CS National Assessor Final Draft
CS National Assessor Final Draft
CS National Assessor Final Draft
UNIT TITLE: Train the Trainer – ASEAN National Assessor NOMINAL HOURS: 35
UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit deals with the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to train experienced industry assessors to assess
vocational training using ASEAN Toolboxes.
2.3 Evaluate ASEAN assessment Role of Competency Based Assessment in Competency Based Training and its
relationship to Competency Based Training.
Role of ASEAN trainers and assessors will include:
Definition of roles and responsibilities of an ASEAN toolbox trainer
Explanation of nature of relationship between ASEAN toolbox trainers and assessors
Structure of vocational training using ASEAN Toolboxes will include:
Identification of Labour Divisions
Identification of Unit Titles for ASEAN Toolboxes developed
Identification of qualifications available under the ASEAN Regional Qualifications
Framework and Skills Recognition System
Explanation of concept of Packaging Rules to develop ASEAN qualifications
Components of an ASEAN Toolbox will include:
Identification and explanation of contents of an ASEAN Toolbox Competency Standard
Identification and explanation of contents of an ASEAN Toolbox Trainee Manual:
Identification and explanation of contents of an ASEAN toolbox PowerPoint slide show
Identification and explanation of contents of an ASEAN toolbox Trainer Guide
Identification and explanation of contents of an ASEAN toolbox Assessor Manual:
Plan and prepare for assessment of an ASEAN Competency Standard will include:
Review of Competency Standard
Determination of assessment approach
Preparation of assessment plan
Selection and scheduling of assessment activities/instruments
Liaison with trainer
Organisation of assessment environment
Communication and confirmation of assessment requirements and arrangements to
candidates and relevant others.
Conduct assessment of an ASEAN Competency Standard will include:
Verification of assessment with candidate/s
Principles of assessment
Rules of evidence
Need to gather quality evidence
Need to support candidates
Use of Work Projects
Use of Assessor Manual
Implementation of selected assessment items
Making the assessment decision.
Evaluate ASEAN assessment will include:
Completion of required assessment records
Evaluation of assessment environment used
Evaluation of resources used
Evaluation of personal approach and orientation
Evaluation of assessment activities/items and procedures used
Evaluation of assessment decisions
Communication of results and findings.
Assessment Guide
The following skills and knowledge must be assessed as part of this unit:
Demonstrated ability to gather sufficient evidence to make a valid ‘Competent’/’Not Yet
Competent’ decision ensuring compliance with accepted Principles of Assessment and
Rules of Evidence for Competency Based Assessment.
Linkages To Other Units
Train the Trainer – ASEAN Master Trainer (MTA12).
Train the Trainer – ASEAN Master Assessor (MTA 2)
Train the Trainer – ASEAN National Trainer (NTA 1).
Context of Assessment
This unit may be assessed in a training institution or a workplace:
Assessment must include practical demonstration of assessment of a nominated ASEAN
toolbox to a student group
Implementation of assessment must include use of assessment items contained in
relevant ASEAN Assessment Manual.
Resource Implications
Training and assessment to include access to a suitably equipped training facility that
provides the candidate with an opportunity to demonstrate application of assessing learners
in the competencies and requirements of a nominated ASEAN Toolbox.
Assessment Methods
The following methods may be used to assess competency for this unit:
Observation of practical performance
Oral and written questions
Portfolio of evidence/written work
Third party reports.
Key Competencies Level Examples
Working with others and in teams 2 Liaising with trainers and assessors
Cooperating with candidates to accommodate
legitimate assessment issues