Consecutive Stability Constants in Solution: K K K K

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Consecutive Stability Constants in Solution

! In aqueous solution, formation of a complex generally proceeds by

steps involving displacement of water molecules in the first hydration

! Equilibrium constants K1, K2, ..., Kn associated with addition of each

ligand are called consecutive stability constants.

[Cu(H2O)6]2+ + NH3 º [Cu(NH3)(H2O)5]2+ + H2O K1 = 2 x 10+4

[Cu(NH3)(H2O)5]2+ + NH3 º [Cu(NH3)2(H2O)4]2+ + H2O K2 = 4 x 10+3
[Cu(NH3)2(H2O)4]2+ + NH3 º [Cu(NH3)3(H2O)3]2+ + H2O K3 = 1 x 10+3
[Cu(NH3)3(H2O)3]2+ + NH3 º [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+ + H2O K4 = 2 x 10+2

! Successive stability constants decline through the series, such that K1 >
K2 > ... > Kn.
• In the first step there are six sites for NH3 substitution, but in the
reverse step there is only one site for H2O substitution; K1 % 6/1 .
• In the second step there are five sites for NH3 substitution, but in the
reverse step there are two sites for H2O substitution; K2 % 5/2.
• By similar reasoning we predict K3 % 4/3 and K4 % 3/4.

Ratio Predicted Observed

K1/K2 (6/1)/(5/2) = 2.40 5
K2/K3 (5/2)/(4/3) = 1.87 4
K3/K4 (4/3)/(3/4) = 1.78 5

L Agreement between predicted and observed ratios is remarkably

good, considering that predictions are based only on statistical
T Statistical factors appear to be the main cause of the trend.
Cumulative Stability Constant

! The product of consecutive stability constants is the cumulative stability

constant, βn.

• When the overall equilibrium lies to the right the product complex is
said to be stable.
• When the overall equilibrium lies to the left the product complex is
said to be unstable.

Example: [Cu(H2O)6]2+ + 4NH3 º [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+ + 4H2O

β4 = (2 x 10+4)(4 x 10+3)(1 x 10+3)(2 x 10+2) = 1.6 x 10+16

K [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+ is a very stable complex.

Stable/Unstable and Labile/Inert

! "Stable" and "unstable" refer to the thermodynamics of complex

formation (e.g., K, β).

! "Labile" and "inert" refer to the kinetics of complex formation.

! A complex whose formation equilibria are established rapidly is labile.

! A complex whose formation equilibria are established slowly is inert.

Example: [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+ has a large β4 and its equilibria are

established rapidly; therefore, the complex is stable and labile.

L As a "rule of thumb", if the half-life of a complex in a substitution

reaction is less than one minute, it is labile.1

H. Taube, Chem. Rev., 1952, 50, 69.
Stability Constants and Thermodynamic State Functions

! The stability constant for a complex is related to ΔG, ΔH, and ΔS of its
formation by
ΔG = –RT lnβn = ΔH – TΔS

! The larger βn is, the more negative (favorable) ΔG will be.

! Entropy plays an important role.

• The more positive ΔS is, the more negative ΔG will be, and the
greater βn will be.
• Entropy is largely responsible for the greater stability constants
observed for chelates, compared to complexes of unidentate ligands
with the same metal ion.
Chelate Effect - Entropy Factors

! The chelate effect is the name given to the general observation that
chelate complexes have higher stability constants compared to similar
unidentate ligand complexes.

Example: [Cd(NH2CH3)4]2+ vs. [Cd(en)2]2+

[Cd(H2O)6]2+ + 4NH2CH3 º [Cd(H2O)2(NH2CH3)4]2+ + 4H2O logβ4 = 6.6

[Cd(H2O)6]2+ + 2en º [Cd(H2O)2(en)2]2+ + 4H2O logβ2 = 10.6

T For both, ΔH should be about the same, because the enthalpy change
is due mainly to the change in bond strengths between Cd–O and
Cd–N, so the difference in β values must be due principally to
entropy differences.
T For [Cd(NH2CH3)4]2+, the reaction equation has equal numbers of
particles on both sides (5), so ΔS . 0.
T For [Cd(en)2]2+, there are three (3) particles on the left and five (5) on
the right, so ΔS > 0.
T The greater positive entropy change for formation of the chelate
complex results in a more negative ΔG and a larger β value.

K In general, chelates have an entropy advantage over similar

unidentate ligands.
Chelate Effect - Kinetic Factors

! We can make a mechanistic argument for the chelate effect by

comparing the following idealized mechanisms and the associated rate
constants for each step.
T Unidentate case: M+L ML
ML + L ML2
T Chelate case: M + L—L M—L—L

k'c L
T For the first step in each case we can predict ka . k'a and kb . k'b.

T But for the second steps

kc < k'c random vs. directed second substitution
kd $ k'd chelate bond breaking same or harder

T Stability constants are defined in terms of the rate constants as

T From the relationships among the k values, βuni < βchel.

K In general, chelates have a kinetic advantage over comparable

unidentate ligands.
Labile vs. Inert

! Stable/unstable are thermodynamic terms, and labile/inert are kinetic

terms, which can be applied in all possible combinations to various

T [Co(NH3)6]3+ is unstable with respect to aquation but inert.

3+ +
[Co(NH3)6] + 6H3O [Co(H2O)6]3+ + 6NH4+ K . 10+25

T [Ni(CN)4]2– is stable with respect to exchange with labeled CN– but

labile because the equilibrium is established quickly.
2– –
[Ni(CN)4] + CN* [Ni(CN)3CN*]2– + CN– K . 10–22

! Most first-row transition metal complexes are labile, but

Cr3+ (d 3, S = 3/2) and low-spin Co3+ (d 6, S = 0) are usually inert.

! Inert octahedral complexes tend to be those with highest CFSE; viz., d 3,

low-spin d 4– d 6.
• ML6 complexes of both d 3 (4A2g) and low-spin d 6 (1A1g) are immune
from Jahn-Teller distortions and therefore can be perfect Oh.
• ML6 d 3 has CFSE = –(6/5)Δo and low-spin d 6 has CFSE = –(12/5)Δo
+ 3P.

! d 7– d 10, with filling of eg* levels, are labile.

• These configurations tend to have large Jahn-Teller distortions and/or
low CFSEs.
• d 7, d 9, and d 10 cases are more labile than d 8.
• d 8 has a 3A2g ground state, which is immune to Jahn-Teller distortion.
• With strong-field ligands, d 8 may be square planar, often being inert.
Substitution Mechanisms

! Ligand substitutions follow the general stoichiometry

ML5X + Y º ML5Y + X

! Kinetic studies of the rates of such reactions provide data that suggest
the detailed mechanisms by which substitution occurs.

! Two extreme models can be postulated:

Î dissociation (D)
Ï association (A).
Dissociation Mechanism (D) – SN1
ML5X ML5 + X fast
ML5 + Y ML5Y slow

Rate = k2[ML5][Y]

! The rate-determining step involves addition of Y to a CN5 intermediate

formed by a rapid equilibrium in the first step.

! Assuming a steady state in [ML5], we can write

= 0 = k1[ML5X] – k–1[ML5][X] – k2[ML5][Y]

! Solving for [ML5], we have

! Substituting into Rate = k2[ML5][Y] gives

! If product formation is fast (k2 >> k–1), or if the system has very large
[Y] (>>[X]), then rate becomes first-order in [ML5X]; i.e.,

Rate . k1[ML5X]

! Thus, the SN1 mechanism is first-order in [ML5X].

Association Mechanism (A) – SN2

ML5X + Y ML5XY fast
ML5XY ML5Y + X slow

Rate = k2[ML5XY]

! Applying a steady-state approximation for [ML5XY] we have

= 0 = k1[ML5X][Y] – k–1[ML5XY] – k2[ML5XY]

! Solving for [ML5XY] we obtain

! Substituting into Rate = k2[ML5XY] gives

where k = k1k2/(k–1 + k2).

! Thus, the SN2 mechanism is second-order overall; i.e., first-order in

[ML5X] and first-order in [Y].
Interchange Mechanism (I)

! It is too simplistic to assume that a first-order rate law implies D (SN1)

and a second-order rate law implies A (SN2).
• Most substitution reactions probably involve a mechanism that is
intermediate between these extremes, a mechanism called
interchange (I).

! In an interchange mechanism the intermediate involves an association

between the original ML5X complex and the attacking Y ligand.
• The Y ligand remains outside the coordination sphere of ML5X,
unlike the SN2 mechanism, so the intermediate is not seven

ML5X + Y ML5X•Y fast
ML5X•Y ML5Y + X slow

! It can be shown2 that the rate is given by

where [ML5X]o and [Y]o are initial concentrations.

• At high [Y], [Y] . [Y]o and k1N[Y]o >> 1, and the rate is first-order in
• At lower [Y] the rate is second order.

Miessler & Tarr, 3rd ed., p. 418.
Variations on I

! Two minor variations on the I mechanism are Id (dissociative

interchange) and Ia (associative interchange) interchange.

! If breaking the M–X bond is more important, the mechanism is Id.

! If bond formation between ML5X and Y is significant, the mechanism is


! Difference between Id and Ia is subtle and does not necessarily

correspond to whether the observed rate law is first or second order.
Substitution Reactions in Solvent Water

! Many substitution reactions occurring in solvent water may have first-

order kinetics regardless of whether their initial steps are primarily D or
• For example, this occurs if aquation is a precursor rate determining
D or A
ML5X + H2O ML5(H2O) + X slow
ML5(H2O) + Y ÷ ML5Y + H2O fast

• If D, Rate = k[ML5X].

• If A, Rate = k[ML5X][H2O], but with solvent water [H2O] is constant

and Rate = kN[ML5X].

L Both mechanisms lead to apparent first-order kinetics in solvent

Factors Favoring D or Id

! For most octahedral complexes, steric factors inhibit formation of a

CN7 intermediate, which suggests a dissociative mechanism (D or Id) is
more plausible.
• Even cases showing second-order kinetics may not be A for this

! For example, aquation of the ammine-halide complexes [Co(NH3)5X]2+

is second order with a first-order dependence in [OH–].
• Although this might suggest A, that appears unlikely.

[Co(NH3)5X]2+ + H2O ÷ [Co(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ + X–

Rate = k1 [Co(NH3)5X2+] + k2 [Co(NH3)5X2+][OH–]

• If k2 >> k1 the rate is approximately Rate . k2 [Co(NH3)5X]2+[OH–].

• From the second-order kinetics, this appears to be A, but it is more

likely an alternative mechanism called SN1CB, where "CB" stands for
"conjugate base."
SN1CB Mechanism

! The postulated SN1CB mechanism involves the following steps:

2+ –
[Co(NH3)5X] + OH [Co(NH3)4(NH2)X]+ + H2O
[Co(NH3)4(NH2)X]+ slow
[Co(NH3)4(NH2)]2+ + X–
[Co(NH3)4(NH2)]2+ + H2O fast [Co(NH3)4(OH)]2+ + NH3
[Co(NH3)4(OH)]2+ + H+ fast [Co(NH3)5(H2O)]3+

! The second step, which is rate determining, is D (SN1), for which

Rate = k [Co(NH3)4(NH2)X+]
• But

(No [H2O] because water is solvent.)

• Solving K gives
[Co(NH3)4(NH2)X+] = K [Co(NH3)5X2+][OH–]
• Substituting into the expression for Rate gives
Rate = kK [Co(NH3)5X2+][OH–]

L This is the same as the observed rate

Rate = k1 [Co(NH3)5X2+] + k2 [Co(NH3)5X2+][OH–]
when k2 >> k1; i.e.,
Rate = k2 [Co(NH3)5X2+][OH–]

! Although steric factors favor D-type mechanisms for octahedral

complexes, square planar ML4 complexes are not so inhibited.
• For square planar ML4 complexes, an associative (A) mechanism, in
which a CN5 intermediate is formed, is plausible.
Trans Effect

! Substitution of square planar complexes, such as PtLX3, leads to a

mixture of trans and cis isomers.

L Pt Y
L Pt X + Y- + X-
L Pt X
! The rate law is
Rate = k1[PtLX3] + k2[PtLX3][Y–] k2 > k1

• Suggests two paths, where the first term may be pseudo-first-order

due to excess solvent acting as an attacking group.

! The ratio of trans and cis isomers is found to vary with the ability of L
to act as a trans-directing ligand.

! The increasing order of trans-directing ability is

H2O < OH– < py . NH3 < Cl– < Br– < I– < NO2– < PR3 . SH2
<< CO . C2H4 . CN–

! The effect is kinetic rather than thermodynamic.

! Two factors are cited to explain the effect:

Î Weakening of the Pt–X bond trans to the directing ligand;
Ï Stabilization of the presumed CN5 intermediate.
M-X Bond Weakening

! For ligands at the left of the series, weakening of the trans Pt–X bond
may be most important.

! The trans-directing ligand polarizes the metal ion, inducing a slight

repulsion for the leaving ligand in the trans position.

L  + Pt     X  +

weakened by induced repulsion

! The more polarizable the L ligand, the better trans-director it is; e.g.,
I– > Br– > Cl–.
π-Acceptor Ligands

! The strongest trans-directors are good π-acceptor ligands; e.g., CO,

C2H4, CN–.

! Assuming an A (SN2) mechanism, substitution involves a trigonal

bipyramidal transition state.

! The trans intermediate (activated complex) is more favorable for π-

acceptor ligands, because it permits π-delocalization in the trigonal
• Stabilizing the reaction intermediate lowers the activation energy, Ea,
for the reaction.
• In the cis intermediate, L lies above the trigonal plane, which
decreases its ability to stabilize the activated complex through π

trans X
L Pt X + Y- L Pt
X cis X
L Pt X
Synthetic Use of the Trans Effect

! The synthetic utility of the trans effect can be illustrated by the selective
production of cis or trans Pt(NH3)2Cl2, using the greater trans-directing
ability of Cl– relative to NH3.

T To make cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2, start with [PtCl4]2–:

Cl Cl NH3
Cl Pt Cl NH3 Cl Pt NH3 NH3 Cl Pt NH3
Cl Cl Cl
L In the second step, the greater trans-directing ability of Cl– causes
preferential substitution of NH3 in the trans position to one of the
existing Cl– ligands, resulting in the cis isomer.

T To make trans-Pt(NH3)2Cl2, start with [Pt(NH3)4]2+:

- -
H3N Pt NH3 Cl H3N Pt Cl Cl Cl Pt Cl

L In the second step, the greater trans-directing ability of Cl– causes

preferential substitution of Cl– in the trans position to the first Cl–,
resulting in the trans isomer.
Electron Transfer Reactions
Outer Sphere Mechanism

! Transition-metal complexes can engage in redox reactions with one

another, primarily by one of two mechanisms: outer-sphere and inner-

! In an outer-sphere reaction the coordination spheres of the reacting

complexes remain intact.
• Outer-sphere reactions are extremely fast.
• Redox occurs before ligand substitution can take place.

Example: [FeII(CN)6]4– + [IrIVCl6]2– ÷ [FeIII(CN)6]3– + [IrIIICl6]3–

inert inert

! As the charge on the metal increases, the M–L bond distance decreases.
• The effect is most pronounced when electrons are removed from an
eg* MO; e.g.,
Co2+ (t2g5eg2) ÷ Co3+ (t2g6) + e–
high-spin low-spin
long M–L shorter M–L

• Electron loss from eg* stabilizes the complex.

L The outer-sphere mechanism is certain to be the correct one when

both species participating in the reaction undergo ligand-exchange
reactions more slowly than they participate in the electron transfer

F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 4th ed., Wiley, NY, 1980, p.
Electron Transfer Reactions
Inner Sphere Mechanism

! Inner-sphere mechanisms generally proceed in three steps:

Î Substitution resulting in two complexes being linked through a

bridging ligand.

Ï Electron transfer, sometimes with ligand transfer.

Ð Separation of products.

! This is sometimes called a ligand-bridged mechanism, because of the

formation of the bridged intermediate.

K Inner-sphere mechanism requires that one of the participating species

have a ligand capable of functioning as a bridge.
• For example, H2O and NH3 cannot function as bridging ligands,
but Cl– and CN– can.

! Inner-sphere redox is slower than outer-sphere.

Example of Inner Sphere Redox
H /H2O
[CrII(H2O)6]2+ + [CoIII(NH3)5Cl]2+ +

d4 high spin (labile) d6 low spin (inert)

[CrIII(H2O)5Cl]2+ + [CoII(H2O)6]2+
d3 (inert) d7 high spin (labile)


[CrII(H2O)6]2+ + [CoIII(NH3)5Cl]2+ ÷ [(H2O)5CrII@@@Cl@@@CoIII(NH3)5]4+ + H2O

e– transfer


[(H2O)5CrIII@@@Cl@@@CoII(NH3)5]4+ + H2O ÷ [CrIII(H2O)5Cl]2+ + [CoII(NH3)5(H2O)]2+

Co(II) complexes are labile, so [CoII(NH3)5(H2O)]2+ undergoes rapid aquation:

[CoII(NH3)5(H2O)]2+ + 5H2O ÷ [CoII(H2O)6]2+ + 5NH3

T This reaction cannot be explained as an outer-sphere mechanism

followed by Cl– substitution, because adding labeled Cl*– to the
solution yields no labeled product.
• This is expected, because all Cr(III) complexes are inert to

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