4 Finite�State�Machines 117
Of course, asynchronous circuits are occasionally necessary when com-
municating between systems with different clocks or when receiving inputs
at arbitrary times, just as analog circuits are necessary when communicat-
ing with the real world of continuous voltages. Furthermore, research in
asynchronous circuits continues to generate interesting insights, some of
which can improve synchronous circuits too.
Moore and Mealy machines
3 . 4 FINITE�STATE�MACHINES are named after their promot-
Synchronous sequential circuits can be drawn in the forms shown in ers, researchers who developed
Figure 3.22. These forms are called finite state machines (FSMs). They get automata theory, the mathe-
their name because a circuit with k registers can be in one of a finite num- matical underpinnings of state
machines, at Bell Labs.
ber (2k) of unique states. An FSM has M inputs, N outputs, and k bits of
Edward F. Moore
state. It also receives a clock and, optionally, a reset signal. An FSM con-
(1925–2003), not to be
sists of two blocks of combinational logic, next state logic and output confused with Intel founder
logic, and a register that stores the state. On each clock edge, the FSM Gordon Moore, published his
advances to the next state, which was computed based on the current state seminal article, Gedanken-
and inputs. There are two general classes of finite state machines, charac- experiments on Sequential
terized by their functional specifications. In Moore machines, the outputs Machines in 1956. He subse-
depend only on the current state of the machine. In Mealy machines, the quently became a professor of
outputs depend on both the current state and the current inputs. Finite mathematics and computer
state machines provide a systematic way to design synchronous sequential science at the University of
circuits given a functional specification. This method will be explained in Wisconsin.
George H. Mealy published
the remainder of this section, starting with an example.
A Method of Synthesizing
Sequential Circuits in 1955.
3 . 4 .1 FSM�Design�Example He subsequently wrote the
To illustrate the design of FSMs, consider the problem of inventing a first Bell Labs operating
controller for a traffic light at a busy intersection on campus. system for the IBM 704
computer. He later joined
Engineering students are moseying between their dorms and the labs on
Harvard University.
Academic Ave. They are busy reading about FSMs in their favorite
M next k next
k N
inputs state state output
M next k next
k N
inputs state state output
118 CHAPTER�THREE Sequential�Logic�Design
textbook and aren’t looking where they are going. Football players are
hustling between the athletic fields and the dining hall on Bravado
Boulevard. They are tossing the ball back and forth and aren’t looking
where they are going either. Several serious injuries have already
occurred at the intersection of these two roads, and the Dean of Students
asks Ben Bitdiddle to install a traffic light before there are fatalities.
Ben decides to solve the problem with an FSM. He installs two traffic
sensors, TA and TB, on Academic Ave. and Bravado Blvd., respectively.
Each sensor indicates TRUE if students are present and FALSE if the street
is empty. He also installs two traffic lights, LA and LB, to control traffic.
Each light receives digital inputs specifying whether it should be green,
yellow, or red. Hence, his FSM has two inputs, TA and TB, and two out-
puts, LA and LB. The intersection with lights and sensors is shown in
Figure 3.23. Ben provides a clock with a 5-second period. On each clock
tick (rising edge), the lights may change based on the traffic sensors. He
also provides a reset button so that Physical Plant technicians can put the
controller in a known initial state when they turn it on. Figure 3.24 shows
a black box view of the state machine.
Ben’s next step is to sketch the state transition diagram, shown in
Figure 3.25, to indicate all the possible states of the system and the transi-
tions between these states. When the system is reset, the lights are green
on Academic Ave. and red on Bravado Blvd. Every 5 seconds, the con-
troller examines the traffic pattern and decides what to do next. As long
Figure�3.23 Campus�map
Academic TA TA Ave.
Labs TB LB Dorms
3.4 Finite�State�Machines 119
S0 TA S1
LA: green LA: yellow
LB: red LB: red
Figure�3.25 State�transition
S3 S2
LA: red LA: red
LB: yellow LB: green
as traffic is present on Academic Ave., the lights do not change. When
there is no longer traffic on Academic Ave., the light on Academic Ave.
becomes yellow for 5 seconds before it turns red and Bravado Blvd.’s light
turns green. Similarly, the Bravado Blvd. light remains green as long as
traffic is present on the boulevard, then turns yellow and eventually red.
In a state transition diagram, circles represent states and arcs repre-
sent transitions between states. The transitions take place on the rising
edge of the clock; we do not bother to show the clock on the diagram,
because it is always present in a synchronous sequential circuit. Moreover,
the clock simply controls when the transitions should occur, whereas the
diagram indicates which transitions occur. The arc labeled Reset pointing
from outer space into state S0 indicates that the system should enter that
state upon reset, regardless of what previous state it was in. If a state has
multiple arcs leaving it, the arcs are labeled to show what input triggers
each transition. For example, when in state S0, the system will remain in
that state if TA is TRUE and move to S1 if TA is FALSE. If a state has a
single arc leaving it, that transition always occurs regardless of the inputs.
For example, when in state S1, the system will always move to S2. The
value that the outputs have while in a particular state are indicated in the
state. For example, while in state S2, LA is red and LB is green.
Ben rewrites the state transition diagram as a state transition table
(Table 3.1), which indicates, for each state and input, what the next
state, S�, should be. Note that the table uses don’t care symbols (X)
whenever the next state does not depend on a particular input. Also note
that Reset is omitted from the table. Instead, we use resettable flip-flops
that always go to state S0 on reset, independent of the inputs.
The state transition diagram is abstract in that it uses states labeled
{S0, S1, S2, S3} and outputs labeled {red, yellow, green}. To build a real
circuit, the states and outputs must be assigned binary encodings. Ben
chooses the simple encodings given in Tables 3.2 and 3.3. Each state and
each output is encoded with two bits: S1:0, LA1:0, and LB1:0.
120 CHAPTER�THREE Sequential�Logic�Design
S2 X 1 S2
S3 X X S0
Table�3.4 State�transition�table�with�binary�encodings
0 1 X X 1 0
1 0 X 0 1 1
1 0 X 1 1 0
1 1 X X 0 0
3.4 Finite�State�Machines 121
Table�3.5 Output�table
Current State Outputs
S1 S0 LA1 LA0 LB1 LB0
0 0 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 1
S�1�S1 ⊕ S0
S�0 � S1S0TA �S1S0TB
Similarly, Ben writes an output table (Table 3.5) indicating, for each
state, what the output should be in that state. Again, it is straightfor-
ward to read off and simplify the Boolean equations for the outputs. For
example, observe that LA1 is TRUE only on the rows where S1 is TRUE.
LA1� S 1
LA0�S1 S0
LB0� S 1 S0
Finally, Ben sketches his Moore FSM in the form of Figure 3.22(a).
First, he draws the 2-bit state register, as shown in Figure 3.26(a). On
each clock edge, the state register copies the next state, S�1:0, to become
the state, S1:0. The state register receives a synchronous or asynchronous
reset to initialize the FSM at startup. Then, he draws the next state logic,
based on Equation 3.2, which computes the next state, based on the cur-
rent state and inputs, as shown in Figure 3.26(b). Finally, he draws the
output logic, based on Equation 3.3, which computes the outputs based
on the current state, as shown in Figure 3.26(c).
Figure 3.27 shows a timing diagram illustrating the traffic light con-
troller going through a sequence of states. The diagram shows CLK,
Reset, the inputs TA and TB, next state S�, state S, and outputs LA and LB.
Arrows indicate causality; for example, changing the state causes the out-
puts to change, and changing the inputs causes the next state to change.
Dashed lines indicate the rising edge of CLK when the state changes.
The clock has a 5-second period, so the traffic lights change at most
once every 5 seconds. When the finite state machine is first turned on, its
state is unknown, as indicated by the question marks. Therefore, the sys-
tem should be reset to put it into a known state. In this timing diagram,
122 CHAPTER�THREE Sequential�Logic�Design
S'1 S1
S'1 S1
TA S'0 S0
S'0 S0 TB Reset
r S1 S0
state register inputs next state logic state register
(a) (b)
This schematic uses some S'1 S1
AND gates with bubbles on LA0
the inputs. They might be
constructed with AND gates TA S'0 S0
and input inverters, with r
NOR gates and inverters for TB Reset
the non-bubbled inputs, or S1 S0 LB0
with some other combination
of gates. The best choice
inputs next state logic state register output outputs
depends on the particular logic
implementation technology.
Figure�3.26 State�machine�circuit�for�traffic�light�controller
Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle 5 Cycle 6 Cycle 7 Cycle 8 Cycle 9 Cycle 10
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 t (sec)
Figure�3.27 Timing�diagram�for�traffic�light�controller
3.4 Finite�State�Machines 123
S immediately resets to S0, indicating that asynchronously resettable flip- Despite Ben’s best efforts, stu-
flops are being used. In state S0, light LA is green and light LB is red. dents don’t pay attention to
In this example, traffic arrives immediately on Academic Ave. traffic lights and collisions
Therefore, the controller remains in state S0, keeping LA green even continue to occur. The Dean
though traffic arrives on Bravado Blvd. and starts waiting. After 15 sec- of Students next asks him to
onds, the traffic on Academic Ave. has all passed through and TA falls. design a catapult to throw
At the following clock edge, the controller moves to state S1, turning LA engineering students directly
yellow. In another 5 seconds, the controller proceeds to state S2 in which from their dorm roofs
LA turns red and LB turns green. The controller waits in state S2 until all through the open windows
of the lab, bypassing the
the traffic on Bravado Blvd. has passed through. It then proceeds to state
troublesome intersection all
S3, turning LB yellow. 5 seconds later, the controller enters state S0,
together. But that is the sub-
turning LB red and LA green. The process repeats. ject of another textbook.
3 . 4 . 2 State�Encodings
In the previous example, the state and output encodings were selected arbi-
trarily. A different choice would have resulted in a different circuit. A natu-
ral question is how to determine the encoding that produces the circuit with
the fewest logic gates or the shortest propagation delay. Unfortunately, there
is no simple way to find the best encoding except to try all possibilities,
which is infeasible when the number of states is large. However, it is often
possible to choose a good encoding by inspection, so that related states or
outputs share bits. Computer-aided design (CAD) tools are also good at
searching the set of possible encodings and selecting a reasonable one.
One important decision in state encoding is the choice between
binary encoding and one-hot encoding. With binary encoding, as was
used in the traffic light controller example, each state is represented as a
binary number. Because K binary numbers can be represented by log2K
bits, a system with K states only needs log2K bits of state.
In one-hot encoding, a separate bit of state is used for each state. It is
called one-hot because only one bit is “hot” or TRUE at any time. For
example, a one-hot encoded FSM with three states would have state encod-
ings of 001, 010, and 100. Each bit of state is stored in a flip-flop, so one-
hot encoding requires more flip-flops than binary encoding. However, with
one-hot encoding, the next-state and output logic is often simpler, so fewer
gates are required. The best encoding choice depends on the specific FSM.
A divide-by-N counter has one output and no inputs. The output Y is HIGH for
one clock cycle out of every N. In other words, the output divides the frequency
of the clock by N. The waveform and state transition diagram for a divide-by-3
counter is shown in Figure 3.28. Sketch circuit designs for such a counter using
binary and one-hot state encodings.
124 CHAPTER�THREE Sequential�Logic�Design
Y � S1S0 (3.5)
Table�3.7 Divide-by-3�counter
output�table The one-hot encoding uses three bits of state. The state transition table for this
encoding is shown in Table 3.10 and the output table is again left as an exercise
to the reader. The next-state and output equations are as follows:
State Output
S0 1 S�2 � S 1
S�1� S 0 (3.6)
S1 0
S�0 � S2
S2 0
Y � S0 (3.7)
Figure 3.29 shows schematics for each of these designs. Note that the hardware
for the binary encoded design could be optimized to share the same gate for
Y and S�0. Also observe that the one-hot encoding requires both settable (s) and
resettable (r) flip-flops to initialize the machine to S0 on reset. The best imple-
mentation choice depends on the relative cost of gates and flip-flops, but the
one-hot design is usually preferable for this specific example.
A related encoding is the one-cold encoding, in which K states are
represented with K bits, exactly one of which is FALSE.
3.4 Finite�State�Machines 125
Table�3.8 Binary�and�one-hot�encodings�for�divide-by-3�counter
S1 0 1 0 1 0
S2 1 0 0 0 0
Table�3.9 State�transition�table�with�binary
Current State Next State
S1 S0 S�1 S�0
0 0 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0
Current State Next State
S2 S1 S0 S�2 S�1 S�0
0 0 1 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 1
S'1 S1
S'0 S0
S1 S0 Reset
Figure�3.29 Divide-by-3�circuits
next state logic state register output logic output encodings
S1 S2 S0
r r s
126 CHAPTER�THREE Sequential�Logic�Design
3 . 4 . 3 Moore�and�Mealy�Machines
So far, we have shown examples of Moore machines, in which the output
An easy way to remember the depends only on the state of the system. Hence, in state transition dia-
difference between the two
grams for Moore machines, the outputs are labeled in the circles. Recall
types of finite state machines
that Mealy machines are much like Moore machines, but the outputs can
is that a Moore machine typi-
cally has more states than a
depend on inputs as well as the current state. Hence, in state transition
Mealy machine for a given diagrams for Mealy machines, the outputs are labeled on the arcs instead
problem. of in the circles. The block of combinational logic that computes the out-
puts uses the current state and inputs, as was shown in Figure 3.22(b).
Alyssa P. Hacker owns a pet robotic snail with an FSM brain. The snail crawls
from left to right along a paper tape containing a sequence of 1’s and 0’s. On each
clock cycle, the snail crawls to the next bit. The snail smiles when the last four
bits that it has crawled over are, from left to right, 1101. Design the FSM to com-
pute when the snail should smile. The input A is the bit underneath the snail’s
antennae. The output Y is TRUE when the snail smiles. Compare Moore and
Mealy state machine designs. Sketch a timing diagram for each machine showing
the input, states, and output as your snail crawls along the sequence 111011010.
Solution: The Moore machine requires five states, as shown in Figure 3.30(a).
Convince yourself that the state transition diagram is correct. In particular, why
is there an arc from S4 to S2 when the input is 1?
In comparison, the Mealy machine requires only four states, as shown in Figure
3.30(b). Each arc is labeled as A/Y. A is the value of the input that causes that
transition, and Y is the corresponding output.
Tables 3.11 and 3.12 show the state transition and output tables for the Moore
machine. The Moore machine requires at least three bits of state. Consider using a
binary state encoding: S0 � 000, S1 � 001, S2 � 010, S3 � 011, and S4 � 100.
Tables 3.13 and 3.14 rewrite the state transition and output tables with these
encodings (These four tables follow on page 128).
From these tables, we find the next state and output equations by inspection.
Note that these equations are simplified using the fact that states 101, 110, and
111 do not exist. Thus, the corresponding next state and output for the non-
existent states are don’t cares (not shown in the tables). We use the don’t cares
to minimize our equations.
S�2 � S1S 0A
S�1� S1 S0A� S1S0 � S2A (3.8)
S�0�S2S1S0 A � S1S0A
3.4 Finite�State�Machines 127
Y � S2 (3.9)
Table 3.15 shows the combined state transition and output table for the Mealy
machine. The Mealy machine requires at least two bits of state. Consider using a
binary state encoding: S0 � 00, S1 � 01, S2 � 10, and S3 � 11. Table 3.16
rewrites the state transition and output table with these encodings.
From these tables, we find the next state and output equations by inspection.
1 1 0 1
S0 S1 S2 S3 S4
0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0
Figure�3.30 FSM�state
(a) transition�diagrams:�(a)�Moore
1/0 1/0 0/0
S0 S1 S2 S3
0/0 1/0 0/0
128 CHAPTER�THREE Sequential�Logic�Design
Table�3.11 Moore�state�transition�table
S0 1 S1
Table� 3.12 Moore� output� table
S1 0 S0
S1 1 S2 Current Output
S2 0 S3 S Y
S2 1 S2 S0 0
S3 0 S0 S1 0
S3 1 S4 S2 0
S4 0 S0 S3 0
S4 1 S2 S4 1
Table�3.13 Moore�state�transition�table�with�state�encodings
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
3.4 Finite�State�Machines 129
Table�3.15 Mealy�state�transition�and�output�table
S0 1 S1 0
S1 0 S0 0
S1 1 S2 0
S2 0 S3 0
S2 1 S2 0
S3 0 S0 0
S3 1 S1 1
Table�3.16 Mealy�state�transition�and�output�table�with
0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 0 0
1 0 0 1 1 0
1 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 1 1
3 . 4 . 4 Factoring�State�Machines
Designing complex FSMs is often easier if they can be broken down into
multiple interacting simpler state machines such that the output of some
machines is the input of others. This application of hierarchy and modu-
larity is called factoring of state machines.
130 CHAPTER�THREE Sequential�Logic�Design
S'2 S2
S'1 S1
S'0 S0
Figure�3.31 FSM�schematics�for S2
(a)�Moore�and�(b)�Mealy (a)
S'1 S1
S'0 S0
Modify the traffic light controller from Section 3.4.1 to have a parade mode,
which keeps the Bravado Boulevard light green while spectators and the band
march to football games in scattered groups. The controller receives two more
inputs: P and R. Asserting P for at least one cycle enters parade mode. Asserting
R for at least one cycle leaves parade mode. When in parade mode, the con-
troller proceeds through its usual sequence until LB turns green, then remains in
that state with LB green until parade mode ends.
First, sketch a state transition diagram for a single FSM, as shown in Figure
3.33(a). Then, sketch the state transition diagrams for two interacting FSMs, as
3.4 Finite�State�Machines 131
Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle 5 Cycle 6 Cycle 7 Cycle 8 Cycle 9 Cycle 10
A 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
Moore Machine
S ?? S0 S1 S2 S2 S3 S4 S2 S3 S4 S0
Mealy Machine
S ?? S0 S1 S2 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 S0
Figure�3.32 Timing�diagrams�for�Moore�and�Mealy�machines
shown in Figure 3.33(b). The Mode FSM asserts the output M when it is in
parade mode. The Lights FSM controls the lights based on M and the traffic
sensors, TA and TB.
Solution: Figure 3.34(a) shows the single FSM design. States S0 to S3 handle
normal mode. States S4 to S7 handle parade mode. The two halves of the dia-
gram are almost identical, but in parade mode, the FSM remains in S6 with a
green light on Bravado Blvd. The P and R inputs control movement between
these two halves. The FSM is messy and tedious to design. Figure 3.34(b) shows
the factored FSM design. The mode FSM has two states to track whether the
lights are in normal or parade mode. The Lights FSM is modified to remain in
S2 while M is TRUE.
P Mode
Figure�3.33 (a)�single�and
(b) factored�designs�for
TA LA modified�traffic�light
TB FSM LB controller FSM
(a) (b)
132 CHAPTER�THREE Sequential�Logic�Design
S4 R TA S5
LA: green LA: yellow
LB: red LB: red P LA: green LA: yellow
LB: red LB: red
S3 P TB S2 R
LA: red LA: red S7 S6
LB: yellow LB: green LA: red LA: red
P TB LB: yellow LB: green
Figure�3.34 State�transition R TB
(b) factored
S0 TA S1
LA: green LA: yellow
LB: red LB: red
S3 S2 P
S0 S1
LA: red LA: red
LB: yellow M: 0 M: 1
LB: green R
M + TB R
Lights FSM Mode FSM
3 . 4 . 5 FSM�Review
Finite state machines are a powerful way to systematically design
sequential circuits from a written specification. Use the following proce-
dure to design an FSM:
� Identify the inputs and outputs.
� Sketch a state transition diagram.
3.5 Timing�of�Sequential�Logic 133
� For a Moore machine:
– Write a state transition table.
– Write an output table.
� For a Mealy machine:
– Write a combined state transition and output table.
� Select state encodings—your selection affects the hardware design.
� Write Boolean equations for the next state and output logic.
� Sketch the circuit schematic.
We will repeatedly use FSMs to design complex digital systems through-
out this book.
Recall that a flip-flop copies the input D to the output Q on the rising edge
of the clock. This process is called sampling D on the clock edge. If D is
stable at either 0 or 1 when the clock rises, this behavior is clearly defined.
But what happens if D is changing at the same time the clock rises?
This problem is similar to that faced by a camera when snapping a
picture. Imagine photographing a frog jumping from a lily pad into the
lake. If you take the picture before the jump, you will see a frog on a lily
pad. If you take the picture after the jump, you will see ripples in the
water. But if you take it just as the frog jumps, you may see a blurred
image of the frog stretching from the lily pad into the water. A camera is
characterized by its aperture time, during which the object must remain
still for a sharp image to be captured. Similarly, a sequential element has
an aperture time around the clock edge, during which the input must be
stable for the flip-flop to produce a well-defined output.
The aperture of a sequential element is defined by a setup time and
a hold time, before and after the clock edge, respectively. Just as the
static discipline limited us to using logic levels outside the forbidden
zone, the dynamic discipline limits us to using signals that change out-
side the aperture time. By taking advantage of the dynamic discipline,
we can think of time in discrete units called clock cycles, just as we
think of signal levels as discrete 1’s and 0’s. A signal may glitch and
oscillate wildly for some bounded amount of time. Under the dynamic
discipline, we are concerned only about its final value at the end of the
clock cycle, after it has settled to a stable value. Hence, we can simply
write A[n], the value of signal A at the end of the nth clock cycle,
where n is an integer, rather than A(t), the value of A at some instant t,
where t is any real number.
The clock period has to be long enough for all signals to settle. This
sets a limit on the speed of the system. In real systems, the clock does not