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Hello everyone!
This is me!
I’m very excited today because I’m going to talk about
my family.
My name’s Camelia Rodriguez. I’m ten years old. I was I’m Joaquina Aguirre. I was born in Lima on May 10th.
born in Tumbes on August 7 in 2007 and I’m a I’m ten years old and I’m in fifth grade at Innova
student at Innova Schools Puruchuco. I live in Vitarte Schools Moquegua.
with my mom, my dad, my sister and me. We aren’t a This is my dad, Juan. He is 37 years old. This is my mom
Giannina.She is 35 years old and this is my sister,
big family so we live in a small house. My parents work
Teresa. She studies at university. She’s fantastic.
and my sister works and studies at university.
My favorite celebration is mother’s day. It’s a family
tradition. That day my grandparents come home.
We always have a special dinner together for First, my sister and I prepare
Valentine’s Day. It’s a family tradition. That day my delicious food. Then, we give mom and my
mom prepares a delicious dish and my dad gives her a grandmother a big bouquet.
big gift. Also, we share cards. Finally we sing songs together. We have great
memories as a family.
We also celebrate birthdays. When I was 5 years I had
I love this celebration because we get together and
the most beautiful birthday because my grandparents
have a greattime.
were here. It was great.
Thank you, bye.
In conclusion, I really love family because they are fun!