Verilog Ques and Ans
Verilog Ques and Ans
Verilog Ques and Ans
Write a verilog code to swap contents of two registers with and without a temporary register?
The Verilog language has two forms of the procedural assignment statement: blocking and non-blocking.
The two are distinguished by the = and <= assignment operators. The blocking assignment statement (=
operator) acts much like in traditional programming languages. The whole statement is done before
control passes on to the next statement. The non-blocking (<= operator) evaluates all the right-hand sides
for the current time unit and assigns the left-hand sides at the end of the time unit. For example, the
following Verilog program
module blocking;
reg [0:7] A, B;
initial begin: init1
A = 3;
#1 A = A + 1; // blocking procedural assignment
B = A + 1;
$display("Blocking: A= %b B= %b", A, B ); A = 3;
#1 A <= A + 1; // non-blocking procedural assignment
B <= A + 1;
#1 $display("Non-blocking: A= %b B= %b", A, B );
integer file;
file = $fopenr("filename");
file = $fopenw("filename");
file = $fopena("filename");
The function $fopenr opens an existing file for reading. $fopenw opens a new file for writing, and
$fopena opens a new file for writing where any data will be appended to the end of the file. The file name
can be either a quoted string or a reg holding the file name. If the file was successfully opened, it returns
an integer containing the file number (1..MAX_FILES) or NULL (0) if there was an error. Note that these
functions are not the same as the built-in system function $fopen which opens a file for writing by
$fdisplay. The files are opened in C with 'rb', 'wb', and 'ab' which allows reading and writing binary data
on the PC. The 'b' is ignored on Unix.
integer file, r;
r = $fcloser(file);
r = $fclosew(file);
The function $fcloser closes a file for input. $fclosew closes a file for output. It returns EOF if there was
an error, otherwise 0. Note that these are not the same as $fclose which closes files for writing.
A function is unable to enable a task however functions can enable other functions.
A function will carry out its required duty in zero simulation time. ( The program time will not be
incremented during the function routine)
Within a function, no event, delay or timing control statements are permitted
In the invocation of a function their must be at least one argument to be passed.
Functions will only return a single value and can not use either output or inout statements.
Tasks are capable of enabling a function as well as enabling other versions of a Task
Tasks also run with a zero simulation however they can if required be executed in a non zero simulation
Tasks are allowed to contain any of these statements.
A task is allowed to use zero or more arguments which are of type output, input or inout.
A Task is unable to return a value but has the facility to pass multiple values via the output and inout
statements .
These commands have the same syntax, and display text on the screen during simulation. They are much
less convenient than waveform display tools like cwaves?. $display and $strobe display once every time
they are executed, whereas $monitor displays every time one of its parameters changes.
The difference between $display and $strobe is that $strobe displays the parameters at the very end of the
current simulation time unit rather than exactly where it is executed. The format string is like that in
C/C++, and may contain format characters. Format characters include %d (decimal), %h (hexadecimal),
%b (binary), %c (character), %s (string) and %t (time), %m (hierarchy level). %5d, %5b etc. would give
exactly 5 spaces for the number instead of the space needed. Append b, h, o to the task name to change
default format to binary, octal or hexadecimal.
$display (“format_string”, par_1, par_2, ... );
$strobe (“format_string”, par_1, par_2, ... );
$monitor (“format_string”, par_1, par_2, ... );
A "full" case statement is a case statement in which all possible case-expression binary patterns can be
matched to a case item or to a case default. If a case statement does not include a case default and if it is
possible to find a binary case expression that does not match any of the defined case items, the case
statement is not "full."
A "parallel" case statement is a case statement in which it is only possible to match a case expression to
one and only one case item. If it is possible to find a case expression that would match more than one case
item, the matching case items are called "overlapping" case items and the case statement is not "parallel."
in a case statement if all the possible combinations are not compared and default is also not specified like
in example above a latch will be inferred ,a latch is inferred because to reproduce the previous value when
unknown branch is specified.
For example in above case if {s1,s0}=3 , the previous stored value is reproduced for this storing a latch is
The same may be observed in IF statement in case an ELSE IF is not specified.
To avoid inferring latches make sure that all the cases are mentioned if not default condition is provided.
The sensitivity list indicates that when a change occurs to any one of elements in the list change, begin…
end statement inside that always block will get executed.
12) In a pure combinational circuit is it necessary to mention all the inputs in sensitivity disk? if yes,
Yes in a pure combinational circuit is it necessary to mention all the inputs in sensitivity disk other wise it
will result in pre and post synthesis mismatch.
// timescale directive tells the simulator the base units and precision of the simulation
`timescale 1 ns / 10 ps
module name (input and outputs);
// parameter declarations
parameter parameter_name = parameter value;
// Input output declarations X
input in1;
input in2; // single bit inputs
output [msb:lsb] out; // a bus output
// internal signal register type declaration - register types (only assigned within always statements). reg
register variable 1;
reg [msb:lsb] register variable 2;
// internal signal. net type declaration - (only assigned outside always statements) wire net variable 1;
// hierarchy - instantiating another module
reference name instance name (
.pin1 (net1),
.pin2 (net2),
.pinn (netn)
// synchronous procedures
always @ (posedge clock)
// combinatinal procedures
always @ (signal1 or signal2 or signal3)
assign net variable = combinational logic;
VHDL. Multiple design-units (entity/architecture pairs), that reside in the same system file, may be
separately compiled if so desired. However, it is good design practice to keep each design unit in it's own
system file in which case separate compilation should not be an issue.
Verilog. The Verilog language is still rooted in it's native interpretative mode. Compilation is a means of
speeding up simulation, but has not changed the original nature of the language. As a result care must be
taken with both the compilation order of code written in a single file and the compilation order of multiple
files. Simulation results can change by simply changing the order of compilation.
Data types
VHDL. A multitude of language or user defined data types can be used. This may mean dedicated
conversion functions are needed to convert objects from one type to another. The choice of which data
types to use should be considered wisely, especially enumerated (abstract) data types. This will make
models easier to write, clearer to read and avoid unnecessary conversion functions that can clutter the
code. VHDL may be preferred because it allows a multitude of language or user defined data types to be
Verilog. Compared to VHDL, Verilog data types a re very simple, easy to use and very much geared
towards modeling hardware structure as opposed to abstract hardware modeling. Unlike VHDL, all data
types used in a Verilog model are defined by the Verilog language and not by the user. There are net data
types, for example wire, and a register data type called reg. A model with a signal whose type is one of
the net data types has a corresponding electrical wire in the implied modeled circuit. Objects, that is
signals, of type reg hold their value over simulation delta cycles and should not be confused with the
modeling of a hardware register. Verilog may be preferred because of it's simplicity.
Design reusability
VHDL. Procedures and functions may be placed in a package so that they are avail able to any design-unit
that wishes to use them.
Verilog. There is no concept of packages in Verilog. Functions and procedures used within a model must
be defined in the module. To make functions and procedures generally accessible from different module
statements the functions and procedures must be placed in a separate system file and included using the
`include compiler directive.
15) What are different styles of Verilog coding I mean gate-level,continuous level and others explain
in detail?
16) Can you tell me some of system tasks and their purpose?
In earlier version of Verilog ,we use 'or' to specify more than one element in sensitivity list . In Verilog
2001, we can use comma as shown in the example below.
// Verilog 2k example for usage of comma
always @ (i1,i2,i3,i4)
Verilog 2001 allows us to use star in sensitive list instead of listing all the variables in RHS of combo
logics . This removes typo mistakes and thus avoids simulation and synthesis mismatches,
Verilog 2001 allows port direction and data type in the port list of modules as shown in the example
module memory (
input r,
input wr,
input [7:0] data_in,
input [3:0] addr,
output [7:0] data_out
Synchronous reset, synchronous means clock dependent so reset must not be present in sensitivity disk
always @ (posedge clk )
begin if (reset)
. . . end
Asynchronous means clock independent so reset must be present in sensitivity list.
Always @(posedge clock or posedge reset)
if (reset)
. . . end
Programming Language Interface (PLI) of Verilog HDL is a mechanism to interface Verilog programs
with programs written in C language. It also provides mechanism to access internal databases of the
simulator from the C program.
PLI is used for implementing system calls which would have been hard to do otherwise (or impossible)
using Verilog syntax. Or, in other words, you can take advantage of both the paradigms - parallel and
hardware related features of Verilog and sequential flow of C - using PLI.
20) There is a triangle and on it there are 3 ants one on each corner and are free to move along sides
of triangle what is probability that they will collide?
Ants can move only along edges of triangle in either of direction, let’s say one is represented by 1 and
another by 0, since there are 3 sides eight combinations are possible, when all ants are going in same
direction they won’t collide that is 111 or 000 so probability of not collision is 2/8=1/4 or collision
probability is 6/8=3/4
Verilog interview Questions
How to write FSM is verilog?
$deposit(variable, value);
This system task sets a Verilog register or net to the specified value. variable is the
register or net to be changed; value is the new value for the register or net. The value
remains until there is a subsequent driver transaction or another $deposit task for the
same register or net. This system task operates identically to the ModelSim
force -deposit command.
The force command has -freeze, -drive, and -deposit options. When none of these is
specified, then -freeze is assumed for unresolved signals and -drive is assumed for resolved
signals. This is designed to provide compatibility with force files. But if you prefer -freeze X
as the default for both resolved and unresolved signals.
Special version of the case statement which uses a Z logic value to represent don't-care bits. CASEX :
Special version of the case statement which uses Z or X logic values to represent don't-care bits.
CASEZ should be used for case statements with wildcard don’t cares, otherwise use of CASE is required;
CASEX should never be used.
This is because:
Don’t cares are not allowed in the "case" statement. Therefore casex or casez are required. Casex will
automatically match any x or z with anything in the case statement. Casez will only match z’s -- x’s
require an absolute match.
25) What is the difference between the following two lines of Verilog code?
#5 a = b;
a = #5 b;
#5 a = b; Wait five time units before doing the action for "a = b;".
a = #5 b; The value of b is calculated and stored in an internal temp register,After five time units, assign
this stored value to a.
c = foo ? a : b;
if (foo) c = a;
else c = b;
The ? merges answers if the condition is "x", so for instance if foo = 1'bx, a = 'b10, and b = 'b11, you'd get
c = 'b1x. On the other hand, if treats Xs or Zs as FALSE, so you'd always get c = b.
'timescale directive is a compiler directive.It is used to measure simulation time or delay time. Usage :
`timescale / reference_time_unit : Specifies the unit of measurement for times and delays. time_precision:
specifies the precision to which the delays are rounded off.
A: The easiest and efficient way to generate sine wave is using CORDIC Algorithm.
Net types: (wire,tri)Physical connection between structural elements. Value assigned by a continuous
assignment or a gate output. Register type: (reg, integer, time, real, real time) represents abstract data
storage element. Assigned values only within an always statement or an initial statement. The main
difference between wire and reg is wire cannot hold (store) the value when there no connection between a
and b like a->b, if there is no connection in a and b, wire loose value. But reg can hold the value even if
there in no connection. Default values:wire is Z,reg is x.
// Port Declaration
input oe;
input clk;
input [7:0] inp;
output [7:0] outp;
inout [7:0] bidir;
reg [7:0] a;
reg [7:0] b;
assign bidir = oe ? a : 8'bZ ;
assign outp = b;
// Always Construct
always @ (posedge clk)
b <= bidir;
a <= inp;
35) Why is it that "if (2'b01 & 2'b10)..." doesn't run the true case?
This is a popular coding error. You used the bit wise AND operator (&) where you meant to use the
logical AND operator (&&).
Event Driven
Cycle Based
Event-based Simulator:
This Digital Logic Simulation method sacrifices performance for rich functionality: every active signal is
calculated for every device it propagates through during a clock cycle. Full Event-based simulators
support 4-28 states; simulation of Behavioral HDL, RTL HDL, gate, and transistor representations; full
timing calculations for all devices; and the full HDL standard. Event-based simulators are like a Swiss X
Army knife with many different features but none are particularly fast.
This is a Digital Logic Simulation method that eliminates unnecessary calculations to achieve huge
performance gains in verifying Boolean logic:
1.) Results are only examined at the end of every clock cycle; and
2.) The digital logic is the only part of the design simulated (no timing calculations). By limiting the
calculations, Cycle based Simulators can provide huge increases in performance over conventional Event-
based simulators.
Cycle based simulators are more like a high speed electric carving knife in comparison because they focus
on a subset of the biggest problem: logic verification.
Cycle based simulators are almost invariably used along with Static Timing verifier to compensate for the
lost timing information coverage.
As ASIC and system-on-chip (SoC) designs continue to increase in size and complexity, there is an equal
or greater increase in the size of the verification effort required to achieve functional coverage goals. This
has created a trend in RTL verification techniques to employ constrained-random verification, which
shifts the emphasis from hand-authored tests to utilization of compute resources. With the corresponding
emergence of faster, more complex bus standards to handle the massive volume of data traffic there has
also been a renewed significance for verification IP to speed the time taken to develop advanced testbench
environments that include randomization of bus traffic.
Directed-Test Methodology
Building a directed verification environment with a comprehensive set of directed tests is extremely time-
consuming and difficult. Since directed tests only cover conditions that have been anticipated by the
verification team, they do a poor job of covering corner cases. This can lead to costly re-spins or, worse
still, missed market windows.
The advent of constrained-random verification gives verification engineers an effective method to achieve
coverage goals faster and also help find corner-case problems. It shifts the emphasis from writing an
enormous number of directed tests to writing a smaller set of constrained-random scenarios that let the
compute resources do the work. Coverage goals are achieved not by the sheer weight of manual labor
required to hand-write directed tests but by the number of processors that can be utilized to run random
seeds. This significantly reduces the time required to achieve the coverage goals.
Scoreboards are used to verify that data has successfully reached its destination, while monitors snoop the
interfaces to provide coverage information. New or revised constraints focus verification on the
uncovered parts of the design under test. As verification progresses, the simulation tool identifies the best
seeds, which are then retained as regression tests to create a set of scenarios, constraints, and seeds that
provide high coverage of the design.
Index :
Keywords : interview questions verilog
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