Vishwakarma Institute of Technology: Issue 01: Rev No. 0: Dt. 16/03/16 Course Plan Format

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Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 0 : Dt.


Course Plan Format FF No. 182

Academic Year : 2016-17 Branch :MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Semester : II

Subject Code: ME30115

Unit Topic Method Media Student Activity Assessment Remark

No. Tool s
I Introduction to Mechatronics PPT(Soft LCD, Individual i) Test I Test I
A. Mechatronic system, measurement systems, control systems and Material) Black assignment, group ii) HA 1 out of
response of systems. Quiz, case Board tasks, 30
Measurement systems: static characteristics. Flow measurement: study presentation, marks
Rotameter, anemometer and comparison of characteristics of Problems solving Converted
different flow meters. Pressure measurement: McLeod gauges. to 15
Actuators: Stepper motor, Servo motors, solenoids § Tutorial on marks
Tutorial on static
and dynamic

II System Models Lecture, Black Group task, i) MCQ based Test II

A. Mathematical models, introduction to mechanical, electrical, fluid Group Board individual Test II out of
and thermal systems. Rotational and transnational systems, Discussion, assignment ii) HA 2 20
electro – mechanical, hydraulic, mechanical systems. case study Problem solving marks
Control Systems: Open loop, closed loop systems, transfer
functions, feedback and feed forward control systems and their § Tutorial on
applications. modeling of
Control Actions: On–Off, proportional, proportional + integral, mechanical,
P + D. proportional + integral +derivative control actions. electrical, fluid
and thermal
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 0 : Dt. 16/03/16

III System Response Case study, Black Presentation, i) MCQ based

A. System Response, modeling of dynamic systems, dynamic response group Board, group task Test II
of first order, second order systems to step, ramp and impulse inputs. discussion, Problem solving ii) HA 3
Transfer functions, Rise Time, peak time, subsidence ratio, Frequency
domain analysis, Bode plots § Tutorial on
solution of the
first and second
order system,
transfer function

IV A. Analog signal processing: Introduction, principle, passive Group Black Individual i) HA 4

circuits, operational amplifiers - characteristics and discussion, Board / assignment,
specifications. lecture, case PPTs presentation
Digital Signal Processing: study Problem solving
Timing diagrams, applications of flip flops, decade counters, Schmitt
trigger, 555 timers. § Tutorial on
Data Acquisition System: Interfacing of Sensors / Actuators to DAQ sampling
system, Bit width, Sampling theorem, Aliasing, Sample and hold frequency
circuit, Sampling frequency.

V Programming Logic Controllers Case study, Group Practical on PLC, i) HA 5

A. Relay logic, basic structure, input/output processing, timers, Lecture assign presentation,
internal relays and counters, shift resisters, ladder diagram and ment. group task
programming. Introduction to SCADA system
Mechatronic systems case studies – any three § Tutorial on
and PLC
Levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy applicable for the course – Knowledge / Comprehension / Application / Analysis / Synthesis / Evaluation (Strike out levels not applicable)
List of Reference Books and Text Books -
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 0 : Dt. 16/03/16

Text Books
1. “Mechatronics–Electronics Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering”, Bolton W., Pearson – Education (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd.
2. “Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems”, Histand B. H., Alciatore
D. G.
3. “Mechanical Measurements”, Thomas G. Beckwith, Roy D. Marangoni, John H.
Lienhard V
Reference Books
1. “Instrumentation – Devices and Systems”, Rangan C. S., Sarma G. R. and Mani V.
S., Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. “Process Control Instrumentation Technology”, Johnson C. D. Prentice Hall of
India Pvt Ltd., New Delhi.
3. “Measurement System–Application and Design”, Doebelin E. O., Manik D. N.,
Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
4. “A Textbook of Mechatronics”, Rajput R. K, S. Chand and Co. Ltd.
Additional Reading
1. “Mechatronics – Principles, concepts and applications”, Mahalik N. P., Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. “Mechatronics Systems Design”, Kolk R. A. and Shetty D., Vikas Publishing
Manual, Delhi.
3. “Kinematic Linkage Design”, Hall A. S., Prentice Hall Publication
# - Details of laboratory course student activity for experiments based on appropriate unit. § -
Details of Tutorial course student activity based on appropriate unit.
◘ - Mandatory Assessment activities as per structure.
Mode of conduct of class test is to be mentioned.
■ - Scope of HA should be written in brief.
□ - Write unit-wise parameters used for continuous assessment of laboratory course. If
parameters are used as a whole, they may be described in footer.
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 0 : Dt. 16/03/16

○ - Write unit-wise parameters used for continuous assessment of tut. course.

Name and Signature of Faculty executing the course plan

1) Prof. S.R. Padalkar _____________________________

Signature of Chairman – BOS Date : ______________

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