Assignment Letter MOTORCYCLES

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For exclusive company purposes, the Company hereby assigns in favour of its worker the
motorcycle unit with the following details:

Worker’s Name: ______________________

Plate No.: ______________________

Registration No. ______________________

Motorcycle Brand: ______________________

Model: ______________________
Displacement: ______________________
Year: ______________________

The herein assignment is hereby accepted by the worker and the latter expressly agrees
to abide by, follow and comply with the following terms and conditions:

1. The motorcycle unit shall be used exclusively for official company purposes only;

2. Ownership of the motorcycle unit shall remain with the company, and the worker
shall be prohibited from mortgaging, pledging, lending, modifying, upgrading and
in any manner altering the motorcycle unit;

3. Care of the motorcycle unit and in the operation thereof shall be the full
responsibility of the worker, who shall be liable for any loss, injury or damages to
other persons, including the Company, which may be occasioned by any accident
or vehicular mishap in which the motorcycle unit figures;

4. The worker acknowledges that the motorcycle unit has been assigned to him in
view of the trust and confidence reposed in him by the Company; and

5. Upon the separation of the worker from the Company, the motorcycle unit shall
be returned immediately and without delay, without need of demand

The worker further agrees that the terms and conditions hereof may be amended from
time to time as the needs of the Company may require.

Done this (DATE) at (PLACE).

With my acceptance and conformity:


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