Veni Creator Spiritus: A Teaching Resource
Veni Creator Spiritus: A Teaching Resource
Veni Creator Spiritus: A Teaching Resource
This piece is a plainchant hymn. Hymns are usually The poetic texts follow a particular metre (rhythm)
syllabic. They are also strophic, which means that the and rhyme scheme, making them much easier to
same music is used for several different verses of text. remember than some other kinds of Gregorian Chant.
Come Creator Spirit, visit the minds of your people.
Fill with grace from above the hears which you have created.
You who are called the Protector, the gift of the highest God,
The living fountain, fire and love and spiritual anointing.
To God the Father be the glory, and to the Son, who rose from
The dead, and to the Protector, for centuries of centuries. Amen.
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