DSA & Algorithm CodeChef Certificate Exam
DSA & Algorithm CodeChef Certificate Exam
DSA & Algorithm CodeChef Certificate Exam
This sections lists out the syllabus, the learning resources and Mock Tests to help you prepare
for the Certification Test. The resources that we list here are references that we have collected
over the internet and some of them from our own website. While we do recommend these
resources based on the inputs of our user community, we do not claim that these are the most
authoritative Learning Resources about any topic. Please feel free to find out what suits best
to you.
We have also prepared a Mock Test for each level. A Mock Test is an open assessment
contest that will help you assess yourself for the certification exam after you are ready with
the topics. For each level we have different Mock Tests. These contests will run forever. We
strongly recommend you to solve these problems in same duration of time as the duration of
the exam before you take the exam.
Candidates can expect problems from the following topics to come in the exam.
The syllabus for each level is mentioned below:
Learning Resources:
Asymptotic analysis (Big-O notation)
o Basic
youtube.com - Time complexity of a computer program
youtube.com - Big-O notation in 5 minutes - The basics
youtube.com - Definition Of Big O Notation - Intro to Theoretical
Computer Science
youtube.com - Algorithms Lecture 1 -- Introduction to asymptotic
iarcs.org.in - Measuring the efficiency of algorithms
interactivepython.org - Particularly for Big-O notation
o Advanced
rob-bell.net - A beginner's guide to Big O notation
youtube.com - Big O Notation, Gayle Laakman McDowell
web.mit.edu - Big O notation
youtube.com - Time and space complexity analysis of recursive
programs - using factorial
A very nice tutorial with examples
o Practice Problems
You can see some problems with solutions here: Time complexity of
an algorithm
o Resources
codechef.com - Data Structure Tutorial: Array
cs.cmu.edu - Arrays
geeksforgeeks.org - Arrays Data Structure
o Practice Problems
codechef.com - LECANDY, editorial
codechef.com - CNOTE, editorial ;
codechef.com - SALARY, editorial
codechef.com - CHN15A, editorial
codechef.com - RAINBOWA, editorial
codechef.com - FRGTNLNG, editorial
codechef.com - COPS, editorial
o Resources
tutorialspoint.com - C++ strings
guru99.com - Java strings
docs.python.org - Python strings
tutorialspoint.com - Python strings
Many questions on the string:
geeksforgeeks.org - String Data Structure
o Practice Problems
codechef.com - CSUB, editorial
codechef.com - LAPIN, editorial
Stack and Queue
o Resources
geeksforgeeks.org - Stack Data Structure
geeksforgeeks.org - Introduction and Array Implementation
tutorialspoint.com - Data Structures Algorithms
cs.cmu.edu - Stacks
cs.cmu.edu - Stacks and Queues
cs.cmu.edu - Stacks and Queues
o Practice Problems
spoj.com - JNEXT
spoj.com - STPAR
spoj.com - ONP
spoj.com - COMPILER
spoj.com - MMASS
spoj.com - HISTOGRA
codeforces.com - D. Maximum Xor Secondary
spoj.com - ANARC09A
codeforces.com - C. Minimal string
codeforces.com - B. Alternating Current
codeforces.com - C. Longest Regular Bracket Sequence
Basic math operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
o codechef.com - A tutorial on Fast Modulo Multiplication
Euclid’s GCD Algorithm
o Resources
youtube.com - Mycodeschool video
khanacademy.org - The Euclidean Algorithm
geeksforgeeks.org - Example program to find gcd in c++:
Prime Numbers, divisibility of numbers
o Resources:
Only O(sqrt(n)) algorithm for finding whether a number is a prime,
factorization of a number.
Finding prime factors by taking the square root
o Practice Problems:
community.topcoder.com - DivisorInc
community.topcoder.com - Prime Polynom
community.topcoder.com - Prime Anagrams
community.topcoder.com - Refactoring
Basic Recursion
o Resources
topcoder.com - An Introduction to Recursion, Part 1
topcoder.com - An Introduction to Recursion: Part 2
geeksforgeeks.org - Recursion ;(along with questions)
web.mit.edu - Recursion
csee.umbc.edu - Recursion ;(Examples with exercises)
loveforprogramming.quora.com - Backtracking, Memoization &
Dynamic Programming
o Practice Problems
codechef.com - NOKIA, editorial
codechef.com - TRISQ, editorial
codechef.com - LFSTACK, editorial
codechef.com - FICE, editorial
Greedy Algorithms
o Resources
iarcs.org.in - Greedy Algorithms
iarcs.org.in - Greedy Algorithms
topcoder.com - Greedy Algorithms
Greedy Algorithms
o Practice Problems
codechef.com - TACHSTCK, editorial
codechef.com - CIELRCPT, editorial
codechef.com - MAXDIFF, editorial
codechef.com - CHEFST, editorial
codechef.com - CAKEDOOM, editorial
codechef.com - CLETAB, editorial
codechef.com - TADELIVE, editorial
codechef.com - MANYCHEF, editorial
codechef.com - MMPROD, editorial
codechef.com - CHEFTMA, editorial
codechef.com - STICKS, editorial
spoj.com - BAISED
spoj.com - BALIFE
spoj.com - GCJ101BB
codechef.com - FGFS
codechef.com - KNPSK
codechef.com - LEMUSIC
codechef.com - ARRANGE
codechef.com - FASHION
Dynamic programming (Basic DP)
o Resources
medium.freecodecamp.org - Demystifying Dynamic Programming
iarcs.org.in - Dynamic Programming - Tiling
topcoder.com - Dynamic Programming – From Novice to Advanced
illinois.edu - Dynamic Programming ;(Exercises are recommended)
codechef.com - Dynamic Programming
geeksforgeeks.org - Dynamic Programming ;(Contains a lot of practice
o Practice Problems
codechef.com - ALTARAY, editorial
codechef.com - DELISH, editorial
codechef.com - DBOY, editorial
codechef.com - XORSUB, editorial
codechef.com - GRID, editorial
codechef.com - TADELIVE, editorial
codechef.com - FROGV, editorial
codechef.com - MATRIX2, editorial
codechef.com - AMSGAME2, editorial
spoj.com - MDOLLS
spoj.com - MSTICK
spoj.com - MCARDS
spoj.com - MIXTURES
spoj.com - SAMER08D
spoj.com - AIBOHP
Naive string searching
o Resources
geeksforgeeks.org - Naive Pattern Searching
o khanacademy.org
o visualgo.net
o iarcs.org.in
o Merge sort
youtube.com - Merge sort algorithm
Practice Problems
codechef.com -MRGSRT
o Quick sort
youtube.com - Quicksort algorithm
Practice Problems
codechef.com -TSORT
o Counting sort
geeksforgeeks.org - Counting Sort
Practice Problems
codechef.com - TACHSTCK, editorial
codechef.com - STICKS, editorial
Binary Search
o Resources
topcoder.com (Try solving problems of Simple and Moderate level as
mentioned in the end of the link)
o Detailed Theoretical analysis
cmu.edu (A theoretical analysis)
o Problems
geeksforgeeks.org - Binary Search (Contains some solved problems)
codechef.com - STRSUB, editorial
codechef.com - ASHIGIFT, editorial
codechef.com - STACKS, editorial
codechef.com - DIVSET, editorial
codechef.com - LOWSUM, editorial
codechef.com - SNTEMPLE, editorial
codechef.com - SNAKEEAT, editorial
codechef.com - SCHEDULE, editorial
codechef.com - RIGHTTRI, editorial
codechef.com - FORESTGA, editorial
codechef.com - CHEFHCK2,editorial
spoj.com - ABCDEF
spoj.com - NOTATRI
spoj.com - SCALE
spoj.com - SUMFOUR
spoj.com - SUBSUMS
spoj.com - ANARC05B
spoj.com - RENT
spoj.com - PIE
spoj.com - MKUHAR
spoj.com - SVADA
spoj.com - SUBS
Mock Test:
Test 1 - codechef.com/FLMOCK01
Test 2 - codechef.com/FLMOCK02
Test 3 - codechef.com/FLMOCK03
Test 4 - codechef.com/FLMOCK04
This level is intended to test that the candidate has a very good grasp of algorithms and data
structures, and can solve most problems that arise in practice. Candidates can expect
problems from the following topics to come in the exam.
Everything in the Foundation Level, along with:
Learning Resources:
Heaps (priority queue)
o Resources
o Practice Problems
codechef.com - IPCTRAIN, editorial
codechef.com - ANUMLA, editorial
codechef.com - KSUBSUM, editorial
codechef.com - RRATING, editorial
codechef.com - TSECJ05, editorial
spoj.com - WEIRDFN
codechef.com - CAPIMOVE, editorial
spoj.com - RMID2
spoj.com - LAZYPROG
spoj.com - EXPEDI
baylor.edu - Maze Checking and Visualization
codechef.com - MOSTDIST, editorial
Disjoint Set Union
o Resources
o Practice Problems
codechef.com - GALACTIK, editorial
codechef.com - DISHOWN, editorial
codechef.com - JABO, editorial
codechef.com - PARITREE, editorial
codechef.com - FILLMTR, editorial
B. Mike and Feet
D. Quantity of Strings
codechef.com - SETELE, editorial
codechef.com - MAZE, editorial
codechef.com - MAGICSTR, editorial
codechef.com - MTRWY, editorial
codechef.com - BIGOF01, editorial
codechef.com - FIRESC, editorial
Segment Trees
o Resources
o Practice Problems
spoj.com - GSS1
spoj.com - GSS2
codeforces.com - Classic Segment Tree (Expert Level)
spoj.com - IOPC1207
spoj.com - ORDERSET
spoj.com - HELPR2D2
spoj.com - ANDROUND
spoj.com - HEAPULM
spoj.com - NICEDAY
spoj.com - YODANESS
spoj.com - DQUERY
spoj.com - KQUERY
spoj.com - FREQUENT
spoj.com - GSS3
spoj.com - GSS4
spoj.com - GSS5
spoj.com - KGSS
spoj.com - HELPR2D2
spoj.com - BRCKTS
spoj.com - CTRICK
spoj.com - MATSUM
spoj.com - RATING
spoj.com - RRSCHED
spoj.com - SUPPER
spoj.com - ORDERS
codechef.com - LEBOBBLE
codechef.com - QUERY
spoj.com - TEMPLEQ
spoj.com - DISUBSTR
spoj.com - QTREE
spoj.com - QTREE2
spoj.com - QTREE3
spoj.com - QTREE4
spoj.com - QTREE5
o Problems on segment tree with lazy propagation
spoj.com - HORRIBLE (must do basic lazy propagation problem)
spoj.com - LITE (a nice lazy propagation problem)
spoj.com - MULTQ3 (another nice lazy propagation problem)
codechef.com - CHEFD
codechef.com - FUNAGP (a difficult lazy propagation problem.)
RPAR (a difficult and nice lazy propagation)
codechef.com - ADDMUL
spoj.com - SEGSQRSS (a difficult lazy propagation problem)
spoj.com - KGSS
codeforces.com - C. Circular RMQ
codeforces.com - E. Lucky Queries (must do hard problem on lazy
codeforces.com - E. A Simple Task
codeforces.com - C. DZY Loves Fibonacci Numbers (important
problem to do, introduces some nice properties over lazy propagation)
codeforces.com - D. The Child and Sequence
codeforces.com - E. Lucky Array
Binary Index Tree (Fenwick tree)
o Resources
o Practice Problems:
Please solve the problems mentioned in the above segment tree practice
problems section. Note that usually, it's difficult to do range updates in binary
indexed trees. Mostly, it is used for for range query and point update.
However, you can check the following article for checking how some simple
specific kind of range updates can be peformed on binary indexed tree
Note that range updates on BIT is not a part of the syllabus.
spoj.com - INVCNT
spoj.com - TRIPINV
Trees (traversals)
o Resources
o Practice Problems
spoj.com - TREEORD
Finding Lowest Common Ancestors (O(log N) solution where N is number of
o Resources
Depth First Search, Breadth First Search (Finding connected components and
transitive closures)
o Resources
geeksforgeeks.org - Connected Components in an undirected graph
geeksforgeeks.org - Transitive closure of a graph
geeksforgeeks.org - Depth First Traversal or DFS for a Graph
iarcs.org.in - Basic Graph Algorithms
visualgo.net - Graph Traversal
harvard.edu - Breadth-First Search
o Practice Problems
codechef.com - FIRESC, editorial
spoj.com - BUGLIFE
spoj.com - CAM5
spoj.com - GCPC11J
spoj.com - KFSTB
spoj.com - PT07Y
spoj.com - PT07Z
spoj.com - LABYR1
spoj.com - PARADOX
spoj.com - PPATH ;(must do bfs problem)
spoj.com - ELEVTRBL (bfs)
spoj.com - QUEEN (bfs)
spoj.com - SSORT ;(cycles in a graph)
spoj.com - ROBOTGRI ;(bfs)
Shortest-path algorithms (Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall)
o Resources
geeksforgeeks.org - Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm
Iarcs.org.in - Shortest paths
Visualgo.net - Single-Source Shortest Paths (SSSP)
o Practice Problems
codechef.com - DIGJUMP, editorial
codechef.com - AMR14B, editorial
codechef.com - INSQ15_F, editorial
codechef.com - SPSHORT, editorial (slightly difficult dijkstra's
codechef.com - RIVPILE, editorial
spoj.com - SHPATH
spoj.com - TRAFFICN
spoj.com - SAMER08A
spoj.com - MICEMAZE
spoj.com - TRVCOST
codechef.com - PAIRCLST, editorial
Bellman Ford Algorithm
o Resources
geeksforgeeks.org - Dynamic Programming - Bellman–Ford Algorithm
compprog.wordpress.com - ;One Source Shortest Path - Bellman-Ford
o Practice Problem
community.topcoder.com - PeopleYouMayKnow
codeforces.com - D. Robot Control
spoj.com - ARBITRAG - Arbitrage ;(Floyd Warshall)
community.topcoder.com - NetworkSecurity ;(Floyd Warshall)
Minimum spanning tree (Prim and Kruskal algorithms)
o Resources
algs4.cs.princeton.edu - Minimum Spanning Trees
iarcs.org.in - Spanning trees
visualgo.net - Spanning Tree
o Practice Problem
spoj.com - MST
spoj.com - NITTROAD
spoj.com - BLINNET
spoj.com - CSTREET
spoj.com - HIGHWAYS
spoj.com - IITWPC4I
codechef.com - MSTQS, editorial
codechef.com - CHEFGAME, editorial
codechef.com - GALACTIK, editorial
codechef.com - GOOGOL03, editorial
spoj.com - KOICOST
Biconnectivity in undirected graphs (bridges, articulation points)
o Resources
e-maxx-eng.appspot.com - Finding Bridges in a Graph
iarcs.org.in - Articulation Points
pisces.ck.tp.edu.tw - Articulation Points
o Practice Problem
uva.onlinejudge.org - Network
icpcarchive.ecs.baylor.edu - Building Bridges
uva.onlinejudge.org - Tourist Guide
acm.tju.edu.cn - Network
spoj.com - EC_P - Critical Edges
spoj.com - SUBMERGE - Submerging Islands
spoj.com - POLQUERY - Police Query
codeforces.com - A. Cutting Figure
Strongly connected components in directed graphs
o Resources
iarcs.org.in - Strongly connected components
theory.stanford.edu - Strongly Connected Components
o Practice Problem
spoj.com - ANTTT
spoj.com - CAPCITY
spoj.com - SUBMERGE
codechef.com - MCO16405, editorial
spoj.com - BOTTOM
spoj.com - BREAK
community.topcoder.com - Marble Collection Game
Topological Sorting
o Resources
geeksforgeeks.org - Topological Sorting
o Practice Problem
spoj.com - TOPOSORT ;
codeforces.com - C. Fox And Names ;
codechef.com - RRDAG, editorial
spoj.com - RPLA
codechef.com - CL16BF (topological sort with dp), editorial
spoj.com - MAKETREE
Euler path, tour/cycle.
o Resources
math.ku.edu - Euler Paths and Euler Circuits
o Practice Problem
spoj.com - WORDS1
codechef.com - CHEFPASS, editorial
codechef.com - TOURISTS, editorial
codeforces.com - D. New Year Santa Network
B. Strongly Connected City
codechef.com - PEOPLOVE
codeforces.com - D. Tanya and Password
codeforces.com - E. One-Way Reform
spoj.com - GCPC11C
spoj.com - MAKETREE
Modular arithmetic including division, inverse
o Resources
codechef.com - Fast Modulo Multiplication (Exponential Squaring)
codechef.com - Best known algos for calculating nCr % M ;(only for
expert level)
Amortized Analysis
o Resources
ocw.mit.edu - Amortized Analysis
wikipedia.org - Amortized Analysis
iiitdm.ac.in - Amortized Analysis
Divide and Conquer
o Resources
cs.cmu.edu - Divide-and-Conquer and Recurrences
geeksforgeeks.org - Divide-and-Conquer
o Practice Problem
codechef.com - MRGSRT, editorial
spoj.com - HISTOGRA
codechef.com - TASTYD, editorial
codechef.com - RESTPERM, editorial
codechef.com - ACM14KP1, editorial
Advanced Dynamic Programming problems (excluding the dp optimizations which
are added in expert level, Please go through the basic DP resources and problems
mentioned in foundation level resource.)
o Resources
apps.topcoder.com - Commonly used DP state domains
apps.topcoder.com - Introducing Dynamic Programming
apps.topcoder.com - Optimizing DP solution
codeforces.com - DP over Subsets and Paths
o Problems for Advanced DP
spoj.com - HIST2 ;(dp bitmask)
spoj.com - LAZYCOWS ;(dp bitmask)
spoj.com - TRSTAGE ;(dp bitmask)
spoj.com - MARTIAN
spoj.com - SQRBR
spoj.com - ACMAKER
spoj.com - AEROLITE
spoj.com - BACKPACK
spoj.com - COURIER
spoj.com - DP
spoj.com - EDIST
spoj.com - KRECT
spoj.com - GNY07H
spoj.com - LISA
spoj.com - MINUS
spoj.com - NAJKRACI
spoj.com - PHIDIAS
spoj.com - PIGBANK
spoj.com - PT07X
spoj.com - VOCV
spoj.com - TOURIST
spoj.com - MKBUDGET
spoj.com - MMAXPER
spoj.com - ANARC07G
spoj.com - MENU
spoj.com - RENT ;(dp with segment tree/BIT)
spoj.com - INCSEQ ;(dp with segment tree/BIT)
spoj.com - INCDSEQ ;(dp with segment tree/BIT)
You can solve some advanced problems from
codeforces.com - Dynamic Programming Type
Sieve of Eratosthenes
o Resources:
codechef.com - Sieve Methods
o Practice Problems
spoj.com - TDKPRIME
spoj.com - TDPRIMES
spoj.com - ODDDIV ;(sieve + binary search)
spoj.com - NDIVPHI ;O(N) prime testing algorithm)
spoj.com - DIV ;(divisor sieve)
codechef.com - LEVY, editorial
codechef.com - PRETNUM, editorial
codechef.com - KPRIME, editorial
codechef.com - DIVMAC, editorial (segment tree with sieve)
codechef.com - PPERM, editorial ;(a bit advanced sieve application)
Mock Test:
Test 1 - codechef.com/ALMOCK01
Test 2 - codechef.com/ALMOCK02
Test 3 - codechef.com/ALMOCK03
Test 4 - codechef.com/ALMOCK04
This level is intended to test that the candidate is an expert in algorithms and data structures,
and has a deep understanding of the topics. Candidates can expect problems from the
following topics to come in the exam.
The syllabus for Expert Level is open-ended. Everything in Advanced Level will be included,
along with:
Persistent Data Structures
Centroid Decomposition
Computational Geometry
Fast Fourier Transforms
Game Theory
Gaussian Elimination
Dynamic Programming Optimizations
Advanced String algorithms (Tries, KMP, Aho-Corasik, Suffix arrays, Suffix trees)
Flows (Max-Flow, Min Cost Max Flow)