Science Teachers' Utilisation of Innovative Strategies For Teaching Senior School Science in Ilorin, Nigeria
Science Teachers' Utilisation of Innovative Strategies For Teaching Senior School Science in Ilorin, Nigeria
Science Teachers' Utilisation of Innovative Strategies For Teaching Senior School Science in Ilorin, Nigeria
Oyelekan, Oloyede Solomon [1], Igbokwe, Emoyoke Faith [2], [2] Department of Science and
Olorundare, Adekunle Solomon [3] Technology Education
Lagos State University
Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria.
[email protected]
[3] Department of Science
Efforts have been made to improve science teaching in secondary schools in University of Ilorin
Nigeria, yet, students continue to perform poorly in science subjects. Many Ilorin, Nigeria.
innovative teaching strategies have been developed by educators and found to [email protected]
impact significantly on students’ academic performance when utilised. Hence, this
study was aimed at examining science teachers’ utilisation of innovative teaching
strategies in teaching senior school science subjects in Ilorin, Nigeria. A sample of
two hundred and fifty six (256) science teachers were selected from secondary
schools in Ilorin East, South and West Local Government Areas using stratified
random sampling technique. Data was obtained using a researcher-designed
questionnaire known as the Innovative Teaching Strategies Questionnaire (ITSQ)
which has a reliability index of 0.91 Cronbach alpha. Results showed that out of
the thirty six (36) selected innovative teaching strategies, most science teachers
frequently used only two (2), while the rest were rarely used. The results also
showed no significant difference in science teachers’ level of utilisation of the
innovative teaching strategies based on experience and qualifications. It was
recommended among others that science teachers avail themselves of the
opportunities provided by these innovative strategies in improving the
performance of their students.
Science as a field of study has made it possible for man to know more about the universe. The effective
teaching of science subjects can lead to the attainment of scientific and technological greatness (Adesoji &
Olatunbosun, 2008). Science teachers are very crucial in the translation of science educational objectives into
practice. Science education provides a more effective preparation for citizenship and in order to achieve this,
qualified and experienced science teachers who are well aware of global demands of science teaching with
a view to engendering scientific and technological values in learners are required. There has been much
concern about the apparent fall in the standard of science education at the secondary school level in Nigeria.
For instance, Madu (2004) and Okebukola (2005) working separately, have lamented on the decline in the
standard of science teaching in Nigeria. Nwagbo (2001) identified a number of factors obstructing students’
understanding and achievement in the science subjects and among these factors was the use of
inappropriate, non-effective teaching methodology. Abimbola (2013) stated that the performance level for
individual science subjects did not show any significant rise for a twenty-year period between 1991 and 2011,
except occasionally for chemistry and physics.
The persistent poor performance in science subjects at School Certificate level has given rise to an
Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences 2017 (Volume5 - Issue 2 )
assumption that most science teachers in secondary schools in Nigeria probably do not make use of varied
forms of teaching strategies to be able to cope with some specific difficulties associated with the teaching
and learning of science by both the teachers and the students respectively (Achor, 2003; Umoren & Ogong,
2007). Nwosu (2004) submitted that most science teachers do not possess the prerequisite knowledge
needed for activity based learning and as a result, the most prevalent method of teaching has been the ‘talk
and chalk’ (lecture) method. Ajaja (2013) identified the ‘method adopted for teaching and learning
science’(p.1) as one of the factors contributing to this low interest in science and hence expressed the need
for a search for alternative instructional strategies that could stimulate students’ interest and enhance their
achievement. The use of various innovative teaching strategies is borne out of the fact that there are different
topics to be taught and skills intended to be developed. Many innovative strategies have been developed by
educators with a view to involving learners more in the teaching learning process. This is considered very
important and there is the need get these strategies into the classrooms (Slavin, 2005; Leikin & Zaslavsky,
1997). For this to be done successfully, there is need for teachers not only to be aware of these strategies,
but also to learn how to use these strategies appropriately in the classroom. A teacher who is not aware of a
variety of such strategies can neither attempt to use them in the first place nor use them appropriately.
Recent empirical studies have indicated that some of these innovative strategies produced better
result in terms of students’ learning. For instance, Lamidi, Oyelekan and Olorundare (2015) conducted a study
to determine the effects of mastery learning instructional strategy on secondary school students’
achievement in mole concept, a topic that has been empirically identified as difficult to understand by
students. It was found out that students taught using the mastery learning instructional strategy performed
significantly better than their counterparts in the control group. Similarly, Gambari, Yusuf and Thomas (2015)
examined the effectiveness of computer-assisted instruction on Student Team Achievement Division (STAD)
and Learning Together Model (LTM) cooperative learning strategies on Nigerian secondary students’
achievement and motivation in physics. They found out that the students taught with STAD and LTM
performed significantly better than their counterparts taught using individualised computer instruction (ICI).
It was further indicated that the cooperative learning strategies were found to be gender friendly.
In another recent study, Abdulwahab, Oyelekan and Olorundare (2016) investigated the effects of
cooperative instructional strategy on senior secondary school students’ achievement in electrochemistry
using gender and scoring levels as moderating variables. The findings of this study also revealed that students
taught using cooperative instructional strategy performed better than their counterparts in the control group
and that the low scorers benefitting most from the strategy. Hence, as a way of proffering solution to
students’ dismal performance in the sciences, it is important to find out whether some of these innovative
strategies are being utilised by the teachers or not.
The prescribed method for implementing the senior secondary school curriculum for biology placed
emphasis on field study, guided discovery, laboratory techniques and skills and conceptual thinking. Other
methods include models, demonstration, field trip, discussion, group work, project work and resource
persons. The methods were prescribed in pursuance of the stated objectives, the contents and context of
the curriculum (Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC, 2009a). Chemistry
curriculum content focuses on practical activity with emphasis on locally available materials. The prescribed
methods include guided discovery, class discussion, field trip, laboratory and demonstration (NERDC, 2009b).
Physics content organization uses the spiral approach while guided discovery method of teaching has been
recommended to achieve the stated objectives of the curriculum. The prescribed methods for implementing
the senior secondary school curriculum for physics place emphasis on experimentation, questioning,
discussion and problem solving (NERDC, 2009c). The curriculum if effectively implemented will enable the
learner achieve his/her maximum potential and perform better in various subject areas.
As often specified by the current curriculum in use, science teachers are expected to deliver a particular
content in a specific term, week and time of the year to the learners. However, how to put the required
knowledge across to learners might often be a problem to the teachers. This problem could arise from having
to teach much within a short time, not having the required materials or not knowing the strategies to teach
with. Further, it was found that some teaching strategies could be more facilitative than others when used
in teaching which often depends on the subject or topic/concept being taught (Barbosa, Jofili & Watta, 2004;
Longjohn, 2009; Umoren & Ogong, 2007). Hence, the effective use of one or more innovative strategies
Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences 2017 (Volume5 - Issue 2 )
Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences 2017 (Volume5 - Issue 2 )
Dharmadasa (1994) indicated that, although less experienced teachers preferred implementing new
methods of instruction, experienced teachers are more concerned about classroom management and
organisation of instruction and their impact on the students.
Anchor et al. (2010) discovered that more experienced science teachers had higher mean utilisation
scores of the innovative teaching strategies than the less experienced ones. Khurshid and Zahur (2013)
revealed that experienced teachers were more aware and utilised the innovative strategies than the less
experienced ones.
Hence, this study sought to find out the utilisation of selected innovative strategies for teaching senior
school science by science teachers within a locality in Nigeria with a view to making appropriate
recommendations that could lead to improvement in the performance of students in science subjects.
The Constructivist developed a learning theory known as the Constructivist Learning Theory. These
theorists believe that learning is based on prior knowledge and that students learn best when they are
allowed to create a personal understanding based on experiencing things for themselves and reflecting on
them. They believe that students learn to learn by giving them the training to take initiatives for their own
learning experience. The concept of innovative teaching is actually based on the constructivist learning
theory. A number of teaching strategies are principled on the constructivist learning theory which mostly
involves a form of guided discovery in which the teacher avoids direct instruction and attempts to lead
students through questions and activities to discover, discuss, appreciate and verbalize the new knowledge.
Activities encouraged by constructivist include experimentation, visualisation, research project, field trip,
films and class discussion.
Constructivist views of learning are in consonance with empirical findings concerning the inadequacy
of traditional teaching approaches in developing and changing students’ fundamental science understanding
(Tyler, Waldrip & Griffiths, 2004). Tyler et al., (2004) further stressed that conceptual change approaches to
teaching took their cue from the realisation that the learning of major science ideas involves the
transformation of often well-developed informal conceptions rather than the simple implantation of ready-
made science insights. The constructivists agree that the approaches are many and involve bringing students’
prior conceptions into the open and also challenging them to use structured activities and classroom
discussion within the frameworks of science ideas. Such teaching schemes, generated on the basis of
students’ conceptions, are characterised as constructivist or conceptual change approaches.
Given the diversity of learners and the views expressed in many classrooms, the science teachers’ role
needs to be more about managing the construction of knowledge between participants (Barbosa, Jofil &
Watta, 2004). The issue of effective management is what makes a difference between one science teacher
and another. Some teaching strategies involve the learners more than others and sometimes add more
meaning to everyday life. This was stressed by Barbosa, Jofil and Watta (2004) in pointing out that very little
of what science teachers teach will be directly used in their students’ lives. It is on this basis that they
advocated for teachers’ need to look beyond the ‘utility argument’ of the subject so as to see what aspects
of science are needed to enrich lives with an understanding of people and the universe. Appropriate choice
of teaching strategies could help to bring this to realization.
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Answers were sought to the following research questions:
1. To what level do science teachers utilise innovative teaching strategies in their teaching?
2. To what level does the utilisation of innovative teaching strategies by experienced science teachers
differs from that of the less experienced science teachers?
3. To what level does the utilisation of innovative teaching strategies by qualified science teachers
differs from that of unqualified science teachers?
The following research hypotheses were put to test:
HO 1: There is no significant difference in the level of utilisation of innovative teaching strategies
between experienced and less experienced science teachers.
HO 2: There is no significant difference in the level of utilisation of innovative teaching strategies
between qualified and unqualified science teachers.
The study was a descriptive research of the survey type. The population was all senior secondary
school science teachers of biology, chemistry and physics in Ilorin East, South, and West Local Government
Areas of Kwara State, Nigeria. Three hundred (300) science teachers were purposively and randomly selected
from senior secondary public and private schools. Eventually, two hundred and fifty six (256) science teachers
responded properly to the instrument used for the study.
The instrument used for the study was a researcher-designed questionnaire known as the Innovative
Teaching Strategies Questionnaire (ITSQ). The questionnaire contained two sections, A and B. Section A
requested for the personal information of each respondent like the name of school, schools’ location, gender
of respondent, teaching qualifications, years of experience and area of specialization. Section B of the
questionnaire requested for information on teachers’ level of utilisation of the selected innovative teaching
strategies. It had a 3-option rating scale of Frequently Used (FU=3), Rarely Used (RU=2) and Not Used (NU=1),
which are the levels of utilisation. The level of utilization of each strategy is represented by the mean
utilization value which ranges between 1 and 3. For the purpose of this study, the level of utilization of the
strategies in terms of the mean utilisation value is rated as follows:
1.0: Not used
1.1- 2.4: Rarely used
2.5- 3.0: Frequently used
The mean utilization value for each of the items is calculated by multiplying the weighted value of
the response modes (3 for FU, 2 for RU, and 1 for NU) with the number of teachers that chose them for the
item, added together and then divided by the total number of teachers.
The study took into consideration thirty six selected innovative teaching strategies out of one
thousand two hundred and seventy one (1271) instructional strategies listed by Kelly (2010) and those listed
by the United States’ National Center on Educational Outcomes (2002). The strategies were selected based
on their innovative nature, student centeredness, relevance to the various science subjects.
The questionnaire was validated by four lecturers in the Department of Science Education, University
of Ilorin, Nigeria. The reliability of the questionnaire was determined using Cronbach Alpha reliability
procedure in which the questionnaire was administered to twenty science teachers selected from another
area not covered in the study. Using the Statistical Program for the Social Sciences, a reliability coefficient of
0.91 was obtained.
After due permission was sought from the selected schools by the researchers, the researchers met
with the teachers to seek their consent and explained the aim of the study as well as their level of
involvement in the study. The researcher administered the questionnaires alongside a glossary of the
selected innovative strategies personally to the teachers, waited for them to be filled and retrieved them
that same day before leaving the schools. Data collection was done over a period of one month. The data
Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences 2017 (Volume5 - Issue 2 )
obtained from the questionnaire were coded and subjected to statistical analysis using the frequency count,
percentages, mean and Chi-Square.
The data obtained in respect of each of the research questions and hypotheses are presented and
explained as follows:
Research Question 1: To what level do science teachers utilise the innovative teaching strategies?
Table 1 is interpreted on the bases of the percentage of teachers that used the strategies as well as
the level of utilisation as represented by the mean utilisation values.
Table 1 Frequency Counts, Percentages and Mean of Science Teachers’ Level of Utilisation of the Innovative
Teaching Strategies.
Not Used
Used %
Used %
Used %
S/N Rarely
Strategies Utilisation
1 Acronym
56 21.9 159 62.1 41 16.0 2.06
2 Affinity
4 1.6 47 18.4 205 80.1 1.21
3 Analogy
77 30.1 160 62.5 19 7.4 2.23
4 Choral
25 9.8 169 66.0 62 24.2 1.86
5 Computer 1.20
13 5.1 24 9.4 219 85.5
Assisted Ins.
7 Construction
17 6.6 39 15.2 200 78.1 1.29
8 Cooperative
85 33.2 126 49.2 45 17.6 2.16
Crawford Slip 4 1.6 24 9.4 228 89.1 1.12
Demo kits 9 3.5 96 37.5 151 59.0 1.45
11 Discussion
4 1.6 69 27.0 183 71.5 1.30
12 Field Trip 59 23.0 126 49.2 71 27.7
Grab Bag 1 0.4 21 8.2 234 91.4 1.09
14 Graphic
5 2.0 111 43.4 140 54.7 1.47
15 Guided
32 12.5 145 56.6 79 30.9 1.82
Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences 2017 (Volume5 - Issue 2 )
Not Used
Used %
Used %
Used %
Strategies Utilisation
22 Minimalism 22 8.6 86 33.6 148 57.8
23 Models 122 47.7 106 41.4 28 10.9
25 Multimedia 7 2.7 48 18.8 201 78.5
26 Peer Review 36 14.1 175 68.4 45 17.6
27 2.07
Peer Tutoring 44 17.2 185 72.3 27 10.5
28 Problem
34 13.3 143 55.9 79 30.9 1.82
29 Project Based
20 7.8 185 72.3 51 19.9 1.88
30 Reciprocal
11 4.3 143 55.9 79 30.9 1.64
31 Role Playing 3 1.2 86 33.6 167 65.2
32 Socratic
6 2.3 110 43.0 140 54.7 1.48
33 Stir the
1 0.4 37 14.5 218 85.2 1.15
34 Study Aids 15 5.9 159 62.1 82 32.0
35 Twinning 2 0.8 116 45.3 138 53.9
36 Vee Mapping _ _ 34 13.3 222 86.7
The table shows that most of the science teachers frequently used laboratory and models, with the
highest percentages of 71.9 % and 47.7% respectively, and mean utilisation values of 2.66 and 2.37
respectively. On the basis of the mean utilisation values, laboratory strategy was frequently used while the
models strategy was rarely used. Table 1 also shows that most of the science teachers rarely used acronym
memory, analogy, choral response, cooperative learning, field trip, guided discovery, models, model-lead-
Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences 2017 (Volume5 - Issue 2 )
test, peer review, peer tutoring, problem solving, project based learning, reciprocal teaching and study aids
with the highest percentages of rare use being 62.1%, 62.5%, 66.0%, 49.2%, 49.2%, 56.6%, 50.0%, 68.4%,
72.3%, 55.9%, 72.3%, 55.9% and 62.1% respectively. All these have their mean utilisation values between 1.1
and 2.4 meaning that they were all rarely used.
The table also shows that affinity, computer assisted instructions, construction spiral, Crawford slip,
demo kits, discussion web, grab bag, graphic organizers, idea spinner, jigsaw, listen-think-pair-share,
manipulatives, mind maps, minimalism, multimedia, role playing, Socratic method, stir the teams, twinning
and vee mapping were being used by science teachers, since their utilisation values were above 1. However,
they were not being used by most of the science teachers; because their percentages of non-use are 80.1%,
85.5%, 78.1%, 89.1%, 59.0%, 71.5%, 91.4%, 54.7%, 89.5%, 76.2%, 63.3%, 52.7%, 72.7%, 57.8%, 78.5%, 65.2%,
54.7%, 85.2%, 53.9% and 86.7% respectively.
Research Question 2: To what level does the utilisation of innovative teaching strategies by
experienced science teachers differ from that of the less experienced science teachers?
The corresponding hypothesis to this research question is hypothesis 1.
Hypothesis 1: There is no significant difference in the level of utilisation of innovative teaching
strategies between experienced and less experienced science teachers.
Table 2 Chi-Square Item-by-Item analysis of Science Teachers’ Level of Utilisation of the Innovative
Teaching Strategies Based on Experience.
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Research question 2 could be answered for each of the strategies by inspecting the observed values
for each of them. For example, for strategy number 1 which is acronym memory, the observed values of the
number of experienced and less experienced science teachers who frequently used the strategy was 34 and
23 respectively, that of those who rarely used it were 53 and 106 respectively while that of those who did
not use it were 15 and 26 respectively. The figures provide answers to research question 2 for each of the
Table 2 also shows that there was a significant difference between experienced and less experienced
science teachers’ level of utilisation of strategies 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, 14, 20, 23, 24, 26, 29, 31 and 32. Acronym
memory, affinity, constructivism, cooperative learning, demo kits, graphic organizers, manipulatives, models,
model-lead-test, peer review, project based learning, role playing and stir the team’s p-values were 0.001,
0.046, 0.000, 0.003, 0.029, 0.000, 0.014, 0.029, 0.031, 0.044, 0.034, 0.001, and 0.004, respectively. The p-
values of these innovative teaching strategies were less than 0.05 level of significance with 2 degrees of
freedom hence, the significant difference.
Table 3 shows that the p-value was 0.396 which was greater than 0.05 level of significance with 2
degrees of freedom. Therefore, the null hypothesis which states that there is no significant difference in the
level of utilisation of the innovative teaching strategies between experienced and less experienced science
teachers was retained.
Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences 2017 (Volume5 - Issue 2 )
Table 3 Chi-Square Analysis of Science Teachers’ Level of Utilisation of the Innovative Teaching Strategies
Based on Experience.
Frequently Not
Rarely Used
Used Used
Research Question 3: To what level does the utilisation of innovative teaching strategies by qualified
science teachers differs from that of unqualified science teachers?
The corresponding hypothesis is hypothesis 2
Hypothesis 2: There is no significant difference in the level of utilisation of the innovative teaching
strategies between qualified and unqualified teachers.
The level of difference in the utilisation of each of the innovative strategies by qualified and less
qualified science teachers could be seen in the observed figures for both groups presented on table 4. For
instance, the observed figures for the frequent use of acronym memory are 32 and 24 for qualified and
unqualified teachers respectively, that of rare use are 62 and 97 respectively while that of not used are 16
and 25 respectively. The figures provide answers to research question 3 for each of the strategies.
Table 4 shows the Chi-square item-by-item analysis of science teachers’ level of utilisation of the
innovative teaching strategies. It shows that there was a significant difference between qualified and
unqualified science teachers’ level of utilisation of strategies 2, 6, 8, 14, 15, 19, 20, 24, 29, 31 and 32. The p-
values of these innovative teaching strategies were 0.004, 0.021, 0.002, 0.008, 0.014, 0.007, 0.018, 0.042,
0.033, 0.000 and 0.016 respectively which were less than 0.05 level of significance with 2 degrees of freedom.
Table 4 Chi-Square Item-by-Item Analysis of Science Teachers’ Level of Utilisation of the Innovative
Teaching Strategies Based on Qualifications
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Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences 2017 (Volume5 - Issue 2 )
Hence, there was a significant difference between science teachers’ utilisation of these strategies
based on their qualifications.
Table 5 Chi-Square Analysis of Science Teachers’ Level of Utilisation of the Innovative Teaching Strategies
Based on Qualifications
Table 5 shows that the p-value was 0.451 which was greater than 0.05 levels of significance with 2
degrees of freedom. Therefore, the null hypothesis which states that there is no significant difference in the
level of utilisation of the innovative teaching strategies between qualified and unqualified science teachers
was retained.
This study revealed that science teachers’ experience and qualifications did not influence their
utilisation of the innovative teaching strategies, hence, the two null hypotheses put to test in this study were
retained. The innovative strategies that were utilised by science teachers have been revealed in this study.
The results of this study revealed that out of the thirty six selected innovative teaching strategies, only two
(2) were utilised by most of the science teachers. The remaining thirty four (34) strategies were rarely utilised
as the mean utilisation for each of the strategies was below 2.5. This agrees with the submission of Achor,
Samba and Ogbeba (2010) who stated that various teaching strategies exist yet poor teaching and learning
of science seems to continue unabated.
The prescribed methods for implementing the senior school science curricula such as field trip,
guided discovery, problem solving, and project based learning were rarely used. This study confirms the
finding of Achor, Samba and Ogbeba (2010) which concluded that science teachers do not utilise most of the
strategies they are aware of which is an indicator that certain concepts in science have probably not been
taught using the appropriate teaching strategies.
The findings also revealed that there was no significant difference in the level of utilisation of the
innovative teaching strategies between experienced and less experienced science teachers. The finding did
not agree with that of Achor, Samba and Ogbeba (2010) that experienced teachers effectively used these
strategies than less experienced teachers. This variation in results could probably be as a result of the number
of innovative strategies considered in this study. Thirty six innovative strategies were considered in this study
while nineteen innovative strategies were considered by Achor (2010). Also, Khurshid and Zahur (2013)
revealed that more experienced teachers utilised innovative teaching strategies than the less experienced
ones. The differences existed probably because this study considered 5 years upward as the experience level
while the previous study considered 7-10 years as the experience level. The findings also revealed that there
was no significant difference in the level of utilisation of the innovative teaching strategies between qualified
and unqualified teachers, hence hypothesis 2 was also retained.
Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences 2017 (Volume5 - Issue 2 )
Findings of this study indicate that all the innovative strategies were used by the teachers, however,
only two (2) of these thirty six (36) strategies were frequently used by most of the science teachers. The
teachers rarely used the rest of them. This implies that science teachers barely utilised innovative teaching
strategies in their lessons. The item by item analysis showed that significant differences existed between
experienced and less experienced science teachers, qualified and unqualified science teachers with respect
to some specific innovative teaching strategies. The two null hypotheses were retained as there was no
significant difference in the level utilisation of the innovative teaching strategies between experienced and
less experienced science teachers and qualified and unqualified science teachers. Hence, teachers’
qualification and their number of years of teaching experience had no influence on their utilisation of
innovative teaching strategies.
Based on the results of the findings in this study, the following recommendations were made:
1. Science teachers should avail themselves of the opportunities provided by these innovative
strategies in improving the performance of their students.
2. The State Government and school proprietors should organize workshops, seminars and conferences
on innovative instructional strategies as in-service training for science teachers irrespective of their
experience or qualifications.
3. Teacher training institutions in the state should ensure that teachers in training are taught on how
to use various innovative teaching strategies.
4. The Kwara State Ministry of Education and Kwara State Teaching Service Commission should ensure
that science teachers adhere to the prescriptions made in the senior secondary education curriculum
in respect of the teaching strategies to be used for teaching their respective subjects. They should
ensure that the prescribed methods for teaching biology, chemistry and physics that are stated in
the Senior Secondary Education Curriculum are frequently used by the teachers in addition to other
viable instructional strategies.
5. The Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) should consider including
more innovative teaching strategies to be part of the prescribed strategies of teaching in the Senior
Secondary Education Curriculum during the review of the present senior secondary school
6. Schools should encourage teachers on the use of innovative teaching strategies by providing
adequate funds, materials and good learning environment that can facilitate the use of these
innovative strategies.
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