Student'S Declaration

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This to certify that I have completed the project titled “Customer satisfaction level
towards Esquire Express India Pvt. Ltd“ under the guidance of “Dr. Pooja Bhal“ in
the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of “Master in
Business Administration” from “Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies, New
Delhi.” This is an original work and I have not submitted it earlier elsewhere.

Name: Himanshu Bhardwaj

Enrollment No. 02680303917

This is to certify that the summer training project titled Customer Satisfaction
level towards Esquire Express India Pvt. Ltd. ” is an academic work done by
“Himanshu Bhardwaj” submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for
the award of the degree of “Masters in Business Administration” from “Rukmini
Devi Institute of Advanced Studies, New Delhi” under my guidance and
direction. To the best of my knowledge and belief the data and information
presented by him in the project has not been submitted earlier elsewhere.

Dr. Pooja Bhal

Assistant Professor
I offer my sincere thanks and humble regards to Rukmini Devi Institute Of Advanced
Studies, GGSIP University, New Delhi for imparting me valuable professional
training in MBA.

I pay my gratitude and sincere regards to Dr. Pooja Bhal, my project Guide for giving
me the cream of his knowledge. I am thankful to him/her as he/she has been a
constant source of advice, motivation and inspiration. I am also thankful to him/her
for giving his/her suggestions and encouragement throughout the project work.

I take the opportunity to express my gratitude and thanks to our computer Lab
staff and library staff for providing me opportunity to utilize their resources for the
completion of the project.

I am also thankful to my family and friends for constantly motivating me to complete

the project and providing me an environment which enhanced my knowledge.

Name: Himanshu Bhardwaj

Enrollment No. 02680303917

In today’s competitive scenario understanding the customer satisfaction has been

receiving increasingly importance and it has become one of the most important tasks for

the successful organization. In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for

customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has

become a key element of business strategy.

The research title is “To study the Customer satisfaction level of Esquire Express” at

Esquire Express India Pvt. Ltd. that helps to identify the customer satisfaction towards

the services of Esquire Express that is provided to customers. The main objective of the

project is to study the customer’s satisfaction level of Esquire Express and to know the

loyalty of the customers towards the company that will help to analyse the weaknesses

and strengths of the company. It will also help to know the current position of the

company and able to analyse the plans and the actual position of the customer company

relationship. This project analyse the level of the customer satisfaction by the services

that are provided to them. It also helps to know the customer’s wants from the company

& help the company to meet the basic requirements of the customers and company can

make plans according to the need and improve the customer relation . As said by the

great authors customer is the god and it is most important to satisfy the customers .Its an

important factor for the company to look after as to stay in the market for the long term

basis and to maintain good relation with the customers


Table No. Title Page No.

1 About the organisation 2

2 Share Capital & No. of employees 4

3 Customer’s experience to accessibility and responses 29

through telephone and E-mail
4 Ability to help customers in resolving their need/issue 28

5 Customers experience with Clearance Department 29

6 Facility of Shipment Delivery at Customer’s Doorstep 31

7 Customer’s satisfaction level 32

8 Customers representing the company to others 34

9 Loyalty of customers 35

Figure No. Title Page No.

1 Chart showing customers overall experience to 27

accessibility & responses of Esquire Express
representative through telephone & E-mail
2 Chart showing Clearance representative ability to help 28

customer issue/need

3 Chart showing customers overall experience with 30

Esquire Express Clearance Department

4 Chart showing overall experience with Esquire Express 31

Shipment Delivery at doorstep

5 Graph showing customer satisfaction level with Esquire 33


6 Chart showing Recommendation of Esquire Express to 34


7 Chart showing status of loyalty towards Esquire Express 35

has grown stronger


S No. Symbol Nomenclature & Meaning

1  Sigma (Summation)

2 & and

S No. Abbreviated Name Full Name

1 RoC Registrar Of Companies

2 Govt Government

3 IATA International Air Transport Association

4 WCA World Cube Association

5 GDP Gross Domestic Product

6 MNCs Multinational Companies

7 IGLN Inter-Global Logistics Network

8 OBC On-Board Courier

9 Pvt Private

10 Ltd Limited

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