21 Century Physics Learning in Senior High School Through Interactive Computer Simulation To Enhance Students Achievement
21 Century Physics Learning in Senior High School Through Interactive Computer Simulation To Enhance Students Achievement
21 Century Physics Learning in Senior High School Through Interactive Computer Simulation To Enhance Students Achievement
Abstract. This study aims to harness interactive computer simulation on physics concept that
have been developed to improve students achievement by determining the differences in
physics learning outcomes of students who were taught using computer simulations with
students who were taught using conventional media and also evaluating students activity and
their perception. The research type is true experiment with Posttest-Only Control Design. The
research instrument used is the test of physics learning result of 20 questions in the form of
multiple choice test which has valid on "Fluid" subject. Data analysis techniques used in this
study is descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing. The results of descriptive analysis showed
that the average score of physics learning outcomes of learners who were taught using a
computer simulation is 13.5 and the average score of physics learning outcomes of learners
who were taught using conventional media is 10. The results of hypothesis testing showed that
there are significant difference in physics learning outcomes between learners who were taught
using computer simulations with learners who were taught using conventional media. The
percentage of students activity and their perception are above 85% that indicate students were
active and agree on physics learning through interactive computer simulation
1. Introduction
Physics is one of the subjects that can develop the ability to think inductive and deductive analysis of
learners in solving problems related to natural phenomenon around. Physics is a science that is
understood through the steps of research, observation or experimentation using scientific methods.
Physical learning will be more interesting when taught not only in the classroom but also in the
laboratory or in the nature laboratory. However, many faculty members in teaching positions
have little to no formal training in pedagogical approaches to teaching and limited time to
devote to improving or changing their approach; relying instead on familiar practices despite
having a desire to change their mode of teaching [1]. In-class learning with conventional and one-
way teaching is not able to improve students' understanding of physical matter optimally. As a result,
based on the results of TIMSS [2] states that (1) the average student physics learning outcomes in
Indonesia for cognitive aspects is still very low; (2) the tendency of physics learning result always
decrease in cognitive aspect.
The results of the observation show that learners have not fully understood to the physics concept
provided by teacher. Most of them can not related they comprehension with the nature phenomenom
around. They can not solve the problem after studying physics in the classroom. They think that
physics is really difficult to be understood and not interesting. In fact, physics concept that always
happen in their daily life can not be explained. The evidence of this incomprehension is seen in which
some learners are unable to relate what they have learned from textbooks to solve the physics problem
To mitigate those cases, teachers can facilitate learners to discover scientific truth by means other
than experiments in laboratories. One way is to demonstrate the phenomenon in front of the class. The
way this demonstration can be done using the equipment used in the experiment, can also use a
substitute object that has the same function and physical symptoms as the experimental apparatus.
Learners are expected to discover the scientific truth of the demonstration activity because they see the
phenomenon and analyze the relation with the existing concept. Better yet if the learners themselves
are involved in the demonstration activities
Partnership for 21st Century Skills identified six key 21st century elements in encouraging
learning, four of the six key elements were (1) using 21st century tools to develop learning skills;
students need to learn how to use tools that are essential for everyday life and to be productive in the
workplace. The ability to utilize ICT is indispensable in the 21st century. (3) Teaching and learning in
a 21st century context; students learn the material through examples, applications, and real-world
experiences both inside and outside school. (3) Teaching and studying the contents of 21st century;
educators need to integrate knowledge and skills in the 21st century. (4) Use 21st century assessments
that measure 21st century skills; to measure skills in the 21st century needs high-quality assessment so
as to measure student achievement in the 21st century elements. In order for the instrument to be used
effectively must be made precisely, sustainably and affordably for all levels of education using
information technology to improve efficiency and clear the timing [3].
Currently many lessons are using technology as a learning medium, especially the harnessing of
computers. Not only in the city alone, even in some villages already have computers in the school.
There are several purposes of computer use in learning. Nowadays, utilization of technologies in
science are rapidly evolving and, for many, the scientific practices, tools, and thinking around which
they were trained bears little resemblance to the interactive and dynamically enhanced practices of
modern science. Along that same line, it is not uncommon for science faculties to have little or no
training in teaching methods and practices, relying on traditional approaches with which they are
familiar, such as direct instruction by lecture, rather than the diverse non-traditional approaches to
teaching that are advocated by current research [4].
One of the alternatives to improve the process of physics learning is to involve abstract physics
concepts by utilizing relevant information technology such as the use of interactive multimedia
consisting of text, hypertext, sound, animation, video and graphics [5]. By using computer animation,
physics concept is easily described in front of class. This is in accordance with the opinion of Swandi
and Bunga Dara which states that the concept of abstract physics is very difficult to explain by using a
real laboratory so that we can design an interactive simulation [6]. Interactive simulations use
computers to describe particular concept. Interactive classification in this case allows users to set the
simulation in accordance with the wishes or concepts that want to be observed, especially relating to
the relationship of some scales
Learning by using computer simulations is a small part of the utilization of information technology
(IT) in the learning process. In general, computer-based learning is called Computer Based Instruction
(CBI). In this study CBI form used is a form of simulation, which is a program that provides a picture
or simulation of a state or phenomenon that resembles the actual state or phenomenon.
Learning outcomes are the abilities that a student gets through learning activities. The learning
objectives in programmed and controlled learning activities were pre-determined by the teacher.
Student who succeed in learning are students who are able to achieve the learning objectives that have
been set. Student’s learning outcomes are formulated as general instructional objectives (TIU) which
are expressed in more specific forms and are a component of the general purpose of the course or
subject area. This learning outcomes state what the student will be able to do or master as a result of
the lesson, but does not cover all the components of ICT.
Evaluation of learning outcomes is the overall measurement activity (data collection and
information), processing, interpretation and consideration to make decisions about the level of
learning outcomes achieved by students after learning activities in an effort to achieve the objectives
of learning that have been determined. Learning outcomes point to learning achievements, while
learning achievement changes in the behavior of learners.
Based on the description above, the researchers are encouraged to conduct research on "The
Effect of Using Computer Simulation on Physics Learning Results of Students Class XI of Senior
High School 14 Makassar" Based on the above description, one of the utilization of computer in
learning can be packed in the form of simulation. The physics simulation used meets the requirements
as hypermedia. According to Fabos, the current media is hypermedia as a revolution inlearning
because hypermedia not only consist of text, graphics, video and audio, but also provide network to be
access by students [7]. Beside of the use of hypermedia in learning magnetic induction improved the
mastering of concept and generic skill student [8].
2. Research Method
The type of this study is true-experimental with Posttest- Only Control Design. which is expressed in
the following pattern [2]:
R X O1
R - O2
This research took place at Senior High School 14 Makassar academic year 2017/2018 in odd
semester. The population in this study is all students of class XI IPA Senior High School 14 Makassar
consisting of four classes. Based on simple random sampling method chosen class XI.MIA.2 and
XI.MIA.3 Senior High School 14 Makassar as many as 66 people with the assumption that the whole
class is homogeneous.
To measure learners' learning outcomes, an instrument developed based on indicators of learning
outcomes of learners in the form of evaluation questions. This problem is supplemented by scoring
guidelines for learning outcomes. Analysis of learning result test data is done based on the truth of
completion done by learners with guided completion instruction and scoring rubric. Scores given to
each student's answers are determined based on the scoring guidelines. Descriptive analysis technique
used is the presentation of data in the form of score, average, and deviation [9].
a. The average score of students
Σ𝑥 (1)
𝑀𝑒 =
b. Deviation Standard
∑𝑛 ̅ 2
𝑖=1(𝑋𝑖 −𝑋)
S=√ (2)
Further testing is conducted Hypothesis research, to test whether the hypothesis that has been
submitted can be accepted or not. To test the hypothesis used t-test with the formula:
𝑥̅1 − 𝑥̅2
𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 =
1 1 (3)
√(𝑛1 − 1)𝑠1 + (𝑛2 − 1)𝑠2 ( + )
𝑛1 𝑛2
𝑛1 + 𝑛2 − 2
3. Result And Discussion
3.1 Result of Research
The results of this descriptive statistical analysis will be discussed the results of research obtained
through post test. Post test is conducted by using the same test device in the form of written test in the
form of multiple choise as much as 20 question . Here is presented description of physics achievement
students class XI IPA 4 Senior High School 14 Makassar academic year 2017/2018 as follows.
The number of post-test samples is 33 students of class XI.MIA.2 and XI.MIA.3. The highest
score that can be achieved by students of class XI.MIA.2 is 19 and XI.MIA.3 is 15 of total score 20
that may be achieved (ideal score), while the lowest score in XI.MIA.2 is 8 and XI .MIA.3 is 7 of the
lowest 0 score. The results of physics study XI.MIA.2 that were taught using computer simulations
had an average score of 13.5 out of a possible total score of 20. While the score of Physics learning
outcomes XI.MIA.3 taught by using conventional learning model has an average score of 10 of a total
score of 20 that may be achieved. The results of the analysis also show that the variance value of
XI.MIA.2 is greater than XI.MIA 3. This indicates that the scores of learners' learning outcomes in the
experimental class are more diverse than the learning outcomes in the control class. Thus the standard
deviation which is the square root of the variance in XI.MIA.2 ie 4.15 will also be greater than
XI.MIA.3 which is only 2.54
To clarify the comparison of scores XI.MIA.2 and XI.MIA.3, then presented in the following
5 XI MIA 3
Very Low Low Moderate High Very High
Figure 2 shows the basic differences between XI.MIA.2 and XI.MIA.3 Based on the physics
learning outcomes scores of learners presented in tabular form and diagrams show that the learner
scores XI.MIA.3 and XI.MIA.3 there is a significant difference.
From the analysis results obtained tcount = 35 and ttabel = 1.68. So it can be seen that tcount > ttabel,
then H1 accepted and H0 rejected. So it can be concluded that there are significant differences in
learning outcomes between the experimental class (XI.MIA.2) and the control class (XI.MIA.3)
3.2 Discussion
This research is a pre experimental research where the researchers compare the learning result score
between the experimental class and the control class after applying the learning by using computer
simulation in one class sample. The main purpose of this research is to know the difference or the
increase of physics learning outcome between experiment class and control class after applied learning
model by using computer simulation in class learning process of experiment class. To know that,
learners are given the form of test or instrument questions after applying the learning model using
computer simulation. Before used as a matter of test, instrument questions have been provided in trials
on non-sample classes to determine the validity and reliability of the question. The non-sample class
that is used as the test class of question instrument is class XII.MIA 2 Senior High School 9 Makassar.
From 50 questions tested, there are 20 valid and realiable questions to use as a test of learning outcome
(post-test). In the implementation of learning model using computer simulation applied in class
XI.MIA.2 Senior High School 14 Makassar learners are required to find their own or find concept
based on experience and demonstration given in the learning process.
Based on the results of descriptive statistical analysis show that the results of physics learning of
students class XI.MIA.2 higher than the results of physics learning students class XI.MIA.3 which in
this case the score of students class XI.MIA.2 entry in high category while scores of class XI.MIA.3
students fall into the low category. Based on the results of inferential analysis, in this case there is a
normality and hypothesis testing. From the analysis results on the normality test class XI.MIA.2 and
XI.MIA.3 fall into the normal category because χ2 count smaller than χ2 tabel . In the hypothesis test
obtained χ2 count > χ2 tabel so that the hypothesis can be accepted. The Effort to improve students'
physics learning outcomes are not easy, moreover the ability of students are difference. In addition, the
use of learning models tends to have an effect. The learning model applied in this research is one of
the factors that determine the success of physics learning.
Based on the data that exist in descriptive analysis, obtained information that shows that learning by
using computer simulation has a significant impact on the learners' physics learning outcomes. This
happens because in the learning process students are more active so that it can help students to
understand the material being studied. This is also supported by the results of research conducted by
Swandi, et al [10] shows the results of research that the activity of students of class XI IPA 2 above
80% at each meeting, indicating that learning is able to activate learners. Percentage of learners
perception was 89,80% showed strongly agree to Physics learning by using hypermedia based on
virtual lab. In addition, based on the results of research by Swandi and Bunga Dara [6] the use of
interactive simulation can increase the activity of learners on abstract concept learning such us atomic
physics. Amanda states that technology provides a means by which students at the undergraduate level
can become more engaged in the learning process. There are available many existing resources, from
interactive websites to faculty blogs that can help instructors begin the process of shifting the burden
of learning from passive to active. Additional opportunities for training in active learning and
engagement would further benefit members of faculty who are interested in shifting their approach in
their classrooms [11].
4. Conclusion
Based on the data of the research results obtained in this study, it can be concluded that There is a
significant difference between the results of physics learning learners who were taught using computer
simulations with learners who were taught using conventional media. This suggests that the use of
computer simulation can affect the students' physics learning outcomes
5. Acknowledgment
The authors would like to thank the various parties who have helped in writing this paper, thanks to
Senior High School 9 Makassar, which has allowed us to conduct research on their students and also
to experts who have reviewed and revised the learning learning instrument that we developed and
used in learning.
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