Sem4 Set2 I13

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1. _____________command is used to remove rights or privileges from user accounts.




2. Which of the following datatypes is used to store images in MYSQL?




3. Identify the value that can be stored in an ENUM data type?

A. 7

B. 65535
C. 2(TRUE and FALSE)

D. 255

4. Which of the following is the correct syntax to make changes in the column
definition of a table?

A. ALTER TABLE table_name UPDATE[COLUMN] create_definition

B. ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER[COLUMN] create_definition

C. ALTER TABLE table_name ADD[COLUMN] create_definition

D. ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY[COLUMN] create_definition


5. Which of the following options specifies the length of the database name in

A. 16

B. 80
C. 64
D. 256

6. Which of the following are elements of use-case diagrams?(Choose 3 correct


A. Models

B. Actors
C. Use-cases
D. Relationships

7. The_____________diagrams are used to explore the behaviors of one or more

objects over a given period of time.

A. Timing

B. Checkout

C. Distance

D. Calculation

8. The essential characteristics of a class are represented as ________________

A. attributes
B. activities

C. methods

D. components

9. Labels on transitions are represented using notations in the ________ format.

A. event:/activity

B. event:[guard]

C. [guard]/activity

D. event:[guard]/activity
10. In sequence diagrams, a message is shown as a ___________________

A. vertical dashed line

B. horizontal dashed line

C. horizontal solid arrow

D. rectangle


11.In ______________, the child object reference exists even after the parent
object reference is set to null, but in __________, the child object reference is
set to null after the parent object reference is set to null.

A. Aggregation,Composition


C. Aggregation,Decomposition

D. Composition,Activity

12. Which of the following statements about class diagarams are correct? (Choose 3

A. Class diagrams are derived from use-case diagrams

B. Class diagrams describe a system's classes, their attributes and behavior

C. Class diagrams form the base of all OO methods

D. Class diagrams show interrelationships like inheritance,aggregation and


13. Which of the following are correct about Proxy pattern?

A. Proxy Pattern is used when a more sophisticated reference than a simple pointer
is needed to manage object temporarily.

B. Proxy Pattern introduces a level of indirection in accessing objects which

provides flexibilty.

C. Proxy pattern is similar to adapter pattern in its implementation structure but

while adapter changes its interface proxy provides the same interface.

14. Iterator pattern is used when:

A. Elements of an aggreagate need to be accessed by exposing internal

representation of the aggregate.

B. Multiple traversals on an aggregate

C. Uniform traversal on different aggregates

15. The________ system provides a GUI for linux

A. Z Window

B. A Window

C. X Window

D. Y Window

16. ___________ is the default desktop environment in RHEL 6.0




17. Linux system by default has___________ consoles for user logins

A. 3

B. 5

C. 6
D. 7

18. The _________user has unrestricted access to all files, devices and programs in
the system

A. bin

B. root
C. print

D. administrator

19. Every user is assigned to a default____group with the same name as the user

A. public

B. private
C. big

D. small

20. ________ is the working area in the center that fills most of the screen

A. Top Menu Panel

B. Bottom Menu Panel

C. Desktop Area
D. Left Panel

21. The ________ allows a user to move between work spaces.

A. window switcher.

B. environment switcher

C. workspace switcher
D. desktop switcher

22. The collection of files and directories stored in one file is called

A. copying

B. archiving
C. moving

D. replacing

23. Max supported file size by ext4 file system is ______________

A. 15 TB

B. 16 TB
C. 17 TB

D. 18 TB

24. //In ______________, the child object reference exists even after the parent
object reference is set to null, but in __________, the child object reference is
set to null after the parent object reference is set to null.
A. Aggregation,Composition


C. Aggregation,Decomposition

D. Composition,Activity

25. Which of the following are different log types supported by Apache server?

A. Error log
B. Debug log

C. Access log
D. Server log


26. Which of the following is the correct way to comment a section in httpd.conf

A. Start the line with #

B. Include the section within /*?*/

C. Start the line with //

D. End the line withe a semicolon

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