Forces and Motion Lesson Plan
Forces and Motion Lesson Plan
Forces and Motion Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Connecting Time, Distance and Velocity (Using the Sonic Ranger)
Lesson Objective: Instructional Model: Inquiry1
Students will:
• Design an experimental model that will allow for the measurement of distance
and time and the calculation of velocity.
• Conduct a controlled experiment that allows the collection of distance/time data.
• Organize and graph data and use a mathematical equation to calculate slope in
order to make connections between distance, time, and velocity.
• Describe the motion of an object along a path.
• Communicate experimental data and make real world connection with the facts.
• Students will analyze the motion of a student walking across the room using the
Motion Detector. They will also predict, sketch and test position and velocity vs.
time kinematics graphs.
• The Motion Detector is used in this lab that qualitatively analyzes the motion of
objects that move back and forth. Comparisons are made to catalog objects that
exhibit similar motion. Objects analyzed may include pendulums, dynamics carts,
students jumping, springs, and bouncing balls.
1. For basic understanding of motion students are need only a fundamental
understand of mathematical equations. Providing students with numerous
opportunities to conduct experiment with motion and to describe motion will help
increase measurement and mathematical skills.
2. Students may be limited in their ability to describe motion because they think of
motion as movement or no movement. Helping students divide motion into three
categories: constant speed, increasing speeding, and decreasing speed may give
students an initial framework for discussing motion.
3. Relative motion of an object along a path and vibration in materials, such as,
wave’s motion or the movement of falling dominoes is not the same.
Lesson Materials:
1. Stop watches
2. Meter sticks, measuring tapes
3. Toy car, toy trucks
4. Thin wooden board or ramp
5. Pasco Motion Sensor
6. Graph paper /pencils
7. Computer installed w/ Logger Pro software
Pose Questions:
1. How do you know an object is in motion?
2. How do you measure how fast an object is moving?
3. What do you need to know in order to find velocity?
4. What variables might affect the velocity of an object over a given time?
5. What can be done to increase the reliability of experimental data?
2. Mini-Lesson: Whole Group (10 minutes)
• The concepts of experimental design. Tell students that variables are any
factors, conditions or events that can be manipulated to affect the outcome of
an experiment.
Teacher Demonstration: Falling Dominoes3:
• Students observe a factor that affects the speed of falling dominoes.
• Students observe and practice using a stopwatch.
• Display materials where they are readily available to students.
Instructional Model:
• Cooperative Group: 4-5 Students
• Groups should be pre-determined by teacher to reflect varying ability levels in
the class.
• Each group member should have a specific responsibility; e.g., recorder,
reporter, materials manager, timekeeper, manager.
Session 1 Objectives:
Groups will:
• Select appropriate materials, design an experiment to investigate and describe
the motion of their object along a path.
• Measure the distance an object travels over time.
• Develop a system to collect and organize data.
4. Session 1 Wrap-Up
Students clean up and return materials.
5. Assessment:
• Teacher, using a checklist, should note if groups have an organized set of data.
• Teacher, using a checklist, should note if each group member is actively
engaged and on task.
5. Assessment:
Informal Assessment:
• Groups will be assessed by teacher review of their design and plan for
organization of data. Groups should have a written plan for their investigation
and including group member assignments. There should be visible evidence of
organization of data, such as, charts or tables. Teacher will use a four-point
rubric to determine level of mastery.
• Students will document their individual learning by making entries in science
journals. Teacher review of science journals give insight into possible
misconceptions that students may have. Teacher should give student
individual feedback in journal.
• Group will be assessed by a review of their data and graphs. Students must
demonstrate their ability to make connections between distance and velocity
based on a four point rubric (mastery, partial mastery, basic, below basic)
Formal Assessment:
• Students will be given an individual worksheet to assess their understanding
of the connection between distance and velocity. Worksheet should also
assess student’s understanding of scientific vocabulary.
6. Extensions:
• Technology: If available, students will use the Sonic Ranger to record motion
of the same objects, create graphs and find slope to make comparisons with
their original experimental distance and velocity data.
1. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Benchmarks For Science
Literacy, Oxford University Press, 1993, p. 87-90.
2. Ibid. p.12.
3. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Forces, Motion, and Energy, Austin, Texas 2005, p. 3.