: Influences
AGRO 304. Analysis of activity of AGRO 336. Novel sorbent for pass-
in soil and water-sediment studies from different sources. R. Li
monoterpenoid plant compounds through cleanup: A simple, quick, and
conducted with 14C-POEA. M.R.
on nematode acetylcholine recep- effective alternative for removal of AGRO 350. Improving prediction of
Shepard, M.L. Kurtzweil, S.L. Levine
tors. C. Wong, J.R. Coats lipids and chlorophyll from QuEChERS climate, snowpack and precipitation
AGRO 321. Colorants: The most extracts. M.S. Young, K. Tran that affect agricultural ecosystems
AGRO 305. Characterizing the physiolog-
active inert ingredients in pesti- and the fate and transport of agro-
ical role and toxicological potential of AGRO 337. Are additional solvent
cide formulations. V. Shing chemicals. R. Li, S. Wang, R. Gillies
potassium transport pathways in the extractions in soil/sediment lab-
tick salivary gland. Z. Li, D.R. Swale AGRO 322. Comparison of CARES-NG oratory studies really necessary? AGRO 351. Spray drift and volatil-
and DEEM/CALENDEX acute and A follow-up presentation with an ization testing facilities. T. Lane,
AGRO 306. Synergistic effect of
long-term drinking water expo- expanded date set. K. Malekani, M.J. J. Eastep, R. Hecker, J. Arnold
permethrin with potassium channel
sures. A.Z. Szarka, A.D. Gibson Schocken, M.F. Lenz, R.L. Warren, K.
blockers on Anopheles gambiae. AGRO 352. Using models to evalu-
Venkatesh, S. Mislankar, K.M. Campbell, S.P.
S. Jiang, J.R. Bloomquist ate exposure to non-target plants
McLaughlin, Q. Ma, P. Cassidy, P. Miner
Section I through runoff and drift from agricul-
AGRO 338. Improvement of extraction effi- tural fields. A.M. Ritter, M.J. Cheplick,
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
ciency for multi-residue analysis methods D.A. Desmarteau, M. Guevara
Technical program information Hall D
of pesticides in agricultural products
AGRO 353. Vegetative Filter Strip (VFS)
known at press time. Pesticide Use & Regulatory Issues with QuEChERS method. S. Lee, J.
modeling in risk assessment. A.M.
Hwang, S. Kwak, J. Kang, S. Hong, M. Jang,
The official technical program for J. Gan, M. A. Robertson, K. Steinmann, M. G. Rhee, Y.D. Lee, J. Kim, M. Kang, J. Ryu
Ritter, D.A. Desmarteau, P. Hendley
Zhang, Organizers
the 254th ACS National Meeting AGRO 339. FT-IR Testing method and
AGRO 354. Influence of preferen-
tial flow on agrochemical transport
is available at www.acs.org/ 12:00 - 2:00 stewardship for 2,4-D and dicamba
through riparian buffers. E. Orozco,
resistant crops. A.E. Brown, D.L. Sparks,
Using pesticide use
WDC2017 AGRO 323.
reporting to track mating disrup-
C.X. Reid, A. Meredith, D. Reynolds
R. Munoz-Carpena, B. Gao, G. Fox

tion in almonds. M. Parker

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


AGRO 355. Evaluating VFS efficacy to miti- THURSDAY MORNING Section C 9:45 AGRO 388. Insecticide discov-
gate pesticide risk to aquatic threatened ery: Synthetic spinosyn mimics. T.C.
species using coupled exposure-effect Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Sparks, G.D. Crouse, D.A. David, A.
Section A Meeting Room 13
models: The case of salmonids. I. Rodea- Brown, B. Kristy, J.G. Samaritoni
Palomares, Q. Zhao, R. Munoz-Carpena, Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
Species Habitat Determination & 10:10 Intermission.
A.M. Ritter, G. Fox, D. Blancher, D. Park Meeting Room 4
Chemical Exposure Routes & Timing 10:30 AGRO 389. Triflumezopyrim
AGRO 356. Farm pond pesticide mon-
Biorational Control of Medical A. Kenney, D. Perkins, C. Wade, Organizers (DuPont Pyraxalt®): Discovery and
itoring case study for the evaluation
& Veterinary Pests optimization of mesoionic pyrido[1,2a]
of vegetative filter strip efficacy and R. F. Bohaty, A. Frank, Organizers, Presiding pyrimidinones as a novel class of
aquatic persistence and accumu- Characterization of insecticides. W. Zhang, C.W. Holyoke,
8:25 Introductory Remarks.
lation. S. Wente, E. Odenkirchen Insecticide Resistance T.F. Pahutski, K.A. Hughes, M.T. Tong
8:30 AGRO 377. Mapping U.S. Fish
AGRO 357. Quantification of turfgrass J. M. Clark, E. Norris, Organizers
and Wildlife Service listed species 10:55 AGRO 390. New macrocy-
buffer performance in reducing transport
J. R. Coats, A. D. Gross, Organizers, Presiding current range maps: The good, the clic compound for broad spectrum
of pesticides in surface runoff. P.J.
bad, and the ugly. K. Paul, N. Golden disease control. B.M. Nugent, K.G.
Rice, T. Xu, J. White, B. Horgan, J. Williams, 8:50 Introductory Remarks.
Meyer, C. Yao, J. Owen, J.M. Renga,
P.N. Coody, E.L. Arthur, L.L. McConnell 8:55 AGRO 378. Approaches for defin-
8:55 AGRO 366. Overcoming insecticide K. Myung, J.F. Daeuble, P. Johnson
Removal of neonicotinoid ing spatially explicit habitat in the
AGRO 358. resistance: Detection and management of
absence of federally declared critical 11:20 AGRO 391. Niementowski,
insecticides by prairie strips in row- insecticide-resistant human lice. J.H. Kim,
habitat. J. Amos, B. Kearns, S. Kay Gould-Jacobs & Co.: Forgotten
cropped watersheds with historical K. Gellatly, K.S. Yoon, E. Murenzi, J.M. Clark
name reactions enable the synthesis
seed coating use. M.L. Hladik, S. 9:20 AGRO 379. Characterizing land use
9:20 AGRO 367. What is kdr? of fungicidal tubulin polymerization
Bradbury, L.A. Schulte, M. Helmers, C. for pesticide risk assessments. inhibitors and promoters. C. Lamberth
L. Smith, S. Kasai, J.G. Scott
Witte, D.W. Kolpin, J.D. Garrett, M. Harris A.C. Barefoot, T. Carro, A. Frank, C. Jones
9:45 AGRO 368. Breaking insecticide 11:45 Concluding Remarks.
AGRO 359. Development of multivariate 9:45 AGRO 380. Development of detailed
resistance: Peptide neurohormone Advances in Environmental
regression model using soil properties habitat classification for wildlife exposure
targets. A. Nuss Analytical Methods for EPA
and pesticide soil sorption coefficients. modeling. W. Stiteler, T.L. Negley
M. Kim, A. Chadrasekaran, R. Morris 10:10 Intermission. Compliance Reporting &
10:10 Intermission.
10:30 AGRO 369. GPCR regulatory
Exposure Risk Assessment
AGRO 360. Soil metabolism of [14C]atrazine
10:30 AGRO 381. Systematic and Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
in two soil types using various soil aliquot signaling pathway: The mech-
AI-specific sources of uncertainty in by AGRO and CHAL
sizes. S.P. McLaughlin, A. Dean, D. Koch, nisms underlying insecticide resis-
screening pesticide aquatic risk
M. McDonough, M. Crabb, R. Brackett tance in mosquitoes. N. Liu
assessments: How much do they Nanoscale Sensing in Foods
AGRO 361. Adsorption/desorption 10:55 AGRO 370. Determination and add to regulatory confusion? & Other Complex Media
coefficient relationships versus typical comparison of the cuticular thickness P. Hendley, C.M. Holmes, M. Winchell, Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by
soil characteristics for different across several insecticide resistant and D.A. Desmarteau, A.M. Ritter, J. Giddings AGRO, ANYL, COLL, ENVR and INOR
agrochemical classes. M.A. Ponte susceptible populations of the common
10:55 AGRO 382. Tools for estimating
bed bug, Cimex lectularius L., using
AGRO 362. Fate and transport of the the magnitude of population effects to
scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
agricultural antibiotic sulfadiazine in soil. endangered species using predicted
D. Ashworth, S.R. Yates, L. Ma, J. Sangster
R. Koganemaru, K. Patton, D. Miller
pesticide exposure concentrations,
11:20 AGRO 371. Overcoming insec- extent of overlap of species ranges
AGRO 363. Penetrative behaviors of Section A
ticide resistance: Characterizing with pesticide use sites, and refined
azoxystrobin and chlorothalonil into
resistance mechanisms in mos- toxicity data. C. Rossmeisl, C. Peck, C. Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
apples cuticular waxes and fungicide
quito populations. J.A. Ottea Jennifer, J.C. Hook, K. Garber, M. Panger, Meeting Room 4
systemicity. J. Hwang, D. Seok, S. Lee,
11:45 Concluding Remarks. N. Golden, G. Noguchi, D. Baldwin
S. Kwak, J. Kang, S. Hong, J. Kim
11:20 AGRO 383. Identification of Biorational Control of Medical
AGRO 364. Correlation analysis for & Veterinary Pests
the enantioselctive degradation Section B riparian buffer strips within agri-
and toxicity of isofenphos-methyl cultural fields in Illinois using sat- Development & Future Potential
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown ellite imagery. K. Copenhaver
to the plutella xylostella. B. Gao Meeting Room 2 of Spatial Repellents
11:45 AGRO 384. Collaborative approaches J. R. Coats, A. D. Gross, Organizers
AGRO 365. Uptake translocation of
insecticide dinotefuran from soil into Communicating Pesticide to pollinator habitat conservation at mul-
tiple scales and across industry sectors. J. M. Clark, E. Norris, Organizers, Presiding
radish. K. Se-Yeon, J. Hwang, S. Lee, J. Science to the Public
I. Caldwell, D. Perkins, K. Copenhaver 1:15 Introductory Remarks.
Ryu, M. Kang, J. Kang, J. Kim, S. Hong
H. B. Irrig, C. Tiu, Organizers
12:10 Concluding Remarks. 1:20 AGRO 392. Preventing the
P. A. Brindle, Organizer, Presiding
bite: Potential of spatial repel-
WEDNESDAY EVENING 8:25 Introductory Remarks. Section D lents in the prevention of mosqui-
to-borne disease. N. Achee
8:30 AGRO 372. Three fundamentals Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
Advances in Environmental
of effective communications – and Meeting Room 14 1:45 AGRO 393. Field evaluation of
Analytical Methods for EPA
how to use them. J. Gilder tranfluthrin against outdoor biting mos-
Compliance Reporting &
Synthesis & Chemistry quito in Thailand. T. Chareonviriyaphap,
Exposure Risk Assessment 9:20 AGRO 373. Chemical and pesti-
of Agrochemicals C. Sukkanon, J. Hii, M. M.C
cide communications and advocacy:
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
The current state of play. J. Byrne Cosponsored by ORGN 2:10 AGRO 394. Molecular basis of
by AGRO and CHAL
transfluthrin repellency in Aedes
10:10 Intermission. J. D. Eckelbarger, Organizer
Changes in Chemical Risk aegypti. F. Liu, P. Xu, E. Bandason, Y. Du,
Assessment under Amended TSCA: 10:30 AGRO 374. Communicating T. M. Stevenson, Organizer, Presiding L. Smith, J. Scott, K.R. Chauhan, K. Dong
Approaches & Implementation concepts in pesticides and agriculture
to a concerned public. K.M. Folta 8:25 Introductory Remarks.
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
by AGRO, CEI and CHAL 10:55 AGRO 375. Communicating 8:30 AGRO 385. Investigation of hetero-
safety of agricultural technology atom substituents in insecticidal N-(5-
Ecological & Human Health to non-science audiences. aryl-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)amides. J.D.
Impacts of Emerging C. Moseley, P. Laird, P.F. Hoekstra Eckelbarger, A. Buysse, M.H. Parker, M.C. The use of any device to capture
Environmental Contaminants
11:20 AGRO 376. Communicating turf
Yap, J.M. Babcock, R. Hunter, Y. Adelfinskaya, images (e.g., cameras and camera
J.G. Samaritoni, N. Garizi, T.K. Trullinger
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored pesticide risk assessment science to the phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
by AGRO and CHAL public: Lessons learned. S.Z. Cohen 8:55 AGRO 386. Discovery of
NexGard®. M. Xu, J.K. Long, G.P. digital recorders) or to stream,
Measurements & Methods in 11:45 Panel Discussion.
Environmental Nanotechnology
Lahm, T. Wagerle, W. Shoop upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
9:20 AGRO 387. Synthesis of quin- presentations is strictly prohibited
oline sulfonamides as insecticidal
by AGRO and ANYL
METI inhibitors with low mammalian at all official ACS meetings and
toxicity. W. von Deyn, M. Puhl, N. Rankl events without express written
consent from ACS.

2:35 AGRO 395. Excito-repellency 2:10 AGRO 405. Accounting for 9:00 ANYL 2. Nanopatterned extracellu- 8:10 ANYL 15. Innovative tools and tech-
properties of Cinnamomum porrectum pesticidal mixture interaction in lar matrices enable cell-based assays niques in advancing toxicology. J.W. Boyd
(Roxb.) leaf essential oil against labora- ecological risk assessment in the with a mass spectrometric readout.
8:30 ANYL 16. pHLIP-dye conjugates
tory populations of Aedes aegypti, Ae. USEPA office of pesticide programs. C.A. Mirkin, M. Mrksich, M.D. Cabezas
as probes for visualizing inflam-
albopictus and Culex quinquefasciatus E. Odenkirchen, F.T. Farruggia
9:30 ANYL 3. Photostable optical nanos- matory response. N. Prince
(Diptera: Culicidae). S. Thongsahuan, W.
2:35 AGRO 406. Statistical analysis of copy (PHOTON) for following single live
Pronphol, S. Panpongsiri, T. Khongsukniran, 8:50 ANYL 17. Recent advances in
experiments with crop protection cells: From fundamental discoveries
J. Nararak, T. Chareonviriyaphap the analytical toxicology toolbox for
mixtures. P. Valverde, K. Ralston- to biomedical applications. X.N. Xu,
measuring protein phosphorylation
3:00 AGRO 396. Semiochemicals and Hooper, T. Jones-Jefferson P. Songkiatisak, P. Cherukuri, A. Poudel
signaling networks. J.V. Miller
other behavior-modifying chemicals
3:00 AGRO 407. Prospective risk 10:00 Intermission.
for prevention of tick bite and tick- 9:10 Intermission.
assessment for mixtures of agricultural
borne disease transmission. A. Li 10:10 ANYL 4. Probing the cell-nano-
chemicals in surface water: Results 9:20 ANYL 18. LC-MS/MS discovery
material interaction with gold
3:25 AGRO 397. Development of of two case studies. C.M. Holmes, M. tool for the identification or histone
nanostructures. Y. Xia
non-pyrethroid spatial repellents. Hamer, C. Brown, R. Jones, L. Maltby, E. posttranslational modifications. J.
J.R. Coats, E. Norris, J.S. Klimavicz Silberhorn, J.S. Teeter, M. Warne, L. Weltje 10:40 ANYL 5. Changing cell behavior with Galligan, P. Kingsley, L.J. Marnett
colloidal gold nanoparticles. C.J. Murphy
3:50 Concluding Remarks. 3:25 AGRO 408. Foliar herbicide 9:40 ANYL 19. Identifying chemical-pro-
interactions: A weed science 11:10 ANYL 6. Application of photo- tein adducts using a multipronged
perspective. B.G. Young thermal therapy of cancer using gold approach. J. Smith, J. Hansen, S.
Section B
nano-rods on different animals shown Nag, A.T. Wright, T. Shi, P. Piehowski
3:50 Concluding Remarks.
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown to be safe and successful and stops
10:00 ANYL 20. Enhancing integrative
Meeting Room 2 cancer cell migration. M.A. El-Sayed
‘omics studies of nanoparticle exposure
Section D
using ion mobility spectrometry-
Communicating Pesticide Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Section B hydrogen deuterium exchange-mass
Science to the Public Meeting Room 14 spectrometry techniques. S.J. Valentine,
Grand Hyatt Washington
P. A. Brindle, H. B. Irrig, Organizers H. Maleki, M. Maurer, N. Ronaghi
Independence F
Synthesis & Chemistry
C. Tiu, Organizer, Presiding 10:20 ANYL 21. When just knowing
of Agrochemicals Advances in Spectroscopy Applied isn’t enough: Turning unknowns into
1:15 Introductory Remarks. Cosponsored by ORGN to Biological & Materials Chemistry quantitative knowns in non-targeted
1:20 AGRO 398. Pesticides? How hard analyses. J.N. Grossman, A.R. Marcotte,
T. M. Stevenson, Organizer J. M. Harris, Organizer, Presiding
can it be to talk about that? N. Sisk A.D. McEachran, A.J. Williams, J.R. Sobus
J. D. Eckelbarger, Organizer, Presiding 8:30 ANYL 7. Single-molecule fluores-
1:45 AGRO 399. Trade, regulation, and the 10:40 Intermission.
court of public opinion: Today’s strategies cence spectroscopy to probe structural
1:15 Introductory Remarks.
dynamics of a macromolecular complex 10:50 ANYL 22. Relevance of the test
for tomorrow’s problems. D. Taveau
1:20 AGRO 409. Herbicidal oxazolidi- at a sub-nm and sub-ms resolu- system: When 21st century tools
2:10 AGRO 400. Are we safe nones. T.M. Stevenson, P.L. Sharpe tion. S. Wei, J. Kim, J. Lee, T. Lee can’t ensure test method accep-
yet? J.M. Stewart tance. Q. Zhang, H. Raabe
1:45 AGRO 410. Discovery of novel 8:55 ANYL 8. Using Monte Carlo
2:35 AGRO 401. Developing a safety maize selective acetyl-CoA car- Simulation to Improve Accuracy in 11:10 ANYL 23. Plasma proteomics, the
communication strategy using social boxylase inhibitors. J. Scutt smFRET Data Analysis. J. Chen link between engineered nanomaterial
media analytics: Pilot program to inhalation and systemic microvas-
2:10 AGRO 411. Discovery of bicyclopy- 9:20 ANYL 9. Single-shot microsecond
address pesticides residue. N. cular dysfunction? T. Nurkiewicz
rone. A.J. Edmunds, A. De Mesmaeker, mid-infrared spectroscopy with quantum
Mitchell, B. Kennedy, R. Vinas, M. Basu
S.V. Wendeborn, W.T. Rueegg, A.M. Michel, cascade laser frequency combs. M. 11:30 ANYL 24. Promise and peril;
3:00 AGRO 402. Withdrawn. J.H. Schaetzer, R.G. Hall, R. Beaudegnies Mangold, A. Hugi, A. Lyon, M. Geiser, W. fact versus fiction: Forethought,
Wüster, F. Kapsalidis, P. Jouy, J. Faist verification and validation in trans-
3:25 Panel Discussion. 2:35 AGRO 412. Carbonyl containing
lating discoveries into regulation
3:50 Concluding Remarks. heterocycles as aromatic moities in HPPD 9:45 ANYL 10. Probing the interactions of
and risk assessment. C.J. Borgert
herbicides. T.M. Stevenson, T. Cenizal divalent cations with lipid membranes
using vibrational sum frequency spec- 11:50 Concluding Remarks.
Section C 3:00 AGRO 413. Journey towards
new herbicides: Quinoxalines troscopy. S. Pullanchery, P.S. Cremer
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown and acyl prolines. T. Seitz 10:10 Intermission. Section D
Meeting Room 13
3:25 AGRO 414. Scaffold hopping 10:20 ANYL 11. Infrared spectroscopy Grand Hyatt Washington
approaches in the agrochemical of supported lipid bilayers. A.J. Baxter, Independence H
Current Regulatory & Scientific
Landscape of Mixture Toxicity lead optimization. C. Lamberth A. Sendecki, T. Yang, P.S. Cremer
Pigments, Coatings & Paper
& Risk Assessment 3:50 Concluding Remarks. 10:45 ANYL 12. Structural features
Financially supported by Exponent and solvation effects of a-synuclein S. R. Carlo, M. Ramirez, Organizer, Presiding
amyloid fibrils probed by Raman 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
P. L. Havens, K. Ralston-Hooper, J. Staveley, spectroscopy. J.D. Flynn, J.C. Lee
S. L. Levine, Organizer, Presiding
ANYL 11:10 ANYL 13. Accurate and efficient
8:35 ANYL 25. Controlled wetting,
adhesion, and absorption of water and
DFT-GIAO 13C and 15N NMR chemical oils on paper. D.W. Hess, V. Breedveld
1:15 Introductory Remarks. Division of Analytical shift prediction procedure using B3LYP/
cc-pVDZ: Application for rapid structure 8:55 ANYL 26. Analytical charac-
1:20 AGRO 403. Assessing pesticide
mixtures with potential synergistic
Chemistry elucidation of regioisomers, tautom- terization of protective varnish
for banknotes. T. Classick
ers, protonation states and N-oxides.
interactions to support of endangered K. Phinney and L. Baker, Program Chairs
N.C. Gonnella, K. Fandrick, P. Jones, D. 9:15 ANYL 27. Micro-Sampling size exclu-
species assessments. S.L. Levine Xin, C.A. Sader, U. Fischer, K. Wagner sion chromatography at the Library of
1:45 AGRO 404. Toxicological assess- 11:35 ANYL 14. Analytical methodology Congress for the analysis of paper aging
ment of chemical mixtures needs a SUNDAY MORNING for the study of structure-property and degradation. A. Davis, L. Brostoff
realigment of assumptions, methods, comparison in modified polyace- 9:35 ANYL 28. Non-Destructive analysis
and study designs. C.J. Borgert tal blends. D. Pradhan, S. De
Section A of printing substrates via resonant
cavity broadband dielectric spectros-
Grand Hyatt Washington
Constitution E
Section C copy. M. Kombolias, Y. Obeng, J. Obrzut,
K. Montgomery, M. Postek, D. Poster
Grand Hyatt Washington
Nanotechnology & Single Cell 9:55 Intermission.
Technical program information Analysis in Biology & Medicine
Independence G
10:10 ANYL 29. Development of a
known at press time. Cosponsored by BIOL, COLL and PHYS Analytical Toxicology in spectral quality metric for evaluation
The official technical program for the 21st Century of pigmented security inks. P.R. Kust
X. N. Xu, Organizer, Presiding
Cosponsored by TOXI
the 254th ACS National Meeting 8:30 ANYL 1. Nanowire-enabled bio-
is available at www.acs.org/ electronics. C.M. Lieber, A. Zhang, J.
J. W. Boyd, Organizer, Presiding

WDC2017 Lee, S. You, Y. Zhao, R. McGillicuddy 8:00 Introductory Remarks.

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


10:30 ANYL 30. Identification of leachable Section B 4:00 ANYL 56. Rapid production of SUNDAY EVENING
plasticizers by mass spectrometry: bispecific antibodies using ‘off-the-
Deciphering press roller influence on ink Grand Hyatt Washington shelf’ IgG. B. Altun, A. Tsourkas
Independence F Section A
curing. M. Ramirez, C.M. Soto, J. Evans,
4:20 Panel Discussion.
K. Monaco, B.T. Horlor, J. Lamb, B. Liu, C. Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Hoover, J. Wilhide, R.S. Davis, S.R. Carlo
Oxidative Stress & Antioxidants: Hall D
Measurement Tools & Section D
10:50 ANYL 31. Analyzing the curing char- Analytical Challenges
Grand Hyatt Washington Analytical Division Poster Session
acteristics of ink using differential scan-
Cosponsored by COLL Independence H L. A. Baker, K. Phinney, Organizers
ning calorimetry. B.T. Horlor, C. Hoover,
J. Lamb, M. Ramirez, C.M. Soto, S.R. Carlo M. R. Hepel, Organizer, Presiding
Analytical Chemistry in the 7:00 - 9:00
11:10 Concluding Remarks. E. Andreescu, Presiding Context of Cultural Heritage ANYL 67. Use of boiled groundnut (Arachis
1:30 Introductory remarks. hypogaea) shells in the adsorption
Section E Teaching Chemistry through Art
and removal of Pb(11) and Cd(11) ions
1:35 ANYL 42. Electrochemical Cosponsored by HIST from aqueous solution. T.A. Abii
Grand Hyatt Washington quantification of oxidative/nitrosa-
Independence I tive stress and antioxidants: Sensing G. D. Smith, Organizer ANYL 68. Cyclodextrin supramolec-
designs and biological applications. M. J. Samide, Organizer, Presiding ular complexes for the detection
New Approaches to E. Dumitrescu, X. Liu, E. Andreescu of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol
Teaching: Strategies, 1:00 Introductory Remarks. in saliva. M. Smith, M. Levine
Instrumentation, Standards 2:05 ANYL 43. Identification of dity-
rosine crosslinking in a monoclonal 1:05 ANYL 57. Art and science: A context ANYL 69. Investigating the background
Cosponsored by CHED antibody subjected to thermal stress for chemical education. M.J. Samide interferences of carpet substrates
in lab-scale Hastelloy® containers. 1:35 ANYL 58. Connecting chem- in accelerant identification. S.
J. Carver, Organizer, Presiding
M.T. Kim, N. Klair, A. Lee, A. Patel Haddadi, A. Aldrich, G. Odugbesi
istry and art in the liberal arts
8:00 ANYL 32. Leveraging R for the teach- classroom. S. Hubbard ANYL 70. Withdrawn.
2:30 ANYL 44. Monitoring DNA damage by
ing of analytical chemistry. D.T. Harvey
radical formation mechanisms. M.R. Hepel 2:05 ANYL 59. Undergraduate research ANYL 71. Identification from blood
8:50 Intermission. at the interface of analytical chem- using single analyte bioaffinity-based
2:55 ANYL 45. Gold nanoparticle grid-en-
9:00 ANYL 33. Assessment of a hanced SERS biosensor for evaluation istry and art conservation: SERS assays. L.K. McGoldrick, S. Farrell,
field-based environmental chem- of DNA damage by oxidants and DNA Studies of organic pigments in oil J. Agudelo, M.E. Hair, E. Brunelle, C.
istry course for chemistry and protection. H. Ilkhani, M.R. Hepel paintings. S. Svoboda, K.L. Wustholz Huynh, L. Halámková, J. Halamek
environmental science majors. S. 2:35 ANYL 60. Materials alchemy: Teaching ANYL 72. Differentiation of ammuni-
3:20 Intermission.
Plummer Oxley, D. Turner, R. Sperling chemistry and materials science to art tion by ICP-OES analysis of gunshot
3:35 ANYL 46. Monitoring reactive oxygen and design students. M.G. MacDonald residue. C. Barbera, C.C. Philipp
9:50 Intermission.
species generated at the supported
10:00 ANYL 34. Using guided inquiry lipid bilayer surface upon transition 3:05 Intermission. ANYL 73. Dry reagent chemistry for
and peer mentoring in an instrumental metal ion binding. V.R. Greenberger 3:15 ANYL 61. Using multiple resources Homemade Explosives (HMEs)
analysis lab. C.M. Strollo, A.A. Peterson to encourage students to find their own detection. A.R. Nicolaescu, M.
4:00 ANYL 47. Selective and sensitive Felten, K. Ewing, S. Graber
10:50 Intermission. monitoring antioxidants in the rat voice in the chemistry of art. P.K. Jue
brain based on the dye-labeled DNA/ 3:45 ANYL 62. Imaging methodologies ANYL 74. Analysis of drugs used in
11:00 ANYL 35. Uncertainty calcu-
polydopamine conjugates. M. Shishi and standoff spectroscopy: Utilizing facilitated criminal acts using solid
lations in the quantitative analysis
portable instrumentation across a range phase extraction and liquid chroma-
laboratory. B.T. Cooper, C.M. Carlin 4:25 ANYL 48. Oxidative damage of
of undergraduate courses and in museum tography-mass spectrometry. V. Niri,
DNA caused by chromium species. E. S. Haddadi, K. LaGatta, K. Herard
Matysiak-Brynda, A.M. Nowicka, M.R. Hepel and university research domesti-
cally and abroad. E.S. Uffelman, M.E. ANYL 75. Identification and quantitation
SUNDAY AFTERNOON Stephenson, D. Monteagudo, H.M. Billings of Psilocybe cubensis DNA using a
Section C quantitative real-time polymerase chain
Section A 4:15 ANYL 63. Have guns - will travel: Case
Grand Hyatt Washington studies of the on-site use of handheld reaction high resolution melt (qPCR-
Grand Hyatt Washington Independence G portable XRF and FT-IR instrumentation HRM) assay. A. Cowan, K.M. Elkins
Constitution E for collaborative multi-disciplinary under- ANYL 76. Swab spray mass spectrom-
Bispecific Antibody Therapeutics graduate research. C.C. Deibel, M. Deibel etry for rapid analysis of organic
Nanotechnology & Single Cell J. Zhu-Shimoni, Organizer, Presiding gunshot residue from human hand
Analysis in Biology & Medicine 4:45 Discussion.
and various surfaces using commer-
Cosponsored by BIOL, COLL and PHYS 1:00 Introductory Remarks. cial and fieldable mass spectrometry
1:05 ANYL 49. Regulator’s perspective Section E systems. P.W. Fedick, R.M. Bain
X. N. Xu, Organizer, Presiding
on challenges in the development of Grand Hyatt Washington ANYL 77. Withdrawn.
1:30 ANYL 36. Beyond biomarkers: bispecific antibodies. M. Shapiro Independence I
Array-based profiling for diagnostics ANYL 78. Withdrawn.
1:35 ANYL 50. Bispecific antibodies as
and geno- and phenotypic screening drugs: Are we there yet? P. Carter New Approaches to ANYL 79. Phosphorus speciation
for precision medicine. V.M. Rotello Teaching: Strategies, using 31P nuclear magnetic reso-
2:00 ANYL 51. DuoBody technology: Instrumentation, Standards nance spectroscopy in order to trace
2:00 ANYL 37. Colloidal nanoparti- A versatile platform for bispecific
cles may induce changes in cel- Cosponsored by CHED phosphorus sources and movement
antibody discovery and devel- in the northern Florida everglades and
lular morphology. W. Parak opment. M.D. Van Kampen, R.G. J. Carver, Organizer, Presiding the C51 basin. B. Duersch, J. Louda
2:30 ANYL 38. Probing of effects of Hibbert, C. Cimander, A.F. Labrijn, J.
silver nanoparticles on single liver Schuurman, P.W. Parren, R.N. de Jong 1:30 ANYL 64. Electrolysis of water
tumor cells. A. Korell, P. Songkiatisak, in the classroom using inexpen-
2:20 ANYL 52. Identification and targeted
A. Poudel, S. Phan, X.N. Xu sive microfluidics. C. Crihfield,
downstream removal of mis-paired T. Davis, J. Carver, L.A. Holland
2:55 Intermission. variants in a bispecific format. A. Williams
2:00 Intermission.
3:05 ANYL 39. Single-molecule detection 2:40 Intermission.
2:10 ANYL 65. Safe and cost effective
of protein efflux from microorgan- 3:00 ANYL 53. Engineering the efficacy of
teaching experiments for personalized
The use of any device to capture
isms using fluorescent single-walled
carbon nanotube sensor arrays.
EGFR x cMet bispecific antibody. M. Chiu learning in college-level chemistry. L. images (e.g., cameras and camera
M.D. Landry, J. Dong, M. Strano 3:20 ANYL 54. pH-induced microenviron- Veltri, T. Davis, C.L. Crihfield, L.A. Holland
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
ment modulation results in confor- 3:00 Intermission.
3:30 ANYL 40. Large-scale synthesis of mational changes in Knob and hole digital recorders) or to stream,
multifunctional janus particles for sin- 3:10 ANYL 66. WVNanoSAFE: Tools to
gle-cell in situ cytokine analysis. P. Zhao
half bispecific antibodies. Y. Adem
foster independence and critical thinking
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
3:40 ANYL 55. Characterization and control
3:55 ANYL 41. Multifunctional of side products of bispecific antibodies:
early in undergraduate research. L.A. presentations is strictly prohibited
Holland, K.D. Quedado, R.J. Henderson
nanoparticles responsive to intracel- Delivering the pipeline with new formats. at all official ACS meetings and
lular microenvironment for cancer
theranostics. J. Zhu, Z. He
V. Lundin, H. Zhang, A. Estevez, X. Gao, K.
Lin, K. Catherman, F. Hermann, J. Quang, K.
events without express written
Aurori, J. Giulianotti, M. Bhaumik, A. Ladiwala, consent from ACS.
H. Liu, J. Zhang, C. Ciferri, J. Shimoni

ANYL 80. Chemical contamination derived ANYL 97. Withdrawn. ANYL 116. Development of a LC-MS/ ANYL 134. Simple and sensitive method for
from debris plastics in ocean water MS method for the analysis of the determination of alkylating chloride
ANYL 98.Portable chemiluminescent
and sand in the world. K. Koizumi, everolimus in rabbit aqueous humor. by LC-MS. M. Powell, M. Musteata, L. Xu
biosensor capable of rapidly and simul-
Y. Kodera, T. Komoriya, K. Amamiya, K. Q. Wang, Z. Tang, L. Wang, Z. Xia
taneously monitoring HIV and HCV in a ANYL 135. Mediator-based electrochemical
Takatama, D.M. Karl, K. Saido, T. Hiaki
sample. J. Chong, K. Cho, S. Choi, J. Lee ANYL 117. Transient protein-protein interac- analysis of biotherapeutics. J. Askim
ANYL 81. Optimization and validation tions within Hs578T breast cancer cells.
ANYL 99. Simultaneous determination of ANYL 136.Forced degradation and
of solid phase extraction (SPE) and E.L. Kennedy, M. Jeon, A. Huynh, M. Kyoung
five antiretroviral drugs plus cobicistat in mechanistic study of beclabuvir. Q.
an HPLC-UV/DAD procedure for
human plasma using strong cation mixed- ANYL 118. Withdrawn. Ye, Y. Huang, S. Grier, S.A. Miller
the determination of selected active
mode SPE and HPLC-MS/MS. S. Brown,
pharmaceutical ingredients in aqueous ANYL 119.Paper-based lipid and ANYL 137. Computer simulation soft-
F. Lawson-Hellu, D. Murrell, S. Harirforoosh
matrices. O.S. Olatunji, O.S. Fatoki, carbohydrate assays. B. Giri, A. ware for rapid gas chromatographic
B.O. Opeolu, B.J. Ximba, B. Genthe ANYL 100. Sensitive, selective, and Pandeya, S. Rayamajhi, S. Giri method development. M. Chai
quantitative copper sensor using
ANYL 82. Identification and quantification ANYL 120. Automated determination of ANYL 138. Determination of aniline,
click-chemistry with gold nanopar-
of paralytic toxins in Puget Sound marine reaction progress coupled with impurity 4-aminoazobenzene, and 2-naphthol
ticles. R. Cary, S. Unser, L. Sagle
organisms. E. Deveau, E. Frame, K.M. Pierce profiles. P. Scholl, J. Riley, D. Hebrault in the color additive D&C Red No. 17
ANYL 101.Utilizing oxygen sensing boron using ultra-high-performance liquid
ANYL 83. Elucidating the mecha- ANYL 121. Simultaneous estimation of
nanoparticles to develop a novel immu- chromatography. H. Yang, A. Weisz
nism for invasiveness in Phragmites ketorolac tromethamine and phen-
nometabolism assay. D. Dixon, M. Zhuang,
australis using omics. R. Weed, J. ylephrine hydrochloride in artifi- ANYL 139. Identification of ortho-sub-
C.A. DeRosa, C.L. Fraser, R.R. Pompano
Park, A. Berim, J. Wang, D. Gang cial aqueous humor. F. Tandel stituted benzoic acid/ester derivatives
ANYL 102. Sensitive, rapid and high via gas phase neighboring group
ANYL 84. Natural dyes in cyanide ANYL 122. Ultrasensitive detection of
throughput measurement of nicotine participation effect in (+)-ESI high
and anion sensing. Y.M. Hijji, glycosaminoglycans by rolling circle
in human serum by automation and resolution mass spectrometry. H. Sheng,
M. AbdelRasoul, H.S. Al Easa amplification. X. Han, R.J. Linhardt, L. Lin
liquid chromatography–atmospheric W. Blincoe, A. Rodriguez-Granillo, J. Saurí,
ANYL 85. Identification of mercury and pressure ionization tandem mass ANYL 123. Bead-based cytokine N. Pierson, I.K. Mangion, R. Williamson
dissolved organic matter com- spectrometry. B. Xia, J. McGuffey, Y. Xia, detection in live lymph node slices.
ANYL 140. Enantiomeric separation of
plexes using ultra-high resolution T. Guillot, E. McGahee, L. Wang, B. Blount M. Belanger, R.R. Pompano
chiral scaffolds and cores used in
mass spectrometry. H. Chen ANYL 124. Raman, infrared and lumi-
ANYL 103. Off-on switching Ru(bpy)32+ elec- drug discovery. M.J. Wilcox, C. Lerner,
ANYL 86. Oil removal and recovery trochemiluminescence biosensor based nescence spectroscopic investigation S. Anderson, T. Szczerba, G. Lowden
using graphene oxide function- on ferrocene-labelled DNA molecular in paraoxonase 1 (PON1) active site.
ANYL 141. Image analysis and chemom-
alized sponges. H. Chang beacon and using N-butyldiethanolamine Y. Wang, T.J. Magliery, T.L. Gustafson
etric one-class classification of Blumea
Facile preparation of hexade- as co-reactant. L. Lu ANYL 125. Fluorescent single wall carbon
ANYL 87. balsamifera thin-layer chromatography
cyl-functionalized magnetic core-shell ANYL 104. 1D Bead-Array SELEX nanotube microarray for label-free, real- fingerprints towards rapid quality assess-
microsphere for the extraction of for STAT3-targeted aptamer selec- time biomolecular detection and binding ment. S.M. Sibug, F. Salatan, E. Enriquez,
polychlorinated biphenyls in environ- tion. J. Weng, L.C. Chen kinetic analysis. J. Dong, M. Strano I. Padolina, F.C. Garcia, M.J. Garrovillas
mental waters. Y. Fan, X. Li, S. Qi ANYL 126. Use of peptide nucleic acid
ANYL 105. Towards an automatic structure ANYL 142. Overcoming challenges in
ANYL 88. Development of an X-ray elucidation process in various chemical coated gold nanopaticles for signal single particle ICP-MS analysis of
fluorescence method for the workflows by LC-HRMS and NMR detection and amplification in micro- redox active nanoparticles. J. Liu, K.
detection of mercury vapor. R.E. data analysis. G. Plasencia Gallofré, E. fluidic diagnostics. K.M. Oshaben, K.M. Murphy, M. Winchester, V.A. Hackley
Bachman, A.C. Westmoreland Ortega, T. Radchenko, B. Serra, I. Zamora George Rosenker, C. Zhao, D.H. Appella
ANYL 143.Terahertz multispectral
ANYL 89. Analysis of VOCs emitted from Determining nitric oxide-induced
ANYL 106. ANYL 127. Analysis of the effect of imaging and other analyses of gold
rigid PVC used in museum casework. macrohage polarization via glucose minimal vs. complex media on the nanoparticles. J. Oh, W. Ghann, H. Kang,
C. Liggett, M.J. Samide, G.D. Smith consumption. J.B. Taylor, M.H. Schoenfisch metabolite profiles of microorgan- J. Uddin, A.K. Rahman, A. Rahman
isms by gas chromatography-mass
ANYL 90. Cormorant AGE’s: When old ANYL 107. Electrochemical studies of ANYL 144. Nanowire tools for high-
spectrometry. J. Kim, K. Kim
isn’t based on pentosidine concentra- bioanalytes using microdevices with ly-localized studies of neuronal
tions in tissues. R.S. Stahl, B. Dorr embedded microheaters. S.M. Robinson, ANYL 128. Development of anlay- cells. A. Zhang, J. Lee, S.S. You, Y.
Z. Shen, H.O. Sintim, S. Semancik tical method for N-formal-based Zhao, R. McGillicuddy, C.M. Lieber
ANYL 91. Direct mass spectrometric
formaldehyde releasing preser-
signatures of E-waste in polymeric food ANYL 108. Simultaneous targeting STAT3 ANYL 145. Rapid, template-free synthesis
vatives in cosmetics. S. Park
contact materials. L.K. Ackerman, F. Puype and NF-κB in cancer cell lines with decoy of macroscale semiconductor nanopat-
oligonucleotides. P. Lee, L.C. Chen ANYL 129. Targeted DNAzyme- terns via tailored photoexcitation. A.
ANYL 92. Innovative and rapid method
nanocomposite probe equipped Carim, N.A. Batara, H. Atwater, N.S. Lewis
for the quantification of persulfate in ANYL 109. Determination of nicotine and
with built-in Zn2+ arsenal for com-
environmental samples using customized nicotine N-oxide in e-cigarette liquids. ANYL 146. Biosensing based on
bined treatment of gene regulation
HPLC system. A. Ghauch, A. Baalbaki, K. Ferguson, M.J. Samide, A.M. Wilson ordered gold nanoshell arrays with
and drug delivery. Z. He, J. Zhu
S. Jaber, N. Zeineddine, M. Amasha plasmonic tunability. W. Qian
ANYL 110. Phenyl and amine stationary
ANYL 130. Identification of 1,5-naph-
ANYL 93. Robust, automated hormone phase gradients on packed columns for ANYL 147. Nanofiber scaffolds as
thyridinophthalone and its quanti-
data analysis. J. Wang, N. Tao, K.J. high-pressure liquid chromatography. an ex-vivo method for CD34+
fication in the color additive D&C
Skogerson, B. Foat, R. Martin A.V. Forzano, M.M. Collinson, S.C. Rutan Hematopoietic Progenitor Stem Cell
Yellow No. 10 (Quinoline Yellow) using
In-situ derivatization of polar (HPC) growth and expansion. C.
ANYL 94. ANYL 111. Confocal Raman microscopy high-performance liquid chroma-
Winstead Casson, K. Milligan, L. Lott
terpenes on a modified sorbent tube fol- for probing the interior of individual tography. A. Weisz, I.C. James, E.P.
lowed by thermal desorption analysis by porous particles to understand sta- Mazzola, C. Ridge, C.F. Ijames, S. Markey ANYL 148. Alloyed metallic thin films
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry tionary phase structure and func- and nanostructures with tunable
ANYL 131. Stability of isolated anti-
(GC-MS). M. Dalilian, N. Chong tion. J.P. Kitt, D. Bryce, J.M. Harris optical properties for plasmon-
body-antigen complexes as a
Degradation of selected haz- ics. C. Gong, M. Dias, M.S. Leite
ANYL 95. ANYL 112. Development of a test predictive tool for selecting toxin
ardous organic compounds by chlorine mixture for untargeted HRMS method neutralizing antibodies. P.M. Legler, ANYL 149.S-Nitrosothiol functionalized
dioxide and ozone. M. Hoque, N. Chong harmonization. B.J. Place, C. Rimmer J. Compton, M.L. Hale, G.P. Anderson, mesoporous silica nanoparticles for
Biodiesel production using ultra- M.A. Olson, C.B. Millard, E.R. Goldman extended nitric oxide-release.
ANYL 96. ANYL 113. Amplified Luminescent
M. Malone-Povolny, M.H. Schoenfisch
sonic irradiation and its fuel performance. Proximity Homogeneous Assays (Alpha) ANYL 132. Environmentally friendly finger-
S.A. Abdulramoni, N. Chong, B. Ooi for detection of hyaluronan–protein printing of Phyllanthus niruri by HPLC, an ANYL 150. Hyaluronidase-triggered
binding. X. Huang, M.K. Cowman important medicinal plant in the treatment anticancer drug and siRNA delivery
of kidney stones: Multivariate experi- from cascaded targeting nanoparti-
ANYL 114.Assay of genome-wide tran-
mental design approach. J.H. Pelissari, cles for drug resistant breast cancer
scriptome and secreted proteins on the
Technical program information same single immune cells by microfluidics
C.S. de Funari, R.L. Carneiro, D. Rinaldo therapy. T. Liang, J. Zhu, J. Ding
known at press time. and RNA sequencing. J.V. George, J. Wang ANYL 133. Mass spectrometry-based ANYL 151.Analyzing single molecule
characterization of recombinant human thermodynamics from laser-in-
The official technical program for ANYL 115. Development of cost-effec-
immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) duced nanopore heating. C.
tive chemiluminescent immunosensor
the 254th ACS National Meeting for the rapid monitoring of influenza
envelope (Env) vaccine. V. Sharma Angevine, K.N. Kothalawala, J.W.
Robertson, A. Antonysamy, J. Reiner
is available at www.acs.org/ A viruses. C.T. Lee, Y. Kim, J. Lee


‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


ANYL 152. Morphology change of DNA Section A ANYL 187.Advanced automation ANYL 202. Rapid detection of milk
by ionic liquids and its characteri- approaches to develop analytical powder adulteration based on NIR
zation using solid-state nanopore. Walter E. Washington Convention Center methods for metal analysis in phar- spectroscopy and chemometric anal-
K. Jeong, K. Luo, J. Jung, Y. Kim
Hall D maceuticals. A. Mohammad, H. Bhatia, ysis. B.J. Yakes, K. He, S. Karunathilaka,
C.R. Beekman, C. Madhavara, C. Agarabi, J. Chung, T. Michael, M.M. Mossoba
ANYL 153. Development of gas flow Analytical Techniques Used K.A. Brorson, S. Yoon, P. Faustino
method for the non-destructive to Address FDA Regulatory
evaluation of glass nanopipette. Questions & Challenges ANYL 188. Bioavailability evaluation of
T. Takami, F. Iwata, Y. Takakuwa two taste-masked pediatric products of MONDAY MORNING
J. H. Callahan, Organizer brompheniramine in porcine models. D.
ANYL 154.Measuring copolymer
chemical heterogeneity by combining 7:00 - 9:00 Shakleya, J. Wang, Y. Yang, P. Faustino Section A
SEC with offline Raman spectroscopy. ANYL 174. Volatile N-nitrosamines in ANYL 189. Sensitive and robust UPLC-MS Grand Hyatt Washington
A.M. Striegel, A. Urbas, L. Pitkanen tobacco matrices using isotope dilution assay for brompheniramine in porcine Constitution E
gas chromatography-triple quadrupole plasma and its application to pharmaco-
ANYL 155. Screening of protein interaction
tandem mass spectrometry. J. Lisko, kinetic evaluation of brompheniramine Nanotechnology & Single Cell
against glycopolymer synthesized by click
A. Blasiole, C. Watson, L. Valentin-Blasini taste-masked pediatric formulation. J. Analysis in Biology & Medicine
chemistry. Y. Terada, Y. Hoshino, Y. Miura
Wang, D. Shakleya, Y. Yang, P. Faustino
ANYL 175. Determination of exposure Cosponsored by BIOL, COLL and PHYS
ANYL 156. Characterization of plasma
to heterocyclic aromatic amines ANYL 190. FDA initiative on USP
proteins and lipoproteins using micro- X. N. Xu, Organizer, Presiding
in the general US population with monograph modernization: Selenium
channel asymmetrical flow field-flow
sensitive tandem mass spectrometry quantification in antidandruff shampoo 8:00 ANYL 203. Nanoscience
fractionation. R. Reed, S. Tadjiki, R.
and high-throughput robotic sample and lotion by inductively coupled plasma approaches to heterogeneity in
Welz, T. Pfaffe, F. Meier, R. Drexel, T. Klein
preparation. L. Zhang, Y. Xia, B. Xia, J. – optical emission spectrometry (ICP- biological systems. P.S. Weiss
ANYL 157. Nitric oxide diffusion through McGuffey, E. McGahee, B. Blount, L. Wang OES) after microwave assisted digestion.
cystic fibrosis-relevant media and bac- M.G. Truchan, W. Kuo, G.M. Maxwell, A.M. 8:30 ANYL 204. Imaging molecu-
tericidal efficacy against biofilms. J. Hall, ANYL 176. Identification of food-borne Trifanov, P.A. Klimkewicz, B.D. Harris, I.P. lar transport through living cell
D.J. Suchyta, K. Rouillard, M.H. Schoenfisch pathogens Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli. Mayers, S.H. Moini, M. Chang, L.M. Santos membrane in real time. H. Dai
using tandem mass spectrometry. S.
ANYL 158. Improved understanding ANYL 191. Determination of 2-(2-quin- 9:00 ANYL 205. DNA-based fluores-
Chen, C.H. Parker, T.R. Croley, M. McFarland
of polyolefin chain ends through 13C olinyl)-1H-indene-1,3(2H)-dione cence probes reveal the biophysics
NMR. Y. He, J. Klosin, B. Bailey ANYL 177. Evaluation of Matrix-Assisted in D&C Yellow No. 10 straight of platelet activation. K. Salaita
Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of colors and lakes. N. Belai
ANYL 159. Multi-technique analysis of 9:30 ANYL 206. Polymer-based
Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-
naturally aged wood polymer com- ANYL 192. Application of EPA Method 6020 nanosensors using flight-time
TOF MS) for the rapid identification
posites. C.S. Swagler, E.R. Welton, L.D. to the determination of trace element identification of mononucleotides for
of fungal pathogens isolated from
Brunelle, D.J. Gardner, R.E. Goacher impurities in color additive pigments single-molecule sequencing. S.A.
FDA regulated products. S. Cole,
with high mineral content. N.M. Hepp Soper, S. Park, E. Podlaha-Murphy
ANYL 160. Study of electrochemical reac- C. Randell, C. Nevins, C. Karbiwnyk
tions across oil-water interface by single ANYL 193.Identification of organic 10:00 Intermission.
ANYL 178. Method development for
particle collision. D.K. Paul, J.C. Alvarez speciation of gadolinium based con- pigments in tattoo inks by liquid 10:10 ANYL 207. Multimodal imaging
ANYL 161. Electrostatic force trast agents by UPLC-ICP-MS. C.R. chromatography with photodiode array and analysis at single cell level. G. Liu
curves in finite-size-ion electro- Beekman, A. Mohammad, P. Faustino and mass spectrometry detection. M.
10:40 ANYL 208. Chemical sensing using
lytes. F. Zypman, S.J. Eppell Perez-Gonzalez, B. Petigara Harp
ANYL 179. Morphological character- radioluminescent phosphors. G. Schober,
ANYL 162. Phase selectivity of pyrimi- ization of coatings on guidewire ANYL 194. Analytical techniques used for D. Benza, U. Uzair, H. Chen, D.C. Colvin,
dine polymorphs with functionalized surrogates using cryogenic scan- the detection and characterization of J.C. Gore, J.T. Tzeng, F. Alexis, J.N. Anker
templates. T.A. Watts, J.A. Swift ning electron microscopy. Y. Wu, B. nanomaterials. S.A. Khan, T.R. Croley
11:10 ANYL 209. Real-time imaging and
Koo, H. Shi, N. Duraiswamy, J. Zheng ANYL 195. Dilute-and-shoot UPLC/MS/ sensing of single cancer stem cells. P.
ANYL 163. Broadband TOCSY exper-
iment in F NMR with spin lock
19 ANYL 180. Evaluation of coating MS method for simultaneous deter- Songkiatisak, P. Cherukuri, A. Poudel, X.N. Xu
effected by BURBOP. A.A. Marchione integrity of drug coated balloons. S. mination and confirmation of eleven
Woolford, A. NguyenPho, B. Oktem, mycotoxins in distiller’s dried grains
ANYL 164.Polyoxometalate cluster Section B
S.I. Wickramasekara, M. McDermott with solubles. H. Li, C. Nochetto, P. Kijak
molecules as cathodes for rechargeable Grand Hyatt Washington
magnesium batteries. H.K. Henry, S. Lee ANYL 181. Implementation of a multi-span ANYL 196. Optimized sample preparation
Independence F
robotic platform for the development and high-resolution mass spectro-
ANYL 165. In situ SHINERS investiga- metric multi-residue quantitation and
of a high throughput assays for cell Self-Assembly & Non-Covalent
tion of lithium electrode/electrolyte confirmation method for 30 veteri-
proliferation using PA-1 human tumor Interactions: The Fundamental
interfaces. Y. Gu, S. Tang, W. Zhang, nary drug residues in raw-milk. H.
and CHO Chinese hamster ovary Science of Supramolecular Materials
W. Wang, J. Yan, B. Mao, Z. Tian Escobar, L. Girard, S. Turnipseed, P.J.
cell lines. A.M. Masood, P. Faustino
ANYL 166. Comparative voltammetric Kijak, H. Jayasuriya, K.B. Herath Cosponsored by COLL
ANYL 182. Sample clean-up strategies
studies of the diffusion of ferrocene in ANYL 197. Mass spectrometric analysis K. Ng, Organizer
and proteomics profiling of swine
symmetric and asymmetric imidazolium of the effects of a proline endopep-
serum proteins following lipopoly- S. J. Belh, Organizer, Presiding
ionic liquids. M. Thakurathi, E. Gurung, tidase on gluten in a wheat gluten
saccharide challenge. Z. Olumee-
M. Cetin, V. Thalangamaarachchige, M.F. incurred model sorghum beer. K.L. 8:30 ANYL 210. Supramolecular
Shabon, C. Chattopadhaya, P.J. Kijak
Mayer, C.L. Korzeniewski, E.L. Quitevis Fiedler, R. Panda, T.R. Croley self-assembly for light-harvesting:
ANYL 183. Simultaneous separation utilizing counterions for directing
ANYL 167. Field-ready quality assur- ANYL 198. Validation of an LC-MS/MS
and quantification of free drug and hierarchical assembling. D.M. Eisele
ance test kits and mobile app for method for analysis of anti-diabetic,
liposome-associated drug by capillary
the contract farming medicinal plant anti-obesity, and cholesterol-lowering
electrophoresis with UV-Vis detection.
industry. S.M. Sibug, F. Salatan, P. drugs in botanical dietary supplements
M. Mohamed Ansar, W. Jiang, T. Mudalige
Tabudlong, I. Padolina, P. Cruz, E. Enriquez labelled for blood sugar manage-
ANYL 184. Characterization of coexis- ment. J. Ma, R. Pawar, E. Grundel
ANYL 168. Identification and occurrence
tence of nanoemulsion droplets and
in food oils of the Stearidonic acid ANYL 199. Determination of endogenous
liposomes in propofol drug products.
trans fatty acids. A. Milani, P. Delmonte concentrations of nitrites and nitrates
Y. Wu, P. Petrochenko, S. Manna, B. Koo,
ANYL 169. Biomarker analysis via J. Myung, S. Choi, D. Kozak, J. Zheng in cheese: Method development and
bioaffinity cascades for forensic
ANYL 185. Physicochemical charac-
validation using ion chromatogra- The use of any device to capture
applications. J. Agudelo, J. Halamek, phy. N. Jeong, S. Genualdi, L. Dejager
E. Brunelle, C. Huynh, L. Halámková
terization and in vitro drug release images (e.g., cameras and camera
testing of a multivesicular liposomal ANYL 200. ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy
ANYL 170. Withdrawn. bupivacaine formulation. S. Manna, and PLSR analysis of dietary fatty phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
ANYL 171. Withdrawn. P. Petrochenko, Y. Wu, B. Koo, K. Ren, acids. S. Karunathilaka, C. Srigley, digital recorders) or to stream,
Y. Wang, S. Choi, D. Kozak, J. Zheng S. Farris, J. Chung, M.M. Mossoba
ANYL 172. Applications of multidimensional upload or rebroadcast speakers or
ANYL 186. Determination of the best ANYL 201. Determination of the
time model for probability cumulative
approach for processing human Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) presentations is strictly prohibited
function to Brownian motion on fractals to
kinetics of chemical reactions and other plasma samples to manage the concentration of beer stored in at all official ACS meetings and
matrix effect for analysis of three bottles with PVC gaskets. K. Carlos,
areas of chemical research. M. Fundator
model drugs using RapidFire-MS/MS S. Genualdi, L. Dejager, T. Begley events without express written
ANYL 173. Determination of nano system. J. Zhang, A. Katilas, P. Faustino consent from ACS.
particle sizes by turbidity-Debye
method. B. Niu, X. Song, Y. Xu

9:05 ANYL 211. Analysis of natural Section D Measurements & Methods in Section C
organic nanomaterial supramolecular Environmental Nanotechnology
self-assembly: Fulvic and humic acids. Grand Hyatt Washington Grand Hyatt Washington
Independence H Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored Independence G
M.J. Wells, M.R. Esfahani, H.A. Stretz by AGRO and ANYL
9:35 ANYL 212. Living crystalli- Analytical Chemistry in the Analytical Techniques Used
zation-driven, seeded growth Context of Cultural Heritage to Address FDA Regulatory
approaches to functional supra- Questions & Challenges
molecular materials. I. Manners Research & Application MONDAY AFTERNOON
Cosponsored by HIST Medical Devices & Tobacco
10:05 ANYL 213. Selective nucleation of Section A
polymorphic compounds on functional- J. H. Callahan, Organizer
M. J. Samide, Organizer
ized templates. M.A. Solomos, J.A. Swift Grand Hyatt Washington
K. Agnew-Heard, Presiding
G. D. Smith, Organizer, Presiding Constitution E
10:25 ANYL 214. Dynamic, reconfigu- 1:00 ANYL 247. Application of analyt-
rable materials and nanostructures 8:00 Introductory Remarks.
Nanotechnology & Single Cell ical chemistry to address regulatory
built with DNA. R. Schulman 8:05 ANYL 222. New approach to an Analysis in Biology & Medicine challenges for medical devices. J. Guo
11:00 ANYL 215. Standing, lying, old problem: Evaluation of pollut-
Cosponsored by BIOL, COLL and PHYS 1:40 ANYL 248. Application of
and sitting: Reenvisioning amphi- ant off-gassing from materials used
cryo-electron microscopy for mor-
philicity for nanostructured syn- in the museum environment. G.D. X. N. Xu, Organizer, Presiding
phological characterization of drug
thetic materials. S.A. Claridge Smith, M.J. Samide, C. Liggett
1:30 ANYL 235. Micro-Assays for and device products. J. Zheng
8:35 ANYL 223. Towards understand- the single cell. N.L. Allbritton 2:15 ANYL 249. Application of mass
Section C ing the basis of Oddy test failures
2:00 ANYL 236. In-situ single-cell spectrometry for device contami-
via volatile organics and other
Grand Hyatt Washington proteomics in the frog embryo by nant analysis. S.I. Wickramasekara
analytical analyses. E.B. Monroe, K.
Independence G Stoneburner, C. Connelly Ryan, F. France bottom-up mass spectrometry. C. 2:50 Intermission.
Lombard-Banek, S.A. Moody, P. Nemes
Analytical Techniques Used 9:05 ANYL 224. Physical and chem- 3:05 ANYL 250. Chemical characteri-
ical properties of traditional and 2:30 ANYL 237. Real-time in vivo monitor- zation and toxicological risk assess-
to Address FDA Regulatory ing of single neuron-neuron communi-
Questions & Challenges water-mixable oil paints assessed ment of medical devices. R. Brown
using single-sided NMR. N.A. Udell, cation. M.S. Johnson, A. Yawn, X.N. Xu
3:40 ANYL 251. Current state of chem-
Food & Feed R.E. Hodgkins, B.H. Berrie, T.K. Meldrum 3:00 Intermission. ical analysis of e-cigarette aerosol.
J. H. Callahan, Organizer 9:35 ANYL 225. Unlocking protein 3:10 ANYL 238. Ultrasensitive real-time B. Oktem, S.I. Wickramasekara
S. Swatkoski, Presiding binder-pigment interactions by cou- imaging of cancer cells based on bio- 4:15 ANYL 252. Determination of arsenic
pling ELISA with MS techniques. J. synthesized nanoscale probes. X. Wang
8:00 Introductory Remarks. and cadmium in several tobacco prod-
Arslanoglu, N. Atlasevich, C. Tokarski
3:40 ANYL 239. Enzyme-catalyzed ucts. J.J. Arrecis, J.O. Vega, J. Dimandja
8:05 ANYL 216. Non-targeted screen- 10:05 Intermission. amplification of fluorescent immunola-
ing using LC/HR-MS: Impacts of beling of a single cell for high-sensitive
sample preparation and acquisition 10:15 ANYL 226. Analysis of carbon Section D
inksticks through Raman spectros- flow cytometry. T. Nobori, K. Tosaka, T.
methods on chemical coverage. A. Yamamoto, A. Kishimura, T. Mori, Y. Katayama Grand Hyatt Washington
Knolhoff, C. Kneapler, T.R. Croley copy. J.A. Giaccai, J.H. Miller Independence H
10:45 ANYL 227. Withdrawn. 4:10 ANYL 240. Nano endoscopy with
8:45 ANYL 217. Strategies for extraction plasmon-enhanced fluorescence
and purification of tetrodotoxin and saxi- Analytical Chemistry in the
11:15 ANYL 228. Portrait of an ancient for sensitive single-cell analysis. Y.
toxin from fish filets with LC-MRM-MS woman revealed by high resolution porta-
Context of Cultural Heritage
Lu, H. Yuan, J. Chen, X. Zhang
analysis. S.C. McGrath, J. Deeds ble macro-XRF scanning. E. Del Federico, Research & Application
9:20 ANYL 218. Direct elemental C. Kehlet, N. Barbi, M. Gironda, R. Alberti Cosponsored by HIST
Section B
analysis of food by laser ablation
inductively coupled plasma mass Section E Grand Hyatt Washington G. D. Smith, Organizer
spectrometry. T.I. Todorov, G. Jo Independence F M. J. Samide, Organizer, Presiding
Grand Hyatt Washington
9:55 Intermission. Independence I Self-Assembly & Non-Covalent 1:00 Introductory Remarks.
10:10 ANYL 219. Validation of a Cavity Interactions: The Fundamental 1:05 ANYL 253. Effects of pH and
Ring-Down Spectroscopy method for Advances in Electrochemistry Science of Supramolecular Materials reactant molar ratio on iron gall ink
the detection of economic adulter- A. Izadyar, Organizer, Presiding Cosponsored by COLL products. S. Mazurek, L. Brostoff, B.W.
ation of lemon juice and honey. M. Eichhorn, E.B. Monroe, J. Hu, L. Stevens
Mantha, K.M. Kubachka, J.R. Urban 8:30 ANYL 229. Quantifying the selectivity S. J. Belh, Organizer
of metallophthalocyanine-nitric oxide 1:35 ANYL 254. Characterization of
10:45 ANYL 220. Determination of interactions for oxidative electrocatal- K. Ng, Organizer, Presiding proteinaceous and polysaccharide based
iodine value (IV) in hydrogenated ysis. M.D. Brown, M.H. Schoenfisch 1:30 ANYL 241. Crystalline sponge materials in the same art micro-sample
oils. C. Srigley, S.P. Kotoski method for synthetic and natural by MALDI MS. C. Granzotto, J. Arslanoglu
8:50 ANYL 230. Stepwise proton-coupled
11:20 ANYL 221. Animal feed contami- electron transfer oxidation of glutathione product studies. M. Fujita 2:05 ANYL 255. Organogels from
nants and veterinary drug residues, the in phosphate buffer. K. Meng, J.C. Alvarez 2:00 ANYL 242. Optimal methodology partially hydrolyzed poly(vinyl acetate)
application of analytical chemistry in the in the pursuit of binding constants and benzene-1,4-diboronic acid for
Office of Research, Center for Veterinary 9:10 ANYL 231. Fast-Scan cyclic voltam-
from spectrophotometric titration cleaning water-sensitive surfaces. T.
Medicine/FDA. K.B. Herath, P.J. Kijak metry for understanding transient ade-
data for self-assembling systems. Duncan, B.H. Berrie, R.G. Weiss
nosine and oxygen release during isch-
emia-reperfusion injury. Y. Wang, B. Venton D. Vander Griend, N. Kazmierczak 2:35 ANYL 256. Historical azo pigments:
2:30 ANYL 243. Peptide-porphyrin Synthesis and characterization. S.Q.
9:30 Intermission.
self-assembled nanostructures for Lomax, J.F. Lomax, T. Graham, T.J. Moore
9:50 ANYL 232. Nanoporous electrodes artificial light harvesting in aqueous 3:05 Intermission.
for bioanalytical applications. M.K. medium. N. Wijerathne, A. Masurkar,
Khan, A. Farghaly, D. Ye, M.M. Collinson M. Kumar, I. Kymissis, R. Ulijn 3:15 ANYL 257. Nanochemistry of
silver and platinum in nineteenth-
10:10 ANYL 233. Electrochemical 2:50 ANYL 244. Playing with hydrogen century photography.
design and evaluation of redox active bonding and network formation in the J.M. Walker, R. Namde, K.C. Scott
macromolecules for energy storage. design of supramolecular elastomers
E.C. Montoto, Y. Cao, K. Hernandez- and thermoplasts. H. Frauenrath 3:45 ANYL 258. Broken cylinders:
Burgos, J.S. Moore, J. Rodriguez Lopez Uncovering the nature of damage
Technical program information 3:20 ANYL 245. DNA-templated to early wax cylinder audio record-
10:30 ANYL 234. Withdrawn.
known at press time. recognition and polymerisation. J. ings during storage. E.B. Monroe
Knoops, J. Rubio-Magnieto, Q. Cao,
The official technical program for E. Moulin, N. Giuseppone, M. Surin 4:15 ANYL 259. Detection and mapping
of faded red lake pigments in Van
the 254th ACS National Meeting 3:40 ANYL 246. Cage molecule Gogh paintings using non-contact,
is available at www.acs.org/ self-assembly. P.S. Weiss chemical imaging methods. K. Dooley,
C. Miliani, K. Janssens, J.K. Delaney

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


Section E 9:15 ANYL 268. Nanostructure-based 8:40 ANYL 280. Deep Ultraviolet Section E
surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy: Resonance Raman (DUVRR)
Grand Hyatt Washington Toward to a versatile tool for analyti- spectroscopy of protein thera- Grand Hyatt Washington
Independence I cal chemistry. Z. Tian, B. Ren, J. Li, D. peutics. S. Arzhantsev, C. Qiu Independence I
Wu, Z. Yang, S. Ding, Y. Huang, B. Mao
Advances in Electrochemistry 9:15 ANYL 281. Assigning glycopep- Characterization of Macromolecules
9:50 Intermission. tides from MSE data using GLYMPS. & Nanoparticles by Hyphenated
A. Izadyar, Organizer, Presiding L. Parsons, Y. An, J.F. Cipollo
10:05 ANYL 269. Interpreting the collision Separation Approaches
1:30 ANYL 260. Role of structure cross sections of proteins: Insights 9:50 Intermission. Y. Brun, Organizer
maker/breaker ions in solvation shell from ion mobility, unfolding, and folding
and redox reaction entropy of outer 10:05 ANYL 282. Modern applications of C. J. Rasmussen, Organizer, Presiding
of ions in the gas phase. M.F. Bush
sphere electron transfer reactions. mass spectrometry in the analysis of
10:40 ANYL 270. Targeting intact biopharmaceuticals and other complex 8:30 ANYL 293. Optimization of the
B. Huang, S. Muy, S. Feng, Y. Shao-Horn
proteins using triple quadrupole drug products. X. Wang, S.M. Rogstad aqueous ATRP synthesis of sodium
1:50 ANYL 261. Analytical electrochem- mass spectrometry. K. Schug, E. poly(styrene sulfonate): Effect of reaction
istry: How pulsed chronopotentiometry 10:40 ANYL 283. Multiple reaction variables as assessed by SEC-MALS.
Wang, D.K. Appulage, Y. Baghdady
improved and expanded the application monitoring mass spectrometry for P. Balding, R. Cueto, P.S. Russo
of polymer membrane Ion-Selective 11:15 ANYL 271. Analytical bio- targeted quantification of allergens in
sensor systems and systems complex allergenic preparations: The 9:00 ANYL 294. Multi-detector Hollow-Fiber
Electrodes (ISEs). K.L. Gemene
for bioanalysis. F.S. Ligler potential and challenges. S. Mindaye, Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (HF5) of
2:10 ANYL 262. Electrochemical J. Spiric, N. David, R. Rabin, J. Slater polysaccharides. A.M. Striegel, L. Pitkanen
reaction kinetics: Studied at directly 11:50 Concluding Remarks.
11:15 ANYL 284. Quantification of milk 9:30 ANYL 295. Characterization of
heated electrodes. J. Mathivanan,
allergens in dark chocolate: Comparison polyolefins with precise branch frequency
S. Galagedera, G. Flechsig Section B and tunable branch length by GPC-
of isotope dilution multiple reaction
2:30 Intermission. Grand Hyatt Washington monitoring to ELISA. P.F. Scholl, S. IR. S.V. Orski, W.S. Farrell, K. Beers
2:50 ANYL 263. Improving the formation Independence F Baek, B. McCormick, Y. Adachi, Y. Zhang, 9:50 Intermission.
of electrically-deposited enzyme-em- J. Ihrie, Y. Yu, B. Bedford, L. Jackson
Developments in ICP-MS: Advancing 10:05 ANYL 296. Size exclusion
bedded chitosan coatings onto carbon
Environmental & Clinical Analyses chromatography with superficially
fiber microelectrodes. R.B. Keithley, C.E. Section D porous particles. M.R. Schure, R.
Donahue, D.R. Miller, T.W. Beger, T. Johann J. Farell, M. W. Tehrani, Organizers, Presiding
Grand Hyatt Washington Moran, S. Schuster, B. Wagner, C. Luo
3:10 ANYL 264. Withdrawn. 8:00 Introductory Remarks. Independence H 10:35 ANYL 297. Differential mobility
3:30 ANYL 265. Simultaneous optical and 8:05 ANYL 272. Advantages of reaction analyzer hyphenated with single particle
electrochemical recordings of single Nanotechnology: Fabrication, ICP-MS for separation and characteri-
cell ICP-MS for arsenic analysis
nanoparticle electrochemistry. W. Wang Applications & Impact zation of metal-containing nanoparticles
and speciation. B.P. Jackson
W. L. Hinze, I. M. Warner, Organizers and their aggregates. J. Tan, J. Liu, M. Li,
Measurements & Methods in 8:35 ANYL 273. Investigation of H. El Hadri, V.A. Hackley, M.R. Zachariah
heavy-metal contaminates and C. D. Tran, Organizer, Presiding
Environmental Nanotechnology 10:55 ANYL 298. Withdrawn.
induced stress responses in aqua-
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored 8:00 ANYL 285. Tunable nanomateri-
ponics systems. M. Schmale 11:15 ANYL 299. Withdrawn.
by AGRO and ANYL als for biomedical applications. I.M.
9:05 ANYL 274. Selenium (IV) and Warner, N. Bhattarai, J. Mathis, N. Siraj 11:35 Concluding Remarks.
Undergraduate Research Posters selenium (VI) speciation in waste water
8:25 ANYL 286. Army Basic Research:
by IC-ICP-MS (Ion Chromatography- GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders
Analytical Chemistry Pursuit of disruptive technologies for
Inductively Coupled Plasma of Giants: Developing Chemistries
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored a complex world. T.A. Alexander
Mass Spectrometry): Speciation for Improved Global Health
by ANYL and SOCED application. S.S. Chudasama 8:50 ANYL 287. Fabrication of ligno-
cellulose-supported Pd-based water Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by ANYL,
9:35 Intermission. BMGT, CELL, COLL, POLY and PRES
purification catalysts via ionic liquid
9:50 ANYL 275. Advances to inor- based natural fiber welding. P.C.
MONDAY EVENING ganic mass spectrometry with Trulove, D.P. Durkin, T. Ye, H. De Long,
Advancing Analytical Methods in
Food Forensics & Authentication
MS/MS technology. A. Liba H. Fairbrother, L.M. Haverhals, D. Shuai
Section A Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by ANYL
10:20 ANYL 276. Characterizing the trace 9:15 ANYL 288. Nonlinear and ultra-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center element content of human follicular fluid fast spectroscopy of molecular dye Trace Organic Contaminants (TrOCs)
Halls D/E using ICP-MS/MS: Evaluation of O2 as a interactions with colloidal plas- in Aquatic Systems: Advancements
reaction gas. A. Galusha, F. Khatib, C.D. monic nanoparticles. L.H. Haber, in Monitoring & Remediation
Sci-Mix Palmer, M.S. Bloom, V.Y. Fujimoto, P. Parsons T.E. Karam, H. Smith, R.R. Kumal, R.A.
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
L. A. Baker, K. Phinney, Organizers Khoury, J.C. Ranasinghe, K. Lopata by ANYL and BIOL
10:50 ANYL 277. Trace element uptake in
8:00 - 10:00 keratin tissues: An analysis of horns from 9:40 Intermission.
lead-dosed goats using ICP-MS/MS and Advances in Flavor Analysis
68, 71-72, 75-77, 79-80, 84-85, 10:05 ANYL 289. One-Pot synthesis
spatial imaging techniques. M.W. Tehrani Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by ANYL
100-101, 111, 122, 125-126, of biocompatible silver and gold
144, 147, 177, 183. See previous 11:20 ANYL 278. Handling interferences nanoparticle composites from cellulose, Journey to Mars: Materials,
listings. in the modern laboratory: Enhancing chitosan and keratin: Characterization Energy & Life Sciences
productivity with advances in triple and antimicrobial activity. C.D. Tran
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
quadrupole ICP-MS technology.
10:30 ANYL 290. Biophysical char- ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡,
M. Rury
TUESDAY MORNING acterization of functionalized titania PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡
11:50 Concluding Remarks. nanoparticles and their application in
Section A dental adhesives. B.C. Nelson, J. Sun
Section C 10:55 ANYL 291. V2O5 in Anodized alumi-
Grand Hyatt Washington
Grand Hyatt Washington num oxide, impact of pore size, inter-
Constitution E
Independence G connections, and dynamic conductivity.
N. Kim, K. McKelvey, C. Liu, E. Sahadeo,
ANYL Division Award Symposium
Analytical Techniques Used O. Rose, S. Lee, G. Rubloff, H.S. White The use of any device to capture
L. A. Baker, K. Phinney, Organizers
to Address FDA Regulatory 11:20 ANYL 292. Ratiometric quantum images (e.g., cameras and camera
J. M. Harris, Presiding Questions & Challenges dot cell-penetrating sensors. P.T. Snee,
A. Shamirian, C. Tyrakowski, L. Page
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
8:00 Introductory Remarks. Biologics, Biopharmaceuticals digital recorders) or to stream,
8:05 ANYL 266. Nano-enabled & Allergens
electrochemistry of single atoms J. H. Callahan, Organizer
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
and molecules. P.W. Bohn
S. Conklin, Presiding
presentations is strictly prohibited
8:40 ANYL 267. Single nanoparticle bio-
8:00 ANYL 279. Mass spectrometry
at all official ACS meetings and
sensing with a NIR surface plasmon res-
onance imaging microscope. R.M. Corn based characterization of influenza events without express written
hemagglutinin glycoprotein antigens.
J. Cipollo
consent from ACS.

TUESDAY AFTERNOON 2:05 ANYL 308. Assessing in vivo and in 1:25 ANYL 320. Withdrawn. TUESDAY EVENING
vitro metal levels by ICP-MS: Selected
1:50 ANYL 321. Patterned graphene
Section A applications in biomedical and regulatory Journey to Mars: Materials,
gold nanocomposites for electro-
science research. J.A. Centeno Energy & Life Sciences
chemical detection of microfluidic
Grand Hyatt Washington
2:35 Intermission. enriched biomarkers. B. Sanghavi, Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
Constitution E
A. Rohani, R. Fernandez, N. Swami ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡,
2:50 ANYL 309. Traceability and interlab-
Earle B. Barnes Award for oratory harmonization of ICP-MS trace 2:15 ANYL 322. Surface modification
Leadership in Chemical Research element data for the Children Health of gold thin film via electrografting
Management: Symposium in Environmental Analytical Resource for the coupling of surface plasmon
honor of Laurie E. Locascio (CHEAR). P. Parsons, A. Galusha, A.J. resonance and electrokinetic method, WEDNESDAY MORNING
Steuerwald, C.D. Palmer, C. Consortium focusing on biosensor development.
Why Not Me? Changing the Face O. Sathoud, W. Gilbraith, K.S. Booksh
of Leadership in Science 3:20 ANYL 310. Novel Applications Section A
of ICP-MS for the evaluation of 2:40 Intermission.
Cosponsored by PRES Grand Hyatt Washington
public health environmental chemi-
3:05 ANYL 323. Gold nanorod self-assem- Constitution E
M. Satterfield, Organizer cal exposures. R.L. Jones, C. Ward,
bly, functionalization, and application
J. Jarrett, J. Deanna, K. Caldwell
J. Morrow, M. Satterfield, Presiding as an ordered array biochip with Decentralized Medicine:
3:50 ANYL 311. Incorporation of surface plamon coupled fluorescence Diagnostics in the 21st Century
2:00 Introductory Remarks. LA-ICP-MS advances in undergrad- enhancement. L. Tang, Z. Mei
S. P. Mulvaney, Organizer, Presiding
2:05 ANYL 300. Symposium welcome, Earle uate research and curriculum: Novel
3:30 ANYL 324. Not 1:1 detec-
B. Barnes award winner. L. Locascio environmental applications, rewards 8:00 Introductory Remarks.
tion of biomolecules. F. Xia
and challenges. D.D. Amarasiriwardena
2:15 ANYL 301. Identifying strategic 3:55 ANYL 325. Turn-on luminescence 8:05 ANYL 332. Incorporation of syn-
opportunities to make organizations 4:20 Concluding Remarks. thetic, toe-hold based gene circuits for
detection of cysteine and histidine base
stronger by inclusion. W.E. May on terbium (III) coordination polymer– the development of electrochemical
Section C copper (II) ensemble. S. Xue, G. Shi sensors for rapid disease diagnos-
2:30 ANYL 302. Demonstrating
tics. S.J. Smith, P. Sadatmousavi, E.
passion and grit to drive science Grand Hyatt Washington 4:20 ANYL 326. Serum microRNA signature Amalfitano, K. Pardee, S.O. Kelley
and technology policy change Independence G for the diagnosis of clinically signifi-
and foster diversity. P. Falcone cant prostate cancer. A.H. Alhasan 8:25 ANYL 333. Lab-on-the-body: The
Analytical Techniques Used integration of biochemical sensors and
2:45 ANYL 303. Collaboration and commu-
to Address FDA Regulatory low-power wearables. M. Daniele
nication among science and technology, Section E
mental health and advocacy groups to Questions & Challenges 8:45 ANYL 334. Multiplexed cyto-
foster diversity and inclusion. M. Basco Grand Hyatt Washington kine profiling toward the diagnosis
Drugs Independence I of reactivatable latent tuberculosis
3:00 ANYL 304. Fostering a vision
J. H. Callahan, Organizer infection using silicon photonic micror-
for a science career and embrac- Advances in Multidimensional
C. Ridge, Presiding ing resonator arrays. R.C. Bailey
ing and encouraging a passion Separations
for science. Y. Sierra-Sastre 9:05 ANYL 335. Biomeme’s two3TM
1:00 ANYL 312. Innovation and regula- C. Rimmer, Organizer device development for decentralized
3:15 ANYL 305. Advancing diversity tory science: Catalysts for advanced
B. J. Place, Organizer, Presiding medicine: Balancing open architec-
and equity in organizational efforts pharmaceutical analysis. P. Faustino
ture with ease-of-use. M. Perelman
to foster inclusion, including race, 1:35 ANYL 313. Advanced ana- 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
gender, identity, sexual orientation, 9:40 Intermission.
lytical methods for evaluating 1:35 ANYL 327. Characterization of
ethnicity, socioeconomic status, complex drug products. C. Guo 9:55 ANYL 336. Biosurveillance in
and ability. E. Domingo-Snyder synthetic polymers using ultra-high
pressure two-dimensional liquid resource-limited environments. C. Taitt
2:05 ANYL 314. Determination of coun-
3:30 Intermission. terfeit pharmaceuticals at the FDA chromatography. L. Bai, P. Yang, 10:20 ANYL 337. Sustainability isn’t just
3:40 Panel Discussion. Forensic Chemistry Center. C. Flurer W. Gao, M. Janco, J.N. Alexander for energy: Development of sustain-
2:05 ANYL 328. Application of offline able immunoassays for detection
4:10 Discussion. 2:35 ANYL 315. FDA-DOD Shelf life
LC-GC for the analysis of complex of West African infectious diseases.
Extension Program (SLEP): A public
4:25 Concluding Remarks. fatty acid samples. P. Delmonte K. Ricks, M. Poli, R. Schoepp
health model for emergency readi-
ness. S. Khan, P. Faustino, C.N. Cruz 2:35 Intermission. 10:45 ANYL 338. Decentralized health
Section B care delivery: Experiences with the
3:05 Intermission. 2:50 ANYL 329. 3D separations:
Grand Hyatt Washington Fionet™ system. R. Zastawny, I. Fine
3:20 ANYL 316. High throughput auto- Advantages, feasibility and orthog-
Independence F onality. M.R. Schure, J.M. Davis 11:20 ANYL 339. Research develop-
mated ICP-MS sample prep platform
ments in point-of-care testing for
for in-vitro and in-vivo studies to 3:20 ANYL 330. Detailed molecular charac-
Developments in ICP-MS: Advancing the DoD. R. Schoske, F. Amariei
support manufacturing and regulatory terization of base oils using GCxGC-FID.
Environmental & Clinical Analyses
science. A. Mohammad, P. Faustino R.E. Mohler, J.K. Curtis, C.S. Hsu, Y. Hao
J. Farell, M. W. Tehrani, Organizers, Presiding Section B
3:50 ANYL 317. Introduction to 3:50 ANYL 331. Temporal proteomic
1:00 Introductory Remarks. division of applied regulatory profiling of frog (Xenopus) embryonic Grand Hyatt Washington
science: Research to evaluate and development by nanoLC-MS. A. Baxi, Independence F
1:05 ANYL 306. Nanoparticle mea-
enhance drug safety. V. Patel C. Lombard-Banek, S.A. Moody, P. Nemes
surements using single particle Nanopores, Nanopipettes &
ICP-MS and capillary electropho- 4:20 ANYL 318. Advanced robotics coupled 4:20 Concluding Remarks. Nanocapillaires as Tools for
resis ICP-MS. J. Olesik, S. Jiao with a mass spectrometry platform
for clinical studies: Proof-of-concept
Analytical Chemistry
1:35 ANYL 307. Evaluation of size- GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders
to support review and surveillance. C. Cheyne, J. Experton, Organizers, Presiding
dependent gold nanoparticle uptake of Giants: Developing Chemistries
J. Zhang, C.N. Cruz, P. Faustino
in Caenorhabditis elegans using for Improved Global Health 8:00 Introductory Remarks.
inductively coupled plasma mass Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by ANYL,
Section D 8:05 ANYL 340. Coupling ion chan-
spectrometry and imaging techniques. BMGT, CELL, COLL, POLY and PRES nels to mobile nanofluidic devices
M. Johnson, J. Bennett, N. Sharp, A.R. Grand Hyatt Washington (nanopipettes). L.A. Baker
Montoro, S. Hanna, K. Murphy, B.C. Nelson Independence H
Advancing Analytical Methods in
Food Forensics & Authentication 8:40 ANYL 341. Nanopores for sep-
Nanotechnology: Fabrication, Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by ANYL arating very large proteins. M.J.
Wirth, T. Ragland, J. Yasosky
Applications & Impact
Technical program information Advances in Flavor Analysis 9:15 ANYL 342. Transport through pores:
C. D. Tran, I. M. Warner, Organizers
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by ANYL
known at press time. W. L. Hinze, Organizer, Presiding
From living cells to diodes, transistors,
and probing single particles. Z. Siwy
The official technical program for 1:00 ANYL 319. Surfactant medi-
Journey to Mars: Materials,
Energy & Life Sciences 9:50 Intermission.
the 254th ACS National Meeting ated one-pot synthesis with in situ
10:00 ANYL 343. Chemo responsive
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
preconcentration of metal nanomate-
is available at www.acs.org/ rials using thermoresponsive zwitte-
ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, pump that turns off in the presence
PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ of Pb2+. C.R. Martin, X.J. Wu, W. Xu
WDC2017 rionic type surfactants. W.L. Hinze,
Y. Takagai, R. Miura, A. Endo, H.T. Thi

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


10:35 ANYL 344. Electrochemical and Section D 1:35 ANYL 362. MicroRNA detec- 1:25 ANYL 376. Three-phase direct
photoelectrochemical analysis platform tion by surface enhanced immersion in-tube microextraction
for sensitive detection of H2O2 release Grand Hyatt Washington raman scattering. Y. Zhao coupled with capillary electropho-
from living cells. Z. Li, Z. Zhang Independence H resis. J. Choi, D. Chung, Y. Choi
2:05 ANYL 363. SERS detection in biofluids
11:10 ANYL 345. Monitoring enzyme Instrumentation & Methods to for cancer diagnostics. Z.D. Schultz, 1:45 ANYL 377. TD-DFT Performance
catalysis confined in nanochan- Characterize Nanomaterials E.A. Peters, A.H. Nguyen, R.A. Masitas for modeling GC-VUV absorp-
nels through catalyzed polymer Critical to the Global Economy tion spectra. J. Reyes, E. Herceg, B.
2:35 ANYL 364. Analysis of multi-
deposition. H. Dai, Y. Fu, Y. Li Winniford, J. Griffith, K. Sun, D. Sloan
L. A. Holland, Organizer, Presiding plexed nanosensor arrays based on
11:45 Concluding Remarks. nIR fluorescent single walled carbon 2:05 ANYL 378. Ionic liquid function-
8:00 Introductory Remarks. nanotubes. J. Dong, M. Strano alization of semi-packed columns
Section C 8:05 ANYL 355. When are nanopar- for high-speed gas chromatogra-
2:55 Intermission.
ticles safe? A.J. Haes phy. B.P. Regmi, R. Chan, M. Agah
Grand Hyatt Washington 3:10 ANYL 365. Design of nano-
9:00 Intermission. 2:25 ANYL 379. Real-time detection of toxic
Independence G structured components for
arsine vapors in the workplace at low
9:05 ANYL 356. Fluorescence lifetime SERS sensing. V.V. Tsukruk
ppb levels. J.L. Maclachlan, J.N. Driscoll
Advances in Analytical Forensic spectroscopy for real time monitoring 3:40 ANYL 366. Noble-metal nanostruc-
Chemistry & Toxicology of the formation and degradation of tures for colorimetric diagnostics of
2:45 Intermission.
Cosponsored by TOXI luminescent quantum dots in solution. cancer biomarkers. H. Ye, X. Xia 3:00 ANYL 380. Recent application of
T. Curry, D. Williams, Z. Rosenzweig supercritical fluid chromatography
S. Bell, Organizer, Presiding 4:10 ANYL 367. Nanoporous CNT-
10:00 Intermission. (SFC) in pharmacutical development.
based EIS biosensor for selective
8:00 Introductory Remarks. L. Zhang, L. He, Y. Shi, B. Kleintop
10:05 ANYL 357. Rapid characterization and sensitive detection of biomol-
8:05 ANYL 346. Evaluation of the repeat- of carbon nanotubes with capillary ecules. M. Mursalat, J. Frederick, N. 3:20 ANYL 381. Multivariate correla-
ability, reproducibility, and uncertainty electrophoresis. T. Davis, L.A. Holland Tasovac, M. Krishnamurthy, S. Basuray tion for botanical supplements and
of retention indices and electron impact assigning quantifiable similarity. J.J.
spectra of selected novel psychoac- 11:00 Intermission. Kellogg, O. Kvalheim, N.B. Cech
Section B
tive substances. K. Kelly, S. Bell 11:05 ANYL 358. Characterizing titanium 3:40 ANYL 382. Quantitative analy-
dioxide in aquatic exposures. M. Grand Hyatt Washington
8:25 ANYL 347. Structure identification Independence F sis of a low-use pesticide in surface
Ellington, V. Nyakubaya, L.A. Holland water. D.A. Goldade, B.G. Abbo
for non-targeted analytical chemistry
using the US EPA’s CompTox chem- Nanopores, Nanopipettes & 4:00 ANYL 383. Destructive stationary
istry dashboard. A.D. McEachran, J.N. Section E Nanocapillaires as Tools for phase gradients for liquid chro-
Grossman, S. Newton, K. Isaacs, K. Phillips,
Grand Hyatt Washington Analytical Chemistry matography. C. Cain, A. Forzano,
N. Baker, J.R. Sobus, C. Grulke, A.J. Williams M.M. Collinson, S.C. Rutan
Independence I C. Cheyne, J. Experton, Organizers, Presiding
8:45 ANYL 348. Standardizing a standard? 4:20 ANYL 384. Novel approach to devel-
Identification and comparison of chem- Graduate Fellows Symposium 1:00 Introductory Remarks.
oping a selective method to analyze and
icals in standard reference materials 1:05 ANYL 368. a-Hemolysin as a characterize PEG-maleimide conjugation
L. A. Baker, Organizer
using non-targeted analysis of organic nanoreactor for hours-long moni- intermediates. J. Wang, S.H. Yang, K. Zhang
molecules by high-resolution mass K. Phinney, Organizer, Presiding
toring of single molecule reactions. 4:40 ANYL 385. Simple and efficient
spectrometry. S. Laughlin, J. Grossman,
8:30 ANYL 359. Harnessing electron spin H. Ren, C. Cheyne, A.M. Fleming, R.
approach for recovery estimation of
S. Newton, A.D. McEachran, A.J. Williams,
labels for single-molecule magnetic Johnson, C.J. Burrows, H.S. White
real samples during reverse phase
A.R. Marcotte, E.M. Ulrich, J.R. Sobus
resonance imaging. C.E. Isaac, H. Nguyen, prep purification. L.K. Bajpai, K. Asokan,
1:35 ANYL 369. Withdrawn.
9:05 Intermission. E.A. Curley, M.C. Boucher, J.A. Marohn S. Samy, S. Murugesan, R. Gurram, L.
2:05 ANYL 370. Gold nanotubes as
9:20 ANYL 349. Exhaustive character- 9:05 ANYL 360. Functional screen- Leelavathi, V. Kanthappa, Y. Zhang
bipolar electrodes for the deposition
ization of firearm discharge residue ing of membrane proteins with 5:00 Concluding Remarks.
and study of manganese dioxide.
using mass spectral imaging and microfluidic nanodisc libraries. J.
J. Experton, X.J. Wu, C.R. Martin
time-of flight secondary ion mass Wade, C.M. Riordan, R.C. Bailey
spectrometry. W. Feeney, S. Bell 2:35 ANYL 371. High-resolution physical Section D
9:40 ANYL 361. Development and appli-
characterization of individual metal- Grand Hyatt Washington
9:40 ANYL 350. Application of host-guest cation of mass spectrometry strategies
lic nanoparticles. H. Wang, J.W. Independence H
complexation and tandem mass spec- to longitudinally model N-glycans in
Robertson, J. Kasianowicz, J. Ettedgui
trometry to the characteriation of ele- the spontaneous hen model of ovarian
mental constituents of firearms discharge cancer. E. Hecht, B. Cartiff, R. Wysocky, 3:05 Intermission. Instrumentation & Methods to
residue. S. Brooks, W. Feeney, S. Bell J. Petitte, A. Motsinger-Reif, D. Muddiman Characterize Nanomaterials
3:15 ANYL 372. Single molecule protein
analysis using OmpG nanopore. M.A.
Critical to the Global Economy
10:00 ANYL 351. Lawsone-Schiff-bases
as novel reagents for visualization of Advancing Analytical Methods in Fahie, B. Pham, B. Yang, M. Chen L. A. Holland, Organizer
latent fingerprint and their enhancement Food Forensics & Authentication
3:45 ANYL 373. Motion of Li+ and methanol T. Davis, Presiding
with anions. Y.M. Hijji, L. Sreerama, A. Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by ANYL through a 2.25-nm-diameter single-walled
Fakhroo, N. AlGunid, S. Darwich, N. Sarhan 1:00 ANYL 386. Detailed physicochem-
carbon nanotube. M.D. Ellison, L.M. Nebel,
Journey to Mars: Materials, ical characterization of individual
10:20 ANYL 352. Detection and identifi- S. Menges, G. D’Arcangelo, A. Kramer, L.
Energy & Life Sciences nanoparticles with global implica-
cation of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) Drahushuk, J. Benck, S. Shimizu, M. Strano
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by tions through electrospray ionization
using chemical tests and a quan- 4:15 ANYL 374. Recognition unit-free coupled to real-time dual-polarity
titative real-time polymerase chain and self-cleaning photoelectrochemical single particle mass spectrometry and
reaction high resolution melt (qPCR- sensing platform on TiO2 nanotubes pho- surface enhanced Raman spectros-
HRM) assay. K.M. Elkins, A. Cowan tonic crystals for sensitive and selective copy. A.P. Ault, J.L. Axson, A. Bondy
10:40 Intermission. detection of dopamine. Y. Xin, Z. Zhang
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 1:55 Intermission.
10:55 ANYL 353. Screening for drugs of 4:45 Concluding Remarks.
abuse and their metabolites in biological
Section A
matrices using solid-phase microex- Section C
traction and Direct Analysis in Real Time- Grand Hyatt Washington
Mass Spectrometry (SPME-DART-MS). E. Constitution E Grand Hyatt Washington The use of any device to capture
Independence G
Eubank, J.D. Newman, J. Zehr, J.A. Trimboli images (e.g., cameras and camera
Label-Free Assay of Oncogenic
11:15 ANYL 354. Pharmaceutical analysis
Biomolecules (mRNA, microRNA, Advances in Separations phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
of police seizures and amnesty bins
in the Southwest of England. H.A. Aptamers & Proteins) J. L. Maclachlan, Organizer, Presiding digital recorders) or to stream,
Naqi, I.S. Blagbrough, S.M. Husbands Surface-Enhanced Raman 1:00 Introductory Remarks. upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Spectroscopy (SERS)- &
1:05 ANYL 375. Application of ana- presentations is strictly prohibited
lytical ultracentrifugation in bio-
Biomolecule Detection pharmaceutical development: at all official ACS meetings and
R. Sardar, Organizer, Presiding Separation and characterization of events without express written
large molecular assemblies. Q. Zou
1:30 Introductory Remarks. consent from ACS.

2:00 ANYL 387. Perfect unions: Multi- Trace Organic Contaminants (TrOCs) 10:25 ANYL 405. Chemically modified 11:30 ANYL 418. New capillary electro-
functional fluorescence microscopies and in Aquatic Systems: Advancements cellulose strips with vitamin B6 phoresis separations of proteins relevant
epoxy/nanocellulose composite materials. in Monitoring & Remediation cofactors conjugated fluores- to biological therapeutics. L. Bwanali,
B. Jones, S. Seethamraju, J. Breffke, J.W. Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored cent nanoclusters for the detec- C.L. Crihfield, S. Gattu, L.A. Holland
Woodcock, R. Beams, J.W. Gilman, S. Stranick by ANYL and BIOL tion of metal ions. S.K. Sahoo
2:55 Intermission. 10:55 ANYL 406. Electrical properties of Chemistry in the Age of
semiconductor wafers by terahertz Cheap Computing
3:00 ANYL 388. Analysis of AFM force
reflection modeling. A. Rahman, Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by ANYL
distance curves in electrolytes. M. THURSDAY MORNING A.K. Rahman
Feinstein, F. Zypman, S.J. Eppell
3:55 Intermission. Section A 11:25 Discussion. Nanoscale Sensing in Foods
11:40 Concluding Remarks. & Other Complex Media
4:00 ANYL 389. Lattice expansion and Grand Hyatt Washington
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by
elemental distribution in PtMo catalyst Constitution E
nanoparticles: Quantitative high angle Section C
annular dark-field STEM analysis. Label-Free Assay of Oncogenic
Grand Hyatt Washington
D. Zhou, I. Ro, G. Huber, P. Voyles Biomolecules (mRNA, microRNA,
Independence G
Aptamers & Proteins) THURSDAY AFTERNOON
Section E Nanoplasmonic-Based Cancer Recent Advances in Stationary Phase
Diagnosis & Treatment Design in Liquid Chromatography Section A
Grand Hyatt Washington
Independence I R. Sardar, Organizer A. J. Alpert, Organizer Grand Hyatt Washington
Constitution E
L. Sagle, Presiding M. R. Schure, Organizer, Presiding
Chemical Tools to Quantify the
Tumor Microenvironment 8:00 ANYL 395. Nanoplasmonic quanti- 8:00 ANYL 407. Direct HIC-MS analysis Label-Free Assay of Oncogenic
fication of tumor-derived extracellular of antibodies, antibody-drug conju- Biomolecules (mRNA, microRNA,
S. Burrows, Organizer
vesicles in plasma microsamples for diag- gates, and other proteins. A.J. Alpert Aptamers & Proteins)
M. R. Lockett, Organizer, Presiding nosis and treatment monitoring. T. Hu 8:35 ANYL 408. Advances in HILIC Electrochemical-Based
1:30 Introductory Remarks. 8:30 ANYL 396. Plasmonic paper selectivity with tailor-made columns Biomolecular Assay
for the detection of renal cancer in for HPLC and UHPLC. W. Jiang
1:35 ANYL 390. In-situ combinatorial R. Sardar, Organizer
microRNA analysis. S. Burrows point-of-care and resource-limited 9:10 ANYL 409. Mechanistic investi-
settings. R. Hu, J. Morrissey, L. Tian, C. B. Johnson, Presiding
gations of alternative retention and
2:05 ANYL 391. Transport analysis of Wang, E. Kharasch, S. Singamaneni
selectivity using pentafluorophenyl 1:30 ANYL 419. Sample prepara-
cytokines in live lymph node tissue
9:00 ANYL 397. Ultrasensitive LSPR-based stationary phases in reversed-phase tion-free real-time sensitive detection
on-chip. A.E. Ross, R.R. Pompano
nanosensor for microRNA detection. liquid chromatography. D.S. Bell of MicroRNA in human serum using
2:35 ANYL 392. Sialic acid modifica- T. Habarakada Liyanage, R. Sardar cantilever biosensors. B.N. Johnson
9:45 Intermission.
tion: Stabilization and determination
of linkages of sialylated glycans. 9:30 Intermission. 10:00 ANYL 410. Mechanism, overview, 2:00 ANYL 420. Detection of microRNAs
S. Yang, H. Zhang, J.F. Cipollo 9:45 ANYL 398. Localized surface advantages and disadvantages of and epigenetic modification by a novel
plasmon resonance technologies mixed stationary phases. M.R. Schure solid-state nanopore assay. O. Zahid,
3:05 Intermission. F. Wang, J. Ruzicka, E. Taylor, A. Hall
for cancer diagnosis and treatment. 10:35 ANYL 411. Comparing structure,
3:20 ANYL 393. Ultrasensitive pro- L. Sagle, J. He, S. Unser, R. Cary 2:30 Intermission.
retention mechanism, and shape
tein-based cancer diagnostics using
10:15 ANYL 399. Phosphoprotein profiling selectivity of monomeric and poly- 2:45 ANYL 421. Withdrawn.
low cost microfluidic arrays. J. Rusling
using silicon photonic sensor arrays meric C18 stationary phases: Results
3:50 ANYL 394. Paper-Based tumor 3:15 ANYL 422. Collagen membranes
reveals functional aspects of therapeutic from molecular simulations. J.I.
models: Quantifying the role of oxygen with ribonuclease inhibitors for long-
response and compensatory mechan- Siepmann, J. Rafferty, M.R. Schure
in drug metabolism. M.R. Lockett term stability of electrochemical,
sisms of resistance. R.C. Bailey, J. Wade 11:10 ANYL 412. Simulations for retention aptamer-based sensors employing
10:45 ANYL 400. Therapeutic drug monitor- prediction on stationary phase gradients. RNA. R.J. White, M. Santos-Cancel
Advanced Mass Spectrometric
ing with plasmonic biosensors. J. Masson L.N. Jeong, S.G. Forte, S.C. Rutan
Techniques in Toxicology 3:45 ANYL 423. Biomolecular detection
Sponsored by TOXI, Cosponsored by ANYL 11:15 ANYL 401. Nanoparticle-enhanced based on nanostructured micro-
SPRI for ultrasensitive biosensing Section D electrodes. J. Das, S.O. Kelley
Advancing Analytical Methods in of microRNA and protein cancer Grand Hyatt Washington
Food Forensics & Authentication biomarkers. B.M. Matthews, R.M. Corn Independence H Section B
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by ANYL
Grand Hyatt Washington
Section B New Separation Technologies That
Journey to Mars: Materials, Independence F
Grand Hyatt Washington
Advance & Support Bioanalyses
Energy & Life Sciences
Independence F L. A. Holland, Organizer, Presiding Advances & Applications of
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
Imaging Mass Spectrometry
ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, 8:00 ANYL 413. Patterned capillary
Advances in Nanosensors &
PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ electrophoresis that enables unique X. Yu, Organizer, Presiding
Terahertz: Current Applications &
combinations of chemical selection for
Future Direction for the 21st Century 1:00 ANYL 424. Nanoscale chemi-
targeted biomolecule separations. L.A.
cal imaging using secondary ion
M. A. Meador, Organizer Holland, S. Gattu, C.L. Crihfield, L. Bwanali
WEDNESDAY EVENING mass spectrometry. Z. Zhu, X. Yu
A. Rahman, Organizer, Presiding 8:55 ANYL 414. Synthetic receptor-enabled
1:40 ANYL 425. In situ probing of
Measurements & Methods in capillary electrophoresis for analysis of
8:30 Introductory Remarks. electron transfer in the riboflavin
Environmental Nanotechnology protein methylation. J. Lee, W. Zhong
8:35 ANYL 402. Breaking the wave- reduction process by dynamic liquid
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored 9:50 Intermission. ToF-SIMS. R. Yu, R. Komorek, X. Yu,
length barrier for sub-nanometer 3D
by AGRO and ANYL Y. Zhang, Y. Long, Z. Zhu, X. Yu
imaging by terahertz reconstructive 10:00 ANYL 415. Microprobe-CE-MS
route. A. Rahman, A.K. Rahman for in situ tracking of metabolome 2:00 ANYL 426. Mass spectrometric
evolution in single-cells of the investigation of electrical double
9:15 ANYL 403. Interaction of sensi-
developing frog embryo. R.M. Onjiko, layer at electrode-electrolyte inter-
tizing dyes with nanostructured TiO2
E. Portero, S.A. Moody, P. Nemes faces. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhou, Z. Wang, C.
film in dye-sensitized solar cells using
Wang, B. Liu, X. Yu, F. Wang, Z. Zhu
Technical program information terahertz spectroscopy. W. Ghann, 10:30 ANYL 416. New bioanalytical
A. Rahman, A. Rahman, J. Uddin capillary separations to determine 2:20 ANYL 427. In Situ Chemical
known at press time. the glycosylation. S. Gattu, C.L. imaging of the evolving mate-
9:45 ANYL 404. Designing of CA-CdTe
The official technical program for QDs based fluorescent sensor
Crihfield, L. Bwanali, L.A. Holland rial interface in liquids. X. Yu
the 254th ACS National Meeting for detection of homocyste- 11:00 ANYL 417. Microchannel elec- 2:50 Intermission.
ine. J. Hu, C. Qu, R. Yang, L. Qu trophoresis separations of proteins
is available at www.acs.org/ using thermoresponsive nanogels. C.
3:10 ANYL 428. In situ characterization of
10:15 Intermission. microbial aggregates using SALVI and
WDC2017 Crihfield, S. Gattu, L. Bwanali, L.A. Holland
liquid ToF-SIMS. W. Wei, R. Komorek,
X. Yu, Y. Zhang, F. Liu, Z. Zhu, X. Yu

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


3:40 ANYL 429. Comparison study Nanoscale Sensing in Foods SUNDAY MORNING Section B
of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis & Other Complex Media
(ALS) mouse brains via MALDI mass Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored Section A Room 147B
spectrometry imaging (MSI) to identify by ANYL, COLL, ENVR and INOR
biomarkers. C. Rawlins, D. Calligaris, Walter E. Washington Convention Center
J.R. Auclair, A. Harry, K.A. Bemis, E. Room 145B Gordon Hammes Award Lecture
Luther, O. Vitek, N.Y. Agar, J.N. Agar L. Hedstrom, Organizer
Repligen Award for the Chemistry
4:00 ANYL 430. Metabolomics of bio-
logical nitrogen fixation explored by BIOT of Biological Processes
A. Schepartz, Organizer, Presiding
4:30 Introductory Remarks.
laser ablation electrospray ionization W. A. Van Der Donk, Organizer, Presiding
mass spectrometry combined with
fluorescence microscopy. S. Stopka,
Division of 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
4:35 BIOL 10. Molecular interactions
of lipopolysaccharide with an outer
B. Agtuca, R. Khattar, C.R. Anderton, D.W. Biochemical 8:35 BIOL 1. Function and structure membrane protein from Pseudomonas
Koppenaal, L. Pasa-Tolic, G. Stacey, A. Vertes
Technology of a new class of indole alkaloid
cyclases in the Stigonematales
aeruginosa probed by solution NMR. I.
Kucharska, B. Liang, N. Ursini, L.K. Tamm
4:20 ANYL 431. Understanding green M. O’Malley and V. Roy, Program Chairs cyanobacteria. D.H. Sherman, S. Li,
rust formation in ionic liquids by 4:50 Award Introduction.
S.A. Newmister, A.N. Lowell, F. Yu
liquid ToF-SIMS and SALVI. Y. Fu,
4:55 BIOL 11. Discovery of novel enzymes
J. Yao, D. Lao, Y. Zhou, S.K. Nune, 9:15 BIOL 2. Diverse evolutionary
in novel metabolic pathways. J.A. Gerlt
Z. Zhu, D.J. Heldebrant, X. Yu MONDAY MORNING solutions to β-lactam antibiotic
biosynthesis and the partitioning of 5:40 Concluding Remarks.
4:40 ANYL 432. Does time play a role
Recombinant Type Materials reactive intermediates by non-ribosomal
in Glyoxal and hydrogen peroxide
peptide synthetases. C.A. Townsend Nanotechnology & Single Cell
photochemical aging and aqueous Sponsored by PMSE, Cosponsored by BIOT
secondary organic aerosol formation? 9:55 Intermission. Analysis in Biology & Medicine
F. Zhang, X. Yu, X. Sui, J. Chen, Z. Zhu, X. Yu Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored
10:10 BIOL 3. Pathway for production of
the bacterial cofactor pyrroloquinoline
Section C
quinone (PQQ): At the confluence of Science Communications: The Art
Recombinant Type Materials radical SAM (RS) enzymes and ribosom- of Developing a Clear Message
Grand Hyatt Washington
ally synthesized and post-translationally
Independence G Sponsored by PMSE, Cosponsored by BIOT Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
modified peptides (RiPPs). J. Klinman
Advances in Mass Spectrometry Undergraduate Research Posters 10:50 Award introduction. COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, I&EC, INOR,
K. Phinney, Organizer, Presiding Biotechnology 10:55 BIOL 4. Two radical proteins:
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored Hydroxyethylphosphonate dioxy- Experimental & Computational
1:30 ANYL 433. Mass spectrom-
by BIOT and SOCED genase and methylphosphonate Advances In Understanding
etry of certain industrial poly-
synthase. W.A. Van Der Donk Enzyme Specificity & Promiscuity
mers with atmospheric pressure
chemical ionization. C. Zu Computational Tools for Enzyme
Merck Research Award Symposium
1:50 ANYL 434. Unusual (+/-)-electro- TUESDAY MORNING Sponsored by WCC, Cosponsored by BIOL,
Evolution & Functional Annotation
spray ionization induced fragmentation: COMP, MEDI, MPPG, ORGN, PMSE and PROF Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored
Structural elucidation of an in-process Recombinant Type Materials by BIOL and COMP
synthetic intermediate of doravirine (MK- Sponsored by PMSE, Cosponsored by BIOT Nanotechnology & Single Cell
1439) using LC/HRMS/MS and 2D-NMR. Analysis in Biology & Medicine
H. Sheng, K. Lexa, L. Zhang, R. Yang, T. Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored
Wright, B. Sherry, R.M. Helmy, G. Martin MONDAY MORNING
2:10 ANYL 435. Open workflow to
Experimental & Computational Section A
generate MS-Ready structures Recombinant Type Materials
and improve non-targeted mass Advances in Understanding Walter E. Washington Convention Center
spectrometry. A.D. McEachran, K. Sponsored by PMSE, Cosponsored by BIOT Enzyme Specificity & Promiscuity Room 145B
Mansouri, C. Grulke, A.J. Williams Catalytic Promiscuity & the
2:30 ANYL 436. Ion mobility-mass Emergence of New Proteins Eli Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry
spectrometry Collision Cross Section Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored H. C. Hang, Organizer, Presiding
Prediction (CCSP) and application
to prebiotic chemistry. M.T. Soper-
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
Hopper, A. Petrov, J.N. Howard, S. Yu,
J.G. Forsythe, M. Grover, F.M. Fernandez Division of Biological 8:35 BIOL 12. New biolumines-
cent tools to spy on cellular com-
Chemistry SUNDAY AFTERNOON munication. J.A. Prescher
2:50 ANYL 437. Single-cell metabo-
lomics for tracking cell differentia- L. Hedstrom and S. Kelley, Program Chairs 9:20 BIOL 13. Understanding the site-spe-
Section A
tion in the live embryo. E. Portero, cific consequences of O-GlcNAc using
R. Onjiko, S.A. Moody, P. Nemes Walter E. Washington Convention Center synthetic protein chemistry. M. Pratt
Room 145B
3:10 Intermission. Experimental & Computational 10:05 Intermission.
3:30 ANYL 438. Bottom-up proteom- Advances in Understanding
Mitochondrial Chemical Biology
Enzyme Specificity & Promiscuity
ics for small neuron populations by
(see PHYS, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) S. O. Kelley, Organizer, Presiding
ultrasensitive mass spectrometry. S.
Choi, M. Zamarbide, M. Manzini, P. Nemes Undergraduate Research 1:00 Introductory Remarks.
Posters (see CHED, Mon)
3:50 ANYL 439. Quantification of 1:05 BIOL 5. Spatiotemporal pro-
Cross-Link DNA Repair (see TOXI, Tue)
cardiac troponin I in patient plasma by teomic analysis of mitochondrial
magnetic particle immunoenrichment Memorial Symposium Honoring Justine sub-compartments and next-gen-
and targeted mass spectrometry. Roth: Oxygen & Isotope Effects eration enzymatic proximity label-
N. Schneck, K. Phinney, S. Lee, M. Lowenthal in Mechanisms, from Enzymes to
Small Molecules (see INOR, Tue)
ing methods. T. Branon, A. Ting The use of any device to capture
4:10 ANYL 440. LC-MS Method to 1:40 BIOL 6. Mitochondrial protein images (e.g., cameras and camera
detect neurotransmitters in vivo SOCIAL EVENTS: functions elucidated by multi-omic mass
during period of drug abuse. A.G. Gordon Hammes Award Lecture spectrometry profiling. D. Pagliarini phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
Zestos, R. Kennedy, M. Gnegy Reception, 5:45 PM: Sun
2:15 BIOL 7. Mitochondrial nano- digital recorders) or to stream,
4:30 ANYL 441. Targeted meta- medicine. S. Dhar upload or rebroadcast speakers or
bolic profiling rapidly differentiates
pathogenic Escherichia coli and
2:50 Intermission. presentations is strictly prohibited
Staphylococcus aureus at species and 3:00 BIOL 8. Targeting mitochon- at all official ACS meetings and
strains level. H. Li, T. Malchow, J. Zhu drial DNA. S.O. Kelley
events without express written
3:35 BIOL 9. Mitochondrial topoisomerases
and their repair enzymes. Y. Pommier consent from ACS.

10:20 BIOL 14. Rational strategy to 1:45 BIOL 18. Dissecting and tar- Building a Safety Culture Across 9:10 BIOL 34. Phenotypic screening
design probes for the chemical genetic geting the dynamic process of the Chemistry Enterprise for molecular messages regulating
analysis of AAA+ proteins. T. Kapoor BAX activation. E. Gavathiotis microbiomes and their hosts. J. Clardy
Grassroots Approaches to
11:05 Award introduction. 2:05 BIOL 19. High resolution co-crystal Developing a Safety Culture 9:45 BIOL 35. Using host genetics to deci-
structure of the apelin receptor and Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
pher gut microbial metabolism. F.E. Rey
11:10 BIOL 15. Chemical dissec-
peptide agonist complex. W. Zhong BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS,
tion of host immunity and micro- 10:20 Award introduction.
bial pathogenesis. H.C. Hang 2:25 BIOL 20. Proteolytic cleavage of CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC,
INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC 10:25 BIOL 36. Deciphering the
TRIM14 by the VEEV nonstructural
human gut microbiota through
Building a Safety Culture Across protein 2 cysteine protease. E. Morazzani,
Nanotechnology & Single Cell enzyme discovery. E.P. Balskus
the Chemistry Enterprise J. Compton, D.H. Leary, N.E. Zachara, X.
Analysis in Biology & Medicine
Hu, J.J. Marugan, P. Glass, P.M. Legler
Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored Crosslink DNA Repair
to Developing a Safety Culture 2:45 Intermission. by BIOL, COLL and PHYS Sponsored by TOXI, Cosponsored by BIOL
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL, 3:00 BIOL 21. Cycloretinal in age-related
BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS, macular degeneration: Its biosyn- Chemistry in an Evolving Political Understanding the Chemistry
CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC, thesis by the milk protein beta-lac- Climate: Research Priorities & of Our Planet
INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC toglobulin and its catabolism as a Career Pathways in Public Policy
Chemistry’s Role in our Earth System
treatment strategy. C. Watanabe Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by
Nanotechnology & Single Cell Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
Analysis in Biology & Medicine 3:20 BIOL 22. Potent antimicrobial BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA,
peptide dendrimers against multi-drug CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC,
Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB
resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC
and Acinobacter baumanii. T. Darbre Transformative Research &
Informatics & Chemical
Chemistry in an Evolving Political 3:40 BIOL 23. Toward vancomycin-like Excellence in Education Award
Biology: Identifying Targets
Climate: Research Priorities & antibiotics: Targeting bacterial lipids Sponsored by COMSCI, Cosponsored by BIOL, & Biological Pathways
Career Pathways in Public Policy with synthetic peptides. J. Gao COLL, COMP, ENFL, INOR, PHYS and PRES
Sponsored by CINF, Cosponsored
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by 4:00 BIOL 24. Bioprospecting and the by BIOL and MEDI
Impact of Carbonyl & Glycative Stress
discovery of cationic antimicrobial on Diabetic & Aging Related Diseases
CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC, peptides from American alligator (Alligator Trace Organic Contaminants (TrOCs)
DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by BIOL in Aquatic Systems: Advancements
mississippiensis) and Komodo dragon
Impact of Carbonyl & Glycative Stress (Varanus komodoensis). B. Bishop, M. Many Colors of Copper in Monitoring & Remediation
on Diabetic & Aging Related Diseases Juba, P. Russo, M. Devine, S. Barksdale, Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
K. Vliet, J. Schnur, M.L. van Hoek Proteins & Models by ANYL and BIOL
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by BIOL
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by BIOL
Many Colors of Copper
Many Colors of Copper Section B
Undergraduate Research Posters
Small Molecule Activation
Good Cop, Bad Cop Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Biochemistry Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by BIOL
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by BIOL Room 147B
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored
Experimental & Computational Early Career Investigators by BIOL and SOCED
Advances In Understanding in Biological Chemistry Experimental & Computational TUESDAY AFTERNOON
Enzyme Specificity & Promiscuity Cosponsored by PROF Advances In Understanding
Computational Approaches L. Hedstrom, Organizer
Enzyme Specificity & Promiscuity Section A
to Enzyme Design Discovery & Engineering of
J. Hougland, Presiding Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored Industrially Relevant Enzymes Room 145B
by BIOL and COMP 1:00 Introductory Remarks.
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored
1:05 BIOL 25. Biochemistry of new by BIOL and COMP Early Career Investigators
metal-specific catalytic DNA. J. Liu in Biological Chemistry
MONDAY AFTERNOON 1:25 BIOL 26. RNA-biased small molecules Cosponsored by PROF
and privileged RNA topologies for selec- MONDAY EVENING L. Hedstrom, Organizer
Section A tive small molecule: RNA recognition.
A.E. Hargrove, B. Morgan, C.S. Eubanks, A. E. Hargrove, Presiding
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Section A
N.N. Patwardhan, A. Donlic, J. Forte 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
Room 145B
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
1:45 BIOL 27. Site-specific RNA binding 1:35 BIOL 37. Determining role of protein
Halls D/E
Mid-Career Investigators in and translation inhibition by transition glutathionylation in muscle. Y. Ahn
Biological Chemistry metal complexes. S.S. Jain, C.M. Anderson,
M. Breshears, H. Hoang, S. Lundgren 1:55 BIOL 38. Multiple microviridin
L. Hedstrom, Organizer core peptides are processed by an
L. Hedstrom, Organizer, Presiding
2:05 BIOL 28. Chemical modifica- ATP grasp ligase in a distributive
A. Sarkar, Presiding
tion of mRNA: Toward enabling 8:00 - 10:00 and directional manner. Y. Ding
1:00 Introductory Remarks. gene therapy. C. Gampe
50, 53, 56, 59, 63, 67-68, 84, 86, 89, 94, 2:15 BIOL 39. Biosynthesis of deep-
1:05 BIOL 16. Volatile nematode sex phero- 2:25 Intermission. 98, 109, 114, 124, 129, 131, 160-161, sea marine natural products: Genes,
mones. R. Shinya, M. Gronquist, D. Leighton, 165. See subsequent listings. enzymes and pathways. G. Wang
2:40 BIOL 29. Targeting structurally
Y. Hsueh, F. Schroeder, P.W. Sternberg
and functionally diverse nucleic 2:35 BIOL 40. Activity of KS0 in
1:25 BIOL 17. Viewing human DNA acids with druglike small mole- trans-AT PKS biosynthase: Control
polymerase β faithfully and unfaith- cules. J.S. Schneekloth, Jr. TUESDAY MORNING of the ACP modification by inhibi-
fully bypass an oxidative lesion by 3:00 BIOL 30. Molecular mechanisms tion of acyltransferase. Y. You
time-dependent crystallography. Z. Suo underlying the hijack of host protein-pro- Section A
2:55 BIOL 41. Exploring the macromolecu-
tein interactions by NS1 of the 1918 Walter E. Washington Convention Center lar crowding effects on enzyme inhibition.
Spanish influenza A virus. Q. Shen, D. Room 145B M.M. Rowland, T. Legenzoff, A. Payne, A.
Zeng, J. Shi, B. Zhao, W. Hwang, P. Li, J. Cho Anderson, M. Kim, A. Winfrey, A. Waugaman
3:20 BIOL 31. Chemical probes to perturb Pfizer Award in Enzyme Chemistry
3:15 Intermission.
autophagy regulation and Bcl-2 in Financially supported by Pfizer
Technical program information neurodegenerative disease. P.C. Trippier 3:30 BIOL 42. Rational rede-
known at press time. 3:40 BIOL 32. KaiC is sufficient to
E. P. Balskus, Organizer, Presiding sign of the collagen triple helix
interface. D.M. Chenoweth
The official technical program for reconstitute the evolutionary primi- 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
tive hourglass type circadian oscil-
the 254th ACS National Meeting lator in vitro. Y. Jeong, Y. Kim
8:35 BIOL 33. Bait-and-switch mech-
anism in microbial oxalate metab-
is available at www.acs.org/ olism. M.I. Gibson, P.Y. Chen, E.J.
WDC2017 Brignole, A. Johnson, E. Pierce, M.
Can, S.W. Ragsdale, C.L. Drennan

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


3:50 BIOL 43. High-throughput discovery Understanding the Chemistry BIOL 68. Interactions between human BIOL 87. Heterogeneous nucleation of
of Protein Catalyzed Capture (PCC) of Our Planet pyruvate dehydrogenase complex oligomeric superoxide dismutase-1
agents as antibody alternatives for (PDC) components and four isoforms controlled by glycerolipid head groups. S.
Human Impacts to our Planet
thermally stable biological assays. of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinases Rasouli, A. Abdolvahabi, B.F. Shaw, A. Chuprin
M.B. Coppock, C. Jones, B.T. Lai, H.D. Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by (PDKs). L. Yang, N.S. Nemeria, E.L.
BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, BIOL 88. Study on lipid composition of
Agnew, J.R. Heath, D.N. Stratis-Cullum Guevara, J. Zhou, J. Wang, F. Jordan
CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC, scalp sebum collected from women in
4:10 BIOL 44. Cofactor regulation is INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC BIOL 69. Impact of carvedilol on the different countries. K. Nagami, Y. Nagano
important for the function of p97/ thioredoxin pathway. M. Alharbi, K.
BIOL 89. Discovery and charac-
VCP AAA ATPase. T. Chou Memorial Symposium Honoring Larsen, C. Lynch, T.M. Seefeldt
terization of notch1 modulating
Justine Roth: Oxygen & Isotope
4:30 BIOL 45. Protein topography by rapid BIOL 70. Transcriptional regulator of peptides. D. Schachter, Y. Li
Effects in Mechanisms, from
methylene derivatization during ESI and eicosapentaenoic acid synthesis (PfaR):
Enzymes to Small Molecules BIOL 90. Neutron vibrational spectra of
top-down mass spectrometry. P.A. Martino Recombinant expression and evidence of
biomolecular building blocks using
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by BIOL its DNA-binding role. M.C. Ortiz, C. Rullán-
the high resolution VISION spectrom-
Section B Lind, Y. Morales-Lozada, M. Pérez-Oquendo,
Experimental & Computational eter and accompanying computed
R. Gónzalez-Méndez, A. Baerga-Ortiz
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Advances In Understanding spectra using several computa-
Enzyme Specificity & Promiscuity BIOL 71. Searching RNA 3D struc- tional methods. A.A. Sedova, A.C.
Room 147B
tures for tertiary structural patterns. Fitzsimmons, M.D. Smith, L. Petridis, L.
Structure-Function Relationships M.S. Adams, K.E. Richardson, C.C. Daemen, A. Ramirez-Cuesta, J. Smith
Graduate Student & Postdoctoral in Enzyme Evolution Kirkpatrick, D.W. Gohara, B. Znosko
Fellow Symposium BIOL 91. Investigating metastatic potential
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored BIOL 72. Developing a luciferase based in colon and prostate cancers using
Cosponsored by PROF by BIOL and COMP
circulating tumor cells detection synthetic lectins. T. Hundal, J.J. Lavigne
L. Hedstrom, Organizer Many Colors of Copper system using functionally modulated
BIOL 92. In vitro kinetics of mutant
S. S. Jain, Presiding SpyTag/SpyCatcher bacterial clue.
Catalysis superoxide dismutase-1 aggregation
B. Choi, H. Moon, H. Choi, S. Kang
can predict patient survivability in amyo-
1:30 Introductory Remarks. Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by BIOL BIOL 73. Lipid raft formation: Key trophic lateral sclerosis. A. Abdolvahabi,
1:35 BIOL 46. Synthesis and evaluation role of polyunsaturated phospho- S. Rasouli, Y. Shi, C. Croom, B.F. Shaw
of oxazolidinone-based small molecule lipids. C. Wang, S.L. Regen
BIOL 93. Investigation of a function-
libraries for the selective recognition
of RNA bulge motifs. B. Morgan, R.
TUESDAY EVENING BIOL 74. Enzymology and drug dis- ally essential domain within human
covery studies on the L205R mutant ghrelin O-acyltransferase. M.
Culver, C. Eubanks, J. Forte, A.E. Hargrove
Section A of cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Campana, M. Ashkar, J. Hougland
1:50 BIOL 47. Role of HIV-1’s highly (PKACa). N. Luzi, D. Peterson, K.C. Ellis
Walter E. Washington Convention Center BIOL 94. Understanding the alterna-
basic patch and myristoyl group on
Hall E BIOL 75. NagD from Yersinia pestis. tive activities of DXP synthase. M.
matrix-tRNA interactions. C. Gaines, A.
M. Le, L. Dass, I. Moreno, S.F. O’Handley Johnston, A. Majumdar, C. Freel Meyers
Rivera-Oven, E. Tkacik, P. Somani, A. Yang,
A. Achimovich, T. Alabi, M.F. Summers Current Topics in Biochemistry BIOL 76. Withdrawn. BIOL 95. New library generation method
L. Hedstrom, S. O. Kelley, Organizers for metabolic pathway engineer-
2:05 BIOL 48. Targeting folded HIV-1 BIOL 77. Hidden antioxidative
ing by using CRISPRI system. J.
RRE RNA with unnatural branched 7:00 - 9:00 functions of NADH coexisting
Lee, W. Song, S. Seo, B. Kim
peptides: Boosting affinity and with hemoglobin. H. Sakai
selectivity. A. Peralta, Y. Dai, J. Wynn, BIOL 58. Investigating the mechanism BIOL 96. Probing the mechanism of
of LThDP decarboxylation by DXP BIOL 78. Progress toward the chemical
S. Chringma, S.F. Le Grice, W.L. Santos viral Inhibition by the radical SAM
synthase. A. DeColli, A. Majumdar, N.S. characterization 3-vinyl-2,3-pyrro-
enzyme, Viperin. S. Ghosh, C.
2:20 BIOL 49. Novel mechanomagnetic Nemeria, F. Jordan, C. Freel Meyers line-5-carboxylic acid (VPCA): A bacterial,
Makins, G.D. Román-Meléndez, A.B.
assay to decode the ribosomal frame- natural-product synthon. K.L. Colabroy,
BIOL 59. Developing of plug-and-playable Dumbrepatil, A. Patel, E.G. Marsh
shifting motion. H. Yin, S. Xu, Y. Wang B. Juliano, E.R. Gassaway, Z. Zimmerman
fluorescent cell imaging modular toolkits BIOL 97. Structure-activity relationships
2:35 BIOL 50. Study of RNA chemical based on the protein ligation system, BIOL 79. Fluorescent indicator displace-
for activation of Arabidopsis thali-
modifications as crucial epigenetic SpyTag/SpyCatcher. Y. Bae, S. Kang ment assay to identify and charac-
ana cytokinin receptors by analogs
regulators. B. Zhao, X. Wang, A. Beadell, terize secondary structure-specific
BIOL 60.Lead tightly associates with of N6-benzyladenine. D.I. Osolodkin,
N. Tirumuru, R. Ho, L. Wu, C. He RNA: Small molecule interactions. S.
neuronal calcium sensor (NCS) protein E.M. Saveleva, D.S. Karlov, S.N. Lomin,
Wicks, B. Morgan, A.E. Hargrove
2:50 BIOL 51. Spatial regulation DREAM and promotes structural S.N. Mikhailov, G.A. Romanov
of glycolytic and gluconeogenic changes analogous to calcium bound BIOL 80. Acetyl-group sensing
BIOL 98. Investigation of inhibitor-protein
enzyme compartmentalization by DREAM. S. Azam, J. Miksovska through modulation of conforma-
interactions in plants & mammali-
small molecules in human cells. D. tional dynamics in an arylalkylamine
BIOL 61. SMYD2 glutathionylation con- ans from EVV 2DIR data. S. Sim, H.
Schmitt, P. Dranchak, J. Inglese, S. An N-acetyltransferase. A. Aboalroub
trols sarcomere stability and myofibril Sowley, N. Kidley, L. Barter, D. Klug
3:05 Intermission. integrity. D.N. Munkanatta Godage, K. BIOL 81. Regulatory metabolic complex
BIOL 99. Withdrawn.
Samarasinghe, Z. Yang, M. Luo, Y. Ahn for glucose metabolism in living cells.
3:20 BIOL 52. Noninvasive imaging
M. Jeon, C. Kohnhorst, M. Kyoung, D. BIOL 100. Curious (unexpected?) behavior
of human immune cell infiltration in BIOL 62. Discovery of a small mol- Schmitt, E.L. Kennedy, S.M. Bracey, J. of bovine Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase
a human xenograft model of graft- ecule protease inhibitor from an Ramirez, B.T. Luu, S. Russell, S. An on SDS-PAGE: Formation of multi-
versus-host disease. M. Rashidian, abundant human gut commensal meric assemblies with discrete mol.
C.H. Van Elssen, V. Vrbanac, H. Ploegh microbe. B.A. Schneider, E.P. Balskus BIOL 82. Developing high-field MRI
wts. that retain enzymatic activity.
contrast conjugate agents using
3:35 BIOL 53. Dynamic multi-color protein BIOL 63. Novel anionic conjugated poly- Similar behavior of Cu/Zn SOD in the
protein cage nanoparticles. H. Kim,
labeling in living cells. C. Li, M. Plamont, electrolyte lipoplex and its application hemolymph of mussels. M.G. Hamilton
S. Jin, H. Choi, H. Cho, S. Kang
H.L. Sladitschek, V. Rodrigues, I. Aujard, P. for apoptosis imaging. P. Wu, C. Tan
Neveu, T. Le Saux, L. Jullien, A. Gautier BIOL 83. Understanding the role of TRAF6
BIOL 64. 2-APB and CGP-37157 as in the antiviral activity of Viperin. A. Patel,
3:50 BIOL 54. Terminal alkynes as Raman neuroprotective agents against the S. Ghosh, A.B. Dumbrepatil, E.G. Marsh
probes of a-synuclein aggregation in toxicity and uptake of 1-methyl-4-phen-
cellular environments. J.D. Flynn, J.C. Lee ylpyridinium in dopaminergic MN9D BIOL 84. Development of chemical
cell. V.Q. Le, M. Mapa, K. Wimalasena probes and high-throughput screen-
4:05 BIOL 55. Constructing red-shifted
ing strategies to target an onco- The use of any device to capture
fluorescent protein sensors of cellular BIOL 65.Computer-aided analysis of auto- genic RNA triple helix. A. Donlic, J.
redox status. K.J. Trull, S. Norcross, J.
Snaider, S. Doan, K. Tat, L. Huang, M. Tantama
phagy pathway. K. Han, M. Choi, J. Kim Xu, A. Liu, C. Roble, A.E. Hargrove images (e.g., cameras and camera
4:20 BIOL 56. Chemical-proteomic target-
BIOL 66. Autophagy-induced cellular phase BIOL 85. Elucidating the role of the phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
transitions. K. Han, J. Kim, M. Choi proximal ligand loop in chloroperox-
ing of mitochondrial cysteine residues
idase catalysis. E. Kwong, X. Wang
digital recorders) or to stream,
involved in metabolic and redox regula- BIOL 67. Gaussia princeps lucifer-
tion. D. Bak, M. Pizzagalli, E. Weerapana ase: A bioluminescent substrate BIOL 86. Biochemical characteriza-
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
4:35 BIOL 57. Near infrared fluo-
for oxidative protein folding. T. tion of PRMT5 inhibition by small presentations is strictly prohibited
Yu, J.A. Prescher, C. Thorpe molecules designed via struc-
rescence tagged glucosamine for
ture-based design. W. Zhou
at all official ACS meetings and
non-invasive in-vivo tumor detec-
tion. M. Mathew, S. Parthasarathy
events without express written
consent from ACS.

BIOL 101.Mutational analysis of BIOL 116. Supramolecular organization BIOL 137. Interaction of cationic sin- 10:50 BIOL 151. Formulation of
human ghrelin O-acyltransferase. M. and function of cartilage extracel- gle-chain and gemini surfactants with industrial relevant enzymes. G. Baier,
Ashkar, M. Campana, J. Hougland lular matrix. F. Horkay, E. Dimitriadis, hen egg white lysozyme: A spectroscopic Y. Lan, S. Kuebelbeck, F. Runge
I. Horkayne-Szakaly, P.J. Basser and computational study. R. Patel
BIOL 102. New insight on polysty- 11:10 BIOL 152. Reductive mobilization
rene biodegration by two different BIOL 117.Impacts of protein oxidation BIOL 138. Sugars and pathogens: Avenues of iron cations from ferritin by flavins in
Tenebrio molitors. B. Peng conditions on structure and function. for targeting infections. A. Sarkar the presence of oxygen and chaotrope
G.A. Heinzl, D. Kryndushkin, V. Rao agents. A. Melman, F. Bou-Abdallah
BIOL 103. Characterization of bifunctional BIOL 139. Atypical split inteins medi-
peptides: Porphyrin binding and antimi- BIOL 118. Lysozyme-Catalyzed polym- ated two proteins specific labeling 11:30 BIOL 153. Active water transport
crobial activity. D.J. Shirley, G.A. Caputo erization of an ionically conductive in a mixed system. X. Li, Q. Meng controls blood pressure: Selenium
polyacetylene. D. Morris, A.P. Zampino, L. nutrition prevents thromboses, breast
BIOL 104. Determination of the fatty BIOL 140. Biomimetic spinning of artificial
Crandall, A. Taraboletti, T. Leeper, C.J. Ziegler and colon cancers. M.T. Deans
acid/lipid profiles in a mouse model spider silk from a chimeric minispidroin.
of Alzheimer’s disease. L.S. Webb, B. BIOL 119. Study of the oligomeriza- Q. Jia, M. Andersson, Q. Meng, J. Johansson
Genovese, D. Mitrano, H.J. Grau, R. Quinlan tion process of IAPP using GaNPs Impact of Materials, Surface
derivatives. A.S. Delgado Carrión, Chemistry & Modifications
BIOL 105. Effects of Alpha-synuclein uptake on Biofilm Formation in
on cellular viability, morphology, and
A. Melendez, I. Ramos, R. Oyola WEDNESDAY MORNING Environmental Remediation &
localization. S. Lacy, J.D. Flynn, J.C. Lee BIOL 120. Bioisosteric 5-oxa/aza analogues Engineering Applications
BIOL 106. Conserved ion pairs between
of ipomoeassin F uncover an H-bonding Section A
activity cliff and more. G. Zong, Z. Hu, Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by BIOL
the barrel and hatch domain of BtuB Walter E. Washington Convention Center
X. Sun, R. Bhakta, L. Whisenhunt, W. Shi
are required for vitamin B12 trans- Room 145B Experimental & Computational
port and/or during transmembrane BIOL 121. Studies on the radical Advances In Understanding
signaling. T. Nilaweera, D.S. Cafiso S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) thiazole ACS Infectious Diseases Young Enzyme Specificity & Promiscuity
C-methyltransferase involved in thiomura- Investigators Award Symposium
BIOL 107. Influence of ionic liquids on New Strategies to Expand the
cin biosynthesis. N. Mahanta, Z. Zhang,
detergent mediated denaturation of myo- Cosponsored by PROF Scope of Enzyme Engineering
G.A. Hudson, W.A. Van Der Donk, D.A. Mitchell
globin. E.M. Kohn, T.D. Vaden, G.A. Caputo
Financially supported by ACS Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored
BIOL 122. Computational study of by BIOL and COMP
BIOL 108. Effect of divalent metal Infectious Disease (ACS Journal)
butyrylcholinesterase inhibition by aryl
cations on catalytic activity of Rv0045c
alkyl cholinyl phosphorous derivatives. C. C. Aldrich, Organizer, Presiding Many Colors of Copper
esterase from M. tuberculosis. I.
N. Humphrey, M. Sanchez, E.J. Sorin
Bowles, R. Johnson, G.C. Hoops 8:30 Introductory Remarks. Contributed Talks
BIOL 123. Evaluation of anti-obesity effects
BIOL 109. Global substrate specific- 8:40 BIOL 141. New Strategies Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by BIOL
based on dynamics of a transcrip-
ity of mycobacterial serine hydro- for an old foe. C. Barry
tion factor network in the adipogenic
lases. R. Johnson, B. Bassett, B.
differentiation. K. Choi, M. Lee 9:15 BIOL 142. A live-attenuated Zika virus
Waibel, A. Koelper, G.C. Hoops
BIOL 124. DNA methyltransferase DNMT1 vaccine candidate induces sterilizing WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON
BIOL 110. Fatty acids analysis of outer immunity in mouse models. C. Shan
activity in the presence of oxidized and
membrane vesicles from Escherichia
extended forms of 5-methylcytosine. J. 9:50 BIOL 143. Nature’s dirty little secret: Section A
coli harboring the pks island. Y.
Fernandez, C. Seiler, D. Kotandeniya, Z. Rhizosphere natural products as targeted
Morales-Lozada, G. Baez Bravo, R. Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Koerperich, M. Andersen, N.Y. Tretyakova antibacterial agents. W.M. Wuest
Gómez-Moreno, A. Baerga-Ortiz Room 145B
BIOL 125. Method for the quantifica- 10:25 BIOL 144. Recognition of
BIOL 111. Examining the effects
tion of levels of phosphorylation and bacterial peptidoglycans in your Chemical Biology of
of thioamides on proteolysis. T.
Barrett, X. Chen, J. Wang, C. Liu
phosphorylated sugar moieties in the beer and guts. C.L. Grimes Infectious Disease
glycans of recombinant proteins. S.A.
E. Derbyshire, Organizer, Presiding
BIOL 112. Photoinduced interaction Ketcham, M. Ashraf , C. Madhavara
of ubiquitin binding domains with
Section B
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
BIOL 126. Oysters from locations in
genetically encoded p-Benzoyl-L-phe- Walter E. Washington Convention Center
the Elizabeth River show elevated 1:05 BIOL 154. Drug resistance
nylalanine monomeric ubiquitin and Room 147B
heavy metal concentrations. B.F. reveals a new family of metabolic
polyubiquitin chains. C. Braxton, E.
Lasseter, R.P. Burke, S. Bailey regulators in malaria parasites. A.
Quartner, T.A. Cropp, D. Fushman Mid-Career Investigators in
Guggisberg, A. Gandhi, A.R. Odom
BIOL 127. Reversible DNA-protein Biological Chemistry
BIOL 113. Enzyme function prediction,
cross-linking at epigenetic DNA 1:40 BIOL 155. Target-specific phe-
discovery, and characterization in L. Hedstrom, Organizer
marks. S. Ji, N.Y. Tretyakova notypic screening for rapid and
an undergraduate biochemistry lab.
T. Chou, Presiding scalable antimalarial drug discov-
S.F. O’Handley, J. Mills, K. O’Donovan, BIOL 128. Discovery of dihydroxy fatty
ery. J.C. Niles, S. Dey, S. Smick
A. DiCola, M. Cattalani, A. Fadden, A. acids as major components of the seed 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
Flavin, C. Mcnamara, A. Murphy Shaw, oil of the brassicaceae Orychophragmus 2:15 BIOL 156. A chemical biology
8:35 BIOL 145. Expanding the scope of
J. Pierce, K. Wilson, T. Wolf, P. Craig violaceus suggests a variant mode approach reveals ubiquitin signaling in
the prenylated proteome: Forbidden
of elongation. A.M. Teitgen, X. Li, W. Plasmodium. R. Raphemot, A.L. Eubanks,
BIOL 114. New natural product analog of C-terminal sequences can be efficiently
Zhang, C. Zhang, E. Cahoon, R.E. Minto J. Totzke, D. Gurbani, D.A. Carlson, K.
blasticidin S reveals cellular uptake facili- prenylated by protein farnesyltrans-
Westover, T.A. Haystead, E. Derbyshire
tated by the NorA multidrug efflux pump. BIOL 129. Withdrawn. ferase. J. Hougland, M.J. Blanden, K.F.
J.R. Davison, K. Lohith, S. Mandadapu, Suazo, W. Schmidt, M.D. Distefano 2:50 Intermission.
BIOL 130. Synthesis and screening
J. Piotrowski, H. Smith, C.A. Bewley
of a β-amino acid bisintercalator 8:55 BIOL 146. Metabolic signal transduc- 3:05 BIOL 157. Hit-to-lead studies and
BIOL 115. Mechanism of an antimicrobial library. E. Gratton, B.L. Iverson tion via writers and reactivity. J.L. Meier pharmacophore identification within a
surface agent and virucidal efficiency. novel class of anti-trypanosomal agents.
BIOL 131. Developing novel biosensors 9:15 BIOL 147. Development of chem-
N. Zhan, Q. Chang, K. Yeung, J. Kwan L. Ferrins, R. Diaz, M. Navarro, M.P. Pollastri
for the “cross-chiral” detection of ical-inducible artificial transcription
structured RNAs. B. Young, J. Sczepanski factors based on sequence-specific 3:40 BIOL 158. Novel antibacterial
DNA binders. W. Nomura, D. Matsumoto, chemical tools through machine learning.
BIOL 132.Overexpressing SIT in
T. Hashimoto, T. Sugii, H. Tamamura J.S. Patel, X. Wang, A.L. Perryman, S.
osteoblasts. G. Petkov, T. Owen
Kandasamy, S. Ekins, J.S. Freundlich
BIOL 133. Phosphoprotein Enriched 9:35 BIOL 148. Innovative intergrated
in Astrocytes 15 (PEA-15) changes phytoremediation to remediate not very
toxic heavy metals Cu and Zn. T. Yeh Section B
confirmation upon phosphorylation &
interaction with FADD. J.P. Marrero 9:55 BIOL 149. Improving prediction of Walter E. Washington Convention Center
RNA structure from sequence. B. Znosko Room 147B
BIOL 134. Monooxygenase reaction: revisit
Technical program information of tyrosinase and its application. B. Kim 10:15 Intermission.
Graduate Student & Postdoctoral
known at press time. BIOL 135. In vitro evolution of 10:30 BIOL 150. Molecular mechanisms in Fellow Symposium
L-ribonucleases capable of cleav-
The official technical program for ing structured D-RNA targets.
heme protein function: A thermodynamic Cosponsored by PROF
perspective from fluoride-binding studies.
the 254th ACS National Meeting N. Kundu, J. Sczepanski J. Cerda, M. Lockwood, K. Frankenfield, T.S. L. Hedstrom, Organizer
is available at www.acs.org/ BIOL 136. Withdrawn. Nagle, K. Wodzanowski, J. Lopez Garriga
C. L. Grimes, Presiding
WDC2017 1:00 Introductory Remarks.

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


1:05 BIOL 159. Bio-electronic 8:30 Introductory Remarks. 1:50 BIOL 182. Characterizing the MONDAY MORNING
membrane to investigate the gut functions of structural genomics
8:35 BIOL 169. Computationally-aided
brain microbiome axis. P. Ramiah proteins through computed chemical Building a Safety Culture across
revelation of the counteracting forces
Rajasekaran, D.N. Quan, A. Chapin, W.E. properties and biochemical validation. the Chemistry Enterprise
mediating OmpG loop dynamics. M.A.
Bentley, J. Herberholz, R. Ghodssi C.L. Mills, P.J. Beuning, M.J. Ondrechen
Fahie, A. Perez-Rathke, J. Liang, M. Chen Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts
1:20 BIOL 160. Emerging metabolic 2:05 Intermission. to Developing a Safety Culture
8:50 BIOL 170. Prodrug-mediated elimi-
pathways overcome metabolic blocks.
nation of tumorigenic human pluripotent 2:20 BIOL 183. Pattern recognition Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
S. Pontrelli, S. Teoh, W. Laviña, R.C. Fricke,
stem cells using antibody-guided virus- classification of RNA secondary BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS,
S. Fitz-Gibbon, S. Prama Putri, A. J Jaeger,
like particles. S.N. Crooke, M.K. Preininger, structure and topology. C.S. Eubanks, CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC,
C. Chen, P. Lin, M. Chung, G. Saldanha, M.
R. Jha, L. Ding, P. Spearman, C. Xu, M. Finn J. Forte, G.J. Kapral, A.E. Hargrove INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
Morselli, M. Pellegrini, E. Fukusaku, J. Liao
9:05 BIOL 171. Ghrelin process- 2:35 BIOL 184. Identification of the Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals:
1:35 BIOL 161. Biochemical and
ing and maturation: Developing molecular origin of disease with Research, Innovation &
structural analysis of a novel toxin-an-
a molecular-level framework for single molecule optical tweezers. J.P. Commercialization
titoxin module. F. Piscotta, A. Link
hormone activation and biological England, Y. Hao, S.S. Taylor, R.A. Maillard
1:50 BIOL 162. Metals and acylhomoserine function. E. Cleverdon, J. Hougland Current State & Future Path
2:50 BIOL 185. Membrane remodeling
lactone: Disruption of quorum sensing Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
9:20 BIOL 172. Solid phase synthesis of by a-synuclein: Tubules, ribbons,
and reduced toxicity of Chromobacterium by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG,
all hydrocarbon bis-thioether stapled discs, and more. Z. Jiang, J.C. Lee
violaceum. E. McGivney, K.E. Jones, B. PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC
peptides: Application to developing new
Weber, J.M. Vanbriesen, K.B. Gregory 3:05 BIOL 186. Structural differen-
inhibitors of the master transcriptional
tiation of a-synuclein fibril strains
2:05 Intermission. regulator EZH2. G. Zhang, F. Barragan ,
by fluorescence spectroscopy. C.
2:20 BIOL 163. Distinctions between
K. Wilson, A. Herskovits, G. Gerona-Navarro
Haney, T.S. Mihaila, E. Petersson MONDAY AFTERNOON
bacterial and human thymidylate 9:35 BIOL 173. Structural effects
3:20 BIOL 187. Neutralization of a Building a Safety Culture across
synthases. I. Gurevic, Z. Islam, T. of thioamide substitution. D.
distributed coulombic switch tunes
Strutzenberg, A. Ghosh, T. Iqbal, A. Kohen Szantai-Kis, E. Petersson the Chemistry Enterprise
reflectin assembly and biopho-
2:35 BIOL 164. Dual labeling of bacterial 9:50 Intermission. tonics. R. Levenson, C. Bracken, Grassroots Approaches to
peptidoglycan and tubulin FtsZ to study C. Sharma, C. Arata, D.E. Morse Developing a Safety Culture
10:05 BIOL 174. Immobilization of a
bacterial cell division. H. Liang, C.L. Grimes Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
amylase in polyelectrolyte complexes. S.
2:50 BIOL 165. Identifying the cel- Kübelbeck, G. Baier, J. Mikhael, A. Brunsen Impact of Materials, Surface BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS,
lular targets of antibiotics using Chemistry & Modifications CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC,
10:20 BIOL 175. Design of fibrin-specific on Biofilm Formation in INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
T7 phage display. S. Tirunagari,
targeting peptide: Implication for the new Environmental Remediation &
J. Vo, P. Karuso, A. Piggott
therapeutic target. M. Yang, J. Yu, Y. Nam Engineering Applications Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals:
3:05 BIOL 166. Facile labeling of
10:35 BIOL 176. Withdrawn.
Research, Innovation &
bacterial pathogens via diazabo- Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by BIOL Commercialization
rine formation of semicarbazide. S. 10:50 BIOL 177. Interrogating the thiol-di-
Cambray, A. Bandyopadhyay, J. Gao sulfide redox status of the mammalian Challenges & Opportunities
cell surface by ratiometric fluores- Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
3:20 BIOL 167. Self-assembly of
trimeric receptor complex for the
Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin. F.J.
cence imaging. L. Jiang, C. Thorpe
11:05 BIOL 178. Co-opting a bioorthog-
onal reaction for oncometabolite
Division of Business
Irudayanathan, N. Wang, X. Wang, S. Nangia
detection. T.T. Zengeya, J.L. Meier
3:35 BIOL 168. Investigating distinct
structural features that promote flavin
Impact of Materials, Surface
transfer in FMN-dependent two-com-
ponent systems. D.L. Forbes, H.R. Ellis Chemistry & Modifications Management Understanding the Chemistry
on Biofilm Formation in J. Cohen, Program Chair of Our Planet
Impact of Materials, Surface Environmental Remediation & Chemistry’s Role in our Earth System
Chemistry & Modifications Engineering Applications
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
on Biofilm Formation in Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by BIOL BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA,
Environmental Remediation & SUNDAY AFTERNOON CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC,
Engineering Applications INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC
Section A
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by BIOL THURSDAY AFTERNOON GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Many Colors of Copper of Giants: Developing Chemistries
Section A Cherry Blossom
for Improved Global Health
Contributed Talks
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Chemical Angel Network: Chemists Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by ANYL,
Sponsored by INOR, Cosponsored by BIOL Room 145B BMGT, CELL, COLL, POLY and PRES
Investing in Chemical Companies
Cosponsored by PROF and SCHB‡
Graduate Student & Postdoctoral
WEDNESDAY EVENING Fellow Symposium Financially supported by CIEC
Cosponsored by PROF J. L. Bryant, M. Vreeke, Organizers
Trace Organic Contaminants (TrOCs)
in Aquatic Systems: Advancements L. Hedstrom, Organizer S. S. White, Organizer, Presiding
in Monitoring & Remediation J. L. Meier, Presiding 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored 1:00 Introductory Remarks. 1:35 BMGT 1. Updates and news from the
by ANYL and BIOL Chemical Angel Network (CaN) and its
1:05 BIOL 179. Inhibition in the face
of thiols: Complexities of protein fifth year of supporting chemists and
disulfide isomerase inhibitor eval- chemistry-based company creation.
THURSDAY MORNING uation. C. Foster, C. Thorpe M. Vreeke, S.S. White, J.C. Giordan
The use of any device to capture
2:00 Company Presentations.
Section A
1:20 BIOL 180. Direct observation of images (e.g., cameras and camera
ligand-induced domain communication 3:00 Investment Discussion.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center in an allosteric protein complex. Y. Hao, phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
3:30 Open Forum.
Room 145B J.P. England, S.S. Taylor, E. Paci, R.A. Maillard
4:00 Concluding Remarks.
digital recorders) or to stream,
1:35 BIOL 181. Mechanochemistry of upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Graduate Student & Postdoctoral peptide thioesters: Uncovering the
Fellow Symposium force-dependency of thioester cleavage presentations is strictly prohibited
Cosponsored by PROF and reformation at the single-molecule at all official ACS meetings and
level. D. Echelman, J. Rivas-Pardo, F. Julio
L. Hedstrom, Organizer events without express written
R. A. Maillard, Presiding consent from ACS.

How to get your First Industrial Job Fostering a Quality Culture in Glycomimetics as Antibiotic-Sparing Recent Advances towards
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored Research & Development Therapeutics for Infectious Disease the Bioeconomy
by BMGT, PROF and WCC Cosponsored by CHED, PROF and SCHB Targeting P. Aeruginosa Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored by
Bacterial Lectins & Other AGFD, CARB, ENFL and ENVR
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Financially supported by Society
Research, Innovation & of Quality Assurance (SQA) Anti-Virulence Strategies
Commercialization J. H. Cohen, P. M. Maldonado, Organizers,
Cosponsored by MEDI
Presiding Financially supported by
From Research to Scale-Up
Glycomimetics and Carbosynth
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored C. Lee, K. Watson, Presiding Section A
by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG, J. W. Janetka, Organizer
PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC 8:00 Introductory Remarks. Grand Hyatt Washington
8:05 BMGT 2. Widening focus: Improving M. Anderluh, J. L. Magnani, A. Titz, Presiding Constitution A
Journey to Mars: Materials, engagement in non-project specific 8:30 Introductory Remarks: Preface
Energy & Life Sciences aspects of research and development. Glycomimetics as Antibiotic-Sparing
honoring Nathan Sharon, 1925-2011.
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by M. Watson, J.G. Joyce, K. Hamaker Therapeutics for Infectious Disease
ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, 8:45 CARB 1. Glycomimetic antago-
8:30 BMGT 3. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) nist (GMI-1387) of PA-IL and PA-IIL Targeting Uropathogenic E.
success story: $2M/Yr Saved as a result virulence factors of Pseudomonas Coli Bacterial Adhesins & Other
customer complaint reductions. R. Latino aeruginosa promotes survival in an Anti-Virulence Strategies
8:55 BMGT 4. Overview of ECBC’s acute lung infection model. W.E. Fogler, Cosponsored by MEDI
TUESDAY AFTERNOON Environmental Monitoring T. Grandjean, B. Guery, J.L. Magnani
Financially supported by Fimbrion and Carbosynth
Laboratory accreditation experi- 9:15 CARB 2. Carbohydrate-binding
GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders ence for testing Chemical Warfare J. W. Janetka, Organizer, Presiding
proteins as targets for anti-infec-
of Giants: Developing Chemistries Agents (CWA). J. Schwarz tives: Pseudomonas aeruginosa B. Ernst, R. J. Pieters, Presiding
for Improved Global Health and its Lectin LecB. A. Titz
9:20 BMGT 5. Principles of good
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by ANYL, 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
documentation practices, data 9:45 CARB 3. Blocking bacterial
integrity, and ethics. L. Sanghani toxins and lectins with multiva- 1:35 CARB 13. Rational design and
Understanding the Chemistry lent carbohydrates. R.J. Pieters optimization of C-glycoside bacterial
9:45 BMGT 6. Quality system standards:
of Our Planet lectin antagonists as oral therapeutics
The family tree. K. Watson, K. Daigle 10:15 CARB 4. Glycopeptide den-
for urinary tract infection. L. McGrane
Human Impacts to our Planet 10:10 BMGT 7. Development of drimers as Pseudomonas aerugi-
nosa biofilm inhibitors. T. Darbre 2:05 CARB 14. Biophysical basis and
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by Standard Operating Procedures
glycomimetic inhibition of receptor recog-
BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, (SOPs) and effective SOP man- 10:45 Intermission.
nition by uropathogenic E. coli adhesins.
CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC, agement system-practical
tools of GLP. L. Sanghani 11:00 CARB 5. Human milk oligo- V. Kalas, J.W. Janetka, S.J. Hultgren
saccharides exhibit antimicro- 2:35 CARB 15. Conformational vari-
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: 10:35 BMGT 8. Klimisch approach to bial and anti-biofilm properties ability of the bacterial lectin FimH:
Research, Innovation & evaluating quality data. M. Coyle Rees, against Group B Streptococcus. Which conformation represents
C. Lee, T. White-Barkalow, C. Bens D.L. Ackerman, S.D. Townsend
Commercialization the therapeutic target? B. Ernst
11:00 BMGT 9. Data integ- 11:30 CARB 6. Understanding the
Innovating in Biomass Conversion: 3:05 CARB 16. E.coli antiadhesives
rity and ethics. M.J. Smith Molecular Recognition of Carbohydrates
Factors for Success as potential therapeutics for
11:25 BMGT 10. OECD Application by the C. albicans Adenylyl Cyclase, Crohn’s disease. D. Alvarez-Dorta,
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored CYR1p. J. Burch, D. Wykoff, C.L. Grimes
by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG, of GLP principles to computer- T. Chalopin, A. Sivignon, D. Deniaud,
PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC ised systems. C. Wubbolt 12:00 Concluding remarks. N. Barnich, J. Bouckaert, S.G. Gouin
11:50 Discussion. 3:35 Intermission.
Journey to Mars: Materials,
Section B
Energy & Life Sciences 3:50 CARB 17. Highs and lows of DC-SIGN
Journey to Mars: Materials,
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by Grand Hyatt Washington inhibitors design. M. Anderluh
Energy & Life Sciences
ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, Arlington/Cabin John/Roosevelt
4:20 CARB 18. Seeking antibiotic
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ leads from glycan biosynthe-
ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, Carbohydrate-Based
PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ sis inhibitors. L.L. Kiessling
Vaccines & Adjuvants
4:50 CARB 19. Glycomimetics of
Cosponsored by CELL
TUESDAY EVENING maltose-1-phosphate as inhibitors of
Financially supported by Pfizer, the glycoside hydrolase-like enzyme
Journey to Mars: Materials, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Wyatt Pharmaceuticals Streptomyces coelicolor GlgEI-V279S. S.
Energy & Life Sciences Kapil, C. Petit, D.R. Ronning, S.J. Sucheck
Journey to Mars: Materials, A. Krishna Prasad, Organizer, Presiding
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by Energy & Life Sciences 5:20 Concluding Remarks.
ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ 8:35 CARB 7. Entirely carbohy-
ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, Section B
PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ drate-based immunotherapies
targeting cancer. P.R. Andreana Grand Hyatt Washington
Arlington/Cabin John/Roosevelt
WEDNESDAY MORNING 9:05 CARB 8. Defining carbohydrate antige-
nicity: How are flexible molecules recog- Carbohydrate-Based
Section A
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
CARB nized by the immune system? R.J. Woods
9:35 CARB 9. Exploring the capsule
Vaccines & Adjuvants
Cosponsored by CELL
biosynthesis machinery of Neisseria
Division of meningitidis: Suitability for in vitro Financially supported by Pfizer,

Carbohydrate vaccine production. F. Berti Wyatt Pharmaceuticals

Chemistry 10:05 Intermission. A. Krishna Prasad, Organizer, Presiding

10:20 CARB 10. Therapeutic and 1:30 Introductory Remarks.

N. Snyder, Program Chair
prophylactic approaches for pneu- 1:35 CARB 20. Toward a bivalent syn-
mococcal infection. F. Avci
Technical program information thetic carbohydrate-based vaccine
10:50 CARB 11. Biochemical assay candidate against shigellosis. Z. Hu,
known at press time. SUNDAY MORNING development for a Neisseria meningitidis J. Cornil, C. Ligeour, F. Thouron, S. Hoos,
The official technical program for capsule polymerase. P.C. McCarthy C. Guerreiro, A. Phalipon, L.A. Mulard
Section A
the 254th ACS National Meeting 11:20 CARB 12. Multicomponent gly- 2:05 CARB 21. Small but Bright:
Grand Hyatt Washington coconjugate vaccines: Development µSEC-MALS characterizes conju-
is available at www.acs.org/ Constitution A challenges. A. Krishna Prasad gated proteins with light scatter-
WDC2017 11:50 Concluding Remarks.
ing and UHPLC. E. Seymour

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


2:35 CARB 22. Synthesis of multi- CARB 34. Development of photodegrad- CARB 54. C-Glycosyl compounds Chemistry in an Evolving Political
component anti-tumor vaccine able nanoarchitectures for drug/DNA in the synthesis of analogs of Climate: Research Priorities &
using strain promoted azide alkyne loading and release. B. Singh, A. Prasad the phytotoxin diplopyrone. R.M. Career Pathways in Public Policy
cycloaddition (SPAAC) and enhance- Giuliano, R. Rosano, N. Lazzara Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by
CARB 35. Preparation of cross-linked
ment of immune response using BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI, CELL, CEPA,
chitosan hydrogel as a drug delivery CARB 55. Sequence determination of
human anti-rhamnose antibodies. CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC,
carrier of podophyllotoxin. S. Sedaghat decorin glycosaminoglycan chains.
A. Vartak, S.J. Sucheck, K.A. Wall DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB
Y. Yu, H. Zhang, F. Zhang, R.J. Linhardt
CARB 36. Developing an HPLC based
3:05 CARB 23. Preclinical studies on
fluorescent assay for Neisseria meningit- CARB 56. Evidence for the mechanisms
new proteins as carrier for glyco-
idis serogrouop W capsule polymerase. of cancer, HIV-AIDS and Parkinson’s
conjugate vaccines. M. Romano
S. Ghimire, A. Sharyan, P. McCarthy disease by binding significant proteins MONDAY AFTERNOON
3:35 Concluding Remarks. to a 3’-sialyl lactose-6’-phosphate,
CARB 37. Synthesis and solution struc-
from bovine milk, carbohydrate affinity Section A
ture study of cADPR and three of its
Recent Advances towards analogues. S. Saatori, S.M. Graham
column. M.A. Madson, J. Christus
Grand Hyatt Washington
the Bioeconomy CARB 57. Utilization of mycobacteria
CARB 38. Replacement of endogenous Constitution A
Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored by carbohydrate metabolic pathways to
isoprenoids with fluorescent probes
AGFD, CARB, ENFL and ENVR develop chemical reporters for detecting Frontiers in Carbohydrate Synthesis
in bacteria. C. George, J.M. Troutman
and identifying O-mycoloylated proteins
Science Communications: The Art CARB 39. Stereospecific deuteration of C6 Cosponsored by CELL
in mycobacteria. H.W. Kavunja, B. Piligian,
of Developing a Clear Message position on the 2-amino-2-deoxy and T. Fiolek, H. Foley, T. Nathan, B. Swarts M. A. Walczak, Organizer, Presiding
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by 2,6-diamino-2,6-dideoxy glucopyra-
CARB 58. Glycosaminoglycan composi- 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
BIOL, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CINF, nosides derivatives for their side chain
tion analysis of human fetal neural cells
COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, I&EC, INOR, conformational analysis. T. Kato, D. Crich 1:35 CARB 64. Chemical promoters
and their binding interactions with Zika
CARB 40. Synthesis of multivalent virus envelope protein. S.Y. Kim, G. for controlling selectivity in glyco-
lactose-based dendrimers and Nierode, Y. Yu, J.S. Dordick, R.J. Linhardt sylation reactions. C. Bennett
their antitumor activity by target- 1:55 CARB 65. Synthesis of the O-linked
CARB 59. Synthesis of human milk
SUNDAY EVENING ing galectin-3. P. Wang, Y. Pan, X.
oligosaccharides and determina- pentasaccharide containig β-D-Galf-
Zhang, F. Zhang, R.J. Linhardt (1→2)-β-D-Galf inTrypanosoma cruzi
tion of their localization in Group B
Section A CARB 41. Synthesis and inhibition studies Streptococcus. K.M. Craft, S.D. Townsend mucins. C. Gallo-Rodriguez, C.R.
of substrate and suicide analogs for Cori, G. Kashiwagi, R.M. Lederkremer
Walter E. Washington Convention Center CARB 60. Multivalent glucosamine
Mycobacterium tuberculosis for trehalose 2:15 CARB 66. 4-Aryl-3-
Hall D conjugates for targeted image-
phosphate phosphatase (TPP2). S. Kapil, butenylthioglycosides: Versatile donors
guided therapy of cancer. I.
S.J. Sucheck, D.R. Ronning, S. Thanna for O-glycosylation. J.R. Ragains
General Posters Tworowska, N. Wagh, E. Delpassand
CARB 42. Development of a multi- 2:35 CARB 67. Withdrawn.
N. L. Snyder, Organizer
functional neoglycoside linker for
6:00 - 8:00 applications in glycomic research. T. 2:55 Intermission.
Cheewawisuttichai, A. Yu, M. Brichacek
CARB 24. Development and study of the 3:10 CARB 68. Studies toward chemical
substrate specificities of lipid II analogues Characterization of the degree synthesis of homogeneously glyco-
CARB 43. Section A
against MurJ flippase via an in virto of substitution of sodium carboxymethyl sylated interferon gamma. S. Dong
liposome-based assay. C. Guo, W. Cheng cellulose by conductimetric titration. Grand Hyatt Washington
3:30 CARB 69. Chemoenzymatic synthesis
H. Jacobs, Z.J. Witczak, T. Hodle Constitution A
CARB 25. Important of carbohydrate in of novel heparan sulfate and heparin
animal production. T.O. Akinmusire CARB 44. Thio-click functionalization of oligosaccharides. X. Zhang, R.J. Linhardt,
Derek Horton Award in Industrial
carbohydrate exo-cyclic enones via L. Lin, V.L. Schultz, J. Liu, Y. Xu, P. Hsieh
CARB 26. Fabrication of well-defined Carbohydrate Chemistry
thiol enone Michael addition (TEMA). 3:50 CARB 70. Chemoselective strategy
superparamagnetic amylose micropar- L. Wang, Organizer, Presiding
W. McLay, Z.J. Witczak, R. Bielski for the synthesis of functionalized
ticles. K. Luo, K. Jeong, J. Lee, Y. Kim
CARB 45. Stereoselective thio-click func- 9:00 Introductory Remarks. heparan sulfate oligosaccharides
CARB 27. Cytotoxicity β-glucanase utilizing a [2.2.2] iduronic lactone. R.
tionalization of conjugated heterocyclic 9:10 CARB 61. Derek Horton: His impact
NCBG purified from Bacillus sp. Jeanneret, C. Dalton, G. Jayson, J. Gardiner
chalcone synthons with 1-thio-sugars. on carbohydrate science. D.C. Baker
screened from Antarctic Sea. L.
E. Kweiba-Yamoah, S. Jang, Z.J. Witczak 4:10 CARB 71. Stereoselective 1,2-cis
Zheng, D. Kang, F. Zhang, R.J. Linhardt 9:40 CARB 62. Banded paper: An
CARB 46. Synthesis of novel exo-cyclic glycosylation. H.M. Nguyen
CARB 28. Effects of chondroitin sulfate important example of contemporary
carbohydrate enones from dihy- industrial carbohydrate chemis- 4:30 Concluding Remakrs.
and hyaluronic acid supplementation in
drolevoglucosenone via direct aldol try. J.H. Lauterbach, A. Rahman
the chondrogenic differentiation of bone
condensation with aromatic aldehydes. Building a Safety Culture Across
marrow/synovial: Derived mesenchymal 10:10 Intermission.
R. Hohol, Z.J. Witczak, D.E. Mencer the Chemistry Enterprise
stem cells on poly (ε-caprolactone) scaf-
folds towards cartilage repair. J.C. Silva, CARB 47. Antioxidant activities of 10:30 CARB 63. Recent trends in
the design of carbohydrate-based Grassroots Approaches to
C. Moura, G. Borrecho, A. Alves de Matos, diatom polysaccharides. S. Lai,
conjugate vaccines. F. Berti Developing a Safety Culture
J. Sampaio Cabral, R.J. Linhardt, F. Ferreira Y. Tian, S.P. Wang, M. Wang
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
CARB 29. Glycosaminoglycan change CARB 48. Creation of artificial pectin sub- 11:15 Concluding Remarks.
in differentiating ReN cells. F. strates. D.T. De Silva, L. Kent, M. Williams CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC,
Ferreira Garrudo, J. Fernandes da Silva, Building a Safety Culture Across INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
CARB 49. Characterizing oligosaccha-
P. Mikael, F. Ferreira, R.J. Linhardt the Chemistry Enterprise
rides by SEC with on-line viscometry
CARB 30. Nanocellulose templated detection. A.M. Striegel, M.J. Morris Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts
growth of ultra-small bismuth to Developing a Safety Culture
CARB 50. Apramycin produced by
nanoparticles for enhanced radiation Streptoalloteichus tenebrarius Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
therapy. L. Jiao, M. Su, J. Deng NRRL B-3816. P. Manitchotipist, BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS,
CARB 31. Synthesis and gelation prop- M. Bowman, D. Crich, N.P. Price CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC,
erties of a series of 4,6-O-alkylidene INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
CARB 51. Antibacterial liamocins with
protected monosaccharides. K.E. alternative carbohydrate headgroups. Sustainable Design of Polymers The use of any device to capture
Bashaw, L. Samakumara, G. Wang
T. Leathers, N.P. Price, C.D. Skory from Xylochemicals images (e.g., cameras and camera
CARB 32. Synthesis and study of sugar CARB 52. Complex formation of sucrose Strategic Design of Complex phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
derived molecular gelators and their and calcium additives for durable Polymers from the Combination
applications for enzyme immobi-
lization. J.Y. Morris, G. Wang
sawdust pellet. Y. Song, J. Seo of Xylochemicals digital recorders) or to stream,
CARB 33. Enzymatic hydrolysis and ion
CARB 53. Site saturation mutagenesis of Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Streptococcus pyogenes endoglyco- by CARB, PMSE and POLY
exchange fractionation of sulfated sidase S and S2 leads to discovery of
presentations is strictly prohibited
polysaccharides extracted from Ulva
lactuca and evaluation of their antioxidant
novel glycosynthases for antibody Fc at all official ACS meetings and
glycan remodeling. X. Tong, L. Wang
and antitumor activities. M.M. El-Sayed, events without express written
D. Fleita, D. Rifaat, N. Abou El Azm
consent from ACS.

Chemistry in an Evolving Political 10:55 CARB 77. Protein crystallography WEDNESDAY MORNING 2:25 CARB 95. NMR studies on cADPR
Climate: Research Priorities & and molecular dynamics simulations and cADPR analogs: Conformational
Career Pathways in Public Policy reveal an NOE-silent conformation of the Section A analysis and thermodynamics of the N/S
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by GM1 glycan. B.S. Blaum, M. Frank, T. Stehle equilibrium. S.M. Graham, S. Saatori
BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI, CELL, CEPA, Grand Hyatt Washington
11:15 CARB 78. Molecular basis of Siglec- 2:45 CARB 96. Withdrawn.
carbohydrate interaction. M. Schubert
DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB 3:05 CARB 97. NMR methodology for
11:35 CARB 79. Substrate presentation and Advances in Glycan OH/OH hydrogen bond detection:
activation in neuraminidase NEU2. O.C. Structure & Dynamics Diols, networks, and stereochem-
Grant, S. Makeneni, B.L. Foley, R.J. Woods ical assignments. D.J. O’Leary
MONDAY EVENING Glycoproteins
11:55 Concluding Remarks. 3:25 Intermission.
Cosponsored by CELL
Section A 3:45 CARB 98. Mannosylated surfaces
Understanding the Chemistry Financially supported by Complex
exhibit self-adhesive and water-struc-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center of Our Planet Carbohydrate Research Center, JEOL
turing properties; model for pathogen
Halls D/E surface. K. Perera, P. Chandran
Chemistry’s Role in our Earth System R. J. Woods, Organizer

Sci-Mix Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by D. I. Freedberg, Organizer, Presiding 4:15 CARB 99. Atomic-level struc-
BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, ture characterization of carbohy-
N. L. Snyder, Organizer CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC, 8:30 Introductory Remarks. drate pre and post lignin treatment
INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC 8:35 CARB 86. Invisible glycoproteins with by dynamic nuclear polarization:
8:00 - 10:00
unusually high carbohydrate content Enhanced solid state NMR. H. Luo
27-29, 31-32, 35, 37-38, 40-42, 47-48, in animal gametic cells. K. Kitajima
53-55, 57-60. See previous listings.
4:35 CARB 100. Simple methods for
TUESDAY AFTERNOON 9:05 CARB 87. Characterizing asparag- de novo structural determination
ine-linked glycoprotein glycans with a of glucose-containing underivat-
Section A rapid NMR-based approach. A.W. Barb ized oligosaccharides. C.K. Ni
9:25 CARB 88. Unlocking the secrets of 4:55 Concluding Remarks.
Grand Hyatt Washington
Section A Constitution A asialo-APF: Combining NMR spectros-
copy and molecular dynamics to refine
Grand Hyatt Washington the complex structure-activity relationship
Advances in Glycan
Constitution A
Structure & Dynamics of a (seemingly) simple antiprolifera-
tive glycopeptide. K.M. Adams, S.S.
Advances in Glycan Glycosaminoglycan Structure Mallajosyula, A.D. Mackerell, J.J. Barchi
Structure & Dynamics Cosponsored by CELL 9:45 CARB 89. Separation of oligosac- Division of Catalysis
Host-Pathogen Interactions, Financially supported by Complex charide and glycopeptide isomers using Science and
Glycan-Based Vaccine Design & ion mobility-mass spectrometry. J.
Glycan-Protein Interactions
Carbohydrate Research Center, JEOL
Hofmann, H. Hahm, H. Hinneburg, W.B. Technology
D. I. Freedberg, Organizer Struwe, D. Kolarich, P.H. Seeberger, K. Pagel K. Ramasamy, Program Chair
Cosponsored by CELL
R. J. Woods, Organizer, Presiding 10:05 Intermission.
Financially supported by Complex
Carbohydrate Research Center, JEOL 1:30 Introductory Remarks. 10:25 CARB 90. Modeling the conforma-
tional heterogeneity of complex carbohy- Energy & Fuels Storch Award in Fuel
D. I. Freedberg, Organizer 1:35 CARB 80. Insights into the interac- Science: Symposium in Honor of
tions between synthetic GAG and drates: Enhanced sampling, methods of
Umit S. Ozkan (see ENFL, Sun, Mon)
R. J. Woods, Organizer, Presiding
Growth Factors (FGF-1 and Midkine). analyses and towards a polarizable force
field. A.D. Mackerell, M. Yang, A. Aytenfisu 5th International Symposium on
8:30 Introductory Remarks. M. García-Jiménez, S. Gil-Caballero, Mesoporous Zeolites (see ENFL, Wed)
J. Muñoz-Garcia, J. de Paz, P.M. Nieto 10:55 CARB 91. Routine microsec-
8:35 CARB 72. Attachment of histo blood Advanced Nanomaterials Catalysts
2:05 CARB 81. GAGs glycomics/
ond molecular dynamics simulations
group antigens to human norovirus for Sustainable Energy & Fuels
interactome research using SPR. of carbohydrates and glycopro-
coat protein: NMR reveals unexpected (see ENFL, Sun, Mon, Tue)
F. Zhang, S. Kim, J. Zhao, R.J. Linhardt
teins: Prospects and limitations.
complexity of the carbohydrate binding Green Chemistry & the Environment
M. Frank, R. Walker, P. Nyholm
process. T. Peters, A. Mallagaray 2:25 CARB 82. Withdrawn. (see ENVR, Wed)
11:15 CARB 92. Characterization of
9:05 CARB 73. Beyond sweet attrac- 2:45 Intermission. Environmental Applications of Liquid-
the distinct sructural motif of a(2-8)-
tions: Structural insights into Phase Catalysis for Green Chemical
3:05 CARB 83. Protein-Induced changes polysialic acid at the reducing end. H.
host-cell glycan interactions of Processes of Renewable Materials
in glycosaminoglycan dynamics: Azurmendi, M. Battistel, D.I. Freedberg (see ENVR, Sun, Mon, Wed)
human pathogens. T. Haselhorst
A study in pleiotrophin-glycosami- 11:35 Concluding Remarks. Nano-Enabled Water Treatment
9:25 CARB 74. Investigating serotype noglycan interactions. X. Wang Technologies: Applications &
cross-protection in carbohydrate
3:25 CARB 84. Analysis of the 3D structure Implications (see ENVR, Mon, Tue, Wed)
vaccines: A molecular modelling
approach. M. Kuttel, N. Ravenscroft of fucosylated chondroitin sulfate from H. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON BUSINESS MEETINGS:
forskali and its interaction with selectins.
9:45 CARB 75. Structural analysis of C. Panagos, C. Moss, C. Bavington, B. CATL Business Meeting, 5:30 PM: Mon
peptide and carbohydrate epitopes
Section A
Mulloy, T. Feizi, W. Chai, R.J. Woods, D. Uhrin
cleaved by the Cryptococcus neoformans Grand Hyatt Washington
catalytic monoclonal antibody 18B7. M. 3:45 CARB 85. Is there a structural role Constitution A
Wear, A. Bowen, R. Cordero, A. Casadevall for 3-O-sulfation in heparan sulfate? SUNDAY MORNING
A. Green, C. Larive, R. Young, L.J. Mueller Advances in Glycan
10:05 Intermission. Section A
4:05 Concluding Remarks. Structure & Dynamics
10:25 CARB 76. Bound geometry of Walter E. Washington Convention Center
glycans using proteins with para- Conformational Analysis &
Understanding the Chemistry Less Common Approaches to Room 101
magnetic tags. J.H. Prestegard
of Our Planet Structure Determination
Catalytic Transformation of
Human Impacts to our Planet Cosponsored by CELL Renewable Plant Biomass to
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by Financially supported by Complex Enhance Global Economy
BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, Carbohydrate Research Center, JEOL
CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC, Cosponsored by ENFL

Technical program information INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC R. J. Woods, Organizer N. Yan, X. Zhang, Organizers, Presiding
known at press time. D. I. Freedberg, Organizer, Presiding 9:00 CATL 1. Nano copper-nickel alloy cat-
alysts for selective hydrothermal conver-
The official technical program for 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
sion of oleic acid into heptadecane with
1:35 CARB 93. Conformational aspects of
the 254th ACS National Meeting oligosaccharides and their interac-
methanol. J. Fu, Z. Zhang, Q. Yang, X. Lu
is available at www.acs.org/ tions with proteins. G. Widmalm
WDC2017 2:05 CARB 94. Effects of exocyclic C–O
bond conformation on NMR J-couplings
in saccharides. A.S. Serianni

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


9:20 CATL 2. Selective conversion 11:35 CATL 17. Monitoring the adsorption 9:35 CATL 28. In Situ insight on CO2 8:30 CATL 41. Ligand–free sub–nanometer
of cellulose into C2-C4 alco- and decomposition of dimethyl meth- activation on Cu(111) surfaces with metal clusters for catalysis in organic
hols on solid catalysts. H. Liu ylphosphonate on mesoporous metal subsurface oxide: Fundamental synthesis. A. Leyva-Perez, A. Corma,
oxides. S.M. Holdren, K. Huynh, J. Hu, W. understanding on the first step of CO2 M.A. Rivero-Crespo, M. Tejeda-Serrano
9:50 CATL 3. Photocatalytic
Gibbons, B.W. Eichhorn, M.R. Zachariah reduction reaction by APXPS and
cleavage of lignin into aromat- 8:55 CATL 42. Tailoring mesoporous silica
DFT. C. Zhang, M. Favaro, H. Xiao, T.
ics. F. Wang, N. Luo, T. Hou 11:55 CATL 18. Stabilizing effects of poly- nanoparticles for robust immobilization
Cheng, W.A. Goddard, J. Yano, E. Crumlin
oxoniobates on molecular copper-oxo of lipase and biocatalysis. M. Kalantari
10:20 CATL 4. Conversion of bark to
species in alkaline water for water 9:55 Intermission.
bio-based polyols via liquefaction 9:15 CATL 43. In-situ surface/bulk spec-
oxidation catalysis. Q. Yin, Y. Hu, E.N.
and alkoxylation reactions. N. Yan 10:10 CATL 29. Energy and fuels from troscopic and kinetic investigations of
Glass, S.M. Lauinger, M.D. Nyman, C.L. Hill
tailored nanomaterials and elec- alcohol conversions over metal oxide
10:50 Intermission.
trochemical interfaces. E. Coleman, catalysts. S. Tan, Y. Cheng, L. Daemen, D.
11:05 CATL 5. Biphasic tandem Section C D. Li, H. Lv, R. Wang, D. Strmcnik, P. Lee, H. Lee, Y. Ma, B. Doughty, D.A. Lutterman
catalytic process for renew- Lopes, N. Markovic, V. Stamenkovic
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 9:40 CATL 44. Infrared spectroscopic
able fuel production. H. Lin
Room 102A 10:40 CATL 30. Core-Shell nanostructures studies of propene and propene
11:25 CATL 6. Effect of metal proper- in electrocatalysis. L. Wang, C. Wang oxide uptake, binding, and reactivity
ties on glycerol hydrogenolysis over Metal-Support Interactions on TiO2-SiO2 binary catalysts. D.M.
11:10 CATL 31. Electrocatalytic
platinum and ruthenium catalysts. W. in Catalysis: Modeling, Driscoll, N.S. Sapienza, J.R. Morris
reduction of CO2 by metal/ionic
Zhou, Z. Yujun, Y. Wang, S. Wang, X. Ma Characterization & Design liquid interfaces: Theoretical 10:00 Intermission.
11:45 CATL 7. High efficiency produc- A. Bruix, T. Duchon, S. D. Senanayake, insights. S. Winikoff, M. Neurock
10:20 CATL 45. Conversion of CO2 into
tion of acrylates from lactic acid. Organizers 11:30 CATL 32. Strong metal-oxide useful fuels using Cux/TiO2 photocat-
T.R. Eaton, N.A. Rorrer, V. Sanchez i
A. Baber, Presiding and metal-phosphide interactions for alysts. N.A. Deskins, S. Iyemperumal
Nogue, K. Meek, L. Manker, D. Brandner,
enhanced electrocatalysis. H. Wang
M. Biddy, E. Karp, G. Beckham 8:30 CATL 19. CO oxidation at the inter- 10:45 CATL 46. Methanol synthesis from
face between FeO and nobel metals: 12:00 CATL 33. Spatially separated dual CO2 over size-selected sub-nanometer
12:05 CATL 8. Catalyst and process
Interface and size effects. F. Yang cocatalysts supported on semiconductor copper catalyst: Cluster size vs charge
development for the hydroprocessing
prepared by atomic layer deposition for transfer. B. Yang, C. Liu, A. Halder, E. Tyo,
of fast pyrolysis bio-oil. M.V. Olarte, H. 9:05 CATL 20. Reactivity of O2 with
efficient photocatalytic hydrogen produc- S. Seifert, P. Zapol, L.A. Curtiss, S. Vajda
Wang, D. Santosa, J. Frye, P. Meyer, S. Lee, single-site, low-valent vanadium in
tion. J. Zhang, C. Chaoqiu, Z. Gao, Y. Qin
S.B. Jones, C. Drennan, J.S. Choi, A. Zacher metal-organic chains at surfaces. T. 11:10 CATL 47. Pt-Ni nanoscale catalysts
Morris, C.D. Tempas, D. Wisman, B.J. Cook, synthesized by atomic layer deposition
Section B A.V. Polezhaev, K.G. Caulton, S.L. Tait Section E for complete reduction of C=C and
Walter E. Washington Convention Center C=O bonds in oleic acid without using
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 9:25 CATL 21. Atomic-scale insight
H2 and a solvent. J. Fu, H. Chen, X. Lu
into single atom catalysis. A. Room 140A
Room 102B
Therrien, E.H. Sykes, J. McEwen
Advanced Electrocatalysis for Electrochemical Technologies
Mixed Metal Oxide Catalysis 10:00 Intermission. for Water Purification
Energy Conversion & Storage
C. Alvarez-Vasco, R. Fushimi, D. Shekhawat, 10:15 CATL 22. Au nanoparticle Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
Organizers Oxygen Reduction by CATL and CEI
interactions with TiO2(110) and their
K. K. Ramasamy, I. E. Wachs, Organizers, modification of the reactivity. G. Thornton N. Danilovic, A. B. Padmaperuma, C. Wang, B.
Xu, Organizers Energy & Fuels Storch Award
Presiding 10:50 CATL 23. Au-TiO2 interfaces in Fuel Science: Symposium
in the catalysis of low-tempera- A. Holewinski, Organizer, Presiding in honor of Umit S. Ozkan
8:30 CATL 9. Transesterification of
glycerol and dimethyl carbonate to ture oxidation and H2 photopro- C. Wang, Presiding Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by CATL
glycerol carbonate over mixed metal duction from water. F. Zaera
8:30 CATL 34. Advancing PGM-free fuel
oxide catalysts. L. Yajin, D. He 11:25 CATL 24. Theoretical insights
cell catalysts through the ElectroCat
8:50 CATL 10. Silica support early tran- on CO oxidation over Au/TiO2: A
(Electrocatalysis) consortium. S.T.
sition metal catalysts: Spectroscopic comprehensive picture of active sites, SUNDAY AFTERNOON
Thompson, A.R. Wilson, D. Papageorgopoulos
characterization, trends in coordination catalysts deactivation and moisture
effects. Z. Duan, G. Henkelman 8:50 CATL 35. Determining the role Section A
environment, speciation on the surface
of the metal in non-precious metal
and effects on reactivity. N. Peek, S. 11:45 CATL 25. Supported metal Walter E. Washington Convention Center
catalysts for the oxygen reduction
Klepper, D. Jeffcoat, S.L. Scott, A.E. Stiegman nanoparticle catalysts: Predicting Room 101
reaction. J. Varnell, C. Tse, A.A. Gewirth
9:10 CATL 11. Developing perovskite how size and support effect metal
atom energetics and thus catalytic 9:10 CATL 36. Analysis of the mechanism Catalytic Transformation of
materials for oxidation reactions. J.W.
performance. C.T. Campbell, Z. Mao of electrochemical oxygen reduction Renewable Plant Biomass to
Lekse, S. Natesakhawat, Y. Zhou, D. Tafen,
and development of alloy catalysts for Enhance Global Economy
D. Alfonso, C. Gounaris, C. Hanselman,
low temperature fuel cells. S. Linic
C. Matranga, D. Kauffman, J. Lee Section D Cosponsored by ENFL
9:50 Intermission.
9:30 CATL 12. Understanding of Walter E. Washington Convention Center N. Yan, X. Zhang, Organizers, Presiding
mixed metal oxide anionic clays Room 103B 10:10 CATL 37. Electrochemical
as solid base catalysts for biofu- interfaces, electrocatalysis and 1:30 CATL 48. What is lignin recalcitrance?
els production. S.K. Beaumont Cooperative Catalysis at green energy. P. Lopes, D. Strmcnik, A critical analysis of lignins derived
Surfaces & Interfaces: Impact on V. Stamenkovic, N. Markovic from mechanocatalytic biorefining
9:50 CATL 13. Multi-spectral photocatalysis
Chemistry & Energy Frontiers and organosolv process. R. Rinaldi
for improved degradation of recalcitrant 10:50 CATL 38. Perflourinated alkylamine
contaminants from aqueous systems. Electrocatalysis modified Pt nanoparticles as hyperactive
E. Asenath-Smith, E. Ambrogi, J. Brame ORR electrocatalyst for fuel cell applica-
Cosponsored by ENFL
tion. P. Joshi, M. Miyake, K. Miyabayashi
10:10 Intermission.
M. Cargnello, Z. Wu, Organizers 11:10 CATL 39. Enabling sustainable non
10:25 CATL 14. Role of surface and bulk
S. Zhang, Organizer, Presiding noble metal electrocatalysts for oxygen
structures of perovskites in catalyz-
reduction reaction. S. Mukerjee, Q. Jia
ing acid-base reactions. G. Foo, F. M. Cargnello, Presiding
Polo Garzon, V. Fung, D. Jiang, Z. Wu 11:50 CATL 40. Withdrawn.
8:30 Introductory Remarks. The use of any device to capture
10:55 CATL 15. Operando spectroscopy
during ethylene polymerization by 8:35 CATL 26. Reaction mechanisms Section F images (e.g., cameras and camera
in heterogeneous catalysis and
supported CrOx/SiO2 catalysts: Role of
electrocatalysis involving cooper- Walter E. Washington Convention Center phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
promoters. A. Chakrabarti, I.E. Wachs
ation between different sites from Room 140B digital recorders) or to stream,
11:15 CATL 16. Cyclodehydration quantum mechanics. W.A. Goddard
of 1,4-butanediol to tetrahydro- Catalysis at the Sub-Nanometer Scale upload or rebroadcast speakers or
9:05 CATL 27. Controlling metal nanopar-
furan over Zr-Al mixed oxide
ticle interactions with nanoscale-sup- Activity of Highly Dispersed Catalysts presentations is strictly prohibited
catalysts. K.T. Li, K. Chen
ports to enhance nanoparticle catalysis H. Xin, Organizer at all official ACS meetings and
for selective CO2 reduction. S. Sun
A. M. Karim, Organizer, Presiding events without express written
consent from ACS.

2:00 CATL 49. Selective production 4:05 CATL 62. Introducing trace 3:20 CATL 75. Bifunctional strategy 1:50 CATL 88. Electrochemical oxygen
of arenes via direct lignin upgrading potassium as the electronic and coupling Y2O3 catalyzed alkanal reduction by atomically dispersed Pt
over a niobium-based catalyst. Y. structural modifier to enhance the decomposition with methanol-to-olefins on sulfur-doped zeolite-templated
Wang, Y. Shao, S. Yang, Y. Cheng oxidation of Co3O4 catalyst. C. Wang, catalysis for enhanced lifetime. A. Bhan carbons: Selective production of H2O2
W. Wang, W. Li, Y. Guo, Y. Guo, G. Lu instead of H2O. M. Choi, H. Kim, C. Choi
2:30 CATL 50. Mechanochemical 3:50 CATL 76. Kinetics and mecha-
synthesis of nanocatalysts for 4:25 CATL 63. One pot green syn- nism of methanol conversion over 2:15 CATL 89. Influence of phosphine
biomass conversion. R. Luque theses of CuO-Cu2O/g-C3N4 anatase titania nanoshapes. G. Foo, substitution on the synthesis and
nanosheets for enhanced catalysis G. Hu, Z.D. Hood, M. Li, D. Jiang, Z. Wu properties of gold clusters. G.E.
3:00 CATL 51. Microwaves and catalysis
of nitroarenes. T. Aditya, T. Pal Johnson, J. Laskin, U. Reveles, M. Ligare
for the fast and selective valorisa- 4:10 CATL 77. Fundamental studies on
tion of biomass: From hydrolysis to CO2 hydrogenation and the low-tem- 2:45 CATL 90. Machine learning guided
oxidation and hydrogenation reac- Section C perature water-gas shift reaction on interpretation of X-ray absorption data
tions. J.A. Lopez-Sanchez metal-carbide interfaces. J. Rodriguez for ultradispersed catalysts.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
J. Timoshenko, D. Lu, S. Yoo, A. Frenkel
3:30 Intermission. Room 102A 4:40 CATL 78. Support effect in oxide
catalysis: Methanol oxidation on vanadia/ 3:10 Intermission.
3:45 CATL 52. Continuous catalytic
Metal-Support Interactions ceria. T. Kropp, J.A. Paier, J. Sauer
production of deoxygenated hydrocarbon 3:30 CATL 91. Spectroscopic signatures
fuels from biomass pyrolysis oil. J. Ha
in Catalysis: Modeling, 5:00 CATL 79. Cooperativity between and reactivity of CO adsorbed to Pt
Characterization & Design acid-base and redox sites on metal atoms, Pt oxide clusters, and metallic Pt
4:15 CATL 53. Hydrotreating of in situ
T. Duchon, S. D. Senanayake, Organizers oxide surfaces. D.R. Mullins clusters on anatase TiO2. P. Christopher
catalytic fast pyrolysis bio-oil.
H. Wang, D. Santosa, F.A. Agblevor A. Bruix, Organizer, Presiding 4:10 CATL 92. Insights from global
Section E optimization and ab initio thermo-
4:35 CATL 54. Valorization of nanoscale 1:30 CATL 64. Fluxionality and statistical
Walter E. Washington Convention Center dynamics on inverse catalysts:
lignin extracted from agricultural ensemble nature of surface-supported
Room 140A The case of Cu-supported ZnO
biomass by deep eutectic sol- cluster catalysts. A. Alexandrova
clusters. T. Reichenbach, M. Walter,
vents (DES). R. Lou, X. Zhang
2:05 CATL 65. Identifying the active Advanced Electrocatalysis for M. Moseler, B. Hammer, A. Bruix
4:55 CATL 55. Stability of heteroge- site of the water-gas shift reaction
Energy Conversion & Storage 4:35 CATL 93. Density-functional
neous heteropolyacids for muconic over platinum based catalysts. A.
modeling of materials for sin-
acid upgrading. A. Settle, J.H. Heyden, E. Walker, S. Ammal Oxygen Reduction & Evolution
gle-atom catalysis based on nano-
Cooper, L. Berstis, K. Kinley, H. Hu, G.
2:40 CATL 66. Computational modeling A. B. Padmaperuma, C. Wang, B. Xu, structured ceria. K. Neyman
Beckham, R.M. Richards, D. Vardon
of catalytic metal/metal- Organizers
oxide nanostructures. K. Neyman A. Holewinski, Organizer, Presiding Electrochemical Technologies
Section B for Water Purification
3:15 Intermission. N. Danilovic, Presiding
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
3:30 CATL 67. Adsorption energy
Room 102B 1:30 CATL 80. Development of by CATL and CEI
correlations at the metal-support electrocatalysts for energy tech-
Mixed Metal Oxide Catalysis boundary. P. Mehta, J.P. Greeley, nologies. G.L. Soloveichik Energy & Fuels Storch Award
W. Delgass, W.F. Schneider in Fuel Science: Symposium
C. Alvarez-Vasco, K. K. Ramasamy, I. E. Wachs, 2:10 CATL 81. Withdrawn.
3:50 CATL 68. Hydrogenation of CO2 in honor of Umit S. Ozkan
to C1 (CO, CH4, CH3OH) mole- 2:30 CATL 82. Iridium on Steroids: using Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by CATL
R. Fushimi, D. Shekhawat, Organizers, cules on oxide-supported cata- rigid, polycyclic, aliphatic molecules as
Presiding lysts. S. Kattel, J.G. Chen, P. Liu non-conductive linkers to bind catalytic Environmental Applications of Liquid
1:30 CATL 56. Tuning the electrochemi-
centers to metal oxide semi-conduc- Phase Catalysis for Green Chemical
4:25 CATL 69. Study of the interface tors. A. Bloomfield, S. Chaudhuri, S.
cal activity of layered nickleate oxides Processes of Renewable Materials
between Al2O3 and Pt (111) by DFT Hedstrom, V.S. Batista, R.H. Crabtree
for oxygen reduction: Effect of surface calculations and high-resolution Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
termination and composition. E. Nikolla TEM. K. Oware Sarfo, A.L. Clauser, 2:50 Intermission. by CATL and ENFL

2:00 CATL 57. Understanding and Z.D. McClure, M. Santala, L. Arnadottir 3:10 CATL 83. Understanding the active
controlling the activity and stability 4:45 CATL 70. Metal-ceria interactions and sites and reaction mechanism for
of Pd/Pt oxide catalysts for methane the catalytic activity for hydrogen produc- oxygen electrocatalysis on ruthenium MONDAY MORNING
activation. M. Cargnello, E. Goodman, tion and methane dry reforming: dioxide surfaces. R. Rao, Y. Shao-Horn
A. Yang, S. Dai, C. Wrasman, S. Bare, A theoretical perspective. M. Ganduglia- Section A
3:50 CATL 84. Exceptional elec-
A. Hoffman, G. Graham, X. Pan Pirovano, P. Lustemberg, J. Carey, M. Nolan trocatalytic oxygen evolution via Walter E. Washington Convention Center
2:30 CATL 58. CeOx/TiO2(110) and RuOx/ tunable charge transfer interactions
Room 101
TiO2(110) as active systems for CO Section D in Ruddlesden-Popper oxides. R.P.
oxidation, the water-gas shift and CO2 Forslund, K.P. Johnston, A.M. Abakumov,
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Catalytic Transformation of
hydrogenation reactions. J. Rodriguez A.M. Kolpak, K.J. Stevenson
Room 103B Renewable Plant Biomass to
2:50 CATL 59. Syntheses of high yield 4:10 CATL 85. Water oxidation in strong Enhance Global Economy
MMO catalyst for direct propane oxi- Cooperative Catalysis at acid using cobalt-based POMs as Cosponsored by ENFL
dation to acrylic acid. J. Xu, L. Bogan Surfaces & Interfaces: Impact on catalysts. M. Tao, Q. Yin, C.L. Hill
Chemistry & Energy Frontiers N. Yan, X. Zhang, Organizers, Presiding
3:10 Intermission. 4:30 CATL 86. Towards a solar fuels
Photocatalysis & Oxide Catalysis future: Theoretical metrics for photo- 8:30 CATL 94. Recalcitrance: The
3:25 CATL 60. Olefin metathesis
electrocatalyst screening. J. Montoya, plant cell wall and cellulosic
by supported MoOx/Al2O3 cata- Cosponsored by ENFL
A. Singh, S. Dwaraknath, K. Persson biofuels. A.J. Ragauskas
lysts. A. Chakrabarti, I.E. Wachs
M. Cargnello, Organizer 9:00 CATL 95. Depolymerization of cellu-
3:45 CATL 61. Catalytic dehydrogenative
Z. Wu, S. Zhang, Organizers, Presiding Section F lose by carbon catalysts. A. Fukuoka
coupling of amines. D. Ainembabazi,
N. Tiedemann, A. Voutchkova 1:30 CATL 71. Coupling solar energy into Walter E. Washington Convention Center 9:30 CATL 96. Stabilization with alde-
catalytic organic synthesis. Y. Xiong Room 140B hydes for the high yield production
of targeted monomer mixtures from
2:00 CATL 72. Quantification of acid Catalysis at the Sub-Nanometer Scale lignin during integrated biomass
site densities on zeolites in the depolymerization. J. Luterbacher
presence of solvents via determi- Synthesis, Characterization
nation of extinction coefficients of & Mechanisms 10:00 CATL 97. Catalytic conversion
adsorbed pyridine. N. Gould, B. Xu of glucose and industrial-grade
Technical program information A. M. Karim, Organizer
sugars derived from corn and wood
2:20 CATL 73. Beautiful surface chemistry
known at press time. behind efficient catalysis. W. Huang
H. Xin, Organizer, Presiding into 5-HMF in a biphasic continu-
ous-flow tubular reactor. C.C. Xu
The official technical program for 2:50 CATL 74. Cooperative defect/
1:30 CATL 87. Highly efficient oxygen
reduction electrocatalyst derived from 10:30 Intermission.
the 254th ACS National Meeting surface mechanism in deoxygen- electrospun interconnected Co-N/C
ation reactions over reducible 10:45 CATL 98. Catalytic conver-
is available at www.acs.org/ metal oxides. X. Xiao, B. Johnson, H.
nanofiber networks. N. Wenjun
sion of bioethanol to 1,3-butadiene
WDC2017 Bergstrom, C. Hargus, A. Peterson using bifunctional catalysts: The
role of active sites via in situ spec-
3:10 Intermission. troscopy. W. Taifan, J. Baltrusaitis

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


11:05 CATL 99. Guerbet ethanol coupling 8:30 CATL 111. Manganese promo- 11:25 CATL 125. Selectivity control of 10:05 CATL 138. Electrocatalytic
over a stable Cu-MgO-Al2O3 cata- tion of rhodium-based nanocata- acid-base reaction via surface recon- ammonia splitting at ambient
lyst. K.K. Ramasamy, M. Gray, M. Guo lysts. P.C. Carrillo, M.G. White struction of perovskite catalysts. F. temperatures. M.R. Smith
Polo Garzon, S. Yang, V. Fung, G. Foo, E.E.
11:25 CATL 100. Chemocatalytic 8:50 CATL 112. 18O and 16O oxygen 10:30 CATL 139. Radical-type reactivity
Bickel, M.F. Chisholm, D. Jiang, Z. Wu
production of ethanol from lignocellu- exchange on model Rh/CeOX and derived from redox non-innocence in
lose via methyl glycolate. A. Wang Rh/CeOxFy systems. M. Kettner, 11:45 CATL 126. Cooperativity between the (dadi)Ti(L/X) system. P.T. Wolczanski,
T. Duchon, P. Kus, V. Nehasil nanoparticles and supports for S.P. Hines, S.N. MacMillan, T. Cundari
11:45 CATL 101. Catalytic conversion of
sintering-resistance catalysts through
bioderived muconic acid to produce 9:10 CATL 113. Adsorbate-mediated 10:55 CATL 140. Photosensitization of
nanostructured materials. S. Dai
adipic acid and dimethyl terephthalate. strong metal-support interactions in organometallic catalysis: Switching on
D. Vardon, A. Settle, L. Berstis, S. Christensen, supported Rh catalysts. P. Christopher new reactions of value to medicinal and
N. Cleveland, K. Kinley, J. Cooper, H. Hu, Section E process chemists. D.W. MacMillan
9:45 CATL 114. Low-temperature
M.F. Crowley, R.M. Richards, G. Beckham
methane combustion over Pd/H-ZSM-5: Walter E. Washington Convention Center 11:20 CATL 141. Catalysis with earth
Chemical state of Pd modulated by Room 140A abundant transition metals: The
Section B acidic sites of H-ZSM-5. Y. Guo, J. interplay of electronic structure
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Ma, Y. Lou, W. Wang, H. Zhao, W. Hu, Advanced Electrocatalysis for and applications. P.J. Chirik
Room 102B W. Li, W. Zhan, Y. Guo, P. Hu, G. Lu Energy Conversion & Storage
10:20 Intermission. CO2 Reduction & Hydrogen Evolution Energy & Fuels Storch Award
Mixed Metal Oxide Catalysis in Fuel Science: Symposium
10:35 CATL 115. Hierarchical cata- A. Holewinski, A. B. Padmaperuma, C. Wang, in honor of Umit S. Ozkan
‍K. K. Ramasamy, I. E. Wachs, Organizers lyst design based on metal-sup- Organizers
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by CATL
port interactions. I.I. Slowing
C. Alvarez-Vasco, R. Fushimi, D. Shekhawat, B. Xu, Organizer, Presiding
Organizers, Presiding 11:10 CATL 116. Impact of interfacial Environmental Applications of Liquid
C. Wang, Presiding
charge transfer on the performance of Phase Catalysis for Green Chemical
8:30 CATL 102. Understanding elemental
Pd/C catalysts. R.G. Rao, R. Blume, T. 8:30 CATL 127. Proton reduction using Processes of Renewable Materials
steps in conversion of alcohols and
Hansen, E. Fuentes, K. Dreyer, D. Hibbitts, hydrogenase-modified silicon photoelec- Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
diols on model early transition metal
Y.J. Chabal, R. Schloegl, J. Tessonnier trodes. N.C. Anderson, N.R. Neale, P.W. King by CATL and ENFL
oxide catalysts. Z. Dohnalek
11:30 CATL 117. Nanocatalysts for 8:50 CATL 128. Giant core/shell quantum
9:00 CATL 103. Uniform sites in
Syngas conversion to higher hydro- dots for efficient and stable photoelec-
dispersed metal oxide catalysts
carbons using Si-microreactor. T.L. trochemical solar hydrogen production.
for olefin polymerization, metath-
Davis, R. Abrokwah, T. Hossain, N. R. Adhikari, K. Basu, Y. Zhou, F. Vetrone,
esis, and oxidation. S.L. Scott
Mohammad, V.G. Deshmane, S. Woosley, D. Ma, S. Sun, F. Vidal, H. Zhao, F. Rosei
9:30 CATL 104. In situ Raman spectro- S. Aravamudhan, D. Mainardi, D. Kuila Section A
9:10 CATL 129. Water splitting
scopic analysis during coal oxida- Walter E. Washington Convention Center
11:50 CATL 118. Metal-ligand com- and the making of renewable
tion over hematite and taconite in Room 101
plexation through redox assembly at chemicals. I. Chorkendorff
the chemical looping process. D.
surfaces characterized by vibrational
Miller, M.W. Smith, D. Shekhawat 9:50 Intermission. Advances in Computational Catalysis
spectroscopy. C.G. Williams, M. Wang, D.
9:50 CATL 105. Effect of dopants in the Skomski, C. Tempas, L.L. Kesmodel, S.L. Tait 10:10 CATL 130. Factors affecting the G. Mpourmpakis, R. Surendran Assary,
support of copper-ceria catalysts on activity and selectivity of Cu for the elec- Organizers, Presiding
the performance for preferential CO trochemical reduction of CO2. A.T. Bell
Section D 1:00 Introductory Remarks.
oxidation in H2-rich stream. J. Oh, J. Bae 10:50 CATL 131. Effect of the interlayer
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 1:05 CATL 142. In silico prediction of mate-
10:10 Intermission. spacing and charge of 1T-MoS2 on
Room 103B rials for energy applications. D.G. Vlachos
the electrocatalytic activity for the
10:25 CATL 106. Heterojunction of TiO2
hydrogen evolution reaction. N.H. 1:35 CATL 143. Improving catalysts
nanoparticle embedded into ZSM-5 Cooperative Catalysis at
Attanayake, A.C. Thenuwara, A. Patra, by unearthing the reactions that
to layer-structured MoS2 fabricated Surfaces & Interfaces: Impact on Y. Aulin, H. Chakraborty, E. Borguet,
by pulsed laser ablation and micro- Chemistry & Energy Frontiers hinder catalysis. P.M. Zimmerman
M.L. Klein, J.P. Perdew, D.R. Strongin
wave technique in deionized water: 2:05 CATL 144. Computational design
Application in drinking water purifica- Oxide Catalysis 11:10 CATL 132. Electrocatalysts for of advanced nanoalloy materials for
tion. A. Balati, H.J. Shipley, K. Nash Cosponsored by ENFL efficient and selective reduction of CO2 to catalysis and beyond. K. Neyman
ethylene. P.J. Kenis, S. Verma, A.A. Gewirth
10:45 CATL 107. Oxidative dehydrogena- M. Cargnello, S. Zhang, Organizers 2:35 Intermission.
tion at MoVOx materials: Understanding 11:50 CATL 133. Highly dense Cu
Z. Wu, Organizer, Presiding nanowires for electrochemical con- 2:50 CATL 145. Kinetic modeling
the electronic structure from various
DFT approaches. T. Fjermestad, W. M. Cargnello, Presiding version of CO2. D. Raciti, C. Wang of dual-site catalysts: Limitations
Li, G. Rugg, A. Genest, N. Roesch
and prospects. M.J. Janik
8:30 CATL 119. Activation of
11:05 CATL 108. Ternary oxide semicon- Section F 3:20 CATL 146. Computational catalysis
the carbon-hydrogen bond by
ductor nanostructures for photoelectro- oxides and halides. H. Metiu, in complex environments. K. Johnson, L.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Li, J. Ye, N. Vo, A. Bahusetty, D. Lambrecht
chemistry and photocatalysis. S. Chrétien, H. Kristoffersen Room 140B
A. Varga, G.F. Samu, K. Rajeshwar, C. Janaky 3:50 CATL 147. Insights into Pd-catalyzed
9:00 CATL 120. Cooperative catalysis at
11:25 CATL 109. Routes to ternary solid-liquid interfaces of non- 2017 ACS Catalysis Lectureship for aerobic alcohol oxidation via first-princi-
molybdenum oxide catalysts based on innocent supports. I.I. Slowing the Advancement of Catalytic Science ples microkinetic analysis. J.R. Schmidt
bimetallic complexes. A.W. Apblett, A.M. V. A. Schmidt, Organizer 4:10 Concluding Remarks.
9:20 CATL 121. Single facet nano-
Moneeb, A. Bagabas, A. Alabdulrahman
shaped materials as model catalysts D. J. Mindiola, Organizer, Presiding
11:45 CATL 110. Computational studies for alcohol conversion. Y. Wang
on the surface structure and reactivity 8:00 Introductory Remarks.
9:50 CATL 122. K2O/WOx/Al2O3 cat-
of mixed metal oxide catalysts: VOx/ 8:10 CATL 134. Establishing trends in
alyst structure for sour natural gas
TiO2, SrOx/La2O3, and PdOx/Co3O4 actinide bonding using redox-active
treatment. B. Li, M. Zhu, J. Jehng,
for CH3OH and CH4 oxidation. S. ligands. S.C. Bart, S.A. Pattenaude,
I.E. Wachs, Z. Wu, J. Baltrusaitis
Li, S. Wang, N. Li, L. Cong, C. Zhao S.S. Galley, T.E. Albrecht-Schmitt
10:20 Intermission.
8:35 CATL 135. Catalytic reac-
The use of any device to capture
Section C 10:35 CATL 123. Metal-support coop-
tions in complex molecular images (e.g., cameras and camera
erativity in dispersed Re catalysts
Walter E. Washington Convention Center environments. S.J. Miller
Room 102A
for olefin metathesis. S.L. Scott phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
9:00 CATL 136. New strategies for catalytic
11:05 CATL 124. Role of Lewis and
C-H activation via metal-oxo and met- digital recorders) or to stream,
Metal-Support Interactions Brønsted acid sites of alumina in the
in Catalysis: Modeling, activation of methyltrioxorhenium (MTO)
al-hydroxo intermediates. J.T. Groves upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Characterization & Design for olefin metathesis. F. Zhang, K.C. Szeto, 9:25 Intermission. presentations is strictly prohibited
L. Delevoye, R. Gauvin, M. Taoufik, S.L. Scott
A. Bruix, T. Duchon, Organizers 9:40 CATL 137. Innovation at Merck at all official ACS meetings and
Process R&D via discovery and develop-
S. D. Senanayake, Organizer, Presiding ment of new catalytic reactions. R. Ruck events without express written
consent from ACS.

Section B 2:40 CATL 157. Catalysis at multiple length Section E 4:20 CATL 184. Biocatalytic asymmetric
scales: Crotonaldehyde hydrogenation amination and C-C bond formation. W.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center at nanoscale and mesoscale interfaces Walter E. Washington Convention Center Kroutil, N.G. Schmidt, S. Payer, L. Hammerer,
Room 102B in platinum–cerium oxide catalysts. L. Room 140A S. Velikogne, E. Eger, J. Farnberger, M.
Baker, Y. Mueanngern, X. Yang, Y. Tang, F. Tao Fuchs, J. Pletz, J. Schrittwieser, C. Winkler
Emerging Catalytic Processes Advanced Electrocatalysis for
for Methane Conversion 3:15 Intermission. Energy Conversion & Storage 4:45 CATL 185. Building bridges
between homogeneous and het-
Cosponsored by ENFL 3:30 CATL 158. Confined nano- Electrochemical Conversion of erogeneous catalysis: What can we
catalysts in nanotubes produced Organic Molecules & other Reactions
D. Liu, Organizer learn from each other? M. Beller
by atomic layer deposition. Y.
E. Hensen, Y. Lei, Organizers, Presiding Qin, Z. Gao, B. Zhang, C. Chen A. Holewinski, C. Wang, B. Xu, Organizers
Intellectual Property Considerations
X. Bao, D. Liu, Presiding 3:50 CATL 159. Acetaldehyde from A. B. Padmaperuma, Organizer, Presiding
When Entering into a Joint Venture
Bioethanol oxidation: Describing C. Wang, Presiding
1:00 CATL 148. How do Ru and Ni Sponsored by CHAL, Cosponsored
synergy between metal and sup-
surfaces catalyze methane decom- 1:30 CATL 171. Low temperature chemical by CATL, CELL, ENFL and SCHB
ports (ZrO2 and CeO2). P.H. Rana
position? New insights for catalyst transformations using electrocatalyst.
design. R.L. Arevalo, S.M. Aspera, 4:10 CATL 160. Electronic metal-sup- J. Holladay, M. Lilga, A. Padmaperuma, S. Eminent Scientist Lecture
M.S. Escano, H. Nakanishi, H. Kasai port interactions and the production Akhade, J. A Lopez-Ruiz, M. Swita, T. Lemmon
of hydrogen through the water-gas Sponsored by SOCED, Cosponsored
1:20 CATL 149. Catalytic transfor- shift and the reforming of alco- 2:10 CATL 172. Exploring catalyst for the by CATL and POLY
mation of methane to acetic acid hols or methane. J. Rodriguez ethanol oxidation reaction. Y. Liu, C. Wang
under mild conditions. F. Tao Nano-Enabled Water
2:30 CATL 173. Deposited Au nanoparticles
4:45 CATL 161. Orientation-dependent Treatment Technologies:
1:50 CATL 150. Partial oxidation redox properties of ceria–copper on high-index facets of PtNi con-
Applications & Implications
of methane to oxygenates using interface. T. Duchon, J. Höcker, J. Hackl, cave-nanocubes for high-performance
bi- and trimetallic Au/Pd/Cu cata- methanol oxidation reaction. L. Yu, Y. Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CATL
M. Aulicka, K. Veltruska, V. Matolin, J. Falta,
lysts. M. Ab Rahim, R.D. Armstrong, Jiang, H. Zhuo, K. Yu, J. Yong, X. Zhang
S. Nemsak, C.M. Schneider, J. Flege Energy & Fuels Storch Award
S. Freakley, S. Taylor, G. Hutchings
2:50 Intermission. in Fuel Science: Symposium
2:20 CATL 151. Direct conversion of natural Section D in honor of Umit S. Ozkan
3:10 CATL 174. Computational modeling of
gas to products: Challenges and oppor-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center electrochemical pyrolysis-oil upgrad- Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by CATL
tunities for the field of catalysis. A.T. Bell
Room 103B ing. D. Cantu, M. Nguyen, S. Akhade, M.
2:55 Intermission. Lee, Y. Wang, Y. Yoon, A. Padmaperuma, Heterogeneous Catalysis for
M. Lilga, V. Glezakou, R. Rousseau Environmental & Energy Applications
3:10 CATL 152. Simplicity and the Cooperative Catalysis at
complexity of the direct methane to Surfaces & Interfaces: Impact on Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CATL
3:50 CATL 175. Inorganic nanocatalysts
methanol conversion. J. van Bokhoven Chemistry & Energy Frontiers for the electronic power circulation using
alcohol/carboxylic acid redox couples.
3:45 CATL 153. Tailoring conversion and Metal Catalysis
selectivity of non-oxidative activation Cosponsored by ENFL
M. Yamauchi, S. Kitano, M. Sadakiyo MONDAY EVENING
of methane via hydrogen-perme- 4:10 CATL 176. Zeolitic imidazolate-frame-
able tubular membrane reactor. D. M. Cargnello, S. Zhang, Organizers works derived nitrogen-doped graphene/ Section A
Liu, M. Sakbodin, E.D. Wachsman cobalt-embedded porous carbon
Z. Wu, Organizer, Presiding Walter E. Washington Convention Center
4:15 CATL 154. Selective oxidation of polyhedron hybrid as trifunctional electro-
M. Cargnello, Presiding Halls D/E
methane to methanol in zeolites: A catalyst for oxygen reduction and water
window of opportunity. A. Kulkarni 1:30 CATL 162. Amine-modified silicates splitting. Y. Hou, Z. Wen, S. Cui, J. Chen
as acid/base bifunctional catalysts 4:30 CATL 177. Mechanistic insight into
and catalyst supports. C.W. Jones K. K. Ramasamy, Organizer
Section C sulfide-enhanced oxygen reduction reac-
2:00 CATL 163. Investigation of Pd-Ceria tion activity and stability of commercial 8:00 - 10:00
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Pt black: An in situ Raman spectro-
catalysts for selective hydrogenation 20, 35, 42, 55, 61, 63, 67, 72, 74,
Room 102A scopic study. Y. Wang, D. Chen, Y. Tong
of acetylene in ethylene. W. Xie 83-85, 105-106, 112, 118, 131, 163,
Metal-Support Interactions 2:20 CATL 164. Interfacial chemistry 170, 177. See previous listings.
Section F
in Catalysis: Modeling, of metal nanocatalysts. N. Zheng 235-236, 246, 321, 336, 340, 356, 360,
Characterization & Design 2:50 CATL 165. Influence of co-adsorbates Walter E. Washington Convention Center 376, 386, 388, 396, 399, 406, 415, 435,
on metal-reducible oxide interfa- Room 140B 438, 441-442, 444, 447, 451-452, 461,
A. Bruix, T. Duchon, S. D. Senanayake,
Organizers cial sites for selective C-O cleavage 463, 472, 478. See subsequent listings.
reactions. L.V. Herrera, T. Omotoso, 2016 ACS Catalysis Lectureship
S. Jatib Khatib, Presiding for the Advancement of Catalytic
N. Briggs, L. Grabow, S. Crossley
1:30 CATL 155. Growth and surface Science: Honoring Matthias Beller TUESDAY MORNING
3:10 Intermission.
chemistry of IrO2. Z. Liang, T. Li, M. B. de Bruin, Organizer, Presiding
Kim, R. Rai, A.R. Asthagiri, J.F. Weaver 3:20 CATL 166. Engineering the Pt/
1:30 CATL 178. New develop-
Section A
CeO2 interface for the development
2:05 CATL 156. Comparison of growth of advanced catalysts. Y. Xia ments in homogeneous hydro- Walter E. Washington Convention Center
and sintering of monometallic and genation. J.G. De Vries Room 101
bimetallic nanoparticles over reduc- 3:50 CATL 167. In-situ transmission
ible CeO2(111) thin films: Effect of electron microscopy with atomic 1:55 CATL 179. Earth abundant
transition metal catalysis for CO2 Advances in Computational Catalysis
metal-support interactions. J. Zhou resolution at atmospheric pressure.
X. Pan, S. Dai, S. Zhang, G. Graham and CO conversion. T. Skrydstrup G. Mpourmpakis, R. Surendran Assary,
2:20 CATL 180. Reductive iron Organizers, Presiding
4:20 CATL 168. Introducing time resolu-
tion to detect Ce3+ catalytically active catalysis and nanocluster for- 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
sites at the Pt/CeO2 interface through mation. A. von Wangelin
8:35 CATL 186. Machine learnt molec-
ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron 2:45 CATL 181. C-N and C-C bond ular simulation models for catalyst
spectroscopy. L. Artiglia, F. Orlando, formation via selective functionalization design. B. Narayanan, H. Chan, M.
K. Roy, R. Kopelent, O. Safonova, M. of saturated cyclic amines. C. Bruneau Cherukara, S. Sankaranarayanan
Nachtegaal, T. Huthwelker, J. van Bokhoven
3:10 Intermission. 9:05 CATL 187. Machine (&Human!)
4:40 CATL 169. Support-induced control
3:30 CATL 182. Site-Selective oxidation, learning in catalyst discov-
of surface composition in bimetallic
amination and epimerization reactions ery. Z. Li, S. Wang, H. Xin
Technical program information catalytic particles. P. Christopher
of complex polyols enabled by transfer 9:35 CATL 188. High-throughput workflows
5:10 CATL 170. Acceptorless dehy-
known at press time. drogenation of glycerol by sin-
hydrogenation. C.K. Hill, J.F. Hartwig for determining adsorption energies on
solid surfaces. J. Montoya, K. Persson
The official technical program for gle-site heterogeneous catalysis. 3:55 CATL 183. Metal ligand coop-
M. Finn, J. Heltzel, A. Voutchkova eration in catalyzed dehydro- 9:55 CATL 189. Developing struc-
the 254th ACS National Meeting genations. H. Grützmacher ture activity relationships in the
is available at www.acs.org/ dehydrogenation of alkanes on
oxides. M. Dixit, G. Mpourmpakis
10:15 Intermission.

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


10:30 CATL 190. Withdrawn. 8:50 CATL 203. Unbiased photocatalytic Section E 9:35 CATL 227. Towards understanding
hydrogen generation from pure water on and enabling magnesium batteries.
11:00 CATL 191. Heterolytic splitting of Walter E. Washington Convention Center
stable Ir-treated In0.33Ga0.67N nanorods. R. Mohtadi, O. Tutusaus, T.S. Arthur
molecular hydrogen by frustrated and Room 140A
M. Ebaid, T. Isimjan, T. Ng, B. Ooi, H. Idriss
classical Lewis pairs: A unified reactivity 10:05 CATL 228. Expanding the
concept. G. Skara, F. De Vleeschouwer, 9:25 CATL 204. Mechanistic studies New Paradigm for Catalyst scope of in situ techniques to probe
P. Geerlings, F.J. De Proft, B. Pinter of oxidation reactions on supported Design: From Enzymatic Function amorphous electrocatalysts. N.
vanadia catalysts. E. Weitz, W. Wu, to Functional Mimics Kornienko, P. Yang, E. Reisner
11:20 CATL 192. Mo2C catalysts for
K. Ding, T. Drake, S. Kwon, P.C. Stair
the upgrading of furan in biooil B. Ginovska, M. J. O’Hagan, Organizers 10:20 Intermission.
for fuel applications. D. Pahls, B. 10:00 Intermission.
S. Raugei, Organizer, Presiding 10:35 CATL 229. In-situ/operando
Narayanan, R.S. Assary, L.A. Curtiss
10:15 CATL 205. Modifying surface multimodal soft x-ray characteriza-
11:40 CATL 193. Potential energy surface coverage to improve WGS activity and 8:30 CATL 217. Radical mechanism of the tion in energy science. J. Guo
of glucopyranose reactions with hydrogen sulfur-dependence of ZrO2 supported nickel enzyme methyl-CoM reductase,
which catalyzes the synthesis and 11:05 CATL 230. In situ and ex situ NMR
cation, mechanistic propositions. M.K. Mo catalysts. S. Yun, V.V. Guliants
activation of methane. S.W. Ragsdale, for battery research. J.Z. Hu, M. Hu, C.
Ghosh, M.S. Howard, K. Dussan, S. Dooley
10:35 CATL 206. Topotactic growth of A. Patwardhan, T. Wongnate, B. Ginovska, Wan, V. Murugesan, J. Zhang, K.T. Mueller
12:00 Concluding Remarks. edge-terminated MoS2 from MoO2 M. Wolf, L.J. Giles, J. Mock, P. Pimviriyakul, 11:35 CATL 231. Multi-modal operando
nanocrystal surfaces. M. Brorson, N. Lehnert, S. Raugei, R. Sarangi investigations of activities and phase
Section B C. Dahl-Petersen, M. Šarić, P. Moses,
8:55 CATL 218. Insights on the mechanism transformations of supported Pd
J. Rossmeisl, J. Lauritsen, S. Helveg
Walter E. Washington Convention Center of H2 activation by [FeFe]-hydrogenases. nanocatalysts during ethylene hydro-
11:10 CATL 207. Catalytic aromati- P.W. King, D.W. Mulder, Y. Guo, M. Ratzloff genation reaction. Y. Li, S. Zhao, D. Liu,
Room 102B
zation of methane: Strategies for A. Orlov, R.G. Nuzzo, E. Stach, A. Frenkel
improving active chemistry, mitigation 9:20 CATL 219. Electrocatalytic diversity
Emerging Catalytic Processes of hydrogenases. A.K. Jones, S. 11:50 CATL 232. Chemical imaging of
of coke formation and sustaining
for Methane Conversion Williams, Z. Nazemi, P. Kwan, J. Artz, redox active molecules in SEI layer
selectivity to benzene. S. J. Khatib, M.
Cosponsored by ENFL C. McIntosh, D.W. Mulder, M. Ratzloff, of Li-S batteries using in-situ x-ray
Rahman, A. Sridhar, J. Tata, L. Harper
P.W. King, M.W. Adams, J. Peters photoelectron spectroscopy. M.
D. Liu, Organizer 11:45 CATL 208. Enhanced higher alcohol Nandasiri, A.M. Schwarz, V. Shutthanandan,
synthesis via tuning the metal-support 9:45 CATL 220. Probing transient L.E. Camacho-Forero, P.B. Balbuena, T.
E. Hensen, Y. Lei, Organizers, Presiding
interaction using surfactant-encapsulated states in the catalytic cycle of Thevuthasan, K.T. Mueller, V. Murugesan
X. Bao, D. Liu, Presiding polymolybdate precursor. J. Yong, X. Luan, [FeFe]-hydrogenases. M. Winkler,
J. Duan, J. Esselborn, L. Kertess, D. 12:05 CATL 233. Magnetically interac-
8:30 CATL 194. Photocatalytic X. Dai, H. Qiao, Y. Yang, Y. Zhang, X. Zhang
Adam, U. Apfel, S.T. Stripp, T. Happe tive hierarchical assembly of GaFeOx
methane steam reforming over decorated vertically aligned ZnO nanorod
defect-rich TiO2. A.M. Pennington, Section D 10:10 Intermission. arrays for enhanced visible photocat-
A. Hook, R.A. Yang, F.E. Celik 10:25 CATL 221. Statistical fluctu- alytic activity. R. Kugalur Shanmugam,
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
8:50 CATL 195. Characterization of ations, dynamics, scaffolds, elec- N. L Raveendran, R. Rajendrakumar
Room 103B
MoVTeNbOx catalysts during oxi- tric fields, and de novo enzyme
Cooperative Catalysis at
dation reactions using In situ/ catalysis. T.L. Head-Gordon Nano-Enabled Water
Surfaces & Interfaces: Impact on
Operando techniques. A.M. Gaffney Treatment Technologies:
Chemistry & Energy Frontiers 10:50 CATL 222. Small molecule activation:
Applications & Implications
9:20 CATL 196. Partial oxidation of Nitrogenase as paradigm. B.M. Hoffman
Metal Catalysis Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CATL
light alkanes by iodine oxides. T.B. 11:15 CATL 223. Modulation of elec-
Gunnoe, J.T. Groves, W.A. Goddard, Cosponsored by ENFL
tron transfer in nitrogenase. L.E.
N. Schwartz, N. Boaz, R. Fu, R.J. Johnson, B. Ginovska, S. Raugei
M. Cargnello, Z. Wu, Organizers
Nielsen, G. Fortman, S.E. Kalman
S. Zhang, Organizer, Presiding 11:35 CATL 224. Mechanistic insights TUESDAY AFTERNOON
9:50 CATL 197. New fundamental molecu- into energy conservation by fla-
lar level insights into oxidative coupling of M. Cargnello, Presiding Section A
vin-based electron bifurcation. J.
methane (OCM) by SiO2-supported tung- 8:30 CATL 209. Catalytic action at a Peters, C. Lubner, D.P. Jennings, D.W.
state catalysts. M. Zhu, Z. Fink, W. Taifan, Walter E. Washington Convention Center
distance: Hydrogen spillover over Mulder, G.J. Schut, O. Zadvornyy, J.P. Room 101
M. Ford, F. Tielens, J. Baltrusaitis, I.E. Wachs oxidic surfaces. J.A. Van Bokhoven Hoben, M. Tokmina-Lukaszewska, L. Berry,
10:25 Intermission. D. Nguyen, G. Lipscomb, B. Bothner, A.K. Advances in Computational Catalysis
9:00 CATL 210. Identifying the active
Jones, A.F. Miller, P.W. King, M.W. Adams
10:40 CATL 198. Fundamental research surface in bimetallic RuSn hydroge- G. Mpourmpakis, Organizer
on direct methane conversion: An nation catalysts and the role of Sn. V.
industrial perspective. S. van Bavel Vorotnikov, T.R. Eaton, A. Settle, E. Wegener, Section F R. Surendran Assary, Organizer, Presiding
C. Yang, J.T. Miller, G. Beckham, D. Vardon 1:00 Introductory Remarks.
11:10 CATL 199. Modular chemical Walter E. Washington Convention Center
process intensification: Enabler for 9:20 CATL 211. PdZn catalysts for the Room 140B 1:05 CATL 234. Density functional theory
gas conversion. J. Bielenberg direct hydrogenation of CO2 to methanol. study of oxygen reduction reaction on
H. Bahruji, M. Bowker, G. Hutchings, W. Multimodal Characterization of non-precious transition metal/nitrogen
11:40 CATL 200. Direct methane
Jones, D. Morgan, R.D. Armstrong Functional Energy Materials doped carbon catalysts. K. Liu, G. Wang
conversion to aromatics. Y.
Liu, T. Wang, T. Xu, Y. Zhang 9:50 CATL 212. In situ synthesis of Analyses 1:35 CATL 235. Dehydrogenation mecha-
porous graphitic carbon nanosheets Cosponsored by ENFL nisms on γ-alumina supported platinum
12:10 CATL 201. Methane dehydroaro-
with immobilized ultra-fine PtNi subnanometric-clusters: A DFT approach
matization over Mo/ZSM-5 catalyst:
intermetallic nanoparticles: Their N. Rajput, Organizer coupled with experimental kinetics
Effect of residual charge on reaction
outstanding catalytic capability for study. W. Zhao, C. Chizallet, P. Galguen, J.
energy profiles of Mo4C2 and Mo2C6 V. Murugesan, L. Trahey, Organizers, Presiding
p-nitrophenol hydrogenation. J. Zhang Verstraete, J. Lavy, P. Sautet, P. Raybaud
nanoclusters. T. Khan, S. Mishra,
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
S. Balyan, K.K. Pant, M. Haider 10:10 Intermission.
8:35 CATL 225. Accelerating mate-
10:25 CATL 213. Promoting aldol
rials design and optimization for
Section C addition by cooperative interactions
battery materials with a multi-modal
in metal functionalized chitosan.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center approach. K.T. Mueller, K. Han, V.
C. Khoury, D. Shpasser, O. Gazit
Room 102A Murugesan, J.Z. Hu, N. Rajput, K. Persson The use of any device to capture
10:55 CATL 214. Rational design of
Metal-Support Interactions nanostructured supported cata-
9:05 CATL 226. Structural character- images (e.g., cameras and camera
izations with combined x-ray tech-
in Catalysis: Modeling, lysts for environmental and energy
niques in energy storage material phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
Characterization & Design applications. T. Shirman
applications. X. Xiao, Q. Liu, Y. Sun, C. digital recorders) or to stream,
‍ . Baber, A. Bruix, S. D. Senanayake,
A 11:15 CATL 215. Effects of TiO2 in low tem- Sun, Y. Ren, W. Liu, R. Xu, L. Trahey
Organizers perature propylene epoxidation using Au/ upload or rebroadcast speakers or
T. Duchon, Presiding
SiO2 catalysts. Z. Lu, Z. Wu, C. Turner, Y. Lei presentations is strictly prohibited
8:30 CATL 202. Nanoparticle syn-
11:45 CATL 216. Tailoring of metal-ox- at all official ACS meetings and
ide interface by atomic layer depo-
thesis via electrostatic adsorption sition. B. Zhang, H. Liang, Y. Qin events without express written
using incipient wetness impregna-
tion. S. Eskandari, J.R. Regalbuto 12:05 Concluding Remarks. consent from ACS.

1:55 CATL 236. Elucidating and cor- 3:45 CATL 247. New insights into NH3/ 2:30 CATL 261. Chemical poisoning of 1:30 CATL 273. Signatures of inhomo-
recting the unreliability of continuum NO chemisorption properties and Cu/SSZ-13 used for ammonia selective geneous sulfur loading in micropo-
solvation methods when modeling NH3-SCR reaction mechanism over catalytic reduction. K. Xie, K. Wijayanti, rous carbon-based electrodes from
homogeneous reaction mecha- Cu/SAPO-34 as NH3-SCR cata- A. Kumar, K. Kamasamudram, L. Olsson molecular dynamics and x-ray absorption
nisms. Y. Basdogan, J.A. Keith lysts. L. Wang, W. Li, G. Qi, D. Weng spectroscopy. D. Prendergast, T.A.
2:55 Intermission.
Pascal, I. Villaluenga, K. Wujcik, X. Jiang,
2:15 CATL 237. Developing iridium-based 4:05 CATL 248. Pt/B-graphene
3:15 CATL 262. Low-Temperature Pd/ D. Devaux, R. Wang, N.P. Balsara
alloys as effective catalysts by the catalyst for low temperature
zeolite passive NOx adsorbers:
combination of density functional theory H2-SCR. Z. Yao, M. Hu, X. Wang 2:00 CATL 274. Characterization of
Structure, performance and adsorp-
and cluster expansion method. L. solvation and reaction effects at the
tion chemistry. F. Gao, Y. Zheng, L.
Mehdizadegan Namin, N.A. Deskins, K. Yuge Section C Li-metal/electrolyte interface. P.B.
Kovarik, M. Engelhard, J. Szanyi
Balbuena, L.E. Camacho-Forero, E.
2:35 Intermission.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 3:45 CATL 263. One-step dual template Kamphaus, F.A. Soto, V. Murugesan
2:50 CATL 238. Theoretical insights into the Room 102A synthesis and catalytic characteri-
2:30 CATL 275. Integrating first
effects of oxidation and transition met- zation of hierarchical lamellar zeolite
principles modeling with multi-
al-doping on the structure and properties Advances in Carbon composite materials. D. Liu, L. Emdadi
modal interrogation of hybrid Li-ion/
of Pt-Ni nanocatalysts. L. Cao, T. Mueller Dioxide Utilization 4:10 CATL 264. Hydrophilicity/hydro- Li-O2 battery materials. M. Chan
3:10 CATL 239. Engineering ligand-pro- Cosponsored by ENFL and ENVR phobicity modulating zeolite syn-
3:00 CATL 276. Simultaneous in-situ
tected Au nanoclusters for CO2 thesis: nanocrystals or hierarchically
V. Abdelsayed, Organizer neutron diffraction and thermogravi-
reduction. N. Austin, G. Mpourmpakis structured materials. Z. Hua
F. Jiao, F. Shi, Organizers, Presiding metric analaysis of iron catalysts under
3:30 CATL 240. Reaction mechanism of 4:35 Concluding Remarks. ammonia decomposition conditions.
the selective reduction of CO2 to CO by 1:00 CATL 249. Molecular heteroge- T. Wood, W. David, J. Makepeace
a tetraaza [CoIIN4H(MeCN)]2+ complex. neous electrocatalyst materials for Section E 3:15 Intermission.
A.J. Garza, O.O. Iyiola, J.L. Mendoza- carbon dioxide reduction. H. Wang
Cortez, A.T. Bell, M.P. Head-Gordon Walter E. Washington Convention Center 3:30 CATL 277. Exploring electron
1:30 CATL 250. High performance
Room 140A delocalization on the femtosecond
3:50 CATL 241. DFT study of biomimetic CO2 electrolyzers. J.P. Baetzold, C.
timescale. N. Govind, A. Andersen, Z.
CO2 hydration over M-C95H26/M-N3-C92H26 Hartmann-Thompson, M. Kaplun, N.
New Paradigm for Catalyst Fox, Y. Zhang, S. Mukamel, M.H. Khalil
graphene. M. Verma, P. A. Deshpande Kunz, K. Lewinski, D. Lutz, L. Nereng,
Design: From Enzymatic Function
M.J. Pellerite, Z. Liu, H. Yang, R. Masel 4:00 CATL 278. Multiscale compu-
4:10 Concluding Remarks. to Functional Mimics
tational studies of solid species
1:50 CATL 251. Li electrochemical tuning of
B. Ginovska, S. Raugei, Organizers formation in chemical transforma-
Section B metal oxide for highly selective aqueous
M. J. O’Hagan, Organizer, Presiding tion batteries. L. Cheng, L.A. Curtiss,
CO2 reduction. K. Jiang, H. Wang
Walter E. Washington Convention Center P. Redfern, R.S. Assary, K. Lau
2:10 CATL 252. Solid oxide co-elec- 1:00 CATL 265. Artifical metalloproteins:
Room 102B 4:30 CATL 279. Multimodal char-
trolysis of steam and CO2 to unlock Developing methods to control the
acterization of solid acid catalyst
Vehicle Emission Control a renewable energy based syn- local environments around metal ions.
active sites for hydrocarbon upgrad-
thetic fuel economy. J.J. Hartvigsen, A. Borovik, S.I. Mann, L. Olshansky
Catalysis: New Era, New ing. A. Wang, L. Sharma, G.X. Yan,
S. Elangovan, J. Elwell, L. Frost
Challenges & New Solutions 1:25 CATL 266. Unmasking the interplay M. Ford, I.E. Wachs, J. Baltrusaitis
Cosponsored by ENFL and ENVR 2:30 Intermission. of redox-active and hemi-
4:45 CATL 280. Predicting meso-
labile ligands in proton reduction
2:45 CATL 253. Snapshots of the CO2 scale chain properties of electroni-
F. Gao, C. H. Peden, Organizers, Presiding electrocatalysis: Computationally
electroreduction pathways using cally excited conjugated polymers.
derived mechanisms. M.B. Hall
1:00 Introductory Remarks. effects of electrolyte and pyridine. I. B. Wood, Y. Shin, K. Persson
Chernyshova, P. Somasundaran, M. 1:50 CATL 267. Unmasking the interplay
1:05 CATL 242. Challenges and solutions 5:00 CATL 281. Adsorption character-
Goldman, S. Yi Wang, S. Ponnurangam of redox-active and hemi-labile ligands
in diesel NOx emission control. H. Chen istics of lithium polysulfides Li2Sx (x=2
in proton reduction electrocatalysis:
3:05 CATL 254. Ligand-functionalized to 8) on 2D surfaces. S. Lakshmipathi,
1:45 CATL 243. Consequences of Cu ion Synthesis and characterization of a matrix
gold as versatile and tunable A. Arokiyanathan, A. Balasubramanian
mobility in zeolites for low temperature of MN2S2-M’ complexes. P. Ghosh, M.
electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction.
NOx SCR with ammonia. C. Paolucci, Quiroz, S. Ding, M.B. Hall, M.Y. Darensbourg
Y. Fang, X. Cheng, Y. Xu, J.C. Flake Nano-Enabled Water
A. Parekh, I. Khurana, J. Di Iorio, A. Shih, H.
2:15 CATL 268. Artifical enzymes: Attaching Treatment Technologies:
Li, S. Li, A. Yezerets, W. Delgass, J.T. Miller, 3:25 CATL 255. Withdrawn.
a protein-like scaffold on molecular Applications & Implications
F. Ribeiro, W.F. Schneider, R. Gounder 3:45 CATL 256. Cyborg bacteria: catalysis is essential for high efficiency.
Inorganic-biological hybrid organ- Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CATL
2:25 CATL 244. Sulfur poison- A. Dutta, N. Boralugodage, W.J. Shaw
ing and removal of Cu/SSZ-13 isms for solar-to-chemical pro-
2:40 Intermission.
SCR catalyst. J. Luo duction. K.K. Sakimoto, P. Yang
2:55 CATL 269. Chemical and electro-
2:45 Intermission. 4:05 CATL 257. High-selectivity, TUESDAY EVENING
chemical probes for H2 and H+ in
biocatalytic gas fermentation of
3:05 CATL 245. Towards atomic level amine-complemented HER cata-
understanding of the transformation of
CO2 to ethanol. R. Conrado
lysts. T.B. Rauchfuss, N. Lalaoui
Section A
Cu active sites in Cu/SSZ-13 selective Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Section D 3:20 CATL 270. Structural + functional
catalytic reduction catalysts during Hall D
models of mono-iron hydrogenase featur-
hydrothermal aging. Y. Wang, J. Song, Walter E. Washington Convention Center ing an anthracene scaffold ligand. M.J.
E.D. Walter, N.M. Washton, D. Mei, L. Room 103B Rose, J. Seo, T. Manes, S. Kerns, E. Sullivan General Catalysis
Kovarik, Y. Wang, F. Gao, C.H. Peden
3:45 CATL 271. New ligand frameworks S. Subramaniam, Organizer
3:25 CATL 246. Mechanistic study of Nanoporous Materials for
for catalysis inspired by the active site of 6:00 - 8:00
S poising in Cu-SSZ-13: Responses Catalysis in Global Economy
enzymes. J.Y. Yang, J. Khosrowabadi Kotyk,
of Cu2+ and CuOH active centers E. Kyriakidou, Z. Li, D. Liu, H. Wang, Organizers, CATL 282. Size-dependent activity
T. Chantarojsiri, A. Reath, J. Barlow, R. Combs
to SO2 exposure. Y. Jangjou, D. Presiding of CrO3 in catalyzing NO oxidation:
Wang, A. Kumar, J. Li, W.S. Epling 4:10 CATL 272. Accelerating the From the inert bulk structure to
1:00 Introductory Remarks. first-principles discovery of biomimetic highly efficient supported chain-
catalysts. T.Z. Gani, J. Janet, H.J. Kulik like CrO3. J. Jin, H. Wang, P. Hu
1:05 CATL 258. Ion mobility and site pairing
in zeolite catalysis. W.F. Schneider CATL 283. Octanoic acid catalytic hydro-
Section F genation over Ni nanoparticles embed
1:40 CATL 259. Copper mobility in zeo-
lite-based SCR catalysts. M. Skoglundh, Walter E. Washington Convention Center in 3D ordered macroporous ZrO2: The
S. Shwan, L. Chen, P.N. Vennestrøm, T.V. Room 140B effect of catalysts structure. H. Chen
Technical program information Janssens, L.F. Lundegaard, R.R. Tiruvalam, CATL 284. Formation of novel g-C3N4@
known at press time. A. Carlsson, J. Jansson, H. Gronbeck Multimodal Characterization of ZnIn2S4 composite heterojunction
Functional Energy Materials nanosheet with a outstanding photocat-
2:05 CATL 260. Environmental sensitivity
The official technical program for alytic hydrogen evolution activity. B. Lin
of spectroscopic properties for Cu ions in Measurement & Modeling
the 254th ACS National Meeting Cu-SSZ-13: XANES and XES studies from Cosponsored by ENFL CATL 285. Studying the roles of transition
first principles. R. Zhang, H. Li, K. Groden,
is available at www.acs.org/ J. Szanyi, F. Gao, S.L. Scott, J. McEwen N. Rajput, L. Trahey, Organizers
metals on converting methane to
value-added methanol. C. Zhang
WDC2017 V. Murugesan, Organizer, Presiding
R. Rajendrakumar, Presiding

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


CATL 286. Heterogeneous dephosphoryla- CATL 307.CO2 reduction through dry CATL 324. Mn(II) complexes, [Mn2(µ- 10:30 CATL 342. First-principles kinetic
tion of biomolecules via ceria nanocata- reforming reaction with methane R1C6H3COO)2(R2)4].2(ClO4), (R1:Cl, Monte Carlo simulation of CO oxidation
lysts. M. Manto, P. Xie, W. Liano, C. Wang over supported Cu-Ni bimetallic NH2, CH3); R2:1,10’-phenanthroline or on PdO(101). M. Kim, A.R. Asthagiri
and Cu-Ni-Pd trimetallic heteroge- 2,2’-bipyridine): Synthesis, oxidation
CATL 287. CO2 Reduction through dry 10:50 CATL 343. Deoptimizing
neous catalysts. L. Jiao, C. Zhang of alcohols/alkenes and catalase
reforming reaction with methane oxygen reduction reaction catalysis
Dry reforming of CO2 with activity. I. Avan, Y. Kilic, I. Kani
over supported Fe-Ni bimetallic and CATL 308. with doped amorphous Ti oxides.
Fe-Ni-Mo trimetallic heterogeneous methane over supported CoNi CATL 325. Homogeneous oxidation of M.C. Groenenboom, J.A. Keith
catalysts. A. Tripoli, C. Zhang bimetallic and CoNiPd trimetallic alcohols in water catalyzed by a Cu(II)
11:10 CATL 344. Developing com-
catalysts. S. Bamonte, C. Zhang complex with a triphenyl acetate/
CATL 288. Liquid-phase partial putational methods to reveal fun-
CO2 reduction through dry bipyridyl ligands. H. Ünver, I. Kani
oxidation of methane into oxygen- CATL 309. damental reaction sequences on
ates with H2O2. M. Kim, E. Park reforming reaction with methane CATL 326. Transition metal-based alloy surfaces. M. Jafari, P.M. Zimmerman
over supported Ni-Pd bimetallic and and core-shell nanowire electro-
CATL 289. Withdrawn. 11:30 Concluding Remarks.
Ni-Mo-Pd trimetallic heterogeneous catalysts for the oxidation of small
CATL 290. Withdrawn. catalysts. S. Mirabelli, C. Zhang organic molecules. R. Marquez
Valencia, I. Colliard, G. Singh, T.J. Aimola, Section B
CATL 291. Novel nanoporous N-doped CATL 310. Oxidative dehydrogenation of
carbon-supported ultrasmall Pd nanopar- A. Kassotis, N. Smina, C. Koenigsmann Walter E. Washington Convention Center
ethane to ethylene over molybdenum-
ticles: Efficient catalysts for hydrogen vanadium based catalysts. S. Samangain, CATL 327. Enhanced electrocatalytic Room 102B
storage and release. K. Koh, M. Jeon, B. Kitiyanan, S. Pengpanich, K. Thavornprasert oxygen reduction and methanol
D. Chevrier, C. Yoon, P. Zhang, T.G. Asefa oxidation performance in hollow Pt-Ag Vehicle Emission Control
CATL 311. Multimodal approaches to
nanoparticles. G. Singh, T.J. Aimola, S. Catalysis: New Era, New
CATL 292. Influence of different elemental understanding protective barriers in
ratios and thermal pretreatment on the Chen, S. Thota, J. Zhao, C. Koenigsmann Challenges & New Solutions
lithium-sulfur batteries. B.C. Wilson, R.A.
aromatization of propane using Ga-Al- Nye, R. Iuliucci, V. Murugesan, K.T. Mueller CATL 328. First principle study of Cosponsored by ENFL and ENVR
MFI catalyst. M.N. Akhtar, S. Asaoka optical, electronic, magnetic and
CATL 312.CO2 conversion via F. Gao, C. H. Peden, Organizers, Presiding
CATL 293.Cost-effective fabrication and nanoporous PS-PVP block copoly- catalytic properties of p-elements
improved photodegradation activities of doped TiO2 surface. A. Aldakheel 8:30 CATL 345. Multi-functional struc-
mer: Revisiting the pyridyl radical.
bismuth vanadate/bismuth oxychloride tured catalysts for NOx reduction
H. Ghebremichael, A. Sidorenko CATL 329. DFT simulation of nitro-
composite. J. Pu, N. Zhang, Y. Chen from lean burn vehicles. M.P. Harold
CATL 313. Ag nanoparticles and graphitic gen-doped graphene as an ORR
Design of interface for transfer catalyst in fuel cells. G. Arias, N. 9:10 CATL 346. Withdrawn.
CATL 294. carbon nitrides co-decorated TiO2 nano-
hydrogenation catalysts. Y. Zhou, Y. Kang Humphrey, W.A. Goddard, T. Yu
composites for enhanced photocatalytic 9:30 CATL 347. Ambient temperature
CATL 295. Controlled construction of activity under visible light. H. Tian CATL 330. Withdrawn. NO oxidation over Cr-based amor-
single-atom catalysts via molecular phous mixed oxide catalysts: Effects
CATL 314. Hydrolysis of a chemical warfare CATL 331. Chiral transition metal diphos-
monolayers modification. X. Fu, Y. Kang from the second oxide components.
agent simulant by a Zr-containing poly- phine complexes and their applications
A. Wang, Y. Guo, C.H. Peden, F. Gao
CATL 296. Enhancing electrocatalytic oxometalate: Rate enhancement in the in asymmetric catalysis. S. Lorraine,
properties of molybdenum disul- presence of acetate buffer. D.L. Collins- P.T. Maragh, T. Dasgupta, K. Abdur-Rashid 9:50 Intermission.
Wildman, M. Kim, K.P. Sullivan, C.L. Hill
fide for hydrogen evolution reaction CATL 332. Important of biotechno- 10:10 CATL 348. Response characteristics
via anion doping. G. Qu, Y. Kang CATL 315. Metal-organic frameworks logical processes. T.D. Komolafe of pre-commercial mixed potential NOx
CATL 297. Effect of catalytic structure on as models of metal oxides supports and NH3 sensors in diesel engine exhaust.
CATL 333. Development of machine-learn-
hydrogenolysis of microalgae (spirulina for catalytic hydrogenation of CO2. B. C. Kreller, V.Y. Prikhodko, J. Pihl, S. Curran, K.
ing chemisorption models for oxide
An, J. Zhang, K. Cheng, C. Wang, W. Lin Ramaiyan, R. Mukundan, J. Parks, E.L. Brosha
sp.) polysaccharide into polyols over electrocatalysis. Z. Li, H. Xin
zeolites-supported Platinum catalysts. CATL 316.Concave Bi2WO6 nanoplates 10:30 CATL 349. In situ x-ray absorp-
CATL 334. Withdrawn.
M. Gu, Z. Shen, W. Dong, Y. Zhang with oxygen vacancies achiev- tion spectroscopy of bimetallic gold–
ing enhanced electrocatalytic and CATL 335. Catalyst in poultry nickel nanoparticle catalyst for the
CATL 298. Design of multimetallic alloy cat-
photocatalytic activitie. M. Dekun nutrition. T.O. Akinmusire CO + NO reaction. S.K. Beaumont
alysts for CO2 reduction. R. Zhang, Y. Kang
CATL 317. Polyoxometalate stabilized CATL 336. General approach to M/Au (M = 10:50 CATL 350. Direct NOx decom-
CATL 299. Modification of valence
ruthenium nanoparticles supported Fe, Cu) core/shell and Ni/Au core/satellite position over oxide catalysts:
band of ceria via anion doping with
on nanohydrotalcite: Highly effi- nanoparticle. X. Liu, G. Lu, S. Dai, H. Zhu Advances and perspectives. C.A.
fluorine. M. Kettner, T. Duchon, M.
Wolf, J. Kullgren, P. Kus, K. Sevcikova,
cient nanocatalyst for the oxidation Roberts, T.C. Peck, G.K. Reddy, H. Jia
Z. Rafaj, K. Hermansson, V. Nehasil
of lignin model compounds. M.
11:10 CATL 351. Application of
CATL 300.Room temperature removal of
Zahmakiran, B. Baguc, M. Celebi WEDNESDAY MORNING adsorption-compression theory in
NO on MnO2: First principles calcula- CATL 318. Photophysical characterization gas phase heterogeneous catalytic
tions combined with kinetic analysis. of photocatalytic Rhenium(I) materials Section A reaction: Promising proof through
H. Yuan, J. Chen, H. Wang, P. Hu
for CO2 reduction. J. Martin, R.W. Larsen direct NO decomposition over
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Cu-ZSM-5. P. Xie, T. Pu, C. Wang
CATL 301. In-situ growth of high-den- CATL 319. Study of Cu-based cat- Room 101
sity Zn0.2Cd0.8S/NiS nanoparti- alysts for methane to methanol
cles on graphene nanosheets as electro-oxidation reaction. H. Advances in Computational Catalysis
Ataee-Esfahani, D. Chen, Y. Tong
tandem nanoreactor for efficient R. Surendran Assary, Organizer
hydrogen evolution. C. Xue CATL 320. Homogeneous catalysis of
G. Mpourmpakis, Organizer, Presiding
CATL 302. Structure composition and hydrolysis of phosphate esters by Schiff
shape tunable PtAuNi nanoparti- base transition metal complexes. U. 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
Okeke, R.N. Egekenze, R. Butcher, Y. Gultneh
cles for electroctalytic oxidation of 8:35 CATL 337. Improving solva-
methanol. A. Lu, D. Peng, D. Zeng, Z. CATL 321.Commercially available tion models for electrochemistry.
Skeete, H. Zheng, S. Yan, A. Sharma, F. novel H-bonding catalyst for ring K. Schwarz, R. Sundararaman
Chang, J. Luo, V. Petkov, C. Zhong opening polymerization of lactones.
8:55 CATL 338. DFT simulation of edge
N. Dharmaratne, J. Pothupitiya, T.J.
CATL 303. Developing new catalytic appli- halogenated nanosheets as an ORR
Bannin, O.I. Kazakov, M.K. Kiesewetter
cation of doping-segregation method for catalyst in fuel cells. N. Humphrey, R.
selective CO2 conversion. Q. Wu, B. Yan, J. CATL 322. Probing nanoscale het- Rodriguez, G. Arias, T. Yu, W.A. Goddard
Cen, E. Stach, A. Frenkel, J.G. Chen, A. Orlov erogeneous electrode interface
9:15 CATL 339. Theoretical insights
The use of any device to capture
CATL 304. Difunctional magnetic Pd/ using tip-enhanced Raman spec- images (e.g., cameras and camera
into the role of water in heteroge-
TiO2@SiO2@Fe3O4 catalysts and troscopy. G. Kang, M. Mattei, G.
neous catalysis. C. Chang, J. Li
methanol catalytic conversion to Goubert, G.C. Schatz, R.P. Van Duyne phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
9:35 Intermission.
formic acid and methyl formate. S. Ji CATL 323. Liquid-gas interface explored digital recorders) or to stream,
by ambient pressure x-ray photo- 9:50 CATL 340. Assessing the thermody-
CATL 305. Influence of *OH adsorbates
electron spectroscopy. L. Artiglia, namic landscape for cobalt catalyzed CO2
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
on the potentiodynamics of the CO2
generation during the electro-oxidation F. Orlando, S. Chen, K. Roy, I. Gladich, reduction. I.M. Pendleton, P.M. Zimmerman presentations is strictly prohibited
of ethanol. G. Yang, N.A. Deskins, X. Teng J.A. Van Bokhoven, M. Ammann 10:10 CATL 341. Comparing the oxygen at all official ACS meetings and
reduction reaction on armchair and
CATL 306. Epimerization of isosor-
zigzag edges from quantum mechan-
events without express written
bide to isoidide using Ru/NiO–TiO2
catalyst. J. Hwang, J. Jegal
ics. T. Yu, L. Quang, W.A. Goddard consent from ACS.

Section C 9:50 CATL 365. Olefin formation 8:30 CATL 378. Combining tender 2:25 CATL 390. SQERTSS for TPR:
mechanisms of methanol-to-hydrocarbon ambient pressure XPS with theory Dynamic throttling of lattice kinetic
Walter E. Washington Convention Center reactions in H-MFI zeolites. to unravel the solid/liquid electro- monte carlo to increase computa-
Room 102A P. Kravchenko, M. DeLuca, D. Hibbitts chemical interface. E. Crumlin tional efficiency of spatial chemical
kinetics simulations. J.E. Sutton, A.
Advances in Carbon 10:15 Intermission. 9:00 CATL 379. Multimodal x-ray charac-
Beste, A. Savara, C. Hin, T. Danielson
Dioxide Utilization terization of solar fuels catalysts under
10:35 CATL 366. Resolving zeolite
operation. M. Farmand, J. Feaster, R. Davis, 2:45 Intermission.
Cosponsored by ENFL and ENVR catalysis at the single particle and
S. Fackler, A. Landers, J. Lin, C. Hahn, T.F.
single turnover level. M. Roeffaers 3:00 CATL 391. Effects of secondary
F. Jiao, Organizer Jaramillo, J. Yano, A. Mehta, W. Drisdell
coordination sphere of copper(III)-OH
11:00 CATL 367. Catalytic comparison
V. Abdelsayed, F. Shi, Organizers, Presiding 9:30 CATL 380. Simulation and charac- complexes on hydrogen atom transfer
of nanoporous gold and supported
terization of aluminum-oxide speciation rates. M. Momeni, B. Dereli, D. Dhar,
8:30 CATL 352. Novel nanoscale hybrid bimetallic gold nanoparticles on a tem-
at the water-Mica interface. M.D. Baer, G. Yee, W.B. Tolman, C.J. Cramer
materials for combined CO2 capture plated nanoporous structure.
C.J. Mundy, A. Tuladhar, J. DeYoreo, B. Legg
and conversion. M. Gao, A.A. Park J. Lattimer, T. Shirman, M. Luneau, 3:20 CATL 392. Selective hydroge-
R.J. Madix, J. Aizenberg, C.M. Friend 10:00 CATL 381. Challenges in pulsed nation of acetylene on graphene
9:00 CATL 353. Development of catalytic field gradient NMR on heteroge- supported single-atom Pt cata-
process for CO2 utilization. H. Lin 11:25 CATL 368. Naphthalene hydrogena-
neous interfaces: Sequence and field lyst. H. Zhuo, X. Zhang, J. Li
tion over noble metal supported on new
9:20 CATL 354. Efficient, small cata- dependent diffusion coefficients. K.
mesoporous zeolites with high sulfur 3:40 CATL 393. Kinetic Monte Carlo
lytic reactor for CO2 conversion to Han, E.W. Hagaman, K.T. Mueller
tolerance. N. Baxter, G. Kuo, S. Wang study of vinyl acetate synthesis from
value-added chemicals. K. Hawley, 10:15 Intermission. gas-phase ethylene acetoxylation on
C. Junaedi, S. Roychoudhury 11:50 CATL 369. Ambient oxidation of
Pd(100) and Pd/Au(100) from density
ultrasmall platinum nanoparticles. R. 10:30 CATL 382. Optical, morphologi-
9:40 CATL 355. Withdrawn. functional theory based calculations. X.
Banerjee, Q. Liu, J. Tengco, J.R. Regalbuto cal, and electrochemical multimodal
Dong, Y. Huang, H. Jiang, Y. Yu, M. Zhang
10:00 CATL 356. Silica based magneti- characterization for integrated BiVO4
12:15 Concluding Remarks.
cally retrievable nanocatalysts for CO2 photoanodes. G. Liu, J. Eichhorn, J. 4:00 CATL 394. On the mechanism
fixation at ambient conditions. R. Gaur Haber, J. Gregoire, I. Sharp, F. Toma of CO2 reduction to C2 products
Section E at copper surfaces. A.J. Garza,
10:20 Intermission. 11:00 CATL 383. Investigating the
Walter E. Washington Convention Center M.P. Head-Gordon, A.T. Bell
structural dynamics of the Bi/[BMIM]+
10:35 CATL 357. Carbon dioxide as Room 140A interface during electrocatalytic 4:20 CATL 395. Can copper be the
hydrogen vector – the key compounds
reduction of CO2. J. Medina Ramos, active site in methanol synthesis? M.
in storage and delivery: Formic acid New Paradigm for Catalyst S. Lee, A. Hubaud, T. Fister, P. Fenter Shaban Tameh, A. Dearden, C. Huang
and methanol. G. Laurenczy Design: From Enzymatic Function
11:30 CATL 384. Solvation and desolvation 4:40 CATL 396. Design of solid frustrated
10:55 CATL 358. Bimetallic Pd-Cu catalysts to Functional Mimics
in nonaqueous zinc batteries. T. Fister, Lewis pair catalysts by surface oxygen
for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol.
‍M. J. O’Hagan, S. Raugei, Organizers S. Kim, S. Han, K. Bassett, K. Ta, K.A. See, vacancy regulation for hydrogena-
X. Jiang, N. Koizumi, X. Guo, C. Song
B. Ginovska, Organizer, Presiding A. Gewirth, N. Rajput, K. Persson, P. Fenter tion reactions. Z. Huang, C. Chang
11:15 CATL 359. Withdrawn.
12:00 CATL 385. MWCNTs/polyvinyl 5:00 Concluding Remarks.
8:30 CATL 370. Mutational mimics
11:35 CATL 360. Carboxylation of propyl- alcohol based flexible ethanol sensor:
of allosteric effectors to customize
ene oxide to propylene carbonate. P. Density functional theory study of Section B
enzyme-substrate affinity. A. Fenton
Bobba, B. Subramaniam, R. Chaudhari ethanol interactions at MWCNT-PVA
8:55 CATL 371. Metalloenzyme interface. D. Maity, R. Krishnamoorthy, Walter E. Washington Convention Center
11:55 CATL 361. Influence of Ti/Li/
design. A. Alexandrova S. Lakshmipathi, R. Rajendrakumar Room 102B
Al-hydrotalcite-like with orientations
of crystal growth on its adsorption 9:20 CATL 372. Coupled dynamics in
Green Chemistry & the Environment Vehicle Emission Control
properties of carbon dioxide. Y. protein allosteric mechanisms from an
atomistic perspective. D. Hamelberg
Catalysis: New Era, New
Dong, A. Zhou, D. Lei, T. Kong Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
by CATL and CEI
Challenges & New Solutions
9:45 CATL 373. Molecular mechanism
Cosponsored by ENFL and ENVR
Section D of splicing: An evolutionary compu-
tational journey from ribozymes to F. Gao, C. H. Peden, Organizers, Presiding
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Room 103B
the spliceosome. A. Magistrato WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 1:00 CATL 397. Methane oxidation over Pd
10:10 Intermission. containing catalysts for lean and stoichio-
Nanoporous Materials for 10:25 CATL 374. Catalysis by natural
Section A metric conditions. N. Sadokhina, O. Mihai,
Catalysis in Global Economy and engineered glycosidases. Walter E. Washington Convention Center G. Smedler, U. Nylén, M. Olofsson, L. Olsson
E. Kyriakidou, Z. Li, D. Liu, H. Wang, Organizers, An atomistic view from QM/MM Room 101 1:40 CATL 398. Elucidating the chemical
Presiding simulations. C. Rovira Virgili nature of a Pt single site catalyst sup-
10:50 CATL 375. Inspiration from biology: Advances in Computational Catalysis ported on the ‘29’ Cu surface oxide
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
Coupling electrons and protons and G. Mpourmpakis, R. Surendran Assary, for low temperature CO oxidation. R.
8:35 CATL 362. Withdrawn. facilitating tunneling. S. Hammes-Schiffer Zhang, A. Hensley, A. Therrien, K. Groden,
9:00 CATL 363. Fabrication of Lewis A. Schilling, E.H. Sykes, J. McEwen
11:15 CATL 376. Novel scanning M. Dixit, D. Pahls, Presiding
acid Sn-BEA with tunable hydropho- electrochemical microscope based 2:00 CATL 399. Highly dispersed
bicity and morphology for cellulosic 1:00 Introductory Remarks. Pt-Pd bimetallic catalysts for
method for studying enzymatic
sugar isomerizations. W. Fan, H. Cho proton-coupled electron transfer. 1:05 CATL 386. Adsorption free energies diesel exhaust treatment. A.P.
9:25 CATL 364. Key considerations R. Penhallurick, D. Chen, Y. Tong using neural network based potential Wong, T. Toops, J.R. Regalbuto
for designing zeolite catalysts for energy sampling. P. Mehta, A. Lehmer, 2:20 Intermission.
11:35 CATL 377. Connecting catalysis
biomass conversion reactions. T.C. A. Bajpai, K. Frey, W.F. Schneider
to light-driven electron transfer in 2:40 CATL 400. Multi-functional
Hoff, D.W. Gardner, R. Thilakaratne, photosynthetic hybrids. D.M. Tiede, 1:25 CATL 387. Computational study nanostructure array integration
R.C. Brown, J. Tessonnier L.M. Utschig-Johnson, K.L. Mulfort of the effect of surface-bound and manufacturing for emission
disulfide on the oxygen reduction control and utilization. P. Gao
Section F reaction. T.C. Allison, Y. Tong
3:00 CATL 401. Regeneration of
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 1:45 CATL 388. Understanding het- bimetallic Pt/Pd methane oxida-
erogeneous catalyst deactivation by tion catalysts after sulfur expo-
Room 140B
biogenic impurities on Ni (111) surface sure. M.S. Wilburn, W. Epling
Multimodal Characterization of and bimetallic alloy. M. Gupta, T. Khan,
3:20 CATL 402. Cu-Co-Ce ternary oxide
Technical program information Functional Energy Materials S. Gupta, M. Alam, M. Agarwal, M. Haider
as an additive to conventional Pt/
known at press time. Exploration of Interfacial Processes
2:05 CATL 389. Elucidating the role of Al2O3 catalyst for lean exhaust catal-
heteronuclear interactions in boosting ysis. A.J. Binder, T. Toops, J. Parks
The official technical program for Cosponsored by ENFL H2 production from HCOOH decom-
3:40 CATL 403. Activity and stability of
the 254th ACS National Meeting V. Murugesan, N. Rajput, L. Trahey, Organizers
position on bimetallic Pd-M catalysts
Co3O4-based catalysts for soot oxidation:
from first-principles. J. Cho, S. Lee, S.
is available at www.acs.org/ A. Devaraj, S. Lakshmipathi, Presiding Yoon, J. Han, S. Nam, K. Lee, H. Ham The enhanced effect of Bi2O3 on activa-
tion and transfer of oxygen. W. Wang,
WDC2017 C. Wang, W. Li, Y. Guo, Y. Guo, G. Lu
4:00 Concluding Remarks.

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


Section C 3:15 CATL 417. Mesoporous man- 3:00 CATL 429. Understanding photocata- 8:00 CATL 435. Adipic acid production
ganese oxide catalyzed cross lytic activity at the nanoscale using cor- from biomass-derivatived tetrahydro-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center dehydrogenative coupling of related electron and fluorescence micros- furan-2,5-dicarboxylic acid via the
Room 102A N-aryltetrahydroisoquinoles (sp3 C-H) copy. M. Roeffaers, E. Debroye, J. Van Loon combination of solid acids and iodide. R.
with indoles (sp2 C-H). B. Dutta, S.L. Suib Balakumar, M.J. Gilkey, D.G. Vlachos, B. Xu
Advances in Carbon 3:15 Intermission.
Dioxide Utilization 3:40 CATL 418. Study of the concen- 8:20 CATL 436. Mechanistic study of
3:30 CATL 430. Multi-modal approach to
tration enrichment effects in oxide the catalytic dehydration of methyl
Cosponsored by ENFL and ENVR understand proton transport mecha-
nanotubes prepared by atomic layer lactate to acrylates over NaY and
nisms in Y-doped barium zirconate.
F. Shi, Organizer deposition. Z. Gao, M. Wang, Y. Qin effect on selectivity control. B.M.
R. Unocic, J. Ding, J. Balachandran,
Murphy, M.P. Letterio, J. Soreo, B. Xu
V. Abdelsayed, F. Jiao, Organizers, Presiding 4:05 Concluding Remarks. X. Sang, W. Guo, J. Anchell, G. Veith,
C.A. Bridges, Y. Cheng, C. Rouleau, J. 8:40 CATL 437. Functionalized cellu-
1:00 CATL 404. Photocatalytic reduction of Poplawsky, N. Bassiri-Gharb, P. Ganesh lose as fuel additive. C. Xia, M. Tu
CO2 to CO over the UV-Vis-NIR spectrum Section E
on oxygen-deficient ZnO1-x/carbon 4:00 CATL 431. Decoding structure-prop- 9:00 CATL 438. Reductive catalytic frac-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
composites synthesized by aerosol erty relationships of energy materials tionation of lignocellulose: A lignin-first
Room 140A
routes. L. Lin, S. Kavadiya, Y. Nie, P. Biswas using atom probe tomography and biorefinery. T. Renders, S. Van den
correlative microscopy. A. Devaraj, E. Bosch, W. Schutyser, T. Vangeel, B.F. Sels
1:20 CATL 405. Photoreduction of CO2 by New Paradigm for Catalyst
Vo, P. Parikh, V. Murugesan, K.K. Ramasamy,
SnO2/graphene oxide composite parti- Design: From Enzymatic Function 9:20 CATL 439. Synthesis of glycerol car-
S. Meng, C. Wang, S. Thevuthasan
cles. Y. Liang, W. Wu, D. Liu, S.H. Ehrman to Functional Mimics bonate from CO2 and glycerol over CeO2
4:30 CATL 432. Modeling energy materials catalysts: Effect of crystallite size of CeO2
1:40 CATL 406. Facile development ‍ . Ginovska, M. J. O’Hagan, S. Raugei,
by integrating large microCT image and reaction conditions. L. Jiaxiong, D. He
of MOFs-based nanocomposites Organizers
volumes with data from microscopy,
for enhanced CO2 photoreduc- 9:40 Intermission.
R. Koder, Presiding spectroscopy, and scattering. D.Y.
tion. X. He, D. Wang, W. Wang Parkinson, I. Zenyuk, K. Harry, K. Higa, 9:50 CATL 440. Lowering the carbon
1:00 CATL 419. Novel supramolec-
2:00 CATL 407. Converting CO2 into D. Devaux, N.P. Balsara, E. Gross foot print of the automobile industry
ular approach for multicatalytic
fuels by graphitic carbon nitride through the in-mixing of modified
activity of Mn-porphyrin deriva- 5:00 CATL 433. Rectifying the charac-
based photocatalysts. L. Zhang biorefinery lignin for producing durable
tive. R. Kubota, H. Kawakami terization of carbon supported Pd:
interior materials in cars. J. Jiang
2:20 CATL 408. Stable aqueous pho- Chloride poisoning, carbon decoration,
1:20 CATL 420. Synthesis of hybrid cata-
toelectrochemical CO2 reduction by or both? R. Banerjee, J.R. Regalbuto 10:10 CATL 441. Precise deposition
lysts and their application in alkane oxida-
a Cu2O dark cathode with improved of Pt promoter onto silica supported
tion and CO2 conversion. A.J. Karkamkar 5:15 CATL 434. Visible light driven
selectivity for carbonaceous prod- cobalt for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
photocatalytic properties of vertically
ucts. X. Chang, T. Wang, J. Gong 1:45 CATL 421. Assembly of bio-mi- F. Almalki, J. Monnier, J.R. Regalbuto
aligned ZnO-CuS core-shell nanorod
metic multienzyme complex on
2:40 Intermission. arrays: Importance of the coupling 10:30 CATL 442. Metal-free cleavage
DNA nanoscaffolds. J. Fu
interface by the in situ generated ZnS of C-O bonds via the combination
2:55 CATL 409. Withdrawn. 2:05 CATL 422. Rational design of an of hydriodic acid and molecular H2
shell layer. R. Kugalur Shanmugam,
3:15 CATL 410. Production of naphtha- artificial hydrogen peroxide oxidase and D. Ranjith Kumar, R. Rajendrakumar in organic acid solvents. M.J. Gilkey,
lene from carbon dioxide and methanol its use as an electron source for artificial A.V. Mironenko, D.G. Vlachos, B. Xu
by photocatalysis using nanostruc- reaction centers. R.L. Koder, S.D. Minteer, Green Chemistry & the Environment 10:50 CATL 443. Bio-terephthalic acid
tured cobalt. K. Davies, D.K. Ryan D.J. Vinyard, G.W. Brudvig, J. Preston, E.
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored synthesis from cross metathesis of bio-
Andersen, B. Everson, E. Bjerkefeldt, F. Giroud
3:35 CATL 411. Glycerol transfer hydroge- by CATL and CEI sourced unsaturated carboxylic acids
nation of CO2 using Ir and Ru carbene 2:30 Intermission. and consecutive one-pot cycloaddition
organometallics immobilized on hydro- and aromatization reactions. E. Saraci,
2:45 CATL 423. Exploring peptoid
talcites. J. Heltzel, M. Finn, A. Voutchkova L. Wang, K.H. Theopold, R.F. Lobo
nanomembranes as platform to mimic WEDNESDAY EVENING
3:55 CATL 412. Investigation of hydroge- natural enzymes. M.D. Baer, C. Chen 11:10 CATL 444. Enzymatic modifica-
nation/disproportioation of formic acid Electrochemical Technologies tion of resveratrol: Green strategies
3:10 CATL 424. Enzyme inspired
to methanol using iridium catalysts. Y. for Water Purification for a-glycosylation. T. Marie, G. Willig,
catalysts. L. Connal
Himeda, H. Kawanami, G. Laurenczy A. Teixeira, A. Gratia, J. Renault, F. Allais
3:30 CATL 425. Role of anharmonicity Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
by CATL and CEI 11:30 CATL 445. Valorization of biomass
in the confinement effect in zeo-
Section D lites: Structure, spectroscopy and
derived lactones into fuels and
Environmental Applications of Liquid chemicals. M. Alam, S. Gupta, A. Bohre,
Walter E. Washington Convention Center adsorption free energy. M. Lee, Y. Phase Catalysis for Green Chemical E. Ahmad, T. Khan, B. Saha, M. Haider
Room 103B Wang, V. Glezakou, R. Rousseau
Processes of Renewable Materials
Nanoporous Materials for Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored Section B
Section F by CATL and ENFL
Catalysis in Global Economy Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
E. Kyriakidou, Z. Li, D. Liu, H. Wang, Organizers, Green Chemistry & the Environment Room 102B
Room 140B
Presiding Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
Multimodal Characterization of by CATL and CEI General Catalysis
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
Functional Energy Materials Heterogeneous Catalysis for
D. Liang, R. Ma, A. B. Padmaperuma,
1:05 CATL 413. Catalytically function- Organizers
alized nanoporous frameworks and Advances In Situ/ Environmental & Energy Applications
carbons for chemical energy storage. Operando Microscopy D. Liang, Presiding
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CATL
M. Allendorf, J. Brown, J.L. White, V. Cosponsored by ENFL
Stavila, T. Heo, B. Wood, l. Klebanoff Nano-Enabled Water
V. Murugesan, N. Rajput, L. Trahey, Organizers Treatment Technologies:
1:40 CATL 414. Computationally-driven
S. Lakshmipathi, M. Nandasiri, Presiding Applications & Implications
design of cation-based catalysts sup-
ported in metal-organic frameworks for Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CATL
1:30 CATL 426. Operando video
upgrading of light hydrocarbons. S.L. microscopy of lithium metal
Pellizzeri, P. Miro, V. Bernales, M. Barona, anodes: From dendrite nucleation
P. Liao, L. Gagliardi, R. Snurr, R. Getman to cell failure. N.P. Dasgupta THURSDAY MORNING The use of any device to capture
2:05 CATL 415. New modified nitro- 2:00 CATL 427. Correlating structure images (e.g., cameras and camera
gen-doped graphene (N-G)/metal organic Section A
framework (MOF) derived microporous
and electron transfer at nucleation phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
sites on electrode surfaces. K.L. Walter E. Washington Convention Center
catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction Jungjohann, S. Goriparti, W.M. Mook, G.A.
Room 101
digital recorders) or to stream,
(ORR). S. Zhuang, B. Nunna, E. Lee Montano, M. Rush, K. Leung, K.R. Zavadil upload or rebroadcast speakers or
2:30 CATL 416. Withdrawn. 2:30 CATL 428. High-resolution char- Catalytic Transformation of
acterization of intercalation cathodes Renewable Plant Biomass to
presentations is strictly prohibited
2:55 Intermission.
for multi-valent battery applications. Enhance Global Economy at all official ACS meetings and
R. Klie, A. Mukherjee, J. Jokisaari, J.L.
Andrews, H. Yoo, S. Banerjee, J. Cabana
Cosponsored by ENFL events without express written
N. Yan, X. Zhang, Organizers, Presiding consent from ACS.

8:00 CATL 446. Characterization of iron 9:20 CATL 460. Development of oxamides 8:40 CATL 475. C-C Bond cleavage of
contamination on equilibrium fluid
catalytic cracking catalyst particles.
as general ligands for copper-cata-
lyzed aminations. J.F. Dropinski
ethanol to form methane and carbon
dioxide in liquid phase. G. Yang, X. Teng
H. Jiang, K.J. Livi, S. Kundu, W. Cheng
8:20 CATL 447. Hot electron-driven
9:40 Intermission. 9:00 CATL 476. Constrained geometry
organotitanium catalysts supported
Division of Cellulose &
photocatalytic water splitting. B. Hou,
9:55 CATL 461. Synthesis and mechanistic
study of Pt-based Tri-metal catalysts
on nanosized silica for ethylene (co) Renewable Materials
L. Shen, H. Shi, R. Kapadia, S. Cronin polymerization. K.T. Li, L. Wu M. Roman, Program Chair
for the ethanol oxidation reaction. S.
8:40 CATL 448. Photocatalytic degradation Jilani, Y. Tong, D. Zager, E. Iyanobor 9:20 CATL 477. Description of adsorp-
of methylene blue using vanadosilicate tion processes by meta-general-
10:15 CATL 462. Sustainable nanomateri-
AM-6. M. Ismail, J. Mattheisen, E. Hishiya ized gradient approximations. A.J.
als: Synthesis and applications in catal- SUNDAY MORNING
Garza, A.T. Bell, M.P. Head-Gordon
9:00 CATL 449. Enzyme Immobilization ysis. M. Gawande, R.S. Varma, R. Zboril
on magnetic nanoparticles for 9:40 Intermission.
10:35 CATL 463. Computational and Section A
enhancing biocatalysis. C. Liu
experimental characterisation of solvent 9:55 CATL 478. Determination of siting
Grand Hyatt Washington
9:20 CATL 450. Fenton degradation of effects in hydrogen cation catalysis of preference of exchanged Fe ions in
Penn Quarter A/B
organic pollutions based on various ethanol to diethyl ether. M.S. Howard, Fe-SSZ-13 zeolite through density
nanocrystals/biomass compos- M.K. Ghosh, J.J. Leahy, S. Dooley functional theory and ab Initio molecular
ite loaded columns. D. Liang dynamics. S. Li, W.F. Schneider
Recent Advances towards
10:55 CATL 464. Template based the Bioeconomy
9:40 Intermission. nanostructure MnO2-x catalysts for the 10:15 CATL 479. In situ titration of
Cosponsored by AGFD, CARB, ENFL and ENVR
mild oxidation organic compounds. A. carbon-supported electrocata-
9:55 CATL 451. Layered double hydroxide
Altaf, A. Badshah, S. Kausar, S. Arshad lysts. J. Egbert, R.S. Weber M. Roman, Organizer
supported gold nanoparticles towards
lignin depolymerization. Y. Song, M. 10:35 CATL 480. Interaction of D. Salas-de la Cruz, Presiding
Crocker, K. Wilson, M. Isaacs, A.F. Lee Section D atomic oxygen with Ag(111) and
Ag(110) surfaces: Oxygen adsorp- 8:00 Introductory Remarks.
10:15 CATL 452. Biocementation of soils Walter E. Washington Convention Center
tion and kinetics at surface versus 8:05 CELL 1. Rapid room tempera-
through calcium carbonate precipitation Room 103B
subsurface. S.B. Isbill, S. Roy ture solubilization and depolymer-
using microbial catalysis. R. Pinto Vilar,
T. Hoang, J. Alleman, B. Cetin, K. Ikuma General Catalysis 10:55 CATL 481. DNA-crowded ization of polymeric lignin at high
enzyme complex with enhanced loadings. J. Sun, T. Dutta, N.G. Isern,
10:35 CATL 453. TEMPO-oxidized cellulose D. Liang, A. B. Padmaperuma, Organizers J.R. Cort, B.A. Simmons, S. Singh
activity and stability. J. Fu
nanocrystal/ RuCO nanoparticle com- R. Ma, Organizer, Presiding
posite as a catalyst for the reduction of 8:30 CELL 2. Investigation of ionic
5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-dimeth- K. Lin, Presiding Section F liquid-lignin interactions and its
ylfuran. J. Zhang, W. Xie, Q. Liang, Y. Ni effect on biomass pretreatment. T.
8:00 CATL 465. Withdrawn. Walter E. Washington Convention Center Dutta, M. Valiev, X. Wang, N.G. Isern,
10:55 CATL 454. Shape-selective FeMnK/ 8:20 CATL 466. Energetics of Room 140B J.R. Cort, B. Simmons, S. Singh
Al2O3@Silicalite-2 core-shell catalyst adsorbed formate and formic acid
for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis to lower General Catalysis 8:55 CELL 3. Deep eutectic solvent
on Ni(111) by calorimetry. W. Zhao, fractionation of biomass. M.B. Foston
olefins. H. Wang, S. Huang, Y. Wang, X. Ma S. Carey, S. Morgan, C.T. Campbell D. Liang, R. Ma, A. B. Padmaperuma,
11:15 CATL 455. Selective conversion Organizers 9:20 CELL 4. Kinetic modeling of
8:40 CATL 467. Unraveling structure cellulose fractional pyrolysis. H.
of syngas into light olefins over a sensitivity in phenol hydrogenaton W. Wang, Presiding Bennadji, L. Khachatryan, S.M. Lomnicki
cobalt-zeolite bifunctional catalyst. on Pd nanostructures. M. Haider, S.
B. Maddi, K.K. Ramasamy, M. Gray 8:00 CATL 482. Plasmonic imaging 9:45 Intermission.
Seshadri, S. Gupta, T. Khan, V. Prabhakaran
technique for high throughput catalytic
9:00 CATL 468. Identification of suitable 10:00 CELL 5. Alkane production from
material screening. X. Shan, J. Chang
Section C active sites for simultaneous conversion biomass: A chemocatalytic liquid
8:20 CATL 483. Photocatalytic activ- phase cellulose-to-naphtha process.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center of alpha-MOB and beta-MEMOB into
ity of sulfated TiO2 and its applica- A. Deneyer, M. Dusselier, B.F. Sels
Room 102A MMA and MAA. J. Xu, A. Lemonds
tion in water treatment. S.F. Li
9:20 CATL 469. Effect of aqueous 10:25 CELL 6. Catalytic dehydration of
General Catalysis and non-aqueous reaction media 8:40 CATL 484. Novel sulfide based glucose and fructose into 5-hydroxymeth-
on hydrogenation of succinimide dehydrogenation catalysts. P.H. ylfurfural by aluminum complexes bearing
D. Liang, R. Ma, A. B. Padmaperuma,
Nielsen, L.J. Lemus-Yegres, R.M. Nielsen bidentate (aminomethyl)phenolate
Organizers to 2-pyrrolidone. S.R. More, S.K.
Tanielyan, R.L. Augustine, T. Thidarat, C. 9:00 CATL 485. Redox-auxiliary ligands. D.S. Saangonyo, F.T. Ladipo
A. J. Karkamkar, Presiding
Ozmeral, K. Roffi, M. Shmorhun, J. Glas catalysis for cycling of photo-elec- 10:50 CELL 7. Isolation and char-
8:00 CATL 456. Preparation of high-sur- tro responsive materials. S.C. acterization of cellulose from
9:40 Intermission.
face-area active catalyst supports by Blackstock, C. Nwankwoala, C. Saint- biomass: Applications in biomed-
atomic layer deposition. T. Onn, R.J. Gorte 9:55 CATL 470. Characterization of Louis, D. Warner, K. Strickland, L. Gray ical and food packaging. N. Shahi,
Brønsted acid sites generated in situ on B. Min, D. Mortley, V.K. Rangari
8:20 CATL 457. Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis 9:20 CATL 486. Mechanistic insights
alkali-metal form zeolites via gas-solid ion
over (Fe-Nb2O5)-based catalysts. R.R. and new applications of palladium 11:15 CELL 8. Cellulose nanocrystal
exchange. J. Soreo, B.M. Murphy, B. Xu
Soares, W. Silva, M. Napolitano, U. Silva catalysts with multi-arylated phosphine production by sulfuric acid hydrolysis
10:15 CATL 471. Withdrawn. ligands for cross-coupling. H. Jong, Y. of wood pulp: What are reasonable
8:40 CATL 458. Synergetic catalysis by
10:35 CATL 472. Activation and Lim, S.T. Eey, W. Wu, C. Johannes, F. Yong, yields? M. Roman, S. Dong, S. Welborn,
copper and iron in oxidation of reduced
stabilization of a silica-supported E.G. Robins, A.M. Mak, M.B. Sullivan S. Oxley, K. Chan, M.J. Bortner
Keggin heteropolytungstates by dioxygen.
M. Kim, M. Chamack, C.L. Hill, Y.V. Geletii organochromium(III) complex resem- 9:40 Intermission. 11:40 Concluding Remarks.
bling the union carbide catalyst. Y.
9:00 CATL 459. Potential of nanostruc- 9:55 CATL 487. CuI-catalyzed aerobic
Wang, X. Wang, B. Peters, S.L. Scott
tured nonequilibrium catalysts for oxidation reaction of secondary Carbohydrate-Based
carbon nanomaterials and beyond. alcohols promoted by a novel Vaccines & Adjuvants
M. Atwater, L. Guevara, R. Welsh, Section E modified Cr-metal-organic frame- Sponsored by CARB, Cosponsored by CELL
B. Stone, A. Joy, E. Zurita-Torres Walter E. Washington Convention Center work ligand. Y. Luan, J. Zhao
Room 140A
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased
10:15 CATL 488. Enrichment at nano-in-
Materials & Biocatalysis
terface for enhancing environmental
General Catalysis catalytic oxidation. W. Wang Biobased Materials:
D. Liang, R. Ma, Organizers 10:35 CATL 489. Fundamental investigation
Industrial Perspectives
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored
Technical program information A. B. Padmaperuma, Organizer, Presiding of C-C coupling of carbonyl compounds
on ceria. C. Zhao, A. Savara, Y. Xu
known at press time. A. Raju, Presiding
10:55 CATL 490. Multicomponent
The official technical program for 8:00 CATL 473. New bidentate ligands for Mannich reactions catalyzed by
rhodium-catalysed branched selec-
the 254th ACS National Meeting tive propene hydroformylation. L. Iu,
layered double hydroxide mod-
ified with copper. Z. Wu
is available at www.acs.org/ M. Janka, K.J. Fontenot, M.L. Clarke

WDC2017 8:20 CATL 474. Withdrawn.

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


acid from aqueous solution through
Section A vegetable biomass waste-based Section A Building a Safety Culture across
hydrogel absorbent. T. Zhou, Y. Zhao the Chemistry Enterprise
Grand Hyatt Washington Grand Hyatt Washington
CELL 18.Construction and capacitance Grassroots Approaches to
Penn Quarter A/B Penn Quarter A/B
performances of cellulose paper- Developing a Safety Culture
based flexible supercapacitor. J.
Recent Advances towards Sustainable Design of Polymers Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
Yeo, S. Wang, O. Kim, S. Hwang
the Bioeconomy from Xylochemicals BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS,
Cosponsored by AGFD, CARB, ENFL and ENVR CELL 19.Efficient ionic liquid pre- CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC,
treatment of cellulose at higher
Strategic Design of Complex INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
M. Roman, Organizer, Presiding loading. E. Aung, T. Endo, S. Fujii, K. Polymers from the Combination
Kuroda, K. Ninomiya, K. Takahashi of Xylochemicals Frontiers in Carbohydrate Synthesis
1:00 Introductory Remarks. Cosponsored by CARB, PMSE and POLY Sponsored by CARB, Cosponsored by CELL
CELL 20. Withdrawn.
1:05 CELL 9. Lignocellulosic materials
for the sustainable market of energy CELL 21. Preparation of cellulose J. La Scala, G. R. Palmese, J. M. Sadler, Chemistry in an Evolving Political
from soybean dregs by enzyme: Organizers Climate: Research Priorities &
storage and conversion devices. F.
Bella, F. Colò, L. Zolin, J.R. Nair, D. Alkali treatment and its application J. F. Stanzione, Organizer, Presiding Career Pathways in Public Policy
Pugliese, A.M. Stephan, C. Gerbaldi in edible packaging paper. P. Li Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
1:30 CELL 10. Processing of silk- CELL 22.Synthesis of cellulose BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI, CELL, CEPA,
nanowhiskers tethered with iron 8:05 CELL 35. Ultralight, highly thermal CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC,
worm silk for applications in flex-
oxide nanoparticles. L. Chen, R. insulating and fire resistant aerogel DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB
ible electronics. Y. Zhang
Tannenbaum, S. Sharma, R. Darienzo by encapsulating cellulose nanofiber
1:55 CELL 11. Characterization and with two-dimensional MoS2. H. Zhu Intellectual Property Considerations
structure-property relationships of CELL 23. New design of a polar ionic When Entering into a Joint Venture
liquid switchable in miscibility with 8:30 CELL 36. Novel functional mate-
microcrystalline cellulose-Mori silk Sponsored by CHAL, Cosponsored
water by CO2/N2. Y. Shimada, K. rials from cellulose esters with long
based biomaterials fabricated from ionic by CATL, CELL, ENFL and SCHB
Kuroda, K. Ninomiya, K. Takahashi aliphatic chains. Y. Wang, K. Zhang
liquids. J. Stanton, Y. Xue, P. Pandher,
L. Malek, X. Hu, D. Salas-de la Cruz 8:55 CELL 37. High temperature thermoset- Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased
CELL 24. Biomass composites from
ting polyimide oligomers and epoxy resins Materials & Biocatalysis
2:20 CELL 12. Acid-dependent herbaceous-based lignocellulose nano
fibers. S. Senda, K. Takahashi, T. Endo, derived from biosynthetic vanillin and New Reaction Strategies & Materials
cross-linking of xanthan gum in solid
T. Tsukegi resveratrol. M. Savolainen, B.G. Harvey,
state. Y. Li, D. Zhang, A.M. Leone Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored
A. Chafin, M. Garrison, J. Lamb, G. Yandek
2:45 Intermission. CELL 25.Production of 2-pyrone 4, by AGFD, CELL and PMSE
6-dicarboxylic acid using algae- 9:20 CELL 38. Development of methac-
3:00 CELL 13. Hygroscopic swelling rylate functionalized resin derived from
hydrolysate as fermentation medium.
determination of cellulose nanocrystal kraft lignin. E. Krall, D.C. Webster, K. Sutko
A. Htet, M. Noguchi, K. Ninomiya,
films by polarized light microscopy
Y. Tsuge, S. Kajita, E. Masai, K. Shikinaka, 9:45 Intermission.
digital image correlation. S. Shrestha,
K. Kuroda, R. Honda, K. Takahashi
D. Jairo, S. Ghanbari, J.P. Youngblood 10:00 CELL 39. Bio-based intumes- Section A
CELL 26. Flexibly tailoring chiral nematic cent flame retardant coating based
3:25 CELL 14. Amylose inclusion com- Walter E. Washington Convention Center
self-assembling behavior by different on synergistic combination of phytic
plexes utilized for improved film prop- Halls D/E
size and charge group ranges of acid and tannic acid for nylon-cotton
erties: Production and rheological charac-
cellulose nanocrystals via a facile blends. Z. Xia, S. Yu, W. Kiratitanavit,
terization. W. Hay, G.W. Selling, G.F. Fanta Sci-Mix
physical approach. L. Jiao, L. Chen, J. Kumar, R. Mosurkal, R. Nagarajan
3:50 CELL 15. Superhydrophilic wrin- M. Su, H. Dai M. Roman, Organizer
10:25 CELL 40. Toughening thermoset
kle-free cotton fabrics via plasma
CELL 27. Withdrawn. resins using grafted epoxidized soybean 8:00 - 10:00
and nanofluid treatment. L. Lao,
CELL 28.Ultrafine cellulose nanofibers oil. S. Yadav, J. La Scala, G. Palmese
L. Fu, G. Qi, E.P. Giannelis, J. Fan 1, 4-7, 15-16, 18-19, 21-25, 29,
based high flux thin-film nanocomposite 10:50 CELL 41. Multifunctional mag- 31-34, 38. See previous listings.
4:15 CELL 16. Xyloglucan fucosylation in
membrane for desalination. K. Liu netic cellulose surface imprinted
Arabidopsis thaliana: A water mediated
CELL 29. Dissolving cellulose in microsphere as highly selective
reaction mechanism. V.S. Bharadwaj,
adsorption materials. M. Xu
B. Urbanowicz, M.F. Crowley, W.S. York dialkylphosphate ionic liquid solu- TUESDAY MORNING
tions. M.F. Thomas, A. Chen, M. Yuan 11:15 CELL 42. Production of poly-
4:40 Concluding Remarks.
CELL 30. Chemoselective methylation hydroxyalkanoates from anaerobic Understanding the Chemistry
of phenolic hydroxyl group prevents fermentation under alkaline condition of Our Planet
Science Communications: The Art using alkali pretreated rice straw.
of Developing a Clear Message quinone methide formation and repo- Chemistry’s Role in our Earth System
lymerization during lignin depolymer- B. Kim, M. Kim, Y. Choi, K. Nam
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
ization. K. Kim, T. Dutta, E.D. Walter, N.G. 11:40 Concluding Remarks.
Isern, J.R. Cort, B. Simmons, S. Singh
ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC CELL 31. Novel bacteria for improv- Building a Safety Culture across INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC
ing the efficiency of a microbial the Chemistry Enterprise
Carbohydrate-Based fuel cell. R. Chung, G. Hwang, D.
Vaccines & Adjuvants Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts
Moon, Y. Chang, J. Yoon, G. Lee to Developing a Safety Culture
Sponsored by CARB, Cosponsored by CELL
CELL 32. Renewable bioenergy production Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased in the consolidated anaerobic digester BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS,
Materials & Biocatalysis and microbial fuel cell with cellulolytic CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC,
rumen fluid inoculation. R. Chung, INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
Developments in Biocatalysts M. Shin, H. Kim, F. Shen, R. Kang
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored Chemistry in an Evolving Political
CELL 33. Extraction and characterization Climate: Research Priorities &
by AGFD, CELL and PMSE of nanocellulose from (cotton, wheat
Career Pathways in Public Policy
straw, and Hibiscus sabdariffa). The use of any device to capture
M. Alwohaibi Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by

SUNDAY EVENING CELL 34. Study of adhesion of dif-

BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI, CELL, CEPA, images (e.g., cameras and camera
ferent nanoparticles on the surface DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
Section A of cellulose nanocrystal thin
digital recorders) or to stream,
films. M. Rivera, V.M. Pantojas Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Materials & Biocatalysis upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Hall D
Chemical Catalytic Routes presentations is strictly prohibited
General Posters to Biobased Materials
at all official ACS meetings and
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored
M. Roman, Organizer
by AGFD, CELL and PMSE events without express written
7:00 - 9:00 consent from ACS.

Advances in Glycan Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased High School Program 11:05 CHED 15. Student performance
Structure & Dynamics Materials & Biocatalysis Cosponsored by SOCED improved through immediate answer-un-
til-correct feedback during chemistry
Host-Pathogen Interactions, Biobased Thermosetting Resins M. Mury, Organizer testing. J.L. Schneider, K.L. Murphy, P.
Glycan-Based Vaccine Design & Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored
S. C. Rukes, Organizer, Presiding Kendeou, S. Srinivasan, A. Chatterjee
Glycan-Protein Interactions by AGFD, CELL and PMSE
8:00 Registration. 11:25 CHED 16. How the high performing
Sponsored by CARB, Cosponsored by CELL
student subpopulation responds to
GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders 8:25 Introductory Remarks. flipped vs traditional formats in honors
of Giants: Developing Chemistries WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 8:30 CHED 1. Scientific studies organic chemistry. M. Habel, S. Zaman,
for Improved Global Health of museum objects: The artist I. Tariq, S. Ahmed, K. Zare, L. Williams
Advances in Glycan as alchemist. L. Brostoff
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by ANYL, 11:45 Concluding Remarks.
Structure & Dynamics
BMGT, CELL, COLL, POLY and PRES 9:00 CHED 2. Paper science and the hydro-
Conformational Analysis & gen bond. K. Schiedermayer, S.B. Mitchell Section C
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased Less Common Approaches to
Materials & Biocatalysis Structure Determination 9:35 CHED 3. National histoic sites Grand Hyatt Washington
of Washington DC. D. Krone Independence C
Green Biocatalytic Transformations Sponsored by CARB, Cosponsored by CELL
9:55 CHED 4. Unsual uses for
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored Advancing Graduate Education:
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased common items. S.C. Rukes
Materials & Biocatalysis Opportunities & Challenges
10:00 Intermission.
Cosponsored by PRES
Plant Oils & Ferulate-Based Materials 10:10 CHED 5. Chemistry
N. S. Goroff, Organizer
TUESDAY AFTERNOON Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored rocks! K.M. Kaleuati
by AGFD, CELL and PMSE B. Z. Shakhashiri, Organizer, Presiding
10:45 CHED 6. Place-based educa-
Advances in Glycan tion model for developing climate 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
Structure & Dynamics science literacy in context. G.P. Foy,
8:35 CHED 17. Advancing grad-
Glycosaminoglycan Structure THURSDAY MORNING K.E. Peterman, R.L. Foy, L. Clements
uate education: Prospects and
Sponsored by CARB, Cosponsored by CELL 11:05 CHED 7. Designing inquiry expectations. B.Z. Shakhashiri
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased lesson plans using ChemMatters
GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders Materials & Biocatalysis magazine. K. Chesmel 8:50 CHED 18. Catalyzing the mod-
of Giants: Developing Chemistries ernization of graduate biomed-
Therapeutics & Opto-Electronics 11:30 CHED 8. Formulating polymer
for Improved Global Health ical education. J.R. Lorsch
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored products to beautify your world. D. Haase
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by ANYL, by AGFD, CELL and PMSE 9:20 CHED 19. Supporting graduate
BMGT, CELL, COLL, POLY and PRES 11:55 Concluding Remarks. education in the future: Views from the
Advances in Lignin: Chemicals, National Science Foundation. W.J. Lewis
Understanding the Chemistry Polymers & Materials Section B
of Our Planet 9:50 CHED 20. Key issues in trans-
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by CELL Grand Hyatt Washington forming graduate STEM education
Human Impacts to our Planet Independence B for the 21st century. A.I. Leshner
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by 10:20 Intermission.
BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, Research in Chemistry Education
THURSDAY AFTERNOON 10:35 CHED 21. Fostering industrial and
Financially supported by ACS DivCHED
INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC academic partnerships. K. Watson
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased Committee on Chemistry Education Research
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased Materials & Biocatalysis 11:05 CHED 22. Building an inte-
S. Pazicni, S. C. Ryan, S. M. Underwood, grated university/workplace
Materials & Biocatalysis Applications of Biobased Materials Organizer, Presiding education model. M. Alger
Polysaccharide-Based Materials Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored 8:30 Introductory Remarks. 11:35 CHED 23. Addressing career prepa-
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by AGFD, CELL and PMSE
8:35 CHED 9. Comparison of student ration with foundation tools. V. McGovern
and faculty responses to electro- 12:05 Concluding Remarks.
philic aromatic substitution reac-
tion problems. A. Hjerstedt New Approaches to
TUESDAY EVENING CHED 8:55 CHED 10. Which macroscopic Teaching: Strategies,
examples from physics best support Instrumentation, Standards
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased
Materials & Biocatalysis Division of Chemical student understanding of potential energy
in chemistry. M.L. Nagel, B. Lindsey
Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored by CHED

Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored Education 9:15 CHED 11. Impact of strategic

by AGFD, CELL and PMSE D. Wicht, B. Rios McKee and I. Levy, molecular modeling activities on student
Program Chairs mastery, answer sophistication, and
knowledge retention of molecular
Section A
WEDNESDAY MORNING OTHER SYMPOSIA OF INTEREST: geometry concepts in first semester
Making an Impact on Public college chemistry. D.L. Richter-Egger, Grand Hyatt Washington
Advances in Glycan Perceptions of Chemistry through J. Conrad, C. Cutucache, J. Darr, A. Gift, N. Independence D/E
Structure & Dynamics Outreach (see SOCED, Sun) Grandgenett, R. Lomneth, E. Tisko, A. Miller
The Nons: Non-Tenure-Track 9:35 Intermission. High School Program
Faculty in a Changing Academic Cosponsored by SOCED
Sponsored by CARB, Cosponsored by CELL Landscape (see WCC, Sun) 9:50 CHED 12. Insights into ACS
membership’s ethics concerns and M. Mury, Organizer
SOCIAL EVENTS: awareness of ethics resources:
Opportunities for education and S. C. Rukes, Organizer, Presiding
High School-College Interface Luncheon
(Tickets required), 12:00 PM: Sun training. P.A. Mabrouk, S.M. Schelble 1:00 Introductory Remarks.
CHED Division Reception, 5:30 PM: Sun 10:10 CHED 13. Investigating content 1:05 CHED 24. The Poisoner’s
and pedagogical knowledge devel- Handbook. D. Blum
opment of academic peer leaders in
1:55 CHED 25. Flipping the script
SUNDAY MORNING chemistry courses. M. Emenike, N.
on the conventional class-
Technical program information Battacharya, S. Katzen, N. Patel, S. Blackwell
room. S. O’Brien, K. Drury
Section A
known at press time. 10:30 CHED 14. My voice actually
2:15 CHED 26. Developing proj-
Grand Hyatt Washington counts…: Students’ experiences in
The official technical program for Independence D/E the introductory chemistry laboratory. ect-based cooperative laboratory
activities to promote use of the
the 254th ACS National Meeting N.S. Stephenson, N. Sadler-McKnight
scientific and engineering practices.
is available at www.acs.org/ 10:50 Intermission. J.H. Carmel, J.S. Ward, M. Cooper

WDC2017 2:35 Intermission.

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


2:45 CHED 27. Analyzing hazards Section C CHED 51.Nomenclature: The CHED 70. TIM Consortium: A dispersed
and risks in high school chemis- language of chemistry. M.D. REU site in theoretically interesting mole-
try labs. I.G. Cesa, D.C. Finster Grand Hyatt Washington Mosher, R.A. Yokley, H. Cheng cules. K. Russell, J.L. Katz, P.M. Iovine, K.A.
Independence C Nolin, J. Schellinger, E.J. Yezierski, S.M. Biros
3:05 CHED 28. Adapting food CHED 52. Withdrawn.
chemistry concepts to the high Advancing Graduate Education: CHED 71. Evidence-based Instructional
CHED 53. National Science Foundation
school curriculum. M.Y. Bee, E.A. Opportunities & Challenges practice use in postsecondary chemistry
programs that support chemis-
Burzynski, G.L. Sacks, S.B. Mitchell education: Results from a national survey.
Cosponsored by PRES try education. T. Kim, D. Rickey
S. Srinivasan, R. Gibbons, J.J. Reed, E.
3:40 CHED 29. Building a periodic
B. Z. Shakhashiri, Organizer CHED 54. Integrating museum learning Laga, J. Vega, K.L. Murphy, J.R. Raker
table unit plan using American
into general chemistry: Exploring the
Association of Chemistry Teachers N. S. Goroff, Organizer, Presiding CHED 72. Role of testing feedback:
chemistry of spaceflight with the National
(AACT) resources. K. Duncan A preliminary look through the
1:30 CHED 40. Balancing research training Air and Space Museum. V.L. Miller
eyes of first-term general chem-
4:05 CHED 30. Connecting macro- with professional skill building: Models CHED 55. Evaluating the benefits of a istry faculty. C.J. Luxford
scopic, symbolic, and microscopic for collaborative effort. N.S. Goroff R1/PUI laboratory exchange program
through data collection and molec- CHED 73. Pharmaceutical chemistry: An
1:50 CHED 41. ACS development and related to graduate and undergradu-
ular visualization. T. Loschiavo undergraduate elective. C.A. Sarisky
implementation of career resources ate student learning and professional
4:30 Concluding Remarks. for graduate students and post- development. J.L. Stachowski, L. CHED 74. Development of new research-
docs. C. Kuniyoshi, J.L. Wesemann, Bricker, J.B. Johnson, J. Montgomery based organic chemistry laboratory
Section B J. Schlatterer, M.E. Grow-Sadler experiments for undergraduate students.
CHED 56. Increasing undergraduate interest
E. Lucas, S.M. King, J.A. Prescher
Grand Hyatt Washington 2:10 CHED 42. From the safety in chemistry by introducing inorganic and
beat: Incorporating lab safety into biochemistry in a general chemistry labo- CHED 75. Organic dice: A didactic
Independence B
graduate training. J. Kemsley ratory. E.E. Hardy, D.L. Forbes, A.B. Curtiss game in the teaching of chemis-
try. C. Rackov, H. Silva de Souza
Undergraduate Research Papers 2:30 CHED 43. Is the apprentice- CHED 57. Global society and chem-
Cosponsored by SOCED ship model in graduate educa- istry: Changes and consequences. CHED 76. Organic chemistry educational
tion obsolete? M.T. Ashby N.N. Tahmazian, D. Wilson resources: Community of organic
Financially supported by CUR: Council chemistry educators. J.L. Muzyka,
on Undergraduate Research 2:50 CHED 44. Educating STEM doctoral CHED 58. EPIC science education at
L. Winfield, J. Houseknecht, A. Leontyev,
students for success in a rapidly chang- James Madison University: Expanding
V.M. Maloney, R.D. Rossi, C. Welder
J. V. Ruppel, Organizer ing employment landscape. A.L. Feig Pathways, Identity and Capacity (EPIC)
C. V. Gauthier, N. L. Snyder, Organizers, in secondary education. B.A. Reisner, CHED 77. Hands-on intensive short course
3:10 Intermission. K. Cresawn, E. Pyle, S. Paulson, R. Higdon for undergraduate students: State-of-the-
3:25 CHED 45. Supporting improved art mass spectrometry for point-of-care
CHED 59. Building a community around
1:30 Introductory Remarks. safety practices in graduate chemistry and other applications. P.W. Fedick,
general chemistry performance
1:35 CHED 31. Mutagenesis study education. R. Stuart, S.B. Sigmann R.M. Bain, S. Miao, V. Pirro, R.G. Cooks
expectations. D.J. Wink, S. Pazicni,
of intrinsically difficult-to-replicate 3:45 CHED 46. Conquer the chal- A. Donovan, D. Fouillade, N. Ruppender, CHED 78. Teaching interpretation of 1H and
tandem DNA sequences impli- lenge of change by communicating M. Harbol, J. Ellefson-Kuehn, K. Dailey, C NMR spectra independently of each

cated in cancer. D. Jordan, J. Chen, a shared vision of transformative D. Yaron, L. Vuocolo, D.F. Moriarty, L.J. other can fail to reach insights achieved
B. Powell, E. Brown, L.A. Yatsunyk graduate education. B.J. Natalizio Tucker, C.P. Burch, D. Behmke, S. Lee by considering them together. D.D. Clarke
1:45 CHED 32. Efforts towards the crystal 4:05 CHED 47. Fostering an inclusive CHED 60. Integrated laboratory: CHED 79. Inquiry-based Grignard
structure of a noncanonical DNA repeat graduate education environment: A team-taught, interdisciplinary, reaction using an unknown alde-
implicated in cancer. B. Powell, J. Promising practices for promoting research based capstone course in hyde or ketone. D.C. Haagenson
Chen, D. Jordan, E. Brown, L.A. Yatsunyk gender equity. J.L. Curtis-Fisk, A. Bear the chemistry curriculum. C.R. Pharr
CHED 80. Purification and characterization
1:55 CHED 33. Harnessing drop coat 4:25 CHED 48. Can we accept the CHED 61. Design and development of of catalase from mammalian tissue:
deposition Raman spectroscopy idea that the wheel might already general chemistry curriculum for STEM Development of a multi-week protein
(DCDRS) of blood plasma for cancer have been invented? G.M. Bodner education. P.K. Yuen, C. Lau, E.M. Yen purification and characterization project
diagnosis: Colon cancer, lung cancer, lab for upper division biochemistry
4:45 Concluding Remarks. CHED 62. Understanding acid-base
renal cell carcinoma, rheumatoid and biotechnology laboratory courses.
chemistry of aqueous salt solutions: A
arthritis. J. Jabara, A. Niyibizi, S. Potter, M. L.S. Brunauer, J. Nishiguchi, J. Baekey
The Nons: Non-Tenure Track Faculty general chemistry laboratory experi-
Sakiyama, C.J. Lahr, C.R. Gomez, R. Lahr
in a Changing Academic Landscape ment. A.A. Bazzi, J. Bazzi, N. Jomaa CHED 81. Investigation of the health
2:05 CHED 34. Building and optimizing promoting properties of green tea
Sponsored by WCC, Cosponsored by CHED 63. Teaching leadership in
a TIR-Raman spectroscopy system polyphenols using UV/VIS spectroscopy,
CHED, CPT, PROF and SOCED undergraduate chemistry courses:
for volatile organic chemical anal- infrared spectroscopy, and luminom-
A community service to celebrate
ysis. P.J. Rentzepis, C.J. Taylor etry. A.M. Fedor, R.A. McCormick
National Chemistry Week with local
2:15 CHED 35. Isolation and character- New Approaches to
elementary schools and home- CHED 82. Incorporation of ethics
ization of pseudopyronine B from a Teaching: Strategies, school students. H.C. Maire-Afeli into chemistry. K. Kim
Western North Carolina Pseudomonas Instrumentation, Standards
CHED 64. MTSU EYH is making an impact CHED 83. Mentorying system for
sp. and SAR evaluation of synthesized Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored by CHED
on the future workforce in the chemical chemical education. K. Kim
analogs. L.M. Bouthillette, A.L. Wolfe
sciences in Tennessee. J.M. Iriarte-
2:25 Intermission. Gross, R. Marlin, T. Thomas, A. Williams
2:40 CHED 36. Synthesis of stercobi- SUNDAY EVENING CHED 65.Recruiting rural West Virginia for
lin: A potential biomarker for autism. STEM students. M.W. Fultz, D. Haas, R. Jisr
J. Coffey, T. Wood, A. Charlebois Section A
CHED 66. Collaborators sought:
2:50 CHED 37. Alternative synthetic Walter E. Washington Convention Center Transferability of a university-wide
pathway for a cytotoxic compound for Hall D teamwork minor. J.D. Fair, A.E.
lymphocytic leukemia. D. Belmona, Kondo, M. Hildebrandt, M. Kosicek,
Z. Mariani, S. Scharmach, L. Sanchez General Posters T. Ruffner, M. Schwartz, G. Wilson
3:00 CHED 38. Preparation of L- and T. A. Miller, Organizer CHED 67. Forensics chemistry in high
D-vinylglycine-based building school STEM. C. Bhattacharya,
blocks for the synthesis of medi- 7:00 - 9:00
A. Benhusen, V.C. Bryant
The use of any device to capture
cally relevant complex molecules. CHED 49. NSF Graduate Research
CHED 68. Service-Learning STEM course
images (e.g., cameras and camera
R. Ford, E. York, L. Sanchez Fellowship Program for chem-
istry and chemical engineering
design to advance undergraduate phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
3:10 CHED 39. Inhibition of lysyl oxidase student teaching and learning through
in breast cancer cells by small-mol- students. T. Kim, D. Rickey
K-12 partnerships. S. Najmr, J. Chae,
digital recorders) or to stream,
ecule inhibitors. K. Johnston CHED 50. Perception and experi- C. Bowman, I. Harkavy, J. Maeyer upload or rebroadcast speakers or
ence of pleasure, engagement,
3:20 Concluding Remarks.
and meaning; impacts on success.
CHED 69. Using an iBook to more presentations is strictly prohibited
effectively matches students’
M. Plavnik, S.R. Mooring
current learning styles. J. Franco
at all official ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

MONDAY MORNING 8:55 CHED 93. Designing chemistry labs Chemistry in an Evolving Political 2:35 CHED 117. Enhancing Learning
through CER: Using what we know Climate: Research Priorities & by Improving Process Skills in STEM
Section A about student learning in chemistry Career Pathways in Public Policy (ELIPSS): Development and implementa-
to develop and assess a cross-cur- Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by tion of interaction rubrics. C.L. Stanford,
Grand Hyatt Washington ricular biodiesel lab experience BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI, CELL, CEPA, S.M. Ruder, J. Lantz, R.S. Cole, G. Reynders
Arlington/Cabin John (Part 2). A.S. Koch, K.Y. Neiles CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC, 2:55 Concluding Remarks.
9:15 CHED 94. Engaging in feedback, part DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB
Using Computational Methods
1: Research on illusory competence and Section C
to Teach Chemical Principles Collaborating for Success:
self-assessment. S. Pazicni, B.A. Reisner
Professional Skills Development Grand Hyatt Washington
M. S. Reeves, Organizer
9:35 CHED 95. Engaging in feed- for Undergraduates, Independence C
A. Grushow, Organizer, Presiding back, part 2: Considerations for the Graduates & Post-Docs
classroom. B.A. Reisner, S. Pazicni
8:30 Introductory Remarks. Sponsored by CINF, Cosponsored Engaging Undergraduates
9:55 Intermission. by CHED, PROF and YCC with Raman Spectroscopy
8:35 CHED 84. Using electronic structure
calculations to construct the gas- 10:10 CHED 96. Discovery and concept M. D. Sonntag, Organizer, Presiding
phase ammonia synthesis reaction development in large general chemistry
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
coordinate diagram. K. Stocker lecture courses: How in-class simulation MONDAY AFTERNOON
activities can translate research on 1:35 CHED 118. Raman spectroscopy
8:55 CHED 85. Computations in the
inquiry, multimedia, and representations Section A in forensic chemistry courses and
physical chemistry laboratory: Modeling
to practice, part 1. E.J. Yezierski, S. Bretz undergraduate research. K.M. Elkins
reaction energies and exploring Grand Hyatt Washington
noble gas chemistry. J.A. Phillips 10:30 CHED 97. Discovery and concept 1:55 CHED 119. Connecting organic
Arlington/Cabin John
development in large general chemistry and physical chemistry students
9:15 CHED 86. How can you measure
lecture courses: How in-class simulation with Raman spectroscopy. E.R.
a reaction enthalpy without going Using Computational Methods
activities can translate research on Hantz, M.D. Sonntag, C. Hamann
into the lab?: Using computational to Teach Chemical Principles
inquiry, multimedia, and representations
chemistry data to draw a conclu- 2:15 CHED 120. Introducing undergrad-
to practice, part 2. E.J. Yezierski, S. Bretz A. Grushow, M. S. Reeves, Organizers
sion. M.S. Reeves, H.L. Berghout, M. uates to TIR-Raman spectroscopy for
Perri, S.M. Singleton, R.M. Whitnell 10:50 CHED 98. Investigation of scale M. Reeves, Presiding volatile organic compound analysis.
in an introductory anatomy and P.J. Rentzepis, R. Dodson, C.J. Taylor
9:35 Intermission. 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
physiology course. V. Fisher, J.M. Trate,
2:35 CHED 121. Gaining insight into
9:50 CHED 87. Introducing DFT into the A. Blecking, P. Geissinger, K.L. Murphy 1:35 CHED 108. Introduction to compu-
tational physical chemistry: Integrating selection rules by combining vibra-
physical chemistry laboratory. T.C. Devore
11:10 CHED 99. Differential use of study tional spectroscopy with computa-
computational method development into
10:10 CHED 88. Using Walsh’s approaches by students of different tional chemistry. M.D. Sonntag
the standard undergraduate physical
rules to understand molecular achievement levels. D.M. Bunce, R.
chemistry curriculum. J. Schrier 2:55 CHED 122. Integration of Raman spec-
bonding. M.D. Ellison, C. Miller Komperda, S. Lin, M.J. Schroeder, D.K.
1:55 CHED 109. Molecular visualiza-
troscopy in undergraduate instruction and
10:30 CHED 89. Using computa- Dillner, M.A. Teichert, J. Hartman
tion and computation in chemistry research at Pace University. E.E. Mojica
tional chemistry to extend the 11:30 Concluding Remarks.
classes throughout the under- 3:15 Concluding Remarks.
acetylene rovibrational spectrum
graduate experience. L. Tribe
to C2T2. W.R. Martin, D.W. Ball
Section C Section D
2:15 CHED 110. Course in computa-
10:50 Intermission.
Grand Hyatt Washington tional chemistry is about chemistry
Grand Hyatt Washington
11:05 CHED 90. Enhancing student Independence C not computers. A. Grushow
Lafayette Park
understanding of hydrogen bonds using
2:35 Intermission.
a generalized computational approach to General Papers
2:50 CHED 111. Chem compute science
Materials that Impact our Daily
describe bonding interactions. H.L. Price
S. A. Fleming, Organizer
gateway: Web-based computa- Lives & the Global Economy:
11:25 CHED 91. Withdrawn. Bring Practical Applications into
C. Meyet, Presiding tional job submission for the under-
11:45 Concluding Remarks. graduate laboratory. M.J. Perri the Chemistry Classroom
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
Cosponsored by CHED, PMSE, POLY and RUBB
3:10 CHED 112. Introductory exercises
Section B 8:35 CHED 100. Predictability of final
for the integration of computational Financially supported by IPEC
course grades based on first examina-
Grand Hyatt Washington chemistry into the undergraduate
tion scores. A.G. Karatjas, J.A. Webb S. C. Rukes, Organizer, Presiding
Independence B organic chemistry laboratory curriculum
8:55 CHED 101. Role of gender in using WebMO. B.J. Esselman, N. Hill 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
Putting CER into Practice: Using grade postdictions in chemistry
3:30 CHED 113. Withdrawn. 1:35 CHED 123. Materials, materials,
courses. A.G. Karatjas, J.A. Webb
Chemistry Education Research materials: The chemistry of solids.
3:50 Concluding Remarks.
to Inform Teaching Strategies 9:15 CHED 102. Implementation S.C. Rukes, A. Nydam, E.J. Escudero
and evaluation of an undergradu-
J. R. Vandenplas, Organizer Section B 2:00 CHED 124. Composites:
ate chemistry education certificate
R. S. Cole, Organizer, Presiding program. E.L. Atieh, D.M. York Creating new materials. S.C. Rukes,
Grand Hyatt Washington E.J. Escudero, D. Goodwin
8:30 Introductory Remarks. 9:35 Intermission. Independence B
2:30 CHED 125. Airplanes: Looking
8:35 CHED 92. Designing chemistry labs 9:50 CHED 103. Cultivating graduate at material selection and practi-
Putting CER into Practice: Using
through CER: Using what we know student thinking in an undergrad- cal application to chemistry. E.J.
Chemistry Education Research
about student learning in chemistry uate environment. C. Meyet Escudero, S.C. Rukes, A. Nydam
to develop and assess a cross-cur-
to Inform Teaching Strategies
10:10 CHED 104. Assessing teamwork-in- 3:00 CHED 126. Teaching chemis-
ricular biodiesel lab experience R. S. Cole, J. R. Vandenplas, Organizers
tensive coursework: Laying a framework. try with the practical application
(Part 1). K.Y. Neiles, A.S. Koch
J.D. Fair, A.E. Kondo, R. Major, T. Ruffner K. Y. Neiles, Presiding of cars. A. Nydam, S.C. Rukes
10:30 CHED 105. Becoming a chem- 1:30 Introductory Remarks. 3:25 Intermission.
istry professor at a community
1:35 CHED 114. Facilitation matters: 3:30 CHED 127. Polymers in
college: How to get there and what’s
Analysis of instructor facilitation strat- museums challenge: Preservation
in it for you, your students and
egies and their influences on student of museum objects as a high
the community. K.K. Sweimeh
argumentation. R.S. Cole, C.L. Stanford school project. M.T. Baker
10:50 CHED 106. Empowering students to
Technical program information become creative leaders. B. Kaafarani
1:55 CHED 115. Improvements in class- 4:00 CHED 128. Sustainable textiles:
room facilitation resulting from others Threads that connect us all. K.
known at press time. 11:10 CHED 107. Development of guided observing my courses, their specific Anderson, M.C. Enright, T. Natoli
The official technical program for inquiry materials, textbook examples, feedback, and my reflection. C.M. Teague
4:35 CHED 129. Cosmetic chemistry:
and assignments from recent literature
the 254th ACS National Meeting projects. C.P. Schaller, K.J. Graham
2:15 CHED 116. Incorporating key work- Lotions, potions and scrubs. S.C. Rukes
place skills into STEM classrooms and
is available at www.acs.org/ 11:30 Concluding Remarks. TA training. S.M. Ruder, C.L. Stanford 5:00 CHED 130. Use of nanotechnolgy
in the global economy. S.C. Rukes
5:15 Concluding Remarks.

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


Section E CHED 145. Determination of gallic CHED 162. Determining structure alteration CHED 182. Membrane–drug interac-
acid present in juice and tea bever- of allosterically inhibited Rv0045c by tions: Effect on water permeabil-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center ages using high performance liquid transition metals through recrystallization. ity. M.J. Morales, B. O’Sullivan, M.
Hall D chromatography. M. de los Santos, E.K. Lawson, M. Macbeth, G.C. Hoops Wood, E. Miller, S. Foley, S. Lee
J. Leong, S. Svoronos, P.D. Svoronos
Undergraduate Research Posters CHED 163. Homology modelling CHED 183. Surface behavior of mono-
CHED 146. Determination of the total and docking studies of nucleo- glycerides at the water-oil inter-
Agricultural & Food Chemistry amount of antioxidants present in tide-bound HSP70 from the marine face. A. Gayapa, S. Foley, S. Lee
Cosponsored by AGFD and SOCED commercially available beverages via cyanobacterium Synechococcus
CHED 184. Electrophysiological studies
the Folin-Ciocalteau visible microspec- WH5701. N. Frumento, A.A. Smith
N. Di Fabio, Organizer of model lipid bilayers. A.M. Armetta,
trophotometric analysis. J. Leong, M.
CHED 164. Characterization of alanine M.E. McGlone, J. Warner Clement, S. Lee
2:00 - 4:00 de los Santos, S. Svoronos, P.D. Svoronos
racemase from Mycobacterium
CHED 185. Quantitative Raman
CHED 131. Investigation of the correlation CHED 147. Determination of the ionization Tuberculosis. R. Barnhart, S. Majumdar
microspectroscopy at nanoliter
of chemical and sensory analysis of Rosé constant of carboxylic acids using
CHED 165. Characterization of alanin aqueous microdroplets. S. Braziel,
wines. V. Trujillo, N.M. Szczepanski, B. Beam freezing point depression measure-
dehydrogenase from Streptomyces K. Sullivan, J. Giancaspro, S. Lee
ments. D. Kwun, E. Mera, P.D. Svoronos
CHED 132. Elemental analysis of food Coelicolor. R. Cook, S. Majumdar
CHED 186. Effects of ions on biological
using inductively coupled plasma-mass CHED 148. Analysis of nicotine and
CHED 166. Effect of metal cations on membranes: Presence and absence
spectrometry at the Food and Drug flavorings in e-juices used for
LipN from mycobacterium ulcerans. of cholesterol. S. Evangelista, B.
Administration (FDA), Northeast Region vaping. M. Malvoisin, K.S. Wendling
E.H. Pool, R. Johnson, G.C. Hoops O’Sullivan, A. Jagarnath, S. Lee
laboratories in Jamaica, NY. M. de los CHED 149. Evaluation of patterned
Santos, L. Aleo, D. Stutts, P.D. Svoronos CHED 167. Desmoplakin muta- CHED 187. Enthalpic effects of chain
structures in plastic microfluidic devices.
tions’ effect on structure and length and unsaturation on water
CHED 133. Determination of pesti- A.S. Chalasani, T.M. Faust, J.M. Karlinsey
stability within the SH3 domain. T. permeability across droplet bilay-
cide residues by the Food and Drug CHED 150. Spectroscopic char- Albertelli, N. Wright, M. Ackermann ers of homologous monoglycerides.
Administration using the QuEChERS acterization of cresyl violet. M. M. Lopez, S. Evangelista, S. Lee
extraction method in conjunction CHED 168. Obscurin’s Ig57 domain
Esposito, C. Kubow, A.F. Charlebois
with liquid and gas chromatogra- and its interaction with the Ig58/59 CHED 188. Effects of structural isom-
phy. H. Kim, M. Viner, P.D. Svoronos CHED 151. Analysis of caffeine and domain. J. Whitley, N. Wright erization on lipid membrane proper-
theobromine in cocoa beans from unique ties. A.M. Armetta, J. Denver, S. Lee
CHED 134. Cherry cordial perfec- CHED 169. Employing unnatural amino
sources in Africa. L. Lupin, K.S. Wendling
tion: Kinetics of sucrose inver- acids towards therapeutic biocon- CHED 189. Characterizing the interactions
sion. H.M. Tucci, P.A. Brletic CHED 152. Tautomerization in drug jugates. Z. Nimmo, D.D. Young between the Gag polyprotein and dimeric
design: Study of an imine-amine pair RNA in HIV-1 viral assembly. S. Basappa,
CHED 135. Tasty taffy: Viscosity CHED 170. Delivery of SiRNA using
using spectroscopy, chemometrics, and U. Mbaekwe, H.M. Frank, C. Quasney, N. Kuo,
and sweetness of corn syrups. cationic polymeric nanoparticles
quantum theory. S.E. Porter, K.L. Colley A. Waller, P. Ding, S. Keane, M. Summers
K.D. Roderick, P.A. Brletic to understand the localization and
CHED 153. Refractive index of oxalic function of GABAergic neurotrans- CHED 190. Exploring structural changes
CHED 136. Chewy caramels: Maillard acid measured by zoom-in method and mission in planaria. K. Klasen, S. in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae
reaction between glycine and various extension method. H. Kim, J.H. Shin Shankar, H. Ginter, L. Ramakrishnan Srs2 helicase C-terminal domain
sugars. D. Miller, P.A. Brletic resulting from interactions with
CHED 154. Assessing the impact of CHED 171. Role of loop 6 in cyclic-
CHED 137. GC-MS analysis of unprec- Rad51 recombinase. L. Dominguez,
chemotherapeutic agents on the di-GMP specific phosphodiester-
edented whiskey flavors including K. Shaley, J. Mullholand, J.L. Villemain
zebrafish brain through bioanalyti- ase in Shewanella woodyi. M. de
Chinese baijiu flavored as American cal methods. J.F. Loomis, T.M. Field, los Santos, D. Williams, E.M. Boon CHED 191. Investigating the effects
bourbon. V. Gardner, R. Silvestri M. Shin, M.A. Johnson, T. Williams of phosphorylation on the Srs2
CHED 172. Labeled a-synuclein for cellular
CHED 138. Effect of sample preparation helicase C-terminal domain struc-
CHED 155. Comparison of measure- pathology studies. T.S. Mihaila, C. Haney,
method on the quantitation of gluco- ture. H. Snider, J.L. Villemain
ments of sulfate levels in west Texas R.J. Karpowicz, V.M. Lee, E. Petersson
sinolates in broccoli and kale cultivars groundwater by conductometric titration CHED 192. Protein-catalyzed capture
using LC-MS. E. Nelson, A.E. Witter CHED 173. Oligomeric state of
and SulfaVer methods. R. Srinivasan, agents targeting misfolded superoxide
Mycobacterium tuberculosis’ alanine
CHED 139. Quantitative analysis of caffeine W. Grumbles, J. Garcia, L.D. Schultz dismutase 1. B.S. Atsavapranee, D.N.
racemase is highly dependent on
in kola nut. D. Essumang, R.F. Tunisi Bunck, K. Museth, D. Vander Velde, J.R. Heath
CHED 156. Forensic analysis of buffering ion as well as pH. S.
CHED 140. Flavor constituents in hops opiates in urine by LC-MS. K. Stirling, J.C. Ford, J. Ko, S. Majumdar CHED 193. Enrichment of small molecule
(Humulus lupus) as a function of Rimner, S. Neely, C.B. Brennan representation in the RCSB protein
CHED 174. Interaction of quadruplex
temporal and geographic charac- data bank. R. Ahmad, J. Westbrook, M.
CHED 157. Efficacy of borate buffers DNA with small molecule binders
teristics of plant growth. A. Ruiz, A. Sekharan, M. Zhuravleva, L. DiCostanzo, Y.
in sustaining electroosmotic flow as an anticancer strategy. Y. Lin,
Vuong, C. Shinn, D. Clark, J.A. Trischman Liang, C. Zardecki, H.M. Berman, S. Burley
in capillary electrophoresis. T.M. I. Xiang, A. Gao, L.A. Yatsunyk
Faust, A.S. Chalasani, J.M. Karlinsey
CHED 175. Investigation of the dual
Section E Section E
CHED 158. Analysis of ancient Chinese functions in catalysis and membrane
Walter E. Washington Convention Center pottery using portable XRF and por- binding of a flexible loop in acyl protein Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Hall D table diffuse FTIR spectroscopy. V.C. thioesterase 2. I. Gieck, R. Johnson Hall D
Bradley, M.C. Tojo, C.C. Deibel, M. Deibel
CHED 176. Study of the antioxidant
Undergraduate Research Posters Undergraduate Research Posters
CHED 159. Capillary electrophore- properties of polyphenol deriv-
Analytical Chemistry sis: Effective teaching experience atives using luminometry. R.A. Biotechnology
for undergraduates. J. Fletcher, T. McCormick, A.M. Fedor, C.F. Saladino Cosponsored by BIOT and SOCED
Cosponsored by ANYL and SOCED
Gamble, C.B. Brennan, W.L. Hutcherson
CHED 177. Structure and function of
N. Di Fabio, Organizer N. Di Fabio, Organizer
a key flexible loop in controlling the
2:00 - 4:00
Section E biological function of acyl protein
Walter E. Washington Convention Center thioesterase 1. I. Altieri, R. Johnson
CHED 141. Determination of toxic and
essential elements in baby formula Hall D CHED 178. Investigating the effects
using flame and graphite furnace of tunicamycin on proteins in
atomic absorption spectroscopy. Undergraduate Research Posters yeast cells via liquid chromatog-
raphy-tandem mass spectrome-
F. Alashkar, J. Bazzi, A.A. Bazzi Biochemistry
try. J. Leong, J. Smeekens, R. Wu
The use of any device to capture
CHED 142. Coconut oil: Comparison of fatty Cosponsored by BIOL and SOCED
CHED 179. Hydrocarbon intercalants in the
images (e.g., cameras and camera
acid content. M. Tardif, D. Liskin, N. L’Italian
N. Di Fabio, Organizer lipid bilayer: Effect on water permeability. phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
CHED 143. Analysis of electronic M. Lopez, G. Di Domizio, J. Denver, S. Lee
cigarettes using HPLC and GC. T. 2:00 - 4:00 digital recorders) or to stream,
CHED 180. Probing ion and intercalant
Oberman, J. Williams, M. Miller, A. CHED 160. Role of amot coiled-coil homol-
effect on phospholipid membranes using
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Schmittou, L. Hiatt, M.K. Mann ogy domain residues in lipid binding
specificity. R. Thakkar, A.C. Kimble Hill
differential scanning calorimetry. A. presentations is strictly prohibited
CHED 144. Microbial chemical Jagarnath, B. O’Sullivan, E. Miller, S. Lee
ecology: Molecular interactions CHED 161. Trafficking and immuno-
at all official ACS meetings and
CHED 181. Simulations of the effect of
between Batrachochytrium den- logical studies of polymer-labeled
water permeation through a syn- events without express written
drobatidis and Janthinobacter virus-like particles. S.M. Guldberg,
lividum. M. Guagenti, T.P. Umile S.N. Crooke, C.J. Higginson, M. Finn
thetic monoglyceride bilayer. M. consent from ACS.
Njie, G. Maier, S. Lee, R.E. Versace

2:00 - 4:00 Section E Section E CHED 235. Synthesis and charac-
terization of cobalt(II) SNS pincer
CHED 194. Implantable and biodegradable Walter E. Washington Convention Center Walter E. Washington Convention Center model complexes for liver alcohol
biobattery. H. Hawkins, L. Filardi, E. Ellis, Hall D Hall D dehydrogenase. E.M. Almanza, J.R.
A. Lawless-Gattone, J. Pletscher, M. Istrefi, L.
Miecznikowski, S.C. Bonitatibus, J.P. Jasinski
Boyd, A. Kapetanakis, C. Jacobucci, I. Noshadi Undergraduate Research Posters Undergraduate Research Posters
CHED 236. Investigating the mech-
CHED 195. Fiber technology for fixed- Computational Chemistry Green Chemistry & Sustainability anochemical oxidation of ferro-
bed bioreactor design. L. Boyd, H.
Cosponsored by COMP and SOCED Cosponsored by CEI and SOCED cene with transition metal salts. S.
Hawkins, H. Bukhari, J. Petit-Homme,
Rahman, N.C. Boyde, T.P. Hanusa
C. Jacobucci, R. Phillips, I. Noshadi N. Di Fabio, Organizer Financially supported by I&EC Green
Chemistry; Green Chemistry Institute CHED 237. Titanium dioxide sensitized
2:00 - 4:00 with iron catalysts for the photocatalytic
Section E N. Di Fabio, Organizer
CHED 207. Examination of lipid bilayer generation of hydrogen. B.A. Barden,
Walter E. Washington Convention Center mixtures containing sphingomyelin 2:00 - 4:00 M.E. Screen, N.A. Race, W.R. McNamara
Hall D and cholesterol by molecular dynamics
CHED 220. Dye-sensitized pho- CHED 238. Synthesis of iron dicarbon-
simulation. E. Wang, J.B. Klauda yl-dithiocarbamate ligands using a
Undergraduate Research Posters tovoltaic cells using fruit juices:
CHED 208. Ultem thermoplastic-based Construction and characteriza- ball mill. S. Hansknecht, J. Fuller
Chemical Education 3D-printed orthoses: A compara- tion. M. Pietratti-Bedzrah, T. Chen CHED 239. Iron polypyridyl monophe-
Cosponsored by SOCED tive study on the efficacy of using nolate complexes for photocatalytic
CHED 221. Green chemistry method
polymer-based 3D-printed ortho- hydrogen generation. M.E. Screen,
N. Di Fabio, Organizer for isoxazoline synthesis in a one-pot
ses. J. Viraj, J. Wee, T. Rahman B.A. Barden, N.A. Race, W.R. McNamara
reaction with SDS. T.W. Price, D.M. Solano
2:00 - 4:00
CHED 222. Solvent free and template free CHED 240. Iron complexes containing
CHED 196. Analysis of flipped vs tra- Section E pendant amines for hydrogen generation.
synthesis of ordered mesoporous resin
ditional formats for organic chem- Walter E. Washington Convention Center for green chemistry. A. Christon, B. Black, S. Xi, J.L. Tubb, T. Liu, W.R. McNamara
istry: The high performing student Hall D R. Justin, A. Lawless-Gattone, S. Rittweger, CHED 241. Synthesis, characterization,
subpopulation. S. Zaman, M. Habel, I. K. Milne, S. Meagan Katie, I. Noshadi electrochemical, and spectroelec-
Tariq, S. Ahmed, K. Zare, L. Williams Undergraduate Research Posters
CHED 223. Porous graphene-like carbon trochemical investigation of Group
CHED 197. Effect of protease sup- Environmental Chemistry solid acid for biomass transforma- 8 metal-hydroxamate complexes.
plementation on protein hydroly- tion. E. Kuhlman, W. Gray, A. Hesketh, B. Ross, A. Patel, A. Warhausen
Cosponsored by ENVR and SOCED
sis: Where chemistry and biology C. Breyta, J. Reilly, H. Work, I. Noshadi CHED 242. Exploring the coordina-
meet. A. Briceno, R. Shakya N. Di Fabio, Organizer
CHED 224. Metal oxides as protective tion mode and redox properties of
CHED 198. Paying tribute to peer-led team 2:00 - 4:00 barriers for lithium-sulfur batter- d8-metal hydroxamate complexes.
learning: A sustainable model. ies. R. Nye, B.C. Wilson, R. Iuliucci A. Patel, B. Ross, A. Warhausen
J.A. Cody, T.G. Goudreau Collison, R. Bogart CHED 209. Determination of water
hardness: Contemporary samples of CHED 225. Green synthesis of dithio- CHED 243. Synthesis of a series of
CHED 199. Undergraduate research as public and residential water samples carbamates. G.W. Bell, M.E. Railing highly quadrupolar liquid crystals
fundamental mechanism towards a from local New Jersey municipal- derived from the [closo-B12H12]2–
higher education. Y. Cruz, A.D. Tinoco CHED 226. Synthesis of dithiocarba- cluster. J.C. Lasseter, J.G. Pecyna,
ities. S.b. Balouga, G. Garavito mates. I. Hammer, M.E. Railing P. Tokarz, A.C. Friedli, P. Kaszynski
CHED 200. Reformed experimental CHED 210. Determination of emerging
activities (REActivities): Design, imple- CHED 227. Relay catalysis approach CHED 244. Synthesis of highly
organic pollutants in water samples for the synthesis of 3-ethoxy-1-H-
mentation, and evaluation of a novel from selected urban streams in polar pyridinium liquid crystals
organic chemistry lab delivery at both isoindoles. J.E. Aguilar-Romero, S.B. derived from the [closo–1–CB11H12]-
Nigeria. N.O. Offiong, E. Inam, S. Kang, Munoz, V. Krishnamurti, G.S. Prakash
four-year and two-year institutions. M. E. Udosen, I.B. Nwoke, I. Okure anion. M.O. Ali, A. Hajhussein, B.D.
Jackson, F. Amezcua, T.G. Goudreau Collison, CHED 228. Identification of oxygen Lukasik, A.C. Friedli, P. Kaszynski
D.L. Newman, J.A. Cody, W. Marmor CHED 211. Characterization of the cross- evolution complexes using a dis-
flow filtration flux. D.H. Bajracharya, R.C. CHED 245. Chromium(III) polypyridyl
CHED 201. Using small laccase protein to solved oxygen optical probe. J. chromophores as photoredox catalysts
Daniel, P. Schonewill, K.L. Jones, Y. Fennell Guevara, G. Renderos, Y.M. Badiei
teach protein expression, purification, and for the oxidative coupling of aryl-
characterization. D. Hannon, S. Majumdar CHED 212. Determination of the total CHED 229. Green esterification: trifluoroborates with various sub-
amount of oxygen consumption in efflu- Organic chemistry laboratory strates. W.B. Wiggins, B.M. Lovaasen
CHED 202. Designing an organic chemistry ent via carbonaceous biochemical oxygen
mid-semester capstone. C.P. Hankinson, exercise. K. Jenkins, Y. Lin CHED 246. Synthesis and character-
demand (CBOD) and biochemical oxygen
J.D. Fair, A.E. Kondo, C. LeBlond, S. Majumdar demand (BOD). J. Hwang, J. Leong, A. CHED 230. Synthesis and characteriza- ization of chromium(III) complexes
Negatu, F. Jacques, P. Meleties, P.D. Svoronos tion of anilinium based ionic liquids. B. of 2,6-bis(2-carboxypyridyl)pyri-
CHED 203. Addition of HPLC anal-
Baker, A. Cardenas, B.M. Weichbrodt dine. J.C. Barbour, B.M. Lovaasen
ysis and validation to a painkiller CHED 213. Treatment of wastewa-
extraction: Undergraduate organic ter samples at the New York City- CHED 231. Desulfurization of model oil with CHED 247. Synthesis and characterization
experiment. N. Akanda, J. Zhang Department of Environmental Protection ionic liquid-functionalized polymer. M. of boron-sulfur frustrated Lewis pairs.
(NYC-DEP). J. Leong, J. Hwang, F. Finnerty, J. Borovilas, C. Carrie, I. Noshadi B.M. Weichbrodt, B. Baker, A. Cardenas
CHED 204. Where does the phenyl go?
Undergraduate organic chemsitry Jacques, P. Meleties, P.D. Svoronos
laboratory investigating regiochem- CHED 214. Heavy metal levels in college Section E Section E
istry. J.K. Murray, S.M. Lyle drinking water. C.P. Celani, P.A. Brletic Walter E. Washington Convention Center Walter E. Washington Convention Center
CHED 205. Spectrophotometric deter- CHED 215. Detection of pesticides Hall D Hall D
mination of salivary lactate concen- in locally produced honey. V.
trations. S. Gaughan, R.C. Nangreave Kompanijec, J. Charlebois Undergraduate Research Posters Undergraduate Research Posters
CHED 206. Simple and fractional CHED 216. Monitoring soil and water quality Inorganic Chemistry Medicinal Chemistry
distillation optimization in the edu- at Confluence Park in San Antonio, Cosponsored by MEDI and SOCED
Cosponsored by INOR and SOCED
cational organic chemistry labora- TX. N. Faris, S. Plummer Oxley, D. Turner
tory. M. Wall, R. Coltharp, D. Liskin N. Di Fabio, Organizer N. Di Fabio, Organizer
CHED 217. Comparing solution
state Raman spectra and theo- 2:00 - 4:00 2:00 - 4:00
retical vibrational properties of CHED 232. Photochemistry and radiation CHED 248. Characterizing RNA: Protein
sucralose. E. Skekel, G.M. Bowers chemistry of cosmic ice analogs. A. interactions that nucleate HIV-1 viral
CHED 218. Effect of quantum dot Hay, C. Nowak, M. Arumainayagam, assembly. U. Mbaekwe, H.M. Frank,
structure on the viability of Danio P. Hodge, C.R. Arumainayagam J. Santos, C. Quasney, S. Basappa, A.
Technical program information rerio. A. Laranang, D. Williams, CHED 233. Probing multiple site covalent
Waller, N. Kuo, P. Ding, M.F. Summers
Z. Rosenzweig, R. Brewster
known at press time. binding interactions of Ru(II)Pt(II) CHED 249. Optimization of a
CHED 219. Water quality of Ecuador bimetallic complexes with DNA. K. high-content screen for autoph-
The official technical program for following the earthquake of 2016. Estes, A. Hagelgans, A. Jain, A. Jain agy modulators. M. Krmenec, A.
the 254th ACS National Meeting D. Coffman, A.H. Coffman CHED 234. Synthesis of thiosemi-
Korkmaz, M. Oleksyuk, L.N. Aldrich

is available at www.acs.org/ carbazones with functionalized CHED 250. Exploring the antibacterial prop-
pendant amines. A. Davis, C.A. erties of polyynes. D. Uthappa, D.D. Young
WDC2017 Calvary, C.A. Grapperhaus

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


Section E CHED 265. Regiocontrol of selec- CHED 284. Withdrawn. Chemistry in an Evolving Political
tive substitution of 5-amino tetra- CHED 285. Development of a dithiepin
Climate: Research Priorities &
Walter E. Washington Convention Center zoles as possible CNS agents. R.T. framework for novel host molecules. Career Pathways in Public Policy
Hall D Blough, M.J. Castaldi, J.K. Murray
K.E. Russelburg, R.G. Hopf, E.O. Wade Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by
Undergraduate Research Posters CHED 266. Towards a bioorthogo- BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI, CELL, CEPA,
CHED 286. Determination of antibacte- CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC,
nal exchange reaction based on rial properties of novel disubstituted
Nanochemistry an inverse-electron-demand Diels- DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB
1,3,4-oxadiazoles. C. Dorton, P.M. Pelphrey
Cosponsored by SOCED Alder (iEDDA) cycloaddition. A.R.
CHED 287. Metal-free intermolecular Chemistry & Culture: How
Van Dyke, D. Gatazka, M. Hanania
N. Di Fabio, Organizer chloroamination of alkenes. M. Ralston, Native American Chemists
CHED 267. Sulfamination of tethered D.S. Davidson, J.M. Carney, D. Liskin Impact Their Community
2:00 - 4:00 aminoalkenes using in situ gen- Sponsored by CMA, Cosponsored
CHED 251. Electric field control of erated hypervalent iodine. D.S. CHED 288. Electrophilic aromatic
by CHED and PROF
ion motion through carbon nano- Davidson, J.M. Carney, D. Liskin bromination of hydroxybenzoic acids
tube nanopores. J. Stoeber, C. and methoxybenzoic acids. C. Collie, Collaborating for Success:
CHED 268. Synthesis of monofluorometric J. Aruma, O. Oluwagbemila, A. Popoola, O.
Hergenrother, M.D. Ellison and difluorometric cross-membrane Professional Skills Development
Oladimeji, E. Ikechukwu, R. Langley, A.S. Tung for Undergraduates,
CHED 252. G-quadruplex-hemin molecular probes for studying amphipa-
thic systems. T. Zimmermann, A. Cartaya, Graduates & Post-Docs
complexes as biomimetic cat-
alysts. D. Harraz, J. Davis T.G. Goudreau Collison, D. Raymond Section E Sponsored by CINF, Cosponsored
Walter E. Washington Convention Center by CHED, PROF and YCC
CHED 253. Size-dependent effect CHED 269. Synthesis and biological
evaluation of 1,2,4-oxadiazoles: Hall D
of gold nanoparticles on the lifes- Materials that Impact our Daily
pan of Caenorhabditis elegans. K. Applications to undergraduate organic Lives & the Global Economy:
lab courses. C. Salin, P.M. Pelphrey Undergraduate Research Posters
Schultz, A. Thomas, J. Thomas Bring Practical Applications into
CHED 254. Polyaniline nanofibers as CHED 270. Fischer esterification Physical Chemistry the Chemistry Classroom
a scaffolding material for ruthenium of 4-methyl-2-pentanol. W.L. Cosponsored by SOCED Cosponsored by CHED, PMSE, POLY and RUBB
nanoparticles. K. Kim, D.M. Sarno Hutcherson, F.J. Matthews
N. Di Fabio, Organizer
CHED 255. Congo red dye degradation CHED 271. Interesting results of hydro-
genation reaction in the conversion 2:00 - 4:00
using single-walled carbon nano-
of bilirubin into stercobilin: A poten-
tube-ruthenium nanoparticles catalyst. CHED 289. Computational design
N. Carrero, R. Sumner, T. Hemraj-Benny tial biomarker for childhood autism. of single molecule electronic
A. Vadas, J. Coffey, A. Charlebois Section A
CHED 256. Microwave irradiation of devices. J.T. Brumfield, B. Topham
CHED 272. Syntheses of Walter E. Washington Convention Center
ruthenium chloride in anhydrous ethanol. CHED 290. Role of low-energy (< 20 eV)
N-hydroxyphenyltrichloroacetamide Halls D/E
L. Pimentel, N. Carrero, T. Hemraj-Benny electrons in astrochemistry. A. Caldwell-
derivatives by microwave reactor: Overdier, L. Widdup, C.R. Arumainayagam
CHED 257. Graphene oxide as a delivery Possible precursor to polycar- Sci-Mix
agent to antibiotic-resistant bacteria. bamate. H. Yun, J.H. Shin CHED 291. Experimental and theoretical I. J. Levy, Organizer
N. Normil, A. Lee, C. Yhap, M.D. Ellison spectroscopic studies of mid and near
CHED 273. Nickel catalyzed 4+4 cycload- infrared detection of methane tracers in 8:00 - 10:00
CHED 258. Single-walled carbon nanotubes dition of dienes. E. Kativhu, G.E. Greco
as a delivery agent to antibiotic-resistant the environment. S. Hines, W.K. Gichuhi 10, 32, 35-36, 49, 52, 56-57, 59, 69,
bacteria. R. Rathi, C. Maley, M.D. Ellison CHED 274. Convenient and relatively CHED 292. Cooperativity in cation-π inter- 84, 90, 119. See previous listings.
efficient total synthesis of avenic action. R. Spinelle, A. Rosario, B.U. Emenike
CHED 259. Au-carbon electronic inter- acid. P.A. Beasley, M.G. Stocksdale 314, 323, 325-326, 366, 378, 390,
action mediated selective oxidation CHED 293. Molecular dynamics simulations 401, 412. See subsequent listings.
of styrene. A. Lopes, B. Liu, P. Wang, L. CHED 275. Synthesis of the organic of small molecule diffusion in polyelec-
Jin, W. Zhong, Y. Pei, S.L. Suib, J. He borazine derived from 2-aminophenol trolyte solutions. Z. He, P.K. Walhout
using sodium borohydride and boron Section A
CHED 260. Characterization of the trifluoride-etherate. Y. Cruz Rivera, Walter E. Washington Convention Center
mechanical stability of chemically M. De Jesus Flores, M. Ortiz-Marciales Section E Halls D/E
functionalized carbon nanotubes by
scanning probe microscopy. I. Akano, CHED 276. Optimizing cyclization of Walter E. Washington Convention Center
LamD derivatives in preparation for Hall D Successful Student Chapters
J. Armas, M. de Silva, G.E. Scott
bioassays of Lactobacillus plantarum. N. Di Fabio, Organizer
J.W. Nadraws, J. Le, M.A. Bertucci Undergraduate Research Posters
Section E 8:00 - 10:00
CHED 277. Synthesis of aryl oxetanes Polymer Chemistry
Walter E. Washington Convention Center CHED 300. ACS student affiliates chapter
from the enantioselective reduction of Cosponsored by PMSE, POLY and SOCED
Hall D 2-halogenated ketones with EG-DPP. of Seattle Pacific University. N. Buzitis, S.
J.E. López Hernández, J.M. Garcia N. Di Fabio, Organizer Bass, A. Mencke, J. Campbell, K.M. Pierce
Undergraduate Research Posters Rodríguez, B. Quiñones Díaz, S. Espinosa-
2:00 - 4:00 CHED 301. Student affiliate American
Organic Chemistry Díaz, K.M. Santiago, M. Ortiz-Marciales Chemical Society chapter at
CHED 294. Preparation and characteriza- Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Cosponsored by SOCED CHED 278. Effects of modifying carbon tion of novel biorenewable polymers for J. Simpsosn, N.R. Mc Elroy
number and structure of hydrophobic removing organic pollutants from aqueous
N. Di Fabio, Organizer amino acid residues on CSP-1, a key environments. L. Purser, A.M. Balija CHED 302. University of Maryland,
2:00 - 4:00 quorum sensing peptide in S. pneumo- Baltimore County: Sharing STEM with the
niae. R.A. Hillman, M.A. Bertucci, Y. Tal-Gan CHED 295. Porous microspheres community. I. Entzminger, T.S. Carpenter
CHED 261. Withdrawn. of polyaniline and its derivatives
CHED 279. Synthesis of the enantiopure prepared from W/O/W double
CHED 262. Chemotherapeutic agents from 2-ferrocenyl oxetane. S.M. Rivera Torres,
natural product templates: Design and emulsions. J. Hwang, D.M. Sarno
M. Ortiz-Marciales, L.E. Pinero-Santiago
synthesis of alpha-methylene indanone, CHED 296. Synthesis and characteri-
coumarin, and quinolin-2-one analogues. CHED 280. Synthesis and structural zation of superhydrophobic fibrous
N. Bentz, N. McIntire, M.F. Mechelke characterization of distyryl β-keto- membranes. A. Dotivala, C. Tang
iminate boron difluoride complexes.
CHED 263. Application of differ- C. Moore, L.M. Stevens, D. Chase CHED 297. Silicones in undergradu- The use of any device to capture
ential scanning calorimetry in an ate research: Examining the surface
organic chemistry laboratory course: CHED 281.Synthesis of polycationic and material properties of silicones
images (e.g., cameras and camera
Development of a binary phase diagram amphiphilic polyviologens. M. at interfaces. K.M. Ryan, W.Y. Bender, phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
of cis/trans 1, 2-dibenzoylethylene. B. Khafaji Zadeh, A. Nguyen, B. Noor,
T.B. Longenberger, J.W. Krumpfer
Johnson, S. Mazumder, R.P. D’Amelia S. Sharpes, K. Seifert, K.L. Caran digital recorders) or to stream,
CHED 298. Examining the steric forces
CHED 264. Synthesis of a family of CHED 282. Methodology for the of bacterial lipopolysaccharides using
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
synthesis of a new generation of
conjugated carbazole derivatives
spiroamino borate. B. Vargas Rivera,
atomic force microscopy. N. Rigaud, presentations is strictly prohibited
for applications in OLED tech- J. Fortado, A. Criollo, M.A. Ferguson
nology. L. Palys, C.R. Pharr M. Ortiz-Marciales, L.E. Pinero-Santiago at all official ACS meetings and
CHED 299. Molecular dynamics sim-
CHED 283. Synthetic studies toward ulations of small molecule diffu- events without express written
altersolanol derivatives. T.C.
Bentzel, B.L. Frey, S.M. Kennedy
sion in a polyelectrolyte symplex consent from ACS.
gel. K. Whiteside, P.K. Walhout

CHED 303. Accomplishments of the UMD 8:55 CHED 311. Toxicity and adverse 10:55 CHED 326. Effective strategies 2:35 CHED 336. Metacognitive monitoring
American Chemical Society student outcome pathways as a connecting to improve academic success and judgments across diverse chemistry
affiliates chapter. H. Vivanco, S. Cohen concept between toxicology and retention in underrepresented STEM contexts and tasks. S. Anthony
Chemistry beyond the classroom. undergraduate biochemistry. M.A. Fisher students. P.K. Kerrigan, A. Ribeiro, P. Grove
CHED 304. 3:05 Intermission.
C. Nwigwe, C. Anaemejeh, N.H. Marashi 9:15 CHED 312. Strategies to 11:10 CHED 327. Employing minori-
3:25 CHED 337. Using learning objectives
ACS student affiliate chapter deliver biochemistry content in tized students as tutors to increase
CHED 305. and study guides to promote metacogni-
and Natural Sciences and Discovery Club general chemistry. J.P. Ellis retention in STEM. K.J. Graham, A.F.
tion in general chemistry. T.S. Carpenter
Raigoza, L. Caitlin, C. Bohn-Gettler
provide venues for science outreach. R. 9:35 CHED 313. Relating chemistry
3:55 CHED 338. Metacognition and
Rawat-Prakash, M. Reitano, S. Sambasivan concepts to healthcare: Introducing 11:25 CHED 328. Building STEM teaching
conceptual change. M.T. Dianovsky
cultural competencies in the pathways and peer support with a
lab. P.L. Daubenmire, G. Clark learning assistant program. C.P. Schick 4:25 CHED 339. Promoting metacogni-
TUESDAY MORNING tive practices in faculty and students.
9:55 Intermission. 11:40 CHED 329. Hierarchical mento-
P. Varma-Nelson, T. Tarr, A. S.Rao
ring model for enhancing diversity
10:10 CHED 314. Molecular origami for bio-
Section A among undergraduate students in 4:55 CHED 340. Metacognition
chemistry: Modelling protein-DNA inter-
STEM. I.M. Warner, M. Crawford, S.E. across the STEM disciplines. M.L.
Grand Hyatt Washington actions with paper models. C.B. Abrams
McGuire, G. Thomas, Z. Wilson-Kennedy Miller, S. Vestal, L. Browning
Independence D/E 10:30 CHED 315. Computers in
11:55 Concluding Remarks. 5:25 Concluding Remarks.
medicinal chemistry - a toolbox
GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders approach to biochemical research and
of Giants: Developing Chemistries education: Understanding enzyme Increasing Retention of Under- Section C
for Improved Global Health mechanisms. C. Reidl, D.P. Becker Represented Students in Chemistry
Grand Hyatt Washington
Cosponsored by ANYL, BMGT, Cosponsored by CHED Independence C
10:50 CHED 316. Implementation of
a semester-long laboratory project
Financially supported by POLY investigating the roles of amino acids Advances in E-Learning
Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) important to the catalytic activity of TUESDAY AFTERNOON C. J. Foley, Organizer, Presiding
5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase
R. J. Mondschein, Organizer (MTHFS). C.A. Sarisky, T. Johann 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
Section A
C. Powell, Organizer, Presiding 1:35 CHED 341. Development and
11:10 CHED 317. Simple approach for
Grand Hyatt Washington quality matters assessment of an
B. L. Nichols, S. Talley, Presiding teaching 2D NMR to undergraduate
Independence D/E online preparatory chemistry course.
biochemistry students. K.R. Willian
9:00 Introductory Remarks. M.A. Erdmann, J.R. Prado, J. March
11:30 Concluding Remarks. GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders
9:10 CHED 306. Instrumentation 1:55 CHED 342. Delocalized learning:
and methods for the identification
of Giants: Developing Chemistries
for Improved Global Health Resonating with organic chemistry
and sequence analysis of (1) intact Section C
students in a Canadian university.
proteins on a chromatographic Cosponsored by ANYL, BMGT,
Grand Hyatt Washington H. Kouyoumdjian, D.A. Jackson
time-scale and (2) characterization CELL, COLL, POLY and PRES
Independence C
tumor specific phosphopeptides for 2:15 CHED 343. Poor man’s elec-
Financially supported by POLY
immunotherapy of cancer. D.F. Hunt tronic lab notebook. C.M. Bump, E.N.
Increasing Retention of Under- Industrial Advisory Board (IAB)
Ndip, G.C. Nwokogu, M.K. Waddell
9:50 CHED 307. Putting photochemistry Represented Students in Chemistry
C. Powell, Organizer 2:35 Intermission.
to work: Strategies for uncaging small Cosponsored by CHED
molecule bioregulators. P.C. Ford R. J. Mondschein, Organizer, Presiding 2:50 CHED 344. Comparative assessment
S. G. Cessna, Organizer of student learning outcomes of introduc-
10:30 Intermission. L. Anderson, K. Arrington, Presiding
T. L. Kishbaugh, Organizer, Presiding tory chemistry course delivered via hybrid
10:40 CHED 308. Living and learning from 1:15 Introductory Remarks. (blended) and traditional modalities.
inspiration and innovation. P.T. Hammond 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:20 CHED 330. Broad spectrum, biode- S. Sambasivan, D. Williams, C.J. Foley
11:20 CHED 309. Imaging myco- 8:35 CHED 318. UWM STEM CELL: gradable macromolecular antimicro- 3:10 CHED 345. PubChem as a
bacterial cell envelope assembly Accelerating the pace to academic bials with high selectivity. J. Hedrick cheminformatics education resource.
and division. L.L. Kiessling success in STEM. A. Blecking, K. S. Kim, E. Bolton, S.H. Bryant
2:00 CHED 331. Translational
Swanson, K.L. Murphy, P. Geissinger
12:00 Concluding Remarks. chemistry. P.S. Baran 3:30 CHED 346. Cultivating digital literacy
8:50 CHED 319. Cohort program to
2:40 Intermission. with mobile devices: Digital laboratory
increase recruitment and retention
Section B notebooks and orienting undergraduates
of under-represented students in 2:50 CHED 332. Dynamically tunable
to ACS national meetings. A.R. Van Dyke
Grand Hyatt Washington STEM. E.J. McIntee, K.J. Graham hydrogels through bio-click reac-
Independence B tions and their applications in 3:50 CHED 347. Investigating student
9:05 CHED 320. Supporting STEM students
regenerative biology. K.S. Anseth misconceptions in applying resonance
through attachment theory. B.M. Fetterly
Innovations in Undergraduate 3:30 CHED 333. Engineering hydrogels for
concepts in undergraduate organic
Biochemistry Education 9:20 Intermission. chemistry courses using various
musculoskeletal tissue repair. J.A. Burdick
formative and summative assessment
C. B. Abrams, P. L. Daubenmire, Organizers, 9:30 CHED 321. Evaluation of effects of an
4:10 Concluding Remarks. tools. M. Chatterjee, H. Shaaban, L. Katz
Presiding intervention aimed at broadening partici-
pation in STEM while conveying science 4:10 Concluding Remarks.
8:30 Introductory Remarks. content. M. Wyer, J.N. Schinske, H. Perkins Section B
8:35 CHED 310. Implementation of 9:45 CHED 322. Improving retention Grand Hyatt Washington Metacognition in Chemistry
optimum course content and key process through teaching strategies and peer Independence B Education: Connecting
skills in a one-semester undergraduate tutoring. T.L. Kishbaugh, S.G. Cessna Research & Practice
biochemistry course as preparation for Metacognition in Chemistry Cosponsored by CHED
taking the medical college admis- 10:00 CHED 323. Studio format general
Education: Connecting
sion test (MCAT). N.J. Ronkainen chemistry: A method for increasing
Research & Practice
chemistry success for students form
Cosponsored by CHED
underprivileged backgrounds. J.B. Greco WEDNESDAY MORNING
10:15 CHED 324. Applying inno- S. Anthony, M. T. Dianovsky, Organizers,
vations in teaching to general Presiding Section A
chemistry. W. Hollinsed
1:30 Introductory Remarks. Grand Hyatt Washington
Technical program information 10:30 CHED 325. Improving the Independence D/E
1:35 CHED 334. Metacognition in chemistry
known at press time. success rate for domestic students
education: Connecting research and
of color and first generation college Green Chemistry: Theory & Practice
The official technical program for students in the second year—focus
practice. M.T. Dianovsky, S. Anthony
Cosponsored by CEI and ENVR‡
the 254th ACS National Meeting upon organic chemistry and cell and 2:05 CHED 335. Promoting metacogni-
molecular biology. J.E. Swartz tive strategies with the science writing E. J. Brush, J. E. Wissinger, Organizers
is available at www.acs.org/ 10:45 Intermission.
heuristic during the lab session and M. Berger, L. A. Welch, Presiding
WDC2017 beyond. P.L. Daubenmire, M.T. van Opstal
8:30 Introductory Remarks.

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


8:35 CHED 348. Using a cell phone in lab 10:50 CHED 365. Adventures with 3:05 CHED 377. Mirror images: 3:50 CHED 392. Application of electrostatic
exercise for an assay of total phenolic energy and fuels. D.A. Katz Promoting students’ assessment potential maps to predict reactivity: A
compounds. C. Saenjum, W. Wongwilai, skills through reflection. M.D. Perry card game approach. K.K. Bagga
11:10 CHED 366. Silicones at the
K. Kiwfo, C.H. Bergo, K. Grudpan
crossroads: Uniting physical and 3:25 CHED 378. Developing a 4:10 Concluding Remarks.
8:55 CHED 349. Down scaling lab chemical properties with the artistic and POGIL-type workbook for inor-
exercise for colorimetric determination material. T.B. Longenberger, K.M. Ryan, ganic chemistry. J.M. Keane
of nitrate using a smart phone as a W.Y. Bender, J. Kreitler, J.W. Krumpfer THURSDAY MORNING
3:45 Panel Discussion.
detector: A green analytical chemis-
11:30 Concluding Remarks.
try. P. Jaikang, C.H. Bergo, K. Grudpan
Section B Section A
9:15 CHED 350. Undergraduate chemistry Section C
Grand Hyatt Washington Grand Hyatt Washington
laboratory to study the catalytic oxygen
evolution reaction using a Dissolved- Grand Hyatt Washington Independence B Independence D/E
Oxygen Optical Probe (DOOP) to Independence C
appreciate artificial photosynthesis. General Papers Citizens First!
Y.M. Badiei, G. Renderos, J. Guevara Integration of STEM & the Liberal Arts Cosponsored by CEI
S. A. Fleming, Organizer, Presiding
9:35 CHED 351. Integration of environmen- C. J. Foley, Organizer, Presiding C. Maguire, R. D. Sheardy, Organizers,
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
tal research into the teaching laboratory. Presiding
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
M. Berger, R. Gurney, L. Lobel, J.L. Goldfarb 1:35 CHED 379. Science recovery
8:35 CHED 367. Scientific comput- after the devastating 2016 West 8:00 Introductory Remarks.
9:55 CHED 352. Development of an
ing to enrich the freshman chem- Virginia floods. M.W. Fultz 8:05 CHED 393. Introduction to envi-
undergraduate research program
istry curriculum. A.K. Sharma ronmental issues as a chemistry for
in renewable energy: A recruitment 1:55 CHED 380. Withdrawn.
and retention tool. L.A. Welch 8:55 CHED 368. Engaging science non-science majors course. M.E. Railing
2:15 CHED 381. Fabricate functional
and non-science major stu- 8:30 CHED 394. Value of using retired
10:15 CHED 353. Using current literature solar panels using household ingre-
dents in scientific inquiry through scientists in the classroom: Connecting
to understand the chemistry of climate dients. S. Patwardhan, G.C. Schatz
common experiences. M. Yuen chemistry to the real world. R. Thomas,
and habitat change as an in-depth 2:35 Intermission.
course. A.A. Peterson, C.M. Strollo 9:15 CHED 369. Measurement of the M.T. Baker, M. Miehl, M.C. Cross
mastery of learning outcomes for 2:50 CHED 382. Modern techniques 8:55 CHED 395. Sustainability across
10:35 Intermission. in biochemistry education: Analysis
integrated coursework between a learning outcomes: Preparing our
10:50 CHED 354. Introducing green humanities and a science course. A.L. of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhib- students to the new challenges of our
chemistry concepts to science Nickel, J.K. Farrell, A. Domack, G. Mazzone itor using HPLC. M. Steinsaltz global economy. H.C. Maire-Afeli
and non-science majors in college. 3:10 CHED 383. Transforming the organic
9:35 Intermission. 9:20 Intermission.
A.E. Shinnar, J.M. Newman lab experience: REActivities and
9:50 CHED 370. Teaching chemis- 9:30 CHED 396. Incorporating
11:10 CHED 355. Case studies and assessment of their implementation at
try/physics in an interdisciplinary cross-cultural and global competen-
flipped classroom approach to a four-year institution. T.G. Goudreau
undergraduate course using young cies into postsecondary education
green chemistry. F.A. Etzkorn Collison, J.A. Cody, D.L. Newman
adult literature. K.S. Wendling programming. H. MacCleoud
11:30 CHED 356. Top 10 ethics & 3:30 CHED 384. Transforming the
10:10 CHED 371. Designing a universi- 9:55 CHED 397. TWU pollinator garden
policy reasons to practice green organic lab experience: REActivities
ty-wide teamwork minor for STEM fields. project: Citizen science in the real
chemistry. F.A. Etzkorn and assessment of their imple-
J.D. Fair, A.E. Kondo, M. Hildebrandt, M. world. R.D. Sheardy, C. Maguire
mentation at a two-year institu-
11:50 CHED 357. Making the connec- Kosicek, T. Ruffner, M. Schwartz, G. Wilson
tion. J.P. Anderson, B.L. Edelbach 10:20 CHED 398. Assessing cit-
tion: Green chemistry and social and
10:30 CHED 372. Science in the izenship. S. Carroll
environmental justice. E.J. Brush 3:50 CHED 385. Development, imple-
popular novel. I. Black
mentation, and evolution of a unique 10:45 Discussion.
12:10 CHED 358. Green chemis-
10:50 Concluding Remarks. and reciprocal summer research
try education roadmap: Progress
exchange program with China.
report. J. MacKellar, J.E. Hutchison, Section B
Fostering a Quality Culture in H.V. Jakubowski, J. Xie, Y. He
D.J. Constable, M.M. Kirchhoff
Research & Development 4:10 Concluding Remarks.
Grand Hyatt Washington
12:30 Concluding Remarks. Independence B
Sponsored by BMGT, Cosponsored
Section C Chemistry in the Age of
Section B
Grand Hyatt Washington Cheap Computing
Grand Hyatt Washington
Independence C Cosponsored by ANYL
Games & Active Learning R. M. Burks, J. Ory, Organizers, Presiding
General Papers Section A Techniques to Help Students C. Sorensen-Unruh, Presiding
S. A. Fleming, Organizer
Grand Hyatt Washington Understand Chemistry
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
D. A. Katz, Presiding Independence D/E K. K. Bagga, D. B. King, Organizers, Presiding
8:05 CHED 399. WinPSSP: An education-
8:30 Introductory Remarks. 1:30 Introductory Remarks. ally-geared software for crystal structure
Process Oriented Guided
8:35 CHED 359. Improving thermodynam- Inquiry Learning (POGIL) 1:35 CHED 386. Incorporation of determination of organics from powders.
ics teaching for chemistry students. T. Yu S. Pagola, A. Polymeros, N. Kourkoumelis
Jeopardy! Games into general
R. S. Moog, Organizer, Presiding
8:55 CHED 360. Industrial and engineering chemistry lecture. M. Shahu
processes: An in-depth level course for 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
1:55 CHED 387. KembloX™: Model kit
the new chemistry curriculum. A. Fazal 1:35 CHED 373. POGIL and the for ionic compounds. B. Aurian-Blajeni
9:15 CHED 361. Impact of first year POGIL project. R.S. Moog
2:15 CHED 388. Using LEGOs to help
intervention in student engagement and 1:55 CHED 374. POGIL philosophy and students understand kinetics and
retention at Universidad Metropolitana. flexible seating promotes student equilibrium concepts. J. Xian, D.B. King
G.A. Infante, L. Fuentes-Claudio, D. Gomez, learning in organic chemistry at Adelphi
2:35 Intermission.
M.B. Santiago-Berrios, L. Vazquez University. M.A. VanAlstine-Parris
2:50 CHED 389. CHEMCompete-I: A chem-
The use of any device to capture
9:35 Intermission. 2:15 CHED 375. What do students think is
the most important concept? D.B. King
istry card game for substitution and elimi- images (e.g., cameras and camera
9:50 CHED 362. Bohr model for nation reactions of alkyl halides. D. Jaber
hydrogen – revised. P. Wepplo 2:35 Intermission.
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
3:10 CHED 390. Game based activ-
10:10 CHED 363. Peer-mentorship 2:45 CHED 376. Implementation of ities as chemistry teaching tools. digital recorders) or to stream,
program using general chemistry Process Oriented Guided Inquiry M.T. Soper-Hopper, A. Lozoya upload or rebroadcast speakers or
labs: Impact on retention rates. F. Learning (POGIL) in an engineering Colinas, A. McKee, C. Parsons
Damkaci, K. Gublo, T. Braun chemistry course in Hyderabad, India. presentations is strictly prohibited
3:30 CHED 391. Using scratch
10:30 CHED 364. Alternate assessment in K. Madhavi, P. Kakumanu, K.E. Butler
cards as formative and summa- at all official ACS meetings and
general chemistry classes. D.A. Katz tive assessments. D.B. King events without express written
consent from ACS.

8:25 CHED 400. Low cost portable MONDAY MORNING CHAS 18. Chiral/achiral analysis of naturally
cyclic voltammetry using arduino.
A.B. Helms, C. Prince, D. Nelson
CHAS occurring cannabinoids using a new
sub-2 µm chiral stationary phase with
Building a Safety Culture Across
ultra high performance SFC-MS. M.J.
8:45 CHED 401. Internet of things:
Introducing students to problem solving
Division of Chemical the Chemistry Enterprise
Wilcox, S. Anderson, G. Mazzoccanti, F.
through Raspberry Pi. E.C. Bucholtz Health and Safety Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts
to Developing a Safety Culture
Gasparrini, O. Ismail, A. Ciogli, C. Villani

9:05 Intermission. D. Decker, J. Pickel and F. Wood-Black, Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
Program Chairs
9:15 CHED 402. Ready, set, action! BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS, TUESDAY MORNING
Using Go-Pro videos to connect CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC,
instrumentation with students and Section A
faculty. C. Sorensen-Unruh Building a Safety Culture across the
Chemistry Enterprise (see PRES, Mon) Walter E. Washington Convention Center
9:35 CHED 403. Changing roles for chang- Room 209C
ing times: Social media and the evolution
Collaborating for Success: Professional
Skills Development for Undergraduates,
of the supplemental instructor. E. Alden Graduates & Postdocs (see CINF, Mon) Chemophobia: Communicating
9:55 CHED 404. Freely available online
Section A Chemistry
tools for communicating chemistry BUSINESS MEETINGS: Walter E. Washington Convention Center Cosponsored by CCS
through social media. A.J. Williams CHAS Business Meeting, 8 AM: Sun Room 209C
E. Sweet, Organizer
10:15 CHED 405. Radical awaken-
ings: A new teaching paradigm using Cannabis Processing: Innovations R. Stuart, Organizer, Presiding
social media. C. Sorensen-Unruh SUNDAY AFTERNOON & Legal Protections
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
Cosponsored by CCS
10:35 Concluding Remarks. 8:05 CHAS 19. Chemicals: The good,
Section A Financially supported by CANN the bad, and the ugly. S.B. Sigmann
Section C Walter E. Washington Convention Center
J. Marcu, E. M. Pryor, Organizers, Presiding 8:35 CHAS 20. The good, The bad and
Room 209C
Grand Hyatt Washington the uncertain: Public perception of
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
Independence C the chemical enterprise. M.E. Jones
Division of Chemical Health 1:40 CHAS 9. Purification strategies
& Safety Awards 9:05 CHAS 21. Role communications
Assessment Instruments for the for removing undesirable natural
play in laboratory safety. S. Morrissey
ACS-Accredited Degree Program Cosponsored by CCS components and contaminants from
cannabis extracts. M.J. Wilcox, J. Marcu 9:35 CHAS 22. Developing design
S. Lin, M. A. Teichert, Organizers, Presiding D. B. Walters, Organizer, Presiding principles for ‘lesson learned’ labo-
2:05 CHAS 10. Traditional cannabis
8:00 Introductory Remarks. D. M. Decker, Presiding ratory safety videos. H. Weizman
processing: Protecting indige-
8:05 CHED 406. Matching the evaluation 1:30 Introductory Remarks. nous knowledge. K.S. Hylton 10:05 Intermission.
plan to the question. D.M. Bunce 1:35 CHAS 1. Make safety habits by 2:30 CHAS 11. Cannabis data: 10:15 CHAS 23. It’s no accident that
8:25 CHED 407. Assessing your finding your cues, routines, and Analysis to analytics. S. Sguera many journalists don’t write clearly
assessments. R. Komperda rewards for safety! R.H. Hill about lab safety incidents. B. Benderly
2:55 Intermission.
8:45 CHED 408. ACS Exams: Making 2:00 CHAS 2. Chemical Safety: The 10:45 CHAS 24. Hazmat event report-
3:10 CHAS 12. Cannabis grow facilities:
measurements for classroom and state of the arts. M. Rossol ing in the media. R. Stuart
Identification of hazardous wastes found
programmatic assessment. J.J. Reed, 2:25 CHAS 3. Stanford’s laboratory at a cannabis grow facility; the problem 11:15 CHAS 25. Risk communication
S. Srinivasan, J.R. Raker, K.L. Murphy safety culture - from chemistry to and a proposed solution for environ- for the non-chemist (and chemist).
9:05 CHED 409. Customized ACS the campus - Part 1: Department of mental health departments. D. Keenan R.M. Izzo, K. Angjelo, S. Elwood
Exams for the assessment of Chemistry Teaching Laboratories. 3:35 CHAS 13. Terpenes and terpenoids of 11:45 Panel Discussion.
non-traditional courses. T.N. Jones C.T. Cox, S. Chan, M. Dougherty cannabis: A medical review. M. Troiani
9:25 Intermission. 2:50 CHAS 4. Stanford’s laboratory 4:00 Panel Discussion.
9:40 CHED 410. Rubrics for assessing
safety culture – from chemistry to the TUESDAY AFTERNOON
campus – Part 2: Advancing institutional 4:10 Concluding Remarks.
student skills in drawing reaction mecha-
safety culture throughout the campus. Section A
nisms and reaction coordinate diagrams Building a Safety Culture Across
L.M. Gibbs, R. Furr, M. Dougherty
in organic chemistry. S. Lin, J.J. Urban the Chemistry Enterprise Walter E. Washington Convention Center
10:00 CHED 411. Assessing Room 209C
Section A Grassroots Approaches to
student knowledge of chemical
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Developing a Safety Culture Building a Safety Culture Across
bonding. M.A. Teichert, S. Lin
Room 209C Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL, the Chemical Enterprise
10:20 CHED 412. Enhancing learn- BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS,
ing by assessing process skills in Cosponsored by CCS‡
Soft Skills in Training & Interactions CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC,
STEM courses. R.S. Cole, S.M. Ruder, INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC J. Palmer, Organizer
C.L. Stanford, J. Lantz, G. Reynders Cosponsored by CCS
J. M. Pickel, Organizer, Presiding
10:40 CHED 413. Surprises from closing the R. M. Izzo, Organizer, Presiding
loop in program evaluation. J.L. Stewart 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
3:25 Introductory Remarks. MONDAY EVENING
11:00 Discussion. 1:35 CHAS 26. Challenges and opportu-
3:30 CHAS 5. Elements of lever-
Section A nities of building and promoting safety
11:15 Concluding Remarks. aging soft skills. K. Angjelo
culutre with a federal agency. R. Meidl
3:55 CHAS 6. Be prepared: Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Halls D/E 2:00 CHAS 27. How can we build
Things to do before EHS inter-
sustainable safety culture: Safety
actions with lab. R.M. Izzo
Sci-Mix training vs safety education? N. Bharti
4:20 CHAS 7. Developing and main-
J. M. Pickel, Organizer 2:25 CHAS 28. Challenges and rewards in
taining relationships with research:
enforing laboratory safety and training:
Who, how, and why? B.S. Chance 8:00 - 10:00 First year on the job. R. Malaisamy
4:45 CHAS 8. Supporting development of Mapping laboratory risk
CHAS 14. 2:50 CHAS 29. Safety guidelines for the
chemical risk assessment skills. R. Stuart assessment resources. R. Stuart chemistry professional. K.P. Fivizzani
Technical program information CHAS 15. Division of Chemical Health and 3:15 Intermission.
known at press time. Safety Information Poster. J.M. Pickel
3:30 CHAS 30. Partnering with faculty
Catching up with
The official technical program for CHAS 16.
Runaway HotPlates. J.M. Pickel,
and staff towards improved safety
culture. S. Elwood, R.M. Izzo, K. Angjelo
the 254th ACS National Meeting K.J. Bush, M. Mathews
3:55 CHAS 31. Development and imple-
is available at www.acs.org/ CHAS 17. Improving safe use of pres- mentation of a researcher oriented chemi-
sure systems in chemistry labora- cal-safety support program at a 1st tier
WDC2017 tories. J.M. Pickel, K.B. Jeskie academic research institution. J.G. Palmer

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


4:20 CHAS 32. Establishing a sus- 1:35 CHAS 40. Multidisciplinary research 9:20 CINF 3. Everything you know is 1:25 CINF 15. Experiences with chemical
tainable safety culture in academic institutes and the challenges they wrong: The battle between e-chemists database merger and migration: The
research labs. K.A. Miller bring. S. Elwood, R.M. Izzo, K. Angjelo and 127 years of chemical structure art to surviving detail hell (or the
drawing tradition. G.M. Banik, K. Nedwed, devil is in the details). G. Blanke
4:45 Concluding Remarks. 2:00 CHAS 41. Convergence of research
K. Kunitsky, M. D’Souza, T. Abshear
operations and safety: A mutually 1:50 CINF 16. Challenges repre-
beneficial partnership. K. Heard 9:50 Intermission. senting the chemistry of crystal
WEDNESDAY MORNING 2:25 CHAS 42. Role of the EHS Professional 10:05 CINF 4. InChI and standard for
structures: How current initiatives
could help. I. Bruno, S. Vyas
in laboratory design. M.B. Koza chemical structures. S.R. Heller
Section A 2:50 CHAS 43. Taking safety man- 10:30 CINF 5. Representing molecules
2:15 CINF 17. Comparing CIP imple-
mentations: The need for an open CIP.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center agement to the next level: Moving with minimalism: A solution to the
J.W. Mayfield, D.M. Lowe, R.A. Sayle
Room 209C from assumptions to reality. S. entropy of informatics. A. Clark
Schwartz-Hinds, N. Watson 2:40 CINF 18. We need to talk about
10:55 CINF 6. Open semantic chem-
Building a Safety Culture Across kekulization, aromaticity and
3:15 Intermission. ical structures: Ideas on the use
the Chemical Enterprise SMILES. N. O’Boyle, J.W. Mayfield
of JSON-LD for representation of
3:30 CHAS 44. Designing and operating
Cosponsored by CCS‡ and PROF chemical entities. S.J. Chalk 3:05 Intermission.
facilities to support the safe conduct of
J. Palmer, Organizer research activities. J.M. Pickel, K.B. Jeskie 11:20 CINF 7. Enhancing scholarly 3:20 CINF 19. HELM: An open standard
literature with compound infor- for biomolecule structure representation
J. M. Pickel, Organizer, Presiding 3:55 CHAS 45. Personal chemical
mation. M. Cleeren, T. Hoctor and exchange. T. Zhang, S.H. Rotstein
exposure sensor with indoor posi-
8:30 Introductory Remarks. tioning and robotics for laboratory 11:45 Discussion. 3:45 CINF 20. Living in a world of federated
8:35 CHAS 33. Safe operating cards safety. K. Brown, A. Brandes, A.E. knowledge: Challenges, principles, tools
(SOCs): Open communication helps Norton, P.B. Shaw, D.T. Neu, R. Voorhees Section B and solutions. R. Zakharov, V. Tkachenko
best practices from industry move to 4:20 CHAS 46. Hydrogen gas lab 4:10 CINF 21. Research in the
academia. A.J. Miller, I. Tonks, C.L. Pitman Washington Marriott at Metro Center
servers provide many advantages to Junior Ballroom 2 chemical sciences as a global
9:00 CHAS 34. GHS information laboratory operations. J. Speranza social machine. J.G. Frey
integration in PubChem. J. Zhang, 4:45 CHAS 47. Achieving a balance What do Synthetic Chemists Want 4:40 Discussion.
P. Thiessen, A. Gindulyte, E. Bolton between expansion and cost control: from Their Reaction Systems?
9:25 CHAS 35. Pharmaceutical industry Yale University West Campus Cosponsored by COMP, INOR, MEDI and ORGN Section B
best practices in lessons learned: ELN Research Operations. C.D. Incarvito
implementation of Merck’s reaction W. A. Warr, Organizer Washington Marriott at Metro Center
review policy. R.A. Sayle, J.W. Mayfield Junior Ballroom 2
D. Evans, Organizer, Presiding

8:40 Introductory Remarks. What do Synthetic Chemists Want
Section A from Their Reaction Systems?
8:45 CINF 8. Applying machine learning to
Walter E. Washington Convention Center synthesis design: Prediction of organic Cosponsored by COMP, INOR, MEDI and ORGN
Room 209C Division of Chemical reaction outcomes. C.W. Coley, R. Barzilay,
D. Evans, Organizer
Emerging Trends in Information T.S. Jaakkola, W.H. Green, K.F. Jensen
W. A. Warr, Organizer, Presiding
Research Operations E. Alvaro, Program Chair 9:10 CINF 9. Applications of machine
learning methods for chemical 1:30 CINF 22. From search tool to
Cosponsored by CCS reaction databases. V. Tkachenko, research partner: Changing the role of
OTHER SYMPOSIA OF INTEREST: B. Sattarov, A. Korotcov, D.M. Lowe, R.
J. M. Pickel, Organizer computers in chemical development.
Advancing Graduate Education: Nugmanov, T.I. Madzhidov, A. Varnek O. Ravitz, R. Threlfall, D.W. Flanagan
C. D. Incarvito, Organizer, Presiding Opportunities & Challenges
(see CHED, Sun) 9:35 CINF 10. Retrosynthesis and 1:55 CINF 23. Supporting synthetic
10:00 Introductory Remarks. reaction prediction with deep neural research with SciFinder-n. J.
Building a Safety Culture Across
10:05 CHAS 36. Framingham State the Chemical Enterprise
networks. M. Segler, M. Waller Taylor, J. Schloss, K. Zielenbach
University: Science Building. J. Blount (see CHAS, Tue, Wed) 10:00 Intermission. 2:20 CINF 24. Renaissance of reaction
10:30 CHAS 37. Safe and appropriate appli- Drug Design (see COMP, Wed, Thu) 10:20 CINF 11. International Chemical classification and visualization: History,
cation of filtered fume hoods. K. Crooks Identifier for Reactions (RInChI): What definition and new use cases. V.
SOCIAL EVENTS: Eigner Pitto, H. Kraut, Z. Meza-Renken,
10:55 CHAS 38. iLab operating software is RInChI and how does it revolutionize
Luncheon, 12:00 PM: Tue the handling of reaction databases? G. C. Oppawsky, A. Orta, H. Saller
materials management. C. Lopes
Reception, 6:30 PM: Sun Blanke, J.M. Goodman, G. Grethe, H. Kraut 2:45 CINF 25. ReaxysTree for reac-
11:20 CHAS 39. Monitoring VOCs within
Skolnik Award Symposium 10:45 CINF 12. Better synthesis for tions. J. Swienty Busch
flammable liquid chemical storage cabi-
Reception, 6:30 PM: Tue the next molecule. J.M. Goodman 3:10 Intermission.
nets for laboratory safety. A.E. Norton, K.
Brown, W.B. Connick, A. Doepke, F. Nourain BUSINESS MEETINGS: 11:10 CINF 13. Pistachio: Search and 3:30 CINF 26. Analyzing reaction pathways
11:45 Concluding Remarks. Business Meetings, 12:30 faceting of large reaction databases. in Reaxys. M. Clark, F. van den Broek
PM & 3:00 PM: Sat J.W. Mayfield, D.M. Lowe, R.A. Sayle
3:55 CINF 27. Any electron withdrawing
Analytical, Environmental & 11:35 CINF 14. Computational approach group will do: Introducing specific ambi-
Regulatory Challenges with to the history of chemical reactiv- guity into reaction searches. J.N. Currano
Legalized Cannabis ity: Exploring Reaxys database. E.J.
Sponsored by AGRO, Cosponsored by CHAS‡
SUNDAY MORNING Llanos, W. Leal, G. Restrepo, P. Stadler

Section A
Washington Marriott at Metro Center SUNDAY AFTERNOON
Junior Ballroom 1
Section A
Section A Open Structures: Current
Washington Marriott at Metro Center
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Issues & Future Plans
Junior Ballroom 1
The use of any device to capture
Room 209C Financially supported by CSA Trust, InChI images (e.g., cameras and camera
Trust, IUPAC CPCDS, RDA CRDIG Open Structures: Current
Emerging Trends in Issues & Future Plans
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
Research Operations M. G. Hicks, H. A. Lawlor, D. Martinsen,
digital recorders) or to stream,
L. McEwen, Organizers, Presiding Financially supported by CSA Trust, InChI
Cosponsored by CCS
8:15 Introductory Remarks.
Trust, IUPAC CPCDS, RDA CRDIG upload or rebroadcast speakers or
J. M. Pickel, Organizer
8:20 CINF 1. Caution! Normalization can be
M. G. Hicks, H. A. Lawlor, D. Martinsen, L. presentations is strictly prohibited
C. D. Incarvito, Organizer, Presiding McEwen, Organizers, Presiding
hazardous to your data health. E. Bolton at all official ACS meetings and
1:30 Introductory Remarks. 1:20 Introductory Remarks.
8:50 CINF 2. Three degrees of interpre- events without express written
tation: Why structure searches fail and
how to maximize success. J.N. Currano
consent from ACS.

4:20 Panel Discussion. CINF 38. First-principles insight into 9:30 CINF 52. Expand career support 4:25 CINF 65. Open Chemistry: Rich,
catalytic process of iodotyrosine for STEM graduate students with open source tools for chemical data on
4:45 Concluding Remarks.
deiodinase: A thyroid hormone. S. Tah the Graduate Career Consortium. the web and desktop. M.D. Hanwell
A. Clobes, N. Lundsteen
Science Communications: The Art CINF 39. Ascertaining binding con- 4:50 CINF 66. Open chemistry reg-
of Developing a Clear Message stant error when modeling spec- 9:50 CINF 53. Career pathways istry and mapping platform based
trophotometric titration data. N. and resources for professional on open source cheminformatics
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
BIOL, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CINF, Kazmierczak, D.A. Vander Griend development. S. Nichols toolkits. V. Tkachenko, D. Slenter, N.
COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, I&EC, INOR, Jeliazkova, A. Gaulton, A.J. Williams, C.
CINF 40. PKS enumerator to enumer- 10:10 CINF 54. Professional devel-
ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC Steinbeck, C. Evelo, E.L. Willighagen
ate the chemical space of macro- opment and career resources: The
lides. P. Kyaw Zin, D. Fourches past, present, and future of ACS
on Campus. S. O’Reilly, M. Qiu Section B
SUNDAY EVENING 10:30 CINF 55. Science communication Washington Marriott at Metro Center
MONDAY MORNING and education network (SCENe) profes- Junior Ballroom 2
Section A sional development workshops. C.B.
Section A Monroe, S. Rodriguez Martinez, D.J. Steinberg Collaborating for Success:
Grand Hyatt Washington Professional Skills Development
Farragut Square/Lafayette Park Washington Marriott at Metro Center 10:50 Intermission.
for Undergraduates,
Junior Ballroom 1 11:00 CINF 56. Data carpen- Graduates & Post-Docs
CINF Scholarships for try in the Caltech libraries. D.
Government(-Funded) Chemical Cosponsored by CHED, PROF and YCC
Scientific Excellence: Student Wrublewski, G. Clement, T. Morrell
Poster Competition Databases & Open Chemistry E. Alvaro, J. R. Garritano, Organizers, Presiding
11:20 CINF 57. Case studies in
S. J. Chalk, Organizer L. McEwen, Organizer educating scientists in patent 1:20 CINF 67. Importance of skills devel-
E. Bolton, M. C. Nicklaus, Organizers, Presiding information. R.M. Kaminecki opment in the ACS certified bachelor’s
6:30 - 8:30
11:40 CINF 58. Professional skill set degree in chemistry. T.J. Wenzel
CINF 28. Evaluation of three retention 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
development: Research opera- 1:40 CINF 68. Fostering collaboration
time prediction models: 1) logP, 2) ACD/ 8:35 CINF 41. Mining PubChem tions management. J.M. Pickel for success: How NSF CCIs train
ChromGenius, and 3) a quantitative for solubility data. S.J. Chalk
structure retention relationship model. students for STEM leadership. D. Watt
A.D. McEachran, K. Mansouri, S. Newton, 9:00 CINF 42. COSMOS database as a Building a Safety Culture across
2:00 CINF 69. Facilitating broader
B. Beverly, J.R. Sobus, A.J. Williams tool for ontology-driven data mining, the Chemistry Enterprise
impacts: Disseminating knowledge
in silico modeling and read-across.
CINF 29. REAL fragments: A database Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts to facilitate new and traditional
C. Yang, J. Rathman, A. Mostrag, C.
of synthetically accessible frag- to Developing a Safety Culture careers in chemistry. K. Deards
Schwab, A. Tarkhov, J. Liu, M. Cronin,
ment-like molecules. O. Gavrylenko, J. Madden, A. Bassan, E. Fioravanzo Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL, 2:20 Intermission.
A. Chupryna, T. Matviyuk, Y. Moroz BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS,
9:25 CINF 43. US FDA’s chemi- CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC, 2:30 CINF 70. Assessment of informa-
CINF 30. Analysis of X-Chem cal evaluation and risk estimation tion literacy skills of students in large
DNA-encoded chemical librar- system. K. Arvidson, P. Volarath, undergraduate chemistry courses. S.P.
ies. L. Xue, E.A. Sigel, Y. Zhang L. Holt, M. Garg, D. Mehta Chemistry in an Evolving Political Baykoucheva, M. Koppel, S. Rastogi
CINF 31. Comparative chemoinfor- 9:50 CINF 44. Globalizing FDA’s Substance
Climate: Research Priorities & 2:50 CINF 71. Connecting organic chem-
matic analysis of DNA methyl- Registration System. F.L. Switzer, Career Pathways in Public Policy istry to the real world with Chemistry
transferase inhibitors. O. Palomino- L. Callahan, Y. Borodina, T.A. Peryea Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by Class AdvantageTM. M. Pozenel
Hernandez, J.L. Medina-Franco BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI, CELL, CEPA,
10:15 Intermission. CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC, 3:10 CINF 72. Withdrawn.
CINF 32. Cheminformatic approach to
10:30 CINF 45. PubChem: An open DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB 3:30 CINF 73. Collaborative efforts
identify antiviral components of humic
substances. A. Orlov, A.Y. Zherebker, chemistry database. J. Zhang, P. between faculty and embedded safety
A.A. Eletskaya, L.I. Kozlovskaya, V.A. Thiessen, A. Gindulyte, E. Bolton professionals to improve critical thinking
skills of undergraduates. S.B. Sigmann
Palyulin, D.I. Osolodkin, I.V. Perminova 10:55 CINF 46. Hazardous Substances MONDAY AFTERNOON
CINF 33. Cheminformatics approach Data Bank: Recent features and enhance- 3:50 Intermission.
to exploring and modeling trait-as- ments. S. Jordan, G. Fonger, G.F. Hazard Section A 4:00 CINF 74. Data manage-
sociated metabolic profiles. J. Ash, 11:20 CINF 47. Harmonization and ment: A skill for all chemists. M.
Washington Marriott at Metro Center
M.A. Kuenemann, D. Fourches exchange of government data on Sheffield, M. Savidakis-Dunn
Junior Ballroom 1
CINF 34. Performance improvements, new chemical(plus) substances. E. Schmid,
4:20 CINF 75. Tell your story your
S. Winfield, Y. Borodina, J. Harman
functionalities and applications of the Government(-Funded) Chemical way: Why chemistry professionals
3D structure generator CORINA Classic. 11:45 CINF 48. FDA/CDER Chemical Databases & Open Chemistry should understand bibliometrics
B. Bienfait, T. Kleinoeder, C. Schwab, A. Informatics Program’s Chemical and altmetrics. R. Borchardt
L. McEwen, Organizer
Mostrag, A. Tarkhov, J. Rathman, C. Yang Dictionary. M.T. Kim, N. Kruhlak
4:40 CINF 76. Five years of helping chem-
E. Bolton, M. C. Nicklaus, Organizers, Presiding
CINF 35. Using publicly available resources ists to create an online presence using
to build a comprehensive knowledge- Section B 1:35 Introductory Remarks. freely available resources. A.J. Williams
base of chemical information. B.
Washington Marriott at Metro Center 1:40 CINF 59. Building a model
Sattarov, R. Zakharov, V. Tkachenko Building a Safety Culture across
Junior Ballroom 2 organism metabolome data-
CINF 36. Predicting drug-target interactions base. C. Steinbeck, M.R. Viant the Chemistry Enterprise
by dual-network integrated logistic matrix Collaborating for Success: 2:05 CINF 60. Pharos: Putting targets
factorization. M. Hao, S.H. Bryant, Y. Wang Professional Skills Development in context. D. Nguyen, T. Sheils, G.
Grassroots Approaches to
CINF 37. Machine learning approach for Undergraduates, Mandava, N. Southall, R. Guha
Developing a Safety Culture
for fast and accurate prediction of Graduates & Post-Docs Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
2:30 CINF 61. Chemical databases and
optical properties of organic molecules. Cosponsored by CHED, PROF and YCC BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS,
other open-chemistry resources provided CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC,
M.F. Afzal, J. Hachmann, C. Cheng
E. Alvaro, J. R. Garritano, Organizers, Presiding by the NCI CADD Group. H. Patel, Y. INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
Pevzner, D. Dhaked, M.L. Peach, M.C. Nicklaus
8:20 CINF 49. Getting a grip on STEM: Chemistry in an Evolving Political
Conducting a needs assessment 2:55 CINF 62. Jmol: The evolution of a
powerful molecular visualization tool Climate: Research Priorities &
of graduate student needs through Career Pathways in Public Policy
focus groups. D. Zwicky, N. Johnson enhanced by US public databases.
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by
Technical program information 8:40 CINF 50. NSF Research Traineeship
O.S. Rothenberger, R.M. Hanson
3:20 Intermission.
known at press time. (NRT) Program: STEM graduate CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC,
training and strong professional skill 3:35 CINF 63. ZINC: A free data- DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB
The official technical program for development. L. Regassa, N. Riddick base of commercially available
the 254th ACS National Meeting 9:00 CINF 51. Advancing inclusive compounds for virtual screening
and ligand discovery. J.J. Irwin
is available at www.acs.org/ excellence for trainees from the top
down. R. Hernandez, D. Stallings, S. Iyer 4:00 CINF 64. Chemistry Development
WDC2017 Kit v2.0. J.W. Mayfield, E.L. Willighagen
9:20 Intermission.

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


MONDAY EVENING 8:10 CINF 87. Understanding linguis- 4:35 CINF 100. Sparse QSAR modelling 10:00 CINF 111. ChemIDplus at
tic Markush expressions in chemical methods for therapeutic and regenera- NLM: History and capabilities. S.
Section A patents. L. Weber, M. Irmer, C. Bobach tive medicine. D.A. Winkler, F.R. Burden, Jordan, G.F. Hazard, M. Miller
H. Autefage, M. Stevens, E. Gentleman,
8:40 CINF 88. Everlasting challenge: 10:25 Intermission.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center A. Hook, P. Williams, M. Alexander
Markush indexing, searching and display
Halls D/E 10:40 CINF 112. PubChem as a biologics
in modern retrieval systems. V. Eigner 5:10 Award Presentation.
database. N. O’Boyle, R.A. Sayle, E. Bolton
Pitto, H. Kraut, H. Matuszczyck, F. Ailer
Sci-Mix 11:05 CINF 113. ScrubChem: Cleaning
9:10 CINF 89. Advanced Markush tech- Section B
E. Alvaro, Organizer of PubChem BioAssay data to
nologies: Automatic generation, non-hit Washington Marriott at Metro Center create diverse and massive bioac-
8:00 - 10:00 visualization and overlap analysis. P.
Junior Ballroom 2 tivity datasets for use in modeling
Kovács, Á. Figyelmesi, G. Botka, J. Kendi
8, 14, 17, 29-35, 39-40. See applications. J.B. Harris, J.C. Harris,
previous listings. 9:40 CINF 90. Challenges and suc- Why Open Data? Effective Use O. Isayev, A. Tropsha, R. Judson
cesses in machine interpretation Cases & Exemplars for Open 11:30 CINF 114. Adding value to public
CINF 77. Keeping up and keeping orga-
nized: Alerting services and personal
of Markush descriptions. D.M. Data & Citizen Science data using the BioAssay Express: Using
Lowe, J.W. Mayfield, R.A. Sayle
bibliographic databases. C.F. Huber T. Hanna, D. P. Henderson, L. semantic web axioms and machine
10:10 Intermission. McEwen, Organizers, Presiding learning to support annotation. H. Kucuk-
80, 113, 142. See subsequent listings.
McGinty, J.E. Kranz, B.A. Bunin, A. Clark
10:25 CINF 91. Challenges in extract- 1:45 Introductory Remarks.
ing Makush structure data from
1:50 CINF 101. Benefits of making data Section B
TUESDAY MORNING structure depictions and related
text. A.T. Valko, P. Johnson from the EPA National Center for
Computational Toxicology available Washington Marriott at Metro Center
Section A 10:55 CINF 92. MARPAT: CAS’s database for reuse. A.J. Williams, K. Mansouri, Junior Ballroom 2
of Markush structures. P. Blasi V. Tkachenko, K. Blinov, C. Grulke
Washington Marriott at Metro Center Drug Discovery: Cheminformatic
Junior Ballroom 1 11:25 CINF 93. Markush enumeration 2:15 CINF 102. Environmental pro- Approaches
to manage, mesh and manipulate tection belongs to the public:
Informatics & Chemical substances of unknown or variable Citizen science at EPA. A. Parker Cosponsored by COMP
Biology: Identifying Targets composition. A.J. Williams, C. Grulke,
2:40 CINF 103. Solar Army: Incorporating E. Davis, Organizer, Presiding
& Biological Pathways A.D. McEachran, E. Schymanski
real-time research into outreach efforts.
9:15 Introductory Remarks.
Cosponsored by BIOL and MEDI 11:55 Concluding Remarks. J.D. Schuttlefield Christus, M. DeBoever
9:20 CINF 115. Assay Central: A new
R. J. Bienstock, Organizer, Presiding 3:05 CINF 104. Hunting for people:
Journal of Agricultural & Food approach to compiling big data and
Building public engagement with
8:00 CINF 78. Data harmonization and Chemistry Best Paper Award & preparing machine learning models
your science. J. Ranganathan
quality assurance in metabolomics Young Scientist Award Symposium for drug repurposing. K.M. Zorn,
for biological pathway identification. 3:30 Intermission. M.A. Lingerfelt, A. Clark, S. Ekins
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored
D.A. Sheen, W. Fortunado de Carvalho by AGRO, CINF and PROF 3:45 CINF 105. Solving biomolecular 9:45 CINF 116. Integrated cheminfor-
Rocha, D. Bearden, K.A. Lippa puzzles with citizen science. S. Cooper matics to guide drug discovery. M.D.
Understanding the Chemistry Segall, E. Champness, P. Hunt, T. Mansley
8:25 CINF 79. Withdrawn. 4:10 CINF 106. Reliability of data:
of Our Planet
8:50 CINF 80. Exploring opioid recep- A meaningful and comprehensive 10:10 CINF 117. CSD-driven con-
Chemistry’s Role in our Earth System assessment. A. Kazakov, A. Bazyleva, former generation: Finding missing
tor-ligand binding patterns, as a
fingerprint to identify potential biased Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by E. Paulechka, V. Diky, K. Kroenlein rings and a large-scale valida-
agonists. K. Martinez Mayorga, A. BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, tion. P. Sanschagrin, M.G. Read, P.
4:35 CINF 107. For reproducibil-
Madariaga-Mazon, C.R. Garcia-Jacas CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC, McCabe, J. Cole, O. Korb, R. Taylor
ity, we need the methods behind
9:15 Intermission. the open data. L. Teytelman 10:35 Intermission.

9:25 CINF 81. Development of a search 5:00 CINF 108. PubChem and 10:50 CINF 118. Autonomous model
engine for chemical biology and drug open data. S. Kim, E. Bolton building with a preponderance of well
discovery. D.W. Selinger, A.P. Sukharevsky
TUESDAY AFTERNOON annotated assay protocols. A. Clark
Understanding the Chemistry 11:15 CINF 119. Meeting the ever changing
9:50 CINF 82. Design and analysis Section A of Our Planet demands of synthetic chemistry: A chem-
of biologically annotated libraries
for phenotypic screening decon- Washington Marriott at Metro Center ical workbench for biopolymers. J. Bishop
volution. A.M. Wassermann Junior Ballroom 1 Human Impacts to our Planet
11:40 CINF 120. In silico pharmacology:
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by Predicting pharmacokinetic and
10:15 CINF 83. Way2drug cheminfor- Herman Skolnik Award Symposium BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, toxic properties. P. Schyman,
matics platform for drug repurposing.
E. Alvaro, D. Winkler, Organizers CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC, R. Liu, V. Desai, A. Wallqvist
V. Poroikov, D. Druzhilovskiy, A. Rudik, P.
Pogodin, D. Filimonov, A. Lagunin, G. Sastry E. Davis, Presiding
Drug Design
10:40 Intermission. 1:45 Introductory Remarks.
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by CINF
10:50 CINF 84. Towards the use of bioas- 1:50 CINF 94. Approaching reality: WEDNESDAY MORNING
says as predictors of adverse events in Simulating electronic devices. T.R. Clark
clinical trials. M. Clark, M. Shkrob, A. Yuryev Section A
2:15 CINF 95. Applications of machine
11:15 CINF 85. Mechanism-of-action elu- learning to materials and chemical Washington Marriott at Metro Center
cidation using deep convolutional neural property prediction. A. Tropsha Junior Ballroom 1
networks. A. Heifets, I. Wallach, K.T. Nguyen
2:40 CINF 96. Nanoinformatics platform
11:40 CINF 86. Using deep neural networks for environmental impact assessment Government(-Funded) Chemical
with heterogeneous chemical data to of manufactured nanomaterials. Y. Databases & Open Chemistry
support phenotypic assay campaigns. Cohen, M. Bilal, P. Church, H. Liu, R. Liu L. McEwen, Organizer
A. de la Vega de Leon, V.J. Gillet
3:05 CINF 97. Accurate and interpreta-
ble nanoQSAR models from genetic
E. Bolton, M. C. Nicklaus, Organizers, Presiding The use of any device to capture
Section B programming-based decision tree 9:05 Introductory Remarks. images (e.g., cameras and camera
construction approaches. C. Oksel
Washington Marriott at Metro Center 9:10 CINF 109. ViralChEMBL: phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
Junior Ballroom 2 3:30 Intermission. Purification and enhancement of
antiviral activity data from ChEMBL. digital recorders) or to stream,
Markush 360: Current & Future of 3:45 CINF 98. Self-organizing neural
networks in chemistry. J. Gasteiger
D.I. Osolodkin, A.A. Nikitina, A. Orlov upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Generic Structures in Chemical
Patent Creation, Search & Analysis 4:10 CINF 99. Understudied proteins:
9:35 CINF 110. ChemDB: A database presentations is strictly prohibited
of structure and biological activ-
Á. Figyelmesi, Organizer, Presiding Time to shift the paradigm. T.I. Oprea ity data for pre-clinical compounds at all official ACS meetings and
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
tested against HIV, Mycobacterium events without express written
tuberculosis, and opportunistic
infections. L. Sumner, M. Rush, M. consent from ACS.
Whiting, G. Noble, D. Huffman, M. Nasr

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2:25 CINF 131. Development and compar- 11:45 CINF 147. Integrated in SUNDAY AFTERNOON
ison of deep learning toolkit with other silico approaches to design
Section A machine learning methods. A. Mitrofanov, power conversion efficient solar Section A
A. Korotcov, V. Tkachenko, S. Ekins cells: Renewable energy for
Washington Marriott at Metro Center future. S. Kar, J.R. Leszczynski Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
2:50 Intermission.
Junior Ballroom 1 Georgetown University
3:05 CINF 132. Stopping Zika virus: Drug Design
Government(-Funded) Chemical Computational search for deactivating Founders’ Award
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by CINF
Databases & Open Chemistry agents. N. Sizochenko, J.R. Leszczynski
I. A. Blair, Organizer, Presiding
L. McEwen, Organizer 3:30 CINF 133. Fragment promiscuity and
1:00 Founders’ Award Presentation.
binding mode variability. M.N. Drwal, G.
E. Bolton, M. C. Nicklaus, Organizers, Presiding
Bret, J. Desaphy, C. Perez, E. Kellenberger 1:10 Introductory Remarks.
1:20 Introductory Remarks.
3:55 CINF 134. Chemical-biological space TOXI 1:15 TOXI 5. Biochemical and tox-
1:25 CINF 121. EPA Comptox Chemistry exploration for discovery of novel anti- icological applications of mass
Dashboard: Web-based data integration HIV agents. V. Poroikov, D. Filimonov, D. Division of Chemical spectrometry. F.P. Guengerich
hub for environmental chemistry and
toxicology data. A.J. Williams, C. Grulke,
Druzhilovskiy, Y. Pevzner, M.C. Nicklaus
4:20 CINF 135. Ensemble machine learning
Toxicology 1:55 TOXI 6. Human aldo-keto
reductases and aryl hydrocar-
A.D. McEachran, A. Richard, J. Smith, R. T. Spratt, Program Chair
to improve scoring functions. X.S. Wang bon activation. T.M. Penning
Jolley, J. Dunne, E. Edmiston, J. Edwards
OTHER SYMPOSIA OF INTEREST: 2:35 TOXI 7. Chemical biology of
1:50 CINF 122. Need and benefits for Drug Design DNA damage by a,β-unsatu-
structure standardization to facil- Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by CINF Analytical Toxicology in the 21st
rated aldehydes. L.J. Marnett
itate integration and connectivity Century (see ANYL, Sun)
between government databases. V. Pfizer Award in Enzyme
3:15 Intermission.
Tkachenko, C. Grulke, A.J. Williams Chemistry (see BIOL, Tue) 3:30 TOXI 8. S-Nitrosation is
2:15 CINF 123. Materials project: THURSDAY MORNING Off Targets No More: CYP450 Enzymes as a systems-wide regulatory
Milestones, challenges, and opportuni- Drug Discovery Targets (see MEDI, Mon) process. S.R. Tannenbaum
ties in high-throughput computational Section A
Ecological & Human Health Impacts of 4:10 TOXI 9. Systems pharmacology
chemistry. J. Montoya, K. Persson Washington Marriott at Metro Center Emerging Environmental Contaminants approach to the study of mito-
2:40 CINF 124. WebFF: Ontology based Junior Ballroom 1 (see ENVR, Sun, Mon, Wed) chondrial dysfunction. I.A. Blair, Q.
force-field repository for organic and Food-Borne Toxicants: Formation, Wang, L. Guo, L. Weng, A. Salimatipour,
soft materials. F.R. Phelan, H. Sun General Papers Analysis & Toxicology (see W. Hwang, D. Lynch, C. Mesaros
AGRO, Wed, Thu)
3:05 Intermission. E. Alvaro, Organizer, Presiding
Arthur C. Cope Award Symposium
3:20 CINF 125. Management 8:45 CINF 136. Towards linking chem- (see ORGN, Tue) MONDAY MORNING
and distribution of chemical ical-disease and chemical-gene/
data in the PDB. J. Young protein information in PubChem. L. SOCIAL EVENTS:
Section A
Zaslavsky, D.M. Lowe, E. Bolton Dinner, 6:30 PM: Tue
3:45 CINF 126. PDB-Chem: A sub-atomic
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
resolution database and resolution 9:00 CINF 137. Platform for unified Award Ceremony, 9:00 PM: Tue
extension tool. R.E. Cachau, I.A. Topol, J. molecular analysis (PUMA). M. Georgetown University
Zhu, A. Podjarny, M.L. Peach, M.C. Nicklaus González-Medina, J.L. Medina-Franco BUSINESS MEETINGS:
TOXI Young Investigators
Business Meeting, 8:30 PM: Tue
4:10 CINF 127. Publishing reference 9:15 CINF 138. Structural isosteres of
Cosponsored by YCC
data on the Internet. P. Linstrom phosphate groups in the protein data
bank. A. Borrel, Y. Zhang, L. Ghemtio, L. T. Spratt, Organizer
4:35 CINF 128. Building a high quality
Regad, G. Boije af Gennas, A. Camproux, SUNDAY MORNING
reference tandem mass spectral B. Ma, U. Sarkar, Presiding
J.T. Yli-Kauhaluoma, H. Xhaard
library for comprehensive compound
identification. X. Yang, P. Neta, S. Stein 9:30 CINF 139. Exploration of
Section A 8:00 TOXI 10. Effect of statins on
REAL arrays for initial hit finding. HMG-CoA reductase pathway and
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
O. Savich, O. Vasylchenko, A.
apolipoprotein A-I production in
Section B Georgetown University
Chupryna, M. Platonov, Y. Moroz
Friedreich’s ataxia. L. Guo, Q. Wang,
Washington Marriott at Metro Center C.J. Strawser, L.A. Hauser, W. Hwang,
9:45 CINF 140. Optimization of dan- Chemical Research in Toxicology
Junior Ballroom 2 D. Lynch, C. Mesaros, I.A. Blair
gerous parameters in global analysis Young Investigators Award
8:20 TOXI 11. Mechanism of bioactiva-
of spectrophotometric titration data: H. Ai, Organizer, Presiding
Drug Discovery: Cheminformatic tion of the cooked meat carcinogen
Information beyond the binding constant.
Approaches S. S. Hecht, T. M. Penning, Presiding 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimid-
D.A. Vander Griend, N. Kazmierczak
Cosponsored by COMP azo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) in human
10:00 CINF 141. Pesticide quantitative 8:00 Introductory Remarks.
prostate. M. Bellamri, R.J. Turesky
E. Davis, Organizer, Presiding biodegradability-structure relation- 8:10 TOXI 1. Targeted quantitative
8:40 TOXI 12. Novel class of hydroxyl
1:30 Introductory Remarks. ships. D. Cirovic, M. Hastings, K. Lynn, proteomic approaches for inter-
R. Rasoulpour, S. Gehen, D. Tomandl
radical scavenging antioxidants prevents
rogating the human kinome. W.
1:35 CINF 129. Characterizing the chemical oxidative DNA damage in fibroblast cells
10:15 Intermission. Miao, Y. Xiao, L. Guo, Y. Wang
space of kinase inhibitors using molecular exposed to trivalent arsenic. S. Abdul
descriptors computed from molecular 10:30 CINF 142. Activity landscape 8:55 TOXI 2. Sequence-specific covalent Salam, E.J. Merino, H. Zhu, P.N. Gurjar
dynamics trajectories. J. Ash, D. Fourches plotter: An open web-based server capture for detection of disease-derived
9:00 TOXI 13. Replicative bypass and
to assess structure activity rela- nucleic acid sequences. K.S. Gates,
2:00 CINF 130. Splitting the difference - mutagenic properties of alkylphos-
tionships. M. González-Medina, O. A. Gu, M. Imani Nejad, R. Shi, X. Zhang
with confidence. R.D. Clark, M. Waldman photriester lesions in Escherichia
Méndez-Lucio, J.L. Medina-Franco 9:40 Intermission. coli. J. Wu, P. Wang, Y. Wang
10:45 CINF 143. Practical and effec- 9:55 TOXI 3. Dynamic visualization of sig- 9:20 TOXI 14. Abasic and oxidized abasic
tive: Strategies to engage chemistry naling molecules in living cells. J. Zhang lesion bypass by DNA polymerase
undergraduate students into library theta yields one- and two-nucleotide
10:40 Award Presentation.
information literacy training. S. Guo deletions. D.J. Laverty, M.M. Greenberg
10:50 TOXI 4. Seeing is believing:
11:00 CINF 144. CAS Registry: A 9:40 Intermission.
Fluorescent biosensors for redox
unique identifier of chemical sub-
signaling and oxidative stress. H. Ai 10:00 TOXI 15. Characterization of the
Technical program information stances. E.N. Cheeseman
known at press time. 11:15 CINF 145. Search for highly Analytical Toxicology in mamidopyrimidine DNA lesion. S.
strained disulfide bonds in the the 21st Century Bamberger, H. Pan, R. Bowen, C. Malik,
The official technical program for Protein Databank. D. Riccardi T. Johnson-Salyard, C. Rizzo, M.P. Stone
Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored by TOXI
the 254th ACS National Meeting 11:30 CINF 146. Intentional diversification 10:20 TOXI 16. Engineering a repli-
is available at www.acs.org/ of molecular library. Y. Kwon, S. Kang, cative DNA polymerase for specific
I. Kim, K. Kim, J. Yoo, H. Lee, J. Shin damage bypass capability. T.A.
WDC2017 Coulther, M.J. Ondrechen, P.J. Beuning

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


10:40 TOXI 17. Mechanism of ribonucleo- 8:05 TOXI 26. Mechanisms of replica- TOXI 37. Analysis of methylated and degradation via the 26S proteasome.
tide incorporation by human DNA poly- tion-coupled repair. J.C. Walter ethylated peptides in human hemo- L. Tam, J. Jiang, P. Wang, L. Li, Y. Wang
merase Eta. Y. Su, M. Egli, F.P. Guengerich globin by liquid chromatography mass
8:40 TOXI 27. Interstrand DNA cross- TOXI 54. Substituent effects of bifunctional
spectrometry: Association with cigarette
11:00 TOXI 18. Independent generation links derived from abasic sites agents on photo-induced DNA interstrand
smoking. H.C. Chen, S. Ip, F. Lin
of 2’-deoxyadenosine-N6-yl radical in duplex DNA. K.S. Gates cross-link formation. H. Fan, X. Peng
and its reactivity in DNA. L. Zheng, M. TOXI 38. Simultaneous determination of a
9:15 TOXI 28. Replication and TOXI 55. Estrogenic activity of polycy-
Griesser, D.A. Pratt, M.M. Greenberg major peroxidation-derived DNA adduct,
repair of DNA interstrand cross- clic aromatic hydrocarbon ortho-qui-
M1dG and its oxidized metabolite 6-oxo-
11:20 TOXI 19. Investigation into the link lesions in human cells. N. nones in human endometrium. I.G.
M1dG, in human leukocyte DNA by liquid
reactivity of a C5’-uridinyl radical. Price, S. Liu, K.S. Gates, Y. Wang Lee, C. Mesaros, T.M. Penning
chromatography nanoelectrospray-high
M. Ellis, A.C. Bryant-Friedrich
9:50 Intermission. resolution tandem mass spectrome- TOXI 56. Deep learning methods applied
11:40 TOXI 20. Arsenite binds to the RING try. B. Ma, C. Ruszczak, P.W. Villalta, O.R. to physicochemical and toxicological
10:05 TOXI 29. Lesion proximal FANCD2 is
finger domain of FANCL E3 ubiquitin Wauchope, L.J. Marnett, I. Stepanov endpoints. B. Sattarov, A. Korotcov,
required for replication independent repair
ligase and inhibits DNA interstrand V. Tkachenko, C. Grulke, A.J. Williams
of interstrand crosslinks. M. Paramasivam, TOXI 39. Pyridylhydroxybutyl, pyridyloxobu-
cross-link repair. Y. Wang, J. Jiang
M. Bellani, J. Gichimu, H. Gali, M. Seidman tyl and methyl DNA phosphate adduct TOXI 57. Total synthesis of site-spe-
formation in rats treated chronically cific oligonucleotides containing
10:40 TOXI 30. Hydrogen peroxide
with enantiomers of 4-(methylnitro- 2’-deoxyadenosine adduct formed
activated DNA cross-linking agents
MONDAY AFTERNOON and their biomedical application. X. samino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol. B. by 6-nitrochrysene and their biolog-
Ma, A.T. Zarth, E. Carlson, P.W. Villalta, ical studies. B.V. Powell, A.K. Basu
Peng, W. Chen, Y. Wang, H. Fan
Section A P. Upadhyaya, I. Stepanov, S.S. Hecht TOXI 58. Determination of heavy metal
11:15 TOXI 31. Constitutive role of Fanconi
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC TOXI 40. Evidence for indole-3-methyl acceptable concentration using
anemia D2 gene in protecting cell from
Georgetown University isothiocyanate formation upon fixed monitoring benchmarks in
crosslinking DNA damage. L. Li
human consumption of Brussels river system and soil pore-water in
Biological Targets of sprouts. P. Upadhyaya, A.T. Zarth, S.Korea. B. Jeong, J. An, G. Yu, K. Nam
Botanical Supplements N. Fujioka, V. Fritz, S.S. Hecht Determination of the ecotoxico-
Cosponsored by AGFD TOXI 41. Qualitative analysis of the logical threshold concentration of Cu
pyrolysis of cocaine and metham- in soil pore water in Korea with biotic
J. L. Bolton, Organizer, Presiding Section A
phetamine. S. Raso, O. Dodd, S. Bell ligand model and species sensitivity
1:30 Introductory Remarks. Marriott Marquis Washington, DC distribution. G. Yu, B. Jeong, K. Nam
TOXI 42. Drosophila melanogaster fatty
Georgetown University
1:35 TOXI 21. Pharmacokinetic inter- acid amide production in the presence TOXI 60. Versatile method to con-
actions between drugs and licorice of Diminazene aceturate. G. Suarez, K.C. struct model DNA-protein cross-
Toxicological Considerations links (DPCs). S. Pujari, M. Zhang, S.
botanical dietary supplements used by Prins, B.S. Meyer, R.L. Anderson, D.J. Merkler
in Antibody Drug Conjugate Ji, M.D. Distefano, N.Y. Tretyakova
menopausal women. R.B. Van Breemen Site-specific incorporation
Design & Development TOXI 43.
2:15 TOXI 22. Intestinal UGTs as targets of N-(2′-deoxyguanosine-8-yl)-6- TOXI 61. Modified deaza-adenos-
Cosponsored by MEDI
for pharmacokinetic natural prod- aminochrysene adduct in DNA and its ine mimics ad DNA minor groove
uct-drug interactions. M. Paine F. Guengerich, W. G. Humphreys, N. A. replication in human cells. K.R. Rebello, alkylation probes. L.J. Weselinski, V.
Meanwell, Organizers, Presiding A. Chatterjee, P. Pande, A.K. Basu Begoyan, S. Xia, A. Ferrier, M. Tanasova
2:55 TOXI 23. KEAP1 and done?
Targeting the NRF2 pathway 1:00 Introductory Remarks. TOXI 44. Absolute quantification of plasma TOXI 62. Development of rapid, high
with sulforaphane. T. Kensler fibulin-3 as a biomarker for asbestos throughout labeling methods for mea-
1:10 TOXI 32. Antibody drug conjugates: suring aldehydes from P450 reactions.
exposure by immunoprecipitation-high
3:35 Intermission. Design considerations for improv- A.M. Hanson, D.A. Barnette, G.P. Miller
resolution mass spectrometry. Q.
ing efficacy and safety. P. Trail
3:50 TOXI 24. Comparing general Wang, L. Weng, C. Mesaros, I.A. Blair TOXI 63. Bypass efficiency and
and specific biological targets for 1:55 TOXI 33. ADC linker immolation mutagenesis assays of site-spe-
TOXI 45. Synthesis and in vivo quantitation
assessing sufficient similarity of related and cell killing activity. D. Zhang cific arylamine DNA adducts in
of 2’-deoxyadenosine adducts resulting
botanical dietary supplements. C.V. cell. K. Bian, F. Chen, Q. Tang, D. Li
2:40 Intermission. from bioactivation of 4-(methylnitrosami-
Rider, S. Smith-Roe, S.S. Ferguson
no)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone and 4-(meth- Comprehensive kinetic study of
TOXI 64.
2:55 TOXI 34. Development of next gener-
4:30 TOXI 25. Botanicals modu- ylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol. ALKBH2 and related family enzymes.
ation calicheamicin ADCs. O.K. Ahmad
late estrogen metabolism through E.S. Carlson, P. Upadhyaya, S.S. Hecht M. Vittori, K. Bian, F. Chen, Q. Tang, D. Li
multiple targets. J.L. Bolton 3:40 TOXI 35. Potent antibody-based
TOXI 46. Lesion recognition in nucleotide TOXI 65. Expression of a fragment of DNA
conjugates for cancer therapy: From
excision repair: Relationship between the polymerase zeta from Dictyostelium
early stage research to a clinically
structural properties of adducts and initial discoideum. S.K. Mauldin, D. He
approved drug. P.D. Senter
MONDAY EVENING binding of XPC to the damaged site. H.
Mu, N.E. Geacintov, Y. Zhang, S. Broyde TOXI 66. Replication and repair of
Section A 8-methoxypsoralen-derived DNA-DNA
TUESDAY EVENING TOXI 47.Accurate quantification of interstrand cross-links in human
Walter E. Washington Convention Center serum protein mesothelioma bio- cells. N.E. Price, Y. Wang, K.S. Gates
Halls D/E markers. L. Weng, C. Mesaros, I. Blair
Section A TOXI 67. Polymerase bypass of DNA-
TOXI 48. Nrf2-Keap1 signaling and protein and DNA-peptide cross-links.
Sci-Mix Marriott Marquis Washington, DC implications for the metabolic
Liberty Salon N-P S. Ji, O. Scharer, N.Y. Tretyakova
T. Spratt, Organizer activation of nitroarenes. J. Murray,
M. Huang, C. Mesaros, V. Arlt, K. El
8:00 - 10:00 Keynote Lecture Bayoumy, I.A. Blair, T.M. Penning
18. See previous listings. N. E. Geacintov, Organizer, Presiding TOXI 49. Toward genome-wide mapping of
41, 43, 45-46, 48-50, 54-55, 61, 5:00 TOXI 92. Understanding hepatoxicity: O(6)-methylguanine damage and repair
63, 68, 70, 73-75, 77, 82, 84. Man to mouse to computer. P.B. Watkins in a human cell line. M. McKeague, I.A.
See subsequent listings. Trantakis, J. Döhring, P. Steinberg, S.J. Sturla

Section A TOXI 50. Role of PARP-1 in the base

excision repair of chromatin sub-
TUESDAY MORNING Walter E. Washington Convention Center
states. Y. Zeng, D.R. Banerjee, The use of any device to capture
Ballroom C C. Deckard, J.T. Sczepanski images (e.g., cameras and camera
Section A General Posters TOXI 51. DNA cross-linking by the anti- phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC cancer prodrug PR-104A in oligonucle-
Georgetown University
T. Spratt, Organizer otides. S. Danielli, A. Stornetta, S.J. Sturla digital recorders) or to stream,
7:00 - 9:00 TOXI 52. Investigation of the presence in upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Crosslink DNA Repair TOXI 36. Pentachlorophenol alters secre- human urine of mercapturic acids derived presentations is strictly prohibited
Cosponsored by BIOL tion of interleukin 6 (IL-6) from human from phenanthrene. G. Cheng, A.T. Zarth, P.
immune cells. T. Martin, M. Whalen Upadhyaya, P.W. Villalta, S. Balbo, S.S. Hecht at all official ACS meetings and
O. Scharer, Y. Wang, Organizers, Presiding
TOXI 53. Arsenite binds to the zinc events without express written
8:00 Introductory Remarks. finger domains of TIP60 histone consent from ACS.
acetyltransferase and induces its

TOXI 68. Conformational and configura- TOXI 85. Functional characterization of glu- endpoints using the web-based SUNDAY MORNING
tional equilibra of a 2′-deoxyribosylurea tathione S-transferases by photoreactive CompTox Chemistry Dashboard.
adduct in single strand and duplex DNA. and mechanism-based activity-based A.J. Williams, T. Martin, V. Tkachenko, Ecological & Human Health
A.H. Kellum, M.P. Stone, A.K. Basu, J. Vijay probes. E. Stoddard, B. Killinger, R.N. Nair, C. Grulke, K. Mansouri Impacts of Emerging
N. Sadler, J. Smith, R. Corley, A.T. Wright Environmental Contaminants
TOXI 69. Terbinafine bioactivation path- 11:00 TOXI 101. Reaction of the antiepilep-
ways to liver toxicity assessed using TOXI 86. Using medaka embryos coupled tic drug carbamazepine with bionucleo- Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
predictive modeling and experimental with a whole sediment exposure strategy philes: Bioactivation is not required. I.L. by AGRO and CHAL
approaches. D.A. Barnette, L. Dang, to assess copper bioavailability and Martins, J.P. Telo, M.S. Marques, A. Antunes
T. Hughes, S. Swamidass, G.P. Miller toxicity in sediment. W. Li, P. Chen
11:20 TOXI 102. Programed release of
TOXI 70. Sequence-dependent repair TOXI 87. Histones are targets for mod- nitric oxide, via oxidative metabolism, SUNDAY AFTERNOON
of 1, N6-ethenoadenine by the ification by the glycolytic by-product in animals and humans from clini-
AlkB family DNA repair enzymes. methylglyoxal. J. Galligan, J.A. Wepy, cal candidate MK-8150. K. Mitra
Section A
Q. Tang, F. Chen, K. Bian, D. Li M. Streeter, P. Kingsley, M.M. Mitchener,
11:40 TOXI 103. Can pipe tobac-
O.R. Wauchope, W.N. Beavers, K. Rose, Walter E. Washington Convention Center
TOXI 71. Independent generation of cos be characterized for regula-
T. Wang, D.A. Spiegel, L.J. Marnett Room 148
neutral purine radicals involved in DNA tory purposes without a puff of
damage. L. Zheng, M.M. Greenberg TOXI 88. Wide selected ion monitoring pipe smoke? J.H. Lauterbach
Strengthening Your Patent
(SIM)/MS2 data independent acqui-
TOXI 72. Importance of the glutathione and Rights in Light of Recent Federal
its degradation by γ-glutamyl transferase
sition method for DNA adduct omics Advances in Analytical Forensic
analysis. J. Guo, P.W. Villalta, R.J. Turesky Circuit Court Decisions
in lung tumor development. R.B. Penney, Chemistry & Toxicology
N.S. Kowalkowski, E.R. Siegel, G. Boysen TOXI 89. Investigation of environmental fate Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored by TOXI A. Berks, X. Pillai, Organizers, Presiding
and toxic mechanisms of monovalent 2:00 CHAL 1. Review of recent Federal
TOXI 73. Mitochondrial M1dG levels linked
and trivalent thallium. C. Yang, P. Chen Circuit decisions relevant to what
to oxidative stress and mitochondrial
scientists need to know about patent
dysfunction in disease. O.R. Wauchope, TOXI 90. Biological uptake, distribu- WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON filing and prosecution. X. Pillai, A. Berks
M.M. Mitchener, W.N. Beavers, J. Galligan, tion and depuration of radio-labeled
P. Kingsley, H. Shim, T. Blackwell, T. Luong, graphene in adult zebrafish. L. Mao
Section A Ecological & Human Health
M. deCaestecker, J.P. Fessel, L.J. Marnett
TOXI 91. Bringing it all together: A
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Impacts of Emerging
TOXI 74. Mechanisms of recogni- web-based database for chemical and
Georgetown University Environmental Contaminants
tion of bulky DNA lesions by the biological data to support environ-
DNA damaging sensor XPC. K.M. mental toxicology. A.J. Williams, C. Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
Advanced Mass Spectrometric by AGRO and CHAL
Feher, K.D. Walsh, N.E. Geacintov Grulke, J. Smith, S. Watford, R. Jolley,
Techniques in Toxicology
J. Dunne, E. Edmiston, J. Edwards
TOXI 75. Mitochondrial DNA adducts Cosponsored by ANYL
of lipid peroxidation products with
rotenone. K.P. Gillespie, I.A. Blair Financially supported by Thermo Fischer Scientific MONDAY MORNING
TOXI 76.Temporal impact of toxic
S. Balbo, Organizer, Presiding
exposures on cellular recovery. Section A
J.A. Mouch, A. Han, J.V. Miller, N. Section A 1:00 Introductory Remarks.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Prince, M.S. Prediger, J.W. Boyd Marriott Marquis Washington, DC 1:05 TOXI 104. Advances in mass spec- Room 148
TOXI 77. Withdrawn. Georgetown University trometry techniques for metabolism,
pharmacology and toxicology. J. Josephs Recent Developments Regarding
TOXI 78.Characterization of a General Papers Post-Grant Challenges at the United
domoic acid-producing diatom. 1:45 TOXI 105. Capillary electro-
T. Spratt, Organizer phoresis for trace-level detection: States Patent & Trademark Office
M. Wang, S. Lai, P. Lin, H. Lai
Metabolites and proteins. P. Nemes, K. E. Bianco, Organizer, Presiding
TOXI 79. Withdrawn. G. P. Miller, L. Zhao, Presiding
R.M. Onjiko, C. Lombard-Banek
8:00 TOXI 93. Chemistry and biology 9:00 CHAL 2. Interplay between patent
TOXI 80. Development of a threshold of 2:25 TOXI 106. Exposing the expo-
of N5-alkyl-fapy-dG damage in DNA. office post-grant challenges and
toxicological concern framework based some: Utilizing global metabo-
M.P. Stone, M. Egli, R.S. Lloyd, A. Mc district court patent infringement
on chemoinformatics. M. Cheeseman lomics to characterize toxicant
Cullough, C. Rizzo, R.J. Turesky cases. J.J. Hasford, E.M. Sommers
TOXI 81. Evidence of bioactivation exposure and effect. B. Warth
8:20 TOXI 94. Aldehydes increase the 10:00 CHAL 3. Recent develop-
of the anti-HIV drug etravirine to 3:05 Intermission.
tumorigenic properties of tobacco ments in post-grant review pro-
reactive metabolites in vitro and in
specific nitrosamines in rodent tumor 3:20 TOXI 107. Probing stress-induced ceedings. K.E. Bianco, K. Officer
vivo. A.L. Godinho, C.C. Jacob, S.A.
Pereira, M.S. Marques, A. Antunes models. L.A. Peterson, M.K. Oram, M. effects on RNA and posttranscrip-
Flavin, D. Seabloom, W.E. Smith, I. Cornax, tional modifications by LC-MS. B. Ecological & Human Health
TOXI 82.Chemistry of independently M. O’Sullivan, P. Upadhyaya, L. Zhang, Addepalli, C. Sun, P. Limbach Impacts of Emerging
generated thymidine radical cation: S.S. Hecht, S. Balbo, T.S. Wiedmann Environmental Contaminants
DNA hole transfer and other competing 4:00 TOXI 108. Advances in human
8:40 TOXI 95. Unwinding kinetics of biomonitoring of heterocyclic aromatic Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
processes. H. Sun, M.M. Greenberg
carcinogenic adducts: Correlation with amines by high resolution accurate mass by AGRO and CHAL
TOXI 83. Histone protein tails inhibit depu- processing by nucleotide excision repair spectrometry. J. Guo, S. Xiao, Y. Wang,
rination of N7-methylated deoxyguano- machinery. V. Shafirovich, A.Y. Epie, V. B. Yun, P. Murugan, C.J. Weight, K.K. White,
sine and form DNA-protein crosslinks Zheng, M. Kolbanovskiy, N.E. Geacintov L.R. Wilkens, L. Le Marchand, K. Dingley, M.A.
with alkylated DNA in nucleosome core Malfatti, K. Turteltaub, P.W. Villalta, R.J. Turesky
particles. K. Yang, M.M. Greenberg 9:00 Intermission.
4:40 Concluding Remarks. Section A
TOXI 84. Degradation from C5’ oxidation 9:10 TOXI 96. Structural insights
and its adducts as potential biomark- into the post-chemistry steps of Walter E. Washington Convention Center
ers. S.H. Cho, A.C. Bryant-Friedrich nucleotide incorporation catalyzed Room 148
by a DNA polymerase. Z. Suo
9:30 TOXI 97. Central role of CHAL Intellectual Property Considerations
PCNA in promoting replication of When Entering into a Joint Venture
damaged DNA. G. Moldovan Division of Chemistry Cosponsored by CATL, CELL, ENFL and SCHB
9:50 TOXI 98. Lucidin-dervied N2-guanine
DNA lesion is not a major contributor
and the Law K. E. Bianco, Organizer, Presiding

to the mutagenicity of lucidin. L. Zhao K. Bianco and J. Kennedy, Program Chairs 2:30 CHAL 4. Options for protecting
Technical program information your intellectual property and IP trends
10:10 TOXI 99. Spore photoproduct
known at press time. within DNA is a surprisingly poor
SOCIAL EVENTS: in renewable energy. M. Hlinka
The official technical program for substrate for its designated repair Luncheon, 12 PM: Mon 3:10 CHAL 5. Better together? How to
enzyme: The spore photoprod- Reception, 6 PM: Mon avoid common pitfalls in joint ventures.
the 254th ACS National Meeting uct lyase. L. Li, L. Yang, S. Peter C. Collins-Chase
is available at www.acs.org/ 10:30 Intermission.
3:50 CHAL 6. Practical considerations for
Business Meeting, 5 PM: Sun
WDC2017 10:40 TOXI 100. Real-time prediction
patent portfolio management. K.E. Bianco
of physicochemical and toxicological

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


MONDAY EVENING 10:30 CHAL 15. How to avoid written Changes in Chemical Risk 10:30 COLL 7. Withdrawn.
description problems with your chemical Assessment under Amended TSCA:
10:50 COLL 8. Withdrawn.
Section A genus patent claims. R. Micheletti Approaches & Implementation
11:10 COLL 9. Direct control of acet-
11:00 CHAL 16. Providing access Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
Walter E. Washington Convention Center by CEI and CHAL aminophen nucleation via functional,
to the world’s chemical infor-
Halls D/E biocompatible crystalline substrates.
mation. E.N. Cheeseman
T.K. Wijethunga, F. Baftizadeh, J.
Sci-Mix Stojakovic, A.S. Myerson, B.L. Trout
Changes in Chemical Risk
11:30 COLL 10. New optical trans-
K. E. Bianco, Organizer
8:00 - 10:00
Assessment under Amended TSCA:
Approaches & Implementation COLL duction methods of liquid colloid
particles for sensor applica-
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
CHAL 7. National
Inventors Hall of
Fame 2017. H.M. Peters, S.B. Peters
by CEI and CHAL Division of Colloid and tions. L. Zeininger, T.M. Swager

CHAL 8. Chocolate: Food of the Surface Chemistry 11:50 COLL 11. High throughput
screening of nanoparticle flotation
gods. H.M. Peters, S.B. Peters R. Nagarajan, Program Chair collectors. C. Abarca, R.H. Pelton
TUESDAY MORNING Section A Advances in Wettability & Adhesion
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Walter E. Washington Convention Center (see POLY, Sun, Mon, Tue)
Rooms 208A/B
Section A Room 148 Nanotechnology & Single Cell
Analysis in Biology & Medicine Responsive, Programmable
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
The Many Faces of CHAL: Where (see ANYL, Sun, Mon)
Assembly of Active Colloids
Room 148
Chemistry Meets the Law Oxidative Stress & Antioxidants: for Functional Materials
Patent Specification Requirements: J. L. Kennedy, Organizer Measurement Tools & Analytical
Challenges (see ANYL, Sun) Financially supported by JULABO USA Inc.
What’s in Common & What’s K. E. Bianco, Organizer, Presiding
Different in the U.S., Europe Polyelectrolyte Coacervates, Precipitates C. D. Keating, L. D. Zarzar, Organizers
& Southeastern Asia? 1:00 CHAL 17. Secret prior art: Time & Multilayers (see PMSE, Tue, Wed)
R. Hickey, Organizer, Presiding
for another look. A. Berks Self-Assembly & Non-Covalent
Cosponsored by SCHB
Interactions: The Fundamental 8:30 COLL 12. Modular peptide
1:30 CHAL 18. Update on patentable subject
J. L. Kennedy, Organizer, Presiding Science of Supramolecular amphiphile micelles for immuno-stim-
matter in the life sciences. A. Berks
Materials (see ANYL, Mon) ulation. M.V. Tirrell, J. Barrett
9:00 CHAL 9. Considerations and 2:00 CHAL 19. Regulating evergreen-
standards for US patent specifica- Two-Dimensional Materials for Energy & 9:00 COLL 13. Responsive polypep-
ing: The FDA’s role in the creation Fuels (see ENFL, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu)
tions and claims. J.L. Kennedy tide-based star and triblock copolymer
of balanced rights for pharmaceuti-
assemblies: Shape change materials
9:45 CHAL 10. Considerations and cal improvements. D. Karshtedt SOCIAL EVENTS: for delivery applications. I. Smith,
standards for EU patent specifica- 2:30 CHAL 20. Intersection between Social Hour with Poster C. Machado, B. Barnes, D.A. Savin
tions and claims. H. Tostmann traditional cannabis processing Session, 6:00 PM: Sun
9:30 COLL 14. Efficient CRISPR delivery
10:30 CHAL 11. Considerations and knowledge and legal protection of COLL Luncheon, 12:00 PM: Tue via plasmid DNA (or ribonucleoprotein,
standards for patent specifica- indigenous groups. K.S. Hylton
RNP) packaged in mesoporous silica
tions and claims in Southeastern BUSINESS MEETINGS:
nanoparticles through cationic vesicle
Asia. J. Gledhill, J. Landells Changes in Chemical Risk COLL Business Meeting
fusion. K. Butler, R. Serda, A. Noureddine,
Assessment under Amended TSCA: (Open), 5:30 PM: Sun
A. Muniz, D.Y. Sasaki, O. Negrete, C. Brinker
Approaches & Implementation COLL Program & Executive Committee
10:00 COLL 15. Stimuli-responsive
TUESDAY AFTERNOON Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored Meeting, 4:00 PM: Sat
materials on the basis of compart-
by CEI and CHAL
mentalized particles. J. Lahann
Section A
10:30 COLL 16. Janus 2D nanosheets:
Walter E. Washington Convention Center SUNDAY MORNING Synthesis and interfacial activity. A.C. de
Room 148 WEDNESDAY EVENING Leon, B. Rodier, C. Hemmingsen, E. Pentzer
Section A
Advances in Environmental 11:00 COLL 17. Self-assembling nano-
Beyond the Bench: Careers Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Analytical Methods for EPA composite tectons. R. Macfarlane
in Intellectual Property Room 147A
Compliance Reporting & 11:30 COLL 18. Dynamic nanostructures
Cosponsored by PROF, SCHB and YCC
Exposure Risk Assessment Basic Research in Colloids, fabricated by DNA self-assembly. S.
K. E. Bianco, Organizer, Presiding Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored Park, T. Shim, J. Crocker, D. Lee, C. Kim
Surfactants & Nanomaterials
by AGRO and CHAL 12:00 COLL 19. Colloidal crystal
2:00 CHAL 12. Careers in patent Colloids
law. K.E. Bianco, E.M. Sommers, J. engineering with DNA. C.A. Mirkin
Cho, T. Siepmann, J.G. Contrera Changes in Chemical Risk R. Nagarajan, Organizer
Assessment under Amended TSCA: M. Tsianou, Presiding
Approaches & Implementation
8:30 COLL 1. Colloidal stability of
WEDNESDAY MORNING Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored reacting system for visbreaking
by AGRO, CEI and CHAL in different conditions. J. Li
Section A
8:50 COLL 2. Liquid crystal phase transi-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Ecological & Human Health Impacts of tions and collective behaviors of bent col-
Room 148 Emerging Environmental Contaminants loidal rods. Y. Yang, A. Gyedu, K. Liu, Z. Nie
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
9:10 COLL 3. Molecular dynamics inves-
The Many Faces of CHAL: Where by AGRO and CHAL
tigation of the electrical double layer
Chemistry Meets the Law
at the silica/water interface: structure,
J. L. Kennedy, Organizer surface potential, and electrokinetic The use of any device to capture
K. E. Bianco, Organizer, Presiding THURSDAY MORNING phenomena. S. Chen, S.J. Singer
images (e.g., cameras and camera
9:30 COLL 4. Surfactant effects on colloidal
9:00 CHAL 13. International perspec- Advances in Environmental stability of silver nanowires from hydro-
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
tive: What US companies should Analytical Methods for EPA
consider when drafting a patent
thermal synthesis. T. Kuo, B. Mukherjee, J. digital recorders) or to stream,
Compliance Reporting & Goss, G. Athens, P. McGough, T. Calverley
application for prosecution world-
Exposure Risk Assessment upload or rebroadcast speakers or
wide. D.C. McNab, K. Gordon 9:50 COLL 5. Crystallization kinetics of
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored calcium oxalate: A constant composition presentations is strictly prohibited
9:45 CHAL 14. Process patent protec- by AGRO and CHAL
tion via analysis of stable isotope ratios.
study. G. Mallam, C. Moore, M. Tsianou at all official ACS meetings and
J.P. Jasper, A. Pearson, A.D. Sabatelli 10:10 COLL 6. Discovery of met- events without express written
al-lustrous low-molecular-weight
organic crystals. Y. Kondo consent from ACS.

Section C 9:25 COLL 29. Impact of host germline Section F Section H
variation and tumor microenvironment
Walter E. Washington Convention Center on plasmonic nanoparticle based Walter E. Washington Convention Center Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Room 150B photo-thermal therapy. A. Joshi Room 209A Room 155

Self-Assembly of Synthetic & 9:55 COLL 30. Intercellular trans- Colloidal Metal & Semiconductor Basic Research in Colloids,
Biological Surfactants: Translating port of nanoparticles in myeloid Nanostructures: Theory, Surfactants & Nanomaterials
Fundamentals to Applications and cancer cells. R.E. Serda, J. De Synthesis & Application
La Cerda, H. Suami, C. Brinker Aggregates & Nanoparticles
V. T. John, S. R. Raghavan, Organizers, Optical Processes in R. Nagarajan, Organizer
Presiding 10:25 Intermission. Plasmonic Materials
10:40 COLL 31. Spherical nucleic M. Dutt, Presiding
8:30 COLL 20. Aqueous lyotropic liquid Financially supported by Department of
crystalline phase behavior of gemini acids as potent immunostimulatory Chemistry, University of Connecticut; Department 8:30 COLL 59. Three scenarios of mac-
alkyl phosphonate surfactants. T.J. agents in cancer. C.A. Mirkin of Chemistry, University of Central Florida roion–counterion interaction demon-
Mann, S. Kim, M.K. Mahanthappa 11:10 COLL 32. Imaging and therapy induced strated by the change of hydration
A. J. Haes, S. Zou, Organizers
by acoustic stimulation of condensed shells of macroions. H. Li, J. He, P.
8:50 COLL 21. Experiment and simulation J. Zhao, Organizer, Presiding
fluorocarbon droplets. A.P. Goodwin Yang, F. Haso, J. Wu, U. Kortz, T. Liu
to develop an accurate computa-
tional model for nonionic surfactants. 11:40 COLL 33. Magnetically respon- 8:30 COLL 45. Polymer-enabled 8:50 COLL 60. Flow-induced shape
W.C. Swope, A. Duff, M. Johnston, G. sive nanocarriers for cancer SERS sensing. C.L. Haynes reconfiguration, phase separation
Alva, J. McDonagh, R. Anderson theranostics. Z. Nie, K. Yang and rupture of bio-inspired vesi-
9:00 COLL 46. Efficient hot electron
cles. X. Chu, X. Yu, J. Greenstein, F.
9:10 COLL 22. Effect of Hofmeister 12:10 COLL 34. Withdrawn. transfer by plasmon induced interfacial
Aydin, G. Uppaladadium, M. Dutt
series counterions on the colloidal and charge transfer transition. T. Lian
antimicrobial properties of triple-headed 9:10 COLL 61. Effect of solution viscosity
Section E 9:30 COLL 47. Different mechanisms
on multi-electron transfer from repeated
cationic amphiphiles. K.L. Caran, for the enhanced transmission in a
K. Thompson, E. Rogers, K. Seifert Walter E. Washington Convention Center collisions of a single Ag nanoparticle
nanoparticle array. S. Zou, Y. Zhou
Room 209B on a Au electrode. D.A. Robinson,
9:30 COLL 23. Withdrawn. 10:00 Intermission. Y. Liu, M.A. Edwards, H.S. White
9:50 Intermission. Noble Metal Nanoparticles for 10:30 COLL 48. New insights into SERS/ 9:30 COLL 62. Investigation of water inter-
10:10 COLL 24. Wormlike micelles: Bioimaging, Sensing & Actuation TERS/FSRS mechanisms. G.C. Schatz actions with silk using INS. C.A. Crain
Boost applications in hostile envi- Nanoparticles for Imaging & Sensing 11:05 COLL 49. Interfacial ligand dynamics 9:50 COLL 63. Calculation of free-energy
ronment. Y. Feng, H. Yin, J. Wang and chemistry on highly curved Au
R. Levy, Z. Nie, Organizers of solvation for self-assembled systems:
10:40 COLL 25. Novel photo-switch- nanoparticle surfaces: A plasmon-en- SWCNT-ssDNA hybrids in water/
N. M. Khashab, Organizer, Presiding hanced spectroscopic study. H. Wang
able surfactant molecular assem- alcohol mixtures. K. Hinkle, F.R. Phelan
blies- micelles, worm-like micelles, 8:30 COLL 35. Enhancing T1 magnetic 11:35 COLL 50. How molecular proton- 10:10 COLL 64. Amphiphiliv quaternary
and admicelles. H. Sakai, T. resonance imaging contrast with ation promotes adsorption and SERS ammonium chitosans as biocom-
Suzuki, M. Aakamatsu, K. Sakai internalized Gadolinium(III) in a enhancements. H.T. Phan, A.J. Haes patible biofilm-binding antimicro-
11:10 COLL 26. Tuning viscoelas- multilayer nanoparticle. N.J. Halas bial agents. J. Jung, Y. Sun
11:55 COLL 51. Gold nanoparticle oligo-
tic properties of wormlike surfac- 9:00 COLL 36. Towards biocompatible mers for surface-enhanced femtosecond 10:30 COLL 65. Long acting inject-
tant micelles. O. Philippova, A. surface enhanced Raman spectros- stimulated Raman spectroscopy. B. able formulations of atovaquone for
Shibaev, V. Pletneva, V. Molchanov copy (SERS). L. Sagle, W. Lum, I. Negru, E. Sprague-Klein, T. Ueltschi, M.O. malaria prophylaxis. A.C. Savage,
Bruzas, J. Reifsteck, Z. Gorunmez, J. He McAnally, G.C. Schatz, R.P. Van Duyne L.M. Tatham, R.P. Bakshi, A.K. Tripathi, G.
Section D 9:20 COLL 37. Non-resonant large Mlambo, T. Shapiro, A. Owen, S. Rannard
Walter E. Washington Convention Center format SERS substrates for selec- Section G 10:50 COLL 66. Shewanella oneiden-
Room 150A tive detection and quantification of sis MR-1 toxicity studies with CdSe and
xylene isomers. N.M. Khashab Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Room 204C ZnSe quantum dots. D.N. Williams, S.
Nanotheranostics for 9:40 COLL 38. Using plasmonic sensing Pramanik, C.L. Haynes, Z. Rosenzweig
Cancer Applications to monitor the self-assembly of Emulsions, Foams & Dispersions: 11:10 COLL 67. Enthalpy of forma-
Financially supported by Francis College of anisotropic nanoparticles in polymer Symposium in honor of tion of wormlike micelles involving
Engineering, University of Massachusetts nanocomposite. Z. Fakhraai, C. Li, M. Dominique Langevin at 70 TTAB and halogen derivatives of
Vettelson, E. Glor, R. Ferrier, R.J. Composto benzoate. M.Z. Jora, E. Sabadini
P. Rai, Organizer R. Nagarajan, D. A. Weitz, Organizers
10:00 COLL 39. Multimodal stem cell imaging 11:30 COLL 68. New method to
S. Morris, Organizer, Presiding and tracking. S. Ashraf, M. Barrow, J. K. J. Stebe, Organizer, Presiding
obtain viscoelastic properties at the
8:30 Introductory Remarks. Comenge, A. Taylor, J. Sharkey, P. Murray, B. Wilm, 9:00 COLL 52. Effect of star polymer com- nanoscale. L. Li, F. Zypman, S.J. Eppell
A. Plagge, H. Poptani, M. Rosseinsky, R. Levy position and morphology on adsorbed
8:35 COLL 27. Active targeting and
10:20 Intermission. layers formed at fluid interfaces. Y. Nanotechnology & Single Cell
small molecule delivery to individual
Huang, K. Matyjaszewski, R.D. Tilton Analysis in Biology & Medicine
leukemia cells utilizing mesoporous 10:30 COLL 40. Fluorescent gold nanoclus-
silica nanoparticle-supported bilayers ters on/in cells visualized by fluorescence 9:25 COLL 53. Dimer crystalliza- Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored
(protocells). K. Butler, P.N. Durfee, W. lifetime imaging microscopy. M. Mutas, tion of proteomimetic colloids by by BIOL, COLL and PHYS
Wharton, A. Noureddine, D.T. Teachey, T. Hadler, C. Strelow, T. Kipp, A. Mews shape-designed chiral pathway
I. Chen, C.L. Willman, C. Brinker selection. T.G. Mason, P. Wang
10:50 COLL 41. Imaging dynamic
9:05 COLL 28. Fluorescent silica nanopar- surface chemistry on plasmonic 9:50 COLL 54. Swelling kinetics of SUNDAY AFTERNOON
ticles for selective detection of small nanoparticles. K.A. Willets starch suspensions. G. Narsimhan
ovarian tumors during surgery. T. Haber,
11:20 COLL 42. Liposome templated hollow 10:15 COLL 55. Stable silicon/carbon Section A
S. Aramburo, L. Flores, A. Liu, P. Cao, T.
metal nanoshells for biocompatible SERS. anodes for lithium-ion batteries
Dellinger, E. Han, K. Aboody, J.M. Berlin Walter E. Washington Convention Center
I. Bruzas, W. Lum, Z. Gorunmez, L. Sagle prepared by emulsion-templat-
Room 147A
ing. Y. Zhang, B.L. Lucht, A. Bose
11:40 COLL 43. Monitoring the
oxidation kinetics and size evo- 10:40 Intermission. Basic Research in Colloids,
lution of sapphire-immobilized 10:50 COLL 56. Stimuli-driven deliv- Surfactants & Nanomaterials
hemispherical Ag nanoparticles at ery and release systems using liquid Nanoparticles
aqueous interfaces. T. Duong marbles. S. Fujii, H. Kawashima, M.
Paven, H. Mayama, H. Butt, Y. Nakamura R. Nagarajan, Organizer
Technical program information 12:00 COLL 44. Plasmonic nano-
J. L. Liu, Presiding
structured biosensors and organic 11:15 COLL 57. Depletion with big
known at press time. photovoltaics. Z.H. Kafafi, F.J. Bartoli and small colloids studied in micro- 2:00 COLL 69. Modulation of morphology
The official technical program for gravity. M. Lynch, T.E. Kodger and optical properties of surfactant-free
the 254th ACS National Meeting 11:40 COLL 58. Micelles and microemul- plasmonic branched nanoparticles.
sions: Interplay of ideas from surfactants S. De Silva Indrasekara, T. Vo-Dinh
is available at www.acs.org/ and block copolymers. R. Nagarajan 2:20 COLL 70. DNA-encoded control of
WDC2017 morphologies of bimetallic nanopar-
ticles. N. Satyavolu, L. Tan, Y. Lu

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


2:40 COLL 71. Study of structural and Section C 4:20 COLL 101. Magnetic nanostruc- 2:30 COLL 116. Observing the overgrowth
electronic changes in zirconia as a tures (MNS) as theranostic agents for of a second metal on silver cubic seeds
function of temperature. J.R. Soliz, Walter E. Washington Convention Center early stage prostate cancer. S. Ryoo, in solution by surface-enhanced Raman
A. Klevitch, C. Harris, J. Rossin, A. Ng,
Room 150B V. Nandwana, A. Singh, V.P. Dravid scattering. D. Qin, Y. Zhang, Y. Wu
R. Stroud, A.J. Hauser, G. Peterson
Self-Assembly of Synthetic & 4:40 COLL 102. Porphyrin-phospholipid 3:00 COLL 117. Seeded growth of
3:00 COLL 72. Polyammonium cations Biological Surfactants: Translating liposomes for theranostic che- copper-platinum-ruthenium multi-
in conjunction with metal nanopar- Fundamentals to Applications mophototherapy. J. Lovell metal nanostructures as active
ticles: Functionalization and recog- electrocatalysts. J. Chen
V. T. John, S. R. Raghavan, Organizers, 5:10 COLL 103. Biomimetic magnetic
nition. T.K. Misra, R. Choudhury
Presiding nanostructures as targeted thera- 3:30 COLL 118. Synthesis of colloidal
3:20 COLL 73. Oxidation-induced nostics for lymphoma. A. Singh, V. metal nanoparticles: A case study in
transformation of eight-electron 2:00 COLL 89. Probing water struc- Nandwana, T.H. Chen, V.P. Dravid copper. S.K. Beaumont, L.M. Bingham
gold nanoclusters: [Au23(SR)16]- to ture next to lipid monolayers using
vibrational sum frequency spectros- 5:30 COLL 104. Withdrawn. 3:50 Intermission.
[Au28(SR)20]0. T. Higaki, C. Liu, Y. Chen,
S. Zhao, C. Zeng, N.L. Rosi, R. Jin copy. S. Pullanchery, P.S. Cremer 5:50 Concluding Remarks. 4:10 COLL 119. Experimental quantifica-
2:20 COLL 90. Precisely controlled tion of nanoparticle photon extinction,
3:40 COLL 74. Green colloidal chem-
2D free-floating nanosheets of Section E scattering, scattering, and on-resonance
istry-derived nanocomposite of
amphiphilic molecules through fluorescence cross-sections. D. Zhang
silver-modified titania used for Walter E. Washington Convention Center
disinfectant. J.L. Liu, S. Bashir frame-guided assembly. Y. Zhang 4:40 COLL 120. Reversibly recon-
Room 209B
2:40 COLL 91. Platonic micelles part 1: figurable colloidal plasmonic
4:00 COLL 75. One-dimensional carrier
nanomaterials. D.S. Ginger
confinement in giant CdS/CdSe Monodisperse sulfonatocalix[4]arene- Noble Metal Nanoparticles for
excitonic nanoshells. M. Zamkov based micelles with discrete aggregation Bioimaging, Sensing & Actuation 5:10 COLL 121. Thin-film nanoflu-
numbers. S. Fujii, R. Takahashi, K. Sakurai idics for single-particle analysis.
4:20 COLL 76. Microwave-assisted Nanoparticles for Therapy: B.I. Karawdeniya, Y.D. Bandara, J.W.
hydrothermal synthesis of plas- 3:00 COLL 92. Platonic micelles part 2: Preparation & Biological Fate Nichols, R.B. Chevalier, J.R. Dwyer
monic nanomaterials. P.N. Njoki Thermodynamic and kinetic consideration
of the micelles with the discrete aggrega- N. M. Khashab, R. Levy, Organizers 5:40 COLL 122. Formation of Au nanor-
4:40 COLL 77. Withdrawn. tion numbers and mono-dispersity. Z. Nie, Organizer, Presiding ings array via particle lithography for
5:00 COLL 78. Oxidation state measure- K. Sakurai, R. Takahashi, T. Narayanan, S. Fujii applications in plasmonics. M. Negrito,
2:00 COLL 105. How much vari-
ments of cerium dioxide nanoparticles: 3:20 Intermission. A. Pravitasari, M.T. Sheldon, J.D. Batteas
ability do we have in nanoparti-
The role of measurement parameters and
3:40 COLL 93. Complexes of surfactant with cle synthesis? C.J. Murphy
in situ observations. A.C. Johnston-Peck Section G
chitosan derivatives: Structural control 2:30 COLL 106. How do shape
5:20 COLL 79. Non-locality driven and potential for application. L. Chiappisi, Walter E. Washington Convention Center
and size matter in the stability
circular dichroism of isotropic B. Dai, S. Prevost, I. Grillo, M. Gradzielski Room 204C
of nanoparticles? A.J. Haes
metal nanoparticles. J. Park
4:10 COLL 94. Stabilization of spherical 2:50 COLL 107. Withdrawn.
nanoparticles of iron (III) oxy-hydrox- Emulsions, Foams & Dispersions:
Section B ides by wormlike micelles. T. Destefani,
3:10 COLL 108. Withdrawn. Symposium in honor of
Walter E. Washington Convention Center G. Onaga, A. Percebom, E. Sabadini 3:30 COLL 109. Biogenic silver Dominique Langevin at 70
Rooms 208A/B nanoparticles for surface enhanced R. Nagarajan, K. J. Stebe, D. A.
4:40 COLL 95. Conduction through tem-
Raman scattering based biosens- Weitz, Organizers
perature sensitive conducting viscoelastic
Responsive, Programmable gel. R.G. Shrestha, T. Nakayama, R. Higuchi
ing. S. Rajput, M.T. McDermott
L. Walker, Presiding
Assembly of Active Colloids 3:50 Intermission.
for Functional Materials 2:00 COLL 123. Evaporation of thin films
Section D 4:00 COLL 110. Advanced optical detection on patterned substrates. B. Kazmierski,
Financially supported by JULABO USA Inc.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center of carbon nanoparticulates to measure L. Yang, D. Walker, L. Tan, C.D. Bain
R. Hickey, C. D. Keating, Organizers exposure in a biomedical setting. C.
Room 150A 2:25 COLL 124. Nanobubbles in bulk
Steuwe, H. Bové, M. Ameloot, M. Roeffaers
L. D. Zarzar, Organizer, Presiding solution. W.A. Ducker, Z. Zhang
Nanotheranostics for 4:20 COLL 111. Bimetallic nano-
2:00 COLL 80. Responsive inorganic 2:50 COLL 125. Dynamics of strat-
Cancer Applications structures and their assemblies for
nanoparticle assemblies for cancer chemical sensing. S.E. Skrabalak ification in micellar freestanding
Financially supported by Francis College of films. Y. Zhang, S. Yilixiati, V. Sharma
imaging and therapy. Z. Nie, K. Yang
Engineering, University of Massachusetts 4:50 COLL 112. Gold nanoparti-
2:30 COLL 81. Responsive polymers gated 3:15 COLL 126. Solid particles, fluid inter-
cle-enabled blood test for acute
magnetic colloidosomes as multifunc- S. Morris, Organizer faces, and new opportunities for functional
viral infection detection. T. Zheng, C.
tional microreactors for programming P. Rai, Organizer, Presiding Parrett, Y. Li Sip, K. McKinstry, Q. Huo
materials. T. Dinsmore, N. Senbil, W. He
bimolecular activity. G. Cheng, S. Zheng 3:40 Intermission.
2:00 Introductory Remarks. 5:10 COLL 113. Liver-directed photother-
2:50 COLL 82. Dual-stimuli respon- mal therapy in metastatic colorectal 3:50 COLL 127. Films of bacteria at
sive injectable nanogel/solid drug 2:05 COLL 96. Mono- vs. multi-core
magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as cancer using novel trimodal optical/ interfaces. K.J. Stebe, L. Vaccari, T. Herman
nanoparticle nanocomposites for MR/x-ray contrast nanoconstructs. Niepa, M. Moaei, M. Goulian, D. Lee, R. Leheny
release of poorly soluble drugs. A. dual agents for imaging and treatment
of glioblastoma. G. Hemery, C. Genevois, A.K. Parchur, J.M. Jagtap, G. Sharma, V.
Town, R. Gurjar, M. Giardiello, M.E. Briggs, 4:15 COLL 128. Dynamic adhesion by
F. Couillaud, S. Lacomme, E. Gontier, S. Gogineni, M.J. Flister, S.B. White, A. Joshi
R. Akhtar, M. Siccardi, T. McDonald hydrogen bonding in flowing and swim-
Lecommandoux, E. Garanger, O. Sandre 5:30 COLL 114. Multi-functional ming colloidal systems. M.M. Santore
3:10 COLL 83. Surface modified nanoparticles for image-guided
nanozymes as biosensors. J. Liu 2:25 COLL 97. Multifunctional biomaterials 4:40 COLL 129. Functional membranes via
for on-demand cancer therapy. N. Artzi photothermal therapy. C. Li
interfacial complexation in aqueous two
3:40 COLL 84. Responsive, program- phase systems. S. Hann, K.J. Stebe, D. Lee
mable assembly of 2D materials into 2:55 COLL 98. Image-guided radiotherapy
with novel trimodal optical/MR/x-ray
Section F
3D structures for biosensing. W. Xu,
J. Pagaduan, Q. Jin, D.H. Gracias contrast nanoconstructs enhance the Walter E. Washington Convention Center
radiation response of head and neck Room 209A
4:00 COLL 85. Target-induced disassembly tumor xenografts. G. Sharma, A.K.
of GO-Peptide assemblies for the turn-on Parchur, J.M. Jagtap, B. Fish, B. Carmen, Colloidal Metal & Semiconductor
fluorescence detection of MMP-2. J. M.M. Medhora, M.J. Flister, A. Joshi Nanostructures: Theory, The use of any device to capture
Yang, S. Jeon, J. Ju, H. Kim, Y. Lee, J. Kim
3:15 COLL 99. Self-assembled Synthesis & Application images (e.g., cameras and camera
4:20 COLL 86. Biomimetic artificial
organelles with in vitro and in vivo
aptamer-nanomedicine for both Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
target chemotherapy and gene
reduction triggered activity. C. Palivan therapy. Z. Nianxi, Z. Zeng, Y. Zu
Financially supported by Department of digital recorders) or to stream,
Chemistry, University of Connecticut; Department
4:50 COLL 87. Photothermally triggered 3:45 COLL 100. Targeted nanoparticles for of Chemistry, University of Central Florida upload or rebroadcast speakers or
actuation of hybrid materials as a new
platform for in vitro cell manipula-
detection, targeting, and thermal ablation
A. J. Haes, J. Zhao, S. Zou, Organizers presentations is strictly prohibited
of metastatic colorectal cancer in vivo.
tion. T. Shirman, A. Sutton, J. Timonen, E.E. McCabe, B.D. McCarthy, M. Peterson, J. Chen, Presiding at all official ACS meetings and
M. Kolle, L.D. Zarzar, J. Aizenberg A. Brown, T.L. Brown, N.H. Levi-Polyachenko
2:00 COLL 115. Crystal phase-con- events without express written
5:10 COLL 88. Photo-responsive polymeric
nanocarriers for gene therapy and
4:05 Intermission. trolled synthesis of novel noble consent from ACS.
metal nanomaterials. H. Zhang
wound healing applications. T.H. Epps

5:05 COLL 130. Lattice gas model for Nanotechnology & Single Cell COLL 154. Mussel-inspired surface COLL 174. Economical way to construct
asphaltenes adsorption at water/oil inter- Analysis in Biology & Medicine modification of fluorescent nanodia- mesoporous liquids: Hydrolysing liquid
face. V. Pauchard, C. Maldarelli, S. Darjani Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored mond for biomedical applications. H. medium on the surface of hollow struc-
by BIOL, COLL and PHYS Jung, K. Cho, P. Roche, K. Neuman ture. P. Li, J. Zhang, S.M. Mahurin, S. Dai
Section H COLL 155. Bioinspired transpar- COLL 175. Regulation of a-thrombin
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Science Communications: The Art ent graphene-enabled super-hy- enzymatic activity through interactions
of Developing a Clear Message drophobic surfaces with various with gold nanoparticles. A.L. Lira, R.J.
Room 155
robust. S. Zhai, H. Zhao Torquato, M.L. Oliva, A.S. Tanaka, A.A. Sousa
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
Basic Research in Colloids, BIOL, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CINF, COLL 156. Perfluoro-fuctionalized COLL 176. Toward novel nanomaterials
Surfactants & Nanomaterials COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, I&EC, INOR, flavin and its effect on stability of for 19F magnetic resonance imaging
ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC flavin helices around single-walled (MRI) contrast agents. J.L. Steinbacher,
Surface Science
carbon nanotubes. E. Karunaratne, M. A.J. Berardi, S.T. Caico, L.E. Rudin
R. Nagarajan, Organizer Mollahoseini, F. Papadimitrakopoulos
Oxidative Stress & Antioxidants: COLL 177. Modification of inorganic
A. Baber, Presiding Measurement Tools & COLL 157. Plasmonc nanoparticles oxide surfaces via vapor-solid
2:00 COLL 131. Comparative thermo-
Analytical Challenges as sensors to probe the kinet- ring-opening polymerizations of cyclic
Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored by COLL ics of polymer brush formation on siloxanes. K.M. Ryan, J.W. Krumpfer
dynamic and modeling study of the
two-dimensional nanoparticles. A.
adsorption of cyclopentane and cyclo- COLL 178. Engineering Ru nanoframes
Khan, C. Scruggs, D. Hicks, G. Liu
hexane on MgO(100), hBN and graphite with fcc crystal structure and enhanced
basal plane. F. Wahida, J.Z. Larese COLL 158. Synthesis and characterization catalytic activities. H. Ye, X. Xia
SUNDAY EVENING of hyperbranched CdS1-xSex nano-
2:20 COLL 132. Heterogeneity of COLL 179. Detecting single-nucleotide
crystals. M. Yazdanparast, E.J. McLaurin
surface coverage of organic ligands Section A polymorphisms in DNA with ultra-
on single facets of gold nanoparti- COLL 159. Particle and structural thin film field-effect transistors. K.M.
cles due to inhomogeneous met- Walter E. Washington Convention Center characterization of whey protein Cheung, J.M. Abendroth, N. Nakatsuka, B.
al-molecule interactions. J. Park Halls A/B microgels as affected by fabrication Zhu, Y. Yang, A.M. Andrews, P.S. Weiss
pH and heating duration: Promising
2:40 COLL 133. Identifying the COLL 180. Development of modified polyol
Fundamental Research in Colloids, candidate as emulsifier. S. Zamani, A.
adsorption sites of atomic oxygen process for synthesis of tetrahedrite.
Surfaces & Nanomaterials Madadlou, N. Malchione, A. Abbaspourrad
on Ru(0001)-supported graphene. G. Kunkel, A. Ochs, D. Weller, D. Stevens,
M. Nguyen, Z. Novotny, F. Netzer, V. R. Nagarajan, Organizer COLL 160. β-Galactosidase C. Holder, D. Morelli, M.E. Anderson
Glezakou, R. Rousseau, Z. Dohnalek 6:00 - 8:00 Langmuir monolayer at air-sub-
COLL 181. Plasmon-enhanced spectros-
phase interface. S.K. Sharma
3:00 COLL 134. Understanding surface copy with shell-isolated mode. J. Li
COLL 142. Self-adjustable synthetic
reaction pathways and the role of COLL 161. Improvement of pho-
nano-clay/polyacrylamide hydrogel COLL 182. Effect of extreme cold
chemical functionality in the initial stages to-efficiency and reliability of
system containing methyl cellulose via treatment on morphology and
of copper and silver deposition in CVD light-emitting diode fabricated with
ammonium persulfate induced polymer- behavior of hydrogel microparticles.
and ALD processes. A.V. Teplyakov K2SiF6:Mn4+ phosphor through surface
ization. J. Pu, B. Bai, J. Geng, N. Zhang E. Hirst, E. Anderson, P. D’Angelo
modification. I. Jang, J. Kim, J. Kim
3:20 COLL 135. Adsorption, decompo-
COLL 143. Paramagnetic gold nanorods COLL 183. Site-selective deposition of Pt
sition and geometry of toxic chem- COLL 162. Stability of limonene
for combined magnetic resonance atoms on Ag nanocubes for the gener-
icals adsorbed on TiO2(110). Y.P. in oil-in-water emulsion and
imaging and photo-thermal therapy. ation of bifunctional Ag-Pt core-frame
Cardona-Quintero, R. Nagarajan microcapsule after freezing and
A. Pitchaimani, T. Nguyen, S. Aryal nanocrystals. Y. Zhang, X. Sun, D. Qin
thawing. T. Ishigaki, Y. Watanabe
3:40 COLL 136. Determining the
COLL 144. Biocompatible and label-free COLL 184. Photochemical pattern-
optimum surface conditions of TiO2/ COLL 163. Diamond shape formation
microfluidic separation of cancer cells ing of surface charges in fluidic
Au(111) for the selective oxidation of by spontaneous aggregation of silver
from blood in ferrofluids. W. Zhao, channels. K. Sy Piecco
ethanol to acetaldehyde. A. Baber, clusters in gels. Q. Lin, Y. Han, J. Li, W. Lin
R. Cheng, S. Lim, J.R. Miller, L. Mao
D.T. Boyle, J.A. Wilke, V.H. Lam COLL 185. Correlating carrier densities
COLL 164. Functionalized graphene
COLL 145. Six year manufacturing to with composition and surface ligands
4:00 COLL 137. First electronic transition oxide for selective sensing of
human clinical trial programme for in Cu2-xSe nanoparticles. X. Gan, L.E.
and hydrogen bonding state of inter- SKBR3 CTC cells. A.K. Singh
the first oral dosed HIV nanomedi- Marbella, D.C. Kaseman, J. Millstone
facial water on alpha-alumina surface cines. M. Giardiello, T. McDonald, N. COLL 165. Azobenzene-based periodic
studied by far-ultraviolet spectros- COLL 186. Controlled surface chem-
Liptrott, P. Martin, D. Smith, M. Siccardi, mesoporous organosilica nanoparticle,
copy. T. Goto, T. Kinugasa, Y. Ozaki istry for the directed attachment of
R. Gurjar, A. Owen, S. Rannard dual azoreductase triggered and degrad-
copper(I) sulfide nanocrystals. E.H.
4:20 COLL 138. Altering the surface able platform for drug delivery. H.W.
COLL 146. Effective exfoliation of Robinson, M. Turo, J. Macdonald
structure of SAMs through the adsorption transition metal dichalcogenides in
Omar, B. Moosa, K. Alamoudi, N.M. Khashab
of octanethiol and decyl thiocyanate on COLL 187. Efficientreleaser based on
aqueous solution. T. Kang, S. Jeon, H. COLL 166. Core-shell microparticles
Au(111). A.F. Raigoza, R. Giinther, D. Zoltek the As-synthesized mesoporous silica.
Kim, S. Lee, I. Hwang, J. Han, J. Kim for the enrichment and discovery of
M. Wan, X. Dong, S. Li, Y. Wang, J. Zhu
4:40 COLL 139. Insights into water cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAMPs).
COLL 147. Liquid biopsies for cancer
adsorption on ZnO(10-10) surfaces: An Y. Zhu, B. Ueberheide, B. Bishop COLL 188. Molecular self-assembly and
detection: The good, the bad, and
IRRAS study. x. Yu, C. Yang, L. Schöttner, redox assembly of quinone deriva-
the costly? S.H. Bossmann, H. Wang, COLL 167. Sorption of carbamazepine
S. Heißler, A. Nefedov, C. Woell, Y. Wang tives on Au(100. T. Morris, I.J. Huerfano,
M. Kalubowilage, A.P. Malalasekera, to humic substances determined
C.D. Tempas, D.L. Wisman, N.A. Maciulis,
5:00 COLL 140. Interaction of water C.T. Culbertson, D.L. Troyer, G. Zhu through fluorescence quenching.
A.V. Polezhaev, K.G. Caulton, S.L. Tait
with the Fe2O3(0001) surface. L. COLL 148. Biodegradable magnetic vesi-
D. Cairnie, C. Ajjan, G.D. Foster
Schöttner, A. Nefedov, Y. Wang, C. Woell COLL 189. Towards selective molecular
cles of iron oxide nanoparticles for imag- COLL 168. Research of superhydro-
biosensing: Fundamental investigation of
5:20 COLL 141. Impact of atmospheric ing-guided drug delivery. K. Yang, Z. Nie phobic surface fabricated by inter-
polymeric filtering effect on field-effect
adsorbates on chemical warfare agent facial polymerization. X. Xiao, H.
COLL 149. Albumin/asparaginase cap- transistor biosensor. S. Nishitani, T. Sakata
simulant decontamination. R. Balow, D. sules prepared by ultrasound to retain
Yang, X. Tantai, N. Yang, L. Zhang
Barlow, J. Lundin, I. Iordanov, W.O. Gordon, COLL 190. Withdrawn.
ammonia. A. Tinoco, A. Cavac-Paulo COLL 169. Towards an understanding of
C. Knox, V.M. Bermudez, J.H. Wynne, G. COLL 191. Evaluation of stress-grown
azobenzene intramolecular isomerization
Peterson, C.J. Karwacki, P. Pehrsson COLL 150. Topological control of polysty-
reaction kinetics at ZrO2 nanoparticle thin carbon nanotubes for optically-
rene-silica core-shell microspheres. Z.M.
film interfaces. D.C. Achey, C. Pointer active hybrid mixtures. M.S. Lowry
Grady, A.Z. Arthur, P.I. Tiemsin, C. Wohl
COLL 170. Preparation of adlay oil COLL 192. Synthetic mecha-
COLL 151. Effect of TiO2/Au(111) surface
based nanoemulsion gel as novel nism of Janus Au-silica particle
preparation on oxidation state and the
delivery system for topical appli- in aqueous phase. Y. Luo
water-gas shift reaction. J.A. Wilke, D.T.
Technical program information Boyle, V.H. Lam, D.A. Schlosser, A. Baber
cation. H. Yin Ting, Y. Ting COLL 193. Modeling of the interfa-
known at press time. COLL 152. Liposome-based silver nanopar-
COLL 171. Wettabilities of different faces of cial behaviors in demulsification of
the same crystal. Y. Deng, X. Huang, H. Lu crude oils. D. Yu, J. Mendenhall
The official technical program for ticle on mirror construct exhibiting
high SERS enhancement. W. Lum, I. COLL 172. Surface modification for COLL 194. Engineering hybrid nanosys-
the 254th ACS National Meeting Bruzas, Z. Gorunmez, T.L. Beck, L. Sagle DNA studies. J.R. Pyle, J. Chen tem as a novel sustainable tool for Zika
is available at www.acs.org/ COLL 153. Earth-abundant nano- COLL 173. Modularly designable vesicle for
vector Aedes aegypti control. L. Pokhrel

WDC2017 materials for future energy sequentially multiple loading. Y. Zhang

storage. N. Elathram, J.C. Poler

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


COLL 195. Ligand mediated evolution of COLL 214. Combined high stretchability COLL 232. Reconfigurable electric field COLL 249. Two-component micelle with
size dependent magnetism in cobalt and gas barrier in hydrogen-bonded directed nanoparticle assembly. N. mixing dilauroyl phosphocholine(DLPC)
nanoclusters. M. Hartmann, J. Millstone multilayer nanobrick wall thin films. Famularo, S.J. Boehm, X. Guo, L. Kang, and deoxycholic acid(DA) and its
S. Qin, Y. Song, J.C. Grunlan, M. Floto C.D. Keating, T.S. Mayer, D. Werner delivery of proteins into the cytosol on
COLL 196. Controlled release perivas-
the pH responsiveness. N. Miyamoto, S.
cular drug delivery from graphene COLL 215. Bovine serum albumin COLL 233. Simple route to prepare
Fujii, K. Sakurai, K. Koiwai, N. Sakaguchi
oxide-hybridized HA hydrogels. P. adsorption on metal oxide nanopar- sub-100 nm plasmonic vesicles for
Maturavongsadit, Q. Wang, T. Cui ticles: Effects of pH, nanoparticle drug delivery. K. Yang, Z. Nie COLL 250. Developing a tunable copper
surface, and co-adsorbed oxyanions on indium sulfide (CIS) nanocrystal
COLL 197. Dispersions of carbon black COLL 234. Binary mixed self-assembled
protein-surface interactions and protein synthesis using thiourea precur-
in aqueous medium: Rheological monolayers derived from ammoni-
structure. Z. XU, B. Givens, V.H. Grassian sors. S. Hughes, A. Cohen, M. Maust
and electrical study. F. Kamand, M.I. um-terminated adsorbates on gold
Magzoub, M.S. Nasser, M. Youssry COLL 216. Influence of nanoparticle for oligonucleotide immobilization. J. COLL 251. Surface catalyzed C-C bond
surface functional groups on the Hoang, C. Park, H. Lee, P. Gunaratne, T. Lee formation through dehydrogenation
COLL 198. Size-tunable plasmonic
function of gramicidin A (gA) in a and dehydrocyclization pathways. C.G.
nanoparticles using block copolymer COLL 235. Pressure-induced hete-
suspended bilayer. I.U. Foreman-Ortiz, Williams, M. Wang, C. Tempas, T. Morris,
lithography. A. Cutri, K.A. Willets ro-dimer and hetero-rods formation
X. Zhang, C.J. Murphy, J.A. Pedersen D. Wisman, L.L. Kesmodel, S.L. Tait
through intraparticle coalescence
COLL 199. New DelPhi feature for
COLL 217. Role of polyvinylpyrrolidone of QD-Au satellite nanocrystals. H. COLL 252. High density covalent function-
modeling electrostatic potential
on the shape and size of hydro- Zhu, Z. Wang, R. Li, O. Chen alization of graphene from hyper-stage-1
around proteins: Role of bound ions
thermally synthesized cobalt oxide graphite intercalation compound. I.
and implications for zeta-potential. A. COLL 236. Development of efficient
particles. X. Xia, M. Becker, B.D. Vogt Jeon, B. Yoon, M. He, T.M. Swager
Chakravorty, Z. Jia, L. Li, E. Alexov hyperthermia/drug delivery agents based
COLL 218. Synthesis of highly stereoreg- on functionalized superparamagnetic COLL 253. Bioconjugated graphene
COLL 200. Universal linker enabling
ulated poly-(3-hexylthiophene) within nanoparticles. P. Price, K. Carlson, J. quantum dots (B-GQDs) nano-
enzyme-mediated attachment
a porous material. M. Mukai, T. Hirai, Dittmar, A. Voronov, A. Kohut, L. Bronstein probe synthesis for imaging appli-
of ligands to nanoparticle sur-
M. Nishibori, K. Kamitani, A. Takahara cations. A. Kalluri, D. Leighton, S.
faces. J. Santiana, S. Gudipati COLL 237. Two-dimensional
Singh, I. Macwan, P.K. Patra
COLL 219. Directed contraction of nanosheet antioxidants. D. Yim,
COLL 201. Functionalization of sin-
microgrooved nanosheets powered by H. Kim, T. Kang, J. Yang, J. Kim COLL 254. Colloidal synthesis of Si
gle-walled carbon nanotubes for use in
engineered myotubes under electrical nanoparticles and their chemical transfor-
supercapacitors. J. Zuczek, J.C. Poler COLL 238. Multiple-patterning nanosphere
stimulation. A. Hasebe, L. Vannozzi, T. mation into orthorhombic lithium silicate
lithography for periodic 3D hierarchical
COLL 202. Unconventional synthe- Mazzocchi, L. Ricotti, S. Takeoka, T. Fujie nanowires. E. Eladgham, I.U. Arachchige
nanostructures. N. Wattanatorn, X. Xu,
sis of semiconductor nanotetra-
COLL 220. Measuring the plasmon Q. Yang, C. Zhao, S.J. Jonas, P.S. Weiss COLL 255. Hierarchical self-assembly
pods using core/shell CdSe/CdS as
to exciton energy transfer via sam- of novel tubular nanoparticles and
seeds. X. Wang, S. Chen, J. Zhao COLL 239. Quantum dot absorptive
ple-transmitted excitation photo- surface-attached nanoscaffolds from
filter array based shortwave infra-
COLL 203. Enantiomeric separation of luminescence spectroscopy. H.E. modified Tobacco mosaic virus capsid
red miniaturized spectrometer. J.
chiral pharmaceuticals using chi- Eckard, M. Zamkov, P. Moroz protein. A. Brown, J.N. Culver
Yoo, J. Carr, J. Caram, M.G. Bawendi
rally modified Au nanoparticles with
COLL 221. Single-particle cor- COLL 256. Formation of monodisperse
high-index facets. A.A. Pradhan, A.V. COLL 240. Fabrication and charac-
related studies of electrodeposi- microemulsions using elastin-like
Nagarajan, N. Shukla, A.J. Gellman terization of hybrid particles with
tion on plasmonic nanoparticles. polypeptide surfactants. R.J.
CeO2 core and polymer brushes. A.
COLL 204. Catechol-conjugated A. Kumar, E. Villarreal, E. Ringe Schmitt, A. Maraschky, I. Tsuper, D.
Hamada, M. Nishibori, Y. Konishi, K.
hydroxyethyl chitosan as a tissue adhe- Terrano, K.A. Streletzky, N.B. Holland
COLL 222. Reversing the odd-even Kamitani, T. Hirai, K. Kojio, A. Takahara
sive. Y. Peng, X. Peng, B. Han, R.J. Linhardt
effects in self-assembled monolay- COLL 257. Facile method for construction
COLL 241. Characterization of polymer
COLL 205. Effect of film deposition ers using UPD silver. M.D. Marquez, of folate targeted fluorescent magnetic
thin film by tender x-ray reflectivity.
conditions on the properties of D. Rodriguez, O. Zenasni, T. Lee beads. W.A. Henne, V. Schmitz, H. Ledbetter
K. Kamitani, M. Nishibori, Y. Konishi, A.
multilayer films of a dual respon-
COLL 223. Polymer mimics using cyclohex- Hamada, T. Hirai, K. Kojio, A. Takahara COLL 258. Solvent mediated dye
sive block copolymer micelle. D.
yl-terminated derivatives as organic thin encapsulation into resorcin-
Gündoǧdu, V. Butun, I. Erel-Goktepe COLL 242. Chemotherapeutic drug
films. T. Yu, M.D. Marquez, O. Zenasni, T. Lee arene cavitand nanocapsules. S.
delivery system based on gold
COLL 206. Electrostatic self-assem- Allmon, K. Mahadevan, B. Ramjee
COLL 224. Sum frequency generation nanoparticle carriers for cancer
bly of EGF and DOTAP liposomes
spectroscopy of terminally fluorinated treatment. L. Running, R. Espinal, R.S. COLL 259. IR study of the particle-poly-
into multi-lamellar complexes. B.
self-assembled monolayers on UPD silver DeVaux, J. Herschkowitz, M.R. Hepel mer interface in MOF mixed matrix
Koo, M. Yang, S. Jo, Y. Nam
and bare gold substrates. D. Rodriguez, membranes. X. Chen, A.P. Odegard,
COLL 243. Isothermal reversible softening
COLL 207. Single pot reduction, M.D. Marquez, O. Zenasni, S. Baldelli, T. Lee J.C. Moreton, S. Cohen, L.B. Benz
and hardening of polymer gels and net-
nucleation, and growth of Au nanopar-
COLL 225. Dectin-1 targeting delivery of a works based on a photo-triggered repeat- COLL 260. Designing sterically stable
ticles with peptides. C.J. Munro, Z.E.
therapeutic oligonucleotide with a beta- able macromolecular architectural trans- peptide nanostructures with target
Hughes, T.R. Walsh, M.R. Knecht
1,3-glucan carrier for cancer treatment. formations. S. Honda, N. Tanaka, T. Toyota morphologies. S. Mushnoori, M. Dutt
COLL 208. Withdrawn. N. Fujiwara, H. Izumi, S. Mochizuki, K. Sakurai
COLL 244. Characterizing molecular COLL 261. Laser crystallization of
COLL 209. ALD preparation of SiO2 pro- COLL 226. Cell membrane-attrac- diffusion through nanopores using inkjet-printed aluminum doped zinc
tected Pd-MnOx nanoparticles supported tive deformable polymeric micelles nanoporous anodic alumina wave- oxide and indium tin oxide nanoma-
on TiO2: Highly efficient nanocatalyst for for enhanced transdermal deliv- guides. A. Sousa, J. Dostalek, K. Lau terials for highly transparent conduc-
the dehydrogenation of formic acid. N. ery. D. Park, K. Shin, J. Kim tive electrodes. O.K. Ranasingha, K.
COLL 245. Carbon nanotubes decorated
Caner, M. Yurderi, A. Bulut, M. Zahmakiran Jayawardana, Q. Nian, S. Kepelner, C.
COLL 227. Simple microwave-assisted with fluorophores as photothermal
COLL 210. Sum frequency generation Yapp, J. Bailey, G.J. Cheng, M. Callahan
synthesis of fluorescent carbon agents for efficient killing of antibiotic
vibrational spectroscopy study of lead(II) quantum dots from polyamida- resistant bacteria. B. Altin, H. Unal
adsorbed on functionalized magnesium tion monomer set. Y. Choi, I. In
COLL 246. Novel wax dispersant for
ferrite nanoadsorbent. J. Nonkumwong,
COLL 228. Catalytic activation of amphi- single emulsion phase stabilization of
S. Ananta, L. Srisombat, K.A. Cimatu
philic Janus microparticles at the oil-wa- simulated waxy crude oil. M. Lukkanasiri,
COLL 211. Protecting the paint: ter interface. J. Cho, H. Kim, J. Cho, J. Kim A. Charoensaeng, U. Suriyapraphadilok
Topcoats for improved decontam-
COLL 229. Withdrawn. COLL 247. Second harmonic genera-
ination of painted surfaces. B.J.
tion spectroscopy of substrate-based
COLL 230. Withdrawn.
Johnson, B.J. Melde, B.D. Martin
surfactant free gold and silver The use of any device to capture
COLL 212. Osmolytes to ions: Elucidating COLL 231. Development of double action
the effects of preorganization on probes based on Zn- and Co-doped iron
nano-hemispheres. T. Marshall, Y. images (e.g., cameras and camera
Aulin, K. Gilroy, S. Neretina, E. Borguet
ion-ion interactions. C.I. Drexler, S. oxide nanoparticles. S. Bram, J. Dittmar,
COLL 248. Characterization of polymer/
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
Lee, B. Rogers, T. Yang, P.S. Cremer B. Stein, M. Pink, Y. Losovyj, L. Bronstein
inorganic-nanoparticles composite digital recorders) or to stream,
COLL 213. Using nuclear magnetic reso- by using small-angle x-ray scattering
nance (NMR) techniques to study noble and x-ray absorption spectroscopy.
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
metal-transition metal nanoparticle alloys. M. Nishibori, T. Takahashi, Y. Ushio, K. presentations is strictly prohibited
E.A. Eikey, L.E. Marbella, A. Smith, J. Millstone Suematsu, K. Kamitani, T. Hirai, A. Takahara
at all official ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

COLL 262. Covalent attachment of COLL 277. Adenosine-functionalized MONDAY MORNING 10:20 COLL 309. Surface-bound enzy-
phthalocyanine and cobalt metala- biodegradable PLA-b-PEG nanopar- matic reactions organize microcap-
tion on chlorine terminated Si(111) ticles for osteoarthritis blocking in sules and protocells in solution. O.E.
Section A
surface. C. He, A.V. Teplyakov rats. X. Liu, A. Ulman, B.N. Cronstein Shklyaev, H. Shum, A. Sen, A. Balazs
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
COLL 263. pH-sensitive antimicro- COLL 278. Preparation of fabric with 10:50 COLL 310. Engineering of
Room 147A
bial agent. Y. Nelson, J. Sun differentiated water-transport ability. shape-changing and motile
L. Lao, D. Shou, Y. Wu, J. Fan colloidal assemblies: Magnetically
COLL 264. Tuning upconversion in Nd(III)- Basic Research in Colloids,
sensitized core-shell nanoparticles for reconfigurable clusters and self-
COLL 279. Development of sepiolite sup- Surfactants & Nanomaterials
excitation with biobenign wavelength. propelling microbots. O.D. Velev
ported-nano TiO2 composites as high per-
C. Arboleda, S. He, A. Stubelius, A. Almutairi formance photocatalysts. L. Liao, J. Feng
Colloidal Assembly 11:20 COLL 311. New generation of
COLL 265. Compositional tuning of R. Nagarajan, Organizer remotely AC-field-powered self-propel-
COLL 280. Remediating interior
hybrid organic-inorganic lead halide ling active particles with on-demand
building surfaces contaminated S. L. Tait, Presiding
perovskite nanocrystals through assembly and propulsion. U. Ohiri, K. Han,
by methamphetamine: Methods
8:30 COLL 295. Assembly mech- C.W. Shields, T. Tyler, O.D. Velev, N.M. Jokerst
solid-liquid-solid cation exchange. K. development. K.R. Caldwell
anism of polymer-grafted nano-
Hills-Kimball, Y. Nagaoka, O. Chen 11:40 COLL 312. Shaped-directed
COLL 281. Colloidal metal and semi- cubes. B.H. Lee, G. Arya
COLL 266. Wearable personal thermal dynamics of active colloids. K.J.
conductor nanostructures: Theory,
8:50 COLL 296. Bottom-up design Bishop, A. Brooks, S. Sabrina
management through silver synthesis, and application. S. Atta
and self-assembly of supracolloidal
nanowire-coated textiles. P.
COLL 282. Improvement of methane molecules made from binary metal-
D’Angelo, E. Hirst, E. Anderson Section C
hydrate formation kinetics with lic nanoparticles. C. Yi, Z. Nie
COLL 267. Temperature-programmed activated carbon, tetrahydrofuran, Walter E. Washington Convention Center
9:10 COLL 297. Understanding the temporal
desorption (TPD) and density functional and sodium dodecyl sulfate. A. Room 150B
and spatial dynamics of surface assem-
theory (DFT) study comparing the Siangsai, K. Inkong, P. Rangsunvigit
bly. K.M. Carroll, C. Rawlings, Y. Zhang,
adsorption of ethyl halides on the Self-Assembly of Synthetic &
COLL 283. Preparation of pure and S.R. Marder, A. Knoll, H. Wolf, U. Duerig
Si(100) surface. J. Zhao, B.W. Noffke,
decorated metal oxide materials
Biological Surfactants: Translating
K. Raghavachari, A.V. Teplyakov
for energy applications using novel
9:30 COLL 298. Thermo-mechanical Fundamentals to Applications
behavior of self-assembled nanoparticle
COLL 268. Nanoparticles (-)-epicate- physical deposition methods and their V. T. John, S. R. Raghavan, Organizers,
membranes. H. Chan, B. Narayanan, Y.
chin-loaded chitosan induced apop- characterization. D. Paradiso, J.Z. Larese Presiding
Wang, X. Lin, H. Jaeger, S. Sankaranarayanan
tosis in breast cancer: in vivo and in
COLL 284. Adsorption site determination 8:30 COLL 313. Surface functionalized
vitro study. A. Perez Ruiz, I. Olivares Corichi, 9:50 COLL 299. Tunable random laser emis-
for oxygenates on TiO2/Au(111). M.Z. biodegradable polymersome for targeted
F. Ganem Rondero, J. García Sánchez sion via reconfigurable particle assembly.
Gillum, J.A. Wilke, D.T. Boyle, A. Baber drug delivery. S. Roy, M. Nallani
P. Donahue, C. Zhang, N. Nye, C. Wang, J.
COLL 269. Effect of temperature and
COLL 285. Concentration dependence Miller, D. Christodoulides, Z. Liu, C.D. Keating 8:50 COLL 314. Patchy and degradable
surface topology on supported
and applications of mixed self-assem- polymersomes enabled by a mik-
lipid bilayer lateral diffusion. C. 10:10 COLL 300. Aggregation of conju-
bled azide-terminated monolayers. toarm star terpolymers and poly-
Henderson, A. Sendecki, P.S. Cremer gated polymer nanowires studied by
R.M. Mandel, A.V. Teplyakov, M. Williams peptoids. J. Gaitzsch, V. Chudasama,
atomic force microscopy and kelvin
COLL 270. Asymmetric plasmonic R. Luxenhofer, G. Battaglia, W. Meier
COLL 286. Formation of bioactive probe force microscopy. S. Guo
nanoparticle array on flexible substrate.
hydrogels through the cross-linking 9:10 COLL 315. Self-assembly of
J. He, J. Reifsteck, I. Bruzas, L. Sagle 10:30 COLL 301. Effective interac-
of thermally responsive polypeptide peptide bolaamphiphiles into
tions between colloids induced
COLL 271. Novel light-mediated micelles. A. Mistry, H. Celik, N.B. Holland nanostructures for siRNA deliv-
by attractive reversibly adsorbed
walking and sensing device via ery. Z. Guan, A. Eldredge, D. Yang
COLL 287. Investigating surMOF polymers. A. Chervanyov
integration of assembled plasmonic
thin film growth for sensing and 9:30 COLL 316. Peptide insertion
film and hydrogel. H. Guo, Z. Nie 10:50 COLL 302. Dynamic supramolec-
storage applications. A. Trojniak, L. into lipid bilayer creating mem-
ular assembly at surfaces: Impact of
COLL 272. XPS study of the surfaces of Brower, M. Ohnsorg, M.E. Anderson brane pores. R. Nagarajan
guest, solvent, and STM bias. S.L. Tait
metal organic frameworks following
COLL 288. Exploring fabrication and 9:50 Intermission.
post-synthetic ligand exchange. J. 11:10 COLL 303. Gold nanoparticle
gas adsorption for HKUST-1 thin films
Low, L.B. Benz, J.C. Moreton, S. Cohen self-assembly in mixed lipid nano- 10:10 COLL 317. Pyrrolidone diblock
and powders. L. Brower, A. Trojniak, B.
discs: Molecular dynamics simula- copolymers nano-objects: From
COLL 273. Immiscible polymer blend Bowser, M.L. Ohnsorg, M.E. Anderson
tions. H. Sharma, E. Dormidontova bulk to interface. J. Dong
nanoparticles formed by nanopre-
COLL 289. Synthesis of gold-silica core-
cipitation. C. Zhao, T. Li, X. Zhang, 11:30 COLL 304. Designing and tuning 10:40 COLL 318. Aqueous self-assem-
shell nanostructures. J. Jeffries, S. Nasser,
R. Nieuwendaal, E. VanKeuren self-assemblies towards the single bly of AnK peptides. U. Olsson
K. Ruta, O. Altahan, K. Bandyopadhyay
chirality enrichment of single-walled
COLL 274. Investigating relative 11:10 COLL 319. Effect of pH of
COLL 290. Generation of Au-Pd bime- carbon nanotubes. E. Karunaratne, M.
binding strengths of various attach- skincare and cleansing products on
tallic nanoparticles and anisotropic Mollahosseini, F. Papadimitrakopoulos
ment chemistries to titania surfaces the stratum corneum barrier func-
structure of gold on functionalized
for potential use in dye sensitized tion. K. Ananthapadmanabhan
surfaces. A. Peer, K. Bandyopadhyay
solar cells. G.J. Smith, B. Harvey Section B
COLL 291. Dopamine biosensor using
COLL 275. Controlled protonation of Walter E. Washington Convention Center Section D
two dimensional assemblies of
transition metal substituted hetero- Rooms 208A/B
palladium nanoparticles. M. Osto, Walter E. Washington Convention Center
poly tungstates in nonpolar solvents.
C. Dodge, K. Bandyopadhyay Room 150A
S.H. Szczepankiewicz, J. Canavan Responsive, Programmable
COLL 292. Two dimensional assem- Assembly of Active Colloids
COLL 276. Biosensor based on Au-UCNP
blies of gold nanoparticle as
Targeted Nanosystems for
for dynamic detection of glucose. K. for Functional Materials
non-enzymatic glucose biosen- Therapeutic Applications: New
Shrestha, A. Rafiei, H.H. Richardson Financially supported by JULABO USA Inc. Concepts, Dynamic Properties,
sor. A. Bitar, K. Bandyopadhyay
R. Hickey, C. D. Keating, Organizers
Efficiency & Toxicity
COLL 293. Seed mediated growth
of highly monodisperse spherical L. D. Zarzar, Organizer, Presiding K. Sakurai, Organizer
gold nanoparticles. R. Darienzo, O. M. A. Ilies, Organizer, Presiding
8:30 COLL 305. Microrobots at inter-
Chen, M. Sullivan, R. Tannenbaum
faces. D. Wong, I. Liu, S. Das, E. Steager, 8:30 COLL 320. Targeting precision
COLL 294. Determination of optimal M. Hsieh, V. Kumar, K.J. Stebe nanomedicines to the tumor micro-
probe density and salt concen- environment. D.A. Heller, Y. Shamay,
9:00 COLL 306. Collective behavior
tration for fast and complete DNA A. Haimovitz-Friedman, M. Scaltriti
melting. N. Le, A. Chin, R. West of self-powered single molecules
Technical program information and nano/microparticles. A. Sen 9:00 COLL 321. Targeting lung adenocar-
cinoma using fibrin-specific short linear
known at press time. 9:30 COLL 307. Tuning the hydrody-
peptide motif. J. Yu, M. Yang, Y. Nam
namics and collective behaviors of
The official technical program for active colloidal motors via a chem- 9:30 COLL 322. Dectin-1 targeting delivery
the 254th ACS National Meeting ical approach. N. Wu, X. Yang of a YB-1 antisense oligonucleotide
with a beta-1,3-glucan carrier. N.
is available at www.acs.org/ 10:00 COLL 308. Spatiotemporal dynamics
Fujiwara, H. Izumi, S. Mochizuki, K. Sakurai
of filamentous bacteria near and on
WDC2017 affinity substrates. J. Jahnke, J. Terrell, 10:00 Intermission.
A. Smith, X. Cheng, D.N. Stratis-Cullum

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


10:15 COLL 323. Glycopolypeptide 9:30 COLL 335. Oxygen-insensitive Chemistry in an Evolving Political Section B
self-assembled nanomaterials as hydrogen evolution sites coated Climate: Research Priorities &
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
efficient delivery systems with multi- by Cr and Mo species for overall Career Pathways in Public Policy
valent properties. S. Lecommandoux water splitting. K. Takanabe Rooms 208A/B
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by
10:45 COLL 324. Aptamer micelles target- 10:00 Intermission. BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI, CELL, CEPA, Self-Assembly of Synthetic &
ing cancer cells expressing the chemo- CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC,
10:20 COLL 336. Nanostructures and Biological Surfactants: Translating
kine fractalkine. M.A. Harris, T.R. Pearce, DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB
their influence upon outer sphere Fundamentals to Applications
T. Pengo, H. Kuang, C. Forster, E. Kokkoli
electron transfer rates. M. Spitler V. T. John, S. R. Raghavan, Organizers,
11:15 COLL 325. Carbonic anhydrase IX Self-Assembly & Non-Covalent
10:50 COLL 337. Withdrawn. Presiding
targeted nanosystems for hypoxic tumor Interactions: The Fundamental
detection and treatment. M.A. Ilies 11:10 COLL 338. Quantum-sized metal Science of Supramolecular Materials 2:00 COLL 358. Linking gene expres-
nanoparticles for photoinduced Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored by COLL sion with phospholipid membrane
chemical transformations. Y. Sun formation. A. Bhattacharya
Section E
11:30 COLL 339. Balancing near-field 2:20 COLL 359. Chemoselective assembly
Walter E. Washington Convention Center and modification of lipids for use in
enhancement, absorption, and scattering
Room 209B
for effective antenna-reactor plas-
MONDAY AFTERNOON model and live-cell systems. A.K.
monic photocatalysis. P. Christopher Rudd, R. Brea Fernandez, N.K. Devaraj
Colloidal Metal & Semiconductor Section A
Nanostructures: Theory, 2:40 COLL 360. New insights into the
Section G Walter E. Washington Convention Center diffusion of fluorescently labeled lipid
Synthesis & Application
Room 147A probes in phospholipid membranes by
Metal Nanoparticle: Synthesis Walter E. Washington Convention Center
FRAP: Identification of multiple diffusing
& Spectroscopy Room 204C Basic Research in Colloids, populations and their origins. C.M. Smith,
Financially supported by Department of Surfactants & Nanomaterials K.R. Griffin, S. Herman, S.S. Saavedra
Emulsions, Foams & Dispersions:
Chemistry, University of Connecticut; Department Bio Amphiphiles & Colloids 3:00 COLL 361. Near infrared respon-
Symposium in honor of
of Chemistry, University of Central Florida
Dominique Langevin at 70 R. Nagarajan, Organizer
sive gold-layersome nanoshells. A.
J. Zhao, S. Zou, Organizers Abbasi, G.D. Bothun, A. Bose
R. Nagarajan, K. J. Stebe, D. A. G. Narsimhan, Presiding
A. J. Haes, Organizer, Presiding Weitz, Organizers 3:20 Intermission.
2:00 COLL 348. Exploring the mecha-
8:30 COLL 326. Aluminum nano- B. Binks, Presiding 3:40 COLL 362. Steering an enzymatic
nisms of liquid-liquid phase separation
crystals: Size control and SERS reaction with vesicles. P. Walde,
8:30 COLL 340. Temperature-dependent in concentrated protein solutions. B.A.
applications. N.J. Halas S. Luginbühl, G. Ćirić-Marjanović
assembly of thermosensitive cationic Rogers, K.B. Rembert, M.F. Poyton, H.I.
9:05 COLL 327. Chemistry at the ends diblock copolymers in water and on Okur, T.S. Yang, J. Zhang, P.S. Cremer 4:10 COLL 363. Lipidic templates
of gold nanorods. C.J. Murphy interfaces. F.M. Winnik, P. Claesson and coatings for designing nan-
2:20 COLL 349. Identification and
otheranostics. G.D. Bothun
9:40 COLL 328. Controlling and 8:55 COLL 341. Complexes of oppo- characterization of novel peptide
exploiting nanoscale curvature in sitely charged polyelectrolytes and domains, which exhibit binding 4:40 COLL 364. Can vesicles transform
gold nanostars. T.W. Odom microemulsion droplets: An investigation affinities for electroactive materi- into helical tubules in a system based
of structure and dynamics. M. Simon, als. A. Winton, S.J. Riley, M.A. Allen on achiral surfactants? S.R. Raghavan
10:15 COLL 329. Probing charge delo-
L. Noirez, I. Hoffmann, M. Gradzielski 2:40 COLL 350. Multivalent presentation 5:00 COLL 365. Amphiphilic polypeptoids
calization in plasmonic gold nanopar-
ticles via a molecular reporter using 9:20 COLL 342. Adsorption of colloid- of precision glycomacromolecules on and their hydrophobic interactions with
ultrafast surface-enhanced Raman surfactant complexes at fluid-fluid soft microgels for specific lectin binding lipid bilayers: Fundamentals and transla-
spectroscopy. E. Keller, R.R. Frontiera interfaces and impact on mechanical studies. F. Jacobi, H. Wang, A. Camaleño tion to drug delivery systems. V.T. John, Y.
properties. S.M. Kirby, S.L. Anna,  de la Calle, S. Schmidt, L. Hartmann Zhang, M. Omarova, D. Zhang, T. Yu, S. Xuan
10:35 Intermission.
L. Walker 3:00 COLL 351. Pore formation by
11:00 COLL 330. Two-photon pho- aggregates of antimicrobial pep- Section C
9:45 COLL 343. Correlating the attractive
toluminescence and biomedical tides in DMPC liposomes. Y. Lyu,
interactions between polymer–surfactant Walter E. Washington Convention Center
applications of hollow gold nano- M. Frityanti, X. Zhu, G. Narsimhan
coated droplets measured via AFM to Room 150B
spheres (HGNs). J.Z. Zhang
collisions in microfluidic channels. R.R. 3:20 COLL 352. Transmembrane dif-
11:30 COLL 331. Super-resolution Dagastine, C. Fewkes, E. Jamieson, J.D. Berry ference in colloid osmotic pressure Targeted Nanosystems for
imaging of hybrid organic-plas- affects the lipid membrane fluidity of Therapeutic Applications: New
10:10 Intermission.
monic nanostructures. K.A. Willets liposomes encapsulating a concen- Concepts, Dynamic Properties,
10:20 COLL 344. Withdrawn.
12:00 COLL 332. Probing forma- trated protein solution. H. Sakai Efficiency & Toxicity
tion and transformation of colloidal 10:45 COLL 345. Eco-friendly surfactant 3:40 COLL 353. Studies of the interactions K. Sakurai, Organizer
nanoparticles with in-situ synchro- herders for the remediation of maritime between Cu2+ and sphingosine-1-phos-
tron x-ray scattering. Y. Sun oil spills. C. Maldarelli, H. Zhou, G. John M. A. Ilies, Organizer, Presiding
phate. A.J. Baxter, T. Yang, P.S. Cremer
11:10 COLL 346. Protein diffusion 2:00 COLL 366. Bi-CTAB compos-
4:00 COLL 354. Functionalization of
Section F in a bicontinuous microemul- living bacterial cells with metallic ite photocatalytic nanomaterial
sion: sub-diffusion by tunable nanoparticles mediated by surface- for antibacterial applications. S.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
soft confinement. T. Hellweg displayed peptides. H. Dong, D.A. Sarkes, Li, C. Lu, K. Yu, S. Wong, M. Goh
Room 209A
11:35 COLL 347. Lipid droplets: The D.N. Stratis-Cullum
Photoresponsive Nanoparticles: interaction of amphipathic a-helix model 4:20 COLL 355. Interaction of cationic
From Fundamentals of protein with an oil/buffer interface. E. poly (oxonorbornene) coated gold
Excitation to Applications Mann, M.S. Mirheydari, E.E. Kooijman nanoparticles with model membranes.
Photocatalysis Z. Zheng, Y. Zhang, B. Zhi, I.U. Foreman-
Building a Safety Culture Across Ortiz, D. Boschert, R.J. Hamers,
B. G. DeLacy, Y. Han, Organizers the Chemistry Enterprise C.L. Haynes, J.A. Pedersen, K. Lienkamp,
Y. Sun, Organizer, Presiding Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts Z. Rosenzweig

H. Fan, Presiding to Developing a Safety Culture 4:40 COLL 356. Cellular and particle

Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL, dynamics in blood flow with rigid
The use of any device to capture
8:30 COLL 333. Synthesis of shape-defined
Ta3N5 and SrTaO2N nanostructures
BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS, red blood cells. M. Gutierrez, images (e.g., cameras and camera
CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC, O. Eniola-Adefeso
for photocatalysis. S.E. Skrabalak INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
5:00 COLL 357. Investigation of the
9:00 COLL 334. Interfacial self-assembly adsorption properties of dipeptides: digital recorders) or to stream,
of hierarchically structured nanocrystals
with photocatalytic activity. H. Fan
Nanotechnology & Single Cell A thermodynamic, inelastic upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Analysis in Biology & Medicine neutron scattering and modeling
study. D. Paradiso, J.Z. Larese presentations is strictly prohibited
Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored
by BIOL, COLL and PHYS at all official ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

2:30 COLL 367. Particle modulus as Section E 3:50 COLL 391. New directions in the Chemistry in an Evolving Political
a key parameter of vascular-tar- science and engineering of particle-con- Climate: Research Priorities &
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
geted drug delivery in vitro and in taining foams: Responsive materials Career Pathways in Public Policy
vivo. M. Fish, C. Fromen, T.F. Scott, R. Room 209B and bioreactor operations. O.D. Velev Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by
Adili, M. Holinstat, O. Eniola-Adefeso BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI, CELL, CEPA,
Colloidal Metal & Semiconductor 4:15 COLL 392. Stability of flowing foams
3:00 COLL 368. Molecular design of under confinement. S.L. Biswal CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC,
Nanostructures: Theory,
non-toxic polymeric inhibitors as novel DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB
Synthesis & Application 4:40 COLL 393. Border-crossing
anti-thrombotics and antidotes for
Theory model for the diffusive coarsen-
anticoagulants. M. Kalathottukaren, S. Transformative Research &
ing of wet foams. D. Durian
Abbina, C.A. Haynes, J.N. Kizhakkedathu Financially supported by Department of Excellence in Education Award
Chemistry, University of Connecticut; 5:05 COLL 394. Emulsions, foams
3:30 Intermission. Sponsored by COMSCI, Cosponsored by BIOL,
Department of Chemistry, and dispersions. D. Langevin
3:45 COLL 369. Cationic amphiphiles University of Central Florida
designed to mimic antimicrobial peptides Section G
exhibit marked activity against planktonic A. J. Haes, J. Zhao, Organizers Self-Assembly & Non-Covalent
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
bacteria and biofilms. A.E. Moretti, S. Zou, Organizer, Presiding Room 204C Interactions: The Fundamental
R. Weeks, M. Chikindas, K.E. Uhrich Science of Supramolecular Materials
2:00 COLL 379. Strong plexcitonic
4:15 COLL 370. Withdrawn. interactions in colloidal solutions Basic Research in Colloids, Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored by COLL
4:45 COLL 371. Polymer therapeutics containing hybrid metal nanoparticle/ Surfactants & Nanomaterials
and stem cell therapies as a combinato- dye systems. R. Thomas, A. Thomas, Metal & Semiconductor
R. Swathi, S.K. Gray, K.G. Thomas
rial approach for the treatment of Nanomaterials MONDAY EVENING
chronic spinal cord injuries. V.J. 2:30 COLL 380. Optical and energy- R. Nagarajan, Organizer
Nebot, R. Requejo-Aguilar, A. Armiñan, related phenomena in metal nanocrys- Section A
O. Zagorodko, A. Alastrue-Agudo, V. tal chains with hot spots: Coherent J. A. Hollingsworth, Presiding
Moreno-Manzano, M.J. Vicent transfer of plasmons, hot electrons Walter E. Washington Convention Center
2:00 COLL 395. Gas and vapor
and heat generation. A. Govorov Halls D/E
dependent photoluminescence
Section D 3:00 COLL 381. Electron- and pho- changes and surface chemistry of
Walter E. Washington Convention Center ton-driven optical responses in zinc oxide nanoparticles. S. Kim, R.
metallic, alloyed, and semiconduct- Somaratne, S.K. Sengupta, J.E. Whitten R. Nagarajan, Organizer
Room 150A
ing nanostructures. D.J. Masiello 2:20 COLL 396. Watching submono- 8:00 - 10:00
Photoresponsive Nanoparticles: 3:30 COLL 382. Designing nanoparti- layer deposition of platinum on 142, 157-158, 166, 178-179, 183, 185-
From Fundamentals of cle solar cells without defect states colloidal silver nanocrystals with a 188, 194-196, 199-205, 207, 211, 
Excitation to Applications and with enhanced charge transport molecular probe. Y. Zhang, D. Qin 213-215, 221-223, 231-234, 236, 238-
Novel Synthesis using ab initio simulations. M. Voeroes, 2:40 COLL 397. Enhanced emission of 239, 244, 251-252, 254-256, 258-260, 264, 
N. Brawand, F. Giberti, G.A. Galli nanocrystal solids featuring slowly 266, 270-273, 278, 281, 283-286, 294. See
B. G. DeLacy, Y. Han, Organizers previous listings.
3:50 Intermission. diffusive excitons. N.N. Kholmicheva
Y. Sun, Organizer, Presiding
4:10 COLL 383. Electron density 3:00 COLL 398. Plasmon enhanced
D. Qin, Presiding dependent core-shell model in sim- multiexciton emission of single
ulation optical properties of metallic quantum dots. J. Zhao, S. Dey, S. Zou TUESDAY MORNING
2:00 COLL 372. Plasmon-driven
anisotropic growth of gold nano- nanoparticles. S. Li, C. Chen 3:20 COLL 399. Au exchange or Au
Section A
prisms: Cooperative action of 4:40 COLL 384. Atomistic electro- deposition: Control of morphology in
surfactants with light. W. Wei dynamics simulations of plas- Au-CsPbBr3 heterostructure nanopar- Walter E. Washington Convention Center
monic nanoparticles. L. Jensen ticles. B. Roman, M.T. Sheldon Room 147A
2:30 COLL 373. Gold nanoboxes with
plasmonic absorption at near infrared 5:10 COLL 385. Low dimensional 3:40 COLL 400. Thermochemical
Basic Research in Colloids,
wavelength. D. Qin, X. Sun, J. Kim, J. Ahn nanomaterials: Insights from the measurements of cation exchange
in cadmium selenide nanocrystals
Surfactants & Nanomaterials
3:00 COLL 374. Multifunctional nanomate- established, exotic, and imag-
rials and their photo- and magneto-ther- ined. P.A. Brown, K.L. Shuford using isothermal titration calorimetry. Emulsions & Gels
S. Jharimune, A. Sathe, R.M. Rioux
mal applications. S. Hunyadi Murph 5:40 COLL 386. Optical properties of R. Nagarajan, Organizer
self-assembled supracolloidal nano- 4:00 COLL 401. Catalytic applications of
3:20 COLL 375. Using gold nanopar- A. V. Mallia, Presiding
structures for metamolecules. Z.A. Cu2-xSe nanoparticles in redox reactions.
ticle surface chemistry to control
Benson, M. Dias, C. Gong, M.S. Leite M. Richard, X. Gan, J. Millstone, E. Borguet 8:30 COLL 405. Double emulsion for the
electronic behavior: Towards energy
transfer applications. S. Crawford, encapsulation of reactive lipophilic com-
4:20 COLL 402. Fate of photoex-
ponents. M. Stasse, V. Heroguez, V. Schmitt
C.M. Andolina, A. Smith, J. Millstone Section F cited charge carriers in lead-free
perovskite nanocrystals for exci- 8:50 COLL 406. Structure and dynam-
3:40 Intermission. Walter E. Washington Convention Center
tonic solar cells. C. Liu, K. Zheng, ics of solid-like ion gels with high
4:00 COLL 376. Molecular plasmons: Room 209A
D.J. Gosztola, S. Canton, X. Zhang ionic conductivity. Z. Yu, Y. He,
A new take on an old molecule with Y. Wang, L.A. Madsen, R. Qiao
new applications. N.J. Halas Emulsions, Foams & Dispersions: 4:40 COLL 403. Sensitivity of plas-
Symposium in honor of monic metal nanoparticles and 9:10 COLL 407. Food-grade dispersants
4:30 COLL 377. Plasmonic field and heat Dominique Langevin at 70 their potential in plasmonic polymer for remediation of oil spills: Insights from
from gold nanorods. C.J. Murphy nanocomposites. A. Khan, G. Liu colloid science. N. Agrawal, S.R. Raghavan
K. J. Stebe, D. A. Weitz, Organizers
5:00 COLL 378. Atomically precise 5:00 COLL 404. Dye-loaded core- 9:30 COLL 408. Structure-property rela-
metal nanoparticles: Fundamentals R. Nagarajan, Organizer, Presiding
shell Au-SiO2 nanoparticles for tionships and mechanotropic properties
and opportunities. R. Jin 2:00 COLL 387. Oil foams stabilised cancer theranostics. F.M. Roland, of molecular gels based on simple fatty
by surfactant or fat crystals. B. Q. Zhang, B.D. Smith, R. Roeder acid based gelators. A.V. Mallia, B. Matel
Binks, E.J. Garvey, I.P. Marinopoulos 9:50 COLL 409. Investigating the
Grassroots Approaches to crosslinking of Pickering nanoemul-
2:25 COLL 388. Arresting bubble coars-
ening with surface elasticity. A. Salonen,
Developing a Safety Culture sions stabilised by epoxy-functional
C. Gay, A. Maestro, W. Drenckhan, E. Rio Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL, diblock copolymer nanoparticles. F.
BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS, Hatton, K. Thompson, S.P. Armes
2:50 COLL 389. Foams and disper- CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC,
sions at high salinity. K.P. Johnston, INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC 10:10 COLL 410. Modified two-step
Technical program information M. Iqbal, J. Lee, C. Dandamudi, S. emulsion solvent evaporation technique
Alzobaidi, E. Moaseri, B. Chang, C. Da for fabricating biodegradable rod-shaped
known at press time. Nanotechnology & Single Cell drug carriers. H. Safari, O. Eniola-Adefeso
3:15 COLL 390. Encapsulation in double Analysis in Biology & Medicine
The official technical program for emulsions: Fabrication and time 10:30 COLL 411. Stabilization of
Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored
the 254th ACS National Meeting stability of the capsules. M. Nollet,
lipase in polymerized high internal
M. Mercé, E. Laurichesse, V. Schmitt phase emulsions through interfacial
is available at www.acs.org/ assembly. S. Andler, J.M. Goddard
3:40 Intermission.

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


10:50 COLL 412. Solid drug nanopar- 10:30 COLL 426. Tuning the dielectropho- 10:50 COLL 441. Lead halide perovskite Understanding the Chemistry
ticles synthesised using water-in-oil retic assembly of dielectric and semicon- nanostructures for fundamental of Our Planet
emulsion templating and nanoprecip- ducting paticles through surface func- photophysical studies and optoelec-
Chemistry’s Role in our Earth System
itation: From proof of concept to in tionalization. N.D. Burrows, C.D. Keating tronic applications. S. Jin, Y. Fu
vitro validation of long acting depot. Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
10:50 COLL 427. Controlling aniso- BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA,
J.J. Hobson, P. Curley, A. Al-Khouja, C.L. Section F
tropic colloidal assembly in CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC,
Meyers, C. Flexner, A. Owen, S. Rannard
external fields. M.A. Bevan Walter E. Washington Convention Center INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC
11:10 COLL 413. Exploration and tunability
11:20 COLL 428. Assembly of amphi- Room 209A
of the aggregation and gelation process
philic hyperbranched polymeric ionic GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders
of tripeptides. D.M. DiGuiseppi, L.
liquids in aqueous media at different Colloidal Metal & Semiconductor of Giants: Developing Chemistries
Thursch, N. Alvarez, R. Schweitzer-Stenner
ionic environments. V. Korolovych, Nanostructures: Theory, for Improved Global Health
11:30 COLL 414. Withdrawn. A.J. Erwin, A. Stryutsky, E. Mikan, V. Synthesis & Application
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by ANYL,
Shevchenko, L. Bulavin, V.V. Tsukruk
Section B 11:40 COLL 429. Hierarchical assembly of
Financially supported by Department of
Walter E. Washington Convention Center amphiphilic supracolloids with tunable Chemistry, University of Connecticut; Department
patterns. S. Zhang, C. Yi, J. He, Z. Nie
Journey to Mars: Materials,
Rooms 208A/B of Chemistry, University of Central Florida Energy & Life Sciences
12:00 COLL 430. Directed self-assembly
J. Zhao, S. Zou, Organizers Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
In-Situ Investigation of Energy and crystallization of colloids. M. Weck
Systems using Ambient-Pressure A. J. Haes, Organizer, Presiding
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Section D 8:30 COLL 442. Geometrical singularities
E. Crumlin, H. Ogasawara, I. Walter E. Washington Convention Center in metal nanostructures for enhanced
Waluyo, Organizers, Presiding biosensor sensitivity and selectivity.
Room 150A
A. House, M. Mursalat, S. Basuray
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
Targeted Nanosystems for 9:00 COLL 443. Electrically modu- Section A
8:35 COLL 415. Revisiting CO oxi-
Therapeutic Applications: New lated localized surface plasmon
dation on Pt(110) surface with Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Concepts, Dynamic Properties, around self-assembled-monolay-
ambient pressure XPS. B.S. Mun Room 147A
Efficiency & Toxicity er-covered nanoparticles. M. Su
9:15 COLL 416. Diluted alloys based on
M. A. Ilies, Organizer 9:30 COLL 444. Development of plasmonic Langmuir Lectures, NanoLetters
noble metals as selective catalysts for
nanostructures toward surface-
oxidation and (de)hydrogenation. M. van K. Sakurai, Organizer, Presiding Award Lecture, ACS Materials
enhanced Raman scattering detection
Spronsen, B. Eren, N. Janvelyan, C. Wu, B. & Interfaces Award Lecture
8:30 COLL 431. Bionanoparticles via in point-of-care settings. N. Wu
Zugic, M. Salmeron, R.J. Madix, C.M. Friend
self-assembly induced by complexation R. Nagarajan, Organizer
10:00 COLL 445. Symmetry broken nano-
9:35 COLL 417. In situ XPS as a tool to of nucleic acid with double hydrophilic H. Fairbrother, Presiding
structures: Anisotropic and multi-compo-
unravel surface chemistry in C-H reform- block copolymer. R. Nagarajan
nent nanoparticles. A. Kossak, 2:00 Introduction of Langmuir Lecturer Frank
ing reactions. S.D. Senanayake, Z. Liu, R.M.
9:00 COLL 432. Histone-targeted gene B. Stephens, Y. Tian, M. Chen, T.J. Kempa Caruso.
Palomino, D. Grinter, I. Waluyo, J. Rodriguez
nanocarriers enable 100-fold reductions
10:20 Intermission. 2:05 COLL 455. Engineering particles for
10:15 Intermission. in BMP-2 dosing for bone regenerative
applications. E. Munsell, M.O. Sullivan 10:40 COLL 446. Plasmonic biosen- bio–nano science and beyond. F. Caruso
10:35 COLL 418. Dissociative adsorption of
sors with ultrastable biorecognition 2:50 Introduction of Langmuir
CO2 on Cu(100). B. Hagman, A. Schaefer, 9:30 COLL 433. Delivering RNAi
elements. C. Wang, J. Morrissey, E. Lecturer, Paul Cremer.
C. Zhang, M. Shipilin, L.R. Merte, E. Lundgren, therapeutics: From discovery to
Kharasch, R.R. Naik, S. Singamaneni
A.P. Borbon, H. Gronbeck, J. Gustafson applications. M. Manoharan 2:55 COLL 456. Probing the interactions
11:10 COLL 447. Biocompatible, lipo- of anions and cations with phos-
11:15 COLL 419. In-situ investiga- 10:00 Intermission.
some-based surface enhanced Raman pholipid membranes. P.S. Cremer
tion of water dissociation on NiOx/
10:15 COLL 434. ssDNA nanotubes spectroscopy (SERS) substrates. L.
CeO2 (111) surfaces using ambi- 3:40 Introduction of NanoLetters
targeting glioblastoma multiforme. M.A. Sagle, W. Lum, I. Bruzas, Z. Gorunmez
ent-pressure XPS. Z. Liu, R.M. Palomino, Lecturer, Liangbing Hu.
Harris, M. Shiao, H. Kuang, W. Low, E. Kokkoli
J. Rodriguez, S.D. Senanayake 11:40 COLL 448. Surface coding of
10:45 COLL 435. Nucleic acid nano- nanoparticles for self-assembly and 3:45 COLL 457. Nanocellulose for
11:35 COLL 420. Ethanol reactivity nanotechnologies. L. Hu
capsules: A hybrid biomaterial for plasmonic bioapplications. Y. Weizmann
over Ti-modified CeOx(111) mixed
controlled drug delivery. J.L. Rouge 4:30 Introduction of ACS Materials &
oxide surfaces from UHV conditions 12:10 COLL 449. Controlling enzyme activ-
to elevated pressures. J. Zhou 11:15 COLL 436. Tunable degradabil- ity in enzyme-nanoparticle conjugates Interfaces Lecturer, Yanli Zhao.
ity of disulfide-functional poly(amido through selective ligand choice. S. Diaz, 4:35 COLL 458. Responsive organic
amine)s as gene carriers. R. Elzes, N. S. Sen, C. Brown, E. Oh, K. Susumu, M.H. nanosystems for targeted bioim-
Section C
Akeroyd, J.M. Engbersen, J.M. Paulusse Stewart, J. Breger, L.D. Field, P. Kral, I. Medintz aging and therapy. Y. Zhao
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Room 150B
Section E Section G GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders
of Giants: Developing Chemistries
Responsive, Programmable Walter E. Washington Convention Center Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Room 204C
for Improved Global Health
Assembly of Active Colloids Room 209B
for Functional Materials Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by ANYL,
Photoresponsive Nanoparticles: Bioconjugate Chemistry BMGT, CELL, COLL, POLY and PRES
Financially supported by JULABO USA Inc.
From Fundamentals of Lecturer Award Symposium
C. D. Keating, L. D. Zarzar, Organizers Excitation to Applications V. M. Rotello, Organizer, Presiding
R. Hickey, Organizer, Presiding Assembled Plasmonic Nanostructures 8:30 COLL 450. Bio-conjugation for
8:30 COLL 421. Active colloids and Y. Han, Organizer designing novel adjuvants for vaccines
liquid crystals. N.L. Abbott via multiple reactions: Don’t get too
B. G. DeLacy, Y. Sun, Organizers, Presiding
attached. A. Esser-Kahn, T.J. Albin, J. Tom,
9:00 COLL 422. Self-assembly of
8:30 COLL 437. Nanoparticle super- A. Burkhardt, A. Gilkes, D.H. Davies, P. Felgner
nanoparticles in droplets of colloidal
lattices in 2D and 3D. G.C. Schatz The use of any device to capture
cholesteric liquid crystals. Y. Li 9:00 COLL 451. Transition-metal
9:20 COLL 423. Withdrawn.
9:00 COLL 438. Understanding the catalysis for site-selective protein images (e.g., cameras and camera
9:40 COLL 424. Surprises in self-assembly
lasing mechanism of plasmonic modification. Z.T. Ball phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
nanoparticle arrays. T.W. Odom
dynamics at the nanoscale. Q. Chen
9:30 COLL 439. Site-specific surface
9:30 COLL 452. Cysteine-mediated digital recorders) or to stream,
redox signaling: Chemical tools for
10:10 COLL 425. Hybrid quantum encoding for programmable self-assem- biological discovery. K.S. Carroll upload or rebroadcast speakers or
dots-based flexible films with tailored bly of colloidal nanoparticles. G. Chen
mono-type microdomains by ligand
10:00 COLL 453. Biocompatible presentations is strictly prohibited
10:00 Intermission. chemistries for imaging cellu-
interactions of tethered polymers. J.
lar cross-talk. J.A. Prescher
at all official ACS meetings and
Zhang, J. Lee, D. Luo, Z. Wang, J. Yan, 10:20 COLL 440. Ultrafast dynamics of
K. Matyjaszewski, M.R. Bockstaller plasmonic nanostructures. S. Link 10:30 COLL 454. Making new
events without express written
materials from synthetically mod- consent from ACS.
ified proteins. M.B. Francis

Understanding the Chemistry 10:50 COLL 466. Effects of exter- 9:35 COLL 479. Application of 8:30 COLL 489. Tracking photon-induced
of Our Planet nal electric field on spreading of a ambient pressure x-ray photo- electron transfers in nanoparticle
surfactant on aqueous surface. S. electron spectroscopy to studies systems using ultrafast x-ray absorption
Human Impacts to our Planet
Tsuchitani, T. Shuto, H. Miki, K. Kikuchi of catalytic materials. F. Tao spectroscopy. X. Zhang, C. Liu, K. Zheng,
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by A. Hassan, P.T. Snee, J. Huang, S. Canton
BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, 11:10 COLL 467. Self-collapse lithography. 10:15 Intermission.
CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC, C. Zhao, X. Xu, Q. Yang, T. Man, S.J. Jonas, J. 9:00 COLL 490. Mapping carrier
10:35 COLL 480. Bridging the pres-
INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC Schwartz, P. Chiou, A.M. Andrews, P.S. Weiss dynamics on semiconductor mate-
sure and materials gaps: Methanol
rial surfaces and at interfaces using
11:30 COLL 468. Ultra-dense and oxidation on La1-xSrxMnO3 thin-
laser spectroscopy and 4D electron
Journey to Mars: Materials, long-lasting shells for inorganic films and powders. D.R. Mullins, Y.
microscopy. O.F. Mohammed
Energy & Life Sciences nanoparticles are based on cyclic Zhang, M. Kidder, S.H. Overbury
polymer brushes. G. Morgese, B.S. 9:30 COLL 491. Excitation wavelength
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by 11:15 COLL 481. Interface chemistry of
Shaghasemi, E. Reimhult, E. Benetti dependent multiphoton emission of
ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, H2O on pure and Ni-modified CoOOH
single semiconductor nanocrystal
PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ nanowires probed by ambient-pressure
Section B near gold nanoparticles. J. Zhao
x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
Z. Chen, C.X. Kronawitter, I. Waluyo, B.E. Koel 10:00 COLL 492. Single and multiex-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
citon energy and electron transfer
TUESDAY EVENING Rooms 208A/B 11:35 COLL 482. Surface chemistry
processes in 2D semiconductor
and catalysis confined under two-di-
structures. B. Diroll, C.E. Rowland, P.
Journey to Mars: Materials, Responsive, Programmable mensional (2D) materials. Q. Fu
Guo, I. Fedin, P. Darancet, S.K. Gray, A.
Energy & Life Sciences Assembly of Active Colloids
Govorov, D. Talapin, R.D. Schaller
for Functional Materials Section D
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
Financially supported by JULABO USA Inc. 10:30 Intermission.
ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, Walter E. Washington Convention Center
PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ 10:50 COLL 493. Coupled optical and elec-
R. Hickey, C. D. Keating, Organizers Room 150A
trochemical measurements for studying
L. D. Zarzar, Organizer, Presiding nanostructured materials. K.A. Willets
Targeted Nanosystems for
WEDNESDAY MORNING 8:30 COLL 469. Reconfigurable all-liquid Therapeutic Applications: New 11:10 COLL 494. Imaging the pho-
systems using dimensionally confined Concepts, Dynamic Properties, tochemical reactions of single
Section A colloidal nanoparticle–polymer surfactant Efficiency & Toxicity nanoparticles with surface plasmon
assemblies at liquid-liquid interfaces. B. resonance microscopy. W. Wang
M. A. Ilies, Organizer
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Helms, W. Feng, J.W. Forth, T.P. Russell
Room 147A K. Sakurai, Organizer, Presiding
Section F
9:00 COLL 470. Competition between ions
and nanoparticles during the reversible 8:30 COLL 483. In silico modeling Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Basic Research in Colloids,
attachment of nanoparticles to a fluid of nanodrug: Molecular insight of Room 209A
Surfactants & Nanomaterials
interface. M.A. Bevan, J. Frechette metallofullerenol Gd@C82(OH)22 in
Interface Engineering 9:30 COLL 471. Emulsion-based,
cancer anti-metastasis. S. Kang Colloidal Metal & Semiconductor
R. Nagarajan, Organizer stimuli-responsive compound micro- 9:00 COLL 484. Dextran coated iron oxide Nanostructures: Theory,
R. M. Espinosa-Marzal, Presiding
lenses. S. Nagelberg, L.D. Zarzar, N. nanoparticle: Biomimetic catalysts Synthesis & Application
Nicolas, K. Subramanian, J.A. Kalow, V. and anti-biofilm agents. P.C. Naha,
Photocatalysis & Photo Processes
8:30 COLL 459. Interface engineering Sresht, D. Blankschtein, G. Barbastathis, Y. Liu, S. Gubara, G. Hwang, D. Kim, V.
for nanoelectronics. C.A. Hacker M. Kreysing, T.M. Swager, M. Kolle Jonnakuti, L. Gao, H. Koo, D. Cormode Financially supported by Department of
Chemistry, University of Connecticut; Department
8:50 COLL 460. Ultra-thin thermo-re- 10:00 COLL 472. Continuous visu- 9:30 COLL 485. Non-crosslinking of Chemistry, University of Central Florida
sponsive self-folding 3D graphene. alization of complex liquid emul- aggregation of DNA-modified gold
W. Xu, Z. Qin, C. Chen, H. Kwag, Q. Ma, sions using on-chip ring resona- nanoparticles for gene diagnosis and A. J. Haes, S. Zou, Organizers
A. Sarkar, M.J. Buehler, D.H. Gracias tors. S. Savagatrup, T.M. Swager directed assembly. G. Wang, Y. Akiyama, J. Zhao, Organizer, Presiding
N. Kanayama, T. Takarada, M. Maeda
9:10 COLL 461. Aquatic stability of few- 10:20 COLL 473. Exploiting the
8:30 COLL 495. Key insights into
layered black phosphorus: The leading fluorous phase to readily access 10:00 Intermission.
carbon dioxide photoreduc-
edge of 2-dimensional nanomaterials. multifunctional nanomaterials. R. 10:15 COLL 486. Surface chemistry dic- tion from single-nanoparticle
S. Story, L. Guiney, M. Hersam, S.L. Walker Day, D. Estabrook, E.M. Sletten
tates the internalization and cytotoxicity catalysis studies. P.K. Jain
9:30 COLL 462. Molecular insight into 10:50 COLL 474. ZIF as efficient acid-sen- of carbonic anhydrase inhibitor func-
9:00 COLL 496. Hybrid semicon-
polymer-ionic liquid mediated lubrica- sitive nanoparticles for intelligent tionalized gold nanoparticles targeting
ductor-metal nanoparticles as
tion. M. Han, R.M. Espinosa-Marzal anticorrosion coatings. S. Yang hypoxic tumors. A. Shabana, M.R. Alam,
photocatalysts. U. Banin
T. Spoon, U. Mondal, C.A. Ross, M.A. Ilies
9:50 COLL 463. Investigation of effect 11:10 COLL 475. Nanoscale interfacial
9:30 COLL 497. Colloidal semiconductor
of steric substituents on the orga- complexation in emulsions (NICE): 10:45 COLL 487. Spatiotemporal modula-
nanocrystal photocatalysts: Teaching
nization of methacrylate monomers From encapsulation and controlled tion of doxorubicin toxicity via delivery as
an old dot new tricks. T.D. Krauss,
at air-liquid interface using sum release to protocells. D. Lee a nanoparticle-bioconjugate complex. A.
J. Caputo, L.C. Frenette, C. Liu, F. Qiu,
frequency generation spectroscopy. U.I. Sangtani, E. Petryayeva, M. Wu, K. Susumu,
11:40 COLL 476. Self-assembled J.J. Peterson, K.L. Sowers, D.J. Weix
Premadasa, K.A. Cimatu, N.M. Adhikari E. Oh, A. Huston, G. Lasarte-Aragonés,
structures using DNA-coated
I. Medintz, W.R. Algar, J. Delehanty 10:00 COLL 498. Photoinduced
10:10 COLL 464. Liquid surfactants for colloids and depletion. D. Pine
charge transfer in chiral nanopar-
boron nitride nanosheet (BNNS) process- 11:15 COLL 488. Interaction of gold
ticle assemblies. D.H. Waldeck
ing. T. Habib, D.S. Devarajan, F. Khabaz, Section C nanorods with genomic DNA. J.A.
D. Parviz, T. Achee, R. Khare, M.J. Green Kretzmann, D. Ho, P. Toshniwal, C.W. Evans, 10:30 Intermission.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center M. Norret, M. Nguyen, J. Veder, H. Jiang, A.
10:30 COLL 465. Constrained dewetting 10:40 COLL 499. Understanding and
Room 150B Munshi, A.J. Blythe, M. Saunders, M. Archer,
of grafted homopolymers for manipulating quantum dot photo-
M. Fitzgerald, J.A. Keelan, C.S. Bond, L.H. luminescence lineshapes: Traps,
nanolithography. M. Tebbe,
In-Situ Investigation of Energy Hurley, M.R. Kilburn, N.M. Smith, K. Iyer
E. Galati, G.C. Walker, E. Kumacheva defects and surface states. J.R.
Systems using Ambient-Pressure Caram, S.N. Bertram, M.G. Bawendi
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Section E 11:00 COLL 500. Detailed balance
E. Crumlin, H. Ogasawara, I. efficiencies for luminescent solar
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Waluyo, Organizers, Presiding concentrators with aligned semicon-
Room 209B
8:30 Introductory Remarks. ductor nanorods. M.T. Sheldon
Photoresponsive Nanoparticles: 11:20 COLL 501. Exploiting exciton
8:35 COLL 477. Studies of cata-
Technical program information lyst surfaces under near-ambient
From Fundamentals of plasmon coupling to enhance optical
Excitation to Applications
known at press time. pressure conditions. G. Held transitions in colloidal quantum dots.
Spectroscopy & Imaging K. Dipple, A.K. Tobias, M. Jones
The official technical program for 9:15 COLL 478. In-operando study of CO
11:40 COLL 502. Distance- and dye-de-
oxidation on Pt/TiO2 nanoparticles to Y. Han, Organizer
the 254th ACS National Meeting investigate the reaction mechanism: A pendent quenching behavior of magnetic
B. G. DeLacy, Y. Sun, Organizers, Presiding (nickel or iron oxide) core- gold shell
is available at www.acs.org/ step towards closing the pressure and
nanoparticles. P. Vakil, G.F. Strouse
materials gap. R. Galhenage, J. Bruce, D.
WDC2017 Ferrah, A. Hunt, I. Waluyo, J.C. Hemminger

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


12:00 COLL 503. Mechanical vibra- Journey to Mars: Materials, 2:40 COLL 529. Unveiling the internal Section D
tions of metal nanoparticles for Energy & Life Sciences structure of light-harvesting porphyrin
sensing applications and funda- nanoaggregates using phase-sensitive Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by Room 150A
mental fluid dynamics. M. Pelton ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, vibrational sum frequency generation
PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ spectroscopy. C.C. Rich, A.T. Krummel
Targeted Nanosystems for
Section G 3:00 COLL 530. Exploring graphene Therapeutic Applications: New
Walter E. Washington Convention Center oxide through stable emulsion Concepts, Dynamic Properties,
systems. H. Kumar, V. Vasu, C.D.
Room 204C WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Efficiency & Toxicity
Liyanage, T. Francis, D.H. Adamson
K. Sakurai, Organizer
Frontier of the Interface of Materials & Section A 3:20 COLL 531. Schizophyllan-guided
Biology: Click Chemistry Approaches cell-specific delivery platform M. A. Ilies, Organizer, Presiding
to Bio-Inspired Materials Walter E. Washington Convention Center technology loaded with anti-CD40 2:00 COLL 543. Anchor peptide enables
Room 147A oligonucleotide induces permanent
Q. Wang, Organizer rapid targeting, loading and capture
cardiac allograft acceptance at low of exosomes of diverse origins and
V. O. Rodionov, Organizer, Presiding Basic Research in Colloids, dose. B.N. Alizadeh, A. Uno, H. Ando targets oligonucleotides to muscle
Surfactants & Nanomaterials
8:30 Introductory Remarks. 3:40 COLL 532. Chalcogenide nano- in mdx mice. X. Gao, H. Moulton, H. Yin
Polymers materials in thin-film photovoltaics.
8:35 COLL 504. Engineering cell surfaces 2:30 COLL 544. Targeting the FGFR3-
R. Nagarajan, Organizer D.R. Radu, C. Lai, M. Liu, P. Hwang, TACC3 fusion: Toward personalized
with synthetic polymers. H.A. Klok
D. Berg, C. Chen, K. Dobson medicine. B. Parker Kerrigan, S. Yamashita,
9:05 COLL 505. Click chemis- J. S. Lum, Presiding
4:00 COLL 533. Functionalised silica M. Kronowitz, D. Ledbetter, J. Gumin, L.
try to enable bioinspired polymer 2:00 COLL 517. Functional approach Phillips, A. Hossain, W. Zhang, F. Lang
nanofibers. J.K. Pokorski nanoparticles as fouling resistant
to solubility parameter computations. surface coatings. P. Molino, B. Knowles, 3:00 COLL 545. Immunization with anti-
9:35 COLL 506. Orthogonal click chem- J. Howell, M. Roesing, D.S. Boucher B. Zhang, M. Higgins, G. Wallace genic peptides complexed with β-glucan
istry allows encapsulation of functional 2:20 COLL 518. Investigation of functional induces potent cytotoxic T-lymphocyte
4:20 COLL 534. Template-free 3D titanium
drugs in nanocapsules. K. Landfester monomers, polymers, and polymer thin activity in combination with CpG-ODNs.
carbide (MXene) particles crumpled by
10:05 Intermission. films using sum frequency generation capillary forces. S. Shah, T. Habib, H. Gao, S. Mochizuki, H. Morishita, K. Sakurai
spectroscopy (SFGS) and atomic force P. Gao, W. Sun, M.J. Green, M. Radovic
10:20 COLL 507. Thiol-ene photo-ad- 3:30 Intermission.
microscopy (AFM). K.A. Cimatu, U.I.
dition as versatile tool for biomed- 4:40 COLL 535. Extremely stretchable 3:45 COLL 546. Protein mimics enable
Premadasa, N.M. Adhikari, A. Kruse
ical applications. U.S. Schubert coatings for super-repellent flexi- antibody delivery into T-cells. G.N. Tew
2:40 COLL 519. Solubility character- ble electronics. J.E. Mates, I. Bayer,
10:50 COLL 508. Combined supramo-
istics of poly(3-hexylthiophene). M. J. Palumbo, P. Carroll, C. Megaridis 4:15 COLL 547. Semi-solid pro-drug
lecular and click chemistry approach nanoparticles for long-acting delivery
Roesing, J. Howell, D.S. Boucher
towards the development of func- 5:00 COLL 536. Plant-based polyphenol of water-soluble antiretroviral drugs
tional biomaterials. Q. Wang 3:00 COLL 520. Effect of long chain coatings for surface functionalization for combination HIV therapies. J.J.
reptation on surface tackiness. Y. with proteins and enzymes. A. Sousa,
11:20 COLL 509. Gel networks as Hobson, A. Al-Khouja, P. Curley, C. Flexner,
Wang, B. Xia, A. Zhou, X. Wang S. Varghese, T. Li, P. Halling, K. Lau
confined microenvironments for C.L. Meyers, A. Owen, S. Rannard
photochemical reactions under 3:20 COLL 521. Cavity ring-down spectros-
4:45 COLL 548. Refilling drug-eluting
mild conditions. D. Diaz-Diaz copy monitoring of thermal degradation Section C depots through systemic administration
of 2D polymer monolayers on fused silica
Walter E. Washington Convention Center of inert prodrugs. Y. Brudno, R. Desai, B.J.
substrates. S.M. Casey, A.C. Murray
Section H Room 150B Kwee, M. Aizenberg, N.S. Joshi, D.J. Mooney
3:40 COLL 522. Preparation and
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
characterization of PHMB-based In-Situ Investigation of Energy Section E
Room 155
multifunctional microcapsules. J.S. Systems using Ambient-Pressure
Lum, L.W. Place, S. Gulcius-Lagoy X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Multimodal Imaging with Colloids Room 209B
4:00 COLL 523. Effect of surfactant E. Crumlin, H. Ogasawara, I.
P. del Pino, J. V. Jokerst, L. Liz
system on polyHIPE morphology and Waluyo, Organizers, Presiding
Marzan, Organizers Photoresponsive Nanoparticles:
mechanical properties. K. Rohm, V.
W. Parak, Organizer, Presiding 2:00 Introductory Remarks. From Fundamentals of
Karimkhani, D. Feke, I. Manas-Zloczower
Excitation to Applications
8:30 COLL 510. Quantitative particle-cell 4:20 COLL 524. Covalently bonded 2:05 COLL 537. Soft and hard x-ray
interaction: Some basic physico- thioxanthone-laponite hybrid as ambient pressure photoelectron spec- Synthesis & Assembly
chemical pitfalls. W. Parak, N. Feliu photoinitiator for polymerization. S. troscopy of semiconductor/electrolyte B. G. DeLacy, Y. Han, Y. Sun, Organizers
Valandro, A.L. Poli, C.C. Schmitt interfaces for water splitting applica-
9:00 COLL 511. Simultaneous detection tions. D.E. Starr, M. Favaro, F. Abdi, M. J. He, S. Neretina, Presiding
and inhibition of Healthcare-Associated 4:40 COLL 525. Study early drying stage Kanis, H. Bluhm, E. Crumlin, R. Van de Krol 2:00 COLL 549. Nanostructure syn-
Infections (HAIs) by colloidal gold of latex film using diffusing wave spec-
2:45 COLL 538. Assessing doping effects thesis at the liquid-substrate inter-
nanoclusters. N.M. Khashab troscopy. L. Wang, A. Van Dyk, J. Derocher
on surface chemical stability by in face: A new strategy for obtaining
9:30 COLL 512. Photo/magnetic stimulated 5:00 COLL 526. Superhydrophobic, situ AP-XPS in barium perovskites, plasmonic and chemically active
nanocargos: Cancer theranostics for MR/ infrared transmissive moth eye-like BaCexZr0.9-xY0.1O2.95 (x = 0.9 ; 0.2 ; 0). surfaces. S. Neretina, R. Hughes
CT-imaging-guided magneto-chemo- substrates for use in wet conditions. A. Jarry, C. Pellegrinelli, A. Geller, S.
therapy. N. Thorat, S.A. Tofail, W. Parak D.A. Boyd, J.A. Frantz, L.E. Busse, W. Kim, Ricote, X. Zhang, I. Takeuchi, E.D.
S.S. Bayya, I. Aggarwal, J.S. Sanghera Wachsman, E. Crumlin, B.W. Eichhorn
10:00 COLL 513. Developing endothelial
targeted nanotechnologies to wean 3:05 COLL 539. Structure and chemistry
cancer nanomedicine and bioimaging Section B of oxide thin films and surfaces revealed
nanotechnology off the EPR effect. Walter E. Washington Convention Center by ambient pressure x-ray photoelec-
D. Leong, M.I. Setyawati, C. Tay tron spectroscopy and absorption
Rooms 208A/B
10:30 Intermission. spectroscopy: Implications for better
Basic Research in Colloids, electrochemical energy conversion
11:00 COLL 514. Cylindrical graphene
Surfactants & Nanomaterials and electronic devices. B. Yildiz
nanomaterials for disease assessment
and drug development. D.A. Heller, Nanomaterial Functionalization 3:45 Intermission. The use of any device to capture
J. Budhathoki-Uprety, R. Frederiksen, T.V.
R. Nagarajan, Organizer 4:05 COLL 540. Understanding solid/ images (e.g., cameras and camera
Galassi, J.D. Harvey, C.P. Horoszko, P.V.
Jena, R.E. Langenbacher, D. Roxbury, J. W. Krumpfer, Presiding
liquid electrified interfaces using phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron
J. Shah, Y. Shamay, R.M. Williams
2:00 COLL 527. Surface PEGylation spectroscopy. M. Favaro, Z. Liu, E. Crumlin digital recorders) or to stream,
11:30 COLL 515. Targeting macrophages to silver nanoparticles: Kinetics of 4:45 COLL 541. Operando AP-XPS upload or rebroadcast speakers or
with multimodal nanomaterials. A. simultaneous surface dissolution and
Smith, K.S. Swanson, E.R. Nelson, W. molecular desorption. D. Tsai, W. Chang
evaluation of semicondutor/liquid and presentations is strictly prohibited
associated systems. M. Lichterman,
Dobrucki, T.L. Cross, L. Ma, H. Deng
2:20 COLL 528. Hydrophobization of M. Richter, S. Hu, E. Crumlin, B.S. at all official ACS meetings and
12:00 COLL 516. Novel fluorine probes inorganic oxide surfaces via siloxane Brunschwig, A. Lewerenz, N.S. Lewis events without express written
for gold nanoparticle labelling with equilibration reactions. K.M. Ryan,
application in 19F-MRI. M. Carril W.Y. Bender, J. Kreitler, J.W. Krumpfer
5:05 COLL 542. Operando APXPS studies consent from ACS.
of electrocatalysis. A.R. Nilsson

2:30 COLL 550. Porous metals 4:40 COLL 562. Blue-emitting multi-shell 5:00 COLL 576. Multicompartment Section B
via the oriented attachment of quantum dots made from ZnSe cores: microreactors with preserved intra-
nanoparticles. Z. Quan Synthesis and application for ratiometric cellular activity: A step towards the Walter E. Washington Convention Center
pH sensing. K. Susumu, L.D. Field, E. Oh, creation of artificial organelles. M. Rooms 208A/B
3:00 COLL 551. Hot carrier up-con-
M. Hunt, J. Delehanty, A. Huston, I. Medintz Godoy-Gallardo, C. Labay, V.D. Trikalitis,
version luminescence in nanocrystal In-Situ Investigation of Energy
M.M. Jansman, P.K. Ek, P.J. Kempen, J.B.
heterostructures. M.T. Sheldon 5:00 COLL 563. Synthesis and char- Systems using Ambient-Pressure
Larsen, T.L. Andresen, L. Hosta-Rigau
acterization of PbS/ZnS core/shell X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
3:20 COLL 552. Photo-triggered
nanocrystals. J.E. Boercker, D. Woodall, 5:30 COLL 577. Thermo-sensitive dye
N2-generating submicropar- E. Crumlin, H. Ogasawara, I.
D. Placencia, P.D. Cunningham, C. Ellis, J. laden polymer nanosheets for ratio-
ticles for selective cancer cell Waluyo, Organizers, Presiding
Tischler, M. Stewart, T. Brintlinger, R. Stroud metric temperature mapping of living
killing. W. Tong, H. Li, C. Gao
muscle tissues. T. Fujie, T. Miyagawa, F. 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
5:20 COLL 564. Continuous flow platforms
3:40 Intermission. Ferdinandus, V. Tat Thang, H. Sato, S. Takeoka
for exploring growth mechanisms and 8:35 COLL 588. Aqueous inter-
4:00 COLL 553. Reversible self-assem- ligand exchange reaction kinetics of faces investigated under ambient
bly and tunable optical properties colloidal quantum dots. Y. Shen, L. Xie, Journey to Mars: Materials,
conditions by XPS. H. Bluhm
of stable photoresponsive nanopar- M. Abolhasani, M.G. Bawendi, K.F. Jensen Energy & Life Sciences
ticles. Z. Lin, Y. Chen, G. Zhang Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by 9:15 COLL 589. Two-dimensional
ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, zeolites and their study with
4:30 COLL 554. Polymer-assisted co-as- Section G surface science tools: Trapping
sembly approach toward mesoporous Ar in the nano-cages. N. Akter
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
hybrid metal oxides catalysts for
Room 204C 9:35 COLL 590. In operando PEEM imaging
photocatalysis. B. Liu, S.L. Suib, J. He
and electron spectroscopy of electro-
5:00 COLL 555. A customizable class Frontier of the Interface of Materials & THURSDAY MORNING chemical processes and interfaces. S.
of colloidal-quantum-dot spasers and Biology: Click Chemistry Approaches Nemsak, E. Strelcov, H. Guo, A. Yulaev, D.N.
plasmonic amplifiers. J. Cui, S.J. Kress, P. to Bio-Inspired Materials Section A Mueller, C.M. Schneider, A. Kolmakov
Rohner, D.K. Kim, F.V. Antolinez, K. Zaininger,
V. O. Rodionov, Organizer Walter E. Washington Convention Center 10:15 Intermission.
K. McPeak, D. Poulikakos, D.J. Norris
Room 147A
Q. Wang, Organizer, Presiding 10:35 COLL 591. Following atomic layer
Section F 2:00 COLL 565. Click chemistry Basic Research in Colloids, deposition in real time. J. Schnadt

Walter E. Washington Convention Center approaches to bio-inspired materi- Surfactants & Nanomaterials 11:15 COLL 592. Using ambient
Room 209A als: Well-defined (co)polypeptides pressure-photoelectron spectros-
Synthesis of Nanomaterials
bearing pendant alkyne groups. W. copy as a diagnostic tool for carbon
Colloidal Metal & Semiconductor Zhao, Y. Gnanou, N. Hadjichristidis R. Nagarajan, Organizer nanotube growth. J. Carpena-Núñez,
Nanostructures: Theory, G. Liu, Presiding J.A. Boscoboinik, S.M. Saber, J. Zhong,
2:30 COLL 566. Bioactive nano- and
Synthesis & Application E. Stach, D. Zakharov, B. Maruyama
microstructures from self-assembling
8:30 COLL 578. Thermodynamic influ-
amphiphilic glycopolymers. N.R. Cameron
Synthesis of Semiconductor ence of structure-directing agents
Section C
Nanocrystals 3:00 COLL 567. Catalysis and complexity: in shape-controlled nanocrystal
Financially supported by Department of From mechanism to function. V.V. Fokin syntheses. X. Qi, K.A. Fichthorn Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Chemistry, University of Connecticut; Department 3:30 Intermission.
Room 150B
8:50 COLL 579. Synthesis of Ag/Au/AgCl
of Chemistry, University of Central Florida nanocubic metal-semiconductor compos-
3:45 COLL 568. Multifunctional and respon- Targeted Nanosystems for
ite via co-reduction method. J. Joo, J. Lee
A. J. Haes, J. Zhao, S. Zou, Organizers sive polymersomes through CRP and Therapeutic Applications: New
efficient postfunctionalization. B. Voit, B. 9:10 COLL 580. Synthesis and stabiliza- Concepts, Dynamic Properties,
O. Chen, Presiding
Iyisan, D. Appelhans, J. Gaitzsch, M. Yassin tion of ultrasmall-metal nanoparticles Efficiency & Toxicity
2:00 COLL 556. Monodisperse hex- (Ni, Co, Cu) within a polymer matrix
4:15 COLL 569. Amphiphilic polysaccharide M. A. Ilies, Organizer
agonal pyramidal and bipyrami- via a one-step aerosol spray pyrolysis.
block copolymers for nanoparticulate
dal wurtzite CdSe-CdS core-shell Y. Yang, M. Romano, M.R. Zachariah K. Sakurai, Organizer, Presiding
drug delivery. B. Breitenbach, P.R. Wich
nanocrystals. O. Chen, R. Tan, J. Zhao
9:30 COLL 581. Controllable syn- 8:30 COLL 593. Capturing reactive
4:45 COLL 570. Soft materials for
2:30 COLL 557. Correlating carrier thesis of triangular and circular oxygen (RO) at modal membrane
catalysis and encapsulation: From
density and emergent plasmonic features gold nanorings. X. Lin, Z. Nie interface: Ferrocenyl anilines on modal
micelles to complex macromolec-
in Cu2–xSe nanoparticles. micelle/reverse micelle membrane
ular architectures. V.O. Rodionov 9:50 COLL 582. Synthesis of core@shell
J. Millstone, L.E. Marbella, X. Gan interfaces. A. Altaf, A. Badshah, D.C.
nanostructures in a continuous flow
3:00 COLL 558. Correlations between droplet reactor: Controlling struc- Crans, P. Chatterjee, S. Kausar
Section H
dopants and defects in colloidal metal ture through relative flow rates. J.S. 9:00 COLL 594. Graphene oxide
oxide nanocrystals. K.R. Kittilstved Walter E. Washington Convention Center Santana, K.M. Koczkur, S.E. Skrabalak nanosheets stimulate ruffling and
Room 155 shedding of mammalian cell plasma
3:20 COLL 559. Controlled dopant 10:10 COLL 583. Synthesis of porous
migration in CdS/ZnS core/shell Ti4O7 nanoparticles as high-efficiency membranes. C. Sun, D. Wakefield, Y. Han,
Multimodal Imaging with Colloids D. Muller, D. Holowka, B. Baird, W. Dichtel
quantum dots. E. Hofman, R. Robinson, polysulfide mediator for lithium-sulfur bat-
Z. Li, B. Dzikovski, W. Zheng J. V. Jokerst, L. Liz Marzan, W. teries. S. Mei, C.J. Jafta, M.M. Ballauff, Y. Lu 9:30 COLL 595. Facile gas-phase self-as-
Parak, Organizers sembly of noble metal-decorated hybrid
3:40 COLL 560. Group-V chemistry of semi- 10:30 COLL 584. Molecular surgery on a
conductor nanocrystals. P.T. Snee, A. Das P. del Pino, Organizer, Presiding 23-gold-atom nanoparticle. Q. Li, R. Jin nanoparticles for biomedical and photo-
catalytic applications. D. Tsai, Y. Chen
4:00 Intermission. 2:00 COLL 571. Hybrid materials based 10:50 COLL 585. Safer, high quality,
on plasmonic gold nanostars as Cd-free quantum dots- new and 10:00 Intermission.
4:20 COLL 561. Colloidal III-V nano-
alternative imaging probes. D. Jimenez improved InP-based quantum dots with 10:15 COLL 596. Highly efficient delivery
crystals: Syntheses, challenges and
de Aberasturi, M.S. Strozyk, J. Langer, M. excellent optical properties as a viable of potent anticancer iminoquinone
opportunities. V. Srivastava, D. Talapin
Henriksen-Lacey, J. Reguera, L. Liz Marzan alternative to Cd-containing quantum derivative by multilayer hydrogel cubes.
2:30 COLL 572. Next-generation in dots. R.P. Brown, Z. Rosenzweig B. Xue, W. Wang, V.A. Kozlovskaya, R.
vivo optical imaging with short-wave 11:10 COLL 586. Synthesis of near-in- Zhang, S.E. Velu, E.P. Kharlampieva
infrared quantum dots. O. Bruns, T. frared light absorbing Ag nanoplates 10:45 COLL 597. Biomimetic growth
Bischof, D. Franke, J. Carr, M.G. Bawendi through multiple seed-mediated steps. and control of a pathologic biomineral
3:00 COLL 573. Nanoparticle interac- A. Khan, J. Krause, Z. Zhou, G. Liu in hydrogels. G. Mallam, M. Tsianou
tions with proteins. F. Stellacci 11:30 COLL 587. Spectroscopic deter- 11:15 COLL 598. Oral redox nanothera-
3:30 COLL 574. Polymer amphiphile mination of electronic and structural peutics for treatment of ulcerative colitis
Technical program information stabilized hydrophobic silica nanopar- properties in colloidally synthesized tin and colon cancer. B. Vong, Y. Nagasaki
known at press time. ticles for acoustic imaging and chalcogenide nanomaterials. A.J. Biacchi,
site-specific therapy. A.P. Goodwin B.G. Alberding, S.T. Le, J.A. Hagmann,
The official technical program for S. Chowdhury, S. Pookpanratana, C.A.
4:00 Intermission.
the 254th ACS National Meeting Richter, E.J. Heilweil, A.R. Hight Walker
4:30 COLL 575. Gas-filled microbub-
is available at www.acs.org/ bles as contrast agents for targeted
WDC2017 (molecular) imaging. S. Unnikrishnan,
Z. Du, G.B. Diakova, A.L. Klibanov

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


Section D Section F THURSDAY AFTERNOON 9:00 COMP 8. Dock-and-coalesce mecha-

nism for the association of a WASP dis-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Walter E. Washington Convention Center ordered region with the Cdc42 GTPase.
Nanoscale Sensing in Foods
Room 150A Room 209A L. Ou, M. Matthews, X. Pang, H. Zhou
& Other Complex Media
Photoresponsive Nanoparticles: Frontier of the Interface of Materials & Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored 9:30 COMP 9. Predicting pro-
From Fundamentals of Biology: Click Chemistry Approaches by ANYL, COLL, ENVR and INOR tein-peptide interactions based
Excitation to Applications to Bio-Inspired Materials on the peptide sequence and
the protein structure. X. Zou
Devices V. O. Rodionov, Q. Wang, Organizers, Presiding
10:00 Intermission.
Y. Han, Organizer
B. G. DeLacy, Y. Sun, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 COLL 613. X-ray excited optical
luminescence of surface function- COMP 10:15 COMP 10. Special role of the
alized, hybrid LSO:Ce-fluorophore membrane in the allosteric mechanisms
8:30 COLL 599. Low-threshold optical
gain and lasing with colloidal semi-
particles. M.K. Burdette, I. Bandera, E.
Zhang, J.N. Anker, J. Weick, S.H. Foulger
Division of Computers of transporter proteins. H. Weinstein
10:45 COMP 11. Effects of homologous
conductor nanoplatelets. M. Pelton
8:50 COLL 614. Versatile single chain
in Chemistry proteins on IAPP amyloid aggregation,
9:00 COLL 600. Metal halide perovskite polymeric nanoparticles via thiol-Mi- H. Woodcock, J. Shen and M. Feig, fibril remodelling, and cytotoxicity.
nanocrystals: Doping and surface-engi- chael addition. P. Kröger, J.M. Paulusse Program Chairs Y. Xing, E. Pilkington, B. Wang, F. Ding, P. Ke
neering for efficient optoelectronics. J. 11:15 COMP 12. Structural charac-
9:10 COLL 615. Bio-functionalizable
Pan, R. Begum, L. Quan, I. Dursun, B. Ooi, BUSINESS MEETINGS: terization of the human KCNQ1
polymer colloids prepared by radical-me-
E. Sargent, O.F. Mohammed, O.M. Bakr Business Meeting, 3:00 PM: Sat voltage-sensing domain by NMR.
diated thiol-ene click polymerizations.
9:30 COLL 601. Solution-processed D.V. Chapman, M.N. Arguien, R.D. Beltran, K. Taylor, H. Huang, C.R. Sanders
nanomaterials for efficient optoelectronic O.Z. Durham, S. Krishnan, D.A. Shipp
devices. F. Garcia de Arquer, E. Sargent SUNDAY MORNING Section C
9:30 COLL 616. Fluorescent dye loaded
10:00 Intermission. resorcinarene cavitand nanocapsules. Washington Marriott at Metro Center
Section A
10:20 COLL 602. Plasmonic detection of B. Ramjee, S. Allmon, K. Mahadevan Salon C
reactions on nanostructures. E. Borguet Washington Marriott at Metro Center
9:50 COLL 617. Fluorescent func-
tionalization across the quater-
Salon A Computational Studies of Water
10:50 COLL 603. Optically-thin metallic
films for high-radiative-efficiency nary structure of virus-like parti- Interface & Transport Properties
cles. Z. Chen, J.J. Gassensmith
Extending Accuracy & Scales
plasmonics. B. Zhen, Y. Yang, O. Miller, with Emerging Computing D. J. Sindhikara, Organizer
C. Hsu, J. Joannopoulos, M. Soljacic 10:10 COLL 618. Analysis of noble Architectures & Algorithms M. R. Jones, Presiding
polymer micelle by double hydro-
philic block glycopolymer. T. Oh, The Exascale Challenge 8:30 COMP 13. Withdrawn.
Section E
M. Nagao, Y. Hoshino, Y. Miura Cosponsored by PHYS
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 8:55 COMP 14. Behavior of capillary
Room 209B 10:30 COLL 619. Solid phase assisted Y. Alexeev, G. S. Kedziora, P. Kent, A. F. wave fronts and their role in defining
split & combine approach towards Voter, Organizers interfacial regions of water. T. Zhou, A.
Basic Research in Colloids, branched precision glycomacromole- McCue, Y. Ghaadrghadr, I. Bakó, A.E. Clark
cules. M. Baier, M. Giesler, L. Hartmann F. C. Hill, Organizer, Presiding
Surfactants & Nanomaterials 9:20 COMP 15. Enhanced hetero-
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
Interfacial Interactions geneous ice nucleation by special
Section G 8:40 COMP 1. Exascale applications: surface geometry. Y. Bi, B. Cao, T. Li
R. Nagarajan, Organizer Opportunities and challenges. D.B. Kothe
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 9:45 Intermission.
V. Sharma, Presiding Room 204C 9:10 COMP 2. Seeking a sustainable
10:00 COMP 16. Tuning proximal
8:30 COLL 604. Prediction of membrane model for scientific simulation in water diffusion via silanol pattern-
breakthrough pressure using multicompo-
Multimodal Imaging with Colloids the exascale era. R.J. Harrison ing on quartz surfaces. J. Monroe,
nent surface energy models. N. Redeker, P. del Pino, L. Liz Marzan, W. Parak, Organizers 9:40 COMP 3. Molecular Sciences A. Schrader, S. Han, M. Shell
K. Greeson, J.R. Alston, A.J. Guenthner Software Institute. T. Crawford, C.
J. V. Jokerst, Organizer, Presiding 10:25 COMP 17. Computational
8:50 COLL 605. Supramolecular structural Clementi, R.J. Harrison, T.L. Head-Gordon,
modeling tool for the assessment of
8:30 COLL 620. Polymeric nanocap- S. Jha, A. Krylov, V.S. Pande, T.L. Windus
forces influence drainage and stratifi- lead levels in drinking water supply
sules for theranostics. B. Pelaz
cation kinetics in stratifying foam films. 10:10 Intermission. systems. A.A. Abokifa, P. Biswas
S. Yilixiati, R. Rafiq, Y. Zhang, V. Sharma 9:00 COLL 621. Targeted delivery of
10:25 COMP 4. NWChemEx: Opportunities 10:50 COMP 18. Interfacial behavior of
zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPc) using
9:10 COLL 606. Surface tensions of and challenges in exascale computing. hydrotropes in aqueous solutions.
liquid crystal nanoparticle for effec-
frothers and oil at saltwater-air interfaces: T.H. Dunning, T.L. Windus, R.J. Harrison A.A. Novikov, A.P. Semenov, V.N. Kuryakov, 
tive photodynamic therapy. O.K.
A computational study. L. Chong, Y. V. Monje, J.B. Klauda, M.A. Anisimov
Nag, J. Naciri, K. Burn, J. Delehanty 10:55 COMP 5. Emerging systems
Lai, F. Shi, M. Gray, Y. Soong, Y. Duan
and the super instruction architec- 11:15 COMP 19. Coarse-grained
9:30 COLL 622. Theragnostic approach
9:30 COLL 607. Viscosity of liquids from ture. B.A. Sanders, J. Byrd, B. Simons, modeling of polycrystalline ice in
for early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s
the transfer function of microcantilevers. A. Pathak, A. Peshne, R.J. Bartlett supercooled water. H. Chan, M.
disease. M. Rodriguez-Perez, B. Pelaz, P.
S.J. Eppell, P.B. Abel, A.M. Walker, F. Zypman Cherukara, B. Narayanan, C. Benmore,
Aguiar, R. Iglesias-Rey, L. Vazquez-Vazquez, 11:25 COMP 6. Solving the performance
9:50 COLL 608. Mesoscale structuring of S.K. Gray, S. Sankaranarayanan
J. Pias-Peleteiro, J. Aldrey-Vazquez, F. portability issue with Kokkos. C.
binary liquids and its impact on chemical Campos, J. Castillo, P. del Pino, T. Sobrino Trott, S. Plimpton, A.P. Thompson
reactivity probed by photocatalysis. T.
10:00 Intermission.
Buchecker, S. Krickl, A.U. Meyer, I. Grillo,
10:30 COLL 623. Cluster-nanocarrier MRI
Section B
P. Bauduin, B. König, A. Pfitzner, W. Kunz
contrast agents. S.L. Stoll, V. Dahanayake, Washington Marriott at Metro Center
10:10 COLL 609. New insights into
E. VanKeuren, O. Rodriguez, C. Albanese Salon B
nanoparticle-protein interactions through
measurement of binding kinetics. A.L. 11:00 COLL 624. Colloidal tetrapyrroles
Lira, R.S. Ferreira, R.J. Torquato, H. Zhao, as high contrast, multimodal bio- Molecular Recognition: Revealing
M.L. Oliva, P. Schuck, A.A. Sousa medical imaging agents. J. Lovell the Effects Associated with
Receptor-Ligand Binding The use of any device to capture
10:30 COLL 610. Quantifying nanoparticle 11:30 COLL 625. Hybrid nanocomposites
stability and aggregation dynamics as based on nanoMOFs and nanoparticles
Cosponsored by PHYS images (e.g., cameras and camera
a function of organic coating structure for theragnostic applications. P. del Pino E. Alexov, R. Luo, Organizers phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
and density. C. Kim, S. Lee, J. Fortner
Nanoscale Sensing in Foods
X. Huang, Presiding digital recorders) or to stream,
10:50 COLL 611. Functional groups on
carbon nanotubes are not necessary for & Other Complex Media 8:30 COMP 7. Structure-based predic- upload or rebroadcast speakers or
tion of protein-protein and protein-li-
their covalent attachment to surfaces. M. Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by
gand interactions on a genomic
presentations is strictly prohibited
Williams, F. Gao, I. Ben Dhiab, A.V. Teplyakov AGRO, ANYL, COLL, ENVR and INOR
scale. J.I. Garzon, H. Hwang, F. Dey, at all official ACS meetings and
11:10 COLL 612. Withdrawn. D. Murray, D. Petrey, B.H. Honig
events without express written
consent from ACS.

Section D SUNDAY AFTERNOON 1:30 COMP 37. Role of van der Experimental & Computational
Waals interactions in models of Advances in Understanding
Washington Marriott at Metro Center
Section A liquid water. R. Remsing Enzyme Specificity & Promiscuity
Salon D
Washington Marriott at Metro Center
1:55 COMP 38. Solvation energy and Computational Tools for Enzyme
ACS COMP Symposium in entropy from 3D-RISM. T. Luchko, Evolution & Functional Annotation
Salon A
honor of Peter Pulay C.N. Nguyen, M.K. Gilson, T.P. Kurtzman
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored
Gradients, Properties & Extending Accuracy & Scales 2:20 Intermission. by BIOL and COMP
Electron Correlation with Emerging Computing 2:35 COMP 39. Incorporating solva-
Architectures & Algorithms tion thermodynamic mapping into
Cosponsored by PHYS
New Architectures docking. T.E. Balius, M. Fischer, R. MONDAY MORNING
F. Wang, Organizer Stein, A. Cruz-Balberdy, C.N. Nguyen, B.
Cosponsored by PHYS
S. Hirata, Organizer, Presiding Shoichet, M.K. Gilson, T.P. Kurtzman Section A
F. C. Hill, G. S. Kedziora, P. Kent, A. F. 3:00 COMP 40. Consistent multipole model
M. Dupuis, F. Evangelista, Presiding Washington Marriott at Metro Center
Voter, Organizers for aqueous solvation of monovalent
8:30 Introductory Remarks. Salon A
Y. Alexeev, Organizer, Presiding ions. C.C. Dharmawardhana, T. Ichiye
8:35 COMP 20. Optimized van der 3:25 COMP 41. PSO-assisted development Extending Accuracy & Scales
1:30 COMP 26. Electronic structure theory
Waals parameters for quantum/ of new polarizable and non-polarizable with Emerging Computing
on novel architectures. M.S. Gordon,
molecular mechanics calcula- coarse-grained water models. K. Bejagam, Architectures & Algorithms
K. Keipert, S. Leang, A. Rendell
tions. P. Pulay, G. Fogarasi S. Singh, Y. An, C. Berry, S. Deshmukh
2:00 COMP 27. Modernizing Large-Scale
9:05 COMP 21. Implementation of analytic 3:50 COMP 42. DFT investigation
quantum molecular and mate- Cosponsored by PHYS
gradients for CCSD and EOM-CCSD facilitating experimental fluorescence:
rials simulations. J. Kim
using Cholesky representations of Effect of substituent on photophysical Y. Alexeev, F. C. Hill, G. S. Kedziora, P. Kent, A.
electron-repulsion integrals. A. Krylov 2:30 Intermission. properties of BTEX in water. F. Voter, Organizers
9:35 COMP 22. Analysis of elec- 2:45 COMP 28. Quantum chemistry on M.S. Khan, J. Wu, B. Liu, C. Cheng, J. Tang
W. D. Mattson, Presiding
tronic structure by maximal orbital quantum computers? J.E. Rice
decomposition. M. Dupuis Section D 8:30 COMP 49. Large-scale MP2, RPA
3:15 COMP 29. Efficient seminumeri-
and GW calculations on pre-exas-
10:05 Intermission. cal implementation of Coulomb and Washington Marriott at Metro Center cale HPC systems. M. Del Ben, J.
Hartree-Fock exchange matrix on Intel Salon D
10:20 COMP 23. Strategies for accurate Wilhelm, F.H. da Jornada, A. Canning, J.
Phi coprocessor for density functional
computations on excited elec- VandeVondele, J. Deslippe, J. Hutter
theory calculations. F. Liu, J. Kong ACS COMP Symposium in
tronic states of complex molecules.
9:00 COMP 50. Enabling hybrid density
M.S. Gordon, J. Mato, K. Keipert 3:45 COMP 30. Horizontal vector- honor of Peter Pulay
functional theory based ab initio molecu-
ization of electron repulsion inte-
10:50 COMP 24. Quantum chemis- Gradients, Properties & lar dynamics for large-scale con-
grals. B. Pritchard, E. Chow
try methods for ground and excited Electron Correlation densed-phase systems. R.A. Distasio
states with tunable accuracy. F.A. Cosponsored by PHYS
Section B 9:30 COMP 51. Linear scaling density
Evangelista, J.B. Schriber, T. Zhang
functional theory in Daubechies wavelets
Washington Marriott at Metro Center S. Hirata, Organizer
11:20 COMP 25. Perturbative computation basis: Towards paradigm shifts in large-
of ionization energies. P.J. Knowles Salon B F. Wang, Organizer, Presiding scale electronic structure calculations.
S. Li, T. Shiozaki, Presiding L. Genovese, S. Mohr, L.E. Ratcliff
Merck Research Award Symposium Molecular Recognition: Revealing
10:00 Intermission.
Sponsored by WCC, Cosponsored by BIOL,
the Effects Associated with 1:30 COMP 43. Symmetry projected
Receptor-Ligand Binding coupled cluster theory. G.E. Scuseria 10:15 COMP 52. First-principles
Cosponsored by PHYS 2:00 COMP 44. QM/QM embedding molecular dynamics: Computing
What do Synthetic Chemists Want scheme for strongly correlated problems. more than a million atoms with
from Their Reaction Systems? E. Alexov, R. Luo, Organizers D. Zgid, L. Tran, A. Kananenka, A.R. Welden
over a million cores. J. Fattebert, D.
Osei-Kuffuor, T. Ogitsu, E.W. Draeger
Sponsored by CINF, Cosponsored by G. Li, Presiding
2:30 COMP 45. Predictive photodynam-
ics from first principles. T. Shiozaki 10:45 COMP 53. Extreme-scale
1:30 COMP 31. Dynamic recognition
quantum and reactive molecular
Electronic Structure Methods for in protein-DNA complexes. C.L. 3:00 Intermission. dynamics simulations. A. Nakano
Complex Chemical Systems Simmerling, A.P. Grollman, D. Zharkov
3:15 COMP 46. Some recent advances 11:15 COMP 54. Large scale GW
Many-body Perturbation 2:00 COMP 32. Modeling metal ion in energy decomposition analy- calculations at full scale on pre-ex-
Theory, Random Phase binding in RNA structure. S. Chen sis of electronic structure calcu- ascale HPC systems. J. Deslippe
Approximation & Beyond 2:30 COMP 33. Structural analy- lations. M.P. Head-Gordon
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP sis and quantitative modeling 3:45 COMP 47. Fragment-based models Section B
of protein-DNA interactions. R. for calculating accurate potential
Experimental & Computational Rohs, J.M. Sagendorf, T. Chiu energy surfaces and spectroscopic
Washington Marriott at Metro Center
Advances In Understanding Salon B
3:00 Intermission. properties of large molecules and
Enzyme Specificity & Promiscuity nanoscale systems. K. Raghavachari
3:15 COMP 34. Nucleosome: Molecular Recognition: Revealing
Catalytic Promiscuity & the The very special protein-DNA 4:15 COMP 48. Recent develop- the Effects Associated with
Emergence of New Proteins complex. A.V. Onufriev ments and applications of gener- Receptor-Ligand Binding
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored alized energy-based fragmentation
3:45 COMP 35. Elucidating molecular Cosponsored by PHYS
by BIOL and COMP approach for large molecules and
recognition mechanisms of miRNA condensed phase systems. S. Li E. Alexov, R. Luo, Organizers
loading into the Argonaute protein
by Markov state models. X. Huang H. Gohlke, Presiding
What do Synthetic Chemists Want
4:15 COMP 36. Roles of noncovalent inter- from Their Reaction Systems? 8:30 COMP 55. Residue-specific protein
actions in base recognition and catalysis Sponsored by CINF, Cosponsored by force fields RSFF1 and RSFF2. Y. Wu
in uracil DNA glycosylases. W. Cao COMP, INOR, MEDI and ORGN 9:00 COMP 56. IDP-specific force
field ff14IDPSFF improves the conformer
Section C Electronic Structure Methods for
sampling of intrinsically disordered
Complex Chemical Systems proteins. H. Chen, D. Song, R. Luo
Technical program information Washington Marriott at Metro Center
Extended Systems
Salon C 9:30 COMP 57. Correlating protein-li-
known at press time. Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP gand activity to quantum-me-
The official technical program for Computational Studies of Water chanics/molecular-mechanics
binding energies. A. Crespo
the 254th ACS National Meeting Classical & Quantum Approaches
10:00 Intermission.
is available at www.acs.org/ D. J. Sindhikara, Organizer
10:15 COMP 58. Quantitative anal-
WDC2017 D. Janezic, Presiding
ysis of hot spots in protein-pro-
tein interaction. J.Z. Zhang

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


10:45 COMP 59. Algorithms for Electronic Structure Methods for 3:00 Intermission. Electronic Structure Methods for
discovering mutations that alter Complex Chemical Systems Complex Chemical Systems
3:15 COMP 81. High affinity inter-
binding specificity. B. Chen
Noncolvalent Interactions, action of calmodulin with Emerging Directions in
11:15 COMP 60. Predicting binding Nanosystems & Solvation K-Ras4B implicating membrane Electronic Structure
free energy change caused by Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP extraction. H. Jang, R. Nussinov Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP
missense mutations in protein-DNA
3:45 COMP 82. Efficient approxi-
interactions using modified MM/ Experimental & Computational Undergraduate Research Posters
mation of configurational entropy
PBSA method. Y. Peng, E. Alexov Advances In Understanding changes upon binding to biomole- Computational Chemistry
Enzyme Specificity & Promiscuity cules. H. Gohlke, I.Y. Ben-Shalom
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored
Section C Computational Approaches 4:15 COMP 83. Studying protein-ligand by COMP and SOCED
Washington Marriott at Metro Center to Enzyme Design interactions by integrating data science
Salon C with mechanism-based modeling. L. Xie Experimental & Computational
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored
by BIOL and COMP Advances in Understanding
Modeling & Measuring Protein- Enzyme Specificity & Promiscuity
Section C
Ligand Kinetics & Residence Times Discovery & Engineering of
Washington Marriott at Metro Center
Cosponsored by MEDI and PHYS Industrially Relevant Enzymes
J. A. Morrone, Organizer Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored
by BIOL and COMP
W. D. Cornell, Organizer, Presiding Section A Modeling & Measuring Protein-
Washington Marriott at Metro Center Ligand Kinetics & Residence Times
8:30 COMP 61. Drug-target res-
idence time model: A 10-year Salon A Cosponsored by MEDI and PHYS
retrospective. R. Copeland W. D. Cornell, Organizer
Extending Accuracy & Scales
9:05 COMP 62. Modulating drug-tar- with Emerging Computing J. A. Morrone, Organizer, Presiding Section A
get residence time, assessing Architectures & Algorithms
target vulnerability, and predicting 1:30 COMP 84. Measuring drug-target Walter E. Washington Convention Center
in vivo drug activity. P.J. Tonge Electronic Structure residence time and binding kinet- Halls D/E
Cosponsored by PHYS ics: Why and how? R. Zhang
9:40 COMP 63. In silico prediction of Sci-Mix
relative drug-protein residence times. 2:05 COMP 85. Combining biophysical,
Y. Alexeev, F. C. Hill, G. S. Kedziora, P. Kent, A. H. L. Woodcock, Organizer
D.B. Kokh, M. Amaral, J. Bomke, M. structural and computational studies
F. Voter, Organizers
Dreyer, M. Frech, M. Lowinski, F. Vallee, of GPCR-drug interactions to optimise 8:00 - 10:00
M. Bianciotto, A. Rak, R.C. Wade R. Pachter, Presiding kinetic parameters. B. Tehan, A. Dore,
123, 158-159, 169, 172, 183, 187
1:30 COMP 72. Graph-based linear J. Errey, E. Segala, A. Zhukov, R. Cooke
10:15 Intermission. 197, 203, 206, 209-210, 216- 218, 
scaling electronic structure theory 2:40 COMP 86. Toward high-through- 222-223, 240, 242, 252-253, 266, 268,
10:30 COMP 64. Drug-target binding for Born-Oppenheimer molecu- put predictive modeling of protein 270, 272-273, 275, 277, 280-281,
through molecular dynamics and lar dynamics. A.M. Niklasson binding/unbinding kinetics. L. Xie 283, 286, 298-302, 304. See subsequent
enhanced sampling simulations. A. Cavalli
2:00 COMP 73. Accelerating large scale 3:15 Intermission. listings.
11:05 COMP 65. Estimating ligand Kohn-Sham density functional theory
residence times from simulations and 3:30 COMP 87. Modeling ligand-pro-
calculations with semi-local function-
from structure. A.T. Frank, I. Deb tein binding kinetics using molecular
als and hybrid functionals. L. Lin
simulations and a novel pathway search TUESDAY MORNING
11:40 COMP 66. Towards predictive 2:30 COMP 74. Some recent algorith- method. C. Chang, W. You, Z. Tang
drug unbinding simulations with full mic developments in the large scale Section A
atomistic resolution. P. Tiwary 4:05 COMP 88. Understanding the
first principles simulations of complex
influence of drug-target binding kinetics Washington Marriott at Metro Center
materials. A.S. Banerjee, L. Lin, C.
on in vivo drug effects. E.C. de Lange Salon A
Section D Yang, P. Suryanarayana, W. Hu, J. Pask

Washington Marriott at Metro Center 3:00 Intermission. Extending Accuracy & Scales

Section D
Salon D 3:15 COMP 75. Quantum Monte Carlo
with Emerging Computing
Washington Marriott at Metro Center Architectures & Algorithms
in the exascale era: From algorithms
ACS COMP Symposium in Salon D
to applications. A. Benali, Y. Luo, L. Molecular Dynamics
honor of Peter Pulay Shulenburger, A. Mathuryia, J. Kim, P. Kent
Emerging Technologies in Cosponsored by PHYS
Gradients, Properties & 3:45 COMP 76. Extending the accuracy Computational Chemistry
Electron Correlation and scale of first-principles molecu- Y. Alexeev, F. C. Hill, G. S. Kedziora, P.
C. L. Simmerling, Organizer, Presiding Kent, Organizers
Cosponsored by PHYS lar dynamics simulations. F. Gygi
4:15 COMP 77. Enabling quantum model- 1:30 COMP 89. Gibbs sampler based λ- A. F. Voter, Organizer, Presiding
S. Hirata, Organizer dynamics utilizing a Rao-Blackwell estima-
ling simulations for biological systems. 8:30 COMP 94. Leveraging the exas-
F. Wang, Organizer, Presiding A. Pozdneev, V. Weber, T. Laino, F. Zipoli tor for alchemical free energy calculation.
cale to extend atomistic simulation
X. Ding, J. Vilseck, R. Hayes, C.L. Brooks
A. Szabados, E. F. Valeev, Presiding timescales. D. Perez, A.F. Voter
Section B 1:50 COMP 90. Pose prediction
8:30 COMP 67. Model systems for
using 3D deep convolutional
examining the role of nodal surfaces Washington Marriott at Metro Center neural networks. I. Wallach, M.
in diffusion Monte Carlo calcula- Salon B Dzamba, S. Schrödl, L. Rampasek
tions. K.D. Jordan, K. Gasperich
Molecular Recognition: Revealing 2:10 COMP 91. Are we evaluating
9:05 COMP 68. Quantitative molecu-
the Effects Associated with performance or just overfitting? How
lar orbital theory. R.J. Bartlett, D.S.
Receptor-Ligand Binding to assess the performance of ligand-
Ranasinghe, Y. Park, P. Verma, Y. Jin, A. Perera
based algorithms on virtual screening
9:40 COMP 69. Exploiting the pair Cosponsored by PHYS benchmarks. A. Heifets, I. Wallach
function nature of UHF. E. Alexov, R. Luo, Organizers 2:30 COMP 92. Statistical learning of kinetic
A. Szabados, D. Földvári, Z. Tóth
Monte Carlo models of high temperature
The use of any device to capture
C. Chang, Presiding
10:15 Intermission. chemistry from molecular dynamics. Q. images (e.g., cameras and camera
1:30 COMP 78. New alchemical approaches Yang, C.A. Sing-Long, E. Chen, E. Reed
10:30 COMP 70. Reduced scaling and
for the calculation of protein – ligand phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
controlled precision: Extending the 2:50 COMP 93. Neural networks learning
reach of many-body electronic struc-
binding free energies. C.L. Brooks
quantum chemistry: The rise of the
digital recorders) or to stream,
ture. E.F. Valeev, C. Peng, F. Pavosevic 2:00 COMP 79. Diffusional dynam- machines. J. Smith, O. Isayev, A.E. Roitberg upload or rebroadcast speakers or
ics of proteins under crowded
11:05 COMP 71. Local correlation in
conditions. M. Feig, G. Nawrocki, I. Transformative Research &
presentations is strictly prohibited
molecules and condensed matter:
Methods and applications. E.A. Carter
Yu, P. Wang, Y. Sugita, T. Kigawa Excellence in Education Award at all official ACS meetings and
2:30 COMP 80. Polarizable force field Sponsored by COMSCI, Cosponsored by BIOL, events without express written
development for cellular mem- COLL, COMP, ENFL, INOR, PHYS and PRES
brane lipids and their applications. consent from ACS.
G. Li, X. Peng, H. Chu, Y. Zhang

9:00 COMP 95. Overcoming large times- Section C TUESDAY AFTERNOON Section C
cale problem of biological molecu-
lar dynamics simulations: Scalable Washington Marriott at Metro Center Washington Marriott at Metro Center
Salon C Section A Salon C
ensemble algorithms on massively
parallel computing. W. Jiang Washington Marriott at Metro Center
Modeling & Measuring Protein- Salon A Quantum Mechanics
9:30 COMP 96. Describing pep- Ligand Kinetics & Residence Times
tide-protein and protein-protein A. E. DePrince, Organizer
Cosponsored by MEDI and PHYS Extending Accuracy & Scales
interactions with molecular dynam- P. S. Hudson, Presiding
with Emerging Computing
ics simulation. J.A. Morrone J. A. Morrone, Organizer Architectures & Algorithms 1:30 COMP 130. Polarizabilities of π-conju-
10:00 Intermission. W. D. Cornell, Organizer, Presiding gated chains revisited: Improved results
Data & Automation
10:15 COMP 97. Recent algorithmic work from broken-symmetry, range-separated
8:30 COMP 106. Shifting the paradigm Cosponsored by PHYS
in LAMMPS for extending accuracy DFT. B.M. Wong, M.B. Oviedo, N.V. Ilawe
from in vitro potency to non-equilibrium
and time scales for materials mod- time-dependent drug-target occupancy Y. Alexeev, F. C. Hill, G. S. Kedziora, P. Kent, A. 2:00 COMP 131. Computational investi-
eling. S. Plimpton, A.P. Thompson under in vivo-relevant conditions. R.A. F. Voter, Organizers gation of cell nitroxyl (HNO) fluorescent
10:45 COMP 98. NAMD: Innovation towards Pearlstein, D. Mckay, G. Selvaggio, A. Golosov R. Walker, Presiding
probe. H. Xu, A. Lippert, Y. Shao, P. Tao
exascale. J. Phillips, E. Tajkhorshid 9:05 COMP 107. In vitro and in vivo target 2:20 COMP 132. Ionization potential
1:30 COMP 119. Scalable in situ analysis
11:15 COMP 99. Atomic-level life for Immucillin transition-state analogs. improved local density functional
for large-scale molecular dynamics simu-
characterization of protein-pro- V.L. Schramm, S. Gebre, S. Cameron – QTP17-L. Y. Jin, R.J. Bartlett
lations on supercomputers. P. Malakar, V.
tein association. A.C. Pan 9:40 COMP 108. What are the molec- Vishwanath, C. Knight, T. Munson, M. Papka 2:40 COMP 133. Note on accuracy
ular interactions that govern ligand of DFT density. D.S. Ranasinghe,
2:00 COMP 120. Use of dataflow-based
Section B residence time? Insights from molecular A. Perera, R.J. Bartlett
execution to improve scalability and per-
dynamics. A. Dickson, S. Lotz formance of coupled cluster codes. T.L. 3:00 COMP 134. Mechanisms of excitation
Washington Marriott at Metro Center
Salon B 10:15 Intermission. Windus, K. Kowalski, A. Danalis, H. Jagode energy transfer in pigment-protein
complexes. D. Kosenkov, Y. Kholod
10:30 COMP 109. Towards atomis- 2:30 COMP 121. Exploring reaction mech-
Molecular Recognition: Revealing tic simulations of receptor-ligand anisms with heuristics-aided quantum 3:20 Intermission.
the Effects Associated with unbinding kinetics. L.T. Chong chemistry (HAQC). D. Rappoport 3:35 COMP 135. Electronic struc-
Receptor-Ligand Binding
11:05 COMP 110. How does benzene rec- 3:00 Intermission. ture from Monte Carlo Green’s
Cosponsored by PHYS ognize the buried cavity in T4 Lysozyme function. B. Winograd
3:15 COMP 122. Machine learnt models
E. Alexov, R. Luo, Organizers L99A? J. Mondal, N. Ahalawat, P. Vallurupalli for accurate yet efficient materi- 3:55 COMP 136. Reduced scaling Green’s
M. Feig, Presiding 11:40 COMP 111. Rational modulation als design. S. Sankaranarayanan function methods for local and non-local
of the induced-fit conformational correlation. A. Shee, L. Tran, D. Zgid
3:45 COMP 123. Enhancing QM/MM
8:30 COMP 100. Are all enzymes change for slow-onset inhibition indirect free energy simulations with intra- 4:15 COMP 137. Calculating elec-
molecular motors? An effect of in Mycobacterium tuberculosis InhA. molecular force matching. P.S. Hudson, tronic g-tensors with density matrix
binding and catalysis out of equi- C.L. Simmerling, P.J. Tonge, C. Lai
S. Boresch, D.M. Rogers, H.L. Woodcock renormalization group wavefunc-
librium. M.K. Gilson, D. Slochower
tions. E. Sayfutyarova, G. Chan
9:00 COMP 101. Sampling long-times- Section D Section B 4:45 COMP 138. Effect of electrode
cale dynamics in biomolecu-
Washington Marriott at Metro Center surface structure on electron transport
lar recognition. W. Yang Washington Marriott at Metro Center
Salon D in molecular junctions. A. Becker, S. Roy
Salon B
9:30 COMP 102. Calculating protein-ligand
binding affinities with MM/PBSA: New Directions in Conformational Section D
Molecular Recognition: Revealing
Improvement and extension. R. Qi, C. Sampling Methods
Wang, L. Xiao, W.M. Botello-Smith,
the Effects Associated with Washington Marriott at Metro Center
D. Greene, R. Luo M. Feig, J. Shen, Organizers Receptor-Ligand Binding Salon D
R. C. Harris, Presiding Cosponsored by PHYS
10:00 Intermission.
Material Science
10:15 COMP 103. Exploring variant 8:30 COMP 112. New repulsive soft-core E. Alexov, R. Luo, Organizers
potential for accelerated alchemical Nanoparticles & 2D Materials
nucleosomes: From experiments A. V. Onufriev, Presiding
to modeling and back. A. Shaytan, free energy calculations. K. Nam C. M. Aikens, Organizer
D. Landsman, A. Panchenko
1:30 COMP 124. Topological deep
9:00 COMP 113. Multisite λ dynamics F. J. Irudayanathan, Presiding
learning of biomolecular struc-
10:45 COMP 104. New hallmarks of enables accurate and efficient calculation
ture-function relationships. G. Wei 1:30 COMP 139. Electronic struc-
protein-small molecule binding: of mutational changes in the folding
free energy of T4 lysozyme. R.L. Hayes, 2:00 COMP 125. Understanding the mech- ture of silver nanocluster chro-
Interfacial rigidity and polarity.
J. Vilseck, T. Wymore, C.L. Brooks anisms of protein-ligand interactions mophores functionalized by DNA
L.A. Kuhn, S. Raschka, A. Wolf,
through molecular dynamics simulations sequences. Y. Small, D. Nykypanchuk
J. Bemister-Buffington 9:30 COMP 114. ForceGen 3D struc-
and free energy analysis. J. Wang 1:55 COMP 140. Atomistic scale inves-
11:15 COMP 105. Simulation study ture and conformer generation: From
small lead-like molecules to macro- 2:30 COMP 126. Calculations of chemical tigation of plasmon decay in noble
of integrin alpha-2 I domain acti-
cyclic drugs. A.N. Jain, A.E. Cleves ligand-receptor binding kinetics and metal wires: The (eventually) cata-
vation. Z. Jia, E. Alexov
thermodynamics using molecular strophic role of molecular vibration. G.
10:00 COMP 115. How does PubChem Donati, D.B. Lingerfelt, C.M. Aikens, X. Li
mechanics. C. Chang, Z. Tang
generate computational 3-D structures
of its compounds? S. Kim, E. Bolton 3:00 Intermission. 2:20 COMP 141. Quantum dot pre-
cursor design strategies from new
10:30 Intermission. 3:15 COMP 127. Importance of protona-
first-principles discovery techniques.
tion states and pH in structure-based
10:50 COMP 116. Chain-of-states J. Kim, A.H. Steeves, H.J. Kulik
drug design: The case of BACE1. J.
method based dynamical sam- 2:45 COMP 142. Developing a nanoscale
Shen, C.R. Ellis, C. Tsai, R.C. Harris
pling. H. Zhou, P. Tao understanding of the growth mechanism
3:45 COMP 128. Fast, accurate pH
11:20 COMP 117. WExplore: An enhanced of III-V quantum dots. Q. Zhao, H. Kulik
dependent alchemical free energy
sampling method to study ligand release 3:10 COMP 143. Insights into nanopar-
calculations towards rational drug
processes on timescales ranging from ticles-based NMR chemosensing via
design. R.C. Walker, C. Lin, D. Mermelstein
milliseconds to minutes. A. Dickson molecular dynamics simulations. L.
4:15 COMP 129. Martinizing the varia-
11:50 COMP 118. Coarse-grained Riccardi, L. Gabrielli, X. Sun, F. De Biasi,
Technical program information directed simulations via adap-
tional implicit solvent method (VISM):
F. Rastrelli, F. Mancin, M. Devivo
Solvation free energy for coarse-grained
known at press time. tive linear biases. G.M. Hocky, T.
proteins. C. Gravina Ricci, B. Li, L. 3:35 Intermission.
Dannenhoffer-Lafage, G.A. Voth
The official technical program for Cheng, J. Dzubiella, J.A. McCammon 3:50 COMP 144. Surface reorganization
the 254th ACS National Meeting Electronic Structure Methods for and x-ray spectra of nitrogen-vacancy
Complex Chemical Systems containing nanodiamonds. A. Petrone,
is available at www.acs.org/ D. Williams-Young, R. Beck, X. Li
WDC2017 Correlated Electronic Structure
Methods for Complex Systems
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


4:15 COMP 145. Inconsistencies in the 6:00 - 8:00 COMP 170. Virtual high-throughput infra- COMP 193. Deconstructing the confinement
electronic properties of phosphorene structure for the accelerated discovery of effect upon the organization and dynam-
COMP 154. First principles Monte
nanotubes: New insights from large-scale organic materials. M.F. Afzal, J. Hachmann ics of water in hydrophobic nanoporous
Carlo simulations of reactive phase
DFT calculations. S. Allec, B.M. Wong materials: Lessons learned from zeolites.
and sorption equilibria. E. Fetisov, COMP 171. Computational bio-
T. Zhou, P. Bai, J.I. Siepmann, A.E. Clark
4:40 COMP 146. Structural, electronic M. Shah, C. Knight, J.I. Siepmann luminescence. Y. Liu
and optical properties of 2H-TaSe2 in COMP 194. Modeling of reactive
COMP 155. Role of graphene oxidation COMP 172. Diffusion processes of
the charge density wave (CDW) oxygen species using ab initio
on physisorption of biomolecules using small hydrocarbons in MOF-74-Mg
phase. S. Chowdhury, J. Simpson, T.L. methods. U.A. Anene, N. Matsunaga
computational modeling. H. Kim, B.L. addressed via CI-NEB periodic cal-
Einstein, F. Tavazza, A.R. Hight Walker
Farmer, A.M. Grant, V.V. Tsukruk, Y.G. Yingling culations. G.D. Degaga, L. Valenzano COMP 195. Hydration of end grafted
5:05 COMP 147. Size and substrate PEO chains on gold surfaces of
COMP 156. Broadband absorption spectra COMP 173. Withdrawn.
induced phase stability of MoS2 nanopar- varying curvature: An extensive all-
from time-dependent coupled-cluster
ticles under varying conditions. A. COMP 174. Molecular dynamics study atom molecular dynamics simulation
theory. D. Nascimento, A.E. DePrince
Bruix, J. Lauritsen, B. Hammer of ligand-dendrimer interaction: A using GPU enabled GROMACS-
COMP 157. Novel model reduction algo- theoretical approach. J. Stopinski, B. 4.6.5. U.R. Dahal, E. Dormidontova
rithm for the efficient evaluation of molec- Menot, S. Bouquillon, F. Allais, E. Hénon
Section E COMP 196. London dispersion con-
ular response properties. D.B. Williams-
COMP 175. Improving workflows via a tribute to the aggregations of
Washington Marriott at Metro Center Young, R. Van Beeuman, C. Yang, X. Li
computational chemistry app store. organoplatinum(II) complexes: A
Salon E
COMP 158. Environment-perturbed R. Richard, B. Pritchard, C.D. Sherrill theoretical study. M. Xie, W. Lu
transition state sampling and its
Computational Studies of Membranes applications in chemical and biochem-
COMP 176. Consensus diversity plots: COMP 197. Hybrid peptide materi-
& Membrane-Bound Systems A free online web-server to analyze als: Linking molecular architecture
ical reactions in condensed media.
the global diversity of molecular data to nanostructure characteris-
Membrane Bilayers Z. Yang, C. Doubleday, K.N. Houk
sets. M. González-Medina, F.D. Prieto- tics. S. Mushnoori, M. Dutt
Cosponsored by PHYS Martínez, J.R. Owen, J.L. Medina-Franco
Section B COMP 198. Effect of a DC electric
M. Feig, J. Shen, Organizers COMP 177. Zero-norm sparse coding field on the melting temperature,
Walter E. Washington Convention Center in MSWI bottom ash. L. Lang nucleation and ice growth rate of
J. Huang, Presiding
Hall C TIP4P water models. J. Ramirez, J.R.
COMP 178. Computer in micro-
1:30 COMP 148. CHARMM-GUI biology. T.D. Komolafe Espinosa, A. Zaragoza, R. Ramos, E.
membrane builder with glycolipids Poster Session Sanz, C. Valeriani, C. Vega, J. Cobos
and lipopolysaccharides. W. Im COMP 179. Benefit of comput-
H. L. Woodcock, Organizer COMP 199. Direct simulation of non-adia-
erised in poultry (animal pro-
2:00 COMP 149. Asymmetric models for duction). T.O. Akinmusire batic dynamics in large-scale enzymatic
6:00 - 8:00
the trans-Golgi Network and plasma systems. J. Kretchmer, T.F. Miller
membranes of S. cerevisiae, insights from COMP 159. New computational COMP 180. Automated geometric-based
method for analysis of spectral COMP 200. Withdrawn.
molecular dynamics. V. Monje, J.B. Klauda methods for excited state time-
resolved infrared and Raman scattering data. N. Sveshnikov, V. Kirnosov COMP 201. New extremely efficient
2:30 COMP 150. Transport and mechanical
spectroscopies. A. Petrone, COMP 181. Comparative DFT study on conformation search method based
properties of membranes. R. Pastor
D. Williams-Young, D.B. Lingerfelt, X. Li the metallocyclic ring size, stability, on energy evaluation for macrocy-
3:00 Intermission. and global reactivity indexes of three clic compounds including peptides
COMP 160. Computational investigations
of an unusual unimolecular decompo- phenanthreneditholato-diironhexacar- size of greater than 10 residues. A.
3:20 COMP 151. All-atom simulation
bonyl complexes. J.K. Agbo, C.A. Mebi Tomonaga, A. Ueda, A. Matsuura
studies on lipid bilayers, composed of sition pathway for CHF2CF3 forming
sphingomyelin, glycerophospholipids :CF2 + HCF3 and analogous mole- COMP 182. Withdrawn. COMP 202. CHARMM Drude polarizable
and cholesterol. I. Bera, J.B. Klauda cules of the form CF3CXFY that react force field for glycosidic linkages involving
to give XCF3 + :CFY. B.E. Holmes, COMP 183. Molecular rectification enhance- furanoses. A. Aytenfisu, A.D. Mackerell
3:50 COMP 152. Equilibration of the ment based on conformational and
B.R. Gillespie, C.A. Smith, G.L. Heard
chemical potential between the lipid chemical modifications: Smart design of COMP 203. Elucidating product specificity
leaflets during molecular dynamics COMP 161. Computational studies on in protein arginine methyltransferase
molecular devices. J. Valdiviezo, J.L. Palma
simulation. F. Samarjeet, T. Woolf, B. Brooks fluorescence and excited states of benzo- 7 (PRMT7) using QM/MM/MD. A.
furan derivatives. A. Dinescu, J. Jung COMP 184. Structure and phase Thakur, B. Caceres, J. Hevel, O. Acevedo
4:20 COMP 153. Intrinsic curvature change properties of confined metals.
and lipid sorting modulate dynam- COMP 162. Systematic investigation COMP 204. Diffusive tracer dynam-
K.E. Anderson, N. Tran, F. Carlson, J.
ics of hemifusion diaphragm dissi- of 15N chemical shift prediction using Davidson, J.I. Siepmann, A. Stein ics in crowded environments.
pation. J. Gardner, C.F. Abrams density functional theory calculations. B.D. Mahala, R. Hernandez
D. Xin, C.A. Sader, K. Wagner, U. Fischer, COMP 185. Density functional theory
calculations of adsorption of phosphate COMP 205. OPLS-AA force field parameters
Electronic Structure Methods for P. Jones, K. Fandrick, N.C. Gonnella
for ionic liquid molecular dynamic simu-
Complex Chemical Systems to phosphate and phosphonate-rich
COMP 163. Catalysis by montmorillonite lations. B. Doherty, X. Zhong, O. Acevedo
surfaces for recovery from aqueous envi-
Ultra-efficient Electronic Structure on the synthesis of biological RNA ronments. C. Jakob, D.R. Talham, L. Tribe COMP 206. New approach for detec-
Methods & Molecular Dynamics polymer surrogates. E. Gordon, L. Tribe
COMP 186. Read-across approach tion and visualization of aggrega-
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored by COMP COMP 164. Environmental degrada- tion-prone regions. C. Williams
for predicting the toxicity of fra-
tion of 2,4-dinitroanisole (DNAN): grance materials. M.S. Date
A computational investigation of
Experimental & Computational excited state properties and struc- COMP 187. Evidence for singlet fission
Advances in Understanding tures. H. McAlexander, M.K. Shukla driven by vibronic coherence in crystalline
Enzyme Specificity & Promiscuity tetracene. A. Morrison, J. Herbert
COMP 165. Theoretical study on
Structure-Function Relationships pyrolysis of Jet Propellant-8 com- COMP 188. Theoretical studies of water
in Enzyme Evolution ponents: The behavior of aliphatic splitting catalysts. D. Perera, J.C. Rasaiah
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored and non-aliphatic alkyl rings. D. COMP 189. Investigation on ionomer
by BIOL and COMP Belisario-Lara, A.M. Mebel, J.L. Ribeiro distribution of polymer electrolyte
COMP 166. From B atoms to small membrane fuel cells. J. Lee, S. Kwon,
Bx clusters and beyond. B.T. S. Choi, G. Doo, H. Kim, S. Lee

TUESDAY EVENING Catalano, G.M. Curtin, E.K. COMP 190. GPU enabled molecular

Snyder, J.R. Rocha dynamics simulations of lipid nanodisc The use of any device to capture
Section A COMP 167. Grand canonical Monte templated gold nanoparticle self-as- images (e.g., cameras and camera
Carlo simulation studies: Working sembly. H. Sharma, E. Dormidontova
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
mechanism of polyelectrolyte diode
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
COMP 191. Density functional theoretical
Hall C
and transistor. D. Lee, R. Chang study on the C-F oxidative addition digital recorders) or to stream,
Chemical Computing Group COMP 168. Withdrawn. reaction at an Al center. S. Hwang upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Graduate Student Travel Awards COMP 169. Discovering polyimides COMP 192. BS-GEP algorithm for presentations is strictly prohibited
with exceptional optical properties prediction of variation of heavy
K. N. Kirschner, C. L. Simmerling, Organizers
using first-principles modeling, metal morphology. S. Sun at all official ACS meetings and
virtual high-throughput screening, events without express written
and machine learning.
M.F. Afzal, C. Cheng, J. Hachmann
consent from ACS.

COMP 207. Computer assisted study of COMP 224. Development of a refined COMP 244. Computer modeling COMP 264. Predicting protein drug
the binding between translesion DNA force field for β-hematin and of cellulose-based polymers for binding sites using site identifica-
polymerase zeta from Dictyostelium dis- molecular dynamics study. J. Becker, applications on pharmaceutics. C.H. tion by ligand competitive satura-
coideum and DNA decamer containing F. Wang, P. Sonnet, F. Dupradeau Borca, L.I. Mosquera-Giraldo, X. Meng, tion method and Drude polarizable
a thymine-dimer. D. He, S.K. Mauldin K.J. Edgar, L.V. Slipchenko, L. Taylor force field. D. Sun, A.D. Mackerell
COMP 225. B-cell epitope dis-
COMP 208. Computational methods for elu- covery using molecular dynam- COMP 245. All-atomistic simulations of the COMP 265. Withdrawn.
cidating mechanisms of substrate trans- ics. J.S. Grosch, P. Ortoleva interaction of the model hydrophobic
COMP 266. Modeling 10,000 antibodies
port in membrane transporters. D. Shukla drug camptothecin with phospholipid
COMP 226. Molecular dynamics in about an hour: Leveraging the power
membranes. P.K. Tang, M. Kang, S. Loverde
COMP 209. Dynamics of solute transport simulations of L-RNA involving of the Amazon cloud. E. Metwally
through the blood-brain barrier tight junc- complexes. M. Dudek, J. Trylska COMP 246. Hsp70’s domains alter-
COMP 267. Incorporating the effect of
tion pores. F.J. Irudayanathan, S. Nangia nating flexibilities enable its chap-
COMP 227. Empirical polarizable water molecules into docking programs.
erone action. D.R. Merz, R.I. Dima
COMP 210. Parametrization of the drude force field for RNA based on the E. Chen, S. Ramsey, T.P. Kurtzman
polarizable force field for halogenated classical Drude oscillator model. COMP 247. Conformational land-
COMP 268. Computational approach to
compounds. F. Lin, A.D. Mackerell J.A. Lemkul, A.D. Mackerell scape of actin monomers and its
energetically identify bridging water
implications for filament assembly.
COMP 211. Conformational effects of thre- COMP 228. Free energy calculation of molecules and to incorporate them in
G.M. Hocky, B.J. Nolen, G.A. Voth
onine phosphorylation in proline-rich dis- the solubility of cellulose oligomers virtual screens. J. Guo, R.C. Rizzo
ordered motifs. G.A. Lucero, P.S. Nerenberg in water. K. Ueda, Y. Matsubara COMP 248. Rationalization and visu-
COMP 269. Withdrawn.
alization of non-bonded interactions
COMP 212. Effect of the number of COMP 229. Making a splash in implicit
using extended Hückel theory. N. Li COMP 270. Addressing challenges in drug
points n on the accuracies of n-point solvent: Application of inhomoge-
design through novel computer simula-
water models. Y. Xiong, A.V. Onufriev neous solvation theory and continuum COMP 249. Withdrawn.
tions. C. Tsai, C.R. Ellis, R.C. Harris, J. Shen
solvation to protein-ligand affinity
COMP 213. Coarse-grained model COMP 250. Docking-based virtual
predictions. L.B. Wickstrom, R. Pal, S. COMP 271. Allosteric modulation model of
for multiscale enhanced sampling screening: Probing its applicabil-
Ramsey, T.P. Kurtzman, E. Gallicchio the mu opioid receptor by herkinorin via
of intrinsically disordered protein ity to GPCR models. A. Cohen, A.
docking, molecular dynamics simulations
conformations. X. Liu, J. Chen COMP 230. Parametrization of dissipative Danfora, M. Biederman, S. Costanzi
and alchemical free energy calculations.
particle dynamics: From bottom-up
COMP 214. OPLS-AA force field COMP 251. Scaffold replacement and K. Martinez Mayorga, A.F. Marmolejo-Valencia
coarse graining to implicit-solvent
parameters for dicationic imidazoli- 3D ligand optimization applied to
modelling. L. Gao, M. Wan, C. Wen COMP 272. Water-based phar-
um-based ionic liquid simulations. the discovery of tyrosine kinase
macophore screening of DUD
X. Zhong, B. Doherty, O. Acevedo COMP 231. Phosphorylation of deu- inhibitors. A. Deschenes
system. K. Huang, T. Kurtzman
biquitinase affects its binding
COMP 215. Metadynamics simulation COMP 252. Unified framework for comput-
with ubiquitin. L. Zhong COMP 273. Tumor and organ uptake of
studies of the interaction between er-aided biologics design. A. Deschenes
Cu-64 labeled amatuximab, an anti-me-
TEX14 and CEP55. Y. Cho, R. Chang COMP 232. Withdrawn.
COMP 253. RealityConvert: A tool for pre- sothelin antibody, in a nude mouse
COMP 216. Explore the structural COMP 233. RPIMapPr: A novel paring 3D models of biochemical struc- model bearing a shed antigen tumor by
and dynamics differences between approach to predicting interfac- tures for AR and VR. A. Borrel, D. Fourches mathematical model simulation. J. Lee
glucose transpoter-1 (GLUT1) and ing protein residues in RNA-protein
COMP 254. Enhancement of grid inhomo- COMP 274. Computational de novo drug
GLUT3. S. Zhang, C. Libby, C.E. Augelli- complexes. M.P. Beck, H. Vashisth
geneous solvation theory (GIST) by using design applications: HIV gp41 and
Szafran, A.B. Hjelmeland, W. Zhang
COMP 234. Modeling the atomistic structure polarizable force field: A cucurbit[7]uril FABP. L. Prentis, R.C. Rizzo
COMP 217. Unravelling hemicellulose and dynamics of the chloroplast signal study. A. Cruz-Balberdy, T.P. Kurtzman
COMP 275. Rational design and evaluation
bio-synthesis using molecular simu- recognition particles. M. Benton, M. Moradi
COMP 255. Understanding the inter- of multi-target ligands at A1R, A2AR and
lations. V.S. Bharadwaj, M.F. Crowley
COMP 235. Molecular dynamics simulation action between graphene oxide and PDE10A with therapeutic potential for
COMP 218. Phospholipase A2: A study of DNA mismatch recognition NDPK: A novel low cost approach neurodegenerative diseases. L. Kalash,
unique paradigm of allosteric by thymine DNA glycosylase. to treating heart failure. A. Ray, I.G. I. Winfield, S. Carvalho, G. Ladds, A. Bender
regulation by membranes. V.D. O. Yoluk, A. Drohat, A.D. Mackerell Macwan, S. Singh, P.K. Patra, S. Silwal
COMP 276. Computationally designed
Mouchlis, J. McCammon, E.A. Dennis
COMP 236. Characterizing protein COMP 256. Analysis of allosteric and fluorinated phosphotriesterases
COMP 219. Phospholipase A2: An ideal hydration to inform its interac- cryptic sites. A. Wakefield, S. Vajda for detoxification of chlorpyri-
system for studying protein-lipid tions and assemblies. A. Patel fos. L. Yin, L.A. Halvorsen, A.J. Olsen,
COMP 257. In silico investigation into
binding and interactions. V.D. R.A. Bonneau, J.K. Montclare
COMP 237. NAMD/Q-Chem interface for ab the structures of lysyl oxidase-like
Mouchlis, J. McCammon, E.A. Dennis
initio QM/MM calculations under periodic proteins. L. Booysen, C. Messier, F. Ryvkin COMP 277. Molecular dynamics inves-
COMP 220. Solvation thermody- boundary conditions. X. Pan, Y. Shao tigation in structure-based design of
COMP 258. Targeting the Plasmodium
namic mapping of molecular sur- fatty acid synthase (FASN) inhibitors
COMP 238. Correlating individual amino falciparum folate pathway: Molecular
faces in AmberTools: GIST. S. for cancer therapy. M.A. Saeed
acid residues with protein allostery modelling of the affinity sulfonamide
Ramsey, C.N. Nguyen, R.C. Salomon,
through rigid residue scan. P. Tao, derivatives and isoforms of dihydrofolate COMP 278. Improved structure-based
R. Walker, M.K. Gilson, T.P. Kurtzman
H. Zhou, R. Kalescky, B. Zoltowski reductase. C.D. Mukinay, N.Y. Forlemu virtual screening of estrogen
COMP 221. ΔLogP o/w of between receptor alpha with data fusion
COMP 239. Protein evolution analysis COMP 259. Modeling ligand-protein
organic compound and correspond- of pharmacophore and docking
integrating different levels of structures binding: Explanation of the dynamic
ing perfluoro compound: A Monte methods. K. Cagasova, J.S. Josan
and simulations. Z. Dong, H. Zhou, P. Tao processes in the binding between
Carlo simulation study. H. Kim
CDK8/CycC and the inhibitors. W. COMP 279. Discovery and identification
COMP 240. Structural, dynamic, and
COMP 222. Implicit solvent/explicit ions Chen, Z. Tang, T. Cholko, C. Chang of NPC1-derived peptides targeting the
electrostatic influences on catalysis
GB model for nucleic acid simula- GPcl-NPC1 protein-protein interac-
in wild type human phosphoglucose COMP 260. Small molecule inhibitor
tions. I.S. Tolokh, A.V. Onufriev tion. Q. Li, L. Ma, J. Zhou, S. Cen
isomerase and the Q388A variant. S.C. identification targeting fatty acid binding
COMP 223. Constant pH molecular Begay, P. Beuning, M.J. Ondrechen protein 5. Y. Zhou, M. Elmes, J. Sweeney, COMP 280. In silico analysis of the interac-
dynamics reveals conformational H. Li, I. Ojima, D.G. Deutsch, R.C. Rizzo tions of CB ligands with their receptors:
COMP 241. Custom solubility and partition
selection in aspartyl proteases leading Towards the development of a consensus
ratio models for more quantitative COMP 261. Identification of Ebola
to inhibitor selectivity. J.A. Henderson, pharmacophore model for synthetic
agreement to experiment. S.G. Arturo virus inhibitors targeting viral-hots
R.C. Harris, C.R. Ellis, J. Shen cannabinoids. R.M. Sears, C. McInnes
membrane fusion by glycopro-
COMP 242. Structural properties of disor-
tein GP2. C.D. Singleton, H. Yi, M.S. COMP 281. Inclusion of halogens as
dered proteins: A molecular dynamics
Humbly, R.C. Rizzo, A. Jacobs probe molecules in the site-identifica-
simulation study using OPC and TIP3P.
tion by ligand competitive saturation
P. Seifpanahi, S. Izadi, A.V. Onufriev COMP 262. Exploring target flexibil-
(SILCS) methodology. W. Jiang, W. Yu,
ity for drug design. D.B. Kokh, A.
COMP 243. Shedding light on the confor- S.K. Lakkaraju, S. Jo, A.D. Mackerell
Stank, M. Horn, E. Sizikova, R. Neil,
mational changes leading to intrinsic acti-
Technical program information vation of four night blindness mutations
J. Panecka, S. Richter, R.C. Wade COMP 282. Homology modeling of
class A GPCRs: Probing the impact
known at press time. G90D, T94I, A292E, A295V on the human COMP 263. Computational physics-based
of agonist-bound and blocker-bound
GPCR rhodopsin: A molecular dynamics broadly neutralizing vaccine design-From
The official technical program for simulation study. J. Mohen, C. Wu epitope identification and assessment
templates. S. Costanzi, M. Biederman
the 254th ACS National Meeting to predicted nanoparticle immuno-
genicity: Zika virus. D. Biner, J.S.
is available at www.acs.org/ Grosch, A. Ermel, D. Brown, P. Ortoleva

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


COMP 283. Merck AcceSSible InVentory Section C WEDNESDAY MORNING Section C

(MASSIV): In silico synthesis guided
by chemical transforms obtained Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington Marriott at Metro Center
Hall C Section A Salon C
through bootstrapping reaction
databases. T. Knehans, F. Klingler, H. Washington Marriott at Metro Center
Kraut, H. Saller, A. Herrmann, F. Rippmann,
NVIDIA GPU Award Salon A Quantum Mechanics
J. Eiblmaier, C. Lemmen, M. Krier M. E. Berger, C. L. Simmerling, Organizers A. E. DePrince, Organizer
Molecular Mechanics
COMP 284. Using the site-identifi- 6:00 - 8:00 J. Larkin, Presiding
cation by ligand competitive satu- Force Fields
COMP 300. Efficient GPU/OpenMM 8:30 COMP 323. Mapping transition
ration (SILCS) method to explore Cosponsored by PHYS
implementation of the AGBNP solvation metal chemical space with contin-
protein-protein interactions. W. Yu,
model for macromolecular binding. M. Feig, Organizer uous descriptors – feature selec-
S. Jo, S.K. Lakkaraju, A.D. Mackerell
E. Gallicchio, D. Kilburg, B. Zhang tion and implications for machine
COMP 285. Withdrawn. V. S. Bharadwaj, Presiding learning models. J. Janet, H. Kulik
COMP 301. Systematic analysis of
COMP 286. Integrate bioinformatics, plasmonic resonances using GPU- 8:30 COMP 311. Benchmark free energy 8:50 COMP 324. Withdrawn.
chemoinformatics and computa- enabled real-time, time-dependent calculations using AMOEBA and an
9:20 COMP 325. Renaissance of semi-em-
tional modeling methods to identify DFTB. N.V. Ilawe, M.B. Oviedo, B.M. Wong approximate non-iterative polarization
pirical methods: Fast computation
novel tiam1 inhibitors for prostate scheme. F.C. Pickard, A.C. Simmonett,
COMP 302. Deep learning on NVIDIA of 2-electron integrals. P.E. Lopes
cancer therapy. Z. Tan, S. Zhang J. Rackers, J.W. Ponder, B. Brooks
GPUs for QSAR, QSPR and 9:40 COMP 326. Temperature dependent
COMP 287. Aliphatic ferrocenylphe- QNAR predictions. B. Sattarov, A. 9:00 COMP 312. Conformational sampling
QM/QM embedding using Green’s
nyl ureas: Synthesis, structural Mitrofanov, A. Korotcov, V. Tkachenko of proteins with the fully polarizable
functions. A.R. Welden, D. Zgid
elucidation, pharmacological inves- Drude force field. J. Huang, A.D. Mackerell
COMP 303. GPU-accelerated molecu-
tigation and DFT calculations. F. 10:00 COMP 327. Regional DMET:
lar dynamics simulations of protein 9:30 COMP 313. Evaluating molecular
Asghar, A. Badshah, I.S. Butler Efficient and accurate single-frag-
remodeling mediated by AAA+ biological dynamics force fields using computed
ment embedding of wave functions in
COMP 288. Building a library for com- nanomachines. A. Javidialesaadi, G. Stan NMR chemical shifts. D. Koes
Kohn-Sham DFT. G. Knizia, J.E. Klein
bination screening starts with single
COMP 304. Understanding the microscopic 10:00 Intermission.
agent profiles. L. Chen, K. Wilson, 10:30 Intermission.
X. Zhang, C. McKnight, P. Shinn, structure of lyotropic liquid crystal 10:20 COMP 314. Systematic improve-
membranes using molecular dynamics 10:45 COMP 328. Ring-polymer sur-
C.J. Thomas, M. Ferrer, R. Guha ment of ANI deep learned potentials
simulations. B. Coscia, M.R. Shirts face-hopping: Incorporating nuclear
through active learning in conformational
COMP 289. Grid-based molecular surface quantum effects into non-adiabatic
and configurational space. J.S. Smith,
generalized Born (GB) model for dynamics simulations. F.A. Shakib, P. Huo
Section D R. Zubatyuk, O. Isayev, A.E. Roitberg
single-point calculations of elec-
11:05 COMP 329. Conical intersec-
trostatic solvation free energies. N. Walter E. Washington Convention Center 10:50 COMP 315. Comparison and
tions found in silicon nanoparticles
Forouzesh, S. Izadi, A.V. Onufriev Hall C optimization of fixed-point charge and
with a dangling bond defect. W.
polarizable force fields for the simulation
COMP 290. Rapid evaluation of relative Peng, B. Fales, B.G. Levine
OpenEye Outstanding of water-alkane systems. A. Krämer,
change in binding affinity using single
Junior Faculty Award F.C. Pickard, J. Huang, R.M. Venable, D. 11:25 COMP 330. Understanding
step free energy perturbation (SSFEP).
Reith, K.N. Kirschner, R. Pastor, B. Brooks entropy of metal-ligand complexes.
S.K. Lakkaraju, S. Jo, A.D. Mackerell C. L. Simmerling, Organizer A.L. Dewyer, P.M. Zimmerman
11:20 COMP 316. Ionic liquid OPLS-AA
COMP 291. MetaTox: Web resource 6:00 - 8:00 force field parameters for imid- 11:45 COMP 331. Toward the accurate
for prediction of the metabolic
COMP 305. Atomistic modeling of azolium-based simulations. O. simulation of vibrationally-resolved
network for xenobiotics in the human
electromechanical spectroscopies Acevedo, B. Doherty, X. Zhong phosphorescence spectra. J. Bloino,
organism. A. Dmitriev, A. Rudik, D.
in molecular junctions. I. Franco A. Baiardi, F. Egidi, M. Fusè, V. Barone
Filimonov, A. Lagunin, V. Poroikov
COMP 306. Large-scale complete Section B
COMP 292. Excipient-protein interac-
active space self-consistent field Section D
tions for enhancing the stability of Washington Marriott at Metro Center
protein-based therapeutics using the methods. A.E. DePrince Salon B Washington Marriott at Metro Center
site identification by ligand competitive COMP 307. Replica exchange envelope Salon D
saturation (SILCS) technology. S. Jo, distribution sampling (RE-EDS): A robust Drug Design
S.K. Lakkaraju, W. Yu, A.D. Mackerell and accurate method to calculate Cosponsored by CINF Material Science
COMP 293. Application of structural bioin- multiple free energy differences from a Methods for Property Prediction
single simulation. D. Sidler, M. Cristofol- M. R. Landon, Y. Tseng, Organizers
formatics in vaccine and antibody design. & Computational Screening
G. Chuang, R. Rawi, C. Shen, P.D. Kwong Clough, A. Schwaninger, S. Riniker Y. Peng, Presiding
C. M. Aikens, Organizer
COMP 308. Determining dispersion 8:30 COMP 317. Mathematics for drug
COMP 294. Collaboration in a compet-
coefficients for polarizable force fields G. D. Degaga, Presiding
itive world: Sharing information for design and discovery. G. Wei
building models without sharing data. P. using density functional theory. M. 8:30 COMP 332. Breaking badly: DFT-D2
Mohebifar, E.R. Johnson, C.N. Rowley 9:00 COMP 318. Insights into energetic
Gedeck, S. Skolnik, S. Rodde, R. Vianello contributions to SAR: Applications gives sizeable errors for tensile strengths
of fragment symmetry-adapted in bulk solids. B.M. Wong, N.V. Ilawe
COMP 295. Discovery of novel natural
products as potent FXR antagonists by
Section E perturbation theory (F-SAPT) to 8:55 COMP 333. Composite ther-
virtual screening. Y. Diao, S. Li, H. Li Walter E. Washington Convention Center drug-protein binding. D. Sitkoff, D.L. mochemical approach to tin alkyl
Hall C Cheney, X. Zhu, D. Langley, R.M. Parrish, precursors in hybrid molecular beam
COMP 296. Discovery and rational
B.W. Bakr, D. Sirianni, C.D. Sherrill epitaxy. R. Harkins, W.L. Gladfelter, C.J.
design of natural product-derived
analogs as novel and long-acting Wiley Computers in Chemistry 9:30 COMP 319. Development and Cramer, B. Jalan, T. Wang, A. Prakash

DPP-4 inhibitors for the treatment of Outstanding Postdoc Award testing of de novo DOCK. W.J. Allen,
type 2 diabetes. S. Li, Y. Diao, H. Li C. L. Simmerling, Organizer B.C. Fochtman, T.E. Balius, R.C. Rizzo

COMP 297. Importance of equilibration 6:00 - 8:00 10:00 Intermission.

time, structure truncation, and membrane 10:15 COMP 320. Fast screening of
COMP 309. Computational exploration
lipid type for simulations of ion channels. chemical libraries with solvent mapping
of Pd(II)-catalyzed C-H activation and
N. Guros, J.B. Klauda, A. Balijepalli
functionalization. Y. Yang, K.N. Houk derived fake ligands. D. Hall, I.J. Enyedy The use of any device to capture
COMP 298. Fe-S cluster-containing
COMP 310. Towards multiconfigura- 10:45 COMP 321. New computa- images (e.g., cameras and camera
NAF-1: Promising target for breast tional tools at the molecular scale
cancer drugs. F. Bai, J. Onuchic tion quantum embedding methods
for protein-ligand binding in drug
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
for solids state. S. Bernales Candia,
COMP 299. Free tools for ligand H. Pham, G.E. Scuseria, L. Gagliardi discovery. D. Janezic, J. Konc digital recorders) or to stream,
discovery: An update. J. Irwin 11:15 COMP 322. Study on the efficacy upload or rebroadcast speakers or
of mesothelin targeting recombinant
immunotoxins in a nude mouse model
presentations is strictly prohibited
bearing shed antigen tumors by math- at all official ACS meetings and
ematical model simulation. J. Lee
events without express written
consent from ACS.

9:20 COMP 334. High pressure phases 11:50 COMP 346. Modeling the nano-bio 1:55 COMP 355. Multisite lambda 1:30 COMP 369. Predictive mod-
of cylo-para-phenylenes: Aromatic interface: Cytochrome c on lipid bilayers. dynamics can compute precise free eling of adsorption and diffusion
vs. quinonoid structures and polymer C.R. Allen, E. Melby, R. Hernandez, C.J. energies of binding in combinatorically for zeolite nanosheets and hierar-
formation. L. Qiu, M. Kertesz Murphy, R.J. Hamers, J.A. Pedersen large chemical spaces featuring ligand chical zeolites. J.I. Siepmann
and protein perturbations. J. Vilseck,
9:45 COMP 335. Improved isotropic and 1:55 COMP 370. Adsorption and diffusion
anisotropic thermal gradient approaches Drug Discovery: Cheminformatic K. Armacost, R. Hayes, C.L. Brooks
mechanisms of C1-C4 hydrocarbons in
for the quasiharmonic approximation Approaches 2:20 COMP 356. Modeling molecular MOF-74-Mg/Zn: A quantum chemi-
to predict thermodynamic properties Sponsored by CINF, Cosponsored by COMP recognition: Free energy calculations cal study for selective gas separation
of organic crystals. N.S. Abraham, for inhibitors binding to protein kinases. applications in petroleum refining
E. Dybeck, N.P. Schieber, M.R. Shirts Experimental & Computational W. Chen, Y.M. Huang, Z. Tang, C. Chang industries. G.D. Degaga, L. Valenzano
Advances in Understanding
10:10 Intermission. Enzyme Specificity & Promiscuity 2:45 Intermission. 2:20 COMP 371. Molecular orientation
and water transport in carbon nanotube
10:30 COMP 336. High-throughput 3:00 COMP 357. Molecular dynam-
New Strategies to Expand the reinforced aromatic polyamide mem-
identification and characterization of ics fingerprints (MDFP): Machine-
Scope of Enzyme Engineering branes. R. Cruz Silva, T. Araki, Y. Takizawa,
two-dimensional materials using density learning from MD data to predict
Sponsored by PHYS, Cosponsored J. Ortiz-Medina, A. Morelos-Gomez, S.
functional theory. K. Choudhary free-energy differences. S. Riniker
by BIOL and COMP Inukai, S. Tejima, K. Takeuchi, T. Noguchi, T.
10:55 COMP 337. Data-driven prediction 3:25 COMP 358. Large-scale QSAR Hayashi, T. Kawaguchi, M. Terrones, M. Endo
of materials properties in an automated modeling: Proteochemometrics vs.
2:45 COMP 372. Computational
fashion. S. Kwak, T.J. Mustard, D. Giesen, multitask deep learning. A. Zakharov,
investigation of acid-gas induced
T.F. Hughes, A. Goldberg, S. Dixon, M. Halls WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON T. Zhao, D. Nguyen, N. Southall
degradation mechanism of zeolitic
11:20 COMP 338. Chemical and radiation 3:50 COMP 359. Exploiting submodel imidazolate frameworks. C. Han, C.
stability of ionic liquids: A computa- Section A diversity in ensemble prediction. P. Zhang, N. Tyminska, D. Sholl, J.R. Schmidt
tional screening study. N.V. Ilawe, J. Washington Marriott at Metro Center Daga, M. Waldman, R.D. Clark
3:10 Intermission.
Fu, S. Ramanathan, B.M. Wong, J. Wu Salon A 4:15 COMP 360. Energy minimization
3:25 COMP 373. Unveiling atomis-
11:45 COMP 339. Prediction of regu- and pose generation with convolutional
Molecular Mechanics tic mechanisms of vanadium redox
lation toxicological tests applied to neural network scoring. D. Koes
reactions on nitrogen-doped graphene
high energy molecules. R. Terreux, C. Nucleic Acids from first principles simulations. K.
Alliod, R. Denis, J. Chemelle, G. Jacob Section C
Cosponsored by PHYS Klyukin, N.N. Intan, Z. Jiang, V. Alexandrov
Washington Marriott at Metro Center 3:50 COMP 374. Mechanistic study of
Section E M. Feig, Organizer
Salon C oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline
Washington Marriott at Metro Center L. Prentis, Presiding solutions: Importance of chemisorbed
Salon E 1:30 COMP 347. Asymmetric breathing Quantum Mechanics water. S. Liu, M.G. White, P. Liu
motions of nucleosomal DNA and the role A. E. DePrince, Organizer 4:15 COMP 375. Combined quantum
Computational Studies of Membranes of histone tails. K. Chakraborty, S. Loverde
D. Chaves Claudino, Presiding mechanical and molecular mechan-
& Membrane-Bound Systems
2:00 COMP 348. Computational ical method for catalyst design on
Biology in the Membrane simulations of RNA containing 1:30 COMP 361. Computational and the NU-1000 metal-organic frame-
modified bases. M.C. Nagan theoretical studies on electron excitations work. X. Wu, L. Gagliardi, D.G. Truhlar
Cosponsored by PHYS
in several oxyluciferin and curcumin
2:30 COMP 349. Improving force field derivatives. V.B. Satalkar, Y. Shao 4:40 COMP 376. Gas-phase hydrolysis
M. Feig, J. Shen, Organizers
accuracy and structure determination of dimethyl methylphosphonate by the
L. Riccardi, Presiding of RNA by a combined computa- 2:00 COMP 362. Quantum-based cyclic tetramer of zirconium hydrox-
tional and experimental approach. refinement. M. Waller ide. I. Schweigert, L.D. Gunlycke
8:30 COMP 340. Interplay between lid
domain plasticity and lipid flexibility mod- C. Bergonzo, R. Acevedo, C.W. 2:20 COMP 363. Efficient computa-
ulates specificity of human monoacyl- Lawrence, A. Grishaev, T.E. Cheatham tional screening of transition metal Section E
glycerol lipase. L. Riccardi, J.M. Arencibia, 3:00 COMP 350. Effect of nucleotide centered dyes. L.A. Fredin, T. Allison
Washington Marriott at Metro Center
L. Bono, A. Armirotti, S. Girotto, M. Devivo state on the protofilament con- 2:40 COMP 364. Improved Salon E
9:00 COMP 341. Connecting molec- formation of tubulin octamers. A. quantum mechanical model of
ular structure with cellular function: Manandhar, M. Kang, S. Loverde P450-mediated ­aromatic oxida- Computational Studies of Membranes
Membranes allosterically regulate 3:30 Intermission. tion. R. Leth, P. Hunt, M. Segall & Membrane-Bound Systems
phospholipases A2. V.D. Mouchlis, A.M. 3:00 Intermission.
3:50 COMP 351. Probing the binding Transport Across Membranes
Vasquez, J. McCammon, E.A. Dennis
mechanism of BRACO19 to parallel 3:15 COMP 365. Effect of ancillary Cosponsored by PHYS
9:30 COMP 342. How do special lipids quadruplexes from human telomeric DNA ligands (A) on oxidative addition
influence the structures, dynamics, and using molecular dynamics simulation of CH4 to MIII complexes: M = Ta, M. Feig, J. Shen, Organizers
functions of multi-domain proteins? J. Li with a free ligand. C. Wu, B. Machireddy Re; A = B, Al, CH, SiH, N, P using F. Samerjeet, Presiding
10:00 COMP 343. Photosynthetic 4:20 COMP 352. Withdrawn. DFT, MP2, CCSD(T) and MCSCF
methods. R. Parveen, T. Cundari 1:30 COMP 377. Interactions between
energy transfer in purple bacteria: A
4:50 COMP 353. Combining struc- bioorganic molecules and mem-
multiscale view through the compu- 3:35 COMP 366. Digging deep: A SAPT
ture-based models and enhanced brane: Passive permeation, mem-
tational microscope. A. Singharoy, study towards a quantitative under-
sampling methods to probe RNA confor- brane defects, and phase behavior.
C. Maffeo, E. Tajkhorshid, K. Schulten standing of non-covalent interactions
mational dynamics. R. Jacobs, H. Vashisth R. Sun, J.M. Swanson, G.A. Voth
10:30 Intermission. in receptor–anion complexes. A.
Sengupta, A.H. Flood, K. Raghavachari 2:00 COMP 378. Membrane permea-
10:50 COMP 344. Bacterial membrane dis- Section B bility of gasotransmitters calculated
ruption mechanism of defensins. A. Cho 3:55 COMP 367. Initial applications using the solubility-diffusion model. F.
Washington Marriott at Metro Center of a computational chemistry app
11:20 COMP 345. Interaction of amyloid Sajadi, E. Awoonor-Williams, C.N. Rowley
Salon B store to understanding basis-set
β peptides with lipid membrane. N. superposition error. R. Richard 2:30 COMP 379. Mechanism of sub-
Xiang, Y. Lyu, X. Zhu, G. Narsimhan Drug Design strate translocation in an alternating
4:25 COMP 368. Correlated Gaussian access transporter. R.O. Dror
Cosponsored by CINF ­primitive sets based on energy
deviations per electron. D. 3:00 COMP 380. Binding free energy
M. R. Landon, Y. Tseng, Organizers
Chaves Claudino, R.J. Bartlett calculations for inhibitors and HCN
A. Thakur, Presiding ion channels. F. Tofoleanu, B. Brooks
1:30 COMP 354. Striking the right balance Section D 3:30 Intermission.
Technical program information between speed, accuracy and reliability 3:50 COMP 381. Atomistic simulation
known at press time. in quantitative ligand binding free Washington Marriott at Metro Center
studies of synthetic channels in biomi-
energy calculations: A case study of a Salon D
The official technical program for FXa protein-ligand system. Z. Guo
metic membranes. D. Barden, H. Vashisth
the 254th ACS National Meeting Material Science 4:20 COMP 382. Transport of vitamin
Adsorption, Diffusion & Catalysis B12-peptide nucleic acid conjugates
is available at www.acs.org/ through the BtuB outer membrane
WDC2017 C. M. Aikens, Organizer receptor of E. coli. T. Pienko, J. Trylska
M. F. Afzal, Presiding

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


4:50 COMP 383. Molecular mechanism of 10:00 Intermission. 10:50 COMP 408. Multiscale modeling 9:40 ENFL 4. Progresses in CO2 hydro-
pH-dependent activation of sodium-pro- of multicompartment micelle nanore- genation to methanol over In2O3 sup-
10:15 COMP 395. Discovery of mul-
ton antiporters. Y. Huang, W. Chen, J. Shen actors. C.P. Callaway, P. Sood, S. Jang ported Pd catalysts. C. Liu, N. Rui
tiple fragments binding to different
regions of the catalytic pocket of 11:15 COMP 409. Structure and chirality 10:20 Intermission.
Drug Discovery: Cheminformatic LP-PLA2 and the structure-based of supramolecular nanostructures with
Approaches 10:30 ENFL 5. Perovskite nanocomposite
rational design towards leads. V. Berdini peptide-drug amphiphiles. M. Kang,
as an exceptional CO2 splitting agent
Sponsored by CINF, Cosponsored by COMP K. Chakraborty, H. Cui, S. Loverde
10:45 COMP 396. Investigating the impor- in a hybrid solar-redox scheme. F. Li
tance of region1 in the small molecule 11:40 COMP 410. Coarse-grained and
11:10 ENFL 6. Plasmonic CO2 conversion
CD4 mimics (SMCM) through QM/MM statistical mechanics modeling of
to formic acid by cis-Rubpy complex
THURSDAY MORNING and pure QM methods. F. Moraca dynamic, mechanically compliant DNA
with high selectivity and rate under mild
hinges. Z. Shi, C. Castro, G. Arya
11:15 COMP 397. Withdrawn. condition. H. Jun, M. Yang, Y. Nam
Section A 12:05 COMP 411. Hybrid pep-
11:35 ENFL 7. Fe-based bimetal-
Section C tide-based materials encompassing
Washington Marriott at Metro Center lic catalysts supported on TiO2 for
ultrashort peptides: Molecule to
Salon A Washington Marriott at Metro Center selective CO2 hydrogenation to higher
materials. S. Mushnoori, M. Dutt
hydrocarbons. N. Boreriboon, W. Wang,
Salon C
Molecular Mechanics X. Jiang, C. Song, P. Prasassarakich
Cosponsored by PHYS Quantum Mechanics
Section B
M. Feig, Organizer A. E. DePrince, Organizer ENFL Walter E. Washington Convention Center
E. Sayfutyarova, Presiding D. Nascimento, Presiding
Room 142
8:30 COMP 384. Testing for phys- 8:30 COMP 398. MP2 hydration Division of Energy and
ical validity in molecular dynam-
ics. P.T. Merz, M.R. Shirts
free energies of 20 different salts
show excellent agreement with
Fuels Solar Energy & Solar Cells

D. Heldebrant, Program Chair Y. H. Hu, R. T. Koodali, Organizers

experiments. F. Wang, J. Li
9:00 COMP 385. MD-binding: Enabling N. Wu, Presiding
fully dynamic simulation of binding for 9:00 COMP 399. Role of the
medium on the stereoselectivity in OTHER SYMPOSIA OF INTEREST: 8:00 Introductory Remarks.
real-world drug-target systems. W.
Rocchia, A. Spitaleri, S. Decherchi, A. Cavalli organic reactions. V. Aviyente Advances & Challenges at the
Food-Energy-Water Nexus 8:05 ENFL 8. Charge transfer and
9:30 COMP 386. Direction-dependent 9:30 COMP 400. Solubility pre- (see ENVR, Tue, Wed) energy transfer from plasmonic
protein remodeling by AAA+ biological diction from first principles: A metals to semiconductors. N. Wu
Cooperative Catalysis at Surfaces
nanomachines. A. Javidialesaadi, G. Stan density of states approach. S. 8:45 ENFL 9. Spectroscopic evolution of
& Interfaces: Impact on
Boothroyd, A. Kerridge, J. Anwar
9:50 COMP 387. Finding multi- Chemistry & Energy Frontiers graphene oxide/perovskite interfaces
ple reaction pathways via global 10:00 COMP 401. Computational (see CATL, Sun Mon, Tue) for solar energy. M. Acik, R. Rosenberg
optimization of action. J. Lee, I. study of the Criegee intermediate Emerging Catalytic Processes 9:05 ENFL 10. Withdrawn.
Lee, I. Joung, J. Lee, B. Brooks through ozonolysis reaction. M. for Methane Conversion
Almatarneh, I.A. Elayan, Z. Ahmed (see CATL, Mon, Tue) 9:25 ENFL 11. Imaging photovol-
10:20 Intermission. taic functionality of polycrystalline
10:30 COMP 402. Robust Chebyshev filter- How to get your First Industrial
10:40 COMP 388. Dynamic hydrogen Job (see YCC, Tue)
and perovskite solar cells at the
ing for SCF iteration. A. Breuer, X.C. Wang nanoscale. E.M. Tennyson, M.S. Leite
bonding network in E. coli glycina-
Recent Advances towards the
mide ribonucleotide transformylase 9:45 Intermission.
Section D Bioeconomy (see CELL, Sun)
(GAR Tfase). P. Gupta, A.E. Roitberg
Understanding the Chemistry of 9:55 ENFL 12. Plasmon enhanced
11:00 COMP 389. Using constant pH Washington Marriott at Metro Center
Our Planet (see PRES, Tue) photocatalysis and solar cells. D. Ma
molecular dynamics and free energy Salon D
perturbation to compute ph-depen- SOCIAL EVENTS: 10:35 ENFL 13. Incorporation of inequiva-
dent binding free energies. R.C. Material Science lent neodymium cations into perovskite
Dinner, 6:00 PM: Tue
Harris, C. Tsai, C.R. Ellis, J. Shen hybrids for boosting device performance
Batteries, Bio-Based of perovskite photovoltaics. X. Gong
Materials & Beyond BUSINESS MEETINGS:
11:30 COMP 390. Structure, activity, and
chemical recognition of pH and ionic Business Meeting & Social, 12:00 PM: Mon 10:55 ENFL 14. Modelling materi-
C. M. Aikens, Organizer als and processes in perovskites
strength induced protein-protein interac- Executive Committee
tions. M.R. Jones, A.K. Wilson, B. Brooks Y. Xing, Presiding Meeting, 4:00 PM: Sun solar cells. F. De Angelis

11:50 COMP 391. Machine learning enabled 8:30 COMP 403. Analysis, design and simu- Program Meeting, 1:00 PM: Sun 11:15 ENFL 15. Progress towards the study
approach to incorporate multi-state infor- lation of nanobatteries: Silicon anodes of proton-coupled electron transfer reac-
mation in molecular modeling of dynamic and beyond. L.A. Selis, V.H. Ponce, D.E. tions via the mixed quantum-classical
allostery: A case study of the PDZ2 Galvez-Aranda, L. Benitez, J.M. Seminario SUNDAY MORNING Liouville approach. F.A. Shakib, G. Hanna
domain. M. Botlani, A. Siddiqui, S. Varma 8:55 COMP 404. First-principles 11:35 Concluding Remarks.
density functional theory model- Section A
Section B ing of redox potential of organic Walter E. Washington Convention Center
materials for lithium-ion batteries. Room 143A
Washington Marriott at Metro Center
K. Kim, T. Liu, S.W. Lee, S. Jang
Salon B
9:20 COMP 405. Theoretical insights Carbon Management: Advances
Drug Design into flavin-C60 complexes via in Carbon Efficiency, Capture,
molecular mechanics and molec- Conversion, Utilization & Storage
Cosponsored by CINF
ular dynamics. E. Karunaratne, J. CO2 Conversion
M. R. Landon, Y. Tseng, Organizers Gascon, F. Papadimitrakopoulos
Y. H. Hu, P. K. Koech, Organizers
L. Kalash, Presiding 9:45 COMP 406. Design and insight
into the electronic structure of power H. Lin, X. Wang, Organizers, Presiding
8:30 COMP 392. Addressing phospholipase
conversion efficient arylamine organic M. Hu, Presiding
A2 selectivity towards phospholipids:
An important step for developing potent
dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells The use of any device to capture
(DSSCs): In silico approaches. J.K. 8:00 ENFL 1. CO2 conversion to novel
and selective inhibitors. V.D. Mouchlis,
Roy, S. Kar, J.R. Leszczynski solid materials for energy con- images (e.g., cameras and camera
A.M. Vasquez, J. McCammon, E.A. Dennis
10:10 COMP 407. Density functional
version and storage. Y.H. Hu phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
9:00 COMP 393. Benchmarking methods
for virtual screening of match molecular
theory study of the thermodynamic 8:50 ENFL 2. Photo-initiated reduc- digital recorders) or to stream,
and mechanical properties of single tion of CO2 by H2 on silica. C. Liu,
pairs: A PDB-wide and ChEMBL-wide
crystal group (IV) diborides with J.M. Notestein, E. Weitz, K.A. Gray upload or rebroadcast speakers or
analysis. M. Baumgartner, D. Evans
boron vacancies. M. Sun, J. Liu 9:15 ENFL 3. Bimetallic Fe-Cu catalysts presentations is strictly prohibited
9:30 COMP 394. Duality of protein for CO2 hydrogenation to C2+ hydrocar-
binding site similarity and cognate
10:35 Intermission.
bons. W. Wang, X. Wang, X. Jiang, C. Song
at all official ACS meetings and
ligand similarity. A.N. Jain, A.E. Cleves events without express written
consent from ACS.

Section C Section E Recent Advances towards 1:35 ENFL 47. Enhancing stability
the Bioeconomy of organolead iodide perovskite
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Walter E. Washington Convention Center films and solar cells with surface
Room 141 Room 143C Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored by
AGFD, CARB, ENFL and ENVR chemistry approach. J.Z. Zhang
Ammonia Economy Energy & Fuels Storch Award 2:15 ENFL 48. Highly stable giant core/
Catalytic Transformation of
in Fuel Science: Symposium shell colloidal quantum dot sensitized
Oxidation, Catalytic Renewable Plant Biomass to
in honor of Umit S. Ozkan solar cells. G. Selopal, H. Zhao, X. Tong,
Cracking & Storage Enhance Global Economy D. Benetti, F. Navarro Pardo, Y. Zhou, D.
Cosponsored by CATL Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored by ENFL
Cosponsored by I&EC Barba, F. Vidal, Z.M. Wang, F. Rosei
E. J. Biddinger, N. A. Brunelli, Organizers, Cooperative Catalysis at 2:35 ENFL 49. Three-dimensional photovol-
M. Jones, M. T. Mock, Organizers
Presiding taic cells for renewable energy application
Surfaces & Interfaces: Impact on
J. Makepeace, M. Mock, Presiding with enhanced exciton-hole separation
8:00 Introductory Remarks. Chemistry & Energy Frontiers
8:00 Introductory Remarks. and barrier characteristics. M.J. Uddin
8:05 ENFL 26. Evaluation of processing for Electrocatalysis
8:05 ENFL 16. High purity hydrogen G2GI (gas to gasoline and intermedi- 2:55 ENFL 50. From small model systems
Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored by ENFL
generation from ammonia. Y. Kojima ates) using ODH (oxidative dehydro- to defined polymer architectures: An
genation of ethane). A.M. Gaffney approach to efficient and long-lived pho-
8:45 ENFL 17. Hydrogen production
to-induced charge separation. M. Jaeger
from ammonia using lithium-calcium 8:35 ENFL 27. Ultra-deep hydrodesul-
imide. J. Makepeace, T. Wood, W. David furization of diesel fuel in stacked-bed SUNDAY AFTERNOON 3:15 Intermission.

9:10 ENFL 18. Isotopic studies of reactors: A tale of two sites. T. Ho 3:25 ENFL 51. Photophysical prop-
Section A erties of near infrared cyanine dyes
the ammonia decomposition reac- 9:05 ENFL 28. Thermochemical conversion
tion using lithium imide catalyst. T. of carbon dioxide by reverse water-gas Walter E. Washington Convention Center and their application as photo-
Wood, J. Makepeace, W. David shift chemical looping using per- Room 143A sensitizers in dye sensitized solar
ovskite-type oxides. J. Kuhn, D. Maiti, Y. cells. W. Ghann, J. Uddin, H. Kang
9:35 ENFL 19. Structure and activation
Daza, A. Ramos, B. Hare, V. Bhethanabotla Carbon Management: Advances 3:45 ENFL 52. In-situ neutron reflec-
of Ru catalyst on Ca(NH2)2: Effect
of hydrogen and electron trans-
in Carbon Efficiency, Capture, tometry reveals dye: TiO2 interfacial
9:35 ENFL 29. Catalyst development
fer. P. Ong, H. Hosono, P.V. Sushko Conversion, Utilization & Storage structures within dye-sensitized solar
from petroleum coke: Manipulating
the pore size while minimizing Materials & Utilization cell device environments. J. Cole
10:00 ENFL 20. Electrocatalytic ammonia
oxidation with molecular copper cata- waste. V. Montes, J.M. Hill 4:05 ENFL 53. Spray deposition of
Y. H. Hu, H. Lin, Organizers
lysts. T.H. Warren, M. Raghibi Boroujeni 10:05 Intermission. titania films for application in pho-
P. K. Koech, X. Wang, Organizers, Presiding tovoltaics. L. Song, B. Su, K. Wang,
10:40 Intermission. 10:20 ENFL 30. Partial oxidation and M. Hu, Presiding S. Roth, P. Mueller-Buschbaum
11:00 ENFL 21. Dielectric and structural ammoxidation of propene over a-Bi-
2Mo3O12: The special role of Bi. A.T. Bell 1:30 ENFL 39. Pushing the boundary: 4:25 ENFL 54. High performance
characterisation of ammonia uptake by
Nanocomposite polyphosphazene ternary blend organic solar cells using
metal organic framework materials. M. 10:50 ENFL 31. Improving Fischer-
membranes in CO2 /N2 separations. conjugated polymer and molecular
Jones, R.S. Forgan, A. Porch, M. Barter Tropsch catalysts by using learnings
H. Nulwala, D. Luebke, H.R. Allcock, Z. Li materials. J. Subbiah, P. Geraghty,
11:25 ENFL 22. Alternative from deactivation studies. S. Soled, V.D. Mitchell, W. Wong, D. Jones
S. Reyes, C.E. Kliewer, S. Miseo 1:55 ENFL 40. Advance micro porous
ammonia storage materials for
polymeric blends processed as 4:45 ENFL 55. Using plasmonic excitation
SCR of NOx. A.J. Karkamkar 11:20 ENFL 32. Co-aromatization of
high performance gas separation to generate electrostatic potentials
methane with olefins: The role of for solar energy applications. K.
membranes. A. Sekizkardes, S.
Section D catalytic sites in the inner pores and on Palm, J. Garrett, T. Gong, J. Munday
Venna, V. Kusuma, D. Hopkinson
the external surface of metal modified
Walter E. Washington Convention Center zeolites. P. He, J. Jarvis, S. Kou, H. Song 2:20 ENFL 41. Hydrogenation of methyl 5:05 ENFL 56. Photoanode with enhanced
Room 143B acetate to ethanol by Cu/ZnO catalyst performance achieved by coating
encapsulated in SBA-15. Z. Yujun, Y. BiVO4 onto ZnO-templated Sb-doped
Energy & Fuels Joint Award for Section F SnO2 nanotube scaffold. L. Zhou
Wang, J. Zhang, S. Huang, S. Wang, X. Ma
Excellence in Publication Walter E. Washington Convention Center 5:25 Concluding Remarks.
2:45 ENFL 42. Desulphurization of
D. Boström, Organizer Room 144A
coal using choline chloride based
M. Kidder, Presiding deep eutectic solvents. M. Zahid, Section C
Advanced Nanomaterials Catalysts
N.C. Hameed, S. Nasir, Z. Naseem
10:30 Introductory Remarks. for Sustainable Energy & Fuels Walter E. Washington Convention Center
3:10 Intermission. Room 141
10:40 ENFL 23. Ash transformation Electrochemical Energy Conversion
chemistry during combustion of biomass, 3:20 ENFL 43. Mitigates the agglom-
S. Guo, Organizer eration of the hollow graphitic Ammonia Economy
theory and technical applications. D.
Boström, N. Skoglund, C. Boman, M. D. Su, S. Zhang, Organizers, Presiding carbon nanospheres. C. Zhang Synthesis, Utilization &
Öhman, M. Broström, R. Backman 8:00 ENFL 33. Discovery of new catalytic 4:00 ENFL 44. Cracking of methane Nitrogen Reduction
11:20 ENFL 24. Ash transformation materials for the hydrogen evolution and (CH4) and separation into hydrogen Cosponsored by I&EC
chemistry in biomass fixed beds with oxygen evolution reactions. R.E. Schaak (H2) and solid carbon. P. Oconnor
M. Jones, M. T. Mock, Organizers
focus on slagging and aerosols: 20 years 8:30 ENFL 34. Platinum monolayer on 4:30 ENFL 45. Microporous carbons
of research and new developments. C. new nanostructured core electrocata- derived from soft drinks: Promising Y. Kojima, T. Wood, Presiding
Boman, M. Öhman, M. Broström, N. Skoglund, lysts for the oxygen reduction reaction. materials for carbon dioxide sep- 1:30 ENFL 57. Diruthenium chemistry
F. Schmidt, R. Backman, D. Boström K. Sasaki, K. Kuttiyiel, R.R. Adzic aration and capture. C.M. Teague, of nitrides and ammonia. J.F. Berry
11:50 ENFL 25. Ash transforma- C. Stieber, J.A. Schott, Z.E. Mann, B.
9:00 ENFL 35. Transition metal phospho- 2:10 ENFL 58. Nitrogenase reduc-
tion reactions for phosphorus-rich Williamson, P. Zhang, S. Dai, S.M. Mahurin
sulfide nanomaterials for electrocat- tion of N2 and CO2. S. Raugei
biomass and waste streams. N. alytic energy conversion. H. Wang 5:00 ENFL 46. Graphene-based nanomate-
Skoglund, M. Öhman, D. Boström rials for catalysis. M. Hu, Z. Yao, X. Wang 2:35 ENFL 59. Catalytic N2 reduc-
9:30 Intermission. tion to ammonia using a homo-
12:20 Concluding Remarks.
9:50 ENFL 36. Seed-mediated co-reduc- geneous chromium complex. A.J.
Section B Kendall, M.T. Mock, R. Bullock
tion as a route to multi-metallic core@
shell nanocatalysts. S.E. Skrabalak Walter E. Washington Convention Center
3:00 ENFL 60. Transition metal complexes
Room 142 for N2 reduction and NH3 oxidation:
10:20 ENFL 37. Design of advanced
nanomaterials for sustainable Strategies for making and breaking
Solar Energy & Solar Cells N-N and N-H bonds. M.T. Mock, E.S.
Technical program information energy and fuel. Y. Kang
Wiedner, P. Bhattacharya, D. Prokopchuk
Y. H. Hu, Organizer
known at press time. 10:50 ENFL 38. Corrosion-induced
R. T. Koodali, Organizer, Presiding 3:25 Intermission.
degradation of platinum based
The official technical program for oxygen reduction reaction cata- J. Z. Zhang, Presiding 3:45 ENFL 61. Lower pressure ammonia
the 254th ACS National Meeting lysts and in situ investigation. H.
1:30 Introductory Remarks. synthesis. M. Malmali, J. Prince, M.
Shan, W. Chen, Y. Ma, F. Shi, J. Wu Reese, A. McCormick, E. Cussler
is available at www.acs.org/

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


4:10 ENFL 62. Alternatives to electricity 2:05 ENFL 74. Copper catalysts: From Environmental Applications of Liquid 10:35 ENFL 99. Surviving high-tempera-
for running the world on renewable supported metal complexes and atomi- Phase Catalysis for Green Chemical ture calcination: ZrO2-induced hematite
energy: Hydrogen and ammonia fuels via cally-precise nanoclusters to dispersed Processes of Renewable Materials nanotubes for photoelectrochemical
underground pipelines, with low-cost, nanoparticles. S.L. Scott, Z. Jones Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored water oxidation. C. Li, T. Wang, J. Gong
annual-scale storage. W.C. Leighty by CATL and ENFL
2:35 ENFL 75. Tuning the molecular design 10:55 ENFL 100. Band-gap engineered
4:35 ENFL 63. Flame stabilization of catalytic materials to increase activity MnO nanoparticles integrated on
mechanisms of ammonia/air pre- and selectivity for mesoporous silica WO3/BiVO4 photoanode for efficient
mixed flames in high speed swirling materials. N.A. Brunelli, N. Deshpande, water oxidation. M. Lee, H. Jang
flows. A. Hayakawa, Y. Arakawa, S. K.D. M.R. Whitaker, A. Parulkar, R. Joshi
11:15 ENFL 101. Photoelectrochemistry
Kunkuma A., T. Kudo, H. Kobayashi
3:05 ENFL 76. Combined molecular Section A of conducting polymers and opportunities
5:00 Concluding Remarks. confinement and metal-support interface in solar fuel generation. D. Hursán,
effects for control of hydrodeoxygen- Walter E. Washington Convention Center A. Kormanyos, R. Ondok, T. Kiss, C. Janaky
ation selectivity on porous Pd@TiO2. J. Room 143A
Section D 11:35 ENFL 102. BiVO4 for solar
Zhang, B. Wang, J.W. Medlin, E. Nikolla
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Carbon Management: Advances water oxidation via SF-ALD. B.
3:35 Intermission. in Carbon Efficiency, Capture, Lamm, A. Sarkar, M. Stefik
Room 143B
3:50 ENFL 77. Cascade aldoliza- Conversion, Utilization & Storage 11:55 Concluding Remarks.
Innovative Chemistry & Materials for tion and self-deoxygenation over
CO2 Capture & Chemical Looping
Electrochemical Energy Storage ZnxZryOz mixed oxides. Y. Wang Section C
H. Lin, X. Wang, Organizers
Y. Shao, G. Yu, Organizers 4:20 ENFL 78. Some new design concepts
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
for heterogeneous catalysts for fuel pro- Y. H. Hu, P. K. Koech, Organizers, Presiding
J. Guo, Organizer, Presiding Room 141
cessing and chemicals synthesis. C. Song
1:30 Introductory Remarks. 8:00 ENFL 87. Chemical looping
4:50 ENFL 79. Metal-modified zeolites and gasification, reforming and chem- Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals:
1:35 ENFL 64. Polymer-based their use for production of biofuels from ical syntheses. L. Fan Research, Innovation &
batteries. U.S. Schubert biomass pyrolysis vapors. M. Yung Commercialization
8:50 ENFL 88. Advanced solid sor-
2:05 ENFL 65. Unique materials bents for CO2 capture from flue Current State & Future Path
chemistry of organic radical polymer Section F gas. X. Wang, D. Wang, C. Song
Cosponsored by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR,
batteries. J.L. Lutkenhaus
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 9:15 ENFL 89. Green synthesis MPPG, PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC
2:35 ENFL 66. Binder-free NiFe2O4-C Room 144A of Ca-based sorbents for fast
nanofiber films as air cathodes for J. L. Bryant, J. C. Giordan, Organizers
CO2 capture: The enhancement effect
Li-O2 batteries. X. Zhang, Z. Zhou Advanced Nanomaterials Catalysts of waste-derived SiO2 on cyclic E. B. Fox, L. Houston, Organizers, Presiding
2:55 ENFL 67. Hydride materials in all-solid for Sustainable Energy & Fuels stability and sorption kinetics. F. J. Allison, K. A. Fjare, Presiding
Yan, J. Jiang, K. Li, X. Chen, S. Tian
Li-ion cell configuration. A. El-kharbachi, Electrochemical Energy Conversion 8:00 Introductory Remarks.
Y. Hu, M. Sørby, H. Fjellvåg, B. Hauback 9:40 Intermission.
S. Zhang, Organizer 8:05 ENFL 103. History, success and
3:15 Intermission. 9:50 ENFL 90. Withdrawn.
S. Guo, D. Su, Organizers, Presiding current challenges of biodiesel in
3:30 ENFL 68. Flexible, foldable polymer 10:15 ENFL 91. Interactions of CO2 /brine/ the United States. S. Howell
composites for energy storage. S. Yang 1:30 ENFL 80. Multifunctional car- rock under CO2 storage conditions. Y.
bon-based metal-free catalysts 8:25 ENFL 104. Corn ethanol in
Soong, D. Crandall, L. Dalton, R. Mclendon,
4:00 ENFL 69. Studies on complex for efficient energy conversion gasoline. P.R. Robinson
L. Zhang, R. Lin, B. Howard, I. Haljasmaa
electrolytes for magnesium batter- and storage. C. Hu, L. Dai 8:45 ENFL 105. Update on the com-
ies. J.L. Schaefer, L. Merrill, H. Ford 10:40 ENFL 92. Cyclic trimer of carbon
2:00 ENFL 81. Atomic iron-dispersed mercial status of cellulosic bio-
4:30 ENFL 70. Withdrawn. dioxide: Synthesis and stability. A.
carbon electrocatalysts for oxygen fuels. S. Erhan, R. Moreau
Snow, M.J. Rodig, P. Scholl, S. Rea
4:50 ENFL 71. Anion dynamical behaviors reduction in challenging acid. G. Wu 9:05 ENFL 106. Production of chemi-
and their possible relationship to 2:30 ENFL 82. Topological defects cals from biomass: Techno-economic
superionic conductivities in hydro-clo-
Section B
in nanocarbons for oxygen elec- and market perspectives. M. Biddy
so-borate salts of lithium and sodium. trocatalysis. Q. Zhang, C. Tang Walter E. Washington Convention Center
9:25 Intermission.
M. Dimitrievska, W. Tang, K.E. Kweon, Room 142
B. Wood, P.T. Shea, J. Varley, V. Stavila, A. 3:00 Intermission. 9:45 ENFL 107. Renewable chem-
Skripov, K. Yoshida, S. Orimo, T.J. Udovic 3:20 ENFL 83. Withdrawn. Solar Energy & Solar Cells icals and fuels from biomass.
D.G. Vlachos, P.J. Dauenhauer
5:10 ENFL 72. Computational studies of 3:50 ENFL 84. Surface/interface Y. H. Hu, R. T. Koodali, Organizers, Presiding
structure, composition, and electrochem- engineering and characterization for 10:05 ENFL 108. Agile BioFoundry:
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
ical behavior of high-performance Ni-rich nanostructured electrocatalysis systems. Applying synthetic biology tools to
layered materials for lithium-ion batteries. X. Xie, L. Du, L. Luo, C. Wang, Y. Shao 8:05 ENFL 93. 3D carbon nanoma- biomanufacturing using lignocellu-
M. Dixit, B. Markovsky, D. Aurbach, D.T. Major terials as counter electrodes for losic feedstocks. J. Fitzgerald
4:20 ENFL 85. Eco-friendly synthesis
perovskite solar cells. Y.H. Hu 10:25 ENFL 109. Moving beyond drop-in
of well-ordered mesoporous bio-car-
Section E bon (MBC) as cathode catalyst 8:45 ENFL 94. Interplay between polymer replacements: Performance advantaged
for polymer electrolyte membrane chain alignment and charge trans- bio-based chemicals. N.D. Fitzgerald
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
fuel cells (PEMFCs). R. Jiang, D.T. port in semiconducting polymers. T. 10:45 ENFL 110. Perspective on renewable
Room 143C
Tran, J.P. McClure, D.D. Chu Weller, C.R. McNeill, M. Thelakkat
bioenergy from algae for chemical
Energy & Fuels Storch Award 4:45 ENFL 86. Ni-C-N nanosheets as cata- 9:05 ENFL 95. Gradient doping of production in the water-energy-environ-
in Fuel Science: Symposium lyst for hydrogen evolution reaction. P. Xi phosphorus in Fe2O3 nanoarray ment nexus. L.M. Laurens, P.T. Pienkos
in honor of Umit S. Ozkan photoanodes for enhanced charge
Cosponsored by CATL Recent Advances towards separation. Z. Luo, T. Wang, J. Gong
the Bioeconomy 9:25 ENFL 96. Photocatalytic hydro-
N. A. Brunelli, Organizer
Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored by gen generation from hydriodic
E. J. Biddinger, Organizer, Presiding AGFD, CARB, ENFL and ENVR acid using methylammonium lead
iodide. S. Park, W. Chang, K. Nam
R. Watson, Presiding The use of any device to capture
Catalytic Transformation of 9:45 Intermission.
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
Renewable Plant Biomass to
images (e.g., cameras and camera
9:55 ENFL 97. New insight into the roles
1:35 ENFL 73. Reaction mechanism and Enhance Global Economy of oxygen vacancy in hematite for phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
the nature of the active site for standard
selective catalytic reduction of NOx Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored by ENFL solar water splitting. X. Zhao, Z. Chen digital recorders) or to stream,
on Cu/SSZ-13 zeolites. F. Ribeiro, Cooperative Catalysis at 10:15 ENFL 98. Aqueous solar upload or rebroadcast speakers or
W. Delgass, R. Gounder, J.T. Miller, W.F. Surfaces & Interfaces: Impact on cells as emerging photovoltaics:
Schneider, A. Yezerets, A. Parekh, C. Paolucci, Photoelectrochemical and chemom- presentations is strictly prohibited
Chemistry & Energy Frontiers
I. Khurana , J. Albarracin, J. Di Iorio, A. Shih etric investigation. F. Bella, S. Galliano, at all official ACS meetings and
Photocatalysis & Oxide Catalysis M. Falco, F. Giordano, A. Hagfeldt, M.
Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored by ENFL Grätzel, G. Viscardi, C. Barolo, C. Gerbaldi events without express written
consent from ACS.

11:05 ENFL 111. Co-optimization of 8:35 ENFL 122. Copper electrocatalysis Environmental Applications of Liquid 3:40 ENFL 147. 2D materials at fluid-fluid
fuels and engines: Identifying the for synthesis of fuels and chemicals. Phase Catalysis for Green Chemical interfaces. B. Rodier, P. Wei, A. de Leon, Q.
fuel properties and engine design E.J. Biddinger, A.N. Karaiskakis, S. Jung Processes of Renewable Materials Luo, K. Pachuta, A. Sehirlioglu, E. Pentzer
characteristics needed to maximize Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
9:05 ENFL 123. Photo-electrochemical 4:05 ENFL 148. Exceptional energy
vehicle efficiency. R.L. McCormick, by CATL and ENFL
CO2 reduction to acetate on iron– and new insight with sodium – sele-
J. Farrell, J. Holladay, R. Wagner
copper oxide: Understanding electron nium battery based on carbon
11:25 ENFL 112. Quantum modeling of dynamics in catalysts showing high nanosheet cathode and pseudo-
biofuel autoignition. M.R. Nimlos, L. Bu selectivity for CO2 reduction. L. Baker graphite anode. D. Mitlin
9:35 ENFL 124. Photocatalytic degrada- 4:30 ENFL 149. Dry compressible
Section D tion of metoprolol: Reaction conditions, Section A holey graphene: A unique high mass
Walter E. Washington Convention Center intermediates and total reaction mecha- loading platform for energy storage.
nism. E. Moctezuma, E. Leyva, M. Lopez Walter E. Washington Convention Center Y. Lin, L. Hu, J. Kim, J.W. Connell
Room 143B Room 143A
10:05 Intermission. 4:55 ENFL 150. Withdrawn.
Innovative Chemistry & Materials for Carbon Management: Advances
10:20 ENFL 125. Insights into the 5:10 ENFL 151. Extrusion-based 3D print-
Electrochemical Energy Storage oxygen reduction reaction activity in Carbon Efficiency, Capture, ing of a highly porous two-dimensional
J. Guo, Y. Shao, Organizers of Pt/C and PtCu/C catalysts. Conversion, Utilization & Storage nanomaterial for beyond Li-ion batteries.
A. Co, E. Coleman, F. Zhang, X. Lin S. Lacey, Y. Lin, J.W. Connell, L. Hu
G. Yu, Organizer, Presiding
10:50 ENFL 126. Poisoning and promotion CO2 Capture
8:00 ENFL 113. Challenges and Section C
of ORR activity in CNx catalysts through P. K. Koech, X. Wang, Organizers
prospects of high-nickel layered
anion adsorption: A density functional Walter E. Washington Convention Center
oxide cathodes for next-generation Y. H. Hu, H. Lin, Organizers, Presiding
theory study. A.R. Asthagiri, Q. Zhang
lithium-ion batteries. A. Manthiram Room 141
11:20 ENFL 127. Exploring hydrogen-per- 1:30 ENFL 135. Mechanism of char
8:35 ENFL 114. Controllable solid electro- chemical looping reduction process by
meable membranes for efficient catalytic Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals:
lyte interphase in nickel-rich cathodes employing calcium-doped copper oxide.
methane dehydroaromatization. Research, Innovation &
by an electrochemical rearrangement L. Bai, J. Riley, W. Benincosa, H. Tian
S. Natesakhawat, N. Means, B. Howard, Commercialization
for stable lithium-ion batteries. J. Cho
M.W. Smith, V. Abdelsayed, J.P. Baltrus, 2:10 ENFL 136. Aminopyridine solvents
9:05 ENFL 115. Two-dimensional J.W. Lekse, D. Link, B.D. Morreale
Challenges & Opportunities
as carbon dioxide capture agents. P.K.
materials for in-plane micro-su- Koech, D. Malhotra, J. Page, D. Cantu, M. Cosponsored by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR,
percapacitors. X. Feng MPPG, PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC
Section F Bowden, A.J. Karkamkar, F. Zheng, D.J.
9:35 ENFL 116. Synthesis and char- Heldebrant, V. Glezakou, R. Rousseau J. L. Bryant, J. C. Giordan, Organizers
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
acterization of nanostructured 2:40 ENFL 137. Removing the viscosity
Room 144A E. B. Fox, L. Houston, Organizers, Presiding
LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2 cathode material for increase in water-lean CO2 capture
high-capacity lithium ion battery. S. Lee solvents. D.J. Heldebrant, D. Malhotra, J. Allison, K. A. Fjare, Presiding
Advanced Nanomaterials Catalysts
9:55 Intermission. for Sustainable Energy & Fuels D. Cantu, P. Koech, V. Glezakou, 1:30 ENFL 152. Exploring bulky chemicals
R. Rousseau, F. Zheng, J. Page, A. Zwoster from furfural platform by catalytic
10:10 ENFL 117. Self-assembly Electrochemical Energy Conversion
3:10 ENFL 138. Highly efficient and revers- oxidation and carbonylation. G. Yin
synthesis of electrode architec-
S. Guo, Organizer ible CO2 capture by imidazolate-based 1:50 ENFL 153. Lignin depolymeriza-
tures for energy storage. S. Dai
D. Su, S. Zhang, Organizers, Presiding ether-functionalized ionic liquids. tion and further hydrodeoxygenation
10:40 ENFL 118. Electrodeposition and L. Zhang, X. Xiao, H. Yang, X. Tantai, N. Yang upgrading with new mesoporous zeolites.
hydrothermal growth of high perfor- 8:00 ENFL 128. Design and processing of
3:40 Intermission. Y. Wang, N. Baxter, G. Kuo, S. Wang
mance solid and mesostructured Li-ion higher-performance bimetallic catalysts
cathodes and anodes. P.V. Braun assisted by in situ techniques. H. Yang 3:50 ENFL 139. Energetically efficient 2:10 ENFL 154. Sterically protected and
CO2-binding organic liquids as carbon electronically activated azamacrocycle
11:10 ENFL 119. One-dimensional nano- 8:30 ENFL 129. Rational design of novel
dioxide capture solvents. D. Malhotra, catalysts for lignin depolymerization:
materials for energy storage. L. Mai nanostructured low-Pt and Pt-free
P.K. Koech, D.J. Heldebrant, J. Page, D.C. A new approach to biomass valoriza-
11:40 ENFL 120. In-situ electrochem- catalysts for hydrogen fuel cells. G.
Cantu, V. Glezakou, R. Rousseau, F. Zheng tion. A.M. Rahatgaonkar, M. Chorghade
ical stiffness in Li-ion composite Zhang, Q. Wei, X. Yang, S. Sun
4:15 ENFL 140. Integrated CO2 capture/ 2:30 ENFL 155. Zinc chloride ionic liquid:
cathodes. K. Lundberg, Ö.Ö. Çapraz, 9:00 ENFL 130. Enhancing C-C splitting for
water-gas shift process for IGCC appli- A novel robust and selective solvent
T. Fister, N.R. Sottos, A.A. Gewirth the electro-oxidation of ethanol. X. Teng
cations. S. Zhao, A. Lucero, S. Gangwah for biomass fractionation. P. Oconnor
9:30 Intermission.
Section E 4:40 ENFL 141. Integrating in vivo 2:50 Intermission.
9:50 ENFL 131. Bright future for and in vitro approaches for metage- 3:00 ENFL 156. Removal of acidic
Walter E. Washington Convention Center electrode materials: Highly conduc- nomic RuBisCO sequence mining to impurities from hydrolysate liquor by
Room 143C tive porous Na-embedded carbon improve carbon fixation. N. Prywes resin wafer based electrodeionization.
nanowalls for energy devices. Y.H. Hu
5:05 ENFL 142. CO2 capture, concentration Y. Dai, Y.J. Lin, S.W. Snyder, P. Chiang
Energy & Fuels Storch Award
10:20 ENFL 132. Orbitalwise descrip- & conversion technology. P. Oconnor
in Fuel Science: Symposium 3:20 ENFL 157. Biohybrid fuel cells
tors for engineering catalytic sites
in honor of Umit S. Ozkan for power generation directly from
beyond volcano limitation. H. Xin
Cosponsored by CATL Section B fermentations. M. Benyamin, J.
10:50 ENFL 133. Withdrawn. Jahnke, H. LaFors, D. Mackie
E. J. Biddinger, N. A. Brunelli, Organizers,
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
11:10 ENFL 134. Unraveling oxygen Room 142 3:40 ENFL 158. Application of electro-
anion transport in nanostructured microbiology for in-situ bioprocess
8:00 Introductory Remarks. double perovskite electrodes for Two-Dimensional Materials monitoring. C. Turick, P. Satjaritanun,
solid oxide fuel cells. M. Haider, for Energy & Fuels S. Shimpalee, C. Milliken, C. Bagwell, J.
8:05 ENFL 121. Platinum group metal-free
U. Anjum, M. Agarwal, T. Khan Przywara, S. Greenway, J. Weidner
electrocatalysts derived by sacrificial L. Hu, Y. Lin, G. Yu, Organizers
support method. P.B. Atanassov 4:00 ENFL 159. Complete exploita-
Catalytic Transformation of V. Barone, Y. Zhu, Organizers, Presiding tion of carbon for transforming
Renewable Plant Biomass to microalgal biomass into biofuels via
1:30 ENFL 143. MXenes, 2D transition
Enhance Global Economy serial fermentations and transester-
metals carbides, and carbonitrides for
Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored by ENFL energy storage and catalysis. M. Naguib ification. M. Eldalatony, E. Salama,
S. Saha, M.B. Kurade, B. Jeon
1:55 ENFL 144. Scalable and facile syn-
Cooperative Catalysis at thetic routes to holey graphene. A. Star 4:20 ENFL 160. One-pot hydrothermal
Technical program information Surfaces & Interfaces: Impact on catalytic conversion microalgae into
2:20 ENFL 145. Synthesis and
known at press time. Chemistry & Energy Frontiers
properties of 2D layers and het-
bulk chemicals. L. Kong, Y. Sun

The official technical program for Oxide Catalysis erostructures. J. Robinson

the 254th ACS National Meeting Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored by ENFL 2:45 ENFL 146. Graphene synthesis and
applications for energy devices. J.M. Tour
is available at www.acs.org/
3:25 Intermission.

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


Section D 4:20 ENFL 174. Analysis of reaction ENFL 188. Optimization of photon and elec- ENFL 208. Bimetallic-coordinated poly-
sequences for identifying interme- tron collection in silicon micro-solar cells mer-derived non-precious FeCo/N-C as
Walter E. Washington Convention Center diates. S.T. Oyama, A. Takagaki for applications in diverse concentration efficient bifunctional oxygen electrocat-
Room 143B systems. M. Anderson, Y. Yao, R.G. Nuzzo alyst. T. Jin, X. Zhu, J. Hu, H. Liu, S. Dai
4:50 Introduction of Awardee.
Innovative Chemistry & Materials for ENFL 189. Orientation control of two- ENFL 209. Modeling alloys for ethanol
4:55 ENFL 175. Energy and the
Electrochemical Energy Storage dimensional perovskites by incorporating oxidation in fuel cell applications.
environment: Solutions offered
carboxylic acid moeity. R. Arai, L. Mehdizadegan Namin, N.A. Deskins
J. Guo, G. Yu, Organizers by catalysis. U.S. Ozkan
M. Yoshizawa-Fujita, Y. Takeoka, M. Rikukawa
ENFL 210. Synergistic process
Y. Shao, Organizer, Presiding ENFL 190. Reasons behind the improved for efficiently converting FCC
Section F
1:30 ENFL 161. Impact of electrolyte performance of cuprous oxide/ cycle oil. D. Fang, G. Wang
stability on electrochemical perfor- Walter E. Washington Convention Center nanocarbon photoelectrodes.
ENFL 211. Solar-driven MoS2 quantum
mance of Li-ion battery. C. Wang Room 144A E. Kecsenovity, B. Endrodi, C. Janaky
dots decorated π conjugated photo-
2:00 ENFL 162. Manipulating inter- ENFL 191. Facile fabrication of spray catalyst for high efficient hydrogen
Advanced Nanomaterials Catalysts
phases in non-aqueous and pyrolysed ternary Cu2SnS3 based production. C. Ma, H. Zhu, J. Zhou, Z.
for Sustainable Energy & Fuels
aqueous electrolytes. K. Xu solar cells. B.K. Patel, M. Waldiya, Cui, T. Liu, Y. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. Zou
CO2 Conversion & Capture I. Mukhopadhyay, A. Ray
2:30 ENFL 163. Design strategies for ENFL 212. Synthesis of dimethyl
materials and interfaces in all-sol- D. Su, Organizer ENFL 192. Effect of additives on the carbonate from CO2 and metha-
id-state Li-ion batteries. Y. Mo S. Guo, S. Zhang, Organizers, Presiding performance of dye sensitized solar nol over CexZr1-xO2 solid solution.
cells. L. Warner, S. Mahmood, J. Hu A. Li, N. Zhao, F. Xiao, X. Wang
3:00 ENFL 164. Tuning the solid electrolyte 1:30 ENFL 176. Nanoporous mate-
interphase to control the Li- and Na-ion ENFL 193. Mesoporous HZSM-5 zeolite ENFL 213. Fabrication and selection
rials: Synthesis and electrocat-
storage in hard carbon. X. Li, F.A. Soto, P. microsphere for methanol to aromat- of low-cost catalytic materials for
alytic properties. F. Jiao
Yan, M. Engelhard, P.B. Balbuena, C. Wang, ics. K. Zhang, P. Liu, Z. Lyu, N. Zhao cathode of microbial fuel cells. T. Ilyas
J. Song, B. Xiao, D. Reed, V.L. Sprenkle 2:00 ENFL 177. Developing nano-
ENFL 194. Three-dimensionally ordered ENFL 214. Steam reforming of methane
structured electrocatalysts for
3:30 Intermission. macro/mesoporous NiO-Al2O3 nano- with Pt nanoparticles supported on
solar fuel generation. Y. Li
hybrid catalysts for partial oxida- composite oxide of TiO2 and SiO2 pre-
3:35 ENFL 165. Synchrotron based 2:30 ENFL 178. Withdrawn. tion of methane to syngas. P. Liu, pared by photo-assisted deposition
approaches for spatial resolution of K. Zhang, Z. Lyu, N. Zhao, F. Xiao method. H. Ishikawa, K. Fuku, N. Ikenaga
electrode reactions. E.S. Takeuchi, 2:50 ENFL 179. Rational design of Bi
A.C. Marschilok, K.J. Takeuchi nanoparticles for efficient electrochem- ENFL 195. Effects of oxide supports on CO ENFL 215. Role of CO2 concentration in
ical CO2 reduction. Z. Zhang, M. Chi, methanation and WGS over MoS2 cat- the development of corrosion scale in
4:10 ENFL 166. Benefit of a multiscale G.M. Veith, P. Zhang, D.A. Lutterman, J. alysts. K. Zhang, L. Jia, B. Hou, D. Li oil and gas pipelines. R. Grudt, S.C.
(molecular- to meso-scale) approach for Rosenthal, S.H. Overbury, S. Dai, H. Zhu Hayden, T.J. Kucharski, M. Ostraat
investigating the complex chemistry of ENFL 196. Withdrawn.
electrochemical energy storage systems. 3:10 Intermission. ENFL 216. Fabrication of amine-
ENFL 197. Silver and palladium nanoparti-
K.J. Takeuchi, E.S. Takeuchi, A.C. Marschilok 3:30 ENFL 180. Controlling size of Rh functionalized hollow mesoporous
cles as catalysts for hydrogen generation
nanoparticles produced by dop- silica adsorbents for CO2 capture.
4:40 ENFL 167. Applications of reactions. C.F. Huff, A. Heyman, 
G. Xue, F. Xiao, N. Zhao, X. Wang
multi-dimensional NMR spec- ing-segregation method and tuning J.M. Long, A. Aboulatta, T.M. Abdel-Fattah
troscopy to rechargeable battery them for catalytic CO2 conversion. ENFL 217. Photophysical, electrochem-
ENFL 198. Catalyticactivity of noble metal
materials. R.J. Messinger A. Orlov, Q. Wu, B. Yan, J. Cen, A. ical and photovoltaic properties of
nanoparticles supported on multi-walled
Frenkel, E. Stach, H. Xin, J.G. Chen porphyrin-based dye sensitized solar
5:10 ENFL 168. Spatial heteroge- carbon nanotubes. J.M. Long, C.F. Huff,
4:00 ENFL 181. Ultrasmall Au nanocat- cell. S. Khan, W. Ghann, J. Uddin
neities and onset of passivation A. Heyman, A. Aboulatta, T.M. Abdel-Fattah
breakdown at lithium anode inter- alysts supported on nitrided carbon ENFL 218. Foam flooding in porous
ENFL 199. Application of cobalt (II)
faces. K. Leung, K.L. Jungjohann supports for CO2 electrochemical media for low-salinity enhanced oil
ions and iron (II) ions for hydrogen
reduction. J. He, L. Jin, H. Yao, B. Liu recovery. K. Tantihet, A. Charoensaeng,
evolution reactions. Q. Quach, 
B.J. Shiau, U. Suriyapraphadilok
Section E 4:30 ENFL 182. Formulating CO2 solid E. Robertson, Z. Messegee, 
adsorbents into practical contactors T.M. Abdel-Fattah ENFL 219. Analysis of multi-feedstock
Walter E. Washington Convention Center using 3D-printing technique. H. Thakkar, biodiesel fuels using GCMS and
Room 143C ENFL 200. Platinum aerogel catalyst
S. Eastman, A. Rownaghi, F. Rezaei chemometrics. A.M. Hupp,
for the generation of hydrogen.
M. Flood, M.P. Connolly, M. Comiskey
Energy & Fuels Storch Award J. Osborne, M. Horten, T.M. Abdel-Fattah
in Fuel Science: Symposium Section G ENFL 220. Hydrothermal stability of zeolitic
ENFL 201. Binder free approach to
in honor of Umit S. Ozkan Walter E. Washington Convention Center imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) membrane
synthesize flexible nanostructured cobalt
Halls A/B in thermochemical process: Marked
Cosponsored by CATL oxide electrode for oxygen evolution
effects of surface chemistry of metal
reaction. S. Bhoyate, C. Zhang,
N. A. Brunelli, Organizer Advances in Chemistry oxides support. D. Lee, S. Lee, J. Kim
C. Ranaweera, S. Mishra, P.K. Kahol, R. Gupta
E. J. Biddinger, Organizer, Presiding of Energy & Fuels ENFL 221. Effect of TiO2-diatomite
ENFL 202. Non-noble metal nanoparticle
composite materials on the pyrolysis
R. Watson, Presiding D. J. Heldebrant, Organizer catalysts for dehydrogenation/hydroge-
of oily sludge. J. Li, C. Qu, S. Zhu
2:00 - 4:00 nation reactions. M. Muzzio, C. Yu, S. Sun
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
ENFL 203. Grape-like AgPd/WO2.72 nano-
1:35 ENFL 169. Single phase mixed metal ENFL 183. Preparation of reduced
composite to simplify the multi-step
carbides: Synthesis and catalytic prop- graphene oxide: ZnO hybrid cathode
reaction for synthesizing heterocyclic
erties. A. Mehdad, R.E. Jentoft, F. Jentoft interlayer using in situ thermal
compound. C. Yu, Z. Xi, M. Muzzio
reduction/annealing for interconnect-
2:05 ENFL 170. Understanding and
ing nanostructure and its effect on ENFL 204. Effect of nitrogen doping
exploiting the catalytic properties of early
organic solar cell. D. Zheng, J. Yu on petroleum residue for CO2 
transition metal carbides. L.T. Thompson
adsorption. N. Chalermwat,
ENFL 184. Introduction of formamidine
2:35 ENFL 171. Zinc modification of T. Chaisuwan, U. Suriyapraphadilok
and Cs cation to quasi two-dimensional
platinum ethane dehydrogenation
perovskites. R. Hamaguchi, ENFL 205. One-pot synthesis of
catalysts: Insights into geometric and
M. Yoshizawa-Fujita, Y. Takeoka, M. Rikukawa covalent organic framework for oxygen
electronic promotion. V.J. Cybulskis,
ENFL 185. Critical roles of cesium and
electrocatalysis. B. Li, S. Zhang, The use of any device to capture
J.R. Gallagher, H. Tseng, Z. Wu, A. Kropf, B.
Z. Xia, C. Tang, B. Zhang, Q. Zhang
Bukowski, J.P. Greeley, F. Ribeiro, J.T. Miller bromide in mixed cations and halides images (e.g., cameras and camera
perovskite solar cells. L. Chen ENFL 206. Pd nanoparticles coupled to
3:05 ENFL 172. Molecular scale and
WO2.72 nanorods for enhanced electro-
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
mesoscale structure-property relation- ENFL 186. Essential role of bromide
ships in amine-oxide hydrid materials on crystallization quality of (FAPbI3)
chemical oxidation of formic acid. Z. Xi, digital recorders) or to stream,
D. Erdosy, A. Mendoza-Garcia, P. Duchesne,
for CO2 separations. C.W. Jones x(MAPbBr3)1-x perovskite. L. Xie,
J. Li, M. Muzzio, Q. Li, P. Zhang, S. Sun
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
L. Chen, J. Yan, B. Mao, Z. Tian
3:35 Intermission.
ENFL 207. Pseudocapacitive energy
presentations is strictly prohibited
ENFL 187. Fabrication of perovskite
3:50 ENFL 173. Neutron scattering
solar cells under ambient con-
storage in nanostructured CuO at all official ACS meetings and
approaches to gain new insights into grown from a facile and scalable
catalytic reaction mechanisms. P.F.
ditions. J.R. Vicente, J. Chen
chemical route. P. Marathey, R.K.
events without express written
Britt, D.A. Lutterman, A. Savara, Z. Wu Pati, I. Mukhopadhyay, A. Ray consent from ACS.

ENFL 222. Experimental investigation ENFL 239. Enhanced electrochemical TUESDAY MORNING 8:00 ENFL 258. Incorporating graphene
of in situ transesterification of castor stability of quasi-solid-state halides to improve Li/S batteries.
seeds (Ricinus communis) for methyl electrolyte containing SiO2 nanoparticles Section A E. Pardo, E. Thai, N. Dunham,
ester production using hybrid reactor. for Li-O2 battery applications. J. Alonso, J. Garcia, A. Dinh, T. Yu
P. Kodgire, K. Thakkar, K. Shah, T. Kim, D. Lee, J. Lee, S. Kwon, S. Choi Walter E. Washington Convention Center
8:15 ENFL 259. Controlling the energetics
S. Kachhwaha, H. Raghavendra Room 143A
ENFL 240. In situ transmission electron and stability of metallic 2D MoS2 with
ENFL 223. Ethanol-enriched fermentation microscopy study of porous Si nanostruc- surface modifiers. E. Miller, E. Benson,
Advances in Chemistry
liquid from dairy wastewater used as tures and investigation on porous Si-S S.A. Schuman, S. Ferrere, J. Blackburn
of Energy & Fuels
carbon source for biological nutrient full cells. C. Shen, M. Ge, L. Luo, A. Zhang,
8:30 ENFL 260. 3D graphene with
removal. H. Liu, Y. Chen, H. Huang X. Fang, Y. Liu, J. Rong, C. Wang, C. Zhou Biomass & Biofuels tailored porosity in for highly effi-
ENFL 224. Withdrawn. ENFL 241. Probing mechanisms for inverse D. J. Heldebrant, Organizer cient energy storage. X. Duan
correlation between rate performance
ENFL 225. Synthesis of bio-oil via the M. V. Olarte, Presiding 9:10 ENFL 261. Synergistic phase
and capacity in K-O2 batteries. N. Xiao,
hydrothermal liquefaction of chlorella 8:00 Introductory Remarks. and disorder engineering in
X. Ren, M. He, W.D. Mcculloch, Y. Wu
in the presence of a KOH. 1T-MX2 nanosheets to enhance the
N.T. Humphries, E.E. Rodriguez, W. Jang ENFL 242. Effect of metal ion substitu- 8:05 ENFL 247. Production of biodiesel electrocatalytic activity for hydrogen
tion on the electrochemical prop- via the in situ transesterification of evolution reaction. S. Bo, P. Xu, S. Jin
ENFL 226. Enhancing the capacity of
erties of Co3O4 for energy storage sorghum bran and grain sorghum
LiFePO4 cathode for lithium- 9:35 Intermission.
devices. D. Alqahtani, C. Ranaweera, stillage. V.T. Wyatt, D.B. Johnston,
ion battery by nanomesh graphene
K.S. Siam, P.K. Kahol, R. Gupta K.C. Jones, R. Cook, R. Moreau 9:50 ENFL 262. Withdrawn.
modifying. C. Yanming
ENFL 243. Direct synthesis of bulk 8:25 ENFL 248. Molecular-level kinetic 10:15 ENFL 263. Carbon nano-
ENFL 227. Rational design hybrid
phosphorous-doped graphitic modeling of green diesel production tube-2D hybrid structures for
C3N4 frames and graphene-liked layers
carbon. E. Billeter, N.P. Stadie via hydrodeoxygenation and energy applications. A. Cao
structured material as cathode scaffold
hydroisomerization. P. Agarwal, 10:40 ENFL 264. Microwave
for lithium-sulfur battery. Y. Xu, Y. Kang ENFL 244. Fabrication of a novel porous
J. Lucio-Vega, K. Engler, M.T. Klein
MnxCe1-xO2 nanoparticle compos- enabled graphene derivatives
ENFL 228. Exploration of dopants and
ite for high performance superca- 8:45 ENFL 249. Effects of support for and their applications. H. He
defects for oxygen reduction reaction in
pacitors. W. Tianhao, X. Li, Y. Han, Ni2P catalysts on hydrodeoxygenation 11:05 ENFL 265. Graphene as a two-di-
three dimensional graphene. Y. Yu, Y. Kang
Y. Liu, L. Li, X. Li, H. Fan, L. Meng of bio-oil using anisole as a model mensional surfactant. W.W. Dickinson, D.H.
ENFL 229. Power (electrical) of biology compound. P. Pitakjakpipop, C. Song
ENFL 245. Photo-physical properties of Adamson, A.V. Dobrynin, H.C. Schniepp
in batteries: Direct enhancement
selected pyrenyl pyridines: Potential 9:05 ENFL 250. Conversion of Methylosinus
of lithium ion batteries utilizing a 11:30 ENFL 266. Porous two-di-
candidates for blue OLEDs. T. De trichosporium and Chlorella vulgaris mensional nanomaterials as an
biological tool kit. S.J. Riley
Silva, G.G. Tamas, G. Sahasrabudhe, into bio-oil via hydrothermal liquefaction. emerging material platform for
ENFL 230. Four electron redox P.K. Chhotaray, I.M. Warner E.E. Rodriguez
efficient energy storage. G. Yu
quinone polymer for high capacity
ENFL 246. Adsorption of a polyaromatic 9:25 ENFL 251. Catalytic hydrothermal
lithium ion storage. A. Petronico,
compound on silica surfaces from organic conversion fuel: Characterization, devel- Section C
R.G. Nuzzo, A.A. Gewirth
solvents studied by molecular dynamics opment of a surrogate fuel mixture, and
ENFL 231. Strategy for optimizing simulation and AFM imaging. Y. Xiong engine combustion. D.J. Luning Prak, Walter E. Washington Convention Center
catalytic behavior of Pt and Pt alloy S. Ye, M. McLaughlin, J. Cowart, P.C. Trulove Room 141
in lithium-oxygen battery. Transformative Research & 9:45 ENFL 252. Structure reactivity Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals:
X. Zeng, Y. Guo, J. Lu, K. Amine Excellence in Education Award of generated chars during micro- Research, Innovation &
ENFL 232. Development of printable Sponsored by COMSCI, Cosponsored by BIOL, wave and conventional pyroly-
electrolyte using poly(ethylene oxide) and COLL, COMP, ENFL, INOR, PHYS and PRES sis. V. Abdelsayed, D. Shekhawat,
poly(methyl methacrylate) for dye-sen- M.W. Smith, D. Link, A.E. Stiegman From Research to Scale-Up
sitized solar cells. J. Lin, I. Liu, Y. Lee Intellectual Property Considerations
10:05 Intermission. Cosponsored by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR,
When Entering into a Joint Venture MPPG, PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC
ENFL 233. Strategies to improve the
Sponsored by CHAL, Cosponsored 10:15 ENFL 253. Multi-angles analysis on
output power of dye-sensitized solar
by CATL, CELL, ENFL and SCHB the role of saponin in enhancement of J. L. Bryant, J. C. Giordan, Organizers
cell using cobalt redox couples under
VFAs production from WAS anaerobic E. B. Fox, L. Houston, Organizers, Presiding
indoor lighting. C. Li, I. Liu, Y. Lee Emerging Catalytic Processes fermentation and its bioconversion
ENFL 234. Innovative Sn/3D-carbon com- for Methane Conversion to biodiesel. T. Mu, X. Huang, J. Liu J. Allison, K. A. Fjare, Presiding
posite anodes for long cycle lithium-ion Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored by ENFL 8:00 ENFL 267. Analysis of hydrocarbons
10:35 ENFL 254. Rapid quadrupole–
battery. Y. Guo, X. Zeng, F. Huo, J. Lu, A. Yan from municipal waste pyrolysis oils
time-of-flight mass spectrometry
Cooperative Catalysis at by gas chromatography and Fourier
ENFL 235. Study to improve electrolytes method quantifies oxygen-rich lignin
Surfaces & Interfaces: Impact on transform ion cyclotron resonance
in sodium batteries. T. Higgwe, compound in a complex mixture.
D. Walker, E. Thai, T. Yu
Chemistry & Energy Frontiers mass spectrometry. R. Ware, R.P.
K. Boes, M. Roberts, N.R. Vinueza
Metal Catalysis Rodgers, S. Rowland, A.G. Marshall
ENFL 236. CNT/mesoporous carbon 10:55 ENFL 255. Instrumental detection
core-shell structure for phase change Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored by ENFL of lipid accumulation in Nannochloris 8:20 ENFL 268. Analysis and catalytic
materials support. G. Wang, A. Li, eucaryotum grown under nitrogen upgrading of fast pyrolysis bio-oils
W. Dong, H. Gao, C. Dong, X. Chen deprivation. J. Gerardi, T. Sultana, from various biomass feedstock.
C. Lucasti, B.C. Eigenbrodt M.V. Olarte, D. Santosa, H. Wang,
ENFL 237. Carbon nanofiber networks for MONDAY EVENING A.B. Padmaperuma, A. Zacher
stable lithium metal anodes with high 11:15 ENFL 256. Approaches and
coulombic efficiency and long cycle life. software tools for the development 8:40 ENFL 269. Emulsification of
Section A
A. Zhang, X. Fang, C. Shen, Y. Liu, C. Zhou of molecular-level kinetic mega pyrolysis-derived bio-oil and diesel
Walter E. Washington Convention Center models. J.C. Lucio, M.T. Klein fuel utilizing alcohol co-surfactants
ENFL 238. Flexible free-standing air
Halls D/E and different mixing methods.
electrode with bimodal pore architecture 11:35 ENFL 257. Enhancement of
L. Cruz, M.G. de Luna, W. Chen
for long-cycling Li-O2 batteries. bioavailability in fruit waste through
Y. Kwon, S. Lee, J. Kim, S. Kwon, S. Hong the optimization of pretreatment. 9:00 ENFL 270. Upgrading bio-crudes
D. J. Heldebrant, Organizer S. Saha, H. Kim, M.B. Kurade, B. Jeon with supercritical water.
A. Saba, K. McGaughy, M. Reza
8:00 - 10:00 11:55 Concluding Remarks.
9:20 ENFL 271. Long-term storage and
3, 11, 15, 40, 55, 59, 71, 101-102, 120, 
oxidation stabilities of second generation
135, 157, 188, 202-203, 206, 209, 229,  Section B
biofuels used as drop-in replacement
237, 240-241. See previous listings.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center for marine diesel. J. Fu, S.Q. Turn
Technical program information 270, 285, 302, 304-305, 307, 310,  Room 142
9:40 ENFL 272. Bioprocessing of oil sands
known at press time. 350-351, 353, 358, 383, 389, 395, 
tailings by the microbial consortium
399, 401, 416, 428, 430, 441, 44 Two-Dimensional Materials
The official technical program for 3, 477. See subsequent listings. for Energy & Fuels
BioTiger™. R. Brigmon, D. Reddy,
K. Foreman, M. Moultrie, C. Milliken
the 254th ACS National Meeting V. Barone, Y. Lin, Y. Zhu, Organizers
10:00 ENFL 273. Process integration for
is available at www.acs.org/ L. Hu, G. Yu, Organizers, Presiding cellulosic biorefineries. B. Saha, S. Sadula

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


10:20 ENFL 274. Making of Honeywell 9:50 Intermission. TUESDAY AFTERNOON 2:20 ENFL 314. Ion intercalation
Green Jet FuelTM. S. Frey, J. Jensen, and high-temperature behav-
10:05 ENFL 290. Insights into the factors
M. Brodeur-Campbell
Section A ior of 2D materials. L. Hu
governing the activity and selec-
10:40 ENFL 275. Scaling up an in tivity of Cu for the electrochemical 2:45 ENFL 315. Advances in 2D materials:
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
situ biogas production and upgrad- reduction of CO2 to fuels. A.T. Bell From theoretical prediction to potential
Room 143A
ing process for renewable methane spintronic device applications. A. Romero
10:35 ENFL 291. Pourbaix diagrams
and organic fertilizer production.
to guide searches for CO2 reduc- Advances in Chemistry 3:25 Intermission.
M. Urgun-Demirtas, Y. Shen
tion catalysts. J.A. Keith of Energy & Fuels 3:40 ENFL 316. Multiscale structure
11:00 ENFL 276. Refinery-compatible
11:05 ENFL 292. Progress on elec- Batteries: Electrolytes, engineering on nanosheet
and renewable hydrocarbon products
trocatalysts for electrochemical Electrodes & Supercapacitors hybrids for water splitting
generated from a hydropyrolysis
synthesis of ammonia. S. Tao electrocatalysis. X. Zhang, Y. Liang
vapor upgrading process. L. Zhang, D. J. Heldebrant, Organizer
K. Gong, J. Lai, M. Alvey 11:35 ENFL 293. Withdrawn. 4:05 ENFL 317. Extreme volume changes
P. Bhattacharya, Presiding
two-dimensional materials for efficient
11:20 ENFL 277. Commercial-scale
Section F 1:30 Introductory Remarks. electrochemical strain energy harvesting.
production of fuels and chemicals from
C. Pint, N. Muralidharan, A. Cohn, M. Li
low cost feedstocks via an integrated, Walter E. Washington Convention Center 1:35 ENFL 302. Cycling stability of
multi-scale platform. F. Burton high voltage, organic non-aqueous 4:30 ENFL 318. Heterogeneous catal-
Room 144A
redox flow batteries. K.H. Hendriks, ysis of boron nitride sheet-anchored
C.S. Sevov, M. Cook, M.S. Sanford nanoparticles. Q. Fu, Z. Fang, Q. Hu, F. Lu
Section D Advanced Nanomaterials Catalysts
for Sustainable Energy & Fuels 1:55 ENFL 303. Withdrawn. 4:55 ENFL 319. Porous 3D few-layer
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
graphene-like carbon for ultrahigh-power
Room 143B Heterogeneous Catalysis 2:15 ENFL 304. Facilitating fast ion
supercapacitors with well-defined
diffusion in solids: Origin of super-
D. Su, Organizer structure-performance relation-
Innovative Chemistry & Materials for ionic conductors. X. He, Y. Zhu, Y. Mo
S. Guo, S. Zhang, Organizers, Presiding ship. Z. Hu, Q. Wu, L. Yang, X. Wang
Electrochemical Energy Storage 2:35 Intermission.
Y. Shao, G. Yu, Organizers 8:00 ENFL 294. Role of interfaces
2:45 ENFL 305. Bio-assembly Section C
and heterojunctions in gas and
J. Guo, Organizer, Presiding of cathode materials for Li-ion
aqueous phase catalysis. Z. Wu Walter E. Washington Convention Center
battery with solid-binding pep-
8:00 ENFL 278. Electrodeposition Room 141
8:30 ENFL 295. Structure determines func- tides. E. Barannikova, M.A. Allen
of metals in single-ion conduct- tion: Role of polymer in stabilization of
ing electrolytes. L.A. Archer 3:05 ENFL 306. Understanding the mecha- Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals:
magnetic catalyst for furfural hydrogena-
nism for water-stimulated Mg2+ insertion Research, Innovation &
8:35 ENFL 279. Research progress tion. K. Alibegovic, N. Kuchkina, E.S. Serkova,
in an electrodeposited MnO2 cathode. Commercialization
of solid-state lithium-metal batter- D. Morgan, Y. Losovyj, K.E. Salnikova, V.
E. Sahadeo, J. Song, G. Rubloff, S. Lee
ies driven by nanotech. Y. Guo Matveeva, Z. Shifrina, E. Sulman, L. Bronstein Innovating in Biomass Conversion:
3:25 ENFL 307. Novel strategies for lithium Factors for Success
9:05 ENFL 280. Garnet based solid 8:55 ENFL 296. Mechanistic insights
metal anode protection based on nitride
state lithium-metal batteries. L. Hu into metal Lewis acid-mediated Cosponsored by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR,
materials chemistry. Y. Zhu, X. He, Y. Mo
catalytic transfer hydrogenation MPPG, PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC
9:35 ENFL 281. Rational structural design
reactions. B. Xu, D.G. Vlachos 3:45 ENFL 308. Lithium ion battery
for lithium-based rechargeable batteries E. B. Fox, L. Houston, Organizers
separator based on hydroxymethyl
with high energy density. Y. Yang, H. Zhai 9:25 ENFL 297. Comparative study of
functionalized poly (ether ether J. L. Bryant, J. C. Giordan, Organizers,
ZSM-5 and BEA zeolites for low
10:05 Intermission. ketone). Z. Li, S. Xu, Z. Xu Presiding
temperature passive adsorption.
10:15 ENFL 282. Development of inor- E. Kyriakidou, J.S. Choi, T. Toops, J. Parks 4:05 Intermission. 1:30 ENFL 320. Opening over-
ganic-organic hybrid as a protective view: Chemists innovating in
9:55 Intermission. 4:15 ENFL 309. Aromatic polyimides
layer for Li metal batteries. D. Wang biomass conversion: Factors for
containing diaminobenzoic acid
10:10 ENFL 298. Computationally assisted success. J.C. Giordan, J.L. Bryant
10:45 ENFL 283. Building nanoscale 3D as in-situ porogen for electrochemi-
STEM and EXAFS characterization
solid-state batteries with vapor phase cal supercapacitors. S.D. Panangala, 1:40 ENFL 321. Oberon fuels: Working
of tunable Rh/Au and Rh/Ag bimetal-
chemistry. K.E. Gregorczyk, G. Rubloff C. Karunaweera, R. Jayawickramage, across the supply chain to provide
lic nanoparticle catalysts. J. Yang
K.J. Balkus, J.P. Ferraris an efficient, sustainable transporta-
11:15 ENFL 284. Stabilizing lithium
10:40 ENFL 299. Active Cu struc- tion infrastructure. R.L. Boudreaux
electrodeposition using high conduc- 4:35 ENFL 310. Lignin based
ture for low-temperature water
tivity/modulus nanoporous hybrid electrospun carbon nanofiber 1:50 ENFL 322. White Dog Labs: A biotech-
gas shift reaction. W. Huang
electrolyte for high energy met- electrodes for high performance superca- nology company developing technologies
al-based batteries. Z. Tu, L.A. Archer 11:10 ENFL 300. Synergy between CO pacitors in ionic liquid electrolytes. to address global challenges. B. Tracy
and Co-based catalysts: Surface R. Jayawickramage, J.P. Ferraris
11:35 ENFL 285. Evolution at the solid 2:00 ENFL 323. Elevance Renewable
reconstruction and bond modification
electrolyte/Au electrode interface 4:55 ENFL 311. Solar-enhanced power Sciences, Inc.: Transforming natural
during higher alcohol synthesis.
during lithium deposition and stripping. generation in microbial fuel cells renewable plant-based oils into green,
G. Collinge, R. Zhang, N. Kruse, J. McEwen
L. Sang, A.A. Gewirth, R.G. Nuzzo coupling with 3D nitrogen-doped cleantech solutions for commer-
11:40 ENFL 301. Production of light graphene self-standing sponge cial applications. K. Schoene
Section E olefins by catalytic cracking of three anode. D. Guo, J. Zhang, J. Zhu
components over a modified Fe-ZSM-5
5:15 Concluding Remarks.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center zeolite catalyst. M. Yang, J. Shao,
Room 143C H. Yang, Y. Chen, J. Luo, H. Chen
Section B
Innovative Chemistry & Emerging Catalytic Processes Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Electrocatalysis for Low- for Methane Conversion Room 142
Carbon Energy & Fuels:
Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored by ENFL
Discovery to Application Two-Dimensional Materials
S. W. Lee, G. Wu, Organizers Cooperative Catalysis at for Energy & Fuels
Surfaces & Interfaces: Impact on
F. Jiao, Y. Shao, Organizers, Presiding L. Hu, G. Yu, Y. Zhu, Organizers
Chemistry & Energy Frontiers The use of any device to capture
8:00 ENFL 286. Quantum mechanics V. Barone, Y. Lin, Organizers, Presiding
based mechanisms for electrocatalytic
Metal Catalysis images (e.g., cameras and camera
1:30 ENFL 312. Hundreds of new two- and
reduction of CO2 and CO. W.A. Goddard Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored by ENFL
one-dimensional weakly bonded solids
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
8:30 ENFL 287. Catalysts and elec- Multimodal Characterization of and lattice-commensurate heterostruc- digital recorders) or to stream,
trodes for electrolysis of CO2 to CO Functional Energy Materials tures via data mining. G. Cheon, A. Sendek,
or ethylene. P.J. Kenis, S. Verma K. Duerloo, C. Porter, Y. Chen, E. Reed
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
9:00 ENFL 288. Mechanistic insights 1:55 ENFL 313. Macroscopic assembled presentations is strictly prohibited
Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored by ENFL
into selective CO2-to-fuels catalysis. graphene for high performance cathode at all official ACS meetings and
A. Wuttig, Y. Yoon, S. Khan, Y. Surendranath of aluminum-ion battery. C. Gao
events without express written
9:30 ENFL 289. Ag-Sn bimetallic
catalyst with a core-shell structure
consent from ACS.
for CO2 reduction. W. Luc, F. Jiao

2:10 ENFL 324. Advanced Process 2:00 ENFL 335. Noble metal free Multimodal Characterization of 8:00 ENFL 359. Roles of graphene in
Solutions, Inc.: Worldwide leader catalysts for water splitting from Functional Energy Materials photocatalysis and composite catalyst
supporting alternative energy MOFs and polyoxometalates. T. for oxygen reduction reaction. C. Chen
Measurement & Modeling
facilities. B. Scaglione Wang, X. Wang, J. Zheng, X. Li
Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored by ENFL 8:15 ENFL 360. Benzyl viologen-assisted
2:20 ENFL 325. Chemists using business 2:30 ENFL 336. Oxygen reduction simultaneous exfoliation and n-doping of
acumen and innovating in biomass catalyzed by carbon-based func- MoS2 nanosheets for enhanced thermo-
conversion: Factors for success. tional nanomaterials. S. Chen electric properties. K. Jo, J. Choi, H. Kim
J.C. Giordan, R.L. Boudreaux, B. Tracy, J.L.
3:00 ENFL 337. Carbon-based met-
WEDNESDAY MORNING 8:30 ENFL 361. Exploring 2D materi-
Bryant, K.A. Schoene, B. Scaglione, M. Jalbert
al-free electrocatalysts for the als synthesis and heterogeneity with
2:50 Concluding Remarks. oxygen reduction reaction: Materials, Section A nonequilibrium growth techniques
properties and mechanism. Z. Hu Walter E. Washington Convention Center and laser spectroscopy. D. Geohegan,
2:55 Panel Discussion.
Room 143A M. Mahjouri-Samani, X. Li, K. Wang, A.
3:30 Intermission.
Boulesbaa, L. Liang, M. Tian, A. Puretzky,
Section D 3:40 ENFL 338. Metal-organic- B. Sumpter, G. Duscher, M. Yoon, G.
Advances in Chemistry
framework-derived functional nano- Eres, C. Rouleau, J. Idrobo, K. Xiao
Walter E. Washington Convention Center of Energy & Fuels
materials for electrochemical energy
Room 143B 9:10 ENFL 362. 2D conductive metal
storage and conversion. X. Lou Hydrogen Production & Solar
organic framework as sulfur host
Innovative Chemistry & Materials for 4:10 ENFL 339. Phase and disorder engi-
Energy Conversion
for Li-S batteries. Y. Zhu, K. Liu
Electrochemical Energy Storage neering in MoX2 (X=S, Se) nanosheets for D. J. Heldebrant, Organizer
9:35 Intermission.
electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution. P. Xu
J. Guo, Y. Shao, Organizers A. Kendall, Presiding
9:50 ENFL 363. National Science
4:40 ENFL 340. Designing porous 8:00 Introductory Remarks.
G. Yu, Organizer, Presiding Foundation engineering programs
structures and active sites in car-
8:05 ENFL 350. Stability of binary metallic for energy sustainability. C.J. Read
1:30 ENFL 326. Principle on the full use bon-based electrocatalysts. X. Feng
of sulfur and lithium metal in advanced ceramics in the HER reaction – feasible 10:15 ENFL 364. Withdrawn.
5:10 ENFL 341. Highly stable Mn-based
lithium sulfur batteries. Q. Zhang HER electrocatalysts in acidic medium?
nanocarbon bifunctional electro- 10:40 ENFL 365. Flexible 2D materials
M. Ledendecker, J. Mondschein, A.
2:00 ENFL 327. High-energy Li-S catalysts for oxygen reduction enabled by laser crystallization of
Zeradjanin, S. Cherevko, S. Geiger, M.
batteries: New discovery on sulfur and evolution reactions. G. Wu amorphous precursors. N. Glavin
Schalenbach, R.E. Schaak, K. Mayrhofer
electrochemistry and electrode
11:05 ENFL 366. Tuning the electronic
design. Y. Shao, H. Pan, J. Chen, J. Liu 8:25 ENFL 351. Towards carbon mediated
Section F structure of 2D layered materials for
water splitting – catalytic dehydroge-
2:30 ENFL 328. High energy density highly efficient electrocatalysis. H. Wang
Walter E. Washington Convention Center nation of formaldehyde. N. Alderman,
Li-S battery and its key materials.
Room 144A V. Peneau, C. Viasus, S. Gambarotta 11:30 ENFL 367. Controllable CVD growth
J. Qian, F. Wu, Y. Ye, L. Li, C. Renjie
of 2D materials @ liquid metal. L. Fu
8:45 ENFL 352. Electrochemical
3:00 ENFL 329. Surface chemistry Advanced Nanomaterials Catalysts
synthesis and characterization of
and cathode materials design for for Sustainable Energy & Fuels Section C
p-type LaFeO3 electrodes for use
lithium-sulfur batteries. H. Wang
Heterogeneous Catalysis in a solar water-splitting photoelec- Walter E. Washington Convention Center
3:30 Intermission. trochemical cell. G.P. Wheeler
S. Zhang, Organizer Room 141
3:40 ENFL 330. Lithium-oxygen 9:05 ENFL 353. Experimental and computa-
S. Guo, D. Su, Organizers, Presiding
battery based on lithium super- tional elucidation of lanthanide ion doping Advanced Chemical Technology for
oxide. J. Lu, K. Amine 1:30 ENFL 342. Using organic ligands effects in bismuth vanadate photoanodes Oil & Gas Exploration & Production
4:10 ENFL 331. Withdrawn. to direct nanoparticle size and surface for solar water splitting. G.V. Govindaraju,
P. R. Robinson, Organizer
accessibility: A nature-inspired J.M. Morbec, G.A. Galli, K. Choi
4:40 ENFL 332. Development of stable approach. M. Nigra, M. Coppens, N. Kapil M. G. Hilfiger, Organizer, Presiding
rechargeable lithium-oxygen batter- 9:25 Intermission.
2:00 ENFL 343. Zeolite-catalyzed C-C 8:00 Introductory Remarks.
ies. W. Xu, B. Liu, S. Song, J. Zhang 9:35 ENFL 354. Mimicking natural pho-
coupling reactions between bio- 8:05 ENFL 368. Innovation in
5:10 ENFL 333. Electrochemical lithia- tosynthesis: Utrafast charge transfer in
mass-derived compounds: Insights from oil and gas. G. Powers
tion-delithiation of sulfur in nano- and PpcA-Ru(bpy)3 complexes. O. Kokhan,
first-principles calculations. B. Wang
M. O’Malley, D. Marzolf, C. Swaim 8:50 ENFL 369. Toward the next generation
sub-nano confinement. J. Guo
2:30 ENFL 344. In-situ grown metal of well construction fluids. P. Boul
9:55 ENFL 355. Impact of local
nanocatalysts from oxide support. T. Oh
Section E structure changes on cytochrome 9:15 ENFL 370. Magnetic nanocrystals:
3:00 ENFL 345. Metal-ceramic core- energy transfer. C. Swaim Materials for sensing, imaging and
Walter E. Washington Convention Center shell microstructure catalysts:
10:15 ENFL 356. Designing models changing oil and gas reservoirs. V. Colvin
Room 143C Applications in renewable hydro-
of artificial photosynthetic systems 9:40 Intermission.
gen production. D. Lee, J. Kim
Innovative Chemistry & using solution-state proteins and
3:25 Intermission. water-soluble porphyrins. D. Marzolf, 9:55 ENFL 371. Durability performance of
Electrocatalysis for Low- aramid-cement system. E.Q. Contreras
C. Swaim, N. Wright, O. Kokhan
Carbon Energy & Fuels: 3:40 ENFL 346. Controlled syn-
Discovery to Application thesis of nanomaterials by using 10:35 ENFL 357. Enhanced photoelec- 10:20 ENFL 372. SERS-SEF dual-mode
organometallics: A combined DFT trochemical performance and stability optically detectable composite nanopar-
F. Jiao, S. W. Lee, Organizers ticles for oil reservoir tracer applications.
and STM study. H. Khosravian from Cu2O photocathode protected with
Y. Shao, G. Wu, Organizers, Presiding MoSx-catalyst. P. Shinde, P.R. Fontenot, S. Chang, S.L. Eichmann, W. Wang
4:10 ENFL 347. Role of nano-sized
J.P. Donahue, R.H. Schmehl, J. 10:45 ENFL 373. Resin system for
1:30 ENFL 334. Intermetallic nanopar- TiO2 particles in catalytic decom-
Waters, P. Kung, L. McNamara, N. ­sustained casing pressure remediation
ticles for much enhanced elec- position of ammonium perchlo-
Hammer, A. Gupta, S. Pan at high temperatures. B. Reddy,
trocatalysis in acid. S. Sun rate. R. Belosludov, Y. Kawazoe
10:55 ENFL 358. Development of M.G. Hilfiger
4:30 ENFL 348. Probing atomic-scale
bi-metallic catalyst to reduce 11:10 ENFL 374. Surface geochemical
structure and dynamics in metallic
performance degradation for hydro- surveys integrated with aeromagnet-
nanocatalysts by x-ray absorption
gen production from commercial ics, subsurface geology and seismic
spectroscopy and theoretical simu-
diesel fuel. J. Oh, J. Lee, J. Bae data to find conventional reservoirs in
lations. J. Timoshenko, A. Frenkel
11:15 Concluding Remarks. the mid-continent, USA. S. Tedesco
4:50 ENFL 349. Withdrawn.
11:35 Concluding Remarks.
Vehicle Emission Control Section B
Technical program information Catalysis: New Era, New Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Challenges & New Solutions Room 142
known at press time. Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored
The official technical program for by ENFL and ENVR Two-Dimensional Materials
for Energy & Fuels
the 254th ACS National Meeting Advances in Carbon
V. Barone, Y. Lin, Y. Zhu, Organizers
is available at www.acs.org/ Dioxide Utilization
Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored L. Hu, G. Yu, Organizers, Presiding
WDC2017 by ENFL and ENVR

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


Section D 11:05 ENFL 390. Dynamics of electrocata- WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 3:00 Intermission.

lysts/ionomer interface under gas
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 3:15 ENFL 412. Two-dimensional
and water environment. Y. Shao, Section A
Room 143B polymers based on the anthracene
L. Luo, C. Wang, M. Engelhard
and triptycene motifs. B.T. King
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Innovative Chemistry & Materials for 11:25 ENFL 391. New class of highly
Room 143A 3:55 ENFL 413. Influences of polymorphism
Electrochemical Energy Storage active and stable electrocatalyst for
and low-angle grain boundary on OFET
oxygen evolution reaction in an acidic
J. Guo, G. Yu, Organizers Advances in Chemistry performances. C. Wang, K. Wu, C. Hsieh
medium. J. Park, Z. Feng, S.W. Lee
of Energy & Fuels 4:20 ENFL 414. Ti2CO2 (O-terminated
Y. Shao, Organizer, Presiding
Separations MXene) with O vacancies as a highly
8:00 ENFL 375. Optimal design of car- Section F
active and selective catalyst for reduction
bon-based nanomaterials for high- Walter E. Washington Convention Center D. J. Heldebrant, Organizer
of CO2 into HCOOH. X. Zhang, Z. Zhou
performance supercapacitors. Room 144A D. Malhotra, Presiding
G.S. Hwang 4:35 ENFL 415. Nb2O5 /N, S co-doped
1:30 Introductory Remarks. graphene for lithium-ion hybrid
8:30 ENFL 376. Unrivaled combination 5th International Symposium
supercapacitors. Q. Hao, X. Jiao
of surface area and pore volume in on Mesoporous Zeolites 1:35 ENFL 399. Theoretical study of
micelle-templated carbon for super- the formation of thiohypoiodous 4:50 ENFL 416. Interlayer expanded
Cosponsored by I&EC
capacitor energy storage. D. Mitlin acid (HSI) and potential hydrogen layered manganese oxide for enhanced
Financially supported by Zeolyst International, generation processes. P. Lolur, pseudocapacitive electrochemical
9:00 ENFL 377. Porous membranes Rive Technology, W. R. Grace R. Gillis, W.H. Green energy storage. A.C. Thenuwara,
for flow battery application. X. Li N.H. Attanayake, S.L. Shumlas, R.C.
K. Li, Organizer 1:55 ENFL 400. Utilising waste from oil
9:30 ENFL 378. Withdrawn. Remsing, M.L. Klein, D.R. Strongin
and natural gas: Decomposition of
J. Garcia Martinez, Organizer, Presiding
9:50 Intermission. hydrogen sulphide and water into
E. T. Vogt, Presiding hydrogen and sulphur dioxide. Section C
10:00 ENFL 379. Electrode materials for
8:00 Introductory Remarks. V. Peneau, N. Alderman, S. Gambarotta Walter E. Washington Convention Center
high-performance sodium-ion batteries.
Y. Huang, C. Fang, C. Chen, Y. Huang 8:10 ENFL 392. Hierarchy in zeolite 2:15 ENFL 401. Promoting effect of Room 141
catalysis: Reduction of diffusion carbon dioxide on hydrogen sulfide
10:30 ENFL 380. Pathway to enhanced Advanced Chemical Technology for
limitations or improvement of acces- removal from biogas over acti-
graphene-based electrochemi- Oil & Gas Exploration & Production
sibility? M. Hartmann, W. Schwieger vated carbon. W. Quan, C. Song
cal capacitors. A. Alazmi, O. ElTall,
M. Hedhili, S. Patole, P. Dacosta 8:50 ENFL 393. Quantification of external 2:35 ENFL 402. Removal of dissolved P. R. Robinson, Organizer
surface, pore mouth and internal elemental sulfur from crude oil using M. G. Hilfiger, Organizer, Presiding
10:50 ENFL 381. Surface engineered
acid sites and catalytic properties membrane flow reactor. B. Chanbasha
carbon nanofibers for high performance 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
supercapacitors. S. Bhoyate, P.K. Kahol, in lamellar pillared MFI and pillared 2:55 ENFL 403. Withdrawn.
R. Gupta MWW zeolites. D. Liu, Y. Wu, J. Zhang 1:35 ENFL 417. Novel water based
3:15 Intermission.
resins for wellbore annular
11:10 ENFL 382. Supramolecular chemistry 9:15 ENFL 394. New scalable syn-
3:25 ENFL 404. Novel separation repair. B. Reddy, M.G. Hilfiger
assembly of nano-composite material for thetic route for high-crystallinity
method to target asphaltene species
high-performance supercapacitor. hierarchical zeolite X as superb 2:00 ENFL 418. Using custom chemistry
that disproportionately contrib-
D. Shu, Y. Huang, H. Cheng, D. Zeng, S. Li sorbent in CO2 separation. D. Seo to design optimal stimulation treatment
ute to aggregation. M.L. Chacon,
fluids to potentially improve hydrocarbon
11:30 ENFL 383. Liquid crystal- 9:40 ENFL 395. Enhanced ion exchange S. Rowland, R.P. Rodgers
recovery factors. D. Benoit,
line MXenes: Ordered 2D titanium property of hierarchical zeolite X
3:45 ENFL 405. Functionalized K. Holan, A. Recio, A. Potty, K.W. Hoeman
carbide for ultrahigh rate superca- and superior antibacterial perfor-
asphaltenes used for the adsorption
pacitors. Y. Xia, Y. Gogotsi, S. Yang mance of silver ion zeolites. S. Chen, 2:25 ENFL 419. Comparison of car-
of water pollutants. M.N. Siddiqui
J. Popovich, S.E. Haydel, D. Seo boxylate and sulfonate additives in
4:05 ENFL 406. Improvements in thermo- cement slurries. E.Q. Contreras
Section E 10:05 Intermission.
chemical and semi-critical hydrocarbon
2:50 ENFL 420. Molecular interactions
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 10:25 ENFL 396. Recent advances extraction: Insights into a continuous/
of crude oil with clay minerals.
Room 143C in the textural characterization of fractional fast method for chemicals’
C.T. Johnston, X. Dong, R. Yerabolu, B.C.
hierarchically structured nanoporous sample percolation. T. Chavez-Gil
Clayton, N. Schultheiss, H.I. Kenttamaa
Innovative Chemistry & materials. M. Thommes, K. Cychosz
4:25 ENFL 407. Reducing molecu-
Electrocatalysis for Low- 3:15 Intermission.
11:05 ENFL 397. Diffusion of biomass lar-level kinetic models to decrease
Carbon Energy & Fuels: pyrolysis products in mesoporous solution times. P. Agarwal, M.T. Klein 3:30 ENFL 421. Efficient enhanced oil
Discovery to Application H-ZSM-5 zeolites. L. Bu, C. Mukarakate, recovery surfactant screening via
4:45 ENFL 408. Expanding the compat-
F. Jiao, Y. Shao, Organizers B. Knott, M.R. Nimlos, D. Robichaud, S. Kim microfluidics at close to reservoir
ibility of hydrofluoric acid-containing
conditions. A. Gizzatov, S. Chang,
S. W. Lee, G. Wu, Organizers, Presiding 11:30 ENFL 398. Hexane isomers in zeolite fluids for formation damage remedi-
G. Thomas, S.L. Eichmann, W. Wang
Y: Anomalous diffusion and kinetic ation and titanium alloy: Deep water
8:00 ENFL 384. Platinum-based nanocages separation. A.M. Thomas, Y. Subramanian challenges. E.A. Reyes, D. Benoit 3:55 ENFL 422. Unexpected oxidation
as a new class of catalysts toward the resistance of organic matter in
oxygen reduction reaction. Y. Xia 5:05 Concluding Remarks.
Vehicle Emission Control hydrocarbon source rocks. K.L. Hull,
8:30 ENFL 385. Recent develop- Catalysis: New Era, New D. Jacobi, S. Althaus, J. Kone
ment of oxygen reduction and Challenges & New Solutions Section B
4:20 ENFL 423. Deactivation/reac-
evolution electrocatalysts under Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored Walter E. Washington Convention Center tivation-on-demand of relative
reactive environments. H. Yang by ENFL and ENVR Room 142 permeability modifiers with host-
9:00 ENFL 386. Porous electrocatalysts for guest chemistry. A. Recio, III
Advances in Carbon Two-Dimensional Materials
energy conversion and storage. J. Lee
Dioxide Utilization for Energy & Fuels
9:30 ENFL 387. Highly active earth-abun- Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored
dant electrocatalysts for electro- L. Hu, Y. Lin, G. Yu, Organizers
by ENFL and ENVR
catalytic and photoelectrochemical V. Barone, Y. Zhu, Organizers, Presiding
water splitting. S. Jin, L. Dang Multimodal Characterization of
Functional Energy Materials 1:30 ENFL 409. Graphdiyne nanosheet/ The use of any device to capture
10:00 Intermission. Pt nanoparticle-based counter
Exploration of Interfacial Processes electrode material with enhanced
images (e.g., cameras and camera
10:15 ENFL 388. Controlling the surface
and interface of metal nanocrystals Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored by ENFL catalytic activity for dye-sensitized phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
solar cells. D. Wang, H. Ren, R. Yu
for efficient electrocatalysis. S. Guo digital recorders) or to stream,
10:45 ENFL 389. Linking the effect of 2:10 ENFL 410. Strain control of
the metal ion doping to metal oxides electrical transport properties in upload or rebroadcast speakers or
redox transitions and OER activity. Weyl semimetal MoTe2. J. Yang presentations is strictly prohibited
D. Kuznetsov, B. Han, R. Rao, Y. Shao-Horn 2:35 ENFL 411. Simulation of thin film at all official ACS meetings and
growth characteristics and crystallinity
of 2D materials. J. Lee, events without express written
V. Varshney, S. Shenogin, A.K. Roy consent from ACS.

Section D 2:30 ENFL 436. Electrocatalysts for polymer Multimodal Characterization of Section B
electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Y. Song Functional Energy Materials
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Room 143B 3:00 ENFL 437. Catalysts for electro- Advances In Situ/ Room 142
chemical conversion of renewable Operando Microscopy
Innovative Chemistry & Materials for biomass energy into electricity. Y. Yan Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored by ENFL Two-Dimensional Materials
Electrochemical Energy Storage 3:20 Intermission. for Energy & Fuels
Y. Shao, G. Yu, Organizers 3:35 ENFL 438. Designing efficient V. Barone, L. Hu, G. Yu, Organizers
J. Guo, Organizer, Presiding non-precious metal nanocatalysts for WEDNESDAY EVENING Y. Lin, Y. Zhu, Organizers, Presiding
oxygen reduction and evolution. J. Hu
1:30 ENFL 424. Design of high capacity 8:00 ENFL 460. Synthesis of quantum
4:05 ENFL 439. Engineering of semi- Environmental Applications of Liquid
intercalation cathode materials for sodium dots - deposited TiO2 (B) nanoleaves:
conducting heteronanostructures Phase Catalysis for Green Chemical
ion batteries with single-phase pathways. Enhanced performance for solar to
for solar energy conversion. S. Yu Processes of Renewable Materials
L. Yang, X. Li, Y. Hu, M. Liu, H. Chen hydrogen conversion. S. Bellukonda
4:35 ENFL 440. Withdrawn. Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
2:00 ENFL 425. Withdrawn. by CATL and ENFL 8:15 ENFL 461. Nanomaterial syn-
4:55 ENFL 441. Highly active metal pyrites thesis using atomic layer deposi-
2:30 ENFL 426. First-principles
catalysts for a low-cost, high-perfor- tion. S. Patwardhan, G.C. Schatz
computational studies on layered
Na2Mn3O7 as a cathode material for mance polysulfide/ferrocyanide redox 8:30 ENFL 462. Region-selective
sodium ion batteries. Z. Zhang, Z. Zhou flow battery. Y. Dong, W. Li, S. Jin THURSDAY MORNING functionalization of graphene for
efficient energy conversion and
2:50 ENFL 427. High-power performance Section A
sodium ion capacitors fabricated Section F storage. X. Fan, Q. Dai, C. Hu, L. Dai
with P2-Na0.67Co0.5Mn0.5O2 and Walter E. Washington Convention Center Walter E. Washington Convention Center 9:10 ENFL 463. Two-dimensional
active carbon. H. Gu, Z. Zhou Room 144A Room 143A water-coupled metallic MoS2 with
nanochannels for ultrafast super-
3:10 ENFL 428. Molecular origin of Advances in Chemistry
5th International Symposium capacitor. X. Geng, H. Zhu
capacity fade in sodium ion batter- of Energy & Fuels
ies. L.E. Marbella, K.J. Griffith, C. Grey on Mesoporous Zeolites 9:35 Intermission.
Cosponsored by I&EC Combustion of Fuels & Fuel Cells
3:30 Intermission. 9:50 ENFL 464. Role of electron transfer
Financially supported by Zeolyst International, D. J. Heldebrant, Organizer in hydrogen evolution reaction of 2D
3:40 ENFL 429. 3D high-surface-area
Rive Technology, W. R. Grace Y. Wang, Presiding transition metal dichalcogenides. J. Cha
and mesoporous graphene sheet-like
nanocarbon for supercapacitors. G. Wu K. Li, Organizer 8:00 Introductory Remarks. 10:15 ENFL 465. Differentiating
left- and right-handed carbon
4:10 ENFL 430. Development of J. Garcia Martinez, Organizer, Presiding 8:05 ENFL 449. Chemistry of diesel nanotubes by DNA. M. Zheng
redox-active metal coordination exhaust on glycerol emulsion fuels.
M. Hartmann, Presiding
complexes for non-aqueous redox S.J. Eaton, B. Sarnacki, R.W. Kimball,
10:40 ENFL 466. Withdrawn.
flow batteries. T. Chu, B.L. Davis 1:30 ENFL 442. Rive’s Molecular T. Wallace, J. Henry, T. Adams, R. Smith 11:05 ENFL 467. MoS2 with better
4:30 ENFL 431. Development of organ- HighwayTM technology increases performance than Pt for hydro-
FCCU profitability. A.P. Humphries 8:25 ENFL 450. Sonochemically
ic-based non-aqueous redox flow generated amorphous Ti—Al—B gen evolution. L. Cao
batteries. W. Duan, J. Huang, z. yang, 2:10 ENFL 443. Towards production nanopowder: A high-energy-density 11:30 ENFL 468. Plasmonic imaging
W. Wang, J.S. Moore, L. Zhang, X. Wei of biodiesel over basic hierarchical solid fuel additive. A. Epshteyn, T.L. technique to characterize 2D materials
4:50 ENFL 432. pH-tuning a solar faujasites: Challenges and oppor- Connell, Z.J. Huba, B.T. Fisher, R. Yetter for energy research. X. Shan, J. Chang
redox flow battery for integrated tunities. A. Al-ani, V. Zholobenko
8:45 ENFL 451. Shock tube and
energy conversion and storage. 2:35 ENFL 444. Cracking of 1,3,5-triiso- laser absorption measurements of Section C
W.D. Mcculloch, M. Yu, Y. Wu propylbenzene over mesoporous USY organo phosphorus compounds.
zeolites. C.A. Trujillo, J.A. Mendoza-Mesa, Walter E. Washington Convention Center
5:10 ENFL 433. Two-electron redox S. Vasu, S. Neupane, R. Peale
L.E. Sandoval-Diaz, J.A. Aragón-Quiroz Room 141
catholyte based on solvate ionic liquid 9:05 ENFL 452. Influence of cation
for flow battery. K. Takechi, R. Yang 3:00 ENFL 445. Mesoporous IM-5 structure on properties and energetic Advanced Chemical Technology for
zeolite and its catalytic per- performances of hypergolic ionic Oil & Gas Exploration & Production
Section E formance. Q. Yu, B. Shen liquids. C. Sun, S. Tang, X. Zhang
P. R. Robinson, Organizer
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 3:25 Intermission. 9:25 ENFL 453. Study of C/doped
M. G. Hilfiger, Organizer, Presiding
Room 143C 3:45 ENFL 446. Recent progress in the δ-Bi2O3 oxidation in chemical-
analysis of zeolites for refinery catalysts. looping combustion by in situ 8:00 Introductory Remarks.
Innovative Chemistry & E.T. Vogt, S. Kalirai, F. Meirer, D. Mance, synchrotron x-ray diffraction.
8:05 ENFL 469. Rapid iron sulfide
Electrocatalysis for Low- J. van der Zwan, M. Baldus, B.M. Weckhuysen X. Wang, D. Taylor, M.R. Zachariah
dissolution and new applications
Carbon Energy & Fuels: 9:45 ENFL 454. Dopant modified iron based for downhole scale deposits.
4:25 ENFL 447. Novel tools for metal
Discovery to Application oxygen carriers for methane to syngas K.L. Hull, H. Alsaiari, M. Haq, B. Cooper
contamination and mobility investigations
Y. Shao, G. Wu, Organizers on fluid catalytic cracking catalysts. chemical looping reforming applications.
8:30 ENFL 470. Alkoxysilyl poly(nor-
M. Clough, R. McGuire, L. Qin, M. Guo, Z. Cheng, M. Xu, L. Fan
F. Jiao, S. W. Lee, Organizers, Presiding bornene) membranes for enhanced
D. Houtz, K.C. Kharas, A. Thompson 10:05 Intermission. heavy hydrocarbon removal in natural
1:30 ENFL 434. Controlling the ORR gas separations: Synthesis and
4:50 ENFL 448. Synthesis of Ti-SBA- 10:10 ENFL 455. Withdrawn.
with proton kinetics. A.A. Gewirth performance. J.A. Lawrence III,
15 by use of microwave-assisted
2:00 ENFL 435. Layer-by-layer method and its application in 10:30 ENFL 456. Predicting the chemistry B.J. Sundell, D.J. Harrigan, J.T. Vaughn
growth of molecular catalyst films hydrotreating. T. Nguyen, E.W. Qian of a surrogate mixture for heavy oil pyrol-
8:55 ENFL 471. Viscosity models for hydro-
for the electrocatalytic reduction of ysis using the reaction mechanism gener-
5:15 Concluding Remarks. carbons at extreme conditions: A review
small molecules. C.C. McCrory ator (RMG). A. Payne, K. Han, W.H. Green
and comparative study. I. Gamwo,
10:50 ENFL 457. Diversity of exoelectro- H. Baled, R.M. Enick, M.A. McHugh
Vehicle Emission Control
genic anode biofilm populations and
Catalysis: New Era, New 9:20 Intermission.
potential for energy recovery using
Challenges & New Solutions
microbial fuel cells in domestic 9:35 ENFL 472. Asphaltene adsorption
Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored wastewater. W. Ko, A. Leininger, study on stainless steel for
by ENFL and ENVR E. Bergman, M. Ramirez, B.V. Kjellerup characterizing oil and screening inhibitors
to prevent deposition. S. Jain,
Advances in Carbon 11:10 ENFL 458. Withdrawn.
Technical program information Dioxide Utilization 11:30 ENFL 459. Cathode nanocompos-
S. Ashtekar, K. Akbar Zadeh, A. M. Kharrat
10:00 ENFL 473. Optimization of chemical
known at press time. Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored ite used to improve electrochemical
dissolution and inhibition of exotic
by ENFL and ENVR performance of fuel cell. J.L. Liu, S. Bashir
The official technical program for oilfield scales. E. Horai, S. Castro,
11:50 Concluding Remarks. F. Dunn, G. Gunawan, H. Azam, J. Wilson
the 254th ACS National Meeting
is available at www.acs.org/

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


10:25 ENFL 474. High temperature 10:50 ENVR 5. Uptake of hormones Section C

stable protection film for hydrogen
sulfide corrosion control. H. Alsaiari,
ENVR and pharmaceutical and personal
care products by quagga mussels Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
Meeting Rooms 10/11
A. Cairns, H. Sun, J. Zhang, I. Al-Taie
10:50 ENFL 475. Withdrawn.
Division of (Dreissena bugensis) in an aquatic
ecosystem. X. Bai, K. Acharya
Surface Chemistry of Biochar &
Environmental 11:15 ENVR 6. Impact of nanoparticles on Its Applications in Environmental
Section D Chemistry plant growth and development and the
microRNA-mediated regulation. B. Zhang
& Related Systems
Walter E. Washington Convention Center J. Goldfarb, Program Chair M. Fan, J. L. Goldfarb, J. R. Leszczynski,
11:40 ENVR 7. Do humic acids alleviate Organizers
Room 143B
the ecotoxicity of graphene oxide on
OTHER SYMPOSIA OF INTEREST: crustacean Daphnia Magna? Y. Zhang W. W. Chen, R. Doong, C. Huang, Organizers,
Innovative Chemistry & Materials for Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Research, Presiding
Electrochemical Energy Storage Innovation & Commercialization 12:05 ENVR 8. Ecocultural factors of
P. Chiu, Presiding
(see ENFL, Mon, Tue) carbon emission, ecological footprints
Y. Shao, G. Yu, Organizers
and implication for chemical safety in 8:00 Introductory Remarks.
Green Chemistry: Theory &
J. Guo, Organizer, Presiding the environment. K.O. Oloruntegbe
Practice (see CHED, Wed) 8:05 ENVR 19. Redox and catalytic
8:00 Introductory Remarks. properties of zero-valent iron-included
Vehicle Emission Control Catalysis:
8:05 ENFL 476. Synergistic lithium New Era, New Challenges & New Section B biochar for removal of nitro explosives
storage mechanisms on 0D/2D Solutions (see CATL, Tue, Wed) Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown and halogenated phenols. S. Oh, Y. Seo,
heterointerface: SnPx-Sn/graphene. Environmental Fate, Transport & Meeting Rooms 8/9 K. Ryu
Y. Yang, M. Ji, C. Hao, S. Ren, G. Cao Modeling of Agriculturally-Related 8:30 ENVR 20. Mechanisms for redox
8:25 ENFL 477. Hierarchical porous
Chemicals (see AGRO, Sun, Mon) Electrochemical Technologies transformation mediated by biochar
reduced graphene oxide as high-perfor- Engineered Nanomaterials in the for Water Purification and other black carbon. P. Chiu
mance anode for lithium-ion batteries. Environment: Fate, Behaviour Cosponsored by CATL and CEI 8:55 ENVR 21. Activation of biochar for
& Effects (see GEOC, Sun)
H. Wang, J. Xie, V. Zane, P. Amama energy and environmental applications.
Water Chemistry Associated J. Barazesh, J. Jasper, E. Roberts, Organizers
8:45 ENFL 478. Direct bulk synthe- W.W. Chen, N.O. Egiebor, D.L. Mattern
with Energy Production & B. P. Chaplin, A. Pham, Organizers, Presiding
sis of high boron-content graphitic Extraction (see GEOC, Mon) 9:20 ENVR 22. Reactivity of carbonaceous
carbon. E. Billeter, N.P. Stadie 8:30 Introductory Remarks. nanocomposites for water purification
9:05 ENFL 479. Stable CuO@CNx core- SOCIAL EVENTS: 8:35 ENVR 9. Journey to enhance and recovery applications. R. Doong
shell nanoarrays for Li-ion battery Reception, 6:00 PM: Tue the stability of blue and black TiO2 9:45 ENVR 23. Nickel foam-supported
anodes. G. Tan, Y. Yuan, J. Lu, K. Amine Dinner, 7:30 PM: Tue nanotube array elelctrodes for water activated carbon fabricated from
9:25 ENFL 480. Facile synthesis and treatment. Y. Yang, M.R. Hoffmann vegetable sponge for electro-
BUSINESS MEETINGS: sorptive removal of ammonium
electrochemical behavior of acetylene 8:55 ENVR 10. Degradation of carbon
black supported selenium nano- Program Planning, 2:00 PM: Sun ion. Y. Shih, Y. Huang, C. Huang
nanomaterials using electrochemical
electrode on nickel substrate for Long Range Planning Meeting, oxidation on BDD electrodes. 10:05 Intermission.
advanced supercapacitor. Y. Han, 3:00 PM: Sun V. Reipa, A. Urbas, L. Sander, J. Elliott,
L. Song, Y. Li, Y. Liu, L. Li, H. Fan, 10:20 ENVR 24. Elemental and stable
Business Meeting, 7:00 PM: Sun J.M. Conny, E. Petersen, S. Hanna
L. Meng, W. Tianhao, X. Li isotopes (C, N) analysis of thermochem-
Executive Committee Meeting, 9:15 ENVR 11. Fluorination of boron- ically treated biomass-derived chars.
9:45 Intermission. 7:30 PM: Sun doped diamond film electrodes for M. Reza, C. Coronella, S.R. Poulson
9:55 ENFL 481. Design of coherent Funders’ Town Hall, 4:30 PM: Tue minimization of perchlorate for-
10:40 ENVR 25. Adsorptive removal of
anode materials with 0D Ni3S2 nanopar- mation. P. Gayen, B.P. Chaplin
mercury by biochar modified with
ticles self-assembled on 3D inter- 9:35 ENVR 12. Localized study of the plasma. T. Wang, J. Liu, Y. Zhang, W. Pan,
connected carbon networks for SUNDAY MORNING surface passivation and re-reduction W.W. Chen
fast and reversible sodium storage. on a substoichiometric TiO2 mate-
X. Zhao, W. Cai, J. Sui, G. Cao 11:00 ENVR 26. Functionalized
rial using scanning electrochemical
Section A activated carbons for enhanc-
10:15 ENFL 482. Electrochemical microscopy. Y. Jing, B.P. Chaplin
ing fluoride removal capacity from
properties of a-MnO2 as tailored by Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
9:55 ENVR 13. Electrochemical perchlorate water. C. Chen, S. Park, C. Huang
quantity and distribution of Ag+. Meeting Room 3
reduction over bimetallic Ru-Cu catalysts
P. Smith, B. Zhang, A. Brady, L. Wu, Y. Zhu, 11:20 ENVR 27. Withdrawn.
supported on stainless-steel electrode in
A.C. Marschilok, E.S. Takeuchi, K.J. Takeuchi Ecological & Human Health 11:40 ENVR 28. Synthesis and performance
dilute aqueous solution. C. Chen, C. Huang
Impacts of Emerging of a novel nitrogen and phosphorus
10:35 ENFL 483. Air-stable porous Fe2N Environmental Contaminants 10:15 Intermission.
encapsulated in carbon microboxes dual-doped mesoporous biochar
Cosponsored by AGRO and CHAL 10:30 ENVR 14. Formation of derived from algae. B. Gao, Q. Yue, X. Zhu,
with high-rate and long-life lithium
hydroxyapatite during toilet wastewater Y. Gao
storage performance. Y. Dong, X. Pan, M. I. Selim, B. Zhang, Organizers, treatment by electrolysis. C. Cid,
K. Zhao, B. Wang, L. Mai, S. Jin Presiding J. Jasper, M.R. Hoffmann
10:55 ENFL 484. Sub-micrometer 8:30 Introductory Remarks. 10:50 ENVR 15. Negative electron affinity
Novolac-derived carbon beads as
8:35 ENVR 1. Emerging environmen- diamond surfaces for photoelectro-
electrodes for supercapacitors,
tal contaminants in the oceans: An chemical reduction of perfluoroalkyl
redox electrolyte hybrids, and
overview of SOST priorities and substances. N.T. Plymale, B.B. Pate
Li-S batteries. B. Krüner, J. Lee,
S. Choudhury, V. Presser US NSF investments. L. Clough 11:10 ENVR 16. Withdrawn.
11:15 ENFL 485. Novel strontium-based 9:20 ENVR 2. Applications of the web- 11:30 ENVR 17. Degradation and
nano-composite with high energy density based CompTox Chemistry Dashboard mineralization of common pharmaceu-
and superior longevity as electrode for to support emerging contaminants in ticals using nitrogen-doped carbon
supercapacitors. Y. Liu, L. Li, H. Fan, the Superfund Program. A. Frame, A.J. monolith 3D electrode with
X. Li, L. Meng, X. Qi, G. Wang, Y. Han Williams, R. Judson, A. Mageid, G. Patlewicz, 3D printed electrochemical reactor.
I. Shah, J. Smith, C. Grulke, J. Edwards K. Liu, M. Yu, J. Jasper, M.R. Hoffmann
Catalytic Transformation of 9:45 ENVR 3. Changes in iodine speciation 11:50 ENVR 18. Factors that affect
The use of any device to capture
Renewable Plant Biomass to in surface waters receiving wastewa- cathodic hydrogen peroxide production images (e.g., cameras and camera
Enhance Global Economy ter effluent. K.E. Studer, H. Weinberg for water and wastewater treatment
Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored by ENFL applications. S. Popat, M. Young, D.
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
10:10 ENVR 4. Effects of zinc oxide
nanoparticles on the neurolog- Ki, A. Xie, B.E. Rittmann, C. Torres digital recorders) or to stream,
ical behavior and pharyngeal upload or rebroadcast speakers or
pumping of C. elegans. L. Lish
presentations is strictly prohibited
10:35 Intermission.
at all official ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

Section D 8:55 ENVR 38. Development of validated 2:10 ENVR 48. RNA-mediated technol- 4:05 ENVR 62. Effect of sulfide on the
materials and methods to characterize ogy for pest management – environ- removal of hardness and silica from
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown silver nanomaterial loaded textiles mental benefits and risks. X. Pan oil sands in-situ produced water by
Meeting Room 5 during their lifecycle. J.M. Gorham, Fe-Electrocoagulation. A. Pham,
2:30 ENVR 49. Effect of earthworm activity
S.J. Underwood, D.E. Gorka H. Chow
Iron & Manganese Oxides: on the fate of antibiotics and abun-
Their Formation, Structure, 9:20 ENVR 39. Nano-composite degra- dance of antibiotic-resistant bacteria 4:25 ENVR 63. Withdrawn.
Reactivity & Applications dation and the release of nanoparti- and resistance genes in a compost
4:45 ENVR 64. Coupling catalytic ozonation
cles from consumer products during amended silt loam soil. C. Chen, K. Xia
Y. Hu, D. Waite, H. Zhang, Organizers with electrocoagulation for NOM removal
accelerated weathering. C. Han, E.
2:50 ENVR 50. Bioaccumulation of in water treatment. W. Yang, T. Wu
J. Fortner, M. Zhu, Organizers, Presiding Sahle-Demessie, H. Shi, J. Wang
perfluoroalkyl acids by three species of
5:05 ENVR 65. Electro-Fenton process:
8:30 Introductory Remarks. 9:45 ENVR 40. Release of QDs from earthworms exposed to contaminated
From stirred tank reactor to autonomous
consumer electronics for sustainability soils. B. Wen, Y. Wu, H. Zhang, S. Zhang
8:35 ENVR 29. Schwertmannite growth by solar pre-pilot plant. S. Segura, E. Brillas
evaluation of competing QD-enabled dis-
nanoparticle aggregation: Real-time scat- 3:10 Intermission.
plays. Y. Bi, S. Chopra, J. Schoepf, F. Brown, 5:25 Concluding Remarks.
tering measurements using custom mixed K.D. Hristovski, T.L. Theis, P.K. Westerhoff 3:25 ENVR 51. Investigating effects of
flow reactors. F. Michel, K. Kletetschka benzoic acid on the fat storage and gene
10:10 Intermission. Section C
9:10 ENVR 30. Density functional theory expressions in the insulin- signaling and
calculations on model ferrihydrite 10:25 ENVR 41. Factors affecting the fatty acid synthesis pathways using the Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
nanoparticles. J.D. Kubicki antibacterial effects of industrial and Caenorhabditis elegans model. L. Lewis Meeting Rooms 10/11
sunscreen derived ZnO nanoparticles
9:30 ENVR 31. Heterogeneous nucle- 3:45 ENVR 52. Alkaline fermentation
and their toxicity mechanisms. S. Surface Chemistry of Biochar &
ation and growth of Ni/Cd-bearing effectively enhances the recovery of
Joo, S. Baek, N. Kumar, M. Toborek Its Applications in Environmental
ferrihydrite on quartz and corundum. carbon source and removal of antibiotic
& Related Systems
Y. Hu, C. Dai, X. Zuo, R. Tang, J. Liu 10:50 ENVR 42. Potential environ- resistance genes from waste sludge.
mental implications of select cop- H. Huang, X. Zheng, Y. Chen, L. Hui R. Doong, M. Fan, J. L. Goldfarb, C. Huang, J.
9:50 ENVR 32. Impurity-Bearing ferrihydrite per-based fungicide/bactericide R. Leszczynski, Organizers
nucleation and growth on quartz and 4:05 ENVR 53. Cloning and expression
employed in world markets. A. W. W. Chen, Organizer, Presiding
corundum: Impurity ion hydrolysis, substi- of protocatechuate dioxygenase gene
Tegenaw, G. Sorial, E. Sahle-Demessie
tution, and adsorption. Y. Hu, C. Dai, J. Liu from Klebsiella pneumoniae: Application
1:30 ENVR 66. Biofilms on activated carbon
11:15 ENVR 43. Carbon nanomaterials for degradation of sulphonated
10:10 Intermission. is a mediator for enhanced bioreme-
differentially impact phenanthrene bio- aromatic amines. S. Dixit, S. Garg
diation of polychlorinated biphenyl
10:25 ENVR 33. 54Mn radiotracer accumulation and elimination kinetics by
4:25 ENVR 54. Antibiotics and antibiotic- (PCBs). S.J. Edwards, B.V. Kjellerup
studies of the transformation and earthworms. H. Zhang, W. Chen, X. Shen,
resistant genes in bulk and rhizosphere
recrystallization of phyllomanganates M. Zhang, Y. Yang, J.C. White, S. Tao, X. Wang 1:50 ENVR 67. High temperature
soils: A greenhouse study of vegetables
in reducing environments. E. Elzinga co-pyrolysis/thermal air activation
11:40 ENVR 44. Microbial transformation of grown in soils amended with antibiot-
enhances biochar mesoporosity and
11:00 ENVR 34. Magnetic Fe3O4 nano- carbon nanomaterials in water. S. Chae ic-containing manure. C. Chen,
capacity for uptake of organic
cubes and nanospheres: Synthesis, G.K. Guron, K. Xia, A. Pruden,
12:05 ENVR 45. Impact of engineered micropollutants from water. J. Kearns,
properties, and sensing capabilities. M. Ponder, P. Du
nanomaterials (ENMs) from waste- K.K. Shimabuku, D. Knappe, R.S. Summers
A. Kolhatkar, Y. Chen, I. Nekrashevich, water treatment plants to biological 4:45 ENVR 55. Presence of antibi-
I. Rusakova, D. Litvinov, S. Xu, 2:10 ENVR 68. Biochar and surface
activities in micro-ecosystems. J. Liu, otic resistance genes in treated
R.C. Willson, T. Lee modified biochar for mitigation
P. Williams, C. Geisler-Lee, D. Chen, M. wastewater and biosolids used for
of urban and agricultural storm-
11:35 ENVR 35. Fabrication of hier- Peiravi, M. Fakharifar, L. Zheng, D. Lightfoot land application. C. Bodenreider, J.
water pollutants. Y. Deng
archical MnO2 hollow sphere for Holt, S.J. Fischer, B.V. Kjellerup
efficient catalytic ozonation in removal Recent Advances towards 2:30 ENVR 69. Effect of coated fulvic acid
of endocrine-disrupting compound. the Bioeconomy on interaction of biochars and ionizable
Section B
C. He, Y. Huang, W. Xu, J. Zeng organic pollutants. Y. Wu, B. Chen
Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored by
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
11:55 ENVR 36. Enhanced biofilm penetra- AGFD, CARB, ENFL and ENVR 2:50 ENVR 70. CO2 capture by
Meeting Rooms 8/9
tion for microbial control by polyvalent ultrasonicated amine-functionalized
phages conjugated with magnetic
Advances in Residue Analytical graphene oxide as a model for
Methods: Innovation, Current Electrochemical Technologies
nanoparticles. P. Yu, L. Li, P.J. Alvarez biochar. R. Chatterjee, D.L. Mattern,
Status & Future Prospects for Water Purification
W.W. Chen, N.O. Egiebor, Y. Liu, A. Adeniyi
Sponsored by AGRO, Cosponsored by ENVR Cosponsored by CATL and CEI
Section E 3:10 Intermission.
J. Barazesh, J. Jasper, E. Roberts, Organizers
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 3:25 ENVR 71. Synergistic processes
Meeting Room 4 B. P. Chaplin, A. Pham, Organizers, Presiding in early-etage acoustic treatment of
SUNDAY AFTERNOON 1:30 ENVR 56. Salt removal from
biochar in CO2 and water. A.R. Adeniyi,
Environmental, Social & W.W. Chen, N.O. Egiebor, D.L. Mattern,
brackish waters by redox-active
Economic Impacts of Aged/ Section A flow-electrode capacitive deionization
J. Mobley, C. Church, R. Chatterjee
Transformed Nanomaterial- Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown (FCDI). T. Waite, J. Ma, D. He, 3:45 ENVR 72. Development of
Enabled Consumer Products Meeting Room 3 W. Tang, P. Kovalsky, C. He, C. Zhang magnetic biochar for water puri-
E. Sahle-Demessie, N. Savage, H. Shi, fication. P.C. Ray, S.J. Jones, A.
2:10 ENVR 57. Performance optimi-
Organizers Ecological & Human Health Pramanik, R. Chatterjee, W.W. Chen
zation of a flow-through capacitive
S. Chae, Organizer, Presiding
Impacts of Emerging deionization stack using unipolar- 4:05 ENVR 73. Withdrawn.
Environmental Contaminants and bipolar-electrode connections
8:30 ENVR 37. Fate of cerium dioxide 4:25 ENVR 74. Molecular-scale inves-
Cosponsored by AGRO and CHAL for desalination. Y. Chen, C. Hou tigation on adsorption of dissolved
nanoparticles in soil monitored
by single particle ICP-MS. W. Liu, X. Pan, M. I. Selim, B. Zhang, Organizers, 2:30 ENVR 58. Capacitive heat engines biochar on soil. L. Luo, J. Lv, S. Zhang
H. Shi, K. Liu, J. Liu, C. Stephan Presiding for brackish water deionization. 4:45 ENVR 75. Enhanced desalina-
M. Hatzell, J. Zhang, K. Hatzell tion performance of carbon-based
1:30 ENVR 46. Identification of novel poly-
2:50 ENVR 59. Withdrawn. electrodes via pseudocapacitance
fluorinated compounds in the Tennessee
using manganese dioxide in capacitive
River downstream of manufacturing 3:10 ENVR 60. Removal and recovery of
deionization. N. Liu, Y. Liu, T. Yu, C. Hou
facilities near Decatur, Alabama, USA. boric acid from waste water with bipolar
S. Newton, R.L. McMahen, J. McCord, J. membrane electrodialysis. A. Yamasaki, 5:05 ENVR 76. MnO2 structure induced
Stoeckel, M. Chislock, A. Lindstrom, M. Strynar Y. Nakamura, M. Itabashi, T. Shoji, M. Noguchi surface charge effect on the performance
of capacitive deionization in different
1:50 ENVR 47. Heavy metals in subtidal 3:30 Intermission.
Technical program information sediments from coastal ecosystems in
pH. S. Xu, T. Wang, Y. Wu, C. Wang
3:45 ENVR 61. Application of external
known at press time. Niger Delta: Distribution, source appor-
voltage for the prevention of organic
5:25 Concluding Remarks.
tionment and contamination assess-
The official technical program for ment. N. Benson, J.P. Essien, A. Olajire
foulants deposited on graphene oxide
and molybdenum disulfide. I. Alam,
the 254th ACS National Meeting L. Guiney, M. Hersam, I. Chowdhury
is available at www.acs.org/

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


Section D 3:15 Intermission. 10:35 ENVR 102. Predicting solvent-wa- 8:55 ENVR 114. Optical nano-tracker
ter partitioning of charged organic for capture, sequestration and detection
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 3:25 ENVR 90. Hydrothermal catalysis to
species using quantum-chemically of metal oxide nanoparticles.
Meeting Room 5 valorize renewable biomass feedstocks.
estimated Abraham pp-LFER solute A. Othman, D. Andreescu, E. Andreescu
P.E. Savage, N. Mo, J.N. Jocz, J. Jiang
parameters. C.W. Davis, D.M. Ditoro
Iron & Manganese Oxides: 9:20 ENVR 115. Advances in the metrology
4:05 ENVR 91. Liquid acids on silica for
Their Formation, Structure, 10:55 ENVR 103. Photoreactivity of for characterizing the uptake, transloca-
dehydra-decyclization of renewable
Reactivity & Applications metal-organic frameworks in aqueous tion and genotoxicity of engineered nano-
tetrahydrofuran. P.J. Dauenhauer
solutions: Metal dependence of reactive materials in terrestrial plants. B.C. Nelson
J. Fortner, D. Waite, M. Zhu, Organizers 4:25 ENVR 92. Structural insights into oxygen species production. Y. Gao, G. Yu
9:45 Intermission.
Y. Hu, H. Zhang, Organizers, Presiding cellulase-mimicry of polystyrene-based
solid acids for cellulose hydrolysis. 10:05 ENVR 116. Separation and quantifi-
1:30 Introductory Remarks. Section B
M.V. Tyufekchiev, M.T. Timko, S. Granados cation of dissolved and nanoparticulate
1:35 ENVR 77. Redox chemistry of Focil, K. Schmidt-Rohr, P. Duan, M. Emmert Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown metals with SEC-ICP-MS. P. Paydary
As(III) and Cr(VI) on iron and Meeting Rooms 8/9
4:45 ENVR 93. Hydrothermal liquefac- 10:30 ENVR 117. Effect of environmental
manganese oxide. D.R. Strongin, tion of food waste and remediation of and biological matrices on single
S.L. Shumlas, E.B. Cerkez, R.J. Reeder Advances in Chemical Oxidation
aqueous byproducts. A. Paulsen, M.T. particle ICP-MS nanoparticle sizing
Timko, A. Maag, P. Yelvington, T. Amundsen
for Water & Wastewater and counting capabilities.
2:10 ENVR 78. Generation of hydroxyl
Treatment Systems A.R. Montoro, K. Murphy, M. Winchester
radicals by hydroquinones and iron 5:05 ENVR 94. Understanding solvent
oxide nanoparticles. P. Persson Financially supported by Shimadzu;
effects in the thermal and electrochemical 10:55 ENVR 118. Separation, sizing, and
Assoc. of Environmental & Engineering
2:45 ENVR 79. Withdrawn. hydrogenation of organic compounds. Science Professors (AEESP) quantitation of gold nanoparticles in
D. Cantu, R. Weber, Y. Wang, M. Lee, M. Caenorhabditis elegans using mass
3:05 ENVR 80. Reduction kinetics and Nguyen, S. Akhade, A. Padmaperuma, Y. Deng, W. Song, Organizers, Presiding spectrometry and imaging techniques.
mechanisms of nitrogen-oxygen M. Lilga, V. Glezakou, R. Rousseau M. Johnson, S. Hanna, N. Sharp, J. Bennett,
compounds (NOCs) by Fe(II) associate 8:15 Introductory Remarks.
A.R. Montoro, K. Murphy, B.C. Nelson
with goethite versus by soluble Fe(II)- Recent Advances towards the Bioeconomy
8:20 ENVR 104. Studies in advanced
iron complex. X. Li, Y. Chen, H. Zhang Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored by 11:20 Concluding Remarks.
oxidation: Understanding the details of
3:25 Intermission. free radical chemistry. W.J. Cooper
Environmental Fate, Transport Section D
3:40 ENVR 81. Transformation of nanopar- 8:55 ENVR 105. Photochemical oxidation
ticulate zero-valent iron to iron oxides & Modeling of Agriculturally- of effluent organic matters: HRMS Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
and effect on reactive oxygen species Related Chemicals Characterization. W. Song, L. Lian Meeting Room 5
generation and contaminant degrada- Sponsored by AGRO, Cosponsored by ENVR 9:20 ENVR 106. Activation of peroxymo-
tion. T. Waite, D. He, R. Collins, J. Ma Iron & Manganese Oxides:
nosulfate for rhodamine B degradation
Agrochemical Formulations Their Formation, Structure,
4:15 ENVR 82. Electron mobility by a morphology derived CuBi2O4:
Sponsored by AGRO, Cosponsored by ENVR‡ Reactivity & Applications
and trapping in iron and manga- Intersurface reaction and degrada-
nese redox cycling. B. Gilbert tion mechanism. Y. Wang, F. Qi J. Fortner, H. Zhang, M. Zhu, Organizers

4:50 ENVR 83. Effect of MnO2 phase 9:45 ENVR 107. Degradation of Y. Hu, D. Waite, Organizers, Presiding
structure on its oxidation perfor- MONDAY MORNING triclosan in the presence of p-am-
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
mance in contaminant removal. inobenzoic acid under simulated
J.J. Huang, S. Zhong, H. Zhang Section A sunlight irradiation. P. Zhai, H. Li 8:05 ENVR 119. Capturing the variable
reactivity of goethites in adsorption
5:10 ENVR 84. Impacts of iron oxide-in- Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 10:10 Intermission.
models for metal cations. L.E. Katz
duced corrosion of lead on drinking Meeting Room 3 10:25 ENVR 108. Exploring the elim-
water quality. B. Trueman, G.A. Gagnon 8:40 ENVR 120. Oxygen atom release
ination mechanism of halogenated
Ecological & Human Health during selenium oxyanion sorption on
emerging contaminants in water
Impacts of Emerging goethite and hematite. P. Yue, N. Chen,
Section E environments: Contribution of adsorp-
D. Peak, A. Onnis-Hayden, P. Larese-Casanova
Environmental Contaminants tion, photocatalysis and biological
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 9:00 ENVR 121. Adsorptive fractionation of
Cosponsored by AGRO and CHAL degradation. T. An, G. Li, J. Xiong
Meeting Room 4 dissolved organic matter by iron-contain-
X. Pan, M. I. Selim, B. Zhang, Organizers, 11:00 ENVR 109. Sulfate radical
ing mineral soil: Macroscale approach
Environmental Applications of Liquid Presiding oxidation of aromatic contaminants:
and molecular insight. T. Polubesova,
Phase Catalysis for Green Chemical A detailed assessment of density
S. Avneri-Katz, R. Young, A.M. McKenna,
Processes of Renewable Materials 8:00 ENVR 95. PAH compounds functional theory and high-level
H. Chen, Y. Corilo, T. Borch, B. Chefetz
identified in crude oil utilizing GCMS quantum chemical methods. C. Xiao,
Cosponsored by CATL and ENFL
induce germ cell apoptosis in S. Pari, I.A. Wang, H. Liu, B.M. Wong 9:20 ENVR 122. Synthesis of green high
J. Bond, N. A. Deskins, Organizers Caenorhabditis elegans. X. Pan, magnetic nanoparticles and evaluation of
11:25 ENVR 110. Withdrawn.
J. Polli, B.R. Rushing, M.I. Selim, B. Zhang their potential in adsorption heavy metals.
M. T. Timko, Organizer, Presiding
11:50 ENVR 111. Rapid degradation of the- W. Marimon Bolivar, E. Gonzalez Jimenez
8:20 ENVR 96. Analysis of time change
1:30 Introductory Remarks. ophilline drug in pharmaceutical effluents
of environmental risks: A case study 9:40 Intermission.
using UV/PS in an advanced oxidation
1:35 ENVR 85. Hydrothermal car- of time change of risks caused by 9:55 ENVR 123. Green rust formation
persulfate system. A. Ghauch, A. Baalbaki,
bonization of digestate in pres- the emission of VOSs from poly- induced by reaction between aqueous
N. Zeineddine, S. Jaber, S. Al Hakim
ence of zeolite. M. Reza, J. Mumme, meric materials used for commercial Fe(II) and smectite clay minerals.
M. Titirici, O. Masek, A. Pfeiffer products. M. Noguchi, A. Yamasaki A. Jones, C. Murphy, D. Waite, R. Collins
Section C
1:55 ENVR 86. Characterization and 8:40 ENVR 97. Potential environmental
quantification of acid sites on zeolites in pollution via released leachates and Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
the presence of solvents. B. Xu, N. Gould microparticules from dental resin-based Meeting Rooms 10/11
composite. S. Mulligan, G. Kakonyi,
2:15 ENVR 87. Use of solid-state NMR for
S. Thornton, J.J. Ojeda, M. Ogden, K. Measurements & Methods in
condensed phase catalyst applications:
Moharamzadeh, A. Fairburn, N. Martin Environmental Nanotechnology
Hydrothermal stability and solid liquid
interfaces. R.L. Johnson, J. Anderson, 9:00 ENVR 98. Withdrawn. Cosponsored by AGRO and ANYL
M.P. Hanrahan, M. Mellmer, J.A. Dumesic, 9:20 ENVR 99. Transformation and S. Hanna, M. Johnson, A. R. Montoro, B. C. The use of any device to capture
A.J. Rossini, K. Schmidt-Rohr, B.H. Shanks fate of neonicotinoid insecticides
during drinking water treatment.
Nelson, C. M. Sims, Organizers images (e.g., cameras and camera
2:35 ENVR 88. Quantitative kinetic E. Petersen, Organizer, Presiding
descriptions of aqueous-phase sugar K. Klarich, D.M. Cwiertny, G.H. LeFevre phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
isomerization in hydrophobic and hydro- 9:40 Intermission. digital recorders) or to stream,
philic Lewis acid zeolites. M. Cordon, M. 8:05 ENVR 112. Detecting and verifying
Gupta, J.W. Harris, D. Hibbitts, R. Gounder 9:55 ENVR 100. Chlorination disinfection
chemical transformations of silver nano-
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
by-products in drinking and swimming
2:55 ENVR 89. Engineered solvent pool water. W.U. Anake, N.U. Benson, A.
materials in textiles. D. Gorka, J.M. Gorham presentations is strictly prohibited
system for hydrolysis of lignocellu- Williams, O.H. Fred-Ahmadu, O.B. Enamuotor 8:30 ENVR 113. Measurements of transfor- at all official ACS meetings and
losic biomass using biomass derived mations of silver dietary supplements
γ-valerolactone. A. Motagamwala, 10:15 ENVR 101. Withdrawn.
in simulated gastrointestinal fluids.
events without express written
J.A. Dumesic, W. Won, C. Maravelias K.E. Marchionda, N. Patel, R.I. Maccuspie consent from ACS.

10:30 ENVR 124. Mechanisms of Mn(II) 11:40 ENVR 136. First-principles 5:10 ENVR 146. Water-solute permselec- 2:25 ENVR 157. Radiochemical studies
catalytic oxidation on ferrihydrite methods for modeling electrochem- tivity limits of biomimetic desalination on the fate of C60 in soils. D. Navarro,
surface and the formation of manganese ical processes. R. Sundararaman membranes. J. Werber, M. Elimelech R.S. Kookana, M. McLaughlin, J. Kirby
(oxyhydr)oxides. X. Feng,
2:50 Intermission.
S. Lan, X. Wang, H. Yin, W. Tan, F. Liu Sustaining Water Resources: Section B
Environmental & Economic Impact 3:10 ENVR 158. Surface functionalized
11:05 ENVR 125. Identifying redox
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown cellulose nanomaterials with fluoro-
transition zones in the subsur- Sponsored by MPPG, Cosponsored by
Meeting Rooms 8/9 genic probes. J.W. Woodcock, D. Fox,
face. X. Yin, H. Hua, L. Axe COMSCI‡, ENVR, GEOC, I&EC and PRES
J. Gilman, S. Stranick, B. Natarajan
11:25 ENVR 126. Characterizing reactive Environmental Fate, Transport Advances in Chemical Oxidation 3:35 ENVR 159. Development of a
iron mineral coatings in redox transition & Modeling of Agriculturally- for Water & Wastewater microwave induced heating method
zones. H. Hua, X. Yin, L.B. Axe Related Chemicals Treatment Systems for the detection of carbon nano-
11:45 Concluding Remarks. Sponsored by AGRO, Cosponsored by ENVR Financially supported by Shimadzu; tubes in environmental matrices.
Assoc. of Environmental & Engineering S.R. Al-Abed, D.D. Dionysiou, Y. He
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Science Professors (AEESP)
Section E 4:00 ENVR 160. Methods to assess the
Research, Innovation &
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Y. Deng, W. Song, Organizers, Presiding environmental degradation of carbon
nanotube/polymer nanocomposites.
Meeting Room 4 1:30 ENVR 147. Advances in the field of
Current State & Future Path D.G. Goodwin, J.M. Gorham, K.C. Scott,
advanced oxidation processes for the L. Sung
Environmental Applications of Liquid Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored treatment of cyanotoxins. D.D. Dionysiou
Phase Catalysis for Green Chemical by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG, 4:25 ENVR 161. Agglomeration of
PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC 2:05 ENVR 148. Ferrate(VI) reactions with
Processes of Renewable Materials Escherichia coli with positively charged
phosphate in water. Y. Deng, S.C. Myneni nanoparticles can lead to artifacts in a
Cosponsored by CATL and ENFL
2:30 ENVR 149. Treatment of several standard Caenorhabditis elegans toxicity
J. Bond, M. T. Timko, Organizers drinking water contaminants with ferrate assay. S. Hanna, A.R. Montoro, A. Peterson,
MONDAY AFTERNOON via oxidation and precipitation mecha- V. Reipa, L. Scanlan, S. Hosbas Coskun, T.
N. A. Deskins, Organizer, Presiding
nisms. J. Goodwill, J. Cunningham, X. Mai, Cho, M. Johnson, V.A. Hackley, B.C. Nelson,
8:00 Introductory Remarks. Section A Y. Jiang, K. Ikuma, D. Reckhow, J.E. Tobiason M. Winchester, J. Elliott, E. Petersen
8:05 ENVR 127. Influence of water on Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 2:55 ENVR 150. Synergistic effect of 4:50 Concluding Remarks.
furfural ring rearrangement reactions. Meeting Room 3 nickel-iron-foam and tetrapolyphosphate
L.V. Herrera, N. Briggs, B. Wang, S. Crossley enables the electro-Fenton process at cir-
Advances & Challenges in Separation Section D
8:25 ENVR 128. Hydrothermal stabil- cum-neutral pH. F. Deng, H. Olvera-Vargas,
& Mixing of Salts for the Sustainable O. Garcia-Rodriguez, S. Qiu, J. Yang, Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
ity of zeolites under relevant car-
Production of Food, Energy & Water O. Lefebvre Meeting Room 5
bohydrate conversion conditions.
D.W. Gardner, J. Huo, T.C. Hoff, R.L. D. Jassby, C. Kim, J. R. Landon, S. Lin, 3:20 Intermission.
Nano-Enabled Water
Johnson, B.H. Shanks, J. Tessonnier
3:35 ENVR 151. Comparative study Treatment Technologies:
8:45 ENVR 129. Stability and activity of S. Chae, J. Park, N. Y. Yip, Organizers, in treating stripped off mixtures of Applications & Implications
zeolite in hot liquid water. M.T. Timko Presiding trihalomethanes (THMs) in biotrickling Cosponsored by CATL
9:05 ENVR 130. Molecular-level insights 1:30 ENVR 137. Reverse electrodialy- filters (BTFs). B. Mezgebe, G. Sorial,
into the influence of the structure sis as a new power source for small E. Sahle-Demessie, D. Wendell K. D. Hristovski, M. S. Wong, Organizers
of liquid water on aqueous phase devices. S. Kwon, S. Baek, T.D. Chung 4:00 ENVR 152. Roles of ozone oxidation, N. Hoogesteijn von Reitzenstein, A.
heterogeneously catalyzed sugar 2:00 ENVR 138. Development of reverse adsorption and biodegradation in the Mulchandani, C. Powell, Organizers, Presiding
alcohol conversions. C. Bodenschatz, electrodialysis salinity gradient removal of disinfection by-product
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
T. Xie, X. Zhang, T. Sewell, R. Getman precursors and emerging contaminants
power. C. Kim, K. Hwang, J. Han, H.
in pilot-scale ozone BAC contactors 1:35 ENVR 162. Effect of pH and ionic
9:25 ENVR 131. Renewable p-xylene Kim, N. Jeong, Y. Choi, S. Hong
applied for potable reuse. Y. Sun, strength on self-healing hydrogel
from 2,5-dimethylfuran and ethylene 2:20 ENVR 139. Fouling control Z. Wang, B. Angelotti, M. Brooks, pore-filled water filtration mem-
using phosphorus-containing zeolite of ion-exchange membranes in B. Dowbiggin, P. Evans, B. Devins branes. B. Getchew, S. Kim, J. Kim
catalysts. H. Cho, L. Ren, V. Vattipalli, Y. reverse electrodialysis. D. Kim, S.
Yeh, N. Gould, B. Xu, R.J. Gorte, R.F. Lobo, 4:25 ENVR 153. Iron(III)-based metal 1:55 ENVR 163. Treatment performance
Chae, C. Kim, N. Jeong, J. Park
P.J. Dauenhauer, M. Tsapatsis, W. Fan organic frameworks as heterogeneous of secondary effluents by nanofiber
2:40 ENVR 140. Effects of divalent cations Fenton-like catalysts for organic composite forward osmosis mem-
9:45 Intermission. on electrical resistance of ion exchange pollutant degradation. X. Quan, C. Gao brane. C. Zhang, T. Cai, M. Huang
10:00 ENVR 132. Mesoporous membranes for energy production
4:50 ENVR 154. Effect of seawater natural 2:15 ENVR 164. Interfacial transport
Nb/W-silicates as propylene using reverse electrodialysis. Y. Oh,
C. Kim, N. Jeong, J. Park, S. Chae organic matter on oxidation process: in cellulose nanocrystal based thin
epoxidation catalysts. S.K. Maiti,
A case study seawater Republic of film nanocomposite membranes
A. Ramanathan, B. Subramaniam
3:00 ENVR 141. Energy efficiency of Korea. H. Kye, K. Kim, Y. Jung, Y. Ahn, for reverse osmosis water desali-
10:40 ENVR 133. Reductive conver- reverse-electrodialysis cell according to Y.W. Abrha, S. Nam, I. Choi, J. Kang nation. E.D. Smith, S. Martin
sion of lignin with copper-doped hydrodynamic energy losses. H. Kim, J.
5:15 Concluding Remarks. 2:35 ENVR 165. Nanoparticle incorporation
catalysts. M.B. Foston Nam, K. Hwang, J. Han, N. Jeong, C. Kim
into thin film nanocomposite membrane
11:00 ENVR 134. Assessing implicit 3:20 Intermission. by a novel synthesis procedure. P. Cay
solvation models for describing surface
Section C
3:40 ENVR 142. Structure-property analysis Durgun, M. Lind, F. Perreault, R. Verduzco
chemistry at aqueous/Pt(111) inter- of conductivity-permselectivity tradeoff Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
2:55 Intermission.
faces. S. Iyemperumal, N.A. Deskins in ion-exchange membranes. N. Yip Meeting Rooms 10/11
3:10 ENVR 166. Engineering high-effective
11:20 ENVR 135. Functionalization 4:10 ENVR 143. Theoretical and exper-
of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural by Measurements & Methods in antifouling polyether sulfone membrane
imental investigation of hydrogen Environmental Nanotechnology with novel amphiphilic copolymer and
selective etherification. M. Allen, production from the mixing of sea and organic-inorganic composite modifier.
W. Gramlich, T.J. Schwartz Cosponsored by AGRO and ANYL
river water. M. Hatzell, M. Nazemi, A. Agles J. Jiang, Q. Zhang, X. Zhan, D. Cheng,
4:30 ENVR 144. Quasi-steady state S. Hanna, M. Johnson, A. R. Montoro, B. C. F. Chen
polarization reveals the interplay of Nelson, C. M. Sims, Organizers 3:30 ENVR 167. Development of
capacitive and faradaic processes in E. Petersen, Organizer, Presiding nanoscale zirconium molybdate
capacitive deionization for water embedded anion exchange resin
treatment. N. Holubowitch, 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
for selective removal of phos-
J. Landon, A. Omosebi, X. Gao, K. Liu
Technical program information 1:35 ENVR 155. Degradation of sin- phate. T.H. Bui, S. Hong, J. Yoon
4:50 ENVR 145. Forward osmosis using gle-layered g-C3N4 nanomaterial via
3:50 ENVR 168. Withdrawn.
known at press time. sulfur containing air pollutants as Fenton reaction. Y. Feng, Z. Xie, G. Liu
4:10 ENVR 169. Withdrawn.
The official technical program for draw solution for water-energy-food 2:00 ENVR 156. Probing interactions
nexus technology. V.H. Tran, D. Han, 4:30 Concluding Remarks.
the 254th ACS National Meeting H. Park, A. Abdel-Wahab, H. Shon
between graphene oxide and human
serum albumin protein: Measurements,
is available at www.acs.org/ mechanisms, and implications for
WDC2017 nanoparticle-cell membrane inter-
actions. X. Liu, C. Yan, K. Chen

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


Section E MONDAY EVENING 8:05 ENVR 189. Laboratory and field 9:10 ENVR 200. Dual-biofilm reactive
studies of the multiphase chemistry of barrier for in situ remediation of
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown isoprene-derived epoxides and hydrop- chlorobenzenes at anaerobic-
Meeting Room 4 Section A
eroxides leading to secondary organic aerobic interfaces in contaminated
Walter E. Washington Convention Center aerosol formation. J. Surratt, Y. Lin, groundwater. S.J. Chow, M. Lorah,
Heterogeneous Catalysis for Halls D/E M. Riva, W. Rattanavaraha, S. Budisulistiorini, A. Wadhawan, N.D. Durant, E.J. Bouwer
Environmental & Energy Applications Y. Chen, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhang, A. Gold,
9:30 ENVR 201. Effects of temperature
Cosponsored by CATL Sci-Mix M. Arashiro, R. Fry, S. Martin, S. de
and filtration rate on removal of
J. L. Goldfarb, Organizer Sa, I. Ribeiro, E. Oliveira, C. Machado,
A. Orlov, A. Savara, Organizers, Presiding contaminants of emerging concern
R. de Souza, E. Gomes, S. Duvoisin,
(CECs) in biologically-active GAC filters.
1:30 Introductory Remarks. 8:00 - 10:00 J.T. Jayne, D.R. Worsnop, A. Lambe,
B. Ma, R.M. Hozalski, W. Arnold, T. LaPara
17, 79, 120. See previous listings. P. Croteau, M. Canagaratna, H. Pye,
1:35 ENVR 170. Withdrawn. 9:50 Intermission.
V.F. McNeill, J.A. Thornton
1:55 ENVR 171. Withdrawn. 367-369, 380, 385-386, 390, 393,
8:40 ENVR 190. Gas-phase kinetics 10:05 ENVR 202. Characterization and
395, 405-406, 428, 439, 442, 454,
2:15 ENVR 172. Oxidative dehydroge- modifies the CCN activity of biogenic quantification of pharmaceutical and
459-462, 468-469, 474, 476, 479,
nation of but-1-ene with copper oxide SOA. A.E. Vizenor, A. Asa-Awuku personal care product (PPCP) interactions
481, 487-489, 492, 502, 506, 512,
catalyst. T. Kiyokawa, K. Fuku, N. Ikenaga with biosolids-derived dissolved organic
515, 517. See subsequent listings. 9:05 ENVR 191. Photodegradation and
matter. S.J. Fischer, M. Ramirez,
2:35 ENVR 173. Design of composite photosensitization reactions of secondary
A. Torrents
catalysts introduced tungstate and organic aerosols on environmental
inorganic anions on calcined LDH TUESDAY MORNING surfaces. K.T. Malecha, S.A. Nizkorodov, 10:25 ENVR 203. Optimization studies of
for controlling oxidative reaction J. Smith, C.L. Faiola, A. Ylisirniö, A. Virtanen, a vertical flow filtration column system
property using hydrogen perox- J. Holopainen, S. Schobesberger for endocrine activity removal in waste-
Section A water. B.E. Holmes, K.J. McDermott,
ide. K. Fuku, S. Fujimoto, N. Ikenaga 9:25 ENVR 192. Inorganic seed surface
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown H. Weinberg
2:55 ENVR 174. Oriented microwave area dependence of secondary organic
Meeting Room 3 10:45 ENVR 204. Removal of trace organic
energy conversion based on metal- aerosol formation from dark a-pinene
triggered discharges and its applica- ozonolysis in a continuous flow environ- contaminants and estrogenic activity
Science & Perception of in six full-scale integrated fixed-film
tion in VOCs/Tar destruction. J. Sun, mental chamber. Y. Han, Z. Gong,
Climate Change activated sludge (IFAS) wastewater
W. Wang, Z. Song, X. Zhao, Y. Mao P. Liu, S. de Sa, K.A. McKinney, S. Martin
Cosponsored by CEI treatment plants. M. Shreve, R. Brennan
3:15 Intermission. 9:45 Intermission.
S. O. Obare, E. Schoffers, Organizers, Presiding 11:05 ENVR 205. Source apportion-
3:30 ENVR 175. Enhanced environmen- 10:05 ENVR 193. Formation and aging
ment of polychlorinated biphenyls
tal remediation using triplet–triplet 8:00 Introductory Remarks. of biomass organic aerosols in wildfire
in District of Columbia waste-
annihilation upconversion: Broadening emissions in the Western U.S..
8:05 ENVR 181. Engaging diverse water. S.L. Capozzi, R. Jing, L.A.
the sub-band light absorption of Q. Zhang, S. Zhou, S. Collier, T.B. Onasch,
Rodenburg, B.V. Kjellerup, E.K. Wilson
audiences with climate change:
semiconductor photocatalysts. A.L. D. Jaffe, A. Sedlacek, L. Kleinman
Message strategies for global warm- 11:25 ENVR 206. Screening of a large
Hagstrom, S. Weon, H. Kim, W. Choi, J. Kim
ing’s six Americas. J. Kotcher 10:40 ENVR 194. Molecular characteriza-
number of trace organic compounds
3:50 ENVR 176. Photoreduction, adsorp- tion of atmospheric brown carbon.
8:35 ENVR 182. 4th National Climate in drinking water using point-of-use
tion and aggregation of graphene A. Laskin, J. Laskin, S.A. Nizkorodov, P. Lin
filters and suspect screening analysis.
Assessment and Beyond: Informing
oxide-Fe(III) complexes for the efficient 11:05 ENVR 195. Reactive uptake S. Newton, R.L. McMahen, J.R. Sobus,
decisions across sectors and scales.
removal of Cr(VI) under visible-light of ammonia by biogenic and A.J. Williams, A.D. McEachran, M. Strynar
C.W. Avery, D. Reidmiller, K. Reeves
irradiation. L. Renlan, X. Zhu, B. Chen anthropogenic organic aerosols.
8:55 ENVR 183. Climate science literacy, 11:45 Discussion.
4:10 ENVR 177. Microkinetic modeling S.A. Nizkorodov, J. Montoya, M. Hinks,
educational tools for the lifelong learner.
and molecular origin of the selec- P. Aiona, V. Perraud, J. Horne, S. Zhu, D.
G.P. Foy, K.E. Peterman, R.L. Foy, L. Clements Section D
tivity differences between palla- Dabdub, A. Laskin, J. Laskin, P. Lin
dium and gold–palladium in benzyl 9:15 ENVR 184. Why do students
11:30 ENVR 196. Measured absorption Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
alcohol oxidation. A. Savara respond favorably to attempts to spectra of aerosolized carbona- Meeting Room 5
teach climate change? G.M. Bodner ceous species and their influence on
4:30 ENVR 178. Can heterogenous sus-
pensions provide micro-environments 9:40 Intermission. climate forcing. C. Zangmeister Advances & Challenges at the
protected from radical scavengers during Food-Energy-Water Nexus
9:50 ENVR 185. Response to a warming
ozonation? B. Solomon, J.L. Ferry Section C Cosponsored by CEI
world. If not us, who? J.A. Bell
4:50 ENVR 179. Efficient catalytic ozonation Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown S. Ahuja, I. Chowdhury, D. D. Dionysiou, Y. Lin,
10:10 ENVR 186. Global warming is
over fluorine-doped carbon nanotubes for Meeting Rooms 10/11 Organizers
unequivocal: From Arrhenius to Keeling…
oxalic acid degradation. J. Wang, X. Quan
facts are not enough to influence S. Chae, Organizer, Presiding
5:10 ENVR 180. Dramatically stable public sentiment. B.Z. Shakhashiri Trace Organic Contaminants (TrOCs)
birnessite-type MnO2 for gaseous in Aquatic Systems: Advancements 8:00 ENVR 207. Nutrient-energy-water
10:30 ENVR 187. Can science be
ozone decomposition in humid stream in Monitoring & Remediation (NEW) recovery by osmotic bioelectro-
translated to the public? How popular
at room temperature: Effects of post chemical systems towards sustainable
media and other stakeholders frame the Cosponsored by ANYL and BIOL
nitric acid treatment. P. Zhang, Y. Liu wastewater treatment. M. Qin, Z. He
climate change debate. E. Schoffers
M. Shreve, Organizer
Atmospheric Fate & Transport 10:50 ENVR 188. How culture shapes the
R. Brennan, Organizer, Presiding
of Agricultural Emissions climate change debate. A.J. Hoffman
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
Sponsored by AGRO, Cosponsored by ENVR‡ 11:30 Panel Discussion.
8:10 ENVR 197. Comprehensive quantifi-
Section B cation and screening of emerging per/
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals:
polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in
Research, Innovation & Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown an aquatic ecosystem. T. Anumol,
Commercialization Meeting Rooms 8/9 T. Coggan, R. Hindle, K. Hunt, B. Clarke
Challenges & Opportunities 8:30 ENVR 198. Development of a
Multi-Phase Environmental
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
Chemistry of Aerosols nanotechnology enabled passive The use of any device to capture
by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG, sampling device for legacy and
PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC Aerosol Chemistry of emerging organic pollutants. images (e.g., cameras and camera
2,4-D Human Exposure Data:
Biomass Burning J. Qian, D.M. Cwiertny, A. Martinez phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
Lessons from Decades of Study A. Laskin, S. A. Nizkorodov, Organizers 8:50 ENVR 199. Fate of imidazolium, pyr- digital recorders) or to stream,
idinium, pyrrolidinium, and piperidinium
Sponsored by AGRO, Cosponsored by ENVR S. W. Hunt, Organizer, Presiding
ionic liquid cations in natural and techni- upload or rebroadcast speakers or
A. P. Ault, D. O. Dehaan, Presiding
Undergraduate Research Posters cal aquatic systems. S.G. Pati, W. Arnold presentations is strictly prohibited
8:00 Opening Remarks.
Environmental Chemistry at all official ACS meetings and
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored events without express written
consent from ACS.

8:30 ENVR 208. Recovery of major and 9:00 ENVR 219. Fast and efficient heavy 2:05 ENVR 227. Stability and persistence 5:00 ENVR 242. Aerosol interactions
micronutrients (N,P,S,Cu,Zn) from solid metal removal from contaminated of plutonium colloids in nature. A. with fog in urban and suburban sites
and liquid industrial waste and reuse in water using metal-organic frame- Kersting, J. Begg, E. Balboni, T. Parsons- in northeastern France: Applications of
enhanced efficiency fertilizer produc- works. D.T. Sun, L. Peng, S. Chaurd, Moss, J. Shusterman, P. Zhao, M. Zavarin carbon isotopic analysis. D.C. Napolitano,
tion. G. Sarapajevaite, C. Navizaga, J. W.S. Reeder, E. Oveisi, W.L. Queen O. Delhomme, M. Millet, P. Herckes
2:25 ENVR 228. Plant responses
Boecker, K. Baltakys, J. Baltrusaitis
9:20 ENVR 220. Adsorption of to nutrient stress could co-facili-
8:50 ENVR 209. Using hydrothermal organic aromatic molecules from tate radionuclide mobilization from Section C
carbonization to beneficially recover aqueous environments by electronically soils. N. Edayilam, B. Ferguson, D. Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
nutrients from food wastes. N.D. sorted SWCNTs. J.R. Rocha, Montgomery, B.A. Powell, N. Tharayil
Meeting Rooms 10/11
Berge, J.R. Flora, I. Idowu, L. Li, K. Ro R.E. Rogers, A.B. Dichiara, R.C. Capasse
2:45 ENVR 229. Comparison of Eu and
9:10 ENVR 210. Aerated fluidized 9:40 ENVR 221. As (III) and As (V) Np sorption to aluminum (hydr)oxide Monitoring Water Quality &
bed treatment for phosphate recov- adsorption by nanocomposite of minerals. T. Baumer, P. Kay, A.E. Hixon Infrastructure to Prevent Future Flints
ery from dairy and swine waste- hydrated zirconium oxide coated carbon Cosponsored by CEI and MPPG
3:15 Intermission.
water. A. Rabinovich, A. Rouff nanotubes. D. Liu, S. Deng, G. Yu
3:25 ENVR 230. Aquatic chemistry and B. G. Loganathan, Organizer
9:30 ENVR 211. Resource recovery from 10:00 Intermission.
thermodynamics of technetium: Redox
high strength wastewater: Evaluating S. Ahuja, Organizer, Presiding
10:15 ENVR 222. Functionalized processes, solubility and complex-
the resilience of multilayer compos- B. Loganathan, Presiding
aluminum oxide hydroxide nanowhiskers ation. X. Gaona, E. Yalcintas, A. Baumann,
ite-encapsulated bacterial cultures.
for heavy metal removal. R. Polly, M. Altmaier, H. Geckeis
C.W. Davis, K. Zhu, P. Novak, W. Arnold 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
Z. Xia, L.M. Baird, N. Zimmerman
3:55 ENVR 231. Mechanisms for simulta-
9:50 Intermission. 1:35 ENVR 243. Origins of the Flint
10:35 ENVR 223. Improving arsenic neous Tc and Cr removal by Fe(OH)2 in
water crisis. M. Edwards
10:10 ENVR 212. NEWAGE: A system with sorption capacity by doping metal (hydr) Hanford waste streams. S. Saslow, W. Um,
enhanced energy recovery and oxide nano-enabled hybrid media with G. Wang, D. Kim, M. Schweiger, A.A. Kruger 2:15 ENVR 244. Global climate
value-added products from wastewater more electronegative transition metal. change. N.B. Jackson
4:15 ENVR 232. Use of titanium
and wastewater biosolids for J. Markovski, T. Custudio, K.D. Hristovski 2:35 ENVR 245. Learning from horror
dioxide as a platform for the photoreduc-
agriculture and green environment. stories of water contamination. S. Ahuja
10:55 ENVR 224. Recovery of inorganic tion of Technetium-99. C. Brent,
Z. Liu, D. Zitomer, P. McNamara,
phosphorus using copper-substituted L.C. Francesconi, B.P. Burton-Pye, 2:55 ENVR 246. Investigating the missing
B. Mayer, A. Parolari, W. McDonald
ZSM-5. M. Manto, P. Xie, I. Radivojevic link: Effects of noncompliance and
10:40 ENVR 213. Withdrawn. M. Keller, W. Liano, T. Pu, C. Wang aging private infrastructure on water
4:35 ENVR 233. Chemometric deter-
11:00 ENVR 214. Low cost nutrient 11:15 ENVR 225. Biomimetic biomin- mination of the localized chemis- quality monitoring. A. Cooper, S. Ahuja
monitoring for fertilizer production eralization-inspired hybrid electro- try of Tc-99 in simulated nuclear 3:15 ENVR 247. Impacts of infrastructure
from source-separated urine on an spun-silk-nanofiber@metal-organic- waste glasses. J.L. Weaver deficiencies on potable water quality
urban farm. R. Sui, J. Lorencen, Z.E. framework membranes for universal in the Republic of Serbia. J. Markovski,
5:05 ENVR 234. Department of Energy’s
Wilton, E.K. Drake, O.R. Sinutko, R. Lahr water purification. L. Zhishang, G. M. Markovski, K.D. Hristovski, L. Olson
efforts on the back end of the nuclear
Zhou, Q. Zhang, H. Dai, Y. Fu, Y. Li
11:20 ENVR 215. Treated laterite as poten- fuel cycle and connection to environ- 3:35 Intermission.
tial adsorbent for removal of heavy metals 11:35 Concluding Remarks. mental clean-up efforts. P. Paviet
from drinking water. S. Chatterjee, S. De 3:45 ENVR 248. Harmful algal
5:25 Concluding Remarks. blooms: Their effects are global and
11:40 ENVR 216. Bio-inspired membranes Atmospheric Fate & Transport
of Agricultural Emissions massive and we need to mitigate
from block polymer precursors for Section B them. X. Duan, D.D. Dionysiou
remediation of heavy metal contami- Sponsored by AGRO, Cosponsored by ENVR‡
nated water sources. J.L. Weidman, R.A. Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 4:05 ENVR 249. Methods for characteriza-
Mulvenna, B.W. Boudouris, W.A. Phillip Application of Spatial Technologies Meeting Rooms 8/9 tion of chemical and biological
to Advance Exposure Modeling groundwater interactions with close-
& Risk Assessments Multi-Phase Environmental proximity oil and gas extraction activity.
Section E
Sponsored by AGRO, Cosponsored by ENVR Chemistry of Aerosols K. Schug, D.D. Carlton, I.C. Santos,
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Z.L. Hildenbrand, M. Martin, M. Reyes, D. Reyes
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Aqueous Chemistry in the Atmosphere
Meeting Room 4 4:25 ENVR 250. Developing a sensitive
Research, Innovation & S. W. Hunt, S. A. Nizkorodov, Organizers biosensor for monitoring arsenic in
Nano-Enabled Water Commercialization A. Laskin, Organizer, Presiding drinking water supplies. J. Berberich,
Treatment Technologies: T. Li, E. Sahle-Demessie, S. Zeh, S. Minderlein
From Research to Scale-Up J. Surratt, Q. Zhang, Presiding
Applications & Implications
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored 4:45 ENVR 251. Low-cost tap water
Cosponsored by CATL 1:30 ENVR 235. Tropospheric aerosol parti-
by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG, monitoring via the coffee-ring effect.
PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC cle organic mass formation: HOMs uptake
K. D. Hristovski, M. S. Wong, Organizers R. Lahr, X. Li, S. Allen, A.R. Sanderson
and cloud processing. H. Herrmann
N. Hoogesteijn von Reitzenstein, A. Journey to Mars: Materials, 5:05 ENVR 252. Integrating microplastics
2:05 ENVR 236. Aqueous phase photo-ox-
Mulchandani, C. Powell, Organizers, Presiding Energy & Life Sciences data into water quality monitoring
idation of nitrophenol brown carbon
protocol. J.R. Peller, L. Eberhardt,
8:15 Introductory Remarks. Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by compounds. R.F. Hems, J.P. Abbatt
R. Alam, T. Janesheski, A. Kubalewski
8:20 ENVR 217. Mechanistic 2:25 ENVR 237. Integrating direct measure-
PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ 5:25 Concluding Remarks.
understanding of function and impact ments of aerosol pH to improve under-
of hematite nanoparticle (na-Fe2O3) standing of acidity in the atmosphere.
size and shape on sustainable A.P. Ault, R.L. Craig, A. Bondy, J.L. Axson Section D
aqueous inorganic remediation. TUESDAY AFTERNOON 2:50 ENVR 238. Aqueous and dry Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
A.W. Lounsbury, D. Peak, J.B. Zimmerman aerosol processing of dicarbonyls: Meeting Room 5
8:40 ENVR 218. Adsorption and desorption Section A Uptake coefficients, SOA production,
of PFOA and PFOS with transition metal and radiative forcing. D.O. Dehaan Advances & Challenges at the
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
dichalcogenides. Y. Tian, I. Chowdhury Food-Energy-Water Nexus
Meeting Room 3 3:15 Intermission.
Cosponsored by CEI
3:35 ENVR 239. Exploring spatial
Fate, Transport & Remediation of S. Ahuja, S. Chae, D. D. Dionysiou, Y. Lin,
differences in satellite aerosol optical
Radionuclides in the Environment thickness as a function speciated Organizers
P. Paviet, Organizer organic particle mass. A. Carlton I. Chowdhury, Organizer, Presiding
Technical program information V. Anagnostopoulos, S. Saslow, Organizers, 4:10 ENVR 240. Contrasting multi-phase
1:30 ENVR 253. Algae-based sustain-
Presiding chemistry in urban and rural environ-
known at press time. ments. C. Hennigan, S. Douglas, M. Battaglia
able urban-wastewater reclamation
1:30 Introductory Remarks. ecosystem (aSURE): An integrated
The official technical program for 4:35 ENVR 241. Modelling atmospheric approach to sustaining food-en-
1:35 ENVR 226. Principles that guide
the 254th ACS National Meeting fate and transport of actinides in the
mineral aerosol chemistry to predict ergy-water supply. Y. Zhang
heterogeneous photocatalytic oxidation
2:00 ENVR 254. Mold–yeast consortia
is available at www.acs.org/ environment: Example application to
of SO2 and NOx. M. Jang, Z. Yu, J. Park
convert food waste to alcohol for vapor-
the WIPP safety case. D.T. Reed
WDC2017 fed bio-hybrid fuel cells. H.M. LeFors,
J. Jahnke, M. Benyamin, D.M. Mackie

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


2:20 ENVR 255. Withdrawn. Section F WEDNESDAY MORNING 8:00 Introductory Remarks.
2:40 ENVR 256. Biogeochemical Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 8:05 ENVR 286. Interfacial chemistry
effects of silicon-rich amendments Meeting Room 12 Section A of free radicals and the oxidation
in rice paddies. M. Limmer, of organic aerosol. K.R. Wilson
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
J. Mann, D. Amaral, A. Seyfferth C. Ellen Gonter Environmental Meeting Room 3 8:40 ENVR 287. Reactions of
3:00 ENVR 257. Model systems to Graduate Student Award Criegee intermediates at the
study plant accumulation of ionizable T. Anderson, Organizer, Presiding Economic Impact of Environmental gas-liquid interface. S. Enami
organic contaminants. S.L. Nason, Health Research: A Case Study of the 9:05 ENVR 288. Contributions from
E.L. Miller, K. Karthikeyan, J.A. Pedersen 1:30 Introductory Remarks. NIEHS Superfund Research Program water-air interfaces in the multiphase
3:20 Intermission. 1:35 ENVR 270. Measurement of the Cosponsored by MPPG environmental chemistry of a-ketoacids.
pH of individual aerosol droplets by V. Vaida, A. Reed Harris, R. Rapf, R. Perkins
3:40 ENVR 258. Produced water reuse surface-enhanced Raman spectros- H. Henry, K. G. Pennell, Organizers, Presiding
options in Kansas: A case study at copy. H. Wei, L.C. Marr, P.J. Vikesland 9:30 ENVR 289. Processing of unsaturated
the food-energy-water nexus. E.F. 8:00 Introductory Remarks. carboxylic acids by ozone at the air-water
Peltier, S.J. Randtke, K. Shafer-Peltier, 1:55 ENVR 271. Simple method to interface: Implications for aerosol aging.
8:05 ENVR 276. Economic impact of
R. Barati, O. Dollar, S. Thompson quantify the carboxyl group areal environmental health research: A case L. Li, A.J. Colussi, S. Enami, M.R. Hoffmann
density in the active layer of polyam- study of the NIH/NIEHS superfund
4:10 ENVR 259. Water quality challenges ide thin-film composite membranes. 9:50 Intermission.
in creating a sustainable water reuse research program. H. Henry, D.J.
J.R. Werber, D. Chen, M. Elimelech 10:10 ENVR 290. Location, location:
framework in Abu Dhabi, UAE. F. Ahmad Carlin, M. Heacock, B. Trottier, W.A. Suk
2:15 ENVR 272. Probing interaction Chemical morphology and reactivity at
4:30 ENVR 260. Assessment of cost-ef- 8:25 ENVR 277. New advances reduces environmental interfaces. D. Donaldson
and penetration forces between a remediation costs for legacy pol-
fective and sustainable irrigation water silver nanoparticle and supported lutants in sediments. U. Ghosh 10:45 ENVR 291. Multiphase chemistry
management practices in agricultural lipid bilayers using atomic force of nitrogen oxides on soil surfaces.
watershed. M. Paul, M. Negahban-Azar microscopy. X. Liu, K. Chen 8:45 ENVR 278. Application of M.A. Donaldson, R.F. Hansen, J.D. Raff
4:50 ENVR 261. Reduction of excess monoclonal antibody-based biosensor
2:35 ENVR 273. Ultra-strong three-dimen- 11:20 ENVR 292. Novel aerosol suspension
biological sludge in tannery effluent analysis for rapid assessment of
sional graphene oxide sponges reinforced PAH distribution, fate and toxicity at chamber for exploring atmospheric
treatment. V. Sodhi, A. Bansal, M.K. Jha by cellulose nanocrystals. N. Yousefi, contaminated sediment sites. interfacial reactions. C. Smith, A. Ziegler,
K. Wong, Z. Hosseinidoust, A. Angulo, M. Brown, E.M. Durke, S. Dhaniyala,
M. Unger, A. Beck, G. Vadas, M. Vogelbein,
Section E N. Tufenkji
M. Cochran, S. Hartzell, L. Yonkos, J. Rieger J.R. Morris
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 2:55 Intermission. 11:40 ENVR 293. Halogen activation:
9:05 ENVR 279. Diffusive flux of PAHs
Meeting Room 4 3:10 ENVR 274. Quantifying historical across sediment-water and water- Decomposing surface and bulk pro-
levels of antibiotics in freshwater air interfaces at urban superfund cesses. J. Edebeli, M. Ammann, A. Gilgen,
Nano-Enabled Water lake sediment cores. J.F. Kerrigan, D. sites. J. Minick, K.A. Anderson A. Eichler, M. Schneebeli, T. Bartels-Rausch
Treatment Technologies: Engstrom, K. Sandberg, T. LaPara, W. Arnold
Applications & Implications 9:25 ENVR 280. Laboratory and compu-
3:30 ENVR 275. Dissolved organo- tational technologies to reduce the cost Section C
Cosponsored by CATL
phosphate ester flame retardants in and improve the quality of congener-spe- Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
K. D. Hristovski, M. S. Wong, Organizers the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. cific measurement of PCB congeners Meeting Rooms 10/11
C.A. McDonough, C. Sun, D. Adelman, T. in air, water, sediments, and biological
N. Hoogesteijn von Reitzenstein, A. matrices. K.C. Hornbuckle, R.F. Marek, A.
Soltwedel, E. Bauerfeind, D. Muir, R. Lohmann Impact of Materials, Surface
Mulchandani, C. Powell, Organizers, Presiding Awad, N. Herkert, A. Martinez, P. Saktrakulkla Chemistry & Modifications
1:30 Introductory Remarks. Vehicle Emission Control 9:45 Intermission. on Biofilm Formation in
Catalysis: New Era, New Environmental Remediation &
1:35 ENVR 262. In-situ growth of TiO2 10:05 ENVR 281. Use of reactive mats for
on TiN nanoparticles for non-noble-
Challenges & New Solutions Engineering Applications
cost-effective clean-up of contami-
metal plasmonic photocatalysis. C. Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored nated aquatic sediments. D. Meric, A. Cosponsored by BIOL
Li, W. Yang, L. Liu, W. Sun, Q. Li by ENFL and ENVR
Alshawabkeh, J.M. Shine, T. Sheahan Financially supported by AEESP
1:55 ENVR 263. Influence of func- Atmospheric Fate & Transport 10:25 ENVR 282. Metal functionalized
tional groups on the indirect pho- N. J. Lin, Organizer
of Agricultural Emissions nanostructured membrane tech-
tolysis of graphene. M. Shams, L. nology for water remediation. D. B. V. Kjellerup, Organizer, Presiding
Sponsored by AGRO, Cosponsored by ENVR‡
Guiney, M. Hersam, I. Chowdhury Bhattacharyya, S. Hernandez, A. Saad, 8:15 Introductory Remarks.
2:15 ENVR 264. Adsorption- Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: H. Wan, M.S. Islam, A. Aher, L. Ormsbee
Research, Innovation & 8:20 ENVR 294. Biofilms: Slime at the
photocatalysis composite nanoma- 10:45 ENVR 283. Optimization of Fe/Pd
terials for water treatment. M. Suh, Commercialization surface. M.E. Shirtliff, J.M. Harro
nanoparticles immobilized membrane
C. Li, H. Jing, C.K. Chan, J. Kim Innovating in Biomass Conversion: systems for PCB degradation. H. Wan, 9:05 ENVR 295. Can we design a
Factors for Success N. Briot, L. Ormsbee, D. Bhattacharyya passive surface that predictably
2:35 ENVR 265. Solar-photothermal nano-
alters the activity of attached bac-
materials: Fundamentals and application Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored 11:05 ENVR 284. Optimization of teria? D. Brown, L. Albert, H. Zhu
for the inactivation of virus and bacteria by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG, magnetite based arsenic immobiliza-
in drinking water. S. Loeb, C. Li, J. Kim PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC tion strategies: Role of coupled iron 9:25 ENVR 296. Physiological
oxidation and reduction in magnetite responses of microcystins from
2:55 Intermission.
Advances in Carbon formation. B.C. Bostick, J. Jamieson, A.A. Microcystis aeruginosa PCC7806
3:10 ENVR 266. Design of novel nano- Dioxide Utilization Nghiem, J. Sun, B.J. Mailloux, A. Yusov, H. by chemical treatments. G. Lamas
enabled photothermal desiccants to Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored Prommer, O. Duckworth, S.N. Chillrud Samanamud, T.E. Reeves, M.W. Tidwell,
improve energy efficiency of atmospheric by ENFL and ENVR J.A. Bohmann, K.J. Lange, H.J. Shipley
water capture. A. Mulchandani, 11:25 ENVR 285. Effect of manganese
P.K. Westerhoff Journey to Mars: Materials, on in-situ magnetite formation and
Energy & Life Sciences field implementation of groundwater
3:30 ENVR 267. Development of a powder remediation technologies.
assay kit to fast detect gold nanoparticles Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
A.A. Nghiem, B.J. Mailloux, S.N. Chillrud,
in aquatic media. X. Bi, P.K. Westerhoff ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡,
J. Sun, H. Prommer, B.C. Bostick
3:50 ENVR 268. Edible science: Food The use of any device to capture
dye sensitized water disinfection and Section B
safety indication. E. Ryberg, J. Kim
images (e.g., cameras and camera
4:10 ENVR 269. Fabrication of graphene
TUESDAY EVENING Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
Meeting Rooms 8/9
oxide/poly(ethyleneimine) aerogel
Journey to Mars: Materials, digital recorders) or to stream,
with controlled surface charge for
both anionic and cationic dyes
Energy & Life Sciences Multi-Phase Environmental upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Chemistry of Aerosols
removal. Q. Zhao, X. Zhu, B. Chen Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by presentations is strictly prohibited
ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, Chemistry at Interfaces
4:30 Concluding Remarks. PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ at all official ACS meetings and
S. W. Hunt, A. Laskin, Organizers
events without express written
S. A. Nizkorodov, Organizer, Presiding
Y. Rudich, R. Weber, Presiding
consent from ACS.

9:45 ENVR 297. Beta-1, 4-glycosyl Section E 9:55 ENVR 322. Health and wellbeing 3:15 ENVR 330. Towards risk-based
hydrolase of Francisella tularensis- a impact of contamination on the Navajo environmental monitoring and tech-
negative regulator of biofilm production in Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown reservation. J.C. Ingram, T. Rock, A. Lister nology assessment via toxicogenom-
a bacterial biothreat agent. M.L. van Hoek Meeting Room 4 ics technology and data science. A.
10:15 ENVR 323. Characterizing the
Gu, N. Gou, J. Lan, S. Rahman, Y. Lin
10:05 Intermission. Green Chemistry & the Environment extent of uranium contamination
in sheep grazing near abandon 3:35 ENVR 331. Extractive tea bag for
10:20 ENVR 298. Measuring biofilms and Cosponsored by CATL and CEI
uranium mines on the Navajo water sampling and cleanup. R. Giese
their interactions with materials. N.J. Lin
A. M. Balu, R. Luque, S. O. Obare, Organizers reservation. J.C. Ingram, A. Lister
3:55 ENVR 332. Economic impact of
10:40 ENVR 299. Characterizing microbial
S. DeVito, Organizer, Presiding 10:35 ENVR 324. Adverse effects accurately assessing vapor
adhesion strength with centrifuge force
of traffic-related air pollutants in intrusion exposure risks at hazardous
microscopy. T. LeFevre, J.N. Wilking 8:30 Introductory Remarks. Puerto Rican children. L. Méndez waste sites. K.G. Pennell,
11:00 ENVR 300. Experimental and 8:40 ENVR 310. Quantifying the success M. Roghani, E.J. Willett, E. Shirazi
10:55 ENVR 325. Drinking water infra-
theoretical analysis of biofilm for- of green chemistry and other pollution structure inequality: New insight into 4:15 ENVR 333. From lab bench to
mation and growth on cylindrical prevention practices in the pharma- system corrosion and the lead-pathogen across the valley of death: How
surfaces with impedimetric sensors. ceutical and automotive manufacturing nexus. A. Katner, K. Pieper, Y. Lambrinidou, does one build the bridge from
R. Huiszoon, S. Preza, P. Rajasekaran, industries. A. Stoeckle, S. Gaona, C. Keenan K. Brown, W. Subra, M. Edwards one side? And how large can the
T. Winkler, W.E. Bentley, R. Ghodssi
9:00 ENVR 311. Analysis of toxics impact be? E.M. Suuberg, R. Hurt
11:15 Panel Discussion.
11:20 ENVR 301. Internal polarity of release inventory green chemistry 4:35 Discussion.
individual G. sulfurreducens bac- reporting. S. Gaona, M. Sumner
terial cells attached to inorganic Green Chemistry: Theory & Practice
substrates. N. Lebedev, M.D. Yates, 9:20 ENVR 312. Characterizing the Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored Section B
S.M. Strycharz-Glaven, L. Tender
environmental impact of sustainabil- by CEI and ENVR‡
ity practices using sector profiles: Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
11:40 ENVR 302. Withdrawn. An application to the automotive Vehicle Emission Control Meeting Rooms 8/9
manufacturing sector. C. Keenan Catalysis: New Era, New
Section D Challenges & New Solutions Multi-Phase Environmental
9:40 ENVR 313. Highlighting pollu-
Chemistry of Aerosols
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown tion prevention achievements in Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored
Meeting Room 5 the 2015 Toxics Release Inventory by ENFL and ENVR Health Effects, Particle
National Analysis. C. Briere Formation & Growth
Developing Pesticide Environmental
Changes in Chemical Risk 10:00 Intermission. Risk Assessment Approaches A. Laskin, S. A. Nizkorodov, Organizers
Assessment under Amended TSCA:
10:15 ENVR 314. Using alternatives assess- Sponsored by AGRO, Cosponsored by ENVR S. W. Hunt, Organizer, Presiding
Approaches & Implementation
ment approaches to inform the ranking of J. D. Raff, K. R. Wilson, Presiding
Cosponsored by CEI and CHAL TRI-listed solvent chemicals. L. Brown, Advances in Carbon
H. Forth, L. Reichle, A. Casner, A. McFadden Dioxide Utilization 1:30 Introductory Remarks by Sherri Hunt.
M. Card, T. R. Henry, L. Libelo, Organizers
10:35 ENVR 315. Visualizing indus- Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored 1:40 ENVR 334. Can reactions between
E. Wong, Organizer, Presiding by ENFL and ENVR
trial source reduction achieve- ozone and organic constituents of
8:15 ENVR 303. EPA rules under amended ments: Demonstration of the ambient particles influence PM-induced
Journey to Mars: Materials,
TSCA: Prioritization rule and risk Qlik food app. S. Gaona adverse cardiovascular health
Energy & Life Sciences
evaluation rule. A. Babcock, T.R. Henry effects? M.T. Kleinman, A. Keebaugh,
10:55 ENVR 316. Challenges to Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by D. Herman, L.M. Wingen, N. Staimer
8:50 ENVR 304. Risk assessment implementation of pollution pre- ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡,
under TSCA: Perspectives from the vention as evidenced by barriers PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ 2:15 ENVR 335. Aerosol oxidative
chemical industry. K. Schmidt reported to EPA’s toxics release potential size distributions: A
program. S. Gaona, C. Keenan contrast between water-soluble and
9:15 ENVR 305. Qualitative assess-
insoluble components. R. Weber,
ment of risk strategies within the 11:15 ENVR 317. Role of Pollutant Release
US EPA New Chemical Programs
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON T. Fang, V. Verma, H. Guo, A. Nenes
and Transfer Registers (PRTRs) in
under the Toxic Substances Control achieving the United Nations sustainable 2:50 ENVR 336. Oxidative properties
Act (TSCA). W. Irwin, L. Scarano, R. development goals. C. Briere, S. Gaona
Section A of ambient particulate matter: An
Daiss, D.T. Chang, S. Surapureddi Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown assessment of the relative contribu-
11:45 Concluding Remarks.
Meeting Room 3 tions from various aerosol compo-
9:40 ENVR 306. Pre & post-amended
nents and their emission sources.
TSCA: Changes in framework on
Section F Economic Impact of Environmental V. Verma, C. Sioutas, R. Weber
the use of chemical fate & trans-
port in environmental risk assess- Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Health Research: A Case Study of the 3:25 Intermission.
ment. E.M. Wong, L. Libelo Meeting Room 12 NIEHS Superfund Research Program
3:40 ENVR 337. On the health effects
10:05 Intermission. Cosponsored by MPPG of transported and resuspended
Environmental Justice: The dusts. Y. Rudich, M. Pardo, D. Gat
10:20 ENVR 307. Data gathering for exist- Role & Impact of Diversity on H. Henry, K. G. Pennell, Organizers, Presiding
ing chemicals risk evaluation under the Environmental Stewardship 4:15 ENVR 338. Kinetics, thermodynam-
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
amended TSCA. F. Branch, I. Camacho, ics, HULIS, metal solubility and the
Cosponsored by CEI and CMA
B. Amy, M. Cawley, C. Henning, H. Hubbard 1:35 ENVR 326. From bench experiments interplay of superoxide, hydroxyl
J. L. Sarquis, Organizer to full scale application: development radical and hydrogen peroxide.
10:45 ENVR 308. Modifications in chemi-
of three commercially successful D. Gonzalez-Martinez, X.M. Kuang,
cals’ degradation testing guidelines for A. M. Rivera Figueroa, M. Santiago, Organizers, technologies for reducing the time and J.A. Scott, S. Paulson
EPA new chemicals’ evaluation under Presiding
cost for remediating contaminated
TSCA. N. Orentas, L. Libelo, D. Lynch 4:40 ENVR 339. Impact of particle
8:15 Introductory Remarks. industrial sites. N.D. Durant, D. Major, E.
phase chemistry on nanoparticle
11:10 ENVR 309. Adverse outcome Cox, J. Wang, S. Dworatzek, E.A. Edwards,
8:20 ENVR 318. Withdrawn. composition and growth rate. M.V.
pathways: A mechanistic approach for G. Grant, J. Gerhard, D. O’Carroll, D. Gent
Johnston, P. Tu, Y. Wu, M.J. Apsokardu,
future risk assessments. S. Surapureddi, 8:40 ENVR 319. Environmental justice in
1:55 ENVR 327. RemRxTM CRP: C. Stangl, J. Krasmonowitz
W. Irwin, D.T. Chang, L. Scarano Indian Country: Tradition and science Controlled release polymeric systems
inform Native American quest to 5:05 ENVR 340. Influence of ammonia
for in situ chemical oxidation of
recover threatened land, resources, on particle formation from methane-
contaminated waters. A. Carpenter
and cultures. M. Ondrechen sulfonic acid and amines: Combined
2:15 ENVR 328. Cost-analysis of in situ experimental and theoretical studies.
9:00 ENVR 320. Safe access to
electrochemically-induced systems V. Perraud, K.D. Arquero, J. Xu,
traditional foods and medicines: for groundwater remediation. L.
Technical program information Camas and the Portland Native Rajic, A. Ciblak, Y. Zhao, W. Zhou, R.
R.B. Gerber, B.J. Finlayson Pitts

known at press time. American Community. C.S. Greene Nazari, K. Hetrick, A. Alshawabkeh
The official technical program for 9:20 ENVR 321. Confronting mine waste
2:35 ENVR 329. Systems biology
contamination in Navajo communities approaches: A pathway to preci-
the 254th ACS National Meeting with tradition and chemistry. R.L. Tsosie sion bioremediation. F. Loeffler
is available at www.acs.org/ 9:40 Intermission.
2:55 Intermission.

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


Section C 2:45 ENVR 352. QSAR and calculators for Developing Pesticide Environmental Section A
Freundlich adsorption coefficient (Kf) Risk Assessment Approaches
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown based on 18 agricultural soils. W.P. Eckel Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Meeting Rooms 10/11 Sponsored by AGRO, Cosponsored by ENVR Hall D
3:10 Intermission.
Good Laboratory Practices for
Impact of Materials, Surface 3:30 ENVR 353. Integrated analytical the Agrochemical Professional Advances in Chemical Oxidation
Chemistry & Modifications and computational tools for assessing for Water & Wastewater
on Biofilm Formation in Sponsored by AGRO, Cosponsored by ENVR Treatment Systems
the risks of emerging contaminants
Environmental Remediation & and their bioactive transformation Journey to Mars: Materials, Y. Deng, W. Song, Organizers
Engineering Applications products. D.M. Cwiertny, E.P. Kolodziej, Energy & Life Sciences
Cosponsored by BIOL J.B. Gloer, R. Abagyan, E.V. Patterson 6:00 - 8:00
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
3:55 ENVR 354. Identifying strategies that ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, ENVR 374. Effect of pretreatment
Financially supported by AEESP
will provide greater confidence in esti- PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ on biomethanation of rice straw
B. V. Kjellerup, Organizer mating the degradation rates of organic in anaerobic degradation. M.
chemicals in soil. Y. Wang, D. Helbling Kim, B. Kim, Y. Choi, K. Nam
N. J. Lin, Organizer, Presiding
4:20 ENVR 355. EPA CompTox Chemistry WEDNESDAY EVENING ENVR 375. Oxidative and coagulative
1:30 ENVR 341. Hindering biofilm formation
Dashboard and underpinning software mechanisms of ferrate(Vi) for simul-
using colloidal-crystal topographic
architecture. A.J. Williams, C. Grulke, taneous removal of algal cells and
films. W.A. Ducker, M. Kargar, H. Mon, Y. Section A toxins in water. Y. Deng, M. Wu
D.T. Chang, K. Markey, J. Edwards
Chang, K. Lagree, A. Mitchell, A. Pruden
Walter E. Washington Convention Center ENVR 376. Photo-assisted electrochem-
4:45 Panel discussion.
1:50 ENVR 342. Effect of surface topog- Hall D ical oxidation of imidacloprid syn-
raphy on bacterial surface motility.
thetic wastewater in the presence of
Y. Chang, E.R. Weeks, W.A. Ducker Section E Advances & Challenges at the chloride ions. Y. Liao, Y. Shih, Y. Huang
2:10 ENVR 343. Copper-functionalized Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Food-Energy-Water Nexus
ENVR 377. Electrodeposition of manganese
membranes versus silver nanoparticle Meeting Room 4 Cosponsored by CEI
dioxide on Ti-DSA electrode (MnO2@
membranes for control of biofoul-
S. Ahuja, S. Chae, I. Chowdhury, D. D. IrO2/Ti) for direct electro-oxidation of
ing. C. Sprick, S. Asapu, I.C. Escobar Green Chemistry & the Environment carboxylic acids. Y. Chan, S. Ma, Y. Shih
Dionysiou, Y. Lin, Organizers
2:30 ENVR 344. Effects of modify- Cosponsored by CATL and CEI
6:00 - 8:00 ENVR 378. Comparison of Fenton’s
ing low pressure membranes with
A. M. Balu, S. DeVito, R. Luque, Organizers reagent and ozonation for chemical
bioinspired polydopamine and silver ENVR 365. Low-temperature heat utilization oxidation of UV-quenching substances
nanoparticles on biofilm formation. S. O. Obare, Organizer, Presiding with vapor pressure-driven (VPD) mem- (UVQS) in municipal landfill leachate.
M. Fleming, E.J. Bouwer, K. Chen brane technology: Impact of membrane
1:30 Introductory Remarks. R. Zhao, Y. Deng, C. Jung, K. Torrens
2:50 Intermission. chemistry and structure. X. Chen, N.Y. Yip
1:35 ENVR 356. Challenges and ENVR 379. Advanced oxidation processes
3:05 ENVR 345. Bactericidal activ- opportunities in developing green ENVR 366. Withdrawn. (AOPs) of biologically stabilized landfill
ity and mechanism of high inten- chemistry research programs at ENVR 367. Encapsulation of anaerobic leachate for COD removal. Q. Xu, Q. Yuan
sity narrow wavelength blue light academic institutions. S.O. Obare microbial consortia: Cell growth and ENVR 380. Insights into the triplet pho-
LED. N. Zhan, Q. Chang, K. Yeung leakage. K. Zhu, C. Davis, J. Sakkos, J.
2:00 ENVR 357. Assessing interes- tochemistry of effluent organic matter:
3:25 ENVR 346. Microbially-induced terification for sustainable biodiesel Preciado, A. Aksan, W. Arnold, P. Novak The role of chemical constituents. H.
corrosion: The formation of biofilms. production. L. Soh, Y. Tian, C. Verni, R. ENVR 368. Synthesis of a series of Zhou, L. Lian, J. Ma, S. Yan, W. Song
M. Al-Sheikhly, P. Rostron, N. Hassan, A. Elias, P. Leggieri, S. McCartney, M. Senra long-chain aliphatic podand ligands ENVR 381. Metals modified diatomite,
Farzaneh, G. Pertmer, D. Poster, M. Postek for complexation and water reme-
2:25 ENVR 358. Green active and selec- zeolite and carbon xerogel as cata-
3:45 ENVR 347. Biofilm dispersing tive nanoscale catalysts for tandem diation. J. Pothoof, G. Nguyen, M. lysts for catalytic wet air oxidation of
agents reduce the pathogenicity of hydrogenation and acetalization of Bhagwagar, S. Makki, M.A. Benvenuto phenol: Characterization, oxidation
Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm infec- carbonyls. H.A. Al-Zubaidi, S.O. Obare ENVR 369. CO2 foam: Stability improving efficiency and reaction pathway.
tions in the Caenorhabditis elegans host in high salinity produced water. R. S.A. Maicaneanu, R. Plesa Chicinas,
2:50 ENVR 359. Cocktail effects of
model. A. Yan, C. Melander, B.V. Kjellerup Barati, N. Nazari, J. Tsau, E.F. Peltier E. Gal, H. Bedelean, M. Darabantu
chemical mixtures on health and
4:05 ENVR 348. Withdrawn. environment. N. Vaidya, N.A. Vaidya ENVR 382. Perfluorooctanoic acid deg-
4:25 Discussion. 3:15 Intermission.
Section A radation by UV/persulfate: Modeling
of degradation kinetics and chlorate
3:25 ENVR 360. Anaerobic diges- Walter E. Washington Convention Center
formation under changed pH conditions.
Section D tion of renewable materials for Hall D Y. Qian, X. Zhou, J.C. Crittenden, J. Chen
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown biogas production: Experimental
Advances & Challenges in Separation ENVR 383. Degradation of methyl
Meeting Room 5 stage to the field. O.O. Adetule
& Mixing of Salts for the Sustainable paraben in aqueous phase using
3:45 ENVR 361. Bioremediation of munici- Production of Food, Energy & Water UV-activated persulfate method. S.
Changes in Chemical Risk pal wastewater with a naturally collected Dhaka, M.B. Kurade, J. Jang, B. Jeon
Assessment under Amended TSCA: freshwater macroalgae Spirogyra S. Chae, D. Jassby, C. Kim, J. R. Landon, S.
Lin, J. Park, N. Y. Yip, Organizers ENVR 384. Degradation of 17-ethinyl-
Approaches & Implementation sp.: Preliminary laboratory-scale
estradiol by UV-activated persulfate
Cosponsored by CEI and CHAL process study. S. Ge, P. Champagne 6:00 - 8:00 oxidation. C. Rackov, A. Camara, T.A.
4:05 ENVR 362. Mechanisms governing ENVR 370. Rational design of a Ferreira, L. Aguiar, H. Maia de Oliveira, C.
T. R. Henry, L. Libelo, E. Wong, Organizers
algal remediation of atmospheric CO2 bi-layered reduced graphene oxide Oller do Nascimento, O. Chiavone-Filho
M. Card, Organizer, Presiding in shallow saline lakes of the Chilean film on polystyrene foam for solar-
Altiplano region. A.L. Prieto, A. de la Fuente driven interfacial water evaporation.
1:30 ENVR 349. Current use of models
and requirements for new models 4:25 ENVR 363. Supported ionic L. Shi, Y. Wang, L. Zhang, P. Wang
in U.S. EPA new chemicals risk liquids for air purification. V. Castillo ENVR 371. Withdrawn.
assessments under amended Ramos, W. Han, K. Yeung, J. Kwan
TSCA. M. Card, W. Lee, F. Antwi ENVR 372. Application of dimen-
4:45 ENVR 364. Withdrawn. sionally stable electrode: Effect of
1:55 ENVR 350. Case study applications surface roughness. J. Choi, J. Park
5:05 Concluding Remarks.
of the RAIDAR model for chemical The use of any device to capture
risk assessment. J. Arnot, L. Toose, J. ENVR 373. Acetylated biomass as a raw
Armitage, A. Falls, T. Gouin, M. Bonnell
Vehicle Emission Control material for desalination membranes. images (e.g., cameras and camera
Catalysis: New Era, New
2:20 ENVR 351. Models, guidelines Challenges & New Solutions
J.M. Estrada Ortiz, L. Ballinas-Casarrubias, phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
L.A. Soto Salcido, N.I. Cruz Ochoa, K.
and references for wastewater
Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored Ruíz Cuilty, G. González Sánchez digital recorders) or to stream,
removal rate assessments in the
U.S. EPA TSCA New Chemicals
by ENFL and ENVR upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Program. W. Lee, D. Lynch, M. Card Advances in Carbon presentations is strictly prohibited
Dioxide Utilization at all official ACS meetings and
Sponsored by CATL, Cosponsored
by ENFL and ENVR events without express written
consent from ACS.

Section A ENVR 390. Biocomposite alginate-chitosan ENVR 404. Electronic properties of ENVR 411. Approaches to evaluating
beads coated magnetic nanoparticles 3D-bifunctional carbon nanotube sponge weathering effects on release of
Walter E. Washington Convention Center for removal of oxybenzone in seawater for bioelectrical system applications. D. engineered nanomaterials from solid
Hall D systems: Application to inhibit coral reef Han, S. Yoon, C. Yu, A. Abdel-Wahab, A. Han matrices. R.G. Zepp, W. Wohlleben,
photo-bleaching. A.G. Zapata, F.M. Alvarez, E. Sahle-Demessie, C. Kingston, D.C.
Advances in Environmental G. Cruet, V. Fernandez-Alos, F.R. Roman Bouchard, B. Acrey, H. Hsieh, A. Commodore,
Analytical Methods for EPA Section A
O. Okungbowa, A.L. Andrady, J.J. Locklin
Compliance Reporting & ENVR 391. Untargeted screening and Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Exposure Risk Assessment apportionment of brominated compounds ENVR 412. Impact of carbonate on the
Hall D
in house dust. B. Dhungana, H. Peng, B. solubility of An(IV) under alkaline to
Cosponsored by AGRO and CHAL
Subedi, P.D. Jones, J.P. Giesy, G.P. Cobb hyperalkaline pH conditions. X. Gaona,
Environmental, Social &
Financially supported by Shimadzu J. Schepperle, E. Yalcintas, D. Fellhauer,
ENVR 392. Withdrawn. Economic Impacts of Aged/
N. Cevirim, M. Altmaier, H. Geckeis
W. Lipps, B. Prakash, Organizers ENVR 393. Protective toxicokinetic Transformed Nanomaterial-
and toxicodynamic changes asso- Enabled Consumer Products ENVR 413. Autunite dissolution in the
6:00 - 8:00 presence of Shewanella oneidensis
ciated with aflatoxin B1 detoxifi- S. Chae, E. Sahle-Demessie, N. Savage, H. Shi,
ENVR 385. Effect of hormesis of polymyxin in different bicarbonate concentra-
cation. B.R. Rushing, M.I. Selim Organizers
B sulfate enhanced by weak magnetic tions under anaerobic conditions. V.
field on Vibrio qinghaiensis sp.-Q67. K. Li ENVR 394. Occurrence of poly- 6:00 - 8:00 Anagnostopoulos, Y. Katsenovich, B. Lee
cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
ENVR 386. 76% increase in throughput ENVR 408. Effect of organic coating materi- ENVR 414. Effect of salinity and tem-
in mantises. H. Shimazu
for determination of semi-volatiles als on antibacterial properties of titanium perature on pH-dependent transport
using narrow-bore GC columns and ENVR 395. Phthalate and non-phthalate dioxide nanoparticles. S. Baek, S. Joo of heavy metals and radionuclides in
rapid data acquisition with a highly plasticizers in indoor dust from childcare reactive porous media. Z. Ye, V. Prigiobbe
facilities, salons, and homes across the ENVR 409. Quantitative evaluation of
sensitive quadrupole GCMS system. nanomaterial release from multi-walled ENVR 415. Role of ionic strength on
B. Prakash, T. Ogura, W. Lipps
USA. B. Subedi, K. Sullivan, B. Dhungana
carbon nanotubes epoxy composite sorption of neodymium on dolomite.
ENVR 396. Preliminary investigation of sea- after weathering treatment. Y. Zhao, G. H.P. Palmer Emerson, F. Zengotita, T.M.
Section A sonal changes in pesticides and PPCPs Ramakrishnan, J. Cen, Q. Wu, A. Orlov Dittrich, Y. Katsenovich, D.T. Reed
in surface water in eastern North Carolina.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center ENVR 410. Withdrawn. ENVR 416. Mechanism of nanoparti-
B.R. Rushing, A.R. Wooten, M.I. Selim
Hall D cle-stabilized foam generation in the
ENVR 397. Occurrence and concen- ENVR 411. Approaches to evaluat-
presence of a brine. Q. Li, V. Prigiobbe
trations of polybrominated diphe- ing weathering effects on release of
Changes in Chemical Risk engineered nanomaterials from solid ENVR 417. Use of titanium dioxide/
nyl ethers in soils from an e-waste
Assessment under Amended TSCA: matrices. R.G. Zepp, W. Wohlleben, E. graphene oxide nanocomposites
recycling area in north China. Z. Wu
Approaches & Implementation Sahle-Demessie, C. Kingston, D.C. Bouchard, as a platform for the reduction of
Cosponsored by AGRO, CEI and CHAL ENVR 398. Withdrawn. B. Acrey, H. Hsieh, A. Commodore, O. Technetium-99. C. Brent, S.L. Groveman,
Okungbowa, A.L. Andrady, J.J. Locklin M. Vittadello, L.C. Francesconi
M. Card, T. R. Henry, L. Libelo, E. Wong, Section A
ENVR 418. Fast pH-dependent transport
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Section A of heavy metals and radionuclides
6:00 - 8:00 Hall D due to longitudinal and transverse
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
ENVR 387. Public access to environ- dispersion. T. Liu, J. Qian, V. Prigiobbe
Hall D
mental chemistry data via the EPA Economic Impact of Environmental
CompTox Chemistry Dashboard. A.J. Health Research: A Case Study of the Environmental Applications of Liquid Section A
Williams, C. Grulke, J. Smith, R. Jolley, NIEHS Superfund Research Program Phase Catalysis for Green Chemical Walter E. Washington Convention Center
J. Dunne, E. Edmiston, J. Edwards Cosponsored by MPPG Processes of Renewable Materials Hall D
ENVR 388. Quantitative structure-ac- Cosponsored by CATL and ENFL
H. Henry, K. G. Pennell, Organizers
tivity relationships predictions of General Posters
toxicokinetic parameters for risk-based 6:00 - 8:00 J. Bond, N. A. Deskins, M. T. Timko, Organizers
J. L. Goldfarb, Organizer
prioritization. B.L. Ingle, B. Veber, J. 6:00 - 8:00
ENVR 399. Evaluation of new and rapid
Wambaugh, J. Nichols, R. Tornero-Velez 6:00 - 8:00
antibody-based PAH measurement tech- ENVR 405. Multifunctional nanoreactors for
niques for determining the distribution oxidative catalysis and product isolation ENVR 419. Estimating exposure to pollut-
Section A and flux of PAH at contaminated sedi- by spontaneous phase separation. A. ants from concentrated animal feeding
Walter E. Washington Convention Center ment sites. K. Prossner, G. Vadas, M. Unger Harrison, T. Vuong, M. Nguyen, C. Tang operations using AERMOD. M. Citra, H.
Pohl, H. Abadin, E. Murray, L. Ingerman, I.
Hall D ENVR 406. Synthesis of glycerol
Section A Szadkowska-Stanczyk, A. Kozajda, A. Nguyen
carbonate from CO2 and glycerol
Ecological & Human Health in liquid phase. D. He, J. Zhang ENVR 420. Best practices for address-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Impacts of Emerging ing human health and environmental
Hall D ENVR 407. Catalytic dephosphor-
Environmental Contaminants data gaps in an alternatives assess-
ylation using ceria nanocrystals: ment context. J. Young Tanir
Cosponsored by AGRO and CHAL Electrochemical Technologies Effects of surface oxygen vacan-
for Water Purification cies. M. Manto, P. Xie, C. Wang ENVR 421. Withdrawn.
X. Pan, M. I. Selim, B. Zhang, Organizers
Cosponsored by CATL and CEI ENVR 422. Carnauba wax based
6:00 - 8:00
J. Barazesh, B. P. Chaplin, J. Jasper, A. Pham,
Section A passive sampler to characterization
ENVR 389. Pharmaceutical chemicals, of air particulate matter. P.E. Plana-
E. Roberts, Organizers Walter E. Washington Convention Center
steroids and xenoestrogens in fish Junior, M.A. Stoco, M. Piacenti-Silva
Hall D
and sediments from the tidal fresh- 6:00 - 8:00 ENVR 423. Passive sampler to assess-
water Potomac River. G. Arya, K. De ment of metal content in settleable
ENVR 400. Fenton reaction as a step of Fate, Transport & Remediation of
Mutsert, C. Jones, T.B. Huff, G.D. Foster dust in urban, industrial and rural
electrochemical disinfection of water Radionuclides in the Environment
contaminated with E. coli: Role of areas in Brazil: A spatial and tem-
hydroxyl radicals and their scavengers. V. Anagnostopoulos, P. Paviet, S. Saslow, poral study. M.A. Stoco, P.E. Plana-
Organizers Junior, C.N. Iwabe, M. Piacenti-Silva
N. Barashkov, T. Sakhno, I. Irgibaeva
ENVR 401. Protic salt-derived porous 6:00 - 8:00 ENVR 424. Feasibility of mapping diurnal
carbon for efficient capacitive deion- ENVR 408. Effect of organic coating materi- and seasonal variations of carbon
ization. Y. Li, J. Qi, J. Li, L. Wang als on antibacterial properties of titanium dioxide, methane, and carbon monoxide
dioxide nanoparticles. S. Baek, S. Joo in highland rim using cavity ring down
ENVR 402. Influences on electrochemical
Technical program information oxidation efficiency: Degradation of ENVR 409. Quantitative evaluation of
spectroscopy. L.P. Gamage, W.K. Gichuhi

known at press time. p-chlorobenzoic acid with boron-doped nanomaterial release from multi-walled ENVR 425. Field calibration of XAD-
diamond anodes. M. Lanzarini-Lopes, carbon nanotubes epoxy composite based passive air sampler on the
The official technical program for S. Garcia-Segura, P.K. Westerhoff after weathering treatment. Y. Zhao, G. Tibetan Plateau: Wind influence and
the 254th ACS National Meeting ENVR 403. Bimetallic catalysts for electro- Ramakrishnan, J. Cen, Q. Wu, A. Orlov configuration improvement. P. Gong

is available at www.acs.org/ chemical nitrate reduction toward high ENVR 410. Withdrawn.
nitrogen selectivity. J. Su, C. Huang

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


ENVR 426. Long-term toxicity and uptake Section A 6:00 - 8:00 ENVR 474. Potential of bacteria for simulta-
of silver nanomaterials to agriculturally neous treatment of polychlorinated biphe-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center ENVR 459. Withdrawn.
relevant plant species. K. Marsh, W. nyls (PCBs) and chromium in tannery
Leng, D. Gorka, P.J. Vikesland, J. Liu
Hall D ENVR 460. Facile fabrication of carbon wastewater. M.W. Yasir, B.V. Kjellerup, S.
quantum dots (CQDs) loaded BiVO4 Mahmood, A. Khalid, L. Riaz, M.B. Siddique
ENVR 427. Cyclodextrin-promoted Green Chemistry & the Environment with up-conversion ability for efficient
detection of aromatic toxicants and ENVR 475. New insight on FeS-coated
Cosponsored by CATL and CEI photocatalytic performance. X. Zhang,
toxicant metabolites in human breast nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-nZVI) for
W. Zhang, X. Dong, H. Ma, C. Ma
milk. D.J. DiScenza, M. Levine A. M. Balu, S. DeVito, R. Luque, S. O. Obare, sequestration of molybdate from water
Organizers ENVR 461. Towards understanding the samples. Y. Zhang, Y. Su, Y. Zhang
ENVR 428. Withdrawn.
photocatalytic activity enhancement
ENVR 429. Debris polystyrene as sources of 6:00 - 8:00 of Bi2MoO6 based photocatalyst via
Section A
styrene oligomer in ocean water and sand ENVR 445. Reclamation of copper elemental erbium (Er) incorporation.
areas surroundings Japan. M. Okada, from solution as the copper car- X. Dong, X. Zhang, X. Wang, H. Ma Walter E. Washington Convention Center
K. Koizumi, B. Kwon, S. Chung, N. Ogawa, bonate pellet by a fluidized-bed Hall D
ENVR 462. Fluorine-doped hierarchically
T. Kusui, N. Maximenko, K. Saido, T. Hiaki homogeneous crystallization (FBHC) porous carbon in situ generation of H2O2
process. S. Huang, C. Huang, Y. Shih for efficient electro-fenton degradation
Iron & Manganese Oxides:
ENVR 430. Luminescent lanthanide-or-
ganic framework sensor as a platform of organic compounds. K. Zhao, X. Quan Their Formation, Structure,
ENVR 446. Chemical oxo-precipitation Reactivity & Applications
for detection of aqueous pesticides. K. (COP) of boron solution using calcium ENVR 463. Applying dimethyl sulfox-
Liu, L. Gao, H. Wang, C. Wu, M.R. Hoffmann chloride as the precipitant. Y. Song, Y. Shih J. Fortner, Y. Hu, D. Waite, H. Zhang, M. Zhu,
ide and methanol as hydroxyl radical
ENVR 431. Optimization of prepara- probes in heterogeneous photocat- Organizers
ENVR 447. Effect of different filters on
tion parameters for Co-Fe layered the amount of microbeads that enter alytic reactions. C. Hung, C. Yuan 6:00 - 8:00
double hydroxides for hydrogen waterways. R. Jamal, A. Jadhav ENVR 464. Ceria-titania rich mesoporous ENVR 476. 3D printed mixed flow
sulfide removal. S. Lee, D. Kim
ENVR 448. Phosphate sequestration via silica materials and its UV-visible reactors: In situ characterization of
ENVR 432. Single-crystal structures copper-exchanged ZSM-5. M. Manto, photocatalytic activity of organic ferric oxyhydroxides nanoparticles.
of fully dehydrated Cd2+-exchanged P. Xie, M. Keller, W. Liano, T. Pu, C. Wang dye. N. Pal, S. Chatterjee, E. Cho K. Kletetschka, A. Gerig, F. Michel
zeolite Y and of its benzene sorption
ENVR 449. Bioremediation in exploita- ENVR 465. Liquid phase hydrogenation of ENVR 477. Effect of dissolved trace
complex. D. Moon, Y. Kim, J. Kim, W. Lim
tion of oil and green chemistry. M.M. furfural and furfuryl alcohol assisted by metal cations on iron atom exchange
.ENVR 433. Assessment of heavy Vrvic, S. Miletic, J. Avdalovic, M. Ilic, J. metal chlorides. S. Ogozaly, L.A. Welch during aqueous Fe(II) - promoted
metal contamination in sediment of Milic, V.P. Beskoski, G. Gojgic-Cvijovic iron oxide recrystallization. P. Yue,
ENVR 466. Performance of vacuum
a lake in the Nakdong-river affected C. Gorski, P. Larese-Casanova
ENVR 450. Using antiscalant in mem- ultraviolet photocatalytic oxidation
from mine waste of upstream. T.
brane fouling (MD). M.S. Humoud air purifier with nanoporous TiO2
Shin, J. Kim, S. Lee, S. Woo, Y. Kim
film for VOCs removal in indoor Section A
ENVR 434. Extraction of caffeine from ENVR 451. Quantification of ammonia air. H. Zheng, T. Xu, P. Zhang
gas uptake by heat-treated struvite Walter E. Washington Convention Center
coffee waste and oxidative degradation
decomposition products using simulta- ENVR 467. Novel heterogeneous catalytic Hall D
of the extracted caffeine.
neous thermal analysis – pulse thermal system under visible light combined with
M. Shin, H. Kwon, H. Kim, Y. Kim
analysis. M.V. Ramlogan, A. Rouff padding wet scrubber for simultane- Measurements & Methods in
ENVR 435. Studies on adsorption ous elimination of gaseous NO and Environmental Nanotechnology
characteristics of heavy metals ENVR 452. Treatment of ion exchange SO2. J. Zeng, Y. Huang, W. Xu, C. He
resins by modified Fenton process. Cosponsored by AGRO and ANYL
using precipitates from mine water
in Dalseong metal mine. J. Kim, M. Tsai, Y. Shih, Y. Huang, C. Huang
Section A S. Hanna, M. Johnson, A. R. Montoro, B. C.
J. Kim, Y. Kim, S. Woo, J. Hyeon ENVR 453. Using constructed wet- Nelson, E. Petersen, C. M. Sims, Organizers
lands-treated water for crop irrigation Walter E. Washington Convention Center
ENVR 436. Characteristics of adsorp- Hall D 6:00 - 8:00
tion of heavy metal by synthesized and examining possible emerging
Fe-oxide/hydroxide. J. Kim, J. contaminant uptake. E. Tully, H. Weinberg ENVR 478. Microplate based colori-
Impact of Materials, Surface metric assays for characterization
Hwang, J. Kim, J. Seo, Y. Kim, C. Lee ENVR 454. Reduction of organohalide Chemistry & Modifications of redox reactivity of nano materials
ENVR 437.Analysis of trace metal compounds mediated by flavin mono- on Biofilm Formation in for water treatment. Y. Hwang, P.
nucleotide at colloidal titanium dioxide
contaminants in Manadas Creek. A.K. Environmental Remediation & Mines, M. Jakobsen, H. Andersen
interfaces. T.S. Saeed, S.O. Obare
Addo-Mensah, V. Lozano, V. Rodriguez Engineering Applications
ENVR 479. Glutathione functionalized
ENVR 438. Chlorination of swimming ENVR 455. Zn-Fe2O4-Au NPs for the oxida-
B. V. Kjellerup, N. J. Lin, Organizers gold nanoparticle-dynamic light
pool water: Kinetics of chloroform tion of Congo red dye under visible light.
scattering tandem for rapid and
formation using indicator com- A.A. Ramírez, C.A. Huerta-Aguilar, T. Pandiyan 6:00 - 8:00
selective detection of cadmium. I.
pounds. T. Schlosser, L. Erdinger ENVR 456. Design a bactericidal system ENVR 468. Mechanistic insights for Terry, J. Wiley, A.K. Singh, S.S. Dasary
ENVR 439. Porous carbon beads with high-intensity narrow-wave- the interactions of engineered
ENVR 480. Withdrawn.
with controllable pore structure for length (Hi-NW) LED to eliminate nanoparticles with bacterial cells
elimation of volatile organic com- the environmental pathogen and and biofilms. S. Aggarwal, S. Joo
pounds. J. Qi, Y. Li, J. Li, L. Wang biosafety studies of the system. N.
ENVR 469. Biofilm covered activated
Zhan, Q. Chang, N. Wong, K. Yeung
ENVR 440. Influence of interlayer carbon particles: Application as a
chemistry on uptake of aromatic ENVR 457. Solubility products of barium microbial inoculum delivery system.
contaminants to HDTMA-modified perborates in aqueous solution at 25°C S.L. Capozzi, S. Saffari Ghandehari, C.
montmorillonite. M. Costanza- for predicting residual boron levels in Bodenreider, R. Jing, B.V. Kjellerup
Robinson, E. Payne, K. Fink, R. Morris effluents of chemical oxo-precipita-
ENVR 470. Fluorescence lifetime imaging
tion. J. Lin, Y. Song, Y. Shih, Y. Huang
ENVR 441. Investigation of sources of of membrane potential probes for
eutrophication, sedimentation, and ENVR 458. Improvement of the urease distinguishing microbial phenotypes.
nutrient pollution in an urban watershed. activity of Sporosarcina pasteurii culture J. Dunkers, B. Jones, S. Stranick
J. Abbatangelo, A. Byrne, J. Butler, J. Wilson by controlling urea concentration and
ENVR 471. Withdrawn.
its application for preventing soil loss by
ENVR 442. Chemical oxidation of selenite microbially induced calcite precipitation. ENVR 472. Withdrawn.
to selenate by reactive oxygen species. H. Chung, I. Jeon, B. Jeong, S. Kim, K. Nam The use of any device to capture
ENVR 473. Bioremediation of PCE-
P. Paydary, M. Teli, A.E. Schellenger, D. Jaisi,
A. Onnis-Hayden, P. Larese-Casanova
contaminated groundwater using images (e.g., cameras and camera
Section A mixed organohalide-respiring biofilms.
ENVR 443. Quantifying the production S. Saffari Ghandehari, S.L. Capozzi, C. phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
of reactive oxygen species by the Walter E. Washington Convention Center
autooxidation of aqueous organic Hall D
Bodenreider, M. Flores, B.V. Kjellerup digital recorders) or to stream,
carbon. M. Smith, J.L. Ferry upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Heterogeneous Catalysis for
ENVR 444. Generation of reactive Environmental & Energy Applications presentations is strictly prohibited
halogen species from autoxidation of
Fe(II) in seawater. F. Wang, J.L. Ferry
Cosponsored by CATL at all official ACS meetings and
A. Orlov, A. Savara, Organizers events without express written
consent from ACS.

Section A Section A ENVR 502. Effects of in-situ biochar THURSDAY MORNING
incorporation on microbial com-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Walter E. Washington Convention Center munity in a highly weathered
Hall D Hall D Section A
soil. C. Liao, Y. Wu, S. Jien
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
Monitoring Water Quality & Nano-Enabled Water ENVR 503. Mesocosm study for enrichment
Meeting Room 3
Infrastructure to Prevent Future Flints Treatment Technologies: of natural PCB-dechlorinating bacteria
Applications & Implications in wastewater samples using activated
Cosponsored by CEI and MPPG Advances in Environmental
carbon particles for enhanced dechlorina-
Cosponsored by CATL Analytical Methods for EPA
S. Ahuja, B. G. Loganathan, Organizers tion of Aroclor 1248. R. Jing, B.V. Kjellerup
Compliance Reporting &
N. Hoogesteijn von Reitzenstein, K. D. ENVR 504. Lignocellulose and lignin pyrol- Exposure Risk Assessment
6:00 - 8:00
Hristovski, A. Mulchandani, C. Powell, M. S. ysis and preparation for carbon-coated
ENVR 481. Occurrence of glypho- Wong, Organizers Cosponsored by AGRO and CHAL
silicon composites as negative electrodes
sate and triazine residues in drain- of lithium batteries. C. Chou, J. Kuo, S. Yen Financially supported by Shimadzu
6:00 - 8:00
age and river waters from western
Kentucky, USA. T. Polanco, P. Yerneni, ENVR 492. Adsorptive removal of p-nitro- ENVR 505. Is biochar toxic to aquatic H. Chen, M. Li, W. Lipps, B. Prakash,
S.S. Kenneth, B.G. Loganathan phenol from water by porous organic organisms: Role of environmental Organizers, Presiding
polymers. W. Lu, F. McNair, L. Stewart persistent free radicals. Y. Zhang
ENVR 482. Impacts of Deepwater Horizon 8:00 Introductory Remarks.
oil and dispersants on various life ENVR 493. Controlled evaluation of interac- ENVR 506. Sustainable biomass-based
treatments for local water pollution. M. 8:05 ENVR 518. Pipeline leak environmental
stages of oysters Crassostrea virginica. tions between environmental macromol-
Karod, M. Berger, C. Johnson, J.L. Goldfarb forensic tools: A case study still used
A. Volety, J. Vignier, J. Roberts, A. Loh, ecules and photoreactive nanomaterials. today for training purposes. R. Bost
M. Boulais, B.E. Woodall, P. Soudant, F. S. Shakiba, S. De La Fuente, S.M. Louie ENVR 507. Phosphate adsorption on the
Chu, J.M. Morris, C. Lay, M. Krasnec hierarchical porous adsorbent of a-Fe2O3/ 8:25 ENVR 519. Analysis of per-
ENVR 494. In-situ hypercrosslink- fluorinated compounds in water
ing of macrofibers with hierarchi- Fe3O4/C with bamboo bio-template. Z.
by LCMSMS. W. Lipps
Section A cal porous structures. Y. Sheng, J. Zhu, Y. Zhu, C. Huang, W. Wei, H. Qin
Zhang, S.M. Mahurin, H. Liu, S. Dai ENVR 508. Surface complex formation 8:45 ENVR 520. Polychlorinated
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
between heavy metal ions and sludge biphenyls in effluent discharged
Hall D
particulates. C. Huang, J. Wang, H. Kim from a wastewater treatment plant.
Section A
R. Jing, E.K. Wilson, B.V. Kjellerup
Multi-Phase Environmental Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Chemistry of Aerosols Section A 9:05 ENVR 521. Microwave assisted
Hall D
synthesis of aminopyridines Schiff bases
S. W. Hunt, A. Laskin, S. A. Nizkorodov, Walter E. Washington Convention Center and characterization as selective cyanide
Organizers Science & Perception of Hall D colorimetric sensor. Y.M. Hijji, R. Rajan
Climate Change
6:00 - 8:00 9:25 ENVR 522. Characterization of
Cosponsored by CEI Trace Organic Contaminants (TrOCs)
ENVR 483. Electrospray aerosol synthesis in Aquatic Systems: Advancements acrylamide-induced cardiotoxicity during
of crude oil simulant to mimic the S. O. Obare, E. Schoffers, Organizers in Monitoring & Remediation cardiac progenitor commitment and
behavior of oil droplets in water. S. atrioventricular canal differentiation in
6:00 - 8:00 Cosponsored by ANYL and BIOL zebrafish. M. Huang, J. Jiao, Y. Zhang
Rodrigo, R. Conmy, G. Sorial, A. Zimmer
ENVR 495. New software for calcu- R. Brennan, M. Shreve, Organizers 9:45 Intermission.
ENVR 484. Detailed characterization
lating pH value of coastal seawa-
of a mist chamber for the mea- 6:00 - 8:00 10:00 ENVR 523. Reexamining weighted
ter: Considering the effects of low
surement of water soluble organic factors contributing to the rates of
molecular weight organic acids. L. ENVR 509. Superhigh adsorption of
gases. M.M. El-Sayed, C. Hennigan structural and chemical transformations
Lyu, D. Lu, C. Sun, H. Ding, G. Yang perfluorooctane sulfonate on aminated
ENVR 485. Dithiothreitol activity by of metallic nanoparticles. J.M. Pettibone,
ENVR 496. Long-term investigations polyacrylonitrile fibers with the assistance
particulate oxidizers in atmospheric J. Liu, F. Zhang, A. Allen, A. Johnston-Peck
of organic matter content in the of air bubbles. P. Meng, S. Deng
organic aerosol. M. Jang, H. Jiang, Z. Yu 10:20 ENVR 524. Evaluation of toxic metals
Adriatic Sea as an indication of global ENVR 510. Steric effect in nitroar-
ENVR 486. Influence of multiphase changes. J. Dautović, V. Vojvodić, N. in filler tobacco and filter samples of cig-
omatic compound adsorption on
oxidation on SOA chemistry and Tepić, B. Ćosović, I. Ciglenecki arette brands and related human health
smectite clays. L. Li, G. Sheng
volatility properties determined using implications. N. Benson, W.U. Anake, A.
ENVR 497. Regional changes in daily ENVR 511. Transformation of β-lactam Adedapo, O.H. Fred-Ahmadu, O. Odubogun
Aerosol-CIMS. M. Link, D. Farmer
extremes of temperature and precipi- antibiotics induced by Fe(III) and
ENVR 487. How quantitative are tation over the Southwestern Nigeria, 10:40 ENVR 525. Occurrence and
Mn(II) ions: The overlooked hydro-
black carbon filter-based instru- 1975 – 2008. N. Benson, A. Adedapo, W.U. health risk assessment of hazard-
lysis. J. Chen, Y. Qian, T. Huang
ments? C. Grimes, J. Radney, R. Anake, A. Onu, C. Nwokedi, C. Nwokike ous contaminants in herbal medi-
Dickerson, J.M. Conny, C. Zangmeister ENVR 512. Development of a protocol cines. W.U. Anake, N.U. Benson, A.
ENVR 498. Metals concentrations and for measuring the biodegradation of Williams, O.H. Fred-Ahmadu, T.A. Kasali
ENVR 488. Aerosol formation from OH mobility in Philadelphia’s urban water- crude oil components in sea water
oxidation of the volatile cyclic methyl sheds as influenced by salinity. M. Kilmer, 11:00 ENVR 526. Chemical speciation and
by two-dimensional GC. A. Bleich,
siloxane (cVMS) decamethylcyclo- G. Makler, K. Kramer, E.R. McKenzie contamination associated risks of trace
D. Letinski, M. Connelly, R. Nelson
pentasiloxane. Y. Wu, M.V. Johnston metals in Camellia sinensis. N. Benson,
ENVR 513. Preparation of a solid-phase O.H. Fred-Ahmadu, W.U. Anake, A. Adedapo
ENVR 489. Heterogenous reaction Section A material for PFAS-impacted water mea-
between pyruvic acid and mineral 11:20 Concluding Remarks.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center surements. B.J. Place, J. Murray, J. Reiner
dust aerosol particles: SiO2, Al2O3 and
Hall D ENVR 514. Withdrawn.
TiO2. Y. Fang, V. Vaida, V.H. Grassian Section B
ENVR 490. Formation of hydrogen Surface Chemistry of Biochar & ENVR 515. Micropollutant biotrans-
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
peroxide and hydroxyl radicals by Its Applications in Environmental formation by a nitrifying community
Meeting Room 8
ambient particles in acidic aqueous enriched from biofilm of a nitrification
& Related Systems
solutions. X.M. Kuang, D. Gonzalez- trickling tower. K. Zhang, Y. Men
W. W. Chen, R. Doong, M. Fan, J. L. Goldfarb, Multi-Phase Environmental
Martinez, J.A. Scott, S. Paulson ENVR 516. Biodegradation and metabolic Chemistry of Aerosols
C. Huang, J. R. Leszczynski, Organizers
ENVR 491. Withdrawn. fate of levofloxacin via a freshwater
6:00 - 8:00 green alga, Scenedesmus obliquus Sea Spray Aerosols
ENVR 499. Preparation and application in synthetic saline wastewater. J. S. W. Hunt, A. Laskin, Organizers
Xiong, M. Kurade, S. Chang, B. Jeon
of biochar for the removal of H2O2 S. A. Nizkorodov, Organizer, Presiding
from semiconductor wastewater. H. ENVR 517. Pharmaceutical trace
D. Knopf, M. Shiraiwa, Presiding
Cheng, C. Huang, C. Guo, C. Huang organic pollutants in surface water
Technical program information ENVR 500. Synthesis of lithium iron from the tidal freshwater Potomac 8:00 ENVR 527. Single particle studies
known at press time. phosphate/biochar composite River: Tandem strong-anion and of sea spray aerosol: Formation,
using co-precipitation method. strong-cation exchange cartridge water uptake, surface tension and
The official technical program for Y. Wang, Y. Tsai, C. Hsieh
extractions. T.B. Huff, Z. Kassahun, T. multiphase chemistry. V.H. Grassian
the 254th ACS National Meeting ENVR 501. Reduction of hydrogen
King, J. Raisigel, C. Jones, G.D. Foster
8:35 ENVR 528. Impact of calcium enrich-
is available at www.acs.org/ peroxide over biochar surface in ment on the stability of model sea surface
acidic solution. C. Guo, R. Fan, H. films. B.A. Wellen, A.S. Vidalis, H.C. Allen
WDC2017 Cheng, J. Tzeng, C. Huang, C. Huang

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


8:55 ENVR 529. From sea spray aerosol 11:20 ENVR 542. Biological nitro- 1:35 ENVR 551. Molecular corridors and 3:15 ENVR 564. Nitrogen removal
to clouds: Surface tension from sub- to gen removal potential of storm- particle phase state in atmospheric using a biofilm attached to
super-saturated regimes of individual water. Y. Sun, Z. Wang secondary organic aerosols. M. Shiraiwa chabazite in a sequencing batch
submicrometer particles. A.V. Tivanski reactor. V. Aponte, S. Ergas
11:40 ENVR 543. Treating refinery 2:10 ENVR 552. Diffusion measurements in
9:20 ENVR 530. Correlating 3D mor- waste with a novel mobile biofilm high viscosity aerosol particles. T. Preston 3:35 ENVR 565. Bacterially-induced
phology and mechanical properties process. F. Sabba, J. Calhoun changes in the sorption and bioavail-
2:35 ENVR 553. Condensed phase diffu-
of individual substrate-deposited ability of ionizable substrates during
sivity and evaporation of volatile organics
particles. K.K. Ray, M. Gutierrez, H.D. Section D adhesion due to the charge-regulation
in levitated viscous aerosol particles. S.
Lee, H.S. Morris, F.J. Chang, A.V. Tivanski effect. D. Brown, H. Zhu, L. Albert
Bastelberger, U.K. Krieger, B. Luo, T. Peter
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
9:40 Intermission. 3:55 Concluding Remarks.
Meeting Room 5 2:55 Intermission.
3:15 ENVR 554. Single particle mea- Nanoscale Sensing in Foods
mechanistic approach for con- Changes in Chemical Risk
surements of the physicochemical & Other Complex Media
necting ocean biology and aerosol Assessment under Amended TSCA: properties of secondary organic aerosol
chemistry. S.M. Burrows Approaches & Implementation surrogates. J. Reid, G. Rovelli, Y. Song, A.
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored
10:35 ENVR 532. Marine ice nucleating Cosponsored by CEI and CHAL Haddrell, K. Pereira, J. Hamilton, D. Topping
particles: Resolving their sources, char-
M. Card, T. R. Henry, E. Wong, Organizers 3:50 ENVR 555. Glass forming properties
acteristics, emissions and atmospheric
of secondary organic aerosol tracers
longevity. T. Hill, F. Malfatti, C. McCluskey, L. Libelo, Organizer, Presiding
and surrogates examined by thin film
G. Schill, M. Santander, H. Al-Mashat, G.
Cornwell, E. Levin, K. Suski, D. Farmer, B.
8:00 ENVR 544. Changes in TSCA dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. Y. FLUO
drive new strategies for eye irritation Zhang, A. Lambe, T.B. Onasch, S. Katira, L.
Friedman, M. Shrestha, V.H. Grassian, W.
Biddle, J.D. Fisk, K.A. Prather, P.J. DeMott
hazard assessments. H. Raabe Nichman, W. Xu, Z. Zhang, M. Canagaratna, A.
Freedman, A. Gold, J.T. Jayne, D.R. Worsnop,
Division of Fluorine
11:00 ENVR 533. Effect of particle phase
8:25 ENVR 545. Advanced in vitro
test systems provide human-rele-
J. Surratt, P. Davidovits, D. Chandler, C.E. Kolb Chemistry
and morphology on cloud condensa-
vant results to support regulatory 4:10 ENVR 556. Feedbacks between N. Vasdez, Program Chair
tion nucleus activity. M. Freedman
decision-making. H. Behrsing microphysics and photochemi-
11:25 ENVR 534. Phase diagrams of cal aging in viscous aerosols. J.
8:50 ENVR 546. Tiered approach for
internally mixed aqueous nanoscale Dou, B. Luo, P.C. Arroyo, P.A. Alpert,
integrating exposure and dosimetry
organic aerosols. N. Rothfuss, S.
with in vitro dose-response data in the
M. Ammann, T. Peter, U.K. Krieger TUESDAY MORNING
Petters, A. Marsh, J. Reid, M. Petters
modern risk assessment paradigm. J. 4:30 ENVR 557. Bridging the gap
Journey to Mars: Materials,
Leonard, D.T. Chang, H. El-Masri, S. Edwards, between solid to liquid states of
Section C single particle sucrose: Young’s
Energy & Life Sciences
C. Stevens, K. Mansouri, P. Egeghy, C. Tan
modulus and surface tension using Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 9:15 ENVR 547. In vitro methods available
AFM. H.D. Lee, K.K. Ray, A.V. Tivanski ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡,
Meeting Room 9 for chemical risk assessment under PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡
amended TSCA for skin sensitiza-
Impact of Materials, Surface tion evaluation. T. Ruwona, E. Hill Section C
Chemistry & Modifications Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
9:40 Intermission.
on Biofilm Formation in Meeting Room 9 TUESDAY AFTERNOON
Environmental Remediation & 10:00 ENVR 548. Integrating non-tar-
Engineering Applications geted analysis research with
Impact of Materials, Surface Journey to Mars: Materials,
Cosponsored by BIOL
high-throughput chemical screening
Chemistry & Modifications Energy & Life Sciences
programs at the US EPA. J.R. Sobus, Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
Financially supported by AEESP
on Biofilm Formation in
J. Wambaugh, K. Isaacs, A.J. Williams, A.D. ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡,
McEachran, A. Richard, C. Grulke, E.M.
Environmental Remediation &
B. V. Kjellerup, Organizer Engineering Applications PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡
Ulrich, J. Rager, M. Strynar, S. Newton
N. J. Lin, Organizer, Presiding Cosponsored by BIOL
10:25 ENVR 549. In vitro metabolom-
8:15 Introductory Remarks. ics as alternative testing strategy for Financially supported by AEESP
predicting adverse outcome pathways
8:20 ENVR 535. Electrical interactions N. J. Lin, Organizer
of the exposome. S. Surapureddi
between biofilms and surfaces. S. Journey to Mars: Materials,
B. V. Kjellerup, Organizer, Presiding
Glaven, L.M. Tender, B. Eddie, M.D. 10:50 Panel Discussion. Energy & Life Sciences
Yates, N. Kotloski, N. Lebedev, L. Bird 1:00 ENVR 558. H2-utilizing biofilm Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
Nanoscale Sensing in Foods embedded with palladium nanoparticles ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡,
9:05 ENVR 536. Analyzing biofilm archi-
tecture and bacterial metagenomics
& Other Complex Media (PdNP-biofilm): Assembly, characteriza- PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by tion, and application in enhancing denitri-
at PAH-contaminated estuarine sites.
AGRO, ANYL, COLL, ENVR and INOR fication. C. Zhou, M. Long, B.E. Rittmann
S. Volkoff, C.K. Gunsch, L. Redfern
1:20 ENVR 559. Rhamnolipid enhanced
9:25 ENVR 537. Microbial transcriptomic
Pseudomonas putida biofilm formation on
analysis of cariogenic bacterial species
hydrophilic surfaces. H. Katz, R. Cahan
at enamel surfaces in a pediatric THURSDAY AFTERNOON
population. K.C. Hsu, M.E. Shirtliff, J. 1:40 ENVR 560. Statistical explo-
Freiberg, L. Hittle, A. Scott, E. Mongodin Section B ration of the cause of bacterial
regrowth in filtered drinking water.
9:45 ENVR 538. Acetate production Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown J. Lin, J. Edwards-Brandt, Z. Wang
by anaerobic, autotrophic bacte- Meeting Room 8
ria in a H2-based membrane biofilm 2:00 ENVR 561. Microbial electrochem-
reactor. D. Calvo, A. Ontiveros-Valencia, Multi-Phase Environmental ical energy storage and recovery in
J. Maldonado-Ortiz, R. Krajmalnik- Chemistry of Aerosols a combined electroautotrophic and
Brown, C. Torres, B.E. Rittmann electrogenic biofilm. M.D. Yates,
Particle Phase & Morphology Q. Zhang, B. Eddie, A. Malanoski, S.M.
10:05 Intermission.
Strycharz-Glaven, S.R. Yates, L.M. Tender
10:20 ENVR 539. Occurrence of polychlo-
S. W. Hunt, S. A. Nizkorodov, Organizers The use of any device to capture
2:20 Intermission.
rinated biphenyls (PCBs) in stormwater A. Laskin, Organizer, Presiding
images (e.g., cameras and camera
sediments and their dechlorination M. Freedman, A. V. Tivanski, Presiding 2:35 ENVR 562. Bench-scale com-
by soil biofilms. S. Cao, A. Chan, S.L. parison of a new mobile biofilm phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
1:00 ENVR 550. What is the role of the
Capozzi, A.P. Davis, B.V. Kjellerup
organic phase state in multiphase
process and traditional IFAS tech- digital recorders) or to stream,
nology. F. Sabba, J. Calhoun
10:40 ENVR 540. Implementing a chemical kinetics, particle hygroscop- upload or rebroadcast speakers or
biowall to induce microbial reductive icity, and ice nucleation? D.A. Knopf, 2:55 ENVR 563. Pilot-scale investigation
dehalogenation of volatile organ- J.H. Slade, J.C. Charnawskas, P.A. Alpert, of ozone-enhanced biofiltration using presentations is strictly prohibited
ics in groundwater. D. Kindig A. Lambe, T. Berkemeier, A. Arangio, M. spent and regenerated granular activated at all official ACS meetings and
Shiraiwa, J. Wang, H. Su, P. Massoli, R.E. carbon media for potable reuse. Y. Sun,
11:00 ENVR 541. Removal of pen-
O’Brien, U. Pöschl, T.B. Onasch, R.C. Moffet, B. Angelotti, P. Evans, M. Brooks, Z. Wang events without express written
tachlorophenol from water by a
hydrogen-based membrane biofilm M.K. Gilles, P. Davidovits, D.R. Worsnop consent from ACS.
reactor. M. Long, C. Zhou, S. Xia

WEDNESDAY MORNING 1:30 Introductory Remarks. 11:55 GEOC 16. Investigating bioaccumu- 10:35 GEOC 22. A XRF geochemi-
lation of alkali earth metals associated cal ­analysis and TOC between the
1:35 GEOC 1. Withdrawn.
Journey to Mars: Materials, with oil and gas operations. N. Warner, B. late Devonian-early Mississippian
Energy & Life Sciences 2:05 GEOC 2. Effect of organic ligands and McDevitt, K. Van Sice, T.J. Geeza, W.D. Burgos Chattanooga and Maquoketa
tin dopant concentration on apparent carbonaceous mudstones in the
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by 12:15 Discussion.
band gap and aggregation of indium tin Sedgwick Basin, Kansas, Mid-
oxide nanoparticles in aqueous systems. Continent, USA. S. Tedesco, H. Ali
PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ Chemistry in an Evolving Political
J. Grundy, C. Ngan, N.B. Saleh, L.E. Katz,
Climate: Research Priorities & 10:55 GEOC 23. Role of fluid composition
M. Kirisits, C.A. Saez Cabezas, D.J. Milliron
Career Pathways in Public Policy in oil recovery from organic nanopores
2:25 GEOC 3. Factors influencing in shale source rocks. S. Baek, I. Akkutlu
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON quantum dot dissolution kinetics
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by
BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI, CELL, CEPA, 11:15 GEOC 24. Upscaled rate
and mechanism. P. Paydary
Journey to Mars: Materials, CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC, law for mineral dissolution rates
Energy & Life Sciences 2:45 Intermission. DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB across scales in heterogeneous
3:05 GEOC 4. Environmental fate and porous media. H. Wen, L. Li
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by Sustaining Water Resources:
ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, behavior of engineered nanoparticles Environmental & Economic Impact
PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ that have natural analogs. B. Kim Understanding the Chemistry
Sponsored by MPPG, Cosponsored by of Our Planet
3:35 GEOC 5. Evolution of nanoscale COMSCI‡, ENVR, GEOC, I&EC and PRES
zero-valentIron (nZVI) in water: Chemistry’s Role in our Earth System
Microscopic and spectroscopic Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
GEOC evidence on the formation of
nano- and micro-structured iron MONDAY AFTERNOON
oxides. A. Liu, S. Huang INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC
DIVISION OF 3:55 GEOC 6. Structure of silicate species
Chemistry in an Evolving Political
Climate: Research Priorities &
GEOCHEMISTRY on ferrihydrite surfaces and in ferrihydrite Career Pathways in Public Policy
W. Burgos, Program Chair
structure. X. Wang, X. Feng, M. Zhu
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by TUESDAY AFTERNOON
4:15 Concluding Remarks. BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI, CELL, CEPA,
CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC, Understanding the Chemistry
Carbon Management: Advances
in Carbon Efficiency, Capture, MONDAY MORNING Human Impacts to our Planet
Conversion, Utilization & Storage Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
Ecological & Human Health Impacts of CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC,
Grand Hyatt Washington
Emerging Environmental Contaminants INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC
Independence D/E Section A
(see ENVR, Sun, Mon, Wed)
Iron & Manganese Oxides: Their Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Formation, Structure, Reactivity & Water Chemistry Associated with Halls D/E
Applications (see ENVR, Sun, Mon, Wed) Energy Production & Extraction TUESDAY EVENING
Materials Science in Nuclear Waste J. M. Vanbriesen, Organizer Sci-Mix Section A
Disposal (see NUCL, Mon, Tue)
N. Warner, Organizer, Presiding
W. D. Burgos, Organizer Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Langmuir Lectures, Nano Letters Award
Lecture, ACS Materials & Interfaces 8:30 Introductory Remarks. Hall D
8:00 - 10:00
Award Lecture (see COLL, Tue) 8:35 GEOC 7. Supercritical carbon dioxide
17, 24. See subsequent listings.
Fate, Transport & Remediation of reaction and diffusion in brine under geo- General Geochemistry
Radionuclides in the Environment logic carbon sequestration conditions.
W. D. Burgos, Organizer
(see ENVR, Tue, Wed) P.N. Perera, H. Deng, P. Schuck, B. Gilbert
TUESDAY MORNING 8:00 - 10:00
BUSINESS MEETINGS: 8:55 GEOC 8. Impact of surface active
compounds in crude oil on reservoir GEOC 25. Simulation of Cu and
GEOC Business Meeting, 6 PM: Sun
sandstone and carbonate rock wet-
Section A Pb migration in MSWI bottom
SOCIAL EVENTS: tability. P. Mwangi, G. Thyne, P. Brady Grand Hyatt Washington ash landfill site. H. Zhang
GEOC Social Hour, 6 PM: Tue 9:15 GEOC 9. Impact of fluid conditions Lafayette Park GEOC 26. A comparative inorganic
and additives on iron sulfide formation, geochemical analysis between the
phase transformation, and layer distribu- General Geochemistry Cherokee and Atoka sediments of
tion. H. Alsaiari, K.L. Hull, M. Sayed, T. Luce the Denver, Cherokee and Forest
SUNDAY AFTERNOON W. D. Burgos, Organizer, Presiding
City basins, Mid-Continent, USA
9:35 GEOC 10. Lithium recovery form shale
N. Kabengi, Presiding based on XRF. H. Ali, S. Tedesco
Section A gas produced water using precipitation
and adsorption method. Y. Jang, E. Chung 8:30 Introductory Remarks. GEOC 27. Electrostatic potential
Grand Hyatt Washington mapping within aluminosilicate clays:
9:55 GEOC 11. Removal of strontium and 8:35 GEOC 17. Application of high energy
Constitution B Principles that govern organic cation
barium from produced waters using sul- resolution X-ray fluorescence spectros-
sorption. J. Gascon, A. Richard
fonate-based polymers. K. Shafer-Peltier, copy on environmental samples.
Engineered Nanomaterials C. Kenner, S. Xie, S.J. Randtke, E.F. Peltier M. Noerpel, T. Luxton, A.J. Kropf, B. Ravel, GEOC 28. Effect of bicarbonate on the
in the Environment: Fate, R. Karna, D.M. Peloquin, K. Scheckel structure and reactivity of nanoscale
Behaviour & Effects 10:15 Intermission.
zero-valent iron (nZVI): Applications
8:55 GEOC 18. Effect of geochemical
E. Chiang, Organizer 10:35 GEOC 12. Development of celestite for U(VI) separation. Y. Hua, W. Zhang,
­conditions and chemical treatment of
impregnated proppant for the control of L. Ling
R. M. Santos, Organizer, Presiding zeolites on their ability to bind selenium
Ra-226 in the Marcellus shale produced
oxyanions. N. Halalsheh, A. Smtih, GEOC 29. Withdrawn.
water. A. Gusa, J.R. Flora, R.D. Vidic
C. Papelis
GEOC 30. Arsenic removal from water
10:55 GEOC 13. Fate of radium and
9:15 GEOC 19. Changes in human health using zeolites: Effects of zeolite
barium in waste solids from hydraulic
risk of arsenic-contaminated soil in treatment and geochemical condi-
fracturing. B. Ouyang, M. Ajemigbitse, K.
former smelter site by injecting stabi- tions. A. Smtih, N. Halalsheh, C. Papelis
Van Sice, N. Warner, J. Landis, D. Renock
lization agents. J. An, G. Yu, K. Nam
GEOC 31. Observation and manipulation
11:15 GEOC 14. Determining the
Technical program information impacts of oil and gas wastewa-
9:35 GEOC 20. Enrichment of rare earth of silver on quartz nano-crystals.
elements (REEs) from fly ashes using A. Felipe
known at press time. ter discharge on sediments in
flotation method. F. Shi, Y. Soong,
Pennsylvania. K. Van Sice, N. Warner GEOC 32. Heavy metal concentrations
The official technical program for M. Gray
in the Lumber River: The effects of the
11:35 GEOC 15. Effects of mineral
the 254th ACS National Meeting spatial distribution on the reac-
9:55 Intermission. decommissioned W.H. Weatherspoon
coal-fired power plant. B.J. Bryan
is available at www.acs.org/ tive transport of Marcellus shale 10:15 GEOC 21. Trace and rare
waters. Z. Cai, H. Wen, L. Li earth element geochemistry of
WDC2017 kerogen samples from the Orange
Basin, South Africa. A. Akinlua

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


GEOC 33. Metal transport enhanced 8:30 HIST 5. Introductory remarks: TUESDAY MORNING
by dissolved organic carbon (DOC)
at the watershed scale. W. Zhi, L.
A quarter-century of chemi-
cal landmarks. A.J. Rocke
Section A
Li, J. Kaye, K. Williams, C. Steefel
GEOC 34. Characterization of the
9:00 HIST 6. Roots of the national and the
international programs. N.D. Heindel
Grand Hyatt Washington Division of Industrial
acid-base properties of selected
9:30 HIST 7. Peripatetic
Declaration A/B and Engineering
humic acids. J. Kang
Priestley. R.G. Anderson Ladies in Waiting for Nobel Prizes: Chemistry
GEOC 35. Investigating the controls on C. Abney, Program Chair
10:00 Intermission. Overlooked Accomplishments
salinization of rivers impacted by oil
10:15 HIST 8. Ivermectin: A cure for a
of Women Chemists
and gas wastewater disposal.
B. McDevitt deadly and torturous scourge. M. Orna Cosponsored by PRES, PROF and WCC‡ BUSINESS MEETINGS:
Subdivision Meetings: Open, 10 AM: Sat
GEOC 36. Trace and major element 10:45 HIST 9. Connecting chemistry E. T. Strom, Organizer
ratios in Elliptio dilatatus shells as to society and culture. M. Meyer I&EC Business Meeting: Open, 1 PM: Sat
V. V. Mainz, Organizer, Presiding
indicators of surface water quality 11:15 HIST 10. From Bakelite to Executive Committee Meeting:
in Western Pennsylvania. T.J. 8:25 Introductory Remarks. Closed, 6 PM: Sun
biochemistry: Highlights from the
Geeza, N. Warner, D.P. Gillikin National Museum of American History’s 8:30 HIST 17. Women scientists: An uphill
collections. K. Frederick-Frost, M. Warner battle for recognition. M. Hargittai
11:45 Panel Discussion. 9:00 HIST 18. Should the 1932 Nobel

HIST Analytical Chemistry in the

Prize be awarded to Langmuir,
Pockels and Blodgett? B.H. Davis
Ammonia Economy

Context of Cultural Heritage Oxidation, Catalytic

9:30 HIST 19. Lise Meitner: Overlooked
Division of the History Research & Application leadership in the discovery of
Cracking & Storage
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by I&EC
of Chemistry Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored by HIST
nuclear fission. J.L. Curtis-Fisk
10:00 Intermission.
S. Rasmussen, Program Chair
10:15 HIST 20. Who got Marietta
Blau’s Nobel Prize? V.L. Trimble
No Belles theatre performance, 10:45 HIST 21. Ida Noddack-Tacke: Section A
5:30 PM: Tue Section A The actual proposer of nuclear fission
before Hahn. J.L. Marshall, M. Orna Grand Hyatt Washington
BUSINESS MEETINGS: Grand Hyatt Washington
Declaration A/B
Constitution C 11:15 HIST 22. Katharine Burr Blodgett:
HIST Executive Committee Meeting,
5:00 PM: Sun A brief account of her remark-
able life and work. M.E. Schott Structural & Supramolecular
HIST Tutorial & General Papers Aspects of Metal Ion Separations
11:45 HIST 23. Erika Cremer and the
S. C. Rasmussen, Organizer, Presiding Cosponsored by NUCL
SUNDAY AFTERNOON origins of solid state gas chromatog-
1:30 HIST 11. Story of a long-lasting chem- raphy, 1944–1947. J.A. Johnson C. W. Abney, Organizer
Section A istry textbook and its authors. W. Palmer
M. R. Antonio, Organizer, Presiding
Grand Hyatt Washington 2:00 HIST 12. Chemistry in
a library. A. Davis TUESDAY AFTERNOON 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
Constitution C
2:30 HIST 13. Scientific American and 1:35 I&EC 1. Surface polarization
its influence on the public under-
Section A effects on metal-amphiphile emul-
HIST Tutorial & General Papers sions. M. Olvera De La Cruz
standing of the chemical sciences, Grand Hyatt Washington
S. C. Rasmussen, Organizer, Presiding Part I:1846-1866. M.D. Saltzman 2:00 I&EC 2. Aggregate formation and
Declaration A/B
1:30 HIST 1. HIST Tutorial: Polymer chem- 3:00 Intermission. synergistic extraction: The challenge
istry before Staudinger. S.C. Rasmussen Ladies in Waiting for Nobel Prizes: of explaining and modeling extraction
3:15 HIST 14. Items of interest to behavior of metal ions. M. Nilsson
2:15 Intermission. chemists from the pages of Scientific Overlooked Accomplishments
American for chemists, Part I: of Women Chemists 2:25 I&EC 3. Organic phase microstructure
2:30 HIST 2. Iodine and its fasci-
1846-1866. M.D. Saltzman Cosponsored by PRES, PROF and WCC‡ in TBP-metal-HNO3-H2O systems. J.
nating history. N.V. Tsarevsky Braley, M. Servis, A. Baldwin, R.J. Ellis
3:00 HIST 3. Woodward’s birth centennial: 3:45 HIST 15. Baking powder wars: A V. V. Mainz, Organizer
history of chemical leavening. L. Civitello 2:50 I&EC 4. Molecular and supramolecular
A philatelic tribute. D. Rabinovich E. T. Strom, Organizer, Presiding features of Pd and Nd extraction with
3:30 HIST 4. Grassroots advocacy for 4:15 HIST 16. Contribution of medical malonamides: Towards a better descrip-
missionaries to the introduction of chem- 1:30 HIST 24. Kathleen Yardley Lonsdale:
the sciences: A case history from the Pioneering crystallographer and tion of the driving forces of solvent
National Coalition for Science and istry and industries in Korea. C.H. Do extraction. R. Poirot, D. Bourgeois,
peace activist. M. Julian, M. Orna
Technology (1981–87). D.L. Garin D. Meyer
Analytical Chemistry in the 2:00 HIST 25. Birth of environmen-
3:15 Intermission.
Analytical Chemistry in the Context of Cultural Heritage tal chemistry: Rachel Carson, the
Context of Cultural Heritage courageous author and scientist that
Research & Application gave rise to the EPA. A.H. Coffman
Teaching Chemistry through Art Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored by HIST
2:30 HIST 26. Vive le francium:
Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored by HIST Marguerite Perey, discoverer of the
last natural element. S.S. Preston
MONDAY EVENING 3:00 Intermission.
MONDAY MORNING 3:15 HIST 27. Rosalind Franklin: Her
Section A
pathway to DNA. B.H. Davis
Section A Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Halls D/E
3:45 HIST 28. Professor Emerita The use of any device to capture
Grand Hyatt Washington Darleane C. Hoffman. C.F. Mason
Constitution C images (e.g., cameras and camera
4:15 HIST 29. Always a nominee,
never a Nobelist. V.V. Mainz phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
History as Outreach: Celebrating
the ACS Landmarks Program’s
S. C. Rasmussen, Organizer digital recorders) or to stream,
8:00 - 10:00
25th Anniversary upload or rebroadcast speakers or
A. J. Rocke, Organizer
1, 4, 15. See previous listings.
presentations is strictly prohibited
V. V. Mainz, Organizer, Presiding at all official ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

3:45 I&EC 5. Solvent extractions 9:45 Intermission. 4:10 I&EC 23. Development of frag- 10:00 I&EC 31. Azo functionalized,
based on ionic liquids: Ion recognition ment-based quantum chemical hydrophilic fabrics for the extraction
9:55 I&EC 13. Ion sorption, diffusion
through ionic liquids. H. Luo, C.W. Abney, models for anion binding with of uranium from seawater. T. Dietz,
and transport in charged polymer
S. Dai macrocycles and foldamers. K. Z. Tsinas, J. Cua, I. Pazos, E. Fastow,
membranes. B.D. Freeman
Raghavachari, A. Sengupta, D. Sibali W. Li, F. Bateman, D. Poster, D.C.
4:10 I&EC 6. Coordination chemistry
10:20 I&EC 14. Ion foam flotation of metal Grills, M. Adel-Hadadi, A. Barkatt,
of rare earth elements to address 4:35 I&EC 24. Metal complexes
ions using a carboxylate based surfac- J.F. Wishart, M. Al-Sheikhly
problems in their separations and for catch-and-release of phos-
tant: from speciation to ion separation
sustainability. E.J. Schelter, B.E. Cole, phate in water. V.C. Pierre 10:20 Intermission.
by foams. P. Bauduin, C. Micheau, O. Diat
J. Bogart, M. Boreen, C. Lippincott, B. Manor,
5:00 I&EC 25. Selective crystalliza- 10:35 I&EC 32. Hybrid of metal-or-
P. Carroll 10:45 I&EC 15. X-ray studies of inter-
tion of anion-water clusters with ganic framework and ionic liquid as
facial molecular complexes formed
4:35 I&EC 7. Diluent effect on distribution self-assembled guanidines. R. adsorbent for adsorptive separation
during solvent extraction of rare
and speciation behavior of T2EHDGA Custelcean, C. Seipp, N.J. Williams of acetylene and ethylene. Z. Bao
earth metal ions. M.L. Schlossman
and HE[HEHP] as individual extract-
5:25 Concluding Remarks. 10:55 I&EC 33. Liquid-liquid equilib-
ants and in the combined ALSEP 11:10 I&EC 16. Solvent extraction:
rium between two hydrophobic ionic
solvent. G.J. Lumetta, E.L. Campbell, Structure of the liquid/liquid interface
containing a diamide ligand. Building a Safety Culture Across liquids. C. Seiça Neves, A.M. Silva,
G.B. Hall, V. Holfeltz, T.G. Levitskaia
O. Diat, T.T. Pham, J. Dufrêche, L. Girard, the Chemistry Enterprise A.M. Fernandes, J. Coutinho, M. Freire
5:00 I&EC 8. Supramolecular aggre-
P. Brevet, A. Jonchere, E. Scoppola Grassroots Approaches to 11:15 I&EC 34. Ionic liquids and click
gation in the ALSEP system: Effect
Developing a Safety Culture chemistry: A promising combination
of diluent. T.G. Levitskaia, V. Holfeltz, 11:35 I&EC 17. Foundational charac-
for development of functional materials
E.L. Campbell, G.B. Hall, G.J. Lumetta teristics of interfacial regions relevant Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
with diverse applications. A. Mirjafari
to solvent extraction. A.E. Clark BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS,
5:25 Concluding Remarks.
CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC, 11:35 Concluding Remarks.
Building a Safety Culture Across INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
Science Communications: The Art Understanding the Chemistry
the Chemistry Enterprise
of Developing a Clear Message of Our Planet
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts
BIOL, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CINF, to Developing a Safety Culture MONDAY EVENING Chemistry’s Role in our Earth System
COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, I&EC, INOR, Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL, Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
Ammonia Economy Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Halls D/E
Synthesis, Utilization &
Sustaining Water Resources:
Nitrogen Reduction
Environmental & Economic Impact Sci-Mix
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by I&EC
Sponsored by MPPG, Cosponsored by TUESDAY AFTERNOON
C. W. Abney, Organizer
8:00 - 10:00 Section A
MONDAY MORNING 31, 35, 44, 46-47, 50, 56. See Grand Hyatt Washington
MONDAY AFTERNOON subsequent listings. Constitution C
Section A
Grand Hyatt Washington Section A General Papers
Declaration A/B
TUESDAY MORNING E. Rosenberg, Organizer
Grand Hyatt Washington
Declaration A/B Section A C. W. Abney, Organizer, Presiding
Structural & Supramolecular
Aspects of Metal Ion Separations Grand Hyatt Washington 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
Structural & Supramolecular
Cosponsored by NUCL Aspects of Metal Ion Separations Constitution C 1:35 I&EC 35. End-to-end DNA archival
storage system. L. Organick, S. Ang, Y.
M. R. Antonio, Organizer Cosponsored by NUCL
General Papers Chen, R. Lopez, S. Yekhanin, K. Makarychev,
C. W. Abney, Organizer, Presiding M. R. Antonio, Organizer M. Racz, B. Nguyen, C. Takahashi, S.
E. Rosenberg, Organizer Newman, H. Parker, C. Rashtchian, K.
8:00 Introductory Remarks. C. W. Abney, Organizer, Presiding
C. W. Abney, Organizer, Presiding Stewart, G. Gupta, R. Carlson, J. Mulligan,
8:05 I&EC 9. Mechanism of the high-effi- 1:30 Introductory Remarks. D. Carmean, G. Seelig, L. Ceze, K. Strauss
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
cient recovery of vanadium in aqueous 1:55 I&EC 36. Dual reactor methodol-
1:35 I&EC 18. Selective recognition
solution by a reusable primary amines 8:05 I&EC 26. Microwave-induced
of metal ions in seawater by ami- ogy for the high-selective synthesis
N1923: based on the vanadium species electrical discharges open up new
doxime-functionalized polymers. of hydrocarbons from methane and
characterization. J. Wen, H. Cao, P. Ning possibilities and opportunities for
A. Ivanov, I. Popovs, C.W. Abney, B. carbon dioxide. W. Zhaoxuan, M. Ding
efficient and oriented application
8:30 I&EC 10. Synthesis of water decon- Parker, L. Rao, S. Dai, V. Bryantsev 2:15 I&EC 37. Development and scale-up
of microwave heating technology,
tamination materials by radiation-in- of a robust process for a challenging
2:00 I&EC 19. Structural basis for selective especially in recycling/disposal of
duced graft polymerization and its Pd-cat. C-N coupling step for production
liquid-liquid extraction from EXAFS and solid waste and VOCs destruc-
application for environmental water at of a pharmaceutical intermediate:
molecular simulations. V. Bryantsev, tion. J. Sun, W. Wang, Z. Song
contaminated area. S. Saiki, N. Seko Modeling and mechanistic studies of
R.J. Ellis, A.S. Ivanov, B.A. Moyer
8:25 I&EC 27. Co-Fe layered double
8:55 I&EC 11. Bifunctional amine/ a unique dual-base system across
2:25 I&EC 20. Polymeric foams for hydroxides for removal of hydrogen
amidoxime polyacrylonitrile fibers multiple scales. B. Inankur, E. Simmons,
plutonium anion exchange. K.M. sulfide from gas stream. S. Lee, D. Kim
for the separation of uranium from L. Dong, D. Treitler, A. Rogers, K. Chen
Taylor-Pashow, T.C. Shehee, D.T.
seawater. S. Alexandratos, X. Zhu 8:45 I&EC 28. Synthesis of a novel
Hobbs, J. Pribyl, B.C. Benicewicz 2:35 Intermission.
monolith combined activated carbon
9:20 I&EC 12. Task-specific design 2:50 I&EC 38. Synthesis of titanium
2:50 I&EC 21. Structural, spectroscopic, and zeolite-NaUSY for CO2 capture
and functionalization of advanced dioxide nanofluid and application in jet
and theoretical studies on the effects by electric swing adsorption (ESA).
porous organic polymers for impingement cooling in steel indus-
of pyrazole substitution and ion-pair- Q. Zhao, F. Wu, P. Xiao, P. Webbley
metal ion separation. S. Ma tries. I. Sarkar, S.K. Pal, S. Chakraborty
ing in binding and sensing of NH+0 and
9:05 Intermission.
Lanthanides(III) by tripodal tris-pyrazole 3:10 I&EC 39. Hydrothermal processing of
receptors. T.M. Jonah, E.V. Govor, S. 9:20 I&EC 29. Digital manufacture: The
K-feldspar ore for industrial produc-
Kandel, L. Mathivathanan, R.G. Raptis, A.N. road to industrialization of polymer
tion of affordable potash fertilizers.
tailor-making. B. Li, Y. Luo, W. Wang,
Technical program information Morozov, A.M. Mebel, K. Kavallieratos
S. Zhu
D. Ciceri, M. de Oliveira, A. Allanore
3:15 Intermission.
known at press time. 9:40 I&EC 30. Macroporous monolith
3:30 I&EC 40. Kinetics of hot-stage
3:45 I&EC 22. Photoswitchable carbonation of basic oxygen
The official technical program for single and double helices for anion
with polymer gel matrix: Application
furnace slag for reduction of free
in continuous-flow catalytic reactor.
the 254th ACS National Meeting binding and release. A.H. Flood
H. Matsumoto, Y. Hoshino, Y. Miura
lime content. G. Ounoughene, R.M.
Santos, Ö. Cizer, T. Van Gerven
is available at www.acs.org/
3:50 Intermission.

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


4:05 I&EC 41. Dopamine derivatives for I&EC 56. Development and bench 8:35 INOR 6. Photocatalytic oxidation of
enhancing practicality of fabricating
polydopamine-based antimicrobial
testing of organic radiochromic
materials. B. Peters, J.C. Nicholson, A.
INOR bromide to bromine by using ruthenium
polypyridyl complexes. I. Chang, K. Tsai
coatings. K. Neoh, L. Shi, J. Zhang,
E. Kang, C.L. Chai
Petty, J.E. Anthony, A.L. Washington
I&EC 57. Reengineering of the rate-lim-
Division of Inorganic 9:00 INOR 7. Multimetallic systems for
the photocatalytic production of fuels
4:25 I&EC 42. Fabrication of omniphobic iting N-acetyl-L-glutamate kinase Chemistry from abundant sources. C. Turro
and superomniphobic surfaces with inex- from corynebacterium crenatum and N. Radu and S. Koch, Program Chairs 9:25 INOR 8. Thermally and pho-
pensive lasers. S. Movafaghi, A. Pendurthi, its application in the synthesis of
tochemically activated diradicals:
W. Wang, S. Shadman, A.P. Yalin, A. Kota L-arginine. M. Xu, J. Zhang, Z. Rao, Z. Xu
OTHER SYMPOSIA OF INTEREST: Applications to catalysis and nanore-
4:45 I&EC 43. Developments in monitoring I&EC 58. Test strip technology for Theoretical Models of Chemical agents for CO2 reduction. J.M. Zaleski
continuous reactions by online benchtop field detection of explosives. A.R. Bonding & Reactivity Spanning 9:50 INOR 9. Luminescent nanoparti-
NMR: Development of benchtop NMR Nicolaescu, M. Felten, S. Graber the Periodic Table: A Symposium
cles coated with metal complexes for
as a process analytical technology. J.F. in Honor of Roald Hoffmann (see
I&EC 59. Sonochemical degradation of biomedical applications. Z. Pikramenou
Araneda, T. Boehringer, T. Rehm, S. Riegel PHYS, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu)
perfluorononanoic and perfluorohexane-
2017 ACS Catalysis Lectureship for 10:15 Intermission.
5:05 Concluding Remarks. sulfonic acids in aqueous solutions.
D. Chen, D. McInnis, W. Arnold, the Advancement of Catalytic 10:30 INOR 10. Designing and understand-
Science (see CATL, Mon) ing catalysis with high valent metals. A.L.
Understanding the Chemistry M.F. Simcik, Y. Aly
of Our Planet 2016 ACS Catalysis Lectureship for the Odom, T. McDaniel, B. Billow, K. Aldrich
I&EC 60. PDMS based compounds as Advancement of Catalytic Science:
Human Impacts to our Planet wind shield protectors. S. Bommakanti 10:55 INOR 11. Hydrogen-atom
Honoring Matthias Beller (see CATL, Mon)
non-innocence of an azanidodithi-
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by Structural & Supramolecular olate pincer ligand. A.F. Heyduk,
BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, Aspects of Metal Ion Separations K.E. Rosenkoetter, B. Charette
INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC 11:20 INOR 12. Follow the protons: Directly
Nano Commercialization: Views
Section A from the Front (see MPPG, Mon)
monitoring proton transfer mecha-
nisms with ultrafast continuum mid-IR
Grand Hyatt Washington Organometallics Distinguished spectroscopy. A.M. Stingel, P.B. Petersen
TUESDAY EVENING Constitution C Author Award (see ORGN, Mon)

Section C
Section A General Papers
SUNDAY MORNING Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
Walter E. Washington Convention Center E. Rosenberg, Organizer
Grand Ballroom South
Hall D C. W. Abney, Organizer, Presiding Section A
9:00 Introductory Remarks. Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Environmental & Energy-
General Posters
Renaissance East Related Inorganic Chemistry
C. W. Abney, E. Rosenberg, Organizers 9:05 I&EC 61. Recycling of waste
printed circuit boards by delamina- S. A. Koch, Organizer
6:00 - 8:00 tion using different organic solvents Fundamental Aspects of Metal K. L. Hull, W. R. McNamara, Presiding
and study of its mechanism. H.R. Organic Framework Catalysis
I&EC 44. Effects of various impurities
Verma, K.K. Verma, T.R. Mankhand 8:30 INOR 13. Specific ion effect
on the purification of styrene by a MOFs for Chemical Warefare manifested in oxidation of ammo-
new technique combining distilla- 9:25 I&EC 62. Solvent-free synthesis Agent Degradation nium salts and inorganic sub-
tion and crystallization. L. Shiau of ordered mesoporous solid acid for
A. J. Morris, J. R. Morris, Organizers, Presiding strates. K.L. Hull, A. Cairns, M. Haq
I&EC 45. Withdrawn. biomass transformation. J. Borovilas, C.
Carrie, M. Finnerty, A. Masoumi, F. Liu, M.J. 8:30 INOR 1. Robust surface-anchored 8:50 INOR 14. Supercharging electro-
I&EC 46. Development and mechan- Savelski, C. Slater, J.F. Stanzione, I. Noshadi UiO-66-based metal-organic-frame- catalysts for carbon dioxide reduction.
ical properties of bimodal micro- work films on polymer fibers for rapid S. Sung, D. Kumar, S. Park, M. Nippe
structures in low carbon steel. 9:45 I&EC 63. High purity Organosolv
hydrolysis of chemical agents. G. 9:10 INOR 15. Selective partial oxidation
G. Nourian, A. Karimi Taheri lignin for carbon fiber appli-
Parsons, J. Zhao, D.T. Lee, H.F. Barton of light alkanes using iodine oxides
cation. G. Koumba Yoya
I&EC 47. Synthesis of drug-based super 9:00 INOR 2. Metal organic framework’s and halides. N. Schwartz, G. Fortman,
protic ionic liquids via thiol-ene click 10:05 I&EC 64. Thermodynamic study S.E. Kalman, R. Fu, R.J. Nielsen, N. Boaz,
acid dissociation constants as a robust
chemistry. M. Reardon, A. Mirjafari of hydrophobic eutectic solvents W.A. Goddard, J.T. Groves, T.B. Gunnoe
descriptor of their morphology and
based on terpenes. M. Martins,
I&EC 48. Modified approach to analyze reactivity: Applications to hydrolysis of 9:30 INOR 16. Solar-powered biofertil-
P. Pontes, E.A. Crespo, G. Máximo,
nucleation behavior of organic and inor- warfare agents. M. Momeni, C.J. Cramer izer production: An electro-augmented
S.P. Pinho, C. Held, J. Coutinho
ganic solutions. S. Xu, J. Gong, J. Wang 9:30 Intermission. nitrogen and phosphorus cycle. K.K.
10:25 Intermission. Sakimoto, P.A. Silver, D.G. Nocera
I&EC 49. Dynamic vapor sorption and 9:45 INOR 3. Reaction of the chemical
electrochemical impedance spec- 10:40 I&EC 65. Improvement of fumaric 9:50 INOR 17. Iron complexes for
warfare agent simulant, DMMP(g), with
troscopy as rapid screening tests acid biosynthesis in engineered hydrogen generation from aqueous
zirconium (IV) MOFs: An ultrahigh-vac-
for anti-corrosion coatings. S. Saccharomyces cerevisiae by site-di- solutions. W.R. McNamara
uum and DFT study. G. Wang, C.H. Sharp,
Arumugam, L. Yao, A. Prisco, J. Gu rected mutagenesis and codon optimiza-
A. Plonka, Q. Wang, A. Frenkel, W. Guo, C.L.
tion. G. Xu, F. Zhang, M. Koffas, R.J. Linhardt
I&EC 50.Nanostructured refractory Hill, C. Smith, J. Kollar, D. Troya, J.R. Morris
ceramics. B. Dyatkin, M. Laskoski, B. 11:00 I&EC 66. Magnetic separation
10:15 INOR 4. Molecular modeling insights
Rock, S.B. Qadri, T.M. Keller, R.M. Gamache for high efficiency harvesting of
into the adsorption and degradation
microalgal cells. C. Guo, C. Liu
I&EC 51. Synthesis of monodisperse of hazardous chemical warfare agents
lithium carbonate nanoparticles using 11:20 I&EC 67. Different performance by metal-organic frameworks. J.
an upscaled microfluidic reactor. S. of nanocellulose-producing bacterial Harvey, D.F. Sava Gallis, J.A. Greathouse
Tallapudi, H.A. Stretz, J.L. Massingill strains in lignocellulose-derived inhibitors
10:45 INOR 5. Optimizing toxic chem-
added culture media. X. Zou, G. Wu,
I&EC 52. Facile synthesis of porous liquids ical removal through defect-induced
S. Stagge, F. Hong, L. Jonsson, L. Chen
with tunable pore size as promising UiO-66-NH2 metal-organic frame-
media for gas separation. W. Shan, 11:40 Concluding Remarks. work. G.W. Peterson, M. Destefano,
B.P. Thapaliya, C. Do-Thanh, S. Dai S.J. Garibay, A. Ploskonka, M. Hall, C.J. The use of any device to capture
5th International Symposium Karwacki, J.T. Hupp, O.K. Farha images (e.g., cameras and camera
I&EC 53. Synthesis and characterization on Mesoporous Zeolites
of fluoroscent materials stable at high
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by I&EC Section B
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
temperatures. M. Soltani, J. Davis JR
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
digital recorders) or to stream,
I&EC 54. Reviewer’s perspectives on
stability testing of drug substances. Renaissance West A upload or rebroadcast speakers or
J. Wang, N. Takiar, R. Michalak, D.J. Skanchy WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON presentations is strictly prohibited
Personal & Global Energy
I&EC 55. Composition-controlled 5th International Symposium Conversion in Chemistry & Biology
at all official ACS meetings and
photo-copolymerization in a diffu-
on Mesoporous Zeolites events without express written
sion-limited environment. X. Liu C. J. Chang, M. Kanan, Organizers, Presiding
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored by I&EC
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
consent from ACS.

10:10 INOR 18. Development of 12:05 INOR 33. Electronic structure 9:10 INOR 47. Electron-rich organome- 11:05 INOR 62. Thermoelectric per-
continuous high-pressure hydrogen contributions to molecular rectification. tallic platforms involving an asym- formance of tetrahedrite synthesized
evolution from formic acid by Iridium M.L. Kirk, R. Dangi, L. Ingersol, D.A. Shultz metrically anchored 6,6’-biazulenic by a modified polyol process. D.
homogeneous catalyst and its kinetic π-linker. M.V. Barybin, J.C. Applegate, Weller, G. Kunkel, A. Ochs, D. Stevens,
study under pressurized conditions. Section E C.L. Berrie, N.R. Erickson, M.K. Okeowo C. Holder, D. Morelli, M.E. Anderson
H. Kawanami, M. Iguchi, Y. Himeda
9:30 INOR 48. Highly active, phase-sep- 11:25 INOR 63. Drug delivery using
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
10:30 Intermission. arable and recyclable bipyridine layered structured nanomateri-
Grand Ballroom North
linked polyisobutylene oligomers als. J.L. Colon, J. González-Villegas,
10:40 INOR 19. Photochemistry of
ligands based catalysts for iridium Y. Kan, V. Bahkmutov, A. Clearfield
iron(III) carbenes. L.A. Fredin, P. Chemistry of Materials catalyzed C-H borylation reaction. S.
Chábera, R. Lomoth, V. Sundstrom, 11:45 INOR 64. Mesoporous SiO2
Materials for Energy & Madrahimov, H. Mamlouk, D.E. Bergbreiter
K. Warnmark, P. Persson nanoparticle based thermally insu-
Catalytic Applications 9:50 INOR 49. Synthesis and reac- lating transparent barrier coatings
11:00 INOR 20. Heterometallic molec-
C. G. Lugmair, Organizer tivity of fluorescent metal com- for single-pane windows. Y. Yan,
ular precursors for lithium-iron oxide
plexes. Z.M. Heiden, N.R. Treich S. King, M. Li, T. Galy, S.H. Tolbert
cathode material. E. Dikarev, H. Han H. Djieutedjeu, Presiding
10:10 INOR 50. Asymmetric tris(2-amino-
11:20 INOR 21. Generalities related What do Synthetic Chemists Want
8:30 INOR 34. Withdrawn. ethyl)amine (tren) ligands. D.R. Manke
to reduction of nitrogen oxyanions: from Their Reaction Systems?
Ligand design aids metal reduc- 8:50 INOR 35. Accelerated computational 10:30 INOR 51. Cooperative ligand-cen-
design of mixed protonic and electronic Sponsored by CINF, Cosponsored by
ing agents. K.G. Caulton, J. Seo, tered reactivity in triaminobo-
conductors for H2 separation. Q. Bai, COMP, INOR, MEDI and ORGN
A. Cabelof, C. Chen, D.M. Beagan rane-bridged diphosphine complexes.
Y. Zhu, X. He, E.D. Wachsman, Y. Mo K. Lee, C.M. Donahue, S.R. Daly
11:40 INOR 22. Withdrawn.
9:10 INOR 36. Effects of solution 10:50 INOR 52. Reduction of air-sta-
12:00 INOR 23. Light-driven H2 production SUNDAY AFTERNOON
and solid state synthesis routes ble phosphine precursors and
by coupling Ni/Pt diimine ditiholate
on the material properties of isolation of volatile 1°, 2°, and 3°
complexes with Pt-TiO2. G. Li, M.
Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6-δ solid oxide fuel cell phosphines on the gram scale. N.I. Section A
Mark, D.W. McCamant, R. Eisenberg
anodes. J. Jenkins, B.C. Eigenbrodt Rinehart, A.J. Kendall, D.R. Tyler
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
12:20 INOR 24. Electrocatalytic
9:30 INOR 37. Probing porosity-depen- 11:10 INOR 53. Diastereoselective Renaissance East
reduction of CO2 to formate using
dent activity towards electrocatalytic and enantioselective synthesis of
cobalt complexes. P. Kang, F. Liu
CO2 reduction on metal-decorated P-stereogenic syn-phosphiranes from Fundamental Aspects of Metal
carbon aerogel. X. Han, V. Thoi chiral epoxides: Stereochemistry and
Section D Organic Framework Catalysis
9:50 INOR 38. Electrochemical oxygen mechanism. J.A. Muldoon, B. Varga,
M. Deegan, T. Chapp, R.P. Hughes, D.S. A. J. Morris, J. R. Morris, Organizers
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown reduction on earth-abundant rich
palladium alloys. S. Hall, D. Sun Glueck, C. Moore, A.L. Rheingold W. Huang, Presiding
Renaissance West B
10:10 INOR 39. High-yield ammonia 11:30 INOR 54. Role of chelat- 1:30 INOR 65. Insights into the MOF-
Electronic Structure Contributions synthesis via an electrochemical cycling ing P-Si ligands on group 9 metal based degradation of organophosphates
to Function: From Metals in process using N2 and H2O at atmo- centers: Applications in alkene in non-aqueous media: A combined
Biology to Materials Science spheric pressure. J.M. McEnaney, A. functionalization. D. Genna experimental-modeling study. D.F.
Singh, J. Schwalbe, J. Kibsgaard, J. Lin, Sava Gallis, C.J. Pearce, M.K. Kinnan,
A. Dey, L. Quintanar, Organizers
M. Cargnello, T.F. Jaramillo, J.K. Norskov Section G J.B. DeCoste, H. Jacob, J. Greathouse
P. Chen, A. E. Palmer, Organizers, Presiding
10:30 Intermission. Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 2:00 INOR 66. Uptake and diffusion of
8:30 INOR 25. Living with Congressional A chemical warfare agent simulants in
10:45 INOR 40. Oxygen-evolving
oxygen. H.B. Gray Zr6-based MOFs. C.H. Sharp, N.B. Jones,
electrocatalysts for use in highly acidic
W. Guo, C.L. Hill, F.A. Houle, J.R. Morris
8:55 INOR 26. Hydroquinone ring-cleav- solutions. J. Mondschein, R.E. Schaak Chemistry of Materials
ing dioxygenases: Enzymes and 2:30 INOR 67. Metal–organic frame-
11:05 INOR 41. Size-controlled PtZn Nanomaterials
model complexes. T.E. Machonkin works as highly functional cat-
intermetallic nanoparticles for catalytic
9:20 INOR 27. Structure/function C. G. Lugmair, Organizer alytic arrays. O.K. Farha
electro-oxidation. W. Huang, Z. Qi
relationships in cysteine and cys- E. B. Cerkez, M. A. Ochoa, Presiding 3:00 Intermission.
11:25 INOR 42. Photocatalytic methane
teamine dioxygenases. T.C. Brunold
conversion using shape-controlled 8:30 INOR 55. Synthesis and plasmonic 3:15 INOR 68. Modeling reactions cata-
9:45 INOR 28. Redox active metals In semiconductor microcrystals. B. Sadtler properties of early transition metal nitride lyzed by noble metal clusters deposited
Alzheimer’s disease. S. Ghosh Dey powders and nanomaterials. A.P. Purdy, on metal-organic frameworks. A.
11:45 INOR 43. Synthesis of WQ2/CoQ2
10:10 INOR 29. Metal-induced aggregation and WQ2/CoQ (Q = S, Se) nanostruc- O.A. Baturina, B. Simpkins, S.L. Giles Mavrandonakis, S.L. Pellizzeri, R. Getman,
of human gamma-crystallins: Relevance ture for electrocatalyst and hydrogen V. Bernales, A.B. Martinson, B.C. Gates, J.T.
8:50 INOR 56. Gold nanoclusters
to cataracts disease. L. Quintanar, J. evolution reaction. H. Djieutedjeu, Hupp, O.K. Farha, L. Gagliardi, C.J. Cramer
promote electrocatalytic water
Dominguez-Calva, M. Perez-Vazquez, E. B.S. Guiton, M. Thomas, Y. Lei oxidation at the nanocluster/ 3:45 INOR 69. Tandem catalysis by
Martinez-Jurado, E. Serebryany, J. King CoSe2 interface. S. Zhao, R. Jin metal@MOFs with extremely high
12:05 INOR 44. Enhanced cycling
10:35 Intermission. stability of sulfur electrodes through selectivity. W. Huang, X. Li, B. Zhang
9:10 INOR 57. Energy transfer, heat
effective binding of pyridine-function- and dissipation in molecule-metal 4:15 INOR 70. Nanospace within metal-or-
10:50 INOR 30. Calorimetric measurements
alized conjugated polymer. Y. Tsao nanosystems. M.A. Ochoa, A. Nitzan ganic frameworks: Plenty of opportunities
of Zn(II) and Co(II) binding to protein
sites: Can a spectroscopic probe be a for heterogeneous catalysis. S. Ma
9:30 INOR 58. Orientational order controls
thermodynamic surrogate? D. Wilcox Section F crystalline and amorphous thermal
11:15 INOR 31. Rationalized design Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown transport in superatomic crystals. W. Ong, Section B
of site-differentiated Fe-S clusters in E. O’Brien, A. McGaughey, J. Malen, X. Roy
Grand Ballroom Central Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
peptides and nanoclays. R.K. Szilagyi 9:50 INOR 59. Synthesis of lan- Renaissance West A
11:40 INOR 32. Diatomic gas binding Organometallic Chemistry thanide doped nano-spinels as
and sensing mechanism of hemo- hosts for down-shifting phos- Personal & Global Energy
New Ligand Platforms phors. D.A. Hardy, G.F. Strouse
protein studied by nuclear resonance Conversion in Chemistry & Biology
vibrational spectroscopy. T. Ohta N. S. Radu, Organizer 10:10 INOR 60. Synthesis and magne-
C. J. Chang, M. Kanan, Organizers, Presiding
S. R. Daly, D. Genna, Presiding to-optical properties of europium sul-
fide-europium selenide solid solution col- 1:30 INOR 71. Synthetic biology
8:30 INOR 45. Tridentate π-extended loidal nanocrystals. N. Rosa, H.A. Dalafu, approaches to new chemistry. M. Chang
Technical program information carbanionic donor sets for RuII D.J. James, S. Omagari, A. Kawashima,
polypyridyl-type photosensitizer. M. 1:55 INOR 72. Chemical approaches
known at press time. Jaeger, T. Schlotthauer, G. Parada,
T. Nakanishi, Y. Hasegawa, S.L. Stoll
to studying redox biology in
The official technical program for H. Goerls, S. Ott, U.S. Schubert 10:30 Intermission. living systems. C.J. Chang

the 254th ACS National Meeting 8:50 INOR 46. Indecisive metal: 10:45 INOR 61. Photochemistry of 2:20 INOR 73. Controlling non-radiative
Multivalent cobalt complexes featuring gold Nanoparticle sensitized ferri- decay in transition metal chromo-
is available at www.acs.org/ hemilabile [SNS] ligands. C.E. Hayes, tin protein. E.B. Cerkez, K. Dutton, M. phores using structure and spin. N.H.
WDC2017 B.W. Fitchett, A.J. de Aguirre, F. Maseras, Kukulka, A. Valentine, D.R. Strongin Damrauer, S.M. Fatur, S. Shepard
C. Bucher, W.D. Jones, R.T. Baker

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


2:45 INOR 74. How defects and pro- 3:10 INOR 87. Insight into the elec- 2:10 INOR 101. Aerobic catalytic oxidative 3:45 INOR 116. Implications of triplet
ton-intercalation in WO3 impact its tronic structure of transition metal ion functionalization of methane by Pt(II)/ state surface shapes in photophysics
activity for the photoelectrochemical complexes from resonant inelastic Cu(II) bimetallic system in trifluoroacetic and photochemistry. M. Abrahamsson
oxygen evolution reaction. B.M. Bartlett X-ray scattering. T. Kroll, R. Hadt, acid solutions. D. Adams, A.N. Vedernikov
4:10 INOR 117. Ultrafast and sustain-
S.A. Wilson, M. Baker, M. Lundberg, J.J.
3:10 Intermission. 2:30 INOR 102. Catalytic ester metath- able coherent wave-packet motions
Yan, T. Weng, D. Sokaras, R. Alonso-
esis with applications to the transfer in excited state Pt dimers. P. Kim, S.E.
3:30 INOR 75. Catalysts for cyclic Mori, D.M. Casa, M.H. Upton, B.G.
hydrogenation of esters, and the Brown-Xu, A. Chakraborty, M.S. Kelley, X. Li,
polymer synthesis. S. Nadif, S.A. Hedman, K.O. Hodgson, E.I. Solomon
serendipitous discovery of a cyclopro- G.C. Schatz, F.N. Castellano, L.X. Chen
Gonsales, T. Kubo, C.D. Roland, K.A.
3:35 Intermission. panation of aliphatic esters and alcohols
Abboud, B.S. Sumerlin, A.S. Veige 4:35 INOR 118. Solvent and excitation
with a homogeneous Ru(II) catalyst. E.
3:50 INOR 88. Thermal and optical wavelength-dependent dynamics
3:55 INOR 76. Radical control at Khaskin, T. Jankins, A. Dubey, R. Fayzullin
spin-state switching of surface-ad- in the excited-state evolution of
terminal metal oxos. J.D. Soper
sorbed iron complexes. F. Tuczek 2:50 INOR 103. Hydrophenylation of 3MLCT states: The role of charge
4:20 INOR 77. Metal-carbon bond ethylene using a cationic Ru(II) catalyst: distribution in solvent-solute cou-
4:15 INOR 89. Group 11 metal(I) polynu-
forming reactions for lumines- Change in selectivity based on an pling. M.C. Carey, J.K. McCusker
clear complexes with the substituted
cent materials. T.G. Gray auxiliary ligand. X. Jia, S. Gu, J.B. Gary,
pyrazolates: New strategy to make
4:45 INOR 78. Understanding and B.A. McKeown, T.R. Cundari, T.B. Gunnoe Section H
metal...metal interaction. K. Fujisawa
harnessing spin in photoredox 3:10 INOR 104. Ruthenium-PNP catalyzed
4:40 INOR 90. Development of Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
catalysis using first row transition cascade conversion of carbon dioxide
synthetic functional models of Congressional B
series complexes. M.P. Shores to methanol. D. Samblanet, M.S. Sanford
iron only hydrogenase. A. Dey
3:30 INOR 105. Formation of a ruthenium– Chemistry of Materials
Section C 5:05 INOR 91. Extension of the
hydride intermediate and its ability to
redox principle in nature to syn- Metal Organic Frameworks
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown catalyze radical reduction in aerobic,
thetic systems. K. Park
aqueous solution. A.G. Tennyson C. G. Lugmair, Organizer
Grand Ballroom South
Section E 3:50 INOR 106. Structure, reactiv- R. Comito, D. R. Manke, Presiding
Organometallics Distinguished ity, and mechanism in alkyl-alkyl
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown cross-coupling with iron-NHCs. V.E. 1:30 INOR 119. Halide-assisted synthesis
Author Symposium in honor
Grand Ballroom North Fleischauer, S.B. Muñoz, M.L. Neidig of metal-organic frameworks. D. Genna
of Alexander Miller
4:10 INOR 107. Investigation of Fe-based 1:50 INOR 120. Bimetallic and
P. J. Chirik, Organizer, Presiding
Inorganic Nanoscience Award 2+2 cycloaddition catalysts for the actinide-based metal-organic frame-
1:30 Introductory Remarks. conversion of alkenes and dienes works (MOFs). O.A. Ejegbavwo, E.A.
Financially supported by University of South
to fuels and lubricants. D. Morris, T. Dolgopolova, M.D. Smith, N.B. Shustova
1:35 INOR 79. Using catalysis, mecha- Carolina NanoCenter
nistic inquiry and collaboration to find Groshens, R. Quintana, B.G. Harvey 2:10 INOR 121. Transparent and monolithic
J. E. Goldberger, Organizer, Presiding
sustainable methods for the production 4:30 INOR 108. Kinetic study of glassy metal organic framework with
of chemicals and fuels. K.I. Goldberg 1:30 Introductory Remarks. iron-catalyzed transfer hydromag- accessible internal surface. Y. Zhao, S.
nesiation using operando infrared Lee, O.M. Yaghi, C. Angell, N. Becknell
2:10 INOR 80. Mechanism, rate, and 1:40 INOR 92. Tracking rare cells
selectivity consequences of sulfur ligands and biomolecules using nanostruc- spectroscopy. J.A. Rogers, B.V. Popp 2:30 INOR 122. Secondary building unit as
in cross-dehydrogenative coupling. B.P. tured materials. S.O. Kelley 4:50 INOR 109. Iridium hydride thermo- metalloligand: Structural and mechanistic
Carrow, L. Wang, B. Gorsline, P. Ren 2:10 INOR 93. Sensors using DNA chemistry as an indicator of catalytic insight into catalysis at metal-organic
charge transport. J.K. Barton performance in a bimetallic iridium/ framework nodes. R. Comito, D. Mircea, R.
2:45 Intermission.
ruthenium H2 evolution catalyst. K.R. Dubey, E. Metzger, Z. Wu, G. Zhang, J. Miller
3:00 INOR 81. Excited state behav- 2:40 INOR 94. Tailoring optoelctronic, Brereton, C.L. Pitman, A.J. Miller
magnetic, and topological phenomena 2:50 INOR 123. Incorporation of
ior of platinum(II) charge trans-
in group 14-containing honeycomb 5:10 INOR 110. Synthesis of an multifunctionalities into stable
fer dimers. F.N. Castellano
2D materials. J.E. Goldberger organometallic iridium complex con- metal-organic frameworks via
3:35 INOR 82. Cation-responsive taining a dianionic, tridentate, mixed one-pot synthesis. Y. Sun, H. Zhou
pincer-crown ether complexes for 3:10 INOR 95. Unlocking the mate- organic−inorganic ligand: A fast-act-
rials genome through combina- 3:10 INOR 124. Structural diversity and
tunable and switchable catalysis. A.J. ing and short-lived oxygen evolving
toric nanoscience. C.A. Mirkin reactivity of metal-organic frameworks
Miller, M.R. Kita, J.B. Smith, J. Grajeda, catalyst. A. Bloomfield, A. Matula, B.Q. assembled from diphosphine pincer
L. Gregor, A. Sullivan, A. Camp 3:40 Intermission. Mercado, V.S. Batista, R.H. Crabtree complexes. C.R. Wade, N. Mucha, A. Kassie
3:55 INOR 96. Single-particle sensors 3:30 Intermission.
Section D for nano-bio interactions. T.W. Odom Section G
3:45 INOR 125. Withdrawn.
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 4:25 INOR 97. Tuning protein Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
Renaissance West B display with nanoparticle surface 4:05 INOR 126. Covalent Metal-Organic
Congressional A
chemistry. C.J. Murphy Networks (CMONs) through protect-
ing group syntheses. D.R. Manke
Electronic Structure Contributions 4:55 INOR 98. Nanobiosensor arrays Triplet Excited State in
to Function: From Metals in for multiplexed measurements of Inorganic Chemistry 4:25 INOR 127. Bottom-up construc-
Biology to Materials Science the spatiotemporal dynamics of tion of a superstructure in a porous
F. N. Castellano, Organizer uranium–organic crystal. P. Li, N.
A. Dey, A. E. Palmer, Organizers neurotransmitters and microbiome
M. Abrahamsson, A. De Bettencourt Dias, Vermeulen, C. Malliakas, D. Gómez-Gualdrón,
signalomics. P.S. Weiss, A.M. Andrews
P. Chen, L. Quintanar, Organizers, Presiding Presiding A. Howarth, L. Mehdi, A. Dohnalkova, N.
Browning, M. O’Keeffe, O.K. Farha
1:30 INOR 83. Synthetic heme-O2- Section F 1:30 INOR 111. Altering photophysics in
copper assemblies and reductive O-O trans-substituted molybdenum dimers
cleavage chemistry. K.D. Karlin Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
using ligands featuring low energy triplet
Grand Ballroom Central states. R.R. Joyce, F.N. Castellano
1:55 INOR 84. Iron-catalyzed
cross-coupling: Intermediates 1:50 INOR 112. Triplet state in lantha-
and mechanism. M.L. Neidig Organometallic Chemistry
nide luminescence and singlet state
2:20 INOR 85. Modeling the active Catalysis-Late Transition Metals generation. A. De Bettencourt Dias
site and reactivity of flavodiiron nitric N. S. Radu, Organizer 2:15 INOR 113. Oppositely polar- The use of any device to capture
oxide reductases. N. Lehnert ized singlet and triplet states: A
L. Tahsini, A. G. Tennyson, Presiding
new strategy to control photo-trig-
images (e.g., cameras and camera
2:45 INOR 86. Computational electrochem-
istry of mononuclear non-heme iron com- 1:30 INOR 99. Synthesis, structural gered energy conversion reactions phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
properties and catalytic application of coordination compounds. M.J.
plexes: Redox properties and their con-
of pincer N-heterocyclic carbene Therien, N. Polizzi, T. Jiang, D.N. Beratan
digital recorders) or to stream,
tributions to reactivity. D. Bím, M. Srnec
complexes of copper(I) with small
2:40 INOR 114. Transition metals
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
wingtip substituents. L. Tahsini
in singlet fission. D. Guldi presentations is strictly prohibited
1:50 INOR 100. Catalytic asymmet-
ric P-C bond formation via chiral
3:05 Intermission. at all official ACS meetings and
Cu(I)-phosphido complexes. S.K. 3:20 INOR 115. Exchange-modulated events without express written
Gibbons, D.S. Glueck, A.L. Rheingold spin polarizing triplet states. M.L.
Kirk, B.W. Stein, C. Tichnell, D.A. Shultz
consent from ACS.

4:45 INOR 128. Metal organic frame- INOR 137. ω-Functionalized self-as- Section C Section D
works as templates for materi- sembled monolayers of phosphonates
als synthesis. M. Li, F. Claire, G. Walter E. Washington Convention Center Walter E. Washington Convention Center
as a pathway to tethered electroca-
Contreras, S. Tenney, T.J. Kempa talysis. S. Heisey, B.A. Andrews, P.R. Hall D Hall D
Sunder, A.A. Keefer, K.N. Crowder
5:05 INOR 129. Development of fabrication
methods to tailor surface morphology
Bioinorganic Chemistry Electronic Structure Contributions
INOR 138. Simple structural analog
to Function: From Metals in
of metal-organic framework thin films ([{Zr(µ-OH)(H2O)(a2-P2W17O61)}2]14-) to Proteins & Enzymes & Model Systems
and powders. A. Trojniak, L. Brower, B. zirconium hydroxide for CWA simulant
Biology to Materials Science
S. A. Koch, Organizer
Bowser, M.L. Ohnsorg, M.E. Anderson decomposition. S.L. Giles, J. Lundin, P. Chen, A. Dey, A. E. Palmer, L. Quintanar,
P. Pehrsson, R. Balow, J.H. Wynne 5:30 - 7:30 Organizers
Science Communications: The Art INOR 139. Engineering of RuMb: Towards INOR 151. Withdrawn. 5:30 - 7:30
of Developing a Clear Message a green catalyst for carbene insertion
INOR 152. Understanding proteome INOR 167. What can the relationship
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by reactions. M. Wolf, D. Vargas, N. Lehnert
dependent cellular zinc trafficking to between ligand donor strength and
INOR 140. Novel and highly efficient form native Zn-proteins. A. Mahim spin-state energetics reveal about the
ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC copper catalysts for atom transfer radical electronic structure of Fe(II) polypyridine
INOR 153. Bioinspired water-soluble
addition (ATRA) of monohalogenated complexes? D. Ashley, E. Jakubikova
Mn-porphyrin complex as catalase
What do Synthetic Chemists Want compounds. M. Novak, T. Pintauer
mimic for antioxidative activity. R. INOR 168. New diiron complex capable of
from Their Reaction Systems? INOR 141. Inverse frustrated Lewis pair Kubota, S. Asayama, H. Kawakami reducing NO to N2O mimics the reactivity
Sponsored by CINF, Cosponsored by (FLP) approach for catalytic metal-free of FNORs. H.T. Dong, C. White, N. Lehnert
INOR 154. Isolation of a synthetic
COMP, INOR, MEDI and ORGN hydrogenation of imines. S. Mummadi,
nitrogenase-relevant iron-molybde- INOR 169. Design of copper catalysts for
D. Kenefake, R. Diaz, C. Krempner
num/interstitial-carbide cluster. C. electrochemical production of NO on
INOR 142. Intermolecular approach to Joseph, S. Kuppuswamy, M.J. Rose demand. A. Batka, A. Hunt, N. Lehnert
SUNDAY EVENING bimetallic photocatalytic systems:
INOR 155. Structural characterization INOR 170. Mechanistic studies of
Synthesis, characterization, and
of heme proteins mineralized within iron-catalyzed C-H functionalization.
Section A reactivity. A. Forney, H.R. Lucas
the ZIF-8 metal organic frame- T.M. Baker, S.H. Carpenter, M.L. Neidig
INOR 143. Water oxidation electroca- work. D. Grassie, R.W. Larsen
Walter E. Washington Convention Center INOR 171. Iron catalyzed cross-coupling
talysis by transition metals supported
Hall D INOR 156. Characterization of KmtR with TMEDA. J. Sears, M.L. Neidig
onto zirconium phosphate nanopar-
from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. K.A.
ticles. M. Ramos-Garces, J. Sanchez, INOR 172. Graphitic surfaces for
Inorganic Catalysts Higgins, V. Surette, G. Swanson, A. Miller,
I. Narkeviciute, T.F. Jaramillo, J. Colón small molecule functionaliza-
K. Gonzalez, M. McGowan, S. Lewis
S. A. Koch, Organizer tion of semiconductors. M.M.
INOR 157. Mechanistic insights into MacInnes, N. Lehnert, S. Maldonado
5:30 - 7:30
Section B
heme-protein carbenoid chemis-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center INOR 173. Molecular property analysis of
INOR 130. NSF / CHE: Data-driven try using stopped flow spectros-
phosphoryl-containing compounds: A
discovery in chemistry (D3SC). L. He, S. Hall D copy. C.B. Monroe, J.T. Groves
theoretical approach. A. Balboa, M. Hurley
Atlas, R.J. Cave, D.A. Rockcliffe, A.K. Wilson INOR 158. Studies toward the devel-
Fundamental Aspects of Metal INOR 174. Electronic structure and bonding
INOR 131. National Science Foundation opment of a more accurate struc-
Organic Framework Catalysis in cobalt(II)-N-heterocyclic carbene
(NSF) / Division of Chemistry (CHE): tural model of the nitrile hydratase
complexes. T. Iannuzzi, M.L. Neidig
Important updates on proposal prepa- A. J. Morris, J. R. Morris, Organizers active site. W.I. Chow, R.R. Markham,
ration. S. Albin, C.A. Bessel, K.J. Covert, C. Moore, A.L. Rheingold, C.J. Daley INOR 175. Synthesis and spectroscopic
5:30 - 7:30 characterization of ferric heme-thiolate
M. Jenkins, K. Moeller, K. Moloy, T. Patten, J. INOR 159. Cyanide ligands as docking
Papanikolas, A. Schmoltner, S. Tam-Chang Kinetically guided one-pot complexes as models for cytochrome
INOR 144. agents in [FeFe]-hydrogenase bio-
synthesis of heterogeneous core-shell P450nor. A.P. Hunt, N. Lehnert
INOR 132. National Science Foundation mimetics. M. Quiroz, P. Ghosh, M.Y.
metal-organic frameworks. X. Yang, S. Darensbourg, N. Bhuvanesh, X. Meng INOR 176. Synthesis, characterization,
(NSF): New opportunities in the
Yuan, L. Zou, Y. Zhang, J. Qin, H. Zhou and reactivity studies of a flavo-
chemical sciences. S. Atlas, M. Bushey, INOR 160. Modeling of halogen
R.J. Cave, K. Cook, M. Funk, E. Goldfield, Development of novel catalyti- diiron nitric oxide reductase model
INOR 145. bonding interactions to PBDEs as
L. He, T. Li, C.A. Murillo, D.A. Rockcliffe cally active metal organic frameworks for complex. C. White, A. Speelman
a mechanism for thyroid disrup-
water splitting. B.J. Gibbons, A.J. Morris tion. E.S. Marsan, C.A. Bayse
INOR 133. Synthesis and reactivity of
chromium complexes for N2 reduction. Removal of Pb ions from water
Section E
INOR 146. INOR 161. Extended broken symmetry
A.J. Kendall, M.T. Mock, R. Bullock using thiophene-containig metal-or- approach to modeling structures and Walter E. Washington Convention Center
ganic frameworks. A. Geisse, D. Genna spectroscopic properties of oxidized Hall D
INOR 134. Mechanistic study of
hydrodeoxygenation reaction on lignin INOR 147. In situ studies of DMMP and reduced 2Fe-2S clusters from
beta-5 model compounds using earth interaction with Zr-based metal mitoNEET. R.A. Wheeler, A.M. Koval Triplet Excited State in
abundant metal catalyst. H. Luo organic frameworks. W.O. Gordon, INOR 162. Synthesis and reactivity of Inorganic Chemistry
A.M. Plonka, A. Balboa, Q. Wang, S.D. an anthracene-bridged dimer as a
INOR 135. Modified tris(2-pyridylmethyl) F. N. Castellano, Organizer
Senanayake, C.H. Sharp, D. Troya, W. model of mono-iron hydrogenase.
amine (TPMA) and tris[2-(dimethyl-
amino)ethyl]amine (Me6TREN) hybrid
Guo, A. Frenkel, C.L. Hill, J.R. Morris S.A. Kerns, A. Magtaan, M.J. Rose 5:30 - 7:30
ligands for use in copper-medi- INOR 148. Efficient and recyclable INOR 163. Molybdenum pyranopterin INOR 177. Photophysical studies of mol-
ated atom transfer radical addition functionalized nano-size zirconium dithiolene complexes: Synthesis and ecules with thermally activated delayed
(ATRA). A.J. Rupprecht, T. Pintauer based UiO-66 MOF catalysts for applications. N. Nguyen, H.H. Varnum, V.R. fluorescence for application in organic
successive C-C and C-N bond for- Berke, D. Gisewhite, S.J. Nieter Burgmayer light emitting diodes. T. Palmeira, E. Torres,
INOR 136. Discrete air-stable nick-
mation. P. Elumalai, S.T. Madrahimov M. Esteves, M. Brites, M.B. Berberan-Santos
el-palladium(II) complexes as INOR 164. Substitution reactions of iron(II)
catalysts for Suzuki-Miyaura reac- INOR 149. Small molecule activa- carbamoyl-thioether complexes related to INOR 178. Phasor representation and
tions. T. Zhao, P. Ghosh, Z. Martinez, tion with iron(II)-based metal-or- mono-iron hydrogenase. Z. Xie, M.J. Rose singlet-triplet interconversion diagram in
X. Liu, X. Meng, M.Y. Darensbourg ganic polyhedra. G.R. Lorzing, B.A. thermally activated delayed fluorescence.
INOR 165. Nitric oxide and hydro-
Trump, C.M. Brown, E.D. Bloch L. Martelo, T. Palmeira, M.B. Berberan-Santos
gen sulfide cross-talk mediated by
INOR 150. Chiral ruthenium aminophos- zinc. V. Hosseininasab, T.H. Warren INOR 179. Molecular photophysics of
phine (PN) and phosphine iminopyri- Ir(III) MLCT excited states bearing
INOR 166. Role of metal complexation
dine (PNN) complexes: Synthesis and hydrides. C. Taliaferro, F.N. Castellano
in the metastable conformation of
application to asymmetric hydrogenation
a-Synuclein. R.D. Fernandez, H.R. Lucas INOR 180. Pushing the limits of
Technical program information and transfer hydrogenation. L. Scarlet,
metal-metal interaction in dinu-
P.T. Maragh, T.P. Dasgupta, K. Abdur-Rashid
known at press time. clear Pt(II) complexes. J. Yarnell,
A. Chakraborty, F.N. Castellano
The official technical program for
the 254th ACS National Meeting
is available at www.acs.org/

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


Section F Section G INOR 213. Base-free hydrogenation INOR 230. Investigation the path way
of esters using pincer-ligated iridium of amines react with a tris(pyra-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Walter E. Washington Convention Center complexes and dihydrogen. Z. zolyl)borate rhodium complex. J.
Hall D Hall D Culakova, L.M. Guard, K.I. Goldberg Yuwen, W. Brennessel, W.D. Jones
INOR 214. Interrogating ligand electronic INOR 231. Air stable molybdenum(0)
Coordination Chemistry Center for Enabling New Technologies
effects and the influence of solvation catalysts for selective alkene isomeriza-
through Catalysis: Transforming
Characterization & Applications on thermodynamic hydricity (relevant to tion. J. Becica, O.D. Glaze, G. Dobereiner
Catalysis through Collaboration aqueous organometallic catalysis). K.R.
S. A. Koch, A. Larsen, Organizers INOR 232. Macrocyclic bidentate
A. Goldman, N. E. Gruhn, E. Ison, S. W. Krska, Brereton, C.N. Jadrich, C.L. Pitman, A.J. Miller
N-heterocyclic carbene ligands
5:30 - 7:30 L. T. Thompson, Organizers INOR 215. Oxidative electrochemistry for group 10 metals for cataly-
INOR 181. Surface synthesis of 5:30 - 7:30 of pincer complexes. A.G. Walden, sis. R. Thapa, S.M. Kilyanek
molecular assemblies: Application N. Lease, A.S. Goldman, A.J. Miller
INOR 197. Aerobic oxidation of INOR 233. Towards catalytic ammonia
in energy conversion. U. INOR 216. Efforts toward the syn- oxidation with Mo and Ru- ammonia
hydrocarbons catalyzed by [Ir]
Mathiyazhagan, J.W. Jurss, T.J. Meyer
III complexes. S.B. Rubashkin, Z.H. thesis of γ’-Fe4N. T.E. Stevens, C.J. complexes. P. Bhattacharya, E.S.
INOR 182. Luminescent zirconium(IV) Syed, A. Wright, K.I. Goldberg Pearce, S. Atcitty, T.C. Monson Wiedner, Z.M. Heiden, S.I. Johnson,
complexes as a molecular photosen- S. Raugei, R. Bullock, M.T. Mock
INOR 198. Ethylene oligomeriza- INOR 217. Mechanistic insights
sitizers for visible light photoredox into the electrochemical scission
tion-dehydrogenation co-cata-
catalysis. Y. Zhang, C. Milsmann of dinitrogen by a pincer rhenium Section I
lyzed by (phebox)Ir(OAc)(H) and
INOR 183. Molecular characterization and Na+ cation. Y. Gao, A. Goldman complex. B.M. Lindley, A.J. Miller Walter E. Washington Convention Center
thermal studies of cationic lanthanide INOR 218. Oxidative chemistry of a
INOR 199. Pincer IrIII complexes Hall D
complexes. P.K. Yuen, C. Lau, N. Ho, pincer-supported Re(V)-nitride derived
for aerobic alkane functionaliza-
H. Chan, C. Law, F. Shek, A.K. Yuen
tion. K. Smoll, K.I. Goldberg from dinitrogen. G.P. Connor, N. Lease, Organometallic Chemistry
INOR 184. Rapid, machine-assisted A. Goldman, P.L. Holland, J.M. Mayer
INOR 200. Synthesis and reactivity Applications to Organic
syntheses of substituted iridi- INOR 219. Molybdenum pincer complexes
of Iridium(III) PCP-pincer acetate Transformations
um(III)-pyrazolate complexes with for nitrogen reduction to ammonia.
complexes. A. Shada, A.S. Goldman
tunable luminescence. L.M. Groves A. Casuras, N. Lease, A.S. Goldman N. S. Radu, Organizer
INOR 201. Alkane oxidation uti-
INOR 185. Synthesis and characterisation INOR 220. Leveraging science 5:30 - 7:30
lizing a novel iridium υ-oxo
of b-diketonate and b-ketoiminate metal center partnerships to educate
complex. C.M. Perry, E.A. Ison INOR 234. Cu(I) Complexes of pincer
compounds: Potential applications in ring the public about catalysis. E.
opening metathasis polymerisation of INOR 202. Investigation of the non-ther- pyridine-based N-heterocycliccarbenes
Perara, N.E. Gruhn, K.I. Goldberg
lactide. R.M. Lord, F. Janeway, P. McGowan modynamic factors governing met- with a small wingtips substituents:
al-ligand bond dissociation rates. B. Synthesis, characterization and
INOR 186. Molecular dyads and triads Section H application in Sonogashira coupling
Gordon, S. Malakar, T. Zhou, S. Biswas,
comprising phenothiazine or exTTF reactions. D. Domyati, L. Tahsini
K. Krogh Jespersen, A.S. Goldman Walter E. Washington Convention Center
donors, Ru(II) bisterpyridine complexes
and polyoxometalates. A. Winter, K. INOR 203. Immobilized pincer-ligated Hall D INOR 235. Kinetics of the decarboxylation
Barthelmes, M. Sittig, U.S. Schubert iridium catalysts characterized of well-defined copper(II) benzoate
via in situ UV-visible and Fourier Organometallic Chemistry complexes. G. Thomas, J.M. Hoover
INOR 187. Design and synthesis of cationic
transform infrared spectroscopy. INOR 236. Copper-catalyzed arylation,
metal-organic polyhedra for gas storage Catalysis
A.M. Pennington, B. Sheludko, M.T. vinylation and alkynylation of sp2 and sp3
applications. G.E. Decker, E.D. Bloch
Cunningham, A.S. Goldman, F.E. Celik N. S. Radu, Organizer C–H bonds with iodonium salts. C. Liu
INOR 188. Interaction of five coor-
INOR 204. Side chain design in brush 5:30 - 7:30 INOR 237. Kinetic studies of the
dinated copper complexes with
block copolymer photonic crystals. A.L. decarboxylation of silver benzoate
cysteine: Theoretical and experi- INOR 221. Fast electrocatalytic
Liberman-Martin, C. Chu, R.H. Grubbs complexes. R.A. Crovak, J.M. Hoover
mental studies. C.A. Huerta-Aguilar, production of hydrogen by thiophen-
T. Pandiyan, J. Gracia Mora INOR 205. Glycerol deoxygenation edithiolate bridged butterfly [2Fe-2S] INOR 238. Mechanistic investigation of
catalyzed by (POCOP)Ir(CO) complexes. clusters. M.O. Talbot, L.M. Stratton, D.H. copper-catalyzed boracarboxylation of
INOR 189. Withdrawn.
B. Bark, K.I. Goldberg, D.M. Heinekey Evans, R.S. Glass, D.L. Lichtenberger alkenes. N.N. Baughman, B.V. Popp
INOR 190. Hyperpolarized molecular
INOR 206. Heterogeneous catalysts INOR 222. Unraveling the role of ligand INOR 239. Construction of benzofluo-
tags as a novel strategy for developing
for the aldehyde water shift reac- variation on the effectiveness of group 7 renones via 5-exo-dig carbocupration of
imaging probes. J. Bae, Z. Zhou, K. Shen,
tion: Comparative investigation of in the electrocatalytic reduction of CO2. Y. phenylene ethynylenes: Tandem copper(I)
J. Colell, T. Theis, W.S. Warren, Q. Wang
molybdenum carbide, cerium oxide, Hameed, G. Rao, B. Gabidullin, D.S. Richeson mediated cycloaromatizations. T.S.
INOR 191. Effect of geometry and sterics and aluminum oxide supported Cu, Hughes, K. Gillespie, M. Lieu, J. Cobb, K. Allen
of bipyridine ligands on catalytic Pt and Au. W. Wen, L.T. Thompson INOR 223. Synthesis and reactions of
performance. C.L. Boelke, S. Lense polymer-bound Styker’s reagent. S.A. INOR 240. Highly enantioselective
INOR 207. Late transition metal Oreilly, B. Masingo, O. Arogbokun epoxidation of olefins with H2O2
INOR 192. NIR absorbance of Ru(II) catalysts for hydrogenolysis reac- catalyzed by bioinspired N4 man-
and Ir(III) photosensitizers con- tions. L.M. Guard, J.M. Goldberg, T. INOR 224. Ni(II) catalyzed hydrophos-
phonylation of alkynes with a P(III) ganese complexes. W. Sun
taining a merocyanine π-accep- Lekich, K.I. Goldberg, D.M. Heinekey
tor. P. Catsoulis, J.J. Rochford source. R. Islas-Vigueras, J.J. Garcia INOR 241. Alkyne diboration cat-
INOR 208. Insights of iridium pincer alyzed by iridium/CO/tBuNC
INOR 193. Chiral mer-coordinating coordination chemistry enabled by a INOR 225. Silylated cobalt cat-
alysts for alkene functionaliza- system. Q. Lai, O. Ozerov
bis(4,5-dihydrooxazol-2-ylimino)isoin- new synthetic method for dimethyl
doline-based pincer ligands: Attempted heteroleptic phosphines. T. Lekich, tion. J.E. Pallone, D. Genna
synthesis optimization, characteriza- P. Askleson, R. Burdick, L.M. Guard, INOR 226. Mechanistic studies of the
tion, and preliminary enantioselective J.M. Goldberg, D.M. Heinekey iridium-catalyzed ortho C-H borylation
catalysis studies. L.M. Baldauf, C. of benzylic amines. C.M. Oliver, A.
INOR 209. Reductive elimination of
Moore, A.L. Rheingold, C.J. Daley Samoshin, K.A. McGarry, H. Guan, T.B. Clark
alkylamines from phosphine-ligated
INOR 194. Synthesis, characteri- alkylpalladium(II) amido complexes. D.M. INOR 227. Phosphine-directed C-H
zation, and reactivity of platinum Peacock, Q. Jiang, J.F. Hartwig, T.R. Cundari borylation reactions: New catalyst
indazole complexes with potential development and synthetic utility.
anti-cancer activity. K.W. Barwick, A.J.
INOR 210. Mechanistic investigation of
S.E. Wright, S. Richardson-Solorzano,
The use of any device to capture
palladium-catalyzed C(sp3)-N bond
Bachman, K.A. Wheeler, R.E. Bachman
formation with DFT methods. D. Peacock, E.E. Albitz, C. Miller, T.B. Clark images (e.g., cameras and camera
INOR 195. Light-driven H2 production Q. Jiang, T.R. Cundari, J.F. Hartwig INOR 228. Investigating rhodium phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
by attaching Ni/Pt diimine dithiolate catalyzed C-H borylation: Evaluating
dyads and catalysts on TiO2. G. Li, M.
INOR 211. Combining Rh-catalyzed diazo-
selectivity through catalyst
digital recorders) or to stream,
coupling and enzymatic reduction to effi-
Mark, D.W. McCamant, R. Eisenberg
ciently synthesize enantioenriched 2-sub- design. M. Mantell, M.S. Sanford upload or rebroadcast speakers or
INOR 196. Electronic structure and stituted succinate derivatives. Y. Wang, INOR 229. Transfer hydrogenation of presentations is strictly prohibited
multi-catalytic features of redox-ac- M.J. Bartlett, C. Denard, H. Zhao, J.F. Hartwig ketones catalyzed by novel arene
tive Bian (bis-(arylimino)acenaph- ruthenium iminophosphonamides. at all official ACS meetings and
INOR 212. Homogenous catalytic
thene) derived ruthenium complexes.
reduction of CO2 to MeOH at moderate I.S. Sinopalnikova, T.A. Peganova, events without express written
A. Singha Hazari, G.K. Lahiri A.M. Kalsin, E. Deydier, R. Poli
temperatures. W. Chu, K.I. Goldberg consent from ACS.

Section J INOR 255. Functionalization of INOR 270. Volatile organic compounds INOR 287. Photo-activated phos-
zeolitic imidazolate frameworks for (VOCs) degradation and antimicrobial phorescence of gold(I) arylethynyl
Walter E. Washington Convention Center enhanced carbon dioxide selectiv- activities for metal doped or coupled TiO2 complexes in aerated DMSO solu-
Hall D ity. N. Khazeni, A. Bandegi, M. Garcia, nanoparticles coated on the stainless tions and gels. S. Wan, W. Lu
J. Rastegary, A. Ghassemi, R. Foudazi steel substrate under UV and visible
INOR 288. Assessing the scope and
Chemistry of Materials light irradiation. S. Kim, M. Suh, C. Lee
INOR 256. Energy transfer studies limitations of a new 13C NMR approach
C. G. Lugmair, Organizer on mixed-ligand PCN-223 INOR 271. Effects of solid state and sol-gel for probing charge delocalization
metal organic frameworks. S. synthesis methods on the materials in electron-rich organometallics
5:30 - 7:30
Shaikh, A.J. Morris, N. Mayhall and electrochemical properties of featuring the isocyanide junction unit.
INOR 242. Ruthenium(II)-polypyridyl doped La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0.2O3-δ solid oxide fuel cell Z.A. Wood, M.D. Hart, M.V. Barybin
INOR 257. Withdrawn.
zirconium(IV) metal-organic frameworks electrolytes. B.C. Eigenbrodt, T. Marshall
INOR 289. Spectroscopic and compu-
as solid-state electrochemilumines- INOR 258. Tunable electronic proper-
INOR 272. Carbonate eutectic promoted tational investigations of the ground-
cence detectors. M. Cai, A.J. Morris ties in a 2D metal-organic framework
dolomite for CO2 removal. X.S. Li, C.S. and excited-state properties of Cr(III)
platform. J. Park, D. Feng, Z. Bao
INOR 243. Layered siloxene sheets Sampara, K.G. Rappe, F. Zheng, W. Liu bis(4′-arylterpyridyl) complexes. B.M.
and their composites for photo- INOR 259. Study of stacking Lovaasen, P.K. Walhout, B.D. Verble
INOR 273. Immobilization of chro-
catalytic applications. H. Kang, faults in honeycomb lattice com-
mophores and catalysts to titanium INOR 290. Decreased polyatomic
K. Lee, S. Kye, S. Lee, N.H. Hur pounds. L. Yin, J. Liu, P. Khalifah
dioxide via robust attachments. N.A. interference in the analysis of arsenic
INOR 244. Structural resolutions of Race, M.E. Screen, W.R. McNamara with ICP-MS after injecting meth-
magic-size (CdSe)13 twin clus- Section K anol to sample. J. An, K. Nam
INOR 274. Withdrawn.
ters. T. Hsieh, C. Hsieh, T. Yang, S. Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Huang, Y. Yeh, C. Chen, E.Y. Li, Y. Liu INOR 275. Low temperature facile syn-
Hall D
thesis of a-Fe2O3 dispersed on Flavin
INOR 245. Development of plas-
mononucleotide-stabilized graphene
monically enhanced TiO2 sub- Organometallic Chemistry nanosheet via microwave-assisted hydro-
strates directed for ethanol oxida-
thermal method. M.E. Cabello, E. Enriquez Section A
tion reactions. J. Boltersdorf, J.P. Synthesis & Characterization-
Late Transition Metals INOR 276. Passivation of nanoscale Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
McClure, D.R. Baker, C. Lundgren
zero-valent iron (nZVI) by Cr(VI): Renaissance East
INOR 246. Radiation detection and N. S. Radu, Organizer
The influence of Cr(VI) concen-
dosimetry using Y2O3:Eu/Li nanoscin- 5:30 - 7:30 tration and environmental condi- Fundamental Aspects of Metal
tillators. B.W. Langloss, I.N. Stanton, M.
INOR 260. C-C bond activation by tions. X. Huang, L. Ling, W. Zhang Organic Framework Catalysis
Belley, J. Dooley, S.X. Chang, O. Craciunescu,
J.P. Chino, T.T. Yoshizumi, M.J. Therien rhenium complexes. K. Lee INOR 277. Solution-phase synthesis and A. J. Morris, J. R. Morris, Organizers
INOR 261. Toward copper-catalyzed thermoelectric characterization of tetra-
INOR 247. Reproducible synthe- D. Powers, Presiding
asymmetric P-C bond formation using hedrite. A. Ochs, G. Kunkel, D. Weller, D.
sis of free-standing porous silicon
chiral NHCs. L. Mendelsohn, S.K. Gibbons, Stevens, C. Holder, D. Morelli, M.E. Anderson 8:30 INOR 291. Controlled
membranes for energy storage
G. Wang, A.L. Rheingold, D.S. Glueck INOR 278. Withdrawn. encapsulation of catalysts into
applications. M.L. Anger
nanoporous materials. C. Tsung
INOR 248. Establishment of heter- INOR 262. Carbon atom transfer to an INOR 279. Homogeneous and het-
iron(IV) nitride from a cyclopropenylidene erogeneous metal selenolate cat- 9:00 INOR 292. Computational study
ogenous multi-step synergy bio-
carbene. J.L. Martinez, H. Lin, W. Lee, alysts for the hydrogen evolution of A MOF-supported single site Ni
catalytic platform by biomimetic
M. Pink, C. Chen, X. Gao, J.M. Smith reaction. C. Downes, S. Marinescu catalyst for ethylene dimerization. J.
and imobilization of enzymes. S.
Ye, A. League, D.G. Truhlar, C.J. Cramer,
Zhang, H. An, Z. Zhang, Y. Chen INOR 263. Cyclometalated platinum (VI) INOR 280. Polydopamine-coated L. Gagliardi, V. Bernales, O.K. Farha, J.T.
INOR 249. Design and synthesis of complexes with thiophene-based ligands: nanocomposites of transition metal Hupp, Z. Li, A. Platero Prats, K.W. Chapman,
new types of porous imide organic Synthesis and reactivity. C.M. Anderson, complexes supported on graphene D.M. Camaioni, J. Fulton, J.A. Lercher
cages. Z. Wang, Z. Zhang D. Yu, F. Mastrocinque, M.F. Pizzuto for oxygen reduction. H.A. Wayland, S.
Boury, B.P. Chhetri, C. Parnell, A. Ghosh 9:30 Intermission.
INOR 250. Small molecule activation INOR 264. Regioselective prepara-
tion of a flexible phosphane–borane INOR 281. Determination of polycyclic 9:45 INOR 293. Single-site heteroge-
utilizing carboxylate based metal-organic
by hydroboration with simple aromatic hydrocarbons in Durban neous catalysts for olefin upgrad-
polyhedra. C.A. Rowland, E.D. Bloch
rhodium catalysts. B.R. Nichols, N. city road dusts. A.D. Abdulkadir ing enabled by cation exchange in
INOR 251. Synthesis, characteriza- Akhmedov, J.L. Petersen, B.V. Popp metal-organic frameworks. R. Comito,
tion, and photophysical properties of INOR 282. High-performance electro- M. Dinca, E.D. Metzger, R. Dubey
Bi(III)-thiophenecarboxylate materials. magnetic wave absorbing composites
Section L prepared by one-step transfor- 10:15 INOR 294. Inorganometallic
A.K. Adcock, J.A. Bertke, K.E. Knope
mation of Fe3+ mediated egg-box catalyst design: Alkane metathesis
INOR 252. Selective gas adsorption Walter E. Washington Convention Center catalysis in NU-1000 MOFs function-
structure of seaweed. Q. An
in an isostructural series of pillared Hall D alized with transition metals. B. Yang,
metal-organic polyhedra. E. Gosselin K. Sharkas, L. Gagliardi, D.G. Truhlar
Environmental & Energy- Section L
INOR 253. Pulse laser deposition of oxyni- 10:45 INOR 295. Hydroxylation
tride thin films for photoelectrochemical Related Inorganic Chemistry Walter E. Washington Convention Center stereochemistry as a probe of
measurements. N.B. King, W. Wong-Ng S. A. Koch, Organizer Hall D In-MOF versus On-MOF cataly-
INOR 254. Microwave-assisted routes sis. D. Powers, A. Cardenal, H. Park
5:30 - 7:30
for bismuth nanostructures. P. Corio, Inorganic Spectroscopy
J.d. de Souza, F. Hirata, M. Chapina INOR 265. Design and practice of Section B
S. A. Koch, V. C. Popescu, Organizers
a long-term bactericidal system.
N. Zhan, Q. Chang, K. Yeung 5:30 - 7:30 Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
Renaissance West A
INOR 266. Design air purification filters INOR 283. To be or not to be: d -d 10 10

with formulated antimicrobial agents. bonding in heterometallic complexes.

J. Lee, N. Zhan, J. Kwan, K. Yeung K. Melancon, B.M. Otten, M.A. Omary
Personal & Global Energy
Conversion in Chemistry & Biology
INOR 267. Charge transfer-induced INOR 284. Influences of trifluoromethyl
spin crossover manganeseII/III redox ligands on transition metal electronic C. J. Chang, M. Kanan, Organizers, Presiding
mediators for next generation quantum structure and their implications for 8:30 INOR 296. Redox distribution
dot solar cells. M. Kessinger, A.J. Morris metal-mediated trifluoromethylation. in multi-electron substrate acti-
J. Lukens, I. DiMucci, K.M. Lancaster vation processes. T. Betley
INOR 268. Synthesis and photocata-
lytic activity of nitrogen-doped TiO2 INOR 285. Reactions of Cu2+ with the 8:55 INOR 297. Charge carriers modulate
Technical program information microspheres wrapped with silica. S. aromatic amino acid Phenyl alanine the bonding of semiconductor dopants:
Kye, H. Jung, H. Kang, K. Lee, N.H. Hur in aqueous solutions. Y.Z. Hamada
known at press time. A time-resolved x-ray study. P.T. Snee,
INOR 269. Distribution and elevated INOR 286. IR, potentiometry and A. Hassan, X. Zhang, R.D. Schaller
The official technical program for solubility of lead, arsenic and cesium UV-Vis measurements of glycine 9:20 INOR 298. Development of BN
the 254th ACS National Meeting in contaminated paddy soil enhanced with Cu . Y.Z. Hamada
cyloalkanes: From H2 storage mate-
with the electro-kinetic field. X. Mao
is available at www.acs.org/ rials to molecular precursors for 2D
BCN graphene. G. Chen, Z. Giustra,
WDC2017 J. Ishibashi, W. Luo, A. Enders, S. Liu

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


9:45 INOR 299. Utilizing synthetic 10:10 Intermission. 9:40 INOR 327. Light-alkane 8:30 INOR 341. Self-assembly of molecular
control in molecular complexes functionalization and polyeth- thiolate-bridged group 12 metal ion
10:25 INOR 315. High-valent states
to understand the chemistry of ylene degradation. Z. Huang complexes. W. Lai, A.A. Tran, C. Rojas
in molecular and heterogeneous
solar fuels catalysis. J.Y. Yang Ramirez, K. Ritz, J.C. Poutsma, R.D. Pike,
oxygen-evolving catalysts and their 10:00 INOR 328. Polyolefin catalysts for
R. Butcher, C.A. Bayse, D.C. Bebout
10:10 Intermission. role in O–O bond formation. R.G. the production of ethylene based fluids.
Hadt, C. Brodsky, T. Kroll, D. Hayes, N. Li, B. Bailey, J. Klosin, D. Arriola, T. Paine 8:50 INOR 342. Design and synthesis
10:30 INOR 300. Controlling the outcome
D.K. Bediako, L.X. Chen, D.G. Nocera of molecular qubit host complexes
of CO2 reduction at bismuth-film 10:20 Intermission.
for applications in quantum infor-
cathodes in the presence of room 10:50 INOR 316. Double exchange in
10:30 INOR 329. Oxyfunctionalization mation processing. M. Fataftah, S.C.
temperature ionic liquids. J. Rosenthal linear face-sharing pentamers. T. Glaser
with Cp*Ir(III) complexes. E.A. Ison Coste, J. Zadrozny, D.E. Freedman
10:55 INOR 301. Turning lead into gold: 11:15 INOR 317. Design and implementa-
11:00 INOR 330. Immobilized pin- 9:10 INOR 343. Solution behavior and res-
Materials and nanostructures in electro- tion of a high resolution spectrometer and
cer-ligated iridium complexes in onance Raman spectroscopic investiga-
chemical energy conversion. J. Bachmann associated computational methodology
continuous heterogeneous alkane tion of modified salen-type subterranean
for measurement of vibrational probes
11:20 INOR 302. Photocurrent transfer dehydrogenation. F.E. Celik, fluid flow tracers. O. Staples, J.C. Sanchez,
in proteins. M.T. Kieber-Emmons
generation in printable photovol- B. Sheludko, A.M. Pennington, M.T. T.E. Tesema, J.M. Sears, T.G. Habteyes, T.M.
taic materials: Insights from ultra- 11:40 INOR 318. Chemical and Cunningham, M.E. Gliege, A.S. Goldman Roper, J.A. Greathouse, T.J. Boyle, R.A. Kemp
fast spectroscopy. J. Hodgkiss biological applications of synchro-
11:30 INOR 331. Dehydrogenation of 9:30 INOR 344. Installation and
tron and free electron laser X-rays.
11:45 INOR 303. Carbonate-catalyzed alkanes using pincer complexes in a con- reduction of nitrate using a redox-ac-
K.O. Hodgson, B.G. Hedman
CO2 utilization. M. Kanan tinuous process. D. Guironnet, J. Schultz tive pincer ligand. D.M. Beagan,
11:50 INOR 332. Understanding the roles N.A. Maciulis, M. Pink, K.G. Caulton
Section C Section E
of metallic additives in organotrans- 9:50 INOR 345. Joint computational and
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown ition metal catalysis. G. Dobereiner, synthetic exploration into the reduction
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
Grand Ballroom North K. Weerasiri, J. Becica, D. Wozniak of nitrate using a novel pyrazole/pyridyl/
Grand Ballroom South
12:10 Concluding Remarks. phosphine pincer ligand. A. Cabelof,
Many Colors of Copper A.V. Polezhaev, M. Pink, K.G. Caulton
Inorganic Chemistry Lectureship
Good Cop, Bad Cop Section G 10:10 Intermission.
W. B. Tolman, Organizer, Presiding
Cosponsored by BIOL Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 10:20 INOR 346. Molecular photo-
8:30 Introductory Remarks. sensitizers based on earth abundant
I. Garcia-Bosch, K. D. Karlin, T. H. Warren, Congressional A
8:35 INOR 304. On the trail of amino- early transition metals. C. Milsmann
phosphinidenes. C.C. Cummins, M. 10:40 INOR 347. Redox-active for-
Triplet Excited State in
Geeson, M. Nava, W. Transue, A. Velian K. J. Franz, Organizer, Presiding mazanate ligands on iron: Going beyond
Inorganic Chemistry
9:00 INOR 305. DNA-mediated 8:55 Introductory Remarks. electron reservoirs. D. Broere, B.Q.
F. N. Castellano, Organizer Mercado, K.M. Lancaster, E. Bill, P.L. Holland
signaling among proteins with
9:00 INOR 319. Multiple interconnected K. Hanson, Y. Ma, Presiding
[4Fe4S] clusters. J.K. Barton 11:00 INOR 348. Cracking down on
pathological factors (copper, amy-
9:25 INOR 306. Metal-ligand multi- loid-β, and reactive oxygen species) 8:30 INOR 333. Supramolecular vapochromic materials: Vapor-induced
ple bonds as viable intermediates in Alzheimer’s disease. M. Lim strategies enabling directional stress in gas sensing platinum salts.
for group transfer catalysis in C-H energy flow from quantum dots. S. A.E. Norton, S. Taylor, M. Abdolmaleki,
9:30 INOR 320. Copper vs. beta- R. Hart, J.A. Krause, W.B. Connick
bond functionalization. T. Betley Garakyaraghi, C. Mongin, F.N. Castellano
sheets: From diabetes to cata-
9:50 Intermission. racts disease. L. Quintanar 8:50 INOR 334. Solid-state infra- 11:20 INOR 349. Magnetic anisotropy
red-to-visible upconversion sensitized from main group elements: Halide
10:05 INOR 307. Constructing mul- 10:00 INOR 321. Transition metal versus group 14 elements. S. Coste,
by colloidal nanocrystals. M. Baldo
tiple bonds between unlikely metal signaling: Bioinorganic chemistry D.E. Freedman, B. Vlaisavljevich
pairs: Niobium-iron triple bonds, beyond active sites. C.J. Chang 9:15 INOR 335. Iridium complex for
and other awkward relation- tandem 3PA-TTA photo upconversion
10:30 Intermission. Building a Safety Culture across
ships. C.M. Thomas, G. Culcu with large anti-Stokes shift. Y. Ma
the Chemistry Enterprise
10:45 INOR 322. New family of
10:30 INOR 308. Cooperative met- 9:40 INOR 336. Thermally activated
al-metal interactions for challenging
copper superoxide dismutases for Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts
delayed photoluminescence from
chemical transformations. T.D. Tilley
fungal pathogens. V. Culotta
pyrenyl decorated CdSe quantum
to Developing a Safety Culture
11:15 INOR 323. Mining for new antimicro- dots. C. Mongin, P. Moroz, N. Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
10:55 INOR 309. Catalysts for solar-
bials with copper as the tool. A.G. Dalecki, Razgoniaeva, M. Zamkov, F.N. Castellano BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS,
driven water splitting. H.B. Gray CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC,
C.L. Crawford, J.C. Lingo, F. Wolschendorf
10:05 Intermission. INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
11:20 INOR 310. Synthetic iron
11:45 INOR 324. Designing molecules
nitrogenases. J.C. Peters 10:20 INOR 337. Triplet states in organo-
to mine for cellular copper. K.J. Franz
metallic conjugated materials. K.S.
Materials Science in Nuclear
Schanze, S. Goswami, E. Holt, J. Wang
Waste Disposal
Section D
Section F Sponsored by NUCL, Cosponsored by INOR
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 10:45 INOR 338. Tuning photochemistry
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown and photophysics in metallo-supra-
Renaissance West B
Grand Ballroom Central molecular materials. A. Ostrowski

Electronic Structure Contributions 11:10 INOR 339. Electrophosphorescence

Center for Enabling New Technologies and photophysics of heavy and not
to Function: From Metals in
through Catalysis: Transforming so heavy metal complexes. M.E.
Biology to Materials Science
Catalysis through Collaboration Thompson, R. Hamze, S. Shi
P. Chen, A. E. Palmer, L. Quintanar, Organizers
N. E. Gruhn, E. Ison, L. T. Thompson, 11:35 INOR 340. Harnessing low energy
A. Dey, Organizer, Presiding Organizers triplet states via molecular photon upcon-
8:30 INOR 311. Exploring halogen A. Goldman, S. W. Krska, Organizers, Presiding version at organic-inorganic interfaces.
bonding from fundamental principles to S.P. Hill, T. Dilbeck, Y. Zhou, K. Hanson
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
real-world applications. P. Kennepohl
8:40 INOR 325. CENTC approach to Section H The use of any device to capture
8:55 INOR 312. Thermally and photother-
mally activated diradical architectures:
electrophilic alkane oxidation. K.I.
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown images (e.g., cameras and camera
Goldberg, K. Allen, Y. Gao, B. Gary, D.
From small molecule bioreagents to new
Pahls, S.B. Rubashkin, Z.H. Syed, T. Warner, Congressional B phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
material morphologies for dissolu-
tion of biopolymers. J.M. Zaleski
J.Z. Williams, A.M. Wright, H. Yuan, T.R.
Coordination Chemistry
digital recorders) or to stream,
Cundari, A.S. Goldman, W.D. Jones
9:20 INOR 313. Characterization
Characterization & Applications
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
9:10 INOR 326. Catalytic alkane
and control of high activity oxygen presentations is strictly prohibited
conversions based on dehydroge-
evolution reaction and carbon dioxide S. A. Koch, A. Larsen, Organizers
reduction catalysts. A.A. Gewirth
nation by pincer complexes. A.S.
D. C. Bebout, C. Milsmann, Presiding
at all official ACS meetings and
Goldman, M. Brookhart, K. Krogh
9:45 INOR 314. Reaction and photocurrent Jespersen, R.R. Schrock, S.L. Scott events without express written
imaging of single semiconductor particles
for solar water oxidation. P. Chen
consent from ACS.

MONDAY AFTERNOON 4:20 INOR 361. Clean nanocrystals for 2:50 INOR 375. Withdrawn. 2:25 INOR 388. Bridging the gap
clean energy & advanced technologies. between homogeneous and het-
3:10 Intermission.
Section A A.B. Greytak, A. Roberge, M.Y. Gee erogeneous catalysis at Argonne
3:20 INOR 376. Networking nanoswitches National Laboratory. E. Bunel
4:45 INOR 362. Molecular models of
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown for communication and catalysis
inner-sphere interfacial electron transfer. 2:45 INOR 389. Hydrogen transfer
Renaissance East using coordination chemistry. M.J.
Y. Surendranath, M. Jackson, S. Oh, A. reactions of metal-oxide and metal-ni-
Schmittel, N. Mittal, S. Gaikwad, A.
Murray, C. Kaminsky, S. Chu, T. Marshall-Roth tride materials. J.M. Mayer, S.M. Laga,
Goswami, I. Paul, S. Pramanik, S. De
Fundamental Aspects of Metal D. Damatov, J. Castillo-Lora, R. Mitsuhashi,
Organic Framework Catalysis 3:40 INOR 377. Complexes based on C. Valdez, B.A. McKeown, E.A. Mader,
Section C
fluorescent 1,8-naphthalimide derivatives J. Peng, L.T. Thompson, B. Wvyratt, J.R.
MOFs for Artificial Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown and applications in bioimaging. S. Pope Gaudet, T. Cundari, D. Pardue, A. Marton,
Photosynthetic Catalysis
Grand Ballroom South 4:00 INOR 378. Novel, luminescent, W.D. Jones, M. Wilklow-Marnell, A.J. Miller,
A. J. Morris, J. R. Morris, Organizers A.G. Walden, A. Goldman, N. Lease
cyclometalated Pt(II) complexes: From
S. Ott, Presiding Inorganic Young Investigator Awards fundamental studies to heterometallic 3:15 Intermission.
J. D. Protasiewicz, Organizer, Presiding
bimodal imaging agents. S. Pope
1:30 INOR 350. Functionalized metal 3:25 INOR 390. Thermodynamic
organic frameworks for CO2 reduc- 4:20 INOR 379. Novel, luminescent hydricity as a tool for interpreting
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
tion. K. Johnson, L. Li, J. Ye 1,8-naphthalimide-NHC ligands and and predicting catalyst performance.
1:35 INOR 363. Role of heme redox their Au(I) complexes for imaging A.J. Miller, K.R. Brereton, C.L. Pitman,
2:00 INOR 351. Mechanistic study
potential in controlling enzy- and therapeutics. L.M. Groves C.N. Jadrich, H. Fallah, T.R. Cundari
on CO2 hydrogenation and matic activities. A. Bhagi, Y. Lu
photocatalytic reduction using metal- 3:55 INOR 391. Design and syn-
organic frameworks. C. Wang 2:00 INOR 364. Excited-state metal- Section E thesis of carbide supported metal
loradicals: Luminescent cerium(III) catalysts. Y. Chen, B. Wvyratt, S.
2:30 Intermission. Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
complexes for photo-redox chemistry. Eady, W. Wen, L.T. Thompson
2:45 INOR 352. Ni-cyclam-based metal- H. Yin, Y. Jin, J. Hertzog, K.C. Mullane, P. Grand Ballroom North
4:25 INOR 392. Investigation of sulfur
organic frameworks for electrochemical Carroll, B. Manor, J.M. Anna, E.J. Schelter
reduction of CO2. J. Zhu, A.J. Morris Many Colors of Copper tolerance in supported Pt-Pd catalysts for
2:25 INOR 365. Competing pathways aromatic saturation. M.P. Lanci, S.L. Soled,
3:15 INOR 353. Investigations of water in interfacial CO2-to-fuels catalysis. A. Proteins & Models S. Miseo, C.E. Kliewer, P.A. Stevens, Y.V. Joshi
oxidation by catalysts incorporated Wuttig, M. Yaguchi, S. Hall, Y. Yoon, K. Cosponsored by BIOL
4:45 INOR 393. Single-facet anatase
metal-organic frameworks. S. Lin, Y. Motobayashi, M. Osawa, Y. Surendranath
Pineda-Galvan, W.A. Maza, C. Epley, J. K. J. Franz, I. Garcia-Bosch, T. H. Warren, TiO2 nanomaterials as model cata-
2:50 INOR 366. Breaking and forming lysts for alcohol dehydration. Y. Chen,
Zhu, M. Kessinger, Y. Pushkar, A.J. Morris Organizers
bonds through metal-borane coop- L. Zhang, H. Wang, F. Gao, Y. Wang
3:45 INOR 354. Molecular catal- eration. B.R. Barnett, J.S. Figueroa K. D. Karlin, Organizer, Presiding
5:05 Concluding Remarks.
ysis of energy relevance in met- 3:15 Intermission. 1:45 Introductory Remarks.
al-organic frameworks. S. Ott
3:25 INOR 367. Itinerant ferromag- 1:50 INOR 380. Copper-sulfide clusters Section G
netism driven by physical and that activate nitrous oxide and other
Section B small molecules. N.P. Mankad, B. Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
chemical compression in Ca1-
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown xEuxCo2As2. X. Tan, M. Shatruk Johnson, S. Bagherzadeh, C. Hsu Congressional A
Renaissance West A 3:50 INOR 368. Nanoscale metal-or- 2:20 INOR 381. Tale of bonding
and reactivity by tricopper cyclo- Triplet Excited State in
ganic frameworks for photodynamic
Personal & Global Energy therapy and immunotherapy. K. Lu phanates. L.J. Murray Inorganic Chemistry
Conversion in Chemistry & Biology 2:50 INOR 382. Is PqqB, a protein of F. N. Castellano, Organizer
4:15 INOR 369. Solution growth of
C. J. Chang, M. Kanan, Organizers, Presiding single-crystal lead halide perovskite unknown function within the PQQ P. C. Glazer, T. S. Teets, Presiding
nanostructures and stabilization of biosynthetic pathway, a novel copper
1:30 INOR 355. At the nexus of energy and enzyme? J. Klinman, E. Koehn, J. Lathan, 1:30 INOR 394. Acetylide versus
metastable perovskites for lasing and
water: Atmospheric fresh water capture R.L. Evans III, X. Tu, D.V. Sundaram, C. Wilmot
allenylidene: Excited state properties
optoelectronic applications. Y. Fu, H. Zhu,
and heat transfer with a material operat- of photoluminescent Pt(II) zwitterionic
F. Meng, J. Zhai, M. Shearer, X. Zhu, S. Jin 3:20 Intermission.
ing at the water uptake reversibility limit. acetylide complexes. C. Zou, J. Lin,
M. Dinca, A.J. Rieth, Y. Tulchinsky, A. Wright 4:40 INOR 370. Tailoring properties 3:35 INOR 383. Oxygen activa- F. Peng, M. Xie, J. Xia, X. Chang, W. Lu
of metal-organic frameworks. J. tion by Cu sites. E.I. Solomon
1:55 INOR 356. Design of earth-abundant 1:50 INOR 395. Photophysics and
Park, D. Feng, Z. Bao, H. Zhou
main group catalyst. A.T. Radosevich 4:05 INOR 384. Structure, function and photochemistry of complexes with con-
spectroscopy studies of lytic polysac- jugated ligands containing sulfur-based
2:20 INOR 357. Advances in Section D charide monooxygenases. P. Walton functional groups. C.M. Brown, P.R.
quantum materials synthesis
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Christensen, M. Kitt, T. Wright, M.O. Wolf
and application. T. McQueen 4:35 INOR 385. RGB copper azurins:
Renaissance West B Engineered azurins that display a wide 2:15 INOR 396. Mechanisms of photo-
2:45 INOR 358. Approaching challenges
range of colors, reduction poten- chemical H2 evolution from organo-
in physics with inorganic chemis-
Coordination Chemistry tials and enzymatic activities. Y. metallic iridium hydrides. A.J. Miller,
try. J.M. Zadrozny, M. Graham, J. Walsh,
Lu, P. Hosseinzadeh, S. Tian, C. Cui M.B. Chambers, C.L. Pitman, D.A. Kurtz
C. Yu, S.M. Clarke, D.E. Freedman Characterization & Applications
2:40 INOR 397. Controlling triplet
3:10 Intermission. S. A. Koch, A. Larsen, Organizers Section F energies and dynamics in bis-
3:30 INOR 359. Energy trans- S. Pope, M. Shatruk, Presiding cyclometalated iridium complexes
fer within nanocrystal-molecule Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown via ancillary ligand modification. T.S.
systems. E.J. McLaurin 1:30 INOR 371. Molecular spin- Grand Ballroom Central Teets, H. Na, P. Lai, A. Maity, J. Kölsch
tronics devices utilizing inorganic
3:55 INOR 360. Group-transfer chemistry molecules as the device elements. 3:05 INOR 398. Interconfigurational
at first-row transition metal complexes Center for Enabling New Technologies electronic transitions of cerium(III)
P. Tyagi, T. Goulet, E. Friebe
in bis(alkoxide) ligand environments. S. through Catalysis: Transforming complexes: Photophysics and photo-
Groysman, M. Yousif, A. Grass, R.L. Lord 1:50 INOR 372. Simple method to Catalysis through Collaboration chemistry. E.J. Schelter, Y. Qiao, H. Yin,
predict the electronic spin configura- Y. Jin, B. Manor, P. Carroll, J.M. Anna
A. Goldman, N. E. Gruhn, E. Ison, S. W. Krska,
tion of Fe(II) tris-diimine complexes.
L. T. Thompson, Organizers 3:30 Intermission.
H. Phan, J.J. Hrudka, M. Shatruk
M. Brookhart, K. I. Goldberg, Presiding 3:45 INOR 399. Population of multiple
2:10 INOR 373. Synthesis, structure, and
luminescence of Cu(I) halide complexes 1:30 Introductory Remarks. triplet states for drug photorelease and
sensitization of singlet oxygen. C. Turro
Technical program information of chiral bis(phosphines), [Cu(diphos*) 1:35 INOR 386. Tandem catal-
(X)]2. S.K. Gibbons, R.P. Hughes, D.S. 4:10 INOR 400. Triplet excited
known at press time. Glueck, A.T. Royappa, A.L. Rheingold, R.B.
ysis for carbon dioxide hydro-
states and metal based covalent
genation. M.S. Sanford
The official technical program for Arthur, A.D. Nicholas, H.H. Patterson cytotoxic agents. P.C. Glazer
2:05 INOR 387. High-throughput chemistry
the 254th ACS National Meeting 2:30 INOR 374. Ligand-functionalized for the development of photoredox-cata- 4:35 INOR 401. Harvesting triplet
nanoreactors: Synthesis and coordination excited states in Ru(II) and Cu(I)
is available at www.acs.org/ chemistry. F. Gayet, A. Joumaa, S. Chen,
lyzed hydroxymethylation of heteroar-
complexes for photodynamic
omatic bases. C.A. Huff, R. Cohen, K.
WDC2017 E. Manoury, M. Lansalot, F. D’Agosto, R. Poli Dykstra, E. Streckfuss, D. DiRocco, S.W. Krska therapy of cancer. R.S. Khnayzer

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


5:00 INOR 402. Tuning triplet excited 10:15 INOR 406. Enhancement in molecu- 11:00 INOR 421. Artificial metallo- 10:00 INOR 434. Electrocatalytic
state lifetimes in CuHETPHEN lar catalysis through redox hopping metal proteins with Co4O4 cubane active water oxidation by a homogeneous
complexes. K.L. Mulfort, L. Kohler, organic framework scaffold. A.J. Morris sites: Exploiting secondary sphere copper catalyst disfavors single-site
D. Hayes, R. Hadt, L.X. Chen interactions to control electronic and mechanisms. M.T. Kieber-Emmons
10:45 INOR 407. Photophysical
molecular structure. L. Olshansky, R.H.
properties of crystalline self-assem- 10:30 Intermission.
Building a Safety Culture across bled porous materials: Contribution
Lavorie, A.I. Nguyen, T.D. Tilley, A. Borovik
the Chemistry Enterprise 10:45 INOR 435. Cu(III) with imidazole
of interchromophoric interactions 11:20 INOR 422. Generation of a meta-
ligation: Biologic relevance? T.D. Stack,
Grassroots Approaches to and environment. P. Deria stable, nonheme {FeNO}8 complex:
W. Keown, L. Chiang, J.B. Gary, E.C. Wasinger
Developing a Safety Culture Reduction of {FeNO}7, production of
N2O, and nitroxyl (NO-) based reactivity. 11:15 INOR 436. Copper(III) com-
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL, Section B
A.M. Confer, A. McQuilken, D.P. Goldberg plexes relevant to possible cata-
BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS, Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown lytic intermediates. W.B. Tolman
INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC Renaissance West A Section D 11:45 INOR 437. Copper active site
of particulate methane monoo-
Transformative Research & Chemistry of Materials Lectureship Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
xygenase. A.C. Rosenzweig
Excellence in Education Award & Best Paper Award Renaissance West B
Sponsored by COMSCI, Cosponsored by BIOL, J. M. Buriak, C. Toro, Organizers, Presiding Section F
COLL, COMP, ENFL, INOR, PHYS and PRES Organometallic Chemistry
8:30 Introductory Remarks. Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
Materials Science in Nuclear New Ligand Platforms: Pincer Ligands
8:45 INOR 408. Perovskite photovoltaics: Grand Ballroom Central
Waste Disposal N. S. Radu, Organizer
Materials, cells and modules. K. Zhu
Sponsored by NUCL, Cosponsored by INOR R. Wright, Presiding Center for Enabling New Technologies
9:30 INOR 409. Extrinsic ion migra-
through Catalysis: Transforming
Undergraduate Research Posters tion in perovskite solar cells. Z. Li 8:30 INOR 423. Exploring ion-controlled
Catalysis through Collaboration
substrate access to pincer-crown ether
Inorganic Chemistry 10:10 INOR 410. Halide ion exchange
A. Goldman, N. E. Gruhn, S. W. Krska,
catalysts. J.B. Smith, S.H. Kerr, A.J. Miller
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored and migration in mixed halide lead
by INOR and SOCED perovskites. P.V. Kamat, S.J. Yoon 8:50 INOR 424. Multifunctional
redox-active and electrophile-respon- E. Ison, L. T. Thompson, Organizers, Presiding
10:40 Intermission.
sive pincer ligand supporting multiple
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
.11:00 INOR 411. Pb-free and less oxidation states of Co and Fe on a
MONDAY EVENING Pb perovskite thin-film solar cells: way to CO2 activation. A.V. Polezhaev, 8:35 INOR 438. New elementary reactions,
Theory and device. Y. Yan A. Cabelof, C. Chen, K.G. Caulton catalytic reactions, and combinations
Section A of catalytic reactions. J.F. Hartwig
11:30 INOR 412. Time-resolved optical 9:10 INOR 425. Facile metal-ligand coop-
studies of perovskite polycrystal- erative nitride to ammonia conversion 9:05 INOR 439. Process inspired
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
line films, single crystals and their on a pincer ruthenium framework using method development: New chemis-
Halls D/E tries of sulfuryl fluoride. P.S. Hanley,
surfaces. M.C. Beard, Y. Yang weak chelating acids. B.M. Lindley,
Q.J. Bruch, F. Hasanayn, A.J. Miller M. Ober, A.L. Krasovskiy, T.P. Clark
Sci-Mix 12:00 INOR 413. Tailoring of micro-
structures and grain-boundary 9:30 INOR 426. New ligand architec- 9:25 INOR 440. Concurrent tandem cata-
S. A. Koch, N. S. Radu, Organizers networks in hybrid-perovskite thin ture to enable aerobic C-H oxidation lytic methodologies for the hydrodehalo-
8:00 - 10:00 films for efficient, stable solar cells. Y. at a platinum center. D.B. Watts, D. genation, cyanation, and amidation of aryl
Zhou, S. Pang, K. Zhu, N.P. Padture Wang, P.Y. Zavalij, A.N. Vedernikov halides using a multifunctional copper
130-132, 137, 144-146, 148-149, 154, catalyst. S. Lin, A.H. Roy MacArthur
157, 163, 165, 167, 172, 178, 184, 9:50 INOR 427. Multiple metal-bo-
190, 193, 196-197, 202, 204, 211, 236,
Section C ron interactions in carboranyl pincer 9:45 INOR 441. Valuable skills I learned
complexes. D.V. Peryshkov, B. Eleazer at CENTC that prepared me for a
239, 242, 245-246, 253, 256-257, 261, Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
271, 274, 278. See previous listings.
career in industry. J.M. Villalobos
Grand Ballroom South 10:10 INOR 428. Agostic C(sp2)-H Iron(I)
524, 528, 532-533, 536, 538, 540, 542-543, pincer complex. Q. Lai, O. Ozerov 10:05 Intermission.
549, 552, 559, 562, 566, 568, 570, Bioinorganic Chemistry 10:30 INOR 429. Synthesis and 10:15 INOR 442. Exploring the synergy
575-577, 581-582, 585, 588, 597, 607, 613, reactions of high-valent nitridorhe- between biological catalysis and
Proteins & Enzymes & Model Systems
615, 617, 621-623, 625-626, 631-632, nium(V) complexes bearing PNP chemical catalysis. H. Zhao
635, 637-638, 641, 645, 648-649, S. A. Koch, Organizer pincer ligands. N. Lambic, E. Ison 10:45 INOR 443. Dicarbofunctionalization
668, 670-672. See subsequent listings.
G. T. Cheek, H. C. Fry, Presiding 10:50 INOR 430. C-H activation with PBP of olefins by cross-coupling. R. Giri
8:30 INOR 414. Acyl-containing small pincer complexes of iridium and rhodium 11:05 INOR 444. Ru(II) complex
molecule mimics of [Fe]-hydrogenase: takes advantage of a non-innocent catalyzed tandem C-C and C-N
TUESDAY MORNING boryl site. O. Ozerov, W. Shih, Y. Cao
Ligand effect on structure and reac- bond formation: Sustainable strat-
tivity. Y. Cho, D. Gummadi, M.J. Rose 11:10 INOR 431. Diverse reactivity of egy for the utilization of alcohols as
Section A alkylating agents. K. Chakrabarti, B.
8:50 INOR 415. Electrochemical studies iridium pincer-crown ether carbonyl com-
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown of cysteine/zinc interactions in aqueous plexes. J. Grajeda, E.K. Nichols, A.J. Miller Paul, B.C. Roy, S. Shee, S. Kundu
Renaissance East media. G.T. Cheek, M.Y. Doan
9:10 INOR 416. Direct observation of Section E
Fundamental Aspects of Metal oxygen rebound in an iron-hydroxide Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
Organic Framework Catalysis complex. J. Zaragoza, D.P. Goldberg Grand Ballroom North
A. J. Morris, J. R. Morris, Organizers 9:30 INOR 417. Biometal-induced
S. Marinescu, Presiding structural perturbations of aSy- Many Colors of Copper
nuclein upon aggregation. D.L.
8:30 INOR 403. Probing framework-
Abeyawardhane, H.R. Lucas
Small Molecule Activation
restricted metal axial ligation and spin Cosponsored by BIOL
state patterns in iron-porphyrin-based 9:50 INOR 418. Triiron clusters
metal–organic framework catalysts. J.V. containing mixed bridging ligands K. J. Franz, I. Garcia-Bosch, K. D. Karlin,
Lockard, P. Kucheryavy, N.O. Lahanas, C. Sun for the study of dinitrogen reduc- Organizers The use of any device to capture
9:00 INOR 404. Development of
tion. R.B. Ferreira, L.J. Murray
T. H. Warren, Organizer, Presiding images (e.g., cameras and camera
highly stable metal-organic frame- 10:10 Intermission.
8:55 Introductory Remarks. phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
works for applications in catal-
ysis. P. Usov, A.J. Morris
10:20 INOR 419. DNA-processing
9:00 INOR 432. Copper-catalyzed elec- digital recorders) or to stream,
repair proteins containing redox-active
9:30 Intermission. [4Fe4S] metallocofactors facilitate DNA
trochemical CO reduction. M. Kanan upload or rebroadcast speakers or
9:45 INOR 405. Metal dithiolene
lesion detection. E. Tse, J.K. Barton 9:30 INOR 433. Hydrogenation presentations is strictly prohibited
of CO2 using copper hydride
10:40 INOR 420. Peptide assem-
frameworks with tunable physical and
bly influence on metalloporphyrin
complexes. A.M. Appel at all official ACS meetings and
chemical properties. S. Marinescu
function. H.C. Fry, L.A. Solomon events without express written
consent from ACS.

11:25 INOR 445. Cyclometallation Understanding the Chemistry 3:15 Intermission. 5:05 INOR 480. Giant PbS/CdS/
reactions of alkynes, alkenes, ketones, of Our Planet CdS quantum dots: Effect of shell
3:35 INOR 466. Fire without Flint:
and biphenylene with iridium pincer thickness on structure, ensemble
Chemistry’s Role in our Earth System Cofactorless strategies for converting
complexes. M. Wilklow-Marnell, D.A. and single-dot stability, and device
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by biopolymers into useful chemical precur-
Laviska, B. Li, T. Zhou, K. Krogh Jespersen, performance. S. Krishnamurthy, Z. Hu,
BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, sors. J. DuBois, G.C. Moraski, G. Beckham
W. Brennessel, A.S. Goldman, W.D. Jones A. Singh, M. Sykora, J. Casson, D. Williams,
CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC, 4:00 INOR 467. Using isotope effects to H. Htoon, A. Malko, J.A. Hollingsworth
11:55 Concluding Remarks. INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC follow the chemical step along enzyme
evolution. P. Singh, D. Hilvert, A. Kohen
Section G Materials Science in Nuclear Section D
Waste Disposal 4:25 INOR 468. Addition of HX across Ni
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Sponsored by NUCL, Cosponsored by INOR amide bonds: Synthesis and reactiv-
ity of Ni hydroxide complexes. J.M. Renaissance West B
Congressional A
Non-Conventional Building Blocks Boncella, N.H. Anderson, A.M. Tondreau
Electrochemistry in Conjugated Materials: Innovative Coordination Chemistry
4:50 INOR 469. Enormous, tempera-
Designs & New Applications ture independent kinetic deuterium Synthesis & Characterization
B. L. Lucht, Organizer
Aromatic, Antiaromatic & isotope effects in the proton-coupled
I. F. Cheng, B. Helms, Presiding S. A. Koch, A. Larsen, Organizers
Non-Aromatic Systems electron transfer reaction catalyzed by
soybean lipoxygenase. J. Klinman, S. C. R. Graves, W. Lee, Presiding
8:30 INOR 446. Toward a molecular level Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored
understanding of electrochemical inter- Hu, A. Soudackov, S. Hammes-Schiffer
by INOR and PMSE‡ 1:30 INOR 481. Aluminum complexes
faces in lithium–sulfur batteries. B. Helms of redox-active ligands. C.R. Graves
8:50 INOR 447. Resolving the mech-
Section C 1:50 INOR 482. Synthesis, structure, and
anism of capacity fading in Li-ion Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown computations of an isolable magnesium
solid-state batteries. C. Gong, Z. Jadidi,
Grand Ballroom South diphosphaethynolate complex. R.J.
F.E. Gabaly, E.J. Fuller, A.A. Talin, M.S. Leite Gilliard, D. Heift, Z. Benkö, A.L. Rheingold,
Section A J.D. Protasiewicz, H. Grützmacher
9:10 INOR 448. Graphene from the Chemistry of Materials
University of Idaho thermolyzed Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 2:10 INOR 483. Withdrawn.
asphalt reaction (GUITAR) is it an Renaissance East Nanomaterials
2:30 INOR 484. Synthesis and characteri-
amorphous carbon, graphite or a C. G. Lugmair, Organizer
sation of polydentate imino phosphonate
new carbon allotrope? I.F. Cheng, D. Fundamental Aspects of Metal P. Tyagi, J. G. Werner, Presiding complexes of Co(III). N. Daniel Ekekwe,
Estrada, P. Davis, A. Clearfield, J. Foutch, Organic Framework Catalysis M. Polson, J. Wikaira, R. Hartshorn
K. Livingston, K. Yocham, T. Pandhi, C. 1:30 INOR 470. Molecular spintronics
A. J. Morris, J. R. Morris, Organizers, Presiding device based magnetic metamateri- 2:50 INOR 485. Tetra-aza-anthraquinone: A
Nwamba, Y. Kan, A. Blumenfeld, H. Kabir
1:30 INOR 457. Tune the catalytic selec- als. P. Tyagi, C. D’Angelo, C. Baker biologically-inspired redox-active ligand
9:30 INOR 449. Rhenium and manga-
tivity of core-shell metal-organic frame- bridging homogeneous and heteroge-
nese complexes with proton relays in 1:50 INOR 471. Fluorescence preservation
works (MOFs) by changing the length of neous catalysis toward the reduction
the secondary coordination sphere for and solidification of semiconducting
the linker in the shell. X. Yang, H. Zhou of small molecules. I.J. Huerfano, A.V.
the electrocatalytic reduction of carbon polymer-dots by hybridization with
Polezhaev, M. Pink, C. Chen, K.G. Caulton
dioxide. V. Yempally, C.A. Caputo 2:00 INOR 458. Multi-component layered double hydroxides. X. Liu, W.
metal−organic frameworks as coop- Wang, Y. Chen, S. Kuo, Y. Chan, C. Chen 3:10 INOR 486. Low-coordinate heterocy-
9:50 INOR 450. Effect of metal cations
erative bimetallic catalysts. S. Yuan clic thione and selone complexes of cop-
on the redox behavior of naphthalene 2:10 INOR 472. Manganese and iron
per(I) and silver(I). A. Allen, D. Rabinovich
diimides. C.R. Wade, B.R. Reiner 2:30 Intermission. oxo-clusters as potential contrast
agents for magnetic resonance 3:30 Intermission.
10:10 INOR 451. Probing the tunable redox 2:45 INOR 459. CuPd mixed-metal imaging. V. Dahanayake, W. Hickling,
nature of vertex-differentiated dodecabo- MOFs characterized by UHV-FTIRS and 3:40 INOR 487. Synthesis, reactiv-
O. Rodriguez, C. Albanese, S.L. Stoll
rate clusters. A.I. Wixtrom, A.M. Spokoyny HR-XPS. P. Guo, M. Muhler, Y. Wang ity, and compositional analysis of
2:30 INOR 473. Plasmonic pho- trinuclear clusters. C. Juda, T. Betley
10:30 INOR 452. Nontraditional 3:15 INOR 460. Metal-organic frameworks toelectrochemistry for catalytic
porphyrinoid scaffolds as efficient as micromotors with tunable engines and 4:00 INOR 488. Synthesis, charac-
functionality. D.R. Baker, K. Grew, J.P.
electrocatalysts for the oxygen brakes. X. Yu, J. Li, J. Wang, S. Cohen terization, and reactivity of iron and
McClure, J. Boltersdorf, C. Lundgren
reduction reaction. J. Rosenthal cobalt complexes with an asym-
3:45 INOR 461. Impact of metal sub- 2:50 INOR 474. Core-shell mesoporous metric nacnac ligand. W. Lee, E.A.
10:50 INOR 453. Withdrawn. stitution on stability and adsorption silica nanoparticles embedded with Weerawardhana, C.M. Stanek, M. Zeller
11:10 INOR 454. Electrodeposition of properties of MOF-74. K.S. Walton X-ray dense nanocrystals for CT imaging
4:20 INOR 489. Redox-active pincer
Si thin film on HOPG from SiCl4 in and drug delivery. S. Chakravarty,
ligands on chromium: Carbonate
BMImTf2N at room temperature. N.K. Section B B. Blanco-Fernandez, E.M. Shapiro
formation from a neglected metal. N.
Shah, A. Ray*, R.K. Pati, I. Mukhopadhyay
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 3:10 INOR 475. Nano-integrated Labrum, C. Chen, M. Pink, K.G. Caulton
11:30 INOR 455. Electrochemical quanti- Renaissance West A ordered three-dimensional multifunc-
4:40 INOR 490. Re(CO)3-templated
fication of hormone disruptors with a bac- tional hybrid for all-solid-state energy
scorpionate synthesis through nitrile
terial biosensor. A.L. Furst, M.B. Francis storage. J.G. Werner, G.G. Rodríguez-
Memorial Symposium Honoring activation. A.J. Osinski, C.J. Ziegler
Calero, H.D. Abruna, U.B. Wiesner
11:50 INOR 456. Naturally syn- Justine Roth: Oxygen & Isotope 5:00 INOR 491. Withdrawn.
thetic: Using biology to connect Effects in Mechanisms, from 3:30 Intermission.
inorganic particles. M.A. Allen, E. Enzymes to Small Molecules 3:45 INOR 476. Cesium lead bromide Section E
Barannikova, S.J. Riley, A. Winton
Cosponsored by BIOL perovskite nanocube superlattices and
the pressure-induced change in its struc- Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
A. M. Angeles Boza, J. M. Mayer, Organizers ture and optical properties. Y. Nagaoka, Grand Ballroom North
K. D. Karlin, Organizer, Presiding O. Chen, K. Hills-Kimball, Z. Wang, R. Li

1:30 Introductory Remarks. 4:05 INOR 477. Synthesis and fluores- Many Colors of Copper
cence properties of carbon quantum Catalysis
1:35 INOR 462. Analyzing hydro-
dots and core-shell superparamagnetic
gen atom transfer reactions with Cosponsored by BIOL
Fe@C-CNx particles. V.N. Khabashesku,
Marcus theory. J.M. Mayer
S. Murugesan, R. Suresh, O. Kuznetsov K. J. Franz, K. D. Karlin, T. H. Warren,
2:00 INOR 463. Dioxygen activation by Organizers
4:25 INOR 478. Extension of con-
human indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase,
fined-yet-coupled design to 2D I. Garcia-Bosch, Organizer, Presiding
isoform-1 (hIDO1): The role of ferryl
semiconductors. T.W. Farnsworth, A.
derivatives in catalysis. V.V. Smirnov
Technical program information Woomer, J. Thompson, S.C. Warren 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
2:25 INOR 464. Differences in carbon
known at press time. and oxygen isotope discrimination
4:45 INOR 479. Design and use of 1:35 INOR 492. Copper catalyzed C-H
upconverting NaYF4:Yb/Er nanocrys- functionalization: Method development
The official technical program for during the catalytic activation of small
tals for 3D tissue imaging in optical via enabling intermediates. T.H. Warren
molecules. A.M. Angeles Boza
the 254th ACS National Meeting emission computed tomography. B.W. 2:05 INOR 493. Development of
2:50 INOR 465. Reactivity in situations Langloss, P. Yoon, M. Oldham, M.J. Therien
is available at www.acs.org/ where life’s control over coordination
copper catalysts for the selec-
tive oxidation of C-H bonds under
WDC2017 is weak or non-existent. A.T. Stone mild conditions. I. Garcia-Bosch

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


2:35 INOR 494. Driving synthe- Section G 3:05 INOR 520. Luminescent behavior INOR 531. Bimetallic amino acid
sis by oxidation. J. Lumb of bismuth halide organic complexes complexes as precursors for nickel
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown and their lanthanide doped analogs. molybdate. F. Alqahtani, A.W. Apblett
3:05 Intermission. Congressional A R.L. Ayscue, J.A. Bertke, K.E. Knope
INOR 532. Withdrawn.
3:20 INOR 495. Fundamental redox
3:25 INOR 521. Magnetic resonance
processes in model platforms for Chemistry of Materials INOR 533. Stability of metal-or-
imaging contrast agent for in-vivo
Cu-catalyzed C-heteroatom bond ganic frameworks for high pressure
forming transformations. X. Ribas Synthesis & Properties copper imaging. N.N. Paranawithana,
confined chemical vapor deposi-
A.F. Martins, G. Meloni, D. Sherry
C. G. Lugmair, Organizer tion. B. Laubacker, J.V. Badding
3:50 INOR 496. Copper-catalyzed amino
3:45 INOR 522. Lanthanide podand com-
difunctionalization of alkenes. Q. Wang E. Doud, Presiding INOR 534. Aerosol route to various iodine
plexes as potential bioimaging agents
oxide/iodic acid microparticles, and their
4:20 INOR 497. Revealing the mech- 1:30 INOR 507. One-pot synthesis of based on multidentate poly-acac motifs.
performance as oxidizers in thermite
anisms of copper-catalyzed syn- gold microbars for optical circuitry T.L. King, G. Ibarra, R.A. Jones, E.L. Que
systems. T. Wu, X. Wang, M.R. Zachariah
thetic methods. J.F. Hartwig applications. E. Hobbs, M. Devadas 4:05 INOR 523. Investigation of the
INOR 535. Light absorption and
1:50 INOR 508. Metal coordina- electronic structure and evaluation of
Section F energy transfer in thin film met-
tion complexes in mechanically the covalency of cerocene, (C8H8)2Ce,
al-organic frameworks. J. Rowe,
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown responsive systems. K. Hall, M.H. using carbon K-edge X-ray absorp-
A.J. Morris, E.M. Soderstrom
Horst, S.W. Telford, K.J. Franz tion spectroscopy. D.E. Smiles, S.G.
Grand Ballroom Central
Minasian, J.M. Keith, E.R. Batista, S.A. INOR 536. Growths of highly ordered
2:10 INOR 509. In-situ structure-tracking
Kozimor, R.L. Martin, D.K. Shuh mesoporous graphene-oxide thin films
Center for Enabling New Technologies aided design in synthesis of ener-
(MGTFs). Z. Dai, H. Chang, Y. Liu
through Catalysis: Transforming gy-storage materials. F. Wang, J. Bai
Understanding the Chemistry INOR 537. Withdrawn.
Catalysis through Collaboration 2:30 INOR 510. Aerosol assisted of Our Planet
chemical vapor deposition of INOR 538. Effect of molecular dipole on
A. Goldman, N. E. Gruhn, E. Ison, S. W. Krska,
WS2 from a single source precur- Human Impacts to our Planet phase behavior of pyridinium derivatives
L. T. Thompson, Organizers
sor. N. Richey, L. McElwee-White Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by of [closo-1-CB11H12]-. A.C. Friedli, B.D.
W. D. Jones, M. S. Sanford, Presiding BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, Lukasik, M.O. Ali, K.L. King, P. Kaszynski
2:50 INOR 511. Exfoliation and
1:30 Introductory Remarks. CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC, INOR 539. Study of nanostructured
doping of layered two-dimensional
1:35 INOR 498. Hydrogenolysis of rhenium and molybdenum chal- composites Nd(Ti,Zr)O/Si(B)CO for
carbon-oxygen bonds. D.M. Heinekey, cohalide networks. B. Choi Chemistry Past Curium optical and nuclear waste storage
K.I. Goldberg, J.M. Goldberg, B. Bark application. V. Proust, T.E. Albrecht-Schmitt
3:10 Intermission. Sponsored by NUCL, Cosponsored by INOR
2:05 INOR 499. Aldehyde water shift INOR 540. Synthetic deconvolution of inter-
3:25 INOR 512. Conductance of Non-Conventional Building Blocks
reaction: Integrating theory and faces and material components in hybrid
NHC-based single-molecule junc- in Conjugated Materials: Innovative
experiment to deconvolute a cata- nanoparticles. J.L. Fenton, R.E. Schaak
tions formed in situ via (NHC)AuCl Designs & New Applications
lytic transformation. T.R. Cundari, T. complexes. E. Doud, M. Inkpen, G.
Brewster, W. Ou, J.C. Tran, W. Wen, J.M. Lovat, L. Venkataraman, X. Roy Heteroatom Systems Section B
Goldberg, K.I. Goldberg, S.K. Hanson, D.
3:45 INOR 513. Design and synthesis of Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Thorn, D.M. Heinekey, L.T. Thompson by INOR and PMSE‡
fluorinated tungsten (VI) oxo-alkoxide Hall D
2:35 INOR 500. Synthesis and character- complexes bearing β-diketonate and
ization of bifunctional transition metal β-ketoesterate ligands for chemical Main Group Chemistry
complexes. T. Brewster, T.J. Yokley, C.E. vapor deposition of WOx. D.C. Bock,
O’Connell, T.H. Nguyen, M.M. Reynolds
TUESDAY EVENING T. W. Hudnall, Organizer
N. Ou, T.J. Anderson, L. McElwee-White
2:55 INOR 501. Details towards the mech- 4:05 INOR 514. Synthesis and lumines- Section A 5:30 - 7:30
anism of base-free transfer hydrogenation cent behavior of lanthanide thiophen-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center INOR 541. Luminescent azepane-sub-
catalyzed by Cp*Ir(pyridinesulfonamide) emonocarboxylate-based materials. stituted β-diketones and difluo-
Cl complexes. A.R. O’Connor, T.M. R. Batrice, A.K. Adcock, R.L. Ayscue, Hall D roboron complexes. F. Wang, C.A.
Townsend, A. Ruff, G.L. Heard, C. Goldberg P. Cantos, J.A. Bertke, K.E. Knope DeRosa, M. Daly, D. Song, C.L. Fraser
3:15 INOR 502. Enabling new tech- 4:25 INOR 515. Synthesis and charac-
Chemistry of Materials
INOR 542. Difluoroboron β-diketo-
nology with catalysis at Eastman terization of photoluminescent bismuth C. G. Lugmair, Organizer nates for ratiometric oxygen imaging
Chemical. R.T. Hembre organic materials. K.E. Knope
5:30 - 7:30 with a color camera. M. Zhuang,
3:35 Intermission. C.A. DeRosa, F. Wang, C.L. Fraser
Section H INOR 524. Aqueous sol-gel route towards
3:45 INOR 503. Cheaper by the selected quaternary metal oxides with INOR 543. Luminescent piperidine-sub-
Baker’s dozen: Towards base-metal Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown single and double perovskite type struc- stituted dibenzoylmethane derivatives
Guerbet catalysts for selective Congressional B ture containing tellurium or tungsten. I. and their difluoroboron complexes. D.
butanol production. C.E. Hayes, N. Derd, B. Markovic, J. Bijelic, N. Filipovic, B. Song, F. Wang, C.A. DeRosa, C.L. Fraser
Kulkarni, W.D. Jones, R.T. Baker Matasovic, E. Kovac Andric, J. Popovic, Z.
Lanthanide & Actinide Chemistry INOR 544. Radiosyntheses of [18F]
4:15 INOR 504. Towards biomass as Skoko, Z. Jaglicic, D. Pajic, S. Mal, T. Weller, R. fluoroarenes via hypervalent iodoarene
A. De Bettencourt Dias, Organizer Marschall, P. Voepel, C. Suchomski, B. Smarsly
sustainable feedstock: Understanding precursors. J. Chun, J. Son, J. Park, M. Yun
mechanisms in halide and solid C. G. Gianopoulos, M. Nippe, Presiding INOR 525. Synthesis of hafnium oxide
acid catalysis. M. Emmert and its thermal treatment. I.B. Polovov,
1:30 INOR 516. Heterometallic
4:35 INOR 505. Production of long chain lanthanide-transition metal gom- Y.S. Bataev, V.A. Volkovich, A. Chukin,
alcohols through the ‘+1’ pathway: plexes: Synthesis, magnetism, and Y.D. Afonin, A.I. Rakhmatullin, M. Boca
Combining enzyme engineering, redox properties. T.P. Latendresse, INOR 526. Phase transfer directed
strain development and fermentation C. Dickie, C. Burns, M. Nippe synthesis of hollow metal-organic
optimization to accelerate devel- frameworks nanocages. B. Yu, J. Gong
1:50 INOR 517. Probing crystal chemistry
opment. P. Bhosale, S. Delaplane,
properties that impact flotation selectivity: INOR 527. Electrochemical
M. Devarapalli, S. Greenwalt, R. Hill, P.
Collector-mineral interaction experi- etching for MXene. W. Sun
Sanghani, C. Stowers, D.C. Rosenfeld
ments in synthetic REE-orthophosphate
4:55 INOR 506. Apeel Sciences: Going systems. J. Gamage McEvoy, Y. Thibault INOR 528. Magnetic diluted semi- The use of any device to capture
with the flow… (but not really). R.
2:10 INOR 518. Thermal charge-trans-
conductors in 2D nanosheet crys- images (e.g., cameras and camera
Alamillo, M. Aronson, L. Perez tals. S. Hsu, T. Hsieh, T.S. Lin, Y. Liu
fer reduction of uranyl UO22+(VI) to phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
5:15 Concluding Remarks. UO2+(V) by methanol and other INOR 529. Sized controlled synthesis
functionalized organic compounds. of hollow sphere metal oxides for digital recorders) or to stream,
X. Sun, D. Kolling, S. Deskins metastable intermolecular com- upload or rebroadcast speakers or
posites. A.M. Morey, S.T. Iacono
2:30 intermission.
INOR 530. New methods to fabricate
presentations is strictly prohibited
2:45 INOR 519. Description of ura- anti-fooling Ag@silica catalyst for the at all official ACS meetings and
nium-halogen bonding based on reduction of 4-nitrophenol. J. Hou, J. Gong
charge-density studies at 20 K. C.G. events without express written
Gianopoulos, V.V. Zhurov, S.G. Minasian, consent from ACS.
E.R. Batista, C. Jelsch, A.A. Pinkerton

INOR 545. Sb@Ni12@Sbm20 and Sb@Pd12@ INOR 555. Redox interconversion of Section E INOR 589. Copper complexes fea-
cluster anions where m = +1, -1, non-oxido vanadium complexes turing tris(pyrazolyl)borate ligands
-4; n = +1, -1, -3, -4: Multi-oxidation accompanied with thiol and thiolate Walter E. Washington Convention Center that mediate H-bonding interactions
state clusters of interpenetrating transformations. H. Hsu, J. Yan Hall D with bound functionalities. C.R.
platonic solids. Y. Wang, M.M. DeBusk, Cobb, E.J. Gardner, T.H. Warren
INOR 556. Carbon-hydrogen bond
L. Stevens, J. Hu, P.Y. Zavalij, K.H. Bowen, Bioinorganic Chemistry
activation via a bis(pyrrolyl)pyridine INOR 590. Trinuclear copper pyrazolates
B.I. Dunlap, E. Glaser, B.W. Eichhorn
iron complex: Evidence for iron nitrene DNA, RNA & Inorganic Drugs as precursors for di- and tetra-nu-
INOR 546. Heterobimetallic aluminum-alkali intermediates. B.M. Hakey, C. Milsmann clear copper adducts. R. Dias
S. A. Koch, Organizer
metal complexes of tetraanionic chiral
INOR 557. Synthesis and characterization
ligands. R. Mosneanu, C.R. Graves 5:30 - 7:30 Section G
of dioxomolybdenum(VI) complexes
containing nitrogen rich ligands and their INOR 574. Withdrawn. Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Section C potential use in thin films growth and
INOR 575. Electron-deficient organo- Hall D
Walter E. Washington Convention Center oxygen transfer reactions. O. El-Kadri
metallic compounds: Potential
Hall D INOR 558. Anionic indium-de- anticancer drug candidates against Center for Enabling New Technologies
rived metal organic frame- human colon cancer. R.M. Lord, A. through Catalysis: Transforming
Solid-State Inorganic Chemistry works. S.E. Springer, D. Genna Saidykhan, A. Pitto-Barry, N. Barry Catalysis through Collaboration
C. G. Lugmair, V. Poltavets, Organizers INOR 559. Amine-functionalized trispyr- INOR 576. Synthesis, DNA binding A. Goldman, N. E. Gruhn, E. Ison, S. W. Krska,
azolylborate iron spin crossover com- study and anticancer activity of L. T. Thompson, Organizers
5:30 - 7:30 plexes: A key element for the preparation organorhenium sulfonato compounds
INOR 547. IONiC connection: Increasing of electrically addressable molecular on hormone-dependent MCF-7 and 5:30 - 7:30
interactions in the inorganic commu- magnetic quantum bit. C. Ma, C. Besson hormone-independent triple-negative INOR 591. Aerobic oxidation of KA oil to
nity. B.A. Reisner, J.L. Stewart, A.K. INOR 560. Synthesis of 1,3,6-trisub- MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. T. adipic acid with IrIII complexes. Z.H. Syed,
Bentley, H.J. Eppley, E.R. Jamieson, A.R. Odebode, A.J. Winstead, S.K. Mandal
stituted fulvene coordination com- S.B. Rubashkin, A.M. Wright, K.I. Goldberg
Johnson, S. Lin, C. Nataro, K. Plass, plexes as versatile building blocks INOR 577. Photodynamic therapy metal INOR 592. Comparision of the reactivity
S.R. Smith, L.A. Watson, N. Williams for supramolecular architectures and organic frameworks (PDT-MOFs). N. of (dmPhebox)Ir(CO2R)2(H2O) complexes
Synthesis and characteriza- functional materials. S.K. Adas Azbill, A.G. Giacalone, R.W. Larsen
INOR 548. with octane. H. Yuan, W.D. Jones
tion of new alkali metal and divalent INOR 561. Simple, efficient synthetic INOR 578. Towards photodynamic therapy INOR 593. Pincer-ligated iridium(III)
transition metal materials derived route to 2-2’-bipyrazine derivatives MOFS: Encapsulation of photoactive complexes for alkane dehydroge-
from the the hydortris(3,5-dimeth- from bromo-pyrazine for making Ru(II)(2,2′-bipyridine)2(bio-active mole- nation. K.E. Kim, K.I. Goldberg
yl-1,2,4-triazolyl)borate ligand. E.C. rhenium and ruthenium dyes. D.P. cules)2 into metal organic frameworks.
Krist, E. Roberts, B.C. Chan, B.A. Reisner Rillema, V. Komreddy, H. Nguyen A.G. Giacalone, L. Wojtas, R.W. Larsen INOR 594. Synthesis and catalytic activity
of a novel pincer-osmium complex. S.
INOR 549. Halogen mediated synthesis INOR 562. Synthesis and character- INOR 579. DNA binding studies of Murugesan, X. Zhou, A.S. Goldman
of noninterpenetrated metal organic ization of heterobimetallic Cu(I)-X organorhenium picolinato, nicotinato,
frameworks (MOFs). J.L. Strozier complexes supported by substi- and tryptophanato complexes. M. INOR 595. Synthesis, characteriza-
tuted trispyridylphosphines. J. Stevenson, S. Pramanik, S.K. Mandal tion, and reactivity of a ruthenium
INOR 550. From a layer to a ring: A kinetic
Leonard, M. Bezpalko, W.S. Kassel complex of a new PSP pincer ligand.
study for the ion-exchange reactions of INOR 580. DNA binding studies X. Zhou, S. Murugesan, A.S. Goldman
a new tellurite, Li2Mo3TeO12 using the INOR 563. Aluminum complexes of organorhenium mefenamato
powder X-ray diffraction. S. Oh, K. Ok of nitroxide-based redox active and tolfenamato complexes. T.V. INOR 596. Continuous-flow hetero-
ligands. A. Woodside, C.R. Graves Hinton, S. Pramanik, S.K. Mandal geneous alkane transfer dehydro-
INOR 551. Investigation of relaxor ferro-
genation catalyzed by immobilized
magnets. C. Chin, P.D. Battle, E.C. Hunter, INOR 564. Spectroscopic char-
pincer-ligated iridium complexes.
M. Avdeev, J. Hadermann, R. Paria Sena acterization of copper(II)-alkylp- Section F B. Sheludko, M.T. Cunningham, M.E.
eroxo complexes. B. Pella
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Gliege, A.S. Goldman, F.E. Celik
Section D INOR 565. Construction of variable Hall D INOR 597. Cross-dehydrogenative-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center dimension CdCl2 complexes from topo-
coupling of styrene with non-function-
logically linear pentadentate ligands. A.
Hall D Many Colors of Copper alized aromatics and alkene. B. Li, M.
Gerhard, D.B. Tice, R.D. Pike, D.C. Bebout
Wilklow-Marnell, W.D. Jones, A.S. Goldman
K. J. Franz, I. Garcia-Bosch, K. D. Karlin, T. H.
Coordination Chemistry INOR 566. Recent developments in the
Warren, Organizers INOR 598. Iridium hydride and dihydro-
chemistry of dicopper(I)-naphthyridinedii-
Synthesis & Characterization gen complexes relevant to biomass
mine crescent complexes hosting various 5:30 - 7:30
deoxygenation. J.M. Goldberg, T. Lekich,
S. A. Koch, A. Larsen, Organizers bridging ligands. R. Conger, S. Fox Electrocatalytic water
INOR 581. L.M. Guard, B. Bark, G.W. Wong, J.C.
5:30 - 7:30 INOR 567. Synthesis and coordination oxidation by a copper(II) complex Linehan, K.I. Goldberg, D.M. Heinekey
chemistry of functionalized pyridyl- with an oxidation-resistant N,O-donor
INOR 552. Bottom-up assembly INOR 599. (Hexamethylbenzene)
phosphine ligands with late transition ligand. K.J. Fisher, K. Materna, B.Q.
of self-supporting metal-organic ruthenium catalysts for the aldehyde
metals. M. Bezpalko, W.S. Kassel Mercado, R.H. Crabtree, G.W. Brudvig
layers. L. Cao, C. Wang, W. Lin water shift reaction. A.S. Phearman, D.
INOR 568. Synthesis and charac- INOR 582. Targeting drug-resistant Bhagwandin, D.M. Heinekey, K.I. Goldberg
INOR 553. Facile route synthesis and terization of ruthenium complexes bacteria with enzyme-activated
structural characterization of anionic INOR 600. Ethanol upgrading to butanol
of tris(2-pyridyl)phosphine. L. prochelators. A.C. Jackson, J.
lanthanide-salen complexes. P.K. Yuen, and higher alcohols: A high-throughput
Wilkinson, M. Bezpalko, W.S. Kassel Zaengle-Barone, D. Besse, K.J. Franz
C. Lau, N. Ho, W. Chan, H. Chan, A.K. Yuen approach using the Guerbet reaction.
INOR 569. Ligand-based phase control INOR 583. Withdrawn. C.E. Hayes, N. Kulkarni, W.D. Jones, R. Baker
INOR 554. Studies of dinuclear metal in low-dimensional metal-organic
complexes as models for inhibited INOR 584. Examination of NO INOR 601. Catalytic upgrading of ethanol
frameworks. O. Barreda, E.D. Bloch reduction at monometallic sites.
metallohydrolases. A.H. Gad, H.I. Nimir to 1-butanol via Guerbet reaction. N.
INOR 570. Withdrawn. C.M. Greene, T.H. Warren Kulkarni, C. Hayes, R. Baker, W.D. Jones
INOR 571. Synthesis, characterization, INOR 585. Investigating the role of INOR 602. Synthesis, characterization, and
and reactivity of cobalt complexes copper in the cytotoxic mechanism application of abnormal N-heterocyclic
bearing the nitrogen-based pip2NNN of enzyme-activated prochelators. carbene complexes of palladium. T.
ligand. J. Webb, B. Hakey, M. Sabat J.M. Zaengle-Barone, K.J. Franz Yokley, N.D. Schley, H. Kurtz, T.P. Brewster
INOR 572. Tripodal transition metal INOR 586. Cu-directed hydroxylation of INOR 603. Direct aniline formation
beta-diketonate complexes. G. sp2 and sp3 C-H bonds. R. Trammell through benzene and hydroxyl-
Ibarra, T.L. King, R.A. Jones, E.L. Que amine. N. Liu, M. Sleck, W.D. Jones
INOR 587. Prostate cancer tar-
Technical program information INOR 573. Synthesis and characterization geted prodrug based on copper INOR 604. iPr
PCPIrH4, para-benzo-
of rhodium(III) complexes using mixed prochelator. A. Dharani, S. quinones, alcohols, electrons, and
known at press time. polypyridyl ligands. P. Nunez, D. Amarante Bakthavatsalam, T. Zhang, K.J. Franz protons: Making everyone play nice.
The official technical program for INOR 588. Copper catalyzed C-H amida-
M. Wilklow-Marnell, W.D. Jones
the 254th ACS National Meeting tion. I. Jayasooriya, A. Bakhoda, T.H. Warren
is available at www.acs.org/

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


INOR 605. Homogeneous hydrogenation INOR 620. Purity and stability of INOR 634. Cyclic voltammetric studies of Section L
of amides: Investigation of C–N vs. C–O an electrolytically-generated singly-bridged lanthanum polyoxometa-
bond cleavage in the context of CO2 hypochlorous acid solution. L.I. lates in the presence of potassium and its Walter E. Washington Convention Center
hydrogenation. N.M. Rezayee, M.S. Sanford Robins, J. Williams, L. Contreras comparison to similar lanthanide-bridged Hall D
systems. J.F. Kirby, A. Posillico
INOR 606. Heterogenization of INOR 621. Electrochemical reduc-
homogeneous ester hydrogenation tive grafting studies of diazonium INOR 635. Liposomal Eu complexes
catalysts in metal-organic frame- gold(III) salts on glassy carbon and zinc nanoparticles as a respon- B. G. Trewyn, Organizer
works. D. Samblanet, M.S. Sanford electrodes. B. Workie, A. Mohamed sive contrast system for magnetic
5:30 - 7:30
resonance imaging. A. Zuhk
INOR 607. Heterogeneous systems INOR 622. Niobium speciation in chloride
INOR 652. Liquid-phase production and
for low temperature CO2 capture and melts: Electrochemistry and spectros- INOR 636. Circularly polarized lumi-
application of boron-rich two-dimen-
hydrogenation. S. Eady, T. Silbaugh, copy. I.B. Polovov, G.L. Fofanov, D. Nikitin, nescence study of chiral europium
sional materials. A. Yousaf, A. Green
M.A. Barteau, L.T. Thompson M.V. Chernyshov, V.A. Volkovich, O.I. Rebrin and samarium BINAPO complexes.
S. Dodder, D. Cotter, T. Hopkins INOR 653. Green synthesis of Nd-La
INOR 608. Hydricity calculation using INOR 623. Mechanistic studies of
doped Sr2Cu2Fe28O46 and Nd-La doped
computational methods: Potential-pKa NO3- conversion to NH3 by a cobalt INOR 637. Halogenated LnPc2
Sr2Mg2Fe28O46 nanoparticles and com-
method versus direct calculation. H. molecular electrocatalyst. S. Xu, D. complexes as STM addressable
parison their magnetic and microwave
Fallah, K.R. Brereton, T.R. Cundari, A.J. Miller Ashley, C. Chen, E. Jakubikova, J.M. Smith qubits. M. Dailey, C. Besson
absorbing properties with Nd-La doped
INOR 609. Electrochemical oxidation INOR 638. Synthesis and solid-state Sr2CuMgFe28O46 nanoparticles. P. Alimard
and deprotonation of iridium pincer Section I characterization of actinide and
INOR 654. Highly selective detection
catalysts: Understanding key steps Walter E. Washington Convention Center lanthanide sandwich complexes.
of sub-ppm-level NO2 using rGO-
on the road to alkane dehydrogena- K.M. Wyss, E.E. Hardy, A.E. Gorden
Hall D In2O3 hybrid structures on colorless
tion. A.M. Brasacchio, A.G. Walden, B.M.
INOR 639. Behavior of uranium and polyimide substrates. C. Na, J. Kim,
Lindley, N. Lease, A. Goldman, A.J. Miller
Organometallic Chemistry rare earth elements in liquid metal H. Kim, H. Woo, H. Kim, J. Lee
INOR 610. Synthesis of Zn(II)/SiO2 systems. V.A. Volkovich, D.S. Maltsev, E.V.
New Ligand Platforms INOR 655. Bimetallic nanocrystal
material and the application towards Raguzina, A.S. Dedyukhin, A.V. Shchetinsky,
catalysts for hydrodeoxygenation of
the hydrofunctionalization of alkynes. N. S. Radu, Organizer A. Chukin, I.B. Polovov, L.F. Yamshchikov
5-hydroxymethylfurfural. J.D. Lee,
A.K. Cook-Sneathen, C. Coperet
INOR 640. Lanthanide and actinide J. Luo, H. Yun, C. Wang, M. Monai, P.
5:30 - 7:30
INOR 611. Rhenium and osmium pincer borates for nuclear waste. A. Fornasiero, R.J. Gorte, C.B. Murray
complexes for nitrogen reduction to INOR 624. Multiyne chains as a platform Gaiser, T.E. Albrecht-Schmitt
for construction fused-ring metallaar- INOR 656. Crystal Structures of fully
ammonia. N. Lease, A. Casuras, A. Goldman
INOR 641. Explorations of high pressure dehydrated fully Cd2+-exchanged
omatics. Q. Zhuo, H. Zhang, H. Xia
INOR 612. Electrochemical reduction behavior of uranyl complexes. E. zeolite Y (FAU) and of its H2S sorption
of (PNP)Ru ammonia complexes INOR 625. Withdrawn. Warzecha, T.E. Albrecht-Schmitt complex containing the cationic cadmium
produces a variety of (pincer)Ru INOR 626. Bowl-shaped sumanenyl anions: sulfide clusters Cd4S6+ and Cd(SHCd)46+.
INOR 642. Homobimetallic lantha-
hydrido dinitrogen complexes. Q.J. Double concave metal encapsula- D. Moon, Y. Kim, J. Kim, W. Lim
nide and actinide complexes. R.
Bruch, B.M. Lindley, A.J. Miller tion. S.N. Spisak, Z. Wei, A.Y. Rogachev, Greer, T.E. Albrecht-Schmitt INOR 657. Withdrawn.
INOR 613. Cerium oxide as a hydro- T. Amaya, T. Hirao, M.A. Petrukhina
INOR 643. Homoleptic dithiocar- INOR 658. Phytochemical synthesis of
gen acceptor in catalytic alcohol INOR 627. Tethered, axially-coor- bamate complexes of the heavier metal nanoparticles using extracts
dehydrogenation. S.M. Laga, T.M. dinating pyrrolidinone-phosphine actinides. J.M. Sperling of plants for sensing applications.
Townsend, A.R. O’Connor, J.M. Mayer ligands for dirhodium paddlewheel
INOR 644. Toward selective lanthanide L. Bechdel, E. Hobbs, M. Devadas
complexes. B. Anderson, A. Darko
extraction utilizing carbamoylmeth- INOR 659. Vanadium based type-II meta-
Section H INOR 628. Small molecule acti- ylphosphine oxide chelators. A.K. material superconductors. T. Szekerczes,
Walter E. Washington Convention Center vation with bimetallic com- Mulville, M.G. Patterson, A.T. Henry, K. Langford, V. Smolyaninova, M. Devadas
Hall D plexes. N. Gardner, E.D. Bloch E.K. Connor, S.M. Biros, E.J. Werner
INOR 660. Optical and antimicrobial
INOR 629. Improved synthetic route to INOR 645. Lanthanide coordination properties of metal nanoparticles
Electrochemistry heteroleptic alkyl phosphine oxides chemistry and luminescence proper- made from Japanese maple leaves. D.
and their reduction to phosphines. ties of complexes based on a tripodal Johnson, L. Bechdel, E. Hobbs, M. Devadas
B. L. Lucht, Organizer
N.I. Rinehart, A.J. Kendall, D.R. Tyler iminopyridine ligand. S.M. Polzin,
5:30 - 7:30 INOR 661. Colloidal synthesis and
K.H. Felix, K.R. Johnson, E.J. Werner
photophysical characterization of
INOR 614. Electrochemical analysis of Section J INOR 646. Lanthanide mixed donor SiGeSn alloy. E. Eladgham, T.A.
Fe-doped anatase nanoparticles for Walter E. Washington Convention Center complexes as potential bioim- Nakagawara, U. Ozgur, I.U. Arachchige
Li- and Na-ion battery applications. aging agents. A. Hannaman
Hall D INOR 662. Sulfur-based nanostruc-
J. Clapham, S. Naik, B.D. Fahlman
tures for lithium-sulfur battery
INOR 615. Electrochemical study Lanthanide & Actinide Chemistry Section K applications. T. Liu, T. Lee
of the promoting effect of Fe on
A. De Bettencourt Dias, Organizer Walter E. Washington Convention Center INOR 663. Gold-silver nanoshells
oxygen evolution at thin Ni-borate
films and the poisoning effect of Al Hall D coated with uniformly thin silica
5:30 - 7:30 shells. P. Srinoi, T. Lee
in the borate electrolyte. R. Fayad,
J. Dhainy, H. Ghandour, L.I. Halaoui INOR 630. Structural characterization Organometallic Chemistry INOR 664. Synthesis and characteriza-
of anionic rare earth metal complexes tion of plasmonic nanoparticles coated
INOR 616. Influence of deposition containing salen ligands. P.K. Yuen, C. Lau Applications to Materials
temperature on the morphology of & Polymer Science with tin oxide shells. R. Medhi, T. Lee
electro-deposited CdTe thin films INOR 631. Novel bimetallic lanthanide-tran- INOR 665. Withdrawn.
sition metal complexes. P.K. Yuen, C. Lau N. S. Radu, Organizer
from BMImCl medium. M. Waldiya,
D. Bhagat, I. Mukhopadhyay INOR 632. Coordination isomer analysis 5:30 - 7:30
INOR 617. Electrodeposited micro/nano of the lanthanide complexes of a rigid- INOR 647. Gold oligomeric light emitting
structured lead metal on FTO substrate ified polymethylated DOTA ligand. A. materials with controllable color emission.
at room temperature. Opina, M. Strickland, Y.S. Lee, N. Tjandra, S.M. Gallagher, K.S. Schanze, A.S. Veige
D. Bhagat, M. Waldiya, I. Mukhopadhyay R. Byrd, R.E. Swenson, O. Vasalatiy
INOR 648. New platinum complexes for
INOR 618. Synthesis of new hydro- INOR 633. Synthesis, structural analysis, use in platinum CVD. S. Liu, G.S. Girolami
The use of any device to capture
phobic, fluorinated, and cross-linked and supramolecular assembly of a series
INOR 649. Interpenetrated triazole-based
images (e.g., cameras and camera
polymers and their use for corrosion of in-situ generated uranyl-peroxide
protection of aluminum substrates. W. complexes. J.A. Ridenour, C.L. Cahill metal-organic framework with immobi- phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
lized amine for CO2 capture. Q. Wang
Yaseen, S. Marpu, T. Golden, M.A. Omary digital recorders) or to stream,
INOR 650. Core@shell-like alginate@PEI
INOR 619. Band-edge modulation of
composite with exceptional adsorp- upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Si(111): The effects of surface function-
alization with aromatic and electron with-
tion capacity, recycling performance presentations is strictly prohibited
for toxic Cr(VI) removal. S. Zhai
drawing moieties. D.G. Boucher, M.J. Rose at all official ACS meetings and
INOR 651. Withdrawn.
events without express written
consent from ACS.

INOR 666. Structural and optical effects 9:50 INOR 677. Probing homoge- 10:30 INOR 691. Tuning spin states and 8:30 INOR 703. Structure-selective
of alloying with nitrogen in GaNAsP nous vs. heterogeneous reactivity by quintet MLCT excited states in Fe(II) cation exchange in the synthesis
nanowires. M. Jansson, S. Chen, R. La, J. surface synthesis of metal com- polypyridines using sterically demand- of zincblende MnS and CoS nano-
Stehr, C. Tu, W.M. Chen, I.A. Buyanova plexes of redox-active ligands. K.G. ing substituents. S.M. Fatur, S. Shepard, crystals. J.L. Fenton, R.E. Schaak
Caulton, I. Huerfano, A.V. Polezhaev, C.D. R. Higgins, M.P. Shores, N.H. Damrauer
INOR 667. Withdrawn. 8:50 INOR 704. Controlled etching of
Tempas, T. Morris, D. Wisman, S.L. Tait
10:50 INOR 692. Femtosecond M-edge rare earth fluorides for upconvert-
INOR 668. Hard magnetic cores for
10:10 INOR 678. Beta-elimination XANES of open-shell transition metal ing nanophosphors with tunable
exchange-spring magnets. L. Saucedo,
versus reductive elimination in the porphyrins. E. Ryland, M. Carlson, morphologies. S. Najmr, M. Zhang,
D. Carnevale, M. Shatruk, G.F. Strouse
Fischer-Tropsch process catalyzed K. Benke, K. Zhang, J. Vura-Weis A. Keller, N. Greybush, C. Murray
INOR 669. Janus gold-carbon nanopar- on small Ru clusters. S. Moncho
11:10 INOR 693. Direct observation of 9:10 INOR 705. Programmable assembly
ticles. A. Farajallah, I. Karroun, H. Escriva, E.N. Brothers, B.G. Janesko
temperature dependent excited state of stimuli-responsive nanoparticle
Abdou, B. Workie, A. Mohamed
10:30 Intermission. equilibrium in a series of Re(I) bichro- arrays. J.A. Mason, C.A. Mirkin
mophores. J. Yarnell, F.N. Castellano
Section L 10:40 INOR 679. Redox study for a family 9:30 INOR 706. Growth of inor-
of oxo-bridged iridium dimers relevant to ganic thin films by chemical bath
Walter E. Washington Convention Center water oxidation catalysis. S. Sinha, L.S. Section C deposition on chemically modified
Hall D Sharninghausen, D.Y. Shopov, B.Q. Mercado,
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown graphene. W. Lee, S. Hangarter, J.T.
D. Balcells, G.W. Brudvig, R.H. Crabtree Robinson, S. Walton, P. Sheehan
Grand Ballroom South
Organometallic Chemistry 11:00 INOR 680. Ir(IV) and (V) and 9:50 INOR 707. Transform carbides
Synthesis & Characterization- Rh(IV) with an N,O-donor ligand. Bioinorganic Chemistry (MxCy) into graphene and M-self-doped
Early Transition Metals L.S. Sharninghausen, S. Sinha, D.Y. graphene by a general chlorination
Shopov, B.Q. Mercado, D. Balcells, Proteins & Enzymes & Model Systems strategy. Z. Kou, T. Peng, S. Mu
N. S. Radu, Organizer G.W. Brudvig, R.H. Crabtree S. A. Koch, Organizer 10:10 Intermission.
5:30 - 7:30 11:20 INOR 681. RhRhM: The design P. Basu, Presiding 10:25 INOR 708. Tuning sizes, morpholo-
Reversible ligand CH activation and synthesis of multimetallic pho-
INOR 670.
8:30 INOR 694. pH dependence of gies, and magnetic properties of mono-
and isomerization at an iron(II) phosphine tocatalysts. W. Kender, C. Turro
ferricytochrome c conformational vs. multi-core iron oxide nanoparticles
complex featuring pendant amines. 11:40 INOR 682. Synthesis and charac- through controlled addition of water in
transitions during binding to cardiolipin
A.J. Kendall, M.T. Mock, R. Bullock terization of titanium calix[5]arene com- the polyol synthesis. G. Hemery, A.C.
membranes: Evidence for histidine
INOR 671. Electrochemical investigation of plexes. T.B. Nsekpong, B.A. Martinez Ortega as the distal ligand at neutral pH. B. Keyes, E. Garayo, I. Rodrigo, J. Garcia,
CPAM group 6 dinuclear ‘end-on-bridged’ F. Plazaola, E. Garanger, O. Sandre
12:00 INOR 683. Synthesis and char- Milorey, D. Malyshka, R. Schweitzer-Stenner
dinitrogen complexes and the corre- acterization of dioxo-molybdenum(VI) 10:45 INOR 709. Using precursors
8:50 INOR 695. Investigation of the
sponding dinuclear bis(μ-nitrido) products heterobimetalic calix[5]arene com- to control nanomaterial synthesis:
binding affinity and kinetics of the
arising from N≡N bond cleavage. M. pounds. C. Murphy, B.A. Martinez Ortega Tunable libraries of thiourea and
Ti(IV) enterobactin complex. C.
Wallace, L.M. Duman, B. Yonke, L.R. Sita selenourea precursors for metal
12:20 INOR 684. Detrimental role of dis- Herbst-Gervasoni, A. Valentine
Comparison of the photophys- chalcogenide nanocrystals. M.P.
INOR 672. solved oxygen in the catalytic reduction 9:10 INOR 696. Carbon dioxide acti-
ical and photochemical properties of Hendricks, M.P. Campos, L. Hamachi, G.
of 4-nitrophenol by metal nanoparticles. vation at a nickel center. Y. Lee
vanadium and chromium polypyridyl com- Cleveland, I. Jen-La Plante, J.S. Owen
R. Hughes, E. Menumerov, S. Neretina
plexes. R.I. Portillo, R. Dill, S. Shepard, C. 9:30 INOR 697. Fe−HNO vs. (NO) 11:05 INOR 710. Monolayer 2D
Nite, A.K. Rappe, N.H. Damrauer, M.P. Shores Fe−H formation from hydride attack materials-molecular superlat-
Section B at ferric nitrosyl porphyrins. E.G. tices. C. Wang, Y. Huang, X. Duan
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Abucayon, R.L. Khade, D.R. Powell, M.J.
Shaw, Y. Zhang, G.B. Richter-Addo
11:25 INOR 711. Phase-controlled
synthesis of iron sulfide nanopar-
9:50 Intermission. ticles via sulfur precursor reactiv-
Section A Inorganic Spectroscopy ity. J.M. Rhodes, J. Macdonald
10:00 INOR 698. Role of redox
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown S. A. Koch, V. C. Popescu, Organizers levels in the hemilability of [NiN2S2. 11:45 INOR 712. Eu(1-x)Gd(x)S-ZnS
Renaissance East I. S. Butler, Presiding Fe(NO)2]+/0 complexes as electrocat- core-shell nanocrystals: Synthesis,
alysts for proton reduction. P. Ghosh, magnetic, and optical proper-
8:30 INOR 685. Low energy absorb- S. Ding, M.B. Hall, M.Y. Darensbourg ties. D.J. James, S.L. Stoll
Inorganic Catalysts ing dirhodium complexes: Potential
10:20 INOR 699. Exploring photochem-
S. A. Koch, Organizer application in solar energy conver-
sion. C. Xue, H. Sayre, C. Turro
ical processes of [FeFe]-hydrogenase Section E
R. Hughes, J. Panetier, Presiding analogues using DFT and TDDFT
8:50 INOR 686. Photochemical scrub- Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
methods. S. Niu, M.B. Hall
8:30 INOR 673. Computational bing of oxygen from solution using Grand Ballroom North
study of molecular electrocatalysts 10:40 INOR 700. Kinetic and spectroscopic
transition metal chromophores. R.M.
for CO2 reduction. J. Panetier investigation of the conserved
O’Donnell, T. Grusenmeyer, D. Stewart, Many Colors of Copper
catalytic triad in mercaptopropinate
8:50 INOR 674. Computational investi- T. Ensley, W. Shensky, J.E. Haley, J. Shi
dioxygenase (MDO) from Aztobacter Contributed Talks
gations of nickel based electrocatalysts 9:10 INOR 687. Phosphorescent 2−, 3−, Vinelandii. S. Sardar, B.S. Pierce, Cosponsored by BIOL
for CO2RR. K. McCardle, J. Panetier and 4−coordinate cyclic (alkyl)(amino) A. Weitz
9:10 INOR 675. Poly(3,4- carbene (CAAC) Cu(I) complexes. R. K. J. Franz, I. Garcia-Bosch, K. D. Karlin, T. H.
11:00 INOR 701. Effects ligand
ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) infused Hamze, R. Jazzar, M. Soleilhavoup, P.I. Warren, Organizers
oxidation state have on structure,
TiO2 nanofibers for photocatalytic decon- Djurovich, G. Bertrand, M.E. Thompson
electronic, and reactivity properties of J. Cho, S. Kundu, Presiding
tamination of mustard gas simulant. D. 9:30 INOR 688. Investigating the role DMSO reductase models. P. Basu
Dwyer, J.B. DeCoste, W.E. Bernier, W.E. Jones 8:55 INOR 713. Intramolecular hydro-
of excited-state mixing in ligand
11:20 INOR 702. Chlorine oxyanion gen bonding enhances stability and
9:30 INOR 676. Use of a multifunctional photodissociation from polypyridyl
reduction by a non-heme iron system. reactivity of mononuclear cupric
pincer in reductive conversions of car- Ru(II) complexes. L.M. Loftus, K.L.
C. Ford, Y. Park, E.M. Matson, Z. Gordon, superoxide complexes. M. Bhadra
bonate. N. Maciulis, A.V. Polezhaev, M. Pink, Fillman, A. Li, J.J. Kodanko, C. Turro
A.R. Fout
C. Chen, Y. Lozovyy, R.L. Lord, K.G. Caulton 9:15 INOR 714. Mononuclear copper-al-
9:50 INOR 689. Some recent applica-
kylperoxo complexes in stoichiometric
tions of infrared and Raman spectros-
Section D and catalytic reactions. J. Cho
copy in bioorganometallic carbonyl
chemistry. I.S. Butler, R. Kengne-Momo, Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 9:35 INOR 715. Nitric oxide promoted
A. Vessieres, C. Policar, G. Jaouen Renaissance West B O–O bond cleavage of a dicop-
Technical program information 10:10 INOR 690. Nature of the
per(II)-side-on peroxide yielding a
Chemistry of Materials high valent dicopper(III) bis μ-oxo
known at press time. chemical bonding in Ti-Fe bime-
species. J.J. Liu, K.D. Karlin
tallic complexes. J.T. Moore, L.J. Nanomaterials
The official technical program for Clouston, V. Bernales, K.M. Lancaster, E. 9:55 INOR 716. Nitrite to nitric oxide con-
C. G. Lugmair, Organizer
the 254th ACS National Meeting Bill, L. Gagliardi, C. Lu, S. Chatterjee version at copper(I) and copper(II) sites.
M. P. Hendricks, Presiding Z. Sakhaei, S. Kundu, J. Donnelly, T.H. Warren
is available at www.acs.org/

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


10:15 INOR 717. New insights into 10:30 INOR 730. Synthesis and characteri- 9:30 INOR 742. One step low-temperature 3:45 INOR 755. Chemical neutraliza-
copper-nitrosyl chemistry and isolation zation of phosphorescent two-coordinate hydrothermal synthesis of Na3Fe2(PO4)2F3: tion of warfare agents using met-
and characterization of a trans-hyponi- copper(I) complexes bearing diamidocar- A new cathode for lithium- ion al-organic frameworks. T. Islamoglu,
trite-bridged dicopper(II) complex. G.B. bene ligands. S. Shi, L. Collins, M. Mahon, batteries. D. Manna, A. Choudhury A. Atilgan, S. Moon, G. Peterson, J.B.
Wijeratne, S. Hematian, M. Siegler, K.D. Karlin P.I. Djurovich, M.E. Thompson, M. Whittlesey DeCoste, M. Hall, J.T. Hupp, O.K. Farha
9:50 INOR 743. Metal-organic frameworks
10:35 INOR 718. Modeling nitric oxide 10:50 INOR 731. Synthesis and char- (COFs) and covalent organic frameworks 4:05 INOR 756. Effect of guests in the
signaling chemistry via nitrite at copper acterization of homoleptic copper (I) (COFs) for energy storage. D. Feng, Z. Bao pores of metal-organic frameworks
sites. S. Kundu, W.Y. Kim, T.H. Warren thiolate complexes. J.K. Pratt, P.P. Power on the adsorption and reactivity of
10:10 Intermission.
toxic gases and chemical warfare
10:55 Intermission.
10:25 INOR 744. Withdrawn. agents. A. Ploskonka, J.B. DeCoste
Section G
11:05 INOR 719. Insights into the mech-
10:45 INOR 745. Nanoporous sorbents 4:25 INOR 757. Tuning the morphology and
anism of N2O reduction by reductively Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
for improved purification of biodiesel. activity of electrospun polystyrene/UiO-
activated N2O reductase. S. Bagherzadeh Congressional A B.J. Melde, B.J. Johnson, M.H. Moore 66-NH2 metal-organic famework com-
11:25 INOR 720. Binding and activa- posites. G.W. Peterson, A. Lu, T.H. Epps
11:05 INOR 746. Strengthening silica
tion of small molecules (NO, O2) by a Main Group Chemistry
aerogels through thermally induced phase 4:45 INOR 758. 3D printing poly-
biomimetic heme-Cu ligand scaf- T. W. Hudnall, Organizer separation of poly(methyl methacrylate) mer-MOF composites: Properties
fold. H. Kim, S. Sharma, K.D. Karlin
R. E. Mulvey, Presiding onto the alcogel colloidal structure. H. and design challenges. M. Hartings
11:45 INOR 721. Enhanced compound Ma, B. Wang, K.M. Frederick, D.A. Loy
II reactivity in the presence of varying 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
11:25 INOR 747. Hot carrier photode- Section B
axial ligands and/or lewis acids: 8:35 INOR 732. Synthesis and physical tectors using inorganic semiconduc-
Oxidation of C-H, phenol, and imidazole properties of tetrasila[2.2]thiopheno- Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
tors with nanometer-scale metallic
substrates. M. Ehudin, K.D. Karlin phane derivatives for the luminescent Renaissance West A
optical coatings. L. Krayer, J. Munday
12:05 INOR 722. Investigation of the and chiroptical materials. M. Shimada, Y.
11:45 INOR 748. Titanium(IV)-induced
4 H+/4 e– reduction of oxygen performed Yamanoi, K. Omoto, S. Tashiro, M. Shionoya, Organometallic Chemistry
formation of cristobalite in titano-
by heme-copper oxidases. A.W. T. Ohto, S.T. Pham, R. Yamada, H. Tada,
M. Hattori, K. Jimura, S. Hayashi, H. Koike,
silicates and its potential effect on Synthesis & Characterization
Schaefer, S.M. Adam, M.T. Kieber-
heterogeneous catalysis: Induced
Emmons, K.D. Karlin, E.I. Solomon M. Iwamura, K. Nozaki, H. Nishihara N. S. Radu, Organizer
Impact or Spectator? A.S. Perera, H.
12:25 INOR 723. Axial base effects 8:55 INOR 733. Triply-charged corannulene Yu, J. Cockcroft, P. Trogadas, M. Coppens D. Powers, J. Robinson, Presiding
on heme-peroxo-copper adduct bowls: Experimental and computational
1:30 INOR 759. Synthesis and characteri-
reactivity: Evaluating the role of axial studies. A. Zabula, S.N. Spisak, A.S. Chemistry Past Curium sation of new fluorinated NHC transition
base tether and type. P.J. Rogler, Filatov, A.Y. Rogachev, M.A. Petrukhina
Sponsored by NUCL, Cosponsored by INOR metal complexes and their application
S. Sharma, S.M. Adam, K.D. Karlin 9:15 INOR 734. B(C6F5)3-catalyzed in catalysis. M. Jamil, A.K. Brisdon
selective chlorination of hydro-
Non-Conventional Building Blocks 1:50 INOR 760. Mechanistic insight and
Section F silanes. R. Dobrovetsky
in Conjugated Materials: Innovative structure determination of in-situ species
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 9:35 INOR 735. Reactions of Zintl-ion Designs & New Applications in iron-catalyzed cross-coupling with aryl
Grand Ballroom Central clusters: New frontiers and discoveries. nucleophiles. S.H. Carpenter, M.L. Neidig
L. Stevens, Y. Wang, J. Hu, Y. Chen, P.Y. Heterocyclic Systems
2:10 INOR 761. Carbolong complexes:
Zavalij, K.H. Bowen, B.I. Dunlap, B.W. Eichhorn Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored
Organometallic Chemistry Novel organometallic species with three
by INOR and PMSE‡
9:55 Intermission. to five metal-carbon bonds. H. Xia
Synthesis & Characterization
10:05 INOR 736. Main group dihydropy- 2:30 INOR 762. Characterization of and
N. S. Radu, Organizer
ridine surrogate hydrides: Synthesis, group-transfer catalysis with lattice-con-
D. R. Weinberg, Presiding structures, reactivity and catalytic WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON fined reactive M−L multiple bonds.
applications. R.E. Mulvey, S. Robertson, D. Powers, A. Das, C. Wang, W. Gao
8:30 INOR 724. Gold(III) complexes of
R. McLellan, S. Orr, A. Kennedy, M. Uzelac Section A
2-tert-butyl-1,10-phenanthroline and 2:50 INOR 763. Molecular engineering of
of N-(8-quinolinyl)amides: Syntheses, 10:25 INOR 737. Oxygen atom Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown blue emitting iridium (III) complexes for
structures, and a green gold(III) insertion into salen based aluminum Renaissance East use in fully solution processed OLEDs.
complex. D.R. Weinberg, K.M. Gilmore, alkyl complexes. V. Balasanthiran, A. Huckaba, S. Aghazada, M. Nazeeruddin
J.E. Thompson, M. Sleck, D. Ohlson, B.A. McKeown, T.B. Gunnoe
Chemistry of Materials 3:10 INOR 764. Modulation of the
N.A. Curry, R.L. Marley, A.L. Rheingold 10:45 INOR 738. Effect of water contents
Metal Organic Frameworks reactivity of oxorhenium(V) complexes
8:50 INOR 725. Organometallic chemistry on arsenic stabilization in mine waste via coordination of Lewis acids to
of ruthenium-gold carbonyl cluster using basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slags. C. G. Lugmair, Organizer the oxo ligand. C. Brown, E. Ison
complexes containing aryl and alkyl S. Kim, H. Chung, S. Jeong, K. Nam W. A. Maza, Presiding 3:30 INOR 765. Nucleophilic pal-
ligands. J. Tedder, R.D. Adams
1:30 INOR 749. Hydrogen uptake by an ladium(II) carbenes: Small mole-
9:10 INOR 726. Thermal reactivity Section H cule activations. M. Hoffbauer
iron amino-borohydride Zr(IV)-metal
of late-metal metallacyclobutene Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown organic framework hybrid below 300
complexes: Reversible formation of °C. W.A. Maza, B.L. Chaloux, A. Epshteyn
Congressional B
dicobalt-vinylcarbene complexes. J.M.
O Connor, P. Qin, K.D. Bunker, R.L. Holland, 1:50 INOR 750. Synergistic effects of
K.K. Baldridge, C. Moore, A.L. Rheingold Chemistry of Materials metal-organic framework contain-
ing polymer membranes for mili-
9:30 INOR 727. Regioselective synthesis Materials for Energy &
tary applications. J.B. DeCoste
of 1,3,4-trisubstituted cobalticinium Catalytic Applications
salts: Dehydroxymethylation of tetra- 2:10 INOR 751. Porous scaffolds
C. G. Lugmair, Organizer
substituted cyclopentadiene ligands. for electrically-transduced gas
J.M. O Connor, P. Qin, M. Melaimi, C. B. J. Melde, Presiding sensing and capture. K. Mirica
Moore, A.L. Rheingold, R.L. Holland 8:30 INOR 739. Solid electrolyte inter- 2:30 INOR 752. Diffusion rates and
9:50 INOR 728. Elucidating the mech- phase layers on sulfur cathodes in Li/ energetics of xylene isomer trans-
anism of the catalase-type reaction Na-S batteries: Chemical composi- port through UiO-66. T. Grissom,
catalyzed by a cryptand-encapsulated tions, functionality, the critical role of P. Usov, A.J. Morris, J.R. Morris The use of any device to capture
dicobalt complex. S. Bernales Candia, Li+ and cation solvation structures. L.
2:50 INOR 753. Ammonia adsorp- images (e.g., cameras and camera
L. Gagliardi, M.A. Ortuno, J. Stauber, D.G. Wang, C. Wang, K. Xu, B.W. Eichhorn
Nocera, C.J. Cramer, C.C. Cummins
tion in acid-modified HKUST-1. A. phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
8:50 INOR 740. Synthetic control of Sharma, P. Forster, L. Daemen, Y.
10:10 INOR 729. Stable dihydrogen structural and electrochemical properties Cheng, A. Ramirez-Cuesta, M. Hartl digital recorders) or to stream,
complexes of cobalt(-I) suggest an of high-Ni layered oxide cathodes for
3:10 Intermission. upload or rebroadcast speakers or
inverse trans−Influence of Lewis next-generation Li-ion batteries.
acidic group 13 metalloligands. M.V. D. Wang, M. Zhang, J. Bai, F. Wang 3:25 INOR 754. Small molecule storage presentations is strictly prohibited
Vollmer, J. Xie, L. Gagliardi, C. Lu 9:10 INOR 741. Developing new
and activation with metal-organic polyhe- at all official ACS meetings and
dra-based porous liquids. E. Gosselin, G.R.
porous materials for fuel catalysis and
Lorzing, B.A. Trump, C.M. Brown, E.D. Bloch events without express written
energy storage devices. V. Thoi
consent from ACS.

3:50 INOR 766. Photo-switchable 4:25 INOR 779. Withdrawn. 3:25 INOR 794. Conformational 1:30 INOR 808. Withdrawn.
N-heterocyclic carbene function- changes of a-synuclein induced by
4:45 INOR 780. Light-induced ambient 1:50 INOR 809. Tripodal CMPO Ln and
alized arylazopyrazole ligands and copper versus iron. H.R. Lucas
degradation of few-layer black phospho- An extraction agents. E.J. Werner,
their ruthenium(II)-arene complexes:
rus: Mechanism and protection. J. Wang 3:45 Intermission. S.M. Biros
Synthesis and photo-isomerization
studies. K.Y. Ghebreyessus, A. Almutiri 3:55 INOR 795. Metals as mediators 2:10 INOR 810. Structural variations
Section D in the cross-talk between drug and of thorium(IV) and uranium(IV)-car-
4:10 INOR 767. Reactions of pal-
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown fungal pathogen. E.J. White, K.J. Franz boxylates isolated from aqueous
ladium and platinum methyl com-
solution. N.A. Vanagas, K.E. Knope
plexes with molecular oxygen. H.E. Renaissance West B 4:15 INOR 796. Targeted pro-
Zeitler, W. Kaminsky, K.I. Goldberg drugs to manipulate copper 2:30 INOR 811. Novel impact in actinide
Nanoscience biology of prostate cancer. S. chemistry: Thorium sulfido and sele-
4:30 INOR 768. Formation of Ta(V) imido
Bakthavatsalam, T. Zhang, K.J. Franz nido compounds. M.A. Ringgold, A.Y.
complexes upon cooperative Lewis acid- B. G. Trewyn, Organizer Kornienko, D. Rehe, T. Emge, J. Brennan
Lewis base C-H activation of aryl- and 4:35 INOR 797. Spectroscopic
alkylnitriles. D.V. Peryshkov, M. Rahman Z. Lin, R. Macfarlane, Presiding characterization of extracellular 2:50 INOR 812. Uranyl reduction
1:30 INOR 781. Bottlebrush-like block copper transport partners for human facilitated by a redox-active,
4:50 INOR 769. Synthesis and charac-
copolymers enabled one-dimensional copper transporter 1. K.L. Haas donor-expanded dipyrrin. N.L.
terization of sterically stabilized diiron
nanorods with precisely controlled Bell, P.L. Arnold, J.B. Love
complexes. M.R. Carlson, P. Zhao, 4:55 INOR 798. Copper in the
T.B. Rauchfuss, C. Pham, S.P. Cramer dimensions, compositions, surface tree of life. D.L. Huffman 3:10 intermission.
chemistry and architectures. Z. Lin
5:10 INOR 770. Solid-state structure, 5:15 INOR 799. New insight into the 3:25 INOR 813. Discovery of lan-
solution equilibria and chemical reactivity 1:50 INOR 782. Microwave assisted reaction mechanism of the formylglycine thanide-based molecular corro-
of CPAM group 6 [M(V, d1), M(V, d1)] synthesis and catalytic studies of generating enzyme: A spectroscopic per- sion inhibitors by high throughput
dinuclear bis(μ-nitrido) complexes for M = palladium–gold alloy NPs. P. Kunal, H. spective. K.K. Meier, M. Appel, E.I. Solomon methods. A. Zabula, J.R. Robinson,
Mo and W that are relevant to dinitrogen Li, S. Seraj, B. Dewing, L. Zhang, K. Jarvis, R. Nahas, D. Cinoman, E.J. Schelter
5:35 INOR 800. Mechanistic investigations
fixation. L.M. Duman, P.Y. Zavalij, L.R. Sita C.J. Werth, G. Henkelman, S.M. Humphrey
of a recombinant laccase from Thermus 3:45 INOR 814. Selective extraction
2:10 INOR 783. Chemical functional- thermophilus HB27. S. Hematian, B.C. of lanthanides and actinides with
Section C ization and characterization of two Sanders, J. Shin, J.R. Winkler, H.B. Gray carboxylic acids and beta diketones.
dimensional tungsten disulfide. A. D.A. Penchoff, C.C. Peterson, J.D. Auxier,
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Jinandra, E.L. Kahn, M. Terrones
Section F G.K. Schweitzer, R.J. Harrison, H.L. Hall
Grand Ballroom South
2:30 INOR 784. Synthesis of Au nanopar- 4:05 INOR 815. Th(IV)- and U(IV)- chlo-
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
ticle - CdSe quantum dot assemblies rides isolated from acidic aqueous
Chemistry of Materials and study of their unique optical Grand Ballroom Central
media. J. Wacker, M. Vasiliu, J.A.
Nanomaterials properties. B. Szychowski, M. Daniel Bertke, D.A. Dixon, K.E. Knope
Main Group Chemistry
C. G. Lugmair, Organizer 2:50 INOR 785. Hydrogenation catalysis 4:25 INOR 816. Synthesis and investiga-
by microwave-synthesized RhPd and T. W. Hudnall, Organizer tion of metal-metal interactions in
H. D. Magurudeniya, S. J. Smith, Presiding
RhPdAu nanoparticles: An experi- Z. M. Heiden, Presiding heterobimetallic Ni-Lu complexes.
1:30 INOR 771. Crystalline DNA-protein mental and theoretical examination of B.L. Ramirez, P. Sharma, S. Dotzler,
nanomaterials self-assembled through composition effects. G.W. Piburn, H. Li, 1:30 Introductory Remarks. L. Gagliardi, C. Lu
three types of biological interactions. P. Kunal, G.A. Henkelman, S.M. Humphrey 1:35 INOR 801. Synthesis and
S.J. Smith, R. Subramanian, L. Suominen, characterization of diphenylsilyl
3:10 INOR 786. Nanostructured Au/Ag/Pd Section H
G. Cardone, T. Baker, F.A. Tezcan alloy aerogels as high efficiency alcohol nucleophiles. E. Marro, E. Press, T.K.
Purkait, M. Siegler, R.S. Klausen Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
1:50 INOR 772. Cascade synthesis of oxidation electrocatalysts. L. Nahar,
gold nanoparticles in a self-assembled A. Farghaly, R.J. Esteves, I.U. Arachchige Congressional B
1:55 INOR 802. Triethylammonium
ionic liquid polymer nanocomposite. 3:30 INOR 787. Epitaxy of programma- cyanide: A recyclable reagent for
H.D. Magurudeniya, B.S. Ringstrand, A. cyanophosphine synthesis. B.L. Chemistry of Materials
ble atom equivalents. R. Macfarlane
Joshi, C.J. Sheehan, M.A. Firestone Chaloux, W.A. Maza, A. Epshteyn Metal Organic Frameworks
3:50 INOR 788. Dispersion measurements
2:10 INOR 773. Conjugates of water-sol- and calculations of AlCu thin films. A. 2:15 INOR 803. Synthesis, structure, and C. G. Lugmair, Organizer
uble gold-carbon nanoparticles with Kaplan, C. Gong, M. Dias, M.S. Leite isomerization of phosphiranium cations.
proteins. M. Hameed, I. Mohamed, M. R. W. Larsen, Presiding
J.A. Muldoon, D.H. Pham, R.P. Hughes,
Naggar, I.A. Shehadi, A. Mohamed D.S. Glueck, C. Moore, A.L. Rheingold 1:30 INOR 817. Proton-coupled electron
Section E
2:30 INOR 774. Withdrawn. 2:35 INOR 804. It takes a second transport in anthraquinone-based
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown metal organic frameworks. P.J.
2:50 INOR 775. Quantitative analysis of phosphorus for Wittig to meet
Grand Ballroom North McMurry. S. Ott, K. Esfandiarfard, Celis-Salazar, C. Epley, S. Ahrenholtz,
oxidation state in cerium oxide nanoma-
J. Mai W. Maza, P. Usov, A.J. Morris
terials. C.M. Sims, R. Maier, A.C. Johnston-
Peck, J.M. Gorham, V.A. Hackley, B.C. Nelson Many Colors of Copper 1:50 INOR 818. Extended singlet
2:55 Intermission.
Contributed Talks excited state lifetime via excimer
3:10 Intermission. 3:05 INOR 805. Utilization of fluo- formation as a function of MOF
3:25 INOR 776. Structures and prop- Cosponsored by BIOL rescent dye molecules to introduce topology. J. Yu, P. Deria
erties of ultra-small TiO2 and ZnO redox chemistry into main group
K. J. Franz, I. Garcia-Bosch, K. D. Karlin, T. H. 2:10 INOR 819. Transformation from
nanoparticles. M. Chen, D.A. Dixon complexes. Z.M. Heiden, I. Kieffer
Warren, Organizers an insulator to superionic conductor
3:45 INOR 777. Quantiftying the impact 3:25 INOR 806. Lewis adducts and by structural changes in nanoporous
S. Hematian, H. R. Lucas, Presiding
of sterics and electronics on ligand protonation of nitriles. metal-organic frameworks. M. Yoon
exchange at cadmium selenide nanocrys- 1:45 INOR 789. Photophysical T.H. Saal, R.M. Haiges, K.O. Christe
property of four-coordinate copper 2:30 INOR 820. Heterobimetallic active
tal surfaces. N.C. Anderson, J.S. Owen 3:45 INOR 807. Reactivity of Verkade’s
complexes supported by a diphos- sites in a metal organic frame-
4:05 INOR 778. Speciation of transi- superbase with various strong Lewis work. S. Desai, D. Pahls, C. Malonzo,
phinosilane ligand. Y. Lee
tion metal dopants in a CdS-based acids. S. Mummadi, D. Unruh, T. Webber, L. Gallington, M. Destefano,
cluster. F. Kato, K.R. Kittilstved 2:05 INOR 790. Stabilization of cupric C. Krempner K.W. Chapman, O.K. Farha, J.T. Hupp,
superoxide species with intramolec- R. Penn, L. Gagliardi, A. Stein, C. Lu
ular hydrogen bonding moieties. D.E. Section G
Diaz Romero, D.A. Quist, K.D. Karlin 2:50 INOR 821. Understanding physical
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown and chemical factors determining
2:25 INOR 791. Reactivity of Cu(II) com- lithium-sulfur battery performance
pounds with peroxides: Roles of ligands Congressional A
using metal-organic frameworks.
Technical program information in C-H bond activation. A. Mukherjee
Lanthanide & Actinide Chemistry
A. Baumann, G. Aversa, V. Thoi
known at press time. 2:45 INOR 792. Interconversion of reduced
A. De Bettencourt Dias, Organizer
3:10 INOR 822. Guest-guest and
dioxygen species bound to binuclear guest-framework photoinduced
The official technical program for copper complexes. D.A. Quist, K.D. Karlin S. M. Biros, D. A. Penchoff, Presiding electron transfer in metal organic
the 254th ACS National Meeting 3:05 INOR 793. Coping with intruders: frameworks. R.W. Larsen, L.
Wojtas, C. McKeithan, J. Mayers
is available at www.acs.org/ Exploitation of metals by histatin antimi-
crobial peptides. S.E. Conklin, K.J. Franz 3:30 Intermission.

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


3:45 INOR 823. Metal organic Section B 9:30 INOR 851. Withdrawn. Section E
frameworks as solid supports for
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 9:50 INOR 852. Nickel catalyzed Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
catalytic aluminum species for use
Congressional B Suzuki-Miyaura coupling of phenolic Grand Ballroom North
in transfer hydrogenations.
derivatives: Insight into the fate of
P. Larson, J. Cheney, A.F. Cozzolino
nickel precatalysts. A.G. Walden, M.D.
Chemistry of Materials Nanoscience
4:05 INOR 824. Modification of the Mohadjer Beromi, R.M. Davis, N. Hazari
solution behavior of Pd12L24 metal Materials for Energy & 10:10 INOR 853. Rhodium catalyzed C-H
B. G. Trewyn, Organizer
organic nanocages via PEGylation. Catalytic Applications borylation: Affecting selectivity through X. Roy, B. Sadtler, Presiding
H. Li, J. Luo, T. Liu
C. G. Lugmair, Organizer catalyst design. M. Mantell, M.S. Sanford
8:30 INOR 869. Compositionally-induced
4:25 INOR 825. Expanding the scope
A. G. Harris, J. Macdonald, Presiding 10:30 INOR 854. Mechanistic insights twin defects control the shape of ternary
MOF-polymer hybrid materials
into catalytic oxidative decarboxylative silver halide nanocrystals. B. Sadtler
toward functional textiles. M.S. Denny, 8:30 INOR 837. Synthesis and charac- coupling reactions. J.M. Hoover
S. Cohen terization of Pt and Ni-based bimetallic 8:50 INOR 870. Investigating the Raman
nanocrystal catalysts for biomass upgrad- 10:50 INOR 855. Lewis-acid assisted response of mono- and few-layer ReS2.
4:45 INOR 826. Synthesis and char-
ing. J.D. Lee, J. Luo, H. Yun, C. Wang, M. catalytic hydrogenation of nitriles using A. McCreary, J. Simpson, Y. Wang, D.
acterization of mixed-ligand met-
Monai, P. Fornasiero, R.J. Gorte, C.B. Murray an air-stable monoanionic biscarbene Rhodes, K. Fujisawa, L. Balicas, M. Dubey,
al-organometallic MIL-101 analogues
cobalt(III) pincer complex. V. Crespi, M. Terrones, A.R. Hight Walker
incorporating [CpM]+- functionalized 8:50 INOR 838. Assembly of metal B. Jackson, K. Tokmic, A. Slazar, A.R. Fout
ligands. A.N. Ley, K.T. Holman nanoparticles embedded into porous 9:10 INOR 871. Using Raman spectros-
organic cages for heterogeneous 11:10 INOR 856. Mechanistic studies of copy to observe the charge density
5:05 INOR 827. Reproducible synthe-
catalysis. S. Jiang, S.K. Beaumont C-H amination processes mediated by wave states in metallic tantalum
sis and high porosity of mer-Zn(Im)2
dipyrrin-cobalt imidos. Y. Baek, T. Betley diselenide. H.M. Hill, J. Simpson,
(ZIF-10): Exploitation of an apparent 9:10 INOR 839. Tandem one-pot
S. Chowdhury, A.R. Hight Walker
double-eight ring template. J. Ramirez, oxidative esterification of allyl alcohol 11:30 INOR 857. Direct boronic
H. Yang, C. Kane, A.N. Ley, K.T. Holman by gold nanoparticles and alcohol acid transmetalation to a Pd(II) 9:30 INOR 872. Mesoporous carbon
dehydrogenase enzyme supported halide. L. Chen, B.P. Carrow nanoparticles for f-element separations.
Chemistry Past Curium on mesoporous silica nanoparticles. G. Deodhar, K. Kluherz, B.G. Trewyn
Sponsored by NUCL, Cosponsored by INOR M.M. Moyer, X. Sun, B.G. Trewyn Section D 9:50 INOR 873. Synthesis and single-mol-
9:30 INOR 840. Using a materials Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown ecule conductance of metallocene-based
Non-Conventional Building Blocks genome initiative approach to catalyst electronic components. M. Inkpen, G.
in Conjugated Materials: Innovative Congressional C
discovery. A.G. Harris, M. Green Lovat, A. Turkiewicz, X. Roy, L. Venkataraman
Designs & New Applications
9:50 INOR 841. Withdrawn. Coordination Chemistry 10:10 INOR 874. Molecular electronics
Synthetic Methodology using atomically precise redox-active
10:10 INOR 842. Digging out of a hole Synthesis & Characterization
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored nanoscale building blocks. G. Lovat,
problem. J. Macdonald, A. LaCroix, A.
by INOR and PMSE‡ S. A. Koch, A. Larsen, Organizers B. Choi, L. Venkataraman, X. Roy
O’Hara, K. Reid, S. Rosenthal, S. Panetlides
G. Mezei, P. Portius, Presiding 10:30 INOR 875. Tracking the energy
10:30 Intermission.
flow on nanoscale via sample-trans-
10:45 INOR 843. Aerosol routes to 8:30 INOR 858. Taming binary p-block mitted excitation photoluminescence
THURSDAY MORNING azides with N-heterocyclic σ-do-
fabricate highly stable perovskite spectroscopy. P. Moroz, M. Zamkov
solar cells under ambient condi- nors as precursors for the forma-
Section A tions. S. Kavadiya, P. Biswas tion of nitrogen-rich tetrazolato 10:50 INOR 876. Exploring energy,
complexes. P. Portius, L. James, B. environmental, and biological chal-
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 11:05 INOR 844. Kinetically con- lenges with mesoporous nanopar-
Peerless, Z. Smallwood, B. Crozier
Congressional A trolled thermal hysteresis forms ticle technology. B.G. Trewyn
the basis of metastability of the 8:50 INOR 859. Ligand exchange dynam-
Bioinorganic Chemistry perovskite phase of cesium lead ics and controlled synthesis of isomeric
oxorhenium(V) complexes. J. Liu, C. Ren,
Section F
iodide. S. Dastidar, A.T. Fafarman
DNA, RNA & Inorganic Drugs X. Su, M. Han, J.R. Shapley, T.J. Strathmann Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
11:25 INOR 845. Degradation mechanisms
S. A. Koch, Organizer 9:10 INOR 860. Mercaptide-bridged Grand Ballroom Central
of perovskite solar cells elucidated
S. H. Bossmann, C. R. Goldsmith, Presiding through in operando GIWAXS. dicopper(I) naphthyridine-diimine
T. Kelly, K. Fransishyn, S. Kundu complexes bearing short metal-metal Organometallic Chemistry
8:30 INOR 828. Organoferrous compounds distances. R. Conger, R.R. Conry, S. Fox
for disruption of iron homeostasis 11:45 INOR 846. Amplification of solar Applications to Materials
in cells. J.M. O Connor, M. Aubrey, C. energy conversion in Q-CdTe and 9:30 INOR 861. Withdrawn. & Polymer Science
Hoong, M. Proetto, N.C. Gianneschi type-II CdTe/CdSe quantum dots 9:50 INOR 862. Withdrawn. N. S. Radu, Organizer
sensitized titania photonic crystals
8:50 INOR 829. Withdrawn. 10:10 Intermission. C. Cruz, G. Du, Presiding
in selenide electrolyte. N. Beydoun,
9:10 INOR 830. Bis-picolinamide metal A.S. Nehme, F. Haydous, L.I. Halaoui 10:20 INOR 863. Discrete multinuclear 8:30 INOR 877. Strategic synthesis
dihalide complexes: Trans isomers with coordination complexes and selective and polymerization of a functionalized
12:05 INOR 847. Charge-carrier diffusion
significantly high potency and cancer anion binding attainable only by tethering cyclohexasilane. E. Press,
length over one micrometer in solu-
cell selectivity. R.M. Lord, P. Caramés- ligands together. G. Mezei, B. Ahmed E. Marro, S. Surampudi, R.S. Klausen
tion-processed CsPbI3. A.T. Fafarman
Méndez, A. Basri, R. Phillips, P. McGowan
10:40 INOR 864. Cobalt(0) PNP complexes:
9:30 INOR 831. Improving the effi- Synthesis and application. M.R. Mills
Section C
cacy of gadolinium based thera-
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 11:00 INOR 865. Further disorder-
nostics. A.J. Hall, L.M. Rendina
ing for expanded metals: The liquid
9:50 INOR 832. Platinum antican- Grand Ballroom South
Li-NH3-MeNH2 system. A. Seel, N.
cer drugs: The mechanistic study Skipper, C. Howard, P. Edwards
and new drug design. Y. Liu Organometallic Chemistry
11:20 INOR 866. Multielectron reactivity
10:10 Intermission. Catalysis-Late Transition Metals and electronic structure of first-row
10:20 INOR 833. Metallo-supramolecular N. S. Radu, Organizer transition metal trinuclear complexes.
cylinders that bind unusual DNA and A.K. Bartholomew, T. Betley
RNA structures: From DNA nanosci-
J. M. Hoover, L. Jia, Presiding The use of any device to capture
11:40 INOR 867. Syntheses and structures
ence to bio-activity. M.J. Hannon 8:30 INOR 848. Withdrawn. of bimetallic complexes supported by images (e.g., cameras and camera
10:40 INOR 834. Withdrawn. 8:50 INOR 849. Catalytic synthesis of lexible di(imino)pyridine-based macro- phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
linear alkenyl arenes using capping cycles. S. Zhang, P. Cui, N.C. Tomson
11:00 INOR 835. Novel 5 and 6-coordi-
arene ligand supported Rh(I) cata-
digital recorders) or to stream,
nated silver complexes derived from 2,6- 12:00 INOR 868. Engineering a
(pyridyl)iminodiaadamantanes for bacte-
lysts. J. Chen, A.C. Cole, M.S. Webster- potent nickel dioxygen cata- upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Gardiner, B.A. McKeown, T.B. Gunnoe
rial eradication. J. Jimenez, P. Mascharak lyst. D.R. Heitger, H.R. Lucas presentations is strictly prohibited
9:10 INOR 850. Hydrogenation of
11:20 INOR 836. Copper-activated drugs
hindered, unfuctionalized alkenes at all official ACS meetings and
with NNSN-motif against MRSA. S.H.
Bossmann, H. Wang, A.P. Malalasekera, A.
using redox-active a-diimine nickel events without express written
catalysts. N.G. Leonard, P.J. Chirik
Delpe-Acharige, F. Rahman, F. Wolschendorf consent from ACS.

8:50 INOR 878. Manganese catal- 9:10 INOR 890. Dynamics of the reversible 2:10 INOR 903. Oxidative transformation 3:45 INOR 919. Investigation of the radio-
ysis for polysilylethers via hydro- dehydration of metal salts. T.C. Devore, of a Ru-bound ligand during chemically luminescence properties of nanosized
silylation and dehydrogenative B.A. Reisner, A. Bagley, A. Morales driven water oxidation. H. Kagalwala, core-shell cerium doped rare earth
coupling. G. Du, S. Vijjamarri L. Tong, R. Zong, L. Kohler, M.S. Ahlquist, orthosilicate materials. E. Zhang,
9:30 INOR 891. Withdrawn.
T. Fan, K.J. Gagnon, R.P. Thummel A. Dickey, M.K. Burdette, I. Bandera,
9:10 INOR 879. Non-transition metal
9:50 INOR 892. Low-voltage fabrica- J. Weick, H. zur Loye, J.N. Anker,
catalyzed polymerization of acety- 2:30 INOR 904. Electronic and steric
tion of CZTS thin films by electro- J.W. Kolis, S.H. Foulger
lenic monomers. C. Cruz, J.L. Barr effects on hydrogen production
phoretic deposition of all-inorganic
catalyzed by molecular Co com- 4:05 INOR 920. Mechanistic insights
9:30 INOR 880. Synthesis and charac- nanocrystals. A.D. Dillon, S. Mengel,
plexes with pentadentate ligands in into the oxidative reaction of hydro-
terization of alkyl and fluorinated alkyl S. Dastidar, J.B. Baxter, A.T. Fafarman
aqueous solution. X. Zhao, P. Wang, gen-terminated Si(111) surfaces with
manganese pentacarbonyl complexes
10:10 INOR 893. Investigation of electro- G. Liang, M. Long, D. Reese, A. Bah, C. liquid methanol. N.T. Plymale, M.
as models for reversible-deactivation
chemical hydrogen evolution by met- James, Y. Sun, L. Duan, C.E. Webster Dasog, B.S. Brunschwig, N.S. Lewis
radical polymerization (RDRP).
al-selenolate catalysts and related mech-
R. Morales Cerrada, J. Daran, F. Gayet, 2:50 INOR 905. Tailor-made stereo-n- 4:25 INOR 921. Withdrawn.
anistic studies. C. Downes, S. Marinescu
C. Fliedel, V. Ladmiral, R. Poli, B.M. Ameduri blocks copolymers of poly(lactic acid)
4:45 INOR 922. Multiple mechanisms
10:30 Intermission. by living polymerization catalysts.
9:50 INOR 881. Synthesis of isotactic for magnetoresistance in LnMnAsO
10:40 INOR 894. Electrocatalytic hydrogen T. Rosen, I. Goldberg, V. Venditto, M. Kol
enriched polylactide from rac-lactide via pnictides. E. Wildman, A. McLaughlin
a Lewis acid catalyzed ring-opening of an production and hydrogen oxidation 3:10 INOR 906. Earth-abundant molec-
5:05 INOR 923. Properties of redox-ac-
epoxide. V. Balasanthiran, M.H. Chisholm using tetradentate nickel (II) and zinc (II) ular electrocatalysts for the reduc-
tive, ferromagnetically-coupled
complexes with P2S2 ligand framework: tion of CO2 and O2. C.W. Machan
10:10 INOR 882. Heterobimetallic cobalt(III)semiquinone-containing
Synthesis, characterization and mecha-
catalysts for ethylene homo- and 3:30 Intermission. polymers. P. Hewitt, D.A. Shultz
nistic insights. R. Jain, A.Z. Haddad, M.S.
copolymerization. Z. Cai, L. Do
Mashuta, R.M. Buchanan, C.A. Grapperhaus 3:40 INOR 907. Withdrawn.
10:30 INOR 883. Well-defined nickel- Section C
11:00 INOR 895. Promoting the inter- 4:00 INOR 908. Lewis acid promoted cata-
and palladium-diimine catalysts Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
conversion of dinitrogen and reduced lytic oxidations by redox catalysts. G. Yin
supported on sulfated zirconia for
nitrogen species at copper through Grand Ballroom South
ethylene (Co)polymerization reactions. 4:20 INOR 909. Computational study for
proton-coupled electron transfer. E.J.
H. Tafazolian, D. Culver, M. Conley the CO2 reduction reaction using homo-
Gardner, S. Zhang, C.R. Cobb, T.H. Warren Coordination Chemistry
geneous electrocatalysts. X. Li, J. Panetier
10:50 INOR 884. Synthesis of unusual
11:20 INOR 896. Mobilization of cationic
zirconophosphaalkene through insertion 4:40 INOR 910. Electrochemical Synthesis & Characterization
heavy metal from mine tailings by using
of sodium phosphaethynolate, Na[OCP]. reduction of CO2 catalyzed by
fuel cell technology. W. Ju, E. Jho, K. Nam S. A. Koch, A. Larsen, Organizers
J.M. Kieser, R.J. Gilliard, A.L. Rheingold, Re(quinolin-oxazole)(CO)3Cl com-
H. Grützmacher, J.D. Protasiewicz 11:40 INOR 897. Molecular electrocat- plexes. A.M. Angeles Boza, J. Nganga J. R. Miecznikowski, D. Rabinovich, Presiding
alysts for ammonia oxidation based 1:30 INOR 924. Synthesis and charac-
11:10 INOR 885. Investigation of 5:00 INOR 911. Reductive coupling
on earth abundant metals. M. Raghibi terization of cobalt(II), copper(I), and
electronic effects for the amidinate via disproportionation of activated
Boroujeni, S. Kundu, T.H. Warren
ligand of CPAM early transition metal alcohols using oxo-vanadium catalysts. copper(II) SNS pincer complexes. J.R.
complexes as catalysts for small 12:00 INOR 898. Sorption of heavy E.M. Steffensmeier, K.M. Nicholas Miecznikowski, S.C. Bonitatibus, E.M.
molecule activation and olefin polym- metals and uranium by nanocrystalline Almanza, R. Kharbouch, J.P. Jasinski, M. Kaur
5:20 INOR 912. Copper(I)-dioxygen
erization. R.R. Thompson, L.R. Sita scheelite. A.W. Apblett, C.K. Perkins 1:50 INOR 925. Synthesis and char-
chemistry supported by a tetrapodal
11:30 INOR 886. Voltage dependent 12:20 INOR 899. Fast single-site water ligand with cationic character in the acterization of porous aromatic
light emitters from iClick and oxidation catalysis by ruthenium bipyr- secondary coordination sphere. S. frameworks for capturing cesium in
aurophilic interactions. C. Beto, idine-phosphonate-carboxylate com- McCollom, A. Weberg, N.C. Tomson water. D. Parajuli, M. Taylor, J.R. Long
E. Holt, Y. Yang, J. Bullock, C. Zeman, plexes. D.W. Shaffer, Y. Xie, J.J. Concepcion 2:10 INOR 926. Withdrawn.
I. Ghiviriga, K.S. Schanze, A.S. Veige 12:40 INOR 900. O-O coupling: From Section B 2:30 INOR 927. Synthesis of a
11:50 INOR 887. Preparation of aurolated detailed mechanistic understanding to Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown goldnanocluster used in metal
porphyrinic materials with potential in enhanced water oxidation catalysis. pollution sensing. K. Sanyal
Congressional B
photovoltaics: Application of iClick chem- Y. Xie, D.W. Shaffer, J.J. Concepcion
istry. T.A. Makal, A.S. Veige, K.S. Schanze 2:50 INOR 928. Effect of PNP pincer
Nanoscale Sensing in Foods Chemistry of Materials backbone structure on dinitrogen acti-
& Other Complex Media vation in ruthenium hydride complexes.
Section G Synthesis & Properties
Q.J. Bruch, S. Schneider, A.J. Miller
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by C. G. Lugmair, Organizer
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 3:10 INOR 929. Synthesis, structural
Meeting Room 12 K. V. Lawler, N. T. Plymale, Presiding elucidation and cytotoxicity studies
Non-Conventional Building Blocks of ruthenium (II) polypyridine
1:30 INOR 913. Moving beyond
Environmental & Energy- in Conjugated Materials: Innovative compounds with anionic N^O-
La3Ni2SbO9: The search for relaxor
Related Inorganic Chemistry Designs & New Applications donor ligands. J.A. Obaleye, A.O.
ferromagnetism in LaSr2Cr2SbO9 and
Rajee, A.A. Ajibola, P.O. Obaleye
S. A. Koch, Organizer Optoelectronic Device Applications PrSr2Cr2BO9 (B=Sb, Ta, Nb). E.C. Hunter,
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored P.D. Battle, R. Paria Sena, J. Hadermann 3:30 Intermission.
A. W. Apblett, T. C. Devore, Presiding
by INOR and PMSE‡ 1:50 INOR 914. New methods of chemical 3:40 INOR 930. Hexa & hepta iron
8:30 INOR 888. Modification of glassy vapor deposition for mid-infrared ZnSe clusters of linked [FeIII3O/OH]7+/8+
carbon electrodes with Cu- and optical fiber lasers. M.G. Coco, S.C. Aro, triangles with derivatized salicylal-
Zn-bis(thiosemicarbazones) as S.A. McDaniel, A.T. Hendrickson, J.R. Sparks, doximes. D.T. De Silva, G.B. Jameson,
heterogeneous HER catalysts. C.A. THURSDAY AFTERNOON V. Gopalan, P.J. Sazio, G. Cook, J.V. Badding P.G. Plieger, G.N. Jameson, E.K. Brechin
Grapperhaus, W. Zhang, R.M. Buchanan
Section A 2:10 INOR 915. Withdrawn. 4:00 INOR 931. Synthesis and reactivity
8:50 INOR 889. Formamidinate-bridged of N-heterocyclic thiones and selones
Rh2(II,II) dimer as both a robust, red-light Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 2:30 INOR 916. Molecular and electronic
with saturated backbones.
absorbing photosensitizer and a catalyst structures of the group 7 heptoxides. K.V.
Congressional A J.R. Patterson, J.J. Flanagan, D. Rabinovich
for proton reduction. H.J. Sayre, C. Turro Lawler, B. Childs, D.S. Mast, K. Czerwinski,
A.P. Sattelberger, F. Poineau, P. Forster 4:20 INOR 932. Supramolecular aggre-
Inorganic Catalysts gates of single-molecule magnets using
2:50 INOR 917. Radius ratio rule
S. A. Koch, Organizer dioximate linkers. T. Ghosh, D. Takahashi,
rescue. D.A. Vander Griend
W. Wernsdorfer, K.A. Abboud, G. Christou
L. Y. Kuo, X. Zhao, Presiding 3:10 INOR 918. Reversible phase transition
4:40 INOR 933. Multinuclear
1:30 INOR 901. Total utilization of biomass, of NiBi: A new high-pressure modification.
copper(I), silver(I) and coordi-
Technical program information lignin and carbohydrate: Using earth S.M. Clarke, K.M. Powderly, C. Malliakas,
nation polymers supported by
abundant nickel catalyst. H. Luo Y. Meng, S.D. Jacobsen, D.E. Freedman
known at press time. the NNN-pincer ligand : Bis(3,5-
1:50 INOR 902. New molybdenum 3:30 Intermission. dimethylpyrazolylmethyl)pyrrole. O. Jana
The official technical program for complexes for sulfide oxidation and
the 254th ACS National Meeting organophosphate degradation. L.Y. Kuo
is available at www.acs.org/

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


5:00 INOR 934. One-step synthesis of 1:50 INOR 947. Cp*Ir(III)-catalyzed ortho 3:40 INOR 964. Hydride donation 10:50 MEDI 5. Benzo[c][2,7]naphthyri-
substituted 2-(2’-pyridyl)quinoline ligands halogenation of benzamides via C-H bond by NAD+ in biologically-relevant din-5(6H)-one and 5H-chromeno[3,4-c]
and investigation of the solution and activation. A.J. Guzman-Santiago, E. Ison redox catalysis. A.G. Tennyson pyridine as potent inhibitors of a
solid phase behavior of the correspond- novel serine/threonine kinase for
2:10 INOR 948. Mechanistic studies 4:00 INOR 965. Nanoprecipitation of metal-
ing gold(III) complexes. M.D. Sterling, the potential treatment of neu-
of a Re-catalyzed mono-alkylation locages for platinum-based anticancer
L. Bishop, A.L. Rheingold, C.H. Larsen ropathic pain. C.D. Dzierba
of phenols. D. Lehnherr, M.D. Weisel, drug delivery. Y. Zheng, Z. Yue, H. Wang
5:20 INOR 935. Synthesis, structure X. Wang, Y. Lam, H. Sheng, F. Peng, 11:25 MEDI 6. Biasing opioid recep-
4:20 INOR 966. Withdrawn.
and bonding in metal complexes of J.R. Naber, K.M. Maloney, I.W. Davies tor signaling away from opiate side
P-stereogenic phosphiranes. J.A. effects. L.M. Bohn, T.D. Bannister
2:30 INOR 949. Bioinspired Mn(I) Nanoscale Sensing in Foods
Muldoon, M. Deegan, R.P. Hughes, D.S.
catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation & Other Complex Media
Glueck, C. Moore, A.L. Rheingold Section B
and transfer hydrogenation reac-
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored
tions. A. Dubey, J.R. Khusnutdinova by ANYL, COLL, ENVR and INOR Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Section D
2:50 INOR 950. Nonprecious metal Room 146A
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown catalysts for hydrogenation, hydro-
Congressional C functionalization and dehydrogena- General Orals
tive coupling reactions. G. Zhang
Bioinorganic Chemistry 3:10 INOR 951. Withdrawn.
MEDI A. W. Stamford, Organizer 
J. R. Allen, Presiding 
Proteins & Enzymes & Model Systems 3:30 INOR 952. Large bite angle early
transition metal biphenolate complexes Division of Medicinal 8:30 MEDI 7. 6-((2-Oxo-1-substituted-1,2-
S. A. Koch, Organizer
M. I. Galinato, M. D. Pluth, Presiding
as tunable catalysts for amine addition Chemistry dihydropyridin-3-yl)amino)imidazo[1,2-b]
pyridazine derivatives as potent, selec-
to alkenes. J. Soltys, A. Roller, K. Hultzsch
A. Stamford, Program Chair tive, and orally active Tyk2 JH2 inhibitors.
1:30 INOR 936. Selection of pep- 3:50 INOR 953. Mechanistic studies of the
C. Liu, J. Lin, R. Moslin, J.S. Tokarski, J.
tidic inhibitors against sortase A Zn(II)/SiO2-catalyzed hydroamination of OTHER SYMPOSIA OF INTEREST: Muckelbauer, H. Park, P. Li, D. Wu, J. Strnad,
by using phage display library. alkynes. A.K. Cook-Sneathen, C. Coperet
Chemical Biology of Infectious A. Zupa-Fernandez, L. Cheng, C. Chaudhry, C.
M. Koksal, N. Ersoz, F. Dudak
4:10 INOR 954. Formation of carbazoles Disease (see BIOL, Wed) Huang, J. Chen, C. Chen, H. Sun, P. Elzinga,
1:50 INOR 937. Quantitatively probing and indolines via oxidative intramolec- Drug Discovery: Cheminformatic C. D’Arienzo, K. Gillooly, T.L. Taylor, K.W.
photosystem II with a rotating ring disk ular C-N coupling of amido aryl and Approaches (see CINF, Wed) McIntyre, L.M. Salter-Cid, L. Lombardo, P.H.
electrode assembly. N. Kornienko, R. amido alkyl Pd(II) complexes with H2O2 Carter, N. Aranibar, J.R. Burke, D.S. Weinstein
Glycomimetics as Antibiotic-Sparing
van Grondelle, A. Rutherford, E. Reisner as oxidant: A mechanistic analysis. E.
Therapeutics for Infectious 8:50 MEDI 8. Discovery of small molecule
Abada, P.Y. Zavalij, A.N. Vedernikov
2:10 INOR 938. Fast hydrogen atom Disease (see CARB, Sun) protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2)
abstraction by a hydroxo iron(III) 4:30 INOR 955. Acceleration of Informatics & Chemical Biology: antagonists and agonists using DNA-
porphyrazine. H. Gao, J.T. Groves Pd-catalyzed amide N-arylations Identifying Targets & Biological encoded library (DEL) screening technol-
2:30 INOR 939. Investigating the bioi- using co-catalytic metal triflates: Pathways (see CINF, Tue) ogies. D.G. Brown, A. Ferguson, H. Chen,
norganic chemistry of H2S using small Substrate scope and mechanistic Toxicological Considerations in
L. Sundstrom, S. Geschwinder, A. Snijder,
molecule model systems. M.D. Pluth study. J. Becica, G. Dobereiner Antibody Drug Conjugate Design M. Saxin, J. Zhang, Y. Wu, H. Souter, D.M.
& Development (see TOXI, Tue) Troast, C. Dumelin, G.A. Brown, R.K. Cheng,
2:50 INOR 940. OEC model complexes 4:50 INOR 956. Expansion of boracar-
C. Fiez-Vandal, R. Cooke, R. Prihandoko, B.
via application of a tunable carboxamide boxylated vinyl arenes: Exploring the What do Synthetic Chemists Want from
Tehan, G. Wiggin, A. Zhukov, M.S. Congreves,
ligand scaffold. N. McMillion, J.S. Anderson synthetic elaboration of the carbon- Their Reaction Systems? (see CINF, Sun)
B. Teobald, O. Schlenker, Q. Liu, W. Yang,
boron bond through cross-coupling.
3:10 Intermission. SOCIAL EVENTS: R. Chen, S. Johnstone, R. Burli, N. Dekker
T. Perrone, S. Knowlden, B.V. Popp
3:20 INOR 941. Spectroscopic and elec- MEDI Hall of Fame Reception 9:10 MEDI 9. Creating the ideal vaccine
5:10 INOR 957. Withdrawn.
trocatalytic reduction studies of nitrite to (Open), 5:30 PM: Tue formulation: Attenuating inflammation
NO by human serum albumin-heme. M.I. Poster Session & Social Hour, while maintaining the adaptive response.
Galinato, E.M. Luteran, G.A. Fye, J.A. Bennett
Section F 7:00 PM: Sun, Wed B. Moser, R.C. Steinhardt, A.P. Esser-Kahn
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown 9:30 MEDI 10. High confidence protein-li-
3:40 INOR 942. Functional role for BUSINESS MEETINGS:
the [4Fe4S] cluster in human DNA Grand Ballroom Central gand complex modeling by NMR-guided
Business Meeting (Open), 5:30 PM: Sun docking enables early hit optimization.
primase as a redox switch using
DNA charge transport. E. OBrien, M. Bioinorganic Chemistry Executive Committee Meeting A. Lingel, D. Bussiere, A. Proudfoot
Holt, M.K. Thompson, L.E. Salay, A.C. (Closed), 8:30 AM: Sun
DNA, RNA & Inorganic Drugs 9:50 MEDI 11. Identification of potent,
Ehlinger, W.J. Chazin, J.K. Barton Long-Range Planning Committee selective, and cellularly-active KDM2B
S. A. Koch, Organizer Meeting (Closed), 5:30 PM: Mon inhibitors by utilizing structure- and
4:00 INOR 943. Revision of hydroxyl-
amine oxidoreductase activities and A. G. Tennyson, Y. Zheng, Presiding property-based design. J. Liang
bacterial ammonia oxidation path- 10:10 MEDI 12. Selectively target-
1:30 INOR 958. Synthesis, charac-
ways. J.D. Caranto, K.M. Lancaster
terization, and biological activity of SUNDAY MORNING ing MYC expression with nucleic
4:20 INOR 944. Elucidating the DNA mismatch-targeting rhodium acid binding small molecules.
reactivity of ferrous heme-P460 complexes. K. Boyle, J.K. Barton Section A D. Calabrese, E. Leon, S. Gaikwad, X. Chen,
cofactors. M. Smith, K.M. Lancaster S. Alden, Z. Phyo, W. Hewitt, T. Hilimire,
1:50 INOR 959. Photoactivation of two Walter E. Washington Convention Center
K. Walters, B. Mock, J. Schneekloth
4:40 INOR 945. Metallodithiolenes fluorescent dyes via ruthenium(II) Room 146B
revealed as unique chemical cha- polypyridyl ligand exchange.
meleons. J.H. Enemark, B.W. Stein, T.N. Rohrabaugh, J.K. White, C. Turro Treatment of Chronic
J. Yang, R. Mtei, N. Wiebelhaus, D. Neuropathic Pain
2:10 INOR 960. Synthesis and char-
Kersi, D.L. Lichtenberger, M.L. Kirk
acterization of dinuclear ruthenium K. A. Jacobson, D. Salvemini, Organizers,
complexes as mitochondrial calcium Presiding 
Section E uptake inhibitors. S.R. Nathan,
J. Urgiles, J. Woods, J. Wilson 8:30 MEDI 1. Purine receptors as drug
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown
targets in pain. K.A. Jacobson, D.K.
Grand Ballroom North 2:30 INOR 961. Withdrawn. Tosh, A. Ciancetta, D. Salvemini The use of any device to capture
2:50 INOR 962. Withdrawn.
Organometallic Chemistry
9:05 MEDI 2. A3 adenosine recep- images (e.g., cameras and camera
3:10 Intermission. tor subtype agonists as novel
Applications to Organic non-narcotic analgesics for neu- phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
3:20 INOR 963. Rhodium-cyanine fluores-
Transformations cent probes for detection and signaling of
ropathic pain. D. Salvemini, K.A. digital recorders) or to stream,
Jacobson, D.K. Tosh, G. Bennett
N. S. Radu, Organizer mismatches in DNA. A. Nano, J.K. Barton upload or rebroadcast speakers or
9:40 MEDI 3. Design of new antagonists
D. Lehnherr, A. N. Vedernikov, Presiding
of P2X and P2Y receptors. C.E. Mueller presentations is strictly prohibited
1:30 INOR 946. Redox activity of carbene
10:15 MEDI 4. Endocannabinoid at all official ACS meetings and
ligands: Convergent and divergent
radical-type pathways of metal-bound
system as a target for neuropathic events without express written
pain treatment. A. Makriyannis
carbene radicals. B. de Bruin consent from ACS.

10:30 MEDI 13. Different modes of 1:55 MEDI 19. NMR conformational sig- Glycomimetics as Antibiotic-Sparing MEDI 45. Repurposing of a conforma-
activation of the four regulatory pyruvate natures guide the design of macrocycle Therapeutics for Infectious Disease tionally locked nucleoside scaffold:
dehydrogenase kinases by the E2 drug cell activity and permeability: Enhanced activity at the dopamine and
Targeting Uropathogenic E. coli
and E3 binding protein components AstraZeneca case studies. A.Y. Balazs, norepinephrine sodium symporters.
Bacterial Adhesins & Other
of the human pyruvate dehydroge- R. Carbajo, N. Davies, E. Chiarparin D. Tosh, A. Janowsky, A. Eshleman, E.
nase complex. E.L. Guevara, L. Yang,
Anti-Virulence Strategies Warnick, Z. Gao, Z. Chen, E. Gizewski, J.
2:20 MEDI 20. Discovery of CC-671: A
N.S. Nemeria, J. Zhou, F. Jordan Sponsored by CARB, Cosponsored by MEDI  Auchampach, D. Salvemini, K.A. Jacobson
TTK/CLK2 inhibitor for the treatment of
10:50 MEDI 14. Discovery of a selec- triple negative breast cancer. J.R. Riggs What do Synthetic Chemists Want MEDI 46. Structure-based fragment
tive androgen receptor degrader from Their Reaction Systems? growing and serendipity: First discovery
2:45 MEDI 21. Optimization of macrocyclic
(SARD) for treatment of castration-re- of S1 benzylamine-derived potent and
ring containing Mcl-1 inhibitors through Sponsored by CINF, Cosponsored by
sistant prostate cancer. Z. Yao, S.E. selective reversible inhibitors binding to
SAR and rational design. T. Kohn COMP, INOR, MEDI and ORGN 
Wardell, I. Spasojevic, J.D. Norris, J.A. an ‘unlocked’ conformation of the serine
Katzenellenbogen, D.P. McDonnell, J.S. Josan 3:10 MEDI 22. Discovery of GDC-0077: A protease Complement Factor D. T. Yoon,
highly selective inhibitor of PI3K-alpha A. Vulpetti, N. Ostermann, O. Rogel, A. Mac
11:10 MEDI 15. EGFR triple mutant:
Recent set-backs and new hopes in
that induces degradation of mutant-p110 SUNDAY EVENING Sweeney, F. Cumin, S. Randl, E. Lorthiois, O.
alpha protein. M. Braun, C. Chan, S. Simic, S. Rüdisser, P. Erbel, J.K. Maibaum
fighting mutant non-small cell lung
Clausen, K. Edgar, C. Eigenbrot, R. Eliott, N.
cancer. S.A. Laufer, M. Guenther, M. Section A MEDI 47. Organizing 3D project data for
Endres, L. Friedman, K. Gerland, X. Gu, P.
Juchum, E. Doering, M. Keul, J. Lategahn, Walter E. Washington Convention Center structure-based drug design. E. Metwally
Hamilton, C. Han, E.J. Hanan, R. Hong, P.
H. Tumbrink, J. Engel, D. Rauh
Jackson, S. Kelly, J. Knight, M. Lee, A. Lu, Hall E MEDI 48.Targeting specific interactions
11:30 MEDI 16. Development and opti- C. MacLeod, A. McKenzie, M. Nannini, R. to improve EGFR-ligand binding. N. Li
mization of a selective MYST histone Narukulla, A. Nguyen, J. Pang, H.E. Purkey, General Posters MEDI 49.MOEsaic: Application of
acetyltransferase inhibitor that induces L. Salphati, D. Sampath, S. Schmidt, L.
A. W. Stamford, Organizer  matched molecular pairs to interac-
cellular senescence. D.J. Leaver, B. Schutt, R. Heald, K. Song, M. Ultsch, J. Xin,
tive SAR exploration. A. Ajamian
Cleary, N. Nuyen, M. Chung, B.N. Sheikh, K. Yeap, A. Young, Z. Zhong, S.T. Staben 7:00 - 9:00
H. Falk, A.K. Voss, T. Thomas, J.B. Baell MEDI 50.Exploiting solvent effects in drug
3:35 MEDI 23. Discovery of the JAK1 MEDI 32. New selective 5-HT2B  design and optimization. C. Williams
11:50 MEDI 17. Mnk1/2 and Abl inhibitions selective kinase inhibitor AZD4205. Q. receptor antagonists for the treat-
for the treatment of blast crisis chronic Su, J. Kettle, N. Grimster, M. Vasbinder, S. ment of fibrosis. L. Pettersson MEDI 51. Design, synthesis, and evalua-
myelogenous leukemia. K. Nacro, J. Kawatkar, S. Throner, R. Woessner, H. Chen, tion of potent and selective inhibitors
Cherian, H. Yang, Y. Yeap, Z. Poh, L.R. C. Chuaqui, G. Bebernitz, K. Bell, E. Anderson, MEDI 33. Novel pirfenidone derivatives: of mono-(ADP-ribosyl)transferases,
Chennamaneni, S. Ang, E.S. Tan, A.J. L. Ruston, J. Winter-Holt, W. Yang, P. Lyne Potent antifibrotic agents. Z. Ma, C. Yu, Q. PARP10 and PARP14. J. Holechek, R.
Duraiswamy, A. Poulsen, J.K. Joy, B. Liu, Chen, W. Huang, Z. Wang, C. Zhang, Z. Shen Lease, A. Thorsell, R. Grant, A. Keen,
4:00 MEDI 24. Discovery of LY3200882:
E. Ong, M. Choon, P. Kwek, V. Pendharkar, MEDI 34. Discovery of novel benzo[b] T. Karlberg, H. Schuler, D. Ferraris
A highly specific and potent TGFβRI
V. Manoharan, V. Susmitha, C. Low, M. thiophene tetrazoles as non-carbox- MEDI 52.Development of azole antifungal
small molecule inhibitor. S. Parthasarathy
Lee, K. Sangthongpitag, S. Lim, C. Chua, ylate GPR40 agonists. M.R. Player, H. analogues to treat cancers dependent
S. Ong, J. Hill, T.H. Keller, A. Matter 4:25 MEDI 25. Discovery of BMS-135: An Huang, M.P. Winters, S.K. Meegalla, S.P. on Hedgehog signaling. K.A. Teske, J.R.
orally active imidazo[2,1-f][1,2,4]triazine Lee, T. Martin, J. Liu, M. Towers, F. Xu, H. Pace, A.M. DeBerardinis, M.K. Hadden
Merck Research Award Symposium pan-CK2 inhibitor for the treatment of Lim, J. Silva, M. Otieno, E. Arnoult, A. Pocai
cancer. A.V. Purandare, K. Zimmermann, MEDI 53.Development of novel NK3
Sponsored by WCC, Cosponsored by BIOL, MEDI 35. GPR40 full agonists for the treat- receptor antagonists with reduced
W. Johnson, H. Wan, A.C. Hart, C.M. Tarby,
COMP, MEDI, MPPG, ORGN, PMSE and PROF  ment of type 2 diabetes. M.R. Player, S.K.
L. He, B.E. Fink, A.V. Gavai, G. Vite, Y. environmental impact.
Zhao, W. Vaccaro, T. Huynh, H. Mastalerz, Meegalla, H. Huang, T. Martin, J. Xu, S. Zhao, K. Yamamoto, H. Ohno, N. Fujii, S. Oishi
Glycomimetics as Antibiotic-Sparing
J.A. Inghrim, J.S. Tokarski, X. Sang, B. J. Liu, M. Towers, J. Gunnet, Y. Wang, S.P.
Therapeutics for Infectious Disease MEDI 54. Synthesis of [11C]methyl
Rupnow, C. Yu, J. Fargnoli, B. Henley, F. Lee, J. Silva, M. Otieno, E. Arnoult, A. Pocai
Targeting P. Aeruginosa 3-((2,2-difluoro-5H-[1,3]dioxolo[4’,5’:4,5]
Lee, A. Fura, M. Oberneier, P.A. Elzinga, MEDI 36.Discovery of clinical candidate benzo[1,2-d]imidazol-6-yl)carbamoyl)
Bacterial Lectins & Other W. Foster, B. Sleczska, P. Arunachalam, A. MR1704: A novel isothiazole based benzoate as a new potential PET agent
Anti-Virulence Strategies Gupta, M. Vetrichelvan, N. Raghavan, Z. GPR40 agonist for diabetes. M. Okochi for imaging of casein kinase 1.
Sponsored by CARB, Cosponsored by MEDI  Yang, A. Mathur, R. Rampulla, D. Wu, P. Li, M. Gao, M. Wang, Q. Zheng
MEDI 37. Discovery of a novel series of
H. Klei, G. Everlof, S. Zhong, G. Locke, J.T.
What do Synthetic Chemists Want Hunt, J. Muckelbauer, W. Yong, T. Wong
heterocycles as potent EP3 antagonists MEDI 55. Strategies for improv-
from Their Reaction Systems? for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. X. ing flash chromatography effi-
4:50 MEDI 26. Discovery of CC-90003: Zhang, L. Guo, I. Bakaj, M. Rankin, G. Ho, ciency. J.R. Bickler, E. Denton
Sponsored by CINF, Cosponsored by A covalent ERK1/2 inhibitor. L. Qiao K. Jack, S.P. Lee, L. Norquay, M.J. Macielag
COMP, INOR, MEDI and ORGN  MEDI 56. Mass-directed flash purifica-
MEDI 38. Synthesis of 5-(3-(2-[18F] tion – a new tool for isolating natural
Section B fluoroethoxy)phenyl)-1,3-dihydro-2H-ben- products. J.R. Bickler, E. Denton
Walter E. Washington Convention Center zofuro[3,2-e][1,4]diazepin-2-one as a new
SUNDAY AFTERNOON potential PET radioligand for P2X4 recep- MEDI 57. Synthesis and Structure–Activity
Room 146A Relationship (SAR) of tetra-sub-
tor. M. Wang, M. Gao, J. Meyer, J. Peters, H.
Section A Zarrinmayeh, P. Territo, G. Hutchins, Q. Zheng
stituted cyclohexyl diol inhibitors
Biophysical Methods in of pan-PIM kinases. W. Han
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Drug Discovery MEDI 39. Novel and widely-applicable
method to uncover pharmacologically MEDI 58.Morphing of antimicrobial
Room 146B
M. J. Blanco, Organizer  active metabolites using metabolic peptides towards selective antibiotic
biotransformation, affinity selec- agents. A.T. Mueller, J.A. Hiss, G. Schneider
General Orals N. A. Meanwell, P. M. Scola, K.
Yeung, Organizers, Presiding  tion-mass spectrometry, and 2D MEDI 59.Problem-based learning in
A. W. Stamford, Organizer, Presiding  NMR technique. X. Yang, P. Dandliker, drug discovery with MOE. A. Bonin
2:00 Introductory Remarks.
T. Zhang, E.C. Sherer, R.M. Helmy
1:30 MEDI 18. Integration of x-ray crystal- MEDI 60. Identification and characteri-
2:05 MEDI 27. Two photon fluorescence
lography, computational modelling and MEDI 40. Structural optimization of zation of small molecule scaffolds as
NMR conformational analysis data in polarization microscopy for imaging and
atropisomeric pyrrolopyrimidine inhibitors of the translesion synthesis
fragment-based drug design. E. Tamanini quantifying drug target binding in vitro
RET kinase inhibitors. S. Toenjes pathway. Z. Ozen, M.K. Hadden
and in vivo. C. Vinegoni, R. Weissleder
MEDI 41. Molecular docking of potent MEDI 61. Development of affinity probes
2:40 MEDI 28. Cryo-EM applications from
MmpL3 inhibitors based on the for identification of the molecular
viruses to nanoparticles. P.L. Stewart
indole-2-carboxamide scaffold. J. Stec, target for a novel series of Rho/MRTF/
3:15 MEDI 29. Discovering drug leads by O. Onajole, S. Lun, H. Guo, B. Merenbloom, SRF-mediated gene transcription
practical NMR strategies. S. Laplante G. Vistoli, W. Bishai, A.P. Kozikowski inhibitors. D. Kahl, E. Mathes Lisabeth, S.
Haynes, B. Martin, R. Neubig, S.D. Larsen
3:50 MEDI 30. Applications of SPR to Longitudinal murine biodistribu-
Technical program information drug discovery: Understanding LXRb
MEDI 42.
tion and MRI study of a gavage-adminis- MEDI 62. Asymmetric synthesis of novel
known at press time. agonist binding profile to two key serum tered gadolinium pegylated metallofuller- antimalarial agents with fluorene
proteins. M.R. Witmer, K. Behnia, S. ene nanoparticle. Y. Kim, T. Li, D. Smiley,
The official technical program for Johngahr, Q. Wang, J. Smalley, D. Calambur, A. Eltahir, D. Karolyi, S. LaConte, H.C. Dorn
core. J. Schneider, A. Dassonville-
Klimpt, J. Becker, P. Sonnet
the 254th ACS National Meeting P. Marathe, D. Rodrigues, E.K. Kick
MEDI 43. Withdrawn.
is available at www.acs.org/ 4:25 MEDI 31. Not all sites are equal: Using
MEDI 44. Urea TrkA kinase inhibitors:
biophysics to probe the biological rele-
WDC2017 vance of fragment binding sites. S. Saalau
How the hinge helped open the door
to improved potency. K. Jones

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


MEDI 63. Small molecule and peptidic Novel inhibitors of the

MEDI 78. MEDI 94. Pyrrolo-triazine derivatives as MEDI 109. Stereoselective synthesis of
ligands as PCSK9-LDLR inhibitors. S.K. NLRP3 inflammasome. J. Fulp, atypical antipsychotics for the treatment rhodotorulic acid analogues with potential
Bhattacharya, M. Ammirati, K.A. Borzilleri, O. L. He, Y. Jiang, S. Zhang of schizophrenia. M. Rasheed, siderophore properties. T. Garnerin, A.
Cheneval, B. Chrunyk, D. Craik, N. Daly, R. A.K. Shinde, M. Dasoju, S. Gagginapally, Dassonville-Klimpt, J. Becker, P. Sonnet
MEDI 79. Synthesis of novel tanshinones
Dullea, M.C. Griffor, A.S. Kamlet, C. Limberakis, for probing the inflammatory response in V. Middekadi, R. Subramanian, G. MEDI 110. Structure-based drug design of
P. Sahasrabudhe, S. Liu, P.M. Loria, K.F. Mc zebrafish. M.J. Foulkes, S. Jones, Bhyrapuneni, P. Jayarajan, V. Nirogi novel ASK1 inhibitors using an integrated
Clure, E. Menhaji-Klotz, D. Petersen, D.W. S.A. Renshaw lead optimization strategy. T.S. Gibson,
MEDI 95. Preclinical characterization of
Piotrowski, M. Popovska-Gorevski, D. Price, A. B. Johnson, A. Fanjul, P. Halkowycz,
MEDI 80. Small molecule activators of the indole carboxamide derivatives: Novel,
Reyes, R.B. Ruggeri, C. Schroeder, K. Song, D.R. Dougan, D.C. Cole, S. Swann
leukotriene A4 hydrolase enzyme for pul- potent and selective muscarinic M1 posi-
J. Swedberg, I.A. Stock, M. Tu, J. Withka
monary inflammation. K. Lee, G. Petruncio, tive allosteric modulators. A.K. Shinde, M. MEDI 111. Lead identification of activators
MEDI 64. Novel Wnt/β-catenin inhibitors M. Burdick, S.M. Noble, Y.M. Shim, M. Paige Rasheed, R.K. Badange, V. Reballi, K. Bojja, of the Nrf2 pathway via targeting
for the treatment of colorectal cancer. S. Kommineni, S. Manchineela, V. Goyal, S. repression of Bach1. H. Nie, A. Davis,
Y. Ai, W. Yang, Y. Li, Y. Shu, F. Xue MEDI 81. Synthesis, docking and biological Pandey, V. Benade, P. Jayarajan, V. Nirogi J.F. Callahan, R. Carr, J.K. Kerns, A.
evaluation of certain class of nonste-
MEDI 65. Selective inhibition of Hedgehog MEDI 96. Towards the development of a Lakdawala-Shah, T. Li, B. McCleland, J.
roidal anti-inflammatory drugs as fatty
(Hh) signaling by analogues of vitamin D3 peptide-PROTAC conjugate targeting Kou, R. Osborn, W. Rumsey, Y. Sanchez,
acid amide hydrolase inhibitors. l.S.
and calcitriol. C. Maschinot, M.K. Hadden a viral protein: Rational design and T. Sweitzer, L. Wolfe, J. Yonchuk, H. Yan
Saad, F.A. Alasmary, M.E. EL-Araby
optimization of a stapled alpha-he- MEDI 112. Novel thiophene analogs as
MEDI 66. Studies towards the identifi- MEDI 82.Anti-proliferative and anti-inflam- lical peptide that binds HPV16 E2 potential MEK5/ERK5 inhibitor. M. Gupta,
cation of small molecule regulators matory estrogen receptor modulators. protein. S.L. Richardson, M.C. Hartman P.T. Flaherty, A. Bhatt, T. Wright, J. Cavanaugh
of SWI/SNF chromatin remod- K. Cagasova, S. Rajalekshmi Devi, A. Arneson,
eling. A. Zaino, M.K. Hadden N. Fox, S. Srinivasan, K. Carlson, T. Martin, MEDI 97. Synthesis and biological MEDI 113. Design and synthesis of
J.A. Katzenellenbogen, K. Nettles, J.S. Josan evaluation of phosphoantigens for phenylthiourea emetine analogs
MEDI 67. Imine-based dynamic com-
gamma-delta T cell stimulation. for studies in prostate cancer. N.
binatorial chemistry for discovery of MEDI 83.Synthesis of natural 1a,20S-di- M.M. Poe, C. Hsiao, A.J. Wiemer Idris, E.S. Akinboye, O. Bakare
multivalent RNA-binding ligands. A. hydroxyvitamin D3 as a potent vitamin D
Umuhire-Juru, A. Jan, A.E. Hargrove receptor agonist and anti-inflammatory MEDI 98. Synthesis and evaluation of MEDI 114. Improving solubility, permeabil-
agent. Z. Lin, H. Chen, A. Belorusova, vitamin D3-based probes for cellular ity and bioavailability of imatinib using
MEDI 68. Diversification of nitrogen
J. Bolinger, E. Tang, Z. Janjetovic, T. target(s) verification. J. Wen, M.K. Hadden crystal engineering approach with
containing fused heterocycles for
selective recognition and binding Kim, J. Wu, D.D. Miller, A. Slominski, A. MEDI 99.Design and synthesis of nicotinamide and glutamic acid.
to RNA. N.N. Patwardhan, B.S. Postlethwaite, R. Tuckey, N. Rochel, W. Li siderophore-antibiotic conjugates. M. Kumar Gautam, M. Besan, R. Chadha
Morgan, J. Forte, A.E. Hargrove MEDI 84. Phospholipase A2: A pharma- J. Jourdan, A. Dassonville-Klimpt, MEDI 115. Identification of novel
ceutical target to diminish inflammation. C. Mullié, J. Becker, P. Sonnet 5,6-dimethoxy indan-1-one derivative
Targeting the EWS-FLI1 pre-
MEDI 69.
mRNA in Ewing sarcoma through small V.D. Mouchlis, J. McCammon, E.A. Dennis MEDI 100. Design and validation of a as potent antiviral agent. S.A. Patil,
molecule microarray screening. R. Boer, peptidomimetic ligand as a translesion V. Patil, R. Patil, K. Beaman, S. Patil
MEDI 85.Design and synthesis of curcumin
C. Neckles, D. Calabrese, G. Rangel-Rivera, conjugates as potential anti-inflammatory synthesis inhibitor. R. Dash, M.K. Hadden MEDI 116. Phosphatase-stable peptido-
S. Kim, N.J. Caplen, J. Schneekloth agents. S.S. Panda, A.S. Girgis, S.J. Thomas mimetic ligands of the polo-like kinase
MEDI 101.Strategies for the modulation of
MEDI 70. Exploiting amino acid protease-activated receptors (PARs). 1 polo-box domain. D. Hymel, T.R. Burke
MEDI 86.Selective JAK1 inhibitors for treat-
differences: Design, synthesis and ment of inflammatory diseases: Design D. Gandhi, M. Majeswski, R. Rosas, T.J. MEDI 117. Exploration of intramo-
biological evaluation of substituted and synthesis. M.D. Parikh, R.P. Robinson Foster, K. Kentala, A. Stephans, K. Kurtenbach, lecular protein-protein interaction
pyrido[3,2-d]pyrimidines as potent R. Engel, K. Lucknow, C. Dockendorff inhibitors of polo-like kinase 1.
and selective dihydrofolate reductase MEDI 87. Design and synthesis
MEDI 102. Withdrawn. K. Tsuji, D. Hymel, T.R. Burke
inhibitors for pneumocystis pneumonia of N-alkylated tubulysin analogs and
infection. A. Gangjee, K.S. Shah, M.P. their folate conjugates. I.R. Vlahov,  MEDI 103. Discovery of novel class of alpha MEDI 118. Application of oxime-di-
Ravindra, D.W. Seybert, M.T. Cushion F. You, K.Y. Wang, H.K. Santhapuram, selective PI3K inhibitors. K. Garland, E.J. versification to optimize ligand
H.F. Klein, M. Vetzel, J. Reddy, C.P. Leamon Hanan, S.T. Staben, M. Braun, K. Edgar, N. interactions within a cryptic pocket
Chemistry of Canadian
MEDI 71.
of the polo-like kinase 1 polo-box
MEDI 88.Pro-Pyrrolobenzodiazepine Endres, L. Friedman, A. Nguyen, J. Pang, H.E.
medical cannabis. M.M. Lewis, Y. domain. X. Zhao, D. Hymel, T.R. Burke
(pro-PBD) bioconjugates, part 1: Design Purkey, L. Salphati, S. Schmidt, K. Song, M.
Yang, E. Wasilewski, L.P. Kotra
and synthesis of pro-PBD conjugates Ultsch, A. Jaochico, C. Chan, C. Eigenbrot, MEDI 119. Novel 5-substituted pyr-
MEDI 72. Identification of a potent  containing a cleavable disulfide linker. C. MacLeod, P. Jackson, R. Narukulla, J. rolo[2,3-d]pyrimidines with pyridine
in vivo candidate inhibiting SHMT, I.R. Vlahov, L. Qi, P.J. Kleindl, S.J. Hahn, K.Y. Knight, K. Yeap, K. Messick, N. Valle, R. glutamate side chain as selective folate
an underexploited antimalarial Wang, J.F. Vaughn, H.K. Santhapuram, M. Heald, M. Nannini, P. Hamilton, S. Clausen, receptors and proton-coupled folate
target. G. Schwertz, M. Witschel, Vetzel, M. Nelson, J. Reddy, C.P. Leamon A. Young, D. Sampath, R. Hong, M. Lee, transporter substrates: Potential targeted
M. Rottmann, U. Leartsakulpanich, P. T. Blench, R. Elliott, A. Lu, X. Gu, J. Xin chemotherapeutic agents.
Chitnumsub, K. White, F.N. Diederich MEDI 89. Targeted folate-aminopterin
MEDI 104. Discovery of pan-active and A. Gangjee, A.B. Doshi, L.H. Matherly, Z. Hou,
anti-inflammatory conjugates:
MEDI 73. Macrocyclic triazolopyridines isoform selective inhibitors of class I A. Dekhne, C. O’Connor, A. Wallace-Povirk
Synthesis and activity of an
as potent inhibitors of myeloperox- enzymatically labile lysine-linked phosphoinositide-3-kinases (PI3Ks) MEDI 120. Design of alkylarylsubstituted
idase. C.H. Hu, J.M. Smallheer, M.N. conjugate and its pegylated analogs. utilizing a DNA-encoded discovery targeted thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidines as
Valente, O.S. Halpern, S.J. Jusuf, J. Khan, P.J. Kleindl, F. You, H.K. Santhapuram, platform. C.D. Hupp, D.I. Resnicow, D. cancer chemotherapeutic agents with
S.A. Shaw, B.P. Vokits, G.A. Locke, L.M. H.F. Klein, S.J. Hahn, J. Lu, S. Rao, M. Gikunju, M.A. Clark, Y. Zhang, A.D. Keefe, fluorine insertion on aryl the side chain.
Abell, F.J. Duclos, R.R. Wexler, E.K. Kick Pugh, V. Cross, C.P. Leamon, I.R. Vlahov J.W. Cuozzo, E.A. Sigel, P.A. Centrella, N. Tong, A. Gangjee, L.H. Matherly, Z. Hou,
M.A. Guie, S. Habeshian, K.M. Kennedy C.E. O’connor, A.W. Povirk, A.S. Dekhne
MEDI 74.Design, synthesis, and MEDI 90. Targeted folate-aminopterin
anti-neoplastic evaluation of dimeric anti-inflammatory conjugates: MEDI 105. Potent and selective PI3Kδ
amino-naphthoquinones against acute Optimization of a reductively/enzymati- inhibitors: Structure-activity relation-
myeloid leukemia (AML) cells. P. Truong, cally labile cysteine-derived linker system. ships of 8-alkoxy-2-(benzimidaz-
O. Kipe, V. Lam, B.A. Carter-Cooper, S. P.J. Kleindl, F. You, H.K. Santhapuram, ol-1-yl)-6-morpholinopurines. J. Li,
Dash, R.G. Lapidus, A. Emadi, D. Ferraris J.F. Vaughn, H.F. Klein, J. Lu, S. Rao, M. B. Safina, Z.K. Sweeney, D.P. Sutherlin
MEDI 75.Discovery and characterization Pugh, V. Cross, C.P. Leamon, I.R. Vlahov MEDI 106. Discovery of naldemedine
of 1H-pyrazol-5-yl-2-phenylacetamides MEDI 91. Pro-Pyrrolobenzodiazepine (S-297995): A potent and orally available
as novel, non-urea containing GIRK1/2 (pro-PBD) bioconjugates, part 2: Design opioid receptor antagonist for treatment
potassium channel activators. S. Sharma, and synthesis of pro-PBD conjugates of opioid-induced adverse effects.
J.M. Wieting, A.K. Vadukoot, K.K. Abney, containing an enzyme-responsive M. Inagaki, M. Kume, Y. Tamura, S. Hara, The use of any device to capture
T.M. Bridges, B. Vo, A. Andersone, K.D. Y. Goto, T. Hasegawa, N. Haga, K. Koike,
Wickmane, C. Weaver, C.R. Hopkins
linker. I.R. Vlahov, N. Zou, A. Felten,
H. Chiba, M. Imai, T. Nakamura, S. Mihara, images (e.g., cameras and camera
K.Y. Wang, S.J. Hahn, C.P. Leamon
MEDI 76.Design and development of
S. Ohnishi, Y. Ishihara, T. Kanemasa, H. Kai phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
MEDI 92. Withdrawn.
new potent and selective inhibitors
MEDI 93.Discovery of potent antiallodynic
MEDI 107. Synthesis and biological digital recorders) or to stream,
of NaV1.7. P. Bergeron, S. McKerrall, evaluation of matrix metalloproteinase 9
B. Safina, D.P. Sutherlin, D.F. Ortwine, agents for neuropathic pain targeting inhibitors for cancer therapeutics. upload or rebroadcast speakers or
P2X3 receptors. Y. Jung, Y. Kim, H. Lin,
T. Nguyen, C.M. Dehnhardt, S. Sun
J. Cho, J. Park, S. Lee, J. Bae, K. Kang, Y.
X. Ren, V. Alford, Q. Gan, M. Awwa, I. Ojima presentations is strictly prohibited
MEDI 77. Novel indole pharmacophore Kim, A. Pae, H. Ko, C. Park, M. Yoon, Y. Kim MEDI 108. Addressing a large active site: at all official ACS meetings and
series of irreversible MPO inhibitors. Inhibition of trypanothione reductase with
A. Patnaik, L. Axford, N. Dales, L.G. Hamann, cyclohexylpyrrolidine-based ligands. events without express written
J. Marcinkeviciene, M. Marro, A.W. Patterson R.E. De Gasparo, E. Persch, S. Bryson, M. consent from ACS.
Kaiser, E.F. Pai, R. Krauth-Siegel, F.N. Diederich

MEDI 121. Optimizing the cystargolide MEDI 133. Dentification of novel inhibitors MEDI 150. Novel 6-substituted pyrrolo[2, MEDI 167. Smart and targeted delivery of
scaffold for the selective treatment of of glucose transporter 3 (GLUT3) 3-d] pyrimidines with substituted an anticancer active copper complex:
cancer by proteasome inhibition. L. through structure-based virtual nitrogen bridges and fluorinated benzoyl In vitro and in vivo studies. A. Pramanik,
Hallada, D. Niroula, S. Ganegamage, M. Groll, screening. S. Zhang, C. Libby, C.E. regioisomers as selective folate receptor K. Somasundaram, A.G. Samuelson
C. Le Chapelain, S. Rogelj, R. Tello-Aburto Augelli-Szafran, A.B. Hjelmeland, W. Zhang substrates and antitumor agents. MEDI 168.Ferrocene based Fe-Sn
A. Gangjee, X. Li, A. Wallace-Povirk, C. heterobimetallics: Synthesis and
MEDI 122. Coupled enzyme assay for MEDI 134. Withdrawn.
O’Connor, A. Dekhne, Z. Hou, L.H. Matherly DNA binding potentials. A. Altaf,
screening of effector molecules of
MEDI 135. Glutathione as an herbal
nicotinamide mononucleotide MEDI 151. Design, synthesis and in N. Khan, A. Badshah, B. Lal
molecule with potential for zinc che-
adenylyltransferase (NMNAT). combo antidiabetic bioevalua- MEDI 169. Design and synthesis of
lation therapy. M. Russo, A. Mousavi
B.A. Haubrich, C. Ramesha, D.C. Swinney tion of multitarget phenylpropa- novel pH-responsive multifunctional
MEDI 136. Non-psychoactive canna- noic acids. G. Navarrete Vazquez,
MEDI 123. Identification and charac- lipid-like carriers for siRNA delivery.
binoid CBD modulates the orphan B. Colin-Lozano, S. Estrada-Soto, J.
terization of a new series of calcium/ Z. Sun, H. Jiang, J. Qin, D. Sun, Z. Lu
receptor GPR3. P. Morales Lázaro, Almanza-Pérez, X. Xie, U. Mura
calmodulin-dependent protein kinase MEDI 170. 3D imaging detection method
A. Laun, D. Hurst, Z. Song, P. Reggio
kinase-2 (CAMKK2) inhibitors. Y. MEDI 152.Phytochemical approach for of HER2: Application of conjugated affi-
Liang, R. Counago, M. Stashko, T. Willson, MEDI 137. Reduced synthesis time therapeutic efficacy enhancement of body-quantum dots probes and ratiomet-
C. Zhang, W.J. Zuercher, D. Drewry of an acidic a-diimine ligand using FeNP: As biomedicine. A. Mubayi, G. Watal ric analysis. P.I. Pérez Treviño, H. Hernández
flow chemistry. J.E. Silver, C. Reber,
MEDI 124. Palladacycle-facilitated MEDI 153. PTX-NPs encapsulated by de la Cerda, N. García, J. Altamirano
R. Sorgo, E. Bitz, R. Ivy, R. Lewis
ligand-free Suzuki coupling of hin- metal-polyphenol: Synthesis and MEDI 171. Improving solubility of thien-
dered aryl bromides yields potent MEDI 138.Panamanian cyanobacterial cytotoxicity. M. Hung, P. Li, W. Liu, Y. Yang o[2,3-d]pyrimidine based FLT3 inhibitor
and selective COX-2 inhibitors. M.S. metabolite with antitrypanosomal activity.
Synthesis of a,β-unsaturated
MEDI 154. via structural modifications at the C2 and
Elsayed, S. Chang, M. Cushman K. Ahmed, C. Spadafora, K.J. Tidgewell
phosphonate esters as DXR inhibitors. C6 position. C. Oh, H. Kim, G. Han
MEDI 125. Design, synthesis and evaluation MEDI 139. Investigating the impact K. Heidel, R.C. Brothers, R. Edwards, A. MEDI 172. Dendrimer-based multifunc-
of 8-(methylamino)-2-oxo-1,2-dihy- of pore size and chain length when Haymond, H.I. Boshoff, M.J. Meyers, S. tional conjugates of new-generation
droquinoline derivatives as novel DNA purifying peptides. J.E. Silver, C. Reber, Arnett, A. Rodriguez, A.R. Odom, C.S. Dowd taxoids for tumor-targeted drug
gyrase and topoisomerase IV inhibitors. R. Sorgo, E. Bitz, R. Ivy, R. Lewis
MEDI 155.Synthesis of enantiopure delivery. Y. Sun, L. Wei, I. Ojima
F. Ushiyama, H. Amada, T. Yoshizumi, Y. MEDI 140. Optimal light conditions and 10-nornaltrexone as potential TLR-4 MEDI 173.Synthesis of flexible, purine
Mihara, J. Yamagishi, A. Masuko, K. Fujita, M. nitrogen treatments for growth and for antagonist and opioid receptor ligand. analogue inhibitors of NCp7. T. Ku,
Mima, H. Okumura, H. Sugiyama, N. Ohtake accumulation of phytochemical groups C.A. Herdman, A.E. Jacobson, K.C. Rice K.L. Seley-Radtke, Y. Arefeayne
MEDI 126. Evaluation of a FLT3 inhibitor as in Calendula officinalis. P. Tuladhar
MEDI 156. Targeted BET protein deg- MEDI 174. Discovery of novel series
an anti-leukemic agent for acute myeloid MEDI 141. Identification and optimiza- radation for the treatment of acute of LasR quorum sensing inhibi-
leukemia. P. Jeong, J. Lee, H. Lee, J. Baek, tion of 4-anilinoquinolines as selec- myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute tors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. P.
J. Choi, Y. Chin, Y. Choi, Y. Kim, S. Han tive inhibitors of cyclin G associated lymphoma leukemia (ALL). J. Hu, F. Suman, L.J. Perez, S.C. Jonnalagadda
MEDI 127. Incorporation of a bigua- kinase. C.R. Asquith, T. Laitinen, J.M. Xu, E. Fernandez-Salas, D. McEachern, S.
nide scaffold enhances uptake by Bennett, P.H. Godoi, G.J. Tizzard, J.M. Przybranowski, B. Wen, D. Sun, S. Wang MEDI 175. Cefiderocol (S-649266): A new
organic cation transporters (OCT) Elkins, T. Willson, W.J. Zuercher siderophore cephalosporin exhibiting
MEDI 157. Design, synthesis and evalu- potent activities against Pseudomonas
1 and 2. A. Coutinho, O.N. Obianom, MEDI 142. Targeted antitumor agents for ation of potent DNA-alkylating agents aeruginosa and other gram nega-
W. Yang, H. Yang, F. Xue, Y. Shu the inhibition of one-carbon metabolism for use in antibody-drug conjugates tive-pathogens including multi-drug
MEDI 128. P38 MAPK kinase inhibi- associated with purine biosynthesis: (ADCs). E.E. Reid, K.E. Archer, C. Bai, resistant bacteria: Structure activity
tor for steroid insensitive asthma. L. Altering sterics, electronics and confor- N.C. Yoder, D. Vitharana, L. Lanieri, M. relationship. T. Aoki, H. Yoshizawa, K.
Wu, L. Zhang, L. Zhao, J. Sun, D. Yu, J. mation for tumor selectivity and potency. Bogalhas, R. Wu, Q. Qu, E.K. Maloney, O. Yamawaki, K. Yokoo, J. Sato, S. Hisakawa,
Wang, X. Li, S. Han, J. Li, S. Chen A. Gangjee, M.P. Ravindra, A. Wallace-Povirk, Ab, J.F. Ponte, R.V. Chari, M.L. Miller Y. Hasegawa, H. Kusano, M. Sano, H.
C. O’Connor, A. Dekhne, Z. Hou, L.H. Matherly
MEDI 129. Design, synthesis and biological MEDI 158. Towards a structure-based Sugimoto, Y. Nishitani, Y. Yamano, T. Sato,
evaluation of heteroaryl amine deriv- MEDI 143. Discovery of N-substituted pharmacophore for the transient potential M. Tsuji, R. Nakamura, T. Nishikawa
atives as potential anticancer agents. 2-phenylcyclopropylmethylamines as melastatin 8 (TRPM8) ion channel: MEDI 176. Inhibiting effect of essential oils
M. Besan, S. Shrivastava, R. Srivastava functionally selective serotonin 2C Ligand recognition at the menthol and methylglyoxal with carrier oils on
(5-HT2C) receptor agonists for potential receptor. V.B. Journigan, C.E. Heffner
MEDI 130. Method for the analysis and the growth of Pseudomonas aerugi-
use as antipsychotic medications. G.
quantification of 3-methylene furanone: A MEDI 159. Development of nosa. A. Patel, J.P. Mack, A. Rojtman
Zhang, J. Cheng, J.D. McCorvy, P.J. Lorello,
biomarker of oxidative damage to DNA. bis{N,N’-rhodamine-7,7’-aminosulfo- MEDI 177.Inhibition of the Pseudomonas
B.J. Caldarone, B.L. Roth, A.P. Kozikowski
H.T. Tchienga, M. Bedi, A.C. Bryant-Friedrich nyl(benzo[c][1,2,5]oxadiazol-4-yl)}sulfane aeruginosa heme oxygenase. E. Robinson,
MEDI 144. Design and synthesis of (BiROS) as a thiol specific fluorogenic
MEDI 131. Discovery of (3S,4R)-1-(1-(2- D. Liang, K. Hom, A. Wilks, F. Xue
1,4-benzodioxane-6-carboxylic acid agent for mitochondrial thiol imaging in
chloro-6-cyclopropylbenzoyl)-4-fluoro- MEDI 178. Discovery of 1H-benzo[d]
derivatives for studies in prostate cancer live cells. S. Wang, H. Yin, Y. Li, X. Guan
1H-indazol-3-yl)-3-hydroxypiperidine-4- imidazol-2-yl-methyl-spiro [cyclopro-
drug development. N. Idris, O. Bakare
carboxylic acid as potent and selective MEDI 160. Design, synthesis, and evalua- pane-1,3′-indolin]-2′-one derivatives
allosteric inhibitors of RORγt for the MEDI 145. Development of thiol tion of glutathione-cholesterol sulfide and as fusion inhibitors for treatment of
treatment of autoimmune diseases. specific fluorogenic agents for cell its derivatives as brain-targeting agents. respiratory syncytial virus infection. H. He
H. Zhang, K.J. Barr, N.J. Anthony, C. surface thiol imaging in live cells. Y. Huang, S. Wang, A. Najmi, X. Guan
Correll, H. Ferguson, G. Parthasarathy, Y. Alqahtani, S. Wang, X. Guan MEDI 179. Molecular-based design,
MEDI 161. Defining the pharmacokinetic synthesis and docking studies of
J. Maclean, M. Richard, B. Trotter MEDI 146.Efforts towards the development and pharmacodynamic parameters of new benzimidazole derivatives as
MEDI 132. Design, synthesis, and of new ERRg modulators via struc- potent and selective heteroaryl sulfon- potential bacterial peptide deformy-
biological evaluation of flexible acyclic ture-based drug design. C.S. Hampton, amide NaV1.7 inhibitors with robust in lase inhibitors. S.E. Kassab
nucleoside analogues against human K.M. Haynes, S. Banerjee, S. Sitaula, C. Billon, vivo analgesic activity. B. Milgram
coronaviruses and filoviruses. M. K. Griffett, J.C. Chrivia, T.P. Burris, J.K. Walker MEDI 180. Discovery of small molecules
MEDI 162. Novel isoprenoid triazole that inhibit the LRS-RagD interaction
Yates, A. Falat, K.L. Seley-Radtke MEDI 147. Targeting inhibitor of apoptosis bisphosphonates as potential GGDPS and their potential use as anti-can-
proteins: Identification of potent dimeric inhibitors. R.A. Mattheissen, M.L. cer drugs. K. Jung, C. Lee, G. Han
antagonists of IAPs. H.L. Perez, K.S. Kim, Varney, S.A. Holstein, D.F. Wiemer
E.M. Stang, D.D. Wei, L. Zhang, G. Vite, J.T. MEDI 181. First insight into struc-
MEDI 163. Withdrawn. ture-activity relationships of selective
Hunt, R.L. Talbott, J. Gan, R.M. Borzilleri
MEDI 164. Design and synthesis of Meprin β inhibitors. D. Ramsbeck,
MEDI 148. Optimization of quinazo-
bicyclic piperazine sulfonamides A. Hamann, D. Schlenzig, S. Schilling,
line derivatives as selective MEK5
leading to highly potent HIV pro- M. Buchholz, H.U. Demuth
inhibitors. S.B. Patel, A.J. Motta, P.T.
tease inhibitors. C.J. Bungard MEDI 182.Evaluating p97 inhibitor
Flaherty, A. Bhatt, T. Wright, J. Cavanaugh
Technical program information MEDI 149. Potent and selective
MEDI 165. Identification of potent 17β-hy- analogues for potency against different
droxysteroid dehydrogenase type 3 p97-p97 cofactor complexes. T. Chou
known at press time. inhibitors of receptor-interacting
(17β-HSD3) inhibitors by systematic MEDI 183.Examining the activity of HIV
protein kinase 1 that lack an aromatic
The official technical program for back pocket group. G. Hamilton
structural modifications of the lead com- protease inhibitors against human endog-
pound RM-532-105. F. Cortés-Benítez, enous retrovirus-K: A potential treatment
the 254th ACS National Meeting J. Roy, M. Perrault, R. Maltais, D. Poirier for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
is available at www.acs.org/ MEDI 166.Targeting cancer cell R. Abrams, R. Tyagi, W. Li, M. Bianchet,
WDC2017 metabolism using sugar-based A. Nath
small molecules. F. Ndombera

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


MEDI 184.Evaluating fosmidomycin MEDI 200. Development of prolinol based 11:15 MEDI 214. Development of M5 mus- 4:20 MEDI 225. Discovery of selec-
analogs as antimicrobial agents through derivatives targeting sphingosine kinase- carinic acetylcholine receptor negative tive CYP11B2 inhibitors as potential
1-Deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate reduc- 1. H. Li, Y. Kharel, K. Lynch, W.L. Santos allosteric modulators for the treatment treatments for resistant hypertension.
toisomerase (Dxr) inhibition. X. Wang, R. of opioid use disorder. C.K. Jones S.B. Hoyt, W. Petrilli, M.K. Park, J.A. Taylor,
MEDI 201. Aryl ring modifications of
Edwards, A. Haymond, R.C. Brothers, H.I. C. London, A. Cooke, J. Cai, E. Carswell, J.
sphingosine kinase 2 selective inhibitors. 11:50 Concluding Remarks.
Boshoff, R.D. Couch, A.R. Odom, C.S. Dowd Robinson, J. Maclean, L. Brown, S. Belshaw,
C. Sibley, Y. Kharel, K.R. Lynch, W. Santos
T. Clarkson, D.J. Bennett, K. Liu, G. Liang,
MEDI 185. Withdrawn.
MEDI 202. Investigation of the oprin Modeling & Measuring Protein-
F. Ujjainwalla, J. Tata, Q. Hu, L. Yin, C. van
MEDI 186. N6-benzyladenosine deriva- protein from North American opossum Ligand Kinetics & Residence Times Koppen, R.W. Hartmann, B. Kulkarni, S.K.
tives inhibit replication of RNA viruses (Didelphis virginiana) as a poten- Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored Samanta, R. Saxena, M. Struthers, D. Cully,
from Flavivirus and enterovirus geni. tial inhibitor of Western diamond- by MEDI and PHYS  T. Wisniewski, N. Ren, C. Bopp, A. Sok, T.
A. Orlov, M.S. Drenichev, V.E. Oslovsky, back rattlesnake (C. atrox) venom Cai, S. Stribling, L. Pai, X. Ma , J. Metzger,
L.I. Kozlovskaya, G.G. Karganova, V.A. metalloproteinases. R.M. Werner A. Verras, D. McMasters, Q. Chen, E. Tung,
Palyulin, S.N. Mikhailov, D.I. Osolodkin W. Tang, G. Salituro, N. Buist, J. Clemas,
MEDI 203. Synthesis and cytotoxicity of MONDAY AFTERNOON G. Zhou, M. Rosenbach, Y. Xiong, A. Ali
MEDI 187. Pharmacolofical protection Baylis-Hillman reaction derived betulinic
of mitochondrial function miti- acid analogs. P. Suman, A. Patel, L. Section A
gates acute limb ischemia/reperfu- Solano, A. Indukuri, S.K. Kommineni, R.M. Modeling & Measuring Protein-
sion injury. X. Yan, S. Hou, L. Bi Rutkoski, M. Collins, S.C. Jonnalagadda Walter E. Washington Convention Center Ligand Kinetics & Residence Times
MEDI 188. Catch and release strat- MEDI 204. Design of a-(benzoboroxolyl) Room 146B Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored
egy to treat bacterial infections. and a-(benzoboroxolylmethyl) acryl- by MEDI and PHYS 
M. Royzen, J.M. Mejia Oneto amides as potential anti-cancer agents. Encoded Technologies for Lead
Undergraduate Research Posters
P. Suman, M. Ur Rahman, M. Islam, P.M. Generation, Successes & Challenges
MEDI 189. Multi-target molecular pro- Medicinal Chemistry
Mastoridis, R. D’Souza, S.C. Jonnalagadda H. Deng, K. Leftheris, N. V. Prabhu, Organizers 
filing using MOE: A CYP450 isoform
selectivity case study. M.R. Goldsmith, Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored
J. Messer, Organizer, Presiding  by MEDI and SOCED 
C. Williams, A. Ajamian, P. Labute
MEDI 190. Phytoestrogens: New ligands
MONDAY MORNING K. Leftheris, Presiding 

targeting the estrogen receptor 1:30 Introductory Remarks.

domains. V. Thakor, A. Shaikh, M. Noolvi Section A MONDAY EVENING
1:40 MEDI 215. ALIS affinity selection in
MEDI 191. Structure-based drug design Walter E. Washington Convention Center pharmaceutical discovery. P. Dandliker
of new indole and benzpyrazole analogs Room 146B Section A
2:10 MEDI 216. Synthesis strategies to
with expected activity. A. Shaikh, V. Thakor DNA-encoded small molecule libraries Walter E. Washington Convention Center
MEDI 192.Rapid identification and Insights on Medicinal Chemistry – of a chemoresistant sequence, and Halls D/E
optimization of a novel CGRP receptor from Hardcore Practitioners micellar nanoreactors. A. Brunschweiger,
antagonist chemotype. B.M. Crowley, M. Klika Skopic, H. Salamon Sci-Mix
J. Barrow, Organizer, Presiding 
C.M. Potteiger, D.N. Nguyen, J. Lim, C. Wang, 2:40 MEDI 217. DNA-encoded library
8:30 MEDI 205. Roles of chemists and A. W. Stamford, Organizer 
H. Mitchell, K. Schirripa, M. McWherter, R. technology (ELT): Challenges
Gilfillan, M. Patel, K.L. Arrington, E.L. Moore, chemical technology in a changing drug 8:00 - 10:00
and advances in chemistry and
J.G. Bruno, A. Kemmerer, A. Soni, R.B. discovery environment. P.R. Bernstein
library development. Y. Ding 51, 56, 61, 66, 70, 74-75, 78-79, 97, 
White, D. Cui, A. Danziger, S.T. Harrison, 9:05 MEDI 206. Adventures in the
3:10 Intermission. 101, 112, 119-120, 122-123, 130, 
J.C. Culberson, H. Su, G. Parthasarathy, discovery of excitatory amino acid 142-143, 146, 177-178.
I.M. Bell, M.E. Fraley, S.D. Mosser, C. antagonist therapeutics: The value 3:25 MEDI 218. In vitro selection assays:
See previous listings.
Fandozzi, C.A. Salvatore, C.S. Burgey of perseverance. P.L. Ornstein New approaches and applications. C.J.
Krusemark, K.E. Denton, D. Kim, R. Jetson 286, 303, 305, 318-320, 323-
MEDI 193. Discovery of (E)-(4-(3-methylbut- 9:40 MEDI 207. Role of tacit knowledge 324, 328, 331, 338, 341, 353, 364.
2-en-1-yl)-3-(3-phenylpropanamido) in medicinal chemistry. R.L. Dow 3:55 MEDI 219. Revolution will be compart-
See subsequent listings.
cinnamic acid as highly potent and mentalized: Technology for next-genera-
10:15 MEDI 208. Find out what you don’t
selective inhibitor of AKR1C3 for tion small molecule discovery. B. Paegel
know: A recurring lesson from years of
the treatment of castration-resistant
lead generation research. M.R. Wiley 4:25 MEDI 220. Application of DNA- TUESDAY MORNING
prostate cancer (CRPC) and acute
encoded technology to lead generation
myeloid leukemia (AML). K. Verma, 10:50 MEDI 209. Tales from the hood:
of challenging targets. Y. Zhang
T. Zang, T.M. Penning, P.C. Trippier Three vignettes focused on optimi- Section A
zation of human dose. H.B. Wood
MEDI 194.Synthesis of β-monoad- Section B Walter E. Washington Convention Center
ducts using oligonucleotides. Room 146B
W.G. Aguilar, E. Champeil Section B Walter E. Washington Convention Center
MEDI 195. Profiling CD8 T cells in tumor Walter E. Washington Convention Center Room 146A Award Symposium
microenvironment using PEGylated Room 146A
Off Targets No More: CYP450 A. W. Stamford, Organizer
single domain antibodies and immu-
noPET. M. Rashidian, M. Dougan, J. Enzymes as Drug Discovery Targets W. B. Young, Presiding
Addiction: The Unmet Medical
Ingram, A. Dongre, K. Whang, H. Ploegh
Need of the 21st Century S. B. Hoyt, Organizer  8:30 MEDI 226. Synthesis and evaluation of
MEDI 196. Synthesis of 11C labeled S. Hoyt, Presiding  itraconazole analogues for the treatment of
J. V. Aldrich, Organizer 
RXR partial agonist CBt-PMN by [11C] medulloblastoma. J.R. Pace, M.K. Hadden
carbon dioxide fixation via organo- M. J. Blanco, Organizer, Presiding  1:30 MEDI 221. Steroidogenic cyto-
lithiation of trialkyltin precursor and 8:30 Introductory Remarks. chrome P450 enzymes as drug targets.
PET imaging thereof. O. Shibahara, M. R.W. Hartmann, J. Emmerich, L. Yin, A.
Watanabe, M. Akehi, T. Sasaki, T. Hanada, 8:35 MEDI 210. Addictive diseases: Ali, S. Hoyt, Q. Hu, C. van Koppen
A. Akahoshi, H. Hirano, H. Kakuta Molecular neurobiology, behavior, human
2:20 MEDI 222. LFF269: A cortisol-sparing
genetics, and treatments. M. Kreek
MEDI 197. Predicting ADME and PK proper- CYP11B2 inhibitor that lowers aldoste-
ties of antivirals for Ebola. M.A. Lingerfelt, 9:15 MEDI 211. Discovery of selec- rone in human subjects. J.P. Papillon
K. Zorn, J.S. Freundlich, M. Anantpadma, tive orexin-1 receptor antagonists.
3:00 MEDI 223. Using fragment-based
G. Rao, R. Davey, P. Madrid, S. Ekins B.T. Shireman, C. Preville, J.M. Ziff,
approaches to probe the Mycobacterium
The use of any device to capture
C.A. Dvorak, H. Coate, C. Gelin, T.
MEDI 198. Interdiction at a protein— Lebold, P. Bonaventure, C. Dugovic, T.
tuberculosis CYPome. C. Abell images (e.g., cameras and camera
protein interface: Structure-based Koudriakova, B. Lord, D. Nepomuceno, J. 3:40 MEDI 224. CYP51 inhibitors for phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
design and optimization of spirocyclic Shelton, T. Lovenberg, N.I. Carruthers Chagas disease. G. Lepesheva
Mcl-1 inhibitors. K. Li, S.P. Brown digital recorders) or to stream,
9:50 Intermission.
MEDI 199. Indole-TEMPO conjugates upload or rebroadcast speakers or
10:05 MEDI 212. Targeting the dopamine
alleviate ischemia-reperfusion injury
D3 receptor for treatment of opioid and
presentations is strictly prohibited
via attenuation of oxidative stress
and preservation of mitochondrial cannabis use disorders. A.H. Newman at all official ACS meetings and
function. S. Hou, X. Yan, L. Bi 10:40 MEDI 213. Substance use events without express written
disorders: Vaccination as a ther-
apeutic strategy. K.D. Janda consent from ACS.

8:55 MEDI 227. Discovery of new quinazoli- Informatics & Chemical 3:10 MEDI 249. Cleavable photoprobes 9:35 MEDI 255. Allosteric antagonists
none antibiotics for the treatment of Biology: Identifying Targets enable binding site identification of sigma-2/PGRMC1 complex: Brain
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus & Biological Pathways of a gamma secretase inhibitor. C. penetrant orally active amyloid oligo-
aureus. R. Bouley, M. Suckow, J. Sponsored by CINF, Cosponsored am Ende, N. Gertsik, K.F. Geoghegan, mer-displacing agents for the treatment
Hermoso, M.F. Chang, S. Mobashery by BIOL and MEDI C. Nguyen, P. Mukherjee, S. Mente, U.I. and prevention of mild cognitive
Seneviratne, D.S. Johnson, Y. Li impairment and Alzheimer’s disease.
9:20 MEDI 228. Harnessing a catalytic
Modeling & Measuring Protein- G.M. Rishton, G.C. Look, Z. Ni, J. Zhang,
lysine residue for the rapid, one-step 3:35 MEDI 250. Identification of LYS228:
preparation of homogeneous anti-
Ligand Kinetics & Residence Times A Novel monobactam with activity
Y. Huang, X. Wu, N. Izzo, K. Mozzoni, C.
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored Silky, C. Rehak, R. Yurko, S.M. Catalano
body-drug conjugates. A.R. Nanna, X. against extended spectrum β-lactamase
Li, E. Walseng, L. Pedzisa, R.S. Goydel, D. by MEDI and PHYS expressing and carbapenem-resis- 10:10 MEDI 256. Discovery of RG7314:
Hymel, T.R. Burke, W.R. Roush, C. Rader tant enterobacteriaceae. A. Casarez, A vasopressin 1a receptor antagonist
A. Bermingham, J. Blais, V. Capka, R. for the treatment of social commu-
9:45 MEDI 229. Dual inhibition of the
Colvin, C. Dean, A. Fekete, W. Gong, E. nication deficits in autism spectrum
oncoproteins MCL-1 and BCL-2 by TUESDAY AFTERNOON Growcott, H. Guo, X. Lin, M. Lindvall, S. disorders. P.D. Schnider, B. Biemans,
rationally designed polypharmacology.
Lopez, D. McKenney, H. Moser, D. Rasper, V. C. Bissantz, C. Dolente, E. Goetschi, R.
B. Drennen, S.J. Hughes, S. Fletcher Section A Sethuraman, X. Shen, R. Simmons, D. Tang, Jakob-Roetne, W. Muster, N. Parrott, E.
10:10 MEDI 230. Novel HIV-1 protease Walter E. Washington Convention Center M. Tjandra, N. Turner, T. Uehara, C. Vitt, S. Pinard, H. Ratni, C. Risterucci, M. Rogers-
inhibitors: Design, synthesis, and Whitebread, A. Yifru, X. Zang, Q. Zhu, F. Reck Evans, M. Schmitt, C. Grundschober
Room 146B
biological evaluation. H.L. Osswald
4:00 MEDI 251. Chemoinformatic-driven 10:45 MEDI 257. Discovery of TAK-
10:35 MEDI 231. From endocrine regulation Recent Advancements & design and synthesis of an RNA- 041: Potent and selective GPR139
to bacterial quorum sensing (QS): Design Therapeutic Opportunities targeted small molecule library. B. agonist for treatment of negative
and optimization of compounds for the in Muscarinic Receptors Morgan, J. Forte, B. Sanaba, Y. Zhang, symptoms associated with schizo-
treatment of endocrine disorders and D. Karloff, D. Bertan, A.E. Hargrove phrenia. H. Reichard, H. Monenschein
infectious diseases. R.W. Hartmann, M. P. Bourbeau, R. Mazzola, Organizers,
Presiding 4:25 MEDI 252. Discovery and optimi- 11:20 MEDI 258. Discovery of a ketohex-
Q. Hu, C. van Koppen, S. Marchais-
zation of a novel class of selective okinase inhibitor for the treatment of
Oberwinkler, C. Maurer, M. Empting 1:30 MEDI 239. Mutant muscarinic NaV1.7 antagonists. C.M. Dehnhardt, S. NAFLD/NASH: Fragment-to-candidate
11:20 MEDI 232. Activity-based pro- receptors as novel chemogenetic tools to Chowdhury, S. Sun, M.S. Wilson, A. Hasan, via structure-based drug design and
teomics: Protein and ligand discovery identify new therapeutic targets. J. Wess I. Hemeon, M.E. Grimwood, W. Gong, J. parallel chemistry. B. Raymer, T.V.
on a global scale. B.F. Cravatt 2:00 MEDI 240. Allosteric regulation Andrez, T. Focken, P. Bergeron, S. Lin, Q. Magee, K. Futatsugi, A.C. Smith, K. Huard,
and oligomerization of muscarinic Jia, P. Bichler, G. Bankar, E. Chan, K. Khakh, M. Tu, G.J. Tesz, J. Gutierrez, J. Withka,
Section B cholinergic receptors. R.V. Shivnaraine D. Hackos, S. McKerrall, D.F. Ortwine, A. K. Parris, J. Pandit, Y. Weng, G. Xing, S.
Zenova, S. Decker, J. Johnson, J. Chang, Perez, A. Tsai, D. Fernando, M.S. Dowling,
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 2:30 MEDI 241. Convulsion and cholinergic B.D. Sellers, C. Cohen, B. Safina, D. Sutherlin B. Thuma, A. Shavnya, H. Wisniewska,
Room 146A toxicity of subtype selective M1 positive S.B. Coffey, K.A. Borzilleri, J.D. Knafels, K.
allosteric modulators (PAMs). J.E. Davoren 4:50 MEDI 253. Discovery of clinical
Ahn, J. Zhou, D.A. Tess, S. Gut Ruggeri, V.
candidate GDC-0276: A selective NaV1.7
Recent Advances in the 3:00 MEDI 242. Targeting positive allosteric inhibitor for the treatment of pain. D.P.
Somayaji, A. Bergman, G.E. Sonnenberg,
Treatment of HIV-1 Infection modulators of the M1 muscarinic receptor: J.A. Pfefferkorn, D. Price, S. Liras
Sutherlin, S. Sun, S. Chowdhury, Q. Jia,
& Approaches to a Cure Identification of MK-7622. D.C. Beshore A. Zenova, M.S. Wilson, T. Focken, J. Li,
N. A. Meanwell, B. N. Naidu, S. 3:30 MEDI 243. Discovery, development, P. Bichler, S. Decker, M.E. Grimwood, I. Section B
Runyon, Organizers, Presiding mechanisitic insights and therapeutic Hemeon, T. Sheng, J. Andrez, D. Hackos,
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
potential of M4 PAMs. C.W. Lindsley G. Bankar, K. Khakh, E. Chang, R. Kwan,
E. Velthuisen, Presiding
S. Lin, K. Nelkenbrecher, D.F. Ortwine, J.
Room 146A
4:00 MEDI 244. Discovery and clini-
8:30 Introductory Remarks. Chang, J. Pang, L. Sojo, P. Chiang, A.N.
cal progression of highly selective Unusual Protein-Ligand Interactions in
Sambrone, M. Tagen, A. White, C. Chen, J.
8:35 MEDI 233. Curing HIV infection: M1 agonists utilizing structure-based the Design of Novel Pharmaceuticals
Chen, J. Lovelidge, X. Ding, R. Takahashi, M.
Going beyond N = 1. R.F. Siliciano drug design. G.A. Brown
Waldbrook, Z. Xie, C. Young, L. Robinette, C. D. F. Ortwine, Organizer
9:10 MEDI 234. Exploring epigenetic Cohen, R. Oballa, C.M. Dehnhardt, B. Safina
regulatory proteins and their inhibition Section B H. E. Purkey, Organizer, Presiding
for HIV latency disruption. L.I. James Walter E. Washington Convention Center Innovations in Healthcare 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
9:45 MEDI 235. Long acting HIV antiret- Room 146A
in the Global Economy
8:35 MEDI 259. 40 Years of struc-
roviral agents: Moving beyond one pill Sponsored by SCHB, Cosponsored ture-based design: What have
once a day. B.A. Johns, E. Velthuisen by MEDI and PROF we learned? F.N. Diederich
General Orals
10:20 MEDI 236. Second generation HIV-1 A. W. Stamford, Organizer Toxicological Considerations 9:20 MEDI 260. Binding pockets make
maturation inhibitors: The discovery in Antibody Drug Conjugate the difference: Morphing banal water–
of BMS-955176. A. Regueiro-Ren J. Ramanjulu, Presiding
Design & Development ligand interactions into determining
10:55 MEDI 237. Phosphonamidate 1:30 MEDI 245. Design of liver-target- ones. S.G. Krimmer, J. Cramer, M. Betz,
Sponsored by TOXI, Cosponsored by MEDI
prodrugs GS-7340 (tenofovir ing, glucose-responsive insulin. D.A. V. Fridh, R. Karlsson, A. Heine, G. Klebe
alafenamide) and GS-9131 for the Pissarnitski, S. Lin, L. Yan, Z. Zhao, A. 9:50 MEDI 261. Tales from the trenches:
treatment of HIV. R.L. Mackman Kekec, Y. Zhu, D.N. Hunter, P. Huo, D. Case histories of exploiting surprising
Feng, C. Moyes, B. Pipik, J.L. Duffy, E. WEDNESDAY MORNING interactions in drug discovery. N. Nevins
11:30 MEDI 238. Withdrawn.
Guidry, J. Mu, M. Van Heek, P. Zafian, T.
Kelly, E. Carballo-Jane, R.P. Nargund 10:20 MEDI 262. Quantum mechan-
Section A
Innovations in Healthcare ical approaches to structurally
in the Global Economy 1:55 MEDI 246. Identification of potent Walter E. Washington Convention Center informed design. A. Heifetz
and selective covalent monoacylglycerol
Sponsored by SCHB, Cosponsored Rooms 146B/C 10:50 MEDI 263. Noncovalent
lipase (MAGL) inhibitors for treatment
by MEDI and PROF sulfur interactions in drug design:
of neuroinflammation. L.A. McAllister,
E.M. Beck, M.A. Brodney, C. Butler, A.M. First Time Disclosure of Conformational control and intermo-
Gilbert, A.R. Harris, C.J. Helal, D.S. Johnson, Clinical Candidates lecular association. M.D. Bartberger
S. Mente, J.I. Montgomery, S.V. O’Neil, J.R. J. B. Schwarz, Organizer, Presiding 11:20 MEDI 264. How significant
Piro, B.N. Rogers, T. Samad, D. Webb are unusual intermolecular inter-
9:00 MEDI 254. Discovery and initial
2:20 MEDI 247. Discovery of molidustat actions? B. Kuhn, O. Korb
clinical evaluation of trigriluzole: A
(BAY 85-3934): A small-molecule oral tripeptide prodrug of riluzole for the
HIF-prolyl hydroxylase (HIF-PH) inhibitor treatment of glutamate-associated
Technical program information for the treatment of renal anemia. H. Beck disorders such as ataxia. J.C. Pelletier,
known at press time. 2:45 MEDI 248. Discovery of potent J. Wrobel, H. Bian, G.R. Smith, S. Chen,
and orally bioavailable macrocy- R.M. Berman, V. Coric, A.B. Reitz
The official technical program for clic FXIa inhibitors. W. Yang
the 254th ACS National Meeting
is available at www.acs.org/

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2:30 MEDI 273. Targeting the influ- MEDI 286. Stabilization of quadruplex DNAs MEDI 306. Discovery of selective low
enza RNA-dependent RNA poly- by tetraurea macrocycles: Synthesis, DNA molecular weight VAV1 guanine
Section A merase. D. Beylkin, G. Kumar, W. binding and beyond. C. Detchou, B. Gong nucleotide exchange factor inhibi-
Zhou, J. Park, T. Jeevan, C. Lagisetti, R. tors. M. Gerspacher, P. Skaanderup,
MEDI 287. Production of the anti-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Harfoot, R. Webby, S.W. White, T. Webb V.M. Stucke, E. Vangrevelinghe, M.
dote of cyanide poison (sodium and
Rooms 146B/C Knapp, M. Klumpp, A. Lingel, P. Chene, D.
2:50 MEDI 274. Inhibitors of the DNA hydrogen cyanide) known as soda-
Erdmann, M. Duckely, L. Leder, G. Pardee,
repair enzyme AAG as leads for potential sulphanecobalamin. S.N. Olatunji
First Time Disclosure of J. Narberes, T. Tsang, P. Imbach-Weese,
new chemoprotectives and stroke
MEDI 288. Design and structural modifi- F. Sirockin, W.R. Sellers, F. Hofmann
Clinical Candidates treatments. D. Whelligan, B. Al Yahyaei, E.
cation of adamantane analogs for their
J. B. Schwarz, Organizer, Presiding Mas, S. Chu, R. Elliott, B. Howlin, L. Meira MEDI 307. Synthesis and preliminary
anti-cancer activity. V. Thakor, A. Shaikh
biological evaluation of [11C]methyl
3:10 MEDI 275. Exploration of A, C, and
2:00 MEDI 265. S-033188: A novel, first- MEDI 289. Design, synthesis and (2-amino-5-(benzylthio)thiazolo[4,5-d]
D-ring SAR of the IspD-targeting antima-
in-class, orally bioavailable inhibitor of biological evaluation of new quinazoli- pyrimidin-7-yl)-D-leucinate as a new
larial agent MMV008138. M. Ghavami, Z.
influenza virus cap-dependent endonu- none derivatives as potent anti- potential PET radioligand for the frac-
Yao, L. Liu, E. Merino, J. Butler, M. Casasanta,
clease. M. Kawai, M. Miyagawa, T. Akiyama, microbial agents. S. Nanduri, S. talkine receptor (CX3CR1). M. Gao, M.
D. Slade, M. Totrov, M. Cassera, P.R. Carlier
Y. Taoda, K. Takaya, T. Shishido, R. Yoshida Gatadi, M.V. Yeddanapudi, S. Chopra Wang, J. Meyer, J. Peters, H. Zarrinmayeh,
3:30 MEDI 276. Synthesis of ADMDP-typed P. Territo, G. Hutchins, Q. Zheng
2:35 MEDI 266. First time disclosure of MEDI 290. Withdrawn.
iminosugars to develop pharmacolog-
BAY 1128688: A novel AKR1C3 inhibitor MEDI 308. Macrocyclic factor XIa inhibitors
ical chaperones for the treatment of MEDI 291. Discovery of a novel dual func-
for the treatment of endometriosis. containing phenyl azole carboxam-
Fabry disease and potential enhancers tional compound (IADB) as chemo-sensi-
U. Bothe, M. Busemann, A. Steinmeyer, ide P1 groups. J.R. Corte, D. Pinto,
to increase enzyme replacement tizing and cardio-protective agent. L. Bi
P. Droescher, O. Fischer, M. Peters, T. T. Fang, H. Osuna, W. Yang, Y. Wang, A.
therapy efficiency. W. Cheng MEDI 292. Design and synthesis of
Zollner, F. Sohler, A. Rotgeri, K. Denner, Lai, Y.T. Jeon, I. Delucca, P. Gilligan, K.B.
N. Barak, M. Hillmann, P. Savy, N. Ray 3:50 MEDI 277. Dipeptidyl boronates as PC-PLC selective self quenching Pabbisetty, L.M. Smith, M.J. Orwat, C.G.
ClpP1P2 inhibitors: A novel approach near-infrared fluorescing probes. B.K. Clark, N.D. Yadav, K.A. Rossi, J.E. Myers,
3:10 MEDI 267. Discovery and evaluation
to anti tuberculosis therapy. A. Poulsen, Liebov, E.J. Delikatny, A.V. Popov S. Sheriff, Z. Lou, J.J. Zheng, T.W. Harper,
of clinical candidate IDH305: A brain
P. Gopal, S. Santhanakrishnan, K. Jihao, MEDI 293. Andrographolide: A versatile C. Huang, J.M. Bozarth, Y. Wu, P. Wong,
penetrant mutant IDH1 inhibitor. Y. Cho,
C. Huang, B. Chia, Y. Qiu, U. Lakshmanan, natural product for the generation of C. Watson, E. Crain, J.M. Luettgen, D.A.
J.R. Levell, G. Liu, T.R. Caferro, C.M. Shafer,
M. Li, J. Sarathy, W. Moreira, C. Low, structurally diverse bioactive diterpenes. Seiffert, P.Y. Lam, R.R. Wexler, W.R. Ewing
A. Costales, J.R. Manning, Q. Zhao, M.
M. Gengenbacher, K. Sangthongpitag, S. Nanduri, S.S. Kandanur, N. Golakoti
Sendzik, M.D. Shultz, J. Dooley, G. Chenail, MEDI 309. Design of HIV co-receptor
T.H. Keller, B.W. Dymock, T. Dick
A. Farsidjani, J. Chen, R. Kulathila, X. Xie, S. MEDI 294. Isoprenoid pathway as a valid derived peptides that inhibit viral entry
Dodd, T. Gould, G. Liang, T. Heimbach, K. 4:10 MEDI 278. Discovery and synthesis target to control parasitic diseases. J.B. at submicromolar concentrations. S.
Slocum, M. Pu, R. Pagliarini, J.D. Growney of 4-phenylpiperidine-2-carboxamides Rodriguez, S.H. Szajnman, M.N. Chao Mandadapu, K. Bobyk, K. Lohith, C.A. Bewley
as selective 5-HT2C receptor positive
3:10 MEDI 268. Discovery of M2951: MEDI 295. Lead optimization and MEDI 310. Study co-aggregations of
allosteric modulators. E.A. Wold, C.
A selective, covalent inhibitor of drug development of antiprolifera- nucleic acid nanostructures with tetra-
Wild, N.C. Anastasio, R.G. Fox, S. Stutz, H.
BTK for the treatment of autoim- tive constituents from Phyllanthus cycline molecules and their potential
Chen, J.A. Allen, K.A. Cunningham, J. Zhou
mune diseases. A. Goutopoulos poilanei. A.C. Huntsman, A. Young, J.L. applications in smart drug delivery.
4:30 MEDI 279. Selective small molecule Woodard, H. Chai, Y. Ren, M.A. Phelps, N. Alzahrani, J. Fu, D. Yang, Z. Wang
3:45 MEDI 269. Discovery of a macrocy-
Nociceptin (NOP) agonist for the treat- A.D. Kinghorn, J.E. Burdette, J. Fuchs
clic peptide inhibitor of programmed MEDI 311.Investigation of a new DMC-DNA
ment of anxiety related disorders. T.M.
death-ligand 1 (PD-L1). P.M. Scola, E.P. MEDI 296. Sensing bacterial growth and monoadduct. O. Zacarias, E. Champeil
Ross, G. Bignan, P.J. Connolly, J. Moyer
Gillis, K.M. Boy, D. Langley, D. Donnelly, M. measuring antibiotic susceptibility via MEDI 312. Re-engineering the natural
Miller, L. Lombardo, M. Poss, C. Mapelli, K. 4:50 MEDI 280. Modular total synthesis laser diffraction. N.K. Kotoulas, M. Goh product, emetine, towards achieving a
Gillman, K. Yeung, L. Sun, K. Grant-Young, approach towards salvinorin A inspired
Binding at the telomeric
MEDI 297. therapeutically useful drug. O. Bakare,
M.P. Allen, M. Poirier, M.S. Bowsher, J. Zhu, L. designer opioids. A.M. Sherwood, S.
G-quadruplex-duplex interface: A E.S. Akinboye, N. Idris, N.Z. Brandy, M.
Li, V. Lafont, N. Sanghvi, C. Yan, J.A. Easter, Williamson, R.M. Saylor, T.E. Prisinzano
computational study. C. Radicella, Lewis, C.C. Mouamba, L. Abdulrahman
V. Lee, Y. Zhang, J. Goodrich, S. Bonacorsi,
E. Cole, E. Mull, A. Mathur, J. Kempson, D. T. Fasano, V. Persad, C. Wu MEDI 313. Novel selective dopamine
Wu, Q. Zhao, M. Wichroski, S. Campellone, WEDNESDAY EVENING MEDI 298. Triggering a peptidomi- D3 receptor modulators for the
M. Loubeau, M. Cockett, M. Gao, A. Korman, metic’s oxidative activity to reduce treatment of cocaine addiction. P.
M. Selby, Y. Wang, V. Chauhan, P.C. Reid, J. survival of intracellular pathogens. Chen, B.E. Blass, J.C. Gordon, R.
Section A
Nishikawa, H. Goto, R. Logan, J. Cutrone, R. A.M. Angeles Boza, M. Libardo Luedtke, M. Taylor, K. Korzekwa, M. Ye
Denton, R. Haskell, K. Johnson, Y. Benitex, Walter E. Washington Convention Center
MEDI 299. Addressing antibiotic- MEDI 314. Structure based discovery
K. Robbins, D. Critton, M. Donoso, D. Drexler, Hall E
resistance targeting ketolide drugs by of host-targeted antiviral (HTA) small
X. Huang, H. Park, S. Du, J. Kim, A. Pena,
developing novel analogs generated via molecules: Ribosomal protein RACK1
W. Hayes, P. Chow, R.A. Smith, J. Newitt, M.
General Posters click & in situ click chemistry. S. Daher as a potential broad antiviral target.
Soars, D. Tenney, N.A. Meanwell, P.H. Carter
S. Dakshanamurthy, I. Malli, H. Ullah
A. W. Stamford, Organizer MEDI 300.Synthesis, design and
computational studies of anti- MEDI 315. Withdrawn.
Section B 7:00 - 9:00
cancer agents. M. Kuanar MEDI 316. Formulating a toothpaste that
Walter E. Washington Convention Center MEDI 281. Essential oil content of the
MEDI 301. New motif for targeting intraorally delivers vitamin D using
Room 146A seeds of wonderful kola, African walnut
isoprenoid biosynthetic pathway penetration enhancers. N. Kim, J. Lee
and guinea plum and their potentials on
hyperlipidemic male Wistar rats. enzymes. N.H. Bhuiyan, M.L. MEDI 317. Synthesis and biologi-
General Orals Varney, S.A. Holstein, D.F. Wiemer
E.O. Nwaichi, J.O. Osuoha, M.O. Monanu cal evaluation of novel thiophene,
A. W. Stamford, Organizer MEDI 302. Design, synthesis, and pyrrole and aromatic exo-cyclic
MEDI 282. Promising antibacterial ses-
A. Ali, Presiding biological evaluation of small molecule carbohydrate enone derivatives. Part
terterpenes: Cybastacine A and B from
drug conjugates targeting carbonic II. A. Macieja, J. Sarnik, A. Czubatka-
1:30 MEDI 270. Bayesian models for
blue-algae cyanobacteria Nostoc sp.
anhydrase IX positive cancers. I. Marks Bienkowska, Z.J. Witczak, T. Poplawski
V. Tena Pérez, A. Hernández Cabanillas,
Chagas disease. K.M. Zorn, M.A. Lingerfelt,
D. Rosero Valencia, S. Maderuelo Corral, MEDI 303. Design, synthesis, and
J.L. Siqueira-Neto, A. Clark, S. Ekins
M. Ortega Doménech, Á. Rumbero Sánchez evaluation of derivatives of glutathi-
1:50 MEDI 271. Identification of novel one linked to cholesterol via a link
MEDI 283. Organometallic iridium
small molecule inhibitors against NS2B/
compounds: Cytotoxic potential for brain-targeting drug delivery. A. The use of any device to capture
NS3 serine protease from Zika virus. Najmi, S. Wang, Y. Huang, X. Guan
H. Lee, J. Ren, S. Nocadello, I. Ojeda,
against p53wt and p53-/- human images (e.g., cameras and camera
colon cancer HCT116. R.M. Lord, MEDI 304. Synthesis and evaluation of 1, 3,
S. Light, G. Minasov, D. Nagarathnam,
I. Henderson, P. McGowan 5 (10) estratriene aminoalkyloxy,16-formyl
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
W.F. Anderson, M. Johnson
MEDI 284. Novel ensemble approach to derivatives of estrone as potential digital recorders) or to stream,
2:10 MEDI 272. Bacterial natural prod- anti-breast cancer agents. C. Sullen
ucts as a renewed source of novel providing small molecule support for upload or rebroadcast speakers or
validation of cellular targets confirms MEDI 305. Novel computer-assisted
antibiotics: Isolation, characterization,
that glycolysis is a viable antiproliferative drug design (CADD) AKT pathway
presentations is strictly prohibited
and evaluation of antibacterial agents
produced by soil bacteria. A.L. Wolfe strategy in leukemic cells. A. Zweifach inhibitors. N. Uko, J. Shim, O.F. at all official ACS meetings and
Guner, J.P. Bowen, D. Matesic
MEDI 285. Generation of natural events without express written
products-based screening librar-
ies for drug discovery. F.A. consent from ACS.
Egbewande, M.J. Coster, R.A. Davies

MEDI 318. Novel cell directed gluta- MEDI 330.Novel pyrimidine antituberculars MEDI 345. Synthesis of azoto- MEDI 361. Synthesis and applica-
minase inhibitors as chemother- discovered through machine-learning chelin analogues as antibiotic tion of unnatural Proline analogues:
apeutic agents for hematological Bayesian method. D. Inoyama, S.D. Paget, leads. N. Karadkhelkar Advanced building blocks forME-
malignancies. S. Zimmermann, A. R. Russo, P. Kumar, E. Singleton, M. Tuckman, DIcinal chemistry. P. Mykhailiuk
MEDI 346. Design, synthesis and in
Gadiano, J. Alt, L. Tenora, G. Furtmueller, M.D. Zimmerman, H. Ho, A.L. Perryman,
vitro antiproliferative evaluation MEDI 362. Rapid access to novel
C. Garrett, P. Majer, R. Rais, B. Slusher V. Dartois, N. Connell, J.S. Freundlich
of quinazoline 2,4,6-triamine and multifunctional spirocyclic cores
MEDI 319. Structure-activity relation- MEDI 331. Discovery of 2-aminobenzimid- 6-aminoquinazoline-4-(3H)-one for drug discovery. Y. Moroz
ships for rigid amphipathic fusion azoles that sensitize M. smegmatis  derivatives in ovarian cancer
MEDI 363. Synthesis of triazole as GABA
inhibitors suppressing tick-borne and M. tuberculosis to β-lactam antibiot- skov-3 cell line. A. Matus-Meza, F.
analogues. L. Diaz, M. Fernandez
encephalitis virus reproduction. A. ics in a pattern distinct from β-lactamase Hernández-Luis, M. Velasco-Velazquez
Orlov, A.A. Chistov, G.V. Proskurin, N.M. inhibitors. V. Nguyen, C. Melander MEDI 364. Novel deuterated GABAAR-a6
MEDI 347. Withdrawn.
Ivanov, V.A. Palyulin, L.I. Kozlovskaya, G.G. subtype selective ligands with improved
MEDI 332. Rational design, synthesis
Karganova, D.I. Osolodkin, V.A. Korshun MEDI 348. Closing the loop between syn- metabolic stability and enhanced
and preliminary biological evaluation
thesis and design: Balancing optimisation bioavailability: Targeting trigemi-
MEDI 320. Design and synthesis of of novel C8-linked pyrrolobenzodi-
of potency with selectivity. P. Hunt, T. nal orofacial pain, neuropsychiatric
selective histone deacetylase 6 inhibitors azepine-5′-O-[N-(salicyl)sulfamoyl]
Mansley, E. Champness, N. Foster, M. Segall disorders, & depression. D.E. Knutson,
based on nexturastat A and evidence of adenosine conjugates (PBD-Sal-AMS) as
R.S. Verma, M.R. Stephen, R. Kodali,
efficacy in melanoma xenograft models. anti-tubercular probes with dual mode of MEDI 349. Structure-based drug design
L. Arnold, M.M. Savic, M.D. Mihovilovic,
S. Shen, M.T. Tavares, M. Hadley, Z. Kutil, action. L. Ferguson, S. Bhakta, F. Brucoli (SBDD) and SAR of tetrapeptides com-
M. Ernst, W. Sieghart, J.M. Cook
C. Barinka, A. Villagra, A.P. Kozikowski petitive inhibitors of Y-49 β-lactamase.
MEDI 333. Synthesis, optimization,
C.C. Clement, J. Gonzalez, M. Philipp MEDI 365. Second-generation inhibitors of
MEDI 321. Design, synthesis, and biological and biological evaluation of novel
the hepatitis C virus NS3/4A prote-
evaluation of novel histone deacetylase analogs of DG85 as antitubercu- MEDI 350. Design and synthesis of novel
ase: Discovery of BMS-986144 with
inhibitors as anti-cancer agents. A. lar agents. R. Gallardo-Macias uridine analogue with possible anti-HCV
pan-genotypic antiviral activity. L. Sun,
Al-Hamashi, L. Tillekeratne, S. Dlamini activity. B. Alabdullah, A.C. Bryant-Friedrich
MEDI 334. Evaluation of 5-substi- E. Mull, Q. Zhao, E.P. Gillis, M.S. Bowsher, S.
MEDI 322. Surfing the kinetic and thermo- tuted 1,10-phenanthroline and MEDI 351. Synthesis of 2’-C-methyl D’Andrea, Z. Zheng, X.A. Wang, A. Mathur, R.
dynamic map in a hit to lead process. nickel complexes as G4 ligands and pseudouridines for the inhibi- Rampulla, S. Kandhasamy, N. Pulicharla, S.
S. Panchal, R. Edalji, Y. Wang, H. Zhu, C. telomerase inhibitors. S. Wang, W. Liu, tion of HCV RNA-polymerase. I. Vishwakrishnan, S. Reddy, R. Trivedi, S. Sinha,
Jakob, S. Djuric, A. Vasudevan, C. Sun I.A. Dotsenko, V.V. Samoshin, L. Xue Sappy, A.C. Bryant-Friedrich A. Rao, S. Desai, K. Ghosh, R. Rajamani, J.
MEDI 352. Discovery of multi-target-di- Friborg, S. Levine, C. Chen, P. Falk, Y. Wang,
MEDI 323. PROTAC design of Mdm2 MEDI 335. Discovery of potent BET inhib-
rected ligands for the treatment of H. Fang, S. Jenkins, M. Kramer, R. Haskell,
degraders: A novel efficient approach for itors as potential treatments for cancer:
Alzheimer’s disease. W. Huang, Z. Shen, K. Johnson, J. Loy, P. Levesqu, J. Zhu, M.
cancer therapy. Y. Li, J. Yang, A. Aguilar, Optimization of pharmacokinetic and
C. Li, Q. Li, X. Zhen, Z. Ma, M. Liang Cockett, N.A. Meanwell, F. McPhee, P.M. Scola
J. Lu, D. McEachern, D. Bernard, S. Wang pharmaceutics properties. M.D. Hill, H.
Fang, D. Norris, W.D. Schmitz, C. Huang, R. MEDI 353. Design and development MEDI 366. Toxicological evaluation of
MEDI 324. Synthesis of FR900098
Westhouse, M. Kramer, J. Morrison, C. Tye, E. of pramipexole-donepezil hybrids as magnetic nanoparticles. H. Huang, V.
analogs as inhibitors of Plasmodium
Shields, H. Zhang, M. Sinz, J. Simmermacher- potential therapeutics for Alzheimer’s James, P. Villarreal, S. Bashir, J.L. Liu
Falciparum and Mycobacterium
Mayer, F. Lee, A.V. Gavai, A.P. Degnan disease. M.A. Barmade, M. Shidore, S.
tuberculosis 1-deoxy-D-Xylulose-5-
Phosphate Reductoisomerase (Dxr). MEDI 336. Discovery of highly potent Rajyaguru, J. Machhi, P.R. Murumkar, M. Yadav
R. Wang, R. Edwards, A. Haymond, H.I. BET protein degraders based on novel
Boshoff, A.R. Odom, R.D. Couch, C.S. Dowd inhibitors inducing complete and durable
tumor regression in human acute
MEDI 354. SUVN-502, A novel, potent
and pure 5-HT6 receptor antagonist - NUCL
MEDI 325. Revitalizing an old molecule: proof-of-concept study design in
Investigating acidomycin as an
inhibitor of Mycobacterium tuberculo-
leukemia xenografts. C. Qin, S. Wang
MEDI 337. N7-substituted pyrrolo[3,2-d]
moderate Alzheimer’s disease patients.
V. Nirogi, K.R. Sastry, A.K. Shinde, M.
Division of Nuclear
sis biotin synthase. M. Bockman, pyrimidine analogues - new small Rasheed, R.K. Badange, T. Bandyala, V. Chemistry and
C. Engelhart, D. Schnappinger, C.C. Aldrich molecule anticancer agents. B. Cawrse Bhatta, v. reballi, P. Achanta, K. kandukuri, K.
Bojja, S. Saraf, K. Mudigonda, P. Jayarajan,
MEDI 326. Withdrawn. MEDI 338. Late-stage modification of J. Terry, Program Chair
G. Bhyrapuneni, V. Goyal, V. Jasti
tigloyl moiety to ipomoeassin F to enable
MEDI 327. Synthesis and microbiological
SAR studies of the natural product. L. MEDI 355. Pyrimidine carboxamide deriva-
evaluation of 2-amino-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-
Whisenhunt, G. Zong, Z. Hu, W. Shi tives as muscarinic acetylcholine subtype
thieno[2,3-c]pyridines against sensitive
1 positive allosteric modulators (M1 PAM)
and drug resistant Mycobacterium tuber- MEDI 339. Highly-active influenza endo- SUNDAY MORNING
for the treatment of cognitive deficits in
culosis. F. Salem, S.J. Sucheck, S. Thanna nuclease inhibitors developed from a
Alzheimer’s disease. V. Nirogi, M. Rasheed,
MEDI 328. New carbapenem antibiotics
designer metal-binding pharmacophore
A.K. Shinde, P. Kalukuri, D. Kancharla, N.
Section A
library screen. C.V. Credille, S. Cohen
with activity against Mycobacterium Bogaraju, R. Subramanian, N. Muddana Grand Hyatt Washington
tuberculosis and Mycobacterium MEDI 340. CholestosomeTM mediated Constitution D
MEDI 356. Design and synthesis of
abscessus. T. Nguyen, M.A. Alqurafi, W. delivery of nucleic acids into MCF7
novel [F18]-labeled histone deacety-
Chai, M. Netherton, R. Gupta, P. Nguyen, M. cells. A. Kovacs, M. Irving, J. McArthur, J.
lase inhibitors as potential molecu- General Topics in Radiochemistry
Cox, B. Meshram, J. Kim, C. Jacobson, O. Hughes, J. Schentag, L. Mielnicki, M. McCourt
lar imaging agents for Alzheimer’s
Marx, S. Smriti, M. Bennett, C. Watanabe, A. L. H. Delmau, Organizer, Presiding 
MEDI 341. Thiohydroxypyridinones disease. L. Hsin, Y. Chen
Shi, L. Phung, D. Le, K. Rohde, J.D. Buynak 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
as a scaffold for the development
MEDI 357. REAL frag-
MEDI 329. Imparting intrinsic floures- of potent New Delhi metallo-ß-lact-
ment-like covalent modifiers: 8:35 NUCL 1. Chromatographic separation
cence as an approach towards rapid amase-1 inhibitors. R. Adamek, C.V.
N-arylsulfamoylbenzenesulfonyl fluorides of medically-related radionuclides from
inhibitor screening and mechanis- Credille, P. Thomas, W. Fast, S. Cohen
as potent protease inhibitors. O. proton-irradiated thorium targets. T.
tic evaluation of tuberculosis shi-
MEDI 342.Therapeutic effects of novel Gavrylenko, A. Chupryna, O. Vasylchenko, Mastren, V. Radchenko, J.W. Engle, A.
kimate kinase. R. Fuanta, J. Simithy, T.
benzylguanidine derivative on neuro- M. Platonov, P. Borysko, Y. Moroz Owens, R. Copping, M. Brugh, F.M. Nortier,
Childers, A. Calderon, D.C. Goodwin
blastoma tumor cells. O. Ozen Karakus, E.R. Birnbaum, K.D. John, M.E. Fassbender
MEDI 358. Synthesis and SAR studies
M. Rajabi, M. Yalcin, D.J. Bharali, S. Mousa
of positive allosteric modulators of 9:00 NUCL 2. Building a reference
MEDI 343. Discovery of potent and mGluR2 for treatment of neurological database for thermodynamic sorption
selective Axl/Mer dual inhibitors. T. and psychiatric diseases. Z. Meng, R.J. modelling. F. Bok, A. Richter, V. Brendler
Inukai, K. Tsuboi, A. Hiramatsu, Y. Nomura, A. Mattson, M. Parker, L. Gurenon, A. Easton,
9:25 NUCL 3. Dabco/quinuclidine increases
Yoshida, H. Kohno, K. Otsuki, M. Kurono, T. W. Kostich, M. Seager, C. Bourin, L. Bristow,
the radiofluorinations of 2-halopyridines.
Fujimoto, S. Umemura, H. Egashira, R. Omi, T. K. Johnson, R. Miller, J. Hogan, V. Whiterock,
L. Cai, G.R. Naumiec, S. Lu, V.W. Pike
Yasuhiro, R. Fujikawa, K. Tanaka, T. Yoshizawa, M. Gulianello, M. Ferrante, Y. Huang, A.
9:50 Intermission.
Technical program information M.A. Wolf, V.D. Pawar, S.K. Chittimalla,
C. Bandi, A. Chakrabarti, J. Takeuchi
Hendricson, A. Alt, J. Macor, J.J. Bronson
Design, synthesis and 10:15 NUCL 4. Accumulation of specific
known at press time. MEDI 344. Design, synthesis and biological
MEDI 359.
application of novel building blocks to radioisotopes by fish in offshore
The official technical program for evaluation of 6-aminopenicillanic acid Escape the Flatland. P. Mykhailiuk Fukushima, Japan. H. Katsura
and 7-aminocephalosporanic acid
the 254th ACS National Meeting derivatives of emetine. C.C. Mouamba,
MEDI 360. [2+2]-photochemical synthesis 10:40 NUCL 5. Cesium ion parti-
and application of bicyclic amines: tioning with ionophores in ionic
is available at www.acs.org/ L. Abdulrahman, N. Idris, O. Bakare
Advanced building blocks forME- liquid-water biphasic systems. R.
WDC2017 DIcinal chemistry. P. Mykhailiuk Biswas, T. Banerjee, P. Ghosh, S. Ali

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


11:05 NUCL 6. Change of electronic 9:40 NUCL 18. Mystery of red tech- 3:30 NUCL 33. Influence of inner- and T. E. Albrecht-Schmitt, D. E. Hobart, I. R.
structure in U-10Zr metallic fuel from netium oxide. K.V. Lawler, B. outer- coordination sphere interactions Triay, Organizers, Presiding 
high-temperature annealing. Y. Youn, Childs, D.S. Mast, K. Czerwinski, A.P. on the structural chemistry of actinide(IV) 12:30 Introductory Remarks.
J. Lee, J. Kim, H. Song, J. Park, J. Kim Sattelberger, F. Poineau, P. Forster chloride complexes. K.E. Knope
12:35 NUCL 44. Improving extraction of
11:30 Intermission. 10:00 NUCL 19. Probing the electronic 3:50 NUCL 34. Composite metal-organic
+4 actinides. S.K. Schrell, M. Livshits, J.N.
structure and chemical bonding of d- and frameworks modified membranes
11:40 NUCL 7. Progress towards online Cross, M. Ferrier, V. Mocko, B.W. Stein, K.T.
f-element compounds: A theoretical for liquid-phase filtration adsorption
isotope harvesting at the NSCL. Bennett, B.L. Scott, J. Rack, S.A. Kozimor
study of XAS spectra. J. Su, M. Ferrier, J.N. of uranium. B. Yu, G. Ye, J. Chen
G. Severin, S. Lapi, J.D. Robertson,
Cross, S.A. Kozimor, E.R. Batista, P. Yang 1:00 NUCL 45. Exploring oxidation states
G.F. Peaslee, D.J. Morrissey
Structural & Supramolecular of berkelium and californium in the gas
10:20 Intermission.
12:05 NUCL 8. Withdrawn. Aspects of Metal Ion Separations phase. J.K. Gibson, M. Vasiliu, P.D. Dau,
10:40 NUCL 20. Au ion irradiation damage K.A. Peterson, A. Kovács, D.A. Dixon
Sponsored by I&EC, Cosponsored by NUCL 
in glass-ceramics for immobilisation
1:25 NUCL 46. Atomic physics studies
SUNDAY AFTERNOON of waste actinides. E. Vance, D. Gregg,
of heaviest elements. M. Block
T. Wei, A. Xu, Y. Zhang, I. Karatchevtseva
TUESDAY MORNING 1:50 Intermission.
Section A 11:00 NUCL 21. Inorganic Ba-Sn
composite materials for remediation 2:15 NUCL 47. X-ray absorption
Grand Hyatt Washington
of legacy nuclear waste contami- Section A spectroscopy of actinium and com-
Constitution D nants. I. Johnson, S. Chatterjee, G.B. parison with actinide +3. M. Ferrier,
Grand Hyatt Washington
Hall, M. Fujimoto, T.G. Levitskaia B.W. Stein, E.R. Batista, J.M. Berg,
General Topics in Radiochemistry Constitution D E.R. Birnbaum, J.N. Cross, J.W. Engle,
11:20 NUCL 22. Metal flux growth of
S.A. Kozimor, J.S. Lezama Pacheco
L. H. Delmau, Organizer, Presiding  uranium intermetallics. W. Potter, T.E.
Materials Science in Nuclear
Albrecht-Schmitt, S.E. Latturner 2:40 NUCL 48. Chemical studies of Fl
1:30 Introductory Remarks. Waste Disposal (element 114): Heaviest chemically
11:40 NUCL 23. Insights into the Cosponsored by INOR 
1:35 NUCL 9. Analysis of γ-ray emit- studied element. L. Lens, A. Yakushev,
phase relations in the U-N system
ting radionuclides in food matri- C. Duellmann, M. Asai, M. Block, H. David,
using cluster formula. X. Wang D. E. Hobart, Organizer 
ces using cerium bromide γ-ray J. Despotopulos, A. Di Nitto, K. Eberhardt,
spectrometry. T. Scott, C. Wei, K. 12:00 NUCL 24. Salt-inclusion mate- T. E. Albrecht-Schmitt, I. R. Triay, Organizers, M. Goetz, S. Goetz, H. Haba, L. Harkness-
Garnick, J. Szymanski, E. Malkin rials: A potential novel hierarchi- Presiding  Brennan, F. Hessberger, R. Herzberg, D.
cal wasteform. H. zur Loye 8:30 NUCL 35. Formation of metallic nanopar- Hinde, J. Hoffmann, H. Annett, E. Jaeger, D.
2:00 NUCL 10. Investigation of cova-
ticles in a ceramic matrix. R. Devanathan, M. Judson, K. Jadambaa, B. Kindler, J. Konki,
lency in the transuranic elements under
non-aqueous conditions. S. Galley Structural & Supramolecular Conroy, W. Jiang J. Kratz, J. Krier, N. Kurz, M. Laatiaoui, S.
Aspects of Metal Ion Separations Lahiri, B. Lommel, M. Maiti, A. Mistry, C.
2:25 NUCL 11. New chemical media for 8:50 NUCL 36. Spectroscopic charac- Mokry, K. Moody, Y. Nagame, J.P. Omtvedt,
Sponsored by I&EC, Cosponsored by NUCL 
superheavy element study. E. Tereshatov, terization of Tc(I) tricarbonyl species P. Papadakis, V. Pershina, D. Rudolph, J.
M. Boltoeva, M. Volia, C.M. Folden relevant to the Hanford tank waste. T.G. Runke, M. Schaedel, P. Scharrer, T. Sato,
Levitskaia, S. Chatterjee, Y. Du, M. Engelhard, D.A. Shaughnessy, B. Schausten, J. Steiner,
2:50 Intermission.
MONDAY AFTERNOON G.B. Hall, E.D. Walter, N.M. Washton P. Thörle-Pospiech, N. Trautmann, K.
3:15 NUCL 12. Initial attempts into Tsukada, J. Uusitalo, A. Ward, M. Wegrzecki,
9:10 NUCL 37. Oxidative stabilities of
characterizing surrogate nuclear fireballs E. Williams, N. Wiehl, V. Yakusheva
Section A low-valent technetium species relevant
with UV-Vis spectroscopy. J.D. Auxier, C.
to their separations from Hanford 3:05 Intermission.
Nizinski, E.J. Francis, B.L. Magocs, H. Hall Grand Hyatt Washington
tank waste. S. Chatterjee, T. Levitskaia,
3:40 NUCL 13. Precise control of Constitution D G.B. Hall, Y. Du, M. Engelhard, N.M.
3:30 NUCL 49. Einsteinium-255 generator
polyhydroxamate ligand topology Washton, V. Shutthanandan, E.D. Walter
for off-line studies of fermium-255?
for selective actinide coordina- Materials Science in Nuclear C. Duellmann, M. Block, K. Eberhardt, S.
9:30 Intermission. Raeder, D. Renisch, N. Trautmann, K. Wendt
tion. K. Sockwell, M. Wetzler Waste Disposal
Cosponsored by INOR  9:50 NUCL 38. Highly selective detection 3:55 NUCL 50. Theoretical explora-
4:05 Intermission.
of aqueous pertechnetate using tion of covalency in heavy actinides.
4:30 NUCL 14. Withdrawn. I. R. Triay, Organizer  square-planar platinum(II) complexes. M. Kelley, E.R. Batista, P. Yang
S. Chatterjee, A.E. Norton, W.B. Connick,
4:55 NUCL 15. Design and efficient T. E. Albrecht-Schmitt, D. E. Hobart, Organizers,
T.E. Albrecht-Schmitt, T. Levitskaia
synthesis of a bifunctional octaden- Presiding 
tate ligand for immunoPET imaging
12:30 NUCL 25. New gas electrode
10:10 NUCL 39. f-Block borates: From WEDNESDAY MORNING
with Zr-89. M. Abdalrahman structure evolution to new separa-
for molten salt electrochemistry with
tion methods. T.E. Albrecht-Schmitt Section A
metal-free, corrosion-resistance and
Structural & Supramolecular 10:30 NUCL 40. Influence of organic ligands
real-time monitoring properties. G. Wei Grand Hyatt Washington
Aspects of Metal Ion Separations on Pu sorption to mineral surfaces:
12:50 NUCL 26. Tips and tricks for solid Constitution D
Sponsored by I&EC, Cosponsored by NUCL  Characterization of aging processes
state assembly of actinyl cations.
and ternary complexes. B.A. Powell, N.
C.L. Cahill, R. Surbella, K. Carter Chemistry Past Curium
Conroy, J. Wong, A. Kersting, M. Zavarin
1:10 NUCL 27. Withdrawn. Cosponsored by INOR
MONDAY MORNING 10:50 Intermission.
1:30 NUCL 28. Investigation of Ln(III), T. E. Albrecht-Schmitt, D. E. Hobart, I. R.
11:10 NUCL 41. 15N Pulsed EPR exper-
An(III), and UO2+ binding properties of soft Triay, Organizers, Presiding
Section A iments on lanthanides and actinides
N- and S- donor site ligands. I. Lehman-
bis-triaziynl pyridine (BTP) com- 8:30 NUCL 51. Ionization poten-
Grand Hyatt Washington Andino, M. Twomey, L. Mathivathanan, R.
plexes. D. Dan, T.E. Albrecht-Schmitt tial measurements of the heavi-
Constitution D Raptis, T. Eaton, J.K. Gibson, J. Su, P. Yang,
E.R. Batista, C.J. Dares, K. Kavallieratos 11:30 NUCL 42. Defect perovskites for est actinides. T.K. Sato
Materials Science in Nuclear the sequestration of volatile nuclear
1:50 NUCL 29. Intensification of liquid–
waste. S.M. Scott, W. Zhu, J. Lian
Waste Disposal liquid two-phase mass transfer in
Cosponsored by INOR  a high-throughput oscillating feed- 11:50 NUCL 43. Actinide target/
back micro extractor. T. Xie, C. Xu source preparation and use in the
T. E. Albrecht-Schmitt, Organizer  Physics Division at ANL. J.P. Greene
The use of any device to capture
2:10 Intermission.
D. E. Hobart, I. R. Triay, Organizers, Presiding  images (e.g., cameras and camera
2:30 NUCL 30. Untangling intermediate
8:30 Introductory Remarks. products in flux-derived f- phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
8:40 NUCL 16. Radioactive waste element borates. A. Chemey digital recorders) or to stream,
forms for the future. R.C. Ewing 2:50 NUCL 31. Effects of pi donation Section A upload or rebroadcast speakers or
on the inverse trans influence. S.A.
9:20 NUCL 17. Role of Np(V) solid
Pattenaude, M. Zeller, S.C. Bart
Grand Hyatt Washington presentations is strictly prohibited
phases in the solution chemistry of
neptunium under alkaline pH condi- 3:10 NUCL 32. Assessment of radiation
Constitution D at all official ACS meetings and
tions. X. Gaona, D. Fellhauer, J. Lee, K. dose to workers from depleted uranium
Chemistry Past Curium events without express written
Hinz, V. Petrov, M. Silver, D.T. Reed, T.E. containing radioactive waste. J. Lee
Albrecht-Schmitt, M. Altmaier, H. Geckeis Cosponsored by INOR  consent from ACS.

8:55 NUCL 52. Exploring redox coordina- Nuclear Forensics 10:35 NUCL 78. Extraction of cesium ion SUNDAY MORNING
tion chemistry in transuranic elements J. F. Corbey, K. L. Pellegrini, Organizers with dibenzo-18-crown-6 from aqueous
with various crown ethers and cryptands solutions using organic solvents. R. Section A
through lanthanides. F.D. White, M.L. J. D. Auxier, Organizer, Presiding Biswas, T. Banerjee, P. Ghosh, S. Ali
Marsh, D.E. Hobart, T.E. Albrecht-Schmitt 5:30 Introductory Remarks. Walter E. Washington Convention Center
10:55 Intermission.
9:20 NUCL 53. Electrochemical studies to Room 207A
5:35 NUCL 64. High temperature uranium 11:15 NUCL 79. Withdrawn.
stabilize divalent californium. M.L. Marsh, chemistry in condensing laser ablation
F.D. White, D.E. Hobart, T.E. Albrecht-Schmitt plasmas. D. Weisz, J.C. Crowhurst, H. 11:35 NUCL 80. Phase-field modeling of the Young Investigator Symposium
Radousky, T. Rose, B. Koroglu, W. Siekhaus,
U,C-UC liquid-solid interface for the for-
9:45 Intermission. J. Aube, Organizer, Presiding
J.M. Zaug, M. Azer, M. Finko, D. Curreli
mation of UC microstructures. D. Abrecht
10:10 NUCL 54. Chelation past curium: 9:00 ORGN 1. mPGES-1 inhibitors
11:55 NUCL 81. Chemist’s stint
Exploring trends in f-orbital bonding. 5:55 NUCL 65. Preparation of surro- from start to clinic. M. Schiffler
gate post-detonation debris using with nuclear forensics at the
R.J. Abergel, G. Deblonde, J. Rees,
State Department. C.L. Cahill 9:20 ORGN 2. Asymmetric hydrogen
C. Booth, W. Dejong, R. Strong a plasma torch. P.A. Taylor
bonding catalysis for the synthe-
10:35 NUCL 55. Redox studies of the heavi- 6:15 NUCL 66. High temperature aging sis of dihydroquinazoline-contain-
est actinides. Y. Nagame, A. Toyoshima study of UO2 and U3O8 for nuclear ing antiviral, letermovir. Z. Liu
forensics. A.M. Olsen, L.W. McDonald
11:00 Intermission. 9:40 ORGN 3. Development of a robust
6:35 NUCL 67. Quantitative mor- Section A process for venetoclax. V.S. Chan
11:25 NUCL 56. Heavy element
phological analysis of actinide
chemistry research at Texas Grand Hyatt Washington 10:00 ORGN 4. Discovery, development
materials. K.L. Pellegrini, J.A. Soltis,
A&M University. C.M. Folden Constitution D and mechanistic study of catalytic
E. Buck, L. Sweet, D.E. Meier
transformations for the multi-kilo-
11:50 NUCL 57. Studying the funda-
6:55 Intermission. gram scale synthesis of pharmaceu-
mental chemistry toward the end Nuclear Forensics
7:10 NUCL 68. Dependence of tical intermediates. E. Simmons
of the periodic table: The Heavy
UO2 surface morphology on synthe- J. D. Auxier, J. F. Corbey, Organizers
Element Chemistry program. P. Wilk 10:20 ORGN 5. New chemistries for
sis route. E. Abbott, L.W. McDonald K. L. Pellegrini, Organizer, Presiding antibody-drug conjugates. T. Pillow
7:30 NUCL 69. Three-dimensional 12:30 Introductory Remarks. 10:40 ORGN 6. Fueling the Alzheimer’s
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON morphological signatures for nuclear
12:35 NUCL 82. Age dating of Sr-90
BACE1 race with genetic insights
forensics. B. Chung, D. Roberts, and cyclopropyloxazine BACE1
using DGA resin. D. McLain
Section A W. Talbot, D. Ashley, N. Teslich inhibitors. A.E. Minatti
12:55 NUCL 83. Development of a Cs-Ba
Grand Hyatt Washington 7:50 NUCL 70. Impact of controlled storage 11:00 ORGN 7. Synthesis of photo-
radiochronometry reference material
conditions on the hydration and morphol- reactive chemical probes through
Constitution D for nuclear forensics. K.B. Lavelle, K.P.
ogy of UO3. I. Schwerdt, L.W. McDonald late-stage heterocyclic C-H func-
Carney, J.T. Cessna, R.M. Essex, C.R. Hexel
8:10 Intermission. tionalization of unmodified biologi-
Chemistry Past Curium 1:15 NUCL 84. Gas chemical adsorp- cally active molecules. K. Hesp
Cosponsored by INOR 8:25 NUCL 71. Multi-variate statisti- tion characterization of lanthanide
cal analysis enhancing preliminary 11:20 ORGN 8. New opportunities
chelates. S. Stratz, H. Hall, J.D. Auxier
T. E. Albrecht-Schmitt, D. E. Hobart, I. R. morphological signature develop- for synthetic chemistry to enable
Triay, Organizers 1:35 Intermission. drug discovery: Discovery of [18F]
ment strategies for nuclear foren-
sic-related materials. A.D. Lesiak 1:50 NUCL 85. New K-edge densi- MK-6240 a novel PET imaging agent
2:30 NUCL 58. Reactor production of
tometry calibration technique. M.D. for tau pathology. A.M. Walji
actinide materials for super-heavy 8:45 NUCL 72. NNSA Graduate Fellowship
element research. D.J. Dean, J. Roberto Yoho, D.T. Vo, D.R. Porterfield
Program experience. A. Gillens
2:10 NUCL 86. FBI nuclear foren-
Section B
2:55 NUCL 59. TODGA-based solvent
extraction system: An alterna- sics. J. Blankenship Walter E. Washington Convention Center
tive to CLEANEX for Cf produc- THURSDAY MORNING 2:30 Intermission. Room 202A
tion. L.H. Delmau, C. Dryman
2:45 NUCL 87. Nuclear Forensics
3:20 NUCL 60. Heavy actinide com- Section A International Technical Working
Flow Chemistry &
plexation thermodynamics: Chemical Group collaborative materials Continuous Processes
Grand Hyatt Washington
signatures arising from limited materials. exercises: Advancing the state and R. D. Broene, Organizer
Constitution D
J. Braley, N. Bessen, M. Urban, P. Yang practice of nuclear forensic analy-
Z. Li, Presiding
3:45 Intermission. sis since 1999. J.M. Schwantes
Nuclear Forensics
8:10 ORGN 9. Continuous generation of
4:10 NUCL 61. Structural and thermody- 3:05 NUCL 88. Software and analysis
J. D. Auxier, K. L. Pellegrini, Organizers anhydrous tert-butyl hydroperoxide
namic considerations in the post-cu- methods for the determination of amer-
J. F. Corbey, Organizer, Presiding and its application in flow oxidation.
rium break. T.E. Albrecht-Schmitt icium in plutonium via alpha spectrom-
Z. Li, S. Guinness, S.M. Hoagland, H.K.
8:30 Introductory Remarks. etry. M.D. Yoho, D.R. Porterfield, J. Rim
4:35 NUCL 62. Single-ion manipulation in Kim, R.J. Maguire, J.C. McWilliams, J.
gas catchers and RF systems. G. Savard 8:35 NUCL 73. Detailed in-situ chemical Mustakis, J.W. Raggon, D. Campos, C.
characterization and Pb-Pb age dating of Voss, E. Sohodski, B. Feyock, H. Murnen,
5:00 NUCL 63. Chemical studies of the
M. Gonzalez, M. Johnson, J. Lu
transactinide elements. A. Tuerler uraninite from North American deposits.
S. Lewis, L. Corcoran, A. Simonetti, P.C. Burns ORGN 8:30 ORGN 10. Use of carbon mon-
8:55 NUCL 74. Atomistic insight into oxide gas in flow chemistry:
WEDNESDAY EVENING phase formation and alteration of Division of Organic Oxidative and reductive carbon-
uranium phases. L.C. Shuller-Nickles
Chemistry ylation chemistry. C. Kappe
8:50 ORGN 11. Continuous flow
Section A 9:15 NUCL 75. Deposit type average R. Broene and S. Silverman, Program Chairs
rare earth element signatures for synthesis of 1,4-benzoxazinones via
Grand Hyatt Washington a fully integrated nitration/hydro-
nuclear forensics. T.L. Spano, A.
Constitution C Simonetti, G. Carpenter, D. Freet, E.
OTHER SYMPOSIA OF INTEREST: genation/cyclization sequence. D.
Balboni, T. Wheeler, C. Dorais, P.C. Burns Insights on Medicinal Chemistry from Cantillo, B. Wolf, R. Goetz, C. Kappe
Hardcore Practitioners (see MEDI, Mon)
9:35 Intermission. 9:10 ORGN 12. Development of efficient
Organometallic Chemistry (see and scalable amidation processes in
9:55 NUCL 76. Chemical characterization INOR, Sun, Tue, Wed, Thu) flow: An inverse disconnection strategy.
of altered and unaltered uraninites from Synthesis & Chemistry of J.D. Williams, S. Leach, W.J. Kerr
Technical program information various geological settings. L. Corcoran, Agrochemicals (see AGRO, Thu)
A. Simonetti, T.L. Spano, S. Lewis, P.C. Burns 9:30 ORGN 13. High-throughput synthesis:
known at press time. SOCIAL EVENTS: A platform for rapid reaction develop-
10:15 NUCL 77. Novel dissolution
The official technical program for chemistry for post detonation nuclear Social Hour, 8:00 PM: Wed
ment. D. Battersby, R. Grainger, M. Gaunt

the 254th ACS National Meeting debris. J.D. Brockman, N.T. Hubley,
9:50 ORGN 14. On-demand electro-
C. Mason, D. Wegge, J.D. Robertson chemical generation of oxidants and
is available at www.acs.org/ Business Meeting, 1:00 PM: Sun their applications in organic syn-
WDC2017 thesis. B.J. Deadman, S. Gian, X. Jin,
L. Adrio, J. Zhu, K. Hellgardt, M. Hii

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


10:10 ORGN 15. Shining new light on 9:20 ORGN 30. Self-immolative chemi- 11:00 ORGN 47. Building a library of 1:10 ORGN 59. Next generation RET kinase
old reactions: A photocatalyst free, luminescent polymers. S. Gnaim 2-(hetero)arylchromanones via photore- inhibitor: Improved physicochemical
light enabled, Polonovski reaction dox catalysis. J.K. Matsui, G.A. Molander and PK properties enhance local GI
9:40 ORGN 31. Monitoring of protein
for amide synthesis. M.P. Walsh, M. tissue distribution. M.P. Demartino, J.
interactions in frozen and freeze-dried 11:20 ORGN 48. Microwave-assisted
Baumann, M.O. Kitching, I.R. Baxendale Russell, H.S. Eidam, G. Huiping, P.D. Gorycki,
solution states using small angle synthesis of imidazo[4,5-c]quino-
D. Rieman, M. Cooper, R. Groseclose, S.
10:30 ORGN 16. Enabling organic synthesis scattering techniques. V. Cristiglio, M. lin-2-ones. X. Lu, H. Li, W. Huang
Castellino, E. Mohammadi, B. Greenwood-
with diazo acetonitrile: Technology and Castellanos, J.E. Curtis, I. Grillo, E. Shalaev
Van Meerveld, A. Oliff, S. Kumar, M. Cheung
chemistry driven solutions. R.M. Koenigs Section F
10:00 ORGN 32. Synthesis of phosphoro-
1:30 ORGN 60. Discovery of 2-pyridinone
10:50 ORGN 17. New synthetic route for diamidate morpholino oligonucleotides Walter E. Washington Convention Center aminals: A prodrug strategy to advance
the preparation of efavirenz. S. Chada and their chimeras using phosphoramid-
Rooms 204A/B a second generation of HIV-1 integrase
ite chemistry. S. Paul, M.H. Caruthers
11:10 ORGN 18. Scale up of continu- strand transfer inhibitors. I.T. Raheem
ous process in flow. G. Kai, X. Li 10:20 ORGN 33. Thiophosphoramidate New Reactions & Methodology 1:50 ORGN 61. Synthesis of active phar-
morpholino: A new class of antisense
Alkynes & Rearrangements maceutical ingredients (APIs): Difficulties
Section C oligonucleotides. S. Paul, M.H. Caruthers
in the synthesis of the parts can be
10:40 ORGN 34. Strain-promoted R. D. Broene, Organizer greater than that of the whole. S. Bader
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
double-click functionalised stapled Y. Xing, Presiding
Room 206 2:10 ORGN 62. Development of a
peptides for inhibiting protein-protein
8:20 ORGN 49. Transition metal acceler- practical synthesis of small molecule
interactions. K. Sharma, D.R. Spring
Catalysis & Computation ated disrotatory 6pi-electrocyclization intermediate for THIOMAB-antibiotic
11:00 ORGN 35. Harnessing intrinsic reactions: Isolation of the first hexahapto conjugates (TACs). X. Linghu
R. Ruck, E. C. Sherer, Organizers reactivity to understand covalent cancer metal complexes of acyclic conjugated 2:30 ORGN 63. Design and synthesis of
D. Lehnherr, Presiding metabolites. R. Kulkarni, T.T. Zengeya, trienes. J.M. O Connor, K.M. Veccharelli, S. novel natural product-inspired eIF4A
D. Crooks, W. Linehan, J.L. Meier Cope, K.K. Baldridge, C. Moore, A.L. Rheingold
8:00 Introductory Remarks. inhibitors. C. Nilewski, G.K. Packard, T.D.
11:20 ORGN 36. X-Sept: Synthesis of 8:40 ORGN 50. Enediyne cycloaromatiza- Michels, A.X. Xiang, C. Tran, P.A. Sprengeler,
8:05 ORGN 19. Insights into catalysis indoxyl septanosides as chromogenic tion with incorporation of a halogen-atom J.T. Ernst, S.H. Reich, B. Eam, S. Fish, N.P.
via gas phase methods. J. Lee glycosidase substrates. A. Pote, Z. from haloform and a hydrogen-atom Young, J. Chen, P.A. Thompson, K.R. Webster,
8:35 ORGN 20. Computational insights into Cannone, A. Planas, M.W. Peczuh from 1,4-cyclohexadiene. J.M. O C.J. Wegerski, A. Nevarez, J. Clarine, S. Sperry
asymmetric organocatalysis. K.N. Houk 11:40 ORGN 37. Experimental evidence of Connor, D. Hitt, S. Cope, A.G. Raub, K.M. 2:50 ORGN 64. Discovery and early enable-
9:05 ORGN 21. Understanding and a stabilizing n→π* interaction in N-acyl Veccharelli, C. Moore, A.L. Rheingold ment of PF-06747775: A next generation
design of organometallic reactivity homoserine lactone (AHL) hydrolysis. D. 9:00 ORGN 51. Unlocking the elusive irreversible inhibitor of mutant EGFR for
with experimental and computa- Schmucker, S.R. Dunbar, M.A. Bertucci generation of carbyne equivalents the treatment of NSCLC. D. Behenna
tional tools. F. Schoenebeck with photoredox catalysis. Z. Wang, 3:10 ORGN 65. Design of highly
9:35 Intermission. Section E A.M. del Hoyo, A.G. Herraiz, M.G. Suero potent allosteric integrase
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 9:20 ORGN 52. Aryne-mediated met- inhibitors. E. Velthuisen
9:50 ORGN 22. Discovery and optimization
of enantioselective catalysis through Room 201 al-free Csp3-H bond activation. C. 3:30 ORGN 66. Aldehyde oxidase metab-
chemoinformatics. S.E. Denmark Majeste, F. Idiris, G. Craven, C.R. Jones olism in drug discovery. A.C. Burns
10:20 ORGN 23. Application of Heterocycles & Aromatics 9:40 ORGN 53. In situ generation
computational tools for process R. D. Broene, Organizer
of iminoketenes from ynamides: Section B
chemistry. E.C. Sherer Application in cycloadditions. E.
J. Xu, Presiding Romero, M. Benchekroun, C. Minard,
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
10:50 ORGN 24. Computation of catalytic S. Ventre, K. Cariou, R. Dodd Room 202A
processes to guide reaction development 8:00 ORGN 38. Catalytic double carbon-bo-
including pathways involving dispersion ron bond formation for the synthesis of 10:00 ORGN 54. Exploration on di-function-
cyclic diarylborinic acids as versatile JOC OL Lectureship
or unpaired electrons. M. Kozlowski alization of alkynes and alkenes. Y. Xing
building blocks for π-extended het- T. Hanna, Organizer
11:20 ORGN 25. Applying modern physical 10:20 ORGN 55. Regioselective reactions of
eroarenes. T. Igarashi, M. Tobisu, N. Chatani
organic analysis tools to prediction new aryne precursors induced via 1,3-silyl S. J. Miller, A. B. Smith, Organizers, Presiding
in organic chemistry. M.S. Sigman 8:20 ORGN 39. Metal-free regioselec- group migration. Y. Kwon, Y. Jeon, W. Kim 1:15 Introductory Remarks.
tive construction of indolin-3-ones
10:40 ORGN 56. Transition-metal-free cyclic
via hypervalent iodine oxidation of 1:20 ORGN 67. Unusual tools for
Section D iminium induced one-pot double annu-
N-substituted indoles. C. Jiang, C. the design of selective cyclization
lation cascade: Direct access to dihy-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Yang, G. Cheng, B. Huang, F. Xue reactions of alkynes. I. Alabugin
droisoquinolinium (DHIQ) based privileged
Room 207B 8:40 ORGN 40. Improved synthesis of scaffolds. V. Babu, S. Arepally, S.S. Duddu 1:50 ORGN 68. Functionalization of
a nitrogen rich heterocyclic interme- sp2 and sp3 C–H bonds via depro-
11:00 ORGN 57. From amino acids to
Biologically Related diate toward a RORc ligand. J. Xu, L. tonative zincation. Q. Wang
octahydroquinolines: A new, facile and
Molecules & Processes Sirois, R. Angelaud, D. Lao, F. Gosselin
efficient one-pot five-transformation 2:20 ORGN 69. Iron(III)-catalyzed car-
R. D. Broene, Organizer 9:00 ORGN 41. BN heterocycles cascade. S. Gallagher Duval, G. Belanger bonyl-olefin metathesis. C. Schindler
for molecular diversity. H.L. Van 2:50 ORGN 70. Palladium in peptide/protein
M. A. Bertucci, Presiding 11:20 ORGN 58. C-H activation and
De Wouw, J. Lee, R.S. Klausen
functionalization by Pd(II)/LA cata- synthesis and modification. A. Brik
8:00 ORGN 26. Isolation, functional 9:20 ORGN 42. Strained alkyne derived lysts in organic synthesis. G. Yin 3:20 The Journal of Organic
evaluation, and total synthesis from 2,2’-dihydroxy-1,1’-biaryls:
of Macrophilone A: A biologically Chemistry Award Presentation.
Synthesis and copper-free cyc- Merck Research Award Symposium
active iminoquinone from the marine loaddition with azides. M. Wills,
hydroid Macrorhynchia philippina. W.M. Sponsored by WCC, Cosponsored by BIOL,
A. Del Grosso, L. Galanopoulos, C.K.
Hewitt, K. Zlotkowski, P. Yan, H.R. Bokesch, COMP, MEDI, MPPG, ORGN, PMSE and PROF
Chiu, G. Clarkson, P.B. O’Connor
M.L. Peach, M.C. Nicklaus, B.R. O’Keefe, J.B.
9:40 ORGN 43. Biocatalysis meets What do Synthetic Chemists Want
McMahon, K.R. Gustafson, J. Schneekloth
organolithiums: Asymmetric synthe- from Their Reaction Systems?
8:20 ORGN 27. Search for secondary sis of heterocyclic a-tertiary amines. Sponsored by CINF, Cosponsored by
structure: Synthesis and charac- W. Zawodny, N. Turner, J. Clayden COMP, INOR, NUCL and ORGN
terization of hydrophilic peptoids. The use of any device to capture
10:00 ORGN 44. Stereocontrolled syn-
P.W. Peterson, J.G. Schmidt, R.D.
Gilbertson, R.F. Williams, C.E. Strauss thesis of 2-substituted azetidines and images (e.g., cameras and camera
8:40 ORGN 28. New tools for the study
spirocyclic 1,2-diazetidines. A. Pancholi, SUNDAY AFTERNOON phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
J. Geden, G. Clarkson, M. Shipman
of O-GlcNAc transferase in disease. digital recorders) or to stream,
S.E. Martin, Z.W. Tan, H. Itkonen, J. 10:20 ORGN 45. Bisthiourea based Section A
Janetzko, D.Y. Duveau, C.J. Thomas, efficient synthesis of iminothiazo- upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
P. Sliz, M.B. Lazarus, S. Walker lidinone heterocycles. H. Rafique
Room 207A
presentations is strictly prohibited
9:00 ORGN 29. Discovery of new het- 10:40 ORGN 46. Revisiting and at all official ACS meetings and
erocycle ligands for a hepatitis C virus extending the chemical and func- Young Investigator Symposium
RNA switch. W. Frauman, T. Hermann tional behavior of benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′] events without express written
dithiophen-4-ol. A. Sotuyo, K.A. J. Aube, Organizer, Presiding consent from ACS.
Abboud, I. Ghiviriga, R.K. Castellano

3:25 ORGN 71. Industrial and aca- 1:20 ORGN 82. Probing protein prenyl- 2:50 ORGN 97. Synthetic strategy for Science Communications: The Art
demic applications of high through- transferase specificity using metabolic rapid access to bis(phenalenyl)-based of Developing a Clear Message
put experimentation in reaction labeling with isoprenoid analogs. K.F. polycyclic aromatic hydrocar- Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
optimization. M. Christensen Suazo, C. Palsuledesai, P. Lange, A. Jeong, bons. M.S. Chen, C.M. Wehrmann BIOL, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CINF,
C.C. Hsu, C. Schaber, A. Odom John, W.A. COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, I&EC, INOR,
4:10 ORGN 72. Nickel-catalyzed alkene 3:10 ORGN 98. Synthesis of heterocy-
Tao, V. Tarakanova, L. Li, M.D. Distefano ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
hydrosilylation. I. Buslov, X. Hu cles driven by auto-tandem catalysis
1:40 ORGN 83. Probe-guided strategy with acid catalysts. G. Yanlong
4:55 Organic Letters Award Presentation. What do Synthetic Chemists Want
for selective C-H functionalization
3:30 ORGN 99. Asymmetric synthesis of from Their Reaction Systems?
and late-stage diversification of
Section C homoallylic amines for construction of Sponsored by CINF, Cosponsored by
the natural product micheliolide via
substituted piperidines. M.G. Donahue COMP, INOR, NUCL and ORGN
Walter E. Washington Convention Center P450-mediated chemoenzymatic
synthesis. H. Alwaseem, S. Giovani, J. 3:50 ORGN 100. Efficient preparation
Room 206
Ponder, C.T. Jordan, R. Fasan, M. Crotti of oxazoles from 6-amino-5,6-dihy-
dro-1,10-phenanthrolin-5-ol derivatives.
Small Splash, Big Waves: Research at 2:00 ORGN 84. Bio-orthogonal metal-
E. Schoffers, D.L. Sellers, L. Kohler
Primarily Undergraduate Institutions loporphyrin catalyzed modification of
lantibiotics. R. Maaskant, G. Roelfes 4:10 ORGN 101. Double palladium-cat- Section A
Financially supported by Shimadzu alyzed reductive N-heterocyclization:
Corp., Norton Publishing 2:20 ORGN 85. Efficient one-pot Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Synthesis of pyrroloindoles. N.H. Ansari,
synthesis of FRET probes for in Hall D
S. M. Biros, T. A. Davis, Organizers, Presiding M. Cummings, C.A. Dacko, B. Soderberg
vivo and in vitro detection of redox
1:10 Introductory Remarks. homeostasis in cell. Y. Li, T. Wang 4:30 ORGN 102. Electronic effects
in domino reactions toward tricy- Asymmetric Reactions & Syntheses
1:15 ORGN 73. Synthesis of readily 2:40 ORGN 86. Synthesis of oligosaccha-
clic 1,4-dihydro-2H-benzo[f ]iso- S. M. Silverman, Organizer
diversified cyclopropyl peptidomimetics rides via construction of non-glycoside
chromenes: Concerted alkynyl-Prins
as enzyme inhibitors. N.K. Dunlap linkages. S. Truong, D.R. Mootoo 5:30 - 7:30
and Friedel-Crafts reactions. R.J.
1:40 ORGN 74. Design, synthesis and 3:00 ORGN 87. Chemical tools for Hinkle, Y. Chen, S. Lewis, C. Nofi ORGN 115. Carbometalltion/oxida-
characterization of starch-func- carbonyl sulfide (COS) and hydrogen tion of cyclopropenes: An oasis of
tionalized dibromomaleimide for sulfide (H2S) delivery. M.D. Pluth Section F diastereomerically and enantiomer-
peptide delivery. J.G. Schellinger 3:20 ORGN 88. Structural tuning of cyanine ically enriched cyclopropanols and
Walter E. Washington Convention Center aldehydes possessing quaternary carbon
2:05 ORGN 75. Trimethylsilyl trifluoro- fluorophores for mitochondria and lyso-
some targeting: Highly selective series of Rooms 204A/B stereocenters. M. Simaan, I. Marek
methanesulfonate as both silylating
agent and Lewis acid catalyst in organic fluorescent probes. C.S. Abeywickrama, ORGN 116. Asymmetric autoinduction
H.J. Baumann, L. McDonald, D. Dahal, F. New Reactions & Methodology in the copper/phosphine catalyzed
reactions new and old. C.W. Downey
Gombedza, N. Alexander, C. Wesdemiotis, M. Main Group alkylation of carbonyl compounds. T.
2:30 ORGN 76. Lesson learned about Konopka, L. Shriver, S.M. Paruchuri, Y. Pang Pellegrini, A.J. Minnaard, S.R. Harutyunyan
resonance effects and inductive R. D. Broene, Organizer
effects: Application of a vinylogue 3:40 ORGN 89. Synthesis of novel fla- ORGN 117. Exploitation of antagonistic
vonoid based dyes and their potential S. D. Townsend, Presiding electronic densities for the stereoselec-
methodology toward fundamen-
tal organic systems. J.M. Karty applications in zebrafish and eukaryotic 1:20 ORGN 103. Sequential diboration/ tive reduction of ketones bearing masked
cell imaging. L. McDonald, B. Liu, F. allylation/cross-coupling: A pow- amino surrogates. R. Chew, M. Wills
2:55 Intermission. Gombedza, A. Taraboletti, Q. Liu, Y. Pang erful method for diastereoselective ORGN 118. Enantioselective synthesis of
3:10 ORGN 77. Microwave-assisted cop- 4:00 ORGN 90. First synthesis of quater- carbocycle synthesis. J.D. Shields, fluoro-dihydroquinazolones and -
per-catalyzed amidation of aryl chlorides nary, a-(1′-fluoro)vinyl amino acids via M. Eno, W.K. Chang, J.P. Morken benzooxazinones by fluorination-initiated
via concurrent tandem catalysis. B.P. formal fluorovinylation of AA enolates: A asymmetric cyclization reactions. K.
1:40 ORGN 104. Chemoselective oxi-
Clairmont, S. Lin, A.H. Roy MacArthur new class of potential mechanism-based dation of aryl organoboron systems Hiramatsu, T. Honjo, V. Rauniyar, D. Toste
3:35 ORGN 78. Effect of ligand and PLP enzyme inactivators. C.D. McCune, enabled by boronic acid-selective ORGN 119. Synthesis of enantiomerically
carboxylic acid structure on under M.L. Beio, J.M. Sturdivant, R. de la Salud- phase transfer. J. molloy, A.J. Watson pure a-trifluoromethyl a-amino acids
air direct arylation reactions. J.A. Bea, B.M. Darnell, D.B. Berkowitz
2:00 ORGN 105. Substrate-assisted, transi- and conformational studies of their
Fritz, J. McAfee, L. Armstrong 4:20 ORGN 91. Fluorescent tion metal-free diboration of alkynamides L-leucine-based peptides. A. Ueda,
4:00 ORGN 79. Employing homogeneous sensors for lipids. T.E. Glass, with an unsymmetrical diboron reagent. T. Kasae, M. Oba, M. Doi, M. Tanaka
gold catalysis to synthesize complex C.W. Littlefield, C. Ren, M. Xu F. Astha, R. Snead, Y. Dai, C. Slebodnick, ORGN 120. Stereoselective O-H insertion
molecular structures. T.A. Knoerzer, Y. Yang, H. Yu, F. Yao, W. Santos of a-benzyl diazoesters by carboxylic
M. Marchioretto, J.L. Mascarenas Section E 2:20 ORGN 106. Boronic acid cata- acids activated by chiral oxazaboro-
4:25 ORGN 80. Synthesis, structure, and Walter E. Washington Convention Center lyzed direct and ambient Beckmann lidinium ion. K. Kang, S. Kim, D. Ryu
properties of supramolecular por- rearrangement of oximes. X. Improvement of organocat-
Room 201 ORGN 121.
phyrin metallocubes. J.D. Thoburn Mo, T.D. Morgan, D.G. Hall alytic Robinson annulation by acid
Heterocycles & Aromatics 2:40 ORGN 107. Synthesis of tri- additives. R. Fallek, Y. Shiloni, M. Portnoy
Section D substituted alkenyl boronic esters:
R. D. Broene, Organizer ORGN 122. One-pot synthesis of perylene
Walter E. Washington Convention Center A second-generation boryl-Heck tetracarboxylic diester monoanhy-
R. J. Hinkle, Presiding reaction. W.B. Reid, D.A. Watson dride with labile substituents. X.
Room 207B
1:10 ORGN 92. Gram scale syn- 3:00 ORGN 108. Frustrated Lewis pair Zhao, B. Wang, H. Zhang, S. Jin
Biologically Related thesis of a β-secretase 1 (BACE hydrogenation of a,b-unsaturated ORGN 123. Withdrawn.
Molecules & Processes 1) inhibitor. B.D. Allison carbonyl compounds. I. Khan, L. Morrill
ORGN 124. Asymmetric Michael addition
R. D. Broene, Organizer 1:30 ORGN 93. Synthesis of novel ligands 3:20 ORGN 109. Uncatalyzed 1,2-carbob- reactions catalyzed by alpha,al-
for platinum drugs. A. Fraeyman, oration of seven-membered-ring trans- pha-disubstituted alpha-amino
D. Bandyopadhyay, Presiding W. Jones, C.S. Chow, K.J. Friedrich alkenes. J.R. Sanzone, K.A. Woerpel acid-containing helical peptides. T.
1:00 ORGN 81. Small-molecule 1:50 ORGN 94. Synthesis of electronically 3:40 ORGN 110. Metal-free synthesis of Umeno, A. Ueda, M. Doi, M. Tanaka
organic NIR-II fluorophores for in diverse pyridine-triazoles: Structure unsymmetrical aryl, di-aryl, and glycosyl ORGN 125. Enantioselective organocatalytic
vivo tumor imaging and image- and catalytic activity of corresponding organoselenides. S.D. Townsend addition of carbon and sulfur nucleop-
guided surgery. X. Hong palladium(II) complexes in Suzuki-
4:00 ORGN 111. Progress towards hiles to trisubstituted nitroalkenes via
Miyaura coupling reactions. Z.L. enantioselective protonation. J. Phelan
the development of novel hyperva-
Palchak, M.D. Sterling, C.H. Larsen
lent iodine reactions. I.D. Hyatt ORGN 126. 1-Hydrosilatrane: A chiral
2:10 ORGN 95. BODIPY-bacteriochlorin Lewis base activated reducing agent for
4:20 ORGN 112. Decoupling the
Technical program information energy transfer arrays with tunable
Arrhenius equation via mechano- the asymmetric reduction of prochi-
absorption and near-infrared emis-
known at press time. sion. A. Meares, A. Satraitis, M. Ptaszek
chemistry. J.M. Andersen, J. Mack ral ketones to alcohols. S. Varjosaari,
V. Skrypai, T.M. Gilbert, M.J. Adler
The official technical program for 2:30 ORGN 96. Direct access to highly
4:40 ORGN 113. Synthesis of diverse
imidazolidinones through a unified ORGN 127. Stereoselective Lewis-
the 254th ACS National Meeting functionalized heterocycles through
approach. F. Xu, S. Shuler, D.A. Watson base catalyzed TMSCF3 additions
the condensation of cyclic imines and
is available at www.acs.org/ a-oxoesters. A.Q. Cusumano, J.G. Pierce 5:00 ORGN 114. Fluorinated diazoal-
of 2-halogenated carbonyls. T.A.
Davis, S. Rouleau, K. Russell, N. Heth
WDC2017 kanes and beyond. R.M. Koenigs

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


ORGN 128. Stereodiverse synthesis of chiral ORGN 143. High-throughput transition ORGN 161. Development of a peptide ORGN 177. Rh-catalyzed intramolecu-
aryl fluoroalkyl sulfones, from a single metal-catalyzed chemistry workflows at library based on naturally occurring lar C-H insertion reactions: Important
chiral precursor. W. Wei, R.K. Khangarot, L. Pfizer. J. Magano, S. Monfette, N. Thomson proteins from North American opossum considerations for controlling side
Stahl, P. Pradhan, C. Veresmortean, B. Zajc (Didelphis virginiana) as potential inhibi- products. S.R. Hare, D. Tantillo
ORGN 144. Studies towards the total syn-
tors of snake venom metalloproteinases.
ORGN 129. Ni(II)-diamine complexes thesis of trocheliophorolide A: A unique ORGN 178. Analyzing the binding
R.M. Werner, J.M. Wickens, D. Webber
catalyzed asymmetric sequential effort toward a one-pot hydroboration relationship between curcuminoids
Michael reactions of vinylketoesters cyclization protocol. K. Houghtling, D. ORGN 162. Chiroptical sensing of cysteine and HSA by steady state fluorescence
and nitroalkenes for the synthesis Verrico, T.G. Goudreau Collison, H.M. Simpson in complex mixtures. F.Y. Thanzeel, C. Wolf spectroscopy. O. Michels, G.J. Myres
of multifunctionalized cyclohex-
ORGN 145. Synthesis of gold clusters with ORGN 163. Role of disulfide linkages ORGN 179. Photoinduced bacterial inac-
ene derivatives. B. Ni, S. Huang
PNNP ligands. J. Yang, A.M. Echavarren in the folding and activity of scylla- tivation by azosulfones. R. Viswanathan,
ORGN 130. Green direct reductive amina- toxin-based BH3 domain mimetics. S. Zachariah, S. Protti, M. Fagnoni, A. Greer
ORGN 146. Towards novel perfluoro-
tions using 1-hydrosilatrne. V. Skrypai, D.M. Berugoda Arachchige, M. Harris,
alkylation of arenes. K. Suppan ORGN 180. Effect of irradiance on singlet
S. Varjosaari, T.M. Gilbert, M.J. Adler Z. Coon, J. Carlsen, J.M. Holub
oxygen generation and photobleach-
ORGN 147. Rhodium(I)-complexes
ORGN 131. Mechanistic investigation ORGN 164. Spiro-cyclopropane type ing of photosensitizer molecules
catalyzed 1,4-conjugate addition of
of reactions of rhodium(II) azavinyl a-helix/β-strand mimetics targeting immobilized on silica surfaces. G.
arylzinc chlorides to N-boc-4-pyridone.
carbenes. J. Li, J. Celaje, V.V. Fokin protein-protein interactions. T. Kuwahara, Ghosh, Y. Liu, A. Lyons, A. Greer
M. Jeffries, B. Graves, S. Graham, F. Guo
A. Mizuno, H. Fukuda, M. Watanabe, S. Shuto
ORGN 181. Evidence for peroxide
ORGN 148. Michael-Michael ring closing
Section B ORGN 165. Small antimicrobial intermediates in intralipid photooxida-
reactions promoted by TpMo(NO)
Walter E. Washington Convention Center agents based on acylated reduced tions from 31P and 1H NMR studies:
(DMAP)(η2-naphthalene). J.T. Myers,
amide scaffold. P. Teng, J. Cai Implications for lipid peroxidations, pho-
Hall D M. Sabat, W.H. Myers, W.D. Harman
todynamic therapy, and tissue-simulating
ORGN 166. Helical 1:1 a/sulfono-γ-AA
ORGN 149. Developing a modular phantoms. P.P. Mohapatra, C. Chiemezie,
CH Activation heterogeneous peptides with antibac-
synthesis of Eumelanin oligo- A. Kligman, M. Kim, T. Zhu, A. Greer
terial activity. F. She, A. Nimmagadda,
S. M. Silverman, Organizer mers. A.H. Aebly, J.M. Belitsky
P. Teng, M. Su, X. Zuo, J. Cai ORGN 182. Sensitized photooxidations of
5:30 - 7:30 ORGN 150. Synthesis of small functional- mono-, di-, and tri prenylated phloroglu-
ORGN 167. High-throughput cyclic
ized molecules using copper-catalyzed cinol derivatives. P.P. Mohapatra, A. Greer
ORGN 132. Exploring biosynthetic P450s γ-AAPeptides screening library
atom transfer radical addition (ATRA)
as biocatalysts for multi-functional against EPHA2. Y. Shi, J. Cai ORGN 183. Computational analysis
and [3+2] azide-alkyne cycloaddition
C-H oxidation. J.L. Stachowski, M. of substitution effects on oxy-
(CuAAC). S. Fischer, M. Baldwin, T. Pintauer ORGN 168. Solid-phase synthesis
Demars, D.H. Sherman, J. Montgomery luciferin and its analogues. V.B.
of various peptoid structures. S.
ORGN 151. Aluminum (III)-catalyzed synthe- Satalkar, E. Benassi, Y. Shao
ORGN 133. Chelation-directed amidation Kim, J. Song, H. Lim, Y. Kwon
sis of symmetrical Schiff base for alumi-
of aryl ketones using a heterogeneous ORGN 184. Combination calculation with
num sensor. L. McDonald, J. Wang, Y. Pang ORGN 169. Conformational ensemble cal-
Pd(II)-catalyzed C-H activation method. experiment: Nitration mechanism for the
culations of proteolytically stable β-hair-
ORGN 152. Sequential tandem addi- one pot synthesis of 1-methyl-3,4,5-trini-
Y. Timsina, M. Burkholder, F. Gupton, K.C. Ellis pins containing bulky a,β-dehydroamino
tion reactions to a tungsten-triflu- tropyrazole. Y. Xu, C. Shen, P. Wang, M. Lu
ORGN 134. Bridging C-H activation: Mild acids. D. Kastner, A. Jalan, S.L. Castle
orotoluene complex. K.B. Wilson,
and versatile cleavage of the 8-amino- ORGN 185. Synthesis of borazines
J.T. Myers, M. Sabat, W.D. Harman ORGN 170. Development of a biaryl
quinoline directing group. M. Berger, derived from 1,2 -aminoalcohols.
oxidative coupling-based route to the
ORGN 153. Titanium-proline derived system M. De Jesus, M. Ortiz-Marciales
R. Chauhan, C. Rodrigues, N. Maulide anti-tumor natural products TMC-95.
for the asymmetric synthesis of propargyl
ORGN 135. Design and synthe- S. Burgeson, E. Martin, L. Sanchez ORGN 186. Docking studies on novel
alcohols. C. Sweet, D. Moustafa, P. Kaur
ses of scaffold and pincer cata- 1-benzazepine analogues as potential
ORGN 171. Alternative strategies
ORGN 154. Toward (Z)-selective multi-target drugs for the treatment
lysts. A.A. Oppong, B.L. DeBoef for purification of fully protected
alkene isomerization catalysts and of Alzheimer’s disease. C. Garcia, S.
ORGN 136. Iodine-catalyzed oxidative peptides using flash chromatog-
potential anti-cancer agents. E. Espinosa-Díaz, S. Ortiz, M. Ortiz-Marciales
cyclizations for the construction of thien- raphy. E. Denton, J.R. Bickler
Delgado, E.R. Paulson, D.B. Grotjahn
ocarbazole derivatives. A. Kivrak, H. Koca ORGN 187. Lysosomes targeting probes
ORGN 155. Dirhodium-mediated transfer with large stokes’ shifts via cyanine
ORGN 137. Chemistry in water: Radical Section E
of carbamate-derived nitrenes for coupling with excited state intra-
reactions of ketones using Fenton’s aziridination-ring opening: A study on Walter E. Washington Convention Center molecular proton transfer (ESIPT).
reagent. J.L. Meyer, A. Duell, K.M. Baker, optimization and substrate scope. E.C. Hall D D. Dahal, L. McDonald, Y. Pang
K.B. Mapes, R.P. Hotz, A.R. Pinhas McLaughlin, M. Lasky, C.P. Anyanwu
ORGN 188. Realizing Aza Paternò-Büchi
ORGN 138. Copper catalyzed functional- Physical Organic Chemistry: reaction. S.K. Kandappa, E. Kumarasamy,
ization of un-activated sp3 C-H bonds Section D Calculations, Mechanisms, R. Raghunathan, S. Jockusch, J. Sivaguru
via carbon-carbon bond forma- Photochemistry & High-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center ORGN 189. Photoene vs. [2+2]
tion. O.E. Okoromoba, T.H. Warren Energy Species
Hall D photocycloaddition: A case
ORGN 139. Intramolecular C-H function- S. M. Silverman, Organizer study involving maleimides and
alization for the synthesis of structurally alkenes. S. Ahuja, J. Sivaguru
Peptides, Proteins & Amino Acids 5:30 - 7:30
unique triazole-fused vinyl sultams. A.
Cassity, J. Jun, N.M. Windmon, N. Asad, S. M. Silverman, Organizer ORGN 190. Bis-acetyl carbazole:
ORGN 172. High performance nitrogen
A. Diepenbrock, C.D. Clay, P.R. Hanson Photoremovable protecting group
5:30 - 7:30 dioxide sensor based on organic field-ef-
for sequential release of two dif-
ORGN 140. Amide-directed alkane fect transistor utilizing ultrathin CuPc/
ORGN 156. Synthesis and conforma- ferent functional groups and its
C-H borylation reactions. S.N. PTCDI-C8 heterojunction. H. Fan, J. Yu
tional analyses of stapled peptides application for therapeutic release.
Hyland, M. Tortosa, T.B. Clark ORGN 173. Mechanism of hydrolysis Y. Venkatesh, N. Pradeep Singh
derived from allyl-tethered carbocyclic
a,a-disubstituted a-amino acids. K. reactions of 2,2-disubstituted silo- and
Section C Hirayama, A. Ueda, M. Doi, M. Tanaka germocanes, 1-substituted sila- and
germatranes. Y.A. Vereshchagina, D.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center ORGN 157. Characterizing proteins using Chachkov, R. Khanafieva, E. Ishmaeva
Hall D SAXS on a hybrid laboratory x-ray
scattering instrument. J.E. Quinn, N. ORGN 174. Neighboring group par-
Dadivanyan, A. Schierbeek, J. Bolze ticipation in disulfide oxidation. K.
Metal-Mediated Reactions
& Syntheses ORGN 158. Thioamides: Improved
Fukuta, T. Yamamoto, Y. Esaka, B. Uno
The use of any device to capture
Computational study on the
S. M. Silverman, Organizer
incorporation methods and effects ORGN 175.
stereospecific cross-coupling reactions
images (e.g., cameras and camera
on protein stability. D. Szantai-Kis,
5:30 - 7:30 C.R. Walters, T. Barrett, E. Petersson of anomeric stannanes for the synthesis phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
of C-aryl glycosides. I. Kevlishvili,
ORGN 141. Asymmetric catalysis of ORGN 159. Synthesis and conforma- P. Liu, M.A. Walczak, F. Zhu, T. Yang
digital recorders) or to stream,
ketone reduction using ruthenium and tional analyses of peptides having
ORGN 176. NMR spectroscopic studies
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
iron-based catalysts. M. Wills, T. Hall, a,a-disubstituted a-amino acids
A. Del Grosso, Z. Fang, R. Hodgkinson with (–)-menthyl skeleton. A. Ueda, for the behaviors of carbonyl presentations is strictly prohibited
compounds in various solvents.
ORGN 142. Efficient and selective palla- S. Matsumoto, M. Doi, M. Tanaka
S. Niwayama, Y. Hiraga, S. Chaki
at all official ACS meetings and
dium-catalyzed direct aerobic oxidation ORGN 160. Withdrawn. events without express written
of alcohols to esters. Y. Hu, B. Li
consent from ACS.

ORGN 191. Decarboxylation rates deter- 9:00 ORGN 202. Twists and turns of 8:30 ORGN 217. Photophysical & 10:00 ORGN 233. SmCpR2-mediated
mined by measurement of dissolved lactam research. B.M. Stoltz photoacoustic properties of dimethyl- coupling of allyl and propargyl ethers
CO2. A. Campanella, M.D. Mosher amino terminated curcuminoid dyes with ketoesters and a one-pot approach
9:40 ORGN 203. Twisted-amide
containing the phenyl, napthyl and thienyl to complex cycloheptanols. M. Plesniak,
ORGN 192. Synergy between sol- mechanism of Pin1. F.A. Etzkorn
π-spacers. R.E. Borg, J.J. Rochford X. Just-Baringo, F. Ortu, D. Mills, D. Procter
vation and aromatic substituent
10:20 ORGN 204. Cross-coupling of
effects in CH-aryl interactions. B.U. 8:50 ORGN 218. Photochemical expulsion 10:20 ORGN 234. Ni-catalyzed oxidative
amides by N–C activation. M. Szostak
Emenike, R. Spinelle, A. Rosario of leaving groups from a naphthothio- decarboxylative arylation of unactivated
11:00 ORGN 205. Breaking amides phene-2-carboxamide anilide linked to a C-H bonds with (hetero)aryl benzo-
ORGN 193. Controlling intramolec-
using nickel catalysis. N.K. Garg chromophore by a flexible polymethylene ates. A.P. Honeycutt, J.M. Hoover
ular [2+2] photocycloaddition of
chain. L. Li, G. Ndzeidze, M.G. Steinmetz
enones by axial chirality. A. Clay 10:40 ORGN 235. Rhodium-catalyzed
Section D 9:10 ORGN 219. Photoreactions with [(3+2)+1] carbocyclization reactions of
Walter E. Washington Convention Center a twist: Employing restricted bond alkynylidenecyclopropanes with carbon
MONDAY MORNING rotations for controlling excited monoxide: Construction of polysub-
Room 207B
state transformations. J. Sivaguru stituted dienones. A. Burnie, P. Evans
Section A Biologically Related 9:30 ORGN 220. Wavelength dependent 11:00 ORGN 236. Development of practical
Molecules & Processes rate acceleration in hybrid “photoisom- methods for tantalum-catalyzed hydroam-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
erization-Brønsted acid catalysis”. inoalkylation. P.M. Edwards, L. Schafer
Room 207A R. D. Broene, Organizer J. Hioe, P. Renzi, G. Ruth Maria
11:20 ORGN 237. Mechanistic inves-
L. J. Perez, Presiding 9:50 ORGN 221. Photophysics of naph- tigation of reactions of 1-iodoaryl
Robert Burns Woodward
8:00 ORGN 206. Synthesis of oli- thalene dimers controlled by the sulfur alkynes with organic azides in the
Centennial Symposium
godeoxynucleotides containing bridge oxidation. C. Climent, D. Casanova copper (I)-catalyzed cycloaddition
P. A. Jacobi, R. M. Williams, Organizers electrophilic groups using 1, 3-dith- reaction. A. Nazarova, V.V. Fokin
10:10 ORGN 222. Chemistry of fingerprint
P. N. Confalone, Organizer, Presiding iane-2-yl-methoxycarbonyl (Dmoc) visualization: New insights in the initiating 11:40 ORGN 238. Reductive con-
protection. B. Halami, X. Lin, J. Chen, S. step of the ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate polym- version of acyclic esters to ethers
8:30 ORGN 194. R. B. Woodward: A Shahsavari, N. Green, D. Goel, S. Fang erization reaction. S.C. van der Lubbe, R. using ReactIR. J.A. Pigza
larger-than-life chemist. J. Seeman
8:20 ORGN 207. Truncated analogs de Jong, F. Loadsman-Wammes, C. Fonseca
9:30 ORGN 195. Building bridges: of actin-targeting natural products: Guerra, F. Bickelhaupt, M.A. van Bochove Building a Safety Culture across
Strategies and tactics for the synthesis of Synthesis and in vitro activity. R.L. the Chemistry Enterprise
10:30 ORGN 223. Substituent effect on
polycyclic natural products. S.E. Reisman Grange, J.S. Allingham, A.W. Craig, P. Evans, stability for rubrene analogues. J.T. Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts
10:30 ORGN 196. Robert Burns Woodward: S. Nersesian, D. Trofimova, R. Williams, J. Zhou Ly, S. Thomas, M. Yamashita, H. Yamada, to Developing a Safety Culture
Bridging art and science. C. Woodward 8:40 ORGN 208. Design, synthesis, and J.E. Bredas, L. Zhang, A.L. Briseno
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
antiviral evaluation of aryl and biaryl a-hy- 10:50 ORGN 224. Tuning the photo- BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS,
Section B droxytropolones against herpes simplex chemical and redox properties of CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC,
virus −1 and −2. A. Garimalla, L. Morrison, ethyl-flavinium ion. B.D. Etz, S. Vyas INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
B. Patel, S. Hoft, S. Datla, J. Tavis, R.P. Murelli
Rooms 202A/B 11:10 ORGN 225. Evaluating stereospe-
9:00 ORGN 209. Optochemical control cificity of metal free visible light
of protein dimerization in living
Organometallics Distinguished ­mediated ­acyl-migration. A. Clay MONDAY AFTERNOON
cells. C. Aonbangkhen, H. Zhang,
Author Award M. Lampson, D.M. Chenoweth 11:30 ORGN 226. Toward the origin of
P. J. Chirik, Organizer, Presiding small chemical shift differences in Section A
9:20 ORGN 210. Synthesis of dimeric diastereotopic X-CH2D groups. O.
9:00 Introductory Remarks. lysosomal inhibitors and their evaluation Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Ogba, S. Elliott, D. Kolin, L.J. Brown, S.
as anticancer agents. M. Nicastri, Cevallos, S. Sawyer, M. Levitt, D.J. O’Leary Room 207A
9:05 ORGN 197. Design and application
J.D. Winkler, R. Amaravadi, V. Rebecca
of 3,4-diazaphospholane ligands for
Robert Burns Woodward
enantioselective hydroformylation. C.R. 9:40 ORGN 211. Protein engineering for Section F
Landis, J. Wildt, J. Eshon, A.C. Brezny chemical synthesis: Rational design of a Centennial Symposium
biocatalyst to enable a novel preparation Walter E. Washington Convention Center
P. N. Confalone, R. M. Williams, Organizers
9:40 ORGN 198. Ti-catalyzed nitrene Rooms 204A/B
of blockbuster statin drugs. K. Belecki
transfer reactions. I. Tonks P. A. Jacobi, Organizer, Presiding
10:00 ORGN 212. Vitamin B2 related
10:15 Intermission.
molecules that activate T cells. J.Y.
New Reactions & Methodology 1:00 ORGN 239. R. B. Woodward’s insights
10:30 ORGN 199. Catalytic a-C–H alkyla- into theory and mechanism. K.N. Houk
Mak, W. Xu, R.C. Reid, A.J. Corbett, B.S. Metals
tion of secondary amines: No directing Meehan, H. Wang, Z. Chen, J. Rossjohn, 2:00 ORGN 240. Development of
R. D. Broene, Organizer
auxiliary? No problem. L. Schafer J. McCluskey, L. Liu, D.P. Fairlie organocatalytic and photoredox
V. W. Shurtleff, Presiding catalyzed reactions. D.W. MacMillan
11:05 ORGN 200. New developments 10:20 ORGN 213. Genetic code and
in the organometallic chemistry of putative messages. J. DeMassa 8:00 ORGN 227. Electrochemical 3:00 ORGN 241. Withdrawn.
high valent nickel. M.S. Sanford methods for Ni-catalyzed
10:40 ORGN 214. Sulfurization agents as 4:00 ORGN 242. Working with
sp2-sp3 cross-couplings. R.J. Perkins
capping reagents for phosphorothioate Woodward. R. Hoffmann
Section C oligonucleotide synthesis. J. Yang 8:20 ORGN 228. Synthesis of selectively
Walter E. Washington Convention Center difluorinated carbocycles through a Section B
11:00 ORGN 215. Chemical signaling
novel gold(I) catalysed cyclisation. A.
Room 206 in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
McCarter, C. Jamieson, J. Percy, D. Hirst Walter E. Washington Convention Center
design of species-specific inhibi-
tors of this bacteria. L.J. Perez 8:40 ORGN 229. Construction of 1-het- Rooms 202A/B
Modern Chemistry of the Amide Bond
J. Aube, Organizer, Presiding by sp2-sp3 Suzuki–Miyaura and Tetrahedron Prize for Creativity in
Section E
8:10 Introductory Remarks. Chan–Evans–Lam coupling reactions Organic Chemistry Symposium
Walter E. Washington Convention Center of tertiary trifluoroborates. M. Harris, Financially supported by Elsevier
8:20 ORGN 201. Testing delocalization Room 201 Q. Li, Y. Lian, J. Xiao, A.T. Londregan
of the nitrogen lone pair in bridge- S. F. Martin, Organizer
head bicyclic lactams. A. Greenberg 9:00 ORGN 230. Applications of
Physical Organic Chemistry: light-gated cobalt catalysis to a J. L. Wood, Presiding
Calculations, Mechanisms, [2+2+2] cycloaddition polymeriza- 1:10 Introductory Remarks.
Photochemistry & High- tion. B. Ravetz, K.E. Ruhl, T. Rovis
Technical program information Energy Species 1:15 ORGN 243. Rise and promise
9:20 ORGN 231. Cobalt-catalyzed of the mechanical bond in chem-
known at press time. R. D. Broene, Organizer asymmetric hydroboration of istry and beyond. C. Pezzato, M.T.
The official technical program for G. O. Jones, Presiding prochiral 1,3-dienes. K. Duvvuri, Nguyen, C. Cheng, J.F. Stoddart
K.R. Dewese, T. RajanBabu
the 254th ACS National Meeting 8:10 ORGN 216. Photooxidative 2:05 ORGN 244. New stereoselective, cata-
9:40 ORGN 232. Palladium catalyzed lytic fluorination reactions. E.N. Jacobsen
crosslinking and photoaffinity labeling
is available at www.acs.org/ of proteins with naphthalene imides decarboxylation of polyenoic acids.
WDC2017 and diimides. S. Sova, L. Kelly M.H. Alhunit, M. Garr, M.P. Croatt

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


2:55 ORGN 245. Hydrogel-actuated 3:20 ORGN 259. High-throughput Section F 8:00 - 10:00
integrated responsive systems phase-transfer catalyst synthesis
(HAIRS): Moving towards adaptive, and evaluation coupled with QSAR Walter E. Washington Convention Center 116, 125, 130, 133-134, 138, 140-
Rooms 204A/B 141, 147, 174, 177, 182, 184, 192.
homeostatic materials. J. Aizenberg modeling as enabling tools for
See previous listings.
efficient catalyst optimization. K.M.
3:45 Introduction of Awardee.
Belyk, K. Lexa, E.C. Sherer, R. Ruck New Reactions & Methodology 387, 389, 392, 394, 403-405, 411, 
3:55 ORGN 246. Designing dynamic 415, 418, 433, 437-438, 447, 
molecular systems: From switches
3:40 ORGN 260. Metal-free stereospe- Organocatalysis & General
451, 454-455, 460, 462, 570-
cific isomerization of electron-deficient
to motors. B. Feringa R. D. Broene, Organizer 571, 578, 581-582, 586-587, 
allylic alcohols and allylic ethers.
592-593, 598, 601, 604, 611, 
4:55 Concluding Remarks. S. Martinez Erro, A. Sanz-Marco, A. A. R. Narayan, Presiding
619, 622, 624, 636-638, 640-641, 643, 
Bermejo Gómez, A. Vázquez-Romero,
1:30 ORGN 274. Discovery and optimi- 646-647, 653, 659. See subsequent
Section C M.S. Ahlquist, B. Martín-Matute
zation of a new formal thiocyanopalla- listings.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 4:00 ORGN 261. H3PO2-catalyzed intra- dation/carbocyclization transformation
molecular stereospecific nucleophilic via enzymatic screening. R.A. Swyka, G.
Room 206
substitution of the hydroxyl group in Malik, G.A. Applegate, X. Fei, D.B. Berkowitz
stereogenic alcohols. A. Bunrit, R.A.
Cross-Electrophile Coupling 1:50 ORGN 275. Organocatalyzed syn-
Watile, C. Dahlstrand, S. Olsson, P. Srifa, G.
thesis of epoxides from alkenes utilizing Section A
Financially supported by Pfizer, Huang, S. Biswas, F. Himo, J.S. Samec
amino acids. S. Russell, J.J. Kiddle
Novartis, Boehringer-Ingelhei Walter E. Washington Convention Center
2:10 ORGN 276. Organocatalytic methods
E. R. Jarvo, Organizer Section E Rooms 202A/B
for site-selective aliphatic C–H bond
D. J. Weix, Organizer, Presiding Walter E. Washington Convention Center hydroxylation. W. Shuler, S.L. Johnson,
D. Wang, C. Pierce, M.K. Hilinski
Arthur C. Cope Award Symposium
Room 201
1:20 ORGN 247. Enantioselective
M. K. Boyd, Organizer
Ni-catalyzed cross-electro- 2:30 ORGN 277. Stereoselective synthesis
phile coupling. S.E. Reisman Physical Organic Chemistry: of a-hydroxy phosphonates/a-amino K. L. Lee, Organizer, Presiding
Calculations, Mechanisms, phosphonates using manganese-pro-
2:00 ORGN 248. Nickel-catalyzed 8:00 ORGN 286. Award Address (Arthur
Photochemistry & High- line derived catalytic system. P. Kaur,
stereospecific reductive cross-electro- C. Cope Early Career Scholars
Energy Species H. Lim, V. Datilus, R. Teriak, P. Chohan
phile coupling reactions. E.R. Jarvo Award Sponsored by Arthur C.
R. D. Broene, Organizer 2:50 ORGN 278. Chemoselective Cope Fund). C–C and C–H func-
2:40 ORGN 249. Controlling selectivity direct transformation of common
H. Banks, Presiding tionalization of ketones. G. Dong
and reactivity in nickel-catalyzed cross amides: The chemistry for medic-
electrophile couplings. E.C. Hansen 8:40 ORGN 287. Award Address (Arthur
1:00 ORGN 262. Chemistry at the inal chemistry and total synthesis
C. Cope Late Career Scholars Award
3:20 ORGN 250. Cross-electrophile edges of doped graphenes: A of natural products. P. Huang
Sponsored by Arthur C. Cope Fund).
coupling of tertiary alkyl halides computational study. H. Banks
3:10 ORGN 279. Withdrawn. Transition metal catalysis and chemistry
with other electrophiles. H. Gong 1:20 ORGN 263. Exploring energetics
3:30 ORGN 280. Cofactors as a source of of bioactive molecules. M. Sodeoka
4:00 ORGN 251. Cross-electrophile cou- in dirhodium paddle-wheel com-
inspiration for discovering new modes 9:20 ORGN 288. Award Address (Arthur
pling of challenging substrates. D.J. Weix plexes with π-donors of different
of catalytic activation. M.D. Clift C. Cope Mid Career Scholars Award
topologies. J. Li, A.Y. Rogachev
4:40 ORGN 252. Cobalt: A versa- 3:50 ORGN 281. Transaminase triggered Sponsored by the Arthur C. Cope Fund).
tile catalyst to promote reductive 1:40 ORGN 264. Solving the density New vistas in the asymmetric construc-
aza-Michael approach for the enanti-
cross-coupling reactions. C. Gosmini functional conundrum: Elimination of sys- tion of C-C bonds: Total synthesis of
oselective synthesis of chiral alkaloids.
tematic errors to derive highly accurate complex bioactive agents. P. Evans
J. Ryan, B. Maciá, E. O’Reilly, V. Caprio
reaction enthalpies of complex organic
Section D 4:10 ORGN 282. Directing electro- 10:00 ORGN 289. Award Address (Arthur
reactions. A. Sengupta, K. Raghavachari
Walter E. Washington Convention Center philic aromatic substitution reac- C. Cope Mid Career Scholars Award
2:00 ORGN 265. Conformational Sponsored by the Arthur C. Cope Fund).
Room 207B tions from above and underneath
preferences and anomeric effect in Stereoselective saturated heterocycle
aromatic rings. S.T. Schneebeli
light of attractive Coulomb inter- synthesis via copper-catalyzed alkene
Asymmetric Reactions & Syntheses actions. M.J. Schmittel, A. Rana 4:30 ORGN 283. Phosphorus and sulfur- difunctionalizations involving polar/
ylide mediated C(sp3)-C(sp3)-coupling radical cascades. S.R. Chemler
Miscellaneous 2:20 ORGN 266. Theoretical studies
reactions. K.J. Hock, U.P. Tran, L. Mertens,
on ring-opening polymerizations by 10:40 ORGN 290. Award Address (Arthur
R. D. Broene, Organizer C.P. Gordon, J. Ho, T.V. Nguyen, R.M. Koenigs
alkoxides and (thio)ureas. G.O. Jones, X. C. Cope Early Career Scholars Award
Y. Yang, Presiding Zhang, B. Lin, J. Hedrick, R.M. Waymouth 4:50 ORGN 284. How mass spectrometry Sponsored by Arthur C. Cope Fund).
enables automatization and late stage Chemically stable polycyclic aromatic
1:20 ORGN 253. Developing chemical tools 2:40 ORGN 267. Computational
functionalization workflows. I. Zamora, hydrocarbon semiconductors for organic
for accessing indolizidine alkaloids from studies on the Z- and E-selective
T. Radchenko, E. Ortega, B. Serra, G. electronic applications. A.L. Briseno
dendrobatid frogs: Synthetic versatility of molybdenum catalysts for olefin
Plasencia Gallofré, L. Morettoni, F. Fontaine
a-methyl 2, 3-dihydropyidinones in build- metathesis. X. Dong, K.N. Houk 11:20 ORGN 291. Award Address (Arthur
ing polyfunctional piperidines. Y. Yang 5:10 ORGN 285. Development of methods C. Cope Late Career Scholars Award
3:00 ORGN 268. Reductive desulfuriza-
utilizing biocatalysts from natural Sponsored by Arthur C. Cope Fund).
1:40 ORGN 254. Studies directed tion of thionated naphthalene diimides:
product pathways. A.R. Narayan Click, carry, and release: Building
towards the synthesis of a sparteine Isolation of a new naphthalene derivative
surrogate. T.F. Higgins, J.D. Winkler depicting attractive photophysical and and transporting molecular function.
electrochemical properties. A.J. Ayitou
Building a Safety Culture across M. Finn
2:00 ORGN 255. Enantioselective the Chemistry Enterprise
total synthesis of cyclo- 3:20 ORGN 269. Excited state equilibria
clavine. S.R. McCabe, P. Wipf and geometrical effects during fluores- Grassroots Approaches to
cence quenching of sterically-graded Developing a Safety Culture
2:20 ORGN 256. Asymmetric synthesis of a
HCV nucleoside cyclic prodrug. Y. Zhong, pyrenes by tertiary aliphatic amines Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
E. Cleator, Z. Liu, J. Yin, W. Morris, M. Alam, B. and N,N-dialkylanilines. M.J. Bertocchi, BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS,
R.G. Weiss, J. Moorthy, X. Zhang, A. Bajpai CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC,
Bishop, A. Dumas, J. Edwards, A. Goodyear, P.
Mullens, M. Shevlin, Z. Song, D. Thairsrivongs, 3:40 ORGN 270. Mechanistic
H. Li, R. Cohen, J. Yin, L. Tan, N. Yasuda, J. studies of samarium diiodide The use of any device to capture
Limanto, P. Bulger, A. Davies, K.R. Campos (SmI2) - amine complexes. C.
2:40 ORGN 257. Development of new Bartulovich, S. Maity, R.A. Flowers MONDAY EVENING images (e.g., cameras and camera
Lewis-acid catalyzed methods for 4:00 ORGN 271. Pharmaceutical process phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
organic synthesis. P.S. Riehl, C. Schindler development: Kinetic investiga- Section A digital recorders) or to stream,
3:00 ORGN 258. Asymmetric cata- tions and modeling. A.L. Dunn Walter E. Washington Convention Center
lytic reactions: Recent use of TOX 4:20 ORGN 272. Design of stable
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Halls D/E
and SaBOX ligands. Y. Tang organic electrolytes for Li-O2 bat- presentations is strictly prohibited
teries. S. Feng, L. Giordano, M. Sci-Mix at all official ACS meetings and
Chen, J.A. Johnson, Y. Shao-Horn
4:40 ORGN 273. Racemization of
S. M. Silverman, Organizer events without express written
cyclopropyl fused dihydroisoxaz- consent from ACS.
oles. K. Quasdorf, M.D. Bartberger

Section B Section D 9:00 ORGN 318. Development of a colori- Understanding the Chemistry
metric competitive displacement assay of Our Planet
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Walter E. Washington Convention Center for the evaluation of catalytic peptides.
Room 207A Room 207B Chemistry’s Role in our Earth System
A. Gest, E. Aguiluz Ramirez, L. Witus
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
9:20 ORGN 319. Role of single disulfide BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA,
Young Academic Investigator Asymmetric Reactions & Syntheses
linkages in the folding and activity CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC,
Metals of scyllatoxin-based BH3 domain INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC
H. M. Davies, L. McElwee-White, Organizers, mimetics. J.M. Holub, D.M. Berugoda
R. D. Broene, Organizer
Presiding Arachchige, M.M. Harris, Z. Coon, J. Carlsen
A. R. Angeles, Presiding
8:10 Introductory Remarks. 9:40 ORGN 320. Engineered luciferases
as off-the-shelf reporters of pathogenic
8:00 ORGN 305. Symmetric disubstituted
8:15 ORGN 292. Synthetic nucleic
heteroaryl-olefins: A new challenge bacteria. Z. Reinert, J.A. Prescher
acid topology and their biologi-
for the enantioselective addition of Section A
cal applications. Y. Weizmann 10:00 ORGN 321. Lasso peptide beneno-
Grignard reagents to electrophiles. T. Walter E. Washington Convention Center
din-1 is a thermally actuated [1]rotaxane
8:40 ORGN 293. New fluorophore scaffolds Pellegrini, R.P. Jumde, S.R. Harutyunyan Rooms 202A/B
switch. C. Zong, M. Wu, J. Qin, A. Link
for chemical biology. C.I. Stains
8:20 ORGN 306. Enantioconvergent
10:20 ORGN 322. Novel 19F-amino
9:05 ORGN 294. New recipes for biocatal- cross-coupling of racemic second- Arthur C. Cope Award Symposium
acids as labels to study peptides
ysis: Expanding the cytochrome P450 ary organozinc reagents. R. Oost,
by 19F NMR. P. Mykhailiuk K. L. Lee, Organizer
chemical landscape. E.M. Brustad A. Preinfalk, A. Misale, N. Maulide
10:40 ORGN 323. c-Myc reversibly M. K. Boyd, Organizer, Presiding
9:30 ORGN 295. Chemical methods for 8:40 ORGN 307. Pd-catalyzed syn-
associates into dynamic aggregates.
tailoring glycan interactions at the thesis of highly functionalized 1:00 ORGN 336. Award Address (Arthur
V.S. Dobrev, A.C. de Dios, S.J. Metallo
cell-matrix interface. K. Godula piperidines. B. Allen, J.P. Harrity C. Cope Late Career Scholars Award
9:55 Intermission. Sponsored by Arthur C. Cope Fund).
9:00 ORGN 308. Enantio-, diastereo-, Section F Themes and schemes: Some small
10:05 ORGN 296. Mechanistically-defined
and regioselective Pd-catalyzed allylic
Walter E. Washington Convention Center molecule syntheses. K.A. Parker
methods for synthesis of neuroactive alkylation of fluoroenolates: Access
small molecules. T.R. Newhouse to enantioenriched 3-fluorooxindoles Rooms 204A/B 1:40 ORGN 337. Award Address (Arthur
with vicinal and four contiguous C. Cope Mid Career Scholars Award
10:30 ORGN 297. Synthesis of chirality centers. B. Kaluvu, C. Wolf New Reactions & Methodology Sponsored by Arthur C. Cope Fund).
designer organic nanowires and Synthesis of complex and diverse
9:20 ORGN 309. Enantioselective oxidative General
nanoribbons. A.A. Gorodetsky compounds from natural products
homocoupling reaction: Vanadium(V)-
10:55 ORGN 298. Strategic nanoma- R. D. Broene, Organizer leads to discovery of a broad-spec-
catalyzed synthesis of novel 1,1′-bicarba-
terial synthesis. R.S. Klausen trum antibiotic. P.J. Hergenrother
zole-2,2′-diols. V. Peddiahgari, H. Kang, Y. C. Brindle, Presiding
11:20 ORGN 299. Can single-molecule Eun Lee, K. Niederer, P. Sung, M. Kozlowski 2:20 ORGN 338. Award Address (Arthur
8:00 ORGN 324. Stereoselective C. Cope Late Career Scholars Award
spectroscopy be a tool for mechanistic 9:40 ORGN 310. Copper(I)–catalyzed enan- cyclization reactions: New approaches Sponsored by Arthur C. Cope Fund).
organometallic chemistry? R.H. Goldsmith tioselective alkynylation of oxocarbenium to indole alkaloids. L. Wang, J. Three-component hexadehydro-Diels-Al-
and iminium ions to set diaryl tetra- Zhu, L. Feng, H. Ren, Y. Tang der (HDDA) reactions. T.R. Hoye
Section C substituted stereocenters. S. Dasgupta,
J. Liu, T.E. Rivas, C. Shoffler, M.P. Watson 8:20 ORGN 325. Advancements using 3:00 ORGN 339. Award Address (Arthur
Walter E. Washington Convention Center alkylsilicates for C-C bond construction. C. Cope Mid Career Scholars Award
10:00 ORGN 311. Catalytic asymmetric syn- C. Kelly, S.B. Lang, N.R. Patel, R.J. Wiles,
Room 206 Sponsored by Arthur C. Cope Fund).
thesis of alkylsilanes enabled by stereo- K. Lin, A.P. Siegenfeld, G.A. Molander Efforts in natural product synthe-
convergent nickel-catalyzed cross-cou-
Process Chemistry: New pling. G.M. Schwarzwalder, G.C. Fu 8:40 ORGN 326. Hydrazine and sis design. C.D. Vanderwal
Developments in Pharmaceutical diethylenetriamine mediated direct 3:40 ORGN 340. Award Address (Arthur
Process Development (IV) 10:20 ORGN 312. Pd-catalyzed enanti- cleavage of unactivated amides, C. Cope Award Sponsored by the
oselective intermolecular hydroamina- carbamates, and ureas. M. Noshita,
J. A. Pesti, R. Vaidyanathan, Organizers, Arthur C. Cope Fund). Wild world of
tion of dienes with aliphatic amines. Y. Shimizu, H. Morimoto, T. Ohshima
Presiding bioorthogonal chemistry. C.R. Bertozzi
S. Malcolmson, N. Adamson, E. Hull
9:00 ORGN 327. Phosphine oxide-cat- 4:40 Concluding Remarks.
8:00 Introductory Remarks. 10:40 ORGN 313. Enantioselective cascade alyzed amide synthesis. P.H. Toy
8:05 ORGN 300. Science and inno- reaction for synthesis of quinolinones
via synergistic catalysis using Cu-pybox 9:20 ORGN 328. Withdrawn. Section B
vation in API process design and
continuous improvement. S. Cui and chiral benzotamisole as cata- 9:40 ORGN 329. Electrochemical synthesis Walter E. Washington Convention Center
lysts. X. Wu, X. Lu, L. Ge, C. Cheng and characterization of dicationic ionic
8:50 ORGN 301. Commercial route Room 207A
11:00 ORGN 314. N-sulfinyl metallo- liquids as electrolytes for safer lithium
development of an SMO inhibitor. N. Do
dienamines in the total synthesis of ion batteries. R.N. Manchanayakage
9:35 ORGN 302. Development of scalable Young Academic Investigator
(–)-albocycline. R.B. Andrade, V.K. Chatare 10:00 ORGN 330. Simple workup procedure Symposium
and cost-effective API synthesis through
11:20 ORGN 315. Asymmetric synthesis for the removal of aldehydes. C. Brindle
chemical innovation. C.H. Senanayake H. M. Davies, L. McElwee-White, Organizers,
of an active pharmaceutical ingredi- 10:20 ORGN 331. Catalytic inser-
10:20 ORGN 303. Invention of cata- Presiding
ent: Discovery and development of tion of isatins and aldehydes into
lytic asymmetric methods for the novel photoredox-minisci formylation 1:10 ORGN 341. Strategies and methods
aryl dihalonitromethyl ketones. R.
commercial manufacture of complex and KRED reactions. A.R. Angeles for the synthesis of topologically
Ding, P.R. Bakhshi, C. Wolf
drug targets. K.R. Campos complex natural products. J.L. Stockdill
10:40 ORGN 332. Oxidative cyclization
11:05 ORGN 304. Taming down those Section E 1:35 ORGN 342. Catalysis at
reactions and the importance of con-
nitrogens: Design and development of metal–metal bonds. C. Uyeda
Walter E. Washington Convention Center trolling the nature of reactive intermedi-
the commercial synthesis of a novel
ates. R. Feng, R.J. Perkins, K.D. Moeller 2:00 ORGN 343. Transition metal
tyrosine kinase inhibitor. K. Chen Room 201
11:00 ORGN 333. Use of branched and catalyzed amination and ami-
11:50 Concluding Remarks. dation reactions. K.L. Hull
Peptides, Proteins & Amino Acids dendritic scaffolds for controlling
selectivity in organocatalysis. M. 2:25 ORGN 344. Catalytic carbon-
R. D. Broene, Organizer Portnoy, N. Ashush, A. Fallek, R. Palakuri, yl-olefin metathesis. C. Schindler
L. Witus, Presiding J. Karabline-Kuks, M. Weiss-Shtofman
2:50 ORGN 345. Catalytic hydroacyla-
8:20 ORGN 316. Selective covalent deri- 11:20 ORGN 334. Oxidative C(sp2)–H tion and carboacylation of olefins: A
Technical program information vatization of hexahistidine tag of recom- trifluoromethylation of enamides platform for synthesis of heterocyclic
binant proteins. A. Melman, V. Kadambar using TMSCF3. S.B. Munoz, and carbocyclic ketones. L.M. Stanley
known at press time. V. Krishnamurti, G.S. Prakash
8:40 ORGN 317. Metal-assisted 3:15 Concluding Remarks.
The official technical program for folding of prolinomycin allows facile 11:40 ORGN 335. Bench-validated
retrosynthetic cheminformatics tool
the 254th ACS National Meeting design of functional peptides. W.
to simplify the synthesis of novel
Wang, A.S. Hosseini, J. Gao
is available at www.acs.org/ chemical compounds. S.L. Trice

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


Section C Section E 2:00 ORGN 374. Visible light mediated ORGN 389. Glass surface adhered
construction of pyrroloindolines via an probe plate assay for characteriza-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Walter E. Washington Convention Center amidyl radical cyclization/intermolecular tion of protein binding partners of
Room 206 Room 201 radical alkene addition cascade: Total small molecules. S.J. Ramos-Hunter,
synthesis of (±) flustramide B. T. Wang K. Brandvold, C. Whidbey, A.T. Wright
Using Organic Chemistry to Metal-Mediated Reactions
2:20 ORGN 375. Withdrawn. ORGN 390. Chemical route optimization of
Illuminate Biological Systems & Syntheses VAChT gamma-carboline compounds. D.
2:40 ORGN 376. Withdrawn.
M. J. Schnermann, Organizer, Presiding R. D. Broene, Organizer Billen, D.M. Sobieray, V. Westrick, O. Goethe
3:00 ORGN 377. Synthesis and photophys-
1:15 ORGN 346. Photocatalytic induction of C. Meyet, Presiding ORGN 391. Inspired from naturally occur-
ical properties of novel organometallic
tetrazine ligation with near IR light. J. Fox ring bicyclic iminosugars to develop
1:10 ORGN 360. Choose your own adven- hydroporphyrins. N. Esemoto, M. Ptaszek
new molecular scaffolds and libraries.
1:45 ORGN 347. TMP-Tag: A chemical ture: Three-component copper chemistry 3:20 ORGN 378. Withdrawn. W. Chen, C. Chen, H. Lee, W. Cheng
surrogate to the fluorescent proteins reveals exclusive routes to either allene or
for live cell imaging. V.W. Cornish propargylamine. C. Meyet, H. Banovetz, T. 3:40 ORGN 379. Development of a new ORGN 392. Synthesis of a fluori-
Beckwith, S. Kiledal, Z. Nusbaum, J. Olberding, methodology for synthesis of 1,4-oxaz- nated C-glycoside of the immuno-
2:15 ORGN 348. Optical control of epines. M. Zora, Y. Kelgokmen, Y. Cayan
J. Parker, K. Royer, J. Russell, S. Saccoman, stimulatory glycolipid KRN7000.
protein function through genetic
E. Shankin, K.B. Shillingstad, E. Steger, Y. Xia 4:00 ORGN 380. Toward the ideal manufac- K. Ali, A.S. Altiti, D.R. Mootoo
code expansion. A. Deiters
1:30 ORGN 361. Mechanistic studies on turing process of active pharmaceutical ORGN 393. Development and optimization
2:45 Intermission. ingredients at Merck. S.M. Silverman
the conversion of metallacyclobutenes of Glaser-Hay bioconjugations. D. Young
3:00 ORGN 349. Designing brighter dyes for to highly substituted cyclopentadienes. 4:20 ORGN 381. Base dependent ORGN 394. Targeting regulatory non-coding
advanced imaging experiments. L.D. Lavis J.M. O Connor, P. Qin, R.L. Holland, K.K. chemo-divergent cascade reaction RNAs with druglike small molecules.
Baldridge, A.L. Rheingold, C. Moore of dihydroxyfumarate with alde-
3:30 ORGN 350. Illuminating the path C.M. Connelly, R.E. Boer, M.H. Moon,
for drug delivery. D.S. Lawrence 1:50 ORGN 362. Iron mediated N-arylation hydes. G.W. Ward, S.A. France, C.L. R.S. Sinniah, P. Gareiss, J. Schneekloth
reactions. G. Douglas, S. Raw, S. Marsden Liotta, R. Krishnamurthy, N.V. Hud
ORGN 395. Activity-based protein
Section D 2:10 ORGN 363. Nickel-catalyzed reductive 4:40 ORGN 382. Tandem reactions for the profiling of bile acid metabolism and
cross-electrophile coupling reactions of direct, catalytic synthesis of alpha-tet- host signaling in the gut microbiome.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
alkyl fluorides for cyclopropane synthesis. rasubstituted amines. C.H. Larsen, K. Brandvold, C. Whidbey, A.T. Wright
Room 207B Z.L. Palchak, K.G. Nelson, M.D. Sterling
E. Lucas, L. Erickson, E. Tollefson, E.R. Jarvo ORGN 396. Water green synthesis
Asymmetric Reactions & Syntheses 2:30 ORGN 364. Palladium catalyzed of antitubercular dicoumarols. D.
Understanding the Chemistry
cross-coupling of 3-methylthio- Bandyopadhyay, V.M. Cano, I.M. Chapa, A.
R. D. Broene, Organizer of Our Planet Velasco, M.L. Vigilar, O. Espino, G. Rivera
phene-2-carbonyl chloride with aryl/
C. Allais, Presiding het-aryl boronic acids: A conve- Human Impacts to our Planet ORGN 397. Chemical investigation of
nient method for synthesis of thienyl Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by avocado (Persea americana) seed husk:
1:15 ORGN 351. Kinetic resolution of ketones. K. Rizwan, I. Karakaya, M. BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, A waste of waste. D. Bandyopadhyay, O.
chiral racemic secondary allylboronates Zubair, N. Rasool, Z. Nazli, G.A. Molander CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC, Castillo, D. Villicana, V.M. Cano, T. Eubanks
and their application in the synthesis
2:50 ORGN 365. One-pot cascade INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC
of homoallylic amines. L. Villar, N. Orlov, ORGN 398. Medicinally privileged com-
N. Kondratyev, J.L. Vicario, A.V. Malkov Suzuki-Miyaura/Diels-Alder approach to pounds from Magnolia grandiflora green
steroidal cores enabled by nucleophile seed cones. D. Bandyopadhyay, A.
1:35 ORGN 352. Conjunctive cross-cou- chemoselectivity. J. Molloy, A.J. Watson
pling reaction of bis(alkenyl) TUESDAY EVENING Echeverria, B. Garza, T. Eubanks
borates to afford enantioenriched 3:10 ORGN 366. Photosensitized, energy ORGN 399. Chemical investigation of
allylboron reagents. E. Edelstein, transfer-mediated organometallic Section A southern live oak (Quercus virginiana)
S. Namirembe, J.P. Morken catalysis through electronically excited galls. D. Bandyopadhyay, A. Rodriguez,
nickel(II). E. Welin, C. Le, D.M. Arias- Walter E. Washington Convention Center
1:55 ORGN 353. Two are better than J.A. Rodriguez, J. Garcia, T. Eubanks
Rotondo, J.K. McCusker, D.W. MacMillan Hall D
one: New processes involving ORGN 400. Poecillasirin A: A new tri-indole
1,1-diboronic acids. P. Starkov 3:30 ORGN 367. Iron-mediated aziridi- alkaloid from a deep water Poecillastra
nation. M. Shehata, S. Ayer, J.L. Roizen
Biologically Related
2:15 ORGN 354. Enantio- and diastereo- Molecules & Processes sp. H. Liu, G. Lauro, R. O’Connor,
selective synthesis of 1,5-syn-(Z)-amino- 3:50 ORGN 368. Development of cheap, K. Lohith, G. Bifulco, C.A. Bewley
recyclable cellulose-bonded palladium S. M. Silverman, Organizer
alcohols via imine double allylboration: ORGN 401. Scalable synthesis and
Synthesis of trans-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropy- catalyst for cross coupling reactions. Z. 5:30 - 7:30 spectroscopic analysis of mercaptoben-
ridines and total synthesis of and- Lu, J. Jasinski, S. Handa, G.B. Hammond zamide thioester (SAMT) HIV inhibitors.
ORGN 383. High-throughput post-syn-
rachcine. C. Allais, W.R. Roush 4:10 ORGN 369. Palladium-catalyzed thetic chemical modification of RNA. H. Nikolayevskiy, M.T. Scerba, D.H. Appella
2:35 ORGN 355. Synthesis of axially chiral tandem C−H functionalization/cyclization D. Zewge, D.M. Tellers, I.W. Davies
heterobiaryl alkynes via dynamic kinetic strategy for the synthesis of 5 hydroxy-
ORGN 384. Dynamic detection and
asymmetric alkynylation. V. Hornillos, benzofuran derivatives. S. Ichake, C. Yao
visualization of RNA methylation by
A. Ros, P. Ramírez-López, J. Iglesias- 4:30 ORGN 370. Application of cyclic photochemical organic transforma-
Sigüenza, R. Fernández, J.M. Lassaletta metal carbyne complexes in classi- tions. D. Kong, R. Wang, L. Xie, L. Cheng
2:55 ORGN 356. Merging photoisom- cal organic reactions. H. Zhang
ORGN 385. Derivatizing lanosterol with
erization and Brønsted acid catal- improved water solubility for cata-
ysis: Insight into transition states. Section F ract treatment. Y. Cheng, H. Hsu
P. Renzi, J. Hioe, G. Ruth Maria
Walter E. Washington Convention Center ORGN 386. Sesterterpenoids from the
3:15 ORGN 357. Chiral Lewis acid Rooms 204A/B marine sponge Phorbas sp. activate
catalyzed enantioselective syn- latent HIV-1 provirus expression. M.
thesis of cyclopropane and its Wang, I. Tietjen, M. Chen, D.E. Williams, J.
New Reactions & Methodology
retro-Claisen rearrangement to Daoust, M.A. Brockman, R.J. Andersen
2,5-dihydrooxepine. S. Shim, D. Ryu Photoinduced & General
ORGN 387. Design and synthesis
3:35 ORGN 358. Chirality transfer R. D. Broene, Organizer of C2-substituted 8-aza-7-dea-
intramolecular [2+2] cycloaddi-
tions of electron deficient allenes
T. Wang, Presiding za-2′-deoxyadenosines as envi- The use of any device to capture
ronmentally sensitive fluorescent
and alkenes. Y. Xu, M.K. Brown 1:00 ORGN 371. Radical conjugate addition nucleosides. Y. Saito, M. Yanagi images (e.g., cameras and camera
of alkyl bromides to a,β-unsaturated
3:55 ORGN 359. First two-step asym-
amides and esters by visible-light pho- ORGN 388. Detection of organochlorine phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
metric a,a-bis-functionalization
of ynones via unprecedented tet-
toredox catalysis. A. El Marrouni, J. Balsells pesticides in contaminated biolog- digital recorders) or to stream,
ical systems via cyclodextrin-pro-
ra-substituted 1,2-dialkynyl enam- 1:20 ORGN 372. Withdrawn. moted fluorescence modulation. J. upload or rebroadcast speakers or
ines. S. Peng, Z. Wang, Y. Huang
1:40 ORGN 373. Withdrawn. Lynch, M. Levine, D.J. DiScenza presentations is strictly prohibited
at all official ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

ORGN 402. Withdrawn. ORGN 418. Antihypertensive coumarins Section D ORGN 447. Chirality sensing via revers-
from Mammea americana. R. Fayyad, ible Schiff base formation with a
ORGN 403. Design, synthesis and biological Walter E. Washington Convention Center
D. Amaker, K. Jackson, O.E. Christian stereodynamic UV/CD probe. Z.
evaluation of fucose-truncated monosac- Hall D De Los Santos, R. Ding, C. Wolf
charide analogues of ipomoeassin F. M. ORGN 419. Design, synthesis and study
Hirsch, G. Zong, C. Mondrik, Z. Hu, W. Shi of N-acetyl D-glucosamine based ORGN 448. Self-assembly of cucurbit[7]uril
Materials, Devices & Switches
triazole derivatives as organogela- based triangular [4]molecular necklaces
ORGN 404. Stereoselective synthesis of
tors. D. Wang, A. Chen, G. Wang S. M. Silverman, Organizer and their fluorescence properties.
flavonoid analogues and evaluation of
S.K. Samanta, K. Brady, L.D. Isaacs
biological performance diversity. L.N. ORGN 420. Antihypertensive activity of 5:30 - 7:30
Aldrich, E.M. Gerlach, T.R. Helgren, M.A. 7-epiclusianone and other bicyclo- ORGN 449. Biomimetic comprehen-
ORGN 431. Study of carrier adjust-
Korkmaz, M. Oleksyuk, I. Pavlinov, L.L. Xu nonanes from Hypericum hypericoides. sive chirality sensing with pyri-
ing layer on electroluminescent and
E. Hicks, K. Jackson, O.E. Christian doxal-5′-phosphate. S.L. Pilicer,
ORGN 405. Synthesis of solvatochro- ultraviolet detective performances
P.R. Bakhshi, K. Bentley, C. Wolf
mic probes to label the mycobacterial ORGN 421. Use of small molecule probe of organic optoelectronic inte-
cell wall and their use in studies of substrates, active site mutagenesis and grated device. D. Zhou, J. Yu ORGN 450. Chemosensors for
host-pathogen interactions. S. Keyser, molecular modeling to gain mechanistic rapid detection of fluoride ion in
ORGN 432. Synthesis of a new hole-trans-
A. Utz, M. Kamariza, C.R. Bertozzi insight into the PLP-enzyme, human water. S. Bae, N. Kim, Y. Choi
port material (HTM) of conjugated
serine racemase. D.L. Graham, M.L. Beio,
ORGN 406. Withdrawn. reduced graphene oxide-thiophene for ORGN 451. Nanoreactors of self-as-
D.L. Nelson, G.A. Applegate, D.B. Berkowitz
application in perovskite solar cells. sembled benzophenone bis-urea
ORGN 407. Synthesis of amide isosteres
ORGN 422. 15-oxo-Lipoxin A4: Synthesis B.A. Bregadiolli, L.C. da Silva Filho macrocyles: Improving the selectivity
of schweinfurthin-based stilbenes. D.P.
and use as a probe of electrophilic of singlet oxygen induced photooxida-
Stockdale, J.A. Beutler, D.F. Wiemer ORGN 433. Visible light driven molec-
signaling. S.R. Woodcock, B. Singh, S. tions. N. Noll, B. DeHaven, L.S. Shimizu
ORGN 408. Near-infrared fluorescent ular rotary motors. G.D. Roke,
Gelhaus Wendell, F. Schopfer, B.A. Freeman
S.J. Wezenberg, B. Feringa ORGN 452. Synthesis of (3, 8) torus
probes for sensitive and selective
ORGN 423. Use of 19F NMR to monitor knot via coordination-driven self-as-
detection of pH changes in live cells ORGN 434. Water-soluble conven-
thiol reactions of sultams, sulfon- sembly. D. Kim, N. Singh, K. Chi
though visible and near-infrared channels. tional and upconversion near-infrared
amides, and known drugs. C.D. Clay,
W. Mazi, M. Fang, R. Adhikari, N. Dorh, luminescent probes for sensitive ORGN 453. Molecular recognition of amino
J. Jun, A. Cassity, J.S. Jha, P.R. Hanson
J. Bi, J. Wang, A. Tiwari, F. Luo, H. Liu detection of pH changes in living acid amides by acyclic cucurbitu-
cells. M. Fang, S. Zhang, H. Liu rils. S. Zebaze Ndendjio, L.D. Isaacs
ORGN 409. Efficient acylation of DNA-
Section B
conjugated carboxylic acids with amines ORGN 435. Synthesis and luminescence of ORGN 454. Development of organic
in aqueous media. M. Chung, H. Huang Walter E. Washington Convention Center novel organic viologens for electro-optic porous materials for the photo-re-
Hall D applications. E.N. Patel, R.B. Arthur, A.D. activity of small molecules. A.
ORGN 410. Tetraethylene glycol
Nicholas, M. Brichacek, H.H. Patterson Sindt, M.D. Smith, L.S. Shimizu
succinate 7-dehydrocholesterol
derivative as vitamin D3 precursor. I. Chemistry of Fullerenes, Carbon ORGN 436. Non-symmetric dithienyle- ORGN 455. pH switched assembly of a
Jeong, H. Ryu, S. Bang, B. Chung Nanotubes & Graphene thene-based carboxylic acid pho- self-complementary supramolecular motif
toswitches: Synthesis and acid-base in polar solvent. X. Duan, J.W. Canary
ORGN 411. Towards site-selective trans- S. M. Silverman, Organizer
formations in complex mixtures: DNA- properties. A.D. Sponza Mata ORGN 456. Tetrameric pseudo-peptide
5:30 - 7:30
catalyst conjugates for targeted ester ORGN 437. Synthesis of rotaxane-based receptors with allosteric properties and
hydrolysis. M.L. Flanagan, Y. Yao, Y. Zhang, ORGN 424. Synthesis and characterization probes for hyperpolarized xenon-129 [2]-catenanes with a responsive nonco-
A. Arguello, D. Colman, S. Krejci, D.J. Gorin of a [9]cycloparaphenylene derivative MRI. P.I. Fernando, B.L. DeBoef valent network mimicking long-range
bearing three indeno[2,1-a]fluorene- responses in proteins. M. Chung, P.S.
ORGN 412. Substitution effect on the ORGN 438. Cationic core-func-
11,12-dione-2,9-diyl units. S. Li, M. Aljhdli, White, S.J. Lee, M.L. Waters, M.R. Gagne
luminescence of terpyridine zinc tionalized pyromellitic diim-
H. Thakellapalli, B. Farajidizaji, Y. Zhang, N.
complexes: A study via low temperature ides. A.J. Greenlee, D.D. Cao ORGN 457. Stepwise self-assembly of
Akhmedov, C. Milsmann, B.V. Popp, K.K. Wang
fluorescence spectroscopy. X. Bi, Y. Pang giant metallo-supramolecules with
ORGN 425. Design of novel graphene ORGN 439. Responsive luminescent
multiple types of metal ions based
ORGN 413. Pushing the limits of dimethylamino-substituted diben-
stabilisers. A. Alwattar on terpyridine ligand. L. Wang, X. Li
biocatalysis with DERA variants zoylmethane materials. F. Wang,
to access the chiral side chain ORGN 426. Five regioisomers of dimethyl T. Butler, M. Sabat, C.L. Fraser ORGN 458. Organoboron conjugated
required for statin activity. C.M. dodecahedrane derivatives: A hybrid DFT macrocycles. N. Baser-Kirazli, F. Jaekle
B3LYP study. K.H. Lee, S. Lee, Y. Cho ORGN 440. Photophysical studies,
Amarasekarage, L.M. Foreman, K. Belecki
electronic properties, and computa- ORGN 459. Hydrated anions binding
ORGN 414. Synthesis of ebselen ORGN 427. Eclipsed isomer of C20 fuller- tional modeling of 6,6′-diarylsubstituted within the water-soluble hosts. W. Yao,
derivatives and evaluation against ene by the hybrid density functional insoindigo compounds. T.H. El-Assaad, M.R. Sullivan, P. Sokkalingam, B.C. Gibb
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A.D. B3LYP methods. K.H. Lee, Y. Cho D. Patra, B. Wex, B.R. Kaafarani
ORGN 460. Supramolecular catalyst for
Landgraf, S. Thanna, S.J. Sucheck ORGN 428. Influence of perfluoroalkylated ORGN 441. Pyromellitic diimides tethered halogenation reaction. X. Cai, B.C. Gibb
ORGN 415. Development of peptide fullerene acceptors on morphology and together. M.M. Modan, L. Schaller, D.D. Cao ORGN 461. Withdrawn.
nucleic acids for the optimization photodegradation of organic photovoltaic
active layers. C.P. Brook, B. Larson, V.N. ORGN 442. Ratiometric near-infrared
of assay sensitivity for quantitative
V., P.C. Ramamurthy, G. Paul, O.V. Boltalina,
fluorescent probes for sensitive detection Section F
determination of HIV viral load. M.
S.H. Strauss, A.J. Pal, W.A. Braunecker
of pH in live cells. J. Wang, M. Fang, H. Liu
Gould, E.E. Rastede, D.H. Appella Walter E. Washington Convention Center
ORGN 443.Modular form of CB6 for
ORGN 416. Fluorescent kinase inhibi- Hall D
Section C HYPER_CEST imaging. D. Robinson
tors: Novel modality for HER2 status
of breast cancer cells. H. Lee, W. Liu, Walter E. Washington Convention Center ORGN 444. Borane-functionalized Nanomaterials
A. Brown, R. Landgraf, J.N. Wilson polyaromatic hydrocarbons. K. Liu,
Hall D S. M. Silverman, Organizer
M. Yusuf, R. Lalancette, F. Jaekle
ORGN 417. Synthesis and characterization
of novel carbohydrate based macrocy- 5:30 - 7:30
Flow Chemistry &
cles. A. Chen, L. Samankumara, G. Wang Continuous Processes Section E ORGN 462. Structure directing agents
Walter E. Washington Convention Center for organic polyhedral nanoparti-
S. M. Silverman, Organizer
Hall D cles. D.K. Jones, N. Gavvalapalli
5:30 - 7:30
ORGN 463. Electronic and computa-
ORGN 429. Withdrawn. Molecular Recognition tional characterization of donor-ac-
& Self-Assembly ceptor nanohoops. N.N. Baughman,
ORGN 430. Rapid total synthesis of
C. Huang, B. Farajidizaji, H. Thakellapalli,
ciprofloxacin hydrochloride S. M. Silverman, Organizer
S. Li, K.K. Wang, B.V. Popp
in continuous flow. H. Lin
5:30 - 7:30
Technical program information ORGN 464. Phosphonic acid deriva-
ORGN 445. Probing the implications of tives of DOTAZA for immobilization on
known at press time. tightness on molecular knot. L. Zhang, nanoparticles. M. Holzapfel, W. Maison
The official technical program for J. Lemonnier, F. Zerbetto, D.A. Leigh

the 254th ACS National Meeting ORGN 446. Synthesis and photophys-
ical properties of multicomponent
is available at www.acs.org/ self-assemblies. M. Saha, Z. Zhou,
WDC2017 X. Yan, H. Sepehrpour, P.J. Stang

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


WEDNESDAY MORNING 8:00 Introductory Remarks. Section E 9:00 ORGN 504. Chiral triarylamine-based
supramolecular polymers: From pathway
8:05 ORGN 475. Structural and Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Section A complexity to functional materials.
sequential factors affecting charge Room 201 B. Adelizzi, A. Palmans, E.W. Meijer
Walter E. Washington Convention Center transport in self-assembled
peptide fibrils. N. Ashkenasy 9:20 ORGN 505. Tailoring guano-
Rooms 202A/B Metal-Mediated Reactions
sine hydrogels for various appli-
8:35 ORGN 476. Protein-inspired & Syntheses cations. T.N. Plank, J. Davis
Alfred Bader Award in Bioinorganic self-assembly of perylene diimide
R. D. Broene, Organizer
nanofibers. J. Hodgkiss 9:40 ORGN 506. Supramolecular
or Bioorganic Chemistry: Symposium
R. Lundgren, Presiding orientational memory: A new route
in honor of Kim D. Janda 9:05 ORGN 477. Self-assembly
to complex supramolecular archi-
of co-axial nanotube-polymer 8:10 ORGN 490. Withdrawn.
R. D. Broene, Organizer tectures. M. Peterca, D. Sahoo, B.E.
hybrids. J.R. Parquette, M. Ji
R. M. Williams, Presiding 8:30 ORGN 491. Synthesis of substi- Partridge, M.R. Imam, E. Aqad, P.A. Heiney,
9:35 ORGN 478. Peptide-conjugated tuted or π-extended triphenylenes via R. Graf, H.W. Spiess, X. Zeng, V. Percec
8:20 ORGN 465. Enantiomeric natural block copolymers and sequence multiple C–H activations. S. Hong
10:00 ORGN 507. 5′ Modified guano-
products: Synthesis, biogenesis and controlled peptide-graphite com-
8:50 ORGN 492. Cross-coupling of sine-based hydrogel: Properties and envi-
evolutionary origins. R.M. Williams posites: Conductive peptide hybrid
a-hydroxy alkyltrifluoroborate with ronmental applications. S. Xiao, J. Davis
9:05 ORGN 466. Antibiotic adju- materials with electronic activity. S.A.
aryl electrophiles under photoredox/Ni
Sydlik, B. Holt, A. Arnold, Z. Wright 10:20 ORGN 508. Acyclic cucur-
vants based upon nitrogen dense dual catalysis. R. Alam, G.A. Molander
bit[n]uril molecular containers
marine alkaloids. C. Melander 10:05 Intermission.
9:10 ORGN 493. Recoverable rutheni- with triptycene walls. X. Lu, S.K.
9:50 ORGN 467. Structure and mech- 10:25 ORGN 479. Self-sorted pep- um-based olefin metathesis cata- Samanta, P.Y. Zavalij, L.D. Isaacs
anism of a nicotine degrading tide-based gelators for organic lysts via host-guest complexation.
10:40 ORGN 509. Synthesis and application
enzyme, NicA2: Toward design of electronics. D. Adams, E. Draper, H. Chung, B. Ondrusek, C. Kim
of higher order cyclodextrin architectures
tools and therapeutics. K.N. Allen E. Cross, R. Saberi Moghaddam
9:30 ORGN 494. Chan-Evans-Lam ami- for improved sensing and identifica-
10:35 Introduction of Awardee. 10:55 ORGN 480. Design rules for nation and etherification directly from tion of medium-sized environmental
10:40 ORGN 468. Award Address (Alfred optimizing emergent optoelec- organoboronate esters. T.B. Clark, K.A. toxicants. S. Chaudhuri, M. Levine
Bader Award in Bioinorganic or tronic properties in donor-acceptor McGarry, J. Marcum, V. Pérez, C.J. Ferber
11:00 ORGN 510. Molecular contain-
Bioorganic Chemistry Sponsored by the films. A.B. Braunschweig, A. Levine
9:50 ORGN 495. Pd-catalyzed Suzuki ers bind drugs of abuse in vitro and
Alfred R. Bader Fund). Merging of chem- 11:25 ORGN 481. Long-lived charge coupling reactions of aryl chlorides reverse the hyperlocomotive effect of
istry and biology: In search of molecules carriers in one-dimensional organic semi- containing basic nitrogen centers with methamphetamine in rats. S. Ganapati,
with translational function. K.D. Janda conductor nanostructures. H. Frauenrath arylboronic acids in water in the absence S.D. Grabitz, S.L. Murkli, F. Scheffenbichler,
of added base. Z. Li, C. Gelbaum, Z. P.Y. Zavalij, M. Eikermann, L.D. Isaacs
Section B Section D Campbell, P. Gould, J. Fisk, B. Holden, A.
11:20 ORGN 511. Consequences of
Jaganathan, G. Whiteker, P. Pollet, C.L. Liotta
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Walter E. Washington Convention Center water content on the formation of
10:10 ORGN 496. Synthesis and chiral hydrogen-bonded aggregates.
Room 207A Room 207B
evaluation of dithiolate-modified N.J. Van Zee, A. Palmans, E.W. Meijer
ruthenium olefin metathesis cata-
Technical Achievements Asymmetric Reactions & Syntheses lysts. T.P. Montgomery, R.H. Grubbs
in Organic Chemistry
Organocatalysis 10:30 ORGN 497. Chemo- and ste- WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON
T. D. White, Organizer, Presiding reoselective rhodium-catalyzed
R. D. Broene, Organizer
8:20 Introductory Remarks. ene-cycloisomerization of thio- Section A
R. Foster, Presiding ether-substituted alkenylidenecyclo-
8:25 ORGN 469. Synthetic modifications Walter E. Washington Convention Center
8:20 ORGN 482. Organocatalytic propanes: Metal-mediated b-sulfide
on amidine fused-ring scaffolds in a migration. Y. Su, P. Evans Room 202A
stereoconvergent synthesis of
series of BACE inhibitors. J.C. Murray, J.
a-CF3 amides: Triketopiperazines and 10:50 ORGN 498. Palladium-catalyzed
Dutra, K. Ogilvie, P.J. Mikochik, L. Buzon, L.A. CH Activation
their heterocyclic metamorphosis. R. alkene difunctionalization reac-
Martinez-Alsina, E.A. LaChapelle, B.T. Oneill
Foster, E. Lenz, N. Simpkins, D. Stead tions of heteroaromatic nucleo- R. D. Broene, Organizer
8:55 ORGN 470. Complex organic synthesis philes. J.K. Kirsch, J.P. Wolfe
8:40 ORGN 483. Design of experi- D. Kalyani, Presiding
in drug discovery: Examples from Lilly’s
ments (DoE): A rational approach 11:10 ORGN 499. Binaphthyl-based scaf-
BACE inhibitor program. L.L. Winneroski 1:20 ORGN 512. Thiourea-catalyzed
towards non-covalent asymmet- fold for a chiral dirhodium(II) biscarbox-
9:25 ORGN 471. Control of a key hydrog- ric organocatalysis. P. Renzi cross-dehydrogenative coupling
ylate ligand with a-quaternary carbon
enolysis-derived desfluoro impurity of sp3 C-H with nucleophiles:
9:00 ORGN 484. Enantioselective cop- centers. K. Setthakarn, P. Chen, J. May
in the synthesis of LY2886721. R.J. Mechanism and scope. Z. Zhang, K.
per-catalyzed arylation-driven semi-pina- 11:30 ORGN 500. Ambient decarboxylative Gu, Z. Bao, H. Xing, Q. Yang, Q. Ren
Linder, M.M. Hansen, N. Zaborenko,
col rearrangement of allylic alcohols with cross-coupling reactions enabled by
M.D. Johnson, B. Campbell, T. Braden 1:40 ORGN 513. Design and synthesis
diaryliodonium salts. D. Lukamto, M. Gaunt oxidative copper catalysis. R. Lundgren
9:55 Intermission. of novel thieno-dibenzothiophene
9:20 ORGN 485. Asymmetric synthesis derivatives. A. Kivrak, M. Algso
10:10 ORGN 472. Investigations into the of multi-quaternary centre contain- Section F
SAR of Isoclast™. A. Buysse, B.M. Nugent, ing cyclopentanoids via the Nazarov 2:00 ORGN 514. Direct C-H arylation
M.R. Loso, R. Rogers, Y. Zhu, J.M. Babcock, reaction. R. Volpe, B.L. Flynn Walter E. Washington Convention Center of simple arenes: Ligand effect
N. Breaux, T. Johnson, T. Martin, M.P. Oliver, Rooms 204A/B and mechanism. S. Hong
9:40 ORGN 486. Fe(OTf)3-catalyzed
M. Ober, T.C. Sparks, N. Wang, G. Watson
intramolecular stereospecific substitution
10:40 ORGN 473. Opportunity, chirality, Molecular Recognition
of stereogenic alcohols. R.A. Watile, A.
and mentors: A retrospective across Bunrit, E. Lagerspets, T. Repo, J.S. Samec
& Self-Assembly
therapeutic areas. J.G. Varnes R. D. Broene, Organizer
10:00 ORGN 487. Oligourea foldam-
11:10 ORGN 474. Synthetic efforts towards er-based asymmetric catalysis. D. N. J. Van Zee, Presiding
enablement of spliceostatin and cali- Bécart, V. Diemer, G. Guichard, C.N. Palomo
cheamicin natural products for antibody 8:00 ORGN 501. Synthesis of biscalix[4]
10:20 ORGN 488. Two steps, (4+1) arene derivatives and their appli-
drug conjugate development. K.J. DiRico
cycloaddition and kinetic resolution cations in molecular sensing and The use of any device to capture
by Michael Henry-cascade reac- organogel materials. W. Chung
Section C tions, leading to highly functionalized
images (e.g., cameras and camera
8:20 ORGN 502. G-quadruplex-templated
Walter E. Washington Convention Center enantiomerically enriched spiro[4,5]
oligomerization of a pore-form-
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
decanes and spirooxindole polycy-
Room 206
cles. M. Sohail, J. Huang, F. Tanaka
ing peptide. L. Cozzoli, L. Gjonaj, digital recorders) or to stream,
G. Maglia, B. Poolman, G. Roelfes
10:40 ORGN 489. Application of chiral N,N′-
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
From Bioinspired to 8:40 ORGN 503. Stimuli-responsive
Biocompatible Material Design dioxide-metal complex catalysts in asym-
multi-block molecules. T. Muraoka
presentations is strictly prohibited
metric rearrangement reactions. X. Feng
for Organic Electronics at all official ACS meetings and
R. K. Castellano, J. D. Tovar, Organizers, events without express written
consent from ACS.

2:20 ORGN 515. Computational study Section C 3:30 ORGN 541. Efficient synthesis 2:00 ORGN 555. Water-soluble
of Ni-catalyzed C−H functionalization: of N-heteroacenes, 1D graphene molecularly imprinted nanoparti-
Factors that control the competition of Walter E. Washington Convention Center analogues, for organic electronics. cles (MINPs) as turn-on fluores-
oxidative addition and radical pathways. Room 206 R.C. Garcia, W. Zhang, C.B. Gorman cence sensors. X. Xing, Y. Zhao
H.B. Omer, K.M. Brummond, P. Liu
3:50 ORGN 542. Molecular electronic 2:20 ORGN 556. Multistimuli-responsive
2:40 ORGN 516. Electrochemical approach
From Bioinspired to release of dye/drug from cucurbit[7]uril
devices from selectively fluorinated
towards palladium-catalyzed C-H Biocompatible Material Design self-assembled monolayers with functionalized MOP-based theranostic
oxidation. A. Shrestha, M.S. Sanford for Organic Electronics controllable surface dipoles. R.C. Bruce, nanoparticle. S.K. Samanta, L.D. Isaacs
R. K. Castellano, J. D. Tovar, Organizers, L. You, S. Pookpanratana, O. Pomerenk,
3:00 ORGN 517. Copper-catalyzed 2:40 ORGN 557. Utilizing the
Presiding C.A. Hacker
intramolecular C-H amination for the G-quadruplex as a scaffold for
synthesis of quinazolinone derivatives 1:15 ORGN 527. Bio-integrated elec- 4:10 ORGN 543. Photoinduced elec- [2+2] photocycloadditions of cin-
and rutaecarpine via ring-opening tronics: Interfacing semiconducting tron transfer in conjugated oligo- namate esters. K. Sutyak, J. Davis
cyclization (ROC) strategy. S. Malipatel polymers with biology. E. Egap mers. A.L. Jones, K.S. Schanze
3:00 ORGN 558. Chiral self-recognition
3:20 ORGN 518. Exploration of advance 1:45 ORGN 528. Bioinspired design of 4:30 ORGN 544. Development of high and supramolecular polymerization of
synthetic processes for generating synthetic polymer-based Ca2+ sensor potential catholyte and low potential [2.2]paracyclophane. D.E. Fagnani, M.J.
heterocyclic scaffolds: Synthetic for the realization of extracellular anolyte materials and their appli- Meese, K.A. Abboud, R.K. Castellano
scope and mechanistic insight. S. Ca2+ imaging. F. Ishiwari, T. Fukushima cation in organic, non-aqueous
3:20 ORGN 559. Molecularly imprinted
Sharma, D.M. Sawant, R. Pardasani redox flow batteries. K.H. Hendriks,
2:15 ORGN 529. Redefining melanin cross-linked nanoparticles as artificial
C. Sevov, M. Cook, M.S. Sanford
3:40 ORGN 519. Nickel catalyzed direct starting with Eumelanin-inspired enzymes for biomimetic hydrolysis
arylations of azoles using phenolic elec- materials. T.L. Nelson of activated esters. L. Hu, Y. Zhao
trophiles and aromatic nitriles. D. Kalyani Section E
2:45 ORGN 530. Functional con- 3:40 ORGN 560. Step-wise self-assem-
ducting polymers: The molecules, Walter E. Washington Convention Center bly and dynamic exchange of super
Section B the nano, the smart. H. Yu Room 201 snowflake shaped metallo-supramo-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center lecules. H. Wang, Z. Zhang, X. Li
3:15 Intermission.
Room 207A Total Synthesis of Complex Molecules 4:00 ORGN 561. Metal ions fluorometric
3:35 ORGN 531. Multicomponent sensor based on [5]helicene deriva-
macrocyclic assemblies from a DNA R. D. Broene, Organizer
Technical Achievements tives. T. Sooksimuang, N. Wanichacheva,
base toolkit. D. Gonzalez-Rodriguez M. G. Donahue, Presiding A. Petdum, N. Kaewnok, S. Jarutikorn, W.
in Organic Chemistry
4:05 ORGN 532. Harnessing biologi- 1:15 ORGN 545. Enantioselective Klinpetch, W. Panchan, K. Kwanplod
T. D. White, Organizer cally relevant stimuli to control the total synthesis of the alkaloid 4:20 ORGN 562. Self-assembly of oriented
T. Braden, Presiding structure and dynamics of hierarchical (-)-haliclonin A. P. Huang 2D porous organic cage crystals. S.
supramolecules. J.M. Rivera-Ortiz Jiang, Q. Song, T. Hasell, A.I. Cooper
1:05 Introductory Remarks. 1:35 ORGN 546. Total synthe-
4:35 ORGN 533. DNA architecton- sis of (+)-7-deoxypancratistatin 4:40 ORGN 563. Functionalized organic
1:10 ORGN 520. Process development of ics: DNA-based assembly of chro- from benzene. L.W. Hernandez, J. macrocycles for tunable anion and
GS-5734: An antiviral nucleotide analog mophores. H. Wagenknecht Pospech, U. Klöckner, D. Sarlah PAH detection. M. Levine, I. Tamgho
for the treatment of Ebola. S. Neville
5:05 Concluding Remarks. 1:55 ORGN 547. Synthetic studies toward
1:40 ORGN 521. Development of a
dilemmaones A-C. K.E. Lambson,
commercial viable, highly regioselec-
tive copper catalyzed N-arylation of Section D C.A. Dacko, J.M. McNeill, B. Soderberg WEDNESDAY EVENING
3-methyl-1,2,4-triazole. J. Fan, W.P. Walter E. Washington Convention Center 2:15 ORGN 548. Total synthesis and
Gallagher, M.C. Soumeillant, V. Iyer, J. Zhu, route optimization of Mcl-1 antagonist Section A
Room 207B
G. Beutner, A. Glace, A. Freitag, B. Cohen, clinical candidate drug AZD5991. Q. Ye, Walter E. Washington Convention Center
K. Chen, M.D. Eastgate, D.A. Conlon A. Hird, J.W. Johannes, B. Peng, X. Zheng,
Materials, Devices & Switches Hall E
Y. Wu, H. Wang, S. Mlynarski, D. Perkins,
2:10 ORGN 522. Discovery of revers-
R. D. Broene, Organizer C.A. Roberts, S. Stokes, D. Robbins, H.
ible LSD1 inhibitors. T. Kanouni New Reactions & Methodology
Huynh, M. Rego, M. Lindhagen, S. Karlsson,
M. Kertesz, Presiding
2:40 ORGN 523. Preparation of Rinskor™ L. Thunberg, S. Swallow, C. Stewart, S. Li, S. M. Silverman, Organizer
active standards to support registra- 1:10 ORGN 534. Carbon-carbon C. Wu, Z. Liu, X. Zhao, X. Liu, H. Shen
tion studies. P. Johnson, G. Whiteker, 7:00 - 9:00
bond formation by a small molecule
2:35 ORGN 549. Selective, safe, scalable
N. Giampietro, J.M. Renga, R. Ross, B. artificial molecular machine. C.T. ORGN 564. Highly regioselective
synthesis of a CC-90003, a covalent
Canturk, C.V. Galliford, B. Peterson McTernan, G. De Bo, D.A. Leigh hydrochlorination of alkynes with a
trifluoromethyl pyrimidine ERK 1&2
3:10 Intermission. 1:30 ORGN 535. Gated photochromism novel chlorinating reagent. S. Liang
kinase inhibitor. J.F. Traverse, J. Han,
3:25 ORGN 524. Leveraging analytical in a molecular motor - dithienylethene N. Zou, R.M. Heid, A. Ferretti, K. Yong ORGN 565. Efficient metal-free synthesis
technologies to impact medicinal hybrid. G.D. Roke, C. Stuckhardt, W. of perfluoroalkylated fluorenes. Z. Sun, Y.
2:55 ORGN 550. Chemical synthe-
chemistry projects. W.P. Farrell Danowski, S.J. Wezenberg, B. Feringa Wu, D. He, J. Chen, J. Han, H. Zhang, W. Cao
sis and absolute stereochemical
3:55 ORGN 525. Reflections on the dis- 1:50 ORGN 536. Pancake bonded determination of a ladderane phos- ORGN 566. Efficient synthesis of
covery of HCV polymerase, HCV NS5A, molecules as redox mechani- pholipid. C. Cohen, N.Z. Burns trifluoromethylated 5H-spiro[furan-
and bromodomain and extra-terminal cal switches. M. Kertesz 2,3′-indolin]-2′-ones. L. Tao, J. Han,
3:15 ORGN 551. Enantioselective
domain (BET) inhibitors. J.K. Pratt 2:10 ORGN 537. Sequence-specific Z. Fan, J. Chen, H. Zhang, W. Cao
total synthesis of cannogenol and
4:25 ORGN 526. Vignettes from my career beta-homo peptide synthesis by an cannogenol-3-O-alpha-L-rhamno- ORGN 567. Rh-catalyzed transannulation
in medicinal chemistry. C. Wang artificial small-molecule machine. G. side. B.T. Bhattarai, P. Nagorny of 1,2,3-thiadiazoles with nitriles for the
De Bo, M.A. Gall, M. Kitching, S. Kuschel, synthesis of isothiazoles. B. Seo, P.H. Lee
4:55 Concluding Remarks. 3:35 ORGN 552. Spiro[4.5]cyclohexadien-
D.A. Leigh, D.J. Tetlow, J.W. Ward
ones as a platform for the synthesis of ORGN 568. Catalyst-dependent selectivity
2:30 ORGN 538. Rotary and linear alkaloids and terpenes. M.G. Donahue in sulfonium ylide cycloisomerisation
molecular motors driven by pulses reactions with pi-acid catalysts. R. Oost,
of a chemical fuel. U. Karaca, S. Section F J.D. Neuhaus, A. Oppedisano, N. Maulide
Erbas-Cakmak, S. Fielden, D.A. Leigh,
Walter E. Washington Convention Center ORGN 569. Regiospecific syn-
C.T. McTernan, D.J. Tetlow, M. Wilson
thesis of [2H]-indazoles from
2:50 ORGN 539. Artificial molecular Rooms 204A/B
N-methoxyanthranilamides. E.J. Salaski,
machines that assemble oligomeric J. Esguerra, J. Etersque, M. Orlando, T. Puleo
­asymmetric catalysts. G. De Bo, Molecular Recognition
Technical program information M.A. Gall, S. Kuschel, J. De Winter, & Self-Assembly ORGN 570. Development of enanti-
oselective conjunctive cross-cou-
known at press time. P. Gerbaux, D.A. Leigh R. D. Broene, Organizer pling reactions. E. Edelstein, L.
The official technical program for 3:10 ORGN 540. Frame suspended into M. Levine, Presiding Zhang, G. Lovinger, A. Szymaniak, M.
four Cucurbituril wheels: Meet the Chierchia, S. Namirembe, J.P. Morken
the 254th ACS National Meeting Ohio Bobcat Nanowagon. M. Raeisi, 1:20 ORGN 553. Withdrawn.
ORGN 571. Efficient copper-catalyzed
is available at www.acs.org/ K. Kotturi, K. Perumal, R. Rabbani, 1:40 ORGN 554. Intrahost interac- amination from aryl chlorides to primary
S. Hla, E. Masson tions enhanced cation binding
WDC2017 and π-π interactions in competi-
arylamines. J. Song, T. Yun, H. Jeon

tive solvents. X. Xing, Y. Zhao

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


ORGN 572. NBS oxidation: The ORGN 593. C–H trifluoromethylation of Section B ORGN 630. Synthesis of 2-(iodometh-
formation of esters. J.D. Fair, V. enamides: An oxidative approach. V. ylene)-2,3-dihydro-1,4-oxazepines.
Bouch, M. Luderer, V. Causer Krishnamurti, S.B. Munoz, G.S. Prakash
Walter E. Washington Convention Center M. Zora, E. Dikmen, Y. Kelgokmen
Hall E
ORGN 573. Design and synthesis of ORGN 594. Shapiro elimination/ ORGN 631. Strategies for the synthesis
highly branched organocatalysts epoxidation-based strategy for the of Romeo and Juliet blue. B. Dawson,
Heterocycles & Aromatics
for site–selective acylation. N. synthesis of cage molecule build- M.J. Samide, G.D. Smith, A.M. Wilson
Ashush, R. Palakuri, M. Portnoy ing blocks. L. Richert, L. Sanchez S. M. Silverman, Organizer
ORGN 632. Cyclization of a,β-unsatu-
ORGN 574. Brønsted base mediated ORGN 595. Development of metal-free 7:00 - 9:00 rated oximes. N.A. Burr, M.D. Mosher
regio- and stereoselective silaboration of bifunctionalization reaction of olefins
ORGN 613. Photophysical investigations ORGN 633. 2-(Pyrrole-2-yl)vinyl-sub-
alkynamides. R. Fritzemeier, W. Santos leading to higher functionalized lactones.
of the solvent effect on the properties of stituted BODIPY as near-IR fluo-
S. Maejima, A. Itoh, E. Yamaguchi
ORGN 575. PhI-catalyzed a-tosy- emitting thiophene-quinoline deriva- rophore. S. Ansteatt, M. Ptaszek
loxylation of cyclopropyl methyl ORGN 596. Investigating the reactivity of tives. G.C. Santos, L.C. da Silva Filho ORGN 634. Synthesis of 2-substi-
ketone. W. Ma, R.S. Ma, D.Z. Fang HCl/DMPU and HBr/DMPU reagents
ORGN 614. Synthesis and effect of tuted a-carbolines via synergistic
with unsaturated systems. R. Ebule
ORGN 576. Metal-free catalytic acid-base on the ultraviolet−visible methods. F.G. Nguele Meke, S. Wrenn,
esterification of aldehydes with a ORGN 597. Novel synthesis of phenan- absorption properties of new B. Cho, B.L. DeBoef, S.P. Mulcahy
variety of alcohols in the presence of thridinones via oxidative C-H amidation anthrazoline derivatives. G.C. Santos, ORGN 635. Three-component cycliza-
poly(3,4-dimethyl-5-vinylthiazolium) using iodobenzene (PhI)-catalysis. N.K. B.S. da Silva, L.C. da Silva Filho
tion of disubstituted pyrrol-2-ones:
iodide/DBU. S. Chun, Y.K. Chung Nguyen, D. Liang, W. Yu, J. Deschamps, G.
ORGN 615. Synthetic studies towards Synthesis and biological evaluation of
Imler, Y. Li, A. MacKerell, C. Jiang, F. Xue
ORGN 577. N-allylation by palladi- the indole alkaloids kottamides the 5-hydroxyindole natural product,
um-catalyzed cross-coupling of ORGN 598. Methyl transfer from methyl- A-E. R. White, B. Copp, D. Barker violacein. A. Oppong-Holmes, Z.E.
potassium allylBF3K and amines. boronic acid or dimethyl carbonate for Oppong-Holmes, J. Kaplitt, M.W.
ORGN 616. Withdrawn.
M. Al-Masum, S. Alyahya, K. Liu O-H and C-H alkylation. M. Bartlett, B. Norman, M. Hwee, E.C. McLaughlin
Habtesellassie, Y. Zhu, N. Martinez-Munoz, ORGN 617. Synthesis of squaraine and
ORGN 578. Diastereoselective inter-
C. Jacobson, S. Abreu, D.J. Gorin croconine dyes for potential use in Section C
molecular synthesis of medium sized
OPV solar cells. J.A. Cody, C.J. Collison,
cyclic ethers via prins-type cycliza- ORGN 599. Synthesis of 2-acylbenzo[b] Walter E. Washington Convention Center
C. Zheng, A. Snyder, A. Murphy Shaw
tion. A.J. Tomaine, A.K. Ghosh thiophenes via Cu-catalyzed a-C-H func-
Synthesis of pyrazole-fused Hall E
tionalization of 2-halochalcones using ORGN 618.
ORGN 579. Chemoselective Baylis-Hillman
xanthate. S. Subramani, S. Govindasamy 7-membered lactones via regioselective
reaction catalysis by Lewis base – metal Photoredox Chemistry
Claisen rearrangement and hydroes-
bifunctional system. A. Fallek, M. Portnoy ORGN 600. Progress towards the
terification. H. Ichikawa, H. Takashima S. M. Silverman, Organizer
cross-coupling of sp3 carbons using
ORGN 580. One-pot concurrent
hypervalent iodine. C. Mowdawalla, ORGN 619. Synthesis of bicyclic pyri- 7:00 - 9:00
synthesis of thiazolidinones and
F. Ahmed, L. Dave, G. Kim, I.D. Hyatt dines by iron mediated intramolecular
benzothiazepinones: A greener ORGN 636. Photoredox multicatalysis:
radical cyclization. J. Starr, S. Bordi
route. D. Bandyopadhyay, J. Strong ORGN 601. Accessing fused ring Novel methods for the construction
systems through trimethylene- ORGN 620. Regiospecific p-bromina- of C−C and C−heteroatom bonds.
ORGN 581. Stereochemical aspects
methane intermediates by initiation tions and p-iodinations: Perturbing V.W. Shurtleff, J.A. Terrett, M. Shaw,
of T3P amidations. R.D. Barrows,
with hypervalent iodonium alkynyl secondary electronic effects. S. J. Cuthbertson, D.W. MacMillan
Z. Wang, T. Emge, S.A. Knapp
triflates. T. Li, K. Pham, I.D. Hyatt Gumus, J.R. Thomas, D.W. Slocum
ORGN 582. Reactivity of phenol ORGN 637. Synthesis of aliphatic
ORGN 602. Novel synthesis of asym- ORGN 621. Sustainable catalytic ketones via N-C bond cleavage of imides
in sulfur(VI) fluoride exchange
metrical substituted diaziridinones C-C bond formation with fluoroe- under photoredox/Ni dual catalysis. R.
chemistry. J. Gurjar, V.V. Fokin
from simple isocyanates. R.M. Dare, nolates. M. Moskowitz, C. Wolf Alam, J. Amani, S. Badir, G.A. Molander
ORGN 583. Nucleophilic (radio)fluoro-click N. Cinti, L. Gerstein, G. Moura-Letts
ORGN 622. Regioselective alkylation of ORGN 638. Direct diazomethylation
reaction enabled by of hydrogen bonding
ORGN 603. Diastereoselective synthe- 5-alkyl-pyrazole-3-carboxylic esters: of aromatic C-H bonds via pho-
clusters. X. Zeng, B. Xu, G.B. Hammond
sis of complex heterocycles from Application in the efficient synthesis toredox catalysis. Z. Wang, A.M.
ORGN 584. Development of iminium salt the intramolecular cycloadditon of of potent tankyrase inhibitors. D. del Hoyo, A.G. Herraiz, M.G. Suero
catalyzed nitrogen transfer reactions. L.A. substituted alkenyldiaziridines. A. Dorsch, D. Radtki, H. Buchstaller
Combee, B. Raya, D. Wang, M.K. Hilinski Paneque, A. Zinsky, G. Haun, G. Moura-Letts ORGN 639. Visible-light induced
ORGN 623. Synthesis and cytotoxicity of redox-neutral multicomponent radical
ORGN 585. Syntheses and electrochem- ORGN 604. Studies towards the stereo- functionalized heterocycles via multi- reaction of b-functionalized δ-dike-
ical oxidation of disulfide compounds selective haloamination of alkenes. L. component coupling reactions. P. Suman, tones. F. Pettersson, G. Bergonzini
juxtaposing carbonyl groups. T. Mir, N. Chang, B. Selover, G. Moura-Letts A. Patel, D.C. Morgan, A.J. Vendola, R.M.
Yamamoto, K. Fukuta, Y. Esaka, B. Uno Rutkoski, P.M. Mastoridis, S.C. Jonnalagadda ORGN 640. Photoredox catalyzed CH
ORGN 605. Multicomponent reactions alkylation of heteroarenes: A mild
ORGN 586. Accessing highly substituted for the direct stereoselective synthesis ORGN 624. Green chemistry reaction approach for late stage functional-
and functionalized beta-hydroxyboronate of complex vinyl-isooxazolidines. D. of 1,4-naphthoquinonen with anilines ization. J.K. Matsui, G.A. Molander
esters via diboration and homologation Quinn, L. Tumbelty, E. Moscarello, A. Paneque, through an EDA complex. E. Leyva,
of aldehydes. T. Thane, M.A. Nistler, A. Zinsky, M. Russ, G.J. Haun, G. Moura-Letts A. Cárdenas-Chaparro, S. Loredo-Carrillo, ORGN 641. Accessing gem-difluoro-
C.J. Ferber, A.A. Ogtong, T.B. Clark M. Méndez-Sánchez, A. Martínez-Richa alkenes via photoredox catalysis. R.
ORGN 606. Applying process intensifi- Wiles, S.B. Lang, C. Kelly, G.A. Molander
ORGN 587. Synthesis of a, a, - cation principles to the synthesis of ORGN 625. Development and utili-
dibromoketone catalyzed by 2-ast the anti-retroviral drug lamivudine. zation of Mitsunobu glycosylation ORGN 642. Withdrawn.
organosilane from alkynes. J. Domena, S.A. James, F. Gupton, K. Belecki conditions to install pyrrolopyrimidine
C. Chong, Y. Xing, B. Chauhan nucleobases onto a ribose core. F.
ORGN 607. Withdrawn.
Wang, D. Bernhardson, D. Richter, R.
ORGN 588. Cobalt-catalyzed aerobic
ORGN 608. Synthesis of cyclic ethers Patman, R. Maguire, I.J. McAlpine
oxidative cyclization of 2-aminophenols
via oxidative rearrangement with (poly)
with isocyanides. J. Liu, J. Hoover ORGN 626. Transition-metal-catalyzed
cationic hypervalent iodine reagents.
ORGN 589. Palladium catalyzed one-pot synthesis of indole-fused
J.C. Walters, A.F. Tierno, S. Wengryniuk
mono-γ-arylation of 4-methylcou- polyaromatic heterocycles. P. Sang, J. Cai
ORGN 609. Withdrawn.
marin. M. Sexton, J.R. Schmink ORGN 627. Synthesis and chiral resolution
ORGN 610. Novel synthesis of fused-cyclic of N-substituted 8-hydroxyphenylmor-
ORGN 590. New method to synthesize
thienopyridinone and thienodiazepinone
ethers via cycloaddition reactions of alde- phans: Potential ligands for the Mu The use of any device to capture
hydes and substituted cyclopropanes. and delta opioid receptors. T. Irvin,
derivatives. N. Korkmaz Cokol, M. Balci
N.T. Bonney, J.D. Horgan, G. Moura-Letts Y. Peng, A.E. Jacobson, K.C. Rice
images (e.g., cameras and camera
ORGN 591. Mn ter-pyridine complex
ORGN 611. Recyclable synthesis of ORGN 628. Synthesis of heterocyclic
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
catalyzed synthesis of imines
through acceptorless dehydro-
a, a, -dibromoketones catalyzed indolizines and its antibacterial activity digital recorders) or to stream,
by organosilanes from alkynes. C. study. M. Zhang, Y. Xing, K. Martin
genation reaction of alcohol with
Chong, J. Domena, Y. Xing, B. Chauhan
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
amine. H. Lim, P. Chohan, P. Kaur ORGN 629. Conformational changes in pol-
ORGN 612. Electrophilic activa- yaromatic substituted 5,15-calix[4]phyrin
presentations is strictly prohibited
ORGN 592. Transforming a-amino acids
to a-aryl acids via nickel-catalyzed C–N
tion and domino reaction of ary- upon anion binding. S. Arora, S. Chauhan at all official ACS meetings and
lated propargylic alcohols toward
bond activation. K. Baker, C. Basch,
naphthyl(aryl)iodonium salts. R.J.
events without express written
C. Shoffler, M. Hoerrner, M.P. Watson
Hinkle, S.E. Bredenkamp, S.I. Cheon consent from ACS.

ORGN 643. Accessing uncharted chemical ORGN 658. Synthetic pathway to a 9:00 ORGN 671. Development of prodrug Section E
space via photoredox catalysis. C. modulator of mGluR5. W. Arce, B. approaches for long-acting nanoformula-
Kelly, S.B. Lang, R. Wiles, K. Lin, G.H. Curtis, A. Cox, M. Flores, S. Sapati, E. tions of emtricitabine-based regimens. A. Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Davies, C. Remeur, N. Patel, G.A. Molander Jurado Bustamante, K.J. Friedrich Al-Khouja, J.J. Hobson, D. Meyers, P. Curley, Rooms 204A/B
J.M. Siliciano, R.F. Siliciano, M. Siccardi, A.
ORGN 644. Enantioselective a-alkylation ORGN 659. Efforts towards the total
Owen, C. Flexner, S. Rannard, C.L. Meyers Total Synthesis of Complex Molecules
of ketones by synergistic Lewis acid - synthesis of sanctolide A and the
photoredox catalysis: Formation of β-cy- C2-epimer of sanctolide A. C.N. Ndi, J.L. 9:20 ORGN 672. Rational design of R. D. Broene, Organizer
anoketones via a chiral iridium complex. Markley, G.C. Dissanayake, P.R. Hanson covalent organic cages via alkyne R. Rafferty, Presiding
J. Zbieg, A. Cholewczynski, L. Smith metathesis. T.P. Moneypenny, J.S. Moore
ORGN 660. Synthesis of complex
8:30 ORGN 688. One-pot sequential
small molecules with various bio- 9:40 ORGN 673. Preserving chemically
Section D strategies for the synthesis of natural
logical activities: Total synthesis modified graphene from thermal and
products and their analogues.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center and structure design. R. Rafferty chemical loss of functionality. K.E.
C.N. Ndi, P.R. Hanson
Whitener, W. Lee, R. Stine, J.T. Robinson,
Hall E D.A. Kidwell, C. Tamanaha, P.E. Sheehan 8:50 ORGN 689. Synthesis and antibacterial
THURSDAY MORNING screening of (±)-6,8-dihydroxy-3-un-
Total Synthesis of Complex Molecules 10:00 ORGN 674. Molecular dyads and
triads based on phenothiazine, Ru(II)
S. M. Silverman, Organizer A structural analog of metabolites
Section B bisterpyridine complexes and fullerene.
from Ononis natrix. H. Rafique
7:00 - 9:00 A. Winter, K. Barthelmes, Y. Luo, J. Kübel,
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 9:10 ORGN 690. Withdrawn.
M. Wächtler, B. Dietzek, U.S. Schubert
ORGN 645. Total synthesis, analysis and Room 207A
theoretical studies towards the charac- 10:20 ORGN 675. Boranephosphonate 9:30 ORGN 691. Phosphate tether-
terisation of bioactive grape and wine DNA mediated metallization of single mediated approach for the efficient
CH Activation syntheses of 13-desmethyl-lyngbouillo-
metabolites. S. Tan, D. Barker, B. Fedrizzi walled carbon nanotubes. S. Ganguly, S.
R. D. Broene, Organizer Paul, O. Yehezkeli, J. Cha, M.H. Caruthers side and simplified analogs. A. Ganguly,
ORGN 646. Ligand synthesis for S. Javed, G.C. Dissanayake, D. Vithanage,
aqueous metal detection. M.W. D. Powers, Presiding 10:40 ORGN 676. Impact of graphitic
P.R. Hanson
Fultz, M. Bright, J.P. Ricket nitrogen on bowl-shaped π-conju-
8:10 ORGN 661. Catalytic reductive ortho-
gated molecules: Supramolecular 9:50 ORGN 692. Total synthesis and
ORGN 647. Asymmetric total syn- C–H silylation of phenols with traceless,
chemistry and reactivity. S. Hiroto, SAR studies of the melokhanine family
thesis of (+)-psiguadial B. M. versatile acetal directing groups. P.
H. Yokoi, M. Takeda, H. Shinokubo of natural products. P. Williams,
Kinebuchi, R. Uematsu, K. Tanino Asgari, Y. Hua, T. Avullala, J. Jeon
J.G. Pierce
Total synthesis of four tricyclic 8:30 ORGN 662. Constructing new
ORGN 648. Section D 10:10 ORGN 693. Lagunamide C:
azepinoindole alkaloids: Aurantioclavine, chemical bonds via transition
The quest for structural confirma-
clavicipitic acid and hyrtioreticulin metal catalyzed C–H activation Walter E. Washington Convention Center
tion via total synthesis and biolog-
C and D. G. Ghimire, B. Soderberg and functionalization. L. Wang Room 207B ical evaluation. C. Weese, A. Fatino,
ORGN 649. Synthesis and biological evalua- 8:50 ORGN 663. Pseudohalide L. Lawlor, Y. Zhang, R. Rafferty
tion of 5,7-dihydroxyflavanone derivatives assisted aerobic oxidation of alco- Materials, Devices & Switches
10:30 ORGN 694. Brocazine F&G:
as potential antimicrobial agents. X. hols and alkanes in presence of R. D. Broene, Organizer Total synthesis efforts and small
Zhang, O. Khalidi, S. Kim, R. Wang, V. Schultz, visible-light. S. Shah, N.P. Singh
H. Liu, Presiding molecule construction for investiga-
B. Cress, R.A. Gross, M. Koffas, R.J. Linhardt 9:10 ORGN 664. Palladium medi- tions into molecular transport about
ated C-H tritiation. A. Hoover, 8:10 ORGN 677. Influences of out- complex barriers. W. Hulangamuwa,
ORGN 650. Total synthesis of bio-
H. Yang, D. Hesk, N. Rivera of-plane lattice alignment on the P. Desman, A.I. Lansakara, R. Rafferty
active diterpene, parvifloron
OFET performance of TIPS-PEN
F. Y. Saito, M. Goto, K. Goto 9:30 ORGN 665. C-H fluorination 10:50 ORGN 695. Synthesis of a
crystal arrays. K. Wu, C. Wang
ORGN 651. Total synthesis of dictyoden- mediated by a non-heme manga- regiomeric-7N-methyl-aspidostomide
nese complex. X. Chen, J.T. Groves 8:30 ORGN 678. Organic optical material D, through epoxide opening strategy
drins by the gold-catalyzed intermolec-
for broadband sensor protection. J. Shi, with Lewis acid. M.H. Althafh Hussain,
ular cascade cyclization of conjugated 9:50 ORGN 666. Pd(II) catalyzed
R. O’Donnell, W. Shensky, M. Ferry, T. Ensley F.A. Khan
diynes with pyrroles. J. Matsuoka, Y. allylic C-H oxidative amidation:
Matsuda, Y. Kawada, S. Oishi, H. Ohno Sustainable approach for func- 8:50 ORGN 679. Novel oligo and polya-
ORGN 652. Withdrawn. tionalization of N-heterocyles. S. cenes towards intramolecular singlet Section F
Vemula, D. Kumar, G.R. Cook fission devices. A. Pun, L. Campos
ORGN 653. Synthesis of Walter E. Washington Convention Center
10:10 ORGN 667. Cu catalyzed sp3 C-H 9:10 ORGN 680. Withdrawn. Room 201
novel N6-substituted S-adenosyl-
L-methionine analogues. N. amidation: Catalyst controlled site 9:30 ORGN 681. Self-organizing
Bremner-Hay, L. Comstock selectivity. T.H. Warren, A. Bakhoda derivatives of benzo[e][1,2,4]triaz- Molecular Recognition
10:30 ORGN 668. New redox mediators inyl and their magnetic behavior. P. & Self-Assembly
ORGN 654. Studies toward the synthesis
for aerobic C–H oxidation chemis- Kaszynski, M. Jasinski, S. Kapuscinski,
of ent-artemisin: A potential anti-malarial R. D. Broene, Organizer
try. D. Powers, A. Maity, S. Hyun J. Szczytko, D. Pociecha, A.C. Friedli
compound. E. Steiner, M. Hejna, L. Sanchez
M. D. Pluth, Presiding
9:50 ORGN 682. Are guanidinium
ORGN 655. Synthetic studies towards
the total synthesis of opaliferin. G. Section C organodisulfonates formally micropo- 8:00 ORGN 696. Hierarchical assembly
rous? I. Brekalo, D. Deliz, K.T. Holman of a low energy gap p-conjugated
Opiyo, D.P. Furkert, M. Brimble Walter E. Washington Convention Center
10:10 ORGN 683. Expanding the role oligomer via synergetic halogen and
ORGN 656. Progress toward the Room 206 hydrogen bonding. A. Weldeab, S.T.
of PDI in small molecule non-fuller-
synthesis of the diospongins and Nyguen, D.J. Starkenburg, K.A. Abboud,
ene acceptors. J.A. Schneider, Y.
related natural products. J. More, Chemistry of Fullerenes, J. Xue, R.K. Castellano, D.L. Watkins
Zheng, H. Wang, H. Nakayama, F. Wudl
J. Deegan, M. Kirpas, D. Napack Carbon Nanotubes,
10:30 ORGN 684. Near-infrared flu- 8:20 ORGN 697. Host-guest systems
ORGN 657. Synthesis of ipomoeassin F Nanomaterials & Graphene
orescent probes for selective and derived from deconstructed
analogs with a tail modified aglycone. R. D. Broene, Organizer Hamilton receptors. M.D. Pluth
sensitive detection of lysosomal pH
A. May, G. Zong, E. Barber, W. Shi
K. E. Whitener, Presiding in live cells. H. Liu, H. Lee, A. Tiwari 8:40 ORGN 698. Foldamer-mediated
10:50 ORGN 685. New types of container structural rearrangement in Aβ and
8:20 ORGN 669. Ultra-high thermal
molecules that can transport MCl2 frag- vice-versa: A possible strategy for
effusivity materials for resonant,
ments. S. Kharel, J.A. Gladysz, J. Bluemel Alzheimer’s therapeutics. S. Kumar, 
ambient thermal energy harvesting.
A. Hamilton
A. Cottrill, A.T. Liu, Y. Kunai, M. Strano 11:10 ORGN 686. Boron dipyridylmethene
(DIPYR) dyes: Shedding new light on 9:00 ORGN 699. Design and self-as-
8:40 ORGN 670. Synthesis and char-
sembly of different generation of
Technical program information acterization of cucurbit[7]uril-based pyridine-based chromophores. J.H.
metallomacrocycles from triphe-
conjugated polyrotaxanes and further Golden, D.S. M. R., M.E. Thompson
known at press time. enhancement of their fluorescent
nylamine motif. L. Wang, X. Li
11:30 ORGN 687. Tuning of charge
The official technical program for quantum yields by embedding them carriers using electron deficient 9:20 ORGN 700. Reversed Hofmeister
into crystalline matrices. D. Tuncel effects in synthetic hosts. J.H. Jordan,
the 254th ACS National Meeting thiophenes. J. Low, B. Capozzi, J. Cui,
C.L. Gibb, A. Wishard, B.C. Gibb
S. Wei, L. Venkataraman, L.M. Campos
is available at www.acs.org/ 9:40 ORGN 701. Dual-stimuli induced
WDC2017 shape transition of programmable DNA
block copolymers. C. Kim, S. Park

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


10:00 ORGN 702. Artificial zinc enzymes 10:05 PHYS 4. High-resolution IR spectros- 9:05 PHYS 17. Topology in Section E
based on molecularly imprinted copy of the isolated aromatic universe: biology. J. Yeomans
cross-linked micelles for selective Bad vibrations at work. W.J. Buma, E. Walter E. Washington Convention Center
9:35 PHYS 18. Withdrawn. Rooms 159A/B
hydrolysis. M. Arifuzzaman, Y. Zhao Maltseva, A. Petrignani, J. Oomens, C. Mackie,
A. Candian, X. Tielens, T.J. Lee, X. Huang 10:05 Intermission.
10:20 ORGN 703. Probing interac-
tions between hydrocarbons and 10:20 PHYS 19. Van der Waals disap- Spectroscopic & Computational
10:35 PHYS 5. Computation of the
auxiliary guests inside cucurbit[8] infrared spectra of polycyclic aromatic pointed: First experimental tests of Insights into Solid/Liquid Interfaces
uril. R. Rabbani, E. Masson hydrocarbons. C.W. Bauschlicher mean-field theory. J. Levelt Sengers for Energy Conversion

10:40 ORGN 704. Sequence control 11:05 PHYS 6. Signatures and evolution 10:40 PHYS 20. Finding simplicity in First Principles Modeling of
in dynamic metallo-supramolec- of astronomical aromatic molecules. complexity: Lessons I have learned Liquid/Solid Interfaces
ular oligomers assembled with S.D. Wiersma, A. Candian, W. Roeterdink, J. from Ben Widom. M.A. Anisimov K. L. Jungjohann, J. A. Keith, Organizers
cucurbit[8]uril. K. Kotturi Bakker, J. Oomens, W.J. Buma, A. Petrignani 11:00 PHYS 21. Integral equation theory A. Heyden, Presiding
of coarse-graining. M. Guenza
Synthesis & Chemistry Section B 8:00 PHYS 33. Modelling metal electrolyte
of Agrochemicals 11:20 PHYS 22. Are there two forms interfaces from density functional
Walter E. Washington Convention Center of liquid water? Can the Widom Line theory based molecular dynamics. J.
Sponsored by AGRO, Cosponsored by ORGN settle the dispute? H.E. Stanley
Room 152B Le, M. Iannuzzi, A. Cuesta, J. Cheng
8:20 PHYS 34. Quantum/continuum
Theoretical Models of Chemical Section D simulations of solid/liquid interfaces
THURSDAY AFTERNOON Bonding & Reactivity Spanning Walter E. Washington Convention Center under applied voltage. I. Dabo
the Periodic Table: A Symposium
Synthesis & Chemistry Room 151A 8:55 PHYS 35. Integrating first prin-
in Honor of Roald Hoffmann
of Agrochemicals ciples theory and experimental
Electronic Structure & Electronic Structure Methods for characterization at the solid/liquid
Sponsored by AGRO, Cosponsored by ORGN
Reactivity of Organic and Complex Chemical Systems interface. K. Letchworth-Weaver
Organometallic Compounds
Many-body Perturbation 9:30 PHYS 36. Catalysis at the sol-
W. Grochala, E. Zurek, Organizers Theory, Random Phase id-liquid interface: Tools and chal-

PHYS O. G. Eisenstein, Presiding Approximation & Beyond lenges. A. Heyden, M.S. Saleheen
Cosponsored by COMP 10:05 Intermission.
8:00 Introductory Remarks.

Division of Physical 8:20 PHYS 7. Structural chemistry, fuzzy F. U. Furche, S. Sharifzadeh, J. J. Shepherd,
10:20 PHYS 37. Cation effects on Pt
electrode surface chemistry – insights
Chemistry logic and the law. J. Bernstein
8:50 PHYS 8. Rational design of Fe-based A. Grüneis, Presiding
from DFT. M.J. Janik, I.T. McCrum
J. Shea, Program Chair 10:55 PHYS 38. Modeling solid-liquid
catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis 8:00 Introductory Remarks. interfaces in batteries: Degradation/
from theoretical prediction to experimen-
OTHER SYMPOSIA OF INTEREST: 8:05 PHYS 23. Excited-state phe- acid-base reactions, electric double
tal confirmation. X. Wen, Y. Yang, Y. Li
nomena in condensed matter: GW, layers, and challenges. K. Leung
Advanced Electrocatalysis for
9:20 PHYS 9. Ligand noninno- GW-BSE, and beyond. S.G. Louie
Energy Conversion & Storage 11:30 PHYS 39. Ab initio studies of
(see CATL, Sun, Mon)
cence in metallocorroles: Insights
8:30 PHYS 24. Electronic excitations at ultrathin ionic liquid films on Au
from optical and X-ray absorp-
Simulations of Polymeric Materials: solid-liquid interfaces. J. Lischner (111) surface. M. Liu, Q. Wu
tion spectroscopies. A. Ghosh
Molecular- to Macroscale
(see POLY, Sun, Mon) 9:40 PHYS 10. π–stacking pancake 8:55 PHYS 25. Real-space representation
of electron-hole interaction kernel in Section F
bonding. M. Kertesz
Advances in Computational Catalysis excitonic systems. A. Chakraborty
(see CATL, Mon, Tue, Wed)
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
10:00 Intermission.
9:10 Intermission. Rooms 158A/B
Photoresponsive Nanoparticles: 10:20 PHYS 11. Planar hypercoordi-
From Fundamentals of Excitation nate carbon atoms. G. Merino 9:20 PHYS 26. Effect of crystal packing
to Applications Systems (see on the electronic properties of Experimental & Computational
ENVR, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu) 10:50 PHYS 12. Roald Hoffmann’s role molecular crystals. N. Marom Advances In Understanding
New Directions in Conformational
in the development of the Woodward- Enzyme Specificity & Promiscuity
Hoffmann Rules. J. Seeman 9:45 PHYS 601. Effect of crystal packing
Sampling Methods (see COMP, Tue) on the excitonic properties of rubrene Catalytic Promiscuity & the
11:20 PHYS 13. Orbital control of single polymorphs. X. Wang, T. Garcia, S. Emergence of New Proteins
SOCIAL EVENTS: molecule conductivies and electrical Monaco, B. Schatschneider, N. Marom Cosponsored by BIOL and COMP
JPC-PHYS Reception, 5:00 PM: Tue switching properties of organome-
tallic complexes. H. Berke, F. Lissel, 10:00 PHYS 27. The optical properties of Financially supported by Gaussian, Elsevier,
F. Schwarz, G. Kastlunger, E. Lörtscher, stilbene from first-principles. K. Lewis, Pfizer, DSM, SCM: Software for Chemistry
SUNDAY MORNING R. Stadler, K. Venkatesan, H. Riel C.B. Rinderspacher, S. Sharifzadeh, J. Andzelm and Materials, PCCP: Physical Chemistry
10:15 PHYS 28. Beyond RPA: Kernels Chemical Physics, F1000: Faculty of 1000
11:40 PHYS 14. Organic chemistry at Stony
Section A Brook: Learning the basics with a glimpse and renormalization. A. Ruzsinszky Q. Cui, G. J. Poelarends, N. Tokuriki, Organizers
Walter E. Washington Convention Center at the complex yet to come. J.W. Lauher 10:40 PHYS 29. Convergence behav- S. C. Kamerlin, Organizer, Presiding
Room 156 ior of RPA renormalized many-body
Section C perturbation theory and applications 8:00 Introductory Remarks.
Molecules in Space: Linking the to periodic systems. J.E. Bates, N.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Sengupta, J. Sensenig, A. Ruzsinszky
Interstellar Medium to (Exo)-Planets
Room 152A
PAHs & the Organic Inventory 10:55 Intermission.
of the Gas Phase: Observations, Liquid Theory: Symposium 11:05 PHYS 30. Self-consistent tem-
Theory & Experiments in honor of Ben Widom perature dependent Green’s function
methods applied to solids and mole-
P. Bera, X. Tielens, Organizers K. Koga, R. F. Loring, Organizers cules. D. Zgid, A. Rusakov, S. Iskakov
J. Bouwman, Presiding D. Ben-Amotz, Organizer, Presiding 11:30 PHYS 31. Combining density func- The use of any device to capture
8:00 PHYS 1. Some key questions involving 8:00 Introductory Remarks. tional theory and Green’s function theory: images (e.g., cameras and camera
PAHs and astrochemistry. L.J. Allamandola Range-separated, non-local, dynamic
8:05 PHYS 15. RNA branching, and the hybrid functional. A. Kananenka, D. Zgid phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
8:35 PHYS 2. Polycyclic aromatic size of long RNA molecules. W.M.
hydrocarbons and related forms Gelbart, S. Singaram, A. Ben-Shaul 11:45 PHYS 32. Towards rigorous ab initio digital recorders) or to stream,
of interstellar carbon. G. Sloan
8:35 PHYS 16. From complex fluids
quantum embedding for realistic systems upload or rebroadcast speakers or
in the framework of Green’s function
9:05 PHYS 3. Astronomical modelling and interfaces to very complex theory. L. Tran, A. Kananenka, D. Zgid presentations is strictly prohibited
of interstellar PAHs. O. Berné fluids and even more complex
9:35 Intermission. interfaces. K.A. Dawson at all official ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

8:10 PHYS 40. Adaptation of phos- Molecular Recognition: Revealing 3:20 PHYS 60. Sigma-hole sup- 1:55 PHYS 74. Stochastic electronic
phatases as regulators, catalysts, the Effects Associated with ported interactions across the strcture methods: Improving scaling
and housekeepers. K.N. Allen Receptor-Ligand Binding periodic table. K. Donald by introducing a controlled statistical
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS error. E. Rabani, R. Baer, D. Neuhauser
8:50 PHYS 41. Structural and functional 3:50 PHYS 61. Activation of small
innovations in the real-time evolution of molecules by mono and dinu- 2:20 PHYS 75. Probing the mechanism of
new (βa)8 barrel enzymes. W. Patrick
ACS COMP Symposium in clear Ni(II) and Cu(II) Schiff base tip-molecule charge transfer in the STM
honor of Peter Pulay complexes. M.J. Calhorda setup: A non-adiabatic molecular dynam-
9:30 PHYS 42. Identical active sites
Gradients, Properties & ics study. J. Jankowska, O.V. Prezhdo
in hydroxynitrile lyases show oppo- 4:20 PHYS 62. Dawn rise of new M-M’
site enantioselectivity and reveal Electron Correlation bonds: An experimental/theoretical 2:35 Intermission.
possible ancestral mechanism. B. Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS 21st-century approach to Alchemize
2:45 PHYS 76. High-accuracy trial wave
Jones, S. Bata, R.J. Kazlauskas gold en route to sensitizing genuine,
functions on the cheap: Stochastic
ligand-unassisted d10-d10 covalent met-
9:50 Intermission. variational algorithms for quantum
al-metal bonds. M.A. Omary, B.M. Otten, K.
10:20 PHYS 43. Three-dimensional SUNDAY AFTERNOON Melancon, M. Ghimire, M. Raweshdeh-Omary
chemistry. B.M. Rubenstein
structure and substrate profile for 3:10 PHYS 77. Fully quantum simu-
4:40 PHYS 63. Metalla-[2 + 1] and [2 +
a newly identified phosphotriester- Section A lation of surface enhanced Raman
4] cycloadditions of 2-metalla-buta-
ase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of scattering from real-time ab-initio
Walter E. Washington Convention Center dienes and ethylene. E. Greer, K. Kwon,
organophosphate flame retardants methods. J. Kretchmer, G. Chan
Room 156 C. Cosgriff, E. Votto, A. Badziai, X. Cui
and plasticizers. F.M. Raushel, A.N.
3:25 PHYS 78. GPU-enabled real-
Bigley, D.F. Xiang, M.F. Mabanglo
time electron dynamics of nitro-
Molecules in Space: Linking the Section C
11:00 PHYS 44. Insight on the role gen-doped graphene nanoflakes.
Interstellar Medium to (Exo)-Planets
of an active site scaffold in TET2 Walter E. Washington Convention Center S. Allec, M.B. Oviedo, B.M. Wong
required for the step-wise oxidation Spectroscopy: Meeting the Room 152A 3:40 Intermission.
of 5-methylcytosine. H. Torabifard, Needs of Astronomers with
M.Y. Liu, R.M. Kohli, G.A. Cisneros Experiments & Theory 3:50 PHYS 79. Finite size corrections
Liquid Theory: Symposium
in coupled cluster theory calculations
P. Bera, X. Tielens, Organizers in honor of Ben Widom
of solids and surfaces. A. Grüneis
Section G
J. Pearson, Presiding D. Ben-Amotz, K. Koga, Organizers
4:15 PHYS 80. Random phase approxi-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center R. F. Loring, Organizer, Presiding
1:00 PHYS 50. Dehydrogenation of poly- mation calculations based on patching
Room 151B exchange-correlation potential. C. Huang
cylic aromatic hydrocarbons. A. Candian 1:00 PHYS 64. Crystalline ordering and
1:20 Discussion. large fugacity expansions for hard core 4:30 PHYS 81. Condensed-phase spin-un-
PHYS Awards Symposium
lattice particles. J.L. Lebowitz, I. Jauslin restricted MP2 forces: A complex case of
PHYS Early-Career Award 1:30 PHYS 51. Laboratory spectroscopy hydrated electron. V. Rybkin, J. Wilhelm
in astrochemistry. S.L. Widicus Weaver 1:30 PHYS 65. New thermodynamic
in Experimental Physical model for asymmetric solutions. A. 4:45 PHYS 82. Finite-temperature sec-
Chemistry: Symposium in 2:05 PHYS 52. TISA. J. Cernicharo
Karmakar, E.R. Batista, P. Yang ond-order Green’s function approach
honor of Professor Wei Min 2:35 Intermission. to electronic correlations in solids. A.
1:50 PHYS 66. Chiral symmetry breaking
J. E. Shea, Organizer Rusakov, L. Tran, S. Iskakov, D. Zgid
3:05 PHYS 53. Complex chemis- in isotropic liquids. F. Stillinger
X. Xie, Presiding try of star formation: New insights 2:20 PHYS 67. Improved estimates
from the atacama large millimeter/ Section E
8:00 Introductory Remarks. of the excess chemical poten-
submillimeter array. J. Jorgensen tial from particle insertion and Walter E. Washington Convention Center
8:05 PHYS 45. SRS microscopy:
3:35 PHYS 54. Accurate IR line removal. J.C. Rasaiah, G. Hummer Rooms 159A/B
The quest for sensitivity. X. Xie
lists for SO2 isotopologues. X. 2:40 PHYS 68. Surface interactions
8:45 PHYS 46. Electric fields and Huang, T.J. Lee, D. Schwenke Spectroscopic & Computational
mediated by a liquid: Shape, orien-
enzyme catalysis. S.G. Boxer tation and heterogeneity. A. Luzar Insights into Solid/Liquid Interfaces
4:05 PHYS 55. New virtual tools for
9:25 Intermission. astrochemistry. V. Barone, N. Tasinato, for Energy Conversion
3:10 Intermission.
C. Puzzarini, D. Licari, L. Spada
9:40 PHYS 47. Recent advances
3:30 PHYS 69. Structural crossover
Insights for Catalysis and
in surface-enhanced femtosec- in binary hard-sphere mixtures: Charge Transport
ond stimulated Raman scattering Section B
Experiment and theory. R. Evans K. L. Jungjohann, J. A. Keith, Organizers
(SE-FSRS). R.P. Van Duyne Walter E. Washington Convention Center
4:00 PHYS 70. Changes in the hydra- M. Sfeir, Presiding
10:20 PHYS 48. Size, dimension- Room 152B tion structure of imidazole upon
ality and strong electron correla- protonation: Neutron scattering and 1:00 PHYS 83. Characterizing trans-
tion in nanoscience. L.E. Brus Theoretical Models of Chemical molecular simulations. P. Jungwirth port in electrochemical energy
Bonding & Reactivity Spanning conversion devices with X-ray
11:00 PHYS 49. Stimulated Raman
computed tomography. I. Zenyuk
imaging of vibrational tags the Periodic Table: A Symposium Section D
for biomedicine. W. Min in Honor of Roald Hoffmann 1:35 PHYS 84. In situ transient optical
Walter E. Washington Convention Center studies of charge transport in nanostruc-
Electronic Structure & Room 151A
Extending Accuracy & Scales tured photocatalytic materials. M. Sfeir
Reactivity of Organic and
with Emerging Computing 2:10 PHYS 85. Electron transfer in thermally
Organometallic Compounds
Architectures & Algorithms Electronic Structure Methods for heterogeneous environments: A new
W. Grochala, E. Zurek, Organizers Complex Chemical Systems paradigm for heat transport between
The Exascale Challenge
X. Wen, Presiding Extended Systems molecules and at molecule-metal
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS
interfaces. G. Craven, A. Nitzan
1:00 PHYS 56. Minding the gap: Quantum Cosponsored by COMP
Nanotechnology & Single Cell studies of the singlet-triplet splittings 2:45 Intermission.
Analysis in Biology & Medicine in aromatic diradicals. C.A. Parish F. U. Furche, S. Sharifzadeh, J. J. Shepherd,
Organizers 3:05 PHYS 86. Interplay of mass transfer
Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored and local pH effects in CO2 reduction
1:30 PHYS 57. On some differences
by BIOL, COLL and PHYS J. Lischner, Presiding electrocatalysis. D. Raciti, C. Wang
between low-coordinate carbon and
silicon compounds. Y. Apeloig 1:00 PHYS 71. Single- and multi-exci- 3:40 PHYS 87. Central role of bicarbon-
2:00 PHYS 58. Supramolecular ton phenomena in organic systems ate in the electrochemical reduction
chemistry of highly reduced from first principles. J. Neaton of carbon dioxide on gold. M. Dunwell,
buckybowls. A.Y. Rogachev 1:25 PHYS 72. Singlet-fission from Q. Lu, J.G. Chen, Y. Yan, F. Jiao, B. Xu
Technical program information 2:30 PHYS 59. Molecular orbitals: A power- first-principles: Role of crystal symmetry 4:15 PHYS 88. Spectroscopic investigation
known at press time. ful tool from structure, reactivity to NMR. and structure. S. Refaely-Abramson, of oxygenate adsorption, diffusion, and
F.H. da Jornada, S.G. Louie, J. Neaton reaction at solid catalyst surfaces in
The official technical program for O.G. Eisenstein, C. Raynaud, C. Coperet
the presence of semi-aqueous solvent
3:00 Intermission. 1:40 PHYS 73. Unraveling exci-
the 254th ACS National Meeting tation energy transfer mechanisms systems. L. Qi, A. Chamas, W. Elliott, D.W.
Hoyt, N.M. Washton, R.M. Rioux, S.L. Scott
is available at www.acs.org/ in plasmonic nanoantennas. N.V.
Ilawe, M.B. Oviedo, B.M. Wong

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


Section F Extending Accuracy & Scales 8:00 PHYS 109. Oriented electric fields F. U. Furche, S. Sharifzadeh, J. J. Shepherd,
with Emerging Computing as future smart reagents in chemis- Organizers
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Architectures & Algorithms try. S.S. Shaik, D. Mandal, R. Ramanan C. Isborn, Presiding
Rooms 158A/B
New Architectures 8:30 PHYS 110. Chemical bonds: A lucky
8:00 PHYS 126. First-principles exciton
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS bag (eine Wundertüte). G. Frenking
Experimental & Computational models, with application to singlet
Advances In Understanding 9:00 PHYS 111. Three independent con- fission. J. Herbert, A. Morrison, J. Liu
Nanotechnology & Single Cell cepts: Oxidation state, effective charge,
Enzyme Specificity & Promiscuity 8:25 PHYS 127. Unravelling singlet
Analysis in Biology & Medicine pair charges - bonding of elements in
Computational Tools for Enzyme fission mechanism in quinoi-
Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored high oxidation states. W. Schwarz
Evolution & Functional Annotation dal systems. M. Momeni
9:20 PHYS 112. Oxidation states,
Cosponsored by BIOL and COMP 8:40 PHYS 128. Photochemical dynamics
Molecular Recognition: Revealing naturally: A NBO view of count-
for intramolecular singlet fission in
Financially supported by Gaussian, Elsevier, the Effects Associated with ing electrons. J.S. D’Acchioli
covalently-bound pentacene dimers.
Pfizer, DSM, SCM: Software for Chemistry Receptor-Ligand Binding 9:40 PHYS 113. Exploring the structure, Z. Lin, H. Iwasaki, T.A. Van Voorhis
and Materials, PCCP: Physical Chemistry
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS dynamics and reactivity of solvated elec-
Chemical Physics, F1000: Faculty of 1000 8:55 PHYS 129. Equilibrium geometries
trons: From alkali metal-water explosions
and binding energy scaling relation-
Q. Cui, S. C. Kamerlin, G. J. Poelarends, N. ACS COMP Symposium in to non-explosive ways. P. Jungwirth
ships for aromatic excimers and
Tokuriki, Organizers honor of Peter Pulay
10:00 Intermission. exciplexes: A TDDFT and NEVPT2
D. Major, Presiding Gradients, Properties & study. R. Krueger, G. Blanquart
10:20 PHYS 114. Ab initio theory of
Electron Correlation electronic Berry phase effect and topo- 9:10 Intermission.
1:00 PHYS 89. Evolution of enzyme
specificity. J.M. Thornton, J.D. Tyzack, A.J. Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS logical materials: The role of symmetry
9:20 PHYS 130. Fully converged
Ribeiro, G.L. Holliday, I. Sillitoe, C.A. Orengo, and chemical bonding. J. Feng
GW quasiparticle calculations
S. Martinez Cuesta, S. Rahman, N. Furnham 10:50 PHYS 115. Could we make for large systems. P. Zhang
1:40 PHYS 90. From big data to enzyme MONDAY MORNING shorter Zn-Zn bonds? S. Alvarez,
9:45 PHYS 131. Excited-state
chemical function: The nitroreductase J. Echeverria, A. Falceto
forces in TDDFT and the Bethe-
superfamily as a model system. E. Section A 11:20 PHYS 116. Chemistry of boron Salpeter equation. D.A. Strubbe
Akiva, J.N. Copp, N. Tokuriki, P.C. Babbitt and physics of frustration in boron
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 10:10 PHYS 132. Evolution from
2:20 PHYS 91. QM/MM computations and boron compounds. T. Ogitsu
Room 156 the plasmon to exciton state in
and experimental studies reveals an 11:40 PHYS 117. Silicon borides atomically precise gold nanopar-
unexpected intermediate in thy- at 1atm and under pressure. G. ticles. M. Zhou, M. Sfeir, C. Zeng,
midylate synthase catalysis. S.A.
Molecules in Space: Linking the
Interstellar Medium to (Exo)-Planets Gao, X. Liang, L. Wang, C. Shao Y. Chen, S. Zhao, T. Higaki, R. Jin
Kholodar, V. Moliner, A. Kohen
10:25 PHYS 133. Dressed atom
2:40 Intermission. Hot Cores & Corinos
Section C design of charge-transfer force
3:10 PHYS 92. Understanding allosteric P. Bera, X. Tielens, Organizers fields. S.R. Atlas, G. Amo-Kwao
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
modulation of beta lactamase function T. J. Lee, Presiding Room 152A 10:40 Intermission.
and bacterial drug resistance. P.
Kasson, G. Cortina, M. Latallo 8:00 PHYS 101. Recent advances 10:50 PHYS 134. Computational design of
in molecular excitation studies. Liquid Theory: Symposium asymmetric organocatalysts. S.E. Wheeler
3:50 PHYS 93. Don’t forget to set the L. Wiesenfeld, A. Faure in honor of Ben Widom
function to low: Predicting modi- 11:15 PHYS 135. Simplified methods
fiable protein residues and effects 8:20 PHYS 102. Photolysis of astro- D. Ben-Amotz, R. F. Loring, Organizers for the computation of electronic
of their variation. Y. Bromberg chemically relevant ammonia ices. C.R. absorption and circular dichroism
K. Koga, Organizer, Presiding
Arumainayagam, C. Buffo, H. Schneider spectra. C. Bannwarth, S. Grimme
4:30 PHYS 94. Towards engineering 8:00 PHYS 118. Solvation, structure,
radical enzymes: Thermodynamic 8:40 PHYS 103. Rotational spectroscopy as 11:30 PHYS 136. Quantum yields
and scaling in models for simple and
reaction profiling and mechanistic a tool to investigate molecules in space: made easy: Towards an evalua-
complex mixtures. J.D. Weeks, A. Gao
insights into QueE. C.M. Jaeger Laboratory measurements and quan- tion of non-radiative rates. A.W.
tum-chemical calculations. C. Puzzarini 8:30 PHYS 119. Widom’s formula and Kohn, Z. Lin, T.A. Van Voorhis
the utility of chemical modeling in
Section G 9:00 PHYS 104. Synthesis of biomol- 11:45 PHYS 137. Unique electronic
the theory of solutions. L.R. Pratt
ecules in interstellar medium. S.K. structure of iron carbene photosen-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Chakrabarti, A. Das, L. Majumdar 9:00 PHYS 120. Thermodynamics sitizers. L.A. Fredin, P. Persson
Room 151B of hydrophobic hydration:
9:20 PHYS 105. Temperature dependent
Experimental facts. C. Cerdeirina
3.3 μm spectra of PAHs: An anharmonic
PHYS Awards Symposium theoretical approach. C. Mackie 9:30 PHYS 121. How are hydrophobic and
PHYS Early-Career Award in pH-responsive polymers functioning in
9:40 Discussion.
Theoretical Chemistry: Symposium nanochannels? I. Szleifer, K. Huang
9:50 Intermission.
in honor of Professor Lasse Jensen 10:00 Intermission.
10:20 PHYS 106. Molecular complexity in
J. E. Shea, Organizer 10:20 PHYS 122. Lattice-based adsorption
hot cores and hot corinos. C. Ceccarelli
L. Jensen, Presiding isotherms for solute activities and
10:55 PHYS 107. ALMA and surface tensions of complex aqueous
1:00 PHYS 95. Nanoscale optical interac- Herschel observations of hot solutions. C. Dutcher, L. Nandy, H. Boyer
tions in precise assemblies. P.S. Weiss cores and corinos. L.C. Darek
10:40 PHYS 123. Cosolvent effects
1:30 PHYS 96. New strategies for 11:25 PHYS 108. Phosphorus-bearing on hydrophobic polymer col-
surface-enhanced sensing: Carbenes molecules in massive star-form- lapse. N. van der Vegt
as thiol replacements and hyper-Ra- ing clouds. F. Fontani, V. Rivilla, P.
11:00 PHYS 124. Curious case of
man based detection. J.P. Camden Caselli, A. Vasyunin, M. Beltran
non-equilibrium finance. M. Lipkin
2:00 PHYS 97. Electronic structure
11:20 PHYS 125. Onset of tur-
theory and plasmonics. G.C. Schatz Section B
2:30 Intermission. Walter E. Washington Convention Center
bulence. B.J. Alder The use of any device to capture
2:45 PHYS 98. Atomistic simulations of sur- Room 152B Section D
images (e.g., cameras and camera
face-enhanced spectroscopies. L. Jensen
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
Theoretical Models of Chemical
3:15 PHYS 99. Tip-enhanced Raman
Bonding & Reactivity Spanning Room 151A digital recorders) or to stream,
spectroscopy with Angstrom
resolution. R.P. Van Duyne the Periodic Table: A Symposium upload or rebroadcast speakers or
in Honor of Roald Hoffmann Electronic Structure Methods for
3:45 PHYS 100. Molecular force Complex Chemical Systems
presentations is strictly prohibited
spectro-microscopy through tip-en- Progress in Inorganic Chemistry at all official ACS meetings and
hanced Raman scattering. J. Lee,
Noncolvalent Interactions,
N. Tallarida, L. Rios, V.A. Apkarian
W. Grochala, E. Zurek, Organizers
Nanosystems & Solvation events without express written
R. Dronskowski, Presiding Cosponsored by COMP consent from ACS.

Section E 9:20 PHYS 146. Redefining enzyme MONDAY AFTERNOON 1:50 PHYS 168. How high is the entropy
catalysis: Chemical control in the of a high entropy alloy? M. Widom
Walter E. Washington Convention Center biosynthesis of terpenes. D.T. Major
Rooms 159A/B Section A 2:20 PHYS 169. Statistical mechan-
9:40 Intermission. ical modeling of quasiparticles in
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
condensed phases. R. Remsing
Spectroscopic & Computational 10:10 PHYS 147. Application of compu- Room 156
Insights into Solid/Liquid Interfaces tational modeling in biocatalysis and 2:40 PHYS 170. Classical engine with
for Energy Conversion enzyme design. A. Rodriguez-Granillo Molecules in Space: Linking the ideal efficiency and nonzero power: Is
it possible? J. Koning, J.O. Indekeu
Liquid/Carbon Interfaces 10:50 PHYS 148. Enzyme cataly- Interstellar Medium to (Exo)-Planets
& Excited States sis: Insights from valence bond. A. 3:10 Intermission.
Solar Eclipse Viewing & Discussion
Sharir-Ivry, V. Rajapandian, A. Shurki
K. L. Jungjohann, J. A. Keith, Organizers 3:30 PHYS 171. Thermodynamics and
X. Tielens, Organizer
11:30 PHYS 149. Hamiltonian replica kinetics of nano-scale drying transi-
A. J. Morris, Presiding exchange molecular dynam- P. Bera, Organizer, Presiding tions. Y. Altabet, P.G. Debenedetti
8:00 PHYS 138. Understanding ics: A fast and reliable method in
1:00 PHYS 156. Solar eclipse. 4:00 PHYS 172. Understanding and
the intrinsic water wettability the computational enzymology
P. Bera, X. Tielens characterizing the context-depending
of graphitic surfaces. L. Li toolbox. D. Petrovic, B. Strodel
hydrophobicity of nanostructured solutes.
2:00 PHYS 157. Solar eclipse: Vieiwing
8:35 PHYS 139. Electrochemical properties E. Xi, V. Venkateshwaran, A. Patel, S. Garde
and discussion. A. Tielens, P. Bera
of clean graphite electrodes. H. Liu, L. Li Section G
4:20 PHYS 173. Confinement-induced
3:00 PHYS 158. Solar eclipse:
9:10 PHYS 140. Sulfur composite for Walter E. Washington Convention Center compression and high pressure
Discussions. P. Bera, A. Tielens
high capacity lithium sulfur battery. Room 151B phases in nanopores. K.E. Gubbins
U. Gulzar, R. Proietti, C. Capiglia
Section B
9:45 Intermission. PHYS Awards Symposium Section D
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
10:05 PHYS 141. Bridging the divide: Metal PHYS Award in Theoretical Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Chemistry Symposium in honor Room 152B
organic frameworks as molecular solids Room 151A
and their solution reactivity. A.J. Morris of Professor David Reichman
Theoretical Models of Chemical
10:40 PHYS 142. Development of J. E. Shea, Organizer Electronic Structure Methods for
Bonding & Reactivity Spanning
electron-hole multicomponent cou- Complex Chemical Systems
E. Rabani, Presiding the Periodic Table: A Symposium
pled-cluster theory (eh-mcCC): An in Honor of Roald Hoffmann Emerging Directions in
excite-first correlate-later approach to 8:00 PHYS 150. Theoretical studies of
Electronic Structure
electronic excitation. A. Chakraborty neutral and charged quasiparticle dynam- Concepts & Methodology
ics in novel materials. D.R. Reichman Cosponsored by COMP
11:15 PHYS 143. Multi-electron transfer W. Grochala, E. Zurek, Organizers
via photo-excited quinoidal bithio- 8:35 PHYS 151. Molecules on metal F. U. Furche, S. Sharifzadeh, J. J. Shepherd,
S. S. Shaik, Presiding
phene to anthraquinone. H. Kim, N. surfaces: Exciting but highly Organizers
Abeyasinghe, R. Ho Wu, R. Vázquez, B. non-intuitive nonadiabatic dynam- 1:00 PHYS 159. What we can learn
F. A. Evangelista, Presiding
Keller, T.G. Goodson, P.M. Zimmerman ics. J.E. Subotnik, W. Dou from the DOE (and LOBSTER
providing it). R.V. Dronskowski 1:00 PHYS 174. Potential energy surfaces
9:10 PHYS 152. Condensed phase
and Berry phases beyond the Born-
Section F quantum chemistry. G. Chan 1:30 PHYS 160. Intrinsic resolution of
Oppenheimer approximation. E. Gross
molecular electronic wave functions
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 9:45 Intermission.
and energies in terms of quasi-atoms 1:25 PHYS 175. Quasiparticle spectra
Rooms 158A/B 10:00 PHYS 153. Towards accurate and their interactions. K. Ruedenberg from stochastic many-body methods. V.
first-principles spectroscopy in Vlcek, R. Baer, E. Rabani, D. Neuhauser
1:50 PHYS 161. First-principles derived
Experimental & Computational condensed phases. T.C. Berkelbach
descriptors for rational design 1:40 PHYS 176. Exchange-correlation func-
Advances In Understanding 10:35 PHYS 154. Gardner transition: A of functional molecular materi- tionals for chemical applications from the
Enzyme Specificity & Promiscuity new lens for glasses. P. Charbonneau als. E. Berquist, D. Lambrecht strong-coupling limit of DFT. S. Vuckovic
Computational Approaches 11:10 PHYS 155. Ultra-high tran- 2:10 Intermission. 1:55 PHYS 177. Beyond Koopmans:
to Enzyme Design sient photocurrent peak in PbSe Modelling ionization ener-
2:30 PHYS 162. Self-adaptive force
Cosponsored by BIOL and COMP nanocrystals arrays. J. Gao, L. gies in solution. P. Slavicek
matching for molecular dynamics
Kidon, P. Alivisatos, E. Rabani
Financially supported by Gaussian, Elsevier, simulation of reactive materials under 2:10 Intermission.
Pfizer, DSM, SCM: Software for Chemistry extreme conditions. N. Goldman
Extending Accuracy & Scales 2:20 PHYS 178. Progress in excited
and Materials, PCCP: Physical Chemistry 2:50 PHYS 163. Label algorithm for state variational principles for mole-
Chemical Physics, F1000: Faculty of 1000
with Emerging Computing
Architectures & Algorithms oriented quasi-atomic orbitals. A.C. West, cules and solids. E. Neuscamman
S. C. Kamerlin, G. J. Poelarends, N. Tokuriki, M.W. Schmidt, M. Gordon, K. Ruedenberg
Large Scale Electronic Structure 2:45 PHYS 179. Correlated electronic struc-
Organizers 3:10 PHYS 164. Chemistry with semi-clas- ture methods based on spin-projection
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS for open-shell systems. T. Tsuchimochi
Q. Cui, Organizer, Presiding sical electrons: Reaction trajectories
Nanotechnology & Single Cell auto-generated by sub-atomistic force
8:00 PHYS 144. Computational design 3:10 PHYS 180. Symmetry breaking
Analysis in Biology & Medicine fields. C. Bai, S. Kale, J. Herzfeld
and screening of mutant enzyme and restoration by similarity transfor-
libraries. D. Janssen, H. Arabnejad, Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored 3:30 PHYS 165. Understanding hydrogen mation. M. Degroote, G.E. Scuseria
X. Niu, E. Lanfranchi, H.J. Wijma by BIOL, COLL and PHYS bonds from a Kohn-Sham molecular
3:25 Intermission.
orbital perspective: Pauli matters. S.C.
8:40 PHYS 145. Design and evolution of Molecular Recognition: Revealing van der Lubbe, C. Fonseca Guerra 3:35 PHYS 181. Quantum embedding
gated protein tunnels. J. Damborsky, the Effects Associated with for complex systems. G. Chan
D. Bendar, S. Marques, P. Kokkonen, Receptor-Ligand Binding
M. Musil, J. Stourac, L. Sumbalova,
Section C 4:00 PHYS 182. Projection-based quantum
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS embedding for molecular and periodic
O. Vavra, R. Nemeth, Z. Prokop Walter E. Washington Convention Center
systems. D. Chulhai, J. Goodpaster
Modeling & Measuring Protein- Room 152A
Ligand Kinetics & Residence Times 4:15 PHYS 183. Simulation of atomic force
microscopy with density embedding
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored Liquid Theory: Symposium
theory and its implementation to
by MEDI and PHYS in honor of Ben Widom
realspace DFT code PARSEC. Y. Sakai
ACS COMP Symposium in D. Ben-Amotz, K. Koga, Organizers
4:30 PHYS 184. Colle-Salvetti based
Technical program information honor of Peter Pulay R. F. Loring, Organizer, Presiding functional for the inclusion of elec-
Gradients, Properties & tron-proton correlation in multicomponent
known at press time. 1:00 PHYS 166. Current-generating
density functional theory. K. Brorsen,
Electron Correlation double layer shoe with a porous
The official technical program for Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS sole. A. Kolomeisky, A. Kornyshev
Y. Yang, M. Pak, S. Hammes-Schiffer

the 254th ACS National Meeting 1:30 PHYS 167. Mapping elec-
4:45 PHYS 185. Machine learning accelera-
tion of non-local density functionl theory.
is available at www.acs.org/ tronic structure Hamiltonian to an
N. Geva, T.A. Van Voorhis, T. Thonhauser
Ising type Hamiltonian. S. Kais

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


Section E Section G 231, 277, 289, 313, 316-317, 329, 335, 11:10 PHYS 215. Superconducting phases
346, 361, 394-395, 398, 403, 416-418, of phosphorus hydride under pressure:
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Walter E. Washington Convention Center 425, 427, 437, 439, 457, 460, 461-462, Stabilization via mobile molecular hydro-
Rooms 159A/B Room 151B 465, 469-470, 474-477, 480, 483, gen. T. Bi, D.P. Miller, A. Shamp, E. Zurek
485, 487-489, 492, 495, 497, 504,
11:30 PHYS 216. Superconductivity in
Spectroscopic & Computational PHYS Awards Symposium 509-510, 518-519, 522, 527, 532, 538,
scandium hydrides under pressure. X. Ye,
Insights into Solid/Liquid Interfaces 540-541. See subsequent listings.
PHYS/Journal of Physical Chemistry N. Zarifi, E. Zurek, R. Hoffmann, N. Ashcroft
for Energy Conversion
Lectureship Award: Symposium in 11:50 Discussion.
Insights for Batteries honor of Professor Zahra Fakhraai
K. L. Jungjohann, J. A. Keith, Organizers J. E. Shea, Organizer Section C
B. L. Lucht, Presiding Z. Fakhraai, Presiding Section A Walter E. Washington Convention Center
1:00 PHYS 186. Generation and 1:00 PHYS 198. Electron-plasmon Walter E. Washington Convention Center Room 152A
evolution of materials in the anode and plasmon-exciton interac- Room 156
solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) of tions in molecular junctions. A. Gaseous Ion Chemistry &
lithium ion batteries. B.L. Lucht Nitzan, M. Galperin, M. Sukharev Molecules in Space: Linking the Surface Reactions
1:35 PHYS 187. Grand challenge in 1:35 PHYS 199. Assembly of anisotro- Interstellar Medium to (Exo)-Planets The Chemistry of Cold Ions
battery designs through better under- pic nanoparticles in polymer nano-
Hot Cores & Corinos A. K. Badu-Tawiah, H. Chen, Organizers
standing of the interfaces. B. Liaw composite films. R.J. Composto
P. Bera, X. Tielens, Organizers C. Bleiholder, Presiding
2:10 PHYS 188. Heterogeneity in the 2:10 PHYS 200. Rationalizing simulations
SEI and failure statistics in Li ion with experiments on the dynamics of con- E. Herbst, Presiding 8:00 PHYS 217. Unraveling the spectral
battery pouch cells. S.J. Harris, P. Lu fined glasses. R. Riggleman, Z. Fakhraai signatures of divatlent metal binding to
8:00 PHYS 204. Astronomical model
2:45 Intermission. 2:45 Intermission. studies related to the composition of surfactancts at the air-water inter-
hot cores and hot corinos. S. Charnley face with crygenic ion vibrational
3:05 PHYS 189. In-situ spectro-imag- 3:15 PHYS 201. Theories of activated (CIVP) spectroscopy. M.A. Johnson
ing of lithium transport and reactions diffusion and structural relaxation 8:30 PHYS 205. SOFIA/EXES high spectral
at electrolyte/electrode interface in in multi-component polymer liquids resolution observations of Orion IRc2. 8:40 PHYS 218. Observation of excited
batteries. W. Zhang, B. Swartzentruber, and glasses. K.S. Schweizer N. Rangwala, X. Huang, K. Acharyya, R. quadrupole-bound states in cryogen-
W.M. Mook, K.L. Jungjohann, F. Wang Le Gal, S. Colgan, T.J. Lee, E. Herbst ically-cooled deprotonated 4-cyano-
3:50 PHYS 202. Using surface struc- phenol anions. G. Zhu, Y. Liu, L. Wang
3:40 PHYS 190. Revealing mechanisms for ture and mobility to build more 9:00 Intermission.
electrolyte decomposition from first-prin- organized glasses with physical 9:00 PHYS 219. Cryogenic linear ion
9:30 PHYS 206. Ion-induced reac- trap with expanded electrode spacing
ciples consistent with operando X-ray vapor deposition. M.D. Ediger
tions in hot cores and corinos. designed for fluorescence spectroscopy
photoemission spectra. D. Prendergast,
4:25 PHYS 203. Long-range cor- W.D. Geppert, M. Larsson of excited state charge transfer com-
A.I. Baskin, Y. Yu, C. Valero-Vidal, N. Hahn, Q.
related dynamics in organic and plexes. A.L. Ferzoco, V. Rajagopal, C. Stokes
Liu, K.R. Zavadil, B.W. Eichhorn, E. Crumlin 10:00 PHYS 207. Complex organic
inorganic glasses. Z. Fakhraai, Y.
molecules in star-forming regions: 9:40 Intermission.
4:15 PHYS 191. Withdrawn. Zhang, T. Liu, R. Stephens, E. Glor, K.
hot cores and hot corinos. V. Rivilla
Wahid, G. Angrand, R. Riggleman 10:00 PHYS 220. Single-Conformation
10:20 Discussion. spectroscopy and isomerization of
Section F
Extending Accuracy & Scales cryocooled peptide ions. A.F. Deblase, C.P.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center with Emerging Computing Section B Harrilal, J.T. Lawler, S.A. Mcluckey, T.S. Zwier
Rooms 158A/B Architectures & Algorithms
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 10:40 PHYS 221. From multi-
Electronic Structure Room 152B ply-charged anions to ultracold
Experimental & Computational anions: High-Resolution resonant
Advances In Understanding Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS
photoelectron imaging via dipole-
Enzyme Specificity & Promiscuity Theoretical Models of Chemical
Nanotechnology & Single Cell Bonding & Reactivity Spanning
bound excited states. L. Wang
Discovery & Engineering of Analysis in Biology & Medicine the Periodic Table: A Symposium
Industrially Relevant Enzymes Sponsored by ANYL, Cosponsored in Honor of Roald Hoffmann Section D
Cosponsored by BIOL and COMP by BIOL, COLL and PHYS
Recent Advances in High Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Financially supported by Gaussian, Elsevier, Transformative Research & Pressure Chemistry Room 151A
Pfizer, DSM, SCM: Software for Chemistry Excellence in Education Award
and Materials, PCCP: Physical Chemistry W. Grochala, Organizer
Sponsored by COMSCI, Cosponsored by BIOL, Electronic Structure Methods for
Chemical Physics, F1000: Faculty of 1000 E. Zurek, Organizer, Presiding
COLL, COMP, ENFL, INOR, PHYS and PRES Complex Chemical Systems
Q. Cui, S. C. Kamerlin, N. Tokuriki, Organizers 8:00 PHYS 208. Borophenes, boro- Correlated Electronic Structure
Molecular Recognition: Revealing
G. J. Poelarends, Organizer, Presiding
spherenes and boron. E.D. Jemmis Methods for Complex Systems
the Effects Associated with
Receptor-Ligand Binding 8:30 PHYS 209. Bonds vs bands, Cosponsored by COMP
1:00 PHYS 192. Discovery of a
or how it is easier to understand
reductive aminase for chiral Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS F. U. Furche, S. Sharifzadeh, J. J. Shepherd,
electronic structure and phase
amine synthesis. N. Turner Organizers
Modeling & Measuring Protein- diagram of ice: Canondrums and
1:40 PHYS 193. Engineering nature’s Ligand Kinetics & Residence Times smoking guns. A.L. Tchougreeff E. Neuscamman, Presiding
protein repertoire for food, pharma and
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored 9:00 PHYS 210. Thermodynamic sta-
the bio-based economy. R. de Jong
by MEDI and PHYS bilization of nitrogen pentafluoride.
2:20 PHYS 194. Using experimental and D. Kurzydlowski, P. Zaleski-Ejgierd
computational data to expand the
9:20 PHYS 211. Withdrawn.
utility of a suite of flavin-dependent
monooxygenases. A.R. Narayan MONDAY EVENING 9:40 PHYS 212. Novel superconductivity
in hydrides at high pressures. H. Liu, I.
2:40 Intermission.
Section A Naumov, R. Hoffmann, N. Ashcroft, R. Hemley
3:20 PHYS 195. Re-engineering esterases
10:00 Intermission.
The use of any device to capture
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
for amide bond synthesis. J.J. Lalonde,
D. Entwistle, C. Micklistch, R. Voladri Halls D/E 10:20 PHYS 213. Topological study
images (e.g., cameras and camera
4:00 PHYS 196. Atom- and step efficient
of chemical bonds under pressure: phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
Sci-Mix The case of solid hydrogen. V.
modular synthetic enzyme cascades
Labet, V. Riffet, J. Contreras-Garcia
digital recorders) or to stream,
to chiral building blocks and active S. O. Kelley, J. E. Shea, Organizers
pharmaceutical ingredients. R. Oeggl, 10:50 PHYS 214. Cobalt-hydrogen system
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
8:00 - 10:00
J. Wachtmeister, V. Erdmann, J. Kulig, under high pressure: A theoretical presentations is strictly prohibited
T. Sehl, A. Jakoblinnert, D. Rother 127, 129, 135, 143, 176, 197. perspective. T. Jaron, W. Grochala
See previous listings.
at all official ACS meetings and
4:40 PHYS 197. Characterization of site-
and stereoselective Rieske oxygenases
events without express written
from the saxitoxin biosynthetic pathway. consent from ACS.
A.L. Lukowski, M. Hinze, A.R. Narayan

8:00 PHYS 222. Single-reference cou- 8:00 PHYS 233. Coupling in-situ TEM and Section G 1:35 PHYS 255. ALMA observation of mole-
pled-cluster and equation-of-motion ex-situ analysis to understand heteroge- cules in protoplanetary disks. S. Guilloteau
coupled-cluster methods for multi-ref- neous sodiation of antimony. D. Mitlin Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Room 151B 2:05 PHYS 256. Molecular clues from
erence problems: CC(P;Q) formalism. P.
8:35 PHYS 234. Towards tunable inner planet-forming disks. J. Najita
Piecuch, J. Shen, N.P. Bauman, I. Magoulas
electrochemistry of two-dimensional
8:25 PHYS 223. Electron correlation
Physical Chemistry Research at 2:35 Intermission.
materials. M. Velicky, R.A. Dryfe
methods for near-degenerate states Undergraduate Institutions 3:00 PHYS 257. Planet formation in
9:10 PHYS 235. Mechanistic insights
based on the driven similarity renormal- Materials protostellar disks. G. Laughlin
into oxygen reduction reactions in
ization group. F.A. Evangelista, C. Li 3:30 PHYS 258. Properties and
non-aqueous metal-air batteries. Y. T. Hopkins, Organizer, Presiding
8:50 PHYS 224. Attenuated coupled Zhang, X. Zhang, J. Wang, S. Ma, L. Guo, origins of cometary and asteroidal
cluster: A novel single-reference S. Rawal, W.C. McKee, Y. Xu, Z. Peng 8:00 Introductory Remarks. organic matter delivered to the early
approach for strongly correlated 8:05 PHYS 247. Shedding light on Earth. S. Messenger, A.N. Nguyen
9:30 Intermission.
systems. J.A. Gomez, G.E. Scuseria colloidal surfaces: Exposing molecular 4:00 PHYS 259. Possibility to locate
9:45 PHYS 236. Molecular dynamics behavior and chemical reactivity at
9:05 PHYS 225. Extending the reach the position of the H2O snowline
simulations of alkali halide adsorption the solid-liquid interface. M. Subir
of the CCSD(T) method by massive in protoplanetary disks through
to water-alumina interfaces. R. Wang, K.
parallelism and reduced scaling. C. 8:45 PHYS 248. Finding Goldlilocks spectroscopic observations. S.
Millan, R. Remsing, S. Piontek, A. Tuladhar, L.
Peng, F. Pavosevic, E.F. Valeev in nanoscience research at PUI Notsu, H. Nomura, C. Walsh, T. Hirota,
Magidson, V. Carnevale, M. Klein, E. Borguet
institutions. J.J. Peterson M. Honda, E. Akiyama, T. Millar
9:20 Intermission.
10:05 PHYS 237. Simulations of the
9:05 PHYS 249. Microwave spectra and 4:20 PHYS 260. Measurements of the
9:30 PHYS 226. Correlation energies liquid/solid interface. H. Metiu, H.
molecular structures of 2-(trifluoro- thermo-chemical evolution of the plan-
through incremental full configura- Kristoffersen, R. Liu, J.E. Shea
methyl)-oxirane and 2-vinyloxirane, et-forming region in disks. A. Banzatti,
tion interaction. P.M. Zimmerman
10:40 PHYS 238. Withdrawn. two candidates for chiral analysis K.M. Pontoppidan, C. Salyk, G. Herczeg,
9:45 PHYS 227. Truncating the con- via noncovalent chiral tagging. M.D. E. van Dishoeck, G.A. Blake, I. Pascucci
11:15 PHYS 239. Interplay between
figuration interaction (CI) expansion Marshall, H.O. Leung, M. Acha, K. Wang
surface termination and polariza- 4:40 Discussion.
through modified orthogonalization
tion in photocatalysis on perovskite 9:25 PHYS 250. Unlocking the electronic
of molecular orbitals. A.C. West, M.W.
oxide surfaces. M.F. Fernandez-Serra, genome of halogenated polycyclic aro- Section B
Schmidt, M. Gordon, K. Ruedenberg
M. Dawber, B. Pamuk, M. Kaltak matic hydrocarbons with undergraduate
10:00 PHYS 228. Multiconfiguration students. S. Jezowski, B. Schatschneider Walter E. Washington Convention Center
quantum embedding methods. Section F Room 152B
S. Bernales Candia, H. Pham, 9:45 Intermission.
G.E. Scuseria, L. Gagliardi Walter E. Washington Convention Center 10:05 PHYS 251. Cation exchange in Theoretical Models of Chemical
10:15 PHYS 229. Multi-reference calcula- Rooms 158A/B colloidal nanocrystals: New advances Bonding & Reactivity Spanning
tions of NMR shifts in open-shell actinide and new possibilities. P.G. Van Patten the Periodic Table: A Symposium
complexes. F. Gendron, J. Autschbach Membrane Proteins: Structure, 10:45 PHYS 252. Computational in Honor of Roald Hoffmann
Activity & Drug Development molecular dynamics study of het-
10:30 Intermission. Bonding in Bioorganic Systems
Structure & Dynamics of eroepitaxial growth patterns compar-
10:40 PHYS 230. One-particle many- ing Cu/Ni and Pt/Ni on Ni(111) and W. Grochala, E. Zurek, Organizers
Membrane Proteins
body Green’s function theory: Algebraic Ni(100). K. Haug, B. Nguyen, P. Ly J. Feng, Presiding
recursions, linked-diagram and F. Marassi, Organizer
irreducible-diagram theorems, and 11:05 PHYS 253. Guided-wave plasmon 1:00 PHYS 261. Understanding the
M. J. Cocco, Organizer, Presiding polariton modes. J. Leger, H. Nguyen,
general-order algorithms. S. Hirata emergence of contractility in acto-myo-
O. Beckstein, Presiding R. Owen, S. Clark, B. Johnson sin networks. J. Komianos, G. Papoian
11:05 PHYS 231. Orbital-free density
functional theory with atom-cen- 8:00 PHYS 240. Signaling-related 1:20 PHYS 262. Chemistry of the
Extending Accuracy & Scales
tered density matrices. W.C. Witt, mobility changes in functional che- nitrogenase P-cluster: Structural and
with Emerging Computing
J. Dieterich, F. Libisch, E.A. Carter motaxis receptor arrays by solid-state electronic flexibility. K. Tatsumi, G. Moula
Architectures & Algorithms
NMR. M. Kashefi, L.K. Thompson
11:20 PHYS 232. Charge transfer excited 1:40 PHYS 263. Role of dynamics
8:30 PHYS 241. Cellular structural biology Molecular Dynamics
states: A balanced and efficient wave in enzymatic electrophilic aro-
function ansatz in variational Monte probing prokaryotic and eukaryotic Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS matic substitution. K.M. Merz
Carlo. N.S. Blunt, E. Neuscamman membrane protein complexes in-situ
at atomic resolution. M. Kaplan Molecular Recognition: Revealing 2:00 PHYS 264. From metal-based
the Effects Associated with chirality to second coordination
Section E 9:00 PHYS 242. Blocking the neurite Receptor-Ligand Binding sphere chirality... and back: Artificial
outgrowth inhibitor (Nogo) to promote metalloenzymes. T.R. Ward
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS
neuroregeneration. M.J. Cocco
Rooms 159A/B 2:20 PHYS 265. Speciation at solid/liquid
9:20 Intermission. Modeling & Measuring Protein- interfaces in the thermal or electrochemi-
Ligand Kinetics & Residence Times cal hydrogenation of organic compounds.
Spectroscopic & Computational 9:40 PHYS 243. Probing the confor-
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored D. Cantu, R.S. Weber, Y. Wang, M. Lee,
Insights into Solid/Liquid Interfaces mational rearrangements in Bcl-2
proteins, Bax and Bid at the initi- by MEDI and PHYS M.T. Nguyen, S. Akhade, A. Padmaperuma,
for Energy Conversion
ation of apoptosis. N. Tjandra M. Lilga, V. Glezakou, R. Rousseau
Insights for Batteries &
10:10 PHYS 244. Intrinsically disor- 2:40 Intermission.
Liquid/Oxide Interfaces
dered membrane enzymes seleno- TUESDAY AFTERNOON 3:00 Discussion.
K. L. Jungjohann, J. A. Keith, Organizers protein S and selenoprotein K. Z.
3:40 PHYS 266. Bonding with
M. F. Fernandez-Serra, Presiding Zhang, J. Liu, R. Cheng, S. Rozovsky Section A Roald. B.Z. Shakhashiri
10:40 Intermission. Walter E. Washington Convention Center
11:00 PHYS 245. Structure and function Room 156 Section C
of electrogenic sodium/proton antiporter
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
membrane proteins. O. Beckstein, Molecules in Space: Linking the
D.L. Dotson, M. Coincon, P. Uzdavinys, Room 152A
Interstellar Medium to (Exo)-Planets
E. Nji, C. Lee, S. Yashiro, Y. Huang, W.
Chen, J. Shen, A.D. Cameron, D. Drew Organic Inventory of Gaseous Ion Chemistry &
Protoplanetary Disks Surface Reactions
11:30 PHYS 246. Reverse q-titration of
integral membrane proteins in nano- P. Bera, X. Tielens, Organizers Ion/Surface Interactions
Technical program information discs. A. Laguerre, F. Loehr, E. Henrich, P. Caselli, Presiding H. Chen, Organizer
known at press time. B. Hoffmann, F. Bernhard, V. Doetsch
1:00 PHYS 254. Organic inventory A. K. Badu-Tawiah, Organizer, Presiding
The official technical program for of protoplanetary disks: Recent
insights and future prospects with 1:00 PHYS 267. Ion-based synthesis
the 254th ACS National Meeting ALMA and JWST. C. Walsh of functional materials. T. Pradeep
is available at www.acs.org/

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


1:40 PHYS 268. Synthesis, stability, Section E 4:40 PHYS 295. Structure base analysis 9:05 PHYS 304. Formation of complex
and immobilization on surfaces of of production and purification of organics and nitrogen-contain-
phosphine-ligated gold clusters. G.E. Walter E. Washington Convention Center human leukemia interferon. Y.S. Ting ing organics by ion-molecule and
Johnson, M. Ligare, U. Reveles, J. Laskin Rooms 159A/B intracluster reactions. M.S. El-Shall
2:20 Intermission. Section G 9:35 PHYS 305. Time-resolved reactive
Experimental & Computational
Walter E. Washington Convention Center scattering to study atom-addition
2:40 PHYS 269. Understanding and Advances In Understanding reactions on ices: A case study of
exploiting surface chemistry to direct Enzyme Specificity & Promiscuity Room 151B
H+O3>OH+O2. G. Vidali, J. He, S. Emtiaz
the in situ synthesis and placement
of nanostructures. A.V. Walker Structure-Function Relationships 9:55 Intermission.
in Enzyme Evolution Physical Chemistry Research at
3:20 PHYS 270. Electron induced surface Undergraduate Institutions 10:00 PHYS 306. Chemical kinetics and
Cosponsored by BIOL and COMP
reactions of C5H5Fe(CO)2Mn(CO)5: tunneling on dust grains. G. Nyman
Photophysics & Reactivity
Metal center impact on the behav- Financially supported by Gaussian, Elsevier, 10:30 PHYS 307. Exotic organosilicon
ior of organic ligands. I. Unlu Pfizer, DSM, SCM: Software for Chemistry T. Hopkins, Organizer
chemistry in molecular clouds: From
and Materials, PCCP: Physical Chemistry J. Leger, Presiding crossed molecular beams to com-
Chemical Physics, F1000: Faculty of 1000
Section D putational chemistry. R. Kaiser
1:00 PHYS 296. Organic chem-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Q. Cui, S. C. Kamerlin, G. J. Poelarends, istry catalyzed by undergrad- 11:00 PHYS 308. Complex organic mole-
Organizers uate theorists. R.J. Cave cule formation under dark cloud condi-
Room 151A
N. Tokuriki, Organizer, Presiding tions: The laboratory view. H. Linnartz
1:40 PHYS 297. Elucidating the
Electronic Structure Methods for 1:00 PHYS 282. Capturing and design- excited-state proton and electron 11:30 PHYS 309. Production and infrared
Complex Chemical Systems ing for electrostatic preorganization transfer processes in substituted spectra of hydrogenated free radicals and
in enzymes. A. Alexandrova anthraquinone dyes using single-mol- protonated species important in interstel-
Ultra-efficient Electronic Structure
ecule spectroscopy. K.L. Wustholz lar media. Y. Lee, M. Tsuge, K.A. Haupa
Methods & Molecular Dynamics 1:40 PHYS 283. Computation of
Cosponsored by COMP enzyme cold adaptation. J. Åqvist 2:20 Intermission. 11:50 Discussion.

2:20 PHYS 284. What makes enzymes 2:40 PHYS 298. Utilizing ionic liquids as
F. U. Furche, S. Sharifzadeh, J. J. Shepherd, Section B
work? Using pressure and temperature solvents to control chirality. T. Hopkins
to probe properties needed for enzyme 3:00 PHYS 299. Onset of oscillations in Walter E. Washington Convention Center
S. Refaely-Abramson, Presiding activity. J.M. Rodgers, R. Hemley, T. Ichiye the Beluosov-Zhabotinsky reaction: Room 152B
1:00 PHYS 271. Coherent exciton-vibra- 2:40 Intermission. Undergraduate research experience. H.M.
tional dynamics and energy transfer Hastings, D.R. Myers, P. Dooley, S.G. Sobel, Theoretical Models of Chemical
3:10 PHYS 285. Resurrected ances- R.J. Field, D. Guralnick, S. Rafikova, M. Zahed
in conjugated organics. S. Tretiak Bonding & Reactivity Spanning
tral proteins as scaffolds for protein
1:25 PHYS 272. Exciton coupled-clus- engineering. J. Sanchez-Ruiz 3:20 PHYS 300. Characterization of the Periodic Table: A Symposium
ter theory for large-scale electronic excited electronic states by cavity in Honor of Roald Hoffmann
3:50 PHYS 286. Role of conformational ringdown spectroscopy. S. Drucker
structure calculations: Test application
dynamics in the evolution of novel Structure & Properties of Materials
on Ben clusters. Y. Liu, A.D. Dutoi 4:00 PHYS 301. Photophysics of cya-
retro-aldolase activity. S. Osuna, A. W. Grochala, E. Zurek, Organizers
1:40 PHYS 273. Modeling excited states Romero-Rivera, M. Garcia-Borràs no-substituted hydroquinones: Promising
in the condensed phase. C. Isborn candidates as super photoacids with P. Edwards, Presiding
4:30 PHYS 287. Mechanism-informed tunable acidity. M. Zahid, A. Mansha, G.
2:05 PHYS 274. First-principles derived refinement reveals altered substrate 8:00 PHYS 310. Towards rational design
Grampp, I.A. Bhatti, P. Jacques, S. Asim
descriptors for linear response binding mode for catalytically competent of chemical reactions. F. Bickelhaupt
properties. E. Berquist, D. Lambrecht nitroreductase. A.F. Miller, W. Pitsawong,
Extending Accuracy & Scales 8:30 PHYS 311. Li insertion in SiCO
2:20 Intermission. R.L. Koder, C. Haynes, D. Rodgers anode materials: On the way to
with Emerging Computing
Architectures & Algorithms understand capacity and mech-
2:30 PHYS 275. Computational syn-
thesis and characterization by large Section F anisms. P. Kroll, S. Haseen
Data & Automation
quantum and reactive molecular Walter E. Washington Convention Center 9:00 PHYS 312. Tuning the band-edge
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS
dynamics simulations. A. Nakano Rooms 158A/B orbitals of perovskite photovoltaic
Molecular Recognition: Revealing materials via strain, layering, and doping.
2:55 PHYS 276. Non-adabatic dynam-
the Effects Associated with R. Berger, C. Grote, N. Onishi, K. Tsui
ics of the 1,2-dioxetane chemilumi- Membrane Proteins: Structure,
nescence. M. Vacher, I.F. Galvan, A. Activity & Drug Development Receptor-Ligand Binding 9:20 PHYS 313. Theory predition of a
Brakestad, H.O. Karlsson, R. Lindh Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS novel Si-He compound: Structure,
Structure & Dynamics of property and synthesis. E. Xu, T. Li
3:10 PHYS 277. Accelerating the Membrane Proteins Computational Studies of Membranes
simulation of nonadiabatic dynam- 9:40 PHYS 314. Orbital approach to super-
M. J. Cocco, F. Marassi, Organizers & Membrane-Bound Systems
ics through an efficient augmented conductivity and superfluidity. P. Love
surface hopping algorithm in Q-Chem. C. D. Schwieters, W. D. Van Horn, Presiding Membrane Bilayers 10:00 Intermission.
G.R. Medders, J.E. Subotnik Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS
1:00 PHYS 288. NMR study of the pre-fu- 10:20 PHYS 315. New bridges with the
3:25 Intermission. sion to post-fusion transition of the gp41 isolobal analogy: Electron counting in
3:35 PHYS 278. Scalable algorithms for ecto domain. C.S. Chiliveri, J. Roche, J.L. intermetallic phases and strategies for
Baber, R. Ghirlando, J. Ying, J. Louis, A. Bax
real-space and real-time first-prin- WEDNESDAY MORNING materials discovery. D. Fredrickson
ciple calculations. E. Polizzi 1:30 PHYS 289. Dissecting the poly-
4:00 PHYS 279. Interpolative separa- modal gating and modulation of Section A
ble density fitting decomposition for TRP channels. W.D. Van Horn
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
accelerating large-scale hybrid functional 2:00 PHYS 290. Hidden dynamics in
calculations. W. Hu, L. Lin, C. Yang Room 156
the unfolding of individual bacteri-
4:15 PHYS 280. Density-to-potential orhodopsin proteins. M. Siewny, H.
Yu, D. Edwards, A. Sanders, T. Perkins Molecules in Space: Linking the
inversions in density functional theory Interstellar Medium to (Exo)-Planets
with atom-centered bases and multi- 2:20 PHYS 291. Revealing the structural
wavelet bases. X. Zhang, E.A. Carter basis for GPCR signaling through Chemistry of Dark Clouds: Chemical The use of any device to capture
4:30 PHYS 281. Projector augmented atomic-level simulation. R.O. Dror Networks Connecting Gas & Dust images (e.g., cameras and camera
wave based Kohn-Sham density 2:50 Intermission. P. Bera, X. Tielens, Organizers phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
functional theory simulations with
reduced order scaling. G.J. Martyna 3:10 PHYS 292. Solid-state NMR of T. Millar, Presiding digital recorders) or to stream,
membrane proteins. S. Opella
4:45 Concluding Remarks.
8:00 PHYS 302. Gas-grain chemis- upload or rebroadcast speakers or
3:40 PHYS 293. Software tools to try in dark clouds: Successes and
assist membrane structure deter- remaining puzzles. E. Herbst presentations is strictly prohibited
mination. C.D. Schwieters 8:35 PHYS 303. Molecular inventory of dark at all official ACS meetings and
4:10 PHYS 294. Enabling proton transfer clouds: Observations and theory. P. Caselli events without express written
in classical simulations. T. Lazaridis
consent from ACS.

10:50 PHYS 316. Electron delocaliza- 8:55 PHYS 325. In situ molecular 8:30 PHYS 337. Loop dynamics of WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON
tion in σ-bonded one-dimensional imaging of the solid-liquid inter- outer membrane protein OprG
chains. M. Jovanovic, J. Michl face using microfluidics. X. Yu contribute to amino acid transport in Section A
Pseudomonas aeruginosa. L.K. Tamm
11:10 PHYS 317. Layered chalcogenides 9:30 PHYS 326. Computational
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
and the density-of-energy (DOE) function. insights to charge transfer reac- 9:00 PHYS 338. NMR structure
P. Konze, M. Küpers, R. Dronskowski tions at the complex electrode/SEI/ and function of membrane pro- Room 156
electrolyte interface. Y. Li, Y. Qi teins in membranes. F. Marassi
11:30 PHYS 318. Computational
Molecules in Space: Linking the
discovery of high-pressure materi- 10:05 Intermission. 9:20 Intermission.
Interstellar Medium to (Exo)-Planets
als. M. Amsler, C. Wolverton, V. Hegde
10:20 PHYS 327. Probing liquid-solid 9:40 PHYS 339. Receptor mediated
The DIBs: Solving a
11:50 Discussion. interfaces. G. Veith, R. Sacci, J. uptake: Structure and function of
Browning, M. Doucet, J. Kim Neisseria Opa proteins. L.M. Columbus
Century Old Problem
Section C P. Bera, X. Tielens, Organizers
10:55 PHYS 328. In-operando neutron 10:10 PHYS 340. Solid-state NMR
reflectometry: Depth profiles of of protein/lipid contacts of viral N. Cox, Presiding
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
solid liquid interfaces. J. Dura fusion peptides. D.P. Weliky
Room 152A 1:00 PHYS 350. Diffuse interstellar bands:
11:30 PHYS 329. Towards high-resolution 10:40 Intermission. Solving a century old problem. F. Salama
Gaseous Ion Chemistry & ultra-low-field NMR and MRI of hetero-
11:00 PHYS 341. Role of mem- 1:35 PHYS 351. ESO diffuse inter-
Surface Reactions geneous systems endowed by nuclear
brane on the function of cyt- stellar bands large exploration
spin hyperpolarization. D. Barskiy, C.
chrome-P450. A. Ramamoorthy survey (EDIBLES). N. Cox, M.
Solution Chemistry in the Gas-Phase Slack, T. Sjolander, J. King, A. Pines
11:30 PHYS 342. Magic angle NMR Cordiner, F. Salama, H. Linnartz, R.
A. K. Badu-Tawiah, H. Chen, Organizers Lallement, M. Yajouri, E. Consortium
studies of bacterioshodopsin (bR) and
G. E. Johnson, Presiding
Section E
the volage depndent anion channel 2:05 PHYS 352. Electronic spectros-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center (VDAC). Q. Ni, T. Can, M. Eddy, Y. Su, R. copy of C60+ and its identification
8:00 PHYS 319. Structural biology in the
Rooms 159A/B Silvers, L. Andreas, L. Clark, G. Pintacuda, L. in interstellar space. J. Maier
gas phase: New techniques for the
Emsley, G. Wagner, J. Herzfeld, R.G. Griffin
rapid analysis of protein sequence, 2:35 Intermission.
structure and stability. J.D. Eschweiler, Experimental & Computational
3:05 PHYS 353. Diffuse interstel-
Y. Tian, D. Polasky, B.T. Ruotolo Advances In Understanding Section G
lar bands: 100-years-old mystery
8:40 PHYS 320. Protein structure predic-
Enzyme Specificity & Promiscuity Walter E. Washington Convention Center beginning to be solved. T. Oka
tion guided by covalent labeling mass New Strategies to Expand the Room 151B 3:35 PHYS 354. Interstellar C60+:
spectrometry data. M.L. Aprahamian, Scope of Enzyme Engineering Pro et contra. G. Galazutdinov
S.H. Hinckley, V.H. Wysocki, S. Lindert Physical Chemistry Research at
Cosponsored by BIOL and COMP
3:55 PHYS 355. Constant intensities
9:20 Intermission. Undergraduate Institutions
Financially supported by Gaussian, Elsevier, of diffuse interstellar bands in the
9:40 PHYS 321. Two-dimensional, Pfizer, DSM, SCM: Software for Chemistry Biophysical spectrum of AE Aur. J. Krelowski
time-resolved trapped ion mobility and Materials, PCCP: Physical Chemistry
Chemical Physics, F1000: Faculty of 1000 T. Hopkins, Organizer 4:15 PHYS 356. Search for infrared DIBs in
spectrometry-mass spectrometry
J. G. Navea, Presiding Barnard 68. M. Yajouri, N. Cox, R. Lallement
(TIMS/TIMS-MS) to study conforma-
Q. Cui, G. J. Poelarends, N. Tokuriki, Organizers
tions of peptides and proteins. F. Liu, 4:35 Discussion.
8:00 PHYS 343. Expanding the
M. Ridgeway, M. Park, C. Bleiholder S. C. Kamerlin, Organizer, Presiding
vocabulary of vibrational probe
10:20 PHYS 322. Effects of charge state 8:00 PHYS 330. Antibody-enzyme functional groups. C.H. Londergan Section B
on the structures of protein ions: Results conjugates for targeted glyco- Walter E. Washington Convention Center
8:40 PHYS 344. Condensed-phase
from cation-to-anion proton-trans- calyx editing. C.R. Bertozzi effects on the structural and energetic Room 152B
fer reactions (CAPTR). M.F. Bush
8:40 PHYS 331. Evolution and appli- properties of molecular complexes:
cations of split RNA polymerase Computations and low-temperature Theoretical Models of Chemical
Section D biosensors. B.C. Dickinson IR spectroscopy. J.A. Phillips Bonding & Reactivity Spanning
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 9:20 PHYS 332. Peptide affinity reagents for 9:00 PHYS 345. Simulations reveal new the Periodic Table: A Symposium
Room 151A Rivax vs. Abrax: A combined computa- insights into the mechanism of Ubc13- in Honor of Roald Hoffmann
tional/experimental approach to untangle catalyzed ubiquitination. W. Jones, A.
Structure & Properties of Materials
Spectroscopic & Computational selectivity in structurally similar proteins. Davis, R.H. Wilson, S.G. Zamfir, I. Sumner
M. Hurley, D.A. Sarkes, D.N. Stratis-Cullum E. Zurek, Organizer
Insights into Solid/Liquid Interfaces 9:40 Intermission.
for Energy Conversion 9:40 Intermission. W. Grochala, Organizer, Presiding
10:00 PHYS 346. Application of
New Methods for Measuring & 10:10 PHYS 333. Promiscuity, serendipity chirped-pulse Fourier transform 1:00 PHYS 357. Decarbonisation of fossil
Modeling Liquid/Solid Interfaces and metabolic innovation. S.D. Copley, microwave spectroscopy to study the fuels: Microwave-promoted deep cata-
J. Kim, J. Flood, J. Kershner, M. Kristofich structure and dynamics of biomole- lytic dehydrogenation of liquid alkanes.
K. L. Jungjohann, J. A. Keith, Organizers
cules in the gas phase. R.G. Bird P. Edwards, X. Jie, S. Gonzalez-Cortes,
10:50 PHYS 334. Designing highly
B. Peters, Presiding T. Xiao, J. Wang, B. Yao, D. Slocombe, H.
specific protein-based small mol- 10:20 PHYS 347. Research with undergrad-
Al-Megren, J. Dilworth, J.M. Thomas
8:00 PHYS 323. Nanoscale electrochem- ecule biosensors. V. Raman uates: A fabulous career. G.C. Shields
istry probed by tip-enhanced Raman 10:40 PHYS 348. Binding modes and
11:30 PHYS 335. Computational studies of
spectroscopy. M. Mattei, G. Goubert, pathway of RHPS4 to human telomeric
laboratory-evolved tryptophan synthase
G. Kang, G.C. Schatz, R.P. Van Duyne
variants for stand-alone function. M. G-quadruplex and duplex DNA probed
8:20 PHYS 324. Modeling atomically Maria Solano, J. Iglesias, S. Osuna by all-atom molecular dynamics
dispersed catalysts on amorphous simulations with explicit solvent. K.
11:50 Concluding Remarks.
supports at multiple scales. A. Mulholland, F. Siddiquei, C. Wu
Fong, Y. Wang, S.L. Scott, B. Peters
11:00 PHYS 349. Getting over the
Section F
curve: Early experiences in com-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center putational chemistry. J. Kua
Rooms 158A/B The use of any device to capture
Molecular Mechanics
images (e.g., cameras and camera
Membrane Proteins: Structure, Force Fields
Activity & Drug Development phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS
Technical program information Structure & Dynamics of digital recorders) or to stream,
known at press time. Computational Studies of Membranes
Membrane Proteins
& Membrane-Bound Systems
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
The official technical program for M. J. Cocco, Organizer presentations is strictly prohibited
Biology in the Membrane
the 254th ACS National Meeting F. Marassi, Organizer, Presiding
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS
at all official ACS meetings and
is available at www.acs.org/ W. Im, Presiding
events without express written
WDC2017 8:00 PHYS 336. (Passive to active)
consent from ACS.
chaser: NMR and MD of mem-
brane proteins. W. Im

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


1:30 PHYS 358. Engineering chemical Section D 4:30 PHYS 385. M2 proton channel: PHYS 396.Extreme biophysics:
bonds at the inorganic-organic interface: Structure, dynamics and proton Enzymes under pressure. Q. Huang,
A strategy to design high-performance Walter E. Washington Convention Center exchange data for understanding drug J.M. Rodgers, R.J. Hemley, T. Ichiye
hybrid phosphor materials for ener- Room 151A binding and functional rates. T.A. Cross,
PHYS 397. Effect of internal hydrogen bond
gy-efficient lighting technologies. J. Li R. Fu, Y. Miao, A. Wright, J. Paulino
formation on the predicted thermochem-
Physical Chemistry Research at
2:00 PHYS 359. Journey with Roald: istry of hydroxylated Criegee interme-
Coherence in molecular junc-
Undergraduate Institutions Section G diates. M.K. Sprague, K.K. Irikura, T. Bui
tions – control, structure, insights Atmospheric & Gas Phase Walter E. Washington Convention Center PHYS 398. Impact of material dimension-
and measurements. M.A. Ratner
T. Hopkins, Organizer Room 151B ality on charge transfer dynamics: Case
2:20 PHYS 360. Exploring structural study of dye-sensitized lead halide
M. Subir, Presiding
space searching for carbon allo- PHYS Awards Symposium perovskite solar cells. A. Forde, D. Kilin
tropes. D.M. Proserpio, V.L. Deringer, 1:00 PHYS 372. Collaborative exper- PHYS 399. Tip-enhanced Raman spec-
G. Csányi, A.A. Golov, A.A. Kabanov imental and computational inves- PHYS/Journal of Physical Chemistry
troscopic study on Pt-Au bimetallic
tigations of unimolecular reactions Lectureship Award: Symposium in
2:40 PHYS 361. Corannulene η -coor-
surfaces. H. Su, J. Zhong, B. Ren
of halocarbon species in the gas- honor of Professor Randall Goldsmith
dination with transition metals: A
phase. B.E. Holmes, G.L. Heard PHYS 400. Theory investigation on
theoretical study. X. Lu, A.Y. Rogachev J. E. Shea, Organizer
structure and optical properties of
3:00 Intermission. 1:40 PHYS 373. Quantum chemical J. Vura-Weis, Presiding TMTZ single crystal. M. Yue, G. Lu
and statistical rate theory investi-
3:20 PHYS 362. Phosphorene meets gations of atmospheric oxidation 1:00 PHYS 386. New variables to PHYS 401. Withdrawn.
metal fragments. A. Ienco, G. reactive intermediates. K.T. Kuwata dissect in vitro biochemistry with
PHYS 402. GW method using the
Manca, C. Mealli, M. Peruzzini single-molecule resolution. Q. Wang
2:00 PHYS 374. Microwave spectros- Cholesky decomposition technique with
3:50 PHYS 363. Effect of tempera- copy at Coker College. G.G. Brown, 1:40 PHYS 387. Multidimensional applications to QM/QM embedding
ture on the symmetry of molecules S. Gaster, C. Funderburk, T. Taylor super-resolution imaging. S.F. Lee approaches. A. Shee, L. Tran, D. Zgid
and solids: A continuous symme-
2:40 PHYS 375. Withdrawn. 2:20 Intermission. PHYS 403. Withdrawn.
try measures study. P. Alemany
3:00 Intermission. 2:35 PHYS 388. Carrier-specific femtosec- PHYS 404. Palladium nanoparticles
4:20 PHYS 364. On the Curie-Weiss
ond extreme ultraviolet spectroscopy supported on Ce-metal organic
temperature of a magnetic system 3:20 PHYS 376. Vector correla-
of semiconductors. J. Vura-Weis framework for efficient CO oxidation
composed of nonquivalent magnetic ions. tions in the photodissociation of and low-temperature CO2 capture.
K.H. Lee, C. Lee, H.J. Koo, M. Whangbo NO-containing molecules. J.A. Bartz 3:15 PHYS 389. Probing complex
A. Awad, A. Lin, M.S. El-Shall
interfacial (bio)chemical interactions
4:40 PHYS 365. Bonding and dynamics in 4:00 PHYS 377. Towards and under-
using silicon photonic microring PHYS 405. Computationally investigating
the synthesis of K2MSbS4H (M = Zn, Cd). standing of CO2 microsolvation: resonator arrays. R.C. Bailey the mechanism of the histone acetyl-
C. Zheng, X. Zhang, R. Hoffmann, F. Huang Microwave spectroscopy of CO2 transferase, Gcn5. R.H. Wilson, I. Sumner
complexes with fluoroethylenes. R.A. 3:55 PHYS 390. Optical microresona-
Peebles, S.A. Peebles, A.M. Anderton, C.L. tors as platforms for single-molecule PHYS 406. Calculation of vibrational
Section C
Christenholz, R.E. Dorris, W.C. Trendell spectroscopy. R.H. Goldsmith structure of astrochemically relevant ions
Walter E. Washington Convention Center using reparametrized semi-empirical
4:20 PHYS 378. Automating the methods. J.P. Layfield, J. Arend, W. Fuerste
Room 152A Molecular Mechanics
analysis of high-resolution rota-
tional spectra. S.T. Shipman, J.H. Nucleic Acids PHYS 407. Quantum control of parti-
Gaseous Ion Chemistry & Westerfield, K. Ervin, E. Riffe, E. Johnson cles moving at surface. Q. Wang
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS
Surface Reactions
PHYS 408. First-principles studies on
Ion Energetics: Gas-Phase versus Section F Computational Studies of Membranes the electronic structural, optical and
Micro-Solvated Systems & Membrane-Bound Systems phonon lattice dynamical properties of
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Transport Across Membranes pure- and La-doped SrTiO3. Y. Duan
A. K. Badu-Tawiah, H. Chen, Organizers Rooms 158A/B
Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS PHYS 409. Withdrawn.
M. F. Bush, Presiding
Membrane Proteins: Structure, PHYS 410. Molecular docking of selective
1:00 PHYS 366. Anion photoelectron/
Activity & Drug Development binding affinity of sulfonamide derivatives
photodissociation spectroscopy:
as potential antimalarial agents targeting
Radical thermochemistry and sol- Structure & Dynamics of WEDNESDAY EVENING
the glycolytic enzymes: GAPDH, aldolase
vation dynamics. W. Lineberger Membrane Proteins and TPI. N.Y. Forlemu, P. Watkins, J. Sloop
1:40 PHYS 367. Exploring the ther-
Section A
M. J. Cocco, F. Marassi, Organizers PHYS 411. Electromagnetic property of
mochemistry of neutral acetonitrile Walter E. Washington Convention Center
R. Martin, A. Nevzorov, Presiding a plastic-aluminum bi-layer material
and methanol solvation onto ionized Hall D and its potential application in data
halogenated benzenes. A.C. Pearcy, 1:00 PHYS 379. Functional consequences decoding for compact disks. J. Zhang
K. Mason, S. Platt, M.S. El-Shall of membrane protein oligomerization
PHYS Poster Session PHYS 412. Understanding the effect
2:00 PHYS 368. Chemistry on a illustrated with proteorhodopsin. S.
Han, C. Han, M. Idso, S. Hussain J. E. Shea, Organizer of substituents on the rigidity and
slide: Hydration gradient effects
conjugation length of poly(phenyl-
on rates and mechanisms at the 1:30 PHYS 380. SAS NMR methods devel- 6:00 - 8:00 ene ethynylene) using DFT - Tight
air-water interface. A.J. Colussi opment for investigation of biological
PHYS 391. Benchmarking of electrostatic Binding. C.J. Zeman, K.S. Schanze
2:40 Intermission. membranes and membrane proteins. J.
interactions in QM/MM molecular
Kelly, M.H. Uhelkar, J. Kelz, R.W. Martin
3:00 PHYS 369. Field-induced droplet
dynamics simulations. X. Pan, Y. Shao
ionization illuminates stepwise oxidation 2:00 PHYS 381. Identification of
PHYS 392. Cation effects on the first
of cell membrane lipids by hydroxyl receptor binding to the biomolec-
electronic transitions of hydrating water
radicals at the air-water interface. X. ular corona of nanoparticles. Y.
studied by far-UV spectroscopy and
Yan, S. Lara, F. Alnasser, K. Dawson
Zhang, K. Barraza, J.L. Beauchamp quantum chemical calculations. T. Goto,
3:40 PHYS 370. Amine substitution studies 2:20 Intermission. A. Ikehata, Y. Morisawa, K. Bec, Y. Ozaki
of atmospherically relevant anionic 2:40 PHYS 382. Structural studies PHYS 393. Characterization of the
clusters. E. Castracane, E. Racow, Y. of the drug transporter EmrE using 1,2-propanediol + benzene and 1,2-pro-
Yang, S.E. Waller, J. Kreinbihl, C.J. Johnson NMR spectroscopy. N. Traaseth panediol + benzene-d6 liquid-liquid
The use of any device to capture
4:00 PHYS 371. Thermochemistry and 3:10 PHYS 383. Sensitivity enhance-
phase equilibria. K.C. Riley, C.A. images (e.g., cameras and camera
Tibbetts, M. McKibben, C.C. Williamson
mechanisms of the deamidation ment in solid-state NMR of oriented phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
of asparagine containing pep- membrane proteins. S. Koroloff, D. Tesch, PHYS 394. Solid-state theoretical
tides. P.B. Armentrout, G.C. Boles S. Milikisiyants, A.I. Smirnov, A. Nevzorov investigation of elasticity in insensitive
digital recorders) or to stream,
3:40 Intermission.
explosives. R. Prendergast, T.M. Korter upload or rebroadcast speakers or
4:00 PHYS 384. Insights into structure
PHYS 395. Chemical reaction in Pluto’s presentations is strictly prohibited
atmosphere: Nitrile formation from
and dynamics of membrane proteins.
C2H2 and N2. Y. Yarnall, P.D. Cooper
at all official ACS meetings and
S. Wang, D. Good, C. Ing, S. Emami, R.
Pomes, L. Brown, V. Ladizhansky
events without express written
consent from ACS.

PHYS 413. Plasmon-enhanced single-mol- PHYS 431. New environment sensitive PHYS 451. Super-resolution imaging PHYS 470. Salt bridges gate alpha-cat-
ecule analysis with shell-isolated Ag bifunctional ligand-induced aggregation of fluorophores bound to sili- enin activation at intercellular
nanoparticle platform. C. Li, J. Li, Z. Tian of serum proteins: Possible conse- ca-coated gold nanorods. A. junctions. S. Barrick, J. Li, X. Kong,
quences in biology and electronics. McLeod, K.A. Willets, T. Anthony A. Ray, E. Tajkhorshid, D.E. Leckband
PHYS 414. Plasmon-enhanced quantum
S. Panja, S. Datta, P. Mitra, M. Halder
dot spontaneous emission and sensitized PHYS 452. Stepwise hydration of PHYS 471. Rainbow of colors in
photoelectrochemical hydrogen evolution PHYS 432. Simulating protein-medi- halogen-containing benzene cations butterfly wings: A photophysical
using shell-isolated nanoparticles. Y. Hao ated hydrolysis of ATP and other in the gas phase: Is it hydrogen of investigation. F. Chalyavi, A. Espeset,
nucleoside triphosphates by com- halogen bonding? K. Mason, A.C. N.R. Fetto, M. Forister, M.J. Tucker
PHYS 415. Investigation of deep
bining QM/MM molecular dynamics Pearcy, I.K. Attah, S. Platt, M.S. El-Shall
eutectic solvents containing chlo- PHYS 472. Ab initio self-energy embed-
with advances in metadynamics. R.
ride-free cholinium salts: Synthesis PHYS 453. Laser synthesis of palladium ding theory for realistic systems.
Sun, O. Sode, J.F. Dama, G.A. Voth
and solvent properties. N. Barashkov, nanoparticles incorporated within L. Tran, A. Kananenka, D. Zgid
T. Sakhno, I. Irgibaeva, A. Mantel PHYS 433. AFQMC in the infinite basis set NH2-MIL-125(Ti) for the selective
PHYS 473. Molecular properties from
limit: The accuracy of combining AFQMC hydrodeoxygenation of vanillin, a
PHYS 416. Insights into the mechanism of range-separated LDA-GF2 hybrid
with F12 methods. H. Hao, B. Rubenstein model for bio-oil upgrade reactions.
a green/blue phytochrome via absorption functional. A. Kananenka, D. Zgid
J. Bobb, A. Awad, M.S. El-Shall
and circular dichroism spectroscopies. PHYS 434. In-situ monitoring the elec-
PHYS 474. Distal residues of ornithine
J.A. Clinger, E. Chen, D.S. Kliger, G.N. Phillips trodeposition ofsilver nanoplates and PHYS 454. Spectroscopic and computa-
transcarbamoylase contribute to elec-
its catalytic applications. S. Juanjuan tional investigation of pyran-4-one in its
PHYS 417. Membrane binding and flu- trostatic and dynamics properties of the
S1(n,π*) excited state. M.P. McDonnell,
idity sensing by a-, β-, and γ-synu- PHYS 435. Chitosan-assisted synthe- enzyme. J. Winters, L. Ngu, K. Nguyen,
K.M. Jawad, S.M. Fritz, T.S. Zwier, S. Drucker
clein. E. O’Leary, Z. Jiang, J.C. Lee sis of silver hexahedrons on pencil L. Makowski, P. Beuning, M. Ondrechen
graphite electrodes: Nucleation- PHYS 455. All-atom simulation and
PHYS 418. Photoinduced anion exchange PHYS 475. High-resolution spectroscopy
growth mechanism and sensing coarse-grained analysis of the type IV
in cesium lead halide perovskite of gas phase aromatic molecules. W.
of hydrogen peroxide and hydra- pilus filament from Neisseria menin-
nanocrystals. D.G. Parobek Roeterdink, W.J. Buma, A. Petrignani
zine. P. Sankaranarayanan, S. M V gitidis. J.L. Baker, R.B. Goncalves
PHYS 419. Withdrawn. PHYS 476. Withdrawn.
PHYS 436. Electromagnetic response-me- PHYS 456. STM study on the polymeriza-
PHYS 420. Fabrication of light-emitting diated intervention of microwave tion of 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene on PHYS 477.Modeling and simulation
electrochemical cells (LECs) having heating on different stages of Maillard Au(111) surface by using different elec- approaches for studying competition and
screen-printed electrodes. L. Hyeonseok reaction. N. Zhang, Y. Zhao, D. Fan, B. trochemical treatment. S. Fu, I. Liu, Y. Lee cooperativity of actin binding proteins.
Yan, J. Huang, J. Zhao, M. Wang, H. Zhang G.M. Hocky, D.R. Kovar, G.A. Voth
PHYS 421. High-resolution photoelectron PHYS 457. Brominated and iodin-
imaging of boron clusters (B11– and B12–) PHYS 437. Withdrawn. ated < 10 nm carbon nanodots. PHYS 478. Development of a stochastic
and transition-metal doped boron cluster R. Knoblauch, C.D. Geddes implementation of the second-order
PHYS 438. Plasmonic electricity:
(IrB3–). J.G. Czekner, L. Cheung, L. Wang Green’s function. B. Winograd
Fluorophore induced plasmonic PHYS 458. Investigating the effect of
PHYS 422. Sliding of positively charged current. J. Moskowitz, C.D. Geddes choline chloride and trivalent cations Accurate temperature
PHYS 479.
nanoparticles along long DNA molecules on late embryogenesis abundant dependent methods for QM/QM
PHYS 439. Investigating the influence
with flexibility gradient: A Brownian protein consensus sequences. S. embedding. A.R. Welden, D. Zgid
of low concentration ionic liquids on
dynamics simulation study. S. Park, J. Kim Schmidt, K. Barrie, M.R. Bunagan
Trp-cage structural stability. M. De PHYS 480. Effect of adding sodium chloride
PHYS 423. Sequence-dependent Souza, A. Heyert, G.E. Lindberg, J.L. Baker PHYS 459. Effect of adding lithium chloride on tetra-n- butylammonium chloride/
binding of a dendrimer with a DNA or potassium chloride on the tetra-n-bu- water semi-clathrate system. M.A. Siddiq
PHYS 440. Cyclooxygenase-2 dimeriza-
molecule: A molecular dynamics tylammonium chloride/water semi-clath-
tion activity may be influenced PHYS 481. Green’s functions in sol-
simulation study. J. Chae, J. Kim rte system using differential scanning
by its monomers’ glycosylation id-state electronic structure modeling:
PHYS 424. Probing the stability of the calorimetry. D.C. Henriques, R.J. Wigent Self-consistency, finite tempera-
at Asn580. J.M. Cunanan, R. Chan,
C-terminal domain of type IV pilins under M. Chen, M. Sevigny, R.W. Hall PHYS 460. Chiral discrimination by ture, and electronic correlations. A.
external force. R.B. Goncalves, J.L. Baker amino acid based deep eutectic Rusakov, L. Tran, S. Iskakov, D. Zgid
PHYS 441. OC-HOCO complex:
PHYS 425. Enforcing size-consis- solvents. C. Wright, T. Hopkins PHYS 482. Combining the photoreduc-
Identification and implications for ISM
tency in an excited state variational chemistry. Y. Yarnall, K. Stelmach, O. PHYS 461. Narrowing limitless: A tion of Au(III) and the electrodeposition
principle. J. Shea, E. Neuscamman Gadzhiev, A. Masunov , P.D. Cooper method for selecting ionic liquids of Au(I) in a new method to create
to control protein structure. A. microscopic gold patterns. C.N.
PHYS 426. Crystal structures and electronic PHYS 442. Influence of protein crowder
Heyert, J.L. Baker, G.E. Lindberg Lafratta, C. Sirkoch, P. Lawrence, E. Will
properties of Xe-Cl compounds at high size on hydration structure and
pressure. N. Zarifi, E. Zurek, J. Tse dynamics in macromolecular crowd- PHYS 462. Evaluation of anisotropic, iso- PHYS 483. Withdrawn.
PHYS 427. Efficient construction of ing. P. Wang, I. Yu, M. Feig, Y. Sugita tropic, and no thermal expansion in the PHYS 484. Insights into the molecular struc-
real space stenciling factors. B. (quasi-)harmonic approximation to accu- ture of hydrogen chloride-cis-1,2-difluo-
PHYS 443. Blocked linear method for opti-
Van Der Goetz, E. Neuscamman rately calculate thermodynamic proper- roethylene from ab initio calculation of an
mizing large parameter sets in variational
ties of organic crystals. N.S. Abraham, intermolecular potential energy surface.
PHYS 428. Cyanylated cysteine as an Monte Carlo. L. Zhao, E. Neuscamman
E. Dybeck, N.P. Schieber, M.R. Shirts L.H. Yoon, H.O. Leung, M.D. Marshall
infrared reporter of protein-peptide PHYS 444. Computational insights into
interactions: Experimental measure- PHYS 463. Platinum electrode fabrication PHYS 485. Alkyne combustion:
epoxide hydrolase asymmetric hydra-
ments, molecular dynamics simulations for in situ spectroelectrochemistry. Experimental and theoretical studies of
tions of epoxides. E. Serrano-Hervás,
and semi-quantitative calculations of E. Gobrogge, X. Ren, C. Lundgren formyl radical formation. M. Drummer
F. Feixas, M. Garcia-Borràs, S. Osuna
IR lineshape. R.J. Xu, C.H. Londergan PHYS 464. Circular dichroism study of late
PHYS 445. Manipulation and characteri- PHYS 486. Computational study of
PHYS 429. Designing boron-based embryogenesis abundant proteins in quaternary ammonium salts as
zation of nanoscale plasmon-induced
thermally activated delayed flores- reverse micelles. K. Barrie, M.R. Bunagan liquid-liquid phase-transfer cata-
chemical reaction by electrochemical
cence emitters with improved OLED tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. PHYS 465. Photophysical study of lysts. T. Schaefer, J.P. Layfield
device properties. S. Mukhopadhyay S. Huang, X. Wang, Z. Zeng, B. Ren ruthenium (II) Tris-(2,2’-bipyridine) PHYS 487. Growth mechanism of ‘sea
PHYS 430. Intramolecular singlet fission encapsulated within Uio-66 metal organic urchin’ shaped ZnO nanostructures
PHYS 446. Probing solvent effects on an
in antiaromatic polycyclic hydrocar- frameworks containing functional- and their photocatalytic activity in the
iodine clock reaction using milliflu-
bon. Y. Wu, Y. Wang, D. Zhang, H. Fu ized linkers. J. Mayers, R.W. Larsen degradation of organic dyes. H.D.
idic devices. S. Morley, B.J. Knurr
PHYS 466.Comparative analysis of Kiriarachchi, K.M. AbouZeid, M.S. El-Shall
PHYS 447.Redesign of MACiE: A database
recombinant polyhydroxybutyrate PHYS 488. Redox potentials and
of enzyme mechanisms. A.J. Ribeiro,
depolymerases from bacterial strains. reactivity of redox shuttles from
G.L. Holliday, N. Furnham, J.M. Thornton
D.I. Martinez-Tobon, A. Elias, D. Sauvageau the first principles calculations. M.
PHYS 448. Withdrawn.
PHYS 467. Withdrawn. Burrows, R. Tazhigulov, K.B. Bravaya
PHYS 449. Sparse energy sampling
PHYS 489. Infrared photodissociation
Technical program information in Fock-space variational Monte
PHYS 468. Rovibrational spectra
cluster studies on CO2 interaction with
of potential interstellar noble gas
Carlo. H. Wei, E. Neuscamman
known at press time. molecules and small hydrocar- titanium oxide catalyst models. L.G.
PHYS 450. Cost-effective multi-de- Dodson, M.C. Thompson, J.M. Weber
The official technical program for terminant expansion in quantum
bons. C.M. Novak, R.C. Fortenberry
UV-visible spectroscopy
the 254th ACS National Meeting Monte Carlo for excited states. S.
PHYS 469.
of PAHs and PANHs in super-
Pineda Flores, E. Neuscamman
is available at www.acs.org/ sonic jet: Astrochemical impli-
cations. S. Bejaoui, F. Salama

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


PHYS 490. Synthesis of carbonaceous PHYS 509. Evolving new proteins PHYS 532. Monovalent and divalent cations 10:30 PHYS 549. James Webb Space
TiO2 nanostructures by laser vaporization by non-homologous recombina- at the a-Al2O3 (0001)/water interface: Telescope capabilities for characterizing
controlled-condensation of MIL- tion. G. Rawcliffe, W. Patrick How cation identity affects interfacial exoplanet atmospheres. T. Greene
125(Ti) and NH2-MIL-125(Ti) and their Direct spectroscopic measure- ordering and vibrational dynamics. S.
PHYS 510. 11:00 PHYS 550. Expanding our knowledge
applications as catalyst support for Pd ment of inherent and applied interfacial Piontek, K. Millan, R. Wang, A. Tuladhar, R.
of the ranges of environmental conditions
nanoparticles for Suzuki cross coupling electric fields near an electrode. J. Remsing, V. Carnevale, M. Klein, E. Borguet
that may have been able to support
reactions. J. Bobb, A. Awad, M.S. El-Shall Patrow, S.A. Sorenson, J. Dawlaty PHYS 533. Analyzing the role of the peptide synthesis on the primitive
PHYS 491. Acid site correlation to the PHYS 511. Decomposition of hydrox- product metal ion in DNA poly- Earth and elsewhere. E.T. Parker
selectivity for 2-methoxy-4-methyl- ylammonium nitrate ionic liquid merase β catalysis. L. Perera
11:30 PHYS 551. Climatological variations
phenol in the hydrodeoxygenation of aerosols on catalytically active metal PHYS 534. Reduced scaling many- in Titan’s atmospheric chemistry mapped
vanillin by Pd nanoparticles encap- surfaces. G.L. Vaghjiani, S. Chambreau, body methods in non-LCAO using ALMA. M. Cordiner, C. Nixon,
sulated within the zirconium-based D.M. Popolan-Vaida, S.R. Leone representations. E.F. Valeev S. Charnley, N. Teanby, Z. Kisiel, P. Irwin,
metal-organic framework UiO-66-NH2.
M. Palmer, J. Lai, X. Thelen, V. Vuitton
A. Lin, A. Awad, M.S. El-Shall PHYS 512. Chemical signatures in mag- PHYS 535. Withdrawn.
netized cloud cores. S. Hocuk, P. Caselli 11:50 Discussion.
PHYS 492. Withdrawn. PHYS 536. Study hyddrated electrons with
PHYS 513. Role of anharmonic effects in range-separated functionals. C. Zhou,
PHYS 493. Photophysical properties analysis of astrochemical observations: Section B
V. Vlcek, D. Neuhauser, B.J. Schwartz
of 1-pyrenemethylamine hydro- IR signatures and thermodynamics.
chloride. G.S. DiBattista, A. Brooks, PHYS 537. Insights into sulfide-enhanced Walter E. Washington Convention Center
J. Bloino, M. Biczysko, C. Puzzarini
S. Temple, B.H. Milosavljevic oxygen reduction reaction activity by Room 152B
PHYS 514. Light-activated synthesis in-situ electrochemical infrared spec-
PHYS 494.Fabrication of highly of aryl fluorescent quantum defects troscopy and theoretical simulations. Theoretical Models of Chemical
nanostructured electrodes. P. Kharel, in single-walled carbon nanotubes. D. Chen, Y. Wang, T. Allison, Y. Tong
A. Talsania, D. Cahill, F. Dawood Bonding & Reactivity Spanning
X. Wu, H. Kwon, M. Kim, Y. Wang
PHYS 538. Effect of solvent and sub- the Periodic Table: A Symposium
PHYS 495. Effective removal of heavy PHYS 515. Withdrawn. strate on dye molecule orientation in Honor of Roald Hoffmann
metal ions from aqueous solu-
Hydrophobic water at a for DSSC applications. J. Domenico,
tions by chemically modiefied PHYS 516. Insights into Physical Chemistry
M.E. Foster, M. Allendorf, K.W. Sohlberg
graphene oxide nanosheets. F.S. hydrophilic interface. J.D. Cyran, M.A.
W. Grochala, E. Zurek, Organizers
Awad, K.M. AbouZeid, M.S. El-Shall Donovan, E. Tyrode, M. Bonn, E. Backus PHYS 539. Pentavalent lanthanide
nitride-oxides: NPrO and NPrO– com- A. Hermann, Presiding
PHYS 496. Ab initio study of triplet states PHYS 517. Intervention of TGase in
surimi gel under microwave irradia- plexes with N≡Pr triple bonds. S. Hu
of XeF2 and XeCl2. G.J. Hoffman 8:00 PHYS 552. Ionic ammonia-water mix-
tion. H. Cao, D. Fan, J. Huang, X. Jiao, PHYS 540. Photophysical studies of tures stable at icy planet conditions. V.
PHYS 497. Investigations of prebiotic W. Zhou, W. Zhang, J. Zhao, H. Zhang Ru(II)tris(2,2’-bipyridine) encapsulated Naden Robinson, Y. Wang, Y. Ma, A. Hermann
phosphorus chemistry on the meteoritic
PHYS 518. Withdrawn. within a Zinc(II) – benzene-1,3,5-tricar-
mineral schreibersite. H.L. Abbott-Lyon 8:30 PHYS 553. Theoretical investigation of
boxylic acid metal-organic frame-
PHYS 519. DNA damage through singlet fission: Uncovering mechanisms
PHYS 498. Laboratory astrochem- work. C. McKeithan, R.W. Larsen
microwave irradiation gener- and designing molecules. N. Ananth
istry: Catalytic conversions of
ated reactive oxygen species. PHYS 541. Influence of galactic arm scale
methanol to organic molecules 9:00 PHYS 554. Quantum chemistry and
T.M. Santaus, C.D. Geddes
dynamic on the molecular compo-
over olivine-type silicates. Q. Li, W. quantum dynamics studies of intramolec-
sition of dense clouds. M. Ruaud,
Dai, B. Liu, P.J. Sarre, A. Cheung PHYS 520. Computational chal- ular singlet fission: How bonding affects
V. Wakelam, P. Gratier, I.A. Bonnel
lenges in astrochemistry. M. number doubling of excitons. T. Zeng
PHYS 499. Simultaneous photophysical
Biczysko, J. Bloino, C. Puzzarini
PHYS 542. Contributions of an astro-
and TA study of liquid-liquid phase 9:20 PHYS 555. Jahn-Teller models, sym-
chemical European network[1] to the
yransition in water-rich ideal solution. A. PHYS 521. Anharmonic temperature effects metric spaces, and quantum phase tran-
qualitative understanding of physi-
Anmangandla, P. Martin, B.H. Milosavljevic on the infrared spectrum. T. Chen sitions. R. Florentino Ribeiro, J. Yuen-Zhou
cal astrochemistry: Energy transfers
PHYS 500. Pre-transition droplet PHYS 522. Study of highly excited states and reaction rates. L. Wiesenfeld 9:40 PHYS 556. Study of proton and
formation in liquid-liquid binary of chlorine substituted cumuleneone electron transfer using quantum
PHYS 543. Evidence for the presence
systems. M. McKibben, S. Rogers, series with coupled cluster method. master equation methods. T. Ture
of Hn-PAHs in post AGB stars. C.K.
A.R. Wert, K.C. Riley, C.C. Williamson Q.L. Nguyen, M.M. Murnane, H.C. Materese, J.D. Bregman, S.A. Sandford 10:00 Intermission.
PHYS 501. Accelerated electrospray-based Kapteyn, W.K. Peters, R.C. Fortenberry
PHYS 544. Magnesium pre-organizes 10:20 PHYS 557. Orbital interactions
reaction discovery: Toward rational design PHYS 523. Second harmonic gen- between C2H2, BBr3, and HBr influ-
SAM-II riboswitch triplex. S. Roy, H.
of visible-light-mediated aerobic oxida- eration of water at silica/aqueous encing stereospecificity of acety-
Lammert, R.L. Hayes, B. Chen, R. LeBlanc,
tion of N-heterocycles in ambient air. A.K. interface determined by molecular lene bromoboration. H. Semrád, J.
T. Dayie, J. Onuchic, K.Y. Sanbonmatsu
Badu-Tawiah, S. Jayaraj, Q. Wan, K.M. Davis dynamics. S. Chen, S.J. Singer Stošek, P. Kubáček, M. Munzarova
PHYS 502. Solvent polarity driven PHYS 524. Withdrawn. 10:40 PHYS 558. Density functional
varied interaction of long chain THURSDAY MORNING perturbational orbital approach in
aliphatic thiol or amines with fluo- PHYS 525. Molecular dynamics simulations
and Markov models of natural and understanding of covalent magnetism
rescent assembly. J. Jana, T. Pal
evolved stand-alone LovD enzyme vari- Section A through chemical bonds. D. Seo
Combined experimental
PHYS 503. ants. J. Iglesias, S. Olsson, F. Noé, S. Osuna 11:00 PHYS 559. Double Rydberg anions
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
and computational investigation on and their Dyson orbitals. J.V. Ortiz
the Sm2O3-BaO system. W. Gong PHYS 526. Non-adiabatic molecular Room 156
dynamics with delta self-consistent field
PHYS 504. Mapping structure-property rela- excited states (ΔSCF-NA-MD). E. Pradhan Molecules in Space: Linking the
tions in molecularly tunable fluorescent
PHYS 527. DFT calculations of Arg and Lys Interstellar Medium to (Exo)-Planets
quantum defects. M. Kim, G. Ao, X. He, H.
Kwon, X. Wu, M. Zheng, S.K. Doorn, Y. Wang on Au(111) to probe the effects of amino Chemistry of Atmospheres
acid conformation and dispersion on of Stars & Planets
PHYS 505. Is carbon monox- binding. M.C. Small, J. Terrell, D.A. Sarkes,
ide in the pure solid form in the J. Jahnke, D.N. Stratis-Cullum, M. Hurley P. Bera, X. Tielens, Organizers
ice mantle? J. He, G. Vidali
PHYS 528.Field-controlled nanopore R. L. Hudson, Presiding
PHYS 506. Controlling the magnetic anisot- permeation by electrolyte solution. D.
ropy of single molecule with STM tip: The 8:00 PHYS 545. Molecular spectroscopy
crucial roles of structural deformation
Bratko, F. Moucka, D. Vanzo, A. Luzar of exoplanet atmospheres. A. Burrows The use of any device to capture
and electronic states. X. Wang, X. Zheng PHYS 529. Exploration of reduced 8:35 PHYS 546. Atmospheric chemistry images (e.g., cameras and camera
scaling approaches to EOM-CCSD.
PHYS 507. Chirality associated Marcus C. Peng, E.F. Valeev, J. Zhang
in (currently observable) exoplanets: phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
inverted region observed in pristine sin- Review of a suite of techniques. K. Heng
gle-walled carbon nanotubes via asym- PHYS 530.Non-reactive dynamics at digital recorders) or to stream,
9:05 PHYS 547. Spectroscopic data
metric-doping-induced electrical poten- water-mineral interfaces. R. Remsing for characterizing (exo)-plane- upload or rebroadcast speakers or
tial. A.T. Liu, Y. Kunai, A. Cottrill, M. Strano PHYS 531. Organic macromolecules tary atmospheres. T.J. Lee presentations is strictly prohibited
PHYS 508. Inhibitory effects of Acanthus in comet 67P and diffuse interstellar 9:35 Intermission.
montanus leaves extract on microbial band carriers. R. Lallement, J. Bertaux at all official ACS meetings and
10:00 PHYS 548. Astrochemistry
influenced corrosion of oil pipe line steel
of titan. C. Nixon
events without express written
(caused by sulphur reducing bacteria)
in anaerobic environment. I. Nkechi
consent from ACS.

11:20 PHYS 560. From hydrogen storage 9:00 PHYS 570. Dark reactions project: 8:00 PHYS 582. Geminate recombina- Section G
materials to metallic and supercon- Undergraduate-driven discovery of new tion of photodissociated anions in
ducting hydrides. W. Grochala materials with cheminformatics, machine size-selected solvents. W.C. Lineberger Walter E. Washington Convention Center
learning, and experiments (and robots) Room 151B
11:40 PHYS 561. Predicting crystal 8:35 PHYS 583. Characterization of
at a small liberal arts college. J. Schrier
structures at high pressures. E. Zurek reaction intermediates in homogeneous
PHYS Awards Symposium
9:40 Intermission. catalysis with cryogenic ion chemistry
Section C 10:00 PHYS 571. Investigating the
and spectroscopy. M.A. Johnson PHYS/Journal of Physical Chemistry
interfacial structure and partitioning of 9:10 PHYS 584. Limits of Born- Lectureship Award: Symposium in
Walter E. Washington Convention Center honor of Professor Benjamin Levine
nitrate ions in reverse micelle struc- Oppenheimer dynamics. D.R. Yarkony
Room 152A
tures. J.D. Patterson, K.J. Blackshaw J. E. Shea, Organizer
9:45 Intermission.
Gaseous Ion Chemistry & 10:20 PHYS 572. Quantum theory of E. G. Hohenstein, Presiding
10:05 PHYS 585. Adventures in anion
Surface Reactions atoms-in-molecules (QTAIM) con-
photoelectron spectroscopy. 1:00 PHYS 595. Recent progress in
sideration of the electron density
K.H. Bowen the electron-attached, ionized, and
Ion Spectroscopy properties of ionic, covalent, and
metallic bonds. D.A. Clabo 10:50 PHYS 586. Photoelectron active-space equation-of-motion
A. K. Badu-Tawiah, H. Chen, Organizers coupled-cluster methodologies.
spectroscopy of negative ions: From
A. L. Ferzoco, Presiding 10:40 PHYS 573. Multiscale model- P. Piecuch, J. Shen, A.O. Ajala
planar boron clusters to borophenes
ing of the complete ligand binding
and borospherenes. L. Wang 1:35 PHYS 596. Nonadiabatic dynamics
8:00 PHYS 562. Cryogenic spectros- pathways to influenza neuramin-
copy for structural and analytical idase. A.W. Van Wynsberghe 11:25 PHYS 587. Microwave spec- using multiconfigurational wavefunctions
studies of biomolecular ions. V. troscopic models for hydrogen with embedding corrections from density
11:20 PHYS 574. Building a phys- functional theory. E.G. Hohenstein
Scutelnic, C. Masellis, T.R. Rizzo storage in MOFs. S.E. Novick, D.A.
ical chemistry research program
Obenchain, G.S. Grubbs, H.M. Pickett 2:10 PHYS 597. Quantum chemistry from
8:40 PHYS 563. Coordination chemis- at a PUI. T.C. Devore
try in titanium-carbon dioxide anionic molecules to materials. A.K. Wilson
clusters studied by infrared pho-
11:40 Concluding Remarks. Molecular Mechanics
2:45 Intermission.
todissociation spectroscopy. L.G. Sponsored by COMP, Cosponsored by PHYS
Dodson, M.C. Thompson, J.M. Weber Section F 3:05 PHYS 598. Painless modeling
of dynamics near conical intersec-
9:00 PHYS 564. Probing glycosidic Walter E. Washington Convention Center tions. G.A. Meek, B.G. Levine
bond stability via energy-resolved Rooms 158A/B THURSDAY AFTERNOON 3:40 PHYS 599. Ab initio photodynam-
single and multiple collision-induced
dissociation tandem mass spec- ics in X-ray domain. P. Slavicek
Membrane Proteins: Structure, Section F
trometry approaches: Application to Activity & Drug Development 4:15 PHYS 600. Recent progress in
protonated and sodium cationized Walter E. Washington Convention Center density functional theories. D.G. Truhlar
nucleosides and glycosyl phosphates. Structure & Dynamics of Rooms 158A/B
M.T. Rodgers, R. Wu, Y. Zhu, Z. Yang Membrane Proteins
9:40 Intermission. M. J. Cocco, F. Marassi, Organizers Membrane Proteins: Structure,
10:00 PHYS 565. Homochiral serine A. Kenworthy, J. Long, Presiding
Activity & Drug Development POLY
octamer anions: Infrared spec- Structure & Dynamics of
8:00 PHYS 575. Targeting proteins to
trum and structure of the chlo-
ride adduct. G. von Helden
membrane rafts: mechanisms and
Membrane Proteins Division of Polymer
10:40 PHYS 566. Specific pep-
consequences. A. Kenworthy M. J. Cocco, F. Marassi, Organizers
8:30 PHYS 576. Coherent vibrational K. Gawrisch, S. Prosser, Presiding
tide-bond dissociation of some T. White, C. Lipscomb and T. Epps, Program
imaging for living cells. L. Wei, W. Min Chairs
peptide model ions. C. Liu 1:00 PHYS 588. Engineering nanodiscs
9:00 PHYS 577. Withdrawn. for membrane protein studies. G.
11:00 PHYS 567. Exploring the dissoci-
Wagner, M. Nasr, J. Ziarek, D. Baptista, H.
ation dynamics of radical cations with 9:20 Intermission.
Arthanari, Z. Sun, F. Hagn, A. Plückthun
femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy: 9:40 PHYS 578. Structure-function rela- SUNDAY MORNING
Application to model systems for organo- 1:30 PHYS 589. Molecular underpin-
tionships of host defense metallopep-
phosphorus nerve agents and nitro- tides: When strong nuclease activity nings of GPCR pharmacology: An
based energetic molecules. D. Ampadu NMR and computational study of the Section A
correlates with weak membranolyticity
Boateng, G. Gutsev, P. Jena, K.M. Tibbetts and high therapeutic index. M. Cotten, adenosine A2 receptor. S. Prosser Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
M. Libardo, E. Mihailescu, A.A. Bahar, B. Ma, 2:00 PHYS 590. In silico visioning of G Marquis Ballroom Salon 6
Section D A. De Angelis, J. Zhao, R. Rai, R. Fu, D. Ren, protein-GDP complex communications
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
R. Nussinov, S. Opella, A.M. Angeles Boza with GPCR bound to different ligands 8th Symposium on Controlled
10:10 PHYS 579. Microsecond simu-
using molecular dynamic simulations Radical Polymerization
Room 151A in explicit membrane. S. Sader, C. Wu
lations of antimicrobial peptides and Financially supported by Army Research
mimetics of ApoA-I. R. Pastor 2:20 Intermission. Office, Anton Paar, Millipore-Sigma, Boron
Physical Chemistry Research at
Molecular, Tosoh Bioscience, Kaneka, PPG
Undergraduate Institutions 10:40 Intermission. 2:40 PHYS 591. Endogenous cannabinoid
ligand 2-arachidonyl glycerol (2-AG) H. Gao, K. Matyjaszewski, B. S. Sumerlin,
Interfaces 11:00 PHYS 580. Peptide-mediated
lipid organization, structure, and and its interaction with cannabinoid Organizers
T. Hopkins, Organizer, Presiding type II cannabinoid receptor, CB2.
dynamics in pulmonary surfactant. N. V. Tsarevsky, Organizer, Presiding
T. Kimura, A. Yeliseev, E. Mihailescu,
8:00 PHYS 568. Atmospheric fate of J. Long, N. Tran, A. Smith, O. Braide
D.L. Lynch, P. Reggio, K. Gawrisch M. J. Buback, Presiding
fly ash: From heterogeneous pho- 11:30 PHYS 581. New method to study
tochemistry of nitric acid to par- 3:10 PHYS 592. Probing membrane catal- 8:00 Introductory Remarks.
heterodimerization of membrane
ticle weathering. J.G. Navea proteins and its application to fibroblast ysis and ligand-receptor interactions in 8:05 POLY 1. New macromolecular
growth factor receptors. K.A. Hristova the apelinergic system. K. Shin, A. Pandey, architectures and new ATRP initi-
8:40 PHYS 569. Insights into liq-
D.N. Langelaan, S.K. Huang, C.A. Kenward, M.
uid-liquid equilibrium behavior ating systems. K. Matyjaszewski
Sarker, D.M. LeBlanc, M. Alharbi, J.K. Rainey
gained from laser light scattering Section G 8:30 POLY 2. Kinetics of radical
measurements. C.C. Williamson 3:40 Intermission. polymerizations deduced via SP-PLP-
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
4:00 PHYS 593. NMR tools for EPR. M.J. Buback, H. Kattner
Room 151B
drug discovery: Targeting mem- 8:55 POLY 3. Ionic auxiliaries for stereo-
Technical program information PHYS Awards Symposium
brane proteins. M. Mesleh controlled radical polymerization. B.
known at press time. PHYS Award in Experimental
4:30 PHYS 594. Membrane dependent Noble, K. Fung, S. Ferrie, M.L. Coote
allostery of oncoprotein RAS structure 9:20 POLY 4. RAFT 20 years later:
The official technical program for Physical Chemistry: Symposium and function at biological membranes. Z. Elements of RAFT navigation. G. Moad
the 254th ACS National Meeting in honor of Professor Kit Bowen Feng, T. Gebregiworgis, K. Lee, M. Mazhab-
J. E. Shea, Organizer Jafari, M. Smith, C. Marshall, M. Ikura
is available at www.acs.org/
W. C. Lineberger, D. R. Yarkony, Presiding

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


9:45 POLY 5. Mechanistic studies of I. Manners, G. R. Newkome, U. S. Schubert, Section E Section G

transition metal catalyzed radical Organizers, Presiding
termination. R. Poli, S. Rahaman, Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
8:00 Introductory Remarks. Marquis Salon 15 Marquis Salon 14
T. Ribelli, K. Matyjaszewski
8:10 POLY 18. New hybrid materials based
10:10 Intermission.
on group 13 element-blocks. Y. Chujo Advances in Wettability & Adhesion Federally Funded Research
10:25 POLY 6. Living radical polym-
8:50 POLY 19. Self-assembled polymer Tuning Adhesion at Interfaces D. E. Poree, Organizer
erization using organic catalysts:
antimicrobials against MRSA and other Financially supported by Polymer International
Synthesis and applications. A. Goto K. Beers, T. Saito, Organizers, Presiding
resistant pathogens. V.M. Rotello
10:50 POLY 7. Electrochemistry for S. T. Iacono, A. Kota, Organizers 8:15 Introductory Remarks.
9:10 POLY 20. Printed organic solar
ATRP. A. Gennaro, F. De Bon, F.
cells: The Victorian (Australia) organic G. Kwon, Presiding 8:20 POLY 47. Polymer opportuni-
Lorandi, M. Fantin, A. Ahmed Isse
solar cell consortium. A.B. Holmes ties across NSF. A.J. Lovinger
11:15 POLY 8. Iron mediated controlled 8:00 POLY 32. Getting a better grip
9:40 Intermission. underwater. A.N. Dhinojwala 8:50 POLY 48. Polymer research
radical polymerisation. M.P. Shaver
funding opportunities in the Division
10:10 POLY 21. Synthesis of sub- 8:30 POLY 33. Adhesion and debonding
11:40 POLY 9. Designer polymers from of Chemistry at the National
nanoparticle using metallo- mechanisms of pressure sensitive
palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling Science Foundation. T.E. Patten
dendrimers. K. Yamamoto adhesives under water. J. Frechette,
reactions. D.H. Howe, A.J. Magenau
C. Barrios, P. Karnal 9:20 POLY 49. Advancing technol-
10:30 POLY 22. Properties and supra-
ogy through measurement science:
Section B molecular assembly of ligand-mod- 9:00 POLY 34. Stimulus responsive bioin-
The National Institute of Standards
ified phosphonium polymers and spired adhesives for finely tunable adhe-
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC and Technology. E.K. Lin
their metallopolymer derivatives. sion, mechanical, and optical properties.
Marquis Ballroom Salon 8 R. Smith, M. Bedford, W. Wan H. Chung, I. Pramudya, R. Slegeris, M. Kim 9:50 Intermission.
10:50 POLY 23. Construction of metal- 9:30 POLY 35. Bioinspired supramo- 10:05 POLY 50. Polymers in aero-
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased lo-supramolecular rod-coil diblock lecular polymers for tissue sealing. space applications. E.J. Siochi
Materials & Biocatalysis copolymers and their assembled D. Balkenende, P.B. Messersmith 10:35 POLY 51. Advanced materials
Biobased Materials: nanostructures in solution. Y. Chan
9:50 POLY 36. Graphene goniometry. C. for space exploration: Opportunities
Industrial Perspectives 11:10 POLY 24. Folded polymeric frame- Sun, M. Miskin, P. McEuen, W. Dichtel and progress. M.A. Meador
Cosponsored by AGFD, CELL and PMSE works to promote reaction activity and
10:10 Intermission. 11:05 POLY 52. Regulatory science
selectivity of metal and metal clusters.
within US Food and Drug
H. Cheng, R. A. Gross, Organizers J. He, S. Thanneeru, A.M. Angeles Boza 10:20 POLY 37. Durable gels with
Administration. D.V. Patwardhan
P. B. Smith, Organizer, Presiding ultra-low adhesion to ice. D.
11:30 POLY 25. Self-oscillating polymer
Beemer, W. Wang, A. Kota 11:35 POLY 53. Perspectives on
gels as metal-containing functional
8:00 Introductory Remarks. the USDA and its research port-
materials. R. Yoshida, Y. Kim, R. Tamate, 10:50 POLY 38. Self-lubricating organogels:
folio. H. Cheng, T. Klasson
8:05 POLY 10. Performance bene- T. Masuda, M. Onoda, A. M. Akimoto SLUGs showing beyond biological
fits driven by structure-property surface wettability. A. Hozumi, L.
relationships: Fatty acid-derived Wang, T. Sato, C. Urata, M. England Section H
Section D
polyester polyols. K.A. Schoene Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
11:20 POLY 39. Designing durable
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
8:30 POLY 11. Certified biodegradable icephobic surfaces. A. Tuteja Marquis Ballroom Salon 7
mulch film: Ecological benefits and Mount Vernon Square
11:50 POLY 40. Dependence of thick-
environmental fate. A. Kuenkel Materials at the Food-Energy-Water
Polymer Mechanochemistry ness and cure temperature on peak
8:55 POLY 12. Bio-based starting mate- removal energy for ice on Pt-cured Nexus: Polymers for Soils to Sensors
rials as an essential route to improved Cosponsored by PMSE PDMS coatings. S. Nair, K.J. Wynne Financially supported by National
performance in macromolecules. A.J. Science Foundation
A. J. Boydston, A. P. Goodwin, J. Moore, M.
Guenthner, B.G. Harvey, M.C. Davis, J. Reams
Silberstein, Organizers Section F F. V. Bright, P. Edmiston, T. E. Long, Organizers
9:20 POLY 13. Environmentally friendly high Y. Xia, Presiding Marriott Marquis Washington, DC M. Jeffries-El, Organizer, Presiding
performance bio-derived polymers for
DoD applications. J. La Scala, J. Sadler, 8:30 Introductory Remarks. Judiciary Square
8:00 Introductory Remarks.
S. Kumar Yadav, A. Bassett, B.G. Harvey, G. 8:35 POLY 26. Mechanochemistry
Yandek, W. Eck, J.F. Stanzione, G. Palmese Mark Young Scholar Award 8:05 POLY 54. Synthesis and charac-
of hydrogels: Quantifying small
in honor of Garret Miyake terization of isocyanate-free poly-
9:45 Intermission. numbers of bond breakages in
ureas. J.M. Dennis, L.I. Steinberg, A.
weak materials. A.P. Goodwin D. L. Gin, Organizer, Presiding
9:55 POLY 14. Innovation con- Pekkanen, M. Hegde, T.E. Long
straints and opportunities for 9:05 POLY 27. Multifunctional mechano- 8:00 Introductory Remarks. 8:35 POLY 55. Second-generation studies
biomaterials. K.J. Sanford chemical hydrogels as selective com-
8:05 POLY 41. Metal-containing ionic of precisely designed polymer mem-
partments and actuators in microfluidic
10:20 POLY 15. Sustainable devel- liquid-based, uncharged-charged branes for use in water purification and
applications. B. Voit, D. Appelhans, A.
opment of new high performance diblock copolymers that form desalination. A.R. Corcos, M. Matsumoto,
Krause, D. Gräfe, S. Zschoche, D. Simon
materials and macromolecular ordered, phase-separated micro- L. Valentino, B.J. Marinas, W. Dichtel
therapeutic platforms. N. Park 9:35 POLY 28. Mechanochemical structures and reversibly coordinate 9:05 POLY 56. Studying permselectiv-
kinetics in elastomeric polymer small protic molecules. D.L. Gin, Z.
10:45 POLY 16. Improving the performance ity of desalination membranes using
networks: Heterogeneity of local Shi, A.W. May, Y. Kohno, T.S. Bailey
of water-based PSAs with a bio-based electrochemical impedance spec-
forces results in nonexponential
material. C. Lipscomb, K. Lewandowski 8:40 POLY 42. Energy storage for troscopy. D.L. Shaffer, K.E. Feldman,
kinetics. D.E. Makarov, R. Adhikari
controlled/living radical polymer- E. Chan, G.R. Stafford, C.M. Stafford
11:10 POLY 17. 2,5-furandicarbox-
10:05 Intermission. ization. S. Shanmugam, C. Boyer
ylic acid (FDCA): A re-emerging
biobased building block. B. Fijten 10:25 POLY 29. Inherentely strained 9:15 POLY 43. Cyclodextrin polymer
macromolecules: From molec- networks for water purification. W. Dichtel
ular tensile machines to dielec-
Section C 9:50 Intermission.
tric actuators. S. Sheiko
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC 10:10 POLY 44. Free-volume for enhanced
Marquis Ballroom Salon 9
10:55 POLY 30. Time-temperature super-
ion conducting in polymer mem- The use of any device to capture
postion to investigate yield in glassy
polymers by atomistic simulation. J. branes. T.M. Swager, L. Moh, Y. Kim images (e.g., cameras and camera
Metallo-Supramolecular & Moller, R.J. Berry, T. Breitzman, G.S. Kedziora 10:45 POLY 45. Controlling chemo- phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
Metal Containing Polymers selectivity, stereoselectivity and
11:25 POLY 31. 3D printing of mechanore-
topology in coordination polymer- digital recorders) or to stream,
Metallo-Supramolecular sponsive polymers. B. Cao, A. Boydston
Polymers & Assemblies ization of multifunctional acrylic and upload or rebroadcast speakers or
heterocyclic monomers. E.Y. Chen
Cosponsored by PMSE‡ presentations is strictly prohibited
11:20 POLY 46. Visible light photoredox
Financially supported by TCI (Tokyo catalysts for organocatalyzed atom at all official ACS meetings and
Chemical Industry), microdrop Technologies
GmbH, SmartDyeLivery GmbH
transfer radical polymerization. G. Miyake events without express written
11:55 Concluding Remarks. consent from ACS.

9:35 POLY 57. High performance polyamide 2:40 POLY 65. Light-mediated ATRP Section C Section E
thin film composite (PA-TFC) desalination of semi-fluorinated (meth)acrylates:
membranes modified by zwitterionic Facile access to functional mate- Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
silanes. S. Erkoc Ilter, J. Sharabati, F. rials. C.J. Hawker, A. Anastasaki Marquis Ballroom Salon 9 Marquis Salon 15
Saffarimiandoab, S. Guclu, D. Yuksel Imer,
3:05 Intermission.
I. Koyuncu, S. Unal, Y.Z. Menceloglu Metallo-Supramolecular & Advances in Wettability & Adhesion
3:20 POLY 66. Photoinduced Metal Containing Polymers
10:05 Intermission.
oxygen reduction for living dark Fundamental Phenomena at
10:20 POLY 58. Biopolyesters with polymerization. C. Boyer Metallo-Supramolecular Solid-Liquid Interfaces
triggered degradation for agricul- Polymers & Assemblies Financially supported by Polymer International
3:45 POLY 67. Controlled radical polym-
tural controlled release applica- Cosponsored by PMSE‡
erization of ethylene: RAFT versus S. T. Iacono, Organizer
tions. M.J. Sobkowicz, S. Bi, B. Tan
TeRP. A. Wolpers, C. Bergebit, Y. Nakamura, Financially supported by TCI (Tokyo
A. Kota, Organizer, Presiding
10:50 POLY 59. Sequestering PFOA S. Yamago, V. Monteil, F. D’Agosto Chemical Industry), microdrop Technologies
at environmentally relevant con- GmbH, SmartDyeLivery GmbH 1:15 POLY 92. Water and its motion
4:10 POLY 68. Electron spin reso-
centrations by a β-cyclodextrin onto, across, off of, out from
nance observation of radical polym- I. Manners, G. R. Newkome, U. S. Schubert,
polymer network. L. Xiao, Y. Ling, A. between, and through hydropho-
erization processes with various Organizers, Presiding
Alsbaiee, C. Li, D. Helbling, W. Dichtel bic materials. T.J. McCarthy
time resolutions. A. Kajiwara
11:20 POLY 60. Quantification of oxidation 1:15 POLY 79. Mathematical control
4:35 POLY 69. Direct hydrophilic modi- 1:45 POLY 93. Wilhelmy Plate (WP) method
of thermally- and photochemically aged in the coordination self-assem-
fication of polymer surface via surface for dynamic contact angle (DCA) mea-
polymeric materials under simulated bly of Archimedean/non-Archi-
initiated ATRP. A. Takahara, Y. Higaki surements: Contact angles and insight
advanced environmental degradation. medean solids. M. Fujita into surface reorganization and surfaces
M.A. Maurer-Jones, E. Hill, B. Hinderliter, R. 5:00 POLY 70. Designer polymer brushes 1:55 POLY 80. Stimuli-responsive with compositional gradients. K.J. Wynne
Duckworth, A. Carlberg, T. O’Keefe, A. Bosio by ATRP support metal nanoparticles functional materials via hierarchi-
at microfibers in electrospun mats: 2:15 POLY 94. Solid-liquid work
11:50 Concluding Remarks. cal self-assembly involving coor-
Applications in catalytically active of adhesion. R. Tadmor
dination interactions. H. Yang
membranes. G. Vancso, Y. Liu, K. Zhang, 2:45 POLY 95. Motion of drops on lubricant
Polyphosphazenes in Biomedicine, J. Ma 2:15 POLY 81. Self-assembly of multi-lay-
infused surfaces. D. Vollmer, M. Tress,
Engineering & Pioneering Synthesis ered metallo-supramolecules with S. Karpitschka, F. Schellenberger, H. Butt
Sponsored by PMSE, Cosponsored by POLY increasing complexity. X. Qian, H. Wang,
Section B B. Song, G. Yin, Z. Zhang, L. Wang, X. Li 3:15 Intermission.
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC 2:35 Intermission. 3:25 POLY 96. Rational design of
Marquis Ballroom Salon 8 nanotextured surfaces capable of
SUNDAY AFTERNOON 2:50 POLY 82. Probing metallo-supra-
spontaneously recovering their supe-
molecular assemblies by ion mobil-
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased rhydrophobicity. S. Fialoke, A. Patel
Section A ity mass spectrometry. K.J. Endres,
Materials & Biocatalysis G.R. Newkome, C. Wesdemiotis 3:55 POLY 97. Thermodynamics
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC of phase change on rough tex-
Developments in Biocatalysts 3:10 POLY 83. Metal and ion containing
Marquis Ballroom Salon 6 tured surfaces. N.A. Patankar
Cosponsored by AGFD, CELL and PMSE polyurethanes. R.H. Lambeth, A.M. Savage,
M.H. Baranoski, F.L. Beyer, N. Zander 4:25 POLY 98. Self-propelled
8th Symposium on Controlled H. Cheng, R. A. Gross, P. B. Smith, Organizers jumping and catapulting upon
Radical Polymerization 3:30 POLY 84. Stimuli-responsive
G. Chen, Presiding drop coalescence. C. Chen
metallopolymer architectures: From
Financially supported by Army Research immobilization to redox-responsive 4:55 POLY 99. Ant rafts, frog
Office, Anton Paar, Millipore-Sigma, Boron 1:00 POLY 71. Designing of a laccase
super-catalyst. J. Su, A. Cavac-Paulo opals. C. Rüttiger, D. Scheid, M. Gallei tongues, cat mascara. D. Hu
Molecular, Tosoh Bioscience, Kaneka, PPG
1:25 POLY 72. Adapting enzymes 3:50 POLY 85. Controlling nano-
H. Gao, K. Matyjaszewski, N. V. Tsarevsky,
to non-natural polymeric sub- material morphology with metal Section F
Organizers ions. A. Knight, C.J. Hawker
strates. D. Ribitsch, G. Steinkellner, Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
B. S. Sumerlin, Organizer, Presiding K. Gruber, B. Wiltschi, G.M. Guebitz 4:10 POLY 86. From metallomacro- Judiciary Square
Y. Yagci, Presiding 1:50 POLY 73. Bioorthogonal cycles to tunable metallosupramo-
protein engineering. Y. Ito lecular cages and materials. G.R. Charles Overberger Award
1:00 POLY 61. Photoinduced metal free Newkome, T. Xie, S. Chakraborty
strategies for atom transfer radical 2:15 POLY 74. Structural and muta- R. M. Laine, Organizer, Presiding
polymerization. G. Yilmaz, C. Kutahya, A. tional analysis of PET-hydolyzing
Section D 1:00 POLY 100. From polymer
Allushi, C. Aydogan, S. Aykac, Y. Yagci enzyme, Cut190, based on the
building blocks to single-mole-
3D docking structure with model Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
1:25 POLY 62. Exploiting light to push cule electronics. L.M. Campos
compounds of PET. T. Kawabata, M. Mount Vernon Square
the limits of controlled radical polymeriza-
Oda, S. Inaba, N. Numoto, F. Kawai 1:25 POLY 101. Living polymerization of
tion. R.N. Carmean, C.A. Figg, G. Scheutz,
functional epoxides with MODs. N.A. Lynd
T. Kubo, M.B. Sims, T.E. Becker, 2:40 Intermission. Polymer Mechanochemistry
B.S. Sumerlin 1:50 POLY 102. Responsive poly-
2:55 POLY 75. Engineered cutinases for Cosponsored by PMSE
meric nanoparticles. R.K. OReilly
1:50 POLY 63. Photoswitchable dual PET and cellulose acetate hydrolysis:
radical and cationic controlled/living Design, structure and properties. A. A. J. Boydston, A. P. Goodwin, J. Moore, M. 2:15 POLY 103. Design of poly-
polymerization for various comonomer Shirke, G.L. Butterfoss, R.A. Gross Silberstein, Organizers meric cathode materials for met-
sequence distributions. K. Satoh B. Cao, Presiding al-ion batteries. B.P. Fors
3:20 POLY 76. Stable biocatalysts and
2:15 POLY 64. Light-sensitive traceable biomaterials through fluori- 1:30 POLY 87. Response of copper carbox- 2:40 POLY 104. Supramolecular hydro-
alkoxyamines: Applications in nated protein design. J.K. Montclare ylate cross-linked polymer to mechanical gels as therapeutics and therapeu-
material science. D. Gigmes stress. Y. Vidavsky, M. Silberstein tic delivery agents. J. Hedrick
3:45 POLY 77. Biocatalysts immobilized
onto nanosupports: Applications and 2:00 POLY 88. Functional poly (olefin 3:05 Intermission.
advantages in green technologies. Z. Dinu sulfone) / carbon nanotube composites 3:15 POLY 105. Accessing conjugated/
4:10 POLY 78. Investigation of prote- and their application as radiation detec- saturated block copolymers via a single
ase-catalyzed L-aspartic acid diethyl tion sensors. L. Zeininger, T.M. Swager multitasking catalyst. A.J. McNeil
ester oligomerization and active site 2:30 POLY 89. Addressing mecha- 3:40 POLY 106. Chalcogenide hybrid inor-
computational modeling. F. Yang, F. nochemistry with intramolecular ganic/organic polymers (CHIPs): A new
Totsingan, E. Dolan, S.D. Khare, R.A. Gross cross-links. C. Diesendruck class of transmissive polymeric materials
3:00 Intermission. for mid-IR imaging. J. Pyun, T. Kleine, L.E.
Technical program information Anderson, R.S. Glass, K. Char, R.A. Norwood
3:20 POLY 90. Withdrawn.
known at press time. 4:05 POLY 107. Partially fluorinated
3:50 POLY 91. Marine glow biomim-
The official technical program for icry by nucleobase-containing shear
polyethers for spatiotemporal mapping
of tissue oxygenation. F.A. Leibfarth
the 254th ACS National Meeting responsive polymersome nanoreac-
tors. O. Rifaie-Graham, N. Galensowske, 4:30 POLY 108. New approaches
is available at www.acs.org/ C. Dean, S. Balog, N. Bruns to well-defined functional
WDC2017 materials. C.J. Hawker

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


Section G MONDAY MORNING 9:35 POLY 134. Synthetic, functional Section D

thymidine-derived polydeoxyribonucle-
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC otide analogs from a 6-membered cyclic Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Marquis Salon 14 Section A Mount Vernon Square
phosphoester. Y.T. Tsao, K.L. Wooley
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
10:00 Intermission.
Federally Funded Research Marquis Ballroom Salon 6 Polymer Mechanochemistry
10:10 POLY 135. Semi-renewable Cosponsored by PMSE
DOE CO2-derived polycarbonates and
8th Symposium on Controlled
K. Beers, Organizer block copolymers for biomedical A. J. Boydston, A. P. Goodwin, J. Moore, M.
Radical Polymerization
applications. N. Yi, C.K. Williams Silberstein, Organizers
D. E. Poree, T. Saito, Organizers, Presiding Financially supported by Army Research
Office, Anton Paar, Millipore-Sigma, Boron 10:35 POLY 136. Functionalizable, Y. Vidavsky, Presiding
1:30 Introductory Remarks.
Molecular, Tosoh Bioscience, Kaneka, PPG biobased aliphatic polyesters via
8:30 POLY 147. Quantifying force-ac-
1:35 POLY 109. Polymers and com- the alternating copolymerization
H. Gao, K. Matyjaszewski, B. S. Sumerlin, N. V. tivity relationships in polymer
posites research needs within the of epoxides and cyclic anhy-
Tsarevsky, Organizers mechanochemistry. S. Craig
vehicle technologies office. H.F. Wu drides. M.J. Sanford, G.W. Coates
C. Peng, D. A. Shipp, Presiding 9:00 POLY 148. Chelating polymers to
2:05 POLY 110. Polymer science 10:55 POLY 137. Preparation and
investigate coordination complex mech-
related research funding through 8:00 POLY 121. Lessons for controlled characterization of bio-based poly-
anochemistry. M. Horst, K. Hall, K.J. Franz
the Division of Chemical Sciences, radical polymerizations from low ceiling esters and polycarbonates derived
Geosciences, and Biosciences at the temperature polymers. T. Kowalewski from xylochemicals. S. Curia, J.R. 9:30 POLY 149. Single-molecule
Department of Energy. C.A. Bradley Mauck, A. Bassett, J.F. Stanzione mechanochemical sensing. H. Mao
8:25 POLY 122. Scope and limitations of
2:35 POLY 111. Directing soft matter the ATRP of butadiene. A.D. Asandei 11:15 POLY 138. Glycerol-based 10:00 Intermission.
assembly for optimizing stimuli-re- divinylglycol as platform synthon
8:50 POLY 123. Ambient temperature 10:20 POLY 150. Single molecule force
sponse and properties. B. Sumpter for new bio-sourced polymers. L.
transition-metal-free dissociative spectroscopy studies of disulfide and
Bonnot, E. Grau, H. Cramail
3:05 Intermission. electron transfer reversible addition-frag- thioester bonds. D. Echelman, J. Fernandez
3:25 POLY 112. Polymer science at the mentation chain transfer polymer- 10:50 POLY 151. Polymer mecha-
ization (DET-RAFT) of methacrylates,
Section C
Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies nochemistry with supramolecular
(CINT). A.L. Frischknecht acrylates and styrene. T. Guliashvili Marriott Marquis Washington, DC mechanophores. C. Weder
3:55 POLY 113. Opportunities for polymer 9:15 POLY 124. Poly(thio acrylates): Marquis Ballroom Salon 9 11:20 POLY 152. Bioinspired design of
research using neutrons at Oak Ridge Expanding the radically polymeriz- modular dynamic polymers. Z. Guan
National Laboratory. V.S. Urban able monomer toolbox. C. Becer Metallo-Supramolecular &
9:40 POLY 125. Correlation of reduc-
Metal Containing Polymers Section E
4:25 POLY 114. 11-BM complex materials
scattering (CMS): A new SAXS/WAXS tion potential, equilibrium constant, Metallo-Supramolecular Materials Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
beamline at NSLS II. M. Fukuto and control mechanism in cobalt in Energy Applications
mediated radical polymerization. C. Marquis Salon 15
Cosponsored by PMSE‡
Peng, F. Wang, H. Lu, G. Zheng
Section H Advances in Wettability & Adhesion
Financially supported by TCI (Tokyo
10:05 Intermission.
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Chemical Industry), microdrop Technologies
From Fundamentals to Applications
Marquis Ballroom Salon 7 10:20 POLY 126. Sulfur free RAFT in GmbH, SmartDyeLivery GmbH
emulsion - efficient and scalable Financially supported by Polymer International
block copolymers. D.M. Haddleton, I. Manners, G. R. Newkome, U. S. Schubert,
Materials at the Food-Energy-Water Organizers, Presiding A. Kota, Organizer
N. Engelis, A. Shegiwal, A. Anastasaki
Nexus: Polymers for Soils to Sensors S. T. Iacono, Organizer, Presiding
10:45 POLY 127. Polymerization- 8:00 POLY 139. Boosting the voltage of the
Financially supported by National dye-sensitized solar cell. C.P. Berlinguette
Science Foundation induced self-assembly in non-po- 8:00 POLY 153. Tunable superomniphobic
lar media. S.P. Armes 8:20 POLY 140. Towards photoactive surfaces for sorting droplets by surface
F. V. Bright, P. Edmiston, Organizers carbon nanomembranes: Facing tension. S. Movafaghi, W. Wang, A. Metzger,
11:10 POLY 128. Synthesis of acrylic
the challenges of bottom-up and D.D. Williams, J.D. Williams, A. Kota
M. Jeffries-El, T. E. Long, Presiding gradient copolymers using surfac-
tant-free emulsion RAFT polymer- top-down approaches. A. Winter, 8:30 POLY 154. Bioinspired, hierarchi-
1:00 Introductory Remarks. P. Endres, M. Küllmer, C. Neumann, A.
izations. D.A. Shipp, I. Alshehri cally structured materials: From water
1:05 POLY 115. Dielectric phenom- Winter, A. Turchanin, U.S. Schubert repellency to water harvesting. S. Yang
11:35 POLY 129. To achieve well-defined
ena in polymers and multilay- 8:40 POLY 141. Electron transfer across
and highly-living polystyrene over 9:00 POLY 155. Effect of surface texture
ered dielectric films. L. Zhu ultra-thin, insulating oxide films facil-
500 kg/mol with high polymerization in achieving large slip lengths on
1:40 POLY 116. Conductive and gas rates via a two-stage RAFT emul- itated by dendrimer-encapsulated Pt drag reducing robust super-hydro-
separation properties of imidaz- sion polymerization. K. Yan, Y. Luo nanoparticles. R.M. Crooks, N. Ostojic phobic surfaces (SHSs). W. Choi
olium-containing poly(ionic liquid) 9:00 POLY 142. Dynamic multi-com- 9:30 POLY 156. Visible light guided
network membranes prepared from ponent machinery: Nanorotors and
Section B manipulation of liquid wettability
thiol-Ene ‘click’ photopolymerization. nanosliders in action. M.J. Schmittel, on photoresponsive surfaces. G.
K.M. Miller, H.B. Fannin, A. Bratton Marriott Marquis Washington, DC P. Biswas, A. Goswami, I. Paul, S. Saha Kwon, D. Panchnathan, M. Gondal,
2:15 POLY 117. Facile synthesis of Marquis Ballroom Salon 8 G.H. McKinley, K.K. Varanasi
9:30 Intermission.
thiolene semicrystalline polymers
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased 10:00 POLY 143. Electropolymerized films 10:00 Intermission.
and their applications in ultra-sensi-
tive temperature sensors. K. Yang, Materials & Biocatalysis of redox-active ruthenium complexes
J.C. Grant, J.T. Reeder, W. Voit for near-infrared electrochromism
Chemical Catalytic Routes and resistive memory. Y. Zhong
2:50 Intermission. to Biobased Materials
10:30 POLY 144. Multi-photon absorption
3:05 POLY 118. Achieving novel Cosponsored by AGFD, CELL and PMSE in metal alkynyl-containing oligomers
relaxor ferroelectric behavior in a and dendrimers. M.G. Humphrey
H. Cheng, R. A. Gross, P. B. Smith, Organizers
nylon terpolymer. Z. Zhang, L. Zhu
T. M. Reineke, Presiding 11:00 POLY 145. Luminescent boron
3:40 POLY 119. Effect of interfacial polar- polymers for biomedical imaging. C.L.
ization on electric insulation properties 8:00 POLY 130. Building biomaterials Fraser, C.A. DeRosa, S. Seaman, C. Kerr,
The use of any device to capture
for multilayer polymer films. X. Chen from bio-based materials. K.E. Uhrich M. Daly, A.S. Mathew, M. Zhuang, F. Wang, images (e.g., cameras and camera
J.N. Demas, G.M. Palmer, M.W. Dewhirst,
4:15 POLY 120. Reduction of ionic 8:25 POLY 131. Robust renewable
S.M. Peirce, S. Hu, J. Kapur, R.R. Pompano
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
conduction loss in multilayer polymer polymers with complete thermal and
films for electric energy storage chemical recyclability. E.Y. Chen 11:20 POLY 146. Metal containing polymers
digital recorders) or to stream,
application. H. Huang, X. Chen, L. Zhu
8:50 POLY 132. Toward mechanically for anion conductivity. G.N. Tew upload or rebroadcast speakers or
4:50 Concluding Remarks. robust bioplastics by controlling mac- presentations is strictly prohibited
romolecular architectures. C. Tang
Polyphosphazenes in Biomedicine, at all official ACS meetings and
9:15 POLY 133. Synthesis of polymers
Engineering & Pioneering Synthesis from renewable delta-hexalactones events without express written
Sponsored by PMSE, Cosponsored by POLY with selectable pendent groups. A. consent from ACS.
Vithanage, T.J. Schwartz, W. Gramlich

10:10 POLY 157. Slippery surfaces 8:30 Introductory Remarks. MONDAY AFTERNOON 2:10 POLY 196. Diisocyanate-free
prevent adhesion of biological matter. polyurethane synthesis with bio-
8:35 POLY 169. Air Force Office
J. Aizenberg, S. Kolle, S. Sunny sourced polyhydroxyls. C.H. Komatsu,
of Scientific Research (AFOSR): Section A
S.L. Kristufek, K.T. Wacker, K.L. Wooley
10:40 POLY 158. Antifogging abili- Funding opportunities. K. Caster
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
ties of nanotextures. D. Quéré 2:30 POLY 197. Bioadvantaged nylon
9:05 POLY 170. Polymer research at the Air Marquis Ballroom Salon 6 from 1,3 hexenedioic acid produced
11:10 POLY 159. Bio-inspired atmo- Force Research Laboratory Materials and
via an integrated bio- and electro-
spheric water generation. K. Park Manufacturing Directorate. T.J. Bunning 8th Symposium on Controlled catayltic process. E.W. Cochran,
11:40 POLY 160. Wettability patterning for 9:35 POLY 171. Bioinspired synthetic Radical Polymerization J. Tessonnier, S. Abdolmohammadi,
efficient fluid handling in lab-on-chip and adhesives: Catechol sidechain effects Financially supported by Army Research J. Matthiesen, N. Hernandez
heat-transfer applications. C. Megaridis on Tg and polarity. M.A. Bartucci, N.T. Office, Anton Paar, Millipore-Sigma, Boron 2:55 Intermission.
Tran, D. Knorr, J. Lenhart, J.A. Orlicki Molecular, Tosoh Bioscience, Kaneka, PPG
Section F 3:05 POLY 198. New methodol-
10:05 Intermission.
H. Gao, K. Matyjaszewski, B. S. Sumerlin, N. V. ogy to prepare degradable func-
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC 10:25 POLY 172. Army Research Tsarevsky, Organizers tional polyesters from sustainable
Judiciary Square Office: Polymer chemistry for the next J. Nicolas, M. Zhong, Presiding 1,3-dioxolan-4-ones. M.P. Shaver
generation warfighter. D.E. Poree
1:00 POLY 183. New polymers 3:30 POLY 199. Sustainable epoxy resin
Biomacromolecules-Macromolecules 10:55 POLY 173. Investments in the thermosets offer distinct mechanical
and strategies for drug deliv-
Young Investigator Award chemical sciences at the Defense properties and cell proliferation responses
ery applications. J. Nicolas
Financially supported by ACS Publications Sciences Office of DARPA. A. Fischer modulated via carbohydrate structure. Q.
1:25 POLY 184. Tertiary structure-based Zhang, H. Phillips, A. Purchel, T.M. Reineke
A. Albertsson, T. P. Lodge, P. Majumder, prediction of how ATRP initiators
Section H 3:55 POLY 200. Levulinic acid: A valuable
Organizers, Presiding react with proteins. S. Carmali, K.
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Matyjaszewski, A.J. Russell platform chemical for fermentative
8:00 Introductory Remarks. syntheses. R. Ashby, D. Solaiman
Marquis Ballroom Salon 7 1:50 POLY 185. Biocatalytic precipitation
8:05 POLY 161. Synthesis of tapered 4:20 POLY 201. Exploring the scope of
ATRP as assay for malaria diagnostics.
bottlebrush polymers using sequential Young Industrial Polymer Science enzymatic ATRP: From controlled radical
N. Bruns, J. Pollard, O. Rifaie-Graham, S.
ring-opening metathesis polymer- Award in honor of Jamie Garcia polymerization of challenging monomers
Raccio, S. Balog, S.M. Rusch, H. Beck
ization. J.B. Matson, S. Radzinski to confined biocatalytic polymerizations in
Financially supported by IBM 2:15 POLY 186. CRP polymers that
8:35 POLY 162. Polymerization of nanoreactors and on surfaces. N. Bruns,
stabilize therapeutic proteins in vivo J. Pollard, B. Gajewska, S. Raccio, C. Fodor,
silyl ketenes: A combined com- T. W. Baughman, L. M. Campos, Organizers
and during storage. H.D. Maynard M. Dinu, K. Renggli, M. Divandari, E. Benetti
putational and experimental Q. Lin, Organizer, Presiding
approach. D. Lambrecht, E. Pentzer 2:40 POLY 187. Harnessing enzymatic
A. Nelson, Presiding processes to create well-defined Section C
9:05 POLY 163. Macromolecular self-as-
8:00 POLY 174. Organocatalytic polymers by RAFT. A. Danielson,
sembly from carbohydrates. G. Chen Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
strategies to functional materials: D. Bailey Van-Kuren, J. Bornstein, M.
9:35 POLY 164. Using crystallization Lucius, C. Williams, K. Makaroff, J. Marquis Ballroom Salon 9
mRNA delivery. R.M. Waymouth
driven assembly for the preparation Berberich, R.C. Page, D. Konkolewicz
of novel nanomaterials. R.K. OReilly 8:25 POLY 175. Nurturing the industry-ac- Metallo-Supramolecular &
ademia partnership: From 3D printing of 3:05 Intermission.
10:05 Intermission.
Metal Containing Polymers
polyimides to water-soluble ionomers. 3:20 POLY 188. Learning from peptides
10:20 POLY 165. Sequence-defined T.E. Long, M. Hegde, A. Pekkanen, C. how to solubilize problematic small Metallo-Supramolecular Materials
polymers: The need for multi-functionality Williams, C. Zawaski, V. Meenakshisundaram molecule drugs: Specifically interact- in Energy Applications
and absolute precision. F.E. Du Prez 8:50 POLY 176. Polymer electrolytes ing polymers via CRP. H. Boerner Cosponsored by PMSE‡
10:50 POLY 166. CROP and RAFT: A for lithium batteries. N.P. Balsara 3:45 POLY 189. Main-chain degrad- Financially supported by TCI (Tokyo
versatile mechanism combination 9:15 POLY 177. Phase behavior, able polymer nanoparticles as gene Chemical Industry), microdrop Technologies
with respect to thermo-respon- dynamics and properties of hybrid delivery vectors. Y. Gao, V. Böhmer, D. GmbH, SmartDyeLivery GmbH
sive polymers. U.S. Schubert nanoparticles. R. Krishnamoorti Zhou, T. Zhao, W. Wang, J.M. Paulusse
I. Manners, G. R. Newkome, U. S. Schubert,
11:20 POLY 167. Next generation 9:40 POLY 178. Designing poly- 4:10 POLY 190. New polymer based Organizers, Presiding
hemostatic materials based on NHS- mer-based electrolytes with high linkers for antibody drug conjugates
ester functionalized poly(2-oxazoline) (ADC) for oncology applications. J. 1:00 POLY 202. Cuttable electrochromic
lithium ion transference number and display sheets using metallo-supra-
s. J. van Hest, M. Boerman, E. Roozen, conductivity. B.D. McCloskey Chiefari, J. Scoble, C. Williams, F. Huang, T.
M. Sánchez-Fernández, B. Keereweer, R. Adams, L. Pontes-Braz, X. Xiao, A. Riches, molecular polymer. M. Higuchi
Felix Lanao, J. Bender, R. Hoogenboom, S. 10:05 Intermission. W. Kowalczyk, X. Hao, G. Moad, E. Rizzardo 1:30 POLY 203. Simple and modular:
Leeuwenburgh, J. Jansen, H. van Goor 10:15 POLY 179. Facile, new strat- Extending photo-driven charge separa-
4:35 POLY 191. Versatile types of
11:50 POLY 168. Smart synthetic materials egies for controlling the pattern- PGMA-based nucleic acid deliv- tion in tailored multidonor-photosensi-
inspired by nature. R. Hoogenboom ing of polymers. C.J. Hawker ery systems via ATRP. F. Xu tizer-multiacceptor polymer assemblies.
M. Jaeger, R. Schroot, T. Schlotthauer, S.
12:20 Concluding Remarks. 10:40 POLY 180. High performance 5:00 POLY 192. Biomimetic anchors Glover, L. Hammarstrom, U.S. Schubert
and antifouling coatings from spray for antifouling polymer brush coat-
layer-by-layer deposition. J. Hedrick ings. L. Xu, K. Neoh, E. Kang 1:50 POLY 204. Synthesis and
Section G self-assembly of a redox-active,
11:05 POLY 181. Controllable ROMP tac-
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC superatom-containing polymer. A.
ticity by harnessing the fluxionality of ste- Section B Voevodin, X. Roy, L. Campos
Marquis Salon 14 reogenic-at-Ru complexes. A.H. Hoveyda
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC 2:10 POLY 205. Ferrocene-containing
11:30 POLY 182. Waste plastics for new Marquis Ballroom Salon 8
Federally Funded Research BODIPY and aza-BODIPY supramo-
materials production: Design and revers-
lecular arrays for light-harvesting,
DOD ibility in polymer networks. J. Garcia
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased fluorescent markers, and molec-
T. Saito, Organizer Materials & Biocatalysis ular electronics. V. Nemykin
Sustainable Design of Polymers
K. Beers, D. E. Poree, Organizers, Presiding from Xylochemicals New Reaction Strategies & Materials 2:30 Intermission.

Strategic Design of Complex Cosponsored by AGFD, CELL and PMSE 3:00 POLY 206. Metal-ligand interactions: A
Polymers from the Combination versatile tool in polymer chemistry. U.S.
H. Cheng, R. A. Gross, P. B. Smith, Organizers Schubert, S. Bode, M.D. Hager, A. Winter
of Xylochemicals
K. E. Uhrich, Presiding 3:40 POLY 207. Mechanically unravelling
Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored
Technical program information by CARB, PMSE and POLY 1:00 POLY 193. Synthesis, properties, metallosupramolecular polymers. L.
known at press time. Polyphosphazenes in Biomedicine,
and degradation of practical sus- Neumann, S. Schrettl, S. Kozhuharov,
tainable elastomers. M.A. Hillmyer M. Radiom, P. Maroni, S. Balog, D.A.
The official technical program for Engineering & Pioneering Synthesis Urban, M. Borkovec, C. Weder
1:25 POLY 194. Synthesis of novel
the 254th ACS National Meeting Sponsored by PMSE, Cosponsored by POLY
polyamides by direct polymerization of 4:00 POLY 208. Homochiral emis-
sive [Ir8Pd4]16+ coordination
is available at www.acs.org/ levulinic acid. C. Becer, M. Hartweg
cages. E.A. Zysman-Colman
WDC2017 1:45 POLY 195. Isocyanate-free routes to
polyurethanes and poly(hydroxyl ure-
thane)s. H. Cramail, E. Grau, O. Lamarzelle

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


4:20 POLY 209. Harnessing photochemistry 4:35 POLY 223. Stealth polyethylene 3:20 POLY 239. Molecular design MONDAY EVENING
and photophysics for responsive metal- brushes. W. Farrell, L.J. Richter, K. Beers of stretchable and biodegradable
lo-supramolecular materials. A. Ostrowski semiconducting block copoly- Section A
4:55 POLY 224. Withdrawn.
mers. F. Sugiyama, D.J. Lipomi
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Section D Section F 3:40 POLY 240. Optimized synthesis and
understanding of tetrafluoroterephtha- Halls D/E
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC lonitrile linked β-cycldextrin polymers.
Mount Vernon Square Sci-Mix
Marquis Salon 12 M. Klemes, M. Chiapasco, A. Alsbaiee,
C. Li, Y. Ling, D.E. Helbling, W. Dichtel T. H. Epps, C. Lipscomb, T. J. White, Organizers
Polymer Mechanochemistry Macromolecules: The Next 50 Years 4:00 POLY 241. Chitosan-Cu(II)
Cosponsored by PMSE 8:00 - 10:00
Financially supported by ACS Publications complex for ammonia removal in
micro-polluted drinking water of the 378-381, 383-389, 391, 393-399, 402,
A. P. Goodwin, J. Moore, M. Silberstein,
T. P. Lodge, Organizer, Presiding Dahuofang Reservoir in winter season 406, 413-415, 426, 428-429, 433,
of China. Y. Gao, L. Zhou, M. Sun 437, 439-440, 442, 445-446, 449-450,
1:30 POLY 225. 50 Years of mac-
A. J. Boydston, Organizer, Presiding 452, 454, 462-463, 468-469, 471,
romolecules: Block polymers 4:20 POLY 242. One-step synthesis
475, 479, 485, 491, 493, 495-496,
1:30 POLY 210. Enhancing our understand- – pure potential. F.S. Bates of cross-linked ionic polymer thin 498. See subsequent listings.
ing of mechanochromism using the naph- films in vapor phase and its appli-
2:00 POLY 226. Conjugated conducting
thopyran mechanophore. A.J. Halmes cation to an oil/water separation
and semiconducting polymers: Beyond
2:00 POLY 211. Towards mechanochromic optoelectronic applications. Y. Loo membrane. M. Kwak, M. Joo, J. Shin,
materials based on non-covalent inter- J. Kim, J. You, Y. Yoo, M. Oh, S. Im TUESDAY MORNING
2:30 POLY 227. Just two words:
actions. C. Calvino, S. Schrettl, C. Weder 4:40 POLY 243. Withdrawn.
Sustainable polymers. M.A. Hillmyer Section A
2:30 POLY 212. Toward the design of
3:00 POLY 228. Shape-changing photo- Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
mechanochemically active molecules and
degradable hydrogels as dynamic 3D Section H
new methods of activation. M.J. Robb Marquis Ballroom Salon 7
cell culture environments. A.M. Kasko Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
3:00 Intermission. Marquis Ballroom Salon 7
3:30 POLY 229. Sequence defined 8th Symposium on Controlled
3:20 POLY 213. Mechanochemistry: A polymers. C.J. Hawker Radical Polymerization
make-or-break deal? Y.C. Simon Plastic Packaging Science: Reducing
4:00 POLY 230. Future fabricated Financially supported by Army Research
3:50 POLY 214. Understanding the with light: Continuous liquid inter- Food Waste to Improving Recyclability Office, Anton Paar, Millipore-Sigma, Boron
mechanochemistry of molecular face production to drive additive M. O. Hunt, Organizer, Presiding Molecular, Tosoh Bioscience, Kaneka, PPG
ladders. Z. Chen, L. Chen, J. Mercer, X. manufacturing. J.M. DeSimone
Zhu, T.J. Martinez, N.Z. Burns, Y. Xia 1:00 POLY 244. Overview of plas- H. Gao, K. Matyjaszewski, B. S. Sumerlin, N. V.
4:30 POLY 231. Macromolecules: tics packaging. S.E. Selke Tsarevsky, Organizers
4:20 POLY 215. Mechanochemical gener- From five years before its birth to its
ation of semiconducting polyacetylene 1:25 POLY 245. Environmental C. Tang, P. Theato, Presiding
25th anniversary. A.J. Lovinger
from insulating poly(ladderene). Y. Xia policy to reduce food loss and
8:00 POLY 253. Sustainable poly-
waste: Measurement, leadership
Section G mers by controlled polymerization
and best practices. L. Suarez
Section E of biobased monomers. C. Tang
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC 1:50 POLY 246. More for less: The connec-
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC 8:25 POLY 254. Functional poly-
Marquis Salon 14 tion between food waste and packaging.
Marquis Salon 15 mers by CRP. R.K. OReilly
D. Visioli, K. Hausmann, S. Perreard
General Topics: New Synthesis & 8:50 POLY 255. Well-defined polyvinyl-
2:15 POLY 247. Withdrawn.
Advances in Wettability & Adhesion Characterization of Polymers amine-based copolymers: Synthesis by
2:40 POLY 248. Withdrawn. organometallic-mediated radical polym-
From Fundamentals to Applications B. Barkakaty, D. Garcia, Organizers erization and use in gene transfection.
3:05 Intermission.
Financially supported by Polymer International J. Budhathoki-Uprety, A. L. Fogel, Presiding A. Debuigne, M. Dréan, C. Detrembleur, C.
3:15 POLY 249. Improving recyclability Jérôme, P. Midoux, P. Guégan, J. Rieger
S. T. Iacono, A. Kota, Organizers 1:00 POLY 232. Molecular hydrody- of plastic packaging. C. MacKerron
namic analysis of pharmaceutical 9:15 POLY 256. Polymersome nanore-
W. Choi, Presiding 3:40 POLY 250. Maximizing lifecy-
PEG created by varying initiation actors by controlled polymerization
1:15 POLY 216. Engineering the wettability sites. U.S. Schubert, I. Nischang cle benefits of plastic packaging: methods. J. van Hest, M. van Oers, Z.
of surfaces with thiol-ene photopo- Saving food, enabling a circular Wang, D. Williams, L. Abdelmohsen
1:20 POLY 233. Polymer self-assemblies economy, & more. J. Wooster
lymerization. L. Xiong, D.L. Patton 9:40 POLY 257. Controlled free radical
driven by triple-helix formation. J.M.
1:45 POLY 217. Influence of fugacity Ren, A. Knight, B. van Ravensteijn, R. Bou 4:05 POLY 251. Light weight and highly polymerization for the preparation
on wetting and adhesion charac- Zerdan, D. Lunn, A. Abdilla, J. Lawrence, S. recyclable: Polyethylene film. N. Butler of functional polymer zwitterions.
teristics of fluorosilicate-containing Li, D. Kim, S. Lee, G.G. Qiao, C.J. Hawker 4:30 POLY 252. DuPont EveractTM: T. Emrick, C.F. Santa, M. Skinner
surfaces. A.J. Guenthner, T.S. Haddad, Development of renewable and 10:05 Intermission.
1:40 POLY 234. Nanoparticle opioid
J. Reams, M.D. Ford, J.R. Alston, S. high barrier FDCA-based polyesters
delivery system that covalently 10:20 POLY 258. RAFT-polymerization
Inceoglu, J.R. Lince, J.M. Mabry for beverage, food, and industrial
incorporates novel fentanyl derivatives for the design of self-healing block
2:15 POLY 218. Super-hydrophilicity and for extended controlled release. M. packaging markets. A.J. Duncan
polymers. U.S. Schubert, M. Enke,
antifouling behavior of zwitter ionic Kovaliov, D. Cohen-Karni, S. Averick S. Bode, M.D. Hager, F.H. Schacher
polymer brushes. A. Takahara, Y. Higaki Eminent Scientist Lecture
2:00 POLY 235. Multi-functional 10:45 POLY 259. Smart CO2-responsive
2:45 POLY 219. Role of particle Sponsored by SOCED, Cosponsored
nanocarrier of docetaxel and miR- block copolymers. S. Lin, P. Theato
structure in superhydrophobic- by CATL and POLY
NA-34a modulator for treating prostate
ity of treated-diatomaceous earth cancer. F. Lin, D. Wen, R. Mahato Materials that Impact our Daily
coatings. F.D. Blum, B.R. Sedai Lives & the Global Economy:
2:20 POLY 236. Helical polycarbo-
3:15 Intermission. diimides for biomedical applications. Bring Practical Applications into
3:25 POLY 220. Polymer coated nanopar- J. Budhathoki-Uprety, N. Sobol, E. the Chemistry Classroom
ticles dispersed in kerosene: The effect Price, K. Edwards, R.E. Langenbacher, Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by
of oleophobicity on droplet combus- P.V. Jena, J.S. Lewis, D.A. Heller CHED, PMSE, POLY and RUBB The use of any device to capture
tion. M. Bello, D. Smith, M.L. Pantoya 2:40 POLY 237. HDACi conjugated
Undergraduate Research Posters images (e.g., cameras and camera
3:55 POLY 221. Utilization of perfluoro- poly(ε-caprolactone) for the delivery of
cyclopentene to synthesize fluorinated doxorubicin. R. Kularatne, K.E. Washington, Polymer Chemistry phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
organically modified silicas with tunable C. Bulumulla, M.C. Biewer, M.C. Stefan Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored digital recorders) or to stream,
surface energy. A.R. Jennings, E. by PMSE, POLY and SOCED
Lochmaier, C. Thrasher, A. Wilkins, S.T. Iacono
3:00 POLY 238. Macrolactone-derived upload or rebroadcast speakers or
polyesters: Alternative materials
4:15 POLY 222. Facile, fast, and scalable in electrospun fibres for biomed- presentations is strictly prohibited
fabrication of slippery liquid-infused ical application. F.C. Oliveira, D. at all official ACS meetings and
porous surfaces using layer-by- Olvera, D. Kelly, S. Kimmins, A. Heise
layer assembly enabled by in-situ
events without express written
proton transfer. G. Zhu, N. Zacharia consent from ACS.

11:10 POLY 260. Aqueous RAFT at pH 8:00 POLY 270. Functional metal-based F. Jaekle, Organizer Section G
zero: Enabling controlled polymer- nanomaterials from molecular and K. J. Noonan, A. Pietrangelo, Organizers,
ization of unprotected acyl hydra- polymeric precursors. W. Wong Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
zide methacrylamides. E.A. Hoff, B. Marquis Salon 14
8:40 POLY 271. Photophysical properties
Abel, C.L. McCormick, D.L. Patton 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
of metallo-conjugated polymer-carbon
8:35 POLY 284. Synthesis of poly- General Topics: New Synthesis &
11:35 POLY 261. Reversible deactiva- nanotube hybrid materials. L. Du, W.
tion radical polymerization (RDRP) of Xiong, H. Shi, K. Lo, D. Phillips, W. Chan cyclic aromatic molecules and Characterization of Polymers
monomers bearing reactive functional polymers. T.M. Swager, C. Voll, S. B. Barkakaty, D. Garcia, Organizers
9:00 POLY 272. Monometallic, dimetal-
groups: Possibilities and limita- Luppino, C. Dengiz, J. Engelhart
lic and cluster endohedral fullerenes: J. P. Edwards, S. Percec, Presiding
tions. N.V. Tsarevsky, D.C. McLeod, Z. 9:05 POLY 285. 5,5-disubstituted cyclopen-
New bonding motifs and unexpected
Wang, Y. Borguet, S.R. Woodruff tadiene-based conjugated macromole- 8:00 POLY 299. Polycyclobutane (PCB)
properties. L. Echegoyen, W. Cai, J.
cules: Design, synthesis, and application. synthesized via photoreaction. Q.R. Chu
Murillo, D. Najera, N. Chen, C. Chen
Section B A. Pietrangelo, L. Chen, M. Rahman, X. Zhao 8:20 POLY 300. Effect of confined
9:20 POLY 273. [Fe-Fe] hydroge-
9:30 POLY 286. Polymers inspired by nanostructure on oxidative coupling
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC nase mimetic metallopolymers from
crystalline silicon. R.S. Klausen polymerization of 3-hexylthiophene
Marquis Ballroom Salon 8 ATRP with long-lived electrocatalytic
in the presence of FeCl3 parti-
activity. W. Brezinski, M. Karayilan, D.L. 9:55 POLY 287. Non-benzenoid aro- cles. T. Hirai, Y. Nagae, M. Mukai, K.
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased Lichtenberger, R.S. Glass, J. Pyun matics as subunits of pi-conjugated Kamitani, M. Nishibori, A. Takahara
Materials & Biocatalysis 9:50 Intermission. electronic materials. J.D. Tovar
8:40 POLY 301. Photoredox
Green Biocatalytic Transformations 10:20 POLY 274. Chemiresistors based 10:20 Intermission. ring-opening polymerization of
Cosponsored by AGFD, CELL and PMSE upon metal functionalized carbon 10:40 POLY 288. Alternative facts O-carboxyanhydride. R. Tong, Q. Feng
nanotubes and polymers. T.M. Swager, about thiophene rust. L. Campos 9:00 POLY 302. Lower hydrophobicity
H. Cheng, P. B. Smith, Organizers S. Ishihara, R. Zhu, B. Yoon, M. Desroches
11:05 POLY 289. Programmed twisting maximizes bactericidal activity and
R. A. Gross, Organizer, Presiding 10:40 POLY 275. Controlled supramo- minimizes toxicity of peptidomimetic
of conjugated materials with aro-
lecular polymerization of platinum matic interactions. S.W. Thomas polyurethanes. S. Mankoci, C. Peng,
8:00 POLY 262. Biomaterial diver-
acetylide complexes. F. Wang E. Chamsaz, H.A. Barton, A. Joy
sity: The PHAome. G. Chen 11:30 POLY 290. Singlet fission
11:10 POLY 276. Red-light-responsive in pendent acene polymers. L. 9:20 POLY 303. Computational study
8:25 POLY 263. Synthetic biology for
Ru-containing polymers for deep-tis- Yablon, S. Sanders, E. Kumarasamy, of photo- and redox-switchable
the lactate-based polymers and
sue phototherapy. S. Wu M. Sfeir, X. Zhu, H. Li, L. Campos ring-opening metathesis polymerization
oligomers: Intracellular and secre-
tory production. S. Taguchi 11:30 POLY 277. Synthetic methodol- (ROMP). H. Shao, D.N. Lastovickova,
ogies toward cationic metallocene A. Teator, G. Lu, P. Liu, C. Bielawski
8:50 POLY 264. Engineering of Section F
derivatives and polymers. C. Tang 9:40 POLY 304. Withdrawn.
robust microbial cell factories for Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
monomer production. L.R. Jarboe 10:00 POLY 305. Novel fluorinated
Judiciary Square
Section D 2-alkyl-2-oxazolines: Three-fold
9:10 POLY 265. Polymeric peptide
pigments with sequence-en- Marriott Marquis Washington, DC increasing of reactivity in polym-
DSM Science & Technology Award erization reaction. L. Kaberov, B.
coded properties. R. Ulijn Mount Vernon Square Financially supported by DSM Verbraeken, A. Riabtseva, J. Brus, P.
9:35 Intermission. Stepanek, R. Hoogenboom, S. Filippov
Polymers at the Interface with Biology T. J. White, Organizer
9:45 POLY 266. CAL-B catalyzed regiose- 10:20 POLY 306. Dihydropyridazine and
lective bulk polymerization of L-aspartic Financially supported by Biomacromolecules L. Pitet, Organizer, Presiding
pyridazine polymers through click
acid diethyl ester to a-linked polypep- (ACS Publications)
8:00 Introductory Remarks. modification of polybutadienes with
tides. F. Totsingan, R. Centore, R.A. Gross T. J. Deming, H. A. Klok, Organizers, Presiding tetrazines. D.A. Loy, R.E. Bagge
8:10 POLY 291. Exploring multication
10:05 POLY 267. Chemoenzymatic side chain anion exchange membranes 10:40 POLY 307. Withdrawn.
8:30 POLY 278. Degradable poly-
polymerization of unnatural amino with varied backbones. L. Zhu
mers and nanogels for protein 11:00 POLY 308. Synthesis of
acids. K. Tsuchiya, K. Numata
stabilization. H.D. Maynard 8:35 POLY 292. Chemical stability and regio- and stereoregular polymers
10:25 POLY 268. Esterase-catalysed ion transport in polymerized ionic liquid via living ring-opening metathesis
9:00 POLY 279. Bio-derived poly-
methotrexate conjugates. J. anion exchange membranes. K. Meek, polymerization of biorenewable mono-
mers and copolymers with unique or
Noro, C. Silva, A. Cavac-Paulo J. Nykaza, R. Sun, C.L. Willis, Y.A. Elabd mers accessed via Diels-Alder
advanced properties. E.Y. Chen
10:45 POLY 269. Enzymatic routes chemistry. M. Naguib, D. Keddie
9:30 POLY 280. Development of a new 9:00 POLY 293. Redox-active covalent
to advanced silicon-based organic frameworks for pseudo- 11:20 POLY 309. Organocatalyzed synthe-
class of macromolecular prodrugs:
materials. S.J. Clarson capacitive electrochemical energy sis of polythioethers. N. Park, J. Hedrick
Design, synthesis, scaling, and
pre-clinical studies of brush-arm star storage. C.R. Mulzer, W. Dichtel 11:40 POLY 310. Radical (Co)polymeriza-
Section C polymer nanostructures prepared 9:25 POLY 294. Polymer blend tion of cyclic ketene acetals. A. Tardy,
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC via ruthenium-initiated ring opening electrolytes. N.A. Lynd M. Maresca, D. Letourneur, D. Gigmes,
metathesis polymerization. J.A. Johnson C. Lefay, J. Nicolas, Y. Guillaneuf
Marquis Ballroom Salon 9 9:55 POLY 295. Unraveling the mecha-
10:00 Intermission. nisms of low creep UHMwPE fibers.
Metallo-Supramolecular & 10:15 POLY 281. Well-defined stimulus-re- G. De Cremer, J. Severn, R. Berthoud, A. Section H
Metal Containing Polymers sponsive polypeptide based assemblies. Philippaerts, T. Engels, P. Roozemond Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
J. van Hest, L. Schoonen, J. Pille, M. van Eldijk 10:25 Intermission. Shaw
Metal-Containing Polymers
Cosponsored by PMSE‡ 10:45 POLY 282. Dengue virus-mimick- 10:40 POLY 296. High performance
ing pH-responsive framboidal block lithium metal anode with a soft Journey to Mars: Materials,
Financially supported by TCI (Tokyo copolymer vesicles. S.P. Armes Energy & Life Sciences
and flowable polymer coating. J.
Chemical Industry), microdrop Technologies
11:15 POLY 283. Unlocking intracellular Lopez, A. Pei, Y. Cui, Z. Bao Cosponsored by ANYL‡, BMGT‡,
GmbH, SmartDyeLivery GmbH
therapeutic targets through novel nano- 11:05 POLY 297. Ion transport in homo- COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, PMSE‡,
I. Manners, G. R. Newkome, U. S. Schubert, structured biomaterials. M.O. Sullivan geneous and nanostructured polymer PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡
Organizers, Presiding electrolytes. K. Timachova, N.P. Balsara C. J. Brumlik, G. L. Rodriguez, Organizers
Section E 11:30 POLY 298. Ionic liquid block M. A. Meador, Organizer, Presiding
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC polymer membranes: High
strength and high conductivity. T.P. 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
Technical program information Marquis Salon 15
Lodge, S. Chopade, M. Hillmyer 8:40 POLY 311. Development of carbon
known at press time. Non-Conventional Building Blocks nanotube composites for aero-
The official technical program for in Conjugated Materials: Innovative space applications. E.J. Siochi
Designs & New Applications 9:10 POLY 312. Role of computational
the 254th ACS National Meeting materials research in the develop-
is available at www.acs.org/ Aromatic, Antiaromatic &
ment of light-weight, high-strength
Non-Aromatic Systems
WDC2017 carbon nanotube composites for
Cosponsored by INOR and PMSE‡ space exploration. K. Wise
Financially supported by Army Research Office,
Strem, TA Instruments, Rutgers PolyRUN

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


9:40 POLY 313. What yields high-perfor- 5:00 POLY 326. Multidentate block 2:00 POLY 337. Shape-memory 2:00 POLY 351. Tailoring of elec-
mance CNT materials? M. Pasquali copolymer strategy to fabricate aqueous polymers based on orthogonally tronic properties via intramolecular
colloids of iron oxide nanoparticles bound interpenetrated supramolec- N→B-coordination in conjugated
10:10 Intermission.
for magnetic resonance imaging ular networks. J. Sautaux, S. Balog, π-systems. F.D. Pammer
10:30 POLY 314. Multi-responsive and contrast enhancement. J.K. Oh L. Montero de Espinosa, C. Weder
2:25 POLY 352. Unique solid-state
multi-use polymeric materials. S.J. Rowan
2:20 POLY 338. Supramolecular block luminescent properties of flexible
11:00 POLY 315. Towards higher-per- Section B copolymer networks with metal-metal “element-blocks” with group 13
formance materials for 3D printing complexation. E. Dormidontova elements. K. Tanaka, Y. Chujo
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
with SLA: Accessing 3D structures of
Marquis Ballroom Salon 8 2:40 POLY 339. Dynamic molecular 2:50 POLY 353. Innovative organob-
highly aromatic, engineering polyim-
switching of helical metal complexes by a oron building blocks for conjugated
ides. M. Hegde, V. Meenakshisundaram,
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased combination of external stimuli. H. Miyake materials. F. Jaekle, X. Yin, K. Liu
C. Arrington, N. Chartrain, S. Sekhar,
D. Tafti, C. Williams, T.E. Long Materials & Biocatalysis 3:10 Intermission. 3:15 Intermission.
11:30 POLY 316. Novel polyimide battery Polysaccharide-Based Materials 3:40 POLY 340. Dynamics of metal-li- 3:35 POLY 354. Anodic halogenation
separator imbibed with room-temperature Cosponsored by AGFD, CELL and PMSE gand interactions: How to design of thiophene and selenophene rings
ionic liquids. R. Viggiano, M. Meador self-healing metallopolymers. S. Bode, in conjugated polymers. S. Inagi,
H. Cheng, R. A. Gross, P. B. Smith, Organizers M. Enke, M.D. Hager, U.S. Schubert N. Shida, H. Nishiyama, I. Tomita
GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders C. Weder, Presiding 4:00 POLY 341. Creation of π-con- 4:00 POLY 355. Benzoxaphospholes
of Giants: Developing Chemistries jugated polymers having unique and related materials as lumines-
for Improved Global Health 1:00 POLY 327. Polymer nanocomposites
elements-blocks via organotitanium cent materials. J.D. Protasiewicz
with cellulose nanocrystals. C. Weder
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by ANYL, polymers. H. Nishiyama, F. Zheng,
4:25 POLY 356. π-Conjugated materals fea-
BMGT, CELL, COLL, POLY and PRES 1:25 POLY 328. Cellulose nanocrys- Y. Matsumura, S. Inagi, I. Tomita
turing chemically functional phosphorus
tals towards high-performance
4:20 POLY 342. From structure to function: moieties: Synthesis, characterization and
polymeric materials. J. Raquez, R.A.
Exploring applications for metal-con- potential sensor applications. D.P. Gates
Gross, S. Spinella, F. Khelifa, P. Dubois
TUESDAY AFTERNOON taining polymer and related systems.
1:50 POLY 329. Sustainable barrier R. Ahmed, A. Priimagi, P. Wolanin, X. Li, Section F
materials based on polysaccha- L. MacFarlane, I. Manners, C.F. Faul
Section A Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
rides in polyelectrolyte complex-
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC ation. J.M. Catchmark, S. Basu Judiciary Square
Section D
Marquis Ballroom Salon 7 2:15 POLY 330. Greener surface-active
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Mark Scholars Award in honor
polymers from naturally occurring
8th Symposium on Controlled polysaccharides: Synthesis, characteri- Mount Vernon Square of Christopher Bowman
Radical Polymerization zation, cytotoxicity and biodegradability. C. J. Kloxin, N. Peppas, Organizers, Presiding
Financially supported by Army Research R.S. Sharma, Z. Mohd Aris, M. Pelletier, Polymers at the Interface with Biology
Office, Anton Paar, Millipore-Sigma, Boron A. Barbeau, P. Gaines, R. Nagarajan Financially supported by Biomacromolecules 1:00 POLY 357. Understanding spatial
Molecular, Tosoh Bioscience, Kaneka, PPG (ACS Publications) and temporal concentration profiles
2:35 POLY 331. Expanding the arsenal of
in polymerization reactions initiated
H. Gao, K. Matyjaszewski, B. S. Sumerlin, N. V.
sustainable polysaccharide derivatives T. J. Deming, H. A. Klok, Organizers, Presiding in air-saturated aqueous solutions by
Tsarevsky, Organizers
via click (thiol-Michael) and click-like
1:00 POLY 343. Adaptable hydrogels with
eosin and tertiary amines. H.D. Sikes
(olefin cross-metathesis) reactions. Y.
F. E. Du Prez, G. Haifeng, Presiding Dong, X. Meng, B.L. Nichols, K.J. Edgar secondary reinforcement for regenera- 1:25 POLY 358. Polyelectrolytes in
tive medicine. S.C. Heilshorn, H. Wang multivalent ionic media: New physics
1:00 POLY 317. One-step nitroxide-me- 3:00 Intermission.
and new materials. M.V. Tirrell
diated polymerization for recyclable, 1:30 POLY 344. Segmental bone defect
3:15 POLY 332. High performance
reproccessable crosslinked polymer regeneration using polymers: Doing what 1:55 POLY 359. Information-directed
biomass-based plastics synthesized
and polymer composite networks with many said could not be done. M. Becker assembly of dynamic covalent molecular
from various natural and unnat-
full property recovery and design of ladders. T.F. Scott, T. Wei, J.C. Furgal
ural polysaccharide. T. Iwata 2:00 POLY 345. Tailoring polymer
unusually uniform polymer net-
structure for immunity. L.L. Kiessling 2:20 POLY 360. Pixelated polymers:
works. J.M. Torkelson, K. Jin, L. Li 3:40 POLY 333. Biosynthesis of ultra
2:30 Intermission.
Directing the self-assembly of liquid crys-
thin nano fibrous bacterial cellulose
1:25 POLY 318. Advanced mac- talline networks. T.J. White, A. Auguste, B.
(BC) film for new applications. F. Liu, 2:45 POLY 346. Polyelectrolyte
romolecular architectures from Donovan, N.P. Godman, T. Guin, B. Kowalski
M.H. Ibrahim, A. Maiorana, M. McMaster, complex mimics of membraneless
RAFT polymerization. S. Perrier
L. Li, S. Mekala, K. Peters, C. Kee, K.D. 2:50 Intermission.
organelles. M.V. Tirrell, A. Marciel
1:50 POLY 319. Use of biphasic Singer, N. Koratkar, R.A. Gross 3:00 POLY 361. Photo-induced
microemulsion on regulating poly- 3:15 POLY 347. Polymer-lipid amphi-
4:00 POLY 334. Production of bacte- pinocytosis in synthetic vesicles. D.
mer-polymer reactions in CRP. H. Gao philes as carriers for vaccine antigens
rial nanocellulose from waste fiber Konetski, D. Zhang, C. Bowman
and immunomodulators. D.J. Irvine
2:15 POLY 320. Influence of molec- sludge and its use in papermaking. 3:25 POLY 362. A new photoresist
ular weight distribution shape on G. Chen, G. Wu, F. Hong, L. Jonsson 3:45 POLY 348. Self-assembly of
based on an “unzipping” polyes-
polymer properties. B.P. Fors heterogeneous polymers and bio-
4:20 POLY 335. Synthesis and charac- ter. C.G. Willson, A. Lane, W. Joo, D.
molecules. M. Olvera De La Cruz
2:40 POLY 321. Manipulating poly- terization of CO2 responsive cellulose Liu, K. Matsuzawa, W. Wang, B. Cassidy,
mers’ functionality and topol- nanocrystals via RAFT-mediated graft 4:15 POLY 349. Self-assembled S.T. Phillips, A. Dick, R.A. Mesch
ogy thanks to thiol chemistry. C. modification. J. Arredondo, P. Jessop, protein nanocomplexes for intra-
3:55 POLY 363. Clicking together modular
Teulère, M. Le Neindre, R. Nicolay P. Champagne, M.F. Cunningham cellular antibody delivery. S. Lim, C.
Lukianov, A. Dhankher, J. Champion
peptide assemblies. C.J. Kloxin
3:05 Intermission.
3:20 POLY 322. Sequence control of mac-
Section C
Section E
romers via iterative sequential and expo- Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
nential growth. M.J. Monteiro, F. Amir, Z. Jia Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Marquis Ballroom Salon 9
Marquis Salon 15
3:45 POLY 323. From double endgroup
modification to precision macro- Metallo-Supramolecular &
molecular line-ups. F.E. Du Prez Metal Containing Polymers Non-Conventional Building Blocks
in Conjugated Materials: Innovative The use of any device to capture
4:10 POLY 324. Ultra-small polymer Metal-Containing Polymers
nanostructures from random/sta-
Designs & New Applications images (e.g., cameras and camera
Cosponsored by PMSE‡
tistic copolymers by controlled Heteroatom Systems phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
radical polymerizations. G. Sun, L. Financially supported by TCI (Tokyo
Su, H. Luehmann, K. Seetho, S. Cho, Chemical Industry), microdrop Technologies
Cosponsored by INOR and PMSE‡
digital recorders) or to stream,
X. He, R. Li, Y. Liu, K.L. Wooley GmbH, SmartDyeLivery GmbH Financially supported by Army Research Office,
Strem, TA Instruments, Rutgers PolyRUN
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
4:35 POLY 325. Sequence-controlled poly- I. Manners, G. R. Newkome, U. S. Schubert, presentations is strictly prohibited
mers by using a latent monomer-based Organizers, Presiding F. Jaekle, K. J. Noonan, A. Pietrangelo,
strategy. Y. Ji, L. Zhang, Z. Zhang, X. Zhu Organizers at all official ACS meetings and
1:30 POLY 336. New functional
materials by modification of poly- R. S. Klausen, G. Sauve, Presiding events without express written
olefins with boron. F. Jaekle 1:30 POLY 350. Nonconventional lumino- consent from ACS.
gens with AIE characteristics. B. Tang

4:20 POLY 364. Power of light in 4:40 POLY 376. Combined effect of side POLY 386. Synthesis and design of smart POLY 404. Bio-based functional styrene
polymer chemistry: Smart, functional chain flexibility and hydrogen-bonding protein-polymer biohybrids via ATRP monomers derived from naturally
polymer materials formed by and originated supramolecular crosslink- in water. A.E. Enciso, S. Carmali, A. occurring ferulic acid for poly(vinyl-
interacting with light. C. Bowman ing on polyester properties. Q. Liu, C. Simakova, A.J. Russell, K. Matyjaszewski catechol) and poly(vinylguaiacol) via
Wang, Y. Guo, C. Peng, S. Kaur, A. Joy
POLY 387. Ab-initio emulsion ATRP via controlled radical polymerization. H.
Section G Takeshima, K. Satoh, M. Kamigaito
ion-pair and interfacial catalysis. M.
Section H Fantin, F. Lorandi, Y. Wang, P. Chmielarz, A. POLY 405.Metal-free cooperative
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Gennaro, A. Ahmed Isse, K. Matyjaszewski hydrogenation of RAFT chain end
Marquis Salon 14
POLY 388. Synthesis and characterization using hydrosilane and thiol. M.
Shaw Uchiyama, K. Satoh, H. Ida, M. Kamigaito
General Topics: New Synthesis & of –NMe2 substituted pyridine based
Journey to Mars: Materials, ligand for ATRP catalysts. T. Ribelli, M. POLY 406. One pot synthesis of struc-
Characterization of Polymers
Energy & Life Sciences Fantin, P. Krys, R. Poli, K. Matyjaszewski turally controlled hyper-branched
B. Barkakaty, D. Garcia, Organizers polymers by using a stimuli-respon-
Cosponsored by ANYL‡, BMGT‡, POLY 389. Phototunable structurally tailored
P. Das, A. L. Liberman-Martin, Presiding and engineered macromolecular (STEM) sive monomer. Y. Lu, S. Yamago
1:00 POLY 365. Cytosine and urei- PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ gels. J.L. Cuthbert, K. Matyjaszewski POLY 407. Synthesis and morphology
do-cytosine acrylic triblock copoly- POLY 390. Nanoporous carbon nano- control of Ni(II)-NTA-end-functionalized
M. A. Meador, G. L. Rodriguez, Organizers block copolymer. C. Lee, D. Park, M.
mers: Mechanical and morphological spheres templated from polyacrylonitrile
study on ABA triblock copolymers. C. J. Brumlik, Organizer, Presiding Chae, M. Kadir, J. Choi, J. Song, H. Paik
particle brushes by surface-initiated atom
X. Chen, R.B. Moore, T.E. Long
1:00 POLY 377. Technology advances transfer radical polymerization (SI-ATRP). POLY 408. Functionalization of reduced
1:20 POLY 366. Mixed [2 : 6] hetero-arm for the journey to Mars: An indus- J. Zhang, R. Yuan, J. Lee, Z. Wang, J. Yan, graphene oxide using thiol-ene
star polymers based on Janus POSS try perspective. C. Brumlik D. Luo, M.R. Bockstaller, K. Matyjaszewski reaction of RAFT polymerized
with precisely defined arm distribution. Y. POLY 391. Visible light-induced atom polymer. M. Kwon, T. Lee, H. Paik
Shao, S. Han, J. Xu, S. Yang, J. He, W. Zhang GSSPC: Standing on the Shoulders transfer radical polymerization. S. POLY 409. Facile route to synthesis
1:40 POLY 367. Preparation and of Giants: Developing Chemistries Dadashi Silab, X. Pan, K. Matyjaszewski of bicyclic polystyrene using ATRP
cross-linking of all-acrylamide diblock for Improved Global Health POLY 392. RAFT polymerization and click chemistry by one-pot. J.
copolymer nano-objects via polym- Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by ANYL, Ye, T. Lee, H. Choi, J. Jeong, H. Paik
initiated by electrochemical reduc-
erization-induced self-assembly in BMGT, CELL, COLL, POLY and PRES tion of diazonium salt. Y. Wang, M. POLY 410. Cobalt complexes supported by
aqueous solution. S. Byard, M. Williams, Fantin, S. Park, K. Matyjaszewski soft-hard mixed donor chelating ligands
B.E. McKenzie, A. Blanazs, S.P. Armes as mediators in radical polymerization.
POLY 393. AutoATRP: Automated
C. Fliedel, Y.K. Redjel, J. Daran, R. Poli
2:00 POLY 368. Synthesis and self-as- TUESDAY EVENING synthesis of DNA-polymer hybrids.
sembly of brush block polymers with S. Lathwal, X. Pan, S. Mack, J. Yan, POLY 411.Polymerization of less active
low Tg side chains. A.L. Liberman- Section A S.R. Das, K. Matyjaszewski monomers mediated by pentadentate
Martin, C. Chu, R.H. Grubbs (O,S,N,S,O) cobalt complexes. L.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center POLY 394.Carbon coated ZnO
2:20 POLY 369. Synthesis and self-assem- Thevenin, C. Fliedel, R. Poli, J. Daran
nanoparticles from polymer capped
bly of graft polymers with variable graft- Hall E
ZnO nanocrystals. Z. Wang, S. Liu, Y. POLY 412. Metal migration and interface
ing density. T. Lin, A. Chang, R.H. Grubbs Zhao, J. Yan, C. Mahoney, R. Ferebee, structuring in catalytic nanoreactor. F.
8th Symposium on Controlled M.R. Bockstaller, K. Matyjaszewski Gayet, A. Joumaa, S. Chen, E. Manoury,
2:40 POLY 370. Synthesis and characteri-
Radical Polymerization M. Lansalot, F. D’Agosto, R. Poli
zation of phospha-carborane containing POLY 395. Computational studies of
ROMP based polymers. G. Kahraman, Financially supported by Army Research copper-catalyzed and photoinduced POLY 413.Alkyl and fluoroalkyl man-
T. Eren, E. Hey-Hawkins, M. Gallei Office, Millipore-Sigma, Anton, Paar, Boron metal-free atom transfer radical polym- ganese pentacarbonyl complexes as
Molecular, Tosoh Bioscience, Kaneka, PPG
3:00 POLY 371. Synthesis of sugar-based
erization. C. Fang, X. Pan, M. Fantin, models of OMRP dormant species. R.
H. Gao, K. Matyjaszewski, B. S. Sumerlin, N. V. A. Gennaro, K. Matyjaszewski, P. Liu Morales Cerrada, J. Daran, F. Gayet, C.
poly(D-glucose carbonate) bottle-
brushes towards tunable nano-mor- Tsarevsky, Organizers Fliedel, V. Ladmiral, R. Poli, B.M. Ameduri
Ligand effects in the
POLY 396.
phologies in aqueous solution. M. 6:00 - 8:00 Cu-mediated ATRP of butadiene. H. POLY 414. Core cross-linked miktoarm
Dong, L. Su, H. Wang, R.A. Letteri, J.A. Yu, V. Vasu, J. Kim, A.D. Asandei star polymers via RAFT polymer-
Flores, Y. Chen, Y. Song, K.L. Wooley POLY 378. Universal tetherable initiator isation for drug delivery across
for metal oxide surfaces. J. Yan, X. POLY 397. Effect of alkyl halide initi-
3:20 POLY 372. Heterofunctional thiol-ene ator structure in the Cu-catalyzed biological barriers. S.R. Vanarasi,
Pan, Z. Wang, Z. Lu, L. Liu, J. Zhang, C. K. Tuck, J. Chiefari, N.R. Cameron
polymerizations for the synthesis of Ho, M.R. Bockstaller, K. Matyjaszewski ATRP of butadiene. H. Yu, J.
sequence-ordered, biomimetic polymers. Kim, V. Vasu, A.D. Asandei POLY 415. Designing poly(vinylidene
D. Love, K. Kim, J.T. Goodrich, B. Fairbanks, POLY 379. Analysis of reaction order, fluoride)-based architectures by
surface mechanisms, and temperature POLY 398. Iodine transfer polymerization
W. Xi, B.T. Worrell, S. Pattanayak, M.P. reversible addition-fragmenta-
effects in SARA ATRP. K.F. Augustine, T. of vinylidene fluoride with transition
Stoykovich, C. Musgrave, C. Bowman tion tranfer (RAFT) process. M.
Ribelli, M. Fantin, P. Krys, K. Matyjaszewski metal carbonyls under visible light. J.
3:40 POLY 373. Utilizing hypervalent iodine Guerre, B.M. Ameduri, V. Ladmiral
Kim, C.P. Simpson, V. Vasu, A.D. Asandei
compounds in the synthesis of branched POLY 380. Mechanically switchable atom POLY 416. Engineering materials for
transfer radical polymerization using POLY 399. Synthesis of PVDF block
polymers. R. Kumar, N.V. Tsarevsky bio-applications. Y. Li, C. Boyer, F. Xu
low ppm of catalyst. Z. Wang, X. Pan, J. copolymers by the quantitative radical
4:00 POLY 374. Controlled synthesis of Yan, S.D. Silab, H. Xia, K. Matyjaszewski activation of both PVDF-CH2-CF2-I and POLY 417. Anodic fragmentation of
isotactic poly (propylene oxide) using a PVDF-CF2-CH2-I chain ends with transi- alkoxyamines: Generating nitrox-
bimetallic catalyst and chain shuttling POLY 381. Direct ATRP of methacrylic tion metal carbonyls under visible light. ides with electricity. B.B. Noble,
agents. L.S. Morris, I. Childers, G.W. Coates acid with mesohemin based cat- V. Vasu, C.P. Simpson, J. Kim, A.D. Asandei L. Zhang, S. Ciampi, M.L. Coote
alysts. L. Fu, A. Simakova, Y. Wang,
4:20 POLY 375. Comparison of graft M. Fantin, S. Li, K. Matyjaszewski POLY 400. UCST-type thermosen- POLY 418.Color-coding visible-light
block copolymers synthesized by sitive linear ABA triblock copoly- polymerizations to elucidate mech-
grafting-from and grafting-through. POLY 382. Polymer brushes grafted mer hydrogels. W. Fu, B. Zhao anisms. C.A. Figg, J.D. Hickman, G.
M.J. Maher, H. Schibur, F.S. Bates from cellulose with controlled grafting Scheutz, S. Shanmugam, B.S. Tucker,
densities. L. Li, G. Xie, W.F. Daniel, A. Keith, POLY 401.Sequence-controlled vinyl poly-
R. Carmean, C. Boyer, B.S. Sumerlin
B. Morgan, S. Sheiko, K. Matyjaszewski mers with bulky and transformable vinyl
monomer. D. Oh, M. Ouchi, M. Sawamoto POLY 419. Controlled radical polym-
POLY 383. Heterografted molecular brushes erization of t-BoC protected sty-
as macromolecular surfactants. G. Xie, POLY 402. Molecular design toward
advanced control of alternat- renic sulfides: Chalcogenide hybrid
P. Krys, R.D. Tilton, K. Matyjaszewski inorganic/organic polymers (CHIPs)
ing sequence based on radical
POLY 384. Supersoft networks based alternating copolymerization. K. with phototunable refractive indices
on crystalline triblock molecular Nishimori, M. Ouchi, M. Sawamoto
for integrated optics. T. Kleine, R.
Technical program information bottlebrushes. G. Xie, W.F. Daniel,
POLY 403. In-chain ring and amphiphilic
Himmelhuber, R.A. Norwood, J. Pyun
M. Vatankhah Varnoosfaderani, J.
known at press time. Burdynska, Q. Li, D. Nykypanchuk, O. polyacrylamides: From precision synthe- POLY 420. Realizing biomimetic
sis to controlled self-assembly and func- binding motifs for nano cellu-
The official technical program for Gang, K. Matyjaszewski, S. Sheiko
tions. Y. Kimura, T. Terashima, M. Sawamoto lose (NC) via CRP. S.R. Mane
the 254th ACS National Meeting POLY 385. Nitrogen-enriched meso- POLY 421. Directing oxidative
porous carbons from PAN-based block
is available at www.acs.org/ copolymers and bottlebrushes. R. Yuan,
folding of single polymer chain by
sequence-controlled polymeriza-
WDC2017 M. Kopeć, E. Gottlieb, G. Xie, C. Abreu, Y. tion. E. Schue, J. Lutz, H. Boerner
Song, T. Kowalewski, K. Matyjaszewski

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


POLY 422. Nitroxide-mediated polymeriza- POLY 439. Droplet manipulation to detect POLY 456.Coupled UV-Vis/FT-NIR spec- POLY 474. Structure-property rela-
tion: A versatile platform for telechelic surface tension. S. Movafaghi, W. Wang, A. troscopy for the real-time investigation tionships of ureido-cytosine and
redoxactive polymers and efficient Metzger, D.D. Williams, J.D. Williams, A. Kota of photopolymerization kinetics using cytosine-containing copolymers. X.
polymer-based photosystems. M. Jaeger, mixed photoinitiating systems. K. Chen, K. Zhang, R.B. Moore, T.E. Long
POLY 440. Wetting transitions in polymer
R. Schroot, T. Schlotthauer, U.S. Schubert Childress, D. Glugla, J.W. Stansbury
nanograsses and restoring superhy- POLY 475. Withdrawn.
POLY 423. Thermally-induced exchange drophobicity by skin shedding. R. POLY 457. Kinetic study of polym-
POLY 476. Synthesis and analysis of
of copolymer chains between Hönes, V. Kondrashov, H. Huai, J. Rühe erization of furfuryl methacrylate
various shape of multicyclic polystyrenes.
spherical diblock copolymer nanopar- using electron spin resonance. K.
POLY 441. Surface and interfacial T. Lee, J. Oh, J. Huh, T. Chang, H. Paik
ticles. E. Cornel, S.P. Armes Kim, T. Lee, A. Kajiwara, H. Paik
structure of alkyl-side-chain polymer
POLY 477. Synthesis and characteriza-
POLY 424. H2O2 enables convenient film and its correlation with the peel POLY 458.Spectroscopic analysis of
tions of phenolphthalein anilide based
removal of RAFT end-groups from block force. F. Mori, S. Kabashima, T. Kawakami, random tetra-polymer: Poly(PMI-
poly(ether sulfone) block copolymers
copolymer nano-objects prepared via T. Yamamoto, T. Miyamae, K. Iimura AMS-AN-St). D. Kim, H. Paik, B. Kim
containing quaternary ammonium
polymerization-induced self-assembly in
POLY 442. Michael addition as a means POLY 459.Dynamic analysis of and imidazolium cations as anion
water. C.P. Jesson, V. Cunningham, J. Lovett,
to design solvent-free adhesives: responsive liquids in elastic coaxial exchange membrane materials. A.K.
M.J. Smallridge, N.J. Warren, S.P. Armes
Networks based on reactive telech- nanofibers. J. Lundin, D. Ratchford, Kumar Mohanty, N. Kim, H. Paik
POLY 425. Withdrawn. elic oligomers. T. White, A. Schultz, R. Ananth, R. Casalini, J.H. Wynne
POLY 478. Amphiphilic brush block
M. Chen, P.J. Scott, T.E. Long
POLY 426. Well-defined grafted copo- POLY 460. Withdrawn. copolymers to prevent marine bio-
lymers using single unit insertion and POLY 443. Elucidating dopamine fouling. H. Senkum, W. Gramlich
POLY 461. Design of electrochro-
chain extension by RAFT. G. Moriceau, adhesion via surface chemistry. S.
mic polymer structures based on POLY 479. Unified approach for surface-ini-
G. Gody, M. Hartlieb, J. Winn, H. Kim, Xu, Y. Zhou, M. Le, W. Chen
poly(3,4-propylenedioxythiphene) tiated atom transfer radical polymeriza-
A. Mastrangelo, T. Smith, S. Perrier
POLY 444. Stimuli-responsive elec- s for high color contrast with long tion (SI-ATRP). K. Miller, A. Stanton, L.
POLY 427. Nitroxide-mediated radical trospun superhydrophobic fabrics term bistability. Y. Heo, E. Kim Kisley, N.W. Reed, R.C. Bailey, P.V. Braun
ring opening polymerization of cyclic and their applications. H. Lim
POLY 462. Cationic conjugated POLY 480. Anionic polymerization
ketene acetals. A. Tardy, D. Gigmes,
POLY 445. Water droplet impact polyelectrolytes with branched side of (E,E)-alkyl sorbate assisted by
C. Lefay, J. Nicolas, Y. Guillaneuf
on slippery liquid infused porous chains: Synthesis, Photophysics and N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC). Y.
POLY 428. Radical ring-opening surface (SLIPS). Y. Liu, N. Zacharia Applications. Z. Li, Y. Huang, K.S. Schanze Hosoi, A. Takasu, S. Matsuoka
polymerisation: New and improved
POLY 446. Cellulose fiber wettability: POLY 463. Clickable conjugated poly- POLY 481. Characterization of PMMA-
monomer synthesis for polyesters from a
Effects of fiber alignment and acid sizing. electrolyte platform for two-photon b-PDMS-b-PMMA with stereoregu-
self-controlled radical polymerisation. J.
H. Kim, M. McGath, A. Hall, P. McGuiggan cell imaging. Y. Huang, K.S. Schanze lar PMMA block prepared by living
Gaitzsch, J. Folini, J.C. Anderson, W. Meier
anionic polymerization. H. Shimamoto,
POLY 447. Robust and elastic polymer POLY 464. Chloride-promoted direct
POLY 429. Recyclable sulfonamide T. Kato, M. Sato, T. Hirai, A. Takahara
membrane with tunable properties for arylation polycondensation: An efficient
“polysoaps” via RAFT copolymer-
gas separation. B. Li, P. Cao, T. Hong, synthesis of high molecular weight π-con- POLY 482. Synthesis of graphene
ization for removal of hydrocarbon
K. Xing, D.N. Voylov, S. Cheng, A. Kisliuk, jugated polymers. S. Hayashi, T. Koizumi ribbons via Diels-Alder cycloaddi-
impurities from water for remediation
S.M. Mahurin, A.P. Sokolov, T. Saito tions of poly(terphenylene ethynyl-
applications. P.D. Pickett, C.R. Kasprzak, POLY 465. Single-ion polymer brush
ene)s. T.S. Hughes, T. Dietsche
B. Abel, M. Dearborn, C.L. McCormick POLY 448. Withdrawn. electrolytes for lithium metal batter-
ies. S. Li, A. Mohamed, V. Pande, V. POLY 483. Block copolymers derived
POLY 430. Synthesizing functional POLY 449. Role of calcium chloride in
Viswanathan, J. Whitacre, K. Matyjaszewski from polysobutyene oliomers. Y. Fu
materials through palladium catalyzed promoting water-responsive behavior in
post-polymerization modification. D.H. elastomeric foams. G. Gedler, B. Zhao, POLY 466. Controllable electrical and POLY 484. Le Chatelier’s principle
Howe, R. McDaniel, A.J. Magenau S.J. Rowan, I. Manas-Zloczower, D.L. Feke photonic characteristics via molecular driven depolymerization of function-
structural variation of electroactive poly- alized polyisobutylene at 25° C. C.
POLY 431. Radical depolymerization of POLY 450. Block copolymers containing
mers. W. Abousamra, D. Yang, O. Melton, S. Watson, D. Tan, D.E. Bergbreiter
poly(olefin-sulfones). R.D. Fenyves, J. fluorinated polyurethanes as hydropho-
Isah, Y. Kim, J. Jung, S. Besic, M. Birschbach,
Yan, D. Wells, L. Wang, H. Park, Z. Wang, bic/oleophobic additives to thermoplas- POLY 485. Polymer synthesis and char-
V. Ebron, R. Mercado, P.J. Kinlen, H. Nguyen
X. Pan, C.J. Bettinger, K. Matyjaszewski tics. L. Wei, T. Demir, P. Brown, I.A. Luzinov acterization of methacrylate polymers
POLY 467. Application of fluorescein with pendant carbazole groups. M.
POLY 432. Synthesis and characterization POLY 451. Understanding self-heal-
derivatives as initiators in photopoly- Jurca, I. Bandera, T. McFarlane, O. Klep, D.
of gradient copolymers made by semi- ing function in cement-polymer
merization reactions of dimethacrylate Worley, J. Vilcakova, P. Saha, S.H. Foulger
batch reversible-deactivation radical composites: Ab initio molecular
resins using blue light LED. B.H. Sacoman
polymerizations. I. Alshehri, D.A. Shipp dynamics simulations. M. Nguyen, V. POLY 486. New approaches towards
Torquato da Silva, R.T. Alarcon, C. Gaglieri,
Glezakou, R. Rousseau, C. Fernandez rational design of graft polymer archi-
POLY 433. Synthesis of block copoly- G.C. Santos, G. Bannach, L.C. da Silva Filho
tectures. T. Lin, A. Chang, R.H. Grubbs
mers containing urea and pyridinium: POLY 452. Robust and durable lubri-
POLY 468. Synthesis of novel fluores-
A synergy of hydrogen bonding and cant coating surfaces with excellent POLY 487. Controlled ring-opening
cent polymers for the fluorescent
ionic interactions. M. Chen, S. Talley, liquid-repellent property. C. Zhang polymerization of O-carboxyanhydrides
detection of bisphenol A and its
L. Anderson, R.B. Moore, T.E. Long by photoredox organometal-
derivatives. D. Jones, M. Levine
Section A lic catalysts. Q. Feng, R. Tong
POLY 434. ARB-type step-growth
POLY 469. Cyano-containing oli-
polymerization using CuAAC (copper Walter E. Washington Convention Center POLY 488. Effect of aromatic boronic
go(phenylene vinylene) chromo-
catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition) acid on characteristics of polybenzox-
Hall E phores in free radical polymerizations
with sequence-controlled monomers azine based on phenol and p-amino
of vinyl monomers. B. Davis, P.D.
synthesized by atom transfer radical methyl benzoate. H. Ipek, J. Hacaloǧlu
General Topics: New Synthesis & Pickett, C.L. McCormick, J. Lott
addition (ATRA) and polymeriza-
tion (ATRP). G.J. Pros, T. Pintauer Characterization of Polymers POLY 470. Selective activation by
B. Barkakaty, D. Garcia, Organizers substrate photoexcitation for
POLY 435. Withdrawn.
polymer synthesis. J.A. Kalow
POLY 436. Withdrawn. 6:00 - 8:00
POLY 471. Secondary structures of
POLY 453. Comparison of HPLC and PEG-functionalized rod-coil block
Section A UHPLC analysis of polymer addi- copolymers based on (R)- and
tives with PDA and mass detection. (S)-triazolepolycarbodiimides. O.V.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
J. Gough, M. Twohig, M. Jones Kulikov, D. Siriwardane, B.M. Novak
Hall E
POLY 454. Sequence analysis of cyclic POLY 472.Small molecular study
The use of any device to capture
Advances in Wettability & Adhesion
thermoresponsive polyester copoly- for dynamic exchange of the thi- images (e.g., cameras and camera
mers using ion mobility tandem mass ol-Michael reaction. P. Chakma,
Financially supported by Polymer International spectrometry. N. Alexander, J.P. Swanson, D. Konkolewicz, B. Zhang
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
S. T. Iacono, A. Kota, Organizers
C. Hoffman, C. Wesdemiotis, A. Joy
POLY 473. Chiral recognition of
digital recorders) or to stream,
6:00 - 8:00
POLY 455. HPMA-based drug deliv- optically active carboxylates using upload or rebroadcast speakers or
ery system and its interactions poly(phenylacetylene) with chiral
POLY 437.Free-standing, flexible, of human serum albumin: SAXS, receptors. R. Sakai, Y. Mato, S.
presentations is strictly prohibited
superomniphobic films. H. Vahabi, ITC, and NMR study. S. Filippov, L. Umeda, K. Tsuda, T. Satoh, T. Kakuchi at all official ACS meetings and
W. Wang, S. Movafaghi, A. Kota Kaberov, X. Zhang, B. Niebuur, P. Chytil,
T. Etrych, F. Wieland, N. Velychkivska, L.
events without express written
POLY 438. Metamorphic superom-
niphobic surfaces. H. Vahabi
Starovoytova, D. Svergun, C.M. Papadakis consent from ACS.

POLY 489. Synthesis and copolymer- POLY 501. Macromolecular properties of POLY 518. Role of isomeric polyamic dia- POLY 529. Development of borinic acid
ization with styrene of novel bromo naturally-aged and artificially-aged paper crylate ester precursors on morphology polymers as new supported catalysts
and chloro ring-disubstituted propyl materials characterized by chromatogra- and mechanical properties of 3D printed and multi-stimuli responsive materi-
2-cyano-3-phenyl-2-propenoates. W.S. phy and spectroscopy. A. Davis, A. Jones PMDA-ODA. C. Arrington, M. Hegde, V. als. M.K. Baraniak, W. Wan, F. Jaekle
Schjerven, S. Rocus, J. Bates, A.T. Boyd, Meenakshisundaram, C. Williams, T.E. Long
POLY 502. Polyol and polyurethane POLY 530. Supramolecular alternate
J. Burke, J.L. Crosby, S.B. Sundquist, C.C.
prepared from rubber seed oil by POLY 519. Gel-like carbon dots. co-assembly driven by metallophilic
Zoleta, A.K. Zurek, P.L. Bromby, G.B. Kharas
hydorformylation. J. Hong, Y. Xiaoqin, Y. Zhou, R.M. Leblanc Pt…Pt interactions. G. Zhao
POLY 490. Synthesis of fluorine-rich X. Wan, Z. Zheng, Z.S. Petrovic
POLY 520. Flexible polyimide aerogels POLY 531. Immobilized stimuli-re-
block copolymers through ring-open-
POLY 503. Method for characterization and for use as substrates for conformal, sponsive metallopolymers and
ing metathesis polymerization and
control of degradation in biopolymer thin lightweight antennas. J. Cashman, M. preceramic block copolymer archi-
their in-situ micellization behavior in
films. P. Anbukarasu, D. Sauvageau, A. Elias Meador, B. Nguyen, H. Guo, B. Delong tectures. C. Rüttiger, M. Gallei
solution. Y. Kim, Y. Cho, J. Lim, K. Char
POLY 504. Electrospinning of biopoly- POLY 521. Improving the Processing POLY 532. Boron-functionalized poly-
POLY 491. New functional poly-
mers and biopolymeric composites Characteristics of Cyanate Ester mers: BN-substituted polyolefins and
lactides for biomedical applica-
from ionic liquids. O. Zavgorodnya, Monomers for Production of Spacecraft poly(Lewis acids). H. Lin, W. Wan, A.
tions. P. Kalelkar, D.M. Collard
J.L. Shamshina, R.D. Rogers Structures. A.J. Guenthner, G. Yandek, Baggett, F. Cheng, S. Liu, F. Jaekle
POLY 492. New type of biocompatible M.C. Davis, J.T. Lamb, K. Lamison,
POLY 505. Gelatin mediated polymerization
polymer: Polymeric analogue of DMSO. M.D. Ford, J. Reams, K.B. Ghiassi, Section A
of styrene in emulsion-based gels. G. Xu
S. Li, H. Chung, A. Simakova, Z. Wang, D. Soto, J.A. Boatz, J.M. Mabry
S. Park, S. Averick, K. Matyjaszewski POLY 506. Improvement reactivity of silk Walter E. Washington Convention Center
POLY 522. Introduction of Long Chain
fibroins through covalently graft- Hall E
POLY 493. Copolymerization and their Branching in Poly(ether imide)s:
ing of tyrosine-rich polypeptide. P.
physical properties of transparent Branched Architectures for Improved
Wang, X. Zhu, L. Cui, Q. Wang, X. Fan Non-Conventional Building Blocks
poly(methyl methacrylate-co-isobornyl Melt Processability. J. Wolfgang,
methacrylate-co-N-cyclohexylmaleim- POLY 507. Synthesis and characteri- J.M. Dennis, T.E. Long, R. Odle in Conjugated Materials: Innovative
ide). K. Ko, S. Jang, O. Kim, S. Hwang zation of starch-poly (vinyl acetate) Designs & New Applications
graft copolymers using horseradish
POLY 494. Development and anal- Section A F. Jaekle, K. J. Noonan, A. Pietrangelo,
peroxidase. J. Xu, W. Zhao, Q. Wang, X. Fan
ysis of a thin film nanocomposite Organizers
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
membrane: Resistance to chlo- POLY 508. Supergiant cyanobacterial exo-
Hall E 6:00 - 8:00
rine. A. Altalhi, H.A. Stretz polysaccharides, sacran, having anoma-
lous gel properties. M. Okajima, T. Kaneko POLY 533. Side-chain oligothio-
POLY 495. Electrospun transient polymer Materials at the Food-Energy-Water phene-containing polymers for
nanocomposites as rigid supports POLY 509. Controlled photodegradation of
Nexus: Polymers for Soils to Sensors dielectrics. T. Zhu, C. Tang
for microelectronic devices. C. Shi, biomass derived polymers. R. Singathi,
A. Leonardi, P. Ohlendorf, C.K. Ober J. Sivaguru, M.P. Sibi, D.C. Webster Financially supported by National POLY 534. Organoboron chelate
Science Foundation based luminescent polymers.
POLY 496. Gemini monomers: A POLY 510. Isocyanate-free polyure-
A.F. Al.Ahmadi, F. Jaekle
new approach towards high per- thanes based on biocompatible F. V. Bright, P. Edmiston, M. Jeffries-El, T. E.
formance polymeric materials. R. monomers. A. Pekkanen, E. Wilts, J.M. Long, Organizers POLY 535. Conjugated polyelectrolytes for
Shahni, Z. Wang, Q.R. Chu Dennis, R.J. Mondschein, T.E. Long dye-sensitized solar cell applications.
6:00 - 8:00
R. He, C.J. Zeman, Z. Pan, K.S. Schanze
POLY 497. Structure-property relation- POLY 511. Polydopamine surface mod-
POLY 523. Polyester-based photocat-
ships of moisture permeable triphasic ification of membranes by enzymatic POLY 536. Reduction of bacterial
alytic nanocomposite microsponges
polyisobutylene-based thermoplas- polymerization. R. Cruz Silva attachment on ceramic surfaces: Using
for water treatment. M.C. Trentle, F.
tic elastomers. J. Wu, R.F. Storey amphiphilic molecules to enhance
POLY 512. Self-assembly of porphyrin Liu, V.A. Kozlovskaya, E.P. Kharlampieva
surface retention and prevent attach-
POLY 498. Melt stable, linear and conjugated sophorolipids for optoelec-
ment. J. Marine, C. Myers, K. Uhrich
branched polyamides for selective tronic applications. K.C. Peters, S. Mekala,
Section A
laser sintering applications. J. Sirrine, M. McMaster, F. Liu, R.A. Gross, K.D. Singer
C. Chatham, C. Williams, T.E. Long Walter E. Washington Convention Center Section A
POLY 513. Biobased oligomeric
esters for personal care Hall E Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Section A applications. J. Hackenberg, N.D. Hall E
Stebbins, Y. Cao, K.E. Uhrich Metallo-Supramolecular &
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Metal Containing Polymers
Hall E POLY 514. Crosslinked cottonseed Polymer Mechanochemistry
oil polymer synthesis and charac- Cosponsored by PMSE‡
Cosponsored by PMSE
terization. R. Wijayapala, D. Frazier, Financially supported by TCI (Tokyo
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased A. J. Boydston, A. P. Goodwin, J. Moore, M.
B. Elmore, C. Freeman, S. Kundu Chemical Industry), microdrop Technologies
Materials & Biocatalysis Silberstein, Organizers
POLY 515. Effective manipulation of GmbH, SmartDyeLivery GmbH
Cosponsored by AGFD, CELL and PMSE
reaction thermodynamics using 6:00 - 8:00
I. Manners, G. R. Newkome, U. S. Schubert,
H. Cheng, R. A. Gross, P. B. Smith, Organizers H-bonding catalysts. P. Datta, J. Organizers POLY 537. SEC/MALS/VISC/DRI study
Pothupitiya, M.K. Kiesewetter
6:00 - 8:00 of mechanochemical copolymer
6:00 - 8:00
POLY 516. Bisphenol A diglycidyl degradation. A.M. Striegel, M.J. Morris
POLY 499. Effects of branch number POLY 524. Development of sustain-
ether-based aromatic non-isocy- POLY 538. Mechanochromic block
and chain length on mechanical able photoactive polymer systems
anate polyurethane. J. Hong, O. copolymers based on cyclodextrin
properties of Smart cross-linked films based on metal-terpyridine ligand
Bilic, I.J. Javni, J.M. Messman
from star-shape poly(ε-caprolac- host-guest inclusion complexation.
dynamics. D. Jeong, J. Lee, C. Song
tone). D.K. Saha, M. Ebara, T. Aoyagi E.A. Apebende, G. Wenz, N. Bruns
Section A POLY 525. Boron nanoparticles with intense
POLY 500. Cross-linked films from blue fluorescence for tracking immune
star-shape poly(ε-caprolactone): Walter E. Washington Convention Center Section A
cells. M. Zhuang, C.A. DeRosa, K. Richey,
Effects of branch number and Hall E M. Belanger, R.R. Pompano, C.L. Fraser Walter E. Washington Convention Center
chain length on elastic proper- Hall E
ties. D.K. Saha, M. Ebara, T. Aoyagi POLY 526. Self-assembly of metallo-su-
Journey to Mars: Materials, pramolecules with concentric geometry:
Energy & Life Sciences From second generation to fourth Shape-Shifting Polymeric Systems
Cosponsored by MPPG generation. H. Wang, X. Qian, X. Li S. Sheiko, R. Verduzco, T. Ware, Organizers
C. J. Brumlik, M. A. Meador, G. L. Rodriguez, POLY 527. Way to mussel-inspired 6:00 - 8:00
Technical program information Organizers self-healing metallopolymers. S. Bode,
POLY 539. Bio-based multi-respon-
M. Enke, M.D. Hager, U.S. Schubert
known at press time. 6:00 - 8:00 sive shape memory polymers using
POLY 528. Self-assembly of emissive natural oils and cellulose nanocrys-
The official technical program for POLY 517. Synthesis of siloxane-based tetraphenylethylene-based supramo- tals. M. Lamm, Z. Wang, C. Tang
cyanate ester elastomers for potential
the 254th ACS National Meeting use in high temperature and insulat-
lecular rosettes. G. Yin, H. Wang, X. Li

is available at www.acs.org/ ing applications. A.R. Jennings, A.M.

WDC2017 Morey, A.J. Guenthner, S.T. Iacono

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


POLY 540. Tough and multi-stimuli 8:50 POLY 551. One-pot quantitative func- Section C 11:10 POLY 580. Thermomechanical actu-
responsive liquid crystal elastomers. H. tionalizations of polymers obtained by ation of liquid crystal elastomers derived
Kim, V. Naik, S. Ramachandran, T. Ware quasiliving atom transfer radical polym- Marriott Marquis Washington, DC using chain transfer agents. N.P. Godman,
erization (ATRP). B. Ivan, G. Kasza, B. Marquis Ballroom Salon 9 B. Kowalski, A.D. Auguste, T.J. White
POLY 541. 3D printing reversible
Pásztói, Á. Szabó, G. Szarka, G. Kali, A. Bodor
shape-changing polymeric struc- 11:30 POLY 581. Pixelated polymer:
Metallo-Supramolecular &
tures. C. Ambulo, J.J. Burroughs, 9:15 POLY 552. Thermosensitive Carbon nanotube nanocomposites. T.
J. Boothby, M. Shankar, T. Ware shape-changing binary heterografted
Metal Containing Polymers Guin, B. Kowalski, A.D. Auguste, T.J. White
POLY 542. Ultrafast digital printing towards
linear molecular bottlebrushes. D.M. Metal-Containing Polymers
four dimensional shape changing
Henn, W. Fu, S. Mei, C. Li, B. Zhao & Block Copolymers Section E
materials. L. Huang, R. Jiang, J. Wu, 9:40 POLY 553. Limits of precision Cosponsored by PMSE‡
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
J. Song, H. Bai, B. Li, Q. Zhao, T. Xie monomer placement in reversible
Financially supported by TCI (Tokyo Marquis Salon 15
deactivation radical polymerization. G.
POLY 543. Controllable porosity of Chemical Industry), microdrop Technologies
Gody, P. Zetterlund, S. Perrier, S. Harrisson
stimuli-responsive polymers via addi- GmbH, SmartDyeLivery GmbH
Non-Conventional Building Blocks
tive manufacturing. J. Burroughs, C. 10:05 Intermission. in Conjugated Materials: Innovative
Ambulo, J. Boothby, M. Shankar, T. Ware
I. Manners, G. R. Newkome, U. S. Schubert,
10:20 POLY 554. Making responsive Organizers, Presiding Designs & New Applications
POLY 544. Engineering photoresponsive materials with controlled radical
8:00 POLY 566. Importance of radical Heterocyclic Systems
polymer networks for the oral cavity. polymerization. R.B. Grubbs
D.P. Nair, G. Kehe, M. Saraswathy cage effects in the photochemical Cosponsored by INOR and PMSE‡
10:45 POLY 555. Self-assembly degradation of polymers. D.R. Tyler,
POLY 545. Exploring the uses of a two- and functions of amphiphilic Financially supported by Army Research Office,
J. Barry, D. Berg
stage thiol-acrylate reaction for liquid random copolymers controlled by Strem, TA Instruments, Rutgers PolyRUN
crystal elastomers. M. Barnes, R. Verduzco primary structure. T. Terashima 8:20 POLY 567. Supramolecular di- and
triblock copolymers from protein-struc- F. Jaekle, K. J. Noonan, A. Pietrangelo,
POLY 546. Dual-cure polymer net- 11:10 POLY 556. Functional copolymer tural-motif mimicking telechelic building Organizers
works with improved imprintability: architectures via reversible addition- blocks. E. Elacqua, K. Manning, M. Weck F. Pammer, Y. Qin, Presiding
Engineering a first-stage supramo- fragmentation chain transfer
lecular network. J.T. Goodrich (RAFT) based synthetic pro- 8:40 POLY 568. Block copolymers 8:30 POLY 582. Conjugated poly-
tocols. D. Keddie for directed synthesis of hybrid and mers containing heavy main
inorganic materials. R.B. Grubbs group elements. M.J. Heeney
Section H 11:35 POLY 557. Highly confined
surface-initiated polymerizations 9:00 POLY 569. Dimension-controlled 9:00 POLY 583. Selenium and tel-
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC ion-pairing assemblies compris-
for polymer brush structuring. M. lurium containing conjugated
Independence D/E ing charged metal complexes of materials. D.S. Seferos
Divandari, E. Dehghani, Y. Du, C. Kang,
J. Pollard, J. Mandal, T. Zhang, N. Bruns, π-electronic systems. H. Maeda
9:25 POLY 584. Si- and Ge-bridged
Journey to Mars: Materials, N. Spencer, R. Jordan, E. Benetti 9:30 Intermission. biaryls as components of new
Energy & Life Sciences
10:00 POLY 570. Metallo-AIEgens polymeric materials. J. Ohshita
Cosponsored by ANYL‡, BMGT‡, Section B as functional materials. B. Tang 9:50 POLY 585. Design and synthesis
PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ Marriott Marquis Washington, DC 10:40 POLY 571. NIR-emissive conju- of novel heterocyclic building blocks
Marquis Ballroom Salon 8 gated polymer containing phospho- based on benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′] and
C. J. Brumlik, M. A. Meador, Organizers rescent iridium(III) complex for imaging Naphtho[2,1-b:6,5-b′ ]chalcogeno-
G. L. Rodriguez, Organizer, Presiding Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased guided photodynamic therapy. J. phenes. M. Jeffries-El, E. Muller, A. Brown
Materials & Biocatalysis Jiang, S. Liu, W. Huang, Q. Zhao 10:15 Intermission.
4:00 Introductory Remarks.
Biobased Thermosetting Resins 11:00 POLY 572. Self-assembly and 10:35 POLY 586. Controlled chain-growth
4:15 POLY 547. The power of
photophysical properties of por- Kumada catalyst-transfer polymeriza-
genomic solutions and data-driven Cosponsored by AGFD, CELL and PMSE phyrin nanofibers. J.D. Batteas
health intelligence. J. Ventler tion of an alternating donor-acceptor
H. Cheng, R. A. Gross, P. B. Smith, Organizers conjugated monomer. W. You
4:45 POLY 548. Human exploration Section D
of Mars: Challenges, opportuni- J. La Scala, Presiding 11:00 POLY 587. Vapor phase organic
ties and progress. J. Kavandi Marriott Marquis Washington, DC chemistry to deposit conjugated
8:00 POLY 558. Biobased thermosetting
Mount Vernon Square polymer films on arbitrary substrates.
5:15 Q&A. resins: From (co)polymerization of ben-
T.L. Andrew, L. Zhang, N. Cheng, J. Kim
zoxazines to nanocomposites. P. Dubois
Joint PMSE/POLY Poster Session 8:25 POLY 559. Bio-based epoxy resins:
Shape-Shifting Polymeric Systems 11:25 POLY 588. Enhancing the sta-
Cosponsored by PMSE bility of polyfuran. K.J. Noonan
Sponsored by PMSE, Cosponsored by POLY Design, structure and properties. A.
Maiorana, S. Spinella, R.A. Gross
R. Verduzco, Organizer Section F
8:50 POLY 560. Tailoring bio-based epoxies
S. Sheiko, T. Ware, Organizers, Presiding
for various applications. L. Yue, A. Patel, Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
WEDNESDAY MORNING D. Yuan, R.A. Gross, I. Manas-Zloczower 8:00 POLY 573. Carbon nitride Judiciary Square
polymer as autonomous actuator
Section A 9:15 POLY 561. Bacterial cellulose
driven by fluctuations in ambient Mark Senior Scholar Award in
nanofiber mats as reinforcement for
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC humidity. T. Aida, D. Miyajima honor of James Hedrick
epoxy-anhydride systems. L. Yue
Marquis Ballroom Salon 7 8:30 POLY 574. Folding of gel sheets
9:35 Intermission. C. G. Willson, Organizer, Presiding
bearing alginate upon exposure to
8th Symposium on Controlled 9:50 POLY 562. Toughened biobased multivalent cations. S.R. Raghavan, 8:00 POLY 589. Synthesis of highly tailor-
Radical Polymerization epoxy nanocomposites as structural J. Athas, C. Nguyen, S. Kummar able nanoparticle combinatorial libraries.
adhesives. A. Patel, O.G. Kravchenko, L. J. Hedrick, P. Chen, B. Meckes, C.A. Mirkin
Financially supported by Army Research 8:50 POLY 575. Novel construction
Yue, D. Yuan, R.A. Gross, I. Manas-Zloczower
Office, Anton Paar, Millipore-Sigma, Boron of supramolecular hydrogels. D.
Molecular, Tosoh Bioscience, Kaneka, PPG 10:10 POLY 563. Bio-based epoxy- Zhu, Y. Xue, X. Chen, J. Guo
TPU system for self-healing coating
H. Gao, K. Matyjaszewski, B. S. Sumerlin, N. V. 9:10 POLY 576. Chromonic liquid crystal
applications. D. Yuan, V. Solouki Bonab,
hydrogels with patternable, high strain
Tsarevsky, Organizers R.A. Gross, I. Manas-Zloczower
actuation for biomedical applications.
The use of any device to capture
S. Harrisson, B. Klumperman, Presiding 10:30 POLY 564. Strategic assemblies of J. Boothby, R.S. Kularatne, T. Ware images (e.g., cameras and camera
8:00 POLY 549. Using addition-frag- functionalized xylochemicals for new
mentation chain transfer in polymer bio-based polymers. J.F. Stanzione
9:30 POLY 577. Micropatterned ther- phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
mally and biochemically responsive
networks to achieve stress relaxation 10:55 POLY 565. Plants to polyelectrolytes: self-folding systems. D.H. Gracias
digital recorders) or to stream,
and improve material performance. C.
Bowman, N. Sowan, H. Song, L. Cox
Theophylline polymers and their micro-
10:00 Intermission.
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
sphere synthesis. J. Yuan, R. Guterman
8:25 POLY 550. Sequence-controlled 10:20 POLY 578. Dynamically crosslinked presentations is strictly prohibited
poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride) via shape memory polymer network. T. Xie at all official ACS meetings and
RAFT-mediated polymerization. N.
Harmzen, R. Pfukwa, B. Klumperman
10:50 POLY 579. Morphology depen- events without express written
dence of shape memory polymers. M.
Pantoja, M. Cakmak, K.A. Cavicchi consent from ACS.

8:20 POLY 590. Multi-stimuli-responsive 10:40 POLY 607. Design, synthesis, J. F. Coelho, M. Cunningham, Presiding 3:40 POLY 634. Spectroscopic investiga-
inks for 3D printing. A. Nelson and self-assembly of graft polymers: tions of amine-cured epoxidized linseed
1:00 POLY 618. Novel strategies for
Consequences of architectural vari- oil. C.N. Kuncho, E. Reynaud, D.F. Schmidt
8:40 POLY 591. Structurally diverse synthesizing block copolymers from
ation. A. Chang, T. Lin, R.H. Grubbs
networks formed from latent cross- monomers of disparate reactivities 4:00 POLY 635. Phenomenology of plant
links in polythioaminals. R. Wojtecki 11:00 POLY 608. Metal-organic framework by RAFT polymerization. L. Seiler, D. oil-based monomers in emulsion copo-
based new dielectric design through Matioszek, S. Harrisson, M. Destarac lymerization. K. Kingsley, O. Shevchuk,
9:00 POLY 592. Size-based DNA purifica-
incorporating zinc and cadmium as, Z. Demchuk, I. Tarnavchyk, A.S. Voronov
tion on a continuous flow chip. J.T. Smith 1:25 POLY 619. Photo-CRP and flow micro-
a materials genome approach. S.
9:20 POLY 593. Stimuli-sensitive biode- reactors: A perfect couple. T. Junkers
Nasreen, G.M. Treich, M.L. Baczkowski, Section C
gradable polycarbonates for transporting A.M. Kanakkithodi, S.K. Scheirey, Y. 1:50 POLY 620. ATRP catalyst
anticancer drugs to tumors by exploiting Cao, R. Ramprasad, G. Sotzing removal and ligand recycling using Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
tumor microenvironments. Y. Yang CO2 switchable materials. X. Su, Marquis Ballroom Salon 9
11:20 POLY 609. Conductivity in
9:40 Intermission. P.G. Jessop, M.F. Cunningham
poly(TEMPO methacrylate), PTMA
made using 3-different living polym- 2:15 POLY 621. Separation of living chains Metallo-Supramolecular &
9:55 POLY 594. Organocatalytic polymer-
erization routes. Y. Zhang, A. Cintora, in polystyrenes prepared by atom transfer Metal Containing Polymers
izations with elemental sulfur: A new route
to functional chalcogenide hybrid inor- A. Park, G. Fuchs, C.K. Ober radical polymerization. H. Paik, T. Chang Metal-Containing Polymers
ganic/organic polymers (CHIPs). J. Pyun, 11:40 POLY 610. Interactions between 2:40 POLY 622. New way to modify & Block Copolymers
Y. Zhang, K. Carothers, R.S. Glass, K. Char biosystems and 3D-microstructured isotactic polypropylene towards Cosponsored by PMSE‡
10:20 POLY 595. Organocatalytic surfaces. S. Anders, O. Prucker, atom transfer radical polymerization
K. Anselme, J. Rühe grafting. Y. Chen, H. Zhou, H. Huang Financially supported by TCI (Tokyo
strategies for polymerization Chemical Industry), microdrop Technologies
reactions. R.M. Waymouth 3:05 Intermission. GmbH, SmartDyeLivery GmbH
10:45 POLY 596. New building blocks
Section H
3:20 POLY 623. Reversible deactiva-
I. Manners, G. R. Newkome, U. S. Schubert,
for functional polymers. C.J. Hawker Marriott Marquis Washington, DC tion radical polymerization of vinyl
Organizers, Presiding
11:10 POLY 597. Advances in the Shaw chloride: From fundamental studies to
design of polymers for micro- industrial applications. J.F. Coelho, C. 1:00 POLY 636. Functional soft materials
electronics. C.G. Willson Journey to Mars: Materials, Abreu, J. Marques, A. Tomas, A. Serra from polymetallocenes. I. Manners

11:35 POLY 598. Macromolecular thera- Energy & Life Sciences 3:45 POLY 624. Controlled radical 1:40 POLY 637. Dual-responsive
peutics and delivery agents. J. Hedrick Cosponsored by ANYL‡, BMGT‡, polymerization from surfaces. H.A. Klok poly(ferrocenylsilane) polyions with
COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, PMSE‡, switchable transparency. M.A.
4:10 POLY 625. Application of ATRP to
PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ Hempenius, K. Zhang, X. Feng, G. Vancso
Section G the synthesis of precision engineered
chromatographic materials. C.A. Pohl 2:00 POLY 638. Ferrocene-
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC C. J. Brumlik, M. A. Meador, G. L. Rodriguez,
metallopolymers via ADIMET and
4:35 POLY 626. Controlled radical
Marquis Salon 14 click techniques. A. Peloquin, M.B.
M. A. Blenner, Presiding polymerization: Adventures in
Smith, G.J. Balaich, S.T. Iacono
commercialization. K.G. Olson
General Topics: New Synthesis & 8:30 POLY 611. Chemical sensors: The 2:20 POLY 639. Grid-like metal complexes
Characterization of Polymers 5:00 POLY 627. ATRP Solutions Inc.:
light weight low power option for as basis for star-shaped polymers and
Our path to production of ATRP-
B. Barkakaty, D. Garcia, Organizers chemical analytics. T.M. Swager hydrogel networks. R. Hoogenboom
based polymers in commercial
R. C. Ferrier, K. C. Gupta, Presiding 9:00 POLY 612. Multifunctional energy reactors. P.A. McCarthy, Y. Liao, L. 2:40 Intermission.
storage materials for extreme environ- Huang, B. Dorau, B. Wang, S. Brooks
8:00 POLY 599. Facile synthesis of 3:10 POLY 640. Recent results on
ments and stresses. J.L. Lutkenhaus
graphene nanoribbons from PPV (poly rod-like polyferrocenylsilane block
para-phenylene vinylene) polymers. Y. Li 9:30 POLY 613. Solid-state electrochem- Section B copolymer micelles. M. Winnik
ical energy conversion and storage for
8:20 POLY 600. End quenching of poly- Marriott Marquis Washington, DC 3:40 POLY 641. Recycle of PEG-bound
exploration of Mars. E.D. Wachsman
isobutylene substrates via the Ritter Marquis Ballroom Salon 8 homogeneous NHC-Ru catalyst via
reaction. C.M. Parada, R.F. Storey 10:00 Intermission. host-guest interaction in aqueous
10:20 POLY 614. Post-modified copolymers Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased media. H. Chung, C. Kim, B. Ondrusek
8:40 POLY 601. Novel N-acylated poly(am-
inoester) materials: Macromonomer with controlled inter-chromophore Materials & Biocatalysis 4:00 POLY 642. Tailoring acrylate-based
synthesis, polymerisation, responsive spacing for triplet-triplet annihilation metallo-supramolecular network
upconversion. E.G. Westbrook, J.
Plant Oils & Ferulate-Based Materials
properties and functionalisation. P.A. morphologies with monomer feed ratio
Comer, J. Hammann, A. Alazemi, P. Zhang Cosponsored by AGFD, CELL and PMSE and excess metal-ligand complexes.
de Jongh, D.M. Haddleton, K. Kempe
10:40 POLY 615. Low-power light upcon- A.M. Savage, R.H. Lambeth, F.L. Beyer
9:00 POLY 602. General, facile approach H. Cheng, R. A. Gross, P. B. Smith, Organizers
to epoxide polymerizations. R.C. Ferrier, version in polymeric one-dimensional 4:20 POLY 643. Poly(ferrocenylsilane)-
P. Dubois, Presiding
J. Imbrogno, C. Rodriguez, N.A. Lynd
photonic crystals. R. Vadrucci, S. Vignolini based hydrogels with phosphonium
1:00 POLY 628. Sustainable approaches groups: Hysteretic network response
9:20 POLY 603. Progress towards 11:00 POLY 616. 3D-printed nanosensors
to monomers and polymers from and potential applications. G. Vancso,
plant-derived, mussel-inspired for space applications. M. Sultana
renewable resources. M. Meier K. Zhang, X. Feng, M.A. Hempenius
polycarbonates from quercetin and 11:30 POLY 617. Applications of conju-
lysine. R. Pulukkody, S.L. Kristufek, 1:25 POLY 629. Chemo-enzymatic synthe- 4:50 Concluding Remarks.
gated polyelectrolytes in biosensing
R.A. Letteri, K.T. Wacker, K.L. Wooley sis, biological properties and polymer-
and disinfection. K.S. Schanze
izations of biobased bisphenols derived
9:40 POLY 604. Naphthol: A bioderived Section D
from ferulic and sinapic acids. F. Allais
polycarbonate building block. N. Polymers for Aerospace Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Wilson, M. Wyatt, M. Price, M.R. Nimlos Applications: Celebrating the Lifetime 1:50 POLY 630. Vegetable oil-based
thermosets: Molecule design for Mount Vernon Square
Contributions of Charles Lee
10:00 POLY 605. Synthesis and charac- higher performance. J. Zhang
Sponsored by PMSE, Cosponsored by POLY
terization of pH-sensitive chitosan-hex- Shape-Shifting Polymeric Systems
ametaphosphate hydrogels. K.C. Gupta 2:15 POLY 631. Improving mechanical
properties of fatty acid-derived thermo- Cosponsored by PMSE
10:20 POLY 606. Withdrawn. plastic elastomers by incorporating a
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON transient network. W. Ding, M.L. Robertson
R. Verduzco, Organizer
S. Sheiko, T. Ware, Organizers, Presiding
2:40 Intermission.
Section A 1:00 POLY 644. Driving shape changes
2:55 POLY 632. Sustainable and
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC and motion of responsive polymer
Technical program information Marquis Ballroom Salon 7
degradable epoxy resins derived
composites. R.C. Hayward
from vegetable oils and phenolic
known at press time. acids. M.L. Robertson, G. Yang, B.J. 1:30 POLY 645. Pre-programmed folding
The official technical program for 8th Symposium on Controlled Rohde, R. Almallahi, H. Tesefay, Z. Rizvi, E. of 2D nematic liquid crystal elastomer
Radical Polymerization Gonzalez-Martinez, T. Hendrix-Doucette sheets into arbitrary 3D structures. Y. Xia,
the 254th ACS National Meeting Financially supported by Army Research H. Aharoni, X. Zhang, R. Kamien, S. Yang
3:20 POLY 633. Epoxidation kinet-
is available at www.acs.org/ Office, Anton Paar, Millipore-Sigma, Boron ics of photo-curable green epoxy 1:50 POLY 646. Multilayer tubes
Molecular, Tosoh Bioscience, Kaneka, PPG displaying dramatic shape change
WDC2017 synthesized from seed oil of Perilla
in response to external stimuli. B.C.
H. Gao, K. Matyjaszewski, B. S. Sumerlin, N. V. frutescens. K. Bakthavatchalam,
S. Pilla, S. Beyene, B. Ayalew Zarket, H. Wang, S.R. Raghavan
Tsarevsky, Organizers

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


2:10 POLY 647. Exploring the func- 1:00 POLY 660. Late stage diversi- 4:00 POLY 678. Vibrational sum frequency 8th Symposium on Controlled
tionality of homeotropically aligned fication of commodity polymers generation spectroscopy (VSFGS) Radical Polymerization
liquid crystal elastomers. A.D. through C-H functionalization to probe the interfacial organization Financially supported by Army Research
Auguste, N.P. Godman, T.J. White methods. F.A. Leibfarth, S. Lewis of methacrylate-based polymer thin Office, Anton Paar, Millipore-Sigma, Boron
films. N.M. Adhikari, K.A. Cimatu Molecular, Tosoh Bioscience, Kaneka, PPG
2:30 POLY 648. Liquid-infused poroelastic 1:25 POLY 661. Living cationic polym-
nanonetworks. J. Aizenberg, X. Yao erization of 4-methoxystyrene via a 4:20 POLY 679. Photooxidation of H. Gao, K. Matyjaszewski, B. S. Sumerlin, N. V.
novel RAFT mechanism. W. You high perfomance aerospace poly- Tsarevsky, Organizers
3:00 Intermission.
urethane coatings. N. Weise, I.
1:50 POLY 662. Pd(II)-catalyzed P. Lacroix-Desmazes, J. Pyun, Presiding
3:20 POLY 649. Artificial muscles Long, A.E. Mera, J.H. Wynne
copolymerizations of ethylene with
from stimuli-responsive poly-
vinyl trialkoxysilanes. M. Brookhart, 4:40 POLY 680. Withdrawn. 8:00 POLY 688. Hybrid Janus nanopar-
mer-based devices. M. Serpe
Z. Chen, O. Daugulis, W. Liu ticles by ATRP. A. Mueller
3:50 POLY 650. Multicompartment capsules
2:15 POLY 663. High-performance Section H 8:25 POLY 689. Influence of Z-group
that can undergo transformations in their
polymers: Function follows hydrophilicity in visible light-me-
morphology. K.C. DeMella, S.R. Raghavan Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
form. T.J. Dingemans diated aqueous RAFT polymeriza-
4:10 POLY 651. Dynamically responsive Shaw tion. K.H. Parsons, C.L. McCormick
2:40 POLY 664. Correlated liquid +
hydrogel microcapsules. J.G. Werner,
oriented liquid = reinforced liquid: 8:50 POLY 690. Multimodal grafted
B. Deveney, S. Nawar, H. Lee, D.A. Weitz Journey to Mars: Materials,
Conduction, alignment, and stiffness nanoparticles for functionality
Energy & Life Sciences
4:30 POLY 652. Photoinduced plas- in a soft material. L.A. Madsen and responsiveness. Y. Huang, Y.
ticity in crosslinked liquid crystalline Cosponsored by ANYL‡, BMGT‡, Zheng, M. Bell, B.C. Benicewicz
3:05 Intermission. COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, PMSE‡,
networks: A route to photopolymer-
PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ 9:15 POLY 691. Organocatalyzed
izable, programmable shape shifting 3:15 POLY 665. Architectural pro-
atom transfer radical polymerization:
materials. C. Bowman, M.K. McBride, M. gramming mechanical properties of C. J. Brumlik, M. A. Meador, G. L. Rodriguez, Catalyst development and design
Hendrikx, D. Liu, B.T. Worrell, D. Broer polymeric elastomers. S. Sheiko Organizers principles. J. Theriot, G. Miyake
3:40 POLY 666. Polymer mark of R. P. Viggiano, Presiding 9:40 POLY 692. Thermoresponsive
Section E Ed Samulski. M. Rubinstein
polymer coated gold nanopar-
1:00 POLY 681. Future Mars environment
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC 4:05 POLY 667. Organic polymer ticles. R. Hoogenboom
for science and exploration. J. Green, J.
Marquis Salon 15 chemistry in the context of novel Hollingsworth, M. Kahre, D. Brain, V. Airapetian, 10:05 POLY 693. Photoresponsive
processes. J.M. DeSimone A. Glocer, A. Pulkkinen, C. Dong, R. Bamford chalcogenide hybrid inorganic/organic
Non-Conventional Building Blocks 4:30 POLY 668. Persistent rods: polymers (CHIPs) via controlled radical
1:30 POLY 682. Use of polyimide and
in Conjugated Materials: Innovative From high temperature polymers polymerization for integrated photonics.
polyamide aerogels as lightweight,
Designs & New Applications to liquid helium. E.T. Samulski multifunctional materials for aerospace
J. Pyun, T. Kleine, K. Char, R.A. Norwood

Synthetic Methodology applications. M. Meador, J. Cashman, B. 10:30 POLY 694. Synthesis and
Cosponsored by INOR and PMSE‡
Section G Nguyen, H. Guo, R.P. Viggiano, S.L. Vivod self-assembly of polymer-brush-dec-
orated fine particles. K. Ohno
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC 2:00 POLY 683. Metal-organic frame-
Financially supported by Army Research Office,
Strem, TA Instruments, Rutgers PolyRUN Marquis Salon 14 works (MOFs): Design, preparation 10:55 POLY 695. Complex polymer archi-
and gas storage. O.K. Farha tectures as templates for nanoparticles
F. Jaekle, K. J. Noonan, A. Pietrangelo, General Topics: New Synthesis & synthesis. J. Pietrasik, Y. Zhang, J.
2:30 Intermission.
Organizers Michalak, W. Raj, K. Krysiak, K. Budzalek, P.
Characterization of Polymers
2:50 POLY 684. Biosynthesis of materials Filipczak, M. Kozanecki, K. Matyjaszewski
J. Ohshita, S. W. Thomas, Presiding
B. Barkakaty, D. Garcia, Organizers and nutraceuticals from astronaut waste:
11:20 POLY 696. Polymer-grafted
1:30 POLY 653. Withdrawn. J. Sirrine, O. Siscan, Presiding
Towards closing the loop. M.A. Blenner
nanoparticles in nanocompos-
2:00 POLY 654. Switchable, addressable 3:20 POLY 685. Towards biopro- ites for tailoring dielectric proper-
1:00 POLY 669. Withdrawn.
and tuneable: New applications for duction of advanced fuels and ties. E.E. Malmstrom, H. Hillborg, A.E.
redox-active aniline-based materials. 1:20 POLY 670. Electroactive polymer/ lightweight materials. F. Zhang Carlmark, C. Sanchez, M. Wahlander
A. Bell, Y. Liao, Y. Hu, B. Mills, C.F. Faul carbon nanotubes hybrid materials
3:50 POLY 686. Withdrawn. 11:45 POLY 697. Synthesis of stimu-
for energy storage synthesized via
2:25 POLY 655. Phosphoryl- 4:20 Concluding Remarks. li-responsive double hydrophilic block
grafting approaches. B. Ernould,
bridged viologens: Multifunctional O. Bertrand, A. Vlad, J. Gohy copolymers by ATRP and RAFT and
properties and applications. T. their use as nanostructure-directing
1:40 POLY 671. UCST-type behavior
Polymers for Aerospace
Baumgartner, M. Stolar, L. Striepe agents of mesoporous silica materials. A.
of poly(behenyl methacrylate)-sta- Applications: Celebrating the Lifetime
Phimphachanh, E. Molina, M. Mathonnat, M.
2:50 POLY 656. Low temperature
bilized nanoparticles in mineral oil Contributions of Charles Lee
Bathfield, J. Reboul, J. Richard, N. Marcotte, J.
thermoelectric power factor from dictates their degree of dispersion. Sponsored by PMSE, Cosponsored by POLY Pinaud, J. Chamieh, L. Leclercq, H. Cottet, S.
completely organic thin films. M.J. Derry, O. Mykhaylyk, S.P. Armes Harrisson, M. Destarac, P. Dieudonne-George,
J.C. Grunlan, C. Cho, C. Yu
2:00 POLY 672. Core-shell nanopar- M. In, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, C. Gerardin
3:15 Intermission.
ticles of tapered interface struc- WEDNESDAY EVENING 12:10 POLY 698. Hierarchical hybrid
3:35 POLY 657. Azadipyrromethene- ture. L. Wang, W. Xiong, X. Wang materials from ligand-driven organiza-
based complexes as electron 2:20 POLY 673. New versatile class of Section A tion of particulates. M.R. Bockstaller
acceptor for bulk heterojunction antioxidant polymers. R. Hlushko,
organic solar cells. G. Sauve Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
H. Hlushko, S.A. Sukhishvili
4:00 POLY 658. Cross-conjugated Marquis Ballroom Salon 6
2:40 POLY 674. Functional siloxanes
poly(thienylene vinylene)s (PTVs) and with photo-activated, simultaneous
poly(selenylene vinylene)s (PSVs). Y. Qin POLY/PMSE Plenary
chain extension and crosslinking for
4:25 POLY 659. Design of novel lithography-based 3D printing. J. M. Becker, Organizer, Presiding
electron-accepting building blocks Sirrine, N.G. Moon, V. Meenakshisundaram,
5:30 POLY 687. Frontiers in polymer
and application of their conjugated R.J. Mondschein, C. Williams, T.E. Long
science and engineering. F.S. Bates
polymers for printed electron- 3:00 POLY 675. Light scattering
ics. Y. Li, Z. Yan, Y. He, B. Sun without refractive index increment: The use of any device to capture
A new approach to calibrate SEC- THURSDAY MORNING images (e.g., cameras and camera
Section F light scattering setups. D. Lohmann,
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
W. Radke, J. Preis, S. Lavric
Section A phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
Judiciary Square 3:20 POLY 676. Morphological structure of
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC digital recorders) or to stream,
sulfonated syndiotactic polystyrene ion-
omers via SAXS and USAXS. G.B. Fahs Marquis Ballroom Salon 7 upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Herman F. Mark Award in
honor of Edward Samulski 3:40 POLY 677. Confocal Raman presentations is strictly prohibited
K. Matyjaszewski, Organizer
microscopy characterization of water- at all official ACS meetings and
borne coatings. D. Garcia, W. Wu
B. D. Freeman, Organizer, Presiding events without express written
consent from ACS.

12:35 POLY 699. Polyhomologation 8:05 POLY 709. Examining the impact of .10:40 POLY 725. Polymer/wax bending Section F
and controlled/living polymerization biomass fractionation on the produc- actuators. P. Jian, K.A. Cavicchi
techniques: A perfect partnership tion of lignin-derived material. A.S. Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
11:00 POLY 726. Liquid crystal elastomers Judiciary Square
toward unique polyethylene-based Bommarius, T. Kwok, D.N. Fogg, M.J. Realff
with programmable and dynamic shape
architectures. N. Hadjichristidis
8:35 POLY 710. Lignin based surfactants change. B.R. Donovan, T.J. White
Henkel Award for Outstanding
for agricultural applications. K.M. Perkins,
11:20 POLY 727. Shape-shifting Graduate Research in
Section B C. Gupta, E. Charleson, N. Washburn
polymer sheets using light. Y. Liu, Polymer Chemistry
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC 8:55 POLY 711. Lignin-based alter- R. Mailen, A. Hubbard, D. Davis, M.
Cosponsored by PMSE
Marquis Ballroom Salon 8 native thermoplastics. C.N. Scott, Zikry, J. Genzer, M.D. Dickey
G. Saenz, K. Ellis, G. Kulkarni Financially supported by Henkel Corp.
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased 9:15 POLY 712. Lignin-inspired poly- Section E W. T. Ford, Organizer, Presiding
Materials & Biocatalysis mers as biobased alternatives for Marriott Marquis Washington, DC 8:30 POLY 738. Noncovalent modu-
plastics applications. T.H. Epps
Therapeutics & Opto-Electronics Marquis Salon 15 lation of protien energy landscapes
Cosponsored by AGFD, CELL and PMSE 9:45 POLY 713. Study of lignin-lignin with targeted molecular binders.
and lignin-cellulose interactions in Non-Conventional Building Blocks D.N. Bunck, B. Atsavapranee, K.
H. Cheng, R. A. Gross, P. B. Smith, Organizers organic solvents and organosolv-water in Conjugated Materials: Innovative Museth, D. Vander Velde, J.R. Heath
cosolvent environments: Insights into
K. D. Singer, Presiding Designs & New Applications 9:00 POLY 739. Engineering func-
lignocellulose deconstruction. M.D.
8:00 POLY 700. Bio-based materials for Smith, L. Petridis, X. Cheng, J. Smith Optoelectronic Device Applications tional polymer coatings through the
optoelectronics. K.D. Singer, K. Peters, modification of morphology and
10:05 POLY 714. Lignin functionaliza- Cosponsored by INOR and PMSE‡
M. McMaster, F. Liu, S. Mekala, R.A. Gross surface chemistry. C.R. Crick
tion via controlled graft polymeriza- Financially supported by Army Research Office,
8:25 POLY 701. Conjugation of chemo-en- tion and click chemistry. C. Tang 9:30 POLY 740. Electroless copper
Strem, TA Instruments, Rutgers PolyRUN
zymatically modified sophorolipids to deposition: Interconnecting modern
10:25 POLY 715. Developing diverse communication. C.R. Mulzer
porphyrin chromophore: Bio-based F. Jaekle, K. J. Noonan, A. Pietrangelo,
polymer applications for the
materials for organic optoelectronic Organizers 10:00 Intermission.
lignin feedstock. J. Zhang
applications. S. Mekala, K. Peters, F. Liu, T. L. Andrew, W. You, Presiding
M. McMaster, R.A. Gross, K.D. Singer 10:55 POLY 716. Molecular engineered bio- 10:15 POLY 741. New concepts in
polymer lignin: Visible light induced mod- 8:30 POLY 728. Polycyclic conjugated sustainable polymers. G.W. Coates
8:45 POLY 702. Biobased biode-
ification of natural lignin. H. Chung, H. Liu hydrocarbons containing antiaromatic 10:45 POLY 742. Colloidal covalent
gradable hyperbranched polymers
cyclobutadienoids enabled by efficient organic frameworks. W. Dichtel,
for time-release applications. P.B. 11:15 POLY 717. Surface modifi-
annulation. Y. Xia, L. Chen, Z. Jin, Y. Teo B. Smith, L. Parent, R.P. Bisbey, A.
Smith, T. Zhang, B.A. Howell cation and antimicrobial proper-
ties of cellulose nanocrystals. N. 8:50 POLY 729. Photo-physical Chavez, A. Evans, N.C. Gianneschi
9:10 POLY 703. Protein-based
Vasanthan, Y. Bespalova, D. Kwon properties of carborane containing 11:15 Award Presentation.
nanoparticles: A new class of
poly(dihexylfluorene)s (CCPDF):
multifunctional biomaterials. L. 11:35 POLY 718. Nanoparticles as 11:20 POLY 743. Structurally precise
Applications as polarity sensors.
Radi, M. Fach, E. Steiert, P.R. Wich crosslinking agents for hydro- synthesis of two-dimensional cova-
K.L. Martin, K.R. Carter
phobic modified polyacrylamide lent organic frameworks and linear
9:30 POLY 704. Engineered protein
aqueous solution. F. Peng, Y. Ke 9:10 POLY 730. Withdrawn. polymers for optoelectronics and
triblock polymer as stimuli respon-
sive hydrogels for small molecule 11:55 Concluding Remarks. 9:30 POLY 731. Effects of heteroatom therapeutics. J. Colson, W. Dichtel, C.R.
delivery. A. Olsen, J. Haghpanah, M. functionalization on anthradithiophene: Mulzer, J.A. Mann, J. Hubbell, R. Wang,
Dai, N. Singh, R.S. Tu, J.K. Montclare Exploring the influence of chemical D.S. Wilson, C. Nagler, C. Plunkett
Section D
structure on electronic properties, pho-
9:50 Intermission. Marriott Marquis Washington, DC to-oxidative stability, crystal packing, and Section G
10:05 POLY 705. Withdrawn. Mount Vernon Square device performance. D.J. Dirkes, W. You
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
10:30 POLY 706. Functionalization and 9:50 POLY 732. Unusual enhancement Marquis Salon 14
controlled release of B vitamins from Shape-Shifting Polymeric Systems in the processability and electrical
citrate polyesters. R.T. Mathers Cosponsored by PMSE properties of electroactive polymers via
the formation of unusual building blocks.
General Topics: New Synthesis &
10:55 POLY 707. Pro-active networks via R. Verduzco, Organizer Characterization of Polymers
Y. Kim, W. Abousamra, D. Yang, O. Melton,
degradable acetals (PANDAs) prepared
S. Sheiko, T. Ware, Organizers, Presiding S. Isah, J. Jung, S. Besic, M. Birschbach, V. B. Barkakaty, D. Garcia, Organizers
via thiol-ene photopolymerization. D.
Ebron, R. Mercado, P.J. Kinlen, H. Nguyen
Amato, D. Amato, O. Mavrodi, W. Martin, S. 8:00 POLY 719. Thermoset net- B. P. Bastakoti, P. J. Scott, Presiding
Swilley, K. Parsons, D. Mavrodi, D.L. Patton works for shape-memory contact 10:10 Intermission.
8:00 POLY 744. Counter-ion effect on
11:20 POLY 708. Sugar-derived printing. M.L. Anthamatten, A. 10:30 POLY 733. Conjugated polymer-dye radical polymerization kinetics of ion-
poly(β-thioester)s synthesized using Shestopalov, J.C. Lambropoulos weakly coupled covalent assembly for ic-liquid monomers. M. Chen, J. Dugger,
a thiol-Michael reaction as a biobased 8:30 POLY 720. Processable and shape optoelectronics. S.S. Sun, D. Wang X. Li, L.A. Madsen, B.S. Lokitz, T.E. Long
biomedical scaffold material. N.G. Moon, memory properties of innovative 10:50 POLY 734. Efficient naphthalene- 8:20 POLY 745. Synthesis of an amphi-
F. Mazzini, A. Pekkanen, E. Wilts, T.E. Long poly(ether ether ketone) derivatized diimide-based hole semiconducting philic Janus dendrimer and evalua-
with n-alkyl groups. P. Zarras, A. polymer with vinylene linkers between tion of its self-assembly process in
Section C Baca, J.D. Stenger-Smith, M. Garrison, donor and acceptor units. L. Zhang, water. M. Elizondo-Garcia, V. Marquez-
R. Quintana, L. Baldwin, L. Cambrea B.D. Rose, Y. Liu, M. Nahid, E. Gann, Miranda, I.D. Araya-Duran, M. Videa, F.D.
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
8:50 POLY 721. Thermoset shape J.T. Ly, T.P. Russell, A. Facchetti, C.R. Gonzalez-Nilo, J.A. Valencia-Gallegos
Marquis Ballroom Salon 9
memory polyurethane with intrinsic McNeill, J.E. Bredas, A.L. Briseno
8:40 POLY 746. Traditional and bidi-
plasticity and tunable performance. N. 11:10 POLY 735. Metal coupline to rectional strategies for the anionic
Advances in Lignin: Chemicals,
Zheng, Z. Fang, J. Hou, Q. Zhao, T. Xie bridge small molecule sensors and polymerization of novel phosphoni-
Polymers & Materials
9:10 POLY 722. Shape-memory polymeric sensing platforms. W. Wu, Z. um-containing block copolymers. P.J.
Cosponsored by CELL Qing, A. Chen, W.E. Bernier, W.E. Jones
polymers for orthopaedic soft-tissue Scott, A. Schultz, S. Bobade, T.E. Long
H. Chung, C. Tang, Organizers, Presiding repair. D. Safranski, K. Smith, K. Gall 11:30 POLY 736. Fused ring systems 9:00 POLY 747. Withdrawn.
9:30 POLY 723. Shape memory compos- containing pyrroles for organic elec-
8:00 Introductory Remarks. 9:20 POLY 748. Synthesis and optical
ites: Formulating and processing by tronics. C. Bulumulla, H.Q. Nguyen, R.
properties of organically modified
varying elastomers and fillers. A. Shirole, Gunawardhana, R. Kularatne, J. Du, K.E.
chalcogenide (ORMOCHALC) polymers.
A. Nicharat, J. Sapkota, J. Foster, C. Weder Washington, M.C. Biewer, M.C. Stefan
D.A. Boyd, V.Q. Nguyen, C.C. McClain, C.C.
Technical program information 9:50 Intermission. 11:50 POLY 737. Unipolar electron Baker, J.D. Myers, W. Kim, J.S. Sanghera
known at press time. 10:10 POLY 724. From flat to functional:
transport polymers: Thiazole based
9:40 POLY 749. Synthesis and self-assem-
all-electron acceptor approaches
The official technical program for Shape transformation in liquid for high mobility organic field-ef-
bly of amphiphilic diblock copolymer as
crystalline elastomers. T.J. White, T. Guin, an effect of chemical oscillation. B.P.
the 254th ACS National Meeting B. Kowalski, N.P. Godman, B. Donovan,
fect transistors. Z. Yuan, B. Fu, S.
Bastakoti, S. Guragain, J. Perez-Mercader
Thomas, J.E. Bredas, E. Reichmanis
is available at www.acs.org/ A. Auguste

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


10:00 POLY 750. Topology control of Section D 3:20 POLY 778. Insights into linear Section B
bottlebrush polymers. D. Walsh, O. supramolecular polymer formation
Okesanjo, S. Lau, R. Schneider, D. Guironnet
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC via TPE and BODIPY containing Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Mount Vernon Square host-guest interaction. C. Gouda Liberty Ballroom Salon J
10:20 POLY 751. Withdrawn.
3:40 POLY 779. Improved covalent
10:40 POLY 752. Direct C-H amidation Shape-Shifting Polymeric Systems Dynamic Chemistry in
organic frameworks through net
polymerization forming C-N bond for Cosponsored by PMSE Polymer Materials
transimination. E. Vitaku, W. Dichtel
fluorescent polysulfonylamides using
D. Konkolewicz, Organizer
iridium catalyst. Y. Jang, T. Choi R. Verduzco, Organizer
N. Ayres, Organizer, Presiding
11:00 POLY 753. Water vapor barrier S. Sheiko, T. Ware, Organizers, Presiding
properties of polybenzoxazine-sil-
ica nanocomposites provided from
1:00 POLY 764. Programmed stimu-
lus response in liquid crystal elas-
PMSE L. Connal, Presiding
8:00 PMSE 7. Self-healing, malleable
perhydropolysilazane. J. Lee, R. Saito
and creep limiting materials using both
11:20 POLY 754. Poly(2-oxazoline)s:
tomers and hydrogels. T. Ware
1:20 POLY 765. Solid emulsion:
Division of Polymeric supramolecular and reversible covalent
Investigating structure-property relation-
ships for the design of mucose penetrat-
Gas-switchable polymer latex Materials Science and linkages. B. Zhang, Z. Digby, J. Flum,
E. Foster, J. Sparks, D. Konkolewicz
ing systems. V. R de la Rosa, E. Mansfield,
system. T. Fang, J. Yuan
Engineering 8:20 PMSE 8. Acylhydrazones and ureas:
R. Kowalczyk, I. Grillo, R. Hoogenboom, K. 1:40 POLY 766. Super-soft bottlebrush C. Snyder, B. Olsen, X. Jia, M. Becker and Reversible bonds as starting point for the
Sillence, P. Hole, A. Williams, V.V. Khutoryanskiy elastomer actuators for shape changing A. Norman, Program Chairs design of self-healing materials. S. Bode,
applications. M. Vatankhah Varnoosfaderani,
N. Kuhl, M. Abend, M.D. Hager, U.S. Schubert
W.F. Daniel, A.P. Zhushma, Q. Li, B.
8:50 PMSE 9. Self-healing and mechano-
THURSDAY AFTERNOON Morgan, K. Matyjaszewski,
A.V. Dobrynin, S. Sheiko chemical response in polymers: Hydrogen
Young Investigator Award bonds and metal-carbene-complexes.
Section B 2:00 POLY 767. Liquid crystalline elastomer (see POLY, Mon)
W.H. Binder, P. Michael, D. Döhler, S. Chen
films: Actuation under load. B. Kowalski, Polymers at the Interface with
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC 9:20 Intermission.
T. Guin, N.P. Godman, A.D. Auguste, T.J. White Biology (see POLY, Tue)
Marquis Ballroom Salon 8
2:20 POLY 768. 1D vs 2D shape selectivity 9:40 PMSE 10. Dynamic covalent bonding:
in the crystallization-driven self-assembly SOCIAL EVENTS: Complex quaternary structures and click-
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased ing/declicking applications. E.V. Anslyn
of polylactide block copolymers. M. Inam, Poster Session & Social Hour, 6:00
Materials & Biocatalysis G. Cambridge, A. Pitto-Barry, Z. Laker, N. PM: Tue 10:10 PMSE 11. Dynamic cova-
Applications of Biobased Materials Wilson, R.T. Mathers, A.P. Dove, R.K. OReilly
Reception, 5:30 PM: Wed lent materials. L. Connal
Cosponsored by AGFD, CELL and PMSE 2:40 POLY 769. Withdrawn.
BUSINESS MEETINGS: 10:40 PMSE 12. Superelastic self-heal-
R. A. Gross, P. B. Smith, Organizers 3:00 POLY 770. Fast self-healing of ing PDMS-polyurea network mem-
Business Meeting, 5:00 PM: Mon
polyelectrolyte multilayer nanocoating brane. P. Cao, B. Li, T. Hong, Y. Wang,
H. Cheng, Organizer, Presiding
and restoration of super oxygen barrier. S. Cheng, K. Xing, A.P. Sokolov, T. Saito
1:00 POLY 755. Edible films derived from Y. Song, K. Meyers, J. Gerringer, R. Krishnan,
milk. M.H. Tunick, L. Bonnaillie, L.D. Aburto, S. Qin, S.I. Nazarenko, J.C. Grunlan
SUNDAY MORNING 11:10 PMSE 13. Ultra-fast self-heal-
ing polyurethane networks. V.
J. Mulherin, R.P. Kwoczak, P.M. Tomasula Solouki Bonab, V. Karimkhani, D. Yuan,
Section A
1:25 POLY 756. On the use of lactic acid Section G L. Yue, A. Patel, I. Manas-Zloczower
esters as fuel additives: Preliminary Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
instrumented engine test results of Liberty Ballroom Salon L Section C
Marquis Salon 14
gasoline and ethanol blends with
ethyl lactate. R.C. Bopp, G.W. Beall Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Eastman Chemical Student Award
General Topics: New Synthesis & Liberty Ballroom Salon K
1:50 POLY 757. Flame retardants in Applied Polymer Science
Characterization of Polymers
from renewable sources: Food Financially supported by Eastman
waste, plant oils and starch. B.A. B. Barkakaty, D. Garcia, Organizers Chemical Company Synthesis, Self-Assembly
Howell, Y. Daniel, E. Ostrander & Applications of Peptides
R. J. Mondschein, K. A. Valentine, Presiding
J. C. Jenkins, Organizer & Polypeptides
2:15 POLY 758. Ultra-tough bio-aramide 1:00 POLY 771. Deterministic control J. W. Gilmer, Organizer, Presiding Ring-Opening Polymerization
fibers derived from functional amino of polymer molecular weight distribu-
acids. T. Kaneko, Y. Yoshinaka, S. Tateyama tions and its effects on the properties 8:30 Introductory Remarks. of NCA & Polypeptides
2:35 POLY 759. Renewable polymers of block copolymers. D. Gentekos, Financially supported by Journal of
8:35 PMSE 1. Non-isocyanate polyure-
from itaconic acid. J.T. Trotta, M. Jin, K. V. Kottisch, L. Dupuis, B.P. Fors Biomaterials Science, RSC
thane thermoplastic elastomer with
Stawiasz, Q. Michaudel, W. Chen, B.P. Fors 1:20 POLY 772. Alternating and ran- competitive properties via amide-based J. Cheng, H. Lu, Organizers, Presiding
2:55 Intermission. dom-sequence polyesters with distinct chain extender. G. Beniah, D.J. Fortman,
W. Heath, W. Dichtel, J.M. Torkelson 8:00 PMSE 14. Design and self-assembly of
physical properties. C. Peng, A. Joy
3:10 POLY 760. Novel cottonseed polypeptide and elastin-like amphi-
protein-based wood adhesives. 1:40 POLY 773. New polymeric architec- 9:05 PMSE 2. Conjugated polymers with philic copolymers. S. Lecommandoux,
H. Cheng, M.K. Dowd, Z. He tures: Versatility of neutral and charged multistage sidechains for aqueous pro- E. Garanger, B. Garbay, G. Lefer
nanoreactors. F. Gayet, L. Vendrame, cessable organic electronics. B. Schmatz
3:35 POLY 761. Completing the cycle: 8:30 PMSE 15. Development of polypeptide
J. Bizeau, W. Bour, A. Mau, E. Nouvel, S. 9:35 PMSE 3. Recyclable cross-linked
Photodegradation as a tool to make Chen, C. Fliedel, E. Manoury, R. Poli
hydrogels for central nervous system
sustainable and recyclable poly- polymer networks via one-step therapy. T.J. Deming, M.V. Sofroniew
mers/oligomers derived from biore- 2:00 POLY 774. Investigating regiochem- controlled radical polymeriza-
sources. J. Sivaguru, R. Singathi, R. istry’s influence on cyclic formation in tion. K. Jin, L. Li, J.M. Torkelson
Raghunathan, M.P. Sibi, D.C. Webster polyesters and their impact on properties 10:05 Intermission.
and performance. R.J. Mondschein,
3:55 POLY 762. Using a bio-derived C. Arrington, S. Cheng, T.E. Long 10:20 PMSE 4. Photodegradable, pho-
solvent to cast polysulfone polymeric toadaptable hydrogels crosslinked by
membranes. X. Dong, I.C. Escobar 2:20 POLY 775. Liquid-phase iterative syn- allyl sulfides for cell culture applica-
thesis with OSN: A flexible and scalable
4:15 POLY 763. Compatibilizing methylcel- platform for precision synthetic macro-
tions. T. Brown, I. Marozas, K.S. Anseth The use of any device to capture
lulose and polyethylene for sustainable molecules. R. Dong, R. Chen, A. Livingston 10:50 PMSE 5. Paper-based electrochro- images (e.g., cameras and camera
materials. K. Arrington, J.B. Matson mic devices incorporating inkjet-printed
2:40 POLY 776. Structure-property PEDOT:PSS electrodes. A. Lang, phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
relationships of semi-aromatic
liquid crystalline polyesters utilizing
A. Osterholm, M. De Keersmaecker, D. digital recorders) or to stream,
Shen, R.J. Moon, J.R. Reynolds
4,4’-bibenzoate. K.A. Valentine, A.M. upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Nelson, M. Hegde, S.R. Turner, T.E. Long 11:20 PMSE 6. Structure-property
relationships of amorphous bibenzo- presentations is strictly prohibited
3:00 POLY 777. Withdrawn. ate polyesters: A potential PET and at all official ACS meetings and
BPA-PC replacement. R.J. Mondschein,
J.M. Dennis, H. Liu, R. Krishnan, S.I. events without express written
Nazarenko, S.R. Turner, T.E. Long consent from ACS.

9:00 PMSE 16. Scaffold directed 11:50 PMSE 28. Preferred block 10:15 PMSE 41. Polymeric nanoparticles 9:50 PMSE 55. Designing functional
cooperative polymerization of copolymer domain orientation per- explored for drug-delivery applications. polymers for 3D printing: From material
amino acid N-carboxyanhydrides. pendicular to the fiber axis through E.E. Malmstrom, H. Asem, C. Porsch, J. extrusion of ion-containing polymers
R. Baumgartner, J. Cheng solvent annealing. Z. Zhou, G. Liu Engstrom, A.E. Carlmark, A.M. Nystrom to stereolithography of multifunctional
acrylates. T.E. Long, P.J. Scott, A.
9:30 PMSE 17. Thermal responsive 10:45 PMSE 42. Stereochemically
Section E Pekkanen, M. Hegde, J. Sirrine, N. Chartrain,
polypeptide brushes prepared by tuneable hydrogels through efficient
V. Meenakshisundaram, C. Williams
vapor deposition surface-initi- nucleophilic thiol-yne click chem-
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
ated ring-opening polymerization istry. L.J. Macdougall, A.P. Dove 10:15 PMSE 56. Peptide-crosslinking
Liberty Ballroom Salon I
of a-amino acid NCAs. Z. Li of biomaterials for 3D bio-print-
11:05 PMSE 43. Solution behavior
ing. S.C. Heilshorn, K. Dubbin
10:00 Intermission. Simulations of Polymeric Materials: of bottlebrush polyelectrolytes. J.
Molecular- to Macro-Scale Lou, Y. Teo, F. Horkay, Y. Xia 10:40 PMSE 57. Three-dimensional printing
10:20 PMSE 18. Versatile star-
of complex structures by freeform
shaped polypeptide conjugates 11:25 PMSE 44. Idealized networks
Biologically Relevant reversible embedding of suspended
with controlled self-assembly as through bottlebrush polymeriza-
Polymer Systems hydrogels (FRESH). A.W. Feinberg
therapeutics. M.J. Vicent tion. J.M. Sarapas, E. Chan, K. Beers
A. Jayaraman, S. Loverde, M. Olvera De La 11:05 PMSE 58. Dynamic and user-pro-
10:50 PMSE 19. Polymerization of 11:45 PMSE 45. Structure and spatial
Cruz, Organizers grammable biomaterials for 4D cell
glycosylated NCAs for preparation distribution of hydrophobic drugs
A. Jayaraman, Presiding culture. J.A. Shadish, L. Liu, C.A. DeForest
of biomedical materials and syn- in nanogel star polymers. G. Wei,
thetic glycoproteins. J. Kramer, M. V.M. Prabhu, V.A. Piunova, R.D. Miller 11:30 PMSE 59. Synthetic hydrogels
9:00 PMSE 29. Multiscale view of DNA
Zhou, C. Delaveris, C.R. Bertozzi for 3D bioprinting. A. Nelson
compaction in chromatin. J.J. De Pablo
11:20 PMSE 20. Synthesis and biomedical Section G
9:30 PMSE 30. Hydration of polyeth- Merck Research Award Symposium
application of circular protein-poly(amino Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
ylene oxide brushes on gold sur-
acid) conjugates. Y. Hou, J. Yuan, H. Lu Sponsored by WCC, Cosponsored by BIOL,
faces. U.R. Dahal, E. Dormidontova Marquis Salon 12 COMP, MEDI, MPPG, ORGN, PMSE and PROF
9:45 PMSE 31. Coarse-grained models of
Section D Polyphosphazenes in Biomedicine, Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased
thermo-sensitive polymers. K. Bejagam,
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC S. Singh, C. Berry, Y. An, S. Deshmukh Engineering & Pioneering Synthesis Materials & Biocatalysis
Marquis Ballroom Salon 10 10:00 PMSE 32. Spontaneous inser- Cosponsored by POLY Biobased Materials:
tion and helix formation by polyeth- Financially supported by White Square Industrial Perspectives
1D Nanomaterials: Synthesis, ylene oxide in carbon nanotubes. Chemical, Inc., CeloNova Biosciences, Inc. Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored
Assembly, Properties & Applications U.R. Dahal, E. Dormidontova by AGFD, CELL and PMSE
H. R. Allcock, A. K. Andrianov, Organizers,
Polymeric 10:15 PMSE 33. New mechanism for
Presiding Metallo-Supramolecular &
selective macromolecular filtra-
S. B. Darling, J. Hahm, Organizers, Presiding 8:30 Introductory Remarks. Metal Containing Polymers
tion in polymer networks. D.J. Mai,
8:30 PMSE 21. Withdrawn. Y. Yang, T.J. Dursch, B.D. Olsen 8:35 PMSE 46. Control of poly-
10:30 Intermission. phosphazene properties by side Polymers & Assemblies
8:55 PMSE 22. Formation of organic
charge transfer nanowires in solution. group variations. H.R. Allcock Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE‡
10:40 PMSE 34. Prediction of salt-respon-
E.R. Van Keuren, T. Li, S. Hung, R. Smith, 9:05 PMSE 47. Self-assembling polyphos-
sive morphological phase diagrams for Polymer Mechanochemistry
C. Bagade, P. Vora, I. Stone, P. Dev phazene systems and their biomed-
DNA-based polyelectrolytes. Y.G. Yingling
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE
9:20 PMSE 23. Effect of phosphonated ical applications. A.K. Andrianov
11:10 PMSE 35. Coarse-grained
single-walled carbon nanotubes on the 9:35 PMSE 48. Polyphosphazene-based
molecular dynamics studies of the
transport properties of sulfonated poly(- biomaterials for regenerative engineering.
structure and stability of peptide-drug
styrene–isobutylene–styrene) membranes.
amphiphile filaments. M. Kang, A. K.S. Ogueri, Z. Li, J.L. Escobar Ivirico, M. SUNDAY AFTERNOON
E. Ruiz-Colon, M. Perez Perez, D. Suleiman Deng, L.S. Nair, H.R. Allcock, C. Laurencin
Manandhar, H. Cui, S. Loverde
9:45 PMSE 24. Effects of confinement on Section A
11:25 PMSE 36. Knot energy, com- 10:05 Intermission.
glass transition temperature in polymer Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
plexity, and mobility of knotted 10:25 PMSE 49. Poly(alkyl/arylphos-
thin films, nanotubes, and nanospheres
polymers. F. Vargas-Lara, A. phazenes). P. Wisian-Neilson Liberty Ballroom Salon L
as measured by differential scanning
Hassan, M. Mansfield, J.F. Douglas
calorimetry, ellipsometry and fluores- 10:55 PMSE 50. Polyphosphazene
cence. J.M. Torkelson, A. Tan, L. Chen 11:40 PMSE 37. Studies towards the Journal of Polymer Science Award:
nanoparticles as contrast agent
improvement in the design of novel Symposium in honor of Luis Campos
10:10 Intermission. delivery systems. D. Cormode
polyphosphate inhibitors as anti- Financially supported by Wiley
10:25 PMSE 25. Rapid and versatile thrombotic agents using molecular
construction of functional amphi- dynamics simulations. A. Mafi, J.N. Section H J. Mahoney, Organizer
philic cylindrical nanostructures from Kizhakkedathu, J. Pfaendtner, K. Chou Marriott Marquis Washington, DC C. J. Hawker, Organizer, Presiding
poly(L-lactide)-block-poly(D-glucose Liberty Ballroom Salon N
carbonate)s. Y. Song, Y. Chen, L. 1:00 PMSE 60. Magneto-optical
Section F designs in conjugated poly-
Su, R. Li, R.A. Letteri, K.L. Wooley
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Materials for Patterning in mers. T.M. Swager, P. Wang
10:50 PMSE 26. Directed assembly Two & Three Dimensions
Marquis Salon 13 1:30 PMSE 61. From microelectron-
of twisted polymeric nanofibers
Financially supported by Applied ics to nanomedicine: Application
via chemical vapor deposition in
Gels & Other Soft Amorphous Solids Materials; JSR Micro, Inc. of organic catalysis and sustain-
liquid crystals. K. Cheng, C. Hussal,
E. Spuling, S. Braese, J. Lahann A. Nelson, A. Vora, Organizers, Presiding able chemistry. J. Hedrick
Synthesis & Characterization
11:15 PMSE 27. Integral asymmetric 8:00 Introductory Remarks. 2:00 PMSE 62. Adventures in the synthesis
E. Del Gado, Organizer
isoporous flat sheet and hollow fiber of poly[n]catenanes. S.J. Rowan
J. Douglas, F. Horkay, Organizers, Presiding 8:05 PMSE 51. Dynamic covalent chem-
membranes from block copolymers. V. 2:30 PMSE 63. Improved synthesis and
istry in 3D printing. R. Smaldone
Abetz, M. Radjabian, K. Sankhala, N. Noor 8:30 PMSE 38. Self-assembly of applications of imine-linked covalent
liquid-crystalline block-copolymers 8:25 PMSE 52. Expanded materials space organic frameworks. W. Dichtel
for responsive nematic gels. Z. Kurji, for digital light processing additive
manufacturing (DLP-AM). A.J. Boydston 3:00 PMSE 64. Macromolecular
R. Hule, P. Pirogovsky, J.A. Kornfield
metamorphosis: Stimulus-triggered
9:00 PMSE 39. Controlling polymer network 8:50 PMSE 53. Future fabricated topological transformations of polymer
with light: Rethinking materials for
Technical program information topology with chemistry. J.A. Johnson
3D manufacturing. J. Rolland
architecture. H. Sun, C.P. Kabb, Y.
Dai, M.R. Hill, A. Bapat, B.S. Sumerlin
9:30 PMSE 40. Interpenetrating polymer
known at press time. network hydrogels based on poly(2-hy- 9:15 PMSE 54. How new materials 3:30 PMSE 65. Synthesis of poly-
The official technical program for droxyethyl methacrylate): Morphology and additive manufacturing are meric materials by ROMP ini-
effects on formation, swelling, optical, changing medicine. M. Becker tiators. R.H. Grubbs
the 254th ACS National Meeting and mechanical properties. M. 9:40 Intermission. 4:00 PMSE 66. Controlling cationic
is available at www.acs.org/ Duskova Smrckova, Z. Sadakbayeva, M.
polymerizations with light. B.P. Fors
WDC2017 Steinhart, A. Šturcová, J. Pfleger, K. Dusek
4:30 PMSE 67. Materials for 3rd-gen-
10:00 Intermission.
eration solar cells. L.M. Campos

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


Section B 4:20 PMSE 81. Amphiphilic stereob- 2:30 PMSE 93. Study on phase behavior 1:30 PMSE 107. Polyphosphazenes
lock polypeptides: Synthesis and of coil-semiflexible diblock copolymers/ with controlled macromolecular
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC solution assembly. R.A. Letteri, J. nanoparticles composites by using structures and triggered degra-
Liberty Ballroom Salon J Fan, X. He, T.P. Nguyen, K.L. Wooley self-consistent field theory. G. Yang dation pathways. I. Teasdale
4:50 PMSE 82. New controlled tech- 2:45 PMSE 94. Elastocapillarity in polymers 2:00 PMSE 108. Self-assembly of
Dynamic Chemistry in and soft matter. A.V. Dobrynin, Z. Cao
niques in N-carboxyanhydride (NCA) crystalline and chiral hybrid poly-
Polymer Materials polymerization: From light-induced phosphazene-b-polystyrene block
3:00 Intermission.
N. Ayres, Organizer ring-opening polymerization to reactive copolymers. A. Presa Soto, G. Carriedo,
polypeptide scaffolds. M. Hill 3:10 PMSE 95. Block copolymer assem- R. de la Campa, D. Presa-Soto
D. Konkolewicz, Organizer, Presiding
blies beneath the surface: Modeling
2:30 PMSE 109. Molecular simulation
P. Chakma, Presiding intra-domain textures and chirality trans-
Section D of polyphosphazenes. J.R. Fried
fer to mesoscale assembly. G.M. Grason
1:00 PMSE 68. Dynamic and self-heal-
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC 3:00 Intermission.
ing polymers containing hyper- 3:40 PMSE 96. Probing the phase behavior
valent iodine(III) and bismuth(V) Marquis Ballroom Salon 10 of coarse-grained polymer models with 3:20 PMSE 110. Synthesis and phys-
atoms as structural elements. N.V. nested sampling. K. Salerno, N. Bernstein icochemical properties of noble
Tsarevsky, A. Vaish, H. Han, S. Seger 1D Nanomaterials: Synthesis, polyphosphazene-Pt(II) conjugate
3:55 PMSE 97. Fabricating a multitude
Assembly, Properties & Applications drugs for cancer therapy. Y.S. Sohn
1:30 PMSE 69. Recent progress of metastable, non-classical mor-
in self-healing polymer design S. B. Darling, J. Hahm, Organizers, Presiding phologies in block copolymers by 3:40 PMSE 111. Development of fluori-
via supramolecular and dynamic processing. M. Mueller, D. Sun nated ionomer coatings using aqueous
1:30 PMSE 83. Determining how the
covalent bonds. Z. Guan nanoassembly of polyphosphazene
molecular structure of peptide amphi- 4:10 PMSE 98. Systematic and
polyelectrolytes. S.A. Sukhishvili,
2:00 PMSE 70. Investigating the philes influences the energy landscape simulation-free coarse graining
V. Selin, A. Marin, A.K. Andrianov
dynamic imine and aminal bond of their assembly into one-dimen- of polymer melts. Q. Wang
exchange towards covalent adapt- sional supramolecular fibers. M.P. 4:00 PMSE 112. Polyphosphazene
able networks. D. Zhang, A. Chao Hendricks, S. Lobo, N. Sather, S.I. Stupp Section F based gas separations membranes:
pushing the boundaries. H.B.
2:30 PMSE 71. Dynamic bonds in 1:55 PMSE 84. Fibrinogen adsorption and Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Nulwala, D. Luebke, Z. Li, H.R. Allcock
self-healable carbohydrate-modified packing configurations mediated by
Marquis Salon 13
polyurethanes. Y. Yang, M.W. Urban the periodicity and alignment control of
1D block copolymer nanodomains. T. Section H
3:00 Intermission. Gels & Other Soft Amorphous Solids
Xie, A. Vora, P.J. Mulcahey, S. Nanescu, Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
3:20 PMSE 72. Polymeric halo- J. Huang, C. Liu, D.P. Sanders, J. Hahm Structure-Property Relationship
gen-bond-based donor systems Liberty Ballroom Salon N
2:20 PMSE 85. Nitric oxide-releasing hyper- J. Douglas, F. Horkay, Organizers
showing self-healing behavior in thin
branched polyaminoglycosides as novel Materials for Patterning in
films. U.S. Schubert, R. Tepper E. Del Gado, Organizer, Presiding
antibacterial agents. M.H. Schoenfisch Two & Three Dimensions
3:50 PMSE 73. Dynamic and E. E. Malmstrom, Presiding
2:55 Intermission.
self-healing hindered poly- Bio-Patterning & Advanced
urea. H. Ying, K. Cai, J. Cheng 3:10 PMSE 86. Engineering of chiral phases 1:30 PMSE 99. SANS from branched Lithography
based on cellulose nanocrystals: Effect polymers-recent results. B. Hammouda
4:20 PMSE 74. Stimuli responsive self- Financially supported by Applied
of sources and nanocrystal dimensions. 2:00 PMSE 100. Gels: From soft matter Materials; JSR Micro, Inc.
healing and malleable material based on
V. Korolovych, V. Cherpak, R. Xiong, D. to biomatter. M. Shibayama, T. Sakai
reversible thiol-Michael chemistry.
Nepal, A. Ng, T. Bunning, V.V. Tsukruk A. Nelson, Organizer
P. Chakma, D. Konkolewicz, Z. Digby, L. Henrique 2:30 PMSE 101. Polymer conformations
3:35 PMSE 87. Mechanically-robust, at surfaces: Swelling, excluded volume A. Vora, Organizer, Presiding
4:40 PMSE 75. Influence of the base layers
multifunctional and ultrathin nanofibrous and understanding adsorption. K. D. P. Sanders, Presiding
on the real time dynamic water contact
membranes for tuberculosis elimina- Beers, S.V. Orski, R.J. Sheridan, E. Chan
angle. K. Ashraf, C. Wang, S. Nair, D.A. 1:00 PMSE 113. Polymers for direct and
tion. V. Intasanta, N. Subjalearndee
Higgins, M.M. Collinson, K.J. Wynne 3:00 Intermission. interact patterning of proteins by electron
4:00 PMSE 88. Polycarbodiimide cloaking beam lithography. H.D. Maynard
3:15 PMSE 102. Swelling of cross-linked
Section C modulates the carbon nanotube delivery
polymers: Interpretations and misinterpre- 1:25 PMSE 114. 2D surface assembly
into cancer cells. J. Budhathoki-Uprety,
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC tations. K. Dusek, M. Duskova-Smrckova configurations and packing prefer-
R.E. Langenbacher, P.V. Jena, J.D. Harvey, E.
Liberty Ballroom Salon K Isaac, R.M. Williams, T.V. Galassi, D.A. Heller 3:45 PMSE 103. Osmotic properties of ences of proteins on block copolymer
biomimetic fibrillar hydrogel as a vitreous nanodomains. T. Xie, A. Vora, P.J.
4:25 PMSE 89. Electrophilic substi- Mulcahey, C. Liu, D.P. Sanders, J. Hahm
Synthesis, Self-Assembly substitute. S. Santhanam, N. Ravi
tution on phenylsilsesquioxanes.
& Applications of Peptides R.M. Laine, M. Bahrami, D. Hashemi, 4:05 PMSE 104. Understanding rate 1:50 PMSE 115. Block copolymers with
& Polypeptides J. Kieffer, T.G. Goodson, J. Kampf dependent mechanical properties of one charged block as templates for
supramolecular hydrogels through protein patterning. B.D. Olsen, H. Sureka,
Ring-Opening Polymerization C. Stewart-Sloan, R. Wang, M.K. Sing
of NCA & Polypeptides Section E real time SAXS measurements
during stretching. B.D. Vogt 2:15 PMSE 116. EUV metal oxide hybrid
Financially supported by Journal of Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
4:25 PMSE 105. Hydrogel structure photoresists: Ultrasmall structures for
Biomaterials Science, RSC Liberty Ballroom Salon I
and dynamics of oligocarbon- high resolution patterning. H. Xu, K.
J. Cheng, H. Lu, Organizers ate-functionalized PEG telechelic Kasahara, V. Kosma, E.P. Giannelis, C.K. Ober
Simulations of Polymeric Materials: polymers. V. Prabhu, G. Wei, S. Ali,
H. Schlaad, L. Yin, Presiding
Molecular- to Macro-Scale J. Hedrick, S. Venkataraman, Y. Yang
1:30 PMSE 76. Killing gram-negative
Structure & Morphology 4:45 PMSE 106. Rate dependent mechan-
superbugs with star polymers,
not antibiotics. G.G. Qiao
in Polymer Systems ical response of crosslinked polymer
A. Jayaraman, M. Olvera De La
networks. J. Lenhart, R. Mrozek, D.
2:00 PMSE 77. Functional polypep- Knorr, T. Long, K. Masser, T. Sirk, E. Bain
Cruz, Organizers
tides toward design of multifunctional
anticancer nanomedicines. C. Deng, J. S. Loverde, Organizer, Presiding
Wu, J. Zhang, F. Meng, R. Cheng, Z. Zhong
Section G
1:30 PMSE 90. Simulations of homo-
2:30 PMSE 78. Engineering the topology of geneous and structured polymeric
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC The use of any device to capture
helical polypeptides toward anti-inflam- nanoparticle formation through Marquis Salon 12 images (e.g., cameras and camera
mation gene therapy. F. Li, F. Xu, L. Yin rapid solvent exchange. A.
Panagiotopoulos, N. Li, A. Nikoubashman Polyphosphazenes in Biomedicine,
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
3:00 PMSE 79. Smart ampholytic ABC
block copolypeptide. H. Schlaad, 2:00 PMSE 91. Gibbs ensemble-based
Engineering & Pioneering Synthesis digital recorders) or to stream,
J. Sun, P. Cernoch, J. Ruokolainen molecular simulation methods for Cosponsored by POLY upload or rebroadcast speakers or
predicting structure and thermodynamics
3:30 Intermission.
of polymer films during solvent vapor
Financially supported by White Square presentations is strictly prohibited
Chemical, Inc., CeloNova Biosciences, Inc.
3:50 PMSE 80. Injectable polypep- annealing. T.E. Gartner, A. Jayaraman at all official ACS meetings and
tide hydrogels for biomedical H. R. Allcock, A. K. Andrianov, Organizers
applications. X. Chen, C. He 2:15 PMSE 92. Large scale coarse grain events without express written
molecular dynamics simulations of A. Presa Soto, I. Teasdale, Presiding
PEO-PS diblock copolymer assem-
consent from ACS.
blies. K. Chakraborty, S. Loverde

2:35 PMSE 117. Manipulating order- 9:30 PMSE 125. Revisiting a conservator’s 10:50 PMSE 139. Revisiting the 10:00 PMSE 152. Molecular dynamics
ing and alignment in nanostructured journey: Embracing the Rashomon effect helix-coil transition and the helical simulations of tensile deformations of
thin films using simultaneous solvent in materials research. D.V. Rogala chain growth of polypeptides. H. semicrystalline polyethylene. I. Yeh,
annealing and shear. T.H. Epps Fu, R. Baumgartner, J. Cheng, Y. Lin J. Lenhart, G.C. Rutledge, J. Andzelm
10:00 Intermission.
3:00 Intermission. 11:20 PMSE 140. Development of supra- 10:15 PMSE 153. Effects of coarse-graining
10:30 PMSE 126. Blending polymer
molecular antibacterials: Understanding on simulations of mechanical properties
3:15 PMSE 118. Polymer design for nanoparticles with conventional latexes.
supramolecular structure-activity of polymers. T. Ge, M.O. Robbins
improved orientation control in thin T. Provder, F.N. Jones, R. Joshi, W. Shen
relationships (SSAR). M.M. Conda-
films of self-assembled polycar- 10:30 Intermission.
Sheridan, N. Almeida, M. Samad
bonate-based block copolymers. Section B 10:40 PMSE 154. Molecular simula-
D.P. Sanders, A. Vora, K. Schmidt, T. 11:40 PMSE 141. Robust nanoma-
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC tion of thermoplastic polyurethanes
Magbitang, N. Arellano, E. Lofano terials formed from cyclic peptide
under large mechanical defor-
Liberty Ballroom Salon J polymers. K. Fears, M.K. Kolel-Veetil,
3:40 PMSE 119. Three-dimensional mation. S. Zhu, G.C. Rutledge
X. Li, N. Bernstein, D. Barlow, C. So, K.J.
assembly of block copolymers on
Dynamic Chemistry in Wahl, J. Kulp, R.A. Latour, T. Clark 10:55 PMSE 155. Mechanisms of diffusion
pre-patterned templates. T. Segal-
Polymer Materials in associating polymer networks. J.
Peretz, J. Ren, S. Xiong, G. Khaira, A.
Ramirez, T.J. Dursch, B.D. Olsen
Bowen, J.J. De Pablo, P.F. Nealey N. Ayres, D. Konkolewicz, Organizers Section D
11:10 PMSE 156. Micromechanical
4:00 PMSE 120. Thin-film self-assembly E. B. Berda, A. M. Kloxin, Presiding Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
modeling of the compressive response
and morphology mapping of cyclo- Marquis Ballroom Salon 10
8:00 PMSE 127. Application of reversible of poly(HIPE) foams. O.G. Kravchenko,
propenium diblock copolyelectrolytes.
addition-fragmentation chain transfer G. Gedler, D. Feke, I. Manas-Zloczower
S.T. Russell, S. Kumar, L. Campos Recombinant Type Materials
(RAFT) in covalent adaptable networks 11:25 PMSE 157. Molecular dynamic
4:20 PMSE 121. Wavy patterning of (CANs). N. Sowan, C. Bowman Cosponsored by BIOT simulations of classical and relaxor
molecular brush-based photore-
8:20 PMSE 128. Well-defined poly- Financially supported by National Science ferroelectricity in poly vinylidene fluoride
sists. N. Kang, S. Cho, S. Verkhoturov,
meric architectures via foldable Foundation MRSEC, Army Research and related polymers. J. Calame
M. Eller, E.A. Schweikert, G. Sun, J.W.
block copolymers. E. Elacqua, Office, Office of Naval Research
Thackeray, P. Trefonas, K.L. Wooley
K. Manning, D. Lye, M. Weck
S. Banta, J. K. Montclare, Organizers, Presiding
Section F
4:40 PMSE 122. Bridging the length
scale divide in two photon polymer- 8:50 PMSE 129. Functional dynamic Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
8:30 PMSE 142. Design of protein systems
ization, macroscale 3D printed foams covalent polymers with self-healing Marquis Salon 13
for material functions. D.L. Kaplan
with sub-micron resolution. J.S. and mechanochromic properties. H.
Oakdale, R. Smith, W.L. Smith, J. Forien, Otsuka, A. Takahashi, K. Imato, R. Goseki 9:10 PMSE 143. Recombinant spider silk
Gels & Other Soft Amorphous Solids
J. Ye, T. Willey, L. Aji, S. Ali, J. Biener development and technologies. J.A.
9:20 Intermission.
Jones, T. Harris, D. Gaztambide, R.V. Lewis Polyelectrolytes
9:40 PMSE 130. Novel encapsula-
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased 9:35 PMSE 144. Silk-elastinlike polymers E. Del Gado, J. Douglas, F. Horkay, Organizers
tion and triggered-release systems
Materials & Biocatalysis for controlled delivery and as liquid
designed by industry-academic B. Hammouda, M. Shibayama, Presiding
Developments in Biocatalysts embolics. H. Ghandehari, J. Cappello,
collaboration. J.S. Katz
M. Jensen, K. Isaacson, D. Steinhauff 8:30 PMSE 158. Polyelectrolyte gels based
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored 10:10 PMSE 131. Folding single on complex coacervation. J.J. De Pablo
by AGFD, CELL and PMSE 10:00 Intermission.
polymer chains via dynamic intra-
9:00 PMSE 159. Elastically driven, intermit-
chain interactions. E.B. Berda 10:15 PMSE 145. Globular protein
Metallo-Supramolecular & tent microscopic dynamics in gels and
based complex coacervates. C.
Metal Containing Polymers 10:40 PMSE 132. Structurally dynamic soft amorphous solids. E. Del Gado
Cummings, R. Kapelner, A. Obermeyer
assemblies of stimuli-responsive
Metallo-Supramolecular 9:30 PMSE 160. Influence of molecular
polymers. H. Sun, C.P. Kabb, S. Pal, 10:40 PMSE 146. Enabling high-through-
Polymers & Assemblies rigidity on entropy-enthalpy compensa-
C.C. Deng, J.J. Cash, B.S. Sumerlin put biomaterials production and
tion in DNA hybridization. J.F. Douglas
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE‡ testing with a bacterial secretion
11:10 PMSE 133. Design of responsive
platform. A. Azam Glasgow, D.T. Ercek 10:00 Intermission.
Polymer Mechanochemistry materials utilizing assembling and
orthogonal chemistries for controlling 11:05 PMSE 147. Repurposing the 10:15 PMSE 161. Using polymer science
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE
cellular microenvironments. A.M. Kloxin translation apparatus for syn- to improve concrete: Superabsorbent
thetic biology. M.C. Jewett polymer hydrogels in high alkaline envi-
ronments. K.A. Erk, M.J. Krafcik, S.L. Kelly
Section C 11:30 PMSE 148. Genomically recorded
MONDAY MORNING organisms: Living foundries for produc- 10:45 PMSE 162. Computationally
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
tion functionalized biomaterials. F. Isaacs driven design of soft materials. A.V.
Section A Liberty Ballroom Salon K Dobrynin, H. Liang, M. Vatankhah
Varnoosfaderani, S. Sheiko
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Synthesis, Self-Assembly Section E
Liberty Ballroom Salon L 11:05 PMSE 163. Polyelectrolyte associa-
& Applications of Peptides Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
tion and solvation. A. Chremos, J. Douglas
& Polypeptides Liberty Ballroom Salon I
Roy W. Tess Award: Symposium Financially supported by Journal of 11:25 PMSE 164. Enhanced elas-
in honor of Stuart Croll Biomaterials Science, RSC Simulations of Polymeric Materials: ticity in poly(acrylic acid) hydro-
gels: Understanding mechanisms
D. C. Webster, Organizer, Presiding Molecular- to Macro-Scale
J. Cheng, H. Lu, Organizers and exploring applications. A.Y.
8:20 Introductory Remarks. Walker, M. Vratsanos, N. Bedford, K.
K. A. Kilian, Y. Lin, Presiding Mechanical Properties in Hemmendinger, S.K. Kozawa, G.E. Wnek
8:30 PMSE 123. Controlled silica Polymer Systems
8:00 PMSE 134. Studying the interaction
templation technologies for antire- 11:45 PMSE 165. Influence of salts on
of lipopeptides with lipid membranes: A. Jayaraman, S. Loverde, Organizers
flective coatings. R.A. Vanbenthem the mechanical properties of poly-
Influence of lipopeptide design and its
M. Olvera De La Cruz, Organizer, Presiding electrolyte complexes. H. Jiang, C.
9:00 PMSE 124. Learning from the implications for membrane fusion. A. Kros
Zhang, C. Wang, B.D. Vogt, N. Zacharia
past, protective coatings that 9:00 PMSE 149. Coarse-graining of
8:30 PMSE 135. Self-assembled
provided a 50-year service life for conservative and non-conserva-
peptide monolayers for the discovery
penstock linings. A. Skaja tive interactions in simulations of Section G
of bioactive ligands that direct cell
state. K.A. Kilian, D. Zhang, J. Lee soft matter. N. van der Vegt Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
9:00 PMSE 136. Self-assembly 9:30 PMSE 150. Quantifying the uncer- Marquis Salon 12
& applications of food-based tainty of predicted thermoset resin
Technical program information amyloid fibrils. R. Mezzenga properties as a function of system Polyphosphazenes in Biomedicine,
known at press time. 9:30 PMSE 137. Roles of Tyr played in a
complexity: A molecular dynamics Engineering & Pioneering Synthesis
study. E.E. McDonald, C. Estridge
The official technical program for silk fibroin based peptide (GAGAGAGY) Cosponsored by POLY
amphiphiles. Z. Shao, F. Zhao, H. Guo 9:45 PMSE 151. Structure and mechanics
the 254th ACS National Meeting of semi-crystalline polymers: Coarse-
Financially supported by White Square
10:00 Intermission. Chemical, Inc., CeloNova Biosciences, Inc.
is available at www.acs.org/ grained simulation and theory. T.B.
10:20 PMSE 138. Searching the peptide Martin, R.L. Jones, C.R. Snyder H. R. Allcock, A. K. Andrianov, Organizers
WDC2017 sequence space for reactivity, D. Cormode, P. Wisian-Neilson, Presiding
assembly and recognition. R. Ulijn

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


8:30 PMSE 166. Functional co-substituted 2:00 PMSE 175. Biobased feedstock for 3:00 PMSE 190. Enzyme-instructed 2:45 PMSE 204. Simulating the
poly[(amino acid ester)phosphazene] bio- novel coating systems. M.K. Johansson, peptidic nanostructures for selec- evolution of molecular diffusivity
materials for vascular tissue engineering. S. Nameer, M. Lawoko, M. Jawerth, S. Torron tively inhibiting cancer cells. H. Wang, during photopolymerization. S.
A.L. Baillargeon, K.I. Penev, K. Mequanint Z. Feng, J. Li, J. Zhou, X. Du, B. Xu Sarkar, S. Lin-Gibson, M.Y. Chiang
2:30 Intermission.
8:55 PMSE 167. Self-assembled polyphos- 3:30 Intermission. 3:00 Intermission.
3:00 PMSE 176. Coming full circle: From
phazene vesicles as effective carriers for
linseed oil to alkyds to petrochemical 3:50 PMSE 191. Supramolecular 3:10 PMSE 205. Do atomistic simula-
water-soluble chemotherapeutics. L. Qiu
resins and back again. D.C. Webster imaging with peptides. H. Cui tions quantitatively capture molec-
9:20 PMSE 168. Synthesis and character- ular mechanisms underlying linear
3:30 PMSE 177. Sol-gel coating with 4:20 PMSE 192. Enzyme-cleavable
izations of novel peptide-based poly- viscoelasticity in cross-linked epoxy
organic inhibitors for the protection fluorescence labeled peptide amphi-
phosphazene (poly [(ethyl phenylalanato) networks? K.S. Khare, F.R. Phelan
of Mg alloy AZ31B. V. Upadhyay, philes for enhanced peptide intracel-
(glycine ethyl glycinato)phosphazene])
Z.K. Bergseth, D. Battocchi lular delivery. H. Acar, M.V. Tirrell 3:25 PMSE 206. Molecular dynamics
for blending with other biocompati-
simulation of nonlinear elongational
ble and biodegradable polymers for 4:00 PMSE 178. Defects in understand- 4:40 PMSE 193. Cell dependent cell-pen-
flows in entangled polymer melts. T.C.
regenerative engineering applications. ing how polymers might form better etrating peptides. J. Shi, J.P. Schneider
O’Connor, M. Galvani, M.O. Robbins
K.S. Ogueri, Z. Li, J.L. Escobar Ivirico, barriers against corrosion. S.G. Croll
l.S. Nair, H.R. Allcock, C. Laurencin Section D 3:40 PMSE 207. Molecular dynamics sim-
Section B ulations of nanorheology. M. Rubinstein,
9:40 PMSE 169. Smart polyphosp- Marriott Marquis Washington, DC T. Ge, G.S. Grest, J. Kalathi, J. Halverson
hazene copolymers as intracellu- Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Marquis Ballroom Salon 10
lar protein delivery vehicles. A. 3:55 PMSE 208. Energy renormal-
Liberty Ballroom Salon J
Martinez, A. Marin, A.K. Andrianov ization approach to coarse-grain-
Recombinant Type Materials ing of polymer dynamics. W. Xia,
10:00 Intermission. Dynamic Chemistry in Cosponsored by BIOT F.R. Phelan, J. Douglas, S. Keten
10:20 PMSE 170. New types of polyphos- Polymer Materials Financially supported by National Science
4:10 PMSE 209. Effect of flow-in-
phazene elastomers. H.R. Allcock, Z. Li, N. Ayres, Organizer Foundation MRSEC, Army Research
duced molecular alignment on
C. Chen, C. Tong, E. Wilts, T. Modzelewski Office, Office of Naval Research
D. Konkolewicz, Organizer, Presiding welding of polymer interfaces. M.
10:40 PMSE 171. Polyphosphazenes S. Banta, J. K. Montclare, Organizers, Presiding Galvani, T.C. O’Connor, M.O. Robbins
featuring pyrene side group: Synthesis, E. Palermo, Presiding
photophysics, and intra- / inter- 1:30 PMSE 194. Protein engineered
1:00 PMSE 179. Controlling function Section F
chain interactions. Z. Li, T. Young, E. intelligent biomaterials. J.K. Montclare
through structure in dynamic single chain
Wilts, S.I. Rosenbloom, H.R. Allcock polymeric nanoparticles. A. Palmans 2:10 PMSE 195. High molecular Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
weight, multiply conjugated protein Marquis Salon 13
11:00 PMSE 172. Mechanical stabilization 1:30 PMSE 180. Dynamic bonding in
of polyphosphazene membranes for brushes through oxidative cysteine
bioconjugates. K. Matyjaszewski
gas separation processes. J. McNally, coupling and tyrosine modifica- Gels & Other Soft Amorphous Solids
2:00 PMSE 181. Antimicrobial self-im- tion. B. Seifried, J. Cao, B.D. Olsen
C. Orme, J. Klaehn, V. Kusuma, S. Venna Biological & Bioinspired Gels:
molative polymers. E. Palermo
11:20 Concluding Remarks. 2:35 PMSE 196. Self-assembled New Concepts & Methods
2:30 PMSE 182. Using dynamic covalent recombinant globular protein
chemistry to drive morphological vesicles. Y. Jang, J. Champion E. Del Gado, J. Douglas, F. Horkay, Organizers
Sustainable Design of Polymers
transitions: Controlled release of M. Duskova Smrckova, P. Verdugo, Presiding
from Xylochemicals 3:00 Intermission.
encapsulated nanoparticles from block
Strategic Design of Complex copolymer vesicles. S.P. Armes 3:15 PMSE 197. Nucleoporin-like proteins 1:30 PMSE 210. Imaging nanopar-
Polymers from the Combination as catch-trap systems for protein ticles, cells and tissues in 3-D
3:00 Intermission. using focused electron probes.
of Xylochemicals separation. B.D. Olsen, M. Kim, B. Souza
3:20 PMSE 183. Reversible polymeric R.D. Leapman, M. Aronova
Sponsored by CELL, Cosponsored 3:40 PMSE 198. Elastomeric pro-
prodrugs to combat multidrug-resistant 2:00 PMSE 211. Treating cartilage
by CARB, PMSE and POLY tein-based hydrogels with tailored
(MDR) gram-negative bacteria. D.M. extracellular matrix as a com-
mechanical properties. H. Li
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased Haddleton, P. Wilson, K. Kempe, C. Zhu posite medium. P. Basser
Materials & Biocatalysis 4:05 PMSE 199. Protein-based
3:50 PMSE 184. Guest-host inter- 2:30 PMSE 212. Robust extraction of
biomaterials for surgical adhe-
Chemical Catalytic Routes actions for the assembly of inject- microscale-matrix mechanics from het-
sive applications. J.C. Liu
to Biobased Materials able hydrogels. J.A. Burdick erogeneous tissue with surface defects.
4:20 PMSE 185. Molecular adaptation of P. Chandran, E. Dimitriadis, E. Mertz, F. Horkay
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored Section E
by AGFD, CELL and PMSE SCPNs via tandem dynamic Diels- 3:00 Intermission.
Alder chemistry and BTA self-assem- Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Metallo-Supramolecular & bly. J. Gomez Magenti, N. Van Zee, 3:15 PMSE 213. 3D and 4D printing of
Liberty Ballroom Salon I
Metal Containing Polymers C. Hunter, A. Palmans, E.W. Meijer polymer gels. M.P. in het Panhuis

Metallo-Supramolecular Materials 4:40 PMSE 186. Responsive hydrogels Simulations of Polymeric Materials: 3:45 PMSE 214. Self-adaptive hydro-
in Energy Applications for tailored release of protein thera- Molecular- to Macro-Scale gels. T. Shoaib, A. Carmichael,
peutics. P. LeValley, P. Kharkar, L. Olney, R.E. Corman, Y. Shen, H. Nguyen, R.
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE‡ Polymer Dynamics, Rheology Ewoldt, R.M. Espinosa-Marzal
E. Maverakis, K.L. Kiick, A.M. Kloxin
& Ion-Containing Polymers
Polymer Mechanochemistry 4:05 PMSE 215. Control of mesh size
Section C A. Jayaraman, M. Olvera De La and modulus by kinetically dependent
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE
Cruz, Organizers cross-linking in hydrogels. Z. Zander,
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC G. Hua, C.G. Wiener, B.D. Vogt, M. Becker
S. Loverde, Organizer, Presiding
Liberty Ballroom Salon K
MONDAY AFTERNOON 1:30 PMSE 200. Molecular dynam-
Synthesis, Self-Assembly ics simulations of morphology
Section A & Applications of Peptides and dynamics in ion-containing
polymers. A.L. Frischknecht
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
& Polypeptides
Financially supported by Journal of 2:00 PMSE 201. Molecular dynamics sim-
Liberty Ballroom Salon L ulations of nanoparticle dispersed PEO
Biomaterials Science, RSC
polymer electrolytes for lithium ion bat- The use of any device to capture
Roy W. Tess Award: Symposium
in honor of Stuart Croll
J. Cheng, H. Lu, Organizers teries. I. Khan, M.A. Pasquinelli, E. Yildirim images (e.g., cameras and camera
H. Cui, B. Xu, Presiding
D. C. Webster, Organizer, Presiding
2:15 PMSE 202. Salt response of poly- phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
1:30 PMSE 187. Rethinking the roles
electrolyte complexes via molecular
1:00 PMSE 173. Innovative performance of antimicrobial peptides in immune modelling. H.S. Antila, M. Härkönen, digital recorders) or to stream,
polyethylene polymers: Development activation and autoimmunity. g.C. wong P.R. Van Tassel, M. Sammalkorpi upload or rebroadcast speakers or
and applications. P. Rajesh Raja 2:30 PMSE 203. Molecular dynam-
2:00 PMSE 188. Peptide amphi-
ics simulation of polymerized
presentations is strictly prohibited
1:30 PMSE 174. Emulsion copolymer- phile micelles for atherosclero-
ization of plant oil-based monomers sis theranostics. M.V. Tirrell Stockmayer fluids: Effects of chain at all official ACS meetings and
length and connectivity on saturated events without express written
with styrene: Kinetics and mech-
2:30 PMSE 189. Selective, peptide-en- dipoles near ions. I. Nakamura
anism. K. Kingsley, Z. Demchuk, O.
Shevchuk, I. Tarnavchyk, V. Kirianchuk,
hanced surface deposition of polymers consent from ACS.
and polymer nanoparticles. H.A. Klok
A. Kohut, S. Voronov, A.S. Voronov

4:25 PMSE 216. Synthesis and charac- 4:40 PMSE 228. Microstructured 9:05 PMSE 231. Synthesis and Section C
terization of glycopolymer hydrogels for polypeptide-containing hydrogels via characterization of biodegradable
determination of water structuring. A.L. aqueous liquid-liquid phase separa- conductive elastomeric polyure- Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Fogel, B. Upadhyay, J. Mills, S.E. Morgan tion. H. Lau, L. Li, I. Sidhu, K.L. Kiick thane. C. Xu, Y. Huang, G. Yepez, Z. Liberty Ballroom Salon K
Wei, F. Liu, A. Bugarin, L. Tang, Y. Hong
4:45 PMSE 217. Simultaneous confocal
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased Synthesis, Self-Assembly
microscopy and rheology probes the 9:20 PMSE 232. Flexible biode-
structural and mechanical evolution of Materials & Biocatalysis gradable citrate-based poly-
& Applications of Peptides
collagen I through the sol-gel transition. meric step-index optical fiber. D. & Polypeptides
New Reaction Strategies & Materials
K. Tran Ba, J. Zhu, K. Paeng, L.J. Kaufman
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored
Shan, C. Zhang, Z. Liu, J. Yang Protein & Protein-Mimics
by AGFD, CELL and PMSE 9:35 Intermission. Financially supported by Journal of
Section G Biomaterials Science, RSC
Metallo-Supramolecular & 9:45 PMSE 233. Ultracompliant electrodes:
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Metal Containing Polymers Polymers and processing of hydro- J. Cheng, H. Lu, Organizers
Judiciary Square gel-based electrodes for peripheral
Metallo-Supramolecular Materials S. C. Heilshorn, W. Zhang, Presiding
nerve interfaces. C. Bettinger
in Energy Applications 8:00 PMSE 247. Silk-based biomaterials
Materials for Patterning in 10:10 PMSE 234. Poly(lactide-co-glycolide)
Two & Three Dimensions Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE‡ scaffolds protect mice against diet and biomedical applications. D.L. Kaplan
Financially supported by Applied induced obesity and glucose intoler- 8:30 PMSE 248. Insights into protein shape
Polymer Mechanochemistry
Materials; JSR Micro, Inc. ance. M. Hendley, P. Annamalai, M. Gower effects through a large comparative study
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE of bioconjugate self-assembly. B.D.
10:25 PMSE 235. Regulating arterial
A. Nelson, A. Vora, Organizers, Presiding Olsen, A. Huang, H. Sureka, J. Paloni, H. Yao
Materials that Impact our Daily venous differentiation of pluripotent stem
1:00 PMSE 218. 3D printed acid-cleavable Lives & the Global Economy: cells through immobilized ephrinB2/ 9:00 PMSE 249. Genetically encoded
polyethylene glycol methacrylate gels Bring Practical Applications into EphB4 signals. T. Dorsey, D. Kim, G. Dai protein chemistry: From chemical toolbox
using vat photopolymerization. D.C. the Chemistry Classroom to bioactive materials. W. Zhang
10:50 PMSE 236. Phosphate graphite as a
Aduba, E. Margaretta, A.E. Marnot, K.A.
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by cell instructive, degradable scaffold with 9:30 PMSE 250. New strategy on protein
Valentine, N. Chartrain, W. Surbey, K.D.
CHED, PMSE, POLY and RUBB tunable mechanical properties for bone self-assembly driven by non-co-
Feller, A. Whittington, T.E. Long, C. Williams
regeneration. S.A. Sydlik, A. Arnold, B. Holt valent interactions. G. Chen
1:20 PMSE 219. High polymer elas- Undergraduate Research Posters
11:05 PMSE 237. Magnesium ion enriched 10:00 Intermission.
ticity from functional oligomers: Polymer Chemistry bone allograft for large bone defect
Simultaneous growth and crosslinking 10:20 PMSE 251. Polypeptide scaf-
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored management. W. Wang, H. Wong, P.K.
in photopolymers. P.J. Scott, J. Sirrine, folds as engineered neural stem cell
by PMSE, POLY and SOCED Chu, F. Leung, K. Cheung, K. Yeung
N. Chartrain, V. Meenakshisundaram, niches. C. Madl, S.C. Heilshorn
T. White, C. Williams, T.E. Long 11:30 PMSE 238. Heparin-mimicking bio-
10:50 PMSE 252. Synthesis and
materials with anticoagulant properties.
1:40 PMSE 220. Fracture tough- applications of bio-inspired oligoTEA
ness anisotropy resulting from 3D MONDAY EVENING N. Ayres, Q. Chai, Y. Huang, E. Mullins
peptidomimetics. C.A. Alabi
printing processes. M. Lampe, A. 11:45 PMSE 239. PCL/PLGA semi-inter-
11:20 PMSE 253. Harnessing the
Lesser, P. Van Der Schaaf, A. Fuchs Section A penetrating network (semi-IPN) shape
power of post-translational modi-
memory polymers (SMPs) with tunable
2:00 PMSE 221. Withdrawn. Walter E. Washington Convention Center fications for materials science and
degradation rates and mechanical
Halls D/E engineering. D. Mozhdehi, K.M.
2:20 PMSE 222. Scalable fabrica- properties. M. Pfau, L. Nail, M. Grunlan
Luginbuhl, F.C. Huang, A. Chilkoti
tion of microstructured coatings
with thiol-ene photopolymers and Sci-Mix 11:40 PMSE 254. Tunable protein release
Section B
UV LED curing. Y. Du, J. Xu, J. M. Becker, Organizer from a peptide hydrogel. S.E. Miller,
Sakizadeh, A. McCormick, L. Francis Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Y. Yamada, S. Tau, J.P. Schneider
8:00 - 10:00 Liberty Ballroom Salon J
2:40 Intermission.
29, 33, 48, 78, 93, 121, 141, 192- Section D
3:00 PMSE 223. Patterned multilayer Dynamic Chemistry in
193, 201, 204-206, 208, 220.
polymer thin films using continuous Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
See previous listings. Polymer Materials
assembly of polymers via ring-open- Marquis Ballroom Salon 10
ing metathesis polymerisation. T. 254, 256, 262-263, 265, 310, 312, 319,  N. Ayres, Organizer
Pattison, R.D. Miller, Q. Fu, G.G. Qiao 340, 342-343, 345, 347, 350, 355, 357, 
D. Konkolewicz, Organizer, Presiding Recombinant Type Materials
360, 362, 365, 368, 375-376, 379, 394, 
3:20 PMSE 224. UV-induced micropattern- K. M. Miller, Presiding Cosponsored by BIOT
396-397, 399-400, 403-405, 408, 411, 
ing of complex functional surfaces by
413, 419, 422, 427, 432, 435-436,  445,  8:00 PMSE 240. Withdrawn. Financially supported by National Science
the use of light-sensitive alkoxyamines.
447, 491, 495, 517, 519-520,  Foundation MRSEC, Army Research
J. Bosson, S. Telitel, M. Baron, J. Morris, J. 8:20 PMSE 241. Using dynamic covalent
522-523. See subsequent listings. Office, Office of Naval Research
Clément, O. Soppera, D. Gigmes, Y. Guillaneuf chemistry to access stimuli respon-
3:40 PMSE 225. Electrochemically sive polymer films. S.J. Rowan S. Banta, J. K. Montclare, Organizers, Presiding
controlled biopolymer attachment to TUESDAY MORNING 8:50 PMSE 242. Molecular-mediated 8:30 PMSE 255. Designing symmet-
surfaces. A.L. Furst, M.B. Francis film formation with dynamic covalent ric protein cages and nanoscale
4:00 PMSE 226. Patterned liquid-filled Section A single-chain polymer nanoparticles. materials. T. Yeates, Y. Liu, J.
hydrogel channels formed via tetra- D.A. Fulton, C.S. Mahon, C.J. McGurk Laniado, K. Cannon, J. Miller, Y. Lai
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
zine ligation for in vitro vasculature 9:20 Intermission. 9:10 PMSE 256. Unraveling the pro-
models. K.T. Dicker, A.C. Moore, Liberty Ballroom Salon L
9:30 PMSE 243. Network architecture: tein-protein energetics of protein
D. Burris, R.E. Akins, J. Fox, X. Jia
A tool for enhancing the properties of cage self-assembly and applications
Biomaterials Science & to nanomaterials. B. Orner, F. Rongli,
4:20 PMSE 227. Dynamics of pat- dynamically crosslinked materials. E.
Translational Medicine
terned collagen deposition observed Foster, E. Lensmeyer, B. Zhang, P. Chakma, Y. Zhang, M. Ardejani, T. Cornell
by atomic force microscopy. J.L. New Biomaterials Development J. Via, J. Flum, J. Sparks, D. Konkolewicz 9:35 PMSE 257. Multiscale smart protein
Tran, C.C. Cheng, R.W. Loo, M. Goh & Biomanufacturing materials by design - connecting
10:00 PMSE 244. Thiol-thioester exchange
Financially supported by Chinese in network and linear polymers. C. simulation, design, synthesis across
Association of Biomaterials Bowman, B.T. Worrell, M.K. McBride multiple scales. M.J. Buehler
Y. Hong, B. Li, J. Yang, K. Yeung, G. 10:30 PMSE 245. Exploring the potential 10:00 Intermission.
Zhang, Organizers of thermoresponsive thiol-Michael 10:15 PMSE 258. Protease-responsive
Technical program information C. Bettinger, J. Yang, Presiding bonds in poly(ionic liquid) poly- microspheres engineered from
ester networks. K.M. Miller self-assembled disordered pro-
known at press time. 8:00 PMSE 229. Advanced materials for teins. B.S. Schuster, D.A. Hammer
11:00 PMSE 246. Reprocessability
The official technical program for regenerative engineering. G.A. Ameer
and stress relaxation of cross-linked 10:40 PMSE 259. Engineering the
8:40 PMSE 230. Self-assembling
the 254th ACS National Meeting prodrugs. H. Cui
polyhydroxyurethanes and polycarbon- calcium-regulated β-roll peptide for
ates. W. Dichtel, D. Fortman, R. Snyder, biomaterials applications. S. Banta
is available at www.acs.org/ J. Brutman, G. De Hoe, M.A. Hillmyer

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


11:05 PMSE 260. Photocrosslinkable 11:25 PMSE 274. Comparing shear TUESDAY AFTERNOON 1:00 PMSE 293. Multiple hydrogen bonding
tri-block protein polymer hydro- rheology and cavitation rheology for versus multiple ionic bonding: Designing
gels. Y. Wang, J.K. Montclare the characterization of polymer-based Section A acrylic polymers with dynamic bonds.
organogels and hydrogels. K.C. T.E. Long, X. Chen, K. Zhang, K. Drummey
Bentz, S.E. Walley, N. Sultan, D.A. Savin Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Section E 1:30 PMSE 294. Simulations and
11:45 PMSE 275. Role of supramo- Liberty Ballroom Salon L experiments to understand the rheo-
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
lecular association and entropy on logical response of dual associative
Liberty Ballroom Salon I Biomaterials Science &
the phase behavior and gelation of block copolymer gels. B.D. Olsen,
12-hydroxystearic acid/n-alkane Translational Medicine M.K. Sing, J. Ramirez, W. Burghardt
Polyelectrolyte Coacervates, organogels. T. Lai, K.A. Cavicchi
Precipitates & Multilayers Soft- & Hard-Tissue Regeneration 2:00 PMSE 295. Dynamic networks in
Financially supported by Chinese ion-containing polymers. K.A. Cavicchi
J. L. Lutkenhaus, S. L. Perry, N. Section G Association of Biomaterials 2:30 PMSE 296. Dynamic chemis-
Zacharia, Organizers
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC try leading to full property recovery
J. Lutkenhaus, Presiding Y. Hong, B. Li, J. Yang, G. Zhang, Organizers
Marquis Salon 12 associated with crosslink density in
8:30 Introductory Remarks. K. Yeung, Organizer, Presiding reprocessed polymer networks made
Memorial Symposium in M. Becker, Presiding by NMP and step-growth reactions.
8:35 PMSE 261. Functional nanocoatings J.M. Torkelson, K. Jin, L. Li, X. Chen
and nanocapsules: from chain intermixing honor of Les Sperling 1:00 PMSE 282. Polymer design for
to controlled morphology. S.A. Sukhishvili Financially supported by Intel; Arkema Inc. mechanical support of the ven- 3:00 Intermission.
tricular wall following myocar- 3:20 PMSE 297. Photocontrol of vis-
9:20 PMSE 262. Coacervate core J. L. Jessop, R. A. Pearson, Organizers,
dial infarction. W.R. Wagner coelastic hydrogels. J.A. Kalow
micelles: Size and shape. D. Presiding
Audus, H. Boigenzahn, V. Prabhu 1:40 PMSE 283. Prevascularization of 3:50 PMSE 298. Thermally induced
8:55 Introductory Remarks.
natural nanofibrous extracellular matrix structure evolution of supramolecu-
9:40 PMSE 263. Nucleic acid - peptide
9:00 PMSE 276. Les Sperling, Mr. for engineering multiple completely lar gels and polymers. H. Kumari
complexes and micelles: Phase control
IPN Man: Humble scholar with biological 3D prevascularized tissues. Z.
and characterization. J. Vieregg, M.J. 4:20 PMSE 299. What level of dynamic
a big heart. M. El-Aasser Qian, L. Zhang, M. Tahtinen, S. Qi, F. Zhao
Lueckheide, A. Marciel, M.V. Tirrell linkages relative to permanent link-
9:30 PMSE 277. Nanophase-separated 2:05 PMSE 284. Synthesis of amino- ages between crosslinks allows for
10:00 Intermission.
gradient copolymers and polyhydroxyure- phylline loaded poly(lactic-co-glycolic reprossability of polymer networks with
10:15 PMSE 264. Predicting phase thanes with unusually broad interphases acid) nanoparticles for use in extended robust recovery of properties: A Flory-
behavior and transport in solutions leading to excellent damping properties release of a bioelectric modulator for Stockmayer analysis. L. Li, J.M. Torkelson
of oppositely charged polyelec- over extraordinarily broad temperature corneal wound healing. L.M. Baird,
trolytes. R.G. Larson, A. Salehi 4:40 PMSE 300. Molecular switches
ranges. J.M. Torkelson, G. Beniah, X. Calderón-Colón, B. Reid, C. Mooers,
enable reversible polymer crosslink-
11:00 PMSE 265. Effect of water on M. Mok L. Ma, V. Ryzhuk, M. Zhao, M. Trexler
ing in response to multiple stimuli.
the thermal transition observed in 10:00 PMSE 278. Shape memory contri- 2:20 PMSE 285. Chitosan-based con- E.S. Epstein, O. Carey-De La Torre,
polyelectrolyte complexes. Y. Zhang, butions to self-healing of thermoplastic ductive scaffolds for enhancement J.S. Moore, R. Ewoldt, P.V. Braun
J.L. Lutkenhaus, M. Sammalkorpi, P. Batys polymers. C. Hornat, Y. Yang, M.W. Urban of stem cell functions by electrical
11:20 PMSE 266. Sequence and entro- stimulation. K. Neoh, J. Zhang, E. Kang
10:30 Intermission. Section C
py-based control of complex coacer- 2:35 Intermission.
vation. L. Chang, S.L. Perry, C.E. Sing 10:45 PMSE 279. Vitrimers: Recyclable Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
thermosets of the future? F.E. Du Prez 2:55 PMSE 286. Modular and biorthog- Liberty Ballroom Salon K
11:40 PMSE 267. Composition- and onal approaches to the synthesis of
property-tunable ternary coacervate: 11:15 PMSE 280. New polymeric nano-
functional biomaterials. X. Jia
Branched polyethylenimine and a layered systems by forced assembly: Synthesis, Self-Assembly
binary mixture of a strong and weak Hierarchical structures. E. Baer 3:20 PMSE 287. Sustained release & Applications of Peptides
of active biologics from bioresorb- & Polypeptides
polyelectrolyte. M. Zhao, N. Zacharia 11:45 PMSE 281. Fracture behavior
able poly(ester urea)s. M. Becker
of epoxy matrix nanocomposites Peptoids & Peptidomimetics
Section F and nanoblends. R.A. Pearson 3:45 PMSE 288. Restoring the lubrication
Financially supported by Journal of
properties of degenerated cartilage with
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Biomaterials Science, RSC
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased tissue-reactive graft-copolymers. G.
Marquis Salon 13 Materials & Biocatalysis Morgese, M. Zenobi-Wong, E. Benetti J. Cheng, H. Lu, Organizers

Green Biocatalytic Transformations 4:00 PMSE 289. Biodegradable aligned M. Barz, D. Zhang, Presiding
Gels & Other Soft Amorphous Solids core-shell nanofibers for articular
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored 1:30 PMSE 301. Construction of well-de-
Supramolecular Assemblies cartilage tissue engineering. J.C.
by AGFD, CELL and PMSE fined nanostructures from flexible
& Organogels Silva, R. Udangawa, F. Garrudo, P.
Mikael, F. Ferreira, R.J. Linhardt
peptoid polymers. R.N. Zuckermann
Metallo-Supramolecular &
E. Del Gado, J. Douglas, F. Horkay, Organizers 2:00 PMSE 302. Peptidomimetic poly-
Metal Containing Polymers 4:15 PMSE 290. Modulation of leukocyte
P. Basser, M. P. in het Panhuis, Presiding infiltration into biomaterial scaffolds mers: Development of new chemistry
Metal-Containing Polymers and functional materials. D. Zhang
8:30 PMSE 268. Gels with derivatives engineered to release anti-inflammatory
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE‡ small molecules. K. Murphy, M. Gower 2:30 PMSE 303. Polypept(o)ides:
of alkanoic acids as gelators and
their thixotropic, self-healing, and Non-Conventional Building Blocks 4:30 PMSE 291. Biomimetic polymer
Combining polypeptoids with polypep-
self-standing properties. M. Zhang, in Conjugated Materials: Innovative thin films with acetylcholine-like tides for diagnosis and therapy. M. Barz
J. Li, Y. Zhang, A.V. Mallia, R.G. Weiss Designs & New Applications functionality for long-term survival of
9:00 PMSE 269. Physical and chemi- primary hippocampal neurons. E.
Aromatic, Antiaromatic &
cal gels for finely controlled cleaning Lee, J. Baek, M. Choi, S. Im, S. Jon
Non-Aromatic Systems
of cultural heritage. P. Baglioni 4:45 PMSE 292. Polybenzimidazole
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored
9:30 PMSE 270. Tunable biomimetic tough by INOR and PMSE‡ electrospun nanofibers for neural
gel. N.R. Choudhury, R. Balu, N. Dutta cell culture. F. Ferreira Garrudo, J.
Journey to Mars: Materials, Fernandes da Silva, C.A. Rodrigues, J.M.
10:00 Intermission.
Energy & Life Sciences Morgado, R.J. Linhardt, F. Ferreira
The use of any device to capture
10:15 PMSE 271. Biopolymer gels: Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
From cell signaling ion oscillators to ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, Section B images (e.g., cameras and camera
high payload carriers. P. Verdugo PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
10:45 PMSE 272. Engineering nucle-
oporin-mimetic polymer hydrogels
Liberty Ballroom Salon J digital recorders) or to stream,
for selective filtration of antibod- upload or rebroadcast speakers or
ies. Y. Yang, D.J. Mai, B.D. Olsen Dynamic Chemistry in
Polymer Materials presentations is strictly prohibited
11:05 PMSE 273. Supramolecular
self-assembly and its applica- D. Konkolewicz, Organizer at all official ACS meetings and
tion in biomedicine. Y. Gao N. Ayres, Organizer, Presiding events without express written
J. A. Kalow, Presiding consent from ACS.

3:00 PMSE 304. Peptide peptoid 1:30 Introductory Remarks. 4:20 PMSE 330. Physical proper- TUESDAY EVENING
hybrid structures via solid phase ties of poly(ether ether ketone)
1:35 PMSE 315. Functional fibers electro-
synthesis and Ugi multicomponent aerogels. S. Talley, R.B. Moore
spun from polyelectrolyte complex coace- Section A
reactions. C. Becer, M. Hartweg
rvates. X. Meng, S.L. Perry, J.D. Schiffman 4:40 PMSE 331. pH-responsive dextran
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
3:30 Intermission. hydrogels by crosslinking with amino
2:20 PMSE 316. Highly selective Hall E
acid diamines. N. O’Connor, G.
3:50 PMSE 305. Toleration of alco- multilayer polymer thin films for CO2/
Nunez, M. Wong, D. Akpatsu, K. Clement,
hols and water in the syntheses of N2 separation. Y. Song, E. Lugo, P.
Q. Picard, A. Jitianu, M. Jitianu Joint PMSE/POLY Poster Session
poly(a-amino acid)s. J. Ling Tzeng, S. Powell, B. Wilhite, J.C. Grunlan
5:00 PMSE 332. Characterization of Cosponsored by POLY
4:20 PMSE 306. Minifoldamers: Design, 2:40 PMSE 317. Charge density as a
network structural motifs in siloxane M. Becker, Organizer
synthesis and study of specific determinant of dynamics in polyelec-
elastomers using magnetic resonance.
interactions in peptoid helices. T. trolyte complexes and coacervates. J. 6:00 - 8:00
A.M. Sawvel, S.C. Chinn, M. Gee, A. Maiti,
Rajale, C. Tung, A. Vernon, J.G. Schmidt, Laaser, M. McGovern, Y. Jiang, T.P. Lodge
H. Mason, R.S. Maxwell, J.P. Lewicki General Papers/New Concepts
R. Michalczyk, C.E. Strauss, J.S. Martinez
3:00 Intermission. in Polymeric Materials.
4:40 PMSE 307. Novel initiating/
3:15 PMSE 318. Three types of diffusion Section G
organocatalytic systems for the living PMSE 339. Synthesis and charac-
in polyelectrolyte complexes and
ring-opening polymerization of a− Marriott Marquis Washington, DC terization of hybrid gold/polymer
multilayers. J.B. Schlenoff, H. Fares
amino acid N−carboxyanhydrides. N. Marquis Salon 12 nanoparticles for biomedical appli-
Hadjichristidis, W. Zhao, Y. Gnanou 3:35 PMSE 319. Star-graft quarter- cations. K. Abstiens, A. Goepferich
polymers in multiresponsive hydro- Memorial Symposium in PMSE 340. Efficacy of nitric oxide-releasing
Section D gen-bonded multilayer networks.
honor of Les Sperling alginates for improving mucus rheology.
A.J. Erwin, V.F. Korolovych, Z. Latridi,
Financially supported by Intel; Arkema Inc. M.R. Ahonen, D.B. Hill, M.H. Schoenfisch
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC C. Tsitsilianis, J. Ankner, V.V. Tsukruk
Marquis Ballroom Salon 10 PMSE 341. Alignment control of aniso-
3:55 PMSE 320. Coarse-grained J. L. Jessop, R. A. Pearson, Organizers,
tropic dye molecules by masked
model for polyelectrolyte complex- Presiding
Recombinant Type Materials photo-polymerization. M. Aizawa,
ation. M. Andreev, S. Srivastava, L. Li, 1:25 Introductory Remarks. K. Hisano, C.J. Barrett, A. Shishido
Cosponsored by BIOT M.V. Tirrell, J.F. Douglas, J.J. De Pablo
1:30 PMSE 333. Morphological PMSE 342. Fluorinated non-planer
Financially supported by National Science 4:15 PMSE 321. Layer-by-layer
structure of polyolefin on electri- precursors for enhanced structural
Foundation MRSEC, Army Research preparation of polymeric nanocap-
cal breakdown behavior. S. Han arrangement in two-dimensional (2D)
Office, Office of Naval Research sules via crystallized miniemul-
azine-linked covalent organic frame-
sions. A. Jafari, B. Sun, C. Cheng 2:00 PMSE 334. Balancing composition and
S. Banta, J. K. Montclare, Organizers, Presiding works. S.B. Alahakoon, G.T. McCandless,
processing in bio-based flame retarded
A. Karunathilake, C. Thompson, R. Smaldone
polymers. D.A. Schiraldi, T. Deans
1:30 PMSE 308. Modulation of order Section F
and disorder in the sequence of a PMSE 343. Synthesis and characterization
2:30 PMSE 335. Competition between
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC of enzyme catalyzed biodegradable
genetically encoded polypeptide yields chain scission and slippage in failure
injectable porous network. A. Chilkoti Marquis Salon 13 click-ene polymers for biomedical appli-
of polymer fibers and glasses. M.O.
cations. E.M. Alattas, R. Gross, S. Santra
Robbins, T.C. O’Connor, M. Galvani
2:10 PMSE 309. Recombinant biomaterials
Gels & Other Soft Amorphous Solids PMSE 344. Shape-stable ultra-
for treatment of spinal cord injuries. K. 3:00 Intermission.
soft hydrogel microstructures. S.
Dubbin, L. Marquardt, G. Plant, S.C. Heilshorn Nanogels & Composites 3:15 PMSE 336. Analysis of funda- Anders, O. Prucker, J. Rühe
2:35 PMSE 310. Exploiting chemical E. Del Gado, J. Douglas, F. Horkay, Organizers mental properties for membrane
biology to generate protein-iron oxide PMSE 345. Cellular internalization
separation. L.M. Robeson
P. Baglioni, R. G. Weiss, Presiding and cytocompatibility of PEGylated
hybrid biomaterials for theranostics. L.K.
3:45 PMSE 337. Blending high per- clickable nucleic acid copolymers. A.
Hill, T. Jihad, Y. Zaim Wadghiri, J.K. Montclare 1:30 PMSE 322. Correlation of soft nanogel
formance polymers for improved Anderson, C. Bowman, S.J. Bryant
internal morphology to the dynamics of
3:00 Intermission. performance. M. Jaffe
both components in a polymer nano- PMSE 346. Fluorescence imaging of tumor
3:15 PMSE 311. Tuning mechanical composite. H. Martin, A. Imel, S. Rostom, 4:15 PMSE 338. Enhancing kinetics and cells with matrix metalloproteinase-2
properties of marine biopolymers. J.W. Mays, T. White, T. Saito, M.D. Dadmun tuning physical properties via grafted net- (MMP-2) cleavable supramolecu-
P. Dennis, M. Gupta, R.R. Naik works of epoxide/acrylate hybrid photo- lar nanobeacons. C.F. Anderson
1:50 PMSE 323. Carbon nanodots
3:40 PMSE 312. Synthetic wet adhe-
polymerizations. S.M. Schissel, J.L. Jessop
crosslinked photoluminescent PMSE 347. Withdrawn.
sive nanomaterials inspired by the alginate hydrogels. R. Wijayapala, S.
barnacle, Amphibalanus amphi- Hashemnejad, D. Defranc, S. Kundu
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased PMSE 348. Synthesis of protein-polymer
trite. L.A. Estrella, E. Yates, C. So Materials & Biocatalysis conjugates with UCST polymers. J.
2:10 PMSE 324. Morphology and Berberich, D. Konkolewicz, R.C. Page,
4:05 PMSE 313. Biopolymer and PEG mechanical properties of poly(HIPE) Polysaccharide-Based Materials J.D. Stapleton, K. Thompson, C. Cash
hydrogels for improving healing of nanocomposites containing cellulose Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored
cardiovascular tissues. K.L. Kiick PMSE 349. In situ study of morphology
nanocrystals. V. Karimkhani, K. Rohm, by AGFD, CELL and PMSE
evolution in polymer blends during light
4:30 PMSE 314. Hydrogel formation with D. Feke, S.J. Rowan, I. Manas-Zloczower
Metallo-Supramolecular & self-trapping. S. Biria, I.D. Hosein
self-assembly fibrous coiled-coil protein. 2:30 PMSE 325. 2D nanostructures via  Metal Containing Polymers
C. Liu, L.K. Hill, T. Jihad, J. Montclare
PMSE 350. Pressure-induced polymer-
crystallisation-driven self-assembly:
Metal-Containing Polymers ization of thiophene into an extended
Shape effects on nanocomposite hydro-
carbon network. A. Biswas, M.D. Ward,
Section E gels. M. Inam, A.P. Dove, R.K. OReilly Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE‡
H. Huang, T.A. Strobel, J.V. Badding
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC 2:50 Intermission. Non-Conventional Building Blocks PMSE 351. Synthesis of new metal-contain-
Liberty Ballroom Salon I 3:00 PMSE 326. Stress relaxation in Conjugated Materials: Innovative ing polymers from the antiviral lamivudine
hydrogels with tunable mechanics and Designs & New Applications and dipeptide diglycine. C.E. Carraher,
Polyelectrolyte Coacervates, their applications for 3D cell culture. J. F. Mosca, P. Slawek, M. Roner, J.E. Haky
Heteroatom Systems
Precipitates & Multilayers Lou, R. Stowers, O. Chaudhuri, Y. Xia
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored PMSE 352. Synthesis of organotin and
J. L. Lutkenhaus, S. L. Perry, Organizers 3:20 PMSE 327. Emulsion templating by INOR and PMSE‡ group IVB-containing polyamine
as a tool for fabrication of open cell esters, polyethers, and polyesters:
N. Zacharia, Organizer, Presiding aerogel foams. N. Teo, S.C. Jana Journey to Mars: Materials, Organotin polyamino esters from
3:40 PMSE 328. Polypeptoid thermal Energy & Life Sciences 4-aminobenzoic acid. C.E. Carraher,
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by J. Frank, E. St Fort, L. Chen, F. Li, N. Ezzell,
gels: Synthesis, structure and
ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, D. Patel, J. Einkauf, F. Russell, M. Roner
Technical program information architecture effect. D. Zhang
PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ PMSE 353. Thermomechanical path depen-
known at press time. 4:00 PMSE 329. Functionalization in the
dence of glass transition temperature
gel-state: A simple route to blocky
The official technical program for copolymers of poly(ether ether ketone). and failure in glassy shape-memory
networks. D. Chen, M.L. Anthamatten
the 254th ACS National Meeting L. Anderson, X. Yuan, R.B. Moore

is available at www.acs.org/

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


PMSE 354. Understanding the effect PMSE 372. Poly(vinyl alcohol-co-vinyl PMSE 390. Sensing nerve agent PMSE 409. Preparation of carbon micro-
of microscopic pore structure on gallate) as a novel polymeric antioxidant simulants via photonic crystals of spheres containing silicon nanoparticle
transport in lyotropic liquid crystal in solution and hydrogen-bonded layer- the Morpho didius butterfly. B.P. for negative electrode for lithium ion
membranes. B. Coscia, M.R. Shirts by-layer films. H. Hlushko, V. Albright, Fisher, A.J. Esparza, J. Kittle secondary battery. M. Ota, T. Ishibashi,
R. Hlushko, H. Nelson, S.A. Sukhishvili K. Onozuka, N. Nokoya, A. Kuribara, Y.
PMSE 355. High-performance, ambient PMSE 391. Surface modification of
Deguchi, S. Yoon, T. Honma, T. Komatsu
phase change thermal diodes for PMSE 373. New approach to site-specific ionic liquid-based membranes via
energy applications. A. Cottrill, S. topological protein-poly(amino acid) vapor cross-linking for CO2/ N2 sep- PMSE 410. Morphological evolution of
Wang, Y. Kunai, A.T. Liu, M. Strano conjugates enabled by in situ-gen- aration. L. Kong, K. Huang, S. Dai perfluorosulfonic acid ionomers from
erated functionalities. Y. Hou solution to membrane by solution-pro-
PMSE 356. Polymethacrylate pseudo crown PMSE 392. Reactivity of diarylbiben-
cessing. C. Orsino, R.B. Moore
ether used as solid state polyelectrolyte PMSE 374. Multiblock copolymers zofuranone in cross-linked polymers
in Li-ion batteries. O.R. Coulembier, with highly sulfonated poly(arylene prepared by sol-gel method. T. PMSE 411. Visible light photoinitia-
J.C. Martins, A. Krumpmann, V. Lemaur, J. sulfone) blocks for PEMFC applica- Kosuge, K. Imato, R. Goseki, H. Otsuka tion of poly(ethylene) glycol hydro-
Cornil, A. Decroly, P. Dubois, R. Lazzaroni tions. T. Kim, S. Choi, S. Ahn, Y. Hong gels. E. Ovadia, K. Wiley, A.M. Kloxin
PMSE 393. Internal structure and prop-
PMSE 357. Reducing apparent diffu- PMSE 375. Exploration of one-dimensional erties of stimuli-responsive multilayer PMSE 412. Effects of high-order structure
sivity of proteins for controlled drug sp  carbon nanomaterials via pressure-in-
hydrogels probed by neutron reflec- of poly(L-lactic acid) blend monoliths
release using aptamer-functionalized duced polymerization of cubane. H. tometry. V.A. Kozlovskaya, W.T. Higgins, on their hydrolytic degradation. H.T.
nanoparticles. J. Coyne, Y. Wang Huang, M.D. Ward, L. Zhu, B.L. Chaloux, A. Alford, J. Ankner, E.P. Kharlampieva Oyama, Y. Nakamura, R. Ogawa
A. Epshteyn, T.A. Strobel, J.V. Badding
PMSE 358. Prospective look at the PMSE 394. Biodegradable thin films of PMSE 413. Swelling of polymer binders
potential of boron containing PMSE 376. Strong and rapidly self-heal- UCST-type micelles: Film stability, by electrolytes in Li ion batteries: A
moieties as flame retardants for ing hydrogels: Potential hemostatic degradation and biocompatibility. A. model system of poly(vinylidene fluoride)
cotton. B. Cromwell, M. Levine materials. W. Huang, Y. Wang, Y. Chen, Y. Kumarimaduvu Palanisamy, B. Zhang, M. thin films with carbonate electro-
Zhao, Q. Zhang, Z. Tian, L. Chen, L. Zhang Xu, M. Stack, H. Wang, S.A. Sukhishvili lytes. J. Qian, C.G. Wiener, B.D. Vogt
PMSE 359.Polyurethane thermosets that
disassembly via cascade bond cleavage PMSE 377. Development of laminin PMSE 395. Elucidating the phase behavior PMSE 414. Nitrocatecholic polymer – mag-
upon exposure to select stimuli. G.C. active-peptide conjugated chitosan of microphase-separated poly(1,3-meth- netite nanoparticles: A thermo, magneto
Daniels, E. Camerino, J.H. Wynne, E.B. Iezzi hydrogel crosslinked by dicarboxylic ylenecyclopentane)-b-poly(1-hex- dual-responsive system with and
acids. K. Hozumi, H. Yamada, T. Okawa, ene) triblock copolymers. K.K. enhanced stability. S. Qiu, S. Jin, N. Yang
PMSE 360. Genetically engineered
F. Katagiri, Y. Kikkawa, M. Nomizu Lachmayr, W. Hwang, L.R. Sita
light gathering peptides. A.M. PMSE 415. Fabrication and character-
Eagleton, J.P. Seeley, J.T. Welch PMSE 378. Synthesis and catalytic PMSE 396.Hybrid lithography: Combining ization pH-sensitive smart material
reaction activity of gold nanoparticles masked and maskless lithography. C.N. gradients: A sol-gel approach. K. Roy
PMSE 361. Encapsulation of polyar-
(III)/diblock ionomers. H. Inoue, Y. Lafratta, M. Lim, G.M. Clifton, A. Gonzalez
omatic hydrocarbons in diblock PMSE 416. Synthesis and characterization
Takeoka, M. Yoshizawa-Fujita, M. Rikukawa
copolymer micelles: Theoretical and PMSE 397. Synthesis and evaluation of of functionalized SWCNTs: Application
experimental study. A. El-Samak, A. PMSE 379. Effects of small molecules poly(octamethylene citrate β-glycero- in water purification. A. Sahu, T. Elred,
Elgendy, M.K. Abdelrasool, M. Youssry on coacervation of poly(diallyldi- phosphate) (POC-βGP) for bone regener- R. Sheikh, A. Hirasawa, J.C. Poler
methylammoniumchloride) and ation. Q. Li, J. Guo, J. Chen, Y. Zhu, J. Yang
PMSE 362. Blocky bromination of PMSE 417. Use of differential scanning
poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate). S.
syndiotactic polystyrene via post-po- PMSE 398. Preparation of cyclo-based calorimetry to monitor the crosslinking
Huang, M. Zhao, C. Wang, N. Zacharia
lymerization functionalization in the polymeric structures by triazole (multi) of a platinum-catalyzed addition cure
gel state. K. Felice, R.B. Moore PMSE 380. Alignment of liquid-crystal- functionalization. R. Lienard, T. silicone. M.M. Salamon, J. Timmerman
line polymers by shear stress induced Josse, J. De Winter, O.R. Coulembier
PMSE 363. Utilizing catechol chemistry to PMSE 418. Supramolecular ionic
by masked photo-polymerization. M.
reinforce peptide-based supramolecular PMSE 399. Electron beam patterning networks of Pi-conjugated polyelec-
Ishizu, K. Hisano, C.J. Barrett, A. Shishido
hydrogels. G. Fichman, J.P. Schneider of polyglycidol nanogels for immobi- trolyte co-polymers. J.L. Sartucci,
PMSE 381. Preparation and coating per- lized enzyme cascade reaction. J. S.D. Shinde, D.K. Jones, N. Gavvalapalli
PMSE 364. Light driven degradation
formances of urethane-based gel coats Lockhart, A.B. Hmelo, E. Harth
of nanogels and triggered release of PMSE 419. Functionalization of porous
consisted of polycaprolactone-graft-lig-
guests. F. Frausto, S.W. Thomas PMSE 400. Robust hydrogels with tunable polymer materials with redox-responsive
nin polyol. S. Jang, K. Ko, S. Hwang
properties using nucleophilic thiol-yne moieties. S. Schoettner, C. Rüttiger, C.
PMSE 365. Controlled antibody release
PMSE 382.Recycled scrap tire based click chemistry. L.J. Macdougall, A.P. Dove Trautmann, M. Toimil Molares, M. Gallei
from degradable thermoresponsive
adsorbent for the removal of organic
hydrogels cross-linked by Diels- PMSE 401. Multi-compartment hydrogel PMSE 420. Understanding hemag-
dyes and heavy metals from water.
Alder chemistry. M. Gregoritza, V. synergizes combination chemother- glutination and hemagglutination
M.T. Islam, D.T. Bragg, C. Hernandez,
Messmann, F.P. Brandl, A. Goepferich apeutics with temporal control. P. inhibition of influenza viruses with
B. Alvarado-Tenorio, J. Noveron
Majumder, U. Baxa, J.P. Schneider sialic acid functionalized brush
PMSE 366. Lipidated dendrimers dis-
PMSE 383. Phenyl trimethylsilyl sulfide polymers. B. Seifried, C. Bandoro, G.
playing broad spectrum antibacterial PMSE 402. Curcumin loaded PLGA nanofi-
mediated controlled ring opening Wang, J. Runstadler, J. Swan, B.D. Olsen
activity. M.E. Gide, A. Nimmagadda bers for the treatment of cancer, microbial
polymerization of a-amino acid N
infections, and the promotion of wound PMSE 421. Effect of competitive solvent
PMSE 367. Carbon dioxide selec- carboxyanhydrides. Y. Jingsong
healing. A. Mancuso, K. Chaterjee, K. Punia, on chain dynamics within hydro-
tive mixed matrix membrane using
PMSE 384. Supracolloidal polymers of A.E. Marsillo, M. Castellanos, J. Fata, K. Raja gen-bonded polyelectrolyte multilay-
periodic mesoporous organosil-
patchy micelles of diblock copolymers ers. V. Selin, J. Ankner, S.A. Sukhishvili
ica nanofillers. M. Hammami, J. PMSE 403. Stochastic delay-deriva-
with in-situ synthesized nanopar-
Croissant, O. ElTall, N.M. Khashab tive device elements using polymeric PMSE 422. Ionically crosslinked π-conju-
ticles. S. Jang, K. Kim, B. Sohn
binary mixtures: Toward fabrication of gated polymer networks. S.D. Shinde,
PMSE 368. Development of a new
PMSE 385. Coating and fabrication of bio-inspired signal processing devices J.L. Sartucci, D.K. Jones, N. Gavvalapalli
class of hybrid, hierarchical poly-
thermo-stable polymeric particles using with hierarchical instabilities. R.
mers that exhibit stimuli respon-
electrospraying process. H. Jung, Y. Kim Maruyama, T. Hoshino, N. Asakawa
sive properties. M.D. Harsha, R.S.
Bryan, J.S. Martinez, M.A. Firestone PMSE 386. Thermoreversible polyvinyl PMSE 404. Withdrawn.
alcohol gel as a matrix for controlling
PMSE 369. Binder erosion and tint retention PMSE 405. Combating drug-resistance:
fluidity of an inorganic phase change
in pigmented polymeric coatings. J. Nanofiber dressing for treatment
material. P. Karimineghlani, E. Emmons,
Gu, M. Koback, P. Eastman, J. Ngunjiri, of wound infection. C.L. McGann,
P. Shamberger, S.A. Sukhishvili
M.B. Clark, J.R. Reffner, C. Valente J. Lundin, L.A. Estrella, J.H. Wynne
PMSE 387. Withdrawn.
PMSE 370. Synthesis, polymeriza- PMSE 406. Stretchable conductive adhe- The use of any device to capture
tion kinetics and thermal properties PMSE 388. Light-triggered and ROS- sives based on silver/silicone rubber
of para-methylol functional benzox- mediated degradation of thera- nanocomposites. J. Miju, H. Kim, W. Huh images (e.g., cameras and camera
azine. K. Zhang, L. Han, H. Ishida peutic nanoparticles for enhanced phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
PMSE 407. Electrophoretic non-ionic
in vivo anticancer therapeutic
Ultrathin layer-by-layer nano-spheres (latexes) for structural
PMSE 371.
salt-responsive hydrogel for fiber-op-
efficacy. J. Kim, J. Yu, Y. Nam
coloring. D. Mokude, A. Takasu, M. Higuchi
digital recorders) or to stream,
tic salinity sensing. R. Hlushko, F. PMSE 389. Electrophoretic non-ionic
PMSE 408. Effects of printing param-
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Yang, F. Tian, H. Du, S.A. Sukhishvili poly(N-isoropylacrylamide) aiming for
temperature-sensitive cell-cultiva-
eters and adhesion on mechanical presentations is strictly prohibited
properties of 3D printed samples. C.
tion coating. K. Kimizu, A. Takasu
Nikon, N. Borodinov, I.A. Luzinov
at all official ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

PMSE 423. Studies of asphaltene PMSE 440. Unleashing the power of DSC PMSE 460. Effect on oligosaccaride PMSE 480. Charged polycaprolac-
enforced LDPE composites. M.N. in studying coatng reaction kinet- grafting on the polyelectrolyte and tone copolymers as bioadhesive
Siddiqui, H.H. Redhwi, M. Younas ics. Y. Wang, S. Kulkarni, J.C. Jernigan protonation dynamics of polyeth- would glue. A. Pekkanen, K. Horatz, K.
Studying filler effects of yleneimine. S. Basu, P. Chandran Drummey, R.J. Mondschein, T.E. Long
PMSE 424. PMSE 441. Hydrogen-bonded complexes
asphaltene in high density polyethylene of a triblock Pluronic® copolymer with PMSE 461. Withdrawn. PMSE 481. Hemocompatibility of
(HDPE). M.N. Siddiqui, H.H. Redhwi, a weak polyacid: From nanocages superhemophobic titania sur-
PMSE 462. Withdrawn.
M. Younas, A.G. Al-Ghizzi, M.H. Suliman to self-healing materials. Y. Wang, faces. S. Movafaghi, V. Leszczak, W.
S. Aktas, D.M. Kalyon, S.A. Sukhishvili PMSE 463. Fabrication of novel Wang, J. Sorkin, K. Popat, A. Kota
PMSE 425. Withdrawn.
ultrasound sensitive polymer-glass
Efficient methodology for PMSE 442. Interfacial assembly of PMSE 482. Carbon dots for bone-spe-
PMSE 426. composites. J. Contreras, A. Stimpson,
capturing the non-linear mechanics hydrogen-bonded complexes for cific bioimaging and drug delivery: A
I. Ahmed, D. Irvine, A. Whittington
of three-dimensional slender struc- stimuli-responsive emulsion stabilization zebrafish model study. Z. Peng, E.
and breaking. Y. Wang, S.A. Sukhishvili PMSE 464. Investigation into the stability Miyanji, Y. Zhou, I. Skromne, R.M. Leblanc
tures. J.J. Simhadri, P. Chandran
of biomedical grade polyurethane and
Balancing polyelectrolyte PMSE 443. Tunable transport of PMSE 483. Poly(2-oxazoline)s: From fun-
PMSE 427. silicone exposed to ionizing radiation
diffusion and clay deposition for high gas biomolecules through nanoporous damental research to biomedical appli-
at low doses. A. Whittington, S. Cooke
barrier. Y. Song, D. Hagen, J.C. Grunlan membranes containing tailorable cations. V. R de la Rosa, R. Hoogenboom
pore walls. J.L. Weidman, R.A. PMSE 465. Shrink-wrapped encapsula-
Role of compatibilizer in 3D PMSE 484. Encapsulation and release
PMSE 428. Mulvenna, B.W. Boudouris, W.A. Phillip tion of proteins and triggered traceless
printed objects. M. Spreeman, H.A. Stretz of a peptide drug from PLGA
release through reactive self-assembly
PMSE 444. Withdrawn. nanospheres using a scalable flash
PMSE 429. Macromonomers with tunable approach. K. Dutta, D. Hu, B. Zhao,
nanoprecipitation method. R. Roberts,
multi-crosslinking capability for in PMSE 445. Development of new radia- A. Ribbe, J. Zhuang, S. Thayumanavan
S. Lamouille, R. Gourdie, J. Foster
situ hydrogel formation. J. Su, B. Hu tion-grafted alkali-stable anion-exchange
PMSE 466. Synthesis of functionalized
membranes for use in alkaline fuel cells PMSE 485. Study of cellular localiza-
PMSE 430. Surface hydrophilic modifi- self-immolative polymers with biological
and electrolysers. J. Ponce-Gonzalez,  tion and toxicity of dendronized gold
cation of poly(ether ether ketone) and activity. C. Ergene, E. Palermo
D. Whelligan, L. Wang, J.R. Varcoe nanoparticles for theranostic appli-
immobilization of collagen. H. Sun PMSE 467. Nitric oxide-releasing cations. A. Saha Ray, Y.J. Pak, A.
PMSE 446. Porous polymeric supports for
PMSE 431. Withdrawn. carboxymethylcellulose hydro- Meares, M. Ptaszek, P. Swaan, M. Daniel
thin film membrane coating applica-
gels for antibacterial oral implants.
PMSE 432. Synthesis of tunable anisotropic tions. S. Wickramanayake, D. Hopkinson PMSE 486. Using poly(ethylene glycol)
E.S. Feura, M.H. Schoenfisch
silver nanorods for polymeric light hydrogels to investigate the individ-
PMSE 447. Alginate hydrogels cross-
emitting devices. J. Tracey, D. O’Carroll PMSE 468. Polymer-based therapy for the ual and synergistic effects of matrix
linked by cystine methyl ester. M.
mitigation of plant pathogens. N.F. Fine stiffness and integrin binding on fibro-
PMSE 433. Polyelectrolyte complexes of Wong, G. Nunez, N. O’Connor
Nathel, V.A. Piunova, J. Hedrick, M. Knoblauch blast response in multiple cell culture
a cationic polyfluorene with bio- PMSE 448. Drug conjugated peptide geometries. M. Smithmyer, A.M. Kloxin
molecules. S. Tsubasa, Y. Takeoka, PMSE 469. Spatiotemporal tethering
directed assembly of gold nanoparticle
M. Yoshizawa-Fujita, M. Rikukawa
of proteins to hydrogels through PMSE 487. Single cell analysis of immune
superstructures as visual drug delivery
reversible thiol-ene bioconjugation. cells using a microparticulate tool for the
PMSE 434. Fabrication of novel system. L. Xie, Y. Wang, X. Chen, H. Cui
J.C. Grim, B. Aguado, K.S. Anseth development of better vaccines. R.C.
nanocomposite fibers using electro- PMSE 449. Design of self-assem- Steinhardt, B. Moser, A.P. Esser-Kahn
spinning technique. R.N. Udangawa, PMSE 470. Engineering epitope density
bling peptide gels for 3D cell culture
R.J. Linhardt, T.J. Simmons, C.F. Willard,
in a hybrid nanoparticle-based PMSE 488. Aldehyde methacrylated chon-
and cell delivery. Y. Yamada, N.
C.A. Chapman, C.D. Mancinelli
nicotine vaccine for improved droitin sulphate hydrogel for cartilage
Patel, J. Kalen, J.P. Schneider
immunological efficacy. Y. Hu, D. repair. G. Tan, Y. Liu, L. Zhou, C. Ning
PMSE 435. Thermotropic telechelic PMSE 450. Crystallization under Smith, E. Frazier, M. Ehrich, M. Zhang
polyester ionomers for high perfor- PMSE 489. Antimicrobial but cyto-
flow or deformation in linear and
mance applications. K.A. Valentine, PMSE 471. Biodegradable microparticles compatible polyurethane coatings
helical polymers. T. Yamamoto
A.M. Nelson, R.J. Mondschein, T.E. Long
for the delivery of exercise mimetics with mixed soft block. C. Wang,
PMSE 451. Antibacterial nitric oxide-re- to adipose tissue. C. Isely, M. Hendley, O. Zolotarskaya, D. Johnson, S. Jiang,
PMSE 436. Blending of mechanochro- leasing hyperbranched polyamido- K. Murphy, P. Annamalai, M. Gower X. Wen, D.E. Ohman, K.J. Wynne
mic and elastic filaments for melt amines. L. Yang, M.H. Schoenfisch
material extrusion of repeatably PMSE 472. Soft amorphous polyesters PMSE 490. Accelerating evaluation of
activatable objects. A. Boydston, J. PMSE 452. Flexible polyimide com- for additive-free, room temperature resin biostability. X. Wang, J. Sun
Schwartz, J. Hamel, J. Vandenbrande
posite films with increased thru- 3D printing. T. Jain, D. Saylor, Q. Liu,
plane thermal conductivity. Y. Yoo, V. Patel, R. Kaushal, A. Joy, I. Isayeva Polyelectrolyte Coacervates,
PMSE 437. Preparation and characterization H. Song, J. Kim, J. Kim, C. Park
PMSE 473. Transition from inactive Precipitates & Multilayers.
of photodynamic antimicrobial P(MMA-
co-MAA)/MMT electrospun nanofibers PMSE 453. Modification of poly(alkyl/aryl- linear-chain hydrophilic polymers
PMSE 491. Linear and star poly(ionic
for wound dressing. Q. Wang, H. Lu, Q. phosphazenes) to attach potentially bio- to active nanostructured mem-
liquid) assemblies: Surface monolay-
active groups. M.A. Young, M. Raeisi, E.J. brane-active antimicrobials. Y.
Zhang, J. Dong, D. Li, F. Huang, Q. Wei ers and multilayers. A.J. Erwin, W. Xu,
Hauptmann, P.J. Nance, P. Wisian-Neilson Jiang, W. Zheng, H. Ma, H. Liang
H. He, K. Matyjaszewski, V.V. Tsukruk
PMSE 438. Research on degradation
performance of polylactide stereocom- PMSE 454. Withdrawn. PMSE 474. Biodegradable nanopar-
PMSE 492. Halloysite nanotube multilayer
plex with different chain stereo-regular- ticles delivered genes for topical
PMSE 455. Ionomers for tunable softening nanocomposite dramatically reduces
ity. t. wang, S. Tang, L. Dong, Y. Chen therapy of cancers. T. Kang, M. Gou
of thermoplastic polyurethane. Z. the flammability of polyurethane
Zander, F. Wang, M. Becker, R.A. Weiss PMSE 475. Self-assembly of bio-inspired foam. R.J. Smith, J.C. Grunlan
PMSE 439. Influence of extrusion
cycle processing on the rheolog- macromolecules: Protein-polymer
PMSE 456. Dynamic thiol−Michael
ical and mechanical properties of chemistry for thermoresponsive
conjugates and lipid-polymer hybrid Polyphosphazenes in Biomedicine,
glass fiber reinforced PA66 compos- towards biomimetic architecture. Engineering & Pioneering Synthesis.
rehealable and malleable networks.
A.K. Khan, M. Nallani, B. Liedberg
ites. T. Wang, L. Zhang, S. Tang B. Zhang, Z. Digby, J. Flum, P. Chakma, PMSE 493. Biodegradable polyphos-
J. Saul, J. Sparks, D. Konkolewicz PMSE 476. Electrostatic complexation of phazene systems for non-cova-
cationic antimicrobials within anionic lent PEGylation of proteins. A.
PMSE 457. Tunable reflectance of inverse
microgels. J. Liang, M. Libera Martinez, A.K. Andrianov, A. Marin
opal-chiral liquid crystal device by
electric-/thermal-control. Y. Zhang, PMSE 477. Sustained release of PMSE 494. Layer-by-layer films of fluo-
Z. Yang, D. Wang, H. Cao, M. Quan nanosilver from antimicrobial polyvinyl rinated polyphosphazenes: Controlled
alcohol composites. K. Madgula wettability, water uptake and inter-
PMSE 458. pH-sensitive self-assembled/
disassembled gold nanoparticles PMSE 478. De novo synthesis of nal structure. V. Selin, J. Ankner, A.
for reversible shielding/deshielding phosphorylated tri-block copolymers Marin, A.K. Andrianov, S.A. Sukhishvili
ligands. J. Ma, W. Wang, Y. Zhi with pathogen virulence suppressing
Technical program information properties that prevent infection-re- Synthesis, Self-Assembly
Biomaterials Science & lated mortality. J. Mao, A. Zaborin, V. & Applications of Peptides
known at press time. Translational Medicine. Poroyko, D.J. Goldfeld, N.A. Lynd, W. Chen, & Polypeptides.
The official technical program for PMSE 459. pH- and temperature-trig-
M.V. Tirrell, O. Zaborina, J.C. Alverdy
PMSE 495. Synthesis of glycopo-
the 254th ACS National Meeting gered self-defensive antibacterial PMSE 479. Regulated doxorubicin lymers and their application as
layer-by-layer coatings. V. Albright, A. release from targeted pH-sensitive models to mimic peptide amyloid-β/
is available at www.acs.org/ Kumarimaduvu Palanisamy, S.A. Sukhishvili PEG-PHEMA-PBA based crosslinked saccharide interactions. P. Das
WDC2017 micelles. M.A. Mohamed, A. Singh, A.
Elsokkary, M. Akl, P.N. Prasad, C. Cheng

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


Materials for Patterning in 11:45 PMSE 508. Vasculation stimulated 9:40 Intermission. 9:50 PMSE 534. Polyelectrolyte multilayer
Two & Three Dimensions. by multivalent ligand-modified scaffold. nanocoating dramatically reduces
10:00 PMSE 521. Tumor penetrat-
W. Wang, Y. Zhang, B. Wang, Y. Zhi bacterial adhesion to polyester
PMSE 496. Spirothiopyran based ing supramolecular hydrogels for
fabric. R.J. Smith, J.C. Grunlan
photoresists for large area 2D and local treatment of brain tumors. F.
3D sub-diffraction nanopattern- Section B Wang, R. Lin, R.W. Chakroun, H. Cui 10:10 PMSE 535. Humidity history
ing. H. Vijayamohanan, C. Ullal Marriott Marquis Washington, DC in polyelectrolyte complexes. X.
10:20 PMSE 522. Self-assembled
Lyu, B. Clark, A.M. Peterson
PMSE 497. Withdrawn. Liberty Ballroom Salon J aromatic peptide hydrogels with
controlled H2S release. Y. Qian, 10:30 Intermission.
Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased Dynamic Chemistry in K. Kaur, J. Foster, J.B. Matson
10:45 PMSE 536. Tuning complex
Materials & Biocatalysis Polymer Materials 10:40 PMSE 523. Bioinspired spatial coacervation using sequence-de-
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored D. Konkolewicz, Organizer
localization of peptide self-assem- fined polyelectrolytes: A molecular
by AGFD, CELL and PMSE bly. M.P. Conte, K. Lau, R. Ulijn understanding. T.K. Lytle, L. Chang,
N. Ayres, Organizer, Presiding J. Madinya, S.L. Perry, C.E. Sing
Metallo-Supramolecular & 11:00 PMSE 524. Withdrawn.
R. Nicolay, Presiding 11:05 PMSE 537. Effect of pH, temperature
Metal Containing Polymers 11:20 PMSE 525. Self-assembly of
8:00 PMSE 509. Dynamic covalent and ionic strength on the self-ag-
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE‡ aptamer-functionalized fibrinogen for
exchange in polyanhydrides. K.R. gregation of poly(2-isopropyl-2-ox-
sustained growth factor delivery and
Polymer Mechanochemistry Tillman, M.I. Lawton, P.T. Mather, D.A. Shipp azoline). E. Cagli, I. Erel-Goktepe
enhanced skin wound healing. N.
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE 8:20 PMSE 510. Reprocessing of anhy- Zhao, M. Xu, N. Xiong, Y. Wang 11:25 PMSE 538. One-step assembly
dride-cured epoxy vitrimers. W. Liu, of hydrogen-bonded nanoparticles
Journey to Mars: Materials, J. Moeller, E. Reynaud, D.F. Schmidt Section D and nanocapsules mediated by phase
Energy & Life Sciences separation of poly(N-isopropylacryl-
8:50 PMSE 511. Molecular engi- Marriott Marquis Washington, DC amide). Y. Wang, S.A. Sukhishvili
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
neering for the design of nano- Marquis Ballroom Salon 10
structured materials. S. Perrier
PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ Section F
9:20 Intermission. General Papers/New Concepts
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
9:40 PMSE 512. Vitrimers from com- in Polymeric Materials
Marquis Salon 13
WEDNESDAY MORNING modity thermoplastics through M. Becker, Organizer
dioxaborolane metathesis. R.
Nicolay, M. Röttger, T. Domenech, R. van
M. Akrach, K. Lantz, Presiding Gels & Other Soft Amorphous Solids
Section A
der Weegen, A. Breuillac, L. Leibler 8:30 PMSE 526. CO2-stimulated mor- Functional Gels
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC phology transition of miktoarm star
10:10 PMSE 513. Synthesizing dynamic E. Del Gado, J. Douglas, F. Horkay, Organizers
Liberty Ballroom Salon L soft materials through polymer precursors terpolymer assemblies. M. Huo, J. Yuan
P. Chandran, N. R. Choudhury, Presiding
from metal-catalyzed cross-coupling. 8:50 PMSE 527. Persistent micelle
Biomaterials Science & D.H. Howe, R. McDaniel, A.J. Magenau templating of diverse metal oxides. 8:30 PMSE 539. Functional surface
Translational Medicine K. Lantz, A. Sakar, M. Stefik produced by layer-by-layer self-assem-
10:40 PMSE 514. Development of dynamic
Polymeric Devices & and well-defined synthetic bioinks bly combined with surface polymeriza-
9:10 PMSE 528. General synthetic
tion technique. S. Cho, N. Zacharia
Therapeutic Systems for 3D printing. H. Ooi, D. Mihaltan, route towards highly dispersed
Financially supported by Chinese C.M. Domingues, L. Moroni, M.B. Baker metal clusters enabled by poly(ionic 8:50 PMSE 540. Preparation of dynamic
Association of Biomaterials 11:10 PMSE 515. Thermally controlled
liquid)s. J. Yuan, J. Sun and self-healing gels via ligand-exchange
sequence of triazolinedione-based reactions involving hypervalent iodine(III)
9:30 PMSE 529. Experimental caveats
Y. Hong, B. Li, J. Yang, K. Yeung, G. compounds. A. Vaish, N.V. Tsarevsky
(trans)click reactions: Powerful platform in determining local water diffusion
Zhang, Organizers
for dynamic materials. F.E. Du Prez coefficients in polymer composites: 9:10 PMSE 541. Fabrication and char-
Y. Hong, S. H. Medina, Presiding Use of an intrinsic fluorogenic probe. acterization of reactive gels assem-
8:00 PMSE 498. Silk biomaterials for Section C S. Seethamraju, J.W. Woodcock, B. bled from azlactone-functionalized
soft tissue regeneration. D.L. Kaplan
Jones, S. Stranick, J. Urbach, J. Gilman polymers: Toward advanced 2D and 3D
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC cell culture platforms. M.E. Buck, M.
9:50 Intermission.
8:40 PMSE 499. Injectable pho- Liberty Ballroom Salon K Wancura, Q. Anex-Ries, A. Garcia, J. Banh
toluminescent hydrogel for 10:10 PMSE 530. Reduced graphene
local drug delivery. X. Xu 9:30 PMSE 542. Designable immune
Synthesis, Self-Assembly oxide conductive films on hydrophilic
and hydrophobic surfaces. M. Savchak, therapeutical vaccine system based on
9:05 PMSE 500. Biomimetic bio- & Applications of Peptides DNA supramolecular hydrogels. Y. Shao
M. Anayee, N. Borodinov, R. Burtovyy, R.
degradable photoluminescent & Polypeptides
polymers for bone tissue engineer-
Ma, K. Hu, V.V. Tsukruk, I.A. Luzinov 9:50 Intermission.
Financially supported by Journal of
ing. C. Ma, X. Tian, X. Bai, J. Yang Biomaterials Science, RSC 10:30 PMSE 531. Employing gra- 10:00 PMSE 543. Thixotropic hydro-
dient copolymer to achieve gel gels for drug delivery. J. Wang,
9:20 PMSE 501. Inorganic-organic hydrogel
J. Cheng, H. Lu, Organizers polymer electrolyte with high ionic G. Williamson, R. Cooper, H. Yang
scaffolds for osteochondral repair. M.T.
W. Chan, G. Hemery, Presiding conductivity. Z. Zheng, X. Gao
Frassica, B.A. Rustenbeck, M. Grunlan
8:00 PMSE 516. Thermosensitive diblock 10:50 PMSE 532. Synthesis of new
9:35 Intermission.
elastin-like polypeptides (ELPs) grafted polymeric architecture of styrene-ma-
9:55 PMSE 502. Evolution of stimuli-re- leic anhydride via RAFT polymerisa-
onto magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
sponsive peptide nanocarriers from tion for self-assembly. M. Akrach
as dual-responsive nanomedicines.
hydrogel materials. S.H. Medina
G. Hemery, C. Genevois, F. Couillaud, S.
10:20 PMSE 503. 3D-engineering of thera- Lacomme, E. Gontier, S. MacEwan, A. Chilkoti, Section E
peutic hydrogel nanocomposites. M. Gou S. Lecommandoux, E. Garanger, O. Sandre
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
10:35 PMSE 504. Sustainable use of 8:20 PMSE 517. Thermoresponsive Liberty Ballroom Salon I
antibiotics against MDR bacteria via dendritic elastin-like peptides. M. Zhou
charged metallopolymers. C. Tang
8:40 PMSE 518. Bulk polymerization Polyelectrolyte Coacervates,
11:00 PMSE 505. Advanced antimicrobial of polyurethane-like protein copo- Precipitates & Multilayers The use of any device to capture
peptides reduce biomaterial-associated lymers. W. Chan, B.D. Olsen
infections. B. Li, Q. Wang, J. Noore
J. L. Lutkenhaus, S. L. Perry, N. images (e.g., cameras and camera
9:00 PMSE 519. Understanding the impact Zacharia, Organizers
11:15 PMSE 506. Biopolymer-based of non-natural amino acid incorpo- phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
S. Perry, Presiding
nanoparticles for applications in drug ration on the assembly of multifunc-
9:00 Introductory Remarks.
digital recorders) or to stream,
delivery and immunotherapy. D. tional collagen mimetic peptides. A.
Bamberger, M. Fach, L. Radi, P.R. Wich Hilderbrand, F. Stanzione, J. Condon,
9:05 PMSE 533. Thermal response of
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
11:30 PMSE 507. ROS triggered release
M. Larue, A. Jayaraman, A.M. Kloxin
hydrated polyelectrolyte complexes presentations is strictly prohibited
of anti-inflammatory drug chemically and multilayers: Lessons learned via
conjugated on dextran by boronic ester
9:20 PMSE 520. UCST responsive
molecular modelling. M. Sammalkorpi
at all official ACS meetings and
micelles of a polypeptide-based block
linker. S. Lee, A. Stubelius, A. Almutairi copolymer: Synthesis, LbL assembly, and events without express written
temperature response. A. Kumarimaduvu consent from ACS.
Palanisamy, V. Albright, S.A. Sukhishvili

10:20 PMSE 544. Reversible-covalent Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased 3:40 PMSE 564. Super-fine magnetic 2:10 PMSE 577. Sequence-controlled
hydrogels linked by photosensitive Materials & Biocatalysis resonance imaging probe for the polymeric glycomimetics for the investi-
coumarin dimers. C.P. Kabb, C.S. O’Bryan, cerebrovasculature using self-as- gation of epitope spacing on multivalent
Biobased Thermosetting Resins
W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini, B.S. Sumerlin sembled polymers. A. Mahara, Y. ligand/receptor interactions. C. Gerke,
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored Hsu, J. Enmi, H. Iida, T. Yamaoka M.F. Ebbesen, D. Jansen, S. Boden, T.
10:40 PMSE 545. Crystallization in chem- by AGFD, CELL and PMSE Freichel, L. Goodwin, F. Pieper, A. Camaleño
ically crosslinked shape-memory net- 3:55 PMSE 565. Nanoengineering
de la Calle, S. Schmidt, L. Hartmann
works. J. Yang, Y. Meng, M.L. Anthamatten of electrically conductive cardiac
Metallo-Supramolecular & micro-tissues. A. Navaei, M. Nikkhah 2:30 PMSE 578. Thermally treated
11:00 PMSE 546. Polymers and pho- Metal Containing Polymers compatibilized immiscible polymer
topolymers engineering to achieve 4:20 PMSE 566. Thermoresponsive
Metal-Containing Polymers blends for high temperature,
unconventional properties in solar hydrogels as self-cleaning mem-
& Block Copolymers high pressure H2 separation. C.
cells and smart windows. F. Bella, G. branes for implanted glucose
Karunaweera, N.P. Panapitiya, Y. Huang,
Griffini, A. Lamberti, S. Turri, C. Gerbaldi Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE‡ biosensors. M. Grunlan, A.K. Means,
I.H. Musselman, K.J. Balkus, J.P. Ferraris
F. Ruochong, A.K. Locke, G.L. Cote
11:20 PMSE 547. Synthesis and shear
Shape-Shifting Polymeric Systems 2:50 Intermission.
rheology of thermoreversible and pH-sen- 4:45 PMSE 567. Synthesis of dispersant
sitive polymer gels. T.L. Thornell, K.A. Erk Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE coated fillers designed to improve 3:10 PMSE 579. Thiol-Michael click
the ultrasound response of biocom- chemistry as a strategy for rapid-
11:40 PMSE 548. Polyvinyl alcohol/den- Non-Conventional Building Blocks
posites. A. Stimpson, J. Contreras, ly-forming polymeric hydrogels for
drimer gels for reversible shape stabiliza- in Conjugated Materials: Innovative
K. Walton, F. Hild, A. Ilchev, M. Gimeno- advanced brachytherapy packing
tion of thermal energy storage materials. Designs & New Applications Fabra, E. Lester, A. Goldstein, R. Shekhar, applications. N.G. Moon, A. Pekkanen, F.
P. Karimineghlani, A. Kumarimaduvu
Palanisamy, M.J. Green, S.A. Sukhishvili Heterocyclic Systems I. Ahmed, A. Whittington, D. Irvine Mazzini, B. Libby, T.N. Showalter, T.E. Long
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored 3:30 PMSE 580. Development of new cat-
12:00 PMSE 549. Electrodeposited
by INOR and PMSE‡ Section B ionic polycarbonates as macromolecular
vs. poured melting gel coatings on
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC therapeutic platforms. N. Park, J. Hedrick
304 stainless steel for environmental Journey to Mars: Materials,
protection. Q. Picard, G. Akalonu, J. Energy & Life Sciences Liberty Ballroom Salon J 3:50 PMSE 581. Janus [3:5] polysty-
Mosa, M. Aparicio, L.C. Klein, A. Jitianu rene-polydimethylsiloxane star polymers
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
Dynamic Chemistry in with a cubic core. Y. Shao, P. Jin, W. Zhang
Section G PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ Polymer Materials 4:10 PMSE 582. Novel surface graft-
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC ing chemistries toward functional
N. Ayres, D. Konkolewicz, Organizers
composite membranes. J. Meng
Marquis Salon 12 J. G. Kennemur, A. J. Magenau, Presiding
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 4:30 PMSE 583. Reactive polymer
1:00 PMSE 568. Dynamic polymers brush-grafted particles as plat-
Polymers for Aerospace
from low strain cycloalkenes. J.G. forms for protein immobiliza-
Applications: Celebrating the Lifetime Section A
Kennemur, W.J. Neary, G. Palui, S. Brits tion. H. Son, S. Li, Y. Kim, K. Char
Contributions of Charles Lee
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Cosponsored by POLY 1:30 PMSE 569. Interplay between π 4:50 PMSE 584. Composition and
Liberty Ballroom Salon L bonding and conformational flexibility sequence mandated topological effect
T. J. Bunning, Organizer in conjugated polymers containing on nano-scaled supralattice in precise
Biomaterials Science & ester-side chains. T. Kowalewski giant molecules. W. Zhang, S.Z. Cheng
R. A. Vaia, Organizer, Presiding
Translational Medicine
8:00 Introductory Remarks. 2:00 PMSE 570. Multi-stimuli
Functional Biomaterials for responsive and multifunctional Section D
8:15 PMSE 550. Graphene for aero- Sensing, Diagnosis, Imaging hydrogels. L. De Smet, K. Belal, J.
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
space applications. J.M. Tour & Cancer Nanotechnology lyskawa, R. Hoogenboom, P. Woisel
Marquis Ballroom Salon 10
8:45 PMSE 551. Organic devices: Starting a Financially supported by Chinese 2:30 Intermission.
revolution in optoelectronics. S. Forrest Association of Biomaterials
2:50 PMSE 571. Probing in-situ poly- General Papers/New Concepts
9:15 PMSE 552. So, do you think these Y. Hong, B. Li, J. Yang, K. Yeung, G. meric particle growth in mixed matrix in Polymeric Materials
polymers could be good electro- Zhang, Organizers membranes using ultra-small angle
M. Becker, Organizer
chromic materials? J.R. Reynolds neutron scattering. R.R. Ford, J.
B. Li, M. Nikkhah, Presiding S. A. Hesse, D. A. Loy, Presiding
Kim, M.S. Diallo, J.A. Kornfield
9:45 Intermission.
1:00 PMSE 557. Selective in vivo cell 3:20 PMSE 572. Liquid chalcogenide 1:30 PMSE 585. Molecular simulation study
10:00 PMSE 553. Polymer electronics: labeling mediated cancer target-
From flexible to stretchable. Z. Bao hybrid inorganic/organic poly- of amphiphilic copolymers and nanopar-
ing and drug delivery. J. Cheng mers (CHIPs) via iterative dynamic ticles: Effect of copolymer architecture on
10:30 PMSE 554. Strategies toward 1:40 PMSE 558. Dendrimer-based copolymerizations. Y. Zhang assembled structure and thermodynam-
high efficiency organic and per- higher-complexity structures and their ics. D.J. Beltran-Villegas, A. Jayaraman
ovskite solar cells. Y. Yang 3:50 PMSE 573. Ionizing radiation effects
therapeutic applications. H. Yang on thermoset polymers crosslinked by 1:50 PMSE 586. Self-interrupted synthesis
11:00 PMSE 555. Tribute to Dr. Charles 2:05 PMSE 559. Facile formation of dynamic covalent bonds. K. Yang, W. Voit of sterically hindered aliphatic poly-
Y-C. Lee’s contributions to polymers nanoconstructs using polymerzied phen- amide dendrimers. D. Jishkariani, C.M.
for aerospace applications: Polymeric 4:10 PMSE 574. Experimental and computa-
ylboronic acid with hydrophobic drugs for MacDermaid, Y. Timsina, S. Grama, S.S.
materials research highlights from tional study of monomer planarity effects
targeted cancer therapy. J. Kim, W. Kim Gillani, M. Divar, S.S. Yadavalli, R. Moussodia,
Polymer Branch (MLBP/RXBP), Bio- on the formation of fluoranthene-based
P. Leowanawat, A.M. Berrios Camacho, R.
Nano Materials Branch (RXBN), and 2:20 PMSE 560. Materials for drug covalent organic frameworks.
Walter, M. Goulian, M.L. Klein, V. Percec
capture: An approach for removing G. Occhialini, C. Thompson, R. Smaldone
Soft-Matter Materials Branch (RXAS),
Air Force Research Laboratory. L. Tan off-target chemotherapy from the 2:10 PMSE 587. Co-assembly of block
bloodstream. M.D. Schulz, C. Blumenfeld, Section C copolymers and organic additives for the
11:30 PMSE 556. New frontier of organic/ D. Yee, J.R. Greer, S. Hetts, R.H. Grubbs creation of graded, hierarchically porous
hybrid functional materials and Marriott Marquis Washington, DC carbon materials. S.A. Hesse, J. Werner,
devices: From molecular engineering 2:35 PMSE 561. Development of a
Liberty Ballroom Salon K K. Barteau, P.A. Beaucage, U.B. Wiesner
to technology innovations. A.K. Jen polymeric agent for the in vivo delivery
of CRISPR system to activate tumour 2:30 PMSE 588. Two-dimensional molec-
suppressor genes. J.A. Kretzmann, General Papers/New Concepts ular ordering in liquid crystal polymer
C.W. Evans, C. Moses, A. Sorolla Bardaji, in Polymeric Materials films directed by masked photo-polym-
A.L. Kretzmann, E. Wang, D. Ho, C. M. Becker, Organizer erization. K. Hisano, M. Aizawa, M. Ishizu,
Waryah, M. Norret, P. Blancafort, K. Iyer N. Akamatsu, C.J. Barrett, A. Shishido
L. Connal, N. Park, Presiding
2:50 PMSE 562. Elastin-gelatin-carbon 2:50 Intermission.
Technical program information nanotube and polypyrrole network with 1:30 PMSE 575. Grafting of a β-cy-
3:10 PMSE 589. Controlling self-pat-
clodextrin polymer on cellulose
known at press time. shape memory, injectability, pressure
microcrystals for pollutants uptake terning of acrylate films by photopo-
sensitivity, fast resilance and oil-water lymerization. J. Lacombe, C. Soulie
The official technical program for seperation functions. M. Xing, Y. Liu in packed columns. D.M. Alzate
Sanchez, W. Dichtel, D.E. Helbling, C. Li 3:30 PMSE 590. Physical properties
the 254th ACS National Meeting 3:15 PMSE 563. Properties of polymeric of coalesced single-component poly
1:50 PMSE 576. Triggered and tunable
is available at www.acs.org/ particles dominate cellular uptake and
hydrogen sulfide release from photo-gen- (ε-caprolactone) nanofibers. L. Li,
subsequent influences on the fate of W. Wang, C. Huang, K. Hong, X. Peng
WDC2017 mesenchymal stem cells. Z. Mao, C. Gao erated thiobenzaldehydes. L. Connal

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


3:50 PMSE 591. 1,4-Dihydropyridazines 4:10 PMSE 606. Rational design of THURSDAY MORNING 10:10 PMSE 626. Synthesis of poly-
as inhibitors of free radical polymer- methacrylate polymers with pendant mer-grafted graphene oxide and poly-
ization and gelation of styrene-divinyl carbazole moieties for use as mem- Section A mer-grafted thermally reduced graphene
benzene. D.A. Loy, R.E. Bagge, W. Sun ristors. T. McFarlane, I. Bandera, B. oxide by RAFT living free radical solution
Zdyrko, M. Jurca, O. Klep, D. Worley, C. Marriott Marquis Washington, DC polymerizations and their effects on
4:10 PMSE 592. Tuning electromechan-
Tonkin, J. Vilcakova, P. Saha, S.H. Foulger Liberty Ballroom Salon L the volume shrinkage and mechanical
ical performance of acrylic thermal
properties of cured vinyl ester resins. Y.
plastic dielectric elastomer via alkyl
Section G General Papers/New Concepts Huang, C. Nien, C. Yang, P. Huang, Y. Liao
side-chain engineering. J. Mao, Y. Luo
in Polymeric Materials 10:30 PMSE 627. Towards higher
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Section E M. Becker, Organizer flame retardancy: Very high nano-
Marquis Salon 12
filler-content nanocomposite sin-
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Y. Li, J. Tracey, Presiding gle-dip coating for polyurethane
Liberty Ballroom Salon I Polymers for Aerospace foam. J. Liu, F. Shan, H. Ishida
8:30 PMSE 614. Facile synthesis and
Applications: Celebrating the Lifetime
novel properties of the chemo-revers- 10:50 PMSE 628. Impact of MXD6 on
Polyelectrolyte Coacervates, Contributions of Charles Lee ible and highly tunable metallogels multiple mechanical recycling of PET
Precipitates & Multilayers Cosponsored by POLY based on polydicyclopentadiene. Z. and the recycled product properties.
Wang, Z. Yao, Y. Yu, C. Zeng, K. Cao M. Jalilian, M. Coleman, J. Lawrence
J. L. Lutkenhaus, S. L. Perry, N. T. J. Bunning, R. A. Vaia, Organizers
Zacharia, Organizers 8:50 PMSE 615. Melt-mixed graphene- 11:10 PMSE 629. Tuning thermo-mechani-
T. Bunning, Presiding
J. D. Schiffman, Presiding
based polyolefin nanocomposites with cal properties of poly (lactic acid) through
1:00 PMSE 607. Novel materials with superior electrical and mechanical perfor- anisotropic orientation of magnetic
1:30 Introductory Remarks. topological complexity for fabric based mance: An attractive potential for future cellulose nanocrystals. V. Katiyar
1:35 PMSE 593. Microgel and coace- energy scavengers. D. Carroll industrial applications. T. Gkourmpis
rvate formation in polyelectrolyte/ 1:30 PMSE 608. Hybrid materials to 9:10 PMSE 616. Vapor phase polymer- Section C
multivalent ion mixtures. Y. Lapitsky fuel-purification: Air Force applica- ized PEDOT thin film on EDOT grafted
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
2:20 PMSE 594. Organic solvent effects on tions enabled by basic research. J.M. substrate. B. Li, M. Civic, H. Qiu, P.
Mabry, A.J. Guenthner, S.T. Iacono, R. Mastracco, Z. Qing, A. Anthony, R. Behler, Liberty Ballroom Salon K
polyelectrolyte complex and the potential
applications. H. Zhang, N. Zacharia Campos, S.M. Ramirez, T. Haddad N. Negri, D. Angel, E. Livingston, L. Tong,
S.M. Boyer, W.E. Bernier, W.E. Jones General Papers/New Concepts
2:40 PMSE 595. Swelling behavior of 2:00 PMSE 609. Toward chipscale
in Polymeric Materials
polyelectrolyte multilayers in the presence integration of electronics, photon- 9:30 PMSE 617. Indacenodithiophene-
of various monovalent ions. J. O’Neal, ics, and plasmonics. L.R. Dalton based semiconducting polymers for M. Becker, Organizer
E. Dai, K. Clark, K. Wilcox, J.L. Lutkenhaus stretchable organic electronics. Y. S. Schoettner, T. Segal-Peretz, Presiding
2:30 PMSE 610. Design of organic
Li, W.K. Tatum, J.W. Onorato, S.D.
3:00 Intermission. molecules and materials for nonlinear
Barajas, Y.Y. Yang, C.K. Luscombe 8:30 PMSE 630. Chitosan-graft-lactic
optical applications. S.R. Marder
3:15 PMSE 596. Polyphenolicic multilayer acid oligomer based melt extruded
9:50 Intermission.
nanocoatings for drug delivery and cell 3:00 Intermission. poly(lactic acid) bionanocomposite films:
transplantation. E.P. Kharlampieva 10:10 PMSE 618. Correlation between Influence on thermal, mechanical and
3:15 PMSE 611. How do we create organic
phase-behavior and thermo-mechanical oxygen barrier properties. V. Katiyar
3:35 PMSE 597. Hyperthin PEMs with and inorganic materials for flexible, trans-
properties of a melt-miscible blend. T.
facilitated transport of CO2. C. Lin parent electronic circuitry? T.J. Marks 8:50 PMSE 631. Development of an
Gkourmpis, M.G. Andersson, C. Muller
efficient microcapsule-based auto-
3:55 PMSE 598. Star-shaped single 3:45 PMSE 612. Photoresponsive poly-
10:30 PMSE 619. Hole transporting mate- nomic healing system. X. Lu, W. Li,
lithium-ion conducting copolymer by mers, nanocomposites and hirarchical
rials for efficient and stable inorganic-or- S.R. White, N.R. Sottos, J.S. Moore
grafting a POSS nanoparticle. P. Cao, hybrid nanostructures. P.N. Prasad
ganic hybrid perovskite solar cells. J. Seo
Z. Wojnarowska, T. Hong, B. Carroll, B. 9:10 PMSE 632. New functional block-
4:15 PMSE 613. Organic and poly-
Li, V. Bocharova, A.P. Sokolov, T. Saito 10:50 PMSE 620. Utilizing novel copolymer based membranes with
meric materials for photonic appli-
configurations of silver nanoparti- a variety of functionalization oppor-
cations. N. Peyghambarian
cles and poly(9,9-di-n-octylfluore- tunities. S. Schoettner, M. Gallei
Section F 4:45 Concluding Remarks. nyl-2,7-diyl) polymer films to achieve
9:30 PMSE 633. Effect of nano-particles
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC array spasing. J. Tracey, D. O’Carroll
and flow on crystallization kinetics in
Marquis Salon 13 Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased 11:10 PMSE 621. Withdrawn. polymer nanocomposites. D. Roy
Materials & Biocatalysis
9:50 Intermission.
General Papers/New Concepts Plant Oils & Ferulate-Based Materials Section B
in Polymeric Materials 10:10 PMSE 634. Encapsulation and
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC controlled release of reactive lipophilic
M. Becker, Organizer by AGFD, CELL and PMSE
Liberty Ballroom Salon J species thanks to polymerization
T. McFarlane, S. R. Nowak, Presiding of double emulsion template. M.
Metallo-Supramolecular & General Papers/New Concepts Stasse, V. Heroguez, V. Schmitt
1:30 PMSE 599. Withdrawn. Metal Containing Polymers in Polymeric Materials 10:30 PMSE 635. Reinforcing effect
1:50 PMSE 600. End-group function-
Metal-Containing Polymers M. Becker, Organizer of polydopamine functionalized
alized poly(a-olefinate)s (xPAOs) as
& Block Copolymers graphene nanoplatelets on the
building blocks for new classes of Y. Huang, H. Kumar, Presiding mechanical properties of epoxy resins
microphase-separated block copoly- Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE‡
8:30 PMSE 622. Topological polymer at cryogenic temperature. Y. Wu
mers. S.R. Nowak, T.S. Thomas, L.R. Sita
Shape-Shifting Polymeric Systems chemistry enters surface science:
2:10 PMSE 601. Effect of thermal annealing Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE The interfacial, physico-chemical
on the thermomechanical properties of properties of linear, cyclic and loops
inverse vulcanized polymers. S. Park, Non-Conventional Building Blocks brushes. S. Ramakrishna, G. Morgese,
D. Lee, S. Kim, H. Cho, J. Lim, K. Char in Conjugated Materials: Innovative L. Trachsel, M. Divandari, E. Benetti
2:30 PMSE 602. Photothermal effect of Designs & New Applications
8:50 PMSE 623. Culturing customized
conducting polymers for energy and Synthetic Methodology hydrogels from engineered biofilm
soft actuator applications. T. Park, matrix proteins. A. Duraj-Thatte
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored
K. Lee, H. Lim, B. Kim, E. Kim, M. Um
by INOR and PMSE‡ 9:10 PMSE 624. New branched polymer The use of any device to capture
2:50 Intermission.
Journey to Mars: Materials,
architectures for nano and macro images (e.g., cameras and camera
3:10 PMSE 603. Synthesis and emulsion stabilisation and targeting/
properties of COS releasing poly-
Energy & Life Sciences
delivery of therapeutic molecules. J.J. phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
meric systems. C. Powell, J. Foster, Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by Hobson, S. Edwards, A. Owen, S. Rannard digital recorders) or to stream,
B. Okyere, M. Theus, J.B. Matson
PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ 9:30 PMSE 625. Improving the prop- upload or rebroadcast speakers or
3:30 PMSE 604. Hierarchical self-as- erties of graphene oxide based
sembly of free-standing, conducting polymer nanocomposites. H. Kumar, presentations is strictly prohibited
polymer-CPMV arrays with Janus V. Vasu, C.D. Liyanage, D.H. Adamson at all official ACS meetings and
type architecture. T.B. Sicily 9:50 Intermission. events without express written
3:50 PMSE 605. Withdrawn.
consent from ACS.

10:50 PMSE 636. Structure formation 8:50 PMSE 647. Self-cleaning piezoelec- 11:10 PMSE 661. Binary gas-mixtures THURSDAY AFTERNOON
of pure and binary blends of block tric PVDF membrane for filtration of and pure gas separation performance of
copolymers in solution, in mem- suspended particles. D. Chen, P. Wirges MMMs composed of immiscible polymer Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased
brane, and in bulk. M. Radjabian, C. blends compatibilized by colloidal Materials & Biocatalysis
9:10 PMSE 648. Intrinsic self-initiating
Abetz, B. Fischer, A. Meyer, V. Abetz MOFs. D. Nguyen, N.P. Panapitiya, I.H.
thermal ring-opening polymerization Applications of Biobased Materials
Musselman, K.J. Balkus, J.P. Ferraris
11:10 PMSE 637. Tunable inorganic of 1, 3- benzoxazines without the
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored
separation membranes templated influence of impirities using single-
by block copolymers. T. Segal- crystal resins. L. Han, M.L. Salum, Section G
Peretz, C. Zhou, M. Oruc, P.F. Nealey K. Zhang, P. Froimowicz, H. Ishida Shape-Shifting Polymeric Systems
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
9:30 PMSE 649. Melt crystallization Marquis Salon 12 Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE
Section D kinetics of poly(ethylene terephthalate)
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC (PET)/phosphate glass composites. K. General Papers/New Concepts
Kim, S. Kashani Rahimi, J. Otaigbe
Marquis Ballroom Salon 10 in Polymeric Materials

General Papers/New Concepts

9:50 Intermission.
10:10 PMSE 650. Syntheses of new
M. Becker, Organizer PROF
A. Fairbrother, H. Hlushko, Presiding
in Polymeric Materials
M. Becker, Organizer
polymers using ruthenium cataly-
sis. J. Ko, J. Medina, N.K. Garg, T. 8:30 PMSE 662. Molecular weight Division of
L. J. Macdougall, P. Wilson, Presiding
Terashima, M. Sawamoto, H.D. Maynard dependence of the intrinsic size effect
on Tg in AAO template-supported
Professional Relations
10:30 PMSE 651. Versatile in situ copolymer R. Libby, Program Chair
polymer nanorods: A DSC study. T.
8:30 PMSE 638. Thiooxime containing synthesis using photocontrolled cationic
Wei, S. Askar, A. Tan, J.M. Torkelson
H2S releasing peptide hydrogels: An and radical polymerizations: Selecting
insight into stability and self-assembly. polymerization mechanisms with light. 8:50 PMSE 663. Withdrawn.
K. Kaur, Y. Qian, J. Foster, J.B. Matson Business Meeting, 3:00 PM: Tue
V. Kottisch, Q. Michaudel, B.P. Fors 9:10 PMSE 664. Linear antioxidant
8:50 PMSE 639. Electrospinning polymer 10:50 PMSE 652. Fabrication of polymers for anticorrosion coatings:
nanomedicines extends shelf-life and size halochromic materials by plasma dye Adhesion and electrochemical perfor- SUNDAY MORNING
stability. S. Levit, R. Stwodah, C. Tang coating. L. De Smet, G. Vancoillie, K. Lava, mance. H. Hlushko, Y. Cubides, R. Hlushko,
I. Steyaert, K. De clerck, R. Hoogenboom H. Castaneda-Lopez, S.A. Sukhishvili Merck Research Award Symposium
9:10 PMSE 640. Efficient in situ nucleophilic
thiol-yne click chemistry for the synthesis 11:10 PMSE 653. Marrying the polar 9:30 PMSE 665. Solvent-induced glass Sponsored by WCC, Cosponsored by BIOL,
of strong hydrogel materials with tunable opposites: Silicone membranes con- transition measurements by dynamic COMP, MEDI, MPPG, ORGN, PMSE and PROF
properties. L.J. Macdougall, A.P. Dove taining covalently linked ionic liquids scanning gravimetric technique. D.
for CO2/CH4 separation. G. Lu Pierleoni, M. Minelli, G. Scherillo, G. Mensitieri, Space Chemistry: How it
9:30 PMSE 641. Protecting plants with
V. Loianno, F. Bonavolonta, F. Doghieri Helps Space Exploration
plastic: Application of antimicrobial
polymers in agriculture. V.A. Piunova, J. Section F 9:50 Intermission. Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by PROF
Hedrick, R. Prill, G.M. Wallraff, M. Knoblauch
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC 10:10 PMSE 666. Withdrawn. Making an Impact on Public
9:50 Intermission. Marquis Salon 13 10:30 PMSE 667. Comparative investiga-
Perceptions of Chemistry
10:10 PMSE 642. Phosgene-free synthesis tion between pressure conditioning and through Outreach
and characterization of linear poly(tyrosol General Papers/New Concepts thermal annealing in aging studies of Sponsored by SOCED, Cosponsored
carbonate)s for biomedical applications. in Polymeric Materials glassy thermosets. B.R. Ondra, A. Lesser by CPRC, PROF and YCC
B. Versaw, S.L. Kristufek, K.L. Wooley
M. Becker, Organizer 10:50 PMSE 668. Withdrawn.
10:30 PMSE 643. Mildly cross-linked
E. Camerino, D. Nguyen, Presiding 11:10 PMSE 669. Crystalline structure
dendrimer hydrogel prepared via
and fracture behavior of polyethylene SUNDAY AFTERNOON
aza-Michael addition reaction for 8:30 PMSE 654. Synthesis of silyl-cen-
after outdoor and accelerated indoor
antiglucoma drug delivery. J. Wang, tered diols for self-immolative poly-
exposure. A. Fairbrother, H. Hsueh, J. Science Communications: The Art
M. Lancina III, G. Williamson, H. Yang urethane thermosets. E. Camerino, of Developing a Clear Message
Kim, L.N. Perry, D.L. Stanley, L. Sung
G. Daniels, J.H. Wynne, E. Iezzi
10:50 PMSE 644. Withdrawn. Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
11:30 PMSE 670. Conversion of
8:50 PMSE 655. Fluorescent BIOL, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CINF,
11:10 PMSE 645. Multi-block polyesters charge-transfer characteristics in semi-
semi-rigid alternating copoly- COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, I&EC, INOR,
demonstrating high elasticity and shape conducting copolymer by adding trifluo- ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
mers. J. Huang, S.R. Turner
memory effects. Y. Zhu, C.K. Williams romethyl group to the acceptor unit. j. hui
9:10 PMSE 656. Surfactant incorporated Chemical Angel Network: Chemists
Section E Co nano particles polymer compos- Green Polymer Chemistry: Biobased Investing in Chemical Companies
ites. T. Hussain, A. Nawaz, A. Mujahid Materials & Biocatalysis Sponsored by BMGT, Cosponsored
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
9:30 PMSE 657. Database develop- Therapeutics & Opto-Electronics by PROF and SCHB‡
Liberty Ballroom Salon I
ment for modeling degradation and
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored The Nons: Non-Tenure Track Faculty
service life prediction of polymeric
General Papers/New Concepts by AGFD, CELL and PMSE in a Changing Academic Landscape
materials. D. Jacobs, L.N. Perry, H.
in Polymeric Materials Hsueh, C. Lemieux, L. Sung, S.J. Watson Shape-Shifting Polymeric Systems Sponsored by WCC, Cosponsored by
M. Becker, Organizer CHED, CPT, PROF and SOCED
9:50 Intermission. Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE
L. Han, V. Kottisch, Presiding 10:10 PMSE 658. Characterization Preparing for Employment
Non-Conventional Building Blocks
of acentric order in poled organic in a Global Workforce
8:30 PMSE 646. Systematic study in Conjugated Materials: Innovative
of substituent effect on benzox- NLO materials using coarse-grained Designs & New Applications Sponsored by IAC, Cosponsored
azines. S. Ohashi, D. Iguchi, T. Monte Carlo simulations and sum-fre- by AGFD and PROF
Heyl, P. Gil, L. Han, H. Ishida quency generation spectroscopy. Optoelectronic Device Applications
L.E. Johnson, D.L. Elder, A.F. Tillack, P. Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored
The Road Less Traveled:
Koelsch, L.R. Dalton, B. Robinson by INOR and PMSE‡ Career Opportunities in the
Government Sector
10:30 PMSE 659. Phosphonated
Henkel Award for Outstanding Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored
poly(ethylene terephthalate) ionomers
Graduate Research in by PRES and PROF
as compatibilizers in polymer blends
Polymer Chemistry
for packaging applications. L. Ju, J.M.
Dennis, K.A. Valentine, T.E. Long, R.B. Moore Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by PMSE

Technical program information 10:50 PMSE 660. Unusual physi- SUNDAY EVENING
cal aging in thin films of polynor-
known at press time. bornenes. E. Lewis, B.D. Vogt Chemical Entrepreneurs’ Impact
The official technical program for on the Global Economy
the 254th ACS National Meeting Sponsored by SCHB, Cosponsored by PROF

is available at www.acs.org/

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship



Section A Section A Section A Section A
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Tulip Tulip Cherry Blossom Cherry Blossom

Ten Years & Counting: PROF’s How Volunteering with the ACS Investing in the Future: Chemists of Courage
Professional Subdivisions Can Boost Your Professional Mentoring Underrepresented D. J. Nelson, Organizer, Presiding
Cosponsored by CMA, CWD, Development Skills Students in Chemistry
ETHX, WCC and YCC Cosponsored by SCHB and YCC 1:45 PROF 17. Introduction. D.J. Nelson
J. L. Bryant, M. Crawford, Organizers
1:50 PROF 18. Special circumstance of
C. J. Bannochie, Organizer, Presiding C. Dunne, M. Grandbois, C. Rawlins, Organizers B. C. Chan, M. Crawford, R. Penn, Z. Wilson-
CAS in this symposium. D.J. Nelson
Kennedy, Presiding
8:00 Introductory Remarks. C. L. Mills, Organizer, Presiding
2:00 PROF 19. CAS (Chemical Abstracts
8:30 Introductory Remarks.
8:10 PROF 1. Decade of younger chemists 1:00 Introductory Remarks. Service): 110 Years of service to
within thirty minutes (or less) guaranteed! 8:35 PROF 13. Opening overview: chemistry and the chemical information
1:05 PROF 7. True value of volunteering
(or your conference registration back). Investing in the future - Mentoring community. S.P. Kuhn, J. Dzielawa
as a younger chemist. J. Breffke
M. Grandbois, N.A. LaFranzo, B.C. Chan underrepresented chemistry students.
2:30 PROF 20. Facing scientific
1:35 PROF 8. Chemists visit Congress: M. Crawford, J.L. Bryant, Z.S. Wilson
8:40 PROF 2. PROF and CWD: aristocracy in publishing multidisci-
Developing a new skill set. D.I. Lewis
Looking back at the last ten 8:45 PROF 14. Interactive Panel plinary research. E. Martin-Blanco
years. L.W. Hoffman, C. Supalo 2:05 PROF 9. Selfish or selfless? 1: Mentoring chemistry students
3:00 PROF 21. Courageous Kizhner: Pain,
Does volunteering with ACS benefit of color. Z.S. Wilson, W.E. May, L.
9:10 PROF 3. Women Chemists politics and perseverance. D.E. Lewis
you or others? N.A. LaFranzo Winfield, B.C. Chan, M. Crawford
Subdivision of PROF: Developing 3:30 PROF 22. Withdrawn.
and promoting women in the chem- 2:35 Intermission. 9:15 Q&A.
ical enterprise. J.H. Cohen 4:00 Panel Discussion.
2:50 PROF 10. Benefits of involvement 9:30 Introductory Remarks to Panel 2.
9:40 Intermission. in your local ACS chapter. S.V. Orski
9:40 PROF 15. Interactive Panel 2: The European Research Council’s
9:55 PROF 4. Professional Relations: 3:20 PROF 11. Developing your Mentoring chemistry students with Funding Opportunities to Make
Gay & Transgender Chemists and Allies leadership skills as an ACS vol- disabilities. R. Penn, L.W. Hoffman, C.A. Scientists’ Dreams Come True
Subdivision (GTCA). M. Crawford unteer. P.W. Jagodzinski Supalo, K.R. Gallagher, M. Crawford
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by PROF
10:25 PROF 5. PROF Ethics 3:50 PROF 12. ACS Volunteerism: Giving 10:10 Q&A.
Subdivision: Ten years and count- you what your employer can’t. D. Cobb Early Career Investigators
10:25 Introductory Remarks to Panel 3. in Biological Chemistry
ing. G. Ferrence, C.P. McClure 4:20 Concluding Remarks.
10:35 PROF 16. Interactive Panel Sponsored by BIOL, Cosponsored by PROF
10:55 PROF 6. PROF Minority Affairs:
3: Mentoring LGBTQ+ chemistry
Advancing the success of minorities in Building a Safety Culture across students. B.C. Chan, B.L. Belmont, Innovations in Healthcare
the chemical enterprise. Z. Wilson- the Chemistry Enterprise R. Lhota, A.N. Migues, M. Crawford in the Global Economy
Kennedy, L. Watkins, L. Winfield, G. Thomas
Grassroots Approaches to 11:05 Q&A. Sponsored by SCHB, Cosponsored
Developing a Safety Culture by MEDI and PROF
Building a Safety Culture across 11:20 Concluding Remarks.
the Chemistry Enterprise Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
Ladies in Waiting for Nobel Prizes:
Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts Innovations in Healthcare Overlooked Accomplishments
to Developing a Safety Culture INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC in the Global Economy of Women Chemists
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL, Sponsored by SCHB, Cosponsored Sponsored by HIST, Cosponsored
Chemistry & Culture: How by MEDI and PROF by PRES, PROF and WCC‡
CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC, Native American Chemists
Impact Their Community Journal of Agricultural & Food Beyond the Bench: Careers
Chemistry Best Paper Award & in Intellectual Property
Sponsored by CMA, Cosponsored
Social Media for Science by CHED and PROF Young Scientist Award Symposium Sponsored by CHAL, Cosponsored
Advocacy in Public Policy Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by PROF, SCHB and YCC
Sponsored by SCHB, Cosponsored Early Career Investigators by AGRO, CINF and PROF
in Biological Chemistry Graduate Student & Postdoctoral
Ladies in Waiting for Nobel Prizes: Fellow Symposium
Sponsored by BIOL, Cosponsored by PROF
Collaborating for Success: Overlooked Accomplishments Sponsored by BIOL, Cosponsored by PROF
Professional Skills Development Collaborating for Success: of Women Chemists
for Undergraduates, Professional Skills Development Sponsored by HIST, Cosponsored
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals:
Graduates & Post-Docs for Undergraduates, by PRES, PROF and WCC‡ Research, Innovation &
Graduates & Post-Docs Commercialization
Sponsored by CINF, Cosponsored
How to get your First Industrial Job
by CHED, PROF and YCC Sponsored by CINF, Cosponsored Innovating in Biomass Conversion:
by CHED, PROF and YCC Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored Factors for Success
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: by BMGT, PROF and WCC
Research, Innovation & Food Safety & Labeling : Food Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG,
Commercialization & Flavor Regulations, Progress
Research, Innovation & PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC
& Challenges in the Pursuit
Current State & Future Path Commercialization
to Serve the Consumer
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG, Food & Flavor Regulations, From Research to Scale-Up
PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC Accurate Labeling Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by PROF by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG,
Food Safety & Labeling : Food PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC
& Flavor Regulations, Progress Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: The use of any device to capture
& Challenges in the Pursuit Research, Innovation & Food Safety & Labeling : Food
to Serve the Consumer Commercialization & Flavor Regulations, Progress images (e.g., cameras and camera
& Challenges in the Pursuit
Food & Flavor Regulations, Challenges & Opportunities to Serve the Consumer
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
Accurate Labeling Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored Food Safety, Food Processing,
digital recorders) or to stream,
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by PROF by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG,
Validation of Labeling upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by PROF presentations is strictly prohibited
at all official ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

Food Safety & Labeling : Food SUNDAY EVENING Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals:
& Flavor Regulations, Progress
& Challenges in the Pursuit
SCHB Research, Innovation &
Section A
to Serve the Consumer
Division of Small Walter E. Washington Convention Center Current State & Future Path
Food Safety, Food Processing,
Validation of Labeling Chemical Businesses Halls A/B Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by PROF J. Sabol, Program Chair PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC
Chemical Entrepreneurs’ Impact
on the Global Economy
Cosponsored by PROF
2017 C&EN Talented 12 (see MPPG, Mon)
Analytical, Environmental & Regulatory G. W. Ruger, Organizer
Building a Safety Culture across Challenges with Legalized Section A
6:00 - 8:00
the Chemical Enterprise Cannabis (see AGRO, Wed)
SCHB 7. SCHB helps you connect with Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Sponsored by CHAS, Cosponsored Chemical Angel Network:
Chemists Investing in Chemical entrepreneurs in the chemistry commu- Magnolia
by CCS‡ and PROF
Companies (see BMGT, Sun) nity. A. Rahman, P.C. Lauro, D.J. Deutsch, A.
ACS Infectious Diseases Young Kantak, J.E. Sabol, J.L. Maclachlan, E.L. Working in the Public Sector:
Collaborating for Success: Professional
Investigators Award Symposium Oltermann, M. Chorghade, C.A. Burton, T. Running for Elected Office
Skills Development for Undergraduates,
Graduates & Post-Docs (see CINF, Mon) Siepmann, N.A. Vaidya, G.W. Ruger
Sponsored by BIOL, Cosponsored by PROF Cosponsored by CCPA, CPRC and PRES
Nano Commercialization: Views SCHB 8. Chemical Angel Network
Fostering a Quality Culture in from the Front (see MPPG, Mon) chemical professionals invest- D. L. Orth, Organizer
Research & Development ing in chemistry based deals. S.S. J. E. Sabol, Presiding
Preparing for Employment in a
Sponsored by BMGT, Cosponsored Global Workforce (see IAC, Sun) White, M. Vreeke, J.C. Giordan
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
by CHED, PROF and SCHB SCHB 9. Academic and industry collab-
SOCIAL EVENTS: orations bring valuable benefits to the 1:05 SCHB 16. Withdrawn.
Coffee, 7:45 AM: Mon, Tue community. J.R. Berk, G.W. Ruger 1:35 SCHB 17. Running for and winning
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Reception, 5:30 PM: Tue a local political office. R.W. Phifer

BUSINESS MEETINGS: 2:05 SCHB 18. Chemistry of

Graduate Student & Postdoctoral MONDAY MORNING governing. J.D. Martin
Fellow Symposium Executive Committee
Meeting, 5:00 PM: Sat 2:35 SCHB 19. Withdrawn.
Sponsored by BIOL, Cosponsored by PROF Section A
3:05 Intermission.
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Magnolia 3:20 SCHB 20. It’s not what you
SUNDAY AFTERNOON know, it’s what you can do: Tools to
THURSDAY MORNING succeed in public office. D.L. Orth
Social Media for Science
Section A
Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Advocacy in Public Policy 3:50 SCHB 21. Elective Office: Always
Fellow Symposium Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Cosponsored by CCPA, CPRC and PROF more losers than winners, but that’s
Sponsored by BIOL, Cosponsored by PROF Magnolia only the beginning. P.J. Bonk
Financially supported by Saul Ewing LLP
4:20 SCHB 22. Out of the lab, into
Chemical Intellectual Property J. E. Sabol, Organizer public office. S. Naughton
Protection & Enforcement
THURSDAY AFTERNOON in the Global Economy
D. L. Orth, Presiding
Building a Safety Culture across
8:30 Introductory Remarks. the Chemistry Enterprise
Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Cosponsored by CPRM
Fellow Symposium 8:35 SCHB 10. Lessons learned from the Grassroots Approaches to
T. Siepmann, Organizer, Presiding
2016 election campaign. J.C. Johnson Developing a Safety Culture
Sponsored by BIOL, Cosponsored by PROF
1:00 Introductory Remarks.
9:05 SCHB 11. ACS social media Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
1:05 SCHB 1. Boning up on patent basics: tool-kit. C. McCarthy BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS,
A boon for startups. S. Hasford CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC,
9:35 SCHB 12. Redesigned
RUBB 1:35 SCHB 2. Patent filing strategies for
small chemical businesses. C.A. Burton
Act4Chemistry website with
enhanced functionality. K. Garcia How Volunteering with the ACS
Can Boost Your Professional
RUBBER DIVISION 2:05 SCHB 3. Advantages of the global
patent prosecution highway. T. Thomas
10:05 Intermission.
10:20 SCHB 13. Science in 140 characters:
Development Skills
W. M. Stahl, Program Chair Sponsored by PROF, Cosponsored
2:35 Intermission. a scientist’s guide to communicating
for impact on Twitter. N. Milanovich by SCHB and YCC
2:50 SCHB 4. Managing a global patent
portfolio on a budget. J. Contrera 10:50 SCHB 14. Express your passion Chemistry in an Evolving Political
MONDAY AFTERNOON 3:20 SCHB 5. Strategies for challeng-
for science advocacy using Linked-In Climate: Research Priorities &
and Facebook. J.L. Maclachlan Career Pathways in Public Policy
ing US patent rights. K. Laurence
Materials that Impact our Daily 11:20 SCHB 15. Tweet-up and Facebook Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by
Lives & the Global Economy: 3:50 SCHB 6. Withdrawn. BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI, CELL, CEPA,
share for public policy. C. McCarthy, J.L.
Bring Practical Applications into 4:20 Discussion. Maclachlan, N. Milanovich, K. Garcia CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC,
the Chemistry Classroom DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by Science Communications: The Art Building a Safety Culture across Intellectual Property Considerations
CHED, PMSE, POLY and RUBB of Developing a Clear Message the Chemistry Enterprise When Entering into a Joint Venture
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts Sponsored by CHAL, Cosponsored
BIOL, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CINF, to Developing a Safety Culture by CATL, CELL, ENFL and SCHB
ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals:
Chemical Angel Network: Chemists CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC, Research, Innovation &
Technical program information Investing in Chemical Companies INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
Challenges & Opportunities
known at press time. Sponsored by BMGT, Cosponsored
by PROF and SCHB‡
Chemistry in an Evolving Political
Climate: Research Priorities & Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
The official technical program for Career Pathways in Public Policy by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG,
Entrepreneurs in the Agriculture
the 254th ACS National Meeting & Food Industries Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by

is available at www.acs.org/ Sponsored by AGFD, Cosponsored by SCHB‡


‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship



Section A Section A Fostering a Quality Culture in Building a Safety Culture Across
Research & Development the Chemistry Enterprise
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Sponsored by BMGT, Cosponsored Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts
Halls D/E Magnolia by CHED, PROF and SCHB to Developing a Safety Culture
Sci-Mix Innovations in Healthcare Journey to Mars: Materials, Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
in the Global Economy Energy & Life Sciences BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS,
G. W. Ruger, Organizer CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC,
Cosponsored by MEDI and PROF Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
8:00 - 10:00 INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
Financially supported by ACS PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡
7-9. See previous listings.
President-Elect; Saul Ewing LLP

M. Chorghade, Organizer, Presiding MONDAY AFTERNOON

TUESDAY MORNING 1:00 SCHB 29. Translation of aca- WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Building a Safety Culture Across
demic research. R.H. Grubbs the Chemistry Enterprise
Section A Section A
1:40 SCHB 30. Creating the quan- Grassroots Approaches to
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC tified skin category: An entrepre- Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Developing a Safety Culture
Magnolia neurs journey. R. Mehendale Magnolia
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
2:10 SCHB 31. Expanding the per- BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS,
Innovations in Healthcare spective of drug development: Cannabis in the Global Economy CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC,
in the Global Economy Understanding real world medicine and INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
E. L. Oltermann, Organizer
Cosponsored by MEDI and PROF real world patients. M.N. Liebman
E. M. Pryor, Presiding Cannabis Processing: Innovations
2:40 Intermission.
Financially supported by ACS
1:00 Introductory Remarks. & Legal Protections
President-Elect; Saul Ewing LLP 2:55 SCHB 32. Challenging conventional Sponsored by CHAS, Cosponsored by CCS
wisdom in pursuit of entrepreneurial 1:05 SCHB 36. Navigating the canna-
M. Chorghade, Organizer, Presiding
dreams. R.H. Barbhaiya, M. Chorghade bis space: Empowerment through
8:30 Introductory Remarks. deconstruction. J. Bramante
3:25 SCHB 33. Massively collaborative
8:40 SCHB 23. Chemistry career interfaces drug development: A new antimalarial 1:30 SCHB 37. Women in cannabis: TUESDAY MORNING
with surprising startups. M.E. Schott emerges from academia. S.A. Knapp Opportunities and challenges in a
rapidly emerging industry. M.J. Wilcox
Chemophobia: Communicating
9:10 SCHB 24. Industrializing neglected 3:55 SCHB 34. Opportunities of evidenced Chemistry
and rare disease drug discovery TCM in the 21st century: A reverse phar- 1:55 SCHB 38. Experiences in canna-
Sponsored by CHAS, Cosponsored by CCS
and development. M.A. Lingerfelt, macological approach for re-discovery of bis: Analytical testing. H. Despres
K.M. Zorn, M.A. Hupcey, S. Ekins ancient remedy. D.Y. Lee, M. Chorghade 2:20 Intermission.
9:40 SCHB 25. Journey of entrepreneurship 4:25 SCHB 35. Building international
through STEM outreach. C.B. Monroe businesses based on integration of
2:35 SCHB 39. Extraction methodologies of TUESDAY AFTERNOON
canadian medical cannabis. M.M. Lewis
basic and applied research: Value
10:10 Intermission. 3:00 SCHB 40. Intellectual property Building a Safety Culture Across
creation by collaboration. A.M.
10:25 SCHB 26. Entrepreneur-scientist Rahatgaonkar, M. Chorghade issues (and solutions) for canna- the Chemical Enterprise
in the emerging field of lithium bis companies. R. Micheletti Sponsored by CHAS, Cosponsored by CCS‡
ion batteries. K.M. Abraham Understanding the Chemistry 3:25 SCHB 41. Gender gap in a nascent
10:55 SCHB 27. Translation of of Our Planet cannabis subdivision from the chair’s
innovation from academia to perspective. E.L. Oltermann, E.M. Pryor WEDNESDAY MORNING
Human Impacts to our Planet
the marketplace. K. Kumar 3:50 Panel Discussion.
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
11:25 SCHB 28. Gig and silver BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, Building a Safety Culture Across
4:20 Concluding Remarks.
economy: The changing dynamic CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC, the Chemical Enterprise
in employment. M. Lewis INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC Sponsored by CHAS, Cosponsored
Journey to Mars: Materials,
by CCS‡ and PROF
Beyond the Bench: Careers Energy & Life Sciences
Understanding the Chemistry
of Our Planet in Intellectual Property Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by Emerging Trends in
Sponsored by CHAL, Cosponsored ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, Research Operations
Chemistry’s Role in our Earth System by PROF, SCHB and YCC PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡
Sponsored by CHAS, Cosponsored by CCS
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals:
CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC, Research, Innovation &

Patent Specification Requirements: Innovating in Biomass Conversion:

What’s in Common & What’s Factors for Success
Different in the U.S., Europe Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
Committee on
& Southeastern Asia? by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG, Chemical Safety
Sponsored by CHAL, Cosponsored by SCHB PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC
E. Howson, Program Chair
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Journey to Mars: Materials,
Research, Innovation & Energy & Life Sciences
Commercialization Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
From Research to Scale-Up PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
Division of Chemical Health The use of any device to capture
& Safety Awards
PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC Sponsored by CHAS, Cosponsored by CCS
images (e.g., cameras and camera
TUESDAY EVENING phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
Journey to Mars: Materials, Soft Skills in Training & Interactions
Energy & Life Sciences Journey to Mars: Materials, Sponsored by CHAS, Cosponsored by CCS
digital recorders) or to stream,
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by Energy & Life Sciences upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by presentations is strictly prohibited
PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡ at all official ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

Emerging Trends in Understanding the Chemistry
Research Operations
Sponsored by CHAS, Cosponsored by CCS
Committee on Committee on of Our Planet

Divisional Activities Economic & Human Impacts to our Planet

Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
R. Bennett, Program Chair Professional Affairs BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA,
R. Ewing, Program Chair CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC,


Committee on Science Communications: The Art SUNDAY AFTERNOON
Chemistry & Public of Developing a Clear Message
Science Communications: The Art CEI
Affairs Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by of Developing a Clear Message
R. Forslund, Program Chair
COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, I&EC, INOR, Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by Committee on
ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC Improvement
MONDAY MORNING C. Middlecamp, Program Chair
Social Media for Science
Advocacy in Public Policy Building a Safety Culture Across MONDAY MORNING
Sponsored by SCHB, Cosponsored the Chemistry Enterprise SUNDAY MORNING
Building a Safety Culture Across
by CCPA, CPRC and PROF Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts the Chemistry Enterprise
to Developing a Safety Culture Electrochemical Technologies
Chemistry in an Evolving Political Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts for Water Purification
Climate: Research Priorities & Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL, to Developing a Safety Culture
Career Pathways in Public Policy BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS, Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC, Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL, by CATL and CEI
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS,
CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC, Chemistry in an Evolving Political INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB Climate: Research Priorities & SUNDAY AFTERNOON
Chemistry in an Evolving Political
Career Pathways in Public Policy
Climate: Research Priorities & Science Communications: The Art
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by Career Pathways in Public Policy of Developing a Clear Message
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by
CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC, Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
Working in the Public Sector: CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC,
Running for Elected Office COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, I&EC, INOR,
Sponsored by SCHB, Cosponsored
by CCPA, CPRC and PRES MONDAY AFTERNOON Electrochemical Technologies
for Water Purification
Chemistry in an Evolving Political Building a Safety Culture Across MONDAY AFTERNOON
Climate: Research Priorities & Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
the Chemistry Enterprise by CATL and CEI
Career Pathways in Public Policy Building a Safety Culture Across
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by Grassroots Approaches to the Chemistry Enterprise
BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI, CELL, CEPA, Developing a Safety Culture
Grassroots Approaches to
CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC, Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL, Developing a Safety Culture MONDAY MORNING
CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC, Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL, Building a Safety Culture Across
INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC the Chemistry Enterprise
Chemistry in an Evolving Political INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts
CWD Climate: Research Priorities &
Career Pathways in Public Policy
Chemistry in an Evolving Political
to Developing a Safety Culture
Climate: Research Priorities & Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,

Committee on Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by

Career Pathways in Public Policy
Chemists with CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC,
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by

Disabilities CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC, Chemistry in an Evolving Political

DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB Climate: Research Priorities &
L. Hoffman, Program Chair
Career Pathways in Public Policy
TUESDAY MORNING Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by
Understanding the Chemistry
Understanding the Chemistry DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB
Ten Years & Counting: PROF’s Chemistry’s Role in our Earth System of Our Planet Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals:
Professional Subdivisions Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by Chemistry’s Role in our Earth System Research, Innovation &
Sponsored by PROF, Cosponsored by BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, Commercialization
CMA, CWD, ETHX, WCC and YCC CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC, Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, Current State & Future Path
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
Technical program information TUESDAY AFTERNOON
known at press time. Understanding the Chemistry
The official technical program for of Our Planet

the 254th ACS National Meeting Human Impacts to our Planet

Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
is available at www.acs.org/ BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA,

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


MONDAY AFTERNOON Monitoring Water Quality & THURSDAY MORNING 2:10 IAC 1. The evolution of chem-
Infrastructure to Prevent Future Flints ical employment. T.N. Hoerter
Building a Safety Culture Across Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored Citizens First! 2:25 IAC 2. What do you need for a
the Chemistry Enterprise by CEI and MPPG Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by CEI chemistry career in Europe? R. Salzer
Grassroots Approaches to Advances & Challenges at the 2:40 IAC 3. Perspective on a
Changes in Chemical Risk
Developing a Safety Culture Food-Energy-Water Nexus career in industry with global col-
Assessment under Amended TSCA:
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL, Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CEI Approaches & Implementation laborations. S.C. Nanita
BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS, 2:55 Intermission.
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
by CEI and CHAL 3:10 IAC 4. Soft skills, hard targets:
WEDNESDAY MORNING The importance of resilience in the
Chemistry in an Evolving Political modern work place. C. Stihler
Climate: Research Priorities & Green Chemistry: Theory & Practice 3:25 IAC 5. Diversity of thought in science:
Career Pathways in Public Policy
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored
by CEI and ENVR‡
ETHX How to leverage the best talent in a
global chemistry enterprise. M.J. Blanco
CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC, Changes in Chemical Risk Committee on Ethics 3:40 IAC 6. Emerging technolo-
gies and careers in agricultural
DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB Assessment under Amended TSCA:
K. Vitense, Program Chair research. L.L. McConnell
Approaches & Implementation
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals:
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored 3:55 Panel Discussion.
Research, Innovation &
by CEI and CHAL 4:25 Concluding Remarks.
Green Chemistry & the Environment
Challenges & Opportunities
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored Building a Safety Culture Across
by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG, by CATL and CEI the Chemistry Enterprise
Environmental Justice: The Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts Chemistry in an Evolving Political
Undergraduate Research Posters Role & Impact of Diversity on to Developing a Safety Culture Climate: Research Priorities &
Environmental Stewardship Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL, Career Pathways in Public Policy
Green Chemistry & Sustainability
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS, Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by CEI and CMA CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC, BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI, CELL, CEPA,
Ten Years & Counting: PROF’s
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Professional Subdivisions
TUESDAY MORNING Sponsored by PROF, Cosponsored by
Changes in Chemical Risk CMA, CWD, ETHX, WCC and YCC MONDAY AFTERNOON
Understanding the Chemistry Assessment under Amended TSCA:
of Our Planet Approaches & Implementation Chemistry in an Evolving Political
Chemistry’s Role in our Earth System Climate: Research Priorities &
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
by CEI and CHAL
MONDAY AFTERNOON Career Pathways in Public Policy
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by
Green Chemistry & the Environment Building a Safety Culture Across BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI, CELL, CEPA,
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
the Chemistry Enterprise CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC,
by CATL and CEI Grassroots Approaches to DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB
Science & Perception of Developing a Safety Culture
Climate Change
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CEI
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals:
Advances & Challenges at the INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
Research, Innovation &
Commercialization Food-Energy-Water Nexus
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CEI
From Research to Scale-Up
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
Changes in Chemical Risk
Assessment under Amended TSCA: IAC
PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC Approaches & Implementation
Advances & Challenges at the Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored International Activities
Food-Energy-Water Nexus by AGRO, CEI and CHAL
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CEI Electrochemical Technologies E. Tratras Contis, Program Chair
for Water Purification
Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
Green Chemistry & the Environment
Understanding the Chemistry
of Our Planet Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored Section A
by CATL and CEI
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Human Impacts to our Planet
Monitoring Water Quality & George Washington
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, Infrastructure to Prevent Future Flints
Preparing for Employment
CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC, Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
in a Global Workforce
The use of any device to capture
Cosponsored by AGFD and PROF images (e.g., cameras and camera
Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Science & Perception of
Research, Innovation & Climate Change C. LaPrade, E. Tratras Contis, Organizers
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
Commercialization Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored by CEI S. C. Nanita, Presiding digital recorders) or to stream,
Innovating in Biomass Conversion: 2:00 Introductory Remarks.
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
Factors for Success
presentations is strictly prohibited
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG, at all official ACS meetings and
PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC events without express written
consent from ACS.

Environmental Justice: The Building a Safety Culture Across
Committee on Role & Impact of Diversity on
Environmental Stewardship
the Chemistry Enterprise
Committee on Science
Minority Affairs Sponsored by ENVR, Cosponsored
Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts
to Developing a Safety Culture
M. Cesa, Program Chair
J. Sarquis, Program Chair by CEI and CMA
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL, OTHER SYMPOSIA OF INTEREST:
Building a Safety Culture across the
Chemistry Enterprise (see PRES, Mon)
Earle B. Barnes Award for Leadership INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
in Chemical Research Management:
Symposium in honor of Laurie
CPRM Social Media for Science
Sustaining Water Resources:
Environmental & Economic
Locascio (see ANYL, Tue) Advocacy in Public Policy Impact (see MPPG, Mon)

Environmental Justice: The Role & Committee on Patents Sponsored by SCHB, Cosponsored Materials at the Food-Energy-Water
Impact of Diversity on Environmental
Stewardship (see ENVR, Wed)
& Related Matters by CCPA, CPRC and PROF Nexus: Polymers for Soils to
Sensors (see POLY, Sun, Tue)
S. Shah, Program Chair Chemistry in an Evolving Political ChemRxiv: Publishing in the Age of
SOCIAL EVENTS: Climate: Research Priorities & Preprint Servers. A Joint CSR-ACS
Social Hour, 5:00 PM: Sun Career Pathways in Public Policy Symposium (see MPPG, Tue)
Luncheon, 11:30 AM: Mon Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by Informatics & Chemical Biology:
SUNDAY AFTERNOON BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI, CELL, CEPA, Identifying Targets & Biological
Open Meeting, 1:00 PM: Sun Chemical Intellectual Property DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB
Advances & Challenges at the
Protection & Enforcement Food-Energy-Water Nexus
in the Global Economy 2017 C&EN Talented 12
(see ENVR, Tue, Wed)
Sponsored by SCHB, Cosponsored by CPRM Sponsored by MPPG, Cosponsored by CPRC
Business Meeting, 8:00 AM: Sat
Ten Years & Counting: PROF’s
Professional Subdivisions MONDAY AFTERNOON
Sponsored by PROF, Cosponsored by CPT Building a Safety Culture Across MONDAY MORNING
CMA, CWD, ETHX, WCC and YCC the Chemistry Enterprise
Committee on Grassroots Approaches to Chemistry in an Evolving Political

Professional Training Developing a Safety Culture Climate: Research Priorities &
Career Pathways in Public Policy
T. Wenzel, Program Chair Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS, Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB
Eastern Market SUNDAY AFTERNOON Working in the Public Sector:
Running for Elected Office Sustaining Water Resources:
Chemistry & Culture: How The Nons: Non-Tenure Track Faculty Environmental & Economic Impact
in a Changing Academic Landscape Sponsored by SCHB, Cosponsored
Native American Chemists by CCPA, CPRC and PRES Sponsored by MPPG, Cosponsored by
Impact Their Community Sponsored by WCC, Cosponsored by COMSCI‡, ENVR, GEOC, I&EC and PRES
Cosponsored by CHED and PROF
CHED, CPT, PROF and SOCED Chemistry in an Evolving Political
Climate: Research Priorities &
J. Lee, Organizer Career Pathways in Public Policy
O. Conroy-Ben, N. Lee, Organizers, Presiding Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by

2:00 Introductory Remarks. CPRC BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI, CELL, CEPA,
Section A
2:10 CMA 1. Navajo environmen- DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB Walter E. Washington Convention Center
tal health studies on contami- Committee on Room 155
nated lands. J.C. Ingram
Public Relations & Transformative Research &
2:50 CMA 2. Tracing the origins of
Navajo waters in Arizona, New Mexico, Communications Excellence in Education Award
and Utah. C.L. Tulley-Cordova J. Maclachlan, Program Chair Understanding the Chemistry Cosponsored by BIOL, COLL, COMP,
3:30 Intermission.
of Our Planet ENFL, INOR, PHYS and PRES

3:45 CMA 3. Refining a chemistry Chemistry’s Role in our Earth System S. Ronco, Organizer, Presiding
laboratory course to be culturally SUNDAY MORNING Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by R. Hernandez, Presiding
and chemically engaging. N. Lee BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA,
Making an Impact on Public CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC, 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
4:25 CMA 4. Pathways to faculty INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC
careers: Contributions of native Perceptions of Chemistry 1:35 COMSCI 1. Colors and shapes:
scholars to the scientific and indige- through Outreach Science and education at the
nous communities. K.M. DeerInWater, Sponsored by SOCED, Cosponsored interface of inorganic chemistry and
S. EchoHawk, M.J. Ondrechen by CPRC, PROF and YCC TUESDAY AFTERNOON nanotechnology. C.J. Murphy
5:05 Concluding Remarks. 2:05 COMSCI 2. Dynamical consistency in
Understanding the Chemistry sustainable nanoparticles and advances
5:15 Panel Discussion. of Our Planet in diversity equity. R. Hernandez
Human Impacts to our Planet 2:35 COMSCI 3. Nanoparticle-
Science Communications: The Art Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by mediated delivery of biologics: From
of Developing a Clear Message BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, siRNA to CRISPR. V.M. Rotello
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC,
Technical program information BIOL, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CINF, INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC
known at press time. COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, I&EC, INOR,
The official technical program for
the 254th ACS National Meeting
is available at www.acs.org/

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship

3:05 Intermission. 12:15 SOCED 4. The many great
3:10 COMSCI 4. Probing what you can’t SOCED advantages of gold photo-thermal
therapy of cancer. M.A. El-Sayed
see: From perovskite solar cells to
broader science education. D.S. Ginger Society Committee on 1:05 Q&A. Women Chemists
3:40 COMSCI 5. Illuminating cell-cell
interactions with engineered biolu-
Education 1:20 Concluding Remarks.
minescent probes. J.A. Prescher A. El-Ashmawy, Program Chair Undergraduate Research Posters R. Cole, Program Chair

4:10 COMSCI 6. Undergraduate Agricultural & Food Chemistry

researchers as nanoscience
ACS on Campus Networking Happy Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Research,
ambassadors. S.E. Skrabalak
Hour: Make Connections and by AGFD and SOCED Innovation & Commercialization
4:40 Panel Discussion. Advance Your Career, 5:30 PM: Sun (see ENFL, Mon, Tue)
Undergraduate Research Posters
The Job Hunt: Do’s and Don’ts of Applying How to get your First Industrial
Chemistry in an Evolving Political and Interviewing, 9:00 AM: Mon Analytical Chemistry Job (see YCC, Tue)
Climate: Research Priorities & Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored
Undergraduate Speed Networking with Increasing Retention of Under-
Career Pathways in Public Policy Chemistry Professionals, 4:00 PM: Mon by ANYL and SOCED Represented Students in
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored by Chemistry (see CHED, Tue)
BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI, CELL, CEPA, Undergraduate Research Posters
Ladies in Waiting for Nobel Prizes:
CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI, CPRC, SUNDAY MORNING Biochemistry Overlooked Accomplishments of
DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB Women Chemists (see HIST, Tue)
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored
Section A by BIOL and SOCED Building a Safety Culture across
the Chemical Enterprise
Grand Hyatt Washington Undergraduate Research Posters (see CHAS, Tue, Wed)
CTA Constitution B
Making an Impact on Public Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored Women in Chemical Enterprise,
Committee on Perceptions of Chemistry by BIOT and SOCED 7:30 AM: Mon

Technician Affairs through Outreach

Cosponsored by CPRC, PROF and YCC
Undergraduate Research Posters Just Cocktails and Open
Meeting, 4:00 PM: Mon
C. Libby, Program Chair Chemical Education
Eli Lilly Travel Award Poster
A. K. El-Ashmawy, Organizer, Presiding Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by SOCED Session, 11:00 AM: Tue
9:00 Introductory Remarks. Undergraduate Research Posters WCC Luncheon, 12:00 PM: Tue
SUNDAY AFTERNOON 9:10 SOCED 1. Putting chemistry in
Computational Chemistry BUSINESS MEETINGS:
the right context. C.A. Yarosh
Science Communications: The Art Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored Business Meeting, 8:00 AM: Sat
9:30 SOCED 2. Government out- by COMP and SOCED
of Developing a Clear Message
reach opportunities. C.B. Frech
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by Undergraduate Research Posters
BIOL, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CINF, 9:50 SOCED 3. Learning through teaching, SUNDAY MORNING
COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, I&EC, INOR, and growing through serving: Chemical Environmental Chemistry
ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC outreach and successful student Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored Section A
chapters. M.A. Boucher, A. Thomas by ENVR and SOCED
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
10:10 Panel Discussion.
Undergraduate Research Posters Catholic University
MONDAY MORNING 10:25 Concluding Remarks.
Green Chemistry & Sustainability
Merck Research Award Symposium
Building a Safety Culture Across High School Program Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored
by CEI and SOCED Cosponsored by BIOL, COMP, MEDI,
the Chemistry Enterprise Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by SOCED MPPG, ORGN, PMSE and PROF
Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts Undergraduate Research Posters
to Developing a Safety Culture A. M. Balija, Organizer, Presiding
Inorganic Chemistry
R. Ruck, Presiding
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL, SUNDAY AFTERNOON Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored
BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS, 8:25 Introductory Remarks.
CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC, High School Program
INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC 8:30 WCC 1. Creating binary Cu–Bi com-
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by SOCED Undergraduate Research Posters
pounds at high pressure. S.M. Clarke,
Medicinal Chemistry M. Amsler, J. Walsh, T. Yu, Y. Wang, S.D.
The Nons: Non-Tenure Track Faculty
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored Jacobsen, C. Wolverton, D.E. Freedman
MONDAY AFTERNOON in a Changing Academic Landscape
by MEDI and SOCED 8:50 WCC 2. Acetalated dextran
Sponsored by WCC, Cosponsored by
Building a Safety Culture Across CHED, CPT, PROF and SOCED nanoparticles for rapid and glucose
Undergraduate Research Posters
the Chemistry Enterprise responsive insulin delivery. L.R.
Nanochemistry Volpatti, M. Matranga, D.G. Anderson
Grassroots Approaches to Undergraduate Research Papers
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by SOCED
Developing a Safety Culture Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by SOCED
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL, Undergraduate Research Posters
BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS, Organic Chemistry

Section A Undergraduate Research Posters

Grand Hyatt Washington Physical Chemistry

Independence A Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored by SOCED The use of any device to capture
Undergraduate Research Posters
images (e.g., cameras and camera
Eminent Scientist Lecture phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
Polymer Chemistry
Cosponsored by CATL and POLY
Sponsored by CHED, Cosponsored digital recorders) or to stream,
A. K. El-Ashmawy, Organizer, Presiding by PMSE, POLY and SOCED upload or rebroadcast speakers or
12:00 Introductory Remarks. presentations is strictly prohibited
at all official ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

9:10 WCC 3. Atomically precise, tunable 4:00 WCC 15. Transmutation of chem- 3:05 Intermission.
organomimetic cluster nanomole-
cules (OCNs). E.A. Qian, J. Logan, M.
istry faculty positions in American
higher education. D.A. Canelas
YCC 3:10 YCC 10. My career path at the
department of navy: From post-doctoral
Kirollos, A.I. Wixtrom, J. Axtell, A. Saebi, D.
Jung, P. Rehak, Y. Han, E. Hakim Moully,
4:25 WCC 16. Being a senior chem-
istry lecturer at a large urban
Younger Chemists student to research chemist. P. Zarras
D. Mosallaei, S. Chow, M. Messina, J.
Wang, A.T. Royappa, A.L. Rheingold,
public university. M. Delgado Committee 3:30 YCC 11. Protecting the public health:
A chemist’s role at the FDA. A. Aldridge
H.D. Maynard, P. Kral, A.M. Spokoyny 4:50 Concluding Remarks. D. Williams, Program Chair
3:50 YCC 12. How ACS volunteer work
9:30 WCC 4. Control factors involved in made my career. L.B. Roberson
abietadiene synthesis: A biosynthetic 4:10 Intermission.
reaction containing a post-transi- MONDAY MORNING Social Hour, 7:00 PM: Mon
tion state bifurcation. S.R. Hare, 4:15 Panel Discussion.
A. Escorcia, D. Tantillo, W. Thiel Ten Years & Counting: PROF’s
5:00 Closing Remarks.
Professional Subdivisions SUNDAY MORNING
9:50 WCC 5. Improving force field param-
Sponsored by PROF, Cosponsored by Science Communications: The Art
eterization with Bayesian inference for
CMA, CWD, ETHX, WCC and YCC Section A of Developing a Clear Message
chemical perception. C.C. Bannan, C.
Zanette, C.I. Bayly, J. Fass, M.K. Gilson, Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
M.R. Shirts, J.D. Chodera, D.L. Mobley Research, Innovation & Liberty Ballroom Salon M BIOL, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CINF,
10:10 Intermission. Commercialization COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, I&EC, INOR,
Space Chemistry: How it ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
10:20 WCC 6. Soluble guanylate Current State & Future Path
Helps Space Exploration
cyclase stimulators for cardiovas- Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
cular disease. S. Raghavan Cosponsored by PROF
10:40 WCC 7. Development and synthetic F. Darvas, A. E. Pavlath, Organizers, Presiding
application of arenophile-mediated dihy-
droxylation reactions. E.H. Southgate,
8:30 Introductory Remarks. Section A
J. Pospech, J. Fu, D. Holycross, D. Sarlah 8:35 YCC 1. Space chemistry at NASA’s Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
MONDAY AFTERNOON Kennedy Space Center. L.B. Roberson
11:00 WCC 8. Advances in regiose- Chinatown
lective additions to pi systems. Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: 9:05 YCC 2. Remote controlled miniatur-
H.A. Kerchner, J. Montgomery Research, Innovation & ized chemistry and biology lab platform Chemistry in an Evolving Political
11:20 WCC 9. Recent developments
Commercialization for space research. S. Amselem Climate: Research Priorities &
in stereoselective iridium-catalyzed Challenges & Opportunities 9:35 YCC 3. Withdrawn. Career Pathways in Public Policy
allylic alkylation methodologies. S.E. Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored Cosponsored by BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI,
10:05 Introduction to Mars Research.
Shockley, C. Hethcox, B.M. Stoltz by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG, CELL, CEPA, CHED‡, CINF, COLL, COMSCI,
10:10 YCC 4. Astronautical capillary CPRC, DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB
electrophoresis analysis of serum
immunoglobulin N-glycans. A. R. E. Borg, C. Dunne, M. Kipreos, W. A. Lawal,
SUNDAY AFTERNOON Guttman, M. Szarka, S. Szilasi J. J. O’Neil, P. Wangtrakuldee, M. Ward,
Section A
TUESDAY MORNING 10:40 YCC 5. Design of flow reac-
B. Walker, Presiding
tors for supporting traveling to
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Ladies in Waiting for Nobel Prizes: Mars. R.V. Jones, F. Darvas 8:30 Introductory Remarks.
Catholic University Overlooked Accomplishments
of Women Chemists 11:10 YCC 6. Sunlight-driven transfor- 8:35 YCC 13. Converting federal
mation of CO2 to useful products on tax dollars into high-value-added
The Nons: Non-Tenure Track Faculty Sponsored by HIST, Cosponsored
Mars: Electrochemical vs. photoelec-
by PRES, PROF and WCC‡ polymer science at NIST. K. Beers
in a Changing Academic Landscape trochemical scenario. C. Janaky
Cosponsored by CHED, CPT, PROF and SOCED 9:05 YCC 14. Non-proliferation for
How to get your First Industrial Job chemical weapons. N.B. Jackson
Sponsored by YCC, Cosponsored Making an Impact on Public
A. F. Charlebois, L. S. Sremaniak, Organizers,
Perceptions of Chemistry 9:35 YCC 15. Open innovation and
Presiding by BMGT, PROF and WCC
through Outreach the evolving federal R&D enter-
1:30 Introductory Remarks. Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: prise. K.M. Kuhn, H. Amos, S. Patel,
Sponsored by SOCED, Cosponsored
Research, Innovation & R. Gordon, C. Nelson, J. Benforado
1:40 WCC 10. Trends in non-tenure by CPRC, PROF and YCC
track faculty employment policy Commercialization 10:05 Intermission.
and practice. L.S. Sremaniak From Research to Scale-Up 10:15 YCC 16. Chemical safety as a
2:05 WCC 11. Building an inclu- Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored SUNDAY AFTERNOON national policy priority. K. Kulinowski
sive environment for non-tenure by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG, 10:45 YCC 17. A biochemist’s career
track faculty: Avoiding chutes and PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC Section A odyssey: Experiences, challenges
building ladders. P.K. Dorhout and opportunities in academia, the
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
2:30 WCC 12. ACS Committee private sector, the US government and
Union Station
on Professional Training and TUESDAY AFTERNOON international institutions. R. Dixon
NTT faculty. S. Harris 11:30 Panel Discussion.
Ladies in Waiting for Nobel Prizes: The Road Less Traveled:
2:55 WCC 13. Collective efforts Career Opportunities in the
to protect non-tenure track Overlooked Accomplishments Building a Safety Culture Across
of Women Chemists Government Sector
faculty rights. A.L. Nicely the Chemistry Enterprise
Cosponsored by PRES and PROF
Sponsored by HIST, Cosponsored
3:20 Intermission. Institutional & Enterprise Level Efforts
by PRES, PROF and WCC‡ K. J. Heroux, Organizer, Presiding
3:35 WCC 14. Road less/more trav- to Developing a Safety Culture
eled: My transition into a NTTF Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals: A. Aldridge, Presiding Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL,
position. A.F. Charlebois Research, Innovation & BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS,
2:00 Introductory Remarks.
Commercialization CINF, COLL, CPRC, CTA, DAC, ETHX, I&EC,
2:05 YCC 7. National laboratories: One of INOR, ORGN, PROF, SCHB and YCC
Innovating in Biomass Conversion: America’s greatest assets. E.B. Fox
Factors for Success Ten Years & Counting: PROF’s
2:25 YCC 8. Nuclear analytical Professional Subdivisions
Sponsored by ENFL, Cosponsored
Technical program information by BMGT‡, CEI‡, ENVR, MPPG,
chemistry at Oak Ridge National
Laboratory. B.W. Ticknor Sponsored by PROF, Cosponsored by
known at press time. PRES, PROF‡, SCHB and WCC CMA, CWD, ETHX, WCC and YCC
2:45 YCC 9. Chemistry chame-
The official technical program for leons: How to willfully and ethically TOXI Young Investigators
the 254th ACS National Meeting sustain a chemistry career in the Sponsored by TOXI, Cosponsored by YCC
government sector. J.L. Bryant
is available at www.acs.org/

‡ Cooperative Cosponsorship


Collaborating for Success: Building a Safety Culture Across Journey to Mars: Materials, Beyond the Bench: Careers
Professional Skills Development the Chemistry Enterprise Energy & Life Sciences in Intellectual Property
for Undergraduates, Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by Sponsored by CHAL, Cosponsored
Grassroots Approaches to
Graduates & Post-Docs ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡, by PROF, SCHB and YCC
Developing a Safety Culture
Sponsored by CINF, Cosponsored PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by BIOL, Journey to Mars: Materials,
BMGT, CARB, CCS, CEI, CELL, CEPA, CHAS, Energy & Life Sciences
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
MONDAY AFTERNOON How Volunteering with the ACS PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡
Can Boost Your Professional Section A
Section A Development Skills Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC Sponsored by PROF, Cosponsored Chinatown TUESDAY EVENING
Chinatown by SCHB and YCC
The European Research Council’s Journey to Mars: Materials,
Collaborating for Success: Energy & Life Sciences
Chemistry in an Evolving Political Funding Opportunities to Make
Professional Skills Development
Climate: Research Priorities & Scientists’ Dreams Come True Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
for Undergraduates,
Career Pathways in Public Policy Graduates & Post-Docs Cosponsored by PROF ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡,
Cosponsored by BIOL, CARB, CCPA, CEI,
Sponsored by CINF, Cosponsored M. Favaro, Organizer
CPRC, DAC, GEOC, IAC, PRES and SCHB 1:30 Introductory Remarks.
R. E. Borg, C. Dunne, M. Kipreos, W. A. Lawal, 1:35 YCC 25. European Research Council: WEDNESDAY MORNING
J. J. O’Neil, P. Wangtrakuldee, Organizers 10 years of funding opportunities to make
TUESDAY MORNING scientists’ dreams come true. M. Favaro Journey to Mars: Materials,
M. Ward, Organizer, Presiding Energy & Life Sciences
Section A 1:50 YCC 26. How a project pro-
1:30 Introduction. Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
posal becomes a successful
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡,
1:35 YCC 18. Chemistry in the Capital: ERC grant. M. Favaro
ACS’s role in science policy. C.A. Yarosh Chinatown
2:05 YCC 27. The evaluation of
2:00 YCC 19. The chemistry of science ERC projects: The evaluator’s
diplomacy: The global chemists’ How to get your First Industrial Job point of view. G.D. Scholes
code of ethics and other ACS Cosponsored by BMGT, PROF and WCC WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON
2:20 Discussion.
diplomatic efforts. L. Brown
M. Grandbois, Organizer, Presiding Journey to Mars: Materials,
2:25 YCC 20. Science diplomacy and Understanding the Chemistry Energy & Life Sciences
public policy: The Malta Conferences. 10:00 Introductory Remarks. of Our Planet
Z.M. Lerman, M.Z. Hoffman
Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by
10:05 YCC 24. Panel discussion and
Human Impacts to our Planet ANYL‡, BMGT‡, COLL‡, ENVR‡, FLUO‡,
2:50 Intermission. networking. M. Grandbois PMSE‡, PRES, SCHB‡ and YCC‡
Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
3:00 YCC 21. There and back again: 12:35 Concluding Remarks. BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA,
Public policy experiences on the CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC,
hill and after. L.E. Pence Understanding the Chemistry INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC
of Our Planet
3:25 YCC 22. How early career chemists
can utilize their analytical skills to Chemistry’s Role in our Earth System
effectively contribute to public policy Sponsored by PRES, Cosponsored by
as an unbiased resource. F.R. Lucci BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CEI, CELL, CEPA,
3:50 YCC 23. How scientists can CINF, COLL, CPRC, DAC, GEOC, I&EC,
influence public policy. S.B. Butts INOR, ORGN, SCHB and YCC

4:15 Panel Discussion.

The use of any device to capture

images (e.g., cameras and camera
phones) or sound (e.g., tape and
digital recorders) or to stream,
upload or rebroadcast speakers or
presentations is strictly prohibited
at all official ACS meetings and
events without express written
consent from ACS.

ex Pos ition

see what’s new inside the network with potential employers and from 6 to 8:30 PM for the Attendee
exposition. Visit the ACS National drop-off your resume, attend Career Welcome Reception. Have an afternoon
Exposition at the Walter E. Washington Pathways Workshops, and meet with break while meeting the ACS president-
Convention Center (WEWCC), Halls A & ACS Career Consultants. elect candidates inside the exposition
B, from Sunday, Aug. 20 through Tues- on Monday from 1 to 3 PM. Take another
online exposition. The online exposi- afternoon break on Tuesday from 3 to
day, Aug. 24. The show hours will be tion is a component within the Exhibitor
Sunday, 6 to 8:30 PM, and Monday and 5 PM and visit the exhibitors before the
Directory that enables attendees to view exposition closes.
Tuesday, 9 AM to 5 PM. videos, press releases, brochures, and
Companies will showcase services, flyers of participating exhibitors. Access internet & technology. Use free inter-
instruments, books, computer hardware, the online exposition at www.acs.org/ net access and leave messages for one
scientific software, and an array of chro- wdc2017 to learn more about exhibit- another at the Meeting Mail terminals
ing companies and to download product located throughout the meeting and
matographic, lab, and safety equipment.
information. inside the exposition. Also, enjoy free
Technical personnel will be available to
Wi-Fi service at the WEWCC.
give demonstrations, answer questions, Free exhibitor workshops. Free work-
and discuss your specific needs and shops will be hosted by exhibitors on admission requirements & expo-only
interests. Join us at the ACS Booth in the exposition floor and in private rooms registration. Exposition admission is
the middle of the exposition floor where inside the WEWCC. These workshops complimentary for all national meeting
ACS staff units will present the many will introduce new products and ser- registrants; however, you are required
benefits, services, products, and mer- vices, build skills with specific tools to wear your badge. Individuals who
chandise offered by ACS. and techniques, and highlight innova- want to visit the exhibits without reg-
tive applications that may improve your istering for the technical component
Visit the revamped ACS Career Fair of the national meeting can obtain an
productivity. Exhibitor workshop regis-
inside the Exposition where you’ll meet expo-only badge for $60. Students with
trations are available at www.acs.org/
recruiters from top employers. Cre- school identification can obtain an expo-
ate an online profile and upload your only badge for $30. Registration can
resume to our database where recruit- special events. Join us for several ACS be handled online, by mail, or in person
ers can schedule in-person interviews Divisions poster session on the expo at ACS Attendee Registration at the
with you. While at the Career Fair, floor. Don’t forget to visit us on Sunday WEWCC.

ACS Exposition

EXHIBITORS about chemical safety within the ACS and to have
chemical safety experts answer your questions.
Visit our booth to learn about a GUINNESS
WORLD RECORDS® attempt on the record for
Largest chemistry lesson, meet C&EN’s Talented
12, and learn about C&EN’s Molecule of the
The following list of exhibitors, as of ACS Division of Small Chemical Businesses Moment. Contribute to our interactive mosaic with
(SCHB), 4344 Moorpark Ave., Ste # 1, San Jose, the hashtag #ACSmosaic. ACS Booth
July 12, is the property of the Amer- CA, United States 95129, 408-834-8597, fax:
ican Chemical Society. Any unau- 408-351-7900, e-mail:[email protected], ACS Senior Chemists, 1155 16th Street,
Internet: www.acs-schb.org 526 NW, Washington, DC, United States
thorized use of this list, or any part 20036, e-mail:[email protected], The Se-
thereof, either directly or indirectly, ACS Education, 1155 16th Street, NW, Wash- nior Chemists Committee will be represented by
ington, DC, United States 20036, 202-872-6269, experienced senior chemists from widely diverse
is strictly prohibited. fax: 202-833-7732, e-mail:[email protected], Inter- backgrounds. It’s mission is to engage senior
net: www.acs.org/education The ACS Education Di- members, utilize their expertise, and share their
vision serves learners and educators by building experiences with all ages. We invite everyone to
Visit the Online ACS National Expo- communities and providing effective chemistry edu- visit the booth to re-establish enthusiasm for active
sition at www.acs.org/wdc17 to cation resources, grants, communities, professional ACS participation and collaboration. 1042
development opportunities, standards and guide-
download the updated exhibitor list lines. Stop by our booth to find information that can ACS Store, 1155 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC,
and access product information. support your efforts to provide innovative, relevant, United States 20036, 800-ACS-5558, fax: 202-872-
and effective chemistry education from kindergarten 6067, Internet: www.acs.org/store ACS Booth
through professional education. ACS Booth
ACS Web Strategy & Operations, 1155 16th
101, 375 South End Avenue, Apt. 9G, New York, ACS Green Chemistry Institute®, 1155 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC, United States 20036,
NY, United States 10280, 917-587-7883, Inter- Street, NW, Washington, DC, United States 202-872-4548, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
net: www.101edu.co We develop Chem101, a 20036, 202-872-6102, fax: 202-776-8009, e-mail: www.acs.org ACS.org is getting a makeover! Our
chemistry-specific active learning platform that [email protected], Internet: www.acs.org/gci The ACS goal is to simplify the navigation and tell the ACS
promotes student engagement and improves Green Chemistry Institute® believes that innovation story in a more captivating way so you can find what
student outcomes. With the platform, instructors in sustainable and green chemistry and engineering you need faster and discover new things easier. Stop
can push out interactive exercises to students (GC&E) is vital to solving environmental and human by the ACS Web kiosk to provide input and learn
during lecture, such as structure drawing and health challenges. Our mission is to catalyze and more. ACS Booth
chemical equation writing, and receive re- enable the implementation of GC&E throughout the
sponses in real time. 320 global chemical enterprise and empower you to AdValue Technology, 3158 S. Chrysler
re-imagine a sustainable future. 1032 Ave., Tucson, AZ, United States 85713,
AAAS/Science & Technology Policy Fellow- 520-514-1100, fax: 520-747-4024, Internet:
ship, 1200 New York Ave., NW, Washington, ACS Meetings & Expositions, 1155 Sixteenth www.advaluetech.com AdValue Technology
DC, United States 20005, 202-326-6700, fax: Street NW, Washington, DC, United States specializes in areas of Alumina, Fused Quartz,
202-289-4950, Internet: http://go.stpf-aaas.org/ 20036, 800-227-5558, fax: 202-872-6128, Sapphire and Zirconia. Products range from Alu-
ACS17.html STPF is the premier opportunity for e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www. mina and Silicon Dioxide Powders, Crucibles,
outstanding scientists and engineers to learn first- acs.org/meetings Register for a regional meet- Tubes & Rods, Plates & Discs, Sample Pans, UV
hand about policymaking while contributing their ing or get information on submitting an Cuvettes, Quartz Wool, Ceramic Membranes,
knowledge and analytical skills to address some of abstract to a meeting in your region. The and Cerium Polishing Powders. We strive to be
today’s most pressing societal challenges. En- programming is diverse and exciting! Meet the your valuable partner in Material Science! 1027
hance your career while engaging with policy volunteers who are planning these meetings at
administrators and thought leaders. 624 the booth. Visit the regional meetings website Advanced ChemBlocks Inc., 849 Mitten Rd.,
at www.acs.org/regionalmeetings for a tour of Suite 101, Burlingame, CA, United States
Ace Glass, Inc., 1430 N. West Blvd., this year’s conferences ACS Booth 94010, (650) 692 2368, fax: (650) 560 6477,
POBox 688, Vineland, NJ, United e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.
States 08360, 800-223-4524, fax: 800-543-6752, ACS Member Insurance Program, 1155 16th achemblock.com Advanced ChemBlocks Inc is a
e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www. Street, N.W., Washington, DC, United States research-based manufacturer and world-wide sup-
aceglass.com Ace Glass Incorporated has been a 20036, 800-227-5558, ext. 6037, fax: 202-872- plier of various novel advanced building blocks
leader and innovator of scientific glassware, lab 4435, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www. and research chemicals for drug discovery. We
equipment and glass apparatus for over 80 years. acs.org/insurance The ACS Member Insurance focus on various advanced building blocks having
Ace Glass provides a wide variety of quality U.S. Program is committed to offering quality com- biological and pharmacological bias. Please check
manufactured standard and custom scientific prehensive insurance plans to members and our website www.achemblock.com for more
glassware, including reactors engineered to any their families. Stop by the ACS station to learn information. 1006
customer specifications from 100mL-200L. 1901 more about the plans available such as Life and
Health Insurance, Auto & Homeowners, Long Advanced Polymer Materials Inc., 2264 Che-
ACS Career Fair Recruiters Term Care, Professional Liability, Chemical Edu- min St. Francois, Dorval, QC, Canada H9P
ACS Career Consultants 2443 cators Legal Liability and more. ACS Booth 1K2, 514-683-8488, fax: 514-683-2070, e-mail:
ACS HR 2438 [email protected], Internet: www.
BASF, Corp. 2433 ACS Membership, 1155 16th St., NW, Suite apmpolymers.com We are a Canada based man-
C&EN 2336, 2338 OTH420, Washington, DC, United States 20036, ufacturing company with R&D capability. We
C&EN Photo Booth 2237, 2239 2028726062, Internet: www.acs.org/Member- produce polymers and block copolymers for
Getson 2441 Handbook Visit Membership in the ACS Booth your R&D and production, such as controlled
Govenor’s School for Science and to pick up a copy of the 2017 Member Hand- release formulation, tissue engineering, nano-
Mathematics 2536 book and a booth raffle card. Visit at least 5 ACS structure formation,etc. We make functional
Kaust 2333, 2432 Kiosks and return your completed card to be block copolymers. We do contract research,
Lubrizol 2439 entered to win one of 10 prizes! ACS Booth custom synthesis and scaling-up according to
Nanjing University 2444 your specification. 419
ACS Office of External Affairs & Communica-
Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2534 tions, 1155 16th St. NW, Washington, DC,
ORAU 2532 Advion, 10 Brown Rd., Ithaca, NY, United States
United States 20036, 202-872-4479, Internet: 14850, 607-379-4565, fax: 607-257-5761, Inter-
www.acs.org/policy ACS Office of External Affairs net: www.advion.com Advion is a leader in high
ACS Career Navigator, 1155 16th Street, NW, & Communications works with ACS members to performance, small footprint mass spectroscopy
Washington, DC, United States 20036, Internet: help advance the chemical enterprise by encour- & synthesis solutions for life science. Using our
www.acs.org/CareerNavigator The ACS Career aging strong member participation in advocacy deep scientific and engineering expertise, we
Navigator(TM) is home to career services, lead- with legislators as well as in communicating with develop a portfolio of purpose-built mass spec-
ership development, professional education community leaders and the media. Stop by the trometers, nanoelectrospray ionization sources,
courses and market intelligence resources. Tools OPA booth to learn more about how to get and flow-chemistry synthesis systems character-
provided help you find a job, discover a new involved with advocacy through the Act4chemistry ized by reliability, quality, flexibility and fit for
career path, and compare your salary. Courses Network, how to be more effective communica- purpose design. www.advion.com 1401
available help refresh skills or branch into new tors and advocates through the Chemistry Ambas-
areas of science and develop leadership abili- sadors initiative, and how to get involved with, or AGI USA Inc., 420 Raleigh Street, Suite A,
ties. ACS Booth create, a Local Section Government Affairs and/or Wilmington, NC, United States 28412, 910-762-
Public Relations Committees, and more! 1439 1937, Internet: www.asahiglassplant.com 1826
ACS Committee on Chemical Health & Safety,
P.O. Box 152329, San Diego, CA, United States ACS Publications, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Wash- Agilent Technologies, 2850 Centerville Rd.,
92195, 619-990-4908, Internet: www.acs.org/ ington, DC, United States 20036, 202-872-6862, Wilmington, DE, United States 19808, 302-636-
safety The ACS Committee on Chemical Safety fax: 202-872-6005, e-mail:[email protected], In- 1604, fax: 302-633-8944, e-mail:alonzo_brown@
and the Division of Chemical Health and Safety ternet: pubs.acs.org ACS Publications: The lead- agilent.com, Internet: www.agilent.com/chem
provide this opportunity for you to learn more ing publisher in chemistry and related sciences. 911


AIP Publishing – The Journal of Chemical Phys- Asynt, Ltd., Unit 29 Hall Barn Rd. Indutrial Estate, an experienced and professional management
ics, 1305 Walt Whitman Road, Suite 300, Mel- Isleham, CB7 5RJ, United Kingdom Asynt have team that has 40 years of experience in custom
ville, NY, United States 11747, 516-576-2279, developed the DrySyn range (clean, safe synthesis peptide synthesis, we are able to offer the
fax: 516-349-9704, e-mail:[email protected], In- without the need for oil baths and heating mantles) peptide products to our partners with a high
ternet: jcp.aip.org The Journal of Chemical Phys- and CondenSyn (waterless reflux condensers) for degree of satisfaction. 903
ics publishes concise and definitive reports of the environmentally friendly, safe and clean labo-
significant research in methods and applications ratory. Other key product lines available include Biotage, 10430 Harris Oaks Blvd, Suite C, Char-
of chemical physics. The Journal also publishes Asynt ReactoMate Controlled Lab Reactors and lotte, NC, United States 28269, 704 654 4900,
brief Communications of significant new find- high pressure single and parallel autoclaves. Inter- fax: 704 654 4917, e-mail:product_info@biotage.
ings, Perspectives on the latest advances in the net: www.asynt.com 1726 com, Internet: www.biotage.com 1500
field, and Special Topic issues. The Journal focuses
on innovative research in experimental and theo- Athena Enzyme Systems, Internet: www. Bonna-Agela Technologies, Inc., 2038A Tele-
retical areas of chemical physics, including spec- athenaes.com AthenaES® is a manufacturer and graph Rd., Wilmington, DE, United States
troscopy, dynamics, kinetics, statistical mechanics, supplier of superior quality biotechnology instru- 19808, 302-690-7160, fax: 302-636 9339, Inter-
and quantum mechanics. In addition, topical areas mentation and reagents for research, pharma- net: www.agela.com 1509
such as polymers, soft matter, materials, surfaces/ ceutical and industrial applications. The compa-
interfaces, and systems of biological relevance are ny’s chromatography products are designed Boron Molecular, 2650-110 Dis-
of increasing importance. 1001 to improve protein, peptide and small molecule covery Drive, Raleigh, NC, United
separations. The twin-column Contichrom® States 27616, 919-981-4441, Fax: 919-981-4442,
AK Scientific, Inc., 30023 Ahern Avenue, Union CUBE chromatography instruments perform e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
City, CA, United States 94587, (510)429-8835, separations that conventional systems are not www.boronmolecular.com 1517
Internet: www.aksci.com 620 able to. 527
BrandTech Scientific, 11 Bokum Road, Essex,
Alan Scientific, 11749 Split Tree Circle, Po- B&W Tek, 19 Shea Way, Newark, DE, United CT, United States 06426, 860-767-2562, fax:
tomac, MD, United States 20854, Internet: www. States 19713, (302) 368-7824, fax: 302-368- 860-767-2563, Internet: www.brandtech.com
alanscientific.com 1322 7830, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: 2117
www.bwtek.com B&W Tek is the global leader in
Aldlab Chemicals, LLC, 185 New Boston Street, innovative mobile spectroscopy solutions. We Brookhaven Instruments Corp., 750 Blue Point
Woburn, MA, United States 01801, 203-589-4934, utilize our spectrometers, light sources, sam- Road, Holtsville, NY, United States 11742-1832,
fax: 781-305-3851, e-mail:[email protected], Inter- pling accessories and software capabilities to 631-758-3200, fax: 631-758-3255, e-mail:info@
net: www.aldlab.com 326 produce portable and handheld spectroscopy brookhaveninstruments.com, Internet: 750 Blue
and laser instrumentation. B&W Tek provides Point Rd Brookhaven Instruments pioneered mod-
Alliance of Crop, Soil, & Environmental Sci- Raman, LIBS, UV-Vis and NIR solutions for the ern techniques in characterizing nanoparticles,
ence Societies (ACSESS), 5585 Guilford Road, pharmaceutical, biomedical, physical, chemical proteins and polymers using light scattering for
Madison, WI, United States 53711, 608-268- and research communities. 826 particle sizing, zeta potential and absolute molec-
4988, 327 ular weight. Whether solving routine Research &
BASF Corporation, 100 Park Avenue, Florham Development, Quality Control or Process Control
Analytik Jena US, Inc., 100 Cummings Center, Park, NJ, United States 07932, 973-245-5930, fax: problems, Brookhaven has the instrumentation,
Suite 234-N, Beverly, MA, United States 01915- 973-245-5833, e-mail:[email protected]. the experience and the expertise to help you get
6115, 781-460-0697, fax: 781-376-9897, Inter- com, Internet: www.basf.us 2325 the results you need to be productive. New soft-
net: analytik-jena.com 604 ware, Particle Solutions, is a unique database ap-
Bellen Chemistry Co., Ltd., No. 1, Caida 3rd proach with outstanding search features that com-
Street, MaoHua Garden, ShunYi District, Beijing, bines all the techniques under one umbrella to
Anasazi Instruments Inc., 4101 Cashard Ave., China 101300, 650-265-7852, fax: 650-240-
Suite 103, Indianapolis, IN, United States 46203, ensure maximum productivity. 1706
2700, e-mail:[email protected], Inter-
317-783-4126, fax: 317-783-7083, e-mail:sales@ net: www.bellenchem.com Bellen Chemistry is a
aiinmr.com, Internet: www.aiinmr.com Manufac- leading CRO and CMO company in China. Bel- Bruker, 19 Fortune Drive, Billerica, MA, MA,
turers of the highest resolution, highest sensitiv- len Chemistry is a premier provider of a variety United States 01821, 888-4BRUKER, e-mail:
ity, and largest application base of any perma- of heterocycles. And Bellen Chemistry has more [email protected], Internet: www.bruker.com
nent magnet based NMR instrument. 60 and 90 10000 heterocycles in the company catalog, Welcome to the world’s most comprehensive
MHz Eft are general purpose NMR instruments most of them in stock. We also does process range of scientific instrumentation available un-
available as 1H, 1H/13C, and multinuclear. development FTE. 1437 der one brand - Bruker. A brand synonymous
These instruments are low maintenance and do with excellence, innovation and quality. Bruker
not require cryogens. 403 Berry & Associates, 2434 Bishop Circle East, offers a wide range of applications for molecular
Dexter, MI, United States 48130, 7344263787, characterization in chemistry and life sciences as
Andor Technology, 300 Baker Avenue, Suite fax: 7344269077, Internet: www.berryassoc.com well as solutions for materials research and nan-
150, Concord, MA, United States 01742. 213 Berry & Associates provides researchers with a otechnology. Visit us! 2100,2101
wide array of bioconjugation reagents, specialty
Anton Paar USA, 10215 Timber nucleosides and their analogs for biochemical BUCHI Corporation, 19 Lukens Drive, Suite 400,
Ridge Drive, Ashland, VA, United and biomedical research. The company is a New Castle, DE, United States 19720, 302-652-
States 23005, 800-722-7556, fax: 804-550-1057, supplier of phosphoramidites, novel heterocy- 3000, fax: 302-652-8777, e-mail:us-sales@buchi.
e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www. cles and click chemistry reagents and an expan- com, Internet: www.buchi.com 1718
anton-paar.com 1217 sive line of stable labeled compounds from our
newly acquired Icon Isotopes business unit. Calmetrix Inc., PO Box 696, Needham, MA, United
Ark Pharm, Inc., 3860 North Ventura Drive, 1619 States 02494, 617-299-0960, fax: 617-977-8777,
Arlington Heights, IL, United States 60004, 847- Internet: [email protected] 1920
367-3680, fax: 847-367-3681, e-mail:sales@ Bio-Logic USA, LLC, 9050 Executive Park Drive,
arkpharminc.com, Internet: www.arkpharminc.com Suite 201A, Knoxville, TN, United States 37923, Cambridge Crystallographic Data
Ark Pharm, Inc. is a leading supplier of build- 865-769-3800, fax: 865-769-3801, e-mail: Ctr., 174 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscat-
ing blocks, scaffolds and other advanced inter- [email protected], Internet: www.bio-logic. away, NJ, United States 08854, 848-445-4869,
mediates. We have over 20,000 compounds in us 1821 e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.
stock. We do contract research, custom syn- ccdc.cam.ac.uk The Cambridge Crystallo-
thesis and bulk intermediates. Please visit our Bio-Rad Laboratories, Informatics Division, graphic Data Centre is dedicated to the ad-
website at www.arkpharminc.com for more 2000 Market Street, Suite 1460, Philadelphia, vancement of chemistry and crystallography
information. 1026 PA, United States 19103-3212, 267-322-6931, for the public benefit. We support structural
fax: 267-3226932, e-mail:informatics.usa@bio- chemistry worldwide by developing the Cam-
Asahi Spectra Co., Ltd., Gardenia Bldg. 4F, [email protected], Internet: bridge Structural Database (CSD), the world’s
2-13-1, Kamijujo, Kita-Ku, Tokyo, Japan 114- www.knowitall.com Bio-Rad will feature its only comprehensive, up-to-date, and fully-cu-
0034, 81-33-909-1151, fax: 81-33-909-1152, In- KnowItAll® Spectroscopy Databases & Software rated knowledge base of small molecule crys-
ternet: www.asahi-spectra.com 1025 solutions for Infrared (IR, FT-IR, ATR), Raman, tal structures, and through collaborative re-
NMR, Mass Spec (MS), UV-Vis. KnowItAll soft- search studies. 524
Astatech, Inc., Keystone Business Park, 2525 ware, combined with the world’s largest spectral
Pearl Buck Road, Bristol, PA, United States library, helps chemists extract even greater CAS, 2540 Olentangy River Road, Columbus, OH,
19007, 215-785-3197, fax: 215-785-2656, knowledge from their spectral data for faster, United States 43210, 614-447-3600, fax: 614-447-
e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www. more accurate analysis. 2126 3713, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.cas.org
astatechinc.com AstaTech is a leading contract CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society,
research organization (CRO) in the U.S. As a Biopeptek Pharmaceuticals LLC, 40 Lloyd Ave- is dedicated to the ACS vision of improving people’s
global pharmaceutical solution company, Asta- nue, Ste. 309, Malvern, PA, United States 19355, lives through the transforming power of chemistry.
Tech offers advanced intermediates, building 267-972-2323, Internet: www.biopeptek.com At CAS, we organize, analyze and share informa-
blocks and high-quality services to global phar- Biopeptek Pharmaceuticals specializes in custom tion that drives scientific discoveries. We facilitate
maceuticals, biotech and chemistry companies. peptide synthesis through cutting edge science your research to fuel tomorrow’s innovation.To-
621 and technology. With state-of-the-art facility and gether, we will do great things. ACS Booth

270 –EXPO
Cedarlane, 1210 Turrentine St, Burlington, NC, system for modeling several aspects of ionic Duran Wheaton Kimble, 234 Cardiff Valley
United States 27215, 289-288-0017, Internet: compounds’ chemistry. KembloxTM has been Road, Rockwood, TN, United States 37854,
www.cedarlanelabs.com Providing today’s sci- successfully tested on small cohorts of both e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.
entists with the newest products of the highest students and educators. KembloxTM is currently kimble-chase.com 1410
quality, Cedarlane’s a vital resource to the sci- produced on small scale. We are looking for
ence industry. Cedarlane’s customers have ac- partners to advance the manufacturing and the Ecodyst, Inc., 204 Lime Creek Ct., Cary, NC,
cess to thousands of products from top global marketing effort. 315 United States 27519, 919-599-4963, e-mail:
suppliers. Open six days a week, we strive to [email protected], Internet: www.ecodyst.com
save you money through consolidation and ChemMaster International Inc., 622 Grad. Ecodyst, Inc. is a scientific instrument company
timely, affordable delivery. 1406 Chem. Building, Stony Brook University, Stony that is primarily focused on new generation
Brook, NY, United States 11794, 631-632-7393, rotary evaporator systems. Ecodyst’s proprietary
Cell Press, 50 Hampshire and innovative technology is revolutionizing
St., 5th Floor, Cambridge, fax: 631-632-9721, e-mail:srisailas.muthialu@
gmail.com, Internet: www.chemmasterint.com chemistry labs with instruments that do not
MA, United States 02139, email:jeckilson@ require coolants such as water, anti-freeze or dry
cell.com Cell Press is a leading publisher of cut- ChemMaster International Inc. is a skilled Re-
search & Development and Custom Synthesis of ice/acetone to operation. 1722
ting-edge papers and reviews that impact the
future of research. Chem publishes studies in Specialty Chemicals company. We specialize in
contract projects both short-term and long-term, Edinburgh Instruments, 2 Bain Square, Kirkton
chemistry that may help in finding potential solu- Campus, Livingston, United Kingdom EH54
tions to the global challenges of tomorrow. Joule providing services such as Chemical Synthesis,
Process Chemistry and Chemical Research. We 7DQ, 44 (0) 1506 425 300, fax: 44 (0) 1506
will be a home for research analyzing the chal- 425 320, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
lenges of providing sustainable energy. 1205 offer Starting Materials, Intermediates, Refer-
ence Standards & Impurities and derivatives of www.edinst.com Edinburgh Instruments is the
lead compounds in multi-kilo scale. 318 global leader in the development and manufac-
CEM Corp., 3100 Smith Farm Road, Matthews, turing of: fluorescence spectrometers (steady-
NC, United States 28104, 704-821-7015, fax: state and TCSPC), transient absorption spec-
704-821-7894, Internet: www.cem.com 1016 Chemrus Inc., 84 October Hill Road, Holliston, trometers, picosecond laser sources and gas
MA, United States 01746, Internet: www.chemrus. lasers (CO2, THz). With unparalleled customer
ChemBridge Corp., 11199 Sorrento Valley Rd., com Chemrus Inc developed the world’s first poly-
Suite 206, San Diego, CA, United States 92121, support and instruments with the highest sensi-
mer-structured disposable filter funnel for solid- tivity, Edinburgh Instruments are the experts in
858-451-7400, fax: 858-451-7401, e-mail: liquid separation. Recently, we developed the
[email protected]@ fluorescence. www.edinst.com 1827
world’s first reaction flasks, which can be kept
chembridge.com, Internet: www.chembridge. upright on the bench without the use of cork rings,
com ChemBridge Corporation is a global pro- perform multi-flask reactions without the use of Elsevier, The Boulevard, Langford Lane,
vider of enabling chemistry products and con- clamps, and perform solvent concentration under Kidlington, Oxford, United Kingdom OX5
tract research services for small molecule drug reduced pressure. 520 1GB, Internet: www.elsevier.com Elsevier
discovery. ChemBridge’s extensive portfolio in- is a global information analytics company that
cludes over 1,000,000 diverse and target-fo- helps institutions and professionals progress sci-
cused screening compounds, 14,000 chemical ChemSpace US Inc, Princeton Corporate Plaza, ence. Our products are developed and deliv-
building blocks, our Hit2Lead.com on-line 7 Deer Park Drive, Ste. M-5, Monmouth Jct., NJ, ered in a way that puts the chemistry researcher
chemical store, and high-end, research-intensive United States 08852, (855) 686-8324, fax: (844) first, empowering them to make better decisions
custom library and chemistry services. 1626 686-2007, e-mail:[email protected], In- and enhancing their performance. 1209
ternet: www.chem-space.com Chemspace is the
Chemglass Life Sciences, 3800 North largest online catalog that covers all available Extrel CMS, 575 Epsilon Drive, Pittsburgh, PA,
Mill Road, Vineland, NJ, United States drug discovery-relevant chemical space of build- United States 15238, Internet: www.extrel.com
08360, 800-843-1794, fax: 800-922-4361, Inter- ing blocks and fragments in the world. Chem- 1326
net: www.cglifesciences.com For over 70 years, space database contains compounds from
Chemglass has manufactured and distributed trusted chemical suppliers including Enamine, Flinn Scientific Inc., P.O. Box 219, Batavia, IL,
the highest quality laboratory glassware and ChemBridge, and Alfa Chemistry. Chemspace is United States 60510, 800-452-1261, fax: 866-
equipment. CGLS fabricates standard glassware designed to enable simple and cost-effective 452-1436, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
items and components as well as custom glass- search and purchase of chemical compounds. www.flinnsci.com Flinn Scientific is the leader in
ware. We have the capability to produce not 901 science and lab chemical safety. Flinn develops
only the most complex glass apparatus, but also and offers a full line of chemistry and safety
intricate electronic equipment and customized Chengdu Aslee Biopharmaceuticals, Inc., products for middle schools, high schools and
machined components. 1800 Chengdu High-Tech Zone, Keyuan South Road higher Ed. SciMatCo manufactures high quality
88#, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 86-28-85305008, Hazardous Materials Safety Storage Cabinets
Chemical Computing Group, 1010 Sherbrooke e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www. that exceed NFPA and OSHA standards. 2119
Street West, Suite 910, Montreal, QC, Canada asleechem.com 726
H3A 2R7, 514-393-1055, fax: 514-874-9538, FRITSCH Milling and Sizing, 57 Grant Drive,
e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www. Suite G, Pittsboro, NC, United States 27312,
chemcomp.com CCG (Chemical Computing Chrom Sword, Liela Street, 37-13, Marupe,
Lativa LV2 167, 371 22515444, Internet: Liela 412-559-8840, Internet: www.fritsch-us.com
Group) is a leading supplier of software solutions FRITSCH is an internationally respected German
for life sciences. With a proven track record in 37-13 The ChromSword group is a leading pro-
vider of HPLC method development solutions manufacturer of application-oriented laboratory
scientific innovation, CCG provides state-of- the- instruments. Our instruments are used world-
art applications in drug discovery to pharmaceu- for customers in the Life Science Research, Phar-
maceutical and Chemical Industry. The Chrom- wide for particle size reduction, sample prepa-
tical, biotechnology and academic researchers. ration, materials science, product development,
CCG headquarters are in Montreal(Canada), Sword group provides analytical scientists
worldwide with a range of software packages for and particle analysis for fast paced industrial
with support offices in North America, Europe process monitoring and critical applications in
and Asia. 1833 computer assisted and fully automatic HPLC
method development and support services. 804 QA, QC, and R&D. Particle sizes from nano
Chemily, LLC, 58 Edgewood Ave., N.E., Room range on up. 1608
146, Atlanta, GA, United States 30303, 404-413- CombiPhos Catalysts, Inc., P.O. Box 220,
3557, Internet: http://www.chemilyglycoscience. Gale, a Cengage Company, 27500 Drake Rd,
Princeton, NJ, United States 08542-0220, 609- Farmington Hills, MI, United States 48331, 248-
com/ Chemily Glycoscience is a manufacturer of 587-6500, fax: 609-587-6570, e-mail:info@
specialty glycans, glycosyltransferases, oligosac- 699-8163, fax: 248-699-8094, Internet: www.
combiphos.com, Internet: http://www.combiphos. gale.com Gale, a Cengage Company, provides
charides and other biochemicals. We also offer com CombiPhos Catalysts, Inc. discovers, devel-
on-demand synthesis of custom glycans, glyco- libraries with original and curated content as well
ops, and markets a variety of historically unstable as modern research tools that are crucial in
peptides, glycoproteins, and glycoconjugates. chemical intermediates (gram to kg scale) includ-
For more information, visit http://www.chemily connecting libraries to learning, and learners to
ing derivatives of pyridine-2-boronic acids, thia- libraries. For more than 60 years, Gale has
glycoscience.com. 525 zole-4-boronic acids, thiazole-5-boronic acids, partnered with libraries around the world to
pyrazole-3-boronic acids, pyrazole-4-boronic ac- empower discovery and insight. 412
Chemistry At Your Fingertips, PO Box 127, ids, imidazole-4-boronic acids, pyrimidine-5-bo-
Westerly, RI, United States 02891, 401-935- ronic acids, pyrazine-2-boronic acids, thiophene-2-
3534, Chemistry At Your Fingertips will be dis- Gamry Instruments, 734 Louis Drive, Warminis-
boronic acids, furan-2-boronic acids, pyridazine-4- ter, PA, United States 18974, 877-367-4267, fax:
playing and selling chemistry, nature and engi- boronic acids, and triazole-4-boronic acids, via
neering inspired t-shirts and sterling silver 215-682-9331, e-mail:[email protected], Inter-
novel catalysis technologies. 1320 net: www.gamry.com Gamry Instruments is the
jewelry created by talented artists. Our unique
shirts feature chemistry and biology inspired recognized leader in instrumentation for electro-
postage stamp and other images from around DLAB Scientific Co.Ltd., Yu An Road 31,Area B, chemical impedance spectroscopy. Our lineup
the world. 414 Konggang Industrial Development Zone, Shunyi includes single and multichannel potentiostats
District, Beijing, China 101318, 86-10-60498800 with currents up to 30A and EIS up to 5MHz.
ChemLogic, 30 Pond Avenue, Suite 2, Newport, ext 123, fax: 86-10-85653383, Internet: www. Stop by the booth to see our new educational
RI, United States 02840, 401-847-7287, Our fo- dlabsci.com Liquid Handling, Distilling&Mixing, bundle which includes all equipment and acces-
cus is launching KembloxTM, a 3D-, hands-on Thermal control, Centrifuge 1702 sories necessary for a semester course. 1118


Gaussian, 340 Quinnipiac Street, Building 40, spheric gas studies the SPACI-MS quantifies planning and reaction prediction solutions and
Wallingford, CT, United States 06492, 203-284- intra-catalyst channel species transients and dis- the automatic extraction of scientific information
2501, fax: 203-284-2521, e-mail:info@gaussian. tributions with high temporal resolution. 1618 from text and images. 1221
com, Internet: www.gaussian.com Gaussian, Inc. is
the world leader in electronic structure computa- Hielscher Ultrasonics, Oderstr. 53, Teltow, Ger- IOP Publishing, Temple Circus, Temple Way,
tional chemistry programs. The Gaussian series of many 14513, 49 (0) 3328 437 428, fax: 49 Bristol, PA, United Kingdom BS1 6HG, 44 (0)11
programs is available on every major computing (0) 3328 437 444, Internet: www.hielscher.com 79297481, Internet: ioppublishing.org 313
environment, from PCs to supercomputers, and it 1418
is currently used in a wide variety of industrial, Japan Analytical Industry Co. Ltd., 208
governmental and academic research settings Hindawi Ltd., Adams House, 3rd Floor, 1 Fitzroy Musashi, Mizuho, Nishitama, Tokyo, Japan 190-
worldwide. Gaussian, Inc. will be demonstrating Square, London, United Kingdom W1T 5HE, 12, 81425572331, fax: 81425571892, Internet:
the latest versions of Gaussian and GaussView. 1005 http://www.jai.co.jp/english/index.html 323
Hitgen Ltd., 7000 Fannin St., Suite 1930, Hous-
GERSTEL Inc., 701 Digital Drive, Suite J, Linthi- ton, TX, United States 77030, 618-213-5682, JASCO, 28600 Mary’s Court, Easton, MD,
cum, MD, United States 21090, 410-247-5885, Internet: 22 Ridge Road HitGen, Ltd is a biotech- United States 21601, 800-333-5272, fax: 410-
fax: 410-247-5887, Internet: www.GERSTELus. nological company focusing on innovative drug 822-7526, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
com GERSTEL analytical instrumentation have en- discovery using a unique hit identification plat- www.jascoinc.com 2209
abled analysts to achieve ultra-low detection levels form, DNA Encoded Libraries (DELs). 727
in complex matrices, while dramatically increasing JEOL USA, Inc., 11 Dearborn Road, Peabody,
sample throughput; handle difficult sample prep- HORIBA Scientific, 3880 Park Avenue, Edison, MA, United States 01960, 978-535-5900, fax:
aration challenges; and analyze a wide range of NJ, United States 08820-3012, 732-494-8660, 978-536-2205, e-mail:[email protected], Inter-
sample types. GERSTEL is the world’s largest Part- fax: 732-549-5125, e-mail:[email protected], net: www.jeolusa.com JEOL a world leader in
ner of Agilent Technologies for customer oriented Internet: www.horiba.com/scientific HORIBA analytical instrumentation: Liquids/NMR,and
GCMS and LCMS solutions. 1007 Scientific provides Raman systems, steady state Solids/NMR, MALDI/MS, MALDI Imaging/MS,
and TCSPC lifetime Fluorescence, and surface Real-time Gas Analysis/MS, GC/MS, DART/MS,
Glas-Col, 711 Hulman Street, Terre Haute, IN, area and particle characterization solutions for SEM, TEM, Auger, and EPMA. ECZ NMR series
United States 47802, 812-235-6167, fax: 812- applications such as micro & macro Raman im- compact design; improved performance; Ac-
234-6975, Internet: www.glascol.com Glas-Col aging, EEM/UV-VIS and CDOM analysis, ion cuTOF DART and GCX MS high-res sensitivity/
offers the largest selection of heating mantles ratio imaging, cathodoluminescence and surface performance driven ionization techniques; New
and can fabricate custom heating jackets for area analysis. We also offer optical spectroscopy high throughput research grade SEM with ex-
most any application plus a complete line of UL components for customized systems. 1725 panded EDS/ Touchscreen. 601
approved temperature control/monitors. Our
evaporator product line includes basic blow Horizon Technology Inc., 16 Northwestern Johnson Matthey, 2001 Nolte Drive, West Dept-
down to vacuum manifold systems ideal for Drive, Salem, NH, United States 03079, 603- ford, NJ, United States 08066, 856-384-7151, fax:
solvent recovery. Introducing our new line of 386-3617, fax: 603-893-4994, Internet: horizon 856-384-7282, Internet: www.jmfinechemicals.
Ductless Fume Hoods. 2120 techinc.com Horizon Technology is a leader in com Johnson Matthey’s Catalysts offering includes
automated sample preparation systems for the a broad portfolio of heterogeneous catalysts, ho-
HambyLaw.com, Patent Law Firm, 123 Trophy analysis of semi/nonvolatile organic compounds. mogeneous catalysts and biocatalysts for develop-
Canyon Drive, Montgomery, TX, United States We offer both disk and cartridge-based extrac- ing smarter ways to accelerate reactions and opti-
77316, 713-298-7625. 312 tion automation for a wide variety of applications mize customer processes. Our advanced catalysts
including environmental, food safety, beverage, help to make chemistries more efficient, selective
Harrick Scientific, 141 Tompkins Ave., 2nd agriculture and more. Extract drying, evapora- and sustainable. 2021
Floor, P.O. Box 277, Pleasantville, NY, United tion/concentration and solvent recovery com-
States 10570, 800-248-3847, fax: 914-747-7209, plete the offering. 321 JRF Global, 2650 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite
e-mail:[email protected], Internet: 141 Tomp- C, Audubon, PA, United States 19403, 302-
kins Avenue 1932 Hypha Discovery LTD, Russell Building, Brunel 898-8349, Internet: www.jrfglobal.com JRF
Science Park, Uxbridge, United Kingdom UB8 Global is a GLP Contract Research Organization
Harvard Apparatus, 84 October Hill Road, Hol- 3PQ, 44 1895 814585, Internet: www. offering global regulatory services as well as
liston, MA, United States 01746, 508-893-8999, hyphadiscovery.co.uk Hypha solves drug metab- Organic custom synthesis. In the last 20 years of
fax: 508-429-5732, e-mail:[email protected], olite synthesis issues using mammalian and mi- GLP compliance, JRF has worked with over 600
Internet: www.harvardapparatus.com Harvard crobial biotransformation expertise, making companies and submitted over 28000 studies in
Apparatus offers a broad selection of syringe, mg-g amounts of human oxidative metabolites Product, Analytical and Residue Chemistry, Tox-
peristaltic and continuous flow pumps to suit any and glucuronides. The technique also improves icology, Ecotoxicology, Chemistry, Environmen-
application. Our pumps feature accurate flow solubility at the lead optimization stage by hy- tal Fate and Metabolism. 2109
with reduced setup time using the innovative droxylating via C-H bond activation and high-
touch screen controls. Harvard Apparatus will be lights the production of active metabolites for JULABO, 884 Marcon Blvd., Allentown, PA,
displaying the new Pump 33 Dual Drive System, SAR investigation and IP protection. 418 United States 18109, (800) 458-5226, fax:
two syringe pumps in one. 1627 (610)231-0260, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
IKA Works, Inc., 2635 North Chase Pkwy, www.julabo.com 1307
Heidolph North America, 1241 Jarvis Ave., SE, Wilmington, NC, United States 28405,
Elk Grove Village, IL, United States 60007, 9104527059, fax: 9104527693, e-mail:[email protected],
2242659600, Internet: www.heidolphNA.com Internet: www.ika.com IKA® Works, Inc. cele- Kaplan Partner Solutions, 750 3rd Avenue,
Heidolph North America focuses on providing brates over 100 years as a global market leader in New York, NY, United States 10017, 919-368-
unparalleled sales and support of premium lab- laboratory, analytical and process equipment. IKA 6040 924
oratory equipment. Heidolph specializes in ro- technology offers stirrers, dispersers, shakers,
tary evaporation, overhead stirrers, and mag- mills, rotary evaporators, dry block heaters, calo- Keysight Technologies (formerly Agilent),
netic stirring hotplates. 1000 rimeters, laboratory reactors and incubation shak- 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd., Santa Clara, CA,
ers. The US subsidiary is located in Wilmington, United States 95051, 480-756-5900, fax: 480-
Hellma USA, Inc., 80 Skyline Drive, Plainview, NC and its headquarters is in Staufen, Germany. 756-5950, e-mail:[email protected], Inter-
NY, United States 11803, 516-939-0888, fax: 1301,1405,1408 net: www.keysight.com/find/nano Featuring a
516-939-0555, e-mail:[email protected], In- state-of-the-art 9500 AFM that seamlessly inte-
ternet: www.hellmausa.com 2218 Industrial Test Systems, 1875 Langston Street, grates Keysight’s powerful New NanoNavigator
Rock Hill, SC, United States 29730, software with Quick Scan enabling scan rates of
Hiden Analytical Inc., 37699 Schoolcraft Road, 8008619712217, fax: 8033299743, Internet: up to 2 sec/frame, and Quick Sense with real-
Livonia, MI, United States 48150, 734-542-6666, www.sensafe.com Industrial Test Systems, Inc (ITS) time nanomechanical mapping capabilities. It
fax: 734-542-6030, e-mail:[email protected], is a leading American manufacturer of instruments also has industry-leading environmental & tem-
Internet: www.HidenAnalytical.com Hiden Ana- and chemistries designed to test water quality. ITS perature control. We will also show our compact
lytical manufacture high performance quadru- developed over 100 tests and proprietary chemis- 8500B FE-SEM with EDS. 704
pole mass spectrometers for precision gas anal- tries (many of which have been EPA/ETV perfor-
ysis, materials characterization and surface mance-verified), including the first and only EPA Kishida Chemical Co., Ltd., 3-1 Honmachibashi,
science applications. Showcasing systems for approved test strip and the unique eXact iDip® Chuo-ku,Osaka, Japan 540-0029, 81-6-6946-
catalysis studies, reaction kinetics, residual and Smart Photometer. 2026 8134, fax: 81-6-6946-8135, e-mail:k.watanabe@
process gas analysis. For quantitative atmo- kishida.co.jp, Internet: http://www.kishida.co.jp
spheric pressure gas analysis the new, compact InfoChem GmbH, Aschauer Str. 30, Munich, Over 5,500 unique Building Blocks, Library, Bat-
QGA system includes automated gas calibration Germany 81549, 49-89-2030432410, e-mail: tery materials, and Reagents available !! Kishida
for spectral deconvolution, sub-ppm detection [email protected], Internet: www.infochem.de manufactures and supplies above materials. Al-
and fast inlet technology for pulsed gas studies. InfoChem is a software company for cheminfor- most all BBs are in stock and, we have fluorine-
Also featuring CatLab, a unique, integrated mi- matics focusing on the development of software containing Library receiving a lot of attention
croreactor and mass spectrometer system for tools to handle, store and retrieve chemical recently. Not only general reagents but also we
characterization and evaluation of catalysts or structures and reactions. The company’s main supply natural products and ingredient research
thermal studies of evolved species. For atmo- activities involve the production of synthesis reagents. 820

KNF Neuberger, 2 Black Forest Road, Trenton, Macherey-Nagel Inc., 2850 Emrick Blvd., Micromeritics Instrument Corp., 4356 Commu-
NJ, United States 08691-1810, 609-890-8600, Bethlehem, PA, United States 18020, 484-821- nications Drive, Norcross, GA, United States
fax: 608-890-8323, e-mail:[email protected], In- 0984 1310 30093, 770-662-3636, fax: 770-662-3696, e-mail:
ternet: www.knfusa.com 1427 [email protected], Internet: http://www.
Magritek Inc., 6440 Lusk Blvd., micromeritics.com 720
KRÜSS Scientific Instruments, Inc., 1020 Crews Suite 108, San Diego, CA, United
Road, Suite K, Matthews, NC, United States States 92121, 855-667-6835, Internet: www. MilliporeSigma, 290 Concord Road, Billerica,
28105, 704-847-8933, fax: 704-847-9416, e-mail: magritek.com 801 MA, United States 01821, The life science busi-
[email protected], Internet: www.krussusa.com ness of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, op-
Advancing your Surface Science. As international Malvern Instruments, Inc., 117 Flan- erates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada.
experts in surface and interfacial chemistry, ders Road, Westborough, MA, United For the life science research market, we focus on
Krüss develops and manufactures highly precise States 01581, 508-768-6400, fax: 508-768-6403, everyday and inventive chemistry. Visit our
solutions for contact angle measurement, tensiom- e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www. booth to see how we can assist you with spe-
etry, and foam analysis. We also pride ourselves on malvern.com Malvern’s materials and biophysi- cialty solutions, from cutting-edge materials to
providing unparalleled expertise through consul- cal characterization technology and expertise exotic building blocks. 1124
tation, training and education in research, devel- enables scientists and engineers to investigate,
opment and industrial quality control laboratories understand, and control the properties of dis- Molecular Knowledge Systems, P.O. Box
worldwide. 1019 persed systems. Used in research, development, 10755, Bedford, NH, United States 03110,
and manufacturing, Malvern’s instruments pro- 6034725315, fax: 6034725359, Internet: www.
LABCONCO, Corp., 8811 Prospect Avenue, vide critical information that helps accelerate molecularknowledge.com We are experts at un-
Kansas City, MO, United States 64132, 816-333- research and product development, enhance derstanding how molecular structure and mix-
8811, fax: 816-363-0130, e-mail:labconco@ and maintain product quality, and optimize pro- ture composition determine physical properties
labconco.com, Internet: www.labconco.com cess efficiency. 1900 and how physical properties can be manipulated
Since 1925 Labconco Corporation has been to design better chemical products. Our soft-
manufacturing high quality laboratory equip- ware products include Cranium, a physical prop-
ment including: Fume Hoods, Filtered Fume Maruzen Co., Ltd., 110B Meadowlands Park- erty estimation system, and Synapse, a chemical
Hoods, Glassware Washers, Biosafety Cabinets, way, Suite 205, Secaucus, NJ, United States product design system. 521
Lyophilizers (Freeze Dryers), Vacuum Concentra- 07094, 201-865-4400, fax: 201-865-4845, Inter-
tors, Carts, Glove Boxes, Kjeldahl Apparatus, net: www.maruzen.info/hgs Maruzen Interna- Molecular Vista, 6840 Via Del Oro, #110, San
Evaporation Systems, Vacuum Pumps and Clean tional Co., Ltd (MIC) is the leading distributor of Jose, CA, United States 95119, 408-915-2595,
Benches. 2208 globally renowned HGS Molecular Model. The Internet: www.molecularvista.com Molecular
company is located in Secaucus, NJ, with the Vista makes the Photo-induced Force Micros-
LabX Media Group, 478 Bay Street, Midland, parent company Maruzen Co., Ltd. in Tokyo. copy (PiFM), the VistaScope. It is a hybrid atomic
ON, Canada L4R 1K9, 888-781-0328, fax: 705- Manufactured in Japan, HGS molecular model force microscopy (AFM) and infrared (IR) optical
528-0270, e-mail:[email protected], Inter- has attracted researchers, educators, and stu- spectroscopy platform. It provides nanoscopic
net: www.labxmediagroup.com LabX Media dents all over the world for over 40 years. This spatial resolution through the sharp tip (10 nm)
Group is the ultimate laboratory network, featur- subtle and professionally manufactured model with the chemical recognition. Additional tech-
ing four key brands - LabX, LabWrench, Lab has very wide variety of options, which will suit niques are scattering SNOM and tip-enhanced
Manager and The Scientist. Buy and sell equip- any type of research/ educational activities in the Raman spectroscopy (TERS). 322
ment on LabX, discuss lab products on broad fields of chemistry, pharamacology etc.
LabWrench, gain critical lab management infor- 1319 Monsanto, 800 North Lindbergh, MC G2EA, St.
mation from Lab Manager and stay current in the Louis, MO, United States 63167, 314-694-2804,
life sciences with The Scientist. 1607 Medchemexpress LLC, 1 Deer Park Drive, Mon- Internet: www.monsanto.com 805
mouth, NJ, United States 08852, 609-228-6898,
Lead Molecular Design, SL, Calle Vallés 96-102, fax: 609-228-5909, e-mail: sales@medchemexpress. MPD Chemicals, 4667 Somerton Road,
local 27. 08172 Sant Cugat del Vallés, com 1324 Trevose, PA, United States 19053, 215-364-1155
B66812421, 34935907828, Lead Molecular De- ext 202, fax: 888-569-6644, Internet: www.
sign, S.L. is a small company located in Sant Mestrelab Research SL, Feliciano Barrera, 9B- mpdchemicals.com MPD Chemicals, through its
Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona, Spain). It was Baixo, Santiago de Compostela, Spain 15706, Monomer-Polymer & Dajac Labs, Silar and Iso-
founded in 2002, with the aim to research and 34-881-976-775, fax: 34-981-941-079, e-mail: sciences subsidiaries, is a US-based specialty
develop new algorithms and applications in the [email protected], Internet: www.mestrelab. chemicals manufacturer, with competencies in
field of drug discovery, medicinal chemistry and com Mestrelab Research specializes in the de- complex organic synthesis, unique monomers
metabolism. 1616 velopment of advanced software for the and polymers development, organosilicon
processing and analysis of Analytical Chemistry chemistries and stable isotope labeling. The
Linkchem, Building 5, Lane 3399, Kang Xim data to extract meaningful chemical information. company provides lab to full scale chemical
Highway, Shanghai, China 201321, 86- Our main product, Mnova, is a multiplatform synthesis, with output from grams to tons. 2004
15901826846, Internet: www.linkchem.cn We (Windows, Mac, Linux) and multivendor software
are a leading CDMO provider headquartered in suite designed for combined NMR and LC/ Nanalysis Corp., Bay 4, 4500, 5 Street NE,
Shanghai. Core business includes: custom syn- GC/MS techniques. 821 Calgary, AB, Canada T2E 7C3, 403-769-9499,
thesis, process development and manufacturing fax: 403-775-6683, Internet: nanalysis.com
of key intermediates and peptides. We have the Metrohm USA, Inc., 6555 Pelican Creek Circle, Nanalysis Corp. has developed the marketing-
GMP/ US FDA Inspected manufacturing site to Riverview, FL, United States 33578, 866-Metrohm, leading NMReady-60 family of benchtop NMR
meet your requirement. 932 fax: 813-316-4900, e-mail:info@metrohmusa. spectrometers. The only all-in-one high-resolu-
com, Internet: www.metrohmusa.com 1733 tion NMR Spectrometer, these high-perfor-
Luknova Inc., 20 Cabot Blvd., Ste. 300, Mans- mance, innovative spectrometers operate at a
field, MA, United States 02048, 781-201-9147, fraction of the size, cost and maintenance of
fax: 781-917-0161, Internet: www.luknova.com Mettler-Toledo AutoChem, Inc., 7075 Samuel traditional NMR instrumentation. Compatible
Luknova develops patented SuperSep flash col- Morse Drive, Columbia, MD, United States with a variety of nuclei (e.g., 1H, 7Li, 11B, 13C,
umns and EasyFil filters with ground adaptor, 21046, 410-910-8493, fax: 410-910-8101, Inter- 19F, 31P) and a number of 1D and 2D NMR
SPE cartridges, empty flash columns housing, net: www.mt.com/autochem METTLER TOLEDO experiments. Please inquire for more about
and a variety of chromatographic materials (C2, provides process analytical technology (PAT), these easy-to-use NMR tools that can improve
C4, C8, C18, C30, silica, Cyano, Diol, Amine, automated synthesis reactors, and in situ sam- your workflow. www.nanalysis.com 301
SAX, SCX, and alumina et al) for purification and pling. In situ FTIR spectroscopy and automated
filtration needs. 325 sampling provides continuous analysis of reac- Nanjing University - CF, State Key Laboratory of
tions. Inline particle size analysis enables crystal- Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of
Lumex Instruments Canada, Unit 207, 31510 lization development with particle size and the Environment, Xianlin Campus, mailbox 624,
Gill Avenue, Mission, BC, Canada V4S0A1, 604- shape measurements.Reaction calorimetry pro- Nanjing, China 210023, 2444
820-8085, fax: 604-820-4486, Internet: www. vides process knowledge to eliminate scale-up
lumexinstruments.com Lumex Instruments de- and safety incidents. 1610 NASA, 300 E St., SW, Washington, DC, United
velops analytical instruments and applications States 20546, 301-614-5560, fax: 301-614-6530,
for academic research, food and agriculture, MicroLAB, Inc., PO Box 7358, Bozeman, MT, Internet: www.nasa.gov NASA Earth System Sci-
environmental, chemical and pharmaceutical in- United States 59771, 406-586-3274, fax: 406- ence conducts and sponsors research on global
dustries. We have been proudly serving over 90 586-3582, Internet: www.microlabinfo.com Mi- climate and environmental change and its con-
countries for over 25 years. Our instruments croLab’s new FS-528 Laboratory Data System sequences for life on Earth. Our observations
include Capillary Electrophoresis systems, qPCR combines our patented FASTspec 360-880 nm from space help to identify the sources of
analyzers, FTIR Spectrometers, AAS, Fluorim- scanning spectrophotometer and integrated change in the Earth system, their magnitude and
eters, Hg Analyzers and more. 1927 sensors to create a high quality, general purpose trends, and how the Earth system will change in
chemistry lab instrument serving freshmen to the future. 2133
M. BRAUN, Inc., 14 Marin Way, Stratham, NH, undergraduate research. High resolution mea-
United States 03885, 603-773-9333, fax: 603-773- surements support small safe ”green“ samples. Nat’l Academies Of Sciences Engineering and
0008, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www. User-friendly software encourages visualization Medicine, Fellowship Programs, 500 5th St.,
mbraun.com 2000 and effective use of laboratory time. 927 NW, Washington, DC, United States 20001, 202-


334-2760, fax: 202-334-2759, e-mail:jdellammo@ 13C, 2H, 15N and 18O, of carbohydrates and 9459, Internet: www.parazapharma.com Pre-
nas.edu, Internet: www.national-academies.org/ nucleosides/nucleotides in addition to rare sug- mium drug discovery service provider with
rap The NRC Research Associateship Programs ars, N-glycan and O-glycan products. Our prod- proven expertise in lead identification and opti-
supports the research of 15,000 scientists and ucts have been used in MS and NMR applica- mization leading to drug candidates. Fully inte-
engineers. The goal of these programs is to tions for structural assays, substrates for grated capabilities include medicinal chemistry,
provide advanced training and collaborative re- enzymology, and for the development of diag- bioassays, DMPK (in vitro/in vivo-non human
search opportunities for highly qualified gradu- nostic, vaccines, and therapeutics for certain species) and scale-up (1-500 g). Based in Mon-
ate postdoctoral and visiting scientists. 502 diseases. 218 treal with a highly experienced staff from large
pharmaceutical companies. 1513
New Era Enterprises, P.O. Box 747, Vineland, Optibrium Ltd., 7221 Cambridge Research
NJ, United States 08362-0747, 800-821-4667, fax: Park, Beach Drive, Cambridge, United Kingdom Park Systems, Inc., 3040 Olcott St., Santa Clara,
856-697-8727, Internet: www.newera-spectro.com CB25 9TL, 44 1223 815900, fax: 44 1223 CA, United States 95054, 408-986-1110, fax:
NMR Sample Tubes from micro to large diameter 815907, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: 408-986-1199, e-mail:[email protected], Inter-
MRI cells, screw thread, tip-off, pressure valve and www.optibrium.com Optibrium creates elegant net: http://www.parkafm.com/ Park Systems is a
non-glass sample cells; capillary systems for very software solutions for small molecule design, world leading manufacturer of atomic force mi-
limited sample; RDC sample prep and measure- optimisation and data analysis, including: Star- croscopy (AFM) systems with complete range of
ment supplies for both stretch and compression DropTM, a comprehensive environment that products for researchers and engineers in biolog-
methods; Micro Pipet for filling NMR capillaries; guides the design and selection of high quality ical science, materials research, semiconductor
5mm NMR Sample Reaction System; NMR Sam- compounds; SentiraTM, a powerful and easy-to- and storage industries. Park’s AFM provides the
pling Accessories; EPR/ESR Quartz Sample Tubes. use desktop tool for chemistry data visualisation; highest data accuracy, superior productivity, and
TD NMR Sample Tubes for bench-top instruments and Asteris, an iPadTM app for creative com- lowest operating cost. Please visit parkafm.com for
and Food Science sampling glassware. Stable Iso- pound exploration and design. 1526 more information. 500
tope Compounds of Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen
and Deuterium. 1704 OriginLab Corp., One Roundhouse Plaza, Suite Parr Instrument Co., 211 53rd Street, Moline,
303, Northampton, MA, United States 01060, IL, United States 61265, 309-762-7716, fax: 309-
NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 2300, Gaithers- 800-969-7720, fax: 413-585-0126, e-mail: 762-9453, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
burg, MD, United States 20899-2300, 301-975- [email protected], Internet: www.originlab. www.parrinst.com Parr Instrument Company de-
3774, fax: 301-926-0416, Internet: www.nist. com Origin is an industry-leading graphing and signs and manufactures Laboratory Reactors and
gov/srm 2111 data analysis software for science and engineer- Pressure Vessels, stirred and unstirred, used at
ing. Features include 100 customizable 2D, elevated temperatures and pressures in the cat-
NIST (Center for Nanoscale Science & Technol- 3D, statistical and specialized graphs, batch alytic hydrogenation, organic synthesis and the
ogy), 100 Bureau Drive, Mail Stop 6201, Gaith- plotting, curve fitting, peak analysis, signal pro- polymerization processes. Parr also specializes in
ersburg, MD, United States 20899, Internet: cessing, advanced statistics, result recalculation providing complete systems for batch, semi-
https://www.nist.gov/cnst The NIST Center for on data or parameter change, batch analysis, batch and continuous-flow applications. Oxygen
Nanoscale Science and Technology (CNST) sup- and programming support for C, R, and Python. Combustion Calorimeters for the determination
ports the U.S. nanotechnology enterprise from 1417 of the heat of combustion in solid, liquid and
discovery to production by providing industry, refuse derived fuels. 2001
academia, NIST, and other government agen- Oxchem Corporation, 777 Dillon Drive, Wood
cies with access to world-class nanoscale mea- Dale, IL, United States 60191, 626-566-0337, Particle Sizing Systems, 8203 Kristel Circle, Port
surement and fabrication methods and technol- fax: 626-228-3544, Internet: www.ox-chem.com Richey, FL, United States 34668, 727-846-0866,
ogy. The CNST’s shared-use NanoFab gives Oxchem Corporation is a research-based phar- fax: 727-846-0865, e-mail:donna@pssnicomp.
researchers economical access to and training maceutical compound supplier. The company com, Internet: pssnicomp.com PSS provides so-
on a state-of-the-art tool set required for cutting- focuses on quality manufacturing and collecting lutions with the Nicomp Nano and the AccuSizer
edge nanotechnology development. The simple a variety of chemicals and shipping them to SPOS particle analyzers. Weâ??ve grown with
application process is designed to get projects worldwide customers. Our main product line the AccuSizer FX and FX Nano, high concentra-
started in a few weeks. Looking beyond the includes Heterocyclic compound; Halogen com- tion analyzers that size/count particles over a
current state of the art, CNST research is creat- pounds; Catalyst & Ligand compounds; Alde- wide dynamic range starting at 0.15 microns and
ing the next generation of nanoscale measure- hyde ketone compounds; Amino Acids and De- at concentrations exceeding 10 million particles/
ment instruments and methods, which are made rivative; Boric acid, boric acid ester. 1413 mL. 2301
available through collaboration. Contact Vince
Luciani, [email protected]. 2216 Oxford Instruments, 300 Baker Avenue, Suite PASCO scientific, 10101 Foothills Boulevard, Ros-
150, Concord, MA, United States 01742, 978- eville, CA, United States 95747, 916-786-3800,
NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments, 7910 South 369-9933, fax: 978-369-8287, e-mail:industrial@ fax: 916-786-8905, e-mail:[email protected], Inter-
Kyrene Rd, Suite 108, Tempe, AZ, United States oxinst.com, Internet: www.oxford-instruments. net: www.pasco.com PASCO technologies trans-
85284, Internet: www.ntmdt-si.com/ 2207 com/pulsar Pulsar is a high-resolution, 60MHz form science education with award-winning,
benchtop NMR spectrometer, providing 1- and wireless probeware, software, and curriculum for
Oakwood Products Inc., 730 Colum- 2-D NMR spectra of 1H, 19F, 13C and 31P. Cryo- physics, chemistry, biology, earth and environ-
bia Hwy North, Estill, SC, United States gen free Pulsar is suitable for any laboratory fo- mental sciences, and programing and robotics.
29918, 803-739-8800, fax: 803-739-6957, cused on teaching, organic synthesis analysis, or Integrating the latest standards-based content
e-mail:[email protected], Internet: materials identification. Pulsarâ??s performance with easy-to-use data collection and analysis soft-
www.oakwoodchemical.com Oakwood Prod- gives you the power of NMR spectrometry in your ware, PASCO solutions are cost effective and work
ucts, a manufacturer and distributor, supplies lab. www.oxford-instruments 702 on all your devices. 1441
research chemicals to the pharmaceutical, agro-
chemical and materials research communities. Oxford Lasers, 2 Shaker Road, Unit B104, Shri- PerkinElmer Informatics, Inc., 940
The Oakwood product listing contains over ley, MA, United States 01464, 978-425-0755, Winter Street, Waltham, MA, United
208,000 items, including many unique building fax: 978-425-4487, Internet: www.oxfordlasers. States 02451, 1-800-762-4000, fax:
blocks and reactive intermediates. Please visit us com One of the most successful spin offs from 203-944-4950, Internet: 940 Winter St 1312
at www.oakwoodchemical.com 800 Oxford University in 1977, Oxford Lasers Imag-
ing Division offers laser systems, system rental, Pfeiffer Vacuum Inc., 24 Trafalgar Square,
Ocean Optics, Inc., 830 Douglas Avenue, Dun- R&D and technical support for high speed imag- Nashua, NH, United States 03063, 603-578-6500,
edin, FL, United States 34698, 727-733-2447, ing solutions and has significant experience fax: 603-578-6550, Internet: www.pfeiffer-vacuum.
fax: 727-733-3962, e-mail:[email protected], within the field of spray characterisation, provid- com Visit Pfeiffer Vacuum at booth 700 for to see
Internet: www.OceanOptics.com 1525 ing information on droplet size, droplet velocity the latest advancements in vacuum technology
and droplet shape. 2204 including high and backing vacuum pumps, leak
OLIS, Inc., 130 Conway Drive, Suites ABC, Bo- detectors, gas analysis and chambers. 700
gart, GA, United States 30622-1724, 706-353- Oxford University Press, 198 Madison Avenue,
6547 or 800-852-3504, fax: 706-353-1972, e-mail: New York, NY, United States 10016, (800) 451- Pharmablock USA, Inc., 725 San Aleso Avenue,
[email protected], Internet: www.olisweb.com 7556, fax: (919) 677-1305, e-mail:custserv.us@ Suite 1, Sunnyvale, CA, United States 94085,
Sample purification is optional with our CLARiTY oup.com, Internet: www.oup.com/us 1316 408-921-9969, Internet: www.pharmablock.com
UV/Vis spectrophotometers. Scatter does not limit 505
or ruin your measurement! Collect accurate AU/ Pace Analytical, 1800 Elm Street, SE, Minneap-
cm on solutions, suspensions, and solids. CLARiTY olis, MN, United States 55122, Internet: http:// PharmAgra Labs, Inc., 158 McLean Road, Bre-
joins our premier research absorbance, fluores- www.pacelabs.com/index.html Pace Analytical’s vard, NC, United States 28712, 828-884-8656,
cence, CD, and CPL spectrometers for stopped- LabOps Division provides targeted solutions for fax: 828-884-9469, e-mail:marketing@pharmagra.
flow, pump-probe,and steady-state measure- the needs of laboratories in a variety of scientific com, Internet: www.pharmagra.com PharmAgra
ments. Upcycling Spectrophotometers, Achieving industries. We offer Scientific Staffing and Regula- Labs, Inc. is a chemistry CRO that for eighteen
CLARiTY! Made in the. 1611 tory Consulting as well as high quality Instrument years has been conducting contract Research and
Sales and Service. Pace is also a leading provider Development in organic chemistry. We specialize
Omicron Biochemicals, Inc., 115 South Hill of lab Relocation Services nationwide. 1503 in all areas of discovery, scale-up, process devel-
Street, South Bend, IN, United States 46617- opment and analytical chemistry. We also offer
2701, 574-287-6910, Internet: www.omicronbio. Paraza Pharma Inc., 2525 Marie-Curie Avenue, cGMP preparation of drug substances in our FDA
com Omicron offers stable isotopes products, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4S 2E1, 617-216- inspected kilo suite. 518

274 –EXPO
PIKE Technologies, 6125 Cottonwood Drive, over 20 years of active metal and inert atmo- Showa Denko America Inc., 420 Lexington Ave.,
Madison, WI, United States 53719, 608-274- sphere chemical experience. With a reputation Suite 2850, New York, NY, United States 10170,
2721, fax: 608-274-0103, Internet: www. for creating reliable organozinc and Grignard 212-370-00033, ext. 109, fax: 7167748708, Inter-
piketech.com 900 reagents, fine chemicals, polymers, and mono- net: www.shodexHPLC.com 1708
mers as well as custom synthesis and scale up
Pine Research Instrumentation, 2741 Campus capabilities Rieke Metals is your partner from Software for Chemistry & Materials, SCM/TC/
Walk Avenue, Building 100, Durham, NC, United research through commercialization. 523 FEW, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Boele-
States 27705, (919)782-8320, fax: 919-782-8323, laan 1083, Amsterdam, Netherlands 1081 HV,
e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www. Rigaku Americas Corp., 9009 New Trails Drive, 31-20-5987626, fax: 31-20-5987629, e-mail:
pineresearch.com 933 The Woodlands, TX, United States 77381, 281- [email protected], Internet: www.scm.com Scien-
362-2300, fax: 281-364-3628, Internet: www. tists at SCM are passionate about making com-
PolyK Technologies LLC, 2124 Old Gatesburg rigaku.com 1710 putational chemistry work for you. Whether you
Road, State College, PA, United States 16803, research spectroscopy, heavy elements, organic
518-605-6897, e-mail:[email protected], Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham electronics, chemical reactions or materials, we
Internet: www.polyktech.com 324 House, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, have the right tools (DFT, DFTB, ReaxFF,
United Kingdom CB4 OWF, 44-1223-432-378, COSMO-RS) in the ADF Modeling Suite 2017.
Postnova Analytics, 230 South 500 E, fax: 44-1223-426-017, e-mail:[email protected], In- Come by to see the user-friendly graphical inter-
Suite 110, Salt Lake City, UT, United ternet: www.rsc.org 1201 face in action! 1110
States 84102, 801-521-2004, fax: 801-521-2884,
Internet: www.postnova.com 1905 Schrödinger, Inc., 101 SW Main Street, Suite Sorbent Technologies, 5955 Peachtree Corners
1300, Portland, OR, United States 97204, Inter- East, Suite A, Norcross, GA, United States
PROTO Manufacturing, 12350 Universal Drive, net: www.schrodinger.com Come see our full 30071, 866-767-2832, ext. 0281, e-mail:
Taylor, MI, United States 48180, 734-946-0974, suite of drug discovery solutions, including the [email protected]@
Internet: [email protected] PROTO is a leading industry leading Glide for flexible ligand dock- sorbtech.com, Internet: www.sorbtech.com Your
provider of innovative X-ray diffraction (XRD) ing, as well as our ligand-based tools. We will dedicated Separation Source for 17 years. Chro-
systems. Following the success of our economi- also exhibit our Materials Suite, featuring a di- matography & Purification products from lab to
cal and highly versatile AXRD Benchtop powder verse set of tools for computing the structure, production scale for all compounds. Highest qual-
diffraction system, PROTO is excited to show- reactivity, and properties of chemical systems. ity and selection of Silica Gel, Bonded Silicas,
case our new theta/theta powder diffraction Hands-on demos are available. 2201 Aluminas, Polymeric Resins, Gel Filtration, SEC,
system during the 254th ACS National Meeting TLC Plates, Flash Cartridges & Systems Syringe
& Exposition. Visit our booth to learn more. Science China Press, 16 Donghuangchenggen Filters, SPE Cartridges, HPLC, GC & FPLC Col-
1921 North Street, Beijing, China 100717, 848-565- umns, and more. 917
8833, fax: 86-010-64016350, Internet: http://
Proton OnSite, 10 Technology Drive, Walling- engine.scichina.com/publisher/scp/journal/SCC?
ford, CT, United States 06492, 203-678-2182, Specac Ltd., 414 Commerce Dr., Suite 175, Fort
slugOverview Founded in 1950, Science Washington, PA, United States 19034, 866-726-
Internet: www.protononsite.com 1700 China Press is one of the most important 1126, fax: 215-793-4011, Internet: www.specac.
Quantachrome Corp., 1900 Corporate Drive, professional academic publishers in China com 2020
Boynton Beach, FL, United States 33426, which is under the command of the Chinese
5617314999125, fax: 5617329888, Internet: www. Academy of Sciences. It publishes 18 popular Spectrum Chemical Mfg Corp., 769 Jersey Ave,
quantachrome.com Quantachrome designs and and prestigious journals, which have made a New Brunswick, NJ, United States 08901, (732)
manufactures revolutionary analytical laboratory great contribution to the academic communi- 801-5651, e-mail:[email protected],
instruments for material characterization. Our in- cation and development. 522 Internet: www.spectrumchemical.com Spectrum
strumentation is used in leading industrial and manufactures and distributes over 45,000 fine
research laboratories to measure the properties of SCIENCE/AAAS, 1200 New York Avenue, NW, chemicals and laboratory reagents in research
powders and porous materials. Whether you are Washington, DC, United States 20005, 202-326- and production quantities, including Controlled
developing new materials or controlling your man- 6417, fax: (202) 842-1065, e-mail:membership@ Substances (CI-CV) and the largest selection of
ufacturing process, our instruments and expertise aaas.org, Internet: http://www.aaas.org 626 USP/NF/FCC chemicals. Spectrum also distrib-
provide the assistance you need. 2027 utes over 100,000 supply and equipment items
Sciex, 500 Old Connecticut Path, Framingham, from 250 manufacturers such as PerkinElmer,
Quantum Analytics, 3400 East Third Avenue, MA, United States 01701, 650.631.2625, Inter- Corning, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Wheaton and
Foster City, CA, United States 94404, 650-312- net: www.sciex.com 705 KimbleChase. 1632
0360, fax: 650-312-0313, Internet: www.LQA.
com Quantum Analytics is a value-added distrib- Scion Instruments, 3019 Alvin Devane Blvd., SpiroChem AG, c/o ETH-Zürich, Vladi-
utor of analytical instrumentation. We offer lab Suite 120, Austin, TX, United States 78741, mir-Prelog-Weg 1, Zurich, Switzerland
equipment rental, leasing and financing pro- 703-608-2807, Internet: scioninstruments.com HCI-D151.1, 41 44 633 7363, fax: 41 44 633
grams designed for companies ranging from 1926 1089, Internet: www.spirochem.com 721
start-up labs to Fortune 100 enterprises. Our
products include GC, LC, MS, IC, SIFT-MS and Scitegrity, Discovery Park, Ramsgate Road, Springer Nature, One New York Plaza, Suite
other analytical systems. We are a premier solu- Kent, United Kingdom CT13 9ND, Internet: 4500, New York, NY, United States 10004, 212-
tion provider for Agilent Technologies. 1832 http://www.scitegrity.co.uk/ Our system, Con- 726-9200, fax: 212-696-9006, Internet: www.
trolled Substances Squared, is able to determine springernature.com Springer Nature is one of
Regis Technologies, 8210 Austin Avenue, Mor- if a chemical falls under controlled drug legisla- the world’s leading global research, educational
ton Grove, IL, United States 60053, 847-967- tion in over 20 countries (inc US, China, India and and professional publishers, created in 2015
6000, fax: 847-967-1214, Internet: registech.com EU countries), based purely on its structure. Also through the combination of Nature Publishing
Regis Technologies provides chromatography covers ethers/esters/salts/stereoisomers/ge- Group, Palgrave Macmillan, Macmillan Educa-
products, specialty reagents, and purification ser- neric statements and analogues. It can easily tion and Springer ScienceBusiness Media.
vices. They offer free chiral screenings with opti- process millions of compounds. 219 400,405
mized methods and a GMP or non-GMP separa-
tion service using SFC. Ask about their unique Semichem, 12456 W. 62nd Terrace, Suite D, StellarNet Inc., 14390 Carlson Circle, Tampa,
products, such as the Whelk-O 1 and IAM col- Shawnee, KS, United States 66216, 913-268- FL, United States 33626, 813-855-8687, fax:
umns. Visit booth 1904 to learn more. 1904 3271, fax: 913-268-3445, e-mail:jana@semichem. 813-855-0394, e-mail:[email protected], In-
com, Internet: www.semichem.com Semichem ternet: www.StellarNet.us StellarNet provides
Renishaw Inc., 1001 Wesemann Drive, West features AMPACTM and CODESSATM. AMPACTM low cost miniature spectrometer systems and
Dundee, IL, United States 60118, Internet: www. is a semiempirical quantum mechanical program, software for product analysis, research, educa-
renishaw.com 504 including an industry leading graphical user inter- tion, and OEM. StellarNet instrumentation is
face (GUI) that builds molecules and offers full rugged for any environment - lab, process, or
Research In Germany, 871 United Nations visualization of results. CODESSATM is an ad- field. Applications include absorbance & trans-
Plaza, New York, NY, United States 10017, (212) vanced quantitative structure/activity relationship mission (190-2300nm), fluorimetry, microscopy,
339-7137, fax: (212) 339-7138, e-mail:stefan. (QSAR) program that ties information from AM- optical metrology, colorimetry, LED/Laser/Solar,
[email protected], Internet: www.dfg.de “Research PACTM and other QM programs with experimental LIBS, OES, NIR, & Raman (532, 785, 1064).
in Germany” is an initiative which seeks to data. 1223 Come See the SpectraWizard! 1727
strengthen and expand research collaboration be-
tween Germany and international scientists. Come Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc., 7102 Riv- Strem Chemicals, 7 Mulliken Way, Dexter Indus-
to our booth #2210 and get information on career erwood Drive, Columbia, MD, United States trial Park, Newburyport, MA, United States
and funding opportunities in Germany. We will 21046, 800-477-1227, fax: 410-381-1222, Inter- 01950-3104, 978-499-1600, fax: 978-465-3104,
also hold a Science Lunch on August 22, 12.30 pm, net: www.shimadzu.com Shimadzu is a leading Internet: www.strem.com 2200
Workshop Room 4. 2210 manufacturer of scientific instrumentation, includ-
ing chromatography, spectroscopy, FTIR, environ- Supercritical Fluid Technologies, One Innova-
Rieke Metals, LLC, 1001 Kingbird Road, Lincoln, mental monitoring, and physical measurement. tion Way, Suite 303, Newark, DE, United States
NE, United States 68521, 402-434-2775, fax: Markets/industries served include pharmaceuti- 19711, 302-738-3420, fax: 302-738-4320,
402-434-2777, e-mail:[email protected], cals, metals, forensics, educational, government, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
internet: www.riekemetals.com Rieke Metals has agriculture and petrochemical. 1600 www.supercriticalfluids.com 905


Synquest Laboratories, Inc., P.O. Box 309, Ala- Planetary Centrifugal Mixers Vacuum Planetary Vigor Tech USA, LLC, 5100 Westheimer Road,
chua, FL, United States 32616-0309, 386-462- Centrifugal Mixers Nano-Pulverizer Vacuum Sy- Suite 200, Houston, TX, United States 77056,
0788 or 877-4-FLUORO (toll free), fax: 386-462- ringe Chargers. 1516 716 200 1200, e-mail:[email protected],
7097, e-mail:[email protected], Internet: Internet: www.vigor-glovebox.com 1724
www.synquestlabs.com 907 Top Hat, 2 Carlton Street, Suite 600, Toronto,
ON, Canada M5B 1J3, 1-888-663-5491, Inter- W.W. Norton, 500 Fifth Ave., New York, NY,
Syrris Ltd., 156 Norwell Ave, Norwell, MA, net: http://get.tophat.com/acs-2017/ 1504 United States 10110, 212-790-4357, fax: 212-
United States 02061, 617-532-1033, fax: 617- 790-4261, Internet: www.wwnorton.com The
848-2997, Internet: www.syrris.com 1510 U.S. Naval Research Lab, 4555 Overlook Ave- oldest and largest publishing house owned
nue S.W., Code 1230, Washington, DC, United wholly by its employees, W. W. Norton, Inc.
TA Instruments, 159 Lukens Drive, New Castle, States 20375-5322, 2027672541, Internet: www. publishes about 400 trade, college, and profes-
DE, United States 19720, 302-427-4000, fax: nrl.navy.mil The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory sional titles each year. 1601
302-427-4001, e-mail:[email protected], provides the advanced scientific capabilities re-
Internet: www.tainstruments.com Visit TA Instru- quired to bolster our country’s position of global Waters Corp., 34 Maple Street, Mil-
ments for innovative technology in thermal anal- naval leadership. Here, the nation’s best scien- ford, MA, United States 01757, 508-482-2000,
ysis, rheology, microcalorimetry, and mechanical tists and engineers are inspired to pursue their fax: 508-482-2674, e-mail:[email protected], Inter-
characterization. We provide the highest accu- passion and focus on research that yields imme- net: www.waters.com Waters Corporation, the
racy and sensitivity for polymers, organic and diate and long-range applications in the defense premium brand in the analytical instruments indus-
inorganic materials, and biological characteriza- of the U.S. 1820 try, creates business advantages for laboratory-
tion. Learn about our all new Discovery DSC, dependent organizations by delivering practical
TGA, and SDT family of instruments and the US EPA Green Chemistry Program, 1200 Penn- and sustainable scientific innovation to enable
latest measurement accessories for the DHR. sylvania Avenue, Mail Code 7406M, Washing- significant advancements in chemical analysis,
1805 ton, DC, United States 20460, Internet: www. healthcare delivery, environmental management,
epa.gov/greenchemistry 1036 food safety, and water quality worldwide. 1801
Taylor & Francis Group, 530 Walnut Street,
Suite 580, Philadelphia, PA, United States US EPA Toxics Release Inventory Program, Wavefunction, Inc., 18401 Von Karman, Suite
19106, 215-650-8900, fax: 215-606-0050, e-mail: 1201 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC, 370, Irvine, CA, United States 92612, 949-955-
[email protected], Internet: www. United States 20004, e-mail:[email protected], 2120, fax: 949-955-2118, e-mail:sales@wavefun.
tandfonline.com Taylor & Francis is committed to Internet: http://www.epa.gov/tri The Toxics Re- com, Internet: www.wavefun.com Wavefunction,
the publication of scholarly research and publishes lease Inventory (TRI) tracks the management of Inc.: Molecular Modeling Software provider for
a variety of journals concerning the field of envi- certain toxic chemicals that may pose a threat to chemistry research and education. 1009
ronmental toxicology and chemistry. Visit us at human health and the environment. U.S. facili-
www.tandfonline.com or the Taylor & Francis Jour- ties in different industry sectors must report Welch by Gardner Denver, 1601 Feehanville
nals Booth #1120 to learn about our products and annually how much of each chemical is released Drive, Suite 550, Mount Prospect, IL, United
services, and to request FREE sample copies. to the environment and/or managed through States 60056, 847-676-8800, fax: 847-677-8606,
1120 recycling, energy recovery and treatment. 1040 Internet: www.welchvacuum.com Welch is a
global leader in vacuum technology, offering a
TCI America, 9211 N. Harborgate Street, Port- Vacuubrand, 11 Bokum Road, Essex, CT, United broad portfolio of environmentally responsible vac-
land, OR, United States 97203, 800-423-8616, fax: States 06426, 860-767-2562 ext. 125, fax: 860- uum products and services. We bring value into
888-520-1075, e-mail:[email protected], 767-2563, Internet: www.vacuubrand.com the laboratory, OEM and light industrial markets
Internet: www.TCIchemicals.com TCI is a leading VACUUBRAND offers exceptionally quiet, corro- with renowned vacuum expertise and robust new
global manufacturer and supplier of research sion-resistant, oil-free vacuum pumps with ultra- product development. With manufacturing on
chemicals to the pharmaceutical, electronic, cos- long service intervals for labs, scale-up and OEM three continents, global distribution, and an exten-
metic, chemical, environmental, and biotech in- use. Products include both simple dry pumps sive service network, Welch provides advanced
dustries. Our current catalog lists over 27,000 and self-regulating, automated vacuum systems vacuum solutions for every application need. We
organic and biochemical products for use in re- for critical evaporative applications. The line also combine expert field support with advanced engi-
search and production with 8,000 unique to TCI. includes the unique HYBRID pumps, which re- neering to benefit Welch Customers – high quality,
Visit www.TCIchemicals.com today! 1308 duce oil-changes by 90%, even in corrosive excellent service, and the right pump for the right
applications. VACUUBRAND will also show cor- job. The Welch product line includes the revolu-
Teledyne Isco - Chromatography, 4700 Supe- rosion-resistant digital vacuum gauges and con- tionary CHEMSTAR DRY oil-free deep vacuum
rior St, Lincoln, NE, United States 68504, 402- trollers. New products include high flow-rate, system (patent pending). 1501
464-0231, fax: 402-465-3064, e-mail:iscoinfo@ chemical-resistant dry vacuum pumps for kilo-
teledyne.com, Internet: www.isco.com 1325 lab and pilot-scale applications. 833 Wiley, 111 River St. 4-02, Hoboken, NJ, United
States 07030, 201-748-6000, Internet: www.
Temple University School of Pharmacy, Vacuum Atmospheres Co., 4652 West Rosecrans wiley.com Wiley’s product diversity is unique,
Moulder Center for Drug Discovery, 3307 North Avenue, Hawthorne, CA, United States 90251, spanning books, journals, databases, web-por-
Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States 310-644-0255, fax: 310-970-0980, e-mail:info@ tals and workflow tools. Visit Booth #1100 to
19140, 215-707-2218, Internet: https://pharmacy. vac-atm.com, Internet: www.vac-atm.com 1701 learn what’s new at Wiley and browse our books
temple.edu/ Temple University School of Phar- on display - ACS attendees receive 30% off
macy provides several academic programs includ- Vacuum Technology Inc., 15 Great Republic orders and FREE worldwide shipping! 1100
ing a Doctorate of Pharmacy, MS and PhDs in drug Drive, Unit #4, Gloucester, MA, United States
discovery, and an MS in Quality Assurance/Regu- 01930, 978-879 4302, fax: 978-879 4387, e-mail: Wilmad-LabGlass, 1172 N.W. Boulevard, Vineland,
latory Affairs. The school is also home to the [email protected], Internet: www.vti- NJ, United States 08360, 856-691-3200, fax: 856-
Moulder Center for Drug Discovery Research, the glovebox.com Based in Gloucester, Massachu- 691-6206, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
region’s only fully integrated academic drug dis- setts, Vacuum Technology Inc. builds and www.wilmad-labglass.com 1721
covery research center. 319 services the glove box needs of educational
and industrial clients worldwide by integrating Workrite Uniform Company, 1701 North Lom-
ThalesNano Nanotechnology Inc., 7. Zahony u, best–in-class components sourced from Eu- bard St., Oxnard, CA, United States 93030,
Budapest, Hungary H-1031, 00 36 1 8808 500, rope, Asia, UK and the USA. Along with stan- 800-521-1888, fax: 805-483-0678, e-mail:
fax: 00 36 1 8808 501, Internet: www.thalesnano. dard offerings, we proudly highlight our engi- [email protected], Internet: www.workritefrcp.
com ThalesNano is dedicated to making dan- neering talent and customer-centric customization com Workrite Uniform Company’s new Workrite
gerous and difficult chemistry safe and easy to shop. 701 FR/CP Lab Coat is made from flame-resistant
perform while assisting advances in the scientific (FR) Nomex IIIA with a proprietary, chemical
field of chemistry. 926 Vapourtec Ltd., Unit 16, Park Farm Business splash protection (CP) technology - Westex
Centre, Fornham St Genevieve, Suffolk IP28 ShieldCXP. This innovation is designed to shed
Thermo Fisher Scientfic, 168 Third Avenue, 6TS, United Kingdom , 44 1284 728659, fax: 44 small amounts of liquid chemicals when they are
Waltham, MA, United States 02451, 781-622- 1284 728352, e-mail:duncan.guthrie@vapourtec. dropped or splashed on the fabric. 902
1000, fax: 800-678-5599, Internet: www. com, Internet: http://www.vapourtec.com 1425
thermofisher.com Visit Thermo Fisher Scientific WuXi AppTec (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., 288 Fute Zhong
for integrated laboratory workflow solutions in- Vernier Software & Technology, 13979 SW Road, Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone, Shanghai,
cluding specialty chemicals, metals and materi- Millikan Way, Beaverton, OR, United States China 200131, e-mail:[email protected], Internet:
als, sample preparation, chromatography, mass 97005, 888-837-6437, fax: 503-277-2440, www.LabNetwork.com LabNetwork, a WuXi AppTec
spectrometry, and trace elemental analysis. e-mail:[email protected], Internet: www.vernier. company, is a global eCommerce platform con-
Come see the very latest technologies to help com Vernier Software & Technology is the lead- necting suppliers and buyers of research products.
streamline processes, delivery confident results, ing worldwide innovator of real-time data-collec- Backed by WuXi AppTec’s expertise in R&D,
yield higher throughput and reduce sample tion, graphing, and analysis tools for science sourcing, quality control, warehousing and logis-
preparation. 1532,1533 education. Vernier chemistry offerings range tics, LabNetwork brings high-quality compounds
from a benchtop gas chromatograph and spec- from WuXi’s network of qualified providers to the
Thinky USA Inc., 23151 Verdugo Drive, Suite trophotometers to pH and temperature probes, global chemistry/R&D community. 600
112, Laguna Hills, CA, United States 92653, all controlled using our award-winning software
949-768-9001, fax: 949-768-9003, e-mail:info@ Logger Pro or our stand-alone LabQuest 2 lab Wyatt Technology Corp., 6300 Hollister Ave-
thinky-usa.com, Internet: www.thinky-usa.com interface. 1424 nue, Santa Barbara, CA, United States 93117,

276 –EXPO
805-681-9009, fax: 805-681-0123, e-mail:info@ X-Ability Co., Ltd., Ishiwata Building, 3rd Floor, fax: 650-347-6496, e-mail:[email protected],
wyatt.com, Internet: http://www.wyatt.com Wy- 4-1-5 Hongo, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan 113-0033, Internet: www.yamazenscience.com Yamazen
att Technology is the recognized leader in instru- 81-3-5800-7731, e-mail:[email protected], Inter- manufactures Japan’s Leading Automated Flash
mentation for determining the absolute molar net: x-ability.com 622 Purification Systems & High Resolution Columns
mass, size, charge and interactions of macromol- with 45years of Chromatography experience. US
ecules and nanoparticles in solution. These tools Xenocs SA, 19 rue Francois Blumet, Sassenage, Patented software (SMART FLASH) gearing to-
include: in-line multi-angle static light scattering, France 38360, 33 (0)4 76 26 98 59, Internet: ward GREEN CHEMISTRY: Fast (4CV) & Predict-
high-throughput dynamic light scattering, differ- www.xenocs.com 1435 able, Streamlined & Advanced Chromatography &
ential refractometry, electrophoretic mobility, Low Solvent Usage. W-Prep: Parallel system can
differential viscosity, field flow fractionation and Yamazen Science, Inc., 1455 Rollins Road, Burlin- run two columns simultaneously. ELSD, RI, MS &
automated composition gradient. 1705 game, CA, United States 94010, 650-347-7750, TLC Reader as add-ons. 401


Harvard Apparatus Park Systems, Inc.

2017 NEW PRODUCT Booth # 1627 Booth # 500
LISTINGS Pump 33 DDS Dual Drive System Park NX10
Horizon Technology Inc. Park NX10 SICM
Ace Glass, Inc. Booth # 321 Park NX-Bio
Booth # 1901 SPE-DEX 5000 Disk Extraction System Park NX20
Scale-Up Reactor SmartPrep Automated Cartridge Extractor II Park XE7
Dual Stand SPE-Z Prep Manifold for Disk Extraction Parr Instrument Co.
Filtration Apparatus XcelVap Automated Evaporation/Concentration Booth # 2001
Advion System Parr 4878 Automated Liquid Sampler
Booth # 1401 DryVap Automated In-Line Drying and
expression CMS Concentration Regis Technologies
TriVersa NanoMate Booth # 1904
Industrial Test Systems Whelk-O 1
Plate Express Booth # 2026
Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe (ASAP) RegisPack
eXact iDip Smart Photometer System RegisCell
Inert Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe (iASAP) Arsenic Quick Kits IAM HPLC Columns
Anton Paar USA InfoChem GmbH RegisSEP Purification Services
Booth # 1217 Booth # 1221
Microwave Digestion System: Multiwave GO ICSynth Research In Germany
Raman Spectrometers – RamSpec ICFRP Booth # 2210
Particle Analysis: Litesizer 500 ICAnnotator Funding for international research collaboration
Refractometer: Abbemat 350 ICFSE Markush Science China Press
Rheometer MCR 72 SPRESI data Booth # 522
Ark Pharm, Inc. Kishida Chemical Co., Ltd. Science China Chemistry
Booth # 1026 Booth # 820 Science Bulletin
2-Amino-6-bromonicotinic acid, 1196157-51-3 Tris(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl) Phosphate Science China Materials
4-Iodo-1H-pyrrole-2-carbaldehyde, 33515-62-7 Luknova Inc. Journal of Energy Chemistry
6-Bromo-5-fluoro-1H-indazole, 1286734-85-7 Luknova Inc. Scitegrity
6-Bromo-2-chloroquinazoline, 882672-05-1 Booth # 325 Booth # 219
2-Amino-4-bromobenzaldehyde, 59278-65-8 EasyFil Filters Controlled Substances Squared
Athena Enzyme Systems SuperSep Flash Columns CS2
Booth # 527 SelectFlash Silica
SuperBond Materials Semichem
Contichrom Cube HPLC Booth # 1223
Contichrom Cube LC SelectBond Materials
Bio-Logic USA, LLC Lumex Instruments Canada Codessa
Booth # 1821 Booth # 1927 Gaussview
JTS-10 Capillary Electrophoresis
Mercury Analyzers Showa Denko America Inc.
Chemglass Booth # 1708
Chemglass Life Sciences Microchip-based qPCR
FT-IR/FT-NIR HK-404L (rapid analysis GPC column)
Booth # 1800
Digital Temperature Recorders/Data Loggers AAS Sorbent Technologies
Air Condensers with Finned Aluminum Jackets Magritek Inc. Booth # 917
Dual and Triple Benchtop Reactors Booth # 801 SorbaRes
Benchtop NMR SorbaDex
ChemLogic Spinsolve
Booth # 315 TA Instruments
NMR Spectrometer Booth # 1805
KEMBLOX Benchtop NMR Spectrometer
Chemrus Inc. Discovery SDT
Molecular Vista Affinity ITC
Booth # 520 Booth # 322
disposable filter funnel Discovery TGA
Vista Scope
multi-flask reaction kit ThalesNano Nanotechnology Inc.
Nanalysis Corp. Booth # 926
Chengdu Aslee Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. Booth # 301
Booth # 726 H-Cube Mini Plus
NMReady 60e H-Cube Pro
Organic Building Block NMReady 60Pro
Organoboron Phoenix Flow Reactor
NMReady Flow Flash Reactor Plus
Organotin NMReady Connect
Organic Intermediates IceCube
New Era Enterprises
Organic Chiral Ligands Booth # 1704 Waters Corp.
Chrom Sword Micro Pipet for 1.7mm Capliiaryes Booth # 1801
Booth # 804 Sample Reaction System-5mm XEVO TQ-XS
ChromSword Developer Compression Gel Device ACQUITY Arc
ChromSword DataSystem Dummy Sample Tube-non-glass ACQUITY QDa
ChromSword AutoRobust Ocean Optics, Inc. Wavefunction, Inc.
ChromSword ReportViewer Booth # 1525 Booth # 1009
ChromSword Offline Ocean FX Spartan’16 Parallel Suite
CombiPhos Catalysts, Inc. OLIS, Inc. Spartan Student Edition version 7
Booth # 1320 Booth # 1611 Odyssey Intructor Edition version 5
Deuterium reagents iC280 spectrometer Odyssey Student Edition version 5
Boronic acids iC430 spectrometer iSpartan and Odyssey Apps
Boronic acid pinacol esters OlisWorks for 8453 Welch by Gardner Denver
Cross-coupling catalysts Omicron Biochemicals, Inc. Booth # 1501
Pyridine-2-boronis acids Booth # 218 CRVpro - Robust Rotary Vane Pumps
FRITSCH Milling and Sizing D-glucose-13C WelchNet - Modular Lab Vacuum Network
Booth # 1608 Sucrose-13C ChemStar Dry - Oil Free Deep Vacuum
Pulverisette 14 Premium Line N-glycan PTFE Diaphragm Pumps and Systems
Analysette 28 Image Sizer O-glycan DUOSEAL - Belt Drive Pumps
Pulveristte 6 Premium Line nucleosides
Analysette 22 Laser Particle Size Analyzer Wyatt Technology Corp.
OriginLab Corp. Booth # 1705
Pulverisette 7 Premium Line Booth # 1417 miniDAWN TREOS II
Gaussian Origin Software ViscoStar II Viscometer
Booth # 1225 OriginPro Software
Gaussian Yamazen Science, Inc.
Gaussview Oxford Lasers Booth # 401
AMPAC Booth # 2204 AKROS
VisiSize Portable TLC Reader
Glas-Col VisiSize N60 ELSD
Booth # 2120 FireFly 300W WPrep-2XY
Ductless Fume Hoods FireBird 1000W Smart Flash-MS

278 –EXPO
FRITSCH Milling and Sizing 1608 Advanced ChemBlocks Inc. 1006
COMPANIES LISTED BY Gamry Instruments 1118 Advanced Polymer Materials Inc. 419
BROAD CATEGORIES Gaussian 1225 Aldlab Chemicals, LLC 326
Harvard Apparatus 1627 Anasazi Instruments Inc. 403
Heidolph North America 1000 Ark Pharm, Inc. 1026
A more detailed product listing can be found Hiden Analytical Inc. 1618 Astatech, Inc. 621
by visiting the National Exposition at www.acs.org/ HORIBA Scientific 1725 Athena Enzyme Systems 527
wdc17. In addition to Meeting Mail stations in the JRF Global 2109 Bellen Chemistry Co., Ltd. 1437
convention center, product categories, along Lumex Instruments Canada 1927 Berry & Associates 1619
with companies supplying the products, can Magritek Inc. 801 Biopeptek Pharmaceuticals LLC 903
be searched using this free service. Malvern Instruments, Inc. 1900 Boron Molecular 1517
Mestrelab Research SL 821 Cedarlane 1406
MilliporeSigma 1124 ChemBridge Corp. 1626
Molecular Vista 322 Chemily, LLC 525
Academic & Educational Nanalysis Corp. 301 ChemMaster International Inc. 318
Services Nat’l Academies Of Sciences Engineering ChemSpace US Inc 901
and Medicine 502 CombiPhos Catalysts, Inc. 1320
New Era Enterprises 1704 Flinn Scientific Inc. 2119
101 320 Omicron Biochemicals, Inc. 218 Gaussian 1225
Ace Glass, Inc. 1901 OriginLab Corp. 1417 Hitgen Ltd. 727
ACS Committee on Chemical Health & Oxford Lasers 2204 Hypha Discovery LTD 418
Safety 1038 Park Systems, Inc. 500 Johnson Matthey 2021
ACS Education ACS Booth Parr Instrument Co. 2001 JRF Global 2109
ACS Publications ACS Booth Particle Sizing Systems 2301 Kishida Chemical Co., Ltd. 820
ACS Senior Chemists 1042 PharmAgra Labs, Inc. 518 Linkchem 932
Anasazi Instruments Inc. 403 Pine Research Instrumentation 933 Mestrelab Research SL 821
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Informatics Division 2126 Postnova Analytics 1905 MilliporeSigma 1124
CAS ACS Booth Quantachrome Corp. 2027 MPD Chemicals 2004
Chemily, LLC 525 Regis Technologies 1904 Oakwood Products Inc. 800
Chemistry At Your Fingertips 414 Semichem 1223 Omicron Biochemicals, Inc. 218
ChemLogic 315 Showa Denko America Inc. 1708 Oxchem Corporation 1413
Elsevier 1209 Teledyne Isco - Chromatography 1325
Thermo Fisher Scientfic 1532,1533 PharmAgra Labs, Inc. 518
Flinn Scientific Inc. 2119 Regis Technologies 1904
Gale, a Cengage Company 412 U.S. Naval Research Lab 1820
US EPA Toxics Release Inventory Program 1040 Rieke Metals, LLC 523
Gamry Instruments 1118 Sorbent Technologies 917
Gaussian 1225 Wavefunction, Inc. 1009
Wiley 1100 Spectrum Chemical Mfg Corp. 1632
Heidolph North America 1000 Strem Chemicals 2200
Hitgen Ltd. 727 Wyatt Technology Corp. 1705
TCI America 1308
InfoChem GmbH 1221 U.S. Naval Research Lab 1820
IOP Publishing 313 US EPA Green Chemistry Program 1036
LabX Media Group
Mestrelab Research SL
Business Management WuXi AppTec (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. 600
MicroLAB, Inc. 927 & Services
Molecular Vista 322
Nanalysis Corp. 301
ACS Senior Chemists 1042
Laboratory Equipment
Nat’l Academies Of Sciences Engineering
and Medicine 502 ChemSpace US Inc 901 & Services
Ocean Optics, Inc. 1525 Elsevier 1209
Oxford University Press 1316 Ace Glass, Inc. 1901
PASCO scientific 1441 Advion 1401
Pine Research Instrumentation 933 Career Development AGI USA Inc. 1826
Quantachrome Corp. 2027
Research In Germany 2210 & Training Agilent Technologies 911
Anasazi Instruments Inc. 403
Science China Press 522
Semichem 1223 Anton Paar USA 1217
Showa Denko America Inc. 1708 ACS Senior Chemists 1042 Asynt Ltd. 1726
Software for Chemistry & Materials 1110 Chemistry At Your Fingertips 414 Athena Enzyme Systems 527
Taylor & Francis Group 1120 Gale, a Cengage Company 412 Bellen Chemistry Co., Ltd. 1437
ThalesNano Nanotechnology Inc. 926 Pace Analytical 1503 Bio-Logic USA, LLC 1821
US EPA Green Chemistry Program 1036 Research In Germany 2210 Brookhaven Instruments Corp. 1706
US EPA Toxics Release Inventory Program 1040 Temple University School of Pharmacy 319 Bruker 2100,2101
Vernier Software & Technology 1424 Wiley 1100 Chemglass Life Sciences 1800
W.W. Norton 1601 ChemLogic 315
Wavefunction, Inc. 1009 Chemrus Inc. 520
DLAB Scientific Co.Ltd. 1702
Wiley 1100 Chemical Health & Safety Ecodyst, Inc. 1722
Edinburgh Instruments 1827
Flinn Scientific Inc. 2119
Accessible Products ACS Committee on Chemical Health &
Safety 1038 FRITSCH Milling and Sizing 1608
CAS ACS Booth Gamry Instruments 1118
Heidolph North America 1000 GERSTEL Inc. 1007
AdValue Technology 1027 Glas-Col 2120
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Ctr. 524 Industrial Test Systems 2026
JRF Global 2109 Harvard Apparatus 1627
Chengdu Aslee Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. 726 Heidolph North America 1000
Hitgen Ltd. 727 LABCONCO, Corp. 2208
Mestrelab Research SL 821 Hellma USA, Inc. 2218
LABCONCO, Corp. 2208 Hiden Analytical Inc. 1618
MilliporeSigma 1124
Nanalysis Corp. 301 HORIBA Scientific 1725
Pace Analytical 1503 Horizon Technology Inc. 321
Analytical Research Quantachrome Corp. 2027 IKA Works, Inc. 1301,1405,1408
Scitegrity 219 JASCO 2209
ThalesNano Nanotechnology Inc. 926 Keysight Technologies (formerly Agilent) 704
ACS Senior Chemists 1042 US EPA Green Chemistry Program 1036 LABCONCO, Corp. 2208
Agilent Technologies 911 Workrite Uniform Company 902 Luknova Inc. 325
Anasazi Instruments Inc. 403 Lumex Instruments Canada 1927
Bio-Logic USA, LLC 1821 Magritek Inc. 801
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Informatics Division 2126 Malvern Instruments, Inc. 1900
Bruker 2100,2101 Chemicals/Reagents/Raw Maruzen Co., Ltd. 1319
CAS ACS Booth Materials MicroLAB, Inc. 927
Chemily, LLC 525 Molecular Vista 322
Chengdu Aslee Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. 726 Nanalysis Corp. 301
Chrom Sword 804 AdValue Technology 1027 New Era Enterprises 1704


NIST (Center for Nanoscale Science & Astatech, Inc. 621 Waters Corp. 1801
Technology) 2216 Athena Enzyme Systems 527 Wavefunction, Inc. 1009
Ocean Optics, Inc. 1525 Bellen Chemistry Co., Ltd. 1437
OLIS, Inc. 1611 Biopeptek Pharmaceuticals LLC 903
Oxford Instruments 702 Boron Molecular 1517
Oxford Lasers 2204 Chemily, LLC 525 Technical Literature/Websites/
Pace Analytical 1503 Chemistry At Your Fingertips 414 Databases
Park Systems, Inc. 500 ChemMaster International Inc. 318
Parr Instrument Co. 2001 Chengdu Aslee Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. 726
Particle Sizing Systems 2301 Chrom Sword 804 ACS Publications ACS Booth
PIKE Technologies 900 FRITSCH Milling and Sizing 1608 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Informatics Division 2126
Pine Research Instrumentation 933 Gaussian 1225 ChemSpace US Inc 901
Postnova Analytics 1905 Hiden Analytical Inc. 1618 Elsevier 1209
PROTO Manufacturing 1921 Hitgen Ltd. 727 InfoChem GmbH 1221
Quantum Analytics 1832 Hypha Discovery LTD 418 Molecular Knowledge Systems 521
Sciex 705 IKA Works, Inc. 1301,1405,1408 Scitegrity 219
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc. 1600 Industrial Test Systems 2026 US EPA Green Chemistry Program 1036
Showa Denko America Inc. 1708 Johnson Matthey 2021 Wiley 1100
Sorbent Technologies 917 JRF Global 2109
StellarNet Inc. 1727 Keysight Technologies (formerly Agilent) 704
Teledyne Isco - Chromatography 1325 Linkchem 932
ThalesNano Nanotechnology Inc. 926 Mestrelab Research SL 821 Testing & Measurement
Thermo Fisher Scientfic 1532,1533 Molecular Knowledge Systems 521 Instrumentation
Thinky USA Inc. 1516 Molecular Vista 322
Vacuubrand 833 MPD Chemicals 2004
Vacuum Technology Inc. 701 Nanalysis Corp. 301 Agilent Technologies 911
Vernier Software & Technology 1424 Ocean Optics, Inc. 1525 Anasazi Instruments Inc. 403
Waters Corp. 1801 Omicron Biochemicals, Inc. 218 Anton Paar USA 1217
Welch by Gardner Denver 1501 Optibrium Ltd. 1526 B&W Tek 826
Workrite Uniform Company 902 Oxchem Corporation 1413 Bio-Logic USA, LLC 1821
WuXi AppTec (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. 600 Oxford Lasers 2204 Bruker 2100,2101
Wyatt Technology Corp. 1705 Pace Analytical 1503 FRITSCH Milling and Sizing 1608
Yamazen Science, Inc. 401 PharmAgra Labs, Inc. 518 Gale, a Cengage Company 412
Regis Technologies 1904 Gamry Instruments 1118
Rieke Metals, LLC 523 Harvard Apparatus 1627
Semichem 1223 Hellma USA, Inc. 2218
Other Software for Chemistry & Materials 1110 HORIBA Scientific 1725
Sorbent Technologies 917 Horizon Technology Inc. 321
Spirochem AG 721 Industrial Test Systems 2026
AAAS/Science & Technology Policy Teledyne Isco - Chromatography 1325
Fellowship 624 JEOL USA, Inc. 601
ThalesNano Nanotechnology Inc. 926 Keysight Technologies (formerly Agilent) 704
ACS Member Insurance Program 1037E U.S. Naval Research Lab 1820
ACS Web Strategy & Operations 1037F KRUSS Scientific Instruments, Inc. 1019
Vacuum Technology Inc. 701 Lumex Instruments Canada 1927
AIP Publishing – The Journal of Chemical WuXi AppTec (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. 600
Physics 1001 Magritek Inc. 801
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Informatics Division 2126 Malvern Instruments, Inc. 1900
Cell Press 1205 Mestrelab Research SL 821
Chemistry At Your Fingertips 414 Scientific Computer & Data Molecular Vista 322
Hitgen Ltd. 727 Management New Era Enterprises 1704
Horizon Technology Inc. 321 NIST (Center for Nanoscale Science &
IOP Publishing 313 Technology) 2216
Lumex Instruments Canada 1927 Agilent Technologies 911 Ocean Optics, Inc. 1525
NASA 2133 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Informatics Division 2126 OLIS, Inc. 1611
Paraza Pharma Inc. 1513 CAS ACS Booth Oxford Instruments 702
Pfeiffer Vacuum Inc. 700 Chemical Computing Group 1833 Oxford Lasers 2204
Research In Germany 2210 ChemSpace US Inc 901 Pace Analytical 1503
SCIENCE/AAAS 626 Chrom Sword 804 Park Systems, Inc. 500
Sciex 705 Elsevier 1209 Parr Instrument Co. 2001
Springer Nature 400,405 Gaussian 1225 Particle Sizing Systems 2301
Taylor & Francis Group 1120 InfoChem GmbH 1221 Pfeiffer Vacuum Inc. 700
US EPA Toxics Release Inventory Program 1040 Lead Molecular Design, SL 1616 Postnova Analytics 1905
Wavefunction, Inc. 1009 MicroLAB, Inc. 927 PROTO Manufacturing 1921
MilliporeSigma 1124 Quantum Analytics 1832
Molecular Knowledge Systems 521 Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc. 1600
OriginLab Corp. 1417 Showa Denko America Inc. 1708
R&D and Manufacturing Pace Analytical 1503 StellarNet Inc. 1727
Services PASCO scientific 1441 TA Instruments 1805
Schrodinger, Inc. 2201 U.S. Naval Research Lab 1820
Scitegrity 219 Vacuum Atmospheres Co. 1701
Ace Glass, Inc. 1901 Semichem 1223 Vernier Software & Technology 1424
Advanced ChemBlocks Inc. 1006 Software for Chemistry & Materials 1110 Waters Corp. 1801
Advanced Polymer Materials Inc. 419 Thermo Fisher Scientfic 1532,1533 Welch by Gardner Denver 1501
Anasazi Instruments Inc. 403 U.S. Naval Research Lab 1820 Wyatt Technology Corp. 1705

280 –EXPO
AUGUST 20 - 22, 2017
SUNDAY, 6PM - 8:30 PM




MR-14 MR-17

551 2350 MR-13 MR-18

MR- 3 MR- 4 MR- 9 MR-10

2247 2346 2347 2446 2447 2546

POSTER SESSION 2245 2344 2345 2444 2445 2544 MR- 2 MR- 5 MR- 8 MR-11

943 1042 1542 1543 2243 2342 2343 2442 2443 2542 MR- 1 MR- 6 MR- 7 MR-12
941 1040 1441 1540 2341 2440 2441 2540 Kiosk

939 1038 1439 1538 1539 1638 1739 1838 1839 1938 1939 2038 BOOTH 2339 2438 2439 2538

EXHIBITOR EXHIBITOR 837 936 937 1036 1037 1437 1536 1636 1737 1836 1837 1936 1937 2036 2037 2136 2237 2437 2536

WORKSHOP 1 WORKSHOP 2 835 934 935 1435 1634 1834 1934 2035 2134 2534

233 533 833 932 933 1032 1433 1532 1533 1632 1733 1832 1833 1932 2033 2132 2133 2333 2432 2433 2532


2- 6' tables, double 2- 6' tables, dou
stacked no drape stacked no drap

226 227 326 327 426 427 526 527 626 627 726 727 826 827 926 927 1026 1027 1326 1427 1526 1626 1627 1726 1727 1826 1827 1926 1927 2026 2027 2126 2127 2226 2227 2326
Crate Storage


E 1 - 20 amp circuit

224 225 324 325 424 425 524 525 624 625 724 725 824 825 924 925 1024 1025 1124 1225 1324 1325 1424 1425 1524 1525 1624 1625 1724 1725 1824 1825 1924 1925 2024 2025 2124 2125 2224 2225 2324 2325 WORKSHOP SHIPPING

222 223 322 323 422 423 522 523 622 623 722 723 822 823 922 1023 1223 1322 1323 1422 1423 1522 1523 1622 1623 1722 1723 1823 1922 1923 2022 2023 2122 2123 2222 2323

220 221 320 321 420 421 520 521 620 621 720 721 820 821 920 921 1020 1021 1120 1221 1320 1321 1420 1621 1721 1820 1821 1920 1921 2020 2021 2120 2321 TELECOMM / CATERING

218 219 318 319 418 419 518 919 1019 1118 1319 1418 1419 1518 1519 1618 1619 1718 2119 2218 2819
917 1016 1217 1316 1417 1516 1517 1616 2117 2216 EXHIBITOR
215 314 315 414

213 312 313 412



911 1110 1211 1310 1410 1510 1511 1610 1611 1710 2111 2210 2310 3Mx3M

509 1009 1209 1308 1408 1508 1509 1608 1609 1708 1709 2109 2208 2209 2308 2309
LOUNGE 307 907 1006 1007 1307 1406 1507 1607 1706 2207 2306 2307 WORKSHOP
AREA 305 405 504 505 604 704 705 804 805 905 1004 1005 1405 1504 1505 1605 1704 1705 1805 1904 1905 2004 2204 2205 2304 2305

303 403 502 503 602 702 902 903 1503 1603 1702 2302 2303

100 301 400 401 500 501 600 601 700 701 800 801 900 901 1000 1001 1100 1201 1301 1401 1500 1501 1600 1601 1700 1701 1800 1801 1900 1901 2000 2001 2100 2101 2200 2201 2300 2301 2801 2901
Lobby Level

Club & Pool

Handicap Ramp
Entrance To

Metro Center
ELEVATORS To Guestrooms


Concierge Desk




Front Desk

To Meeting Space
Cure Bar & Bistro
Main Entrance

Constitution Level (3B)

Registration Roosevelt Cabin

Wilson Arlington
Desk John
Constitution Foyer


Constitution Ballroom
Washington D
Corridor C
Corridor B


To Lobby,

Latrobe Burnham

Declaration Level (1B)

Penn Quarter
Cure Bar & Bistro
Lower Level A B
Dining Space

Ready Room

Boardroom Shaw

STAIRS/ Grand Foyer

To Lobby


Fed Ex Banneker

Tiber Creek Office Declaration Declaration


B Tiber Creek A B

Tiber Creek

ACS Operations

Independence Level (5B)



Corridor B


Independence Independence Ballroom
Square A


To Lobby,
1B&3B Corridor A

Up to
Concourse (3B) E D C B

Registration Desk
Program Purchase
& Pick-up

Pennsylvania Avenue/Lobby Level

14th Street Entrance

Penn Avenue
Terrace Bell Stand

Stairs To
A Lobby Avenue Executive



Shop Elevators


Pennsylvania Ave

To Self-parking
& Food Court


Meeting Room Level

AV Office




Rayburn Treasury


Cannon Commerce


Russell Registration

Ballroom Level
Capitol Office

Salon D C B A


Salon IV Salon III Salon II Salon I
Grand Office

Salon G


Patio chu
The ts A
Diginitary ven
ELE ting Ro
VAT om


Gue el E
st R Mee ALAT ntra
oom ting OR nce
ELE Spa to
VAT ce


ELE ting R
VAT oom
Gue S Spe

st R cial

9th Street
ty R
ELE esta
VAT Patio

OR ura
S nt
Lobby Level

Lobby Lounge



Gift Shop


L Street Entrance/Group Bus Pick Up/Drop Off

Meeting Room Level 1

Back of House


Catholic ESC

Gallaudet S ELE

VAT American





Meeting Room Level 2 Access to Concourse to Convention Center

k of
Salon Loading
7 Dock (4)

Oversized Dock/
Salon Loading Dock
8 Entrance

9 Marquis Ballroom
Salon Salon

6 4
Salon 3
12 Salon STAIRWAY Access to the
Salon 1 Concourse to Water E.
Washington Convention
Salon Center
14 Salon


Salon Reg
16 Salon

Meeting Room Level 3

Back of House

tia Cap
Hill tol

OR ra
S Nor gut
th Eas
Mar tern
ket Gall
Pla ery
ce L’en
Pla fant
za Wo
ESC o Dupont
Ledroit A L Par dly Circle
Park ATO k
Judiciary RS ELE
Square VAT Adams
OR Morgan
Mount Penn
Vernon Quarter


Meeting Room Level 4


Back of Office

Salon Bac
k of
P Salon Hou
Salon Salon
G Salon
Salon F
Senate L
Salon E
K Salon
J Salon Salon
C Salon
B Salon
Inde A
Congress Coat den


Mint Check

Treasury ESC


Second Floor

er D
Bal ahlia

ELE sett
9th ue
Gue Gue
stro stro
oms om
Business s


n to
Back of

ow House rq
Sui uis
Holly te


Suckle Garden Rose
Foyer Garden
Second Level Foyer








Back of House

L Street
Second Floor

Salon 3



Salon 2

Salon 1




Open To

South Lobby


Ready Room

Board Room

Third Floor

Fitness Center

Elev. Lobby
Capitol Hill


Penn Quarter

Ballroom Level
Audio Visual

Grand Ballroom Pre-function

Elev. Lobby

Salon D Salon C Salon B Salon A Office

Salon E London
Group Center


South Lobby

Ballroom Room Level

Meeting Planner
Ready Room Offices
Capitol Pre-Function

Pre-Function Renaissance
Renaissance Ballroom
B West A




Grand Registration
VIP Fedx &
Holding Room Business

Operations Office

Pre-Function Grand Ballroom

Meeting Planner
Grand Ballroom

Grand Central

Grand South

Grand North


A/V Office

Pre-Function Congressional Lafayette
Grand Ballroom


Pre-Function Congressional Hall

Pre-Function Congressional Hall


Congressional Hall



Meeting Room Level

9 8

11 10



13 5



Mount Vernon STAIRS



Living Room Level

Studio II



Lower Level



Water Closet
Great Room


Roof Level


Water ELEVATORS Pov Lounge

Altitude Closet

Pov Terrace

Street Level
Mount Vernon Place
Taxis Taxis


Carry Entrance
Exhibitor Hand
Open to Below Open to Below




Salon F To Hall A

Grand Lobby
Via Concourse

Salon E
Salon D

Prefunction STAIRS / ESCALATORS Prefunction

To Halls D, E

Salon H


Salon B
ACS Operations


Salon I
Salon C

Open to


Salon G
Salon A

and Exhibition

ELEVATORS Registration


Room Room Room Room Room

STAIRS 101 102A 102B 103A 103B
South Lobby
L Street

Concourse Concourse

Shuttle Buses Shuttle Buses




Shuttle Buses Shuttle Buses

To Hall B Via Concourse

North Lobby

L Street

Room L Street Bridge

Room Room STAIRS

140B 140A Room


Room 156
142 MS4

Room Room

143A 157
145A Room
STAIRS Room 146A Room
143B 158A

Room Room Room

143C 145B 158B


Room Room
144A Room 159A
7th Street

9th Street


STAIRS Room Room

144B Room 159B
STAIRS Room 146C
Room Room
144C 160
Open to Below
To Halls B,C Via Concourse

Room Room Room Room Room Room
149B 149A 148 153 154A 154B

Concourse Up tp Hall E



Room Room Room Room Room Room


150A 150B 151A 151B 152A 152B


M Hall D&E Above M
Street Street

Ballroom Level

Room Room Room
303 302 301



Low Ceiling E SP1


L Street,
Ballroom C


South Pre-Function
Ballroom Foyer

Ballroom B

Open to

Ballroom A
Service Corrider

L Street,


Low Ceiling Open to



Room Room Room



306 305 304

M Street,

Above 7th Street, Above L Street, Above


Hall C Hall B Hall A

Below Below Below

N Street, Above
Mount Vernon Place, Above

Downtown Food District Food Outlets (6)

Down to Hall C Down to Hall C Down to Hall B Down to Hall A


Halls A, B & C



Show Office

Show Office Show Office

Rotunda ESCALATORS Up to Street Up to

To Halls Concourse C Concourse B Rotunda Concourse A Rotunda Lobby

A 9th Street Atrium A STAIRS

Down to
Lower Dock

M Street, 9th Street, Above L Street,

Above Above
Halls D&E
Mount Vernon
Place, Below




Open to

Concourse Concourse
Grand Lobby Bridge

Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room

203A 208A 207B 207A 206

201 202A 202B

Open to Below
Room Room
203B 208B
STAIRS Service Corridor

Room Room Room Room Room Room
204C 204B 204A ESCALATOR 209A 209B 209C
Room Room
205 210

Concourse Concourse

Open to
Open to


L Street, L Street,
Below Below
L Street,

Food Outlet

Open to
Up Town



Hall D

The Food


House Dock 65 EXIT

House Dock 64


Truck Ramp

9th Street, Below




Loading Docks

Open to Below


Hall D

Compactor 54
Compactor 53




Hall E

Airwall Storage

Truck Ramp

Hall E



Ceiling 30’

Down to Hall C Via Concourse




Ceiling 30’



The Food

Up to




N N Street,

Ballroom Level

National Ballroom

West East
Room C B A Room

Stratford Hall Ballroom Foyer


ESCALATOR House Phones

Ballroom Level Banquet/

Audio To Monticello
Visual Level


Monticello West

Monticello East

Coat House
Check Phone


Stairs to Ballroom Level

Upper Mezzanine

Belle Air ACS
Room Operations



Restaurant / Bar ELEVATORS

Lower Mezzanine


North Ashlawn

Satellite Registration
Onsite Program Purchase & Pickup

Prefer a Printed Onsite Program?

Saturday August 19 3-6 PM
Sunday August 20 7:30 AM - 7:30 PM
Monday August 21 7:30 AM - 9 PM
Tuesday August 22 7:30 AM - 5 PM
(Hours subject to change according to traffic flow)
Registration & Program Purchase & Pickup available at the
Walter E. Washignton Convention Center during the standard schedule.
Credit cards, debit cards, checks and cash accepted.
In support of the ACS’s sustainability efforts, we encourage our meeting
attendees to download the ACS Washington, DC mobile app or access the
ACS Washington, DC Digital Meeting Program with Author Index.

A. Deshpande, P. CATL 241 Abou El Azm, N. CARB 33 Adamson, D.H. PMSE 625
Aakamatsu, M. COLL 25 Aboulatta, A. ENFL 197 Adamson, N. ORGN 312
Ab, O. MEDI 157 Aboulatta, A. ENFL 198 Adas, S.K. INOR 560
Abada, E. INOR 954 Abousamra, W. POLY 466 Adcock, A.K. INOR 251
Abadin, H. ENVR 419 Abousamra, W. POLY 732 Adcock, A.K. INOR 514
Abagyan, R. ENVR 353 AbouZeid, K.M. PHYS 487 Addepalli, B. TOXI 107
Abakumov, A.M. CATL 84 AbouZeid, K.M. PHYS 495 Addison, B. AGFD 21
Abarca, C. COLL 11 Abraham, K.M. SCHB 26 Addo-Mensah, A.K. ENVR 437
Abbasi, A. COLL 361 Abraham, N.S. COMP 335 Adedapo, A. ENVR 497
Abbaspourrad, A. COLL 159 Abraham, N.S. PHYS 462 Adedapo, A. ENVR 524
Abbatangelo, J. ENVR 441 Abrahamsson, M. INOR 116 Adedapo, A. ENVR 526
Abbatt, J.P. ENVR 236 Ab Rahim, M. CATL 150 Adelfinskaya, Y. AGRO 131
Abbina, S. COLL 368 Abrams, C.F. COMP 153 Adelfinskaya, Y. AGRO 385
Abbo, B.G. ANYL 382 Abrams, C.B. CHED 314 Adelfinskaya, Y.A. AGRO 135
Abbott, E. NUCL 68 Abrams, R. MEDI 183 Adelfinskaya, Y.A. AGRO 194
Abbott, N.L. COLL 421 Abrecht, D. NUCL 80 Adelfinskaya, Y.A. AGRO 225
Abbott-Lyon, H.L. PHYS 497 Abreu, C. POLY 385 Adel-Hadadi, M. I&EC 31
Abboud, K.A. INOR 75 Abreu, C. POLY 623 Adelizzi, B. ORGN 504
Abboud, K.A. INOR 932 Abreu, S. ORGN 598 Adelman, D. ENVR 275
Abboud, K.A. ORGN 46 Abrha, Y.W. ENVR 154 Adem, Y. ANYL 54
Abboud, K.A. ORGN 558 Abrokwah, R. CATL 117 Adeniyi, A. ENVR 70
Abboud, K.A. ORGN 696 Abruna, H.D. INOR 475 Adeniyi, A.R. ENVR 71
Abdalrahman, M. NUCL 15 Abshear, T. CINF 3 Adenuga, A.A. ANYL 97
Abdel-Fattah, T.M. ENFL 197 Abstiens, K. PMSE 339 Adetule, O.O. ENVR 360
Abdel-Fattah, T.M. ENFL 198 Abubeker, S. AGRO 169 Adhikari, N.M. COLL 463
Abdel-Fattah, T.M. ENFL 199 Abucayon, E.G. INOR 697 Adhikari, N.M. COLL 518
Abdel-Fattah, T.M. ENFL 200 Aburto, L.D. POLY 755 Adhikari, N.M. POLY 678
Abdelmohsen, L. POLY 256 Acar, H. AEI 82 Adhikari, R. CATL 128
Abdelrasool, M.K. PMSE 361 Acar, H. PMSE 192 Adhikari, R. POLY 28
AbdelRasoul, M. ANYL 84 Acevedo, O. COMP 203 Adhikari, R. ORGN 408
Abdelsayed, V. ENFL 127 Acevedo, O. COMP 205 Adikari Appuhamillage, G. PMSE 240
Abdelsayed, V. ENFL 252 Acevedo, O. COMP 214 Adili, R. COLL 367
Abdel-Wahab, A. ENVR 145 Acevedo, O. COMP 316 Aditya, T. CATL 63
Abdel-Wahab, A. ENVR 404 Acevedo, R. COMP 349 Adler, M.J. AEI 71
Abdi, F. COLL 537 Acha, M. PHYS 249 Adler, M.J. ORGN 126
Abdilla, A. POLY 233 Achanta, P. MEDI 354 Adler, M.J. ORGN 130
Abdolmaleki, M. INOR 348 Acharya, K. ENVR 5 Adriazola, C. AGFD 82
Abdolmohammadi, S. POLY 197 Acharya, L. AGRO 179 Adrio, L. ORGN 14
Abdolvahabi, A. BIOL 87 Acharyya, K. PHYS 205 Aduba, D.C. PMSE 218
Abdolvahabi, A. BIOL 92 Achee, N. AGRO 392 Adusumilli, H. AGRO 55
Abdou, H. INOR 669 Achee, T. COLL 464 Adzic, R.R. ENFL 34
Abdul-Azeem, H. ANYL 171 Achey, D.C. COLL 169 Aebly, A.H. AEI 60
Abdulkadir, A.D. INOR 281 Achimovich, A. BIOL 47 Aebly, A.H. ORGN 149
Abdulrahman, L. MEDI 344 Acik, M. ENFL 9 Afonin, Y.D. INOR 525
Abdulrahman, L. MEDI 312 Ackerman, D.L. CARB 5 Afzal, M.F. CINF 37
Abdulramoni, S.A. ANYL 96 Ackerman, L.K. AGFD 77 Afzal, M.F. COMP 169
Abdulrheem, A. AGRO 89 Ackerman, L.K. AGFD 133 Afzal, M.F. COMP 170
Abdul Salam, S. TOXI 12 Ackerman, L.K. AGFD 213 Aga, D.S. AGRO 88
Abdur-Rashid, K. CATL 331 Ackerman, L.K. AGFD 237 Aga, D.S. AGRO 345
Abdur-Rashid, K. INOR 150 Ackerman, L.K. ANYL 91 Agah, M. ANYL 378
Abe, Y. AGFD 106 Ackermann, M. CHED 167 Agar, J.N. ANYL 429
Abel, B. POLY 260 Acosta Amado, R. AGRO 317 Agar, N.Y. ANYL 429
Abel, B. POLY 429 Acree, T.E. AGFD 2 Agarabi, C. ANYL 187
Abel, P.B. COLL 607 Acree, T.E. AGFD 88 Agarwal, M. CATL 388
Abell, C. MEDI 223 Acree, T.E. AGFD 89 Agarwal, M. ENFL 134
Abell, L.M. MEDI 73 Acrey, B. ENVR 411 Agarwal, P. ENFL 248
Abend, M. PMSE 8 Adachi, Y. ANYL 284 Agarwal, P. ENFL 407
Abendroth, J.M. COLL 179 Adam, D. CATL 220 Agblevor, F.A. CATL 53
Abergel, R.J. NUCL 54 Adam, S.M. INOR 722 Agbo, J.K. COMP 181
Abetz, C. PMSE 636 Adam, S.M. INOR 723 Aggarwal, I. COLL 526
Abetz, V. PMSE 27 Adamek, R. MEDI 341 Aggarwal, S. ENVR 468
Abetz, V. PMSE 636 Adams, D. INOR 101 Aghazada, S. INOR 763
Abeyasinghe, N. PHYS 143 Adams, D. ORGN 479 Agles, A. ENVR 143
Abeyawardhane, D.L. INOR 417 Adams, J. AGRO 27 Agnew, H.D. BIOL 43
Abeywickrama, C.S. ORGN 88 Adams, K.M. CARB 88 Agramonte, N.M. AGRO 309
Abii, T.A. ANYL 67 Adams, M.W. CATL 219 Agrawal, A. ENVR 79
Abney, C.W. I&EC 5 Adams, M.W. CATL 224 Agrawal, N. COLL 407
Abney, C.W. I&EC 18 Adams, M.S. BIOL 71 Agtuca, B. ANYL 430
Abney, K.K. MEDI 75 Adams, R.D. INOR 725 Aguado, B. PMSE 469
Aboalroub, A. BIOL 80 Adams, T. ENFL 449 Agudelo, J. ANYL 70
Abokifa, A.A. COMP 17 Adams, T. POLY 190 Agudelo, J. ANYL 71
Abolhasani, M. COLL 564 Adamson, D.H. COLL 530 Agudelo, J. ANYL 77
Aboody, K. COLL 28 Adamson, D.H. ENFL 265 Agudelo, J. ANYL 78


Agudelo, J. ANYL 169 Akeroyd, N. COLL 436 Albrecht-Schmitt, T.E. NUCL 38

Aguiar, L. ENVR 384 Akhade, S. CATL 171 Albrecht-Schmitt, T.E. NUCL 39
Aguiar, P. COLL 622 Akhade, S. CATL 174 Albrecht-Schmitt, T.E. NUCL 41
Aguilar, A. MEDI 323 Akhade, S. ENVR 94 Albrecht-Schmitt, T.E. NUCL 52
Aguilar, W.G. MEDI 194 Akhade, S. PHYS 265 Albrecht-Schmitt, T.E. NUCL 53
Aguilar-Romero, J.E. CHED 227 Akhmedov, N. INOR 264 Albrecht-Schmitt, T.E. NUCL 61
Aguiluz Ramirez, E. ORGN 318 Akhmedov, N. ORGN 424 Albright, V. PMSE 372
Agyemeng, S. CHED 261 Akhtar, M.N. CATL 292 Albright, V. PMSE 459
Ahalawat, N. COMP 110 Akhtar, R. COLL 82 Albright, V. PMSE 520
Aharoni, H. POLY 645 Akinboye, E.S. MEDI 113 Albright, V.C. AGRO 3
Aher, A. ENVR 282 Akinboye, E.S. MEDI 312 Aldakheel, A. CATL 328
Ahlquist, M.S. ORGN 260 Akinlua, A. GEOC 21 Alden, E. CHED 403
Ahlquist, M.S. INOR 903 Akinmusire, T.O. CARB 25 Alden, R. AGRO 217
Ahmad, E. CATL 445 Akinmusire, T.O. CATL 335 Alden, S. MEDI 12
Ahmad, F. ENVR 259 Akinmusire, T.O. COMP 179 Alder, B.J. PHYS 125
Ahmad, O.K. TOXI 34 Akins, R.E. PMSE 226 Alder, N. COMP 168
Ahmad, R. CHED 193 Akiva, E. PHYS 90 Alderman, N. ENFL 351
Ahmadibeni, Y. AGFD 74 Akiyama, E. PHYS 259 Alderman, N. ENFL 400
Ahmed, B. INOR 491 Akiyama, T. MEDI 265 Aldrey-Vazquez, J. COLL 622
Ahmed, B. INOR 863 Akiyama, Y. COLL 485 Aldrich, A. ANYL 69
Ahmed, F. ORGN 600 Akkutlu, I. GEOC 23 Aldrich, C.C. MEDI 325
Ahmed, I. PMSE 463 Akl, M. PMSE 479 Aldrich, K. INOR 10
Ahmed, I. PMSE 567 Akoka, S. AGFD 193 Aldrich, L.N. CHED 249
Ahmed, K. MEDI 138 Akpatsu, D. PMSE 331 Aldrich, L.N. ORGN 404
Ahmed, R. POLY 342 Akrach, M. PMSE 532 Aldridge, A. YCC 11
Ahmed, S. CHED 16 Akre, C. AGRO 49 Aldworth, J. AGRO 255
Ahmed, S. CHED 196 Aksan, A. ENVR 367 Aldworth, J. AGRO 285
Ahmed, S. AGFD 254 Aktas, S. PMSE 441 Al Easa, H.S. ANYL 84
Ahmed, Z. COMP 401 Akter, N. COLL 589 Alemany, P. PHYS 363
Ahmed Isse, A. POLY 7 Akter, R. ANYL 234 Aleo, L. CHED 132
Ahmed Isse, A. POLY 387 Al.Ahmadi, A.F. POLY 534 Alexander, J.N. ANYL 327
Ahn, J. COLL 373 Alabdullah, B. MEDI 350 Alexander, M. CINF 100
Ahn, K. MEDI 258 Alabdulrahman, A. CATL 109 Alexander, N. ORGN 88
Ahn, K. AGRO 331 Al-Abed, S.R. ENVR 159 Alexander, N. POLY 454
Ahn, S. PMSE 374 Alabi, C.A. PMSE 252 Alexander, T.A. ANYL 286
Ahn, Y. ENVR 154 Alabi, T. BIOL 47 Alexandratos, S. I&EC 11
Ahn, Y. BIOL 37 Alabugin, I. ORGN 67 Alexandratos, S. MPPG 8
Ahn, Y. BIOL 61 Alahakoon, S.B. PMSE 342 Alexandridis, P. COLL 23
Ahonen, M.R. PMSE 340 Alam, I. ENVR 61 Alexandrov, V. COMP 373
Ahrenholtz, S. INOR 817 Alam, M. ORGN 256 Alexandrova, A. CATL 64
Ahuja, J. AGFD 108 Alam, M.R. COLL 486 Alexandrova, A. CATL 371
Ahuja, S. ORGN 189 Alam, M. CATL 388 Alexandrova, A. PHYS 282
Ahuja, S. ENVR 245 Alam, M. CATL 445 Alexis, F. ANYL 208
Ahuja, S. ENVR 246 Alam, R. ENVR 252 Alexov, E. COLL 199
Ai, B. AGFD 118 Alam, R. ORGN 492 Alexov, E. COMP 60
Ai, H. TOXI 4 Alam, R. ORGN 637 Alexov, E. COMP 105
Ai, Y. MEDI 64 Alamillo, R. INOR 506 Alfieri, J. AGRO 347
Aida, T. POLY 573 Alamoudi, K. COLL 104 Alfonso, D. CATL 11
Aikens, C.M. COMP 140 Alamoudi, K. COLL 229 Alford, A. PMSE 393
Ailer, F. CINF 88 Alamoudi, K. COLL 165 Alford, V. MEDI 107
Aimola, T.J. CATL 326 Al-Ani, A. ENFL 443 Algar, W.R. COLL 487
Aimola, T.J. CATL 327 Alarcon, R.T. POLY 467 Algarin, N. AGRO 327
Ainembabazi, D. CATL 61 Alashkar, F. CHED 141 Alger, M. CHED 22
Aiona, P. ENVR 195 Alasmary, F.A. MEDI 81 Al-Ghizzi, A.G. PMSE 424
Airapetian, V. POLY 681 Alastrue-Agudo, A. COLL 371 Algso, M. ORGN 513
Airs, P.M. AGRO 205 Alattas, E.M. PMSE 343 AlGunid, N. ANYL 351
Aizawa, M. PMSE 588 Alazemi, A. POLY 614 Al Hakim, S. ENVR 111
Aizawa, M. PMSE 341 Alazmi, A. ENFL 380 Al-Hamashi, A. MEDI 321
Aizenberg, J. CATL 367 Albanese, C. COLL 623 Alharbi, M. BIOL 69
Aizenberg, J. COLL 8 Albanese, C. INOR 472 Alharbi, M. PHYS 592
Aizenberg, J. COLL 87 Albarracin, J. ENFL 73 Alhasan, A.H. ANYL 326
Aizenberg, J. MPPG 21 Alberding, B.G. COLL 587 Alhunit, M.H. ORGN 232
Aizenberg, J. ORGN 245 Albert, L. ENVR 295 Ali, A. AGRO 314
Aizenberg, J. POLY 157 Albert, L. ENVR 565 Ali, A. MEDI 134
Aizenberg, J. POLY 648 Albertelli, T. CHED 167 Ali, A. MEDI 221
Aizenberg, M. COLL 548 Alberti, R. ANYL 228 Ali, A. MEDI 225
Ajala, A.O. PHYS 595 Alberts, E. AEI 89 Ali, H. GEOC 22
Ajamian, A. MEDI 49 Alberts, E. PMSE 431 Ali, H. GEOC 26
Ajamian, A. MEDI 189 Albietz, C. AGFD 88 Ali, K. ORGN 392
Ajemigbitse, M. GEOC 13 Albin, S. INOR 131 Ali, M.M. INOR 667
Aji, L. PMSE 122 Albin, T.J. COLL 450 Ali, M.O. CHED 244
Ajibola, A.A. INOR 929 Albitz, E.E. INOR 227 Ali, M.O. INOR 538
Ajjan, C. COLL 167 Alborn, H. AGRO 72 Ali, M.O. INOR 921
Akahoshi, A. MEDI 196 Albrecht-Schmitt, T.E. CATL 134 Ali, S. PMSE 105
Akalonu, G. PMSE 549 Albrecht-Schmitt, T.E. INOR 539 Ali, S. NUCL 78
Akamatsu, N. PMSE 588 Albrecht-Schmitt, T.E. INOR 640 Ali, S. NUCL 5
Akanda, N. CHED 203 Albrecht-Schmitt, T.E. INOR 641 Ali, S. PMSE 122
Akano, I. CHED 260 Albrecht-Schmitt, T.E. INOR 642 Ali, Y. AGRO 312
Akbar Zadeh, K. ENFL 472 Albrecht-Schmitt, T.E. NUCL 17 Alibegovic, K. ENFL 295
Akehi, M. MEDI 196 Albrecht-Schmitt, T.E. NUCL 22 Alimard, P. INOR 653

310 –AUTH
Alivisatos, P. MPPG 11 Alqahtani, Y. MEDI 145 Amaya, T. INOR 626
Alivisatos, P. PHYS 155 Alqurafi, M.A. MEDI 328 Ambrogi, E. CATL 13
Alizadeh, B.N. COLL 531 Al-Sabban, B. CATL 359 Ambulo, C. POLY 541
Aljhdli, M. ORGN 424 Alsaiari, H. ENFL 469 Ambulo, C. POLY 543
Alkan, B. AGFD 132 Alsaiari, H. ENFL 474 Ameduri, B.M. INOR 880
Al-Khouja, A. COLL 412 Alsaiari, H. GEOC 9 Ameduri, B.M. POLY 413
Al-Khouja, A. COLL 547 Alsaiari, S. COLL 104 Ameduri, B.M. POLY 415
Al-Khouja, A. ORGN 671 Al-Sayah, M. AGRO 191 Ameer, G.A. PMSE 229
Allais, C. ORGN 354 Alsbaiee, A. POLY 59 Ameloot, M. COLL 110
Allais, F. CATL 444 Alsbaiee, A. POLY 240 Am Ende, C. MEDI 249
Allais, F. COMP 174 Alshawabkeh, A. ENVR 281 Amezcua, F. CHED 200
Allais, F. POLY 629 Alshawabkeh, A. ENVR 328 Amine, K. ENFL 231
Allamandola, L.J. PHYS 1 Alshehri, I. POLY 128 Amine, K. ENFL 330
Allanore, A. I&EC 39 Alshehri, I. POLY 432 Amine, K. ENFL 479
Allbritton, N.L. ANYL 235 Al-Sheikhly, M. ENVR 346 Amir, F. POLY 322
Allcock, H.R. ENFL 39 Al-Sheikhly, M. I&EC 31 Ammal, S. CATL 65
Allcock, H.R. PMSE 46 Alston, J.R. COLL 604 Ammann, M. CATL 323
Allcock, H.R. PMSE 48 Alston, J.R. POLY 217 Ammann, M. ENVR 293
Allcock, H.R. PMSE 112 Alt, A. MEDI 358 Ammann, M. ENVR 556
Allcock, H.R. PMSE 168 Alt, J. MEDI 318 Ammirati, M. MEDI 63
Allcock, H.R. PMSE 170 Altabet, Y. PHYS 171 Amo-Kwao, G. PHYS 133
Allcock, H.R. PMSE 171 Altaf, A. CATL 464 Amorim, S.S. AGRO 316
Allcock, H.R. POLY 606 Altaf, A. COLL 593 Amos, H. YCC 15
Allec, S. COMP 145 Altaf, A. MEDI 168 Amos, J. AGRO 287
Allec, S. PHYS 78 Altahan, O. COLL 289 Amos, J. AGRO 378
Alleman, J. CATL 452 Al-Taie, I. ENFL 474 Ampadu Boateng, D. PHYS 567
Allen, A. INOR 486 Altalhi, A. POLY 494 Amselem, S. YCC 2
Allen, A. ENVR 523 Al-Tall, N. AGRO 299 Amsler, M. PHYS 318
Allen, B. ORGN 307 Altamirano, J. MEDI 170 Amsler, M. WCC 1
Allen, C.R. COMP 346 Althafh Hussain, M.H. ORGN 695 Amundsen, T. ENVR 93
Allen, H.C. ENVR 528 Althaus, S. ENFL 422 Amy, B. ENVR 307
Allen, J.A. MEDI 278 Altieri, A. AGRO 114 An, J. TOXI 58
Allen, K.N. ORGN 467 Altieri, A. AGRO 147 An, B. CATL 315
Allen, K.N. PHYS 40 Altieri, I. CHED 177 An, H. INOR 248
Allen, K. INOR 325 Altin, B. COLL 245 An, J. GEOC 19
Allen, K. INOR 239 Altiti, A.S. ORGN 392 An, J. INOR 290
Allen, M.A. COLL 349 Altmaier, M. ENVR 230 An, Q. INOR 282
Allen, M.A. ENFL 305 Altmaier, M. ENVR 412 An, S. BIOL 51
Allen, M.A. INOR 456 Altmaier, M. NUCL 17 An, S. BIOL 81
Allen, M.P. MEDI 269 Altun, B. ANYL 56 An, T. ENVR 108
Allen, M. ENVR 135 Altuntas, S. BIOL 176 An, Y. ANYL 281
Allen, R. AGRO 271 Alva, G. COLL 21 An, Y. COMP 41
Allen, S. ENVR 251 Alvarado-Tenorio, B. PMSE 382 An, Y. PMSE 31
Allen, W.J. COMP 265 Alvarez, F.M. ENVR 390 Anaemejeh, C. CHED 304
Allen, W.J. COMP 319 Alvarez, J.C. ANYL 160 Anagnostopoulos, V. ENVR 413
Allendorf, M. CATL 413 Alvarez, J.C. ANYL 230 Anake, W.U. ENVR 100
Allendorf, M. PHYS 538 Alvarez, N. COLL 413 Anake, W.U. ENVR 497
Allingham, J.S. ORGN 207 Alvarez, P.J. ENVR 36 Anake, W.U. ENVR 524
Alliod, C. COMP 339 Alvarez, S. PHYS 115 Anake, W.U. ENVR 525
Allison, B.D. ORGN 92 Alvarez-Dorta, D. CARB 16 Anake, W.U. ENVR 526
Allison, T. COMP 363 Alverdy, J.C. PMSE 478 Ananikov, V. INOR 848
Allison, T.C. CATL 387 Alves de Matos, A. CARB 28 Ananikov, V. ORGN 490
Allison, T. PHYS 537 Alvey, M. ENFL 276 Ananta, S. COLL 210
Allmon, S. COLL 616 Alwaseem, H. ORGN 83 Ananth, N. PHYS 553
Allmon, S. COLL 258 Alwattar, A. ORGN 425 Ananth, R. POLY 459
Allushi, A. POLY 61 Alwohaibi, M. CELL 33 Ananthan, S. MEDI 102
Almalki, F. CATL 441 Aly, Y. I&EC 59 Ananthapadmanabhan, K. COLL 319
Almallahi, R. POLY 632 Alyahya, S. ORGN 577 Anantpadma, M. MEDI 197
Almanza, E.M. CHED 235 Al Yahyaei, B. MEDI 274 Anastasaki, A. POLY 65
Almanza, E.M. INOR 924 Alzahrani, N. MEDI 310 Anastasaki, A. POLY 126
Almanza-Pérez, J. MEDI 151 Alzate Sanchez, D.M. PMSE 575 Anastasio, N.C. MEDI 278
Al-Mashat, H. ENVR 532 Alzobaidi, S. COLL 389 Anayee, M. PMSE 530
Al-Masum, M. ORGN 577 Al-Zubaidi, H.A. ENVR 358 Anbukarasu, P. POLY 503
Almatarneh, M. COMP 401 Al-Zubaidi, H.A. AEI 13 Anchell, J. CATL 430
Al-Megren, H. PHYS 357 Amada, H. MEDI 125 Anderluh, M. CARB 17
Almeida, N. PMSE 140 Amaker, D. ORGN 418 Anders, S. PMSE 344
Almutairi, A. COLL 264 Amalfitano, E. ANYL 332 Anders, S. POLY 610
Almutairi, A. PMSE 507 Amama, P. ENFL 477 Andersen, A. CATL 277
Almutiri, A. INOR 766 Amamiya, K. ANYL 80 Andersen, E. CATL 422
Alnasser, F. PHYS 381 Amani, J. ORGN 637 Andersen, H. ENVR 478
Alocilja, E.C. AGFD 275 Amaral, D. ENVR 256 Andersen, J.M. ORGN 112
Alocilja, E.C. AGFD 276 Amaral, M. COMP 63 Andersen, M. BIOL 124
Alonso, J. ENFL 258 Amarante, D. INOR 573 Andersen, R.J. ORGN 386
Alonso-Mori, R. INOR 87 Amarasekarage, C.M. ORGN 413 Andersen, W. AGRO 48
A Lopez-Ruiz, J. CATL 171 Amarasiriwardena, D.D. ANYL 311 Anderson, A. BIOL 41
Alpert, A.J. ANYL 407 Amaravadi, R. ORGN 210 Anderson, A. PMSE 345
Alpert, P.A. ENVR 550 Amariei, F. ANYL 339 Anderson, B. INOR 627
Alpert, P.A. ENVR 556 Amasha, M. ANYL 92 Anderson, C.F. PMSE 346
Alqahtani, D. ENFL 242 Amato, D. POLY 707 Anderson, C.M. BIOL 27
Alqahtani, F. INOR 531 Amato, D. POLY 707 Anderson, C.M. INOR 263


Anderson, D.G. WCC 2 Ang, S. I&EC 35 Apkarian, V.A. PHYS 100

Anderson, E. MEDI 23 Angel, D. PMSE 616 Aponte, V. ENVR 564
Anderson, E. COLL 182 Angelaud, R. ORGN 40 Appel, A.M. INOR 433
Anderson, E. COLL 266 Angeles, A.R. ORGN 315 Appel, M. INOR 799
Anderson, G.P. ANYL 131 Angeles Boza, A.M. INOR 464 Appelhans, D. COLL 568
Anderson, J.C. POLY 428 Angeles Boza, A.M. INOR 910 Appelhans, D. POLY 27
Anderson, J. ENVR 87 Angeles Boza, A.M. MEDI 298 Appell, M. AGFD 45
Anderson, J.P. CHED 384 Angeles Boza, A.M. PHYS 578 Appella, D.H. ANYL 126
Anderson, J.S. INOR 940 Angeles Boza, A.M. POLY 24 Appella, D.H. ORGN 401
Anderson, K. CHED 128 Angelini, T.E. PMSE 544 Appella, D.H. ORGN 415
Anderson, K.E. COMP 184 Angell, C. INOR 121 Applegate, G.A. ORGN 274
Anderson, K.A. ENVR 279 Angelotti, B. ENVR 152 Applegate, G.A. ORGN 421
Anderson, L.E. POLY 106 Angelotti, B. ENVR 563 Applegate, J.C. INOR 47
Anderson, L. BIOL 129 Anger, M.L. INOR 247 Appulage, D.K. ANYL 270
Anderson, L. PMSE 329 Angevine, C. ANYL 151 Aprahamian, M.L. PHYS 320
Anderson, L. POLY 433 Angjelo, K. CHAS 5 Apsokardu, M.J. ENVR 339
Anderson, M.E. COLL 180 Angjelo, K. CHAS 25 Apul, O. ENVR 169
Anderson, M.E. COLL 287 Angjelo, K. CHAS 30 Aqad, E. ORGN 506
Anderson, M.E. COLL 288 Angjelo, K. CHAS 40 Åqvist, J. PHYS 283
Anderson, M.E. INOR 62 Angrand, G. PHYS 203 Arabnejad, H. PHYS 144
Anderson, M.E. INOR 129 Angulo, A. ENVR 273 Arachchige, I.U. COLL 77
Anderson, M.E. INOR 277 Anisimov, M.A. COMP 18 Arachchige, I.U. COLL 254
Anderson, M. AGRO 218 Anisimov, M.A. PHYS 20 Arachchige, I.U. INOR 657
Anderson, M. ENFL 188 Anjum, D. COLL 104 Arachchige, I.U. INOR 661
Anderson, N.C. CATL 127 Anjum, U. ENFL 134 Arachchige, I.U. INOR 779
Anderson, N.C. INOR 777 Anker, J.N. ANYL 208 Arachchige, I.U. INOR 786
Anderson, N.H. INOR 468 Anker, J.N. COLL 613 Aragón-Quiroz, J.A. ENFL 444
Anderson, R. COLL 21 Anker, J.N. INOR 919 Arai, R. ENFL 189
Anderson, R.G. HIST 7 Ankner, J. PMSE 319 Arakawa, Y. ENFL 63
Anderson, R. AGRO 217 Ankner, J. PMSE 393 Araki, T. COMP 371
Anderson, R.L. TOXI 42 Ankner, J. PMSE 421 Aramburo, S. COLL 28
Anderson, S. ANYL 140 Ankner, J. PMSE 494 Araneda, J.F. I&EC 43
Anderson, T.J. INOR 513 Anmangandla, A. PHYS 499 Arangio, A. ENVR 550
Anderson, T.D. AGRO 101 Anna, J.M. INOR 364 Aranibar, N. MEDI 7
Anderson, T.D. AGRO 104 Anna, J.M. INOR 398 Arashiro, M. ENVR 189
Anderson, T.D. AGRO 172 Anna, S.L. COLL 342 Arata, C. BIOL 187
Anderson, T.D. AGRO 206 Annamalai, P. PMSE 234 Aravamudhan, S. CATL 117
Anderson, T.D. AGRO 294 Annamalai, P. PMSE 471 Araya-Duran, I.D. POLY 745
Anderson, W.F. MEDI 271 Annangudi, S. AGFD 151 Arbabi, A. AEI 73
Andersone, A. MEDI 75 Annett, H. NUCL 48 Arbabi, E. AEI 73
Andersson, M. BIOL 140 Ansari, M. AGRO 264 Arbaugh, B.M. AGFD 8
Andersson, M.G. PMSE 618 Ansari, N.H. ORGN 101 Arboleda, C. COLL 264
Anderton, A.M. PHYS 377 Anselme, K. POLY 610 Arce, W. ORGN 658
Anderton, C.R. ANYL 430 Anseth, K.S. CHED 332 Archer, K.E. MEDI 157
Andler, S. COLL 411 Anseth, K.S. PMSE 4 Archer, L.A. ENFL 278
Ando, H. COLL 531 Anseth, K.S. PMSE 469 Archer, L.A. ENFL 284
Andolina, C.M. COLL 375 Anslyn, E.V. PMSE 10 Archer, M. COLL 488
Andrade, R.B. ORGN 314 Ansteatt, S. ORGN 633 Archevald-Cansobre, M. AGRO 202
Andrady, A.L. ENVR 411 Anthamatten, M.L. PMSE 353 Archevald-Cansobre, M. AGRO 303
Andreana, P.R. CARB 7 Anthamatten, M.L. PMSE 545 Arcidiacono, S. AGFD 36
Andreas, L. PHYS 342 Anthamatten, M.L. POLY 719 Arcidiacono, S. AGFD 50
Andreassi, J. AGRO 140 Anthony, A. PMSE 616 Ardejani, M. PMSE 256
Andreescu, D. ENVR 114 Anthony, J.E. I&EC 56 Arefeayne, Y. MEDI 173
Andreescu, E. AGFD 274 Anthony, N.J. MEDI 131 Arellano, N. PMSE 118
Andreescu, E. ANYL 42 Anthony, S. CHED 334 Arencibia, J.M. COMP 340
Andreescu, E. ENVR 114 Anthony, S. CHED 336 Arend, J. PHYS 406
Andreev, M. PMSE 320 Anthony, T. PHYS 451 Arepally, S. ORGN 56
Andresen, T.L. COLL 576 Antila, H.S. PMSE 202 Arevalo, R.L. CATL 148
Andrew, T.L. POLY 587 Antle, S. AGRO 89 Arguello, A. ORGN 411
Andrews, A.M. COLL 179 Antolinez, F.V. COLL 555 Arguien, M.N. COLL 615
Andrews, A.M. COLL 467 Antoniotti, S. AGFD 267 Arias, G. CATL 329
Andrews, A.M. INOR 98 Antonysamy, A. ANYL 151 Arias, G. CATL 338
Andrews, B.A. INOR 137 Antunes, A. TOXI 81 Arias-Rotondo, D.M. ORGN 366
Andrews, J.L. CATL 428 Antunes, A. TOXI 101 Arifuzzaman, M. ORGN 702
Andrews, K. AGFD 258 Antwi, F. ENVR 349 Arlt, V. TOXI 48
Andrews, R.S. AGRO 29 Anumol, T. ENVR 197 Armacost, K. COMP 355
Andrez, J. MEDI 252 Anwar, J. COMP 400 Armas, J. CHED 260
Andrez, J. MEDI 253 Anyanwu, C.P. ORGN 155 Armbrust, K.L. AGRO 75
Andrianov, A.K. PMSE 47 Ao, G. PHYS 504 Armbrust, K.L. AGRO 283
Andrianov, A.K. PMSE 111 Aoki, T. MEDI 175 Armbrust, K.L. AGRO 325
Andrianov, A.K. PMSE 169 Aonbangkhen, C. ORGN 209 Armbrust, K.L. AGRO 343
Andrianov, A.K. PMSE 493 Aoyagi, T. POLY 500 Armentrout, P.B. PHYS 371
Andrianov, A.K. PMSE 494 Aoyagi, T. POLY 499 Armes, S.P. COLL 409
Andrzejewski, D. AGFD 212 Aparicio, M. PMSE 549 Armes, S.P. PMSE 182
Andzelm, J. PHYS 27 Apblett, A.W. CATL 109 Armes, S.P. POLY 127
Andzelm, J. PMSE 152 Apblett, A.W. INOR 531 Armes, S.P. POLY 282
Aneksampant, A. AEI 29 Apblett, A.W. INOR 898 Armes, S.P. POLY 367
Anene, U.A. COMP 194 Apebende, E.A. POLY 538 Armes, S.P. POLY 423
Anex-Ries, Q. PMSE 541 Apeloig, Y. PHYS 57 Armes, S.P. POLY 424
Ang, S. MEDI 17 Apfel, U. CATL 220 Armes, S.P. POLY 671

Armes, S.P. POLY 769 Asandei, A.D. POLY 396 Audus, D. PMSE 262
Armetta, A.M. CHED 184 Asandei, A.D. POLY 122 Augelli-Szafran, C.E. COMP 216
Armetta, A.M. CHED 188 Asandei, A.D. POLY 397 Augelli-Szafran, C.E. MEDI 133
Armiñan, A. COLL 371 Asandei, A.D. POLY 398 Auguste, A. POLY 360
Armirotti, A. COMP 340 Asandei, A.D. POLY 399 Auguste, A. POLY 724
Armitage, J. ENVR 350 Asaoka, S. CATL 292 Auguste, A.D. POLY 580
Armstrong, L. ORGN 78 Asapu, S. ENVR 343 Auguste, A.D. POLY 581
Armstrong, R.D. CATL 150 Asayama, S. INOR 153 Auguste, A.D. POLY 647
Armstrong, R.D. CATL 211 Asefa, T.G. CATL 291 Auguste, A.D. POLY 767
Arnadottir, L. CATL 69 Asem, H. PMSE 41 Augustine, K.F. POLY 379
Arneson, A. MEDI 82 Asenath-Smith, E. CATL 13 Augustine, R.L. CATL 469
Arnett, S. MEDI 154 Asgari, P. ORGN 661 Aujard, I. BIOL 53
Arnold, A. ORGN 478 Asghar, F. COMP 287 Aulicka, M. CATL 161
Arnold, A. PMSE 236 Ash, D. ORGN 402 Aulin, Y. CATL 131
Arnold, J. AGRO 351 Ash, J. CINF 33 Aulin, Y. COLL 247
Arnold, L. MEDI 364 Ash, J. CINF 129 Ault, A.P. ANYL 386
Arnold, P.L. INOR 812 Ashby, J. AEI 2 Ault, A.P. ENVR 237
Arnold, W. ENVR 199 Ashby, M.T. CHED 43 Aung, E. CELL 19
Arnold, W. ENVR 201 Ashby, R. AGFD 230 Aurbach, D. ENFL 72
Arnold, W. ENVR 211 Ashby, R. POLY 200 Aurian-Blajeni, B. CHED 387
Arnold, W. ENVR 274 Ashcroft, N. PHYS 212 Aurori, K. ANYL 55
Arnold, W. ENVR 367 Ashcroft, N. PHYS 216 Austin, N. CATL 239
Arnold, W. I&EC 59 Ashfield, P. AGRO 20 Autefage, H. CINF 100
Arnot, J. ENVR 350 Ashiq, U. INOR 483 Autschbach, J. PHYS 229
Arnoult, E. MEDI 34 Ashkar, M. BIOL 93 Auxier, J. NUCL 8
Arnoult, E. MEDI 35 Ashkar, M. BIOL 101 Auxier, J.D. INOR 814
Aro, S.C. INOR 914 Ashkenasy, N. ORGN 475 Auxier, J.D. NUCL 12
Arogbokun, O. INOR 223 Ashley, D. INOR 167 Auxier, J.D. NUCL 84
Arokiyanathan, A. CATL 281 Ashley, D. INOR 623 Avalos, B. AGRO 240
Aronova, M. PMSE 210 Ashley, D. NUCL 69 Avan, I. CATL 324
Aronson, M. INOR 506 Ashraf, K. PMSE 75 Avci, F. CARB 10
Arora, S. ORGN 629 Ashraf, S. COLL 39 Avdalovic, J. ENVR 449
Arora, A. ORGN 373 Ashraf, M. BIOL 125 Avdeev, M. INOR 551
Arora, A. ORGN 375 Ashtekar, S. ENFL 472 Averick, S. POLY 492
Arora, A. ORGN 378 Ashush, N. ORGN 333 Averick, S. POLY 751
Arquero, K.D. ENVR 340 Ashush, N. ORGN 573 Averick, S. POLY 234
Arrecis, J.J. ANYL 252 Ashworth, D. AGRO 149 Aversa, G. INOR 821
Arredondo, J. POLY 335 Ashworth, D. AGRO 362 Avery, C.W. ENVR 182
Arriaga, L.R. COLL 344 Asim, S. PHYS 301 Aviyente, V. COMP 399
Arrington, C. POLY 315 Askar, S. PMSE 662 Avneri-Katz, S. ENVR 121
Arrington, C. POLY 518 Askim, J. ANYL 135 Avullala, T. ORGN 661
Arrington, C. POLY 774 Askleson, P. INOR 208 Awad, A. PHYS 404
Arrington, K.L. MEDI 192 Asokan, K. ANYL 385 Awad, A. PHYS 490
Arrington, K. POLY 763 Aspera, S.M. CATL 148 Awad, A. PHYS 491
Arriola, D. INOR 328 Aspuru-Guzik, A. MPPG 26 Awad, A. PHYS 453
Arroyo, P.C. ENVR 556 Aspuru-Guzik, A. MPPG 25 Awad, A. ENVR 280
Arshad, S. CATL 464 Asquith, C.R. MEDI 141 Awad, F.S. PHYS 495
Arslanoglu, J. ANYL 225 Assadi-Porter, F.M. AGFD 110 Awoonor-Williams, E. COMP 378
Arslanoglu, J. ANYL 254 Assary, R.S. CATL 192 Awwa, M. MEDI 107
Artes Vivancos, J. AEI 72 Assary, R.S. CATL 278 Axe, L. ENVR 125
Arthanari, H. PHYS 588 Astha, F. ORGN 105 Axe, L.B. ENVR 126
Arthur, A.Z. COLL 150 Asthagiri, A.R. CATL 155 Axford, L. MEDI 77
Arthur, E.L. AGRO 357 Asthagiri, A.R. CATL 342 Axson, J.L. ANYL 386
Arthur, R.B. INOR 373 Asthagiri, A.R. ENFL 126 Axson, J.L. ENVR 237
Arthur, R.B. ORGN 435 Aston, J.C. AGRO 271 Axtell, J. WCC 3
Arthur, T.S. CATL 227 Ataee-Esfahani, H. CATL 319 Ayalew, B. POLY 633
Artiglia, L. CATL 168 Atanassov, P.B. ENFL 121 Aydin, F. COLL 60
Artiglia, L. CATL 323 Atcitty, S. INOR 216 Aydogan, C. POLY 61
Arturo, S.G. COMP 241 Athas, J. POLY 574 Ayer, S. ORGN 367
Artz, J. CATL 219 Athens, G. COLL 4 Ayitou, A.J. ORGN 268
Artzi, N. COLL 97 Atieh, E.L. CHED 102 Ayivi, F. AGRO 158
Aruma, J. CHED 288 Atilgan, A. INOR 755 Aykac, S. POLY 61
Arumainayagam, C.R. CHED 232 Atilla-Gokcumen, G. AGRO 345 Ayres, N. PMSE 238
Arumainayagam, C.R. CHED 290 Atkinson, D. ANYL 97 Ayscue, R.L. INOR 514
Arumainayagam, C.R. PHYS 102 Atkinson, J. AGRO 58 Ayscue, R.L. INOR 520
Arumainayagam, M. CHED 232 Atlas, S. INOR 130 Aytac, Z. PMSE 666
Arumugam, S. I&EC 49 Atlas, S. INOR 132 Aytenfisu, A. CARB 90
Arunachalam, P. MEDI 25 Atlas, S.R. PHYS 133 Aytenfisu, A. COMP 202
Arvidson, K. CINF 43 Atlasevich, N. ANYL 225 Azam, H. ENFL 473
Arvidson, K. AGFD 87 Atsavapranee, B. POLY 738 Azam, S. BIOL 60
Arya, G. COLL 295 Atsavapranee, B.S. CHED 192 Azam Glasgow, A. PMSE 146
Arya, G. COMP 410 Atta, S. COLL 281 Azbill, N. INOR 577
Arya, G. ENVR 389 Attah, I.K. PHYS 452 Azer, M. NUCL 64
Aryal, S. COLL 143 Attanayake, N.H. ENFL 416 Azih, M.C. AGFD 125
Arzhantsev, S. ANYL 280 Attanayake, N.H. CATL 131 Azih, M.C. AGFD 126
Asa-Awuku, A. ENVR 190 Atwater, H. ANYL 145 Azih, M.C. AGFD 127
Asad, N. ORGN 139 Atwater, M. CATL 459 Azurmendi, H. CARB 92
Asahi, M. AGRO 308 Aubrey, M. INOR 828 Baalbaki, A. ANYL 92
Asai, M. NUCL 48 Auchampach, J. MEDI 45 Baalbaki, A. ENVR 111
Asakawa, N. PMSE 403 Auclair, J.R. ANYL 429 Babbitt, P.C. PHYS 90


Babcock, A. ENVR 303 Bah, A. INOR 904 Baker, R. INOR 601

Babcock, J.M. AGRO 385 Bahar, A.A. PHYS 578 Baker, T.M. INOR 170
Babcock, J.M. ORGN 472 Bahkmutov, V. INOR 63 Baker, T. INOR 771
Baber, A. COLL 136 Bahrami, M. PMSE 89 Bakhoda, A. INOR 588
Baber, A. COLL 151 Bahruji, H. CATL 211 Bakhoda, A. ORGN 667
Baber, A. COLL 284 Bahusetty, A. CATL 146 Bakhshi, P.R. ORGN 331
Baber, J.L. PHYS 288 Bai, B. COLL 142 Bakhshi, P.R. ORGN 449
Babu, V. ORGN 56 Bai, C. MEDI 157 Bakker, J. PHYS 6
Baca, A. POLY 720 Bai, C. PHYS 164 Bakker, M.G. POLY 475
Bachman, A.J. INOR 194 Bai, C. PHYS 515 Bakó, I. COMP 14
Bachman, R.E. ANYL 88 Bai, F. COMP 298 Bakr, B.W. COMP 318
Bachman, R.E. ANYL 227 Bai, H. POLY 542 Bakr, O.M. COLL 600
Bachman, R.E. INOR 194 Bai, J. INOR 509 Bakshi, R.P. COLL 65
Bachman, R.E. INOR 257 Bai, J. INOR 740 Bakthavatchalam, K. POLY 633
Bachman, R.E. INOR 570 Bai, L. ENFL 135 Bakthavatsalam, S. INOR 587
Bachmann, J. INOR 301 Bai, L. ANYL 327 Bakthavatsalam, S. INOR 796
Backlund, M.P. AEI 73 Bai, P. COMP 193 Balachandran, J. CATL 430
Backman, R. ENFL 23 Bai, Q. INOR 35 Balaich, G.J. POLY 638
Backman, R. ENFL 24 Bai, X. PMSE 500 Balakumar, R. CATL 435
Backus, E. PHYS 516 Bai, X. ENVR 5 Balasanthiran, V. INOR 737
Baczkowski, M.L. POLY 608 Baiardi, A. COMP 331 Balasanthiran, V. INOR 881
Badange, R.K. MEDI 95 Baier, G. BIOL 151 Balasubramanian, A. CATL 281
Badange, R.K. MEDI 354 Baier, G. BIOL 174 Balati, A. CATL 106
Badding, J.V. INOR 533 Baier, M. COLL 619 Balazs, A.Y. MEDI 19
Badding, J.V. PMSE 350 Baik, M. AGFD 83 Balazs, A. COLL 309
Badding, J.V. PMSE 375 Baik, M. AGFD 62 Balbo, S. TOXI 52
Badding, J.V. INOR 914 Bailey, B. ANYL 158 Balbo, S. TOXI 94
Bader, S. ORGN 61 Bailey, B. INOR 328 Balboa, A. INOR 147
Badiei, Y.M. CHED 228 Bailey, J. COLL 261 Balboa, A. INOR 173
Badiei, Y.M. CHED 350 Bailey, R.C. ANYL 334 Balboni, E. ENVR 227
Badir, S. ORGN 637 Bailey, R.C. ANYL 360 Balboni, E. NUCL 75
Badong, V. CELL 20 Bailey, R.C. ANYL 399 Balbuena, P.B. CATL 232
Badour, A. ORGN 402 Bailey, R.C. PHYS 389 Balbuena, P.B. CATL 274
Badshah, A. CATL 464 Bailey, R.C. POLY 479 Balbuena, P.B. ENFL 164
Badshah, A. COLL 593 Bailey, S. BIOL 126 Balci, M. ORGN 590
Badshah, A. COMP 287 Bailey, T.S. POLY 41 Balcells, D. INOR 679
Badshah, A. MEDI 168 Bailey Van-Kuren, D. POLY 187 Balcells, D. INOR 680
Badu-Tawiah, A.K. PHYS 501 Baillargeon, A.L. PMSE 166 Balcer, J. AGRO 131
Badziai, A. PHYS 63 Bain, C.D. COLL 123 Balcer, J. AGRO 133
Bae, J. MEDI 93 Bain, E. PMSE 106 Balcer, J. AGRO 330
Bae, J. CATL 105 Bain, J. ENVR 428 Baldansuren, A. INOR 583
Bae, J. ENFL 358 Bain, R.M. ANYL 76 Baldauf, L.M. INOR 193
Bae, J. INOR 190 Bain, R.M. CHED 77 Baldelli, S. COLL 224
Bae, S. ORGN 450 Baird, B. COLL 594 Balding, P. PMSE 524
Bae, Y. BIOL 59 Baird, L.M. ENVR 222 Balding, P. ANYL 293
Baek, J. PMSE 291 Baird, L.M. PMSE 284 Baldo, M. INOR 334
Baek, J. MEDI 126 Bajpai, A. ORGN 269 Baldridge, K.K. INOR 726
Baek, S. ENVR 137 Bajpai, A. CATL 386 Baldridge, K.K. ORGN 49
Baek, S. ANYL 284 Bajpai, L.K. ANYL 385 Baldridge, K.K. ORGN 361
Baek, S. ENVR 41 Bajracharya, D.H. CHED 211 Baldus, M. ENFL 446
Baek, S. ENVR 408 Bak, D. BIOL 56 Baldwin, A. I&EC 3
Baek, Y. INOR 856 Bakaj, I. MEDI 37 Baldwin, D. AGRO 382
Baek, S. GEOC 23 Bakare, O. MEDI 113 Baldwin, L. POLY 720
Baekey, J. CHED 80 Bakare, O. MEDI 144 Baldwin, M. ORGN 150
Baell, J.B. MEDI 16 Bakare, O. MEDI 312 Baled, H. ENFL 471
Baer, E. PMSE 280 Bakare, O. MEDI 344 Balicas, L. INOR 870
Baer, M.D. CATL 380 Baker, B. CHED 230 Balija, A.M. CHED 294
Baer, M.D. CATL 423 Baker, B. CHED 247 Balijepalli, A. COMP 297
Baer, R. PHYS 74 Baker, C.C. POLY 748 Balius, T.E. AEI 24
Baer, R. PHYS 175 Baker, C. INOR 470 Balius, T.E. COMP 39
Baerga-Ortiz, A. BIOL 70 Baker, D.C. CARB 61 Balius, T.E. COMP 319
Baerga-Ortiz, A. BIOL 110 Baker, D.R. INOR 245 Balkenende, D. POLY 35
Baets, D. AGRO 81 Baker, D.R. INOR 473 Balkus, K.J. ENFL 309
Baetzold, J.P. CATL 250 Baker, J.L. PHYS 424 Balkus, K.J. PMSE 578
Baez Bravo, G. BIOL 110 Baker, J.L. PHYS 439 Balkus, K.J. PMSE 661
Baftizadeh, F. AEI 23 Baker, J.L. PHYS 455 Ball, D.W. CHED 89
Baftizadeh, F. COLL 9 Baker, J.L. PHYS 461 Ball, Z.T. COLL 451
Bagabas, A. CATL 109 Baker, K.M. ORGN 137 Ballauff, M.M. COLL 583
Bagade, C. PMSE 22 Baker, K. ORGN 592 Ballinas-Casarrubias, L. ENVR 373
Bagga, K.K. CHED 392 Baker, L. CATL 157 Balog, S. POLY 91
Bagge, R.E. PMSE 591 Baker, L. ENFL 123 Balog, S. POLY 185
Bagge, R.E. POLY 306 Baker, L.A. ANYL 340 Balog, S. POLY 207
Baggett, A. POLY 532 Baker, M.T. CHED 127 Balog, S. POLY 337
Baghdady, Y. ANYL 270 Baker, M.T. CHED 394 Balouga, S.B. CHED 209
Bagherzadeh, S. INOR 380 Baker, M.B. PMSE 514 Balow, R. COLL 141
Bagherzadeh, S. INOR 719 Baker, M. INOR 87 Balow, R. INOR 138
Bagley, A. INOR 890 Baker, N. ANYL 347 Balsara, N.P. CATL 273
Baglioni, P. PMSE 269 Baker, R.T. INOR 46 Balsara, N.P. CATL 432
Baguc, B. CATL 317 Baker, R.T. INOR 503 Balsara, N.P. POLY 176
Bagwell, C. ENFL 158 Baker, R. INOR 600 Balsara, N.P. POLY 297

314 –AUTH
Balsells, J. ORGN 371 Baranoski, M.H. POLY 83 Bart, S.C. CATL 134
Balskus, E.P. BIOL 36 Barashkov, N. ENVR 400 Bart, S.C. NUCL 31
Balskus, E.P. BIOL 62 Barashkov, N. PHYS 415 Bartberger, M.D. MEDI 263
Balson, J. AGFD 191 Barati, R. ENVR 258 Bartberger, M.D. ORGN 273
Baltakys, K. ENVR 208 Barati, R. ENVR 369 Barteau, K. PMSE 587
Baltrus, J.P. ENFL 127 Barb, A.W. CARB 87 Barteau, M.A. INOR 607
Baltrusaitis, J. CATL 98 Barba, D. ENFL 48 Bartels-Rausch, T. ENVR 293
Baltrusaitis, J. CATL 122 Barbara, L.G. ENVR 110 Barter, L. BIOL 98
Baltrusaitis, J. CATL 197 Barbastathis, G. COLL 471 Barter, M. ENFL 21
Baltrusaitis, J. CATL 279 Barbeau, A. POLY 330 Barthelmes, K. INOR 186
Baltrusaitis, J. ENVR 208 Barber, E. ORGN 657 Barthelmes, K. ORGN 674
Balu, R. PMSE 270 Barbera, C. ANYL 72 Bartholomay, L. AGRO 202
Balyan, S. CATL 201 Barbhaiya, R.H. SCHB 32 Bartholomay, L. AGRO 205
Bamberger, D. PMSE 506 Barbi, N. ANYL 228 Bartholomay, L. AGRO 303
Bamberger, S. TOXI 15 Barbour, J.C. CHED 246 Bartholomew, A.K. INOR 866
Bamford, R. POLY 681 Barchi, J.J. CARB 88 Bartlett, B.M. INOR 74
Bamonte, S. CATL 308 Barden, B.A. CHED 237 Bartlett, M. ORGN 598
Bandara, Y.D. COLL 121 Barden, B.A. CHED 239 Bartlett, M.J. INOR 211
Bandason, E. AGRO 394 Barden, D. COMP 381 Bartlett, R.A. BIOL 136
Bandegi, A. INOR 255 Bare, S. CATL 57 Bartlett, R.J. AEI 25
Bandera, I. COLL 613 Barefoot, A.C. AGRO 19 Bartlett, R.J. COMP 5
Bandera, I. INOR 919 Barefoot, A.C. AGRO 76 Bartlett, R.J. COMP 68
Bandera, I. PMSE 606 Barefoot, A.C. AGRO 284 Bartlett, R.J. COMP 132
Bandera, I. POLY 485 Barefoot, A.C. AGRO 379 Bartlett, R.J. COMP 133
Bandi, C. MEDI 343 Barinka, C. MEDI 320 Bartlett, R.J. COMP 368
Bandoro, C. PMSE 420 Baris, R. AGRO 292 Bartoli, F.J. COLL 44
Bandyala, T. MEDI 354 Barish, M.A. AEI 22 Barton, H.A. POLY 302
Bandyopadhyay, A. BIOL 166 Bark, B. INOR 205 Barton, H.F. INOR 1
Bandyopadhyay, D. ORGN 396 Bark, B. INOR 498 Barton, J.K. AEI 48
Bandyopadhyay, D. ORGN 397 Bark, B. INOR 598 Barton, J.K. AEI 54
Bandyopadhyay, D. ORGN 398 Barkatt, A. I&EC 31 Barton, J.K. INOR 93
Bandyopadhyay, D. ORGN 399 Barker, A. AGFD 3 Barton, J.K. INOR 305
Bandyopadhyay, D. ORGN 580 Barker, D. AGFD 61 Barton, J.K. INOR 419
Bandyopadhyay, K. COLL 289 Barker, D. ORGN 615 Barton, J.K. INOR 942
Bandyopadhyay, K. COLL 290 Barker, D. ORGN 645 Barton, J.K. INOR 958
Bandyopadhyay, K. COLL 291 Barksdale, S. BIOL 24 Barton, J.K. INOR 963
Bandyopadhyay, K. COLL 292 Barlow, D. COLL 141 Bartucci, M.A. POLY 171
Baner, L.L. AGFD 105 Barlow, D. PMSE 141 Bartulovich, C. ORGN 270
Banerjee, A.S. COMP 74 Barlow, J. CATL 271 Bartz, J.A. PHYS 376
Banerjee, D.R. TOXI 50 Barmade, M.A. MEDI 353 Barwick, K.W. INOR 194
Banerjee, R. CATL 369 Barnes, B. COLL 13 Barybin, M.V. INOR 47
Banerjee, R. CATL 433 Barnes, M. POLY 545 Barybin, M.V. INOR 288
Banerjee, S. CATL 428 Barnett, B.R. INOR 366 Barz, M. PMSE 303
Banerjee, S. MEDI 146 Barnette, D.A. TOXI 62 Barzilay, R. CINF 8
Banerjee, T. NUCL 78 Barnette, D.A. TOXI 69 Basappa, S. CHED 189
Banerjee, T. NUCL 5 Barnhart, R. CHED 164 Basappa, S. CHED 248
Bang, S. ORGN 410 Barnich, N. CARB 16 Basch, C. ORGN 592
Banh, J. PMSE 541 Barolo, C. ENFL 98 Basco, M. ANYL 303
Banik, G.M. CINF 3 Baron, J. AGRO 1 Basdogan, Y. CATL 236
Banin, U. COLL 496 Baron, J. AGRO 166 Baser-Kirazli, N. ORGN 458
Bankar, G. MEDI 252 Baron, M. PMSE 224 Bashaw, K.E. CARB 31
Bankar, G. MEDI 253 Barona, M. CATL 414 Bashir, S. COLL 74
Banks, H. ORGN 262 Barone, V. COMP 331 Bashir, S. ENFL 459
Bannach, G. POLY 467 Barone, V. PHYS 55 Bashir, S. MEDI 366
Bannan, C.C. WCC 5 Barr, J.L. INOR 879 Basirico, L. AGRO 283
Bannin, T.J. CATL 321 Barr, K.J. MEDI 131 Basirico, L. AGRO 325
Bannister, T.D. MEDI 6 Barragan, F. BIOL 172 Baskin, A.I. PHYS 190
Bannwarth, C. PHYS 135 Barraza, K. PHYS 369 Basri, A. INOR 830
Banovetz, H. ORGN 360 Barreda, O. INOR 569 Bass, S. CHED 300
Bansal, A. ENVR 261 Barrera-Rivera, K.A. POLY 705 Bassan, A. CINF 42
Banta, S. PMSE 259 Barrett, C.J. CATL 289 Basser, P. PMSE 211
Banzatti, A. PHYS 260 Barrett, C.J. COLL 337 Basser, P.J. BIOL 116
Bao, Z. INOR 258 Barrett, C.J. PMSE 341 Basset, J.M. CATL 359
Bao, Z. INOR 370 Barrett, C.J. PMSE 380 Bassett, A. POLY 13
Bao, Z. INOR 743 Barrett, C.J. PMSE 497 Bassett, A. POLY 137
Bao, Z. PMSE 553 Barrett, C.J. PMSE 588 Bassett, B. BIOL 109
Bao, Z. POLY 296 Barrett, J. COLL 12 Bassett, K. CATL 384
Bao, Z. I&EC 32 Barrett, T. BIOL 111 Bassiri-Gharb, N. CATL 430
Bao, Z. ORGN 512 Barrett, T. ORGN 158 Bastakoti, B.P. POLY 749
Bapat, A. PMSE 64 Barrick, S. PHYS 470 Bastelberger, S. ENVR 553
Bapat, M. AGRO 4 Barrie, K. PHYS 458 Basu, A.K. TOXI 43
Bapat, M. AGRO 53 Barrie, K. PHYS 464 Basu, A.K. TOXI 57
Baptista, D. PHYS 588 Barrios, C. POLY 33 Basu, A.K. TOXI 68
Barajas, S.D. PMSE 617 Barrios, J. AGFD 178 Basu, K. CATL 128
Barak, N. MEDI 266 Barrow, M. COLL 39 Basu, M. AGRO 401
Barak, N. MPPG 6 Barrows, R.D. ORGN 581 Basu, P. INOR 701
Baran, P.S. CHED 331 Barry, C. BIOL 141 Basu, P. AGRO 85
Baraniak, M.K. POLY 529 Barry, J. POLY 566 Basu, S. PMSE 460
Barannikova, E. ENFL 305 Barry, N. INOR 575 Basu, S. POLY 329
Barannikova, E. INOR 456 Barskiy, D. PHYS 329 Basuray, S. ANYL 367


Basuray, S. COLL 442 Bazzi, A.A. CHED 141 Beekman, C.R. ANYL 178
Bata, S. PHYS 42 Bazzi, J. CHED 62 Beekman, C.R. ANYL 187
Bataev, Y.S. INOR 525 Bazzi, J. CHED 141 Beemer, D. POLY 37
Batara, N.A. ANYL 145 Beadell, A. BIOL 50 Beers, K. ANYL 295
Bateman, F. I&EC 31 Beagan, D.M. INOR 21 Beers, K. PMSE 44
Bates, F.S. POLY 225 Beagan, D.M. INOR 344 Beers, K. PMSE 101
Bates, F.S. POLY 375 Beall, G.W. POLY 756 Beers, K. POLY 223
Bates, F.S. POLY 687 Beam, B. CHED 131 Beers, K. YCC 13
Bates, J.E. PHYS 29 Beaman, K. MEDI 115 Begay, S.C. COMP 240
Bates, J. POLY 489 Beams, R. ANYL 387 Beger, T.W. ANYL 263
Bathfield, M. POLY 697 Bear, A. CHED 47 Begg, J. ENVR 227
Batista, A.S. ENVR 110 Beard, M.C. INOR 412 Begley, T. AGFD 77
Batista, E.R. INOR 519 Bearden, D. CINF 78 Begley, T. AGFD 81
Batista, E.R. INOR 523 Beasley, P.A. CHED 274 Begley, T. AGFD 237
Batista, E.R. NUCL 19 Beaty, B. AGRO 205 Begley, T. ANYL 201
Batista, E.R. NUCL 28 Beaucage, P.A. PMSE 587 Begoyan, V. TOXI 61
Batista, E.R. NUCL 47 Beauchamp, J.L. PHYS 369 Begum, R. COLL 600
Batista, E.R. NUCL 50 Beaudegnies, R. AGRO 411 Behenna, D. ORGN 64
Batista, E.R. PHYS 65 Beaumont, S.K. CATL 12 Behler, R. PMSE 616
Batista, G. AGRO 240 Beaumont, S.K. CATL 349 Behmke, D. CHED 59
Batista, V.S. CATL 82 Beaumont, S.K. COLL 118 Behnia, K. MEDI 30
Batista, V.S. INOR 110 Beaumont, S.K. INOR 838 Behrsing, H. ENVR 545
Batka, A. INOR 169 Beaver, J. AGFD 22 Beio, M.L. ORGN 90
Batrice, R. INOR 514 Beavers, W.N. TOXI 73 Beio, M.L. ORGN 421
Battacharya, N. CHED 13 Beavers, W.N. TOXI 87 Beitlich, N. AGFD 182
Battaglia, G. COLL 314 Bebernitz, G. MEDI 23 Bejagam, K. COMP 41
Battaglia, M. ENVR 240 Bebout, D.C. INOR 341 Bejagam, K. PMSE 31
Batteas, J.D. COLL 122 Bebout, D.C. INOR 565 Bejaoui, S. PHYS 469
Batteas, J.D. POLY 572 Bec, K. PHYS 392 Belai, N. ANYL 191
Battersby, D. ORGN 13 Bécart, D. ORGN 487 Belal, K. PMSE 570
Battistel, M. CARB 92 Becer, C. PMSE 304 Belanger, G. ORGN 57
Battle, P.D. INOR 551 Becer, C. POLY 124 Belanger, M. ANYL 123
Battle, P.D. INOR 913 Becer, C. POLY 194 Belanger, M. POLY 525
Battocchi, D. PMSE 177 Bechdel, L. INOR 658 Belecki, K. ORGN 211
Baturina, O.A. INOR 55 Bechdel, L. INOR 660 Belecki, K. ORGN 413
Batys, P. PMSE 265 Becica, J. INOR 231 Belecki, K. ORGN 606
Bauduin, P. COLL 608 Becica, J. INOR 332 Belisario-Lara, D. COMP 165
Bauduin, P. I&EC 14 Becica, J. INOR 955 Belitsky, J.M. AEI 60
Bauer, D. MPPG 4 Beciragic, A. ENVR 514 Belitsky, J.M. ORGN 149
Bauerfeind, E. ENVR 275 Beck, A. ENVR 278 Bell, A. POLY 654
Baughman, N.N. INOR 238 Beck, E.M. MEDI 246 Bell, A.T. CATL 130
Baughman, N.N. ORGN 463 Beck, H. POLY 185 Bell, A.T. CATL 151
Bauman, N.P. PHYS 222 Beck, H. MEDI 247 Bell, A.T. CATL 240
Baumann, A. ENVR 230 Beck, J.J. AGRO 36 Bell, A.T. CATL 394
Baumann, A. INOR 821 Beck, J.J. AGRO 68 Bell, A.T. CATL 477
Baumann, H.J. ORGN 88 Beck, M.P. COMP 233 Bell, A.T. ENFL 30
Baumann, M. ORGN 15 Beck, R. COMP 144 Bell, A.T. ENFL 290
Baumann, S.A. AGRO 228 Beck, T.L. COLL 152 Bell, D.S. ANYL 409
Baumer, T. ENVR 229 Becker, A. COMP 138 Bell, G.W. CHED 225
Baumgartner, M. COMP 393 Becker, D.P. CHED 315 Bell, I.M. MEDI 192
Baumgartner, R. PMSE 16 Becker, J. COMP 224 Bell, J.A. ENVR 185
Baumgartner, R. PMSE 139 Becker, J. MEDI 62 Bell, K. MEDI 23
Baumgartner, T. POLY 655 Becker, J. MEDI 99 Bell, M. POLY 690
Bauschlicher, C.W. PHYS 5 Becker, J. MEDI 109 Bell, N.L. INOR 812
Bavington, C. CARB 84 Becker, M. COLL 217 Bell, S. ANYL 346
Bawendi, M.G. COLL 239 Becker, M. PMSE 54 Bell, S. ANYL 349
Bawendi, M.G. COLL 499 Becker, M. PMSE 215 Bell, S. ANYL 350
Bawendi, M.G. COLL 564 Becker, M. PMSE 287 Bell, S. TOXI 41
Bawendi, M.G. COLL 572 Becker, M. PMSE 455 Bella, F. CELL 9
Bax, A. PHYS 288 Becker, M. POLY 344 Bella, F. ENFL 98
Baxa, U. PMSE 401 Becker, R.A. AGRO 231 Bella, F. PMSE 546
Baxendale, I.R. ORGN 15 Becker, S. AGFD 235 Bellamri, M. TOXI 11
Baxi, A. ANYL 331 Becker, T.E. POLY 62 Bellani, M. TOXI 29
Baxter, A.J. ANYL 11 Beckham, G. CATL 7 Beller, M. CATL 185
Baxter, A.J. COLL 353 Beckham, G. CATL 55 Belley, M. INOR 246
Baxter, J.B. INOR 892 Beckham, G. CATL 101 Bello, M. POLY 220
Baxter, N. CATL 368 Beckham, G. CATL 210 Bellukonda, S. ENFL 460
Baxter, N. ENFL 153 Beckham, G. INOR 466 Belmona, D. CHED 37
Bayer, H. AGRO 259 Becknell, N. INOR 121 Belmont, B.L. PROF 16
Bayer, I. COLL 535 Beckstein, O. PHYS 245 Belorusova, A. MEDI 83
Baykoucheva, S.P. CINF 70 Beckwith, T. ORGN 360 Belosludov, R. ENFL 347
Bayly, C.I. WCC 5 Bedelean, H. ENVR 381 Belshaw, S. MEDI 225
Baysal, M. AGFD 132 Bedford, B. AGFD 164 Beltran, M. PHYS 108
Bayse, C.A. INOR 160 Bedford, B. ANYL 284 Beltran, R.D. COLL 615
Bayse, C.A. INOR 341 Bedford, M. POLY 22 Beltran-Villegas, D.J. PMSE 585
Bayya, S.S. COLL 526 Bedford, N. PMSE 164 Belyk, K.M. ORGN 259
Bazemore, K.M. AGFD 41 Bedi, M. MEDI 130 Bemis, K.A. ANYL 429
Bazemore, R.A. AGFD 41 Bediako, D.K. INOR 315 Bemister-Buffington, J. COMP 104
Bazyleva, A. CINF 106 Bee, M.Y. AGFD 171 Benade, V. MEDI 95
Bazzi, A.A. CHED 62 Bee, M.Y. CHED 28 Benali, A. COMP 75

316 –AUTH
Benassi, E. ORGN 183 Berberich, J. POLY 187 Berrie, C.L. INOR 47
Benchekroun, M. ORGN 53 Berda, E.B. PMSE 131 Berrios Camacho, A.M. PMSE 586
Benck, J. ANYL 373 Berdini, V. COMP 395 Berry, C. COMP 41
Bendar, D. PHYS 145 Berendsen, B.J. AGRO 84 Berry, C. PMSE 31
Bender, A. COMP 275 Berg, C. AGRO 300 Berry, J.F. ENFL 57
Bender, J. POLY 167 Berg, D. POLY 566 Berry, L. CATL 224
Bender, W.Y. CHED 297 Berg, D. MPPG 25 Berry, R.J. POLY 30
Bender, W.Y. CHED 366 Berg, D. COLL 532 Berry, J.D. COLL 343
Bender, W.Y. COLL 528 Berg, J.M. NUCL 47 Berstis, L. CATL 55
Bender, W.Y. PMSE 347 Bergana, M. AGFD 213 Berstis, L. CATL 101
Benderly, B. CHAS 23 Bergbreiter, D.E. INOR 48 Bertan, D. MEDI 251
Ben Dhiab, I. COLL 611 Bergbreiter, D.E. POLY 484 Bertaux, J. PHYS 531
Benetti, D. ENFL 48 Berge, N.D. ENVR 209 Berthoud, R. POLY 295
Benetti, E. COLL 468 Bergebit, C. POLY 67 Berti, F. CARB 9
Benetti, E. PMSE 288 Berger, A.W. ENVR 27 Berti, F. CARB 63
Benetti, E. PMSE 622 Berger, M. ORGN 134 Bertke, J.A. INOR 251
Benetti, E. POLY 201 Berger, M. CHED 351 Bertke, J.A. INOR 514
Benetti, E. POLY 557 Berger, M. ENVR 506 Bertke, J.A. INOR 520
Benforado, J. YCC 15 Berger, P.C. INOR 257 Bertke, J.A. INOR 815
Benhusen, A. CHED 67 Berger, R. PHYS 312 Bertocchi, M.J. ORGN 269
Beniah, G. PMSE 1 Bergeron, P. MEDI 76 Bertozzi, C.R. ORGN 340
Beniah, G. PMSE 277 Bergeron, P. MEDI 252 Bertozzi, C.R. ORGN 405
Benicewicz, B.C. I&EC 20 Berghout, H.L. CHED 86 Bertozzi, C.R. PHYS 330
Benicewicz, B.C. POLY 690 Berghout, H.L. CHED 113 Bertozzi, C.R. PMSE 19
Benincosa, W. ENFL 135 Bergman, A. MEDI 258 Bertram, S.N. COLL 499
Benitex, Y. MEDI 269 Bergman, E. ENFL 457 Bertrand, G. INOR 687
Benitez, L. COMP 403 Bergo, C.H. CHED 348 Bertrand, O. POLY 670
Benke, K. INOR 692 Bergo, C.H. CHED 349 Bertucci, M.A. CHED 276
Benkö, Z. INOR 482 Bergonzini, G. ORGN 639 Bertucci, M.A. CHED 278
Benkoski, J.J. PMSE 461 Bergonzo, C. COMP 349 Bertucci, M.A. ORGN 37
Benmore, C. COMP 19 Bergseth, Z.K. PMSE 177 Berugoda Arachchige, D.M. ORGN 163
Bennadji, H. CELL 4 Bergstrom, H. CATL 74 Berugoda Arachchige, D.M. ORGN 319
Benner, E. AGRO 140 Berim, A. ANYL 83 Besan, M. MEDI 114
Bennett, C. CARB 64 Berk, B. PHYS 518 Besan, M. MEDI 129
Bennett, D.J. MEDI 225 Berk, J.R. SCHB 9 Beshore, D.C. MEDI 242
Bennett, G. MEDI 2 Berke, H. PHYS 13 Besic, S. POLY 466
Bennett, J.M. MEDI 141 Berke, V.R. INOR 163 Besic, S. POLY 732
Bennett, J.A. INOR 941 Berkelbach, T.C. PHYS 153 Beskoski, V.P. ENVR 449
Bennett, J. ANYL 307 Berkemeier, T. ENVR 550 Bespalova, Y. POLY 717
Bennett, J. ENVR 118 Berkowitz, D.B. ORGN 90 Besse, D. INOR 582
Bennett, K.T. NUCL 44 Berkowitz, D.B. ORGN 274 Bessel, C.A. INOR 131
Bennett, M. MEDI 328 Berkowitz, D.B. ORGN 421 Bessen, N. NUCL 60
Benoit, D. ENFL 408 Berks, A. CHAL 1 Besson, C. INOR 559
Benoit, D. ENFL 418 Berks, A. CHAL 17 Besson, C. INOR 637
Bens, C. BMGT 8 Berks, A. CHAL 18 Beste, A. CATL 390
Ben-Shalom, I.Y. COMP 82 Berlin, J.M. COLL 28 Bethke, J.A. AGRO 106
Ben-Shaul, A. PHYS 15 Berlinguette, C.P. POLY 139 Betley, T. INOR 296
Benson, E. ENFL 259 Berman, H.M. CHED 193 Betley, T. INOR 306
Benson, N. ENVR 47 Berman, R.M. MEDI 254 Betley, T. INOR 487
Benson, N. ENVR 497 Bermejo Gómez, A. ORGN 260 Betley, T. INOR 856
Benson, N. ENVR 524 Bermingham, A. MEDI 250 Betley, T. INOR 866
Benson, N. ENVR 526 Bermudez, V.M. COLL 141 Beto, C. INOR 886
Benson, N.U. ENVR 100 Berné, O. PHYS 3 Bettinger, C. PMSE 233
Benson, N.U. ENVR 525 Bernales, V. CATL 414 Bettinger, C.J. POLY 431
Benson, Z.A. COLL 386 Bernales, V. INOR 68 Betz, M. MEDI 260
Bentayeb, K. AGFD 133 Bernales, V. INOR 292 Beuning, P. COMP 240
Bentley, A.K. INOR 547 Bernales, V. INOR 690 Beuning, P. PHYS 474
Bentley, K. ORGN 449 Bernales Candia, S. COMP 310 Beuning, P.J. BIOL 182
Bentley, W.E. BIOL 159 Bernales Candia, S. INOR 728 Beuning, P.J. TOXI 16
Bentley, W.E. ENVR 300 Bernales Candia, S. PHYS 228 Beutler, J.A. ORGN 407
Benton, M. COMP 234 Bernard, C. AGRO 235 Beutner, G. ORGN 521
Bentz, K.C. PMSE 274 Bernard, D. MEDI 323 Bevan, M.A. COLL 427
Bentz, N. CHED 262 Bernardi, C.R. AGRO 240 Bevan, M.A. COLL 470
Bentzel, T.C. CHED 283 Bernart, M. AGFD 194 Beverly, B. CINF 28
Benvenuto, M.A. ENVR 368 Bernhard, F. PHYS 246 Bewley, C.A. BIOL 114
Benyamin, M. ENFL 157 Bernhardson, D. ORGN 625 Bewley, C.A. MEDI 309
Benyamin, M. ENVR 254 Bernier, U.R. AGRO 104 Bewley, C.A. ORGN 400
Benz, L.B. COLL 259 Bernier, U.R. AGRO 112 Beydoun, N. INOR 846
Benz, L.B. COLL 272 Bernier, U.R. AGRO 309 Beyene, S. POLY 633
Benza, D. ANYL 208 Bernier, W.E. INOR 675 Beyer, F.L. POLY 83
Bera, P. PHYS 156 Bernier, W.E. PMSE 616 Beyer, F.L. POLY 642
Bera, P. PHYS 157 Bernier, W.E. POLY 735 Beylkin, D. MEDI 273
Bera, P. PHYS 158 Bernstein, J. PHYS 7 Bezgin Carbas, B. POLY 460
Bera, I. COMP 151 Bernstein, N. PMSE 96 Bezpalko, M. INOR 562
Berardi, A.J. COLL 176 Bernstein, N. PMSE 141 Bezpalko, M. INOR 567
Beratan, D.N. INOR 113 Bernstein, P.R. MEDI 205 Bezpalko, M. INOR 568
Berberan-Santos, M.B. INOR 177 Berquist, E. PHYS 161 Bhadra, M. INOR 713
Berberan-Santos, M.B. INOR 178 Berquist, E. PHYS 274 Bhagat, D. INOR 616
Berberich, J. ENVR 250 Berrie, B.H. ANYL 224 Bhagat, D. INOR 617
Berberich, J. PMSE 348 Berrie, B.H. ANYL 255 Bhagi, A. INOR 363


Bhagwagar, M. ENVR 368 Bienfait, B. CINF 34 Blair, I.A. TOXI 48

Bhagwandin, D. INOR 599 Biermann, B.C. INOR 570 Blair, I.A. TOXI 75
Bhakta, S. MEDI 332 Biewer, M.C. POLY 237 Blair, T. AGFD 22
Bhakta, R. BIOL 120 Biewer, M.C. POLY 736 Blais, J. MEDI 250
Bhakta, T. AGRO 252 Bifulco, G. ORGN 400 Blake, G.A. PHYS 260
Bhan, A. CATL 75 Bigley, A.N. PHYS 43 Blakeley-Smith, M. AGRO 281
Bhandari, S.D. AGFD 188 Bigley Iii, E. AGFD 228 Blanazs, A. POLY 367
Bharadwaj, D. AGFD 162 Bignan, G. MEDI 279 Blancafort, P. PMSE 561
Bharadwaj, V.S. CELL 16 Bijelic, J. INOR 524 Blancher, D. AGRO 355
Bharadwaj, V.S. COMP 217 Bilal, M. CINF 96 Blanchfield, S. AGRO 273
Bharali, D.J. MEDI 342 Bilic, O. POLY 516 Blanco, M.J. IAC 5
Bharti, N. CHAS 27 Bill, E. INOR 347 Blanco-Fernandez, B. INOR 474
Bhatia, H. ANYL 187 Bill, E. INOR 690 Blanden, M.J. BIOL 145
Bhatt, A. MEDI 112 Billen, D. ORGN 390 Blanke, G. CINF 11
Bhatt, A. MEDI 148 Billeter, E. ENFL 243 Blanke, G. CINF 15
Bhatta, V. MEDI 354 Billeter, E. ENFL 478 Blankenship, J. NUCL 86
Bhattacharya, P. INOR 233 Billings, H.M. ANYL 62 Blankschtein, D. COLL 471
Bhattacharya, A. COLL 358 Billon, C. MEDI 146 Blanquart, G. PHYS 129
Bhattacharya, C. CHED 67 Billow, B. INOR 10 Blasi, P. CINF 92
Bhattacharya, P. ENFL 60 Bim,
´ D. INOR 86 Blasiole, A. ANYL 174
Bhattacharya, S.K. MEDI 63 Binder, A.J. CATL 402 Blass, B.E. MEDI 313
Bhattacharyya, D. ENVR 282 Binder, W.H. PMSE 9 Blaum, B.S. CARB 77
Bhattacharyya, D. ENVR 283 Bindon, K. AGFD 24 Blayney, M. PRES 13
Bhattarai, B.T. ORGN 551 Bindon, K. AGFD 27 Blazenović, I. AGRO 228
Bhattarai, N. ANYL 285 Biner, D. COMP 263 Blecking, A. CHED 98
Bhatti, I.A. PHYS 301 Bingham, L.M. COLL 118 Blecking, A. CHED 318
Bhaumik, M. ANYL 55 Binks, B. COLL 387 Bleich, A. ENVR 512
Bhethanabotla, V. ENFL 28 Bird, L. ENVR 535 Bleiholder, C. PHYS 321
Bhosale, P. INOR 505 Bird, R.G. PHYS 346 Blench, T. MEDI 103
Bhoyate, S. ENFL 201 Bireley, R. AGRO 189 Blenner, M.A. POLY 684
Bhoyate, S. ENFL 381 Biria, S. PMSE 349 Blincoe, W. ANYL 139
Bhuiyan, N.H. MEDI 301 Birnbaum, E.R. NUCL 1 Blinov, K. CINF 101
Bhunia, A. AEI 1 Birnbaum, E.R. NUCL 47 Bloch, E.D. INOR 149
Bhutani, U. PMSE 462 Biros, S.M. CHED 70 Bloch, E.D. INOR 187
Bhuvanesh, N. INOR 159 Biros, S.M. INOR 644 Bloch, E.D. INOR 250
Bhyrapuneni, G. MEDI 94 Biros, S.M. INOR 809 Bloch, E.D. INOR 569
Bhyrapuneni, G. MEDI 354 Birschbach, M. POLY 466 Bloch, E.D. INOR 628
Bi, J. ORGN 408 Birschbach, M. POLY 732 Bloch, E.D. INOR 754
Bi, L. MEDI 187 Bisbey, R.P. POLY 742 Block, D.E. AGFD 22
Bi, L. MEDI 199 Bischof, T. COLL 572 Block, M. NUCL 46
Bi, L. MEDI 291 Bishai, W. MEDI 41 Block, M. NUCL 48
Bi, S. POLY 58 Bishop, B. BIOL 24 Block, M. NUCL 49
Bi, T. PHYS 215 Bishop, B. BIOL 99 Bloino, J. COMP 331
Bi, X. ENVR 267 Bishop, B. COLL 166 Bloino, J. PHYS 513
Bi, X. ENVR 410 Bishop, B. ORGN 256 Bloino, J. PHYS 520
Bi, X. ORGN 412 Bishop, J. CINF 119 Blokland, M.H. AGRO 84
Bi, Y. COMP 15 Bishop, K.J. COLL 312 Bloom, M.S. ANYL 276
Bi, Y. ENVR 40 Bishop, L. INOR 934 Bloomfield, A. CATL 82
Biacchi, A.J. COLL 587 Bissantz, C. MEDI 256 Bloomfield, A. INOR 110
Bian, H. MEDI 254 Bissell, K. AGRO 20 Bloomquist, J.R. AGRO 101
Bian, K. TOXI 63 Biswal, S.L. COLL 392 Bloomquist, J.R. AGRO 104
Bian, K. TOXI 64 Biswas, A. PMSE 350 Bloomquist, J.R. AGRO 107
Bian, K. TOXI 70 Biswas, P. CATL 404 Bloomquist, J.R. AGRO 111
Bianchet, M. MEDI 183 Biswas, P. COMP 17 Bloomquist, J.R. AGRO 138
Bianciotto, M. COMP 63 Biswas, P. INOR 843 Bloomquist, J.R. AGRO 203
Bianco, K.E. CHAL 3 Biswas, P. POLY 142 Bloomquist, J.R. AGRO 204
Bianco, K.E. CHAL 6 Biswas, R. NUCL 5 Bloomquist, J.R. AGRO 294
Bianco, K.E. CHAL 12 Biswas, R. NUCL 78 Bloomquist, J.R. AGRO 306
Bichler, P. MEDI 252 Biswas, S. AGRO 80 Bloomquist, J.R. AGRO 309
Bichler, P. MEDI 253 Biswas, S. INOR 202 Blough, R.T. CHED 265
Bickel, E.E. CATL 125 Biswas, S. ORGN 261 Blount, B. ANYL 102
Bickelhaupt, F. ORGN 222 Bitar, A. COLL 292 Blount, B. ANYL 175
Bickelhaupt, F. PHYS 310 Bitz, E. MEDI 137 Blount, J. CHAS 36
Bickler, J.R. MEDI 55 Bitz, E. MEDI 139 Bluemel, J. ORGN 685
Bickler, J.R. MEDI 56 Biyikli, N. PMSE 21 Bluhm, H. COLL 537
Bickler, J.R. ORGN 171 Bizeau, J. POLY 773 Bluhm, H. COLL 588
Biczysko, M. PHYS 513 Bjerkefeldt, E. CATL 422 Bluhm, L. AGRO 168
Biczysko, M. PHYS 520 Black, B. CHED 222 Blum, D. CHED 24
Biddinger, E.J. ENFL 122 Black, I. CHED 372 Blum, F.D. POLY 219
Biddle, W. ENVR 532 Blackburn, J. ENFL 259 Blume, R. CATL 116
Biddy, M. CATL 7 Blackmond, D.G. MPPG 26 Blumenfeld, A. INOR 448
Biddy, M. ENFL 106 Blackshaw, K.J. PHYS 571 Blumenfeld, C. PMSE 560
Bidne, K. AGRO 302 Blackstock, S.C. CATL 485 Blunt, N.S. PHYS 232
Biederman, M. COMP 250 Blackwell, S. CHED 13 Blythe, A.J. COLL 488
Biederman, M. COMP 282 Blackwell, T. TOXI 73 Bo, S. ENFL 261
Bielawski, C. POLY 303 Blagbrough, I.S. ANYL 354 Boatz, J.A. POLY 521
Bielenberg, J. CATL 199 Blair, I. TOXI 47 Boaz, N. CATL 196
Bielski, R. CARB 44 Blair, I.A. TOXI 9 Boaz, N. INOR 15
Biemans, B. MEDI 256 Blair, I.A. TOXI 10 Bobach, C. CINF 87
Biener, J. PMSE 122 Blair, I.A. TOXI 44 Bobade, S. POLY 746

318 –AUTH
Bobb, J. PHYS 453 Bonavolonta, F. PMSE 665 Bossmann, S.H. COLL 147
Bobb, J. PHYS 490 Boncella, J.M. INOR 468 Bossmann, S.H. INOR 836
Bobba, P. CATL 360 Bond, C.S. COLL 488 Bosson, J. PMSE 224
Bobyk, K. MEDI 309 Bondarenko, S.V. AGRO 193 Bost, R. ENVR 518
Boca, M. INOR 525 Bondy, A. ANYL 386 Bostick, B.C. ENVR 284
Bocharova, V. PMSE 598 Bondy, A. ENVR 237 Bostick, B.C. ENVR 285
Bock, D.C. INOR 513 Bonetti, C. AGRO 297 Boström, D. ENFL 23
Bockman, M. MEDI 325 Bonin, A. MEDI 59 Boström, D. ENFL 24
Bockstaller, M.R. COLL 425 Bonitatibus, S.C. CHED 235 Boström, D. ENFL 25
Bockstaller, M.R. POLY 378 Bonitatibus, S.C. INOR 924 Botello-Smith, W.M. COMP 102
Bockstaller, M.R. POLY 390 Bonk, P.J. SCHB 21 Bothe, U. MEDI 266
Bockstaller, M.R. POLY 394 Bonn, M. PHYS 516 Bothner, B. CATL 224
Bockstaller, M.R. POLY 698 Bonnaillie, L. POLY 755 Bothun, G.D. COLL 361
Bode, S. PMSE 8 Bonneau, R.A. COMP 276 Bothun, G.D. COLL 363
Bode, S. POLY 206 Bonnel, I.A. PHYS 541 Botka, G. CINF 89
Bode, S. POLY 258 Bonnell, M. ENVR 350 Botlani, M. COMP 391
Bode, S. POLY 340 Bonney, N.T. ORGN 610 Bou-Abdallah, F. BIOL 152
Bode, S. POLY 527 Bonnot, L. POLY 138 Bouch, V. ORGN 572
Boden, S. PMSE 577 Bono, L. COMP 340 Bouchard, D.C. ENVR 411
Bodenreider, C. ENVR 55 Bonser, S.M. CHED 284 Boucher, D.S. COLL 517
Bodenreider, C. ENVR 469 Booksh, K.S. AEI 5 Boucher, D.S. COLL 519
Bodenreider, C. ENVR 473 Booksh, K.S. ANYL 322 Boucher, D.G. INOR 619
Bodenschatz, C. ENVR 130 Boon, E.M. CHED 171 Boucher, M.C. ANYL 359
Bodner, G.M. CHED 48 Boontongto, T. AGRO 344 Boucher, M.A. SOCED 3
Bodner, G.M. ENVR 184 Booth, C. NUCL 54 Bouckaert, J. CARB 16
Bodor, A. POLY 551 Boothby, J. POLY 541 Boudouris, B.W. ENVR 216
Boecker, J. ENVR 208 Boothby, J. POLY 543 Boudouris, B.W. PMSE 443
Boehm, S.J. COLL 232 Boothby, J. POLY 576 Boudreaux, R.L. ENFL 321
Boehringer, T. I&EC 43 Boothroyd, S. COMP 400 Boudreaux, R.L. ENFL 325
Boelke, C.L. INOR 191 Booysen, L. COMP 257 Bouges, H. AGFD 267
Boer, R. MEDI 69 Bopp, C. MEDI 225 Boul, P. ENFL 369
Boer, R.E. ORGN 394 Bopp, R.C. POLY 756 Boulais, M. ENVR 482
Boercker, J.E. COLL 563 Boralugodage, N. CATL 268 Boulesbaa, A. ENFL 361
Boerman, M. POLY 167 Borbon, A.P. COLL 418 Bouley, R. MEDI 227
Boerner, H. POLY 188 Borca, C.H. COMP 244 Boulton, R. AGFD 209
Boerner, H. POLY 421 Borch, T. ENVR 121 Bouquillon, S. COMP 174
Boes, K. ENFL 254 Borchardt, R. CINF 75 Bour, W. POLY 773
Bogalhas, M. MEDI 157 Bordi, S. ORGN 619 Bourgeois, D. I&EC 4
Bogan, L. CATL 59 Boreen, M. I&EC 6 Bourin, C. MEDI 358
Bogaraju, N. MEDI 355 Boreriboon, N. ENFL 7 Boury, S. INOR 280
Bogart, J. I&EC 6 Boresch, S. COMP 123 Bouthillette, L.M. CHED 35
Bogart, R. CHED 198 Borg, R.E. ORGN 217 Bouwer, E.J. ENVR 200
Bohaty, R.F. AGRO 152 Borgert, C.J. AGRO 404 Bouwer, E.J. ENVR 344
Bohaty, R.F. AGRO 221 Borgert, C.J. ANYL 24 Bou Zerdan, R. POLY 233
Bohaty, R.F. AGRO 286 Borges, R. AGRO 240 Bové, H. COLL 110
Bohmann, J.A. ENVR 296 Borguet, E. CATL 131 Bowden, M. ENFL 136
Böhmer, V. POLY 189 Borguet, E. COLL 247 Bowen, A. PMSE 119
Bohn, L.M. MEDI 6 Borguet, E. COLL 401 Bowen, A. CARB 75
Bohn, P.W. ANYL 266 Borguet, E. COLL 602 Bowen, J.P. MEDI 305
Bohn-Gettler, C. CHED 327 Borguet, E. PHYS 236 Bowen, K.H. INOR 545
Bohre, A. CATL 445 Borguet, E. PHYS 532 Bowen, K.H. INOR 735
Boigenzahn, H. PMSE 262 Borguet, Y. POLY 261 Bowen, K.H. PHYS 585
Boije Af Gennas, G. CINF 138 Borkovec, M. POLY 207 Bowen, R. TOXI 15
Bojja, K. MEDI 95 Bornstein, J. POLY 187 Bowers, G.M. CHED 217
Bojja, K. MEDI 354 Borodina, Y. CINF 44 Bowers, L. AGRO 291
Bok, F. NUCL 2 Borodina, Y. CINF 47 Bowker, M. CATL 211
Bokesch, H.R. ORGN 26 Borodinov, N. PMSE 408 Bowles, I. BIOL 108
Boles, G.C. PHYS 371 Borodinov, N. PMSE 530 Bowman, C. PMSE 127
Bolinger, J. MEDI 83 Borovik, A. CATL 265 Bowman, C. PMSE 244
Boltalina, O.V. ORGN 428 Borovik, A. INOR 421 Bowman, C. PMSE 345
Boltersdorf, J. INOR 245 Borovilas, J. CHED 231 Bowman, C. POLY 361
Boltersdorf, J. INOR 473 Borovilas, J. I&EC 62 Bowman, C. POLY 364
Boltoeva, M. NUCL 11 Borrecho, G. CARB 28 Bowman, C. POLY 372
Bolton, E. CHAS 34 Borrel, A. CINF 138 Bowman, C. POLY 549
Bolton, E. CHED 345 Borrel, A. COMP 253 Bowman, C. POLY 652
Bolton, E. CINF 1 Bortner, M.J. CELL 8 Bowman, C. CHED 68
Bolton, E. CINF 45 Borysko, P. MEDI 357 Bowman, M. CARB 50
Bolton, E. CINF 108 Borzilleri, K.A. MEDI 63 Bowser, B. COLL 288
Bolton, E. CINF 112 Borzilleri, K.A. MEDI 258 Bowser, B. INOR 129
Bolton, E. CINF 136 Borzilleri, R.M. MEDI 147 Bowsher, M.S. MEDI 269
Bolton, E. COMP 115 Boschert, D. COLL 355 Bowsher, M.S. MEDI 365
Bolton, J.L. TOXI 25 Boscoboinik, J.A. COLL 592 Boxer, S.G. PHYS 46
Bolze, J. ORGN 157 Bose, A. COLL 55 Boy, K.M. MEDI 269
Boman, C. ENFL 23 Bose, A. COLL 361 Boyd, A.T. POLY 489
Boman, C. ENFL 24 Boshoff, H.I. MEDI 154 Boyd, D.A. COLL 526
Bomke, J. COMP 63 Boshoff, H.I. MEDI 184 Boyd, D.A. POLY 748
Bommakanti, S. I&EC 60 Boshoff, H.I. MEDI 324 Boyd, J.W. ANYL 15
Bommarius, A.S. POLY 709 Bosio, A. POLY 60 Boyd, J.W. TOXI 76
Bonacorsi, S. MEDI 269 Bosma, W. AGFD 45 Boyd, K.J. COMP 168
Bonaventure, P. MEDI 211 Boss, P. AGFD 27 Boyd, L. CHED 194


Boyd, L. CHED 195 Brekalo, I. ORGN 682 Bronstein, L. COLL 231

Boyde, N.C. CHED 236 Bremner-Hay, N. ORGN 653 Bronstein, L. COLL 236
Boydston, A. PMSE 436 Brendler, V. NUCL 2 Bronstein, L. ENFL 295
Boydston, A. POLY 31 Brennan, C.B. CHED 156 Brook, C.P. ORGN 428
Boydston, A.J. PMSE 52 Brennan, C.B. CHED 159 Brookhart, M. INOR 326
Boyer, C. POLY 42 Brennan, J. INOR 811 Brookhart, M. POLY 662
Boyer, C. POLY 66 Brennan, R. AEI 35 Brooks, A. COLL 312
Boyer, C. POLY 416 Brennan, R. ENVR 204 Brooks, A. PHYS 493
Boyer, C. POLY 418 Brennessel, W. INOR 230 Brooks, B. COMP 152
Boyer, H. PHYS 122 Brennessel, W. INOR 445 Brooks, B. COMP 311
Boyer, S.M. PMSE 616 Brent, C. ENVR 232 Brooks, B. COMP 315
Boyle, D.T. COLL 136 Brent, C. ENVR 417 Brooks, B. COMP 380
Boyle, D.T. COLL 151 Brereton, K.R. INOR 109 Brooks, B. COMP 387
Boyle, D.T. COLL 284 Brereton, K.R. INOR 214 Brooks, B. COMP 390
Boyle, K. INOR 958 Brereton, K.R. INOR 390 Brooks, M. ENVR 152
Boyle, T.J. INOR 343 Brereton, K.R. INOR 608 Brooks, M. ENVR 563
Boysen, G. TOXI 72 Breshears, M. BIOL 27 Brooks, S. POLY 627
Bozarth, J.M. MEDI 308 Bret, G. CINF 133 Brooks, S. ANYL 350
Bracey, S.M. BIOL 81 Bretz, S. CHED 96 Brooks, C.L. COMP 78
Bracken, C. BIOL 187 Bretz, S. CHED 97 Brooks, C.L. COMP 89
Brackett, R. AGRO 360 Breuer, A. COMP 402 Brooks, C.L. COMP 113
Bradbury, S. AGRO 302 Breuer, R. AGRO 157 Brooks, C.L. COMP 355
Bradbury, S. AGRO 358 Breuillac, A. PMSE 512 Brorsen, K. AEI 74
Braden, T. ORGN 471 Brevet, P. I&EC 16 Brorsen, K. PHYS 184
Bradley, C.A. POLY 110 Brewer, L. AGRO 187 Brorson, K.A. ANYL 187
Bradley, V.C. CHED 158 Brewster, R. CHED 218 Brorson, M. CATL 206
Brady, A. ENFL 482 Brewster, T. INOR 499 Brosha, E.L. CATL 348
Brady, K. ORGN 448 Brewster, T. INOR 500 Brostoff, L. ANYL 27
Brady, P. GEOC 8 Brewster, T.P. INOR 602 Brostoff, L. ANYL 253
Braese, S. PMSE 26 Breyta, C. CHED 223 Brostoff, L. CHED 1
Bragg, D.T. PMSE 382 Brezinski, W. POLY 273 Broström, M. ENFL 23
Braide, O. PHYS 580 Brezny, A.C. ORGN 197 Broström, M. ENFL 24
Brain, D. POLY 681 Briceno, A. CHED 197 Brothers, E.N. INOR 678
Brain, R.A. AGRO 178 Brichacek, M. CARB 42 Brothers, R.C. MEDI 154
Brain, R.A. AGRO 253 Brichacek, M. ORGN 435 Brothers, R.C. MEDI 163
Brakestad, A. PHYS 276 Bricker, L. CHED 55 Brothers, R.C. MEDI 184
Braley, J. I&EC 3 Bridges, C.A. CATL 430 Brower, L. COLL 287
Braley, J. NUCL 60 Bridges, T.M. MEDI 75 Brower, L. COLL 288
Bram, S. COLL 231 Briere, C. ENVR 313 Brower, L. INOR 129
Bramante, J. SCHB 36 Briere, C. ENVR 317 Brown, J. CATL 413
Brame, J. CATL 13 Briggs, M.E. COLL 82 Brown, A. COLL 255
Branch, F. ENVR 307 Briggs, N. CATL 165 Brown, A. ORGN 416
Brandes, A. CHAS 45 Briggs, N. ENVR 127 Brown, A. POLY 585
Brandl, F.P. PMSE 365 Bright, M. ORGN 646 Brown, A. AGRO 388
Brandner, D. CATL 7 Brigmon, R. ENFL 272 Brown, A. COLL 100
Brandvold, K. ORGN 389 Brignole, E.J. BIOL 33 Brown, A.E. AGFD 236
Brandvold, K. ORGN 395 Brik, A. ORGN 70 Brown, A.E. AGRO 339
Brandy, N.Z. MEDI 312 Brill, J. AGRO 241 Brown, C. INOR 764
Branon, T. BIOL 5 Brillas, E. ENVR 65 Brown, C. COLL 449
Brasacchio, A.M. INOR 609 Brimble, M. AEI 69 Brown, C. AGRO 40
Bratko, D. PHYS 528 Brimble, M. ORGN 655 Brown, C.M. INOR 395
Bratton, A. POLY 116 Brindle, C. ORGN 330 Brown, C. AGRO 407
Braun, M. MEDI 22 Brinker, C. COLL 27 Brown, C.M. INOR 149
Braun, M. MEDI 103 Brinker, C. COLL 14 Brown, C.M. INOR 754
Braun, P.V. ENFL 118 Brinker, C. COLL 30 Brown, D. COMP 263
Braun, P.V. PMSE 300 Brinkmeyer, R. AGRO 296 Brown, D.G. MEDI 8
Braun, P.V. POLY 479 Brintlinger, T. COLL 563 Brown, D. ENVR 295
Braun, T. CHED 363 Briot, N. ENVR 283 Brown, D. ENVR 565
Braunecker, W.A. ORGN 428 Brisdon, A.K. INOR 759 Brown, E. CHED 32
Braunschweig, A.B. ORGN 480 Briseno, A.L. ORGN 223 Brown, E. CHED 31
Bravaya, K.B. PHYS 488 Briseno, A.L. ORGN 290 Brown, F. ENVR 40
Braverman, M.P. AGRO 1 Briseno, A.L. POLY 734 Brown, G.A. MEDI 8
Brawand, N. COLL 382 Bristow, L. MEDI 358 Brown, G.A. MEDI 244
Braxton, C. BIOL 112 Brites, M. INOR 177 Brown, G.G. PHYS 374
Braziel, S. CHED 185 Brits, S. PMSE 568 Brown, K. CHAS 39
Brea Fernandez, R. COLL 359 Britt, P.F. ENFL 173 Brown, K. CHAS 45
Breaux, N. ORGN 472 Brletic, P.A. CHED 134 Brown, K. ENVR 325
Brechin, E.K. INOR 930 Brletic, P.A. CHED 135 Brown, L. ENVR 314
Bredas, J.E. ORGN 223 Brletic, P.A. CHED 136 Brown, L. PHYS 384
Bredas, J.E. POLY 734 Brletic, P.A. CHED 214 Brown, L. MEDI 225
Bredas, J.E. POLY 737 Brockman, J.D. NUCL 77 Brown, L. YCC 19
Bredenkamp, S.E. ORGN 612 Brockman, M.A. ORGN 386 Brown, L.J. AEI 67
Breedveld, V. ANYL 25 Brodeur-Campbell, M. ENFL 274 Brown, L.J. ORGN 226
Breffke, J. ANYL 387 Brodney, M.A. MEDI 246 Brown, M. ENVR 292
Breffke, J. PROF 7 Brodsky, C. INOR 315 Brown, M.D. ANYL 229
Bregadiolli, B.A. ORGN 432 Broer, D. POLY 652 Brown, M.K. ORGN 358
Breger, J. COLL 449 Broere, D. INOR 347 Brown, P.A. COLL 385
Bregman, J.D. PHYS 543 Bromberg, Y. PHYS 93 Brown, P. POLY 450
Breitenbach, B. COLL 569 Bromby, P.L. POLY 489 Brown, R.P. COLL 585
Breitzman, T. POLY 30 Bronson, J.J. MEDI 358 Brown, R.C. CATL 364

320 –AUTH
Brown, R. ANYL 250 Bryson, S. MEDI 108 Burdynska, J. POLY 384
Brown, S.P. MEDI 198 Bu, L. CATL 190 Burgeson, S. ORGN 170
Brown, S. ANYL 99 Bu, L. ENFL 112 Burgey, C.S. MEDI 192
Brown, T.L. COLL 100 Bu, L. ENFL 397 Burghardt, W. PMSE 294
Brown, T. PMSE 4 Buback, M.J. POLY 2 Burgos, W.D. GEOC 16
Browning, J. PHYS 327 Buban, M. AGRO 348 Burke, J. POLY 489
Browning, L. CHED 340 Bubenheim, D. AGRO 160 Burke, J.R. MEDI 7
Browning, N. INOR 127 Bubenheim, D. AGRO 164 Burke, R.P. BIOL 126
Brownmiller, C. AGFD 232 Buchan, Z. AGRO 135 Burke, T.R. MEDI 116
Brown-Xu, S.E. INOR 117 Buchanan, R.M. INOR 888 Burke, T.R. MEDI 117
Broyde, S. TOXI 46 Buchanan, R.M. INOR 894 Burke, T.R. MEDI 118
Bruce, J. COLL 478 Buchecker, T. COLL 608 Burke, T.R. MEDI 228
Bruce, R.C. ORGN 542 Buchek, K. AGRO 57 Burkhardt, A. COLL 450
Bruch, Q.J. INOR 425 Bucher, C. INOR 46 Burkholder, M. ORGN 133
Bruch, Q.J. INOR 612 Buchholz, L. AGRO 194 Burley, S. CHED 193
Bruch, Q.J. INOR 928 Buchholz, M. MEDI 181 Burli, R. MEDI 8
Bruckner, C. AEI 44 Bucholtz, E.C. CHED 401 Burn, K. COLL 621
Bruckner, C. INOR 862 Buchstaller, H. ORGN 622 Burnie, A. ORGN 235
Brucoli, F. MEDI 332 Buck, E. NUCL 67 Burns, A.C. ORGN 66
Brudno, Y. COLL 548 Buck, M.E. PMSE 541 Burns, A.J. AGRO 121
Brudvig, G.W. CATL 422 Budd, R. AGRO 159 Burns, C. AGRO 119
Brudvig, G.W. INOR 581 Budhathoki-Uprety, J. COLL 514 Burns, C.J. AGRO 121
Brudvig, G.W. INOR 679 Budhathoki-Uprety, J. PMSE 88 Burns, C.J. AGRO 122
Brudvig, G.W. INOR 680 Budhathoki-Uprety, J. POLY 236 Burns, C. INOR 516
Brugh, M. NUCL 1 Budisulistiorini, S. ENVR 189 Burns, N.Z. ORGN 550
Bruix, A. CATL 92 Budzalek, K. POLY 695 Burns, N.Z. POLY 214
Bruix, A. COMP 147 Buehler, M.J. COLL 460 Burns, P.C. NUCL 73
Brumfield, J.T. CHED 289 Buehler, M.J. PMSE 257 Burns, P.C. NUCL 75
Brumlik, C. POLY 377 Buehler, M. AGFD 213 Burns, P.C. NUCL 76
Brummond, K.M. ORGN 515 Buer, B. MEDI 185 Burr, N.A. ORGN 632
Brunauer, L.S. CHED 80 Bueschl, C. AGFD 208 Burris, D. PMSE 226
Bruneau, C. CATL 181 Buffo, C. PHYS 102 Burris, T.P. MEDI 146
Brunelle, E. ANYL 70 Bugarin, A. PMSE 231 Burroughs, J. POLY 543
Brunelle, E. ANYL 71 Bui, T. PHYS 397 Burroughs, J.J. POLY 541
Brunelle, E. ANYL 77 Bui, T.H. ENVR 167 Burrows, A. PHYS 545
Brunelle, E. ANYL 78 Buist, N. MEDI 225 Burrows, C.J. ANYL 368
Brunelle, E. ANYL 169 Bukhari, H. CHED 195 Burrows, C.J. ANYL 421
Brunelle, L.D. ANYL 159 Bukowski, B. ENFL 171 Burrows, M. PHYS 488
Brunelli, N.A. ENFL 75 Bulavin, L. COLL 428 Burrows, N.D. COLL 426
Bruno, I. CINF 16 Bulger, P. ORGN 256 Burrows, S. ANYL 390
Bruno, J.G. MEDI 192 Bullock, J. INOR 886 Burrows, S.M. ENVR 531
Brunold, T.C. INOR 27 Bullock, R. ENFL 59 Burton, C.A. SCHB 2
Bruns, N. POLY 91 Bullock, R. INOR 133 Burton, C.A. SCHB 7
Bruns, N. POLY 185 Bullock, R. INOR 233 Burton, F. ENFL 277
Bruns, N. POLY 201 Bullock, R. INOR 670 Burton-Pye, B.P. ENVR 232
Bruns, N. POLY 538 Bulluck, J. AGRO 21 Burtovyy, R. PMSE 530
Bruns, N. POLY 557 Bulumulla, C. POLY 237 Burzynski, E.A. AGFD 68
Bruns, O. COLL 572 Bulumulla, C. POLY 736 Burzynski, E.A. CHED 28
Brunschweiger, A. MEDI 216 Bulut, A. COLL 209 Busemann, M. MEDI 266
Brunschwig, B.S. COLL 541 Buma, W.J. PHYS 4 Buser, M.D. AGRO 115
Brunschwig, B.S. INOR 920 Buma, W.J. PHYS 6 Buser, M.D. AGRO 347
Brunsen, A. BIOL 174 Buma, W.J. PHYS 475 Bush, M.F. ANYL 269
Brus, J. POLY 305 Bump, C.M. CHED 343 Bush, M.F. PHYS 322
Brus, L.E. PHYS 48 Bunagan, M.R. PHYS 458 Bushey, M. INOR 132
Brush, E.J. CHED 357 Bunagan, M.R. PHYS 464 Buslov, I. ORGN 72
Brustad, E.M. ORGN 294 Bunce, D.M. CHED 99 Busse, L.E. COLL 526
Brutman, J. PMSE 246 Bunce, D.M. CHED 406 Bussiere, D. MEDI 10
Bruzas, I. COLL 36 Bunck, D.N. CHED 192 Butcher, R. CATL 320
Bruzas, I. COLL 42 Bunck, D.N. POLY 738 Butcher, R. INOR 341
Bruzas, I. COLL 152 Bunel, E. INOR 388 Butler, C. MEDI 246
Bruzas, I. COLL 270 Bungard, C.J. MEDI 164 Butler, I.S. COMP 287
Bruzas, I. COLL 447 Bunin, B.A. CINF 114 Butler, I.S. INOR 689
Bryan, B.J. GEOC 32 Bunker, K.D. INOR 726 Butler, J. ENVR 441
Bryan, R.S. PMSE 368 Bunning, T.J. POLY 170 Butler, K.E. CHED 376
Bryant, J.L. ENFL 320 Bunning, T. PMSE 86 Butler, K. COLL 14
Bryant, J.L. ENFL 325 Bunrit, A. ORGN 261 Butler, K. COLL 27
Bryant, J.L. PROF 13 Bunrit, A. ORGN 486 Butler, N. POLY 251
Bryant, J.L. YCC 9 Bunz, U. POLY 653 Butler, S.E. AGFD 49
Bryant, S.J. PMSE 345 Burakham, R. AGRO 344 Butler, T. ORGN 439
Bryant, S.H. CHED 345 Burch, C.P. CHED 59 Butler, J. MEDI 275
Bryant, S.H. CINF 36 Burch, J. CARB 6 Butman, H. MEDI 163
Bryant, V.C. CHED 67 Burden, F.R. CINF 100 Butt, H. COLL 56
Bryant-Friedrich, A.C. MEDI 130 Burdette, J.E. MEDI 295 Butt, H. POLY 95
Bryant-Friedrich, A.C. MEDI 350 Burdette, M.K. COLL 613 Butterfoss, G.L. POLY 75
Bryant-Friedrich, A.C. MEDI 351 Burdette, M.K. INOR 919 Butts, S.B. YCC 23
Bryant-Friedrich, A.C. TOXI 19 Burdick, J.A. CHED 333 Butun, V. COLL 205
Bryant-Friedrich, A.C. TOXI 84 Burdick, J.A. PMSE 184 Buyanova, I.A. INOR 666
Bryantsev, V. I&EC 18 Burdick, M. MEDI 80 Buynak, J.D. MEDI 328
Bryantsev, V. I&EC 19 Burdick, R. INOR 208 Buysse, A. AGRO 385
Bryce, D. ANYL 111 Burdsall, A. ENVR 79 Buysse, A. ORGN 472


Buyukserin, F. BIOL 176 Calvo, D. ENVR 538 Cantu, D. ENVR 94

Buzitis, N. CHED 300 Camacho, I. ENVR 307 Cantu, D. PHYS 265
Buzon, L. ORGN 469 Camacho-Forero, L.E. CATL 232 Cantu, D.C. ENFL 139
Bwanali, L. ANYL 413 Camacho-Forero, L.E. CATL 274 Canturk, B. ORGN 523
Bwanali, L. ANYL 417 Camaioni, D.M. INOR 292 Canuti, V. AGFD 93
Bwanali, L. ANYL 418 Camaleño de la Calle, A. COLL 350 Cao, A. ENFL 263
Bwanali, L. ANYL 416 Camaleño de la Calle, A. PMSE 577 Cao, B. POLY 31
Byard, S. POLY 367 Camara, A. ENVR 384 Cao, B. COMP 15
Byrd, A.L. ENFL 90 Cambray, S. BIOL 166 Cao, D.D. ORGN 438
Byrd, J. COMP 5 Cambrea, L. POLY 720 Cao, D.D. ORGN 441
Byrd, R. INOR 632 Cambridge, G. POLY 768 Cao, G. ENFL 476
Byrne, A. ENVR 441 Camden, J.P. PHYS 96 Cao, G. ENFL 481
Byrne, J. AGRO 373 Camerino, E. PMSE 359 Cao, H. I&EC 9
Cabana, J. CATL 428 Camerino, E. PMSE 654 Cao, H. PHYS 517
Cabello, M.E. INOR 275 Cameron, A.D. PHYS 245 Cao, H. PMSE 457
Cabelof, A. INOR 21 Cameron, N.R. COLL 566 Cao, J. PMSE 195
Cabelof, A. INOR 345 Cameron, N.R. POLY 414 Cao, K. PMSE 614
Cabelof, A. INOR 424 Cameron, S. COMP 107 Cao, L. CATL 238
Cabezas, M.D. ANYL 2 Camp, A. INOR 82 Cao, L. INOR 552
Caceres, B. COMP 203 Campana, M. BIOL 93 Cao, L. ENFL 467
Cachau, R.E. CINF 126 Campana, M. BIOL 101 Cao, P. AEI 83
Cadwallader, K.R. AGFD 173 Campanella, A. ORGN 191 Cao, P. PMSE 12
Cadwallader, K.R. AGFD 214 Campbell, A. PRES 4 Cao, P. PMSE 598
Caferro, T.R. MEDI 267 Campbell, B. ORGN 471 Cao, P. POLY 447
Cafiso, D.S. BIOL 106 Campbell, C.T. CATL 25 Cao, P. COLL 28
Cagasova, K. COMP 278 Campbell, C.T. CATL 466 Cao, Q. ANYL 245
Cagasova, K. MEDI 82 Campbell, D.D. AGRO 18 Cao, S. ENVR 539
Cagli, E. PMSE 537 Campbell, E.L. I&EC 7 Cao, W. COMP 36
Cahan, R. ENVR 559 Campbell, E.L. I&EC 8 Cao, W. ORGN 565
Cahill, C.L. INOR 633 Campbell, J.W. COLL 230 Cao, W. ORGN 566
Cahill, C.L. NUCL 26 Campbell, J. CHED 300 Cao, Y. POLY 608
Cahill, C.L. NUCL 81 Campbell, K.M. AGRO 337 Cao, Y. INOR 430
Cahill, D. PHYS 494 Campbell, K.M. AGRO 329 Cao, Y. ANYL 233
Cahoon, E. BIOL 128 Campbell, Z. ORGN 495 Cao, Y. POLY 513
Cai, Z. GEOC 15 Campellone, S. MEDI 269 Cao, Z. PMSE 94
Cai, J. ORGN 165 Campos, D. ORGN 9 Capasse, R.C. ENVR 220
Cai, J. ORGN 166 Campos, F. COLL 622 Capiglia, C. PHYS 140
Cai, J. ORGN 167 Campos, K.R. ORGN 256 Capka, V. MEDI 250
Cai, J. ORGN 626 Campos, K.R. ORGN 303 Caplen, N.J. MEDI 69
Cai, J. MEDI 225 Campos, L. ORGN 679 Capone, D.L. AGFD 1
Cai, K. PMSE 73 Campos, L. PMSE 120 Capone, D.L. AGFD 3
Cai, L. NUCL 3 Campos, L. POLY 204 Capone, D.L. AGFD 196
Cai, M. INOR 242 Campos, L. POLY 288 Capozzi, B. ORGN 687
Cai, T. ENVR 163 Campos, L. POLY 290 Capozzi, S.L. ENVR 205
Cai, T. MEDI 225 Campos, L. POLY 730 Capozzi, S.L. ENVR 469
Cai, W. ENFL 481 Campos, L.M. ORGN 687 Capozzi, S.L. ENVR 471
Cai, W. POLY 272 Campos, L.M. PMSE 67 Capozzi, S.L. ENVR 473
Cai, X. ORGN 460 Campos, L.M. POLY 100 Capozzi, S.L. ENVR 539
Cai, Z. INOR 882 Campos, M.P. INOR 709 Cappello, J. PMSE 144
Caico, S.T. COLL 176 Campos, R. PMSE 608 ¸Capraz, Ö.Ö. ENFL 120
Cain, C. ANYL 383 Camproux, A. CINF 138 Caprio, V. ORGN 281
Cairnie, D. COLL 167 Can, M. BIOL 33 Caputo, C.A. INOR 449
Cairns, A. ENFL 474 Can, T. PHYS 342 Caputo, G.A. BIOL 103
Cairns, A. INOR 13 Canagaratna, M. ENVR 189 Caputo, G.A. BIOL 107
Caitlin, L. CHED 327 Canagaratna, M. ENVR 555 Caputo, J. COLL 497
Cakmak, M. POLY 579 Canary, J.W. ORGN 455 Caram, J. COLL 239
Calabrese, D. MEDI 12 Canavan, J. AGFD 167 Caram, J.R. COLL 499
Calabrese, D. MEDI 69 Canavan, J. COLL 275 Caramés-Méndez, P. INOR 830
Calabrese, V.T. AGFD 266 Candian, A. PHYS 4 Caran, K.L. CHED 281
Calambur, D. MEDI 30 Candian, A. PHYS 6 Caran, K.L. COLL 22
Calame, J. PMSE 157 Candian, A. PHYS 50 Caranto, J.D. INOR 943
Caldarone, B.J. MEDI 143 Canelas, D.A. WCC 15 Caranto, J.D. AEI 39
Calderon, A. MEDI 329 Canene-Adams, K. AGFD 20 Carbajo, R. MEDI 19
Calderón-Colón, X. PMSE 284 Canene-Adams, K. AGFD 49 Carballo-Jane, E. MEDI 245
Caldwell, I. AGRO 384 Caner, N. COLL 209 Carberry, S.E. AGFD 14
Caldwell, K.R. COLL 280 Canning, A. COMP 49 Card, M. ENVR 349
Caldwell, K. ANYL 310 Cannon, K. PMSE 255 Card, M. ENVR 351
Caldwell-Overdier, A. CHED 290 Cannone, Z. ORGN 36 Cardenal, A. INOR 295
Calhorda, M.J. PHYS 61 Cano, V.M. ORGN 396 Cardenas, A. CHED 230
Calhoun, J. ENVR 543 Cano, V.M. ORGN 397 Cardenas, A. CHED 247
Calhoun, J. ENVR 562 Cantillo, D. ORGN 11 Cárdenas-Chaparro, A. ORGN 624
Calis, G. COLL 208 Canton, S. COLL 402 Cardona-Quintero, Y.P. COLL 135
Callahan, J.F. MEDI 111 Canton, S. COLL 489 Cardone, G. INOR 771
Callahan, L. CINF 44 Cantos, P. INOR 514 Carey, J. CATL 70
Callahan, M. COLL 261 Cantrell, C. AGRO 313 Carey, M.C. INOR 118
Callaway, C.P. COMP 408 Cantrell, C.L. AGRO 314 Carey, S. CATL 466
Calligaris, D. ANYL 429 Cantrell, C.L. AGRO 316 Carey-De la Torre, O. PMSE 300
Calvary, C.A. CHED 234 Cantu, D. CATL 174 Cargnello, M. CATL 57
Calverley, T. COLL 4 Cantu, D. ENFL 136 Cargnello, M. INOR 39
Calvino, C. POLY 211 Cantu, D. ENFL 137 Carim, A. ANYL 145

Cariou, K. ORGN 53 Carroll, S. CHED 398 Catalano, S.M. MEDI 255
Carlberg, A. POLY 60 Carrow, B.P. INOR 80 Catchmark, J.M. POLY 329
Carleton, J. AGRO 151 Carrow, B.P. INOR 857 Catherman, K. ANYL 55
Carleton, J. AGRO 155 Carruthers, N.I. MEDI 211 Catsoulis, P. INOR 192
Carleton, J. AGRO 220 Carswell, E. MEDI 225 Cattalani, M. BIOL 113
Carlier, P.R. AGRO 111 Cartaya, A. CHED 268 Caulton, K.G. CATL 20
Carlier, P.R. AGRO 138 Carter, E.A. COMP 71 Caulton, K.G. COLL 188
Carlier, P.R. MEDI 275 Carter, E.A. PHYS 231 Caulton, K.G. INOR 21
Carlin, C.M. ANYL 35 Carter, E.A. PHYS 280 Caulton, K.G. INOR 344
Carlin, D.J. ENVR 276 Carter, K.R. POLY 729 Caulton, K.G. INOR 345
Carlin, S. AGFD 4 Carter, K. NUCL 26 Caulton, K.G. INOR 424
Carlmark, A.E. PMSE 41 Carter, P. ANYL 50 Caulton, K.G. INOR 485
Carlmark, A.E. POLY 696 Carter, P.H. MEDI 7 Caulton, K.G. INOR 489
Carlo, S.R. ANYL 30 Carter, P.H. MEDI 269 Caulton, K.G. INOR 676
Carlo, S.R. ANYL 31 Carter-Cooper, B.A. MEDI 74 Caulton, K.G. INOR 677
Carlos, K. AGFD 34 Cartiff, B. ANYL 361 Causer, V. ORGN 572
Carlos, K. ANYL 201 Caruso, F. COLL 455 Cavac-Paulo, A. COLL 149
Carlsen, J. ORGN 163 Caruthers, M.H. ORGN 32 Cavac-Paulo, A. POLY 71
Carlsen, J. ORGN 319 Caruthers, M.H. ORGN 33 Cavac-Paulo, A. POLY 268
Carlson, D.A. BIOL 156 Caruthers, M.H. ORGN 675 Cavalli, A. COMP 64
Carlson, E. TOXI 39 Carvalho, C. AGRO 313 Cavalli, A. COMP 385
Carlson, E.S. TOXI 45 Carvalho, C. AGRO 316 Cavallo, L. INOR 34
Carlson, F. COMP 184 Carvalho, S. COMP 275 Cavanaugh, J. MEDI 112
Carlson, J. ORGN 680 Carver, J. ANYL 64 Cavanaugh, J. MEDI 148
Carlson, K. MEDI 82 Carver, L. AGRO 76 Cave, R.J. PHYS 296
Carlson, K. COLL 236 Carver, L. AGRO 77 Cave, R.J. INOR 130
Carlson, M. INOR 692 Cary, R. ANYL 100 Cave, R.J. INOR 132
Carlson, M.R. AEI 40 Cary, R. ANYL 398 Cavicchi, K.A. PMSE 275
Carlson, M.R. INOR 769 Casa, D.M. INOR 87 Cavicchi, K.A. PMSE 295
Carlson, R. I&EC 35 Casadevall, A. CARB 75 Cavicchi, K.A. POLY 579
Carlson, R. AGRO 229 Casadonte, D.J. INOR 861 Cavicchi, K.A. POLY 725
Carlsson, A. CATL 259 Casalini, R. POLY 459 Cawley, M. ENVR 307
Carlton, A. ENVR 239 Casanova, D. ORGN 221 Cawrse, B. MEDI 337
Carlton, D.D. ENVR 249 Casarez, A. MEDI 250 Cayan, Y. ORGN 379
Carluer, N. AGRO 15 Casasanta, M. MEDI 275 Cay Durgun, P. ENVR 165
Carmali, S. POLY 184 Caselli, P. PHYS 108 Cebeci, F.C. AGFD 132
Carmali, S. POLY 386 Caselli, P. PHYS 303 Ceccarelli, C. PHYS 106
Carmean, D. I&EC 35 Caselli, P. PHYS 512 Cech, N.B. ANYL 381
Carmean, R.N. POLY 62 Casey, S.M. COLL 521 Celaje, J. ORGN 131
Carmean, R. POLY 418 Cash, C. PMSE 348 Celani, C.P. CHED 214
Carmel, J.H. CHED 26 Cash, J.J. PMSE 132 Celebi, M. CATL 317
Carmen, B. COLL 98 Cashman, J. POLY 520 Celebioglu, A. PMSE 21
Carmichael, A. PMSE 214 Cashman, J. POLY 682 Celik, F.E. CATL 194
Carmody, R.N. AGFD 19 Casner, A. ENVR 314 Celik, F.E. INOR 203
Carneiro, R.L. ANYL 132 Caspary Toroker, M. PHYS 238 Celik, F.E. INOR 330
Carnevale, D. INOR 668 Cassera, M. MEDI 275 Celik, F.E. INOR 596
Carnevale, V. PHYS 236 Cassidy, B. POLY 362 Celik, H. COLL 286
Carnevale, V. PHYS 532 Cassidy, P. AGRO 28 Celis-Salazar, P.J. INOR 817
Carney, J.M. CHED 267 Cassidy, P. AGRO 337 Celiz, M.D. AGFD 81
Carney, J.M. CHED 287 Cassity, A. ORGN 139 Celly, C. AGRO 83
Carney, K.P. NUCL 83 Cassity, A. ORGN 423 Cen, J. CATL 303
Carothers, K. POLY 594 Casson, J. INOR 480 Cen, J. ENFL 180
Carpena-Núñez, J. COLL 592 Castaldi, M.J. CHED 265 Cen, J. ENVR 409
Carpenter, A. ENVR 327 Castaneda-Lopez, H. PMSE 664 Cen, S. COMP 279
Carpenter, G. NUCL 75 Castellano, F.N. INOR 81 Cenizal, T. AGRO 412
Carpenter, S.H. INOR 170 Castellano, F.N. INOR 111 Centeno, J.A. ANYL 308
Carpenter, S.H. INOR 760 Castellano, F.N. INOR 117 Centore, R. POLY 266
Carpenter, T.S. CHED 302 Castellano, F.N. INOR 179 Centrella, P.A. MEDI 104
Carpenter, T.S. CHED 337 Castellano, F.N. INOR 180 Cerda, J. BIOL 150
Carr, R. MEDI 111 Castellano, F.N. INOR 333 Cerdeirina, C. PHYS 120
Carr, J. COLL 239 Castellano, F.N. INOR 336 Cerkez, E.B. ENVR 77
Carr, J. COLL 572 Castellano, F.N. INOR 693 Cerkez, E.B. INOR 61
Carraher, C.E. PMSE 351 Castellano, R.K. ORGN 46 Cernicharo, J. PHYS 52
Carraher, C.E. PMSE 352 Castellano, R.K. ORGN 558 Cernoch, P. PMSE 79
Carrero, N. CHED 255 Castellano, R.K. ORGN 696 Cesa, I.G. CHED 27
Carrero, N. CHED 256 Castellanos, M. ORGN 31 Cesar, T.B. AGFD 90
Carrie, C. CHED 231 Castellanos, M. PMSE 402 Cessna, J.T. NUCL 83
Carrie, C. I&EC 62 Castellino, S. ORGN 59 Cessna, S.G. CHED 322
Carriedo, G. PMSE 108 Caster, K. POLY 169 Cetin, B. CATL 452
Carril, M. COLL 516 Castillo, J. COLL 622 Cetin, M. ANYL 166
Carrillo, P.C. CATL 111 Castillo, O. ORGN 397 Cevallos, S. AEI 67
Carro, T. AGRO 379 Castillo-Lora, J. INOR 389 Cevallos, S. ORGN 226
Carroll, D. PMSE 607 Castillo Ramos, V. ENVR 363 Cevirim, N. ENVR 412
Carroll, B. PMSE 598 Castle, S.L. ORGN 169 Ceze, L. I&EC 35
Carroll, K.S. COLL 452 Castracane, E. PHYS 370 Cha, J. ORGN 675
Carroll, K.M. COLL 297 Castro, C. COMP 410 Cha, J. ENFL 464
Carroll, P. COLL 535 Castro, S. ENFL 473 Cha, Y. AGFD 67
Carroll, P. I&EC 6 Casuras, A. INOR 219 Cha, Y. AGFD 69
Carroll, P. INOR 364 Casuras, A. INOR 611 Chabal, Y.J. CATL 116
Carroll, P. INOR 398 Catalano, B.T. COMP 166 Chábera, P. INOR 19


Chabot, D. AGFD 124 Chan, C. MEDI 103 Chang, S. ENVR 516

Chachkov, D. ORGN 173 Chan, E. PMSE 44 Chang, T. POLY 476
Chacon, M.L. ENFL 404 Chan, E. PMSE 101 Chang, T. POLY 621
Chada, S. ORGN 17 Chan, E. POLY 56 Chang, V.Y. CATL 289
Chadha, R. MEDI 114 Chan, E. MEDI 252 Chang, W. COLL 527
Chadrasekaran, A. AGRO 280 Chan, G. COMP 137 Chang, W.K. ORGN 103
Chadrasekaran, A. AGRO 333 Chan, G. PHYS 77 Chang, W. ENFL 96
Chadrasekaran, A. AGRO 359 Chan, G. PHYS 152 Chang, X. CATL 408
Chae, J. PHYS 423 Chan, G. PHYS 181 Chang, X. INOR 394
Chae, J. CHED 68 Chan, H. INOR 183 Chang, Y. CELL 31
Chae, M. POLY 407 Chan, H. INOR 553 Chang, Y. PMSE 387
Chae, S. ENVR 44 Chan, H. CATL 186 Chang, Y. ENVR 341
Chae, S. ENVR 139 Chan, H. COLL 298 Chang, Y. ENVR 342
Chae, S. ENVR 140 Chan, H. COMP 19 Chantarojsiri, T. CATL 271
Chafin, A. CELL 37 Chan, K. CELL 8 Chao, A. PMSE 70
Chai, C.L. I&EC 41 Chan, M. CATL 275 Chao, J. AGRO 201
Chai, H. MEDI 295 Chan, R. PHYS 440 Chao, K. AGFD 213
Chai, M. ANYL 137 Chan, R. ANYL 378 Chao, M.N. MEDI 294
Chai, Q. PMSE 238 Chan, S. CHAS 3 Chaoqiu, C. CATL 33
Chai, W. MEDI 328 Chan, V.S. ORGN 3 Chapa, I.M. ORGN 396
Chai, W. CARB 84 Chan, W. POLY 271 Chapin, A. BIOL 159
Chaisuwan, T. ENFL 204 Chan, W. AGRO 190 Chapina, M. INOR 254
Chaki, S. ORGN 176 Chan, W. INOR 553 Chaplin, B.P. ENVR 11
Chakma, P. PMSE 74 Chan, W. PMSE 518 Chaplin, B.P. ENVR 12
Chakma, P. PMSE 243 Chan, Y. ENVR 377 Chapman, C.A. PMSE 434
Chakma, P. PMSE 456 Chan, Y. INOR 471 Chapman, D.V. COLL 615
Chakma, P. POLY 472 Chan, Y. POLY 23 Chapman, K.W. INOR 292
Chakrabarti, A. CATL 15 Chanbasha, B. ENFL 402 Chapman, K.W. INOR 820
Chakrabarti, A. CATL 60 Chance, B.S. CHAS 7 Chapp, T. INOR 53
Chakrabarti, A. MEDI 343 Chandler, D. ENVR 555 Chapp, T.W. AEI 40
Chakrabarti, K. INOR 444 Chandran, P. CARB 98 Char, K. PMSE 583
Chakrabarti, S.K. PHYS 104 Chandran, P. PMSE 212 Char, K. PMSE 601
Chakraborty, A. PHYS 25 Chandran, P. PMSE 426 Char, K. POLY 106
Chakraborty, A. PHYS 142 Chandran, P. PMSE 460 Char, K. POLY 490
Chakraborty, A. INOR 117 Chaney, R. AGRO 218 Char, K. POLY 594
Chakraborty, A. INOR 180 Chang, A. POLY 369 Char, K. POLY 693
Chakraborty, H. CATL 131 Chang, A. POLY 486 Charbonneau, P. MPPG 18
Chakraborty, I. INOR 834 Chang, A. POLY 607 Charbonneau, P. PHYS 154
Chakraborty, K. COMP 347 Chang, B. COLL 389 Chareonviriyaphap, T. AGRO 310
Chakraborty, K. COMP 409 Chang, C. COMP 87 Chareonviriyaphap, T. AGRO 393
Chakraborty, K. PMSE 92 Chang, C. COMP 126 Chareonviriyaphap, T. AGRO 395
Chakraborty, S. POLY 86 Chang, C. COMP 259 Charette, B. INOR 11
Chakraborty, S. I&EC 38 Chang, C. COMP 356 Chari, R.V. MEDI 157
Chakravarty, S. INOR 474 Chang, C.J. INOR 72 Charlebois, A. CHED 36
Chakravorty, A. COLL 199 Chang, C.J. INOR 321 Charlebois, A. CHED 271
Chakroun, R.W. PMSE 521 Chang, C. BIOL 76 Charlebois, A.F. CHED 150
Chalasani, A.S. CHED 149 Chang, C. CATL 339 Charlebois, A.F. WCC 14
Chalasani, A.S. CHED 157 Chang, C. CATL 396 Charlebois, J. CHED 215
Chalermwat, N. ENFL 204 Chang, D.T. ENVR 305 Charleson, E. POLY 710
Chalk, S.J. CINF 6 Chang, D.T. ENVR 309 Charnawskas, J.C. ENVR 550
Chalk, S.J. CINF 41 Chang, D.T. ENVR 355 Charnley, S. PHYS 204
Chalopin, T. CARB 16 Chang, D.T. ENVR 546 Charnley, S. PHYS 551
Chaloux, B.L. PMSE 375 Chang, E. MEDI 253 Charoensaeng, A. COLL 246
Chaloux, B.L. INOR 749 Chang, F. CATL 302 Charoensaeng, A. ENFL 218
Chaloux, B.L. INOR 802 Chang, F.J. ENVR 530 Chartrain, N. PMSE 55
Chalyavi, F. PHYS 471 Chang, H. INOR 536 Chartrain, N. PMSE 218
Chalyavi, F. PHYS 483 Chang, H. ANYL 86 Chartrain, N. PMSE 219
Chamack, M. CATL 458 Chang, I. INOR 6 Chartrain, N. POLY 315
Chamas, A. PHYS 88 Chang, J. MEDI 252 Chase, D. CHED 280
Chambers, J.E. AGRO 237 Chang, J. MEDI 253 Chatani, N. ORGN 38
Chambers, M.B. INOR 396 Chang, J.S. AGRO 229 Chatare, V.K. ORGN 314
Chambers, T. AGRO 49 Chang, J. CATL 482 Chaterjee, K. PMSE 402
Chambreau, S. PHYS 511 Chang, J. ENFL 468 Chatham, C. POLY 498
Chamieh, J. POLY 697 Chang, L. PMSE 266 Chatterjee, A. TOXI 43
Champagne, P. ENVR 361 Chang, L. PMSE 536 Chatterjee, A. CHED 15
Champagne, P. POLY 335 Chang, M.F. MEDI 227 Chatterjee, M. CHED 347
Champeil, E. MEDI 194 Chang, M. ANYL 190 Chatterjee, P. COLL 593
Champeil, E. MEDI 311 Chang, M. INOR 71 Chatterjee, R. ENVR 70
Champion, J. PMSE 196 Chang, N. ORGN 604 Chatterjee, R. ENVR 71
Champion, J. POLY 349 Chang, Q. BIOL 115 Chatterjee, R. ENVR 72
Champness, E. CINF 116 Chang, Q. ENVR 345 Chatterjee, S. NUCL 21
Champness, E. MEDI 348 Chang, Q. ENVR 456 Chatterjee, S. NUCL 36
Chamsaz, E. POLY 302 Chang, Q. INOR 265 Chatterjee, S. NUCL 37
Chan, A. ENVR 539 Chang, R. COMP 167 Chatterjee, S. NUCL 38
Chan, B.C. INOR 548 Chang, R. COMP 215 Chatterjee, S. ENVR 215
Chan, B.C. PROF 1 Chang, S. ENFL 372 Chatterjee, S. ENVR 464
Chan, B.C. PROF 14 Chang, S. ENFL 421 Chatterjee, S. INOR 690
Chan, B.C. PROF 16 Chang, S.X. INOR 246 Chattopadhaya, C. ANYL 182
Chan, C.K. ENVR 264 Chang, S. MEDI 124 Chaudhari, R. CATL 360
Chan, C. MEDI 22 Chang, S. ANYL 320 Chaudhry, C. MEDI 7

324 –AUTH
Chaudhuri, O. PMSE 326 Chen, E.Y. AEI 41 Chen, L. AGFD 196
Chaudhuri, S. ORGN 509 Chen, E.Y. POLY 45 Chen, L. CELL 26
Chaudhuri, S. CATL 82 Chen, E.Y. POLY 131 Chen, L. POLY 214
Chauhan, B. ORGN 587 Chen, E.Y. POLY 279 Chen, L. POLY 728
Chauhan, B. ORGN 611 Chen, F. TOXI 63 Chen, L. CATL 259
Chauhan, K.R. AGRO 394 Chen, F. TOXI 64 Chen, L. I&EC 67
Chauhan, R. ORGN 134 Chen, F. TOXI 70 Chen, L.C. ANYL 104
Chauhan, S. ORGN 629 Chen, F. ENVR 166 Chen, L.C. ANYL 108
Chauhan, V. MEDI 269 Chen, G. COLL 439 Chen, L.X. INOR 117
Chaurd, S. ENVR 219 Chen, G. INOR 298 Chen, L.X. INOR 315
Chaves Claudino, D. COMP 368 Chen, G. POLY 334 Chen, L.X. INOR 402
Chavez, A. POLY 742 Chen, G. COLL 423 Chen, L. PMSE 376
Chavez-Gil, T. AGFD 120 Chen, G. POLY 262 Chen, L. CELL 27
Chavez-Gil, T. ENFL 406 Chen, G. PMSE 250 Chen, L. AGFD 33
Chazin, W.J. INOR 942 Chen, G. POLY 163 Chen, L. INOR 857
Cheatham, T.E. COMP 349 Chen, H. COMP 56 Chen, L. PMSE 352
Cheek, G.T. INOR 415 Chen, H. ENFL 424 Chen, L. COMP 288
Cheeseman, E.N. CHAL 16 Chen, H. MEDI 278 Chen, L. AEI 22
Cheeseman, E.N. CINF 144 Chen, H. CATL 242 Chen, L. CELL 22
Cheeseman, M. AGFD 102 Chen, H. ENFL 301 Chen, M. ORGN 272
Cheeseman, M. TOXI 80 Chen, H. CATL 47 Chen, M.S. ORGN 97
Cheewawisuttichai, T. CARB 42 Chen, H. CATL 283 Chen, M. ANYL 369
Chefetz, B. ENVR 121 Chen, H. MEDI 83 Chen, M. ANYL 372
Chemelle, J. COMP 339 Chen, H.C. AGFD 144 Chen, M. BIOL 169
Chemey, A. NUCL 30 Chen, H.C. TOXI 37 Chen, M. ORGN 386
Chemler, S.R. ORGN 289 Chen, H. ANYL 85 Chen, M. PHYS 440
Chen, J. ENVR 382 Chen, H. MEDI 8 Chen, M. POLY 433
Chen, J. ENVR 511 Chen, H. ANYL 208 Chen, M. POLY 442
Chen, R. AGRO 307 Chen, H. INOR 532 Chen, M. POLY 744
Chen, Y. CATL 293 Chen, H. AGRO 12 Chen, M. COLL 445
Chen, Y. ORGN 652 Chen, H. AGRO 124 Chen, M. INOR 776
Chen, A. ORGN 417 Chen, H. AGRO 163 Chen, N. ENVR 120
Chen, A. ORGN 419 Chen, H. ENVR 121 Chen, N. POLY 272
Chen, A. POLY 735 Chen, H. ORGN 328 Chen, O. COLL 293
Chen, B. ENVR 69 Chen, H. MEDI 23 Chen, O. COLL 235
Chen, B. ENVR 176 Chen, H. COMP 397 Chen, O. COLL 265
Chen, B. ENVR 269 Chen, I. COLL 27 Chen, O. COLL 556
Chen, B. PHYS 544 Chen, J. INOR 453 Chen, O. INOR 476
Chen, B. COMP 59 Chen, J. CHED 31 Chen, P. AGFD 161
Chen, C. BIOL 160 Chen, J. CHED 32 Chen, P. TOXI 86
Chen, C. COLL 383 Chen, J. AGRO 73 Chen, P. TOXI 89
Chen, C. ENFL 379 Chen, J. CATL 300 Chen, P. INOR 314
Chen, C. ENVR 49 Chen, J. COMP 213 Chen, P. POLY 589
Chen, C. ENVR 54 Chen, J. ANYL 432 Chen, P. MEDI 313
Chen, C. CATL 158 Chen, J. AEI 41 Chen, P.Y. BIOL 33
Chen, C. MEDI 365 Chen, J. ORGN 565 Chen, P. ORGN 499
Chen, C. PMSE 170 Chen, J. ORGN 566 Chen, Q. MEDI 33
Chen, C. POLY 606 Chen, J. AGFD 249 Chen, Q. COLL 424
Chen, C. POLY 272 Chen, J. MEDI 7 Chen, Q. MEDI 225
Chen, C. ORGN 391 Chen, J. NUCL 34 Chen, R. MEDI 8
Chen, C. MEDI 253 Chen, J. PMSE 397 Chen, R. POLY 775
Chen, C. COLL 532 Chen, J.G. CATL 68 Chen, S. INOR 666
Chen, C. INOR 244 Chen, J.G. CATL 303 Chen, S. PMSE 9
Chen, C. ENVR 13 Chen, J.G. ENFL 180 Chen, S. ENFL 395
Chen, C. ENVR 26 Chen, J.G. PHYS 87 Chen, S. ENFL 336
Chen, C. POLY 98 Chen, J. COLL 117 Chen, S. COMP 32
Chen, C. INOR 21 Chen, J. ORGN 206 Chen, S. AGFD 197
Chen, C. INOR 262 Chen, J. MEDI 267 Chen, S. CATL 471
Chen, C. INOR 424 Chen, J. ANYL 8 Chen, S. AGFD 212
Chen, C. INOR 485 Chen, J. COLL 172 Chen, S. ANYL 176
Chen, C. INOR 489 Chen, J. ENFL 187 Chen, S. MEDI 128
Chen, C. INOR 623 Chen, J. ORGN 63 Chen, S. CATL 327
Chen, C. INOR 676 Chen, J. MEDI 253 Chen, S. COLL 202
Chen, C. ENFL 359 Chen, J. AGFD 272 Chen, S. CATL 323
Chen, C. INOR 471 Chen, J. CATL 176 Chen, S. INOR 374
Chen, C. CATL 423 Chen, J. ENFL 133 Chen, S. POLY 412
Chen, C. COLL 460 Chen, J. INOR 849 Chen, S. POLY 773
Chen, C. MEDI 7 Chen, J. ENFL 327 Chen, S. COLL 3
Chen, D. ENVR 45 Chen, K. ENVR 156 Chen, S. PHYS 523
Chen, D. PMSE 353 Chen, K. ENVR 272 Chen, S.M. AGRO 77
Chen, D. CATL 177 Chen, K. ENVR 344 Chen, S. MEDI 254
Chen, D. CATL 319 Chen, K. I&EC 37 Chen, T. CATL 465
Chen, D. CATL 376 Chen, K. ORGN 304 Chen, T. PHYS 521
Chen, D. PHYS 537 Chen, K. ORGN 521 Chen, T. CHED 220
Chen, D. ENVR 271 Chen, K. CATL 16 Chen, T. CHED 261
Chen, D. I&EC 59 Chen, L. PMSE 24 Chen, T.H. COLL 103
Chen, D. PMSE 647 Chen, L. POLY 285 Chen, W. COMP 259
Chen, E. PHYS 416 Chen, L. AGRO 341 Chen, W. COMP 356
Chen, E. COMP 92 Chen, L. ENFL 185 Chen, W. COMP 383
Chen, E. COMP 267 Chen, L. ENFL 186 Chen, W. PHYS 245


Chen, W. PMSE 478 Cheney, J. INOR 823 Cheung, A. PHYS 498

Chen, W. POLY 443 Cheng, W. CARB 24 Cheung, K. PMSE 237
Chen, W.W. ENVR 21 Cheng, W. MEDI 276 Cheung, K.M. COLL 179
Chen, W.W. ENVR 25 Cheng, W. ORGN 391 Cheung, L. PHYS 421
Chen, W.W. ENVR 70 Cheng, C.C. PMSE 227 Cheung, M. ORGN 59
Chen, W.W. ENVR 71 Cheng, C. ORGN 313 Chevalier, R.B. COLL 121
Chen, W.W. ENVR 72 Cheng, C. COMP 42 Chevrier, D. CATL 291
Chen, W. ORGN 391 Cheng, C. CINF 37 Chew, R. ORGN 117
Chen, W. ENFL 269 Cheng, C. COMP 169 Cheyne, C. ANYL 368
Chen, W. POLY 759 Cheng, C. PMSE 321 Cheynier, V. AGFD 23
Chen, W.M. INOR 666 Cheng, C. PMSE 479 Chhetri, B.P. INOR 280
Chen, W. ENVR 43 Cheng, C. ORGN 243 Chhotaray, P.K. ENFL 245
Chen, W. TOXI 30 Cheng, D. ENVR 166 Chi, K. ORGN 452
Chen, W. AGRO 255 Cheng, F. POLY 532 Chi, M. ENFL 179
Chen, W. AGRO 257 Cheng, G.J. COLL 261 Chia, B. MEDI 277
Chen, W. AGRO 275 Cheng, G. COLL 81 Chiang, L. INOR 435
Chen, W. AGRO 285 Cheng, G. TOXI 52 Chiang, M.Y. PMSE 204
Chen, X. ENVR 365 Cheng, G. ORGN 39 Chiang, P. ENFL 156
Chen, X. PMSE 293 Cheng, H. POLY 53 Chiang, P. MEDI 253
Chen, X. PMSE 296 Cheng, H. POLY 760 Chiapasco, M. POLY 240
Chen, X. POLY 365 Cheng, H. CHED 51 Chiappisi, L. COLL 93
Chen, X. POLY 474 Cheng, H. ENFL 382 Chiarparin, E. MEDI 19
Chen, X. MEDI 12 Cheng, H. ENVR 499 Chiavone-Filho, O. ENVR 384
Chen, X. ENFL 236 Cheng, H. ENVR 501 Chiba, H. MEDI 106
Chen, X. PMSE 448 Cheng, I.F. INOR 448 Chibale, K. MEDI 326
Chen, X. BIOL 111 Cheng, J. MEDI 143 Chiefari, J. POLY 190
Chen, X. POLY 575 Cheng, J. PMSE 16 Chiefari, J. POLY 414
Chen, X. COLL 259 Cheng, J. PMSE 73 Chiemezie, C. ORGN 181
Chen, X. ORGN 665 Cheng, J. PMSE 139 Chierchia, M. ORGN 570
Chen, X. POLY 119 Cheng, J. PMSE 557 Chikindas, M. COLL 369
Chen, X. POLY 120 Cheng, J. PHYS 33 Childers, I. POLY 374
Chen, X. ENFL 89 Cheng, K. CATL 315 Childers, T. MEDI 329
Chen, X. PMSE 80 Cheng, K. PMSE 26 Childress, K. POLY 456
Chen, Y. INOR 248 Cheng, K. AGFD 53 Childs, B. INOR 916
Chen, Y. COLL 595 Cheng, L. CATL 278 Childs, B. NUCL 18
Chen, Y. COLL 553 Cheng, L. ORGN 384 Chiliveri, C.S. PHYS 288
Chen, Y. PMSE 438 Cheng, L. MEDI 7 Chilkoti, A. PMSE 253
Chen, Y. ENVR 80 Cheng, L. COMP 129 Chilkoti, A. PMSE 308
Chen, Y. PMSE 25 Cheng, L.W. AGRO 36 Chilkoti, A. PMSE 516
Chen, Y. POLY 371 Cheng, M. INOR 453 Chillrud, S.N. ENVR 284
Chen, Y. BIOL 76 Cheng, N. POLY 587 Chillrud, S.N. ENVR 285
Chen, Y. MEDI 356 Cheng, R.K. MEDI 8 Chin, A. COLL 294
Chen, Y. ENFL 301 Cheng, R. PMSE 77 Chin, C. INOR 551
Chen, Y. ENFL 223 Cheng, R. COLL 144 Chin, Y. MEDI 126
Chen, Y. ENVR 52 Cheng, R. PHYS 244 Chinn, S.C. PMSE 332
Chen, Y. ENVR 34 Cheng, S. POLY 774 Chino, J.P. INOR 246
Chen, Y. INOR 471 Cheng, S. PMSE 12 Chiou, P. COLL 467
Chen, Y. POLY 622 Cheng, S. POLY 447 Chirik, P.J. CATL 141
Chen, Y. ENFL 312 Cheng, S.Z. PMSE 584 Chirik, P.J. INOR 850
Chen, Y. INOR 391 Cheng, T. CATL 28 Chisholm, C. ANYL 369
Chen, Y. INOR 393 Cheng, W. CATL 446 Chisholm, M.H. INOR 881
Chen, Y. I&EC 35 Cheng, X. POLY 713 Chisholm, M.F. CATL 125
Chen, Y. INOR 532 Cheng, X. COLL 308 Chislock, M. ENVR 46
Chen, Y. PMSE 376 Cheng, X. CATL 254 Chistov, A.A. MEDI 319
Chen, Y. INOR 735 Cheng, Y. CATL 49 Chitarrini, G. AGFD 94
Chen, Y. COLL 73 Cheng, Y. CATL 430 Chitnumsub, P. MEDI 72
Chen, Y. PHYS 132 Cheng, Y. INOR 753 Chittimalla, S.K. MEDI 343
Chen, Y. ENVR 189 Cheng, Y. CATL 43 Chiu, C.K. ORGN 42
Chen, Y. ORGN 102 Cheng, Z. ENFL 454 Chiu, M. ANYL 53
Chen, Z. ORGN 212 Cheng, Y. ORGN 385 Chiu, P. ENVR 20
Chen, Z. AGFD 239 Chennamaneni, L.R. MEDI 17 Chiu, T. COMP 33
Chen, Z. AGFD 240 Chenoweth, D.M. BIOL 42 Chizallet, C. CATL 235
Chen, Z. POLY 214 Chenoweth, D.M. ORGN 209 Chmielarz, P. POLY 387
Chen, Z. ENFL 97 Cheon, G. ENFL 312 Cho, A. COMP 344
Chen, Z. POLY 662 Cheon, S.I. ORGN 612 Cho, B. ORGN 634
Chen, Z. MEDI 45 Cheong, D. COLL 414 Cho, C. POLY 656
Chen, Z. CATL 465 Cheplick, M.J. AGRO 128 Cho, E. ENVR 464
Chen, Z. COLL 481 Cheplick, M.J. AGRO 257 Cho, H. CATL 363
Chen, Z. COLL 617 Cheplick, M.J. AGRO 352 Cho, H. ENVR 131
Chen, Z. INOR 125 Cherevko, S. ENFL 350 Cho, H. PMSE 601
Chen, J. ANYL 240 Cherian, J. MEDI 17 Cho, H. BIOL 82
Chen, Y. ENVR 57 Chernyshov, M.V. INOR 622 Cho, J. INOR 714
Chen, A. CELL 29 Chernyshova, I. CATL 253 Cho, J. COLL 228
Chen, J. AGFD 123 Cherpak, V. PMSE 86 Cho, J. BIOL 30
Chen, K. AGFD 123 Cherukara, M. CATL 186 Cho, J. ENFL 114
Chen, W. ENFL 38 Cherukara, M. COMP 19 Cho, J. COLL 228
Chenail, G. MEDI 267 Cherukuri, P. ANYL 3 Cho, J. CATL 389
Chene, P. MEDI 306 Cherukuri, P. ANYL 209 Cho, J. MEDI 93
Cheneval, O. MEDI 63 Chervanyov, A. COLL 301 Cho, J. CHAL 12
Cheney, D.L. COMP 318 Chesmel, K. CHED 7 Cho, K. ANYL 98

326 –AUTH
Cho, K. COLL 154 Chou, T. BIOL 44 Chung, H. ORGN 493
Cho, S. PMSE 121 Chou, T. MEDI 182 Chung, H. POLY 34
Cho, S. POLY 324 Chou, P. AGFD 53 Chung, H. POLY 641
Cho, S.H. TOXI 84 Chou, C. ENVR 504 Chung, H. POLY 716
Cho, S. PMSE 539 Choudhary, K. COMP 336 Chung, H. ENVR 458
Cho, T. ENVR 161 Choudhury, A. INOR 742 Chung, H. INOR 738
Cho, Y. INOR 414 Choudhury, N.R. PMSE 270 Chung, J. ANYL 200
Cho, Y. ORGN 426 Choudhury, R. COLL 72 Chung, J. ANYL 202
Cho, Y. ORGN 427 Choudhury, S. ENFL 484 Chung, M. BIOL 160
Cho, Y. MEDI 267 Chow, C.S. ORGN 93 Chung, M. MEDI 16
Cho, Y. COMP 215 Chow, E. COMP 30 Chung, M. ORGN 409
Cho, Y. POLY 490 Chow, H. ENVR 62 Chung, M. ORGN 456
Chodera, J.D. WCC 5 Chow, P. MEDI 269 Chung, S. ENVR 429
Chohan, P. ORGN 277 Chow, S.J. ENVR 200 Chung, T.D. ENVR 137
Chohan, P. ORGN 591 Chow, S. WCC 3 Chung, W. ANYL 320
Choi, K. BIOL 123 Chow, W.I. INOR 158 Chung, W. ORGN 501
Choi, B. BIOL 72 Chowdhury, I. ENVR 61 Chung, Y.K. ORGN 576
Choi, B. INOR 511 Chowdhury, I. ENVR 218 Chuong, J.N. AGRO 36
Choi, B. INOR 874 Chowdhury, I. ENVR 263 Chuprin, A. BIOL 87
Choi, C. CATL 88 Chowdhury, S. COLL 587 Chupryna, A. CINF 29
Choi, G. AGFD 62 Chowdhury, S. COMP 146 Chupryna, A. CINF 139
Choi, H. POLY 409 Chowdhury, S. INOR 871 Chupryna, A. MEDI 357
Choi, H. BIOL 72 Chowdhury, S. MEDI 252 Church, C. ENVR 71
Choi, H. BIOL 82 Chowdhury, S. MEDI 253 Church, P. CINF 96
Choi, I. ENVR 154 Choy, Y. AGRO 331 Chytil, P. POLY 455
Choi, J.S. CATL 8 Chremos, A. PMSE 163 Ciampi, S. POLY 417
Choi, J.S. ENFL 297 Chrétien, S. CATL 119 Ciancetta, A. MEDI 1
Choi, J. ENFL 360 Chringma, S. BIOL 48 Ciano, L. INOR 583
Choi, J. ENVR 372 Christe, K.O. INOR 806 Ciblak, A. ENVR 328
Choi, J. ANYL 376 Christenholz, C.L. PHYS 377 Ciceri, D. I&EC 39
Choi, J. POLY 407 Christensen, M. ORGN 71 Cid, C. ENVR 14
Choi, J. MEDI 126 Christensen, P.R. INOR 395 Ciferri, C. ANYL 55
Choi, K. ENFL 353 Christensen, S. CATL 101 Ciglenecki, I. ENVR 496
Choi, M. CATL 88 Christian, O.E. ORGN 418 Cimander, C. ANYL 51
Choi, M. PMSE 291 Christian, O.E. ORGN 420 Cimatu, K.A. COLL 210
Choi, M. BIOL 65 Christodoulides, D. COLL 299 Cimatu, K.A. COLL 463
Choi, M. BIOL 66 Christon, A. CHED 222 Cimatu, K.A. COLL 518
Choi, S. ANYL 438 Christopher, P. CATL 91 Cimatu, K.A. POLY 678
Choi, S. ENFL 239 Christopher, P. CATL 113 Cimino, R.T. ANYL 298
Choi, S. ANYL 98 Christopher, P. CATL 169 Cimmino, A. AGRO 33
Choi, S. PMSE 374 Christopher, P. COLL 339 Cinoman, D. INOR 813
Choi, S. ANYL 184 Christou, G. INOR 932 Cinti, N. ORGN 602
Choi, S. ANYL 185 Christus, J. CARB 56 Cintora, A. POLY 609
Choi, S. AGFD 62 Chrivia, J.C. MEDI 146 Cione, A. AGRO 256
Choi, S. COMP 189 Chrunyk, B. MEDI 63 Cipollo, J. ANYL 279
Choi, T. POLY 752 Chu, C. INOR 204 Cipollo, J.F. ANYL 281
Choi, W. POLY 155 Chu, C. POLY 368 Cipollo, J.F. ANYL 392
Choi, W. ENVR 175 Chu, D.D. ENFL 85 Ćirić-Marjanović, G. COLL 362
Choi, Y. AGFD 265 Chu, F. ENVR 482 Cirovic, D. CINF 141
Choi, Y. CELL 42 Chu, H. COMP 80 Cisneros, G.A. PHYS 44
Choi, Y. ENVR 374 Chu, P.K. PMSE 237 Citra, M. ENVR 419
Choi, Y. COLL 190 Chu, P. PMSE 524 Civic, M. PMSE 616
Choi, Y. MEDI 126 Chu, Q.R. POLY 299 Civitello, L. HIST 15
Choi, Y. COLL 227 Chu, Q.R. POLY 496 Cizer, Ö. I&EC 40
Choi, Y. ANYL 376 Chu, S. AGRO 270 Clabo, D.A. PHYS 572
Choi, Y. ORGN 450 Chu, S. MEDI 274 Claesson, P. COLL 340
Choi, Y. ENVR 138 Chu, S. INOR 362 Claire, F. INOR 128
Cholewczynski, A. ORGN 644 Chu, T. ENFL 430 Clairmont, B.P. ORGN 77
Cholko, T. COMP 259 Chu, W. INOR 212 Clapham, J. INOR 614
Chong, C. ORGN 587 Chu, X. COLL 60 Clardy, J. BIOL 34
Chong, C. ORGN 611 Chua, C. MEDI 17 Claridge, S.A. ANYL 215
Chong, H. AGFD 26 Chuang, G. COMP 293 Clarine, J. ORGN 63
Chong, J. AGRO 106 Chuaqui, C. MEDI 23 Clark, A. ENVR 491
Chong, J. ANYL 98 Chudasama, S.S. ANYL 274 Clark, A. CINF 5
Chong, L. COLL 606 Chudasama, V. COLL 314 Clark, A. CINF 114
Chong, L.T. COMP 109 Chujo, Y. POLY 18 Clark, A. CINF 115
Chong, N. ANYL 95 Chujo, Y. POLY 352 Clark, A. CINF 118
Chong, N. ANYL 96 Chukin, A. INOR 525 Clark, A. MEDI 270
Chong, N. ANYL 94 Chukin, A. INOR 639 Clark, A.E. COMP 14
Choon, M. MEDI 17 Chukwudebe, A. AGRO 232 Clark, A.E. COMP 193
Chopade, S. POLY 298 Chulhai, D. PHYS 182 Clark, A.E. I&EC 17
Chopra, S. ENVR 40 Chun, J. INOR 544 Clark, B. PMSE 535
Chopra, S. MEDI 289 Chun, S. ORGN 576 Clark, B. AGRO 219
Chorghade, M. ENFL 154 Chung, R. CELL 31 Clark, C.G. MEDI 308
Chorghade, M. SCHB 7 Chung, R. CELL 32 Clark, D. CHED 140
Chorghade, M. SCHB 32 Chung, B. ORGN 410 Clark, G. CHED 313
Chorghade, M. SCHB 34 Chung, B. NUCL 69 Clark, J.M. AGRO 175
Chorghade, M. SCHB 35 Chung, D. ANYL 376 Clark, J.M. AGRO 312
Chorkendorff, I. CATL 129 Chung, E. GEOC 10 Clark, J.M. AGRO 366
Chou, K. PMSE 37 Chung, H. POLY 492 Clark, K. PMSE 595


Clark, L. PHYS 342 Cobb, C.R. INOR 589 Collins, R. ENVR 123
Clark, M. CINF 26 Cobb, C.R. INOR 895 Collins, T.S. AGFD 7
Clark, M. CINF 84 Cobb, D. PROF 12 Collins-Chase, C. CHAL 5
Clark, M.A. MEDI 104 Cobb, G.P. ENVR 391 Collinson, M.M. ANYL 110
Clark, M.B. PMSE 369 Cobb, J. INOR 239 Collinson, M.M. ANYL 232
Clark, M.T. MPPG 15 Cobos, J. COMP 198 Collinson, M.M. ANYL 383
Clark, R.D. CINF 130 Cocco, M.J. PHYS 242 Collinson, M.M. PMSE 75
Clark, R.D. COMP 359 Cochran, E.W. POLY 197 Collins-Wildman, D.L. CATL 314
Clark, S. PHYS 253 Cochran, M. ENVR 278 Collison, C.J. ORGN 617
Clark, S.L. AGRO 186 Cockcroft, J. INOR 748 Colman, D. ORGN 411
Clark, T. PMSE 141 Cockett, M. MEDI 269 Colò, F. CELL 9
Clark, T.P. INOR 439 Cockett, M. MEDI 365 Colon, J.L. INOR 63
Clark, T.B. INOR 226 Coco, M.G. INOR 914 Colón, J. INOR 143
Clark, T.B. INOR 227 Cody, J.A. CHED 198 Colson, J. POLY 743
Clark, T.B. ORGN 140 Cody, J.A. CHED 200 Colson, K. AGFD 57
Clark, T.B. ORGN 494 Cody, J.A. CHED 383 Colson, K. AGFD 59
Clark, T.B. ORGN 586 Cody, J.A. ORGN 617 Coltharp, R. CHED 206
Clark, T.R. CINF 94 Coelho, J.F. POLY 623 Columbus, L.M. PHYS 339
Clarke, A. AGRO 293 Coffey, J. CHED 36 Colussi, A.J. ENVR 289
Clarke, B. ENVR 197 Coffey, J. CHED 271 Colussi, A.J. PHYS 368
Clarke, D.D. CHED 78 Coffey, S.B. MEDI 258 Colvin, D.C. ANYL 208
Clarke, M.L. CATL 473 Coffin, A. AGRO 177 Colvin, R. MEDI 250
Clarke, S.M. INOR 358 Coffman, A.H. CHED 219 Colvin, V. ENFL 370
Clarke, S.M. INOR 918 Coffman, A.H. HIST 25 Combee, L.A. ORGN 584
Clarke, S.M. WCC 1 Coffman, D. CHED 219 Combs, R. CATL 271
Clarkson, G. ORGN 42 Coggan, T. ENVR 197 Comenge, J. COLL 39
Clarkson, G. ORGN 44 Cohen, A. COLL 250 Comer, J. POLY 614
Clarkson, T. MEDI 225 Cohen, A. COMP 250 Comiskey, M. ENFL 219
Clarson, S.J. POLY 269 Cohen, B. ORGN 521 Comito, R. AEI 42
Classick, T. ANYL 26 Cohen, C. ORGN 550 Comito, R. INOR 122
Clausen, B.M. AGRO 34 Cohen, C. MEDI 252 Comito, R. INOR 293
Clausen, S. MEDI 22 Cohen, C. MEDI 253 Commodore, A. ENVR 411
Clausen, S. MEDI 103 Cohen, J.H. PROF 3 Composto, R.J. COLL 38
Clauser, A.L. CATL 69 Cohen, M. AGFD 64 Composto, R.J. PHYS 199
Clay, A. ORGN 193 Cohen, R. INOR 387 Compton, J. ANYL 131
Clay, A. ORGN 225 Cohen, R. ORGN 256 Compton, J. BIOL 20
Clay, C.D. ORGN 139 Cohen, S. CHED 303 Comstock, L. ORGN 653
Clay, C.D. ORGN 423 Cohen, S. COLL 259 Conca, K.R. AGFD 51
Clayden, J. ORGN 43 Cohen, S. COLL 272 Conca, K.R. AGFD 63
Clayton, B.C. ENFL 420 Cohen, S. INOR 460 Conca, K.R. AGFD 72
Clearfield, A. INOR 63 Cohen, S. INOR 825 Concepcion, J.J. INOR 899
Clearfield, A. INOR 448 Cohen, S. MEDI 339 Concepcion, J.J. INOR 900
Cleary, B. MEDI 16 Cohen, S. MEDI 341 Conda-Sheridan, M.M. PMSE 140
Cleary, M.T. AGFD 26 Cohen, S.Z. AGRO 376 Condon, J. PMSE 519
Cleator, E. ORGN 256 Cohen, Y. CINF 96 Coneski, P.N. AGFD 103
Cleeren, M. CINF 7 Cohen-Karni, D. POLY 234 Confer, A.M. INOR 422
Clemas, J. MEDI 225 Cohen-Karni, D. POLY 751 Cong, L. CATL 110
Clement, C.C. MEDI 349 Cohn, A. ENFL 317 Conger, R. INOR 566
Clement, G. CINF 56 Coincon, M. PHYS 245 Conger, R. INOR 860
Clement, K. PMSE 331 Colabroy, K.L. BIOL 78 Congreves, M.S. MEDI 8
Clement, S. AGRO 33 Cole, A.C. INOR 849 Conklin, S. AGFD 223
Clément, J. PMSE 224 Cole, B.E. I&EC 6 Conklin, S.E. INOR 793
Clementi, C. COMP 3 Cole, D.C. MEDI 110 Conley, M. INOR 883
Clements, A. PHYS 518 Cole, E. MEDI 269 Conlon, D.A. ORGN 521
Clements, L. CHED 6 Cole, J. ENFL 52 Conmy, R. ENVR 483
Clements, L. ENVR 183 Cole, J.T. AGRO 329 Connal, L. CATL 424
Cleveland, G. INOR 709 Cole, J. CINF 117 Connal, L. PMSE 11
Cleveland, N. CATL 101 Cole, M. AGRO 268 Connal, L. PMSE 221
Cleverdon, E. BIOL 171 Cole, R.S. CHED 114 Connal, L. PMSE 576
Cleves, A.E. COMP 114 Cole, R.S. CHED 117 Connell, J.W. ENFL 149
Cleves, A.E. COMP 394 Cole, R.S. CHED 412 Connell, J.W. ENFL 151
Clift, M.D. ORGN 280 Cole, S. ANYL 177 Connell, N. MEDI 330
Clifton, G.M. PMSE 396 Colell, J. INOR 190 Connell, R.D. MPPG 15
Climent, C. ORGN 221 Coleman, E. CATL 29 Connell, T.L. ENFL 450
Clinger, J.A. PHYS 416 Coleman, E. ENFL 125 Connelly, C.M. ORGN 394
Clobes, A. CINF 52 Coleman, M. PMSE 628 Connelly, M. ENVR 512
Clough, L. ENVR 1 Coler, R. AGRO 184 Connelly Ryan, C. ANYL 223
Clough, M. ENFL 447 Coley, C.W. CINF 8 Connick, W.B. CHAS 39
Clouston, L.J. INOR 690 Colgan, S. PHYS 205 Connick, W.B. INOR 348
Co, A. ENFL 125 Colin-Lozano, B. MEDI 151 Connick, W.B. NUCL 38
Coate, H. MEDI 211 Collard, D.M. POLY 491 Connolly, M.P. ENFL 219
Coates, G.W. POLY 136 Collard, J. AEI 63 Connolly, P.J. MEDI 279
Coates, G.W. POLY 374 Colley, K.L. CHED 152 Connor, E.K. INOR 644
Coates, G.W. POLY 741 Colliard, I. CATL 326 Connor, G.P. INOR 218
Coats, J.R. AGRO 3 Collie, C. CHED 288 Conny, J.M. ENVR 10
Coats, J.R. AGRO 202 Collier, S. ENVR 193 Conny, J.M. ENVR 487
Coats, J.R. AGRO 302 Collinge, G. ENFL 300 Conrad, J. CHED 11
Coats, J.R. AGRO 303 Collins, L. INOR 730 Conrado, R. CATL 257
Coats, J.R. AGRO 304 Collins, M. MEDI 203 Conroy, M. NUCL 35
Coats, J.R. AGRO 397 Collins, R. ENVR 81 Conroy, N. NUCL 40

328 –AUTH
Conry, R.R. INOR 860 Corilo, Y. ENVR 121 Crabb, M. AGRO 360
Consortium, C. ANYL 309 Corio, P. INOR 254 Crabtree, R.H. CATL 82
Consortium, E. PHYS 351 Corley, R. TOXI 85 Crabtree, R.H. INOR 110
Constable, D.J. CHED 358 Corma, A. CATL 41 Crabtree, R.H. INOR 581
Conte, E.D. AGRO 89 Corman, R.E. PMSE 214 Crabtree, R.H. INOR 679
Conte, M.P. PMSE 523 Cormode, D. COLL 484 Crabtree, R.H. INOR 680
Conticello, V.P. BIOL 136 Cormode, D. PMSE 50 Craciunescu, O. INOR 246
Contrera, J. SCHB 4 Corn, R.M. ANYL 267 Craft, B.D. AGFD 12
Contrera, J.G. CHAL 12 Corn, R.M. ANYL 401 Craft, K.M. CARB 59
Contreras, E.Q. ENFL 371 Cornax, I. TOXI 94 Craig, A.W. ORGN 207
Contreras, E.Q. ENFL 419 Cornel, E. POLY 423 Craig, P. BIOL 113
Contreras, G. INOR 128 Cornell, T. PMSE 256 Craig, R.L. ENVR 237
Contreras, J. PMSE 463 Cornil, J. PMSE 356 Craig, S. POLY 147
Contreras, J. PMSE 567 Cornil, J. CARB 20 Craik, D. MEDI 63
Contreras, L. INOR 620 Cornish, V.W. ORGN 347 Crain, C.A. COLL 62
Contreras-Garcia, J. PHYS 213 Cornwell, G. ENVR 532 Crain, E. MEDI 308
Coody, P.N. AGRO 82 Coronella, C. ENVR 24 Cramail, H. POLY 138
Coody, P.N. AGRO 268 Corrêa, I.V. ENVR 110 Cramail, H. POLY 195
Coody, P.N. AGRO 273 Correll, C. MEDI 131 Cramer, B. AGFD 235
Coody, P.N. AGRO 357 Cort, J.R. CELL 1 Cramer, C.J. CATL 391
Cook, B.J. CATL 20 Cort, J.R. CELL 2 Cramer, C.J. COMP 333
Cook, G. INOR 914 Cort, J.R. CELL 30 Cramer, C.J. INOR 2
Cook, G.R. ORGN 666 Corte, J.R. MEDI 308 Cramer, C.J. INOR 68
Cook, J.M. MEDI 364 Cortés-Benitez,
´ F. MEDI 165 Cramer, C.J. INOR 292
Cook, K. INOR 132 Cortina, G. PHYS 92 Cramer, C.J. INOR 728
Cook, M. ENFL 302 Coscia, B. COMP 304 Cramer, J. MEDI 260
Cook, M. ORGN 544 Coscia, B. PMSE 354 Cramer, S.P. INOR 769
Cook, R. ENFL 247 Cosgriff, C. PHYS 63 Crandall, D. ENFL 91
Cook, R. CHED 165 Ćosović, B. ENVR 496 Crandall, L. BIOL 118
Cooke, A. MEDI 225 Costa, A.A. CATL 330 Crans, D.C. COLL 593
Cooke, I. PHYS 518 Costales, A. MEDI 267 Cravatt, B.F. MEDI 232
Cooke, R. COMP 85 Costanza-Robinson, M. ENVR 440 Craven, G. PHYS 85
Cooke, R. MEDI 8 Costanzi, S. COMP 250 Craven, G. ORGN 52
Cooke, S. PMSE 464 Costanzi, S. COMP 282 Crawford, C.L. INOR 323
Cooks, R.G. CHED 77 Coste, S. INOR 349 Crawford, M. PROF 4
Cook-Sneathen, A.K. INOR 610 Coste, S.C. INOR 342 Crawford, M. PROF 13
Cook-Sneathen, A.K. INOR 953 Coster, M.J. MEDI 285 Crawford, M. PROF 14
Coon, Z. ORGN 163 Cote, G.L. PMSE 566 Crawford, M. PROF 15
Coon, Z. ORGN 319 Cote, G.L. AGFD 263 Crawford, M. PROF 16
Cooper, A. ENVR 246 Cottaz, S. INOR 583 Crawford, M. CHED 329
Cooper, A.I. ORGN 562 Cotten, M. PHYS 578 Crawford, S. COLL 375
Cooper, B. ENFL 469 Cotter, D. INOR 636 Crawford, T. COMP 3
Cooper, B.T. ANYL 35 Cotterman, R.L. POLY 247 Credille, C.V. MEDI 339
Cooper, J. CATL 101 Cottet, H. POLY 697 Credille, C.V. MEDI 341
Cooper, J.H. CATL 55 Cottrill, A. ORGN 669 Cremer, P.S. ANYL 10
Cooper, M. CHED 26 Cottrill, A. PHYS 507 Cremer, P.S. ANYL 11
Cooper, M. ORGN 59 Cottrill, A. PMSE 355 Cremer, P.S. COLL 89
Cooper, P.D. PHYS 395 Couch, M. AGRO 89 Cremer, P.S. COLL 212
Cooper, P.D. PHYS 441 Couch, R.D. MEDI 184 Cremer, P.S. COLL 269
Cooper, R. PMSE 543 Couch, R.D. MEDI 324 Cremer, P.S. COLL 348
Cooper, S. CINF 105 Couillaud, F. COLL 96 Cremer, P.S. COLL 353
Cooper, W.J. ENVR 104 Couillaud, F. PMSE 516 Cremer, P.S. COLL 456
Coote, M.L. POLY 3 Coulembier, O.R. PMSE 356 Cresawn, K. CHED 58
Coote, M.L. POLY 417 Coulembier, O.R. PMSE 398 Crespi, V. INOR 870
Cope, S. ORGN 49 Coulther, T.A. TOXI 16 Crespo, A. COMP 57
Cope, S. ORGN 50 Counago, R. MEDI 123 Crespo, E.A. I&EC 64
Copeland, R. COMP 61 Coutinho, A. MEDI 127 Cress, B. ORGN 649
Copenhaver, K. AGRO 383 Coutinho, J. I&EC 33 Crich, D. CARB 39
Copenhaver, K. AGRO 384 Coutinho, J. I&EC 64 Crich, D. CARB 50
Coperet, C. INOR 610 Coutsias, E. ORGN 372 Crick, C.R. POLY 739
Coperet, C. INOR 953 Covert, K.J. INOR 131 Crihfield, C. ANYL 64
Coperet, C. PHYS 59 Cowan, A. ANYL 75 Crihfield, C. ANYL 417
Copley, S.D. PHYS 333 Cowan, A. ANYL 352 Crihfield, C.L. ANYL 413
Copp, B. ORGN 615 Cowan, J.A. INOR 574 Crihfield, C.L. ANYL 416
Copp, J.N. PHYS 90 Cowart, J. ENFL 251 Crihfield, C.L. ANYL 418
Coppens, M. ENFL 342 Cowles, R.S. AGRO 106 Crihfield, C.L. ANYL 65
Coppens, M. INOR 748 Cowman, M.K. ANYL 113 Criollo, A. CHED 298
Copping, R. NUCL 1 Cox, A. ORGN 658 Crist, K. AGRO 116
Coppock, M.B. BIOL 43 Cox, C.T. CHAS 3 Cristiglio, V. ORGN 31
Corbett, A.J. ORGN 212 Cox, E. ENVR 326 Cristofaro, M. AGRO 33
Corcoran, L. NUCL 73 Cox, L. POLY 549 Cristofol-Clough, M. COMP 307
Corcoran, L. NUCL 76 Cox, M. AGRO 77 Crittenden, J.C. ENVR 382
Corcos, A.R. POLY 55 Cox, M. MEDI 328 Critton, D. MEDI 269
Cordero, R. CARB 75 Cox, N. PHYS 351 Croatt, M.P. ORGN 232
Cordiner, M. PHYS 351 Cox, N. PHYS 356 Crocker, J. COLL 18
Cordiner, M. PHYS 551 Coyle Rees, M. BMGT 8 Crocker, M. CATL 451
Cordon, M. ENVR 88 Coyne, J. PMSE 357 Croissant, J. COLL 104
Cordova, D. AGRO 140 Cozzoli, L. ORGN 502 Croissant, J. COLL 229
Cori, C.R. CARB 65 Cozzolino, A.F. INOR 823 Croissant, J. PMSE 367
Coric, V. MEDI 254 Cozzolino, A.F. INOR 861 Croley, T.R. AGFD 212


Croley, T.R. ANYL 176 Cui, H. AGRO 341 Cuthbertson, J. ORGN 636
Croley, T.R. ANYL 194 Cui, J. COLL 555 Cutri, A. COLL 198
Croley, T.R. ANYL 197 Cui, J. ORGN 687 Cutrone, J. MEDI 269
Croley, T.R. ANYL 216 Cui, L. POLY 506 Cutucache, C. CHED 11
Croll, S.G. PMSE 178 Cui, P. INOR 867 Cwiertny, D.M. ENVR 99
Cromwell, B. PMSE 358 Cui, S. ORGN 300 Cwiertny, D.M. ENVR 198
Cronin, M. CINF 42 Cui, S. CATL 176 Cwiertny, D.M. ENVR 353
Cronin, S. CATL 447 Cui, S. ENFL 133 Cybulskis, V.J. ENFL 171
Cronin-Golomb, M. PMSE 497 Cui, T. COLL 196 Cychosz, K. ENFL 396
Cronstein, B.N. COLL 277 Cui, X. PHYS 63 Cyran, J.D. PHYS 516
Crooke, S.N. BIOL 170 Cui, Y. POLY 296 Czekner, J.G. PHYS 421
Crooke, S.N. CHED 161 Cui, Z. ENFL 211 Czerwinski, K. INOR 916
Crooks, D. ORGN 35 Culakova, Z. INOR 213 Czerwinski, K. NUCL 18
Crooks, K. CHAS 37 Culberson, J.C. MEDI 192 Czubatka-Bienkowska, A. MEDI 317
Crooks, R.M. POLY 141 Culbertson, C.T. COLL 147 D’Acchioli, J.S. PHYS 112
Croom, C. BIOL 92 Culcu, G. INOR 307 D’Agosto, F. INOR 374
Cropp, T.A. BIOL 112 Cully, D. MEDI 134 D’Agosto, F. POLY 67
Crosby, J.L. POLY 489 Cully, D. MEDI 225 D’Agosto, F. POLY 412
Cross, E. ORGN 479 Culotta, V. INOR 322 D’Amelia, R.P. CHED 263
Cross, J.N. NUCL 44 Culver, D. INOR 883 D’Andrea, S. MEDI 365
Cross, J.N. NUCL 19 Culver, J.N. COLL 255 D’Angelo, C. INOR 470
Cross, J.N. NUCL 47 Culver, R. BIOL 46 D’Angelo, P. COLL 182
Cross, M.C. CHED 394 Cumin, F. MEDI 46 D’Angelo, P. COLL 266
Cross, T.A. PHYS 385 Cummings, C. PMSE 145 D’Arcangelo, G. ANYL 373
Cross, T.L. COLL 515 Cummings, M. ORGN 101 D’Onofrio, J. BIOL 99
Cross, V. MEDI 89 Cummins, C.C. INOR 304 D’Souza, M. CINF 3
Cross, V. MEDI 90 Cummins, C.C. INOR 728 D’Souza, R. MEDI 204
Crossland, J. AGRO 22 Cunanan, J.M. PHYS 440 Da, C. COLL 389
Crossley, S. CATL 165 Cundari, T. CATL 139 Dabdub, D. ENVR 195
Crossley, S. ENVR 127 Cundari, T. COMP 365 Dabo, I. PHYS 34
Croteau, P. ENVR 189 Cundari, T. INOR 389 Dacko, C.A. ORGN 101
Crotti, M. ORGN 83 Cundari, T.R. INOR 210 Dacko, C.A. ORGN 547
Crouse, G.D. AGRO 388 Cundari, T.R. INOR 103 Dacosta, P. ENFL 380
Crovak, R.A. INOR 237 Cundari, T.R. INOR 209 Dadashi Silab, S. POLY 391
Crowder, K.N. INOR 137 Cundari, T.R. INOR 325 Dadivanyan, N. ORGN 157
Crowhurst, J.C. NUCL 64 Cundari, T.R. INOR 390 Dadmun, M.D. PMSE 322
Crowley, B.M. MEDI 192 Cundari, T.R. INOR 499 Daemen, L. BIOL 90
Crowley, M.F. CATL 101 Cundari, T.R. INOR 608 Daemen, L. CATL 43
Crowley, M.F. CELL 16 Cunningham, J. ENVR 149 Daemen, L. INOR 753
Crowley, M.F. COMP 217 Cunningham, K.A. MEDI 278 Daemen, L. PHYS 437
Crozier, B. INOR 858 Cunningham, M.F. POLY 335 Daeseleire, E. AGRO 87
Cruet, G. ENVR 390 Cunningham, M.F. POLY 620 Daeuble, J.F. AGRO 135
Crumlin, E. CATL 28 Cunningham, M.T. INOR 203 Daeuble, J.F. AGRO 390
Crumlin, E. CATL 378 Cunningham, M.T. INOR 330 Daga, P. COMP 359
Crumlin, E. COLL 537 Cunningham, M.T. INOR 596 Dagastine, R.R. COLL 343
Crumlin, E. COLL 538 Cunningham, P.D. COLL 563 Dahal, D. ORGN 88
Crumlin, E. COLL 540 Cunningham, V. POLY 424 Dahal, D. ORGN 187
Crumlin, E. COLL 541 Cuozzo, J.W. MEDI 104 Dahal, U.R. COMP 195
Crumlin, E. PHYS 190 Curia, S. POLY 137 Dahal, U.R. PMSE 30
Crump, A. AGRO 93 Curley, E.A. ANYL 359 Dahal, U.R. PMSE 32
Crump, A. AGRO 96 Curley, P. COLL 412 Dahanayake, V. COLL 623
Cruse, C. AGRO 89 Curley, P. COLL 547 Dahanayake, V. INOR 472
Cruz, C. INOR 879 Curley, P. ORGN 671 Daher, S. MEDI 299
Cruz, C.N. ANYL 315 Curran, S. CATL 348 Dahl-Petersen, C. CATL 206
Cruz, C.N. ANYL 318 Currano, J.N. CINF 2 Dahlstrand, C. ORGN 261
Cruz, L. ENFL 269 Currano, J.N. CINF 27 Dai, B. COLL 93
Cruz, P. ANYL 167 Curreli, D. NUCL 64 Dai, C. ENVR 31
Cruz, Y. CHED 199 Curry, B. AGRO 102 Dai, C. ENVR 32
Cruz-Balberdy, A. COMP 39 Curry, N.A. INOR 724 Dai, C. ORGN 430
Cruz-Balberdy, A. COMP 254 Curry, T. ANYL 356 Dai, E. PMSE 595
Cruz Ochoa, N.I. ENVR 373 Curtin, C. AGFD 24 Dai, G. PMSE 235
Cruz Rivera, Y. CHED 275 Curtin, G.M. COMP 166 Dai, H. ANYL 204
Cruz Silva, R. COMP 371 Curtis, A. AGFD 203 Dai, H. CELL 26
Cruz Silva, R. POLY 511 Curtis, B. ORGN 658 Dai, H. ANYL 345
Cryer, S. AGRO 114 Curtis, J.K. ANYL 330 Dai, H. ENVR 225
Cryer, S. AGRO 147 Curtis, J.E. ORGN 31 Dai, L. ENFL 80
Cryer, S. AGRO 179 Curtis, T. AGFD 205 Dai, L. ENFL 462
Csányi, G. PHYS 360 Curtis-Fisk, J.L. CHED 47 Dai, M. POLY 704
Cua, J. I&EC 31 Curtis-Fisk, J.L. HIST 19 Dai, N. AGRO 346
Cubides, Y. PMSE 664 Curtiss, A.B. CHED 56 Dai, Q. ENFL 462
Cuesta, A. PHYS 33 Curtiss, L.A. CATL 46 Dai, S. CATL 57
Cueto, R. ANYL 293 Curtiss, L.A. CATL 192 Dai, S. CATL 126
Cui, C. INOR 385 Curtiss, L.A. CATL 278 Dai, S. CATL 167
Cui, D. MEDI 192 Cushion, M.T. MEDI 70 Dai, S. CATL 336
Cui, H. COMP 409 Cushman, M. MEDI 124 Dai, S. COLL 174
Cui, H. PMSE 35 Cussler, E. ENFL 61 Dai, S. ENFL 45
Cui, H. PMSE 191 Custelcean, R. I&EC 25 Dai, S. ENFL 117
Cui, H. PMSE 230 Custudio, T. ENVR 223 Dai, S. ENFL 179
Cui, H. PMSE 448 Cusumano, A.Q. ORGN 96 Dai, S. ENFL 208
Cui, H. PMSE 521 Cuthbert, J.L. POLY 389 Dai, S. ENVR 494

330 –AUTH
Dai, S. I&EC 5 Dare, R.M. ORGN 602 Davies, G.H. ORGN 643
Dai, S. I&EC 18 Darek, L.C. PHYS 107 Davies, G. INOR 583
Dai, S. I&EC 52 Darensbourg, M.Y. CATL 267 Davies, I.W. INOR 948
Dai, S. PMSE 391 Darensbourg, M.Y. INOR 136 Davies, I.W. ORGN 383
Dai, W. PHYS 498 Darensbourg, M.Y. INOR 159 Davies, K. CATL 410
Dai, X. CATL 208 Darensbourg, M.Y. INOR 698 Davies, N. MEDI 19
Dai, Y. BIOL 48 Dares, C.J. NUCL 28 Davies, R.A. MEDI 285
Dai, Y. ORGN 105 Darienzo, R. CELL 22 Davis, A. PHYS 345
Dai, Y. ENFL 156 Darienzo, R. COLL 293 Davis, A.C. AEI 28
Dai, Y. PMSE 64 Darjani, S. COLL 130 Davis, A. MEDI 111
Dai, Z. INOR 536 Darko, A. INOR 627 Davis, A.P. ENVR 539
Daigle, K. BMGT 6 Darnell, B.M. ORGN 90 Davis, A. ANYL 27
Dailey, K. CHED 59 Darr, J. CHED 11 Davis, A. HIST 12
Dailey, M. INOR 637 Dartois, V. MEDI 330 Davis, A. POLY 501
Dain, J. AGFD 149 Darvas, F. AGRO 56 Davis, A. CHED 234
Daiss, R. ENVR 305 Darvas, F. YCC 5 Davis, B.L. ENFL 430
Da Jornada, F.H. COMP 49 Darwich, S. ANYL 351 Davis, B. POLY 469
Da Jornada, F.H. PHYS 72 Das, A. COLL 560 Davis, B.H. HIST 18
Dakshanamurthy, S. MEDI 314 Das, A. PHYS 104 Davis, B.H. HIST 27
Dalafu, H.A. INOR 60 Das, A. INOR 762 Davis, C. AEI 30
Dalecki, A.G. INOR 323 Das, J. ANYL 423 Davis, C. ENVR 367
Dales, N. MEDI 77 Das, P. PMSE 495 Davis, C.W. ENVR 102
Daley, C.J. INOR 158 Das, S. COLL 305 Davis, C.W. ENVR 211
Daley, C.J. INOR 193 Das, S.R. POLY 393 Davis, D. POLY 727
Dalilian, M. ANYL 94 Dasary, S.S. ENVR 479 Davis, J. CHED 252
Dalkmann, P. AGRO 38 Dasgupta, N.P. CATL 426 Davis, J. ORGN 505
Dallinger, D. CHED 380 Dasgupta, S. ORGN 310 Davis, J. ORGN 507
Dalton, C. CARB 70 Dasgupta, S. ORGN 642 Davis, J. ORGN 557
Dalton, L.R. PMSE 609 Dasgupta, T. CATL 331 Davis, J.M. ANYL 329
Dalton, L.R. PMSE 658 Dasgupta, T.P. INOR 150 Davis, K.M. PHYS 501
Dalton, L. ENFL 91 Dasgupta, T.P. INOR 966 Davis, M.C. POLY 12
Daly, M. INOR 541 Dash, R. MEDI 100 Davis, M.C. POLY 521
Daly, M. POLY 145 Dash, S. MEDI 74 Davis, P. INOR 448
Daly, N. MEDI 63 DaSilva, N. AGFD 149 Davis, R.S. ANYL 30
Daly, S.R. INOR 51 Da Silva, B.S. ORGN 614 Davis, R. CATL 379
Dama, J.F. PHYS 432 Da Silva Filho, L.C. ORGN 432 Davis, R.M. INOR 852
Damatov, D. INOR 389 Da Silva Filho, L.C. ORGN 613 Davis, T. PMSE 644
Damborsky, J. PHYS 145 Da Silva Filho, L.C. ORGN 614 Davis, T. POLY 425
Damkaci, F. CHED 363 Da Silva Filho, L.C. POLY 467 Davis, T.L. CATL 117
Damrauer, N.H. INOR 73 Dasog, M. INOR 920 Davis, T.A. ORGN 127
Damrauer, N.H. INOR 672 Dasoju, M. MEDI 94 Davis, T. ANYL 64
Damrauer, N.H. INOR 691 Dass, L. BIOL 75 Davis, T. ANYL 65
Dan, D. NUCL 41 Dassonville-Klimpt, A. MEDI 62 Davis, T. ANYL 357
Danaher, M. AGRO 45 Dassonville-Klimpt, A. MEDI 99 Davis, Z. AGFD 9
Danalis, A. COMP 120 Dassonville-Klimpt, A. MEDI 109 Davis Jr., J. I&EC 53
Dandamudi, C. COLL 389 Dastidar, S. INOR 844 Davison, J.R. BIOL 114
Dandliker, P. MEDI 39 Dastidar, S. INOR 892 Davoren, J.E. MEDI 241
Dandliker, P. MEDI 215 Date, M.S. COMP 186 Dawber, M. PHYS 239
Danfora, A. COMP 250 Datilus, V. ORGN 277 Dawlaty, J. PHYS 510
Dang, L. TOXI 69 Datla, S. ORGN 208 Dawood, F. PHYS 494
Dang, L. ENFL 387 Datta, P. POLY 515 Dawson, B. ORGN 631
Dang, Z. ENVR 73 Datta, S. PHYS 431 Dawson, J. AGRO 144
Dang, Z. ENVR 98 Dattlier, D. AEI 63 Dawson, K. PHYS 381
Dangi, R. INOR 33 Dau, P.D. NUCL 45 Dawson, K.A. PHYS 16
Daniel, M. INOR 784 Daub, M.E. AEI 61 Day, R. COLL 473
Daniel, M. PMSE 485 Daubenmire, P.L. CHED 313 Dayie, T. PHYS 544
Daniel, R.C. CHED 211 Daubenmire, P.L. CHED 335 Daza, Y. ENFL 28
Daniel, W.F. POLY 382 Dauenhauer, P.J. ENFL 107 De, S. ANYL 14
Daniel, W.F. POLY 384 Dauenhauer, P.J. ENVR 91 De, S. ENVR 215
Daniel, W.F. POLY 766 Dauenhauer, P.J. ENVR 131 De, S. INOR 376
Daniel, Y. POLY 757 Daugulis, O. POLY 662 Deadman, B.J. ORGN 14
Daniele, M. ANYL 333 Dautović, J. ENVR 496 De Aguirre, A.J. INOR 46
Daniel Ekekwe, N. INOR 484 Dave, L. ORGN 600 Dean, A. AGRO 360
Danielli, S. TOXI 51 Davey, R. MEDI 197 Dean, C. MEDI 250
Daniels, G. PMSE 654 David, D.A. AGRO 388 Dean, C. POLY 91
Daniels, G.C. PMSE 359 David, H. NUCL 48 Dean, D.J. NUCL 58
Danielson, A. POLY 187 David, N. ANYL 283 Dean, J. AGRO 277
Danielson, T. CATL 390 David, W. CATL 276 De Angelis, A. PHYS 578
Dannenhoffer-Lafage, T. COMP 118 David, W. ENFL 17 De Angelis, F. ENFL 14
Danowski, W. ORGN 535 David, W. ENFL 18 De Angelis, F. INOR 841
Danziger, A. MEDI 192 Davidovits, P. ENVR 550 Deanna, J. ANYL 310
Daoust, J. ORGN 386 Davidovits, P. ENVR 555 Deans, M.T. BIOL 153
Darabantu, M. ENVR 381 Davidson, D.S. CHED 267 Deans, T. PMSE 334
Daran, J. INOR 880 Davidson, D.S. CHED 287 Dearborn, M. POLY 429
Daran, J. POLY 410 Davidson, F.T. MPPG 3 Dearden, A. CATL 395
Daran, J. POLY 411 Davidson, J. COMP 184 Deards, K. CINF 69
Daran, J. POLY 413 Davidson, J.R. PMSE 240 Deb, I. COMP 65
Darancet, P. COLL 492 Davie, C. MPPG 15 Debenedetti, P.G. PHYS 171
Darbre, T. BIOL 22 Davies, A. ORGN 256 Deberardinis, A.M. AEI 58
Darbre, T. CARB 4 Davies, D.H. COLL 450 Deberardinis, A.M. MEDI 52


De Bettencourt Dias, A. INOR 112 Dekhne, A. MEDI 119 Deneyer, A. CELL 5

De Biasi, F. COMP 143 Dekhne, A. MEDI 142 Deng, C. PMSE 77
Deblase, A.F. PHYS 220 Dekhne, A. MEDI 150 Deng, C.C. PMSE 132
Deblonde, G. NUCL 54 Dekhne, A.S. MEDI 120 Deng, H. GEOC 7
De Bo, G. ORGN 534 Dekker, N. MEDI 8 Deng, H. COLL 515
De Bo, G. ORGN 537 Dekker, T. AGRO 240 Deng, J. CARB 30
De Bo, G. ORGN 539 Dekun, M. CATL 316 Deng, L. COLL 104
De Bo, G. POLY 90 de la Campa, R. PMSE 108 Deng, M. PMSE 48
DeBoef, B.L. ORGN 135 De La Cerda, J. COLL 30 Deng, S. ENVR 221
DeBoef, B.L. ORGN 437 Delacy, B.G. INOR 907 Deng, S. ENVR 509
DeBoef, B.L. ORGN 634 de la Fuente, A. ENVR 362 Deng, T. AGFD 87
DeBoever, M. CINF 103 De La Fuente, S. ENVR 493 Deng, Y. COLL 171
De Bon, F. POLY 7 Delaney, J.K. ANYL 259 Deng, Y. ENVR 68
DeBord, M. MEDI 290 de Lange, E.C. COMP 88 Deng, Y. ENVR 148
Debroye, E. CATL 429 de Lannoy, C. ENVR 59 Deng, Y. ENVR 375
de Bruin, B. INOR 946 Delaplane, S. INOR 505 Deng, Y. ENVR 378
Debuigne, A. POLY 255 de la Salud-Bea, R. ORGN 90 Deng, F. ENVR 150
DeBusk, M.M. INOR 545 de la Vega de Leon, A. CINF 86 Dengiz, C. POLY 284
deCaestecker, M. TOXI 73 Delaveris, C. PMSE 19 Deniaud, D. CARB 16
Decherchi, S. COMP 385 Del Ben, M. COMP 49 Denis, R. COMP 339
Dechert, S. INOR 862 Delehanty, J. COLL 487 Denmark, S.E. ORGN 22
Dechert, S. INOR 962 Delehanty, J. COLL 562 Denner, K. MEDI 266
Deckard, C. TOXI 50 Delehanty, J. COLL 621 Dennis, E.A. COMP 218
Decker, G.E. INOR 187 de Leon, A. ENFL 147 Dennis, E.A. COMP 219
Decker, S. MEDI 252 de Leon, A.C. COLL 16 Dennis, E.A. COMP 341
Decker, S. MEDI 253 Delevoye, L. CATL 124 Dennis, E.A. COMP 392
De Clerck, K. PMSE 652 Del Federico, E. ANYL 228 Dennis, E.A. MEDI 84
DeColli, A. BIOL 58 Delgado, E. ORGN 154 Dennis, J.M. PMSE 6
DeCoste, J.B. INOR 65 Delgado, M. WCC 16 Dennis, J.M. PMSE 659
DeCoste, J.B. INOR 675 Del Gado, E. PMSE 159 Dennis, J.M. POLY 54
DeCoste, J.B. INOR 750 Delgado Carrión, A.S. BIOL 119 Dennis, J.M. POLY 510
DeCoste, J.B. INOR 755 Delgass, W. CATL 67 Dennis, J.M. POLY 522
DeCoste, J.B. INOR 756 Delgass, W. CATL 243 Dennis, P. PMSE 311
De Cremer, G. POLY 295 Delgass, W. ENFL 73 Denny, M.S. INOR 825
Decroly, A. PMSE 356 Del Grosso, A. ORGN 42 Denton, D. AGRO 13
de Dios, A.C. ORGN 323 Del Grosso, A. ORGN 141 Denton, D. AGRO 157
Dedyukhin, A.S. INOR 639 Delhomme, O. ENVR 242 Denton, D. AGRO 158
Deeds, J. AGFD 211 del Hoyo, A.M. ORGN 51 Denton, E. MEDI 55
Deeds, J. ANYL 217 del Hoyo, A.M. ORGN 638 Denton, E. MEDI 56
Deegan, J. ORGN 656 Delikatny, E.J. MEDI 292 Denton, E. ORGN 171
Deegan, M. INOR 53 Deliz, D. ORGN 682 Denton, K.E. MEDI 218
Deegan, M. INOR 935 Dellinger, T. COLL 28 Denton, K.E. MEDI 315
DeerInWater, K.M. CMA 4 Delmau, L.H. NUCL 59 Denton, R. MEDI 269
DeForest, C.A. PMSE 58 Delmonte, P. AGFD 30 Denver, J. CHED 179
Defranc, D. PMSE 323 Delmonte, P. AGFD 210 Denver, J. CHED 188
de Funari, C.S. ANYL 132 Delmonte, P. ANYL 168 Deodhar, G. INOR 872
Degaga, G.D. COMP 172 Delmonte, P. ANYL 328 de Oliveira, M. I&EC 39
Degaga, G.D. COMP 370 Delong, B. POLY 520 De Pablo, J.J. PMSE 29
De Gasparo, R.E. MEDI 108 De Long, H. ANYL 287 De Pablo, J.J. PMSE 119
Degnan, A.P. MEDI 335 de los Santos, M. CHED 132 De Pablo, J.J. PMSE 158
DeGrandi-Hoffman, G. AGRO 102 de los Santos, M. CHED 145 De Pablo, J.J. PMSE 320
Degroote, M. PHYS 180 de los Santos, M. CHED 146 de Paz, J. CARB 80
Deguchi, Y. PMSE 409 de los Santos, M. CHED 171 Depner, C. AGFD 38
Dehaan, D.O. ENVR 238 De Los Santos, Z. ORGN 447 DePrince, A.E. COMP 156
DeHaven, B. ORGN 451 Delpassand, E. CARB 60 DePrince, A.E. COMP 306
Dehghani, E. POLY 557 Delpe-Acharige, A. INOR 836 De Proft, F.J. CATL 191
Dehnhardt, C.M. MEDI 76 del Pino, P. COLL 622 Derbyshire, E. BIOL 156
Dehnhardt, C.M. MEDI 252 del Pino, P. COLL 625 Derd, I. INOR 524
Dehnhardt, C.M. MEDI 253 DeLuca, M. CATL 365 Dereli, B. CATL 391
De Hoe, G. PMSE 246 Delucca, I. MEDI 308 Deria, P. INOR 407
Deibel, C.C. ANYL 63 de Luna, M.G. ENFL 269 Deria, P. INOR 818
Deibel, C.C. CHED 158 Demars, M. ORGN 132 Deringer, V.L. PHYS 360
Deibel, M. ANYL 63 Demars, C. AGRO 97 Derocher, J. COLL 525
Deibel, M. CHED 158 Demartino, M.P. ORGN 59 DeRosa, C.A. ANYL 101
Deiters, A. ORGN 348 Demas, J.N. POLY 145 DeRosa, C.A. INOR 541
Dejager, L. AGFD 34 Demassa, J. ORGN 213 DeRosa, C.A. INOR 542
Dejager, L. AGFD 77 Demchenko, D.O. INOR 779 DeRosa, C.A. INOR 543
Dejager, L. AGFD 81 Demchuk, Z. PMSE 174 DeRosa, C.A. POLY 145
Dejager, L. AGFD 237 Demchuk, Z. POLY 635 DeRosa, C.A. POLY 525
Dejager, L. ANYL 199 Demejia, E. AGFD 219 Derry, M.J. POLY 671
Dejager, L. ANYL 201 DeMella, K.C. POLY 650 Dervilly-Pinel, G. AGRO 44
De Jesus, M. ORGN 185 De Mesmaeker, A. AGRO 411 de Sa, S. ENVR 189
De Jesus Flores, M. CHED 275 Deming, T.J. PMSE 15 de Sa, S. ENVR 192
Dejong, W. NUCL 54 Demir, T. POLY 450 Desaeger, J. AGRO 140
de Jong, R. PHYS 193 Demirtepe, H. ENVR 472 Desai, R. COLL 548
de Jong, R.N. ANYL 51 DeMott, P.J. ENVR 532 Desai, S. INOR 820
de Jong, R. ORGN 222 Demuth, H.U. MEDI 181 Desai, S. MEDI 365
de Jong, W. CATL 255 De Mutsert, K. ENVR 389 Desai, V. CINF 120
de Jongh, P.A. POLY 601 Denard, C. INOR 211 Desaphy, J. CINF 133
De Keersmaecker, M. PMSE 5 Denemark, E. AGRO 95 Deschamps, J. ORGN 597

Deschenes, A. COMP 251 Dewyer, A.L. COMP 330 Dieterich, J. PHYS 231
Deschenes, A. COMP 252 Dey, A. INOR 90 Dietsche, T. POLY 482
Deschenes, L. AGFD 124 Dey, B.K. COMP 173 Dietz, T. I&EC 31
Deshmane, V.G. CATL 117 Dey, F. COMP 7 Dietzek, B. ORGN 674
Deshmukh, S. COMP 41 Dey, S. BIOL 155 Dieudonne-George, P. POLY 697
Deshmukh, S. PMSE 31 Dey, S. COLL 398 Digby, Z. PMSE 7
Deshpande, N. ENFL 75 Deydier, E. INOR 229 Digby, Z. PMSE 74
de Silva, M. CHED 260 DeYoreo, J. CATL 380 Digby, Z. PMSE 456
De Silva, D.T. CARB 48 Dhainy, J. INOR 615 DiGuiseppi, D.M. COLL 413
De Silva, D.T. INOR 930 Dhaka, S. ENVR 383 Di Iorio, J. CATL 243
De Silva, T. ENFL 245 Dhaked, D. CINF 61 Di Iorio, J. ENFL 73
De Silva Indrasekara, S. AEI 18 Dhaniyala, S. ENVR 292 Dikarev, E. INOR 20
De Silva Indrasekara, S. COLL 69 Dhankher, A. POLY 349 Dikmen, E. ORGN 630
DeSimone, J.M. MPPG 2 Dhar, D. CATL 391 Diky, V. CINF 106
DeSimone, J.M. POLY 230 Dhar, S. BIOL 7 Dilbeck, T. INOR 340
DeSimone, J.M. POLY 667 Dharani, A. INOR 587 Dill, R. INOR 672
Deskins, N.A. CATL 45 Dharmaratne, N. CATL 321 Dillner, D.K. CHED 99
Deskins, N.A. CATL 237 Dharmarwardana, M. INOR 125 Dillon, A.D. INOR 892
Deskins, N.A. CATL 305 Dharmawardhana, C.C. COMP 40 Dilworth, J. PHYS 357
Deskins, N.A. ENFL 209 Dhinojwala, A.N. POLY 32 Dima, R.I. COMP 246
Deskins, N.A. ENVR 134 Dhungana, B. ENVR 391 Dimandja, J. ANYL 252
Deskins, S. INOR 518 Dhungana, B. ENVR 395 Dimitriadis, E. BIOL 116
Deslippe, J. COMP 49 Dia, V. AGFD 247 Dimitriadis, E. PMSE 212
Deslippe, J. COMP 54 Diakova, G.B. COLL 575 Dimitrievska, M. ENFL 71
Desman, P. ORGN 694 Diallo, M.S. PMSE 571 DiMucci, I. INOR 284
Desmarteau, D.A. AGRO 154 Dianovsky, M.T. CHED 334 Dinan, F.J. PROF 22
Desmarteau, D.A. AGRO 352 Dianovsky, M.T. CHED 338 Dinca, M. INOR 293
Desmarteau, D.A. AGRO 353 Diao, Y. COMP 295 Dinca, M. INOR 355
Desmarteau, D.A. AGRO 381 Diao, Y. COMP 296 Dinescu, A. COMP 161
De Smet, L. PMSE 570 Dias, M. ANYL 148 Ding, Y. AGFD 270
De Smet, L. PMSE 652 Dias, M. COLL 386 Ding, F. COMP 11
de Souza, J.D. INOR 254 Dias, M. INOR 788 Ding, H. ENVR 495
de Souza, M. AGFD 20 Dias, R. INOR 590 Ding, J. AGFD 78
de Souza, M. AGFD 49 Diat, O. I&EC 14 Ding, J. ANYL 150
de Souza, R. ENVR 189 Diat, O. I&EC 16 Ding, J. CATL 430
De Souza, M. PHYS 439 Diaz, L. MEDI 363 Ding, K. CATL 204
Despotopulos, J. NUCL 48 Diaz, R. INOR 141 Ding, L. BIOL 170
Despres, H. SCHB 38 Diaz, R. BIOL 157 Ding, M. I&EC 36
Desroches, M. POLY 274 Diaz, S. COLL 449 Ding, P. CHED 189
Destaillats, F. AGFD 12 Diaz-Diaz, D. COLL 509 Ding, P. CHED 248
Destarac, M. POLY 618 Diaz Romero, D.E. INOR 790 Ding, R. ORGN 331
Destarac, M. POLY 697 Diaz-Tielas,
´ C. AGRO 32 Ding, R. ORGN 447
Destefani, T. COLL 94 DiBattista, G.S. PHYS 493 Ding, S. CATL 267
Destefano, M. INOR 5 DiCarlo, D.A. ENVR 421 Ding, S. INOR 698
Destefano, M. INOR 820 Dichiara, A.B. ENVR 220 Ding, S. ANYL 268
Detchou, C. MEDI 286 Dichtel, W. COLL 594 Ding, W. POLY 631
Detrembleur, C. POLY 255 Dichtel, W. PMSE 1 Ding, X. MEDI 253
Deutsch, D.G. COMP 260 Dichtel, W. PMSE 63 Ding, X. COMP 89
Deutsch, D.J. SCHB 7 Dichtel, W. PMSE 246 Ding, Y. BIOL 38
Dev, P. PMSE 22 Dichtel, W. PMSE 575 Ding, Y. MEDI 217
Devadas, M. INOR 507 Dichtel, W. POLY 36 Dingemans, T.J. POLY 663
Devadas, M. INOR 658 Dichtel, W. POLY 43 Dingley, K. TOXI 108
Devadas, M. INOR 659 Dichtel, W. POLY 55 Dinh, A. ENFL 258
Devadas, M. INOR 660 Dichtel, W. POLY 59 Di Nitto, A. NUCL 48
Devanathan, R. NUCL 35 Dichtel, W. POLY 240 Dinsmore, T. COLL 126
Devaraj, N.K. COLL 359 Dichtel, W. POLY 293 Dinu, M. POLY 201
Devaraj, A. CATL 431 Dichtel, W. POLY 742 Dinu, Z. POLY 77
Devarajan, D.S. COLL 464 Dichtel, W. POLY 743 Dionysiou, D.D. ENVR 147
Devarapalli, M. INOR 505 Dichtel, W. POLY 779 Dionysiou, D.D. ENVR 159
Devaux, D. CATL 273 Dick, A. POLY 362 Dionysiou, D.D. ENVR 248
Devaux, D. CATL 432 Dick, T. MEDI 277 Dipple, K. COLL 501
Devaux, R.S. COLL 242 Dicker, K.T. PMSE 226 DiRico, K.J. ORGN 474
Deveau, E. ANYL 82 Dickerson, J.H. AEI 22 Dirkes, D.J. POLY 731
Deveney, B. POLY 651 Dickerson, R. ENVR 487 DiRocco, D. INOR 387
Devine, M. BIOL 24 Dickey, M.D. POLY 727 Diroll, B. COLL 492
Devine, M.C. BIOL 99 Dickey, A. INOR 919 DiScenza, D.J. ENVR 427
Devins, B. ENVR 152 Dickie, C. INOR 516 DiScenza, D.J. ORGN 388
Devivo, M. COMP 143 Dickinson, B.C. PHYS 331 Dissanayake, G.C. ORGN 659
Devivo, M. COMP 340 Dickinson, W.W. ENFL 265 Dissanayake, G.C. ORGN 691
De Vleeschouwer, F. CATL 191 Dickson, A. COMP 108 Dissanayake, N.M. AEI 31
Devore, T.C. CHED 87 Dickson, A. COMP 117 Distasio, R.A. COMP 50
Devore, T.C. INOR 890 DiCola, A. BIOL 113 Distefano, M.D. BIOL 145
Devore, T.C. PHYS 574 DiCostanzo, L. CHED 193 Distefano, M.D. ORGN 82
De Vries, J.G. CATL 178 Di Domizio, G. CHED 179 Distefano, M.D. TOXI 60
Dewage, S.W. COMP 200 Diederich, F.N. MEDI 72 Ditoro, D.M. ENVR 102
Dewese, K.R. ORGN 231 Diederich, F.N. MEDI 108 Di Toro, D.M. AEI 30
Dewhirst, M.W. POLY 145 Diederich, F.N. MEDI 259 Dittmar, J. COLL 231
Dewing, B. INOR 782 Diemer, V. ORGN 487 Dittmar, J. COLL 236
De Winter, J. ORGN 539 Diepenbrock, A. ORGN 139 Dittrich, T.M. ENVR 415
De Winter, J. PMSE 398 Diesendruck, C. POLY 89 Divandari, M. PMSE 622


Divandari, M. POLY 201 Domingues, C.M. PMSE 514 Dormidontova, E. COMP 195
Divandari, M. POLY 557 Dominguez, L. CHED 190 Dormidontova, E. PMSE 30
Divar, M. PMSE 586 Dominguez-Calva, J. INOR 29 Dormidontova, E. PMSE 32
Dixit, M. CATL 189 Domyati, D. INOR 234 Dormidontova, E. POLY 338
Dixit, M. ENFL 72 Donahue, C.E. ANYL 263 Dorn, A. AGRO 38
Dixit, S. ENVR 53 Donahue, C.M. INOR 51 Dorn, H.C. MEDI 42
Dixon, D.A. INOR 776 Donahue, J.P. ENFL 357 Dorr, B. ANYL 90
Dixon, D.A. INOR 815 Donahue, M.G. ORGN 99 Dorrestein, P.C. AGFD 38
Dixon, D.A. NUCL 45 Donahue, M.G. ORGN 552 Dorris, R.E. PHYS 377
Dixon, D. ANYL 101 Donahue, P. COLL 299 Dorsch, D. ORGN 622
Dixon, R. YCC 17 Donald, K. PHYS 60 Dorsey, T. PMSE 235
Dixon, S. COMP 337 Donaldson, D. ENVR 290 Dorton, C. CHED 286
Djieutedjeu, H. AEI 43 Donaldson, F. AGRO 259 Doshi, A.B. MEDI 119
Djieutedjeu, H. INOR 43 Donaldson, M.A. ENVR 291 Dostalek, J. COLL 244
Djieutedjeu, H. INOR 774 Donati, G. COMP 140 Do-Thanh, C. I&EC 52
Djuric, S. MEDI 322 Dong, C. POLY 681 Dotivala, A. CHED 296
Djurovich, P.I. INOR 687 Dong, C. ENFL 236 Dotsenko, I.A. MEDI 334
Djurovich, P.I. INOR 730 Dong, G. ORGN 286 Dotson, D.L. PHYS 245
Dlamini, S. MEDI 321 Dong, H.T. INOR 168 Dotzler, S. INOR 816
Dmitriev, A. COMP 291 Dong, H. COLL 354 Dou, J. ENVR 556
Do, C.H. HIST 16 Dong, J. PMSE 437 Dou, W. PHYS 151
Do, L. INOR 882 Dong, J. COLL 317 Doubleday, C. COMP 158
Do, N. ORGN 301 Dong, J. AGFD 187 Doucet, M. PHYS 327
Doan, M.Y. INOR 415 Dong, J. AEI 3 Doud, E. INOR 512
Doan, S. BIOL 55 Dong, J. ANYL 39 Doud, M. AEI 62
Dobereiner, G. INOR 231 Dong, J. ANYL 125 Dougan, D.R. MEDI 110
Dobereiner, G. INOR 332 Dong, J. ANYL 364 Dougan, M. MEDI 195
Dobereiner, G. INOR 955 Dong, K. AGRO 174 Dougherty, M. CHAS 3
Dobrev, V.S. ORGN 323 Dong, K. AGRO 394 Dougherty, M. CHAS 4
Dobrovetsky, R. INOR 734 Dong, L. PMSE 438 Doughty, B. CATL 43
Dobrucki, W. COLL 515 Dong, L. I&EC 37 Douglas, G. ORGN 362
Dobrynin, A.V. ENFL 265 Dong, M. POLY 371 Douglas, J. PMSE 163
Dobrynin, A.V. PMSE 94 Dong, R. POLY 775 Douglas, J. PMSE 208
Dobrynin, A.V. PMSE 162 Dong, S. CELL 8 Douglas, J.F. PMSE 36
Dobrynin, A.V. POLY 766 Dong, S. CARB 68 Douglas, J.F. PMSE 160
Dobson, K. COLL 532 Dong, W. CATL 297 Douglas, J.F. PMSE 320
Dockendorff, C. MEDI 101 Dong, W. ENFL 236 Douglas, S. ENVR 240
Dodd, O. TOXI 41 Dong, X. POLY 762 Dove, A.P. PMSE 42
Dodd, R. ORGN 53 Dong, X. ORGN 267 Dove, A.P. PMSE 325
Dodd, S. MEDI 267 Dong, X. ENVR 460 Dove, A.P. PMSE 400
Dodder, S. INOR 636 Dong, X. ENVR 461 Dove, A.P. PMSE 640
Dodge, C. COLL 291 Dong, X. COLL 187 Dove, A.P. POLY 768
Dodson, L.G. PHYS 489 Dong, X. CATL 393 Dover, H.E. AGFD 76
Dodson, L.G. PHYS 563 Dong, X. ENFL 420 Dow, R.L. MEDI 207
Dodson, R. CHED 120 Dong, Y. ENFL 441 Dowbiggin, B. ENVR 152
Doell, D.L. AGFD 14 Dong, Y. ENFL 483 Dowd, C.S. MEDI 154
Doepke, A. CHAS 39 Dong, Y. POLY 331 Dowd, C.S. MEDI 163
Doering, E. MEDI 15 Dong, Y. CATL 361 Dowd, C.S. MEDI 184
Doetsch, V. PHYS 246 Dong, Z. COMP 239 Dowd, C.S. MEDI 324
Doghieri, F. PMSE 665 Dongre, A. MEDI 195 Dowd, M.K. POLY 760
Doherty, B. COMP 205 Donlic, A. BIOL 26 Dowd, P. AGRO 315
Doherty, B. COMP 214 Donlic, A. BIOL 84 Dowling, M.S. MEDI 258
Doherty, B. COMP 316 Donnelly, D. MEDI 269 Downes, C. INOR 279
Doherty, L. AGFD 36 Donnelly, J. INOR 716 Downes, C. INOR 893
Doherty, L. AGFD 50 Donoso, M. MEDI 269 Downey, C.W. ORGN 75
Doherty, M. AGRO 199 Donovan, A. CHED 59 Downey, G. AGFD 213
Döhler, D. PMSE 9 Donovan, B. POLY 360 Downey, P. AGRO 115
Dohn, D. AGRO 331 Donovan, B. POLY 724 Downey, P. AGRO 347
Dohnalek, Z. CATL 102 Donovan, B.R. POLY 726 Downie, D. AGRO 324
Dohnalek, Z. COLL 133 Donovan, D. NUCL 8 Draeger, E.W. COMP 52
Dohnalkova, A. INOR 127 Donovan, M.A. PHYS 516 Drahushuk, L. ANYL 373
Döhring, J. TOXI 49 Doo, G. COMP 189 Drake, E.K. ENVR 214
Doi, M. ORGN 119 Dooley, J. INOR 246 Drake, J. AGFD 140
Doi, M. ORGN 124 Dooley, J. MEDI 267 Drake, T. CATL 204
Doi, M. ORGN 156 Dooley, K. ANYL 259 Dranchak, P. BIOL 51
Doi, M. ORGN 159 Dooley, P. PHYS 299 Draper, E. ORGN 479
Dokoozlian, N. AGFD 26 Dooley, S. CATL 193 Dravid, V.P. COLL 101
Dolan, E. POLY 78 Dooley, S. CATL 463 Dravid, V.P. COLL 103
Dolente, C. MEDI 256 Doong, R. ENVR 22 Drazkowski, P.A. ENFL 90
Dolganov, I. AEI 38 Doorn, S.K. PHYS 504 Dréan, M. POLY 255
Dolganova, I. AEI 38 Dorais, C. NUCL 75 Drenckhan, W. COLL 388
Dolgopolova, E.A. INOR 120 Dorau, B. POLY 627 Drenichev, M.S. MEDI 186
Dollar, O. ENVR 258 Dorazio, S.J. AEI 44 Drennan, C.L. BIOL 33
Domack, A. CHED 369 Dorazio, S.J. INOR 862 Drennan, C. CATL 8
Domagalski, J. AGRO 162 Dordick, J.S. CARB 58 Drennen, B. MEDI 229
Domena, J. ORGN 587 Dore, A. COMP 85 Drew, D. PHYS 245
Domena, J. ORGN 611 Dorh, N. ORGN 408 Drewry, D. MEDI 123
Domenech, T. PMSE 512 Dorhout, P.K. WCC 11 Drexel, R. ANYL 156
Domenico, J. PHYS 538 Dormidontova, E. COLL 303 Drexler, C.I. COLL 212
Domingo-Snyder, E. ANYL 305 Dormidontova, E. COMP 190 Drexler, D. MEDI 269

334 –AUTH
Dreyer, K. CATL 116 Duellmann, C. NUCL 48 Dutt, M. COMP 197
Dreyer, M. COMP 63 Duellmann, C. NUCL 49 Dutt, M. COMP 411
Driguez, H. INOR 583 Duerig, U. COLL 297 Dutta, A. CATL 268
Driscoll, D.M. CATL 44 Duerloo, K. ENFL 312 Dutta, B. CATL 417
Driscoll, J.N. ANYL 379 Duersch, B. ANYL 79 Dutta, K. PMSE 465
Drisdell, W. CATL 379 Duff, A. COLL 21 Dutta, N. PMSE 270
Driver, J.H. AGRO 236 Duffy, J.L. MEDI 245 Dutta, T. CELL 1
Driver, J. AGRO 237 Dufrêche, J. I&EC 16 Dutta, T. CELL 2
Droescher, P. MEDI 266 Dugger, J. POLY 744 Dutta, T. CELL 30
Drohat, A. COMP 235 Dugovic, C. MEDI 211 Dutton, K. INOR 61
Dronskowski, R. PHYS 317 Duke, S. AGRO 313 Duveau, D.Y. AEI 8
Dronskowski, R.V. PHYS 159 Duke, S.O. AGRO 32 Duveau, D.Y. ORGN 28
Dropinski, J.F. CATL 460 Duke, S.O. AGRO 34 Duverna, R. AGRO 168
Dror, R.O. COMP 379 Duke, S.O. AGRO 314 Duvoisin, S. ENVR 189
Dror, R.O. PHYS 291 Dullea, R. MEDI 63 Duvvuri, K. ORGN 231
Drucker, S. PHYS 300 Duman, L.M. INOR 671 Dvorak, C.A. MEDI 211
Drucker, S. PHYS 454 Duman, L.M. INOR 770 Dwaraknath, S. CATL 86
Drummer, M. PHYS 485 Dumas, A. ORGN 256 Dworatzek, S. ENVR 326
Drummey, K. PMSE 293 Dumbrepatil, A.B. BIOL 83 Dwyer, D. INOR 675
Drummey, K. PMSE 480 Dumbrepatil, A.B. BIOL 96 Dwyer, J.R. COLL 121
Drummond, T. INOR 966 Dumelin, C. MEDI 8 Dyatkin, B. I&EC 50
Drury, K. CHED 25 Dumesic, J.A. ENVR 87 Dybeck, E. COMP 335
Druzhilovskiy, D. CINF 83 Dumesic, J.A. ENVR 89 Dybeck, E. PHYS 462
Druzhilovskiy, D. CINF 134 Dumitrescu, E. ANYL 42 Dyer, D.G. AGRO 268
Drwal, M.N. CINF 133 Dunbar, S.R. ORGN 37 Dykstra, K. INOR 387
Dryfe, R.A. PHYS 234 Duncan, A.J. POLY 252 Dymock, B.W. MEDI 277
Dryman, C. NUCL 59 Duncan, K. CHED 29 Dzamba, M. COMP 90
Du, G. INOR 878 Duncan, T. ANYL 255 Dzielawa, J. PROF 19
Du, H. PMSE 371 Duncan, T.V. AGFD 253 Dzierba, C.D. MEDI 5
Du, J. POLY 736 Dunham, N. ENFL 258 Dzikovski, B. COLL 559
Du, L. ENFL 84 Dunkel, A. AGFD 168 Dzubiella, J. COMP 129
Du, L. AGFD 184 Dunkel, A. AGFD 172 D’Arienzo, C. MEDI 7
Du, L. POLY 271 Dunkel, A. AGFD 183 Eady, S. INOR 391
Du, P. ENVR 54 Dunkers, J. ENVR 470 Eady, S. INOR 607
Du, S. MEDI 269 Dunlap, B.I. INOR 545 Eagleton, A.M. PMSE 360
Du, X. AGFD 200 Dunlap, B.I. INOR 735 Eam, B. ORGN 63
Du, X. PMSE 190 Dunlap, N.K. ORGN 73 Eastep, J. AGRO 351
Du, Y. NUCL 36 Dunn, A.L. ORGN 271 Easter, J.A. MEDI 269
Du, Y. NUCL 37 Dunn, F. ENFL 473 Eastgate, M.D. ORGN 521
Du, Y. POLY 557 Dunne, J. CINF 121 Eastman, P. PMSE 369
Du, Y. PMSE 222 Dunne, J. ENVR 387 Eastman, S. ENFL 182
Du, Y. AGRO 394 Dunne, J. TOXI 91 Eastmond, D.A. AGRO 233
Du, Z. COLL 575 Dunning, T.H. COMP 4 Easton, A. MEDI 358
Duan, J. CATL 220 Dunwell, M. PHYS 87 Eaton, S.J. ENFL 449
Duan, L. INOR 904 Duong, T. COLL 43 Eaton, T. NUCL 14
Duan, P. ENVR 92 Dupradeau, F. COMP 224 Eaton, T. NUCL 28
Duan, W. ENFL 431 Dupree, P. INOR 583 Eaton, T.R. CATL 7
Duan, X. ENFL 260 Du Prez, F.E. PMSE 279 Eaton, T.R. CATL 210
Duan, X. INOR 710 Du Prez, F.E. PMSE 515 Ebaid, M. CATL 203
Duan, X. ENVR 248 Du Prez, F.E. POLY 165 Ebara, M. POLY 499
Duan, X. ORGN 455 Du Prez, F.E. POLY 323 Ebara, M. POLY 500
Duan, Y. COLL 606 Dupuis, L. POLY 771 Ebbesen, M.F. PMSE 577
Duan, Y. PHYS 408 Dupuis, M. COMP 22 Ebeler, S.E. AGFD 93
Duan, Z. CATL 24 Dura, J. PHYS 328 Ebeler, S.E. AGFD 209
Dubbin, K. PMSE 56 Duraiswamy, A.J. MEDI 17 Eberhardt, K. NUCL 49
Dubbin, K. PMSE 309 Duraiswamy, N. ANYL 179 Eberhardt, L. ENVR 252
Dubey, A. INOR 102 Duraj-Thatte, A. PMSE 623 Eberhardt, K. NUCL 48
Dubey, A. INOR 949 Duran, J. NUCL 8 Ebron, V. POLY 466
Dubey, M. INOR 870 Durant, N.D. ENVR 200 Ebron, V. POLY 732
Dubey, R. INOR 122 Durant, N.D. ENVR 326 Ebule, R. ORGN 596
Dubey, R. INOR 293 Durfee, P.N. COLL 27 Echavarren, A.M. ORGN 145
Dubois, P. PMSE 356 Durham, O.Z. COLL 615 Echegoyen, L. POLY 272
Dubois, P. POLY 328 Durian, D. COLL 393 Echelman, D. BIOL 181
Dubois, P. POLY 558 Durke, E.M. ENVR 292 Echelman, D. POLY 150
DuBois, J. INOR 466 Durkin, D.P. ANYL 287 Echeverria, A. ORGN 398
Duchesne, P. ENFL 206 Dursch, T.J. PMSE 33 Echeverria, J. PHYS 115
Duchon, T. CATL 112 Dursch, T.J. PMSE 155 Echeverria, M. AGRO 182
Duchon, T. CATL 161 Dursun, I. COLL 600 EchoHawk, S. CMA 4
Duchon, T. CATL 299 Duscher, G. ENFL 361 Eck, W. POLY 13
Duckely, M. MEDI 306 Dusek, K. PMSE 40 Eckard, H.E. COLL 220
Ducker, W.A. COLL 124 Dusek, K. PMSE 102 Eckel, W.P. ENVR 352
Ducker, W.A. ENVR 341 Duskova Smrckova, M. PMSE 40 Eckelbarger, J.D. AGRO 385
Ducker, W.A. ENVR 342 Duskova-Smrckova, M. PMSE 102 Ecker, M. AEI 84
Duckworth, O. ENVR 284 Dussan, K. CATL 193 Eckert, J. AGRO 295
Duckworth, R. POLY 60 Dusselier, M. CELL 5 Edalji, R. MEDI 322
Duclos, F.J. MEDI 73 Dutcher, C. PHYS 122 Edayilam, N. ENVR 228
Dudak, F. INOR 936 Dutoi, A.D. PHYS 272 Eddie, B. ENVR 535
Duddu, S.S. ORGN 56 Dutra, J. ORGN 469 Eddie, B. ENVR 561
Dudek, M. COMP 226 Dutt, M. COLL 60 Eddy, M. PHYS 342
Duell, A. ORGN 137 Dutt, M. COLL 260 Edebeli, J. ENVR 293


Edelbach, B.L. CHED 384 Einkauf, J. PMSE 352 Ellison, M.D. CHED 251
Edelstein, E. ORGN 352 Einstein, T.L. COMP 146 Ellison, M.D. CHED 257
Edelstein, E. ORGN 570 Eisele, D.M. ANYL 210 Ellison, M.D. CHED 258
Edgar, K.J. COMP 244 Eisenberg, R. INOR 23 Ells, T. AGFD 124
Edgar, K.J. POLY 331 Eisenberg, R. INOR 195 Ellsworth, P.C. AGRO 93
Edgar, K. MEDI 22 Eisenstein, O.G. PHYS 59 Ellsworth, P.C. AGRO 96
Edgar, K. MEDI 103 Eitzer, B.D. AGRO 106 El Marrouni, A. ORGN 371
Ediger, M.D. PHYS 202 Ejegbavwo, O.A. INOR 120 El-Masri, H. ENVR 546
Edington, S.C. AEI 75 Ek, P.K. COLL 576 Elmes, M. COMP 260
Edmiston, E. CINF 121 Ekins, S. BIOL 158 Elmore, B. POLY 514
Edmiston, E. ENVR 387 Ekins, S. CINF 115 Elmore, S. AGFD 204
Edmiston, E. TOXI 91 Ekins, S. CINF 131 El-Naggar, S.F. AGRO 280
Edmunds, A.J. AGRO 411 Ekins, S. MEDI 197 Elpitiya, G. AEI 45
Edwards, D. PHYS 290 Ekins, S. MEDI 270 Elred, T. PMSE 416
Edwards, E.A. ENVR 326 Ekins, S. SCHB 24 El-Samak, A. PMSE 361
Edwards, J. CINF 121 El-Aasser, M. PMSE 276 Elsayed, M.S. MEDI 124
Edwards, J. ENVR 2 Elabd, Y.A. POLY 292 El-Sayed, M.M. ENVR 484
Edwards, J. ENVR 355 Elacqua, E. PMSE 128 El-Sayed, M.M. CARB 33
Edwards, J. ENVR 387 Elacqua, E. POLY 567 El-Sayed, M.A. ANYL 6
Edwards, J. TOXI 91 Eladgham, E. COLL 254 El-Sayed, M.A. SOCED 4
Edwards, J. ORGN 256 Eladgham, E. INOR 661 El-Shall, M.S. PHYS 304
Edwards, J.P. POLY 304 Elangovan, S. CATL 252 El-Shall, M.S. PHYS 367
Edwards, K. POLY 236 El-Araby, M.E. MEDI 81 El-Shall, M.S. PHYS 404
Edwards, M. ENVR 243 El-Assaad, T.H. ORGN 440 El-Shall, M.S. PHYS 452
Edwards, M. ENVR 325 Elathram, N. COLL 153 El-Shall, M.S. PHYS 453
Edwards, M.A. AEI 4 Elayan, I.A. COMP 401 El-Shall, M.S. PHYS 487
Edwards, M.A. COLL 61 El Bayoumy, K. TOXI 48 El-Shall, M.S. PHYS 490
Edwards, M.A. COLL 108 Eldalatony, M. ENFL 159 El-Shall, M.S. PHYS 491
Edwards, P. AGRO 330 Elder, D.L. PMSE 658 El-Shall, M.S. PHYS 495
Edwards, P. INOR 865 Elder, V.A. AGFD 174 Elsokkary, A. PMSE 479
Edwards, P. PHYS 357 Eldredge, A. COLL 315 Eltahir, A. MEDI 42
Edwards, P.M. ORGN 236 Eleazer, B. INOR 427 ElTall, O. ENFL 380
Edwards, R. MEDI 154 Eletskaya, A.A. CINF 32 ElTall, O. PMSE 367
Edwards, R. MEDI 184 Eley, C. NUCL 8 Elumalai, P. INOR 148
Edwards, R. MEDI 324 Elgendy, A. PMSE 361 Elwell, J. CATL 252
Edwards, S.J. ENVR 66 El Hadri, H. ANYL 297 Elwood, S. CHAS 25
Edwards, S.R. AGRO 200 Elias, A. PHYS 466 Elwood, S. CHAS 30
Edwards, S. PMSE 624 Elias, A. POLY 503 Elwood, S. CHAS 40
Edwards, S. ENVR 546 Elias, R. ENVR 357 Elzes, R. COLL 436
Edwards-Brandt, J. ENVR 560 Elias, R. AGFD 96 Elzinga, E. ENVR 33
Eey, S.T. CATL 486 Elias, R. AGFD 97 Elzinga, P. MEDI 7
Egap, E. ORGN 527 Elimelech, M. AEI 37 Elzinga, P.A. MEDI 25
Egashira, H. MEDI 343 Elimelech, M. ENVR 146 Emadi, A. MEDI 74
Egbert, J. CATL 479 Elimelech, M. ENVR 271 Emami, S. PHYS 384
Egbewande, F.A. MEDI 285 Eliott, R. MEDI 22 Emdadi, L. CATL 263
Egeghy, P. ENVR 546 Elizondo-Garcia, M. POLY 745 Emenike, B.U. CHED 292
Egekenze, R.N. CATL 320 El-Kadri, O. INOR 557 Emenike, B.U. ORGN 192
Eger, E. CATL 184 El-Kharbachi, A. ENFL 67 Emenike, M. CHED 13
Egidi, F. COMP 331 Elkins, J.M. MEDI 141 Emerson, J.P. INOR 151
Egiebor, N.O. ENVR 21 Elkins, K.M. ANYL 75 Emge, T. INOR 811
Egiebor, N.O. ENVR 70 Elkins, K.M. ANYL 352 Emge, T. ORGN 581
Egiebor, N.O. ENVR 71 Elkins, K.M. CHED 118 Emmerich, J. MEDI 221
Egli, M. TOXI 17 Ellefson-Kuehn, J. CHED 59 Emmert, M. ENVR 92
Egli, M. TOXI 93 Eller, M. PMSE 121 Emmert, M. INOR 504
Ehlinger, A.C. INOR 942 Ellington, M. ANYL 358 Emmons, E. PMSE 386
Ehrich, M. PMSE 470 Elliot, M. AGFD 124 Empting, M. MEDI 231
Ehrman, S.H. CATL 405 Elliott, J. ENVR 10 Emrick, T. POLY 257
Ehudin, M. INOR 721 Elliott, J. ENVR 161 Emsley, L. PHYS 342
Eiblmaier, J. COMP 283 Elliott, R. MEDI 103 Emtiaz, S. PHYS 305
Eichhorn, B.W. ANYL 253 Elliott, R. MEDI 274 Enami, S. ENVR 287
Eichhorn, B.W. CATL 17 Elliott, S. AEI 67 Enami, S. ENVR 289
Eichhorn, B.W. COLL 538 Elliott, S. ORGN 226 Enamuotor, O.B. ENVR 100
Eichhorn, B.W. INOR 545 Elliott, W. PHYS 88 Enciso, A.E. POLY 386
Eichhorn, B.W. INOR 735 Ellis, C. COLL 563 Enders, A. INOR 298
Eichhorn, B.W. INOR 739 Ellis, C.R. COMP 127 Endo, A. ANYL 319
Eichhorn, B.W. PHYS 190 Ellis, C.R. COMP 223 Endo, M. COMP 371
Eichhorn, J. CATL 382 Ellis, C.R. COMP 270 Endo, T. CELL 19
Eichler, A. ENVR 293 Ellis, C.R. COMP 389 Endo, T. CELL 24
Eichmann, S.L. ENFL 372 Ellis, E. CHED 194 Endres, K.J. POLY 82
Eichmann, S.L. ENFL 421 Ellis, H.R. BIOL 168 Endres, N. MEDI 22
Eidam, H.S. ORGN 59 Ellis, J.P. CHED 312 Endres, N. MEDI 103
Eigenbrodt, B.C. ENFL 255 Ellis, J. AGRO 186 Endres, P. POLY 140
Eigenbrodt, B.C. INOR 36 Ellis, K. POLY 711 Endrodi, B. ENFL 190
Eigenbrodt, B.C. INOR 271 Ellis, K.C. BIOL 74 Enemark, J.H. INOR 945
Eigenbrot, C. MEDI 22 Ellis, K.C. ORGN 133 Engbersen, J.M. COLL 436
Eigenbrot, C. MEDI 103 Ellis, M. TOXI 19 Engel, J. MEDI 15
Eigner Pitto, V. CINF 24 Ellis, R.J. I&EC 3 Engel, R. MEDI 101
Eigner Pitto, V. CINF 88 Ellis, R.J. I&EC 19 Engelhard, M. CATL 262
Eikermann, M. ORGN 510 Ellison, M.D. ANYL 373 Engelhard, M. ENFL 164
Eikey, E.A. COLL 213 Ellison, M.D. CHED 88 Engelhard, M. ENFL 390

336 –AUTH
Engelhard, M. NUCL 36 Erk, K.A. PMSE 547 Eubanks, C.S. BIOL 26
Engelhard, M. NUCL 37 Erkoc Ilter, S. POLY 57 Eubanks, C.S. BIOL 183
Engelhart, C. MEDI 325 Ermel, A. COMP 263 Eubanks, T. ORGN 397
Engelhart, J. POLY 284 Ernould, B. POLY 670 Eubanks, T. ORGN 398
Engelis, N. POLY 126 Ernst, B. CARB 15 Eubanks, T. ORGN 399
Engelking, L. AGRO 211 Ernst, J.T. ORGN 63 Eun Lee, Y. ORGN 309
Engels, T. POLY 295 Ernst, M. MEDI 364 Evangelista, F.A. COMP 24
England, J.P. BIOL 180 Errey, J. COMP 85 Evangelista, F.A. PHYS 223
England, J.P. BIOL 184 Ersoz, N. INOR 936 Evangelista, S. CHED 186
England, M. POLY 38 Ertem, M.Z. INOR 22 Evangelista, S. CHED 187
Engle, J.W. NUCL 1 Ertem, M.Z. INOR 274 Evans, A. POLY 742
Engle, J.W. NUCL 47 Ervin, K. PHYS 378 Evans, C.W. COLL 488
Engler, K. ENFL 248 Erwin, A.J. COLL 428 Evans, C.W. PMSE 561
Engstrom, D. ENVR 274 Erwin, A.J. PMSE 319 Evans, D. COMP 393
Engstrom, J. PMSE 41 Erwin, A.J. PMSE 491 Evans, D.H. INOR 221
Enick, R.M. ENFL 471 Erzgraeber, B. AGRO 259 Evans, J.C. MEDI 163
Eniola-Adefeso, O. COLL 356 Esaka, Y. ORGN 174 Evans, J. ANYL 30
Eniola-Adefeso, O. COLL 367 Esaka, Y. ORGN 585 Evans, L. AGRO 195
Eniola-Adefeso, O. COLL 410 Escano, M.S. CATL 148 Evans, P. ORGN 207
Enke, M. POLY 258 Eschweiler, J.D. PHYS 319 Evans, P. ORGN 235
Enke, M. POLY 340 Escobar, H. ANYL 196 Evans, P. ORGN 288
Enke, M. POLY 527 Escobar, I.C. ENVR 343 Evans, P. ORGN 497
Enmi, J. PMSE 564 Escobar, I.C. POLY 762 Evans, P. ENVR 152
Eno, M. ORGN 103 Escobar Ivirico, J.L. PMSE 48 Evans, P. ENVR 563
Enright, M.C. CHED 128 Escobar Ivirico, J.L. PMSE 168 Evans, R. PHYS 69
Enriquez, E. ANYL 141 Escorcia, A. WCC 4 Evans III, R.L. INOR 382
Enriquez, E. ANYL 167 Escourrou, A. AGRO 44 Evelo, C. CINF 66
Enriquez, E. INOR 275 Escudero, E.J. CHED 123 Everlof, G. MEDI 25
Ensley, T. INOR 686 Escudero, E.J. CHED 124 Everson, B. CATL 422
Ensley, T. ORGN 678 Escudero, E.J. CHED 125 Evidente, A. AGRO 33
Ensminger, M. AGRO 158 Esemoto, N. ORGN 377 Ewing, E. AGRO 80
Ensminger, M. AGRO 159 Esfahani, M.R. ANYL 211 Ewing, J. INOR 667
Entwistle, D. PHYS 195 Esfandiarfard, K. INOR 804 Ewing, K. ANYL 73
Entzminger, I. CHED 302 Esguerra, J. ORGN 569 Ewing, R.C. NUCL 16
Enyedy, I.J. COMP 320 Eshleman, A. MEDI 45 Ewing, W.R. MEDI 308
Epie, A.Y. TOXI 95 Eshon, J. ORGN 197 Ewoldt, R. PMSE 214
Epley, C. INOR 353 Eskandari, S. CATL 202 Ewoldt, R. PMSE 300
Epley, C. INOR 817 Esparza, A.J. PMSE 390 Experton, J. ANYL 370
Epling, W. CATL 401 Espeset, A. PHYS 471 Ezzell, N. PMSE 352
Epling, W.S. AEI 14 Espinal, R. COLL 242 Fa, S. ORGN 553
Epling, W.S. CATL 246 Espino, O. ORGN 396 Faber, D. AGRO 38
Eppell, S.J. ANYL 161 Espinosa, J.R. COMP 198 Facchetti, A. POLY 734
Eppell, S.J. ANYL 388 Espinosa-Diaz,
´ S. CHED 277 Fach, M. PMSE 506
Eppell, S.J. COLL 68 Espinosa-Diaz,
´ S. ORGN 186 Fach, M. POLY 703
Eppell, S.J. COLL 607 Espinosa-Marzal, R.M. COLL 462 Fackler, S. CATL 379
Eppley, H.J. INOR 547 Espinosa-Marzal, R.M. PMSE 214 Fadden, A. BIOL 113
Epps, T.H. COLL 88 Esposito, M. CHED 150 Fafarman, A.T. INOR 844
Epps, T.H. INOR 757 Esselborn, J. CATL 220 Fafarman, A.T. INOR 847
Epps, T.H. PMSE 117 Esselman, B.J. CHED 112 Fafarman, A.T. INOR 892
Epps, T.H. POLY 712 Essen, S. ANYL 171 Fagnani, D.E. ORGN 558
Epshteyn, A. ENFL 450 Esser-Kahn, A. COLL 450 Fagnoni, M. ORGN 179
Epshteyn, A. INOR 749 Esser-Kahn, A.P. MEDI 9 Fahie, M.A. ANYL 369
Epshteyn, A. INOR 802 Esser-Kahn, A.P. PMSE 487 Fahie, M.A. ANYL 372
Epshteyn, A. PMSE 375 Essex, R.M. NUCL 83 Fahie, M.A. BIOL 169
Epsky, N.D. AGRO 72 Essien, J.P. ENVR 47 Fahlman, B.D. INOR 614
Epsky, N.D. AGRO 69 Essumang, D. CHED 139 Fahs, G.B. POLY 676
Epstein, E.S. PMSE 300 Estabrook, D. COLL 473 Faiola, C.L. ENVR 191
Epstein, L. AGRO 125 Esterline, D. CHED 52 Fair, J.D. CHED 66
Erbas-Cakmak, S. ORGN 538 Estes, K. CHED 233 Fair, J.D. CHED 104
Erbel, P. MEDI 46 Estes, T.L. AGRO 75 Fair, J.D. CHED 202
Ercek, D.T. PMSE 146 Esteves, M. INOR 177 Fair, J.D. CHED 371
Erdinger, L. ENVR 438 Esteves, R.J. INOR 786 Fair, J.D. ORGN 572
Erdmann, D. MEDI 306 Estevez, A. ANYL 55 Fairbanks, B. POLY 372
Erdmann, M.A. CHED 341 Estrada, D. INOR 448 Fairbrother, A. PMSE 669
Erdmann, V. PHYS 196 Estrada Ortiz, J.M. ENVR 373 Fairbrother, H. ANYL 287
Erdosy, D. ENFL 206 Estrada-Soto, S. MEDI 151 Fairburn, A. ENVR 97
Erel-Goktepe, I. COLL 205 Estrella, L.A. PMSE 312 Fairlie, D.P. ORGN 212
Erel-Goktepe, I. COLL 208 Estrella, L.A. PMSE 405 Faist, J. ANYL 9
Erel-Goktepe, I. PMSE 537 Estridge, C. PMSE 150 Fakharifar, M. ENVR 45
Eren, T. POLY 370 Etersque, J. ORGN 569 Fakhraai, Z. COLL 38
Eren, B. COLL 416 Etrych, T. POLY 455 Fakhraai, Z. PHYS 200
Eren, H. PMSE 21 Ettedgui, J. ANYL 371 Fakhraai, Z. PHYS 203
Eres, G. ENFL 361 Etz, B.D. ORGN 224 Fakhroo, A. ANYL 351
Ergas, S. ENVR 564 Etzkorn, F.A. CHED 355 Falat, A. MEDI 132
Ergene, C. PMSE 466 Etzkorn, F.A. CHED 356 Falceto, A. PHYS 115
Erhan, S. ENFL 105 Etzkorn, F.A. ORGN 203 Falco, M. ENFL 98
Erickson, L. ORGN 363 Etzold, B.J. ENFL 378 Falcone, P. ANYL 302
Erickson, N.R. INOR 47 Eubank, E. ANYL 353 Fales, B. COMP 329
Erickson-Beltran, M.L. AGFD 224 Eubanks, A.L. BIOL 156 Falk, H. MEDI 16
Erk, K.A. PMSE 161 Eubanks, C. BIOL 46 Falk, P. MEDI 365


Fallah, H. INOR 390 Farha, O.K. INOR 67 Fei, X. ORGN 274

Fallah, H. INOR 608 Farha, O.K. INOR 68 Feig, A.L. CHED 44
Fallek, R. ORGN 121 Farha, O.K. INOR 127 Feig, M. COMP 79
Fallek, A. ORGN 333 Farha, O.K. INOR 292 Feig, M. PHYS 442
Fallek, A. ORGN 579 Farha, O.K. INOR 755 Feinberg, A.W. PMSE 57
Falls, A. ENVR 350 Farha, O.K. INOR 820 Feinstein, M. ANYL 388
Falta, J. CATL 161 Farha, O.K. POLY 683 Feixas, F. PHYS 444
Famularo, N. COLL 232 Faris, N. CHED 216 Feizi, T. CARB 84
Fan, D. PHYS 401 Farmand, M. CATL 379 Feke, D. COLL 523
Fan, D. PHYS 436 Farmer, B.L. COMP 155 Feke, D. PMSE 156
Fan, D. PHYS 517 Farmer, D. ENVR 486 Feke, D. PMSE 324
Fan, H. TOXI 30 Farmer, D. ENVR 532 Feke, D.L. POLY 449
Fan, H. TOXI 54 Farnberger, J. CATL 184 Fekete, A. MEDI 250
Fan, H. ENFL 83 Farnsworth, T.W. INOR 478 Feldman, K.E. POLY 56
Fan, H. COLL 334 Farrar, J.J. AGRO 93 Felgner, P. COLL 450
Fan, H. INOR 532 Farrar, J.J. AGRO 96 Felice, K. PMSE 362
Fan, H. ENFL 244 Farrell, J.K. CHED 369 Felipe, A. GEOC 31
Fan, H. ENFL 480 Farrell, J. ENFL 111 Feliu, N. COLL 510
Fan, H. ENFL 485 Farrell, S. ANYL 70 Felix, K.H. INOR 645
Fan, H. ORGN 172 Farrell, S. ANYL 71 Felix Lanao, R. POLY 167
Fan, J. PMSE 81 Farrell, W. POLY 223 Feller, K.D. PMSE 218
Fan, J. CELL 15 Farrell, W.S. ANYL 295 Fellhauer, D. ENVR 412
Fan, J. COLL 278 Farrell, W.P. ORGN 524 Fellhauer, D. NUCL 17
Fan, J. ORGN 521 Farris, S. ANYL 200 Felten, A. MEDI 91
Fan, L. ENFL 87 Farruggia, F.T. AGRO 405 Felten, M. ANYL 73
Fan, L. ENFL 454 Farsidjani, A. MEDI 267 Felten, M. I&EC 58
Fan, M. AGRO 341 Farzaneh, A. ENVR 346 Feng, D. MEDI 245
Fan, R. ENVR 501 Fasan, R. ORGN 83 Feng, D. INOR 258
Fan, T. INOR 903 Fasano, T. MEDI 297 Feng, D. INOR 370
Fan, W. CATL 363 Fass, J. WCC 5 Feng, D. INOR 743
Fan, W. ENVR 131 Fassbender, M.E. NUCL 1 Feng, J. PHYS 114
Fan, X. ENFL 462 Fast, B.J. AGRO 26 Feng, J. COLL 279
Fan, X. POLY 506 Fast, W. AEI 12 Feng, L. ORGN 324
Fan, X. POLY 507 Fast, W. MEDI 341 Feng, P. ORGN 680
Fan, X. AGFD 230 Fastow, E. I&EC 31 Feng, Q. POLY 301
Fan, Y. ANYL 87 Fata, J. PMSE 402 Feng, Q. POLY 487
Fan, Z. ORGN 566 Fataftah, M. INOR 342 Feng, R. ORGN 332
Fandozzi, C. MEDI 192 Fatieiev, Y. COLL 104 Feng, S. ANYL 260
Fandrick, K. ANYL 13 Fatino, A. ORGN 693 Feng, S. ORGN 272
Fandrick, K. COMP 162 Fatoki, O.S. ANYL 81 Feng, W. COLL 469
Fang, C. POLY 395 Fattebert, J. COMP 52 Feng, X. ORGN 489
Fang, C. ENFL 379 Fatur, S.M. INOR 73 Feng, X. ENFL 115
Fang, D.Z. ORGN 575 Fatur, S.M. INOR 691 Feng, X. ENFL 340
Fang, D. ENFL 210 Faul, C.F. POLY 342 Feng, X. ENVR 124
Fang, H. MEDI 335 Faul, C.F. POLY 654 Feng, X. GEOC 6
Fang, H. MEDI 365 Faure, A. PHYS 101 Feng, X. POLY 637
Fang, M. ORGN 408 Fauser, A. AGRO 293 Feng, X. POLY 643
Fang, M. ORGN 434 Faust, T.M. CHED 149 Feng, Y. ENVR 155
Fang, M. ORGN 442 Faust, T.M. CHED 157 Feng, Y. COLL 24
Fang, S. ORGN 206 Faustino, P. ANYL 178 Feng, Z. PMSE 190
Fang, T. MEDI 308 Faustino, P. ANYL 181 Feng, Z. PHYS 594
Fang, T. ENVR 335 Faustino, P. ANYL 186 Feng, Z. ENFL 391
Fang, T. POLY 765 Faustino, P. ANYL 187 Fennell, C. ORGN 372
Fang, X. ENFL 237 Faustino, P. ANYL 188 Fennell, Y. CHED 211
Fang, X. ENFL 240 Faustino, P. ANYL 189 Fenter, P. CATL 383
Fang, Y. ENVR 489 Faustino, P. ANYL 312 Fenter, P. CATL 384
Fang, Y. CATL 254 Faustino, P. ANYL 315 Fenton, A. CATL 370
Fang, Z. ORGN 141 Faustino, P. ANYL 316 Fenton, J.L. INOR 540
Fang, Z. ENFL 318 Faustino, P. ANYL 318 Fenton, J.L. INOR 703
Fang, Z. POLY 721 Favaro, M. CATL 28 Fenyves, R.D. POLY 431
Fanjul, A. MEDI 110 Favaro, M. COLL 537 Ferber, C.J. ORGN 494
Fannin, H.B. POLY 116 Favaro, M. COLL 540 Ferber, C.J. ORGN 586
Fanta, G.F. CELL 14 Favaro, M. YCC 25 Ferdinandus, F. COLL 577
Fantin, M. POLY 7 Favaro, M. YCC 26 Ferebee, R. POLY 394
Fantin, M. POLY 379 Fayad, R. INOR 615 Ferguson, A. MEDI 8
Fantin, M. POLY 381 Fayyad, R. ORGN 418 Ferguson, B. ENVR 228
Fantin, M. POLY 387 Fayzullin, R. INOR 102 Ferguson, H. MEDI 131
Fantin, M. POLY 388 Fazal, A. CHED 360 Ferguson, J. AGRO 329
Fantin, M. POLY 392 Fears, K. PMSE 141 Ferguson, K. ANYL 109
Fantin, M. POLY 395 Feaster, J. CATL 379 Ferguson, L. MEDI 332
Farajallah, A. INOR 669 Fedick, P.W. ANYL 76 Ferguson, M.A. CHED 298
Farajidizaji, B. ORGN 424 Fedick, P.W. CHED 77 Ferguson, S.S. TOXI 24
Farajidizaji, B. ORGN 463 Fedin, I. COLL 492 Feringa, B. ORGN 246
Faraon, A. AEI 73 Fedor, A.M. CHED 81 Feringa, B. ORGN 433
Farberow, C. CATL 362 Fedor, A.M. CHED 176 Feringa, B. ORGN 535
Fares, H. PMSE 318 Fedrizzi, B. AGFD 61 Fernandes, A.M. I&EC 33
Farghaly, A. ANYL 232 Fedrizzi, B. ORGN 645 Fernandes, J. AGFD 91
Farghaly, A. INOR 786 Feeney, W. ANYL 349 Fernandes, T.F. GEOC 1
Fargnoli, J. MEDI 25 Feeney, W. ANYL 350 Fernandes da Silva, J. CARB 29
Farha, O.K. INOR 5 Feher, K.M. TOXI 74 Fernandes da Silva, J. PMSE 292

338 –AUTH
Fernandez, C. POLY 451 Filipczak, P. POLY 695 Fleming, M. ENVR 344
Fernandez, F.M. ANYL 436 Filipovic, N. INOR 524 Fletcher, J. CHED 159
Fernandez, J. BIOL 124 Filippov, S. POLY 305 Fletcher, S. MEDI 229
Fernandez, J. POLY 150 Filippov, S. POLY 455 Flexner, C. COLL 412
Fernandez, M. MEDI 363 Fillman, K.L. INOR 688 Flexner, C. COLL 547
Fernandez, R. ANYL 321 Fincher, G. AGFD 26 Flexner, C. ORGN 671
Fernandez, R.D. INOR 166 Fine, I. ANYL 338 Fliedel, C. POLY 773
Fernández, R. ORGN 355 Fine Nathel, N.F. PMSE 468 Fliedel, C. INOR 880
Fernandez-Alos, V. ENVR 390 Fink, B.E. MEDI 25 Fliedel, C. POLY 410
Fernandez-Salas, E. MEDI 156 Fink, K. ENVR 440 Fliedel, C. POLY 411
Fernandez-Serra, M.F. PHYS 239 Fink, Z. CATL 197 Fliedel, C. POLY 413
Fernando, D. MEDI 258 Finkenstadt, V. AGFD 131 Flister, M.J. COLL 98
Fernando, P.I. ORGN 437 Finko, M. NUCL 64 Flister, M.J. COLL 113
Ferrah, D. COLL 478 Finlayson Pitts, B.J. ENVR 340 Flood, A.H. COMP 366
Ferrante, M. MEDI 358 Finn, M. BIOL 170 Flood, A.H. I&EC 22
Ferraris, D. MEDI 51 Finn, M. CHED 161 Flood, J. PHYS 333
Ferraris, D. MEDI 74 Finn, M. ORGN 291 Flood, M. ENFL 219
Ferraris, J.P. ENFL 309 Finn, M. CATL 170 Flora, J.R. ENVR 209
Ferraris, J.P. ENFL 310 Finn, M. CATL 411 Flora, J.R. GEOC 12
Ferraris, J.P. PMSE 578 Finnerty, M. CHED 231 Florentino Ribeiro, R. PHYS 555
Ferraris, J.P. PMSE 661 Finnerty, M. I&EC 62 Flores, J.A. POLY 371
Ferreira, F. CARB 28 Finney, L. NUCL 8 Flores, L. COLL 28
Ferreira, F. CARB 29 Finsinger, D. MPPG 15 Flores, M. ENVR 473
Ferreira, F. PMSE 289 Finster, D.C. CHED 27 Flores, M. ORGN 658
Ferreira, F. PMSE 292 Fiolek, T. CARB 57 Floto, M. COLL 214
Ferreira, M. AGRO 314 Fioravanzo, E. CINF 42 Flowers, R.A. ORGN 270
Ferreira, P.S. AGFD 90 Firestone, M.A. INOR 772 Flum, J. PMSE 7
Ferreira, R.B. INOR 418 Firestone, M.A. PMSE 368 Flum, J. PMSE 243
Ferreira, R.S. COLL 609 Fischer, A. AGRO 259 Flum, J. PMSE 456
Ferreira, T.A. ENVR 384 Fischer, A. POLY 173 Flurer, C. ANYL 314
Ferreira, T. INOR 915 Fischer, B. PMSE 636 Flynn, B.L. ORGN 485
Ferreira Garrudo, F. CARB 29 Fischer, M. COMP 39 Flynn, D. AGRO 23
Ferreira Garrudo, F. PMSE 292 Fischer, O. MEDI 266 Flynn, J. ENVR 491
Ferrence, G. PROF 5 Fischer, S.J. ENVR 55 Flynn, J.D. ANYL 12
Ferrer, M. COMP 288 Fischer, S.J. ENVR 202 Flynn, J.D. BIOL 54
Ferrere, S. ENFL 259 Fischer, S. ORGN 150 Flynn, J.D. BIOL 105
Ferretti, A. ORGN 549 Fischer, U. ANYL 13 Flynn, N.O. AGFD 66
Ferrie, S. POLY 3 Fischer, U. COMP 162 Foat, B. ANYL 93
Ferrier, A. TOXI 61 Fischer, U. AGFD 5 Fochtman, B.C. COMP 319
Ferrier, M. NUCL 19 Fish, B. COLL 98 Focken, T. MEDI 252
Ferrier, M. NUCL 44 Fish, M. COLL 367 Focken, T. MEDI 253
Ferrier, M. NUCL 47 Fish, S. ORGN 63 Fodor, C. POLY 201
Ferrier, R. COLL 38 Fisher, B.P. PMSE 390 Fofanov, G.L. INOR 622
Ferrier, R.C. POLY 602 Fisher, B.T. ENFL 450 Fogarasi, G. COMP 20
Ferrieri, R. PRES 24 Fisher, K.J. INOR 581 Fogel, A.L. PMSE 216
Ferrins, L. BIOL 157 Fisher, M.A. CHED 311 Fogg, D.N. POLY 709
Ferry, J.L. ENVR 178 Fisher, V. CHED 98 Fogler, W.E. CARB 1
Ferry, J.L. ENVR 443 Fisk, J. ORGN 495 Fokin, V.V. COLL 567
Ferry, J.L. ENVR 444 Fisk, J.D. ENVR 532 Fokin, V.V. ORGN 131
Ferry, M. ORGN 678 Fister, T. CATL 384 Fokin, V.V. ORGN 237
Ferzoco, A.L. PHYS 219 Fister, T. CATL 383 Fokin, V.V. ORGN 582
Fessel, J.P. TOXI 73 Fister, T. ENFL 120 Folden, C.M. NUCL 11
Fetisov, E. COMP 154 Fitchett, B.W. INOR 46 Folden, C.M. NUCL 56
Fetterly, B.M. CHED 320 Fite, J.D. PMSE 461 Földvári, D. COMP 69
Fetto, N.R. PHYS 467 Fitzgerald, J. ENFL 108 Foley, B.L. CARB 79
Fetto, N.R. PHYS 471 Fitzgerald, M. COLL 488 Foley, C.J. CHED 344
Feura, E.S. PMSE 467 Fitzgerald, N.D. ENFL 109 Foley, H. CARB 57
Fewkes, C. COLL 343 Fitz-Gibbon, S. BIOL 160 Foley, S. CHED 182
Feyerabend, M. AGRO 297 Fitzsimmons, A.C. BIOL 90 Foley, S. CHED 183
Feyock, B. ORGN 9 Fitzsimmons, A.C. PHYS 437 Folini, J. POLY 428
Fialoke, S. POLY 96 Fivizzani, K.P. CHAS 29 Folmer, D. AGFD 14
Fichman, G. PMSE 363 Fjellvåg, H. ENFL 67 Folta, K.M. AGRO 374
Fichthorn, K.A. COLL 578 Fjermestad, T. CATL 107 Fong, A. PHYS 324
Fiedler, K.L. ANYL 197 Flack, S. AGRO 288 Fonger, G. CINF 46
Field, L.D. COLL 449 Flaherty, P.T. MEDI 112 Fonseca Guerra, C. ORGN 222
Field, L.D. COLL 562 Flaherty, P.T. MEDI 148 Fonseca Guerra, C. PHYS 165
Field, R.J. PHYS 299 Flaig, M. AGFD 201 Fontaine, F. ORGN 284
Field, T.M. CHED 154 Flake, J.C. CATL 254 Fontani, F. PHYS 108
Fielden, S. ORGN 538 Flanagan, D.W. CINF 22 Fontenot, K.J. CATL 473
Fiez-Vandal, C. MEDI 8 Flanagan, J.J. INOR 931 Fontenot, P.R. ENFL 357
Figg, C.A. POLY 62 Flanagan, M.L. ORGN 411 Foo, G. CATL 14
Figg, C.A. POLY 418 Flavin, A. BIOL 113 Foo, G. CATL 76
Figueroa, J.S. INOR 366 Flavin, M. TOXI 94 Foo, G. CATL 125
Figyelmesi, Á. CINF 89 Flechsig, G. ANYL 262 Forbes, D.L. BIOL 168
Fijten, B. POLY 17 Flege, J. CATL 161 Forbes, D.L. CHED 56
Filardi, L. CHED 194 Fleischauer, V.E. INOR 106 Forbes, V. AGRO 284
Filatov, A.S. INOR 733 Fleischmann, T. AGRO 331 Ford, C. AGFD 26
Filimonov, D. CINF 134 Fleisher, A.J. ENFL 224 Ford, C. INOR 702
Filimonov, D. COMP 291 Fleita, D. CARB 33 Ford, H. ENFL 69
Filimonov, D. CINF 83 Fleming, A.M. ANYL 368 Ford, J.C. CHED 173


Ford, M. CATL 197 Fourches, D. CINF 33 Frauenrath, H. ANYL 244

Ford, M. CATL 279 Fourches, D. CINF 40 Frauenrath, H. ORGN 481
Ford, M.D. POLY 217 Fourches, D. CINF 129 Frauman, W. ORGN 29
Ford, M.D. POLY 521 Fourches, D. COMP 253 Frausto, F. PMSE 364
Ford, P.C. CHED 307 Fournier, A.J. AGRO 93 Frazier, D. POLY 514
Ford, R.R. PMSE 571 Fournier, A.J. AGRO 96 Frazier, E. PMSE 470
Ford, R. CHED 38 Fout, A.R. INOR 702 Freakley, S. CATL 150
Forde, A. PHYS 398 Fout, A.R. INOR 855 Frech, C.B. SOCED 2
Foreman, K. ENFL 272 Foutch, J. INOR 448 Frech, M. COMP 63
Foreman, L.M. ORGN 413 Fox, D. ENVR 158 Frechette, J. COLL 470
Foreman-Ortiz, I.U. COLL 216 Fox, E.B. YCC 7 Frechette, J. POLY 33
Foreman-Ortiz, I.U. COLL 355 Fox, G. AGRO 9 Fred-Ahmadu, O.H. ENVR 100
Forgan, R.S. ENFL 21 Fox, G. AGRO 10 Fred-Ahmadu, O.H. ENVR 524
Forien, J. PMSE 122 Fox, G. AGRO 15 Fred-Ahmadu, O.H. ENVR 525
Forister, M. PHYS 471 Fox, G. AGRO 354 Fred-Ahmadu, O.H. ENVR 526
Forlemu, N.Y. COMP 258 Fox, G. AGRO 355 Frederick, J. ANYL 367
Forlemu, N.Y. PHYS 410 Fox, J. ORGN 346 Frederick, K.M. INOR 746
Fornasiero, P. INOR 655 Fox, J. PMSE 226 Frederick-Frost, K. HIST 10
Fornasiero, P. INOR 837 Fox, N. MEDI 82 Frederiksen, R. COLL 514
Forney, A. INOR 142 Fox, R.G. MEDI 278 Fredin, L.A. COMP 363
Forouzesh, N. COMP 289 Fox, S. INOR 566 Fredin, L.A. INOR 19
Forrest, S. PMSE 551 Fox, S. INOR 860 Fredin, L.A. PHYS 137
Fors, B.P. PMSE 66 Fox, Z. CATL 277 Fredrickson, D. PHYS 315
Fors, B.P. PMSE 651 Foy, G.P. CHED 6 Fredstrom, N.K. PRES 10
Fors, B.P. POLY 103 Foy, G.P. ENVR 183 Freedberg, D.I. CARB 92
Fors, B.P. POLY 320 Foy, J.T. AEI 63 Freedlander, R. AGRO 275
Fors, B.P. POLY 759 Foy, R.L. CHED 6 Freedman, A. ENVR 555
Fors, B.P. POLY 771 Foy, R.L. ENVR 183 Freedman, D.E. INOR 342
Forslund, R.P. CATL 84 Fraeyman, A. ORGN 93 Freedman, D.E. INOR 349
Forster, C. COLL 324 Fraley, M.E. MEDI 192 Freedman, D.E. INOR 358
Forster, P. INOR 753 Frame, A. ENVR 2 Freedman, D.E. INOR 918
Forster, P. INOR 916 Frame, E. ANYL 82 Freedman, D.E. WCC 1
Forster, P. NUCL 18 France, F. ANYL 223 Freedman, M. ENVR 533
Forsythe, J.G. ANYL 436 France, S.A. ORGN 381 Freel Meyers, C. BIOL 58
Fort, S. INOR 583 Francesconi, L.C. ENVR 232 Freel Meyers, C. BIOL 94
Fortado, J. CHED 298 Francesconi, L.C. ENVR 417 Freeman, B.D. I&EC 13
Forte, J. BIOL 26 Franchetti, J.A. AGRO 266 Freeman, B.A. ORGN 422
Forte, J. BIOL 46 Franchetti, J.A. AGRO 267 Freeman, C. POLY 514
Forte, J. BIOL 183 Francis, E.J. NUCL 12 Freeman, K. PRES 16
Forte, J. MEDI 68 Francis, L. AGFD 3 Freet, D. NUCL 75
Forte, J. MEDI 251 Francis, L. AGFD 196 Freiberg, J. ENVR 537
Forte, S.G. ANYL 412 Francis, L. PMSE 222 Freichel, T. PMSE 577
Fortenberry, R.C. PHYS 468 Francis, M.B. COLL 454 Freire, M. I&EC 33
Fortenberry, R.C. PHYS 522 Francis, M.B. INOR 455 Freire, S.G. PMSE 599
Forth, H. ENVR 314 Francis, M.B. PMSE 225 Freire, S.G. PMSE 605
Forth, J.W. COLL 469 Francis, T. COLL 530 Freitag, A. ORGN 521
Fortman, D. PMSE 246 Franck, J. PHYS 535 Frenette, L.C. COLL 497
Fortman, D.J. PMSE 1 Franco, D. ENVR 63 Frenkel, A. CATL 90
Fortman, G. CATL 196 Franco, I. COMP 305 Frenkel, A. CATL 231
Fortman, G. INOR 15 Franco, J. CHED 69 Frenkel, A. CATL 303
Fortner, J. COLL 610 Frandsen, K. INOR 583 Frenkel, A. ENFL 180
Fortunado de Carvalho Rocha, W. CINF 78 Frank, A.T. COMP 65 Frenkel, A. ENFL 348
Forzano, A. ANYL 383 Frank, A. AGRO 379 Frenkel, A. INOR 3
Forzano, A.V. ANYL 110 Frank, H.M. CHED 189 Frenkel, A. INOR 147
Foster, C. BIOL 179 Frank, H.M. CHED 248 Frenking, G. PHYS 110
Foster, E. PMSE 7 Frank, J. PMSE 352 Freundlich, J.S. BIOL 158
Foster, E. PMSE 243 Frank, J. AGFD 9 Freundlich, J.S. MEDI 330
Foster, G.D. COLL 167 Frank, M. CARB 77 Freundlich, J.S. MEDI 197
Foster, G.D. ENVR 389 Frank, M. CARB 91 Frey, B.L. CHED 283
Foster, G.D. ENVR 517 Franke, D. COLL 572 Frey, C. AGFD 111
Foster, J. PMSE 638 Frankenfield, K. BIOL 150 Frey, J.G. CINF 21
Foster, J. PMSE 522 Fransishyn, K. INOR 845 Frey, K. CATL 386
Foster, J. PMSE 603 Frantz, J.A. COLL 526 Frey, S. ENFL 274
Foster, J. PMSE 484 Franz, K.J. INOR 324 Friborg, J. MEDI 365
Foster, J. POLY 723 Franz, K.J. INOR 508 Fricke, R.C. BIOL 160
Foster, M.E. PHYS 538 Franz, K.J. INOR 582 Fridh, V. MEDI 260
Foster, N. MEDI 348 Franz, K.J. INOR 585 Friebe, E. INOR 371
Foster, R. ORGN 482 Franz, K.J. INOR 587 Fried, J.R. PMSE 109
Foster, T.J. MEDI 101 Franz, K.J. INOR 793 Friedli, A.C. CHED 243
Foster, W. MEDI 25 Franz, K.J. INOR 795 Friedli, A.C. CHED 244
Foster, W. AGRO 240 Franz, K.J. INOR 796 Friedli, A.C. INOR 538
Foston, M.B. CELL 3 Franz, K.J. POLY 148 Friedli, A.C. INOR 921
Foston, M.B. ENVR 133 Fraser, C.L. ANYL 101 Friedli, A.C. ORGN 681
Foudazi, R. INOR 255 Fraser, C.L. INOR 541 Friedman, A. AGRO 345
Fouillade, D. CHED 59 Fraser, C.L. INOR 542 Friedman, B. ENVR 532
Foulger, S.H. COLL 613 Fraser, C.L. INOR 543 Friedman, L. MEDI 22
Foulger, S.H. INOR 919 Fraser, C.L. ORGN 439 Friedman, L. MEDI 103
Foulger, S.H. PMSE 606 Fraser, C.L. POLY 145 Friedrich, K.J. ORGN 93
Foulger, S.H. POLY 485 Fraser, C.L. POLY 525 Friedrich, K.J. ORGN 658
Foulkes, M.J. MEDI 79 Frassica, M.T. PMSE 501 Friend, C.M. CATL 367

340 –AUTH
Friend, C.M. COLL 416 Fujita, M. ANYL 241 Gaitzsch, J. COLL 568
Frischknecht, A.L. PMSE 200 Fujita, M. POLY 79 Gaitzsch, J. POLY 428
Frischknecht, A.L. POLY 112 Fujiwara, N. COLL 225 Gajewska, B. POLY 201
Fritscher, J. AGRO 23 Fujiwara, N. COLL 322 Gal, E. ENVR 381
Frityanti, M. COLL 351 Fuks, G. AEI 63 Galagedera, S. ANYL 262
Fritz, J.A. ORGN 78 Fuku, K. ENFL 214 Galanopoulos, L. ORGN 42
Fritz, S.M. PHYS 454 Fuku, K. ENVR 172 Galassi, T.V. COLL 514
Fritz, V. TOXI 40 Fuku, K. ENVR 173 Galassi, T.V. PMSE 88
Fritzemeier, R. ORGN 574 Fukuda, H. ORGN 164 Galati, E. COLL 465
Froimowicz, P. PMSE 648 Fukuoka, A. CATL 95 Galazutdinov, G. PHYS 354
Fromen, C. COLL 367 Fukusaku, E. BIOL 160 Galensowske, N. POLY 91
Frontiera, R.R. COLL 329 Fukushima, T. ORGN 528 Galguen, P. CATL 235
Frost, L. CATL 252 Fukuta, K. ORGN 174 Galhenage, R. COLL 478
Frost, S. AGFD 93 Fukuta, K. ORGN 585 Gali, H. TOXI 29
Frumento, N. CHED 163 Fukuto, M. POLY 114 Gali, R. AGRO 156
Fry, H.C. AGFD 253 Fuller, E.J. INOR 447 Galinato, M.I. INOR 941
Fry, H.C. INOR 420 Fuller, J. CHED 238 Gall, K. POLY 722
Fry, R. ENVR 189 Fulllington, C. AGRO 89 Gall, M.A. ORGN 537
Frye, J. CATL 8 Fulp, J. MEDI 78 Gall, M.A. ORGN 539
Fu, B. POLY 737 Fulton, D.A. PMSE 242 Gallagher, J.R. ENFL 171
Fu, G.C. ORGN 311 Fulton, J. INOR 292 Gallagher, K.R. PROF 15
Fu, H. PMSE 139 Fultz, M.W. CHED 65 Gallagher, S.M. INOR 647
Fu, H. PHYS 430 Fultz, M.W. CHED 379 Gallagher, W.P. ORGN 521
Fu, J. COMP 338 Fultz, M.W. ORGN 646 Gallagher Duval, S. ORGN 57
Fu, J. CATL 1 Fundator, M. ANYL 172 Gallardo-Macias, R. MEDI 333
Fu, J. CATL 47 Funderburk, C. PHYS 374 Gallei, M. PMSE 419
Fu, J. CATL 421 Funeriu, D. AEI 63 Gallei, M. PMSE 632
Fu, J. CATL 481 Fung, K. POLY 3 Gallei, M. POLY 84
Fu, J. MEDI 310 Fung, V. CATL 14 Gallei, M. POLY 370
Fu, J. ENFL 271 Fung, V. CATL 125 Gallei, M. POLY 531
Fu, J. WCC 7 Funk, M. INOR 132 Galley, S. NUCL 10
Fu, L. ENFL 367 Fura, A. MEDI 25 Galley, S.S. CATL 134
Fu, L. CELL 15 Furgal, J.C. POLY 686 Galli, G.A. COLL 382
Fu, L. POLY 381 Furgal, J.C. POLY 359 Galli, G.A. ENFL 353
Fu, Q. COLL 482 Furkert, D.P. AEI 69 Galliano, S. ENFL 98
Fu, Q. PMSE 223 Furkert, D.P. ORGN 655 Gallicchio, E. COMP 229
Fu, Q. ENFL 318 Furnham, N. PHYS 89 Gallicchio, E. COMP 300
Fu, R. PHYS 385 Furnham, N. PHYS 447 Galliford, C.V. ORGN 523
Fu, R. PHYS 578 Furr, R. CHAS 4 Galligan, J. ANYL 18
Fu, R. CATL 196 Furst, A.L. INOR 455 Galligan, J. TOXI 73
Fu, R. INOR 15 Furst, A.L. PMSE 225 Galligan, J. TOXI 87
Fu, S. PHYS 456 Furtmueller, G. MEDI 318 Gallington, L. INOR 820
Fu, W. POLY 400 Fusè, M. COMP 331 Gallo-Rodriguez, C. CARB 65
Fu, W. POLY 552 Fushman, D. BIOL 112 Galperin, M. PHYS 198
Fu, X. CATL 295 Fusi, S. ENVR 471 Galusha, A. ANYL 276
Fu, Y. ANYL 431 Futatsugi, K. MEDI 258 Galusha, A. ANYL 309
Fu, Y. AGFD 277 Fye, G.A. INOR 941 Galvan, I.F. PHYS 276
Fu, Y. ANYL 345 Gabaly, F.E. INOR 447 Galvani, M. PMSE 206
Fu, Y. ENVR 225 Gabbert, D.R. AGRO 273 Galvani, M. PMSE 209
Fu, Y. POLY 483 Gabidullin, B. INOR 222 Galvani, M. PMSE 335
Fu, Y. COLL 441 Gabrielli, L. COMP 143 Galvez-Aranda, D.E. COMP 403
Fu, Y. INOR 369 Gad, A.H. INOR 554 Galy, T. INOR 64
Fuanta, R. AEI 59 Gaddamidi, V. AGRO 136 Gamache, R.M. I&EC 50
Fuanta, R. MEDI 329 Gadiano, A. MEDI 318 Gamage, L.P. ENVR 424
Fuchs, A. PMSE 220 Gadzhiev, O. PHYS 441 Gamage McEvoy, J. INOR 517
Fuchs, G. POLY 609 Gaffney, A.M. CATL 195 Gambarotta, S. ENFL 351
Fuchs, J. MEDI 295 Gaffney, A.M. ENFL 26 Gambarotta, S. ENFL 400
Fuchs, M. CATL 184 Gagginapally, S. MEDI 94 Gambetta, J.M. AGFD 1
Fuentes, C. AGFD 92 Gagliardi, L. CATL 414 Gamble, T. CHED 159
Fuentes, E. CATL 116 Gagliardi, L. COMP 310 Gamboa da Costa, G. AGFD 56
Fuentes-Claudio, L. CHED 361 Gagliardi, L. COMP 375 Gameson, L. ENFL 224
Fuerste, W. PHYS 406 Gagliardi, L. INOR 68 Gampe, C. BIOL 28
Fujie, T. COLL 219 Gagliardi, L. INOR 292 Gamwo, I. ENFL 471
Fujie, T. COLL 577 Gagliardi, L. INOR 294 Gan, J. MEDI 147
Fujii, N. MEDI 53 Gagliardi, L. INOR 690 Gan, Q. MEDI 107
Fujii, S. COLL 91 Gagliardi, L. INOR 728 Gan, X. COLL 185
Fujii, S. COLL 92 Gagliardi, L. INOR 729 Gan, X. COLL 401
Fujii, S. COLL 249 Gagliardi, L. INOR 816 Gan, X. COLL 557
Fujii, S. CELL 19 Gagliardi, L. INOR 820 Ganapati, S. ORGN 510
Fujii, S. COLL 56 Gagliardi, L. PHYS 228 Gandhi, A. BIOL 154
Fujikawa, R. MEDI 343 Gaglieri, C. POLY 467 Gandhi, D. MEDI 101
Fujimoto, M. NUCL 21 Gagne, M.R. ORGN 456 Ganduglia-Pirovano, M. CATL 70
Fujimoto, S. ENVR 173 Gagnon, G.A. ENVR 84 Ganegamage, S. MEDI 121
Fujimoto, T. MEDI 343 Gagnon, K.J. INOR 903 Ganem Rondero, F. COLL 268
Fujimoto, V.Y. ANYL 276 Gaikwad, S. MEDI 12 Ganesh, P. CATL 430
Fujioka, N. TOXI 40 Gaikwad, S. INOR 376 Gang, D. ANYL 83
Fujisawa, K. INOR 870 Gaines, C. BIOL 47 Gang, O. POLY 384
Fujisawa, K. INOR 89 Gaines, P. POLY 330 Gangaraju, R. AGRO 258
Fujita, E. INOR 891 Gaiser, A. INOR 640 Gangjee, A. MEDI 70
Fujita, K. MEDI 125 Gaitzsch, J. COLL 314 Gangjee, A. MEDI 119


Gangjee, A. MEDI 120 Garbay, B. PMSE 14 Gassensmith, J.J. COLL 617

Gangjee, A. MEDI 142 Garbellotto, V.M. PMSE 605 Gassensmith, J.J. INOR 125
Gangjee, A. MEDI 150 Garber, E.A. AGFD 225 Gasteiger, J. CINF 98
Ganguly, S. ORGN 675 Garber, K. AGRO 102 Gaster, S. PHYS 374
Ganguly, A. ORGN 691 Garber, K. AGRO 382 Gat, D. ENVR 337
Gangwah, S. ENFL 140 Garcia, A. PMSE 541 Gatadi, S. MEDI 289
Gani, T.Z. CATL 272 Garcia, C. ORGN 186 Gatazka, D. CHED 266
Gann, E. POLY 734 Garcia, D. POLY 677 Gates, B.C. INOR 68
Gantzer, R. AGRO 40 Garcia, F.C. ANYL 141 Gates, D.P. POLY 356
Gao, B. AGRO 364 Garcia, J. POLY 182 Gates, K.S. TOXI 2
Gao, Y. ENVR 103 Garcia, J. CHED 155 Gates, K.S. TOXI 27
Gao, Z. CATL 33 Garcia, J. ORGN 399 Gates, K.S. TOXI 28
Gao, Z. CATL 158 Garcia, J. ENFL 258 Gates, K.S. TOXI 66
Gao, Z. CATL 418 Garcia, J. INOR 708 Gattu, S. ANYL 416
Gao, A. CHED 174 Garcia, J.J. INOR 224 Gattu, S. ANYL 413
Gao, A. PHYS 118 Garcia, K. SCHB 12 Gattu, S. ANYL 417
Gao, B. ENVR 28 Garcia, K. SCHB 15 Gattu, S. ANYL 418
Gao, B. AGRO 354 Garcia, M. INOR 255 Gaudet, J.R. INOR 389
Gao, B. AGFD 184 Garcia, R.C. ORGN 541 Gaughan, S. CHED 205
Gao, B. AGFD 213 Garcia,
´ N. MEDI 170 Gaulton, A. CINF 66
Gao, C. COLL 552 Garcia-Borràs, M. PHYS 286 Gaunt, M. ORGN 13
Gao, C. PMSE 563 Garcia-Borràs, M. PHYS 444 Gaunt, M. ORGN 484
Gao, C. ENFL 313 Garcia-Bosch, I. INOR 493 Gaur, R. CATL 356
Gao, C. ENVR 153 García-Chacón, J. AGFD 175 Gautier, A. BIOL 53
Gao, F. COLL 611 Garcia de Arquer, F. COLL 601 Gauvin, R. CATL 124
Gao, F. CATL 245 Garcia-Jacas, C.R. CINF 80 Gavai, A.V. MEDI 25
Gao, F. CATL 260 García-Jiménez, M. CARB 80 Gavai, A.V. MEDI 335
Gao, F. CATL 262 Garcia Rodríguez, J.M. CHED 277 Gavathiotis, E. BIOL 18
Gao, F. CATL 347 Garcia-Rodriguez, O. ENVR 150 Gavrylenko, O. CINF 29
Gao, F. INOR 393 García Sánchez, J. COLL 268 Gavrylenko, O. MEDI 357
Gao, G. PHYS 117 Garcia-Segura, S. ENVR 402 Gavvalapalli, N. ORGN 462
Gao, H. POLY 319 Gard, N. AGRO 19 Gavvalapalli, N. PMSE 418
Gao, H. INOR 938 Garde, S. PHYS 172 Gavvalapalli, N. PMSE 422
Gao, H. ENFL 236 Gardenier, G. ENVR 428 Gawande, M. CATL 462
Gao, H. COLL 534 Gardiner, J. CARB 70 Gawrisch, K. PHYS 591
Gao, J. PHYS 155 Gardner, D.W. CATL 364 Gay, C. COLL 388
Gao, J. BIOL 23 Gardner, D.W. ENVR 128 Gayapa, A. CHED 183
Gao, J. BIOL 166 Gardner, D.J. ANYL 159 Gayen, P. ENVR 11
Gao, J. ORGN 317 Gardner, E.J. INOR 589 Gayet, F. INOR 374
Gao, L. COMP 230 Gardner, E.J. INOR 895 Gayet, F. INOR 880
Gao, L. ENVR 430 Gardner, J. COMP 153 Gayet, F. POLY 412
Gao, L. COLL 484 Gardner, N. INOR 628 Gayet, F. POLY 413
Gao, M. MEDI 269 Gardner, V. CHED 137 Gayet, F. POLY 773
Gao, M. CATL 352 Gareiss, P. ORGN 394 Gazit, O. CATL 213
Gao, M. MEDI 38 Garg, M. AGFD 87 Gaztambide, D. PMSE 143
Gao, M. MEDI 54 Garg, M. CINF 43 Ge, L. ORGN 313
Gao, M. MEDI 307 Garg, N.K. ORGN 205 Ge, M. ENFL 240
Gao, P. COLL 534 Garg, N.K. PMSE 650 Ge, S. ENVR 361
Gao, P. CATL 400 Garg, S. ENVR 53 Ge, T. PMSE 153
Gao, W. ANYL 327 Garibay, S.J. INOR 5 Ge, T. PMSE 207
Gao, W. INOR 762 Garimalla, A. ORGN 208 Geacintov, N.E. TOXI 46
Gao, X. PMSE 531 Garin, D.L. HIST 4 Geacintov, N.E. TOXI 74
Gao, X. POLY 435 Garizi, N. AGRO 385 Geacintov, N.E. TOXI 95
Gao, X. COLL 543 Garland, K. MEDI 103 Gebre, S. COMP 107
Gao, X. ENVR 144 Garnerin, T. MEDI 109 Gebregiworgis, T. PHYS 594
Gao, X. INOR 262 Garnick, K. NUCL 9 Geckeis, H. ENVR 230
Gao, X. ANYL 55 Garr, M. ORGN 232 Geckeis, H. ENVR 412
Gao, Y. INOR 198 Garrett, C. MEDI 318 Geckeis, H. NUCL 17
Gao, Y. INOR 325 Garrett, J.D. AGRO 358 Geddes, C.D. PHYS 438
Gao, Y. POLY 189 Garrett, J. ENFL 55 Geddes, C.D. PHYS 457
Gao, Y. PMSE 273 Garrison, M. CELL 37 Geddes, C.D. PHYS 519
Gao, Y. ENVR 28 Garrison, M. POLY 720 Gedeck, P. COMP 294
Gao, Y. AGRO 311 Garrod, R.T. PHYS 518 Geden, J. ORGN 44
Gao, Y. POLY 241 Garrovillas, M.J. ANYL 141 Gedler, G. PMSE 156
Gao, Z. MEDI 45 Garrudo, F. PMSE 289 Gedler, G. POLY 449
Gaona, S. ENVR 310 Garside, J. AGFD 142 Gee, C. PRES 14
Gaona, S. ENVR 311 Gartner, T.E. PMSE 91 Gee, M. PMSE 332
Gaona, S. ENVR 315 Garvey, E.J. COLL 387 Gee, M.Y. INOR 361
Gaona, S. ENVR 316 Gary, B. INOR 325 Gee, W. AGRO 36
Gaona, S. ENVR 317 Gary, J.B. INOR 103 Geerlings, P. CATL 191
Gaona, X. ENVR 230 Gary, J.B. INOR 435 Geeson, M. INOR 304
Gaona, X. ENVR 412 Garza, A.J. CATL 240 Geeza, T.J. GEOC 16
Gaona, X. NUCL 17 Garza, A.J. CATL 394 Geeza, T.J. GEOC 36
Garakyaraghi, S. INOR 333 Garza, A.J. CATL 477 Gehen, S. CINF 141
Garanger, E. COLL 96 Garza, B. ORGN 398 Geiger, S. ENFL 350
Garanger, E. INOR 708 Garzon, J.I. COMP 7 Geiser, M. ANYL 9
Garanger, E. PMSE 14 Gascon, J. COMP 405 Geisler-Lee, C. ENVR 45
Garanger, E. PMSE 516 Gascon, J. GEOC 27 Geisse, A. INOR 146
Garavito, G. CHED 209 Gasperich, K. COMP 67 Geissinger, P. CHED 98
Garayo, E. INOR 708 Gassaway, E.R. BIOL 78 Geissinger, P. CHED 318

Geissler, K. AGFD 246 Gewirth, A. CATL 384 Giberti, F. COLL 382
Geissler, M. AEI 79 Gewirth, A.A. CATL 35 Gibson, A.D. AGRO 322
Geißler, K. AGFD 141 Gewirth, A.A. CATL 132 Gibson, G. AGFD 37
Geißler, T. AGFD 141 Gewirth, A.A. ENFL 120 Gibson, J.K. NUCL 14
Gelbart, W.M. PHYS 15 Gewirth, A.A. ENFL 230 Gibson, J.K. NUCL 28
Gelbaum, C. ORGN 495 Gewirth, A.A. ENFL 285 Gibson, J.K. NUCL 45
Geletii, Y.V. CATL 458 Gewirth, A.A. ENFL 434 Gibson, M.I. BIOL 33
Gelhaus Wendell, S. ORGN 422 Gewirth, A.A. INOR 313 Gibson, T.S. MEDI 110
Gelin, C. MEDI 211 Ghaadrghadr, Y. COMP 14 Gichimu, J. TOXI 29
Gellatly, K. AGRO 366 Ghanbari, S. CELL 13 Gichuhi, W.K. CHED 291
Geller, A. COLL 538 Ghanbaripour, R. COLL 612 Gichuhi, W.K. ENVR 424
Gellman, A.J. COLL 203 Ghandehari, H. PMSE 144 Giddings, J. AGRO 222
Gemene, K.L. ANYL 261 Ghandour, H. INOR 615 Giddings, J. AGRO 381
Gendron, F. PHYS 229 Ghann, W. ANYL 143 Gide, M.E. PMSE 366
Genest, A. CATL 107 Ghann, W. ANYL 403 Gieck, I. CHED 175
Genevois, C. COLL 96 Ghann, W. ENFL 51 Giese, R. ENVR 331
Genevois, C. PMSE 516 Ghann, W. ENFL 217 Giesen, D. COMP 337
Geng, H.Y. PHYS 211 Ghassemi, A. INOR 255 Giesler, M. COLL 619
Geng, J. COLL 142 Ghaste, M. AGFD 94 Giesy, J.P. ENVR 391
Geng, T. AGRO 278 Ghauch, A. ANYL 92 Gift, A. CHED 11
Geng, X. ENFL 463 Ghauch, A. ENVR 111 Gigmes, D. POLY 64
Gengenbacher, M. MEDI 277 Ghavami, M. MEDI 275 Gigmes, D. PMSE 224
Genna, D. INOR 54 Ghebremichael, H. CATL 312 Gigmes, D. POLY 310
Genna, D. INOR 119 Ghebreyessus, K.Y. INOR 766 Gigmes, D. POLY 427
Genna, D. INOR 146 Ghemtio, L. CINF 138 Giinther, R. COLL 138
Genna, D. INOR 225 Ghiassi, K.B. POLY 521 Gikunju, D. MEDI 104
Genna, D. INOR 558 Ghimire, G. ORGN 648 Gil, P. PMSE 646
Gennaro, A. POLY 7 Ghimire, M. PHYS 62 Gilbert, A.M. MEDI 246
Gennaro, A. POLY 387 Ghimire, S. CARB 36 Gilbert, B. ENVR 82
Gennaro, A. POLY 395 Ghirlando, R. PHYS 288 Gilbert, B. GEOC 7
Genovese, B. BIOL 104 Ghiviriga, I. INOR 886 Gilbert, J.R. AGFD 151
Genovese, L. COMP 51 Ghiviriga, I. ORGN 46 Gilbert, J.R. AGRO 194
Gent, D. ENVR 326 Ghodssi, R. BIOL 159 Gilbert, T.M. AEI 71
Gentekos, D. POLY 771 Ghodssi, R. ENVR 300 Gilbert, T.M. ORGN 126
Genthe, B. ANYL 81 Ghosh, A. PHYS 9 Gilbert, T.M. ORGN 130
Gentleman, E. CINF 100 Ghosh, A. BIOL 163 Gilbertson, R.D. ORGN 27
Genualdi, S. ANYL 199 Ghosh, A. INOR 280 Gilbert-Wilson, R. AEI 40
Genualdi, S. ANYL 201 Ghosh, A.K. ORGN 578 Gilbraith, W. ANYL 322
Genzer, J. POLY 727 Ghosh, G. ORGN 180 Gil-Caballero, S. CARB 80
Geoghegan, K.F. MEDI 249 Ghosh, K. MEDI 365 Gilder, J. AGRO 372
Geoghegan, T. AGRO 118 Ghosh, M.K. CATL 193 Giles, L.J. CATL 217
Geoghegan, T. AGRO 180 Ghosh, M.K. CATL 463 Giles, S.L. INOR 55
Geohegan, D. ENFL 361 Ghosh, P. NUCL 5 Giles, S.L. INOR 138
George, C. CARB 38 Ghosh, P. NUCL 78 Gilfillan, R. MEDI 192
George, J.V. ANYL 114 Ghosh, P. CATL 267 Gilgen, A. ENVR 293
George, T.F. PRES 6 Ghosh, P. INOR 136 Gilkes, A. COLL 450
George Rosenker, K.M. ANYL 126 Ghosh, P. INOR 159 Gilkey, M.J. CATL 435
Geppert, W.D. PHYS 206 Ghosh, P. INOR 698 Gilkey, M.J. CATL 442
Geraghty, P. ENFL 54 Ghosh, S. AGRO 116 Gillan, M. PMSE 454
Gerardi, J. ENFL 255 Ghosh, S. BIOL 83 Gillani, S.S. PMSE 586
Gerardin, C. POLY 697 Ghosh, S. BIOL 96 Gillens, A. NUCL 72
Gerbaldi, C. CELL 9 Ghosh, T. INOR 932 Gilles, M.K. ENVR 550
Gerbaldi, C. ENFL 98 Ghosh, U. ENVR 277 Gillespie, B.R. COMP 160
Gerbaldi, C. PMSE 546 Ghosh Dey, S. INOR 28 Gillespie, K. INOR 239
Gerbaux, P. ORGN 539 Giacalone, A.G. INOR 577 Gillespie, K.P. TOXI 75
Gerber, R.B. ENVR 340 Giacalone, A.G. INOR 578 Gillet, V.J. CINF 86
Gerhard, A. INOR 565 Giaccai, J.A. ANYL 226 Gilliard, R.J. INOR 482
Gerhard, J. ENVR 326 Giampietro, N. ORGN 523 Gilliard, R.J. INOR 884
Gerig, A. ENVR 476 Gian, S. ORGN 14 Gillies, R. AGRO 350
Gerke, C. PMSE 577 Giancaspro, J. CHED 185 Gilligan, P. MEDI 308
Gerlach, E.M. ORGN 404 Giannelis, E.P. CELL 15 Gillikin, D.P. GEOC 36
Gerland, K. MEDI 22 Giannelis, E.P. PMSE 116 Gillis, E.P. MEDI 269
Gerlt, J.A. BIOL 11 Gianneschi, N.C. INOR 828 Gillis, E.P. MEDI 365
Germani, M. AGFD 188 Gianneschi, N.C. POLY 742 Gillis, R. ENFL 399
Gerona-Navarro, G. BIOL 172 Gianopoulos, C.G. INOR 519 Gillman, K. MEDI 269
Gerringer, J. POLY 770 Giardiello, M. COLL 82 Gillooly, K. MEDI 7
Gerspacher, M. MEDI 306 Giardiello, M. COLL 145 Gillum, M.Z. COLL 284
Gerstein, L. ORGN 602 Gibb, B.C. AEI 65 Gilman, J. ENVR 158
Gerstner, N. ORGN 609 Gibb, B.C. ORGN 459 Gilman, J. PMSE 529
Gertsik, N. MEDI 249 Gibb, B.C. ORGN 460 Gilman, J.W. ANYL 387
Geschwinder, S. MEDI 8 Gibb, B.C. ORGN 700 Gilmore, K.M. INOR 724
Gest, A. ORGN 318 Gibb, C.L. AEI 65 Gilroy, K. COLL 247
Getahun, A. AGRO 89 Gibb, C.L. ORGN 700 Gilson, M.K. COMP 38
Getchew, B. ENVR 162 Gibbons, B.J. INOR 145 Gilson, M.K. COMP 39
Getman, R. CATL 414 Gibbons, R. CHED 71 Gilson, M.K. COMP 100
Getman, R. CATL 416 Gibbons, S.K. INOR 100 Gilson, M.K. COMP 220
Getman, R. ENVR 130 Gibbons, S.K. INOR 261 Gilson, M.K. WCC 5
Getman, R. INOR 68 Gibbons, S.K. INOR 373 Gimeno-Fabra, M. PMSE 567
Geva, N. PHYS 185 Gibbons, W. CATL 17 Gin, D.L. POLY 41
Gewirth, A. AEI 54 Gibbs, L.M. CHAS 4 Gindulyte, A. CHAS 34


Gindulyte, A. CINF 45 Gnaim, S. ORGN 30 Goldberg, K.I. INOR 599

Ginger, D.S. COLL 120 Gnanou, Y. COLL 565 Goldberg, K.I. INOR 767
Ginger, D.S. COMSCI 4 Gnanou, Y. PMSE 307 Goldberger, J.E. INOR 94
Ginovska, B. CATL 217 Gnegy, M. ANYL 440 Golden, J.H. ORGN 686
Ginovska, B. CATL 223 Goacher, R.E. ANYL 159 Golden, N. AGRO 377
Ginter, H. CHED 170 Gobrogge, E. PHYS 463 Golden, N. AGRO 382
Giordan, J.C. BMGT 1 Goddard, J.M. AGFD 137 Golden, T. INOR 618
Giordan, J.C. ENFL 320 Goddard, J.M. COLL 411 Goldfarb, J.L. CHED 351
Giordan, J.C. ENFL 325 Goddard, W.A. CATL 26 Goldfarb, J.L. ENVR 506
Giordan, J.C. SCHB 8 Goddard, W.A. CATL 28 Goldfeld, D.J. PMSE 478
Giordano, F. ENFL 98 Goddard, W.A. CATL 196 Goldfield, E. INOR 132
Giordano, L. ORGN 272 Goddard, W.A. CATL 329 Goldman, A. INOR 198
Giovani, S. ORGN 83 Goddard, W.A. CATL 338 Goldman, A. INOR 218
Girard, L. ANYL 196 Goddard, W.A. CATL 341 Goldman, A. INOR 389
Girard, L. I&EC 16 Goddard, W.A. ENFL 286 Goldman, A. INOR 609
Girgis, A.S. MEDI 85 Goddard, W.A. INOR 15 Goldman, A. INOR 611
Giri, B. ANYL 119 Godinho, A.L. TOXI 81 Goldman, A.S. INOR 200
Giri, R. INOR 443 Godinho, V. AGRO 313 Goldman, A.S. INOR 202
Giri, S. ANYL 119 Godman, N.P. POLY 360 Goldman, A.S. INOR 203
Girolami, G.S. INOR 648 Godman, N.P. POLY 580 Goldman, A.S. INOR 215
Gironda, M. ANYL 228 Godman, N.P. POLY 647 Goldman, A.S. INOR 219
Girotti, J. AGRO 191 Godman, N.P. POLY 724 Goldman, A.S. INOR 325
Girotto, S. COMP 340 Godman, N.P. POLY 767 Goldman, A.S. INOR 326
Giroud, F. CATL 422 Godoi, P.H. MEDI 141 Goldman, A.S. INOR 330
Gisewhite, D. INOR 163 Godoy-Gallardo, M. COLL 576 Goldman, A.S. INOR 445
Giuliano, R.M. CARB 54 Godshaw, J. AGFD 209 Goldman, A.S. INOR 594
Giulianotti, J. ANYL 55 Godula, K. ORGN 295 Goldman, A.S. INOR 595
Giuseppone, N. AEI 63 Gody, G. POLY 426 Goldman, A.S. INOR 596
Giuseppone, N. ANYL 245 Gody, G. POLY 553 Goldman, A.S. INOR 597
Giusti, M. AGFD 177 Goel, D. ORGN 206 Goldman, E.R. ANYL 131
Giustra, Z. INOR 298 Goel, M. AGRO 191 Goldman, M. CATL 253
Givens, B. COLL 215 Goepferich, A. PMSE 339 Goldman, N. PHYS 162
Gizewski, E. MEDI 45 Goepferich, A. PMSE 365 Goldschmid, S. INOR 375
Gizzatov, A. ENFL 421 Goerls, H. INOR 45 Goldschmidt, M. AGFD 217
Gjonaj, L. ORGN 502 Goethe, O. ORGN 390 Goldsmith, C.R. INOR 829
Gkourmpis, T. PMSE 615 Goetschi, E. MEDI 256 Goldsmith, M.R. MEDI 189
Gkourmpis, T. PMSE 618 Goetz, R. ORGN 11 Goldsmith, R.H. ORGN 299
Glace, A. ORGN 521 Goetz, M. NUCL 48 Goldsmith, R.H. PHYS 390
Gladfelter, W.L. COMP 333 Goetz, S. NUCL 48 Goldstein, A. PMSE 567
Gladich, I. CATL 323 Gogineni, V. COLL 113 Golosov, A. COMP 106
Gladysz, J.A. ORGN 685 Gogotsi, Y. ENFL 383 Golov, A.A. PHYS 360
Glas, J. CATL 469 Goh, K.S. AGRO 159 Gombedza, F. ORGN 88
Glaser, T. INOR 316 Goh, M. COLL 366 Gombedza, F. ORGN 89
Glaser, E. INOR 545 Goh, M. MEDI 296 Gomes, E. ENVR 189
Glass, E.N. CATL 18 Goh, M. PMSE 227 Gomez, C.R. CHED 33
Glass, P. BIOL 20 Gohara, D.W. BIOL 71 Gomez, D. CHED 361
Glass, R.S. INOR 221 Gohlke, H. COMP 82 Gomez, J.A. PHYS 224
Glass, R.S. POLY 106 Gohre, K. AGRO 271 Gómez-Gualdrón, D. INOR 127
Glass, R.S. POLY 273 Gohre, K. AGRO 272 Gomez Magenti, J. PMSE 185
Glass, R.S. POLY 594 Gohy, J. POLY 670 Gómez-Moreno, R. BIOL 110
Glass, T.E. ORGN 91 Gojgic-Cvijovic, G. ENVR 449 Gonawala, S. INOR 667
Glaven, S. ENVR 535 Gökmen, V. AGFD 206 Goncalves, R.B. PHYS 424
Glavin, N. ENFL 365 Golakoti, N. MEDI 293 Goncalves, R.B. PHYS 455
Glaze, O.D. INOR 231 Gold, A. ENVR 189 Gonçalves, V. AGRO 313
Glazer, P.C. INOR 400 Gold, A. ENVR 555 Gondal, M. POLY 156
Gledhill, J. CHAL 11 Goldade, D.A. ANYL 382 Gong, B. MEDI 286
Glezakou, V. CATL 174 Goldberg, A. COMP 337 Gong, C. ANYL 148
Glezakou, V. CATL 425 Goldberg, C. INOR 501 Gong, C. COLL 386
Glezakou, V. COLL 133 Goldberg, D.P. INOR 416 Gong, C. INOR 447
Glezakou, V. ENFL 136 Goldberg, D.P. INOR 422 Gong, C. INOR 788
Glezakou, V. ENFL 137 Goldberg, I. INOR 905 Gong, H. ORGN 250
Glezakou, V. ENFL 139 Goldberg, J.M. INOR 207 Gong, J. POLY 777
Glezakou, V. ENVR 94 Goldberg, J.M. INOR 208 Gong, J. CATL 408
Glezakou, V. PHYS 265 Goldberg, J.M. INOR 498 Gong, J. ENFL 95
Glezakou, V. POLY 451 Goldberg, J.M. INOR 499 Gong, J. ENFL 99
Gliege, M.E. INOR 330 Goldberg, J.M. INOR 598 Gong, J. I&EC 48
Gliege, M.E. INOR 596 Goldberg, K.I. INOR 79 Gong, J. INOR 526
Glocer, A. POLY 681 Goldberg, K.I. INOR 197 Gong, J. INOR 530
Gloer, J.B. ENVR 353 Goldberg, K.I. INOR 199 Gong, K. ENFL 276
Glomb, M.A. AGFD 145 Goldberg, K.I. INOR 205 Gong, P. ENVR 425
Glor, E. COLL 38 Goldberg, K.I. INOR 207 Gong, T. ENFL 55
Glor, E. PHYS 203 Goldberg, K.I. INOR 212 Gong, W. MEDI 250
Glover, S. POLY 203 Goldberg, K.I. INOR 213 Gong, W. MEDI 252
Glueck, D.S. INOR 53 Goldberg, K.I. INOR 220 Gong, W. PHYS 503
Glueck, D.S. INOR 100 Goldberg, K.I. INOR 325 Gong, X. CELL 27
Glueck, D.S. INOR 261 Goldberg, K.I. INOR 498 Gong, X. ENFL 13
Glueck, D.S. INOR 373 Goldberg, K.I. INOR 499 Gong, Z. ENVR 192
Glueck, D.S. INOR 803 Goldberg, K.I. INOR 591 Gonnella, N.C. ANYL 13
Glueck, D.S. INOR 935 Goldberg, K.I. INOR 593 Gonnella, N.C. COMP 162
Glugla, D. POLY 456 Goldberg, K.I. INOR 598 Gonsales, S.A. INOR 75

344 –AUTH
Gontier, E. COLL 96 Gorte, R.J. INOR 655 Grady, Z.M. COLL 150
Gontier, E. PMSE 516 Gorte, R.J. INOR 837 Gradzielski, M. COLL 93
Gonzalez, A. PMSE 396 Gorunmez, Z. COLL 36 Gradzielski, M. COLL 341
Gonzalez, J. MEDI 349 Gorunmez, Z. COLL 42 Graf, R. ORGN 506
Gonzalez, K. INOR 156 Gorunmez, Z. COLL 152 Gräfe, D. POLY 27
Gonzalez, M. ORGN 9 Gorunmez, Z. COLL 447 Graham, D.L. ORGN 421
Gonzalez-Cortes, S. PHYS 357 Gorycki, P.D. ORGN 59 Graham, G. CATL 57
Gonzalez Jimenez, E. ENVR 122 Goseki, R. PMSE 129 Graham, G. CATL 167
Gonzalez-Martinez, D. ENVR 338 Goseki, R. PMSE 392 Graham, K.J. CHED 107
Gonzalez-Martinez, D. ENVR 490 Gosmini, C. ORGN 252 Graham, K.J. CHED 319
Gonzalez-Martinez, E. POLY 632 Goss, J. COLL 4 Graham, K.J. CHED 327
González-Medina, M. CINF 137 Gosselin, E. INOR 252 Graham, L. AGRO 129
González-Medina, M. CINF 142 Gosselin, E. INOR 754 Graham, M. INOR 358
González-Medina, M. COMP 176 Gosselin, F. ORGN 40 Graham, S. ORGN 147
Gónzalez-Méndez, R. BIOL 70 Goswami, A. INOR 376 Graham, S.M. CARB 37
Gonzalez-Nilo, F.D. POLY 745 Goswami, A. POLY 142 Graham, S.M. CARB 95
Gonzalez-Rodriguez, D. ORGN 531 Goswami, S. INOR 337 Graham, T. ANYL 256
González Sánchez, G. ENVR 373 Gosztola, D.J. COLL 402 Grainger, R. ORGN 13
González-Villegas, J. INOR 63 Goto, A. POLY 6 Grajeda, J. INOR 82
Gooch, R. AGRO 23 Goto, H. MEDI 269 Grajeda, J. INOR 431
Good, D. PHYS 384 Goto, K. ORGN 650 Grama, S. PMSE 586
Gooding, R.F. AGRO 29 Goto, M. ORGN 650 Gramlich, W. ENVR 135
Goodman, E. CATL 57 Goto, T. COLL 137 Gramlich, W. POLY 133
Goodman, J.M. CINF 11 Goto, T. PHYS 392 Gramlich, W. POLY 478
Goodman, J.M. CINF 12 Goto, Y. MEDI 106 Grampp, G. PHYS 301
Goodman, K.B. MPPG 16 Gottesburen, B. AGRO 258 Grãna, E. AGRO 32
Goodpaster, J. PHYS 182 Gottesburen, B. AGRO 259 Granados Focil, S. ENVR 92
Goodrich, J. MEDI 269 Gottlieb, E. POLY 385 Grandbois, M. PROF 1
Goodrich, J.T. POLY 546 Gou, M. PMSE 474 Grandbois, M. YCC 24
Goodrich, J.T. POLY 372 Gou, M. PMSE 503 Grandcolas, D. AGRO 58
Goodson, T.G. PHYS 143 Gou, N. ENVR 330 Grandgenett, N. CHED 11
Goodson, T.G. PMSE 89 Goubert, G. CATL 322 Grandjean, T. CARB 1
Goodwill, J. ENVR 149 Goubert, G. PHYS 323 Grando, S. AGFD 94
Goodwin, A.P. COLL 32 Gouda, C. POLY 778 Grange, R.L. ORGN 207
Goodwin, A.P. COLL 574 Goudreau Collison, T.G. CHED 198 Granja, R.H. AGRO 46
Goodwin, A.P. POLY 26 Goudreau Collison, T.G. CHED 200 Grant, A.M. COMP 155
Goodwin, D.G. ENVR 160 Goudreau Collison, T.G. CHED 268 Grant, G. ENVR 326
Goodwin, D. CHED 124 Goudreau Collison, T.G. CHED 383 Grant, J.C. POLY 117
Goodwin, D.C. AEI 59 Goudreau Collison, T.G. ORGN 144 Grant, O.C. CARB 79
Goodwin, D.C. MEDI 329 Gough, J. POLY 453 Grant, R. MEDI 51
Goodwin, G. AGRO 77 Gouin, S.G. CARB 16 Grant, S. AGRO 116
Goodwin, L. PMSE 577 Gouin, T. ENVR 350 Grant-Young, K. MEDI 269
Goodyear, A. ORGN 256 Goujon, A. AEI 63 Grantz, E.M. AGRO 181
Gopal, P. MEDI 277 Gould, M. ORGN 415 Granvogl, M. AGFD 153
Gopalan, V. INOR 914 Gould, N. CATL 72 Granvogl, M. AGFD 199
Gorden, A.E. INOR 638 Gould, N. ENVR 86 Granvogl, M. AGFD 221
Gordon, B. INOR 202 Gould, N. ENVR 131 Granzotto, C. ANYL 254
Gordon, C.P. ORGN 283 Gould, P. ORGN 495 Grapperhaus, C.A. CHED 234
Gordon, E. COMP 163 Gould, T. MEDI 267 Grapperhaus, C.A. INOR 888
Gordon, K. CHAL 13 Goulet, T. INOR 371 Grapperhaus, C.A. INOR 894
Gordon, M. PHYS 163 Goulet Fortin, J. AGRO 259 Grason, G.M. PMSE 95
Gordon, M. PHYS 227 Goulian, M. COLL 127 Grass, A. INOR 360
Gordon, M.S. COMP 23 Goulian, M. PMSE 586 Grassian, V.H. COLL 215
Gordon, M.S. COMP 26 Gounaris, C. CATL 11 Grassian, V.H. ENVR 489
Gordon, R. YCC 15 Gounder, R. CATL 243 Grassian, V.H. ENVR 527
Gordon, U. AGRO 242 Gounder, R. ENFL 73 Grassian, V.H. ENVR 532
Gordon, W.O. COLL 141 Gounder, R. ENVR 88 Grassie, D. INOR 155
Gordon, W.O. INOR 147 Gourdie, R. PMSE 484 Gratia, A. CATL 444
Gordon, Z. INOR 702 Goutopoulos, A. MEDI 268 Gratier, P. PHYS 541
Gordon, J.C. MEDI 313 Govind, N. CATL 277 Gratton, E. BIOL 130
Gore, J.C. ANYL 208 Govindaraju, G.V. ENFL 353 Grätzel, M. ENFL 98
Goren, F. AGFD 142 Govindasamy, S. ORGN 599 Grau, E. POLY 138
Gorham, J.M. ENVR 38 Govor, E.V. I&EC 21 Grau, E. POLY 195
Gorham, J.M. ENVR 112 Govorov, A. COLL 380 Grau, H.J. BIOL 104
Gorham, J.M. ENVR 160 Govorov, A. COLL 492 Graupner, P. AGRO 135
Gorham, J.M. INOR 775 Gower, M. PMSE 234 Graupner, P. AGRO 194
Gorin, D.J. ORGN 411 Gower, M. PMSE 290 Graves, B. ORGN 147
Gorin, D.J. ORGN 598 Gower, M. PMSE 471 Graves, C.R. INOR 481
Goriparti, S. CATL 427 Goyal, V. MEDI 95 Graves, C.R. INOR 546
Gorka, D. ENVR 112 Goyal, V. MEDI 354 Graves, C.R. INOR 563
Gorka, D. ENVR 426 Goydel, R.S. MEDI 228 Gravina Ricci, C. COMP 129
Gorka, D.E. ENVR 38 Graber, S. ANYL 73 Gray, H.B. INOR 25
Gorman, C.B. ORGN 541 Graber, S. I&EC 58 Gray, H.B. INOR 309
Gorman, I. PMSE 668 Grabitz, S.D. ORGN 510 Gray, H.B. INOR 800
Gorodetsky, A.A. ORGN 297 Grabow, L. CATL 165 Gray, K.A. ENFL 2
Goroff, N.S. CHED 40 Gracia Mora, J. INOR 188 Gray, L. CATL 485
Gorski, C. ENVR 477 Gracias, D.H. AEI 91 Gray, M. COLL 606
Gorsline, B. INOR 80 Gracias, D.H. COLL 84 Gray, M. GEOC 20
Gorte, R.J. CATL 456 Gracias, D.H. COLL 460 Gray, M. CATL 99
Gorte, R.J. ENVR 131 Gracias, D.H. POLY 577 Gray, M. CATL 455


Gray, P.J. AGFD 210 Grillo, I. COLL 608 Grubbs, R.H. PMSE 65
Gray, P. AGFD 30 Grillo, I. ORGN 31 Grubbs, R.H. PMSE 560
Gray, S.K. COLL 379 Grillo, I. POLY 754 Grubbs, R.H. POLY 304
Gray, S.K. COLL 492 Grills, D.C. I&EC 31 Grubbs, R.H. POLY 368
Gray, S.K. COMP 19 Grills, D.C. INOR 22 Grubbs, R.H. POLY 369
Gray, T.G. INOR 77 Grills, D.C. INOR 274 Grubbs, R.H. POLY 486
Gray, W. CHED 223 Grills, D.C. INOR 278 Grubbs, R.H. POLY 607
Greathouse, J. INOR 65 Grills, D.C. INOR 891 Grubbs, R.H. SCHB 29
Greathouse, J.A. INOR 4 Grim, J.C. PMSE 469 Gruber, K. POLY 72
Greathouse, J.A. INOR 343 Grimes, C.L. BIOL 144 Grudpan, K. CHED 348
Greco, G.E. CHED 273 Grimes, C.L. BIOL 164 Grudpan, K. CHED 349
Greco, G.E. INOR 957 Grimes, C.L. CARB 6 Grudt, R. ENFL 215
Greco, J.B. CHED 323 Grimes, C. ENVR 487 Gruhn, N.E. INOR 220
Greeley, J.P. CATL 67 Grimme, S. PHYS 135 Grulke, C. ANYL 347
Greeley, J.P. ENFL 171 Grimster, N. MEDI 23 Grulke, C. ANYL 435
Green, A. INOR 652 Grimwood, M.E. MEDI 252 Grulke, C. CINF 93
Green, A. CARB 85 Grimwood, M.E. MEDI 253 Grulke, C. CINF 101
Green, C. AGRO 218 Grinter, D. COLL 417 Grulke, C. CINF 121
Green, J. POLY 681 Grishaev, A. COMP 349 Grulke, C. CINF 122
Green, M. INOR 840 Grissom, T. INOR 752 Grulke, C. ENVR 2
Green, M.J. COLL 464 Grochala, W. PHYS 214 Grulke, C. ENVR 355
Green, M.J. COLL 534 Grochala, W. PHYS 560 Grulke, C. ENVR 387
Green, M.J. PMSE 548 Groden, K. CATL 260 Grulke, C. ENVR 548
Green, N. ORGN 206 Groden, K. CATL 398 Grulke, C. TOXI 56
Green, W.H. CINF 8 Groenenboom, M.C. CATL 343 Grulke, C. TOXI 91
Green, W.H. ENFL 399 Groenenboom, M.C. COMP 182 Grulke, C. TOXI 100
Green, W.H. ENFL 456 Groll, M. MEDI 121 Grumbles, W. CHED 155
Greenberg, A. ORGN 201 Grollman, A.P. COMP 31 Grundel, E. ANYL 198
Greenberg, E. AGFD 99 Gronbeck, H. CATL 259 Grundschober, C. MEDI 256
Greenberg, M.M. TOXI 14 Gronbeck, H. COLL 418 Grundy, J. GEOC 2
Greenberg, M.M. TOXI 18 Gronquist, M. BIOL 16 Grüneis, A. PHYS 79
Greenberg, M.M. TOXI 71 Grosch, J.S. COMP 225 Grunlan, J.C. AGFD 134
Greenberg, M.M. TOXI 82 Grosch, J.S. COMP 263 Grunlan, J.C. COLL 214
Greenberg, M.M. TOXI 83 Groseclose, R. ORGN 59 Grunlan, J.C. PMSE 316
Greenberger, V.R. ANYL 46 Groshens, T. INOR 107 Grunlan, J.C. PMSE 427
Greene, C.M. INOR 584 Gross, A.D. AGRO 138 Grunlan, J.C. PMSE 492
Greene, C.S. ENVR 320 Gross, A.D. AGRO 204 Grunlan, J.C. PMSE 534
Greene, D. COMP 102 Gross, A.D. AGRO 202 Grunlan, J.C. POLY 656
Greene, J.P. NUCL 43 Gross, A.D. AGRO 303 Grunlan, J.C. POLY 770
Greene, T. PHYS 549 Gross, E. PHYS 174 Grunlan, M. PMSE 239
Greenlee, A.J. ORGN 438 Gross, E. CATL 432 Grunlan, M. PMSE 501
Greenstein, J. COLL 60 Gross, R. PMSE 343 Grunlan, M. PMSE 566
Greenwalt, S. INOR 505 Gross, R.A. ORGN 649 Grusenmeyer, T. INOR 686
Greenway, S. ENFL 158 Gross, R.A. POLY 75 Grushow, A. CHED 110
Greenwood-Van Meerveld, B. ORGN 59 Gross, R.A. POLY 78 Grützmacher, H. CATL 183
Greer, A. ORGN 179 Gross, R.A. POLY 266 Grützmacher, H. INOR 482
Greer, A. ORGN 180 Gross, R.A. POLY 328 Grützmacher, H. INOR 884
Greer, A. ORGN 181 Gross, R.A. POLY 333 Grygiel, K. POLY 777
Greer, A. ORGN 182 Gross, R.A. POLY 512 Gu, A. TOXI 2
Greer, E. PHYS 63 Gross, R.A. POLY 559 Gu, A. ENVR 330
Greer, J.R. PMSE 560 Gross, R.A. POLY 560 Gu, H. ENFL 427
Greer, R. INOR 642 Gross, R.A. POLY 562 Gu, J. I&EC 49
Greeson, K. COLL 604 Gross, R.A. POLY 563 Gu, J. PMSE 369
Gregg, D. NUCL 20 Gross, R.A. POLY 700 Gu, K. ORGN 512
Gregoire, J. CATL 382 Gross, R.A. POLY 701 Gu, M. CATL 297
Gregor, L. INOR 82 Grossman, J. ANYL 348 Gu, S. INOR 103
Gregorczyk, K.E. ENFL 283 Grossman, J.N. ANYL 21 Gu, X. MEDI 22
Gregoritza, M. PMSE 365 Grossman, J.N. ANYL 347 Gu, X. MEDI 103
Gregory, K.B. BIOL 162 Grote, C. PHYS 312 Gu, Y. ANYL 165
Grest, G.S. PMSE 207 Grotjahn, D.B. ORGN 154 Guagenti, M. CHED 144
Grethe, G. CINF 11 Grove, P. CHED 326 Guan, A. ENVR 302
Grew, K. INOR 473 Groveman, S.L. ENVR 417 Guan, A. ENVR 348
Grey, C. ENFL 428 Grover, M. ANYL 436 Guan, H. INOR 226
Greybush, N. INOR 704 Groves, J.T. CATL 136 Guan, X. MEDI 145
Greytak, A.B. INOR 361 Groves, J.T. CATL 196 Guan, X. MEDI 159
Grieneisen, M. AGRO 12 Groves, J.T. INOR 15 Guan, X. MEDI 160
Grieneisen, M. AGRO 92 Groves, J.T. INOR 157 Guan, X. MEDI 303
Grieneisen, M. AGRO 127 Groves, J.T. INOR 938 Guan, Z. COLL 315
Grieneisen, M. AGRO 124 Groves, J.T. ORGN 665 Guan, Z. PMSE 69
Grier, S. ANYL 136 Groves, L.M. INOR 184 Guan, Z. POLY 152
Griesser, M. TOXI 18 Groves, L.M. INOR 379 Guard, L.M. INOR 207
Griffett, K. MEDI 146 Growcott, E. MEDI 250 Guard, L.M. INOR 208
Griffin, K.R. COLL 360 Growney, J.D. MEDI 267 Guard, L.M. INOR 213
Griffin, K. AGFD 233 Grow-Sadler, M.E. CHED 41 Guard, L.M. INOR 598
Griffin, R.G. PHYS 342 Groysman, S. INOR 360 Gubara, S. COLL 484
Griffini, G. PMSE 546 Grubbs, G.S. PHYS 587 Gubbins, K.E. PHYS 173
Griffith, J. ANYL 377 Grubbs, R.B. POLY 554 Guberman, S. ENVR 491
Griffith, K.J. ENFL 428 Grubbs, R.B. POLY 568 Gublo, K. CHED 363
Griffor, M.C. MEDI 63 Grubbs, R.H. INOR 204 Guclu, S. POLY 57
Grillo, I. COLL 93 Grubbs, R.H. ORGN 496 Gudipati, S. COLL 200

346 –AUTH
Guduru, S. ORGN 279 Guo, F. ORGN 147 Gurjar, P.N. TOXI 12
Guebitz, G.M. POLY 72 Guo, H. MEDI 41 Gurjar, R. COLL 82
Guégan, P. POLY 255 Guo, H. POLY 520 Gurjar, R. COLL 145
Guengerich, F.P. TOXI 5 Guo, H. POLY 682 Gurney, R. CHED 351
Guengerich, F.P. TOXI 17 Guo, H. MEDI 250 Guron, G.K. ENVR 54
Guentert, M.A. AGFD 138 Guo, H. COLL 590 Guros, N. COMP 297
Guenther, A. PRES 22 Guo, H. COLL 271 Gurram, R. ANYL 385
Guenther, M. MEDI 15 Guo, H. ENVR 335 Gurtler, J.B. AGFD 189
Guenthner, A.J. COLL 604 Guo, H. PMSE 137 Gurung, E. ANYL 166
Guenthner, A.J. PMSE 608 Guo, J. ANYL 247 Gusa, A. GEOC 12
Guenthner, A.J. POLY 12 Guo, J. POLY 575 Gustafson, J. COLL 418
Guenthner, A.J. POLY 217 Guo, J. COMP 268 Gustafson, K.R. ORGN 26
Guenthner, A.J. POLY 517 Guo, J. CATL 229 Gustafson, T.L. ANYL 124
Guenthner, A.J. POLY 521 Guo, J. TOXI 88 Guterman, R. POLY 565
Guenza, M. PHYS 21 Guo, J. TOXI 108 Gutierrez, J. MEDI 258
Guerre, M. POLY 415 Guo, J. PMSE 397 Gutierrez, M. COLL 356
Guerreiro, C. CARB 20 Guo, J. ENFL 333 Gutierrez, M. ENVR 530
Guertin, N. AGFD 124 Guo, J.C. AGRO 226 Gut Ruggeri, S. MEDI 258
Guery, B. CARB 1 Guo, L. TOXI 1 Gutsev, G. PHYS 567
Guevara, E.L. BIOL 68 Guo, L. MEDI 37 Gutteridge, S. AGRO 140
Guevara, E.L. MEDI 13 Guo, L. TOXI 9 Guttman, A. YCC 4
Guevara, J. CHED 228 Guo, L. TOXI 10 Guzei, I.A. ORGN 609
Guevara, J. CHED 350 Guo, L. PHYS 235 Guzman-Santiago, A.J. INOR 947
Guevara, L. CATL 459 Guo, M. ENFL 454 Gyedu, A. COLL 2
Guevara, M. AGRO 352 Guo, M. AGFD 55 Gygi, F. COMP 76
Guggisberg, A. BIOL 154 Guo, M. CATL 99 Ha, J. CATL 52
Guha, R. CINF 60 Guo, P. COLL 492 Ha, S. ENFL 331
Guha, R. COMP 288 Guo, P. INOR 459 Haagenson, D.C. CHED 79
Guha, S. AGFD 74 Guo, R. PMSE 444 Haas, D. CHED 65
Guichard, G. ORGN 487 Guo, R. PMSE 663 Haas, K.L. INOR 797
Guidry, E. MEDI 245 Guo, R. POLY 243 Haase, D. CHED 8
Guie, M.A. MEDI 104 Guo, S. ENFL 388 Haba, H. NUCL 48
Guillaneuf, Y. PMSE 224 Guo, S. CINF 143 Habarakada Liyanage, T. ANYL 397
Guillaneuf, Y. POLY 310 Guo, S. COLL 300 Habel, M. CHED 16
Guillaneuf, Y. POLY 427 Guo, W. CATL 430 Habel, M. CHED 196
Guillot, T. ANYL 102 Guo, W. INOR 3 Haber, J. CATL 382
Guilloteau, S. PHYS 255 Guo, W. INOR 66 Haber, L.H. ANYL 288
Guin, T. POLY 360 Guo, W. INOR 147 Haber, T. COLL 28
Guin, T. POLY 581 Guo, X. CATL 358 Habeshian, S. MEDI 104
Guin, T. POLY 724 Guo, X. COLL 232 Habib, T. COLL 464
Guin, T. POLY 767 Guo, Y. CATL 62 Habib, T. COLL 534
Guiney, L. COLL 461 Guo, Y. CATL 114 Habtesellassie, B. ORGN 598
Guiney, L. ENVR 61 Guo, Y. CATL 403 Habteyes, T.G. INOR 343
Guiney, L. ENVR 263 Guo, Y. CATL 347 Hacalo ǧlu, J. POLY 488
Guinness, S. ORGN 9 Guo, Y. CATL 218 Hachmann, J. CINF 37
Guironnet, D. INOR 331 Guo, Y. POLY 376 Hachmann, J. COMP 169
Guironnet, D. POLY 750 Guo, Y. ENFL 231 Hachmann, J. COMP 170
Guiton, B.S. AEI 43 Guo, Y. ENFL 234 Hackenberg, J. POLY 513
Guiton, B.S. INOR 43 Guo, Y. CATL 62 Hacker, C.A. COLL 459
Guiton, B.S. INOR 774 Guo, Y. CATL 114 Hacker, C.A. ORGN 542
Gulcius-Lagoy, S. COLL 522 Guo, Y. CATL 403 Hackl, J. CATL 161
Guldberg, S.M. CHED 161 Guo, Z. COMP 354 Hackley, V.A. ANYL 142
Guldi, D. INOR 114 Guo, Y. ENFL 279 Hackley, V.A. ANYL 297
Gulianello, M. MEDI 358 Guo, C. ENVR 501 Hackley, V.A. ENVR 161
Guliants, V.V. CATL 205 Gupta, A. MEDI 25 Hackley, V.A. ENVR 480
Guliashvili, T. POLY 123 Gupta, A. ENFL 357 Hackley, V.A. INOR 775
Gultneh, Y. CATL 320 Gupta, C. POLY 710 Hackos, D. MEDI 252
Gulzar, U. PHYS 140 Gupta, G. I&EC 35 Hackos, D. MEDI 253
Gumin, J. COLL 544 Gupta, K.C. POLY 605 Haddad, A.Z. INOR 894
Gummadi, D. INOR 414 Gupta, M. CATL 388 Haddad, T.S. POLY 217
Gumus, S. ORGN 620 Gupta, M. PMSE 311 Haddad, T. PMSE 608
Gunaratne, P. COLL 234 Gupta, M. ENVR 88 Haddadi, S. ANYL 69
Gunawan, G. ENFL 473 Gupta, M. MEDI 112 Haddadi, S. ANYL 74
Gunawardhana, R. POLY 736 Gupta, P. COMP 388 Hadden, M.K. AEI 58
Gündoǧdu, D. COLL 205 Gupta, R. ENFL 201 Hadden, M.K. MEDI 52
Guner, O.F. MEDI 305 Gupta, R. ENFL 242 Hadden, M.K. MEDI 60
Gunlycke, L.D. COMP 376 Gupta, R. ENFL 381 Hadden, M.K. MEDI 65
Gunnet, J. MEDI 35 Gupta, R. MEDI 328 Hadden, M.K. MEDI 66
Gunnoe, T.B. CATL 196 Gupta, S. CATL 388 Hadden, M.K. MEDI 98
Gunnoe, T.B. INOR 15 Gupta, S. CATL 445 Hadden, M.K. MEDI 100
Gunnoe, T.B. INOR 103 Gupta, S. CATL 467 Hadden, M.K. MEDI 226
Gunnoe, T.B. INOR 737 Gupton, F. ORGN 133 Haddleton, D.M. PMSE 183
Gunnoe, T.B. INOR 849 Gupton, F. ORGN 606 Haddleton, D.M. PMSE 644
Gunsch, C.K. ENVR 536 Guragain, S. POLY 749 Haddleton, D.M. POLY 126
Guo, C. I&EC 66 Guralnick, D. PHYS 299 Haddleton, D.M. POLY 425
Guo, C. ANYL 313 Gurbani, D. BIOL 156 Haddleton, D.M. POLY 601
Guo, C. CARB 24 Gurenon, L. MEDI 358 Haddrell, A. ENVR 554
Guo, C. ENVR 98 Gurevic, I. BIOL 163 Hadermann, J. INOR 551
Guo, C. ENVR 499 Gurinov, A. COLL 104 Hadermann, J. INOR 913
Guo, D. ENFL 311 Gurjar, J. ORGN 582 Hadjichristidis, N. COLL 565


Hadjichristidis, N. PMSE 307 Halford, N. AGFD 205 Hammes-Schiffer, S. PHYS 184

Hadjichristidis, N. POLY 699 Haljasmaa, I. ENFL 91 Hammond, G.B. ORGN 368
Hadler, T. COLL 40 Halkowycz, P. MEDI 110 Hammond, G.B. ORGN 583
Hadley, M. MEDI 320 Hall, A. ANYL 420 Hammond, P.T. CHED 308
Hadt, R. INOR 87 Hall, A. POLY 446 Hammouda, B. PMSE 99
Hadt, R. INOR 402 Hall, A.J. INOR 831 Hamon, N. AGRO 244
Hadt, R.G. INOR 315 Hall, D. COMP 320 Hampton, C.S. MEDI 146
Haensel, R. AGRO 51 Hall, D.G. ORGN 106 Hamzalioǧlu, A. AGFD 206
Haes, A.J. AGFD 250 Hall, G.B. I&EC 7 Hamze, R. INOR 339
Haes, A.J. ANYL 355 Hall, G.B. I&EC 8 Hamze, R. INOR 687
Haes, A.J. COLL 50 Hall, G.B. NUCL 21 Han, A. TOXI 76
Haes, A.J. COLL 106 Hall, G.B. NUCL 36 Han, A. ENVR 404
Haesebrouck, F. AGRO 87 Hall, G.B. NUCL 37 Han, B. COLL 204
Haga, N. MEDI 106 Hall, G. AGRO 23 Han, B. ENFL 389
Hagaman, E.W. CATL 381 Hall, H. NUCL 12 Han, C. ENVR 39
Hagelgans, A. CHED 233 Hall, H. NUCL 84 Han, C. MEDI 22
Hageman, K.J. AGRO 180 Hall, H.L. INOR 814 Han, C. COMP 372
Hagen, D. PMSE 427 Hall, J. ANYL 157 Han, C. PHYS 379
Hagen, T.J. CHED 91 Hall, K. INOR 508 Han, D. CATL 409
Hager, M.D. PMSE 8 Hall, K. POLY 148 Han, D. ENVR 145
Hager, M.D. POLY 206 Hall, L.W. AGRO 217 Han, D. ENVR 404
Hager, M.D. POLY 258 Hall, M.B. CATL 266 Han, E. COLL 28
Hager, M.D. POLY 340 Hall, M.B. CATL 267 Han, G. MEDI 171
Hager, M.D. POLY 527 Hall, M.B. INOR 698 Han, G. MEDI 180
Hager, T. PRES 1 Hall, M.B. INOR 699 Han, H. INOR 20
Hagfeldt, A. ENFL 98 Hall, M. INOR 5 Han, H. PMSE 68
Haghpanah, J. POLY 704 Hall, M. INOR 755 Han, J. ORGN 549
Hagman, B. COLL 418 Hall, R.W. PHYS 440 Han, J. ENVR 138
Hagmann, J.A. COLL 587 Hall, R.G. AGRO 411 Han, J. ENVR 141
Hagn, F. PHYS 588 Hall, S. INOR 38 Han, J. ORGN 565
Hagstrom, A.L. ENVR 175 Hall, S. INOR 365 Han, J. ORGN 566
Hahm, H. CARB 89 Hall, T. ORGN 141 Han, J. CATL 389
Hahm, J. PMSE 84 Hallada, L. MEDI 121 Han, J. COLL 146
Hahm, J. PMSE 114 Halling, P. COLL 536 Han, K. CATL 225
Hahn, C. CATL 379 Hallman, A. AGRO 250 Han, K. CATL 381
Hahn, N. PHYS 190 Halls, M. COMP 337 Han, K. ENFL 456
Hahn, S.J. MEDI 88 Halmes, A.J. POLY 210 Han, K. COLL 311
Hahn, S.J. MEDI 89 Halpern, O.S. MEDI 73 Han, K. BIOL 65
Hahn, S.J. MEDI 91 Halverson, J. PMSE 207 Han, K. BIOL 66
Haider, M. CATL 201 Halvorsen, L.A. COMP 276 Han, L. PMSE 370
Haider, M. CATL 388 Ham, H. CATL 389 Han, L. PMSE 646
Haider, M. CATL 445 Hamachi, L. INOR 709 Han, L. PMSE 648
Haider, M. CATL 467 Hamada, A. COLL 240 Han, M. COLL 462
Haider, M. ENFL 134 Hamada, A. COLL 241 Han, M. INOR 859
Haiges, R.M. INOR 806 Hamada, Y.Z. INOR 285 Han, S. CATL 384
Haije, W. CATL 255 Hamada, Y.Z. INOR 286 Han, S. NUCL 27
Haimovitz-Friedman, A. COLL 320 Hamaguchi, R. ENFL 184 Han, S. POLY 366
Hair, M.E. ANYL 70 Hamaker, B. AGFD 18 Han, S. MEDI 128
Hair, M.E. ANYL 71 Hamaker, K. BMGT 2 Han, S. COMP 16
Hajhussein, A. CHED 244 Hamann, A. MEDI 181 Han, S. PHYS 379
Hakey, B. INOR 571 Hamann, C. CHED 119 Han, S. PMSE 333
Hakey, B.M. INOR 556 Hamann, L.G. MEDI 77 Han, S. MEDI 126
Hakim Moully, E. WCC 3 Hamby, K. AGRO 70 Han, W. ENVR 363
Haky, J.E. PMSE 351 Hameed, M. INOR 773 Han, W. MEDI 57
Halali, M.A. ENVR 59 Hameed, N.C. ENFL 42 Han, X. ANYL 122
Halalsheh, N. GEOC 18 Hameed, Y. INOR 222 Han, X. INOR 37
Halalsheh, N. GEOC 30 Hamel, J. PMSE 436 Han, Y. WCC 3
Halamek, J. ANYL 70 Hamelberg, D. CATL 372 Han, Y. COLL 594
Halamek, J. ANYL 71 Hamer, M. AGRO 407 Han, Y. ENFL 244
Halamek, J. ANYL 77 Hamers, R.J. COLL 355 Han, Y. ENFL 480
Halamek, J. ANYL 78 Hamers, R.J. COMP 346 Han, Y. ENFL 485
Halamek, J. ANYL 169 Hamilton, A. AEI 9 Han, Y. COLL 163
Halami, B. ORGN 206 Hamilton, A. ORGN 698 Han, Y. ENVR 192
Halámková, L. ANYL 70 Hamilton, G. MEDI 149 Hanada, T. MEDI 196
Halámková, L. ANYL 71 Hamilton, J. ENVR 554 Hanan, E.J. MEDI 22
Halámková, L. ANYL 77 Hamilton, M.G. BIOL 100 Hanan, E.J. MEDI 103
Halámková, L. ANYL 78 Hamilton, P. MEDI 22 Hanania, M. CHED 266
Halámková, L. ANYL 169 Hamilton, P. MEDI 103 Hancock, P. AGRO 340
Halaoui, L.I. INOR 615 Hammami, M. PMSE 367 Handa, S. ORGN 368
Halaoui, L.I. INOR 846 Hammann, J. POLY 614 Haney, C. BIOL 186
Halarnkar, P. AGRO 329 Hammarstrom, L. POLY 203 Haney, C. CHED 172
Halas, N.J. COLL 35 Hammel, K. AGRO 38 Hang, H.C. BIOL 15
Halas, N.J. COLL 326 Hammer, B. CATL 92 Hangarter, S. INOR 706
Halas, N.J. COLL 376 Hammer, B. COMP 147 Hankinson, C.P. CHED 202
Halas, N.J. MPPG 12 Hammer, D.A. PMSE 258 Hanley, P.S. INOR 439
Halder, A. CATL 46 Hammer, I. CHED 226 Hann, S. COLL 129
Halder, M. PHYS 431 Hammer, N. ENFL 357 Hanna, G. ENFL 15
Hale, M.L. ANYL 131 Hammerer, L. CATL 184 Hanna, S. ANYL 307
Haley, J.E. INOR 686 Hammes-Schiffer, S. CATL 375 Hanna, S. ENVR 10
Halford, N. AGFD 203 Hammes-Schiffer, S. INOR 469 Hanna, S. ENVR 118

348 –AUTH
Hanna, S. ENVR 161 Harrilal, C.P. PHYS 220 Hasan, F. AGRO 213
Hannaman, A. INOR 646 Harris, A.G. INOR 840 Hasanayn, F. INOR 425
Hannon, D. CHED 201 Harris, A.R. MEDI 246 Hasebe, A. COLL 219
Hannon, M.J. INOR 833 Harris, B.D. ANYL 190 Haseen, S. PHYS 311
Hanrahan, M.P. ENVR 87 Harris, C. COLL 71 Hasegawa, T. MEDI 106
Hans, J. AGFD 244 Harris, J.W. ENVR 88 Hasegawa, Y. INOR 60
Hans, J. AGFD 245 Harris, J.B. CINF 113 Hasegawa, Y. MEDI 175
Hans, J. AGFD 246 Harris, J.M. ANYL 111 Haselhorst, T. CARB 73
Hanselman, C. CATL 11 Harris, J.C. CINF 113 Hasell, T. ORGN 562
Hansen, E.C. ORGN 249 Harris, K.J. ENFL 224 Hasford, J.J. CHAL 2
Hansen, J. ANYL 19 Harris, M.M. ORGN 319 Hasford, S. SCHB 1
Hansen, M.M. ORGN 471 Harris, M. ORGN 163 Hashemi, D. PMSE 89
Hansen, R.F. ENVR 291 Harris, M. AGRO 358 Hashemnejad, S. PMSE 323
Hansen, T. CATL 116 Harris, M. ORGN 229 Hashimoto, T. BIOL 147
Hansknecht, S. CHED 238 Harris, M.A. COLL 324 Haskell, R. MEDI 269
Hanson, A.M. TOXI 62 Harris, M.A. COLL 434 Haskell, R. MEDI 365
Hanson, B. AGRO 250 Harris, R.C. COMP 270 Haso, F. COLL 59
Hanson, K. INOR 340 Harris, R.C. COMP 127 Hassan, A. PMSE 36
Hanson, P.R. ORGN 139 Harris, R.C. COMP 223 Hassan, A. COLL 489
Hanson, P.R. ORGN 423 Harris, R.C. COMP 389 Hassan, A. INOR 297
Hanson, P.R. ORGN 659 Harris, S.J. PHYS 188 Hassan, N. ENVR 346
Hanson, P.R. ORGN 688 Harris, S. WCC 12 Hassinger, C. AGRO 273
Hanson, P.R. ORGN 691 Harris, T. PMSE 143 Hastings, H.M. PHYS 299
Hanson, R.M. CINF 62 Harrison, A. ENVR 405 Hastings, M. AGRO 40
Hanson, S.K. INOR 499 Harrison, R.J. COMP 2 Hastings, M. CINF 141
Hantz, E.R. CHED 119 Harrison, R.J. COMP 3 Hatakeyama, J. AGFD 170
Hanusa, T.P. CHED 236 Harrison, R.J. COMP 4 Hatton, F. COLL 409
Hanwell, M.D. CINF 65 Harrison, R.J. INOR 814 Hattori, M. INOR 732
Hao, Y. PHYS 414 Harrison, S.T. MEDI 192 Hatzell, K. ENVR 58
Hao, C. ENFL 476 Harrisson, S. POLY 553 Hatzell, M. ENVR 58
Hao, H. PHYS 433 Harrisson, S. POLY 618 Hatzell, M. ENVR 143
Hao, M. CINF 36 Harrisson, S. POLY 697 Hatzenbeller, Z. POLY 606
Hao, Q. ENFL 415 Harrity, J.P. ORGN 307 Hauback, B. ENFL 67
Hao, X. POLY 190 Harro, J.M. ENVR 294 Haubrich, B.A. MEDI 122
Hao, Y. ANYL 330 Harry, A. ANYL 429 Haug, K. PHYS 252
Hao, Y. BIOL 180 Harry, K. CATL 432 Haun, G. ORGN 603
Hao, Y. BIOL 184 Harsha, M.D. PMSE 368 Haun, G.J. ORGN 605
Hapeman, C.J. AGRO 78 Hart, A.C. MEDI 25 Haupa, K.A. PHYS 309
Hapeman, C.J. AGRO 115 Hart, C. AGRO 183 Hauptmann, E.J. PMSE 453
Hapeman, C.J. AGRO 218 Hart, M.D. INOR 288 Hauser, A.J. COLL 71
Hapeman, C.J. AGRO 347 Hart, R. INOR 348 Hauser, L.A. TOXI 10
Happe, T. CATL 220 Harth, E. PMSE 399 Hausmann, K. POLY 246
Haq, M. ENFL 469 Hartings, M. INOR 758 Havens, P.L. AGRO 147
Haq, M. INOR 13 Hartl, M. INOR 753 Havens, P.L. AGRO 275
Hara, S. MEDI 106 Hartlieb, M. POLY 426 Haverhals, L.M. ANYL 287
Harbol, M. CHED 59 Hartman, J. CHED 99 Hawker, C.J. POLY 65
Hardy, D.A. INOR 59 Hartman, M.C. MEDI 96 Hawker, C.J. POLY 85
Hardy, E.E. CHED 56 Hartmann, L. COLL 350 Hawker, C.J. POLY 108
Hardy, E.E. INOR 638 Hartmann, L. COLL 619 Hawker, C.J. POLY 179
Hardy, R. AGRO 117 Hartmann, L. PMSE 577 Hawker, C.J. POLY 229
Hare, B. ENFL 28 Hartmann, M. ENFL 392 Hawker, C.J. POLY 233
Hare, S.R. ORGN 177 Hartmann, M. COLL 195 Hawker, C.J. POLY 596
Hare, S.R. WCC 4 Hartmann, R.W. MEDI 221 Hawkins, H. CHED 194
Harfoot, R. MEDI 273 Hartmann, R.W. MEDI 225 Hawkins, H. CHED 195
Hargittai, M. HIST 17 Hartmann, R.W. MEDI 231 Hawley, K. CATL 354
Hargrove, A.E. BIOL 26 Hartmann-Thompson, C. CATL 250 Hay, A. CHED 232
Hargrove, A.E. BIOL 46 Hartshorn, R. INOR 484 Hay, W. CELL 14
Hargrove, A.E. BIOL 79 Hartson, S. ORGN 372 Hayakawa, A. ENFL 63
Hargrove, A.E. BIOL 84 Hartvigsen, J.J. CATL 252 Hayashi, S. POLY 464
Hargrove, A.E. BIOL 183 Hartweg, M. PMSE 304 Hayashi, S. INOR 732
Hargrove, A.E. MEDI 67 Hartweg, M. POLY 194 Hayashi, T. COMP 371
Hargrove, A.E. MEDI 68 Hartwig, J.F. CATL 182 Haydel, S.E. ENFL 395
Hargrove, A.E. MEDI 251 Hartwig, J.F. INOR 209 Hayden, S.C. ENFL 215
Hargus, C. CATL 74 Hartwig, J.F. INOR 210 Haydous, F. INOR 846
Harirforoosh, S. ANYL 99 Hartwig, J.F. INOR 211 Hayes, C. INOR 601
Harkavy, I. CHED 68 Hartwig, J.F. INOR 438 Hayes, C.E. INOR 46
Harkins, R. COMP 333 Hartwig, J.F. INOR 497 Hayes, C.E. INOR 503
Harkness-Brennan, L. NUCL 48 Hartzell, S. ENVR 278 Hayes, C.E. INOR 600
Härkönen, M. PMSE 202 Harutyunyan, S.R. ORGN 116 Hayes, D. INOR 315
Harman, C. AGFD 139 Harutyunyan, S.R. ORGN 305 Hayes, D. INOR 402
Harman, J. CINF 47 Harvey, B. COLL 274 Hayes, R. COMP 89
Harman, W.D. ORGN 148 Harvey, B.G. CELL 37 Hayes, R. COMP 355
Harman, W.D. ORGN 152 Harvey, B.G. INOR 107 Hayes, R.L. COMP 113
Harmzen, N. POLY 550 Harvey, B.G. POLY 12 Hayes, R.L. PHYS 544
Harnly, J. AGFD 159 Harvey, B.G. POLY 13 Hayes, W. MEDI 269
Harold, M.P. CATL 345 Harvey, D.T. ANYL 32 Haymond, A. MEDI 154
Harper, L. CATL 207 Harvey, J.D. COLL 514 Haymond, A. MEDI 184
Harper, T.W. MEDI 308 Harvey, J.D. PMSE 88 Haymond, A. MEDI 324
Harraz, D. CHED 252 Harvey, J. INOR 4 Haynes, C. PHYS 287
Harrigan, D.J. ENFL 470 Hasan, A. MEDI 252 Haynes, C.A. COLL 368


Haynes, C.L. COLL 45 Head-Gordon, M.P. CATL 477 Helbling, D. ENVR 354
Haynes, C.L. COLL 66 Head-Gordon, M.P. COMP 46 Helbling, D. POLY 59
Haynes, C.L. COLL 355 Head-Gordon, T.L. CATL 221 Helbling, D.E. PMSE 575
Haynes, D. AGRO 169 Head-Gordon, T.L. COMP 3 Helbling, D.E. POLY 240
Haynes, K.M. MEDI 146 Heald, C. PRES 17 Held, C. I&EC 64
Haynes, S. MEDI 61 Heald, R. MEDI 22 Held, G. COLL 477
Haystead, T.A. BIOL 156 Heald, R. MEDI 103 Heldebrant, D.J. ANYL 431
Haytowitz, D. AGFD 256 Heard, G.L. COMP 160 Heldebrant, D.J. ENFL 136
Hayward, D. AGRO 229 Heard, G.L. INOR 501 Heldebrant, D.J. ENFL 137
Hayward, R.C. POLY 644 Heard, G.L. PHYS 372 Heldebrant, D.J. ENFL 139
Hazard, G.F. CINF 46 Heard, K. CHAS 41 Helgren, T.R. ORGN 404
Hazard, G.F. CINF 111 Heath, J.R. BIOL 43 Heller, D.A. COLL 320
Hazari, N. INOR 852 Heath, J.R. CHED 192 Heller, D.A. COLL 514
He, C. ENVR 56 Heath, J.R. POLY 738 Heller, D.A. PMSE 88
He, C. PMSE 80 Heath, W. PMSE 1 Heller, D.A. POLY 236
He, C. BIOL 50 Hebrault, D. ANYL 120 Heller, L. AGFD 190
He, C. COLL 262 Hecht, E. ANYL 361 Heller, S.R. CINF 4
He, C. ENVR 35 Hecht, S.S. TOXI 39 Hellgardt, K. ORGN 14
He, C. ENVR 467 Hecht, S.S. TOXI 40 Hellmich, R. AGRO 302
He, D. CATL 9 Hecht, S.S. TOXI 45 Hellpointner, E. AGRO 38
He, D. CATL 439 Hecht, S.S. TOXI 52 Hellweg, T. COLL 346
He, D. ENFL 196 Hecht, S.S. TOXI 94 Helmers, M. AGRO 358
He, D. ENFL 349 Hecker, R. AGRO 351 Helms, A.B. CHED 400
He, D. ENVR 406 Hedhili, M. ENFL 380 Helms, B. COLL 469
He, D. ENVR 56 Hedman, B.G. INOR 87 Helms, B. INOR 446
He, D. ENVR 81 Hedman, B.G. INOR 318 Helmy, R.M. ANYL 434
He, D. COMP 207 Hedrick, J. CHED 330 Helmy, R.M. MEDI 39
He, D. TOXI 65 Hedrick, J. ORGN 266 Heltzel, J. CATL 170
He, D. ORGN 565 Hedrick, J. PMSE 61 Heltzel, J. CATL 411
He, F. AGFD 195 Hedrick, J. PMSE 105 Helveg, S. CATL 206
He, H. MEDI 178 Hedrick, J. PMSE 468 Hematian, S. INOR 717
He, H. PMSE 491 Hedrick, J. PMSE 580 Hematian, S. INOR 800
He, H. ENFL 264 Hedrick, J. PMSE 641 Hembre, R.T. INOR 502
He, J. PHYS 305 Hedrick, J. POLY 104 Hemeon, I. MEDI 252
He, J. PHYS 505 Hedrick, J. POLY 180 Hemeon, I. MEDI 253
He, J. COLL 59 Hedrick, J. POLY 309 Hemery, G. COLL 96
He, J. ANYL 398 Hedrick, J. POLY 598 Hemery, G. INOR 708
He, J. CHED 259 Hedrick, J. POLY 589 Hemery, G. PMSE 516
He, J. COLL 36 Hedstrom, S. CATL 82 Hemingway, J. AGRO 170
He, J. COLL 270 Heeney, M.J. POLY 582 Hemley, R. PHYS 212
He, J. COLL 429 Heffner, C.E. MEDI 158 Hemley, R. PHYS 284
He, J. COLL 554 Hegde, M. PMSE 55 Hemley, R.J. PHYS 396
He, J. ENFL 181 Hegde, M. POLY 54 Hemmendinger, K. PMSE 164
He, J. POLY 24 Hegde, M. POLY 175 Hemminger, J.C. COLL 478
He, J. POLY 366 Hegde, M. POLY 315 Hemmingsen, C. COLL 16
He, K. ANYL 202 Hegde, M. POLY 518 Hempenius, M.A. POLY 637
He, L. AGFD 248 Hegde, M. POLY 776 Hempenius, M.A. POLY 643
He, L. INOR 130 Hegde, V. PHYS 318 Hemraj-Benny, T. CHED 255
He, L. INOR 132 Heid, R.M. ORGN 549 Hemraj-Benny, T. CHED 256
He, L. ANYL 380 Heidel, K. MEDI 154 Hems, R.F. ENVR 236
He, L. MEDI 25 Heiden, Z.M. INOR 49 Hemsworth, G. INOR 583
He, L. MEDI 78 Heiden, Z.M. INOR 233 Henderson, C. COLL 269
He, M. COLL 252 Heiden, Z.M. INOR 805 Henderson, D.P. MPPG 23
He, M. ENFL 241 Heifets, A. CINF 85 Henderson, I. MEDI 283
He, P. ENFL 32 Heifets, A. COMP 91 Henderson, J.A. COMP 223
He, P. AGRO 345 Heifetz, A. MEDI 262 Henderson, T.J. MEDI 134
He, R. POLY 535 Heift, D. INOR 482 Henderson, R.J. ANYL 66
He, S. COLL 264 Heilshorn, S.C. PMSE 56 Hendley, M. PMSE 234
He, W. COLL 126 Heilshorn, S.C. PMSE 251 Hendley, M. PMSE 471
He, X. CATL 406 Heilshorn, S.C. PMSE 309 Hendley, P. AGRO 154
He, X. PHYS 504 Heilshorn, S.C. POLY 343 Hendley, P. AGRO 222
He, X. ENFL 304 Heilweil, E.J. COLL 587 Hendley, P. AGRO 353
He, X. ENFL 307 Heimbach, T. MEDI 267 Hendley, P. AGRO 381
He, X. INOR 35 Heindel, N.D. HIST 6 Hendricks, M.P. INOR 709
He, X. PMSE 81 Heine, A. MEDI 260 Hendricks, M.P. PMSE 83
He, X. POLY 324 Heinekey, D.M. INOR 205 Hendrickson, A.T. INOR 914
He, Y. COLL 406 Heinekey, D.M. INOR 207 Hendricson, A. MEDI 358
He, Y. ENVR 159 Heinekey, D.M. INOR 208 Hendriks, K.H. ENFL 302
He, Y. CHED 385 Heinekey, D.M. INOR 498 Hendriks, K.H. ORGN 544
He, Y. POLY 659 Heinekey, D.M. INOR 499 Hendrikx, M. POLY 652
He, Y. ANYL 158 Heinekey, D.M. INOR 598 Hendrix-Doucette, T. POLY 632
He, Z. CHED 293 Heinekey, D.M. INOR 599 Heng, K. PHYS 546
He, Z. AEI 34 Heiney, P.A. ORGN 506 Henkelman, G. CATL 24
He, Z. ENVR 207 Heinzl, G.A. BIOL 117 Henkelman, G. INOR 782
He, Z. ANYL 41 Heise, A. POLY 238 Henkelman, G.A. INOR 785
He, Z. ANYL 129 Heisey, S. INOR 137 Henley, B. MEDI 25
He, Z. POLY 760 Heißler, S. COLL 139 Henn, D.M. POLY 552
Heacock, M. ENVR 276 Heitger, D.R. INOR 868 Henne, W.A. COLL 257
Head-Gordon, M.P. CATL 240 Hejna, M. ORGN 654 Hennigan, C. ENVR 240
Head-Gordon, M.P. CATL 394 Helal, C.J. MEDI 246 Hennigan, C. ENVR 484

350 –AUTH
Henning, C. ENVR 307 Herzfeld, J. PHYS 164 Hilfiger, M.G. ENFL 417
Henning, C. AGFD 145 Herzfeld, J. PHYS 342 Hilimire, T. MEDI 12
Hénon, E. COMP 174 Herzfeld, J. PHYS 515 Hilinski, M.K. ORGN 276
Henrich, E. PHYS 246 Hesk, D. ORGN 664 Hilinski, M.K. ORGN 584
Henriksen-Lacey, M. COLL 571 Hesketh, A. CHED 223 Hill, C.K. CATL 182
Henrique, L. PMSE 74 Hesp, K. ORGN 7 Hill, C.L. CATL 18
Henriques, D.C. PHYS 459 Hess, D.W. ANYL 25 Hill, C.L. CATL 85
Henrissat, B. INOR 583 Hessberger, F. NUCL 48 Hill, C.L. CATL 314
Henry, A.T. INOR 644 Hesse, S.A. PMSE 587 Hill, C.L. CATL 458
Henry, H.K. ANYL 164 Heth, N. ORGN 127 Hill, C.L. INOR 3
Henry, H. ENVR 276 Hethcox, C. WCC 9 Hill, C.L. INOR 66
Henry, J. ENFL 449 Hetrick, J. AGRO 220 Hill, C.L. INOR 147
Henry, K.S. AGRO 275 Hetrick, J. AGRO 221 Hill, D.B. PMSE 340
Henry, T.R. ENVR 303 Hetrick, J. AGRO 286 Hill, D. AGFD 98
Hensley, A. CATL 398 Hetrick, J. AGRO 289 Hill, E. POLY 60
Hensley, J. CATL 362 Hetrick, K. ENVR 328 Hill, E. ENVR 547
Hentschel, F. AGFD 246 Hetts, S. PMSE 560 Hill, H.M. INOR 871
Heo, T. CATL 413 Heuer, M. AGRO 348 Hill, J. MEDI 17
Heo, Y. POLY 461 Heuser, J.A. AGRO 51 Hill, J.M. ENFL 29
Hepel, M.R. ANYL 44 Hevel, J. COMP 203 Hill, L.K. PMSE 310
Hepel, M.R. ANYL 45 Hewitt, P. INOR 923 Hill, L.K. PMSE 314
Hepel, M.R. ANYL 48 Hewitt, W. MEDI 12 Hill, M. AGRO 188
Hepel, M.R. COLL 242 Hewitt, W.M. ORGN 26 Hill, M.D. MEDI 335
Hepp, N.M. ANYL 192 Hexel, C.R. NUCL 83 Hill, M. PMSE 82
Herard, K. ANYL 74 Heyden, A. CATL 65 Hill, M.R. PMSE 64
Herath, K.B. ANYL 196 Heyden, A. PHYS 36 Hill, N. CHED 112
Herath, K.B. ANYL 221 Heyduk, A.F. INOR 11 Hill, R.H. CHAS 1
Herberholz, J. BIOL 159 Heyert, A. PHYS 439 Hill, R. AGRO 26
Herbert, J. COMP 187 Heyert, A. PHYS 461 Hill, R. AGRO 55
Herbert, J. PHYS 126 Hey-Hawkins, E. POLY 370 Hill, R. INOR 505
Herbst, E. PHYS 205 Heyl, T. PMSE 646 Hill, S.P. INOR 340
Herbst, E. PHYS 302 Heyman, A. ENFL 197 Hill, T. ENVR 532
Herbst-Gervasoni, C. INOR 695 Heyman, A. ENFL 198 Hillborg, H. POLY 696
Herceg, E. ANYL 377 Heyndrickx, M. AGRO 87 Hillman, R.A. CHED 278
Herckes, P. ENVR 242 Hiaki, T. ANYL 80 Hillmann, M. MEDI 266
Herczeg, G. PHYS 260 Hiaki, T. ENVR 429 Hillmyer, M. POLY 298
Herderich, M. AGFD 91 Hiatt, L. CHED 143 Hillmyer, M.A. PMSE 246
Herdman, C.A. MEDI 155 Hibbert, R.G. ANYL 51 Hillmyer, M.A. POLY 193
Hergenrother, C. CHED 251 Hibbitts, D. CATL 116 Hillmyer, M.A. POLY 227
Hergenrother, P.J. ORGN 337 Hibbitts, D. CATL 365 Hills-Kimball, K. COLL 265
Herkert, N. ENVR 280 Hibbitts, D. ENVR 88 Hills-Kimball, K. INOR 476
Herman, D. ENVR 334 Hickling, W. INOR 472 Hilsenbeck-Fajardo, J.L. AEI 5
Herman, R. AGRO 26 Hickman, J.D. POLY 418 Hilvert, D. INOR 467
Herman, S. COLL 360 Hicks, D. COLL 157 Himeda, Y. CATL 412
Hermann, A. PHYS 552 Hicks, E. ORGN 420 Himeda, Y. INOR 18
Hermann, F. ANYL 55 Hidalgo, F.J. AGFD 150 Himmelhuber, R. POLY 419
Hermann, T. ORGN 29 Hidalgo, F.J. AGFD 220 Himo, F. ORGN 261
Herman Niepa, T. COLL 127 Higa, K. CATL 432 Hin, C. CATL 390
Hermansson, K. CATL 299 Higaki, T. COLL 73 Hinarejos, S. AGRO 61
Hermoso, J. MEDI 227 Higaki, T. PHYS 132 Hinckley, S.H. PHYS 320
Hernandez, C. PMSE 382 Higaki, Y. POLY 69 Hinde, D. NUCL 48
Hernandez, L.W. ORGN 546 Higaki, Y. POLY 218 Hinderliter, B. POLY 60
Hernandez, N. POLY 197 Higdon, R. CHED 58 Hinderliter, P. AGRO 288
Hernandez, R. CINF 51 Higgins, C.P. AEI 33 Hindle, R. ENVR 197
Hernandez, R. COMP 204 Higgins, D.A. PMSE 75 Hines, S. CHED 291
Hernandez, R. COMP 346 Higgins, K.A. INOR 156 Hines, S.P. CATL 139
Hernandez, R. COMSCI 2 Higgins, M. COLL 533 Hinkle, K. COLL 63
Hernandez, S. ENVR 282 Higgins, R. INOR 691 Hinkle, R.J. ORGN 102
Hernandez-Burgos, K. ANYL 233 Higgins, T.F. ORGN 254 Hinkle, R.J. ORGN 612
Hernández Cabanillas, A. MEDI 282 Higgins, W.T. PMSE 393 Hinks, M. ENVR 195
Hernández de la Cerda, H. MEDI 170 Higginson, C.J. CHED 161 Hinneburg, H. CARB 89
Hernández-Luis, F. MEDI 346 Higgwe, T. ENFL 235 Hinton, T.V. INOR 580
Hernández-Mesa, M. AGRO 44 Hight Walker, A.R. COLL 587 Hinz, K. NUCL 17
Hernandez-Pagan, E.A. AEI 46 Hight Walker, A.R. COMP 146 Hinze, M. PHYS 197
Heroguez, V. COLL 405 Hight Walker, A.R. INOR 870 Hinze, W.L. ANYL 319
Heroguez, V. PMSE 634 Hight Walker, A.R. INOR 871 Hioe, J. ORGN 220
Herraiz, A.G. ORGN 51 Higuchi, M. PMSE 407 Hioe, J. ORGN 356
Herraiz, A.G. ORGN 638 Higuchi, M. POLY 202 Hiraga, Y. ORGN 176
Herrera, L.V. CATL 165 Higuchi, R. COLL 95 Hirai, T. COLL 218
Herrera, L.V. ENVR 127 Hii, J. AGRO 393 Hirai, T. COLL 240
Herrmann, A. COMP 283 Hii, M. ORGN 14 Hirai, T. COLL 241
Herrmann, H. ENVR 235 Hijji, Y.M. ANYL 84 Hirai, T. COLL 248
Hersam, M. COLL 461 Hijji, Y.M. ANYL 351 Hirai, T. POLY 300
Hersam, M. ENVR 61 Hijji, Y.M. ENVR 521 Hirai, T. POLY 481
Hersam, M. ENVR 263 Hild, F. PMSE 567 Hiramatsu, K. ORGN 118
Herschkowitz, J. COLL 242 Hildebrandt, M. CHED 66 Hiramatsu, A. MEDI 343
Herskovits, A. BIOL 172 Hildebrandt, M. CHED 371 Hirano, H. MEDI 196
Herskovitz, J. AGFD 137 Hildenbrand, Z.L. ENVR 249 Hirao, T. INOR 626
Hertzog, J. INOR 364 Hilderbrand, A. PMSE 519 Hirasawa, A. PMSE 416
Herzberg, R. NUCL 48 Hilfiger, M.G. ENFL 373 Hirata, F. INOR 254


Hirata, S. PHYS 230 Hodgson, K.O. INOR 87 Holman, K.T. ORGN 682
Hirayama, K. ORGN 156 Hodgson, K.O. INOR 318 Holmes, A.B. POLY 20
Hird, A. ORGN 548 Hodle, T. CARB 43 Holmes, B.E. COMP 160
Hirota, T. PHYS 259 Hoekstra, P.F. AGRO 375 Holmes, B.E. PHYS 372
Hiroto, S. ORGN 676 Hoeman, K.W. ENFL 418 Holmes, B.E. ENVR 203
Hirsch, M. ORGN 403 Hoerrner, M. ORGN 592 Holmes, C.M. AGRO 381
Hirst, D. ORGN 228 Hoerter, T.N. IAC 1 Holmes, C.M. AGRO 407
Hirst, E. COLL 182 Hoff, E.A. POLY 260 Holopainen, J. ENVR 191
Hirst, E. COLL 266 Hoff, T.C. CATL 364 Holowka, D. COLL 594
Hisakawa, S. MEDI 175 Hoff, T.C. ENVR 128 Holroyd, S. AGFD 213
Hisano, K. PMSE 341 Hoffbauer, M. INOR 765 Holsapple, M.P. AGFD 76
Hisano, K. PMSE 380 Hoffman, A. CATL 57 Holsendolph, K. AGRO 402
Hisano, K. PMSE 588 Hoffman, A. AGFD 49 Holstein, S.A. MEDI 162
Hishiya, E. CATL 448 Hoffman, A.J. ENVR 188 Holstein, S.A. MEDI 301
Hiss, J.A. MEDI 58 Hoffman, B.M. CATL 222 Holt, B. ORGN 478
Hitt, D. ORGN 50 Hoffman, C. POLY 454 Holt, B. PMSE 236
Hittle, L. ENVR 537 Hoffman, G.J. PHYS 496 Holt, E. INOR 337
Hixon, A.E. ENVR 229 Hoffman, L.W. PROF 2 Holt, E. INOR 886
Hixson, J. AGFD 24 Hoffman, L.W. PROF 15 Holt, G. AGRO 115
Hjelmeland, A.B. COMP 216 Hoffman, M.Z. YCC 20 Holt, J. ENVR 55
Hjelmeland, A.B. MEDI 133 Hoffmann, B. PHYS 246 Holt, L. AGFD 87
Hjerstedt, A. CHED 9 Hoffmann, I. COLL 341 Holt, L. CINF 43
Hla, S. ORGN 540 Hoffmann, M.R. ENVR 9 Holt, M. INOR 942
Hladik, M.L. AGRO 132 Hoffmann, M.R. ENVR 14 Holton, J. AGFD 213
Hladik, M.L. AGRO 358 Hoffmann, M.R. ENVR 17 Holub, J.M. ORGN 163
Hlinka, D.J. AGRO 145 Hoffmann, M.R. ENVR 289 Holub, J.M. ORGN 319
Hlinka, M. CHAL 4 Hoffmann, M.R. ENVR 430 Holubowitch, N. ENVR 144
Hlushko, H. PMSE 372 Hoffmann, R. ORGN 242 Holycross, D. WCC 7
Hlushko, H. PMSE 664 Hoffmann, R. PHYS 212 Holyoke, C.W. AGRO 389
Hlushko, H. POLY 673 Hoffmann, R. PHYS 216 Holzapfel, M. ORGN 464
Hlushko, R. PMSE 371 Hoffmann, R. PHYS 365 Hom, K. MEDI 177
Hlushko, R. PMSE 372 Hoffmann, J. NUCL 48 Honda, M. PHYS 259
Hlushko, R. PMSE 664 Hofman, E. COLL 559 Honda, R. CELL 25
Hlushko, R. POLY 673 Hofmann, F. MEDI 306 Honda, S. COLL 243
Hmelo, A.B. PMSE 399 Hofmann, J. CARB 89 Hönes, R. POLY 440
Ho, C. POLY 378 Hofmann, T. AGFD 168 Honeycutt, A.P. ORGN 234
Ho, C. I&EC 45 Hofmann, T. AGFD 172 Hong, F. I&EC 67
Ho, C. AGFD 113 Hofmann, T. AGFD 183 Hong, F. POLY 334
Ho, C. AGFD 147 Hoft, S. ORGN 208 Hong, J. POLY 502
Ho, C. AGFD 148 Hogan, J. MEDI 358 Hong, J. POLY 516
Ho, D. COLL 488 Hogle, D.G. PHYS 483 Hong, K. PMSE 590
Ho, D. PMSE 561 Hohenstein, E.G. PHYS 596 Hong, R. MEDI 22
Ho, G. MEDI 37 Hohol, R. CARB 46 Hong, R. MEDI 103
Ho, H. MEDI 330 Holan, K. ENFL 418 Hong, S. AGRO 338
Ho, J. ORGN 283 Holden, B. ORGN 495 Hong, S. AGRO 363
Ho, N. INOR 183 Holder, C. COLL 180 Hong, S. AGRO 365
Ho, N. INOR 553 Holder, C. INOR 62 Hong, S. AGFD 60
Ho, R. BIOL 50 Holder, C. INOR 277 Hong, S. AGRO 334
Ho, T. ENFL 27 Holdren, S.M. CATL 17 Hong, S. AGFD 269
Hoagland, S.M. ORGN 9 Hole, P. POLY 754 Hong, S. ORGN 514
Hoang, H. BIOL 27 Holechek, J. MEDI 51 Hong, S. ENFL 238
Hoang, J. COLL 234 Holfeltz, V. I&EC 7 Hong, S. ENVR 138
Hoang, T. CATL 452 Holfeltz, V. I&EC 8 Hong, S. ENVR 167
Hobart, D.E. NUCL 52 Holinstat, M. COLL 367 Hong, S. ORGN 491
Hobart, D.E. NUCL 53 Holladay, J. CATL 171 Hong, T. PMSE 12
Hobbs, D.T. I&EC 20 Holladay, J. ENFL 111 Hong, T. PMSE 598
Hobbs, E. INOR 507 Holland, L.A. ANYL 64 Hong, T. POLY 447
Hobbs, E. INOR 658 Holland, L.A. ANYL 65 Hong, X. ORGN 81
Hobbs, E. INOR 660 Holland, L.A. ANYL 66 Hong, Y. PMSE 231
Hoben, J.P. CATL 224 Holland, L.A. ANYL 357 Hong, Y. PMSE 374
Hoberg, J. AGRO 184 Holland, L.A. ANYL 358 Honig, B.H. COMP 7
Hoberg, J. AGRO 293 Holland, L.A. ANYL 413 Honjo, T. ORGN 118
Hobson, J.J. COLL 412 Holland, L.A. ANYL 416 Honma, T. PMSE 409
Hobson, J.J. COLL 547 Holland, L.A. ANYL 417 Hood, A. AGRO 251
Hobson, J.J. ORGN 671 Holland, L.A. ANYL 418 Hood, Z.D. CATL 76
Hobson, J.J. PMSE 624 Holland, N.B. COLL 256 Hoogenboom, R. PMSE 483
Hoch, R. POLY 248 Holland, N.B. COLL 286 Hoogenboom, R. PMSE 570
Hock, K.J. ORGN 283 Holland, P.L. INOR 218 Hoogenboom, R. PMSE 652
Höcker, J. CATL 161 Holland, P.L. INOR 347 Hoogenboom, R. POLY 167
Hocky, G.M. COMP 118 Holland, R.L. INOR 726 Hoogenboom, R. POLY 168
Hocky, G.M. COMP 247 Holland, R.L. INOR 727 Hoogenboom, R. POLY 305
Hocky, G.M. PHYS 477 Holland, R.L. ORGN 361 Hoogenboom, R. POLY 639
Hoctor, T. CINF 7 Holliday, G.L. PHYS 89 Hoogenboom, R. POLY 692
Hocuk, S. PHYS 512 Holliday, G.L. PHYS 447 Hoogenboom, R. POLY 754
Hodge, P. CHED 232 Hollingsworth, J. POLY 681 Hoogesteijn Von Reitzenstein, N. ENVR 169
Hodgkins, R.E. ANYL 224 Hollingsworth, J.A. INOR 480 Hoogeweg, C. AGRO 94
Hodgkinson, R. ORGN 141 Hollinsed, W. CHED 324 Hoogeweg, C. AGRO 128
Hodgkiss, J. INOR 302 Holman, J. PRES 2 Hoogeweg, C. AGRO 157
Hodgkiss, J. ORGN 476 Holman, K.T. INOR 826 Hook, A. CATL 194
Hodgse, J.T. ENFL 224 Holman, K.T. INOR 827 Hook, A. CINF 100

Hook, J.C. AGRO 152 Hou, T. CATL 3 Hsu, Y. PMSE 564
Hook, J.C. AGRO 286 Hou, W. AGRO 183 Hsueh, H. PMSE 657
Hook, J.C. AGRO 382 Hou, Y. PMSE 20 Hsueh, H. PMSE 669
Hook, J. AGRO 151 Hou, Y. PMSE 373 Hsueh, Y. BIOL 16
Hook, J. AGRO 155 Hou, Z. MEDI 119 Htet, A. CELL 25
Hoong, C. INOR 828 Hou, Z. MEDI 120 Htoon, H. INOR 480
Hooper, T. AGRO 31 Hou, Z. MEDI 142 Hu, B. PMSE 429
Hoops, G.C. BIOL 108 Hou, Z. MEDI 150 Hu, B. ENFL 303
Hoops, G.C. BIOL 109 Houck, V. AGRO 41 Hu, C.H. MEDI 73
Hoops, G.C. CHED 162 Houghtling, K. ORGN 144 Hu, C. ENFL 80
Hoops, G.C. CHED 166 Hougland, J. BIOL 93 Hu, C. ENFL 462
Hoos, S. CARB 20 Hougland, J. BIOL 101 Hu, D. POLY 99
Hoover, A. ORGN 664 Hougland, J. BIOL 145 Hu, D. PMSE 465
Hoover, C. ANYL 30 Hougland, J. BIOL 171 Hu, G. CATL 76
Hoover, C. ANYL 31 Houk, K.N. COMP 158 Hu, H. CATL 55
Hoover, J. ORGN 588 Houk, K.N. COMP 309 Hu, H. CATL 101
Hoover, J.M. INOR 235 Houk, K.N. ORGN 20 Hu, H. AGFD 46
Hoover, J.M. INOR 237 Houk, K.N. ORGN 239 Hu, H. AGFD 85
Hoover, J.M. INOR 854 Houk, K.N. ORGN 267 Hu, J.Z. CATL 225
Hoover, J.M. ORGN 234 Houle, F.A. INOR 66 Hu, J.Z. CATL 230
Hopf, R.G. CHED 285 House, A. COLL 442 Hu, J. MEDI 156
Hopfer, H. AGFD 209 Houseknecht, J. CHED 76 Hu, J. ENFL 192
Hopkins, C.R. MEDI 75 Housenger, J. AGRO 66 Hu, J. ANYL 404
Hopkins, D. AGRO 58 Houtz, D. ENFL 447 Hu, J. ENFL 438
Hopkins, T. INOR 636 Hoveyda, A.H. POLY 181 Hu, J. ENFL 208
Hopkins, T. PHYS 298 Howard, B. ENFL 91 Hu, J. ANYL 253
Hopkins, T. PHYS 460 Howard, B. ENFL 127 Hu, J. CATL 17
Hopkinson, D. ENFL 40 Howard, C. INOR 865 Hu, J. INOR 735
Hopkinson, D. PMSE 446 Howard, J.N. ANYL 436 Hu, J. INOR 545
Hopp, D.C. AGFD 257 Howard, L. AGFD 232 Hu, K. PMSE 530
Hoppie, B. AGRO 273 Howard, M.S. CATL 193 Hu, L. ORGN 559
Hoque, M. ANYL 95 Howard, M.S. CATL 463 Hu, L. COLL 457
Horai, E. ENFL 473 Howarth, A. INOR 127 Hu, L. ENFL 149
Horatz, K. PMSE 480 Howe, D.H. PMSE 513 Hu, L. ENFL 151
Horgan, B. AGRO 357 Howe, D.H. POLY 9 Hu, L. ENFL 280
Horgan, J.D. ORGN 610 Howe, D.H. POLY 430 Hu, L. ENFL 314
Horkay, F. BIOL 116 Howell, B.A. POLY 702 Hu, M. CATL 248
Horkay, F. PMSE 43 Howell, B.A. POLY 757 Hu, M. ENFL 46
Horkay, F. PMSE 212 Howell, J. COLL 517 Hu, M. CATL 230
Horkayne-Szakaly, I. BIOL 116 Howell, J. COLL 519 Hu, P. CATL 114
Horlor, B.T. ANYL 30 Howell, S. ENFL 103 Hu, P. CATL 282
Horlor, B.T. ANYL 31 Howlin, B. MEDI 274 Hu, P. CATL 300
Horn, M. COMP 262 Ho Wu, R. PHYS 143 Hu, Q. MEDI 221
Hornat, C. PMSE 278 Hoye, T.R. ORGN 338 Hu, Q. MEDI 225
Hornbuckle, K.C. ENVR 280 Hoyt, D.W. PHYS 88 Hu, Q. MEDI 231
Horne, J. ENVR 195 Hoyt, S. MEDI 221 Hu, Q. ENFL 318
Hornillos, V. ORGN 355 Hoyt, S.B. MEDI 225 Hu, R. ANYL 396
Horoszko, C.P. COLL 514 Hozalski, R.M. ENVR 201 Hu, S. INOR 469
Horst, M. POLY 148 Hozumi, A. POLY 38 Hu, S. COLL 541
Horst, M.H. INOR 508 Hozumi, K. PMSE 377 Hu, S. PHYS 539
Horten, M. ENFL 200 Hranilovic, A. AGFD 27 Hu, S. POLY 145
Hosbas Coskun, S. ENVR 161 Hrdy, D. AGRO 165 Hu, T. ANYL 395
Hosein, I.D. PMSE 349 Hribersek, M. ORGN 607 Hu, W. COMP 74
Hoshino, T. PMSE 403 Hricovini, M. CARB 82 Hu, W. PHYS 279
Hoshino, Y. ANYL 155 Hristova, K.A. PHYS 581 Hu, W. CATL 114
Hoshino, Y. COLL 618 Hristovski, K.D. ENVR 40 Hu, X. CELL 11
Hoshino, Y. I&EC 30 Hristovski, K.D. ENVR 169 Hu, X. AGRO 42
Hoskins, D. AGRO 105 Hristovski, K.D. ENVR 223 Hu, X. AGRO 153
Hosoi, Y. POLY 480 Hristovski, K.D. ENVR 247 Hu, X. ORGN 72
Hosono, H. ENFL 19 Hrudka, J.J. INOR 372 Hu, X. BIOL 20
Hossain, A. COLL 544 Hsiao, C. MEDI 97 Hu, Y. ENVR 31
Hossain, T. CATL 117 Hsiao, T. AGFD 147 Hu, Y. ENVR 32
Hosseini, A.S. ORGN 317 Hsieh, C. INOR 244 Hu, Y. ENFL 67
Hosseinidoust, Z. ENVR 273 Hsieh, C. ENFL 413 Hu, Y. ENFL 424
Hosseininasab, V. INOR 165 Hsieh, C. ENVR 500 Hu, Y. POLY 654
Hosseinzadeh, P. INOR 385 Hsieh, H. ENVR 411 Hu, Y. CATL 18
Hosta-Rigau, L. COLL 576 Hsieh, M. COLL 305 Hu, Y. ORGN 142
Hotz, R.P. ORGN 137 Hsieh, P. CARB 69 Hu, Y. PMSE 470
Hou, Y. CATL 176 Hsieh, T. INOR 244 Hu, Y.H. ENFL 1
Hou, Y. ENFL 133 Hsieh, T. INOR 528 Hu, Y.H. ENFL 93
Hou, B. CATL 447 Hsin, L. MEDI 356 Hu, Y.H. ENFL 131
Hou, B. ENFL 195 Hsu, C.S. ANYL 330 Hu, Z. CARB 20
Hou, C. ENVR 57 Hsu, C. COLL 603 Hu, Z. ENFL 319
Hou, C. ENVR 75 Hsu, C. INOR 380 Hu, Z. ENFL 337
Hou, C. ENVR 168 Hsu, C.C. ORGN 82 Hu, Z. ORGN 403
Hou, J. INOR 530 Hsu, H. ORGN 385 Hu, Z. BIOL 120
Hou, J. POLY 721 Hsu, H. INOR 555 Hu, Z. MEDI 338
Hou, R. ENVR 398 Hsu, K.C. ENVR 537 Hu, Z. INOR 480
Hou, S. MEDI 187 Hsu, L. AGFD 166 Hua, G. PMSE 215
Hou, S. MEDI 199 Hsu, S. INOR 528 Hua, H. ENVR 125


Hua, H. ENVR 126 Huang, S. INOR 244 Huerfano, I.J. INOR 485
Hua, X. AGFD 270 Huang, S. CATL 454 Huerfano, I.J. COLL 188
Hua, Y. GEOC 28 Huang, S. ENFL 41 Huerta-Aguilar, C.A. INOR 188
Hua, Y. ORGN 661 Huang, S.K. PHYS 592 Huerta-Aguilar, C.A. ENVR 455
Hua, Z. CATL 264 Huang, S. PMSE 379 Huff, C.A. INOR 387
Huai, H. POLY 440 Huang, T. ENVR 511 Huff, C.F. ENFL 197
Huang, K. PMSE 391 Huang, W. POLY 571 Huff, C.F. ENFL 198
Huang, K. COMP 272 Huang, W. PMSE 376 Huff, S. ORGN 402
Huang, A. PMSE 248 Huang, W. CATL 73 Huff, T.B. ENVR 389
Huang, B. ORGN 39 Huang, W. ENFL 299 Huff, T.B. ENVR 517
Huang, B. ANYL 260 Huang, W. MEDI 33 Huffman, D. CINF 110
Huang, C. ORGN 463 Huang, W. MEDI 352 Huffman, D.L. INOR 798
Huang, C. ENVR 392 Huang, W. PMSE 599 Hughes, J. MEDI 340
Huang, C. CATL 395 Huang, W. PMSE 605 Hughes, K.A. AGRO 389
Huang, C. PHYS 80 Huang, W. ORGN 48 Hughes, R. COLL 549
Huang, C. ENVR 445 Huang, W. INOR 41 Hughes, R. INOR 684
Huang, C. AGFD 71 Huang, W. INOR 69 Hughes, R.P. INOR 53
Huang, C. ENVR 499 Huang, X. ENFL 253 Hughes, R.P. INOR 373
Huang, C. ENVR 501 Huang, X. MEDI 269 Hughes, R.P. INOR 803
Huang, C. ENVR 13 Huang, X. INOR 276 Hughes, R.P. INOR 935
Huang, C. ENVR 23 Huang, X. ANYL 113 Hughes, S.J. MEDI 229
Huang, C. ENVR 26 Huang, X. AGRO 332 Hughes, S. COLL 250
Huang, C. ENVR 403 Huang, X. AGRO 333 Hughes, T.F. COMP 337
Huang, C. ENVR 499 Huang, X. COLL 171 Hughes, T.S. INOR 239
Huang, C. ENVR 501 Huang, X. PHYS 4 Hughes, T.S. POLY 482
Huang, C. ENVR 507 Huang, X. PHYS 54 Hughes, T. TOXI 69
Huang, C. ENVR 508 Huang, X. PHYS 205 Hughes, Z.E. COLL 207
Huang, C. MEDI 7 Huang, X. COMP 35 Hugi, A. ANYL 9
Huang, C. MEDI 308 Huang, Y. ENVR 467 Huh, C. ENVR 421
Huang, C. MEDI 335 Huang, Y. ENVR 35 Huh, J. POLY 476
Huang, C. MEDI 277 Huang, Y. ANYL 136 Huh, W. PMSE 406
Huang, C. ENVR 452 Huang, Y. COMP 383 Hui, J. PMSE 670
Huang, E. PMSE 599 Huang, Y. PHYS 245 Hui, L. ENVR 52
Huang, F. POLY 190 Huang, Y. ENFL 379 Huiping, G. ORGN 59
Huang, F.C. PMSE 253 Huang, Y. PMSE 626 Huiszoon, R. ENVR 300
Huang, F. PHYS 365 Huang, Y. MEDI 358 Hulangamuwa, W. ORGN 694
Huang, G. ORGN 261 Huang, Y. CATL 393 Hule, R. PMSE 38
Huang, H. ENFL 223 Huang, Y. MEDI 255 Hull, E. ORGN 312
Huang, H. ENVR 52 Huang, Y. ENVR 23 Hull, K.L. ORGN 343
Huang, H. PMSE 350 Huang, Y. ENVR 364 Hull, K.L. ENFL 422
Huang, H. PMSE 375 Huang, Y. ENVR 376 Hull, K.L. ENFL 469
Huang, H. ORGN 409 Huang, Y. ENVR 452 Hull, K.L. GEOC 9
Huang, H. MEDI 366 Huang, Y. ENVR 457 Hull, K.L. INOR 13
Huang, H. POLY 120 Huang, Y. ANYL 268 Hulley, E.B. INOR 625
Huang, H. POLY 622 Huang, Y. PMSE 231 Hultgren, S.J. CARB 14
Huang, H. COMP 12 Huang, Y. ORGN 359 Hultzsch, K. INOR 952
Huang, H. MEDI 34 Huang, Y. PMSE 238 Humbly, M.S. COMP 261
Huang, H. MEDI 35 Huang, Y. INOR 710 Hummer, G. PHYS 67
Huang, J.C. AGFD 129 Huang, Y. PMSE 578 Humoud, M.S. ENVR 450
Huang, J. PMSE 84 Huang, Y. POLY 690 Humpf, H. AGFD 235
Huang, J. AGFD 176 Huang, Y. MEDI 303 Humphrey, M.G. POLY 144
Huang, J. PHYS 401 Huang, Y. MEDI 160 Humphrey, N. BIOL 122
Huang, J. PHYS 436 Huang, Y. ENFL 382 Humphrey, N. CATL 329
Huang, J. PHYS 517 Huang, Y.M. COMP 356 Humphrey, N. CATL 338
Huang, J.J. ENVR 83 Huang, Y. POLY 462 Humphrey, S.M. INOR 782
Huang, J. COLL 489 Huang, Y. POLY 463 Humphrey, S.M. INOR 785
Huang, J. COMP 312 Huang, Y. ENFL 379 Humphries, A.P. ENFL 442
Huang, J. COMP 315 Huang, Y. COLL 52 Humphries, N.T. ENFL 225
Huang, J. PMSE 655 Huang, Z. INOR 327 Hundal, T. BIOL 91
Huang, J. ENFL 431 Huang, Z. CATL 396 Hung, M. MEDI 153
Huang, J. AGFD 238 Huang, Z. COMP 285 Hung, S. PMSE 22
Huang, J. ORGN 488 Huang, F. PMSE 437 Hung, C. ENVR 463
Huang, K. PHYS 121 Huang, C. PMSE 590 Hungate, B. PRES 19
Huang, L. POLY 627 Huard, K. MEDI 258 Hunt, A. COLL 478
Huang, L. BIOL 55 Huba, Z.J. ENFL 450 Hunt, A. INOR 169
Huang, L. POLY 542 Hubaud, A. CATL 383 Hunt, A.P. INOR 175
Huang, M. ENVR 163 Hubbard, S. MPPG 5 Hunt, D.F. CHED 306
Huang, M. TOXI 48 Hubbard, A. POLY 727 Hunt, J.T. MEDI 25
Huang, M. ENVR 522 Hubbard, H. ENVR 307 Hunt, J.T. MEDI 147
Huang, M.H. AGRO 295 Hubbard, S. ANYL 58 Hunt, K. ENVR 197
Huang, P. ORGN 278 Hubbell, J. POLY 743 Hunt, M. COLL 562
Huang, P. ORGN 545 Huber, G. ANYL 389 Hunt, P. CINF 116
Huang, P. PMSE 626 Hubley, N.T. NUCL 77 Hunt, P. COMP 364
Huang, Q. PHYS 396 Huckaba, A. INOR 763 Hunt, P. MEDI 348
Huang, Q. AGFD 115 Hud, N.V. ORGN 381 Hunter, C. PMSE 185
Huang, Q. AGFD 119 Hudnall, K.A. AGFD 8 Hunter, D.N. MEDI 245
Huang, S. PHYS 445 Hudson, G.A. BIOL 121 Hunter, E.C. INOR 551
Huang, S. ORGN 129 Hudson, P.S. COMP 123 Hunter, E.C. INOR 913
Huang, S. ENVR 445 Hudspeth, J.D. POLY 475 Hunter, R. AGRO 385
Huang, S. GEOC 5 Huerfano, I. INOR 677 Huntsman, A.C. MEDI 295

354 –AUTH
Hunyadi Murph, S. COLL 374 Hwang, W. PMSE 395 Im, C. MEDI 92
Huo, F. ENFL 234 Hwang, Y. ENVR 478 Imai, M. MEDI 106
Huo, J. ENVR 128 Hwee, M. ORGN 635 Imam, M.R. ORGN 506
Huo, M. PMSE 526 Hyatt, I.D. ORGN 111 Imamoglu, I. ENVR 472
Huo, P. MEDI 134 Hyatt, I.D. ORGN 600 Imani Nejad, M. TOXI 2
Huo, P. MEDI 245 Hyatt, I.D. ORGN 601 Imato, K. PMSE 129
Huo, P. COMP 328 Hyeon, J. ENVR 435 Imato, K. PMSE 392
Huo, Q. COLL 112 Hyeonseok, L. PHYS 420 Imbach-Weese, P. MEDI 306
Hupcey, M.A. SCHB 24 Hyland, S.N. ORGN 140 Imbrogno, J. POLY 602
Hupp, A.M. ENFL 219 Hylton, K.S. CHAL 20 Imel, A. PMSE 322
Hupp, C.D. MEDI 104 Hylton, K.S. CHAS 10 Imler, G. ORGN 597
Hupp, J.T. INOR 5 Hymel, D. MEDI 116 In, I. COLL 227
Hupp, J.T. INOR 68 Hymel, D. MEDI 117 In, M. POLY 697
Hupp, J.T. INOR 292 Hymel, D. MEDI 118 Inaba, S. POLY 74
Hupp, J.T. INOR 755 Hymel, D. MEDI 228 Inagaki, M. MEDI 106
Hupp, J.T. INOR 820 Hysenaj, V. AGFD 91 Inagi, S. POLY 341
Hur, N.H. INOR 243 Hyun, S. ORGN 668 Inagi, S. POLY 354
Hur, N.H. INOR 268 Iacono, S.T. INOR 529 Inam, E. CHED 210
Hurley, L.H. COLL 488 Iacono, S.T. PMSE 608 Inam, M. PMSE 325
Hurley, M. INOR 173 Iacono, S.T. POLY 221 Inam, M. POLY 768
Hurley, M. PHYS 332 Iacono, S.T. POLY 517 Inankur, B. I&EC 37
Hurley, M. PHYS 527 Iacono, S.T. POLY 638 Incarvito, C.D. CHAS 47
Hursán, D. ENFL 101 Iannuzzi, M. PHYS 33 Inceoglu, S. POLY 217
Hurst, D. MEDI 136 Iannuzzi, T. INOR 174 Indekeu, J.O. PHYS 170
Hurst, J. AGRO 88 Ibarra, G. INOR 522 Indukuri, A. MEDI 203
Hurst, W. AGFD 213 Ibarra, G. INOR 572 Infante, G.A. CHED 361
Hurt, R. ENVR 333 Ibrahim, M.H. POLY 333 Ing, C. PHYS 384
Husbands, S.M. ANYL 354 Ichake, S. ORGN 369 Ingerman, L. ENVR 419
Hussain, S. PHYS 379 Ichikawa, H. ORGN 618 Ingersol, L. INOR 33
Hussain, T. PMSE 656 Ichiye, T. COMP 40 Inghrim, J.A. MEDI 25
Hussal, C. PMSE 26 Ichiye, T. PHYS 284 Ingle, B.L. ENVR 388
Huston, A. COLL 487 Ichiye, T. PHYS 396 Inglese, J. BIOL 51
Huston, A. COLL 562 Ida, H. POLY 405 Ingner, F. ORGN 607
Hutcherson, W.L. CHED 159 Idiris, F. ORGN 52 Ingram, J.C. CMA 1
Hutcherson, W.L. CHED 270 Idowu, I. ENVR 209 Ingram, J.C. ENVR 322
Hutchings, G. CATL 150 Idris, N. MEDI 113 Ingram, J.C. ENVR 323
Hutchings, G. CATL 211 Idris, N. MEDI 144 Ingram, J. MEDI 195
Hutchins, G. MEDI 38 Idris, N. MEDI 312 Ingram, K. AGRO 72
Hutchins, G. MEDI 307 Idris, N. MEDI 344 In Het Panhuis, M.P. PMSE 213
Hutchinson, T.E. INOR 829 Idriss, H. CATL 203 Inkong, K. COLL 282
Hutchison, J.E. CHED 358 Idrobo, J. ENFL 361 Inkpen, M. INOR 512
Huthwelker, T. CATL 168 Idso, M. PHYS 379 Inkpen, M. INOR 873
Hutter, J. COMP 49 Ienco, A. PHYS 362 Inoue, H. PMSE 378
Huynh, A. ANYL 117 Iezzi, E. PMSE 654 Inoyama, D. MEDI 330
Huynh, C. ANYL 70 Iezzi, E.B. PMSE 359 Intan, N.N. COMP 373
Huynh, C. ANYL 71 Igarashi, T. ORGN 38 Intasanta, V. PMSE 87
Huynh, C. ANYL 77 Iglesias, J. PHYS 335 Inukai, S. COMP 371
Huynh, C. ANYL 78 Iglesias, J. PHYS 525 Inukai, T. MEDI 343
Huynh, C. ANYL 169 Iglesias-Rey, R. COLL 622 Iordanov, I. COLL 141
Huynh, H. ORGN 548 Iglesias-Sigüenza, J. ORGN 355 Iovine, P.M. CHED 70
Huynh, K. CATL 17 Iguchi, D. PMSE 646 Ip, S. TOXI 37
Huynh, T. MEDI 25 Iguchi, M. INOR 18 Ipek, H. POLY 488
Hwang, G. COLL 484 Ihara, M. AGRO 137 Iqbal, M. COLL 389
Hwang, G.S. ENFL 375 Ihrie, J. ANYL 284 Iqbal, T. BIOL 163
Hwang, G. CELL 31 Iida, H. PMSE 564 Irgibaeva, I. PHYS 415
Hwang, H. MEDI 92 Iimura, K. POLY 441 Irgibaeva, I. ENVR 400
Hwang, H. COMP 7 Ijames, C.F. ANYL 130 Iriarte-Gross, J.M. CHED 64
Hwang, I. COLL 146 Ikechukwu, E. CHED 288 Irikura, K.K. PHYS 397
Hwang, J. CHED 212 Ikehata, A. PHYS 392 Irmer, M. CINF 87
Hwang, J. CHED 213 Ikenaga, N. ENFL 214 Irudayanathan, F.J. BIOL 167
Hwang, J. CHED 295 Ikenaga, N. ENVR 172 Irudayanathan, F.J. COMP 209
Hwang, J. AGFD 60 Ikenaga, N. ENVR 173 Irvin, T. ORGN 627
Hwang, J. AGRO 334 Ikuma, K. CATL 452 Irvine, D.J. POLY 347
Hwang, J. AGRO 338 Ikuma, K. ENVR 149 Irvine, D. PMSE 463
Hwang, J. AGRO 363 Ikura, M. PHYS 594 Irvine, D. PMSE 567
Hwang, J. AGRO 365 Ilawe, N.V. COMP 130 Irving, M. MEDI 340
Hwang, J. ENVR 436 Ilawe, N.V. COMP 301 Irwin, J. COMP 299
Hwang, J. AGFD 79 Ilawe, N.V. COMP 332 Irwin, J.J. CINF 63
Hwang, J. AGFD 80 Ilawe, N.V. COMP 338 Irwin, P. PHYS 551
Hwang, J. CATL 306 Ilawe, N.V. PHYS 73 Irwin, W. ENVR 305
Hwang, K. ENVR 138 Ilchev, A. PMSE 567 Irwin, W. ENVR 309
Hwang, K. ENVR 141 Ilic, M. ENVR 449 Isaac, C.E. ANYL 359
Hwang, P. COLL 532 Ilies, M.A. COLL 325 Isaac, E. PMSE 88
Hwang, S. CELL 18 Ilies, M.A. COLL 486 Isaacs, F. PMSE 148
Hwang, S. PMSE 381 Ilkhani, H. ANYL 45 Isaacs, K. ANYL 347
Hwang, S. POLY 493 Ilyas, T. ENFL 213 Isaacs, K. ENVR 548
Hwang, S. COMP 191 Im, S. PMSE 291 Isaacs, L.D. ORGN 448
Hwang, W. TOXI 9 Im, S. POLY 242 Isaacs, L.D. ORGN 453
Hwang, W. TOXI 10 Im, W. COMP 148 Isaacs, L.D. ORGN 508
Hwang, W. BIOL 30 Im, W. PHYS 336 Isaacs, L.D. ORGN 510


Isaacs, L.D. ORGN 556 Iyisan, B. COLL 568 Jaekle, F. POLY 336
Isaacs, M. CATL 451 Izadi, S. COMP 242 Jaekle, F. POLY 353
Isaacson, K. PMSE 144 Izadi, S. COMP 289 Jaekle, F. POLY 529
Isah, S. POLY 466 Izadyar, A. ANYL 264 Jaekle, F. POLY 532
Isah, S. POLY 732 Izumi, H. COLL 225 Jaekle, F. POLY 534
Isayev, O. CINF 113 Izumi, H. COLL 322 Jafari, A. PMSE 321
Isayev, O. COMP 93 Izzo, N. MEDI 255 Jafari, M. CATL 344
Isayev, O. COMP 314 Izzo, R.M. CHAS 6 Jaffe, D. ENVR 193
Isayeva, I. PMSE 472 Izzo, R.M. CHAS 25 Jaffe, M. PMSE 337
Isbill, S.B. CATL 480 Izzo, R.M. CHAS 30 Jafta, C.J. COLL 583
Isborn, C. PHYS 273 Izzo, R.M. CHAS 40 Jaganathan, A. ORGN 495
Isely, C. PMSE 471 J. Khatib, S. CATL 207 Jagarnath, A. CHED 180
Isern, N.G. CELL 2 Jaakkola, T.S. CINF 8 Jagarnath, A. CHED 186
Isern, N.G. CELL 30 Jabara, J. CHED 33 Jaglicic, Z. INOR 524
Isern, N.G. CELL 1 Jaber, D. CHED 389 Jagode, H. COMP 120
Ishibashi, J. INOR 298 Jaber, S. ANYL 92 Jagodzinski, P.W. PROF 11
Ishibashi, T. PMSE 409 Jaber, S. ENVR 111 Jagtap, J.M. COLL 98
Ishida, H. PMSE 370 Jablonski, J.E. AGFD 213 Jagtap, J.M. COLL 113
Ishida, H. PMSE 627 Jack, K. MEDI 37 Jahnke, J. COLL 308
Ishida, H. PMSE 648 Jackson, A.C. INOR 582 Jahnke, J. ENFL 157
Ishida, H. PMSE 646 Jackson, B. INOR 855 Jahnke, J. ENVR 254
Ishigaki, T. COLL 162 Jackson, B.P. ANYL 272 Jahnke, J. PHYS 527
Ishihara, K. COLL 370 Jackson, D.A. CHED 342 Jaikang, P. CHED 349
Ishihara, S. POLY 274 Jackson, K. ORGN 418 Jain, A.N. COMP 114
Ishihara, Y. MEDI 106 Jackson, K. ORGN 420 Jain, A.N. COMP 394
Ishikawa, H. ENFL 214 Jackson, L. AGFD 13 Jain, A. CHED 233
Ishiwari, F. ORGN 528 Jackson, L. AGFD 164 Jain, A. CHED 233
Ishizu, M. PMSE 380 Jackson, L. ANYL 284 Jain, P.K. COLL 495
Ishizu, M. PMSE 588 Jackson, M. CHED 200 Jain, P.K. MPPG 22
Ishmaeva, E. ORGN 173 Jackson, M. INOR 362 Jain, R. INOR 894
Isimjan, T. CATL 203 Jackson, N.B. ENVR 244 Jain, S. ENFL 472
Iskakov, S. PHYS 30 Jackson, N.B. YCC 14 Jain, S.S. BIOL 27
Iskakov, S. PHYS 82 Jackson, P. MEDI 22 Jain, T. PMSE 472
Iskakov, S. PHYS 481 Jackson, P. MEDI 103 Jairo, D. CELL 13
Islam, M.S. ENVR 282 Jackson, S.H. AGRO 193 Jaisi, D. ENVR 442
Islam, M.T. PMSE 382 Jackson, S.H. AGRO 222 Jakob, C. COMP 185
Islam, M. MEDI 204 Jackson, S.H. AGRO 271 Jakob, C. MEDI 322
Islam, R. AGRO 204 Jackson, S.H. AGRO 272 Jakoblinnert, A. PHYS 196
Islam, Z. BIOL 163 Jackson, S.H. AGRO 275 Jakob-Roetne, R. MEDI 256
Islamoglu, T. INOR 755 Jacob, C.C. TOXI 81 Jakobsen, M. ENVR 478
Islas-Vigueras, R. INOR 224 Jacob, G. COMP 339 Jakubikova, E. INOR 167
Ismail, M. CATL 448 Jacob, H. INOR 65 Jakubikova, E. INOR 623
Isman, M.B. AGRO 127 Jacobi, D. ENFL 422 Jakubowski, H.V. CHED 385
Ison, E. INOR 429 Jacobi, F. COLL 350 Jalal, M.A. AGRO 193
Ison, E. INOR 764 Jacobs, A. COMP 261 Jalal, M.A. AGRO 271
Ison, E. INOR 947 Jacobs, A. COMP 265 Jalan, A. ORGN 169
Ison, E.A. INOR 201 Jacobs, D. PMSE 657 Jalan, B. COMP 333
Ison, E.A. INOR 329 Jacobs, H. CARB 43 Jalbert, M. ENFL 325
Israelson, G. AGFD 213 Jacobs, R. COMP 353 Jalilian, M. PMSE 628
Istrefi, M. CHED 194 Jacobsen, E.N. ORGN 244 Jamal, R. ENVR 447
Itabashi, M. ENVR 60 Jacobsen, S.D. INOR 918 Jamal, R. INOR 483
Itkonen, H. AEI 8 Jacobsen, S.D. WCC 1 James, C. INOR 904
Itkonen, H. ORGN 28 Jacobson, A. AGRO 156 James, D.J. INOR 60
Ito, Y. POLY 73 Jacobson, A.E. MEDI 155 James, D.J. INOR 712
Itoh, A. ORGN 595 Jacobson, A.E. ORGN 627 James, I.C. ANYL 130
Iu, L. CATL 473 Jacobson, C. ORGN 598 James, L. INOR 858
Iuliucci, R. CATL 311 Jacobson, C. MEDI 328 James, L.I. MEDI 234
Iuliucci, R. CHED 224 Jacobson, K.A. MEDI 1 James, S.A. ORGN 606
Ivan, B. POLY 551 Jacobson, K.A. MEDI 2 James, V. MEDI 366
Ivanov, A. I&EC 18 Jacobson, K.A. MEDI 45 Jameson, G.B. INOR 930
Ivanov, A.S. I&EC 19 Jacobucci, C. CHED 194 Jameson, G.N. INOR 930
Ivanov, N.M. MEDI 319 Jacobucci, C. CHED 195 Jamieson, C. ORGN 228
Ivashkina, E. AEI 38 Jacques, F. CHED 212 Jamieson, E.R. INOR 547
Iverson, B.L. BIOL 130 Jacques, F. CHED 213 Jamieson, E. COLL 343
Ivy, R. MEDI 137 Jacques, P. PHYS 301 Jamieson, J. ENVR 284
Ivy, R. MEDI 139 Jadambaa, K. NUCL 48 Jamil, M. INOR 759
Iwabe, C.N. ENVR 423 Jadhav, A. ENVR 447 Jamison, T.F. ORGN 430
Iwamura, M. INOR 732 Jadidi, Z. INOR 447 Jan, A. MEDI 67
Iwasaki, H. AEI 77 Jadrich, C.N. INOR 214 Jana, J. PHYS 502
Iwasaki, H. PHYS 128 Jadrich, C.N. INOR 390 Jana, O. INOR 933
Iwata, F. ANYL 153 Jaeger, C.M. PHYS 94 Jana, S.C. PMSE 327
Iwata, T. POLY 332 Jaeger, E. NUCL 48 Janaky, C. CATL 108
Iyanobor, E. CATL 461 Jaeger, H. COLL 298 Janaky, C. ENFL 101
Iyemperumal, S. CATL 45 Jaeger, M. ENFL 50 Janaky, C. ENFL 190
Iyemperumal, S. ENVR 134 Jaeger, M. INOR 45 Janaky, C. YCC 6
Iyer, K. COLL 488 Jaeger, M. POLY 203 Janco, M. ANYL 327
Iyer, K. PMSE 561 Jaeger, M. POLY 422 Janda, K.D. MEDI 213
Iyer, S. CINF 51 Jaekle, F. AEI 41 Janda, K.D. ORGN 468
Iyer, V. ORGN 521 Jaekle, F. ORGN 444 Janesheski, T. ENVR 252
Iyiola, O.O. CATL 240 Jaekle, F. ORGN 458 Janesko, B.G. INOR 678

356 –AUTH
Janet, J. CATL 272 Jayasooriya, I. INOR 588 Jeong, N. ENVR 138
Janet, J. COMP 323 Jayasuriya, H. ANYL 196 Jeong, N. ENVR 139
Janetka, J.W. CARB 14 Jayawardana, K. COLL 261 Jeong, N. ENVR 140
Janetzko, J. AEI 8 Jayawickramage, R. ENFL 309 Jeong, N. ENVR 141
Janetzko, J. ORGN 28 Jayawickramage, R. ENFL 310 Jeong, P. MEDI 126
Janeway, F. INOR 185 Jayne, J.T. ENVR 189 Jeong, S. CATL 290
Janezic, D. COMP 321 Jayne, J.T. ENVR 555 Jeong, S. INOR 738
Jang, H. ENFL 100 Jayson, G. CARB 70 Jeong, Y. BIOL 32
Jang, H. COMP 81 Jazzar, R. INOR 687 Jernigan, J.C. PMSE 440
Jang, I. COLL 161 Jeanneret, R. CARB 70 Jérôme, C. POLY 255
Jang, J. ENVR 383 Jeevan, T. MEDI 273 Jeskie, K.B. CHAS 44
Jang, J. AGFD 254 Jeffcoat, D. CATL 10 Jeskie, K.B. PRES 8
Jang, M. AGRO 338 Jeffery, D.W. AGFD 1 Jesson, C.P. POLY 424
Jang, M. ENVR 241 Jeffery, D.W. AGFD 27 Jessop, J.L. PMSE 338
Jang, M. ENVR 485 Jeffery, D.W. AGFD 96 Jessop, P. POLY 335
Jang, S. CARB 45 Jeffery, D.W. AGFD 196 Jessop, P.G. POLY 620
Jang, S. COMP 404 Jeffries, J. COLL 289 Jetson, R. MEDI 218
Jang, S. COMP 408 Jeffries, M. ORGN 147 Jewett, M.C. PMSE 147
Jang, S. PMSE 381 Jeffries-El, M. POLY 585 Jezowski, S. PHYS 250
Jang, S. POLY 493 Jegal, J. CATL 306 Jha, J.S. ORGN 423
Jang, S. PMSE 384 Jehng, J. CATL 122 Jha, M.K. ENVR 261
Jang, W. ENFL 225 Jeliazkova, N. CINF 66 Jha, R. BIOL 170
Jang, Y. PMSE 196 Jelsch, C. INOR 519 Jha, S. COMP 3
Jang, Y. POLY 752 Jemmis, E.D. PHYS 208 Jharimune, S. COLL 400
Jang, Y. GEOC 10 Jen, A.K. PMSE 556 Jho, E. INOR 896
Jangjou, Y. CATL 246 Jen, L. I&EC 45 Ji, M. ENFL 476
Janik, M.J. CATL 145 Jena, P.V. COLL 514 Ji, M. ORGN 477
Janik, M.J. PHYS 37 Jena, P.V. PMSE 88 Ji, S. BIOL 127
Janjetovic, Z. MEDI 83 Jena, P.V. POLY 236 Ji, S. TOXI 60
Janka, M. CATL 473 Jena, P. PHYS 567 Ji, S. TOXI 67
Jankins, T. INOR 102 Jenkins, C. PMSE 425 Ji, Y. ORGN 402
Jankowska, J. PHYS 75 Jenkins, D.M. AEI 45 Ji, Y. POLY 325
Janowsky, A. MEDI 45 Jenkins, J. INOR 36 Ji, S. CATL 304
Jansen, D. PMSE 577 Jenkins, J.J. AGRO 250 Jia, H. CATL 350
Jansen, J.M. MPPG 17 Jenkins, K. CHED 229 Jia, L. INOR 851
Jansen, J. POLY 167 Jenkins, M. INOR 131 Jia, L. ENFL 195
Jansman, M.M. COLL 576 Jenkins, S. MEDI 365 Jia, Q. MEDI 252
Janssen, D. PHYS 144 Jen-La Plante, I. INOR 709 Jia, Q. MEDI 253
Janssens, K. ANYL 259 Jennifer, C. AGRO 382 Jia, Q. CATL 39
Janssens, T.V. CATL 259 Jennings, A.R. POLY 221 Jia, Q. BIOL 140
Jansson, J. CATL 259 Jennings, A.R. POLY 517 Jia, X. INOR 103
Jansson, M. INOR 666 Jennings, D.P. CATL 224 Jia, X. PMSE 226
Janvelyan, N. COLL 416 Jensen, A.W. ORGN 402 Jia, X. PMSE 286
Jaochico, A. MEDI 103 Jensen, J. ENFL 274 Jia, Y. AGRO 341
Jaouen, G. INOR 689 Jensen, K.F. CINF 8 Jia, Z. COLL 199
Jaramillo, T.F. CATL 379 Jensen, K.F. COLL 564 Jia, Z. COMP 105
Jaramillo, T.F. INOR 39 Jensen, K.F. ORGN 430 Jia, Z. AGRO 229
Jaramillo, T.F. INOR 143 Jensen, L. COLL 384 Jia, Z. POLY 322
Jarboe, L.R. POLY 264 Jensen, L. PHYS 98 Jian, J. NUCL 14
Jaron, T. PHYS 214 Jensen, M. PMSE 144 Jian, P. POLY 725
Jarrett, J. ANYL 310 Jentoft, F. ENFL 169 Jiang, C. ORGN 39
Jarry, A. COLL 538 Jentoft, R.E. ENFL 169 Jiang, C. ORGN 597
Jarutikorn, S. ORGN 561 Jeoh, T. AGFD 8 Jiang, D. CATL 14
Jarvis, J. ENFL 32 Jeon, B. ENFL 159 Jiang, D. CATL 76
Jarvis, K. INOR 782 Jeon, B. ENFL 257 Jiang, D. CATL 125
Jarvo, E.R. ORGN 248 Jeon, B. ENVR 383 Jiang, H. COLL 488
Jarvo, E.R. ORGN 363 Jeon, B. ENVR 516 Jiang, H. PMSE 165
Jasinski, J. ORGN 368 Jeon, H. ORGN 571 Jiang, H. CATL 393
Jasinski, J.P. CHED 235 Jeon, I. ENVR 458 Jiang, H. MEDI 169
Jasinski, J.P. INOR 924 Jeon, I. COLL 252 Jiang, H. ENVR 485
Jasinski, M. ORGN 681 Jeon, J. ORGN 661 Jiang, H. CATL 446
Jasper, J.P. CHAL 14 Jeon, M. ANYL 117 Jiang, J. TOXI 20
Jasper, J. ENVR 14 Jeon, M. BIOL 81 Jiang, J. TOXI 53
Jasper, J. ENVR 17 Jeon, M. CATL 291 Jiang, J. ENFL 89
Jasti, V. MEDI 354 Jeon, S. COLL 85 Jiang, J. POLY 571
Jastrzembski, J.A. AGFD 171 Jeon, S. COLL 146 Jiang, J. ENVR 90
Jauslin, I. PHYS 64 Jeon, Y.T. MEDI 308 Jiang, J. ENVR 166
Javed, S. ORGN 691 Jeon, Y. ORGN 55 Jiang, J. CATL 440
Javidialesaadi, A. COMP 303 Jeong, K. ANYL 152 Jiang, K. CATL 251
Javidialesaadi, A. COMP 386 Jeong, K. CARB 26 Jiang, K. ENFL 178
Javni, I.J. POLY 516 Jeong, A. ORGN 82 Jiang, K. ENFL 440
Jawad, K.M. PHYS 454 Jeong, B. ANYL 234 Jiang, L. BIOL 177
Jawerth, M. PMSE 175 Jeong, B. ENVR 458 Jiang, Q. INOR 209
Jayaraj, S. PHYS 501 Jeong, B. TOXI 58 Jiang, Q. INOR 210
Jayarajan, P. MEDI 94 Jeong, B. TOXI 59 Jiang, R. ENFL 85
Jayarajan, P. MEDI 95 Jeong, D. POLY 524 Jiang, R. POLY 542
Jayarajan, P. MEDI 354 Jeong, I. ORGN 410 Jiang, S. INOR 838
Jayaraman, A. PMSE 91 Jeong, J. POLY 409 Jiang, S. ORGN 562
Jayaraman, A. PMSE 519 Jeong, L.N. ANYL 412 Jiang, S. AGRO 203
Jayaraman, A. PMSE 585 Jeong, N. ANYL 199 Jiang, S. AGRO 306


Jiang, S. AGRO 309 Jiranek, V. AGFD 27 Johnson, P. ORGN 523

Jiang, S. PMSE 489 Jishkariani, D. PMSE 586 Johnson, P. CINF 91
Jiang, T. INOR 113 Jisr, R. CHED 65 Johnson, R. BIOL 108
Jiang, W. COMP 95 Jitianu, A. PMSE 331 Johnson, R. BIOL 109
Jiang, W. NUCL 35 Jitianu, A. PMSE 549 Johnson, R. CHED 166
Jiang, W. ANYL 408 Jitianu, M. PMSE 331 Johnson, R. CHED 175
Jiang, W. COMP 281 J Jaeger, A. BIOL 160 Johnson, R. CHED 177
Jiang, W. ANYL 183 Jo, G. ANYL 218 Johnson, R. ORGN 406
Jiang, X. CATL 273 Jo, K. ENFL 360 Johnson, R. AGRO 64
Jiang, X. ENFL 7 Jo, S. COLL 206 Johnson, R. AGRO 301
Jiang, Y. PMSE 317 Jo, S. COMP 281 Johnson, R. ANYL 368
Jiang, Y. CATL 173 Jo, S. COMP 284 Johnson, R.D. AGRO 34
Jiang, Y. ENVR 149 Jo, S. COMP 290 Johnson, R.L. ENVR 87
Jiang, Y. PMSE 473 Jo, S. COMP 292 Johnson, R.L. ENVR 128
Jiang, Y. MEDI 78 Joannopoulos, J. COLL 603 Johnson, S.I. INOR 233
Jiang, Z. COMP 373 Jockusch, S. ORGN 188 Johnson, S.L. ORGN 276
Jiang, Z. BIOL 185 Jocz, J.N. ENVR 90 Johnson, S. AGFD 149
Jiang, Z. PHYS 417 Johann, T. ANYL 263 Johnson, T. ORGN 472
Jiang, X. CATL 358 Johann, T. CHED 316 Johnson, W. MEDI 25
Jiang, X. ENFL 3 Johannes, C. CATL 486 Johnson-Salyard, T. TOXI 15
Jianrattanasawat, S. AEI 64 Johannes, J.W. ORGN 548 Johnston, C.T. ENFL 420
Jiao, F. ENFL 176 Johansen, K. INOR 583 Johnston, D.B. ENFL 247
Jiao, F. ENFL 289 Johansson, J. BIOL 140 Johnston, E.M. INOR 583
Jiao, F. PHYS 87 Johansson, M.K. PMSE 175 Johnston, K. CHED 39
Jiao, J. ENVR 522 John, G. COLL 345 Johnston, K.P. CATL 84
Jiao, L. CARB 30 John, K.D. NUCL 1 Johnston, K.P. COLL 389
Jiao, L. CELL 26 John, V.T. COLL 365 Johnston, M. BIOL 94
Jiao, L. CATL 307 Johngahr, S. MEDI 30 Johnston, M. COLL 21
Jiao, S. ANYL 306 Johns, B.A. MEDI 235 Johnston, M.V. ENVR 339
Jiao, X. PHYS 517 Johnson, A.R. INOR 547 Johnston, M.V. ENVR 488
Jiao, X. ENFL 415 Johnson, A. BIOL 33 Johnstone, S. MEDI 8
Jiaxiong, L. CATL 439 Johnson, B. CATL 74 Johnston-Peck, A. ENVR 523
Jie, L. AGFD 227 Johnson, B. MEDI 110 Johnston-Peck, A.C. COLL 78
Jie, X. PHYS 357 Johnson, B.N. ANYL 419 Johnston-Peck, A.C. INOR 775
Jien, S. ENVR 502 Johnson, B. PHYS 253 Jokerst, N.M. COLL 311
Jihad, T. PMSE 310 Johnson, B.J. COLL 211 Jokisaari, J. CATL 428
Jihad, T. PMSE 314 Johnson, B.J. INOR 745 Jolley, R. CINF 121
Jihao, K. MEDI 277 Johnson, B. CHED 263 Jolley, R. ENVR 387
Jilani, S. CATL 461 Johnson, B. INOR 380 Jolley, R. TOXI 91
Jimenez, J. INOR 835 Johnson, C. ENVR 506 Jomaa, N. CHED 62
Jimenez de Aberasturi, D. COLL 571 Johnson, C.J. PHYS 370 Jon, S. PMSE 291
Jimura, K. INOR 732 Johnson, D. PMSE 489 Jonah, T.M. I&EC 21
Jin, J. CATL 282 Johnson, D. INOR 660 Jonas, S.J. COLL 238
Jin, K. PMSE 3 Johnson, D.S. MEDI 246 Jonas, S.J. COLL 467
Jin, K. PMSE 296 Johnson, D.S. MEDI 249 Jonchere, A. I&EC 16
Jin, K. POLY 317 Johnson, E.T. AGRO 315 Jones, A. ENVR 123
Jin, L. CHED 259 Johnson, E. PHYS 378 Jones, A. POLY 501
Jin, L. ENFL 181 Johnson, E.R. COMP 308 Jones, A. MPPG 5
Jin, M. POLY 759 Johnson, G.E. CATL 89 Jones, A.K. CATL 219
Jin, P. PMSE 581 Johnson, G.E. PHYS 268 Jones, A.K. CATL 224
Jin, Q. COLL 84 Johnson, I. NUCL 21 Jones, A.L. ORGN 543
Jin, R. COLL 73 Johnson, J.C. SCHB 10 Jones, B. PHYS 42
Jin, R. COLL 378 Johnson, J.A. HIST 23 Jones, B. AEI 76
Jin, R. COLL 584 Johnson, J.B. CHED 55 Jones, B. ANYL 387
Jin, R. INOR 56 Johnson, J.A. ORGN 272 Jones, B. ENVR 470
Jin, R. PHYS 132 Johnson, J.A. PMSE 39 Jones, B. PMSE 529
Jin, S. ORGN 122 Johnson, J.A. POLY 280 Jones, C.K. MEDI 214
Jin, S. PMSE 414 Johnson, J. MEDI 252 Jones, C. AGRO 379
Jin, S. COLL 441 Johnson, K. CATL 146 Jones, C. ENVR 389
Jin, S. ENFL 261 Johnson, K. INOR 350 Jones, C. ENVR 517
Jin, S. ENFL 387 Johnson, K.R. INOR 645 Jones, C.R. ORGN 52
Jin, S. ENFL 441 Johnson, K. MEDI 269 Jones, C.W. CATL 162
Jin, S. ENFL 483 Johnson, K. MEDI 358 Jones, C.W. ENFL 172
Jin, S. INOR 369 Johnson, K. MEDI 365 Jones, C. BIOL 43
Jin, S. BIOL 82 Johnson, L. AGRO 80 Jones, D. POLY 468
Jin, T. ENFL 208 Johnson, L.E. CATL 223 Jones, D. ENFL 54
Jin, X. ORGN 14 Johnson, L.E. PMSE 658 Jones, D.K. ORGN 462
Jin, Y. INOR 364 Johnson, M.A. PHYS 217 Jones, D.K. PMSE 418
Jin, Y. INOR 398 Johnson, M.A. PHYS 583 Jones, D.K. PMSE 422
Jin, Y. COMP 68 Johnson, M.S. ANYL 237 Jones, F.N. PMSE 126
Jin, Y. COMP 132 Johnson, M.D. ORGN 471 Jones, G.O. ORGN 266
Jin, Z. POLY 728 Johnson, M. ORGN 9 Jones, J.E. AGRO 29
Jinandra, A. INOR 783 Johnson, M. MEDI 271 Jones, J.A. PMSE 143
Jing, H. ENVR 264 Johnson, M.A. CHED 154 Jones, K.E. BIOL 162
Jing, R. ENVR 205 Johnson, M. ANYL 307 Jones, K.C. ENFL 247
Jing, R. ENVR 469 Johnson, M. ENVR 118 Jones, K.L. CHED 211
Jing, R. ENVR 503 Johnson, M. ENVR 161 Jones, K. MEDI 44
Jing, R. ENVR 520 Johnson, N. CINF 49 Jones, M. COLL 501
Jing, Y. ENVR 12 Johnson, P. AGRO 7 Jones, M.E. CHAS 20
Jingsong, Y. PMSE 383 Johnson, P. AGRO 390 Jones, M.E. PRES 12

358 –AUTH
Jones, M. ENFL 21 Joseph, S. AGRO 191 Kaafarani, B. CHED 106
Jones, M. AGRO 340 Josephs, J. TOXI 104 Kaafarani, B.R. ORGN 440
Jones, M. POLY 453 Joshi, A. COLL 29 Kabanov, A.A. PHYS 360
Jones, M.R. COMP 390 Joshi, A. COLL 98 Kabashima, S. POLY 441
Jones, N.B. INOR 66 Joshi, A. COLL 113 Kabb, C.P. PMSE 64
Jones, O.G. AGFD 152 Joshi, A. INOR 772 Kabb, C.P. PMSE 132
Jones, P.D. ENVR 391 Joshi, N.S. COLL 548 Kabb, C.P. PMSE 544
Jones, P. COMP 162 Joshi, P. CATL 38 Kaberov, L. POLY 305
Jones, R.D. AGRO 8 Joshi, R. PMSE 126 Kaberov, L. POLY 455
Jones, R.M. CINF 72 Joshi, R. ENFL 75 Kabir, H. INOR 448
Jones, R.A. INOR 522 Joshi, Y.V. INOR 392 Kachhwaha, S. ENFL 222
Jones, R.A. INOR 572 Josse, T. PMSE 398 Kadambar, V. ORGN 316
Jones, R.V. AGRO 56 Joumaa, A. INOR 374 Kadir, M. POLY 407
Jones, R.V. YCC 5 Joumaa, A. POLY 412 Kaewnok, N. ORGN 561
Jones, R.L. ANYL 310 Joung, I. COMP 387 Kafafi, Z.H. COLL 44
Jones, R.L. PMSE 151 Jourdan, J. MEDI 99 Kagalwala, H. INOR 903
Jones, R. AGRO 222 Journigan, V.B. MEDI 158 Kagami, T. AGRO 308
Jones, R. AGRO 268 Jouy, P. ANYL 9 Kahl, D. MEDI 61
Jones, R. AGRO 273 Jovanovic, M. PHYS 316 Kahle, C. MPPG 1
Jones, R. AGRO 275 Joy, A. PMSE 472 Kahn, E.L. INOR 783
Jones, R. AGRO 407 Joy, A. POLY 302 Kahol, P.K. ENFL 201
Jones, S. MEDI 79 Joy, A. POLY 376 Kahol, P.K. ENFL 242
Jones, S.J. AGFD 271 Joy, A. POLY 454 Kahol, P.K. ENFL 381
Jones, S.J. ENVR 72 Joy, A. POLY 772 Kahraman, G. POLY 370
Jones, S.B. CATL 8 Joy, A. CATL 459 Kahre, M. POLY 681
Jones, T.N. CHED 409 Joy, J.K. MEDI 17 Kai, G. ORGN 18
Jones, W. PHYS 345 Joyce, J.G. BMGT 2 Kai, H. MEDI 106
Jones, W. ORGN 93 Joyce, R.R. INOR 111 Kais, S. PHYS 167
Jones, W.E. INOR 675 Ju, J. COLL 85 Kaiser, M. MEDI 108
Jones, W.E. PMSE 616 Ju, L. PMSE 659 Kaiser, R. PHYS 307
Jones, W.E. POLY 735 Ju, W. INOR 896 Kajita, S. CELL 25
Jones, W.D. INOR 46 Juanjuan, S. PHYS 434 Kajiwara, A. POLY 68
Jones, W.D. INOR 230 Juba, M. BIOL 24 Kajiwara, A. POLY 457
Jones, W.D. INOR 325 Juchum, M. MEDI 15 Kakonyi, G. ENVR 97
Jones, W.D. INOR 389 Juda, C. INOR 487 Kakuchi, T. POLY 473
Jones, W.D. INOR 445 Judson, R. CINF 113 Kakumanu, P. CHED 376
Jones, W.D. INOR 503 Judson, R. ENVR 2 Kakuta, H. MEDI 196
Jones, W.D. INOR 592 Judson, D. NUCL 48 Kalantari, M. CATL 42
Jones, W.D. INOR 597 Jue, P.K. ANYL 61 Kalariya, H. AGFD 19
Jones, W.D. INOR 600 Julfakyan, K. COLL 104 Kalas, V. CARB 14
Jones, W.D. INOR 601 Julian, M. HIST 24 Kalash, L. COMP 275
Jones, W.D. INOR 603 Juliano, B. BIOL 78 Kalathi, J. PMSE 207
Jones, W.D. INOR 604 Julio, F. BIOL 181 Kalathottukaren, M. COLL 368
Jones, W. CATL 211 Jullien, L. BIOL 53 Kale, S. PHYS 164
Jones, Z. ENFL 74 Jumde, R.P. ORGN 305 Kalelkar, P. POLY 491
Jones, P. ANYL 13 Jun, H. ENFL 6 Kalen, J. PMSE 449
Jones-Jefferson, T. AGRO 282 Jun, J. ORGN 139 Kalescky, R. COMP 238
Jones-Jefferson, T. AGRO 406 Jun, J. ORGN 423 Kaleuati, K.M. CHED 5
Jong, H. CATL 486 Junaedi, C. CATL 354 Kali, G. POLY 551
Jonnakuti, V. COLL 484 Jung, J. COLL 64 Kalinowski, D. PRES 9
Jonnalagadda, S.C. MEDI 174 Jung, C. ENVR 378 Kalirai, S. ENFL 446
Jonnalagadda, S.C. MEDI 203 Jung, D. WCC 3 Kalluri, A. COLL 253
Jonnalagadda, S.C. MEDI 204 Jung, H. COLL 154 Kalman, S.E. CATL 196
Jonnalagadda, S.C. ORGN 623 Jung, H. INOR 268 Kalman, S.E. INOR 15
Jonsson, L. I&EC 67 Jung, J. ENVR 101 Kalow, J.A. COLL 471
Jonsson, L. POLY 334 Jung, J. COMP 161 Kalow, J.A. PMSE 297
Joo, J. COLL 579 Jung, J. ANYL 152 Kalow, J.A. POLY 470
Joo, M. POLY 242 Jung, J. POLY 466 Kalsin, A.M. INOR 229
Joo, S. ENVR 41 Jung, J. POLY 732 Kaltak, M. PHYS 239
Joo, S. ENVR 408 Jung, K. MEDI 180 Kalubowilage, M. COLL 147
Joo, S. ENVR 468 Jung, M. AGRO 133 Kalukuri, P. MEDI 355
Joo, W. POLY 362 Jung, S. ENFL 122 Kaluvu, B. ORGN 308
Jora, M.Z. COLL 67 Jung, Y. ENVR 154 Kalyani, D. ORGN 519
Jordan, C.T. ORGN 83 Jung, Y. MEDI 93 Kalyon, D.M. PMSE 441
Jordan, D. CHED 31 Jung, H. PMSE 385 Kamand, F. COLL 197
Jordan, D. CHED 32 Jungjohann, K.L. CATL 427 Kamariza, M. ORGN 405
Jordan, F. BIOL 58 Jungjohann, K.L. ENFL 168 Kamasamudram, K. CATL 261
Jordan, F. BIOL 68 Jungjohann, K.L. PHYS 189 Kamat, P.V. INOR 410
Jordan, F. MEDI 13 Jungwirth, P. PHYS 70 Kamien, R. POLY 645
Jordan, J.H. AEI 65 Jungwirth, P. PHYS 113 Kamigaito, M. POLY 404
Jordan, J.H. ORGN 700 Junkers, T. POLY 619 Kamigaito, M. POLY 405
Jordan, K.D. COMP 67 Jurado Bustamante, E. ORGN 658 Kaminecki, R.M. CINF 57
Jordan, R. POLY 557 Jurca, M. PMSE 606 Kaminsky, C. INOR 362
Jordan, S. CINF 46 Jurca, M. POLY 485 Kaminsky, W. INOR 767
Jordan, S. CINF 111 Jurow, M.J. AEI 47 Kaminsky, W. INOR 962
Jorgensen, J. PHYS 53 Jurss, J.W. INOR 181 Kamitani, K. COLL 218
Josan, J.S. COMP 278 Just-Baringo, X. ORGN 233 Kamitani, K. COLL 240
Josan, J.S. MEDI 14 Justin, R. CHED 222 Kamitani, K. COLL 241
Josan, J.S. MEDI 82 Jusuf, S.J. MEDI 73 Kamitani, K. COLL 248
Joseph, C. INOR 154 K.D. Kunkuma A., S. ENFL 63 Kamitani, K. POLY 300


Kamlet, A.S. MEDI 63 Kani, I. CATL 325 Karp, E. CATL 7

Kampf, J. PMSE 89 Kanis, M. COLL 537 Karpitschka, S. POLY 95
Kamphaus, E. CATL 274 Kanouni, T. ORGN 522 Karpowicz, R.J. CHED 172
Kan, Y. INOR 63 Kantak, A. SCHB 7 Karpuzcu, M. AGRO 37
Kan, Y. INOR 448 Kanthappa, V. ANYL 385 Karroun, I. INOR 669
Kanakkithodi, A.M. POLY 608 Kapadia, R. CATL 447 Karshtedt, D. CHAL 19
Kanan, M. INOR 303 Kapelner, R. PMSE 145 Karthikeyan, K. ENVR 257
Kanan, M. INOR 432 Kapetanakis, A. CHED 194 Karty, J.M. ORGN 76
Kananenka, A. COMP 44 Kapil, N. ENFL 342 Karunaratne, E. COLL 156
Kananenka, A. PHYS 31 Kapil, S. CARB 19 Karunaratne, E. COLL 304
Kananenka, A. PHYS 32 Kapil, S. CARB 41 Karunaratne, E. COMP 405
Kananenka, A. PHYS 472 Kaplan, A. INOR 788 Karunathilaka, S. AGFD 213
Kananenka, A. PHYS 473 Kaplan, D.L. PMSE 142 Karunathilaka, S. ANYL 202
Kanarek, A. AGRO 102 Kaplan, D.L. PMSE 247 Karunathilaka, S. ANYL 200
Kanayama, N. COLL 485 Kaplan, D.L. PMSE 498 Karunathilake, A. PMSE 342
Kancharla, D. MEDI 355 Kaplan, M. PHYS 241 Karunaweera, C. ENFL 309
Kandanur, S.S. MEDI 293 Kaplitt, J. ORGN 635 Karunaweera, C. PMSE 578
Kandappa, S.K. ORGN 188 Kaplun, M. CATL 250 Karuso, P. BIOL 165
Kandasamy, R. AGRO 141 Kapo, K. AGRO 284 Karwacki, C.J. COLL 141
Kandasamy, S. BIOL 158 Kapoor, T. BIOL 14 Karwacki, C.J. INOR 5
Kandel, S. I&EC 21 Kappe, C. ORGN 10 Kasae, T. ORGN 119
Kandhasamy, S. MEDI 365 Kappe, C. ORGN 11 Kasahara, K. PMSE 116
Kandukuri, K. MEDI 354 Kapral, G.J. BIOL 183 Kasai, H. CATL 148
Kane, C. INOR 827 Kapsalidis, F. ANYL 9 Kasai, S. AGRO 173
Kaneko, T. POLY 508 Kapteyn, H.C. PHYS 522 Kasai, S. AGRO 367
Kaneko, T. POLY 758 Kapur, J. POLY 145 Kasali, T.A. ENVR 525
Kanemasa, T. MEDI 106 Kapuscinski, S. ORGN 681 Kaseman, D.C. COLL 185
Kang, T. PMSE 474 Kar, S. CINF 147 Kashani Rahimi, S. PMSE 649
Kang, C. POLY 557 Kar, S. COMP 406 Kashefi, M. PHYS 240
Kang, D. CARB 27 Karabline-Kuks, J. ORGN 333 Kashiwagi, G. CARB 65
Kang, E. I&EC 41 Karaca, U. ORGN 538 Kasianowicz, J. ANYL 371
Kang, E. PMSE 285 Karadkhelkar, N. MEDI 345 Kasko, A.M. POLY 228
Kang, E. POLY 192 Karahan, I. ENVR 472 Kasprzak, C.R. POLY 429
Kang, G. CATL 322 Karaiskakis, A.N. ENFL 122 Kassab, S.E. MEDI 179
Kang, G. PHYS 323 Karakaya, I. ORGN 364 Kassahun, K. AGRO 280
Kang, H. POLY 448 Karam, T.E. ANYL 288 Kassahun, K. AGRO 332
Kang, H. ORGN 309 Karatchevtseva, I. NUCL 20 Kassahun, Z. ENVR 517
Kang, H. ANYL 143 Karatjas, A.G. CHED 100 Kassara, S. AGFD 24
Kang, H. ENFL 51 Karatjas, A.G. CHED 101 Kassel, W.S. INOR 562
Kang, I. AGRO 140 Karawdeniya, B.I. COLL 121 Kassel, W.S. INOR 567
Kang, J. AGRO 334 Karayilan, M. POLY 273 Kassel, W.S. INOR 568
Kang, J. AGFD 60 Karbiwnyk, C. ANYL 177 Kassie, A. INOR 124
Kang, J. AGRO 338 Karganova, G.G. MEDI 186 Kasson, P. PHYS 92
Kang, J. AGRO 363 Karganova, G.G. MEDI 319 Kassotis, A. CATL 326
Kang, J. AGRO 365 Kargar, M. ENVR 341 Kastlunger, G. PHYS 13
Kang, J. ENVR 154 Karimineghlani, P. PMSE 386 Kastner, D. ORGN 169
Kang, J. GEOC 34 Karimineghlani, P. PMSE 548 Kasza, G. POLY 551
Kang, K. ORGN 120 Karimi Taheri, A. I&EC 46 Kaszynski, P. INOR 538
Kang, K. MEDI 93 Karimkhani, V. COLL 523 Kaszynski, P. INOR 921
Kang, L. COLL 232 Karimkhani, V. PMSE 13 Kaszynski, P. ORGN 681
Kang, M. AGFD 60 Karimkhani, V. PMSE 324 Kaszynski, P. CHED 243
Kang, M. AGRO 334 Karkamkar, A.J. CATL 420 Kaszynski, P. CHED 244
Kang, M. AGRO 338 Karkamkar, A.J. ENFL 22 Katagiri, F. PMSE 377
Kang, M. AGRO 365 Karkamkar, A.J. ENFL 136 Katayama, Y. ANYL 239
Kang, M. COMP 245 Karl, D.M. ANYL 80 Katilas, A. ANYL 186
Kang, M. COMP 350 Karl, J. AGFD 16 Katira, S. ENVR 555
Kang, M. COMP 409 Karlberg, T. MEDI 51 Kativhu, E. CHED 273
Kang, M. PMSE 35 Karlin, K.D. INOR 83 Kativhu, E. INOR 957
Kang, N. PMSE 121 Karlin, K.D. INOR 715 Katiyar, V. AGFD 136
Kang, P. INOR 24 Karlin, K.D. INOR 717 Katiyar, V. PMSE 629
Kang, R. CELL 32 Karlin, K.D. INOR 720 Katiyar, V. PMSE 630
Kang, S. BIOL 59 Karlin, K.D. INOR 721 Katner, A. ENVR 325
Kang, S. BIOL 72 Karlin, K.D. INOR 722 Kato, F. INOR 778
Kang, S. BIOL 82 Karlin, K.D. INOR 723 Kato, T. CARB 39
Kang, S. CINF 146 Karlin, K.D. INOR 790 Kato, T. POLY 481
Kang, S. COLL 483 Karlin, K.D. INOR 792 Katsenovich, Y. ENVR 413
Kang, S. CHED 210 Karlinsey, J.M. CHED 149 Katsenovich, Y. ENVR 415
Kang, T. COLL 146 Karlinsey, J.M. CHED 157 Katsura, H. NUCL 4
Kang, T. COLL 237 Karloff, D. MEDI 251 Kattel, S. CATL 68
Kang, U. CATL 409 Karlov, D.S. BIOL 97 Kattner, H. POLY 2
Kang, Y. CATL 294 Karlsson, H.O. PHYS 276 Katz, D.A. CHED 364
Kang, Y. CATL 295 Karlsson, R. MEDI 260 Katz, D.A. CHED 365
Kang, Y. CATL 296 Karlsson, S. ORGN 548 Katz, H. ENVR 559
Kang, Y. CATL 298 Karmakar, A. PHYS 65 Katz, J.L. CHED 70
Kang, Y. ENFL 37 Karna, R. GEOC 17 Katz, J.S. PMSE 130
Kang, Y. ENFL 227 Karnal, P. POLY 33 Katz, L. CHED 347
Kang, Y. ENFL 228 Karnik, K. AGFD 20 Katz, L.E. ENVR 119
Kang, H. INOR 243 Karnik, K. AGFD 49 Katz, L.E. GEOC 2
Kang, H. INOR 268 Karod, M. ENVR 506 Katzen, S. CHED 13
Kani, I. CATL 324 Karolyi, D. MEDI 42 Katzenellenbogen, J.A. MEDI 14

360 –AUTH
Katzenellenbogen, J.A. MEDI 82 Kehlet, C. ANYL 228 Kennedy, E.L. ANYL 117
Kauffman, D. CATL 11 Keipert, K. COMP 26 Kennedy, E.L. ANYL 118
Kaufman, L.J. PMSE 217 Keipert, K. COMP 23 Kennedy, E.L. BIOL 81
Kaufman, T. SCHB 16 Keita, H. AEI 61 Kennedy, J.L. CHAL 9
Kaufmann, A. AGRO 47 Keith, A. POLY 382 Kennedy, K.M. MEDI 104
Kaur, K. PMSE 522 Keith, J.M. INOR 523 Kennedy, R. ANYL 440
Kaur, K. PMSE 638 Keith, J.A. CATL 236 Kennedy, S.M. CHED 283
Kaur, M. INOR 924 Keith, J.A. CATL 343 Kennemur, J.G. PMSE 568
Kaur, P. ORGN 153 Keith, J.A. COMP 182 Kennepohl, P. INOR 311
Kaur, P. ORGN 277 Keith, J.A. ENFL 291 Kenner, C. GEOC 11
Kaur, P. ORGN 591 Keithley, R.B. ANYL 263 Kenneth, S.S. ENVR 481
Kaur, S. POLY 376 Kekec, A. MEDI 245 Kennicutt, A.R. AEI 32
Kausar, S. CATL 464 Kelgokmen, Y. ORGN 379 Kensil, K. AGFD 36
Kausar, S. COLL 593 Kelgokmen, Y. ORGN 630 Kensil, K. AGFD 50
Kaushal, R. PMSE 472 Kellenberger, E. CINF 133 Kensil, K. AGFD 51
Kaushik, N. AGFD 162 Keller, A. INOR 704 Kensil, K. AGFD 63
Kaushik, N. AGRO 5 Keller, B. PHYS 143 Kensil, K. AGFD 72
Kavadiya, S. CATL 404 Keller, E. COLL 329 Kensler, T. TOXI 23
Kavadiya, S. INOR 843 Keller, K. AGRO 208 Kent, L. CARB 48
Kavak, E. POLY 460 Keller, M. ENVR 224 Kent, P. COMP 75
Kavallieratos, K. I&EC 21 Keller, M. ENVR 448 Kentala, K. MEDI 101
Kavallieratos, K. NUCL 28 Keller, T.M. I&EC 50 Kenttamaa, H.I. ENFL 420
Kavandi, J. POLY 548 Keller, T.H. MEDI 17 Kenward, C.A. PHYS 592
Kavunja, H.W. CARB 57 Keller, T.H. MEDI 277 Kenworthy, A. PHYS 575
Kawabata, T. POLY 74 Kelley, M.S. INOR 117 Keogh, E. AGRO 240
Kawada, Y. ORGN 651 Kelley, M. NUCL 50 Keown, W. INOR 435
Kawaguchi, T. COMP 371 Kelley, S.O. AEI 10 Kepelner, S. COLL 261
Kawai, F. POLY 74 Kelley, S.O. ANYL 332 Kerchner, H.A. WCC 8
Kawai, M. MEDI 265 Kelley, S.O. ANYL 423 Kern, M. AGRO 19
Kawakami, H. CATL 419 Kelley, S.O. BIOL 8 Kern, M. AGRO 284
Kawakami, H. INOR 153 Kelley, S.O. INOR 92 Kerns, J.K. MEDI 111
Kawakami, T. POLY 441 Kellogg, J.J. ANYL 381 Kerns, S. CATL 270
Kawanami, H. CATL 412 Kellum, A.H. TOXI 68 Kerns, S.A. INOR 162
Kawanami, H. INOR 18 Kelly, M. AGRO 293 Kerr, C. POLY 145
Kawashima, A. INOR 60 Kelly, C. ORGN 325 Kerr, S.H. INOR 423
Kawashima, H. COLL 56 Kelly, C. ORGN 641 Kerr, W.J. ORGN 12
Kawatkar, S. MEDI 23 Kelly, C. ORGN 643 Kerridge, A. COMP 400
Kawazoe, Y. ENFL 347 Kelly, I.D. AGRO 268 Kerrigan, J.F. ENVR 274
Kay, P. ENVR 229 Kelly, I.D. AGRO 269 Kerrigan, P.K. CHED 326
Kay, S. AGRO 287 Kelly, I.D. AGRO 291 Kershner, J. PHYS 333
Kay, S. AGRO 378 Kelly, J. PHYS 380 Kersi, D. INOR 945
Kaye, J. GEOC 33 Kelly, K. ANYL 346 Kersting, A. ENVR 227
Kazakov, A. CINF 106 Kelly, L. ORGN 216 Kersting, A. NUCL 40
Kazakov, O.I. CATL 321 Kelly, S. MEDI 22 Kertess, L. CATL 220
Kazlauskas, R.J. PHYS 42 Kelly, S.L. PMSE 161 Kertesz, M. COMP 334
Kazmierczak, N. ANYL 242 Kelly, T. MEDI 245 Kertesz, M. ORGN 536
Kazmierczak, N. CINF 39 Kelly, T. INOR 845 Kertesz, M. PHYS 10
Kazmierczak, N. CINF 140 Kelly, D. POLY 238 Kesmodel, L.L. CATL 118
Kazmierski, B. COLL 123 Keltner, Z. AGFD 228 Kesmodel, L.L. COLL 251
Ke, P. COMP 11 Kelz, J. PHYS 380 Kessinger, M. INOR 267
Ke, Y. POLY 718 Kemibala, E. AGRO 240 Kessinger, M. INOR 353
Keane, J.M. CHED 378 Kemmerer, A. MEDI 192 Kester, M. AGFD 9
Keane, S. CHED 189 Kemmitt, G. AGRO 7 Ketcham, S.A. BIOL 125
Kearns, B. AGRO 62 Kemp, R.A. INOR 343 Keten, S. PMSE 208
Kearns, B. AGRO 284 Kempa, T.J. COLL 445 Kettle, J. MEDI 23
Kearns, B. AGRO 287 Kempa, T.J. INOR 128 Kettner, M. CATL 112
Kearns, B. AGRO 378 Kempe, K. PMSE 183 Kettner, M. CATL 299
Kearns, J. ENVR 67 Kempe, K. PMSE 644 Keul, M. MEDI 15
Keating, C.D. COLL 232 Kempe, K. POLY 425 Kevlishvili, I. ORGN 175
Keating, C.D. COLL 299 Kempe, K. POLY 601 Keyes, A.C. INOR 708
Keating, C.D. COLL 426 Kempen, P.J. COLL 576 Keyser, S. ORGN 405
Kecsenovity, E. ENFL 190 Kempf, D. MPPG 20 Khabashesku, V.N. INOR 477
Keddie, D. POLY 308 Kempson, J. MEDI 269 Khabaz, F. COLL 464
Keddie, D. POLY 556 Kemsley, J. CHED 42 Khachatryan, L. CELL 4
Kedziora, G.S. POLY 30 Kendall, A.J. ENFL 59 Khade, R.L. INOR 697
Kee, C. POLY 333 Kendall, A.J. INOR 52 Khafaji Zadeh, M. CHED 281
Kee, T.W. PHYS 524 Kendall, A.J. INOR 133 Khaira, G. PMSE 119
Keebaugh, A. ENVR 334 Kendall, A.J. INOR 629 Khakh, K. MEDI 252
Keefe, A.D. MEDI 104 Kendall, A.J. INOR 670 Khakh, K. MEDI 253
Keefer, A.A. INOR 137 Kendeou, P. CHED 15 Khalid, A. ENVR 474
Keelan, J.A. COLL 488 Kender, W. INOR 681 Khalidi, O. ORGN 649
Keen, A. MEDI 51 Kendi, J. CINF 89 Khalifah, P. INOR 259
Keenan, C. ENVR 310 Kendra, P.E. AGRO 72 Khalil, M.H. CATL 277
Keenan, C. ENVR 312 Kenefake, D. INOR 141 Khan, I. PMSE 201
Keenan, C. ENVR 316 Kengne-Momo, R. INOR 689 Khan, A.K. PMSE 475
Keenan, D. CHAS 12 Kenis, P.J. CATL 132 Khan, A. AGFD 266
Keener, K. AGFD 10 Kenis, P.J. ENFL 287 Khan, A. COLL 157
Keereweer, B. POLY 167 Kennedy, A. INOR 736 Khan, A. COLL 403
Kehayias, P. AEI 73 Kennedy, B. AGRO 401 Khan, A. COLL 586
Kehe, G. POLY 544 Kennedy, B.J. PRES 11 Khan, F.A. ORGN 695


Khan, F. AGRO 144 Kiesewetter, M.K. CATL 321 Kim, H. ENVR 434
Khan, F. AGRO 146 Kiesewetter, M.K. POLY 515 Kim, H. COLL 228
Khan, I. ORGN 108 Kiessling, L.L. CARB 18 Kim, H. INOR 654
Khan, J. MEDI 73 Kiessling, L.L. CHED 309 Kim, H. ENVR 175
Khan, M.K. ANYL 232 Kiessling, L.L. MPPG 24 Kim, H. INOR 720
Khan, M.S. COMP 42 Kiessling, L.L. POLY 345 Kim, H. POLY 540
Khan, N.A. AGRO 264 Kigawa, T. COMP 79 Kim, H. CATL 88
Khan, N. MEDI 168 Kiick, K.L. PMSE 186 Kim, H. PHYS 143
Khan, S.A. ANYL 194 Kiick, K.L. PMSE 228 Kim, H. POLY 426
Khan, S. ANYL 315 Kiick, K.L. PMSE 313 Kim, H. ENVR 508
Khan, S. ENFL 288 Kija, P. AGRO 240 Kim, I. ENVR 421
Khan, S. ENFL 217 Kijak, P.J. ANYL 182 Kim, I. CINF 146
Khan, T. CATL 201 Kijak, P.J. ANYL 196 Kim, J. PMSE 387
Khan, T. CATL 445 Kijak, P.J. ANYL 221 Kim, J. ENVR 162
Khan, T. CATL 467 Kijak, P. ANYL 195 Kim, J. ENVR 175
Khan, T. ENFL 134 Kikkawa, Y. PMSE 377 Kim, J. ENVR 264
Khan, T. CATL 388 Kikuchi, K. COLL 466 Kim, J. ENVR 265
Khan, Z.R. AGRO 31 Kilburg, D. COMP 300 Kim, J. ENVR 268
Khanafieva, R. ORGN 173 Kilburn, M.R. COLL 488 Kim, J. INOR 654
Khangarot, R.K. ORGN 128 Kiledal, S. ORGN 360 Kim, J. PMSE 669
Kharas, G.B. POLY 489 Kilian, K.A. PMSE 135 Kim, J. POLY 587
Kharas, K.C. ENFL 447 Kilic, Y. CATL 324 Kim, J. COLL 161
Kharasch, E. ANYL 396 Kilin, D. PHYS 398 Kim, J. ENFL 220
Kharasch, E. COLL 446 Killen, W. AGRO 217 Kim, J. ENFL 149
Kharbouch, R. INOR 924 Killinger, B. BIOL 129 Kim, J. AGFD 60
Khare, K.S. PMSE 205 Killinger, B. TOXI 85 Kim, J. AGRO 334
Khare, R. COLL 464 Kilmer, M. ENVR 498 Kim, J. AGRO 338
Khare, S.D. POLY 78 Kilyanek, S.M. INOR 232 Kim, J. AGRO 363
Kharel, P. PHYS 494 Kim, D. ENVR 431 Kim, J. AGRO 365
Kharel, S. ORGN 685 Kim, D. I&EC 27 Kim, J. MEDI 328
Kharel, Y. MEDI 201 Kim, K. POLY 457 Kim, J. PMSE 388
Kharel, Y. MEDI 200 Kim, K. PMSE 649 Kim, J. ENVR 432
Kharkar, P. PMSE 186 Kim, B. GEOC 4 Kim, J. ENVR 433
Kharlampieva, E.P. COLL 596 Kim, B. PMSE 602 Kim, J. ENVR 435
Kharlampieva, E.P. PMSE 393 Kim, B. POLY 458 Kim, J. ENVR 436
Kharlampieva, E.P. PMSE 596 Kim, B. AGFD 265 Kim, J. INOR 656
Kharlampieva, E.P. POLY 523 Kim, B. CELL 42 Kim, J. COMP 27
Khashab, N.M. COLL 37 Kim, B. ENVR 374 Kim, J. COMP 75
Khashab, N.M. COLL 104 Kim, B. BIOL 95 Kim, J. COMP 141
Khashab, N.M. COLL 165 Kim, B. BIOL 134 Kim, J. ENFL 345
Khashab, N.M. COLL 229 Kim, B. AGFD 79 Kim, J. PMSE 452
Khashab, N.M. COLL 511 Kim, B. AGFD 80 Kim, J. BIOL 65
Khashab, N.M. PMSE 367 Kim, C. COLL 610 Kim, J. BIOL 66
Khaskin, E. INOR 102 Kim, C. COLL 18 Kim, J. COLL 226
Khatib, F. ANYL 276 Kim, C. ORGN 701 Kim, J. COLL 228
Khattar, R. ANYL 430 Kim, C. ENVR 138 Kim, J. POLY 242
Khazeni, N. INOR 255 Kim, C. ENVR 139 Kim, J. PMSE 571
Khelifa, F. POLY 328 Kim, C. ENVR 140 Kim, J. COLL 85
Khlebnikova, E. AEI 38 Kim, C. ENVR 141 Kim, J. COLL 146
Khnayzer, R.S. INOR 401 Kim, C. ORGN 493 Kim, J. COLL 237
Kholmicheva, N.N. COLL 397 Kim, C. POLY 641 Kim, J. NUCL 6
Kholod, Y. COMP 134 Kim, D. ENVR 139 Kim, J. ANYL 7
Kholodar, S.A. PHYS 91 Kim, D.K. COLL 555 Kim, J. ENVR 435
Khongsukniran, T. AGRO 395 Kim, D. PMSE 235 Kim, J. ENVR 436
Khorsandi, S. PMSE 240 Kim, D.H. CATL 346 Kim, J. ENFL 238
Khosravian, H. ENFL 346 Kim, D. ORGN 452 Kim, J. NUCL 6
Khosrowabadi Kotyk, J. CATL 271 Kim, D. ENVR 231 Kim, J. PMSE 452
Khoury, C. CATL 213 Kim, D. POLY 233 Kim, J. POLY 396
Khoury, R.A. ANYL 288 Kim, D. MEDI 218 Kim, J. POLY 397
Khouryieh, H. AGFD 233 Kim, D. COLL 484 Kim, J. POLY 398
Khurana, I. CATL 243 Kim, E. PMSE 602 Kim, J. POLY 399
Khurana, I. ENFL 73 Kim, E. POLY 461 Kim, J. MEDI 269
Khusnutdinova, J.R. INOR 949 Kim, G. ORGN 600 Kim, J. PHYS 327
Khutoryanskiy, V.V. POLY 754 Kim, H. CHED 133 Kim, J.H. AGRO 366
Ki, D. ENVR 18 Kim, H. CHED 153 Kim, J.H. AGRO 175
Kibsgaard, J. INOR 39 Kim, H. COMP 221 Kim, J. PHYS 333
Kick, E.K. MEDI 30 Kim, H. POLY 446 Kim, J. AGRO 312
Kick, E.K. MEDI 73 Kim, H. ENVR 138 Kim, J. ANYL 127
Kidder, M. COLL 480 Kim, H. ENVR 141 Kim, J. COLL 373
Kiddle, J.J. ORGN 275 Kim, H. BIOL 82 Kim, J. PHYS 422
Kidley, N. BIOL 98 Kim, H. ENFL 360 Kim, J. PHYS 423
Kidon, L. PHYS 155 Kim, H. PMSE 406 Kim, J. COLL 161
Kidwell, D.A. ORGN 673 Kim, H. COMP 189 Kim, K. POLY 372
Kieber-Emmons, M.T. INOR 317 Kim, H. CELL 32 Kim, K. CHED 254
Kieber-Emmons, M.T. INOR 434 Kim, H. ENFL 257 Kim, K.E. INOR 593
Kieber-Emmons, M.T. INOR 722 Kim, H. COMP 155 Kim, K. COMP 404
Kieffer, I. INOR 805 Kim, H.K. ORGN 9 Kim, K. ENVR 154
Kieffer, J. PMSE 89 Kim, H. COLL 85 Kim, K. CELL 30
Kiefl, J. AGFD 141 Kim, H. COLL 146 Kim, K.S. MEDI 147
Kieser, J.M. INOR 884 Kim, H. COLL 237 Kim, K. AGFD 231

Kim, K. ANYL 127 Kim, Y. ENVR 434 Kirsch, J.K. ORGN 498
Kim, K. CHED 82 Kim, Y. ENVR 435 Kirschner, K.N. COMP 315
Kim, K. CHED 83 Kim, Y. ENVR 436 Kishbaugh, T.L. CHED 322
Kim, K. CINF 146 Kim, Y. INOR 656 Kishi, E. AGFD 135
Kim, K. PMSE 384 Kim, Y. ENFL 331 Kishi, Y. ORGN 241
Kim, M.T. CINF 48 Kim, Y. POLY 490 Kishimura, A. ANYL 239
Kim, M.T. ANYL 43 Kim, Y. ANYL 152 Kishore, R. AGRO 168
Kim, M. ORGN 181 Kim, Y. CARB 26 Kisiel, Z. PHYS 551
Kim, M. PHYS 504 Kim, Y. ANYL 115 Kisley, L. POLY 479
Kim, M. PHYS 514 Kim, Y. POLY 25 Kisliuk, A. POLY 447
Kim, M. CATL 155 Kim, D. POLY 458 Kiss, T. ENFL 101
Kim, M. CATL 342 Kim, J. PMSE 559 Kita, M.R. INOR 82
Kim, M. PMSE 197 Kim, J. ENVR 63 Kitajima, K. CARB 86
Kim, M. POLY 34 Kim, H. MEDI 171 Kitano, S. CATL 175
Kim, M. CATL 288 Kim, B. AGFD 83 Kitching, M. ORGN 537
Kim, M. BIOL 41 Kim, H. INOR 654 Kitching, M.O. ORGN 15
Kim, M. CATL 314 Kim, K. AGRO 311 Kitiyanan, B. CATL 310
Kim, M. CATL 458 Kimball, R.W. ENFL 449 Kitt, J.P. ANYL 111
Kim, M. AGFD 213 Kimble Hill, A.C. CHED 160 Kitt, M. INOR 395
Kim, M. AGFD 265 Kimizu, K. PMSE 389 Kittilstved, K.R. COLL 558
Kim, M. CELL 42 Kimmins, S. POLY 238 Kittilstved, K.R. INOR 778
Kim, M. ENVR 374 Kimura, M. ENVR 371 Kittle, J. PMSE 390
Kim, M. AGRO 359 Kimura, T. PHYS 591 Kivrak, A. ORGN 136
Kim, N. ORGN 450 Kimura, Y. POLY 403 Kivrak, A. ORGN 513
Kim, N. MEDI 316 Kindig, D. ENVR 540 Kivrak, A. POLY 460
Kim, N. ANYL 291 Kindler, B. NUCL 48 Kiwfo, K. CHED 348
Kim, N. POLY 477 Kinebuchi, M. ORGN 647 Kiyokawa, T. ENVR 172
Kim, O. CELL 18 King, B.T. ENFL 412 Kizhakkedathu, J.N. COLL 368
Kim, O. POLY 493 King, D.B. AEI 17 Kizhakkedathu, J.N. PMSE 37
Kim, P. INOR 117 King, D.B. CHED 375 Kjellerup, B.V. ENFL 457
Kim, S. AGRO 2 King, D.B. CHED 388 Kjellerup, B.V. ENVR 55
Kim, S. ENVR 458 King, D.B. CHED 391 Kjellerup, B.V. ENVR 66
Kim, S. INOR 738 King, J. INOR 29 Kjellerup, B.V. ENVR 205
Kim, S. ENVR 162 King, J. PHYS 329 Kjellerup, B.V. ENVR 347
Kim, S. CATL 190 King, K.L. INOR 538 Kjellerup, B.V. ENVR 469
Kim, S. ENFL 397 King, N.B. INOR 253 Kjellerup, B.V. ENVR 471
Kim, S. INOR 270 King, P.W. CATL 127 Kjellerup, B.V. ENVR 473
Kim, S. MEDI 92 King, P.W. CATL 218 Kjellerup, B.V. ENVR 474
Kim, S. AGFD 79 King, P.W. CATL 219 Kjellerup, B.V. ENVR 503
Kim, S. ORGN 120 King, P.W. CATL 224 Kjellerup, B.V. ENVR 520
Kim, S.Y. CARB 58 King, S. INOR 64 Kjellerup, B.V. ENVR 539
Kim, S. COLL 395 King, S.M. CHED 74 Klaehn, J. PMSE 172
Kim, S. CATL 384 King, T. ENVR 517 Klair, N. ANYL 43
Kim, S. ORGN 168 King, T.L. INOR 522 Klarich, K. ENVR 99
Kim, S. MEDI 92 King, T.L. INOR 572 Klasen, K. CHED 170
Kim, S. MEDI 92 Kinghorn, A.D. MEDI 295 Klasson, T. POLY 53
Kim, S. AGFD 80 Kingsley, K. PMSE 174 Klauda, J.B. CHED 207
Kim, S. CARB 81 Kingsley, K. POLY 635 Klauda, J.B. COMP 18
Kim, S. ORGN 649 Kingsley, P. ANYL 18 Klauda, J.B. COMP 149
Kim, S. COLL 20 Kingsley, P. TOXI 73 Klauda, J.B. COMP 151
Kim, S. CHED 345 Kingsley, P. TOXI 87 Klauda, J.B. COMP 297
Kim, S. CINF 108 Kingston, C. ENVR 411 Klaus, A. AGFD 145
Kim, S. COMP 115 Kingston, C.K. AGFD 65 Klausen, R.S. INOR 801
Kim, S. PMSE 601 Kinlen, P.J. POLY 466 Klausen, R.S. INOR 877
Kim, S. MEDI 69 Kinlen, P.J. POLY 732 Klausen, R.S. ORGN 41
Kim, S. COLL 190 Kinley, K. CATL 55 Klausen, R.S. ORGN 298
Kim, T. PMSE 374 Kinley, K. CATL 101 Klausen, R.S. POLY 286
Kim, T. MEDI 83 Kinnan, M.K. INOR 65 Klebanoff, L. CATL 413
Kim, T. ENFL 239 Kinugasa, T. COLL 137 Klebe, G. MEDI 260
Kim, T. CHED 49 Kipe, O. MEDI 74 Klei, H. MEDI 25
Kim, T. CHED 53 Kipp, T. COLL 40 Klein, H.F. MEDI 87
Kim, W.Y. INOR 718 Kiratitanavit, W. CELL 39 Klein, H.F. MEDI 89
Kim, W. PMSE 559 Kirby, J.F. INOR 634 Klein, H.F. MEDI 90
Kim, W. ORGN 55 Kirby, J. ENVR 157 Klein, J.E. COMP 327
Kim, W. COLL 526 Kirby, S.M. COLL 342 Klein, L.C. PMSE 549
Kim, W. POLY 748 Kircher, A. AGFD 157 Klein, M. PHYS 236
Kim, Y. MEDI 93 Kirchhoff, M.M. CHED 358 Klein, M. PHYS 532
Kim, Y. MEDI 93 Kirianchuk, V. PMSE 174 Klein, M.L. CATL 131
Kim, Y. MEDI 126 Kiriarachchi, H.D. PHYS 487 Klein, M.L. ENFL 416
Kim, Y. BIOL 32 Kirisits, M. GEOC 2 Klein, M.L. PMSE 586
Kim, Y. PMSE 385 Kirk, G. AGRO 193 Klein, M.T. ENFL 248
Kim, Y. MEDI 42 Kirk, K. AGFD 274 Klein, M.T. ENFL 256
Kim, Y. MEDI 93 Kirk, M.L. INOR 33 Klein, M.T. ENFL 407
Kim, Y. ENFL 455 Kirk, M.L. INOR 115 Klein, T. ANYL 156
Kim, Y. POLY 44 Kirk, M.L. INOR 945 Kleindl, P.J. MEDI 88
Kim, Y. PMSE 583 Kirkpatrick, C.C. BIOL 71 Kleindl, P.J. MEDI 89
Kim, Y. POLY 466 Kirmizialtin, S. COMP 200 Kleindl, P.J. MEDI 90
Kim, Y. POLY 732 Kirnosov, V. COMP 180 Kleine, T. POLY 106
Kim, Y. ENVR 432 Kirollos, M. WCC 3 Kleine, T. POLY 419
Kim, Y. ENVR 433 Kirpas, M. ORGN 656 Kleine, T. POLY 693


Kleinman, L. ENVR 193 Knorr, D. PMSE 106 Kokhan, O. ENFL 354

Kleinman, M.T. ENVR 334 Knorr, D. POLY 171 Kokhan, O. ENFL 356
Kleinoeder, T. CINF 34 Knott, B. CATL 190 Kokkoli, E. COLL 324
Kleintop, B. ANYL 380 Knott, B. ENFL 397 Kokkoli, E. COLL 434
Klemes, M. POLY 240 Knowlden, S. INOR 956 Kokkonen, P. PHYS 145
Klep, O. PMSE 606 Knowles, B. COLL 533 Koksal, M. INOR 936
Klep, O. POLY 485 Knowles, P.J. COMP 25 Kol, M. INOR 905
Klepper, S. CATL 10 Knox, C. COLL 141 Kolarich, D. CARB 89
Kletetschka, K. ENVR 29 Knurr, B.J. PHYS 446 Kolb, C.E. ENVR 555
Kletetschka, K. ENVR 476 Knutson, D.E. MEDI 364 Kolbanovskiy, M. TOXI 95
Klevitch, A. COLL 71 Ko, E. MEDI 92 Kolel-Veetil, M.K. PMSE 141
Klibanov, A.L. COLL 575 Ko, H. MEDI 93 Kolhatkar, A. ENVR 34
Klie, R. CATL 428 Ko, J. CHED 173 Kolin, D. AEI 67
Kliewer, C.E. ENFL 31 Ko, J. PMSE 650 Kolin, D. ORGN 226
Kliewer, C.E. INOR 392 Ko, K. PMSE 381 Kolis, J.W. INOR 919
Kliger, D.S. PHYS 416 Ko, K. POLY 493 Kollar, J. INOR 3
Kligman, A. ORGN 181 Ko, W. ENFL 457 Kolle, M. COLL 87
Klika Skopic, M. MEDI 216 Koback, M. PMSE 369 Kolle, M. COLL 471
Klimavicz, J.S. AGRO 397 Kobayashi, H. ENFL 63 Kolle, S. POLY 157
Klimkewicz, P.A. ANYL 190 Kobayashi, M. AGRO 308 Kolling, D. INOR 518
Kline, D. AGRO 207 Koca, H. ORGN 136 Kolmakov, A. COLL 590
Kling, A. AGRO 295 Koch, A.S. CHED 92 Kolodziej, E.P. ENVR 353
Klingler, F. COMP 283 Koch, A.S. CHED 93 Kolomeisky, A. PHYS 166
Klinman, J. BIOL 3 Koch, D. AGRO 360 Kolossvary, I. COMP 269
Klinman, J. INOR 382 Koczkur, K.M. COLL 582 Kolpak, A.M. CATL 84
Klinman, J. INOR 469 Kodali, R. MEDI 364 Kolpin, D.W. AGRO 132
Klinpetch, W. ORGN 561 Kodanko, J.J. INOR 688 Kolpin, D.W. AGRO 358
Klöckner, U. ORGN 546 Koder, R.L. CATL 422 Kölsch, J. INOR 397
Klok, H.A. COLL 504 Koder, R.L. PHYS 287 Komatsu, C.H. POLY 196
Klok, H.A. PMSE 189 Kodera, Y. ANYL 80 Komatsu, T. PMSE 409
Klok, H.A. POLY 624 Kodger, T.E. COLL 57 Kombolias, M. ANYL 28
Klosin, J. ANYL 158 Kodgire, P. ENFL 222 Komianos, J. PHYS 261
Klosin, J. INOR 328 Koech, P. ENFL 137 Kommineni, S.K. MEDI 203
Klosterman, M.R. NUCL 79 Koech, P.K. ENFL 136 Kommineni, S. MEDI 95
Kloxin, A.M. PMSE 133 Koech, P.K. ENFL 139 Komolafe, T.D. CATL 332
Kloxin, A.M. PMSE 186 Koehn, E. INOR 382 Komolafe, T.D. COMP 178
Kloxin, A.M. PMSE 411 Koel, B.E. CATL 465 Komorek, R. ANYL 425
Kloxin, A.M. PMSE 486 Koel, B.E. COLL 481 Komorek, R. ANYL 428
Kloxin, A.M. PMSE 519 Koellner, S. AGFD 266 Komoriya, T. ANYL 80
Kloxin, C.J. ORGN 642 Koelper, A. BIOL 109 Kompanijec, V. CHED 215
Kloxin, C.J. POLY 363 Koelsch, P. PMSE 658 Komperda, R. CHED 99
Klug, D. BIOL 98 Koenigs, R.M. ORGN 16 Komperda, R. CHED 407
Kluherz, K. INOR 872 Koenigs, R.M. ORGN 114 Komreddy, V. INOR 561
Klumperman, B. POLY 550 Koenigs, R.M. ORGN 283 Konc, J. COMP 321
Klumpp, M. MEDI 306 Koenigsmann, C. CATL 326 Kondo, A.E. CHED 66
Klyukin, K. COMP 373 Koenigsmann, C. CATL 327 Kondo, A.E. CHED 104
Knafels, J.D. MEDI 258 Koerperich, Z. BIOL 124 Kondo, A.E. CHED 202
Knall, A. CHED 380 Koes, D. COMP 313 Kondo, A.E. CHED 371
Knall, A. POLY 747 Koes, D. COMP 360 Kondo, Y. COLL 6
Knapp, M. MEDI 306 Koffas, M. I&EC 65 Kondrashov, V. POLY 440
Knapp, S.A. ORGN 581 Koffas, M. ORGN 649 Kondratyev, N. ORGN 351
Knapp, S.A. SCHB 33 Koganemaru, R. AGRO 370 Kone, J. ENFL 422
Knappe, D. ENVR 67 Koh, K. CATL 291 Konetski, D. POLY 361
Kneapler, C. ANYL 216 Kohen, A. BIOL 163 Kong, L. PMSE 391
Knecht, M.R. COLL 207 Kohen, A. INOR 467 Kong, D. ORGN 384
Knehans, T. COMP 283 Kohen, A. PHYS 91 Kong, J. COMP 29
Knight, A. POLY 85 Kohler, L. INOR 402 Kong, L. ENFL 160
Knight, A. POLY 233 Kohler, L. INOR 903 Kong, T. CATL 361
Knight, A. AGRO 67 Kohler, L. ORGN 100 Kong, X. PHYS 470
Knight, C. COMP 119 Kohli, R.M. PHYS 44 König, B. COLL 608
Knight, C. COMP 154 Kohn, A.W. PHYS 136 Koning, J. PHYS 170
Knight, J. MEDI 22 Kohn, E.M. BIOL 107 Konishi, Y. COLL 240
Knight, J. MEDI 103 Kohn, T. MEDI 21 Konishi, Y. COLL 241
Knight, R. AGFD 38 Kohnhorst, C. BIOL 81 Konki, J. NUCL 48
Knizia, G. COMP 327 Kohno, H. MEDI 343 Konkolewicz, D. PMSE 7
Knoblauch, M. PMSE 468 Kohno, Y. POLY 41 Konkolewicz, D. PMSE 74
Knoblauch, M. PMSE 641 Kohut, A. COLL 236 Konkolewicz, D. PMSE 243
Knoblauch, R. PHYS 457 Kohut, A. PMSE 174 Konkolewicz, D. PMSE 348
Knoerzer, T.A. ORGN 79 Koike, H. INOR 732 Konkolewicz, D. PMSE 456
Knolhoff, A. ANYL 216 Koike, K. MEDI 106 Konkolewicz, D. POLY 187
Knoll, A. COLL 297 Koiwai, K. COLL 249 Konkolewicz, D. POLY 472
Knoops, J. ANYL 245 Koizumi, K. ANYL 80 Konkolewicz, D. POLY 751
Knope, K.E. INOR 251 Koizumi, K. ENVR 429 Konopka, M. ORGN 88
Knope, K.E. INOR 514 Koizumi, N. CATL 358 Konze, P. PHYS 317
Knope, K.E. INOR 515 Koizumi, T. POLY 464 Koo, B. ANYL 179
Knope, K.E. INOR 520 Kojima, Y. ENFL 16 Koo, B. ANYL 184
Knope, K.E. INOR 810 Kojio, K. COLL 240 Koo, B. ANYL 185
Knope, K.E. INOR 815 Kojio, K. COLL 241 Koo, B. COLL 206
Knope, K.E. NUCL 33 Kokh, D.B. COMP 63 Koo, H.J. PHYS 364
Knopf, D.A. ENVR 550 Kokh, D.B. COMP 262 Koo, H. COLL 484

364 –AUTH
Kooijman, E.E. COLL 347 Koval, A.M. INOR 161 Kreinbihl, J. PHYS 370
Kookana, R.S. AGRO 216 Kovaliov, M. POLY 234 Kreitler, J. CHED 366
Kookana, R.S. ENVR 157 Kovaliov, M. POLY 751 Kreitler, J. COLL 528
Koontz, J.L. AGFD 78 Kovalsky, P. ENVR 56 Kreitman, G. AGFD 96
Kopeć, M. POLY 385 Kovar, D.R. PHYS 477 Kreitman, G. AGFD 97
Kopelent, R. CATL 168 Kovarik, L. CATL 245 Krejci, S. ORGN 411
Koper, C. AGRO 151 Kovarik, L. CATL 262 Kreller, C. CATL 348
Koper, C. AGRO 155 Kowalczyk, R. POLY 754 Krelowski, J. PHYS 355
Koppel, M. CINF 70 Kowalczyk, W. POLY 190 Krempel, M. AGFD 233
Koppenaal, D.W. ANYL 430 Kowalewski, T. PMSE 569 Krempner, C. INOR 141
Koratkar, N. POLY 333 Kowalewski, T. POLY 121 Krempner, C. INOR 807
Korb, O. CINF 117 Kowalewski, T. POLY 385 Kress, S.J. COLL 555
Korb, O. MEDI 264 Kowalkowski, N.S. TOXI 72 Kretchmer, J. COMP 199
Korch, K.M. ORGN 690 Kowalski, B. POLY 360 Kretchmer, J. PHYS 77
Korell, A. ANYL 38 Kowalski, B. POLY 580 Kretzmann, A.L. PMSE 561
Korkmaz, A. CHED 249 Kowalski, B. POLY 581 Kretzmann, J.A. COLL 488
Korkmaz, M.A. ORGN 404 Kowalski, B. POLY 724 Kretzmann, J.A. PMSE 561
Korkmaz Cokol, N. ORGN 590 Kowalski, B. POLY 767 Kreysing, M. COLL 471
Korman, A. MEDI 269 Kowalski, K. COMP 120 Krickl, S. COLL 608
Kormanyos, A. ENFL 101 Koyuncu, I. POLY 57 Krieger, K. AGRO 80
Kornfield, J.A. PMSE 38 Koza, M.B. CHAS 42 Krieger, R.I. AGRO 233
Kornfield, J.A. PMSE 571 Kozajda, A. ENVR 419 Krieger, U.K. ENVR 553
Kornienko, A.Y. INOR 811 Kozak, D. ANYL 184 Krieger, U.K. ENVR 556
Kornienko, N. CATL 228 Kozak, D. ANYL 185 Krier, M. COMP 283
Kornienko, N. INOR 937 Kozakov, D. COMP 249 Krier, J. NUCL 48
Kornyshev, A. PHYS 166 Kozakov, D. COMP 269 Krimmer, S.G. MEDI 260
Koroglu, B. NUCL 64 Kozanecki, M. POLY 695 Krishnamoorthy, R. CATL 385
Koroloff, S. PHYS 383 Kozawa, S.K. PMSE 164 Krishnamoorti, R. POLY 177
Korolovych, V. COLL 428 Kozhuharov, S. POLY 207 Krishnamurthy, M. ANYL 367
Korolovych, V. PMSE 86 Kozikowski, A.P. MEDI 41 Krishnamurthy, R. ORGN 381
Korolovych, V.F. PMSE 319 Kozikowski, A.P. MEDI 320 Krishnamurthy, S. INOR 480
Korotcov, A. CINF 9 Kozikowski, A.P. MEDI 143 Krishnamurti, V. CHED 227
Korotcov, A. CINF 131 Kozimor, S.A. INOR 523 Krishnamurti, V. ORGN 334
Korotcov, A. COMP 302 Kozimor, S.A. NUCL 19 Krishnamurti, V. ORGN 593
Korotcov, A. TOXI 56 Kozimor, S.A. NUCL 44 Krishnan, H.B. AGFD 247
Korshin, G. ENVR 16 Kozimor, S.A. NUCL 47 Krishnan, N. AGRO 302
Korshun, V.A. MEDI 319 Kozlovskaya, L.I. CINF 32 Krishnan, R. PMSE 6
Korter, T.M. PHYS 394 Kozlovskaya, L.I. MEDI 186 Krishnan, R. POLY 770
Kortz, U. COLL 59 Kozlovskaya, L.I. MEDI 319 Krishnan, S. COLL 615
Korzekwa, K. MEDI 313 Kozlovskaya, V.A. COLL 596 Krishna Prasad, A. CARB 12
Korzeniewski, C.L. ANYL 166 Kozlovskaya, V.A. PMSE 393 Krist, E.C. INOR 548
Kosenkov, D. COMP 134 Kozlovskaya, V.A. POLY 523 Kristoffersen, H. CATL 119
Koshkin, S. AEI 38 Kozlowski, M. ORGN 24 Kristoffersen, H. PHYS 237
Kosicek, M. CHED 66 Kozlowski, M. ORGN 309 Kristofich, M. PHYS 333
Kosicek, M. CHED 371 Krafcik, M.J. PMSE 161 Kristufek, S.L. PMSE 642
Kosma, V. PMSE 116 Kraiter, D. AEI 5 Kristufek, S.L. POLY 196
Kossak, A. COLL 445 Krajmalnik-Brown, R. ENVR 538 Kristufek, S.L. POLY 603
Kostecki, R. MPPG 5 Kral, P. COLL 449 Kristy, B. AGRO 388
Kostich, W. MEDI 358 Kral, P. WCC 3 Krmenec, M. CHED 249
Kosuge, T. PMSE 392 Krall, E. CELL 38 Kroeger, F. AGRO 259
Kota, A. I&EC 42 Kramer, A. ANYL 373 Kroenlein, K. CINF 106
Kota, A. PMSE 481 Kramer, J. AGRO 80 Kröger, P. COLL 614
Kota, A. POLY 37 Kramer, J. PMSE 19 Krogh Jespersen, K. INOR 202
Kota, A. POLY 153 Kramer, K. ENVR 498 Krogh Jespersen, K. INOR 326
Kota, A. POLY 437 Kramer, M. MEDI 335 Krogh Jespersen, K. INOR 445
Kota, A. POLY 439 Kramer, M. MEDI 365 Kroll, P. PHYS 311
Kotandeniya, D. BIOL 124 Kramer, V.J. AGRO 63 Kroll, T. INOR 87
Kotchenruther, R. AGRO 117 Krämer, A. COMP 315 Kroll, T. INOR 315
Kotcher, J. ENVR 181 Krammer, G.E. AGFD 141 Krolski, M.E. AGRO 234
Kothalawala, K.N. ANYL 151 Krammer, G.E. AGFD 245 Krolski, M.E. AGRO 241
Kothe, D.B. COMP 1 Kranz, J.E. CINF 114 Kronawitter, C.X. COLL 481
Kotloski, N. ENVR 535 Krasmonowitz, J. ENVR 339 Krone, D. CHED 3
Kotoski, S.P. ANYL 220 Krasnec, M. ENVR 482 Kronowitz, M. COLL 544
Kotoulas, N.K. MEDI 296 Krasovskiy, A.L. INOR 439 Kropf, A. ENFL 171
Kotra, L.P. MEDI 71 Kratz, J. NUCL 48 Kropf, A.J. GEOC 17
Kottisch, V. PMSE 651 Krause, A. POLY 27 Kropp, T. CATL 78
Kottisch, V. POLY 771 Krause, J.A. INOR 348 Kros, A. PMSE 134
Kotturi, K. ORGN 540 Krause, J. COLL 586 Kroutil, W. CATL 184
Kotturi, K. ORGN 704 Krauss, T.D. COLL 497 Krska, S.W. INOR 387
Kou, J. MEDI 111 Kraut, H. CINF 11 Krueger, H. AGRO 185
Kou, S. ENFL 32 Kraut, H. CINF 24 Krueger, R. PHYS 129
Kou, Z. INOR 707 Kraut, H. CINF 88 Kruger, A.A. ENVR 231
Koudriakova, T. MEDI 211 Kraut, H. COMP 283 Kruhlak, N. CINF 48
Koumba Yoya, G. I&EC 63 Krauth-Siegel, R. MEDI 108 Krummel, A.T. COLL 529
Kourkoumelis, N. CHED 399 Kravchenko, O.G. PMSE 156 Krumpfer, J.W. CHED 297
Kouyoumdjian, H. CHED 342 Kravchenko, O.G. POLY 562 Krumpfer, J.W. CHED 366
Kovac Andric, E. INOR 524 Kravchenko, P. CATL 365 Krumpfer, J.W. COLL 177
Kovacs, A. MEDI 340 Krayer, L. INOR 747 Krumpfer, J.W. COLL 528
Kovács, A. NUCL 45 Krebs, F. AGRO 81 Krumpfer, J.W. PMSE 347
Kovács, P. CINF 89 Kreek, M. MEDI 210 Krumpmann, A. PMSE 356


Krüner, B. ENFL 484 Kumar, A. CATL 261 Kurtzman, T.P. COMP 39

Kruse, A. COLL 518 Kumar, D. INOR 14 Kurtzman, T.P. COMP 220
Kruse, N. ENFL 300 Kumar, D. ORGN 666 Kurtzman, T.P. COMP 229
Krusemark, C.J. MEDI 218 Kumar, G. MEDI 273 Kurtzman, T.P. COMP 254
Krusemark, C.J. MEDI 315 Kumar, H. COLL 530 Kurtzman, T.P. COMP 267
Krylov, A. COMP 3 Kumar, H. PMSE 625 Kurtzweil, M.L. AGRO 319
Krylov, A. COMP 21 Kumar, J. CELL 39 Kurtzweil, M.L. AGRO 320
Kryndushkin, D. BIOL 117 Kumar, K. SCHB 27 Kuryakov, V.N. COMP 18
Krys, P. POLY 379 Kumar, M. ANYL 243 Kurz, N. NUCL 48
Krys, P. POLY 383 Kumar, N. ENVR 41 Kurzydlowski, D. PHYS 210
Krys, P. POLY 388 Kumar, P. MEDI 330 Kus, P. CATL 112
Krysiak, K. POLY 695 Kumar, R. POLY 373 Kus, P. CATL 299
Ku, T. MEDI 173 Kumar, S. PMSE 120 Kusano, H. MEDI 175
Kua, J. PHYS 349 Kumar, S. ORGN 59 Kuschel, S. ORGN 537
Kuanar, M. MEDI 300 Kumar, S. ORGN 698 Kuschel, S. ORGN 539
Kuang, H. COLL 324 Kumar, V. COLL 305 Kust, P.R. ANYL 29
Kuang, H. COLL 434 Kumarasamy, E. ORGN 188 Kusui, T. ENVR 429
Kuang, X.M. ENVR 338 Kumarasamy, E. POLY 290 Kusuma, V. ENFL 40
Kuang, X.M. ENVR 490 Kumarasamy, E. POLY 730 Kusuma, V. PMSE 172
Kubácek, P. PHYS 557 Kumar Gautam, M. MEDI 114 Kutahya, C. POLY 61
Kubachka, K.M. ANYL 219 Kumari, H. PMSE 298 Kutil, Z. MEDI 320
Kubalewski, A. ENVR 252 Kumarimaduvu Palanisamy, A. PMSE 394 Kuttel, M. CARB 74
Kübel, J. ORGN 674 Kumarimaduvu Palanisamy, A. PMSE 459 Kuttiyiel, K. ENFL 34
Kübelbeck, S. BIOL 174 Kumarimaduvu Palanisamy, A. PMSE 520 Kuwahara, T. ORGN 164
Kubicki, J.D. ENVR 30 Kumarimaduvu Palanisamy, A. PMSE 548 Kuwata, K.T. PHYS 373
Kubo, T. INOR 75 Kumar Mohanty, A.K. POLY 477 Kuznetsov, D. ENFL 389
Kubo, T. POLY 62 Kumar Yadav, S. POLY 13 Kuznetsov, O. INOR 477
Kubota, H. AGFD 29 Kume, M. MEDI 106 Kvalheim, O. ANYL 381
Kubota, R. CATL 419 Kummar, S. POLY 574 Kvaratskhelia, M. MEDI 238
Kubota, R. INOR 153 Kunai, Y. ORGN 669 Kwag, H. COLL 460
Kubow, C. CHED 150 Kunai, Y. PHYS 507 Kwak, M. POLY 242
Kucharska, I. BIOL 10 Kunai, Y. PMSE 355 Kwak, S. AGFD 60
Kucharski, T.J. ENFL 215 Kunal, P. INOR 782 Kwak, S. AGRO 334
Kucheryavy, P. INOR 403 Kunal, P. INOR 785 Kwak, S. AGRO 338
Kuchkina, N. ENFL 295 Kuncho, C.N. POLY 634 Kwak, S. AGRO 363
Kucuk-Mcginty, H. CINF 114 Kundu, N. BIOL 135 Kwak, S. COMP 337
Kudo, T. ENFL 63 Kundu, S. INOR 444 Kwan, J. BIOL 115
Kuebelbeck, S. BIOL 151 Kundu, S. PMSE 323 Kwan, J. ENVR 363
Kuenemann, M.A. CINF 33 Kundu, S. POLY 514 Kwan, J. INOR 266
Kuenkel, A. POLY 11 Kundu, S. CATL 446 Kwan, P. CATL 219
Kugalur Shanmugam, R. CATL 233 Kundu, S. INOR 845 Kwan, R. MEDI 253
Kugalur Shanmugam, R. CATL 434 Kundu, S. INOR 716 Kwanplod, K. ORGN 561
Kuhl, N. PMSE 8 Kundu, S. INOR 718 Kwee, B.J. COLL 548
Kuhlman, E. CHED 223 Kundu, S. INOR 897 Kweiba-Yamoah, E. CARB 45
Kuhn, B. MEDI 264 Kung, P. ENFL 357 Kwek, P. MEDI 17
Kuhn, D.L. INOR 907 Kunitsky, K. CINF 3 Kweon, K.E. ENFL 71
Kuhn, J. ENFL 28 Kuniyoshi, C. CHED 41 Kwoczak, R.P. POLY 755
Kuhn, K.M. YCC 15 Kunkel, D. AGRO 1 Kwok, T. POLY 709
Kuhn, L.A. COMP 104 Kunkel, D. AGRO 166 Kwon, B. ENVR 429
Kuhn, P. AGFD 19 Kunkel, G. COLL 180 Kwon, D. POLY 717
Kuhn, S.P. PROF 19 Kunkel, G. INOR 62 Kwon, G. POLY 156
Kuila, D. CATL 117 Kunkel, G. INOR 277 Kwon, H. ENVR 434
Kukulka, M. INOR 61 Kunz, N. CATL 250 Kwon, H. PHYS 504
Kularatne, R. POLY 237 Kunz, W. COLL 608 Kwon, H. PHYS 514
Kularatne, R. POLY 736 Kuo, G. CATL 368 Kwon, K. PHYS 63
Kularatne, R.S. POLY 576 Kuo, G. ENFL 153 Kwon, M. POLY 408
Kulasinghe, T. CHED 261 Kuo, L.Y. INOR 902 Kwon, S. ENVR 137
Kulathila, R. MEDI 267 Kuo, N. CHED 189 Kwon, S. ENFL 238
Kulig, J. PHYS 196 Kuo, S. INOR 471 Kwon, S. ENFL 239
Kulik, H. COMP 142 Kuo, T. COLL 4 Kwon, S. CATL 204
Kulik, H. COMP 323 Kuo, W. ANYL 190 Kwon, S. COMP 189
Kulik, H.J. CATL 272 Kuo, N. CHED 248 Kwon, Y. ENFL 238
Kulik, H.J. COMP 141 Kuo, J. ENVR 504 Kwon, Y. ORGN 55
Kulikov, O.V. POLY 471 Küpers, M. PHYS 317 Kwon, Y. ORGN 168
Kulinowski, K. YCC 16 Kuppuswamy, S. INOR 154 Kwon, Y. CINF 146
Kulkarni, A. CATL 154 Kurade, M.B. ENFL 159 Kwong, E. BIOL 85
Kulkarni, B. MEDI 225 Kurade, M.B. ENFL 257 Kwong, P.D. COMP 293
Kulkarni, G. POLY 711 Kurade, M.B. ENVR 383 Kwun, D. CHED 147
Kulkarni, N. INOR 503 Kurade, M. ENVR 516 Kyaw Zin, P. CINF 40
Kulkarni, N. INOR 600 Kuribara, A. PMSE 409 Kye, H. ENVR 154
Kulkarni, N. INOR 601 Kurji, Z. PMSE 38 Kye, S. INOR 243
Kulkarni, R. ORGN 35 Kuroda, K. CELL 25 Kye, S. INOR 268
Kulkarni, S. PMSE 440 Kuroda, K. CELL 23 Kym, P.R. MPPG 14
Kullgren, J. CATL 299 Kuroda, K. CELL 19 Kymissis, I. ANYL 243
Küllmer, M. POLY 140 Kurono, M. MEDI 343 Kyoung, M. ANYL 117
Kulp, J. PMSE 141 Kurtenbach, K. MEDI 101 Kyoung, M. ANYL 118
Kumacheva, E. COLL 465 Kurtz, D.A. INOR 396 Kyoung, M. BIOL 81
Kumal, R.R. ANYL 288 Kurtz, H. INOR 602 Kyriakidou, E. ENFL 297
Kumar, A. COLL 221 Kurtzman, T. COMP 272 Kyser, G. AGRO 160
Kumar, A. CATL 246 Kurtzman, T.P. COMP 38 Kyung, K. AGFD 60

366 –AUTH
L’Italian, N. CHED 142 Lakind, J.S. AGRO 121 Lane, T. AGRO 351
La, R. INOR 666 Lakind, J.S. AGRO 122 Lanfranchi, E. PHYS 144
Laaser, J. PMSE 317 Lakkaraju, S.K. COMP 281 Lang, A. PMSE 5
Laatiaoui, M. NUCL 48 Lakkaraju, S.K. COMP 284 Lang, F. COLL 544
Labay, C. COLL 576 Lakkaraju, S.K. COMP 290 Lang, L. COMP 177
Labet, V. PHYS 213 Lakkaraju, S.K. COMP 292 Lang, S.B. ORGN 325
Labrijn, A.F. ANYL 51 Lakshmanan, U. MEDI 277 Lang, S.B. ORGN 641
Labrum, N. INOR 489 Lakshmipathi, S. CATL 281 Lang, S.B. ORGN 643
Labuda, I. AGFD 190 Lakshmipathi, S. CATL 385 Lange, K.J. ENVR 296
Labute, P. MEDI 189 Lal, B. MEDI 168 Lange, P. ORGN 82
Lacey, S. ENFL 151 Lal, R. PRES 21 Langelaan, D.N. PHYS 592
LaChance, T. AGRO 218 Lalancette, R. ORGN 444 Langenbacher, R.E. COLL 514
LaChapelle, E.A. ORGN 469 Lalaoui, N. CATL 269 Langenbacher, R.E. PMSE 88
Lachmayr, K.K. PMSE 395 Lallement, R. PHYS 351 Langenbacher, R.E. POLY 236
Lacombe, J. PMSE 589 Lallement, R. PHYS 356 Langer, J. COLL 571
Lacomme, S. COLL 96 Lallement, R. PHYS 531 Langevin, D. COLL 394
Lacomme, S. PMSE 516 Lalonde, J.J. PHYS 195 Langford, K. INOR 659
LaConte, S. MEDI 42 LaLone, C. AGRO 103 Langley, D. COMP 318
LaCroix, A. INOR 842 Lam, C. AGRO 268 Langley, D. MEDI 269
Lacroix-Desmazes, P. POLY 697 Lam, P.Y. MEDI 308 Langley, R. CHED 288
Lacy, S. BIOL 105 Lam, V. MEDI 74 Langloss, B.W. INOR 246
Ladds, G. COMP 275 Lam, V.H. COLL 136 Langloss, B.W. INOR 479
Ladipo, F.T. CELL 6 Lam, V.H. COLL 151 Laniado, J. PMSE 255
Ladiwala, A. ANYL 55 Lam, Y. INOR 948 Laniawe, L. AGRO 20
Ladizhansky, V. PHYS 384 LaMar, J. AGRO 196 Lanieri, L. MEDI 157
Ladmiral, V. INOR 880 Lamarzelle, O. POLY 195 Lansakara, A.I. ORGN 694
Ladmiral, V. POLY 413 Lamas Samanamud, G. ENVR 296 Lansalot, M. INOR 374
Ladmiral, V. POLY 415 Lamb, J. ANYL 30 Lansalot, M. POLY 412
Lafont, V. MEDI 269 Lamb, J. ANYL 31 Lantz, J. CHED 117
LaFors, H. ENFL 157 Lamb, J. CELL 37 Lantz, J. CHED 412
LaFranzo, N.A. PROF 1 Lamb, J.T. POLY 521 Lantz, K. PMSE 527
LaFranzo, N.A. PROF 9 Lambe, A. ENVR 189 Lanzarini-Lopes, M. ENVR 402
Lafratta, C.N. PHYS 482 Lambe, A. ENVR 550 Lao, D. ANYL 431
Lafratta, C.N. PMSE 396 Lambe, A. ENVR 555 Lao, D. ORGN 40
Laga, E. CHED 71 Lambert, S. AGRO 72 Lao, L. CELL 15
Laga, S.M. INOR 389 Lamberth, C. AGRO 391 Lao, L. COLL 278
Laga, S.M. INOR 613 Lamberth, C. AGRO 414 LaPara, T. ENVR 201
LaGatta, K. ANYL 74 Lamberti, A. PMSE 546 LaPara, T. ENVR 274
Lagerspets, E. ORGN 486 Lambeth, R.H. POLY 83 Lape, A. AGFD 187
Lagisetti, C. MEDI 273 Lambeth, R.H. POLY 307 Lapi, S. NUCL 7
Lago, M. AGFD 133 Lambeth, R.H. POLY 642 Lapidus, R.G. MEDI 74
Lagree, K. ENVR 341 Lambic, N. INOR 429 Lapitsky, Y. PMSE 593
Laguerre, A. PHYS 246 Lambrecht, D. CATL 146 Laplante, S. MEDI 29
Lagunin, A. CINF 83 Lambrecht, D. PHYS 161 Lapointe, C. AGFD 124
Lagunin, A. COMP 291 Lambrecht, D. PHYS 274 LaPointe, J. AGFD 213
Lahanas, N.O. INOR 403 Lambrecht, D. POLY 162 Lara, S. PHYS 381
Lahann, J. COLL 15 Lambrinidou, Y. ENVR 325 Laranang, A. CHED 218
Lahann, J. PMSE 26 Lambropoulos, J.C. POLY 719 Lardhi, S.F. INOR 34
Lahiri, G.K. INOR 196 Lambson, K.E. ORGN 547 Larese, J.Z. COLL 131
Lahiri, S. NUCL 48 Lamison, K. POLY 521 Larese, J.Z. COLL 283
Lahm, G.P. AGRO 140 Lamm, B. ENFL 102 Larese, J.Z. COLL 357
Lahm, G.P. AGRO 386 Lamm, M. POLY 539 Larese-Casanova, P. ENVR 120
Lahr, C.J. CHED 33 Lammert, H. PHYS 544 Larese-Casanova, P. ENVR 442
Lahr, R. CHED 33 Lamouille, S. PMSE 484 Larese-Casanova, P. ENVR 477
Lahr, R. ENVR 214 Lampe, M. PMSE 220 Larive, C. CARB 85
Lahr, R. ENVR 251 Lampson, M. ORGN 209 Larsen, C.H. INOR 934
Lai, A. MEDI 308 Lan, J. ENVR 330 Larsen, C.H. ORGN 94
Lai, B.T. BIOL 43 Lan, S. ENVR 124 Larsen, C.H. ORGN 382
Lai, C. COMP 111 Lan, T. AGFD 273 Larsen, E. ORGN 406
Lai, C. COLL 532 Lan, Y. BIOL 151 Larsen, J.B. COLL 576
Lai, H. TOXI 78 Lancaster, K.M. INOR 284 Larsen, K. BIOL 69
Lai, J. PHYS 551 Lancaster, K.M. INOR 347 Larsen, R.W. CATL 318
Lai, J. ENFL 276 Lancaster, K.M. INOR 690 Larsen, R.W. INOR 155
Lai, P. INOR 397 Lancaster, K.M. INOR 943 Larsen, R.W. INOR 577
Lai, Q. INOR 241 Lancaster, K.M. INOR 944 Larsen, R.W. INOR 578
Lai, Q. INOR 428 Lanci, M.P. INOR 392 Larsen, R.W. INOR 822
Lai, S. CARB 47 Lancina III, M. PMSE 643 Larsen, R.W. PHYS 465
Lai, S. TOXI 78 Landells, J. CHAL 11 Larsen, R.W. PHYS 540
Lai, T. PMSE 275 Landers, A. CATL 379 Larsen, S.D. MEDI 61
Lai, W. INOR 341 Landfester, K. COLL 506 Larson, B. ORGN 428
Lai, Y. PMSE 255 Landgraf, A.D. ORGN 414 Larson, N.R. AGRO 104
Lai, Y. COLL 606 Landgraf, R. ORGN 416 Larson, P. INOR 823
Laine, R.M. PMSE 89 Landis, C.R. ORGN 197 Larson, R.G. PMSE 264
Laine, R.M. POLY 686 Landis, J. GEOC 13 Larsson, M. PHYS 206
Laino, T. COMP 77 Landon, J. ENVR 144 Larue, M. PMSE 519
Laird, B. AEI 78 Landry, M.D. ANYL 39 Lasarte-Aragonés, G. COLL 487
Laird, P. AGRO 375 Landry, M. COLL 337 La Scala, J. CELL 40
Laitinen, T. MEDI 141 Landry, M. PMSE 497 La Scala, J. POLY 13
Lakdawala-Shah, A. MEDI 111 Landsman, D. COMP 103 Lashin, V. AGRO 227
Laker, Z. POLY 768 Lane, A. POLY 362 Laskin, A. ENVR 194


Laskin, A. ENVR 195 Lawoko, M. PMSE 175 Lee, A.F. CATL 451
Laskin, J. CATL 89 Lawrence, C.W. COMP 349 Lee, A. AGFD 231
Laskin, J. ENVR 194 Lawrence, D.S. ORGN 350 Lee, A. CHED 257
Laskin, J. ENVR 195 Lawrence, J. POLY 233 Lee, A. ANYL 43
Laskin, J. PHYS 268 Lawrence, J. PMSE 628 Lee, B. ENVR 413
Laskoski, M. I&EC 50 Lawrence, P. PHYS 482 Lee, B.H. COLL 295
Lasky, M. ORGN 155 Lawrence Iii, J.A. ENFL 470 Lee, C. BMGT 8
Lassaletta, J.M. ORGN 355 Lawson, E.K. CHED 162 Lee, C.T. ANYL 115
Lasseter, B.F. BIOL 126 Lawson-Hellu, F. ANYL 99 Lee, C. POLY 407
Lasseter, J.C. CHED 243 Lawton, M.I. PMSE 509 Lee, C. PHYS 364
Lastovickova, D.N. POLY 303 Lay, C. ENVR 482 Lee, C. ENVR 436
Latallo, M. PHYS 92 Layfield, J.P. PHYS 406 Lee, C. PHYS 245
Lategahn, J. MEDI 15 Layfield, J.P. PHYS 486 Lee, C. MEDI 180
Latendresse, T.P. INOR 516 Layne, C. AGRO 17 Lee, C. INOR 270
Latham, A.L. AGRO 131 Lazaridis, T. PHYS 294 Lee, D. COLL 18
Latham, A.L. AGRO 133 Lazarus, M.B. AEI 8 Lee, D. COLL 127
Latham, A.L. AGRO 194 Lazarus, M.B. ORGN 28 Lee, D. COLL 129
Latham, A.L. AGRO 330 Lazzara, N. CARB 54 Lee, D. COLL 475
Lathan, J. INOR 382 Lazzaroni, R. PMSE 356 Lee, D.Y. SCHB 34
Lathwal, S. POLY 393 Le, A. ANYL 78 Lee, D.T. INOR 1
Latifi, R. ORGN 372 Le, C. ORGN 366 Lee, D. COMP 167
Latimer, L.H. AGRO 245 Le, D. MEDI 328 Lee, D. CATL 43
Latino, R. BMGT 3 Le, J. PHYS 33 Lee, D. INOR 744
Latour, R.A. PMSE 141 Le, J. CHED 276 Lee, D. ENFL 239
Latridi, Z. PMSE 319 Le, M. BIOL 75 Lee, D. ENFL 220
Lattimer, J. CATL 367 Le, M. POLY 443 Lee, D. ENFL 345
Latturner, S.E. NUCL 22 Le, N. COLL 294 Lee, D. PMSE 601
Lau, C. CHED 61 Le, S.T. COLL 587 Lee, E. AGRO 281
Lau, C. INOR 183 Le, V.Q. BIOL 64 Lee, E. AEI 16
Lau, C. INOR 553 Leach, S. ORGN 12 Lee, E. CATL 415
Lau, C. INOR 630 Leader, A. AGRO 7 Lee, E. MEDI 92
Lau, C. INOR 631 League, A. INOR 292 Lee, E. PMSE 291
Lau, H. PMSE 228 Leahy, J.J. CATL 463 Lee, F. MEDI 25
Lau, K. CATL 278 Leal, W. CINF 14 Lee, F. MEDI 335
Lau, K. COLL 244 Leamon, C.P. MEDI 87 Lee, G. CELL 31
Lau, K. COLL 536 Leamon, C.P. MEDI 88 Lee, H. COLL 234
Lau, K. PMSE 523 Leamon, C.P. MEDI 89 Lee, H.D. ENVR 530
Lau, S. POLY 750 Leamon, C.P. MEDI 90 Lee, H.D. ENVR 557
Laubacker, B. INOR 533 Leamon, C.P. MEDI 91 Lee, H. ORGN 416
Laufer, S.A. MEDI 15 Leang, S. COMP 26 Lee, H. CATL 43
Laughlin, G. PHYS 257 Leapman, R.D. PMSE 210 Lee, H. ORGN 684
Laughlin, S. ANYL 348 Leartsakulpanich, U. MEDI 72 Lee, H. ORGN 391
Lauher, J.W. PHYS 14 Leary, D.H. BIOL 20 Lee, H. MEDI 126
Lauinger, S.M. CATL 18 Lease, N. INOR 215 Lee, H. POLY 651
Laun, A. MEDI 136 Lease, N. INOR 218 Lee, H. CINF 146
Laurence, K. SCHB 5 Lease, N. INOR 219 Lee, H. AGFD 14
Laurencin, C. PMSE 48 Lease, N. INOR 389 Lee, H. MEDI 271
Laurencin, C. PMSE 168 Lease, N. INOR 609 Lee, H. AGFD 80
Laurenczy, G. CATL 357 Lease, N. INOR 611 Lee, I. COMP 387
Laurenczy, G. CATL 412 Lease, R. MEDI 51 Lee, I.G. TOXI 55
Laurens, L.M. ENFL 110 Leathers, T. CARB 51 Lee, J. ENVR 63
Laurichesse, E. COLL 390 Leaver, D.J. MEDI 16 Lee, J. AEI 57
Laurie, V. AGFD 82 Lebedev, N. ENVR 301 Lee, J. COMP 273
Lauritsen, J. CATL 206 Lebedev, N. ENVR 535 Lee, J. COMP 322
Lauritsen, J. COMP 147 Le Bizec, B. AGRO 44 Lee, J. ANYL 7
Lauro, G. ORGN 400 Leblanc, R.M. PMSE 482 Lee, J. ANYL 1
Lauro, N. AGRO 183 Leblanc, R.M. POLY 519 Lee, J. ANYL 144
Lauro, P.C. SCHB 7 LeBlanc, D.M. PHYS 592 Lee, J. COLL 425
Laurvick, K. AGFD 31 LeBlanc, R. PHYS 544 Lee, J. POLY 390
Laurvick, K. AGFD 33 LeBlond, C. CHED 202 Lee, J. ENFL 358
Lauterbach, J.H. CARB 62 Lebold, T. MEDI 211 Lee, J. MEDI 92
Lauterbach, J.H. TOXI 103 Lebowitz, J.L. PHYS 64 Lee, J. ORGN 41
Lauvernet, C. AGRO 15 Le Chapelain, C. MEDI 121 Lee, J. ORGN 19
Lava, K. PMSE 652 Leckband, D.E. PHYS 470 Lee, J.C. ANYL 12
Lavelle, K.B. NUCL 83 Leclercq, L. POLY 697 Lee, J.C. BIOL 54
Laverty, D.J. TOXI 14 Lecommandoux, S. COLL 96 Lee, J.C. BIOL 105
Lavigne, J.J. BIOL 91 Lecommandoux, S. COLL 323 Lee, J.C. BIOL 185
Laviña, W. BIOL 160 Lecommandoux, S. PMSE 14 Lee, J.C. PHYS 417
Lavis, L.D. ORGN 349 Lecommandoux, S. PMSE 516 Lee, J.D. INOR 655
Laviska, D.A. INOR 445 Ledbetter, D. COLL 544 Lee, J.D. INOR 837
Lavorie, R.H. INOR 421 Ledbetter, H. COLL 257 Lee, J. NUCL 6
Lavric, S. POLY 675 Ledendecker, M. ENFL 350 Lee, J. ANYL 98
Lavy, J. CATL 235 Leder, L. MEDI 306 Lee, J. ANYL 115
Law, C. INOR 183 Lederkremer, R.M. CARB 65 Lee, J. COMP 189
Lawler, J.T. PHYS 220 Ledezma-Yanez, I.D. CATL 255 Lee, J. ENFL 386
Lawler, K.V. INOR 916 Ledson, T.M. AGRO 178 Lee, J. ANYL 414
Lawler, K.V. NUCL 18 Ledson, T.M. AGRO 253 Lee, J. MEDI 316
Lawless-Gattone, A. CHED 194 Ledson, T.M. AGRO 288 Lee, J. INOR 654
Lawless-Gattone, A. CHED 222 Lee, C. AGRO 262 Lee, J. INOR 266
Lawlor, L. ORGN 693 Lee, S. CATL 8 Lee, J. ENFL 411

368 –AUTH
Lee, J. NUCL 32 Lee, S. CHED 180 Lehnherr, D. INOR 948
Lee, J. COLL 389 Lee, S. CHED 181 Lehotay, S.J. AGRO 342
Lee, J. POLY 524 Lee, S. CHED 182 Lei, D. CATL 361
Lee, J. AGFD 79 Lee, S. CHED 183 Lei, Y. AEI 43
Lee, J. AGFD 80 Lee, S. CHED 184 Lei, Y. CATL 215
Lee, J. PHYS 100 Lee, S. CHED 185 Lei, Y. INOR 43
Lee, J. COMP 387 Lee, S. CHED 186 Lei, Y. INOR 774
Lee, J. ENFL 484 Lee, S. CHED 187 Leibfarth, F.A. POLY 107
Lee, J. ENFL 239 Lee, S. CHED 188 Leibfarth, F.A. POLY 660
Lee, J. MEDI 126 Lee, S. INOR 243 Leibig, T. PHYS 476
Lee, J. AGFD 180 Lee, T. ANYL 7 Leibler, L. PMSE 512
Lee, J. CARB 26 Lee, T. POLY 408 Leidy, M.R. INOR 570
Lee, J. PMSE 135 Lee, T. POLY 409 Leigh, D.A. ORGN 445
Lee, J. ORGN 123 Lee, T. POLY 457 Leigh, D.A. ORGN 534
Lee, J. CATL 11 Lee, T. POLY 476 Leigh, D.A. ORGN 537
Lee, J. NUCL 17 Lee, T.J. PHYS 4 Leigh, D.A. ORGN 538
Lee, J. AGFD 83 Lee, T.J. PHYS 54 Leigh, D.A. ORGN 539
Lee, J. COMP 387 Lee, T.J. PHYS 205 Leigh, J. AGFD 207
Lee, K. PMSE 602 Lee, T.J. PHYS 547 Leighton, D. BIOL 16
Lee, K.H. ORGN 426 Lee, T. AGRO 193 Leighton, D. COLL 253
Lee, K.H. ORGN 427 Lee, T. COLL 222 Leighty, W.C. ENFL 62
Lee, K.H. PHYS 364 Lee, T. COLL 223 Leininger, A. ENFL 457
Lee, K. PHYS 594 Lee, T. COLL 224 Leite, M.S. ANYL 148
Lee, K. CATL 389 Lee, T. COLL 234 Leite, M.S. COLL 386
Lee, K. INOR 51 Lee, T. COLL 612 Leite, M.S. ENFL 11
Lee, K. INOR 243 Lee, T. ENVR 34 Leite, M.S. INOR 447
Lee, K. INOR 268 Lee, T. INOR 662 Leite, M.S. INOR 788
Lee, K. MEDI 80 Lee, T. INOR 663 Lekich, T. INOR 207
Lee, K. ENFL 331 Lee, T. INOR 664 Lekich, T. INOR 208
Lee, M. AGRO 134 Lee, V. MEDI 269 Lekich, T. INOR 598
Lee, M. CATL 174 Lee, V.M. CHED 172 Lekse, J.W. ENFL 127
Lee, M. CATL 425 Lee, W. INOR 262 Lekse, J.W. CATL 11
Lee, M. ENVR 94 Lee, W. INOR 488 Le Marchand, L. TOXI 108
Lee, M. PHYS 265 Lee, W. ENVR 349 Lemaur, V. PMSE 356
Lee, M. MEDI 22 Lee, W. ENVR 351 Lembrich, D. AGRO 81
Lee, M. MEDI 103 Lee, W. ORGN 673 Lemieux, C. PMSE 657
Lee, M. MEDI 17 Lee, W. INOR 706 Lemkul, J.A. COMP 227
Lee, M. ENFL 100 Lee, Y.S. INOR 632 Lemmen, C. COMP 283
Lee, M. BIOL 123 Lee, Y. COLL 85 Lemmon, T. CATL 171
Lee, N. CMA 3 Lee, Y.D. AGRO 338 Lemonds, A. CATL 468
Lee, P. ANYL 108 Lee, Y. PHYS 309 Lemonnier, J. ORGN 445
Lee, P.H. ORGN 567 Lee, Y. ENFL 233 Lemus-Yegres, L.J. CATL 484
Lee, R. AGRO 227 Lee, Y. PHYS 456 Lenaerts, A. MEDI 326
Lee, S. ANYL 164 Lee, Y. INOR 696 Le Neindre, M. POLY 321
Lee, S. ANYL 291 Lee, Y. INOR 789 Lenfant, N. INOR 583
Lee, S. ANYL 439 Lee, J. COLL 579 Leng, W. AEI 36
Lee, S. ENFL 306 Lee, J. POLY 753 Leng, W. ENVR 426
Lee, S. PMSE 507 Lee, J. BIOL 95 Lenhart, J. PMSE 106
Lee, S. CATL 389 Lee, K. INOR 260 Lenhart, J. PMSE 152
Lee, S. POLY 233 Lee, Y. ENFL 232 Lenhart, J. POLY 171
Lee, S. ENFL 116 Leelavathi, L. ANYL 385 Lennartz, S. AGRO 152
Lee, S. AGFD 60 Leeper, T. BIOL 118 Lens, L. NUCL 48
Lee, S. AGRO 334 Leeuwenburgh, S. POLY 167 Lense, S. INOR 191
Lee, S. AGRO 338 Lefay, C. POLY 310 Lensmeyer, E. PMSE 243
Lee, S. AGRO 365 Lefay, C. POLY 427 Lenz, E. ORGN 482
Lee, S. AGRO 363 Lefebvre, O. ENVR 150 Lenz, M.F. AGRO 337
Lee, S. CATL 383 Lefer, G. PMSE 14 Leon, E. MEDI 12
Lee, S. ORGN 426 LeFevre, G.H. ENVR 99 Leonard, J. AGRO 298
Lee, S. ENVR 431 LeFevre, T. ENVR 299 Leonard, J. ENVR 546
Lee, S. I&EC 27 LeFors, H.M. ENVR 254 Leonard, J. INOR 562
Lee, S.W. COMP 404 Le Gal, R. PHYS 205 Leonard, K.C. CATL 81
Lee, S.W. ENFL 391 Legenzoff, T. BIOL 41 Leonard, K.C. ENFL 293
Lee, S. COMP 189 Leger, J. PHYS 253 Leonard, N.G. INOR 850
Lee, S.P. MEDI 34 Legg, B. CATL 380 Leonardi, A. POLY 495
Lee, S.P. MEDI 35 Legge, R.L. AGFD 122 Leone, A.M. CELL 12
Lee, S.P. MEDI 37 Leggieri, P. ENVR 357 Leone, S.R. PHYS 511
Lee, S. CHED 59 Legler, P.M. ANYL 131 Leong, D. COLL 513
Lee, S. ENFL 220 Legler, P.M. BIOL 20 Leong, D. TOXI 79
Lee, S. COLL 610 Le Grice, S.F. BIOL 48 Leong, J. CHED 145
Lee, S. NUCL 8 Leheny, R. COLL 127 Leong, J. CHED 146
Lee, S. COLL 212 Lehman-Andino, I. NUCL 28 Leong, J. CHED 178
Lee, S. INOR 121 Lehmann, D. AGRO 100 Leong, J. CHED 212
Lee, S. AGRO 311 Lehmer, A. CATL 386 Leong, J. CHED 213
Lee, S. ENFL 238 Lehnert, N. CATL 217 Leontyev, A. CHED 76
Lee, S. COLL 146 Lehnert, N. INOR 85 Leowanawat, P. PMSE 586
Lee, S. MEDI 93 Lehnert, N. INOR 139 Lepesheva, G. MEDI 224
Lee, S. ENVR 433 Lehnert, N. INOR 168 Lercher, J.A. INOR 292
Lee, S.J. ORGN 456 Lehnert, N. INOR 169 Lerman, Z.M. YCC 20
Lee, S.F. PHYS 387 Lehnert, N. INOR 172 Lerner, C. ANYL 140
Lee, S. CHED 179 Lehnert, N. INOR 175 Lerno, L.A. AGFD 22


Lerno, L.A. AGFD 93 Lewis, R.V. PMSE 143 Li, H. ENVR 107
Le Roux, E. INOR 651 Lewis, R. MEDI 137 Li, H. COMP 295
Le Saux, T. BIOL 53 Lewis, R. MEDI 139 Li, H. COMP 296
Leshner, A.I. CHED 20 Lewis, S. POLY 660 Li, H. ORGN 256
Lesiak, A.D. NUCL 71 Lewis, S. ORGN 102 Li, H. AGRO 333
Lesser, A. PMSE 220 Lewis, S. NUCL 73 Li, H. POLY 290
Lesser, A. PMSE 667 Lewis, S. NUCL 76 Li, H. ANYL 195
Lesser, A. PMSE 668 Lewis, S. INOR 156 Li, H. CATL 243
Lester, E. PMSE 567 Lewis, W.J. CHED 19 Li, H. CATL 260
Leszczak, V. PMSE 481 Lexa, K. ANYL 434 Li, H. COLL 59
Leszczynski, J.R. CINF 132 Lexa, K. ORGN 259 Li, H. INOR 824
Leszczynski, J.R. CINF 147 Ley, A.N. INOR 826 Li, H. COMP 260
Leszczynski, J.R. COMP 406 Ley, A.N. INOR 827 Li, H. COLL 552
Letchworth-Weaver, K. PHYS 35 Ley, J.P. AGFD 141 Li, J. MEDI 128
Leth, R. COMP 364 Ley, J.P. AGFD 244 Li, J. ANYL 268
Letinski, D. ENVR 512 Ley, J.P. AGFD 245 Li, J. COLL 181
Letourneur, D. POLY 310 Ley, J.P. AGFD 246 Li, J. PHYS 413
Letteri, R.A. PMSE 25 Leytem, A. AGRO 250 Li, J. COMP 342
Letteri, R.A. PMSE 81 Leyva, E. ENFL 124 Li, J. ENVR 401
Letteri, R.A. POLY 371 Leyva, E. ORGN 624 Li, J. ENVR 439
Letteri, R.A. POLY 603 Leyva-Perez, A. CATL 41 Li, J. AGRO 111
Letterio, M.P. CATL 436 Lezama Pacheco, J.S. NUCL 47 Li, J. COMP 398
Leung, F. PMSE 237 Lhota, R. PROF 16 Li, J. PMSE 190
Leung, H.O. PHYS 249 Li, J. ORGN 131 Li, J. COLL 1
Leung, H.O. PHYS 484 Li, X. ENVR 80 Li, J. COLL 163
Leung, K. CATL 427 Li, A. ENFL 212 Li, J. PHYS 358
Leung, K. ENFL 168 Li, A. AGRO 396 Li, J. PHYS 470
Leung, K. PHYS 38 Li, A. ENFL 236 Li, J. ORGN 263
LeValley, P. PMSE 186 Li, A. INOR 688 Li, J. PMSE 268
Levell, J.R. MEDI 267 Li, B. CATL 122 Li, J. ENFL 221
Levelt Sengers, J. PHYS 19 Li, B. ORGN 142 Li, J. INOR 460
Levenson, R. BIOL 187 Li, B. PMSE 12 Li, J. CATL 339
Levesqu, P. MEDI 365 Li, B. PMSE 598 Li, J. CATL 392
Levin, E. ENVR 532 Li, B. POLY 447 Li, J. MEDI 105
Levine, A. ORGN 480 Li, B. PMSE 505 Li, J. MEDI 253
Levine, B.G. COMP 329 Li, B. COMP 129 Li, J. CATL 246
Levine, B.G. PHYS 598 Li, B. INOR 445 Li, J. ENFL 206
Levine, M. ANYL 68 Li, B. INOR 597 Li, K. ENVR 385
Levine, M. ENVR 427 Li, B. POLY 542 Li, K. ENFL 89
Levine, M. ORGN 388 Li, B. I&EC 29 Li, K. MEDI 198
Levine, M. ORGN 509 Li, B. ENFL 205 Li, K.T. CATL 16
Levine, M. ORGN 563 Li, B. PMSE 616 Li, K.T. CATL 476
Levine, M. PMSE 358 Li, C. ENVR 262 Li, L. ENFL 244
Levine, M. POLY 468 Li, C. CATL 289 Li, L. ENFL 480
Levine, S. MEDI 365 Li, C. ORGN 616 Li, L. ENFL 485
Levine, S.L. AGRO 52 Li, C. PHYS 413 Li, L. PHYS 138
Levine, S.L. AGRO 319 Li, C. COLL 38 Li, L. PHYS 139
Levine, S.L. AGRO 320 Li, C. ENFL 99 Li, L. TOXI 31
Levine, S.L. AGRO 403 Li, C. PMSE 575 Li, L. TOXI 99
Levi-Polyachenko, N.H. COLL 100 Li, C. POLY 240 Li, L. PMSE 590
Levit, S. PMSE 639 Li, C. PHYS 223 Li, L. COLL 68
Levitskaia, T. NUCL 37 Li, C. ENFL 233 Li, L. ENFL 328
Levitskaia, T. NUCL 38 Li, C. POLY 552 Li, L. GEOC 15
Levitskaia, T.G. I&EC 7 Li, C. ENVR 264 Li, L. GEOC 24
Levitskaia, T.G. I&EC 8 Li, C. ENVR 265 Li, L. GEOC 33
Levitskaia, T.G. NUCL 21 Li, C. MEDI 352 Li, L. ENVR 209
Levitskaia, T.G. NUCL 36 Li, C. COLL 114 Li, L. ENVR 510
Levitt, M. AEI 67 Li, D. PMSE 437 Li, L. ENVR 289
Levitt, M. ORGN 226 Li, D. ENFL 195 Li, L. PHYS 401
Levy, J. AEI 60 Li, D. TOXI 63 Li, L. CATL 146
Levy, R. COLL 39 Li, D. TOXI 64 Li, L. COLL 199
Lewandowski, K. POLY 16 Li, D. TOXI 70 Li, L. INOR 350
Lewerenz, A. COLL 541 Li, D. CATL 29 Li, L. TOXI 53
Lewicki, J.P. PMSE 332 Li, E.Y. INOR 244 Li, L. MEDI 269
Lewicki, J.P. POLY 224 Li, F. PMSE 78 Li, L. ORGN 82
Lewinski, K. CATL 250 Li, F. ENFL 5 Li, L. POLY 382
Lewis, D.E. PROF 21 Li, F. PMSE 352 Li, L. ENVR 36
Lewis, D.I. PROF 8 Li, G. AGRO 191 Li, L. PMSE 3
Lewis, E. PMSE 660 Li, G. ENVR 108 Li, L. PMSE 296
Lewis, J.S. POLY 236 Li, G. INOR 23 Li, L. PMSE 299
Lewis, K. PHYS 27 Li, G. INOR 195 Li, L. POLY 317
Lewis, L. ENVR 51 Li, G. COMP 80 Li, L. AGFD 277
Lewis, M. MEDI 312 Li, H. INOR 782 Li, L. ORGN 218
Lewis, M. AGRO 70 Li, H. INOR 785 Li, L. PMSE 228
Lewis, M.M. MEDI 71 Li, H. MEDI 200 Li, L. PMSE 320
Lewis, M.M. SCHB 39 Li, H. ORGN 48 Li, L. POLY 333
Lewis, M. SCHB 28 Li, H. ANYL 441 Li, M. INOR 64
Lewis, N.S. ANYL 145 Li, H. AGRO 115 Li, M. CATL 76
Lewis, N.S. COLL 541 Li, H. AGRO 347 Li, M. ENFL 317
Lewis, N.S. INOR 920 Li, H. PMSE 198 Li, M. MEDI 277

370 –AUTH
Li, M. ANYL 297 Li, W. MEDI 183 Li, Z. PMSE 168
Li, M. INOR 128 Li, W. I&EC 31 Li, Z. PMSE 170
Li, M. AGFD 48 Li, X. ENFL 377 Li, Z. PMSE 171
Li, N. CATL 110 Li, X. PMSE 141 Li, Z. POLY 606
Li, N. COMP 248 Li, X. ENFL 424 Li, C. BIOL 53
Li, N. MEDI 48 Li, X. BIOL 128 Li, Q. PHYS 498
Li, N. INOR 315 Li, X. ANYL 170 Li, S. CATL 478
Li, N. PMSE 90 Li, X.S. INOR 272 Li, X. BIOL 139
Li, P. COLL 174 Li, X. INOR 909 Li, Y. POLY 599
Li, P. CELL 21 Li, X. ENFL 164 Li, C. POLY 59
Li, P. INOR 127 Li, X. ORGN 457 Liakh, D. PHYS 437
Li, P. MEDI 7 Li, X. ORGN 560 Lian, L. ENVR 380
Li, P. MEDI 25 Li, X. ORGN 699 Lian, J. NUCL 42
Li, P. MEDI 153 Li, X. POLY 81 Lian, L. ENVR 105
Li, P. BIOL 30 Li, X. POLY 526 Lian, T. COLL 46
Li, Q. COLL 584 Li, X. POLY 528 Lian, Y. ORGN 229
Li, Q. ENVR 262 Li, X. ANYL 87 Liang, B. BIOL 10
Li, Q. POLY 384 Li, X. COMP 140 Liang, C. AGRO 197
Li, Q. POLY 766 Li, X. COMP 144 Liang, D. CATL 450
Li, Q. ORGN 229 Li, X. COMP 157 Liang, D. MEDI 177
Li, Q. MEDI 352 Li, X. COMP 159 Liang, D. ORGN 597
Li, Q. ENFL 206 Li, X. INOR 117 Liang, G. INOR 904
Li, Q.X. AGRO 224 Li, X. ENVR 251 Liang, G. MEDI 225
Li, Q.X. AGRO 270 Li, X. POLY 342 Liang, G. MEDI 267
Li, Q. ENVR 416 Li, X. MEDI 128 Liang, H. BIOL 164
Li, Q. PMSE 397 Li, X. ORGN 18 Liang, H. CATL 216
Li, Q. AEI 63 Li, X. ENFL 335 Liang, H. PMSE 162
Li, Q. COMP 279 Li, X. INOR 69 Liang, H. PMSE 473
Li, R. PMSE 25 Li, X. MEDI 150 Liang, J. BIOL 169
Li, R. POLY 324 Li, X. ENFL 244 Liang, J. PMSE 476
Li, R. AGRO 117 Li, X. ENFL 480 Liang, J. MEDI 11
Li, R. AGRO 176 Li, X. POLY 744 Liang, L. ENFL 361
Li, R. AGRO 349 Li, X. MEDI 228 Liang, M. MEDI 352
Li, R. AGRO 350 Li, X. ENFL 485 Liang, Q. CATL 453
Li, R. COLL 235 Li, X. ENFL 244 Liang, S. ORGN 564
Li, R. INOR 476 Li, X. ENFL 361 Liang, T. ANYL 150
Li, S.F. CATL 483 Li, Y. AGFD 251 Liang, X. PHYS 117
Li, S. ORGN 548 Li, Y. AGFD 277 Liang, Y. MEDI 123
Li, S. INOR 125 Li, Y. ANYL 345 Liang, Y. ENFL 316
Li, S. POLY 233 Li, Y. ENVR 225 Liang, Y. CHED 193
Li, S. ENFL 382 Li, Y. ENVR 401 Liang, Y. CATL 405
Li, S. BIOL 1 Li, Y. ENVR 439 Liang, Z. CATL 155
Li, S. PMSE 583 Li, Y. POLY 416 Liano, W. CATL 286
Li, S. CATL 110 Li, Y. MEDI 323 Liano, W. ENVR 224
Li, S. COLL 366 Li, Y. ENFL 177 Liano, W. ENVR 448
Li, S. COMP 295 Li, Y. AGFD 268 Liao, C. ENVR 502
Li, S. COMP 296 Li, Y. PMSE 617 Liao, J. BIOL 160
Li, S. AGFD 147 Li, Y. AGFD 108 Liao, L. COLL 279
Li, S. ORGN 424 Li, Y. MEDI 134 Liao, M. AGFD 251
Li, S. ORGN 463 Li, Y. MEDI 43 Liao, P. CATL 414
Li, S. COMP 48 Li, Y. MEDI 159 Liao, P. CATL 416
Li, S. COLL 187 Li, Y. MEDI 64 Liao, Y. POLY 654
Li, S. COLL 383 Li, Y. MEDI 102 Liao, Y. ENVR 376
Li, S. CATL 243 Li, Y. CELL 12 Liao, Y. PMSE 626
Li, S. AGFD 24 Li, Y. PHYS 8 Liao, Y. POLY 627
Li, S. AGFD 27 Li, Y. CATL 231 Liaw, B. PHYS 187
Li, S. POLY 381 Li, Y. ORGN 85 Liba, A. ANYL 275
Li, S. POLY 465 Li, Y. ORGN 597 Libardo, M. MEDI 298
Li, S. POLY 492 Li, Y. BIOL 89 Libardo, M. PHYS 578
Li, T. COLL 536 Li, Y. MEDI 249 Libby, B. PMSE 579
Li, T. CATL 155 Li, Y. ENFL 480 Libby, C. COMP 216
Li, T. ENVR 250 Li, Y. COLL 422 Libby, C. MEDI 133
Li, T. ORGN 601 Li, Y. POLY 659 Libelo, L. ENVR 306
Li, T. COMP 15 Li, Y. PHYS 326 Libelo, L. ENVR 308
Li, T. PHYS 313 Li, Y. AGRO 203 Libera, M. PMSE 476
Li, T. MEDI 111 Li, Z. ORGN 9 Liberman-Martin, A.L. INOR 204
Li, T. MEDI 42 Li, Z. INOR 292 Liberman-Martin, A.L. POLY 368
Li, T. COLL 273 Li, Z. ORGN 495 Libisch, F. PHYS 231
Li, T. PMSE 22 Li, Z. ENFL 308 Licari, D. PHYS 55
Li, T. INOR 132 Li, Z. INOR 409 Lichiheb, N. AGRO 348
Li, W. CATL 62 Li, Z. CATL 187 Lichtenberger, D.L. INOR 221
Li, W. CATL 114 Li, Z. CATL 333 Lichtenberger, D.L. INOR 945
Li, W. CATL 403 Li, Z. ANYL 344 Lichtenberger, D.L. POLY 273
Li, W. CATL 247 Li, Z. PMSE 17 Lichterman, M. COLL 541
Li, W. MEDI 83 Li, Z. COLL 559 Lichti-Kaiser, K. AGRO 288
Li, W. TOXI 86 Li, Z. POLY 462 Lieber, C.M. ANYL 1
Li, W. ENFL 441 Li, Z. AGRO 305 Lieber, C.M. ANYL 144
Li, W. AGRO 126 Li, Z. ENFL 39 Liebman, M.N. SCHB 31
Li, W. PMSE 631 Li, Z. PMSE 48 Liebov, B.K. MEDI 292
Li, W. CATL 107 Li, Z. PMSE 112 Liedberg, B. PMSE 475


Lieder, B. AGFD 245 Lin, P. ENVR 195 Lingo, J.C. INOR 323
Lieder, B. AGFD 246 Lin, P. TOXI 78 Linhardt, R.J. ANYL 122
Lienard, R. PMSE 398 Lin, Q. COLL 163 Linhardt, R.J. CARB 27
Lienkamp, K. COLL 355 Lin, R. PMSE 521 Linhardt, R.J. CARB 28
Lieu, M. INOR 239 Lin, R. ENFL 91 Linhardt, R.J. CARB 29
Ligare, M. CATL 89 Lin, S. POLY 259 Linhardt, R.J. CARB 40
Ligare, M. PHYS 268 Lin, S. INOR 353 Linhardt, R.J. CARB 55
Ligeour, C. CARB 20 Lin, S. CHED 99 Linhardt, R.J. CARB 58
Liggett, C. ANYL 89 Lin, S. CHED 410 Linhardt, R.J. CARB 69
Liggett, C. ANYL 222 Lin, S. CHED 411 Linhardt, R.J. CARB 81
Light, S. MEDI 271 Lin, S. INOR 440 Linhardt, R.J. COLL 204
Lightfield, A.R. AGRO 342 Lin, S. INOR 547 Linhardt, R.J. I&EC 65
Lightfoot, D. ENVR 45 Lin, S. ORGN 77 Linhardt, R.J. ORGN 649
Ligler, F.S. ANYL 271 Lin, S. MEDI 252 Linhardt, R.J. PMSE 289
Lilga, M. CATL 171 Lin, S. MEDI 253 Linhardt, R.J. PMSE 292
Lilga, M. CATL 174 Lin, S. MEDI 245 Linhardt, R.J. PMSE 434
Lilga, M. ENVR 94 Lin, T.S. INOR 528 Linic, S. CATL 36
Lilga, M. PHYS 265 Lin, T. POLY 369 Link, A. BIOL 161
Lim, F. COLL 414 Lin, T. POLY 486 Link, A. ORGN 321
Lim, H. PMSE 602 Lin, T. POLY 607 Link, D. ENFL 127
Lim, H. MEDI 34 Lin, W. COLL 163 Link, D. ENFL 252
Lim, H. POLY 444 Lin, W. CATL 315 Link, M. ENVR 486
Lim, H. ORGN 277 Lin, W. INOR 552 Link, S. COLL 440
Lim, H. ORGN 591 Lin, X. ENFL 125 Linnartz, H. PHYS 308
Lim, H. ORGN 168 Lin, X. ORGN 206 Linnartz, H. PHYS 351
Lim, J. PMSE 601 Lin, X. MEDI 250 Linstrom, P. CINF 127
Lim, J. POLY 490 Lin, X. COLL 298 Liotta, C.L. ORGN 381
Lim, J. MEDI 192 Lin, X. COLL 581 Liotta, C.L. ORGN 495
Lim, M. INOR 319 Lin, Y. CHED 229 Lipkin, M. PHYS 124
Lim, M. PMSE 396 Lin, Y. PMSE 139 Lipomi, D.J. POLY 239
Lim, S. MEDI 17 Lin, Y. ENFL 149 Lippa, K.A. CINF 78
Lim, S. COLL 144 Lin, Y. ENFL 151 Lippert, A. COMP 131
Lim, S. POLY 349 Lin, Y. ENVR 189 Lippincott, C. I&EC 6
Lim, W. ENVR 432 Lin, Y. CHED 174 Lipps, W. ENVR 386
Lim, W. INOR 656 Lin, Y. ENVR 330 Lipps, W. ENVR 519
Lim, Y. CATL 486 Lin, Y.J. ENFL 156 Lipscomb, C. POLY 16
Limanto, J. ORGN 256 Lin, Z. COLL 553 Lipscomb, G. CATL 224
Limbach, P. TOXI 107 Lin, Z. INOR 781 Liptrott, N. COLL 145
Limberakis, C. MEDI 63 Lin, Z. AEI 77 Lira, A.L. COLL 175
Limmer, M. ENVR 256 Lin, Z. PHYS 128 Lira, A.L. COLL 609
Lin, A. PHYS 404 Lin, Z. PHYS 136 Liras, S. MEDI 258
Lin, A. PHYS 491 Lin, Z. MEDI 83 Lischner, J. PHYS 24
Lin, B. ORGN 266 Lin, F. POLY 235 Lish, L. ENVR 4
Lin, B. CATL 284 Lin, P. AGFD 123 Li Sip, Y. COLL 112
Lin, C. PMSE 597 Lince, J.R. POLY 217 Liskin, D. CHED 142
Lin, C. COMP 128 Lind, M. ENVR 165 Liskin, D. CHED 206
Lin, C. COLL 230 Lindberg, G.E. PHYS 439 Liskin, D. CHED 267
Lin, C. AGRO 64 Lindberg, G.E. PHYS 461 Liskin, D. CHED 287
Lin, E.K. POLY 49 Linder, R.J. ORGN 471 Lisko, J. ANYL 174
Lin, F. COMP 210 Lindert, S. PHYS 320 Lissel, F. PHYS 13
Lin, F. TOXI 37 Lindgren, T. AGFD 187 Lister, A. ENVR 322
Lin, G. I&EC 45 Lindh, R. PHYS 276 Lister, A. ENVR 323
Lin, H. MEDI 93 Lindhagen, M. ORGN 548 Liszt, K. AGFD 245
Lin, H. CATL 5 Lindley, B.M. INOR 217 Littlefield, C.W. ORGN 91
Lin, H. CATL 353 Lindley, B.M. INOR 425 Litvinov, D. ENVR 34
Lin, H. AEI 66 Lindley, B.M. INOR 609 Liu, K. ENVR 17
Lin, H. ORGN 430 Lindley, B.M. INOR 612 Liu, K. ENVR 430
Lin, H. INOR 262 Lindsey, B. CHED 10 Liu, A. GEOC 5
Lin, H. POLY 532 Lindsley, C.W. MEDI 243 Liu, A.T. ORGN 669
Lin, J. MEDI 7 Lindstrom, A. ENVR 46 Liu, A.T. PHYS 507
Lin, J. ENFL 232 Lindvall, M. MEDI 250 Liu, A.T. PMSE 355
Lin, J. AGFD 251 Lineberger, W. PHYS 366 Liu, A. COLL 28
Lin, J. ENVR 560 Lineberger, W.C. PHYS 582 Liu, A. BIOL 84
Lin, J. INOR 394 Linehan, J.C. INOR 598 Liu, B. PHYS 498
Lin, J. CATL 379 Linehan, W. ORGN 35 Liu, B. CHED 259
Lin, J. INOR 39 Ling, J. PMSE 305 Liu, B. COLL 554
Lin, J. ENVR 457 Ling, L. GEOC 28 Liu, B. ENFL 181
Lin, K. ANYL 55 Ling, L. INOR 276 Liu, B. AGFD 48
Lin, K. ORGN 325 Ling, Y. POLY 240 Liu, B. ENFL 332
Lin, K. ORGN 643 Ling, Y. POLY 59 Liu, B. ORGN 89
Lin, L. ANYL 122 Lingel, A. MEDI 10 Liu, B. ANYL 30
Lin, L. CARB 69 Lingel, A. MEDI 306 Liu, B. ANYL 426
Lin, L. CATL 404 Lingerfelt, D.B. COMP 140 Liu, B. COMP 42
Lin, L. COMP 73 Lingerfelt, D.B. COMP 159 Liu, B. MEDI 17
Lin, L. COMP 74 Lingerfelt, M.A. CINF 115 Liu, C. ENFL 4
Lin, L. PHYS 279 Lingerfelt, M.A. MEDI 197 Liu, C. ANYL 291
Lin, N.J. ENVR 298 Lingerfelt, M.A. MEDI 270 Liu, C. ENFL 2
Lin, P. BIOL 160 Lingerfelt, M.A. SCHB 24 Liu, C. PMSE 314
Lin, P. AGFD 269 Linghu, X. ORGN 62 Liu, C. PHYS 566
Lin, P. ENVR 194 Lin-Gibson, S. PMSE 204 Liu, C. PMSE 84

Liu, C. PMSE 114 Liu, J. ENVR 523 Liu, W. PMSE 510
Liu, C. COLL 73 Liu, J. INOR 859 Liu, W. CATL 226
Liu, C. INOR 236 Liu, J. COMP 407 Liu, W. ORGN 416
Liu, C. MEDI 7 Liu, J. ORGN 310 Liu, W. ENVR 37
Liu, C. BIOL 111 Liu, J. ENVR 31 Liu, X. ANYL 42
Liu, C. CATL 449 Liu, J. ENVR 32 Liu, X. CATL 336
Liu, C. I&EC 66 Liu, J. INOR 259 Liu, X. I&EC 55
Liu, C. CATL 46 Liu, J. BIOL 25 Liu, X. INOR 471
Liu, C. COLL 402 Liu, J. COLL 83 Liu, X. ORGN 548
Liu, C. COLL 489 Liu, J.C. PMSE 199 Liu, X. COMP 213
Liu, C. COLL 497 Liu, J. ENFL 327 Liu, X. ENVR 156
Liu, C.Y. CINF 79 Liu, J. PHYS 244 Liu, X. ENVR 272
Liu, D. POLY 652 Liu, J. ENVR 25 Liu, X. COLL 277
Liu, D. ENVR 221 Liu, K. CELL 28 Liu, X. INOR 136
Liu, D. CATL 231 Liu, K. ORGN 444 Liu, Y. COMP 171
Liu, D. POLY 362 Liu, K. POLY 353 Liu, Y. ENVR 70
Liu, D. CATL 153 Liu, K. ENFL 362 Liu, Y. PMSE 488
Liu, D. CATL 263 Liu, K. CATL 234 Liu, Y. POLY 70
Liu, D. CATL 405 Liu, K. COLL 2 Liu, Y. ENVR 180
Liu, D. ENFL 393 Liu, K. ENVR 37 Liu, Y. ORGN 180
Liu, F. ENVR 124 Liu, K. MEDI 225 Liu, Y. INOR 832
Liu, F. ANYL 428 Liu, K. ENVR 144 Liu, Y. POLY 734
Liu, F. INOR 24 Liu, K. ORGN 577 Liu, Y. CATL 200
Liu, F. PHYS 321 Liu, L. POLY 378 Liu, Y. CATL 172
Liu, F. POLY 333 Liu, L. ORGN 212 Liu, Y. ENFL 237
Liu, F. POLY 512 Liu, L. AGFD 33 Liu, Y. ENFL 240
Liu, F. POLY 523 Liu, L. ENVR 262 Liu, Y. INOR 244
Liu, F. POLY 700 Liu, L. MEDI 275 Liu, Y. INOR 528
Liu, F. POLY 701 Liu, L. ORGN 609 Liu, Y. INOR 532
Liu, F. AGRO 394 Liu, L. PMSE 58 Liu, Y. INOR 536
Liu, F. COMP 29 Liu, M. ENFL 424 Liu, Y. ANYL 170
Liu, F. I&EC 62 Liu, M. COLL 532 Liu, Y. POLY 727
Liu, F. PMSE 231 Liu, M. PHYS 39 Liu, Y. POLY 324
Liu, G. MEDI 267 Liu, M.Y. PHYS 44 Liu, Y. COLL 484
Liu, G. ANYL 207 Liu, N. AGRO 369 Liu, Y. PHYS 218
Liu, G. CATL 382 Liu, N. ENVR 75 Liu, Y. PHYS 272
Liu, G. ENVR 155 Liu, N. ENVR 168 Liu, Y. ENVR 75
Liu, G. COLL 157 Liu, N. INOR 603 Liu, Y. ENFL 244
Liu, G. COLL 403 Liu, P. ORGN 175 Liu, Y. ENFL 480
Liu, G. PMSE 28 Liu, P. ORGN 515 Liu, Y. ENFL 485
Liu, G. COLL 586 Liu, P. POLY 303 Liu, Y. AGFD 176
Liu, H. CATL 2 Liu, P. POLY 395 Liu, Y. PMSE 562
Liu, H. POLY 716 Liu, P. ENVR 192 Liu, Y. AEI 4
Liu, H. PHYS 139 Liu, P. CATL 68 Liu, Y. COLL 61
Liu, H. ORGN 684 Liu, P. COMP 374 Liu, Y. PMSE 255
Liu, H. ORGN 408 Liu, P. ENFL 193 Liu, Z. CATL 250
Liu, H. ORGN 434 Liu, P. ENFL 194 Liu, Z. ORGN 548
Liu, H. ORGN 442 Liu, Q. CATL 226 Liu, Z. ENFL 466
Liu, H. ENVR 109 Liu, Q. PHYS 190 Liu, Z. COLL 540
Liu, H. PHYS 212 Liu, Q. PMSE 472 Liu, Z. ORGN 2
Liu, H. CINF 96 Liu, Q. POLY 376 Liu, Z. ORGN 256
Liu, H. PMSE 6 Liu, Q. ORGN 89 Liu, Z. AGRO 280
Liu, H. ANYL 55 Liu, Q. ENFL 224 Liu, Z. COLL 299
Liu, H. ORGN 400 Liu, Q. MEDI 8 Liu, Z. PMSE 232
Liu, H. ENFL 208 Liu, Q. CATL 369 Liu, Z. ENVR 212
Liu, H. ENVR 494 Liu, R. CINF 96 Liu, Z. COMP 13
Liu, H. ENFL 223 Liu, R. PHYS 237 Liu, Z. COLL 417
Liu, H. AGRO 341 Liu, R. CINF 120 Liu, Z. COLL 419
Liu, I. ENFL 232 Liu, S. MEDI 63 Liu, W. MEDI 153
Liu, I. ENFL 233 Liu, S. INOR 298 Liu, Y. POLY 445
Liu, I. PHYS 456 Liu, S. POLY 532 Livi, K.J. CATL 446
Liu, I. COLL 305 Liu, S. COMP 374 Livingston, A. POLY 775
Liu, J.J. INOR 715 Liu, S. POLY 571 Livingston, E. PMSE 616
Liu, J. ENVR 37 Liu, S. TOXI 28 Livingston, K. INOR 448
Liu, J. ENFL 253 Liu, S. ENVR 73 Livshits, M. NUCL 44
Liu, J. ENVR 45 Liu, S. POLY 394 Liyanage, C.D. COLL 530
Liu, J. PMSE 627 Liu, S. INOR 648 Liyanage, C.D. PMSE 625
Liu, J. CARB 69 Liu, T. ENFL 211 Liyanage, D. COLL 77
Liu, J. MEDI 34 Liu, T. CHED 240 Liyanage, D. INOR 657
Liu, J. MEDI 35 Liu, T. COLL 59 Liz Marzan, L. COLL 571
Liu, J. ORGN 588 Liu, T. INOR 824 Llanos, E.J. CINF 14
Liu, J. CINF 42 Liu, T. PHYS 203 Llewellyn, C. AGFD 15
Liu, J. ENVR 426 Liu, T. COMP 404 Lloyd, N. AGFD 91
Liu, J. PHYS 126 Liu, T. ENVR 418 Lloyd, R.S. TOXI 93
Liu, J.L. COLL 74 Liu, T. INOR 662 Lo, C.Y. AGFD 147
Liu, J.L. ENFL 459 Liu, W. MEDI 334 Lo, C. BIOL 76
Liu, J.L. MEDI 366 Liu, W. INOR 272 Lo, K. POLY 271
Liu, J. AGFD 229 Liu, W. POLY 662 Lo, M.M. MEDI 134
Liu, J. ANYL 142 Liu, W. AGFD 149 Lo, W. ENVR 366
Liu, J. ANYL 297 Liu, W. ORGN 616 Loadsman-Wammes, F. ORGN 222


Lobel, L. CHED 351 Long, T.E. POLY 474 Louque, J. AGRO 187
Lobo, R.F. CATL 443 Long, T.E. POLY 498 Lovaasen, B.M. CHED 245
Lobo, R.F. ENVR 131 Long, T.E. POLY 510 Lovaasen, B.M. CHED 246
Lobo, S. PMSE 83 Long, T.E. POLY 518 Lovaasen, B.M. INOR 289
Locascio, L. ANYL 300 Long, T.E. POLY 522 Lovat, G. INOR 512
Lochmaier, E. POLY 221 Long, T.E. POLY 674 Lovat, G. INOR 873
Lockard, J.V. INOR 403 Long, T.E. POLY 708 Lovat, G. INOR 874
Locke, A.K. PMSE 566 Long, T.E. POLY 744 Love, D. POLY 372
Locke, G. MEDI 25 Long, T.E. POLY 746 Love, J.B. INOR 812
Locke, G.A. MEDI 73 Long, T.E. POLY 774 Love, P. PHYS 314
Lockett, M.R. ANYL 394 Long, T.E. POLY 776 Lovelidge, J. MEDI 253
Lockhart, J. PMSE 399 Long, T. PMSE 106 Lovell, J. COLL 102
Locklin, J.J. ENVR 411 Long, Y. ANYL 425 Lovell, J. COLL 624
Lockwood, M. BIOL 150 Longenberger, T.B. CHED 297 Lovenberg, T. MEDI 211
Lodge, T.P. PMSE 317 Longenberger, T.B. CHED 366 Loverde, S. COMP 245
Lodge, T.P. POLY 298 Loo, R.W. PMSE 227 Loverde, S. COMP 347
Loeb, S. ENVR 265 Loo, Y. POLY 226 Loverde, S. COMP 350
Loeffler, F. ENVR 329 Look, G.C. MEDI 255 Loverde, S. COMP 409
Loehr, F. PHYS 246 Loomis, J.F. CHED 154 Loverde, S. PMSE 35
Lofano, E. PMSE 118 Lopata, K. ANYL 288 Loverde, S. PMSE 92
Loftus, L.M. INOR 688 Lopes, A. CHED 259 Lovett, J. POLY 424
Logan, J. WCC 3 Lopes, C. CHAS 38 Loving, C. AGRO 86
Logan, R. MEDI 269 Lopes, P. CATL 37 Lovinger, A.J. POLY 47
Loganathan, B.G. ENVR 481 Lopes, P.E. COMP 325 Lovinger, A.J. POLY 231
Loh, A. ENVR 482 Lopes, P. CATL 29 Lovinger, G. ORGN 570
Lohith, K. BIOL 114 Lopez, E. ORGN 376 Low, C. MEDI 17
Lohith, K. MEDI 309 Lopez, J. POLY 296 Low, C. MEDI 277
Lohith, K. ORGN 400 Lopez, M. CHED 179 Low, J. COLL 272
Lohmann, D. POLY 675 Lopez, M. CHED 187 Low, J. ORGN 687
Lohmann, R. AEI 33 Lopez, M. ENFL 124 Low, W. COLL 434
Lohmann, R. ENVR 275 Lopez, R. I&EC 35 Lowden, G. ANYL 140
Lohne, J. AGRO 48 Lopez, S. MEDI 250 Lowe, D.M. CINF 9
Loianno, V. PMSE 665 Lopez, S.A. ENVR 318 Lowe, D.M. CINF 13
Lokitz, B.S. POLY 744 Lopez Garriga, J. BIOL 150 Lowe, D.M. CINF 17
Lo Leggio, L. INOR 583 López Hernández, J.E. CHED 277 Lowe, D.M. CINF 90
Lolur, P. ENFL 399 Lopez-Sanchez, J.A. CATL 51 Lowe, D.M. CINF 136
Lomax, J.F. ANYL 256 Lorah, M. ENVR 200 Lowell, A.N. BIOL 1
Lomax, S.Q. ANYL 256 Loraine, G.A. ENVR 213 Lowenthal, M. ANYL 439
Lombard-Banek, C. ANYL 236 Lorandi, F. POLY 7 Lowinski, M. COMP 63
Lombard-Banek, C. ANYL 331 Lorandi, F. POLY 387 Lowry, M.S. COLL 191
Lombard-Banek, C. TOXI 105 Lord, B. MEDI 211 Loy, D.A. INOR 746
Lombardo, L. MEDI 7 Lord, R.M. INOR 185 Loy, D.A. PMSE 591
Lombardo, L. MEDI 269 Lord, R.M. INOR 575 Loy, D.A. POLY 306
Lomin, S.N. BIOL 97 Lord, R.M. INOR 830 Loy, J. MEDI 365
Lommel, B. NUCL 48 Lord, R.M. MEDI 283 Lozano, V. ENVR 437
Lomneth, R. CHED 11 Lord, R.L. INOR 360 Lozovyy, Y. INOR 676
Lomnicki, S.M. AGRO 213 Lord, R.L. INOR 676 Lozoya Colinas, A. CHED 390
Lomnicki, S.M. CELL 4 Loredo-Carrillo, S. ORGN 624 L Raveendran, N. CATL 233
Lomoth, R. INOR 19 Lorello, P.J. MEDI 143 Lu, A. MEDI 22
Londergan, C.H. PHYS 343 Lorencen, J. ENVR 214 Lu, A. MEDI 103
Londergan, C.H. PHYS 428 Loria, P.M. MEDI 63 Lu, A. INOR 757
London, C. MEDI 225 Lorraine, S. CATL 331 Lu, A. CATL 302
London, D. AGRO 141 Lorsch, J.R. CHED 18 Lu, C. COLL 366
Londregan, A.T. ORGN 229 Lorthiois, E. MEDI 46 Lu, C. INOR 690
Long, I. POLY 679 Lörtscher, E. PHYS 13 Lu, C. INOR 729
Long, D.A. ENFL 224 Lorzing, G.R. INOR 754 Lu, C. INOR 816
Long, J.K. AGRO 386 Lorzing, G.R. INOR 149 Lu, C. INOR 820
Long, J.R. INOR 925 Loschiavo, T. CHED 30 Lu, D. ENVR 495
Long, J. PHYS 580 Loso, M.R. ORGN 472 Lu, D. CATL 90
Long, J.M. ENFL 197 Losovyj, Y. COLL 231 Lu, F. ENFL 318
Long, J.M. ENFL 198 Losovyj, Y. ENFL 295 Lu, G. PMSE 653
Long, M. INOR 904 Lott, J. POLY 469 Lu, G. POLY 303
Long, M. ENVR 541 Lott, L. ANYL 147 Lu, G. ENFL 150
Long, M. ENVR 558 Lotti, C. AGFD 4 Lu, G. CATL 62
Long, S. AGRO 184 Lotz, S. COMP 108 Lu, G. CATL 114
Long, T.E. PMSE 6 Lou, J. PMSE 43 Lu, G. CATL 336
Long, T.E. PMSE 55 Lou, J. PMSE 326 Lu, G. CATL 403
Long, T.E. PMSE 218 Lou, R. CATL 54 Lu, G. PHYS 400
Long, T.E. PMSE 219 Lou, X. ENFL 338 Lu, H. COLL 171
Long, T.E. PMSE 293 Lou, Y. CATL 114 Lu, H. PMSE 437
Long, T.E. PMSE 435 Lou, Z. MEDI 308 Lu, H. POLY 125
Long, T.E. PMSE 480 Loubeau, M. MEDI 269 Lu, H. PMSE 20
Long, T.E. PMSE 579 Louda, J. ANYL 79 Lu, J. MEDI 323
Long, T.E. PMSE 659 Loughney, D.A. MPPG 17 Lu, J. ORGN 9
Long, T.E. POLY 54 Loughrin, J.H. AGRO 89 Lu, J. ENFL 231
Long, T.E. POLY 175 Louie, S.M. ENVR 493 Lu, J. ENFL 234
Long, T.E. POLY 315 Louie, S.G. PHYS 23 Lu, J. ENFL 330
Long, T.E. POLY 365 Louie, S.G. PHYS 72 Lu, J. ENFL 479
Long, T.E. POLY 433 Louis, J. PHYS 288 Lu, J. MEDI 89
Long, T.E. POLY 442 Lounsbury, A.W. ENVR 217 Lu, J. MEDI 90

374 –AUTH
Lu, K. INOR 368 Lumetta, G.J. I&EC 7 Lutterman, D.A. ENFL 173
Lu, L. ANYL 103 Lumetta, G.J. I&EC 8 Lutterman, D.A. ENFL 179
Lu, M. ORGN 184 Lun, S. MEDI 41 Lutz, D. CATL 250
Lu, P. PHYS 188 Luna-Vital, D. AGFD 219 Lutz, J. POLY 421
Lu, Q. PHYS 87 Lunchick, C. AGRO 234 Luu, B.T. BIOL 81
Lu, S. NUCL 3 Lundberg, K. ENFL 120 Luxenhofer, R. COLL 314
Lu, W. COMP 196 Lundberg, M. INOR 87 Luxford, C.J. CHED 72
Lu, W. INOR 287 Lundegaard, L.F. CATL 259 Luxton, T. GEOC 17
Lu, W. INOR 394 Lundgren, C. INOR 245 Luzar, A. PHYS 68
Lu, W. ENVR 492 Lundgren, C. INOR 473 Luzar, A. PHYS 528
Lu, W. AGFD 184 Lundgren, C. PHYS 463 Luzi, N. BIOL 74
Lu, W. AGFD 227 Lundgren, E. COLL 418 Luzinov, I.A. PMSE 408
Lu, W. MEDI 102 Lundgren, R. ORGN 500 Luzinov, I.A. PMSE 530
Lu, X. PHYS 361 Lundgren, S. BIOL 27 Luzinov, I.A. POLY 450
Lu, X. ORGN 48 Lundin, J. COLL 141 Lv, H. CATL 29
Lu, X. PMSE 631 Lundin, J. INOR 138 Lv, J. ENVR 74
Lu, X. AGFD 155 Lundin, J. PMSE 405 Lv, L. AGFD 115
Lu, X. AGFD 158 Lundin, J. POLY 459 Lv, L. AGFD 116
Lu, X. ORGN 508 Lundin, V. ANYL 55 Lv, L. AGFD 119
Lu, X. CATL 1 Lundsteen, N. CINF 52 Ly, J.T. ORGN 223
Lu, X. CATL 47 Luneau, M. CATL 367 Ly, J.T. POLY 734
Lu, X. ORGN 313 Luning Prak, D.J. ENFL 251 Ly, P. PHYS 252
Lu, Y. COLL 583 Lunn, D. POLY 233 Lye, D. PMSE 128
Lu, Y. POLY 406 Luo, Y. I&EC 29 Lyle, S.M. CHED 204
Lu, Y. AGFD 273 Luo, Y. PMSE 592 Lynch, C. BIOL 69
Lu, Y. COLL 70 Luo, Y. POLY 129 Lynch, D. ENVR 308
Lu, Y. INOR 363 Luo, Y. POLY 435 Lynch, D. ENVR 351
Lu, Y. INOR 385 Luo, B. ENVR 553 Lynch, D. TOXI 9
Lu, Y. ANYL 240 Luo, B. ENVR 556 Lynch, D. TOXI 10
Lu, Z. POLY 378 Luo, C. ANYL 296 Lynch, D.L. PHYS 591
Lu, Z. CATL 215 Luo, D. COLL 425 Lynch, J. ORGN 388
Lu, Z. MEDI 169 Luo, D. POLY 390 Lynch, K. MEDI 200
Lu, Z. ORGN 368 Luo, F. ORGN 408 Lynch, K.R. MEDI 201
Luan, X. CATL 208 Luo, G. ORGN 429 Lynch, M. COLL 57
Luan, Y. CATL 487 Luo, G. YCC 3 Lynd, N.A. PMSE 478
Lubner, C. CATL 224 Luo, H. CARB 99 Lynd, N.A. POLY 101
Luc, W. ENFL 289 Luo, H. INOR 134 Lynd, N.A. POLY 294
Lucas, E. CHED 74 Luo, H. INOR 901 Lynd, N.A. POLY 602
Lucas, E. ORGN 363 Luo, H. I&EC 5 Lyne, P. MEDI 23
Lucas, H.R. INOR 142 Luo, H. AGFD 262 Lynn, K. AGRO 40
Lucas, H.R. INOR 166 Luo, H. AGFD 268 Lynn, K. AGRO 133
Lucas, H.R. INOR 417 Luo, J. INOR 824 Lynn, K. AGRO 194
Lucas, H.R. INOR 794 Luo, J. CATL 302 Lynn, K. CINF 141
Lucas, H.R. INOR 868 Luo, J. INOR 655 Lyon, A. ANYL 9
Lucasti, C. ENFL 255 Luo, J. INOR 837 Lyons, A. ORGN 180
Lucci, F.R. YCC 22 Luo, J. CATL 244 Lyskawa, J. PMSE 570
Luce, T. GEOC 9 Luo, J. ENFL 301 Lyte, M. AGFD 17
Lucero, A. ENFL 140 Luo, K. ANYL 152 Lytle, T.K. PMSE 536
Lucero, G.A. COMP 211 Luo, L. ENFL 84 Lyu, L. ENVR 495
Luchko, T. COMP 38 Luo, L. ENFL 240 Lyu, X. PMSE 535
Lucht, B.L. COLL 55 Luo, L. ENFL 390 Lyu, Y. AEI 1
Lucht, B.L. PHYS 186 Luo, L. ENVR 74 Lyu, Y. AEI 19
Lucio, J.C. ENFL 256 Luo, M. BIOL 61 Lyu, Y. COLL 351
Lucio-Vega, J. ENFL 248 Luo, N. CATL 3 Lyu, Y. COMP 345
Lucius, M. POLY 187 Luo, Q. ENFL 147 Lyu, Z. ENFL 193
Lucknow, K. MEDI 101 Luo, R. COMP 56 Lyu, Z. ENFL 194
Luderer, M. ORGN 572 Luo, R. COMP 102 M. Akimoto, A. POLY 25
Luebke, D. ENFL 39 Luo, W. INOR 298 M.C, M. AGRO 393
Luebke, D. PMSE 112 Luo, Y. COMP 75 M. Kharrat, A. ENFL 472
Lueckheide, M.J. PMSE 263 Luo, Y. COLL 192 M. R., D.S. ORGN 686
Luedtke, R. MEDI 313 Luo, Y. ORGN 674 Ma, B. ENVR 201
Luehmann, H. POLY 324 Luo, Y. AGRO 94 Ma, B. TOXI 38
Luettgen, J.M. MEDI 308 Luo, Y. AGRO 158 Ma, B. TOXI 39
Luginbuhl, K.M. PMSE 253 Luo, Y. AGRO 161 Ma, B. PHYS 578
Luginbühl, S. COLL 362 Luo, Z. ENFL 95 Ma, C. ENFL 211
Lugo, E. PMSE 316 Luo, K. CARB 26 Ma, C. INOR 559
Lukamto, D. ORGN 484 Luong, T. TOXI 73 Ma, C. ENVR 460
Lukasik, B. INOR 921 Lupin, L. CHED 151 Ma, C. PMSE 500
Lukasik, B.D. CHED 244 Luppino, S. POLY 284 Ma, D. CATL 128
Lukasik, B.D. INOR 538 Luque, R. CATL 50 Ma, D. ENFL 12
Lukens, J. INOR 284 Luscombe, C.K. PMSE 617 Ma, H. INOR 746
Lukianov, C. POLY 349 Lustemberg, P. CATL 70 Ma, H. PMSE 473
Lukkanasiri, M. COLL 246 Luteran, E.M. INOR 941 Ma, H. AGFD 149
Lukowski, A.L. PHYS 197 Luterbacher, J. CATL 96 Ma, H. ENVR 460
Lum, J.S. COLL 522 Luther, E. ANYL 429 Ma, H. ENVR 461
Lum, W. COLL 36 Lutkenhaus, J.L. ENFL 65 Ma, J. AGRO 83
Lum, W. COLL 42 Lutkenhaus, J.L. PMSE 265 Ma, J. CATL 114
Lum, W. COLL 152 Lutkenhaus, J.L. PMSE 595 Ma, J. ENVR 380
Lum, W. COLL 447 Lutkenhaus, J.L. POLY 612 Ma, J. CATL 471
Lumb, J. INOR 494 Lutterman, D.A. CATL 43 Ma, J. POLY 70


Ma, J. PMSE 458 Mackerell, A.D. CARB 90 Maglia, G. ORGN 502

Ma, J. ENVR 56 Mackerell, A.D. COMP 202 Magliery, T.J. ANYL 124
Ma, J. ENVR 81 Mackerell, A.D. COMP 210 Magnani, J.L. CARB 1
Ma, J. ANYL 198 Mackerell, A.D. COMP 227 Magocs, B.L. NUCL 12
Ma, L. AGRO 362 Mackerell, A.D. COMP 235 Magoulas, I. PHYS 222
Ma, L. COLL 515 Mackerell, A.D. COMP 264 Magri, R. AGFD 4
Ma, L. COMP 279 Mackerell, A.D. COMP 281 Magtaan, A. INOR 162
Ma, L. AGFD 21 Mackerell, A.D. COMP 284 Maguire, C. CHED 397
Ma, L. AGFD 208 Mackerell, A.D. COMP 290 Maguire, R.J. ORGN 9
Ma, L. PMSE 284 Mackerell, A.D. COMP 292 Maguire, R. ORGN 625
Ma, M. ENVR 392 Mackerell, A.D. COMP 312 Magurudeniya, H.D. INOR 772
Ma, M. ENVR 398 MacKerell, A. ORGN 597 Magzoub, M.I. COLL 197
Ma, M. AGRO 131 MacKerron, C. POLY 249 Mahadevan, K. COLL 258
Ma, M. AGRO 194 Mackey, A. AGFD 213 Mahadevan, K. COLL 616
Ma, Q. AGRO 83 Mackie, C. PHYS 4 Mahala, B.D. COMP 204
Ma, Q. AGRO 337 Mackie, C. PHYS 105 Mahanta, N. BIOL 121
Ma, Q. COLL 460 Mackie, D. ENFL 157 Mahanthappa, M.K. COLL 20
Ma, R.S. ORGN 575 Mackie, D.M. ENVR 254 Mahara, A. PMSE 564
Ma, R. PMSE 530 Mackman, R.L. MEDI 237 Mahato, R. POLY 235
Ma, S. I&EC 12 Maclachlan, J.L. ANYL 379 Maher, M.J. POLY 375
Ma, S. INOR 70 Maclachlan, J.L. SCHB 7 Mahim, A. INOR 152
Ma, S. ENVR 377 Maclachlan, J.L. SCHB 14 Mahjouri-Samani, M. ENFL 361
Ma, S. PHYS 235 Maclachlan, J.L. SCHB 15 Mahmood, S. ENFL 192
Ma, T. ENVR 73 Maclean, J. MEDI 131 Mahmood, S. ENVR 474
Ma, W. ORGN 575 Maclean, J. MEDI 225 Mahmoud, M. ENVR 255
Ma, X. CATL 6 MacLeod, C. MEDI 22 Mahon, C.S. PMSE 242
Ma, X. CATL 454 MacLeod, C. MEDI 103 Mahon, M. INOR 730
Ma, X. ENFL 41 MacMahon, S. AGFD 207 Mahoney, C. POLY 394
Ma, X. ENVR 168 MacMillan, D.W. CATL 140 Mahroof-Tahir, M. INOR 483
Ma, Y. ENFL 38 MacMillan, D.W. ORGN 240 Mahurin, S.M. COLL 174
Ma, Y. PHYS 552 MacMillan, D.W. ORGN 366 Mahurin, S.M. ENFL 45
Ma, Y. CATL 43 MacMillan, D.W. ORGN 636 Mahurin, S.M. ENVR 494
Ma, Y. AGFD 264 MacMillan, S.N. CATL 139 Mahurin, S.M. POLY 447
Ma, Y. INOR 335 Macor, J. MEDI 358 Mai, D.J. PMSE 272
Ma, Z. MEDI 33 Mac Sweeney, A. MEDI 46 Mai, D.J. PMSE 33
Ma, Z. MEDI 352 Macwan, I. COLL 253 Mai, J. INOR 804
Ma, X. MEDI 225 Macwan, I.G. COMP 255 Mai, L. ENFL 119
Maag, A. ENVR 93 Madadlou, A. COLL 159 Mai, L. ENFL 483
Maan, A. NUCL 8 Madariaga-Mazon, A. CINF 80 Mai, X. ENVR 149
Maaskant, R. ORGN 84 Madden, J. CINF 42 Maia de Oliveira, H. ENVR 384
Mabanglo, M.F. PHYS 43 Maddi, B. CATL 455 Maibaum, J.K. MEDI 46
Mabrouk, P.A. CHED 12 Mader, E.A. INOR 389 Maicaneanu, S.A. ENVR 381
Mabry, J.M. PMSE 608 Maderuelo Corral, S. MEDI 282 Maier, G. CHED 181
Mabry, J.M. POLY 217 Madgula, K. PMSE 477 Maier, J. PHYS 352
Mabry, J.M. POLY 521 Madhavara, C. ANYL 187 Maier, R. INOR 775
Macbeth, M. CHED 162 Madhavara, C. BIOL 125 Mailen, R. POLY 727
MacCleoud, H. CHED 396 Madhavi, K. CHED 376 Maillard, R.A. BIOL 180
Maccuspie, R.I. ENVR 113 Madinya, J. PMSE 536 Maillard, R.A. BIOL 184
MacDermaid, C.M. PMSE 586 Madix, R.J. CATL 367 Mailloux, B.J. ENVR 284
Macdonald, J. AEI 46 Madix, R.J. COLL 416 Mailloux, B.J. ENVR 285
Macdonald, J. COLL 186 Madl, C. PMSE 251 Mainardi, D. CATL 117
Macdonald, J. INOR 711 Madrahimov, S. INOR 48 Mainz, V.V. HIST 29
Macdonald, J. INOR 842 Madrahimov, S.T. INOR 148 Maiorana, A. POLY 333
MacDonald, M.G. ANYL 60 Madrid, P. MEDI 197 Maiorana, A. POLY 559
Macdougall, L.J. PMSE 42 Madsen, J. AGRO 160 Maire-Afeli, H.C. CHED 63
Macdougall, L.J. PMSE 400 Madsen, L.A. COLL 406 Maire-Afeli, H.C. CHED 395
Macdougall, L.J. PMSE 640 Madsen, L.A. POLY 664 Maison, W. ORGN 464
MacEdo, J.L. CATL 330 Madsen, L.A. POLY 744 Maiti, A. PMSE 332
MacEwan, S. PMSE 516 Madson, M.A. CARB 56 Maiti, D. ENFL 28
Macfarlane, R. COLL 17 Mady, N.H. AGFD 100 Maiti, S.K. ENVR 132
Macfarlane, R. INOR 787 Madzhidov, T.I. CINF 9 Maiti, M. NUCL 48
MacFarlane, L. POLY 342 Maeda, H. POLY 569 Maity, A. ORGN 668
Machado, C. COLL 13 Maeda, M. COLL 485 Maity, A. INOR 397
Machado, C. ENVR 189 Maejima, S. ORGN 595 Maity, D. CATL 385
Machan, C.W. INOR 906 Maestro, A. COLL 388 Maity, S. ORGN 270
Machhi, J. MEDI 353 Maeyer, J. CHED 68 Majer, P. MEDI 318
Machireddy, B. COMP 351 Maffeo, C. COMP 343 Majeste, C. ORGN 52
Machonkin, T.E. INOR 26 Mafi, A. PMSE 37 Majeswski, M. MEDI 101
Maciá, B. ORGN 281 Mafra, L. AGRO 240 Major, D.T. ENFL 72
Macieja, A. MEDI 317 Mafra Neto, A. AGRO 240 Major, D.T. PHYS 146
Macielag, M.J. MEDI 37 Magaletta, R.L. AGFD 213 Major, D. ENVR 326
MacInnes, M.M. INOR 172 Magano, J. ORGN 143 Major, R. CHED 104
Maciulis, N. INOR 676 Magbitang, T. PMSE 118 Majumdar, A. BIOL 58
Maciulis, N.A. INOR 344 Magee, T.V. MEDI 258 Majumdar, A. BIOL 94
Maciulis, N.A. COLL 188 Mageid, A. ENVR 2 Majumdar, L. PHYS 104
Mack, J. ORGN 112 Magenau, A.J. PMSE 513 Majumdar, S. PMSE 462
Mack, S. POLY 393 Magenau, A.J. POLY 9 Majumdar, S. CHED 164
Mack, J.P. MEDI 176 Magenau, A.J. POLY 430 Majumdar, S. CHED 165
MacKellar, J. CHED 358 Magidson, L. PHYS 236 Majumdar, S. CHED 173
Mackerell, A.D. CARB 88 Magistrato, A. CATL 373 Majumdar, S. CHED 201

376 –AUTH
Majumdar, S. CHED 202 Manas-Zloczower, I. PMSE 13 Manto, M. ENVR 448
Majumder, P. PMSE 401 Manas-Zloczower, I. PMSE 156 Manzini, M. ANYL 438
Mak, A.M. CATL 486 Manas-Zloczower, I. PMSE 324 Mao, Z. PMSE 563
Mak, J.Y. ORGN 212 Manas-Zloczower, I. POLY 449 Mao, B. ANYL 165
Makal, T.A. INOR 887 Manas-Zloczower, I. POLY 560 Mao, B. ANYL 268
Makaroff, K. POLY 187 Manas-Zloczower, I. POLY 562 Mao, B. ENFL 186
Makarov, D.E. POLY 28 Manas-Zloczower, I. POLY 563 Mao, D. AGRO 257
Makarychev, K. I&EC 35 Manca, G. PHYS 362 Mao, H. POLY 149
Makeneni, S. CARB 79 Mance, D. ENFL 446 Mao, J. PMSE 592
Makepeace, J. CATL 276 Manchanayakage, R.N. ORGN 329 Mao, J. PMSE 478
Makepeace, J. ENFL 17 Manchineela, S. MEDI 95 Mao, L. COLL 144
Makepeace, J. ENFL 18 Mancin, F. COMP 143 Mao, L. TOXI 90
Makins, C. BIOL 96 Mancinelli, C.D. PMSE 434 Mao, M. AGRO 147
Makki, S. ENVR 368 Mancuso, A. PMSE 402 Mao, X. INOR 269
Makler, G. ENVR 498 Mandadapu, S. MEDI 309 Mao, Y. ENVR 174
Makowski, L. PHYS 474 Mandadapu, S. BIOL 114 Mao, Z. CATL 25
Makriyannis, A. MEDI 4 Mandal, D. PHYS 109 Mapa, M. BIOL 64
Mal, S. INOR 524 Mandal, J. POLY 557 Mapelli, C. MEDI 269
Malaisamy, R. CHAS 28 Mandal, S.K. INOR 576 Mapes, K.B. ORGN 137
Malakar, P. COMP 119 Mandal, S.K. INOR 579 Maragh, P.T. CATL 331
Malakar, S. INOR 202 Mandal, S.K. INOR 580 Maragh, P.T. INOR 150
Malalasekera, A.P. COLL 147 Mandava, G. CINF 60 Maragh, P.T. INOR 966
Malalasekera, A.P. INOR 836 Mandel, R.M. COLL 285 Marangon, M. AGFD 25
Malanoski, A. ENVR 561 Mane, S.R. POLY 420 Maraschky, A. COLL 256
Malbrecht, B. AEI 45 Manek, E. AGRO 56 Marashi, N.H. CHED 304
Malchione, N. COLL 159 Manes, T. CATL 270 Marassi, F. PHYS 338
Malchow, T. ANYL 441 Mangion, I.K. ANYL 139 Marathe, P. MEDI 30
Malcolmson, S. ORGN 312 Mangold, M. ANYL 9 Marathey, P. ENFL 207
Maldarelli, C. COLL 130 Mangubat, A.E. ORGN 160 Maravelias, C. ENVR 89
Maldarelli, C. COLL 345 Manitchotipist, P. CARB 50 Marbella, L.E. COLL 185
Maldonado, P.M. AGRO 263 Mankad, N.P. INOR 380 Marbella, L.E. COLL 213
Maldonado, S. INOR 172 Manke, D.R. INOR 50 Marbella, L.E. COLL 557
Maldonado-Ortiz, J. ENVR 538 Manke, D.R. INOR 126 Marbella, L.E. ENFL 428
Malecha, K.T. ENVR 191 Manker, L. CATL 7 March, J. CHED 341
Malek, L. CELL 11 Mankhand, T.R. I&EC 61 Marchais-Oberwinkler, S. MEDI 231
Malekani, K. AGRO 337 Mankoci, S. POLY 302 Marchionda, K.E. ENVR 113
Maleki, H. ANYL 20 Mann, E. COLL 347 Marchione, A.A. ANYL 163
Malen, J. INOR 58 Mann, J.A. POLY 743 Marchioretto, M. ORGN 79
Maley, C. CHED 258 Mann, J. ENVR 256 Marciel, A. PMSE 263
Malfatti, F. ENVR 532 Mann, M.K. CHED 143 Marciel, A. POLY 346
Malfatti, M.A. TOXI 108 Mann, S.I. CATL 265 Marcinkeviciene, J. MEDI 77
Malhotra, D. ENFL 136 Mann, T.J. COLL 20 Marcotte, A.R. ANYL 21
Malhotra, D. ENFL 137 Mann, Z.E. ENFL 45 Marcotte, A.R. ANYL 348
Malhotra, D. ENFL 139 Manna, D. INOR 742 Marcotte, N. POLY 697
Malhotra, M. COLL 34 Manna, S. ANYL 184 Marcu, J. AGRO 210
Malik, C. TOXI 15 Manna, S. ANYL 185 Marcu, J. CHAS 9
Malik, G. ORGN 274 Manners, I. ANYL 212 Marcum, J. ORGN 494
Malipatel, S. ORGN 517 Manners, I. POLY 342 Marder, S.R. COLL 297
Malkin, E. NUCL 9 Manners, I. POLY 636 Marder, S.R. PMSE 610
Malko, A. INOR 480 Manning, J.R. MEDI 267 Marek, I. ORGN 115
Malkov, A.V. ORGN 351 Manning, K. PMSE 128 Marek, R.F. ENVR 280
Mallagaray, A. CARB 72 Manning, K. POLY 567 Maresca, M. POLY 310
Mallajosyula, S.S. CARB 88 Manning, M. AGRO 235 Margaretta, E. PMSE 218
Mallam, G. COLL 5 Manoharan, M. COLL 433 Margraf, J.T. AEI 25
Mallam, G. COLL 597 Manoharan, V. MEDI 17 Mariani, Z. CHED 37
Malli, I. MEDI 314 Manor, B. I&EC 6 Maria Solano, M. PHYS 335
Mallia, A.V. COLL 408 Manor, B. INOR 364 Marie, T. CATL 444
Mallia, A.V. PMSE 268 Manor, B. INOR 398 Marimon Bolivar, W. ENVR 122
Malliakas, C. INOR 127 Manoury, E. INOR 374 Marin, A. PMSE 111
Malliakas, C. INOR 918 Manoury, E. POLY 412 Marin, A. PMSE 169
Malmali, M. ENFL 61 Manoury, E. POLY 773 Marin, A. PMSE 493
Malmstrom, E.E. PMSE 41 Mansfield, E. POLY 754 Marin, A. PMSE 494
Malmstrom, E.E. POLY 696 Mansfield, M. PMSE 36 Marinas, B.J. POLY 55
Malone-Povolny, M. ANYL 149 Mansha, A. PHYS 301 Marine, J. POLY 536
Maloney, E.K. MEDI 157 Mansley, T. CINF 116 Marinescu, S. INOR 279
Maloney, K.M. INOR 948 Mansley, T. MEDI 348 Marinescu, S. INOR 405
Maloney, V.M. CHED 76 Mansouri, K. ANYL 435 Marinescu, S. INOR 893
Malonzo, C. INOR 820 Mansouri, K. CINF 28 Marinopoulos, I.P. COLL 387
Maltais, R. MEDI 165 Mansouri, K. CINF 101 Mark, M. INOR 23
Maltby, L. AGRO 407 Mansouri, K. ENVR 546 Mark, M. INOR 195
Maltsev, D.S. INOR 639 Mansouri, K. TOXI 100 Markey, K. ENVR 355
Maltseva, E. PHYS 4 Mantel, A. PHYS 415 Markey, S. ANYL 130
Malvoisin, M. CHED 148 Mantell, M. INOR 228 Markham, R.R. INOR 158
Malyshka, D. INOR 694 Mantell, M. INOR 853 Markley, J.L. ORGN 659
Mamlouk, H. INOR 48 Mantha, M. ANYL 219 Markovic, B. INOR 524
Man, T. COLL 467 Manthey, J.A. AGFD 90 Markovic, N. CATL 29
Manandhar, A. COMP 350 Manthiram, A. ENFL 113 Markovic, N. CATL 37
Manandhar, A. PMSE 35 Manto, M. CATL 286 Markovski, J. ENVR 223
Manas, E.S. MPPG 17 Manto, M. ENVR 224 Markovski, J. ENVR 247
Manas-Zloczower, I. COLL 523 Manto, M. ENVR 407 Markovski, M. ENVR 247


Markovsky, B. ENFL 72 Martin, S.E. ORGN 28 Massingill, J.L. I&EC 51

Marks, I. MEDI 302 Martin, S. ENVR 189 Massoli, P. ENVR 550
Marks, T.J. PMSE 611 Martin, S. ENVR 192 Masson, E. ORGN 540
Marley, R.L. INOR 724 Martin, S. ENVR 164 Masson, E. ORGN 703
Marlin, R. CHED 64 Martin, T. TOXI 36 Masson, J. ANYL 400
Marmolejo-Valencia, A.F. COMP 271 Martin, T. MEDI 82 Massoud, T. COLL 34
Marmor, W. CHED 200 Martin, T. ORGN 472 Mast, D.S. INOR 916
Marmuse, L. INOR 583 Martin, T. TOXI 100 Mast, D.S. NUCL 18
Marnett, L.J. ANYL 18 Martin, T. MEDI 34 Mastalerz, H. MEDI 25
Marnett, L.J. TOXI 7 Martin, T. MEDI 35 Mastoridis, P.M. MEDI 204
Marnett, L.J. TOXI 38 Martin, T.B. PMSE 151 Mastoridis, P.M. ORGN 623
Marnett, L.J. TOXI 73 Martin, W. POLY 707 Mastracco, P. PMSE 616
Marnett, L.J. TOXI 87 Martin, W.R. CHED 89 Mastrangelo, A. POLY 426
Marnot, A.E. PMSE 218 Martin-Blanco, E. PROF 20 Mastren, T. NUCL 1
Marohn, J.A. ANYL 359 Martinez, A. PMSE 169 Mastrocinque, F. INOR 263
Marom, N. PHYS 26 Martinez, A. PMSE 493 Masuda, T. POLY 25
Maroni, P. POLY 207 Martinez, A. ENVR 198 Masuko, A. MEDI 125
Marozas, I. PMSE 4 Martinez, A. ENVR 280 Masunov, A. PHYS 441
Marpu, S. INOR 618 Martinez, G. AGRO 240 Masurkar, A. ANYL 243
Marquardt, L. PMSE 309 Martinez, J.S. PMSE 306 Matasovic, B. INOR 524
Marques, J. POLY 623 Martinez, J.S. PMSE 368 Matel, B. COLL 408
Marques, M.S. TOXI 81 Martinez, J.L. INOR 262 Materese, C.K. PHYS 543
Marques, M.S. TOXI 101 Martinez, T.J. POLY 214 Materna, K. INOR 581
Marques, S. PHYS 145 Martinez, Z. INOR 136 Mates, J.E. COLL 535
Marquez, M.D. COLL 222 Martinez-Alsina, L.A. ORGN 469 Matesic, D. MEDI 305
Marquez, M.D. COLL 223 Martinez Cuesta, S. PHYS 89 Matheis, K. AGFD 199
Marquez, M.D. COLL 224 Martinez Erro, S. ORGN 260 Mather, P.T. PMSE 509
Marquez, M.D. COLL 612 Martinez-Jurado, E. INOR 29 Matherly, L.H. MEDI 119
Marquez-Miranda, V. POLY 745 Martinez Mayorga, K. CINF 80 Matherly, L.H. MEDI 120
Marquez Valencia, R. CATL 326 Martinez Mayorga, K. COMP 271 Matherly, L.H. MEDI 142
Marr, L.C. ENVR 270 Martinez-Munoz, N. ORGN 598 Matherly, L.H. MEDI 150
Marrero, J.P. BIOL 133 Martinez Ortega, B.A. INOR 682 Mathers, R.T. POLY 706
Marro, E. INOR 801 Martinez Ortega, B.A. INOR 683 Mathers, R.T. POLY 768
Marro, E. INOR 877 Martinez-Richa, A. POLY 705 Mathes, M. AGFD 5
Marro, M. MEDI 77 Martinez-Richa,
´ A. ORGN 624 Mathes Lisabeth, E. MEDI 61
Marsan, E.S. INOR 160 Martinez-Tobon, D.I. PHYS 466 Mathew, A.S. POLY 145
Marschall, R. INOR 524 Martin-Matute,
´ B. ORGN 260 Mathew, M. BIOL 57
Marschilok, A.C. AEI 53 Martino, P.A. BIOL 45 Mathew, S. POLY 307
Marschilok, A.C. ENFL 165 Martinovic-Barrett, B. AGRO 183 Mathews, S. AGFD 242
Marschilok, A.C. ENFL 166 Martins, A.F. INOR 521 Mathis, J. ANYL 285
Marschilok, A.C. ENFL 482 Martins, I.L. TOXI 101 Mathivanan, J. ANYL 262
Marsden, S. ORGN 362 Martins, J.C. PMSE 356 Mathivathanan, L. I&EC 21
Marsh, A. ENVR 534 Martins, M. I&EC 64 Mathivathanan, L. NUCL 28
Marsh, E.G. BIOL 83 Martinson, A.B. INOR 68 Mathiyazhagan, U. INOR 181
Marsh, E.G. BIOL 96 Marton, A. INOR 389 Mathonnat, M. POLY 697
Marsh, K. ENVR 426 Martos, P. AGRO 50 Mathur, A. MEDI 25
Marsh, M.L. NUCL 52 Martyna, G.J. PHYS 281 Mathur, A. MEDI 269
Marsh, M.L. NUCL 53 Marugan, J.J. BIOL 20 Mathur, A. MEDI 365
Marshall, A.G. ENFL 267 Maruyama, B. COLL 592 Mathuryia, A. COMP 75
Marshall, C. PHYS 594 Maruyama, R. PMSE 403 Matich, E. AGRO 345
Marshall, J.L. HIST 21 Marx, O. MEDI 328 Matioszek, D. POLY 618
Marshall, M.D. PHYS 249 Marzolf, D. ENFL 354 Mato, J. COMP 23
Marshall, M.D. PHYS 484 Marzolf, D. ENFL 356 Mato, Y. POLY 473
Marshall, T. COLL 247 Marzorati, M. AGFD 49 Matolin, V. CATL 161
Marshall, T. INOR 271 Mas, E. MEDI 274 Matranga, C. CATL 11
Marshall-Roth, T. INOR 362 Masai, E. CELL 25 Matranga, M. WCC 2
Marsico, R.M. AGFD 73 Mascarenas, J.L. ORGN 79 Matson, E.M. INOR 702
Marsillo, A.E. PMSE 402 Mascharak, P. INOR 835 Matson, J.B. PMSE 522
Martelo, L. INOR 178 Mascharak, P.K. INOR 834 Matson, J.B. PMSE 603
Martin, B. MEDI 61 Maschinot, C. MEDI 65 Matson, J.B. PMSE 638
Martin, B.D. COLL 211 Masek, O. ENVR 85 Matson, J.B. POLY 161
Martin, C.R. ANYL 343 Masel, R. CATL 250 Matson, J.B. POLY 763
Martin, C.R. ANYL 370 Masellis, C. PHYS 562 Matsubara, Y. COMP 228
Martin, E. ORGN 170 Maseras, F. INOR 46 Matsuda, K. AGRO 137
Martin, G. ANYL 434 Mashuta, M.S. INOR 894 Matsuda, Y. ORGN 651
Martin, H. PMSE 322 Masi, M. AGRO 33 Matsui, J.K. ORGN 47
Martin, J.D. SCHB 18 Masiello, D.J. COLL 381 Matsui, J.K. ORGN 640
Martin, J. CATL 318 Masingo, B. INOR 223 Matsumoto, D. BIOL 147
Martin, K.L. POLY 729 Masitas, R.A. ANYL 363 Matsumoto, H. I&EC 30
Martin, K. ORGN 628 Mason, C.F. HIST 28 Matsumoto, M. POLY 55
Martin, M. INOR 961 Mason, C. NUCL 77 Matsumoto, S. ORGN 159
Martin, M.R. AGRO 23 Mason, H. PMSE 332 Matsumura, Y. POLY 341
Martin, M. ENVR 249 Mason, J.A. INOR 705 Matsunaga, N. COMP 194
Martin, N. ENVR 97 Mason, K. PHYS 367 Matsuoka, J. ORGN 651
Martin, P. PHYS 499 Mason, K. PHYS 452 Matsuoka, S. POLY 480
Martin, P. COLL 145 Mason, T.G. COLL 53 Matsuura, A. COMP 201
Martin, R.W. PHYS 380 Masood, A.M. ANYL 181 Matsuzawa, K. POLY 362
Martin, R.L. INOR 523 Masoumi, A. I&EC 62 Matta, L. AGFD 276
Martin, R. ANYL 93 Massari, A.M. PHYS 476 Mattei, M. CATL 322
Martin, S.E. AEI 8 Masser, K. PMSE 106 Mattei, M. COLL 108

378 –AUTH
Mattei, M. PHYS 323 May, J.W. CINF 13 McClain, C.C. POLY 748
Matter, A. MEDI 17 May, J.W. CINF 17 McCleland, B. MEDI 111
Mattern, D.L. ENVR 21 May, J.W. CINF 18 McCloskey, B.D. POLY 178
Mattern, D.L. ENVR 70 May, J.W. CINF 64 McClure, C.P. PROF 5
Mattern, D.L. ENVR 71 May, J.W. CINF 90 McClure, J.P. ENFL 85
Mattheisen, J. CATL 448 May, W.E. ANYL 301 McClure, J.P. INOR 245
Mattheissen, R.A. MEDI 162 May, W.E. PROF 14 McClure, J.P. INOR 473
Matthews, B.M. ANYL 401 Mayama, H. COLL 56 McClure, Z.D. CATL 69
Matthews, F.J. CHED 270 Mayer, B. ENVR 212 Mc Clure, K.F. MEDI 63
Matthews, M. COMP 8 Mayer, J.M. INOR 218 McCluskey, C. ENVR 532
Matthiesen, J. POLY 197 Mayer, J.M. INOR 389 McCluskey, J. ORGN 212
Mattivi, F. AGFD 4 Mayer, J.M. INOR 462 McCollom, S. INOR 912
Mattivi, F. AGFD 94 Mayer, J.M. INOR 613 McConnell, K.D. INOR 151
Mattson, R.J. MEDI 358 Mayer, M.F. ANYL 166 McConnell, L.L. AGRO 14
Matula, A. INOR 110 Mayer, T.S. COLL 232 McConnell, L.L. AGRO 218
Maturavongsadit, P. COLL 196 Mayers, I.P. ANYL 190 McConnell, L.L. AGRO 357
Matus-Meza, A. MEDI 346 Mayers, J. INOR 822 McConnell, L.L. IAC 6
Matuszczyck, H. CINF 88 Mayers, J. PHYS 465 McCoole, M. AGRO 223
Matveeva, V. ENFL 295 Mayes, M.L. PHYS 448 McCord, J. ENVR 46
Matviyuk, T. CINF 29 Mayhall, N. INOR 256 McCormick, A. ENFL 61
Matyjaszewski, K. COLL 52 Maynard, H.D. PMSE 113 McCormick, A. PMSE 222
Matyjaszewski, K. COLL 425 Maynard, H.D. PMSE 650 McCormick, B. ANYL 284
Matyjaszewski, K. PMSE 180 Maynard, H.D. POLY 186 McCormick, C.L. POLY 260
Matyjaszewski, K. PMSE 491 Maynard, H.D. POLY 278 McCormick, C.L. POLY 429
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 1 Maynard, H.D. WCC 3 McCormick, C.L. POLY 469
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 5 Mayrhofer, K. ENFL 350 McCormick, C.L. POLY 689
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 184 Mays, J.W. PMSE 322 McCormick, R.A. CHED 81
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 378 Maza, W.A. INOR 353 McCormick, R.A. CHED 176
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 379 Maza, W.A. INOR 749 McCormick, R.L. ENFL 111
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 380 Maza, W.A. INOR 802 McCorvy, J.D. MEDI 143
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 381 Maza, W. INOR 817 McCourt, M. MEDI 340
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 382 Mazhab-Jafari, M. PHYS 594 McCoy, A.B. MPPG 24
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 383 Mazi, W. ORGN 408 McCreary, A. INOR 870
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 384 Mazumder, S. CHED 263 McCrory, C.C. ENFL 435
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 385 Mazurek, S. ANYL 253 McCrum, I.T. PHYS 37
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 386 Mazzini, F. PMSE 579 McCue, A. COMP 14
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 387 Mazzini, F. POLY 708 Mcculloch, W.D. ENFL 241
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 388 Mazzocchi, T. COLL 219 Mcculloch, W.D. ENFL 432
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 389 Mazzola, E.P. ANYL 130 Mc Cullough, A. TOXI 93
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 390 Mazzone, G. CHED 369 McCune, C.D. ORGN 90
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 391 Mazzotta, M.G. AEI 85 McCusker, J.K. INOR 118
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 392 Mazzotta, M.G. PMSE 404 McCusker, J.K. ORGN 366
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 393 Mbaekwe, U. CHED 189 McDaniel, R. PMSE 513
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 394 Mbaekwe, U. CHED 248 McDaniel, R. POLY 430
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 395 Mboera, L. AGRO 240 McDaniel, S.A. INOR 914
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 431 McAfee, J. ORGN 78 McDaniel, T. INOR 10
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 465 McAlexander, H. COMP 164 McDermott, K.J. ENVR 203
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 492 McAllister, L.A. MEDI 246 McDermott, M.T. COLL 109
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 695 McAlpine, I.J. ORGN 625 McDermott, M. ANYL 180
Matyjaszewski, K. POLY 766 McAnally, M.O. COLL 51 McDermott, T. PMSE 347
Matysiak-Brynda, E. ANYL 48 McArthur, J. MEDI 340 McDevitt, B. GEOC 16
Mau, A. POLY 773 McBrearty, J. PRES 7 McDevitt, B. GEOC 35
Mauck, J.R. POLY 137 McBride, M.K. PMSE 244 McDonagh, J. COLL 21
Mauldin, S.K. COMP 207 McBride, M.K. POLY 652 McDonald, E.E. PMSE 150
Mauldin, S.K. TOXI 65 McCabe, E.E. COLL 100 McDonald, L. ORGN 88
Maulide, N. ORGN 134 McCabe, P. CINF 117 McDonald, L. ORGN 89
Maulide, N. ORGN 306 McCabe, S.R. ORGN 255 McDonald, L. ORGN 151
Maulide, N. ORGN 568 McCaffrey, M. POLY 606 McDonald, L. ORGN 187
Maulide, N. ORGN 652 McCamant, D.W. INOR 23 McDonald, L.W. NUCL 66
Maunz, C. AEI 5 McCamant, D.W. INOR 195 McDonald, L.W. NUCL 68
Maurer, C. MEDI 231 McCammon, J. COMP 219 McDonald, L.W. NUCL 70
Maurer, J.J. AGRO 271 McCammon, J. COMP 341 McDonald, L.W. NUCL 79
Maurer, M. ANYL 20 McCammon, J. COMP 392 McDonald, T. COLL 82
Maurer-Jones, M.A. POLY 60 McCammon, J. MEDI 84 McDonald, T. COLL 145
Maust, M. COLL 250 McCammon, J.A. COMP 129 McDonald, W. ENVR 212
Mauzeroll, J. AEI 79 McCammon, J. COMP 218 McDonnell, D.P. MEDI 14
Maverakis, E. PMSE 186 McCandless, G.T. PMSE 342 McDonnell, M.P. PHYS 454
Mavrandonakis, A. INOR 68 McCardle, K. INOR 674 McDonough, C.A. AEI 33
Mavrodi, D. POLY 707 McCarter, A. ORGN 228 McDonough, C.A. ENVR 275
Mavrodi, O. POLY 707 McCarthy, B.D. COLL 100 McDonough, M. AGRO 360
Maxe, C. AGFD 89 McCarthy, C. SCHB 11 McEachern, D. MEDI 156
Maximenko, N. ENVR 429 McCarthy, C. SCHB 15 McEachern, D. MEDI 323
Máximo, G. I&EC 64 McCarthy, P.A. POLY 627 McEachran, A.D. ANYL 21
Maxwell, G.M. ANYL 190 McCarthy, P. CARB 36 McEachran, A.D. ANYL 347
Maxwell, R.S. PMSE 332 McCarthy, P.C. CARB 11 McEachran, A.D. ANYL 348
May, A. ORGN 657 McCarthy, T.J. POLY 92 McEachran, A.D. ANYL 435
May, A.W. POLY 41 McCartney, S. ENVR 357 McEachran, A.D. CINF 28
May, E.R. COMP 168 McCarty, G. AGRO 78 McEachran, A.D. CINF 93
May, J. ORGN 499 McCaskill, A. AGRO 291 McEachran, A.D. CINF 121
May, J.W. CHAS 35 McCauley, B. ANYL 299 McEachran, A.D. ENVR 206


McEachran, A.D. ENVR 548 McKnight, C. COMP 288 Medintz, I. AGFD 253
Mc Elroy, N.R. CHED 301 McLain, D. NUCL 82 Medintz, I. COLL 449
McElwee-White, L. INOR 510 McLaughlin, A. INOR 922 Medintz, I. COLL 487
McElwee-White, L. INOR 513 McLaughlin, E.C. ORGN 155 Medintz, I. COLL 562
McEnaney, J.M. INOR 39 McLaughlin, E.C. ORGN 635 Medlin, J.W. ENFL 76
McEuen, P. POLY 36 McLaughlin, M. ENFL 251 Meegalla, S.K. MEDI 34
McEwen, J. CATL 21 McLaughlin, M. ENVR 157 Meegalla, S.K. MEDI 35
McEwen, J. CATL 260 McLaughlin, S.P. AGRO 337 Meehan, B.S. ORGN 212
McEwen, J. CATL 398 McLaughlin, S.P. AGRO 360 Meek, G.A. PHYS 598
McEwen, J. ENFL 300 McLaurin, E.J. COLL 158 Meek, K. CATL 7
McFadden, A. ENVR 314 McLaurin, E.J. INOR 359 Meek, K. POLY 292
McFadden, J. AGRO 194 McLay, W. CARB 44 Meenakshisundaram, V. PMSE 55
McFarland, M. AGFD 212 McLellan, R. INOR 736 Meenakshisundaram, V. PMSE 219
McFarland, M. ANYL 176 Mclendon, R. ENFL 91 Meenakshisundaram, V. POLY 175
McFarlane, T. PMSE 606 McLeod, A. PHYS 451 Meenakshisundaram, V. POLY 315
McFarlane, T. POLY 485 McLeod, D. MPPG 15 Meenakshisundaram, V. POLY 518
McGahee, E. ANYL 102 McLeod, D.C. POLY 261 Meenakshisundaram, V. POLY 674
McGahee, E. ANYL 175 Mcluckey, S.A. PHYS 220 Meepagala, K.M. AGRO 34
McGann, C.L. PMSE 405 McMahen, R.L. ENVR 46 Meerpoel, L. MPPG 15
McGarry, K.A. INOR 226 McMahen, R.L. ENVR 206 Meese, M.J. ORGN 558
McGarry, K.A. ORGN 494 McMahon, J.B. ORGN 26 Megaridis, C. COLL 535
McGath, M. POLY 446 McMaster, M. POLY 333 Megaridis, C. POLY 160
McGaughey, A. INOR 58 McMaster, M. POLY 512 Mehdad, A. ENFL 169
McGaughy, K. ENFL 270 McMaster, M. POLY 701 Mehdi, L. INOR 127
McGee, T. COMP 265 McMaster, M. POLY 700 Mehdizadegan Namin, L. CATL 237
McGillicuddy, R. ANYL 1 McMaster, S. AGRO 120 Mehdizadegan Namin, L. ENFL 209
McGillicuddy, R. ANYL 144 McMasters, D. MEDI 225 Mehendale, R. SCHB 30
McGivney, E. BIOL 162 McMillion, N. INOR 940 Mehta, A. CATL 379
McGlone, M.E. CHED 184 McNab, D.C. CHAL 13 Mehta, D. AGFD 87
McGoldrick, L.K. ANYL 70 McNair, F. ENVR 492 Mehta, D. CINF 43
McGoldrick, L.K. ANYL 71 McNally, J. PMSE 172 Mehta, P. CATL 67
McGough, P. COLL 4 Mcnamara, C. BIOL 113 Mehta, P. CATL 386
McGovern, M. PMSE 317 McNamara, L. ENFL 357 Mei, D. CATL 245
McGovern, V. CHED 23 McNamara, P. ENVR 212 Mei, S. POLY 552
McGowan, M. INOR 156 McNamara, W.R. CHED 237 Mei, S. COLL 583
McGowan, P. INOR 185 McNamara, W.R. CHED 239 Mei, Z. ANYL 323
McGowan, P. INOR 830 McNamara, W.R. CHED 240 Meidl, R. CHAS 26
McGowan, P. MEDI 283 McNamara, W.R. INOR 17 Meier, D.E. NUCL 67
McGrane, L. CARB 13 McNamara, W.R. INOR 273 Meier, F. ANYL 156
McGrath, S.C. ANYL 217 McNeil, A.J. POLY 105 Meier, J.L. BIOL 146
McGuffey, J. ANYL 102 McNeill, C.R. ENFL 94 Meier, J.L. BIOL 178
McGuffey, J. ANYL 175 McNeill, C.R. POLY 734 Meier, J.L. ORGN 35
McGuiggan, P. POLY 446 McNeill, J.M. ORGN 547 Meier, K.K. INOR 799
McGuinness, F. AGRO 293 McNeill, V.F. ENVR 189 Meier, M. POLY 628
McGuire, R. ENFL 447 McPeak, K. COLL 555 Meier, W. COLL 314
McGuire, S.E. CHED 329 McPhee, F. MEDI 365 Meier, W. POLY 428
McGurk, C.J. PMSE 242 McQueen, T. INOR 357 Meijer, E.W. ORGN 504
McHugh, M.A. ENFL 471 McQuilken, A. INOR 422 Meijer, E.W. ORGN 511
McInnes, Ph.D., C. COMP 280 McTernan, C.T. ORGN 534 Meijer, E.W. PMSE 185
McInnis, D. I&EC 59 McTernan, C.T. ORGN 538 Meira, L. MEDI 274
McIntee, E.J. CHED 319 McWherter, M. MEDI 192 Meirer, F. ENFL 446
McIntire, N. CHED 262 McWilliams, J.C. ORGN 9 Meisel, J.W. AEI 9
McIntosh, C. CATL 219 Meador, M. POLY 316 Mejia Oneto, J.M. MEDI 188
McIntyre, K.W. MEDI 7 Meador, M. POLY 520 Mekala, S. POLY 333
Mckay, D. COMP 106 Meador, M. POLY 682 Mekala, S. POLY 512
McKeague, M. TOXI 49 Meador, M.A. POLY 51 Mekala, S. POLY 700
McKee, A. CHED 390 Meagan Katie, S. CHED 222 Mekala, S. POLY 701
McKee, W.C. PHYS 235 Mealli, C. PHYS 362 Melaimi, M. INOR 727
McKeithan, C. INOR 822 Means, A.K. PMSE 566 Melancon, K. INOR 283
McKeithan, C. PHYS 540 Means, N. ENFL 127 Melancon, K. PHYS 62
McKelvey, K. ANYL 291 Meanwell, N.A. MEDI 269 Melander, C. ENVR 347
McKenna, A.M. ENVR 121 Meanwell, N.A. MEDI 365 Melander, C. MEDI 331
McKenney, D. MEDI 250 Meares, A. ORGN 95 Melander, C. ORGN 466
McKenzie, A. MEDI 22 Meares, A. PMSE 485 Melby, E. COMP 346
McKenzie, B.E. POLY 367 Mebel, A.M. COMP 165 Melde, B.J. COLL 211
McKenzie, E.R. ENVR 498 Mebel, A.M. I&EC 21 Melde, B.J. INOR 745
McKenzie, N. AGRO 183 Mebi, C.A. COMP 181 Meldrum, T.K. ANYL 224
McKeown, B.A. INOR 103 Mechelke, M.F. CHED 262 Melendez, A. BIOL 119
McKeown, B.A. INOR 389 Meckes, B. POLY 589 Melendez, J. AGRO 79
McKeown, B.A. INOR 737 Medders, G.R. PHYS 277 Meleties, P. CHED 212
McKeown, B.A. INOR 849 Medhi, R. INOR 664 Meleties, P. CHED 213
McKerrall, S. MEDI 76 Medhora, M.M. COLL 98 Mellmer, M. ENVR 87
McKerrall, S. MEDI 252 Medina, J. PMSE 650 Melman, A. BIOL 152
McKibben, M. PHYS 393 Medina, S.H. PMSE 502 Melman, A. ORGN 316
McKibben, M. PHYS 500 Medina-Franco, J.L. CINF 31 Meloni, G. INOR 521
McKinley, G.H. POLY 156 Medina-Franco, J.L. CINF 137 Melton, O. POLY 466
McKinney, K.A. ENVR 192 Medina-Franco, J.L. CINF 142 Melton, O. POLY 732
McKinnon, M.E. INOR 22 Medina-Franco, J.L. COMP 176 Men, Y. ENVR 515
McKinnon, M.E. INOR 274 Medina Plaza, C. AGFD 22 Menceloglu, Y.Z. AGFD 132
McKinstry, K. COLL 112 Medina Ramos, J. CATL 383 Menceloglu, Y.Z. POLY 57

380 –AUTH
Mencer, D.E. CARB 46 Messick, K. MEDI 103 Mihai, O. CATL 397
Mencke, A. CHED 300 Messier, C. COMP 257 Mihaila, T.S. BIOL 186
Mendelsohn, L. INOR 261 Messina, M. WCC 3 Mihaila, T.S. CHED 172
Mendenhall, J. COLL 193 Messinger, R.J. ENFL 167 Mihailescu, E. PHYS 578
Méndez, L. ENVR 324 Messman, J.M. POLY 516 Mihailescu, E. PHYS 591
Méndez-Lucio, O. CINF 142 Messmann, V. PMSE 365 Mihaltan, D. PMSE 514
Méndez-Sánchez, M. ORGN 624 Metallo, S.J. ORGN 323 Mihara, S. MEDI 106
Mendoza-Cortez, J.L. CATL 240 Metiu, H. CATL 119 Mihara, Y. MEDI 125
Mendoza-Garcia, A. ENFL 206 Metiu, H. PHYS 237 Mihovilovic, M.D. MEDI 364
Mendoza-Mesa, J.A. ENFL 444 Metwally, E. COMP 266 Miju, J. PMSE 406
Meng, J. PMSE 582 Metwally, E. MEDI 47 Mikael, P. CARB 29
Meng, F. INOR 369 Metzger, A. POLY 153 Mikael, P. PMSE 289
Meng, F. PMSE 77 Metzger, A. POLY 439 Mikan, E. COLL 428
Meng, K. ANYL 230 Metzger, E. INOR 122 Mikhael, J. BIOL 174
Meng, L. ENFL 244 Metzger, E.D. INOR 293 Mikhailov, S.N. BIOL 97
Meng, L. ENFL 480 Metzger, J. MEDI 225 Mikhailov, S.N. MEDI 186
Meng, L. ENFL 485 Mews, A. COLL 40 Miki, H. COLL 466
Meng, P. ENVR 509 Meyer, A. PMSE 636 Mikochik, P.J. ORGN 469
Meng, Q. BIOL 139 Meyer, A.U. COLL 608 Miksovska, J. BIOL 60
Meng, Q. BIOL 140 Meyer, B.S. TOXI 42 Milani, A. ANYL 168
Meng, S. CATL 431 Meyer, D. I&EC 4 Milanovich, N. PRES 3
Meng, X. INOR 136 Meyer, F. AEI 44 Milanovich, N. SCHB 13
Meng, X. INOR 159 Meyer, F. AEI 51 Milanovich, N. SCHB 15
Meng, X. COMP 244 Meyer, F. INOR 862 Miles, J. AGFD 192
Meng, X. POLY 331 Meyer, F. INOR 962 Miletic, S. ENVR 449
Meng, X. PMSE 315 Meyer, J.L. ORGN 137 Milgram, B. MEDI 161
Meng, Y. PMSE 545 Meyer, J. MEDI 38 Miliani, C. ANYL 259
Meng, Y. INOR 918 Meyer, J. MEDI 307 Milians, K. AGRO 220
Meng, Z. MEDI 358 Meyer, K.G. AGRO 7 Milic, J. ENVR 449
Mengel, S. INOR 892 Meyer, K.G. AGRO 135 Milikisiyants, S. PHYS 383
Menges, S. ANYL 373 Meyer, K.G. AGRO 390 Millan, K. PHYS 236
Menhaji-Klotz, E. MEDI 63 Meyer, M. HIST 9 Millan, K. PHYS 532
Menot, B. COMP 174 Meyer, P. CATL 8 Millar, T. PHYS 259
Mensitieri, G. PMSE 665 Meyer, S. POLY 606 Millard, C.B. ANYL 131
Mente, S. MEDI 246 Meyer, S.T. AGRO 135 Miller, A.J. CHAS 33
Mente, S. MEDI 249 Meyer, S.E. AGRO 33 Miller, A.J. INOR 82
Menumerov, E. INOR 684 Meyer, T.J. INOR 181 Miller, A.J. INOR 109
Menz, R.I. AGFD 25 Meyers, C.L. COLL 412 Miller, A.J. INOR 214
Menzie, C. AGRO 19 Meyers, C.L. COLL 547 Miller, A.J. INOR 215
Mequanint, K. PMSE 166 Meyers, C.L. ORGN 671 Miller, A.J. INOR 217
Mera, A.E. POLY 679 Meyers, D. ORGN 671 Miller, A.J. INOR 389
Mera, E. CHED 147 Meyers, K. POLY 770 Miller, A.J. INOR 390
Mercado, B.Q. INOR 110 Meyers, M.J. MEDI 154 Miller, A.J. INOR 396
Mercado, B.Q. INOR 347 Meyet, C. CHED 103 Miller, A.J. INOR 423
Mercado, B.Q. INOR 581 Meyet, C. ORGN 360 Miller, A.J. INOR 425
Mercado, B.Q. INOR 679 Meza-Renken, Z. CINF 24 Miller, A.J. INOR 431
Mercado, B.Q. INOR 680 Mezei, G. INOR 491 Miller, A.J. INOR 608
Mercado, R. POLY 466 Mezei, G. INOR 863 Miller, A.J. INOR 609
Mercado, R. POLY 732 Mezgebe, B. ENVR 151 Miller, A.J. INOR 612
Mercé, M. COLL 390 Mezzenga, R. PMSE 136 Miller, A.J. INOR 928
Mercer, J. POLY 214 Miao, S. CHED 77 Miller, A. INOR 156
Meredith, A. AGRO 339 Miao, W. TOXI 1 Miller, A. INOR 861
Merenbloom, B. MEDI 41 Miao, Y. PHYS 385 Miller, A. CHED 11
Meric, D. ENVR 281 Miao, Z. AGFD 176 Miller, A.F. CATL 224
Merino, E.J. TOXI 12 Michael, P. PMSE 9 Miller, A.F. PHYS 287
Merino, E. MEDI 275 Michael, T. ANYL 202 Miller, C. CHED 88
Merino, G. PHYS 11 Michalak, J. POLY 695 Miller, C. INOR 227
Merkler, D.J. AGFD 58 Michalak, R. I&EC 54 Miller, D.P. PHYS 215
Merkler, D.J. TOXI 42 Michalczyk, R. PMSE 306 Miller, D. CHED 136
Mermelstein, D. COMP 128 Michaudel, Q. PMSE 651 Miller, D.J. AGRO 198
Merrill, L. ENFL 69 Michaudel, Q. POLY 759 Miller, D.R. ANYL 263
Merte, L.R. COLL 418 Micheau, C. I&EC 14 Miller, D. AGRO 370
Mertens, L. ORGN 283 Michel, A.M. AGRO 411 Miller, D. CATL 104
Mertz, E. PMSE 212 Michel, F. ENVR 29 Miller, D.D. MEDI 83
Merz, D.R. COMP 246 Michel, F. ENVR 476 Miller, E. ENFL 259
Merz, K.M. PHYS 263 Micheletti, R. CHAL 15 Miller, E. CHED 180
Merz, P.T. COMP 384 Micheletti, R. SCHB 6 Miller, E. CHED 182
Mesaros, C. TOXI 9 Micheletti, R. SCHB 40 Miller, E.L. ENVR 257
Mesaros, C. TOXI 10 Michels, O. ORGN 178 Miller, G.C. AGRO 238
Mesaros, C. TOXI 44 Michels, T.D. ORGN 63 Miller, G.P. TOXI 62
Mesaros, C. TOXI 47 Michl, J. PHYS 316 Miller, G.P. TOXI 69
Mesaros, C. TOXI 48 Micklistch, C. PHYS 195 Miller, J.H. ANYL 226
Mesaros, C. TOXI 55 Middekadi, V. MEDI 94 Miller, J. INOR 122
Mesch, R.A. POLY 362 Midega, C. AGRO 31 Miller, J.T. CATL 210
Meschwitz, S.M. AGFD 149 Midoux, P. POLY 255 Miller, J.T. CATL 243
Meshram, B. MEDI 328 Miecznikowski, J.R. CHED 235 Miller, J.T. ENFL 73
Mesleh, M. PHYS 593 Miecznikowski, J.R. INOR 924 Miller, J.T. ENFL 171
Messegee, Z. ENFL 199 Miehl, M. CHED 394 Miller, J. COLL 299
Messenger, S. PHYS 258 Mielnicki, L. MEDI 340 Miller, J.R. COLL 144
Messersmith, P.B. POLY 35 Migues, A.N. PROF 16 Miller, J.V. ANYL 17


Miller, J.V. TOXI 76 Mirkin, C.A. INOR 705 Mock, M.T. INOR 133
Miller, J. PMSE 255 Mirkin, C.A. POLY 589 Mock, M.T. INOR 233
Miller, K. POLY 479 Miro, P. CATL 414 Mock, M.T. INOR 670
Miller, K.A. CHAS 32 Mironenko, A.V. CATL 442 Mocko, V. NUCL 44
Miller, K.M. PMSE 245 Misale, A. ORGN 306 Moctezuma, E. ENFL 124
Miller, K.M. POLY 116 Miseo, S. ENFL 31 Modan, M.M. ORGN 441
Miller, M. CHED 143 Miseo, S. INOR 392 Modzelewski, T. PMSE 170
Miller, M.L. CHED 340 Mishra, S. ENFL 201 Moeller, J. PMSE 510
Miller, M. MEDI 269 Mishra, S. CATL 201 Moeller, K.D. ORGN 332
Miller, M.L. MEDI 157 Miskin, M. POLY 36 Moeller, K. INOR 131
Miller, M. CINF 111 Mislankar, S. AGRO 337 Moerner, W.E. AEI 73
Miller, O. COLL 603 Misra, T.K. COLL 72 Moffet, R.C. ENVR 550
Miller, R. MEDI 358 Mistry, A. COLL 286 Moglianetti, M. COLL 107
Miller, R.D. PMSE 45 Mistry, A. NUCL 48 Moh, L. ENFL 455
Miller, R.D. PMSE 223 Mitchell, A. ENVR 341 Moh, L. POLY 44
Miller, S.A. ANYL 136 Mitchell, A.E. AGFD 156 Mohadjer Beromi, M.D. INOR 852
Miller, S.J. CATL 135 Mitchell, D. PMSE 644 Mohamed, A. INOR 621
Miller, S.E. PMSE 254 Mitchell, D.A. BIOL 121 Mohamed, A. INOR 669
Miller, T.F. COMP 199 Mitchell, H. MEDI 192 Mohamed, A. INOR 773
Miller, T.F. COMP 232 Mitchell, N. AGRO 401 Mohamed, A. POLY 465
Miller, V.L. CHED 54 Mitchell, S.B. CHED 2 Mohamed, I. INOR 773
Millet, M. ENVR 242 Mitchell, S.B. CHED 28 Mohamed, M.A. PMSE 479
Milligan, K. ANYL 147 Mitchell, V.D. ENFL 54 Mohamed Ansar, M. ANYL 183
Milliken, C. ENFL 158 Mitchener, M.M. TOXI 73 Mohammad, A. ANYL 178
Milliken, C. ENFL 272 Mitchener, M.M. TOXI 87 Mohammad, A. ANYL 187
Milliron, D.J. GEOC 2 Mitkus, R. AGRO 248 Mohammad, A. ANYL 316
Millman, A. AGFD 40 Mitlin, D. ENFL 148 Mohammad, N. CATL 117
Mills, B. POLY 654 Mitlin, D. ENFL 376 Mohammadi, E. ORGN 59
Mills, C.L. BIOL 182 Mitlin, D. PHYS 233 Mohammed, O.F. COLL 490
Mills, D. ORGN 233 Mitra, J. AEI 40 Mohammed, O.F. COLL 600
Mills, J. PMSE 216 Mitra, K. MEDI 134 Mohanty, D.K. ORGN 402
Mills, J. BIOL 113 Mitra, K. TOXI 102 Mohanty, S.K. ENVR 27
Mills, M.R. INOR 864 Mitra, P. PHYS 431 Mohapatra, P.P. ORGN 181
Millstone, J. COLL 185 Mitrano, D. BIOL 104 Mohapatra, P.P. ORGN 182
Millstone, J. COLL 195 Mitrofanov, A. CINF 131 Moharamzadeh, K. ENVR 97
Millstone, J. COLL 213 Mitrofanov, A. COMP 302 Mohd Aris, Z. POLY 330
Millstone, J. COLL 375 Mitsuhashi, R. INOR 389 Mohebifar, M. COMP 308
Millstone, J. COLL 401 Mittal, N. INOR 376 Mohen, J. COMP 243
Millstone, J. COLL 557 Miura, R. ANYL 319 Mohler, R.E. ANYL 330
Milne, K. CHED 222 Miura, Y. ANYL 155 Mohr, S. COMP 51
Milne, J. MPPG 23 Miura, Y. COLL 618 Mohtadi, R. CATL 227
Milorey, B. INOR 694 Miura, Y. I&EC 30 Moini, S.H. ANYL 190
Milosavljevic, B.H. PHYS 493 Miyabayashi, K. CATL 38 Mojica, E.E. CHED 122
Milosavljevic, B.H. PHYS 499 Miyagawa, M. MEDI 265 Mok, M. PMSE 277
Milsmann, C. INOR 182 Miyagawa, T. COLL 577 Mokry, C. NUCL 48
Milsmann, C. INOR 346 Miyajima, D. POLY 573 Mokude, D. PMSE 407
Milsmann, C. INOR 556 Miyake, G. POLY 46 Molander, G.A. ORGN 47
Milsmann, C. ORGN 424 Miyake, G. POLY 691 Molander, G.A. ORGN 325
Milstead, A. AGFD 59 Miyake, H. POLY 339 Molander, G.A. ORGN 364
Mima, M. MEDI 125 Miyake, M. CATL 38 Molander, G.A. ORGN 492
Min, B. CELL 7 Miyamae, T. POLY 441 Molander, G.A. ORGN 637
Min, W. PHYS 49 Miyamoto, N. COLL 249 Molander, G.A. ORGN 640
Min, W. PHYS 576 Miyanji, E. PMSE 482 Molander, G.A. ORGN 641
Minard, C. ORGN 53 Miyashita, K. AGFD 218 Molander, G.A. ORGN 643
Minasian, S.G. INOR 519 Mizrahi, V. MEDI 163 Molchanov, V. COLL 26
Minasian, S.G. INOR 523 Mizuno, A. ORGN 164 Moldovan, G. TOXI 97
Minasov, G. MEDI 271 Mizuno, C.S. AGFD 242 Molina, E. POLY 697
Minatti, A.E. ORGN 6 Mlambo, G. COLL 65 Moliner, V. PHYS 91
Mindaye, S. ANYL 283 Mlynarski, S. ORGN 548 Molino, P. COLL 533
Minderlein, S. ENVR 250 Mnaa, S. AGFD 222 Mollahoseini, M. COLL 156
Minelli, M. PMSE 665 Mo, N. ENVR 90 Mollahosseini, M. COLL 304
Miner, P. AGRO 337 Mo, X. ORGN 106 Moller, J. POLY 30
Mines, P. ENVR 478 Mo, Y. ENFL 163 Molloy, J. ORGN 104
Minick, J. ENVR 279 Mo, Y. ENFL 304 Molloy, J. ORGN 365
Minnaard, A.J. ORGN 116 Mo, Y. ENFL 307 Moloney, C. AGRO 156
Minteer, S.D. CATL 422 Mo, Y. INOR 35 Moloney, C. AGRO 284
Minto, R.E. BIOL 128 Moad, G. POLY 4 Moloy, K. INOR 131
Mir, L. ORGN 604 Moad, G. POLY 190 Momeni, M. CATL 391
Mirabal-Gallardo, Y. AGFD 82 Moaei, M. COLL 127 Momeni, M. INOR 2
Mirabelli, S. CATL 309 Moaseri, E. COLL 389 Momeni, M. PHYS 127
Miranda-Bermudez, E. AGFD 28 Mobashery, S. MEDI 227 Mon, H. ENVR 341
Mircea, D. INOR 122 Mobley, D.L. WCC 5 Monaco, K. ANYL 30
Mirheydari, M.S. COLL 347 Mobley, J. ENVR 71 Monai, M. INOR 655
Mirica, K. INOR 751 Mochizuki, S. COLL 225 Monai, M. INOR 837
Mirjafari, A. I&EC 34 Mochizuki, S. COLL 322 Monanu, M.O. MEDI 281
Mirjafari, A. I&EC 47 Mochizuki, S. COLL 545 Moncho Escriva, S. INOR 678
Mirkin, C.A. ANYL 2 Mock, B. MEDI 12 Mondal, J. COMP 110
Mirkin, C.A. COLL 19 Mock, J. CATL 217 Mondal, U. COLL 486
Mirkin, C.A. COLL 31 Mock, M.T. ENFL 59 Mondrik, C. ORGN 403
Mirkin, C.A. INOR 95 Mock, M.T. ENFL 60 Mondschein, J. ENFL 350

Mondschein, J. INOR 40 Moore, C. INOR 158 Morgan, B. MEDI 251
Mondschein, R.J. PMSE 6 Moore, C. INOR 193 Morgan, B.S. MEDI 68
Mondschein, R.J. PMSE 435 Moore, C. INOR 726 Morgan, D. CATL 211
Mondschein, R.J. PMSE 480 Moore, C. INOR 727 Morgan, D. ENFL 295
Mondschein, R.J. POLY 510 Moore, C. INOR 803 Morgan, D.C. ORGN 623
Mondschein, R.J. POLY 674 Moore, C. INOR 935 Morgan, S.E. PMSE 216
Mondschein, R.J. POLY 774 Moore, C. ORGN 49 Morgan, S. CATL 466
Moneeb, A.M. CATL 109 Moore, C. ORGN 50 Morgan, T.D. ORGN 106
Monenschein, H. MEDI 257 Moore, C. ORGN 361 Morgese, G. COLL 468
Moneypenny, T.P. ORGN 672 Moore, E.L. MEDI 192 Morgese, G. PMSE 288
Monfette, S. ORGN 143 Moore, J.T. INOR 690 Morgese, G. PMSE 622
Mongin, C. INOR 333 Moore, J. AGFD 160 Mori, F. POLY 441
Mongin, C. INOR 336 Moore, J. AGFD 213 Mori, R. ENFL 70
Mongodin, E. ENVR 537 Moore, J.S. ANYL 233 Mori, T. ANYL 239
Monje, V. COMP 18 Moore, J.S. ORGN 672 Moriarty, D.F. CHED 59
Monje, V. COMP 149 Moore, J.S. PMSE 300 Moriceau, G. POLY 426
Monnier, J. CATL 441 Moore, J.S. ENFL 431 Morimoto, H. ORGN 326
Monroe, C.B. CINF 55 Moore, J.S. PMSE 631 Morimoto, M. AGRO 35
Monroe, C.B. INOR 157 Moore, M.H. INOR 745 Morisawa, Y. PHYS 392
Monroe, C.B. SCHB 25 Moore, R.B. PMSE 329 Morishita, H. COLL 545
Monroe, E.B. ANYL 223 Moore, R.B. PMSE 330 Morken, J.P. ORGN 103
Monroe, E.B. ANYL 253 Moore, R.B. PMSE 362 Morken, J.P. ORGN 352
Monroe, E.B. ANYL 258 Moore, R.B. PMSE 410 Morken, J.P. ORGN 570
Monroe, J. COMP 16 Moore, R.B. PMSE 659 Morley, S. PHYS 446
Monson, T.C. INOR 216 Moore, R.B. POLY 365 Moroni, L. PMSE 514
Montano, G.A. CATL 427 Moore, R.B. POLY 433 Moroz, P. COLL 220
Montclare, J. PMSE 314 Moore, R.B. POLY 474 Moroz, P. INOR 336
Montclare, J.K. COMP 276 Moore, T.J. ANYL 256 Moroz, P. INOR 875
Montclare, J.K. PMSE 194 Moores, A.H. COLL 337 Moroz, Y. CINF 29
Montclare, J.K. PMSE 260 Mooring, S.R. CHED 50 Moroz, Y. CINF 139
Montclare, J.K. PMSE 310 Moorthy, J. ORGN 269 Moroz, Y. MEDI 357
Montclare, J.K. POLY 76 Moosa, B. COLL 104 Moroz, Y. MEDI 362
Montclare, J.K. POLY 704 Moosa, B. COLL 165 Morozov, A.N. I&EC 21
Monteagudo, D. ANYL 62 Mootoo, D.R. ORGN 86 Morreale, B.D. ENFL 127
Monteau, F. AGRO 44 Mootoo, D.R. ORGN 392 Morrell, T. CINF 56
Monteil, V. POLY 67 Moraca, F. COMP 396 Morrill, L. ORGN 108
Monteiro, M.J. POLY 322 Moradi, M. COMP 234 Morris, A.L. COLL 230
Montero de Espinosa, L. POLY 337 Moraes, H. AGRO 313 Morris, A.J. INOR 145
Montes, V. ENFL 29 Moraes, R.M. AGRO 316 Morris, A.J. INOR 242
Montes Nino, A.M. AGRO 46 Morales, A. AGFD 178 Morris, A.J. INOR 256
Montgomery, D. ENVR 228 Morales, A. INOR 890 Morris, A.J. INOR 267
Montgomery, J. CHED 55 Morales, F.J. AGFD 117 Morris, A.J. INOR 352
Montgomery, J. ORGN 132 Morales, M.J. CHED 182 Morris, A.J. INOR 353
Montgomery, J. WCC 8 Morales Cerrada, R. INOR 880 Morris, A.J. INOR 404
Montgomery, J.I. MEDI 246 Morales Cerrada, R. POLY 413 Morris, A.J. INOR 406
Montgomery, K. ANYL 28 Morales Lázaro, P. MEDI 136 Morris, A.J. INOR 535
Montgomery, T.P. ORGN 496 Morales-Lozada, Y. BIOL 70 Morris, A.J. INOR 752
Montoro, A.R. ANYL 307 Morales-Lozada, Y. BIOL 110 Morris, A.J. INOR 817
Montoro, A.R. ENVR 117 Moran, K.D. AGRO 94 Morris, A.J. PHYS 141
Montoro, A.R. ENVR 118 Moran, R. ANYL 296 Morris, D. BIOL 118
Montoro, A.R. ENVR 161 Moraski, G.C. INOR 466 Morris, D. INOR 107
Montoto, E.C. ANYL 233 Morazzani, E. BIOL 20 Morris, H.S. ENVR 530
Montoya, J. CATL 86 Morbec, J.M. ENFL 353 Morris, J. PMSE 224
Montoya, J. CATL 188 More, J. ORGN 656 Morris, J.M. ENVR 482
Montoya, J. CINF 123 More, S.R. CATL 469 Morris, J.Y. CARB 32
Montoya, J. ENVR 195 Moreau, J. AGRO 175 Morris, J.R. CATL 44
Moody, S.A. ANYL 331 Moreau, J. AGRO 312 Morris, J.R. ENVR 292
Moody, S.A. ANYL 415 Moreau, R. ENFL 105 Morris, J.R. INOR 3
Moody, S.A. ANYL 437 Moreau, R. ENFL 247 Morris, J.R. INOR 66
Moody, S.A. ANYL 236 Morehouse, K.M. AGFD 81 Morris, J.R. INOR 147
Moody, K. NUCL 48 Moreira, W. MEDI 277 Morris, J.R. INOR 752
Mooers, C. PMSE 284 Morelli, D. COLL 180 Morris, L.S. POLY 374
Moog, R.S. CHED 373 Morelli, D. INOR 62 Morris, M.J. CARB 49
Mook, W.M. CATL 427 Morelli, D. INOR 277 Morris, M.J. POLY 537
Mook, W.M. PHYS 189 Morello, M.J. AGFD 186 Morris, R. ENVR 440
Moon, D. ENVR 432 Morelos-Gomez, A. COMP 371 Morris, R. AGRO 41
Moon, D. INOR 656 Moreno, I. BIOL 75 Morris, R. AGRO 359
Moon, D. CELL 31 Moreno-Manzano, V. COLL 371 Morris, T. CATL 20
Moon, H. BIOL 72 Moreton, J.C. COLL 259 Morris, T. COLL 188
Moon, M.H. ORGN 394 Moreton, J.C. COLL 272 Morris, T. COLL 251
Moon, N.G. POLY 674 Moretti, A.E. COLL 369 Morris, T. INOR 677
Moon, N.G. PMSE 579 Morettoni, L. ORGN 284 Morris, W. ORGN 256
Moon, N.G. POLY 708 Morey, A.M. INOR 529 Morrison, A. COMP 187
Moon, R.J. PMSE 5 Morey, A.M. POLY 517 Morrison, A. PHYS 126
Moon, S. INOR 755 Morgado, J.M. PMSE 292 Morrison, J. MEDI 335
Mooney, D.J. COLL 548 Morgan, B. POLY 382 Morrison, L. ORGN 208
Moore, A.C. PMSE 226 Morgan, B. POLY 766 Morrissey, D.J. NUCL 7
Moore, C. CHED 280 Morgan, B. BIOL 26 Morrissey, J. ANYL 396
Moore, C. COLL 5 Morgan, B. BIOL 46 Morrissey, J. COLL 446
Moore, C. INOR 53 Morgan, B. BIOL 79 Morrissey, S. CHAS 21


Morrissey, S. PRES 2 Moyes, C. MEDI 245 Muller, C. PMSE 618

Morrissey, S. PRES 4 Mozhdehi, D. AEI 86 Muller, D. COLL 594
Morrone, J.A. COMP 96 Mozhdehi, D. PMSE 253 Muller, E. POLY 585
Morse, D.E. BIOL 187 Mozzoni, K. MEDI 255 Mullholand, J. CHED 190
Morselli, M. BIOL 160 Mpourmpakis, G. CATL 189 Mullié, C. MEDI 99
Mortley, D. CELL 7 Mpourmpakis, G. CATL 239 Mulligan, J. I&EC 35
Mosa, J. PMSE 549 Mrksich, M. ANYL 2 Mulligan, S. ENVR 97
Mosallaei, D. WCC 3 Mrozek, R. PMSE 106 Mullins, D.R. CATL 79
Mosca, F. PMSE 351 Mtei, R. INOR 945 Mullins, D.R. COLL 480
Moscarello, E. ORGN 605 Mu, H. TOXI 46 Mullins, E. PMSE 238
Moseler, M. CATL 92 Mu, J. MEDI 245 Mulloy, B. CARB 84
Moseley, C. AGRO 375 Mu, S. INOR 707 Mulvenna, R.A. ENVR 216
Moser, B. MEDI 9 Mu, T. ENFL 253 Mulvenna, R.A. PMSE 443
Moser, B. PMSE 487 Mubayi, A. MEDI 152 Mulvey, R.E. INOR 736
Moser, H. MEDI 250 Mucha, N. INOR 124 Mulville, A.K. INOR 644
Moses, C. PMSE 561 Mucha Hirata, C. AGRO 76 Mulzer, C.R. POLY 293
Moses, P. CATL 206 Muckelbauer, J. MEDI 7 Mulzer, C.R. POLY 740
Moshasha, S. AGFD 9 Muckelbauer, J. MEDI 25 Mulzer, C.R. POLY 743
Mosher, M.D. CHED 51 Muckerman, J.T. INOR 891 Mummadi, S. INOR 141
Mosher, M.D. ORGN 191 Mudalige, T. ANYL 183 Mummadi, S. INOR 807
Mosher, M.D. ORGN 632 Muddana, N. MEDI 355 Mumme, J. ENVR 85
Moskal, K. AGFD 19 Muddiman, D. ANYL 361 Mun, B.S. COLL 415
Moskowitz, J. PHYS 438 Mudigonda, K. MEDI 354 Munday, J. ENFL 55
Moskowitz, M. ORGN 621 Mueanngern, Y. CATL 157 Munday, J. INOR 747
Mosley, S.L. AGFD 129 Mueller, A.T. MEDI 58 Mundy, C.J. CATL 380
Moslin, R. MEDI 7 Mueller, A. POLY 688 Muniz, A. COLL 14
Mosneanu, R. INOR 546 Mueller, C.E. MEDI 3 Munkanatta Godage, D.N. BIOL 61
Mosquera-Giraldo, L.I. COMP 244 Mueller, D.N. COLL 590 Munoz, S.B. AEI 56
Mosquin, P. AGRO 255 Mueller, K.T. CATL 230 Munoz, S.B. CHED 227
Mosquin, P. AGRO 285 Mueller, K.T. CATL 311 Munoz, S.B. ORGN 334
Moss, C. CARB 84 Mueller, K.T. CATL 381 Munoz, S.B. ORGN 593
Moss, F.A. AEI 8 Mueller, K.T. CATL 225 Muñoz, S.B. INOR 106
Mosser, S.D. MEDI 192 Mueller, K.T. CATL 232 Munoz-Carpena, R. AGRO 9
Mossoba, M.M. AGFD 185 Mueller, L.J. CARB 85 Munoz-Carpena, R. AGRO 10
Mossoba, M.M. AGFD 213 Mueller, M. PMSE 97 Munoz-Carpena, R. AGRO 14
Mossoba, M.M. ANYL 200 Mueller, M. POLY 436 Munoz-Carpena, R. AGRO 15
Mossoba, M.M. ANYL 202 Mueller, R. MEDI 326 Munoz-Carpena, R. AGRO 354
Mossoba, M. AGFD 228 Mueller, T. CATL 238 Munoz-Carpena, R. AGRO 355
Mostrag, A. CINF 34 Mueller-Buschbaum, P. ENFL 53 Muñoz-Garcia, J. CARB 80
Mostrag, A. CINF 42 Muhler, M. INOR 459 Munro, C.J. COLL 207
Mosurkal, R. CELL 39 Muir, D. ENVR 275 Munsell, E. COLL 432
Motagamwala, A. ENVR 89 Mujahid, A. PMSE 656 Munshi, A. COLL 488
Motobayashi, K. INOR 365 Mukai, M. COLL 218 Munson, T. COMP 119
Motsinger-Reif, A. ANYL 361 Mukai, M. POLY 300 Munzarova, M. PHYS 557
Motta, A.J. MEDI 148 Mukamel, S. CATL 277 Mura, U. MEDI 151
Mottram, D.S. AGFD 169 Mukarakate, C. CATL 190 Murakami, T. AGFD 135
Mottram, D.S. AGFD 203 Mukarakate, C. ENFL 397 Muralidharan, N. ENFL 317
Mouamba, C.C. MEDI 312 Mukerjee, S. CATL 39 Muraoka, T. ORGN 503
Mouamba, C.C. MEDI 344 Mukherjee, A. INOR 791 Murelli, R.P. ORGN 208
Mouch, J.A. TOXI 76 Mukherjee, A. CATL 428 Murenzi, E. AGRO 366
Mouchlis, V.D. COMP 218 Mukherjee, A. ENVR 480 Murillo, C.A. INOR 132
Mouchlis, V.D. COMP 219 Mukherjee, B. COLL 4 Murillo, J. POLY 272
Mouchlis, V.D. COMP 341 Mukherjee, P. MEDI 249 Murkli, S.L. ORGN 510
Mouchlis, V.D. COMP 392 Mukhopadhyay, I. ENFL 191 Murnane, M.M. PHYS 522
Mouchlis, V.D. MEDI 84 Mukhopadhyay, I. ENFL 207 Murnen, H. ORGN 9
Moucka, F. PHYS 528 Mukhopadhyay, I. INOR 454 Murphy, B.M. CATL 436
Moula, G. PHYS 262 Mukhopadhyay, I. INOR 616 Murphy, B.M. CATL 470
Moulin, E. AEI 63 Mukhopadhyay, I. INOR 617 Murphy, C. INOR 683
Moulin, E. ANYL 245 Mukhopadhyay, S. PHYS 429 Murphy, C. ENVR 123
Moulton, H. COLL 543 Mukinay, C.D. COMP 258 Murphy, C.J. ANYL 5
Moultrie, M. ENFL 272 Mukundan, R. CATL 348 Murphy, C.J. COLL 105
Moura, C. CARB 28 Mulard, L.A. CARB 20 Murphy, C.J. COLL 216
Moura-Letts, G. ORGN 602 Mulcahey, P.J. PMSE 84 Murphy, C.J. COLL 327
Moura-Letts, G. ORGN 603 Mulcahey, P.J. PMSE 114 Murphy, C.J. COLL 377
Moura-Letts, G. ORGN 604 Mulcahy, S.P. ORGN 634 Murphy, C.J. COMP 346
Moura-Letts, G. ORGN 605 Mulchandani, A. ENVR 266 Murphy, C.J. COMSCI 1
Moura-Letts, G. ORGN 610 Mulder, D.W. CATL 218 Murphy, C.J. INOR 97
Mousa, S. MEDI 342 Mulder, D.W. CATL 219 Murphy, K. ANYL 142
Mousavi, A. MEDI 135 Mulder, D.W. CATL 224 Murphy, K. ANYL 307
Moussodia, R. PMSE 586 Muldoon, J.A. INOR 53 Murphy, K. ENVR 117
Moustafa, D. ORGN 153 Muldoon, J.A. INOR 803 Murphy, K. ENVR 118
Movafaghi, S. I&EC 42 Muldoon, J.A. INOR 935 Murphy, K. PMSE 290
Movafaghi, S. PMSE 481 Mulfort, K.L. CATL 377 Murphy, K. PMSE 471
Movafaghi, S. POLY 153 Mulfort, K.L. INOR 402 Murphy, K.L. CHED 15
Movafaghi, S. POLY 437 Mulherin, J. POLY 755 Murphy, K.L. CHED 71
Movafaghi, S. POLY 439 Mulholland, K. PHYS 348 Murphy, K.L. CHED 98
Mowdawalla, C. ORGN 600 Mull, E. MEDI 269 Murphy, K.L. CHED 318
Moyer, B.A. I&EC 19 Mull, E. MEDI 365 Murphy, K.L. CHED 408
Moyer, J. MEDI 279 Mullane, K.C. INOR 364 Murphy Shaw, A. BIOL 113
Moyer, M.M. INOR 839 Mullens, P. ORGN 256 Murphy Shaw, A. ORGN 617

384 –AUTH
Murray, A. INOR 362 Nachtegaal, M. CATL 168 Nallani, G.C. AGRO 333
Murray, A.C. COLL 521 Naciri, J. COLL 621 Nallani, M. COLL 313
Murray, C. INOR 704 Nacro, K. MEDI 17 Nallani, M. PMSE 475
Murray, C.B. INOR 655 Naden Robinson, V. PHYS 552 Nam, J. ENVR 141
Murray, C.B. INOR 837 Nadgorny, M. PMSE 221 Nam, K. ENFL 96
Murray, D. COMP 7 Nadif, S. INOR 75 Nam, K. COMP 112
Murray, E. ENVR 419 Nadraws, J.W. CHED 276 Nam, K. AGFD 265
Murray, J. ENVR 513 Nag, O.K. COLL 621 Nam, K. CELL 42
Murray, J.K. CHED 204 Nag, S. ANYL 19 Nam, K. ENVR 101
Murray, J.K. CHED 265 Nagae, Y. POLY 300 Nam, K. ENVR 374
Murray, J. TOXI 48 Nagame, Y. NUCL 55 Nam, K. ENVR 458
Murray, J.C. ORGN 469 Nagame, Y. NUCL 48 Nam, K. GEOC 19
Murray, L.J. INOR 381 Nagami, K. BIOL 88 Nam, K. INOR 290
Murray, L.J. INOR 418 Nagan, M.C. COMP 348 Nam, K. INOR 738
Murray, P. COLL 39 Nagano, Y. BIOL 88 Nam, K. INOR 896
Murrell, D. ANYL 99 Nagao, M. COLL 618 Nam, K. TOXI 58
Mursalat, M. ANYL 367 Nagaoka, Y. COLL 265 Nam, K. TOXI 59
Mursalat, M. COLL 442 Nagaoka, Y. INOR 476 Nam, S. ENVR 154
Murugan, P. TOXI 108 Nagarajan, A.V. COLL 203 Nam, S. CATL 389
Murugesan, S. INOR 477 Nagarajan, R. COLL 58 Nam, Y. BIOL 175
Murugesan, S. INOR 594 Nagarajan, R. COLL 135 Nam, Y. COLL 206
Murugesan, S. INOR 595 Nagarajan, R. COLL 316 Nam, Y. COLL 321
Murugesan, S. ANYL 385 Nagarajan, R. COLL 431 Nam, Y. ENFL 6
Murugesan, V. CATL 225 Nagarajan, R. CELL 39 Nam, Y. PMSE 388
Murugesan, V. CATL 230 Nagarajan, R. POLY 330 Namde, R. ANYL 257
Murugesan, V. CATL 232 Nagarathnam, D. MEDI 271 Nameer, S. PMSE 175
Murugesan, V. CATL 274 Nagasaki, Y. COLL 598 Namirembe, S. ORGN 352
Murugesan, V. CATL 311 Nagel, M.L. CHED 10 Namirembe, S. ORGN 570
Murugesan, V. CATL 431 Nagelberg, S. COLL 471 Nance, P.J. PMSE 453
Murumkar, P.R. MEDI 353 Naggar, M. INOR 773 Nandasiri, M. CATL 232
Museth, K. CHED 192 Nagle, T.S. BIOL 150 Nandhikonda, P. BIOL 129
Museth, K. POLY 738 Nagler, C. POLY 743 Nanduri, S. MEDI 289
Musgrave, C. POLY 372 Nagorny, P. ORGN 551 Nanduri, S. MEDI 293
Mushnoori, S. COLL 260 Naguib, M. ENFL 143 Nandwana, V. COLL 101
Mushnoori, S. COMP 197 Naguib, M. POLY 308 Nandwana, V. COLL 103
Mushnoori, S. COMP 411 Nagy, K. AGFD 12 Nandy, L. PHYS 122
Musil, M. PHYS 145 Naha, P.C. COLL 484 Nanescu, S. PMSE 84
Musselman, I.H. PMSE 578 Nahar, L. INOR 786 Nangia, S. BIOL 167
Musselman, I.H. PMSE 661 Nahas, R. INOR 813 Nangia, S. COMP 209
Mustafa, F. AGFD 274 Nahid, M. POLY 734 Nangreave, R.C. CHED 205
Mustakis, J. ORGN 9 Naik, R.R. COLL 446 Nanita, S.C. IAC 3
Mustard, T.J. COMP 337 Naik, R.R. PMSE 311 Nanna, A.R. MEDI 228
Musteata, M. ANYL 134 Naik, S. INOR 614 Nannini, M. MEDI 22
Muster, W. MEDI 256 Naik, V. POLY 540 Nannini, M. MEDI 103
Mutas, M. COLL 40 Nail, L. PMSE 239 Nano, A. AEI 48
Mutlib, A. AGRO 332 Naiman, D.Q. AGRO 121 Nano, A. INOR 963
Mutlib, A. AGRO 333 Naiman, J.S. AGRO 121 Napack, D. ORGN 656
Mutsuga, M. AGFD 106 Nair, D.P. POLY 544 Napolitano, D.C. ENVR 242
Muy, S. ANYL 260 Nair, J.R. CELL 9 Napolitano, M. CATL 457
Muzyka, J.L. CHED 76 Nair, L.S. PMSE 48 Naqi, H.A. ANYL 354
Muzzio, M. ENFL 202 Nair, L.S. PMSE 168 Nararak, J. AGRO 310
Muzzio, M. ENFL 203 Nair, R.N. TOXI 85 Nararak, J. AGRO 395
Muzzio, M. ENFL 206 Nair, S. PMSE 75 Narayan, A.R. ORGN 285
M V, S. PHYS 435 Nair, S. POLY 40 Narayan, A.R. PHYS 194
Mwangi, P. GEOC 8 Najera, D. POLY 272 Narayan, A.R. PHYS 197
Myers, C. POLY 536 Najita, J. PHYS 256 Narayanan, B. CATL 186
Myers, D. AGRO 260 Najmi, A. MEDI 160 Narayanan, B. CATL 192
Myers, D.R. PHYS 299 Najmi, A. MEDI 303 Narayanan, B. COLL 298
Myers, J.D. POLY 748 Najmr, S. CHED 68 Narayanan, B. COMP 19
Myers, J.T. ORGN 148 Najmr, S. INOR 704 Narayanan, T. COLL 92
Myers, J.T. ORGN 152 Nakagawara, T.A. INOR 661 Narberes, J. MEDI 306
Myers, J.E. MEDI 308 Nakagawara, T.A. INOR 779 Nargund, R.P. MEDI 245
Myers, W.H. ORGN 148 Nakagawara, T.A. COLL 77 Narkeviciute, I. INOR 143
Myerson, A.S. AEI 23 Nakahira, K. AGRO 308 Narsimhan, G. AEI 1
Myerson, A.S. COLL 9 Nakai, K. COLL 370 Narsimhan, G. AEI 19
Mykhailiuk, P. MEDI 359 Nakamura, I. PMSE 203 Narsimhan, G. COLL 54
Mykhailiuk, P. MEDI 360 Nakamura, R. MEDI 175 Narsimhan, G. COLL 351
Mykhailiuk, P. MEDI 361 Nakamura, T. MEDI 106 Narsimhan, G. COMP 345
Mykhailiuk, P. ORGN 322 Nakamura, Y. POLY 67 Narukulla, R. MEDI 103
Mykhaylyk, O. POLY 671 Nakamura, Y. COLL 56 Narukulla, R. MEDI 22
Myles, L. AGRO 348 Nakamura, Y. ENVR 60 Nascimento, D. COMP 156
Myneni, S.C. ENVR 148 Nakamura, Y. PMSE 412 Naseem, Z. ENFL 42
Myres, G.J. ORGN 178 Nakanishi, H. CATL 148 Nash, C. CATL 362
Myung, J. ANYL 184 Nakanishi, T. INOR 60 Nash, K. CATL 106
Myung, K. AGRO 7 Nakano, A. COMP 53 Nash, M. AGRO 158
Myung, K. AGRO 135 Nakano, A. PHYS 275 Nasir, S. ENFL 42
Myung, K. AGRO 390 Nakatsuka, N. COLL 179 Nason, S.L. ENVR 257
Na, C. INOR 654 Nakayama, H. ORGN 683 Nasr, M. PHYS 588
Na, H. INOR 397 Nakayama, T. COLL 95 Nasr, M. CINF 110
Naber, J.R. INOR 948 Nallani, G.C. AGRO 280 Nasreen, S. POLY 608


Nasser, M.S. COLL 197 Nekrashevich, I. ENVR 34 Nevarez, A. ORGN 63

Nasser, S. COLL 289 Nelkenbrecher, K. MEDI 253 Nevedal, K. AGRO 210
Natalizio, B.J. CHED 46 Nelson, A. PMSE 59 Neveu, P. BIOL 53
Natarajan, B. ENVR 158 Nelson, A. POLY 590 Neville, S. ORGN 520
Nataro, C. INOR 547 Nelson, A.M. PMSE 435 Nevins, C. ANYL 177
Natesakhawat, S. CATL 11 Nelson, A.M. POLY 776 Nevins, N. MEDI 261
Natesakhawat, S. ENFL 127 Nelson, B.C. ANYL 290 Nevzorov, A. PHYS 383
Nath, A. MEDI 183 Nelson, B.C. ANYL 307 Newcombe, A. AGRO 41
Nathan, S.R. INOR 960 Nelson, B.C. ENVR 115 Newhouse, T.R. ORGN 296
Nathan, T. CARB 57 Nelson, B.C. ENVR 118 Newitt, J. MEDI 269
Natoli, T. CHED 128 Nelson, B.C. ENVR 161 Newkome, G.R. POLY 82
Nauen, R. AGRO 171 Nelson, B.C. INOR 775 Newkome, G.R. POLY 86
Naughton, S. SCHB 22 Nelson, C. YCC 15 Newman, A.H. MEDI 212
Naumann, T.A. AGRO 315 Nelson, D.L. ORGN 421 Newman, D.L. CHED 200
Naumiec, G.R. NUCL 3 Nelson, D.J. PROF 17 Newman, D.L. CHED 383
Naumov, I. PHYS 212 Nelson, D.J. PROF 18 Newman, J.M. CHED 354
Nava, M. INOR 304 Nelson, D. CHED 400 Newman, J.D. ANYL 353
Navaei, A. PMSE 565 Nelson, E.R. COLL 515 Newman, S. I&EC 35
Navarrete Vazquez, G. MEDI 151 Nelson, E. CHED 138 Newmister, S.A. BIOL 1
Navarro, D. ENVR 157 Nelson, H. PMSE 372 Newton, S. ANYL 347
Navarro, M. AGFD 117 Nelson, J. AGFD 209 Newton, S. ANYL 348
Navarro, M. BIOL 157 Nelson, K.G. ORGN 382 Newton, S. CINF 28
Navarro Pardo, F. ENFL 48 Nelson, M. MEDI 88 Newton, S. ENVR 46
Navea, J.G. PHYS 568 Nelson, R. ENVR 512 Newton, S. ENVR 206
Navizaga, C. ENVR 208 Nelson, T.L. ORGN 529 Newton, S. ENVR 548
Nawar, S. POLY 651 Nelson, Y. COLL 263 Neyman, K. CATL 66
Nawaz, A. PMSE 656 Nemeria, N.S. BIOL 58 Neyman, K. CATL 93
Nawrocki, G. COMP 79 Nemeria, N.S. BIOL 68 Neyman, K. CATL 144
Nazarenko, S.I. PMSE 6 Nemeria, N.S. MEDI 13 Ng, A. COLL 71
Nazarenko, S.I. POLY 770 Nemes, P. ANYL 236 Ng, A. PMSE 86
Nazari, N. ENVR 369 Nemes, P. ANYL 331 Ng, T. CATL 203
Nazari, R. ENVR 328 Nemes, P. ANYL 415 Ngan, C. GEOC 2
Nazarova, A. ORGN 237 Nemes, P. ANYL 437 Nganga, J. INOR 910
Nazeeruddin, M. ENFL 10 Nemes, P. ANYL 438 Nghiem, A.A. ENVR 284
Nazeeruddin, M. INOR 763 Nemes, P. TOXI 105 Nghiem, A.A. ENVR 285
Nazemi, M. ENVR 143 Nemeth, R. PHYS 145 Ngo, K. INOR 278
Nazemi, Z. CATL 219 Nemsak, S. CATL 161 Ngo, K. INOR 891
Nazli, Z. ORGN 364 Nemsak, S. COLL 590 Ngo, K.T. INOR 22
Nchinda, A. MEDI 326 Nemykin, V. POLY 205 Ngo, K.T. INOR 274
Ndi, C.N. ORGN 659 Nenes, A. ENVR 335 Ngu, L. PHYS 474
Ndi, C.N. ORGN 688 Neoh, K. I&EC 41 Nguele Meke, F.G. ORGN 634
Ndip, E.N. CHED 343 Neoh, K. PMSE 285 Ngunjiri, J. PMSE 369
Ndombera, F. MEDI 166 Neoh, K. POLY 192 Nguon, H. PMSE 599
Ndzeidze, G. ORGN 218 Nepal, D. PMSE 86 Nguon, H. PMSE 605
Neale, N.R. CATL 127 Nepomuceno, D. MEDI 211 Nguyen, T. AGRO 271
Nealey, P.F. PMSE 119 Nerenberg, P.S. COMP 211 Nguyen, A. MEDI 22
Nealey, P.F. PMSE 637 Nereng, L. CATL 250 Nguyen, A. MEDI 103
Neary, W.J. PMSE 568 Neretina, S. COLL 247 Nguyen, A. ENVR 419
Neaton, J. PHYS 71 Neretina, S. COLL 549 Nguyen, A. CHED 281
Neaton, J. PHYS 72 Neretina, S. INOR 684 Nguyen, A.I. INOR 421
Nebel, L.M. ANYL 373 Nersesian, S. ORGN 207 Nguyen, A.H. ANYL 363
Nebot, V.J. COLL 371 Nery, M. AGFD 90 Nguyen, A.N. PHYS 258
Neckles, C. MEDI 69 Nesterov, A. AGRO 141 Nguyen, B. PHYS 252
Nedwed, K. CINF 3 Neta, P. CINF 128 Nguyen, B. POLY 520
Neely, S. CHED 156 Netherton, M. MEDI 328 Nguyen, B. POLY 682
Neethirajan, S. AGFD 254 Neto, C.C. AGFD 57 Nguyen, B. I&EC 35
Nefedov, A. COLL 140 Neto, C.C. AGFD 59 Nguyen, C. POLY 574
Nefedov, A. COLL 139 Nettles, K. MEDI 82 Nguyen, C. MEDI 249
Negahban-Azar, M. ENVR 260 Netzband, D. AGRO 268 Nguyen, C.N. COMP 38
Negatu, A. CHED 212 Netzband, D. AGRO 273 Nguyen, C.N. COMP 39
Negley, T.L. AGRO 41 Netzer, F. COLL 133 Nguyen, C.N. COMP 220
Negley, T.L. AGRO 380 Neu, D.T. CHAS 45 Nguyen, D. CINF 60
Negrete, O. COLL 14 Neubig, R. MEDI 61 Nguyen, D. COMP 358
Negri, N. PMSE 616 Neugebauer, A. AGFD 199 Nguyen, D.N. MEDI 192
Negrito, M. COLL 122 Neuhaus, J.D. ORGN 568 Nguyen, D. CATL 224
Negru, B. COLL 51 Neuhauser, D. PHYS 74 Nguyen, D. PMSE 661
Nehasil, V. CATL 112 Neuhauser, D. PHYS 175 Nguyen, G. ENVR 368
Nehasil, V. CATL 299 Neuhauser, D. PHYS 536 Nguyen, H. POLY 466
Nehme, A.S. INOR 846 Neuman, K. COLL 154 Nguyen, H. POLY 732
Neidig, M.L. AEI 56 Neumann, C. POLY 140 Nguyen, H. PMSE 214
Neidig, M.L. INOR 84 Neumann, L. POLY 207 Nguyen, H.M. CARB 71
Neidig, M.L. INOR 106 Neupane, S. ENFL 451 Nguyen, H.Q. POLY 736
Neidig, M.L. INOR 170 Neurock, M. CATL 31 Nguyen, H. ANYL 359
Neidig, M.L. INOR 171 Neuscamman, E. PHYS 178 Nguyen, H. INOR 561
Neidig, M.L. INOR 174 Neuscamman, E. PHYS 232 Nguyen, H. PHYS 253
Neidig, M.L. INOR 760 Neuscamman, E. PHYS 425 Nguyen, K. PHYS 474
Neil, R. COMP 262 Neuscamman, E. PHYS 427 Nguyen, K.T. CINF 85
Neiles, K.Y. CHED 92 Neuscamman, E. PHYS 443 Nguyen, M.T. PHYS 265
Neiles, K.Y. CHED 93 Neuscamman, E. PHYS 449 Nguyen, M. COLL 133
Neimark, A.V. ANYL 298 Neuscamman, E. PHYS 450 Nguyen, M. POLY 451

386 –AUTH
Nguyen, M. CATL 174 Nieuwendaal, R. COLL 273 Noble, B.B. POLY 417
Nguyen, M. ENVR 94 Nigra, M. ENFL 342 Noble, G. CINF 110
Nguyen, M. ENVR 405 Nikitin, D. INOR 622 Noble, S.M. MEDI 80
Nguyen, M.T. ORGN 243 Nikitina, A.A. CINF 109 Nobori, T. ANYL 239
Nguyen, N.K. ORGN 597 Nikkhah, M. PMSE 565 Nocadello, S. MEDI 271
Nguyen, N. INOR 163 Niklasson, A.M. COMP 72 Nocera, D.G. INOR 16
Nguyen, P. MEDI 328 Nikolakis, A. AGRO 223 Nocera, D.G. INOR 315
Nguyen, Q.L. PHYS 522 Nikolayevskiy, H. ORGN 401 Nocera, D.G. INOR 728
Nguyen, T.H. INOR 500 Nikolla, E. CATL 56 Nochetto, C. ANYL 195
Nguyen, T.P. PMSE 81 Nikolla, E. ENFL 76 Noé, F. PHYS 525
Nguyen, T. AGRO 193 Nikon, C. PMSE 408 Noerpel, M. GEOC 17
Nguyen, T. MEDI 76 Nikoubashman, A. PMSE 90 Noffke, B.W. COLL 267
Nguyen, T.V. ORGN 283 Nilaweera, T. BIOL 106 Nofi, C. ORGN 102
Nguyen, T. ENFL 448 Niles, J.C. BIOL 155 Noguchi, G. AGRO 382
Nguyen, T. MEDI 328 Nilewski, C. ORGN 63 Noguchi, M. CELL 25
Nguyen, T. COLL 143 Nilsson, A.R. COLL 542 Noguchi, M. ENVR 60
Nguyen, V.Q. POLY 748 Nilsson, M. I&EC 2 Noguchi, M. ENVR 96
Nguyen, V. MEDI 331 Nimir, H.I. INOR 554 Noguchi, T. COMP 371
Nguyen, M. COLL 488 Nimlos, M.R. CATL 190 Noirez, L. COLL 341
NguyenPho, A. ANYL 180 Nimlos, M.R. ENFL 112 Nokoya, N. PMSE 409
Ni, B. ORGN 129 Nimlos, M.R. ENFL 397 Nolan, M. CATL 70
Ni, C.K. CARB 100 Nimlos, M.R. POLY 604 Nolen, B.J. COMP 247
Ni, Q. PHYS 342 Nimmagadda, A. ORGN 166 Nolin, K.A. CHED 70
Ni, Y. CATL 453 Nimmagadda, A. PMSE 366 Noll, N. ORGN 451
Ni, Y. AGFD 48 Nimmo, Z. CHED 169 Nollet, M. COLL 390
Ni, Z. MEDI 255 Ning, C. PMSE 488 Nomizu, M. PMSE 377
Nian, Q. COLL 261 Ning, P. I&EC 9 Nomura, H. PHYS 259
Nianxi, Z. COLL 99 Ninomiya, K. CELL 19 Nomura, W. BIOL 147
Nicastri, M. ORGN 210 Ninomiya, K. CELL 23 Nomura, Y. MEDI 343
Nicely, A.L. WCC 13 Ninomiya, K. CELL 25 Nonkumwong, J. COLL 210
Nicharat, A. POLY 723 Niogret, J. AGRO 69 Noolvi, M. MEDI 190
Nichman, L. ENVR 555 Niogret, J. AGRO 72 Noonan, G.O. AGFD 14
Nicholas, A.D. INOR 373 Nippe, M. INOR 14 Noonan, K.J. POLY 588
Nicholas, A.D. ORGN 435 Nippe, M. INOR 516 Noor, B. CHED 281
Nicholas, K.M. INOR 911 Niri, V. ANYL 74 Noor, N. PMSE 27
Nichols, B.R. INOR 264 Nirogi, V. MEDI 94 Noore, J. PMSE 505
Nichols, B.L. POLY 331 Nirogi, V. MEDI 95 Norcross, S. BIOL 55
Nichols, E.K. INOR 431 Nirogi, V. MEDI 354 Norman, M.W. ORGN 635
Nichols, J. ENVR 388 Nirogi, V. MEDI 355 Normil, N. CHED 257
Nichols, J.W. COLL 121 Niroula, D. MEDI 121 Noro, J. POLY 268
Nichols, S. CINF 53 Nischang, I. POLY 232 Norquay, L. MEDI 37
Nicholson, J.C. I&EC 56 Nishibori, M. COLL 218 Norret, M. COLL 488
Nickel, A.L. CHED 369 Nishibori, M. COLL 240 Norret, M. PMSE 561
Nicklaus, M.C. CINF 61 Nishibori, M. COLL 241 Norris, D.J. COLL 555
Nicklaus, M.C. CINF 126 Nishibori, M. COLL 248 Norris, D. MEDI 335
Nicklaus, M.C. CINF 134 Nishibori, M. POLY 300 Norris, E. AGRO 202
Nicklaus, M.C. ORGN 26 Nishiguchi, J. CHED 80 Norris, E. AGRO 303
Nico, P.S. MPPG 5 Nishihara, H. INOR 732 Norris, E. AGRO 397
Nicolaescu, A.R. ANYL 73 Nishikawa, J. MEDI 269 Norris, J.D. MEDI 14
Nicolaescu, A.R. I&EC 58 Nishikawa, T. MEDI 175 Norskov, J.K. INOR 39
Nicolas, J. POLY 183 Nishimori, K. POLY 402 Norsworthy, J.K. AGRO 181
Nicolas, J. POLY 310 Nishitani, S. COLL 189 North, M.A. AEI 85
Nicolas, J. POLY 427 Nishitani, Y. MEDI 175 North, M.A. PMSE 404
Nicolas, N. COLL 471 Nishiyama, H. POLY 341 Nortier, F.M. NUCL 1
Nicolay, R. PMSE 512 Nishiyama, H. POLY 354 Norton, A.E. CHAS 39
Nicolay, R. POLY 321 Nishizaki, Y. AGFD 35 Norton, A.E. CHAS 45
Nie, H. MEDI 111 Nistler, M.A. ORGN 586 Norton, A.E. INOR 348
Nie, Y. CATL 404 Nite, C. INOR 672 Norton, A.E. NUCL 38
Nie, Z. COLL 2 Nitin, N. AGFD 8 Norton, J.R. AEI 41
Nie, Z. COLL 33 Nitzan, A. INOR 57 Norwood, R.A. POLY 106
Nie, Z. COLL 80 Nitzan, A. PHYS 85 Norwood, R.A. POLY 419
Nie, Z. COLL 148 Nitzan, A. PHYS 198 Norwood, R.A. POLY 693
Nie, Z. COLL 233 Niu, B. ANYL 173 Noshadi, I. CHED 194
Nie, Z. COLL 271 Niu, S. INOR 699 Noshadi, I. CHED 195
Nie, Z. COLL 296 Niu, X. PHYS 144 Noshadi, I. CHED 222
Nie, Z. COLL 423 Niwayama, S. ORGN 176 Noshadi, I. CHED 223
Nie, Z. COLL 429 Nixon, C. PHYS 548 Noshadi, I. CHED 231
Nie, Z. COLL 581 Nixon, C. PHYS 551 Noshadi, I. I&EC 62
Niebuur, B. POLY 455 Niyibizi, A. CHED 33 Noshita, M. ORGN 326
Niederer, K. ORGN 309 Nizinski, C. NUCL 12 Notestein, J.M. ENFL 2
Nielsen, P.H. CATL 484 Nizkorodov, S.A. ENVR 191 Notsu, S. PHYS 259
Nielsen, R.M. CATL 484 Nizkorodov, S.A. ENVR 194 Nourain, F. CHAS 39
Nielsen, R.J. CATL 196 Nizkorodov, S.A. ENVR 195 Noureddine, A. COLL 27
Nielsen, R.J. INOR 15 Njaria, P.M. MEDI 326 Noureddine, A. COLL 14
Niemira, B.A. AGFD 189 Nji, E. PHYS 245 Nourian, G. I&EC 46
Nien, C. PMSE 626 Njie, M. CHED 181 Nouvel, E. POLY 773
Nierode, G. CARB 58 Njoki, P.N. COLL 76 Novak, B.M. POLY 471
Niesen, M. COMP 232 Njoroge, M. MEDI 326 Novak, C.M. PHYS 468
Nieter Burgmayer, S.J. INOR 163 Nkechi, I. PHYS 508 Novak, M. INOR 140
Nieto, P.M. CARB 80 Noble, B. POLY 3 Novak, P. ENVR 211


Novak, P. ENVR 367 O’Connor, T.C. PMSE 206 Odom, A.R. MEDI 184
Noveron, J. PMSE 382 O’Connor, T.C. PMSE 209 Odom, A.R. MEDI 324
Novick, S.E. PHYS 587 O’Connor, T.C. PMSE 335 Odom, T.W. COLL 328
Novikov, A.A. COMP 18 O’Donnell, R.M. INOR 686 Odom, T.W. COLL 438
Novotny, Z. COLL 133 O’Donovan, K. BIOL 113 Odom, T.W. INOR 96
Nowak, C. CHED 232 O’Flynn, B. AGFD 58 Odom John, A. ORGN 82
Nowak, S.R. PMSE 600 O’Handley, S.F. BIOL 75 Odubogun, O. ENVR 524
Nowicka, A.M. ANYL 48 O’Handley, S.F. BIOL 113 Odugbesi, G. ANYL 69
Nowotarski, J. NUCL 8 O’Hara, A. INOR 842 Oeggl, R. PHYS 196
Nozaki, K. INOR 732 O’Keefe, B.R. ORGN 26 Officer, K. CHAL 3
Nsekpong, T.B. INOR 682 O’Keefe, M.M. AGRO 167 Offiong, N.O. CHED 210
Nugent, B.M. AGRO 390 O’Keefe, T. POLY 60 Ogawa, N. ENVR 429
Nugent, B.M. ORGN 472 O’Keeffe, M. INOR 127 Ogawa, R. PMSE 412
Nugmanov, R. CINF 9 O’Leary, D.J. AEI 67 Ogawa, T. ENVR 371
Nulwala, H. ENFL 39 O’Leary, D.J. CARB 97 Ogba, O. AEI 67
Nulwala, H.B. PMSE 112 O’Leary, D.J. ORGN 226 Ogba, O. ORGN 226
Numata, K. POLY 267 O’Leary, E. PHYS 417 Ogden, M. ENVR 97
Numoto, N. POLY 74 O’Malley, M. ENFL 354 Ogilvie, K. ORGN 469
Nune, S.K. ANYL 431 O’Neal, J. PMSE 595 Ogitsu, T. COMP 52
Nunez, G. PMSE 331 O’Neal, S. AGRO 101 Ogitsu, T. PHYS 116
Nunez, G. PMSE 447 O’Neal, S. AGRO 294 Ogozaly, S. ENVR 465
Nunez, P. INOR 573 O’Neil, S.V. MEDI 246 Ogtong, A.A. ORGN 586
Nunna, B. AEI 16 O’Neill, B. AGRO 62 Ogueri, K.S. PMSE 48
Nunna, B. CATL 415 O’Neill, J. AGRO 192 Ogueri, K.S. PMSE 168
Nurkiewicz, T. ANYL 23 O’Reilly, E. ORGN 281 Ogura, T. ENVR 386
Nusbaum, Z. ORGN 360 O’Reilly, S. CINF 54 Oh, C. MEDI 171
Nuss, A. AGRO 368 O’Sullivan, B. CHED 180 Oh, D. POLY 401
Nussinov, R. COMP 81 O’Sullivan, B. CHED 182 Oh, E. COLL 449
Nussinov, R. PHYS 578 O’Sullivan, B. CHED 186 Oh, E. COLL 487
Nusz, J. AGRO 290 O’Sullivan, G. AGRO 247 Oh, E. COLL 562
Nuyen, N. MEDI 16 O’Sullivan, M. TOXI 94 Oh, J. CATL 105
Nuzzio, D.B. GEOC 29 Oakdale, J.S. PMSE 122 Oh, J. ENFL 358
Nuzzo, R.G. CATL 231 Oba, M. ORGN 119 Oh, J. ANYL 143
Nuzzo, R.G. ENFL 188 Obaleye, J.A. INOR 929 Oh, J. POLY 476
Nuzzo, R.G. ENFL 230 Obaleye, P.O. INOR 929 Oh, J.K. POLY 326
Nuzzo, R.G. ENFL 285 Oballa, R. MEDI 253 Oh, M. POLY 242
Nwaichi, E.O. MEDI 281 Obare, S.O. AEI 13 Oh, S. INOR 362
Nwaiwu, V. ANYL 118 Obare, S.O. AEI 31 Oh, S. ENVR 19
Nwamba, C. INOR 448 Obare, S.O. ENVR 356 Oh, S. INOR 550
Nwankwoala, C. CATL 485 Obare, S.O. ENVR 358 Oh, T. ENFL 344
Nwigwe, C. CHED 304 Obare, S.O. ENVR 454 Oh, T. COLL 618
Nwoke, I.B. CHED 210 Obenchain, D.A. PHYS 587 Oh, Y. ENVR 140
Nwokedi, C. ENVR 497 Obeng, Y. ANYL 28 Ohashi, S. PMSE 646
Nwokike, C. ENVR 497 Ober, C.K. PMSE 116 Ohiri, U. COLL 311
Nwokogu, G.C. CHED 343 Ober, C.K. POLY 495 Ohlendorf, P. POLY 495
Nyakubaya, V. ANYL 358 Ober, C.K. POLY 609 Ohlson, D. INOR 724
Nydam, A. CHED 123 Ober, M. INOR 439 Ohman, D.E. PMSE 489
Nydam, A. CHED 125 Ober, M. ORGN 472 Öhman, M. ENFL 23
Nydam, A. CHED 126 Oberholster, A. AGFD 22 Öhman, M. ENFL 24
Nye, N. COLL 299 Oberman, T. CHED 143 Öhman, M. ENFL 25
Nye, R. CHED 224 Obermeyer, A. PMSE 145 Ohnishi, S. MEDI 106
Nye, R.A. CATL 311 Oberneier, M. MEDI 25 Ohno, H. MEDI 53
Nyguen, S.T. ORGN 696 Oberrauch, S. AGRO 295 Ohno, H. ORGN 651
Nyholm, P. CARB 91 Obianom, O.N. MEDI 127 Ohno, K. POLY 694
Nykaza, J. POLY 292 Obrien, E. INOR 942 Ohnsorg, M. COLL 287
Nykypanchuk, D. COMP 139 Obrzut, J. ANYL 28 Ohnsorg, M.L. COLL 288
Nykypanchuk, D. POLY 384 Occhialini, G. PMSE 574 Ohnsorg, M.L. INOR 129
Nylén, U. CATL 397 Ochoa, M.A. INOR 57 Ohshima, T. ORGN 326
Nyman, G. PHYS 306 Ochoa-Acuna, H. AGRO 284 Ohshita, J. POLY 584
Nyman, M.D. CATL 18 Ochs, A. COLL 180 Ohta, T. INOR 32
Nystrom, A.M. PMSE 41 Ochs, A. INOR 62 Ohtake, N. MEDI 125
O’Boyle, N. CINF 18 Ochs, A. INOR 277 Ohto, T. INOR 732
O’Boyle, N. CINF 112 Oconnor, P. ENFL 44 Oishi, S. MEDI 53
O’Brien, E. INOR 58 Oconnor, P. ENFL 142 Oishi, S. ORGN 651
O’Brien, R.E. ENVR 550 Oconnor, P. ENFL 155 Ojeda, I. MEDI 271
O’Brien, S. CHED 25 O Connor, J.M. INOR 726 Ojeda, J.J. ENVR 97
O’Bryan, C.S. PMSE 544 O Connor, J.M. INOR 727 Ojima, I. COMP 260
O’Carroll, D. PMSE 432 O Connor, J.M. INOR 828 Ojima, I. MEDI 107
O’Carroll, D. PMSE 620 O Connor, J.M. ORGN 49 Ojima, I. MEDI 172
O’Carroll, D. ENVR 326 O Connor, J.M. ORGN 50 Ok, K. INOR 550
O’Connell, C.E. INOR 500 O Connor, J.M. ORGN 361 Oka, T. PHYS 353
O’Connor, C.E. MEDI 120 Oda, M. POLY 74 Okada, M. ENVR 429
O’Connor, A.R. INOR 501 Odebode, T. INOR 576 Okajima, M. POLY 508
O’Connor, A.R. INOR 613 Odegard, A.P. COLL 259 Okawa, T. PMSE 377
O’Connor, C. MEDI 119 Odenkirchen, E. AGRO 356 Okeke, U. CATL 320
O’Connor, C. MEDI 142 Odenkirchen, E. AGRO 405 Okeowo, M.K. INOR 47
O’Connor, C. MEDI 150 Odle, R. POLY 522 Okesanjo, O. POLY 750
O’Connor, N. PMSE 331 Odom, A.L. INOR 10 Okochi, M. MEDI 36
O’Connor, N. PMSE 447 Odom, A.R. BIOL 154 Okoromoba, O.E. ORGN 138
O’Connor, P.B. ORGN 42 Odom, A.R. MEDI 154 Oksel, C. CINF 97

388 –AUTH
Oktem, B. ANYL 180 Onasch, T.B. ENVR 193 Orlov, N. ORGN 351
Oktem, B. ANYL 251 Onasch, T.B. ENVR 550 Orme, C. PMSE 172
Okumura, H. MEDI 125 Onasch, T.B. ENVR 555 Ormsbee, L. ENVR 282
Okungbowa, O. ENVR 411 Ondok, R. ENFL 101 Ormsbee, L. ENVR 283
Okur, H.I. COLL 348 Ondra, B.R. PMSE 667 Orna, M. HIST 8
Okure, I. CHED 210 Ondrechen, M.J. BIOL 182 Orna, M. HIST 21
Okyere, B. PMSE 603 Ondrechen, M.J. CMA 4 Orna, M. HIST 24
Oladimeji, O. CHED 288 Ondrechen, M.J. COMP 240 Orner, B. PMSE 256
Olajire, A. ENVR 47 Ondrechen, M.J. TOXI 16 Ornstein, P.L. MEDI 206
Olarte, M.V. CATL 8 Ondrechen, M. ENVR 319 Orozco, E. AGRO 354
Olarte, M.V. ENFL 268 Ondrechen, M. PHYS 474 Orr, S. INOR 736
Olatunji, O.S. ANYL 81 Ondrusek, B. POLY 641 Orr, T. AGRO 252
Olatunji, S.N. MEDI 287 Ondrusek, B. ORGN 493 Orrick, G. AGRO 220
Olberding, J. ORGN 360 Oneill, B.T. ORGN 469 Orrick, G. AGRO 289
Oldham, M. INOR 479 Ong, E. MEDI 17 Orsino, C. PMSE 410
Oleksyuk, M. ORGN 404 Ong, P. ENFL 19 Orski, S.V. ANYL 295
Oleksyuk, M. CHED 249 Ong, S. MEDI 17 Orski, S.V. PMSE 101
Olesik, J. ANYL 306 Ong, W. INOR 58 Orski, S.V. PROF 10
Oliff, A. ORGN 59 Onishi, N. PHYS 312 Orta, A. CINF 24
Oliva, M.L. COLL 175 Onjiko, R. ANYL 437 Ortega, E. ANYL 105
Oliva, M.L. COLL 609 Onjiko, R.M. ANYL 415 Ortega, E. ORGN 284
Olivares Corichi, I. COLL 268 Onjiko, R.M. TOXI 105 Ortega Doménech, M. MEDI 282
Oliveira, E. ENVR 189 Onn, T. CATL 456 Orth, D.L. SCHB 20
Oliveira, F.C. POLY 238 Onnis-Hayden, A. ENVR 120 Orth, P. MPPG 18
Oliver, C.M. INOR 226 Onnis-Hayden, A. ENVR 442 Ortiz, J.V. PHYS 559
Oliver, M.P. ORGN 472 Onoda, M. POLY 25 Ortiz, M.C. BIOL 70
Oller do Nascimento, C. ENVR 384 Onorato, J.W. PMSE 617 Ortiz, S. ORGN 186
Olmstead, A. AGRO 65 Onozuka, K. PMSE 409 Ortiz-Marciales, M. CHED 275
Olney, L. PMSE 186 Ontiveros-Valencia, A. ENVR 538 Ortiz-Marciales, M. CHED 277
Olofsson, M. CATL 397 Onu, A. ENVR 497 Ortiz-Marciales, M. CHED 279
Oloruntegbe, K.O. ENVR 8 Onuchic, J. COMP 298 Ortiz-Marciales, M. CHED 282
Olsen, A.M. NUCL 66 Onuchic, J. PHYS 544 Ortiz-Marciales, M. ORGN 185
Olsen, A. POLY 704 Onufriev, A.V. COMP 34 Ortiz-Marciales, M. ORGN 186
Olsen, A.J. COMP 276 Onufriev, A.V. COMP 212 Ortiz-Medina, J. COMP 371
Olsen, B.D. PMSE 33 Onufriev, A.V. COMP 222 Ortoleva, P. COMP 225
Olsen, B.D. PMSE 115 Onufriev, A.V. COMP 242 Ortoleva, P. COMP 263
Olsen, B.D. PMSE 155 Onufriev, A.V. COMP 289 Ortu, F. ORGN 233
Olsen, B.D. PMSE 195 Ooi, B. CATL 203 Ortuno, M.A. INOR 728
Olsen, B.D. PMSE 197 Ooi, B. COLL 600 Ortwine, D.F. MEDI 76
Olsen, B.D. PMSE 248 Ooi, H. PMSE 514 Ortwine, D.F. MEDI 252
Olsen, B.D. PMSE 272 Ooi, B. ANYL 96 Ortwine, D.F. MEDI 253
Olsen, B.D. PMSE 294 Oomens, J. PHYS 4 Oruc, M. PMSE 637
Olsen, B.D. PMSE 420 Oomens, J. PHYS 6 Oruna-Concha, M. AGFD 204
Olsen, B.D. PMSE 518 Oost, R. ORGN 306 Orwat, M.J. MEDI 308
Olshansky, L. CATL 265 Oost, R. ORGN 568 Osawa, M. INOR 365
Olshansky, L. INOR 421 Opella, S. PHYS 292 Osborn, R. MEDI 111
Olson, C.M. PHYS 476 Opella, S. PHYS 578 Osborne, J. ENFL 200
Olson, K. AGRO 205 Opeolu, B.O. ANYL 81 Osei-Kuffuor, D. COMP 52
Olson, K.G. POLY 626 Opina, A. INOR 632 Oshaben, K.M. ANYL 126
Olson, L. ENVR 247 Opiyo, G. ORGN 655 Osinski, A.J. INOR 490
Olson, M.A. ANYL 131 Oppawsky, C. CINF 24 Oslovsky, V.E. MEDI 186
Olsson, L. CATL 261 Oppedisano, A. ORGN 568 Osolodkin, D.I. BIOL 97
Olsson, L. CATL 397 Oppong, A.A. ORGN 135 Osolodkin, D.I. CINF 32
Olsson, S. ORGN 261 Oppong-Holmes, A. ORGN 635 Osolodkin, D.I. CINF 109
Olsson, S. PHYS 525 Oppong-Holmes, Z.E. ORGN 635 Osolodkin, D.I. MEDI 186
Olsson, U. COLL 318 Oprea, T.I. CINF 99 Osolodkin, D.I. MEDI 319
Olszyk, D. AGRO 281 Oram, M.K. TOXI 94 Osorio Roa, C. AGFD 175
Oltermann, E.L. SCHB 7 Oreilly, S.A. INOR 223 Osorio Roa, C. AGFD 178
Oltermann, E.L. SCHB 41 OReilly, R.K. PMSE 325 Osswald, H.L. MEDI 230
Olumee-Shabon, Z. ANYL 182 OReilly, R.K. POLY 102 Osterholm, A. PMSE 5
Oluwagbemila, O. CHED 288 OReilly, R.K. POLY 164 Ostermann, N. MEDI 46
Olvera, D. POLY 238 OReilly, R.K. POLY 254 Osto, M. COLL 291
Olvera De La Cruz, M. I&EC 1 OReilly, R.K. POLY 768 Ostojic, N. POLY 141
Olvera De La Cruz, M. POLY 348 Orengo, C.A. PHYS 89 Ostopowicz, L. CHED 284
Olvera-Vargas, H. ENVR 150 Orentas, N. ENVR 308 Ostraat, M. ENFL 215
Omagari, S. INOR 60 Organick, L. I&EC 35 Ostrander, E. POLY 757
Omar, H.W. COLL 165 Orimo, S. ENFL 71 Ostrowski, A. INOR 338
Omarova, M. COLL 365 Orlando, F. CATL 323 Ostrowski, A. POLY 209
Omary, M.A. INOR 283 Orlando, F. CATL 168 Osuna, H. MEDI 308
Omary, M.A. INOR 618 Orlando, J. AGRO 162 Osuna, S. PHYS 286
Omary, M.A. PHYS 62 Orlando, M. ORGN 569 Osuna, S. PHYS 335
Omer, H.B. ORGN 515 Orlicki, J.A. POLY 171 Osuna, S. PHYS 444
Omer, K.A. AGFD 261 Orlov, A. CATL 231 Osuna, S. PHYS 525
Omi, R. MEDI 343 Orlov, A. CATL 303 Osuoha, J.O. MEDI 281
Omosebi, A. ENVR 144 Orlov, A. ENFL 180 Ota, M. PMSE 409
Omoto, K. INOR 732 Orlov, A. ENVR 409 Otaigbe, J. PMSE 649
Omotoso, T. CATL 165 Orlov, A. CINF 32 Othman, A. AGFD 274
Omtvedt, J.P. NUCL 48 Orlov, A. CINF 109 Othman, A. ENVR 114
Onaga, G. COLL 94 Orlov, A. MEDI 186 Otieno, M. MEDI 34
Onajole, O. MEDI 41 Orlov, A. MEDI 319 Otieno, M. MEDI 35


Otsuka, H. PMSE 129 Padolina, I. ANYL 141 Palsuledesai, C. ORGN 82

Otsuka, H. PMSE 392 Padolina, I. ANYL 167 Palui, G. PMSE 568
Otsuki, K. MEDI 343 Padture, N.P. INOR 413 Palumbo, J. COLL 535
Ott, S. INOR 45 Pae, A. MEDI 93 Palys, L. CHED 264
Ott, S. INOR 354 Paegel, B. MEDI 219 Palyulin, V.A. CINF 32
Ott, S. INOR 804 Paeng, K. PMSE 217 Palyulin, V.A. MEDI 186
Ottea, J.A. AGRO 371 Pagaduan, J. COLL 84 Palyulin, V.A. MEDI 319
Otten, B.M. INOR 283 Page, J. ENFL 136 Pammer, F.D. POLY 351
Otten, B.M. PHYS 62 Page, J. ENFL 137 Pamuk, B. PHYS 239
Ou, L. COMP 8 Page, J. ENFL 139 Pan, A.C. COMP 99
Ou, N. INOR 513 Page, L. ANYL 292 Pan, H. TOXI 15
Ou, W. INOR 499 Page, R.C. PMSE 348 Pan, H. ENFL 327
Ouchi, M. POLY 401 Page, R.C. POLY 187 Pan, J. COLL 600
Ouchi, M. POLY 402 Page, T. AGFD 86 Pan, L. AGRO 341
Ounoughene, G. I&EC 40 Pagel, K. CARB 89 Pan, M. AGFD 147
Ouyang, B. GEOC 13 Paget, S.D. MEDI 330 Pan, S. ENFL 357
Ovadia, E. PMSE 411 Pagliarini, D. BIOL 6 Pan, W. ENVR 25
Oveisi, E. ENVR 219 Pagliarini, R. MEDI 267 Pan, X. POLY 378
Overbury, S.H. COLL 480 Pagola, S. CHED 399 Pan, X. POLY 380
Overbury, S.H. ENFL 179 Pahls, D. CATL 192 Pan, X. POLY 391
Oviedo, M.B. COMP 130 Pahls, D. INOR 325 Pan, X. POLY 393
Oviedo, M.B. COMP 301 Pahls, D. INOR 820 Pan, X. POLY 395
Oviedo, M.B. PHYS 73 Pahutski, T.F. AGRO 389 Pan, X. POLY 431
Oviedo, M.B. PHYS 78 Pai, E.F. MEDI 108 Pan, X. COMP 237
Oware Sarfo, K. CATL 69 Pai, L. MEDI 225 Pan, X. PHYS 391
Owen, A. COLL 65 Pai, N. AGRO 252 Pan, X. ENVR 48
Owen, A. COLL 145 Paier, J.A. CATL 78 Pan, X. ENVR 95
Owen, A. COLL 412 Paige, M. MEDI 80 Pan, X. CATL 57
Owen, A. COLL 547 Paik, H. POLY 407 Pan, X. CATL 167
Owen, A. ORGN 671 Paik, H. POLY 408 Pan, Y. CARB 40
Owen, A. PMSE 624 Paik, H. POLY 409 Pan, Z. POLY 535
Owen, J. AGRO 7 Paik, H. POLY 457 Pan, Z. AGRO 32
Owen, J. AGRO 390 Paik, H. POLY 458 Pan, Z. AGRO 316
Owen, J.R. COMP 176 Paik, H. POLY 476 Panagiotopoulos, A. PMSE 90
Owen, J.S. INOR 709 Paik, H. POLY 477 Panagos, C. CARB 84
Owen, J.S. INOR 777 Paik, H. POLY 621 Panangala, S.D. ENFL 309
Owen, R. PHYS 253 Paine, M. TOXI 22 Panapitiya, N.P. PMSE 578
Owen, T. BIOL 132 Paine, T. INOR 328 Panapitiya, N.P. PMSE 661
Owens, A. NUCL 1 Pajic, D. INOR 524 Panchal, S. MEDI 322
Oxley, S. CELL 8 Pak, M. PHYS 184 Panchan, W. ORGN 561
Oxtoby, L.J. ORGN 609 Pak, Y.J. PMSE 485 Panchenko, A. COMP 103
Oyama, H.T. PMSE 412 Pal, A.J. ORGN 428 Panchnathan, D. POLY 156
Oyama, S.T. ENFL 174 Pal, N. ENVR 464 Pancholi, A. ORGN 44
Oyola, R. BIOL 119 Pal, R. COMP 229 Panda, R. ANYL 197
Ozaki, A. AGFD 135 Pal, S. PMSE 132 Panda, S.S. MEDI 85
Ozaki, Y. COLL 137 Pal, S.K. I&EC 38 Pande, P. TOXI 43
Ozaki, Y. PHYS 392 Pal, T. CATL 63 Pande, V.S. COMP 3
Ozen, Z. MEDI 60 Pal, T. PHYS 502 Pande, V. POLY 465
Ozen Karakus, O. MEDI 342 Palafox, P. AEI 78 Pandey, A. PHYS 592
Ozerov, O. INOR 241 Palakuri, R. ORGN 333 Pandey, S. MEDI 95
Ozerov, O. INOR 428 Palakuri, R. ORGN 573 Pandeya, A. ANYL 119
Ozerov, O. INOR 430 Palchak, Z.L. ORGN 94 Pandher, P. CELL 11
Ozgur, U. COLL 77 Palchak, Z.L. ORGN 382 Pandhi, T. INOR 448
Ozgur, U. INOR 661 Palermo, E. PMSE 181 Pandit, J. MEDI 258
Ozgur, U. INOR 779 Palermo, E. PMSE 466 Pandiyan, T. ENVR 455
Ozkan, U.S. ENFL 175 Palivan, C. COLL 86 Pandiyan, T. INOR 188
Ozmeral, C. CATL 469 Pallone, J.E. INOR 225 Panecka, J. COMP 262
Ozoe, Y. AGRO 142 Palm, K. ENFL 55 Paneque, A. ORGN 603
Ozoe, Y. AGRO 308 Palma, J.L. COMP 183 Paneque, A. ORGN 605
O’Connor, R. ORGN 400 Palmans, A. ORGN 504 Panetier, J. INOR 673
O’Donnell, R. ORGN 678 Palmans, A. ORGN 511 Panetier, J. INOR 674
O’Mahony, C. AGRO 121 Palmans, A. PMSE 179 Panetier, J. INOR 909
O’Mahony, C. AGRO 122 Palmans, A. PMSE 185 Panetlides, S. INOR 842
Pabbisetty, K.B. MEDI 308 Palmeira, T. INOR 177 Pang, J. MEDI 22
Pace, J.R. AEI 58 Palmeira, T. INOR 178 Pang, J. MEDI 103
Pace, J.R. MEDI 52 Palmer, C.D. ANYL 276 Pang, J. MEDI 253
Pace, J.R. MEDI 226 Palmer, C.D. ANYL 309 Pang, S. INOR 413
Pachuta, K. ENFL 147 Palmer, C. AGRO 106 Pang, X. COMP 8
Paci, E. BIOL 180 Palmer, G.M. POLY 145 Pang, Y. ORGN 88
Packard, G.K. ORGN 63 Palmer, J.G. CHAS 31 Pang, Y. ORGN 89
Padhorny, D. COMP 269 Palmer, M. PHYS 551 Pang, Y. ORGN 151
Padilla, L. AGRO 11 Palmer, W. HIST 11 Pang, Y. ORGN 187
Padilla, L. AGRO 42 Palmer Emerson, H.P. ENVR 415 Pang, Y. ORGN 412
Padilla, L. AGRO 153 Palmese, G. CELL 40 Panger, M. AGRO 382
Padilla, L. AGRO 274 Palmese, G. POLY 13 Panja, S. PHYS 431
Padmaperuma, A. CATL 171 Palomino, R.M. COLL 417 Panpongsiri, S. AGRO 395
Padmaperuma, A. CATL 174 Palomino, R.M. COLL 419 Pant, K.K. CATL 201
Padmaperuma, A. ENVR 94 Palomino-Hernandez, O. CINF 31 Pantoja, M. POLY 579
Padmaperuma, A. PHYS 265 Palomo, C.N. ORGN 487 Pantoja-Feliciano, I. AGFD 36
Padmaperuma, A.B. ENFL 268 Paloni, J. PMSE 248 Pantoja-Feliciano, I. AGFD 50

390 –AUTH
Pantojas, V.M. CELL 34 Park, J. COLL 132 Pastor, R. COMP 315
Pantoya, M.L. POLY 220 Park, J. INOR 544 Pastor, R. PHYS 579
Panzner, M. MEDI 290 Park, K. INOR 91 Pásztói, B. POLY 551
Paolucci, C. CATL 243 Park, K. POLY 159 Patankar, N.A. POLY 97
Paolucci, C. ENFL 73 Park, M. PHYS 321 Pate, B.B. ENVR 15
Pap, L. INOR 625 Park, M.K. MEDI 225 Patel, A. MEDI 176
Papadakis, C.M. POLY 455 Park, N. PMSE 580 Patel, A. MEDI 203
Papadakis, P. NUCL 48 Park, N. POLY 15 Patel, A. ORGN 623
Papadimitrakopoulos, F. COLL 156 Park, N. POLY 309 Patel, A. COMP 236
Papadimitrakopoulos, F. COLL 304 Park, S. NUCL 27 Patel, A. PHYS 172
Papadimitrakopoulos, F. COMP 405 Park, S. ENVR 26 Patel, A. POLY 96
Papageorgopoulos, D. CATL 34 Park, S. PMSE 601 Patel, A. PMSE 13
Papanikolas, J. INOR 131 Park, S. POLY 392 Patel, A. POLY 560
Papelis, C. GEOC 18 Park, S. POLY 492 Patel, A. POLY 562
Papelis, C. GEOC 30 Park, S. COLL 18 Patel, A. ANYL 43
Papillon, J.P. MEDI 222 Park, S. ORGN 701 Patel, A. CHED 241
Papka, M. COMP 119 Park, S. INOR 14 Patel, A. CHED 242
Papoian, G. PHYS 261 Park, S. ANYL 128 Patel, A. BIOL 83
Parada, C.M. POLY 600 Park, S. PHYS 422 Patel, A. BIOL 96
Parada, G. INOR 45 Park, S. ANYL 206 Patel, B. ORGN 208
Paradiso, D. COLL 283 Park, S. ENFL 96 Patel, B.K. ENFL 191
Paradiso, D. COLL 357 Park, T. PMSE 602 Patel, D. PMSE 352
Parajuli, D. INOR 925 Park, Y. COMP 68 Patel, E.N. ORGN 435
Parak, W. ANYL 37 Park, Y. AGRO 27 Patel, H. CINF 61
Parak, W. COLL 510 Park, Y. INOR 702 Patel, J.S. BIOL 158
Parak, W. COLL 512 Park, H. PHYS 419 Patel, M. MEDI 192
Paramasivam, M. TOXI 29 Parker, A. CINF 102 Patel, N. ORGN 643
Paramonov, A. AGRO 227 Parker, B. I&EC 18 Patel, N.R. ORGN 325
Paranawithana, N.N. INOR 521 Parker, C.H. AGFD 226 Patel, N. PMSE 449
Paravisini, L. AGFD 202 Parker, C.H. ANYL 176 Patel, N. CHED 13
Parchur, A.K. COLL 98 Parker, E.T. PHYS 550 Patel, N. ENVR 113
Parchur, A.K. COLL 113 Parker, H. I&EC 35 Patel, R. BIOL 137
Pardasani, R. ORGN 518 Parker, J. ORGN 360 Patel, S.B. MEDI 148
Pardee, G. MEDI 306 Parker, K.A. ORGN 336 Patel, S. YCC 15
Pardee, K. ANYL 332 Parker, M.H. AGRO 385 Patel, S. AEI 12
Pardo, E. ENFL 258 Parker, M. AGRO 323 Patel, V. ANYL 317
Pardo, M. ENVR 337 Parker, M. MEDI 358 Patel, V. PMSE 472
Pardue, D. INOR 389 Parker Kerrigan, B. COLL 544 Pathak, A. COMP 5
Parekh, A. CATL 243 Parkinson, D.Y. CATL 432 Pathare, S. AGRO 53
Parekh, A. ENFL 73 Parks, J. CATL 348 Pati, R.K. INOR 454
Parekh, R. AGRO 89 Parks, J. CATL 402 Pati, R.K. ENFL 207
Parent, L. POLY 742 Parks, J. ENFL 297 Pati, S.G. ENVR 199
Pari, S. ENVR 109 Parks, S. INOR 570 Patil, R. MEDI 115
Paria Sena, R. INOR 551 Parnell, C. INOR 280 Patil, S. MEDI 115
Paria Sena, R. INOR 913 Parobek, D.G. PHYS 418 Patil, S.A. MEDI 115
Parikh, M.D. MEDI 86 Parolari, A. ENVR 212 Patil, S.J. INOR 744
Parikh, P. CATL 431 Parquette, J.R. ORGN 477 Patil, V. MEDI 115
Parish, C.A. PHYS 56 Parren, P.W. ANYL 51 Patlewicz, G. ENVR 2
Park, A.A. CATL 352 Parrett, C. COLL 112 Patman, R. ORGN 625
Park, A. POLY 609 Parris, K. MEDI 258 Patnaik, A. MEDI 77
Park, B. AGFD 249 Parrish, R.M. COMP 318 Patnaude, M. AGRO 184
Park, C. CATL 355 Parrott, N. MEDI 256 Patole, S. ENFL 380
Park, C. PMSE 452 Parsons, C. CHED 390 Patra, A. CATL 131
Park, C. MEDI 93 Parsons, G. INOR 1 Patra, D. ORGN 440
Park, C. COLL 234 Parsons, K. POLY 707 Patra, P.K. COLL 253
Park, D. COLL 226 Parsons, K.H. POLY 689 Patra, P.K. COMP 255
Park, D. POLY 407 Parsons, L. ANYL 281 Patrick, W. PHYS 41
Park, D. AGRO 355 Parsons, P. ANYL 276 Patrick, W. PHYS 509
Park, E. CATL 288 Parsons, P. ANYL 309 Patrow, J. PHYS 510
Park, G. MEDI 92 Parsons-Moss, T. ENVR 227 Pattanakul, C. AGFD 101
Park, H. POLY 431 Parthasarathy, G. MEDI 131 Pattanayak, S. POLY 372
Park, H. AGRO 229 Parthasarathy, G. MEDI 192 Patten, T. INOR 131
Park, H. INOR 295 Parthasarathy, S. BIOL 57 Patten, T.E. POLY 48
Park, H. MEDI 7 Parthasarathy, S. MEDI 24 Pattenaude, S.A. CATL 134
Park, H. MEDI 269 Partridge, B.E. ORGN 506 Pattenaude, S.A. NUCL 31
Park, H. CATL 409 Partridge, F. AGRO 140 Patterson, A.W. MEDI 77
Park, H. ENVR 145 Paruchuri, S.M. MEDI 290 Patterson, E.V. ENVR 353
Park, J. ANYL 83 Paruchuri, S.M. ORGN 88 Patterson, H.H. INOR 373
Park, J. MEDI 273 Parulkar, A. ENFL 75 Patterson, H.H. ORGN 435
Park, J. NUCL 6 Parveen, R. COMP 365 Patterson, J.R. INOR 931
Park, J. INOR 258 Parviz, D. COLL 464 Patterson, J.D. PHYS 571
Park, J. INOR 370 Pasa-Tolic, L. ANYL 430 Patterson, M.G. INOR 644
Park, J. MEDI 93 Pascal, T.A. CATL 273 Pattison, T. PMSE 223
Park, J. ENFL 391 Pascucci, I. PHYS 260 Patton, D.L. POLY 216
Park, J. ENVR 139 Paseiro Cerrato, R. AGFD 77 Patton, D.L. POLY 260
Park, J. ENVR 140 Paseiro Cerrato, R. AGFD 237 Patton, D.L. POLY 707
Park, J. ENVR 372 Pask, J. COMP 74 Patton, K. AGRO 370
Park, J. AGFD 80 Pasquali, M. POLY 313 Patwardhan, A. CATL 217
Park, J. ENVR 241 Pasquinelli, M.A. PMSE 201 Patwardhan, D.V. POLY 52
Park, J. COLL 79 Pastor, R. COMP 150 Patwardhan, N.N. BIOL 26


Patwardhan, N.N. MEDI 68 Pedersen, J.A. COLL 216 Peng, T. INOR 707
Patwardhan, S. AEI 49 Pedersen, J.A. COLL 355 Peng, W. COMP 329
Patwardhan, S. CHED 381 Pedersen, J.A. COMP 346 Peng, W. POLY 436
Patwardhan, S. ENFL 461 Pedersen, J.A. ENVR 257 Peng, X. COMP 80
Pauchard, V. COLL 130 Pedzisa, L. MEDI 228 Peng, X. TOXI 30
Paul, B. INOR 444 Peebles, R.A. PHYS 377 Peng, X. TOXI 54
Paul, D.K. ANYL 160 Peebles, S.A. PHYS 377 Peng, X. COLL 204
Paul, G. ORGN 428 Peek, N. CATL 10 Peng, Y. COLL 204
Paul, I. INOR 376 Peer, A. COLL 290 Peng, Y. AGFD 55
Paul, I. POLY 142 Peerless, B. INOR 858 Peng, Y. ORGN 627
Paul, K. AGRO 377 Peganova, T.A. INOR 229 Peng, Y. COMP 60
Paul, M. ENVR 260 Pehrsson, P. AGFD 255 Peng, Z. PHYS 235
Paul, S. ORGN 32 Pehrsson, P. AGFD 256 Peng, Z. PMSE 482
Paul, S. ORGN 33 Pehrsson, P. COLL 141 Peng, X. PMSE 590
Paul, S. ORGN 675 Pehrsson, P. INOR 138 Pengo, T. COLL 324
Paulechka, E. CINF 106 Pei, A. POLY 296 Pengpanich, S. CATL 310
Paulino, J. PHYS 385 Pei, Y. CHED 259 Penhallurick, R. CATL 376
Paulmurugan, R. COLL 34 Peiravi, M. ENVR 45 Penn, R. INOR 820
Paulsen, A. ENVR 93 Peirce, S.M. POLY 145 Penn, R. PROF 15
Paulson, E.R. ORGN 154 Peishoff, C. MPPG 14 Pennell, K.G. ENVR 332
Paulson, S. CHED 58 Pekkanen, A. PMSE 55 Penney, R.B. TOXI 72
Paulson, S. ENVR 338 Pekkanen, A. PMSE 480 Penning, T.M. MEDI 193
Paulson, S. ENVR 490 Pekkanen, A. PMSE 579 Penning, T.M. TOXI 6
Paulusse, J.M. COLL 436 Pekkanen, A. POLY 54 Penning, T.M. TOXI 48
Paulusse, J.M. COLL 614 Pekkanen, A. POLY 175 Penning, T.M. TOXI 55
Paulusse, J.M. POLY 189 Pekkanen, A. POLY 510 Pennington, A.M. CATL 194
Paven, M. COLL 56 Pekkanen, A. POLY 708 Pennington, A.M. INOR 203
Paviet, P. ENVR 234 Pelaz, B. COLL 620 Pennington, A.M. INOR 330
Pavlinov, I. ORGN 404 Pelaz, B. COLL 622 Pentzer, E. COLL 16
Pavlovic, M. COLL 7 Pelissari, J.H. ANYL 132 Pentzer, E. ENFL 147
Pavlovic, N.M. AGRO 190 Pella, B. INOR 564 Pentzer, E. POLY 162
Pavosevic, F. COMP 70 Pellegrinelli, C. COLL 538 Pepi, M. PMSE 454
Pavosevic, F. PHYS 225 Pellegrini, K.L. NUCL 67 Peralta, A. BIOL 48
Pawar, M. PMSE 668 Pellegrini, M. BIOL 160 Peranginangin, N. AGRO 42
Pawar, R. ANYL 198 Pellegrini, T. ORGN 116 Peranginangin, N. AGRO 153
Pawar, V.D. MEDI 343 Pellegrini, T. ORGN 305 Peranginangin, N. AGRO 275
Paydary, P. ENVR 116 Peller, J.R. ENVR 252 Perara, E. INOR 220
Paydary, P. ENVR 442 Pellerite, M.J. CATL 250 Percebom, A. COLL 94
Paydary, P. GEOC 3 Pelletier, J.C. MEDI 254 Percec, V. ORGN 506
Payer, S. CATL 184 Pelletier, M. POLY 330 Percec, V. PMSE 586
Payne, A. BIOL 41 Pellizzeri, S.L. CATL 414 Percy, J. ORGN 228
Payne, A. ENFL 456 Pellizzeri, S.L. INOR 68 Perdew, J.P. CATL 131
Payne, A. AGFD 213 Peloquin, A. POLY 638 Pereira, K. ENVR 554
Payne, E. ENVR 440 Peloquin, D.M. GEOC 17 Pereira, S.A. TOXI 81
Pazicni, S. CHED 59 Pelphrey, P.M. CHED 269 Perelman, M. ANYL 335
Pazicni, S. CHED 94 Pelphrey, P.M. CHED 286 Perera, A. COMP 68
Pazicni, S. CHED 95 Peltier, E.F. ENVR 258 Perera, A. COMP 133
Pazos, I. I&EC 31 Peltier, E.F. ENVR 369 Perera, A.S. INOR 748
Peach, M.L. CINF 61 Peltier, E.F. GEOC 11 Perera, D. COMP 188
Peach, M.L. CINF 126 Pelton, M. COLL 503 Perera, K. CARB 98
Peach, M.L. ORGN 26 Pelton, M. COLL 599 Perera, L. PHYS 533
Peacock, B. PHYS 403 Pelton, R.H. COLL 11 Perera, P.N. GEOC 7
Peacock, D. INOR 210 Pena, A. MEDI 269 Perera, T.A. AEI 68
Peacock, D.M. INOR 209 Peña, A.G. AGFD 38 Perez, C. CINF 133
Peak, D. ENVR 120 Pence, L.E. YCC 21 Perez, D. COMP 94
Peak, D. ENVR 217 Penchoff, D.A. INOR 814 Perez, H.L. MEDI 147
Peale, R. ENFL 451 Pendharkar, V. MEDI 17 Perez, J.J. AGRO 90
Pearce, C.J. INOR 65 Pendleton, I.M. CATL 340 Perez, L.J. MEDI 174
Pearce, C.J. INOR 216 Pendurthi, A. I&EC 42 Perez, L.J. ORGN 215
Pearce, T.R. COLL 324 Peneau, V. ENFL 351 Perez, L. INOR 506
Pearcy, A.C. PHYS 367 Peneau, V. ENFL 400 Perez, R. AGRO 27
Pearcy, A.C. PHYS 452 Penev, K.I. PMSE 166 Perez, S. AGRO 27
Pearlstein, R.A. COMP 106 Peng, B. ORGN 548 Perez, S. MEDI 258
Pearson, A. CHAL 14 Peng, B. BIOL 102 Pérez, V. ORGN 494
Pearson, R.A. PMSE 281 Peng, C. POLY 302 Perez-Gonzalez, M. ANYL 193
Pearson, W. AGFD 3 Peng, C. POLY 376 Perez-Mercader, J. POLY 749
Pease, A. AGRO 182 Peng, C. POLY 772 Pérez-Oquendo, M. BIOL 70
Peaslee, G.F. NUCL 7 Peng, C. POLY 125 Perez-Ovilla, O. AGRO 9
Peck, C. AGRO 144 Peng, C. COMP 70 Perez-Ovilla, O. AGRO 14
Peck, C. AGRO 146 Peng, C. PHYS 225 Perez Perez, M. PMSE 23
Peck, C. AGRO 220 Peng, C. PHYS 529 Perez-Rathke, A. BIOL 169
Peck, C. AGRO 286 Peng, D. CATL 302 Perez Ruiz, A. COLL 268
Peck, C. AGRO 289 Peng, F. POLY 718 Pérez Treviño, P.I. MEDI 170
Peck, C. AGRO 382 Peng, F. INOR 394 Perez-Vazquez, M. INOR 29
Peck, T.C. CATL 350 Peng, F. INOR 948 Perine, J.W. AGRO 178
Pecyna, J.G. CHED 243 Peng, H. ENVR 391 Perine, J.W. AGRO 253
Peczuh, M.W. ORGN 36 Peng, J. INOR 389 Perkins, C.K. INOR 898
Peddiahgari, V. ORGN 309 Peng, L. ENVR 219 Perkins, D. AGRO 77
Peden, C.H. CATL 245 Peng, R. AGFD 84 Perkins, D. AGRO 156
Peden, C.H. CATL 347 Peng, S. ORGN 359 Perkins, D. AGRO 384

Perkins, H. CHED 321 Petersen, P.B. INOR 12 Pham, C. INOR 769
Perkins, K.M. POLY 710 Peterson, A. ENVR 161 Pham, D.H. INOR 803
Perkins, R.J. ORGN 227 Peterson, A.A. ANYL 34 Pham, D. AGFD 27
Perkins, R.J. ORGN 332 Peterson, A.A. CHED 353 Pham, H. COMP 310
Perkins, R. ENVR 288 Peterson, A.M. PMSE 535 Pham, H. PHYS 228
Perkins, T. PHYS 290 Peterson, A. CATL 74 Pham, K. ORGN 601
Perkins, D. ORGN 548 Peterson, B. ORGN 523 Pham, S.T. INOR 732
Perminova, I.V. CINF 32 Peterson, C.C. INOR 814 Pham, T.T. I&EC 16
Perraud, V. ENVR 195 Peterson, D. BIOL 74 Pham, V.H. AEI 22
Perraud, V. ENVR 340 Peterson, D.G. AGFD 202 Phan, H. INOR 372
Perrault, M. MEDI 165 Peterson, G.W. INOR 5 Phan, H.T. COLL 50
Perreard, S. POLY 246 Peterson, G.W. INOR 757 Phan, S. ANYL 38
Perreault, F. ENVR 165 Peterson, G. COLL 71 Phanse, Y. AGRO 205
Perri, M. CHED 86 Peterson, G. COLL 141 Pharr, C.R. CHED 60
Perri, M. CHED 113 Peterson, G. INOR 755 Pharr, C.R. CHED 264
Perri, M.J. CHED 111 Peterson, J.J. COLL 497 Phearman, A.S. INOR 599
Perrier, S. PMSE 511 Peterson, J.J. PHYS 248 Phelan, F.R. CINF 124
Perrier, S. PMSE 644 Peterson, K.A. NUCL 45 Phelan, F.R. COLL 63
Perrier, S. POLY 318 Peterson, L.A. TOXI 94 Phelan, F.R. PMSE 205
Perrier, S. POLY 426 Peterson, P.W. ORGN 27 Phelan, F.R. PMSE 208
Perrier, S. POLY 553 Peterson, M. COLL 100 Phelan, J. ORGN 125
Perrone, T. INOR 956 Petersson, E. BIOL 173 Phelps, M.A. MEDI 295
Perry, C.M. INOR 201 Petersson, E. BIOL 186 Phifer, R.W. SCHB 17
Perry, L.N. PMSE 657 Petersson, E. CHED 172 Philipp, C.C. ANYL 72
Perry, L.N. PMSE 669 Petersson, E. ORGN 158 Philipp, M. MEDI 349
Perry, M.D. CHED 377 Petigara Harp, B. AGFD 28 Philippaerts, A. POLY 295
Perry, S. AEI 79 Petigara Harp, B. AGFD 30 Philippova, O. COLL 26
Perry, S.L. PMSE 266 Petigara Harp, B. AGFD 210 Phillip, W.A. ENVR 216
Perry, S.L. PMSE 315 Petigara Harp, B. ANYL 193 Phillip, W.A. PMSE 443
Perry, S.L. PMSE 536 Petit, C. CARB 19 Phillips, D. POLY 271
Perryman, A.L. BIOL 158 Petit-Homme, J. CHED 195 Phillips, G.N. PHYS 416
Perryman, A.L. MEDI 330 Petitte, J. ANYL 361 Phillips, H. POLY 199
Persad, V. MEDI 297 Petkov, G. BIOL 132 Phillips, J. COMP 98
Persch, E. MEDI 108 Petkov, V. CATL 302 Phillips, J.A. CHED 85
Pershina, V. NUCL 48 Petrey, D. COMP 7 Phillips, J.A. PHYS 344
Personne, E. AGRO 348 Petridis, L. BIOL 90 Phillips, K. AEI 20
Persson, K. CATL 86 Petridis, L. POLY 713 Phillips, K. ANYL 347
Persson, K. CATL 188 Petrignani, A. PHYS 4 Phillips, K. COLL 8
Persson, K. CATL 225 Petrignani, A. PHYS 6 Phillips, K.S. ENVR 302
Persson, K. CATL 280 Petrignani, A. PHYS 475 Phillips, K.S. ENVR 348
Persson, K. CATL 384 Petrilli, W. MEDI 225 Phillips, L. COLL 544
Persson, K. CINF 123 Petrochenko, P. ANYL 184 Phillips, M.M. AGFD 260
Persson, P. ENVR 78 Petrochenko, P. ANYL 185 Phillips, R. CHED 195
Persson, P. INOR 19 Petrone, A. COMP 144 Phillips, R. INOR 830
Persson, P. PHYS 137 Petrone, A. COMP 159 Phillips, S.T. POLY 362
Pertmer, G. ENVR 346 Petronico, A. ENFL 230 Phimphachanh, A. POLY 697
Perumal, K. ORGN 540 Petrov, A. ANYL 436 Phinney, K. ANYL 439
Peruzzini, M. PHYS 362 Petrov, P.N. AEI 73 Phung, L. MEDI 328
Peryea, T.A. CINF 44 Petrov, V. NUCL 17 Phyo, Z. MEDI 12
Peryshkov, D.V. INOR 427 Petrovic, D. PHYS 149 Piacenti-Silva, M. ENVR 422
Peryshkov, D.V. INOR 768 Petrovic, Z.S. POLY 502 Piacenti-Silva, M. ENVR 423
Peshne, A. COMP 5 Petrukhina, M.A. INOR 626 Pias-Peleteiro, J. COLL 622
Petdum, A. ORGN 561 Petrukhina, M.A. INOR 733 Piburn, G.W. INOR 785
Peter, S. TOXI 99 Petruncio, G. MEDI 80 Picard, Q. PMSE 331
Peter, T. ENVR 553 Petryayeva, E. COLL 487 Picard, Q. PMSE 549
Peter, T. ENVR 556 Petters, M. ENVR 534 Pickard, F.C. COMP 311
Peterca, M. ORGN 506 Petters, S. ENVR 534 Pickard, F.C. COMP 315
Peterman, K.E. CHED 6 Pettersson, F. ORGN 639 Pickel, J.M. CHAS 44
Peterman, K.E. ENVR 183 Pettersson, L. MEDI 32 Pickel, J.M. CINF 58
Peters, B. CATL 472 Pettibone, J.M. ENVR 523 Pickett, H.M. PHYS 587
Peters, B. PHYS 324 Pettis, J. AGRO 99 Pickett, J.A. AGRO 31
Peters, B. I&EC 56 Petty, A. I&EC 56 Pickett, J.A. AGRO 109
Peters, E.A. ANYL 363 Pevzner, Y. CINF 61 Pickett, J.A. AGRO 143
Peters, J. CATL 219 Pevzner, Y. CINF 134 Pickett, P.D. POLY 429
Peters, J. CATL 224 Peyghambarian, N. PMSE 613 Pickett, P.D. POLY 469
Peters, J.C. INOR 310 Pezzato, C. ORGN 243 Piecuch, P. PHYS 222
Peters, J. MEDI 38 Pfaendtner, J. PMSE 37 Piecuch, P. PHYS 595
Peters, J. MEDI 307 Pfaffe, T. ANYL 156 Piehowski, P. ANYL 19
Peters, K. POLY 333 Pfau, M. PMSE 239 Pienko, T. COMP 382
Peters, K. POLY 700 Pfefferkorn, J.A. MEDI 258 Pienkos, P.T. ENFL 110
Peters, K. POLY 701 Pfeiffer, A. ENVR 85 Pieper, F. PMSE 577
Peters, K.C. POLY 512 Pfeiffer, S. AGFD 244 Pieper, K. ENVR 325
Peters, M. INOR 926 Pfitzner, A. COLL 608 Pierce, B.S. INOR 700
Peters, M. MEDI 266 Pfleeger, T. AGRO 281 Pierce, C. ORGN 276
Peters, T. CARB 72 Pfleger, J. PMSE 40 Pierce, E. BIOL 33
Peters, W.K. PHYS 522 Pfukwa, R. POLY 550 Pierce, E.M. PRES 25
Petersen, D. MEDI 63 Phalipon, A. CARB 20 Pierce, J. BIOL 113
Petersen, E. ENVR 10 Pham, A. ENVR 62 Pierce, J.G. ORGN 96
Petersen, E. ENVR 161 Pham, B. ANYL 369 Pierce, J.G. ORGN 692
Petersen, J.L. INOR 264 Pham, B. ANYL 372 Pierce, K.M. ANYL 82


Pierce, K.M. CHED 300 Pizzagalli, M. BIOL 56 Poler, J.C. COLL 201
Pierleoni, D. PMSE 665 Pizzuto, M.F. INOR 263 Poler, J.C. PMSE 416
Pierre, V.C. I&EC 24 Place, B.J. ANYL 112 Polezhaev, A.V. CATL 20
Pierson, N. ANYL 139 Place, B.J. ENVR 513 Polezhaev, A.V. COLL 188
Pieters, R.J. CARB 3 Place, L.W. COLL 522 Polezhaev, A.V. INOR 345
Pietrangelo, A. POLY 285 Placencia, D. COLL 563 Polezhaev, A.V. INOR 424
Pietrasik, J. POLY 695 Plagge, A. COLL 39 Polezhaev, A.V. INOR 485
Pietratti-Bedzrah, M. CHED 220 Plamont, M. BIOL 53 Polezhaev, A.V. INOR 676
Piggott, A. BIOL 165 Plana-Junior, P.E. ENVR 422 Polezhaev, A.V. INOR 677
Pigza, J.A. ORGN 238 Plana-Junior, P.E. ENVR 423 Poli, A.L. COLL 524
Pihl, J. CATL 348 Planas, A. ORGN 36 Poli, M. ANYL 337
Pike, R.D. INOR 341 Plank, T.N. ORGN 505 Poli, R. INOR 229
Pike, R.D. INOR 565 Plant, G. PMSE 309 Poli, R. INOR 374
Pike, V.W. NUCL 3 Plasencia Gallofré, G. ANYL 105 Poli, R. INOR 880
Pikramenou, Z. INOR 9 Plasencia Gallofré, G. ORGN 284 Poli, R. POLY 5
Pilarski, L.T. ORGN 607 Plass, K. INOR 547 Poli, R. POLY 388
Pilicer, S.L. ORGN 449 Platero Prats, A. INOR 292 Poli, R. POLY 410
Piligian, B. CARB 57 Platonov, M. CINF 139 Poli, R. POLY 411
Pilkington, E. COMP 11 Platonov, M. MEDI 357 Poli, R. POLY 412
Pilla, S. POLY 633 Platt, S. PHYS 367 Poli, R. POLY 413
Pillai, K. AGFD 78 Platt, S. PHYS 452 Poli, R. POLY 773
Pillai, X. CHAL 1 Platz, K. AGRO 259 Policar, C. INOR 689
Pille, J. POLY 281 Plavnik, M. CHED 50 Polizzi, E. PHYS 278
Pillow, T. ORGN 5 Player, M.R. MEDI 34 Polizzi, N. INOR 113
Pimentel, L. CHED 256 Player, M.R. MEDI 35 Pollard, J. POLY 185
Pimviriyakul, P. CATL 217 Plazaola, F. INOR 708 Pollard, J. POLY 201
Pinard, E. MEDI 256 Plesa Chicinas, R. ENVR 381 Pollard, J. POLY 557
Pinaud, J. POLY 697 Plesniak, M. ORGN 233 Pollastri, M.P. BIOL 157
Pine, D. COLL 476 Pletneva, V. COLL 26 Pollegioni, L. AEI 79
Pineda Flores, S. PHYS 450 Pletscher, J. CHED 194 Pollet, P. ORGN 495
Pineda-Galvan, Y. INOR 353 Pletz, J. CATL 184 Polli, J. ENVR 95
Pinero-Santiago, L.E. CHED 279 Plieger, P.G. INOR 930 Polly, R. ENVR 230
Pinero-Santiago, L.E. CHED 282 Plimpton, S. COMP 6 Polo Garzon, F. CATL 14
Pines, A. PHYS 329 Plimpton, S. COMP 97 Polo Garzon, F. CATL 125
Pinhas, A.R. ORGN 137 Plocher, M. AGRO 281 Polovov, I.B. INOR 525
Pinho, S.P. I&EC 64 Ploegh, H. BIOL 52 Polovov, I.B. INOR 622
Pink, M. COLL 231 Ploegh, H. MEDI 195 Polovov, I.B. INOR 639
Pink, M. INOR 262 Plonka, A. INOR 3 Polson, M. INOR 484
Pink, M. INOR 344 Plonka, A.M. INOR 147 Polubesova, T. ENVR 121
Pink, M. INOR 345 Ploskonka, A. INOR 5 Polyansky, D.E. INOR 891
Pink, M. INOR 485 Ploskonka, A. INOR 756 Polymeros, A. CHED 399
Pink, M. INOR 489 Plückthun, A. PHYS 588 Polzin, S.M. INOR 645
Pink, M. INOR 676 Plummer, R.E. AGRO 218 Pomerenk, O. ORGN 542
Pinkerton, A.A. INOR 519 Plummer Oxley, S. ANYL 33 Pomes, R. PHYS 384
Pint, C. ENFL 317 Plummer Oxley, S. CHED 216 Pomin, V.H. CARB 96
Pintacuda, G. PHYS 342 Plunkett, C. POLY 743 Pommier, Y. BIOL 9
Pintauer, T. INOR 135 Pluntke, K. AGRO 39 Pompano, R.R. ANYL 101
Pintauer, T. INOR 140 Pluntke, K. AGRO 151 Pompano, R.R. ANYL 123
Pintauer, T. ORGN 150 Pluntke, K. AGRO 155 Pompano, R.R. ANYL 391
Pintauer, T. POLY 434 Pluth, M.D. INOR 939 Pompano, R.R. POLY 145
Pinter, B. CATL 191 Pluth, M.D. ORGN 87 Pompano, R.R. POLY 525
Pinto, D. MEDI 308 Pluth, M.D. ORGN 697 Ponangi, R. AGFD 22
Pinto Vilar, R. CATL 452 Plymale, N.T. ENVR 15 Ponce, F. AGFD 82
Piontek, S. PHYS 236 Plymale, N.T. INOR 920 Ponce, V.H. COMP 403
Piontek, S. PHYS 532 Pocai, A. MEDI 34 Ponce-Gonzalez, J. PMSE 445
Piotrowski, D.W. MEDI 63 Pocai, A. MEDI 35 Ponder, J.W. COMP 311
Piotrowski, J. BIOL 114 Pociecha, D. ORGN 681 Ponder, J. ORGN 83
Pipik, B. MEDI 245 Podjarny, A. CINF 126 Ponder, M. ENVR 54
Piringer, O. AGFD 105 Podkolzin, S.G. CATL 465 Ponnurangam, S. CATL 253
Piro, J.R. MEDI 246 Podlaha-Murphy, E. ANYL 206 Ponsart, K. AEI 62
Pirogovsky, P. PMSE 38 Poe, M.M. MEDI 97 Ponte, J.F. MEDI 157
Pirro, V. CHED 77 Poffenberger, C.A. AGRO 51 Ponte, M.A. AGRO 130
Piscotta, F. BIOL 161 Pogodin, P. CINF 83 Ponte, M.A. AGRO 134
Pissarnitski, D.A. MEDI 245 Poh, Z. MEDI 17 Ponte, M.A. AGRO 361
Pitakjakpipop, P. ENFL 249 Pohl, C.A. POLY 625 Pontes, P. I&EC 64
Pitchaimani, A. COLL 143 Pohl, H. ENVR 419 Pontes-Braz, L. POLY 190
Pitchford, A. AGRO 158 Poineau, F. INOR 916 Pontoppidan, K.M. PHYS 260
Pitkanen, L. ANYL 154 Poineau, F. NUCL 18 Pontrelli, S. BIOL 160
Pitkanen, L. ANYL 294 Pointer, C. COLL 169 Pookpanratana, S. COLL 587
Pitman, C.L. CHAS 33 Poirier, D. MEDI 165 Pookpanratana, S. ORGN 542
Pitman, C.L. INOR 109 Poirier, M. MEDI 269 Pool, E.H. CHED 166
Pitman, C.L. INOR 214 Poirot, R. I&EC 4 Poolman, B. ORGN 502
Pitman, C.L. INOR 390 Pokhrel, L. COLL 194 Popat, K. PMSE 481
Pitman, C.L. INOR 396 Pokorski, J.K. COLL 505 Popat, S. ENVR 18
Pitsawong, W. PHYS 287 Polakoff, B.M. AGRO 184 Pope, M.T. INOR 189
Pitto-Barry, A. POLY 768 Polanco, T. ENVR 481 Pope, S. INOR 377
Pitto-Barry, A. INOR 575 Polapally, M. INOR 537 Pope, S. INOR 378
Piunova, V.A. PMSE 45 Polasky, D. PHYS 319 Poplawski, T. MEDI 317
Piunova, V.A. PMSE 468 Polcari, D. AEI 79 Poplawsky, J. CATL 430
Piunova, V.A. PMSE 641 Poler, J.C. COLL 153 Popolan-Vaida, D.M. PHYS 511

394 –AUTH
Popoola, A. CHED 288 Power, P.P. AEI 50 Prezhdo, O.V. PHYS 75
Popov, A.V. MEDI 292 Power, P.P. INOR 731 Priambodo, R. ENVR 364
Popova, V. POLY 686 Powers, D. INOR 295 Pribyl, J. I&EC 20
Popovic, J. INOR 524 Powers, D. INOR 762 Price, D. MEDI 63
Popovich, J. ENFL 395 Powers, D. ORGN 668 Price, D. MEDI 258
Popovs, I. I&EC 18 Powers, G. ENFL 368 Price, E. POLY 236
Popovska-Gorevski, M. MEDI 63 Powers, S.J. AGFD 203 Price, H.L. CHED 90
Popp, B.V. INOR 108 Poyton, M.F. COLL 348 Price, M. POLY 604
Popp, B.V. INOR 238 Pozdneev, A. COMP 77 Price, N. TOXI 28
Popp, B.V. INOR 264 Pozenel, M. CINF 71 Price, N.E. TOXI 66
Popp, B.V. INOR 956 Prabhakaran, V. CATL 467 Price, N.P. AGRO 315
Popp, B.V. ORGN 424 Prabhu, V. PMSE 105 Price, N.P. CARB 50
Popp, B.V. ORGN 463 Prabhu, V. PMSE 262 Price, N.P. CARB 51
Poptani, H. COLL 39 Prabhu, V.M. PMSE 45 Price, P. COLL 236
Porch, A. ENFL 21 Pradeep, T. PHYS 267 Price, T.W. CHED 221
Poree, D.E. POLY 172 Pradeep Singh, N.D. ORGN 190 Prieto, A.L. ENVR 362
Poroikov, V. CINF 83 Pradhan, A.A. COLL 203 Prieto, L. AGFD 175
Poroikov, V. CINF 134 Pradhan, E. PHYS 526 Prieto-Martinez,
´ F.D. COMP 176
Poroikov, V. COMP 291 Pradhan, P. ORGN 128 Prigiobbe, V. ENVR 414
Poroyko, V. PMSE 478 Pradhan, D. ANYL 14 Prigiobbe, V. ENVR 416
Porsch, C. PMSE 41 Prado, J.R. CHED 341 Prigiobbe, V. ENVR 418
Porter, C. ENFL 312 Prakash, A. COMP 333 Prihandoko, R. MEDI 8
Porter, K. COMP 249 Prakash, B. ENVR 386 Priimagi, A. POLY 342
Porter, K. COMP 269 Prakash, G.S. CHED 227 Prikhodko, V.Y. CATL 348
Porter, S.E. CHED 152 Prakash, G.S. ORGN 334 Prill, R. PMSE 641
Porter, W. AGFD 110 Prakash, G.S. ORGN 593 Prince, C. CHED 400
Porterfield, D.R. NUCL 85 Pramanik, A. MEDI 167 Prince, J. ENFL 61
Porterfield, D.R. NUCL 88 Pramanik, A. AGFD 271 Prince, N. ANYL 16
Portero, E. ANYL 415 Pramanik, A. ENVR 72 Prince, N. TOXI 76
Portero, E. ANYL 437 Pramanik, S. INOR 579 Prins, K.C. TOXI 42
Portillo, R.I. INOR 672 Pramanik, S. INOR 580 Prior, R. AGFD 232
Portius, P. INOR 858 Pramanik, S. COLL 66 Prisco, A. I&EC 49
Portnoy, M. ORGN 121 Pramanik, S. INOR 376 Prisinzano, T.E. MEDI 280
Portnoy, M. ORGN 333 Prama Putri, S. BIOL 160 Pritchard, B. COMP 30
Portnoy, M. ORGN 579 Pramudya, I. POLY 34 Pritchard, B. COMP 175
Portnoy, M. ORGN 573 Prasad, A. CARB 34 Procter, D. ORGN 233
Pöschl, U. ENVR 550 Prasad, P.N. PMSE 479 Proetto, M. INOR 828
Posillico, A. INOR 634 Prasad, P.N. PMSE 612 Proietti, R. PHYS 140
Pospech, J. ORGN 546 Prasassarakich, P. ENFL 7 Prokop, Z. PHYS 145
Pospech, J. WCC 7 Prasifka, J. AGRO 74 Prokopchuk, D. ENFL 60
Poss, M. MEDI 269 Prather, K.A. ENVR 532 Prommer, H. ENVR 284
Postek, M. ANYL 28 Pratt, D.A. TOXI 18 Prommer, H. ENVR 285
Postek, M. ENVR 346 Pratt, J.K. AEI 50 Pronphol, W. AGRO 395
Poster, D. ANYL 28 Pratt, J.K. INOR 731 Pros, G.J. POLY 434
Poster, D. ENVR 346 Pratt, J.K. ORGN 525 Proserpio, D.M. PHYS 360
Poster, D. I&EC 31 Pratt, L.R. PHYS 119 Proskurin, G.V. MEDI 319
Postlethwaite, A. MEDI 83 Pratt, M. BIOL 13 Prosser, S. PHYS 589
Pote, A. ORGN 36 Pravitasari, A. COLL 122 Prossner, K. ENVR 399
Pothoof, J. ENVR 368 Preciado, J. ENVR 367 Protasiewicz, J.D. INOR 482
Pothupitiya, J. CATL 321 Prediger, M.S. TOXI 76 Protasiewicz, J.D. INOR 884
Pothupitiya, J. POLY 515 Prediger, M.S. TOXI 77 Protasiewicz, J.D. POLY 355
Potocny, A.M. INOR 961 Preinfalk, A. ORGN 306 Protti, S. ORGN 179
Potteiger, C.M. MEDI 192 Preininger, M.K. BIOL 170 Proudfoot, A. MEDI 10
Potter, D. AGRO 106 Preis, J. POLY 675 Proust, V. INOR 539
Potter, S. CHED 33 Premadasa, U.I. COLL 463 Provder, T. PMSE 126
Potter, T.L. AGRO 177 Premadasa, U.I. COLL 518 Prucker, O. PMSE 344
Potter, W. NUCL 22 Prendergast, D. CATL 273 Prucker, O. POLY 610
Potty, A. ENFL 418 Prendergast, D. PHYS 190 Pruden, A. ENVR 54
Poudel, A. ANYL 3 Prendergast, R. PHYS 394 Pruden, A. ENVR 341
Poudel, A. ANYL 38 Prentis, L. COMP 274 Pruitt, E. ENVR 169
Poudel, A. ANYL 209 Presa Soto, A. PMSE 108 Pryor, E.M. SCHB 41
Poulikakos, D. COLL 555 Presa-Soto, D. PMSE 108 Prywes, N. ENFL 141
Poulsen, A. MEDI 17 Prescher, J.A. BIOL 12 Przybranowski, S. MEDI 156
Poulsen, A. MEDI 277 Prescher, J.A. BIOL 67 Przywara, J. ENFL 158
Poulsen, J. INOR 583 Prescher, J.A. CHED 74 Ptaszek, M. ORGN 95
Poulson, S.R. ENVR 24 Prescher, J.A. COLL 453 Ptaszek, M. ORGN 377
Pourtaheri, P. AGFD 9 Prescher, J.A. COMSCI 5 Ptaszek, M. ORGN 633
Poutsma, J.C. INOR 341 Prescher, J.A. ORGN 320 Ptaszek, M. PMSE 485
Povirk, A.W. MEDI 120 Press, E. INOR 801 Pu, J. CATL 293
Powderly, K.M. INOR 918 Press, E. INOR 877 Pu, J. COLL 142
Powell, B. CHED 32 Presser, V. ENFL 378 Pu, M. MEDI 267
Powell, B. CHED 31 Presser, V. ENFL 484 Pu, T. CATL 351
Powell, B.V. TOXI 57 Pressman, J.G. AEI 32 Pu, T. ENVR 224
Powell, B.A. ENVR 228 Prestegard, J.H. CARB 76 Pu, T. ENVR 448
Powell, B.A. NUCL 40 Preston, J. CATL 422 Pugh, M. MEDI 89
Powell, C. PMSE 603 Preston, S.S. HIST 26 Pugh, M. MEDI 90
Powell, D.R. INOR 697 Preston, T. ENVR 552 Pugliese, D. CELL 9
Powell, M. ANYL 134 Preville, C. MEDI 211 Puhl, M. AGRO 387
Powell, S. PMSE 316 Prevost, S. COLL 93 Pujari, S. TOXI 60
Powels, G. AGRO 317 Preza, S. ENVR 300 Pulay, P. COMP 20


Puleo, T. ORGN 569 Qin, D. COLL 183 Raabe, H. ANYL 22

Pulicharla, N. MEDI 365 Qin, D. COLL 373 Raabe, H. ENVR 544
Pulkkinen, A. POLY 681 Qin, D. COLL 396 Rabani, E. PHYS 74
Pullanchery, S. ANYL 10 Qin, H. ENVR 507 Rabani, E. PHYS 155
Pullanchery, S. COLL 89 Qin, J. ORGN 321 Rabani, E. PHYS 175
Pulukkody, R. POLY 603 Qin, J. AGFD 213 Rabbani, M. ENFL 90
Pun, A. ORGN 679 Qin, J. MEDI 169 Rabbani, R. ORGN 540
Punia, K. PMSE 402 Qin, J. INOR 144 Rabbani, R. ORGN 703
Purandare, A.V. MEDI 25 Qin, K. AGRO 82 Rabin, R. ANYL 283
Purchel, A. POLY 199 Qin, L. ENFL 454 Rabinovich, A. ENVR 210
Purdy, A.P. INOR 55 Qin, P. INOR 726 Rabinovich, D. HIST 3
Purdy, J.R. AGRO 59 Qin, P. INOR 727 Rabinovich, D. INOR 486
Purdy, J.R. AGRO 60 Qin, P. ORGN 361 Rabinovich, D. INOR 931
Puretzky, A. ENFL 361 Qin, S. COLL 214 Raccio, S. POLY 185
Purkait, T.K. INOR 801 Qin, S. POLY 770 Raccio, S. POLY 201
Purkey, H.E. MEDI 22 Qin, Y. POLY 658 Race, N.A. CHED 237
Purkey, H.E. MEDI 103 Qin, Y. AGRO 341 Race, N.A. CHED 239
Purser, L. CHED 294 Qin, Y. CATL 33 Race, N.A. INOR 273
Purucker, T. AGRO 102 Qin, Y. CATL 158 Racicot, K. AGFD 36
Purvis, R. AGRO 10 Qin, Y. CATL 216 Racicot, K. AGFD 50
Pushkar, Y. INOR 353 Qin, Y. CATL 418 Raciti, D. CATL 133
Putnam, A.A. AEI 85 Qin, Z. COLL 460 Raciti, D. PHYS 86
Putnam, A.A. PMSE 404 Qin, Z. AGRO 126 Rack, J. NUCL 44
Puype, F. ANYL 91 Qin, M. AEI 34 Racke, K.D. AGRO 120
Puzzarini, C. PHYS 55 Qin, M. ENVR 207 Rackers, J. COMP 311
Puzzarini, C. PHYS 103 Qing, Z. PMSE 616 Rackov, C. CHED 75
Puzzarini, C. PHYS 513 Qing, Z. POLY 735 Rackov, C. ENVR 384
Puzzarini, C. PHYS 520 Qiu, C. AGFD 194 Racow, E. PHYS 370
Pyatkovskyy, T. AGFD 163 Qiu, C. ANYL 280 Racz, M. I&EC 35
Pye, H. ENVR 189 Qiu, F. COLL 497 Radchenko, T. ANYL 105
Pyle, E. CHED 58 Qiu, H. PMSE 616 Radchenko, T. ORGN 284
Pyle, J.R. COLL 172 Qiu, L. COMP 334 Radchenko, V. NUCL 1
Pyun, J. POLY 106 Qiu, L. PMSE 167 Rader, C. MEDI 228
Pyun, J. POLY 273 Qiu, M. CINF 54 Radi, L. PMSE 506
Pyun, J. POLY 419 Qiu, S. PMSE 414 Radi, L. POLY 703
Pyun, J. POLY 594 Qiu, X. COMP 200 Radicella, C. MEDI 297
Pyun, J. POLY 693 Qiu, Y. MEDI 277 Radiom, M. POLY 207
Qadri, S.B. I&EC 50 Qiu, S. ENVR 150 Radivojevic, I. ENVR 232
Qi, F. ENVR 106 Qu, C. ANYL 404 Radjabian, M. PMSE 27
Qi, G. CELL 15 Qu, C. ENFL 221 Radjabian, M. PMSE 636
Qi, G. CATL 247 Qu, G. CATL 296 Radke, W. POLY 675
Qi, J. ENVR 401 Qu, L. ANYL 404 Radney, J. ENVR 487
Qi, J. ENVR 439 Qu, Q. MEDI 157 Radosevich, A.T. INOR 356
Qi, L. PHYS 88 Quach, Q. ENFL 199 Radousky, H. NUCL 64
Qi, L. MEDI 88 Quach, R. AEI 69 Radovic, M. COLL 534
Qi, R. COMP 102 Quan, D.N. BIOL 159 Radtki, D. ORGN 622
Qi, S. PMSE 283 Quan, L. COLL 600 Radu, D.R. COLL 532
Qi, S. ANYL 87 Quan, M. PMSE 457 Radzinski, S. POLY 161
Qi, X. ENFL 485 Quan, W. ENFL 401 Raeder, S. NUCL 49
Qi, X. COLL 578 Quan, X. ENVR 153 Raeisi, M. ORGN 540
Qi, Y. PHYS 326 Quan, X. ENVR 179 Raeisi, M. PMSE 453
Qi, Z. INOR 41 Quan, X. ENVR 462 Rafaj, Z. CATL 299
Qian, E.W. ENFL 448 Quan, Z. COLL 550 Raff, J.D. ENVR 291
Qian, E.A. WCC 3 Quang, J. ANYL 55 Raffan, S. AGFD 205
Qian, J. ENFL 328 Quang, L. CATL 341 Rafferty, J. ANYL 411
Qian, J. ENVR 198 Quartner, E. BIOL 112 Rafferty, R. ORGN 660
Qian, J. PMSE 413 Quasdorf, K. ORGN 273 Rafferty, R. ORGN 693
Qian, J. ENVR 418 Quasney, C. CHED 189 Rafferty, R. ORGN 694
Qian, M.C. AGFD 6 Quasney, C. CHED 248 Rafiei, A. COLL 276
Qian, M.C. AGFD 92 Que, E.L. INOR 522 Rafikova, S. PHYS 299
Qian, M.C. AGFD 195 Que, E.L. INOR 572 Rafiq, R. COLL 605
Qian, W. ANYL 146 Quedado, K.D. ANYL 66 Rafique, H. ORGN 45
Qian, X. POLY 81 Queen, W.L. ENVR 219 Rafique, H. ORGN 689
Qian, X. POLY 526 Queiroz, I.N. CARB 96 Ragains, J.R. CARB 66
Qian, Y. ENVR 382 Queiroz, S.C. AGRO 316 Ragauskas, A.J. CATL 94
Qian, Y. ENVR 511 Quéré, D. POLY 158 Rager, J. ENVR 548
Qian, Y.L. AGFD 195 Quinlan, R. BIOL 104 Raggon, J.W. ORGN 9
Qian, Y. PMSE 522 Quinn, D. ORGN 605 Raghavachari, K. COLL 267
Qian, Y. PMSE 638 Quinn, J.E. ORGN 157 Raghavachari, K. COMP 47
Qian, Z. PMSE 283 Quiñones Díaz, B. CHED 277 Raghavachari, K. COMP 366
Qiao, B. INOR 808 Quintana, R. INOR 107 Raghavachari, K. I&EC 23
Qiao, G.G. PMSE 76 Quintana, R. POLY 720 Raghavachari, K. ORGN 264
Qiao, G.G. PMSE 223 Quintanar, L. INOR 29 Raghavan, N. MEDI 25
Qiao, G.G. POLY 233 Quintanar, L. INOR 320 Raghavan, S.R. COLL 364
Qiao, H. CATL 208 Quiroz, M. CATL 267 Raghavan, S.R. COLL 407
Qiao, L. MEDI 26 Quiroz, M. INOR 159 Raghavan, S.R. POLY 574
Qiao, R. COLL 406 Quist, D.A. INOR 790 Raghavan, S.R. POLY 646
Qiao, Y. INOR 398 Quist, D.A. INOR 792 Raghavan, S.R. POLY 650
Qin, C. MEDI 336 Quitevis, E.L. ANYL 166 Raghavan, S. WCC 6
Qin, D. COLL 116 Raabe, A. AGRO 20 Raghavendra, H. ENFL 222

396 –AUTH
Raghibi Boroujeni, M. ENFL 20 Ramamoorthy, A. PHYS 341 Rao, L. I&EC 18
Raghibi Boroujeni, M. INOR 897 Ramamurthy, P.C. ORGN 428 Rao, R.G. CATL 116
Raghunathan, R. ORGN 188 Raman, V. PHYS 334 Rao, R. CATL 83
Raghunathan, R. POLY 761 Ramanan, R. PHYS 109 Rao, R. ENFL 389
Ragland, T. ANYL 341 Ramanarayanan, T.S. AGRO 288 Rao, S. MEDI 89
Ragsdale, S.W. BIOL 33 Ramanathan, A. ENVR 132 Rao, S. MEDI 90
Ragsdale, S.W. CATL 217 Ramanathan, S. COMP 338 Rao, V. BIOL 117
Raguzina, E.V. INOR 639 Ramasamy, K.K. CATL 99 Rao, Z. I&EC 57
Rahaman, S. POLY 5 Ramasamy, K.K. CATL 431 Rapf, R. ENVR 288
Rahatgaonkar, A.M. ENFL 154 Ramasamy, K.K. CATL 455 Raphemot, R. BIOL 156
Rahatgaonkar, A.M. SCHB 35 Ramelot, T. POLY 751 Rappe, A.M. AEI 27
Raheem, I.T. ORGN 60 Ramesh, R. MPPG 5 Rappe, A.K. INOR 672
Rahman, A. ANYL 143 Ramesha, C. MEDI 122 Rappe, K.G. INOR 272
Rahman, A. ANYL 402 Ramiah Rajasekaran, P. BIOL 159 Rappoport, D. COMP 121
Rahman, A. ANYL 403 Ramirez, B.L. INOR 816 Raptis, R.G. I&EC 21
Rahman, A. ANYL 406 Ramirez, J. COMP 198 Raptis, R. NUCL 28
Rahman, A. CARB 62 Ramirez, J. PMSE 155 Raquez, J. POLY 328
Rahman, A. SCHB 7 Ramirez, J. PMSE 294 Rasaiah, J.C. COMP 188
Rahman, A. ANYL 403 Ramirez, J. INOR 827 Rasaiah, J.C. PHYS 67
Rahman, A.K. ANYL 143 Ramirez, M. ENFL 457 Raschka, S. COMP 104
Rahman, A.K. ANYL 402 Ramirez, M. ENVR 202 Rasco, B. AGFD 158
Rahman, A.K. ANYL 406 Ramirez, M. ANYL 30 Rasheed, M. MEDI 94
Rahman, F. INOR 836 Ramirez, M. ANYL 31 Rasheed, M. MEDI 95
Rahman, M. POLY 285 Ramirez, S.M. PMSE 608 Rasheed, M. MEDI 354
Rahman, M. INOR 768 Ramirez,
´ A.A. ENVR 455 Rasheed, M. MEDI 355
Rahman, M. ANYL 234 Ramirez, J. BIOL 81 Rashidian, M. BIOL 52
Rahman, M. CATL 207 Ramirez-Cuesta, A. BIOL 90 Rashidian, M. MEDI 195
Rahman, S. CHED 236 Ramirez-Cuesta, A. INOR 753 Rashtchian, C. I&EC 35
Rahman, S. ENVR 330 Ramirez-Cuesta, A. PHYS 437 Raskin, I. AGFD 19
Rahman, S. PHYS 89 Ramirez-L
´ ópez, P. ORGN 355 Rasmussen, S.C. HIST 1
Rahman, T. CHED 208 Ramjee, B. COLL 258 Raso, S. TOXI 41
Rai, R. CATL 155 Ramjee, B. COLL 616 Rasool, N. ORGN 364
Rai, R. PHYS 578 Ramlogan, M.V. ENVR 451 Rasouli, S. BIOL 87
Raigoza, A.F. CHED 327 Ramos, A. ENFL 28 Rasouli, S. BIOL 92
Raigoza, A.F. COLL 138 Ramos, I. BIOL 119 Rasoulpour, R. AGRO 40
Railing, M.E. CHED 225 Ramos, R. COMP 198 Rasoulpour, R. AGRO 194
Railing, M.E. CHED 226 Ramos, S. AGFD 117 Rasoulpour, R. CINF 141
Railing, M.E. CHED 393 Ramos-Garces, M. INOR 143 Rasper, D. MEDI 250
Rainey, J.K. PHYS 592 Ramos-Hunter, S.J. ORGN 389 Rasschaert, G. AGRO 87
Rais, R. MEDI 318 Rampasek, L. COMP 90 Rastede, E.E. ORGN 415
Raisigel, J. ENVR 517 Ramprasad, R. POLY 608 Rastegary, J. INOR 255
Raj, W. POLY 695 Rampulla, R. MEDI 25 Rastogi, S. CINF 70
Raja, K. PMSE 402 Rampulla, R. MEDI 365 Rastrelli, F. COMP 143
Rajabi, M. MEDI 342 Ramsbeck, D. MEDI 181 Ratchford, D. POLY 459
Rajabzadeh, A.R. AGFD 122 Ramsey, S. COMP 220 Ratcliff, L.E. COMP 51
Rajagopal, V. PHYS 219 Ramsey, S. COMP 229 Rath, T. POLY 747
Rajale, T. PMSE 306 Ramsey, S. COMP 267 Rathi, R. CHED 258
Rajalekshmi Devi, S. MEDI 82 Rana, A. ORGN 265 Rathjen, K. AGRO 184
Rajamani, R. MEDI 365 Rana, P.H. CATL 159 Rathjen, K. AGRO 293
Rajan, R. ENVR 521 Ranasingha, O.K. COLL 261 Rathjens, H. AGRO 81
Rajan, N. AGFD 266 Ranasinghe, D.S. AEI 25 Rathjens, H. AGRO 274
Rajanbabu, T. ORGN 231 Ranasinghe, D.S. COMP 68 Rathman, J. CINF 34
Rajapandian, V. PHYS 148 Ranasinghe, D.S. COMP 133 Rathman, J. CINF 42
Rajasekaran, P. ENVR 300 Ranasinghe, J.C. ANYL 288 Ratner, M.A. PHYS 359
Rajee, A.O. INOR 929 Ranaweera, C. ENFL 201 Ratni, H. MEDI 256
Rajendrakumar, R. CATL 233 Ranaweera, C. ENFL 242 Rattanavaraha, W. ENVR 189
Rajendrakumar, R. CATL 385 Randell, C. ANYL 177 Ratzloff, M. CATL 218
Rajendrakumar, R. CATL 434 Randl, S. MEDI 46 Ratzloff, M. CATL 219
Rajesh Raja, P. PMSE 173 Randtke, S.J. ENVR 258 Raub, A.G. ORGN 50
Rajeshwar, K. CATL 108 Randtke, S.J. GEOC 11 Rauchfuss, T.B. AEI 40
Rajic, L. ENVR 328 Ranganathan, J. CINF 104 Rauchfuss, T.B. AEI 54
Rajput, N. CATL 225 Rangari, V.K. CELL 7 Rauchfuss, T.B. CATL 269
Rajput, N. CATL 384 Rangel-Rivera, G. MEDI 69 Rauchfuss, T.B. INOR 769
Rajput, S. COLL 109 Rangsunvigit, P. COLL 282 Raugei, S. CATL 217
Raju, A. CATL 355 Rangwala, N. PHYS 205 Raugei, S. CATL 223
Raju, A. CATL 474 Ranjith, K.S. PMSE 21 Raugei, S. ENFL 58
Rajyaguru, S. MEDI 353 Ranjith Kumar, D. CATL 434 Raugei, S. INOR 233
Rak, A. COMP 63 Rankin, M. MEDI 37 Rauh, D. MEDI 15
Raker, J.R. CHED 71 Rankl, N. AGRO 387 Rauniyar, V. ORGN 118
Raker, J.R. CHED 408 Rannard, S. COLL 65 Raushel, F.M. PHYS 43
Rakhmatullin, A.I. INOR 525 Rannard, S. COLL 145 Ravel, B. GEOC 17
Ralston, M. CHED 287 Rannard, S. COLL 412 Ravenscroft, N. CARB 74
Ralston-Hooper, K. AGRO 282 Rannard, S. COLL 547 Ravetz, B. ORGN 230
Ralston-Hooper, K. AGRO 406 Rannard, S. PMSE 624 Ravi, N. PMSE 103
Ralte, L. INOR 651 Rannard, S. ORGN 671 Ravindra, M.P. MEDI 70
Ramachandran, S. POLY 540 Rao, A. MEDI 365 Ravindra, M.P. MEDI 142
Ramaiyan, K. CATL 348 Rao, G. MEDI 197 Ravitz, O. CINF 22
Ramakrishna, S. PMSE 622 Rao, G. INOR 222 Raw, S. ORGN 362
Ramakrishnan, G. ENVR 409 Rao, K. ENVR 392 Rawal, S. PHYS 235
Ramakrishnan, L. CHED 170 Rao, K. ENVR 398 Rawat-Prakash, R. CHED 305


Rawcliffe, G. PHYS 509 Refaely-Abramson, S. PHYS 72 Ren, C. INOR 859

Raweshdeh-Omary, M. PHYS 62 Reffner, J.R. PMSE 369 Ren, C. ORGN 91
Rawi, R. COMP 293 Regad, L. CINF 138 Ren, D. PHYS 578
Rawlings, C. COLL 297 Regalbuto, J.R. CATL 202 Ren, H. ORGN 324
Rawlins, C. ANYL 429 Regalbuto, J.R. CATL 369 Ren, H. ANYL 368
Ray, A. PHYS 470 Regalbuto, J.R. CATL 399 Ren, H. ENFL 409
Ray, A. COMP 255 Regalbuto, J.R. CATL 433 Ren, J. AGFD 75
Ray, K.K. ENVR 530 Regalbuto, J.R. CATL 441 Ren, J. PMSE 119
Ray, K.K. ENVR 557 Regassa, L. CINF 50 Ren, J.M. POLY 233
Ray, N. MEDI 266 Regen, S.L. BIOL 73 Ren, J. MEDI 271
Ray, P.C. AGFD 271 Reggio, P. MEDI 136 Ren, K. ANYL 185
Ray, P.C. ENVR 72 Reggio, P. PHYS 591 Ren, L. ENVR 131
Ray*, A. ENFL 191 Regmi, B.P. ANYL 378 Ren, N. MEDI 225
Ray*, A. ENFL 207 Rego, M. ORGN 548 Ren, P. INOR 80
Ray*, A. INOR 454 Regueiro-Ren, A. MEDI 236 Ren, Q. ORGN 512
Raya, B. ORGN 584 Reguera, J. COLL 571 Ren, S. ENFL 476
Rayamajhi, S. ANYL 119 Rehak, C. MEDI 255 Ren, X. ENFL 241
Raybaud, P. CATL 235 Rehak, P. WCC 3 Ren, X. MEDI 107
Raymer, B. MEDI 258 Rehe, D. INOR 811 Ren, X. PHYS 463
Raymond, D. CHED 268 Rehm, T. I&EC 43 Ren, Y. CATL 226
Raynaud, C. PHYS 59 Reibach, P. AGRO 212 Ren, Y. MEDI 295
Razgoniaeva, N. INOR 336 Reibach, P. AGRO 293 Renault, J. CATL 444
Razo, P. AGRO 312 Reich, S.H. ORGN 63 Rendell, A. COMP 26
R de la Rosa, V. PMSE 483 Reichard, H. MEDI 257 Renderos, G. CHED 228
R de la Rosa, V. POLY 754 Reichenbach, T. CATL 92 Renderos, G. CHED 350
Rea, S. ENFL 92 Reichle, L. ENVR 314 Renders, T. CATL 438
Read, C.J. ENFL 363 Reichman, D.R. PHYS 150 Rendina, L.M. INOR 831
Read, M.G. CINF 117 Reichmanis, E. PMSE 524 Renga, J.M. AGRO 390
Reagan, J.C. PMSE 240 Reichmanis, E. POLY 737 Renga, J.M. ORGN 523
Realff, M.J. POLY 709 Reid, B. PMSE 284 Renggli, K. POLY 201
Reams, J. POLY 12 Reid, C.X. AGFD 236 Renisch, D. NUCL 49
Reams, J. POLY 217 Reid, C.X. AGRO 339 Renjie, C. ENFL 328
Reams, J. POLY 521 Reid, E.E. MEDI 157 Renlan, L. ENVR 176
Reardon, M. I&EC 47 Reid, J. ENVR 534 Reno, K. AGFD 55
Reath, A. CATL 271 Reid, J. ENVR 554 Renock, D. GEOC 13
Reballi, V. MEDI 95 Reid, K. INOR 842 Renshaw, S.A. MEDI 79
Reballi, V. MEDI 354 Reid, P.C. MEDI 269 Rentzepis, P.J. CHED 34
Rebecca, V. ORGN 210 Reid, R.C. ORGN 212 Rentzepis, P.J. CHED 120
Rebello, K.R. TOXI 43 Reid, W.B. ORGN 107 Renzi, P. ORGN 220
Reber, C. MEDI 137 Reidl, C. CHED 315 Renzi, P. ORGN 356
Reber, C. MEDI 139 Reidmiller, D. ENVR 182 Renzi, P. ORGN 483
Reboul, J. POLY 697 Reifsteck, J. COLL 36 Repo, T. ORGN 486
Rebrin, O.I. INOR 622 Reifsteck, J. COLL 270 Repprecht, K. AGRO 268
Recio, A. ENFL 418 Reigosa, M.J. AGRO 32 Requejo-Aguilar, R. COLL 371
Recio, Iii ENFL 423 Reilly, J. CHED 223 Rering, C. AGRO 68
Reck, F. MEDI 250 Reimhult, E. COLL 468 Resnicow, D.I. MEDI 104
Reckhow, D. ENVR 149 Reineke, T.M. POLY 199 Restrepo, G. CINF 14
Reddy, B. ENFL 373 Reiner, B.R. INOR 450 Reuter, K.U. COMP 13
Reddy, B. ENFL 417 Reiner, J. ENVR 513 Reveles, U. CATL 89
Reddy, D. ENFL 272 Reiner, J. ANYL 151 Reveles, U. PHYS 268
Reddy, G.K. CATL 350 Reinert, Z. ORGN 320 Rey, F.E. BIOL 35
Reddy, J. MEDI 87 Reipa, V. ENVR 10 Reyes, A. MEDI 63
Reddy, J. MEDI 88 Reipa, V. ENVR 161 Reyes, D. ENVR 249
Reddy, S. MEDI 365 Reisch, B.I. AGFD 68 Reyes, E.A. ENFL 408
Redeker, N. COLL 604 Reisman, S.E. ORGN 195 Reyes, J. ANYL 377
Redfern, L. ENVR 536 Reisman, S.E. ORGN 247 Reyes, M. ENVR 249
Redfern, P. CATL 278 Reisner, B.A. CHED 58 Reyes, S. ENFL 31
Redhwi, H.H. PMSE 423 Reisner, B.A. CHED 94 Reynaud, E. PMSE 510
Redhwi, H.H. PMSE 424 Reisner, B.A. CHED 95 Reynaud, E. POLY 634
Redjel, Y.K. POLY 410 Reisner, B.A. INOR 547 Reynders, G. CHED 117
Reed, D. ENFL 164 Reisner, B.A. INOR 548 Reynders, G. CHED 412
Reed, D.T. ENVR 226 Reisner, B.A. INOR 890 Reynolds, D. AGRO 339
Reed, D.T. ENVR 415 Reisner, E. CATL 228 Reynolds, J.R. PMSE 5
Reed, D.T. NUCL 17 Reisner, E. INOR 937 Reynolds, J.R. PMSE 552
Reed, E. COMP 92 Reiss, R. AGRO 148 Reynolds, M.M. INOR 500
Reed, E. ENFL 312 Reitano, M. CHED 305 Reza, M. ENFL 270
Reed, J.J. CHED 71 Reith, D. COMP 315 Reza, M. ENVR 24
Reed, J.J. CHED 408 Reitz, A.B. MEDI 254 Reza, M. ENVR 85
Reed, N.W. POLY 479 Remaud, G. AGFD 193 Rezaei, F. ENFL 182
Reed, R. ANYL 156 Rembert, K.B. COLL 348 Rezayee, N.M. INOR 605
Reeder, J.T. POLY 117 Remeur, C. ORGN 643 Rezayee, N.M. INOR 951
Reeder, R.J. ENVR 77 Remsing, R. COMP 37 Rhee, G. AGRO 338
Reeder, W.S. ENVR 219 Remsing, R. PHYS 169 Rheingold, A.L. INOR 53
Reed Harris, A. ENVR 288 Remsing, R. PHYS 236 Rheingold, A.L. INOR 100
Rees, J. NUCL 54 Remsing, R. PHYS 530 Rheingold, A.L. INOR 158
Reese, D. INOR 904 Remsing, R. PHYS 532 Rheingold, A.L. INOR 193
Reese, M. ENFL 61 Remsing, R.C. ENFL 416 Rheingold, A.L. INOR 261
Reeves, K. ENVR 182 Ren, B. ANYL 268 Rheingold, A.L. INOR 373
Reeves, M.S. CHED 86 Ren, B. PHYS 399 Rheingold, A.L. INOR 482
Reeves, T.E. ENVR 296 Ren, B. PHYS 445 Rheingold, A.L. INOR 724

398 –AUTH
Rheingold, A.L. INOR 726 Riegel, S. I&EC 43 Rizwan, K. ORGN 364
Rheingold, A.L. INOR 727 Rieger, J. ENVR 278 Rizzardo, E. POLY 190
Rheingold, A.L. INOR 803 Rieger, J. POLY 255 Rizzo, C. TOXI 15
Rheingold, A.L. INOR 884 Riehl, P.S. ORGN 257 Rizzo, C. TOXI 93
Rheingold, A.L. INOR 934 Riel, H. PHYS 13 Rizzo, R.C. COMP 260
Rheingold, A.L. INOR 935 Rieman, D. ORGN 59 Rizzo, R.C. COMP 261
Rheingold, A.L. ORGN 49 Rieth, A.J. INOR 355 Rizzo, R.C. COMP 265
Rheingold, A.L. ORGN 50 Rifaat, D. CARB 33 Rizzo, R.C. COMP 268
Rheingold, A.L. ORGN 361 Rifaie-Graham, O. POLY 91 Rizzo, R.C. COMP 274
Rheingold, A.L. WCC 3 Rifaie-Graham, O. POLY 185 Rizzo, R.C. COMP 319
Rhodes, D. INOR 870 Riffe, E. PHYS 378 Rizzo, T.R. PHYS 562
Rhodes, J.M. INOR 711 Riffet, V. PHYS 213 Ro, I. ANYL 389
Riabtseva, A. POLY 305 Rigaud, N. CHED 298 Ro, K. ENVR 209
Riaz, L. ENVR 474 Riggleman, R. PHYS 200 Robb, M.J. POLY 212
Ribas, X. INOR 495 Riggleman, R. PHYS 203 Robbins, D. ORGN 548
Ribbe, A. PMSE 465 Riggs, J.R. MEDI 20 Robbins, K. MEDI 269
Ribeiro, A. CHED 326 Rikukawa, M. ENFL 184 Robbins, M.O. PMSE 153
Ribeiro, A.J. PHYS 89 Rikukawa, M. ENFL 189 Robbins, M.O. PMSE 206
Ribeiro, A.J. PHYS 447 Rikukawa, M. PMSE 378 Robbins, M.O. PMSE 209
Ribeiro, F. CATL 243 Rikukawa, M. PMSE 433 Robbins, M.O. PMSE 335
Ribeiro, F. ENFL 73 Riley, J. ANYL 120 Roberge, A. INOR 361
Ribeiro, F. ENFL 171 Riley, J. ENFL 135 Roberson, L.B. YCC 1
Ribeiro, I. ENVR 189 Riley, K.C. PHYS 393 Roberson, L.B. YCC 12
Ribeiro, J.L. COMP 165 Riley, K.C. PHYS 500 Roberson, M.G. PHYS 403
Ribelli, T. POLY 5 Riley, S.J. COLL 349 Roberto, J. NUCL 58
Ribelli, T. POLY 379 Riley, S.J. ENFL 229 Roberts, C.A. CATL 350
Ribelli, T. POLY 388 Riley, S.J. INOR 456 Roberts, D. NUCL 69
Ribitsch, D. POLY 72 Rillema, D.P. INOR 561 Roberts, D. AGFD 213
Riccardi, D. CINF 145 Rim, J. NUCL 88 Roberts, E. INOR 548
Riccardi, L. COMP 143 Rimando, A.M. AGFD 242 Roberts, J. ENVR 482
Riccardi, L. COMP 340 Rimmer, C. AGFD 260 Roberts, M. ENFL 254
Rice, C.P. AGRO 78 Rimmer, C. ANYL 112 Roberts, R. PMSE 484
Rice, D.D. AGRO 261 Rimner, K. CHED 156 Roberts, S. PHYS 375
Rice, F. AGRO 116 Rinaldi, R. CATL 48 Roberts, C.A. ORGN 548
Rice, J.E. COMP 28 Rinaldo, D. ANYL 132 Robertson, E. ENFL 199
Rice, K.C. MEDI 155 Rincon, G.J. ENVR 459 Robertson, G. MEDI 326
Rice, K.C. ORGN 627 Rinderspacher, C.B. PHYS 27 Robertson, J.D. NUCL 7
Rice, P. AGRO 14 Rinehart, N.I. INOR 52 Robertson, J.D. NUCL 77
Rice, P.J. AGRO 357 Rinehart, N.I. INOR 629 Robertson, J.W. ANYL 151
Rich, C.C. AEI 80 Ringe, E. COLL 221 Robertson, J.W. ANYL 371
Rich, C.C. COLL 529 Ringgold, M.A. INOR 811 Robertson, M. AGRO 91
Richard, A. GEOC 27 Ringstrand, B.S. INOR 772 Robertson, M.A. AGRO 124
Richard, A. CINF 121 Riniker, S. COMP 307 Robertson, M.L. POLY 631
Richard, A. ENVR 548 Riniker, S. COMP 357 Robertson, M.L. POLY 632
Richard, J. POLY 697 Rio, E. COLL 388 Robertson, S. INOR 736
Richard, M. COLL 401 Rioja, A. CATL 255 Robeson, L.M. PMSE 336
Richard, M. MEDI 131 Riordan, C.M. ANYL 360 Robichaud, D. CATL 190
Richard, R. AEI 81 Rios, L. PHYS 100 Robichaud, D. ENFL 397
Richard, R. COMP 175 Rioux, R.M. COLL 400 Robinette, L. MEDI 253
Richard, R. COMP 367 Rioux, R.M. PHYS 88 Robins, E.G. CATL 486
Richards, R.M. CATL 55 Rippmann, F. COMP 283 Robins, L.I. INOR 620
Richards, R.M. CATL 101 Rishton, G.M. MEDI 255 Robins, R.J. AGFD 193
Richardson, H.H. COLL 276 Risterucci, C. MEDI 256 Robinson, B. PMSE 658
Richardson, K.E. BIOL 71 Ristic, R. AGFD 27 Robinson, D. ORGN 443
Richardson, S.L. MEDI 96 Ritter, A.M. AGRO 9 Robinson, D.A. AEI 4
Richardson-Solorzano, S. INOR 227 Ritter, A.M. AGRO 154 Robinson, D.A. COLL 61
Richert, L. ORGN 594 Ritter, A.M. AGRO 352 Robinson, E. MEDI 177
Riches, A. POLY 190 Ritter, A.M. AGRO 353 Robinson, E.H. COLL 186
Richeson, D.S. INOR 222 Ritter, A.M. AGRO 355 Robinson, J.T. INOR 706
Richey, K. POLY 525 Ritter, A.M. AGRO 381 Robinson, J.T. ORGN 673
Richey, N. INOR 510 Rittmann, B.E. ENVR 18 Robinson, J.R. INOR 813
Richter, A. NUCL 2 Rittmann, B.E. ENVR 255 Robinson, J. MEDI 225
Richter, C.A. COLL 587 Rittmann, B.E. ENVR 538 Robinson, J. ENFL 145
Richter, D. ORGN 625 Rittmann, B.E. ENVR 558 Robinson, N. ANYL 118
Richter, L.J. POLY 223 Rittweger, S. CHED 222 Robinson, P.R. ENFL 104
Richter, M. COLL 541 Ritz, K. INOR 341 Robinson, R.P. MEDI 86
Richter, S. COMP 262 Riva, M. ENVR 189 Robinson, R. COLL 559
Richter-Addo, G.B. INOR 697 Rivas, T.E. ORGN 310 Robinson, S.M. ANYL 107
Richter-Egger, D.L. CHED 11 Rivas-Pardo, J. BIOL 181 Roble, C. BIOL 84
Ricket, J.P. ORGN 646 Rivera, G. ORGN 396 Rocchia, W. COMP 385
Rickey, D. CHED 49 Rivera, M. AGRO 140 Rocha, J.R. COMP 166
Rickey, D. CHED 53 Rivera, M. CELL 34 Rocha, J.R. ENVR 220
Ricks, K. ANYL 337 Rivera, N. ORGN 664 Roche, J. PHYS 288
Ricote, S. COLL 538 Rivera-Ortiz, J.M. ORGN 532 Roche, P. COLL 154
Ricotti, L. COLL 219 Rivera-Oven, A. BIOL 47 Rochel, N. MEDI 83
Riddick, N. CINF 50 Rivera Torres, S.M. CHED 279 Rochford, J.J. INOR 22
Ridenour, J.A. INOR 633 Rivero-Crespo, M.A. CATL 41 Rochford, J.J. INOR 192
Rider, C.V. TOXI 24 Rivilla, V. PHYS 108 Rochford, J.J. INOR 274
Ridge, C. ANYL 130 Rivilla, V. PHYS 207 Rochford, J.J. INOR 278
Ridgeway, M. PHYS 321 Rizvi, Z. POLY 632 Rochford, J.J. ORGN 217


Rock, B. I&EC 50 Rogers, E. COLL 22 Rosenfeld, D.C. INOR 505

Rock, T. ENVR 322 Rogers, J.A. INOR 108 Rosenkoetter, K.E. INOR 11
Rockcliffe, D.A. INOR 130 Rogers, R.E. ENVR 220 Rosenthal, J. ENFL 179
Rockcliffe, D.A. INOR 132 Rogers, R. ORGN 472 Rosenthal, J. INOR 300
Rocke, A.J. HIST 5 Rogers, R.D. POLY 504 Rosenthal, J. INOR 452
Rocus, S. POLY 489 Rogers, S. PHYS 500 Rosenthal, J. INOR 961
Rodde, S. COMP 294 Rogers-Evans, M. MEDI 256 Rosenthal, S. INOR 842
Rodea-Palomares, I. AGRO 355 Roghani, M. ENVR 332 Rosenzweig, A.C. INOR 437
Rodea-Palomares, I. AGRO 9 Rogler, P.J. INOR 723 Rosenzweig, Z. ANYL 356
Rodenburg, L.A. ENVR 205 Rogstad, S.M. ANYL 282 Rosenzweig, Z. CHED 218
Roderick, K.D. CHED 135 Rohani, A. ANYL 321 Rosenzweig, Z. COLL 66
Rodgers, D. PHYS 287 Rohde, B.J. POLY 632 Rosenzweig, Z. COLL 355
Rodgers, J.M. PHYS 284 Rohde, K. MEDI 328 Rosenzweig, Z. COLL 585
Rodgers, J.M. PHYS 396 Rohm, K. COLL 523 Rosero Valencia, D. MEDI 282
Rodgers, M.T. PHYS 564 Rohm, K. PMSE 324 Rosi, N.L. COLL 73
Rodgers, R.P. ENFL 267 Rohner, P. COLL 555 Rosnow, J. BIOL 129
Rodgers, R.P. ENFL 404 Rohrabaugh, T.N. INOR 959 Ross, A.E. ANYL 391
Rodier, B. COLL 16 Rohs, R. COMP 33 Ross, B. CHED 241
Rodier, B. ENFL 147 Roitberg, A.E. COMP 93 Ross, B. CHED 242
Rodig, M.J. ENFL 92 Roitberg, A.E. COMP 314 Ross, C.A. COLL 486
Rodionov, V.O. COLL 570 Roitberg, A.E. COMP 388 Ross, J. AGRO 233
Rodney, S. AGRO 59 Roizen, J.L. ORGN 367 Ross, J. AGRO 237
Rodney, S. AGRO 60 Rojas Ramirez, C. INOR 341 Ross, J.H. AGRO 236
Rodrigo, I. INOR 708 Rojtman, A. MEDI 176 Ross, R. ORGN 523
Rodrigo, S. ENVR 483 Roke, G.D. ORGN 433 Ross, T.M. MEDI 279
Rodrigues, C. ORGN 134 Roke, G.D. ORGN 535 Rosseinsky, M. COLL 39
Rodrigues, C.A. PMSE 292 Roland, C.D. INOR 75 Rossi, K.A. MEDI 308
Rodrigues, D. MEDI 30 Roland, F.M. COLL 404 Rossi, R.D. CHED 76
Rodrigues, V. BIOL 53 Rolland, J. PMSE 53 Rossin, J. COLL 71
Rodriguez, A. ORGN 399 Roller, A. INOR 952 Rossini, A.J. ENVR 87
Rodriguez, A. MEDI 154 Roman, B. COLL 399 Rossjohn, J. ORGN 212
Rodriguez, C. POLY 602 Roman, F.R. ENVR 390 Rossman, P. AEI 32
Rodriguez, D. COLL 222 Roman, M. CELL 8 Rossmeisl, C. AGRO 382
Rodriguez, D. COLL 224 Román-Meléndez, G.D. BIOL 96 Rossmeisl, J. CATL 206
Rodriguez, E.E. ENFL 225 Romano, M. CARB 23 Rossner, C. POLY 436
Rodriguez, E.E. ENFL 250 Romano, M. COLL 580 Rossol, M. CHAS 2
Rodriguez, J. CATL 58 Romanov, G.A. BIOL 97 Rostom, S. PMSE 322
Rodriguez, J. CATL 77 Romero, A. ENFL 315 Rostron, P. ENVR 346
Rodriguez, J. CATL 160 Romero, E. ORGN 53 Rosu, C. AEI 87
Rodriguez, J. COLL 417 Romero-Rivera, A. PHYS 286 Rosu, C. PMSE 524
Rodriguez, J. COLL 419 Ronaghi, N. ANYL 20 Rotello, V.M. ANYL 36
Rodriguez, J.A. ORGN 399 Roner, M. PMSE 352 Rotello, V.M. COMSCI 3
Rodriguez, J.B. MEDI 294 Roner, M. PMSE 351 Rotello, V.M. POLY 19
Rodriguez, O. COLL 623 Rong, J. ENFL 240 Rotgeri, A. MEDI 266
Rodriguez, O. INOR 472 Rongli, F. PMSE 256 Roth, B.L. MEDI 143
Rodriguez, R. CATL 338 Ronkainen, N.J. CHED 310 Roth, S. ENFL 53
Rodriguez, V. ENVR 437 Ronning, D.R. CARB 19 Rothenberger, O.S. CINF 62
´ G.G. INOR 475 Ronning, D.R. CARB 41 Rother, D. PHYS 196
Rodriguez-Granillo, A. PHYS 147 Roopchand, D. AGFD 19 Rothfuss, N. ENVR 534
Rodriguez-Granillo, A. ANYL 139 Roozemond, P. POLY 295 Rothman, G. AGRO 144
Rodriguez Lopez, J. ANYL 233 Roozen, E. POLY 167 Rothman, G. AGRO 151
Rodriguez Martinez, S. CINF 55 Roper, T.M. INOR 343 Rothman, G. AGRO 155
Rodriguez-Perez, M. COLL 622 Rorrer, N.A. CATL 7 Rothman, G. AGRO 146
Rodriguez-Saona, L. AGFD 179 Ros, A. ORGN 355 Rotondaro, S.L. AGRO 131
Roeder, R. COLL 404 Rosa, L. AGRO 313 Rotstein, S.H. CINF 19
Roeffaers, M. CATL 366 Rosa, L. AGRO 314 Röttger, M. PMSE 512
Roeffaers, M. CATL 429 Rosa, L. AGRO 316 Rottmann, M. MEDI 72
Roeffaers, M. COLL 110 Rosa, N. INOR 60 Rouff, A. ENVR 210
Roelfes, G. ORGN 84 Rosano, R. CARB 54 Rouff, A. ENVR 451
Roelfes, G. ORGN 502 Rosario, A. CHED 292 Rouge, J.L. COLL 435
Roerdink, A.R. AGRO 80 Rosario, A. ORGN 192 Rouillard, K. ANYL 157
Roesch, N. CATL 107 Rosas, R. MEDI 101 Rouleau, C. CATL 430
Roesing, M. COLL 517 Rose, A.F. AGRO 193 Rouleau, C. ENFL 361
Roesing, M. COLL 519 Rose, B.D. POLY 734 Rouleau, S. ORGN 127
Roeterdink, W. PHYS 6 Rose, K. TOXI 87 Roush, W.R. MEDI 228
Roeterdink, W. PHYS 475 Rose, M.J. CATL 270 Roush, W.R. ORGN 354
Roffi, K. CATL 469 Rose, M.J. INOR 154 Rousseau, R. CATL 174
Rogachev, A.Y. INOR 626 Rose, M.J. INOR 162 Rousseau, R. CATL 425
Rogachev, A.Y. INOR 733 Rose, M.J. INOR 164 Rousseau, R. COLL 133
Rogachev, A.Y. ORGN 263 Rose, M.J. INOR 414 Rousseau, R. ENFL 136
Rogachev, A.Y. PHYS 58 Rose, M.J. INOR 619 Rousseau, R. ENFL 137
Rogachev, A.Y. PHYS 361 Rose, O. ANYL 291 Rousseau, R. ENFL 139
Rogala, D.V. PMSE 125 Rose, T. NUCL 64 Rousseau, R. ENVR 94
Rogel, O. MEDI 46 Rosei, F. CATL 128 Rousseau, R. PHYS 265
Rogelj, S. MEDI 121 Rosei, F. ENFL 48 Rousseau, R. POLY 451
Rogers, A. I&EC 37 Roseli, R. PHYS 524 Rouster, P. COLL 7
Rogers, B.A. COLL 348 Rosen, T. INOR 905 Routh, P.K. AEI 21
Rogers, B. COLL 212 Rosenbach, M. MEDI 225 Rovelli, G. ENVR 554
Rogers, B.N. MEDI 246 Rosenberg, R. ENFL 9 Rovira Virgili, C. CATL 374
Rogers, D.M. COMP 123 Rosenbloom, S.I. PMSE 171 Rovis, T. ORGN 230

400 –AUTH
Rowan, K. AGRO 246 Rugg, G. CATL 107 Rüttiger, C. POLY 531
Rowan, S.J. POLY 449 Ruggeri, R.B. MEDI 63 Ruwona, T. ENVR 547
Rowan, S.J. PMSE 62 Rühe, J. PMSE 344 Ruzicka, J. ANYL 420
Rowan, S.J. PMSE 241 Rühe, J. POLY 440 Ruzsinszky, A. PHYS 28
Rowan, S.J. PMSE 324 Rühe, J. POLY 610 Ruzsinszky, A. PHYS 29
Rowan, S.J. POLY 314 Ruhl, K.E. ORGN 230 Ryan, D.K. CATL 410
Rowe, J. INOR 535 Ruhman, M. AGRO 152 Ryan, J. ORGN 281
Rowland, C.A. INOR 250 Ruhman, M. AGRO 289 Ryan, K.M. CHED 297
Rowland, C.E. COLL 492 Rui, N. ENFL 4 Ryan, K.M. CHED 366
Rowland, M.M. BIOL 41 Ruiz, A. CHED 140 Ryan, K.M. COLL 177
Rowland, S. ENFL 267 Ruiz-Colon, E. PMSE 23 Ryan, K.M. COLL 528
Rowland, S. ENFL 404 Ruiz´ Cuilty, K. ENVR 373 Ryberg, E. ENVR 268
Rowley, C.N. COMP 308 Rukes, S.C. CHED 4 Rybkin, V. PHYS 81
Rowley, C.N. COMP 378 Rukes, S.C. CHED 123 Ryland, E. INOR 692
Rownaghi, A. ENFL 182 Rukes, S.C. CHED 124 Ryoo, S. COLL 101
Roxbury, D. COLL 514 Rukes, S.C. CHED 125 Ryu, D. ORGN 120
Roy, A.K. ENFL 411 Rukes, S.C. CHED 126 Ryu, D. ORGN 357
Roy, B.C. INOR 444 Rukes, S.C. CHED 129 Ryu, H. ORGN 410
Roy, D. PMSE 633 Rukes, S.C. CHED 130 Ryu, J. AGFD 60
Roy, J. MEDI 165 Rullán-Lind, C. BIOL 70 Ryu, J. AGRO 334
Roy, J.K. COMP 406 Rumbero Sánchez, Á. MEDI 282 Ryu, J. AGRO 338
Roy, K. PMSE 415 Rumsey, W. MEDI 111 Ryu, J. AGRO 365
Roy, K. CATL 168 Runge, F. BIOL 151 Ryu, K. ENVR 19
Roy, K. CATL 323 Runke, J. NUCL 48 Ryvkin, F. COMP 257
Roy, P. CATL 355 Running, L. COLL 242 Ryzhuk, V. PMSE 284
Roy, P. CATL 474 Runstadler, J. PMSE 420 S.Rao, A. CHED 339
Roy, S. CATL 480 Ruochong, F. PMSE 566 Saad, L.S. MEDI 81
Roy, S. COMP 138 Ruokolainen, J. PMSE 79 Saad, A. ENVR 282
Roy, S. COLL 313 Ruotolo, B.T. PHYS 319 Saal, T.H. INOR 806
Roy, S. PHYS 544 Rupnow, B. MEDI 25 Saalau, S. MEDI 31
Roy, X. INOR 58 Ruppender, N. CHED 59 Saangonyo, D.S. CELL 6
Roy, X. INOR 512 Rupprecht, A.J. INOR 135 Saatori, S. CARB 37
Roy, X. INOR 873 Rury, M. ANYL 278 Saatori, S. CARB 95
Roy, X. INOR 874 Rusakov, A. PHYS 30 Saavedra, S.S. COLL 360
Roy, X. POLY 204 Rusakov, A. PHYS 82 Saba, A. ENFL 270
Royappa, A.T. INOR 373 Rusakov, A. PHYS 481 Sabadini, E. COLL 67
Royappa, A.T. WCC 3 Rusakova, I. ENVR 34 Sabadini, E. COLL 94
Roychoudhury, S. CATL 354 Rusch, S.M. POLY 185 Sabat, M. INOR 571
Royer, K. ORGN 360 Rush, M. CINF 110 Sabat, M. ORGN 152
Roy Macarthur, A.H. INOR 440 Rush, M. CATL 427 Sabat, M. ORGN 439
Roy Macarthur, A.H. ORGN 77 Rushing, B.R. ENVR 95 Sabat, M. ORGN 148
Royzen, M. MEDI 188 Rushing, B.R. ENVR 393 Sabatelli, A.D. CHAL 14
Rozovsky, S. PHYS 244 Rushing, B.R. ENVR 396 Sabba, F. ENVR 543
Ruaud, M. PHYS 541 Rusling, J. ANYL 393 Sabba, F. ENVR 562
Rubashkin, S.B. INOR 197 Russ, M. ORGN 605 Saber, S.M. COLL 592
Rubashkin, S.B. INOR 325 Russelburg, K.E. CHED 285 Saberi Moghaddam, R. ORGN 479
Rubashkin, S.B. INOR 591 Russell, A.J. POLY 184 Sabol, J. AGFD 43
Rubenstein, B. PHYS 433 Russell, A.J. POLY 386 Sabol, J.E. SCHB 7
Rubenstein, B.M. PHYS 76 Russell, F. PMSE 352 Sabrina, S. COLL 312
Rubin, N. COMP 324 Russell, J. ORGN 59 Sacci, R. PHYS 327
Rubino, M. AGFD 130 Russell, J. ORGN 360 Saccoman, S. ORGN 360
Rubinstein, M. PMSE 207 Russell, K. CHED 70 Sacks, G.L. AGFD 68
Rubinstein, M. POLY 666 Russell, K. ORGN 127 Sacks, G.L. AGFD 96
Rubio-Magnieto, J. ANYL 245 Russell, S. ORGN 275 Sacks, G.L. AGFD 171
Rubloff, G. ANYL 291 Russell, S. BIOL 81 Sacks, G.L. CHED 28
Rubloff, G. ENFL 283 Russell, S.T. PMSE 120 Sacoman Torquato da Silva, B.H. POLY 467
Rubloff, G. ENFL 306 Russell, T.P. COLL 469 Sadakbayeva, Z. PMSE 40
Ruck, R. CATL 137 Russell, T.P. POLY 734 Sadakiyo, M. CATL 175
Ruck, R. ORGN 259 Russo, M. MEDI 135 Sadati, M.S. AEI 88
Rudd, A.K. COLL 359 Russo, P. BIOL 24 Sadatmousavi, P. ANYL 332
Ruddy, D.A. CATL 362 Russo, P. BIOL 99 Sader, C.A. ANYL 13
Ruder, S.M. CHED 116 Russo, P.S. ANYL 293 Sader, C.A. COMP 162
Ruder, S.M. CHED 117 Russo, P.S. PMSE 524 Sader, S. PHYS 590
Ruder, S.M. CHED 412 Russo, R. MEDI 330 Sadler, J. POLY 13
Rudich, Y. ENVR 337 Rustenbeck, B.A. PMSE 501 Sadler, N. TOXI 85
Rudik, A. CINF 83 Ruston, L. MEDI 23 Sadler-Mcknight, N. CHED 14
Rudik, A. COMP 291 Ruszczak, C. TOXI 38 Sadokhina, N. CATL 397
Rudin, L.E. COLL 176 Ruta, K. COLL 289 Sadrameli, S. AEI 12
Rüdisser, S. MEDI 46 Rutan, S.C. ANYL 110 Sadtler, B. INOR 42
Rudolph, D. NUCL 48 Rutan, S.C. ANYL 383 Sadtler, B. INOR 869
Ruedenberg, K. PHYS 160 Rutan, S.C. ANYL 412 Sadula, S. ENFL 273
Ruedenberg, K. PHYS 163 Rutherford, A. INOR 937 Saebi, A. WCC 3
Ruedenberg, K. PHYS 227 Ruth Maria, G. ORGN 220 Saeed, M.A. COMP 277
Rueegg, W.T. AGRO 411 Ruth Maria, G. ORGN 356 Saeed, T.S. ENVR 454
Ruff, A. INOR 501 Rutkoski, R.M. MEDI 203 Saenjum, C. CHED 348
Ruffner, T. CHED 66 Rutkoski, R.M. ORGN 623 Saenz, G. POLY 711
Ruffner, T. CHED 104 Rutledge, G.C. PMSE 152 Saez Cabezas, C.A. GEOC 2
Ruffner, T. CHED 371 Rutledge, G.C. PMSE 154 Safari, H. COLL 410
Ruger, G.W. SCHB 7 Rüttiger, C. PMSE 419 Saffari Ghandehari, S. ENVR 469
Ruger, G.W. SCHB 9 Rüttiger, C. POLY 84 Saffari Ghandehari, S. ENVR 473


Saffarimiandoab, F. POLY 57 Sakurai, K. COLL 92 Sampath, D. MEDI 22

Saffell, M. PRES 15 Sakurai, K. COLL 225 Sampath, D. MEDI 103
Saffell, M. PRES 18 Sakurai, K. COLL 249 Samu, G.F. CATL 108
Saffell, M. PRES 23 Sakurai, K. COLL 322 Samuelson, A.G. MEDI 167
Safina, B. MEDI 76 Sakurai, K. COLL 545 Samulski, E.T. POLY 668
Safina, B. MEDI 105 Saladino, C.F. CHED 176 Samy, S. ANYL 385
Safina, B. MEDI 252 Salaita, K. ANYL 205 Sanaba, B. MEDI 251
Safina, B. MEDI 253 Salama, E. ENFL 159 Sanbonmatsu, K.Y. PHYS 544
Safonova, O. CATL 168 Salama, F. PHYS 350 Sanchez, C. POLY 696
Safranski, D. POLY 722 Salama, F. PHYS 351 Sanchez, J.C. INOR 343
Sagendorf, J.M. COMP 33 Salama, F. PHYS 469 Sanchez, J. INOR 143
Sagle, L. ANYL 100 Salamon, H. MEDI 216 Sanchez, L. CHED 37
Sagle, L. ANYL 398 Salamon, M.M. PMSE 417 Sanchez, L. CHED 38
Sagle, L. COLL 36 Salas-De la Cruz, D. CELL 11 Sanchez, L. ORGN 170
Sagle, L. COLL 42 Salaski, E.J. ORGN 569 Sanchez, L. ORGN 594
Sagle, L. COLL 152 Salatan, F. ANYL 141 Sanchez, L. ORGN 654
Sagle, L. COLL 270 Salatan, F. ANYL 167 Sanchez, M. BIOL 122
Sagle, L. COLL 447 Salay, L.E. INOR 942 Sanchez, Y. MEDI 111
Saha, B. CATL 445 Saldanha, G. BIOL 160 Sánchez-Fernández, M. POLY 167
Saha, B. ENFL 273 Saleh, N.B. GEOC 2 Sanchez I Nogue, V. CATL 7
Saha, B. ENFL 403 Saleheen, M.S. PHYS 36 Sánchez-Moreiras, A. AGRO 32
Saha, D.K. POLY 499 Salehi, A. PMSE 264 Sanchez-Ruiz, J. PHYS 285
Saha, D.K. POLY 500 Salem, F. MEDI 327 Sandahl, M. ANYL 171
Saha, M. ORGN 446 Salerno, K. PMSE 96 Sandberg, K. ENVR 274
Saha, P. PMSE 606 Salgado, V.L. AGRO 141 Sander, L. ENVR 10
Saha, P. POLY 485 Salimatipour, A. TOXI 9 Sanders, A. PHYS 290
Saha, S. POLY 142 Salin, C. CHED 269 Sanders, B.A. COMP 5
Saha, S. ENFL 159 Salituro, G. MEDI 225 Sanders, B.C. INOR 800
Saha, S. ENFL 257 Saller, H. CINF 24 Sanders, C.R. COMP 12
Sahadeo, E. ANYL 291 Saller, H. COMP 283 Sanders, D.P. PMSE 84
Sahadeo, E. ENFL 306 Salmeron, M. COLL 416 Sanders, D.P. PMSE 114
Saha Ray, A. PMSE 485 Salnikova, K.E. ENFL 295 Sanders, D.P. PMSE 118
Sahasrabudhe, G. ENFL 245 Salomon, R.C. COMP 220 Sanders, S. POLY 290
Sahasrabudhe, P. MEDI 63 Salonen, A. COLL 388 Sanderson, A.R. ENVR 251
Sahin, C. AGRO 37 Salphati, L. MEDI 103 Sandford, S.A. PHYS 543
Sahle-Demessie, E. ENVR 39 Salphati, L. MEDI 22 Sandoval-Diaz, L.E. ENFL 444
Sahle-Demessie, E. ENVR 42 Salter-Cid, L.M. MEDI 7 Sandre, O. COLL 96
Sahle-Demessie, E. ENVR 151 Saltmiras, D. AGRO 54 Sandre, O. INOR 708
Sahle-Demessie, E. ENVR 250 Saltzman, M.D. HIST 13 Sandre, O. PMSE 516
Sahle-Demessie, E. ENVR 411 Saltzman, M.D. HIST 14 Sanford, A.R. CINF 79
Sahoo, S.K. ANYL 405 Salum, M.L. PMSE 648 Sanford, K.J. POLY 14
Sahoo, D. ORGN 506 Salvatore, C.A. MEDI 192 Sanford, M.J. POLY 136
Sahu, A. PMSE 416 Salvemini, D. MEDI 1 Sanford, M.S. ENFL 302
Sahvorost, N. AGRO 297 Salvemini, D. MEDI 2 Sanford, M.S. INOR 104
Saido, K. ANYL 80 Salvemini, D. MEDI 45 Sanford, M.S. INOR 228
Saido, K. ENVR 429 Salyk, C. PHYS 260 Sanford, M.S. INOR 386
Saidykhan, A. INOR 575 Salzer, R. IAC 2 Sanford, M.S. INOR 605
Saiki, S. I&EC 10 Samad, M. PMSE 140 Sanford, M.S. INOR 606
Saint-Louis, C. CATL 485 Samad, T. MEDI 246 Sanford, M.S. INOR 853
Saito, R. POLY 753 Samakumara, L. CARB 31 Sanford, M.S. INOR 951
Saito, T. AEI 83 Samangain, S. CATL 310 Sanford, M.S. ORGN 200
Saito, T. PMSE 12 Samankumara, L. ORGN 417 Sanford, M.S. ORGN 516
Saito, T. PMSE 322 Samanta, S.K. ORGN 448 Sanford, M.S. ORGN 544
Saito, T. PMSE 598 Samanta, S.K. ORGN 508 Sang, P. ORGN 626
Saito, T. POLY 447 Samanta, S.K. ORGN 556 Sang, L. ENFL 285
Saito, Y. ORGN 650 Samanta, S.K. MEDI 225 Sang, S. AGFD 115
Saito, Y. ORGN 387 Samaranayake, C. AGFD 163 Sang, S. AGFD 119
Sajadi, F. COMP 378 Samarasinghe, K. BIOL 61 Sang, S. AGFD 143
Sakaguchi, N. COLL 249 Samaritoni, J.G. AGRO 385 Sang, S. AGFD 146
Sakai, H. COLL 25 Samaritoni, J.G. AGRO 388 Sang, S. AGFD 148
Sakai, H. BIOL 77 Samarjeet, F. COMP 152 Sang, X. CATL 430
Sakai, H. COLL 352 Sambasivan, S. CHED 305 Sang, X. MEDI 25
Sakai, K. COLL 25 Sambasivan, S. CHED 344 Sanghani, L. AGRO 264
Sakai, R. POLY 473 Samblanet, D. INOR 104 Sanghani, L. BMGT 5
Sakai, T. PMSE 100 Samblanet, D. INOR 606 Sanghani, L. BMGT 7
Sakai, Y. PHYS 183 Sambrone, A.N. MEDI 253 Sanghani, P. INOR 505
Sakar, A. PMSE 527 Samec, J.S. ORGN 261 Sanghavi, B. ANYL 321
Sakata, T. COLL 189 Samec, J.S. ORGN 486 Sanghera, J.S. COLL 526
Sakbodin, M. CATL 153 Samide, M.J. ANYL 57 Sanghera, J.S. POLY 748
Sakhaei, Z. INOR 716 Samide, M.J. ANYL 89 Sanghvi, N. MEDI 269
Sakharov, A. AGRO 227 Samide, M.J. ANYL 109 Sangster, J. AGRO 362
Sakhno, T. ENVR 400 Samide, M.J. ANYL 222 Sangtani, A. COLL 487
Sakhno, T. PHYS 415 Samide, M.J. ORGN 631 Sangthongpitag, K. MEDI 17
Sakimoto, K.K. CATL 256 Sammalkorpi, M. PMSE 202 Sangthongpitag, K. MEDI 277
Sakimoto, K.K. INOR 16 Sammalkorpi, M. PMSE 265 Sankaran, G. AGRO 233
Sakiyama, M. CHED 33 Sammalkorpi, M. PMSE 533 Sankaranarayanan, P. PHYS 435
Sakizadeh, J. PMSE 222 Samoshin, A. INOR 226 Sankaranarayanan, S. CATL 186
Sakkos, J. ENVR 367 Samoshin, V.V. MEDI 334 Sankaranarayanan, S. COLL 298
Saktrakulkla, P. ENVR 280 Sampaio Cabral, J. CARB 28 Sankaranarayanan, S. COMP 19
Sakurai, K. COLL 91 Sampara, C.S. INOR 272 Sankaranarayanan, S. COMP 122

Sankhala, K. PMSE 27 Sarre, P.J. PHYS 498 Sawamoto, M. PMSE 650
Sano, M. MEDI 175 Sartucci, J.L. PMSE 418 Sawamoto, M. POLY 401
Sanschagrin, P. CINF 117 Sartucci, J.L. PMSE 422 Sawamoto, M. POLY 402
Santa, C.F. POLY 257 Sasaki, D.Y. COLL 14 Sawamoto, M. POLY 403
Santala, M. CATL 69 Sasaki, T. MEDI 196 Sawant, D.M. ORGN 518
Santana, J.S. COLL 582 Sasaki, K. ENFL 34 Sawvel, A.M. PMSE 332
Santander, M. ENVR 532 Saslow, S. ENVR 231 Sawyer, S. ORGN 226
Santaus, T.M. PHYS 519 Sassoubre, L. AGRO 88 Sawyer, W.G. PMSE 544
Santhanakrishnan, S. MEDI 277 Sastry, G. CINF 83 Saxena, R. MEDI 225
Santhanam, S. PMSE 103 Sastry, K.R. MEDI 354 Saxin, M. MEDI 8
Santhapuram, H.K. MEDI 87 Sastry, S. AGFD 163 Sayed, M. GEOC 9
Santhapuram, H.K. MEDI 88 Satalkar, V.B. COMP 361 Sayfutyarova, E. COMP 137
Santhapuram, H.K. MEDI 89 Satalkar, V.B. ORGN 183 Sayle, R.A. CHAS 35
Santhapuram, H.K. MEDI 90 Sathe, A. COLL 400 Sayle, R.A. CINF 13
Santiago, I. AGRO 313 Sather, N. PMSE 83 Sayle, R.A. CINF 17
Santiago, K.M. CHED 277 Sathoud, O. AEI 5 Sayle, R.A. CINF 90
Santiago-Berrios, M.B. CHED 361 Sathoud, O. ANYL 322 Sayle, R.A. CINF 112
Santiana, J. COLL 200 Satjaritanun, P. ENFL 158 Saylor, D. PMSE 472
Santini, C. ORGN 279 Sato, H. COLL 577 Saylor, R.M. MEDI 280
Santore, M.M. COLL 128 Sato, J. MEDI 175 Sayre, H. INOR 685
Santos, G.C. ORGN 613 Sato, K. ENVR 371 Sayre, H.J. INOR 889
Santos, G.C. ORGN 614 Sato, K. AGFD 29 Sazio, P.J. INOR 914
Santos, G.C. POLY 467 Sato, K. AGFD 35 Scaglione, B. ENFL 324
Santos, I.C. AGFD 194 Sato, K. AGFD 106 Scaglione, B. ENFL 325
Santos, I.C. ENVR 249 Sato, M. POLY 481 Scaltriti, M. COLL 320
Santos, J. CHED 248 Sato, T. MEDI 175 Scanlan, L. ENVR 161
Santos, L.M. ANYL 190 Sato, T.K. NUCL 51 Scarano, L. ENVR 305
Santos, R.M. I&EC 40 Sato, T. POLY 38 Scarano, L. ENVR 309
Santos, W. MEDI 201 Sato, T. NUCL 48 Scarlet, L. INOR 150
Santos, W. ORGN 105 Satoh, K. POLY 63 Scepaniak, J.J. AEI 51
Santos, W. ORGN 574 Satoh, K. POLY 404 Scepaniak, J.J. INOR 962
Santos, W.L. BIOL 48 Satoh, K. POLY 405 Scerba, M.T. ORGN 401
Santos, W.L. MEDI 200 Satoh, T. POLY 473 Schaak, R.E. ENFL 33
Santosa, D. CATL 8 Satraitis, A. ORGN 95 Schaak, R.E. ENFL 350
Santosa, D. CATL 53 Sattarov, B. CINF 9 Schaak, R.E. INOR 40
Santosa, D. ENFL 268 Sattarov, B. CINF 35 Schaak, R.E. INOR 540
Santos-Cancel, M. ANYL 422 Sattarov, B. COMP 302 Schaak, R.E. INOR 703
Santra, S. PMSE 343 Sattarov, B. TOXI 56 Schaber, C. ORGN 82
Sanyal, K. INOR 927 Sattelberger, A.P. INOR 916 Schacher, F.H. POLY 258
Sanz, E. COMP 198 Sattelberger, A.P. NUCL 18 Schachter, D. BIOL 89
Sanz-Marco, A. ORGN 260 Sattelle, D. AGRO 137 Schaedel, M. NUCL 48
Sanzone, J.R. ORGN 109 Sattelle, D. AGRO 140 Schaefer, A. COLL 418
Sapati, S. ORGN 658 Satyavolu, N. COLL 70 Schaefer, A.W. INOR 722
Sapienza, N.S. CATL 44 Saucedo, L. INOR 668 Schaefer, J.L. ENFL 69
Sapkota, J. POLY 723 Sauer, J. CATL 78 Schaefer, T. PHYS 486
Sappington, K. AGRO 66 Saul, J. PMSE 456 Schaetzer, J.H. AGRO 411
Sappington, K. AGRO 79 Saund, S. INOR 375 Schafer, L. ORGN 199
Sappy, I. MEDI 351 Saunders, M. COLL 488 Schafer, L. ORGN 236
Saraci, E. CATL 443 Saunders, T.M. ENVR 27 Schaidle, J. CATL 362
Saraf, S. MEDI 354 Saurabh, S. AEI 73 Schalenbach, M. ENFL 350
Sarangi, R. CATL 217 Saurí, J. ANYL 139 Schaller, C.P. CHED 107
Sarapajevaite, G. ENVR 208 Sautaux, J. POLY 337 Schaller, L. ORGN 441
Sarapas, J.M. PMSE 44 Sautet, P. CATL 235 Schaller, R.D. COLL 492
Saraswathy, M. POLY 544 Sauvageau, D. PHYS 466 Schaller, R.D. INOR 297
Sarathy, J. MEDI 277 Sauvageau, D. POLY 503 Schanze, K.S. INOR 337
Saravanan, K. COMP 182 Sauve, G. POLY 657 Schanze, K.S. INOR 647
Sardar, R. ANYL 397 Sava Gallis, D.F. INOR 4 Schanze, K.S. INOR 886
Sardar, S. INOR 700 Sava Gallis, D.F. INOR 65 Schanze, K.S. INOR 887
Sargent, E. COLL 600 Savagatrup, S. COLL 472 Schanze, K.S. ORGN 543
Sargent, E. COLL 601 Savage, A.M. POLY 83 Schanze, K.S. PHYS 412
Sarhan, N. ANYL 351 Savage, A.M. POLY 642 Schanze, K.S. POLY 462
Šarić, M. CATL 206 Savage, A.C. COLL 65 Schanze, K.S. POLY 463
Sarisky, C.A. CHED 73 Savage, P.E. ENVR 90 Schanze, K.S. POLY 535
Sarisky, C.A. CHED 316 Savara, A. CATL 390 Schanze, K.S. POLY 617
Sarkar, A. ENFL 102 Savara, A. CATL 489 Schapaugh, A. AGRO 252
Sarkar, A. COLL 460 Savara, A. ENFL 173 Scharer, O. TOXI 67
Sarkar, A. BIOL 138 Savara, A. ENVR 177 Scharmach, S. CHED 37
Sarkar, I. I&EC 38 Savarala, S. AGFD 259 Scharrer, P. NUCL 48
Sarkar, S. PMSE 204 Savard, G. NUCL 62 Schatschneider, B. PHYS 250
Sarker, M. PHYS 592 Savard, T. AGFD 124 Schatz, G.C. AEI 49
Sarkes, D.A. COLL 354 Savchak, M. PMSE 530 Schatz, G.C. CATL 322
Sarkes, D.A. PHYS 332 Saveleva, E.M. BIOL 97 Schatz, G.C. CHED 381
Sarkes, D.A. PHYS 527 Savelski, M.J. I&EC 62 Schatz, G.C. COLL 48
Sarlah, D. ORGN 546 Savic, M.M. MEDI 364 Schatz, G.C. COLL 51
Sarlah, D. WCC 7 Savich, O. CINF 139 Schatz, G.C. COLL 437
Sarnacki, B. ENFL 449 Savidakis-Dunn, M. CINF 74 Schatz, G.C. ENFL 461
Sarnik, J. MEDI 317 Savin, D.A. COLL 13 Schatz, G.C. INOR 117
Sarno, D.M. CHED 254 Savin, D.A. PMSE 274 Schatz, G.C. PHYS 97
Sarno, D.M. CHED 295 Savolainen, M. CELL 37 Schatz, G.C. PHYS 323
Saroli, J. AGRO 240 Savy, P. MEDI 266 Schatz, G.C. PHYS 492


Schausten, B. NUCL 48 Schmidt, M.W. PHYS 163 Schoenfisch, M.H. PMSE 451
Scheckel, K. GEOC 17 Schmidt, M.W. PHYS 227 Schoenfisch, M.H. PMSE 467
Scheef, G. AGRO 83 Schmidt, N.G. CATL 184 Schoenfisch, M.H. PMSE 85
Scheef, G. AGRO 290 Schmidt, S. COLL 350 Schoepf, J. ENVR 40
Scheffenbichler, F. ORGN 510 Schmidt, S. PMSE 577 Schoepp, R. ANYL 337
Scheid, D. POLY 84 Schmidt, S. MEDI 22 Schoettner, S. PMSE 419
Scheiman, J. AGFD 39 Schmidt, S. MEDI 103 Schoettner, S. PMSE 632
Scheirey, S.K. POLY 608 Schmidt, S. PHYS 458 Schoffers, E. AEI 64
Schelble, S.M. CHED 12 Schmidt, W. BIOL 145 Schoffers, E. ENVR 187
Schelezki, O. AGFD 27 Schmidt-Rohr, K. ENVR 87 Schoffers, E. ORGN 100
Schellenberger, F. POLY 95 Schmidt-Rohr, K. ENVR 92 Scholes, G.D. YCC 27
Schellenger, A.E. ENVR 442 Schmink, J.R. ORGN 589 Scholl, P. ANYL 120
Schellinger, J. CHED 70 Schmit, D.M. AGFD 86 Scholl, P. ENFL 92
Schellinger, J.G. ORGN 74 Schmitt, C.C. COLL 524 Scholl, P.F. AGFD 30
Schelter, E.J. I&EC 6 Schmitt, D. BIOL 51 Scholl, P.F. AGFD 210
Schelter, E.J. INOR 364 Schmitt, D. BIOL 81 Scholl, P.F. AGFD 213
Schelter, E.J. INOR 398 Schmitt, M. MEDI 256 Scholl, P.F. ANYL 284
Schelter, E.J. INOR 813 Schmitt, R.J. COLL 256 Schomaker, J.M. ORGN 609
Schenk, J. AGFD 194 Schmitt, V. COLL 390 Schonewill, P. CHED 211
Schentag, J. MEDI 340 Schmitt, V. COLL 405 Schoonen, L. POLY 281
Schepperle, J. ENVR 412 Schmitt, V. PMSE 634 Schopfer, F. ORGN 422
Scher, H.B. AGFD 8 Schmittel, M.J. INOR 376 Schoske, R. ANYL 339
Scherillo, G. PMSE 665 Schmittel, M.J. ORGN 265 Schott, J.A. ENFL 45
Scheurer, C. COMP 13 Schmittel, M.J. POLY 142 Schott, M.E. HIST 22
Scheutz, G. POLY 62 Schmittou, A. CHED 143 Schott, M.E. SCHB 23
Scheutz, G. POLY 418 Schmitz, V. COLL 257 Schöttner, L. COLL 140
Schibur, H. POLY 375 Schmitz, W.D. MEDI 335 Schöttner, L. COLL 139
Schick, C.P. CHED 328 Schmolke, A. AGRO 62 Schrader, A. COMP 16
Schieber, N.P. COMP 335 Schmolke, A. AGRO 284 Schramm, V.L. COMP 107
Schieber, N.P. PHYS 462 Schmoltner, A. INOR 131 Schrell, S.K. NUCL 44
Schieberle, P.H. AGFD 199 Schmucker, D. ORGN 37 Schrettl, S. POLY 207
Schieberle, P.H. AGFD 201 Schnadt, J. COLL 591 Schrettl, S. POLY 211
Schiedermayer, K. CHED 2 Schnappinger, D. MEDI 325 Schriber, J.B. COMP 24
Schierbeek, A. ORGN 157 Schneck, N. ANYL 439 Schrier, J. CHED 108
Schiffler, M. ORGN 1 Schneebeli, M. ENVR 293 Schrier, J. PHYS 570
Schiffman, J.D. PMSE 315 Schneebeli, S.T. ORGN 282 Schrittwieser, J. CATL 184
Schiffman, O. AEI 63 Schneekloth, J. MEDI 12 Schrock, R.R. INOR 326
Schill, G. ENVR 532 Schneekloth, J. MEDI 69 Schrödl, S. COMP 90
Schill, K.M. AGFD 253 Schneekloth, J. ORGN 26 Schroeder, C. MEDI 63
Schilling, A. CATL 398 Schneekloth, J. ORGN 394 Schroeder, F. BIOL 16
Schilling, S. MEDI 181 Schneekloth, Jr. BIOL 29 Schroeder, M.J. CHED 99
Schindler, C. ORGN 69 Schneider, B.A. BIOL 62 Schroot, R. POLY 203
Schindler, C. ORGN 257 Schneider, C.M. CATL 161 Schroot, R. POLY 422
Schindler, C. ORGN 344 Schneider, C.M. COLL 590 Schubert, M. CARB 78
Schinske, J.N. CHED 321 Schneider, G. MEDI 58 Schubert, U.S. COLL 507
Schiraldi, D.A. PMSE 334 Schneider, H. PHYS 102 Schubert, U.S. ENFL 64
Schirripa, K. MEDI 192 Schneider, J.L. CHED 15 Schubert, U.S. INOR 45
Schissel, S.M. PMSE 338 Schneider, J. MEDI 62 Schubert, U.S. INOR 186
Schjerven, W.S. POLY 489 Schneider, J.P. PMSE 193 Schubert, U.S. ORGN 674
Schlaad, H. PMSE 79 Schneider, J.P. PMSE 254 Schubert, U.S. PMSE 8
Schlatterer, J. CHED 41 Schneider, J.P. PMSE 363 Schubert, U.S. PMSE 72
Schlenker, O. MEDI 8 Schneider, J.P. PMSE 401 Schubert, U.S. POLY 140
Schlenoff, J.B. PMSE 318 Schneider, J.P. PMSE 449 Schubert, U.S. POLY 166
Schlenzig, D. MEDI 181 Schneider, J.A. AEI 70 Schubert, U.S. POLY 203
Schley, N.D. INOR 602 Schneider, J.A. ORGN 683 Schubert, U.S. POLY 206
Schloegl, R. CATL 116 Schneider, R. AGFD 95 Schubert, U.S. POLY 232
Schloss, J. CINF 23 Schneider, R. POLY 750 Schubert, U.S. POLY 258
Schlosser, D.A. COLL 151 Schneider, S. INOR 928 Schubert, U.S. POLY 340
Schlosser, T. ENVR 438 Schneider, W.F. CATL 67 Schubert, U.S. POLY 422
Schlossman, M.L. I&EC 15 Schneider, W.F. CATL 243 Schubert, U.S. POLY 527
Schlotthauer, T. INOR 45 Schneider, W.F. CATL 258 Schuck, P. GEOC 7
Schlotthauer, T. POLY 203 Schneider, W.F. CATL 386 Schuck, P. COLL 609
Schlotthauer, T. POLY 422 Schneider, W.F. CATL 478 Schue, E. POLY 421
Schmale, M. ANYL 273 Schneider, W.F. ENFL 73 Schueller, K. AGFD 244
Schmarr, H. AGFD 5 Schnider, P.D. MEDI 256 Schug, K. AGFD 194
Schmatz, B. PMSE 2 Schniepp, H.C. ENFL 265 Schug, K. ANYL 270
Schmehl, D. AGRO 186 Schnur, J. BIOL 24 Schug, K. ENVR 249
Schmehl, R.H. ENFL 357 Schober, G. ANYL 208 Schuhmacher, R. AGFD 208
Schmid, E. CINF 47 Schobesberger, S. ENVR 191 Schuler, H. MEDI 51
Schmid, S. MPPG 25 Schocken, M.J. AGRO 337 Schulman, R. ANYL 214
Schmidt, D.F. PMSE 510 Schoenau, E.A. AGRO 24 Schulte, L.A. AGRO 358
Schmidt, D.F. POLY 634 Schoene, K. ENFL 323 Schulten, K. COMP 343
Schmidt, F. ENFL 24 Schoene, K.A. ENFL 325 Schultheiss, N. ENFL 420
Schmidt, H. AGFD 235 Schoene, K.A. POLY 10 Schultz, A. POLY 442
Schmidt, J.R. CATL 147 Schoenebeck, F. ORGN 21 Schultz, A. POLY 746
Schmidt, J.R. COMP 372 Schoenfisch, M.H. ANYL 106 Schultz, J. INOR 331
Schmidt, J.G. ORGN 27 Schoenfisch, M.H. ANYL 149 Schultz, K. CHED 253
Schmidt, J.G. PMSE 306 Schoenfisch, M.H. ANYL 157 Schultz, L.D. CHED 155
Schmidt, K. ENVR 304 Schoenfisch, M.H. ANYL 229 Schultz, V. ORGN 649
Schmidt, K. PMSE 118 Schoenfisch, M.H. PMSE 340 Schultz, V.L. CARB 69

404 –AUTH
Schultz, Z.D. ANYL 363 Scott, S.L. PHYS 324 Selim, M.I. ENVR 393
Schulz, M. AGFD 235 Scott, T. NUCL 9 Selim, M.I. ENVR 396
Schulz, M.D. PMSE 560 Scott, T.F. COLL 367 Selin, V. PMSE 111
Schuman, S.A. ENFL 259 Scott, T.F. POLY 359 Selin, V. PMSE 421
Schure, M.R. ANYL 296 Scoullos, E. CATL 465 Selin, V. PMSE 494
Schure, M.R. ANYL 329 Screen, M.E. CHED 237 Selinger, D.W. CINF 81
Schure, M.R. ANYL 410 Screen, M.E. CHED 239 Selis, L.A. COMP 403
Schure, M.R. ANYL 411 Screen, M.E. INOR 273 Selke, S.E. AGFD 76
Schuster, B.S. PMSE 258 Scruggs, C. COLL 157 Selke, S.E. POLY 244
Schuster, S. ANYL 296 Scuseria, G.E. COMP 43 Sellers, B.D. MEDI 252
Schut, G.J. CATL 224 Scuseria, G.E. COMP 310 Sellers, D.L. AEI 64
Schutt, L. MEDI 22 Scuseria, G.E. PHYS 180 Sellers, D.L. ORGN 100
Schuttlefield Christus, J.D. CINF 103 Scuseria, G.E. PHYS 224 Sellers, W.R. MEDI 306
Schutyser, W. CATL 438 Scuseria, G.E. PHYS 228 Selling, G.W. CELL 14
Schuurman, J. ANYL 51 Scutelnic, V. PHYS 562 Selopal, G. ENFL 48
Schwab, C. CINF 34 Scutt, J. AGRO 410 Selover, B. ORGN 604
Schwab, C. CINF 42 Sczepanski, J. BIOL 135 Sels, B.F. CATL 438
Schwalbe, J. INOR 39 Sczepanski, J.T. TOXI 50 Sels, B.F. CELL 5
Schwaninger, A. COMP 307 Sczepanski, J. BIOL 131 Selvaggio, G. COMP 106
Schwantes, J.M. NUCL 87 Seabloom, D. TOXI 94 Semancik, S. ANYL 107
Schwartz, B.J. PHYS 536 Seager, M. MEDI 358 Semenov, A.P. COMP 18
Schwartz, J. COLL 467 Seaman, S. POLY 145 Seminario, J.M. COMP 403
Schwartz, J. PMSE 436 Sears, J. INOR 171 Semrád, H. PHYS 557
Schwartz, M. CHED 66 Sears, J.M. INOR 343 Sen, A. COLL 306
Schwartz, M. CHED 371 Sears, R.M. COMP 280 Sen, A. COLL 309
Schwartz, N. CATL 196 Sebald, K. AGFD 172 Sen, S. COLL 449
Schwartz, N. INOR 15 Sedaghat, S. CARB 35 Senanayake, C.H. ORGN 302
Schwartz, T.J. ENVR 135 Sedai, B.R. POLY 219 Senanayake, S.D. COLL 417
Schwartz, T.J. POLY 133 Sedlacek, A. ENVR 193 Senanayake, S.D. COLL 419
Schwartz-Hinds, S. CHAS 43 Sedova, A.A. BIOL 90 Senanayake, S.D. INOR 147
Schwarz, A.M. CATL 232 Sedova, A.A. PHYS 437 Senbil, N. COLL 126
Schwarz, F. PHYS 13 See, K.A. CATL 384 Senda, S. CELL 24
Schwarz, J. BMGT 4 Seeberger, P.H. CARB 89 Sendecki, A. ANYL 11
Schwarz, K. CATL 337 Seefeldt, T.M. BIOL 69 Sendecki, A. COLL 269
Schwarz, W. PHYS 111 Seel, A. INOR 865 Sendek, A. ENFL 312
Schwarzwalder, G.M. ORGN 311 Seeley, J.P. PMSE 360 Sendzik, M. MEDI 267
Schweiger, M. ENVR 231 Seelig, G. I&EC 35 Seneviratne, U.I. MEDI 249
Schweigert, I. COMP 376 Seeman, J. ORGN 194 Sengupta, A. COMP 366
Schweigkofler, W. AGRO 6 Seeman, J. PHYS 12 Sengupta, A. I&EC 23
Schweikert, E.A. PMSE 121 Seeram, N.P. AGFD 149 Sengupta, A. ORGN 264
Schweitzer, G.K. INOR 814 Seethamraju, S. ANYL 387 Sengupta, N. PHYS 29
Schweitzer-Stenner, R. COLL 413 Seethamraju, S. PMSE 529 Sengupta, S.K. COLL 395
Schweitzer-Stenner, R. INOR 694 Seetho, K. POLY 324 Sengupta, S. ENFL 403
Schweizer, K.S. PHYS 201 Seferos, D.S. POLY 583 Senkum, H. POLY 478
Schwenke, D. PHYS 54 Segala, E. COMP 85 Senra, M. ENVR 357
Schwerdt, I. NUCL 70 Segall, M. COMP 364 Sensenig, J. PHYS 29
Schwertz, G. MEDI 72 Segall, M. MEDI 348 Senter, P.D. TOXI 35
Schwieger, W. ENFL 392 Segall, M.D. CINF 116 Seo, B. ORGN 567
Schwieters, C.D. PHYS 293 Segal-Peretz, T. PMSE 119 Seo, D. ENFL 394
Schyman, P. CINF 120 Segal-Peretz, T. PMSE 637 Seo, D. ENFL 395
Schymanski, E. CINF 93 Seger, S. PMSE 68 Seo, D. PHYS 558
Scoble, J. POLY 190 Segler, M. CINF 10 Seo, D. AGFD 79
Scola, P.M. MEDI 269 Segura, S. ENVR 65 Seo, D. AGFD 80
Scola, P.M. MEDI 365 Sehirlioglu, A. ENFL 147 Seo, J. PMSE 619
Scoppola, E. I&EC 16 Sehl, T. PHYS 196 Seo, J. CARB 52
Scott, A. ENVR 537 Seiber, J.N. AGRO 238 Seo, J. ENVR 436
Scott, B.L. NUCL 44 Seiça Neves, C. I&EC 33 Seo, J. INOR 21
Scott, C.N. POLY 711 Seidman, M. TOXI 29 Seo, J. CATL 270
Scott, G.E. CHED 260 Seifert, K. CHED 281 Seo, S. BIOL 95
Scott, J.G. AGRO 173 Seifert, K. COLL 22 Seo, Y. ENVR 19
Scott, J.G. AGRO 367 Seifert, S. CATL 46 Seok, D. AGRO 363
Scott, J. AGRO 394 Seiffert, D.A. MEDI 308 Sepehrpour, H. ORGN 446
Scott, J.A. ENVR 338 Seifpanahi, P. COMP 242 Seraj, S. INOR 782
Scott, J.A. ENVR 490 Seifried, B. PMSE 195 Serda, R. COLL 14
Scott, K.C. ANYL 257 Seifried, B. PMSE 420 Serda, R.E. COLL 30
Scott, K.C. ENVR 160 Seiler, C. BIOL 124 Serebryany, E. INOR 29
Scott, P.J. PMSE 55 Seiler, L. POLY 618 Serianni, A.S. CARB 94
Scott, P.J. PMSE 219 Seilor, L. PRES 12 Serkova, E.S. ENFL 295
Scott, P.J. POLY 442 Seipp, C. I&EC 25 Serpe, M. POLY 649
Scott, P.J. POLY 746 Seitz, T. AGRO 413 Serra, A. POLY 623
Scott, S.M. NUCL 42 Sekhar, S. POLY 315 Serra, B. ANYL 105
Scott, S.L. CATL 10 Sekharan, M. CHED 193 Serra, B. ORGN 284
Scott, S.L. CATL 103 Sekizkardes, A. ENFL 40 Serrano-Hervás, E. PHYS 444
Scott, S.L. CATL 123 Seko, N. I&EC 10 Servis, M. I&EC 3
Scott, S.L. CATL 124 Selby, M. MEDI 269 Seshadri, S. CATL 467
Scott, S.L. CATL 260 Seldon, R. MEDI 326 Sethuraman, V. MEDI 250
Scott, S.L. CATL 472 Selen-Alpergin, E. AGFD 110 Setthakarn, K. ORGN 499
Scott, S.L. ENFL 74 Seley-Radtke, K.L. MEDI 132 Settle, A. CATL 55
Scott, S.L. INOR 326 Seley-Radtke, K.L. MEDI 173 Settle, A. CATL 101
Scott, S.L. PHYS 88 Selim, M.I. ENVR 95 Settle, A. CATL 210


Setyawati, M.I. COLL 513 Shan, C. BIOL 142 Shatruk, M. INOR 372
Setyawati, M. TOXI 79 Shan, D. PMSE 232 Shatruk, M. INOR 668
Sevcikova, K. CATL 299 Shan, F. PMSE 627 Shaughnessy, D.A. NUCL 48
Severin, G. NUCL 7 Shan, H. ENFL 38 Shaver, M.P. POLY 8
Severn, J. POLY 295 Shan, X. CATL 482 Shaver, M.P. POLY 198
Sevigny, M. PHYS 440 Shan, X. ENFL 468 Shavnya, A. MEDI 258
Sevov, C. ORGN 544 Shan, X. AGFD 236 Shaw, B.F. BIOL 87
Sevov, C.S. ENFL 302 Shankar, M. POLY 541 Shaw, B.F. BIOL 92
Sewell, T. ENVR 130 Shankar, M. POLY 543 Shaw, E. AGRO 57
Sexton, M. ORGN 589 Shankar, S. CHED 170 Shaw, M. ORGN 636
Seybert, D.W. MEDI 70 Shankin, E. ORGN 360 Shaw, M.J. INOR 697
Se-Yeon, K. AGRO 365 Shanks, B.H. ENVR 87 Shaw, P.B. CHAS 45
Seyfferth, A. ENVR 256 Shanks, B.H. ENVR 128 Shaw, S.A. MEDI 73
Seymour, E. CARB 21 Shanmugam, S. POLY 42 Shaw, W.J. CATL 268
Sfeir, M. PHYS 84 Shanmugam, S. POLY 418 Shaytan, A. COMP 103
Sfeir, M. PHYS 132 Shanmugasundaram, V. MPPG 17 Shchetinsky, A.V. INOR 639
Sfeir, M. POLY 290 Shao, C.T. AGFD 174 She, F. ORGN 166
Sguera, S. CHAS 11 Shao, C. PHYS 117 Shea, J. PHYS 425
Sha, S. AGFD 197 Shao, H. POLY 303 Shea, J.E. PHYS 237
Shaaban, H. CHED 347 Shao, J. ENFL 301 Shea, P.T. ENFL 71
Shabana, A. COLL 486 Shao, Y. CATL 49 Sheahan, T. ENVR 281
Shaban Tameh, M. CATL 395 Shao, Y. COMP 131 Sheardy, R.D. CHED 397
Shada, A. INOR 200 Shao, Y. COMP 237 Shearer, M. INOR 369
Shadish, J.A. PMSE 58 Shao, Y. COMP 361 Shears, K. AGRO 327
Shadman, S. I&EC 42 Shao, Y. ORGN 183 Shee, A. COMP 136
Shafer, C.M. MEDI 267 Shao, Y. PHYS 391 Shee, A. PHYS 402
Shafer-Peltier, K. ENVR 258 Shao, Y. PMSE 542 Shee, S. INOR 444
Shafer-Peltier, K. GEOC 11 Shao, Y. PMSE 581 Sheehan, C.J. INOR 772
Shaffer, D.W. INOR 899 Shao, Y. POLY 366 Sheehan, P. INOR 706
Shaffer, D.W. INOR 900 Shao, Y. ENFL 84 Sheehan, P.E. ORGN 673
Shaffer, D.L. POLY 56 Shao, Y. ENFL 327 Sheen, D.A. CINF 78
Shafirovich, V. TOXI 95 Shao, Y. ENFL 390 Sheesley, R.J. ENVR 491
Shaghasemi, B.S. COLL 468 Shao, Z. PMSE 137 Sheffield, M. CINF 74
Shah, I. ENVR 2 Shao-Horn, Y. ANYL 260 Shegiwal, A. POLY 126
Shah, J. COLL 514 Shao-Horn, Y. CATL 83 Shehadi, I.A. INOR 773
Shah, K. ENFL 222 Shao-Horn, Y. ENFL 389 Shehata, M. ORGN 367
Shah, K.S. MEDI 70 Shao-Horn, Y. ORGN 272 Shehee, T.C. I&EC 20
Shah, M. COMP 154 Shapiro, E.M. INOR 474 Sheikh, B.N. MEDI 16
Shah, N.K. INOR 454 Shapiro, M. ANYL 49 Sheikh, R. PMSE 416
Shah, R. AGFD 32 Shapiro, T. COLL 65 Sheiko, S. PMSE 162
Shah, S. ORGN 663 Shapley, J.R. INOR 859 Sheiko, S. POLY 29
Shah, S. COLL 534 Sharabati, J. POLY 57 Sheiko, S. POLY 382
Shahbazi, M. AGRO 240 Sharifzadeh, S. PHYS 27 Sheiko, S. POLY 384
Shahi, N. CELL 7 Sharir-Ivry, A. PHYS 148 Sheiko, S. POLY 665
Shahidi, F. AGFD 215 Sharkas, K. INOR 294 Sheiko, S. POLY 766
Shahni, R. POLY 496 Sharkey, J. COLL 39 Sheils, T. CINF 60
Shahsavari, S. ORGN 206 Sharma, A. INOR 753 Shek, F. INOR 183
Shahu, M. CHED 386 Sharma, A. CATL 302 Shekhar, R. PMSE 567
Shaik, S.S. PHYS 109 Sharma, A.K. CHED 367 Shekhawat, D. CATL 104
Shaikh, A. MEDI 190 Sharma, C. BIOL 187 Shekhawat, D. ENFL 252
Shaikh, A. MEDI 191 Sharma, G. COLL 98 Shelat, S. AGRO 144
Shaikh, A. MEDI 288 Sharma, G. COLL 113 Shelby, A. AGRO 220
Shaikh, S. INOR 256 Sharma, H. COLL 303 Shelby, A. AGRO 289
Shaikh, Z. INOR 483 Sharma, H. COMP 190 Sheldon, M.T. COLL 122
Shakeel, A. AGFD 9 Sharma, K. ORGN 34 Sheldon, M.T. COLL 399
Shaker, E. AGFD 222 Sharma, L. CATL 279 Sheldon, M.T. COLL 500
Shakhashiri, B.Z. CHED 17 Sharma, P. INOR 816 Sheldon, M.T. COLL 551
Shakhashiri, B.Z. ENVR 186 Sharma, R.S. POLY 330 Shell, M. COMP 16
Shakhashiri, B.Z. PHYS 266 Sharma, S. INOR 720 Shelton, J. MEDI 211
Shakib, F.A. COMP 328 Sharma, S. INOR 723 Shelton, K.L. MEDI 290
Shakib, F.A. ENFL 15 Sharma, S.K. COLL 160 Sheludko, B. INOR 203
Shakiba, S. ENVR 493 Sharma, S. ORGN 518 Sheludko, B. INOR 330
Shakleya, D. ANYL 188 Sharma, S. AEI 22 Sheludko, B. INOR 596
Shakleya, D. ANYL 189 Sharma, S. CELL 22 Shen, B. ENFL 445
Shakya, R. CHED 197 Sharma, S. MEDI 75 Shen, B. INOR 665
Shalaev, E. ORGN 31 Sharma, V. ANYL 133 Shen, C. ENFL 237
Shaley, K. CHED 190 Sharma, V. COLL 125 Shen, C. ENFL 240
Shamay, Y. COLL 320 Sharma, V. COLL 605 Shen, C. ORGN 184
Shamay, Y. COLL 514 Sharninghausen, L.S. INOR 679 Shen, C. COMP 293
Shamberger, P. PMSE 386 Sharninghausen, L.S. INOR 680 Shen, D. PMSE 5
Shamblen, R. AGRO 151 Sharp, C.H. INOR 3 Shen, F. CELL 32
Shamblen, R. AGRO 155 Sharp, C.H. INOR 66 Shen, H. ORGN 548
Shamim, M.T. AGRO 79 Sharp, C.H. INOR 147 Shen, J. COMP 127
Shamim, M.T. AGRO 146 Sharp, I. CATL 382 Shen, J. COMP 223
Shamim, M.T. AGRO 258 Sharp, N. ANYL 307 Shen, J. COMP 270
Shamirian, A. ANYL 292 Sharp, N. ENVR 118 Shen, J. COMP 383
Shamp, A. PHYS 215 Sharpe, P.L. AGRO 409 Shen, J. COMP 389
Shams, M. ENVR 263 Sharpes, S. CHED 281 Shen, J. PHYS 245
Shamshina, J.L. POLY 504 Sharyan, A. CARB 36 Shen, J. PHYS 222
Shan, W. I&EC 52 Shatruk, M. INOR 367 Shen, J. PHYS 595

406 –AUTH
Shen, K. INOR 190 Shi, W. ORGN 403 Shiozaki, T. COMP 45
Shen, L. CATL 447 Shi, W. ORGN 657 Shipilin, M. COLL 418
Shen, L. AGRO 280 Shi, Y. ORGN 167 Shipley, H.J. CATL 106
Shen, L. AGRO 332 Shi, Y. ANYL 380 Shipley, H.J. ENVR 296
Shen, L. AGRO 333 Shi, Y. BIOL 92 Shipman, M. ORGN 44
Shen, Q. BIOL 30 Shi, Z. COMP 410 Shipman, S.T. PHYS 378
Shen, S. MEDI 320 Shi, Z. POLY 41 Shipp, D.A. COLL 615
Shen, S. AGFD 53 Shiao, M. COLL 434 Shipp, D.A. PMSE 509
Shen, W. PMSE 126 Shiau, B.J. ENFL 218 Shipp, D.A. POLY 128
Shen, X. ENVR 43 Shiau, L. I&EC 44 Shipp, D.A. POLY 432
Shen, X. MEDI 250 Shibaev, A. COLL 26 Shiraiwa, M. ENVR 550
Shen, Y. ENFL 275 Shibahara, O. MEDI 196 Shiraiwa, M. ENVR 551
Shen, Y. AEI 52 Shibayama, M. PMSE 100 Shirazi, E. ENVR 332
Shen, Y. COLL 564 Shida, N. POLY 354 Shireman, B.T. MEDI 211
Shen, Y. PMSE 214 Shidore, M. MEDI 353 Shirke, A. POLY 75
Shen, Z. CATL 297 Shields, E. MEDI 335 Shirley, D.J. BIOL 103
Shen, Z. MEDI 33 Shields, G.C. PHYS 347 Shirman, E. COLL 8
Shen, Z. ANYL 107 Shields, G.C. PHYS 375 Shirman, T. CATL 214
Shen, Z. MEDI 352 Shields, J.D. ORGN 103 Shirman, T. CATL 367
Sheng, G. ENVR 510 Shields, C.W. COLL 311 Shirman, T. COLL 8
Sheng, H. ANYL 139 Shifrina, Z. ENFL 295 Shirman, T. COLL 87
Sheng, H. ANYL 434 Shih, A. CATL 243 Shirole, A. POLY 723
Sheng, H. INOR 948 Shih, W. INOR 430 Shiroyama, T. AGRO 281
Sheng, L. AGRO 25 Shih, Y. ENVR 23 Shirtliff, M.E. ENVR 294
Sheng, T. MEDI 253 Shih, Y. ENVR 364 Shirtliff, M.E. ENVR 537
Sheng, Y. ENVR 494 Shih, Y. ENVR 376 Shirts, M.R. COMP 304
Sheng, Z. AGFD 118 Shih, Y. ENVR 377 Shirts, M.R. COMP 335
Shenogin, S. ENFL 411 Shih, Y. ENVR 445 Shirts, M.R. COMP 384
Shensky, W. INOR 686 Shih, Y. ENVR 446 Shirts, M.R. MPPG 26
Shensky, W. ORGN 678 Shih, Y. ENVR 452 Shirts, M.R. PHYS 462
Shepard, M.R. AGRO 319 Shih, Y. ENVR 457 Shirts, M.R. PMSE 354
Shepard, M.R. AGRO 320 Shih, A. ENFL 73 Shirts, M.R. WCC 5
Shepard, S. INOR 73 Shikinaka, K. CELL 25 Shishi, M. ANYL 47
Shepard, S. INOR 672 Shillingstad, K.B. ORGN 360 Shishido, A. PMSE 341
Shepard, S. INOR 691 Shiloni, Y. ORGN 121 Shishido, A. PMSE 380
Sherborne, B. MPPG 16 Shim, H. TOXI 73 Shishido, A. PMSE 588
Sherborne, B. MPPG 17 Shim, J. MEDI 305 Shishido, T. MEDI 265
Sherbrook, E. AEI 61 Shim, S. ORGN 357 Shivnaraine, R.V. MEDI 240
Sherer, E.C. MEDI 39 Shim, Y.M. MEDI 80 Shizuma, M. AGFD 135
Sherer, E.C. ORGN 23 Shim, T. COLL 18 Shklyaev, O.E. COLL 309
Sherer, E.C. ORGN 259 Shimabuku, K.K. ENVR 67 Shkrob, I.A. ENFL 303
Sherer, S. AGRO 210 Shimada, M. INOR 732 Shkrob, M. CINF 84
Sheridan, R.J. PMSE 101 Shimada, Y. CELL 23 Shmorhun, M. CATL 469
Sheriff, S. MEDI 308 Shimamoto, H. POLY 481 Shoaib, T. PMSE 214
Sherman, D.H. BIOL 1 Shimazu, H. ENVR 394 Shockley, S.E. WCC 9
Sherman, D.H. ORGN 132 Shimizu, L.S. ORGN 451 Shoffler, C. ORGN 310
Sherrill, C.D. COMP 175 Shimizu, L.S. ORGN 454 Shoffler, C. ORGN 592
Sherrill, C.D. COMP 318 Shimizu, S. ANYL 373 Shoichet, B. COMP 39
Sherry, B. ANYL 434 Shimizu, Y. ORGN 326 Shoji, T. ENVR 60
Sherry, D. INOR 521 Shimoni, J. ANYL 55 Sholl, D. COMP 372
Sherwood, A.M. MEDI 280 Shimpalee, S. ENFL 158 Shon, H. ENVR 145
Shestopalov, A. POLY 719 Shimura, H. ENVR 371 Shoop, W. AGRO 386
Shevchenko, V. COLL 428 Shin, J. CINF 146 Shopov, D.Y. INOR 679
Shevchuk, O. POLY 635 Shin, J. INOR 800 Shopov, D.Y. INOR 680
Shevchuk, O. PMSE 174 Shin, J. POLY 242 Shores, M.P. INOR 78
Shevlin, M. ORGN 256 Shin, J.H. CHED 153 Shores, M.P. INOR 672
Shewchuk, L. MPPG 18 Shin, J.H. CHED 272 Shores, M.P. INOR 691
Shi, L. ENVR 370 Shin, K. COLL 226 Shou, D. COLL 278
Shi, A. MEDI 328 Shin, K. PHYS 592 Showalter, T.N. PMSE 579
Shi, C. POLY 495 Shin, M. CHED 154 Shpasser, D. CATL 213
Shi, F. COLL 606 Shin, M. CELL 32 Shrestha, K. COLL 276
Shi, F. GEOC 20 Shin, M. ENVR 434 Shrestha, A. ORGN 516
Shi, F. ENFL 38 Shin, T. ENVR 433 Shrestha, M. ENVR 532
Shi, G. ANYL 325 Shin, Y. CATL 280 Shrestha, R.G. COLL 95
Shi, H. POLY 271 Shin, H. NUCL 27 Shrestha, S. CELL 13
Shi, H. CATL 447 Shinde, A.K. MEDI 94 Shreve, M. AEI 35
Shi, H. ENVR 37 Shinde, A.K. MEDI 95 Shreve, M. ENVR 204
Shi, H. ENVR 39 Shinde, A.K. MEDI 354 Shrivastava, S. MEDI 129
Shi, H. ANYL 179 Shinde, A.K. MEDI 355 Shriver, L. ORGN 88
Shi, J. INOR 686 Shinde, P. ENFL 357 Shu, D. ENFL 382
Shi, J. ORGN 678 Shinde, S.D. PMSE 418 Shu, Y. MEDI 64
Shi, J. BIOL 30 Shinde, S.D. PMSE 422 Shu, Y. MEDI 127
Shi, J. PMSE 193 Shine, J.M. ENVR 281 Shuai, D. ANYL 287
Shi, L. I&EC 41 Shing, V. AGRO 321 Shuford, K.L. COLL 385
Shi, R. TOXI 2 Shinn, C. CHED 140 Shuh, D.K. INOR 523
Shi, S. INOR 339 Shinn, P. COMP 288 Shukla, D. COMP 208
Shi, S. INOR 730 Shinnar, A.E. CHED 354 Shukla, M.K. COMP 164
Shi, T. ANYL 19 Shinokubo, H. ORGN 676 Shukla, N. COLL 203
Shi, W. BIOL 120 Shinya, R. BIOL 16 Shulaev, V. AGFD 94
Shi, W. MEDI 338 Shionoya, M. INOR 732 Shulenburger, L. COMP 75


Shuler, S. ORGN 113 Silva, J.C. CARB 28 Singh, A. COLL 101

Shuler, W. ORGN 276 Silva, J.C. PMSE 289 Singh, A. COLL 103
Shuller-Nickles, L.C. NUCL 74 Silva, J. MEDI 34 Singh, A. PMSE 479
Shultz, D.A. INOR 33 Silva, J. MEDI 35 Singh, A.K. COLL 164
Shultz, D.A. INOR 115 Silva, N.F. ENVR 110 Singh, A.K. ENVR 479
Shultz, D.A. INOR 923 Silva, R. AGRO 240 Singh, A. ENFL 403
Shultz, M.D. MEDI 267 Silva, U. CATL 457 Singh, A. CATL 86
Shum, H. COLL 309 Silva, W. CATL 457 Singh, B. ORGN 422
Shumlas, S.L. ENFL 416 Silva de Souza, H. CHED 75 Singh, G. CATL 326
Shumlas, S.L. ENVR 77 Silva-Hughes, A.F. AGRO 316 Singh, G. CATL 327
Shurki, A. PHYS 148 Silver, J.E. MEDI 137 Singh, K. ORGN 372
Shurmer, B. AGRO 49 Silver, J.E. MEDI 139 Singh, K. ORGN 376
Shurtleff, V.W. ORGN 636 Silver, M. NUCL 17 Singh, N.P. ORGN 663
Shusterman, J. ENVR 227 Silver, P.A. INOR 16 Singh, N. POLY 704
Shustova, N.B. INOR 120 Silverglade, B. AGFD 109 Singh, N. ORGN 452
Shuto, S. ORGN 164 Silverman, S.M. ORGN 380 Singh, P. INOR 467
Shuto, T. COLL 466 Silvers, R. PHYS 342 Singh, R. AGRO 61
Shutthanandan, V. CATL 232 Silvestre, V. AGFD 193 Singh, S. COMP 41
Shutthanandan, V. NUCL 37 Silvestri, R. CHED 137 Singh, S. PMSE 31
Shwan, S. CATL 259 Silwal, S. COMP 255 Singh, S. CELL 1
Siam, K.S. ENFL 242 Sim, S. BIOL 98 Singh, S. CELL 2
Siangsai, A. COLL 282 Simaan, M. ORGN 115 Singh, S. CELL 30
Sibali, D. I&EC 23 Simakova, A. POLY 381 Singh, S. AGRO 240
Sibi, M.P. POLY 509 Simakova, A. POLY 386 Singh, S. COLL 253
Sibi, M.P. POLY 761 Simakova, A. POLY 492 Singh, S. COMP 255
Sibley, C. MEDI 201 Simcik, M.F. I&EC 59 Singha Hazari, A. INOR 196
Sibug, S.M. ANYL 141 Simhadri, J.J. PMSE 426 Singharoy, A. COMP 343
Sibug, S.M. ANYL 167 Simic, O. MEDI 46 Singhasemanon, N. AGRO 159
Siccardi, M. COLL 82 Simithy, J. MEDI 329 Singleton, C.D. COMP 261
Siccardi, M. COLL 145 Simmerling, C.L. COMP 31 Singleton, E. MEDI 330
Siccardi, M. ORGN 671 Simmerling, C.L. COMP 111 Singleton, S.M. CHED 86
Sicily, T.B. PMSE 604 Simmermacher-Mayer, J. MEDI 335 Sing-Long, C.A. COMP 92
Siddiq, M.A. PHYS 480 Simmonett, A.C. COMP 311 Sinha, S. INOR 679
Siddique, M.B. ENVR 474 Simmons, B. CELL 2 Sinha, S. INOR 680
Siddiquei, F. PHYS 348 Simmons, B. CELL 30 Sinha, S. MEDI 365
Siddiqui, A. COMP 391 Simmons, B.A. CELL 1 Sinniah, R.S. ORGN 394
Siddiqui, M.N. ENFL 405 Simmons, E. ORGN 4 Sinopalnikova, I.S. INOR 229
Siddiqui, M.N. PMSE 423 Simmons, E. I&EC 37 Sintim, H.O. ANYL 107
Siddiqui, M.N. PMSE 424 Simmons, R. MEDI 250 Sinutko, O.R. ENVR 214
Sidhu, I. PMSE 228 Simmons, T. INOR 583 Sinz, M. MEDI 335
Sidler, D. COMP 307 Simmons, T.J. PMSE 434 Siochi, E.J. POLY 50
Sidorenko, A. CATL 312 Simon, D. POLY 27 Siochi, E.J. POLY 311
Siebert, H. PMSE 425 Simon, K. AGRO 229 Sioutas, C. ENVR 336
Siegel, E.R. TOXI 72 Simon, M. COLL 341 Siqueira-Neto, J.L. MEDI 270
Siegenfeld, A.P. ORGN 325 Simon, Y.C. POLY 213 Siraj, N. ANYL 285
Siegfried, B. AGRO 110 Simonetti, A. NUCL 73 Sirianni, D. COMP 318
Sieghart, W. MEDI 364 Simonetti, A. NUCL 75 Siriwardane, D. POLY 471
Siegler, M. INOR 717 Simonetti, A. NUCL 76 Sirk, T. PMSE 106
Siegler, M. INOR 801 Simons, B. COMP 5 Sirkoch, C. PHYS 482
Siekhaus, W. NUCL 64 Simpkins, B. INOR 55 Sirockin, F. MEDI 306
Siepmann, J.I. ANYL 411 Simpkins, N. ORGN 482 Sirois, L. ORGN 40
Siepmann, J.I. COMP 154 Simpson, C.P. POLY 398 Sirrine, J. PMSE 55
Siepmann, J.I. COMP 184 Simpson, C.P. POLY 399 Sirrine, J. PMSE 219
Siepmann, J.I. COMP 193 Simpson, H.M. ORGN 144 Sirrine, J. POLY 498
Siepmann, J.I. COMP 369 Simpson, J. COMP 146 Sirrine, J. POLY 674
Siepmann, T. CHAL 12 Simpson, J. INOR 870 Siscan, O. POLY 680
Siepmann, T. SCHB 7 Simpson, J. INOR 871 Sisk, N. AGRO 398
Sierra-Sastre, Y. ANYL 304 Simpsosn, J. CHED 301 Sita, L.R. INOR 671
Siewny, M. PHYS 290 Sims, C.M. INOR 775 Sita, L.R. INOR 770
Sigel, E.A. CINF 30 Sims, M.B. POLY 62 Sita, L.R. INOR 885
Sigel, E.A. MEDI 104 Sindt, A. ORGN 454 Sita, L.R. PMSE 395
Sigman, M.S. ORGN 25 Sing, C.E. PMSE 266 Sita, L.R. PMSE 600
Sigmann, S.B. CHAS 19 Sing, C.E. PMSE 536 Sitaula, S. MEDI 146
Sigmann, S.B. CHED 45 Sing, M.K. PMSE 115 Sitkoff, D. COMP 318
Sigmann, S.B. CINF 73 Sing, M.K. PMSE 294 Sittig, M. INOR 186
Sikes, H.D. POLY 357 Singamaneni, S. ANYL 396 Sivaguru, J. ORGN 188
Silab, S.D. POLY 380 Singamaneni, S. COLL 446 Sivaguru, J. ORGN 189
Silbaugh, T. INOR 607 Singaram, S. PHYS 15 Sivaguru, J. ORGN 219
Silberhorn, E. AGRO 407 Singathi, R. POLY 509 Sivaguru, J. POLY 509
Silberstein, M. POLY 87 Singathi, R. POLY 761 Sivaguru, J. POLY 761
Silcox, B. ENFL 303 Singer, A. AGRO 51 Sivignon, A. CARB 16
Siliciano, J.M. ORGN 671 Singer, K.D. POLY 333 Siwy, Z. ANYL 342
Siliciano, R.F. MEDI 233 Singer, K.D. POLY 512 Siyoum, T. AGRO 130
Siliciano, R.F. ORGN 671 Singer, K.D. POLY 700 Sizikova, E. COMP 262
Silky, C. MEDI 255 Singer, K.D. POLY 701 Sizochenko, N. AEI 26
Sillence, K. POLY 754 Singer, S.J. COLL 3 Sizochenko, N. CINF 132
Sillitoe, I. PHYS 89 Singer, S.J. PHYS 523 Sjolander, T. PHYS 329
Silva, A.M. I&EC 33 Singh, A. INOR 480 Skaanderup, P. MEDI 306
Silva, C. POLY 268 Singh, B. CARB 34 Skaja, A. PMSE 124
Silva, C.J. AGFD 224 Singh, A. INOR 39 Skanchy, D.J. I&EC 54

408 –AUTH
Skara, G. CATL 191 Smith, A. PMSE 605 Smith, T. POLY 426
Skeete, Z. CATL 302 Smith, A. PMSE 599 Smith, W.E. TOXI 94
Skekel, E. CHED 217 Smith, A. COLL 213 Smith, W.L. PMSE 122
Skinner, G.E. AGFD 253 Smith, A. COLL 375 Smith, D. PMSE 470
Skinner, M. POLY 257 Smith, A.A. CHED 163 Smithmyer, M. PMSE 486
Skipper, N. INOR 865 Smith, A. COLL 308 Smith-Roe, S. TOXI 24
Skogerson, K.J. ANYL 93 Smith, B.D. COLL 404 Smitley, D. AGRO 106
Skoglund, N. ENFL 23 Smith, B. POLY 742 Smoll, K. INOR 199
Skoglund, N. ENFL 24 Smith, C.A. COMP 160 Smolyaninova, V. INOR 659
Skoglund, N. ENFL 25 Smith, C. ENVR 292 Smriti, S. MEDI 328
Skoglundh, M. CATL 259 Smith, C. INOR 3 Smtih, A. GEOC 18
Skoko, Z. INOR 524 Smith, C. AGRO 144 Smtih, A. GEOC 30
Skolnik, S. COMP 294 Smith, C.M. COLL 360 Smuts, J. AGFD 194
Skomski, D. CATL 118 Smith, D. COLL 145 Smyth, R. AGRO 276
Skory, C.D. AGFD 263 Smith, D. PHYS 403 Snaider, J. BIOL 55
Skory, C.D. CARB 51 Smith, D. POLY 220 Snead, R. ORGN 105
Skrabalak, S.E. COLL 111 Smith, E.D. ENVR 164 Snee, P.T. ANYL 292
Skrabalak, S.E. COLL 333 Smith, G.R. MEDI 254 Snee, P.T. COLL 489
Skrabalak, S.E. COLL 582 Smith, G.D. ANYL 89 Snee, P.T. COLL 560
Skrabalak, S.E. COMSCI 6 Smith, G.D. ANYL 222 Snee, P.T. INOR 297
Skrabalak, S.E. ENFL 36 Smith, G.D. ANYL 227 Snider, H. CHED 191
Skripov, A. ENFL 71 Smith, G.D. ORGN 631 Snijder, A. MEDI 8
Skromne, I. PMSE 482 Smith, G.J. COLL 274 Snow, A. ENFL 92
Skrydstrup, T. CATL 179 Smith, H. BIOL 114 Snurr, R. CATL 414
Skrypai, V. AEI 71 Smith, H. ENVR 471 Snurr, R. CATL 416
Skrypai, V. ORGN 126 Smith, H. ANYL 288 Snyder, A. ORGN 617
Skrypai, V. ORGN 130 Smith, I. COLL 13 Snyder, C.R. PMSE 151
Slack, C. PHYS 329 Smith, J.B. INOR 82 Snyder, E.K. COMP 166
Slade, D. MEDI 275 Smith, J.B. INOR 423 Snyder, N.J. AGRO 19
Slade, J.H. ENVR 550 Smith, J. ENVR 191 Snyder, N.J. AGRO 76
Sladitschek, H.L. BIOL 53 Smith, J. AGFD 64 Snyder, R. PMSE 246
Slater, C. I&EC 62 Smith, J. CINF 121 Snyder, S.W. ENFL 156
Slater, J. ANYL 283 Smith, J. ENVR 2 So, C. PMSE 141
Slavicek, P. PHYS 177 Smith, J. ENVR 387 So, C. PMSE 312
Slavicek, P. PHYS 599 Smith, J. TOXI 91 Soares, J. AGFD 50
Slawek, P. PMSE 351 Smith, J. BIOL 90 Soares, J.W. AGFD 36
Slazar, A. INOR 855 Smith, J. POLY 713 Soares, P.A. CARB 96
Slebodnick, C. ORGN 105 Smith, J.M. AEI 56 Soares, R.R. CATL 457
Sleck, M. INOR 603 Smith, J.M. INOR 262 Soars, M. MEDI 269
Sleck, M. INOR 724 Smith, J.M. INOR 623 Sobel, S.G. PHYS 299
Sleczska, B. MEDI 25 Smith, J. ANYL 19 Sobieray, D.M. ORGN 390
Slegeris, R. POLY 34 Smith, J. TOXI 85 Sobkowicz, M.J. POLY 58
Slenter, D. CINF 66 Smith, J.T. POLY 592 Sobol, N. POLY 236
Sletten, E.M. COLL 473 Smith, J. COMP 93 Sobral, P.R. CATL 330
Slipchenko, L.V. COMP 244 Smith, J.S. COMP 314 Sobrino, T. COLL 622
Sliz, P. AEI 8 Smith, K. POLY 722 Sobus, J.R. ANYL 21
Sliz, P. ORGN 28 Smith, L.M. MEDI 308 Sobus, J.R. ANYL 348
Sloan, D. ANYL 377 Smith, L. AGRO 367 Sobus, J.R. ENVR 206
Sloan, G. PHYS 2 Smith, L. AGRO 394 Sobus, J.R. ANYL 347
Slochower, D. COMP 100 Smith, L. ORGN 644 Sobus, J.R. CINF 28
Slocombe, D. PHYS 357 Smith, M.B. POLY 638 Sobus, J.R. ENVR 548
Slocum, D.W. ORGN 620 Smith, M.D. INOR 120 Sockwell, K. NUCL 13
Slocum, K. MEDI 267 Smith, M.D. ORGN 454 Sode, O. PHYS 432
Slominski, A. MEDI 83 Smith, M.W. CATL 104 Sodeoka, M. ORGN 287
Sloop, J. PHYS 410 Smith, M.W. ENFL 127 Soderberg, B. ORGN 101
Slowing, I.I. CATL 115 Smith, M.W. ENFL 252 Soderberg, B. ORGN 547
Slowing, I.I. CATL 120 Smith, M. PHYS 594 Soderberg, B. ORGN 648
Slusher, B. MEDI 318 Smith, M.J. BMGT 9 Soderstrom, E.M. INOR 535
Smaldone, R. PMSE 51 Smith, M. ENVR 443 Sodhi, V. ENVR 261
Smaldone, R. PMSE 342 Smith, M. INOR 944 Sofroniew, M.V. PMSE 15
Smaldone, R. PMSE 574 Smith, M. ANYL 68 Soh, L. ENVR 357
Smaldone, R.A. PMSE 240 Smith, M.D. BIOL 90 Sohail, M. ENFL 10
Small, M.C. PHYS 527 Smith, M.D. POLY 713 Sohail, M. ORGN 488
Small, Y. COMP 139 Smith, M.R. CATL 138 Sohlberg, K.W. PHYS 538
Smalley, J. MEDI 30 Smith, N.M. COLL 488 Sohler, F. MEDI 266
Smallheer, J.M. MEDI 73 Smith, P.B. POLY 702 Sohn, B. PMSE 384
Smallridge, M.J. POLY 424 Smith, P. AEI 53 Sohn, Y.S. PMSE 110
Smallwood, Z. INOR 858 Smith, P. AGFD 24 Sohodski, E. ORGN 9
Smarsly, B. INOR 524 Smith, P. ENFL 482 Sojo, L. MEDI 253
Smedler, G. CATL 397 Smith, R.A. MEDI 269 Sok, A. MEDI 225
Smeekens, J. CHED 178 Smith, R. PMSE 122 Sokaras, D. INOR 87
Smick, S. BIOL 155 Smith, R. POLY 22 Sokkalingam, P. ORGN 459
Smiles, D.E. INOR 523 Smith, R. ENFL 449 Sokolov, A.P. AEI 83
Smiley, D. MEDI 42 Smith, R. PMSE 22 Sokolov, A.P. PMSE 12
Smina, N. CATL 326 Smith, R.J. PMSE 492 Sokolov, A.P. PMSE 598
Smirnov, A.I. PHYS 383 Smith, R.J. PMSE 534 Sokolov, A.P. POLY 447
Smirnov, V.V. INOR 463 Smith, S.J. AEI 10 Solaiman, D. AGFD 230
Smith, A.C. MEDI 258 Smith, S.J. ANYL 332 Solaiman, D. POLY 200
Smith, A. PHYS 580 Smith, S.J. INOR 771 Solano, D.M. CHED 221
Smith, A. COLL 515 Smith, S.R. INOR 547 Solano, L. MEDI 203


Soled, S. ENFL 31 Song, Y.S. AGFD 78 Sparks, J. PMSE 243

Soled, S.L. INOR 392 Song, Y. ENVR 554 Sparks, J. PMSE 456
Soleilhavoup, M. INOR 687 Song, Y. CARB 52 Sparks, J.R. INOR 914
Soliz, J.R. COLL 71 Song, Y. PMSE 25 Sparks, T.C. AGRO 388
Soljacic, M. COLL 603 Song, Y. POLY 371 Sparks, T.C. ORGN 472
Sollert, C. ORGN 607 Song, Y. ENFL 436 Spasojevic, I. MEDI 14
Solomon, B. ENVR 178 Song, Z. MEDI 136 Spatz, D. AGRO 221
Solomon, E.I. INOR 87 Song, Z. ORGN 256 Spearman, P. BIOL 170
Solomon, E.I. INOR 383 Songkiatisak, P. ANYL 3 Speelman, A. INOR 176
Solomon, E.I. INOR 722 Songkiatisak, P. ANYL 38 Speer, K. AGFD 182
Solomon, E.I. INOR 799 Songkiatisak, P. ANYL 209 Spence, L. AGFD 20
Solomon, L.A. INOR 420 Soni, A. MEDI 192 Spence, L. AGFD 49
Solomos, M.A. ANYL 213 Sonnenberg, G.E. MEDI 258 Spencer, N. POLY 557
Solouki Bonab, V. PMSE 13 Sonnet, P. COMP 224 Spencer, K. AGRO 240
Solouki Bonab, V. POLY 563 Sonnet, P. MEDI 62 Speranza, J. CHAS 46
Soloveichik, G.L. CATL 80 Sonnet, P. MEDI 99 Sperling, J.M. INOR 643
Soltani, M. I&EC 53 Sonnet, P. MEDI 109 Sperling, R. ANYL 33
Soltis, J.A. NUCL 67 Sonntag, M.D. CHED 119 Sperry, S. ORGN 63
Soltwedel, T. ENVR 275 Sonntag, M.D. CHED 121 Spiegel, D.A. TOXI 87
Soltys, J. INOR 952 Sood, P. COMP 408 Spiess, H.W. ORGN 506
Somani, P. BIOL 47 Sooksimuang, T. ORGN 561 Spinella, S. POLY 328
Somaratne, R. COLL 395 Soong, Y. COLL 606 Spinella, S. POLY 559
Somasundaram, K. MEDI 167 Soong, Y. ENFL 91 Spinelle, R. CHED 292
Somasundaran, P. CATL 253 Soong, Y. GEOC 20 Spinelle, R. ORGN 192
Somayaji, V. MEDI 258 Soper, D. AGRO 326 Spiric, J. ANYL 283
Sommers, E.M. CHAL 2 Soper, J.D. INOR 76 Spisak, S.N. INOR 733
Sommers, E.M. CHAL 12 Soper, S.A. ANYL 206 Spisak, S.N. INOR 626
Somoza, V. AGFD 244 Soper-Hopper, M.T. ANYL 436 Spitaleri, A. COMP 385
Somoza, V. AGFD 245 Soper-Hopper, M.T. CHED 390 Spitler, M. COLL 336
Son, C. COLL 190 Soppera, O. PMSE 224 Spokoyny, A.M. INOR 451
Son, H. PMSE 583 Sorensen-Unruh, C. CHED 402 Spokoyny, A.M. MPPG 26
Son, J. INOR 544 Sorensen-Unruh, C. CHED 405 Spokoyny, A.M. WCC 3
Song, Z. ENVR 174 Sorenson, S.A. PHYS 510 Sponsler, D. AGRO 64
Song, Z. I&EC 26 Soreo, J. CATL 470 Sponsler, D. AGRO 301
Song, B. ORGN 461 Soreo, J. CATL 436 Sponza Mata, A.D. ORGN 436
Song, B. POLY 81 Sorgo, R. MEDI 137 Spoon, T. COLL 486
Song, C. POLY 524 Sorgo, R. MEDI 139 Sprague, M.K. PHYS 397
Song, C. CATL 358 Sorial, G. ENVR 42 Sprague-Klein, E. COLL 51
Song, C. ENFL 3 Sorial, G. ENVR 151 Spreeman, M. PMSE 428
Song, C. ENFL 7 Sorial, G. ENVR 483 Sprengeler, P.A. ORGN 63
Song, C. ENFL 78 Sorin, E.J. BIOL 122 Sprenkle, V.L. ENFL 164
Song, C. ENFL 88 Sorkin, B.C. AGFD 257 Sprick, C. ENVR 343
Song, C. ENFL 249 Sorkin, J. PMSE 481 Spring, D.R. ORGN 34
Song, C. ENFL 401 Sorolla Bardaji, A. PMSE 561 Springer, S.E. INOR 558
Song, D. INOR 541 Soto, C.M. ANYL 30 Spuling, E. PMSE 26
Song, D. INOR 543 Soto, C.M. ANYL 31 Sreerama, L. ANYL 351
Song, D. MEDI 43 Soto, D. POLY 521 Sremaniak, L.S. WCC 10
Song, D. COMP 56 Soto, F.A. CATL 274 Sresht, V. COLL 471
Song, H. POLY 549 Soto, F.A. ENFL 164 Sridhar, A. CATL 207
Song, H. PMSE 452 Soto Salcido, L.A. ENVR 373 Srifa, P. ORGN 261
Song, H. NUCL 6 Sottos, N.R. ENFL 120 Srigley, C. ANYL 200
Song, H. ENFL 32 Sottos, N.R. PMSE 631 Srigley, C. ANYL 220
Song, J. ENFL 306 Sotuyo, A. ORGN 46 Srinivasan, R. CHED 155
Song, J. POLY 407 Sotzing, G. POLY 608 Srinivasan, S. MEDI 82
Song, J. CATL 245 Soudackov, A. INOR 469 Srinivasan, S. CHED 15
Song, J. ORGN 571 Soudant, P. ENVR 482 Srinivasan, S. CHED 71
Song, J. ORGN 168 Soulie, C. PMSE 589 Srinivasan, S. CHED 408
Song, J. POLY 542 Soumeillant, M.C. ORGN 521 Srinoi, P. INOR 663
Song, J. ENFL 164 Sousa, A.A. COLL 175 Srisombat, L. COLL 210
Song, K. MEDI 63 Sousa, A.A. COLL 609 Srivastava, R. MEDI 129
Song, K. MEDI 22 Sousa, A. COLL 244 Srivastava, S. PMSE 320
Song, K. MEDI 103 Sousa, A. COLL 536 Srivastava, V. COLL 561
Song, L. ENFL 480 Souter, H. MEDI 8 Srnec, M. INOR 86
Song, L. ENFL 53 Southall, N. CINF 60 St.Jeor, V. AGFD 187
Song, M. AGFD 92 Southall, N. COMP 358 Staben, S.T. MEDI 22
Song, M. MEDI 92 Southerland, M. MEDI 290 Staben, S.T. MEDI 103
Song, Q. ORGN 562 Southgate, E.H. WCC 7 Stacey, G. ANYL 430
Song, S. ENFL 332 Souza, B. PMSE 197 Stach, E. CATL 231
Song, W. ENVR 105 Sova, S. ORGN 216 Stach, E. CATL 303
Song, W. ENVR 380 Sowan, N. PMSE 127 Stach, E. COLL 592
Song, W. BIOL 95 Sowan, N. POLY 549 Stach, E. ENFL 180
Song, X. ANYL 173 Sowers, K.L. COLL 497 Stachowski, J.L. CHED 55
Song, Y. CATL 451 Sowley, H. BIOL 98 Stachowski, J.L. ORGN 132
Song, Y. POLY 385 Spada, L. PHYS 55 Stack, M. PMSE 394
Song, Y. ENVR 446 Spadafora, C. MEDI 138 Stack, T.D. INOR 435
Song, Y. ENVR 457 Spano, T.L. NUCL 75 Stadie, N.P. ENFL 243
Song, Y. COLL 214 Spano, T.L. NUCL 76 Stadie, N.P. ENFL 478
Song, Y. PMSE 316 Sparks, D.L. AGFD 236 Stadler, A. CHED 380
Song, Y. PMSE 427 Sparks, D.L. AGRO 339 Stadler, P. CINF 14
Song, Y. POLY 770 Sparks, J. PMSE 7 Stadler, R. PHYS 13

410 –AUTH
Stafford, C.M. POLY 56 Stein, B.W. INOR 945 Stimpson, A. PMSE 463
Stafford, G.R. POLY 56 Stein, B.W. NUCL 44 Stimpson, A. PMSE 567
Stagge, S. I&EC 67 Stein, B.W. NUCL 47 Stine, R. ORGN 673
Stahl, L. ORGN 128 Stein, R. COMP 39 Stingel, A.M. INOR 12
Stahl, R.S. ANYL 90 Stein, S. CINF 128 Stirling, S. CHED 173
Staimer, N. ENVR 334 Steinbacher, J.L. COLL 176 Stiteler, W. AGRO 380
Stains, C.I. ORGN 293 Steinbeck, C. CINF 59 Stock, I.A. MEDI 63
Stair, P.C. CATL 204 Steinbeck, C. CINF 66 Stockdale, D.P. ORGN 407
Stallings, D. CINF 51 Steinberg, D.J. CINF 55 Stockdale, V. AGFD 27
Stam, L. AGRO 141 Steinberg, L.I. POLY 54 Stockdill, J.L. ORGN 341
Stamenkovic, V. CATL 29 Steinberg, P. TOXI 49 Stocker, K. CHED 84
Stamenkovic, V. CATL 37 Steiner, E. ORGN 654 Stockley, C. AGFD 91
Stan, G. COMP 303 Steiner, J. NUCL 48 Stocksdale, M.G. CHED 274
Stan, G. COMP 386 Steinhardt, R.C. MEDI 9 Stoco, M.A. ENVR 422
Stanek, C.M. INOR 488 Steinhardt, R.C. PMSE 487 Stoco, M.A. ENVR 423
Stanford, C.L. CHED 114 Steinhart, M. PMSE 40 Stoddard, E. TOXI 85
Stanford, C.L. CHED 116 Steinhauff, D. PMSE 144 Stoddart, J.F. ORGN 243
Stanford, C.L. CHED 117 Steinkellner, G. POLY 72 Stoeber, J. CHED 251
Stanford, C.L. CHED 412 Steinmann, K. AGRO 91 Stoeckel, J. ENVR 46
Stang, E.M. MEDI 147 Steinmann, K. AGRO 124 Stoeckle, A. ENVR 310
Stang, P.J. ORGN 446 Steinmetz, M.G. ORGN 218 Stoeger, V. AGFD 245
Stangl, C. ENVR 339 Steinmeyer, A. MEDI 266 Stojakovic, J. AEI 23
Stank, A. COMP 262 Steinsaltz, M. CHED 382 Stojakovic, J. COLL 9
Stanley, D.L. PMSE 669 Stellacci, F. COLL 573 Stokes, C. PHYS 219
Stanley, H.E. PHYS 22 Stelmach, K. PHYS 441 Stokes, S. ORGN 548
Stanley, L.M. ORGN 345 Stenger-Smith, J.D. POLY 720 Stolar, M. POLY 655
Stansbury, J.W. POLY 456 Stepanek, P. POLY 305 Stoll, S.L. COLL 623
Stanton, A. POLY 479 Stepanov, I. TOXI 38 Stoll, S.L. INOR 60
Stanton, I.N. INOR 246 Stepanov, I. TOXI 39 Stoll, S.L. INOR 472
Stanton, J. CELL 11 Stephan, A.M. CELL 9 Stoll, S.L. INOR 712
Stanzione, F. PMSE 519 Stephan, C. ENVR 37 Stoltz, B.M. ORGN 202
Stanzione, J.F. I&EC 62 Stephans, A. MEDI 101 Stoltz, B.M. WCC 9
Stanzione, J.F. POLY 13 Stephen, M.R. MEDI 364 Stone, A.T. INOR 465
Stanzione, J.F. POLY 137 Stephens, B. COLL 445 Stone, B. CATL 459
Stanzione, J.F. POLY 564 Stephens, D. ORGN 406 Stone, I. PMSE 22
Staples, O. INOR 343 Stephens, R. PHYS 203 Stone, M.P. TOXI 15
Stapleton, J.D. PMSE 348 Stephenson, M.E. ANYL 62 Stone, M.P. TOXI 68
Star, A. ENFL 144 Stephenson, N.S. CHED 14 Stone, M.P. TOXI 93
Starkenburg, D.J. ORGN 696 Stepniowski, W. CATL 255 Stoneburner, K. ANYL 223
Starkov, P. ORGN 353 Sterk, S. AGRO 84 Stopinski, J. COMP 174
Starovoytova, L. POLY 455 Sterling, M.D. INOR 934 Stopka, S. ANYL 430
Starr, D.E. COLL 537 Sterling, M.D. ORGN 94 Storey, J. AGRO 48
Starr, J. ORGN 619 Sterling, M.D. ORGN 382 Storey, R.F. POLY 497
Stashko, M. MEDI 123 Sternberg, P.W. BIOL 16 Storey, R.F. POLY 600
Stasse, M. COLL 405 Steuerwald, A.J. ANYL 309 Stornetta, A. TOXI 51
Stasse, M. PMSE 634 Steuwe, C. COLL 110 Story, S. COLL 461
Stauber, J. INOR 728 Stevens, C. ENVR 546 Stošek, J. PHYS 557
Staveley, J. AGRO 83 Stevens, D. COLL 180 Stourac, J. PHYS 145
Staveley, J. AGRO 184 Stevens, D. INOR 62 Stowers, C. INOR 505
Staveley, J. AGRO 290 Stevens, D. INOR 277 Stowers, R. PMSE 326
Stavila, V. CATL 413 Stevens, L. ANYL 253 Stoykovich, M.P. POLY 372
Stavila, V. ENFL 71 Stevens, L. INOR 735 Stranick, S. ANYL 387
Stawiasz, K. POLY 759 Stevens, L. INOR 545 Stranick, S. ENVR 470
Stead, D. ORGN 482 Stevens, L.M. CHED 280 Stranick, S. PMSE 529
Steager, E. COLL 305 Stevens, M. CINF 100 Stranick, S. ENVR 158
Stebbins, N.B. AGFD 232 Stevens, P.A. INOR 392 Strano, M. AGFD 252
Stebbins, N.D. POLY 513 Stevens, T.E. INOR 216 Strano, M. ANYL 39
Stebe, K.J. COLL 127 Stevenson, K.J. CATL 84 Strano, M. ANYL 125
Stebe, K.J. COLL 129 Stevenson, M. INOR 579 Strano, M. ANYL 364
Stebe, K.J. COLL 305 Stevenson, T.M. AGRO 409 Strano, M. ANYL 373
Stec, J. MEDI 41 Stevenson, T.M. AGRO 412 Strano, M. ORGN 669
Steefel, C. GEOC 33 Stewart, D. INOR 686 Strano, M. PHYS 507
Steeger, T. AGRO 299 Stewart, J.M. AGRO 400 Strano, M. PMSE 355
Steeves, A.H. COMP 141 Stewart, J.L. CHED 413 Strasser, C. MPPG 25
Stefan, M.C. POLY 237 Stewart, J.L. INOR 547 Strathmann, T.J. INOR 859
Stefan, M.C. POLY 736 Stewart, K. I&EC 35 Stratis-Cullum, D.N. COLL 308
Stefanini, M. AGFD 94 Stewart, L. ENVR 492 Stratis-Cullum, D.N. COLL 354
Steffensmeier, E.M. INOR 911 Stewart, M. COLL 563 Stratis-Cullum, D.N. PHYS 332
Stefik, M. ENFL 102 Stewart, M.H. COLL 449 Stratis-Cullum, D.N. PHYS 527
Stefik, M. PMSE 527 Stewart, P.L. MEDI 28 Stratis-Cullum, D.N. BIOL 43
Steger, B. AEI 60 Stewart, C. ORGN 548 Stratton, L.M. INOR 221
Steger, E. ORGN 360 Stewart-Sloan, C. PMSE 115 Stratz, S. NUCL 84
Steggall, J. AGRO 98 Steyaert, I. PMSE 652 Strauss, C.E. ORGN 27
Stehle, T. CARB 77 St Fort, E. PMSE 352 Strauss, C.E. PMSE 306
Stehr, J. INOR 666 Stieber, C. ENFL 45 Strauss, E. MEDI 163
Steiert, E. POLY 703 Stiegman, A.E. CATL 10 Strauss, K. I&EC 35
Stein, A. COMP 184 Stiegman, A.E. ENFL 252 Strauss, S.H. ORGN 428
Stein, A. INOR 820 Stihler, C. IAC 4 Strawser, C.J. TOXI 10
Stein, B. COLL 231 Stillinger, F. PHYS 66 Streckfuss, E. INOR 387
Stein, B.W. INOR 115 Stiltoner, R. AGRO 51 Street, L. MEDI 326


Streeter, M. TOXI 87 Su, J. NUCL 19 Sukhishvili, S.A. PMSE 538

Strelcov, E. COLL 590 Su, J. NUCL 28 Sukhishvili, S.A. PMSE 548
Streletzky, K.A. COLL 256 Su, J. PMSE 429 Sukhishvili, S.A. PMSE 664
Strelow, C. COLL 40 Su, J. POLY 71 Sukhishvili, S.A. POLY 673
Stretz, H.A. ANYL 211 Su, L. AGRO 346 Sukkanon, C. AGRO 393
Stretz, H.A. I&EC 51 Su, L. PMSE 25 Suleiman, D. PMSE 23
Stretz, H.A. PMSE 428 Su, L. POLY 324 Suliman, M.H. PMSE 424
Stretz, H.A. POLY 494 Su, L. POLY 371 Sullen, C. MEDI 304
Stribling, S. MEDI 225 Su, M. ORGN 166 Sullivan, A. INOR 82
Strickland, K. CATL 485 Su, M. CARB 30 Sullivan, D.A. AGRO 145
Strickland, M. INOR 632 Su, M. CELL 26 Sullivan, E. CATL 270
Strickland, M. AGFD 42 Su, Q. MEDI 23 Sullivan, K. CHED 185
Strickman, D. AGRO 239 Su, X. INOR 859 Sullivan, K. ENVR 395
Striegel, A.M. ANYL 154 Su, X. POLY 620 Sullivan, K.P. CATL 314
Striegel, A.M. ANYL 294 Su, Y. ENVR 475 Sullivan, M.R. ORGN 459
Striegel, A.M. CARB 49 Su, Y. PHYS 342 Sullivan, M. COLL 293
Striegel, A.M. POLY 537 Su, Y. ORGN 497 Sullivan, M.B. CATL 486
Striepe, L. POLY 655 Su, Y. TOXI 17 Sullivan, M.B. ENVR 171
Stripp, S.T. CATL 220 Suami, H. COLL 30 Sullivan, M.O. COLL 432
Strmcnik, D. CATL 29 Suarez, G. TOXI 42 Sullivan, M.O. POLY 283
Strmcnik, D. CATL 37 Suarez, L. POLY 245 Sullivan, R.D. AGRO 145
Strnad, J. MEDI 7 Suazo, K.F. BIOL 145 Sulman, E. ENFL 295
Strobel, S.A. AGFD 8 Suazo, K.F. ORGN 82 Sultan, N. PMSE 274
Strobel, T.A. PMSE 350 Subbiah, J. ENFL 54 Sultana, M. POLY 616
Strobel, T.A. PMSE 375 Subedi, B. ENVR 391 Sultana, T. ENFL 255
Strodel, B. PHYS 149 Subedi, B. ENVR 395 Sum, J. AGFD 44
Strollo, C.M. ANYL 34 Subir, M. PHYS 247 Suman, P. MEDI 174
Strollo, C.M. CHED 353 Subjalearndee, N. PMSE 87 Suman, P. MEDI 203
Strong, J. ORGN 580 Subotnik, J.E. PHYS 151 Suman, P. MEDI 204
Strong, R. NUCL 54 Subotnik, J.E. PHYS 277 Suman, P. ORGN 623
Strongin, D.R. CATL 131 Subra, W. ENVR 325 Sumbalova, L. PHYS 145
Strongin, D.R. ENFL 416 Subramani, S. ORGN 599 Sumerlin, B.S. INOR 75
Strongin, D.R. ENVR 77 Subramaniam, B. CATL 360 Sumerlin, B.S. PMSE 64
Strongin, D.R. INOR 61 Subramaniam, B. ENVR 132 Sumerlin, B.S. PMSE 132
Stroud, R. COLL 71 Subramanian, K. COLL 471 Sumerlin, B.S. PMSE 544
Stroud, R. COLL 563 Subramanian, R. MEDI 94 Sumerlin, B.S. POLY 62
Strouse, G.F. COLL 502 Subramanian, R. MEDI 355 Sumerlin, B.S. POLY 418
Strouse, G.F. INOR 59 Subramanian, R. INOR 771 Summers, M. CHED 189
Strouse, G.F. INOR 668 Subramanian, Y. ENFL 398 Summers, M.F. BIOL 47
Strozier, J.L. INOR 549 Sucheck, S.J. CARB 19 Summers, M.F. CHED 248
Strozyk, M.S. COLL 571 Sucheck, S.J. CARB 22 Summers, R.S. ENVR 67
Strubbe, D.A. PHYS 131 Sucheck, S.J. CARB 41 Sumner, I. PHYS 345
Struthers, M. MEDI 225 Sucheck, S.J. MEDI 327 Sumner, I. PHYS 405
Strutzenberg, T. BIOL 163 Sucheck, S.J. ORGN 414 Sumner, L. CINF 110
Struwe, W.B. CARB 89 Suchomski, C. INOR 524 Sumner, M. ENVR 311
Strycharz-Glaven, S.M. ENVR 301 Suchyta, D.J. ANYL 157 Sumner, R. CHED 255
Strycharz-Glaven, S.M. ENVR 561 Suckow, M. MEDI 227 Sumpter, B. ENFL 361
Stryker, J. AGRO 42 Suematsu, K. COLL 248 Sumpter, B. POLY 111
Stryker, J. AGRO 274 Suero, M.G. ORGN 51 Sumulong, S. AGRO 328
Strynar, M. ENVR 46 Suero, M.G. ORGN 638 Sun, S. COMP 192
Strynar, M. ENVR 206 Sugii, T. BIOL 147 Sun, W. COLL 534
Strynar, M. ENVR 548 Sugimoto, H. MEDI 175 Sun, W. INOR 527
Stryutsky, A. COLL 428 Sugimoto, N. AGFD 35 Sun, Y. ENVR 152
Stuart, A. PHYS 524 Sugita, Y. COMP 79 Sun, Y. ENVR 542
Stuart, R. CHAS 8 Sugita, Y. PHYS 442 Sun, Y. ENVR 563
Stuart, R. CHAS 24 Sugiyama, F. POLY 239 Sun, B. POLY 659
Stuart, R. CHED 45 Sugiyama, H. MEDI 125 Sun, B. PMSE 321
Stubelius, A. COLL 264 Suh, M. ENVR 264 Sun, C. ENVR 275
Stubelius, A. PMSE 507 Suh, M. INOR 270 Sun, C. ENFL 452
Stucke, V.M. MEDI 306 Sui, J. ENFL 481 Sun, C. COLL 594
Stuckhardt, C. ORGN 535 Sui, R. ENVR 214 Sun, C. POLY 36
Studer, K.E. ENVR 3 Sui, X. ANYL 432 Sun, C. MEDI 322
Stuertz, M. AGFD 141 Suib, S.L. CATL 417 Sun, C. CATL 226
Stupp, S.I. PMSE 83 Suib, S.L. CHED 259 Sun, C. ENVR 495
Šturcová, A. PMSE 40 Suib, S.L. COLL 554 Sun, C. INOR 403
Sturdivant, J.M. ORGN 90 Suk, W.A. ENVR 276 Sun, C. TOXI 107
Sturla, S.J. TOXI 49 Sukharev, M. PHYS 198 Sun, D. MEDI 169
Sturla, S.J. TOXI 51 Sukharevsky, A.P. CINF 81 Sun, D.T. ENVR 219
Stutts, D. CHED 132 Sukhishvili, S.A. PMSE 111 Sun, D. COMP 264
Stutz, S. MEDI 278 Sukhishvili, S.A. PMSE 261 Sun, D. PMSE 97
Stwodah, R. PMSE 639 Sukhishvili, S.A. PMSE 371 Sun, D. INOR 38
Su, M. COLL 443 Sukhishvili, S.A. PMSE 372 Sun, D. MEDI 156
Su, B. ENFL 53 Sukhishvili, S.A. PMSE 386 Sun, G. AGRO 335
Su, H. PHYS 399 Sukhishvili, S.A. PMSE 394 Sun, G. PMSE 121
Su, H. ENVR 550 Sukhishvili, S.A. PMSE 421 Sun, G. POLY 324
Su, H. MEDI 192 Sukhishvili, S.A. PMSE 441 Sun, H. AGRO 173
Su, J. ENVR 403 Sukhishvili, S.A. PMSE 442 Sun, H. PMSE 64
Su, J. AGFD 46 Sukhishvili, S.A. PMSE 459 Sun, H. PMSE 132
Su, J. AGFD 47 Sukhishvili, S.A. PMSE 494 Sun, H. ENFL 474
Su, J. AGFD 85 Sukhishvili, S.A. PMSE 520 Sun, H. TOXI 82

Sun, H. MEDI 7 Sur, R. AGRO 223 Swanson, J.M. COMP 377
Sun, H. CINF 124 Surampudi, S. INOR 877 Swanson, J.P. POLY 454
Sun, H. PMSE 430 Surapureddi, S. ENVR 305 Swanson, K.S. COLL 515
Sun, J. CELL 1 Surapureddi, S. ENVR 309 Swanson, K. CHED 318
Sun, J. AGFD 161 Surapureddi, S. ENVR 549 Swarts, B. CARB 57
Sun, J. MEDI 128 Surbella, R. NUCL 26 Swartz, J.E. CHED 325
Sun, J. PMSE 528 Surbey, W. PMSE 218 Swartzel, J. AEI 12
Sun, J. ENVR 174 Sureka, H. PMSE 115 Swartzentruber, B. PHYS 189
Sun, J. ENVR 284 Sureka, H. PMSE 248 Swathi, R. COLL 379
Sun, J. ENVR 285 Surendranath, Y. ENFL 288 Swedberg, J. MEDI 63
Sun, J. I&EC 26 Surendranath, Y. INOR 362 Sweeney, J. COMP 260
Sun, J. PMSE 79 Surendranath, Y. INOR 365 Sweeney, Z.K. MEDI 105
Sun, J. ANYL 290 Suresh, R. INOR 477 Sweet, C. ORGN 153
Sun, J. COLL 263 Surette, V. INOR 156 Sweet, L. NUCL 67
Sun, J. PMSE 490 Surin, M. ANYL 245 Sweimeh, K.K. CHED 105
Sun, K. ANYL 377 Suriyapraphadilok, U. COLL 246 Sweitzer, T. MEDI 111
Sun, L. MEDI 269 Suriyapraphadilok, U. ENFL 204 Swenson, R.E. INOR 632
Sun, L. MEDI 365 Suriyapraphadilok, U. ENFL 218 Swienty Busch, J. CINF 25
Sun, L. PMSE 599 Surratt, J. ENVR 189 Swift, J.A. ANYL 162
Sun, L. PMSE 605 Surratt, J. ENVR 555 Swift, J.A. ANYL 213
Sun, M. POLY 241 Suryanarayana, P. COMP 74 Swilley, S. POLY 707
Sun, M. COMP 407 Sushko, P.V. ENFL 19 Swinney, D.C. MEDI 122
Sun, R. COMP 377 Suski, K. ENVR 532 Swita, M. CATL 171
Sun, R. PHYS 432 Susmitha, V. MEDI 17 Switzer, F.L. CINF 44
Sun, R. POLY 292 Susumu, K. COLL 449 Swope, W.C. COLL 21
Sun, S.S. POLY 733 Susumu, K. COLL 487 Swyka, R.A. ORGN 274
Sun, S. MEDI 76 Susumu, K. COLL 562 Sydlik, S.A. ORGN 478
Sun, S. MEDI 252 Sutherland, V. PRES 5 Sydlik, S.A. PMSE 236
Sun, S. MEDI 253 Sutherlin, D. MEDI 252 Syed, Z.H. INOR 197
Sun, S. CATL 27 Sutherlin, D.P. MEDI 76 Syed, Z.H. INOR 325
Sun, S. ENFL 202 Sutherlin, D.P. MEDI 105 Syed, Z.H. INOR 591
Sun, S. ENFL 206 Sutherlin, D.P. MEDI 253 Sykes, E.H. CATL 21
Sun, S. ENFL 334 Sutko, K. CELL 38 Sykes, E.H. CATL 398
Sun, S. INOR 665 Suto, M. MEDI 102 Sykora, M. INOR 480
Sun, S. CATL 128 Sutton, A. COLL 87 Sy Piecco, K. COLL 184
Sun, S. ENFL 129 Sutton, J.E. CATL 390 Szabados, A. COMP 69
Sun, W. INOR 240 Sutyak, K. ORGN 557 Szabó, Á. POLY 551
Sun, W. PMSE 591 Suuberg, E.M. ENVR 333 Szadkowska-Stanczyk, I. ENVR 419
Sun, W. ENVR 262 Suzuki, T. COLL 25 Szajnman, S.H. MEDI 294
Sun, X. AGFD 227 Svergun, D. POLY 455 Szantai-Kis, D. BIOL 173
Sun, X. BIOL 120 Sveshnikov, N. COMP 180 Szantai-Kis, D. ORGN 158
Sun, X. COMP 143 Sveshnikov, N. INOR 189 Szanyi, J. CATL 260
Sun, X. COLL 183 Svoboda, S. ANYL 59 Szanyi, J. CATL 262
Sun, X. COLL 373 Svoronos, P.D. CHED 132 Szarka, A.Z. AGRO 288
Sun, X. INOR 518 Svoronos, P.D. CHED 133 Szarka, A.Z. AGRO 322
Sun, X. INOR 839 Svoronos, P.D. CHED 145 Szarka, G. POLY 551
Sun, Y. MEDI 172 Svoronos, P.D. CHED 146 Szarka, M. YCC 4
Sun, Y. INOR 904 Svoronos, P.D. CHED 147 Szczepankiewicz, S.H. COLL 275
Sun, Y. CATL 226 Svoronos, P.D. CHED 212 Szczepanski, N.M. CHED 131
Sun, Y. COLL 332 Svoronos, P.D. CHED 213 Szczerba, T. ANYL 140
Sun, Y. COLL 338 Svoronos, S. CHED 145 Szczytko, J. ORGN 681
Sun, Y. ENFL 160 Svoronos, S. CHED 146 Szekerczes, T. INOR 659
Sun, Y. INOR 123 Swaan, P. PMSE 485 Szeto, K.C. CATL 124
Sun, Y. COLL 64 Swager, T.M. COLL 10 Szilagyi, I. COLL 7
Sun, Z. MEDI 169 Swager, T.M. COLL 252 Szilagyi, R.K. INOR 31
Sun, Z. ORGN 565 Swager, T.M. COLL 471 Szilasi, S. YCC 4
Sun, Z. PHYS 588 Swager, T.M. COLL 472 Szleifer, I. PHYS 121
Sun, Z. COMP 249 Swager, T.M. ENFL 455 Szostak, M. ORGN 204
Sun, Z. COMP 269 Swager, T.M. PMSE 60 Szychowski, B. INOR 784
Sundaram, D.V. INOR 382 Swager, T.M. POLY 44 Szymaniak, A. ORGN 570
Sundararaman, R. CATL 337 Swager, T.M. POLY 88 Szymanski, J. NUCL 9
Sundararaman, R. ENVR 136 Swager, T.M. POLY 274 Sørby, M. ENFL 67
Sundell, B.J. ENFL 470 Swager, T.M. POLY 284 Ta, K. CATL 384
Sunder, P.R. INOR 137 Swager, T.M. POLY 611 Tabanca, N. AGRO 69
Sundquist, S.B. POLY 489 Swager, T.M. POLY 669 Tabanca, N. AGRO 72
Sundstrom, L. MEDI 8 Swagler, C.S. ANYL 159 Tabanca, N. AGRO 316
Sundstrom, V. INOR 19 Swaim, C. ENFL 354 Tabtabaei, S. AGFD 122
Sung, L. ENVR 160 Swaim, C. ENFL 355 Tabudlong, P. ANYL 167
Sung, L. PMSE 657 Swaim, C. ENFL 356 Tada, A. AGFD 29
Sung, L. PMSE 669 Swale, D. AGRO 101 Tada, H. INOR 732
Sung, P. ORGN 309 Swale, D. AGRO 108 Tadjiki, S. ANYL 156
Sung, S. INOR 14 Swale, D. AGRO 294 Tadmor, R. POLY 94
Sunny, S. POLY 157 Swale, D.R. AGRO 305 Tafazolian, H. INOR 883
Suo, Z. BIOL 17 Swale, D.R. AGRO 307 Tafen, D. CATL 11
Suo, Z. TOXI 96 Swallow, S. ORGN 548 Tafti, D. POLY 315
Suominen, L. INOR 771 Swami, N. ANYL 321 Tagen, M. MEDI 253
Supalo, C. PROF 2 Swamidass, S. TOXI 69 Taghavy, A. ENVR 421
Supalo, C.A. PROF 15 Swan, J. PMSE 420 Taguchi, S. POLY 263
Suppan, K. ORGN 146 Swann, S. MEDI 110 Tah, S. CINF 38
Sur, R. AGRO 81 Swanson, G. INOR 156 Tahmazian, N.N. CHED 57


Tahsini, L. INOR 99 Tallapudi, S. I&EC 51 Tang, P. AGRO 335

Tahsini, L. INOR 234 Tallarida, N. PHYS 100 Tang, P.K. COMP 245
Tahtinen, M. PMSE 283 Tallent, S. AGFD 212 Tang, Q. TOXI 63
Tai, H. COMP 352 Talley, S. PMSE 330 Tang, Q. TOXI 64
Taifan, W. CATL 98 Talley, S. POLY 433 Tang, Q. TOXI 70
Taifan, W. CATL 197 Talsania, A. PHYS 494 Tang, Q. ENVR 171
Tait, S.L. CATL 20 Tam, L. TOXI 53 Tang, Q. POLY 436
Tait, S.L. CATL 118 Tamamura, H. BIOL 147 Tang, R. ENVR 31
Tait, S.L. COLL 188 Tamanaha, C. ORGN 673 Tang, S. ENFL 452
Tait, S.L. COLL 251 Tamanini, E. MEDI 18 Tang, S. MEDI 43
Tait, S.L. COLL 302 Tamas, G.G. ENFL 245 Tang, S. ANYL 165
Tait, S.L. INOR 677 Tamate, R. POLY 25 Tang, S. PMSE 438
Taitt, C. ANYL 336 Tam-Chang, S. INOR 131 Tang, S. PMSE 439
Tajkhorshid, E. COMP 98 Tamgho, I. ORGN 563 Tang, W. ENVR 56
Tajkhorshid, E. COMP 343 Tamm, L.K. BIOL 10 Tang, W. ENFL 71
Tajkhorshid, E. PHYS 470 Tamm, L.K. PHYS 337 Tang, W. MEDI 225
Takagai, Y. ANYL 319 Tamm, M. INOR 926 Tang, Y. ORGN 258
Takagaki, A. ENFL 174 Tamura, Y. MEDI 106 Tang, Y. ORGN 324
Takahara, A. COLL 218 Tan, A. PMSE 24 Tang, Y. CATL 157
Takahara, A. COLL 240 Tan, A. PMSE 662 Tang, Z. ANYL 116
Takahara, A. COLL 241 Tan, B. POLY 58 Tang, Z. AGRO 11
Takahara, A. COLL 248 Tan, C. ENVR 546 Tang, Z. AGRO 82
Takahara, A. POLY 69 Tan, C. BIOL 63 Tang, Z. AGRO 223
Takahara, A. POLY 218 Tan, D. POLY 484 Tang, Z. AGRO 268
Takahara, A. POLY 300 Tan, E.S. MEDI 17 Tang, Z. AGRO 274
Takahara, A. POLY 481 Tan, G. ENFL 479 Tang, Z. COMP 87
Takahashi, A. PMSE 129 Tan, G. PMSE 488 Tang, Z. COMP 126
Takahashi, C. I&EC 35 Tan, J. COLL 414 Tang, Z. COMP 259
Takahashi, D. INOR 932 Tan, J. ANYL 297 Tang, Z. COMP 356
Takahashi, K. CELL 19 Tan, L. AEI 27 Tang, Z. CATL 465
Takahashi, K. CELL 23 Tan, L. COLL 70 Tanielyan, S.K. CATL 469
Takahashi, K. CELL 24 Tan, L. COLL 123 Tanino, K. ORGN 647
Takahashi, K. CELL 25 Tan, L. PMSE 555 Tannenbaum, R. AEI 22
Takahashi, R. COLL 91 Tan, L. ORGN 256 Tannenbaum, R. CELL 22
Takahashi, R. COLL 92 Tan, R. COLL 556 Tannenbaum, R. COLL 293
Takahashi, R. MEDI 253 Tan, S. AGFD 61 Tannenbaum, S.R. TOXI 8
Takahashi, T. COLL 248 Tan, S. ORGN 645 Tantai, X. COLL 168
Takakuwa, Y. ANYL 153 Tan, S. CATL 43 Tantai, X. ENFL 138
Takami, T. ANYL 153 Tan, W. ENVR 124 Tantama, M. BIOL 55
Takanabe, K. CATL 359 Tan, X. INOR 367 Tantihet, K. ENFL 218
Takanabe, K. COLL 335 Tan, Z. COMP 286 Tantillo, D. ORGN 177
Takarada, T. COLL 485 Tan, Z.W. AEI 8 Tantillo, D. WCC 4
Takashima, H. ORGN 618 Tan, Z.W. ORGN 28 Tao, F. CATL 149
Takasu, A. PMSE 389 Tan, Y. AGFD 241 Tao, F. CATL 157
Takasu, A. PMSE 407 Tanabe, C. AGFD 209 Tao, F. COLL 479
Takasu, A. POLY 480 Tanaka, A.S. COLL 175 Tao, J. AGRO 254
Takatama, K. ANYL 80 Tanaka, F. ORGN 488 Tao, L. ORGN 566
Takaya, K. MEDI 265 Tanaka, J. PMSE 644 Tao, M. CATL 85
Takechi, K. ENFL 433 Tanaka, K. POLY 352 Tao, N. ANYL 93
Takeda, M. ORGN 676 Tanaka, K. MEDI 343 Tao, P. COMP 116
Takeoka, S. COLL 219 Tanaka, M. ORGN 119 Tao, P. COMP 131
Takeoka, S. COLL 577 Tanaka, M. ORGN 124 Tao, P. COMP 238
Takeoka, Y. ENFL 184 Tanaka, M. ORGN 156 Tao, P. COMP 239
Takeoka, Y. ENFL 189 Tanaka, M. ORGN 159 Tao, S. ENFL 292
Takeoka, Y. PMSE 378 Tanaka, N. COLL 243 Tao, S. ENVR 43
Takeoka, Y. PMSE 433 Tanasova, M. TOXI 61 Tao, W.A. ORGN 82
Takeshima, H. POLY 404 Tandel, F. ANYL 121 Taoda, Y. MEDI 265
Takeuchi, E.S. AEI 53 Tang, B. POLY 350 Taoufik, M. CATL 124
Takeuchi, E.S. ENFL 165 Tang, B. POLY 570 Tapping, P. PHYS 524
Takeuchi, E.S. ENFL 166 Tang, C. ENFL 82 Taraboletti, A. BIOL 118
Takeuchi, E.S. ENFL 482 Tang, C. ENFL 205 Taraboletti, A. ORGN 89
Takeuchi, I. COLL 538 Tang, C. CHED 296 Tarakanova, V. ORGN 82
Takeuchi, J. MEDI 343 Tang, C. PMSE 639 Tarby, C.M. MEDI 25
Takeuchi, K. COMP 371 Tang, C. ENVR 405 Tardif, M. CHED 142
Takeuchi, K.J. AEI 53 Tang, C. PMSE 504 Tardy, A. POLY 310
Takeuchi, K.J. ENFL 165 Tang, C. POLY 132 Tardy, A. POLY 427
Takeuchi, K.J. ENFL 166 Tang, C. POLY 253 Tariq, I. CHED 16
Takeuchi, K.J. ENFL 482 Tang, C. POLY 277 Tariq, I. CHED 196
Takiar, N. I&EC 54 Tang, C. POLY 533 Tarkalanov, N. AGRO 27
Takizawa, Y. COMP 371 Tang, C. POLY 539 Tarkhov, A. CINF 34
Talapin, D. COLL 492 Tang, C. POLY 714 Tarkhov, A. CINF 42
Talapin, D. COLL 561 Tang, D. MEDI 250 Tarnavchyk, I. PMSE 174
Talbot, M.O. INOR 221 Tang, E. MEDI 83 Tarnavchyk, I. POLY 635
Talbot, W. NUCL 69 Tang, F. AGFD 118 Tarr, T. CHED 339
Talbott, R.L. MEDI 147 Tang, J. COMP 269 Tas, C. AGFD 132
Tal-Gan, Y. CHED 278 Tang, J. COMP 42 Tashiro, S. INOR 732
Talham, D.R. COMP 185 Tang, K. AGFD 264 Tasinato, N. PHYS 55
Taliaferro, C. INOR 179 Tang, L. ANYL 323 Tasovac, N. ANYL 367
Talin, A.A. INOR 447 Tang, L. PMSE 231 Tassone, C. PMSE 524
Tallapally, V. INOR 779 Tang, M. PHYS 191 Tat, K. BIOL 55

414 –AUTH
Tata, J. CATL 207 Temelso, B. PHYS 375 Thakkar, H. ENFL 182
Tata, J. MEDI 225 Tempas, C. CATL 118 Thakkar, K. ENFL 222
Tatebe, C. AGFD 29 Tempas, C. COLL 251 Thakkar, R. CHED 160
Tateyama, S. POLY 758 Tempas, C.D. CATL 20 Thakor, V. MEDI 190
Tatham, L.M. COLL 65 Tempas, C.D. COLL 188 Thakor, V. MEDI 191
Tatsumi, K. PHYS 262 Tempas, C.D. INOR 677 Thakor, V. MEDI 288
Tat Thang, V. COLL 577 Temple, S. PHYS 493 Thakur, A. COMP 203
Tatum, W.K. PMSE 617 Tena Pérez, V. MEDI 282 Thakur, N. MPPG 25
Tau, S. PMSE 254 Tender, L. ENVR 301 Thakurathi, M. ANYL 166
Tavares, M.T. MEDI 320 Tender, L.M. ENVR 535 Thalangamaarachchige, V. ANYL 166
Tavazza, F. COMP 146 Tender, L.M. ENVR 561 Thane, T. ORGN 586
Taveau, D. AGRO 399 Teng, B. AGFD 24 Thanna, S. CARB 41
Tavis, J. ORGN 208 Teng, P. ORGN 165 Thanna, S. MEDI 327
Tay, C. COLL 513 Teng, P. ORGN 166 Thanna, S. ORGN 414
Taylor, A.J. AGFD 169 Teng, X. CATL 305 Thanneeru, S. POLY 24
Taylor, A.J. AGFD 170 Teng, X. CATL 475 Thany, S. AGRO 139
Taylor, A. COLL 39 Teng, X. ENFL 130 Thanzeel, F.Y. ORGN 162
Taylor, C.J. CHED 34 Tengco, J. CATL 369 Thapa, R. INOR 232
Taylor, C.J. CHED 120 Tenney, D. MEDI 269 Thapaliya, B.P. I&EC 52
Taylor, D. MEDI 326 Tenney, S. INOR 128 Tharayil, N. ENVR 228
Taylor, D. ENFL 453 Tennyson, A.G. INOR 105 Thavornprasert, K. CATL 310
Taylor, E. ANYL 420 Tennyson, A.G. INOR 964 Thawley, S. AGRO 151
Taylor, J.J. ENFL 90 Tennyson, E.M. ENFL 11 Thawley, S. AGRO 155
Taylor, J.B. ANYL 106 Tenora, L. MEDI 318 Thayumanavan, S. PMSE 465
Taylor, J.A. MEDI 225 Teo, N. PMSE 327 Theato, P. POLY 259
Taylor, J. CINF 23 Teo, Y. PMSE 43 Theis, T. INOR 190
Taylor, J.A. AGRO 133 Teo, Y. POLY 728 Theis, T.L. ENVR 40
Taylor, J.A. AGRO 194 Teobald, B. MEDI 8 Thelakkat, M. ENFL 94
Taylor, J.A. AGRO 330 Teoh, S. BIOL 160 Thelen, X. PHYS 551
Taylor, K. COMP 12 Tepić, N. ENVR 496 Thenuwara, A.C. CATL 131
Taylor, L. COMP 244 Teplyakov, A.V. COLL 134 Thenuwara, A.C. ENFL 416
Taylor, M. INOR 925 Teplyakov, A.V. COLL 262 Theopold, K.H. CATL 443
Taylor, M. MEDI 313 Teplyakov, A.V. COLL 267 Therien, M.J. INOR 113
Taylor, P.A. NUCL 65 Teplyakov, A.V. COLL 285 Therien, M.J. INOR 246
Taylor, R. CINF 117 Teplyakov, A.V. COLL 611 Therien, M.J. INOR 479
Taylor, S. AEI 89 Tepper, R. PMSE 72 Theriot, J. POLY 691
Taylor, S. INOR 348 Terada, Y. ANYL 155 Therrien, A. CATL 21
Taylor, S. PMSE 431 Terashima, T. PMSE 650 Therrien, A. CATL 398
Taylor, S. CATL 150 Terashima, T. POLY 403 Theus, M. PMSE 603
Taylor, S.S. BIOL 180 Terashima, T. POLY 555 Thevenin, L. POLY 411
Taylor, S.S. BIOL 184 Tereshatov, E. NUCL 11 Thevuthasan, S. CATL 431
Taylor, T. PHYS 374 Teriak, R. ORGN 277 Thevuthasan, T. CATL 232
Taylor, T.L. MEDI 7 Terrano, D. COLL 256 Thi, H.T. ANYL 319
Taylor-Pashow, K.M. I&EC 20 Terrell, J. COLL 308 Thibault, Y. INOR 517
Taylor-Wells, J. AGRO 203 Terrell, J. PHYS 527 Thidarat, T. CATL 469
Tazhigulov, R. PHYS 488 Terrett, J.A. ORGN 636 Thiel, W. WCC 4
Tchienga, H.T. MEDI 130 Terreux, R. COMP 339 Thiessen, P. CHAS 34
Tchougreeff, A.L. PHYS 209 Territo, P. MEDI 38 Thiessen, P. CINF 45
Teachey, D.T. COLL 27 Territo, P. MEDI 307 Thilakaratne, R. CATL 364
Teague, C.M. CHED 115 Terrones, M. COMP 371 Thiry, J. AGRO 290
Teague, C.M. ENFL 45 Terrones, M. INOR 783 Thistle, H. AGRO 113
Teanby, N. PHYS 551 Terrones, M. INOR 870 Thoburn, J.D. ORGN 80
Teasdale, I. PMSE 107 Terry, I. ENVR 479 Thoden, T. AGRO 140
Teator, A. POLY 303 Tesch, D. PHYS 383 Thoi, V. INOR 37
Tebbe, M. COLL 465 Tesefay, H. POLY 632 Thoi, V. INOR 375
Techen, N. AGRO 316 Tesema, T.E. INOR 343 Thoi, V. INOR 741
Tedder, J. INOR 725 Teske, K.A. AEI 58 Thoi, V. INOR 821
Tedesco, S. ENFL 374 Teske, K.A. MEDI 52 Thomas, A. CHED 253
Tedesco, S. GEOC 22 Teske, M. AGRO 113 Thomas, A. SOCED 3
Tedesco, S. GEOC 26 Teslich, N. NUCL 69 Thomas, A.M. ENFL 398
Teeter, J.S. AGRO 407 Tess, D.A. MEDI 258 Thomas, A. COLL 379
Teets, T.S. INOR 397 Tessier, C. MEDI 290 Thomas, C.M. INOR 307
Tegenaw, A. ENVR 42 Tessonnier, J. CATL 116 Thomas, C.J. AEI 8
Tehan, B. COMP 85 Tessonnier, J. CATL 364 Thomas, C.J. COMP 288
Tehan, B. MEDI 8 Tessonnier, J. ENVR 128 Thomas, C.J. ORGN 28
Tehrani, M.W. ANYL 277 Tessonnier, J. POLY 197 Thomas, G. INOR 235
Teichert, M.A. CHED 99 Tesz, G.J. MEDI 258 Thomas, G. ENFL 421
Teichert, M.A. CHED 411 Tetlow, D.J. ORGN 537 Thomas, G. CHED 329
Teitgen, A.M. BIOL 128 Tetlow, D.J. ORGN 538 Thomas, G. PROF 6
Teixeira, A. CATL 444 Teulère, C. POLY 321 Thomas, J.R. ORGN 620
Teixeira, A. ENVR 110 Tew, G.N. COLL 546 Thomas, J. CHED 253
Tejeda-Serrano, M. CATL 41 Tew, G.N. POLY 146 Thomas, J.M. PHYS 357
Tejima, S. COMP 371 Teytelman, L. CINF 107 Thomas, K.G. COLL 379
Telford, S.W. INOR 508 Tezcan, F.A. INOR 771 Thomas, M.F. CELL 29
Teli, M. ENVR 442 Thackeray, J.W. PMSE 121 Thomas, M. AEI 43
Telitel, S. PMSE 224 Thai, E. ENFL 235 Thomas, M. INOR 43
Tellers, D.M. ORGN 383 Thai, E. ENFL 258 Thomas, M. INOR 774
Tello-Aburto, R. MEDI 121 Thairsrivongs, D. ORGN 256 Thomas, P. MEDI 341
Telo, J.P. TOXI 101 Thakellapalli, H. ORGN 424 Thomas, R. COLL 379
Telo da Gama, M.M. PHYS 18 Thakellapalli, H. ORGN 463 Thomas, R. CHED 394


Thomas, S.W. PMSE 364 Tian, Y. COLL 445 Tiwari, A. ORGN 684
Thomas, S.W. POLY 289 Tian, Y. ENVR 357 Tiwary, P. COMP 66
Thomas, S.J. MEDI 85 Tian, Y. ENVR 218 Tizzard, G.J. MEDI 141
Thomas, S. ORGN 223 Tian, Y. PHYS 319 Tjandra, M. MEDI 250
Thomas, S. POLY 737 Tian, Z. POLY 606 Tjandra, N. INOR 632
Thomas, T. CHED 64 Tian, Z. PMSE 376 Tjandra, N. PHYS 243
Thomas, T.S. PMSE 600 Tian, Z. ANYL 165 Tkachenko, V. CINF 9
Thomas, T. MEDI 16 Tian, Z. ANYL 268 Tkachenko, V. CINF 20
Thomas, T. SCHB 3 Tian, Z. ENFL 186 Tkachenko, V. CINF 35
Thommes, M. ENFL 396 Tian, Z. PHYS 413 Tkachenko, V. CINF 66
Thompson, A. ENFL 447 Tianhao, W. ENFL 244 Tkachenko, V. CINF 101
Thompson, A.P. COMP 6 Tianhao, W. ENFL 480 Tkachenko, V. CINF 122
Thompson, A.P. COMP 97 Tibabuzo, A.M. AEI 89 Tkachenko, V. CINF 131
Thompson, C. PMSE 342 Tibabuzo, A.M. PMSE 431 Tkachenko, V. COMP 302
Thompson, C. PMSE 574 Tibbetts, C.A. PHYS 393 Tkachenko, V. TOXI 56
Thompson, J. INOR 478 Tibbetts, J.R. ENFL 90 Tkachenko, V. TOXI 100
Thompson, J.E. INOR 724 Tibbetts, K.M. PHYS 567 Tkacik, E. BIOL 47
Thompson, K. COLL 409 Tice, D.B. INOR 565 Tobias, A.K. COLL 501
Thompson, K. PMSE 348 Tichnell, C. INOR 115 Tobiason, J.E. ENVR 149
Thompson, K. COLL 22 Ticknor, B.W. YCC 8 Tobisu, M. ORGN 38
Thompson, L. ENFL 303 Tidgewell, K.J. MEDI 138 Toborek, M. ENVR 41
Thompson, L.T. ENFL 170 Tidwell, M.W. ENVR 296 Todorov, T. AGFD 210
Thompson, L.T. INOR 206 Tiede, D.M. CATL 377 Todorov, T.I. ANYL 218
Thompson, L.T. INOR 389 Tiedemann, N. CATL 61 Todorov, T. AGFD 30
Thompson, L.T. INOR 391 Tielens, A. PHYS 157 Toenjes, S. MEDI 40
Thompson, L.T. INOR 499 Tielens, A. PHYS 158 Tofail, S.A. COLL 512
Thompson, L.T. INOR 607 Tielens, F. CATL 197 Tofoleanu, F. COMP 380
Thompson, L.K. PHYS 240 Tielens, X. PHYS 4 Toimil Molares, M. PMSE 419
Thompson, M.E. INOR 339 Tielens, X. PHYS 156 Tojo, M.C. CHED 158
Thompson, M.E. INOR 687 Tiemsin, P.I. COLL 150 Tokarski, C. ANYL 225
Thompson, M.E. INOR 730 Tierno, A.F. ORGN 608 Tokarski, J.S. MEDI 7
Thompson, M.E. ORGN 686 Tietjen, I. ORGN 386 Tokarski, J.S. MEDI 25
Thompson, M.K. INOR 942 Tillack, A.F. PMSE 658 Tokarz, P. CHED 243
Thompson, M.N. AGRO 181 Tillekeratne, L. MEDI 321 Tokmic, K. INOR 855
Thompson, M.C. PHYS 489 Tilley, T.D. INOR 308 Tokmina-Lukaszewska, M. CATL 224
Thompson, M.C. PHYS 563 Tilley, T.D. INOR 421 Tokuriki, N. PHYS 90
Thompson, P.A. ORGN 63 Tillman, K.R. PMSE 509 Tolbert, S.H. INOR 64
Thompson, R. PRES 20 Tilton, R.D. COLL 52 Toledo, R.T. AGFD 216
Thompson, R.R. INOR 885 Tilton, R.D. POLY 383 Tollefson, E. ORGN 363
Thompson, S.T. CATL 34 Timachova, K. POLY 297 Tolman, W.B. CATL 391
Thompson, S. ENVR 258 Timko, M.T. ENVR 92 Tolman, W.B. INOR 436
Thomson, N. ORGN 143 Timko, M.T. ENVR 93 Tolokh, I.S. COMP 222
Thongsahuan, S. AGRO 395 Timko, M.T. ENVR 129 Tom, J. COLL 450
Thonhauser, T. PHYS 185 Timmerman, J. PMSE 417 Toma, F. CATL 382
Thorat, N. COLL 512 Timonen, J. COLL 87 Tomaine, A.J. ORGN 578
Thörle-Pospiech, P. NUCL 48 Timoshenko, J. CATL 90 Tomandl, D. CINF 141
Thorn, D. INOR 499 Timoshenko, J. ENFL 348 Tomas, A. POLY 623
Thornell, T.L. PMSE 547 Timsina, R. COMP 200 Tomasino, A. AGFD 198
Thornton, G. CATL 22 Timsina, Y. ORGN 133 Tomasino, E. AGFD 92
Thornton, J.M. PHYS 89 Timsina, Y. PMSE 586 Tomasino, E. AGFD 198
Thornton, J.M. PHYS 447 Ting, A. BIOL 5 Tomasula, P.M. POLY 755
Thornton, J.A. ENVR 189 Ting, Y.S. PHYS 295 Tomita, I. POLY 341
Thornton, S. ENVR 97 Ting, Y. AGFD 52 Tomita, I. POLY 354
Thorpe, C. BIOL 67 Ting, Y. AGFD 53 Tomonaga, A. COMP 201
Thorpe, C. BIOL 177 Ting, Y. AGFD 70 Tomson, N.C. INOR 867
Thorpe, C. BIOL 179 Ting, Y. AGFD 71 Tomson, N.C. INOR 912
Thorsell, A. MEDI 51 Ting, Y. AGFD 84 Tondreau, A.M. INOR 468
Thota, S. CATL 327 Ting, Y. COLL 170 Tong, C. PMSE 170
Thouron, F. CARB 20 Tinoco, A. COLL 149 Tong, L. INOR 903
Thrasher, C. POLY 221 Tinoco, A.D. CHED 199 Tong, L. PMSE 616
Threlfall, R. CINF 22 Tirrell, M.V. AEI 82 Tong, M.T. AGRO 389
Throner, S. MEDI 23 Tirrell, M.V. COLL 12 Tong, N. MEDI 120
Thuma, B. MEDI 258 Tirrell, M.V. PMSE 188 Tong, R. POLY 301
Thummel, R.P. INOR 903 Tirrell, M.V. PMSE 192 Tong, R. POLY 487
Thunberg, L. ORGN 548 Tirrell, M.V. PMSE 263 Tong, S. AGRO 228
Thurman, N. AGRO 151 Tirrell, M.V. PMSE 320 Tong, W. COLL 552
Thurman, N. AGRO 155 Tirrell, M.V. PMSE 478 Tong, X. CARB 53
Thurman, N. AGRO 220 Tirrell, M.V. POLY 346 Tong, X. ENFL 48
Thurman, N. AGRO 289 Tirrell, M.V. POLY 358 Tong, Y. CATL 177
Thursch, L. COLL 413 Tirumuru, N. BIOL 50 Tong, Y. CATL 319
Thyne, G. GEOC 8 Tirunagari, S. BIOL 165 Tong, Y. CATL 376
Tian, F. PMSE 371 Tiruvalam, R.R. CATL 259 Tong, Y. CATL 387
Tian, H. ENFL 135 Tischler, J. COLL 563 Tong, Y. CATL 461
Tian, H. CATL 313 Tisko, E. CHED 11 Tong, Y. PHYS 537
Tian, L. ANYL 396 Titirici, M. ENVR 85 Tonge, P.J. COMP 62
Tian, M. ENFL 361 Titz, A. CARB 2 Tonge, P.J. COMP 111
Tian, S. INOR 385 Tivanski, A.V. ENVR 529 Tonkin, C. PMSE 606
Tian, S. ENFL 89 Tivanski, A.V. ENVR 530 Tonks, I. CHAS 33
Tian, X. PMSE 500 Tivanski, A.V. ENVR 557 Tonks, I. ORGN 198
Tian, Y. CARB 47 Tiwari, A. ORGN 408 Toops, T. CATL 399

416 –AUTH
Toops, T. CATL 402 Tran, L. COMP 44 Truhlar, D.G. INOR 294
Toops, T. ENFL 297 Tran, L. COMP 136 Truhlar, D.G. PHYS 600
Toose, L. ENVR 350 Tran, L. PHYS 32 Trujillo, C.A. ENFL 444
Topham, B. CHED 289 Tran, L. PHYS 82 Trujillo, V. CHED 131
Topol, I.A. CINF 126 Tran, L. PHYS 402 Trull, K.J. BIOL 55
Topping, D. ENVR 554 Tran, L. PHYS 472 Trullinger, T.K. AGRO 385
Torabifard, H. PHYS 44 Tran, L. PHYS 481 Trulove, P.C. ANYL 287
Torkelson, J.M. PMSE 1 Tran, N. COMP 184 Trulove, P.C. ENFL 251
Torkelson, J.M. PMSE 3 Tran, N.T. POLY 171 Trump, B.A. INOR 149
Torkelson, J.M. PMSE 24 Tran, N. PHYS 580 Trump, B.A. INOR 754
Torkelson, J.M. PMSE 277 Tran, U.P. ORGN 283 Truong, P. MEDI 74
Torkelson, J.M. PMSE 296 Tran, V.H. ENVR 145 Truong, S. ORGN 86
Torkelson, J.M. PMSE 299 Tran Ba, K. AEI 6 Trylska, J. COMP 226
Torkelson, J.M. PMSE 662 Tran Ba, K. PMSE 217 Trylska, J. COMP 382
Torkelson, J.M. POLY 317 Transue, W. INOR 304 Tsai, A. MEDI 258
Tornero-Velez, R. ENVR 388 Trantakis, I.A. TOXI 49 Tsai, C. COMP 127
Törnroos, K.W. INOR 651 Trask, J. AGRO 13 Tsai, C. COMP 270
Torquato, R.J. COLL 175 Trask, J. AGRO 76 Tsai, C. COMP 389
Torquato, R.J. COLL 609 Trask, J. AGRO 77 Tsai, D. COLL 527
Torrens, K. ENVR 378 Trate, J.M. CHED 98 Tsai, D. COLL 595
Torrents, A. AGRO 115 Trautmann, C. PMSE 419 Tsai, F. I&EC 45
Torrents, A. AGRO 218 Trautmann, N. NUCL 49 Tsai, K. INOR 6
Torrents, A. AGRO 347 Trautmann, N. NUCL 48 Tsai, M. ENVR 452
Torrents, A. ENVR 202 Traverse, J.F. ORGN 549 Tsai, Y. ENVR 500
Torres, C. ENVR 18 Trefonas, P. PMSE 121 Tsang, T. MEDI 306
Torres, C. ENVR 255 Treich, G.M. POLY 608 Tsao, Y.T. POLY 134
Torres, C. ENVR 538 Treich, N.R. INOR 49 Tsao, Y. INOR 44
Torres, E. INOR 177 Treitler, D. I&EC 37 Tsapatsis, M. ENVR 131
Torron, S. PMSE 175 Trendell, W.C. PHYS 377 Tsarevsky, N.V. HIST 2
Torto, B. AGRO 71 Trentle, M.C. POLY 523 Tsarevsky, N.V. PMSE 68
Tortorici, C. AGRO 16 Tress, M. POLY 95 Tsarevsky, N.V. PMSE 540
Tortosa, M. ORGN 140 Tretiak, S. PHYS 271 Tsarevsky, N.V. POLY 261
Tosaka, K. ANYL 239 Tretyakova, N.Y. BIOL 124 Tsarevsky, N.V. POLY 373
Tosh, D. MEDI 45 Tretyakova, N.Y. BIOL 127 Tsau, J. ENVR 369
Tosh, D.K. MEDI 1 Tretyakova, N.Y. TOXI 60 Tse, C. CATL 35
Tosh, D.K. MEDI 2 Tretyakova, N.Y. TOXI 67 Tse, E. AEI 54
Toshniwal, P. COLL 488 Trewyn, B.G. INOR 839 Tse, E. INOR 419
Toste, D. ORGN 118 Trewyn, B.G. INOR 872 Tse, J. PHYS 426
Tostmann, H. CHAL 10 Trewyn, B.G. INOR 876 Tseng, H. ENFL 171
Tóth, Z. COMP 69 Trexler, M. PMSE 284 Tsianou, M. COLL 5
Totrov, M. AGRO 111 Tribe, L. CHED 109 Tsianou, M. COLL 597
Totrov, M. MEDI 275 Tribe, L. COMP 163 Tsikolia, M. AGRO 309
Totsingan, F. POLY 78 Tribe, L. COMP 185 Tsinas, Z. I&EC 31
Totsingan, F. POLY 266 Trice, S.L. ORGN 335 Tsitsilianis, C. PMSE 319
Totzke, J. BIOL 156 Trifanov, A.M. ANYL 190 Tsosie, R.L. ENVR 321
Tour, J.M. ENFL 146 Trikalitis, V.D. COLL 576 Tsourkas, A. ANYL 56
Tour, J.M. ENFL 475 Trimble, V.L. HIST 20 Tsubasa, S. PMSE 433
Tour, J.M. PMSE 550 Trimboli,

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