Villains & Lairs 3
Villains & Lairs 3
Villains & Lairs 3
Courtesy Dyson Logos
Cover Artist:
Luiz Prado
Christopher Walz
Dean Spencer, Eric Lofgren
Version 1.0
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Christhia learned her first non-Common language when
she was 7 years old, while secretly meeting with a few
young, playful goblins who lived near her village. She
learned the goblin language quickly, and within a matter
of weeks she was conversationally speaking with her
A year ago, Christhia received sad news. Her parents Current Motives
received a letter stating that her sister, Analee, had
perished. Analee had been traveling with her fiancé, a Her findings have left Christhia feeling betrayed, a
thin and charismatic man from the north, when their sentiment she carries for her sister, who believed the
coach came under attack. The two were found dead, lies of her would be husband. She also seeks revenge
located after the coach was a day past due its scheduled for her sister’s death and is tracking The Hand’s
arrival time. movements, getting closer to finding him every day.
Christhia took the news hard. She left the college and Christhia can be used as an NPC as follows:
began investigating her sister’s death. Through this
investigation Christhia learned her sister’s fiancé was a ● A Translator – Her vast knowledge of non-
fake. His name was Gadnerpith, a wanted criminal and Common languages may come in handy for a
con artist. She dug deeper and learned the name of the party.
person who killed them—a man known as The Hand. ● An Ally – She may explain her situation to the
heroes, asking them for help in tracking The
Hand and confronting him. As payment, she
offers to join the party during an upcoming
Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 2 (1d6 – 1) bludgeoning damage, or 3 (1d8 –
1) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands.
Dougl came to the City of Brass to seek her fortune like
so many others, but soon found herself part of a plot to
overthrow a powerful efreeti noble. Discovering too
late that her own interests aligned more closely with
those of her target than her employer, Dougl threw
herself onto an artifact that had been placed as a trap.
Inundated with negative energy, Dougl transformed
into a wraith-like creature—ut one that still remembers
her past in fits and flashes, and bears living creatures no
sympathy but no direct malice.
Dougl can be used as an NPC as follows:
Dougl is fairly easy to find for those who know the
signs of her passage. Plants wither in her presence, ● A Source of Information – Dougl has traveled
animals avoid her as much as they can, and fires flicker the length of the multiverse and wandered
their last when she comes near. After many long years freely into spaces no mortal could hope to
trapped in the efreet capitol, she obtained an unusual penetrate. Her knowledge of dark secrets is
cubic gate and has used it to roam the cosmos. The expansive to say the least.
curse of her undeath leads her inexorably back to the ● A Quest Patron – Dougl is unusual as a patron
City of Brass, though she has come to despise the genies in that she has massive financial resources but
and all they represent. no need or desire for financial reward. She has
Dougl is a gambler at heart, and her greatest no sympathy and will not be swayed by tales of
weakness is games of chance. This makes her easy to hardship, but the bolder and more daring the
manipulate for those who know the secret, and she has adventure, the more likely she is to bankroll it.
financed many an adventure for those who think to ● An Interplanar Portal – Dougl keeps her cubic
word their proposition correctly. Particularly as gate carefully hidden, and only the most
humanity slips farther and father behind her and persistent will coax her into revealing its
mortality becomes an ever more distant memory, Dougl existence at all. For those who can garner this
fixates on living vicariously through those who can level of trust and cooperation, however, Dougl
engage in challenges that no longer pose a risk to her can provide an easy means of transport to a
directly. desired location.
● Villain – Dougl has no love for mortals, actively
Current Motives despises efreet, and views all other genies with
deep suspicion. She is not above playing groups
Dougl is always interested in major interplanar
off of one another, and if betraying a party
operations; the more daring the endeavor, the more
seems to her more exciting than following
she can remember the old thrill of excitement.
through on promises she has made to them, she
will do it.
Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 21 (4d8 + 3) necrotic damage. The target must
succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or its hit point
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage
taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest.
The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to
The Hand began his life in the military at a very young
age, though not willingly. He was forced into the service
of an evil overlord, unjustly recruited when the
overlord’s army pillaged The Hand’s small village. When
recruited, he was stripped of his birth name and given
his new name—The Hand.
Flaws STR
20 (+5)
15 (+2)
14 (+2)
10 (+0)
14 (+2)
12 (+1)
The Hand fears dying slowly of old age or natural Saving Throws Str +9, Con +6
causes. So much so that he has become meticulous in Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +5, Perception +6, Survival +6
Senses passive Perception 16
keeping his body, weapons, and gear clean. He spends
Languages Common, Halfling
hours at night cleaning his weapons and armor, Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
primping his body, and keeping his head cleanly shaved.
This ritual, if someone were to learn about it, leaves The Archer’s Eye (3/Day). As a bonus action, The Hand can add 1d10 to
his next attack or damage roll with a longbow or shortbow.
Hand exposed.
Rarely does he make flesh-to-flesh contact with Grappler. The Hand has been trained in the way of hand-to-
anyone, choosing to wear gloves most of the time. He hand combat, including the skills necessary to hold his
enemies in close-quarters grappling. He gains advantage on
also carries bottles of alcohol and fresh, white linen
attack rolls against a creature he is grappling.
handkerchiefs, which he uses to clean surfaces and
utensils before eating. Indomitable (2/Day). The Hand rerolls a failed saving throw.
● Cast invisibility on yourself (2 charges). Anything you are Greataxe +1. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is on your one target. Hit: 12 (1d12 + 6) slashing damage, plus 7 (2d6)
person. The spell has a duration of 1 hour and ends for if slashing damage if The Hand has more than half of his total
you attack or cast a spell. hit points remaining.
● Cast pass without trace (1 charge).
Silhoutte (shortbow)*. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
The bow regains all expended charges when you finish a long range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 3*) piercing
rest. damage, plus 7 (2d6) piercing damage if The Hand has more
than half of his total hit points remaining.
Kylee Byers was a homeless youth living on the streets.
She had a knack for showmanship and would routinely
perform in the market district to earn enough coin to
purchase a meal or two.
Kringer’s demon half feeds on fear and pain, so she Taunt (2/Day). Kringer can use a bonus action on her turn to
does everything in her power to extend the amount of target one creature within 30 feet of her. If the target can
time torturing one victim before moving onto the next. hear Kringer, the target must succeed on a DC 12 Charisma
saving throw or have disadvantage on ability checks, attack
She will also flee, rather than fight, if matched against a rolls, and saving throws until the start of Kringer’s next turn.
foe that shows no fear. Actions
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Misty Escape (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). In
response to taking damage, Kringer turns invisible and
teleports up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space she can see.
She remains invisible until the start of her next turn or until
she attacks, makes a damage roll, or casts a spell.
Maug served for many decades as a military tactician in
the service of a minor demon lord. His talent for
rational planning sets him far apart from his chaotic
brethren, and he excelled in his post.
That is, until his final battle came when Maug called
for a tactical retreat. He returned to his lord and was
met with unholy fury. Maug was cast out and barely
managed to escape to the Material Plane with his life
A black, magical poison ripples across the blade of this At Will: darkness, detect magic, dispel magic
magical greatsword. 1/day each: confusion, fly, power word: stun
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with Magic Resistance. Maug has advantage on saving throws
this magic weapon. against spells and other magical effects.
When you hit a fiend with this weapon, the fiend takes an Actions
extra 3d6 slashing damage. For the purpose of this weapon, Multiattack. Maug makes four attacks: two with Rancor and
“fiend” refers to any creature with the fiend type. two with his fists. Alternatively, he makes two attacks with
Rancor and casts one spell.
Sir Gorsethorn is a consummate knight, but his knightly
vows are dedicated not to the laws of civilization, but
the preservation of the wilderness. Instead of fighting
for a king or country, he serves the fey guardians of the
forests and mountains, enforcing justice in the name of
nature itself. He roams the woodlands atop his
steadfast companion, the war panther (see below) he
calls Nox, and listens to the whispers of local nature
spirits who alert him to trespassers with nefarious
Within the forests that Sir Gorsethorn protects, Sir Gorsethorn can be used as an NPC as follows:
travelers may be punished for cutting wood from a live
tree, killing game for sport, or engaging in acts of • A Protector of the Forest – Sir Gorsethorn
violence against any of the sentient creatures of the doesn’t agree with the misuse of nature or the
forest. If the travelers appear merely ignorant, Sir killing of animals for sport.
Gorsethorn may issue a single warning, restraining a • A Guide – Sir Gorsethorn acts as a guide as long
creature if necessary to deliver an ominous promise of as the characters are respectful of nature.
retribution for harming the local flora and fauna. If the • A Villain – Sir Gorsethorn may not agree with
intruders purposefully harm the beings of the forest, Sir the actions of a group of loggers or a newly
Gorsethorn strikes swiftly and without mercy. founded village who misuse the land.
Conversely, he may assist travelers who are friends of
the fey, or who show proper respect for nature, guiding
them through the wilderness and protecting them from
fey mischief and dark magic that sometimes lurks in If Sir Gorsethorn attacks the characters, he fights until
ancient groves. reduced to half his total hit points, then warns the
characters to leave the area and never return under
Current Motives pain of death. If he is reduced to fewer than 50 hit
points, he attempts to retreat and warns the characters
Sir Gorsethorn’s primary objective is to defend the that killing him will bring down the wrath of the fey.
wilderness—specifically, his area of the forests and Negotiation to convince him that no harm was meant
mountains—from those who threaten the harmony and requires a successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion)
balance of nature. He has no taste for needless check; if he is persuaded of the characters’ sincerity, he
violence—like the bloodshed of the wars between insists on escorting them through the forest to ensure
humanoids—but his duty is to make an example of they don’t despoil the forest any further. If Nox is
those whose encroach upon the sanctity of the wilds, to killed, however, he fights to the death.
ensure that others don’t make the same mistakes.
Sir Gorsethorn likes to believe that he is an essential
part of the balance between nature and local
humanoids; he is comforted by the thought of his own
importance, which fuels his sense of duty. He is fierce in
the protection of his territory, and prefers to make a
clean kill rather than leave an enemy alive to cause
trouble later, though fey-inspired punishments may also
tend towards the macabre. Despite the fact that he was
originally born in a city (a fact which he tries to forget),
he views all city dwellers as out of tune with the world,
unable to comprehend the greater meaning of life or
truly appreciate the beauty that exists in the natural
Aura of Warding. Sir Gorsethorn and allies within 10 feet of Keen Smell. The war panther has advantage on Wisdom
him have resistance to damage from spells. (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Indomitable (2/Day). Sir Gorsethorn rerolls a failed saving Pounce. If the war panther moves at least 20 feet straight
throw. toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the
same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength
Nature’s Warden. As an action, Sir Gorsethorn can cause saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the
spectral vines to ensnare a creature within 30 feet of him that war panther can make one bite attack against it as a bonus
he can see. The creature must succeed on a DC 13 Strength action.
saving throw or be restrained. While restrained by the vines,
the creature repeats the saving throw at the end of each of Actions
its turns. On a success, it frees itself and the vines vanish. Multiattack. The war panther makes two claw attacks, or one
claw attack and one bite attack.
Second Wind (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). As a
bonus action, the Sir Gorsethorn can regain 20 hit points. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) piercing damage.
Multiattack. Sir Gorsethorn makes three attacks with its Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
greatsword or its shortbow. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage.
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage, plus 7 (2d6) slashing
damage if Sir Gorsethorn has more than half of his total hit
points remaining.
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage, plus 7
(2d6) piercing damage if Sir Gorsethorn has more than half of
his total hit points remaining.
Cold Iron Plate protects its wearer from dark fey powers. Fey
creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against a creature
wearing cold iron armor.
In his early teens, Willan missed his opportunity to
become a hero. During a local disaster, Willan’s
cowardice led to more lives being lost, and as a result
he was shunned by his village. To worsen the sting, a
young milkmaid received accolades and mentorship by
a regional hero for selflessly rescuing a dozen people
from that same disaster. Ever since that day, Willan has
blamed the world for his misfortune and personality
shortfalls. Eventually, his skewed logic took a dark turn.
moment to be a hero), Willan spends his days at the
He began to believe that he was something of a notice board, waiting to meddle in adventurers’ destiny
“dormant hero,” who just needed the right opportunity as an agent of foul fortune.
to save the day and receive the praise he deserved.
Being excluded from all work aside from menial, tasks, Current Motives
Willan eventually found out how he could use this social Willan has a collection of “Treat” bounties (bounties
standing to his advantage. As the caretaker of notice that are as listed), and “Trick” bounties (extremely
boards on the outskirts of town, Willan used the dangerous bounties which he has rewritten to appear
bounties to cultivate his deceitful and manipulative as low-challenge, high reward bounties). If adventurers
nature when “assisting” adventuring parties. task Willan with holding onto something of value while
they go on a bounty, he often sends them on Trick
Now a master of lies, Willan exploits the naive
missions and hopes they die in the process. Most often,
goodwill of heroes. Through misinformation and bounty Willan—the despicable creature—will just send people
forging, he sends adventurers he dislikes to their doom. to their doom on a whim. How many of these missions
Often Willan will offer to “hold onto” special items from Willan sends the party on, and how many player
a party, only for him to send them on their way to kill character deaths happen before Willan shows his hand,
giant rats when in actual fact they are headed straight is entirely up to the DM.
into a powerful demon’s lair.
Willan has underworld contacts and, as a result,
Over time Willan has amassed a small collection of knows how to sell a hot item on the black market, and
trinkets and items from imperceptive adventurers that may know of important information to the party. If the
have fallen to his insidious trickery. He hoards these party enquires about a specific item, Willan may
items in a place he calls Willan’s Warren; a hidden hovel produce a new Trick bounty to ensure they take the
in the swamp. bait.
Now in possession of enough spell scrolls and magic
items to be a formidable foe (although he lies to himself
that he’s just equipped and waiting for the right
If the players get a hold of this weapon, Willan has 1d3 Mindskip Strobe-Globe
cursed splinters left. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
A pair of light tan arm bracers with half of an interlocking You can use an action to activate this globe, causing it to
talisman wired to each arm. hover above you for 1 minute. When a hostile creature
willingly moves or attempts to take an action, the globe
You gain +1 AC while wearing these magical bracers. delivers a barrage of magical flashes at them. The target must
succeed on a DC 14 Charisma saving throw. If failed, you can
These bracers have 2 charges. You can use an action and use your reaction to possess the target’s body until the end of
expend 1 charge to activate the bracers and have one arm the target’s turn. If possessed, the original action that
immediately blown off at random. When this happens, triggered the strobe effect is cancelled, and you can
though bloody, it deals no damage to you. When separated, command the target to take another action. If either you are
you do not have control of your missing arm, however whilst killed during this time, your soul is trapped in the target’s
wearing the bracer, you will always know where it is. body. Only a wish spell can reverse this effect.
Reattaching the separated arms requires 1 charge. After using the globe 6 times, it explodes into silvery mist,
destroying the item forever.
The bracers regain 1 charge every 7 days.
Tieflings are often born in secret. Their parents love
their new child but simultaneously are scared of them
and of the community’s reaction. Some tieflings are
lucky to grow up in a cosmopolitan society, others are
often banished or worse.
Zaro-zoan’s parents fled in the middle of the night and
took the boy to an Old Order’s monastery. They never
saw him again.
Area 8
There is an opening in the cave’s ceiling here. Both day
and night, the pool reflects an ink-black sky where a few
red stars glint. A closer inspection reveals they are not
stars, but flames, and the longer you stare into them,
the bigger they grow.