This affidavit details the loss of an original Certificate of Registration for a utility vehicle owned by Edgar A. Sulaiman. Sulaiman gave the certificate to Hadji Eling in 2017 to renew the vehicle's registration, but Eling failed to return the original document. Despite efforts to locate the certificate, Sulaiman was unable to find it and assumes it was misplaced. The affidavit is made to request a replacement certificate from the Land Transportation Office and for any legal purposes. Sulaiman signed the affidavit under oath before a notary public.
This affidavit details the loss of an original Certificate of Registration for a utility vehicle owned by Edgar A. Sulaiman. Sulaiman gave the certificate to Hadji Eling in 2017 to renew the vehicle's registration, but Eling failed to return the original document. Despite efforts to locate the certificate, Sulaiman was unable to find it and assumes it was misplaced. The affidavit is made to request a replacement certificate from the Land Transportation Office and for any legal purposes. Sulaiman signed the affidavit under oath before a notary public.
This affidavit details the loss of an original Certificate of Registration for a utility vehicle owned by Edgar A. Sulaiman. Sulaiman gave the certificate to Hadji Eling in 2017 to renew the vehicle's registration, but Eling failed to return the original document. Despite efforts to locate the certificate, Sulaiman was unable to find it and assumes it was misplaced. The affidavit is made to request a replacement certificate from the Land Transportation Office and for any legal purposes. Sulaiman signed the affidavit under oath before a notary public.
This affidavit details the loss of an original Certificate of Registration for a utility vehicle owned by Edgar A. Sulaiman. Sulaiman gave the certificate to Hadji Eling in 2017 to renew the vehicle's registration, but Eling failed to return the original document. Despite efforts to locate the certificate, Sulaiman was unable to find it and assumes it was misplaced. The affidavit is made to request a replacement certificate from the Land Transportation Office and for any legal purposes. Sulaiman signed the affidavit under oath before a notary public.
I, E DGAR A. SULAIMAN, of legal age, married to Nur-Aida B.
Sulaiman, Filipino citizen, with residence and postal address at Taluksangay, Zamboanga City, Philippines, after having been duly sworn to an oath in accordance with law, do hereby depose and say, that:
1. I am the REGISTERED OWNER of one(1) unit Utility Vehicle,
registered with the Land Transportation Office, Zamboanga City, Philippines, particularly described as follows: Make : TOYO ACE Chassis No. : KM510062095 Body Type : DROPSIDE Plate No. : GTN568 Engine No. : 5K1281853 MV File No.. : 0751-00000019427
2. On October 2017, I gave the said Certificate of Registration to
a certain “HADJI ELING”, for him to renew my registration with the Land Transportation Office, Zamboanga City;
3. He had successfully renewed my registration but failed to
return the original copy of the the Certificate of Registration;
4. Despite diligent efforts I exerted to locate my said original
Certificate of Registration, I could not find the same. I can only assume that he may have misplaced it and the same should now be presumed lost for all intents and purposes
5. I am executing this affidavit to attest to the veracity of the
foregoing facts, for the purpose of requesting a replacement original Certificate of Registration with the Land Transportation Office, and for any legal purpose this may serve.
In witness whereof, I have herein set my hand this 3rd day of
December 2018 at Zamboanga City, Philippines.
- Oath -
Republic Of The Philippines)
City Of Zamboanga. . . . . )S.S. X - - - - - - - - - - - - X) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, this 3rd day of December, at Zamboanga City, Philippines, affiant Edgar A. Sulaiman exhibiting to me competent evidence of his identity through his Zamcelco ID No. 078963-06, issued by the ZAMCELCO, Zamboanga City.
Doc. No.: 123; Atty. MICHAEL P. MOLINA, cpa
Page No.: 026; NOTARY PUBLIC Book No.: 036; No. 64 J.R. Estrada Street, Tetuan, ZC Series of 2018. Zamboanga City: 37-2018: until 12.31.2019 IBP Roll No. 40612: IBP OR No. 23851,01.10.2018, ZC PTR OR 1622786,01.03.2018,ZC