Summer Assignment: 2019-20 Class-Viii: Subject: English
Summer Assignment: 2019-20 Class-Viii: Subject: English
Summer Assignment: 2019-20 Class-Viii: Subject: English
1. Write a short biography of the authors of chapter 3 and 4 (Lit) and paste the picture.
2. Write 10 word meaning from each chapter- 2 (Sinbad the sailor)
Chapter -3 (Games at twilight)
Chapter -4 (Sir Issac Newton-1)
3. Do question related to grammar of chapter 3 and 4 in work book.
1- ikB&1 ¼thou&lqeu½ dk ekSf[kd vkSj fyf[kr iz”u ;kn dj fy[ksaA
2- ikB&2 ¼ohjkaxuk >ydkjh ckbZ½ dk ekSf[kd vkSj fyf[kr iz”u ;kn dj fy[ksaA
3- ikB&3 ¼fookg dk fuea=.k½ dk ekSf[kd vkSj fyf[kr iz”u ;kn dj fy[ksaA
4- Learn and write Q/A 1,2 (Ch-1)
5- Learn and write Q/A 1,2 (Ch-2)
6- Learn and write Q/A 1,2 (Ch-3)
1- ikB&1 *ueLrs lrs rs* “yksdksa dks fy[kdj buds vFkZ fy[ksaA
2- ikB&1 ls 3 rd dk lHkh “kCnkFkZ A
3- if.k&ljek&laokn% dks fgUnh #ikUrj dj fy[ksaA
4- ikB&1 ls 3 rd lHkh iz”uksŸkj dks ;kn djsaA
1. Write all properties of rational number under / for addition , subtraction , Multiplication and
Division with examples
2. Write the properties of square numbers.
3. Solve Q No. – 1,4,5,6, 7,8,9,10,11 and 12 from revision exercise of Algebraic expression and
4. Do in Lab Manual Activity No.-1,2 and 3
5. Find the square root of the following correct to three decimal places.
(i) 2 (ii) 5 (iii) 0.4 (iv) 0.016
1. Why it is important to irrigate crops ?
2. It is difficult to cut the cloths using a pair of scissors with blunt blade. Explain.
3. Differentiate between the following:
a) Manures and fertilizers. b) Thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic.
4. What is force ? state the various effect of force.
5. Define pressure. What is the relation between pressure force and area? State the units in
which pressure is measured. Write the factors on which atmospheric pressure depends.
6. Write the importance of synthetic. polymer in our life.
Note : Read and Remember Lesson-1 (Crop production and Management)
Lesson-11 (Force and Pressure)
Lesson-3 (Synthetic Fibres and Plastics)
Q1. Which period is also known as colonial period by the historians and why ?
Q2. Write the timeline of the modern period. India of table, in chapter modern period (History)
Q3. Write the table of Incidences of handslides of India of Natural resources-land soil and water (Geog. )
Q4. Write the chart of types of resources, of the chapter resources (Geog)
Q5. Find out the names of some of the most sparsely populated area of the world.
1. Complete fill in the blanks of lesson-3
2. Complete multiple choice question of lesson -3
Project Work
Create a table with the given fields. Enter 10 records in it.
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Admin_No Roll_No. Name Address Father Name Mob. No .