Levee Design Construction and Management Guidelines
Levee Design Construction and Management Guidelines
Levee Design Construction and Management Guidelines
Photo credit
Melbourne Water
New South Wales Office of Environment & Heritage
Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority
North Central Catchment Management Authority
Mallee Catchment Management Authority
Moira Shire Council
© The State of Victoria Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2015
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ISBN 978-1-74146-207-4 (Print)
ISBN 978-1-74146-208-1 (pdf)
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Project Technical Reference Group
DELWP: Viktor Brenners, Ian Gauntlett
North Central CMA: Camille White
Goulburn Broken CMA: Guy Tierney
Melbourne Water: John DeGrazia
Gannawarra Shire Council: Geoff Rollinson
Moira Shire Council: Mark Foord
Campaspe Shire Council: Mike Bruty
Victoria State Emergency Service: Mark Cattell
1 Introduction 6
2 Principles of levee management 7
2.1 Essential principles 7
2.2 Asset management of levees 8
Principles of asset management 9
2.3 Additional considerations 10
3 Levee categories and hazard classification 11
3.1 Levee categories 11
3.2 Levee hazard classification 12
4 Types of levees 13
4.1 Permanent levees 13
4.2 Temporary and demountable levees 16
5 Levee design (for permanent levees) 18
5.1 Location 18
5.2 Design considerations 19
5.3 Access requirements 22
5.4 Involvement with other services/works 24
5.5 Drainage 24
5.6 Approvals 24
6 Levee construction 25
6.1 Standard of construction 25
6.2 Specifications for earthworks 25
6.3 Involvement with other services/works 25
6.4 ‘As constructed’ survey 28
7 Developing a levee management system 29
7.1 Levee specific considerations 29
7.2 Connected assets 32
7.3 Protected assets 32
7.4 Varying the approach to suit the level of risk 32
7.5 Periodic third party inspections 32
8 Levee upgrade and renewal 33
8.1 Post flood repairs or refurbishment 33
8.2 Increasing the level of service or life expectancy 33
9 Levee decommissioning 34
10 Community engagement 35
10.1 Community consultation 35
10.2 Community education 35
11 References 36
If other structures, such as roads, railways and irrigation channel embankments, perform a flood protection
function, their design, construction, operation and decommissioning should be considered as part of a flood
protection system. It is unlikely that such structures would have been designed with such a function in mind
and they may need to be upgraded. Alternatively, any limitations will need to be taken into account in the
MFEP. Such structures need to be addressed on an individual basis.
Urban levees protect relatively small areas and are likely to have only a small impact on floodplain storage
and flow conveyance. The potential changes to water levels and flows upstream and downstream may
be minor. Rural levees, however, tend to protect large areas, which can cause significant differences to
upstream and downstream water levels and flows. To minimise this, rural levees should provide a lower
level of protection.
Levees are only one flood risk mitigation measure. Others include planning controls, building controls, flood
warning, education and awareness. It is advisable to use more than one flood mitigation measure at all
Acquisition Operation
and maintenance
Disposal Renewal
The goal of asset management is to meet a required level of service in the most cost effective way -
through the creation or acquisition, operation and maintenance, renewal and disposal of assets - to
provide for present and future communities. The life cycle approach takes into account the total cost
of an asset throughout its life. A better service, not a better asset, is a key indication of successful
asset management (DPCD 2004, p.5).
Due diligence in financial planning and reporting are just as important as the planning and
management of the physical asset in order to achieve the targeted level of service and functionality for
the least cost over the life of the asset.
To improve asset management systems in Australia, the Institute of Public Works Engineering
Australia (IPWEA) is promoting the application of the ISO 55000 Asset Management Standards,
which were released in January 2014.
The most authoritative reference for embankment dam engineering in Australia is ‘Geotechnical
Engineering of Dams’ (Fell et al, 2005). Many of the topics covered in this reference are applicable to levee
design and construction.
In many ways, levees and flood-retarding basins have common features. Both retain water for only short
periods following heavy rainfall or flood events and the failure of both types of structure can result in
‘dambreak’ flood rises far in excess of natural flood rises.
A number of industry representatives support adopting the relevant provisions of the Guideline on
Retarding Basins being prepared by ANCOLD and due for release in 2015 or later. This may influence the
management of levees in the future.
Melbourne Water has produced its own draft Guidelines for the Assessment of Flood Retarding Basins
(MWC 2012), which is currently being reviewed externally. The guidelines aim to formalise Melbourne
Water’s requirements for the general design, construction, operation and maintenance of retarding basins.
These guidelines provide guidance on a number of aspects related to retarding basins that may be relevant
to levee engineering and management.
The United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), the US Army Corp of Engineers
(USACE), the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the US Department of Homeland
Security (USDHS) have produced a number of publications applicable to flood levee engineering and
management. The publications listed below are available free of charge via the internet:
• Retaining and Floodwalls (USACE, 1989)
• Design and Construction of Levees (USACE, 2000)
• Technical Manual: Conduits through Embankment Dams (FEMA, 2005)
• Levee Owners’ Manual for Non-Federal Flood Control Works (USACE, 2006)
• Filters for Embankment Dams (FEMA, 2011)
• Emergency Preparedness Guidelines for Levees – A Guide for Owners and Operators (USDHS, 2012)
• Best Practices in Dam and Levee Safety Risk Analysis (USACE, 2012).
The UK-based body, the Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA), in association
with the USACE and a number of European governments and organisations, has recently published the
‘International Levee Handbook’ (CIRIA, 2013). This publication is also available free of charge via the
internet and provides an excellent summary of current international practice.
References for these documents are provided in Section 11.
All guidelines, manuals, etc, have certain limitations when applied to specific circumstances and situations.
Levee owners and managers are advised to consult with suitably qualified and experienced engineers and
practitioners throughout the design, construction and maintenance phases of levee management.
Hazard potential
Damage and loss
Low Rural areas with reasonably small flood extents, also affecting an
individual house
Significant Rural areas with reasonably large flood extents affecting high value
agriculture, assets and houses
Hazard classification is based on the consequences of failure, not the likelihood of failure. A levee in
very poor condition with a high probability of failure could have a Low Hazard Potential Classification,
while a levee in excellent condition with a low probability of failure could have a High Hazard Potential
The potential for loss of life has not been considered in the hazard classification as levees in Victoria are
designed and built to protect structural assets, not lives.
The ‘Guidelines on the Consequence Categories for Dams’ (ANCOLD, 2012) may provide guidance on
assessing the hazard potential classification for levees.
Water-side Land-side
Design Flood Level Freeboard
4.1.4 Roadways
Where no alternative location is available, a useful option to consider is raising an existing roadway. This
provides an excellent levee with no access problems and the ‘crest’ is maintained as part of normal road
maintenance arrangements. If the roadway is, or can be, sealed, this is an advantage because the levee/
road moisture level is then maintained. Access during times of flood events is not an issue in this option.
4.2.1 Sandbags
Sandbags provide the most common temporary levee system. They are regularly used to reduce the impact
of low-level flooding on private homes. Sandbags will not stop the water completely, but can reduce the
amount of water entering a home or area if placed correctly in appropriate strategic locations.
Sandbags are also regularly used to top-up low points or to increase the freeboard on earthen levees.
However, incorrect or excessive use of sandbags on a levee increases the risk of levee failure.
More detailed advice on the use of sandbags (where to place sandbags, how to fill and lay sandbags, what
to do with them after the flood has passed) is available on the VICSES website.
5.1 Location
Levees are long-term assets and their location requires designers to consider future plans for an area as well
as existing conditions. Relocation of an existing levee to accommodate development is expensive and can
generally be avoided by more careful planning for future growth and development possibilities.
Location of urban levees is generally dictated by existing development and land use. Drainage facilities are
also major factors affecting levee location.
In many cases, decisions have to be made as to whether a levee is to be located on a river frontage or
private land, and how far back from the river the levee should be located.
There are some important aspects of levee location that should be considered when designers are assessing
their options. The location must provide an adequate waterway area to accommodate the design flood and
not create adverse conditions that would worsen the impact of the flood. To achieve this, most levees will
need to be located an appropriate distance from the river frontage. This approach should be adopted as a
principle where possible, as the levee would then be on the land that it is built to protect and would minimise
the impacts on the natural flood storage and conveyance functions of the floodplain. In addition, locating
levees on river frontages may have an impact on native vegetation and require trees to be removed.
If there are other assets in the area, such as roads or channel banks, they can be incorporated into the
design, where appropriate, as part of the levee.
Where drains are involved, it may be possible to locate the levee so that it provides for some drain flow
retardation or diversion during a flood, and reduced pumping costs.
Careful siting of levees can reduce the flooding of productive land on the land-side by allowing the best
drainage arrangements to be maintained and may provide other opportunities to mitigate the impacts
of flooding.
5.2.2 Freeboard
Freeboard is an additional height allowance used in the design of levees to cover variables inherent in that
design. The variables covered by the freeboard allowance include the difficulty in precise flow estimation
and water profile modelling due to an insufficient historical record and also wave action. Freeboard may
also assist in short-term protection against bank consolidation (settlement and erosion), but design crest
levels should be maintained through regular maintenance.
General engineering practice is to provide a minimum freeboard allowance in urban areas of 600 mm.
Freeboard may be increased or decreased depending on local knowledge and conditions. For example,
it may be increased where flood levels cannot be predicted with confidence, but decreased in wide flat
floodplains, where the height difference between a minor and major flood event is quite small.
Varying the freeboard allowance over the length of a levee (e.g. lowering freeboard where a section of road
is part of the levee system) can create different overtopping levels and problems when design floods are
exceeded. It is suggested that uniform crest levels and freeboard allowances be adopted for each system,
except where a spillway is incorporated into the system.
5.2.5 Foundation
If the foundations contain sand lenses, gravels or other permeable materials at shallow depths (less than
the height of the levee), a clay core cut-off trench to a firm cohesive clay soil foundation should be provided.
The base width of the cut-off trench is typically dictated by the construction equipment used for placing
and compacting the clay backfill, usually about 3 m. The sides of the core trench should be battered at
about 1 (H): 1 (V). Where a core trench is not required, due to the absence of shallow permeable soils, the
foundation must be scarified and re-compacted to remove all cracks, fissures and other discontinuities in
the upper foundation.
5.2.8 Spillway
The purpose of a spillway is to provide one or more specified low points in the levee that will overtop
before other sections do. If a flood exceeds a levee’s design level, without a spillway the levee may overtop
or fail at multiple points and cause scour erosion at those points.
A spillway is specifically designed to withstand the scour and erosion forces of overtopping. It is also located
in an area that would suffer less damage than if the levee failed elsewhere.
Spillways are most useful if the levee has a low standard of protection and may be subject to relatively
frequent overtopping.
5.3.5 Access inside the levee for patrol or combat operations during a flood event
Access requirements for patrol or action during a flood event are similar to maintenance requirements and
should be considered in a similar way. One of the main considerations is the proximity of the road network
and where to provide the most efficient access points.
Access should be provided at the rear of the bank where this is a viable option. This would keep the levee free
from all but maintenance traffic, reduce deterioration and allow access to all parts of the bank during a flood
event, without using the crest that could be in use for sandbagging operations.
The decisions relating to access will have a significant impact on the final levee design. They will affect
aspects such as the size and appearance of the bank, public access to the area and future maintenance
requirements and costs.
For example, if the public is not to be permitted access to the levee, the levee can be built to a minimum
width, topped with soil and grassed. This would be sufficient to carry maintenance or combat traffic, as
required. In these circumstances, removable barriers or gates would have to be installed to prevent public
5.5 Drainage
Levees, by their nature, will nearly always interfere with natural drainage lines within the area they are
designed to protect. Generally, levee designs should incorporate access for the drainage outfalls through the
levees. The drainage design should make allowances for any potential future development.
Structures incorporating gates or valves located in the levee can prevent floodwater backing up drainage
lines during flood events. The choice of structure will depend on the conditions under which it is to operate.
Screw-operated doors or gated valves have the advantage of being able to be securely closed or used partly
closed if needed.
Flap valves are self-operating and convenient. They are located on the water-side of a levee but are prone
to blockage and may stick open during flooding. Flap valves need to be checked regularly to ensure they
operate properly. Ideally, a flap value should be provided with an isolating valve so that the drainage lines
can be closed off if it fails to seal during a flood.
Where it is necessary for drainage flows to be pumped during a flood event, a temporary pump must be
located at the outfall. There is a range of options to incorporate this feature. The most basic is to locate the
outfall gate or valve in the central wall of a double celled pit, enabling short suction and delivery lines, to
pump water from one side of the central wall, to the other. The top of the pit is constructed at crest level.
It is recommended that an area behind the levee be set aside for temporary storage should the pumps fail
or their capacity be exceeded.
5.6 Approvals
A number of approvals are required during the levee design and construction process. The proponent needs
to consult with the appropriate authorities to ensure all requisite approvals have been received.
Cross fencing
Where property boundaries or roads cross levees, appropriately constructed cross fences should be used.
These cross fences should incorporate a lockable gate, boom or other barrier, which will allow access for
maintenance and emergencies, but prevent unauthorised access.
Where access to the levee is not being prevented satisfactorily by cross fences at road crossings and
property boundaries, it may be necessary to construct intermediate cross fences or other barriers. Any
barrier or additional cross fence will have to have a gate or be removable, to permit access for maintenance
or during a flood event.
Vehicle crossings
Vehicle crossings are a necessary feature of levees and provide access to land and other sites on both sides
of levees, other than in periods of flooding. Other installations may themselves be protected by levees and
attached to the main levee using a common bank through which access is needed.
For public roads and access track crossings, designers must refer to the appropriate road design standards
and manuals.
Stock crossings
As many levees are in peri-urban or rural areas, they may bisect areas that have been historically used for
stock grazing. Unless other arrangements can be agreed on, farmers may insist on their rights to continue
grazing their stock on both sides of a levee. In such instances, specific stock crossing points should be
defined and fenced to limit the section of the levee that is impacted by stock.
Stock crossings will require frequent maintenance. Similar management principles to those for vehicle
crossings should be applied.
b) Cross Sections
• Cross sections of the levee at maximum 100 m intervals (urban areas) from natural surface 10 m beyond
the water-side and land-side toes of the embankment. Intervals may be greater for rural areas.
• Cross sections should include all changes of slope and the water-side and land-side edges of the crest as
well as the crest centreline.
• Generally, a minimum of two cross sections between each angle are required, with the exception of very
short reaches of levee (i.e. less than 100 m long), when only one cross section is required.
• All survey information is to be related to existing property boundary fences.
• Cross sections are to be produced at a scale of 1:100 (horizontal) and 1:100 (vertical), or as otherwise
agreed. Points of significance should be shown on the cross sections (e.g. fences).
The information that may be required include details of historic floods, the levels they reached at various
locations, details of the areas at risk if a levee breach occurs, and the steps to be taken, requirements for the
distribution of sand and sandbags, etc.
Regardless of the reason, a complete design review needs to be undertaken to ensure that the upgraded levee
is fit for purpose, and that it is physically and hydraulically capable of providing the new level of protection.
Most levee upgrades require the crest and batter of the existing levee to be stripped to ensure a sufficient
bond between the old and new works, and hence also an increase in the size of the levee footprint.
Many of the areas are covered in the various Municipal Emergency Management Plans and Sub-Plans that
have been developed across Victoria. These plans should include all the appropriate criteria used in the
design of levees, together with any plans, levels and other information considered useful in an emergency.
Water-side Land-side
3 H to 1 V 2 H to 1 V H=1.0m max
Water-side Land-side
3 H to 1 V 2 H to 1 V H=2.0m max
Type 3: GardenBank
3: Garden Bank– a–rounded
a rounded
bank bank suitable
suitable for handfor hand
or ride on or ride on mower
• The bank has a homogenous clayey earthfill.
• The stripped topsoil is graded back over the levee at completion of the bulk earthworks.
• A good grass cover should be established and maintained.
Water-side Land-side
5 H to 1 V 5 H to 1 V H=0.5m max
Foundation preparation
Any soft or saturated ground in the foundation should be removed and backfilled with compacted earthfill
as for the embankment (see below).
If a Type 2 bank is to be constructed, excavate the cut-off trench to the required depth and dimensions.
Compact the foundation surface as for the embankment (see below).
The owner should ensure that a good grass cover is established and maintained to mitigate the formation
of cracks in the levee and enhance the ability of the levee to accommodate any overtopping by flood waters.
It is not possible or desirable to provide generic guidance to cover all possible variations in sites and materials
likely to be encountered for the earthworks component of a levee specification. The Specification and
the Drawings represent the design of the works to be constructed. Only the designer is fully aware of the
conditions on which the design is based so it is essential that they are satisfied that the specifications fully
cover the design intent.
However, there are many components of a specification that are generally applicable to most Low hazard
classification, homogeneous or clay core embankment levees on a soil foundation and these are presented
below. Levees requiring filter protection and those founded on rock are not covered.
Sample wording for Specification clauses is shown in italics.
To avoid potential confusion, a caveat such as the following should be included in the General section:
Wherever a Standard Specification or Code is specified herein, it shall mean the latest edition and/or
amendment of that Specification or Code at the date of calling of tenders for this Contract.
The following Australian Standards are applicable to most embankment levee earthworks specifications:
AS 1726: Geotechnical site investigations
AS 1289: Method of testing soils for engineering properties. The following test procedures are of particular
• 1289.3.8.1 - Soil classification tests – Dispersion - Determination of Emerson class number of a soil
• 1289.5.1.1 - Soil compaction and density tests - Determination of the dry density/moisture content
relation of a soil using standard compactive effort
• 1289.5.8.1 - Soil compaction and density tests - Determination of field density and field moisture content
of a soil using a nuclear surface moisture-density gauge - Direct transmission mode.
Stripping of topsoil
Topsoil shall be stripped to a depth of 150 mm minimum. Stripped topsoil shall be stockpiled and used for
topsoiling the levee when the bulk earthworks are completed.
Any organic or spongy material remaining after stripping of the topsoil shall be removed to spoil.
Where a cut-off trench has been specified to intercept permeable layers in the foundation, it is to be
excavated to the lines and levels shown on the drawings or as approved on site by a levee/dam engineer
responsible for the design or his/her authorised representative.
Foundation treatment
The levee foundation shall be prepared by scarifying to a minimum depth of 150 mm, moisture conditioning
to bring it to the required moisture content and compacting to the specified density for compacted fill.
The suitability of material to be used for construction of the levee banks shall be determined by geotechnical
testing and the Superintendent’s approval. The Contractor shall be responsible for the procurement of
sufficient material to complete the work under the Contract.
Care should be taken in the location of borrow pits for material for the levee. If too close to the levee on
the water-side, it is possible for the borrow pit excavation to expose a permeable layer that extends under
the levee foundation, possibly resulting in a piping failure of the levee under flood conditions. Similarly, if
on the land-side of the levee, the borrow pit excavation could remove an existing natural clay blanket over a
permeable layer that extends under the levee to the river.
Earthfill material to be used for the levee shall consist of fine grained inorganic soils, free of rocks, organic
material and other deleterious material.
The earthfill should ideally have a Plasticity Index (PI) of more than 10% and a grading with at least 25% finer
than 0.075 mm and at least 75% finer than 4.75 mm. The maximum particle size should be less than 75 mm.
If there is insufficient material meeting the above requirements, the levee should include a clay core of
material meeting these requirements with the shoulders constructed from available materials with at least
15% finer than 0.075 mm.
The Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) is a method for classifying soils to give a general indication
of the engineering properties including mechanical strength, hydraulic conductivity (permeability) and
tendency to shrink on drying and therefore suitability for the compacted channel banks and for the
sections of clay lining. The Unified Soil Classification System in accordance with AS 1726 shall be used in the
determination of a suitable soil in conjunction with requirements in this Specification.
The levee banks shall be constructed to the lines, levels, grades and cross sections shown on the drawings
and within the tolerances specified below.
Immediately preceding placement of suitable earthfill material on a previously compacted surface:
• the earthfill material shall be moisture tested and brought to the specified moisture content as necessary
• if the previously compacted surface has been damaged by drying out and cracking or become over wet
due to rainfall or suffered any other damage, the surface layer shall be scarified, moisture conditioned and
compacted as specified.
The Contractor’s operations in handling, spreading and compacting earthfill material on the levee shall
result in an acceptable distribution and gradation of the material throughout the bank, free of lenses,
streaks, laminations, layers of material differing substantially from the surrounding material in the bank, or
other discontinuity ensuring the density is uniform throughout each compacted layer.
Earthfill layers throughout the levee banks shall be spread such that the final compacted layer thickness is
not greater than 150 mm
Compaction requirements
The levee banks shall be constructed to achieve a minimum dry density ratio of 95% standard compaction as
determined by AS 1289 - Determination of the dry density/moisture content relation of a soil using standard
compaction effort.
If dispersive soils are incorporated in the embankment, the required minimum dry density shall be 98%
standard compaction.
The compaction moisture content shall be as follows:
• Clay core: between optimum moisture content (OMC) and OMC+ 2%
• Embankment either side of clay core: between OMC -2% and OMC + 2%
• Dispersive soils: between OMC and OMC + 3%
If the required density and moisture content are not achieved, the compacted material shall be reworked
to meet the density and moisture content requirements. If the density and moisture content requirements
again cannot be achieved, the failed layer shall be removed at the Superintendent’s direction for either
moisture conditioning in a borrow area before reuse or stockpiled if still considered unsuitable.
If there is excessive moisture in the borrow clays, the Contractor shall undertake such works as necessary
including ripping, working, spreading and aerating the clay to ensure a reduction in the moisture content to
within the specified moisture tolerance. The conditioning shall be performed in a manner to ensure uniform
moisture content throughout the clays before borrowing takes place. All drying back operations shall be
performed within the borrow area or in an area designated by the Superintendent.
Compaction of the earthfill shall be performed with a vibratory padfoot roller with a minimum drum static
mass of five tonnes. In confined spaces or near pipes and other structures where large plant cannot be used,
hand-operated mechanical tampers shall be employed.
If the surface of a previously placed and compacted lift has been left for some time and has dried out or
wetted up, the affected surface zone shall be excavated to expose compacted earthfill beneath that has a
moisture content within the specified tolerance.
Compaction tests
The Contractor shall arrange for and meet all costs associated with sampling and testing to show compliance
with the specified compaction requirements. The geotechnical work shall be undertaken by a NATA registered
laboratory, and shall include such tests to ensure conformance with the drawings and specifications.
The Contract price shall include allowances for possible time delays while samples are being collected and
tested. No additional payment will be made for any completed work requiring removal and/or repair as
deemed by the results of any tests.
Testing shall be performed on the basis of at least one test per 500 cubic metres of compacted earthfill or as
directed by the Superintendent.
The samples for testing for conformity with the compaction requirements of this specification shall be from
random locations, as determined by the independent geotechnical sub-contractor or at the Superintendent’s
direction. The sampling locations shall provide a representative and distributed sampling of each section
of the embankment. The location of each sample, running distance and level (relative to the embankment)
shall be recorded and submitted with the test results.
Acceptable work is defined as when 90% of the test results achieve the minimum dry density ratio specified
based on standard compaction to AS 1289.
Notwithstanding the above, where test results show dry density ratios more than 2% below the specified
density, the Contractor shall carry out such reworking to the filling as needed to achieve the specified values
and the zone shall be retested.
If the quality of materials is in doubt at any time, the Superintendent may order tests to be carried out by
the Contractor at his own expense. Where the results of such tests comply with this Specification, the cost
will be borne by the Principal. The cost of any tests that fail to comply with the Specification shall be at the
Contractor’s expense.
All test results in the same form as that presented to the Contractor by the NATA registered testing
laboratory shall be submitted to the Superintendent within 24 hours of receipt.
Levee cap
A levee may be capped with either topsoil or Class 3 or 4 crushed rock.
Areas to be capped with topsoil shall be finished 100 mm below finished surface level and topsoil placed and
firmed with a light roller so that the finished surface conforms to that specified. Suitable topsoil, specified by
the Superintendent shall be placed on the batters to a uniform depth of 100 mm and areas, when finished,
shall present smooth surfaces, free of stones and lumps of soil gradually blending into adjoining ground and
left ready for grassing. Topsoil shall not be placed until the Superintendent has checked the lines and levels
of the embankment and approved the bank.
Areas to be capped with crushed rock shall be finished 100 mm below finished surface level and capped with
not less than 100 mm thick of 20 mm class 3 or 4 crushed rock. The crushed rock shall be evenly spread in
a moist condition and compacted with a smooth drum roller to leave a surface that is uniformly tight and
free of loose uncompacted material, segregated or ‘bony’ material or soft, overwet areas and free of roller
‘As-constructed’ survey
A detailed survey of all completed works should be undertaken by an experienced surveyor to confirm that
the constructed levee conforms to design, and should include the following:
a) Longitudinal Section
• Levee crest elevations at a maximum interval of 50 m, taken at the levee centreline.
• A longitudinal section of the levee crest centreline along the survey traverse shall be produced at a scale
of 1:1000 (horizontal) and 1:50 (vertical), or as otherwise agreed.
b) Cross Sections
• Cross sections of the levee at maximum 100 m intervals extending from natural surface 10 m beyond the
water-side and land-side toes of the embankment.
• Cross sections should include all changes of slope and include the water-side and land-side edges of the
crest as well as the crest centreline.
• Generally, a minimum of two cross sections between each angle are required, with the exception of very
short reaches of levee (i.e. less than 100 m in length), when only one cross section is required.
• All survey information is to be related to existing property boundary fences and any known permanent
survey marks in close proximity.
• Cross sections are to be produced at a scale of 1:100 (horizontal) and 1:100 (vertical), or as otherwise
agreed. Points of significance should be shown on the cross sections (e.g. fences).
c) Features
Location and extent of the following:
• service crossings
• drainage pipes and pump stations
• access points
• spillways
• any other structures.
Pipeline crossings through or under an embankment levee introduce a potential weakness in the levee for a
number of failure mechanisms:
1. The pipeline can create a preferential seepage path through the levee around the contact between the
pipe and adjacent fill, especially beneath the obvert of the pipe where compaction and a good seal is
difficult to achieve. This could lead to seepage and internal erosion.
2. Water pipelines can leak and result in internal erosion. Typical causes of pipe leakage include corrosion
of the pipe wall, structural failure of the pipe due to external loading resulting from differential
settlement and separation of pipe joints due to consolidation of the overlying earthfill and/or settlement
of the foundation.
3. Pipelines can also cause zones of low vertical stress in an embankment that may result in internal
erosion. This can occur in two ways. The first way is that settlement of the earthfill immediately above
a rigid pipe projecting above the levee foundation can result in a disproportionate load being carried
by the crown of the pipe thus ‘holding up’ the bank above the sides of the pipe. This ‘hold up’ results
in zones of low vertical stress adjacent to the pipe. The second way is where the pipe is laid in a deep
trench through or under a levee bank, settlement can result in the weight of the overlying embankment
being transferred to the trench sides in an arching action resulting in a zone of low vertical stress
immediately above the pipe. These zones of low vertical stress can be areas where seepage can initiate
which can lead to piping erosion.
4. Vertical sides of concrete encasement of pipelines can result in an area of low horizontal stress along
the sides of the concrete encasement, creating a preferential seepage path that could lead to internal
It is therefore desirable that service crossings of levees be avoided or kept to a minimum.
The sections below provide guidance on issues that should be considered for underground and/or aerial
Where a new levee is to be constructed over an existing pipeline, all existing granular material around the
pipe including all backfill and foundation sand/gravel, needs to be removed prior to encasement of the pipe
and the trench reinstated as described above. Alternatively, in some instances, the pipe may be relocated
over the levee
Note: Concrete cut-off collars around conduits through embankment levees should not be provided.
Prior to the mid-1980s, it was customary to provide such cut-off collars around conduits through
embankment dams. Investigations of many failures of embankment dams provided with such collars found
that they collars may have contributed to the failures rather than prevented them. The presence of cut-off
collars was considered to have increased the propensity for differential settlement and impeded proper
compaction around the conduit. This increased the potential for cracking to occur, creating seepage paths
and leading to internal erosion and piping failure. Filter diaphragms were found to be most effective in
intercepting and sealing off the flow through a crack (FEMA, 2005).
Drilled pipelines
In the case of a directionally drilled hole under a levee, the principal concern is to avoid drilling into the
levee or the cut-off of the levee. It is also necessary to prevent water getting into the small annular space
left around the pipe, after it is pulled through the drilled hole. See Figure C-3.
A further concern with directional drilling is the potential to cause hydraulic fracturing of the foundation
that could result in internal erosion and piping failure.
To achieve this, the following suggested procedures should be adopted where appropriate:
• Trenching should not be undertaken within a distance of twice the height of the levee or 3 m of either
toe, whichever is the greater.
• Depth of pipe should be based on 1.2 m of cover, below natural surface, at the start of the drilling. If the
levee is keyed into the foundation material, the top of the pipe should be at least 1 m below the bed level
of the cut-off, to avoid interfering with the integrity of the cut-off.
• The diameter of the drilled hole should be kept to the minimum that will allow the service pipe to be
pulled through.
• Should an annular space be left around a pipe, the space should be filled by pressure grouting, using a
10:1 sand:cement grout mix. This is extremely difficult to monitor and care should be taken to ensure
grouting pressures do not cause hydraulic fracture of surrounding foundation/embankment materials.
Note: For power cables crossing under levees, additional requirements that must be included in the
granting of any permission for a crossing are:
• Cables must in all cases be enclosed in a heavy-duty rigid PVC conduit to AS 2053. The conduit must have
a minimum cover of 1 m within 10 m of each toe of the levee.
• Concrete slabs constructed to AS 3000, must be used to protect cables. These slabs are to be laid 150 mm
above the cable.
• Plastic warning tape must be laid 300 mm above the cable along the entire underground length of the cable.
• Warning signs must be located on either side of the levee indicating the presence of a cable.
Aerial crossings
These crossings are generally required by power or telephone authorities or private works associated with
these services. They are usually not a major issue, however, consideration must be given to any negative
impacts that these works may have on the management of the levee.
Matters that should be considered are:
• Clearance above the crest level of the levee must be sufficient to allow the safe passage of plant and
vehicles required for maintenance or emergency works on the levee.
• Supporting poles must be set back sufficiently, say 10 m, so as not to interfere with future access or other
works requirements outside either toe of the levee.
• Necessary warning signs should be displayed at each aerial crossing advising of the danger, as well as the
contact authority, for further information on the crossing.
ing at
base o
f levee
Water-side toe of levee
Concrete cradle
Batter slope
Plan view
(not to scale)
Levee crest level file
o f lo
Or ca
igin l ra
al l isin
Design flood level eve go
f le
ep vee
le cre
Pipe crossing
Section A – A
(Not to scale)
Ramp to prov
ide cover 10H
1V Compacted clay
Levee crest
1 1
Concrete cradle under crest
1 1
Section B – B
(Not to scale)
Figure C-2
Pipe crossing under a levee
(concrete encased) A
Levee crest
Filter diaphragm (if required)
see text
Batter slope
Plan view
(not to scale)
Water-side Land-side
H Filter diaphragm
Natural ground surface (if required)
Section A-A
(not to scale)
3D Levee crest level
Levee crest level
foundation level
Extent of filter diaphragm
600 Section
600 C – C
1.5D min. to scale)
(not min.
Min. Min.
2m 3m clear 3m clear 2m
Natural ground surface
Cover 1.2m
1m below cut-off
Trench Drill Drill Trench
The manual should include ‘as constructed’ drawings of all components of the levee system. Where such
drawings are not available, topographical surveys should be undertaken and record drawings compiled.
If the LMM is to be regularly accessed by multiple users in one or several organisations, it should also be a
‘controlled’ document, i.e. each modified version displays the revision date and approver on every page.
A ‘live’ version of the document on an organisation’s server or intranet is also another way to maintain a
controlled document that is accessible to all staff. In such cases, the printed version is considered to be
The manual’s revision number and the name of the levee/levee system should be included on each page of
the manual.
This template is provided as a guide for levee owners/managers to compile a LMM. It is not necessarily
appropriate or complete for all levee systems and should be used with caution. The information should be
modified as required, including adding information or sections as appropriate to the specific levee or levee
The template contains text insertions that are considered to be typical input that could be used in a LMM.
Where specific information is considered to be required, the type of information is listed under the heading
Provide Figure showing the general arrangement and extent of the levee/levee system at a minimum of A3
size. The Figure may need to be more than one page for long levees/levee systems. Provide a cross reference
to ‘as constructed’ survey information for the levee/levee system in an appendix to the manual
Earthen • List each portion of the levee/levee system separately, • Flood studies of relevance
embankments with start and end chainages • Design report
• For each portion of the levee/levee system, state the level • As-built drawing numbers
of protection
• Construction specification
• Note any areas where spillways have been incorporated
into the levee/levee system (i.e. chainage, level of
protection, erosion protection)
Retaining walls • List each portion of the levee/levee system that consists • Flood studies of relevance
of a retaining wall, with start and end chainages • Design report
• Detail the type of construction for each portion of the • As constructed drawing
retaining wall numbers
• For each portion of the retaining wall state the level of • Construction specification
Flood control • List the location of all flood control valves with a specific • As-built drawing numbers
valves chainage • Construction specification
• State the number, type and model of each valve • Valve supplier documentation
or maintenance manuals
Flood control pits • List the location of all flood control pits with a specific • As-built drawing numbers
chainage • Construction specification
• List the dimensions of each pit
• List the outlet details for each pit
Retarding basins • List the location of all retarding basins with specific • Flood studies of relevance
chainages • Design report
• State the level of protection for each retarding basin • As-built drawing numbers
• State the method of construction for each retarding basin • Construction specification
Roadways • List each separate portion of the levee/levee system that • Design report
is a defined roadway • As-built drawing numbers
• For each roadway portion state the level of protection • Construction specification
• For each roadway portion state the pavement
construction details
Drainage works • List the location of all drainage works with a specific • As-built drawing numbers
chainage • Construction specification
• List the inlet/outlet details for each location
Pumping units • List the location of all pumping units with a specific • As-built drawing numbers
chainage • Construction specification
• State the number, type and model of each pumping unit • Pump supplier documentation
or maintenance manuals
Trash gates • List the location of all trash grates with a specific chainage • As-built drawing numbers
• Provide details of material type for each trash grate • Construction specification
• Maintenance information
Manual levee • List the locations of all ‘holes’ in the levee/levee system • As-built drawing numbers
closure points with specific chainages • Construction specification
• Provide details of the type of ‘hole’ and the closure • Location of closure elements
Strategic maintenance
To ensure the levee remains functional throughout its working life, the following should be undertaken
every five years for Significant and High hazard classification levees and every 10 years for Low hazard
classification levees:
• A survey of the levee crest and key features, undertaken by qualified surveyors, to identify any changes
from the as-built drawings or previous survey results.
• A detailed visual audit of the system, undertaken by professional engineers with appropriate civil
engineering, earthworks, concrete works, pipe laying and pumping experience, to identify areas of
concern that could compromise the level of service of the levee if not addressed.
• A review of the asset management system to ensure that all requirements are achievable (documentation
accessible, staff informed and trained, funding available, etc).
• A work plan developed and implemented to rectify any short-comings identified by the above, timed to
ensure that identified maintenance, repair and renewal issues are completed and documented before the
next survey and audit are due.
Operational maintenance
At the operational level, to ensure a levee remains in a constant state of readiness, the following should be
undertaken at least once every year:
• Regular maintenance for each defined component of the levee/levee system, such as mowing of batters,
checking and cleaning of drainage systems, testing of valves, pumps, etc, testing of demountable items
(e.g. drop bars, gates), etc.
• A general visual inspection of the system once a year (as a minimum), undertaken by someone with
experience in the techniques used in the construction of the levee and associated works.
• Follow-up activities on issues identified by the general visual inspection (e.g. removal of saplings, removal
of rabbit burrows, repair of rilling and other weather erosion, repair of fencing, improved management of
stock access, etc).
• Recording and entering into the asset management system of the above activities.
The types of information that may be required include details of historic floods, the levels they reached
at various locations, details of the areas at risk if a levee breach occurs, and the steps to be taken,
requirements for the distribution of sand and sandbags, etc. Some of this information should already be
included in the MFEP.
2. Install and/or test dedicated pumps or other drainage equipment at the highest priority location first.
Equipment at other locations should then be installed/tested as needed depending on river level and
rainfall predictions.
3. Be mindful of any sandbagging requirements at nominated locations.
4. Do not close drainage outfalls (if present) unless intolerable service conditions or property damage will be
brought about by an imminent rise in river level.
5. Immediately following the closure of any drainage outfall (where present).
a) pump the internal drainage line out to maximise the storage within the underground drainage system in
the event of subsequent rain
b) commence pumping in accordance with pumping priorities if rain is falling within catchment.
6. Be mindful of manual closure points and ensure they are closed in the correct sequence as and when
warranted by river level predictions.
• Provide cross references to Table 1 for all known ‘holes’ in the levee/levee system.
• List the specific elements of the levee/levee system that require manual operation (e.g. locking systems,
flood control valves, drop bars, demountable or temporary levee sections, sandbags, pumping units, etc).
• Provide instructions on the procedures for manual closure for each element (see following sub-sections).
• Provide details on the locations of items needed to effect the closures.
During a flood event, inspections should be scheduled at least daily. As the flood approaches the Design
Flood Event level, inspections should be scheduled more often and responses effected within a few hours if
there is a danger of breach or overtopping.
Where regular levee inspections during a flood event identify any signs of distress, these should be referred
to an experienced levee/dam engineer. Where considered necessary, the levee/dam engineer should
inspect the levee in question as soon as possible to determine if any emergency works are required to
maintain the integrity of the levee and prevent failure or breach.
Contingency planning
If, despite other interventions, such as adding rows of sandbags to increase the height of a levee,
overtopping appears imminent, the only response available is to inform those who will, or may, be affected
to prepare or evacuate in accordance with the planning processes outlined in the MFEP and as agreed with
the flood event Incident Controller.
A note of caution is required in relation to raising the level of protection for any levee (i.e. by using
sandbags) without due regard to the effect on increasing the hydraulic gradient and, therefore, the potential
for piping erosion through the foundation or the levee bank itself. The advice of an experienced levee/dam
engineer should be sought before undertaking such measures.
Record keeping
Reporting of activities (inspections, maintenance activities, check lists, defect reports, contingency plans,
defect repairs, etc) should be logically filed in accordance with Section 3.3 of this manual.
A photographic record of each flood event should be compiled, referenced to date, time and flood level.
The photographic record should be filed in accordance with Section 3.3 of this manual.
To ensure a levee is able to consistently meet its required level of service, due diligence in financial planning
is just as important as the management of the physical asset. The owner/manager needs to ensure that
enough funding has been budgeted, and is available as and when needed, to undertake all maintenance
tasks, as well as repair and upgrade works (if required).
The goal of asset management is to meet a required level of service in the most cost-effective way through
the creation or acquisition, operation and maintenance, renewal and disposal of assets to provide for
present and future communities. The life cycle approach is central to asset management by taking account
of the total cost of an asset throughout its life. A better service, not a better asset, is a key indication of
successful asset management.
Possible causes
1. Floodwater height exceding the top of the levee. Can be due to a flood in excess of the design flood level
or settlement of the levee.
1. Overflows can lead to erosion of the embankment material and failure of the levee.
Action required
1. Minimise overflow through placement of sandbags before levee overtops.
2. If possible, open drains under levee to permit protected area to flood in a controlled manner
3. Evacuate land-side landholders who are likely to be affected if flows and escaping materials are not
4. Monitor overflows from a position of safety. Do not enter floodwater.
5. An experienced levee or dam engineer should immediately inspect the condition and recommend
further action to be taken.
Problem: Seepage water exiting from a point on the embankment’s land-side batter
Possible causes
1. Rabbits, yabbies, rotting tree roots, settlement or shrinkage cracks or poor construction have allowed
water to create an open pathway or pipe through the embankment.
2. The water is eroding and carrying away embankment material in one or more concentrated locations
causing a seepage path directly through the embankment.
1. Continued flows can saturate portions of the embankment and lead to slides in the bank which could
cause failure of the levee.
2. Continued flows can further erode embankment materials. This can lead to a piping failure of the levee.
Action required
1. Stake out the saturated area and monitor wet area for growth.
2. Begin measuring outflow quantity and establishing whether water is getting cloudier, staying the same
or clearing up, and whether the rate of flow is increasing or not.
3. If soil particles are moving downstream, sandbags or earthfill should be used to create a bank around
the seepage. Do not excavate near the toe of the levee for the earthfill installation. The back pressure
caused by the water level within the bank may control flow velocities and temporarily prevent further
erosion or at least reduce the rate of erosion.
4. Alternatively, backfill the seepage area and adjacent bank and toe with a permeable rockfill or gravel
lined with a geotextile.
5. Search for an opening on the upstream side and plug it if possible. from a safe position. Hay bales, as
well as a combination of dumped rockfill, geotextile, sand and gravel, can limit inflow. Plastic sheeting
weighted down with sand bags and rockfill can also be used.
6. Evacuate downstream landholders who are likely to be affected if flows and escaping materials are not
7. An experienced levee or dam engineer should immediately inspect the condition and recommend
further action to be taken.
Possible causes
1. Some portion of the foundation material is providing a flow path.
2. A sand or gravel layer in the foundation could cause this.
1. Increased flows can lead to erosion of the foundation and failure of the levee.
Action required
1. Examine the boil for transportation of foundation materials.
2. If soil particles are moving downstream, sandbags or earthfill should be used to create a bank around
the boil. Do not excavate near the toe of the levee for the earthfill installation. The back pressure created
by the water level within the bank may control flow velocities and temporally prevent further erosion or
at least reduce the rate of erosion.
3. Alternatively, backfill the seepage area and adjacent bank and toe with a permeable rockfill or gravel,
lined with a geotextile.
4. Evacuate downstream landholders who are likely to be affected if flows and escaping materials are not
5. A suitably qualified levee or dam engineer should immediately inspect the condition and recommend
further action to be taken.
Possible causes
1. Fracture or joint failure in pipe.
2. A path for flow has developed along the outside of the pipe (poor construction).
1. Continued flows can lead to rapid erosion of embankment materials and failure of the levee.
2. Can be difficult to stop once it progresses beyond a seep.
Action required
1. Thoroughly investigate the area by probing to see if the cause can be determined.
2. Determine if leakage water is carrying soil particles and monitor flow rate changes.
3. If soil particles are moving downstream, sandbags or earthfill should be used to create a bank around
the seepage. Do not excavate near the toe of the levee for the earthfill installation. The back pressure
caused by the water level within the bank may control flow velocities and temporarily prevent further
4. Alternatively, backfill the seepage area and adjacent bank and toe with a permeable rockfill or gravel,
lined with a geotextile to create a seepage berm.
5. Evacuate downstream landholders who are likely to be affected if flows and escaping materials are not
6. An experienced levee or dam engineer should immediately inspect the condition and recommend
further action to be taken.
Possible causes
1. Drying and shrinkage of surface material.
2. Downstream movement or settlement of embankment.
3. Differential drying out of embankment materials (between shoulder and ‘core’).
1. Can be an early warning of a potential slide.
2. Shrinkage cracks allow water to enter the embankment and further weaken the embankment.
3. Settlement or slide indicating loss of strength in embankment can lead to failure.
Action required
1. If cracks are from drying, dress area with well-compacted material to keep surface water out and natural
moisture in.
2. If cracks are extensive, or growing in length, width or number, an experienced levee or dam engineer
should inspect the condition and recommend further action to be taken.
Possible causes
1. Drying and shrinkage of surface material is most common cause.
2. Differential settlement of the embankment also leads to transverse cracking.
1. Shrinkage cracks allow water to enter the embankment and weaken it and may lead to failure.
2. Settlement cracks can lead to seepage of water through the levee causing erosion and failure.
Action required
1. If necessary, plug upstream end of crack to prevent flow.
2. Clean up cracks and backfill with compacted material. If cracks are extensive, or growing in length, width
or number, an experienced levee or dam engineer should inspect the condition and recommend further
action to be taken.
Possible cause
1. The soil loses its moisture and shrinks, causing cracks.
1. Heavy rains can fill up cracks, soften the soil and cause small portions of embankment to move along
internal slip surfaces.
2. Provides points of entrance for surface runoff, leading to deterioration of the crest and/or batters.
Action required
1. Monitor cracks for increases in width, depth or length.
2. On crest, seal surface cracks with tight, impervious material.
3. Routinely grade crest to provide proper drainage and fill cracks while maintaining crest height.
4. Cover crest with with non-plastic (not clay) material to prevent large moisture content variation with
respect to time.
5. An experienced levee or dam engineer should inspect the condition and recommend further actions to
be taken.
Note: The pattern of cracks (e.g. where they are located, how close they are, whether transverse alone
or in conjunction with other cracks, etc) requires engineering experience to interpret. The real cause of
cracks may not be apparent to an unqualified observer.
Possible causes
1. Lack or loss of strength of embankment material.
2. Loss of strength can be attributed to infiltration of water into the embankment or loss of support by the
3. Earth or rocks move the slope along a slippage surface because they were on too steep a slope or the
foundation moves.
4. Slumping after flood levels have dropped rapidly due to a build up of pressure in the embankment.
1. A slide can reduce the levee’s seepage path. This can accelerate the rate of seepage and lead to loss of
2. A series of slides can lead to failure of the levee.
Action required
1. Evaluate extent of the slide if safe to do so.
2. An experienced levee or dam engineer should inspect the condition and recommend further actions to
be taken.
Possible causes
1. Internal erosion or piping of embankment material by seepage.
2. Breakdown of dispersive clays within embankment by seepage waters or rain.
3. A hole in transverse pipe is causing erosion of embankment material.
4. Rodent activity.
1. A void within the levee embankment could cause localised caving, sloughing, instability or reduced
embankment cross-section.
2. Entry point for surface water, loss of soil leading to instability or embankment failure.
Action required
1. Carefully inspect and record location and physical characteristics (depth, width, length) of sinkhole.
2. An experienced levee or dam engineer should determine cause of sinkhole and supervise all steps
necessary to reduce threat to levee and correct condition.
3. Excavate sinkhole, slope-sides of excavation, and backfill hole with competent material using proper
construction techniques. An engineer should supervise this.
Possible causes
1. Excessive settlement in the embankment or foundation directly beneath the low area in the crest.
2. Vehicle access across the levee.
3. Internal erosion of embankment material.
4. Foundation spreading in upstream and/or downstream direction.
5. Wind erosion of crest area.
6. Improper final grading following construction.
1. Reduces freeboard available to pass flood flows safely and increases risk of levee overtopping and
2. Concentrates rainfall runoff and could lead to puddling (see next potential failure mode).
Action required
1. Determine exact amount, location and extent of settlement in crest.
2. An experienced levee or dam engineer should determine cause of low area and supervise all steps
necessary to reduce possible threat to the levee and correct condition.
3. Re-establish uniform crest elevation over crest length by placing fill in low area using proper construction
techniques. An engineer should supervise this.
Possible causes
1. Poor grading and improper drainage of crest.
2. Localised consolidation soft spots or settlement on crest allows puddles to develop.
1. Causes localised saturation of the crest and loss of soil strength.
2. Inhibits access to all portions of the levee and crest.
3. Becomes progressively worse if not corrected.
Action required
1. Drain standing water from puddles.
2. Re-gradeand re-compact crest to restore integrity and provide proper drainage.
3. Provide gravel or road-base material to accommodate traffic.
4. Perform periodic maintenance and re-grading to prevent reformation of low areas.
Possible causes
1. Heavy rainfall.
2. Poor grading and improper drainage of crest. Improper drainage causes surface runoff to collect and
drain off crest at low point in upsteam or downstream shoulder.
1. Can reduce available freeboard.
2. Reduces cross-sectional area of levee.
3. If allowed to continue, can lead to severe deterioration of slope and shorter internal drainage path.
Action required
1. Protect eroded areas with graded rock or clay.
2. Re-grade crest to provide proper drainage of surface runoff.
3. Re-establish protective cover.
Possible cause
1. Heavy vehicle traffic without adequate or proper maintenance or proper crest surfacing.
1. Inhibits easy access to all parts of crest.
2. Allows continued development of rutting. Allows standing water to collect and saturate crest of levee.
This may initiate localised tunnel erosion through to downstream slope, particularly where cracking is
3. Loss of soil strength in embankment.
4. Vehicles can get stuck.
Action required
1. Drain standing water from ruts.
2. Re-grade and re-compact crest and provide proper drainage.
3. Provide gravel or road-base material to accommodate traffic.
4. Perform periodic maintenance and re-grading to prevent reformation of low areas.
Possible cause
1. Excessive travel by livestock especially harmful to a slope when wet.
1. Creates areas bare of erosion protection grass cover.
2. Causes erosion channels. Allows water to stand. Area susceptible to drying cracks.
Action required
1. Fence livestock outside embankment area.
2. Repair erosion gully.
3. Re-cover with grass for protection.
Possible causes
1. Over-abundance of animal pests.
2. Favourable habitat or burrowing conditions in levee.
1. Burrows can substantially reduce length of leakage path, leading to piping failure.
Action required
1. Control pests to prevent additional damage.
2. Provided the diagnosis is correct, determine the extent of burrowing and backfill with compacted clay,
working from upstream to downstream as far as possible. If there is any doubt at all as to the cause of
these burrows, seek professional advice before any remedial action.
Possible causes
1. Natural vegetation (self sown).
1. Large trees can die. Roots can then create seepage paths.
2. Bushes can obscure visual inspection.
3. Provides habitat for rodents.
4. Trees can fall, creating holes in crest or side slopes.
Action required
1. Remove large, deep-rooted trees and shrubs on embankment. Need to monitor the levee to ensure this
doesn’t lead to the formation of leakage pathways along decaying tree roots that may initiate piping
2. Properly backfill void left by tree stump with compacted earthfill.
3. Control all other vegetation on the embankment that obscures visual inspection.